
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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interesting. What is up everyone? Welcome to the WAN show. We've got a great show lined up for you
today. Thank you, Luke. That's really helpful. Lots of fantastic topics starting of course,
with YouTube hiking, the price of YouTube Premium, literally, literally a day after I go to bat
talking about how, well, the service is really expensive to run, and there's a lot of challenges
and data storage. So we'll be talking a little bit about that. Also, we're going to be talking
about AMD being kind of boned right now. The situation is not looking good. They've apparently
cut production of their Ryzen 7000 chips. What else we got lined up today, Luke?
LTT in other languages. We actually have videos that we can show you on the actual
channel. We can show you how it works, and we can show you the dubs. I have not listened to them.
I will be first time reacting to this. We'll see how it goes. Also, on Espanol. On Espanol.
I honestly wasn't entirely sure that I could nail the pronunciation of that, and I hadn't
heard you say it yet, so I didn't want to do it. I'm pretty sure I didn't nail it, Luke.
Is that the only one? Are we doing more languages beyond that?
We're starting with Spanish.
Starting with Spanish. Very cool. Also, G4TV is done again.
It's done again. Not again.
Maybe not forever. Who knows?
But certainly for now.
But the most recent one is done. Comcast pulled the plug. We'll talk about that later.
Intro. Do I run the intro? I guess so.
I certainly can't.
Intro auto. Boom. Got him.
Yeah, it worked.
And Linus, you're clipping a little bit on your side. Could you move on away or speak quieter?
I don't think you can do that.
I don't think I can do either of those things.
Okay, we'll just deal with it.
Vessi, MSI, and 45 Drives. Thank you very much.
I think this is going to be an interesting show,
because I realized during the intro that Linus does not have a swear button.
Oh yeah, I'm going to have to control myself today.
It's also going to be an interesting show,
because Luke disclosed to me before we started that he's on painkillers.
I'm on painkillers. Let's go.
I don't know if you guys can notice, but this side of my face is a little swollen.
We'll maybe talk about that later, even though it's kind of gross and not that interesting.
Let's go.
Oh yeah, it's an injury.
It's an injury to the one side of Luke's mouth.
You know what I'm saying? Just to the one side.
Had some blunt force trauma.
And Linus isn't here. I wonder what's going on.
She's cheating.
Oh wow, that actually hurt.
Okay, I have to not react to things too hard.
Let's jump right into YouTube hiking the price of premium plans in several countries.
That's right.
Literally the day after I uploaded the video that I teased on Wenshow last week,
where I was defending YouTube charging for 4K video,
so putting it behind a premium paywall,
YouTube turned around and increased the price of my premium family plan
from 18 Canadian dollars to 23 Canadian dollars.
It's a big jump.
That is a substantial increase.
What does that work out to? Like a 30% hike or something like that?
I thought it was like 25.
And we are not the only ones to have our prices increased.
The US and the UK went from $17.99 of their currency to $22.99 and $19.99 respectively.
And other regions are getting similar hikes in Argentina,
where inflation has reached 95%.
The jump is particularly aggressive.
Individual plans went from 78 US cents to $2.53 US.
So that's like, wow, over tripling.
And then family plans went from $1.17 to $4.55.
Again, tripling. That is brutal.
That's crazy.
Additionally, now this is something that I feel like we can really dig our teeth into.
YouTube is hiking the price of family plans
for users who subscribe through Apple's App Store from $22.99 to $29.99.
Taking that route has always been more expensive,
but YouTube is now explicitly disclosing this in their announcement email.
So for the people who are not familiar with why YouTube Premium would cost more,
Luke, what's the deal with that?
The App Store takes a monstrous, monstrous cut.
This is true on Android and iOS platforms.
I'm not trying to just go after them.
But yeah, these App Stores take huge, huge cuts.
I think generally in the 30% range,
which is a lot just for hosting some downloads in a store.
Now, my understanding is that you weren't allowed to charge,
essentially, a 30% surcharge to account for it.
Yeah, but I thought that was actually against...
They've been shifting the rules on that.
I don't know exactly where it stands right now,
because the last time that they shifted their rules,
we matched exactly what their rule change was,
and then our app got denied for following their rules.
And then I had to have an hour-long phone conversation about that,
and then our app got approved because nothing matters, apparently.
So I don't know.
But yeah, the line keeps moving because lawsuits and whatnot keep on happening.
That makes sense.
Yeah, I'm not sure.
But I guess you can now,
unless we're going to see a huge legal battle between them.
But I'm pretty sure you can.
I think you're allowed to charge a differing amount at this point.
Yeah, I think that this raises some pretty interesting questions.
Let's get through the price increases.
So original subscribers to YouTube Red family plans,
who were grandfathered in at $14.99 a month,
are going to be subject to the new $22.99 price,
but not until April 2023,
with everyone else getting the new price on their next billing cycle.
And I think that the conversation needs to be,
why is this allowed?
This is not a free or ad supported service,
where, as people so helpfully pointed out when we were talking about the whole
does ad block equal piracy discussion,
it does not actually have any kind of explicit,
you know, contractual agreement between the platform and the user.
I think that there's certainly a terms of service.
And, you know,
there's conversations to be had around what the implied agreement is
for the use of the platform.
But this is a this is a paid agreement.
How is it exactly that lawmakers have not sort of identified this
as something that absolutely needs to be stopped this,
this single party renegotiation of the deal?
Like, do you feel a little bit like Lando at this point, Lando Calrissian?
I like that.
I enjoyed the reference.
I don't know, it's weird, because like with with inflation,
we've seen really intense inflation lately.
They mentioned here, but in Argentina,
where inflation has reached 95%,
it hasn't been that bad in like Canada or the States,
but it's still been really, really bad.
If you have inflationary periods,
if you if you if you sign an agreement with some company,
okay, I'm going to pay was the original YouTube red one 1499, I believe.
Yeah, I'm going to pay 1499.
Yeah, well, in 10 years, that 1499 doesn't have the same power
that it had when you originally signed that agreement.
So maybe it could be a situation where like,
rate increases have to be within a reasonable margin or something.
I don't know.
I mean, yeah, we saw that until the billing cycle.
So people could cancel.
We saw that in the early days of the pandemic,
where they mandated that rent could not be increased,
certainly not over a certain amount.
I know there are places where rent increases need to be within
a certain percentage, or they are considered to be illegal.
But, you know, I guess from my point of view,
it's just, it's not what I agreed to.
I don't see why that should be.
I don't see why that should be permitted for a service.
I mean, you're right, obviously, if you don't like it,
you can just not pay for it.
But they're not even putting up a facade.
Do you think the timing feels suspicious?
Trying to do the right thing.
The timing feels very suspicious to me.
Not based on your video, to be clear.
No, certainly not that.
What I'm talking about is the changes coming to Chrome.
Oh, that's a whole...
When I first read this, I was like,
oh yeah, so they're going to like completely screw over ad blockers.
And right before they do that,
they're going to do a massive rate hike to YouTube Premium.
This might just be me finding things where they don't exist.
But the timing's not exactly lined up, but it's pretty close.
If I remember correctly, I don't remember the exact verbiage for the change,
but what they're doing to Chrome that is going to impact ad blockers
and probably some other things, but very notably ad blockers,
is going to happen, I believe in January,
which at this point is a few months away.
It's not that far off.
Yeah, that's pretty soon.
There's some really good questions about this coming in from Floatplane Chat.
So first of all,
Cas54 points out that they should at least, at the very least,
not be able to charge people the new rate until they click a button
that says they're okay with it.
And they could absolutely cancel your service.
But to me, I remember when we migrated Floatplane
from the LTT forum to its own site, to floatplane.com.
And I remember it being extremely complicated
to change the terms of a recurring service agreement.
Man, this word keeps escaping me.
Unilaterally, there we go, that's the word I'm looking for,
to just unilaterally change the terms of the agreement.
And we ended up having to have people manually go through
and sign up again for the new site.
We lost a lot of users in that.
Interestingly enough, I'll throw some context in there.
That is completely correct.
That was very difficult.
One of the main reasons why that was difficult
is because we were actually changing business entities.
When it was through the forum, it was under Linus Media Group.
When it was through the Floatplane website, it was under Floatplane.
So we were changing business entities.
There's a bunch of issues there
because we were transferring payment agreements from one company to another.
And I think that might be possible, but it was way beyond us at the time,
if it is even possible at all.
I don't know.
So we had to have people manually move themselves over.
The other interesting tidbit is we can absolutely
change people's agreements and increase or decrease prices at will.
The reason why it's never come up is we're obviously not going to do that
because that's incredibly stupid.
Speak for yourself.
You'll just get wrecked as a company if you do that.
At least that's been our opinion on it.
So obviously we don't do that, but there is ways that you can set up
where you can totally change people's monthly value.
I love the idea of needing to press a button though,
because something that you can do is you can set up a monthly value.
We know this at Floatplane, and anybody who has ever done Twitch streaming
at a professional level knows this as well.
When you have paid subscriptions, you will have...
And I'm saying we know this at Floatplane.
I'm not saying it's a good thing.
It's just something that we have knowledge of,
because if we didn't, we would just be stupid.
But if you have paid subscriptions at all,
there are going to be people that forget about them.
Maybe the five bucks or the three bucks or the 10 bucks isn't a ton to them.
Maybe they aren't really on top of their credit card statements, whatever else.
It's even worse when you sign up for things on yearly plans,
because when people go to review their credit card statements,
they don't see it coming in all the time.
They get a one in 12 chance to catch it.
Yes, yes.
So it's totally a thing.
So if you don't have...
And a lot of people will also see a charge coming in and they're like,
oh, that's Amazon or YouTube or Google or Walmart or whatever.
I recognize what this is and this is a payment that I pay every month.
Okay, that's fine.
So not necessarily paying too much attention to what the value is,
but they're like, oh yeah, I subscribe to YouTube Premium.
That's the YouTube Premium payment.
Sounds good.
Especially people that have currency conversions.
That makes sense.
Changing the price.
Sure, they send an email.
When's the last time you read a marketing email from YouTube?
I mean, I did read this email because it was like, your price is going up.
I tweeted about it because I felt so...
I don't know, I appreciate the irony of the timing.
You know how I learned about this?
Because I filter it out.
I never even...
This email never hit my inbox on my personal email because it's a marketing email.
I just filter it out, I don't care.
I learned about this because you tweet.
Oh, really?
That's hilarious.
I didn't see the email.
And I'm a YouTube Premium person.
So this sucks.
I'm not stoked.
Get ready to pay another $5 or $6 or whatever it is.
Black Specter over in Floatplane Chat asks,
I'm still keeping my $3 plan, right?
I mean, I am also on the $4K plan,
but it's always good knowing I can fall back to the $3 plan if I need to wait.
You have two active subscriptions to Floatplane so that you can have the $4K tier
and you can also maintain your grandfathered OG tier status in case you need it.
So you're actually paying $13 a month to retain the ability to pay $3 a month
if you need it in the future.
They would need two accounts.
I think you need a financial advisor because that is not great planning, actually.
But hey, thank you for the $13 a month.
Someone in chat said I never got an email and my payment is $10 in my special.
I don't know how your payment is $10.
I'm not sure what currency you're paying in,
but I haven't heard of YouTube Premium ever being $10.
Yeah, so you must be in a different region.
Maybe your region isn't affected by this.
I don't know.
I don't know.
This is hilarious.
I wonder how many of our Floatplane subscribers are duplicates.
Now I want the team to go look into that.
Like, how many of these accounts are coming from the same IP all the time and stuff?
Or like have identical names and use the same credit cards or whatever.
Yeah, that would be a fair amount of digging.
Yeah, I don't think we need to do that.
You guys should just not pay us twice.
Yeah, I mean, you can if you want.
I'm not going to refuse to take it.
But you should just buy more stuff on LTT store.
That's that's smarter because then you get like shirts and stuff.
Nicholas N asks, what I want to know is if this $5 increase is going to benefit the creators
that I watch.
And that is one silver lining.
That is one part of the argument that I made in the 4K should be paid video that at the
very least, what YouTube is doing through their really like unprecedented the way that
YouTube shares revenue is unlike any other platform, the degree of transparency and the
percentage that they share are way more generous than anyone else.
And so there's a reason that creators are constantly trying to figure out how to grow
on YouTube.
Whatever platform people come from, the really successful online creators ultimately end
up on YouTube.
And the reason for that is because of the way that they share revenue.
And yes, the answer is yes, this would be this would be subject to the same revenue
sharing agreement that regular premium is that AdSense is.
And it's one of the ways that Google attracts talent to the platform so, so, so effectively
in a way that just nobody else has figured out how to match.
And I shouldn't say has figured out how to match.
I think everyone else has figured out how to match it.
You have to choose like actually pay money to creators.
But companies like ByteDance don't want to do it.
So they just don't.
And I think that's one of the reasons that YouTube has stood the test of time while other
platforms like Vine and like I ultimately believe TikTok come and go and come and go
and come and go while YouTube remains.
And you've got a lot of people talking about like especially in the comments on that
video, you know, angrily and and justifiably angry right like I get it, but angrily talking
about how this is the last straw YouTube taking away 4K is this is going to be the last straw
and I'm going for an alternative and it's like guys, there is no alternative, because
at the end of the day, content is king, that is always going to be true.
And so yeah, it's tough, right?
There's some people in chat saying, oh, sorry, go for it.
No, no, go for it.
There's some people in chat saying that they have YouTube premium at $7.99.
Apparently that's a student plan thing.
There's other people in chat saying that they have YouTube premium at 10 bucks, which is
apparently if you had Google Play Music, and like maybe something else, you got grandfathered
multiple times, something, something, something.
I don't know what's going to happen to all of those, but in general, there is there is
a it's a big radar, do you know?
So it is is what the creators take from premium views a percentage of the premium price?
Correct it is.
Okay, yeah.
So the whole premium dollars go into a big fat bucket.
And then I think I tweeted out the percentage share incorrectly, actually, I believe it's
55% to the creators, 45 to the platform.
And that 45 is not all profit for the platform.
That includes payment processing fees, which as Luke knows, yeah, he's nodding, can be
quite substantial.
They run their own, which I'm sure helps.
They do run their own, which is cheaper, but they're still going to be paying to, you know,
Amex or Visa or whatever other credit card processors that they support or whatever else.
And there's cost of maintaining your own payment.
And yes, and and the cost of actually hosting the data and delivering it.
So it's a pretty it's a pretty good deal for creators, which is why the creator ecosystem
has just blossomed into this this vibrant community that they have now.
And they have so much first movers momentum on this, I just don't see realistically how
anyone is going to catch them.
Yeah, I've always kind of seen YouTube that way.
We had I don't think I don't know if it was last week, but we were we were talking about
like what resolutions would you still watch YouTube at?
And it was like, basically, whatever, because where else am I going to go for this?
And it's like, it's, it gets to the point where it's like, if the resolution goes so
low, you just don't watch videos.
Because what, where else are you going to go?
Which VOD is does not cover what YouTube does at all daily motion does not cover what YouTube
does at all.
Like no one else is in that game.
Vimeo, get real Vimeo, if anything, has made themselves has made it even more clear in
the last like year that they are not interested in chasing that ad supported free content.
mega site really audience that yeah, it's it's super hard lumber wand over in YouTube
chat I know there's a first time for everything says so if I have premium and ad block does
that money still get properly attributed to the creators that I watch well my question
is why do you have ad block if you have premium yeah but also yes your premium watch time
as long as you're signed in gets divvied up according to watch time or sorry your premium
money gets divvied up to the creators you watch according to watch time ratios yes that's
right yeah people have asked a bunch of times like why don't you make free ad sport tiers
on flowplay I'm like because it's an insane amount of work like it's it's a massive amount
of work to broker those advertising deals or you're just jumping on something like YouTube
AdSense anyways yeah yeah I'm giving Google a cut then you can't be competitive with them
regardless so like what is what is the value ad here like it's it's it's tough it's a it's
a hard space to be in okay this kind of leads into one of our discussion questions which
is why does YouTube seem so unconcerned about the potential for moves like this to push
users towards ad blockers so they're not concerned I don't think about users just leaving the
site altogether I think maybe they've gotten a little complacent but also rightfully so
but as for ad blockers I mean Luke you have the you have the technical capacity to block
ads on YouTube but you subscribe to YouTube premium and you seem to have telegraphed earlier
in the show that you intend to pay the new $22.99 price for premium as opposed to setting
up I mean I don't even know how to completely block YouTube ads like I know on on mobile
it's a little challenging on TV very challenging like brave or whatever with an ad blocker
but on on TV I believe it's quite challenging and and you won't get your 4k anyway if that
was your goal on mobile if you use an alternate browser well there are there are other ways
on mobile and you can still get your 4k but I have premium so I don't care and I don't
talk about it but there yeah on on TV I have no idea because I've never been interested
in watching YouTube on TV to be completely honest so I haven't looked into it myself
on mobile it's definitely possible on on computer is definitely possible I did mention earlier
in in I believe it's January someone manifest v3 is coming that's gonna mess with ad blockers
maybe we'll see if that'll that'll push that down in regards to ad blocking I do think
this will cause a little bit of that I do question how many people would go from paying
for it to add blocking it because of this change I'm sure it will be some but will it
all I know that the increased amount that they'll make from charging way way more like
this is a massive increase you know what I actually I want to play devil's advocate here
counterpoint I actually think the odds of someone who was paying before turning to ad
blocking assuming they for whatever reason couldn't keep paying their premium subscription
if this was one cappuccino too far right you know okay so they they unsubscribe it's a
lot I actually I disagree I think that they would be more likely than a typical user because
they are a probably an enthusiast user of the platform one that was willing to pay so
one that probably consumes a lot and be have probably grown very accustomed to not seeing
ads on YouTube so I would I would actually imagine these people digging pretty hard for
an alternative I mean I'm going to I'm going to reiterate my my my privateering stance
and that's that using the platform in a way that does not compensate creators for their
work is detrimental to the platform that you appear to be enjoying and may claim to like
the content on and so you know make of that what you will and make your decision accordingly
but that doesn't change that people are are going to be I think surprised especially if
they've been on premium for a while by how many flippin ads are on YouTube now yeah yeah
I mean I wouldn't even know anytime anytime I open in the wrong browser I run away immediately
because I hate I hate seeing the ads for me it's it's a it's a big multi-tiered thing
where I I I want to support other creators on on YouTube because I watch a bunch of YouTube
and I know they get better cuts when I'm watching as a premium subscriber so I think that's
cool I like that part of it I like that there's no ads and I don't feel bad about it I understand
that there is actually a huge amount of cost so just blocking all the ads on YouTube feel
a little wonky when I I feel quite strongly about the whole malvertising thing I don't
think I need to go over that for like the 20th time on WAN show but I I don't necessarily
think that malvertising on YouTube is actually a big problem maybe it is but I've never heard
of it being a problem I I mostly am interested in in stopping those types of problems outside
on on other other parts of the internet but yeah supporting a platform that I use a ton
that I know costs a lot to run and be able to support other creators that I actually
want to support through doing that knowing that they make more money off of it all of
those things together makes it pretty reasonable for me instead of just presenting problems
then why don't we why don't we talk solutions I mean I would never advise someone to circumvent
the terms of service of a website I'm sorry excuse me sorry I thought excuse me you know
I would I would never say something like that but if it really is a step too far I mean
one of the things that struck me about this price increase is that even though it's like
a 30% increase or 25% increase or whatever it's still three dollars and thirty three
cents US per member of my family a family plan is is twenty three dollars a month or
whatever Canadian and I have five people using it and I'm kind of sitting here going you
know what it's it's kind of funny how common it is right for people to share a Netflix
account and yet I almost never see anyone talking about sharing a YouTube premium account
and I understand it's less convenient to share a YouTube premium account just because there's
so many other Google services that you might use that you might want you might actually
want to contribute to informing your your recommendations and things like that like
it's such a personalized service but I mean we use choices yeah if the choice is to not
that's true we used to talk about it because you shamelessly were piggybacking off of my
family plan I'm sorry first child Luke actually now that I think about it no I was being done
before you don't actually have to share the login anyway no you get up to five accounts
on the single-family plan so I wouldn't I wouldn't talk about you know circumventing
terms of service that would never be a thing that I would talk about I just I think that
it's worth you know considering if maybe there could be ways that are not as detrimental
to creators for people to help to offset some of the increase in cost yeah for sure there's
I think there are and just like you can talk about exploits and bugs and systems without
encouraging people to do them there are definitely ways to yeah reduce reduce the impact of the
this change for sure like using Firefox in January for no specific reason or or or yeah
potentially expanding your family yeah I mean really aren't we all family yeah in the tech
community yeah well I feel like we're just all family just and so yeah with that family
spirit in mind it really does just seem like kind of a kind of a an obvious middle ground
like I pay literally you know for myself I pay 350 right a month for YouTube Premium
that seems that seems sustainable forever they could double the price and I would still
find that to be quite reasonable and I just want to say you know no matter who you are
you probably have four friends and if you don't I'm so sorry to hear that but you know
it's it could be a goal for you you might you might not have four friends that all want
to pay for YouTube but you might find them I wouldn't be surprised if there was like
a discord server or something that sprung up which was like oh man to find the amount
of feels bad man and forever alone I mean that's in twitch chat though I mean we knew
they didn't have friends because they're hanging out with like people who don't know they exist
in hot tubs so oh man all these parasocial relationships I know right you can't attack
them for parasocial relationships wait why not because we're not gonna have any viewers
young whatever you'll keep watching yeah that's the thing about parasocial relationships is
you can make fun of them for it and they'll still do it anyway yep it's all stop barrington
he's one of our most og og og followers yeah all of all of floatplane chat feels extremely
called out all right is it six people you and five others no I think it's no five total
I believe I don't know yeah I'm not sure yeah because otherwise I have no excuse for not
having Luke on our family plan anymore yeah oh man bullying everyone this has gone extremely
well this last little bit why don't we move on to our next topic here should we do AMD
yeah let's do AMD because they they they about to get done yeah after launching with a fairly
strong showing with Ryzen 7000 AMD looked like they might be doing pretty okay but Intel
was looming with 13th gen raptor-like CPUs and they may have cut the celebration short
apparently it's been a little rough launched yesterday the new CPUs posted impressive numbers
with the core 9 13 900k these names are getting really long apparently it is manager plus
five by the way so yeah six people even cheaper than I thought okay sorry carry on but yeah
apparently they're topping the charts over AMD's more expensive 16 core Ryzen 9 7950x
in all but the most heavily multi-threaded workloads which does make sense can we talk
about that for a moment I feel like much there much ado gets made of multi-threaded performance
but for the average consumer outside of like maybe four four threads four to eight threads
is anything you do actually heavy heavily multi-threaded like to be clear it's pretty
rare we're not going to stop talking about multi-threaded performance and reviews because
it has been and continues to be a very forward-looking way of measuring the performance of a CPU
because theoretically in the future workloads will come but for the average consumer who
doesn't spend all day you know doing that CPU video encoding for peak quality or you
know rendering out complex scenes in blender I mean show of hands like Luke want to throw
up a poll in the float plane chat how many of you actually use blender like other than
to dink around with it once a quarter you know how important is multi-threaded performance
oh this is a great comment in twitch chat was bound to happen eventually kelton says
ecores are cinebench enhancers oh let's get this poll going do you actually use blender
on a regular basis twenty percent we've got eighty eighty two eighty three percent saying
no we've got a couple percent saying yes and then we've also got like fifteen percent liars
in there I also yeah yeah I was gonna say like I really wonder how many of the yeses
are people just being like AMD is good okay come on I regret my thread Ripper every single
day though yeah yeah how's that upgrade path going for you Dan I yearn for death I spent
so much money on that computer so much money and it's it's yeah multi-thread is this said
this is one of the reasons why future-proofing is is something that we always kind of scoff
at a little bit I'll be upward yeah because when when people when people talk about like
oh I want to like really multi-thread capable CPU because the future it it's not really
happening it's kind of hard to dev software like that so people just don't do it VT Arxellis
in twitch chat says every last furry is destined to learn blender for VR there's literally
dozens of us yes that's that I guess that makes it I wanted to build myself a I wanted
to build myself a model for Beat Saber Saber streaming and I realized that even though
there are kind of three done no not a furry one necessarily even though there are pre-done
like starting points and there are guides you have to really get into the weeds with
modeling software to to like draw it and rig it up and I'm like oh this is far beyond my
skills it would be I would be far better off just paying someone to do this then I looked
into how much it costs and I was like ah ready player now or whatever it's called that that
service that just like you pick some generic attributes and assets and it just starts out
a model for you that'll do for me it's it's totally free man I so back when I was in high
school I've talked about my high school computer teacher a few times and I mentioned a few
shows back that he he created this like 3d game programming course for us we we had to
do some basic 3d modeling in that class and we used this program called milkshake so it
sounds like milkshake but it's milkshake yeah and I just googled it to see if it was still
a thing and I don't think so but yeah I used to do some of that stuff long time ago it's
kind of cool anyways yeah we should continue that also people are asking if merch messages
are not a thing today I don't actually have the dashboard open are they a thing yeah they
are I've only gotten eight oh maybe it's because we didn't talk about them guys so if you want
to send a message into the show the way to do it is through merch messages not twitch
bits not super chats nothing like that you want to send a merch message all you got to
do is head over to lttstore.com and in the checkout you're going to see a field where
you can enter your merch message and it'll either be replied to by Dan it'll show up
on the bottom of the screen if you just want to do like a shout out or something like that
or Luke and I might address your comment or your question live towards the end of the
show the lttstore.com deal of the week is the Jerry Rigg knife is back in stock and
if you pick up a 1200 by 700 desk pad and add a knife to your cart the knife is free
also oh this is sick Luke bring them up we have shoelaces now there they are they come
with this adorable little power supply shaped box that has the shoelaces coming out like
cables and the reason that these are notable is if you have or want to get the RGB hoodie
these are actually the same laces so you can get that drip going on or however it is that
you use that word yeah by having your shoelaces match your hoodie drawstring which I thought
was pretty cool oh yeah I can see this but there's like there's a fan on this side of
the power supply and there's even like the grill the power switch and the plug on the
back it's kind of cool this is pretty I'm not going to claim there's anything special
about the shoelaces other than that they match the hoodie drawstring they've got some like
white stitching pattern on them yep I don't know yeah they feel nice and sturdy I wonder
if we can do a close-up with a producer cam let's see so the 1200 by 700 desk pad then
add a knife and the knife is free it's a sick deal that is a 15 us dollar value and you
can use it to send in a merch message we also we also just generally have the knives in
stock so if you don't need a desk pad you can always just like pick up a jerry-rigged
everything knife I think there's probably a conversation to be had around should we
just carry more influencer merch like is there any reason not to just have other people's
merch on our store maybe we should yeah I don't see why not yeah all right let's continue
the AMD discussion especially if there's something that isn't just like a shirt yeah you know
yeah it's right I have a bunch of shirts yeah continued AMD discussion so all of this the
all of this AMD crushing power does come at a currently trendy cost which is kind of surprising
to me that this is currently trendy but the power consumption is monstrous apparently
our testing saw a peak of 350 watts but other outlets measured power draw up to 400 watts
and beyond with the limiters removed and with throttling on 360 millimeter AIO coolers wow
so you basically need chilled water yeah we're bringing back we're bringing the chiller going
sub sub ambient voice yeah sub ambient and and Anthony has a note saying this means it's
possible to approach a kilowatt of sustained draw for a personal home computer I added
that little bit in between CPU and GPU alone with a 40 90 test rig wow that's crazy especially
when like so many other things are trending in the other direction and going down in power
draw we have the the top end of performance on and on personal computers just cranking
power draw as far as I can tell pretty much as hard as they can you know what we've actually
got a video coming where we run an RTX 40 90 and a Ryzen 9 7900 X on a 550 watt power
supply and we play cyberpunk sustained on a 550 watt power supply so and and this is
giving up like less than 5% performance one of the cool things about the new Ryzen 7000
series we haven't tested it with 13th gen yet it's possible others have I just I haven't
looked yet but with Ryzen 7000 and with the RTX 40 90 is that they actually undervolt
extremely well and you can achieve very surprising wasn't undervolting I thought it was lowering
the power target well it's a combination so you lower your power target until you find
a point where it starts to behave kind of weird and then you you set your you set your
turbo target to kind of whatever megahertz you're running at at that point then you adjust
your voltage current anyway we showed in the video it's a it's a process though but basically
we managed to get it running stably on a 550 watt power supply without actually giving
up a ton of performance to be clear that wasn't with me running two power viruses at once
that was with me running an actual game but in in real world usage I think it would probably
be stable which isn't to say you should ever do that no no I'm just saying that you can
lower the power consumptions of these new of these new components it just might take
a little bit of work but the thing is that we've reached the point where the work might
be worth it man like it used to be that we would put all this work into tuning for more
performance right with overclocking but now with energy prices going the way they are
particularly in Europe right it could actually save you hundreds of dollars over the lifespan
of this computer to undervolt it yeah yeah someone said let me see if I can find it again
with someone in I'm a flanker in in full plane chat says with current UK pricing for electric
that's 34 p an hour for gaming wow that's gonna add up yeah it's gonna add up a lot
actually that's uh I mean man that's a question that's like that's like what it cost at the
arcade you know when we were young right like if you if you had to put a coin right if you
had to put a quarter in the machine every hour would you game as much as you do or is
it just the fact that you're not really thinking about it because it's coming in on a monthly
billing cycle if I had to put a quarter in every hour I probably wouldn't I think I would
genuinely play less games right like that's that's a pretty high friction transaction
actually yeah and to be clear I still I still believe that gaming remains one of the best
bang for the buck entertainment mediums right like you can there's especially with free
to play games that you really do not have to put money into you know games like League
of Legends for example like there's there's nothing that comes even close you know you
look at it compared to like a movie going to the movies or going paintballing or whatever
else it is like gaming is is an unbelievable bang for the buck assuming you actually do
it enough to offset the the upfront cost but man that starts to eat into it a little bit
25 cents every hour my goodness and it's a lot more than that that's closer to 50 cents
so if you had to put you had to pop a quarter into your desk every half hour I do not see
you doing that sir yeah no that's yeah sometimes sure but not not I I would probably reduce
yeah um to that's wild I want to figure out exactly how much it is what is so that's cents
right p pence is it yeah yeah so zero zero point three three four yeah yeah you're right
52 cents that's a lot yeah that's actually like a ton yeah my solar panels are starting
to look like a pretty smart investment yeah yeah I remember when solar panels up here
were were not um obviously they've gotten a lot more they've got a lot more efficient
since then um they're still stupid here sir because our power is still cheap I didn't
want to rub it in for everybody falling water but you know the whole falling water might
not keep happening thing is coming yeah so we did a um we did a little work field trip
to banff a number of years ago uh luke didn't come he didn't technically work for linus
media group at that time long story anyway the point is we went to see this glacier and
they had all these markings on the ground for where the glacier used to be where it
is now and where it like used to used to be and where it's going to be and sort of just
tracking this receding giant glacier and they were like yeah so you know 30 to 50 years
this thing will be gone and guess what that means for hydroelectric power and I was like
uh like I could live to see the end of cheap energy in western canada which is sort of
mind-blowing what are we going to do I don't think fossil fuels talked about it yeah yeah
yeah and it because like everyone that I know just kind of shrugs it at power that lives
here to be clear uh because we've always been like it's falling water it's fine um and I
mean it is for now for now a lot of people asking why I'm in two dimensions uh budget
cuts sorry yeah I have to afford my new more expensive youtube premium somehow yeah it's
true yeah yeah we are we got to spread the spread the burden out you know um but yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah so these new AMD AMD chips um the biggest advantage the new chips have
over AMD is one that AMD once held and it's the platform unlike Ryzen 7000 13th gen core
can run on last gen motherboards with a simple BIOS update and they can run with DDR4 memory
which continues to be much less expensive than DDR5 in fact fast DDR4 didn't harm performance
much if at all versus fast DDR5 um speaking of our testing we've got another sort of conversation
topic here and it's what the heck is going on with all the errors in the videos lately
and you know I've talked to the team about this and from my point of view um you know
I didn't really want to say much about it because my goal would not be to throw any
particular person or team under the bus because it's a little more complicated than that all
I really wanted to say publicly was we owe you guys nothing but the best we are striving
to deliver nothing but the most accurate coverage but the reality of it is that we are going
through a bit of a learning period right now one of the comments that has come up quite
a bit is why is it that publications with teams literally a tenth or a 20th the size
of our company are able to have their videos go up more accurately and the answer is that
actually adding more cooks to the kitchen does not necessarily make it a smoother process
and we're learning a lot every single time it's a different breakdown if that helps you
guys at all to understand what's happening on our side and every single time we are patching
those holes so we won't break down there again and it's just going to take us a little while
to get the hang of this between the writing team and labs and the editing team there are
a lot of moving parts and we are we are absolutely going to do our best to get to the point where
you guys don't feel like you need to read reviews from multiple outlets but we will
still absolutely recommend always yeah you always look at coverage from multiple outlets
that's something I've always said it's something that I always will say yeah okay I didn't
know that was a problem the video we should probably talk sponsors yeah good call the
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chat about another big topic here and that is oh where's the one that i wanted to yes
ltt on espanol yeah yeah let me see if i can find this here so luke uh should we should
we play it for them now or should we play it for them a little bit later i feel like
we should maybe a little later play it for them and then talk about it because it's cool
and it's not like it's happening now it has happened it's live you know and let's do it
yeah people don't want to watch it through the stream i'm gonna play it through the stream
so if you want to watch it through the stream you can you can just do that but you can also
bring it up on your own end like it's it's live and it functions now something that i
didn't know until i sat down and we went over this is that uh you don't have to make a new
channel for it anymore so this is just on the actual main channel uh this is a really
cool feature so we can see what you're doing uh it's so cool that's not what i meant i
mean there we go i've had a lot of people commenting too whether it's on the is that
uh you don't have to make a new channel for it anymore so this is just on the actual main
channel uh this is a really cool feature technical difficulties great we'll get there anyway
let's turn off that screen sharing right away i think it's causing echo whether it's on the
all right well i can i can i can walk you through the the visual experience without a natural
visible visible indicator so you guys all know what i'm talking about if you're on youtube
in the bottom right hand corner of a video there's the settings cogwheel we all know it we all love
it you click on it there's the audio track section now so instead of just like playback speed
annotations quality the things you're used to have got it we should um it's worth mentioning
a lot of people during the 4k premium controversy commented criticizing you know youtube for not
innovating like what is there to even do um and you know again i don't want to boot like a trillion
dollar corporation or whatever but like scaling scaling the way youtube scales is really really
hard yeah and building new features at scale is really hard and they absolutely do build new
features and this one is one of the coolest ones i've seen in a very very long time okay
luke is showing it to us now so down in the cog you can have multiple audio tracks on a video now
and it appears to be something that you can actually do um that you can actually add in post
like after the fact to existing uploads so what we've done with this particular video is using
google allowed uh we have uh created a transcript a spanish translation transcript of the videos
and then we have used um i forget exactly what tool we're using to turn that into like an an
ai voice and then we've done our own uh conversion from our own voices to an ai voice to kind of fill
in the gaps in the translation so the idea is not to do a perfect job of localization actually here
let's let's play it first yeah play it first and we'll talk a little bit more about it i haven't
heard this so let's go
Okay, all right.
Let's pause it for now.
But I'm seeing a lot of people going either way on this.
You know, gross doesn't sound human or wow, it's surprisingly good.
Almost nothing in between, which is really interesting to me.
And I want to clarify that the point of allowed, this is Google's translation, quote unquote,
setup is to increase accessibility.
It's not about perfection, but 80% of the world does not speak English, while the majority
of video content online is in English.
So bilingual users might be likely to notice issues with pacing, tone, and minor translation
errors because they can compare against the native English version.
And what Google has found is that non-English speakers are more often just impressed that
they can access the content at all.
So if we think about it from an accessibility standpoint, as opposed to a perfection standpoint,
Ferna 182 in Floatplane Chat says native Spanish speaker sounds like a dub show on TV, a few
mistakes here and there, but overall way better than last time.
That's good.
That was our goal.
Pretty much across the board, people are saying not the most accurate, but it's okay.
And yes, I know, you know, if we hired like a translation company and a bunch of voice
actors, you know, Mr. Beast style, that might work, but okay, you got to think about the
scale of what Mr. Beast is doing.
If he's getting 30 to 50 million views on an English video and he can assume maybe 25%
as much on an alternate language channel, you know, if we only got 25% as many views
on one to 2 million views, all of a sudden that would pretty much eat up whatever money
we could have made on that video.
Like it's not, it doesn't make good business sense, but if it's something that we can do
relatively easily, right?
Like if it's something that we can do using AI and then just doing spot corrections, Ooh,
that's, that's the way for us to tackle it because we, we upload so much.
I mean, he uploads one video every like two weeks these days, right?
We're uploading daily.
So the, just the scale of the cost is enormous.
I mean, we've run into issues with our, um, with our Chinese translation where it's not
even a matter of not being willing to pay for it.
We just upload so frigging much that it's hard to find enough people who want to work
on it.
I mean, being not able to understand it at all, cause I, I can't speak a single word
of Spanish.
I, I think the tech is really cool.
Um, our implementation completely regardless having it so that you can switch audio tracks
like that and having it support, uh, languages for, for the, the use case of that feature
is sweet.
And I, I think we should all be pretty happy that that exists on YouTube because of like
what Linus is saying, the, the accessibility stuff.
Um, maybe it could be better.
Maybe it could be worse.
Um, I just think it's a really cool feature and I'm, I'm stoked.
I like it when sites like YouTube innovate because there's so much that can be done when
you have an audience that is like as close to the entire planet as you could basically
Um, so yeah, I think it's really cool and I like that we're using it because why not?
And from like, you know, not everything is going to get translated, but this could be
a great tool for people looking to learn English as well.
Being able to listen to it in Spanish and then listen to it in English.
I know that's how a lot of people do if people want to learn Spanish.
Well, I wouldn't learn Spanish from an AI translation is the only reason I didn't bring
that up.
You're going to walk around sounding like a bad translation all the time.
Which is actually, oh man, that actually would make for like a good comedy short or something
like that.
So, so what you learned from bad translations, how to speak a language.
And just like, I actually, I could even see it being a show like back in the eighties
or nineties, like a Mr. Bean style, like you have a character whose entire sort of shtick
is that they, they learned, you know, the language from, from poor translations.
So they just are constantly using idioms that make no sense.
And I, I, yeah, that could be, that could be interesting.
Digibrat we already have a translation service in China and we have almost a million subscribers
on Bilibili, but thank you for the suggestion.
Already a thing.
I wonder if I get another gold play button.
I got such a kick out of getting a Chinese knockoff of a silver.
The silver one.
I saw the silver one years ago.
I don't know if there's a gold play button on Bilibili, but I'd be super, super down.
Is Spanish the only other option at the moment or is Spanish just the one you went with for
the test?
Spanish is the one that probably has the, the greatest overlap of people who want to
watch LTT and who don't speak English.
So like we could have gone for German, for example, but from my time in Germany, I would
say that that was probably going to be a big fat waste of time because practically everyone
I met there spoke better English than half the people I went to high school with.
Like their English schooling is outstanding.
It's always interesting when you talk to someone and they're like, Oh, my English is really
And it's like, Oh, it's fine.
It's fine.
It's fine.
And then they, they, you actually start having conversations with them and you start kind
of wondering like, is their English might be better than mine.
Exactly, exactly.
Actually Monty Python did a bit with a dodgy translation book like way back in the day.
So yeah, there you go.
It's been done.
It's been done.
People are talking about Indian.
One of the benefits of Spanish for us is we happen to have someone on staff who, who speaks
native Spanish.
So that helped a lot.
One of the challenges with Spanish though, is that there are a lot of regionalisms that
make Spanish localization really tricky.
Oh, wait.
She doesn't speak Spanish.
Oh, whoa, hold on.
Ed's Ed's messaging me in real time here.
Hindi is apparently coming soon.
Do we have someone on staff who speaks Hindi who can like check that?
Well, I don't know.
All right.
There you go.
I'm, I'm finding out, I'm finding out new things in real time here.
So it's really tricky because for Spanish, different countries and even regions have
their own vocabulary, accents, and idioms that can make it really, really challenging
to translate.
But I think it's going to be one of those things where you just have to kind of settle
on something and it's at least better than nothing.
For sure.
Should we talk about G4?
Oh, I mean, I guess so.
As long as we don't say anything mean, cause it's, it's rude to speak ill of the dead.
I got to say this before we start.
So rest in peace, zombie G4 TV.
Those of you who were super stoked on the return of G4 maybe, maybe what I'd like to
hear is why?
Because as someone who wasn't real, didn't really have any access to traditional media
at the time that G4 was taking off, like we didn't have a cable TV subscription at that
Like I didn't watch any TV at that time.
So I don't have any nostalgia for G4, but it seems like there's a contingent of people
that were like super miss G4 and, and, and loved it.
And I'd love to hear from you guys.
Like why?
People are saying like tech TV was the bomb.
I know, I know Chris Parillo had his break on like G4 tech TV.
I think tech TV was like a sub brand of G4 or something like that.
Lots of people never even heard of it.
OG G4 was better.
I didn't hear about it until years later because I ended up watching Adam Sessler on a game
review channel that I don't remember the name of anymore.
That I believe like all the hosts left and then it was not cool anymore.
But I used to like that game review channel tech TV, but, but I had never, that's the
only reason why I knew that G4 existed was people would comment about him being on it
back in the day on that show, talking about screensavers attack of the show.
So basically they just had a lot of like really good hosts back in the day.
It sounds like a bunch of people call it like a lot of people calling out X play.
I don't even know what, I don't know what that is.
Well, I didn't have cable, so we're very ignorant in all of this.
So yeah, when it came back, I didn't have the nostalgia ref.
So I didn't, I didn't go to start watching it because I never watched it in the first
I got nothing against it.
It sucks that it went down.
I've heard a lot of different, various commentary on this, about how they think that the, that
space is now pretty well covered by a lot of smaller, independent, like one to two bit
outfits here and there.
Um, like I know, um, one that I check out all the time is game ranks.
That's a relatively small team that have just been killing it for years.
So trying to pull together the game is another really small one that I know.
So trying to bring together this massive group, a bunch of big names, a bunch of fantastic
I have heard actually very, very good things about a lot of the people that worked on G4
So, and I know that there are already people trying to poach them, uh, both the people
that worked behind the scenes and on camera.
So I suspect that the people that worked there are going to do well, uh, because apparently
Blue Purple Kid and Twitch says they had good hosts even today and it still got shut down.
Comcast sucks.
I mean, I'd like to talk a little bit more about that later.
Let's talk more about that later.
But yeah, let's carry on.
So like I have heard that the, the, the behind the scenes team was, was just absolutely fantastic.
Um, I've heard that the, the hosts were all really good, um, but they, they just weren't
really getting the viewership that they needed to sustain the costs of having this apparently
again, I don't know, but I have heard this apparently massive studio and very extensive
staff, um, because it's, it's expensive, it's going to be expensive.
So yeah.
It's hard.
It is hard to make quality content on an online budget and traditional media like G4's last
run ended in, uh, 2013, uh, back in 2013.
It was a lot easier to make money through traditional TV advertising and cable subscriptions
that those numbers have only fallen since then.
And when you account for, you know, inflation, your production costs have not gone down.
So you've got the, you've got these lines that are trending in, in the opposite directions
that would be helpful for making a production sustainable.
And so as much as you might say, Comcast sucks.
And as much as I might not necessarily disagree with you, I think the thing that sucks about
them was that they ever thought this was going to work in the first place.
This was just clearly a stupid idea.
There's there's a bunch of people in chat, like what one person, um, Sydney broke it
says Comcast did very little marketing.
They had an abysmal business and marketing plan.
They could not figure out how to, uh, make things people wanted to watch.
And that's, yeah, maybe the production is fantastic and the hosting is fantastic.
But if you look, I mean, do we do?
I didn't know marketing is dead.
But I didn't, I didn't know where to watch G4.
I don't, were they on YouTube?
I don't think so.
Why would you care?
Like if you don't, if you didn't find it, then you'd like, you won't find it.
Like if it was really good, we rely on virality these days algorithmically.
If it was, if it was suitable for our given viewer, it would get served to them.
So I'm looking at just G4 TV's YouTube channel and they're getting like three or 4,000 views
a video, um, that's just not going to do it for the, for the staff that they had.
I don't, I don't know if everything actually hit the YouTube channel.
Um, a lot of places use YouTube channel as like partial archive side business thing.
Um, but yeah, they, they, uh, the, the budget was extremely high and when budgets are extremely
high, you're going to have to perform at a level that can pay for the budget.
And it, it seems like that wasn't happening.
Um, so that's it.
Uh, but I do think that a lot of these people are going to land on their feet.
My club lip says, says the guy whose entire business is supported by marketing, uh, yes,
but not marketing the show.
The content speaks for itself.
We don't, we don't market Linus tech tips.
We don't like buy what, like, what would you even a lot of marketing for something like
websites, a lot of marketing for something like a YouTube channel is through recommended
Um, and is, is the platform that you're on, I, again, I don't know if they were fully
on YouTube, but if they were fully on YouTube, um, then getting three to 4,000 views with
the, with the team that they had is, is just not going to support the, um, the, the math
just doesn't work right.
Um, I don't know, RAS rail and Twitch chat says, I'm sure you guys know better than I,
but I assume it failed because of corporate bloat and idiotic budgeting costs on infrastructure
that isn't needed for what they were producing.
But that's the thing.
Apparently it was like really good.
It's just that a lot of really good things.
It does cost a lot.
It legitimately costs a lot to approach a production like that in a traditional media
manner and to make it good.
And so that's why, I mean, that's why I think it was done that they even tried, not because,
you know, the hosts weren't great or the showrunners weren't great or whatever else, but because
it was pretty clear to me that there just wasn't enough money in it to sustain something
like that as, as a, as a startup.
Like it, it's very, very difficult.
Yeah, either way, condolences for, for the team there.
I know I've said it like 14 times, but I, I think they're going to be okay.
There's, I know of two different outfits that are currently putting out like, Hey, if you
worked there, hit us up.
Cause we're, we're hiring people like you.
Um, so I think they'll be all right.
I think so too.
I hope that's true for, for all of them, obviously you want people to be able to find gainful
Um, apparently they attack their followers a lot.
I, yeah, I don't know how much that would or wouldn't necessarily, um, H we don't like
to admit that fair enough.
Um, apparently talent were expected to play a role in managing public relations and little
action would be taken by the company in times of controversy.
I don't know what that means.
Um, yeah, I don't know a ton about it.
I just, I hope that, uh, I heard it was good from some people that I trust and I hope that
the people that were doing a good job in order to make it good land on their feet.
And that's pretty much it.
Rip G4 again.
See you later.
It's, uh, it's especially troubling just how sudden the shutdown was employees were
informed via email that the LA facility would be closed and all streams postponed, but no
word that the network was actually shutting it down.
Many employees only found out via a memo published on Twitter.
That's just gross.
I'm really not enjoying this, like modern people getting fired through figuring it out
through hearing it on the news thing.
Um, I'm sure to be fair, that was a thing in the past as well, but I've been hearing
a few of those lately.
Um, so yeah.
There's a whole bunch of employees said there was a ton of mismanagement and a lack of direction
in an interview with the Washington post.
Uh, apparently they wasted a bunch of funding on guest stars and cut staff and, uh, people
said they were underpaid.
Um, yeah.
All right.
Discussion question.
LTT video game channel when it feels like a matter of time, doesn't it?
I wanted to do one for a long time, but it's hard.
There isn't, there isn't a ton of money in it.
Um, gaming is, is something that the, the people that are doing well on YouTube in gaming
are huge and they're doing well because their volume is just enormous.
Um, and a lot of them have honestly pivoted slightly out of gaming so that they can get
their advertising dollars from segments that aren't just gaming.
They can use their audience to, uh, their audience that is interested in not just the
fact that they talk about games, but they're interested in, in the person.
So I'm not saying they're using their audience in a negative way, uh, but they're making
forms of content that aren't just gaming content, uh, because maybe they don't want to just
make gaming content.
And also they get to put that video in a different advertising segment than just gaming, which
is often a really good thing for, for money.
Um, so yeah, I don't know.
It's tough.
It's not a curated space.
It's honest.
The fans are vicious.
That's true.
Just to, just to put that out there.
And I've, I've been one of them.
Um, there was, I don't know if you guys remember this, but do I bring this up?
Yeah, let's go for it.
Um, cuphead cuphead, do you remember the launch of cuphead?
I think we even talked about this on Wancho back in the, back in the day, there was a,
there was a game reviewer who couldn't make it through the tutorial.
Oh no.
It was actually hilarious.
Uh, and, and a lot of, a lot of reviews coming out about games that are hard or like, like,
let's say cuphead, the cuphead one was like, pretty bad, um, watching the person's play
through where they spend whatever it is like 25 minutes trying to get through the tutorial
that should take people like 30 seconds was, was, uh, was pretty intense.
Um, but, but watching reviewers rate difficult games really poorly because they couldn't
accomplish it, um, is, is not fun.
It's not good.
Um, but I think, I feel like the gaming audiences is more ready to go after the reviewer in
those situations than a lot of other audiences, uh, which is, which is fine and fair, um,
but when the money's low and the audience is brutal, it makes the business decisions
and the competition is very high because there's a lot of game reviewers and there's a lot
of good game reviewers as well.
We named two of them on the show.
It's not like the, it's not like there's a, there's a hole there that we need to fill.
Um, it's like, what, what could we do differently in that space?
There's a bunch of people that do really long form, like video essay type content on games
that is just amazing.
Like the amount of research that goes into it is incredible and they make these, these
works of art.
There's a lot of people that make shorter form, more review punchy type of stuff that
is also really good.
Like it doesn't need us to join it.
I would enjoy making gaming content.
Nobody doesn't need us in that space.
So it's a difficult, I'd be happy to talk about, uh, beat saber map packs.
But like, other than that, it's like, what would I even contribute?
And honestly, like, that's cool.
How many views is that going to get?
How do we make, how do we make a good business call out of Linus talking about map packs
on beat saber?
I think it would probably be a thing where it's just like a passion project.
Um, but then you're, you're, you're paying people's wages for a passion project because
it's going to need to get edited.
And then if we, if we make a mistake over there, uh, the, the people that are angry
about it are going to cleave all of the other companies and groups that we have, which is
pretty extensive at this point.
Um, so it's just, it's tough.
It's tough.
Someone on Twitch chat talking about that, uh, untitled goose game stream that you and
I did saying it was funny to watch.
Like, yeah, it was.
But from like a work standpoint, that was the least productive thing that either Luke
or I could have been doing, like, what, what, what were we making?
Like $3 an hour to play untitled goose game.
I have no idea.
The opportunity cost of that is enormous.
And, you know, we've got people on Twitch also pointing out that you don't have to do
You can do niche content.
But niche content, it's right in the name.
How do you make money on it?
And there's, there's people that can and be very successful and make really good money,
but it's often one to two bit outfits.
We're big.
Like that's the thing is, is you can make money as an individual, but we're not an individual
Like all of a sudden, anything we do has to make more than just the person working on
it because there are other teams that support those people.
If you're just an individual fine.
But if you have to also pay your share of the overhead from our accounting department
and logistics department, and to be clear, you know, it's not fair to call accounting
overhead, but they don't make money.
They count it right.
And what they do is super important, keeping us compliant with various tax regulations
and and things like that.
You know, we can't operate without them, but it means that we can't just take every dollar
that comes in and go, Oh, well, that covers the salary of the people who work on this
It's just more complicated.
And like the galactic asks, what's the rationale behind carpool critics?
The rationale there is that they really wanted to do a movie podcast.
And I said, I okay, give it a shot.
And we'll see how it goes.
And they really, really like doing it still, I guess, because otherwise they don't have
I mean, they're just movies.
They're just movies podcast.
And like, for me, the the type of content that I would want to make, if I made content
like that, would be content similar to, like a hoy, or nakey jakey, or channels like that.
And there's no way I would be as good as you should probably just watch them.
And I'm just probably just wanna like, I would probably I think Untitled Goose Game is honestly
a perfect sandbox for me, that that is my gaming personality.
In a nutshell, really is.
I probably had the most fun that I've had gaming in the last like five years, playing
Star Citizen with you and Riley for his tech longer episode, just being an absolute piece
of garbage the entire time.
Like I had way more fun ruining this utterly broken game for everyone than I would have
actually trying to roleplay in it.
You know, we should we should release that as a floatplane exclusive if Riley still has
the uncut footage, because that was hilarious.
It was so fun.
I wish it made I don't think it made it into the cut or maybe maybe like one version of
it did or something.
But Linus figured out how to how to like, KO your character, I'm gonna say it that way.
And I was like holding backspace or something and your character would just knock themselves
out and you'd fall on the floor.
We started running around the hangar, both of us just like launching ourselves.
And just ragdolling in the middle of this like starport.
And Morphologist, who's a fantastic creator.
He's an architect who does reviews of the ships and Star Citizen, he does other stuff
as well.
But he's trying to like, show us this game and how cool it can be able to like, run run
I managed to almost almost pk the entire squad.
No, I thought you did get everyone.
No, I didn't get everyone.
They got the gun away from me.
No, cuz you crashed the ship into the plane.
Oh, well, yeah, I did that.
Yeah, I do remember the gun part, though.
Oh, I was so close to getting you all.
Yeah, I, I would have fun.
I could have some fun making.
So I've had some video ideas in my head for like, years that I would really like to explore.
Me too, honestly, it's the thing that kind of sucks about doing this professionally.
Because there's video ideas that I would love to do that have been like swimming around
in my head twinkle in the eye, you know, that are just not worth the time.
And it's like, what is what is worth?
You know?
Like, there's a there's a few that I've wanted to do.
I've even started writing scripts on a few of them over the years.
And then just been like, this is so this is way too similar to what I do for work.
releasing this on my personal channel would probably be really weird.
I don't like really want to do that.
So then they haven't become anything but it's still something that like but then but then
if I do it during work hours, the whole time I try to do it, I'm just gonna be like, Holy
crap, there's other things I should be doing.
So I don't know, it just doesn't really line up.
I feel the same way about a lot of stuff.
I mean, even stuff that I really like, kind of should be doing for work, like the, you
know, Colton's been chasing me to do a course forever and like, I should write that book
and stuff like that.
It's just, I know, it's not the quote, unquote, best use of my time.
But there's things that I kind of feel like would be a lot more creatively fulfilling.
Just our I, you know, I think the big problem is I'm really just not done with LTT yet.
I feel like once we get labs up and running smoothly.
Once we have, you know, like this great host stable, and we've got labs just like churning
through product in the background, you know, maybe the time will come, yeah, maybe the
time will come for me to spend more time fighting Dennis on channel super fun or something,
you know?
Yeah, maybe you could have your own, I haven't been doing it as much lately, because we're
crunching pretty hard.
We're behind on a bunch of things.
But full plane, in theory, has this thing where the last Friday of every month, except
for right now, we do something where we do creative day where people are supposed to
work on their own, like something that they find interesting that might potentially be
a benefit, but we don't measure it based on like benefits and stuff.
It's just could it potentially bring any value to the company?
There's been some really cool stuff that has come from that that has actually been really
There's also been stuff that has come from that that has had effectively no real major
value and that's completely fine.
But it's a cool creative outlet.
So if you're able to have the time to be able to do that, but one of the problems with those
types of systems is being able to have that time is is hard.
So yeah, yeah, Conrad just pointed out points out merch messages was originally a creative
day thing.
Yeah, it was a there was a suggestion from a viewer.
I don't remember exactly how detailed it was.
And then Conrad took it way further and turned it into merch messages.
And now that's like a core part of WAN Show and a notable part of the business.
Really, really, really cool.
There's been other stuff that has come out that has been very good from Creative Day
as well.
And it's something that I want to get back into.
We're just buying on some stuff.
But yeah, I think those things can be valuable.
I think Linus having some time to just riff on things that he finds interesting would
be cool.
But time is very leveraged right now.
Yeah, I don't know video game reviews.
It's something it's something we've been thinking about for years.
Because before we started Channel Super Fun, it was like, which one do we do?
type of conversation?
Yeah, it was either video games or toys and toys and other more different kinds of games.
EA speaking of games is shutting down servers for many old but still good games.
This was first spotted by true achievements on Monday.
But Electronic Arts has confirmed it has started the process of shutting down online servers
for some of their older games, which means players will no longer be able to play multiplayer
online and any achievements that require that feature will be forever on winnable IGN assembled
a list of when and what games are getting shut down.
And it is October 20 2022 army of to the 40th day and army of to the devil's cartel, as
well as Dragon Age origins the multiplayer screenshots server.
On November 9 2022, they're shutting down command and conquer red alert three command
and conquer three Tiberium Wars and command and conquer three canes wrath alongside mercenaries
to world and flames November 30 sees the end of on rush and January 19 of 2023 will see
the end of mirrors edge NBA Jam on Fire Edition gatling gears and shank to Oh, rest in peace.
I really wish there was legislation to force these guys to release community server software.
Why not because they are clearly shutting it down anyway.
Very, very frustrating.
Yeah, Anthony's discussion question.
It's not really a question but bring back dedicated servers you cowards games with servers
shut down like this should have their server software released ab so freaking lutely preach
it Anthony.
Yeah, I, I feel the same way.
There's a question which is like Adam says, mirrors edges online content only consists
of leaderboards and ghost downloads.
How hard is it to keep those going?
Yeah, unreal.
Extremely frustrating entire generations of gaming experiences will be lost to this always
online multiplayer paradigm.
It's really quite sad.
I've always really because you don't.
Like maybe you don't care too much right now about some of these things closing down.
Maybe you haven't thought about mirrors edge for a while, right?
But there's a bunch of games where I don't think about them for a decade.
And then one day I'll talk to a buddy about it and we'll reminisce over some good times
with some game that I forgot the name of Oh, yeah, remember worms Armageddon?
Yeah, it's like man, we should play worms are again, that's actually really fun.
And with worms are again, you can and you can have a hoot and just fire up some hamachi
and yeah, and it's really quite genuinely entertaining.
It's fun to go back and play that game.
Some fun parts of it can even be going, wow, this is a bad game.
Just figuring out like, okay, in the last however many years, a lot of good quality
of life things have happened to gaming like that part is interesting.
I'm not saying that with worms Armageddon to be clear, but that has been something that
has happened to me a couple of times that I've put some rose tinted glasses on about
a certain game, gone back to play it and then I'm like, Oh, wow, okay.
Usually I think I have a pretty good memory for that stuff, but not all the time.
But I want to be able to do that.
And I think it's crazy that it's becoming a thing that you can't.
And this is something that we talked about on WAN Show when it started becoming more
popular that games are becoming always online, multiplayer experience, blah, blah, blah,
And no one seemed to care.
And now it's starting to happen.
And I think we're running into a situation where a decent amount of people don't care.
And I think the reason why is it hasn't happened to a game that they care about.
And it's gonna be one of those things where it's like, they came for the X and I didn't
care because it didn't affect me.
They came for the Y I didn't care because it didn't affect me.
Now they're coming for me, who's there to care about this?
I don't remember how that quote works.
But I think that's happening.
You should care.
This sucks.
This is bad.
There's groups out there that try to preserve old gaming experiences.
And I think that matrix online MMO, server reverse engineering project was wild.
I don't think it ever ultimately succeeded.
But with that kind of dedication, you have to know that if the source code was released,
they would have made it happen, probably would have made it better.
So I don't know.
This is sad.
The question of what game are you most disappointed to see offline?
I don't know.
I'm just disappointed to see any of them offline, I think.
Yeah, no, none of these games should be offline.
It should be only if nobody wants to play it anymore.
But instead, we're not given the option.
We're not given the choice.
And even if no one wants to play it anymore, maybe someone wants to play it further out
on the line.
And to be clear, I don't think stop looking to the air off camera.
Yeah, sorry, I'll look at cardboard Linus a little bit more often.
I don't think anyone is I don't think that these companies should have to necessarily
like, host the online servers for these in perpetuity forever.
They should do what I think someone else mentioned, I think Anthony or maybe Linus, they should
make it so that other people can if they want.
Like 3D in Twitch chat says BattleForge is one game where the community fought hard with
the A, they actually ended up getting the source code as long as they swore never to
monetize the game.
And it's a similar situation.
Good enough.
Supreme Commander forged Alliance.
Good enough.
We don't want to make money off the IP, we just want to play our frickin game.
Forge Alliance is I think it's actually brilliant.
Because they handed it over to community members that are doing an amazing job.
The Lord's work.
The Forge Alliance team.
It's actually just wild what they've accomplished really, really, really impressive.
And they made an agreement, you have to have a legit copy of the game to be able to play.
So people still buy it because you can buy it through Steam.
The original company is actually a win win.
Yeah, everybody wins.
Sounds good.
I'm not even asking you to stop profiting off of it.
All I want is for there to be a route.
And if people don't want to put the effort in, if you have made the path clear, if people
don't want to put the effort in, that's fine.
But the path needs to be clear.
There needs to be a path.
Just shutting it down, creating no potential path forward.
That's not cool.
I don't like that at all.
And I would really love it if something happened, I don't know if it has to happen legally or
what, but something happened so that this couldn't happen anymore because we're legitimately
losing history and it's not good or cool.
Someone said Asheron's Call.
Apparently there's multiple community servers now because you can do that.
That's great.
Asheron's Call is an ancient MMO.
And I suspect Microsoft does not expect that they're going to be able to make money off
of the original Asheron's Call.
And that might be a very accurate thing.
But yeah, just let the community host some stuff.
And if you want to put in stuff, hey, you can't profit off of this, or they have to
have official license keys for the software to be able to play on your server, whatever.
Just make it possible.
Or alternate solution.
You can just get rich enough to buy these companies outright.
Like Kanye West.
Acclaimed rapper Yee is buying social media platform Parler after being banned from Instagram
and Twitter for making what were I haven't actually seen them but what were apparently
antisemitic comments, Kanye West now legally known as Yee, I actually didn't know he legally
changed his name to Yee, that's a thing, has decided to take matters into his own hands
by purchasing Parler.
In a Tuesday press release, parent company Parlement Technologies, I don't know how you're
supposed to pronounce that, Parlement, announced it agrees to be sold to Yee.
In the same release, Yee said, in a world where conservative opinions are considered
to be controversial, we have to make sure they have the right to freely, we have the
right to freely express ourselves.
CEO George Farmer said this deal will change the world and change the way the world thinks
about free speech.
Yee is making a groundbreaking move into the free speech media space and will never have
to fear being removed from social media again.
Parlement then docs to numerous verified users and investors by CC-ing instead of BCC-ing
the announcement.
Apparently it's Yay, not Yee.
Is it Yay?
Wait, what?
Oh, really?
Wait, so it's Yay, but they're called Yeezys?
They would be Yeezys.
They'd be Yeezys.
I'm concerned we're getting trolled.
It's Yay like Kanye.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
It's Yay, then.
So they're Yeezys?
Oh, wait, that's not what I thought.
There is some conjecture that Yay, all right, sorry, might be getting played for a sucker
by Parliament Technologies.
sector noted that Parler has around 50,000 daily active users and that the Twitter for
people removed from Twitter, it has a limited audience that is now split between multiple
social networks like Parler and Truth Social.
They have apparently been trying to offload Parler for some time, but have demanded very
high prices.
Yay has recently garnered controversy after being spotted wearing a White Lives Matter
shirt and going on tirades on social media and making false statements regarding George
Floyd's death, along with other rants.
There are some discussion questions here, but frankly, I don't think we're going to
get into any of them.
Discussion question A, what is a free speech media platform?
Discussion question B, are you a Yay stan or a hater?
C, would you ever invest in a social media platform?
Which one?
And oh, actually, D is pretty good.
This is from James.
Doesn't Yay know that Elon plans to pardon most Twitter bans and bring back Trump, which
would leave how many people on Parler?
I'm thinking a big fat less than the 50,000 they have today.
Apparently, Elon also plans to drop like, I think it's like two thirds of the Twitter
staff or something like that.
I thought it was three quarters.
Three quarters.
So given actually, you know what, hold on a second.
If he actually does that and actually just like slashes the entire content moderation
staff and Twitter turns into an even more toxic cesspool than it is today, it might
be a really good time to own Parler and be an alternative to it.
Yeah, really fun one.
Maybe you mentioned this and I just didn't hear it, but Parliament, I don't know, whatever,
the parent company, docked numerous verified users and investors by CCing them instead
of BCCing the announcement.
Yeah, that's great.
That is an A plus.
We run a tech company move right there.
Sheesh, yeah, I don't have too much to say about this other than, hey, plants need water
and floatplane chat Obama made my frogs gay too.
Let's move on.
Better pixels.
There's a report claiming that is reallocating resources from software to first party hardware.
This is from Ars Technica, a report from the information details changes Google CEO Sundar
Pichai is making across the company, including cuts to divisions focused on software for
non-Google devices and more resources for Google's first party hardware divisions.
Well, apparently Google views Apple as more of a threat than it has previously.
Samsung is apparently in decline in many established markets and Apple is topping US market share
at greater than 50% and global premium smartphone sales at 78% of the $1,000 segment.
Google is worrying too that regulators might shut down its agreement with Apple to put
Google search on iPhones.
A loss of Google ads on iPhones would be apparently a major blow to Google's revenue.
The effects may already be noticeable somewhere OS watch users are reporting that assistant
no longer works on their device.
Oh, genius.
What the heck?
Apparently Samsung one plus and Xiaomi are being singled out as premium Android partners,
but many other manufacturers may not get the same attention.
The discussion question here is what effect will Google abandoning other Android partners
have in the long run?
I would say not good ones because one of the biggest perceived problems with Android is
the lack of long-term software support.
And B is it wise for Google to switch to a more Apple like model?
If you'd asked me five years ago, six, seven years ago in the nexus days, I'd have said,
yes, it's extremely wise for Google to go more vertically integrated.
If you asked me today, I would say that sounds like a terrible idea.
They have proven time and time again that they just can't handle it for lack of a better
way of putting that.
I don't know.
I, in my opinion, the quality level of a lot of Google's hardware was best when they didn't
make it like the nexus devices.
I just kicked you.
The nexus device is there you go.
The nexus devices were sweet.
The pixel devices almost immediately started to go a little bit downhill.
Um, I don't remember a nexus device not being good though.
I mean, they weren't perfect.
They were no, but they were cheap.
They were really great for how cheap they were.
Um, so if you go in not expecting them to be the absolute best thing on the market,
but to very likely be the best thing in that price segment, they were really good.
Um, I don't know, as, as a, as a pixel person, I have been disappointed over the last few
Um, more than few years, I guess.
I'm not too surprised.
I, we've been hearing for quite a while about how Apple's market share has been increasing
and increasing and increasing.
And you wonder who they're taking that from.
It's like, well, probably probably Windows phone.
That's for sure.
Um, so yeah.
I don't know.
I think it's time for us to get to some merch messages.
What do you think?
Let's do it.
That sounds good to me.
Hit it Dan.
Well, I'm going to get there.
Um, okay.
This was from Garrett.
Uh, Linus Ubisoft sent out an email today that they are, uh, bringing Anno 1800 good
consoles and are having people try it out.
Are you going to try Anno 1800 on a console?
Uh, yeah, while I'm at it, I'm going to play some Warcraft two on PlayStation one.
Technically a thing that you can do.
That sounds like a terrible time.
But very, very stupid.
I feel like you should really play it on a computer.
Uh, yeah.
I feel like it would be hard.
I mean, I'm glad that the, I'm glad the franchise is getting this kind of support from Ubisoft.
I'm glad that it's successful.
It's, it really is a very different gaming experience than almost any other quote unquote
Um, it's a really cool game.
I don't see why it needs to be on console.
It already runs really well on PC.
You can run it on like integrated Intel graphics.
Um, if anything, it's poorly optimized for high end hardware, but it does really well
on low end hardware, like low details.
I don't see why this needs to be on, on console.
I think playing high difficulty Anno on console would be really hard.
Um, yes.
Just with how fast you can get things done.
Cause a lot of, and a lot of times you're kind of fighting against the clock in that
Um, you gotta make decisions quickly and you have to make them very well.
You have to do emergencies, everything's on fire, you know, that kind of thing.
Pirates are coming.
Like there's, there's stuff going on.
You have to react really fast.
Hopefully they do a really good job of it.
Um, because more fans of Anna would be more cool.
Uh, but yeah, it sounds really tough.
Conrad says, uh, Starcraft 64.
It's good example.
Maybe, maybe not.
Uh, this one's from Tyler.
Uh, Hey Linus, what are your next plans for your smart home?
I have been following your journey and using it to avoid issues you had or take ideas that
worked well.
Oh, well, one of the things I really need to figure out is what switches, uh, in a belly
is apparently still working on their motion sensing switch.
So hopefully that'll come sometime in the new year and I can replace those, uh, GE Jasko
Uh, Jasko did ultimately do the right thing and release firmware updates, but I'm still
having a lot of just general bugginess with them.
So I would like to just wholesale replace them at this point and in a belly's new upcoming
switch uses millimeter wave for presence detection, which is apparently a lot more accurate than
motion sensing.
So what's that swap out done?
I think that the next goal would be motion sensing and timed light intensity throughout
the house because right now it's like you're, it's cool to walk around and all futuristic
like lights just magically turn on as you're walking around the house, but the brightness
is almost never correct.
So you ended up touching the light switch a lot anyway, and it would be really nice
to be able to schedule that kind of stuff.
Um, I'd say that's the next big one.
Also, I still have not even touched those ecobees that are alongside the American standard
thermostats in all the locations.
So I'm going to need to figure out now that it's getting chilly for the winter, how to
make sure that the heat and the cool are not fighting with each other.
So that's going to be a project for Jake realistically, but um, I will have to assign it to Jake.
So that's my role.
Uh, someone pointed out, you can plug in keyboard and mouse to consoles these days.
Uh, I don't know how many people do that.
I suspect it's very interesting.
I'd be really interested to know how.
It sounds like a, a good video for your new gaming channel.
Maybe not, maybe not.
How do you pull those people though?
Cause it's not going to be, it's not going to be like putting up a poll on full plane
chat is, is not going to accurately answer that question at all.
Now that we know that 15% of them lie.
Um, but, but, but even then, like you're, you're pulling the wrong group of people.
Um, you'd need a wider group of non-technical people to get a more accurate answer on how
many people are going to pay cheaper than mouse.
What did you just call console people?
Non-technical people?
Hot take hot take Luke.
I didn't, I was, I was saying that we have a concentrated audience of technical people
here and yeah.
And to find out how people game on console, you'd have to ask non-technical people to
find out how people game on computers.
You'd have to do the same thing because if you pulled the line, if you, if you pulled
the flow, no, you're canceled.
If you pull, honestly, console players are probably less technical than computer players.
That just wasn't my point.
We did it as a second time.
This isn't my point.
I, uh, the, if you want console gamers, if you wanted to figure out the resolution of
monitors that people had on steam and you pulled the float plane audience, it's going
to be wrong because you'd have to find the delays.
No, the delays over chats exploding steam user, which is not the average person in flow
plane chat.
It's a problem.
The sample size is, is wrong and you're also saying that they have lower IQs as well.
Oh my goodness.
Luke, how could you, Luke, Luke, oh, and they're, and they're, and they're ugly.
You got to stop texting me this stuff off the show.
You can't, you're just adding fuel to this fire and their moms are ugly.
Well, I mean, that makes sense.
I mean, if they're ugly, their moms are probably ugly.
Like it's got to come from somewhere.
Now we move on before, um, this becomes an issue.
We don't want to be trending on Twitter again.
Uh, this is, this one's from Ian.
Uh, good evening guys.
Love the channel and all you do.
My wife and I are expecting our first can't wait to play space kids in DOS box with a
little one in my lab, just like my dad did with me.
What gaming memories do you have and want to share or recreate with your own kids?
You know what?
I actually went through this pretty recently.
There's this, um, I think it's called PC EMU, PC, PCM, uh, it's a PC emulator and it allows
you to actually emulate like a windows 95 windows, 98 older era CPU on a modern computer.
And it's one of the only ways to play old like point and click adventure games from
that time.
And one of the games that my kids actually had a blast playing is called mixed up mother
goose and game experiences like that simply do not exist anymore.
I think they're just kind of considered too low fi for today.
And it was a, it was a really, uh, it was really cool seeing them play and enjoy the
exact games that, you know, I was playing back in like 1993 or whatever back, back when
that came out.
Um, there's actually a lot of those kinds of games.
That was how at least two of my siblings learned to read was these interactive, uh, computer
like books.
Um, the George shrinks was one of the ones that we had and there's a paper copy of it
obviously, but we, we also had the digital one that would read it to you and you could
kind of interact with the illustrations on the pages.
Um, yeah, I think that's, uh, that's one that I was able to successfully share and recreate,
but I think that, you know, in line with what we were talking about earlier on the show,
that may not be an option for kids that are growing up today.
Their gaming experiences might be not irretrievable.
I mean, what gaming memories do you have?
Something that I really deeply enjoyed was Morrowind.
Talk about Morrowind a lot, I know, uh, Morrowind was a game that my dad, my dad and I played
a lot.
No one else, like my brother didn't really care.
He wasn't that into it, but my dad and I played a bunch and, um, I've told the story before,
but I didn't realize that I had never actually started the main quest until we were like,
we had never bought a player's guide before.
Um, but the internet was in its infancy still a little bit expensive, man.
And they were expensive.
I never bought one.
And it's still the only game I've ever bought one for.
Um, but at, I don't know what really compelled us to do it, but at one point we were just
like, there's clearly a lot to this game, we're clearly missing a ton.
Let's check out a player's guide and we did, and we got one, uh, and then immediately figured
out that there was a main quest and we just had no idea it existed because you could sell
the item that started the main quest.
So I just sell it every time I don't need this thing.
Um, and that turned into my dad and I like playing Morrowind co-op style where one of
us would be piloting the character and we'd trade back and forth all the time.
It wasn't like just me all the time or anything.
Um, one of us would be piloting the character and the other one would be reading from the
player's guide and figuring out like, what should we go do next?
And the player's guide was written in a really, really cool way.
Um, like it's, it was genuinely really well written where they would keep spoilers out
of things and they would keep context and information at the end of what they were talking
Um, and they, they communicated that to you at the beginning of the player's guide.
So they made it very clear that like, there's going to, if, if, if you're looking at like,
you can use it in a way that if you see some cave or, or if you read through the player's
guide and it's like, Oh, there's a cave here and you didn't know that was there or something,
you could use it to get you there.
And then you could explore it on your own and then you could check with the player's
guide to make sure you got everything.
So it made, it tried to make it so that you were still exploring the world on your own,
but you could use the player's guide to make sure that you weren't missing entire whole
experiences like the whole main quest.
Um, and my dad and I playing Morrowind is, is probably one of, if not genuinely my favorite
memory of gaming, but I, that's not, I'm not going to share that if, if I had a child,
I'm not going to share that with my child.
It's, it's not going to be the same way.
Um, so I don't know, I have no idea.
Let's have a look.
This one's from Ryan.
Hi Linus.
Uh, did you test IOPS on the $1 million server?
Also will we ever be able to buy your blanks?
I prefer plain tees and quality ones are hard to find, especially in non-bland colors.
Well now that I only shoot blanks, I'd say that, uh, it should be pretty easy to get
one if you really want, Hey, sorry.
I sure you meant like t-shirts as a piece of cardboard.
Isn't it?
It is.
It's challenging.
We could make paper babies, um, yes, we do plan to make the blanks available.
I think that, uh, our, our costs have actually gone up on t-shirts.
We've stubbornly maintained them at $19.99 throughout all of the price increases that
have gone on over the last five years.
Um, so what I think will happen is we will continue selling our printed tees at $19.99,
but we are going to absorb some of that additional cost by also selling the blank tees at the
same price, which I think is a perfectly good price for a quality shirt.
Like the one that we have finally, finally found, um, and made.
So it's going to not really yield any kind of savings for you, but yes, you will be able
to buy a blank tee and it'll just be all, all different colors.
I think actually they're going to sell really, really well because they're great shirts and
not everybody wants like a tech picture or slogan on their shirt.
Um, especially on weekends, actually, I often reach for my blank because I just don't want
to walk around like and have be even more recognizable than I was.
So $19.99 is here to stay.
Also actually, actually I just realized we never addressed this.
A lot of people asked if Floatplane is planning to increase pricing in light of, you know,
Netflix cracking down on multi-users, YouTube increasing pricing for premium.
The answer is no.
At our scale, we have not felt the need to do anything like that.
And especially as long as the platform's growing, like that's one of the things that I actually
addressed in the YouTube should charge for 4k video is that the issue is that the proliferation
of content has outpaced membership growth, but Floatplane has actually seen a huge surge
in membership recently, uh, between the Call Me Chris collab, the really great behind the
scenes content that we've been doing, the better image quality.
And the fact that WAN show was missing for a few hours last week, apparently drove about
500 of you to sign up for Floatplane, which is hilarious.
Got to get that fixed.
Um, but Floatplane is growing like crazy right now to the point where it's like, you know,
dang, why aren't there more creators on Floatplane?
I don't understand it.
It's like actually a really, it's really good, but whatever I can't, I can only make the
horse to water.
I can't make it drink.
And we've got another one here from anonymous house daily driving the new AirPod pros.
Oh, they're great.
Uh, if anything, the active noise cancellation is too good.
I used to be able to like, at least hear my kids if they really needed my attention.
And now I just really can't when I just have them in a noise canceling.
So it's blissful actually.
And they're even better for sleeping than the old ones.
I'm, I'm super happy with them so far.
I hope they don't develop the same driver rattle that my previous like two pairs of
AirPods pro ones did.
I mean, that's always a possibility.
I guess this one's from Louis.
My brother wants to know if you would consider making a cologne.
Yeah, we're going to call it gamer sweat.
It's coming next year.
I I'm kidding.
It's not happening.
I see the look on your face.
I'm disappointed.
Um, I don't know.
Like we could, but it's, it's one of those, it always comes down to that question that
I always talk about.
What are we contributing?
What value are we adding here that are, are there not enough smells to choose from?
Is there not enough toilet water in the world?
I just, I mean, you could take that same approach to a t-shirts and things like that, you know?
Well, no, I think our t-shirts actually have a reason for existing like the commenter said,
it's actually really hard to find a decent quality shirt that doesn't suck.
That's fair.
I've been violently impressed with all your merchandise.
There's, there's me being a corpo shill, but no, it's, it's surprising how good quality
it is.
Well, the thing is that it's surprising how much, how little it costs to make something
Like you can make something crap for $6 and you can make something really good for $7
and 50 cents.
Like it is amazing.
It's crazy.
It is amazing how often people choose the $6 option.
It drives me crazy.
It shouldn't be a business model that makes you stand out to spend the extra dollar 50
to make it twice as good.
Like I just don't get it, but here we are.
So it's very strange.
It makes me feel bad for having bought things before and then just being bad.
You should make gamified deodorant before I would do cologne.
You should make gamified deodorant.
That'd be cool.
Like you have to wear it every day or you like lose point or something.
So it has to like, the lid has to come off every day or something and if it doesn't,
they're just going to bought that you're, you know, you're not going to win like ruin
scape deodorant.
Here's one from Daniel Linus Anthony's hold on.
Anthony is suggesting sense for the for the cologne or deodorant.
You got new electronics, magic smoke, dusting day, chiller, coolant and a RTX 2080 TI foam
packing foam.
I want, I want one that smells like exploded capacitors.
You know that burnt electronic smell, magic smoke, magic smoke smell.
Yeah, exactly.
I would definitely wear that.
Um, anyway.
I mean, make that, make it as a joke.
Uh, Linus, have you ever felt limited by not having a college degree related to tech?
What if, what if you did, what if you did, uh, like a LTT store discount if you actually,
and we'd have to find some way to track it and I don't necessarily know how, but you
get like an LTT store discount or like a free full plane subscription or something.
If you, if you actually use the deodorant, you're talking about IOT, internet of things
The whole thing is just getting nerds to actually wear it because that, that's, that's the problem,
No, no, that's easy because you would just make the deodorant a subscription and if they
cancel this, if they have the subscription, they are, they're either using it or they
are accumulating copious amounts of deodorant.
And I know a lot of, I know a lot of nerds and geeks and I think that we're all about
min maxing, right guys, you know, so I don't think it's min maxing to accumulate piles
of deodorant.
So if you're going to buy it, I think you'll, I think you'll use it.
I think you'll use it if you're going to get it in the mail anyway.
So that could work.
That could work.
We just have a subscription service for deodorant.
Oh, Conrad, Conrad just said in the very bottom under all the pace, there's a generated discount
That's pretty good.
Cause yeah, you could actually be a butt and you could like cut it off.
But that's, that's the mentality.
I don't think they will.
I don't think they will.
You could, I'm the completionist and it won't allow that shortcut.
It's lame.
You got to actually use it and get down to it.
Oh, that's pretty sweet.
That's actually pretty good.
We got to give Conrad like more, a more creative time because these are some solid ideas here.
He comes up with good stuff.
Maybe we should have a brainstorming session, like the end of every way and show.
I just, I, yeah.
Finding some way to incentivize actually using it, I think would be something that would
bring something to the space, you know?
I would, I would definitely call it like the gamer hygiene line of products.
We'll try and we'll, we're going to try and take back that word.
Make it a, make it a good thing.
I was, I was listening to something recently.
Oh, what was it?
I don't remember.
And it was someone who had gone to like a Twitch, TwitchCon or something like that.
And they, they mentioned that they remembered a specific fan and the fan was like, oh, wow.
Like, how do you remember me?
I just like took a photo with you and they were like, oh yeah, you, you didn't stink.
Like man, come on.
Oh, that's hilarious.
You know what?
Whale Land, it wasn't bad.
Whale Land wasn't bad, genuinely.
We did specifically call out on WAN Show that we were going to kick people out for not wearing
deodorant though.
But yeah, I don't know.
I think that's something that we could bring to the space and then, and then yeah.
All right.
You know what?
I'm I'm sold.
I'm sold.
It took, it took until we came up with the, the offer code at the bottom of the, the bar,
but I'm actually pretty into it now.
That's sweet.
All right.
Next up.
Hey, I think this is our last March message.
This one's from Daniel.
Linus, if you ever felt limited by not having a college degree related to tech, what would
be your advice for a recent grad with a liberal arts or social science degree who find themselves
more interested in tech?
Oh, uh, I wish I could give you your advice about that liberal arts degree four years
Um, sorry.
I don't mean to, I don't mean to dunk on poor Daniel B here, literally poor cause school
Um, it's my name.
Is this from you, Dan?
I can't afford to buy anything off of lddstore.com.
No, not during work hours.
Uh, no, it's not.
So have I felt limited by not having a college degree related to tech?
No, I haven't in any way, if anything, um, I'm, I'm pretty proud of getting to where
I am, uh, without the degree.
I don't think that there's anything wrong with getting a degree.
I think that a lot of really smart people pursue the piece of paper and it can totally
be beneficial.
My wife and I are actually just like classic one forked left one forked right in the game
of life cases where she went hard at the degree and it worked out great.
And I went hard at not the degree and it worked out great.
I think the takeaway there is not that you should or shouldn't get a degree or even that
it matters what kind you got liberal arts, it, uh, science, whatever.
I think the takeaway is if you hustle and if you get a little bit lucky, you can succeed.
Um, and if the, the advice would be, be a sponge, learn lots.
And I think that I talked about this a little bit recently when I was talking about my badminton
coach who could coach anyone he felt like and has no shortage of clients lining up to
pay him is be the most fun one to teach.
Um, work so hard to learn from every mentor you can find with anything to teach you.
That's the most, that's the best feedback I can give you because there's so much learning
to be had out there for free just by being a sponge.
Um, and honestly, if, if the, the part of tech that you're interested in getting into,
or if this is at least a possibility for you, um, is, is software development.
There is an immense amount of ways that you can learn software development, uh, online
without going to some form of, um, formal secondary education or post-secondary education.
Um, so no problem.
And lots of people will hire on your ability instead of your education in the software
development space.
Lots of people.
Um, so yeah, I know you basically only look at portfolios.
Hey Luke, when they're available, I would prefer to look at a portfolio.
A lot of people don't have them.
A lot of people that have been working in the space for a long time, won't have them
because they've been working for companies and the companies aren't publishing their
So, um, yeah, but if, if you're, if you're starting from nowhere and you have a portfolio
you can show to people, awesome.
If you've contributed to open source projects so people can see it actually like working
in the wild, that's huge.
Um, just yeah, start making stuff and be able to show examples of stuff that you've made.
Um, when I'm looking for people to do development on websites and they can send me a thing that's
like, here's the websites that I have made and I go look at them and they're made well.
It's a pretty good sign.
Um, so yeah, I don't know.
Oh, uh, Conrad says we've realized today there's a bug where some Shopify orders aren't having
the merch message flag applied properly and thus not being submitted.
Uh, we'll have it fixed for next week, sorry for the inconvenience.
Uh, okay.
Well, that's a bummer in fairness to Conrad.
I think this is the first time we've had a game breaking bug with merch messages and
if it's going to be fixed in a week, um, YouTube's, uh, super chats feature is literally still
I just checked it again.
I saw a super chat come through earlier in the show and I just clicked the viewer activity
tab and it isn't in there.
So, um, you know, yeah, Conrad let down the team this week, but in fairness is, uh, the
orders of magnitude better than the entirety of alphabet.
It's also, I guess it's also like a side project for Conrad.
He does all of the work for LTT stores, uh, like web development as well.
Um, and there's been, there was a pretty huge push to push the new theme and then there's
been reacting to feedback from the theme and all this type of stuff going on.
So yeah, I'm sure he'll, he'll get to it.
Thanks Conrad.
Appreciate you.
All right.
I think that's it for the show today.
We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
And then wait, Nope, we got to run the thing.
I got it.
Hold on.
Oh, he's got it.
Did you run the right one?
You clicked it in the dashboard?
No, you're in the stream after.
Was there no queue?
No, you're fine.