
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

time for some reason the San Francisco server hates our life right now and why
did we have some audio issues when we went live for a second there before why
did we have that well gee it's because someone why are you looking at me oh no
someone knocked our mixer off the table okay okay someone's bright idea was to
glue the power connector into the mixer okay so it falls off the table onto the
power connector which which breaks two of the pins off into the back of the
connector which now have glue all over the place and someone me I'll be you
know clear about who this was I was trying to salvage it by pulling out and
so basically long story short the mixer is okay the input the power input for it
is not so we need a new one so so we had we had some issues there and someone is
responsible for them I you know I don't want to name any names or anything but
that someone would be totally okay with having the whole company transferred
into his name if he's gonna have to be blamed for things that he didn't do he
might as well have the things that the person that did them has I'd be cool
with that so we've got a great show for you guys today in video still has a
shovel but this time they're filling up holes but not like screwing anyone no
like not that kind of filling up they're like planting trees in the holes that
they dug yeah see there they're restoring overclocking to their mobile
GPUs also Apple may enter the car game this could be fun to see would you buy
an Apple car yeah we'll discuss it is your fun to see fun to see oh okay okay
tell them tell them topics Sony is attempting to sell snake oil it's not
going very well for them everyone on the planet has pointed out and no one's
believing them at all so yep also DNA hard drives sound pretty freakin cool
maybe not crazy usable and crazy feasible right now but pretty freaking
cool regardless all right let's run that intro so are we allowed to show like our
logo sponsored by us so are we allowed to show like our own logo on this thing
because I'm not really sure wait are these are these graphics on the they're
oh they're probably on that USB Drive yeah so there's no logos because in
other news this week YouTube no longer allows brand logos in like I can be the
logo okay we'll go back to so this week's show is brought to you by I fix
it by Luke also Linda calm you're much hotter than her and Squarespace wait
yeah that's it is that okay I don't know I think so we go but it's not a title
card yeah it's not a title oh but it's out of focus horrible it's here I
promise you today oh apparently there was no sound at some point other people
can hear just fine so I think it's just someone's got that what's got their
volume muted all right so why don't we jump right into our first topic of the
day in video to restore overclocking in mobile GPUs this was originally posted
by QWERTY warrior are you gonna throw the article in there so basically what
it comes down to and we talked about this last week is in video took out
overclocking from a mobile driver and we discussed this last week in the general
I think we pretty much agreed on all points dick move but you probably
shouldn't be overclocking a laptop probably that was that was kind of the
and I had some people get really upset about me making that statement because
there are laptops that do have beefy enough cooling systems to be able to
handle overclocking just fine a CSG 751 there are some some clever made machines
that definitely have enough cooling and are and are overbuilt enough but it
should be fine but in general in general people shouldn't be overclocking the GPU
in their laptops anyway but basically having received a lot of pressure from
oh I never actually brought up the tech power up link here we tested your so
basically users were super super mad and with its most recent driver update the
company decided to restore overclocking with its next driver update scheduled
for March so you won't have to wait that long and in the meantime you can revert
to the older three forty four point seven five drivers so I guess that's
pretty much all there is to say about that that's two super positive things
I've seen from them in the last little bit are we over GTX 970 vram gate oh
probably not and I've had some users bring up some really good points about
that but I got a sweet update for my shield to help with emulation
performance and they restored overclocking on their mobile GPUs so
maybe they don't just hate their customers after all yeah on the along
the lines of the G huh can I help you oh yeah I can't do anything with that
I'm gonna be USB back in no we can't because there's more USB stuff I don't
don't worry I'll figure it out I'll figure it out don't worry I'll go and
put it in the front yes that would work do you want to do that I left it on top
of the chassis okay in the meantime what was I even talking about you were
talking about Nvidia being so I actually got a oh my god I'm so tired of
everything being called whatever it is and then gate how about break the vram
internet did I make it worse yes I wanted to make it worse that was what I
was going for I was I was I was trying to pretend I was making it better but
actually I made it worse yeah that was my intention so so I actually had
someone PM me on the forum and go well hey hold on a second Linus you said that
even though that memory is much slower that 500 meg chunk of memory is is much
slower it's still faster than system memory but I checked mine and my system
memory is faster and while this user did have like 2,000 megahertz VDR 3 or
something like that like it was some super high-end premium memory and a lot
of users wouldn't be running system memory that's as fast as that chunk it
still brought up an interesting point I mean what about those users whose system
memory is significantly faster than that slow chunk of memory they wouldn't even
want Nvidia's tomfoolery with overflowing into that and you might as
well just go to system RAM and be able to turn it off so I thought that was a
really interesting point and I guess that leads us pretty well into our next
topic here this was posted by this little smooth thing did okay whatever
unless you know what no new policy unless your username on the forum is
actually I don't care unless your username on the forum is an actual name
or word I'm not even gonna try it's a car well I'm not much of a car person so
Nvidia gets hit with a false advertising suit over GTX 970 performance so pretty
much that is what it sounds like some people are mad and claims that Nvidia
misled customers about the capabilities of the GTX 970 claims the last half gig
runs 80% slower than advertised and can cause images to stutter at high
resolutions and cause poor in-game performance and for some reason gigabyte
is the only OEM being named as a defendant so yeah Nvidia declines to
comment about the suit and the lawsuit seeks a jury trial and damages that
apply under California law filed on behalf of all US customers that
purchased a GTX 970 the judge has to approve it as a class-action suit before
it can proceed so lawyers make money and everyone else for $12 in five years yeah
those things are just the worst unless it's for like actually substantial
amounts of money which it never is then it's just the worst where can I help you
did my water go I'm largely just worried that I'm gonna kick it right oh it's
under it's under there okay we're good you won't kick it unless you if you
manage to kick that then you are one talented a kicker I don't see I think
you'd hit your shin here before you could put your foot okay he's look this
this is why I hate this show like pointing at I used the word kick that is
not a kick if you kick like that I'm not playing so I'll play sports with you but
not on your team alright alright alright Samsung sues LG executive LG sues
Samsung this is posted by SSOP on the forum and I love this story because so
this is the pettiest yeah nonsense that I have read in quite some time you want
to go you want to go through what happened here the worst series events
ever okay so what is it LG home appliances chief and two of his
employees were addicted for deliberately damaging Samsung washing machines at
like some stores in Germany yeah yeah then where is it they admitted to it
yeah and then they agreed to pay the damages after some German authorities
were like what and then I think they made fun of Samsung quality or something
yeah they took a potshot at the quality of Samsung products and Samsung was like
you can't launch the formal complaints yeah then separately Samsung display
said that four of its employees were indicted charged with stealing OLED
display panel tech from LG display Co limited charged with illegally obtaining
the information from an LG contractor this is the these Korean rivals over
here are getting I mean they're getting real high school up in this can you can
you even imagine like I worked at a retailer for a long time I'm late even
literally if I like I can't even begin to imagine like our Intel rep okay like
comes to tour a store with us and I turn my back on him for a second and it's
beating up and he sticks a screwdriver into like the cooling fan of like an AMD
computer like that's the kind of stuff we're talking about here oh man that is
some that is some serious like grade 8 9 stuff is chief like it's not even like
some it's yeah yeah it's not some like you know something like a work that
works at that store yeah it's trying to make his products look better like it's
not that no like that's fairly low level and actually like I understand that it's
not even like like a country like a country sales representative who's like
you know trying to probably on a business trip officially in Germany like
if you if you're some vigilante employee yeah like I can see stuff like that
happening like the whole thing with who was it was it Verizon or AT&T or
something where they're renaming customers names to butthead yeah okay
whatever like there we're talking about the actions of one employee for a high
level executive to behave in such a manner as that is just crazy that
reflects a mindset at the company that is just not very mature and whatever
whatever comes of the lawsuits I think this is just embarrassing enough that no
matter how much they're forced to pay in damages for you know ruining someone
else's washing machine they should just be the embarrassment should be worse
than any of that it's probably not that's just what it should be ridiculous
yeah I can't even I was reading through that story and I clicked through the
link being like this isn't gonna be real this isn't gonna be real at all this is
ridiculous there's no way oh it's real oh apparently it was apparently it was
Comcast apparently it was Comcast with the ridiculous it doesn't it doesn't it
doesn't matter because it could have just as easily been anyone yeah all
right so this your favorite topic of this is some serious serious rumor mill
stuff going on here so original article here is from nine to five Mac this was
posted by pit 5000 and we've also got another post from blaze 756 and Apple is
rumored to be entering the car game now this is something this is actually a
debate I had post iPhone but pre iPad yeah with the with the NCIX cameraman
who a lot of people seem to think is Luke but NCIX cameraman was always a
different person NCIX cameraman is a person and then the people who operated
the camera while I was at NCIX all had their own alias it was one specific
person that was the NCX cameraman yeah and he was like the Mac guy and he's the
one that I always had that that Mac banter back and forth with and he was
the one who convinced me to get an iPhone 4 and like all that all that
stuff so so we were talking he goes you know what's Apple's next big move and
not having thought of smartwatches unfortunately I said and I already done
that I'm sorry they'd already done that's true they had already done a watch
but that was right that was that was that was Jonathan Morrison's very silly
video and where he blindsided me with the Apple watch and it was very funny
actually you can check that out it's on TLD today on YouTube but he asked me
what's their next big move and I said I said I car and then I'm I wanna I want
to get this out there again before I get into all the rumors about the about the
Apple car but then my next prediction was I home and he said no impossible
because Apple's design philosophy is that you know it's almost it's almost
early Ford like here is the one color or maybe if you're lucky three different
colors and here are the two models and or you could have last year's if you're
some kind of scrub like that's that's that's that's about all they do and he
goes no no no the car is too personal a thing and and a home is too personal a
thing there is no one size fits all and I kind of went well Apple's whole thing
is they figure out the one size fits like they're gonna have like half of
people for cases for your car and that's good enough and so so right so so the
car so Wall Street Journal reports Tim Cook approved Apple electric car project
a year ago and there are apparently rumored allegedly hundreds of employees
working on it so Steve Zadeski a former Ford executive is leading the group and
Apple is working on something that will quote unquote give Tesla a run for its
money so he was given permission to create a thousand-person team there's
we have to be careful about a lot of different things in this article in my
opinion because every single car company that's trying to make an electric car
it's like we're gonna give Tesla run for its money so like take statements with
a grain of salt they might it's Apple they might it's Apple I mean if there's
something that Tesla is good at its battery and design and just general
attitude and if there's something that Apple is good at and sex appeal Tesla's
really good at sex appeal you know and if there's anything that Apple's good at
it's all that stuff I just listed they're really good at that stuff and
they have a lot of money yeah so although it's funny I was reading
another article not not one that I that I can pull up right now about the the
poaching wars that's going on between Tesla and Apple right now and apparently
Apple is having a hard time wooing people over from Tesla people believe in
the direction that companies headed and believe in musk as a leader so that's
that that's really interesting but anyway so as the desky was given
permission to create a thousand-person team and poach employees from different
parts of the company and and then though this is actually sort of only slightly
related but there are some rumors floating around that it looks like Apple
might want to acquire Tesla I personally those I think it's stupid those rumors
are very baseless they're speculative rumors speculative rumors of some
investor that's probably like if I make this rumor really big and then it
happens I'll be super rich and I'll be it's people will think I'm super cool
and they will want to swim in my pool with me yeah like it's it's not I'll
have a pool it's it's one we could play pool in a pool I would have like I would
have like a floating pool we should tell Lou to install an indoor pool and then
put a make his pool table like take the legs off and put it on a floaty boat
that would be awesome and then you can play pool in the pool pool in the pool
like pool pool play pool in the pool while watching pool so you have like a
TV while you're in the pool too and you can watch pool tournaments while you
play pool in the pool so anyway yeah there's the sort of the speculation here
is that no one else in the world could try to acquire Tesla because they either
don't have the cash and they don't have the ability to give assurances to Musk
that they won't screw it up Apple's design team so a software global
distribution would actually level Tesla up in some ways and that this all may be
the case but I I think I think that Musk is early enough in the Tesla project
that he's not gonna just hand over the reins because it hasn't it hasn't even
begun let's show the cell things that sold to his his two previous companies
but he also seems to get them to a certain point and that was where I was
going it's not there yet it's nowhere near the potential that he probably sees
for it and that many people see for it not even close I think he would want to
get it to a certain level before he'd be willing to say and I think to him like
when you hear him talk about money like 75 billion dollars sounds insane but to
him that might not sound that insane and that might not sound like enough he
values money in a very different way than most people because he's looking at
projects like sending people to Mars where he needs incredible like sending
armies of people essentially to Mars like thousands of people so he needs
incredible incredible amounts of money so his scale is very different to other
people's so he might be looking for a lot more than that he might be looking
for that I don't know speaking of Mars Mars one selects oh sorry about that
Mars one selects one alien and 99 human finalist that title makes no freaking
sense that I've never been able to figure out why it makes any sense it's
just 50 guys and 50 girls no idea why it's one alien 99 humans I dug very
deeply trying to figure that out no no clue okay so basically they have
narrowed it down to 50 finalists of each gender that are gonna be going through
some physical testing and they're gonna be they're gonna be evaluated in terms
of their suitability for you know while leaving behind everything and everyone
they've ever known or loved did I did I mention who this was posted by Roheef
Kumar SP yeah there we go just and I cannot I can't I don't know why it's
like bugging out Oh okay so what else we got for this one so I didn't get
picked did you apply a long time ago I had actually forgotten that I had it was
like well before I started working here because this has been a really long time
coming right so I think when I was at like UVic oh okay like a while ago right
like I don't know how many years but like so they had two hundred and two
thousand five hundred and eighty six applicants and the scary the scariest
thing about this project is this is a one-way trip these people would die on
Mars so they're gonna have to prove that they can demonstrate you're completely
correct but I hate that people are saying that sentence in that way well
they would live on didn't send they would die on earth yes like people are
saying like oh yeah they're sending a hundred people to go die on Mars it's
like yeah what I mean by die on Mars is they're not coming back yeah they would
they would never find out how you know I don't know what's the some show people
care about they would never find out how Game of Thrones ends because well you
can send data it's just be really slow really slow you're not gonna you're not
gonna be sending like Game of Thrones you're gonna be sending much more
important things like 250 by 250 look I see a sword I really appreciate how
cinematically shot this blocky pixel we messes like they'd get pictures of their
family and they'd be able to like essentially email back and forth and
whatnot yeah still still still pretty crazy crazy crazy so there's and they're
not just gonna be selecting people one by one they're gonna have to also
demonstrate their ability to work as a team because you are not gonna be able
to be a lone wolf on Mars I expect that to go real well for you this is not the
way I mean this kind of segues well because we were just talking about Elon
Musk this is not the way he thinks this should be done no not at all I mean a
hundred people is not a colony that's not even that's not even a small town in
central BC for the most part although there are some smaller ones than that
but but that that's not gonna be like a functional society it would I I don't
know I don't know it's certainly cool I wouldn't apply to go but really younger
me did would you apply to go now not from Mars one I'd be much more
interested in Elon's implementation of it right but Elon's implementation of it
is very different than Mars one right so yeah and like I don't know when or if
that's even gonna happen so that's also a completely different conversation it's
it's Elon so I will never say it won't happen right yeah the hyperloop everyone
reported will not happen being worked on yes so there's that yeah so I will
there's no way I'll say it won't happen but it just looks not super crazy likely
right now that's all all right so tech radar has this is a pretty quick one but
basically an investigation into whether we should unplug our chargers at night
this is something a lot of people are really confused about and justifiably so
because the guidance we get from manufacturers you know in the quick
start guide for your new cellular phone emilator this was posted by I have me
yeah I have me on the form doesn't actually tell you what you're supposed
to do and a lot there's a lot of misinformation out there like oh if you
leave your phone plugged in it over charges your battery and ruins it
actually it doesn't any smart charger for any reasonably modern device is
going to trickle charge once it reaches a full charge which while not perfect
for your battery and not actually as good as simply charging it and letting
it discharge to a reasonable level and then charging it again well not as good
as that is not nearly as harmful with a lithium polymer or lithium ion battery
as just continuing to charge it which will nuke it like right like that and
sometimes spectacularly to this lithium is awesome so basically the article
summarizes that the best time to charge your battery is after work so after
you're after you've done the bulk of your use for the day and then before you
go to bed so you can actually just leave it in standby or with your phone off on
your nightstand while you are sleeping that is the healthiest more standby time
and less plugged in time although while that might be the best way to do it I
will never do it that way yeah it's not gonna happen for me never not because I
wouldn't be able to usually just have it plugged in that whole time but because
there's no chance in hell I'm gonna risk my screen turning on and not turning off
and then powering down in the middle of the night not having my alarm going off
yeah for people who use their phone as an alarm clock anything that any habit
that isn't every day so anything I don't do every day I don't work every day I
can't make that a routine but I do go to sleep every day so if I plug in when I
go to sleep like it because the way that I work is on cues yeah so I take my like
I have a medication that I have to take every morning and every night so I'm
supposed to take it 12 hours apart and for a while I was trying to do it like
based on meals I'm supposed to take it with meals mostly for nausea for you but
I eat so irregularly and all that stuff so I'm just like okay I take it you know
16 hours and eight hours apart when I wake up and when I go to sleep and
sometimes I go to sleep pretty late so it's like four hours apart that's gonna
have to be the way that it is fortunately the way that that med works
is it actually doesn't even kick in for a couple weeks because it's more like
it accumulates in your system it's it's not personal or anything so in case
anyone's wondering I'm on hydroxychloroquine brand name Plaquenelle
it's there it's it's for it's for rheumatoid arthritis so I'm not it's not
like it's it's like I just want I don't want people to be concerned people get
really worried about me sometimes it's it's actually he's got the AIDS it's
kind of bizarre no not not that so much how do you know it's not that so much
it's it's like Wow Wow anyway you know what let's just let's this is a topic
that I really want to talk about this is awesome we've talked about this we have
talked about this this one this one was actually sent by a friend of mine so I
we usually quote whoever whoever referred us to it and this was a buddy
a badminton buddy of mine who used to coach me and I had this was back when I
was before I had kids right because he was coaching me to play badminton like
who has time for that um and we would often go I never paid him for coaching
oh this dude yeah yeah yeah Billy so I never paid him for coaching but I would
just buy him food afterwards it was about equivalent to if I was you know
paying you know 14 15 bucks an hour for coaching we go have a meal together and
just kind of hang out we're buddies right so because I have friends so this
one time I'm talking to him and I'm like you know what what if in what like is
our older games really better like our older video games better because I think
they are yeah I think Final Fantasy 6 is the best Final Fantasy ever made is that
only because of the date that I was born and how old I was when I played it was I
was I at that magic many arguments for that where I was old enough to
appreciate that level of complexity and not so old that I was jaded but not so
young that I couldn't enjoy it is and I have to be super impressionable and all
this and that's when that game came out is that why I think it's great and and
he was like yeah probably and I went well no I legitimately think having
played it again later that it is it is legitimately better than the ones that
have come afterwards with some being very good Final Fantasy 7 was pretty
good Final Fantasy 9 was really good and he kind of goes no I think it's just I
think it's just chance so I was like well here's what I'm gonna do my kid is
not gonna be allowed to play the latest video games he's not gonna be allowed to
play whatever comes out when when he's age-appropriate for its release date I'm
gonna make him play older games and then I'm gonna find out if he appreciates
them if he appreciates the older games the same way I do even if he plays new
games while he's still young and has time to enjoy video games because that's
another really big thing too I have a hard time having getting the same
enjoyment out of newer genres like MOBAs compared to ones that I was able to play
extensively as a kid like 2d platformers I because I I can pick up you know a new
Raymond game like that and be good at it in the same way that a younger person
like Luke might be able to pick up a new MOBA or a new MMO and be good at it
stuff that I didn't invest the time into building the fundamental skills to be
good at when I was younger and I had a lot more time the way it is now you know
what's funny is who was it EA was getting a bunch of flack for saying that
their games were too hard to pick up really I can't remember who it was yeah
where they were saying like that the problem with the game with games is that
it's too hard to learn and that's what that's what keeps it from reaching a
broader audience I actually agree with that a hundred percent not because I'm
an idiot not because I don't know how to you know use a controller not because
I'm some kind of a chimpanzee but because I have a really busy life yeah
I'm gonna tangent off a little bit then I'll let you keep going okay you know
what had a really good tutorial which one shadow mordor it did I had to go
through it again because of the thing that I'm doing but I will actually point
out problems with even the shadow of Mordor tutorial for someone like me I
had a hard time getting into shadow of Mordor because I rarely have longer than
about 30 to 45 minutes to sit down and spend with a game at a time so that
means my first play session was basically just the tutorial and then the
next couple of hours where they start to sprinkle things in was split up among
another two or three play sessions so I would be expected to know a mechanic
three hours into the game that I literally haven't touched in two weeks
and that can be hard and you know I can figure it out and there is a legend and
there's you can look stuff up online and all that stuff but that doesn't change
the fact that it makes it less accessible unless drop in and have fun
the way that's something like a racing game might be so anyway this guy did it
and I love this guy what's from this dude or hilarious this guy is a hero oh
my god and and so playing with my son an experiment in forced nostalgia and
questionable parenting the guy talks about like you know experimenting on
children some other thing he wanted to convince his kid that he was living
inside a computer simulation until his wife vetoed the idea but this is
fantastic so I'm just gonna I'm just gonna drop drop away from so the article
here is on medium calm and so over 10 years this guy Andy bio performed an
experiment on his son so this is the quote if you have a kid why not run
experiments on them it's like running experiments on a little clone of
yourself and almost always probably legal Wow you are fantastic
so anyway he didn't buy his kid the latest and greatest games made him work
his way to modern it modernity playing through the history of gaming starting
with 1979 s Galaxian calls it a decade-long experiment in forced
nostalgia and questionable parenting meant to give his son an appreciation of
older or or fruiter games that he otherwise may have dismissed as relics I
mean it's no secret if you drop someone into you know Wow okay and they play
that for a year and then you're like try to appreciate Zork that's gonna be
pretty tough yeah yeah that's true and and and the dad didn't go quite as far
back as text-based games because even even for you know a pretty sort of nerdy
kid that that kind of thing I've done it's probably gonna be a little tough
but if you're young you know if the idea was to start him young playing games
like if you're like a five-year-old I don't think you're gonna get much
appreciation from a text-based game so so anyway the the result was that his
son became very good at old and more difficult video games so there's another
quote from the article Elliot just beat the first Zelda entirely by himself I
only helped by showing him a map of dungeon 9 that's my boy is actually a
lot of that's pretty impressive I know a lot of people right now that would just
bail out hard and you know what's funny what's funny about you saying that's
impressive is that it's not I know because a generation or two ago there
were nine-year-olds playing the first Zelda game and that's why all those
people are our age or older now and look at it's impressive because people quit
too easily that's right yeah it's impressive by today's standards because
like what what driving game were we playing the other day we're like we
weren't looking and forgot to steer and it's just the car stayed on the road I
don't remember which one it was I know dirt 3 does that yeah the point is games
have gotten trivially easy and it looks like it is as simple as limiting
exposure to modern easy games and just kids can handle older games just fine I
may do the same thing I may not know when we were talking about this a year
ago or whenever we talked about it I told you you should do this and I
totally agree and like I already save and collect old games I know you'll
probably do that thing that is possible but if you need enough I have like
Coleca visions and I have I would fuel this and I would be so entertained by
watching this process go down I am thinking of setting up you know those
two little rooms I have beside my office you know how there's a bigger one yeah
I'm thinking of setting up like the retro gaming lounge there awesome so I
need to get like an awesome big CRT yeah and I need to get my hand there's some
stuff that I'm just gonna have to actually obtain like a doc hunt like
gun and stuff like that yeah oh I know they're easy to get but I'll just I'll
just have to do it yeah and and you know it's it's one of those things where it's
like I think some people might misinterpret this article and kind of go
oh we should give me straw poll this should Linus make his kid play through
historical games before playing running games if people say no their butts well
we're supposed to let them answer before we tell them your butts if you say no if
not you're very attractive butts so some people not a chunky but you know so some
people might misinterpret this is it's not like he has to play every game you
know it's not like you made him play every game but I think the idea was to
cover different genres you know not necessarily be locked into whatever is
popular right now whatever you know encouraging bejeweled stupid thing but
you know start with something that insults you when you die you know and
it's and it's legitimately difficult and just have an appreciation for different
genres in the way that they changed over time you don't have to play every game
the idea would just be over over a period of time would be like okay you
know you're six so this is NES here and all you can play is you know here's the
NES games I have you can play some blades of steel you can play some
whatever else and then maybe one year later you get a Super NES and a Genesis
or whatever so I don't think that's how he did it though no he he did this was
the original idea we had yeah yeah so he actually locked in the titles yeah
whereas for me it would probably be more like here's your console here's the era
the era that you exist in and here's a bunch of games you can play whatever you
like what about PC then PC yeah no problem with that but like well we would
go by release years so maybe go with like an accelerated schedule brackets or
whatever so if you had a SNES you'd give them the bracket the SNES existed for
yeah yeah yeah so it'd be easier to go by the console but then just give the
PC yeah cuz like playing orcs versus humans and stuff like that would be
really cool yeah yeah I think that would get stomped on by the AI wasn't good it
just cheated yeah it cheated so hard and you know orcs versus humans was a funny
one like I would end up in I ended up one time on on a mission map where it
actually got to the end of the game and neither of us had an offensive unit left
and all the resources on the map were depleted because the the units were so
equivalent that you could literally you know fire and you know your last two
catapult volleys eliminate each other's armies and it's just a stalemate there
was no real tactical re maneuvering so it was it was really tough I can you
send me that straw poll so I can screencast it but yeah I I think I think
I'm I think I'm going to do it and it's not like my wife's didn't care shit you
posted in Twitch chat all right so here's the results from the straw poll
for whether I should make my my kid experience gaming chronologically
basically super yes yes attractive butts and and 11% of you are ugly butts okay
yeah so attractive butts is literally just yes is literally yes yeah okay I
was not paying attention to how you were structuring this poll I see that you've
taken the mature road to it like banana and stuff what do you want me to do
banana at least leaves it to the imagination little I should have put yes
no attractive butts ugly butts yes I just left out no entirely and made them
click all right so I guess now is actually a pretty good time for us to do
our sponsor messages so did Nick even manage okay well remember it's the thing
yeah let's start with we work nope cuz the drive letter changed oh did it now
yeah okay well the drive is not working oh is that oh does the front USB not
even work yes maybe there's two in there those of one of them might the other one
might not all right so I'll do another topic in the meantime I guess or
something like that in order to sort of try to seem like this show is somewhat
professionally run yeah that was that was never that was never a thing all
right so this is a WCCF tech rumor and I was posted by GPU expert on the forum
and I'm just gonna go ahead and copy the link myself since Luke is currently
indisposed and basically there's there's actually I'm gonna kind of riff on riff
off of this one because there's some stuff about in this article and there's
some stuff that's just kind of been floating around lately but Fiji xtr9 390
X rumored to be coming with yachts working now rumored to be coming with a
Cooler Master liquid cooler so it will be water cooled out of the box just
like in these previous dual GPU solution that to me is some pretty crazy stuff
and it's pretty nuts pretty indicative of the thermals of AMD's upcoming
flagship which is which is terrifying and we know that they couldn't shrink
the process yet much enough I don't know actually no I thought this was gonna be
shrunk can their president be in a volcano this time you know what I
actually can't I can't remember I can't remember if this is supposed to be a if
this is supposed to be a smaller chip or not someone's gonna correct me so we'll
figure all that out when the time comes but basically here we go so here's a
look at so here's the leaked r9 390 X shroud right there so you can actually
see the gap right there for the liquid cooling solution it's also rumored that
AIB so add and board partners will be able to make their own solutions that do
not involve so this is the existing 295 X 2 I believe so they'll be able to make
their own solutions that do not involve liquid cooling although it's you're
gonna need a case with like pretty great ventilation or something like that we've
got rumored specs that is some fast memory double the memory throughput of
r9 290 X which was already a 512 bit beast of a card with 4096 stream
processor I mean it look it's looking pretty amazing but the other rumor
floating around right now is that everything under the 390 level so like
the 380 X 380 is gonna be rebadged no had you heard this no yeah this is all
rumor right now but it is rumored that 380 X will be will just be rebadged 290
X ish maybe clock speed bumps right that is that is some scary stuff so AMD is
gonna have potentially a 300 series time frame lineup that has several
generations of GCN architecture all as current products that is terrifying I
mean it what does that say about AMD's R&D budget and yeah how it's doing right
now because they have cards that are literally well over two years old that
are still part of their current lineup and if those get recycled again that is
some that is some scary stuff that's kind of nasty because the costs only go
down so much if you don't shrink down the manufacturing process or make the
make the PCB design less complex so if so if AMD has like mid tier you know
$200 grade cards that have like 384 bit memory buses these are complicated PCBs
it means you have to at least have X number of memory chips in order to even
populate the whole thing you have like it that yeah that's some scary stuff it
is a rumor the good news is 390 X according to the rumors looks like it's
gonna be an absolute beast and if you want a best of the best card it's gonna
look pretty competitive but we also don't know anything about Titan X or
Titan 2 or or anything like that in terms of its gaming performance so we're
gonna have to wait and wait and have a look at this heavyweight showdown what
we do know is that if it's Maxwell based it's gonna be very power-efficient and
will not need a liquid cooler
try number two oh yeah yeah yeah yeah so let's try this again so today's show
brought to you by linda.com now completely free of logos except for the
ones that we make ourselves so that's Luke oh yeah oh I don't I don't have
them oh you could even have these ones you're like the cool linda.com as if
linda.com wasn't cool enough already Linda makes learning cool we should just
make our own slogans for all of our sponsors and like draw our own logos and
MS paint now that YouTube has cracked down on creators including the logos of
their sponsors in lower thirds and like splash cards and stuff like that so guys
linda.com is a great way to learn online at your own pace the plans are
extremely affordable all you got to do is head over to the website they've got
hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of video courses available and videos from
leading industry experts and all this kind of stuff it's very digestible and
you don't have any kind of like set schedule you must tune into this webinar
now and then you must wait until the next one after you do your homework or
whatever with a 10-day trial you can have as much as you can eat on linda.com
and you can teach yourself all kinds of cool stuff like coding or you know
picking up new photography skills software suites that you may or may not
have a lot of experience for there's lots of stuff everything from beginner
all the way up to brushing up for people who are pretty experienced in
applications like Photoshop or Adobe Premiere lots of great stuff on linda.com
and we have actually a couple of employees here three I think that use
linda.com obtained skills daily in their jobs at Linus Media Group so we are huge
fans of linda.com we've also got our second sponsor is this the right one
yeah are you ready for this one okay our second sponsor not Luke this time I fix
it we managed to actually cover up the right part of it so do you want to crack
open the the pro tech toolkit and I think there's actually like a media file
that I'm supposed to play oh okay well that's that's this is like this is the
way better version of what you were about to try and do live so I fix it has
great guides online for how to take apart and most importantly repair your
electronic gizmos whether they're phones or all-in-one computers like we actually
did recently with the iMac retina 5k where we used an iFixit guide in order
to take it apart and try to perform some upgrades I did successfully perform some
of the upgrades oh oh no we can't have those anymore those those aren't allowed
to be there oops hopefully no one no one catches us for that well there is an iFixit
logo so at any rate we also use our pro tech tool kits just all the time they
are super handy you've got a screwdriver with a bazillion bits including like
weirdo obscure stuff like security bits and like security torques is stuff like
tri-wings tri-wings for taking apart Nintendo stuff and they have lots of
other specialty tools as well including things like the adhesive strips that you
need to put your stuff back together a little specialized things do you have my
little roller no you don't have that one so all kinds of little things for like
picking and prodding it stuff it comes with an X-Acto I didn't even know
there's an X-Acto knife in there these are really really helpful actually I
what is their official name I call them Mac tools can't remember what they're
called but they're just like little plastic pry tools this is how you don't
break the fasteners on your laptop when you're opening it up yes a lot of people
do that um so iFixit.com use offer code Wancho03 to save $10 off a
purchase of 50 bucks or more great resource for how to fix your stuff and
then they also sell the tools that you need to fix your stuff it's a great
little great little business they got going on over there it makes a lot of
sense it does make a lot of sense look this is how you can do it yourself at
home also you can get these things so you can do it yourself at home and it's
still cheaper yeah that was the math that I that I ran in my head when I
first bought my protect tool kids I was like okay it will cost me this much to
just buy a tri-wing screwdriver and like one other tool or it'll cost me like
twice that much to get all to get all of them because the shipping if you buy
these things individually is so expensive yeah if you live in Canada
anyway and then our final sponsor today also with the smallest logo ever
squarespace.com so if you guys aren't already familiar with Squarespace Wow
you must not watch our show a lot because Squarespace is no it's funny is
the last night I was helping my neighbor okay so he comes he comes over he's like
I'm taking this online course from this micro he makes he makes electronic a
solar-powered electronic scoreboards yeah I know right bizarre he runs the
business out of his garage I can't relate anyway he's learning a new micro
controller okay and so we kind of get to chatting and and he's like yeah so they
do the these web-based tutorials and I want to record them so I can view them
later I'm like oh well I'll use my affiliate exploit code to I get you
hooked up with so you can screen capture that region and play it back for
yourself later and then he starts talking about his son who wants a
website built and he kind of goes do you know anyone who builds websites and I
kind of I kind of laughed to myself because I went that is such an old way
to think about creating a website do I know someone who makes websites because
almost anyone can do it we have Squarespace calm so square space Wow it's
space it's in a square so Squarespace is mission statement appears to be to make
the web beautiful and easier to use they've got 24-7 tech support they've
got a ton of great templates that allow you to make a website for yourself or
for other people easily without resorting to like finding some super
expensive person to set up some super basic thing for you
no Squarespace handles all that with your reasonable monthly fee they even
include the hosting and the plans are scalable so depending on how your
business or your blog or whatever else it is you're trying to create scales it
will be able to match the demand that you have speaking of scaling it works
just great on desktops mobile devices it can it what's that called responsive
design something yeah yeah responsive design so depending on how you're
viewing it it will scale up and down and what else can I say about Squarespace
that basically it's good it's like the right way to make a website these are
their image partnership thing yet no talk about that much anymore but yeah
getting and they have a partnership with Getty Images so even if you can't take
beautiful photos to you know make your website look all spiffy you can get them
very reasonably actually stock photos are really expensive yeah like not cheap
and it's like it really it really does seem like half of what Squarespace does
to make their customers lives easier is also just for their own selfish for
their own selfish agenda it's like we partnered with Getty Images so you could
put better images on your Squarespace sites so people don't have Squared
Space sites that are ugly because we want them all to look really good so
please just do this have their little logo creator tool all good stuff so
visit Squarespace calm if you or anyone you know needs to create a website and
wants it to look good be easy and be fast and use offer code Linus to save
ten percent on your first purchase so sprint has spoken up in support of title
two I didn't see this in the dark is sprinted ISP um well they do mobile
internet sure okay yeah yeah man um and and so then some some of the new some of
the FCC's new new initiatives would involve title two for mobile broadband
as well okay yeah so so yes but as you know it's funny is I used to have sprint
as an ISP back in the dial-up days but I don't know if they do that anymore I
don't think so yeah and like that was in Canada no yeah
sprint.ca man long-distance plans that are affordable I can't remember what
they're starting remember that I remember the pin drop though yes that
was like I remember that but they're not really a thing anymore so sprint has
basically spoken up and said you know we need it to be light touch you know we
were not looking for heavy-handed regulation or anything but that you know
it it didn't seem to hurt the phone business so that was good for us when we
got into that and that seems to have inspired competition so you know yeah as
long as we're not looking at heavy-handed regulations this is not
gonna affect our investment into infrastructure yeah that's really cool
so that's cool so this is this is in the wake of t-mobile Verizon and AT&T all
all claiming that it's going to be a problem so split sprint has officially
broken ranks and is like nope we will continue to invest in data networks
regardless of whether they are regulated by title to section 706 very cool so
the original article here this was posted by Sparta man 64 do post this
already no original article here was from Ars Technica I love Ars Technica
what a great great site there were some really good quotes in here regardless of
the legal grounds proposed sprint has emphasized repeatedly that net
neutrality rules must give mobile carriers the flexibility to manage our
networks and to differentiate our services in the market so sprints not
saying yes we will offer only one speed to all of our customers and it will all
be unlimited we still they're saying we still need to be able to you know have
you know if you go over a certain data limit we might have to throttle you in
order to manage our network and manage the load to provide the best experience
to the bulk of our customers as we can because mobile data in particular is
really not as simple as you know throwing in some new switches at the hub
and adding more capacity I mean it is an extremely expensive roll out and the
capacity is limited in a much harder ceiling sort of way compared to you know
something where your fiber installation could be X deep into the double digits
percentage dark fiber that's not even being used yet where there is literally
almost no cost to just turning on more of it so so I totally get it and I think
they couldn't be reached for comment by ours when they asked to clarify what
they mean by managing their networks and differentiating their services but I
kind of get it and I think I have a pretty good idea what they mean by that
and I think the fact that they're coming out and saying this publicly is pretty
pretty positive so cool good on you sprint yeah I'm saying everything you do
is great I'm just saying this is this specifically was very cool this is
pretty cool yeah um so this was posted by a press du poc and the original
article here is from Wall Street Journal calm and apparently we're getting we're
getting more and more leaks this is not that this is not that customary for an
Apple product launch for us to get people internally who are talking about
the development process well this is this is a real weird situation there are
some some allegedly sort of oh I'm sorry I'm not sharing I'm not screen sharing
right now there are some allegedly inside sources claiming that originally
the Apple watch was intended to be more of like a multifunctional health
monitoring device with sensors for heart activity blood pressure stress levels
and all kinds of things that Apple wanted to monitor with the watch but
over time the sensors weren't accurate enough they had problems with hairy
people or people with dry skin not getting good readings there were
challenges with potential regulatory issues like if Apple is gonna sell a
device that claims to make you healthier all of a sudden they have to deal with I
believe it's the FDA sorry I'm not American so I try to keep up with with
might make sense yeah the Food and Drug Administration or other regulators if
they're gonna make claims like oh you know helps you monitor your your your
heart health yeah like all of a sudden they boo that there could be a did that
could be a disaster I don't know how I had a cardiac arrest I was wearing my
Apple watch at the time and battery died because Apple's internal battery targets
look abominable that that's just me injecting my own let me just let me just
weird you keep talking I'm just gonna solve the problem oh keep going keep
going is that like happening right now yes it is the whole you were supposed to
keep talking oh yeah whatever no no it's okay my people are adding me on steam
friends I'm gonna completely ignore all of them the same way that I have been
you know there's a there's an ignore all button yeah I know it's beautiful but I
usually don't do it because you know what happens is if you let it sit for
long enough your friends request list actually fills out it maxes out and so
then so the only reason that I ignore all a while ago and the reason people
are able to do this right now is that I tried to legitimately add someone to my
steam friends not that long yes yeah you were there yeah I added Josh or
something yeah so anyway what else we got here so the Wall Street Journal
source describes the four-year watch project as a black hole that sucked in
resources from elsewhere in the company
features like measuring blood oxygen levels and blood pressure are said to
have only been shelved so it's possible we'll see this in future iterations but
for now I really do believe the Apple watch is gonna be the first generation
is just gonna be a complete stopgap solution different from any other
stopgap solution like the iPad one was actually kind of a stopgap solution like
if you look at it compared to any other iPad it had the shortest shelf life I
believe I'm doing this off the top of my head it had an extremely short shelf
life it was discontinued much more abruptly than other Apple iPads that
have continued to exist even with their their successors available in the market
since then and it just they dropped support for it extremely quickly
compared to iPad 2 like it was just it was a bit of a redheaded stepchild even
though it was the one that created the tablet category as it is today as it is
today yes yeah as it is today I know tablets existed for that but the the
Apple watch looks very different to me it looks like like with the iPad it was
like yeah we like we did the best we could and we're like pretty sure this is
pretty good and it's gonna be like a better way to browse the internet and
with your fingers and stuff with the watch it really does look like we just
kind of have to release something yeah it doesn't seem very Apple a lot of
things Apple's been doing lately doesn't seem very Apple I'm conflicted on Apple
right now because I really like things in terms of the security and stuff that
they have on their phones the security the app support the camera that they
have on their cameras really good but then I dislike things like some of the
design choices that were made which are super stupid and then just different
directions that Apple is going in right now but then Google is doing way worse
in my opinion so then like what one do I actually follow Windows Phone oh I wish
it was better I really wish it I really want to like Windows Phone I have taken
so much crap for the stuff that I say about Windows Phone and you know what's
funny is when Windows Phone eventually gets good and I switched to it yeah
people are gonna be like yeah I hammered on it cuz it was terrible it was a
terrible terrible ecosystem and that's not to say Windows Phone is terrible
terrible ecosystem yeah because it's just bad and people can go oh well you
can do this and you can do that that's nice you can but I'm not gonna invest
that kind of time into doing stuff that I can do in like four seconds on an
Apple or an Android device I got super excited when I heard the Ubuntu phone
was coming out and that's like where did that even go did that just disappear no
there's a new thing there's a phone actually coming out but it's not gonna
be anything like that original one that they announced right it's like a super
cheap like very cheap phone oh I remember that project yeah that that
totally died I really wanted to try Ubuntu phone I like badass sapphire
glass one no I know I just wanted to try the OS Brandon brought in his galaxy
Nexus s specifically for me to install Ubuntu on it because I wanted to try it
out and I just like I kind of never got around to it yeah unfortunately um it's
probably gonna be bad it's probably but like could you be slightly more negative
I was just thinking I needed more negativity in my life you know this
company sucks this one sucks this show sucks I would like this one but it
sucks I hate this show this one's interesting but it sucks oh whatever I
wish my co-workers weren't such butt heads attractive but this is great my
god someone made me that wow can you link me that oh wow okay we got to show
you guys this we are we are taking a break in the middle of the show to show
you guys this great it is awesome oh do I have to sign in in order to search for
things on Twitter oh I don't know that's okay I'll just stop this dude not a big
deal okay this is this is amazing where did it go I just saw it oh okay that's
it my Twitter feed moves too fast here yes there you go if you click on it it
will give you a better that's fantastic ago so someone recreated the Linda calm
logo with Luke as Linda mascot I absolutely love it I wonder if we'd be
allowed to use this it's not their logo we should ask Linda though like we
should ask Linda if they'll let us use I was bringing this up earlier if we did
like kind of funny recreations of all the logos like I was talking to Nick so
it would be tough for a dollar shape Club I don't remember what it is
crossing but it's wrong certainly it's razors yeah so I just held two razors
and went like this we like 3d printed two really big razors and then take a
photo of that could probably work like because it's not really their logo no
it's not that's we're gonna start something here we're gonna draw a bunch
of attention from Google that we don't even want we're gonna be the martyrs
that we don't want to be yeah yeah all right so posted by F not on the forum
cognitoys huggable dinosaur is connected to IBM's Watson supercomputer imagine
Dollar Shave Club sponsored Wolverine sorry keep going okay I do want to play
this video because this thing is hilarious so let me just I hope the
volume works hold on my system sound is muted just like okay hold on hold on
hold on hold on okay I think I just I've got the wrong audio device set give me
give me just a second here don't worry I will I will get this sorted out so is it
supposed to sound like a dinosaur because that sounded very good hold on
hold on hold on hold on hold on I'm on I'm on this can you just can you just
can you just not like can we just what's what what what is x-split stream audio
renderer okay just everyone just calm down okay I think it's working now
okay this thing's voice
this the sound of this dinosaur thing is like some scary scary stuff now to be
clear this was actually clarified in the article to be clear the voice is
supposed to sound more Cookie Monster like in person but right now it's just
like I'm going to murder you you're like it really sounds it really sounds awful
so basically it's a smart toy it's on Kickstarter it's gonna be $100 I'm
actually thinking of funding it just so I can get my hands on one and play with
it because this this tickles my I love that kind of stuff my parents techie and
the idea is that it'll use machine learning to interact with children so
it'll be little plastic monsters that use that then communicate to with the
Watson supercomputer to basically answer questions and interact so you push a
large button on the belly ask a question and Watson excuse me green dino will
come back with the answer and so elemental path is pitch here is that as
your child ages the toy will monitor their progress and ask more
sophisticated questions and provide more detailed answers when it is dialoguing
with them now to be clear IBM's involvement in the project is purely to
let the company connect to Watson yeah like they're not actually developing
this it's just we got the supercomputer yeah this is a way that we could maybe
make money off of it if people wanted to like use it for stuff so that's pretty
much it so I have about as much hope for this product as I do anything else on
Kickstarter which is about this much but who knows might be great might be
terrible and I might try it out just like because like I wonder how I wonder
how old of a child it would think I am yeah I'd be like oh my goodness that
would be so much fun yeah like how old are you in in in dino calculated years
I don't know it looks pretty cool because the new IQ test yeah really
right um let's talk let's talk DNA storage this is really cool so this is
supposed to buy system 32 on the forum I'm gonna go ahead and pull up the the
National Geographic article here that's probably a first so this is this is just
one of the one of the aspects of yeah it's gonna be a good photo when it has
that little yellow rectangle yeah man anyways all right so well-preserved
specimen pushes back the timing of modern horse evolution basically oh
basically they were able to read DNA data from a 700,000 year old horse bones
just pretty freaking intense and that's actually I don't know how related that
really was they because they're able to sequence that genetic code I think
that's maybe a proof that if they were to store this stuff they would be able
to access it way later in the future right I think that's actually more part
of the whole point they they're calculating that one gram of DNA which
is actually a lot but one gram of DNA would be capable of holding 455
exabytes which is insane so here's the science alert dot-com article that
actually talks about what they what they did with with using DNA to store data
subjecting it to some pretty rigorous environmental and aging testing so
they've actually got it contained within what is it like tiny micro glass yeah
150 nanometers 150 nanometer glass capsules diameter to keep to keep them
safe and they figure they could preserve the world's data for millions of years
how many exabytes in one gram of DNA it's 455 which is pretty insane they do
it by coding a and C pairs of DNA as binary zero and T and G pairs as one so
they can yeah you're essentially putting huge amounts of binary which is kind of
what's always happening so it's not too surprising now to be clear this is not
affordable technology so the 83 kilobytes of data that they encoded for
the study cost around 1500 US dollars and you wouldn't be able to use it as
like a hard drive or an SSD this is not yeah stuff is specifically encoded onto
this and then hoped that you would be able to specifically take it off later
not like you can actively use it for regrades yeah like the DNA inside the
glass spheres would be extracted using a fluoride solution it's not like it's not
like you just you know drop some drop some haploid cells into your computer
there and you've expanded your hard drive I'm hoping that eventually we're
gonna have biological hard drives to some degree cuz I think that could be
pretty crazy cool but this is not it but this could be extremely large extremely
long-term data storage so if people were to back up like a library that could be
super cool or back up like the current state of the public internet that could
be super cool stuff like that time capsule kind of stuff could be really
cool but it's yeah it's not a hard drive Wow this stream like people are all over
the place some people are just seeing like my chat just saw the Dino video
link your chat could be behind and then some but some people in chat are
commenting on what I just said with the haploid cell joke that some people I was
hoping some people would get that that's why I was looking at chat okay so
Meganette this was posted my Nardar on the forum and article here's from the
hacker news.com so I'm gonna let you mostly handle what are you gonna let me
mostly handle Nardar did my output like bork again okay well here you want to
talk about this in the meantime while I try to fix your email open man anyways
Kim.com is jumping on the whole like kind of private internet style stuff
just like a couple other projects have our own internet there's made safe
project mail storm and zero net or a couple other examples so they're all
just like like peer-to-peer networking hosted websites stuff so you're still
using internet infrastructure for the most part or entirely but you'd be able
to do it peer-to-peer what's kind of cool about a lot of these is I don't
remember what country this is going down on right now and I'm not gonna be able
to bring up this article right now but a lot of people are having issues having
internet at all so people are running their own lines
North Korea. Secretly, North Korea? No, you said people's having trouble having
internet oh yeah I don't think it's North Korea but either way um I'm pretty
sure it's not no it's it's not but anyways they're running they're running
their own lines and creating their own kind of internet with their own websites
their own game servers which people can connect to and play on like it's
actually pretty sick what's going down I don't remember where the country is you
can try to look it up it's a cool article anyways yeah so he's trying to
make the it's gonna use trying to make that mainstream more so you don't have
to run your own lines this would run on the internet but you're kind of
encrypting things using the blockchain that was used for Bitcoin there's no
more IP addresses because it's using the blockchain that was used for Bitcoin I
suggest looking at how the blockchain works if you want to understand how that
makes any sense and yeah it's not actually a super complicated idea it's
just a different way of having websites on the internet you'd be utilizing stuff
like the bandwidth and the storage on your phone right because it would be
distributed all over the place peer-to-peer style network yeah very much
so phone although not exclusively phone a lot of what he's talking about is the
data on your phone which you probably have excess of which is not that
surprising because you probably actually do and the storage on your phone which
you he's saying probably have excess of but I'm not super agreeing with I don't
really think so 16 gig phones still exist at all is just before I reformat
my phone I couldn't do anything with it I take a photo and it'd be like max
capacity and I didn't have that much stuff I'd like two or three self-taken
videos a very small library of songs of like stuff that I saw while I was
like really cool diseases that you acquired whoa whoa how do you take a
video of a disease oh I can imagine how oh anyways yeah it's not a super new
idea but it's kim.com doing it so it might actually become a big thing
instead of not maelstrom is the bit torrent guys so like yeah yeah then
again bit torrent sync hasn't exactly completely no you know like like it
probably should have you know it's funny again I'm gonna bring up I'm gonna bring
up my neighbor again because last night I was I was like I was helping him with
this thing he's kind of like an older guy and he was telling me about his he
was telling y'all open that up later he was telling me about his like his setup
he's got like mostly older computers like he has like this guy is like crazy
technical in ways that I'm not like he built his own CNC and I'm just like
that's cool and then and then the idea of like I
mentioned a NAS because he just has all his computers like not networked to each
other and he whenever he needs to store something longer term he pulls out a
terabyte that's what he calls an external hard drive and I'm just like
Wow like I'm looking I'm looking past Dropbox for how I can control my my
cloud storage myself and use my NAS as a as as like a cloud device and like
there's there's people that haven't even have that haven't even got like the idea
of central stores like technical storage smart people who are like scratch
building like he scratch builds the entire electronic scoreboard you know
sources solar panels CNC cuts all the metal components welds them programs the
microcontroller that controls the solar panel charging and controls the
functionality of the board and builds this crap in his garage and the guy has
like never heard of the idea of a NAS and I'm like how do we reach these kids
anyway media tech media tech of all people showing off 480 FPS 1080p video
the article here is from nextpowerup.com 480 FPS video is his laptops being a
butt yeah sorry I don't attractive but I'll have the I'll have the right thing
up in a second here with this but with their with their upcoming okay so there
we go super slow-motion 1080p video with their upcoming what is this an eight
core eight cores clocked at 2.2 gigahertz now remember gigahertz is not
important that actually is completely meaningful this but check this out like
I I wouldn't have I wouldn't have figured it's gonna be media tech pushing
things forward in terms of of the processing power required for super
slow-motion video capture so here we go so 1 16th speed of course this is all
totally simulated oh that's one quarter speed so it's 120 FPS this is hard
480 FPS dat slow mo now this was obviously not captured on a phone yeah
simulated imagery you can see all the depth of field that would not be present
on a phone in the image but the point is if it can do this at all that's still
pretty freaking cool who knows and I mean the thing is is that we've gotten
to the point where the CPU and your phone is pretty darn fast and is it
worth spending an extra you know like a flagship phone is gonna be 600 700 800
plus dollars depending on your storage configuration if you can get a phone for
a couple hundred bucks with a media tech chipset that might start to look pretty
compelling I mean there's still value adds to high-end phones things like the
because there's more to it than just you got an image sensor and like a fast
processor you actually have to do a lot of software work to make a phone camera
good yeah but the hardware is the hardware is getting pretty pretty
terrifyingly cheap DirectX 12 this is posted by Rafi on the forum original
article here is from tweet town reportedly treats multiple GPUs and
we're back to the tree town has autoplay stuff yeah not like I can screen share
it anyway because it's I just did the next one it's up up I can treat
multiple GPUs as a single there we go as a single entity so this is not actually
that new as far as I know so yeah pooled memory could be a thing and well okay
AMD was doing this and basically perfect scaling could be a thing so as like
super hardcore we're like this is definitely gonna happen to everyone I
guess now it's officially it's officially going to be easy apparently
okay so that's that's pretty much it so Brad Wardell the CEO of stardock tweeted
that they did a test of DirectX 11 versus DirectX 12 on an unreleased GPU
with an eight core CPU and DirectX 11 managed 13 FPS with DirectX 12 managing
120 what is stardock even still doing lighting and the lens effects were were
apparently cited as one of the reasons why DirectX 12 performed much better so
one thing it does make is it easy to treat multiple GPUs a single GPU alright
so we're into our we're into our quickfire topics here this one's from
kit guru posted by Rohit Kumar SP and Sony to launch smart glasses in March
they look absolutely abominable yeah this will not be the Savior that Sony is
likely looking for company it has a single color green display it's like
what is this we're going back to yeah it's gonna cost five hundred and twenty
pounds in the UK and eight hundred and forty dollars in the u.s. it will use augmented
reality to place an image in your field of view in the center it's gonna have
85% opacity so you'll be able to I said 85% okay city transparency only 15%
opacity 5% opacity would have been so bad so I can crash my car into the
bridge all day and I don't even care so the resolution of the screen is a totally
impressive car 419 by 138 and care you'll be pairing it to a phone with
KitKat 4.4 or later Android gonna be garbage I still want to check it out
so yes or something Sony invested eight hundred and forty two thousand by two
percent of SMP a Japanese startup making self-driving cars so this is posted by
numlock on the forum whatever Sony joins self-driving car chase
blippity-bloopity so basically the point of all this is that Sony wants to
leverage one of the business units where they actually are a market leader which
is imaging sensors so it's no secret Sony is pretty good at that stuff and
they figure that self-driving cars are gonna need a whole heck of a whack ton
of them over the next over the next five to so he's like holy crap if we market
this properly we might not go bankrupt yeah this this could actually save the
things that we want to do that are not this yeah Neil Young's $400 high def
music player this is posted by a Victoria's Secret on the forum I think
saying loses to Apple's iPhone in blind audio test is a very sensationalist and
it's just not better right Apple biased headline Apple insider.com that is
actually not how it went down the original article is from CNET although
I'm showing the the Apple insider.com one and what actually happened is
people couldn't tell the difference conclusively enough to pass a blind
taste test yes that is how it works I forget what the numbers are because I
don't stare at this stuff all day so it's like it's not necessarily better
no it's not that it was people could not consistently enough conclusively tell
the difference between the $400 pono player and the iPhone 6 something that I
could have told you guys but David Pogue former professional musician over at
sorry did I say CNET I'm sorry I meant Yahoo Yahoo tech that was terrible I'm
sorry Yahoo tech Yahoo tech so it wasn't the most scientific test but he did set
it up reasonably well and it wasn't ABX but it was blind AB testing and he had I
think just over a dozen like 14 people including self-professed audio files
come in and try to tell the difference between them and more people did select
the iPhone 6 as the winner but the way that a blind test works is I think you
have to be able to tell 90% of the time or something in order for it to be
considered that you could tell so that's not that's not that's not good because
random guessing could cause serious issues with statistics and it does cause
serious issues oh this is cool gaming theater dotnet this is originally posted
by mystical on the forum Zelda we use open world is apparently as large as the
system can handle this was like when I first saw this topic I was like that's
not new information what this was highly hinted towards like very freakishly
highly hinted towards they basically said it but I guess now they officially
said it when they were first announcing the game they were like yeah we weren't
able to properly do this with Wind Waker that's why there was islands and stuff
and now there won't be and we're gonna use as much as we can and now it's like
it's going to use as much as it can I don't know this isn't really new news
that's basically what I was trying to say I mean what's exciting about it to
me is that is that Nintendo is treating you know large explorable world
seriously again yeah I mean we got away from that again it always comes back to
Final Fantasy 6 for me that world was massive and had a lot to explore and
that was like SNES days like if I was gonna if I was gonna ask if I was gonna
create a Christmas wish list of what I want RPG makers to invest their dev time
in it wouldn't necessarily be fancy graphics it would be lots of NPCs that I
can interact with and lots of cool stuff that I can explore because that is what
makes that kind of game fun and did like oblivion right yeah yeah okay yeah I was
gonna say well why don't you play and I was like wait because I lost my save
game yeah way to rub some salt in that wound yep I forgot jackass sorry about
that is actually I actually do feel bad oh we teased this so we have to talk
about it original article here is from PC world calm Sony pebbles snake oil I
wasn't this in the mean 60 because I'm a 64 gig micro SD XC card for premium
sound this like we are we gonna need like a weekly audio file snake oil
segment we have the Ethernet cables the $10,000 Ethernet cable last week we've
got yeah pono player I think I talked about the week before and then we've got
Sony's premium sound SD cards spoiler alert there is absolutely nothing about
an SD card that makes it better or worse for audio could it be something to do
with EMI connections between the SD card and the player that you wouldn't hear
anyways but could it be is that what they're referencing towards let's find
out what they have to say because that just says high speed then that would be
junk okay okay they're selling it in Japan it's a four or five times more
expensive than a typical 64 gig card it is supposed to produce less electrical
noise okay so yes it is you wouldn't like yeah still snake oil because there
was the yeah the register and PC perspective we're like oh yeah the
different type of a storage medium boy like no crap that's I don't think that's
what they were going for of course still you know it doesn't like even snake
oily things try a little bit harder than what the register and PC perspective
pointed out yeah like that's obviously not what they were going for I still
think this is totally snake oil but it's yeah it has to do with EMI stuff yeah
now we're just ending the WAN show on a sad note because someone somewhere is
going to buy it and they're gonna think that they got a good deal well mine
doesn't hum as much because of the electrical magnetic interference
reduction of my SD card so therefore is superior especially when I played in my
pono player and when my computer is hooked up via ethernet cables that are
specifically made for audio my cables are very danceable it's a good thing
kill me now okay so 9 to 5 Mac reports pebble teases a new model sources say
thinner watch with color screen in the works I really hope pebble actually
manages to see it as a unit this time because I'm happy enough with my gwatch
are that I'm not gonna buy it this time so rumors are that pricing will come in
around the price of the pebble steel and it will be initially sold via Kickstarter
not pebbles retail partners or official website really kind of been their model
it's not like they didn't start their business on Kickstarter I gotta I gotta
wonder if companies like pebble that have demonstrated the success of
Kickstarter are probably getting a deal from Kickstarter in fact I wouldn't even
be that surprised if Kickstarter was paying them if Kickstarter was well
maybe not paying them but maybe throwing a lot behind it and kind of going yeah
we're not gonna take a cutter we're gonna take a very small cut yeah like I
would expect this to be more of a more of a trade now that pebble is the
monster that they are you can't really call pebble a monster but it's they've
been fairly monstrous they're a big deal now a lot of people know about pebble
they are they are a much bigger deal than I would have ever expected a
Kickstarter founded company to be yeah well they're bigger than I would have
ever expected it to be too I've just been there they both are like I didn't
expect that kind of success out of it it's not happening nearly as much anymore
a starter like especially the Kickstarter hardware guys glory days
seems to be largely gone it feels kind of like that whole I don't even remember
what they're called anymore a groupon it feels like that whole groupon thing
like groupon made it big and everyone was really excited about it they were
huge they blew up a bunch of a bunch of copycats showed up and then when's the
last time you heard about a groupon deal or similar like yeah they're still
around they still exist yeah you can still get good deals there and there's
all the different ones so no one cares anymore yeah so it's like the the
Kickstarter fad seems to be mostly over yeah so I think that's pretty much it
thank you for watching the wan show today like this video if you liked it
dislike it if you disliked it are we doing a thing of what thing an after
thing after are you doing stuff Oh garage sale yeah yeah I am planning to
do garage sale today I actually didn't go find stuff for it yet so there might
be a bit of a delay but I'll be back it will be garage sale time I'm gonna try
and sell that Mac again yeah wish me luck with that yeah this problem is like
it was like it was like the pono player last week was hilarious I was like I
can't tell you this thing is amazing because it's not but I spent $400 on it
so I'm in need I'm gonna need someone to give me some money for it did you sell
it yeah I got 190 bucks shipping in so I had to pay shipping for 190 bucks I
don't know it's got a 64 gig SD card in it so there's a value add I don't know
if it's audio file great it's EMI is pretty bad I don't know did you hear that EMI
on that pono player maybe that's why the pono player lost funny story I have an
equivalent level SD card my neighbor again met Neil Young oh like way back in
the 60s that's awesome yeah I shouldn't name any names but he didn't speak very
charitably of him because he mentioned he was like cuz he used to he toured
with the guess who like as a as like like an opening act or whatever and I
was like no way that's ridiculous I was like you have got to be kidding me he's
like yeah we were just like we never made it bigger anything but like me and
me and some buddies we like we had a really good agent who got us into like
all the parties so yeah I I met Neil Young and like and he was telling me all
these people he met and we finally arrived at Neil Young I was like oh Neil
Young yeah I know who that is cuz I didn't know who a lot of the people were
he was like oh he's like Chris Kristofferson I'm like okay well
whatever and so so um so so he finally got to Neil Young I'm like yeah yeah
Neil Young yeah we kind of burned him pretty bad on our show not that long ago
he's like oh yeah well he's a whatever anyway I think that's it for the show
we'll be back with with the garage sale in a little bit and thanks for watching
you guys are awesome roll the outro intro
oh we had like 7,000 live viewers today we did you guys are good people I like
you you all have attractive butts regardless of that straw poll some of you
don't have attractive butts that's maybe true but I'll say that you do and you'll
take a compliment because you're a good person inside wow really that's what
they did that's terrible I am going to fire whoever did this it got worse
because before like the color was different but now the whole freaking
couch moves and we get bigger for some