
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

It's the WAN Show!
Oh man, so everyone who's playing WAN Show Bingo out there, you're welcome.
I got that free space.
You're welcome.
We didn't give it to them last week.
Yeah, I know, we were on time last week.
I got the least amount of, like, success screenshots sent to my Twitter last week.
Out of any other week, because I think people are used to getting that free spot.
Oh, terrible.
So, yeah, we've had a really interesting week. Can we do floatplane news?
Can we tell people what's going to happen next week?
I want it to just happen.
Come on!
Actually, I forgot to ask you, in our little meeting, I wanted to ask you how we were going to deal with it in terms of communication.
So is this how you want to...
I want people to know!
You want to pre-announce?
I want to tell the people! Tell the people!
But what if it doesn't work?
Then they're going to know that we told them what our plan was, and that our plan ultimately fell through,
which will be a huge surprise to only a very small percentage of them.
Okay, that's fair.
Well, we plan on launching the...
What is going on here?
I don't know. I just don't even...
No one's supposed to touch this set between Fridays.
You did!
I didn't move that.
You replaced the monitor!
I spent a while being like, what is wrong with the saturation?
Now, I didn't replace the monitor.
I just took the monitor.
I did not actually put a new one there.
Literally not better.
So in my defense, what you just said was actually not true.
Right, but what you corrected me with was worse.
Anyways, next week, sometime on Wednesday, let's say definitely by Thursday,
although time zones, so who knows, but sometime on Wednesday for sure.
So if you check too early, it might not be there, but whatever.
Sometime on Wednesday!
Can't do it!
I just liked watching you freak out.
We're launching the alpha of the Floatplane website,
meaning you'll be able to sign up for an account directly through that website.
You'll be able to pay for it with credit card?
That's new.
You won't be able to pay for it with PayPal, which is hilarious.
If you want to use PayPal, you have to go back to the forum.
We're going to fix that.
That will be fixed.
Braintree's being...
Really good people, in case anyone from Braintree is watching,
we need to stay on their good side.
So right now, just credit card, and you'll be able to watch videos there,
you'll be able to comment, won't be able to reply to people,
lol get wrecked.
That'll come.
But yeah, this will be the first time that you'll be able to do everything on the new website.
You won't need forum integration.
You can just go there, pay for a subscription, watch there, all that kind of stuff.
So to everyone out there who said that Floatplane was never going to launch
because Luke's an idea man, and also it's a bad idea,
so that compounded the issue in their minds.
And also that the way that we recruited developers was really dumb,
making a video, and then publishing it on a tech channel.
Super dumb.
That was dumb by the way.
No, you were dumb.
So in response to everyone who ever said anything about that,
I got this for you, right there.
And demonetized!
This is why we're on Floatplane!
This is why we need Floatplane!
Oh, let's roll the intro.
We should replace my part, instead of like clenching in the thing,
I should be like flying, and then like something goes wrong,
and then I'm able to land on the water.
How are you?
You know, good thought, but no.
I'll stick to the technique.
Yeah, let's leave the design to the designers, you know.
Yeah, Floatplane.
The site where middle fingers are totally allowed.
Yeah, it's completely okay.
Because they're totally okay then.
Yeah, nobody's going to mind.
It's fine.
So what have we got?
We've got topics, technically.
Yeah, technically we've got topics.
Oh, oh, okay.
So this is interesting.
Do we want to jump right into the Intel discrete GPU prototype?
We can.
Or, considering we're talking about Floatplane right now,
we can just talk about what's on Floatplane right now.
It's up to you.
Or we can do that later.
Up to you.
Sorry, I wasn't listening because I was checking my notes.
I have some notes from Dr. Cutress,
my favorite writer over at Anand Tech, about this topic.
So I'm just going to jump into it.
I didn't hear what you said, and I'm sorry.
It's cool.
It's hosted by Numblock21 on the phone.
Thanks, Numblock.
What are you going to do, quit?
The original article here is from TechPowerUp.
Intel unveils discrete GPU prototype development.
So it wasn't that long ago that AMD made a high-profile hire.
Raja Keduri, AMD's former head of Radeon Technologies Group.
But clearly, so there's a bunch of stuff here.
So there's like this.
We've got like a block diagram, which is really interesting.
There's what looks like sort of a mock-up of what a die shot might look like.
There's a bunch of what looks like very internal information.
And a lot of people are extrapolating a bunch of information about this supposed 14-nanometer
dedicated GPU.
And so Dr. Cutris actually proactively, because Ian, do you really not believe in our fact-checking
to the point where we would dig through all these diagrams and figure out the misinterpretation
that other sites might have accidentally made here?
Do you really not believe that we're capable of that?
I appreciate it.
Because, you know, thank you for covering our butts, because we were not capable of that.
Well assumed.
Thank you, Dr. Cutris.
He proactively reached out because he was sure that we were going to talk about this.
And I'm just going to read it.
I'm just going to read it because he put it better than I could have.
It's almost like he's a professional writer or something.
I'm just going to poke about the Intel discrete GPU hullabaloo that's been going around this
week that might end up in Wansho.
Everywhere is quoting it as a discrete GPU prototype, but that is because of a slight
misreading of the Japanese article source.
Leave it to Dr. Cutris to pick out the slight misreading of the Japanese article.
While it uses Intel graphics, the chip is actually a test design for a better dynamic
voltage frequency system implementation applicable to a wide range of chips, CPU, GPU, and FPGA.
It was done on a GPU core because it was an easy design on 14 nanometer to start with.
The Japanese article from which the translation comes, when auto-translated, does state that
it's a discrete GPU prototype, but the author, who is very well respected and knowledgeable,
Goto Sen, clarifies his point in the second paragraph by saying it was only a vehicle
that was actually being announced and tested, and the fact that it was built on a GPU was
So basically, no, in the, I don't know, has it been two months since Raja got hired at
In the last however many weeks it's been, he has not built a GPU necessarily.
He might have.
I don't know.
He's kind of amazing, but he has not.
And this is like some power and clock management stuff that might end up in that GPU, but might
not, but probably would, but might not.
It sounds like Raja and whatever team he has is probably just playing.
So, yeah, there you go.
This is, yeah.
Like it says, test vehicle, not a future product.
It sounds like they're just playing around.
So let's go through our notes.
With all of that in mind, let's go through the notes that we had based on other tech
classes reporting.
The first 14 nanometer dedicated GPU prototype is a two-chip solution.
The first contains the GPU itself and the system agent.
The second is an FPGA that interfaces with the system bus.
It's 1.5 billion transistors.
So NVIDIA's GP102 is built on 60 nanometer and has 12 billion.
But keep in mind, none of this really matters.
Yes, because that's not what it is at all.
And following media speculation about the slides, Intel has stated that they presented
a research paper exploring new circuit techniques optimized for power management.
And actually, you know what, kudos to James.
He had it right.
He had all the clarifications in here.
It is a test vehicle only, not a future product.
It does.
Much ado but nothing.
In bold.
In bold.
Here, you guys can see James' notes.
Credit to James.
Good job, James.
Good job, James.
Good job, James.
You'll, you know, whether you like it or not, you'll have to work here another day.
You'll have to work here another day because you're not allowed to leave.
Actually, wait.
No, no.
James, I have not added James to my soul collection yet.
That's my internal joke.
As soon as people buy a house and get a mortgage, then I kind of cackle and I go like, ha ha
ha ha ha.
You know what?
Now I own you.
See, Brandon's listening.
Yeah, that's right, Brandon.
You know what's up.
You guys know what I don't own yet?
There's many reasons why but, yeah.
But, yeah.
I would like to, to be clear.
So, ha.
Ha ha, Brandon.
He says he hates me.
I'm just, in case the microphone didn't pick it up, we're just getting that out there.
I'd give you my soul if I wasn't an American.
Have you been to Brandon's place yet?
Super nice.
It is actually really nice.
Did you notice the amount of like random little storage cubby things?
I think it's probably less than it feels like.
It probably feels like a lot to you because I know your place has like a closet.
Don't, don't give me that none.
It has a closet.
It has a closet.
It has a closet that also has the central vac and the boiler.
Oh, no.
That doesn't count.
You can't put anything in there.
I'm talking about under the stairs.
I'm talking about under the stairs.
Is that where the central vac is?
Oh, yeah.
That doesn't really do it.
Oh, no.
That other one.
I thought you meant, yeah.
It's not fair.
There's technically closet doors.
But what I like about it is that, Brandon, how much can I talk about your place?
I don't care.
Okay, cool.
So unlike other townhouses, what's really cool about it is it's a little bit wider.
So it doesn't feel quite as much like living on a ship.
Or like, yeah.
Like in a sliver.
Like it feels more like, like, like the rooms feel more square instead of like every room
had to be kind of like put in front of the other room and kind of made a row of them.
And it even has side-by-side parking, which is sick for a townhouse.
It was weird when I went to go park there that if you want to park in the driveway,
you don't fit.
But then there is also side-by-side parking and like a really nice garage.
And he's right next to the visitor parking, which is super cool.
It's literally right there.
That makes sense.
And there's more coming in.
Apparently there's like six more visitor spots coming in soon.
So yeah, it's, it's, it's pretty nice.
It's, it's pretty dope.
There's a...
I like it a lot.
There's at least three different places that you could put a barbecue and you'd be out
there barbecuing and you'd feel pretty good about it.
So you know, that's an important thing.
That is an important metric.
Is it not?
Someone randomly posted in here, Linus fact of the day, Linus was born in Western Pennsylvania
before moving to Canada at the age of five.
Let's go with that.
So, so I don't remember where I was going with this, but Brandon's house is sweet and
I got to see it.
How did we get there?
I don't know.
I mean, that's the beauty of this show slash the vein of this show.
What are we talking about?
Oh, no, you're talking about James and capturing his soul.
Oh yeah.
I haven't captured his soul yet.
But I have captured quite a few souls now.
I'm feeling pretty good about it.
It's like, you guys, you guys can't leave me.
Think about it.
Like a mortgage is, it's like, it's like basically getting married.
It's it's like, I think it's like potentially more hard.
I think it's actually more difficult to get out of than a marriage.
Isn't that crazy?
Now, if we think about sort of the traditional values of, of marriage, where it's not even
that applicable anymore, which, well, no, no, I just mean, but no, like if we go back
to back to the whole till death, do us part, like, let's focus on that part.
Like if we call that sort of the, the, the, the tradition of, of marriage, wow, it's really
eroded a lot to the point where like, is it like 50% fail or something?
I don't, I don't know what it is, but like, we take a mortgage, a car lease, like I think
it's, it's pretty hard to break a car lease, isn't it?
Like you can't just be like, yeah, you know, North Shore Auto Group and I have irreconcilable
About 40 to 50% of married couples in the United States divorce.
To be fair, what is also in that percentage is people that have been divorced more than
So it's not like, yeah, it's not, it could be one person who's done it four times.
They all, all four of those goes in, but it is technically four different relationships.
Like, isn't that, so like I was looking at some gun ownership statistics in the United
States, I think they have more than one gun per person, but I forget what they call the
mega owners.
Super owners.
Where they have like more than a hundred each and it's like some very small percentage or
something like that.
So like mega divorcers.
Might make up.
I don't think they're going to have more than a hundred, but like, yeah, more than a hundred
divorces would be, that would be in a couple Guinness, that would legitimately be difficult
to pull off.
Could you do it?
Could you do it with unwitting women without them knowing?
Oh my God.
Could you convince more?
The worst reality TV show.
Like the, actually the worst one.
Such a flag on society.
That would be really difficult to be able to pull off.
Because of competition.
So if you and I went, okay, we go, we go into a-
So it's going to be near to 200.
We go to a new city every year.
And the idea is to get married and divorced as many times as possible in that year.
And you're going to have to pull-
But remember, so there's nothing would prevent you, if you're a devious enough bastard, nothing
would prevent you from rolling multiple marriages at once.
Well, I don't think you can legally be married to two people at the same time.
So you would have to-
But you'd have to like time gate them really well.
You would have to manage it really carefully.
Well, because you'd, at a minimum, have to do two a year.
Oh, yeah.
Oh, yeah.
For sure.
Because the time span that you'd actually be effectively able to do this.
At minimum.
At minimum.
And like theoretically, you're going to have to pull more than that.
I'd watch this show.
I would-
I'd feel like a terrible person.
I wouldn't tell anybody I watched this show.
See, I'm saying it now because it doesn't exist.
But like-
Playboy Wars.
That's a suggestion from AV Guy.
Oh, man.
And you should have- okay, you can have two different shows going on at the same time.
Because you should have the guys-
Marriage Wars.
You should have the guys trying to do it, and you should have the girls trying to do
And like-
Like guys versus girls.
You know what?
We'd be at such a disadvantage.
I think so.
I have to-
But who knows?
Like maybe not.
Because it might be harder to convince a guy to marry you.
And then there's like the bisexual and gay aspect.
Oh, man.
Where like you might be able to spin more because of how that community works and like
whatever else.
So just to- like, not that it matters, but both Luke and I are straight.
Um, answer me this.
If it meant the difference between winning-
In the spirit of winning the competition?
You know?
How far would you go?
It's a competitive aspect.
It's fun.
If we could-
I know you'd do almost anything to win.
At almost anything.
Especially if it's against you.
If it's against almost like anyone else, no.
But if you knew that I was tied-
If I could see your numbers, and you were like right beside me.
If we're at like 90, and we're both at like 90.
If I've gone this whole competition, and it just needs that much more to win, like it
might consider it.
Oh man.
So anyway-
I'm already that much of a giant jerk.
I'm trying to not swear so that-
Oh yeah.
You're a terrible person at that point.
Yeah, you're a terrible person already.
Oh man.
What's one more deed that is against your thing?
Yeah I don't know.
You're already horrible.
So like, does it matter if you're destroying women or men at that point?
That's what I mean.
And like it's another lie.
So this is not a good show.
You know, I don't know what the network is that does all the reality shows, but if there's
any execs watching, please-
Don't do it.
Please don't do this.
You know, the crazy thing about it though, is is it really any worse than something like
The Bachelor or The Bachelor Red?
Having actors on it?
Well, cause- okay.
If there has ever at any point been anyone who participated in that show that wasn't
purely an actor, who actually like believed in it.
Cause you know when they're gonna do the recruiting for this stuff.
Okay, so there was the one TV show in, I believe it was the UK, someone could correct me on
this, where they had a talent search show that was fake, have you heard about that?
And they particularly picked people that were terrible and kept pushing them through.
And then I don't think they televised any of it or something, and then the very last
episode they televised and had a live studio audience, and they basically told them on
stage like, you're horrible.
And it was super awkward.
I don't remember the name of the show, but you can watch the last episode on YouTube.
And it has a giant dislike bar, cause everyone's like, wow this is rough.
Like on stage in front of an entire, yeah that was called American Superstar, oh okay
so it was an American show.
Oh wow.
That's awful.
Yeah, it was rough.
In front of a whole audience, and they play like her singing, like it comes down to between
a guy and a girl and the girl wins, and they play a whole montage of her singing, and it's
not good.
And then they're like, yeah so we picked you because you are the worst person in this category.
And they're like, yeah we're still going to give you the studio deal, but like come on.
Also we're going to give you a bunch of money.
It's really rough, and like even watching that was like kind of soul destroying.
It's really, it's really rough.
Wow, okay, wow, okay, let's go ahead and maybe do some tech news, cause like I'm just feeling
kind of dirty right now.
WB Superstar, yeah I think that's it.
What is it?
WB Superstar.
Yes, this is it.
The WB's Superstar USA.
Oh man, okay, no I don't want to look at that.
40% of users liked this show.
Like it's not, oof, alright, the winner revealed, here we go, let's see, oh the like dislike
is not as bad as I thought.
Oh that's a shame, okay, so here we go, for some reason I can't find which retailer it's
listed on.
The Tom's Hardware article doesn't say, but this was originally posted by TX underscore
two underscore step on the forum, Texas two step, ahhh, or transmitter two step, could
be that too.
The Coffee Lake platform is finally being expanded, up until now you've been limited
to what, the 8700K, the 8600K, and the 8400, all high performance, six core parts, uh wait
I5 8600K?
Oh here we go, so there are three new parts that are coming, an I5 8600, like a non-K,
and oh is there an 8700 already, there might be.
There's an I5 8500, so an even lower end, is this gonna be a six core part?
And then an I3 8300, apparently there's already an I3 8350K, you know what, I haven't actually
paid that close attention to it, um, I haven't been able to think of a very compelling reason
to buy Coffee Lake if you aren't going for an 8600K, or at least an 8400, or up, because
um, like I don't know if the 8350K already existed, because unless you were getting six
cores on the mainstream platform, you might as well just go for Kaby Lake, because the
boards are cheaper.
If you're not getting an unlocked chip, you do not need to get a Z370 board.
What can I do for you?
I just, AJ just posted in the Floatplane work chat, saying that's why I don't move, you
won't get my soul, if you buy a house in Quebec, one, I hate you a little bit, two, that still
means I own your soul.
Oh lordy.
So get out.
Um, okay, so these are meant to be paired with the upcoming budget-oriented H370 and
B360 boards.
ProVantage, as apparently the retailer, also lists downclocked T versions of all of these
processors for bulk purchase.
So neat.
In other news, this was originally posted over on DigiTimes, AUO to begin shipping 8K
TV panels in the first half of this year.
Do you care?
I thought you don't, yeah.
You said it in such an excited, like, 8K TV panel, and I was like, I don't think you
Well I know, but it's like, 8K, you know.
So here's why you might care about an 8K panel, and, okay.
You sit here.
Reason number one, you sit very close.
Reason number two, you really like stereoscopic 3D, shut up, and you want your stereoscopic
3D to be at 4K, because every other line would be effectively, actually it would be a little
more, because it would be double the resolution of 4K.
No, half the resolution of, blah blah blah.
It would be double the pixel count, half the resolution, sorry.
Reason number the third.
That was a pretty creative number two, I'm interested.
You really like high performance display scaler technology, and you want high refresh rate
4K displays.
So those scalers will have to be developed and built for these 8K TVs, and eventually
they will trickle down.
Reason number the fourth, I'm trying really hard here, you want pixel densities to keep
climbing for mobile displays, actually it's pretty different technology, so that was all
I had.
One thing I want to complain about while I have a moment here, and we're talking about
panels, is I've been holding off, I don't know if you remember, a year and a half ago
when I was trying to buy a Swift.
It's really great.
Hold on.
Yeah, hold that thought.
People are talking about the Olympics in 8K.
It's so funny, because most of the feeds of the Olympics look like they're not even 720K.
Yeah, yeah.
The CBC feeds are pretty good, but yeah, I think they're probably about 720, but they're
pretty good.
I wanted to buy a Swift a year and a half ago-ish, a new monitor.
My monitors right now will just black screen for one to three seconds at a time, randomly,
because they're dying.
I've had them for quite a while, it's okay.
Yeah, you've had them since the NCIX Tech Tips days.
Okay, yeah, you got your mileage out of them.
They're doing an okay, yeah.
It's a little early, I think, but it's early in the they lasted a long time range, so it's
But yeah, I've needed a new monitor for a while, because they're black screening on
The worst thing is if I'm playing Counter-Strike, and the screen goes black, and then I get
And you're dead.
Well, yeah, because the screen goes black, and I'm like, crap, I need to hide and wait
for the one to three seconds that my screen is black.
And then I come back in, and someone's flashbanged me, so I'm like, first of all, pure black
to extreme white.
Now I'm just like, ugh, goodness, still can't see for a while, so flashbanged.
Here comes another three seconds.
Yeah, just need to wait.
It's terrible.
I've been waiting for that ASUS monitor that I saw at CES, not this year, but the year
Last year.
The 144Hz 4K.
It has every buzzword you could ever want, it's still not out.
I would be shocked if it hasn't landed in the next couple months.
Just that's, I'm not going to say what I know, but I'll say that I would be shocked.
Reason number five.
Everyone is making me say it.
Actually, that would be horrible.
You'd have literally, like, three pixels to the width of every pubic hair.
Nobody is asking for this.
If you think you're asking for this, you're not asking for this.
At a certain point, it's better to leave it up to the imagination, to like, just a little
Okay, and speaking of imagination, I can imagine that it's going to be tough for Colton to
sign up for sponsors ever again.
Oh, wow.
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In other news.
Oh, this is great.
I am so hungry right now.
Savage jerky.
The box of jerky is so heavy I can't lift it.
I thought it just ripped.
I'm going to have to pace myself on the maple buffalo bacon.
I had an entire pack last week during the show and after the show.
Oh my goodness.
Right, you were munched on it after the show.
I'm munching the heck out of that after the show.
What do you want this week?
I'm down.
You want the traditional?
I'm going to do the cracked pepper and sea salt.
That actually sounds pretty good, but I'll go something else.
Traditional sounds good.
Just don't touch my maple buffalo bacon and we're good.
No, that's fine.
Oh, you know what?
I don't think we have any traditional.
Oh, there we go.
Oh, and the new package.
Ooh, new package traditional.
So Savage Jerky.
Their goal was to create a snack made with the best ingredients without nitrates or preservatives
that wasn't bad for you, but that was full of flavor and spice.
I'm like drooling right now.
Like actually really excited.
Not drooling, salivating, but it hasn't come out of my mouth so it's not drool yet, I guess.
They've got 13 different flavors of jerky.
Some of our personal favorites are the maple buffalo bacon, the mojo, the, I like the cracked
pepper and sea salt.
I don't think you're as big a fan of this one, but Luke loves the traditional.
I'm not as into the traditional.
What else is really good?
I think it depends kind of like what, what modem in.
And then if you have a fire hall that lives like in your mouth, then, um, and you're into
the like really spicy stuff, they've got all kinds of flavors for you.
Everything from Carolina reapers to ghost peppers to like truly spicy frigging jerky.
And they don't just have jerky.
They do a spice rub.
Uh, they've got barbecue sauce, hot sauce.
I haven't tried their hot sauce.
I should actually try it.
I, I love hot sauce.
They never sent us the hot sauce.
They should give us, give us that.
Their Carolina reaper hot sauce uses one of the hottest peppers in the world.
So go check it out at, uh, dini.us or apparently savage jerky.com.
Just go to savage jerky.com and use offer code L T T. There we go.
All right.
So what else?
What else do we want to talk about today?
Oh yeah.
It was kind of interesting.
Um, can we do this one first?
I just don't want to forget.
Uh, this was originally posted by monkey biz.
Oh nine 85 on the forum.
The original article here is from bbc.com.
Are we going to ignore the, uh, no, let's just use the name cause I mean it's right
Kylie Jenner is apparently so over Snapchat and their shares tumble single handedly with
evidently a single tweet.
Well, $1.3 billion was wiped off of snap stock market value after she tweeted that she is
no longer using the app.
So there's a couple of problems here.
Go ahead.
You go first.
I'm going to add a couple.
One, it jumps right before the fall.
Um, I'll pull that up.
There you go.
And it also looks like a somewhat natural pattern fall and there's bigger dips here.
That's not even the main one.
But what's interesting about it is just that it happens instantly.
Oh sure.
Um, also there's been a lot of doubt sewn around Snapchat for a while now and you can
see they're trending down.
They're super trending down.
Like to be clear guys, this is only the last five days.
And like all of this can cut into one day.
Like that's, sorry, that's almost a straight line too.
Um, and like Marquez recently had, I think he released a whole video.
Did he?
About like leaving Snapchat or not liking Snapchat or something.
Let's see here.
Can I talk about problem number two actually?
So problem number two is like, why do people care that much with this?
You know what?
No, I get it.
I cared about Marquez as a baby.
Prominent influencer.
Isn't using a social platform.
Your Snapchat 1.7 million views.
That's from a two weeks ago.
Two weeks ago.
No, I know.
But I'm saying there's been a lot of doubt sewn for a little while.
So fine, fine, fine.
I cannot think about keeping up with the Kardashians or whatever.
Um, you can't argue that they've been successful at exploiting social media.
So if they are like not so over, um, Snapchat, then that does actually seem relevant from
a shareholder perspective.
Problem number the last for me is why did anyone ever give a crap about Snapchat?
I don't get it.
This is now I've disliked it the entire time.
This is now two platforms that I have just not really gotten and I've had a lot of people
putting pressure on me because I'm supposed to be in the social media space.
These are two platforms now vine and Snapchat, but I've just like not really gotten that
have ultimately ended up disappearing and I haven't had to participate in them.
I bought into Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
Not like I don't own chairs.
I mean like I was like YouTube obviously as well, but like those are the ones that I kind
of went, yeah, okay.
I'll invest the time to bother to develop these things and like learn how they work
and stuff.
Um, those two didn't get it.
As far as I could tell, Snapchat's entire value was trendiness and it's what it means
that as soon as you're not trendy, where's your value?
And someone, someone in the Twitch chat said nudes and like even then that doesn't really
make any sense.
Why don't you just send nudes by email?
Like I don't understand what's the special value.
Well, yeah.
Well, part of the idea was that it would disappear.
But since forever, everyone's known that you can just screenshot a record.
Of course.
Um, and if anyone ever not realized that, yeah, really, I think people didn't, but then
that's volatile.
And now if you screenshot a record, it tells the person, uh, so now it like sends them
a message saying that you screenshot it.
So now it's just like kind of awkward, I think.
I don't know.
You're preaching to the choir a little bit.
I've never liked Snapchat to any degree.
The only reason why I have it right now is my brother sends me random things every once
in a while cause he prefers Snapchat.
And that's about it.
How else am I going to send my nudes says elusive soul.
Any other, you can literally even send them through Instagram direct messages.
We've got a perfect segue into your flow plane stuff.
It's a citizen, something citizen, IEM, something, something does flow plane work in the UK?
Remember that thing you told me today?
Uh, Oh yeah.
Uh, so I'm going to pull up what's on there and you go ahead and talk about that.
Cause that's pretty cool.
We have a viewer from, I didn't even know you read that message.
I thought you did.
We have a viewer from Antarctica and it works.
He had a payment problem, which is unsurprising, but, but it works, which is great.
Payment problem has been solved.
So we can see, uh, we can see a map of wherever he's just told me, but yeah.
Oh, okay.
Well we can see that too.
Um, and it's really cool because the audience is shockingly global.
It's very distributed.
Um, which is cool and scary cause we have to manage all of that.
What do we got here?
Oh, there's some good stuff in here.
Uh, who needs more CPU cores?
This is finally going up.
So this is kind of an explainer of core I seven versus core nine, as you can tell it
is sponsored.
Liquid metal in a phone.
Is this the first?
Uh, I believe the laptop is the first one.
So the followup, the followup to liquid metal in a laptop, it's actually shocking.
I was going to say this might even be more interesting for a lot of people.
Uh, the one year airflow experiment, the stunning conclusion is apparently missing a proper
So I'll go hit someone after the show, but that's up.
It's done.
It's ready.
That's a lot of views.
It's a lot of discussion too, but yeah, I'm buying, selling and safely storing Bitcoin
mining adventure.
Part four is up.
So we go through some of the, uh, wallet options, uh, some of the exchange options, just kind
of help the whole Twitch chat is flipping out that we finally are releasing the air
It's finally happening.
It's on float plane now.
You can go watch it right now.
CompuLab isn't a brand that most people will probably have heard of, but this product is
very cool.
It is a passively cooled, small form factor gaming machine with a GTX 10, 60 or 70.
I think it's a 10, 60, maybe a 10, 70.
I don't remember.
It's really good though.
Um, Oh no, that went up on, uh, that went up on YouTube, that went up on YouTube.
We're probably YouTube range now.
I think we're probably.
There might be, uh, maybe something left.
No, I think that's most, Oh, um, I don't know if handy tech under a hundred, mostly
gaming went up on YouTube.
We did.
Oh yeah.
One 20 Hertz PC gaming on a TV still hasn't hit YouTube.
So um, the reason for that is that when we're scheduling, it's a lot easier to push something
by a week than it is to push something by a day.
And so if for whatever reason we have a simultaneous release that we have to do on a day when something
scheduled, it usually gets bumped like the same day, the following week.
And I think it's happened to that one too.
It'll come.
It'll come.
All right.
What else?
We got today?
Apparently snap CEO was paid 637 million last year, thought to be the third highest annual
package ever received by a company CEO.
So this is in spite of them being under pressure for Instagram, like taking all their key features
and users complaining about the redesign.
Um, all right, let's get in here, pull out as much as we can as fast as possible.
I know, right?
Personally, pull it all out.
Speaking of which the NCIX auction was a lot of fun.
Do you want to talk about that at all or are we going to leave it in the video?
So there's actually going to be two videos.
I don't know if people even knew that it was happening.
So NCIX had their bankruptcy auction on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.
So I had gone in intending to make one video, but honestly it would be like, it would be
too long.
Or that we would have to cut too much or it would be too long.
And it's two different days even.
And it is.
So it makes sense.
It is across two days.
I had also intended for it to be like really structured.
Here's some stuff we found.
Here's some stuff we bought.
Here's how much we paid.
See ya.
And what it really turned into was more like me and Ed digging around the warehouse and
like finding relics.
Like I found a computer that I built.
That's what?
In the warehouse.
Do you remember the one with the flames?
That still has the original build that I did in it like eight years ago and it was just
like sitting in a pile in the warehouse.
I really wanted to go just for that kind of reason.
Like I wanted to go back to the original filming room and stuff, but like I just, I didn't
have the time.
It was, it was pretty, it was pretty fun.
It was sentimental.
You know, there was some funny stuff.
Let me get my sentimentality out of the video.
There was some kind of sad stuff.
Like I come across like the box of sort of her stuff to work with every day.
Like her gloves and like, um, you know, personal effects, not personal effects, company effects,
but that like her box of like stuff that she needed by her scanning station for like someone
who was really nice and that worked there a long time and worked hard and was as far
as I could tell, very nice, good person and just doesn't have a job anymore because of
So there was like some sad stuff.
There's some random stuff.
At one point Ed and I leave the auction and we go play squash.
Did you guys film that?
I've never tried squash before, which of course is a perfectly legitimate reason to be playing
squash when you're supposed to be at work making a video.
No one at float plane is allowed to absorb that mentality.
All right.
So anyway, it ends up being two vlogs, a vlog for day one of like digging through everything
cause that was when they had the viewing time when you were allowed to go in and like pick
through all the different auction lots.
And then part two where we attend the actual auction, um, I tried, um, you know what, no,
I'm not going to talk about it.
Um, Oh yeah.
We should probably talk about LTX.
That's pretty cool.
That's Oh yeah.
LTX is happening.
Um, yeah.
So we go to the auction, uh, we, we, you know, do auction things.
We leave the auction, uh, we run into Julia, um, at the, at, um, uh, what's that cafe called?
It starts with a Z, I think Z is, yeah.
We run into Julia Z as we talk about like the stuff that people are buying, probably
being broken.
Do you know what she's doing now?
She's at a Mexican computer shop.
She's like back on YouTube.
So there you go.
She was very, uh, she wasn't tacky about it when, when she went, well, sometimes people
will go on camera and we'll be like, hi, yeah, you guys might remember me from NCIX tech
I'm with Mike's computer shop now.
Go see Mike's computer shop.
No, she was very good about it.
So that's, that's why Julia gets the shout out for being at Mike's computer shop on the
one show right now.
Uh, good, good form.
Good form.
You know, um, what did you want to talk about?
Oh, right.
So yes, we know.
We know LTX expo is redundant.
Um, but like you guys go find a seven character.com domain.
I challenge you.
That's right.
That's what I thought.
There's, there's going to be a lot of responses.
People will just find like, blah, blah, blah.
Dot com.
That'll be pretty dumb.
So we've got a bunch of information here.
Um, I don't know if we have any partners yet, so that's probably, that's probably empty.
Well, Hey, corsairs in.
Oh, this is last year.
All my partners.
I told me he really needs to put that on another page, but yeah, that's really terrible.
Or just not anywhere.
It just probably shouldn't be there.
Or like it should be smaller or something.
It's freaking huge.
Um, yeah, that probably doesn't make a ton of sense, but um, yeah, we got, we got partners.
We got a map.
Map and schedules.
Oh, that's coming soon too.
This is a really helpful website.
So it's good that it's subject to change because if it wasn't going to change and it was just
coming soon forever, then that'd be bad.
Hold on a second.
So here's an event map coming soon, but you can download it.
That just takes you back to this page.
So it was built on Squarespace, but it was built by monkeys.
So it goes to show you Squarespace beautiful website, but you actually still do have to
like, it still looks good.
And it's fast.
Oh, so here's a gallery.
So a lot of people thought that LTX was just like small or lame or whatever.
And you know, it was a little small, it was a little lame, but it was actually a lot of
Uh huh.
We had an absolute blast last year.
So here's a bunch of the stuff from, from last year, a bunch of the stuff that people
could do this year.
Not shilling legitimately one of my favorite conventions in years.
This one is going to be a lot more emphasis on the, like the one piece of feedback we
got from people was that they could come in for two hours and they could kind of do everything.
So the idea this year is it's a one day event and we want to make it so that it's basically
impossible to do everything.
So every booth needs to have enough to see or do that you can't do everything.
And one of the other things that this wasn't external feedback, but one of the other things
that we thought that we needed to improve was there, there was a lot of stuff to do
at LTX to the point where it would actually take you all day if you were to try every
carnival game and, and, and participate in everything.
But there wasn't much of an incentive.
So I think a lot of people ended up kind of like crowding into a corner and like chatting
with each other or whatever else.
Oh yeah.
We could figure that out.
So a lot of people ended up kind of not doing everything.
And then we ended up giving away a ton of like prizes randomly at the end in a raffle.
So this time there's going to be like mondo prizes for like going on the bungee run or
for throwing cases as far as you can or whatever else the case may be.
And I think, are you going to do like the explorers pass?
This is when you hand in the explorers pass for a ticket for the raffle and the explorers
pass has to get stamped at all the different booths once you complete the activity.
Oh, that's interesting.
That's a good idea too.
I've been to a lot of conventions.
I was actually about to say one of the things that we should probably do is also enter people
just for participating in lots of stuff.
So yeah, that would be great.
That would be a lot of fun.
I like the combination of like if you get past a certain threshold, like if you beat
like 90% of people at this thing or whatever and at the beginning of the day, maybe it's
Colton's nodding.
Colton's into it.
So it's good.
I'm not sure if I'm going to get very few details, but you can get tickets though.
Can't you?
I think you can get tickets right now because I heard the like big tickets already sold
Yeah, I think so.
Oh wow.
Someone tweeted me saying that they're like, they wanted it and now they're sad or something.
I don't know.
Oh, dang.
So in a nutshell, we can't really tell you much about it, but unlike last year where
we were pretty tepid on the land show about sort of how much fun it would be.
It's going to be fun.
This year.
It's going to be really fun.
This is the tagline, okay?
We can't tell you much about it, but it'll be fun.
Trust us.
You've got a much bigger venue this time.
We're going to be at Richmond Oval.
As someone who's gone to, at a minimum, one tech slash gaming convention every single
year for like 14 years or something, it feels a little bit more like some of the older ones
did where there was more stuff to do.
If you go to PAX these days, they're still really cool, but they're mostly like a spectator
sport kind of situation where you're mostly just like looking at things.
There isn't a lot of activity.
There's a lot to look at.
It takes like two hours to wait through a line to play a game, that kind of stuff.
What I really liked about the last LTX and seems like it's going to be a thing at this
one and you even mentioned like there has to be enough stuff for people to do.
You didn't say see, you said do.
It's fun because there's so many activities.
Like I don't know if we're bringing it back, but last year there was like hard line water
tube bending and like all this really cool stuff.
I think we're going to have a deal at your CPU station.
See like that's friggin cool.
So we're hoping to partner with a local retailer.
So the idea is that you could bring your CPU and we'd have the tools on hand and someone
to help you or if you don't have one, then we'll have a board and a test bench handy
so you can like buy a new one and we'll have hopefully a retail partner so you can just
buy it on the spot.
Test it, make sure it works because you'll void your warranty instantly and then you
could deal with it and take it home and use it.
That's pretty sick actually.
So like we've got, we've got ideas.
Damn, that's pretty cool.
There's some pretty good ideas.
We could, this might get expensive, but we could have some and people could buy it to
use, but we could have like a free geek CPUs for people just to like do it with.
You know what I mean?
We've got some really good ideas with free geek.
So you've seen the like boxes and boxes, like the pallets of stripped motherboard PCBs,
Do you know about this?
So one of the ideas that we pitched to, or at least are going to pitch to free geek at
some point is motherboard house of cards.
And then over the course of the day, whoever builds the tallest card house out of motherboard,
stripped motherboard PCBs wins a motherboard.
I don't know.
Like we'll figure something out.
Something cool.
But yeah, just like, so it would be kind of like, you know what?
Like science world when there's just like the booth, that's just like a bunch of blocks
to put together or whatever.
Oh, so you just kind of walk up, there's a little sign explaining what to do and you
just go for it.
And there's just a boxes of motherboard PCBs and you just build a house.
Just call a free geek person over and go like, look how tall it is and then they're ready
to measure it.
That's cool.
I like it.
So that's the, that's the kind of stuff that, that we want to do at it.
What else do we have for topics today?
What I really liked last year too, was with a lot of those kinds of things you'd run into
random attendees that would become like, like temporary single serving friends for the show
because they met doing whatever activity because they ended up being paired up for whatever
reason or they ended up just being next to each other and talking and whatever.
I thought that was really cool.
That's a good idea.
We should have some activities where people are forced to participate like as a team with
other people there so that we like make people mingle because that's what you need at tech
You have to force people to talk to each other and get to know each other.
It helps.
Oh geez.
More topics?
I don't know.
This is all kind of boring.
Apparently Apple is going to refresh the AirPods.
We need that.
So I got a, I got a Google home mini and my idea was a lot of times when I'm working,
I'll like think of something that I need to remember later and it's actually like kind
of annoying to do the couple steps to get into my phone or whatever and my phone isn't
very great at responding to okay Google.
Yeah, it didn't even though it's on.
It's just not, I don't know why.
So I got a Google home mini and now when I talk to the Google home mini 50% of the time
my phone does it too.
So this is like the issue that I have with, so there's a few things that are just kind
of broken on Android and just sort of in general I guess.
Here's one that really bugs me.
When I swipe away a notification, when I clear all on my phone, do you have, do you ever
have it happen where your phone will just be like buzzing for the next 10 seconds because
it will like, it'll like re-notify all those things.
So if I have like 10 email notifications, it'll be like 9, 8, 7 as it goes through them
and it's just,
Oh mine will also re-find them.
So once you're fully cleared out, it'll be like, Oh, uh, you have, uh, you have a few,
Throw a watch into the mix.
Gets really annoying.
Um, that's not great.
There was another really stupid, like just dumb stuff.
Why is it that Google in their infinite wisdom added Marquez Red to their SMS app, which
is super fricking handy by the way.
Like when you drag it, when you, when you just pull down the notification, you can reply
or Marquez Red.
Why isn't that not in Gmail?
Why is that not in Hangouts?
Why is that not in literally anything else?
Because, and this is really frustrating on iOS.
On iOS, there's no way to mark a text message as unread.
So if, if you're like me and you use red and unread as a way to track what you have and
haven't dealt with yet.
It's just, why is this so hard?
I don't get it.
Another thing with the Google home mini is I made it play a song just cause I wanted
to see how the speakers were.
And then I was like, it's really loud by default and like the speaker isn't very great.
So I was like, I kept on telling it like, I'm not, I'm going to stop doing proper commands,
but essentially turn the volume down.
It, it inaudibly went down.
Turn the volume down.
Turn the volume down.
Turn the volume down.
I just kept doing it.
It was like not noticeably going down.
So then I was like, turn the volume down a lot.
And then it went to a completely inaudible level of volume and there's no like, there's
no volume physical slider or anything, so I can't, it's just voice commands.
I can't do it through my phone.
It's just, so I'm just like, so it's blaringly ridiculously loud or off is like my two, but,
but not off because it took me about 15 minutes to recognize like this weird buzzing sound
that I could barely hear was technically music coming from the little box.
Maybe you just need better music loser.
Maybe if your music wasn't so crappy, you wouldn't mind if it was loud.
I didn't even know what it was playing at that point.
You heard me because it just random through Google play music and with someone on some
random song, I had no idea what it was.
People say do it by percentage.
Set the volume to whatever.
All right.
But then that even takes trial and error because I don't know what percentage it's
They're helping us.
They're helping us.
That's, that's decent though.
That's not bad.
It should be, it should go down a reasonable amount if you tell it to turn the volume down.
I think Tiz Jester nailed it here or Luke could just not be an idiot.
Thank you Tiz Jester.
No, that's solid.
Luke was, Luke was wrong.
Luke was wrong.
Oh, don't bring that website back.
The, the statement is cool.
The website is not cool.
Um, all right.
So I guess that's pretty much it.
Everything else here is kind of boring.
Pirates did pirate stuff.
With Microsoft's UWP protection.
Samsung unveiled a big SSD, but that is physically small, which has lots of capacity.
There's a new torrent.
There's a vulnerability.
That's bad.
That's surprising.
There's more augmented reality stuff out of Google.
So call me in two years.
Um, Tesla is doing a wall charger, but now for your office, which is like, okay.
Um, apparently it'll be free, but you still have to pay for electricity.
Also, Asus is launching premium GTX 1050 and 1050 TI graphics cards with 144 hour burn
in quality control and longer warranties aimed at land cafes.
From my experience, when it comes to like cheap products, it's usually, it usually makes
far more sense to just like buy a new one when it bricks because by then the new one
will probably be better than the old one, but whatever.
So we'll see you again next week.
Same bad time.
Same bad channel.
Land cafe is still a thing in some places.
Very much so.
Yeah, definitely still a thing, but like, I don't see why they would buy a more expensive
card for it.
New website.
Let's do it.
Did someone already take it?
I don't know.
I'm going to check.
You're already there.
Did I spell it right?
Wouldn't that be terrible?
Oh, it's available.
It's available.
And we're done here.