
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

All right, guys, it's a special...
It's a special, uh, technical, technical difficulties.
Ready are you?
All right.
It's a special Halloween episode of the Wedge Show.
I thought you were caped badass.
Yeah, I'm the caped badass.
Well, if you need to cover your face like that, why wouldn't you just have a scarf?
Why wouldn't you have a scarf?
Because I have a cape.
It's not for concealing your identity.
But, like, are you gonna fight, like...
You can.
That's so stupid.
You don't want to get punched in the mouth, do you?
I think Jane would beat up the caped badass.
Okay, we should probably both explain our costumes.
So, uh, the caped badass fights crime with his tattooed arms.
Basically, he ran out of time.
And, like, grabbed stuff out of a costume closet and was like, sure, I'll do this.
How did you know?
That's exactly what I did.
Jane wears a cape in green and purple to symbolize his badassness.
Ninja Turtles or something?
Did you notice that it smells?
I have owned this cape.
It does kind of smell.
Here, hold on.
I have actually...
It just smells, like, old, though.
It doesn't smell bad.
I have owned this cape, which goes down to kind of my thighs, since I was small enough
that it touched the ground when I walked.
I have owned this for, like, 20 years.
I can tell by, like, the threading and stuff at the top.
It's, like, it's pretty old, but, uh, it has served me well through many Halloweens,
and I forget where I was going with this.
So that's the history of my...
What are you supposed to be?
Linus has never seen Firefly or Serenity, so I'm Jane from Firefly.
You bring a weapon on my show?
Yeah, man.
That's not all.
I also have a grenade.
That probably sounds amazing.
The kinds of explosions that that grenade will set off.
So I have a gun and a grenade, and I have my chains hat, and I have a brown coat.
So there's, yeah, there's some symbolism that you wouldn't understand, but it's there.
All right.
So we've got a great show for you guys today.
I don't know what the topics are, because I forgot my laptop.
I'm going to go get those while we roll the intro.
Ah, yes!
Tesla is in trouble again.
Not because they did anything wrong, but because the other people are basically buttholes.
Also 18-core Zeons are on the way, so prepare your buttholes, because that is going to be
pretty fantastic.
I mean, we're already blown away with the kind of performance we're getting from our
12-core Xeon.
Well, that's like six more cores than a 12-core Xeon.
Aw, yeah.
Aw, yeah, baby.
Alienware GPU graphics amplifiers.
We'll explain what exactly that is later.
Graphics amplifier!
And unsurprisingly yet again, an Ubisoft developer doesn't understand extremely basic concepts.
And opens his mouth about it.
We're not even going to give any more information than that, but we'll talk about it later on.
I mean, really, is there anything else for us to even say?
Is there really?
That should just be a permanent bullet point, and then we can just swap out the word Ubisoft
for whatever game developer is being stupid this week.
Yeah, and the name, and like what title they're working on.
All right, intro time.
And our sponsors today are FiveFourClub, which if I knew where the thing was, ah, yes, there
we go, FiveFourClub, and we're going to have an offer for you today that hopefully I will
actually get right, as well as Dollar Shave Club.
Boopity-boop, shave time and shave money by having high-quality razors delivered directly
to your door, rather than going to the store and paying too much for them for some reason,
because paying too much for things is good on the WAN Show, we like paying too much for
Oh wait, that's not our principle at all, is it?
Both our sponsors today are about spending less money and less time on things.
That's interesting.
That is actually kind of interesting.
So you don't have to leave your house.
Our sponsors today...
And you can be groomed and look good when you do.
So you don't have to like go out there and do anything, but if you really need to, you
can leave the house in style.
But you'll always look good, because you never have to go out to retrieve supplies to look
You'll look good without planning.
You never have to do that like chores, or errands look, where it's like all crap.
Yeah, it's like actually I'm in my PJs with like...
I just do that permanently though.
Yeah, I know.
So that's a sad thing.
Okay, well I'm going to let you do the first topic here, because I need to go get my laptop,
because I forgot it, so...
Because you're super ready for the show today.
Caped badass away!
I'm sorry, he tripped on his headphone cable when he was trying to leave the room and like
actually fell over while doing the caped badass thing, which was absolutely perfect.
Sorry, that was really funny.
Anyways, Tesla runs into trouble again, as we were talking about earlier.
The US government is giving GM and other manufacturers and automakers in general preferential treatment,
which is quite annoying.
They're doing that because they're setting a law in, I believe, Michigan, yeah, where
you have to sell your car through an independent dealership.
You can't do the showroom thing that Tesla likes doing.
I've been talking about this kind of stuff all over the States for a long time, but this
is more a targeted experience.
So the Michigan law forbids having galleries, like I was just discussing, and Michigan customers
would still be able to buy the vehicles online or travel out of state to a corporate owned
store out of state, which I think is ridiculously silly.
You don't want them to be able to go to a gallery showroom where they would actually
at least be able to sit in and see the car before buying it, but you're totally okay
with them buying it online.
That makes no sense at all.
Like there's like, the independent dealership part already doesn't make sense because I
hate dealing with independent dealerships every single time I have to, which has been
once, but still.
It sucks.
I've done it too, and it sucked for me too, so that's a sample size of at least two.
Oh man, absolutely fantastic.
This is definitely all the sample size you would need for running an actual study of
I mean, the issue is that I get independent dealerships when they have a specific value
add beyond what the manufacturer is able to do for some reason, but if the manufacturer
chooses not to work through an independent dealership, then that should be fine.
That should be their right.
You shouldn't mandate middlemen.
If you could do that, you should be able to mandate out Apple stores.
I mean, the merchant class sprung up because their entire job was to facilitate the movement
of goods from one place to another.
So you would actually get silk from here, and then you would take it over there, and
you would sell the silk, and you would buy gems, and you'd take it over there, buy low,
sell high, the whole being a merchant thing.
Being a merchant isn't about sitting on your butt in one place with the regulatory bodies
just telling consumers and telling manufacturers that they all have to go be routed through
you so you can take a cut.
How does that make any sense?
How does that help us progress?
How does the rest of the world not completely leave the US behind in the dark ages?
I don't understand.
I would understand way more if, say, Tesla was a non-American company.
I don't care where they're from, if they were just a non-American company in general.
So these laws were to try to help American companies.
Tesla's an American company.
They manufacture in the States.
You're barring a company that manufactures their cars in the States against companies
that you're not barring, which in a lot of cases don't, which is so stupid.
A lot of cars are manufactured in Mexico.
I don't know a ton about car manufacturing, but I know that there's a lot of cars manufactured
in Mexico that are not going to have to go through the hoops that Tesla has to go through,
and they're manufacturing, designing everything in the States, or even making their batteries
in the States.
They're planning on putting that battery manufacturing plant in Nevada.
So what are you trying to accomplish here?
This is a new, really exciting company that's coming out of the States.
It's like they're determined to make them not want to stay there.
I think the only reason why they're staying there is because Elon likes the States.
So he's freaking lucky.
Elon kind of does as he pleases, doesn't he?
Yeah, he pretty much does.
All right, have we already talked about Apple versus retailers?
The war on NFC payment technology.
So Apple Pay is not exactly revolutionary or groundbreaking.
I mean, Google Wallet's been available for something like four years or something like
But I don't think it's been super widely used.
No, no.
It hasn't been super widely used.
It hasn't been super widely publicized.
It's one of those things where Google introduced the tech and basically went, yeah, use it
or don't or whatever.
And that's fine.
But Apple Pay, pretty much just for those of you who aren't familiar, uses an NFC chip
and the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in order to enable and I think the new iPads also really also
have it as well.
Trying to pay with this giant iPad.
Could be wrong about that one.
I hope I'm wrong about that one because that's going to that's going to be a whole new level
of pad hole.
You can take your pictures of your food in the restaurant.
iPad selfie.
And like iPad tap to pay.
You can take your selfie with your iPhone as you pay with your iPad just to show how
stupid it is.
That would be fantastic.
Oh, so.
So anyway, so it's uses the NFC chip, unfortunately, for what is the least useful thing possible
for me because Apple Pay isn't even rolled out in Canada.
There is no timeline for Canada.
And I really wish we were able to do simple things like file transfers and stuff like
But no, no, Apple needs to forge their own path, don't they?
So so basically it uses your NFC chip at those same terminals that if you're in an enlightened
country like Australia, of all places, for some reason, it's like way ahead of the rest
of the world on this stuff allows you to simply tap your device, authenticate using a PIN
code or your touch ID even, and then pay for something with a debit or credit card without
ever actually giving the retailer access to those credit card numbers or anything like
So that huge target breach, that huge Home Depot breach, we're talking 40 and 56 million
customer credit cards that were compromised in each of those ones respectively.
If I have those numbers correct, don't quote me on that.
There would be no potential for that if you used Apple Pay for everything.
Because the idea is that it actually stores the information in the same place on the phone
as your touch ID information, which is not sent to Apple servers.
Very freaking cool stuff.
Of course, you have to register the bank accounts and credit cards and all that.
But the point is, the idea is that it will be more secure and Apple's taking a fairly
small cut on top of what a credit card would already be taking.
I think it's...
Now, this is a detail that I actually forget.
I think it's 0.15%.
I'm not sure.
Apple Pay fee 0.15.
I'm gonna try searching for that.
Yeah, Apple gets 0.15% cut of the purchase.
So actually, they're not trying to go and be a credit card with credit card like margins.
I mean, often credit cards are in the 3 plus percent range.
I hope you guys realize that when you buy something with a credit card, every retailer
in the world that accepts credit cards is basically just increasing their prices by
3.5, 4.5% in order to compensate for that because they take...
Those rewards that you get, the air miles, cash back, they're just giving you back some
of what they already took from you.
The reason why they're pushing people to use credit cards and giving them these reward
programs is because they skim money off it all the time.
It's not even necessarily because of the interest they get from you not paying it because you
don't understand compound interest.
So anyway, Apple's pitch to the banks in the States was, look, we're gonna increase security,
we're gonna reduce credit card fraud, which should reduce your insurance premiums because
every time someone fraudulently uses your credit card to buy a Hummer, either kind of
course, anytime...
Yeah, I went there.
So if someone uses your credit card to make some kind of a purchase and that item doesn't
get tracked down and returned, well, somebody has to pay for that.
And because of credit card fraud prevention and the way that most credit card issuers
will protect the consumer, you're gonna get a refund as long as you follow the proper
steps in order to report that stuff.
So someone has to pay for that.
So if Apple kind of goes, well, look, any of our customers who use your card through
Apple Pay will reduce the potential for fraudulent use, making life easier for you guys.
Well, hey, that's worth the 0.15%, isn't it?
We're making life better for everyone.
Well, retailers are butthurt now apparently, which is pretty frustrating to me.
And it looks like even though we're not getting statements from companies like CVS and Rite
Aid in the US that have stopped accepting Apple Pay.
I mean, we're talking some retailers, you actually, Apple Pay was working, was working,
and then they shut it off.
And you'll get an error message on the cashier.
You can actually see the error message that says Apple Pay not supported or something
like that.
And they're not issuing statements necessarily, but the speculation is that they're developing
their own NFC payment software in order to save the two to 3% per transaction that they
would normally have to pay to now Apple plus a credit card company or bank or whatever
else the case may be.
I mean, normally, I'm not a huge fan of any kind of proprietary standard.
But the thing about Apple's proprietary standard here is all you really have to do is give
them a fee that is going to save you money and effort in the big picture in order to
manage this system that really anyone, as long as they cooperate, can buy into.
Wouldn't you have to pay the Apple fee and the credit card fee?
So wouldn't it not save you money in the future?
Wouldn't it cost you...
Not for the retailer, yes.
But the retailer should be more concerned about the customer experience in my mind.
The retailer is going to want to be as appealing as possible.
I mean, I forget what the number is, but I think they've got over a million people activated
on Apple Pay already.
Like massive, massive numbers.
So if you're a retailer and you kind of sit there and go, oh, well, gee, I guess I want
0.3% of the population who are evidently all interested in this easier, more secure way
to pay for things, I guess I want them to not shop at my store because I'd rather release
my own competing standard.
I mean, at least the thing about Apple is that their standard will not help unless you
directly compete with the Apple store.
Their standard, paying Apple to use it will not directly help a competitor.
Whereas if we have every pharmacy chain and every clothing chain coming up with their
own NFC payment systems that you have to have your own app and you have to enter the payment
information and you have to have separate management tools, well, that is much more
fragmented than even Apple's still relatively closed garden system.
I don't know if it's actually going to stop people from shopping at certain stores because
I'm sure they'll still carry their debit and or credit cards with them.
So I don't know if it'll actually stop them at least yet, but it could be a future thing
where you want to stop carrying cards entirely when a lot more stores are picking it up and
a lot more people are using this type of technology.
But that's exactly what we want.
So two things.
First of all, I disagree.
I think that for certain people, for tech enthusiasts who are like into that, they will
look if it's like I'm standing here and there's Walgreens and there's CVS and one of them
takes Apple Pay and one of them doesn't, I think the tech geek in me goes, I'm going
to go to Walgreens.
Yeah, for sure.
Why not?
I could not give a crap.
The pricing is basically similar.
So let's say all other things equal.
They both carry, you know, XL size condoms, the kind I need, right?
So it doesn't matter which one I go into.
I'll be safe either way.
I love how it's not like brand or reliability.
It's just like sizing.
Oh, my gun just fell out.
That was pretty good timing.
Your gun fell out?
Did it leave a mess in your pouch there?
This show is awful.
Speaking of this show is awful.
My mom watched the mineral oil video.
Oh yeah.
And was like, oh, it was so awesome.
So it didn't bring up like the endless amount of innuendos.
It's like, thanks mom.
I mean, you know what?
I want to hear, I want to hear from you guys.
Let's let's do a Twitter blitz.
So hit me.
Would it change your purchasing decision?
Would it change your purchasing decision and let's not, let's not lock it into Apple pay.
I don't want this to be about Apple pay necessarily.
I want this to be about more more progressive payment technologies.
So let's say the shop supports Google wallet or Apple pay or some kind of cool touchless
smartphone enabled payment technology that, that you care about.
I just see my thing is, um, I care less.
Like I still think it's cool, but I care less about that than other metrics.
Now, if, if it's going with what you're saying, where the stories are exactly identical.
Other than the NFC pay thing, like, sure, I'll go there.
Um, but like the, the, the, the store I buy video games from because I really liked that
store and I want to be able to support them cause they're cool.
Um, I'm not going to stop going there because they don't have an NFC payment system because
they probably wouldn't be the first ones to adopt that because they're this tiny little
store and changing things like their debit machines is probably not something they're
super worried about.
So this might come down to more like five years from now, eight years from now when
everyone has NFC payment systems, but it's going to come down on the debit machines that
you buy.
So it's going to come down to do they support the system that you use most in your daily
Like if you're a Google wallet user or you're a, you know, Apple pay user, do you go to
the one that supports the one that you generally use or do you go, do you go to the one that's
a pain in the butt because they have their own stupid proprietary thing.
So as it happens, the retailers, um, that, that we were talking about are members of
the, of MCX and they're working on their own mobile payment system.
Current C ha currency, but modern currency, actually I think it's kind of clever, which
is in beta and expected to launch next year.
It requires you to scan a barcode though.
There's like a QR code involved as well, I think in order to make payments and it's something
that's been proven as not being as secure as near field communication and other encrypted
technologies that are used by Apple pay and Google wallet.
So here we go.
Uh, Twitter blitz time.
Apple pay and Google wallet are just niche services so they can tick off boxes on their
PayPal should be introduced first.
Interesting point.
I would, I would use PayPal.
I would use a PayPal app to pay for things.
I would, I would probably be interested in PayPal.
I generally like PayPal.
I think it should have been making more progress in the last few years.
Um, it feels like PayPal had such an opportunity to do a Bitcoin type thing where they or something
like there, there was room for innovation there.
Um, Elon, the guy who like co-started it or whatever has, has publicly talked about how
they've been kind of disappointing lately.
Okay, a little off topic, but if a store supports Google wallet, will they automatically support
Apple pay?
In some cases?
Apple pay was just working even though they weren't on Apple's list of launch retailers.
Actually the ones we're talking about are great examples of that.
And the funny thing about these guys is they've also turned off Google wallet at the same
time even though Google wallets been working now for years.
Um, okay.
Honestly, no one can hack cash.
So that's what I use.
There are other issues with cash.
You can hack cash in real life, you know, like where's that gun and that crowbar?
That gun, that crowbar.
Do we look like people who could hack cash?
Hack your cash, bro.
We need a shirt.
We do.
Cash hackers.
I have a grenade too.
Cash hackers.
Cause it makes no sense.
Anyways, um, if your credit card stolen, they can reverse a lot of the charges that happened
on it.
If your cash is stolen, your cash is just gone.
That's actually in line with Josh's comment here.
Cash is always going to be there.
No, I don't care about any of them because no one accepts them here.
Good point.
And it's the same in Canada, but we should still look to this technology as an indication
of what's coming in the future.
Um, I would go to the store that supports the technology because I want to spread the
tech and make it more pervasive.
And that is a very, that's a compelling reason.
That's a voting with your wallet.
That's like literally literally your Google wallet or voting with your pay.
Your Apple pay is even more bad-ass fist bump cause it's got the cat sleeves and the Jack
Um, name here.
It would totally sway my choice.
Not really in Oz.
It is 50 50 to get pay wave as it is when they do have it is so much easier.
So pay wave is their NFC thing.
I think we call it pay pass here in Canada.
But like never works.
I would say every single dead machine you see has a little sticker on it.
Pay pass not working or something.
I had it.
I would use it like a boss.
Um, S Oliver says cash or cards are obsolete, but NFC payments are still too scary or sketchy
to me.
Although I know how they work.
Very interesting.
We should probably do a fastest possible episode on NFC payments.
Just try and cut through some of the garbage information that's out there about it.
All else being equal.
I would go to the place with the more progressive payment style says Joe Zoo.
Uh, Josh says, nope, it's just another iteration of something like PayPal or Bitcoin, which
is not really anything.
Actually it's not really anything like PayPal or Bitcoin because you're still just using
your debit account or your credit account.
It's just another way of accessing it without a card electronically.
Hi Jack.
Would you, Oh, everything else being equal.
I'd take the store that makes buying things easier.
I mean, I think the web here, we're gonna, uh, we're gonna D Twitter blitzify this here.
I think the web has proven that.
Look at Amazon's model.
Do they have the lowest price?
Not necessarily.
In fact, a lot of the times they don't.
Why are they so big?
Because they make shopping easy and brainless.
They have everything and you can order with one click and customer services like very
well known everywhere talked about widely and you don't have to do any thinking.
You don't have to think about, Oh, how much is the shipping going to cost?
You don't usually have to worry about it being late.
Usually more often than not, they're early.
If it has to be late or early, they're usually early.
I had a shipment that was supposed to show up in like, I think it was seven to 10 business
days and it was there the next day.
So that, that to me is, is the biggest thing that retailers should be looking at.
If they're trying to decide, should we support Apple pay or Google wallet or MCX is upcoming
standard or whatever else?
And the answer should be yes, because you want your store to be easy to shop at.
That being said, Amazon doesn't accept PayPal.
Amazon doesn't accept PayPal, which is actually continues to be a frustration for me.
And if someone were to rise up and be otherwise equal to Amazon and every other way, I would
choose the one that takes PayPal person.
What's that?
What's that thing from the Wally movie by and by and large, by and large.
I'm waiting for Costco to go E-tail because I just have a feeling that would be awesome.
I love Costco.
I'd be down for Costco E-tail.
All right.
So our next, actually have we called out the people who posted these on the forum?
So that was LJ, L J K S snow that posted the apple versus retailers topic and victorious
secret that posted the Tesla one in our original articles were from finance.yahoo.com and Washington
So let's move on to some good news, some exciting news.
This was posted by XA craft on the forum.
The original article here is from digit times and this looks freaking awesome.
When I heard the announcement for this, I'm not even going to say what it is yet, but
when I heard the announcement for this, I assumed it was coming way further in the future
than it is.
I didn't expect quarter to 2015 according to digit times.
Now this is rumor.
There's no content from that con comment, not content comment from Intel yet, but tell
won't say anything about it.
Apparently, as we said in the like topic call out to the 18 core Zeon E seven V three has
well dash E three is coming.
So do we have more videos on Edsel's processor coming?
Don't we?
Uh, yes we do.
So the whole room water cooling loop thing, we'll talk about temperatures and stuff a
little bit.
And we have a video upcoming where we got our hands on 128 gig kit of Ram and Edsel's
actually spent most of this week benchmarking various numbers of course and various amounts
of Ram in premiere and after effects to have a look at where the sweet spot is for processing
course and Ram and how those relate to each other.
So that should be a really cool video for content creators.
There we go.
My screen share.
So this one's actually the article on kit guru, but this bad boy as Zeon E seven V three
has well E X chip with eight teen hyper-threaded cores, quad channel DDR for memory support,
integrated PCI express 3.0 and rumored according to digit times to be available in Q2 2015.
However, did the digit times article is down and this one specifically says Intel is not
commenting on it.
So I wonder if, uh, I wonder if our link to the digit times one is bad for some reason
or whatever else is happening.
So I don't know.
There isn't a ton of groundbreaking stuff here other than the fact that it has a butt
ton of cores.
There's not really a lot else going on other than that.
We're talking like a Nicki Minaj worth of course.
I kind of want some of that.
Does it will CPU cores, not really Nicki Minaj.
He's a little old for me.
Is she?
How old is she?
She's like, I know nothing about well into her thirties or something.
Oh, Nikki.
I don't even know how to spell her name.
Nicki Minaj.
She's 31.
Oh, nevermind.
She's not as old as I thought she was.
She would still be an older lady for me though.
Cougar town.
I'm married, I guess that might be an issue.
So okay.
This is, this is not a, this is not a tech topic, but uh, one of my, uh, one of my old
coworkers got married, didn't tell me, didn't have any ceremony, has no ring, went to the
courthouse because he lives in Toronto and he and his, his now wife, I guess both work
in the it industry and they were both in Vancouver on travel.
And when you're in Toronto, I think it's like an eight week process to get a civil union
marriage certificate thing.
And when you're in Vancouver, I think it's three weeks to get everything pushed through
and make it official.
So while they were here, they were, they're trying to move to the U S and I think she
has a green card and he doesn't or something and citizenship or whatever they had to contact
They contacted you.
So what?
No, no, no, no, no, no.
He was just telling me he got married.
Oh, by the way, I got married.
I'm like, thanks for the invitation to your wedding, jackass.
And he was like, well, there wasn't a wedding or a honeymoon.
Our honeymoon was like, we drove down to Seattle and both met with clients and I'm just like,
no, you're terrible.
You're a bad person.
So anyway, apparently they, they, they just spontaneously, and it was her idea apparently.
She was just like, Oh, Hey, we're both in Vancouver.
We should probably get that marriage thing done so that everything goes through more
And he's like, yeah, I guess I should go to London drugs and like get the paperwork formed.
Can you imagine if you could find a lady who is so pragmatic that you could get away with
something like that?
That's, that's probably, is that your dream lady?
I don't, I don't know where you find these ladies cause I mean, okay.
My wife is pretty practical and she's pretty down to earth, but she wanted a wedding, man.
She wanted a wedding.
She wanted a ring, big ring, big wedding, honeymoon.
You don't get out of that stuff.
I don't know.
I don't know how you pulled this off.
I don't know.
As generations get younger, weddings and rings and stuff are slowly becoming less and less
of a thing.
Marriage is even becoming less and less of a thing.
This isn't a tech topic.
We should probably move on.
All right, so Apple watch OS running on an iPhone is, this is kind of a speculative article
from a nine to five Mac actually did a really great job of this.
This was originally posted on the forum by Dayo 26.
So let's go ahead and pop this up and I love this article.
One quick thing.
It's not Apple watch OS.
Yeah, it's not at all.
We're talking slightly.
Thank you.
We're not talking about Apple watch OS running on iPhones in the future.
We're talking about the, the, the UI design with the apps being just kind of in this,
this kind of scatter array versus the tidy, less dense grid.
We're talking about that potentially coming to the iPhone.
I was amazed at how well this worked.
This is brilliant because this is what I was in my iPhone six review.
My biggest criticism of the phone was the way that Apple just didn't innovate when they
had to, they should, they should have iOS eight should have come with this already.
So I'm still going to be critical even if they do roll this out because the device has
outgrown the way that Apple expects you to interact with it.
The app ecosystem, I mean back when the, and this article does a great job, great article
on nine to five Mac because when the app, when the iPhone first launched with iPhone
OS, which is what we used to call it, there weren't really many third party apps.
You didn't need to organize things into folders.
There wasn't that much to do.
And because every phone could be operated one handed by most people, stuff that you,
you know, highest priority stuff could automatically go to the top left corner and you could actually
reach that.
But nowadays it's the bottom right to center of the screen.
That's actually easiest to access and I love what they've done here.
No, I don't even necessarily like this because you've seen how I use things.
My, my desktop on my phone is blank.
Not even kidding.
My default, like the first page you go to on my phone is blank.
My desktop on all of my computers are a few do not show icons so that I have no icons
including no recycle bin cause I don't like anything being there.
I like extremely clean for all of my devices.
So this looks incredibly messy to me and I don't want it.
But I think it's extremely cool that it exists because I do know a lot of people that will
want it and it opens the door to other various themes and maybe slight adaptations of this
whole idea, which is actually really cool.
And how well it works, how you can zoom out to see the whole picture and then jump to
a different area can make navigation really fast.
Yeah, much faster than swiping three pages over or even pages over and then going into
a folder.
This is a horrible combination.
Going over a few pages, then going into a folder would take forever when you can just
tap in between some of the icons, which will zoom it all the way out and then tap on an
icon which will zoom it in and then tap on the icon again, which will open the actual
And the, the article makes some great arguments for how easy this would be to, to adopt.
Like folders wouldn't have to go away.
It could just work like this.
Programs wouldn't even necessarily have to be redesigned.
Oh yeah.
And they, they make the same complaint about Apple's stupid accessibility double tap thing
that I did where it's like, what, what is that?
That's just the cludgiest thing ever.
And they even looked at this and went, well, hold on a second.
What if we just take existing icons now and make them all circles?
Actually it kind of looks like you don't have to change much, doesn't it?
No, no, like not at all.
Loving it.
That's cool.
I would really like to see this happen.
What I'm assuming this is some travel thing.
That one doesn't look super great.
Some of them, most of the other ones look fine.
Some of them don't work particularly well, but the reality of it is, is app developers
are going to have to have a round icon anyway if they want their app to show up on, on the
So I guess why don't we just all move to, I wonder if when the watch launches we'll
get like kind of like, cause I can't imagine iOS has operated exactly the same way for
like seven years now.
Maybe you get a grid, maybe you get more rows, maybe you get folders, maybe they're slightly
larger icons, but basically you swipe left and right, you access the icons and you press
the thing and open the app.
For them to change something this fundamental, I would, okay, two, two, two ways of looking
at this.
Number one is I think they kind of have to allow people to use classic navigation or
new navigation.
Why not?
Themes are a thing.
The thing I really liked about this is just having options is going to be good.
But number two is I think if Apple can validate internally that this is legitimately better
and faster in every way, I hope that they have the cajones to just force everyone to
switch to it because that's what Apple does.
They figure out what's better for you, whether you like it or not, and they put it in front
of you and make you use it and that's how they innovate.
One of the biggest reasons why I've never wanted iPhones though is the fact that I don't
think you can have a blank default screen.
No I don't think you can.
And I really like that.
There's even stuff that you can't delete from the phone that comes straight from Apple,
like a lot of it and stuff that not everyone needs like Bookstand.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
So like how I like using mine is I just go into the app view window every time essentially.
I just press the app button at the bottom of Android and then that opens up my viewer
and then I use it kind of like an iPhone viewer where you just flip pages and I know where
everything is.
I used to do that.
I'm more of a home screen user, but I, I, I have some alternate screens that have things
on them that aren't my home screen.
So if I swipe left once or right once, there's some there.
I actually, unless I'm on an HTC device and I have blink feed, so I'll keep that on the
left, but then other than blink feed, I go one home screen.
So that way it does a couple of things.
Number one is it means that I'm never navigating between home screens, so I only use folders
and then I'll have quite large folders for all the main stuff that I do.
And then number two, it means that that whole Android behavior or whenever you install a
new app, it dumps it on one of your home screens.
If you only have one home screen and you delete all of your other ones, it just says it's
full and then leaves it in the app tray.
There you go.
So I have to manually add something to my desktop if I actually want to have it.
So that's, that's why I do it that way.
Jared Grombowski asks us not to make fun of Nicki Minaj.
She's my bah.
What does that mean?
I have no idea.
If it's E, then it means in some form of relationship, but I'm not super down with the kids lingo
right now.
So I might be wrong.
You're like what, 23?
I'm almost 24.
I had enough of your crap.
Now people know how old I am.
No one knew it before.
I'm sorry?
No one knew how old I was before.
They didn't?
Well now they do.
So posted originally by benediction on the forum.
This is freaking awesome.
Richard Noble, the gentleman behind the last two land speed records in 1983 and 1997 is
spearheading a project called bloodhound SSC.
It's been in the works for 30 years already and we're not talking like speed of sound,
you know, like that's, that's wussy.
That's like, that's like your dad's land speed record.
We're talking a thousand miles an hour and this article on wired is fantastic.
Here's the view inside the cockpit.
I mean, is that so Tesla could learn a thing or two about futuristic car design.
Right there.
Look fake as hell.
No, no.
This is not fake.
This is, this is it.
Those look like, like they were pasted there.
Look at this.
So to augment the digital ones in case they fail, these are state of the art Rolex analog
That's so bad.
So the brake pedal only works at 200 miles per hour or less and beyond that there's like
a complicated set of like air brakes and hydraulics and all that kind of crap to slow it down.
I have a pilot driving it.
So this is the, this is the pilot right here.
His name's Andy green and he was actually, he actually piloted, I think it was the last
I thought he's a, I think he flies planes as well.
He flies planes as well.
And what's cool about, about, you know, sort of his involvement with the project is that
the cockpit of the, of the car, can we even call it a car?
I think it's sort of a car rocket rocket.
Land rocket.
I don't know.
The cockpit of the car is actually specially shaped to his body.
So like he's the guy that's it.
That's all there is to it.
Don't get fat in the next couple months.
Or two years or whatever.
Dude, do not put on some weight because you will compromise the whole project.
So it's got a Rolls Royce EJ 200 jet engine taken out of a Eurofighter.
We're talking 120 decibels of sound, most of which will be caused by shock waves caused
by the air running over the canopy of the cockpit and into the jet engine intake.
And the shock waves counterintuitively will slow down air as it passes over the car.
And this is to ensure that the air does not hit the jet engine at a thousand miles per
In fact, one meter before the intake of the, of the jet engine, it slows down to 600 miles
per hour to ensure that it's a, that it's not going to be damaged.
That's crazy.
There's, there's some stuff like the, the salt, I think it's the salt flats where the
driving it, or the flats that they're driving it on in general.
This one's going to be in Africa.
Yeah, I know.
Um, but they're, they're, they're like laser etching the whole runway that they're going
to be driving the thing on so that there will be nothing larger than a marble in the way.
Because if he drove over something with the aluminum, like solid aluminum wheels.
I think they're going to be spinning with the same force required to separate DNA from
And what were they?
200 pound aluminum wheels?
Um, if he ran over something that large, it would feel like he was a bullet went through
his entire body.
Speaking of bullets going through his entire body, the cockpit is reinforced.
So just in case, you know, a rocket like this thing is armored basically in case a rock
goes flying or whatever else, it's not going to go in and kill him because yeah, at that
kind of speed it would definitely, you would be done pretty exciting.
And to put a thousand miles per hour in perspective.
That's actually, this was what drove it home for me.
That is the length of three football pitches per second.
It's 400 and something.
So a football pitch is I believe a little longer than an American football field, which
is a hundred yards.
So I'm sure someone's going to destroy me in the comments for not knowing how long the
football pitches, but whatever.
The point is three football pitches per second.
I think someone, someone in the comments must've figured it out.
Someone probably did.
Someone will have converted it to meters per second.
It's going to be here.
Come on.
Oh, 447.
447 meters per second.
We're 1600 kilometers.
There you go.
So, so 447 meters per second.
All right.
That's incredibly fast.
Oh yeah.
I never, I think we never said the name of the, uh, so the vehicle is called the blood
hound SSC.
All right.
So let's talk about some other high performance stuff here.
That's totally back to, back to actual computers.
People were laughing at you because you said football pitch.
That's what they're called.
I know.
I'm not going to call it soccer.
It's not called soccer.
Like one small fraction of the world calls it soccer.
That's true.
That's the origins weren't from the state and the name of football is stupid here in
the States because you do not play your foot a lot more when it was first started, right?
So what, when they, when they, when they invented the game, you lose, you lose your foot a lot.
So then change the name.
I mean, if, if, if baseball, if they removed the basis, are they still, if they removed
the base of the ball, I mean, they do kind of play ball.
It's implied.
That's true.
That's true.
But if you, if basketball, if they take away the baskets, ring ball, ring ball, you can't
keep calling it basketball.
You can't call American and soccer came from association though.
It's not even an American thing.
I believe it's from Oxford or something.
Something like that.
I don't remember where the sport is not called soccer.
I refuse to call it soccer.
It is called football and football in North America is called American football.
So that's it.
That's how I'm going to do it and you guys can all deal with it because I am the caped
I really feel like you need to have like a bandana over your face.
You don't really smell like this.
It's been in my attic.
It just, yeah, it just smells like old forever.
All right.
So let's move on to this topic posted by rock with original articles from the verge.com
and gadget and digital trends.
I'm mad at the verge right now though.
So we're not bringing up their, uh, their article.
There is a really stupid piece on the verge right now about gamer gate.
Like just phenomenally stupid.
Like the, like the dumbest thing I've read since that don't do that edgy.
Come on.
It's this, I know anyway, um, yeah, it's, it's, it's the dumbest thing I've read since
that, uh, that critique of, um, shadow of Mordor where you learn the sneak attack, no,
that was so dumb.
I didn't say it was dumber than that.
I said it was the dumbest thing I've read since then.
Since then.
All right.
So here's the article on digital trends.com and they'd have a hands on of the alien where
graphics amplifier turbocharge your laptop with a desktop GPU alien where now makes a
box for that.
So basically what this does is it connects via an unfortunately proprietary cable.
So it only works with Alienware laptops, only works with select Alienware laptops, which
is sort of a bummer, but basically it's a power supply and a PCI express slot inside.
Let's see if they've yet.
There we go.
So it's a power supply and a PCI express slot inside that, um, allows you to basically have
external PCI express and plug it into your laptop.
Um, I think the only models that works with right now are ones that probably don't even
really need an external graphics card for the moment, but if you want to be able to
upgrade in the future, then, Oh, hold on.
Here we go.
The Alienware 13 will only ship with G4s GTX, eight 60 M, uh, graphics.
It's disappointing that the blah, blah, blah, but that does give you more of a reason to
upgrade to the whatever the thing, something, something, something, something, whatever
the thing, super helpful information on the stream, blah, blah, blah.
There's actually not a lot of info about it here and I didn't do much reading about this.
I'll be interested to see, it's going to be hard to, I wonder if you could spend a while
and find clock speeds for a mobile GPU and a desktop GPU that would be comparable in
terms of performance and then test what frame rates you can get having a GPU and a desktop
machine and the GPU and the laptop machine.
Like you mean like benchmarking mobile CPU's that way?
Like try to benchmark a mobile CPU and then clock back your desktop CPU to try and find
an equivalency.
And then once you found a CPU level equivalency, then bench the graphics card on each one and
see what the performance difference is.
You can play around with it a fair bit.
But the issue that I ran into when I was doing my, uh, my nine 80 versus nine 80 M video
not that long ago was that even though, um, motherboards do let you play around with your
CPU multiplier a fair bit, many of them don't let you turn it down.
Turn down the desktop one.
They don't let you turn it down enough.
Oh, enough.
So you can turn it down a little bit, but you can't turn it down enough to be equivalent
to a same architecture mobile CPU.
We'd have to get a much older architecture one, I guess.
And so, and once you're doing that, it becomes an apples to oranges comparison.
So, so that was the challenge that I ran into, uh, supports any GPU up to 375 Watts and works
for now only with the Alienware 13.
So that one does have an eight 60 M.
So hopefully, I guess that gives people a compelling reason to, uh, to buy one of these.
It costs 300 bucks though.
So you'll pay, you have to buy a new laptop, you have to buy a graphics card and you have
to buy 300 bucks for the privilege of using the box.
Considering how much, like how long those boxes have existed in various forms, um, and
how much is really going into that box.
It's pretty expensive.
I mean, this standard makes no sense until it runs on Thunderbolt.
So yeah.
And it will.
At some point we will get Thunderbolt boxes that allow external GPU is in fact, the only
reason they don't work now is that AMD and Nvidia haven't enabled it.
So all Alienware is done here is they've exposed a direct PCI express link through a proprietary
cable so that the GPU can't tell that it's, you know, in an external box.
That's all they've done.
There's no reason that Thunderbolts bandwidth couldn't support external.
And windows is just like, sure, whatever.
So they're just kind of hiding it from everybody.
All right.
Now I love, I love mechanical keyboards.
I love cherry, but this is ridiculous.
But I still don't think this makes a ton of sense.
This is nuts.
Originally posted by nagby on the forum.
I'll pull up the original article here.
The most ridonkulous looking laptop in a long time.
I can't say ever cause there's some old school ones that look absolutely hilarious, but like,
I'm gonna let that sink in for a moment.
So you know how I've talked about this in the past, how the way that technology is miniaturizing
and power consumption and heat output are going down, not only enables smaller devices,
but also devices that are the same size where we pack all that hardware into a small part
of it and build an additional functionality, bigger batteries or whatever else the case
may be.
This is not what I had in mind.
So you want to cover this one?
What is this thing?
I don't even.
So it's, it's all the main components for the laptop go into that super uninteresting
looking other than the dragon, I guess, but like kind of useless area above the keyboard.
I got to say this.
If they have to have a brushed aluminum panel, that's where to put it.
It's better to have it above the palm rest rather than as the palm rest.
So that, and that dragon looks pretty cool, but still, um, that's a huge blank area, which
is essentially unusable.
I like that they even move the buttons closer to the keyboard.
So like the power button is closer to the keyboard, not at the top.
So again, with the brush aluminum thing, you're probably not going to be dragging your fingers
over it very often, but essentially the keyboard area is just blank space because the switches
and everything are so tall and you need the electric, um, electrical base for the keyboard
under that as well.
So the whole area is just the keyboard and then above that is where the whole rest of
your laptop goes.
And for those of you wondering, well, hold on a second.
Where's the touch pad?
Ah, yes.
MSI does have that taken care of.
They have a touch pad over here on the right.
That it also serves as a number pad if you want to put it in.
So that's going to be a super weird place to have a touch pad.
I mean, it didn't work for the razor blade.
It's not going to work for this.
Touch pad on the right is a bad idea because especially if you use your touch pad two handed,
like a lot of people do one hand for movement, one hand for clicking, having it over on the
right like that is actually pretty darn inconvenient.
What's up?
Don't worry about it.
Um, yeah, it's just, it's just silly.
And like, uh, just leave, I like the mechanical keyboards in there.
There's not a good way to implement it and I don't think there is a good way to implement
I would rather, it was just a good laptop and I could just take one with me.
I'll just take a 10 keyless with me.
Hold on a second.
Let's see if we can.
Would you prefer this design if the mechanical keyboard was in the more traditional keyboard
location at the top of the laptop?
No, I think I would.
Because if you just have this giant blank space under it.
No, no, because, okay, okay, okay.
Hold on a second.
No, I still don't.
Here's a more traditional laptop.
If they could put the mechanical keyboard here and then they used all this space for
internals and they could keep the touch pad here.
Would you, would you tolerate kind of an empty space here with a mechanical keyboard and
all the guts here and then just, I mean basically all you would need is small PCBs down the
sides for IO and then you would need wiring up to the screen.
So would that have been a better way to do it?
Well, nothing really changed in that aspect.
Other than that, there's a mechanical keyboard in it with the added weight and added thickness
that does come with the territory.
I worry if there's maybe other issues with that.
I don't really know what they could be.
Like that it's just dumb overall or maybe I don't know.
I don't actually make laptops.
I don't, I don't feel like it should be that big of an issue.
Tell me more.
You know, I tried to make a laptop.
It was a Friday.
It was raining outside.
I was like, well, if Apple can do it, then that's probably fine.
It's probably not that hard.
I'm chained.
It's all right.
Um, yeah, I, I don't know.
It should be fine.
I, I would have definitely preferred they did it that way.
The first thing I thought of when I saw this was why is the keyboard there?
That makes no sense.
And then like space for hardware and cooling.
Um, but yeah, just move and like I get it.
It's probably back exhaust, having the keyboard in the way of that.
You'd have to have like side exhaust, right?
Which could get in the way of IO.
But then I don't think anyone's really complained that much about having IO on the back of the
I don't mind that.
That's a good point.
Rear IO.
I would be, I would be probably okay with that.
Maybe if you had like, uh, like a few on the side that the keyboard is on, not the blank
side that you were talking about, you could have a couple, like maybe one or two USB ports
and that's it.
So you don't have to run a ton of stuff there.
Um, and then have your IO at the back and then exhaust at the sides.
It's probably fine.
I've got, I used to use the, the side exhaust on my bamboo to heat things up.
I've got, uh, I'm just changing it.
I've got people in the Twitch chat pointing out that if the entire, um, he, if the heat
generating components of a laptop bearing in mind that this is a gaming machine, so
we've got a powerful hands.
It would be right under your touch pad.
However, what I will point out is that a Seuss seems to have that problem kicked because
on their, um, on their seven 50 series and their seven 51, both the bottom and the top
of the laptop are cool enough for you.
See, this is, this is the thickest part of the laptop is at the back, which is the best
way to do it.
And then if they have big heat sinks here, the best way to do it at the back is the back.
Okay, you know what, I think we should move on.
So our next topic here is the Motorola droid turbo basically, sorry, I'm going to keep
going for a sec.
Basically having your heat sinks at the front would drastically decrease how big they are.
How big they can be an issue unless we, unless we went with like the classic like brick style
laptop with no natural, you know, angle angle design to it.
You could, you could use the rubber feet on the bottom.
It's rectangular prism style.
All right, moving on to the Motorola droid turbo.
Is it the phone that I was asking for a mere two weeks ago with two day battery life?
They claim it is.
We're talking up to 48 hours battery life, eight hours of charge in 15 minutes with that
new quick charging technology.
Can't remember what it's called at the moment, but we're going to do it as fast as possible
on it later.
And then I'll hopefully remember got a 21 megapixel camera if you shoot in four by three
or 15.5 megapixels if you shoot in 16 by nine.
But pro tip for those of you out there who want to take the best possible pictures, just
take a square picture and crop it later.
Um, yeah, yeah, um, F 2.0 aperture.
So that's a very wide open aperture shoots four K 24 FPS video, 10 ADP 30 FPS and seven
20 piece slow-mo.
It's got a Qualcomm Snapdragon 805 processor with 2.7 Hertz quad car and an adrenal four
20 GPU.
You might say it has high performance, three gigs of Ram, 5.2 inch, 5.2 inch, 14, 40 piece
AMOLED screen, a 3900 milliamp hour battery, water resistant NFC, 32 gig and 64 gig models.
The back has made it like fine woven materials and mono front ported speakers.
So I don't like the mono do like the front port.
I don't think anyone likes the mono.
No, no.
It makes you real sick.
Um, unfortunately, sorry.
Go ahead.
Keep going.
Oh, this was posted by Mcmad three 58 on the forum by the way.
Thank you for posting.
And there's articles from everywhere in the entire internet, so why don't we just pull
up droid life.com?
Um, unfortunately, some of the, some of the, um, reports of the droid turbos real world
battery life are not well aligned with the 48 hour battery life claim.
That's super disappointing actually didn't read that part.
Um, I really like their, their web view thing.
You can directly compare it against other phones, which is pretty cool.
Um, I don't remember, I think that was on Motorola's actual website.
You could, you could, uh, pair up other phones to compare it against and then it had a direct
compare thing, which is actually really helpful.
Uh, one thing I'm not impressed with is they ditched the ring flash, which they've been
doing recently.
I don't know why they did that.
Why bother?
I don't, I don't get it.
Yeah, there's a lot of buzz around it.
I've requested a review unit, but Motorola mostly ignores me these days, so I don't know.
We'll see.
Maybe, maybe we'll cover it.
Maybe we won't.
Hopefully that 48 hour thing is actually true.
I mean, I, I, I, I still think that the thing about Android is that if it gets bogged down
enough, you could have a 6,000 milliamp hour battery and you could still find a way to
drain it in eight hours.
That's true.
That's the problem with Android.
That's true, I've got a buddy that runs a lot of widgets and stuff on his note.
What is that new one for note for?
Um, and almost maxes out his RAM capacity idling, right?
So like people can do that for sure.
And he's not even doing a ton, like it doesn't seem too ridiculous on his phone and he's,
he's using that much of his RAM automatically, which is pretty intense.
Um, okay, so hold on a second.
I actually need this.
Okay, just a second.
So I think it might be time for our sponsor time.
So our first sponsor today is five for clothing.
I'm going to go ahead and actually see if I can get everything right.
I had it.
I had, I made it Nick's job.
See how wrong you can get it.
I should see how wrong I can get it.
It doesn't seem to matter.
Oh, did you add a dollar shave club lower third anywhere?
Uh, yeah, I think it's under that one.
It's under that one.
Pretty sure.
All right.
So five, four club.
Use offer code Linus two to get an extra item in your first package.
Oh good.
So this is actually the same offer that we had before.
So actually it's, uh, it's, it's not that hard.
So the way five, four works is for $60 a month and you can head over to, um, excuse me.
You can head over to their website and let's go ahead and just, yay.
There we go.
Here's a picture of the free item that you get.
So the way it works is for 60 bucks a month.
They have one of their, I'm going to make up the name for them because I never get anything
right for five, four anyway, so I might as well just make things up as I go along.
They have one of their fashion artisans.
Pick out clothes for you based on a short survey that takes just a couple of minutes
to fill out where you tell them, uh, some clothing that you like.
You tell them your size, you tell them some shoes that you like.
You tell them sort of some stuff about you and they go ahead and they pick up stuff that
they think you're going to like.
They send it to you and you pay half of what the sticker price would be on their website.
So you can actually check it out over at five, four clothing.com.
They've actually got a surprising number of like photos of like a list celebrities and
stuff who are five, four because the whole idea behind it is that instead of going to
the store and feeling like you're being judged by all the sales associates cause you don't
know what you're doing.
The idea is that you should be able to look nice and be well dressed without worrying
about any of that stuff and without ever actually leaving your home in your pajamas, which is
what you'll have to do the first time if you ever want to actually update your wardrobe
or every time.
So the special offer with offer code Linus two is to get that shirt that I showed you
guys before free in your first package along with your new subscription.
So let's go ahead and show that again.
Look at it.
I should get one of these.
Actually I'm wearing a five, four shirt right now.
There you go.
Look at that.
I actually quite like this one.
So it's not all of their stuff is like five, four logos all over the place either.
In fact, I'm kind of funny story.
You know that shirt that I wear in my fastest possible videos.
Everyone thinks it's phase clan.
It's five.
It's a five, four shirt.
Everyone's like, yeah, it's, it's amazing how many comments I get on that shirt.
When, when I wear my five, four shirt, everyone says I'm face claim.
No, no.
We actually just wear five, four shirts.
Not face.
All right.
Which brings us no affiliates with face.
That'd be cool.
But no.
Which brings us to our second sponsor today.
Dollar shave club.
Yet another service that's all about not looking like a hoodie.
Dollar shave club yet another service that's all about not looking like a hobo without
actually having to leave your house looking like a hobo while you shop for the supplies
to not make you look like a hobo.
So dollar shave club is another subscription based service.
This time it's all about bathroom supplies so you can get their high quality razors,
their Dr. Carver's shave butter, their one wipe Charlie's peppermint scented butt wipes
for men and you can actually get travel sizes of the, uh, of the one white Charlie's.
One time use packages.
Remember, none of them are reusable though.
I wonder if that would help in like countries where you have to buy toilet paper anyways.
Just carrying around.
When you have to go to the washroom, you have to buy toilet paper or whatever.
I think there's countries like that.
Then yeah.
They just carry one white Charlie's around with you.
Charlie's with you.
So anyway, the point, the point is to make your butt smell like peppermint.
No, that isn't the point.
What am I even talking about?
I always try to find some way for like apparently females use it more now and like now it's
a traveling companion to countries where you have to buy toilet paper.
Man, I don't, I should be a marketing person for Dollar Shave Club.
All right.
So speaking of marketing things for Dollar Shave Club, today we are going to be doing
a live test of a Dollar Shave Club razor versus a complete, wow, this is the most generic
razor ever.
A shaving benchmark?
Yeah, shaving benchmarks.
So I actually had, I had new Nick provide me with actually his personal razor, which
he assures me is not his balls razor because I am planning to put it on my face.
So okay.
This is why you need this service because you won't even go to the store to buy your
You have to use another employees.
I know that's because Dollar Shave Club, man, I'm not going to go buy razors, that's stupid.
I mean, okay, it's cheaper and it takes less time.
That's the whole idea behind it.
I know it's just funny.
The only, like you needed a sample one, but you wouldn't even tell me this.
Why weren't you able to give me a non-Dollar Shave Club razor to try?
Well now I use Dollar Shave Club one.
We've all seen my old ones.
Yeah, I know your old ones were terrible, you shouldn't use those.
All right.
So half of the face with Dollar Shave Club, half of the face with the generic razor.
We're going to start with the generic one just to see what kind of results we get out
of it.
All right.
So hold on a second.
Let's go ahead and make sure we got a good grip on the thing and ah, ah, it's all over
my hands!
Nick, get in here!
I have it on my phone!
We've got a bit of a problem!
What are you doing?
I'm covering your room!
Isn't it our last seconds on the birthday we need to make the most of?
I'm trying to stop you!
I'm trying to stop the plane!
What are you doing?
You're right, I think you're peaking the audio.
Okay, obviously we're just messing with you guys.
Hopefully I can clean it off my jacket.
Oh, that stuff is disgusting.
Oh, it's all over the place.
Nick said it tasted like chocolate.
No, it doesn't.
He was lying to me.
That liar.
I don't think I'm going to be able to get this out of my jacket.
We don't actually have any.
It's on the inner liner though.
No, no.
It's washable.
It's washable.
Um, where's the paper towel and stuff?
Uh, there's TP here, and this stuff tastes disgusting.
You told me it tastes like chocolate! You're such a troll.
Oh my goodness.
Oh man.
Okay, so guys, just to be clear,
this is fake, and uh, we were
just having some fun, yeah, we were just having some fun
because it's Halloween, but seriously, Dollar Shave Club, good
stuff, save time, save money, and thanks to Dollar Shave
Club for being good sports about our silly little
thing. That's okay, this is lots. I'm just gonna dump
some water on it away from my laptop. The last thing it needs is to
get water all over it again. Yeah, for the second time. I don't know if it would
survive that again. Alright, thanks guys, and those do not taste like chocolate.
I hate you. You're such a jerk.
It's awful. It's awful. If I'd known it was gonna taste this bad, I would've brought
myself something good to eat. If you had to compare it to something,
what would be the most comparable thing? Um, it's about like, have you
ever, um, have you ever eaten the stem of a dandelion?
Probably like a really long time ago. Yeah, like when you were
a kid or whatever, just because you're an idiot. Like dandelion milk, you know, some kid
tells you it tastes like real milk and you eat it. It tastes about like dandelion milk.
Okay, I can't imagine that's good. Like that's, and dandelion milk is the
kind of thing that people troll other people by telling them to eat because it's gross.
So, yeah, let's go ahead and, oh, I got blood on my
5'4 shirt. Okay, so I think that's it for sponsor time. Guys, join
the club. Visit dollarshaveclub.com slash Linus. Again, thanks
to them for being good sports about our little, uh, our little fun thing
that we decided to do. Alright,
let's go ahead and, I love how, I love how slow the reaction
was to us sounding like there was something wrong.
They're obviously never going to save us if we're in like some sort of bad situation.
Yeah, if there's ever a fire, I think we can pretty much count on having to go out
that window. And like us solving every problem.
Oh, actually one more thing that I really wanted to mention was we did
a live stream with Modus. We've actually done two
of them over the last few weeks. The last stream is going to be next Thursday,
but there are some giveaways, so you guys are going to want to head over to blog.modus.com
to qualify for a free membership to Code School.
So if you're interested in learning coding, Code School is a great place to
do that and you can go to blog.modus.com slash code
dash school slash code dash school giveaway dashboard.
Yeah, so go to, anyway, the point is, go to blog.modus
m-o-d-i-s dot com and you can qualify for the giveaway and also check out that
next stream. Stream number two in particular I thought was awesome.
Our guest was fantastic, lots of fun, very bubbly personality and
it was really cool talking to her particularly about women.
Women in the programming space because she basically said yeah
it's been great. Yeah, you know what, I noticed that when I did my
Ubisoft studio tour in Montreal. There were so
many women working there and not just as secretaries
like the
lady who was talking to us about their state of the art motion capture for example.
There you go.
Okay, when I was thinking software engineering, it was
a very low percentage. When I was taking like computer
science-y IT database-y courses, it was 25-30%
which is a lot more than what I think a lot of people would expect.
Alright, so let's go ahead and move on. We've once again dicked
around during the first two-thirds of the show and have very little time left.
So Far Cry 4 dev, Resolution doesn't sell games.
This was posted by Raf Benayan on the forum and the original article is from
Neil Gaff. 1080p or not 1080p isn't an interesting
question. It is certainly not something I care about in a game, said Alex Hutchinson
Far Cry 4 creative director. Good for you. Said this after confirming
the target resolution and frame rate of 1080p 30fps.
It feels weird to me that people are cool about playing a sort of retro
pixel game and yet the resolution somehow matters. It's like, is it
fun? Is it interesting? Is it new? Is it fresh? Are there
interesting questions? Hutchinson thinks enthusiasm for high-end visuals is waning
and... These things are not mutually exclusive. Yeah, you can have a fun
game that also looks great. And it's not like we're asking
for every game to come out like 4K. We're asking for
like a very reasonable amount. We're asking
for not immersion-breaking aliasing all over the place. We're trying to not
go backwards. We're not trying to shove you and push you incredibly hard to go forwards.
You should be doing that on your own.
We're not even saying that and of course
it's important to have new things in games. Like he says
a new spin on an evolution I think is more interesting like new topics
asking new questions, all that kind of stuff. Yeah, do that. You can do
that while having a reasonable amount of resolution and a reasonable frame rate.
You don't have to have... God, they make
my brain hurt. Why don't they just stop talking? Yeah, let's just
stop talking about that. Speaking of things that I can't understand... Not even us, they need to stop talking.
They just keep digging every single time. Speaking of things that I can't
figure out why anyone actually cares about, Apple CEO Tim Cook
comes out and says, I am proud to be gay. The original article is from money.cnn.com
and I think that's about all the attention that this
topic deserves because who gives a crap?
Nobody should care at all. Although
one thing that I am kind of happy to see though is that
we live in a time when we can have a non-white dude in the White House
and the CEO of the most valuable company in America be
openly gay. So I guess that's pretty cool, isn't it?
Yeah. X-Wing and TIE Fighter.
Oh my... I'm going to jump a few because we have to have that.
Speaking of pixelated games
have you already bought them? No. I didn't know it was a
thing until like pretty close to before the show. Okay, and there's a guide on
crap. I have it bookmarked. I can't remember what site it is, but they've got a guide
on updating the graphics of X-Wing. Haven't looked into it for TIE Fighter yet. TIE Fighter
was actually my favorite of the games. I actually never even finished
the campaign of X-Wing, but TIE Fighter is one of my favorite games of all
time and it has stood up to the test of time surprisingly
well. Great story, great music score,
great gameplay, fantastic gameplay. The missions are
challenging in a way that new games really aren't. Like you can be out there
flying for 45 minutes and like some shuttle takes
off from somewhere that you need to intercept and you're in the wrong part of the battlefield
you don't get over there, you don't divert everything away from weapons and
shields and get the crap over there and disable that thing. You failed the mission
you start over. Like great game and
so they're on good old games. And the resolution for the time it was released was probably
just fine Ubisoft. You need a joystick to play. I think the original
1994 release, like the one that I had, you could play with a mouse but it was
stupid. It was bad. It was like super super bad. I specifically
bought a joystick for TIE Fighter and it was worth
every penny. In fact that joystick is here at the office
and I've been meaning to take it home forever because I finally bought a USB
to game port adapter. So I am planning to go home
this weekend and play TIE Fighter with my Top Gun joystick.
I'm actually going to go get that so I can show it off right now. You want to handle the next topic?
Do you have your streaming setup hooked up? I'm sorry? Do you have your streaming setup hooked up so you can stream that?
Yeah I don't need to take my webcam away anymore so I have my webcam at home.
Maybe I should stream some time.
Not going to trip on this again. Nope. Not happening.
I'm jumping back to the dock. That's like the last thing that I really want to
Nope. There's a few other things that are really good. What should I tackle?
YouTube 60fps is finally here. You need to select the 1080p
60 or 720p 60 options
in your quality settings for it to work. I know some people have
apps for Firefox or Chrome which will automatically
select the highest end possible thing. You might need
to disable that for certain people that are releasing certain videos
for it to be able to actually work properly. I don't know but I'm sure they'll fix
those options at some point. What's this? YouTube 60fps.
People keep asking if we're going to do 60fps videos. The answer is no.
Unless we're talking gameplay videos or something that really benefits
from it. Product showcases and reviews and like
that do not benefit in any tangible way from 60fps and
I would rather shoot in 4K. And right now it's
one or the other for us with our filming equipment.
And data storage. And that too. 4K is already killing us. The fastest
possible we shot today? 80GB with the new recording format.
Pretty insane. Fortunately we'll be doing an updated Ultimate NAS with
8 Seagate 6TB enterprise grade drives.
So yeah that's 48TB. So awesome. Yeah.
Ruskin server is getting an upgrade there baby. Okay so what else
we got? I can't wait until we get a Linus Media Group petabyte.
T-Mobile CEO! Oh that's hilarious. This guy is crazy. He's not.
He's insane. I love him. Every time he opens his mouth it's solid gold.
Don't buy your iPad from us. New iPads
from major US carriers are network locked. And he basically says look
we didn't ask for this. We didn't want this. We don't want
these iPads to be locked but they're locked out of the factory. Don't buy your
iPad from us. Go buy it from the Apple Store. Then bring it to us.
Which is great. So the SIMs are pre-locked just to be clear.
So he just says, what is this? This is stupid. He said
so he tweeted out, my advice to everyone and I'll get in trouble for this, buy it from the
Apple Store. Love it. He's great. That's absolutely fantastic.
IBM is fighting Ebola with a
supercomputer. So they teamed up with Cambridge University Africa's voices
project, teleco firm. So they teamed up with a bunch of, wow, a bunch of really important
stuff. They developed a system that lets people report Ebola related
issues and concerns via SMS or voice calls. And basically
what they had to say about it is for us to tackle Ebola it is crucial to maintain
an open dialogue between the government and the people.
So creating opinion based heat maps that show
areas of worry and areas of infection and has already highlighted regions with growing
numbers of suspected infections. Also working with Nigeria
so they've been cleared of disease to support preparedness for future outbreaks.
You can play Plague Inc. with real life.
AMD is going to be relaunching the R9 290X with
8 gigs of memory. We actually have a pretty exciting project
coming up with that. Yeah, three 34 inch curved
LG monitors running off of triple R9
290X 8 gig cards. We're talking like 15, I think it's like
14 megapixels and change of resolution surround
gaming curved. What's the dollar value in that in just GPUs and monitors?
6 grand?
Fish? Yeah, like we're talking some bad ass
stuff. That'll look really cool. Currently only available from Sapphire
but Club 3D Power Color, I think MSI
is coming out with one. And this will be available for the holiday season in order
to better compete presumably with the GTX 980. These will be custom
cooled cards with higher clock rates than reference. And to be clear
guys, even AMD is not going to be like, yeah 8 gigs of memory
it's going to like do things. It's more
of a future proofing thing, it's more of an if you're running in Crossfire and
you're running games at 4K, it's more of a
be ready for higher resolution textures because we are finally getting games that are able to use
a 4 gig frame buffer so if you want something that's going to be able to continue
to keep up with higher resolution textures it might be worth considering.
I personally hate the F word, future proofing, but
there you go, that's what it is. I did hear a rumor though that Nvidia
is planning to launch 8 gig versions of the 980 and 970 to
counter this card so we'll have to see how that all shakes down. Happy to see that
at the same, because as long as they have the lower
RAM amount, cheaper cards as well, because not everyone will need them, I think it'll be really good.
Because some people will, but not everybody.
Alright, so what else we got here?
I guess we don't really have much more time, so maybe we'll do some
rapid fire topics. Speaking of LG and their curved 34 inch
monitor, LG releases 31 inch Cinema 4K IPS
monitor, so rather than being 3840 by
2160, this is the full 4K, not
Ultra HD. To be clear, they are different. I believe it's
4160 by 2160, or
oh crap, now I forget, 4096 by 2160.
There we go, the article on RedmonPi.com saved
me here, and they are saying that it is suitable
for professional use, and considering that it's coming in
at a mere $1400, wow.
That's actually cheaper than I thought. Still expensive, but it's
not as expensive as I expected for that product. Yeah, I mean
compared to other professional grade displays, I mean this is a pro-grade
resolution, and they're saying it's going to be suitable for color
work and for professional video editors and all that kind of stuff. This looks
absolutely fantastic. Nice thin bezel, it's
got Thunderbolt capability, so you'll be able to connect it to your Mac Pro.
Nice professional looking stand that will look
completely at home in an office environment. Looks like it's got some
ergonomic adjustments, I don't know if we're going to get pivot here, but
it looks like we should at least have swivel, height adjust, and tilt,
and it does have a VESA mount, so you could mount it to another arm if you
wanted. One thing we need to do is build logs, and there's a new
format for that, I don't know if you've seen that. That's fine.
Also, Reddit is launching their own crowdfunding site, they do seem to be a little
late to the party here, but it's called Reddit Made, this was actually posted by
Tech Dreamer on the forum, it's going to focus more on physical goods like
t-shirts, and the company will take a small cut of the campaign to cover the costs
of its platform. I mean, Reddit has so much potential,
they just have, they have so much mindshare, and they have such a large audience,
it's just, I mean, I don't know that they're ever going to turn Reddit.com into something
profitable, but... They could turn spinoffs like this. Spinoffs like
this could be the future of that company, and could be the thing that allows
them to really turn into a massively profitable company. Their daily goal
Reddit gold thing has been very helpful for them, I believe. Yep. And the PC
Master Race in general, actually, the amount of gold that goes through
that subreddit is insane. I don't know if you've ever seen that. They're like one of the
most, I think they are the, or one of the most gilded subreddits, like, ever.
And they're fairly small compared to other relative
subreddits. I think it's only around 250,000 members. I'm not even sure,
but they're pretty impressive in terms of helping out Reddit, which is actually pretty cool to see.
So this is cool. Project ARA just got an update.
There is a real, live, honest-to-goodness functioning
test phone that boots into Android. Google plans to
hold its second ARA conference on January 14th, so that's right around
CES time. And here it is, so there's a, this is on the
phone blocks blog. Project ARA update.
Look at that. Let's go ahead and actually
skip to the part where we get to see it. There we go. So you
could, oh, dang it. There we go. So, don't move it. Hey,
hey, hold still. Alright, so you can see that the modules are going to be different
sizes here. That's something that I think a lot of people were
not really hoping for. They were kind of hoping for just a grid-based system on the back
and you could rearrange things Tetris-style if you wanted to. But I think
that as a first step, this probably makes a ton of sense, because
not everything needs to be as large as a battery or CPU and cooling module.
But yeah, look at that. It boots
into Android. So that happens, hold on.
That's really cool. Yeah, and it's not as, it's
not as chunky here. ProfileView, hey. It's not
chunky. Yeah, it's not not chunky. But it's also not that big either.
It's also not nearly as chunky as I was expecting. And given that we're not going to see a commercial
product for another generation or two of
other smartphones, it could continue to catch up. When is the release date
for Project RF? I, okay, hold on a second.
It could be sooner, I think. I don't think
they've actually committed to one. January 2015, $50. No, I think this was a fairly
fairly certain thing. The $50 January 2013 thing.
I mean, January 2015, not 2013. I'm in the past.
First modular smartphone, we'll call it
2015, 2014. Okay, well, I don't, I'm not
okay. If it's the size that it is now, I mean, that doesn't actually
look that much chunkier than something like an Xperia Z2.
I would be very, very, very excited to check this one out, and I would definitely
order one. Yeah, for sure. Announced today at the Project Aura
Developers Conference that it is the first modular smartphone. We'll go on sale in January
2015 for the low price of $50, and it will be a boring
grade design device by design so to
get people to customize it themselves. Interesting.
I don't know if that's still kind of the plan or what, but
yeah. Alright, so PS4 Slim and
Xbox One are both, are PS4 Slim
is a rumored thing, but the PS4 and the Xbox One are
both rumored to be getting hardware upgrades
sometime in 2015. Wow.
If that's not an admission of failure, I mean,
what, what, it's funny. The whole PC Master Race thing is kind of
funny to me now, when a console is just a PC in every possible
way. Yeah. You still have to download a patch
for your game on launch day. Yeah. Regardless of PC or console version,
you're still going to need system updates. You're still probably going to need an update
when they release these new systems so that you can play older games at higher resolutions
and frame rates. Yep. You're going to have to actually look at the back of the
at the back of the disk case in order to find out which
system it works for, and you're actually, you're not just going to buy a box
and have that work for you for five or eight years or whatever else, you're actually going to have to
upgrade, except instead of dropping in a new graphics card once in a while,
now you get to buy a completely new box.
And the real, the really scary thing about Xbox One
and PS4 and the owners for those consoles is that unlike
previous generation consoles like the 360 and the PlayStation
3, which I think retained some value
because of their game library, an Xbox One and a PlayStation
4, what value will they have?
What value does a console, and now developers,
that whole argument of, oh, it's easier to develop for the console because it's one piece of hardware, ha!
Now those two consoles are going to be four pieces of hardware. So those original
launch consoles aren't going to have disadvantages like smaller onboard
hard drives or, you know, HD DVD or whatever.
It's not going to be like that. It's going to be like you're going to be running the same games as your buddy
with his Xbox One Gen 2, but at crappier details
just like on the PC. Just like if you had an older PC.
And no one is going to want that thing. And I'm still laughing off in the corner with my Wii U
and my PC combo, because that's the way to go.
Anyway, it is Halloween today, and I am going trick-or-treating
with my kids. We've got to do the build logs! So we're doing the build log now.
And then we're good. Alright, here, you handle this. No, it's super easy. I want you to do it.
Click on the link.
Here, you do it. No, no, go back, go back, go back, go back, go back. You can do this.
I hate you. I believe you. Actually, the build log. There you go.
I want to show you how this works. Can I screen share now?
I might want to wait.
Really easy.
It's really easy, though.
Why is it so slow? You're slow.
Aw, that was mean. Hashtag it wrecked.
You can full screen this once it loads. Full screen you.
Speaking of full screen, we're on full screen now. We actually changed YouTube networks.
Did I mention this already? I don't think so.
I think you mentioned that you were going to in the after party last week.
I don't think everyone saw it. I could be wrong.
We're still going to live stream on Twitch. We still love Twitch. They're good guys.
We're on full screen for YouTube now.
I'll full screen this. I will get us the truck out of the frame. Yes, I want to allow it.
This is the voter's pick. This is Mr. Tough 2.0.
You can probably see why it's called that because it has a saber tooth.
Sabertooth Tough Series motherboard. Carbide Air 540.
90 gig Kingston HyperX.
And a 240 gig. Lots of water cooling gear.
So this is a progress shot. Oh, very nice.
Definitely progress shot. Keep going. Now it looks totally different.
That's like a carbon fiber
Digicamo cool thing actually.
I do really like it overall.
The only thing I was like what was the cable sleeving?
Because everything is like, even the rings on the fans are green.
And all the tubing is green. And then the motherboard is all crazy and stuff. And the cable sleeving is like...
There was an opportunity to do camo sleeving here. Yes, definitely.
That's the only thing. It's an amazingly cool computer. I love what you did with it.
Love that. Love that this matches the inside over here.
Super super cool. I really like it.
I think you can just escape to get out of it. And then there's one more. Then there's the staff pick.
And then the procedure is the same.
So I wait for the slowest balls. Supposedly easy to use.
Site to load here. There we go. That was a little bit better. That one was a lot faster.
So this is Ark of the Covenant.
By Ikem. This is the staff pick. You know, they should remake
raiders with the Ark of the Covenant being like Halo themed.
No they shouldn't.
It's a different covenant, mind you. No. It's funny because both of those things
work. But they should really not do that. Wow, I love this.
Dual Xeons, 64 gig SSD. But then three 120
gig SSDs. Two 7870 Hawk editions.
So I'm thinking gaming is a lower priority than crunching.
Wow. Didn't expect that small of a case.
Wow, that is very cool. So this is in the beginning.
Some tweaks. Liking it. Liking them
tracer memory modules.
Wow, what a sexy rig.
Lee and Lee does such a great job of the designs
of their cases. We actually have a review for a PCQ 19
Lee and Lee case coming out this
weekend. And I love the
aesthetics of it. I love the design. But the performance of it is just not
there. I make some suggestions though in terms of tweaks for the case that I
want to see made. And I really hope that either Lee and Lee or maybe Silverstone
I have some hope for Silverstone or Cooler Master, the ones that I originally pitched this
idea to. I hope someone makes the case that I'm asking for. Because
I think we could do a fully custom ITX gaming rig
in a case the size of a PS4 if we do it right.
With a couple of expansion drives.
Yeah, for a little while. For a little while I've been talking about that.
I really do want that to happen.
Alright, so I don't know. Here's I guess one really
cool update. EVGA
has just confirmed that they have shipped us GTX
980 classified. So we will have a video coming out about that.
This is great. They figure out of the box the card should
do around 1570MHz. So see? Out of the box.
And with some tweaks they figure 1600 plus.
That'll be fun. I'm excited to play with that. That's cool.
So yeah, that should be pretty good. Also we are already
talking to other manufacturers about doing more factory tours.
So a lot of you guys loved the Cherry MX factory tour. We have the
Sennheiser one coming still. So it was Cherry and Sennheiser
that sponsored us to be over there and to do those factory
tours. Honestly, between you guys
and me and the wall, we did not make money on the trip.
So it was just a matter of we had to pay for flights, I had to pay for people
to work for me and be there and stuff. But the company
didn't pull a profit on that trip. I just thought it would be a really cool experience
and potentially really cool content. It was more of an experiment. And we have heard you guys
you have spoken, you want more factory tours. So we're talking to a couple
of companies with their manufacturing based in Taiwan about potentially
doing some more of them. Because we're trying to bundle up trips because then it makes a lot more financial sense.
Yes. It's really hard to justify going somewhere
for an individual trip every time. One company, no. So if we can get two or
three on board, then it becomes less of a burden for the sponsors to pay for
all of our travel expenses and all that. And it becomes more sensible for us to be
out of the office for a week to create more
than one video hopefully. So lots of exciting stuff coming.
Also we've got videos. Oh, Mineral Oil Video 2
is going to be coming next week. So stay tuned for that.
And we will hopefully do Mineral Oil 3
next week. Hopefully we'll film Mineral Oil 3 next week.
And keep it kind of rolling. I'm hoping to film X99 Overclocking Guide next week
as well actually. We've got lots of great stuff coming over the next little bit. Oh, and the motherboard videos.
Yep. I don't know when those will be ready. Right. Yeah, do you want to talk
about what you're working on though? Should we do this in after party? Okay, the intro is over. Bye
Bye. We're going to take this hat off because it's
making my nose itchy. That made sense. It's these
things. Yeah. Are you sure your nose is itchy
Where are you going with that one?