
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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And welcome to the wen show still Friday, right? Yeah. Yeah, a little on the side. Yeah, not for long, but I blame Luke
We've got a lot of great topics for you today first and foremost being what is up with the title and headline
It's because I lose
Today's show is going to be pretty ai heavy. So Luke is going to get to talk about ai agents gaining steam
That is um, pretty vague and also elon musk pivoting twitter to an ai
Everything app whatever that means what else we're talking about today microsoft
So i'm going to announce the non-ai topics and you're going to announce the ai. I think that would be fun
Microsoft could be working on a windows handheld mode for steam deck alikes
I'm excited that are similar to that. That is actually pretty interesting. We'll talk about more about that later though. Um, also
Oh, do we talk about this one? Is this going to be the elon show? No
Pick anything else. Um
Um the 4070 release I don't know. All right, which one did you pick?
The show is brought to you today by jump cloud goliath technologies and
See sonic
All right. Why don't we jump right into our headline topic here today, which is ai agents gaining steam
Yeah, um, why don't I read it and then you can spend the next 25 minutes talking about what I read sure
There's been a surge in development of ai agents interjection
These are applications that allow large language models to operate semi-autonomously by feeding prompts to themselves
Until they have achieved a broad general goal given to them by the user sort of correct
Currently trending on github is auto gpt
Which uses gpt4 to generate prioritize and execute tasks using plugins for internet browsing and other access
It uses outside memory to keep track of what it's doing and provide context which lets it evaluate its current situation
Generate new tasks or self-correct and add new tasks to the queue, which it then prioritizes
Auto gpt currently has a notable tendency to become distracted or confused when given complex goals
Often getting caught in recursive loops and leaving tasks half finished
Users have been creating tools that allow auto gpt to perform more tasks including one that allows it to access and use
Bitcoin wallets before I go any further. Do you want to talk a little bit about ai agents?
You said that my definition was not quite correct. So I invite you to give a better one
Yeah, it mentioned something about them, uh being able to just give themselves more than one prompt
Yes, a big part of the idea is that they can use other systems
So like they can use an image generator they can use uh, some other model whatever services that aren't even ai based
Etc. They can call out to other services. They don't just have to use their own stuff
Also, I like that. We're calling them ai agents
Auto gpt has been used as like a what i'm calling like a Kleenex term, right?
Like a lot of people have been calling all of them auto gpt even though there is one specific one called auto gpt
Whatever the auto gpt name is actually really good, which is why I think that's happening
Other people are calling them like baby agi
I don't like that. Sorry, like not a fan of artificial general intelligence
yeah, but they're calling like a baby version because it can like task out other things and and
Improve on itself and do stuff like that. This is like the whole thing where we rebranded machine learning as ai when that's
Not really what it is, right? That's just branding. We we rebranded driving assists as
Autopilot. Yeah, like I promise we're not going to talk about him the whole show
I do. I do really like yeah auto gpt is a fantastic name. There's a bunch of these systems
There's actually a load like a huge amount of them because it's it's the trend right now and in this whole space
If something catches on even slightly you can absolutely bet there will be a ton of it almost immediately
Now you've given some examples of things that people are doing with these agents on past shows
But is there new stuff that's come to light this week or just a refresher for those of us who?
Right now it sounds very vague and nebulous. Well, it can call to stuff and it can do things
What are some of the things people are doing with this? So basically with with current?
With what most people currently have access to if all they do is like go to open ai's website
Is gbt4 or 3.5 or below and with that you can usually get the steps that you would need to do to accomplish something
How do I build a computer right so instead of how do I build a computer and it listing steps
You could say how do I build a computer and it could actually just like order for me?
Potentially if you hooked it up to the right things because like someone has actually used it
To buy their groceries for the week. They're like I need I need recipes for a week
These are the types of things that I like
This is the grocery store, whatever they hooked it up to
Grocery delivery service that I don't remember the name of and it actually purchased the groceries
And made it so that like oh you bought a can of this you only need x amount of it for one meal
But I picked a different meal
So you're not even the same thing all the time that will use the rest of it in order to be efficient
Like it did all this stuff. That was really really good
It planned their meals for the week. It ordered everything for them
It gave them recipes for all of the meals and it efficiently used the ingredients
Do you remember when micro transactions took off in mobile games?
And every other flipping wind show we were talking about some kid going to town on mom or dad's credit card
buying a bunch of jewels or
Twitch bits or whatever else it is racking up thousands of dollars
How long is it going to be before someone sues open ai for chat gpt spending a whole bunch of their money
When they were the ones who were irresponsible enough to give it their credit card
Oh, it's going to be a problem. You you mentioned in here connecting it to bitcoin wallets, right?
Yeah, well people are using that to use gpt style models to bet on markets for them
That is a hundred percent already happening. There is even uh
these websites where you can get uh, like auto trading bots for
like uh coin exchanges
And they already have like you can build your own bot using gpt models and give it its own weights and everything using that
Instead of needing to code it yourself, etc, etc
Yeah, it's it's getting it's getting pretty nuts
I I was reading one thread on a person who spent I think it was like I think they said roughly eight hours
Like tuning things in and whatnot working with I believe it was auto gpt specifically, but I don't fully remember
Um, and they they made a tool I don't remember what the tool did
But they got like a thousand users for their tool and were able to sell their like startup company all within like a week
which is just
That's crazy
People are also talking about uh, I forget who I was talking to but they were saying they know of someone who basically gave it
A little bit of money and said go build an online business
It built it got like what a thousand users or something like that in some obscenely short period of time and then sold it. Yep
There's also someone has actually even just asked it get me money
Without giving it any money
And what I did is it like asked them for some of their like personal details and stuff and it scraped government websites
um, and it scraped uh websites that do
Um, man, what is it called when there's like a lawsuit or something you like bought a product and you recalls or like
Yeah, so it scraped like class action lawsuit
Uh things and it grabbed everything it could for them like different grants from government because of whatever details about the person
And whatever class action lawsuits they were eligible to get money from etc. Etc. Etc. And it made them like a few hundred bucks
Like it wasn't even that small of an amount of money
Uh, there's a really cool experiment. Do you want to keep reading or do you want me to do it? Uh, sure
you know what you just
my brain is
Tired stan stanford and google researchers have been performing a series of this is this is wild to me
We were actually talking last week
About ai integration into games and how it might be able to yeah, so this is particularly very interesting
Yeah, he messages me this white paper like earlier this week like
That's basically what his message contents were
That's honestly more accurate than I would like to admit
Uh stanford and google researchers have been performing a series of experiments with similar ai powered agents by having llms control
25 characters within a virtual town the characters can communicate
Interact with their environment remember events reflect on those events and form plans
Each is pre-loaded with a starting persona and an existing relationship with the other characters in the game
Over the course of several in-world days the characters engaged in a series of complex interactions based on those starting conditions
Researchers told one this is the really cool part of my opinion
Researchers told one generative agent to host a valentine's day party without any further human intervention
The character invited nine other characters who then passed on the information to four other characters beyond that the characters remembered the invitation
Reorganized their daily schedule in response to it with one asking another
Officially on a like romantic date to the event
Prove to me whoa now
That we are not living in a simulation, oh boy
We're doing the the silicon valley tech bro conversation. You can't prove. It's not a simulation. Um
Yeah, I don't know. I think what this made immediately made me think of is like because you were talking about how
You want tailored conversations for your games?
Yeah, like you don't really want an llm to just go in and write all the text for the game. Yeah, because
I I want it's kind of like, okay
It's kind of like playing breath of the wild
Compared to playing a game that has an auto-generated environment like okay you and I well
these are these are
Examples that are pulled from vastly different eras of gaming so I understand that they are not directly comparable
But we did a run of diablo 1 yeah a while back just like, you know nighttime gaming
those generated dungeons
End up all kind of being samey
like there's some difference in that you don't know what's around the next corner sort of but
There's also no flow to them whereas exploring in breath of the wild
It it's it's art. Yes. It's artful. You you will stumble upon things because there was an
Whatever there's a narrative direction going on
There's a direction of things that you're supposed to experience when you go through different areas and ai has a an issue with
hallucinations as I uh, maybe I mentioned that in the pre-show, um or
Uh getting distracted as you just mentioned
How they can get distracted or confused when tasks are really large tasking it with doing something that big holding that narrative the whole way through
It current versions right now. Maybe i'm wrong in two months
I don't know but current versions are going to struggle with that very seriously, but
Skyrim style like you need to try to make sure that all the people have
Jobs that they go to every day and they do stuff and they react to the world those baseline like npc's that aren't technically important
Making environments feel populated. Yes. Yeah is going to be super good at that. Totally a different game
yeah, it's just when it gets to dialogue, that's where I
Am really not sure about it because I don't want them to say something different if there isn't new content for me to engage with
Yeah with that said don't want to waste it is a matter of time before
There's a game where you are just dumped into
Essentially an mmo that is entirely populated with ai agents
Level up and quest and have jobs and build new towns for you to explore
To the point where when you go back and you re-engage
It is new stuff and things have happened and you do need to catch up on events and it's happening
Constantly all the time everywhere. I mean
Man, when we first started talking about stadia and cloud gaming
I didn't realize it yet, but this
This is the kind of gaming experience that that should have enabled imagine
Imagine an escape from tarkov like experience where you are warping into but instead of an instance
a persistent world
And then you you know every six months or whatever it is you do a wipe
And it's a it's a brand new world
I feel like I feel like hardcore gameplay actually benefits from this like more like imagine a permadeath rpg
Oh, but your effects a hundred percent remain
And I know there's like there's like roguelikes that go in this direction already someone already mentioned it but like sao
Yeah, if you've watched the like first half season of sao the good part. Um
It's it's kind of like the the impacts of your previous character
Not only are they detectable as they are sometimes in like roguelike games, but they like
Extremely impact the world
And there's this butterfly effect where someone comes in
Murders the son of some ai agent baker who?
swears vengeance on every player character and this
A plague put through the town through the bread sold at the bakery you could have all these different
attributes that could even be slightly rng'd
That apply to these to these npc's and depending on how people interact with them. They could turn into like you could
Oh, man, like you could not even assign
A big baddie to this world. Yeah
There could just be many potential
Big baddies that form there could be forces that are aligned against each other and then through natural events of them
You know wanting to gain position on each other big baddies just are created dynamically in the world
Could be super interesting could be super interesting
Hideo kojima apparently had
The idea of a raw game. Uh, this is according to floatplane chat back in
And apparently it's something kind of like this
Uh, yeah someday you can tell
Game developers have wanted to do this type of stuff for a long time. Well, it's it's one of the holy grails
It's like it's like true
Uh, it's like true physics based object interaction
Attempts have been made. Yeah, and even games where it plays a significant role in gameplay whether we're talking about rainbow six
Or some of the earlier battlefield games destructible environments
It's been done
But nothing would be like a persistent environment where you can, you know
Maybe not quite like a minecraft or fortnite but where you can build and also destroy
Realistically nothing like that actually exists. I feel like it increases how much you care about your decisions in the game because
Yeah, your decisions in the game are going to impact your next playthrough
But in a more serious way than most games that attempt to do that right now actually will
the way like the way looting in towns or encampments or whatever else would work because
If those agents are stealing from other player characters
And from each other and if there are enough ai agents that are working the land, you know producing raw
Raw materials and resources the the world this game world will naturally become enriched
Over time if you do the the classic legend of zelda smash all the pots in like your favorite town
You could like bankrupt the town
Oh, wow. I didn't even like think of that
Like you're gonna have to actually
Not be a big jerk unless that's what you want for the world or it could be full of really good stuff
Because it's secret, you know after 10 pm
This town is cannibal mode. You think they're really cool, but but
But they're actually like stealing and cannibalizing the areas around them or whatever. Yeah
Dwarf fortress. Yeah dwarf fortress with this would be sick
Oh, no
They do have a persistent mode. Yeah, there's a lot of games that have that have done these types of things. I
I'm struggling to describe what i'm i'm trying to say
But I think this is going to enable a new level of it if you know what I mean
The dark 24 and float plane chat says that would never work in a multiplayer game because people are trolls
But that's the thing
If you have an expansive enough world
And enough of these ai agents
well, they're gonna learn from the behavior that
they see
And you're going to create a very adversarial
Type of world I think what you could probably do is you could tailor the gaming experience by having worlds with different rules
So the ai agents all start with the same basic
Um, you know alignments or the same basic resources or jobs or whatever else it is
But in some worlds you you know, there's no player versus player or in some worlds
There's no player versus good aligned npc's or you know
Whatever these baseline rules are and I think that would really that would really alter
The course of the world's development and people could pick their play style based on what type of world they select to warp into
Yeah, and like if you're in a if you're in a like full pvp enabled world
And the players do just attack everything all the time
It would make sense for the agents to start training themselves more aggressively investing in armaments
Yeah, and if you created a world that had lesser resources in certain regions, well, those would be lower level regions
Um, so you could still have kind of similar to what you'd seen in mmo
You could still have a training area where pvp is disabled and you know, all the ai agents are kind of
Because you couldn't actually nerf the npc's too far or else all the low level areas would just disappear. Yeah, exactly. Yeah
It's interesting
So, yeah, what about ruining the game economy by selling too many materials into town
Like if you sell too much bread in a town, you could bankrupt the baker
The the some of these types of systems already exist
Yeah, um, but the the quake impacts of them. Yeah across the world
I feel like it would be self-balancing to a point right because if there's a if there's a fixed amount of resource
Anytime someone amasses too much
Someone's going to be gunning for them
Oh, so like you have like assassins coming after you or whatever. Yeah, something like that. Yeah
If you have to actually cart your goods around
Oh that that's a really interesting thing. So you add you just add these like these realism
Counterbalances to the ways that people will try to break the game and it's obviously something that will be broken in a new way every wipe
It would have to be really really hard. It's the kind of game. It would have to be like realism hard
It's the kind of game that you could play forever. Yeah, pretty much
Yeah, anyways, um
The discussion questions for this topic are what are the likely applications and limitations of this type of technology?
What kind of difference would it make in people's lives if they had this kind of ai assistant?
the the most interesting like actually use it myself use case that I think I saw was that
uh the groceries one
Yeah, because we've talked like there's been there's been oh this fridge will like reorder milk for you or whatever
Um, but that seems to have kind of gone away. I don't know if it didn't work that well or what
I mean probably but I haven't heard people talk about it in like a long time
There are fridges so they were made by appliance manufacturers
Which is probably true tell you how good the software was
But like I I also know a lot of people that say like one of the most annoying things they have to do every week
Is like figure out what the heck they're going to eat
So if you can just tell it like I like these things I need groceries for a week and it can just figure it out
For you, I think a lot of people would just be happy with that
I don't know and if it can actually order the groceries for you and they just like show up and then
What's great is the longer you interact with it the better it gets because you can say this was great. This was trash
This was a seven out of ten
This was too hard to cook this was too boring to cook if that's a metric that you care about
I don't have the right tools to cook this one
different things like that
Um, there's a lot of there's a lot of sort of media
Whether it's games or movies that people are pointing out is similar to what we've been talking about
It's pretty similar to the concept. It's been around forever. Yeah
What's exciting right now is that there's a path to it. Yeah a real
Realistic path to this gaming experience existing because up until now at levels of depth that we haven't really seen
We've we've reached a point where creating a next generation gaming experience has become functionally impossible
I mean look at the budget look at the time they spent on gta 5
You know, look at how long cd project red was working on cyberpunk
Look how long they've been working on the next generation witcher game because to hand craft
every element of the environments and interactivity and and questing and items and whatever it is is
No longer feasible if you're trying to make a bigger game than what came last
Especially now that games as a service is such a pervasive concept within the industry because you don't just gta 6
Doesn't just have to be bigger than gta 5 it has to be bigger than gta 5
Plus the 10 flipping years of work that they've done on gta 5 since they launched it
It's actually impossible. It's it's pretty ridiculous. You can't you can't you can't catch up to yourself
There's also been running for 10 years. There's also reward systems in games that are holding that type of stuff back
This is a slightly different conversation, but like uh csgo
Csgo 2 or whatever is coming. I just don't get access because i'm not a cool streamer person. Um, but uh,
The they were one of the first things in their announcement was talking about how like yes, don't worry
You'll be able to keep your skins
That doesn't work that great for every game. Yeah, it does work really well for counter-strike
Yeah, but like where's my oblivion horse armor now? Yeah, what if the next game doesn't have horses?
And so they don't want to create. Oh, yeah, you don't want to create an environment where people feel like
Well, I would be a whale and I would spend thousands or tens of thousands of dollars on this game
There's a new one coming and I can't take my stuff with me and you see the kind of backlash that developers are getting
From you know, oh, well, we're gonna do a new one and yeah, forget about your old stuff. Oh, man
Shoot, who was it over not overwatch? No
New version coming, uh old version
Turned off game
Hold on
That's why tarkov's wipe system is great. Yeah, I
I think it just needs to wipe like is it often? Is that the one arc a lot of people are saying arc?
I don't know much about yeah
I think people are upset about art because they have a new one coming and then they uploaded a
Remaster are they they they released a remaster of the original even though the second one is coming
But then they want to chart they wanted to charge for the remaster
And they were going to disable access to the first one so essentially it was like a forced upgrade
To like arc 1.1
When arc 2 was coming or something like that, that's gross
yeah, so this is that's not quite related to what we were talking about actually now that I think about it a bit more but
It's a way that game developers are going to have to figure out or it's an example of how game developers are going to have
To figure out how to manage this relationship as they rev their software
Knowing that their previous games as a service
Either isn't gone
Or either is gone and they have to figure out how to smooth that over
Or isn't gone and they have to incentivize people to move on to the next thing
Apparently it's not just a remaster, but you have to repay for all of the dlc's
Nice, that's ridiculous. Um speaking of moving on. Yeah, why don't we talk about our next big? Oh, hold on a second
No, we want to talk to a non-ai riley says luke look at this
But quote unquote a really big deal dolly is a free open source chat gpt style ai model
oh, uh, so we've
Uh, we've we've talked about uh a few different open source chat gpt style
Oh, this is just what you're talking about where you bring the whole processing load
Locally yeah, so there's a couple of these that are already out. Um, I think this is literally trained off of the predecessors
Um, like uh, llama and alpaca. I think it's just a like
Better more advanced version of those. I haven't looked super deeply into this but I I do believe it's essentially the same deal but like
Just much stronger than llama and alpaca were
uh, all right
Let's talk about
Really big deal
Yeah, like I haven't looked I haven't like downloaded this and ran it myself yet
But as far as my understanding goes it's just like a way more advanced version of those
All right
Let's do it do what the one the one. Yep. We're just we have to talk about twitter
We're just going straight down the list. Let's do it
elon musk pivots to ai
Uh, you know he was talking about the everything app in the past
So if you're doing an everything app, then you have to
Chase the flavor of the month all the time and that means right now chasing ai
Musk has recently hired talent from google's subsidiary deep mind and purchased around
10,000 gpu's in an apparent pivot towards development of a chat gpt rival
Um at the or some other ai based
Thing i'd maybe say open ai not chat gpt, uh at the same time twitter inc has been folded into x corp
That's an interesting one one of two corporate entities created in march alongside x dot ai
It's unclear precisely what form this new ai project will take
I genuinely don't know anyone that is confident in what the heck they would be doing
Uh, but it is likely it likely has something to do with elon musk proposed everything app as we mentioned earlier, which he calls x
According to musk he wants to make the x app analogous to we chat in terms of functionality
Musk has announced that twitter x corp will now be auto replying to press inquiries with poop emojis
Making it difficult to get straight a straightforward comment on the future direction of the company
Very cool. Elon also announced twitter subscriptions creators can charge followers for exclusive long-form tweets and
Hours long video or shorter up to hours long video basically upgraded super follows
With twitter forfeiting their cut of the revenue for the first year also known as a marketing budget
Tell me you're desperate without telling me you're desperate. Yeah
Um, can I can I pitch a theory here? Yeah
I feel like a lot of the other coverage and conversation that i've seen around this has been
You know, what game of 4d chess is he playing?
You know, what will be what will be the vision for the everything app or whatever whatever else it is
Um, I actually think it is way simpler than that. Here's my here's my cynical
The simplest answer is probably the correct answer
uh theory
I think he wants to unload twitter
So it makes sense to fold it into something else. So now it's x corp
Okay, which like is cool or something. I think that by
by tying x corp to this
everything app slash
It's working on ai
Kind of you know bs silicon valley startup kind of nebulous
Cool factor brand there's more than 2000 ai startups in the last week if I remember correctly. Yeah, so it makes sense
Yep, so so so creating value creating a perceived value by throwing his very loud noise making skills
at a really big buzzword
Could give him an opportunity to
Dump twitter before anyone realizes that they're not actually doing anything other than buying gpu's
which has also been in the headlines because nvidia has been talking about how
Cryptocurrency stupid ai is our future. Everyone needs to buy gpu's for ai
We're nvidia, let's go
There there are other processors for ai. I mean nvidia is very dominant in the space right now
They are not going to be the only one forever
Yeah, um, so I I actually think it's just the simplest and you know
Why would he why would he avoid press inquiries? Well because press ask
Uncomfortable questions man that interview. I haven't watched it. I've watched some clips from it
I've been told I should watch it, but it's pretty rough
Um because the press asks uncomfortable questions and doesn't just ask them but expects a real well-thought-out answer
They're not just going to accept whatever stupid thing you say
By stonewalling any serious inquiry about what's going on. He gives himself the only
Speakers gavel or speakers staff or you know, whatever thing the speaker holds in this particular weird timeline we're on
Allowing himself to build this narrative of what x corp slash twitter slash
x ai actually is
Under this shroud of secrecy where actually it's just doing weird little proofs of concept with engineers. It borrows from tesla or whatever and then
Hopefully he can find someone stupid enough to put a bunch of investment money into this
So that he can dump his share somehow and just get the crap away from this dumpster fire
I think he's just I think this is just a loss minimizing
and I think it's it's it maybe it's just because i'm a very cynical person at this point, but it seems pretty
It seems it's pretty transparent to me somewhat go in line with a move that i've seen from a couple little startups recently
which is why that where they they
Find an engineer that they feel like they can label as a superstar
Like llmai machine learning engineer
They pay them big mega bucks to come on board
They buy a ton of gpu's they slap a label on their project and they just try to flip it like literally like that week
Yeah, there's some there's some flips that have been happening very very fast
there's also big money in this type of engineering right now because
You know twitter buying 10 000 gpus. These are expensive like a 100 big
super chip
Very big money like forty five thousand dollars on ebay graphics cards right now forty five thousand or forty five hundred forty five thousand
Uh, is that just scalping that's going on right now? Like is this the thing? Yeah. Yeah, how much is a hopper?
Let me see if I can find h100 gpu let's go
forty two thousand dollars for a tesla h100 h100. Sorry not a 100. Yeah
That's the last gen you're thinking of my bad
Uh, but yeah, uh, I don't think these were worth that much before. Uh, yeah, probably not. Um
Because the problem is a lot of these companies
That you know, some of them might just be trying to cash in on like the dot com 2.0 hype kind of thing
Some of them also have very good ideas and they need these gpus to power those ideas
And they can't get them
They got investor money. They're going to get them somehow
Apparently the msrp for this one or well, there is no msrp for something like this
Yeah, typically sold as integrated but apparently the price for these is typically around 35,000. Oh, okay. Yeah
I mean it's still marked up by seven grand. Um
Yeah, and there aren't even many available. Yeah
So it's it's been uh
It's been pretty intense there's so right
What I was saying was there's actually a lot of money right now in being an engineer that can work on this stuff
Especially if you can be super efficient with it
Because if you can reduce the cost of gpus
And the cost of continually processing on those gpus that you need to have
That's very beneficial for companies right now. The uh, open ai has been talking about how they don't actually believe
Um a lot of these models need to be trained on bigger data sets
Oh interesting and that they're not actually your data sets or potentially cleaner potentially better at parsing them potentially better systems
Powering the the actual like chat module stuff like that. Uh, they've said that they're not actually working on gpt5 right now
Um, and they think it is more beneficial and they will step forward faster if they work on like supporting tools for what they already have
Which honestly kind of makes sense to me because when you're talking about it like
the previous
Topic where we mentioned that it will like get distracted or confused with complex goals
Well, okay. It might be more productive to work on keeping it on task
by teaching it how to
um, you know break apart problems and compartmentalize parts of it like you do with like
Like humans do to be completely honest if you get this massive complicated task
Instead of trying to tackle the entire thing as one big unit
You often break it down into smaller things so that you can easily more easily task tackle it and keep yourself focused
Well working on things like that might actually be more beneficial and get you to a higher perceived performance and power faster
Right than just training a bigger model that's going to have the same problem
So, yeah
I also want to talk about linkedin verified. Yeah
Speaking of everything apps
Has gone from somewhere that you go just for the exclusive purpose of updating your resume when you're looking for a job
to as far as I can tell the primary social network for
I'm just trying to think
Most of the working adults that I know like and I don't mean
i'm aware of like i'm not talking about people that i've added a couple times on twitter or whatever else i'm talking about people that
I know who mostly I
Only work. So I mean most of the people I know are are through work the amount of just sort of
Random crap posting on linkedin and just life updates people are posting on there how active it is
Because I I don't I don't really engage with it
so almost everyone that i'm connected with on linkedin is someone that I added over 10 years ago back when I was
Updating my resume because I was looking for a job, right? Like that's how I used it
but the way that it's used has evolved so much now and
This is cool. They're rolling out a verification program
So it looks like by confirming users identities and their workplace
It's going to start to work kind of like blind
so in addition to being a social network that you just generally engage with your
Your professional circle through and then just apparently engage with just about anybody based on the messages. I get on linkedin
It's going to become more like a private version of your own internal work
Chat slash board slash slack
I mean it's owned by microsoft so it might it could tie into teams even if you want it but without without
The filter of being worried that your you know
Your system administrator or your boss is going to archive and read any message that you post until linkedin has a data breach
Until linkedin has a breach. I mean you just said owned by microsoft
When's the last time microsoft had a major user data branch, but nobody's like no, it's very trable
No, it's very trable. Hey, we're not we're not saying it's uh, it's impossible
But that is fair microsoft has been pretty solid for quite a while now
So they're going to send a security code through your work email
So they'll actually verify the domain of your workplace make sure that you have a functioning email that makes sense
And even have people submit their government id to a third-party verification service
This is basically what google tried to do with google plus
Barely remember how google plus functioned to be completely honest google plus the concept was circles. Yeah. Okay for one thing and that
Yeah, we're not going back to circles. But also
You know creating, you know
Pods of well, here's my professional network
Here's you know, whatever else I I think that you could easily use it this way if you really wanted to
But the the big one was when they integrated google plus with youtube was they wanted to cut down on spam
Apparently azura just had a breach. Oh, all right. Oh awesome
Are you kidding me? Okay, great timing
Um, okay, so your data won't be safe
But hey, at least you can send snarky messages about you know, jeff from accounting to sue from you know
Logistics or whatever else. Anyway, that doesn't change my point. The point is that youtube was attempting to not that recently
to moderate the
Conversations that were occurring on youtube by having everyone verify their identity use real identities
And facebook tried to do something very similar when they cracked down on people having just sort of nonsense profile names and had people
They restricted your ability to change your name all the time. They had you actually submit
Uh, it would it would call you on it if you submitted something that didn't sound like a real enough name
It feels like
We frogs have been kind of boy like remember bob and his tank army
When google integrated youtube and google plus and wanted everybody to use real identities the kind of of rebellion that took place on the internet
and now
i'm, even looking at this going this is
This is kind of this is feels like a feature
This is apparently part of an effort to crack down on fraud and impersonation on the site, which would be
Which which would legitimately make it a much better experience which
Isn't really different from what google was trying to do. Would we have this? I think it is
I think it is I was having I was actually having this conversation with some friends literally last night
Um, not this exact one
But about like your frogs comment sure about how a lot of people have just kind of given up on privacy
When that used to be like a huge conversation
And genuinely a massive percentage of the population is like yeah
I'll just have like amazon echoes all around my house and ring doorbells and whatever and I don't care
I think this is a little bit different because
Linkedin has never been anonymous
Yeah, and google or youtube comments and all that kind of stuff. They were anonymous and then that was taken away
Linkedin's like whole purpose was like look this is who I am. This is my name. This is where I work
This is everything i've ever done all that kind of stuff. So I don't feel like it's really a change of tone for the platform
So, is it just a change in attitude for the user that they enjoy and appreciate the more meaningful interactions
They have on this platform. I could definitely see that being and are gravitating towards using it
Even if they're not really thinking about why it works so much better
It could be that in this like era of the internet
We're now kind of separating like the same person might still want their anonymity on twitter or youtube comments or whatever else
But then want to have more direct know the person you're talking to conversations on another platform somewhere else like potentially linkedin
I could totally see that being a thing. I would have to purge my linkedin because I just like
I'm gonna go to luke's linkedin at some point in time. I just like added everyone. Oh
Were you job searching
Did it seem like we were going through a rough patch?
Oh, I think this was when you were doing it too. I think we were both in panic mode
I think i've updated my picture now. Hold on a second. You actually
No, you haven't
That's really old
Is that from taiwan? I actually don't know brandon clearly took that but I don't know where we were
That's got to be in taiwan. You've you've updated it recently. I updated it slightly because so many people were contacting me
So we're linkedin for work. You're all over that. You're all over that linkedin. No because they wanted jobs here
Yeah, because you you know updated your updated your title. So no, no, no, no
What jobs are you applying for the last time? Oh
No, that's ancient. Oh, I see. Yeah
Yeah, yeah. Yeah
500 plus connections. Yeah, I ruined it good gravy. It's like a lot more than that, too
Huh? That's just what they wow cool certification bro. Hey, it's real. I got it. I mean, yeah, I guess so. Yep
Neat. Oh, this was while you were working here. Did I pay for that? You don't remember that? No, you didn't. Oh, okay
Wow, you should have uh had me pay for that. That was well before we had that program. Oh that makes sense
Uh, yeah, okay. No, wait this oh, yeah, we didn't have any money
Right, this is when you kept talking about gamifying the forum. Yeah, then you wouldn't shut up about it
It's because you took this course. Yeah
Got it. Okay. Yeah, so what's the point of listing your university of victoria education when I didn't finish it?
Very clear from the date range that you uh
Did not complete well, I didn't finish the other one either
That doesn't really answer my question at all did you include yours i'm i'm checking
Because if i'm gonna shame you then I guess I better check my own shiz over here. You got your secondary school. Uh, oh
Yeah, that's pretty cringe
I don't know if that's better to be a founder
Uh committed to delivering fun youtube video social media project coordinator
What a title I made it up right obviously like I didn't have a title
I don't think I ever got a formal promotion the entire time. I worked at ncix, but I definitely got paid a lot more so
I gave myself my own title everyone kind of picked their own title there. So whatever. Yeah, um
retail sales representative
Student works painting life guarding day camp counselor. Yeah, I got my no
I didn't put university on there because there because I didn't get a degree and I didn't get a diploma
So I only counted
I only counted as possible on there. I have what hold on. When did you update this? Hold on. Hold on
I have what sorry go down further
down down down down down down down down down down down down down down keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going
Publications fast as possible. Yeah, it's like tips ncaa executives. Yeah. Well, we started fast as possible six days after lmg was
Officially started because remember the idea behind it was that it was going to be that soon
Yeah fast as possible was so important because it was going to be the vehicle by which we were going to get way more views
On our paid video production work for brands. We were going to create this channel
Oh, yeah
That was little explainers to get people subscribed and get momentum and then it was going to also be just like
fully paid videos
For you know corsair or samsung or whatever the case may be I would
Totally stupid plan based on how youtube works now where it's a lot more
Important how good the quality of the video is and a lot less important how many subscribers you have?
But it seems like kind of a good idea at the time
Yeah, we started it pretty much right away
And we it was also at a time when pretty much everyone on youtube had a secondary channel of some sort
You know whether it was a vlog channel or behind the scenes channel or like even a lot of them were just called like
Two cooking streams. Yeah. Yeah, just just two. Yeah, so I wanted I wanted some kind of second identity
whether it was if the main channel went down or stopped growing or
Something I discovered very recently. This is super off topic, but that there's a bunch of channels that just mirror themselves
They'll have another channel of a same similar or even completely different name that has all of the same content
And really some people that do that have gotten mad because youtube has like gotten rid of their channel their additional channel because of impersonation
But they're like no wait, that's me
I was like
I had no idea. This was a thing that people did
Interesting apparently they do it not actually for like algorithmic gains. They don't promote the other channel. Okay, that's what I would have
if the first channel just gets
Deletified yote they have the second one still so if they get like content strikes on one of them they can survive
And just remove the channel remove the videos that they got the content strikes from
And then just keep going
At least that's what the like one person I saw talking about it. I'm sorry. I don't believe that
That might not be real. I don't know. I just saw one person commenting, but that's how that's what they do
it's like that's
Interesting. Um, but yeah, okay. Do we need to move on explain merch message?
Is our current thing? Yeah. Okay, right. So we're trying to make the show a little
More structured. We had a five-hour wan show last week
Which was a a lot and b not even remotely feasible today given how late we ended up starting
so dan is trying to kind of
Keep us in line here
If you guys are not familiar yet merch messages are the way to interact with the show
Send little messages that pop up in the bottom to your friends or your mom assuming your mom watches the wan show
So you can send a merch message. You're the only person whose mom I know watches the wan show
Um, it also allows you to
Send there's more i'm sure topic suggestions just you know, generally show some love
It's a better way to interact with the show because unlike a twitch bit or a super chat or whatever else the case may be
A merch message might not get a response
We do our best but even if it doesn't you will get your order in the mail and however long it takes to get to
America or timbuktu or australia or wherever it happens to be that you live or if you're buying a gift for someone else
So why don't we do a couple of merch messages to kind of oh, right?
The way it works is you go on lttstore.com and in the checkout you'll see a little box whenever we're live
There's a box where you can fill in your merch message and it'll go into a queue to be sorted by producer. Dan
Dan do you want to hit us with a couple merch messages and then we'll move on to our next topic
I do i've got a couple good ones here for you
First up is from adrian if lmg didn't exist and you could choose to do whatever you wanted
Where would you work and in what position?
Well, the position would definitely be on all fours
Okay, no, hold on hold on
I'm going to answer this two different ways
I'm going to answer without the if you could choose to do whatever you wanted
If lmg didn't exist
Probably it would have collapsed around the first three to six months and I had a pretty solid job never started
Yeah, I had a pretty solid job offer at um western digital. I remember that and like it was like
it looked
pretty good compared to
The constant
Existential crisis that was linus media group at that time
I it I was thinking about it seriously enough. Like I I never
I always told them no, right, but I was thinking about it enough
It was troubling me enough that I did talk to luke and ed about it. It was like hey, so this is like a thing
Um, it was fun because I lived with him at the time and I had abandoned
Both ed and I had completely abandoned our educational prospects which we were both doing very well with
In order to start this company and then after we did that he was talking to us and I was hearing him and avon
Update his linkedin profile so he could get a different job and abandon this project. That was that was a very cool era
When did I update my linkedin profile? I was already living with you and we were working on this
Are you sure you're updating your linkedin because of the wd thing?
I thought
See, I remember writing all of this stuff on my linkedin profile
In my office when I was still at ncix because I gave them like six months. Oh, you might have also done that
Oh, okay. I don't know. Yeah, I think
Yeah, i'm not saying it was exclusively at that time. Okay, I I I can tell you I didn't update much
I know because I updated my linkedin before I left because I wanted to be able to check
A whole bunch of numbers while I still had access to the internal system
How much did I grow the revenue on this line from when to when so I did I did the vast majority of that
it was communicated as a like
If this does burn
Hmm, this is my plan
But the plan is for it to not burn and I did talk to you and that was I mean, I was open about it
I would rather know so like i'm not i'm not i'm not mad about it. It was just a spicy moment. That's all yeah
Hey, hey, we made it
We made it
Yeah, who um and like it wasn't like
It wasn't like I wasn't considering what I would do. Yeah burnt as well. Like I I don't know. I don't know if ed was
I'm, not sure. I think he just
Had no plan
Maybe it's pointless. I don't know just not do that. Um
You probably would have been fine. So I had tried to apply to amazon
So that was clearly something that I wanted to do. I didn't get the job at amazon. So I went full bore into
getting linus media group started and then
Shortly into linus media group. I got the offer from wd
That was probably the best offer that I got and might have catapulted me into some kind of marketing position
Somewhere else, uh, would I have ended up? Um, I I would have if I had gotten desperate enough
Uh paul and kyle I think had already split from new egg at this point
I'm, not 100 sure but just like running and joining the video team there. I don't think they had I think they were still there
If I had applied i'm sure I could have you know become a host there
That was an option that I was turning over in my mind. There was some plan
Oh, man, I don't know if i'm hallucinating this or not. I think there was some chat gpt
Uh, I think there was some plan at some point that we had talked about
Where if it didn't work you and I were both going to go somewhere
I don't remember where I told you that one of the conditions that I had given to wd in the very short
Conversations was that I wanted to be able to bring my team with me because they wanted me to do some video stuff there
In some capacity. Yeah, so
That maybe that was it. I don't it's been a long it's actually genuinely been a very long time. Yeah. Yeah
It's hard to remember the exact details of the conversations
Yeah, so so if I recall correctly, they weren't that they weren't that enthused on that. Yeah, they weren't that into that
Uh, well, I don't I don't think because you guys weren't good
I think just because they didn't really know you guys and that's a that's a sudden change to the ask
Yeah, if you hire me you have to hire three people that's like well by that time brandon was with us too
So four. Yeah. Yeah, that's a lot
Now i'm going to answer as though I could do anything I want
Um, I don't know being like a professional
Footballer looks pretty good
I mean soccer. Do you mean soccer? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I mean soccer like, uh, yeah
Yeah, like if I could just be like christiano ronaldo not badminton
They don't make any money. Okay. Yeah, like, uh, you know, it's it seemed like that seems pretty good or like, um,
oh, man
Can I just be the son of?
Like someone who has a job is that?
It appears to be a thing
Yeah, yeah
Uh, no, that's that doesn't really count, but that's all a lie
No, that's that's a lie because I think you and I both know that I want to do something
I wouldn't be happy. I was having this conversation with jake actually like two days ago because
He sent me a picture of his trunk full of new speakers
When we just upgraded his speakers as part of his extreme tech upgrade
Okay, and then a week or two weeks later
He's sending me pictures of his home depot run where he got this super cool new acoustic material
And some rock wool and then the week after that
He's sending me pictures of like he's been on a mega sound kick for a while him building panels and you know putting
uh putting fabric over them and whatever and i'm like
You know why you drive me crazy
Because you are just
like me
That is the worst thing about you. You are just like me. How long have you actually spent listening to music?
And I have his response this is fantastic
Hold on where is it, uh, but like the number of hours he has spent optimizing his his setup
The dels del switches, oh man, I text jake a lot
Oh, oh the problem is that i'm uh, i'm on teams, okay, hold on
Oh, this is taking far too long i'm so sorry, I thought this was going to be the kind of thing that I just had
Ready at a moment's noticed
Anyway, whatever the point is it was like four minutes
Because he spent all his time setting it up many hours and it was like
Dang, this sounds awesome. So it's like how you would spend like weeks building the the perfect thing with a computer and then don't play any games
Yeah, yeah, or how I would spend hours setting up a headphone listening room with all different amps and dacs
And headphones which we did here and then not use it once
Or like how I would set up, um
A gaming lounge so that I can hang out on lounge nights only to show up a grand total of probably three times
I think i've managed to make it to lounge night and and and I I even have made it like part of
Chase's duties our event coordinator part of his duties to ensure that those happen every two weeks. So they're happening
I'm paying for it and I almost never actually get to go or okay since we're at it
how I would set up a home theater room so that I mean, I guess my kids use it but
I think i've actually only watched about four movies since we moved in in the theater room
Because I just I can't help it I would rather I would rather
Build the lego kit
Than actually play with my lego dragon when i'm done. It's just the way that I am
If I had to
If I had to get into an industry, maybe I would get into like, um commercial real estate development
Something like that
If the clients weren't horrible
I think it could actually be pretty enjoyable because you're just constantly learning
About what this person's work what this company's this organization's workflow is I feel like you and if i'm both like that and and and and
Finding solutions and optimizing
Uh, I think another thing that would be that would be pretty fun for me is anything to do with anything like really hands-on
No, nope, that's what i'm going with. Okay your answer
I had a ton of different paths that I was pursuing like actually an insane amount of different things
That I was actually working on. Um
The most direct path that I was on the thing that I had like an offer for and whatnot
Was like software development and database management based
Would i've wanted to do that forever probably not but it seemed like the most direct path out of school
And you would have just automated the vast majority of it and like I don't know played video games
But I think you would have gotten bored. I would have gotten bored. Exactly. Yeah, 100 percent. Yeah, um
Yeah, so unless you did it at a really small company where everything was constantly on fire
So what I think I actually probably would have ended up doing this is still not like get to pick anything in the world
Is your career? Yeah, but uh like disaster recovery
Okay, I genuinely think I would really enjoy that probably like nation scale
Um, so like natural disaster recovery. Oh, okay interesting
So like figuring out how comms and logistics are gonna work and whatever
Okay, and then like coordinating responses and doing all that kind of stuff. I genuinely think I would really like that
Um if I could pick anything, uh astronaut and I actually do mean that seriously
I just don't think I would actually be able to like make the cut right now
Oh, yeah. Yeah. No, you gotta be you have to be a genius and like an athlete. Yeah and
whatever and like I have bad eyes and
Dyslexia and like other things where like yeah, and you're like almost too old at this point. Yeah, probably like
Yeah, get wrecked
I mean I thought about it when I was younger and then I thought about the cuts
That you have to go along and all this type of stuff and where you end up if you don't make the cuts
And I was like, yeah, probably not
I think i'm not gonna go in that direction, right? So it's one of those it's one of those career paths like star quarterback
Yeah, if you make it
cool great and if you don't it's like uh, and it's it's not a hundred percent that way because
You usually end up with a very extreme education experience and stuff and the jobs that you can get if you don't make it
are are very
Good so often respectable. Yes, but not what I would necessarily want to do. I get it
So it's not it's not quite that it's sort of as in like
It ends you up somewhere that you don't want to be but not as much
Because a lot of the potential jobs are like very serious big time career type things
But they're still not necessarily things that I would want to do hit us again dan. Yeah
Oh, I think it's about time to move on to some more topics unless you really do want another one
Yeah, you have to give us one more. Sorry. All right. All right. I don't make the rules work you you do
We're working through it together. Okay, next up is from gary
Uh discuss this is more of a demand than a question
A pair of 17 year old students used a flipper zero finding flaws in their school's rfid and network
Students are now facing legal trouble. That's what do you tell?
parents students
So this is a tough one because
While they might have been
Right, we're missing some information find vulnerabilities. Yeah, we don't have the whole story here
So i'm going to have to kind of come at it a few different ways while they might have been right to find and disclose
to actually
Enact them to to to exploit them in any way could very well be illegal
um, it's kind of like how
It's kind of like how it would be fine to knock on someone's door and tell them hey
Um that lock on your door is super insecure and you should replace it. Have a great one. See you later
That's fine. But if you sit there attempting to pick but if you sit there and pick it and walk into their house and you're like
Hey, um, well-meaning neighbor
Yeah, everything's chill. So i'll be on my way in a sec, but your door is super insecure
I was able to pick that in like 10 seconds. Uh, see you later
That's still breaking and entering
um, yeah
So there's some stuff about this that we don't know if they if they detected vulnerabilities using flipper zero
Didn't do anything with them and then reported it to the school and the school is trying to go after them with legal trouble
Hope that the internet rains down on that school with everything they've got
If they like did abuse things
I still think they should have a light hand with them. They're students
We don't know how old these students are. That's fair
There are students who are like 18 and a pair of 17 year old students who actually do know how old they're yeah
They're old enough
I mean, come on. It depends what they do in my opinion
Yeah, sure if they like mess around and like change the text on the school sign. Yeah, that's pretty minor
Yeah, that's just pranks. Give them a slap on the wrist
Whatever if they tried to like change their grades or something. I'm i'm not saying this is even like possible with that system
I'm just saying like that level of thing then that could be a problem, you know
No, don't say that don't say what what did I say?
I don't know whatever moving on. All right, let's move on to our next topic here. Do you want to talk about the mario movie?
Uh, yeah, sure. Now you haven't seen it. No, right. Nope. Have you read reviews?
Or looked at watched reviews. I don't know. How do people
Review these days sort of okay
It's doing better than I thought it was going to do. What are your expectations?
Are you are you gonna watch it?
Because you like never go to the movies. I very rarely go to the movies. When's the last time you went to a movie?
I literally don't know
Was it when we went to see the second kingsman?
I think so. Yeah, because that was like
There's the third one is like out
You know
Did we go see that one? No, we watched that one at my place
Oh, yeah, very disappointing because I remember it. Yeah, it was pretty bad. Yeah
Are you ready to go? I don't know. I I am planning on going to the movies soon
I want to go see john wick four with brandon. Okay. All right, cool. Cool. Cool. I like going to see
Cinematic movies with brandon because then he gets to geek out about them afterwards and it's like that's that's fun
Um, but I don't know I probably wait for it to come to some service
But I can definitely watch because I definitely subscribe to it
It's surprisingly
My expectations based on the critical reception were pretty low. Oh, yeah, I assumed it was garbage and then
Apparently people seem to like it a decent amount. Yeah right now on rotten tomatoes. Let me jump to my screen
Not that one. Oh boy this one. Um, the the tomato meter
So the the reviewers gave it a 58 but audience 96. Yeah
People like it. Those are both completely wrong
It is it is not a 96 percent piece of storytelling
Um, well, okay. No, it's a visual fiesta. That's not how rotten tomatoes works
Because rotten tomatoes is yes or no and if you vote yes, it's like it goes up. Okay
Yeah, but but in general what we've what what would typically be a 96
Would have to have everything. Yeah, it would have to be great fun for the whole family, you know
All the multiple layers of whatever, you know something like an up is is a masterful animated film. Definitely. Um,
It's not up
What is ups ratings?
Oh, it's probably close to a hundred percent
I mean, I kind of hope so
98 yeah
It's not two percent. Yeah, it's not two percent worse than up. It's not it's not close the audience score for up is 90
The tomato meter is 98 up is people have bad taste
Yeah, so anyway, um the super mario brothers movie though what it is is good clean fun. It's
I mean, that's probably good. It's good clean fun. It's
Um, you know everything that I was worried would be kind of garbage about it
Uh, like if they if they overdid the the references and and they they they did it's of course
There's a lot of it's from one reference to one reference to to another reference, but you know nintendo has
What what are we what are we coming up on like, you know, 40 years of like modern era video gaming content
They're all playing cards whether whether it's whether it's music or characters or environments
Or or game or mechanics or whatever else it is. Sorry plumbers
Nintendo nintendo has so much to draw on that they can do that without it feeling stale and I actually
I I enjoyed it
It's not the kind of thing that I would watch again. I I don't I don't need to I don't need that
Um, I I definitely you know, I prefer despicable me if i'm gonna you know, pick an illumination film that I that I like better, okay
but it was
Fine good enough. Yeah, it was totally good enough. The kids loved it. Do you feel like the voice acting detracted from it?
You know what?
Controversial take here we go. I thought chris pratt was fine. I thought anya taylor joy was terrible
She took me out of the movie basically every time princess peach opened her mouth and it didn't take you out for chris pratt
No, that's fine. Interesting
The thing that's crazy to me is that the voice actor for mario
Is like
Alive and he's in the movie. Oh, what the heck? Yeah. Yeah, it's fine
It's like actually like I said everything that I thought was terrible and i'm not really spoiling anything
He's revealed in like the first couple minutes
Uh, everything that I thought was gonna be bad
Was fine. I want to ask like how they explain that away and stuff, but it's gonna be too spoilery. No
No, it's it's just it's fine. Okay, and it's fine. Yeah. Um, the second one is going to be dog
I'm calling it. You feel like they spent all their like, yeah. Yeah. Yep. All the good references are spent
any character development that they can do for mario is
God, there's there's plenty more to explore. They have set up a cinematic universe worth of things to explore. Yeah
Which means someone is on a time is on a time crunch creating the next?
Cookie cutter installment of this that is meant to come out on x schedule come hell or high water and don't forget about the
the tv show tie-ins and all the
The video game tie-ins that you're gonna have to would you think you're gonna have to play in order to know what's happening when?
peach gets captured by bowser and goes there and she gets
Rescued and there's a gonna be a little wink to the audience in super mario brothers movie 4 and toad's standalone adventure movie
When he has toad's adventure 2 or whatever it's going to be awful
I'm calling it now
It's going to get super self-referential to itself rather than to the rich video game history
Or I could be totally wrong and nintendo could go an utterly different direction with it
Spoilers no there's there's no spoilers. I'm just I'm just I'm just talking about it
Spoilers for the movie that isn't out yet. Yeah, exactly exactly guys, but yeah, yeah smash bros multiverse is
100 going to be a thing and it's going to be atrocious
Because the other thing too is they went with all their most recognizable characters right out of the gate
so what it's going to be like icarus and uh
Game and watch like i'm
Right you think they could do the adventures of someone else I mean they could they could just wouldn't perform as well
I think if they wanted it to be good they would probably go separate universes
Um, do you think they could do stuff like like someone in floatplane chat mentioned luigi going ghostbusters?
Do you think they could do like a like a murder mystery style thing with like the luigi haunted house stuff?
There's so much room for them to do something creative and amazing, you know, i'd i'd love to see a zelda movie. Oh
I'd love to see it done
Really? Well, it has to be done really well totally different like i'm still burnt off the warcraft movie
Like I still like have a huge lack of trust like I almost want like like castaway kind of vibes where
Where it really focuses on on link and his lonely wandering
Uh or or something or something do something tonally different
The problem is that this is now the most successful animated film of all time
In terms of like its first week take yeah
And you know how bean counters work whether they're nintendo bean counters number two or disney bean counters that that more of that
Yeah, yeah, that's disappointing. Yeah, I like breath of the wild
Uh, like legend of zelda spin-off movie could actually be super sick like a like a hardcore survival film, but it's like
link trying to
Do live action would be cool
Yeah, it could be good
You want it to be animated
My thing is my thing is I don't think it should be cutesy. They took the warcraft movie
Yeah, which has like like people would watch this was actually a thing people uploaded just all of the cinematics for warcraft 3
Which don't even go into each other properly and just uploaded all of them in one
Video file onto youtube still a better movie than twilight and people would just watch the whole thing all the way through
It had tons of views back in the day
because the cinematics that blizzard made for so long even now when they make full-fledged ones because they
Not the in-game ones when they make full-fledged ones are like just absolutely legendary
Cinematics and then they're like warcraft movie live action. Like what? What are you doing? And so I oh man
so I I I
I question that a little bit sure. I actually think
it would be like
more legit I'd
I hazard saying this I think it would be more legit to do that with legend of zelda than it is with
Uh warcraft or really any blizzard title to be completely honest, but I still just I hazard that there's all these like disney
Like oh we're gonna live action lion king. That's stupid. Don't do that. Well, yeah, it's not even live action
That's just an animated movie. Dump just like in a realistic. Yeah style. Well, let's take all the emotion out of it. Cool
Uh, so I i'm speaking out of ignorance. I haven't watched it because I don't care. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I just uh,
I read the comments. I'm just
I'm just like concerned. That's all. Shia LaBeouf as link. Okay, you guys are memeing now
That's not funny
It's like super immersive about it
There's like Shia LaBeouf gets arrested for like smashing pots
At like home depot or something
Oh my god, I mean it's not Ezra Miller so
I don't know who that is. Oh, that's the that's the actor that is just
Plays the flash and is as far as we can tell just a complete weirdo. Oh, okay. Yeah. Yeah, man
Speaking of method actors though. I I would love oh, man. This is embarrassing. Uh, Viggo Mortensen
I'd love him as like Ganondorf or something. Just like play a villain for a change. That'd be cool. Yeah, that's Aragorn
I know I knew that he doesn't know actors. Yeah, but I knew that one because i'm like a lord of the rings nerd. Yeah
Yeah, all right. Why don't we jump into?
Microsoft could be working on a windows handheld mode for steam decka likes this
super exciting
Not because I want the steam deck to fail or because I want steam os to see any less development
not because I think that windows is an alternative to steam os or that I that I
Want it to become this easier path that blah blah blah none of those things but because competition is good
Valves competition in the space lit a fire under microsoft and we shouldn't let valve run unopposed either
I mean look how little innovation there was in steam until ea and ubisoft basically said look
We're going to take our ball and we're going to go home
Well valve innovated would they have done it anyway, I don't know maybe
Maybe not though
So this is exciting prolific microsoft leaker walking cat shared two videos on twitter that were taken from a pitch for an internal
microsoft hackathon project showcasing a windows handheld mode
The pitch acknowledges that the handheld pc market is growing. Thanks to a device called the steam deck. This is a direct quote
Um and shows prototype features that would make windows easier to use on such devices such as
Optimizing the onboarding experience which right now is very kludgy
Cross-platform across platform game launcher built right into windows. Are we going back to the games folder from vista?
Because i'm actually down. I liked it. It was kind of awesome. It was good
I complained very recently on a wancha about how it's it's kind of annoying right now about how everything is trying to be your games
Launcher and like I would actually just prefer one of them
And if microsoft had stuck with it
Like one of the things that it did was it pushed game developers to move their save games to one place
So instead of having it sometimes being an app data roaming and sometimes being in program files in the the game folder
and sometimes being in my games and sometimes just
Just being in my documents like men game developers have never been able to decide where your saves go
Microsoft one of the good things they did with vista and with the games folder was they consolidated it all went in one place
So when I had to reformat or whatever else because cloud saves weren't as much of a thing
It was one folder that I dragged
And it was good and it was good to go, right?
Um now you got to deal with like is it in app data or is it saved somewhere else?
Is it cloud saved? Oh, man cloud saves are both a blessing and a curse
Yeah, I set my kids up to play it takes two, um in the car at one point and they were like, hey
What happened to our game? I was like, I don't know. Oh, yeah, it turns out takes two just doesn't cloud save on steam
It's like just not supported and I saw this I saw this really awful
Uh video on I don't know if it was tik tok or something. Anyway, someone was someone was talking about how
their animal crossing
saved they had like 500 hours in animal crossing and their switch got corrupted during an update and
It's gone, even though they do pay nintendo for their stupid
Hostage taking cloud save feature. Nintendo is just like, oh, yeah, you have to manually enable animal crossing saves because they're big
This is a paid service nintendo
It's paid
That's actually so brutal. I I had seen like people were upset about animal crossing saves, but I didn't know why that's so brutal
This is something that's actually like almost unbelievable levels of of brutal of just hating your customers. Yeah, like what the
Oh, man
Oh, you mentioned when talking about the mario movie. You're like, yep. It's good clean fun like nintendo
It sucks that nintendo has to come with this
Incredibly ugly downside all the time. Yep. It's like what it wouldn't be that hard to just be like
A company that's just solid to be a super mario. Are the games expensive? Do they never go on discount?
Yeah, sure
But like they're always good
You can back up your save to an sd card for no charge because the sd card slot is right there on the console
And why wouldn't we let you do that?
That kind of stuff right like it seems like it would make sense for the brand, but they just they just
Can't they just have to be buttholes and it's like man
I don't know. I I do have to bring back. I don't know if you mentioned this. Sorry
I've been i've been working on something. Um, but the this was a hackathon project
Right, so like I wouldn't take this as a like they're working on it, but there's other cool ideas
But like driver handling, uh touch keyboard controller navigation of keyboard and common windows elements like task view
Uh controller support outside of steam and more
Like luke says this is no guarantee
But the microsoft employees who made the presentation seem passionate about it saying that windows and xbox app users deserve this and need this
They're so right. How have windows and xbox not merged more? Yeah, they're even doing a lot of the things, right?
But not a hundred percent of the way and these hackathons are often positioned to be able to find projects like this
So it is very possible that this does get done I just don't want people being like oh this is coming cool because it's not
Necessarily coming. Um, there's no word on whether they've started any kind of development on the project
but as pc world points out they'd be kind of dumb not to with the proliferation of these devices and
with the gap that valves inertia seems to have left in the market the rog ally is
Outstanding yeah, the amount of time that i've spent with it now is much more than the last time I talked about it and
Like I was just um, it's replaced the steam deck for you
Yvonne and I were having one of our one of our home meetings
Because she can never talk to me at work because no one will let her
Uh, so she it's very hard to get a meeting with you. Yeah, so she it's actually like a battle
Every time so anyway, she had a whole bunch of stuff in her inbox that was tagged discussed with linus
And I was just chilling on the floor in the computer room playing vampire survivors on the rog ally with it being completely dead silent
in the power saving mode because it's not a super demanding game and
I mean, it's obviously a pretty like brain turned off kind of game just like essentially having a meeting. Yeah, it runs
So smooth 120 hertz, uh, it's way more powerful than the steam deck way way more powerful
And it's not going to be the only one is it cool to have a computing device
Where you had a very significant performance jump that was noticeable
Yeah, because I feel like that hasn't super been a thing for a while, but I I I recognized only just now
But i've had this feeling the whole time you've been talking about it. Yeah that there's like a different level of excitement
Because this like super perceivable jump in performance is not so much of a thing. No lately. No, it's not it's twice as fast
Yeah, and it's like that's crazy and it is still a thing it is still a thing
Um, and like if if an ssd was twice as fast right now
It wouldn't matter most users are not going to notice but okay, so that's exactly the thing
There are still big upgrades the 4090 is an enormous upgrade over the 3090
1600 us dollars. Yeah starting at starting at for a single component of your computer
But here we're talking about I hope
Okay, I hope we're talking about a device that is
under or around a grand
Right, and that's for the whole device. Yes. Yes. It's a complete experience. It's not
An add-in board that you put in another thing. Yeah, that also costs a lot of money, right?
And also like needs its own level of heightened support because you need like a crazy power supply and exactly solid cooling and also the kind
of stuff exactly
No, i'm i'm i'm i'm jazzed and don't imagine for a second that if asus is successful with the rog ally
That you're not going to see other other pc manufacturers chime in because this is something I was trying to figure out
It's like who the heck is aya neo?
Who is one x player who is you know, uh, gpd like who who are these guys?
um, and I
I know who they are like I you know have communicated with them. I understand who they are actually very directly
But my point was that they are not asus, they're not major players
They are not msi gigabyte and if these guys can get to market
if the minimum order quantities and the relationship building with the amds or the intels of the world is so
relatively easy
Nothing would prevent a manufacturer with the expertise of an asus msi gigabyte acer, uh del whoever
Nothing would prevent them from
Coming out with one
Okay, do you think this is gonna be let's go. It's a laptop, but it doesn't full sure
Do you think it's gonna be bad for the gpd's aya neos of the world? Yeah
That sucks. Hold on
They still have an opportunity to maintain their niche
Is the only one who really takes the keyboard seriously?
Okay, so there's there's still room for them
aya neo
They were doing some really cool things with aya space
So their their skin slash launcher
Uh some really cool ideas
their overlay
Really cool ideas there for being able to uh kind of like the steam deck, right adjust
Your brightness and your volume and your power profile and whatever else while you're in game
Uh really cool ideas there I feel like compared to
I don't know six eight months ago
It's just kind of more bloated and buggy and hasn't really added anything useful for me
and so if they can really do a great job of that and
Make that supplementary to anything that microsoft builds into windows
I think it could be really good like aya at their aya neo at their best
Has had way better auto switching of uh joy to mouse
And then switching into controller mode as you launch games and then go back to the windows desktop
But then it got really bad around the time windows 11 launched which I would have to assume is something to do with microsoft
Thank you very much, but I don't know that for sure
Whereas asus right now, it's pretty rough. I basically just use a touchscreen, right?
Like it sucks like they have a toggle for it
But as far as I can tell it doesn't work and there's there's room for these companies
There's absolutely room for these companies to have acquisitions happen
You you even mentioned like there's all these major players in the space that could do it
But there's like software advantages or whatever that these small companies have that's like exactly why those things happen. Yeah 100
but then if i'm
I I don't think it would though like i'm thinking that everything I know about msi and their product development
Oh, I don't think msi would do it. I think
They just be like no we'll do it ourselves and it doesn't matter if it's crappy but like alienware, okay
Would would doll no dell would build it themselves and it would be less crappy, but then msi. Yeah
Dang what is it about hardware companies and just being utterly unable to do software. It's actually like
I don't find that there's a ton of companies that can do both. It's actually kind of difficult to cross over
Yeah, like why is apple, you know the first to cross a trillion dollar valuation. Yeah, because they can do both. It's hard
Yeah, intel software is like
Their consumer facing software is kind of janky. Do we want to talk about the the arc stuff? Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, yeah
Like there's definitely software things that i'm pretty sure intel does pretty well
Like my understanding is a lot of their like compiler stuff is very robust a lot of their like hardcore
Behind the scenes type of stuff is pretty solid a lot of their user facing stuff. The uis look like they're from
the early 2000s
Whatever he was even that's when they work art control or whatever was a hot pile of garbage. Yeah
I don't know
They feel extremely not modern on the user side or completely broken
In regards to when you look at like a software company like facebook trying to do hardware. It's like oh portal boo. Yeah
Like it's it's actually pretty hard to cross. I mean they technically do hardware now, but they acquired oculus and what have they realistically
as meta
Like developed and launched. Okay, so
They've I mean, yeah, they've done headsets they still yeah
But they still had a lot of the oculus team when they developed, you know rift s or when they developed quest one
Oh, I see. Um, so the pro is like the only yeah. Yeah, and it's
A flop as far as I can tell that doesn't it's not a bad device, but it's not commercially viable
Someone's saying their driver support is normally amazing. Yeah, like the the behind the scenes stuff from intel is is traditionally quite good
Yeah, oh well 100 give them that it's more the the user facing stuff
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It was always really confusing to me see sonic the fact that they had no retail presence
Like i'm talking 15 years ago or whatever when it was obvious that everyone who made a decent power supply was using either them
or a handful of other oems
And i'm kind of going
Let me buy direct man. Is it really that hard to to spray a coat of black paint on your boring gray power supply
Put a little bit of sleeving on the cable and make a box
You know because as far as I can tell that's all that's remaining yeah, that's what everyone else is doing apparently see sonic had the same idea
I guess we'll do that really doesn't seem that hard
Why are we letting coursera have all the fun?
Which i'm happy about because something that I legitimately used to do was look into who made the power supply I was buying to figure out
What the like basically cheapest actually see sonic option was at the time. Yeah, and then just buy that so now it's just more simple
Yeah, like when xfx broke into the power supply market their whole claim to fame was
Unlike coursera who has moved on and is using other oems now all of ours are csonic. Yeah
Okay, actually a selling point for a bunch of people I would totally do an ltt power supply just made by see sonic
I'd be super i'd be super into that
And I wouldn't even hide it. I'd be like, yeah, it costs more so that we get our cut. It's see sonic
It's now like partially orange or something, yeah, exactly
No, no because it would have to be rgb so it matches everyone's system
It's just that the rgb would be configured out of the box or by default. Yeah, there we go
Yeah, there that's what makes it ltt. Boom done easy
But then at that point, why don't we just sell see sonic power supplies on lttstore.com?
There's a plan
I'd be down there good three merch messages is apparently the current task. All right
Hit us with some merch messages, but damn. All right. This one is a little bit anonymous obviously and is probably directed towards luke
Uh is ai generated adult content a more ethical solution than current adult industry and only fans. Wow
Wow, what a quagmire. Wow. All right. Well, i'm glad you said this was um pun intended by the way
I'm glad you said this was directed at luke
Just gonna dodge that bullet. Um
Oh, wow, let's let the internet freak out at you for a change. Let me reread this
More ethical solution than current adult industry and only fans. There is a ton to unpack here
I think it would be less ethical in a bunch of ways potentially more ethical in other ways. I think it's super convoluted
There are definitely
Only fans things
Wow, this entirely depends on how you define your ethics there. I have seen a lot of people comment
About how only fans has enabled certain creators to be much more safe in what they do
To have more ownership over their own stuff. They don't have to work through other companies anymore
They don't have to necessarily work with other people at all anymore. They can just operate on their own regard
So i've heard good things about that does ai solve that no
So, I don't know. Um also
There's a topic we're going to be talking about later more specifically, uh in the realm of music
But ai has been ai models, whatever. Um
Has been used to
like deep fake people
That gave no consent and were clearly not okay with it at all. So that's clearly ethically bad
I don't care where your ethics lie. That's just clearly not okay
And these ai models are trained off of image data sets that include real people. Are they
Capable of generating stuff completely originally
Um, well, they're gonna base it off of things that they learnt from people, but it could look
Genuinely literally nothing like anyone else that currently exists. So that's
Cool, I guess
My understanding not that I speak from personal experience, but my understanding is that the pornography industry is extremely
Predisposed towards
Exploitive practices. Yeah, i've heard a lot of very bad things which kind of
Checks out but i've also heard that there's good things
But you might be against the entire thing. So
I don't know
I mean at the end of the day, there's a fine line between
Um, you know
Understanding that people have agency and can make their own decisions
Yes, while also protecting people who would make extremely
um self-harmful decisions
That would allow them to be exploited by
ne'er-do-wells also
Bad people saying that certain person involved with something has their own agency and is free when that person isn't
It's totally a thing that happens. That's totally bad. Yep
This is a minefield let's move on
Next question really because I was going to throw another curveball at you. I was going to say even if the ai generated
Um, even if the ai generated content
Only accidentally looked like someone and wasn't intentionally trained on an individual. That's still a problem
How do you how could you even prevent that but then there's also people that look like other people?
Yeah that label their stuff as that other person right and that's totally a thing. Yep. Okay
This is a minefield. All right
Let's move on
Okay up next
Hey dll as calibration tech, uh as a calibration tech. I often see settings hidden behind proprietary information
Do you feel this is okay, or should it fall under right to repair and will the lab's equipment be calibrated?
Well, okay for starters the lab's equipment must be calibrated because otherwise how could we trust any of the results that come out of it
for another
Equipment calibration is a tough one
Because on the one hand yes, everything is right to repair. I saw another merch message about uh, for example, um
Even just like hidden menus and tvs and stuff like that that isn't to do with calibration
But it's just to access settings that are not considered safe. For example, my lg
TV that I was using as a monitor
There was a special service remote you could get to access a special menu
That would allow you to turn off some of the oled saver technology so that it would function better as a monitor
Obviously, I think I should be allowed to use my hardware. However, I want to use it
But on the other hand, well who is who is responsible then who is verifying the integrity of this calibration
Unless there's some kind of validation or certification process
Is it calibrated
I could see a compromise being that everyone should have access to the menu. Are you talking about labs equipment at that point?
Yeah, okay. Okay. Yeah, i'm not talking about the tv anymore
No, no, I could see a compromise being that they allow you to have access to all the same menus
And and and io, uh io ports or whatever else it is
Um, I think that they should provide the equipment and the training if you want to do it yourself
but I think that
It could make sense for them to have a program where they're the ones who do it and they have their own sort of
Certification that they will apply to it. Yeah, there could be a log that you can't modify or delete that
Notes changes made to certain calibration settings
And whether that change was made by like an improved agent or not
Because yeah, like you should absolutely be able to change it yourself, but that doesn't mean it's like verified calibration by whatever authority
Um, but that might be fine. You might not care about that. You should still be able to do it in my opinion
Do you want another one? Yep. All right, here's our third
Um, this one is another anonymous. Hey, uh, oh no somebody reordered them
I think many people are shocked by ltt store prices because they're unfamiliar with the higher end of the markets you compete in
Have you ever been shocked by prices in unfamiliar markets before?
Oh sure. Yep. I mean I made a whole video about what the
Heck is going on with cinema camera prices and the craziest part is red was a disruptor. Yeah
Get your mind around that
Red came in and undercut the cinema market the cinema camera market
They they democratized
the the creation of of of high resolution like filmic
resolution digital cinema
We talked earlier on this show about an msrp 35 000 graphics card
Right. Yeah, that was probably shocking for a bunch of people watching. Yeah, I mean, it's um
I remember talking about this on the wan show at some point
I think I talked about this on the wan show. I remember being called
very out of touch for saying something along the lines of
Consumer computer hardware is not expensive
Oh, yeah, because from a business standpoint it's not
a gpu in the when when you
You gotta everything is relative, right?
A gpu, okay costs
Nothing to an organization like us in the grand scheme of things think about how many people work to employee salary
We're we're up to about benefits
for for
For someone to be in the building for a pay period okay, it's like
Gpu right and then okay. Well that times, uh, 26 times a year
Like it still matters, yeah, like every head count we add is like equipping a quarter of our staff with an rtx
Think about that. Yeah. Yeah, right so
Consumer electronics
What I meant was
For what they are
It's amazing how little they cost when we look at what we got for a thousand dollars
back in
The fact that you can the fact that you can buy
a 40
70 ti for a thousand dollars
Is mind-blowing
The technological advancements, right?
I think the the like most easy to visualize version of that was when you talk about storage people do this all the time
so this is not original at all, but you look at like
old hard drives like this is how many hard drives it would have taken in
1998 to amass a terabyte worth of data
Here's like, uh, one terabyte micro sd card. Here you go. It's like whoa, it's wild
Yeah, people are talking about this now
It's like uh ds 2600 and floatplane chat says I just bought a cisco router for 1.2 million for my company
Is that outrageous?
Not if your company is going to generate six million dollars of revenue with it
Because that's the thing. It's a completely different calculus
It's not how much enjoyment will I get from this router or from this add-in card?
It's how much revenue will this generate for the company if I spend this thousand dollars?
That I am that i'm blessed enough to have to reinvest. Will I get
1100 dollars or fifteen hundred dollars or three thousand dollars assuming that I make very efficient use of it
So I forget how we started this question
Uh, what was the question?
Oh, yeah, the pricing of so have we ever yeah. Yeah, so in the when it comes to to to business expenses
I don't think a quarter goes by where i'm not blown away by the cost of
Something because once you reach a certain scale things that cost a thousand dollars become a rounding error
like I remember we got a bill for some kind of stock photo service that
We were using but we didn't have the right tier of subscription for like how much of it we were using and we didn't realize
And they sent us like a thirty thousand dollar bill
And I was like, uh
What this happens with uh web service stuff like all the time, oh, yeah for sure. Yeah
Yeah, so yeah, it happens all the time. And I mean my response to people saying that ltt store stuff is really expensive is
Um, okay. Well, uh you you go make it
To that level of quality at that price our t-shirts are still 20 bucks
Go find now
Go find me another content creator that does printed
Quality shirts no fruit of the loom. No gildan. No crap shirts
Printed quality shirts with good printing to 20 bucks screen printed not direct to garment
It costs fucking money
Sorry not sorry like we we don't we don't take ridiculous margin on stuff
That's just the way it is
We're doing one more are we doing topics let's do one more
We're ahead of time
Yeah, just a little bit. I uh, I got my times wrong. All right next up's from jacob
Linus who is a source of personal or professional inspiration for you?
Not a role model just someone with certain traits you admire and try to emulate
Strange as it may seem you're on my list
Well, i'm very flattered. Thank you. Um bad choice. Just kidding
You're gonna do the like rubbing thing no, I refuse
Oh, man
My thing
um is that I don't have a lot of
I follow very
few things um
So i'm i'm at risk right now
Of saying a name only to find out this is a huge problem
Yeah, I was at a michael buble concert a little while back
Yeah, and he does a whole tribute to elvis presley and what a great person he was and I was like
No, that doesn't sound right. Is that true? Yeah
Oh, oh
I have no idea
I I believe you
From everything I can glean all these years later
You know with the the wonderful world of of of wikipedia and you know memoirs and knowing that he's you know
Deceased and not able to defend himself these days
Real creep
Oh boy, okay
Music innovator certainly sure. I thought he like stole that too real creep
Um, I don't know. I know nothing about it. Yeah
You know, there's there's the whole like 14 year old girlfriend and oh boy super cool stuff like that
Um, and I don't think you can I don't think you can really just different time hand wave that away
So i'm kind of at risk right now. Yeah, but
what I would like to say is maybe what I could do is I could
Point to a couple of of of role models that seem pretty okay from what i've seen
Uh the sedine brothers who played uh for the vancouver Canucks not a huge organized sports fan these days
just because it
And again, this might just be my cynicism showing through but I just can't help but look at it as yet another business
full of brands owned by
Billionaires who don't even treat this as their main project in a lot of cases
It's just like a silly little side vanity project for them. Like it's just it all
Just kind of sucks the way the players are treated like cattle well-paid cattle well-compensated cattle in a lot of cases sometimes not
um, but cattle
uh, the whole thing just makes me really uncomfortable, but the sedine brothers seem to be actually
Pretty cool. Um, yeah. Oh aborno says you've mentioned bill waterson before 100
For all I know he kills cats. Um
I don't know him personally, right? Like I don't know him. Um, they say never meet your heroes. I i'm pretty sure
There's also a difference like I don't know
For me people in this position. It doesn't mean I fanboy over them
I'd fanboy over bill waterson
Yeah, they they got me they got me on that one
He seems pretty cool fanboys a pretty intense term
I if you take it to like its potential my hands would be shaking
like I
But like i'd play it cool, but like I would have to be consciously playing like study to this person's life
No, it works maybe but their life like I know enough about his personal life to know that he maintains a pretty quiet
Yeah, but that's like somewhere blasted everywhere if you ever look up his name. Yeah, but i've looked up his name
So i've you know, i've gone that far. Yeah, I don't know
I I think people could take this stuff pretty far, but maybe i'm applying too much to it
Yeah, people are suggesting some pretty decent
Um, people have got some pretty decent suggestions, you know, mr. Rogers actually seems to have legitimately just been a
good decent human being
Yeah, yep
Good luck meeting bill waterson. He's like the phantom. Yeah. Yeah
100 I I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even do a book tour for his upcoming graphic novel
Which I have pre-ordered even though I always say don't pre-order
All right
Two three more topics
Yeah, all right hit me
I don't even know if we have three more topics
Oh, okay. The rtx 4070 was released
And can I say I think we finally managed to nail a gpu review?
I think you can we uh, yeah, we
We we managed to get all the all the synergies
Lined up between the lab like with the lab writing team. Um, they've got a lot of their data collection
Nailed down better. Uh, we've got a lot of our processes in terms of
ingesting that data and turning it into
The important beats that matter in video form, uh rather than just being a written article
That we read out to the camera. So I think we managed to maintain the ltt soul
while also
authoritatively speaking based on rock-solid data
About what you need to know about this product. I think we did a great job of
Figuring out where the rtx 4070 fits in both invidia's plan as well as in sort of
gamers worlds, um
I'm really really happy
The next level for us is to have supplementary written articles on lttlabs.com
But that's we've got it in our sights
It doesn't need to happen yet. Um, I think there's I think there's room for us to go in more depth
In the right medium for that kind of additional depth, but that is what I want a gpu review video to be
What you need to know with good energy
In a non-confusing way, um, and i'm really glad that we did manage to nail it on the rtx
4070 because there was a ton of room for us to get this one wrong
I think that we did a better job than we've done in the past of presenting both sides of the story
I think that during the gpu pricing
crisis that took place during the pandemic we
We were kind of
I don't know realists about the situation like yeah, um
The only answer is wait and like sorry, but what people didn't like me saying look there's nothing I can do about this
This is the way that it is and in the context of the market as it is right now. This is a good deal
You know, like I like I could I could sit and complain about this, but it's not going to do anything
People didn't like sort of that defeatist sort of attitude
But then we also can't just whine
Yeah, that's not constructive. It does absolutely nothing other than be fatiguing. I understand everyone who's near it
But it's just yeah, there's there is genuinely nothing we can really do
So I feel like what we did better with the rtx 4070 is we empathized better
Um, there was there was one video in particular
I can't remember which one it was where we just we did a we did kind of a post-mortem on it and we went okay
Well, what did we get wrong here? Because we didn't say anything that was actually incorrect
But people didn't want to hear it and i'm reminded of that bit in rick and morty where
Rick says something. I don't remember what it is. Um, and morty basically says, you know, yeah
No one cares if you're right because you're an asshole, right?
Um, and so we kind of looked at we went yeah, this was this was a little bit
So it was a little too abrasive like we've gotta we've got to take a more empathizing tone
Where we're delivering the bad news the 4070 the bad news is that this is a super tepid GPU. Yeah
But we're finding a way to tell the good parts of the story and that in that it is the best value
We've seen in a long time
Uh, so if you must have a GPU today kind of lame as that is yeah
You guess you're good to go
Um, or you could pick up a 6800 just saying um, so if you must have a GPU today
I guess it's it's you know, the best deal from nvidia and in quite some time
but we're tempering that with the reality that nvidia shapes the GPU market and
Can make something a good deal
Or a bad deal
Anyway, there's a blah blah blah launch this week to deeply mixed reception nvidia has been advertising it as a major jump
Uh, but I mean that's only in games that support dlss3 frame generation
I that I I I mean i'm calling it I guess I I don't think that's ever going to take off in the competitive scene
I just don't think it's realistic. Yeah more latency more bad
Especially if you're going to spend a half of your time talking out of this side of your mouth marketing, you know nvidia reflex
And you can't spend the other half of your time talking out of this side of your mouth with you know, dlss3
As long as you're talking to two very different gamers, then I guess it's okay
For competition dlss3 is never going to matter for experiential games. It might get pretty okay
Um, yeah because without frame generation is closer to a 1.3x performance increase
The new graphics card is also a hundred dollars more expensive than the previous gen card was at launch
Despite the fact that discrete graphics sales have been dropping for over a year and hit a 20-year low last financial quarter
Um discussion question here is what the do the shrinking differences between graphics card generations mean for the future of the market. I mean
Longer upgrade cycles. Yeah longer upgrade cycles and I think
Um a shift from game developers towards targeting a lower
Spec, right? Like we're not I don't think we're ever going to see a crisis again
C-r-y-s-i-s. I don't think we're ever going to see I don't think we're going to ever have that moment again
Where a game developer goes out of their way to create a game that literally nothing on the market can run
Because why would you do that you'd be so much better off targeting the steam deck
Yeah, you can create a pretty visually stunning game that will run on the steam deck and has this built-in audience of people sitting
There on their handhelds going what am I going to play on this thing now? Let's go
It's it's it's it's the console mentality. It's it's totally different
Right. I also just I I think that's been kind of the idea for quite a while to be honest like a long time
Yeah, I mean look at the super popular games right now the word we have for it is esports titles. Yeah, it's targeting
Esports tier so basically making sure that it can run on anything and then adding some bells and whistles that realistically nobody's gonna turn
On anyway because they want to compete
And they're all it's it's all like fortnite and stuff like I don't know
Yeah, not difficult at all to run
There was a friend of mine who was shopping for a laptop recently and they were asking about like specs of dedicated gpu's
Uh, and they mentioned like these are the games that I play i'm like, yeah, you don't need a don't upgrade
Well, well, they they do need a laptop, but they don't need a dedicated gpu in their laptop, right?
Because they don't have a laptop right now
They need a laptop in general right but like the games that they play are like little indie titles
Yeah, speaking of vampire survivors. I'm pretty sure I could run that on onboard graphics
Yeah, so like whatever it's like that type of stuff and then original like whatever it was
1999 ever quest i'm like, yeah, that'll run fine like whatever people are talking about cyberpunk some of the sony ports
The difference is that crisis wasn't just poorly optimized
Get owned. It was also a leap forward visually the likes of which we
Saw at times like half-life 2 wasn't such a visual leap. It was more of just like, uh, it was it was a gameplay leap for sure
doom from that era was
What was it doom 3 or whatever the one at that time was was like visually really cool when you had your flashlight on
Um, like i'm trying to think like what what was what was like really really mind-blowing
I mean far cry blew my mind
It was the first like next gen shooter of of the the big three at the time
Which was your your half-life 2 your doom 3 and your far cry and no one saw it coming
It came out of nowhere. That's cry tech again
I I am not that familiar with stuff that came before though because I wasn't
Really a pc gamer other than just like 2d casual games until you know
Ati's 90 9 9 000 series the old 9 000 series when I got a discrete gpu like I didn't I played some stuff
But I wasn't
purchasing hardware
So it was just like whatever the computers that my dad had could run
Um, yes back then it was like descent and like old school like civ 1 and stuff like that
You know what cyberpunk has that ray tracing overdrive mode that I guess
I guess is that but I almost I don't know maybe i'm maybe i'm looking at this wrong
But I don't really see that as part of the base game
The same way that just like a graphic slider at release was like where you where it came out targeting hardware that didn't exist
That's why I said that that's new. Yeah, like it's it doesn't seem fair. They're more trying to keep up
Um, but that's not a bad that's not a bad thing. They're doing it
Yeah, I was also going to mention that everyone that I currently know that plays cyberpunk are people that
also play like star citizen
And whatever else and you can tell like the reason why they like playing games is so they can make that gpu burn
um, and they they want like
Super hyper visual realism and like all this other type of stuff not necessarily because they're actually like enjoying the game, right?
So they're basically a me or a jake. Yeah, they like setting things up and like seeing them run like
Morphologists we we played star citizen with him. I he posted some screenshot
But like wow cyberpunk's amazing because he turned on the new ray tracing thing and I was like, yep. Yep
Not not surprised
That makes sense
Yeah new topic
Oh, yeah, right new topic
This is great
Universal music group. Ah saw this on arstechnica
Demands that platforms block ai scraping of music
Um, so they have apparently told streaming platforms like apple music and spotify
To block ai services from scraping melodies and lyrics from songs that it holds the copyright to
That's insanely like impossibly hard to do also just utterly
Well, i'm looking for a word in effect like what what's the strongest possible word for ineffective
Futile let's go with futile
Do you imagine?
that there that that that just because
Spotify and apple music block this
That there is no other way to train these music generation ais on your songs if you can play a song
There's no way to capture that sound. It's actually impossible
You definitely cannot capture the sound of something that you play through your device
No, I mean we'd have to invent like a diaphragm that
Kind of senses air like sonic air vibrations far too complicated. Um
I mean how could
How but but how could you possibly how could you possibly turn that vibration?
Into into a signal though, especially when like it's it's streaming
It's technically being like downloaded to your computer in a raw data state. I mean, how could you get that look to produce?
Look, I mean wait, no, that's that's impossible
But but back back to the hold on. I think i've got an idea back to the idea of the vibrating diaphragm
Maybe if there maybe if you had magnets involved somehow, but then how are you going to manufacture things as precise?
You'd need some kind of you'd need some kind of conductive material though
That could carry whatever signals back to some kind of recording device. So we're back to your problem
We would need a recording device might need an interface in between there as well to like probably wear out
yeah, it would it would wear out because
You'd have to have electrons flowing through it
That's that's a problem and it would it would constantly fail like electrons are basically like they're like energy
I don't know if physics will ever be able to because they're they're mass and they have a charge
They're like both sides of e equals mc squared right their mass and energy. Yeah
You can't balance that equation
So they've been sending out a large number of takedown notices against ai generated songs
That come from ais trained on copyrighted materials
According to a universal music spokesperson
We have a moral and commercial responsibility to our artists to work to prevent the unauthorized use of their music and to stop platforms
From ingesting content that violates the right of artists and other creators
We expect our platform partners will want to prevent their services from being used in ways that harm artists noble goal
It just doesn't matter. Oh, yeah, it's like the six month pause thing
It's like yeah, I understand why you would want this. Yeah, I understand why universal media group would would universal music group
Sorry, I applied our own naming scheme to them. Um
I understand why they would want to do this. It's just
Completely irrelevant and futile like you mentioned it just doesn't
Matter is the discussion question is is universal music correct in demanding this. Can they even stop it? Correct? Like yeah, probably sure
Yeah, yeah like from a legal standpoint, yeah
Yeah, they need to try to defend against these things like if I was writing if I was writing a video platform
And I was just like hmm
Well, why don't I just steal youtube and twitch and netflix's like source code?
Use it to train an ai and then have an ai write a video platform for me
I want to start a new streaming platform. Even if it's legal. It's pretty unethical. Yeah
Twitch recently had this huge leak. I'll just take all their stuff. Oh, well, yeah. Yeah exactly. Okay
Yeah, so even if it was legal and you couldn't prove it, it's extremely unethical. I mean, otherwise, why would we have intellectual property?
rights at all
Um, yeah, but can they do anything to stop music from being listened to?
Imagine being a universal music group and that being your goal
Good luck. Yeah quite the pivot
Speaking of video streaming platforms. We should talk about this
It's a little awkward
Got the uh, oh, yeah
Yeah, talk about this. I've got uh, a float plane c-suite at the table with me
And uh, oh he's giving me the look. Okay, I think i'll focus on you guys
Right now please explain the way that we are leaning
Okay, the way that we're leaning we have a way we're leaning that's a that's a way of saying
What's happening? Someone dropped their phone
I'm assuming
That's the writers are having their quarterly, uh, hangout sesh above us. They apparently decided not to go out this time
Because it's a fixed budget so they decided not to go out anywhere and rather than ordering restaurant food
They all went to the grocery store so that they would have way more
like snackies and drinks
And they're hanging out at the office where there's no cost
It's like yeah, I gotta respect it give a bunch of engineers a task
Let's be efficient. Yeah
So anywho, um the way that we're leaning hard leaning strong leaning
Is that exclusive content, um
Will come to youtube memberships flow plane exclusive content, that's what we've called it up until now. Yes fpx
Now I still like my pitch for how to do the naming with this but yeah
Oh naming. Yeah, you didn't see that bit. Oh, no, I I was saying
I mean, I don't want to explain more before I do this, but I was saying we should still call it full plain exclusives
and then on youtube, they should be like, uh, uh,
What's the proper naming for that these days member?
No, um, oh like that's what it's called like, uh illicit market
Well, like like like dark web like black market like I don't think that's the I don't I genuinely think that term is like not
A thing anymore. Oh that makes sense, but I don't know what replaced it genuinely
I don't know, but I think the term isn't a thing anymore. But like that whatever the new term is sure
Yeah, I think that would be bootleg. I don't know. Anyway, whatever
so the reasoning for it is that
It's been clear to us for a long time that there's a certain subset of users that are simply
Not willing to engage off platform take for example. Oh
Of course, it's not there in the tab anymore, but I saw someone send a super chat earlier. Okay, they did
Um, it was there. Trust me, bro. Um
They they must know by this point that we don't respond to them
But just their chosen way of engaging with us is through the youtube platform. It's very low friction realistically
They've already given google their credit card number. They don't have to sign up for a third-party service, etc, etc, etc
And so for us to not especially since we have memberships activated on our channel for us to not
Be engaging with those people is a really bad business decision
with that said
There are certain benefits that we're simply not going to be able to provide on the youtube platform
And there are costs that are higher on the youtube platform than they are on the floatplane platform where our costs are
fixed in a sense as opposed to
scaling directly with our revenue
So the way that we are leaning the way that I think it's going to work going forward
Is youtube members will get all the same?
Uh content all the same exclusive and behind the scenes and extra cutting room floor content that floatplane members get
But there will be a surcharge to compensate for the youtube cut
Since it's like not our platform and there's really nothing in it for us to just take less for some reason because you
Want to give your credit card to google and not to us or whatever
So there will be a surcharge and there won't be a five dollar tier
So the ten dollar 4k tier on floatplane that gets you access to everything
Is ten dollars and is a hundred dollars if you buy it for the year
And on youtube, it'll be twelve dollars
And it also won't include the wan pre-show vod
So floatplane gets like, you know our sort of test streaming before the show
Um, that does not go anywhere else that will still not go to youtube because there would be no way for us to
Control if it went to members only or if it went to everyone once we make the video
Either public or members only, um, it would just be the entire video
Um, it doesn't include any quality improvements
People on floatplane often talk about particularly the audio on wan show how much better it is on floatplane compared to on youtube
There's no way for us to do that. Youtube is as youtube does
And right there's no way for us as far as I can tell if we can figure out a way to do a yearly discount
We will but as far as I can tell there's no way to do a yearly discount
So the point really is going to be to funnel people over to floatplane where it's better
This way at least there's a way for people to engage on youtube
To you is just like you're just like no i'm just I only use youtube or whatever then you have an option to get our content
Yeah, a lot of people are like that and I get it it's like people who shop on amazon
Because it's just they have prime and it's convenient and they only have to go one place like man
Ever since I remember I told you that uh, you know
One of my resolutions was i'm not going to stop shopping on amazon outright like you but it's like it's admirable
but my whole thing now
Is I do a google search first and I click on at least two websites
And if it's close to the same price
Like i'll pay up to like five ten bucks more if it's close to the same price. I buy it somewhere else
But let's not if if amazon's position in the world is anything to go by which it is
Most people won't do that. One of the frustrating things for me is when there is literally no other option
When it's like a company
They they like make the best this is not super common, but it happens they make like the best thing in their space
And it's priced decently well and all that kind of stuff like it's clearly the best option for this
Widget that you need to buy for whatever reason
But that company only operates through amazon
it's like
That sucks. Um
Okay, sorry float plane chat. I haven't been meaning to ignore you rod asks
Do you have a lot of memberships on youtube understand if you can't answer we actually have about 600 youtube members
600 youtube members and the only benefit that we've really offered to them as other than
Thanks for supporting the channel. So like shout out like thank you so much guys
Is merch discounts that I actually talked to nick about recently. I just don't think are very good
So we're gonna we're gonna work on what we can do for we should make sure that parity. Yes
Yes for both float plane ten dollar tier and youtube members which are going to be the equivalent tiers
Yeah, because youtube members won't have a reduced cost here
They don't have like a five dollar tier or anything like that or the og three dollar tier nothing like that
So one of the things that we're going to do is make sure that if we do some kind of discount program
then that will
Actually make sense
Or whether it's you know exclusive merch or or whatever else the case may be the thing with exclusive merch guys
Is it's like a lot of work to make something good?
If all we were doing was just putting a logo on a mug or whatever then yeah sure fine
Do an exclusive wonderful play logo, buh buh buh buh buh, but as it is
It's when we put a ton of work into it
It's kind of painful to not do a broad release of something
Like i'd love to do a float plane exclusive like like super cool like like bomber jacket, you know or whatever like
Oh, we are not doing that because we'd lose so much money. It would make no sense
Yep, um, okay, let me just see if there's any other if there's any other stuff here
Does apple pay break merged messages someone says mine didn't go through it's possible
We just haven't gotten to it yet poor dan is his fingers are on fire trying to reply to them
We actually need to talk about merch messages too guys merch messages are part of the reason that the show has
Been drawn out to untenable lengths. It's not that we don't want to talk to you guys
It's just that we feel kind of obligated especially when you give us such
Great discussion topics or you ask us, you know, really cool and important questions
We feel really obligated to address them and not just hey cool merch message, but like address them in a in a meaningful manner
But there's a lot of cases where luke and I can't address every good merch message anymore
It's just gotten unmanageable and dan often doesn't know the question
So we've been talking internally about what a workflow would look like
Where dan has an additional stream that he can send things through so right now he can just push it out to the uh
To the lower third. Okay, so it's like hi mom or whatever else it just goes
Or yeah, joshua h didn't leave a message. So it's just like joshua h bought an rgb diode t-shirt cool for 20 bucks. Um
Then the next one is dan can reply via text
So you'll see
You know someone's question kind of like that and then there will be a follow-up one that has an answer of some sort
Let's see what dan said. Can't wait for ltx driving up from oregon state university. Do you plan on discontinuing?
The goal is to create as many skills. Okay, that's not accurate
I don't think I said that
Oh, well who replied to that? I don't know. Was it you it wasn't me. No, it could be someone else in the dashboard
As not as in like an intruder, but it could be
Because i've been doing something a little bit different this week is i've been leaving a lot of them for you guys to
Maybe respond to via text
uh, because yeah, I haven't been able to give uh,
Like a reasonable response to a lot of them. So who wrote sunglasses for things confiscated by tsa?
I didn't uh, I didn't respond to that one. I didn't
Somebody else is in here responding. Who's going who is replying to merch messages right now? Probably conrad
I would assume so because I have 85 in the queue right now
And i've been going through and removing the ones that are kind of maybe not question related
But a lot of these I think you guys could respond to by so text the second path
Is a text response kind of like what we're showing you
And the third path is that it goes into a queue for me and luke to discuss
What I think we should do is create a fourth path that will essentially create a customer support ticket
And we will get back to people
Next week. I mean we already have a customer support team. That's like half a dozen people at this point
They're not always crazy busy
So is there any reason why if your message is something like, you know?
Hey, when are you guys going to do a float plane exclusive t-shirt or whatever?
There's no real reason for that to not go to the customer support team where they can do something meaningful with it
Like compile the most common requests for new items or whatever else and then relay that to the appropriate people
Here in the organization because even for me I can't answer every question that you guys ask
Are there plans for an ltd wrist rest?
I'm using the indoor hoodie wait as a wrist rest
That's interesting, okay
Uh, okay, so that that is an answer. That is correct
We do not have plans for a wrist rest
But I don't know who's replying and I don't know how they know that or if they know that for sure
Because the spaghetti made of meat was me. Okay from the previous one
I saw one about what's the weirdest thing you had confiscated by tsa. I remember leaving that one. Yeah my little tiny
Um my little tiny kaneefa hold on it was it was conrad
He's it's very good-natured. Uh, he can see that there is a massive queue and is just trying to help I see
Okay, if conrad is a hundred percent confident and i've already messaged that too. Okay. Um,
Please sign it so that we're not sitting here going mystery who is replying to
A dash with your initials ones that aren't initialed are dan
And then everything else like when I respond to them. I do ll at the end. Yeah, I I put my initials I had one of these
Confiscated actually not that long ago that like makes sense, but it's unfortunate
Yeah, it's like no more dangerous than a sharp like car key. Yeah realistically
Yeah, like you you could you could got knives are scary. Oh, yeah, like you could
Hurt someone very badly with this knife
But that's also like clearly a tool but that's also true of like a sharpened car key or a massive variety of other things
Yeah, yeah, so I was pretty bummed because these it's a spider coat. It's like
It's not a lot of metal but it's um for how small it is. It's not that cheap
And i'm really dumb because the last time I lost it
Um, I actually had vance order me a new one because I was just like oh
I mean this seems like the kind of thing that an assistant might do. Um, I lost my knife
Can you please get me a new one and I gave him the wrong model name?
So I bought two knives. I bought a ladybug and a bug
Oh, man, I don't blame vance at all. I didn't show him the one I lost I just
Asked for a ladybug and I don't have a ladybug. I have a bug
Does anyone
Does anyone object to that whole turning on youtube memberships thing because I was watching floatplane chat. I think for the most part like
People get it the the the one thing that did came up come up
uh was just basically making sure there was
At a very minimum parity. So like youtube shouldn't get something that floatplane will be better. Yeah, it's not going to be trade-offs
We're going to be very up front that floatplane is better
And if you want the best possible engagement with linus media group and everything that we do that's on floatplane
because like there's certain things that we're just not going to be able to curate on youtube like the
The the community on floatplane is just super cool. I really love it. Yeah
Oh, they want to pull that makes sense. Yeah, we should we should have been acting a little weird
But I will throw one up. We'll see how it goes. We'll give it a shot
All right, guys, but overall it seems like the perception is is pretty good
You think are you cool with the youtube thing is fair enough? Oh people are asking what about shorts so we are we are looking at
I actually talked to the social team about this recently. What we're trying to do is use text and picture posts to put
I don't think we're going to do this until we've got the channels thing fully launched not beta anymore
But once we do I think we're going to add a social channel and maybe a shorts channel
And then you can subscribe to those ones for notifications if you want, but otherwise we're going to turn off
Can we turn off notifications by default?
uh for the
I don't know if we can do it for specific levels, but probably not for specific levels just for specific channels
No, that's okay. So that's what I meant. Oh, I see. Um, okay
Well people can always turn off the notifications. That's going to be a lot be too much
Yeah, like if every stupid so this is why we haven't done it yet is basically on the beta site for floatplane right now
There's this new sub channels feature. So there's like linus media group, which still needs to be renamed
So it's just linus tech tips right now and then all of the youtube channels
We want to add a section for wan
We want to add a section for shorts all these other types of things
But if we start adding in all of the shorts and social posts your phone is just never going to stop
There are multiple people at the company that it is their whole job to effectively make it
So that in this scenario your phone would never stop. Yeah, that's true
So like we don't actually necessarily want that to happen unless you're just like yeah, give me everything so that'll be an option
But we need to not do that
you need to be able to turn off notifications for channels that you might not be interested in maybe you're just interested in like
mac address and tech news
Well, you should be able to just turn those on and turn everything else off
Or maybe you're interested in the opposite of that then you should be able to turn those ones off and everything else on etc
Etc the polls coming michael w you should check out open sense opn sense
And also do that
It's a fork of pf sense that gets updated more frequently
All right
Want to hit us dan?
Oh wait, we're supposed to do more topics. Are there more topics have you run out of topics? I don't know
There's new york new safety standards for lithium batteries after some fires. That seems like pretty good
Ebike scooters lithium-ion batteries
Have to have third-party certification for ul fire safety standards. Oh that kind of makes sense. You can't just have these like random
certifying themselves
Cool, you still have 15 minutes before i'm going to turn out the lights on you. So, okay
Why don't we talk about tesla employees sharing private recordings of users and bystanders including children?
We touched on this before but tesla is now facing a class action suit following an allegation by
Multiple former employees that it was common practice for tesla employees to internally share sensitive videos and images of customers
often for the purpose of mockery
Some made memes out of the images and shared them through the internal messaging system
And sometimes the sharing was between individuals other times between small groups
But at times the groups contained scores of employees
Shared images included car accidents
embarrassing personal moments
Nudity and customer pets and children. Oh, yeah, because like there's internal cameras, right? People do things in cars
I mean I never have
But and i've definitely never been talked to by the police about it
So, yeah if you if you had one I thought you were uh,
Uh, if you had one of these, uh, there could be a video of that, you know, yeah
And maybe someone's like oh I recognize this guy and shares it internally like you don't want that to happen
One particularly popular 2021 video showed a driver hitting a child on a bike at significant speed hard enough the child went flying
Another showed a person being dragged into a car apparently against their will
According to tesla its recordings are anonymous and not linked to the user of their vehicle
However, several former employees claim that the recordings are linked to location data, which could reveal where a user lives obviously
It's unclear how widespread it was but it's well-known enough that several managers pushed back on image sharing on general communication
Challenges as a violation of the company privacy policy in some offices
These memes were seen as a way of earning social approval that might lead to a promotion as people in leadership roles were apparently particularly
prolific at sharing these images
Well, I don't I can't think of anyone in tesla leadership who's like a memer
And doesn't have a lot of regard for just you know, right? Yeah. Yep. Hmm. Yep
Well, yeah, that doesn't that doesn't really check out
because like there is there is a certain amount of
like there's there's things again that can be pretty hard to detect if you're a company that deals with
customer data
if two employees
In direct messages that you can't monitor
Are memeing about it. It might be pretty hard to detect
But like this doesn't sound like that
It sounds very widespread
Several employees reported feeling paranoid while driving the company cars knowing how much informational
How much information was available on the other end and how it could be used? Wow discussion question
How does this kind of culture grow within a company?
I don't know. How do I how do I put this in a way that is empathetic?
but also
based in reality
People are jerkwads
Not all of them but enough of them
Anonymity and or a perception that your actions are free from consequences
Definitely breeds a certain kind of behavior in people. There's also a pretty intense amount of like
If they were on the other end of this
They might feel really negative about it
but like oh i'm doing it so like
I am good. Most people believe themselves as good aligned
so like
This is fine. I'm just making a joke. This isn't actually harming anyone whatever right?
They don't know it can't hurt them that type of stuff
Yeah new topic i'm kind of done with it to be honest not very cool yeah agreed
Intel teams up with arm
intel and arm
Have announced a multi-generation agreement to optimize intel's 18a fabrication process for arm-based chip designs
Intel foundry services would not necessarily be producing chips directly for arm
But they would be in a position to more effectively fulfill orders from arm licensees like qualcomm and media tech
Intel described the collaboration as a way of enabling a more balanced global supply chain for foundry customers working in mobile soc design
on arm-based cpu cores, which is another way of saying that if china
Actually really does it this time and invades taiwan
You guys are going to need some way to produce chips because I don't think china is going to be super cool about
Shipping chips to the west after the couple of years that they've had over there
Intel has described plans to produce hybrid chips that combine x86 arm and risk 5 cpu cores in the past
We don't know if this is necessarily related to that
But that could be kind of cool and at the same time intel has announced that they are selling off their server division
To mitac mitac. I'm sorry exiting the server system business
I actually didn't know they still did first-party servers
And it doesn't surprise me that they're bailing because it's a relatively low margin business. I mean most of the money in that server
Made by super micro or dell or whatever is going to three places
Yeah, I I have the same reaction when I read this and I think some people misinterpreted this as like intel is exiting
The server space entirely not them like making their own servers because I think people didn't even realize that they did that
So they like misinterpreted the title because when I read it, I was like wait what?
Because yeah, I didn't think they did that either
I never heard of those in a in a hot minute
And that's it dan, I think it's time for wan show after dark
Except he has to go over there to do it. So it's not going to be that pewie. Oh
Oh, he's he's going to automate it though. Oh my goodness. We could totally see you walking across you've
You've become immersed in the lmg way. I think dan when he started would have insisted on not
walking in front of the camera
In another six months, yeah exactly, okay didn't take six months
Fine that's how it's going to be
All right hit us
Let me sit down first, man
Uh, okay
Uh, this is from jesse
Hey luke
Terrifying to think we are living through a progress in ai that will form the foundation of our future utopia or annihilation
How did I know the whole content of the statement when it started with terrifying
Yes, uh any idea how you would explain ara to children or young teens?
A different direction than I was expecting to the way i've done that so far
Is to just describe it as a computer assistant
An advanced computer assistant that you control by talking to it
And honestly, they tend to get it pretty fast
I think this is again one of those things where like
We're the old people now, so we're probably adjusting to it worse than the kids are
I've talked to some like startup teams about it. Um, and i've seen this idea pushed around by other people as well
I don't know if I said it first or not, so I can't say if I stole it. Um
but like looking at how
the youngins use these tools is probably going to be
a very interesting thing to do because a lot of us like a lot of what i'm getting out of it is like i'm excited for
Copilot to come to office that announcement was insane that blew my mind when copilot comes to office
I'm going to immediately be getting different teams around this office to start using it for
Beneficial things there's a lot of different ways that people could be more efficient with copilot directly built into office
That's how like
Old boomer me is interpreting it
But how are how are the kids gonna use it, right?
That's an interesting question. But yeah, I don't know. I haven't had any any
young people and i've talked to a couple people that are like
Younger than 14. I don't know exactly how old they are about it
They tend to get it pretty quick. It doesn't actually seem super complicated to them, which I find interesting. But yeah, that's it
Yeah, it's gonna get scary
Uh, hey linus, which one of your cats would you say is your absolute favorite?
Oh, it's gotta it's gotta be my dashy. Yep dash. She's the one we've had the longest. Um,
She's the one that likes me the most or is like bonded to me the most she
People who think cats don't have relationships with people like they just see them as a food source
Have just obviously like never had a cat or like never cared for a cat because they they expect reciprocation
They don't their love is not unconditional
so the way that she'll the way that she'll follow me around and uh
You know want snuggles and and want to hang out is is really sweet
She doesn't always want to be held or anything like that, but she is almost always orbiting the family if everyone's upstairs
Dash is upstairs if everyone's in the basement
She might be chilling like over there on a chair, but she likes to be near everybody. She's super social
And she's just such a sweetheart. Uh, there's
More than one of the contractors who worked on our renovation over the last couple of years
More than one of them messaged me just like pictures of dash
Completely unsolicited just being hilarious or being a sweetheart
Um and more than one linus media group employee who was at my house for some reason or another
Unsolicited messaged me a picture of dash just being a sweetheart or being hilarious. She's just a great cat
Okay, this one
Might be for luke as well. It's from chris luke and linus with companies now getting their own
Uh, it's hard to say what are your thoughts on companies or governments being able to create an actually effective?
ai powered lie detector
I don't what do you mean? Yeah, I don't know if
Any test can be defeated by a suitably armed
Test taker also, I don't know if I I don't know if I just I just don't know if I buy that using a thing
That notoriously lies all the time as a lie detector is kind of hilarious in my opinion
Yeah, I think we can move on to the next one. Yeah
Um, this is from aaron recently purchased a gigabyte 4080 aero oc
The hdmi 2.1 connection is last in priority making a multi-monitor setup impossible to show bias on the hdmi
If a display port is connected
Oh, this is a rough one, um, I can answer your question it's because display port
99 times out of 100 is going to be the primary display for a gpu
Unless you are only connected via hdmi. So that's
That's why that's the default behavior as for why multi-monitor management isn't better in this day and age
I don't rightly know
This is a pretty niche use case mine
but I was
furious recently like just
Just just furious recently because I was trying to do something that felt very simple
What I wanted was to manually assign each of my displays. So my computer sits in this in the mechanical room
And it runs my desktop display upstairs
It runs the uh system like another display over in the land room where with my kids machines so that we can play minecraft
Dungeons or whatever and I also wanted to play in the theater room
Um, and I have optical cables going everywhere. It's like it all it all works. I can I can I could do that
What I wanted was to manually assign the display priority. So the number, you know how in windows
It's like this is display one. This is two. This is three identify. It shows the number
Yeah, and there are certain there are certain things that
I forget I I don't even remember exactly why it mattered
But there are certain things that are easier to do if a particular display is display number one interesting
Not just primary. It has to be display one. That's right. I thought it was primary interesting
Yeah, and when you set a display as your primary display
That doesn't make it display number one it definitely doesn't that just makes it your primary display for all intents and purposes
So it was that I think what I wanted to do was I wanted
to have it
Duplicated and then only go to one and then I wanted to be able to like like I wanted to make sure that that one
upstairs was always the first one
And the theater room was always the third one and there was some reason I wanted to do that. I'm sorry
I just don't I don't remember anymore
And what I discovered is that there are some weird hacky workarounds if you do a fresh install
And you plug in the first one first that like should make it the first one
There are also registry keys that maybe you can whatever some people have had some success with moving the displays around on different ports
But most people reported that didn't work
But there is no hard and fast way for you to just tell windows actually f*** off this is display one
This is my primary display
And this has been a problem. I remember at NCIX. I had four monitors
And what I what I did at that time
Is I got frustrated at some point and I just physically moved them
Because you know every time a display driver reset happened or whatever. I didn't want them mixed up
I didn't want to deal with that. I just wanted them to be detected correctly
You cannot
do that
That's pretty frustrating it is
Infuriating it obviously there's you know people helpfully reply to users saying well Linux you can do this like that's that's nice
But I'm not running Linux. Thank you
Yeah, so if anyone from Microsoft is watching
Please just let me assign my display priority
That would be great
Thank you. I really wish I remembered why it was so infuriating. I was trying to do
I was trying to do something like I wanted all three of them running
And then when when one would kick in it would like boot off the other one. I don't know. I can't remember anymore. Sorry
Okay, Dan
Okay, this is from Ian
Linus with AI having the ability to be trained on anything
Do you believe at some point we will see an AI antivirus or the need for an anti AI virus to stop AI actions?
AI versus anti AI
AI totally already a thing
Yeah, like, uh machine learning enabled anti-malware will look for
Certain patterns of behavior in programs and it will flag them even if they aren't a known threat
Okay, got another one here the year is
Grandpa Linus steps in front of the camera one last time to record his final linus tech tips video before finally retiring
What would said video be about?
You retired pretty old
Yeah, wow, I made it really far. I know i'm pretty sure that this job would kill me long before then
What would it be I mean, I think it would just be like a big, you know, thank you to everyone I
Man or okay if it has to be about an actual product
I'd kind of love for it to be
Some like kind of grand project, you know, like a whole room water cooling or like a scrapyard wars
But I think more realistically it would probably be a troll
Like it'd probably be a fake review of a product that's not real
but we like did some movie magic and made it seem real or something like I I could I could see going out with like
Like a mystery
Um, you know, how did he how did he have that? How did how did he get that working? You know, like
Yeah, I could see just like being a complete memer about it
But I still have a sense of humor when i'm not old. I hope so
I think you'll still be a troll
Just improves with age
Uh, okay next up's from mason. Hello dan and the talent. Uh, I
I thank you. I feel so vindicated. What about luke?
Got him good one. Yeah
Uh, I collect crts. I have 12 now and cannot explain how I justify keeping all of them. Is there any now?
Technology that you don't think you could ever get rid of
Man these are like really tough questions
And equated technology I don't think I could get rid of
I mean if phones are a phone, uh watch seems pretty superfluous these days
But I just I don't know. I kind of just like wearing them. This doesn't even have the right time on it
This is that pebble that uh pebble time that shank mods gave me i'm wearing it so that I remember to figure out rebel
It's like this weird
Sideload old pebble apps something thing. Apparently you could like still get these things working. I just haven't gotten around to it
I dedicated about three minutes to it and was like, okay
This is more than a three-minute project and then I gave up temporarily. So this is to like remind me to do it
antiquated tech
But you can't bring yourself to get rid of I mean luke doesn't buy anything. So he doesn't have anything
There's some retro console stuff
Yeah, okay. I'd have a hard time getting rid of
Um, you could if you needed to though just emulate but I absolutely
Yeah, and have seriously thought about it and just don't have to right now, which is the only reason why I haven't
But like if I needed money I would flip my retro consoles immediately, that'd be the first thing to go
I don't know. So yeah, not really. I don't know
Uh next up wan show with guests as the olden days when
Guests take a long time. I love bringing guests on but
How do I say this tactfully?
Generally speaking the guest segments don't perform as well as when it's just me and luke and I guess that guy. Um, so there's no
Drive to make that happen to speaking broadly. Um, and it makes the show take even longer which is already a problem we have
So we're not solving any problems and we're creating new ones
It's a good thing to have in the back pocket for when it like totally makes sense by either us
Very specifically wanting to add promotion to
A thing or a person for a very specific reason or because like we need help with a topic
If there's like hey you did this thing. We want to talk to you about it
But also maybe not because it might be better to just talk to you about it offline and then cover the notes
Got another one here
Would you ever make a hand warmer for typing my hands freeze in office and a small heated desk pad?
Or infrared heater would be amazing
Also any logistics tips for a prospective badminton gym owner?
Uh, don't do it. It's not a profitable business. I'm only getting into it because I intend to lose money
Um, oh mind you real estate might not be as expensive where you are. Okay, you know, good luck
in that case
Uh here it's super dumb
As for the hand warmer, that's the opposite direction that i'm used to hearing that go
I'm used to people getting like little fans and stuff not
Yeah, you're a warm boy though. Like I guarantee you ivan would benefit from like
A desktop hand warmer i'd be afraid to ship anything that's designed to generate heat. Yeah, i'd just be worried about liability
And like melting stuff. Yeah
Like someone touching it and burning themselves the general move is to put a cage in front of it that limits
Yeah, but now this is becoming very cumbersome. So you've got a heating element wiring. You've got a cage
I don't know. Okay. I think you could do a wrist rest
Actually by using that same like wire that they use in heating blankets. Yeah. Um
Yeah, the wrist rest could be doable
There's definitely options you could do gloves as well, but like I hate wearing gloves when i'm typing or using a mouse
Yeah, like gamer gloves were a thing for a very small period of time
I think we even bought a bunch of gamer gloves with the intention of doing a roundup. What the heck happened to that?
Dang it
But the number of videos that were like, oh, yeah, we should totally do that and just never do is wild. Yeah
One of the problems is like power delivery if it's gloves or something like that. Mm-hmm that that gets weird
I mean people people wear giant helmets
so like
Yeah, you never know what nerds will wear what?
You mean vr? Yeah, okay
I was like, what is this? No, I mean daft punk
Oh, man, that's funny, uh, no promises
What's the progress update on the stubby screwdriver is something different compared to the full-size screwdriver in development?
I would really love to hear more about it since we saw it last
It's just small and it's still mostly on track. It looks like for ltx launch
Exciting i'm excited
Uh to linus and luke but mostly luke another ai question
What are your thoughts on chat gpt4 being used for sports betting stock trading and crypto trading or prediction?
Love the show
Uh, shout out from south louisian
I think the a got cut off. We all knew it was going to happen
We kind of talked about it earlier in the show, uh use at your own risk
I don't know what to tell you. I don't give financial advice
Uh sounds scary though
using a language predictor
to predict the results
Of a horse race like really?
I mean the horses have names
In language, yeah
Okay, we can I think just deciding that it is a catch-all solution for all ai or ml
Tasks is a little weird. Um
But yeah use at your own risk, I don't know
Okay as a new subscriber I have a question regarding floatplane have the goals for the platform changed since the initial inception
And what are the goals for floatplane currently the core goal has never changed. Uh, the core goal is based around the name
yeah, um the the name floatplane was
spawned from nick light
Um, and it's it comes from the it might not take off but it'll never sink kind of idea. Um that
Core concept applies to how we do
Like development and technological choices for the platform. So
It makes things a lot harder
It makes things a lot more complicated to be honest because there's there's much easier ways of doing things
but when we build something we always build it so that it's like
It can run on any platform it can run with any service. So like we might we might use some service for some specific thing
But I can guarantee you that that is portable to something else with little effort for like everything that we do
And it would be easier because the industry is absolutely
Built for buy-in a lot of these big companies want you to I don't remember what it's called
Normally, I would be able to remember but I don't remember right now. There's a there's a term for it. Is it just lock-in?
Uh, there's there's a term for it when you start working with one company and then by working with them more and more and more
And more, uh, it become it would become extremely painful for you to switch to another company
Because all your stuff is built specifically for their platform crms are brutal for that
Yeah, oh my god. Yeah tons of different things are brutal for that
They want that and even if it's not sunk cost no vendor lock. Yeah vendor lock. Um,
Even if they advertise like oh it's not like that it usually the path of least resistance is to do that. Anyways
so we we often
go down the path of definitely not least resistance, which is
Rough, but I mean we're still here
We're still floating. We're still okay. And that's that's still kicking kind of the main goal
Uh, there's obviously other goals in regards to like features and whatever else but those are
Those are like the things that we do to make the platform worth using for people
But the main goal is to make sure that the platform will always be here
What's up? He's on it. I got it. I'm doing it now. We didn't announce the new product. We launched on the store
What did we launch? Oh, oh, yeah
New desk pad. Hey looks sick. It does actually what the heck just happened
We're back new desk pad. I like the design it's sick. It's actually inspired by the sign in the lounge
Oh, yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, so it's kind of a janus design if you really think about it. Yeah, um
I think that the one who actually brought it to life here was uh, lloyd and there might have been some collaboration from sarah or
uh or another designer
Because you know it started on a wall and had to make its way into
you know a a design for a mouse pad and b a whole bunch of different sizes because this is yet another one of our
29.99 no matter what size you choose
Products the amount of skews
But yeah, it's a it's a it's a less stealthy but still pretty darn stealthy design
We did brand this one so it has a big fat ltt in the middle
For your convenience right where your keyboard will be
We wanted the keyboard to feel like the center of this design so you can see that even though the logo
Is dead center the way that the line work comes in
That's actually pretty cool. It really works. Well
with the keyboard being the the the kind of
Origin of all of the traces here and the circuit that's smart
Yeah, so it's a it's a super it's the little thoughtful stuff like that
That does happen it these conversations do take place as part of the product development process
but it's not often easy to
Communicate to the to the to you to you all
Yeah, same great three and a half millimeter base, uh, same great anti-fray stitching around the edge same great top surface weave
I know you guys will love it because um
Our desk pad has been a modest success
to say the least
What that's a lot of reviews these are not is five stars. These are not curated. These are not filtered. These are just
People flipping love this thing
I I pretty much promise you that most of this stuff is just uh people who like never got their order
Um shipping complications and yeah and messaged support and we took a long time to get back to them
And then they just like never updated their review, but we do get back to everyone
It just does take some time sometimes and there's nothing we can do about that stuff. We don't remove it
We leave it there, you know, that's our that's that's on us. You know, we gotta we gotta do better
Um, but you know, we can't prevent couriers from taking a long time. Sometimes shipments get lost stuff happens
What we can do is reply to people in a timely manner and i've seen really good feedback about our our customer service lately in fact
We managed to blow up on the subreddit for doing something good for a change, which was really nice recently
We we reached out proactively about the thing with the tech sack where the image on the site didn't match what people actually got
Um, so what we decided to do even though it's like it's a functionally equivalent product and it's like better actually
um, we offered everyone a ten dollar credit for
you know just
Being chill or if they didn't like that then we offered just a full refund and return like well
Hey, we'll take it back. No problem. So people were people were pretty happy with that
Cool, it's the kind of thing that we would do even if we didn't have to because we don't have to but we do it
Anyway, because uh, you know
Trust me, bro. I got you
Not the message
Hit me. Okay. Hey
Lld, most companies focus around how to automate tasks
Are there functions in work or lifestyle that you all will purposely take?
The harder or more expensive route to preserve human skill and jobs
Uh-oh. I was typing response and didn't hear the whole thing
Uh with with automation becoming most people would prioritize automation
Are there
Areas where you would do it the hard way on purpose in order to preserve human skill and jobs
I think there's a lot of examples. Oh and jobs. I don't know. There's a lot of examples of areas where people
Do it the hard way on purpose because people value
The effort and skill and craftsmanship involved. I don't think the art was the point I think productivity was the point here
And if that's the case honestly for me not really I don't think that's true for almost anyone
That's not how people work. Well that that's how like as a society we kind of create our our rules though
Like the number of times that we will that will will regulate something in order to preserve jobs
It's it's wild to me
Like imagine imagine if we uh, okay
Uh, hold on
Okay, sure. Here's an example. Did you know that in richmond?
Uh gas stations have to be full service in order to preserve gas pumping jobs. I think that's okay
So that is something that i've heard of before. I think that is usually laughed at and is uncommon but does happen
Roughly sort of speckled all over the place chat. Feel free to okay. Apparently there's a couple of states that have that exact
Yeah, no, it's a speckled all over the place. I meant that genuinely. I know what happens in a couple states
I know it happens in as few spots around canada, but it's definitely uncommon
I mean it is not the norm. I should say that the way that the car dealership industry has been preserved in general
That's just wild that's lobbying. Yeah, but
preserve our jobs
Lobbying is pretty much job preservation if you really boil it down
Wow, I don't agree with that in the slightest I mean
It's economic abuse to a huge degree
Okay, I didn't say it wasn't abuse you specifically said it is this if you boil it down yeah
It's self-interested job preservation then how about that? I don't know if it's saying if someone's like I want to make
40 million this year instead of 29 million this year. I don't know if saying that is is job preservation
I don't know if that's fair
I don't I don't think the average interest of lobbying is like I want to make sure I can protect my huge swath of employees
Well, right, but unless you can keep your industry
Going strong which okay, so okay. I see where you're going with this
I think it's usually masquerades as job preservation then
I mean, that's the argument that they'll make often sure they just lie a lot
Yeah, sure so profit preservation says uh says float plane chat sure for preservation for a very small amount of people that are
extremely beyond like delta above survival
Um, well, okay. I mean it also does impact other people down the chain sure
Like it's not necessarily positively
um if your boss makes
Like to use the example I just made if your boss makes
40 million instead of 29 million there is zero guarantee that that benefits you in any way whatsoever
Yeah, but your boss won't make any million if your industry is
You know if your industry goes the way of the ice harvesting industry
Then the ice harvesting boss think all lobbying is that type of preservation though?
Okay, well I mean i'm open to an example
I don't pay that much attention to lobbying a significant amount of it is
Being able to keep profits high by not following different ethical standards, whatever
That isn't necessarily
Resisting your entire industry from disappearing that's keeping profits high
Yeah, I don't know. I guess man. I'm just i'm thinking like okay another great example of lobbying
Uh, you know keeping your industry from disappearing would be something like um like like quickbooks like personal tax software
Like that's that's a really interesting rabbit hole. There's some really intense lobbying if not for lobbying that industry
Simply wouldn't need to exist it shouldn't and everyone who works in it from all the way to the top all the way down to
The bottom. Yes, the bottom thing better for the world would just be gone. And yeah, I could do something more useful
So yeah, like i'm let's all hope they die faster than they currently are
Yeah, um
Yeah, this is great float plane chat cold take lobbying yeah pretty much
I mean there is I am sure there is examples
Good lobbying. I never said it was good to be very good. Yeah, like i'm sure there is good examples of it though
It's just a system that is clearly
Vast majority of the time abused for hyper bad negative things no, no disagreement there. Yeah
Uh, what was the question
Oh, right, uh
Oh, yeah, is there anything that we would do the the like inefficient way to do the hard way just to preserve
The art of it almost nothing
I mean, I guess I do some stuff the hard way like, uh, I don't know we uh, no
Okay, you just said to preserve the art, but it's not the art. It's
For practical purposes. I don't yeah, I don't think I would ever
Not use a dolly just so that I could like work out my arms more
Yeah, well no because then there's like a health benefit. Yeah. Okay, I would do that. I would take the stairs
There are examples though
That fit this. Yeah, not if not if efficiency was a factor there
All right. Let's get you another one here
Uh linus youtube suggested a wan show from 2013
Where you wore a seemingly authentic cad pat parka issued in the canadian armed forces
Wondering how you got one and if you kept it allegedly, isn't it gone? Um, yeah, I don't know what happened to it
Yeah, that's it's one of those things or it's like the uh, that stupid apple. Um at mark pippen console
Yeah, where the heck is that? I don't know
It is gone it's just it disappeared that jacket
Disappeared I have no idea what happened to it. My mom gave it to me. It was a gift. Um that jacket kept a
actually very
high number of people warm
It's a helpful jacket. It was super warm when we were in like hyper startup mode working out of his garage
Uh, we didn't necessarily have a lot of heating and in winter months that jacket would be like passed around
Because it was really warm
Oh, man
Okay, uh last one i've got here curated
Uh, why has an amd released any new gpu's since the 7900 series in december?
Why hold off releasing the mid-range cards leaks seem to say next launch is june when nvidia's
4070 is out now 40 60 is coming in may
Because it's really really hard
Just because the architecture is
You know done and and out there and on the market doesn't mean that those mid-tier chips are
fully bug tested right like
Man modern microprocessors again back to that that hot take earlier that consumer pc hardware is cheap
They're an they're a miracle. They are actually an engineering marvel. They're magic
Right the fact that the 7900 series exists at all
Amazes me. Uh, never mind. Where's the 7800 and where's the 7700 and like I know obviously we would want
Less expensive cards, right? Like yeah, we want the latest architecture
It's a it's hard work. It's hard grueling
Difficult time consuming work and you know a company like amd has a lot going on
They can't just focus on their their discrete desktop gpu's they've also got their scientific and data center gpu's
they've got the gpu products that are built into their cpu's now, which
Um are no no longer really lag behind by as much in terms of technology
I would imagine that if their roadmap is anything to go on we're going to see rdna3 rdna4
Much with with much less lag compared to the first appearance of that architecture on uh on a desktop add-in card, right?
Don't forget about the custom silicon work that they do for partners like sony and microsoft and valve
We have no idea what this chip in the a in the asus rog ally is but apparently it's custom silicon as well
and the thing is you've only got
Even if you're a company with the resources of amd you have a finite number of people on your team
And even if you saw a profitable opportunity like oh, yeah, let's bring our mid-range gpu to market faster
You and what army
What how many gpu experts are there on earth that aren't already gainfully employed? It's not like you can just
Hire another 100 person team
It doesn't work like that, right?
We just have to be patient as the bottom line it's yeah, it's just frustrating right like obviously yeah, I want where's our dna4
Let's go
But it takes time it's really challenging a lot of massive respect for the people who work on this stuff
All right now that's the end of the curated
Um, oh, okay. I can just like curate some yeah, go for it or there's a massive mountain of incoming messages
They're all just like questions text response
We have a thing that can display them at the end of the show if we don't get to them or play the rest of the
Um, you know new thing that we're trying give it a go
Um, I don't know maybe try to go through the massive mountain of messages and and curate some of them while we do text responses
Yeah, let's do it. Sure. Let's let's go
This is cool, uh, nicholas t says hey linus i've been promoted to a new position where I measure individual transistors
Feels strange to be doing a job. You couldn't show
Uh anything in particular surprise you during the lab tour at micron. I think the most surprising thing at micron
Was just how jazzed everyone was to be there
At somewhere like nvidia where they have a more consumer-facing brand
uh, even someone like intel where they they show up at gaming events and you know, they have
Skulls and or branding or whatever
Um, they're cool. Yeah, you you you kind of expect to find, you know path passionate enthusiast people
But micron has just about the most boring
Just about the most boring
Um corporate image, I think in the tech industry right like for they're they're huge
They're enormous. They come from potato land. They
They they make you know
Gosh, darn it the stablest
drm chip
Let's go
um, but just how
Excited people seemed to work at micron was was really cool. Uh, really inspiring
Yeah, let's uh
I managed to get one in that time
Uh, this is from justin long time vaud watcher and first time buyer
I work as a network engineer for a large us telecom company if you could change one thing about the telecom industry
What would it be?
Um the fact that you work for a large us telecom company. No, I mean, well sort of like I
I really wish there was less consolidation in the telecom industry
I can see that. Mr. Ryan Reynolds came out virtually unscathed from that whole mint mobile sale, but
um mint mobile seemed like, you know a good thing, um, and now there's more consolidation so
You know, like I I would I would like to see more public ownership of basic infrastructure
I mean, I think it's fair to say that in some ways
the fiber line between you and the nearest
Nearest internet exchange is more important than the road
Between you and the nearest city like as long as you can get basics like, you know food water shelter
There are entire industries that just run on those fiber lines and don't need a road
when I was picking my apartment, that was like a huge portion of the decision making and
A lot of people were quite surprised but like I don't know. Let's stand by it
Okay, another one for you here this is from lilith
Uh to talking of the stream deck and portables. Do you think the future of them will be framework like experience?
With modular parts so the product doesn't function like a console i.e get outdated fast
I don't think it's that realistic. I I think that
I mean it could be done
Framework has shown us that the limit was our imagination. It wasn't the technology
So it could be done but it would take someone to come in and do it
I mean when someone when when asus was here for their for their ally preview
I I told someone from their their notebook team because it's the same team working on the ally
I was like, hey, have you guys seen the framework 16 yet? They're like, oh no
I'm like, okay, you guys need to sit up and pay attention. I'm an investor in framework
I don't mind if they kick your butt but like
You guys need to sit up and pay attention. You guys need to come map this head-on
This is a serious thing that's happening now
There are going to be good devices that have take this modular
More reusable approach to their design and you guys have got to figure this out because you can't just react to it later
Um, I had made a joke about how you know, haha the ally is pretty cool
but you know
I'd rather have one that was made by someone like a framework where
I don't have to buy a whole new one in order to keep using my
Oh crap, uh my hall effect joysticks that I already upgraded, you know, my chassis to or or whatever else and they're like
Well, I hope they don't get into it and like no what you should hope is that you guys
Do a better job and make upgradeable stuff. So I yeah, i'd like to see it happen but
I don't know whether to hope for it or not more modular electronics. It just hasn't been the trend up until now
It's hard when they get small like that too. Yeah, and it's it is legitimately actually really challenging. Yeah
You know what's so great about the ally?
Well, one of the things that's so great is it has this like phenomenal cooling system that is somehow super quiet and runs really cool
I haven't opened it yet. Actually haven't opened it yet, even though they're not here to supervise me anymore
Why haven't I opened it yet? Anyway, I haven't opened it yet
But I would imagine that a really finely tuned cooling solution is going to make it more
Difficult to have that main board be upgradeable
Next up
Linus and luke any suggestions on courses or resources to take my tech troubleshooting skills from
Have you tried turning it on on back on again to something more refined?
Really depends what you more specifically want to get into if you're trying to get into
uh, like infrastructure stuff it admin type things
Networking courses networking certifications are often a pretty good angle to go in
There's also some stuff you can do with oh, what's that?
Active directory, um getting into active directory i'm assuming the direction you want to go into is it
I don't know if that's a good assumption or not
But yeah, i'll get into some certification courses for like networking active directory stuff like that
Next up
Hi, ll plus d
Linus, do you know if there's any ltt garments that we either should or shouldn't use fabric softener on?
I was taught to always use it, but i've also heard that it isn't good for some fabrics
I didn't know that so
Here's the thing
bridget and I in particular bridget and I
often butt heads about proper treatment of garments
she will say things like
Well, you're not supposed to put this in the dryer. Oh, that's gonna happen anyways
Just I was getting there
You know, you're not supposed to put this in the dryer and you know the this, you know
You know
Appliqué thing or whatever else and blah blah blah and i'm like, right
But i'm gonna put it in the dryer so
Where we at with this
Drives her crazy because she and a lot of people on the team here do treat their clothes properly
um, but you know
I want us to try to make everything
For the people who don't and you know what you do have to treat your clothes properly
Like a a hoodie that you put in the dryer on high every time
Uh, if it has if it's if it's cotton like it it will shrink
It's natural fiber it behaves how it behaves and we can pre-shrink it and we do
But there's a limit to to what you can do with pre-shrinking
So with all of that said we strive to make it so you can kind of do whatever you want
We do list the materials composition on our products as we're legally required to do
So if there's any materials that are good or bad with fabric softener, I guess you can just sort of follow whatever guidelines you can find
In general, um, we kind of try to make things that are resilient last a long time
No, I didn't unmute myself
All right. Last one i've got here is
Sal from android bash a channel. My question to linus is
What do you think about tech channels releasing videos a couple minutes ahead of the official nda timeline? It's happened multiple times
Oh, um
That's an interesting question
I did it once
Uh, we maybe twice. I don't know we we released a video like one minute before the actual official embargo lift
And I think the idea was to see if it would have any kind of impact and what we determined was that a no one noticed
Or cared and b it didn't have an impact
Yeah in the in the long term what i've found is that I mean here like I can I can show you guys this right
Like here let's go into let's go into the channel dashboard. Let's let's let's head to the analytics. Shall we?
You guys want to see some analytics?
Yes, I know I do
These edicts be anal
Nice one ding
No, that's not worth a ding. That's not even a joke. That's just stupid. It's over there. It's not worth it's too far away
No dings for you can tell what time of night it is. All right. So first things first
You can see there's some videos coming soon. What's it like to work at linus media group the sequel?
Did anyone talk to you? Nope
Nope, really? No interesting adam was in charge this time not included
Oh, all right. Well, I guess you don't didn't really work at lmg for most of the period we're covering here
So also we have another one pushing the gt 10 30 to the max
They'll have better titles when we actually release them. So here let's find uh, let's find a video. Okay here here here here
Here's here's one
No, this is the cleanest setup. So let's go into
Uh, what is it reach I hate I still hate this dashboard
Oh a bunch of really positive feedback on that video by the way inferior because it's already on flowplay. Oh, uh, which one the the um,
What it's like to work at lmg. Oh, really? Yeah. Okay. Well, i'm not allowed to watch it
So I guess i'm just a full plane chat just said it's really good. Oh, i'm glad it's i'm really glad it's good. Huh? Cool
All right, anywho
Uh, what am I looking for? Ah, yes impressions no, man, where's oh, yeah, here we go
Here we just like flashbanged everyone by the way. Sorry
Uh, yeah, sorry. I don't have dark reader on this profile. Okay bell notifications sent. Here we go. They sent
subscribers a notification
The click-through rate is within the typical range for youtube of 0.5 to 2.5 percent 1.1
Which means our views from bell notifications as a channel with 14 15, however many millions of subscribers was
9800 it's actually kind of amazing. This is a video with 3 million views
Total impressions 38.2 million with a click-through rate of 5.4 the click-through rate
Of your impressions that you get from browse features suggested videos all these places that actually matter at all
Is three times no no like over four times higher
so the only thing
That launching a little bit early could could possibly do for you
Give you a bit of a of an early boost on those like
Notification views right because
One minute later. Everyone's going to be on pretty much equal footing when it comes to to browse and suggested and all that stuff
We're at the point now where we don't even really pay attention to what time of day we launch a video because we know that
It's all going to come out in the wash in the long term
So that's that's where we're at on it. I really don't think it's a big deal and
I do think it's a big deal to break a legal agreement that you've signed
So you just should launch at the right time like, you know, everyone just should
But I I don't think it's a big deal
For you, like I don't think you're at a competitive disadvantage if other narrative wells are pulling these kinds of moves
Hold on a second android bash is in the chat saying it might not impact you
But trust me myself and several other channels. I know have seen noticeable drops
at the first hour reach
Yeah, but that first hour
The first hour is important, but it also isn't big picture
You've got to be looking at
Click through you've got to be looking at retention because that is ultimately what is going to drive that piece of content and
You know, that's a that's a real
It's a real challenge. It's way harder
Um, you know being the first one with content is is a valid strategy. It's even a good strategy
But it's an exhausting strategy and it's a very challenging strategy and I don't think it's a sustainable strategy
Okay, got another one here for you linus and luke thoughts on nebula's 250 lifetime membership
Isn't video streaming expensive?
Did we talk about this already or did you and I just talk about that? I think you and I were talking about that
yeah, it's um
Okay, so nebula is an interesting model right as far as I can tell
Not a lot of people are actually watching on the site and
That doesn't really matter to them
Like I don't think I don't think that really matters because it's far more of a just like hey, I want to support creators
here's a very
sort of
small amount of financial contribution
Of which very little makes its way to the you know, the individual creator, right?
Because you're not subscribing to an individual creator. You're subscribing to the entire platform
So each creator is getting a very small fraction of of that amount
That's just sort of inherent if you if you actually watched a lot on the platform
But the benefit of it is that they can achieve
A level of scale that particularly boosted by the cross promotion that they do with curiosity stream has enabled them to reach
Um a subscriber count that is that is quite substantial
So they've got the subs they've got these subscribers, right, um, they've got
This sort of uh, yeah, so they've got this user count
They've got this roster of creators that as far as I can tell are not really making a ton of money just from like nebula
Payouts, um as far as I can tell a lot of the a lot of the financial incentive for creators is promoting
Subscribing to curiosity stream because it includes nebula
Um, and so which is good for creators because they get some revenue from nebula
But more importantly they have an ownership stake in nebula
so any creators who join nebula have an ownership stake in the platform and that's
As far as I can tell as an outsider the the real point
I don't think the point is the actual monthly checks that a creator with you know
20,000 youtube subscribers and however many people are watching them on nebula because you can kind of extrapolate that it's like
Probably like four people, right? So I I don't think they're getting a significant amount of money on a monthly basis from nebula
But I think the goal is that when nebula exits when it sells, um everyone who joined as a creator
Everyone who joined as a creator is going to get a piece of that action
So with that in mind, what does a 250 lifetime subscription to a streaming platform look like?
Well, it looks like a streaming platform that doesn't actually stream a lot of video
Uh wanting to boost subscriber counts
So that when they eventually exit in some way or ipo or whatever it is that they plan to do
They will be able to have a bigger payout for their shareholders who are the creators, which is not a bad thing
It's just a very different model from the way that we structure things which is generally more
ongoing sustainability and less
Exit strategy you also sometimes just need a burst of I've been trying to respond messages
So I didn't listen to all that but you sometimes need a burst of
Income if you're trying to avoid outside investor stuff
And it might be worth lower returns in the future for that burst of income now depending on what you're trying to do
Um, there's like a lot yeah, there's there's like a lot, uh
There's too many sitting and incoming we need to be responding to these faster. Yep. I'm i'm i'm working on it
We can talk about it some more after the show hit me all right anonymous
Have you ever seen a surface electron display monitor?
If uh not do you think you can get a hold of one
You ever heard of one of these scd scd monitor my understanding is outside of a couple of trade show demos
They'd never existed. It was it was supposed to be a replacement for crt
That was not as thin as lcd
But with the contrast and and brightness benefits of of crt and response time benefits of crt
If a canon was working on it if I recall correctly, I was very excited about it at the time
If it's the one i'm thinking of um
And I I was really disappointed that it never made it to to light
But oled has pretty much negated any need for scd to make it to market
All right, what are the odds of ltd partnering with iFixit for an orange and black precision driver kit?
I don't know. I don't really know if that's like iFixit's model
I could definitely see us doing more tools in the future
but I don't really see any reason why either of us would necessarily co-brand with
the other like having more hands in the pot is
I don't know. Not really not really beneficial to either of us. I don't think
Love your work and would love to work for you. Do you guys still offer relocation assistance?
I don't know. Why don't you get a job and find out?
Oh check our job postings
Let's see any chance on releasing a case for screwdriver that can also fit all the bit sets
Um, yes
It'll be a it'll be a long time though
You know how slow we are
And that's a that's a product that I don't think we would do just like a less expensive
Faster chinese mold for like we did for the cable management arches
That's the kind of product that we would probably want to get done by
ITD it's either innovative or innovation tool and die something like a local company
We'd probably get the molds made there because we'd want it to be like
On par with the quality of the screwdriver that it goes with right? So I don't see that happening anytime super soon
What is your favorite small form factor case right now?
We were actually shooting a video about this new one from dan case that is just so
Adam was telling me about it. It looks amazing
Yeah, uh, what's the man what dang it? Is it? Oh, is it out?
Yeah, yeah this one, okay good super cool yeah c4sfx
This thing is sick
It's sick, uh watch the video it's sick. That's all I have to say about that
I built one in the previous dan case and it was just incredible. No, this one's so much better
I know your dan case is is crap. That's okay. I gave it your name is dan
And you still don't know anything about dan case anymore. Nothing. It's new dan case. It's a new game. Oh my gosh. I've been replaced
Uh, okay, uh as someone who's watched since the kitchen set days
Is there any videos you look back on from the early days of ltt and want to recreate for old times sake
Recreate I mean, I wish we could do classic scrapyard wars again
Yeah, just we had a question about that in the pre-show and I was like, man, it just doesn't it can't work
It doesn't work. Yeah, then I don't know. It's funny. Like, um, yeah, i'd love to i'd love to do whole room water cooling again
But we can't just interrupt everyone's jobs to help us put fittings on things anymore just
It just doesn't really like work that way here in scale issues. Yeah, i've fairly often come back to the like
This is not that old of a video. Okay. It's a very old video, but it's not that old of a video in kitchen in the house
Scale, you know what I mean? Uh, but the wtf is going on with dx12 and vulcan
I've often just kind of personally wondered that like what's the current state of those?
Because like when I launch a game and I see options
Right now I don't i'm not 100 confident in which one to choose, you know, so yeah go vulcan be cool
Well, no, but even even like
Okay, because that video went more in depth on these things even when it's like do you want to launch in dx11 or dx12?
If it's only dx is the option for a while there it was 11 not 12. Oh
I mean, I still have issues with like ano as far as I know
I've just like never patched the bugginess. No, but like for real a lot of games that came around that era
It was better to run them in dx11 than 12. So like
Is that completely fixed for new games?
What kind of stragglers are we looking at?
stuff like that
I think it'd be interesting
Okay, uh luke are there any plans for adding split-screen support for the ipad os app on floatplane?
Oh, we we don't really do
specific for ipad development
Got them. So like not in the near future and linus any timeline on the luxury backpack
Oh, this is probably a question you were expecting me to answer extremely quickly
Extremely quickly
Oh boy, it's not though. Um, oh boy. Okay. First of all, it's not luxury. It's lux
That is what we're gonna call it we're just gonna call it lux. Okay. All right fine second of all
I don't know. I don't want to release something that i'm not completely confident in and right now
I'm really happy with the state that it's in
But what I don't know is how long will I be happy with the state that it's in so whoops
What I press um, there we go. Thanks dan. Um
Okay, there's a couple of things that are wrong with this prototype. The water bottle holder is a little bit too tight
I have a similar issue with some of the pockets over here
um other than that
It's basically it's basically perfect
Uh, I i've noticed that as it's broken in this zipper at the very front this one this one right here has turned
From kind of straight to uh, you can't you know
You're really not gonna be able to see that to more of like, uh, like a smile like it's kind of oh, yeah
Here we go. Here's a better angle. I'll get you guys this angle here
So it's more like kind of curved now so you can see that but that's like a natural thing
That's going to happen with uh with a leather product right like it tends to you know
You can see the water bottle bulge a little bit more than you could see with the um
Uh with the oh it starts with an r or whatever with the reprieve fabric that we use for the regular backpack
my issue is that this is
a vegan leather which is like
Probably the most successful rebrand in all of history
Pleather leather to vegan leather like fake leather to vegan leather
Uh, anyway, this is this is a vegan leather product, but it's not just like plastic. Um, this is an apple leather
So it's like a like a fruit
vegan leather that
Boy, does it ever feel and act a lot like leather?
Um from the manufacturer
They've told us that you can you can kind of you could buff scuffs out of it with with polish just like with leather
Um, they've told us the durability should be very similar to leather
I haven't observed any issues with it in my time using it, but i've only been using it for a couple months
Can I draw long term, you know years long conclusions about this fabric based on the time i've spent with it
Um not with 100 percent confidence and this is not going to be a cheap product
I would be surprised if it isn't at least double of what the regular backpack costs because
A the material is far more costly and b working with it is far more costly. It's far more time consuming
It's pretty much ready for us to place an order we would have to make a couple small changes to the
Small changes to the uh to the construction and we're ready to go but i've been holding off because I just
Want it to be really good and I don't like i've asked if uh, so so
We have a partner that does a lot of material testing for us called chima
And i've asked is there anything we can do in terms of like long-term durability tests on it?
Or like can we do scuff tests and then can we get polishes and try to polish it?
Like what can we do to can you figure this out guys?
Um, and so we're working on that but it's going to take time
I've got a lot of people in the chat asking. Well, why not just make it out of real leather?
Do you want it to be fifteen hundred dollars two grand?
Okay, um
Yeah, that would be a very leather is freaking hard and like if you're spending that much on leather
Uh seam stitching can be an issue. So are these hand stitched bags now? Yeah. Well, yeah, that's the thing, right? Yeah
I'm adding that clarification because i'm sure someone's googling how much leather costs and they're going to be like, oh, it's not
Yo, it's the workmanship. There's more to it than that. Yeah
Okay, um
Huh, okay
Well, yeah, we might have to we might have to call it
Are there are there any more like outstanding ones you guys seen this?
You guys are sending you guys got to send more just like hey, hi mom, you know stuff because we actually can't do this
Yes, the uv blocking hoodie is still coming
You know what?
Why don't we try and rapid fire a few let's let's let's try it sure
Okay, how are scientific anonymous asks, how are scientific backgrounds understood or perceived within the software development field?
That's coming from an astrophysicist
How are scientific backgrounds? That's not rapid fire enough perceived. He shrugged next question
Okay, robert says can't wait to set this up on my test bench at work. Microsoft loop just went live for my org
What's one non-ai product that is upcoming or live that you guys especially dan are super excited for?
Non-ai product. Hey, I can read these two
So what is it? It's especially dan. Uh
I I didn't actually catch that. I don't know. Um
non-tech products
No, non-ai non-ai product. This rapid fire concept is not working very well
Okay, literally. Let's let's read along with you then. Uh
Non-ai, uh, ara ara ar I want ar to be good one day
I love it. I don't care. Okay, adam, uh, if there's going to be a linus tech tips tv series or movie who would you cast?
to play you
To play you. Yeah. Oh, I was thinking um the other ryan i've just had
the amount of times you remember the the the
Ryan gosling ryan gosling looks so much more like you. Sorry. That's the one I meant. I'm really bad with actor names
I'm crying out loud
Yeah, ryan gosling for luke you would nail it. Yeah
I'm with that. That is who I meant. I apologize. I have no idea for me. I'm, sorry. I also don't know too many actors
Okay next
Oh, okay, I was okay. Hello gentlemen, what is your favorite controller to use with pc?
It's the xbox controller for both of us. Um other than nelson keyboard ps4 for him xbox for us
Cool. Oh, yeah stick drift. Yep. Yeah. Sorry. That's a thing. Um
So I really like the king kong 2 but I don't use it on pc mostly because I just haven't
I just I just didn't think of it. I just have it. I have it paired to my switch and I just didn't think about it
Uh ian in the spirit of the ai heavy show this week
With the potential of ai providing scammers with more powerful tools has anyone thought of newer safety measures to take that's gonna be a big problem
All i've really seen is ai fighting back
That's the only new thing i've seen in that room jared says i'm a brand new mainframe storage admin
And I was super excited to see your z16 and mainframe mentioned last when do you foresee any other potential future uses in mainframe tech?
I mean, I think I think luke kind of outlined
What is going to be the the biggest one is these internal large language models? Like that's the way
I I think I think you're right. I don't think there's any avoiding it
I think I called it was that like three weeks ago when I talked to you in your office
And I was like, this is like my most long shot one so far. Yeah, there's companies already doing it
I thought it was like a year out
It's 100 already happening so paul l asks ever considered consulting services like, uh, matpat from game theorist
Ltt's culture employee customer treatment are really powerful for professionals and orgs. They often ground me when managing people
I mean the way that I see it
Here it is you're asking me we're talking about it. Let's talk about it not for very long because this is rapid fire
but the point is that
Um, I don't know my uncle kind of sat me down and said, you know
The worst kind of business is a consulting business and I kind of said oh well
Why because like consulting seems like it pays a lot of money consultants like that's a stereotype, right?
As consultants make a lot of money compared to people who in a lot of cases are actually do things
Yeah more qualified and actually do things
Um, and he said the reason that consulting business is the worst kind of business is because it's not scalable
If you want to double your revenue, then you can raise your rates. Sure. You could double your rates, but
There's a finite amount of of doubling that you can do to your rates
So what you need to do then is you need to double your consultants. You need to double your staff and at some point
Collapse under your own weight unless you can somehow scale the consulting that you do
To many many more many more people per consultant. I kind of went. Oh, okay. So like youtube then
Okay, so we've solved this. I don't need to be a one-on-one consultant anymore. I could I could just you know
I could just scale and so we
We everything we do here. We're trying to even wancho right? So how can we scale wancho?
By doing it faster. Yes. Thank you luke. That's very helpful. Um, and also by chopping it up into clips
Uh, you know by by leveraging it to sponsors and also leveraging adsense and also
Creating benefits to floatplane subscribers to subscribe for a better wancho experience with better audio quality
Creating merch messages so that we can create more content for wancho. Thanks to you guys asking wonderful questions like this
So we're we're quadruple dipping on wancho
That's something that a consulting business is always going to struggle with because
Unless you can find and train consultants at an astronomical rate
You're always going to be limited to linear rather than exponential growth
Daniel asks I was wondering if you could explain some of the benefits and drawbacks of building a home pc in a rack
versus a tower
Tower is easier better hardware compatibility racks go in racks. That's the main benefit of them
What happened to the g suite google drive backup too slow or too close to privateering
I think we ran into some issues with it. Jake would actually be a better person to answer that question
I think it had something to do with rate limiting or something. Yeah, I think it was overcomeable
But it was like going to involve a bunch of like hassle and scripting and
Realistically it was going to like cost a bunch of money to actually take the data back out if we ever needed it
Anyway, and we just didn't really care that much because it's the vault. It's like a proof of concept more than anything
Charles says are you concerned about creator warehouse working with other creators?
When they come to you with a product that you've either been thinking about making or a product you think you could do better
Yeah, this is a very valid concern. Like if we're kind of
say okay, actually there's a perfect example of this we
Wanted to do a lighter for a really long time
We had some cool fun ideas for a lighter project kyle actually talked about it in his floatplane exclusive meet the team
And you know, I was looking at you know, hacksmith's lighter
They have a they have a one coming or something and uh, we wanted to carry it on our store and I was like, okay
Are we going to be in an awkward position where if we release a lighter they're going to feel like oh well screw you buddy
You're releasing your own lighter. I mean
I don't know. I mean there's a precedent for it. It's not like new egg doesn't
Carry rose will cases which is their home brand and they also carry corsair cases
You just have to be seems chill with it like even more not that you aren't already
But even more careful to not have things that could be perceived as like a copycat
Yeah, that's fair
Michael asks do you have any advice or regrets on raising children in regards to technology or the internet?
Don't use it as a crutch talk to kids
That's that's the key
Joseph I remember when the streams not the camo coat
Yeah, we're talking about the camo coat again a decade ago in high school
You inspired me to build a pc so I could play planetside 2 and battlefield 3. What is your most?
nostalgic gaming era
Google great games 2004 man great games 2004. It's a thing
I think my nostalgic gaming era goes goes back farther though
I think it's more just like when you kind of crystallized when you
2004 was just a hell of a year though. I'm i'm actually like pretty I think we've talked about
Warcraft 3 come out in 2004 because I was going to say warcraft
Half-life 2 original world of warcraft grand theft auto san andreas the sims 2 halo 2
Burnout 3 far cry the original counter-strike source battlefield vietnam
Uh star wars battlefront the one that people actually liked doom 3 metal gear 3 just like
Sid meyer's pirates fable unreal 2004
Fable as well ninja gaiden, uh driver, which I actually thought was cool, but not everyone thinks he's cool
There's there's a ton of star wars nights of the old republic 2
The best year in gaming ever splinter cell pandora tomorrow. I don't know if that was great or not
Okay, there's a pretty wild that's fair enough, but I think for me it's got to be like snass era
Yeah, yeah, yeah, i'm just old that's that's I mean, that's fine. I just I like talking about 2004 because there's one hell of a year
All right, I replied to a couple text ones are they still coming in
Yeah, yeah, you gotta do you gotta do one every 25 seconds. Come on guys. Is that the raid?
Well, not today, but most of the day. Yeah
Yeah, you guys were just basically treading water with these i'm i'm sorry to dump that on you. No, it's okay
We just gotta keep pumping. We'll figure it out with the current rise of ai technology
What do you think about students pursuing careers as web developers?
Oh, I was currently I replied to that one. I said pretty tough right now. I'm not gonna lie right now
Uh, we will still hold on we will still need developers for like a long time
Very long time people saying that it's going to fully replace developers right now are just wrong
Um speaking of that, um, I think you already replied to that one too. Yeah
No, it's gone
Okay, what's going on keep going I think we're all doing the same things on top of each other
Um, but yeah, we're gonna need developers for a long time
There there are going to be companies that try to shrink because of this type of stuff
Uh, they're going to run into some problems
A lot of the things that ai development is currently doing
Is not like super advanced and a lot of it still needs a guiding hand from developers
I do think junior positions are going to be the first ones to take a hit. I think that makes sense
um, but companies will still need senior developers, so
Yeah, good after it
The recent examples of AMD and Intel GPUs performance gaining over time with driver updates
The lab's going to test to make sure that the driver updates are keeping up with uh performance. We retest for every review
So, yep
You're going to always be able to trust that the numbers you're looking at from our latest content is based on the latest drivers
And linus, how do you handle determining trustability in your employees?
I tend to be if anything too trusting. Um
so I rely on processes and managers and HR to kind of
uh, you know monitor people's
Work and make sure that they're doing the right things in general. I think we have a really good crew here
um like it
The app mark pippen is missing. Yeah
But it never occurred to me that someone would have stolen it. It's I I it's probably
a like mishap thing
The box was super old and ratty
I think it was probably just a really unfortunate accident. Yeah, are you going to be doing latency timing for different controllers?
Um, hmm. Well, it might be kind of challenging for a certain
Um, we're certainly going to something we'll consider. Yeah. Do you have any plans on labs testing screen protectors?
No, there's no plans for that right now. I think that would
In order to draw meaningful conclusions, you would have to have sample sizes far greater than what would be practical for us to test
Are you guys going to be looking at the new acer 3d screen? They're using ai magic to turn 2d content into 3d
the new 3d screens that i've seen that are like 4k
Oled every other actually no, there's ones that aren't oled too. Anyway, the new glasses list 3d that i've seen is
Kind of unbelievable. It uses camera eye tracking to know like which eye is looking at it from where and then it's like some kind of
shift thing anyway, the point is it can like
Account for where you're sitting. It's it's it's kind of mind-blowing and it's uh, it's pretty cool
Have you traveled with your steam deck?
If so, do you have a go-to mobile charging solution or other accessories that he can stuff in his backpack?
Oh, uh, I just purchased. Yeah, I just carry one type c charger the one for my laptop
and then I use it for my phone my um
Ioneo actually I've been using the ally lately. But yeah, so for my ally and for my laptop, it's like freaking awesome
It's nothing special. It's just the one that came with my old uh flow x13 laptop. I i'm not that picky when it comes to chargers
Any plans for polo shirts for those of us nerds who need to wear polos at work
Um also restock on tablet when we have some really exciting work wear coming
We have what we're calling tech pants where they're like really comfortable and they like have pockets and stuff
But they still look professional enough that you could wear them at a workplace that requires slacks
And then we also just have like some some just kind of basic
Very minimal or invisible branding tops that are that are going to be very work appropriate i'm going to interject
I just want to answer this one
Vocally, uh, ryan n says what do you think about companies that block chat gpt for fear of leaking proprietary information?
What would you suggest to ease their fears?
Um, I cannot ease their fears. I don't know where it went. I can't hide it if you guys see that one hide it
Um, I cannot ease their fears
This is this is a problem that i've been mentioning for a while
Chat or open ai is super transparent about the fact that they're reading all the responses and they've already had a leak of information
Uh, this is something that people should not really be doing it's up to your company to decide your your security policies
If you put all this proprietary information on something like google docs for instance
You're sharing it to a certain degree with google and there are security implications with that
Does that mean you would trust open ai? That's a decision that you have to make
But I do believe as we've mentioned a couple times and even talked about on today's show
That certain companies with certain levels of data security are going to run local offline versions of these things
um because of
Those things so it's it's it's not uh an unfounded fear so I can't dismiss it. But yeah
Oh, this is such a good one
sebastian l asks
Tylenos and luke i'm a store manager and an apple premium reseller and would like to hear how you would sell apple products or the
Brand knowing everything you do
Ease of use build quality
This is not easy to use my mom spent years with android phones
I never really got it within a week of having an iphone it completely clicked and she totally understood everything. It worked fine
Man, I don't know. I have not had the same experience. Yeah, me neither, but for some people it's a thing
Um, I I probably would sell the benefit of I mean particularly the iphone
I I don't really think I could sell a mac very easily, but the iphone is a pretty obvious one to me
Uh, you just kind of don't have to think about it
It'll it'll work for like six or seven years and then you can get a new one. I would I would sell the longevity
Oh, I think you already did this block chat gpt thing
Luke you are a genuine role model. I was just trying to answer this through text. I didn't want to I teach classes to help
incoming cable technicians
Learn to install network infrastructure. What would it be? But what would I it like to see?
In their installers, what would it like to see in their installers to help make things easier?
That's a really broad question
how I was going to answer it is just like a drive and willingness to learn new things because it's an area that is like
Pretty much your whole job is maintaining what you have and also moving it forward with the constant march of technology
if you have someone who's
Not that interested in learning new things in that position in my opinion unless they're in a space that doesn't evolve
They're not going to do well
You like constantly have to use new stuff so
I know it's not something you can teach them necessarily, but it's a thing
I do not have a 10-year vision charles
Dang it. We're gonna try we're gonna try to still exist in 10 years. That's the vision. Yeah exist
Um, noah says i'm
My friend and I are really excited for the future of qd oled
We want to know how common you think the tech will be in the average user's monitor
I don't know if it'll be qd oled or it'll be future technology. I'd love to see micro led take over just because
I hate the idea of manufacturing future e-waste right and oled even quantum dot oled has a finite lifespan
And micro led looks like it extends that lifespan significantly. So I would I would like to see that take over
Uh question for you guys landon, what's a recent janky solution to a problem that was just too much effort to fix properly
I do this stuff so often that I don't even fully register everything
Anymore because it's just like how I operate so i'm not actively thinking about like this is the janky solution
It's just like this is how I deal with problems
Um, I couldn't get my webcam in the right spot on top of my monitor so I just like took the cable
and I um
Like I kind of like attached it to something so that the amount of weight was just enough that it wouldn't
Move at the spot that I need it instead of
Like doing it properly. It's just like kind of tied to another cable
So if that other cable ever moved then it would move again. Like I didn't anchor it to anything real so I did that today
Yeah, nice. Yep. Oh, yeah, that's not nothing big
But that's just how I live dealing with every single thing like fully officially properly. It's just not
Not very efficient and not necessary in my opinion
No, I don't really recommend a ton of baby tech just like a a baby monitor is nice to have but don't go overboard
This is stuff you're only going to use
Like the infant stage like six to nine months
And then that's it and then it's just e-waste like don't don't overdo it jordan
I got I got one that I want to answer verbally, uh luke
I'm, a bios engineer specializing in security on the motherboard that got hacked for complete security
It's best not to keep the board boot kits are becoming more
Uh-oh, where'd it go boot kits are becoming more common namely black lotus
Ah, this is this is the trouble like we we had that short go out where we smashed the ssd
And there's a bunch of responses being like couldn't you have saved it
Wouldn't have been possible. It is possible. It would have been okay
Probably actually probably very probably it's also technically possible. It wouldn't have and it wasn't worth the risk
We didn't do it. Uh, this is another situation where like now i'm getting a
A bios engineer telling me to throw the motherboard like the plan right now is to re-solder the chip not to throw out the motherboard
I i'm pretty certain that is fine. I do not believe we have to throw out the motherboard
I think if we completely replace the chip, it should be okay
Maybe I should this makes me want to look into it. I'm not aware of any other storage on a motherboard me neither
So like it should be fine. Um, what i've been trying to figure out is is flashing it fine
No, it's not. Nope. You're sure. Yep. Okay, then. Yeah, I guess we're re-soldering the chip because I don't want to throw that board away
That's too much waste and completely replacing yeah as far as I know the only form of storage on the board
It should be fine like genuinely
Should be fine as far as my understanding goes
I have never heard of shift phones me neither
Oh, they're headphones that makes oh, no, there's also a phone
Um, okay
Yep, no idea never heard of it. Uh
Thanks anonymous
Uh anthony what resources website and online communities to use to keep up with ai
I mean, honestly, it's just everywhere I look these days. I don't really have to go out of my way
It's just you use luke. Yeah
It is literally everywhere though. Like I don't know it's all over the place. Hey, thanks carrie
Uh reynier says I could really use a way to redeem all these gift cards
I've been collecting to store credit on my ltt account, please
Well, you could buy something. Yeah, what do you mean? Um
Ashley huge fan of the wan show and just wanted to say thanks for adding women's undergarments to the ltt store
My girlfriend and I have both been waiting to buy a pair. Heck. Yeah
Nice. I'm really excited for our next his and hers undergarment project
Okay, i'm just gonna leak it matching strawberry print
The internet wants the gamer sucks
Sorry programming sucks, uh, steven, uh, uh, my daughter and I love the show
We're in the uk and every side. Oh, okay. That would be just a show. Yep. Okay. Uh, uh
Uh, all hail the ltt backpack says jonathan d late at night a car pulled into my lane and immediately stopped
I had to break hard and my backpack with the laptop went flying at my glove box. It survived
Heck yeah
A feature i'd love to see in merch messages being able to typing it up. Okay
Just built my first pc with the ltt screwdriver. Heck. Yeah
What's the one thing you want to sell an ltt store but isn't practical in some way the desk?
The we've designed these like super cool cableless desks
And they're just they're too big and impractical for us to figure out how to build and ship right now
casey says
Greatly appreciate your videos and banter find myself disappointed in robot lawnmower technology
Ai vision tech is somewhat here for this possible home video. We actually have one coming. Uh, we did a sponsored video with um
Eco flow
It's pretty cool. It's coming along
I wouldn't say it's like a no-brainer that everyone should just buy one by this at this point in time
But it's definitely coming along
Background playback
Is definitely something that we are working on but it's going to take some time. Oh, wow
People are people are moving things. Let's move them. Uh
Gianluca hi, i'm from italy. What do you think about the fact that the privacy guarantor a government entity blocked access to chat gpt?
Oh, I did not see that. Uh, and I so I don't have any thoughts on that, but that's kind of wild
Considering short runs of gear with custom brand instead of the ltt logo if people were willing to pay a premium
I mean creator warehouse exists in order for us to do that
So you would have to get in touch
And I think we have a site that we're going to launch that sort of talks about those services more in the future
But yeah, that's absolutely something we would do
Mla tech
You know what?
The last gen of TVs was so good
That I just have not really felt like i've needed to look that closely at the new gen
I think we have examples coming from sony samsung and lg for a roundup
But it doesn't seem to have been the huge leap forward that the previous gen was
Okay, and I think that is pretty much
Oh, no, this is interesting. Okay last one garen says
Um managed to catch a live show whoop. You have a wealth not. Okay. Yep
Have you ever considered seed funding or mentoring smaller tech space creators?
Don't know what that even looked like like I don't want to I don't want to make them like um
What's a what's a what's a word like I don't want them to be feel like they owe us something right like we've definitely
Wait, we've got ltx coming up where it's a chance for people to kind of get together and collab and network
That's something I guess we're doing we're paying
We're paying airfare and hotel for a lot of creators to to come and kind of meet up
obviously, there's a benefit to us it makes our event cooler for the community as well, but like
I don't know. I think the best thing we can do is just be an open book
Like I got a lot of feedback that our videos about how we make money have really helped guide smaller creators
Yeah, there's a um
I'm still kind of learning like a hundred percent what it is, but there's a student run
Thing for harvard and mit students called prod
It's a student run nonprofit. That's like somewhat of a
Startup incubator for mit and harvard students, and i'm helping doing mentor stuff with them
So, yes
I think that's it. Thank you for tuning in. We'll see you again next week. Same bad time same bad channel. Bye
duration is 420