This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
Still don't know.
And welcome to the WAN Show ladies and gentlemen, we've got a fantastic show for you guys today,
YouTube Rewind!
It's happening!
It's happening!
It's gonna get nothing but thumbs up!
Cause it's impossible to see anything else, sort of.
And the RTX 2060 12 gig has launched and in a massive shock to everyone, it is not in
stock anywhere.
What else we got this week?
The Game Awards awards awards to games and announces announcements, hooray!
Okay, we're gonna have to talk about that it takes two, one game of the year.
We'll talk about that, I promise.
In other gaming news, the trailer for Ubisoft's NFT cosmetic system called Quartz got so
many dislikes, it was unlisted, I don't think automatically, right?
Like they just pulled it down?
I mean, it can't happen automatically, but how could it get so many dislikes and how
could anybody know?
Well, we're gonna talk about that too, aren't we?
But first we're gonna roll the intro.
So many people unironically answer my question as though I don't know the answer to it.
The one about how you could possibly see dislikes.
And the show is brought to you by FreshBooks, Redux, and Anchor.
We talked about it on Wayne's Show last week.
I know, I know, Luke, I know.
I know that.
I don't know how to answer that part of your question.
What you need to do is look into your microphone.
I can hear myself so clearly though.
Yeah, okay.
Maybe it's the headphones, I don't know.
Let's jump right into our first topic of the day.
Wait, is this even like in the doc or- What one?
The one about YouTube Rewind coming back.
No, it's not.
Okay, YouTube Rewind, maybe we'll talk about that in a minute.
Let's do our second topic of the day.
First topic is going to be that the RTX 2060 12 gig has launched.
And as you guys might have noticed, we did a video about it talking about what a new
RTX 2060 might be like, how this might affect the overall supply of graphics cards for gamers,
why Nvidia might've made the seemingly somewhat controversial move of increasing it to 12
gigs of GDDR6 memory, especially when you consider that some, you know, GDDR6 shortages have occurred
over the last year and a half.
And basically as far as we can tell, this whole thing was super sketchy because this
was basically barely even a rumor until all of a sudden it went from barely a rumor to
confirmed and launched over a span of days.
As far as we're aware, no press were seated units for a review, so there was no real way
to evaluate it in spite of the fact that it is a different card.
It's somewhere in between the 2060 and the 2060 Super, and obviously it's got a larger
frame buffer, which we would have loved to investigate.
But the official availability is supposed to be somewhere in the neighborhood of around
three to three and a half weeks after the actual launch, which occurred on December
the seventh or in early 2022.
So this is actually about the most paper launch launch that we've seen in a very, very long
In fact, it's to the point now where when we did our video, we did hear back from a
board partner, Asus, got back to us and we were like, hey, so obviously the burning question
on everyone's mind is how much does this thing cost?
And they were like, f*** if I know.
Hope it worked.
Yeah, I hope the button worked.
Only European listings suggest a price of roughly 660 to 700 US dollars, although it's
often not as simple as just doing a currency conversion from European pounds, pound rubles,
whatever currency they have over there, euros, that's the one, from euros or pounds or whatever
other currency to US dollars, a lot of the time it ends up being a lot closer to a one
to one exchange rate, even though that's really not how things work.
So, previous leaked listings from French e-tailer PC21 started at 500 US, but they've been bumped
up to around 609 and Anthony jumps in to say that this is pre-vat.
So that could be pretty rough, especially when you consider the launch price of the
RTX 3060, which was Luke?
Where did it go?
I just saw it.
$329, that's right.
The RTX 2060 and 2060 Super both launched at $349 three years ago and are apparently
now going to be relaunching at somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 to 700 US dollars
and that assumes that you can even find one in stock.
Wouldn't that be sweet as a business?
The craziest part of this, the craziest part of this, it's basically real estate.
GPUs are behaving like real estate to the point where like, okay, honestly though, Vancouver,
especially commercial real estate has gotten to the point where developers will just not
sell things because it's actually more profitable to just build it and sit on it than it is
to build it, take a profit margin and sell it to someone to occupy.
Especially when you can lease it while you sit on it and your profits go stonks.
Like really, really GPUs, they're free real estate, except they cost money.
Putting this in even more context, the RTX 3080, okay, the 3080 had a 699 US dollar MSRP
when it first launched.
Now there is one bit of extra information we have now that we didn't have before.
Apparently the reason for it to have 12 gigs of GDDR6 is that the 16 gigabit chips are more
widely available, although that sort of rings a little hollow when all of this stuff is
basically unobtainium.
Yeah, also those chips are the same ones used for the RTX 3060 and could have possibly been
used for the RTX 3050.
Though as we mentioned in our video, it is quite possible that Nvidia is utilizing chip
like GPU fab capacity that would not have been possible to use for an RTX 30 series
Oh man.
So if you can get one, performance will be a lot worse than an RTX 3060, but it'll have
a lot more memory and early reports indicate that the cards perform quite well for crypto
right now because they're not late and get this, conveniently whenever Ethereum eventually
moves to proof of stake, these will be ready.
Oh wait, no, it's not the proof of stake change that requires more VRAM is it?
I forget.
I'm a little rusty on the details, whatever.
There's supposed to be an Ethereum change at some point that made it require way more
VRAM and this will be ready for it, which kind of makes you wonder if Nvidia just launched
this to meet mining demand or if this has anything to do with meeting demand for gamers.
I seriously doubt the latter.
You're probably not going to get one anyways, so at least you know it's launching.
At least you're up to date on the tech news.
There you go.
We can't...
No problem.
Yeah, we...
Minor problem.
In other tech news, sort of, gaming news, the Game Awards awards awards the games and
announces announcements.
There's a bunch of stuff.
There's a bunch of announcements.
First, I think we'd skip all of that and go to the awards.
Best game direction.
I'm skipping game of the year.
We'll talk about that at the end.
I did not watch the game awards.
It's so funny.
I didn't either.
I'm far enough removed from it now that I think it's probably fine to talk about this,
but you know how I was in an ad at the game awards?
I think it was either last year or the year before.
I can't remember.
I have a vague memory of this.
I was in a Samsung TV ad spot during the game awards.
It was super cool to be part of that.
It was really cool the way we were able to throw it together in our studio and shoot
effectively an ad that aired during the game awards, which is like...
My initial response was, game awards?
Is that a big deal?
I have literally never in my life watched the game awards because my understanding is
it's only been going on for 10 years or so, something like that.
I think it's been a while, but it has been a big deal for quite a while.
Yeah, but see, that's the thing is I basically took 10 years off gaming while I founded a
company and had kids and didn't play any video games.
So established in 2014.
So it's only been around for seven years.
So I was just like, yeah, game awards?
I mean, that sounds super cool and it sounds good.
That's awesome.
But yeah, I'm so sorry, everyone.
I have literally never watched the game awards.
Jay Horace says, it's almost bigger than E3 at this point.
I know that E3 is irrelevant now, but I didn't have time for E3.
Either we, I think we attended E3 as a company once and I didn't go.
So I determined it was a waste of time because I was the one that went, yeah, that was, that
was pretty funny.
You were, cause I think you were the one that pitched it to me.
Well the, if we went the year before, yeah, it would have been awesome cause there were
like a console launch or there were like two console launches the year before you went
or something.
It wasn't even that there was actually a large amount of hardware companies that went and
launched hardware there.
It was really weird.
And I was like, okay, if they're going to do this again, then we should be big.
And then we went and they didn't do it again because they probably went and decided it
was a waste of time.
So that it just a bit of a swing and a miss and then we never went back anyway.
So, uh, so I don't, I don't have a ton of context for any of this other than that.
You're about to tell me who won the game awards this year.
Best game direction.
Have you ever heard of it?
Um, I think I've heard of death.
I was going to say probably, honestly, the majority of people watching have, yeah, I
haven't played it though.
Pretty cool game concept.
I have not personally played it.
But I can see why it could have won this category.
Best action slash adventure game.
Metroid dread.
I have also not played it yet, but the things that it's against, I could definitely see
it winning that.
What did it go up against?
Uh, I think probably, I don't know, but I think probably its strongest competition would
have been, uh, resident evil village.
There was a lot of kind of movement around that game.
I would have, if I saw this list without the winner highlighted, I probably would have
suspected it was that one.
Uh, Marvel's guardian of the galaxy also actually looks like an actually well-made game.
We probably would not expect given the name because most games that are made off of movies
are not very great.
Most anticipated game was Elden Ring, who also won the most anticipated game of last
Um, last year's list of most anticipated games is almost identical to this year's list of
most anticipated games.
Um, I mean, hey, the truth is games take a long time to develop.
It does.
They do.
It's very time consuming.
It's a lot of work.
I'm really hyped for God of War Ragnarok.
The previous God of War was amazing.
I did hear that.
I wasn't a fan of any of the God of Wars before the remake.
Have you ever owned a PlayStation?
I'm also not into.
There's games like that on Xbox.
This one's more of like an adventure game.
It's really cool.
Getting into the finale.
Best multiplayer game of the year.
It takes two.
Oh, so it's not game of the year.
It's also game of the year.
Oh really?
We're doing multiplayer game first though.
So this happens to be the one like big release this year that I did play.
Not true.
Oh, I played Valheim.
Valheim came out this year.
I think so.
And it takes to beat Valheim?
That's the really surprising thing to me.
It beat New World.
That should be a given.
New World's trash.
It beat Back 4 Blood.
That should be a given in my opinion.
Just go play Left 4 Dead 2.
It beat Monster Hunter Rise.
I never played that.
It beat Knockout City.
I legitimately don't know what that is, but it beat Valheim.
That is very stunning to me.
Hold on a second.
Floatplane Chat is not pleased.
Frey says It Takes Two was an amazing game.
Nightpaw says It Takes Two is a fantastic game to be fair.
All right.
One moment, please.
It Takes Two is a beautiful game.
The environments, the creativity that went into it are just outstanding.
But the story.
Oh, man.
Spoiler alert, okay?
You just keep chasing the McGuffin constantly.
It's just, ah, ah, ah, you have not come far enough yet.
I don't know what his accent is.
I forget.
But have you played it?
No, not yet.
We're going to, but not yet.
So here's the problem.
I own it and I've been waiting.
But anyways, yeah.
The truth It Takes Two is that if you are a non gamer, the puzzles and the level design
are probably pretty creative and or maybe even a little bit challenging.
But for me, as like someone who's been playing video games since I was seven or whatever,
sitting on the couch next to my wife, it's a little hard to stay engaged.
But yeah, night pause.
I am not at the end yet either.
I have gotten extremely tired of collecting pages or collecting whatevers because it's
all just an excuse to...
And oh man, the character development pacing is so bad because they have to be...
They have to be...
Again, I said spoiler alert so I can talk about it.
So you've got this couple that are...
They're about to get divorced and their child is sad and wants them to get together.
And first of all, as a child of divorced parents, I think that any kind of narrative that somehow
puts the responsibility on the child to do anything, get their parents together, take
responsibility for splitting them up, whatever it is...
I thought it was stupid.
It was just stupid.
Two adults who can't stand each other should not get back together because the child is
sad because a toxic environment, quite frankly, is probably not any better.
So there's a lot of sort of...
I got baggage.
I got baggage.
Anyway, they start out kind of being sick of each other's BS.
He works all the time and he...I don't know, I forget what his sin is.
He doesn't help out enough or something.
I can't remember.
But the point is that the kid is super sad and so there's this supernatural intervention
that takes place where the two parents are turned into these little doll representations
of the little kid's toys.
And they have to go through this journey of reconciliation with each other where they
learn to work together and they learn to cooperate and build each other's relationship or build
their relationship back up.
And because you need to see that development, that character development, as you go through
each challenge, they learn to trust each other a little again and they rediscover his passion
for gardening.
Please tell me there's a meter.
Does the trust meter go up?
Or they appreciate that she really does work really hard and that's her love language or
whatever it is.
And they make this progress and then they dump you back to this NPC who guides you through
the process and they immediately are back to full-on can't stand each other again and
then it resets and then they reconcile a bit again and then immediately they're back to
full-on can't stand each other again.
So it's this like, the game can't decide how long it was supposed to be.
And in my opinion, this is probably the only time in my, this is probably the only time
as a gamer ever where I've looked at a game and I've gone, they had too much budget.
You know what I mean?
Like, you know how often it happens where you'll reach like the last third of a game,
you'll be like, oh, they ran out of time.
They ran out of budget.
That's definitely happened a lot.
Whereas I think it takes two could have been an outstanding six to eight hour gaming experience.
Jam packed like a, like a portal like experience.
Ubisoft has that issue right now with like all their games.
But we've, we've sat down.
I mean, I I'd have to, I'd have to check.
I actually don't know if origin has a log for how many hours you've put into a game.
I'm not a hundred percent sure how I'd even check it.
But we have put more than that in and we're not done yet.
And um, oh yeah, right.
So Jr 69 55 says it seems like a couples therapy game.
So that's the other issue is it's so repetitive because the lessons are always the same lesson
work together.
Yeah, I got it.
It's in the title of the game.
I know, right?
So give me some new, give me some new character development.
My main problem with the game, not have a sequel where they, they decide to break up.
It takes only one or they could have a polyamorous sequel or more.
So my issue is that while it's beautiful game and it ran flawlessly, I didn't have any technical
bugs with it.
And I thought the voice acting was pretty solid, like overall solid.
It has a terrible story.
It has, it has a terrible story.
It has a basically non-existent story.
It falls into that trap of storytelling that goes, and then this happened and then this
happened and then this happened and then this happened and then this happens like, right.
But what are the consequences?
What are the, what are the, what's the outcome?
Where's the, but then, but then there was this crazy thing.
No, it just is always the same thing.
You always do what the guy told you to do and you work together.
And each stage is like probably anywhere from half an hour to 90 minutes of gameplay and
you get through it and it's like, you need to work together some more.
And you're like, could we have worked together enough to, to do something?
And maybe the daughter does more than, you know, go around and see her sad mom sleeping
on the couch or whatever, and look like a creepy, creepy uncanny valley.
How does she look?
So weird character knock 23 says the game isn't aimed at Linus.
The story follows a lot like a previous relationship I had.
Well, I mean, it's not that I can't relate, you know, Yvonne and I have been together
15 years.
Do you think we never fought about anything?
You know, you think we haven't drifted farther and drifted closer and-
Also, child of divorce.
And we've actually had a lot of comments come in and saying like, as a child of divorce,
this game just kind of pissed me off.
I don't know.
I don't know.
My parents are still chilling.
You know what?
This is pretty good.
JR6955 says it's, well, I'm going to paraphrase a little bit, but it's like, it's like it
constantly teases you, but you never finish, you know?
So I haven't finished the game.
I never finished the game.
Get your mind out of the gutter, Luke.
Mind out of the gutter.
Mind out of the gutter.
I mean, that could, that could, maybe that has to be one of the story lines.
It's a problem.
JR6955 says he hasn't reached the, bring back this back in your relationship part yet.
That's the whole part.
That's the whole thing.
It's just the same thing over and over and over again.
Is the multiplayer good to bring it all the way back to the award?
The co-opness is good.
Jake's been in the chat.
He's like, yeah, I played it for half an hour with the GF.
They should have had difficulty tiers.
It was way too easy for pretty much anyone that games.
Like again, I could, I can enjoy it from a, my wife is having fun and I'm spending time
with her kind of perspective.
But the thing is that even though she's certainly not a hardcore gamer, she's absolutely capable
of playing hardcore games.
Like she can play Left 4 Dead, Team Fortress 2, like we could sit and play an actual game
Very divisive and overcooked, which like, sure, it's a game about cooking, but it's
also like still a gamer game.
You said divisive.
I think you meant decisive.
You meant that she causes divisions on the team or?
I don't think that's what divisive means.
Yeah, it does.
I think you meant good at delegating or something like that.
To be clear.
I mean, if you think she's divisive, that's fine.
I just really don't think that was what you meant.
Like causing, causing rifts.
Okay, cool.
So yeah, like she can, like she can play games that actually require skill, but because she
hasn't played a lot of adventure games, she's still like enjoying the puzzles.
Whereas I walk into a room or a boss battle and I see the glaring weak point and the obvious
sort of, you know, mechanism for it, I'm like, oh, okay, this.
Look for the glowing thing.
A game that I think did that, and I've talked about it a million times, but Titanfall 2,
the storyline is honestly really short.
I still need to play it.
But they never, they never overuse any mechanics.
It's it's, there's a few times where I'm like, man, like I really wish I had that for longer,
but then at the same time, if I had it for too long, I probably wouldn't think the mechanic
was as cool.
It takes to actually does that really well as well.
So each of the new stages issues, you new gameplay mechanics that you're saying that
it's all problems.
So they're not interesting enough.
They're interesting, but the game is just too long.
And there are too long and there are too many stages and there's not enough.
There's not a consistent character development that is taking place the way it feels.
And I could be totally wrong because I'm not an expert on the game development process,
but the way it feels to me is as though they set out with 10 or 15 or however many zones
they are.
And they set out with 10 to 15 teams and said, create unique gameplay elements and create
a whole bunch of puzzles for people to solve.
And then they just put them all in an order that kind of felt good.
And so that's why you're going through this develop, develop, develop back to zero, develop,
develop, develop back to zero.
It's like playing Zelda games.
It's like playing all the Zelda games back to back to back to back to back to back where
for whatever reason, from one moment to the next link suddenly has amnesia and lost all
of it and you're starting over again.
And it really just feels like that.
I'm talking about it takes two.
So just within the confines of the best multiplayer game award, do you have any problems with
Best multiplayer game award.
So here's an interesting conversation.
You know, one of the things that I noticed about YouTuber awards, for example, is that
MrBeast has won creator of the year twice in a row.
I don't disagree.
So why can't a game win multiplayer game of the year twice in a row, especially when you
consider how game development has changed.
We don't get, unless you're EA, we don't get just a new edition with a new year number
tacked onto the end of it, of fundamentally, you know, that genre every year.
I think it would have to be evaluated on the changes that happened to that game.
So if that, if, in my opinion, if that game was still under heavy development, sure, how
about this?
Let's take, let's take a game like, okay, you and I were, have both been talking about
how incredible it is that Anno 1800 is still in active development four years after release.
And not just, not just like, Hey, we added a new horse armor that you can buy.
Like since the game originally, since the game originally launched with two regions,
so there's the old world and the new world.
They have since added the Inbisa region, the Arctic region, a shed load, more resident
classes, like building types and not just building types, but like fundamental changes
to the way that you, that you build your, your cities and develop your trade.
They've like, like they've, they've really, really changed the game a lot in positive
I can't think of a, an up to other than potentially that one character.
I can't think of an update that like, isn't cool.
The anarchist.
That's the only one that I'm like, yeah, that character is sort of, yeah, I finally figured
out how you get rid of his minds.
So we can talk about that later.
Cause we thought there was just this kind of like unassailable NPC, but you actually
can do stuff.
So so yeah.
Start a game.
So the options are Back 4 Blood, It Takes Two, Knockout City, Monster Hunter Rise, New
World Valheim.
I know you're not gonna be able to comment on essentially any of those, except for maybe
Valheim, I mean, was really awesome when I played it, but I could see going for something
a little more lowest common denominator.
Or maybe unique.
Cause It Takes Two is an only co-op experience, right?
There's not that many of those games.
They exist, but there's not that many of those games.
People are like that award exists.
It's called best ongoing game.
But what I'm saying is that with the way that games get developed, like you look at, I mean,
I wouldn't, I don't know if it was the first one, but wow, certainly mainstreamized it.
Replacing a game once and then updating it and at some times actually making it better
and other times.
Usually not.
Not as much that's and that's fair criticism.
So you'd obviously have to legitimately make your game the best game again, but I just,
I don't know.
I don't really see a reason why you couldn't say, you know what?
This particular game.
Conrad says Final Fantasy 14 literally won an award.
And that's super cool.
I just don't see why you have to specifically carve out an ongoing game award.
I just don't see why you wouldn't just say, okay, yeah, in this genre, this happens to
still be the best, the best game.
I'd be okay with that.
Then moving on to the final one is game of the year.
The contenders were Deathloop, It Takes Two, Metroid Dread, Psychonauts 2, Ratchet and
Clank Rift Apart, and Resident Evil Village.
Even how much everyone loved Ratchet and Clank.
I honestly, I haven't played it again.
I don't have a PlayStation, so I haven't played it, but the feedback for a lot of these games
was actually quite positive, like overwhelmingly positive.
I think.
I don't know.
I don't have anything more to say about it, quite frankly.
I just, I didn't, I didn't play the other games, so I can't really comment.
All I can say is that It Takes Two is a cool game, but I have a really hard time accepting
it as the best game, if that makes sense.
It was a risk taking game and I could absolutely see it winning some kind of award.
I think it's really cool that PC gaming is finally getting couch co-op experiences that
were really built for couch co-op instead of having it tacked on as an afterthought.
But I, yeah, I just, I don't know.
Game of the year, I just, I have such a hard time with, beautiful, beautiful game.
I just, I don't feel compelled to finish it.
I'd kind of argue this wasn't exactly the absolute strongest year ever.
Yeah, that's fair.
I mean, I think if Breath of the Wild came out this year, we'd probably be looking at
a different outcome, but yeah.
And a lot of the strong releases of this year came out like right now, which is kind of
hard to include in an award show that happened right now.
Maybe if Halo Infinite had come out when it was supposed to come out, they would have
had a shot at it.
And if it had co-op baked in.
If it was what it was supposed to be when it was supposed to be, that might've worked
out pretty well for them.
And I wouldn't be surprised if there was some concerns about giving an award to a game that
has so much backlash because there is a huge amount of backlash over the cosmetic system
and all this kind of stuff.
Is there?
Oh yeah.
As someone who has completely ignored it, it hasn't been bothering me.
I checked out the Halo subreddit once and went, whoa, and then kind of laughed and left
because it was so negative.
Everyone that I talked to about Halo is like, yeah, man, it's really fun.
When you go on the Halo subreddit, it's just hatred.
I'm like, whoa, okay.
It's almost like, you know, communities that have been, have become so jaded and so cynical
just don't even want a W anymore.
I don't know.
I've been, I've been having fun.
Argue like I, part of it is that I haven't touched a Halo game since Halo 2.
And I only really played Halo 1.
So you know, for me, everything's fresh.
Oh wow.
This is so new.
This has gotten a lot better.
What are all these guns?
Jaden refunded the campaign because he has a 1080 and he's having serious performance
With a 1080.
With a 1080.
He sure as heck won't be buying anything higher end than a 1080 these days.
I mean, man, I don't, I'm not, I haven't like dove into it or anything, but yeah, he
refunded it because he found it unplayable.
Even 10 eighties are worth like, are they worth like five, $600 still or something stupid
like that.
It's not a cheap card right now.
It's not a good time to upgrade.
Conrad says it's fantastic.
Most people that I've heard from have said it's fantastic.
Jaden as far as I know, liked it a lot, but then when it was like in like contained corridors
and stuff, and then it became open world and it was just unplayable.
I've heard there's performance issues on the consoles out in the open world, in the open
world parts as well.
Makes sense.
But I'm my, my brother asked me to wait.
Oh, you know what?
I was about to say, yeah, I was gonna, I was gonna say, yeah, we should just wait and co-op
I haven't played yet.
That's my current plan is I'm waiting for co-op to open up.
I'm probably gonna end up playing co-op with like a bunch of different people and that
sounds great, but I don't, yeah, I don't think I want to play it single player.
I never really played Halo single player.
Well, that's cause you had an Xbox.
That's true.
I never played single player because the PC version of Halo one didn't have co-op.
But like, I always, I don't know.
I had it on Xbox and I always played at Halo one and Halo two and Halo three a little bit,
but mostly the one and Halo two.
I played with my dad or my brother or my friends or whatever.
I never really played Halo alone.
So playing Halo.
Look at this guy flexing his Xbox and his friends growing up and the fact that his parents
took an interest in video games with him, Luke, could you like, could you attack me
Hey man, we can play when it, when co-op comes out after it gets delayed three times.
All right.
We'll play.
We'll play in 2023.
No problem.
Um, speaking of 2023, I can't wait till 2023 to tell you guys about our sponsors.
Oh, so good.
Got em.
Where are they?
Here it is.
There you go.
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Finally, the show is brought to you by anchor asking if you can showcase the quiz mentioned
below on stream.
All good.
If not, okay, you go to the homepage.
There is apparently a quiz.
Find the right gift.
Hold on a second.
I'm just going to put it, but, uh, Oh, and it's gone.
There it is.
Find the right gift and you just take the quiz.
Luke, let's take the quiz for each other.
Oh, okay.
All right.
All right.
Wow, this is very judgmental.
Um, tech snobbery.
10 dial you say what the heck is textile?
I feel like I have none of it.
Oh no.
Someone has hacked your friend's computer and their files and this is hilarious.
Their files and data are about to be published all over social media.
What do they do?
Oh man.
This is great.
I can't wait to, I can't wait.
What do they do?
What do they do?
Oh wow.
Should I answer this?
Uh, I don't know, man.
It's up to you.
Oh, okay.
I'm just going to answer it as honestly as I can.
So old.
It takes 30 seconds to open an app.
The battery lasts only 10 minutes from a full charge.
Where do they look for a new phone?
Um, okay.
Oh man.
Oh man.
Your friend's house is on fire.
Don't worry.
The pets are safe.
It looks like they only have time to rescue their phone and one other device.
Which do they take?
Oh man.
Yeah, I'm going to go with this one.
We think your friend would like, wow, this is a really, really bad suggestion.
Um, okay.
Are you almost done?
I'm almost done.
I'm going to have to hear your answers.
Are you still on question three, Luke?
All the answers sucked.
No, I don't think you would do like, I don't think any of those like correctly apply to
you at all.
Um, okay.
All right.
Well, I'm going to talk through, um, what it suggested for Luke.
We think your friend would like an anchor 622 magnetic battery, a mag go.
It appears to be like an iPhone mag safe battery that also acts as a stat.
Did it suggest the same bloody thing to both of us?
What were your answers?
Can we go back through the quiz?
I didn't even like them.
Like I, I feel like you're going to be like, no, it should have been something else.
And I'll be like, yeah, you're probably right.
Cause like a lot of them, I don't think apply.
How do we go back?
Uh, you can't, you just do it again.
So I said your tech addiction was pretty strong.
Your technology was not quite as strong.
I had you at a two for tech snobbery and one for textile.
Those are probably both fine.
I did 10, 10, 10, three or four.
So four.
So for the, someone hacked your friend's computer.
Um, I put that you would, uh, okay, next hack the hacker and steal their picks and retaliation.
And what did you say?
Uh, I said, calmly contact customer service and the authorities and hope they can stop
I wouldn't, I wouldn't have any illusions that they can stop it, but no, but that's
sort of what we've, we've tried to, because there was the Twitter thing forever ago.
So I thought back to that.
I did contact the authorities.
In that case it was because like they could do something.
So it wasn't directly yet.
I wasn't like directly answering the question, but I was like, this is as close as I can
Your friend's phone is so old.
It takes 30 seconds to open an app and the battery lasts 10 minutes.
I said, who cares if it has a screen fits in their pocket.
That's enough.
That's probably accurate.
I said, they've been waiting for the new Snapdragon chip for years.
I think that's pretty fair for VR headsets are now so advanced.
You can't tell the difference and everyone has one.
How does your friend use theirs?
I put that you'd hack it and use it to emulate nest games.
Does that seem like the closest one?
No, I probably do not fight aliens in a distant galaxy.
I don't know.
I was memeing a little bit.
Cause I feel like nest games in VR would just kind of be terrible.
You'd still do it at least once.
That's true.
So my answer was not wrong.
That's fair.
The most right.
I, I said number one.
I mean, it's not more like blocks in distant galaxies because that's the only thing I fight
in VR is yeah.
I just, I looked at the other ones and say, he's not going to use this as a doorstop.
I don't think he's going to use it to work with others in VR environments.
Like that's not a thing.
I strongly prefer for, for a techno file.
I strongly prefer in person interaction.
Like I feel like four would be the most wrong.
Like I it's, it's a, it's a really funny thing.
I'll be, I'll be traveling.
And this even goes like before my most recent trip, I'll be traveling and my wife will call
me at like, you know, kind of close to bedtime.
She'll be like, Hey, do you want to say goodnight to the kids and have a video call?
I'm like, no, not really.
I want to see, I don't like, I don't like talking to people on the phone.
I don't like talking to people on video chat at the same time though.
It's very good.
I feel like it's a needed thing in some areas.
Yeah, for sure.
But it's just, it's not my jam if I can avoid it.
I would, I would realistically, if someone moved too far away, I would just fall out
of contact with them.
I know, I know.
I sound like, I sound like a heartless, heartless B word, but I just, I just, I'm not, I'm not
going to get a reality that happens with a lot of people.
So being honest about it, I don't think it's negative.
I'm not going to get on a video call with you every, every Saturday and be like, Hey,
I'm the same type of person.
I'm sorry.
I just, yeah, you, you moved.
I didn't move.
And it means, it means nothing, nothing personal.
It's just not how brain works.
It's just not my jam.
And question four, the unfortunate thing about question four is they didn't have an answer
that was my data.
I would run for my server a hundred percent.
That is the only thing in my house that has, in fact, I wouldn't even bother with my
What do I need my phone for?
I would run straight for the server and I would try and rip as many drives out of it
as I can.
So what did you put for me?
For you, I put, you've got it stored in an expensive protective case so you can just
grab that.
I kind of like.
It was a bit of a throwaway.
It was a bit of a throwaway cause it was kind of like, Oh, well he's probably, you know,
got his data backed up and doesn't care about anything.
I had the exact same reaction to this.
I almost clicked on the protective case one for the exact same reason that you did.
The one that I selected was their smartwatch because it said, uh, what's the point of being
alive if they don't have the data to prove it.
And I was like, the only thing he would save is the data.
So it wasn't about the smartwatch.
I was just like, none of these things.
There's no way he's going to grab his PS5.
He wouldn't waste any amount of time doing that.
So that's dumb.
I don't even have one.
I know he doesn't have anything stored in an expensive protective case.
So I'm not, I thought about like, maybe that's enough of a whatever, but I didn't bother.
And then like, they're nothing.
I'm like, well, he's not going to grab nothing either.
So I, yeah, I just remember that.
I did take the quiz again.
I put in different information.
I got something else.
In conclusion.
Oh, did you?
The stream is brought to you by Anchor.
Anchor power products, just because it didn't get the recommendation right for us.
Doesn't mean they don't have lots of good products.
So go check it out.
Try the quiz and all that good stuff.
I've actually done it twice now.
Jake is going to flip.
If we don't eventually show the pictures, we've got pictures of the lab.
This is going to be pretty freaking cool.
Don't worry, Jake.
I wasn't ignoring you.
We were going to get to it.
We were going to get to it.
I know.
I know you're petty like that.
Maybe I'll delete the photos.
You wouldn't.
You wouldn't.
So guys, the reno, the reno of the lab is almost done because we were keeping it, keeping
it pretty simple, keeping it pretty simple here.
So we've got some fresh paint on the walls.
We've got some fresh access control going on.
We've got a fresh security cameras in there.
Got that ubiquity goodness.
What else we got going on here?
Oh, I think this is more of the, uh, that, that this is probably PoE for the access control.
I'm guessing.
It's sound.
Oh yeah.
We'll, we'll show that.
We'll show that we're just in the front entryway.
We haven't gotten that far yet.
Uh, the floors, I think we decided, are we changing the carpet downstairs?
We're just leaving it.
We're just redoing the stairwell.
Just the stairwell.
The stairwell carpet is shockingly ugly.
So this room no longer looks so oppressive anymore, which is, which is nice.
Unfortunately, whoever was in here before actually did a lot of power and networking
stuff that we just now don't have to do.
That's what I said.
Oh, Jake says that's the, oh, that's the fiber run.
Oh, that's what you're talking about.
I said that earlier.
I said, yeah.
So, uh, this is where the fiber terminates.
Oh, this is where the DMARC is.
So we've got fiber into the building.
Uh, this is where it was run to.
So we would have had to have our networking equipment just sitting right in the front
entryway, which would have been really stupid.
So Jake and the boys, um, they w what, what, what, what, what is this?
Did you guys just, you didn't splice it or anything, right?
It's just like a coupler.
I think they just coupled it and then they ran it over somewhere else.
We'll see that in a little bit.
So it kind of runs above us.
In fact, I think it runs along this cable management line right here.
So they painted, I believe the ceiling might've been already black in here, but they painted
the wall.
So it looks a lot nicer in here.
And then out in the, uh, in like the warehouse and what will actually be the lab.
Um, we painted, so looks a lot nicer in terms of like colors.
You guys won't see this part above, but what you will do is you will hear it.
Uh, we used the same like cellulose spray or something very similar to what we did,
uh, what we coded our existing studio with.
And man, does it ever make a difference?
Even without any of the equipment in there, you can actually carry on a conversation now
instead of it just being like a ridiculous amount of reverb to the point where you can
barely understand your own, your own voice.
Um, here's this from the alternate angle.
It was, it was really bad.
I liked the orange accent by the way.
Even though it's just like a little splash, I think it's good.
I just want it to have a little bit of LTT, you know?
Um, Yvonne did the actual color scheme.
I was like, Hey, I just want like a little bit of orange and kind of grays and dark colors
kind of thing.
And she made it, she made it happen.
That's good stuff.
So yeah, it looks awesome.
Um, it goes all the way over here, over by the door.
There you go.
Let's see if we're heading upstairs.
Yeah, there you go.
So the paint upstairs makes this part look a lot nicer as well.
One of the things I noticed when I was up in this room today is that the HVAC is crazy
loud in this room.
So if we were going to have any hopes of doing anything acoustic related inside the office
space, I think we might just, um, need to give up on that.
It's super loud.
Part of the problem though, might be that they've got it running full tilt right now
because a part of the curing process for that, um, insulating and acoustic spray is that
it off gases a lot of crap.
So you want it just pumping everything out of there.
What you, well, what you want ideally is you want, um, you want to do it in the summer.
You want to open up your bay door and you want just hot air circulating.
Uh, Jake says the furnace is like right there.
The HVAC probably going to have to be boxed.
We'll, we'll figure all that stuff out though.
Give us time.
Here's our sick, sick networking closet.
By the way, great job with the cable management, Jake.
It looks gorgeous.
I actually don't think he did most of it.
I think most of it was one of our new guys who is still on probation.
So um, yeah, I shouldn't give maybe, shouldn't give maybe Jake too much credit for the nitty
gritty details.
There's some comments in the chat that that little balcony thing, um, with the, with the
little hobbit door below it, you have a fire pole.
So the problem with that idea, I mean, aside from it being stupid.
Is that, um, it's stupid.
What else do I need?
No, there's like insurance problems.
It's really, it's really not going to be a thing.
It's not going to be a thing.
Jake says I replaced the cables with small patch cables.
By the way, Jake, I saw the green patch cables that you got for the pink rack.
I'm not sure if I was supposed to see those yet, but I saw the box of them and I'm extremely
So we're going to have the, uh, like the mesh front door, the pink mesh front door, and
then there's going to be just like green patch cables behind it.
It's going to be freaking awesome.
I'm super excited.
Uh, what else we got for topics today?
Is there, is there really anything else to talk about?
The matrix gets an unreal engine five experience on console.
So Epic surprised everyone with a showcase of UE five called the matrix awakened during
the game awards.
Digital foundry is very impressed, which is a good sign.
Uh, so, I mean, just to be clear, it's not a game, it's a tech demo, but there is a little
bit of gameplay, a little bit of exploration and, uh, it's the most unreal engine five
that anyone's been able to actually try.
So, um, it's sort of a showcase kind of like that rock Lumen demo thing from may of last
year, but it looks pretty freaking incredible.
Looks pretty amazing.
Uh, I don't know if I'm allowed to show it.
Am I going to get, is this stupid video going to get claimed if I try to show it?
Definitely might.
Maybe just go look it up yourself.
Go look it up yourself.
Super cool though.
Um, yeah.
I'm just, we're just not going to, we're just not going to do it.
Uh, and what else we got here today?
Lab renovation.
Ubisoft NFT thing.
Oh, do we really have to talk about it?
No, no.
Let's do it.
Let's do it.
Hit me.
The trailer for Ubisoft's NFT cosmetic system quartz got so many dislikes.
It was unlisted.
Uh, the trailer went up on December 7th and the first supposed game will be ghost recon
break point.
Uh, it was later delisted the video that is, uh, but the link is still around there because
I mean it's unlisted.
So as long as you have the link, you can find it.
They're the first major publisher to go live with an NFT system.
Basically every cosmetic is a unique digit with a serial number attached to it, which
is engraved on the cosmetic item.
There will be limited edition quartz cosmetics.
Uh, there's metadata belonging to each cosmetic will, which will have the previous owner history.
You can obtain your favorite streamers used cosmetics at exorbitant prices.
Just in case a underpants were out of fashion.
The beta for quartz has already started in select countries and you can check it out
at, uh, I mean, if you want at full rollout starts in 2022.
And uh, the announcement was super popular.
You can see that it's got, Oh, actually you can't see anything of the sort because our
window is in front of it.
Uh, one moment please.
You still can't.
I scroll down.
Oh Lordy.
It got 228,000 views.
And one and a half thousand thumbs up.
That must be a really, really popular, popular announcement that they made.
And it's so useful that we don't have a way to, we don't have a way to, you know, express
our displeasure in a way that brands actually suffer for, um, except we kind of still do.
So if you get the return YouTube dislike Chrome extension, I'm not going to turn on sync.
You can actually, I believe, I believe it still works until like two days from now.
It doesn't seem to be, Oh yeah.
There we go.
There we go.
The bar is here.
39,000 dislikes.
So this is the big problem.
This is the big problem is that when YouTube removed the dislike button and it's going
to happen.
So I think December 12th is the drop dead date for removing API access to dislikes.
Is that something like that?
I think it's coming up quick.
It's coming up real quick.
These kinds, when that happens, these kinds of extensions and these kinds of workarounds
are going to go away.
They will not work anymore and you will have no way of knowing looking at this video, how
nearly universally unpopular this move is.
And this, I don't, you know, I don't want to, I don't want to belabor the point, but
I think this is such a perfect example of the kind of stuff that is going to be so much
easier to get away with.
And that seems to indicate YouTube's at least secondary motive for making this move because
in a big surprise move, YouTube is bringing back a rewind replacement of sorts.
It's not going to be called rewind because I think they would be crazy to call something
rewind at this point.
But I can tell you right now, it sounds honestly kind of cringe.
Of course it does.
So here's how it's going to work.
It's a live interactive stream on December the 16th conveniently going to be a live
chat four days after the dislike button goes away.
Ah, good.
Totally a coincidence, Luke.
And using the live chat, users will participate in challenges based on trends from this year.
Get involved in real time experience and answer trivia questions.
When viewers compete, complete all of the challenges, they'll be able to watch a musical
performance from a mystery guest.
That reward is...
Is that the most try hard that you have heard all year?
If the, the, the thing that I'm trying to think about is like if steam did a thing where
they were like, okay, we're going to have an event.
There's a bunch of challenge things you can do.
And if you do them, some cool thing will happen, but you don't know what it is.
I might partake, but because it's YouTube, I hate it, but it's not even, I don't know
how fair that is.
It just is probably going to be awful.
Oh yeah.
They've got some good guests.
Apparently BTS is going to be on there.
So surprise.
That's who I assume the reward was going to be.
And so many popular YouTubers will appear including Mark Rober.
So that's cool.
But I just do not foresee any possible way that this will be anything other than cringe.
It's called escape 2021?
Uh, yeah, something like that.
So I, basically my point is it, this really, this really throws YouTube's intentions into
question just with this very suspicious timing.
I know that they were working on this for quite some time, but this just really does
not look like an accident.
And then that Ubisoft thing is an example of public pressure, which is one of the only
ways that we can affect any kind of change in our corporate overlords.
Public pressure caused Ubisoft to at least be ashamed enough of this concept for now
to pull the video to unlisted.
And this is the end of it.
In two days, you will no longer have any ability to push back.
All they'll have to do is disable comments or moderate the comments, which is more likely
and people coming along this.
Let's say, let's say impressionable young people who don't sort of fundamentally understand
how stupid and potentially exploited of this concept is, we'll have no idea how horrible
it is.
Like more transparency is always better and you should always be outraged when transparency
is being pulled away from you.
There's also creators that will just, I don't even know what it's called, favorite or whatever.
It shows the creators circle thing in a heart and it puts it at the top.
There's creators that will just like bomb their own videos with those.
They'll just heart like every single positive or neutral comment.
And there's so many of them that it takes forever to scroll through it, scroll through
it, scroll through it, scroll through it.
You'll never really find the negative ones.
So yeah, I'm really frustrated.
There's another, oh, there's another issue.
Oh no, sorry.
Ryan 77627 says, Hey, not exactly.
The extension will switch to cached slash estimated versions of dislikes.
Once the API is fully deprecated, it will not be as accurate, but it will certainly
give a number.
There's a lot of videos that launch on YouTube every day.
And a big part of the problem is product launches from companies, which that won't matter for.
I brought that up last week.
I think that is very cool.
And honestly, in a lot of ways, I think that is very important.
And there's ways that you can contribute and help those programs.
So if you want to go do it, but it is extremely far from solving the problem.
Uh, Jake, I actually was not following this.
Apparently there's a zero day that originated from Minecraft servers that caused a huge
poo storm.
I don't have any more details on this.
No, I don't actually, um, I, I heard people talking about it during the show.
I, I'm seeing articles from like six hours ago.
I wouldn't have heard about this.
Got it.
I cast who says, I wonder when Linus is going to release his book.
I have made basically zero progress on it.
I haven't touched it since the last time we talked about it, which was, I think when when
show was in office pre lockdown.
So that should give you some idea.
I mean, realistically, I don't think my book would be worth reading until I've bowed out
of the industry and I'm ready to just go tell all on it.
So yeah, probably not anytime soon.
Uh, wow.
I don't know about you, but I have not been on the ball on the incoming merch messages.
I've done some of them, but I keep forgetting.
So how soon will it be where we can just click show even after the thing expires and it can
just show it.
Yeah, that doesn't really work because right now it's, it shows it without a message when
it expires.
Oh, uh, what if we just showed it again?
I mean, cause that would be a lot better than having to like directly address bananas for
the boys from Ryan M here.
Bananas for the boys.
What do you mean?
You don't want to address that?
Come on.
Not really.
Come on.
Not really.
All right.
Is there anything else to talk about other than I'm sure Conrad could find a way to make
that Ubisoft crap?
Uh, I guess that's it.
All right, cool.
Let's do some merch messages.
Uh, for those of you who are leaving super chats, you guys are doing it wrong.
Merch messages are the way to send paid messages to the show because that way, at least if
we don't get to your message, you still get your order.
Hey, there's no way for us to lose also.
And it functions.
Super chats are broken and you know, I don't want to, I don't want to throw anyone under
the bus because they're really trying to help, but the work around that I was offered for
it was, you know, okay, what's the saying when the cure is worse than the disease?
Yeah, I don't, I don't know what it is, but yeah, yeah, I just really don't think it made
a ton of sense.
So super chats, unless I happen to remember to click the viewer activity tab right at
the beginning of the show, are still broken for me.
So what you really need to do is send a merch message, you go to, check out
some cool stuff.
We've got, we've got water bottles, we've got Northern Lights desk pads, we've got hoodies,
we've got t-shirts, we've got the party shirt, we've got all kinds of good stuff over there.
And then in the checkout, you can leave a little message and it'll pop up on the show,
assuming that Luke and I managed to actually see the thing.
There is another thing to talk about, by the way.
Oh, what is it?
The, the game awards.
We talked about the awards.
We didn't talk about the announcements.
Oh, okay.
There's a few, Telltale is back.
We're making a video game adaptation of the Amazon original TV series, The Expanse.
Never watched it and probably won't play it.
I did like Wolf Among Us, even though it got kind of samey and clearly they were not focused
on it towards the, towards the end.
The middle.
I've always had problems with this name, but Senua, Senua's saga, Hellblade 2, a lot of
people are really hyped about that.
And Alan Wake 2, both got announced.
People are really hyped about those.
The Matrix Awakened, we actually mentioned that earlier, someone just get past it.
In an effort to get a bigger slice of the Battle Royale pie that it helped bake, PUBG
is going free to play.
Actually kind of interesting.
There's going to be some noobs to headshot.
Are you going to play?
If, I mean, I have never thought that game was cool solo.
So if other people want to play them down.
That's pretty much it.
Wonder Woman game coming out being made by Monolith, which as other people have pointed
out, I think is a very good pairing.
I think that makes a lot of sense.
I think they'll do a really good job with it.
So that's cool.
Pretty excited about that.
Among Us VR could be cool.
Paramount Plus is making a Halo TV series that apparently looks like very high budget.
So that could be cool or terrible.
We'll see.
Probably cool.
I would wager cool.
And then there's Star Wars Eclipse, which looks really cinematic.
The trailer that they put out looks really cool.
I mean, you saw my tweet earlier this week.
I'm sure.
Did I?
I don't know.
Oh, it was very funny.
I said, I want to fire the Star Wars sequels out of a cannon.
Oh, I did.
That was good.
So many people didn't get it.
Like I had people correcting my spelling.
It's like I spelled it with two Ns, but not together.
I was about to say one N, but there's two in canon.
There's one in the end.
Oh, man.
So part of the problem behind this is not just that Star Wars has been a very up and
down thing for a long time, mostly down.
It's also that it's made by the French studio that's behind Heavy Rain and Detroit Become
It's listed in the doc as a minor controversy.
I don't know how minor it is.
I think it's more on the major side of things, but they were on the cancel train a couple
of years ago.
And as far as I know, it's kind of still the same crew.
Now they're making a Star Wars game, which is actually kind of interesting because usually
Disney is very, they kind of try to keep their hands clean in regards to controversy stuff
when they work with other companies.
They've had a lot of controversy.
I was going to say.
There's a lot of evil there.
Boy, are they ever bad at it then.
But usually when they try to work with other companies, they're like, no, you have to be
squeaky clean.
So Oh, uh, one moment please.
You gotta go.
What's that?
Oh, um, uh, give me, give me 15.
My wife is leaving without me.
Uh, no, it's okay.
I'll just do it.
Whatever you want.
It's fine.
It's completely the opposite direction.
It doesn't make sense.
All right.
Let's do some.
Anyways, they, they said some, I don't know all the details behind it because I heard
about this literally today, but apparently in the past they said some like homophobic
stuff and stuff.
If you're interested, you can look into it.
Their name is Quantic Dream.
That's the developers behind Star Wars eclipse.
Got it.
All right.
Super chance.
I mean, think you mean merge messages, merge messages.
All right.
Let's do merge messages.
Justice says, howdy from Ladner.
What would be the best way to contact you in regards to maybe touring the neat building
I work in?
Uh, you're going to want to try the, um, you're going to want to try the, the, just the publicly
listed email.
It does get monitored.
Not by me, but it does.
Peter H asks wife swap style LTT host swap series win.
Also more gift cards for the LTT backpack and screwdriver.
When they launch Peter's buying gift cards.
I have no idea.
We were, we were talking about wife swap on the pre-show, uh, where I was joking that
such a thing, ha ha probably exists.
And it turns out not only does it exist, it ran for like seven seasons and there were
like spinoffs and there were, yeah, there's similar clone shows and in different regions
and stuff like that.
Um, Max asks, when is Luke going to host tech link?
Yeah, you should totally host tech link.
You should ask Riley for a chance to host tech link.
Well for us, LTT is expanding a lot. Would you consider reviewing mice like build quality
or more home server stuff like HBAs and Nix like stability of aftermarket ones also would
love to see Linux compatibility on more reviews.
I think Linux compatibility in particular is something that we would like to expand
our testing to include.
The one issue with that is that it goes up and down, right?
That's fair, but if it's in a fully working state at one point, it probably won't be that
far from it in the future.
So yeah, that's, that's at least reasonable to, you know, think, okay, let's go ahead
and get rid of this one.
Uh, Nicholas says, not an expert here.
Should a reasonably nerdy person calibrate their monitors and TVs or is it only for content
Frankly, um, if all I'm doing is consuming, then all that matters is how it looks to me.
Personally, I like to run my displays at in like a, a color accurate mode, but I do not
actually prefer a warm color temperature, which tends to be the most color accurate
way of displaying it.
So I tend to go for like a calibrated or a neutral type profile and then a neutral color
temperature rather than a warmer color temperature.
And that's my personal preference.
And it is totally up to you what your personal preference is for consumption.
But when it comes to creation, obviously it's important that it's all created to a calibrated
standard so that when everybody else has their own preferences, they're not stacking their
preferences on top of your preferences, causing all kinds of problems.
Andrew asks T powered gaming PC when we really do need to do that.
It is on the list.
I'd love to build something for the spiffing Brit.
Enjoy your new mouse pad, Andrew.
Ignition night.
I've accidentally played overcooked with my wife.
Do you think if we play, it takes two, it can save the marriage.
I mean, yes.
It's like the character, the super annoying book character.
Oh man.
Jake says for your TV, just use the RTINGS guide.
For an LTT themed blanket, they are thinking about it.
Oh yeah.
We're definitely thinking about it.
Sebastian just finished my fall semester in electrical engineering.
Your videos were the only reason I pursued the field.
Three more semesters ago.
Hey, keep up the good work, Sebastian.
Love it.
Thanks for the quality content.
Just built my first PC at 20.
We'll be using it for my coffee roasting business.
Control delete coffee roasters.
Hey, very nice.
Eli, are you guys going to talk about the log 4j to RCE exploit?
Is that the Minecraft thing?
Yeah, I think.
We'll talk about it at the moment.
A little bit too tight to the show.
I was, I was doing some stuff today.
Definitely doing some stuff.
We finally got a smoke machine.
We ran into the weirdest edge case, man.
We had a, a mesh version and a solid front panel version of the same case.
And we loaded up the mesh version with like extra Noctua fans and the GPU temps were actually
nearly identical to the solid front panel version with just like one stock fan in it.
So it turns out that there's a lot more to optimized case flow, a case airflow than just
making sure your case is meshy, making sure it has, it's going to be a good video.
So we got a smoke machine to kind of demonstrate what was happening in this case so that we
can talk through that.
So that'd be fun to mass.
I'd love to help.
Steve would cover more augmented reality news and products.
Hey, for sure.
Unfortunately, you and dozens of other people, all dozens, it just, the content does not
perform well.
I'll say this.
There's a really cool HoloLens segment in the videos that I was working on overseas.
Oh, I think I'm allowed to say it was with Intel at this point.
Oh, well, it's a whole thing where there was going to be another event and I wasn't really
supposed to talk about that I was there until after the other event was like, okay, announced,
but then is real close their borders like immediately after I left.
So the other event is actually canceled.
So yeah, so I think it doesn't matter anymore.
Anyway, those videos are coming soon.
Joshua asks, do you have any plans for express shipping on LTT stores right now?
It takes almost a month for orders to ship to India.
You would be horrified to see how much it would cost for express shipping.
We are far better off focusing on getting our volumes up as high as we can with the
shipping provider that we have so that our rates can be as good as they can be.
Yes, it's going to take time sometimes.
We're sorry, but that's the way that it's going to be for now.
If you want to like buy a plane ticket for your shirt.
Johanna has asked basically the same question.
Robert Christmas bonus time, make sure the LTT backpack has a thick pad of foam on the
I wouldn't describe it as super thick, but what it is is it's construction.
It's constructed in such a way that it actually kind of tapers at the bottom of the pocket.
So that helps to keep it from falling down so fast.
Neat, right?
Let's do that.
Simon, how has LTT prepared the office for earthquakes and other potential natural disasters?
So because we do live in an earthquake zone, we have pretty stringent earthquake proofness
requirements in our building code.
Other than that, we haven't really done anything else other than just do what we're supposed
to be doing, which is like, you know, bolt down shelves and stuff.
A lot of it's just baked into the building code.
Wise, I'm planning to make an unraid VR slash VM slash NAS setup.
Should I go Intel or AMD, which is going to give me the fewest issues.
I might go Thunderbolt for IO, might even mind while the GPU is idle.
I know I need a motherboard with good IOMU.
Man, that is an extremely sketchy configuration.
The odds of having that working like daily driver, perfect, pretty slim.
If you can find someone else who has built basically exactly the same thing and has it
working perfectly and you can just clone their config, great.
But that ain't, that ain't a good, your chances, they suck.
They suck big time.
Kenneth is saying that apparently when they remove the dislike button, they're also
increasing ads on the site, which I find pretty interesting.
I didn't know that part.
Oh really?
And also he's saying, if you guys are hiring accountants in a couple of years, when I'm
done with my degree, we probably will be, we need accountant applicants now actually.
Now is the time we need accountant applicants.
I mean, you know, in a couple of years, feel free to reach out.
Maybe we won't have found anyone yet, but we'll see.
We need, yeah.
Apply now.
Do it.
Raphael says work for a PC retailer assembling pre-built the past week has been an actual
nightmare with at least 50 ACs prime motherboards, just dying for no apparent reason, which now
have to be returned after we already built most of them all rough week, but you treated
yourself to a neon hard drive t-shirt and an insulated water bottle.
Hope you enjoy it.
Hey guys, love you both equally.
The purchase is a gift for a friend mystery water bottle and Northern lights us pad.
Love it.
His name is race after race Bannon.
From Johnny quest.
His name is race.
Race Bannon.
I love it.
All right.
Braden says OLED.
Burn-in not awesome.
Middle ground for a PC question mark.
All right.
Here's the problem with micro led just because an led is not organic.
Doesn't mean that it won't eventually burn out.
In fact, that characteristic, I think I kind of, I kind of bought into the, the, the narrative
of, you know, Oh, well they, they, they fade because they're organic.
Well, they, that, that's a reason that they fade, but LEDs can fade for lots of different
reasons and normal LEDs can also fade.
So what I heard back when I was considering the wall.
From an installer is that it is extremely common for the panels to fade unevenly, which
is essentially burn-in and extremely common for the cabinets to fail.
So I was looking at this very expensive, like, what was it like a quarter million dollar
TV or whatever.
It's going to be huge.
Knowing that I was going to have like, what was it?
16 cabinets or something like that.
And that the odds by the time you have 16 of them installed of one of them failing in
a relatively short period of time was like very good.
I just kind of was sitting there going, no, I don't think, I don't think this makes any
Now that's not to say that micro led won't get better.
It very likely will.
But if I was going to be excited about anything, it would probably be what James's video,
which is coming probably sometime in the next week or two is about.
And I don't know if I'm allowed to say what it is yet.
I think there might be some embargoes involved, but man, pretty cool.
Pretty cool.
If you want some hints as to what the future of TVs might be, you can go watch the video
that James also wrote.
Future of TVs, I think is what it was called.
The future of TVs is not what you think was a video we released about a year ago that
James wrote that should give you some idea of some of the really cool stuff that is coming
down the pipe over the next few years.
Thank you, John G.
Chosen 477, I'm finally able to buy your merch.
I was expecting free shipping inside Canada though.
Yeah, so same thing.
We basically have one big bucket that everyone who orders pays into, and then we use that
to pay our shipping provider.
And we actually lose about 10% on it.
So we're not like gouging.
We're just trying to make the merch accessible to everyone.
And that's not the best for the people for whom the shipping might have been cheaper.
But hooray.
Hooray Canadian socialism or something.
That's what the S in store is for.
No, it's for store.
It's LTT store.
It's not just S.
Nah, the whole thing's an acronym.
Yeah, moving on, I guess.
The 2005 water cooling video reminded me that the first time I saw Linus, he was doing maintenance
on a custom loop with what I say.
Oh, yep.
The Silverstone TJ 11.
It's been a minute.
Good old Silverstone TJ 11, man.
Silverstone, they have had some good shiz over the years.
TJ 11, man, was that back when, what's their face?
Maximum PC used to do their like dream PC builds and all that good stuff.
Those were so cool.
TJ 11.
I love that Silverstone archives all their cases on their site.
Why doesn't every manufacturer do that?
Why do they just remove all reference to their old products as though they never existed?
It's kind of weird.
There was a creator who was trying to create a digital museum of Apple's marketing over
the years because they will just expunge it when they're done with it.
And he was like, but this is sort of really important, you know, historical.
Design and stuff.
There's a lot that goes into marketing.
There's a lot that goes into it.
And he was like, this is, this is historically really important.
And so he had it all archived somewhere and they were basically like, cease and desist.
You may not, you may not display this.
This is our copyrighted material.
They're not wrong.
It's just lame.
But I mean, I guess they can't, they can't put it all in a table book for $250 if it's
freely available on the internet.
I mean, that's the irony, right?
Is that they, they did it anyway and people bought the book anyway.
So clearly it didn't matter.
Apparently the TJ 11 is still on sale.
Are you serious?
I was going to kind of ask like, has Silverstone done a lot lately?
I know they really pushed to increase skew counts.
I'm sure they're still doing that.
But like, believe it or not, Silverstone has a case coming that we have a video coming
That is flipping amazing.
You know what?
Why don't you do a couple more merch messages?
I'll go grab it.
I think it's right over there.
Sweet thoughts on the flow X 13.
That's a question for me.
I know the flow X 13.
I'm surprised you didn't love it.
The one issue I have with it is it kind of feels like the display is either, I don't
It's like low contrast or it has readability issues from, from a distance.
Um, that's the only issue I had with it.
The battery life is just awesome for something with a dedicated GPU in it.
The performance is great.
Um, I used it on my, on my trip to Tel Aviv and I thought it was awesome gaming with it
on the go.
I still love it.
I've got, I've got two.
Oh no.
The Silverstone machine has been moved.
They cleaned the set.
I'm not going anywhere.
All right.
All right.
Uh, Dennis says watching your content since 2015 and still loving it convinced my friend
to buy some sweet merch with me.
So take some of our first income.
Heck yeah.
I appreciate, well, not me, but we appreciate your first income.
Steam link finally died.
That actually sucks.
Those were pretty cool.
Is a $200 shield pro really the best alternative right now for couch PC streaming left my old
water bottle on the bus.
So finally getting a replacement, I think a lot of that depends on how far away the
computer is, how realistic it is to run cables through walls, things like that.
Um, I don't think I'm up on streaming to the TV technology right now.
I know shields have done it very well in the past.
Um, but if you could do it with a wire, it's pretty good.
How much are 20 ounce in real units?
Google's really, really good at that.
I'm sorry.
I'm not trying to be sassy.
I just, I have no idea and Google for sure knows and they, Google actually has, I don't
know if you guys know this, it has built in calculator things for, for equations like
So it will do it for sure.
And well, good to see desk pad measurements are in metric.
It has both actually.
Um, could we, well, okay.
Uh, I think the desk pad measurements might be in metric.
I think you're right.
The desk pad configurator, which is not out yet, has both.
Um, can we get another Taron macro guide, but this time for Linus?
No I don't, I don't, I'll be honest with you.
I don't really use macros.
Um, I don't video edit, so that's, that's the reason why I tilted my head.
I was like, wow.
I just, would you even use it for, I have a confession back in my younger days.
I had macros for some of my most commonly used passwords.
Like I'm talking back like OGG 15 days because I mean password managers, like we have them
now weren't a thing.
Did you have, did you have one set up for your windows password?
Uh, no.
I think the Logitech driver didn't load like pre login or whatever back then.
Not that you couldn't just extremely easily bypass windows passwords back then.
So whatever.
Um, Alex says my steam link finally died.
Is a $200 shield pro really the best alternative right now for couch PC streaming?
Yeah, kind of.
And it does a lot of other stuff well as well.
Um, I said, it's really good.
Try to run a cable if you can.
Oh, Oh, have you gone through these but not archived them?
Uh, all of them except for that one.
Oh no.
And this one.
I pressed that.
What LTT shirt does Luke have on?
I want it.
That's elemental baby.
That was our biggest product flop ever.
But then we turned it into a success by selling it for cheap and get this.
We're bringing it back for a third time.
We're ready to flop even harder than before.
Because are you guys having a hard time getting shirts in general?
I wouldn't use it for different black ones.
Oh yeah.
So we, we can get enough black ones that we can do another elemental.
So basically the way elemental seems to kind of work now is we take the two top selling
designs from the last failure or like the least worst ones.
We continue those.
We do two more and then rinse and repeat.
So that's what we're doing.
Again, we're taking the two best of the worst from last time.
And then Lloyd has done up two more, two more new colors.
So there are now a total of eight elemental designs over three generations.
That's the new one's launch and they too can be yours for, I don't know.
You could buy them for full price, but if you hold out, we just might discount them.
I had something, I had something stuck in my eye there.
Like it's such a stupid product because we don't make any money on it, but it seems to
actually generate a shocking amount of hype.
And there are people who actually do like it.
So that's cool.
I think they're fine.
I don't think they're necessarily as cool as some of the other options, which is why
I think they might not sell that well.
I don't think it's a bad shirt.
I just think there's a lot of other like potentially cooler ones.
And you see, we are going to be getting more WAN hoodies as soon as we can, as soon as
we can.
I don't want to promise anything because worldwide logistics is so screwed up right now that
if I promise something, I'm basically setting myself up to be a big liar.
Thanks Tomic.
This purchase is sponsored by my birthday.
Oh, okay.
Hey, Linus and Luke picking up a new lanyard for my badges.
I just started a new IT job a month ago.
I've been watching since 2012 and knew nothing about tech beforehand.
Now I'm starting a career.
Heck yeah, Brian.
David W. Hi from the UK, been watching since the house, just turned 18 a few weeks back.
Are there plans for a wifi mesh comparison video?
I would love to do it, but we don't really have a suitable test platform for it right
What we need is a relatively RF clean environment so that we can isolate our variables and it's
just not something that we have available to us at the moment.
Kind of need both because you want to test it out in a messy environment too.
I'm sure you're aware.
Greetings from Serbia.
Been with you since the beloved kitchen and that one disappeared.
No, it's just down one.
Christopher says, love the new party.
Oh, okay.
We'll show that one.
Really appreciate your work.
Keep it up.
Don't get pushed to the thing.
That's okay.
Here's something for the Linux challenge.
Stupid stuff.
Windows does addition.
Step one, use the Xbox app to install a few games to a secondary drive.
Step two, do a fresh install.
Step three, enjoy inaccessible, undeletable folders.
I believe you, man.
I had to get the new Minecraft launcher for my kids and it was a mess like the one in
the Xbox store or whatever.
Just total mess.
The old Java edition launcher was just perfect for both Minecraft and dungeons was fine.
I haven't, I haven't tried it, but I have heard if you get halo through steam, you,
you get the cross platform play things so you can, you can play it on Xbox, but your
save doesn't transfer.
It only transfers if you bought it through the windows store, which is just like, okay.
It's not even like that big of a deal because I don't know that many people that are going
to play a single player game on both.
But like some people will.
Alex F slowly replacing all my underwear with LTT.
Heck yeah.
Thumbs up.
Does this banner support emoji?
Well, we didn't push yours to the banner, so I guess we don't know still.
I think so because the, yeah, anyways.
Dagan says been watching since 2017.
Love the content of merch.
Keep it up.
Hey, thanks Dagan.
Hey, you're welcome.
Glad your boyfriend will enjoy it.
Hey, we got a couple of these ones and we've got two more.
After Anthony's latest Mac book pro M one max review for creative purposes, would you
still prefer Mac books seeing that it falls short of the 30 60 mobile and all tests of
video editing?
The answer is what software are you running?
Because if the software that you're running needs a Mac, then buy a Mac.
And if it doesn't, then don't buy a Mac.
That was like, uh, when my, when my mom was working on movies and TV shows and stuff,
a lot of sets kind of required iOS devices because they used things like airdrop or whatever
And there was like a mild debate starting about like whether or not she should get an
iOS device.
She's never used one before.
And the conclusion, which we probably should have gotten to a little bit faster, but we
did get to was like, it doesn't matter.
She has to get one.
So like, let's just get it and then try to learn it.
And luckily she adapted to it really fast and everything was fine, but Alexis, I want
to buy your water bottle, but it's metal.
And that usually makes my water taste metallic.
Does that happen with your bottles?
So they end up with a bit of like manufacturing stank taste for, I'd say probably somewhere
between the first five and 15 washes.
Like I'm pretty sensitive to it.
So I'll take a new bottle and I'll just sit and I will wash it like five or 10 times.
But after that, no, I do not detect any metallic taste.
And if you go on the site, we do not censor our reviews.
I hate it.
When companies do this, every review, aside from ones that are spam, every review stays
on the site.
So if you go through the 471 reviews, I actually remember reading one that mentioned metallic
tastes like yesterday or today or something like that, but you can see, we actually get
so many reviews on the site that all of these are from today.
These five, if we go onto the next page, all of these are from today.
We remove ones that are clearly spam or are clearly inappropriate.
There's ones that have had like lots of wording in it that is like not appropriate for a tech
So that's a thing.
Had nothing to do with like the actual product, et cetera.
Those are the only things that would be removed.
Oh, you know what?
I think the review I saw was on the mystery bottle.
Mystery bottle.
This one doesn't have as many reviews either because, well, it's got a lot.
Jake is holding the case hostage.
Does he have it?
He has it.
Oh yeah.
I couldn't find it.
Where is it?
I think he hid it from you.
Oh, speaking of which, Jake is coming over for gaming tonight.
Do you want to come too?
Okay, cool.
So why don't we just all head to my house after?
Yeah, nice.
So here it is from Evan Jensen.
Doesn't have metallic aftertaste.
You heard it from Evan first.
My biggest gripe with reusable water bottles is that most give the water metallic taste.
These do not have that problem.
And we've apparently got some gaming to do now, so we will see you all later.
Thanks Hi-B.
With this shirt, I will always wear it with Linus and Luke in my heat sinking heart.
Thank you.
Weird comment.
Love it.
We'll see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.
What a weird message.
I love it.
Hold on.
There might be one super chat I got to do.
Hold on, there's one super chat I got to do.
Rusty Trampoline says Linus would house delays and rumors of an LG 97 inch 4K OLED in 2022
cause you to rethink your home theater choices.
97 inch OLED.
It's pretty big.
That's pretty big.
That's pretty big.
I think I want to go projector though.
I think we're, we've got light control in the room now.
I think we're going 130 inch projector and, um, Rob from, um, AV rant was like, you gotta
go JVC, but then there's also an Epson that we want to check out as well.
So that's, I think what the contenders are at the moment.
All right.
Bye guys.
Thanks for watching, bye.