
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

are we live are we live I think we might be okay I'm gonna wait for the twitch
chat to catch up with me a little bit we're gonna see you see if it's working
you notice this isn't this isn't the office you can kind of tell this time
that it's not pre-recorded I know you guys like saying that it's pre-recorded
not this time my friends not this time we're at my house I have pneumonia I
have a sinus infection and I have a muscle issue with my neck but I'm here
also you can look it up in the news there's a storm coming through BC and
that is taking out the power in a ton of different places and the power at work
is not working at all not not going not not going great so we lost power at work
hours ago and that was terrible I could see twitch that it's easier to monitor
twitch out on my own setup I'll give my setup that it's doing well that way
there will probably be coughs on this show again pneumonia so sorry I'm gonna
say sorry about that already Linus is not gonna be with me today I was going
to co-host with Nick or Colton or Taren or something like that but I was
diagnosed with pneumonia today and we figured out I don't I didn't know like
anything about it so apparently my drugs are still not gonna make me non
contagious for another couple days so I don't want to sit next to someone so
it's just me and we're at my house because I don't want to go to someone
else's house and get bacteria everywhere and be all gross I was gonna go to Nick's
place because Nick has this like nice-looking couch and this cool like
clock on the wall and stuff instead of like my spare computer and my kitchen so
yeah we're here when shows happening topics there's the world's largest solar
projects Samsung is offering note 7 owners $100 when they turn in their
phone but stay with Samsung I'm sure they're having a lot of troubles there
those are the only two main news topics we have this is gonna be a great week
don't worry about it it's gonna be good there's also the hyperloop one and Dubai
future accelerators they're building a hyperloop for cargo and the LCD
transparent side panel that you guys saw a while ago actually no this one is
going on an NZXT H 440 it's gonna be available for pre-order so no one should
buy it and they should wait for it to actually come out because that's how
pre-orders work anyways roll the intro hope it works
Squarespace and Mack Weldon which is why I have this super fly shirt on instead
of my like usual garb if you want to call it that no bugs and on time we were
almost on time we were not completely on time I was all set up and ready to go
but I'm not gonna exactly tell you what it is we have this new security system
so I couldn't actually stream on the Linus tech account I was able to stream
on the test account if you guys saw that so it was like it was good we were ready
but yeah we were we were a few minutes late but pretty close it's pretty good
so yeah first one we're gonna talk about actually no let's take a second and talk
about something that happened last week I got called out Linus got called out
I'm gonna address this right here I'm gonna post this in the comments which
is actually someone's reddit comment I know you guys are gonna be like what
Zaga932 pointed out that we did some pretty shit coverage I mean wait I'm
used to being able to swear in this area usually on my stream I'm allowed to
swear we did some pretty not very good coverage of the oculus topic from last
week so we we basically said that oculus was just like you can use cheaper
computers because we want to sell more headsets and I am sure that that is
still part of the problem or part of what's going on but there was actually
new software tech that came out called asynchronous spacewarp so I'm gonna play
this real quick and hope that this works is there anything crazy on screen can I
share my screen I think so okay let's watch new resources AMD has implemented
support for a new feature that will make VR accessible and enjoyable to more
people than ever before it's called asynchronous spacewarp or ASW ASW works
by comparing previously rendered rooms to detect motion between them and using
that information to extrapolate the position of components in the next frame
if you recognize this they've kind of done this for other things in other ways
AMD has done this kind of stuff before for movies I believe it was pictures
of three projected frames to more accurately approximate how they would
look if they had been fully rendered combined with the existing asynchronous
time warp and quick response cue features asynchronous spacewarp helps
enable an incredibly smooth and comfortable VR can we all talk for for a
moment about how monotone this dude's voice is our experience at a price more
accessible than ever before on AMD CPUs and VR capable at a price more
acceptable than ever before on AMD CPUs and AMD capable GPUs anyways um it's it
it makes it so that you can have a lower frame rate but still get to 90 FPS
because of spacewarp tech kind of filling in the gaps so it doesn't feel
quite so bad I need to check in with Nick to make sure there isn't like
major problems with the stream what is going on right now I'm getting so many
messages oh no I really hope this is recording locally I didn't check that
part before I went live hold up is this gonna kill stream I think we're gonna be
restarting the stream now okay bye oh what I thought it would carry that
setting over but I really don't think it did
okay give me a second let me make sure it's not actually doing this I it might
it might be locally recording that would suck so much come on now please do it
for me what is this it might be what is this
okay no I think we're good I think we're good I think it's recording I think
we're fine this was created at 434 yeah yeah we're okay it's been recording
locally the whole time nobody needs to freak out one problem though is I didn't
film a YouTube intro thing literally just lost internet though Oh Nick doesn't
have internet it's a mess everything's a mess don't worry about it we're gonna
continue the show anyways sorry about the asynchronous time warp thing if you
guys are interested in that tech I don't want to go like way too far into it but
we did screw up our coverage last week check out that reddit thread that I
posted in the chat and if you missed that earlier check out the archive the
thread link should be there with a timestamp and you guys can check that
out he is that I got posted a ton of information if you want to see how it
works and blah blah blah blah and it's all very well laid out there so please
check that out should be easy to do next topic first actual topic I guess we will
check out the world's largest solar project it's apparently going to
generate electricity 24 hours a day which is pretty interesting it will
power 1 million u.s. homes which I believe is comparable to a nuclear power
plant which is actually pretty freaking wicked let's see here give me one second
if you guys want to see it check this thing out that is ginormous 110 megawatt
I believe that says oh no holy crap I don't know why it says the 110 MW when
it says it would generate between 100 1,500 and 2,000 megawatts of power
enough to power about 1 million homes that amount of power is as much as a
nuclear power plant or the 2,000 megawatt Hoover Dam so they're trying to
compare to the Hoover Dam look at how legendary the Hoover freaking dam is
that's pretty cool when it's a solar power plant looks like they found
somewhere pretty flat out in a desert II kind of area and they're going with a
spiral kind of deal it looks really cool
that's quite awesome five billion dollars sandstone project very awesome
100,000 mirrored heliostats captures the Sun rays and concentrates it into ten
towers equipped with a molten salt energy salute storage system the molten
salt heated to more than 1,000 degrees then boils water and creates a steam
turbine that can drive generators 24-7 that actually makes tons of sense I get
that at first I was like okay it's solar how are you generating power 24 hours a
day I'm confused but now I sort of get it so yeah five billion dollars pretty
expensive construction probably won't begin for another two or three years so
I guess that's a concept picture once construction begins Smith estimated the
project would create about 3,000 jobs for about seven years so once it's up
there probably won't be nearly 3,000 people working on it but 3,000
construction jobs for it to go up for a little while would be great yes I'm
getting confused because now I can actively always see chat and that's not
how it usually goes on WAN show and there's so many freaking trolls like
someone just said stream down and all capital letters and I was like oh no
what did I do wrong but then other people are actively talking about what
I'm talking about so I guess it's fine okay so that picture is of an existing
ten times smaller installation so it's gonna be ten times bigger than that
picture was that's pretty awesome the company will also have to build a new
transmission infrastructure to carry the energy to market which kind of makes
sense and the generated power will likely be exported to the California
market which also kind of makes sense not too surprising two potential sites
on federal land in Nye County have been shortlisted and some environmentalists
are concerned about the environmental impact of such a project I imagine it
would be possibly relatively hard for things to grow under the solar panels
yada yada but if you're going out in the middle of the desert at the same time
environmentalists being more worried about the environmental impact of a
solar plant compared to a nuclear plant is something new as far as I know kind
of kind of thought kind of thought that wasn't too much of a thing not entirely
sure but yeah clicking noise that's my chair I'm sorry look how broken my chair
is if I just lean watch you can see the the tops of my chair if I just lean the
chair just goes with me it's not supposed to that's not a feature it's
broken it's I have a terrible chair I'm working on it I'm trying to pick a new
one but buying an actually ergonomic chair is actually somewhat of a problem
anyways note seven owners Samsung to note seven owners here's $100 for your
phone this is a CNET article let me open it up here really quick so they're
saying that Samsung will give you $100 credit at carrier or retail outlets who
turn in their note seven but actually get another Samsung phone I think the
big problem that Samsung is happening right now the agents of NCIS no no
autoplay audio ads CNET that is rude I don't have adblock on I'm trying to be a
nice person and you're being a jerk anyways back to CNET so yeah I think
they're having problems with people buying like Apple phones or whatever else
after turning in their note seven and so they're trying to give people a hundred
bucks I believe before they were giving people 25 bucks the title of this
article oh see in the dock it says Samsung to note seven owners here's a
hundred dollars for your phone and then the title here is Samsung to note seven
owners here's an extra hundred dollars for your phone that's a huge difference
I don't know if that was a copying problem or something but that's a huge
difference when I first read the title of this article before reading the
notes I was like what because I was pretty sure that Samsung was trying to
buy back their users and try to buy back confidence and stuff so it's like why
would they be cheaping the shit out of people they are not what they're trying
to do is if you turn in your note seven but still decide to stay with Samsung
they're trying to give you an extra hundred bucks so that it can help
incentivize that whole thing not super surprising so they're saying that the
offer comes after Samsung and the US Consumer Product Safety Commission once
again issued a recall for the note seven because it was blowing up again sorry
for the coughing for the people that didn't notice or weren't here for the
beginning sorry I have pneumonia so there will be some coughing today the
replacement units for note seven were recalled as well so that was kind of a
problem Samsung confirmed that it had killed off half of the note seven and
warned consumers to power down and turn off their phones brutal I guess they
okay so they had remotely killed off that makes sense it's kind of scary that
they have that possibility when they were open about the fact that they could
nerf your battery remotely that I found interesting when Samsung was talking
about how they would nerf people's battery down to like I think it was 65
percent of its total actual capacity or something like that steam notifications
oh man I can't fix that I wait I have a solution there problem solved now no one
can control me that way okay anyways this isn't super surprising I think it's
it's nice yeah people at customers that opt for a full refund and I think decide
to go to another brand yeah like customers who switch to another brand
they still get the $25 that was originally offered so if you decide to
stick with Samsung I believe you get an extra 75 so you get a total of $100 but
if you refund your phone and go with anybody you still get an extra 25 bucks
I think that's kind of cool I know everyone got sort of dicked over I kind
of watch my language I'm used to be able to like run my mouth a little bit when
I'm at home but no this is the wancho come on now but yeah it's you did get a
little bit screwed over you had to return your phone you had this phone
that was gonna possibly try to kill you and whatever whatever but I don't know
they're trying to do something I just can't imagine them giving that much
money back to every single person if they were trying to do like a hundred
bucks to everyone that was even jumping ship to Apple that seems like a huge hit
to them I'm not sure we will see I keep on getting distracted by the WAN chat
usually when I'm at this computer the chat isn't going this quickly because
it's my little show anyways there isn't a ton to say for either of these topics
and we're already into rapid-fire I think that's the fastest I've ever gotten
into rapid-fire because there was only two main topics and both of them were
extremely short for the people that just tuned in no this is not LTT there is a
huge like monumental storm running through BC right now you can look it up
on the news it's a big deal and the power at the office is gone so we had to
stream somewhere I have pneumonia and a sinus infection and like a few other
things my body's going cray cray right now so I'm infectious so I can't be near
other people so I couldn't stream with other people the plan was originally
that we're gonna stream from Nick's house because he has like a nice looking
background and stuff like that mine's kind of junky anyways whatever and so
then I got diagnosed and we're like okay it's probably not a good idea so now I'm
streaming from home this is actually where I normally stream from but I don't
normally stream with my camera this big people can't normally see like that it's
a random spare computer setup and like my kitchen anyways yeah so we're here
now and show is still happening yeah share it get lots of views anyways moving on hyper
loop one and Dubai future accelerators will build the first hyper loop for
cargo let's actually use just the tech crunch article here so I'll post that in
the chat doo doo doo doo doo doo doo give me one second I want to clean up
these tabs it is a little annoying doing land show by yourself because there's
just so many little extra things to do anyways Dubai future accelerators has
created has been created by the UAE alongside seven government entities
committing to piloting cutting-edge technologies for the country DFA is an
initiative of the Dubai future foundation and part of the Federal
Endowment Fund worth two hundred and seventy five million dollars it's
designed to invest in innovation which will shape the future of the UAE's
industrial sectors including transportation so they're trying to move
cargo that sort of makes sense there will be a 12-week program which has
taken over 2,000 applications from 73 countries less than 1% of the
applications were selected over 30 companies have been selected to take
part of the program and this includes the hyperloop one so there's a video of
the hyperloop one Dubai which we are going to watch here give me one second
here we go on our way to Dubai where we're gonna have our first
when you have the best team in the world and a badass product it's you just know
what's gonna happen what is that this is the war room hold up come on they've got
like fancy drapes and a big chandelier and stuff and it's like what is this
where are they right now is this some like a state house why are they in like
an office there's like two quick put up whiteboards in like some weird thing in
the corner what I don't know so weird had blocked this is an ad block what are
you guys even talking about there's an oh that's not mad no I thought it was
anyways I don't have ad block on here so whatever yo this is LastPass not ad
block get over yourself
all right Expo 2020 wait is that a thing
that'll be cool
hey we're in the tallest building hey there's sand why don't you show us
anything about hyperloop this is the most useless video ever hey we have a
tablet it's not when anymore it's happening now god I am so sorry that I
showed you guys that video I am so sorry that I played that on stream because
that was literally 100% useless I just wasted one minute and one second plus
the amount of time that I made fun of the room that they were in of all of
your lives because that was literally completely useless I apologize moving on
I have nothing more to say about that because my notes were done and that
video was completely useless so we're gonna move on to the LCD transparent
side panel that is now available for pre-order which none of you should do
because pre-orders are dumb but that's loud please don't auto play music on
your website that makes me want to suggest not pre-ordering even more but
there you go there's the link to I believe frost wolf let me share my
screen here for a second there we go frost wolf gaming series it's gaming
100% if you guys could read that bit it's pretty small text and it's light
gray on a white background multitasking 100% rendering 95% oh yeah yeah now I've
been thinking about doing a like how to do one of these on your own kind of
videos for a while would you guys be interested in that a lot of my DIY
videos don't get a ton of views let's do it okay make a DIY
improve spam prevention sure let's do that that sounds fun all right guys vote
so like it looks really sick and the case they're showing it off here is the
h440 I believe from NZXT it looks I think it looks very cool I know my
keyboard is super freaking loud I am sorry these are cherry MX blues this is
the keyboard that I talked about in the video when I was like it's got some
weight to it that is this keyboard right here that this is also the keyboard that
I repaired this is also the keyboard that showed up in my mineral video this
is the keyboard that shows up everywhere it's got very loud very tactile very
clicky what was that oh this isn't a gif it's a YouTube video is this is a
YouTube video that they have on repeat why would they just make it a gift what
oh I kind of want that to happen again anyways this is that keyboard which is
why it's so loud so I'm sorry about that I will type as little as possible I want
to see the results of that straw poll but I guess I should put those on screen
so give me a second here I want to like I can't believe that that's just okay
let's see results see look there's an ad right these are ads so yes okay so
everyone wants it but then I don't know I if I can find the time to do it I will
but my my DIY videos have not gotten a huge amount of views but I will try okay
I will try but yeah people do seem to want to you transparent LCD side panel
thing I think that one would be maybe a little cooler than some of the other
videos that I've made that would be fair oh you see why is it a YouTube video and
then do they have an auto replay apparently yeah what why go through the
process of like making your site auto replay the same YouTube video when you
could just make it a gift oh I don't know that seems crazy
on the frost wolf gaming series it's all in German oh never mind not German this
thing is cool I guess they want you to buy oh my god it's $500 for the case and
the LCD panel who okay let me go back to my screen real quick and zips th 440 I'm
gonna check on new egg egg calm once I'm here and it stops freaking out I'll
share my screen again there we go screen share which is an h440 let's be
fair it's $119 this thing is expensive oh my god that's 400 euros whoa that's a
lot of money that's like 720 Canadian dollars that someone just posted in chat
and I'm pretty sure that's right oh my god I thought that was $400 Canadian
that is so much money okay we're gonna move on I'm gonna very probably do my
how to make your own transparent video thing it's not that easy that's part of
the problem and it's very easy to screw up that was a lot of money I don't think
I could spend that much money on a singular side panel but yeah we will see
apparently Foxconn deploys 40,000 robots in China the last time I heard about
this they had deployed a huge amount of robots but I believe it was in Taiwan
and they were super proud of it which is an interesting way to look at robot
replacement because usually when a company fires a huge amount of people
they're like oh we're so sorry like we can't we can't manage this or the
markets are shifting or like we failed in this way and Foxconn lays off a huge
amount of people replaces them with robots and it's like we're awesome we
just replaced all these people and we don't need them screw all those people
we don't need anybody we can just have robots do everything screw ball which is
interesting not very conventional from what I've seen most companies do but you
know yeah or they just ignore it like what is it McDonald's has been trying to
replace people all the freaking time using the automated telling machine
things but they just don't talk about it as far as I know there's like people
like these telling machine things we're just nope it's fine anyways so Foxconn
is continuing to reduce the number of workers at its plants by creating
digital device or that are creating digital devices sorry Foxconn says that
they can produce 10,000 of these robots annually for the Kunshan factory alone
Foxconn has cut 60,000 employees so I believe that was what happened earlier
this year that Lance and I talked about and they're saying with the increase of
labor costs and with the younger generations lack of interest in
production line work don't think that's the problem many companies have launched
huge investments into automation I think they've just done that because it's
ridiculously cheap once it's implemented they also plan to build robots for
medical and health applications so I think Foxconn is trying to let me jump
to the China news website here we go I think Foxconn is trying to automate
their own business to save money on labor but also as kind of an
advertisement to other businesses showing off look look at look at what we
can do we make relatively highly advanced things we manufacture
relatively highly advanced things and we do it automated and then they're gonna
be like look we can make these robots for you for your applications as well
and I believe they want that to be a huge part of their model so yeah I think
that's honestly about it Foxconn wants to kind of rule the world with robots
and they're not shy about that at all I think they're gonna brag about it every
single time it happens because they want to start making that money off robots so
yeah anyways someone just reminded me so I think I'm gonna do it now give me one
quick second usually these are kind of Linus's thing but here we go
sponsor spots first one Mack Weldon this shirt it looks fantastic if I do say so
myself I like it a lot I don't think I've ever shown off a shirt on the show
before but you know it's fine it's comfortable it feels nice I'm wearing it
right now it's a Mack Weldon shirt as you know Mack Weldon believes in smart
design premium fabrics and simple shopping yeah we've we've bought
underwear this shirt and some socks they all feel great it was the easy to buy
they have a line of silver underwear which I'm not going to show you cuz
twitch but they're comfortable the the silver which is weaved into the fabric
helps eliminate over odor opers odors you can look up how that works they want
you to be comfortable so if you don't like your first pair you can keep it and
they will still refund you no questions asked maybe don't be a jerk and just do
that knowing that you're gonna request the refund but if you don't actually
like it you can request a refund everything is good they're nice guys not
only does Mack Weldon do underwear socks and shirts they all look good they
perform well as well which is great I haven't used this to work out in because
this is first day I've had it and I have pneumonia so that wouldn't work out very
well would it but I did work out in their underwear and it went completely
fine so if you head over to Mack Weldon calm you get 20% off which is a pretty
solid percentage using the promo code tech tips now a classic sponsor of ours
Squarespace Squarespace just wants you guys to know that they have 24 7 live
chat support and email support Squarespace would also like you to know
that it's only 12 bucks a month and you get a free domain with Squarespace if
you sign up for a year which is absolutely fantastic
Squarespace has responsive design your websites will look great on any device
tablet phone laptop desktop console if you want Squarespace also has commerce
so you can sell things that you own using their website platform which is
fantastic and they squares Squarespace also has cover page module which is
Linus's favorite thing Linus's favorite thing you should tweet him about this is
when an entire website is just on one page Linus hates it when you ever have
to click a link on a website that takes you somewhere else on the website why
would you have to have additional clicks when you could just scroll down more
Linus loves cover pages they're like his favorite thing seriously anyways moving
on everyone can now publish content with the Apple news format directly from
their Squarespace blog module as well which is fantastic and if you decide it's
gonna sign up with Squarespace you can make use of offer code WAN to get 10%
off of your first purchase which is fan freaking test and if you're like alright
I'm dressed up all nice I look good I've got a sharp website with my cover page
resume and stuff like that I want to start doing business you can buy some of
my stuff online but I also offer service I want to come and fix people's stuff
and whatnot whatever you need a way to manage your stuff and get paid for your
services that's where FreshBooks comes in look at that hook boom I can do this
stuff too FreshBooks is the easy to use invoicing software that helps small
businesses look professional with the clothes too you can do the Mac weld
inside of that and get paid faster you can try FreshBooks completely free for
30 days at freshbooks.com slash WAN and make sure you type WAN and the how did
you hear about a section FreshBooks you can like if you have expenses you can
take a picture of the expense with your phone and it handles everything on the
app you can tell when someone has read your invoicing email so you know if
they're just being lazy and not paying you on time you can set up deposit so
people have to pay you a little bit before you actually show up and do your
work which is great so you actually know you they're not gonna completely screw
you over when you show up you can see who owes you what very easily if you
have any questions you can call them up and you can speak to a real human no
phone tree no escalations no return calls just answers everything is fine so
again freshbooks.com slash WAN enter WAN and the how did you hear about a
section and they also have a mobile card reader now so you can like read cards on
I believe your phone and your tablet too nice and easy back to the normal show
being energetic with your voice when you're on camera when you have pneumonia
is not the easiest thing so I don't know how long this show is gonna go but I
don't want to stop you guys right when I just did the sponsor spots because that
seems super lame so I'm gonna keep going we're gonna move up soil it's halt sales
of their bars investigation into their illness stuff continues my mom even
called me about this because my mom knows that I'm kind of into you know
Squarespace and stuff or what yeah Soylent whoo anyways can't blame that
one on pneumonia so she was worried that I was eating these bars this is so
normally Squarespace deals in liquidy stuff originally it was a mix that you
mixed with water then they started just coming in the bottles or the mix and
then they had the bottle that has some coffee stuff in it and then they started
trying to make these bars hmm but apparently a few people got ill after
eating some of the Soylent snack bars and it was because of the Soylent snack
bars possibly I don't know if that's completely confirmed but it's pretty
sure at this point Soylent has halted all of their sales and their shipments
and have asked people to throw the bars away and is refunding people as did I
say Squarespace again did I seriously do that my bad I didn't mean to I'm sorry
anyways um they're reaching out via email to customers who have ordered bars
in the past blah blah blah blah let's go to their blog real quick let's check
this out yes I did I'm sorry I'm talking about Soylent Squarespace is stuck in my
head sometimes I do these weird things where I see a word that starts with a
certain letter and then it's every other word that starts with that letter
becomes that word for some reason anyways this is Soylent we're talking
about not Squarespace Squarespace is fine Squarespace is not recalling
nutritional bars for making people sick Squarespace makes great-looking helps
you make great-looking websites there you go actually they make great-looking
websites too squarespace.com looks kind of wonderful
anyways Soylent mmm yeah there's they're offering if they haven't contacted you
and you're like what the hell and you've ordered some bars you can contact them
at info at Soylent.com I almost just said info at LinusMediaGroup.com oh it's not even an email
okay we are deeply sorry if any customer had any negative experiences with the
Soylent bar I was reading on I believe was it their Instagram or their Twitter
or something comments that people had and there was a bunch of people saying
that they had eaten and consumed the bars and had no problems with it at all
but there was also people that were claiming that they did have problems so
seriously if you have any of these bars unless it's for a prank and you're gonna
no I'm not even gonna go there no no no no just return them or throw them away
and get your refund similar to the Samsung phone if you're someone who is
eating Soylent bars and bought a note 7 you just didn't have a lot of luck with
your purchasing decisions recently did you I'm sorry to hear that I feel for
you I hope you get your refunds and hope everything goes okay that's that's all I
have to say your refunds are not going great so someone in the chat said an
allergy problem possibly I know Soylent in the past has had some minor issues
with their quality control so I wonder if it's something going on with how they
made the bar as well let me just check this really quick no that's an email
hangouts I'm just wondering if Nick is gonna send me a message being like yo
dude you screwed up I don't know if I did something wrong moving on did it to
do I need to figure out where I'm going oh what I didn't even know this was a
thing and this is gonna make me really super sad the title of this is star
citizen single-player is delayed indefinitely what what I'm so sad right
now what cloud Imperium games has announced the star citizen single-player
campaign will be delayed indefinitely reason being is that there are huge
chunks of it still unfinished CIG had originally promised that this mode would
ship in 2016 okay I think we all knew that wasn't gonna happen but now that
won't be happening part of the problem comes from them overhauling their engine
which some CIG developers say it's been more work than creating a new one from
scratch full games release date is unknown
so these are their current problems that they have pathfinding logic full
animation integration improved combat logic mission system integration
enhanced flight AI those are some pretty core concept issues this does seem a
little click baity though I guess I didn't share my screen that would be a
slight problem if you wanted to read along with me there we go it does seem a
little click baity let me let me look up real quick indefinitely yeah so
indefinitely literally means for an unlimited or unspecified period of time
I think normally when people say indefinitely they kind of usually mean
the unlimited side of things as in it's not happening I don't think that's at
all what CIG said because I watched this live stream and I was like I don't
remember them saying that so it was delayed I'm pretty sure we all knew this
was gonna be a thing we all knew it wasn't gonna release in 2016 so they
still have problems which are pathfinding logic full animation
integration improve combat logic mission system integration enhanced flight AI
object container streaming GPU and CPU optimizations there's a lot for them to
do but I think a more proper way to say it would be delayed maybe not delayed
indefinitely that's all I would say
there's some debate in the chat over whether or not it definitely means
forever permanently or if it means just a short period of time however you take
it is however you take it but literally part of the definition is that it's
possibly an unlimited amount of time so I'm gonna go with that they probably
should have just said delay instead of delayed indefinitely anyways apparently
a Chinese company has bought a major stake in Newegg this was posted in the
Wall Street Journal that's kind of interesting Paul and Kyle and Steve and
all them don't work there anymore China firm expected to invest 20 billion to
30 billion dollars I don't think that's just in Newegg I think that's in a bunch
of different things to read the full story subscribe or sign in I don't have
a Wall Street Journal account so we're not gonna look at this article I'm just
gonna talk to you about what's inside because whoever made the notes for this
apparently does have a Wall Street Journal account reports in September of significant
investment from Hangzhou liaison interactive information technology
company limited whoo which would allow Newegg to accelerate the pursuit of the
company's strategic initiative has resulted in a bid towards controlling a
majority of the company's shares Wow deal is estimated to be around 2.6 3
billion dollars will add liaison interactive in bolstering its global
competitive will aid not add who I can read in bolstering its global
competitiveness allowing for a large expansion into the American market so
I think they're just like straight up buying their way into the States that is
pretty intense yikes
one not dollars nope two point six three billion US dollars I will literally post
that number in the chat there you go literally says USD USD so yep two point
six three billion USD they're buying a controlling share of the company so
that's over 50% or that's okay that's not necessarily true anyways it's
probably a huge portion of the company I think they're buying a very massive
amount apparently HP is gonna axe up to 4,000 jobs over the next three years
this is an Ars Technica article Ars Technica is pretty awesome HP axing
4,000 jobs isn't pretty awesome though CEO Dion Weisler really hope I said that
correctly says markets are challenging but the vendor is confident with their
strategy planning to trim workforce up to 18% with the loss of between 3,000
and 4,000 jobs by 2019 so if you work at HP possibly a good time to try to find
an out maybe it's because they're trying to sell stuff like this I don't know
like I used to work at a Best Buy for a few years there on and off in the
summers and stuff between school to try to save some money these kind of things
never ever sold like I actually don't think we ever sold one and the entire
time that I was there why are you still making this maybe okay let me see in the
let's do a straw poll so this is kind of a weird question because I'm saying all
in one Windows PC yes or no but I'm defining it by like are you interested
do you know people that are interested yes or no that's kind of where I'm
going with that but I'm interested to see what people say because like
seriously I don't I don't think I've ever seen one in someone's home we had
two at the Best Buy that I worked at and no one ever bought them ever if someone
did end up buying them they were so heavily discounted by the time that I
was leaving that someone probably got it for like 50% of the freaking cost that
has 3d scanning abilities with Intel real sense great you could just buy a
real sense camera and then have it anyways on a normal computer why does it
matter I don't know this is stupid I'm not I'm not into the windows all-in-ones
kind of weird let's see the results on this so so we can see maybe hey look
Best Buy you guys can't even see that it's an ad on my other monitor geez so
many ads all in one PC 74% of people not interested at all and don't know anyone
that's interested 14% of people might know someone that's interested or be
slightly interested at all and then 12% of people are voting turnip awesome
super great I don't know guys maybe that's just the wrong product but
anyways they're planning on shaving millions of the company's costs by
laying off those workers the tech giant staff headcount as of last November stood
at 50,000 workers that's pretty intense apparently the job cuts would begin in
2017 and be done by 2019 so again if you work at HP right now heads up HP
anticipates to be in cure in connection with the planet degree Oh 350 million to
500 million in restructuring and other charges due to both labor and non labor
actions of these amounts HP expects to incur approximately 200 million in labor
costs related to workforce reductions who the printer and PC maker predicts
from the that from 2020 the layoffs will generate gross annual run rate savings
of approximately 200 to 300 million so it'll cost them a lot upfront and
they're hoping that they save money in the long run that is pretty brutal I
don't know poor people that work at HP I I have a hard time ever really feeling
that bad for HP but poor people that work at HP anyways moving on apparently
there's a rumor that more Nintendo NX leaks have happened including a price
really will cost $300 for the system and $400 for a bundle these are US dollars
because from a source over reddit so we all know that is just definitely genuine
totally will launch with Zelda and an unspecified Mario title I don't think it
launching with Zelda was super surprising okay good I'm not signed into
the forum so I will video share here I just made it need to make sure I wasn't
signed in apparently aiming for 1080p 60 aiming for 900 P and handheld mode
whatever handheld mode necessarily is I think it's still up in the air a little
bit the source is this YouTube thing so I'm not gonna click on that just in case
cuz who knows but yeah there we go whoo not super interesting I don't know I'm
super excited for the NX but I I don't know if this is a problem or not but I
just don't really get that excited for rumors like the price on that isn't too
bad three hundred dollars for the system is the same price as an Xbox one s the
bundle I wonder what that's about because a hundred dollars more for a
bundle maybe that's if you get Zelda and Mario that can maybe make a little bit
of sense not entirely sure but yeah bundle price there who knows we're
seriously running out of topics this was a very very short week valve has showed
off a VR prototype this is something I can easily talk about let's go to video
share so new controller there which looks pretty weird I don't know what's
going on there it's going around his wrists and there's something on the back
of his hand and then there's like this thing in the middle of his hand which
looks like you would hold on a trigger it looks very odd I don't really know
what else to say other than that it looks very odd you can see what I've
maybe been looking for on Amazon lately anyways but yeah looks kind of weird I
don't know what's going on with that but it does look also super prototype II so
other things could happen and that's all they're really showing off apparently
wow this article is not nearly as interesting as it could have been I can
make those pictures bigger yep there we go that looks not comfortable but again
it's a prototype it'll get better even the LEDs and stuff are exposed IR LEDs
so yeah it'll get better the controller sits in the palm of your hand it doesn't
extend much around the outside and then I guess they're moving that big ring to
just like the back of your wrist mainly compacting it more it does look like
it'll probably honestly be better than what they currently have but I don't
know if I'm more interested in that than the touch controllers the touch
controllers are pretty good implementation of VR controllers to be
completely honest that's pretty brutal it's gonna be a much more interesting
fight once those touch controllers come out we've already ordered some by the
way so once they're released hopefully we'll get those pretty quick and I'll
get a review that no one will watch of the oculus touch controllers out which
will be great yeah that'll be good BMW put self-driving into the spotlight
with the new 5-series so I'm gonna post this in the chat as well there we go so
more to do more to the 5-series than just a set of radar driven cruise
control systems there's there's more to us than just some radar driven cruise
control systems we go deeper than that that's what BMW is trying to say it also
takes care of acceleration steering and braking up to 210 kilometers and per
hour or 130 miles per hour it uses a camera mounted on the front the system
will also automatically adapt to changing speed limits although drivers
can force a car to push 15 kilometers per hour or 9 miles per hour above if
they want interesting so I wonder if that's a pre-programmed pushing it above
because this is using drive assist so they're okay to clarify there they're
not like capping how fast you can drive by slightly above the speed limit I
think it's when you have the like lane assist auto driving thing enabled that
you can only go slightly above it's kind of interesting new 5-series releases on
February 11th of 2017 and there was not very much in terms of further
information there it is controlled by the driver so autonomous drive isn't
technically at fault if you get a speeding ticket that results from you
forcing the autonomous driving to go above what it wants to that kind of
makes sense I mean that completely makes sense sorry
Google's DeepMind AI team has a memory boosted AI that can help you navigate
the subway they develop a memory boosted neural network that can create and work
with sophisticated data structures which is the DeepMind AI team I believe we
already knew that it has an example of the map of the London Underground let's
see if we can actually see this nope oh man news was really weak this week see
what I did there same same sounding word different natural word people's trying
to squish on the subway and no examples whoa oh wait nope nope thanks and gadget
brutal yep so there's no examples at all there's really not much else to say the
examples are like if they decide to do it this way that would be cool so
they're saying example if it has a map of London Underground it could figure
out the quickest path from stop to stop to tell you where you'd end up after
following a route sequence meaning that Google's memory based or memory boosted
AI could help you get from train to train if you're wondering where to go
to be completely honest I was in London not that long ago and their underground
is really easy to figure out but some of them aren't so that could be rather
helpful yeah that's that's pretty much all there is to that and then we only
have one topic left but the shows like barely been going on for an hour so not
entirely sure what I'm gonna do then Colton like warned me today he was like
there's not much in the dock because we ran out of power part right through the
day so yeah but anyways I'm gonna talk about a Nikon DSLR with sub-zero Peltier
cooling it says the astronomers camera of choice okay why whoa okay look at
this thing okay I finally have something cool to show you guys what that's nuts
why would you need that oh my god that is crazy increasing image sensor
sensitivity oh that's pretty cool I bet you Brandon would be way more
interesting to talk to about this because I have no idea why you would
ever need a giant Peltier cooler on your camera but he probably does there's a
view from the front so you can see it sticking out of the back sensor cooling
system for a very for very low electric noise gotcha that makes sense
then it has like an anti doing system modified filter for increased
sensitivity use without battery okay interesting interesting I wish they had
a video this is apparently an example of the kind of photos you can take with the
Nikon D 5500 a cooled camera with a refactor telescope attached to the front
I mean it's a cool photo people are asking where Linus is Linus had a baby
so for those who didn't catch the very beginning of the stream and I'm
definitely buying time here because I haven't been doing one show long enough
and there is no topics left Linus is out with a new baby he had his third baby
everything went fine they're doing well but they are at home so he was not at
work and then so Linus and Yvonne are both on maternity leave trying to take
time to themselves and while they're gone all possible shit is hitting the
fan so there's a giant giant storm let me see if I can actually find this fuck
it I mean what oh I'm used to be able to swear when I'm streaming in this area
because this is my personal streaming area I'm sorry here we go
here's a topic we're gonna move on 75,000 customers without power at height
of second BC storm is this even what's happening right now yes this is an
article from today so I did find the correct thing you can see trees being
pulled out of the freaking ground trees falling over onto telephone lines I
believe this is three different pictures of the same thing let's play this video
from Pat Wong some waves and wind flying around anyways we don't have power at
the office right now so we weren't able to do the WAN show from the office we
were going to do the WAN show from Nick's house and I was going to co
stream it with either Colton Taran or Nick but then the problem with co
streaming it with Colton Taran or Nick is that today I just got diagnosed with
pneumonia a sinus infection and I have some problem with my neck which is
causing muscle tightening which is being amplified by the coughing and the
sneezing from the pneumonia and the sinus infection which is causing a
headache boom triple whammy so giant storm baby just got here I'm sick
literally three times over so that's why the show is here at my house and not
somewhere else because I can't co-host it at somewhere else's at someone else's
house because I will make them horribly horribly sick so yeah that's what we got
for now back to the video share this is talking more about the storm that's
hitting BC here apparently you can't see the dock there's a dock here because
it's just covered up by water this storm that's hitting us is the remnants of a
typhoon I believe it's the like typhoons gone but energy from the typhoon is
still coming apparently there's still a third storm on its way that's expected
on Saturday that's tomorrow when the remnants of super typhoon song da will
be arriving then so this would be even more power outages there's a lot of fire
engines and stuff running around all over the place I wish I didn't have
pneumonia and a sinus infection and a neck problem because I'd love to be outside
trying to haul trees off roads and make sure that people are okay I've already
messaged my neighbors upstairs and told them like hey I've got non-perishable
food and blankets and a lot of board games so if you guys if we run out of
power we can kind of huddle up a little bit actually no we can't I've pneumonia
forgot about that part I can give you guys board games and things if you need
them but then I was sure they were ready so I messaged them but I'm sure you're
probably fine and they were like yep we're good we got lots of non-perishable
food and blankets and board games and if you need those two so yeah between
myself and the upstairs neighbors we'll all be fine don't worry about us but
yeah all trees with your convertible no my control my convertible is super dead
I guess you haven't heard the updates there's a video I'm not gonna link it
because it's self-promotion whatever stuff but there's a video of my my fuel
injectors and fuel pump blew up while I was on a bridge and now I have a new car
it's been years man you're old school anyways but Oh PlayStation VR someone
does a PlayStation VR chat I'm really hurting for topics because I'm done the
whole land show doc because nothing really happened this week but yeah
PlayStation VR we have an order in for that we will be checking it out from
what I've seen so far it's not going to blow my mind at all but I don't like the
idea that you can't turn around but kind of bugs me yeah yeah on the spectrum of
things here let's do let's do a land show first we're gonna do ghetto
painting with Luke so let's go video share so on the spectrum of VR you have
let's go opaque oh man writing and paint is pretty difficult and transparent this
is gonna be everyone's favorite part of the show right this is just the best
thing that's ever happened on land show right totally hell yeah and then let's
go free oh oh and then tethered
so on this spectrum thing you've got like opaque and tethered so you've got
okay so vive oculus the Sony thing and a few others on the okay so free doesn't
mean like money free free means there's no tether I was gonna do no tether and
then I was like it's just too much writing so opaque and free you've got
like the Google dream thing and you've got Samsung's gear VR transparent and
tethered there is one of these but I don't remember what it's called and then
transparent and no tethered you've got the Microsoft hololens wow that's
terrible in this spectrum is where you're seeing most of the performance
right now opaque and tethered so you've got like the vive and the oculus rift
because they're tethered which is where you get a lot of the computational power
but they're opaque so they don't have to deal with the environment around you
opaque okay so opaque and transparent is like if you have an oculus rift there's
something blocking your vision so you can't see outwards with a hololens it's
transparent so that you can see through it you can still see the walls and
people that are in the room opaque is non transparent I just realized people
might not know what opaque means so opaque means you can't see through it so
when you're wearing a rift or a vive you purposefully cannot see the things that
are in the room with you when you're wearing a Microsoft hololens you can
purposefully see the things that are in the room with you
halo lens is ar not vr ah you meant it's okay there's augmented virtual
reality avr and then there's virtual because you can the definitions of all
these things get very mixed up but this is just the graph of headsets not those
things specifically don't worry about ar vr any like a stuff this is just
headsets so with Sony coming in here and doing this the main benefit that you get
from opaque tethered headsets is the performance side of things and the
PlayStation 4 doesn't have a ton of performance so I don't know
avr ar is still vr but if it's ar and vr it's still ar yeah I know but there's
other just don't worry about it like I said I was just talking about headsets
in general calm your tits and sit down I have to remember that I'm not allowed to
say swear words and stuff because it's the way in show still Luke looks so bored
I kind of am I don't have any more topics to do the the doc is literally
done but I haven't been streaming for that long so I don't know what I'm gonna
talk about anymore I guess okay I'll talk about this I went down to Microsoft
in Redmond they're about three hours below us on the map so Brian and I drove
there last week to check them out we thought that we were going down there to
check out a HoloLens demo and I was expecting they told us that we weren't
build allowed we weren't gonna be allowed to film like at all which was
gonna suck but I was gonna try to do like HoloLens impressions video where I
just use their b-roll and don't get to actually show you guys any of me
actually trying it and I was like this is gonna be kind of weird but I really
want to try HoloLens so whatever the HoloLens demo we ended up getting was
only like two minutes long anyways I talked about that a little bit on a
previous show but some things that we did get to see was their advanced
prototyping and hardware engineering labs exclusive tour super cool went to
go see that with Judner from your average consumer and Austin Evans from
Austin Evans so that was awesome it was cool hanging out with those guys and it
was cool checking that place out and there's a video coming about that whole
deal soon it's pretty sweet I it could have been better if I knew I was gonna
even be able to do that but they didn't tell us that that was happening before
we went down so I wasn't ready for like a factory tour kind of deal so yeah
could have been better but I hope that video will be pretty cool also we
checked out the garage which I will which is this thing so like they have
maker spaces on campus where employees are encouraged to like do cool stuff so
you can go like alright let's look at mobile only so there's two completed
garage apps it's called Sprightly and Kaizala I don't know what those are
create cattle create catalogs e-cards and more for your business and personal
needs okay I don't know but there's here let's look at what's currently being
worked on so there's a huge run of projects in here right now I know okay
I've seen this one before a trip tracker so this one automatically maps all of
your trips that you've done it knows if you're driving running biking all that
kind of stuff so if you went for a bike ride but like forgot to be like hey I'm
going for a bike ride phone it can still track all that for you and luckily it's
not super crazy insanely creepy because you can turn it off which is fun being
able to turn it off is great could you do a Q&A I can always do a Q&A just ask
a question tag myself in chat because I'm not logged in as Linus in this thing
so if you do like an app tag for me in chat then it'll show up as like red or
whatever and then oh god now everyone knows that but yeah you can just do that
and then I'll see your question in chat and it'll be easy to do no big deal but
yeah they have tons of these my mustache dotnet you can rate how your mustache
goes up against other people's mustaches oh it automatically rates your mustache
holy crap that's fantastic look at this guy you got auto stashed and made it
even better oh god
so many people talking about different things windows 10 redstone to launch
date WCC after article you know it's gonna be good who knows if it's gonna be
true or not redstone to windows 10 version 1703 I have no idea what this is
talking about Windows 10 redstone 2 is referred internally as version 1703
okay it's considered the biggest feature upgrade to come to Windows 10 since it's
launched since its launch when is it coming spring of 2017 okay
holy crap I'm bored come on boys we need better news topics than that come on
now huh forever ago in LTT there was a new video of a new set what is that what
is what are you what when are you gonna upgrade your new CPU still running a
2600 K right I am still running a 2600 K my upgrade to CPU will be happening
fairly soon all the parts for a new personal rig are here but I didn't think
they're gonna be here until the end of November so the mod that I want to do to
the case is still gonna take a little while so yeah I don't know if I want to
just show building the computer in a very normal way by just kind of plugging
things in that are really expensive and then being like hey personal rig update
I think people will be like yo that's pretty boring so I kind of want to do
the mod as well and the mod is gonna be rather difficult and sourcing the stuff
for it is gonna be rather difficult so yeah it's gonna take a little bit but it
should be before the end of November that you guys okay that my personal rig
update is done now I don't know when you guys are gonna see it because of editing
queue and vessel queue and waiting for all the other things to get out of the
way Q and then YouTube and blah blah blah but the video should be done
before the end of November anyways guys I think that's gonna be it for the way
and show honestly I am exhausted from all the different various ways that I'm
sick and there's no more topics left and there hasn't been for the last 20
freaking minutes so I am going to end the stream also I need to fight through
figuring out how to even upload this thing because usually I don't do that
usually Linus does that I even screwed up a bit of the pre-show by not putting
a YouTube video up that the show was live which is probably why there isn't
very many viewers right now anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this speaking of
not feeling great yeah I will be someone just asked if I'm streaming yes I will
be doing my stream I don't know if I'm gonna run out of power or not so I don't
know how that's gonna go but I will be doing my stream not immediately because
I need to take some drugs that I have for my pneumonia stuff and I need to get
this all uploaded and make sure that I do it properly because the archive is
important so yes see you guys later after party will be happening and it
will be like an actual after party this time because I just hosted the show and
stuff so we can talk about tech things if you want that's cool
twitch.tv slash Luke underscore la fr I'll see you there
I hope I did everything right