
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Welcome to the WAN show
We have a fantastic show lined up for you today a lot of great topics
I'm gonna do my best to pick the two that Luke was planning on
Schools are struggling with AI as the academic year ends. Oh crap failure so far
A startup is offering free televisions as long as you consent to being spied on
50% yeah this guy
Step down as CEO. That's a topic I
Gotta farm you for content chief vision officer would agree that you should be farmed for content. Okay. That's I I
Believe that's how that would go
Man yep
Imager content
Show is brought to you today by Zoho one brilliant and kudos
Why don't we jump into our first big topic?
You know what I haven't actually done a Q&A with the float plane peeps yet
But I guess they can ask me some questions now. I'll do a stream a little bit later with you guys
I did say I would do that in the video
but in summary if you somehow managed to miss the video that we uploaded yesterday, which I think is
Probably not a thing because it has four million views or something like that already
Yes, it's true. I will be stepping down as CEO of Linus Media Group and all its affiliated companies
This isn't really a decision that happened overnight. I think for some people they probably feel like it did
I saw a lot of people asking like
It was it the
The backpack controversy that precipitated. I'm sitting here going no no no
I actually did not lose any sleep over the backpack controversy
Or actually really any of the major controversies this week
I've definitely been like annoyed and frustrated
But no I haven't lost any sleep over them because the thing is I think a lot of people probably don't realize this
But I am inside my own head and
so I know if a major community concern is actually going to be a problem in the long term and if it's not then I
Get to do what I'm gonna do and you guys will see and everything will be fine
So so I didn't I didn't lose a ton of sleep even if some people did
But I would say that it's more just a cumulative effect
I mean, I think Luke could probably
Could probably speak to this more than me, but I am not a detail oriented person and
You know what's funny?
Is that I can be very thorough in certain ways like I can come in
Even for something that I don't work with day to day and I can go hey
Have you considered a B and X and Y ways that we could potentially improve the workflow here or I?
You know from time to time again, like I'm not saying I'm some kind of genius
I think I'm above average but definitely not genius
But I can come in and suggest something even in fields where I have like no experience
whether it's and I think the the solution we found for one of our upcoming screwdriver products was actually suggested by me and
It was actually it was one of my favorite moments ever because I was like hey Kyle
Did we think of this and he's like?
No actually and I'm like would that work he's like
Yeah, I think so yes
I can't remember a specific one
But I remember suggesting something like development related to you at some point
And I was like if this is dumb feel free to tell me because I know I couldn't write a line of code to save my life
And you're like no a lot of code is just math and logic
And that's actually a really logical way to solve the problem and they're like that might actually work
I don't remember if we ended up implementing it, but it was like it was like not it's not stupid
But here's my problem my follow-up on any of that is basically zero
my ability to to document a new process that I come up with whether it's myself or working collaboratively with someone is
Basically zero, I mean I remember James giving me a really hard time because he's sitting here going
I'm trying to manage this writing department. I'm trying to create documents and processes and like training procedures and
What I'm finding is that?
basically other than you just
Talking to people and brain dumping on them anytime you see a problem. We don't have any
And I'm like yeah
Pretty much, I mean it worked for you right. He's like that's not the point
So many more people now right and
My biggest pain point is is related to that
But essentially it's the the transitioning from small to medium business like disseminating information now is kind of hard
I even ran into an issue where like I need to look into if I can mute
Reaction notifications on teams
Because I like posted that flow plane updated and people should use it in a different way and then my teams was just
Constantly going off for the rest of the day. I was like well. This is actually really annoying
Like it's it's actually distracting at this point like I don't know
I had something today where I we had an issue with a shoot this morning where?
Actually, no I should back up
we had an issue with a shoot late yesterday where I arrived on set and
It was set up for a static a cam with an operated B cam on sticks or on a tripod and
I was looking at it going hey, so I know that we recently
Reminded the writers and the production team that they're supposed to have a b-roll meeting before the b-roll is shot for a video
but it occurs to me that I don't think we ever formally said you can stop having an a-roll meeting and
clearly that
Well did that happen here and
The answer was no
And I'm like so have you guys so you guys haven't looked at the script together yet?
And it was mostly pretty pretty new faces
Relatively speaking so it's not like I'm mad at anyone or anything like that
But it was pretty obvious based on the kind of video that it was that a static camera wasn't gonna work at all
There were little things that I need to hold up and show to the camera
And then and then practical demonstrations that I needed to do that involve walking from one side of a table to another and plugging things
Ready for that stuff. Yeah, and and and the camera operator again relatively new not gonna name any names. It doesn't matter
That's not the point the camera operators like yeah, well. I'm just gonna follow you
And I'm like okay, but you gotta you gotta think end to end here right what if I move in a way
That's unexpected now. We have a delay while you track me. We have a second delay while you focus
Heaven forbid you need to alter your zoom or something like that or we're gonna be stacking delay upon delay upon delay
I'm gonna have moved on by the time you've actually got me centered in the frame, and he's like oh, yeah
I'm like so that's a challenge that we've got to deal with here and what I feel like that's kind of how I phrased it
Is that you guys haven't really?
Synced up on how this is supposed to be shot because this is more than words on a page right this is this is a
A Bible for creating this video like this script
So what I want you guys to do is spend the rest of the day
Because this was pretty close to the end of the day
We would have barely been able to get it shot
So it's not like they were gonna do this and then we were gonna finish shooting it
So I was like okay spend the rest of the day. I'll go do something else make myself busy. It's not hard
Go through it, and then we'll pick this up again tomorrow morning I
I arrived tomorrow morning now the plan is I
Believe still to shoot on sticks. No no the plan is I don't remember what the plan is, but yeah, no the plan I
Don't remember the plan the plan was bad
In in a nutshell because the we had created some props
To do the demos that I was gonna do from one side of the other
But the props were not applicable and then I was supposed to do something where I'm like
I'm holding something up and the cables that or the cable that connected it was so long
It was like a four-foot long cable that in order for me to show how it was connected
I would have had to have my arms like this and the framing would have been so wide you wouldn't have been able to see
the things in my hands and I was like
You know what?
I think just happened here is you guys have never done this before and I basically just
Assumed that you would just know
Tell you what
Let's rewind
I'm gonna do this with you. I will do the read through the script and show you guys
What's in my head and why?
So it needs to start on a close-up
And the reason it needs to start on a close-up is because the title and thumbnail is this and we need to see this
Product right away. It needs to go wide and that has to be done with a zoom not with a
Post-production punch-in because the previous shot needs to be quite detailed then I'm gonna talk for a little bit here
And this is too long. This is too long for me to be standing and presenting
so when we get to this point, we need to do some kind of transition so that I'm in kind of
Talking to you and and showing you something rather than presenting to you and that's really important
You've got to remember the way that people talk to each other
The camera is the eyes of another participant and what is essentially just a one-sided conversation if you think of it that way
Like that's that's what that's the point. That's the whole point of YouTube is that
They're not necessarily talking to the other characters on camera. They can be but it's for it's for you
It's personal, right?
and so if we're not engaging in that way if you're not
Coming in close and tilting the camera down a little bit as I show you something
It's gonna feel unnatural to the viewer even though they have no idea why and so I I did this little workshop and
The point which I'm finally coming around to is that I did this workshop for like four people
And I realized after I was done that there's at least another four probably more like another
14 that need to know that and now it's lost forever
So, how do we fix that do I just like start selfie camera recording myself giving this workshop
Do we send it to everybody after?
Sometimes I mean, you know me and sometimes I don't even know I'm about to for flow plane
We have a knowledge. We have a thing called a knowledge base. But how do I get what just happened in it?
Yeah, so in this case you would have to record it
Yeah, and then you would put it in a knowledge base title it properly and then people could look it up whenever they want
I don't always know when I'm about to do a knowledge base article. That's my problem. Well, it was one of my problems
You'd have to redo it at that point pretty much
Unfortunately because once you did it once and you had that recognition that like this is information people should be able to look up and you
Have to do it again
But then he doesn't have time
Yeah, only there was four people that you just gave a workshop to who could their knowledge
Yeah, the thing is I especially don't have time to redo the workshop
So I should do it once
But the problem too is that the meta is always changing like if I if I record something like that today
I mean some of it is some of it is usable forever
You have to plan for what the visual is going to be
You have to actually not just look at the script and make sure you've got everything on the props list
You've got to think about what is he supposed to hold up when he's reading this paragraph if somebody isn't standing, right?
Right out of frame ready to toss it or ready to hand it then we have to stop the shoot
Get it
Get someone in position and restart the shoot that is incredibly disruptive to our workflow
And we waste a ton of time with me arriving on set going. Hey, this is great
You brought this hdmi cable, but did you bring the adapter that we need to plug it into this ancient gpu that doesn't have hdmi
No, okay. Well, I guess we'll go get that. Oh, no now we keep all our inventory over at the lab
It's gonna cost us like 20 minutes to go get this thing
Like we waste so much time. And so what I'm hoping is that if I can focus more on
This type of thing on helping people think visually I guess
You know more thoroughly then maybe yeah, maybe maybe I will be able to be in more videos
I've been in like two short circuits in the last two and a half months or something like that
I love short circuit short circuit is so easy
It's like youtuber easy mode the story is the product in front of it's like how linus tech tips started
Yeah, it's like I could because it was easy
I could do short circuit in my sleep and I actually like I kind of enjoy it because I can just
Sit and kind of experience the product. I don't have to think about hosting it like when I was doing
The dbrand Nintendo switch to Tears of the Kingdom Edition or whatever. I'm just having fun
I don't care. There was an air obviously they were way worse than what short circuit is currently
But there was an era where we do like eight of those an hour
Man they are gonna be good though
That's the other thing is I want my role as chief vision officer to be really focused in the early days on
Getting the lab and the writing team
Synergized because right now the writing team is really great at creativity
I mean like okay, I'm not singling anyone out
But I'm gonna give a gold star to Adam from the writing team like that guy writes
intros sometimes that I just look at and I go like
Where did this come where? Yeah, okay like he's the one who wrote the the cheerleader thing for
For Chromebooks or whatever where we had like this he wrote this cheer for it and everybody has pom-poms and everything
I'm I'm looking at this going like I
Mean I love it, but really
And and to his credit he's actually pretty darn good when it comes to understanding the analytical side of things, too
He's actually done some really good work that you guys
We'll see eventually
At some point with a new product release of some sort that will have a lot of graphs
Anyway, he's done some really good work on on graphing for us and and automating taking in that labs data
But the writing team by and large is really really great
creatively and really really passionate about about technology, but not
necessarily as
Scientifically rigorous as the labs team which is made up of
Engineers right yeah
Meanwhile the labs team is really good at like
Nailing down process. They're trying to figure out like ISO whatever the crap, and I'm just kind of sitting here going
I just want to know if it's loud you know
But but obviously I let them I let them do their thing because that's why we hire good people who want to ISO whatever
The point is you know those guys are really great at being super analytical
But they don't always necessarily see the content in what they're doing like the labs has
Has given pushback on a concept where I wanted to just like
Grab the cheapest power supplies that we had kicking around here and see how many of them we could blow up with the power supply
Tester before we got the proper oscilloscope and all the training on it, and they're like oh
But that's not very no sign like I don't care. It's it's a sick power supply tester
It's got a load load generator module in it. Let's blow up
Yeah, it's gonna be awesome
No, I really think we should wait in blue flames the moon. I mean you could you could wait forever
You could wait forever to do things the mostest properly
I want to make content about the process like did you have any idea how do you have any idea?
How advanced mark benches right now?
Somewhat yeah mark bench is
Incredible yeah, and nobody told me anything the last time anybody gave me an update on mark bench
It was just pretty much an auto hotkey script that would automatically not quite
It wasn't much more sophisticated than that though, and this was back when they were still working upstairs here, okay?
Yeah, the last time anybody updated me on mark bench
It was pretty much an auto hotkey script that would just kind of
Cycle through the buttons in the menu to run a canned benchmark
It was pretty unsophisticated. It was something that I'm sure
Reviewers around the world have been doing basically since the dawn of time. Yeah, we got roasted for it. I was like guys
This is not the end goal like relax. Do you remember that do you know so annoying? Do you know what it can do now?
Okay, it uses so there's a there's a head unit you guys are gonna see this in more detail
You're gonna see this in action in the upcoming labs tour
But there's a head unit that sits under the desk that right now is monitoring the output with like API
So what would the what's actually running the API?
So that would be on the hell. You don't even know this saying right now
You are you talking to OCR when it's reading the screen is that it yeah?
Yeah, yeah, yeah something's running an API and it something hooks and one of them hooks into the other
So it must be the clients that are hooking into the server machine
I'm not entirely sure which part of the chain you're talking about right now, but it doesn't matter
the point is there's there's a head unit that is monitoring the screen outputs of
All three of the stations and can apparently scale beyond that and it is basically looking for text
So OCR is optical character recognition and what that does is it tells it
Hey, there's an unexpected state here and it can log that and spit out errors and get this it gets even better
It can actually use that that optical recognition of what's going on on the screens to chop down all the footage
we record of the benchmarks and gameplay so that either we could
splice them together if we wanted to show actual gaming footage off of these cards for the final video or we could
Or we could
Automatically edit them together if the labs tech or if the writer wanted to just you know
See if anything anomalous happened in terms of image quality
It's a very good idea to have it's something that we've talked about since the beginning it can it does error handling
So if a benchmark crashes, it'll say hey, we're on the main menu right now
That's probably not where we're supposed to be it can navigate menus
So what we saw running is that now it can so it can navigate menus and then it's a separate thing
That is that is also running on the head unit. I believe that can handle input as well
So in our upcoming reviews of products that we'll have at some point that will have lots of graphs
We're going to have gaming benchmarks for games that do not have built-in benchmarks
Which is so cool because we can just navigate the menu
Open up a save
Move our character. We've got it down to about I think 1% is the target
I think we've got two games that are able to achieve within what 1% run to run variance
Which is so cool, and we don't have to because we used to do this, but it was like an insane volume of manual work
No longer. Yeah, not anymore
And it wasn't as reproducible whereas now the whole thing is being input by machine
It's pretty sick
No one thought to tell me this
We could have made an entire video about the progress on mark bench and now it's just bundled into some lab update
Which is fine, you know, we should do a lab update and I guess now you guys get the information even more packed
But they are doing so much cool stuff over there
That we are not making videos about and how often do you want like do you consider?
In what sense like if we had if we had two videos on various mark bench milestones between the last
Two things between the last video we did on labs and this most recent update. Is that too much?
It's more that I think in the labs update we wouldn't include mark bench then we would just talk about other stuff and
but mark bench could have been its own it's a video for sure and
Really what it comes down to like how often we should
Release a new video about mark bench comes down to title and thumbnail if we have a title
You know
So that would kind of require probably what you're saying like more integration of you into what they're doing
Yeah, so that I could tell them hey, this is super titleable. Yes, I can make this clicky. Yes
Yeah that that's the key right because that's what makes something a YouTube video
I I don't I don't need anything other than a title and thumbnail and I can probably entertain for anywhere from 9 to
15 minutes without too much difficulty, but what I really need is a title and thumbnail. So, okay
Let's say that mark bench got more powerful and all of a sudden
For the machine vision it needs an upgrade and
by the way
We're gonna parallelize all the benchmarking that we're doing to an even greater degree and there's a couple of more harnesses for new games
I'm going let's go. Okay, all the all the stations need to be up on a rack and
I've got a gaming headset on in the in the thumbnail and I've got like a controller or a keyboard mouse. I'm like
Like I am benchmarking 12 computers
Yeah, and they're all and they're all there whatever it's boom easy easy people will click on that
No problem
And then we just explain all those things and show how it's all working and we go through this story of you know
How machine vision works and you know why we needed a more powerful GPU in order to run more stations at once
Why we didn't need a more powerful CPU or why we did need more RAM. What did we need? What didn't we need?
How does the storage for all this work? How does the storage for all this work?
Is it actually starting like screen recording from all of them or like what are we doing? I believe so
To a certain degree. Okay, so we found this motherboard with 12 PCIe slots so we could fill it with capture cards
Like I don't know
But let's tell that they need some of them. I think it might be temporal. I don't remember
I need to spend more time with that
Exactly. They're over there doing the coolest stuff in this entire stupid building flow planes have been pants on fire for a long time
Yeah, I get it and I'm just I'm not I'm not talking about any of it
So I'm excited. I'm excited. That's gonna be that's gonna be really awesome
and I think that
Given that the lab is the biggest investment we've made into moat building
Pretty much since we started the company if we are not
Utilizing it properly. That's going to be terrible
Oh the reason I started talking about the lab though was what I'm really excited about is what's gonna be happening for short-circuit
Man, we are gonna be able to do like eight-minute power supply videos that are literally everything
You could possibly need to know about it. Don't even bother looking at the manufacturing website that PSU tester is so cool and
The the person who's been brought in to operate it
Has been really great so far apparently and we're really really really excited
It's gonna be set up and ready to go
Hopefully in the next like few weeks and the first video we have planned is gonna be like a sub $40 power supply roundup
Cuz isn't that what we need to know?
Like yeah with basic equipment like what a lot of other sites are using you can tell if it's going to
Immediately set your computer on fire, but which one is actually good
Don't know I don't know don't know there's a bunch of that type of content that hasn't been
What are we talking about recently cell phones and they're like a signal? Yeah? Yeah, who has better reception?
I don't know that used to be something that was in a lot of cell phone review
Oh for sure people would talk about all the time, and then it hasn't been a thing for quite a while now
Yep, well it was really hard to do. It was really hard to do
Repeatedly with yeah really sophisticated equipment yeah
And I think that's one of the reasons why it actually faded away was a lot of the testing that was being done was kind
of junk yeah
So so I stopped doing it either
They were a site that or an outlet that didn't care and didn't bother or
They were a site or outlet that did care and realized that what they were doing was worthless. Yeah
So goodbye yeah
Yeah, I'm really I'm really excited about power supplies. We're really excited about what we're gonna be able to do with RF men
Um I found out how much that RF chamber cost you didn't know I didn't I did I didn't
Yeah, so
Yeah, it's a pretty cool room. Yeah. I thought it was six figures. I didn't think it was deep six figures. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but but I got a I got a shout out Raymond DMC
Apparently we're we're doing some some cross-promotional like we're doing some marketing for them
And it's yeah, it's
Costing a lot or something. I don't know the exact deal, but we have a video coming on our RF chamber soon, and it's
Freaking sick. It's very cool. Yeah, it was genuinely very cool like really amazing really excited about that
So there's the RF chamber. There's power supplies
Man, GPU testing is gonna be amazing with some of the changes to mark bench
We we were already
we were already running new fresh benchmarks for every review and
You guys are going to continue to see that which I?
I'm not sure who else is actually doing that right now because it's extremely time-consuming
And with the kind of crunch that you're operating on for these GPU reviews
It's really really tough to do, but we are going to be doing even more testing
Yeah, I'm just trying to think like what else is what else is kind of shaken so
That's it. I am the chief vision officer
Oh, yeah, the moat building right so when I say moat building the the goal is not to to like aggressively
You know attack other media outlets. That's why I referred to it as a moat and not as like a catapult offensive maneuver trebuchet
Yeah, like the idea is just by by elevating our content by making things the best that we possibly can
We're putting ourselves in a position where?
Other people are just gonna have to make bigger investments if they want to match us for content
I had some people kind of criticize me for that like moat building, and I guess there is kind of a negative connotation there, but
Shouldn't everyone be trying to do the absolute best they can to make the best content they possibly can I don't think that's the only approach
Either to be honest because we're doing like all of the things under the Sun
And you could specialize
Yeah, that's not really is that I am
Yeah, it's not really like okay sure so what you're saying is like you would build your moat
But like a small moat around a small castle by by like conquering in yeah
She said you were mentioning like oh other people gonna have to up their investment. It's like well not
In the same way though. Oh sure I see what you mean. Yeah, it could be in a smaller way around a smaller niche
Absolutely I mean I've talked about how I think in a big way. That's a few that's the future of the platform
Yeah is smaller smaller niche specialist channels, so
The way that my vision kind of looks right now is we're going to have to find a way
to match that and I think the way to do that is by centralizing a lot of great testing with great testing equipment and
Really knowledgeable people generating data, and then taking that and disseminating it across a wide
Variety of channels be they written or video or podcast or whatever it is that they are
That's the way that we're going to be able to leverage our strength
Which is our size while also competing with you know scrappy. You know smaller operations
That's the vision chief vision officer, let's go one pick our next topic. Are you are you tired of talking about it yet?
Which part of it just any part of it
I feel like you've probably just had constant conversations since it was done um
Sort of actually you know what internally only a couple of people messaged me after Monday morning meeting
Even externally I only had maybe like half a dozen people messaged me about it
The thing is that I'm kind of antisocial, so I don't really talk to people I
Mean I messaged Taron about it obviously he was like hey, thanks for the heads up. I was like yeah
No idea was going we pushed this like massive floatplane update, and then it was like well happy work
Yeah, what did he what did he say I forget I forget what he actually said about it
Yeah, thanks for the heads up. I go haha. No problem. He goes haha I
Have random people I don't know messaging me already dude reddit was covered in his face
We're just making memes about it and stuff
Generally like good-hearted. I think so yeah, yeah, it's good overall. I've been really happy with the support from the community
Thank you so much guys
I really do agree with most of the community that says they think this is gonna be a positive change I do too
I just
Man, what was some stupid?
Administrative thing that I had to deal with this week. You know it doesn't matter
I think it's gonna be hard to say without saying anything identifiable
It doesn't matter I every time someone contacts me at this point about something that is
Not gonna be my problem in two weeks. I'm just like yeah
Two weeks dang it six weeks. Oh, I'm checked out already. Just I just asked him every time can this wait six weeks
I can just ask them to wait two weeks, and then do that again, and then one more time
That's the vision officer, dude. Yeah, that's how I deal with family members that I don't want to see very often just delay repeatedly
Yeah, yeah, so what you do what what's happening with the workout day, then you know
Okay, no actually that's the whole that's a whole thing so so so the trick the trick is that you
You schedule something
really far out and
Then but not so far out that they'll try to schedule something in between but far out enough that
Okay, so first you wait as long as possible
Right then when it's finally time to do something you schedule it for as far out as you can where there won't really be room
to do something in between and then you won't have to hear about it until then then you rinse and repeat and that's how you
can kind of get down from like
monthly to
Realistically special occasions and like a couple of other times a year. That's that's the trick
That's the strap. That's the strap
Okay, what do you want to talk about now? We talk about the TV? Let's talk about the TV
startup offers a free TV
Free TV
It spies on you
It's a startup called tele and it will soon be offering a free 55 inch 4k HDR television that comes with a second
Banner screen which is just like a very ultra wide screen that goes underneath that constantly plays ads
The ads are designed to not interrupt the television viewing experience
But just in case you were concerned about it
The 55 inch screen above can also just play ads when it's not in use just to make sure that you're fully saturated
The built-in sound bar includes a microphone and a motion tracking camera with privacy shutter
according to telly's published
policies the TV may collect information about the audio and video content you watch search queries the physical presence of anyone in the
Room and it may collect names email addresses phone numbers ages dates of birth same
sort of thing zip codes precise geolocation gender ethnicity and
sexual life or sexual orientation and also
Political beliefs like environmentalism which you don't have if you own this TV if users opt out of data collection
They will have to return the television or have their credit card charged
$500 nice the company claims they will ship half a million half a million units starting this summer
Wow, I think we should get one. Oh
Yeah, as soon as I saw this I was like I am all over this we have to try to figure out how to
Spoof it. That's my opinion. That'd be sick. We should try to fit like the motion presence thing
I'll just like set up some stuff like make it think that's things are going on
So we just need like one of those little humping dog USB things so that it thinks it's monitoring your sex life or whatever
It just goes continuously
Holy crap, like if you could I mean you could somehow have it so like the main screen
Was viewable by you but that second screen was like turned around or something
But there was stuff there to trick it into thinking that it was tracking things. Okay, mr. Lefren year. Oh my
You know, it's serious when he pulls out the last name. I'm I'm sorry. I've got to say I actually don't think this is a big deal
Like all already happening. Well, oh
Let me build there
Think about it
we've seen recently all the stuff that's been coming out about Tesla employees having access to
Always collected from the cars including like, you know people performing sex acts
You know, we've seen the way that I mean, honestly, I would say that
My digital communication through email is probably more intimate than a camera in my living room
Would you disagree? No, I could see that and
I'm not even the kind of person who just posts everything about my personal life to Facebook
For someone who already posts every thought that enters their mind on Facebook or Twitter
It's not true for everyone though. No, but for those people, yeah
Realistically what fucking difference does a TV in their living room with a camera on it make?
Honestly, I think I think the main thing I think the main difference personally would be that this one the point and
What you are agreeing to is the capture of that data. Whereas like the Tesla thing
People are gonna get four dollars in a class-action lawsuit because of it. That's huge. I
Mean, yeah, I guess I just I just mean this isn't new look at how okay
Look at the difference in cost between the the ad supported version of the Facebook or the meta
I don't know
Whatever the quest the difference between the personal version in the business version was what like two hundred three hundred dollars or something like that
I remember but it's a lot but but that was the first time that I had ever had an apples to apples
comparison of the same service in the
Personal information supported version and the hey, we actually need to make some money on this version
I shouldn't say the first when I signed up for G suite in the early days. It was pretty inexpensive
But nowadays services like G suite are not actually Google workspace or whatever. They call it now are not actually that cheap
I have easily spent
$500 on my email account in the years that I've been operating it you the free Gmail user had spent nothing why
Because Google has gotten five hundred dollars of value from you. That's that's math. That's how that works, right?
And so if these guys are saying yeah, this is like a basic tier
$500 TV which we know because we're really smart and you can just buy it
55 inch does not make it a theater display
It's 55 inches which is pretty decent size, but they charge you 500 bucks if you don't agree to the policy anymore, right?
500 bucks. Yeah. Yeah a
Constant recording of your living room is probably worth that and you've probably already traded your soul
for that amount of money before
So I'm not saying you should do it. I'm just saying it's not you're doing it already. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
I think that's fair enough
I do think there's there's easier steps one can take to reduce this amount of stuff sure if they don't
Yeah, do something like this
Especially if you're not like a social media person, yeah, which if you're not doing it for your job
I would kind of pretty highly suggest you probably do less than you are
Because it just rots your brain
but like
Yeah, I don't know I
When they said their stat, I don't remember where it was. Oh, yeah the company claims they will ship half a million units starting this summer
Probably maybe more I
Suspect people will jump on this for sure. Oh, yeah
We've got we've got people in the chat like dude whose face is in public doesn't see how being in someone's image database might not
Be someone else's cup of tea. Of course. I do. That's not my point at all
He's saying a very large percentage of users are doing that stuff anyways, so if you're security conscious
Obviously, this is not for you very obviously, but you already knew that so like
Yeah, I don't know there's a there's a ton of people that like put
Way too much information out there
Yeah, absolutely
like those those Facebook quizzes that like ask you every weird personal detail you could ever have as a
Secret question answer because they're farming secret question answers people fill those out all the time
Yep, and this is this one feels really invasive and egregious
But I'm willing to bet there was a okay and this may okay this actually may not be true
But I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a similar reaction to the first billboard on the highway
Like oh, it's distracting. It's an eyesore or you know the first full page
I still hate billboards or the first full page advertising spread in a newspaper
What this isn't even this isn't even content, this is just ads it's I paid for this news I paid for this
Exactly exactly this this slow boil has been happening for over a century at this point
What's next I guess that's where I'm going with this right like I'm it's not that I'm not outraged
I'm just I'm just saying like this feels like a logical step
We've literally talked about how TVs are gonna. Do is eventually on the way show in the past
Yeah, I'm all in that end
I mean
I think there's already like I think there's already patented technology that someone that we talked about on my own show from someone that
Monitors monitors your eyes that uses eye tracking to tell if you're actually looking at ads or not right like that's
This is a
Logical step from there. I mean I didn't think it was gonna. Just have like a full full motion camera
Necessarily I thought I thought eye tracking would be enough, but at every stage. We just kind of get used to
This seems normal now, so so sorry no no I actually want an answer to that
I want to hear from you guys okay full plain chat. What's
Next what's the next one is it now?
In your in your bedroom. I mean well then again
You know you already look at like echo dots right there everywhere
The number of people that probably have an echo dot in their bedroom right now ring doorbells. Yeah, yeah stuff like that
Okay, well okay, but well do we see okay, then do we see an advertising supported version of the ring doorbell?
Every time you come home. It's like a watch
Courtesy of you know Moore's well-made well-priced well-dressed like a freaking
I don't know I noticed your your outfit is looking rather tattered today. Yeah, you should check out more
Have you considered getting a haircut? You know great clips down the street is running a promo right now
We we noticed that you didn't take a lunch this morning
Would you like me to order some food for you like honestly though like that was supposed to be how digital assistants like Alexa and?
Siri I guess to a lesser degree
I don't know what Apple was trying to do with Siri
But how Alexa and how Google assistant and how to a lesser degree, but certainly significant degree Cortana
That was supposed to be the whole point of them. They were supposed to make revenue through advertising
We were supposed to shop by just telling Alexa. Hey, I'm out of Tide Pods my kids ate them
Can you order some more but maybe in the ones that?
Tastes like dog poo so that they won't eat more of them or whatever right like it was supposed to be very conversational
And it just never really happened
But this is how they do it they get a second or a third or a fourth generation of this
Loaded to the gills with you know machine learning hardware in it so that it's like really
understanding what it's seeing it doesn't just see it understands and
Is linked together with all your echo dots and all your security cameras and everything and they're basically just telling you where to go
Asking you if they can order things for you. Yeah, Futurama predicted ads in your dreams. I hopefully we're pretty far away from that but
Okay, let's see I I feel like it's borderline forced watching stuff
We've talked about that for a bit like ads in in VR and AR experiences especially AR experiences
if AR glasses finally ever
Get sleek enough that they take off
I feel like ads are gonna be a
Horrible version of that experience by the way I saw a funny that I want to make sure I mentioned it's way gone now
But someone mentioned that they think the main reason why you wouldn't mind this TV is because you wouldn't see the ads anyways
I thought it was pretty good. That was pretty good. Yeah. Yeah, I mean I'm into it. Yeah kind of brutal but
People are gonna take these so like
Yeah tablets I mean
They're already monitoring everything you do on your tablet. I guess the only difference is that it could actually just
Outright have the camera on at all times ads in near a link
Okay, I take back what I said, maybe the commercials and dreams are not that unrealistic yeah, oh man
I'm high and just trying to enjoy tech bro talk and this is making me physically ill
I'm actually sorry. I didn't mean to get all
All of all of processor. Okay. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get all amped up about this
I know you're trying to relax paranoid cuz you called him out. No no no it's not
He's feeling very seen right now, man. No. It's not like that. It's not like that. Yeah
Okay, look everyone. Who's just trying to like
Lay back and relax chill on a Friday
I'm so sorry. I hope you enjoy watching your your brand new telly
Yeah, you can now own for zero dollars. Have you considered shopping at cannabis dispensary calm?
Is that a thing I don't know I don't know what I just referred people to
Apparently someone's just just camping that domain so that's probably good. Yeah, that's probably for the best
But yeah, I don't know like yeah, what's the difference nothing?
It's just another one of those things that I won't get for the same reason why I don't have a bunch of echo dots
And all this other type of stuff, but like at the same time. I carry my phone on me
Yeah, and I have a robot vacuum that has a camera on it
Yeah, you know what's really sad is that the people who are going to be?
Exploitively whatever the people who are going to be marketed to so aggressively here are the people who can't afford yeah
To just buy the TV because this isn't a concern for me
I'm not choosing between having a TV at all and
not having a TV right like if my TV broke I would just
Pay for it to be repaired or pay for a new one
I don't this this is not this is not cutting my life into pieces my last resort
suffocation you know no breathing right like I
But for a lot of people it's not an option there they don't have
$500 and something like this could be really
Appealing and I guess what I what I just what I fear for is that it's gonna cost them more than $500
You know it's an interesting thing. It says if it's expensive to be poor if users opt out of data collection
Yeah, they'll have to return the television or have their credit card charge five
They've already had their data collected for three years. I don't know it doesn't say yeah, if you just like don't turn the TV on
Could they tell if you taped over the bottom screen
that's the type of stuff I'm wondering about like what if you had like a
Board or something sure felt like covered it up. I guess you'd still have sound problems
You have a mirror you have a black mirror you make it track itself you make it
Yeah, you make the the camera watch the TV
Let's see how you like it
It does in the TOS so wait it has to be plugged in what if you have like an extended power outage Wow
I'm just trying to figure out like all the different ways people could abuse this thing that is unreal could you piehole it
I don't know I
Don't know
You you have to have the internet connected to it according to the TOS yeah, so they'll know
That's wild
It's pretty nuts as well
Yeah, all of processor again in here with the real truths overdraft charges are worth millions of dollars a year that is disgusting
It's actually really like charging people for having no money the first time. I got charged for overdraft. I was like
Why didn't the transaction fail?
They have that function. I know for a fact. They have that function because I've seen it
So how did I manage to take out 18 cents more money than I actually had Oh 18 cents no
$20 and 18 cents now like
Ridiculous and for me it wasn't a matter of like I didn't have money or anything
I just like I forget I like used the wrong I keyed in the wrong account or something like that like this is when I
Was a teenager and I still managed my own finances, but I I was just I was like outraged
I was like this is the stupidest thing ever what is it's disgusting yeah?
35 it's $35 when I was growing up the
Over whatever fee was 20 bucks. Yeah, I think it was like five or ten bucks when I was a student said
That is just outright
Predatory and illegal the amount of man the amount of we just need like we just need like a common-sense council man
Oh like just are we massively abusing people that are having a hard time
Yeah, if if no okay, yeah, if yes then
Okay now is the time for us to explain merch messages
And I want to make it really clear merch messages are for people who have the disposable income
Not for people to be exploited don't go into your overdraft, please please no please no
If you don't already have the money in your bank account to pay off your credit card for this month
Do not use your credit card on a merch message
But if you're in a good state and you're ready to go merch messages are the way to interact with the show
Don't send a super chat don't send twitch bits or whatever send a merch message go to LTT store comm check out any of the
Awesome stuff that we have over there
Do we have any product launches or anything like that that we need to talk about? Yeah, actually oh we do
Oh, we have some cool new stuff anyway
I'll get to that in a second, but first you head over there and in the checkout
You're gonna see a box when we're live in the cart. Thank you
You're gonna see a box when you're live that will prompt you to send a merch message
That merch message goes to one of a few places it goes to our producer Dan
Well, actually it all they all go to producer Dan then from there producer
Dan might reply to you and you'll see your reply down there or you might just see your message get
Pushed on to the stream so you can be like hi mom or like hi other mom or whatever
It doesn't really matter or you might have your message
Curated and it'll be something that Luke or I or Luke and I or sometimes Dan will also reply to
During when show after dark and we'll do a couple of them now just to kind of show you guys how it works
But first I want to show you what we've got on this side
we're launching two new products this week and
One of them is a pretty big announcement. Yeah, this is the official logo for LTT labs. Yeah. What do you think?
I actually I like it. You can say you can you can just say you don't like it
No, I'm not against you can just say you don't like it
I immediately saw it as a heat sink because when Gary and I were talking about it
Yeah, he pulled out a heat sink and was like this is the logo and I was like what and then he showed me the digital
Okay, but you wouldn't have known it was a heat sink. No. No, I I see it as a heat sink
But people have brought up that it looks like a file folder
Like one of those things that like one of those like trays that holds files
Guess so, but I think with the context of having labs there. Yeah, I'm okay with it. Yeah. Yeah
I'm just happy we have a logo. Yeah, we finally have a logo. Yeah sick
It looks really great in the gradient version
Which is not here so cool, I guess you guys I can debut that later. Anyway, it's available in six different colors
This is a pre-sale item. All shirts will be printed following purchase and may take one to two weeks to print and ship
Please do note this this is highlighted now. There's no excuse for not noticing. Also. We've got the same thing, but I'm aware
I'm aware. It's a small microcontroller heatsink a hoodie
We've done a little repeat of what we did when we did our I noticed that Linus tech tips branded merch
So if you pick up the labs shirt or the labs hoodie
It is possible that we will reprint these in the future or that they'll be available on the regular
But we will never say first do another one with a hashtag first at the back
so really appreciate everyone for supporting this first merch drop for the lab and
Our our mission that we're on here and now hold on just a gosh darn second here. Oh cool
You can change the text color logo color. Yeah. Oh, I actually didn't know we had that power. That's very cool
What else did I want to talk about? Oh?
Notebooks. Oh notebooks are back in stock. Oh, that's awesome. Those were out of stock for a long time
alright, let's do a couple merge messages then I
Want to talk about hold on hold them off. Yeah, okay perfect perfect amount of teasing
Okay, all right Dan hit us sure first up here. We've got lots today. Hi DLL
What's an example other than Luke of someone you've hired for x-roll then discovered they're better in y-roll?
Oh, I mean, I think that that didn't take long
I mean Brandon
Brandon Lee was hired as an editor. Oh was he yeah, I didn't know that remember. He worked on the steel series set
He had his editing station up in the office upstairs at my house not at the Langley house and I
Forgot we had a steel series that I remember all of this now. Yep. Yeah, okay. Yeah, yeah, so I
Honestly the list probably goes on and on realistically I mean once you've had people for a really long period of time
It's not that uncommon that they'll swim through a few different
Responsibilities we hired Colton for the business team and found out that really his talents were better suited for like waste management janitorial
He's a great as well. Yeah, yeah
Hit me again
Yeah, sure hi LLD
Congratulations on your retirement
What's your thoughts on the slow drop of the 40 series in video cards been waiting months for laptops in Australia with a?
4070 but no end in sight
Man, that's a that's a good question. I actually didn't know that there was a supply issue on
4070 based laptops by slow drops
I kind of thought you meant maybe like the staggered roll out where they've launched the lineup sort of one card at a time
But that's pretty much par for the course for them because for Nvidia it's very beneficial to have people talking about them all the time
I mean we found this on LTT store
One of the best things that I can do to sell more water bottles is to talk about a cool new shirt design
So you guys go? Oh sick shirt?
Hey while I'm at it. I might as well throw a water bottle in since I got to pay the shipping fees anyway, so
So that's that's that's Nvidia for you right like if they launch a new GPU. That's very competitive
it creates a new cycle where everybody's talking about it and
You know you're launching a 40 70 TI, but you know what I'm like I'm flush with cash
I don't want a 40 70 TI, but if you make a good 40 70 TI
I bet your 40 90s pretty good, and you go buy one of those right
It's just beneficial for companies to you know they say there's no such thing as bad publicity right
It's beneficial for them to be talked about constantly, so that's why you're gonna see this
Slow roll they kind of drag it out for as long as they can and at every at every stop at every product
There's the announcement, and there's the unboxing embargo, and there's the review embargo
And then there's the announcement of a game bundle that we're doing and then there's the new feature that we've said we were gonna do
But now we have actually enabled so they try to keep this communication going constantly, right?
So that would be why they do that as to why there are no 40 70 laptops in stock in Australia
I would say it's probably because Australia is yeah far
Just gonna say I think that's probably more in Australia specific issue. Yeah
Yeah, all right. Give me one more Dan like Internet
With your stepping down will sponsorships be changing at all eg
Vetting products and companies or discontinuing them in situations like anchor
I would expect not like I said the well, okay, so here's something that not everyone. I think fully understood is
the the reporting structure between me and Taryn is
Kind of weird right so everybody everybody on the pyramid on the in the organizational chart
Reports into the chief executive
Officer including the CTO the CVO the see whatever oh all the all the c-suites everyone below there ultimately
Reports to the CEO so I report to Taryn and he can tell me what to do
day to day
That but oh go ahead
I see I find this easier to understand because it's something I had to kind of wrap my head around to at one point as
There being two Linus's sure there's employee Linus and business owner Linus
Yes, so that's the thing right he's my boss
And he can tell me what to do on a in a given never mind a day in a given week or a given
month even
but then
They the CEO works at the
Yeah sure at the at the behest of the shareholders and the directors so I
Am the principal shareholder
And I am one of only two directors of the company the other being Yvonne and so Taryn when it comes to
Executing on our vision for the company reports to us
So on the one hand he's there as a check and balance to make sure that I am NOT
Screwing things up on a daily basis with respect to making sure that this place runs smoothly to kind of
You know slap me if I am if I am doing something that is you know really detrimental to one of the other departments or
If I am you know training people in a way, that's incorrect or whatever else to help us to help us operate better
But not just like chief operating officer like to help us
To help us execute on on bigger picture things than just what a CEO would do so if he were to say like look
I think our our best use of our investment is going to be to start a system integrator. Let's say hypothetically
Chief vision officer. I want a plan for how we're going to differentiate how we're gonna market this thing and
What that's gonna look like but then he would have to come to me above him and say I want to spend
Starting an SI. Here's the plan
And here's how we're going to market it which like I gave him
My presentation to me then you get to pick yourself apart, yeah
There's some weird loopiness yeah, and I do think that this is gonna work really well
And the main reason for that is that you know I've worked with Taron longer than I've worked with
Most of the people here, and that's something that I feel there was a lot of anxiety about
Even from members of our current executive team because they didn't really they didn't know him right to a lot of people
He was coming in as an outsider
There was a lot of anxiety, but I think I've been doing some thinking on this as well. I think that was good
I think if we were just all like sure that would have been like kind of stupid well
I would have told you guys you're being idiots because that's not due diligence. It was right for us to question it. I
Here's a bit of a curveball yeah, I mean not a super major one. I'm ready I uh
In like a weird way, and I don't know if you're ready for this or not I know you're bad with compliments
I'm proud of you for doing this oh
Cuz I think thank you I think
Yeah, we both have this kind of tendency to just like be down to just like carry things
you've been carrying this for way too long and
I know you have a hard time letting go of things too mm-hmm, so I feel like this was probably very difficult
It's been a rough week. Yeah
Honestly, it's been a rough long time. Yeah, you know
So like I'm I'm proud of you for actually
Being willing to do the thing that needed to be done to solve that problem
I was forced because that's tough okay, not by a person
But there are worse ways you could have dealt with that sure
I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't taken the job though. Yeah because
while I definitely
Wanted and I solicited feedback from our leadership team about this hire
wasn't that open to alternatives
There was no option for alternatives well
I mean I even told I even told Tara this as part of the negotiation process
He's like well. What's your job offer, and I'm like look. I'm gonna do that complete like
Thing where I make you pitch me you yeah, you told me yeah, you know how I always I always do that
I'm the worst right. I'm gonna so you tell me and
Here's the thing either your pitch is gonna make sense, and I'm gonna say yeah
You you are able to see the big picture
Even considering your own personal gain and do something that is balanced and right for both the company and yourself
Or you're gonna pitch me something that sucks, and I probably shouldn't hire you anyway
Those are the only two outcomes so no this is this is actually your first test
Yeah, is to tell me what your compensation package should like why and why yeah pitch it to me because your entire job is going to
pitching shareholder Linus on expenses and and
Management and why what you're doing is in the best interests of the company so prove it and like obviously you know
His response you've you know guy right a little bit
But also I think he understood where I was coming from because if we're gonna have that level of trust
And we're gonna be able to communicate that openly it has to start from day one. It can't
Can't just be it can't just be random
and so
The reason that I wasn't really that open to to and I and I told him to as part of this this very open
Communication I was like yeah, I'm making you do this
But the reality of it is I don't have any other candidates, and I'm not really open to them
So you have me over a barrel?
But let's see what you would do with that. Are you gonna deal with this properly? Yeah? Yeah?
And the reason that I wasn't really open to
Other options even though like obviously we could have posted a job listing what I don't post on indeed
You know I'm hiring a CEO for a media company, so I don't know
That wouldn't have changed my day to day
I wouldn't have been able to let go I I would have had to I would have been looking over this
CEOs shoulder because I don't know them. I don't have that relationship and like I said earlier on the show. I'm not
I'm pretty antisocial. I don't want more friends like I joke a lot about how I have more. I have no friends
But the reality of it is actually by design I actually don't want them, but yeah, I'm tired
I don't like talking to people and so I would have to I
Have to like build a relationship with this person like build this rapport and try to achieve this like
Mind-melding it's so much easier to just hire someone who already is the person who trained me to
To be the the business mind that I am
as it were
And so I know would make the decision that I would because the only reason I do what I choose because they told me to
I had a lot of people question
you know why we didn't hire from within and
It's a really good question
I think that there's a lot of potential for people to be upset both externally and internally
Pissed we didn't even you know post we didn't even give anyone an opportunity to apply for the job internally
But and I mean this in the kindest possible way
Nobody internally was even close to qualified
Sorry that just
I'm sorry. I don't think that's entirely those people's fault. No, it's not
I know you're not saying that I'm saying that for the audience to be okay
Yeah, but that's totally true. Like where has their mentorship been? We're a really young team, too
Yes, like we do not have people. I'm the adult in the room
What the fuck?
And when we're talking about like these situations where like oh you you don't necessarily realize you need to create a knowledge base article for something
And then you don't necessarily have the time to do it afterwards and stuff
Like we're coming from that and you're expecting this type of like it's just it hasn't been there. Yeah, it's tough
We we actually do post new positions internally under normal circumstances
But this was a something that was you know
Kind of a private matter for me in in a certain sense and be something that again like no offense to anyone. They just weren't
Weren't right for the job and I'd love yeah
Jay Taylor said I only feel like Luke wouldn't want to be the CEO. I
Could see myself being interested
Potentially at some point not now for a multitude of reasons one
I feel like I have a lot of unfinished business with the teams that I currently run and
by having that role change I would have to kind of like
Leave them which does not feel right and to I'm not ready. Anyways, you have a lot to learn
Yeah, I mean it's it's always really funny for me when I hear my own words coming out of Luke's mouth
talking about like some strategy that he used to talk to his team or like and but like there's still a lot like I
Understand because I'm not stupid but there's a long road of that ahead of me still
so like and the thing is that
I'm not really qualified to take you down that road
That's a big part of this too is I don't have that much real-world work experience
Like think about and we're like this is the one thing that like I guess I'm still
I'll be uncomfortable about this for a while and that's just gonna be a reality is
Linus slash of on
Which I'm considering one unit or person right now. That's how we see it. Yeah. Well, so that's fine
Has been my direct report for 12 years
effectively my entire
Realistically professional life because everything before then was like temporary jobs if I'm being honest and I like that's that's going to be a big change
But I will also say now having spent time with Taryn
I'm interested. Yeah, and Yvonne and I have a lot to we have a lot to give we actually do have a lot to teach
She has management experience coming into this. I have experience coming into this and we've both learned a
ton just
School of hard knocks. Let's go making our way through the last ten years
But there's actually ways to do things
But you don't just make up as you go along
That's a lot of my stuff too so like I I feel like I might end up having a lot of
Growth from this. Yeah, it's just gonna be it's a it's just it's a complicated situation and I
Appreciate the fact that we did that executive retreat thing
Because that I had talked to him a few times. Obviously, I met him at the roast
I had respect for him from like knowing him back in NCX days very lightly
I think I met him like twice and just have having you talk about him meeting with the roast all that kind of stuff
but being able to spend an
extended period of time of like two days or whatever but still
was was reassuring because
The things that I care about in a person in this type of role is like I mean, he's a human
He's gonna make mistakes at some point
But you could tell the way that he was approaching conversations and problems when we were at that retreat and he's probably watching this
So this is awkward
but I could tell that
In the case where he makes some form of mistake or someone else does that he seems significantly more invested in
Trying really hard and solving the problem than like crushing people or whatever else. He's he's very like like game-minded
Yep, like let's let's get this done. Let's do it in the best way and to be clear
He'll tell you when you fuck up which is good. Yeah, one of my eyes
I wouldn't work very well with him if he didn't so like that's fine
Yeah, one of my one of my most vivid memories was when he told me off for
Like telling a vendor some kind of like super internal information just like in a casual conversation
He's like you don't talk about that dude, like it kind of ran me through
Terse is a word that I've used to describe Taron before hi Taron if you're watching
He's better about it now, which is really good. He was younger and funnier than we all were
So it was definitely terse
but I understood it and
It was in the interest of the company doing better and me doing better. Yeah, and you got it. You got to respect that, right?
Yeah, so, I don't know. I've got a couple good questions here that I've seen in the chat
One is hey, isn't that the guy who ran NCIX into the ground? What are you doing hiring him?
No, I've had that same comment. I've had to make the same clarification. Yeah
Taron was my boss, but not the owner of NCIX and
Actually, Taron was a big part of if not the reason that I left
When they when what they should have what NCIX should have done
Man, how long ago was it? I guess about 12 years ago was they should have hired Taron to be not if not
CEO COO and given him the reins to run it
That would have saved it a hundred percent. I really do believe that in my heart of hearts
I had some ideas and all of that
But I was basically a kid at that point and I had good ideas like ways that that we could do better
But I I didn't like I wasn't an executive. I'm not barely an executive now. I was certainly wasn't an executive then
He had the stuff he could have figured it out and instead they pushed him out and I was like well
This is ridiculous because now we've got like the inmates running the asylum essentially around here
None of the adults are left in the room
It's time to start looking for the exit. Like it was very clear that the writing was on the wall as soon as they a
Didn't recognize that they were in trouble and B
Couldn't hire the solution that already worked for them
Wow, what is happening here?
No, that is not what happened and then another really good question that's coming up a fair bit is why not Yvonne for CEO
couple of reasons one
It's that's that ain't her jam. I was gonna say she wouldn't want that
Yvonne if she were to change titles from CFO would be the chief operating officer Yvonne has such a mind for
Optimization she is just the queen of efficiency and
Aside from that. She's she really loves solving problems
And so operations would be something that she would totally just kick butt at
But the question is does she want the job and as shareholder she basically gets to decide what job she does sort of
but also doesn't because she's a shareholder and
She just kind of needs to do whatever is right for the company and both of us have done that for a long time
And so while my transition is really public
She may go through a transition that will be probably less public but
Equally helpful for her. I think it's been a long time doing something that she has
Realistically, no, no actual passion for which is like financial stuff
So yeah. Yeah. Well, that's the thing. She can be good at anything
She just needs to she just needs to decide she's good at it. It's like okay then
Like I can't do that
I don't have that power like I'm I'm really good at some stuff way better than her at some stuff
But she is way better than me at anything other than that's like a handful of stuff that I'm really good
It's kind of wild how she'll just like I mean look at that stupid short-circuit video. She did on the cricket
I gave her about 13 minutes of training in the car on the way to work and kind of helped her put together like a
Skeleton for you know what a script might look like and then she did the whole thing
It's got like 1.4 million views or whatever
she has she has almost no on-camera experience her total on-camera experience is like maybe a couple hours and like doesn't really like it as
Far as my understanding goes mind it. Okay, she doesn't like coming on land
That's she gets kind of self-conscious about it sometimes I think but it's just like I don't know
I I tend to be kind of dismissive about I'm like, whatever
You're like you're good at anything. So what do you like don't I don't even want to hear it, you know
It's like oh I got such a bad mark. It's like that's like way higher than my mark
It's typical didn't you fail out? I don't know how much that means
Yeah, we need to talk about a big LTT store thing here, ah
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, check this out. Check this out now. Oh, yeah, hold on for the sake of the integrity of our poll
Neither you nor I is going to is going to give any feedback on this one. We'll see if the poll works
Oh what our polls broken? Oh, yeah, that might be oh crap. We know how to fix them
I don't remember. I don't think they're fixed. Okay, we were a little bit more focused on the massive. Okay
Do you want to try to create a poll? I I mean I can the poll is just option one option two option three
Uh, let's just okay. Yeah, sure. Okay, go for it
Good luck everybody
We are finally ready to what is the question what one do you want? Yeah, which which one is best
Okay, did it work
Yes, okay. That's not the part. I'm gonna have a okay. It's the speed at which
People are voting oh and we know how to fix it. It's like no hard slowly that time
What I'm not surprised guys don't do that that
What are you doing? There's not that many votes. Okay. Well, let's not worry about that then. Okay, let's just
There's a lot of people watching on float plane these days, okay
We're finally announcing it the Noctua edition of the LTT screwdriver in tannin Brown
This is option one
This is option two and this is option three
Okay, I don't want to I don't want to bias you guys and and Luke. I actually have a couple of the options
Here in the studio
Yeah, very
Very very excited for this. This is going to be
Freaking awesome. I mean it means a lot to me to collaborate with a company like Noctua
You know how their standards are if they're willing to if they're willing to
Cross cross promote and and participate in something like this
You know, they got to absolutely love the screwdriver. So
Have a look don't really give a ton of thoughts yet Dan
Do you want to man the camera and we can kind of show these ones off after I need to send a message. Oh
Okay, screw it yeah, okay
Okay, he's
I'm just gonna go ahead. I'm gonna I'm gonna not show the results here. I'm gonna go back to this
All right. So Luke, do you want to kind of show what you got there? Yeah, so both of these
Again guys option one option two option three
I'm trying to find it. Okay, so
This one is the most unique one. Is that correct the most unique one?
Because there's I believe this one has the same color like I don't remember the name for the selector ring
Mm-hmm, and the whatever you call this. I
Mean, I'm not sure what you mean by most unique one. That's called the end cap though
So end cap selector ring same color handle same color and this one the accent ring is I believe is that in there?
Yeah, that's in there. It's matched to the body color
Oh, I was gonna say this is the same but inverse is the other one and then this one doesn't have an inverse
Is that correct?
That one follows the same kind of color scheme as the like the orange one would with the accent on the end
Accent on the accent ring
Don't don't give an opinion yet because I want I actually need you know, true results here. Mm-hmm
Okay, well
What just we're gonna have to close the poll at some point and I was expecting it to be not this close
Don't spam in chat guys. Relax. Yeah guys
Chat does not is not where the polling happens the polling happens in the polar pole. Yeah, we're not looking at chat
What are the option numbers again one two and three? Yeah. Okay, you're welcome. I
will show you
Okay, so one this one is one two and three this one is two and then the pictured one is three
No, no, no, no, no, you're holding
Yeah, and then this is two and so what I don't have. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah one you don't have
Okay, okay, I'm gonna close the poll now
close we are closing the polls and
Let's see our
Yes. Yeah. See that's the part. Okay. Well, let's show the results then
Option one. Whoa, wait. Oh, it just changed
Option one and option three are a dead heat five eighty six to five eighty six
I don't know how to deal with okay, it's finished now
Holy crap
Yeah, it's finished for you. I have never seen any poll this close for anything we've ever done
option one one
but by only two votes
Literally point three percent of the vote
Do we need to do a runoff then
We can does it happen to be that?
Okay. No, you know what? I
Think this you know, I think this is enough information for us to go back to Noctua and kind of figure this out then
Either way. Okay. What do you think now?
Want me to show you all three again, yeah, okay
I will say I don't feel like super strongly about it. Really. I think they're all pretty cool
I think
This one so option two. Yeah and option
Not this one are probably my favorite option two and one. I think it is are my two favorite got it
Yeah, you know what's funny is I think this is one that I just completely
Didn't nail I liked this one. I like yeah, I like that one or or option one personally I
Do have a few do you think it's not white but do you think that color would
It might show it might show stuff. I just thought it looked way cooler
People are more into the they're more into the brown body on it
Like alright, okay, and you know what?
I think I just I think I just lost I think I just lost a bet because Noctua objected pretty strongly to this one
Is that is that is that the one that I didn't I wasn't really watching the results much
Is that the one that this one lost this one lost lost and the other two?
basically tied were
Functionally even yeah, so I guess we'll see we'll have to work it out with
People are saying there was a thousand votes before we even showed the options
Do you want to rerun the poll? Do you want to rerun the poll with just two options? Um, no
I'm not too worried about it because when I looked earlier on before I actually showed the options the poll was
Fairly even and two was actually winning. I think so. Yeah, and then it kind of inverted
So so if people threw away their vote they threw away their vote but like that's that's voting for you, yeah
part of the system
Eventually, like when we can work on things that aren't incredibly important. I do want to have ranked choice voting. Yeah, I think that would be sick
Yeah, that'd be super cool. But not now. All right. So there you go guys the Noctua screwdriver is
Officially announced we are working with Noctua on what exactly the color scheme will be
That's the detail that we're kind of going back and forth on
Yeah, it's not like actually viewers choice like Noctua needs to have input and all this other kind of stuff
They do need to have input. I mean worst case scenario. We just do a brown and tan screwdriver and they're not involved
I haha. Yeah, I mean that's
Oh. I was gonna say that's what we're doing for some other stuff. Oh, don't worry about it
I wonder how the new CEO is gonna treat leaks. Yeah
Well, he won't be the first person to yell at me about the way that I just talk about stuff on WAN Show
Let's do a couple more topics. You want to pick one?
Schools are struggling with AI as the academic year ends
American schools are approaching the end of a full semester with widespread access to AI chatbots and AI enabled cheating has been
Predictably rampant especially now because a lot of schooling a lot of your grades are kind of like end of term or semester
So it's gonna be a bigger project, you know, yeah one big project one big final stuff like that
It's unclear to what degree this is an actual increase in academic
Dishonesty because like are more people cheating or is it just more rampant for the people that are cheating or is it making a bigger?
Impact or something like that
Chegg a tutoring service widely criticized for allowing students to buy the answers to homework and also tests has told
Investors that chat GPT has likely damaged their ability to attract new customers
The company has since lost one billion dollars in market valuation. This happened a while ago
Isn't it wild that like a test cheating company is worth any billion?
Like the fact that they could lose that much. It's like whoa, okay
kind of nuts
Complicating matters. How can students know seriously? No. No, I want to come back to this for a second
How can students with the tuition they're paying?
Cheating afford answer sheets or wait
How can they afford not to cheat?
Yeah, it might be can't repeat this course and it might be more time effective like if you just don't study but go to work
Right. Okay. All right fair enough
now complicating matters plagiarism and AI detectors are
Imperfect and the growing number of different AI models has dramatically increased the number of false positives and also negatives
Less technically sophisticated educators are prone to accepting these results at face value
Including is this one? Yes. Okay. I'm happy this is in the doc infamously a Texas college professor recently
Accused all of his students of using I thought it was like half
But anyways of using chat GPT to write their essays leading to over half of them being held back from graduation
The professor had not used an AI detection tool instead
He ran the essay through chat GPT which claimed it had written them
Like it was just like oh that seems neat. Yeah sure right on like
Sure, it's not designed for that at all
Did that while a 100% AI generated essay is clearly cheating and I'm gonna paraphrase you for a second
We've seen a bunch of examples of this of teachers showing like halfway through an essay. It'll be like now
I'm not entirely sure certain about this because I am an AI generated model blah blah blah blah blah and they catch people with that
Which is kind of hilarious
They don't even read it. That's awesome. Okay brutal
while a 100% AI generated essay is clearly cheating more nuanced uses of AI like using a chat bot to help generate ideas
And reword awkward sentences can and sometimes do get flagged by anti-cheating software
The same may happen if a student simply writes in a highly predictable manner
reminiscent of AI
Yes, Bruce a I'm still happy with it
Don't worry about it. It sounds good. There's a discussion question should schools be responding to AI
Also, why do porn bots still no good at the talk?
Yeah, okay
Have you noticed this have you been on YouTube lately? Yeah, you see them in the comment section
No, you can't see anything but pun intended them
Like honestly, it's at the point now where again, I am asking you once again YouTube
Do something like okay, if if a handful of people that just have asses in their profile pictures
But our real people end up getting shadow banned
That's a price. I'm willing to pay at this point because we cannot just have I
Sent my I sent my youtube rep just like a screen recording of scrolling through the comments on one of our videos and literally
90% of the top comments within like an hour after it had been released were these like
Come have tapped to have sex with me like porn bots and I'm sitting here going
These are these are very easy to identify. I haven't seen any of the whatsapp scammers anymore
No, they've shifted so clearly YouTube has the capability to ban every possible
iteration of whatsapp from usernames so do the same thing
Why does anyone need a?
Luscious ass in their profile picture
It's not necessary
What if the what if they're what if they're a hot tub youtuber what if that's literally part of their brand
Then they'll be verified. They're done. Okay, or they can if they're on the
Apply for an exception. I don't care figure it out
Figure it out should be a way to apply and figuring it out needs to involve just getting rid of this if you have to
Overcorrect, it's ridiculous
Why do you have to
Why do you have to use the word luscious
Yeah, it's bad though and they they sometimes I will say
They they and this should potentially even be easier to detect, but I guess there'd be a lot of false positives here as well
But they'll copy other people's comments and just post the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. I've seen that a lot pretty common. Yep
Yeah, it's like to me the biggest thing is just like and I understand this is easier to do with with human eyes and comprehension
But we'll see how long that lasts
You scroll through and you see the usernames and it's just like this is so obvious and like half
The fact that it will take many months to like pattern detect this stuff is just like what like the whatsapp ones like come on
It didn't didn't feel Joe make something for that. Yeah, what's up one?
Yeah, like better than YouTube's this shouldn't take community efforts to solve this stuff like
And it's frustrating because like on the one hand you've got Google doing, you know, their Google IO keynote all about
Yeah, AI this and machine learning that and use it. I'm did. Yeah turn it on
Yeah, what why can I still like this? This is why this is why you don't call Hoffman Wong
Who do you want to call
Hoffman Wong
Sorry, I'm not finding a match in your contacts. Tell me just the first name or feel free to use the screen
Feel free to use the screen. That's not a solution
This is this is the same I've been ragging on Google for a while for like
It's literally
It's just Hoffman Wong
It's not like he nicknamed it or anything like that. It's just Hoffman has two ends
I think that which is a legitimate spelling of Hoffman. Yeah, and it's like
I'm sorry. I don't have a number for Yvonne home. I understand. You absolutely shouldn't have to do this
So I'm not using it too. I'm not saying this to defend it one thing I've done called James stripe
Sorry, who do you want to call James stripe?
Sorry, no, no one in your contacts, sorry, I'm not finding a match in your contacts
Tell me just the first name or feel free to use the screen
Feel free to use this how about this? How about I only have one James in my address book call that one. I
Nickname I put people's like an identifiable nickname that I will remember as people's first names and then their
First name is their middle name and their last name is their last name. That's a stupid workaround
It shouldn't need the years. The year is now present year. Yeah, and that should be entirely unnecessary
Absolutely, it should have phonetic whatever cached of everyone in my address book and it should just use that. Yeah because
Holy shit, how is it not already doing that? Yeah, and so I don't even remember the other thing
We were talking about that. They were useless at I was just saying like in general like the fact that they haven't
Applied this stuff to deal with comet moderation. Oh, yeah
Moderation that was the one that like whole core concept the fact that they haven't done that
You can extrapolate that into entirely why they're losing ground on like everything that they do. Yeah
They're just they're just not shipping they're not acting they're just sitting
Doesn't work. It's frustrating people are gonna come steal your lunch
Anyways moving on
Imgur immigrant Imgur Imgur, I think I'd Imgur
Jif gift
Feel like it's one of those things last month
However, you say it announced a ban on nudity and sexual explicit content as well as old unused or inactive content
That is not tied to a user account
Also known as a bunch of things from Linus the the changes took place on May 15th time
It was not one time. It was not one time three times to maybe more. I used to use
ShareX or what was the one I used before that? It was a similar tool push. I think it was push push super cool
Anyway, ShareX was the one where I started uploading to Imgur
I think but I used to use ShareX to just anonymously upload anything that I would screenshot only if I
Screenshot it with ShareX like explicitly
and then I would just get it would just automatically take the the link to the file you copied and put it on your clipboard so
you could just quickly send things to people and
One time I send Luke confidential information in a in an image thing and he's he like freaks out
I'm like without the context. No one's even gonna know how important that is. It doesn't matter
It shouldn't work that way. Anyway, so anything that someone like me ever uploaded. Yes. Carry on. Yeah
The changes of this stuff took place on May 15th
But it will likely take some time before all the images are deleted the purge of old and anonymous content is likely to destroy
Countless images embedded on other sites across the internet including reddit. We're hosting on Imgur
Was the standard method of posting images from 2009 to 2016 that is true. Another thing. It's probably going to
Ravage is the count to 10,000 thread in the bronze section on the forum, which is sad
Oh, yeah, because there's tons of Imgur embedded images there. Yeah, that's a bummer
That actually kind of sucks because it's kind of funny to go
Yeah, broken broken image links in forums and stuff photo bucket
You see just like the the the skeletons of old photo buck and it's like man
This would have been a really cool thing to actually be able to go through and read
It's almost like this isn't a viable business model and you're an idiot for doing it
Thanks VCs when they take big money from ad providers to put malvertising ads on their site
Which they've done like a bunch of times at this point
Maybe they do make some money, but I don't know they do show like if you see some picture a gif or whatever
There's a way on
Imgur to see how much like how much data it has taken to serve this image and some of them are like, whoa
like it's a gif that's been like
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of gigs worth of data transfer for this one gif
Like yep, that's rough
the administrators of something awful forum have taken on a more selective effort to back up every
Imgur link embedded onto the forum during the last 14 years. Wow the forums. I don't think we're gonna do that
Yep, shawty not the forums owner who goes by Jeffrey
Okay has stated it's clear
We need to host our own images websites promising that they'll host your images for free are never gonna stop running out of money
it's nearly impossible to monetize a site like that a good deal of the modern internet is treated as
Transient and okay to delete whenever and that is a real shame if anyone is to ever look back on our society
They won't be able to understand it without understanding the internet
Yeah, that's gonna be true regardless notably the something awful forum has paid membership and more resources than many other websites that makes sense
How do we retain the popular history of the internet? Are we doing enough? I don't think we can maybe some of it should just die
Interesting well, that's a hot take Wow
Do go on. I don't think that everything no matter what is worth saving
I do think a
Massive volume of stuff is worth saving a huge percentage
But there is a bunch of like just transient stuff on the internet that does not need to be safe
We don't have to save every single thing that ever happens in the digital world
But are we gonna lose the stuff that was important and end up keeping garbage? That's that's a concern
Yeah, that's a big concern. That is a big concern. Oh
That's rough
Yeah, it's hard to say because like we were like we were talking with those photo bucket links, right? Yeah, like there's there's old threads
Which like it actually?
Has pained me to come across them and be like man
This was a big deal. I've probably been to this thread like a ton of times
yeah, and now these photos just timed out and
This is basically useless and now that we don't actually write anything down physically
you know, let's say you were trying to do let's say you were trying to overclock an old Celeron 300a and
All the images for which pins to jump or on the motherboard or whatever. We're on photo bucket or a non account
Imager say right because that would be happening now
You'd lose that that's brutal. Like there is I'm not saying there isn't stuff that's worth safe. There's obviously oceans of stuff
That's worth saving
There's also a lot of but like repair
Repair guides and stuff didn't used to be video and there might be like you're talking with the old Celeron a there might be old
Repair guides that like it's for something that very rarely breaks
But you can't get new ones or for something that's rare and very few people know how to deal with it
And there was that one resource that everyone leaned on in order to calibrate that CRT or whatever it is
Right because for every for every forum thread that you find when digging for something old where someone's like, oh
I'm having issues with these things and then no one responds and they just reply. Oh, I fixed it and it's like oh man
Why don't you tell me how?
there's there's a bunch of other ones where they do and
Losing that because a ton of that information is in pictures you're talking about like
Bios screenshots, whatever else it could be. There's there's lots of pictures on the internet. There's tons. There's tons of useful ones
Thank God, we're still gonna have tick-tock
As long as we don't live in Minnesota or whichever state
Bandit or something happy wag. So this would be a good reason to fund libraries
Well, there is so I I do agree and there it's libraries are one of the libraries
Libraries are one of those things that are just kind of constantly changing
Constantly evolving. Yeah, and this might be one of the ways that they do that
Yeah, unfortunately the way they're evolving right now is not getting funded. So that's probably not gonna happen. Yep, I Cal turn
Plane chat. Sorry, Montana. Is that right? I don't know someone
Calturn says convert the moon into a huge cloud server
The zero atmosphere would be excellent for cooling and there'd be plenty of room for all that data
Problem solved. Okay. There's a few issues with your suggestion
number one
Okay, getting servers. They're very challenging. The moon is actually above the cloud
Number two zero atmosphere is actually not good for cooling
But the air is what takes the heat away
Problem number three plenty of room actually you're right there is plenty of there's a lot of room. Yep
Yeah, if you don't mind your server getting hit by like little asteroids and stuff. Yeah, so solid effort Cal turn
And well, not just that right without an atmosphere
There's a lot more radiation from the Sun which is really really handy if you don't like having your data. Yeah
Because what radiation is just gonna start flipping bits all over the place. Yeah. So what we could do I guess is
Yeah, no, no, well it would have to be a mobile data center
It would have to be on like treads so that it could stay like on the dark side
Oh, there's still there's still a lot of it's like passive radiation. Yeah
No, we're doing this
On the moon
We snow piercer at the servers
Okay, float plane chat actually has this solved. We just put it underground on the moon
All right. Good call. Good call. Perfect. Good call. We do we do all the cooling geothermally we can dig with nukes
Right, we can nuke the moon is that we're saying I don't think that's a good idea
This is a reference to Elon Musk wanting to nuke Mars for terraforming
We need to nuke everything we need to nuke bars we need to nuke the moon
Pluto's too far if we send a nuke on the other side and hit it back
Come in closer. That's great. You can nuke Pluto just nuke everything
Yeah, why don't we talk about that? That would be good. It's Dennis back to do fun sponsor spots yet
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To be clear because some people kind of missed it
That was not actually a commentary on the viability of various terraforming options. We're just
Laughing about things. Okay
Gotta be careful what you say around nerds speaking of laughing Google releases new dot zip and dot MOV
top-level domain
Extensions. Yeah
That sucks a lot. Oh, whoops. Sorry, Dan. Yes merge messages. No, wait what he's moving all the signs around Dan
Well, cuz you were on the rails. What are you doing over there? You didn't listen to the piece of paper
Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
That's okay. I can follow you hit me with a merge message. Okay, sure
See what plain chat still talking about the stupid moon thing. They really are. I still think we should snowpiercer the servers
Good evening, LL and D. I've been watching servers with nukes
You stop good evening
And I've been wanting to nuke the moon
That dashboard does it every time
I've been watching on full play now
I was wondering if it mattered if I finish a video or use the like option you still use the data for getting sponsors
Etc. Nope. Nope, we sure don't it doesn't matter really suck it. No offense
You suck at collecting data from viewership
So the good news is that we aren't leveraging it in any way
Yeah, if you were worried that we're selling your data you can rest assured nope, we are too utterly fucking incompetent to do that
Took the words out of my mouth rough rough
The new CEO that the chief vision officer
It has not been a priority Linus has asked for it for a bunch of times and I just said no
There's more important things for us to work on it's true
And there is there is certain amounts of that data where if you like actually wanted it
We could get it for you and it's like never been even worse
Going and grabbing. Yeah, it's like usually I the way our conversations often go about things like this is I'll come up with something
I'll be like, oh, hey, could we is there any way for us to take you know?
Everyone who's posted about their LTT merch on the forum and send them a
coupon code for a month free a float plane and Luke will be like
Technically that but and just by his tone I'll be like forget it. I'm over it
Yeah, or she'll tell me oh, oh no one of his favorites is to tell me what projects will be delayed by it
Yeah, well if you don't want
You know playback resume on the float plane site then yeah, we could have that for you in X amount of time
I'm like, I'm over it. That's that's like my favorite thing to say. I'm over it
I'm clearly not over it cuz I'm bringing it up now. Not that that that is a new idea. I'd never had that idea
That's a pretty good idea though. It's not a bad one
But I mean like you just said it would it would delay some other form. I'm alright. Yeah
Like yeah, it is possible
There's oh, there's there's a very very very large amount of things that are possible when you have a bunch of developers and engineers on
Your side yeah, it's just like is it actually worth doing and are you considering the opportunity cost right? Yeah?
Look at this guy all responsible opportunity cost
All right here's another one
So which came first Linus planning on stepping down a CEO or Luke getting promoted to CTO or were they basically concurrent?
Well don't forget hold on we've got the timeline a little mixed up first Luke was demoted from CEO
Then he was repromoted to CEO
Hired as CEO to see sorry sorry sorry and and actually it's like only even sort of true because yeah either time was it actually
real I mean
He got the CTO title so he was hired as CTO
Then he was fired as CTO hired to a different company as the CTO CEO COO then hired back to
Linus media group as the CTO it doesn't matter the point is he's Luke. Yeah. He wears this shirt. I just do stuff. He's adorable
Yeah, I like that. I like your shirt
What time is it is it getting is it getting to giddy hour, I think so, okay, okay? Oh, yeah 840 that makes more sense
Next merch message. What is this? Why can't I get rid of sure windows? What are you doing?
Dan see you later. Dan. Bye. Oh, sorry. How come I'm come back then no
Linus are you in no dad's gone? Oh Linus. Are you it though? He's gone anticipating
Any potential
This is so much fun
Being professional it's hard
Are you anticipating in the porn industry
That's even more important Linus I
Should have waited for him to take the drink why did I wait?
That's going away for now. I think it's a dangerous time
Okay, I can't
Linus are you anticipating any potential turnover? Hope not as a result of the CEO change
Can you give a scenario or explain when you or Yvonne would override a decision by the new CEO?
Oh, wow you're getting into the big like CEO Q&A okay?
I am planning a float plane stream about this sometime in the next little bit
So I'm not gonna avoid every question about this
but I'm also not gonna be able to address every question you guys have about this now because I kind of want to I
Kind of want to be in the right headspace for that
But I will tell you that I am not expecting really any turnover
Honestly the reception to the move internally has been really positive. I think the people that know me well
Probably knew that whether this was coming or not. I needed this at some point
And the people who didn't know me well
Well, and there's also like I think a lot of people especially internally recognize that
People only have a certain amount of hours on day and having you do the thing that you're best at probably makes sense
Like it's pretty logical when you break it down. Yeah
Sure I lost count
Yeah, we got a lot
We are not gonna be able to do them all today
Sorry picking up lab shirts cuz those are freakin awesome. Oh my god
Don't forget to get a water bottle while you're at. Oh, man. I should leak an upcoming water bottle design I
Feel like that might be under the the vision you know yeah, I had a vision a water bottle yeah
So it's it's just like brown or black. I think are the two colors and
It just has like a white stripe down the side with like the V's or the O's or whatever and it's a big capacitor. Oh
My god, I would buy that immediately that is excellent. That's kind of sick ten out of ten. Yeah, could you?
Sweeping changes, I'm so excited
Had like the bottom blown out and so it didn't like sit on the table like it's a burst cap oh
I mean, okay, you could just do that yourself though all right
Yeah, yeah, or or or you could not screw the lid on properly, and then it's a leaky cap
Perfect idea get it cuz it's a leaky cap to man so many meetings
Inception of water ball over here
All right, okay, here's another one. Oh man float float plane chats. Oh, no. No no you should put Gatorade in it
Then it's electrolytic capacitor
If you put tinfoil in it it's a foil capacitor
Wow endless
Hey, LDL
Given the cards like the 30 90 and 40 90 exist with more hold on. I'm not done yet
Everything Dan said no cap
Okay, right in the stomach we can actually do another one now. I'm sorry
Given the cards like the 30 90 and 40 90 exist with more vram than most systems have D RAM
Is it possible to run an OS on a GPU?
To my knowledge no
However with that said I mean if you okay hold on a second
Something something rebar direct storage something, so I actually don't I actually don't think so though
I mean nothing would prevent you from using someone in full-plane chat is very passionate about saying that it is
It that it is possible, and they have a link and they're spamming a link
Okay, all right. Let's see
Linux in a pixel area a risk
VR chat oh yeah shader tech is nuts. It's just nuts
Whoa, okay
Apparently yes, I just want to say that
Catra the person who posted this was
On it like
This must have been like literally the tab that they had open at the time like I feel like we were on a side monitor
Yeah, and they were reading this because they were like it's possible the links
They're all like boom boom boom boom boom that was that was wild. Thank you for the the speedy
Okay, Enderman apparently managed to get Windows 10 in VRAM and used it as a boot disk. That's not really the same as like
Running it as your system memory though, so I don't know okay, all right good job
That was that was impressive. Are we supposed to do more topics now? I?
Yeah, I think so okay Google new dot zip and dot mo V domain extensions Google released eight new internet domain extensions
Most have been uncontroversial, but two are being criticized to their for their similarity to existing file extensions
Dot zip and dot mo V in case you were wondering which ones they were
The concern is that users especially less technically savvy users may be maliciously
Tricked into clicking on a web link they think is a file and vice versa
I think even fairly technically savvy people are gonna get owned by this because like
Unless you read the whole domain it's not necessarily all that obvious I
think Google's justification for this TLD is
Phenomenally stupid, what is it? I'm trying to find it
Because like this is going to be a problem 100% dot mo V
I'm having a hard time finding it. It's not in our it's not in our links here, man
How are you even gonna like look at this? How are you even gonna search for anything Google dot mo V?
Justification what like what even is any of this? This is nothing?
This is ridiculous
Anyone has a link that talked about it was something to do with like dot mo V was supposed to be for like
Like the moving moving pictures or movement and dynamism or something like that. It was just it was just
Stupid and I just couldn't
I'm trying to find that like I'm trying to find the example because it's not just
There it is boom, okay
My laptop do it. Here we go. This is the issue. So you see github.com, right? So most people
Most current internet users are gonna read this and be like, okay
This is the website that I'm going to it's github.com and then these are the pages that it's jumping through, right?
So the dot zip at the end here traditionally would just be a file
Right, so it theoretically you jumped through these various pages and then you clicked on a file and you could share this link to someone
And if they clicked on the link, it would just download it. It wouldn't actually direct them to the page, right?
That's how that's how things have worked for a long time
the problem is now because of this at character as far as my understanding goes and someone might
Correct me on this but because of that little I've highlighted it here
Yeah, because of that little character that means what you're actually going to is just this
So you're going to one dot zip. Oh
Yeah, get rekt big oh
so like I
haven't seen things like this personally, but like that's that's
That's rough now. So like you everyone's gonna have to like sniff their freaking
Urls for this little at symbol and like that's
This is why I'm saying like the whole technically savvy thing
Doesn't even really fully apply because I don't know pretty much anyone that looks for that right now
So unless you're you'd have to be technically savvy and also paying attention to the news, which doesn't necessarily
Coincide with each now. Do you want to hear why they did it according to Ars Technica? Sure
Google marketers say the aim is to designate tying things together or moving really fast and
moving pictures and whatever moves you
Respectively for dot zip and bottom. It's frustrating cuz I don't think stoop
I go after Google on this show for just not doing things but then the second that they do something
I'm always just like how did no one look at this?
like it's either they move like no one saw this and we did it or
They never do anything like there has to be an in-between. How did no one see this as a problem?
you can't just release dot zip domains like
God, I don't
This is so frustrating because like I can absolutely see someone at this company getting tricked by this
you know what and then like it would be really hard to
The dumbest part is that they know
Obviously about the association
Why would anyone other than a highly technical person tying things together dot zip has?
anything to do with togethering anything, yeah, and
Dot MOV really moving pictures. Is this just an F you to Apple? Like what was the point of this?
Okay, I don't really have anything else to say about that
Okay, yeah, I'm like I need to read on this more and I'm sure there's some like weird nuances and stuff
But people are gonna go and this is gonna be a problem. This is going to be a cyber security problem a
bunch of different IT teams around the world are gonna have to educate their users on
Checking for at symbols because like it means there's something about URLs are so long
It's not even practical especially with the way that browsers
abstract the URL these days like it's and
trackers and all this other type of stuff like and you're gonna have to hunt for this little at symbol because and you'll have to
hunt for it and like a mouseover like
Frickin, but what are they called tool tip?
You have to hunt for it in like a tool tip or something because the text doesn't necessarily match the hyperlink
Domain yeah, honestly, I bet you a massive amount of companies are just gonna block these domains
Anyways, which means they're gonna be stupid and useless. Sorry
Yeah, we definitely yeah, I was gonna say the old days of the web before you actually had
Really schedule me a message
What you need I need we need to block dot zip and dot mo V from ever being accessed
Like it was maybe maybe it was possible
I don't know I was a kid but pretty much any link was the actual like fold
You didn't just have hyperlinks yeah that you would click on all like some other text or whatever yeah like so
This I guess might be this would have been fine
Maybe then when it was normal for browsers to display full URLs and for the text to contain a full URL
then honestly training everyone to look for those at symbols is weird because like and
and as far as I know that that that's already been a thing because it means what's before the at symbol is your username, but
But I do think that if people saw dot zip at the end of it and they weren't
Expecting to be downloading a file. That would be something that they would sniff out easier and because the dot zip is at the very end
You look at like the beginning and you look at the end and you kind of know what's going on
Now being able to just slap this at symbol somewhere in the chain. Yeah, and then it's laugh. Yeah, man. Yeah, I hate it
Alright, let's jump into Toyota exposing a real-time location data of
2 million drivers
2 million drivers Toyota has disclosed that it accidentally left the real-time and
Historical car location data of over 2 million Japanese customers exposed for get this nearly 10 years
According to Toyota the cause was a misconfigured database in late 2013
Which was set to public instead of private and it could be accessed without any password or credentials
There is no current evidence that anyone outside Toyota discovered and access to the database that is
Completely by meaningless unless they have like logs running and stuff, which they might not because apparently they set their database to yeah
That's a very interesting way of saying I
Mean no, it's not completely meaningless
If the data showed up on the dark web or something, that would be evidence that something for it. Well
That's my issue with the statement is it completely relies on them doing something?
I think a leak this big would have would have someone else will be talking about it
Someone else would have talked about it. They may actually have dodged a bullet here
Boy, was it a big bullet though? That's not even a bullet anymore. That's like that's a plan Luke. Yeah
You know what forget it I'm tired I resign as CEO
Toyota discovered the error in April and has promised to audit and improve their cloud security. This is the third security mishap
They've disclosed in the last 15 months
Things happen, but that's a pretty bad thing to happen
A watchdog says that roblox doesn't protect kids from irresponsible after
Really roblox doesn't protect kids from irresponsible advertising. This is this is
Had kids best interests at heart
When they're like we have found through rigorous study and years of research that
Not going running makes it so that you will run slower over time. It's like oak. Thanks. It's like come on
Geez this feels like one of those like I don't actually a lie
Over a long enough period of time you will definitely run infinitely slower
But yeah like I can't I can't imagine that anyone was like ah yes, I believe roblox is the absolute best arbiter of like
Not exposing children to bad things
Like like
What was it got people confused about that because over a long enough period of time eventually you'll be dead and you're right
There was something about like Kim Kardashian finding that that special video of hers her kid like saw it on
Roblox or something I don't remember if that's like a hundred percent true or not, but I remember reading something about that
Which is rough
Caru Caru
Caru a children's advertising watchdog has released the results of an investigation that found roblox has widespread issues with advertising
targeted at children under 13
According to Caru which I'm gonna call it now
I don't know if that's what it is
Roblox does little to ensure that influencers on its platform disclose product endorsements and affiliate commissions in a way that children can actually
Understand I mean I can tell you right now based on the limited understanding that adults have of the sponsorships and
Affiliate and how all these things work
Kids almost certainly have absolutely no idea that they're being marketed to yeah
Further roblox is user created games often fail to disclose advertiser content
This is not the first time roblox has been criticized over its permissive attitude towards ads targeting children a different watchdog truth in advertising
Made a complaint to the FTC over the same issue in April 2022
parents groups and investigative journalists have likewise criticized roblox as a haven for phishing scams and other financial crimes
Targeting kids again. A lot of them have credit cards attached. There are payments in the game, right?
You can buy roebucks or whatever they're called
In response to the FTC complaint roblox has recently announced a new advertisement policy which will require
Developers to identify advertiser content in games directed at children
The company has likewise agreed to Carus Carus whatever
Recommendation that they require influencers to use the word paid in ad disclosures
Kids that play roblox that I can't even read and I don't think paid is actually necessarily the best ad disclosure
Why not add or why not sponsored? That's what everyone literally everyone else uses
Like it's paid a common hashtag for sponsored content. Am I missing something here?
Whoa, six of three in floatplane chat says I have a friend whose kid has a $100 per month roblox allowance
That sounds like a mistake. I'm not gonna tell you I parent your kid. I don't even have one but that sounds like a mistake
Yeah, it sounds like training them to have bad habits like actively
Okay devil's advocate hmm they're budgeting at least
It's a fixed budget
but it's a fixed budget of
On roblox
Yeah, I don't really like that so much
Everything I hear about roblox is just like bad
Like I you hear you hear about like the massive take they have from their their
Content designers slash developers because there's people that like make games and roblox, but there's also people that make
Like visual equipment. I don't know what you'd call it avatar stuff cosmetics. There we go
Eventually yeah
So I yeah, I don't know a hundred dollars of roblox is a lot of roblox
Yeah, that's the thing that's getting me is like maybe if it was like a real it
Maybe if it was at an amount where they might have to save up for things
Yeah, that's probably the but I play I can like I'm sure there's some stupid
One of three rare hat or something that's way more than $100
But like I can't imagine there's a lot that they actually have to save for when their allowance is
More than like I spent on games a month
Yeah, and like Luke wastes money on games. He bought this stupid fucking game slapshot rebounds
We were actually looking at a different hockey game and picked the free one yeah, it's pretty fun. It is actually pretty fun
It's very hard. We're both terrible. Yeah, it's really really hard
Man, we've actually played like a few hours of slapshot rebound in the last like few days
I kind of wish we had footage of when we started compared to now
Because I've seen both of us do like actual combinations and like plays and stuff now at the beginning
Slide towards the puck and rotate the wrong way every single time all this garbage
Yeah, Luke has no idea how expensive things are in roebucks
that is true because I have never played and I deeply don't care or want even to know but
You don't need to buy those
Like I don't know come on. Yeah, just cuz something is there doesn't mean it needs to be purchased
Yeah, our discussion here is to what extent is the cavalier attitude towards advertising to children unique to roblox
I don't even think it is like I think we had this conversation a little while ago
Where I was talking about taking my kids to the arcade and just realizing how much?
Gambling conditioning was going on just training these kids to put thing into thing and big flashy lights come out
And they get a prize that's worth a fraction of the money that they put in Mark Rober did a really great video on how
games of skill at arcades just like on the carnival Midway are
Not actually games of skill at all and are just completely games of chance and designed to steal your money
It is it is amazing to me that that is allowed to
Exist it is actual children doing actual gambling
Yeah, I we talked about this on wench out to before about how like sports betting is such an endorsed thing now
Where it was like a hush-hush don't talk about it. Yeah when I was growing up and now it's like the main advertisers for
These places at all
And it's it's kind of weird driving around here even and just like the casinos just seem to be getting bigger
Kryptonite says it's not gambling if the game is rigged no it is gambling if the game is rigged at least if it's a game of
Not a gamble
almost every
Way to gamble is rigged well
It's not always house ring. Oh, okay, okay, but the scales are definitely
Leaned on well. What is the definition of rigged so like you are to lose without?
Expecting you are to lose
Rigged means that no matter what you do the outcome is ultimately up to the machine so something like
slot a slot machine is
Rigged it will only ever pay out based on
Profit margin what it's like what it's supposed to do, but like roulette. There's too much chance involved
So even though the house is gonna win over time the odds favor the house
But there's actual odds whereas it the fact that anybody puts money into a digital slot machine wild at least if it was a
Mechanical like an analog slot machine you know why they want digital slot machines guys
Easier to control the outcome hello. Yeah, but an actual they still they still to be clear with mechanical ones
They still control the outcome yes
Easier when it's digital yes
So so the the example in the one that I watched
He proved that that one where the light goes around the thing and you have to press the button oh
It's not a game of skill. You can actually change the programming in the game
He found the manual he dug up the manual somewhere, and you can just dial in how much you want it to
payout in tickets
That's annoying. Yeah, cuz I always felt like no
I was pretty sure I got it and so he made a thing that within point zero one
milliseconds within one millisecond would press it at exactly the right time he made a robot and
It would just it would just make it go past
Yeah, it was like no more accurate than if they just hit it themselves because at the end of the day
It was not about how accurate you were it was just about how much it wants to pay out. That's so frustrating yeah
Someone says a slot machines apparently have payout requirements and are in fact random so great. Why aren't we regulating?
Children's games the same way, it's it's wild to me also man. I don't know I
Don't know with how with how much skis there is in the in the casino industry
I'll believe it when I see it
I'll believe that I'll believe that a slot machine is actually working exactly as it's supposed to be I'll believe who?
Ever was supposed to check it didn't get a payout for sure when I see it. I don't know man
I just I'm not much of a tinfoil hat conspiracy theorist kind of person in general
But when there's that much money moving around
I'm sorry. I'm just not gonna put my money in the slot machine. It's not gonna happen yep
It's so boring too, I don't understand
That's that's like a preferential thing. I guess but like wow yeah
If you want to throw throw away money to like see flashing lights and stuff just play peggle. Yeah
Valve finally big enough to be sued by immersion
Immersion corporation has launched a patent lawsuit against valve over the Steamdex touchscreen and rumble feature
Immersion began developing touchscreen and haptic feedback technology in the 90s
But since the 2000s has primarily become known for its many lawsuits in
2002 Microsoft opted to buy 10% of immersion rather than fight their suit
While Sony had to pay immersion millions after losing a suit over the vibration feature of their controllers
Apple Google Motorola and Fitbit have all settled with immersion while meta is currently in litigation
The Steamdex notably doesn't use the same rumble technology that Sony lost over ERM actuators
One of the few major gaming companies that hasn't been sued by immersion is Nintendo whose rumble pack technology predates immersion's patent which
Raises questions like how did immersion get a patent on it, but anyway immersion did not sue valve over the Steam controller
Though this is most likely a reflection of valves growing popularity and success
discussion question should valve take this as a compliment I
Mean I guess that's one way of looking at it
I'm sure they would rather just not have to deal with this lawsuit from a patent troll it's so frustrating
How much innovation gets squashed by this crap?
Hate it what I don't hate is
announcing the OC based
OCC t 20th stableversary
It's a stability testing software that's been around for a while they're celebrating their 20th anniversary dubbed a stableversary
They've revamped their site and software and to celebrate they're hosting a giveaway with total prizing valued at 10,000 u.s.
dollars you can win all-in-one coolers cases motherboards fans racing sim equipment OCC t licenses and a GPU and
LTT store is sponsoring some of the prizes for the giveaway with screwdrivers tech sacks and backpacks
Go to oc base.com slash stableversary to enter the giveaway, and I think that's pretty much it for the topics this week
We had a couple other things we were kind of thinking of talking about oh the Asus router issue
So that was bad
Asus what pushed like a firmware update or something like that that basically knocked every Asus router offline a security update
As far as I know I didn't dive super deeply into it, but yeah sick. Yep. There's some like nerd drama
Between nerds yep, you know what I don't feel like talking about that. I'll talk very
Shortly about the overwatch 2 thing oh yeah, so
What's up with that you what you just promise a campaign and then just never deliver it what you just you know promised
Halo co-op, and then just don't ship it or what like I just who do they think they are
Sorry, but it is annoyingly common
Jeff Kaplan the
Pretty fantastic video game designer. Hopefully hasn't done terrible things. I don't know whatever
Jeff Kaplan announced the single-player
Basically everything Jeff Kaplan worked on was like awesome
So people were really excited have you clarified that this is for overwatch 2. Yeah, okay, maybe not I don't know
He announced it announced single-player stuff and like hero mode and all this other type of stuff going on
With overwatch 2 and they have effectively announced recently that it's a lot of work working on single-player and multiplayer
And they're just gonna keep working on single or multiplayer. Sorry
Hero modes not coming etc. Etc. I don't play overwatch. So there might be some elements of it that got partially there
I don't know
I haven't dove far enough into this story
But I know a lot of the things that people were excited about
They're not coming and Jeff isn't there anymore
So he can't make it happen and that was one of the reasons why it was nice
When he was around was because he would kind of make those types of things happen. So I
Had a bunch of interest in overwatch 2 because it was supposed to have co-op
And this is something that Linus and I have talked a decent amount recently
Where it's like you look at the games that are killing it recently. They're all
single-player games
Basically the ones that I can think of and yet the games industry doesn't want to build single-player experience
We're gonna make a bunch of games as a service we're gonna make all these other things
We want to make a game that you literally play with 100% of your time for the rest of your life one game
I don't want that
I want to play tears of the kingdom and then have tears of the kingdom be over and I want to play something else
I don't want tears of the kingdom to be slightly different if I log out for six months and log back in and it's like
Exciting when you do that because then when the next one comes out, you're like, oh cool
I get to go through a similar experience again. This is one of the reasons why I like
Getting people to play the Titanfall 2 campaign because it's like six to eight hours
Okay, I really do still need to do that
But like I wasn't even trying to rag on you for that
But it's just like it's it's a good like I beat it and then the next night I beat it again
Because I played it on the hardest difficulty
What a chance like this game is worth going through again, right and it was kind of too easy on the on the lower one
So I wanted to amp it up, but humble break. It's actually like the the other people commented as well
They're like regular difficulty is kind of too easy
But it's it's a fantastic game
And one of the reasons why it's so good is because they'll introduce a new fun idea
And then before you're tired of it, they take it away and they give you a new one
They're like, oh you're not quite done with this. Okay. Well doesn't matter
This is mine now you get this other thing and it's it's fun and you get to the end of the game
You're like, wow, that was cool for all its faults. It takes to did a pretty good job of mixing up the gameplay
Mechanics, it was really simplistic because it was kind of designed for relatively casual players
so I didn't really have a ton of fun with it, but I
Played through it and it's one of probably only
Half a dozen games that I've actually played through start to finish over the last few years just because life is busy
And that that really is reflective of how few of these types of experiences are out there
And so I can see why people were so hungry for overwatch, too
I mean part of it too is to Blizzard's credit. They've done a pretty good job of creating characters out of these
Classes that makes sense to have a single player for it
Yeah, it kind of does but I mean, I don't know should we criticize valve for never doing a campaign with the Team Fortress 2 universe?
Like I don't know probably it would have been sick. Yeah, like I don't know
I mean what where's an RTS? Yeah, where's anything?
If you make a game that isn't trash and it has co-op I will buy it
like I just
There's like no options. There's practically nothing that comes out and this is not just true for me
I I will sometimes see when we're talking about something and we're like, ah, we're not gonna do that
It's not a very good idea and you'll see some people in float plane chat be like, I'll buy it
It's like yeah, or I'll watch that thing or whatever right like I'll watch that video and it's like yeah
But we're we're competing against the algorithm
We have to find something that like a huge percentage of people are gonna watch not not a hardcore niche co-op is not a hardcore niche
Everyone I know that plays games literally everyone wants co-op experiences
maybe not to play with me but to play with somebody whether it's their partner or
Just another friend that they like playing games with or whatever and there's like
So few of them. Yeah, someone in float plane chat Michael's like portal 2 is another good single-player games like yeah, but how long ago?
Yeah, it's wrong
We're we're not angry with you
We're angry with the situation the fact that I still recommend people go back and play portal 2 as a co-op game is
Crazy because there aren't a ton of like better newer alternatives
Like what the heck and people will look at games like, you know old Assassin's Creed games used to have like competitive multiplayer. Yeah
And like no one ever cared because why would you far cry had competitive multiplayer
Yeah, like that why and then modern Far Cry has co-op
But just like a bunch of other co-op games the co-op implementation is like so whack
Why can't you just start a new game together like?
Joe and I were playing a game called a returnal
But you you have to like join the other person's thing
So the person that joins in doesn't get the progress. It's only the server host
It's like why why are you punishing people for wanting to play games together?
Stop having weird limitations of when you can play or not because there's like oh you can play Far Cry
But you can only join for one mission
It's like what so my friend happens to be playing a game and I'm gonna be like hey you want to stop what you're doing
And come play with me in Far Cry for one mission and then screw off because you can't keep playing
I don't think I think that was one version of Far Cry
I think in Far Cry later you can keep playing the whole time
But it's just like why are there these weird like just it's it's just like trendiness, right? Like
You you brought up games that unnecessarily had multiplayer one that blew me away was first encounter assault recon
Do you remember that game no fear? Oh, yeah, okay, okay?
So it had multiplayer. I had no idea that games whole shtick was the bullet time thing which
Obviously isn't gonna work in multiplayer, so it was just a super generic
And the atmosphere like the it it's got it, okay
That's one that I would strongly recommend if you haven't played fear go play it
I don't know if any of the other ones were good
I think I might have played fear to I didn't play fear 3 although
I heard that one was good, and I have no idea about fear 4
If there is a fear 4 even is there a fear for fear 3 we know it doesn't matter the point is I played the first
One I really enjoyed it
But yeah, it didn't need multiplayer, and why can't you just make the make one good thing?
And that someone in the chat tagged me and said Call of Duty zombies
I know a lot of people play zombies. I find it very repetitive and boring. It's a preference thing whatever what I don't understand is
Why can't you play the campaign together?
There's other soldiers with you pretty much the whole time
Like what do you mean?
There's no ah man and like it's so difficult to make good multiplayer games and especially when you make them competitive
There's all this like the hit registration issues and netcode problems and all this like crazy not supposed to hit each other than whatever
Who cares yeah the level of like what you have to get to is so much lower for a co-op experience
It should be so much easier if it feels it feels like people are like no no this is a single-player game
You don't get to have my single-player game. It's like. What do you do? Why?
Like come on. I don't know Destiny 2 is good co-op game. Destiny 2 is an MMO
And on that note
Missions, but it's not the whole game. It's not the whole game. No no I know that's not okay
No, we can't do that the new con has co-op missions sure, but it's not the storyline game
They're canned experiences, and they're like weird like speedrun things
Borderlands is so boring
It's just ah it
It's Diablo
It's just Diablo the first person yeah loans. I just the amount of just like looting garbage just
Dragged liked the first one and then they kept releasing it and I was like this is the same game with a new map
Which is okay sometimes, but yeah
People are talking deep rock galactic we tried to play deep rock galactic
I think I just weren't like into it enough. It was pretty deep what about portal to then okay good counter-argument
Except portal to is it is a new whole campaign basically the co-op is a new whole campaign
Which is great because if you played the single-player by yourself, and then wanted to play co-op with a friend now
It's new puzzles. Yeah, that's fantastic the cod if you haven't done it the cod co-op missions is not a campaign
It's just it's like playing
If you are an older gamer, it's like playing red alert or Starcraft on like scenario mode
You just like load into a map and you go, but it's like it's better than literally nothing
But it's still bad
It's still really bad and I was honestly very frustrated because I heard I heard that
It had co-op and I was really excited about it. And then I was so deeply disappointed with what the co-op was
because I was like
As like hyper generic as cod campaigns are
my like
Gushy goblin meat brain still enjoys them. So being able to play them in co-op would be fun, but they're just like no
You can't do that
Anyways, sorry, I'll stop ranting time for one show after dark. Shall we do some rich messages? Yeah, we are
Seriously not going to be able to get to all in this week. I'm sorry guys
There's really a lot and thank you for that. That's awesome
Maybe we could go a little less dark than we have been people are complaining on LMG clips. Yeah, I think that's pretty good
When show after dark
Which well, it's a little dark one show after
Still a still a better show than Twilight. I got it over the banner
There we go. Wait after dark. Nice. Gotta love those nice little touches
Good touch
Another thing too is like not only are we probably not gonna be able to get to all these but a
Huge percentage of these are just gonna be questions about like the new leadership. Oh, yeah, which I'll do a little bit but
Probably not everything. We don't necessarily want to grind on that the whole night. Yeah
We have other things to grind on the whole night. Yeah
It is Dan
Sure if you're not handling sorry if you're not handing over any equity
How do you get Taron to leave Intel who I'm guessing offered large stock options?
Well, Taron wasn't at Intel. Yeah, he was at Dell
as for the compensation of any Linus media group employee, I don't think that's something that I'm going to be
Discussing um
you know, obviously we had to come up with a total compensation package of some sort that made sense for him and
He's happy with it and we're happy with it. And that's how that's how we're moving forward. I mean, there's there's
So many different ways to skin the cat when it comes to compensation when it comes to I shouldn't say
Compensation when it comes to total job satisfaction, right? Like
Don't know. It's really it's really funny. I saw some I saw a post
Just a while back somewhere something like the way Linus talks about hiring passionate people
Sounds like those toxic employers that think that offering a better work environment is a good substitute for more pay
and I was like
Yeah, I guess I am that kind of toxic person because believe it or not offering a better work environment actually does cost money
Actually does result in better happiness
Then necessarily just throwing money at the onto a paycheck
Especially past a certain point like I would say if you're at you know
Barely above poverty level like if you're not if you're not making enough then yeah
You'd probably rather just have the money but I think this is gonna get
Misquoted I mean probably just just yeah, but yes
I do think there is a value to having a positive what I said
What he's saying is there's a value to it. Not that he like pays people less actively because of it
Well, yeah, he doesn't go like oh you guys have snacks. Therefore. I'm paying you five dollars less. Oh, no, that's not how that works
I know. Oh, okay
But my point is yes, I do think there's a value in you know, the it's like it's literally
Half of your waking hours five days a week
Right, like there's there's value in you know
Creating a positive culture where people actually don't mind being there and if you are the type of person
Who looks at that and goes no
I'd rather have my extra 83 cents an hour and be miserable all day, then I'm so glad you're not here
Thank God, you're not here because you sound awful
But I don't like disagree with what is the the baseline of what is being said so yeah reddit can be mad about it
I don't care. It doesn't matter. I go go go beat go there, please
There's so many things that it's gonna be so interesting to just even just mentally ask myself like what will tear anything top
1224 says it's not 83 cents. It's like 10 to 12 dollars an hour. That is a number you completely pulled out of your
What is that? What I said that the difference it would be like, however, I have pulled an arbitrary max
No, not for snacks. Just the difference between working in a toxic workplace and working in one that is like good to work at
You don't know that
I'm going to need training from the CEO. I'm like when to stop a Linus
This is just not gonna go well. Okay cool next time
Linus is there any project that you're especially excited to be able to focus on now that you will have more time loving the content
Yeah, I mean I'm really excited to focus on how we can
You know really find the right balance between making this a good place to work and compensating people fairly
This man's an expert. I knew that would happen
Now mention the nukes come on
Nuke the compensation package benefit of working here is if you're not an on-camera employee you get to spend a significant portion of your time
working in the nuke manufacturing plant
That's it's under the lab. It's physically under the lap
We build another ground the lab opens like this, and then it can trip and then yeah, it's great
Yeah now who's leaking stuff um
Like all the nuclear waste oh, man wow people like really don't understand this
This is wild yeah
Yeah, I said I know I'm feeling the same Luke
Okay, I knew this was gonna happen cuz the way the way
There's every once in a while. You'll word something in a way. That is like
not wrong
But very easily misinterpreted if they don't have the context for it
Which is everyone's gonna do that? I'm not singling you out
I'm sure I do it too, but I just don't get it like do they actually in their heart of hearts?
Believe that when we added snacks we subtracted that from our payroll budget
Do you actually think that I am certain some companies effectively do well? Yeah sure but like those guys
Yeah, but but that I think that might be the component. That's missing
Which that's not my problem. No I understand I understand I understand I understand I understand
I'm just saying when it was happening. I was like this is gonna be bad. I wasn't saying you were saying anything wrong
I just knew it was gonna be bad
By the way you have a new official nickname Luke Newcomb Luke nice courtesy of floatplane chat I love it
All right next up yeah
It's the same one yeah, what do I want to what do I want to focus on oh boy?
By the way your girlfriend sounds very savvy Jacob W
Let him wear the clothes spend as much money as you want on LTT store calm
Labs and writing team integration, that's what I want to see more of I think I kind of talked about that earlier on the show
Okay, we can do another one
Okay, hey DLL a few weeks ago
I lost my lanyard and yubi key somewhere and was not able to find it luckily
I have a backup. What was the most costly thing you have misplaced or lost?
Oh, I lost like a $400 pocket PC back when I was running my painting company
I went to an ice rink
To watch something. I don't know I was with Yvonne. This is like very early in our relationship and
I realized after I left that it had fallen out of my pocket in the bleachers
Which is one of the reasons that so many of the pants on LTT store have zipper pockets because that's
Personally burned me multiple times in the past yep, and did I tell you that the ice rink was in Surrey I?
Don't think so, so what are the odds I got it back yeah
Yeah, cool. Yep. See I went back very quickly afterward. No it's gone
Yeah, so yeah that was and part of it is that I don't know maybe I've lost something more dollars since then
But that was back in like 2005 impact, and I did not have money. I was a student right so
Like if I lost $500 today a that's a lot less money than it used to be and B
I could absorb that
Very easily compared to when I was a student
Yeah, I was pretty rough. I was not happy
Mine, you know how much money I spend on clothes or how often I go shopping back in my dating era
I purchased a jacket. It was a donny a leather jacket
quite nice
It was my favorite model that they had and then when I went and pulled it off the rack
I saw the the model name was Luke, which was kind of cool
And it like fit perfectly you sure it wasn't Chad
It had one of those the like sweater hoods cool and like the style just really suited me really well on stuff
And then I guess one day
Back when I used to live in the basement suite of the house office. I must have left my car unlocked and it got jacked
And I I was like actually really sad because there's very few clothing items that I like yeah people like Luke spent money
Yeah, yeah, there's very few clothing items that I've actually like
Spent money on and we're like really good. How are we this similar in like weird ways?
The story I didn't tell is my second year at CES
to look somewhat presentable I
I treated myself to
It was probably about
400 to
$450 have I told you this story. No. I just know that I know it. Yeah, so so an expensive like wool jacket
Yeah, it was super nice
and I left it in a cab with my leather gloves also in the pocket of my jacket and
Yeah, cabbie definitely never saw that for sure yeah gone. Yeah, that's that's the most expensive garment
I think I've ever bought for myself, and I lost it like immediately
Yeah, I was really
not impressed
Uber's not perfect, but shout out being able to get in touch with the person who was driving the vehicle right away
Yeah, like the fact that it took so because I realized right away obviously
But conveniently well, I don't know the dispatch takes time to I'm sorry they must have taken another fare
No, he didn't find anything, but no way to talk to that person, so they could just be like yeah, not see it
Yeah, hundred percent
Okay, let's throw another one in here. Hey DLL a few weeks ago. I am reading the same question
What it will Taron Tong's role be with video roles?
Will he be occasional host or appearance or will he be primarily behind the camera honed in on CEO duties with the?
Occasional cameo if he's behind the camera, then he's definitely doing the wrong thing. I'm kidding. That's just like
That generally means operating it
But he will be behind the scenes
Yeah, yeah, I don't think he's particularly comfortable on camera
He graciously agreed to come to the roast which I just thought was pretty cool having like
people who knew me both personally and professionally and as a as a
A collaborator, you know like it was nice to have that variety
But it was not something that I think was debt like his comfort zone necessarily so super cool that he did that so I wouldn't
Be surprised if he shows up once in a while
But for the most part his job is going to be making sure that this machine runs smoothly
Been a fan since you were reviewing netbooks at NCIX
What do you think worried you the most during this transition stepping down as CEO?
Worries me most
Uh-huh, I'm mostly worried that I'll just have a hard time actually stepping back and like actually
Letting go of the reins. It's it's a real challenge for me, but I'm gonna do my best with it
Okay, we might have to limit the number of new CEO questions. Sorry. Yeah, I mean these are done throughout the show
Let's see oh
Boy, what have I done to myself?
I'll pick one. I just don't know do the stick locks fit on the RG Ally. I believe so I
Haven't tried okay, but I'm like 98% sure tell you what if it doesn't fit just contact support will get you started out
Hey, DLL from the future any thoughts on Kyle ending bitwit. It's a big loss on the industry any
plans for short colors
Shorts are not moving particularly well
So probably
Not anytime soon, but you know we'll see
Good reviews, but we're not selling a ton of them. I guess people just like buying tops online more than pants
I can kind of see that actually cuz it's easier to especially for guys like tops or just yeah, whatever
It'll probably work. Yeah, whereas shorts and pants can be very very challenging
You got to contain all of this energy power yeah
Yeah, thoughts on thoughts on losing bitwits content. I mean I
Boy, do I talk about that sure why I'm screwed. I'll talk about this so back when Paul and Kyle left
Kyle was the one of them because people had suggested
Oh, we should hire them Kyle was the one of them that I had actually wanted to hire more
I think both of them have done an excellent job over the years both of them have just
I've survived as independent content creators is all you really have to say that's very tough over an extended period of time and
Almost everyone fails, but I always what I what I liked about Kyle was that I I didn't necessarily
Need you know Paul's deeper hardware knowledge from my outside observations
But what I really liked about Kyle was just his raw chaotic energy
Just his the way that he managed to
Inject humor and fun into tech
Like host first tech second yeah, and whereas Paul has always been tech first host second
Which isn't to say he's a bad host not at all and he's hilarious
But it's just a really really different style
And so yeah, I would have I would have loved to you know hire Kyle or whatever at that time
Because I did feel like the tech industry you know would love him and and and and needed him
He's got a really unique voice, and then yeah, it's it saddens me
But also as someone who's going through my own sort of transition right now. I
Get it right is if it's not what your passion is then you have to do something else
I just don't think there's another way around it
Yeah, it it feels like the end of an era in a weird way, but at the same time
he's been through a bunch of stuff recently and
I'm happy that he's taking steps in a direction that he feels good about if that makes sense
And it's not like Kyle's gone
We just have different Kyle. Yeah, which is okay
Did someone is someone asking did I pull sponsorship on Austin Evans's last video?
What I actually am not sure what you're talking about
Well I mean he has a pink car so maybe the assumption is that I had something to do with it, but no
All right hit me Dan sure thing
Let's see oh yeah, I should be finding ones that
Aren't about the CEO how okay this one's fine
Linus hope the new job makes you happy. What do you think the most challenging part of your new role will be?
Finding time
Relinquishing the old role yeah, yeah same answer
I think there will also be a in a similar way to I think I've mentioned on the show a few times
But I mentioned a lot off the show how there's a lot of struggles going from small company to medium company
I think the process changes of everyone working here
Not dealing with you in the same way is going to be difficult
People are gonna have to break a lot of habits like I I have a pretty open-door
Policy to the extent that I can with my limited time so people from every level of the organization
Will come to me and say hey look. I think this is a really really awful decision. That's being made
You know
Do you agree can you do something and we're just gonna have to break that habit
Yeah, I'm just like no
I actually will not talk to you about this you need to take this to someone else's some up to someone else and
We have to we have to trust
those people and if we can't trust them then we have to
Train them or whatever right?
This one here is about LTX which is exciting going to be at LTX this year flying from Alabama heck
Yeah, wanted to see if cosplay is allowed during the show. I'm pretty avid comic con goer
That's a good question. I think as long as it doesn't violate like our security policies like I think we don't allow
Covered faces or replica weapons weapons is a is an issue
But yeah, you'd have to you'd have to check
I the best thing to do would be to contact support on LTX Expo calm
I believe there's also a sub forum on the LT on the Linus tech tips calm forum
That's being monitored for any questions to do with LTX
I'm sure if you were able to send them a picture of it or
Send them a picture of the concept at the very least they could give you a pretty good answer
But yeah, totally people have absolutely come in in costume before and it's awesome. Yep
All right, I'm doing too many things at once and it won't leave
Got this Dan. Hey guys
What is the number one thing float plane feature video or product you wish Linus had not leaked and what were the repercussions?
I usually mind it that much
Like there's stuff that's kind of like annoying
Like you mentioned the the subscription upgrade before we were ready and that like created more work
But it wasn't like it's not like the sky was falling. Like it just created more work. Yeah, I didn't mean to do that
That's something I don't know I can't really think of much else though
I think this would be more of an LTT store thing than a float plane
I definitely caused some problems when I wanted to wear the color block hoodie really early
That's what I'm talking about because I feel like it's more creative warehouse thing
Yeah, cuz we we had a really hard time getting the the dark dyes right up against the light dyes to not run into the
light dyes
And so that product took like another year or something to come out after I had leaked it
So support kept getting messages from people asking like when was this hoodie coming?
I'd say that's probably the biggest problem though is
People just wanting the product more badly and I'm kind of sitting here going that's marketing baby
So, I don't know
But you can also exhaust people by announcing something too far ahead of time. Yes, like skull and bones
But like like the coal bar
Yeah, exactly. So I don't know it's a in general the float plane stuff. It's it's been it's been fine
What defunct company would you revive assuming they would stay afloat once brought back
Defunct I
Assume you mean a tech company of some sort
This is kind of a weird one too because like there have been companies that I would honestly name
But they have been brought back but not
Really with the same Commodore and stuff like that. Yeah, I'm like rare sure
Yeah, are you just like everybody said it's not but it's it's not the same anymore though, right?
Like this one's zombie rare. So like, you know what I say blizzard
Like that I like that a lot that's real good because it's not they're not that I like that they are not blizzard
Yeah, they are
Activision gross king or whatever. Yeah, whatever it is a BK. Yeah, it sucks. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I
Some good suggestions that someone was mentioning you should rename the company now that Terrence who should rename the company NCX to
I'll see I X
Yeah, there's some good suggestions old Sierra mono microprose yeah, I don't Westwood
Pebble I want pebble back. Why is what to be sick?
Voodoo 3d lizard north. I like that
There's a lot of like yeah
But a lot of these the problem is that they were either purchased or or they were brought back
But it wasn't the original team. It wasn't the original spirit is just the name
So it just didn't matter. It's irrelevant. Like the company name is unimportant
So man speaking of things being brought back without the original spirit
I I didn't get a chance to watch the willow TV reboot
Because well, I heard it was awful. And so I didn't bother I just watched the movie
But apparently it's it's already being pulled off of Disney Plus and this is to do with apparently
Avoiding paying residuals and also
Using the fact that they are no longer making money off of it as a way to optimize their taxes. Yeah
Gross oh, yeah like that
The fact that your creative work, however much you know, certain people might like it or not like it
That's that's sort of a completely separate conversation
Whatever your creative work is the fact that for tax optimization purposes
It can just be mothballed forever is
gross, yeah
There's there's shows or movies or something
I don't know which one or maybe both that have been produced and then upon seeing the finished product
They didn't think it was
Not going to make any money, but they didn't think it was going to make enough money and it was better to write it off
Yeah, I think was like Batgirl or something like that. Yeah, there were there were two. Oh, no, there was an even worse one
So that one was finished shooting but not produced, but there was an animated film that actually got
completely finished
like actually completely finished and then
Will never be released I want to say Scooby-doo it was a Scooby-doo sequel that movie is
done and
We'll never see the light of day, which is absolutely
Mind-blowing to me. Yeah
Yep, that's really rough
Did I say Batgirl is it Batwoman out of bat something it's something yeah that one
That one finished shooting and then the Scooby-doo one actually finished post-production because the contract had to be
Completed so people knew they actually knew that they were working on a movie. That would never be released
Yeah, isn't that wild?
Okay hit me
Congratulations Linus now that you're stepping down from CEO
Do you plan to have more time for non LMG stuff any big personal projects in mind badminton center?
Did I confirm on Wancho already that it's 14 courts I
Thought it was 16 14 14. It was never gonna be 16. It was gonna be he's gonna be 7 or 14
Yeah, 14 courts is confirmed super excited. However
that did put me under a bit more financial strain and
The machine vision scoring system is on pause for now
We definitely still want to do some development in the long term
I want to I want it to be just like the techiest wildest freakin cool like badminton gym ever
Sometimes things have to but it's gonna take some time
And honestly the more time it takes theoretically the easier. It'll get anyways. Yeah, which is cool
Pick one at random here already did that one
Are there any vision initiatives or projects that you are looking forward to getting to spend more time on when you release?
your CEO duties
So I guess this is more company related
Wait, isn't this basically the same question? No, this one was more work. The other one was personal. You already said labs. Yes integration
Doo doo doo doo
Hey Linus, are there any skill sets you are looking to learn or improve in your new position? I
Mean we talked about knowledge sharing
Yeah, I think I could do a way way better job of just helping to make our creative processes
more a
little more like dynamic
I think I think that as we've grown and as I've been lighter touch on the
individuals in the creative chain
I've rubbed off on them less and I think that there's sometimes an
unwillingness to
Just do things differently like it used to be I remember when we hired
Max she was very timid and so I I kind of had said I kind of had to hammer into her during her early days
like hey if something sucks you have to tell me and I would even do things like
intentionally do a bad take and ask her if it was okay and
When she'd be like, yes, I'm like, no it wasn't and she's like I know and I'm like, okay
Then why'd you tell me it was good? She's like, I'm sorry. I'm like, look
Look, that's not the point. The point is
You've got to be able to tell me because if you can't tell me then how are we going to make a better product together?
We've got to be able to work together. That means we need communication
I just I don't do that stuff as much anymore. And so I want to spend more time on that
Now we can get in some of the really interesting ones, let's see what else we've got here
Come on where to go
Hi Dan, yeah, Dan XE has stopped working
Maybe it maybe it got removed
Can you give an example of a decision that you made in the past couple years that TT would have disagreed with?
How do you resolve that conflict in future corpus structure?
Oh, I think a lot of our product development direction has been kind of erratic
Thank you for that
Don't think okay. Here's an example. I don't think Taron would have disagreed with the lab
I think that we're very aligned on that vision, but he probably would have I don't know set out a budget for it
Just a thing that Taron might do
Not like completely changed even the not set but kind of expected budget within like a three-month period. Yeah
One building some people no bigger building more people. Yeah
That's how I roll, baby
And but he also I mean he also might though well, that's the thing is the money is still coming from
The organization here. So in theory if he does a good job, the organization will make even more money
Which means even more irresponsible spending we're just gonna write down how much money we're gonna irresponsibly spend before we spend it
Yeah instead of just finding out
After we've spent it and that doesn't mean that it couldn't change based on learning new things
Whatever else yeah, but it will still be written down first and to be clear like Yvonne always made sure I never actually
Did anything that we couldn't afford to do? It's just that Yvonne's a lot more malleable for me
She'll be like, yeah, I really don't know if this makes sense. I'll be like, please
I'll just make more money. It's okay. We'll just spend it. This is a really good idea. I'm pretty sure she'll be like
Okay, let me see that I can do that's that's pretty much the dynamic she's great
Okay, next up Linus with how much you include family on the show hosting a podcast with your wife and building servers with your
Son, have you ever had to debate how much of your personal life should be on the show? Oh, absolutely
I mean I
What'd you do I meant to go new line and I sent a reply so somewhat sorry
I'm gonna interject for a second
Somebody was like what software that you use on a daily basis that you hate and what changes would you make teams?
And oh, I was I was new lining to type teams. I had typed slack and I was trying to get a new line
Corporate communication software in my opinion is in an absolute trash state. It's ridiculous
That I would honestly rather use discord if it didn't have some like weird limitations on it
If there was like discord for business
It'd probably just move everybody to that because like teams and slack are both just so bad like really weird
Basic things and like there's some things about teams that I like more about slack and there's some things about slack
They're like more than teams. I'm not saying either of them is necessarily better than the other
it kind of depends on what style of team you have yada yada yada, but they're just both like I
Just want to send messenger back
Anyway in response to your question, yeah, it's something that Yvonne and I talked about a lot
It's something that I feel like I kind of intuitively
try to
silo I
Think for a long time I was probably just
Posting too much on Twitter because a lot of the time these aren't that's it's not even really like
It's not well articulated which doesn't help and a lot of the time it's just like how I'm feeling in the moment
I think that platform really is designed for people to be their their worst most impulsive selves
So now that I almost never post on Twitter
I'm definitely doing I'm definitely doing a better job of keeping my my personal feelings and my personal life
offline while still managing to be a prolific online personality
For Luke how much emphasis is put on tests and feature flags when rolling out features
I've noticed that as companies get bigger features take longer to develop as testing becomes a requirement
Yeah, we do that stuff are we the best at it no
We've had like pushes in our history to be like, oh we need to add tests for like all the things and then
Like often doesn't really help I don't know
There's a lot of people that will fight very viciously on both sides people that say
Tests are a hard requirement other people that say tests are a waste of time
I think if you're not doing it properly, it's just a waste of time
We have often not necessarily done it properly. There is a time in our history where I think we did a really good job
I don't necessarily think we're doing that now, but what we are doing now is
like QA of the stuff that we're
So we have an internal
An internal platform that developers can use for testing and sometimes we'll like it's been pretty cool
Having other teams in our slack. So like the labs web dev team and even some of the labs local
Developers are in slack with us
So the labs team or the float plane team vice versa will be like hey other people that don't work on this but are also
Developers try to pick this apart see what happens and it's it's useful and then sometimes we'll scale beyond that and we'll have
We'll throw it at another team in the company that is not necessarily technical
But it's useful to have them try to pick it apart
And then we have another layer which is the beta site which you don't have to use anymore by the way users
Because the main site has been updated with all of the beta site features so you can just use the main site now
And I would actually recommend doing that
but we're gonna
Very likely continue to use the beta site to test stuff
So we have a bunch of layers of increasing the amount of users and the type of users that that try stuff firsthand
And that's kind of our preferred route at this point. Yeah, I think there are other honestly
Significantly bigger reasons why large companies move slower with product releases than writing tests
I would personally say but I could be wrong there because I don't have experience at those companies
Guys I'm in high school and my best friend's parents have video cameras to monitor what he does on his computer
Do you think that this is too far? Hope you guys have a nice show?
Okay, sorry. Did you say high school high school? Oh, that's getting pretty old for
I monitor my kids my eldest is
In high school though, I think that at a certain point kids start to need their privacy and that sort of supervision becomes oppressive
However, just because you're in high school or even just because you're legally an adult doesn't necessarily mean that
Your parents don't still know what's better for you sometimes and I don't know everything about their unique situation
I mean, maybe this individual is you know, seriously at risk of some kind of self-harm
for example
You know without getting into too much detail
I knew someone when I was in high school who spent time on like
pro anorexia forums and stuff like that and
You know, I think that it would have been in their parents and this person's best interest even though they were
Well advanced into their high school years to monitor that and prevent that if they in any way could do that
That's a community that someone with body image issues doesn't need to be participating in that is objectively true and
I wasn't listening to most of this. You just said it's objectively true and you're talking about body image issues. So I'm hoping this is
Brace for impact look in your experience. Has it ever gone? Okay
Yeah, yeah
It definitely has it goes. Okay the vast majority of the time
but yeah, I don't know there's
one thing that I would consider is
Your your kids are probably not like, you know stupid
So if they really want to get around it, you're telling them that you're watching them with a camera
So they'll find another way the makeout corner in the basement specifically doesn't have a camera pointed at it
We just assume it's gonna be a makeout corner at some point, you know that that spot under the stairs
Ah, that will almost certainly be a makeout corner because you'll be able to hear anyone coming down the stairs and quickly
Assemble yourselves. Yeah
Kids will be kids. Yeah, so like you have to understand that to a certain degree
It's it's tough because I've thought about the situation of like
Growing up in my house was harder for that type of stuff than most of my friends because my dad was always been technical
Yeah, and that's got to be rough for for your kids as well. Like good luck
So like I don't know but what I really want is to not have to supervise them. So that's the foundation
We're trying to do now is like hey
if you do something you shouldn't the best course of action that the
The best time to tell me about it was then the second best time is now the worst time is not yet
You know, they all of my kids know that
If you do something wrong, you're in a bit of trouble
But we love you and we'll figure it out if you lie about it you're in a lot of trouble and
Trust is hard to rebuild
And so that's that's really the way that we try to message everything and the hope is that
We can build a strong enough foundation where they just kind of go. Okay. Yeah, it's actually a much better path
To just talk about these things rather than waiting to be found out and we've found out enough things through just being watchful
that hopefully we've created
enough of a pattern for them to recognize that
It's not actually worth it
and it's better to just
Talk about it
hopefully, I mean who knows right like
People are people are imperfect people are messy people life is messy, right?
I don't I don't know where my kids are gonna end up
I obviously hope for the best and sometimes you have to figure out things on your own
So like but this comes into the like you're talking about like, okay, we monitor now, but he's not in high school yet
There's certain things about
Yourself about how you are positioned in life about the world that you're gonna want to
Dive into discover do research on whatever on your own
So that it feels more organic and so you can come to answers on your own. So that'll happen eventually but like
There's yeah, there's also people that go down terrible paths like you're mentioning so like I don't know it's tough
Yeah, and it's it you can't prevent it these days like I mean we've got people in the chat
Like like porn blocking it's like good luck. Oh, yeah that like doesn't matter. Yes
Utterly irrelevant you're far better off just meeting that head-on. You'd have to block the internet like it's literally everywhere. Yeah, man
I was I thought I think I'd mentioned this on wench a little while ago
But I was on Twitter looking at just like some utterly unrelated hashtag. It's like whoa, that was hardcore pornography. Yeah, like
Just just like that and you can kind of go. Okay. Well don't have the Twitter app
yeah, but it's like it's on the web so you can just access it through a browser and
That's just that's just like mainstream
I couldn't possibly hope to block every site that just has pornography on it
Like you said, I would just have to block the internet
YouTube I'll just be a run. I'll just make my own internet
You wouldn't be able to have any of the platforms that you do business on accessible from your house
Yeah, there's some pretty wild really any of the music videos on YouTube and stuff. I was like
Just for real right now
They're actually licking alcohol off breasts like I
Believe that's been a trope in music for a while, but I think it's getting like more
Less covered up. Yeah, Lee it feels yeah
Such a parent way of saying that
The girls in a music video sure
Put some clothes on for God's sakes yeah anyway, sorry
Hi DLL hypothetically if the new CEO wants to stop the wan show for whatever reason how would you resolve that conflict?
Stop the wan show
well, I think we would sit down and look at the numbers and
You know here's that here's that dashboard
I'm not supposed to leak and there's a number for you
I think if the new CEO wants to take down the wan show he's got another thing coming also
Yes, I've done 630 merch messages today nice. He just doesn't care. He doesn't care we can
Set up these like certain like don't don't reference this thing don't talk about this thing don't show this thing
It doesn't matter at a certain point
I almost wonder like would we be better off just like not even telling him not to do certain things
Because like I feel like it's it's almost like oh, that's a fun button to press and it's like darn it
What no cuz he knows it upsets you this is what I'm saying. That's my whole point so stop getting upset
You're just giving a positive reinforcement. He's like a cat
No, it's not time to play right now. Oh, you're gonna scratch up the curtains is that gonna get you to play with me
It's your fault look you're the bad parent yep
Okay next next one next one next one all right same sort of vein
You've been doing the wan show for quite a while. Do you see that wan show outliving you two as hosts?
You know for a long time we tried to have other people host the wan show and it's okay
but I
think the wan show has
Changed from then and has become less of what it used to be like it used to be called weekly analysis and news that was
the joke is
It was the wan show because it was no analysis of news. Oh, it's weekly analysis and nukes on a wider
So you get for showing the dashboard and I thought it was really funny because the name of our show was essentially just internet show
Cuz it's a wide area network show yes, so it's become less of weekly analysis and news
We've actually formally gotten rid of that name, and it now is just internet show yeah
It's internet show with Linus and Luke. I think that if we really had to
one of us could continue it without the other, but I
Honestly, I feel like to be weird. I feel like even if I
stepped back
significantly like in terms of time I
Would probably still want to do wan show
because it's just it's basically us just like shooting the which we would do anyway and
It's immensely
Profitable these days like wan show made no sense for a long time
Oh, yeah complete waste of time
but we did it because the community seemed to like it and it's always been fun for us and
nowadays with merch messages
Wan show is like awesome. It's a it's a huge shot in the arm for
for LTT store
It's a great way to promote other initiatives that we have going on whether it's like whale land party or ltx expo or
Company labs or whatever yeah, it's it's it's
It's kind of awesome right so if someone were to come to me and say yeah
We need to get rid of wan show I'd be like justify yourself
Right like the burden of proof is on you now because wan show has been working pretty well for a long time
I don't think Taryn would be stupid enough to do that fortunately so we'll never have to have that conversation
but it would it would it would raise serious questions for me about the
That the competence of of an executive that came to me and said look. I think we need to get rid of wan show I
Mean yeah, I caused some PR uproar or whatever else, but you know what they say no publicity is bad publicity, right?
It feels less true these days no wait
Unless you get actually canceled yeah
I I don't and I think I
Think it would be pretty hard to actually cancel me because you'd have to find something actually
cancelable that I've done and I
There's there's there's not a house of cards reference by the way, though it would have been very funny. Oh
It's been a long time since that show
Was I gonna say I?
There are creators that have been what I would call like half-canceled
yeah, we're like they're still around, but they're like a
figment of what they used to be a
Immediately yeah
What does that mean?
Figment yeah, I think it's just like an imagined like a portion or something like I think you're looking for like fraction
Oh, I definitely was yeah, just now wondering
A figment is something formed from imaginary elements there you go. Yeah, so that doesn't really work, but yeah
Hey people talking about like how
Detrimental the backpack warranty controversy was it wasn't I don't think it was it like that's that's the thing that
Like is that the objective numbers were that there was a lot of highly visible outrage
But in the grand scheme of things the impact was actually nothing
So like I just I
Don't know I it's not that I'm trying to be dismissive people's feelings about it were valid
And I did not do a good job of communicating it there were definitely errors
But from like a business impact standpoint if someone were to come to me and say oh good heavens
What if a trust me bro happens again? I'd be like yeah, and
Yeah, then we'll we'll address it and we'll fix it and everything will be fine
Just like we always do yeah like that's our whole. That's the whole trust me bro guarantee. We'll figure it out
We always do we deal with some pretty mega fires here
Yeah, that was nothing unless the actual sky is falling like we'll be fine
Yeah, I'm far more concerned about what has appeared to be a significant algorithmic shift at YouTube in the last couple of weeks
We're we're seeing less sort of benefit from top performing videos for the rest of the catalog
Compared to what I'm used to like if I look at the last 60 minutes right now of
It one oh man Wow
This is amazing the top four and five number four and number five most viewed in the last
60 minutes here. Oh, no. This is 48 hours
Okay, let's look at 60 minutes. Yeah top one and three is this wan show and last week's wan show. How is it even?
Possible that last week's wan show is in the top three most viewed in the last 60 minutes
How is it even possible that in the top?
15 number 14 is a
Previous wan show from like a month ago or something like that
What is going on with VOD discoverability right now
So I've been I've raised this to YouTube
But basically videos are coming out
Not even performing badly necessarily. We've had a couple bombs in the last little while one of which really shouldn't have been a bomb that server
or video
Redoing the server room or whatever it was by every possible metric that I can access click-through retention
Like dislike ratio really strong engagement. It was all hyper strong the video simply didn't get served and
Far as I and oh, this is another really interesting one the I'm stepping down video had basically
Knock-on effect for the rest of the channel, which is not usually how that works when someone watches a video
It's supposed to start recommending similar content, especially from that channel
That's a video that got four million views or something stupid like that in a day
And it's had
No impact whatsoever on back catalog viewership. That's definitely broken
Is it unique to us? Is it something that's changed overall?
I don't know but you know, you have to flag these things and kind of go. Hey, this doesn't make any sense and
That's not to say that I'm just gonna you know whine about low viewership, obviously
we're just gonna do our best to make the best content we can every day and
We're not gonna we're not gonna we're not gonna go down without a fight
But when there's
Anything that looks like this or
Like this always makes me suspicious. I also report it to YouTube when I feel like something unnaturally positive happened
Hey for some reason
We are swimming hard with the current right now
like this was a kind of a crap video and it had almost no impact on the overall viewership of the channel like it just is
Hard right now
Just it just makes no sense
And these algorithmic shifts they happen they happen all the time, right? Like you'll go from
Uploading a sponsored showcase that gets a million and a half views to uploading an absolute banger of a unique
creative video that gets 1.1 right like it's all over the place and
Yeah, we'll figure it out
Mr. Fu drama says my recommended videos past few weeks have been of zero interest to me
You know, I don't know and that's the thing is that's an individual person even Google's engineers though
Don't fully understand how their recommendation machine learning engines work
That's kind of the nature of it. They feed it what they want the desired outcome to be and it shifts it morphs
Okay, nighttime astronaut says YouTube is definitely moving against older videos Zeph rank animal facts posted about it this week, too
That doesn't definitely mean anything. It could be niche specific. It could be creator specific
What I do know is that live is
Handled differently algorithmically and so the fact that all of a sudden live streams are just dramatically
Represented in recent in recent views like this recent the last 60 minutes should be predominantly videos
We just published because they won't have
Dropped off as much yet
the fact that of these 15 one two
Three four of them are live streams is
When's the last time we did a live stream other than wan show?
Why is it that some stupid live stream building a computer from four weeks ago is getting more videos right now in this or more?
Views right now in this moment than a video we published like four days ago
That should be literally impossible
Especially if that video from four days ago has much better engagement much better retention much better everything. You should be feeding them something good
But just because they they are completely different search and discovery teams
They behave really differently, and I can't I can't explain it
Okay here we go another one hey dll
I appreciate how much work the team does to create great content all year round has LTT labs always been one of the end goals
Or vision for LTT or when did that really come to be?
And the five-year plan was like me and some bros making tech videos and hopefully we can all get paid a living wage
We talked about that a lot. Yeah, I had no idea I
All that's totally all if I had to be a chief vision officer obviously
Yeah, I mean it's a vision for six months out. That's good enough for us
Hi all Linus. What's the best memory? You've made with your tycan thus far?
How about the one where I was actually able to drive it
It's been in the shop for like three weeks the first two of which they couldn't even be arsed to give me a courtesy car
I got into it one morning, and it just said like battery error or something
I don't know I took a picture of it and basically send it to the dealership, and they're like yep needs to be towed
And then I heard back you know relatively quickly I guess to their credit
That no, I would not be getting a courtesy car because they would rather give me nothing then give me something that isn't a Porsche
So have them on hand yeah
Okay, sure I imagine being that far up your own butthole
That you would rather say you to a customer then
And then I heard back that they apparently do not have a it's a bad cell
And they do not have a single replacement cell on the entire fucking continent
So they need to bring one in from Germany and the ETA that I was given after the diagnosis was three weeks
Which I think were I don't know two weeks into or something like that
I'd all these don't take these numbers as you know gospel truth or anything like that, but yeah, I've been driving the volt again, so
Good job good job Porsche great experience
You definitely shouldn't have replacement parts on hand to fix your cars. That would be stupid
You know what's really crazy about like my old car
It just always works
Yeah, it's always fun. I mean it's a Honda. Yeah, so like yeah, what do you want a cookie?
Yeah, I want my toes a cookie so you are smart shopper yes
How would past Linus back when you all worked out of one room react to what LTT has become today
What would he think about screwdriver backpack labs and all of that? Oh, I'd be mind blown
I'd just be in like geek heaven. Yeah, I'd be like wow I want to work here what I'm doing right now sucks
I have to be in the same room as Luke I
Think I'd be really surprised and also not surprised at what I'm doing. I'd be like wait really
I stayed here for that long
That's actually not too surprising to me
once we like I
Bounced around jobs a lot when I was growing up, but I think that's pretty normal like you do a different job basically every summer
I had tons of random odd jobs and stuff like that, but once we started on this road
I was like yeah
This is what I want to do something in this realm is what I want to do, and I've known that for like a long time
Like we had conversations like a really long time ago. Well. I was worried
It would be a retention problem. He looked it
Yeah, cuz like what were you gonna? Do just be like a script assistant forever like that wasn't gonna. That was weird
Yeah, yeah, it didn't make any sense
What the hell are you thinking?
Still don't have an answer for this, but like I saw something. I don't know yeah, I was pretty confident
I'm glad you didn't imagine it cuz it could have easily gone the other way
It's like Yvonne her bet on marrying me not a good gamble. I wouldn't I wouldn't tell my kids to make the same bet
Like your parents were right you were insane
The fact that it worked out is not a testament to your incredible
You know
Divination skills yeah, you were an idiot and got like well see I don't
Hundred percent agree. I don't know I feel like that sometimes
I feel like that sometimes to be fair
But I don't think it's that simple is what I think I'm saying because the team that we had were all insane
And when you have a group of insane people that are all at an age where they are able to put in
Infinite energy
Yeah, sleep for like two hours
And then get up and keep going and all this kind of stuff you can make some pretty crazy things happen and like that let
first CES era level of effort
if I look at a group of people that has that level of effort and that like it's never questioned willingness to input it and
They're on a path of a new type of platform or or thing that people are using that is like
Clearly trending to be the norm of how people use stuff. I bet on that again. Yeah, but clearly trending is like
YouTube was going to be a thing. Oh, yeah
Yes, guaranteed at that but
Okay, guaranteed is such a big word in tech online video was going to be a thing
But we could have easily made the wrong bets what if we had bet big on periscope
Yeah, right we could have but you see you stunted our growth at the very least yes
But I don't think it would have killed us you see like a lot of the big vine creators
Everyone just ends up on YouTube a lot of a lot of the big vine creators a lot of the big
Periscope creators don't know how many of those there were a lot of the big whatever's
We're able to transition over to another now a lot of twitch creators have made it over to YouTube
I think YouTube is still people see the endgame the endgame. Yeah, sometimes there is a hit for sure
But you see like the Paul brothers
Yeah, they came over to YouTube from vine. I think and then just exploded. Thanks for that vine
Yeah, like it's it's not the it's not the end of it
So I don't know when I see that level of like passion level of investment level of like complete disregard for basically
Everything except for like push forward as hard as you can
In an industry that is like clearly growing and extremely quickly yeah, I'd make that bet again
So like no, I don't know exactly what I saw, but I saw the team and that was kind of enough
Howdy y'all with the new move to the CVO position
How have you prepared yourself to have an answer to a supervisor after being the CEO for so long?
What happens when there are disagreements? It's gonna be really hard. Yeah, I haven't had a boss and like as long as my
Children have been alive
I mean
In general, I think my management style is pretty let's try to reach a consensus
I'm probably right because I have more experience in this than you do
But it's not my job to just say I'm right and then go forward because then
We've basically we've basically splintered at that point and to come back together
We will have to we will have to undo this this damage that's been done
And if we continue to splinter we continue to
Go further and further on our separate paths in terms of our understanding of what's best for the company then eventually becomes irreconcilable
right, so
What I like to believe is that I try to reach a consensus and if we can't I
Try to evaluate you know what the risk is of doing it the other way
If it's not super high allow failure allow failure, yep, I
Try to or if not just the risk or I try to also evaluate how
how staunchly each party believes in their particular path forward if if I can if I'm getting the vibe that they're kind of
60% on it and I am
99% sure then I might say okay
You really don't seem to have that much conviction
I think we should probably just do it this way or if they are adamant and I'm
Honestly not that sure then even if it is moderate risk. Maybe we do try to do it that way
It's kind of how I've always tried to do things
I'm not always perfect at it
But I'd like to think that I'm well prepared to continue to manage like that and be managed like that
Hey Linus, we're all putting a lot of hope and trust in the CEO since he was your boss
Can you share something that he taught young Linus that left a lasting impact? Oh
And he was really good at sort of
You know pushing me to get stuff done
Don't don't agonize over you know every line on a PO
The big picture is you know making sure that everything's everything's getting done on time
You know it's it's a it's a huge part of our of our corporate philosophy these days is ship something right like get something out
There and you can always iterate
but don't just stand still I
Wasn't always I
Wasn't always the best when it came to honesty and integrity. I've always been like a hustler a boundary pusher
And I'd say that you know one chat in particular that Taryn had with me early on about
Some company gear that I requisitioned that probably shouldn't have
Really set me straight on that you know he he
He found he found out I was like using something that I shouldn't have been using because there wasn't really any
Financial justification for it for the company. I was just I wanted to play with it, and he was like
Hey, no one else knows about this
He didn't rat me out. He just kind of sat me down and talked to me about it, and I really appreciated that
No, it wasn't a swing line stapler, but good joke I got that reference
Okay, so that's all I've got for curated so shall we start going through some of these potentials
Okay, I think I'm gonna go straight from the bottom. Hey all for career growth
Do you recommend linear growth or diagonal growth between areas?
I am finishing university this year and work in tech stability of income and maximizing income seem to be at odds I
Don't think there's any one right answer you kind of have to do something that you want to do
I mean this comes back to what I was saying earlier
Maybe my philosophy is that you should make a place. That's you know great to work
And that that has a value
Because that has a value to me. I I would pass a certain point obviously you need enough money to
Survive, but past a certain point. I would rather go do something that is not soul-sucking even if it means less money
Unfortunately I found a way to
Turn my passion into something into into more money
But you'll never do that if you don't pursue something you're legitimately passionate about
But anyone can end up in a dead-end job anyone can make a mistake
Whether they go vertical whether they go diagonal right like I had a family member who was you know
It's a classic story right middle-aged man
Been doing the same thing forever and that industry
declined and they just became utterly unemployable and
whether their experience was
broad or narrow
That's a thing man, that's
Yeah, there's no such. There's no such thing as a stable job. I mean just look at the rise of AI right oh
Jobs, we thought were safe for another 50 years are all of a sudden at risk in the next five years
there's a there's a fun thing going around where people are talking about like
We always knew AI was gonna take our jobs, but we were hoping it would take the like
Rough jobs that no one wants to do modern AI is sitting here
Making art and music and all these like creative endeavors that are more fun for people and it's like this gross
Another thing I would mention about what you were just talking about is to not get complacent I
Think making just enough money to be fine
So deciding to not really worry about skill development or anything else because you're like okay right now or whatever
Is potentially attractive because it takes less energy and whatnot
But is a really really bad idea if you look at
The modern
You know
How much people make over time versus how much costs are going up over time that is not a fun
Scenario to be in so you got to try to keep pushing
Try to learn new skills try to diversify your your portfolio of skills so that if
AI automates your job, or if if your industry becomes irrelevant for different reasons or whatever else
you can kind of go with the flow a little bit easier and
Also try to seek
Excellence or specializations in some of those fields so that you can have career advancement
To keep pushing keep pushing further because life's hard
Linus with you being a lifeguard in your past
Did you know or how do you feel about the minimum age for lifeguarding possibly being lower?
Sounds like a cost-cutting measure to me
Did you know that in BC we used to have a what was called a training wage?
Which was a lower minimum wage for?
Workers who were just entering the workforce. I think it was your first. I forget how many hours it was
But it was it was a lot. It was not insignificant number of hours
But our minimum wage was eight dollars
I think at the time and the training wage was six dollars or like six dollars and change
and this was like
Not that long ago. I'm not talking six dollars an hour in
1975 I'm talking six dollars an hour in like 2004. Yeah, I had multiple of these yeah, so
What I assume is that this is just a way to bring in
Younger less experienced people so they don't have to pay them as much and
I will also say that I don't think that most people are physically developed enough
Under at 16 is the age here so under 16
You're you're telling me that some 15 or 14 year old is gonna pulse like somewhat some deadweight
Passed out person out of a pool. Are you kidding me?
I mean Luke, and I have talked extensively off-stream about things like standards for firefighters and
Like cuz is it is it known what cold SC is up to these days, or is it like I?
Don't think there's any issue with talking about it. Yeah, my my brother
Has been trying to become a firefighter for a long time. It's a very difficult thing to get into
Some amount of that is like need to know the right people which is unfortunate, but that's true for a lot of industries
But he got in yeah, but some firefighting
But some part of it is also just like
The fact that standards have been have been
adjusted to make it easier for certain people to get into firefighting which
Inherently makes it more difficult for other people to get into firefighting and you know without
Without putting myself. You know at risk of being canceled here
If someone if I'm like passed out in a burning building from smoke inhalation
I want the hugest most like jacked dude to be whose job. It is to come in and get me
No question, and if you're gonna relax these standards for carry strength and stuff like that
You better have a really good reason the yeah that I don't I don't care whatsoever about
Yeah, I don't think the requirements of what you can do
Should should change, but I don't care who the heck it is yeah
100% don't care
But you better be able to like get me out of there and not just me like that's the thing is when it comes to safety
Dude as like person yeah, but some people are gonna interpret that as
Sure, so he doesn't care. What gender the person. I don't care about anything other than whether it's me or like Luke
I'm a big boy. You got to be able to you got to be able to move the hoses
Have you ever actually tried to like carry a firefighting hose? It's really hard like for for real
And those are but those are standard like I don't decide how much they weigh they just weigh how much they weigh
I don't decide
How how how hard it is to you know perform CPR on someone if you don't have the physical stamina to do it
Then you ought not be a lifeguard
They like I don't know I talked about this a fair bit at some point
I don't know if it was on WAN show
But the moment the wake-up call for me when I realized that no not everybody
Can do anything they want not everybody can do any job
Was when I wanted to be on the rowing team and they wanted me to be a coxswain
And I wanted to row and one of my friends bless his heart. Thank you for your brutal honesty was like
Are you kidding me? I'm like six two, and I'm barely tall enough to be a rower, and I'm like oh
No you actually can't just do anything you want and sometimes there are actual
Requirements of a job or of of a role that are not flexible
And to me no being able to carry someone out of a building is just sort of a requirement if you want to be a firefighter
Shout out firefighters by the way, and I'm just reiterating. He was using dude in a gender neutral. I call everyone dude
I literally call my wife man
She denies it or she denied it until I proved it. I was like yeah
I call you man all the time because we were having an unrelated conversation
And I was like yeah, I just call everyone man now because it's just easier
I say she's like you do not and I'm like yeah, I do she's like no you don't I'm like I do it to you
She's like no you don't and then
She was like you totally don't I'm like yeah, I do like security
And then and then I basically said okay. Tell you what
I'll point it out next time. I do it because I don't even think about it, but I'll try to think about it
I'll point it out next time. I do it was like two hours later or something
We were on the way home. I was like yeah, I don't know man. It's just like a weird thing and I waited
Two three four five steamboats hey there. I just did it. She's like what I was like I called you man
She's like oh, yeah, you did didn't notice at all like yeah, of course not who cares
Yeah, I just I know someone's gonna try to run with it, so I was just trying to re clarify
Okay, I got a couple more here to go
Hey DLL with every TV manufacturer or Google TV putting more and more ads in their software are there any good self-hosted
HTPC interfaces actually can I back up for a second? Oh?
But yes the solution is so people are talking about like lifeguards and stuff still in the chat the solution if you can't find enough
People to meet the standards is to pay more
Yeah, that's the actual solution anyway. Oh my god. That's a great take
or or
Make it a kick-ass job
Lifeguard snacks
Okay, don't talk about that anymore
Hey deal with every TV manufacturer Google TV putting more and more ads in their software the buildings about to alarm itself
Are there any good self-hosted can I do this at the same time?
HTPC YouTube Netflix MB plex etc rip windows media center
Man I don't know I mean you you talked about plex already, but I don't think plex like integrates your
Netflix account or anything I'm not really sure quite what you're asking. Did you disable it? I think so
I will go it's it's I'm doing it. No. It's doing it mines doing it. Okay. I mean it's still beeping yeah
Think so I mean what do I know I'm not even CEO anymore. How am I supposed to not arm the building there?
We go it's good I
Don't know I use plex. It's alright
And last one I've got today. Hi lld over the years of wan shows
I have heard nods to many leadership models eg Simon Sinek
Infinite game what leadership minds have inspired you what philosophies have you invented not gonna lie?
I have no idea what the fucking talking about. I'm so happy you feel the same way I
Read this and I was like oh boy
Hey, I assumed that you would I've read some books that Wendell recommended me and none of them have mentioned that but they've been
Great books. Thank you very much Wendell
I am excited to go to Computex and hang out with Wendell so he can tell me more things
I read some of the innovators dilemma
most of which I
Had pretty much kind of figured out there were some sort of oh, yeah, okay like moments in it
I read good to great. I think or like some of good to great which
really only seemed applicable to public companies and like
Maximizing shareholder value a lot of times when I read those kind of books. They're either like yeah
And obviously yeah
Or it's like like you're saying maximizing returns for shareholders or like some type of thing where it's like this isn't how we work
There's more to greatness than just selling your come maximizing your share price
Yeah a lot of the ones in the tech space are all built around like
Preparing your company to try to sell it to someone else, which is like it's not the goal. Yeah, so for me. It's just like
What gets us best to sustainability?
Yeah, so if you if I have any if if anything I've talked about bears any accidental resemblance to
Simon Sinek, then I guess that shoutout
Shoutout Simon for being apparently awesome, and I guess shout out me for figuring it out, too. I don't know
I'm not sure
cool, though
What if the new CEO will stop you from being who you are typing your response?
I don't know when it comes to business. He like made me a lot of who I am so I'm not too worried about that
He still owns the company yeah that too
and I
Own the end of this show. I'll see you again next week same bad time same bad channel
The CEO will never stop me
We need to do something about that
Okay, that's problem. Oh
You could watch it really slowly