
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

And we're live! Welcome to the WAN Show, my friends. We've actually got a great show for you guys today. It feels like we hardly ever host the show together anymore.
It's like, probably less than 50% of the time.
Like either you're out of the country, or I'm out of the country, or you're in the country but lazy.
That's mean. We were talking about this before the show. I legitimately don't remember why you weren't here last week. Where were you?
Oh, that's right. You had the personal thing.
Oh, that's right. So that's the same reason that I probably could not be here today if there were anything that I could do.
Our lives are going great!
Yeah, it's been kind of a rough couple weeks. The good news is my rough couple weeks isn't quite as bad as my grandparents' rough couple weeks.
So, you know, hey, knock on wood, for that it continues to not be more worse than it already is.
You're from Minecraft or something?
No, no, it's like a joke.
No, I got it.
Because your head's made of wood if you're an idiot.
So, it's time for the land show, guys. Lots of great topics for you today.
Oculus stops blocking Vive owners from playing exclusive Rift games.
Basically, they needed some good PR, so they went and bought it.
Yeah, I think they heard my video was coming and they were like, whoa, and then did this.
I'm pretty sure that's what happened. Microsoft pays a woman, I'm sorry, did they actually send us a review sample?
Or did they just eventually, after two months, prioritize your paid order?
I think it was 52 days later they prioritized our paid order.
And to add to that, it wasn't that they shoved it through the queue when it might have been difficult.
They're now shipping them at a much faster rate.
So, got production way higher than it was before, and then we're like, yeah, we can probably give them one of those.
Microsoft pays a woman 10,000 US dollars over a forced Windows 10 upgrade.
Dun, dun, dun.
Okay, I guess we'll talk more about that.
Yeah, we'll talk more about that.
Tesla driver dies in the first crash while using autopilot mode.
First fatal crash, specifically.
First fatal crash.
Didn't I say dies in?
Yeah, you said dies in the first crash.
But there have been crashes.
Oh, that's fair.
That is fair.
Yeah, I mean, maybe I don't want to be down on myself.
US border control could start asking for your social media accounts.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Actually, okay, we'll discuss it more later, but I might be in favor of this.
So, let's roll the intro and we'll get to all these topics and more.
I can just take these off my head.
I keep feeling like, what's on my head?
And I keep touching them.
Visit squarespace.com slash lightness.
Actually, it's squarespace.com slash wanshow.
It's not even the right link.
I hate this show.
I hate this show.
So, why don't we jump right into our first topic?
Oculus stops blocking Vive owners from playing exclusive Rift games.
You know why this actually happened?
You know what?
Can I do my ignorant version first and then can you tell us why it actually happened?
So, original article here is from the website that I...
Hold on.
Hold on.
It's from The Verge.
Hold on.
Let's just see if...
Oh, please work.
Please work completely flawlessly in every...
Oh, no way.
It worked.
So, original article is from The Verge and basically, if you guys haven't been paying
attention, Oculus has their store where you can buy games and applications in theory at
some point when it's not just games, where you can buy games.
And in that store, some of the games are exclusive to the Rift.
And so, basically, what Oculus was doing was someone came out and I forget what the project
was called.
Libra something?
Libra VR or Libra Vive or something.
Libra VR slash Revive.
There we go.
Libra VR slash Revive and found a way to bypass the DRM that existed on these games that prevented
people who did not own a Rift from playing them.
And then Oculus reacted by tightening down the DRM and making it so that...
I actually got as far as to launch Lucky's Tale and I could look around and enjoy the
You go, oh, it's a platform where I should be playing it on a screen with a controller
and then you just decided to...
I actually really want to play it in VR, so I haven't played it yet, though.
You actually have.
Anyway, so I got as far as to be able to look around in the game, but then they made it
so the controller wouldn't work.
So that was one of the ways that they locked it down.
So Oculus, having come under fire lately, seems to have bought themselves some positive
PR by discontinuing the blocking of their exclusive and DRMed games, discontinued the
blocking of preventing Vive owners from playing them.
Let's call that grammatically correct.
Okay, what actually happened?
Okay, so Oculus had a check in all of the games downloaded from their store that just
did a headset check.
Is this a Rift?
Does it check yourself?
It should check yourself.
Does it prevent you from wrecking yourself?
Because they did kind of wreck themselves.
Did they?
Well, if you think...
Yeah, the PR is really bad, so they kind of wrecked...
Anyway, so that's all that LibreVR slash Revive was getting around at first was, is
this thing a Rift?
Yes or no.
I think they just removed that check or they just told it it was a Rift and then moved
on or something, but basically that part didn't matter.
So Oculus got a little upset, patched in straight up DRM to not allow...
It was more intense than just a simple check, and then the way that LibreVR slash Revive
had to fix that was with a complete DRM breaking patch, which enabled piracy.
The original LibreVR slash Revive patch did not enable piracy.
It didn't help you pirate games.
The new patch did.
So you had to buy the game, but it got around the headset check.
That was the original one.
The new one didn't, and LibreVR slash Revive was like, yo, we don't really want to do this,
but this is the only option we have to play Rift games on a Vive.
So there you go.
So Oculus has now allowed people to use games bought on the Oculus store on the Vive while
saying we continually revise our entitlement and anti-privacy systems, and we believe protecting
developer content is critical to the long-term success of the VR industry.
So while they're also doing stuff like, uh, where's the, why is it an Apple news link
to the verge?
The doc is broken for some reason.
While there's also stuff going on, like saying it's solving a major sore point between Oculus
and parts of the VR community.
I don't think that was actually the motivation for this.
That might be a helpful way for them to paint it so that they also get good PR out of the
But I think the problem is their action, whether they intended it to or not, was directly resulting
in the removal of things that stopped piracy in a very widespread way.
So the way for them to try to slow down or stop or whatever the piracy that was going
on, they made a way to keep anti-piracy stuff in there, but allow people to use it across
You notice how at the bottom of these notes, it says Libre VR slash revive developers have
removed their DRM breaking patch.
So that's gone, which is good.
That's good.
All right.
I'm, I'm like, I'm creating havoc in Twitch chat right now by saying that it is prerecorded
because it's a national holiday today.
Oh my God.
Can we just like everything, everything.
So everyone and their dog in Twitch chat wants us to move on to a bit of a different topic
Um, so the original article here is from nine to five Mac and there is some bad news in
the, in the Apple repair world.
So tech serve, which has been in business for 29 years in the New York area, has apparently
decided to shutter their doors, um, citing competition from, I think it's four Apple
stores, uh, best buy and uh, let's see what else we got going on here and online sales.
So they're saying they're no longer doing enough business on the sales side to make
continued operation viable.
So they were a third party Apple product repair shop and this actually would seem to indicate
that it's possible, um, that there's more to this than necessarily just the business
isn't viable.
So Louis Rossman, uh, who you guys may know from the super angry video where the guy was
so mad at me for putting a video card in an oven that he was practically foaming at the
mouth and swearing his head off.
I have never actually watched the video because I was pretty sure it would just annoy me and
make it so that I didn't want to work with them.
But I decided that, you know, my reaction to that video, because he wasn't wrong, my
reaction to that video should be to show up at his shop and have him show me how to do
it properly.
Sharp guy, nice guy.
He was just upset.
I have to give you props.
That was a pretty, pretty gentlemanly move.
I get it.
I get it.
I understand why he was mad.
I totally get it.
And you know what?
We went out for dinner, we, we patched our differences and uh, and I've actually been
in touch since then.
We, we submerged some phones in saltwater a little while ago and I got his help as a
consultant to help us figure out if could, could there be any way to revive them?
Turns out the answer was no.
I'm actually owe him an email back.
He's like, Hey, whatever happened with that?
Cause I emailed him last night when I saw this video.
Um, no, it didn't work, bud.
Um, yeah, no, nothing about, nothing about it worked.
It was terrible.
They were under saltwater for a while.
Well, they were under saltwater for a while and then they were submerged in alcohol for
five weeks because I didn't get to them because I was like out of the country for weeks.
So yeah, that also doesn't sound great.
Everything about it is terrible.
Um, the, the, the, the laminated layers of the like screen and the glass and the touch
interface just fell apart in my head because of the alcohol.
Cause you just like burned all the glue, everything, all the adhesive, all the seals, all the O-rings
So, um, there may be more to this because Lewis's video from last night, he contained
a lot of, uh, unclear, unclear sort of wording about things, but it was really clear on a
few things.
Number one is that his business is viable and I could have told you that because I went
down, I visited him like two months ago, three months ago, something like that.
And I walked into his shop, there was customer in, there was customer out.
I saw his rate card.
I saw how many people he has on staff.
I've watched his videos.
I know how long the repairs take.
It doesn't take a fricking genius to do the math.
He's doing just fine.
He's built himself a business from nothing and is more than surviving.
Um, he even offered to pay for dinner, but I didn't let him because I knew it was my
bad for upsetting him by putting, by baking video cards anyway.
So he made it really clear that anything that happens to his business, if his business is
gone, you know, in a month that it is not because it was not viable.
Um, he made it really clear that there are tools available online that will allow you
to download the videos of a given channel, um, to perhaps to archive them just in case
YouTube was no longer serving those videos.
So what he seems to be hinting at very strongly, and you can see for, for such a small channel,
it's got 171,000 subscribers and a 372,000 views on this video.
So for such a small channel, I would consider that to be kind of semi viral.
Um, it's about like if we released a video that did 5 million views.
So that, that would be, that's a certain amount of virality that we've got going on with this
People are reacting very strongly to this.
There's a lot of speculation that Apple themselves who have been known to do things as crazy
as sick SWAT teams on repair shops that are selling Apple trademarked merchandise in the,
in the case of one of the stories I heard, it was actually replacement back plates for
iPhones that had Apple logos on them.
Um, so they've gone as far as to six SWAT teams on these people and closed down their
Um, it is being speculated that Apple could be behind Lewis potentially losing his YouTube
videos as well as his livelihood in the form of his shop.
I have no confirmation from him.
I suspect based on that he's a pretty outspoken guy, not real afraid of just kinda saying
whatever he's thinking, you know, firing from the hip a little.
Um, I, I suspect that there is, um, some kind of legal imposition on him to keep his mouth
shut at this time and that it could affect the, the proceedings of, of whatever battle
it is that he finds himself in.
Um, he's not asking for any money.
He's not asking for really anything.
I reached out, I said, Hey bro, can I do anything to help?
He said, no, it's just good to know that, that, that you're there.
Um, so I guess that's all, that's all that I would ask guys is, uh, either check out,
there's, I think there's a thread on Reddit as well, but check that out or just, uh, I
guess you guys don't have to watch me do this, but leave a comment under the video.
Just be like, yo, you know, whatever's going on, we're there because he's a good guy and
there's a bad thing happening to him right now.
And uh, that's pretty much, uh, pretty much where I'm at on the whole Lewis Rossman thing.
Um, yeah, so maybe we could move on to some good news.
How about some good news?
One second.
Oh, we don't have a lot of good news.
Do we?
We have some funny news, so, um, no, I don't think I want to get involved in that.
Um, okay, so this, uh, the original article here is from extreme tech and this is some
pretty extreme craziness.
A woman wins a $10,000 judgment against Microsoft for the forced windows 10 upgrade that happened
on her computer.
Do you want to post this on the Twitch chat?
Um, wow.
Does this have the potential to open the flood gates or is this a one time thing or a Microsoft,
I want my 10 grand.
You bricked my computer.
Obviously temporarily.
It's not really bricked, but like it was very inconvenient.
You made it completely unusable until I like reformatted everything.
So Terry Goldstein of Sausalito, don't quote me on that, California sued Microsoft after
a failed windows 10 upgrade left her system performing poorly, not even in an unusable
state, which I know you've personally experienced.
And like I know other people have as well.
I know people have experienced this too, so she's also not the only one prone to crashing
and reportedly unusable for multiple days.
Goldstein reached out to Microsoft customer service to attempt to resolve her issues and
filed a suit once the company failed to resolve her problems.
And you know what?
This is something that I've always been upset about.
Why is it that Microsoft, a company that charges 110 to $180 depending on the addition that
you buy, why is it that a company that charges that much for their products doesn't have
to pick up a phone when you have a problem with it?
Can anyone else figure that out?
Why is it that they just get to have like a support desk at the tech shops that I've
worked at?
If someone's like operating system is screwed up and we have to reinstall it and use a key
and the key that's on the side of their box doesn't work because it never freaking works
and you call them, they're just like, but not our problem every time.
Like what the hell?
Did you know that there are like the, the discount for system integrators is not as
much as you'd think.
They actually still pay a significant amount of money for, for Microsoft windows.
So like the fact that they just get to kind of go, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope, Nope.
Should be upsetting.
And then if you buy it yourself, they just do the same thing.
I mean, I've had conversations with Microsoft where, I mean, a lot of you have probably
noticed that in the corner of a lot of our screen capture, all of our benchmarking systems,
it says this copy of windows is not genuine.
How on earth are we supposed to be using a genuine copy of windows on a benchmark machine?
Every single time hardware changes, it invalidates the key.
I have spent literally hours because it used to be that I would go to the trouble of calling
in and revalidating it every time that I changed a motherboard.
For example, certain components, it, it, it dislikes more than others.
Graphics cards are pretty good, but not always too.
And not always.
I've changed a car, a graphics card and I've had it get pissed.
So, so basically I used to call in all the time and I got to the point where one of my
bench test copies of windows had been reactivated so many times, they just refused to keep doing
it for me.
And I'm like, well, what am I supposed to do?
This is the same computer.
And they're like, there's nothing we can do.
I'm like, well, what am I supposed to do?
My job is to test hardware and change out the hardware on the machine.
So when I change a motherboard, I am not changing the system.
I'm just changing a motherboard.
It's like, uh, and they're like, well, there's no solution.
Like, so I, so I just, so, so what I can't, I can't, you understand there's an entire
industry of like people who have to test computers and you're basically just telling them all
to pirate windows because I have literally no other choice.
Actually I do have another choice.
So the reason that that's always down there, because if I was pirating windows, it wouldn't
be there.
The reason that's down there is because I'm just running within the 30 day trial.
So we just have to reformat the machines periodically and just not enter a product key.
We just skip it.
The reality of it is these are not production machines and they're just for testing purposes
We also have like a shelf of keys just for laws.
Just in case you know why it's in case someone walks in here and is like, okay, it's like,
yeah, like what?
I'm like, look, I didn't know what to do.
I talked to Microsoft support.
They couldn't tell me what to do.
So I just bought like a pile of pro keys.
Like fine.
I don't know what to tell you anymore.
Just look here, here.
Pro key.
I don't know.
I don't know the answer.
It's a small pile, so the $10,000 figure reflected the estimated lost compensation.
So maybe she was self-employed or something.
As well as the cost of a new system, they had to buy her new computer.
So they appealed the initial judgment, but dropped the appeal last month.
That is hilarious.
The problem I would have here is I didn't contact customer service and I just fixed
the problem immediately by myself.
So it took me like a couple of hours and then updates and then I was done.
Well, they should have to pay you for the training and experience and expertise that
goes into having been able to fix the problem.
That's how life works.
That's true.
I mean, when you bring in a plumber and it takes him 15 minutes to fix the problem, you're
not paying him for 15 minutes.
You're paying him or her for the years of experience that they bring into your house
in order to fix it in 15 minutes.
Speaking of or her, a female plumber friend of mine just got engaged.
So congratulations to them.
I'm not going to say names because I don't know, but yeah, I'm not even joking.
My dad taught her.
Do I know this person or?
I doubt it.
I went to high school with them.
I don't think you've ever met them though, but yeah, anyways, it was like yesterday or
the day before.
It was very recently.
I don't remember.
I have more bad news.
So we're on the Tesla blog here, teslamotors.com and yeah.
So you know what is the saddest thing about this?
Every additional incident that happens from now on will get less and less attention.
The only reason anyone's paying attention to this is because it's the first, but with
that said, Tesla is kind of being sympathetic while also protecting their own interests
in their statement, pointing out that in fact this shouldn't have happened if the operator
of the vehicle was following the guidelines that they should have been following.
To be fair, they didn't like push on that a ton.
No they didn't, but they did point it out.
I think legally it was a responsible thing to point that out, but in a nutshell.
They didn't try to make that the focus or anything, but yeah.
The autopilot sensors on a Model S failed to distinguish a white tractor trailer crossing
the highway against a bright sky.
So Joshua Brown had put the Model S in autopilot mode to control the car during highway driving.
The car attempted to drive full speed under the tractor trailer.
It impacted the windshield, veered off the road, crashed through two fences and into
a power pull.
So Joshua Brown has passed away.
The incident was disclosed by Tesla on Thursday night and happened on May 7th actually in
Williston Florida.
So it actually took a little while for them to start talking about this.
They were probably looking into how it happened and all that kind of stuff.
Well I think they wanted to know what the story is before they start talking about the
Otherwise you end up with, you know, wide spread-
Changing stories and all this kind of stuff.
And you know how the internet loves to speculate.
I mean the number of people who think, who was it, I think like Google is responsible
for the Twitter thing that happened with us.
It is a company, but it was not Google.
Not a thing, yeah.
Just crazy.
So they detailed in their statement that this is the first known autopilot death in 130
million miles driven by their customers.
This isn't in my notes, so don't quote me on the exact numbers, but-
I've got it here actually.
So among all vehicles in the US, there's a fatality every 94 million miles, compared
to 130 that were in autopilot mode.
So they were quick to point out that they're still ahead?
And worldwide, the fatality approximation is at about 60 million miles.
That's not, I don't know how apples to apples that is though, because I don't think Teslas
are all over the place in Cambodia, where people drive, they all just make up their
own rules as they go.
Like I think the US compared-
No, but that's why it's lower.
Yeah, yeah, because-
The US comparison is more fair.
The 60 is not, specifically not a one-to-one.
That's still not, like we're not trying to be like, no, they did great.
Like it still sort of sucks.
Yeah, it still sucks.
You know, there's still supposed to be other sensors on the car that should have known
that there was a very large object actually in front of the car.
But you know, Tesla is taking this opportunity to remind people, some of whom have been posting
very irresponsible videos to YouTube even-
Like the guy sleeping.
Yep, of abusing their autopilot mode.
Yo, it is an assist feature that requires you to keep your hands on the steering wheel
at all times you need to maintain control and responsibility for your vehicle while
using it.
I'm just glad that it didn't carom onto, you know, a pile of school children or something.
Like this could have been worse.
And it's a really important opportunity for us to remind ourselves that they are a two
out of four in terms of autonomous driving standards.
They are, four is fully autonomous.
They are not that, they are two.
Keep your hands on the wheel.
Be prepared to take over at any time.
So that's a drag.
You know what?
Maybe now's the time for a Twitter blitz here.
I wanna hear from you guys.
So tweet at Linus Tech on Twitter.
Oh, I guess this is also a good opportunity to tell you guys that the at Linus Tech Twitter
handle is actually going to become the official Linus Tech Tips Twitter handle.
And I'm gonna be switching over to something else personally.
It's sort of TBD, but it's probably gonna be at Linus G. Sebastian.
I couldn't get at Linus Sebastian.
Did you contact them?
I've tried to contact at Linus Sebastian before.
I wasn't able to get through.
So the, oh crap.
I need to get in touch with the at Linus Tech Tips guy.
He's gonna hand that over to us as well.
So we have at Inus Tech Tips with a lowercase I at the beginning.
That's the guy that was posting a bunch of spam.
It was like a bot for a while.
And then at Linus Tech Tips is coming, but we're not gonna switch the Linus Tech Tips
cause ideally I would have liked at Linus Tech Tips to be the publication and at Linus
Tech Tips to be me.
And theoretically you could do that, but you lose your verified check mark.
So I don't wanna strip the company of its verified check mark.
So all of the Twitter handles in the videos and under the videos would have to be replaced
with the official one.
Which is a real chore and I don't feel like doing it.
Sorry, I'm just, I'm gonna create a straw poll here as well.
So let's get that posted in the Twitch chat.
Wanna hear from you guys.
Wanna hear from you guys on Twitter.
But basically the question is, are you still comfortable with autonomous vehicles?
And the answers are yes, no, I never was, or, I mean if you wanna hit us up on Twitter
then I guess you could say something a little bit, you know, more complex than that.
But still limited to 140 characters or whatever it is.
Sorry, I just gotta get us signed into Twitter.
Do you wanna jump onto the next topic in the meantime, then we'll come back to this please.
So US border control could start asking for your social media accounts.
Now to be clear, this is a, like when you're filling out your, I believe it's like your
customs incoming form or whatever, the questionnaire thing that you fill out when you enter the
I don't think this is US border patrol as in driving over the border.
I think this is US border control as in flying into the country.
It would be added to both electronic system for travel authorization and the I-94W forms.
Oh, you have gotta be kidding me.
Oh, I still have my screen share on, okay, I'm gonna have to deal with that immediately.
Alright, you should do that very quickly.
Anyways, gonna keep talking.
Anyways, and it would be an optional field.
So you would have the option to put it in or not.
I don't necessarily think that this is the worst thing ever.
One, it's optional.
Two, this would be what is currently, I don't know, see, it's kind of weird.
This would be what is currently public on your social media account.
So if you had things that you didn't want people to see, you would theoretically have
it posted in a private way.
So it's probably not the end of the world.
And you could have like, say you were a cam girl or porn star or something like that.
Maybe have your work account and your personal account and give them your personal account
when going over the border.
I do think it's a little bit weird for things like stalking.
You go over the border, someone thinks you're attractive.
You have to give them all of your information, including address and social information.
I don't know.
I'm not entirely sure what the inspiration for it is.
You could theoretically say like, oh, like ISIS members and stuff have social media accounts,
whatnot and so forth.
But I seriously doubt any of them would give that one.
Like I just said about the like, if you're an adult star of some form, you would have
a work one and a non-work one.
I have a feeling someone who's as blatant as an ISIS member with a Twitter account wouldn't
put their ISIS affiliated Twitter account on a travel authorization form to go into
the US because that is just ridiculous.
And it's also an optional area.
So yeah.
Okay, well, that was potentially the end of the world, but isn't.
If I could copy this, that would be great.
I've had a bad enough week with that kind of crap going on.
That's the last thing.
Yeah, yeah, no, I know.
No, no, it was much worse than that actually.
It was much worse than just the password.
It was that and a backup code.
So it was like, so it was the password and the means to circumvent my two-factor authentication.
The best part is too, I saw through my administrative stuff that people were storing backup codes
in that and was literally going to bring it up in the Monday morning meeting next week
that people should not do that.
Well, there you go, there you go.
Sorry, I'm just going to need a minute.
Okay, no, I did want to weigh in on that topic and I'm actually like, I'm good now.
That was the only thing that showed up there and it's all squared away now.
And then I'm being a bro in chat was like, you post pictures, you get timed out.
Talk shit, get hit.
So when crossing the border, like honestly, some of the easiest times that I've ever had
crossing the border have been when I explain who I am and show them a video.
Because like if I'm going down to attend a conference or something like that, I'm like,
yeah, I'm this guy.
I make videos about tech on YouTube and they're like, Oh, okay.
So you're you.
You don't want to figure that out immediately.
Yeah, I'll figure that out.
So I have kind of the same thing.
Someone will ask me what I'm doing and I'm like, Oh, I'm going for meetings.
And like, before they even asked me like, huh, what kind of meetings?
Cause you know, the border control guy is just like, I've had 10,000 people come through
here today and I'm tired of asking these questions every single time.
So instead of just like vomiting information at them, cause they also don't want that either.
And that makes you look super suspicious.
I just have my formulated obvious question ready.
I'm like, I'm a YouTube person.
I make YouTube videos.
I'm going to visit a hardware company cause I make YouTube videos on hardware and I'm
going down there for meetings.
Yeah, it's actually pretty straightforward.
So for me being able to show like, here's my Twitter account, which is for work and
here's the YouTube channel that we have.
It's for work and here's my Facebook page.
It's private.
So there's my picture.
I guess.
Um, actually I don't have any problems with that at all.
And one kind of cool side effect of this could be that people are more wary about what they
put publicly on their social media.
Cause man, some people aren't careful with that at all.
Like Dennis just posting dick pics on Twitter all the time.
Yes he does.
That's why his Twitter handle is Dennis is hung.
I thought it was Denny is hung.
Is it Denny is hung?
Oh, it's Denny is hung.
Ever so slightly different than that.
As in Denny's, the restaurant chain.
Anyways, uh, talking about another thing that could be seen in either way, Apple has granted
a patent that can prevent iPhones from recording at concerts.
I'm going to post the nine to five Mac article in the chat so you guys can see it as well.
My immediate gut reaction is that, uh, sorry, I should probably take this.
It's my sister, which yeah, sort of what's going on right now.
I would also recommend going, yeah.
Um, so I, my immediate, come on Dennis.
My immediate knee jerk reaction is that I don't care at all because cell phone recordings
at shows are stupid.
What we're talking about right now is Apple has been granted a patent that can prevent
iPhones from recording concerts.
Oh, what do you think?
How does it prevent that?
I'm not, I actually have no idea.
One second.
An infrared emitter can be located near an object and generate infrared signals with
encoded data that includes, Oh, so up on stage or something, they would blast out infrared.
I like that.
I hate people's Snapchat entire concert.
One thing, once the Snapchat gets out, you can't hear shit anyways because it's just
like, yeah.
I mean you can sit on the show if you want.
Go ahead.
I'm going to finish this topic.
I think they have copyright thing, right?
You cannot record a lot of concerts that you are not allowed to record.
I don't know in here, in Taiwan.
Even outside of that, because I agree and that makes sense.
And if I was hosting a concert, I would want people to just go instead of just watching
and recording.
So I get that.
But even just people standing there like this, recording with their phones, being obnoxious
and super annoying, and getting videos from people that are like, okay, this is stupid.
Even you record it, when are you going to look at it again?
You're never going to watch that again.
You can't hear the music properly.
It's going to be blown out because all the lasers and lights and crowd.
I don't mind they do that, taking pictures or anything before the concert actually start.
I think still pictures are probably fine.
But if you want just like one moment of like, this is cool, click, or like selfie, or something,
but like, no selfie stick though.
No selfie stick.
That might be better because then your arms aren't way up in the air.
No, it's too annoying.
It's very crowded.
It takes up too much space?
I was thinking if they go like straight up.
Even some places in Japan, they ban.
Disneyland did too.
Apparently there's more positive uses for the technology as in museums.
Oh, that could be cool.
So museums could use it in a different way while you're trying to take a photo of something
that could display relevant information about it.
Oh, that's cool.
That could be pretty sweet.
Is that?
I'm not sure.
It sounds like there's too much potential for misuse though, because if they can display
things on the screen about what you're pointing the camera at in a museum, could someone not
use it to just put black over your screen so you can't see what you're trying to film
or record?
You mean when they are in the museum?
Like in the, as a civilian, I feel like someone could use this to like, oh, to see your stuff
to know, to like block people from taking photos or different things.
When theoretically you're allowed filming or taking photos of whatever you want on public
property, someone could try to block you from doing so by using this exact same technology.
Am I being like way too tinfoil hatty?
I don't know what you're talking about.
I are blasting a license plate number.
Like someone's saying, if you had like the museum thing, right?
So if I try to take a photo of my wallet, yeah, I'm at the museum and my wallet is somehow
important even though it's really not.
It says on screen, this was so-and-so's wallet.
He got it here and used it in the great battle of buying things at Walmart.
That's kind of interesting.
Was it on Black Friday?
That's funny and relevant.
You could, say this is someone's license plate, they could have the same technology blasting
so that when you try to take a picture or video of their license plate, it's just black
or it covers your screen with something.
I could be way too tinfoil hatty.
That's probably my question.
I don't know that situation.
But I agree with that.
That's a cool thing if they use that in a concert or maybe some meeting.
Some meeting is like confidential.
That'd be cool if people tried to record things.
So like if we tried to do like a factory tour or something?
If we have that technology in our office, no prank, then no pranks.
I'm sure you'd appreciate that.
Then you can't get Burkle back though.
Oh, we can do it outside the office.
At your house?
Are you saying we can prank you at your house?
No, I'm moving.
Oh, right.
Actually, that's not funny.
Oh, do you know those channels mainly in Asia?
Where you can watch someone eat?
Oh, yeah.
Twitch is allowing that now.
They banned that before?
Yeah, they did.
They didn't have a section for it.
Twitch likes having a section for different things.
So they now added a category called social eating.
It sits along other non-gaming categories like Twitch creative.
Creative I've actually used a fair amount.
I don't know if I'm going to use social eating.
Although people have commented that a lot of times.
It's actually called life.
Social eating is weird.
I don't know what that term.
What does that term mean?
Social eating.
But the Asian streams where they just eat on camera is social eating.
You're eating and you're talking to the people that are watching your stream.
Social media eating.
Eating show.
Eating show.
Yeah, sure.
I mean, if you can have a cooking show, you should be able to have an eating show, right?
If you can eat, you can also have a different washroom show.
You want a washroom show?
I'm sure they have that.
Because that's your logic, Linus.
So you just get to the next step when you get rid of the food.
So when you make the food, when you consume the food, and then you get rid of the food.
Okay, but we know that Twitch has nudity guidelines.
So if you were going to have a washroom show, it would have to be what, like neck up and
just facial expressions?
Yeah, you can have your shirt on when you're on the toilet.
So like, so like, like waist just above, yeah, here, here, like right there.
No one's going to watch that.
Is there, I'm pretty sure someone would watch that.
Is there any like obscenity problems?
I don't, I don't think so.
I mean, it's a natural thing, you know, going to the bathroom.
It's very natural.
But sex is also natural.
Sex is, well, it can be pretty unnatural.
Okay, fair.
Speaking of, speaking of Twitch streams for going to the washroom, Android N is called
Android 7.0 Nougat.
Yeah, I'm going to jump in.
Thank you, Dennis.
Cause I got to do our sponsor spots.
First sponsor spots before Nougat.
First sponsor is then Nougat.
All right.
So the new site that you might get.
The new site that you might get.
New get.
Oh, that's awful.
Might be on Squarespace.
They've got 24 seven support via live chat and email.
They feature responsive design in all of their templates, which means your website looks
great on any device.
They've got commerce built into every website so you can create a free online store.
They've got their cover pages feature, which lets you have like a one page online presence
if you're a web 2.0 company and you think that more pages isn't cool.
Personally not a fan, but if you must have that kind of site, then I guess Squarespace
can do that for you.
And they've got lots of other tools too.
Everything from their easy inline text editing to their just kind of move things around,
move pictures around interface to the fact that it's all cloud based.
And finally to their logo creator.
And I'm sure there's a million things that I'm not thinking of, but basically it makes
it easy to make a website.
Your website will be a reliable.
Only time Mars has gone down was entirely caused by someone else, not Squarespace.
That's for sure.
And technically the site didn't go down.
You just couldn't find it.
That's true.
If you had gone to the IP directly, then that would have worked just fine actually.
Now that you bring that up.
So Squarespace did nothing wrong.
You can start a trial with no credit card required and start building your website today.
And everyone can now publish content in Apple news format directly from their Squarespace
blog, making it available to millions of potential readers.
So I mean, if, if, if you're blogging about like your, your washroom streaming show, then
actually had, there's probably millions of potential viewers for that.
Okay, fine.
So when you decide to, when you just call, when you just, everything is awful right now.
When you decide to sign up for Squarespace, make sure you use offer code when, so you
can save 10% on your first purchase.
Thanks to Squarespace for supporting the land show.
You should keep doing it so we can build our show beautiful.
I don't like it.
Nick's not here to yell at me anyway.
All right.
What have we got for our next, uh, next topic here?
Uh, well, uh, new get right Android and the N word new yet.
Uh, the original article here is from Android police.
Let's go ahead and, Oh, you did it.
You beat me to the punch.
I was gonna, I was gonna do it.
I was just like, I was in, I'm not here with Luke because he's away last week mode and
lots of other weeks and lots of other weeks.
Android N is now officially new get, um, I really wanted them to make it.
Amy McName face, did you see the one that got like voted the most or something?
I did.
It just, they put it in like a teaser trailer and I was like, just do it.
I know you do your candy thing, but like it's funny and it it's cool.
I actually think new get has gotta be like the worst.
It's pretty boring.
And do people even know what it is blocks?
Like do people even know what new get is?
Like I know what new get is only because I love Toblerone's.
That is the only reason I know what new get is.
I know what new get is probably because my mom likes it.
I believe someone that I know has liked it a lot.
I think it might've been my mom.
It could have been someone else.
I don't know.
And Toblerone's are awesome.
They're just too expensive.
So then I'm a bar.
What else?
Well, then I'm open.
Remember, I think that's sort of more relevant to us because we live near like, is, is that
the origin of Nanaimo bar or is it a thing?
I don't know if that's the origin of Nanaimo bar or not, but I know it's not just a Canadian
Like Nanaimo bars are, they're pretty cool.
Let's find out the origin.
Cause if it's like a local thing, yeah, from Nanaimo, the name of a city in the Canadian
province of British Columbia.
So I don't think, I think that's probably worse than new get.
Can we do a poll to see if people know what Nanaimo bars are?
Because I feel like they're pretty big.
Let's not say if they know what they are.
Let's get a poll if they've tried one.
Let's do it.
So have you tried a Nanaimo bar?
See look spell check didn't even recognize it.
That's not a good sign.
And don't worry, we are going to get back to that Twitter blitz.
Uh, hopefully if we can find all of the, I feel like it's a bigger thing.
It might not be, I could definitely be wrong.
Kind of lived here forever and stuff.
So it's hard for us to really say, but let's go ahead and try and think of what some of
the other, uh, I mean there's not a lot of, yeah, there you go.
Get rekt son.
All right.
They're not very good.
Quite frankly.
I think they're gross.
So you're not really missing.
They're very strong.
My mom loves them.
Absolutely loves them.
I, I think we just got told here that, that the results are clear.
All right.
Thank you everyone.
That's enough results.
Although at the same time, how many like little pastry cake style thingymajigs have
different people tried?
Probably some, you know?
Um, okay.
So let's go ahead.
Like what, what, what were the other options here even?
Cause I remember hearing nougat and I remember also hearing some ones that were better nerds.
Oh yeah.
That, that's a company thing.
That's terrible.
Uh, nut roll.
I got to gotten behind Nutella isn't Nutella.
Is that a brand thing?
It's a brand thing.
Isn't it?
It is.
Oh, they also did KitKat.
Yeah, but they did KitKat and they reached a deal with Nestle.
This was one of the suggestions, Android Nestle crunch.
This list is coming from fan droid over here.
That's cheating.
That's like saying that's like if it was H and it's like Android Honda civic.
Android Napoleon, Android noodle pudding, neenish tart, Android Nanaimo part.
They're all awful.
They're just all terrible.
I'm on Wikipedia under list of desserts and I'm going through all the different categories
and looking at what they have for N. Control F. Oh, what's that?
I've never, I've never heard of that.
That doesn't sound Canadian unless it's like in Richmond.
Nuns puffs.
Nuns puffs.
Nut roll.
Nut roll.
That, that one was there.
Is N just not like a, not a delicious sounding first letter or something.
I don't get it.
Well, there you go.
Go figure.
All right.
There's like really not much.
Let's go have a look at that.
Uh, let's go have a look at that Twitter blitz that we were, uh, Oh, they probably should
have came to a, um, agreement with Nutella.
Oh crap.
Did you just do that again?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
There we go.
No, no, no, no.
I'm not, I'm not operating at 100%.
It's all good.
It's all good.
I just wanted to make sure you didn't do that because if you did, I was gonna be like, all
right, you need to blitz and fix it again and I'll keep doing whatever.
Um, hold on, I need a minute.
All good.
Florida man, um, who at this point has probably been in jail for an obscenely long time and
it was a lot of money.
Um, has Florida man, Florida man.
You don't know that thing.
There's a subreddit called Florida man.
So it's whenever you hear like, whenever you hear crazy news, it seems to be like Florida
man dies after threatening an alligator with a chocolate bar.
Like just like crazy stuff.
It seems to end with like, or start with like Florida man.
Oh, so it's not a specific person, but how the news does it.
Florida man, blah, blah, blah, anyways, Florida man, Sue's apple for 10 billion us dollars
last as he invented the iPhone in 1992 uh, yeah, there's a gizmodo gizmodo article.
There's also a comparison picture, which is fantastic.
Um, that is his drawing.
Oh hold on.
I gotta, I gotta bring this up.
Hold on.
Hold on.
Florida man for $10 billion dollars he wants.
So here's the comparison picture.
Here we go.
The iPhone according to Florida man, the iPhone according to apple.
So I mean at what point does Gene Roddenberry start selling people or start suing people
for inventing things and like or George Lucas.
I mean when someone releases a lightsaber, actually, you know what's, you know, what's
kind of crazy is for Disney probably would be on that.
If someone created a lightsaber, do you think Disney would try to claim that they own all
the applicable rights to a real life lightsaber?
I feel like if they tried to call it a lightsaber, then they'd have a problem.
But creating a, a theoretical fantasy depiction of something I don't think gives you the rights
to its actuality.
I think if that was a problem, but could they make the argument that it is so culturally
pervasive that the inspiration would have had to come from Star Wars?
I think once we got to the point where we could make something that was like that powerful
based on mostly like light, I don't remember how it works in the Star Wars universe.
What is it?
It's an energy energy, right?
So it's basically a laser, a crystalline thing that is emitting energy, which is somewhat
like a laser, but only goes out a little bit and has obscene amounts of power, but only
goes to like a point that looks like a sword.
Once we get to the point that we can do that, I don't even know if Star Wars will still
be relevant.
Or maybe it's all going to be like galaxy quest all over again.
And we'll think that they're historical documents.
We watched that recently.
Still very good.
I love Alan Rickman.
I miss him.
I've actually heard that.
Oh man.
That sucks.
Anyways, I haven't rewatched it in a long time, but I've heard from a lot of people
that whenever they rewatch galaxy quest, they're like, holy crap, this movie's awesome.
It's still just as good.
It is equally relevant.
It's not that often that you get a movie that, that ages that well because nerds are still
exactly the same as in 1994 or whenever that movie came out.
I think it was actually a little later than that quest, uh, 2000.
No, it couldn't have been 2008.
That doesn't make any sense.
Maybe it came on DVD then 1999, 1990.
It is pretty old.
Holy crap.
In 17 years, nerds have not progressed at all.
Not to mention the movie was probably being written a couple of years before it was actually,
you know, so with you filming in 20 years.
Not, not a thing.
I think you can say that.
Um, okay.
Let's see.
We've actually covered a lot of the, a lot of the best topics for today already.
Um, Oh yeah.
The AMD RX 480 is a thing, but like we have a video on that.
So another thing to add to the Florida man thing, um, the U S patent and trademark office
declared the application abandoned in 1995.
Oh, I've been screen sharing for a while again.
I'm just really like not on my game right now.
Did you do anything crazy?
I don't think so.
Okay, cool.
Um, so yeah, there was that, um, it also like if you scroll down a little bit, he had one
where it's like basically a book and it like closes.
So I think there's like writer and reader mode.
So it looks more like phone antenna speaker, optional solar cells.
So basically this is just like the scribblings of a, of a dreamer.
He's like, what's a cool thing.
I'm going to put it in here.
Three and a half inch diskette drive.
How big is it supposed to be?
It's five inches by three.
How is he planning to put a three in it?
What is, how's he planning to put a three and a half inch diskette drive in a five and
a half inch?
And how big is this?
So that's three and three quarters battery is here.
That's where the rechargeable battery is.
Page forward is here.
Uh, the whole typewriter keyboard with a spacebar that big is in half an inch because it's five
and a half inches.
Five and five inches to here by three.
Oh yeah.
No ball.
Looks maybe an inch.
Let's, let's say an inch.
That's really small.
Each device.
80386 SX processor, 16 megahertz, 80 megabyte hard drive, writing device, 160 megabyte DRAM.
Reading device.
Reading device.
Either A or B. Uh, calendar slash clock, typewriter slash keyboard, magnetic latch.
That's a good idea.
Oh, more solar cells.
Backlit LCD, super twist display screen, monochrome or color.
All right.
Well, good luck with that buddy.
Good old Florida man.
You know, it would be kind of fun if the iPhone had an 80 megabyte hard drive and two megabytes
of Ram and a 16 megahertz processor.
That sounds like the iPhone.
Uh, what's the next topic?
I don't know.
I don't really know if I see much, much else here.
Oh, uh, this is just a quick one.
Samsung has a one terabyte M dot two NVMe SSD, the SM 961.
So right now it's an SM 961.
So that's an OEM OEM product.
Tom's hardware has a review up, but it is speculated that this would be, uh, this will
be rebadged as some kind of a, of a nine something pro at some point here.
So maybe a nine 60 pro or something along those lines.
Very, very interesting.
It's like wicked fast.
One, one terabyte at 512 bucks and 512 gigs at 280 bucks is pretty cool.
That's pretty cool.
I mean one, honestly, 480 gigs to 512 gigs is the SSD size where I really don't feel
limited by it anymore.
Um, I'm pretty comfortable with two 56 still unless it's a gaming machine.
But if it's a gaming machine, I want my 500.
I want my 500 gigs, but one terabyte is at the point where I feel like I can be like
a data pack rat and I don't really have to clean up any after myself anymore.
Not with the amount I have in as yeah.
My only thing is you said gaming machine and game load times can still be nicer.
Yeah, but I don't mind putting up games that aren't important.
Like Lego Batman is on a hard drive.
Just have a couple of steam libraries.
There's no real reason not to do that.
It's very easy actually.
I made a video on it.
I think it just came out.
SSD hard drive optimization thing.
It's really easy to have steam have different save locations and it'll ask you every time.
It's actually really nice.
There's where is it?
Activision issues, DMCA takedown against developers of Orion prelude.
And then there's comparison images in there that you ought to check out.
I'll post the steam article, but check out the comparison images here.
I think the bottom one might be the best, but yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Um, yeah, wait, sorry.
So this is supposed to prove that Orion ripped off black ops.
So, uh, apparently it was taken down from the steam stores due to the DMCA request.
It is now back in the steam stores.
Um, the official quote says on behalf of Activision who alleges that the game Orion used weapon
art content from call of duty, black ops three and call of duty advanced warfare.
The weapon art in question includes the M8A7 rifle, the haymaker rifle and the bal 27 rifle.
Uh, the developers of Orion prelude were not contacted or notified before their game was
removed from steam at all.
That's pretty brutal.
Um, a Reddit post on RPC master race goes into how the DMCA claim may be legitimate
and apparently some of the main, uh, points are addressed that parts of the 3d models
are apparently exactly the same.
So if you click on that one, um, yeah, let me bring up the, uh, the thingamabobie here.
That is actually a more interesting look at it because that's actually how you hold the
gun in the game.
So the images that were given up were of side isolated models that you don't really see
in the game.
This is more when you're holding the firearm.
At the same time, the red dot site is more telling to me than the iron site because like
the little area with the lights on it, uh, here and here are actually just like a button
panel and that could be taken from some other gun.
I'm not sure.
Um, and iron sites are pretty generic and the side of that gun looks pretty generic.
Um, the red dot site on the right.
Which they can't see.
I'm sorry about that.
Oh, sorry.
Um, also looks a little generic, but I kind of see where they're probably coming from.
All right.
Well, we'll see how this plays out.
I'm not going to be the, uh, I'm not going to be the judge on this one.
I don't really know.
I don't know how that legally plays in.
I think we'd both need to know a lot more about different rifles.
Like if that red dot site was taken from like something in real life, then who cares?
Uh, there's more rumors.
So a original article here is nintendoinquirer.com more rumors that the NX will be cartridge
Blast from the past.
Possibly a good move to be perfectly.
That's kind of cool.
I might be the weird one there.
I mean, I don't see, I've been wondering why media doesn't come on SD cards for a long
time, like a really long time.
Well, not I've been wondering.
I understand why it's because they're cheap because the companies that sell this stuff
to us don't want to spend another, you know, 82 cents on, uh, on the media that they're
giving us.
They'd rather have something that costs 82 cents less a disc.
Um, but basically in the final months before it's formally unveiled, blah, blah, blah,
blah, blah, blah, blah, admitted hoax, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
But there's been, it looks like a trademark, uh, hold on.
So NeoGaf user Ethereos noticed something in Nintendo US's trademark for the legend
of Zelda, breath of the wild user goods and services section.
Both video game discs and video game cartridges are listed.
This contrasts with other Wii U software trademarks.
So it could be Nintendo's just updating their verbiage so that they can use the same thing
for our portable games, which already use cartridges and, um, full-size console games.
But I choose to believe that we're going to have a cartridge based console again.
That'd be cool.
Which would mean Nintendo only ever had three disc based consoles then.
Uh, and again, so has Sony for that matter.
So has Microsoft.
So there you go.
The GameCube.
I always forget about the game.
The GameCube was a thing just cause no one cared.
Doesn't mean that it wasn't a thing.
It's the, I didn't have an NES when I was a kid.
Um, I had friends that had them.
We just didn't have one.
So I had a SNES and N64 that I never had a GameCube.
And then I like very luckily got a Wii pretty early on.
And then I have my Wii U so I just completely skipped that whole segment.
All right.
Let's go ahead and, uh, fire up Twitter over there.
I don't even know if it, yeah, it's not really set up anymore.
We don't really use it that often.
Let's just go ahead and beepity boopity.
Right about there.
Oh, Oh, that did not work.
Oh, that was supposed to work.
Uh, add screen capture.
Um, okay, let's see if that works this time.
I will just, I will just read tweets.
Um, Oh, uh, I've had this problem before.
I, I think it might be that browser.
Um, but what you do is minimize the browser, highlight the area where it is, bring the
browser back up and it works.
Oh, what a chore.
I know it's super annoying.
I don't know if it's exploit or if it's the browser or what.
Kind of guess it's like bearish.
Oh yeah.
This is my pain.
I had to do it during the charity stream that I did was super annoying.
Good enough.
All right.
There you go.
Uh, bring back Dennis.
Cheer up.
You two.
You both slow down today.
Well, we both had kind of rough weeks.
Uh, Twitch bot is timing everyone out for using the uptime command.
Is this intentional?
I don't know.
I wanted Nutella hail poodles.
Uh, I'm just glad the media didn't make as big of a deal as it, as they usually do.
Um, yeah, I think there's still time for them to do that when you need some tech tips.
JK just did a little love land show.
Oh, we've got people commenting on my, uh, on my leak there.
That's okay.
All that information is completely out of date now, which is really good.
Yay for doing things quickly.
Well, you get over the border easily.
Um, still safer than 100% people on the road.
So that's a good point.
Oh yeah.
So a lot of, Oh, I don't like autopilot.
I like to drive by myself.
All right.
James says, my uncle's wild model S tells you to constantly keep your hands on the wheel.
That's what it's supposed to do.
Time magnets.
How do they work?
Would you consider buying an autonomous car and yeah, no, I would too expensive.
Well, okay.
Other than that, I would consider it fair.
I, yes.
I would as well.
And then I would go, it is too expensive and then I would stop considering it.
Let's bring up the, uh, let's bring up the straw pool results since it seems like that
pretty much tells us the answer here.
74% of you are still comfortable with autonomous vehicles in spite of the death.
Well, you're talking to nerds.
Um, nerds are probably down with math.
I prefer to call them a tech savvy audience.
I know.
I think it's okay when you call yourself the thing anyways, um, they're probably more down
with numbers and statistics and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
And they're seeing mathematically it is better.
So they're going, okay, mathematically, it's better until we have a bigger sample size
and maybe it's not better anymore.
That's also true.
I mean, we could have another death tomorrow and all of a sudden that would make it a significant
as much worse than people operating vehicles as now it is better.
And there's also the thing that I've been saying from the start, um, which is what I'm
afraid of is, uh, it potentially going haywire instead of just not detecting something, driving
through it and crashing it going nuts.
Um, that's scary because a human driver, unless can go haywire, can, yeah, they can, they
can go haywire unless malicious isn't going, like if they crash into something, I don't
know, like, cause that's going to cause the big, the big media problem.
Oh, like if one just spazzes out or one decides between the driver's life and the pedestrian's
And there's a valid problem there, which is if someone goes nuts and drives over a bunch
of people, you put them in jail.
If an AI goes nuts and drives over a bunch of people, you go, Oh my God, this thing is
installed in everything.
What do we do?
And that's a valid question.
All right.
So thank you guys for tuning into the WAN show.
We hope you enjoyed the show as much as we did this week.
Actually it was kind of a nice distraction today.
Um, although actually for a lot of today I was working on a really cool project.
Uh, I am calling this project the most comfortable gaming setup ever.
And Luke thought I was like, what did you think I was doing with this?
Uh, I thought he was trolling.
I thought that you were, uh, how much can I describe it?
Um, I haven't disclosed what makes it comfortable yet.
I have owned, so here, so I have tweeted, uh, pictures of the room.
So I've tweeted like this.
So that room is really small.
I've been in there, I've tried to stand in there, et cetera, et cetera.
It's small and like kind of cramped.
Yeah, exactly.
So I've, I've experienced the room.
So when he says the most comfortable gaming room ever, and I know the back cramping that
I had to do in order to get in there, my mind is going, he's going to shove a whole bunch
of tech in there cause he's told me what he's shoving in there and it's going to be way
too much.
He's going to be cramped and he's going to make like a funny video about how he just
had to have all these things.
So he made it work.
That's what I thought the plan was.
I thought it was going to be a funny video.
No, it's going to be a bad ass video.
All right.
So we will see you guys again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
Thank you very much for watching.
You should.