
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Welcome to the wan show everyone. We've got a lot of great topics for you today
So we're gonna be starting off with Microsoft having to pay Sony for every Xbox that they sell which is friggin awesome
World of Warcraft is testing in-game payments
We've got a steam summer sale and just general tips on how to make your summer game buying experience that much better
There's a Japanese full-body mech suit that's coming out. There's you can actually buy one if you have enough ball in
152 grand I think yeah something along those lines Lenovo is now the world leader in PC sales
There's two separate reports confirming it. There's a worm that can regrow its head and keep its memories
After the regrowth well not quite but more on that and guys we've got something really cool to show you
So there's those topics and more but check this out. We now have an intro that is all new for the wan show this week
All right guys so continuing with our theme from last week
We are going to be doing some live callers
However, we're changing the paradigm a little bit to use some sort of buzzword speak
So instead of using live callers for Q&A
We are going to be expecting live callers to have something to contribute to the particular topic that we're discussing
So I think if you guys want to start thinking about things and looking things up one of the ones I really want to talk
Live about is the where is it right now? So a helm dot is
Yeah, this is a new private messaging platform. So go check it out right now atlm dot is
Think about it and we will be taking live callers on that topic as our first call-in topic and we are still gonna do
Q&A blitzes on Twitter. So that was a bit of a mistake. We made last week where we
Abandoned Twitter entirely we're going back to Twitter. Don't worry
So our first topic of the day is
Check this out guys Microsoft gets to pay two to three pounds sterling per Xbox to Sony
So this is an article from
Here we go
PCG media you can see my you can see my Facebook there
So it's basically having a blu-ray drive as part of the Xbox 360
Not in the plan. They went with HD DVD. They bet wrong. That was unfortunate
Well, they had a DVD player and then you could get an HD DVD add-on but blu-ray was never really part of it now with Xbox
1 they basically have to they have to yeah
What else are they gonna do and Sony sits on the director council for blu-ray? So
So well Sony and pretty much pretty much runs that runs the blu-ray show
So Microsoft gets to pay basically two to three pounds per Xbox which will amount to
200 to 300 or 50 150 to 200 million dollars
Which as a normal person sounds like a lot but in the grand scheme of things in this whole play
Really isn't that much and it's not gonna break either side. Yeah, it's just kind of kind of funny
It's one of those awesome things. It's kind of like how
all the Android handset makers pretty much have to pay Microsoft to sell Android devices and
You know, it goes to show when you win a technology war like Sony did with blu-ray. It could be paying off for you
Way long time way down the road the life of that technology, basically
yeah, so that was an article from Tom Butler on PCG media and
Let's move right into our next topic. I guess so
I'd love to hear what you guys think whether it's on Twitter or on Twitch of our new
Intro as well as our new background
So we have reimagined the land show completely. We also have a new brand. So the land show is
weekly analysis and news thank you weekly analysis and news and
It also stands for wide area network. So it's an internet show. So it's got a it's got a little
Nerd humor going on there and an actual real name. So it's kind of works
Yeah, it's both we had some suggestions that it should be the weekly analysis news and gaming show
But I don't think that would sit well with sponsors. No
No, probably not and you know, what's funny is like guys don't don't imagine for a second
we didn't think of it because the
WAN show actually came from a conversation where we were gonna make it the weekly analysis news and commentary show
So that that was what we actually were talking about and then we were like, oh
Actually WAN show is pretty smart, too
We could do that instead
Yeah, then we can be clever and not gross
I know I know we try really hard on here though. We do we do we usually avoid it. I don't
You do
I was trying to like save you there trying to be like no, we're usually good
No after your mom called in last week. There's no saving me
All of my deepest darkest secrets have been revealed forever. It's just game over for me, man
Yeah, the background I think people think there was some planning that went into this to make it like awesome it's
How do we fit stuff on this wall?
Yeah, yeah, and we're in a room right now that is extremely small, but at least we're not in slicks
Testing area because that was not that was stupid. I couldn't use the chair in that room anymore
I mean whose idea was that mine was it? Yeah. Oh because we put it somewhere we had nowhere else to put it
Yeah, you get an EA fist bump for that
So yeah, well at least I got the job done and at least it worked
That's true and on launch day you were actually able to stream. Yes. See that's there's a big yes
Okay, but I think we could all agree. We needed a bit of a change of scenery here
We needed things to be a little bit smoother
So yeah, there you go and ten points if you guys can find the Apple products behind us. It's kind of an Easter egg
Well, you found well the white box I guess is sort of obvious
All right. I didn't know there was one. That's so troll
Okay, what should we do for our next topic speaking of things that are like troll and ridiculous?
You couldn't even figure out what the point of this was when I posted it in the live stream
So check this out guys you send it. So this is an article from the next web
.com here we go has
rebranded to hightail
Not have a party in the corner party in the corner
corner party
Okay, so I understand why they're doing this and they have a huge like campaign around. Yes
There's like a huge thing and they have a big explanation
We're looking beyond file sharing to rival collaboration software makers. However, here's my point that I would make to
You send it or hightail or whatever you guys want to call it. Um
Hightail, what is it? That means like go somewhere fast. Yeah hightail it out of here
Yeah, it has nothing to do with collaboration or sending files. It actually usually means like
Leaving an area. Yes, so like not collaborating like to me hightail is the worst
possible name
For something that has to do with collaboration and they have this huge thing. I don't know. We're not streaming the oh, yeah
We I can here here. Yeah, sure. They have this huge screen going on
If you look at the H, I don't know if there's a bigger version of this
But if you look at the the reddish line
Right above the H that is not just like a random line that's supposed to be the start of a command prompt
Why it's and that hovers above the H
What is it making it so that the white space between the orange red line is a T and the H is a T
So the H and the T go together and that stands for hightail
So their individual small symbol is actually just gonna be that H with the orange line above it because that's hightail
We don't make this huge deal about it. I'm like
No one's gonna get that yeah, we talked about this before but remember how Facebook's whole thing was like her her
We spent nothing on the branding of Facebook. It was like an F. Yeah
Well, cuz it doesn't matter cuz it actually doesn't it's like you look at something like
Kijiji was that a clever brand that meant something. No, it's a friggin random word as far as I know
It doesn't matter like a hightail to me. The only reason I'd remember is because I think it's phenomenally stupid
In fact, I probably won't remember. I'll probably go to you send it calm
Every time I mean if anything they should have just created a separate sub brand because that would have been just as much work
And just like slowly made like slowly brought their customers over you send it by hightail or something like create an overarching brand
Yeah, that's not a bad idea or something. Well, but better yet call it you send it by something other than hightail
That's less stupid. No, not even what again? It doesn't matter though
They could go with hightail if they freakin want to but then that could be the overarching brand like you just said and then there
are additional services they could just have
Instead of making it one thing
They could have the overarching brand as hightail you send it and then all the other
Collaboration platforms that they have is just other things and names for them that aren't dumb to you collaborate it. Yeah
There's it's stupid but like it works and everyone will know what it does. All right, so moving into ah
Here we go, so this is gonna be our first call-in topic guys
So hopefully you're working with the mod team to wait
Did we give them instructions for how to call in this week? Has it changed? We have not and there's been some problems
You're deleting a group
Okay, hold on. All right. I'm gonna do another topic in the meantime. It's awesome. Good work
Okay, so next topic is throwable camera. This is fun
So my stupid on-screen keyboard keeps popping up here this is driving me crazy
So this is an article from imaging resource calm now
This is not the first time that a throwable camera has been developed, but the sceeto
Squito I'm guessing they're going for sceeto like mosquito, but I watched the video. I think he said okay
So the sceeto I didn't remember what they called it
so the sceeto is aiming to be more of a consumer friendly device and
It has been developed and patented by Steve Hollinger who's figured out a way
To counteract the biggest problem with a throne camera and that is that it's usually wobbly and disorienting
So even if you've watched footage that's been taken on something like a parrot AR drone, which is relatively stable
But when the wind comes along, yeah, it's still quite wobbly like they do a really good job
Yes, but it can make you motion sick and it can be uncomfortable for many viewers
So apparently the processing that's being done in the sceeto
compensates for all of that in such a way that the video is actually viewable, so if you check out the
imaging resource calm article
There's actually a video showing the 360 degree panoramic view that this camera is able to generate and even more
excitingly than this
They are planning a low-light version
So it'll transmit near IR and thermal data to see through the dark
smoke and fog
It's really cool because there's okay. There's like tactical versions that are I can't remember what it's called, but it's not this guy
It's one that was existing from before but like the Israeli military use it and stuff, but it's five thousand dollars
Yeah, and this one has more functionality
And so I'm thinking like smaller municipality fire departments
I can hook a dark ball in and right you like, okay, there's no one in here. We don't have to risk everything, right?
So there's a fascinating there's a room that they're kind of worried about
They can just huck a dark ball and then figure it out or or whatever
Police huck a dark ball around the corner if they're like if they're raiding something, right?
You don't have to worry about it. They can figure out if someone's in there. Yeah one shoots it, you know, someone's in there
Yeah, exactly
And so, you know the worst case scenario it cost you a few hundred bucks or whatever to find out that you don't have to
Die and not yeah, not a bullet in the chest. Yeah, so like that's there's actually a lot of really interesting applications for this
I the main one I'm interested in is the firefighting one
You can see through fog or any kind of search and rescue any search
Yeah, no, sorry. No, I was just gonna say any kind of search and rescue you could like feed them into wherever you can
You can drop them down a hole
Yeah, even if like if something's stuck like some animal or something is stuck down a hole you can throw it down there
And it will go to it because it glows right, right
They show an example of a cat that was stuck down a like a pipe of some sort and they drop down the pipe and the
Cat goes up to it. So, you know the cats in there, you know the cats. Okay, that's safe sniffing the camera
I had something similar happen with rocket. He fell behind my bookshelf and I I just had I used a flashlight to see him down
There he's looking up
Please help me. Well, he wasn't making any noise which as you know is unusual for him. Yeah, and
So we eventually rescued him by putting like a piece of carpet down and he was like
Army crawl his way out of there. It's kind of it's kind of awesome. That is pretty cool
Not quite related to throwable cameras, but whatever so it stitches the footage together makes a single feed very exciting
I mean these kinds of technologies things like the that that's that weird smartphone controller
Yeah, can't even remember what that's called anymore
But yeah, but I mean with VR technology and you can like go around
Yeah, yeah things like AR drone things like this the processing power that we can fit in these devices is becoming just ridiculous
So are you ready for callers? I don't let's move on to video game high school season two
Oh, I was gonna do a Twitter blitz. Sure
Okay, guys, it's Twitter blitz time and look at that. We're like actually ready with all the scenes set up
This is like crazy awesome cool stuff. All right, 28 new interactions watching the live stream
Ah, it's called the WAN show now. Yeah, which I actually made the mistake in the announcement video on YouTube
I think he corrected me. So
Live stream for a moment in the coffee shop. Excellent. Someone says Hytale's a better logo than EA. I actually disagree
EA's logo is fine. It's EA
Electronic Arts, which makes sense. Whereas Hytale is like, oh well here we wrote the word but look there's this
And it's a command prompt
Like even the dorkiest person in the world wouldn't be looking for a command prompt line in in a in a logo
No on the first letter of the logo
That's the other problem
it's just it's weird and like
What was I gonna say? Yeah, huh? Yeah Hytale because their whole thing is like, yeah
It's for speed and agility and they wanted to get away from you know
Like Dropbox you put your files in a box like everything. Yeah
They're like, yeah, we want to get away from that. It's like you should probably not Sean says congratulations be on time
We actually should be more on time moving forward and not more on like stupid on time, but like more
Greater than on time because this stream setup now lives here
The only things that move are the microphone and the camera right there. That's it. Everything else is here
There's a few bits of audio that had to be set up this time that won't have to be set up in the future
Hopefully so that'll even help us a little bit more as well. Joey asks. What do you think of Elon Musk's hyperloop idea?
You know what if there's anyone who can pull it off, it's him
Apparently and I actually haven't heard about this yet
but we should add this to the live stream for next week once we've had some time to read up and
See what we think of it Elon Musk
Hyperloop so apparently it'll allow you to get from New York to LA in an hour
Okay, what what you don't do you know who Elon Musk is? I know yes, but I've never heard of hyperloop hyperloop
But this must be a new thing. So anyway guys, we're gonna get back to you on that one
Very very cool sounding stuff ten points for the main brain for finding the Apple TV
Finally watching live from India. Hello
Background looks brilliant. Thank you. Part of the magic this week. Is it separately lit?
So here you can see my hand is very bright back here. There's there's lighting under the couch. So that makes it
That it separates us from it in a big way because you see this black box behind my behind my shoulder
Before we added the lighting with a black shirt
I faded right into it
But diesel and b-roll who have been trying to explain to me
Separate lighting for the background and the subject for months have finally gotten through
James thought it was a Star Wars reference as well one. Oh, that's pretty tenuous. That's about like hightail
Gee, I think that's easier to get than hightail. I
Think the land show is making fun of Chinese people that one see the previous one what like maybe this one
No, I don't really get it one
like one
When it's it's when yeah, it's when show so I love the name love the intro in the background keep it up lads
Thank you. Someone wants the logo on my side. Yeah, there's nothing we can do about it this week, but we can move it later
All right. Let's see some more Twitter blitz
Watching live from the UK. Hello. You're awesome. Send a hi to me. Okay. Hi. Okay guys
Let's try to keep the shoutouts to a minimum. What would you choose g500 or death out of 2013?
Good question. You've used the death out of 2013. I have not very twitchy buttons
I'd probably go g500 not because I like the shape better necessarily, but because I would less often accidentally press the buttons
I haven't personally used the death out of 2013, so I can't say anything
But you love the g500 but I love the g500 because I'm used to the form factor
Not really because other things it does have problems with its lasers. There's a few other things
I just have not used the death out of okay good set of speakers for desktop gaming setup
I think we both use SP 2500s. My wife uses SP 2500s. They're awesome. There's not much else out there
They're good for a really wide range. I listen to a huge range of music yesterday
Yeah, SP 2500s really good and you can often get them quite cheap. Yeah
GTX 660 signature 2 for the win by the time you're buying a signature for the win whatever overclock thing
I get a TI you're usually better off with that
$600 APU based system versus ps4 or Xbox one good question
I usually because of the way that the games are optimized for the console hardware
You can't just buy equivalent PC hardware and get the same gaming experience
It just doesn't really work that way not to mention Xbox one's gonna come with connect to
connect one
That's interesting. I don't know what it's called. But that's it. I think it's Xbox one connect
Or something like that. What a branding disaster that one thing was
Would you pay for Google fiber? Yeah. Yeah, of course kind of question. Is that we're paying more than that
Way worse way worse. Would you recommend an i3 or an i5 for an editing or streaming PC?
Not really if you're in that price range I'd try and get an AMD processor. Yeah, it's gonna have more cores
I'd get a six core AMD CPU in that price range
Vengeance c70 or obsidian 650d
650d looks way better in my opinion depends what your style is
Yeah, I was just gonna say that's true
Look at the other parts in your build figure out what you're going for. Look at your fans. See 70 cooling is better
Yeah, so like there's there's there's a few things to look at there for raw looks
I think Linus and I would both agree 650d looks better, but I have seen a few c70 builds that look amazing
What do you think the 780 lightning is gonna look like I have no idea they've been teasing this thing
So hardcore computex they had it in a sealed box and no one could look at it. Did you see that?
No, it was apparently inside the box, but it was opaque and no one was allowed to see it
Yeah, it was kind of bizarre actually I wonder
Have you taken advantage of the steam summer sale yet a lot too much should we transition into that topic here bad amounts
Yeah, we can we can transition is that let me bring up my my wallet is like scared because there's like 10 days left
And that's like possibly really not good
Where is it? Okay. I have three pro tips to throw there
We had the steam summer sale announcement of someone guessing that it was July 11th on I think July 10th
That was on our forum. I know lots of other people guessed it too, but this guy guessed it and that's awesome
So if you can jump to the steam one, ah, my on-screen keyboard keeps popping up
There you go rage quit, there we go steam summer sale
There we go, so this guy guessed it and he guessed it by figuring out that the end time of a sale
Previous to the summer sale was interesting
I thought that was pretty cool because there's a few other ways like something that was apparently leaked in a ticket
Okay, someone accidentally said like oh, yeah
Don't worry about it because there's gonna be another sale like tomorrow or something the guys like. Oh, well, that's obviously the summer sale
Yeah, cuz it's summer. Yeah, so like make sense other people figured out other ways, but I thought this was interesting
So that's very cool
Three random pro tips that I either figured out myself or got from other random websites around the net
One if you're buying games in the steam summer sale, I would highly recommend buying them as gift codes
You can redeem gift codes yourself
If you buy a gift code
You can just add it to your steam library at any point in time and that
Makes it so that it's not already added to your steam library
So if you decide at the end of the sale that you don't necessarily want it anymore and a buddy really wants it
You can transfer it to him. That's kind of cool. Yeah, so there's there's no real drawback
To buying it as a gift
You just don't add it to your library instantly if you know, you're gonna play it like of course just buy normally
But whatever pro tip number two if the steam sales are lagging you can go to steam DB as in steam database
Info slash sales and it'll show you all the sales. So the steam main page with all sales on it lags out all the time
I'm sure tons of you have seen that already
so if you just go here, that's another portal that you can see that and
pro tip number three
Amazon is price matching all of the steam sales right now in their summer game sale
And if you use the discount code goon cave
Capital G. Oh and cave you get an additional 15% off
Sometimes you got to be careful if you do want them all on Steve steam make sure when you're looking on Amazon that it's the right
Because you can get origin you can get you play you can get better, right? So, yeah
So if you want it on steam platform, make sure that the code you're buying off Amazon is for steam
That's just like if I handed you a secret box and I was like this has a game
But I won't tell you what developer made it
So there's a chance that you could get like a shiny diamond encrusted
You know croissant that is enjoyable and flaky and light
I don't know if a diamond croissant actually be very good for you if you eat it
Okay, but the but the other option is you get like a diamond encrusted like turd with a great marketing department behind it
But then just like the worst the way to some city. Yeah, pretty much right SimCity
Like how did they screw that up? So badly the game like the game mechanic is so simple build a city
And there's like all these obvious things that people asked for after lunch and they're like
So, yeah take those tips take the goon cave discount code that stuff's awesome
I'm sure a ton of you already knew that stuff
I just wanted to make sure that everyone did because those are all three very helpful. What if they want more than just the tips?
Watch the after party. Yeah, I guess
All right, what do we got next are we ready for colors yet?
You know what?
Here's one thing I can tell you guys if you want to call in for sure is go to that bit.ly link right there, right?
There download razor comms because we are using razor comms as our live platform for Collins
And it is also a very legitimate platform for gaming
voice-chat communication with your gaming buddies or your aunt or whoever else
Definitely your aunt key advantages of razor comms are that you don't need a dedicated server for it
It doesn't broadcast your IP to people you're communicating with like Skype. There's an exploit for that. It's actually terrible. Yeah
Yeah, it's kind of terrible. The overlays don't kill you like Skype ones can cool
They're actually potentially helpful as opposed to the other way around and the voice quality is actually outstanding
Yeah, so there you go advantages of comms in a nutshell also
It helps us out a whole lot if you download it using this bitly link makes us look really good because razor as you may
Or may not have noticed is powering the land show these days
Okay, so we do appear to be ready. All right before we go
I'm gonna give everyone a quick tutorial on how to call in. All right
So what you're gonna do is first download razor comms from here if you already have it
Uninstall it
Delete your installer file download it again
Install it and then log in go to your groups tab
Which is the tab that shows like three people click on that click find group look for
Wan space open you'll find an open group for the land show the open group is working now
Wind speed got it all running up. All right
What happened was I tried to leave it and when I left because I was the owner I deleted it on accident
So he just recreated it. That was fine. All right. Thank you wind speed. Anyways, join that group post your question in there
Do it's muted don't bother talking because it's muted
So just post your questions and you might get pulled over by moderators and then that brings you into the closed waiting room
And then there's a to the end from there on it'll be explained
But just join the WAN open room and we'll figure it out from there
All right. So our first live caller discussion topic is hemel dot is I'm freaking how do you say this?
It's supposed to be one full word. The is is part of the word
Hemless, I don't know this see the problem with naming anything Swedish is that it sounds like it's like an IKEA product
Have you seen that game where you have to guess whether it's the name of an IKEA product or just complete gibberish?
It's like impossible. I
Have not seen that that's awesome. All right, so he enlists the beautiful and secure messenger
Okay, so they asked for a hundred thousand dollars
They got a hundred and fifty two percent of that goal, which you can whoops see over there right there that number right there
So it's oh, sorry. I'm just gonna cut in real quick
We kind of confuse people a little bit because I just told them that they need to come into the open show post the question
Accepted based on the question, but now we're doing a discussion topic
Yeah, but I told them earlier in the show that this was going to be our first live call discussion topic
All right. Oh, right post a question. Yeah, we're not doing Q&A on voice anymore. Okay
Wait, you're not looking at okay fine
Alright, so basically ever since all of this NSA stuff has started
Well really getting blown up by Snowden
It's it's become a much bigger concern for people what's going on with their private information?
Because a lot of things that people just kind of took for granted like if I send a text message
Well, no one's reading that right wrong
anyone at your telco can pull your entire text message history like
Every that like they've even released stats of like what percentage of text messages are dirty
And if they know that and if they're analyzing it to that level, oh man, come on
You think someone like can't read it? So, okay, so there's that
Look at platforms like Skype which used to be relatively secure
Actually, this is one of our after-party discussion topics is how Microsoft is slowly killing Skype and the slow painful poisonous
By slowly we mean like injecting the poison into their carotid artery and
Sort of you know holding the mouth and nose
So that it's like dies quickly a good snap its neck for good measure
Because Skype is now run through Microsoft servers, which means any voice logs
Okay in theory. They wouldn't give them to anyone and probably serve them on like hard drives on silver platters, but they could
Give voice chat logs over to some kind of an authority or whoever else
so so this whole security issue and who's listening to my conversations has really blown up and
That is where here we go that is where hemlis is going to come in
So guys if you want to back it you oh, yeah
PayPal or Bitcoin apparently are the ways fund is crossed out. So maybe they're not even taking backing anymore
Okay this I didn't notice before
Fascinating so guys for the live callers
I would like to hear what do you think of your personal privacy in terms of messaging?
applications or in terms of voice chat and
Are you one of those people who's kind of like well?
I got nothing to hide or are you one of those people where even if you have nothing to hide you?
Still feel very uncomfortable about some of the things that are going on right here, so
Here we go guys. We're ready for our first live caller move
Them over. This is the waiting room. Okay, so waiting room you looking at live. All right, like mr. B dash
Oh two or zero two. I'm not sure
Are we ready? I'm not sure
What's going on mom all right?
need one now
So there's a few people waiting, but no one's actually been moved over
All right, Ali is apparently in live
Ali can you hear me?
Live in live show not live in oh you're in their own chat. Oh wait. Okay. Well apparently it's uh apparently it's
My fault you need to go to your your main comms window. Sorry guys for crying out loud
No, no hold on here. We go there. You go, and then go to groups and then go to Wancho oh
I'm in the old one that was the live stream. They're all here. Yeah there. We go all right. Ali. Can you hear me?
Well hello there all right, so tell us how you feel about this whole privacy issue and have you heard of
Henless before we talked about turn off your live stream. I
Have heard of it
Sorry, I'm just testing can you still hear me we can still hear you
Well I have heard about it, and it was actually through slick and he tweeted it out, so that's how I heard about it and
In terms of what my thoughts are on it. I think that
It's a great idea, but the thing is I consider myself a private person as in
I don't have a Facebook, which is very rare from where I come from here in London, but yeah, I still
Don't mind that
companies have access to it because
Companies, they're just companies. They're they're not really anyone who should care
I don't know if I'm phrasing this right, but I
What I mean by is I don't care if Google knows what I'm doing
I only care if like my friends know as you said previously when you're talking about connect as long as they don't post me
What was it doing something on YouTube?
I'll picking my nose as long as they don't post me picking my nose on YouTube
I don't really care because it's just the company. It's not the public so I'm alright with that
Okay, consider this for a second
What if someone who works at that company is a member of the public which they all are then how do you feel about it?
well, I
Consider it see it's a tough question and as you said in this day and age
People are struggling to find the correct answer to this. So this is a philosophical debate
So why are you okay with Google knowing what you're doing as long as they don't tell anybody
But you aren't okay with Facebook for example
Because Facebook on your data and they can do whatever they want with it
Whereas Google they have certain policies in place so that it stays with them
That's a good point that's different necessarily than the people knowing what you're doing that's Facebook owning what you're doing
Right where you upload a picture now
It's theirs as opposed to you upload a picture and now they can look at it
Which you already said it was okay for people to look at it because you uploaded it. Oh
I don't know which is anyway though, but what I'm saying is that my personal chats with my friends
That's the part I don't care about like because I don't have those pictures as I said
I'm a private person but me talking to my friends Google can know about that as long as no one else knows about that
That's where I draw the line
All right. Thank you very much for your call. Let's get another caller on the topic of privacy on the Internet
Okay, Mario you're in
Let's go
Least you will be in a moment
Guys we promise we're gonna get this a little bit smoother at some point here
Or maybe it's Brad's coolio someone's in here
And in the meantime, I guess I'll do a Twitter Twitter question or two I
Really recommend you try using link office 365 it's more secure and there's an option to contact Skype users as well
Actually link is a very interesting option
But the problem is that it's cost prohibitive for real people for the most part. All right, Brad's coolio. You're on let's go
What are your thoughts on the privacy issue? Can you hear me we can go for it?
awesome, um, I
Think it's not that bad like
If you're using like a really popular service like I don't know whatever Google services are and then say Facebook
You'd be really dumb to put something that's highly inappropriate or illegal
So I just go to other services things like that
I think a lot of the problem is not necessarily because both of these answers so far
We've gotten what public other public people can see so privacy as in your privacy settings within the program
Allowing other users to view your content what Linus and I are talking about is not that at all
This is a private messaging service. It is competing with stuff like text messaging not Facebook
This is more keeping your data safe from stuff like NSA or any other government programs of that style because there are more
From seeing your data with that said when people talk about Facebook now
They're not necessarily just talking about what you post on your public wall, but also what you post in your messaging log
Yeah chatting back and forth with people but I think an interesting point about what Brad said is
That he's talking about the kinds of users
Who may or may not benefit from this kind of thing and you you know who would be stupid enough to post something on?
Facebook that they didn't want the world to know or to send someone something in an SMS chat that they didn't want the world to
Know and I think it's one of those things where this new service might not actually even help anyone
Wasn't already aware of these things
Anyway, like for example
my wife didn't know that it's not safe to send like a
credit card number via SMS or even by voice on a cell phone is not recommended had no idea and
The reality of it is she'll also
Never hear about him less anyway
So are we creating a service that helps people that will never get any help from it?
Anyway, I don't think so because there's all there's also the clause where
You're only a criminal because you haven't been caught yet because there's so many laws
That are so intertwined and so confusing that they can't properly count how many there are. That's true. They actually have no idea
There's so many laws that pretty much everyone is a criminal in some way. I definitely am I know which laws I'm
Yeah, so if at some point you get a bit of a criminal, too
That entire colony that you live in was
Founded by criminals. So you're a criminal because of sins of the father and all that also
That's how it's gonna be is that you typing on MX blues because you got to meet your mic man
Anyways, yeah, so that has part of it too because you might not know that what you're saying is a problem
You might have no idea okay, so you might be saying something thinking it's completely okay
Not under not aware that oh, I'm saying I'm doing bad things on right particularly laws like tax laws
A lot of people are evading taxes that they don't know exists. Yep, like at all
People in Americans living in Canada still have to pay taxes in this right
My most no one knows that right so and that's a huge that's huge tax evasion
But my people don't even know it exists
So if you if you go, oh, hey
I just figured out that I should have been paying taxes for the last 15 years and that gets picked up
Right big deal. All right. Thanks. Maybe you coolio. Let's bring in our next caller
All right. Cheers. Love the show
Thank you
Mario go
All right. So guys anyone who's calling in once you're live go start talking
We need they're kind of back logging a little bit because they had to create the channel and everything
We're hammering them a little bit hard right now
Hopefully the next call and we do there will be enough of a backlog of people
Awesome so what we'll do is in advance
We'll introduce our next call-in topic before we do a bunch of other stuff so people can think about it
They can get queued up in the call-in stream and then we'll be ready to go for the next one here. So I
Think Mario just has to turn on his voice. There we go. Mario you're live
Hey Linus, what's up? Hey, so my my thoughts were that this helm
It's really for people who just intend to be saying things that should not be in public
Did you understand yeah, so what about service like what's up that's been around for years and
People just don't realize
How many people do you wait a large service I think most people now are kind of aware that it exists
I think most people within the nerdy circles that we travel in are aware of whatsapp, but like for example my mom
There's no way. I was just gonna say my grandpa knows who it is, but what it is
Because we use it because he lives down in Arizona, so if I want to get him long-distance
Right and use what's that we can both use what's happened. It's free to communicate
Okay. Yeah, that's the point. What's up? It's free. It's out there for years for now
But it doesn't have the and like you said people that might want to use the service might be using it because they want to
Keep things away
But I'm gonna use my same argument that you might not have heard which is where you might not be aware that what you're saying
Is a problem yes exactly
Yeah, so I mean Mario from your perspective
Would you be?
If you if okay, let's say whatsapp and helmets
However you pronounce it are both equal in terms of features and in terms of the ease of use and
You know you in terms of cost
Wouldn't you rather use the service where you won't?
unintentionally break a law
I mean another example is if you have any friends that don't happen to be
Exactly citizens who send you a text telling them about something that they did now you're an accessory
Yeah, but it's like this
I will you use the service that my friends have to it's not the only about me
If my friends don't use the other servers who I'll talk to
Except in most people that I know just don't even know that they are being monitored
Okay, don't even care let's see so let me summarize it this way then Mario your question is more
Do we need another?
Freaking messaging service exactly or do we need improvements are in the one that we have in the one that we use
Good point Mario, okay
Thank you for your call, and I think we've actually got a very special guest
Who is going to be joining us here, I'm actually just gonna go ahead and we did tease this on Twitter
I have no idea what diesel did with the thing that I'm looking for right now, so I really hope it's in there oh
Yeah, there it is so our special guest today is the one the only
Hold on wait for this
Boom this guy
Yeah, I got to resize this here. This is the one thing. I wasn't quite ready ah yes
Yeah, I'm gonna scoot you over a little closer to you get cozy here. Oh
Hold on
Family he's not ready yet
Get him in here guys so Paul from new egg TV will be joining us to chat tech
We actually haven't necessarily got a particular topic
Maybe he can talk a little bit about his own channel
So Paul is not only on new egg TV these days for those of you
Who don't already know that he has a separate channel called Paul's hardware?
Which of course is not an innuendo thing because Paul really takes the high road compared to what we do on this show
Well at least what you do on this show
So why don't we do why don't we do one more topic while we wait for Paul to test his mic?
And then we have our special guest for the week. This is extremely exciting
Awesome, so I'm gonna jump back into video game high school season two ah yes, so this got kick-started
I believe it was a kick-starter it might have been a different one of those crowdfunding services
But I think it was kick-started this got kick-started their trailer. They're releasing a trailer in 48 FPS
Because more frames per second is more better bam
I hope that b-roll and diesel and the other room there are listening right now
So what they did is they filmed 24 FPS for anything happening in the real world
We can hear you
They feel just 24 FPS for anything happening in the real world and they filmed 48 FPS for everything
Action say action action sequence all in-game action is 40 FPS
Then they took the video playback at 48 48 FPS, and they doubled every frame of the 24 FPS playback so that it equals
There's some pretty funky stuff going on there. They believe they're the first big series to do this
It's pretty interesting and I watched the high-res trailer on to the rocket jump website, and it looks really really good
I personally like video game high school season one a lot it it started off a little rough
It had mixed pretty mixed reviews overall some people kind of said yeah
This is sort of juvenile garbage, and then other people said oh, it's freaking awesome. I love it
It was a little bit of juvenile garbage
It was a little bit, but it also had good content at the same time like it wasn't
Super crazy triple-a amazingness, but it was also the first time any of them had done something like this my skype's up
It wasn't the biggest budget project ever like they they they had a few interesting things to play with this is now season two
They have a lot more budget. This is the second time they're doing it
I'm excited for where they can take it because it started off kind of rough last time and there's a few rough patches
But I think they can do a lot better
I mean one of the things I'm excited about more than more than anything else so guys rocket jump calm go check it out
Video game high school trailers on there one of the things that's really exciting to me about this is the idea that YouTube
Guys are going mainstream
Are able to do a full-scale productions as opposed to just make YouTube videos
I mean that's one of the things that I think every youtuber strives to become is a legitimate
Production yeah, so in the case of Linus media group in the last ten months
We've gone from me on a webcam in my kitchen to
The land show in its current form which is still evolving
It's not perfect and we are discussing internally other strategies things that we could do to make it better
Such as adding different shows on different days of the week that have different focuses
So some of you have expressed your desire to have more of a rapid-fire news format
Some of you have said you love the Twitter interaction some people are saying they love the voice interaction
So maybe at some point we split them out. Maybe we keep them together
To have two of them have three of them have one of them who knows but we are balancing different ideas
And we are looking for feedback on that kind of stuff
So if you spawn on the forum or just tweet at us or whatever you can see our Twitter handles down here or the forum
Is fairly obvious Linus tech tips calm?
Check out there another thing we're thinking about doing is having in
Celebrity colors. Yes, like Paul Paul will be joining us today once he figures it out
I think he's still at work. So he had to get calm set up and all that kind of stuff and then
Next week. We are in talks with Logan from raise the world. So we'd love to have him head over here and oh
Okay, Paul just started voice chat Oh Paul ended voice chat, okay, so let's move on to another topic here
Let's talk World of Warcraft to test in-game payments. So this is a BBC article of all things. There we go guys
And you want to handle this one? So as long as you have a character that is at least level 85
This is a current currently on the private test realm not on the normal main servers
As long as you have a character that's at least level 85 you are able to do in-game purchases for a multitude of things
The only thing currently announced they are definitely planning on releasing more and they're planning on releasing more before it comes to the live servers
But the only thing currently announced is a potion called enduring elixir of wisdom which boosts experience by a hundred percent
Now so isn't that just paying to win?
But you
One you can't beat an M&O MMO, but then
Progressing in either PvP or PvE can be seen as winning quote-unquote for an MMO
They're requiring an 85 level plus director requiring that you basically fully level the character
Okay, now you're leveling another character. So you don't necessarily want to go slowly through everything again
I don't actually really mind this. I wish they didn't do it as a paid thing
They've done buying on account gear where that gear one of the buffs on that gear is that it'll give you a higher percentage of
Now I guess you can pay for more I'm not sure what I think about this
I don't like it at all because it is already a paid for service
Right, so already pay a subscription so compared to a free-to-play model where it's micro transaction driven now
It's okay, well our subscriber base is declining now life
Let's grab some more money from them before they leave because League of Legends has experience boosters League of Legends has IP
Boosters IP is what you use to spend on skins and runes and stuff. I don't mind that
Because you know what? It's a free-to-play game. They gotta make money somehow they're baller, but they gotta make money somehow. Yeah, it's fine
I will shareholders aren't gonna want to see declining revenue no matter what no so someone like League of Legends sure
That's your main source of income. I can play more and get the same thing
Yeah, that's fine
When I'm already paying 15 bucks a month for a subscription
I don't want Joe blow who decided to throw a little bit more in to be able to level up faster than me
Personally screw that just right the extra hundred percent. I already leveled up this stupid character
so if they're willing to give it to you for free then
You know it's like okay if someone else pays they can be a little bit ahead, but if everybody's paying
That I don't like personally that I don't like I don't know what other people think just
That's how I'm viewing it because like I'm already paying for the game right. I don't want to pay more
Yeah, and it's not like 15 bucks a month isn't already quite a bit to ask to be honest
Yeah, I oh, I mean, that's why I stopped playing well
I played for a couple months, and I was just like this is ridiculous
What I'm gonna pay like $200 a year to play a game you can you can
Going with humble indie bundle logic which is kind of cheating you can get like
20 games a month, right?
right like
And that's not even paying minimums, so I don't know it's a little bit crazy. I'm not into it personally
I think it's interesting and I I'm gonna be interested to see
their subscriber fluctuation right
Who knows maybe someone will come back because they'll go oh, I have a level 90 I can just throw a few extra bucks
In a monthly subscription and enjoy some of the new content and not have to slow roll it right
Or is everyone gonna be angry and leave I'm not sure I think it'll be interesting
Interesting okay, well let's move into our next topic here Lenovo is now the world leader in PC sales I
Mean okay, I remember saying today that this surprised me a little bit and
Diesel and slick both gave me a pretty hard time saying that I'm basically like
My brain isn't functioning if I'm surprised by this so you mean the Chinese manufacturer laptops just came the highest in the world
Okay, well hold on a second, okay, okay?
Well, it's not it's not like they're you know far and away number one like you know
They're double everyone else on the playing field
I mean okay, so Gardner said Lenovo was at sixteen point seven percent market share compared with fourteen point nine percent a year ago
And then IDC has them at sixteen point seven compared to fifteen percent
Year over a year by comparison Hewlett-packard is at sixteen point three percent in the second quarter
So it is only a point four percent victory over HP with Dell coming in third
These days Asus was making a bit of a run up the up the rankings for a bit there
and they haven't one thing to note is that part of
Maybe the reason why you did you found this so surprising is in the u.s.. Lenovo is only ten point one percent
HP is twenty six point four and Dell is twenty four point six
So they both have way bigger markets in the u.s.. But this is a worldwide statistic not a North American
So it's a little bit skewed if you look at it that way because if you if you look at how people walking out of
Best buy with laptops. Yeah, I can be that many of the Novas right so that's why it might actually
legitimately be surprising to someone like me where my background is product management and
I know for a fact that particularly when Lenovo bought IBM, and they started doing Thinkpads
We weren't we weren't selling a whole lot of them no, so that's yeah because of region issues
So it makes sense why it was surprising and why it is likely surprising for so many people, but on a grand scale
It's not all that surprising and you look at another regional difference
Is that Apple doesn't even register on the top PC makers overall and that sort of that top few?
Whereas in the u.s.. They're number three. Yeah with eleven point six percent market share. Yep
So it's just interesting. It's just looking at different regional based statistics
Because every market so different. We were actually talking today about
Canadian buyers versus us buyers and I was just crossing that border actually makes such a difference makes an enormous difference
So we we were talking geforce Radeon market share which we can't really reveal any numbers
But what we did find out was that particularly in Canada?
AMD or ATI cards remember traditionally that Canadian company tend to do better than they do in the US and
Even though ATI hasn't existed for years AMD doesn't even use the branding anymore
There's still that
Loyalty to aim to Radeon graphics cards that really doesn't make any sense like I to me
it's it's baffling because I
Mean a Canadian media isn't even that separate from US media
So the largest Canadian hardware review site it would be hardware Canucks calm, and I'm pretty sure I've talked to them
I know they have a ton of American readership
And then you talk to US review sites like hard OCP and on tech Tom's hardware
They get a ton of Canadian readership. So all these people are reading the same things
But then just and coming to different conclusions
Which is bizarre to me same thing with something like dealing so in the US netgear is a big deal in
terms of retail like router sales in Canada
No hardly existent D. Link is a big deal up here. We're in the US D. Link is like
Who's dealing exactly?
So very very very strange stuff going on over there, so
Paul are you talking? He's apparently in our
Chat right now. I was I was waiting patiently for you to finish talking. Hey. Oh, we got Paul from new egg TV
Hey, it works. How's it going? Pretty good? How are you? I'm doing I'm doing pretty fantastic
Yeah, it for some reason. I wasn't able to talk in the waiting room, but it works in this room
So cool. All right, so you're an avid viewer of the land show right you watch us every week
I've missed the past week. Maybe two, but I usually try to jump in and either watch it live although
It's harder now to watch live
Work when you guys broadcast. I'm sorry. I know we know we had to consider the international viewers
We had to we had to yeah, sorry
That's no no worries. You always got to consider sitter everyone around the world
So how's work today you guys make any interesting videos that are gonna dethrone us as the top tech channel on YouTube
Doubt it. I mean
We always try
Actually, well, I wasn't at work today for most of the day I was down have you ever heard of geek magazine
Yeah, yeah
Yeah, I think they're they're somewhat newer
But I was down at one of their facilities because they're they were putting together this really
awesome like water-cooled system with a bunch of EK blocks and
It's actually a it's actually an ivy bridge system
But I was kind of down there shooting a little bit of that and assembling it and everything. It's pretty cool now
I heard you have some big news and I haven't talked to you about saying this on the live stream yet
But I got an email from you the other day
Do you want to talk about it? Yeah, that's fine. I already mentioned it on my channel. So I'm
Happy to share with people. I just recently
Got a offer accepted on a new house. So I'm gonna be moving
Did you know this yet? No, no. All right. So yeah, Paul is a homeowner now. I know when's your movie date?
Actually, I'm hoping that I was emailed about that today, but I haven't checked it yet
Yes, we're yeah, we're waiting on like the escrow paperwork and all that kind of stuff
But yeah, probably about a month's what's more important making sure you got your move-in date or calling you to my detectives
I say calling it the last like well, yeah
I had I had to get razor comms to work. Yeah
Actually here. This is a great question for you. How was the overall setup experience other than the glitch in the waiting room?
Okay, I'm not sponsored so I can give honest feedback tell to say whatever you want, uh, it's it seems great so far
I mean the amount of functionality is seems pretty expensive for a
relatively newer voice chat app
It required a restart on startup, which I never liked but you know, it's gotta gotta gotta happen sometimes I guess
Yeah, I mean apart from that it seems like a pretty pretty functional program, all right
Well, since we've got you live with us for a little bit here
Let's go ahead and have a brief talk about our next topic. So guys Paul hasn't been briefed on this at all
So forgive him if he says anything phenomenally stupid. I'm known for that
All right. Next topic Titanfall
Tech analysis. Okay, Paul. Have you heard about this yet? Let me know if you have I
All I've been thinking about is houses what's going on?
All right with the deluge of next-gen shooters such as destiny killzone Shadowfall and the division
Content to stick to a 30 FPS baseline
It is clear that the ramp-up of environmental scale higher-grade effects and online integration perhaps excites developers more than slick frame rates
However, given the yearly sales domination of 60 FPS franchises like Call of Duty
This isn't necessarily the next-gen reality for which some gamers had hoped
Even though luminaries like John Carmack suggested that this may be the case
So here we go looking at the birth of the project of the okay of this project
It's a surprise to find that of all the engines it could pick this
FPS Titanfall has gone with valves source engine. So why are they doing this 60 FPS?
60 FPS competing games like destiny killzone Shadowfall and the division are all sticking with around a 30 FPS platform
Actually, if you go to this article, I I just tweeted it to Paul who's on Eurogamer
So if you look at my Twitter, you'll be able to see it's on Eurogamer. It should be fairly easy to find
It's just digital
Titanfall technology if you go to my Twitter also other things other
Anyways, they have a video on there of a demo and it shows their FPS while they're going along
So it shows in super heavy action
It'll dip a little bit, but then it comes right back up and you're sitting on that FPS line
Which is really nice for shooters really nice for shooters
So, I mean personally playing a shooter at 30 frames per second. Are you friggin kidding me?
That's so noticeable
Okay, you hear the argument online all the time Paul. You've probably heard this you can't see more than
X number of FPS
bullets I
Heard that I believed it for some time because it seemed to make some sense
Actually, it wasn't until I saw a side-by-side comparison of a 60 Hertz and 120 Hertz monitors
Next to each other. It was an Nvidia demo that I don't know if you ever saw
Where I was like, holy crap, there's a significant difference in smoothness and just like playability especially for an FPS
Absolutely, and we're talking 60 versus 120 in this case
I mean, let me tell you guys 30 to 60 is I mean Paul
Could you play an FPS game at 30 FPS as spoiled as you probably are?
No, actually
It's one of the things when you especially if you did a lot of benchmarking like I know slick
You've probably encountered this you have a standard benchmark you run and then you go with like a lower grade card and suddenly you have
to run your set your same benchmark in like
Crisis three or something and play it like 15 or 18 frames per second. Yeah
Yeah, it's it's like nails on a chalkboard. It's it's so frustrating
It's it's horrible because it actually affects the results sometimes as well because what happens is you're you're humming along at like
6080 FPS getting headshots and then all of a sudden you got to play at 30 it dips to 25
Because oh we needed this particle effect or we needed that or whatever else and now you're missing your shots
You're not doing the same run through and you're ending up with a result
That's not even representative of the game. The worst was when we're doing the with all the new launches with 700 series
We're doing 780, but then we did all the way down. So I think I did what was it a 650?
So I did 780 650 TI so I had to pick a setting that was good for all of them
So it was pretty high and by the time I got down to 650 TI on Metro last late with pretty high
It made I had to run it so many times to be able to get to the same part in the benchmark
Because it just took me longer to move
I was like, I'm kind of making the shots them to spring like crazy
But to actually get to the end of the benchmark was seriously difficult
You know with Metro last late, you could always use the built-in benchmark
Yeah, we don't we don't do that we don't do to your level Paul that is that's like a whole topic for a whole show
I think we could just go back and forth about that
Benchmarks versus running benchmarks by actually playing the game. You know what Paul come at me, bro
You're this I don't you have a whole list of topics that you wanted to discuss like it
No, I'm content to discuss this one right now. Let's discuss
Benchmarking by actually playing the game versus running in-game benchmarks. Go. Okay. All right here my my stance on the subject
In my opinion, you've got you've got your synthetic benchmarks, which is like a piece of software
That's a game. You cannot play if you take something like
Unigine heaven or something like that. Sure. Yeah go and play that game. That's fully synthetic and I think it has its place
Only as a comparison, but I would agree you can't look at that be like, oh now I can get that
Frame-rate when I play heaven
Apart from that you got your your regular games that you'll play and some of them have built-in benchmarks
Some of them don't I tend to lean towards built-in benchmarks when it comes with games that you can actually play
Simply because you're never gonna find it's typically you're never gonna find a point in a game
where you can see the same number of effects the same number of
Particle effects or whatever else is going on in the game where you're gonna have a run-through that is
Exactly the same every single time
It's like you were just talking about how you play a game
On like a lower end card and it might actually affect the benchmark run if you can't see this the proper frame rate or anything
You're never gonna really have that situation. He's gonna turn our words around on us now
I say how this is gonna yes
but at the same time in it takes me quite a while to find these segments because I am looking for segments that are
extremely extremely repeatable
My favorite one is Far Cry 3 because you can play it on any range of cards as many times as you want and my
Segment will always fill the same number. I've never had it more than 0.1 off. Yeah
And that's that's why we that's why we copy your benchmark
Recommendation videos so we know you've done the work gone through found those found those places to turn the benchmarks
We really did what well
Hold on what you know, what's funny about this though is
What he just said to me
I had exactly the same conversation with sky MTL from hardware connects really like a year and a half ago when we switched
From doing canned benchmarks to in-game run throughs. I was like, dude
Can you send me all your run throughs so I can just do them?
Well, it's time-consuming just to find that's what what I use when you come to a game that you really don't enjoy
Playing and then you find out like oh, well this spot that everyone's recommended to benchmark
Well, you got to play the game for like six hours to get there
And you know what is there is surprisingly little sharing of save games online. That's true. Well, I
Certain games don't like don't allow you to insert save games anymore either
Metro we did it so quickly that there wasn't a lot out there. So I kind of had to do it myself and then
With that I'm not trying to just like play the game and have a good time
So I'm on the easiest possible setting I'm jumping around and running through levels as fast as I can going
Where's the benchmarkable segment? Where's the benchmarkable segment? There's only ever like two enemies
How am I supposed to do this and it took me so long and I finally found that one
Hallway that I could go through and it ended up working out but that took you remember that day
You probably I took an incredible amount. Yeah
I mean the best thing for me about all of this is that I get to pay him to play games
That he's not even enjoying playing
Like I went back actually I went back deleted my save file completely
Started from the beginning up the difficulty played slower and it was a really good game
But when I'm just trying to sprint through it, like I'm not having a good time. It's not the same
You're not playing the game. You're just like scanning for benchmarkable segments
All right, Paul, we got one more thing that we want to talk to you about unless you have some additional topics
So, I don't know if you've seen this yet
I know you've been house shopping which I've done before and is a total nightmare so I can understand if you haven't checked it out
But this is Hemless the beautiful and secure messenger
How do you feel about using something like SMS or using something like?
Facebook chat where someone else has access to your data or even potentially owns your data like Facebook's terms of service would have you
Compared to this which is an encrypted service that seeks to hide your information
From anyone who would be looking at it
I heard you discussing this a little bit earlier in the in the stream and I I
think on a from a personal perspective I
Would say that I don't think I'd do anything that is
You know
Incriminating or that sort of thing. However at the same time. I'm I'm very much a proponent of
Free speech of people being able to maintain their privacy and all that together
so I'm I'm all for making use of software to work around the more draconian types of things that
That whether you're talking about a government agency or whether you're talking about a software developer has put in place like
I'm not into that. I think people's data should be private if they want it to be private
If you're posting on Facebook, obviously, you don't want it to be private
So, you know
It's it's pretty easy to tell when somebody says something to somebody else and they want it to be public
Usually they'll post it in a public place if people are just having private discussions
I don't think the government's or I don't think any any
Company should should have access to that should be private information and this is all fine and good from like sort of
And sort of a well-informed individual perspective
But I still remember being blown away the first time I saw someone post a Facebook picture of their new driver's license
Holding it up like this with all the information available
Right there on Facebook for absolutely everyone to see they didn't even have a private profile
Anyone could see their profile. So do you worry about the people who don't even read terms of service?
how do we protect those guys like would you personally install this application and
Switch over to it and encourage all of your friends and relatives to switch over to it because they don't necessarily
Have the wherewithal to protect their own privacy
You know, I think there's a pretty big variance and people's willingness to
ignore like
propriety or intelligence
Sharing of their own personal information. I mean there's
You know
The the US has tons and tons of laws and litigation that goes on and stuff like that and it's all around like oh
Well this person, you know
it goes back to the classic like oh this lady spilled her coffee from McDonald's on her lap and it was too hot and she
Got burnt. So she you know sued McDonald's and one or something. Yeah
I mean there's a certain amount of personal personal responsibility that is involved
And I think if you if you forget that element of it, it becomes easier to try to try to protect everything
but um, yeah, I mean, I mean definitely if if there's friends or relatives who
Communicate a lot and maybe aren't as tech savvy and it's something that you know
They just install and use and they don't have to worry about configuring something like that
It's I mean, this is the first time I've heard of this particular bit of software, but uh
It seems like it would be a reasonable way to keep people keep people's information private
From their video they are trying to make it that one of their whole things is it's not secure if it's impossible to use
So one of their whole things is it's supposed to be very easy to use if you're introducing it to someone who's not very tech
Savvy, it should be very easy to set up and control
Because in their opinion if it becomes a chore people end up don't not using it
Right, it's not secure because you're not using it
It's just like the whole thing where if you make a password so long they have to write it down. Yeah
Well, that's useless now. That's not that secure of a password because if someone sees this piece of paper
You're screwed. So like they are going with the very simple
Solution so hopefully that works out for them
And I definitely like software like that that makes itself accessible. I mean, that's why Apple's popular, right?
Yeah that much that much is very true
Alright, so Paul. Thank you so much for joining us and hopefully we'll have you on again at some point guys do add
I think it's what is it at Paul Hardware on Twitter, correct?
Yeah, the Twitter if you guys want me is Paul Hardware without the s if you add the s you'll find an ace hardware
That's somewhere in the Midwest. I think I
Actually did that at one point. Yeah. Yeah, it's I should contact them and see if they want to give me their Twitter handle
Then I if you don't mind me plug in my youtube channel
YouTube comm slash false hardware. I've been trying to post more videos there once I get my house
I'm gonna hopefully be doing a ton more and then I also promised Kyle I would post I would plug his channel to follow Kyle
Yeah, I actually haven't reached out to Kyle yet because people demanded Paul
But we will definitely ask Kyle to join us on the land show at some point
So again, thank you very much for joining us and take care. All right guys. See you later. Have a good one
It's awesome sauce news, right? Awesome sauce news youtube.com slash awesome sauce news. I think we cut fall off there, but we're good
That's right. Oh, I'm sorry. No, I'm gonna leave now. Okay. Okay. Goodbye. Thanks Paul
All right
so why don't we do you know what first what I want to do is introduce our next call-in topic and then jump to
Something and then we'll jump to something else
So our next call-in topic will be from the Titanfall technical analysis on the next web comm I would like to
Discuss next-gen console. I want console people calling in not PC people
We heard from the PC people that other PC guy that was with us a moment ago
Console people would you rather have more realism to the game more details more effects more?
expressive facial expressions or would you rather have butter smooth 60 FPS and
Be willing to sacrifice all that other stuff. I want to hear from you guys. But in the meantime, let's head into
the info leak about the Radeon HD 9970
Right. Okay. So one thing the main thing that actually jumped out at me about this article that was posted on our forum
Is that sapphires designing seven? I think it's seven different coolers
Which is crazy, but I'll tell you more about that in a moment, but hold on first
I want to thank soliloquies for posting this on the forum. There you go. Okay, go ahead, but people are speculating that
The the designing seven different coolers isn't necessarily attached to 99 70
Okay, so on what people are speculating is that this could possibly be a line of cards that they're designing these coolers for
Okay, not necessarily that it's so so there's the leak about 99 70, but people are think that there might be more in there
It could be a it could be a big release not necessarily just one got this card, which is interesting
Well what AMD has done for the last couple generations is they have released rather than what Nvidia does
We're less so with 700 series but more so with 600 series and 500 series where they'd release one card
then another one
Then another one AMD
It's going rapid-fire with what they've typically done, which is why I'm not surprised about the speculation of seven coolers
Maybe it's more than one card. So we could be looking at ninety nine seventy ninety nine fifty ninety eight seventy ninety eight fifty
Nine, it's not necessarily
9750 but okay, right
it could also be that sapphire and AMD are so confident about this card that they're they want to have a toxic version available and
a regular overclock dual X version and a reference card and maybe one or two other cards or something
I don't know. It's all speculation, but it's just interesting
So the speculation is that it'll feature a 12 layer PCB
So basically the more layers there are on a PCB the more electrically advanced the card typically is
Because each layer can carry different signals around the card
So the more componentry you're building on to it the more typically
The more layers that you will typically need it has also been suggested that
Yes that even though AMD outright said earlier this year no graphics cards this year
it looks like the rumor is that this will be coming before the year's end and it's possible that
Nvidia's Maxwell architecture so their next-gen architecture might be coming sooner than expected as well, which is crazy
Which is bizarre to me because we could be looking at
Kepler refresh Maxwell architecture within a period of what like six months
That's actually nuts and people have been talking about for a while that PC gaming is still climbing
Yeah, especially with indie games coming out and there's a lot of Indies now developing on platforms like unity which are not
Like low-end platforms. We're not talking world of goo anymore
No, so there is indeed indie guys out there releasing really intense games and there's indie players out there releasing stuff
That is gonna have oculus rift support. Now if you know oculus rift that's running 3d
So you can't just run some terrible graphics card. That's true. So that's gonna
Dramatically increase the hardware requirements. So in this is all stuff I've thought about I haven't read this anywhere
But I'm thinking graphics
Graphics guys are getting ready for a push in graphics purchases and not only that but on top of everything
You just said next-gen consoles next-gen
Finally the bar will be raised for these upcoming titles plus on the PC
You're gonna want to experience it with virtual reality and stereo 3d and on top all of that stuff
So while we had a lull there for a while every angles now hammering pieces and finally we're seeing
Resolutions increase as well. Yep with like those cheapo Korean monitors
Thank goodness for cheapo Korean monitors because if not for that, I think we'd have been stuck at 1080p forever
And thank goodness for Apple because if Steve Jobs hadn't come back from the dead to invent the higher than 1080p resolution display
Because Apple makes everything
Okay, I've talked about this before so I'm not gonna go too far into this but it's not Apple inventing it
It's just the fact that they were the only one with the balls
To bring it to market to prove that consumers were willing to pay
For more resolution and retina and for Apple to bring the branding to it
It's like you're not gonna be able to tell my mom. Well, it has more pixels per inch
She's would be like what okay, what's a pixel? What's an inch actually? No, my mom's my mom's pretty smart
Like an inch whoa, I think she probably knows what a pixel is. Yeah. Yeah, okay
Defend your mom right there. Yeah. No, no, my mom's my mom's cool. My mom's cool. So but yeah, like I'm
Just a few months ago
we were talking about how we were worried about PC performance and how
No one was gonna have a big powerful machines everything was gonna be streamed down and then it's like, okay
Every angles now doesn't care anymore. There's oculus rift. There's Omni. Yeah, there's full-body suits where you can feel stuff
That did that get funded? I think they're kickstarters over now, right did not get didn't make it
But there's already ones that exist right if they're not the first ones to do it and then the razor thing
I don't remember what it's called. But the razor thing where you hold the controllers
Motion controller thing. Yeah, they're most the Hydra Hydra. There we go
Razor Hydra oculus rift full-body suit thing like all this stuff is gonna bring tons of people to computers
Because because we already know that both Microsoft and Sony have talked about
Extending the lifecycle of console hardware and we already know what the hardware and ps4 and Xbox one's gonna be and it is nowhere near
Capable of doing any of that stuff not even close
So it'll be what 10 years before
Console has the capability that we're getting right now on the PC and that's so beast and it's gonna be really hard to run
Right people are gonna buy new graphics cards speaking of hardcore bashing on console
I asked for console gamers to
Tell us what they think about 30 FPS versus 60 FPS Deimos. You're on go
Hey Lou, can you hear me? We can hear you a little bit quiet, but we can hear you. Thank you so much
Um first time calling in and first time online, which is awesome. Hi from New Zealand
Hi, New Zealand. Hi, New Zealand
Um about the consoles it's gonna be tough to run games at more than 30 frames per second most
But they're new
New games coming out in the new hardware. That's kind of pretty average
So what would you prefer?
Would you rather that they just take like a last generation title and run it at 60 or like in terms of quality and run?
It at 60 FPS or would you rather that they build a truly next generation engine and settle for 30 FPS on the console?
What would you rather play?
Well, I'm a spoiled PC gamer
So I'd always go for the with 60 frames per second any day of the week
But for the sort of the the typical console game is they'd sort of be fine with 30 frames
Like I had a friend who played on his ps3 and he would compensate when he was playing Call of Duty for the lag
Like he would actually move his mouth
move his stick forward of people to shoot them because then when the console caught up it would shoot that person was like
That was crazy that was really common in 1.6. That's the way they had like compensating hitboxes. Yeah
That makes sense. So basically
Console is like 10 years behind again
But like
with the the console
Exclusives like if GTA 5 doesn't come to PC, you know until next year. I might be forced to have to buy a console
You know, that's another
Okay, right so from that perspective
single-player game
GTA 5 you want it to be beautiful or do you want it to run at 60 fp or at yeah 60 FPS?
60 FPS because I want to be able to play it. I mean the graphics are
Need to be good, but I need to play it. I'm 30 FPS is pretty hard to play
I'm just a spoiled PC rig, you know
So this is easy though. No compromises. So this is an interesting point though is
Have we gotten to the point where graphics are basically good enough and we'd rather improve in other ways such as
Stereo 3d virtual reality or other immersion improving techniques
Do you find a game immersive enough already in terms of the game engine for me half-life 2 was already at that point
Half-life 2 was immersive enough. That was believable for me, honestly
Think back to games you played when you were a kid
Harvest moon looks I'm a lot older than you
I played like Super Mario World when I was a kid think back to any game that wasn't a 2d platformer when you were a
Kid, yeah, they didn't exist. I'm okay. I know but you're not that much older than me. You were still kind of a kid
okay, so like
Final Fantasy 7 sure was the first non 2d. Sure. Am I playing it was still immersive was it not?
Yes, you use part of your imagination. Yep graphics can help but I don't personally believe they're required
I like beautiful looking games and I love maxing out my
Settings and having it look amazing and looking at my screen and be like, wow, that looks so good
But then at the same time I appreciate and love these old classic games that look
Terrible Chrono Trigger is still awesome. Yeah, it's terrible. There's there's a ton of old games. Yeah
That just looks so they look so good in your memory
They don't necessarily look so good in real life and it doesn't matter that much now we can all appreciate great-looking graphics and I do
Really really want game developers, especially with stuff like oculus rift
Actually, what I'm hoping is that game engines push harder with oculus rift because you feel like you're in there
It's gonna be actually harder to get the immersion down because everything's gonna have to feel real that is a good point the expectation
From the viewer or the gamer will be much higher because you can sit back away from a computer screen and
Put yourself into that world
But when that world comes to you and you are being put in that world that ups the ante that ups the ante
It's got to look better. So you think yeah jumped up kind of a little bit away from the console topic here, but yeah
Okay, so Oh, hold on was our is our last caller gone now
Yours oh
That's wind that's wind. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you very much for that call and let's bring on the next caller. I
Think that's him. Oh, no, he's gone now
There we go, all right Matt you're up mute your stream and use comms to communicate tell us what you think 30 FPS better detail
60 FPS not as good details
Can you hear me we can hear ya go for it
Well, I do play on a console
Sorry very much as of recently because I did get a did get a pretty good gaming PC
But I would rather have the more frames per second. It's just the smoothness that can get on a PC. It's just better
Tell me something. Did you prefer?
So much before you went PC so on a console
Did you notice the difference before you had the better experience or were you?
Content to kind of sit there and not be aware that there was something better out there
Was kind of always aware because my friend always played on PC
it's just kind of gone down to what is better for gaming and it's just
Uncomparable better frame rate for me is better for gaming
Of course, that may not be the same for everybody though
To to to play a little bit of devil's advocate here
Sure, because we've got a lot of we asked for a lot of console colors
We're getting a lot of PC colors. So to play a little bit of the other side
Sometimes at least for me in single-player games
Even if it drops my frame rate a little bit say if it's a really really hard game to run. Sure
I will put max settings because it'll look good something like Skyrim for example where it's
Experience yeah, because Skyrim normally isn't that hard to kind of looks like yeah
Skyrim with a hundred mods looking like one of the best games you've ever seen is
Really hard to run and will drop your frames as long as it's not at like a ridiculously low level if I can kind of feel
It every once in a while
I'm actually kind of okay with that because it's a single-player game the second you include anyone else in the game whether it's co-op or
Multiplayer I'll go for performance instantly. All right, this is a multiplayer game. Thanks, Matt. Great call
All right, you're up
Thank you
Hey, this is getting smoother. Hey, yeah, yeah, I
Think people got to get the hang of clicking we got a we got a release a tutorial video
Yeah, we're gonna have a tutorial video now that we've got things working properly and era is on
Can hear me we can go for it
Alright, so I play console like 95% of the time because my friends play console
It's just like that and it honestly depends on what type of game you play
Like slick said if you play Skyrim or something like that, you want to be more immersed than the game
So you choose with the higher settings, but like if I was playing something like Call of Duty, I want the higher FPS
Like you said if it drops now
Sometimes you're missing those shots or whatever. So I like the smoother experience
Sure, 30 frames per second is in my opinion. Uh, it's uh, which it's
Playable, but it's not as playable or as smooth as so on
So tell me this you're probably the first actual console gamer who's called in for a single-player gaming
Experience if the dev came to you and said look
We're gonna use frostbite 6 or we're gonna use source engine
So we're talking dramatically different looks to the games. Do you prefer we use the lower grade engine?
It's gonna be the exact same gameplay either way. Let's say it's a single-player game
Do you prefer we use the lower grade engine or the higher grade engine for your gaming experience personally?
For a purely single-player game I prefer to use the higher engine
But then for multiplayer it goes the other way
Yeah, but for multiplayer when you're playing competitively, yeah
All right. I think we're gonna have to let you go because your your mics got a little bit of a buzzing issue there
I'm sorry. I think he's carrying it with a Tesla. That's that's my
But thank you very much for calling in. We appreciate it
We're gonna do one more caller on this topic if we have someone
Guys do we have one more?
If so, let's go
All right mental guy is coming in
This is fun, I like doing these live calls I
Think we should split the shows though. I think we should at some point. Yeah, I think like an interaction show
Yeah, we'll do like a news show and the interaction show
We maybe have have a topic but in between the topics do Twitter questions and then the live show
We just cover our topics every week. Yeah, especially with how we've been doing the live stream now. We have a ton of topics
Yeah, we're gonna have to like hammer out on topics and then we're gonna end the show probably after this after this call-in
All right, mental guy you're on go for it
All right. Can you guys hear me? Yes, we can
All right, I was thinking about maybe just having a happy medium, you know, like 45 SPS and
You know like not too great not too little but I think that would be like the best all-around to do
That's a good point that's a good point. I don't know if there's an engine that fits in that slot right now
but if you
Ran it as a 60 FPS game
Realistically was only running around 40 f 45 FPS most of the time
That's okay. Yep, and this and this has room for
People to make an engine that fits really well in that spot
Because right now you've got the two you've got one that runs at 30
yeah, and you've got source that runs really well at 60 and dips sometimes if someone makes one that's pretty consistent at 45 and
looks a little bit better than
Source but doesn't look quite as good as the other one and performs a little bit worse than the other one
Performs. Yeah, I don't know. I mean performs a little bit better, but then performs worse than source like yeah balancing it is important
That's what happens
That's why a game on release for a console will not look as good as a game that releases four years later
and to me get better the difference between 30 and 45 FPS and the difference between 45 and 60 is
much more dramatic
Like going it's like going from 30 to 60 compared to 60 to 120 30 FPS to me is nearly unplayable
Whereas when I
Step it up and I can get a little higher. I can get 40 or 45 or 50. I can really feel that
Oh, yeah, whereas maybe 50 to 60 and line taste test
I might I might get it wrong once out of every eight times the scale down is
quite noticeable like going from
15 to 20 is such a big difference. Yes such a huge difference, but then going from 55 to 60
It doesn't even just hearing it. It doesn't sound like this. Yeah. No, it's just it is but it doesn't seem like it
All right mental guy. Did you have anything else to add? Yeah, I just want to give a shout out to the 40 thing
All right. Yes. Shout out to this guy apparently gives whaler a run for his money. Oh, wow, which is like super beast mode
Okay, so for those of you who don't know folding at home
Basically, you calculate the way that proteins fold help cure diseases help make the world a better place
All it costs is having some computing power to spare and dedicating it to folding
Check out our folding team on our forum. Also check out our
Boink team on our forum. I always call it bonic. Yeah, it's boy. That's wrong. Check out our boy team on forum
They're both really really good communities and they would both really appreciate your help. All right. Thanks mental. Take care. All right, take it easy guys
All right, so we're going to
Move on so let's do some more topics here
I don't think we're gonna be able to hit every topic but we can talk about some of them on the after party
So let's talk about the Japanese exoskeleton because I think that kind of both of us geeked out over that check this out you guys
So this was posted by top war gamer on the forum
I'm actually gonna play this video very briefly here just so that you guys can get some idea of what's going on
It seems like we're still okay
All right, so here's an exoskeleton
Basically, they've got a girl. I mean the funny thing about this is they're only planning to make five
They're gonna cost what was a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars
And they spend the entire promo video
I'm just gonna meet him
Basically making fun of the product so they they come up with all these use case scenarios for it that are just
Ridiculous like things like oh here if I can find the one where he's like, yeah
Your your wife in the kitchen will keep one of these next to her so that she never has to get her hands dirty
chopping vegetables ever again
No one will notice even if running in town like this and it is possible to sprint like a ninja
I mean, obviously they know this person is not sprinting like a ninja right now
And like this is pointless because he's obviously drinking the water with his hand and the exoskeleton is just like
Chilling there and then there's one part where they're like, oh and if you add the windscreen to the exoskeleton
It takes this girl and makes her much cuter and she's making like a face before that
I mean this one's neat picking up an egg
Very cool demo you guys got to check this out
So what's your take on this? I guess if anyone's gonna do this, it's got to be the Japanese, right?
This what's on screen right now is what I don't understand
Making fun of the product a little bit but showing some serious parts. Okay, that makes sense. You're showing
Humiliate like it here it is the housewife thing. Yeah
See but that's kind of funny because they're showing okay, maybe you don't use it at all situations
But being funny about it, which is cool. I don't understand Scarface
Yeah, oh here it is. This is a typical high school girl. This is a high school girl seen through the large canopy
As you can see the large canopy fully uses its ability to make the girl appear cute
just just like
Friggin like bizarro land like what this company is thinking I mean
Obviously, they're more focused on what's the future of this technology as opposed and they you know
They're gonna get some funding out of managing to build anything like this
But just to me this promo video was very strange
It's scary. This one thing that you said earlier today, which made a ton of sense is
They're like I only said one thing earlier today that made a ton of sense. I said one of the things I think
No, you didn't but it's okay. Anyways, I can't find it here. Oh, there it is
$124,000 each they only have five of them. Well, you said earlier today. They probably sold them already. Yeah, okay, that's true
This is probably just a marketing push of some
Form just to be like look at what we've done to show themselves off as a company
It might not have anything to do with actually selling these things, right? They're very possibly already sold
I probably wouldn't build five of these at
$125,000 a pop if I didn't already have some idea who is gonna buy them and if there's anywhere that someone's gonna buy them
It's probably Japan
two things that we've got to cover before
The stream ends we got to do bill logs of the week
We got two awesome ones this week and I want to give a quick
Shout out to a bunch of people on the forum that are doing a sizzling summer giveaway
I could try and get a link for it. It should be pretty easy to find on the forum
There's a few things you got to do post something in there
and if you post some original content like photos or video you get a few extra entries but a whole bunch of people in the
forum got together and
Donated a whole bunch of games and they're gonna be giving them away for free to random people that win this contest. It's pretty cool
It's not an official alliance tech tips contest, but it's really big. So I thought I'd give it a shout out
Yeah, it's happening on the Linus tech tips forum. So there you go sizzling summer giveaway. This is the thread from the forum
It's started by hiney goat in collaboration with a whole bunch of other guys including Joel the zombie
So guys check it out. Apparently it's 52 plus games now at this point, which is beast now
I want to talk about this. I can't believe we didn't get to this yet China
Ends the ban on game consoles
Here we go guys. So this was submitted by top war gamer as well. Great work, man
You submitted two of our live stream topics today
All right, so this ban had gone on for 13 years and it has finally ended
all the games and content in the games and content that will be on the consoles has to be government approved and
The consoles that will be sold in China have to be manufactured in Shanghai
Not industry centers like Henan and Shenzhen. I hope I didn't say those wrong
but they have to be manufactured in Shanghai, which is interesting because
Minimum wage and stuff is higher in Shanghai. I believe I know that cost of living and everything is higher
So for someone to live there, you're probably gonna have to pay them more
So that just kind of makes sense either way. So China is basically trying to move away from
low cost
manufacturer of the goods in
China in China for Chinese people
So what we may even end up with if we have a higher caliber of worker in these factories that are paying more
like I mean, okay, come on if you're Microsoft or Sony and
You're opening up a new factory in China
It's it only makes sense that you would offer your current employees
Who are in lower pay areas of China the opportunity to move their work in the new factory
So you have your most experienced people if you have at least some experienced staff running this new factory
Especially people that have already been making that exact console. Yes, so this is China's strategy then to increase
The wages of the people manufacturing game consoles
That's interesting in a completely roundabout sort of bizarre way
And I mean the reality of it is from Microsoft and Sony's perspective
It's like how ticked off am I that I have to build in Shanghai. Well, I'm yeah, I'm mad
I'm but I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it. Yeah, and the reality of it is yes
There were gray market consoles going into China
But I think the demand for I mean you look at the demand for PC gaming in China the demand for console gaming in China
Will be huge they needed a new factory. Anyway, so I'm mad, but I'm not that mad
But I'm still mad pretty more stoked than mad. Yeah, at least I get to sell their huge market
Yes, there's an enormous new market to tap into
So that that yeah, that is some huge news that landed this week very exciting
All right, let's do build blocks of the week. Shall we sure I've got a link to it right there
all right, you're gonna probably have to download it again because
Because Google Docs doesn't handle PowerPoint nearly as well as it probably could
Hopefully that'll change at some point. That would be really nice and guys
We're gonna do one more Twitter blitz to cap off the live stream
So hit Linus tech on Twitter with your Q&A and we're gonna burn through that as quickly as we possibly can here
This is non non topic Q&A. Just go gold. Just go for it
Okay, if I could download this that would be phenomenally helpful one Twitter tweet
That's on the screen right now that I know is not on our screen
It says I think plus 25 FPS is playable because I will immerse myself and compensate for anything
Quality greater than performance respectively. I find that this whole balance is very personal
Depends on who you are before I built my own computer way way back in the day
I used to play massive massively multiplayer online games and
Sometime in big fights like okay
In Wow way back in the day raiding MC with 40 people
I had another vent window open where one of the guys I was playing with could talk to me directly because my game would go
Anywhere between one and three FPS and I was main tanking
so so I was able to deal with that and when I got up to I think it was like
15 FPS because I went down to some random store and bought a new super cheapo graphics card
I was stoked. I thought the game was running super well. I thought it was awesome
Compared to what I had used in the past now that I actually have like my own nice system
The compromise is different if I'm running at 15 FPS, that's gross. That's completely gross
And I feel it a lot more than I used to feel it because I was going up before now
That would be going down. So depends on who you are depends on what you're dealing with
That's why Linus says he he does he notices the difference but 30 FPS is not playable for Linus
He wants more 45 plus and honestly to be completely honest. He wants more 60 plus
FPS if I'm gonna sit and play games I have so precious little time to do it
I don't want to be looking at a slideshow. Yeah, so he's gonna go with crazy crazy crazy performance
For me if it's a multiplayer game crazy crazy crazy performance
We've got a slideshow up now. So I think we're gonna switch over. All right, here we go. So we have two builds
This week check it out. Here's the first one. This is from Akula on the forum. This was featured by EK
Yeah, which was really cool so you can see there's I here I'll move my mouse around here we go
So we take stuff everywhere. Yeah, EK blocks on the cards. What cards are these again?
I think those are 680 four-way 680s if if I think we discussed this before
Yep, 680s three three-way GTX 680 Oh three-way, pardon me and then
Just gorgeous liquid cooling on the memory
You know people have talked to me in the past about what water cooling memory not being worth it no, no, yeah, it's
Looks great. Yeah, love it more power to you. This bill looks amazing
On both of these the second slide will show the person's name and the name of their build just so you guys know
Yeah, and you guys can check out the sticky in the build logs section of the Linus tech tips forum
So you can see any of these rigs
that's just I wanted to show a different angle of both these builds and
That or just that shows off the three-card system a lot easy
Tubing on the back here. Look how clean that is. Just everything's so clean about this bill just tiny really well done. Love it
All right, next up this little bit of a different angle
This monstrosity
Managed to be a build of the week. Why tell us about the specs slick. We've got an Intel Pentium 3
1000 megahertz
133 megahertz bus
256 kilobytes cache
Awesome. Awesome processor. You got 512 megabytes of Kingston, Kingston memory Wow beast
Is that a voodoo graphics card voodoo?
5500 64 mega GP
300 watt power supply
300 whole watts
300 they could fit 300 watts up here. Yeah, it's crazy. That's outs. That's outstanding
I mean look at this heatsink on the North Bridge
Look at this heatsink on the South Bridge. This is before they even needed a heatsink on the South Bridge
You've got
140 gigabyte max store 70 200 rpm drive
You've got two 60 gigabyte Seagate 70 200 drives and that's some serious storage there storage there guys
Yeah, I mean that's like a whole hundred and sixty gigabytes total
It has an iomega zip drive in addition to its floppy drive
So this is a really cool build log from Victor B. This is an ultimate
Y2k gaming build so it's a retro gaming build
Sometimes older games don't necessarily run a hundred percent correctly on newer machines
Even with all the sort of compatibility modes in the world
So if you truly want to play retro games, sometimes this is the only way to do it and Victor B has gone all out
One thing I want to throw on there is our our little feed of us was covering up the text part
So if you want to see his video build log of this build, you can go to youtube.com slash Victor Bart
Victor Bart. Yeah, you go to youtube.com slash Victor Bart to check that out on the forum
It's ultimate year 2000 gaming build by Victor B. This thing's awesome
One thing that I noticed that I really liked was that he had the speaker built into the case hooked in
Yeah, right there that one that's something you've never seen I know
When's the last time someone released a case that had a speaker?
I actually don't remember like some of them include a little speaker dongle that you can plug in
I haven't even seen that for a long time. Some of them still do. Yeah. Yeah, I've seen it
Yeah, you probably don't know
Okay, well I think that's pretty much it for the live
The wan show
Will he do it b-roll never went and got us food that friggin guy
Do you have blueberries? All right
Well, those are for after but right I'm not allowed to eat on the wan show that's a new policy so guys
Thank you so much for tuning in stay tuned for the after party
We're gonna be starting it up right away because the setup is done
So all we got to do is flip a switch and we're ready to rock you jinxed it now, no
No, don't worry. I got this. All right, I got this we could go after party late
Oh, oh, you're getting called out. We said we're gonna do it. We said we were gonna do a Twitter blitz
We did thank you for that. We're gonna sign now. I got you
Do oh, oh, man. Okay. Do you think GTA 5 will be released on PC later? Well, there's been there was a petition
They said they were gonna be pretty sure it's pretty official that's gonna be spring of 2014 60 FPS could push competitive on consoles
Which would be nice to see that is a very good point
Because as much as you might be able to play at 30 FPS, I don't think you can play competitively
At least not with anyone who's running in it. Everyone's on the same platform
So yes, you could and people have in the past. That's like saying everyone has their legs tied together
So you can have a competitive race. I'm trying to I'm trying to play devil's advocate. Well you suck at it
See this we did take off your shorts like I don't know if they mean shirt or shorts
But either of them would be very desirable
Four-way GTX SLI Titan better than four-way SLI 690 you can't have four-way at 690. It doesn't work that way
Well, okay to 690s. Yeah, either. Okay Titan works and is better
So there but isn't it twice as expensive?
Forbes 2 GTX
760 showed interesting benchmarks versus a Titan. Yep seen that
But you're still gonna have micro stuttering so it can run whatever benchmarks it wants, but Titan will deliver a smoother
Experience a lot of the time. Titan is incredibly smooth
It's hard for us to show that kind of stuff
But Titan is incredibly smooth with a multi-screen setup do all monitors have to have the same refresh rate. No
But it depends for example in Nvidia surround yes in AMD's iFinity
No, that's one of the reasons why we say that AMD's multi monitor support is better than Nvidia's at this point in time
Is powerline good for streaming TV? Yes
Someone says if I find the game enjoyable, I couldn't care less about FPS. Good point
What do you think about the US government considering professional League of Legends players pro athletes now?
I stuttered there because I was floored by that
What do you think? Honestly, it's booming so much that if this helps it I'm okay with that. Okay
When will the price for 4k come down soon? It is. It's already coming down
It's it's dropping like a rock. Are cheap power supplies worth the risk go
You can get pretty cheap power supplies that are not quote-unquote cheap power supply. Okay, but answer his question
No, yeah, no. Thank you
One more answer. Yeah
Someone asks, what are the most quiet keyboard switches?
Probably like the crappiest rubber domes on like a notebook
That's a scissor switch. Yeah scissor switch. I
overclocked my 7950 to 1200 core clock
How safe is it to run that max temp 62 go for it? No, you're fine, man
Do you think consoles will ever overtake PC hardware wise? Well, they already have Oh hardware like spec wise. No, no
We know this for a fact pretty much not gonna have I'm really confused
Should I go 3570 K or 4670 K has well and a Radeon 7770 if you don't have that 7770 already
buy a better graphics card and go with like an AMD chip or something get a
6300 or something like that because you are not benefiting from that beefy CPU
All right gaming headset which headset would you recommend with good sound and decent mic quality
You're asking probably the two worst guys in the world this question
because neither of us would really recommend a
Gaming headset because we both tend to shop in price ranges that are above
Gaming headsets. So we yeah, we spend too much money on our audio equipment
So what we do is when you get to that price range your options are standalone headphones and a standalone mic
Yes, because you're above the possible
Yeah, however, there are some gaming headsets that aside from audio quality
I can say positive things about the car carious is extremely comfortable and lightweight
The vengeance 2000 is wireless on a budget and then you get the Dolby software comes it'll be mind you razor has their new
It was just gonna say surround for everyone's on any headphones. These are actually reasonably comfortable considering that I've only worn them twice
I have to wear them for two plus hours at a time and
I mean slick was complaining about the headband last time, but I personally find it mushy enough
I don't think it bothers. I just I come from a super insanely spoiled position, right?
I have five nine fives and I have their dynamic custom one pro
But both have insanely you may not remember this but your five nine fives were probably uncomfortable as balls when you first got them
my five five fives were I put on a new pair of them and I was like
And then I put on my old ones and I was like, yeah
Yeah, they do have to break in and that could definitely be something here
I and I think the fact that you're wearing them sideways exactly because it's adding the top band
Yes, because when I wore them last week, I didn't wear them sideways and it was perfect and this week
yeah, I can feel it more and
You seem to be able to do this while you're on the live stream, but it just makes me yell
So I don't want to do that lower SPF. Yes, not as noticeable with the controller as a mouse. That's true
There are other latency introducing
Members of the the chain such as the wireless controller the high input leg
That's typical of most TVs that might make it less noticeable. Very good point
Would you a win under a budget for a decent GPU? Would you go in video or AMD?
under a budget
7770 yeah, yeah
Lately, there's a lot of perks that you get like on the side perks with Nvidia you get GeForce experience shadow plays on the way
Oh, that's true. There's all that other kind of so then you got to pay to play but exactly and he's asking
Cheap performance GPU. Yeah, I'm not asking for the perks then there's a me
Yeah, there's there's more than just the benchmarks that you're looking at lately
Do you agree with the bad publicity that Microsoft is getting for the Xbox one? Yes
They did some extremely unpopular stuff and they executed it totally the wrong way
They only took it back once they were about to be burnt at the stake. Yeah
It's like no, please don't you know light me on fire
I'm already up on here. What are normal temps for our 4670 K?
You know what? I don't think we've ever run it at stock speed. No, sorry, man
Could you please unbox the Guardian 921? That's a really old case
It's hard for us to
Hard for us to go back at older stuff general rule of thumb for radiator space the typical rule of thumb is one
120 millimeter radiator per heat
Component so if you have a CPU and two GPUs
You should have at least a triple and don't expect it to be running silently
I personally double that rule in order to get an extremely quiet computing experience
Can you suggest a reasonably priced wireless gaming mouse
Yeah, they're all kind of expensive yeah
700s I actually kind of like but it's not reasonably no it's expensive. All right. Yeah. Sorry. No get a wire get a wired one
He's wearing a wire
You could add a graphical settings option on console games, this is something we've discussed before yes
That could be a way to address a lot more realistic now though. That's true
That was not well that could have been done. It wouldn't be able to affect it that much previously, right? It's way more realistic now
Quality over FPS. What's the point if it's not realistic? Okay Ahmad figures that 30 FPS is totally fine
When will the k70 be released I believe it's released already
Well, we have case enemies, but the ones with different switches haven't been released and would you take k70 or g710 plus?
K70 is a more bare-bones keyboard g710 plus has
Not only just multimedia controls what they both have but also macro programmable keys
It has o-rings on the brown switches and I personally love brown switches
I love logitech's gaming software compared to anything else that's out there
It's like super nice and it has like like you just said all the premium extra additional things on top of that deal
NCIX had last week. What was that for g700 and 710 plus it was like 159
Yeah, I think it was basically the price of like a little bit more expensive g710 plus
Got the vivir key Titan backpack finally cuz it's like PC great choice. It's an awesome backpack dude really is
Also best sound card to match sp2 500 probably essence anything essence
Yeah, sonar. Yeah
I'm running
STX but that's mainly because my headphones 770 versus 760 1080p single monitor, which is best. Well the 770 da
And we have a video on this do we yeah. Oh, yeah, we did a review. Yeah. Yeah, we did a review
Yeah, higher numbers is more better. Yeah, except sometimes where 760 is not necessarily better than
It's a higher number, but it's not better. Yeah, I know
Someone else what's the phone number to call in?
Ah, yes
just a reminder guys if you ever want to call into the show boom razor comms right there use that bit.ly link to download it and
That helps us out a great whole lot
I've heard that if you download it any amount of times more than one that it actually improves the performance of your entire computer
So if you download
Jeez what do you guys think about gaming laptops? And if you were to buy one, what would you buy?
You don't know my sense I know okay not a gaming laptop guy more and I'm I'm more this way these days
small thin
high-performance desktop
However, if I was gonna buy a gaming notebook, I would probably look at something like the Acer G series 14-inch
Okay, or the new razor blade and that's not to oh, man
I feel like I'm like pimping razor so hard. You haven't seen the new blade yet. No our samples in the mail cool
You're gonna love ya. I haven't seen you. Okay. It's basically like a MacBook Pro like 14 inch like really slim
Okay doesn't get that hot one thing
I wish they did and I know I miss I did once on your suggestion was that they put higher GPUs
They only have like one skew
Okay, so they've that like that like the inside looks like a MacBook 2 with all like beautifully managed wires and all that like this
Thing is a piece of art. That's awesome except for the TN panel
Yeah, see it cuz like a non tech reviewed it it has like one of the worst panels on any notebook they've ever reviewed
It's a 1600 by 900 though. So it's appropriate for the GPU. So from a strictly gaming standpoint
It's like like you can play games on it. But unfortunately the contrast is
Yeah, what I would like to do is get a nice laptop that has a bunch of RAM and a really fast CPU and then
Throw a just completely kick-butt SSD in there and then just make it super fast. Yeah
But not like super fast graphics just super fast all the time. So I'm gonna ask how are the cats going with the litter quitter?
We tried to move to the last stage not that long ago and there's a bit of a pee situation in my living room
So I don't want to talk about it. Lower FPS not as noticeable the controller. I think we already had that call
Did you like that muscle car picture? I sent you both. Yes
Ball, yeah, that was awesome. What do you think of DirectX 11 point tune? It's amazing detail
I don't think anything until I see any actual games. Remember that DirectX 10 a thing with the ocean
I still haven't seen a game with water that looks like that
So whatever
All right
Good night, everyone
We'll see you in the after party if you decide to tune in we'll be back alive and hopefully around let's give us around five
Minutes. Thanks for watching and stay tuned