
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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Come back
Okay, there's one of them hold on
Bring all the things back all right
Welcome to the land show the weekly show where you listen to us talk for anywhere from I think the shortest show
We've ever done is about an hour and a quarter and the longest ones we've done are like reaching up around three hours
Yeah, we've we've done some
You have to go at six
What do you think this is some kind of company where like work ends at six?
I think this is the first time that I've even said that like a really long time. Why are you still wearing that?
Yeah, I'm wearing my lav mic because I
Yeah, because I'm wearing my lav mic. I'm gonna take my lav mic off. You know what I wonder
If that would just be the solution I should I should yell at Brandon to bring me the other thing and if we just each
More labs I wonder if that would just be better anyway guys
We've got a great show for you today as always this week the big topics are the game works
controversy Nvidia and AMD are at it again and
Super butthurt at each other again surprising. We're really surprised. Oh, yeah here. You're a little far over that way
Scooch in we never we never can quite get the whole where we should put like X's on the chair
So that we know like where it aligns with kind of the butthole
So that you can be in exactly the right spot every week
Yeah, that would work. Yeah
I mean if we didn't want to go for the whole butthole thing then we could just put like
But marks around the outside of where the cheeks go
But then if one of us put on some weight, then we wouldn't be able to see them
Anyway, not that that's happened to either of us lately
Which I wouldn't we switch oh my goodness we did too, yeah
All right, so there's the AMD thing there's an SSD middleware that could be coming that could they're claiming could
Drupal your SSDs performance and this is without actually buying a new SSD
Although I'd be surprised to see something like that implemented for free. What else we got
Google is gonna start building their own self-driving cars
They've had this kind of stuff going on for a while, but they're actually gonna start
Manufacturing these cars which is really interesting and true crypt may or may not be compromised
Talk about that more later may not
Yeah, there's new stuff that I found recently. Oh even more new stuff. Okay, this is an ever-changing topic
Our sponsors of the show today are Asus with the excellent g750 JZ gaming notebook and of course
modus who are running their geek steaks
2014 Facebook sweepstakes were you and
anyone, you know who's interested in getting a job as a in the IT industry can go and head over to facebook.com slash modus to
Get more details on how you can win a bunch of really cool stuff
It's been running all week. And actually we've been getting a lot of pretty darn positive feedback about it. So
Stay tuned for us to explain more about that later after we actually do a show here. So
First order of business, you know what? Why don't we just straight up jump into the Nvidia AMD thing? I sure that's
That's a pretty nice topic to give to the people who were sitting there waiting for us to start the show
You guys are awesome. Thank you for being on time, even though we rarely are real time today
Ish like one minute late. Yeah, I think we're like one minute late and we pre-streamed a little bit before
But like my laptop still isn't plugged in
So if screen-sharing doesn't work the way that it normally should be that checklist
Yeah, we're gonna be in a little bit of trouble here. So
So this was posted originally by Booker DeWitt on the forum and it is an article from Forbes about why watch
Dogs is bad news for AMD users and potentially the entire PC gaming
Ecosystem, so this isn't exactly a new thing for AMD to wave the flag about and what they're basically saying is
That game works represents a clear and present threat to gamers by deliberately crippling performance on AMD products
now what game works
Effectively is is it's a it's a it's a toolkit that game developers can use to implement features or
basically features features or graphical
Well, really features features features. It's features implement features into their games without
Actually coding the whole thing themselves. So when I was at Nvidia's
Montreal event they were showing off some of the big improvements that they had made recently to game works with things like
particles and fire where
To put it sort of in the really really simple terms
It's kind of like on a camera having a profile that makes the image
Look better or adds an effect to your image where the game developer doesn't actually have to dial in all the manual settings and figure
Out how to do themselves
So it's basically like think of it like dragging and dropping fire effects into your game so that it looks like this great
realistic fire
When all you had to do yourself was like put it there and then it animates itself
So that's what game works is but what AMD doesn't like about it
Is that developers license these proprietary Nvidia technologies in order to make their games look great
But that doesn't give AMD any kind of real insight or necessarily a way to optimize their driver to perform
Well when rendering that feature in that game
So things like smoke and lighting and textures and shadows and all that kind of stuff can
hurt performance on AMD cards says Robert Halleck, so
Participation often. Okay. So okay. This is from the original article
So participation in the game works program often precludes the developer from accepting AMD suggestions that would improve performance
Directly in the game code the most desirable form of optimization
So basically he's also saying that this makes it more difficult for them to perform their own after the fact driver
optimizations and
It's basically yeah, you know AMD doesn't support or condone such activities and it's like super poopy and terrible
Now a couple days went by and Nvidia fired back
I'm a little surprised at how long it took but I can
Understand why they would have wanted to be very careful about their response. They don't want to say anything. That's that's not correct
So Nvidia came back and said look, we'll have a we have a kickoff meeting with the developers will brainstorm cool new effects
We'll show them the catalogs that we have and then we'll prototype something outside of their engine
Give them an idea what the effect might look like and we work with the developers
But we don't and never have restricted anyone from getting access as part of our agreements
Not with watchdogs and not with other titles our agreements focus on interesting things
We're gonna do together to improve the experience for all PC gamers and of course for Nvidia customers
We don't have anything in there restricting anyone from accessing source code or binaries and developers are free to give builds out to whoever
They want it's their product
Pretty much where we're at right now is he says she says which is the usual thing with AMD and Nvidia
I don't think I don't think we're likely to get any kind of an official response from any game developer
Because the last thing they're gonna want to do is jeopardize. Yeah their relationship
Remember game developers need both AMD and Nvidia on board ultimately even uh the way it's meant to be played title
Dev wants it to run on AMD cards
They're not gonna ignore 40% of the market or 30
However odd percent of the market by just making it run like poo on AMD cards if they don't have to
There's there's some speculation about the whole source code thing because they could be like, yeah
You can release the source code, but our parts are obfuscated so you can't actually
Read that part of the source codes you can get to some of it
But then whenever one of the game works effects is gonna go off
You're really not going to know what's happening there
So it's it's it's it comes down to wording and what's actually being said
So let's talk a little bit about what you'd rather see
I mean AMD did their whole mantle thing
Which I don't think they've actually opened it up to Nvidia yet
Even though they said that they would at some point where basically the game would have to be coded completely differently to run
On DirectX versus on mantle whereas what Nvidia is doing is they're approaching developers and going okay
Here's a feature. It'll run on whatever but the performance is
Obviously, you know built for our hardware. We're optimizing for Nvidia
And the positive and negative things here are both pretty clear to me
so positive number one is that we're getting much better visual effects than we otherwise would have been able to or
Much less work required for very small devs to create visually stunning games
Games that will run on AMD, but won't necessarily perform the best and then the disadvantage is that it creates the segmentation
where Nvidia is kind of
Helping developers make games that run better on Nvidia hardware
Potentially depending on who you believe make it more difficult to run on AMD hardware at least more difficult to optimize
Yeah, I don't know if I'd say more difficult to run. So if you had your way
Would you say I?
Developer X I would like you to use game works or I wouldn't like you to use game works
And let's say let's say I do let's give you guys to it. You know what let's get in struggle trouble it
So I want two options I want triple-a developer and then I want indie developer
So allow multiple poll choices. So a a developer. Yes a a a developer. No in the yes indie
Would you like for them to use it or would you like for them to not if they can save some dev?
Costs if they can bring it to you earlier if they can spend that time on developing gameplay more as opposed to
Animating better fire or something like that. How do you guys feel about it? Because I mean for to me
game works is a very natural evolution of what already existed as
gaming evolved the way it's meant to be played these programs where Nvidia and AMD and
Often both of them at the same time are working very closely with game developers in order to optimize the game to me
This is just Nvidia taking a very proactive approach to that
So instead of a game developer building something bringing it to Nvidia and then going okay, let's optimize it
They're giving them something that's optimized in the first place
It doesn't feel wrong to me
But it does put AMD at a disadvantage
But that's just AMD or that's just Nvidia working very closely with developers and proactively helping developers make better games
Even though they could they could go out of their way and let the source code be leaked to him D
If you were in video, would you do that?
See but they built the technology
You've got you've got multiple arguments for that as well
But then you can turn around to go AMD built Tress effects and allows anyone to use it in
All one game that it's being used in whereas Nvidia has created tool
I mean, I mean that's something that I got to look at too and I go
AMD or Nvidia can say here's what we're giving to developers
But at the end of the day whether or not developers are using them to me
Even though I'm not a game dev and I don't really understand how these tools work very intimately
I look at it and I go well, this is the one the developers are actually using
How useful was the other stuff that they're not using I don't know yeah, I
Don't know personally
I don't think I'm as as against games works as a lot of people are and that's that's another thing too
Like if you look back at the Forbes article, they have a picture for
290x versus 770
If you see that oh
Can you send me the link it's in the dock it's in the dock. Oh that makes sense. Okay right there
Here we go. All right
So guys, here's the the image that Luke is referring to and then if you go to I wonder if I can find it on
The network I should be able to find on the network. I should have looked for this earlier, but my charts I
Seriously don't think it was that bad like the the gap differences for tier equivalents
Right were really not that far away, especially considering like how?
scared so many people were at the very beginning and
Considering that we run stock coolers on everything
Yeah, so the current Nvidia stock coolers are making colder cards and the current AMD ones are which are running really hot
So a lot of our overclock and Nvidia benefit from a cooler running card. Yeah, exactly
So some of our overclocks are getting higher on Nvidia right now
Just because we have more overclocking headroom due to thermals if we we we do stock
Cards, so next generation might flip-flop reference cards reference cards. Yeah, sorry
Like it's not like that changed and the AMD cards are still really close. So I don't know
I don't see it being this horrible thing that everyone's talking about. Like maybe it was harder for AMD to do it
I know they're talking about how they're not gonna be able to fix it as much
Afterwards with drivers as they could have before
It's in the actual folder for the actual thing. Yeah, that's okay
I mean ultimately the thing here though is that both AMD and Nvidia did manage to have
optimized drivers available for the game's public release and then
For all the good it did anyone because watchdogs is
Well, yeah a bit of a dog right now in the Forbes article that he's showing 290 X and 770 being very competitive
In mine here. I've got it now. Here we go there. So guys have a look at this. So we've got
780 and 290 X being within 10% of each other and then 290 trailing another couple of percent after that
with 770 getting absolutely destroyed and like everyone calls us Nvidia fanboys and
Like what the Forbes article showed them with the 770 winning and they're like
He was crushed in this like no they did totally fine it wasn't even that bad
If for how much they were suppressed and stuff
Yeah, like I don't actually see it as being that big of a deal
Maybe the run that I had didn't have a crazy amount of game works effects. I
Don't like I don't know. I wonder what Forbes comm knows about game benchmarking anyway
No, and I'm not even I'm not even I actually didn't read the article so straight up I didn't read the article
Maybe you guys can tell me maybe they have a fantastic benchmarking methodology
I'll be the first to admit ours isn't the best either but I like I just I wonder how they're actually benchmarking the game
you know because
It just has nothing to do with the results that we're getting so and I to my knowledge
They haven't done a ton of video card reviews
Like I saw an r9 295 X to one because I was getting a lot of tweets back when that card was released going
Hey Linus, why did you not get a sample of this card and Forbes comm did and I was kind of like, I don't know
Because Forbes doesn't really know they're more known for market analysis and less known for actually
Taking physical hardware and reviewing it. So it just seemed like a bit of a bit of a weird thing to me. Yeah
So there you have it guys
That's the current state of affairs
We'll update you guys if anything happens
But I personally see this as a bit of a non issue for the moment
Especially because the differences in performance really don't look very different from other games whether they are way
It's meant to be played or a gaming evolved title. In fact, I haven't seen
Obvious optimization to the point where it's like yes, this game is clearly handicapped in a really long time. Yeah
All right, so moving on to our next topic
speaking of watchdogs, this was an article from the register, but
They're not the only ones reporting on this tens of thousands of watchdogs
Pirates enslaved by Bitcoin bot master. I think that's a very
sensationalist headline
It doesn't change anything about the fact that pirating games is just plain not a very good idea
Sometimes so basically what was happening is your machine you would install the game and run it and your machine would launch another
executable that would start to mine bitcoins for the
Right now it's not very clear whether it was the original
Cracker of the game or whether it was someone who took a cracked release
They claim they never did maybe you have some on the on the watchdogs video people were saying that I was wrong because I said
The the guy that cracked it put in the thing
But then other places where I've looked up are saying that the guy that cracked it just faked
Skid Row's name skid row is a very popular well-known game cracker
So, I don't know what actually happened but something happened and one that a lot of people downloaded had a miner in it
So so the great thing about this is particularly on lower-end machines that was having a dramatic impact on the game's performance
Which might be where some of the Oh watchdogs runs terribly stuff was coming from although from what we've seen it really doesn't
Look better than something like
One thing that I thought was pretty funny interesting
What a free game that instead of being you can choose you can go, okay
I'll pay for it all mine for you or all mine for you
That's interesting. Anyway, um moving moving along one thing. I want to bring up one another one of the comments on the video
I should have quoted this somewhere, but the guy was saying
It's it's funny because the pirated version didn't get a three-hour mission, which was defeating you play to be able to play the game
That was hilarious. I don't know you might have said it in some other way. But yeah, it's so true
Trying to benchmark. It was really difficult because logging into you play was such a challenge
Half the time would just be like you don't have an internet internet connection. I'm like actually yeah, I do
Would really like if you just worked now and you have to sit there clicking try again
Forever so the way that it worked is it would launch this miner and then once you close down the game that would actually
Continue to run. So whoever did this is like
Pretty free. Oh, yeah happy right now. Yeah, and then there's a bunch of pretty upset people about the
Well, the fact that they just generated a bunch of bitcoins for some butthead you part of the game. So I
Can't feel that bad. One of the conspiracy theories running around was that Ubisoft did it? I
Don't think they're that in need of money
But that would be that would be pretty funny leaking your own pirated game
But just putting a like a Bitcoin miner in it. So it's like yeah, you don't want to pay for the game
Guess what dog that would actually be really funny or if it was like some guy at Ubisoft that did it with that intention
Fantastic, all right, let's move on to our oh we never got the straw poll results
Did I get a link for that? I posted in chat a billion times. I don't think I have the link
Okay, I I'm afraid of what's gonna happen if we do this, but if I don't know just go to chat go to chat
Okay, I'm gonna chat. I'm gonna chat. I got this. I got this. Okay guys, so let's have a look at the straw poll results
I don't remember what I asked. Ah, yes, should they use GameWorks and Wow
So the majority of you you made it a multi-vote poll, right? Yeah
Don't think too many people voted for more than one result
I think that adds up to about a hundred percent. But anyway, the majority of you are just saying yes
You you and especially indie devs you'd like to see indie dads be able to take advantage of this deliver a game
I mean that runs on AMD hardware based on the amount of votes there. So, okay, it doesn't sure
Yeah, so that might look better than if I don't remember I'm talking right that might look better than if they had to code
All this stuff themselves as long as it runs on AMD
Then you're still totally cool with them optimizing it using Nvidia's tools
So, I mean, I think that's great because there's been a lot of a lot of
Back and forth about this with some people declaring game works to be the worst thing ever and others
You know kind of trumpeting the Nvidia horn and I don't think either is the right answer. It's somewhere in between as
It usually is whenever fanboys get involved in some kind of an argument. Yeah, I don't know
I just I just don't like when I when I was reading through all this kind of stuff
I was expecting the worst thing ever me too. And then it was just really not that bad
I was I was expecting half of watchdogs to basically be running off of like Nvidia grid at their
Headquarters and Ubisoft didn't even know what was inside the black box, but it's not that at all
Wasn't it Bioshock where if you had an AMD card, you couldn't see certain effects in the game
You can see the water coming out of a pipe. Ah, you're thinking of Borderlands 2 Borderlands 2. Yeah. Sorry
No, like I was expecting something more along those lines. Yeah, and
That is that is still something that a bothers me and B
I do think is terrible for the industry like the way that physics is
Implemented and will always be implemented as long as it's not something that AMD and Nvidia users can leverage equally is
Just not that compelling to me once we can use physics technology across the board
You could actually make a game that's designed to use it and make that
Destructibility of the environment and all those other things that you can do through physics part of an integral part of gameplay
I mean the last game we got that really used physics was like cell factor and that was a
Physics showcase piece. Yeah, I'm still waiting and for that. Yeah and poopy
Not a very well-received game at all
I mean as much as it's great to walk around on the street and like kick cans out of your way
It doesn't feel like a compelling gameplay
Element to me. Alright, so the original poster on Linus tech tips comm was Ren for this one
Finally a super easy name to say yeah, I know right I have so much difficulty with that Ren, please post more
JP research team develops SSD middleware that improves speed by 300% and
The headlines don't seem to necessarily all agree about exactly how this works
But basically what they're doing is instead of writing data to a on a new blank page data is written on a fragmented page
Located in the block to be erased next so it's kind of predictably because the way that SSDs work
Is you can't just overwrite something you have to blank at first
Which is actually the time-consuming part of writing something, but it gets more complicated than that
You don't just you can't just blank something and then write over top of it because you might need to rearrange
Some of the stuff that's written within that cell and put it somewhere else
But it gets more complicated than that because you don't even if you were to
Rewrite all this stuff all over the place blanket and then write to it
You don't want to unnecessarily blank pages if you don't have to because that
Significantly degrades the longevity of the SSD so the way that they work is really complicated
What this is gonna do is it's gonna look for
Predictively which one is going to be blanked next and then try to proactively make room for your rights
So it might not affect read speeds that much
But it will affect
Reads in the context of that you won't have to wait around for rights and it should affect right speeds dramatically and they're also
Claiming that you could increase the product life up to I think they're saying around
55% not to mention you lower power consumption because you're not doing as much random shuffling around of data
But wait, there's more
It looks like this could be as simple as a middleware layer that sits between the SSD and your operating system
And it does all or between your driver or between the controller. It sits in the middle. It sits in the middle somewhere and
You might not even need a new SSD, which is kind of awesome. I I don't see a ton of manufacturers implementing this free
Yeah, I'd imagine it's gonna be more like now with
turbo charge uber
Wanger I don't know. I don't know wanger could mean fast
Car is totally wanger. Oh god, don't make that a thing. Um
It was in a simulation
So I'm not sure if we'll see exactly this much speed and power improvement all that kind of stuff in real life
But it's exciting to see someone improving SSDs in this way. Yeah. Yeah, I mean SSD
The thing about SSDs is look at how stagnant it's been
In terms of flash speeds in terms of interface speeds and in terms of capacities
It's not really moving very fast and everyone's kind of jumping on the well
We need PCI Express and we need SATA Express. Well, we needed it two years ago
Did we flash is not getting faster with each new generation flash is continuing to actually get slower and less reliable
because of the smaller manufacturing processes and it's not like
And we're not gonna get a dramatic improvement there until we get a big shift in the way that flash is manufactured. So
Raise your wangers
Okay, guys
You've got two minutes of raising wangers all you want and then we need it to go away or we're gonna start giving people times
at timeouts
But basically we need more we need smarter software
We need smarter controllers in order to really get more out of our SSDs
I think a great example is plexters m6e which is not straight up not faster than a SATA SSD in
Real-world tests. Yes, you get better sequential reads and not necessarily even writes, but we're limited by other factors still
So yeah, I don't know. It'll be interesting to see what this does when it's actually in the hands of people instead of a simulation
Yeah, because a lot of the time I love it how we're always getting these like new holographic disk enables
500 terabytes per disk and then it turns out it's impossible to manufacture
There's some other kind of show-stopping and like you can you can put data on it, but you can never read from it
It's like oh, yeah, like you have to like make it out of like, you know
Which contrary to the name is not ubiquitous just like so everyone has this one
That is a segue into Skype translator because it's something that they're talking about
Which I really don't think is gonna happen at least anytime soon
Way down in rapid fire
Go ahead and keep there's not even really much I want to say about this
They're they're trying to do something called Skype translator
which as far as I can tell is gonna take what you say and
Translate it into some form of TTS or text-to-speak and then say it out of the other person's speakers or headphones or whatever
So you can talk to people over Skype in different languages and it's all translated
This was posted by Rafi on the forum, but like the open API for
Translating stuff is terrible and it's Microsoft
so they'll probably work on it and then like it'll disappear or something and
There's way more important things in my opinion that they need to fix with Skype. So hopefully they do that instead of making this
I don't know how many people are gonna go for voice chat over Skype that don't know how to speak a common language
But it might be fun. Honestly when looking at this I see I see it more as being fun than
Anything else like maybe it'll help people learn different languages or something like that. I don't know
I mean, I see it being kind of niche like something like this
Like I actually I didn't know about this even though it's about a four-year-old app for iPhone at this point
But word lens allows you to look at something in real time through your phone and have it actually translate on the fly
And it's actually like it's pretty darn cool. We were playing around with it a little bit today at NCIX but
by and large
Most people won't be using it. I mean there's I think that in the future
We're gonna see language barriers broken down this way, but I just I don't think this is really it
We're so far away that it's kind of it's not like oculus where it's like
Yeah, we're like pumped about this cuz it's like happening soon
It's like yeah, my phone can barely tell what I'm saying to it now with like Google voice
yeah, I don't think it's really gonna work when it's like going through different languages and then there's all the problems with
Converting language into another language and then having it still make any sense at all
Yeah, that's a huge issue, especially when you bring in stuff like slang and other things
Which leads us pretty well into Google starting to build their own self-driving cars
I wish I could say I called this I did say I thought we were gonna get an iCar but Apple has
Instead gone the units. It's funny
You look at the reversal here where Apple used to be all about building it themselves and Google used to be all about partnering
whereas now
for phones, I think that they have
Been bitten a little bit on the whole partnering thing. They've created a monster out of Samsung and kind of gone
Well, hold on a second. They would have been nowhere. Yeah without Android without us and you look at glass
There I mean, yes, they're releasing the the lightweight Android that's gonna run on wearables and they will have partners
But it just they've done most of the branding around it themselves with their own hardware before they're even talking about
You know letting anyone else have access to any of this stuff you look at what they're doing with this car where they're gonna build
Their own self-driving car you look at Nexus program or whatever it's called silver now or whatever else
it seems feels like they're moving in the direction of
Controlling the user experience and there is something to be said for that. But then Apple on the other hand is going okay
Yeah, we're gonna partner with Ford and Toyota and everyone to integrate our technology into the existing products. So this is it guys
Yeah, it looks ridiculous, but that's not really the point. It looks like a super unimpressed little like teddy bear
Yeah, it's like it's kind of look like a face, doesn't it?
Yeah, and if you like a totally not happy face at all, he's just like nope, I'm doing things
You enslaved me to drive around so I guess I can do that or whatever. It is kind of slavery, I guess
This was posted on the forum by John urs and
Instead of even having a steering wheel or pedals, which is something I personally am pretty uncomfortable with
I'd like to have the option to manual ride to manual override. I mean, this is like that
That doctor who episode where the iRobot thing? Yeah, it's well like anything where you know, some
One decides yeah, we're gonna drive you into the sea. Yeah, there's nothing you can do about it
I I would like to have a steering wheel and pedals, but no it will have a stop and go button
And that is pretty much it
very interesting self-driving
You know, he can't he can't be sad because the plastic doesn't go that far so maybe he is sad
Maybe it's like even worse than we expect because he can't pull as the size of his mouth down anymore
So he's showing the least amount of happiness as he can and Google is forcing that little car
To be a minimum amount of happy. Would you miss driving?
Mmm gross
Probably a
Little bit not really though because if I could do other stuff I was in the car
Be a lot more productive a lot of people won't be able to anyway just because of motion sickness
Yeah, I probably actually have a problem with it. Like I don't I
Used to get motion sick pretty hardcore, but I just like I think I built up a tolerance to it
Mine seems to flip-flop
Like one day it'll be a problem and I can't read my phone and then the other day
it's totally fine and like it seems to depend on what car I'm in and
Who's driving and like there's tons of different variables, so I have no idea
It's funny how it's designed to make it seem non-threatening and help people accept self-driving technology
But I just think it looks kind of ridiculous. It does and like saying that that quote right there is like wow. I'm now scared
Apparently earlier ones will have extra controls so test drivers can take over if there's a problem
That sounds like the one that I would be interested in having. Yeah, so it'll it will be an electric vehicle
It'll have a combination of lasers and radar to drive. I mean, I personally I'm really excited for self-driving technology
I just I'm not a hundred percent sure how I feel about Google doing it at this point with how broke
Google Maps has been for me lately. It's just
Every little thing and you know what I'm gonna get feedback from people where they go. It's great. It's amazing
It works for me perfectly every time and I'm like, yeah, that's fine
but that doesn't change the fact that my
Experience hasn't been that positive lately and all the feedback about how take me home doesn't work and everyone's like yeah
It does I demoed on the show last week. You know what? It's straight up doesn't work for me. Sorry
It doesn't work for it's not consistent enough and we're talking about my life and this and this is like
People publicly complain about both of these things
But there's far more people publicly complaining about Google Maps and I've been having tons of troubles
I mean you were trying to find a Tim Hortons
it shouldn't be hard to find a Tim Hortons in Canada and there were
Two that my mom was able to give us directions to that Google Maps was not giving him the nearest
Locations for and was telling him to go what like 20 minutes away or something pretty far away
And there was one like down the street walking distance from where I had parked
So I'm sitting here going what are you guys doing we're talking finding the nearest branch of a chain of restaurants
It's super popular in Canada chain of restaurants its functionality that worked two years ago
And this one was in a mall and had been there for a very long time and it didn't know and there was another one
Down the road that wasn't in a mall in case being in the mall was the problem
This is technology that worked really well back when I first started using Google Maps
I'm having a lot of trouble with it lately. Yeah, so I don't know
I'm still planning to have you switch to the iPhone for a little while just to try it out
Try Apple Maps because I was pretty impressed
As long as it doesn't like drive me into a lake like it used to then it'll probably be fine
We can't forget about that
Speaking of Apple Apple has confirmed the acquisition of beats
So that whole video that leaked where dr. Dre was boasting about the world's first
I think who was it? I think it was someone else actually pointing at him and sort of boasting for him
But the point was the world's first rap billionaire
You know what?
Good for him is all I really have to say it is it is
inexplicable to me
That beats headphones were ever a thing
But it was reading the verge article here
This was posted originally on the forum biased efforts of like every tech enthusiast ever Alex goes high
This this was I think it was 30% or something like that
I can't I can't find the number but based on some market research. I think it was something like 30% of
headphone buyers above a hundred dollars wanted an endorsement on it and
I'm kind of sitting here going like I
for all of this
Like I just don't know
What to say anymore? There was wait, they wanted an endorsement
They yeah, they wanted to see an endorsement before they would be willing to spend big money on a pair of headphones
so from from a previous verge article
Allegedly a pair of $200 beats headphones was somewhere in the neighborhood of $14 to produce
I'm not sure if I quite believe that because that might be a bomb cost but bomb costs do not
Represent the amount of product development that goes into building something. It doesn't account for R&D
It doesn't account for you know, plastic molding. It doesn't account for any other prototyping processes
It doesn't account for marketing where?
Admittedly a big part of the beats experience is the marketing and celebrity endorsements
Probably the biggest that is probably the biggest part of it
But the point is that even the R&D just straight-up doesn't account for all of that
But they're also they're also buying other things while they're buying this company like they're not just buying like beats yes
There's more to it than the headphones
I mean
I think that the fact that the brands are so similar in that they're able to achieve a better than
Industry margins on their products. I think that's a key part of the acquisition. Oh
Although one other thing that I'd like to see if it happens is Apple's been willing to take
Less than beats margin on their products for the sake of building a truly high quality
premium product and I would like to see if Apple's willing to spend
$44 instead of $14 or even
$80 on a pair of beats headphones that they're willing to sell for 200 or 250
I would like to see what they can bring to that because guys and don't kid yourselves
The companies that you love, you know, the Sennheisers and AK G's and Audio Technica's of the world
They're making pretty good margin on headphones too. So it's not like beats is is doing something
It doesn't cost $1,500 to make a pair of HD 800s
Yeah to be a hundred percent clear if you think it costs that much you're dumb. Yeah, I'm sorry
But you're actually stupid. No way. It doesn't cost that much
But again, there's the R&D
so I would like to see if Apple could tone down the whole celebrity endorsement thing something they haven't done much with
With I much of anything since like the Bono days
So if they could tone that down a little bit spend a little bit more on the actual materials in R&D
I'd be interested to see what they can come up with but they're acquiring more than that
they're also getting their beats is streaming service, which is
Something that Apple hasn't been able to or willing to build for themselves and is becoming much more popular with services like Spotify
Taking the place of the more traditional. It's funny to be calling dollar mp3 downloads from iTunes traditional
It feels like not that long ago. The iPod revolution was happening. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
One thing that's been really frustrating lately is like one group that I've been listening to a lot is
What is it?
Jukebox. Oh, man. No, I'm not gonna be able to remember what it's called
But it's it's this group on YouTube that makes music. The only way to possibly buy their stuff is through iTunes
Like I don't want to install that terrible piece of crap, right?
It's not monster cat is it? No. Yeah, okay
I can't remember the name of it
Someone wants Linus tech audio headphones
Yeah, I don't think so
I'll be the first to I'll be the first to admit that I don't I don't know enough about headphones to make headphones
So there you have it it happened. I I'm
Super super interested to see what happens. This is Apple's biggest acquisition to date and
Let's move on then. Shall we true crypt has been compromised
Or maybe hasn't been
It's an interesting setup if you go to the link at the bottom of the true crypto article in the doc
Yeah, so posted by ion bassa on the forum here
Yeah, that's those a comment on the thread oh, sorry, sorry
Well, I think I closed it now posted by astro zombie. Sorry about that
Now if you go to the bottom link true crypto ch
This is a new movement that has come up since the whole true crypt thing happened and this website not only tracks
What's going on with true crypto right now?
It's the like safe thing which who knows if that's actually true or not
But someone's saying that it's currently safe at this point in time
But that the source code is just being is just sitting there
So how long it'll be safe for we don't know or if it is even actually safe right now
We don't know these guys are planning on trying to pick up the project. It's not a
Where they call it. It's not like a branch or anything like that
They're taking part of the license agreement of true crypt which allows people to kind of mess with their
Source code and they're gonna be making their own. So anyone who had true crypt anyone who's using true crypt
We're probably not screwed
Luckily, this group has come together and hopefully good things will come from this there. They have a blog coming soon
They have a forum coming soon and any information that you need about true crypt will probably be at true crypt on CH
Okay, so
Who the heck knows what's really going on right now a little bit of what was going on
It seems like with the close of Windows XP and most things being built into operating systems
The true crit project has been kind of abandoned
True crypt wasn't it was it was kind of taken for granted for a really long time
The fact that it even existed
And it's been kept up to date by just this fairly small group of people for a very long time
And they're just kind of done
That's about it. They're just yeah. No, it's been like ten years or something
I don't remember exactly how long it's been, but they're done with it. Now. There's
Windows 8.1 is blocking it with their smart screen feature. It's it's where is it? I think it's detecting it as malware
Yeah, because it's it might be it might be the latest version but then maybe it isn't we don't know yeah
Yeah, I one thing is I wouldn't go to true crypts actual website to download it
I would probably go to true crypt on CH as far as I've seen a lot of people talking right now true
Kip dot CH seems to be legit
And the true crypt org website is a lot of people been speculating
It might have been broken into and things might have been injected and there might be problems going on. I
Don't know it's like seriously as far as I can tell there's new news coming out about this like every hour
I check up on it and we've been on the app. We've been on the show for a little while now
So maybe something even changed
But yeah, if you're very interested in true crypt, I would check out true crypt dot CH and keep paying attention there
Hopefully they get their forms and their blog going soon so that people can have a hub to talk about it on
And that should be good
And that should be good I hope so this is the conclusion I I really like true crypt and I use it a lot
So I really hope that someone properly picks up this project and keeps it going
And that all the like oh my god, the NSA was running it and all this other crap stuff doesn't end up being true
It probably is whatever what I'm hiding is really not that important so it's fine. Oh
Well, I guess you can have my online banking information, which you probably have anyways jerks I know right
It's like the most disappointing thing ever everything feels futile at this point, but it isn't it's still worth it to keep trying to
Keep trying to protect your rights and all that noise. Yeah
Speaking of protecting your rights. This was originally posted on the forum by gamer dad
All right, Oh
Nintendo has a plan for it for let's plays and I like if you guys remember that whole big
Fiasco that was going on where oops. Oh, there we go
Where Nintendo was pulling the monetization from anyone that was uploading their content
So that's audio or video from their games
in fact, we had it happen back when we were playing Super Mario World on the after-party and
Our monetization got pulled on that video
So they just started pulling monetization back to themselves because I don't know if you guys know how this works
But there's a few different things that can happen if you're infringing content. So for example
My default, okay
So number one is if you have no infringing content in your video
Then you dispute whatever claim and then Google gives it back to you
usually three days to 14 days later from my experience if you
Legitimately have infringing content in your video. There's a couple of things that the owner can do
So I might default channel upload setting is monetization
But then I uploaded my wedding video to my Linus cat tips channel, which had a song in it didn't even think about it
So the owner of that song
Went and they have two options
They can either pull down my video or they can monetize against my video so that every view instead of monetizing for me
Monetizes for them and that's what they opted to do
So the video is still up there and so that's what Nintendo opted to do is
They just pulled the monetization from these videos to themselves and I kind of look at that and I go like, okay
Yes, I I understand you have the right to do that. It's sort of it's just dumb
It's not very it's not very black and white whether or not they can
Things like they whether or not it's a derivative work or whether or not it's who it actually belongs to is really not that
Clear right now legally, but YouTube's allowing it and Nintendo's doing it and even if they do have the right
It's still kind of a dick move. Yeah
But anyway, that whole thing happened. So now they're brilliant
Plan is to develop an affiliate program to share the revenue that they've scooped between itself
YouTube and the content creator
Like how do you not understand
Nintendo's biggest problem right now is that everyone's just ignoring them because it's hard to remember that they exist at this point in time and
Then they're trying to make it really difficult for people to bring them into the spotlight
Like what? What do you what are you possibly thinking? Like if any then the kinds of games that
Nintendo focuses on things like party games or
Platformers, it's not gonna ruin the experience by watching someone play
Like I'm not gonna not want to play Super Smash Brothers because I had the entire experience from watching someone else play it
That's stupid like especially something like Mario Party what you're actually watching that for is like the experience of those people playing
so if it's a game that's heavily story driven and something where I really think that
Gamers are going to watch a let's play instead of buying the game. I get it. I understand the developers perspective here
It's really not fair something like walking dead or something like wolf among us where it's or brothers tale of two sons
Basically just a story. It's a movie in the form of a game an interactive game story movie, whatever you get my point
I get it
But something like Nintendo's games really if anything I agree with the let's players and I agree with the youtubers
Who are saying look we're driving exposure for your game
You should be paying us to play your game and broadcast it to our thousands of fans
So it's just so backwards details will be announced in the future, but I'm really I want to like Nintendo
I really do like yeah, I was like a Nintendo kid growing up so many people where I was
You're disappointing me Nintendo is the revenue really so much that it's gonna
Your millions of dollars deficit, I don't think so. I think you have other things to focus on
It seems so blind
Like it seems like they just have no idea what's going on. So does this. All right this this
Missin frope and I have a bit of an off-and-on sort of good or bad relationship
We're a little up and down because sometimes he can be a bit of a butthead and other times his butt-headedness
Really hits the nail on the head and I think this post is actually pretty good
It starts with and it's okay. We'd love for news posts to be written in a neutral voice
I hope he changes his title to resident butthead resident butthead. I hope so, too
Um just because you call them that I think that would be hilarious
so the the first line in his in his article and it is his write-up about it is a
Developer's defense of 30 frames per second aka the resolution is just a number argument on crack
So 60f this is this is from who is this what dev is this from again? I can't remember why they make
1866 I believe it is. Okay. I don't remember the actual name of it. So here it goes 60 FPS is really responsive and really cool
I enjoy playing games at 60 FPS
But one thing that really changes is the aesthetic of the game in 60 FPS we're going for this filmic look
So one thing that we knew immediately was films run at 24 FPS
We're gonna run at 30 because 24 FPS does not feel good to play
So there's one concession in terms of making it aesthetically pleasing
But it just has to feel good to play and I'm kind of sitting here going. Okay, so
you both understand the issue and
Entirely missed the point at the same time because you understood that 24 FPS might be good for film and isn't good for games
But you didn't understand that 30 FPS
Might look film Nick in a video, but it still isn't good for games
It's still not responsive. We actually have a fastest possible episode about refresh rates and
how 30 Hertz and
Thereby 30 FPS is just plain not enough information for your eyes per second
coming out tonight that is sort of along these lines, but
Basically, here's the issue
24 FPS looks good in a movie because of the way a camera works and I don't even always agree with that
And I don't even always agree either fast motion in 24 frames per second looks very visually disorienting to me
Chop I don't I think the last one that I saw was it's not defiance. Is it defiance?
I don't remember. It's it's basically a different version of the Hunger Games, which is a different version of some other thing
But whatever I don't care
And they go past this fence
and there's a lot of tall poles on the fence and as it swings past it's just like
Slice slice slice and you can see the frames chopping. It's so looks redonkulous
So but the reason it works is because the way that a camera whether it's film or whether it's a digital sensor
captures light is by
Exposing it for a certain amount of time
That's the shutter speed is how long it's being exposed for so what happens is if something's moving
During that exposure period you get blur you get natural blur
That's why a movie looks so much better with you while you watch it
Then it does if you grab a screen grab of it and it looks blurry and poopy because your brain is what's actually doing the work
Whereas in a game you don't have motion blur naturally motion blur is not a natural side effect of
rendering a frame in motion you render frame by frame and motion blur that gets added to games is
terrible because the only way to add motion blur is to either try to anticipate what's gonna happen next or
Buffer two frames buffer an extra frame so that you can intentionally
Blur the difference between them. That's how motion blur works in games. It's a cheesy effect and it will never be correct
It'll never be good and it'll always add leg. Maybe don't quote me on that. Maybe they'll
Genius, like by the time we're hooked up to like our oculus rifts and like our brain probe things
It may actually know what you're gonna do next and put motion blur in for you
But by that time we'll have displays that run at 600 Hertz and games that run at 600 frames per second
Anyway, so it doesn't really matter
We don't need motion blur in games and 30 FPS is not good enough and you can't compensate
Which mode with motion blur to make it look more cinematic do it in your cutscene. Don't do it in the game
And as gamers we have to all demand better
We have to ask for better and I know the hardware for the Xbox one and the PlayStation 4 just straight up isn't good enough
To run with modern lighting effects and all this other stuff, so I guess
PC I can't I can't find where this is but total but here 30 FPS is not a divine choice
It's not a design choice design choice. Sorry
It is a last resort when dealing with inferior hardware
And he has a whole bunch of other quotes too and my favorite thing in this whole article actually was the very end
Where is it? So it's actually a Kotaku article originally
I'll just go ahead and throw yeah, and it's it's bullet-pointed actually if you scroll down
But what he says is a higher frame rate does not significantly affect sales of a game a higher frame rate does not
Significantly affect the reviews of a game like that bullet-pointed and like bolded on certain things and like that's a serious part of the article
Total biscuit just tore them apart on like this exact thing
I can't find the exact tweets that he has about it, but it's somewhere else
But just like yeah, actually it does
Sorry, but you're totally wrong
And if it doesn't it should and I put like one of the most outspoken people in terms of game reviews total biscuit
Which is awesome
Constantly rips on games that are frame rate capped. Yeah, it's one of the biggest game reviewers. There are are you that blind?
Doesn't affect game reviews. You're wrong
100% like just no
If you were them, what would you do?
What could you say you can't say the Xbox one in the PlayStation 4 are crappy?
and I would rather
They code their game with better effects that we can enjoy on our PCs and let the console guys run at 30 frames per second
Rather than just dumbing down the way that the game runs outright
So I still I still would rather they make 30 FPS games as long as I don't have to play them
So if you're them, what can you say then you have no choice but to do exactly what they're doing
No, they just built it terribly
Just have it so that it looks better on PC and is able to run faster
Yeah, but if they do that then it looks like they're intentionally crippling the console version you have to I mean
I think okay really there is a solution here and I'm just kind of being a jerk right now
Give a give them a graphic slider on the console
Or not, yeah or a 3060 toggle
Why not I
Could see that yeah
Why don't you take advantage of that if the game can run on ps3 and ps4 then it can sure as hell run at 60
FPS on ps4 and like just yeah 36 30 60 toggle that just does everything for you. Yeah, why not?
It's like turns down your resolution a whole bunch turns down any effects a whole bunch
But gives you a smoother gameplay experience. Some people will prefer that and that's how you get like everybody on your side
Yeah, and because they're gonna be like, yeah, it's a beautiful game unless you don't want it to be and then it runs at 60 FPS
Alright, so something that actually we should probably do our sponsors for the show today
Number one is modus and where is my lower third for that?
That isn't it but we can go ahead and add it to that in the meantime here
It's in the folder. Yes add media file and
livestream assets and integration lower thirds
Where is it?
Is there a faster way to do this
But it's cool
Okay, you know what I
Know what to do right now, how about you do your thing and I'll try to get it
Okay, so in the meantime, I'm gonna throw the Jeep
But actually it'll be kind of nice to talk about the g750 JZ without you distracting me for a change
So guys, this is g750 JZ is a suces a okay. It's not light
Okay, it's not particularly small
But what it is is it is a
Powerful desktop replacement grade gaming notebook that we actually are starting to like more and more as time goes on
The video we did yesterday where we pitted GTX 880 M
versus dual
860 M's in SLI both with basically the same CPU both with the same 4 gig frame buffer
was those tests were very revealing and we found that if you are willing to accept the
Thicker notebook that comes along with being able with needing to be able to cool a really high-performance
Single GPU because you've got that heat density to contend with you're able to get a more consistently high-performance gaming experience
Then if you were to rely on something like SLI
Which is something that I've always really advocated for a single high-end GPU
Versus two lower-end ones the drawback of course is that it does come in heavier and it does come in larger
But that way is that why this is the JZ laptop and then maybe the other ones two chains because he has two graphics cards
Boom stepped in anyways
So tired of you and then there are other advantages with the thicker form factor as well
We found that this notebook ran about 15 degrees cooler under load on the GPU
Which is significant and ran significantly quieter in addition to being cooler with the fan noise being more a more desirable
Low-hum versus a high-pitched wine
So there you go guys the g750 JZ is powerful enough for video editing and content creation has a desktop grade and
Asus doesn't call it that but I'm just gonna call it that because it truly is desktop grade graphics card in it and
All right, what else we got here?
That is faster
geek steaks
2014 modus is giving away a butt ton like one metric butt ton of really cool stuff
Including an oculus rift a
Gaming notebook. They're giving away they give away a gaming mouse already. They're giving away a lightro camera
They're giving away all kinds of freaking awesome stuff. And all you have to do is head over to their Facebook page
So that's facebook.com slash modus and you will be entered for a chance to win
It's open to US and Canadian residents. And if you're wondering who the heck modus is, they are an IT staffing company
Which is something that before they reached out to us about participating in geek steaks to celebrate geek pride day
I was like, what's that?
Like oh, well, it's actually pretty simple for free people can submit their resumes to us
And then we will work with them and with companies large and small everything from startups to fortune 500
Companies to try to place people and the way they make their money is they have the companies that hire their candidates pay them
So ultimately there is no drawback to an IT professional
Reaching out to modus and seeing what's out there, which is great
So if you don't have a job, it's not a point in time that you want to be spending money to try and get a job
Yeah, exactly, right. I'm gonna get the paid LinkedIn because
That one will be better and it is a lot better. Yeah, but still LinkedIn is really good at like
Making you pay for it to be useful at all bugging you. I know I never had a LinkedIn account got one recently
I'm just like, wow, I don't want any more emails from you get a lot
It's just like leave me alone. I don't care
I just wanted to update my profile because it seems smarter than like
Writing a resume at this point in time. I'm moving into the 21st century
It's like well, um, would you like a free trial of premium so that your people looked at your page?
This guy said your message checker trigger thing, please. You just got endorsed for these skills. Yeah
Go away endorse people, please. I'm not actually looking for a job right now. This is a core part of our system
I don't care about you link
There should be like a please go away button. Like please I'll let you know what I'm like interested in this again
There should be up to the auto endorse all of my friends. Just do it
I'm linked in should totally have a paid option so that I can monitor the activity of my employees
Not like read their messages
But when my employees starts like like I should be able to see their activity level on LinkedIn
So if I see unusual spikes like blah blah blah updated the profile sent a bunch of messages. I'll be like
Something's coming. I feel like that would be
Taking advantage of immediately like people would use it immediately and it would be terrible and torn apart very quickly. I
guarantee you so many
Owners would take advantage of it. Hold on a second though, because there's a lot of LinkedIn stuff. That is public
Like activity on it. So yeah, maybe not p.m. But if I could just get a report of
Activity I bet you this could be done with a third party probably could because it's the kind of thing that I could come through
And find myself but if I just had it automatically generated for me, that's very interesting
So business idea for someone give us 10% like normal
But make this and then sell your bot to people and you can just have the bot crawl
Everything all the time so people can get instant reports when they sign up
Yes, and that's what people will want because they'll want to be able to see results immediately
So you just have it permanently crawling all of LinkedIn and then wow
That's like the evilest thing ever because you know, what's funny is I don't remember when it was but I think
created a LinkedIn profile like right around the time we formed Linus media group or
Updated it or something or like it it creeped me out that everyone who works here has
Updated LinkedIn profiles because I didn't have one until I started thinking about leaving NCIX
And so like I I project right like I project my own mindset where I'm completely not interested in any kind of
Social network platform even a useful one like LinkedIn. Yeah, unless I have an immediate need
I didn't have one until a couple months ago and
Like I knew I was gonna get that email from you when I sent you an invite on it
But the only reason why I got one was because I wanted somewhere to put my Coursera course
Whatever like certificate things, right? And that's the only place you can display them
There's nothing wrong with having updated credentials on LinkedIn. It's good
Yeah, and like, you know, I want people who work here to build their
Portfolios and like build their careers and stuff like that. Like I'm it's just one of those things where I just kind of like
I just lay I lay in bed at night
Speaking of why is this happening? You know my take on the steam controller was
Pretty mixed at the beginning. I was like really they're doing this touch pads
Okay, let's see how this goes and then my take on it when I tried it back at CES even though it was quite an
early prototype was
Okay. Well, let's see where they go from here valve has
Basically delayed it they're saying realistically we're looking at a release window in 2015 and that's pretty much all that
They've said this is posted by Rafi on the forum Wow to this week
And I don't think I've ever seen you before and I like you because you have an easy to pronounce name
But basically my take on this I don't because he makes me feel like my forms broken with his stupid avatar picture. Oh, yeah
All right
My take on this is what probably happened was the original concept of touch pads is stupid
And then you saw what was happening with the prototypes over time how they got closer and closer and closer
to a traditional controller
Upon which time I think people basically went
Oh, yeah, that's pretty cool
But the issue is that it's not really different
So I think valve is going through a bit of an identity crisis right now with the steam controller where they're going
we wanted to do something like really innovative that changed the way people use controllers and then we ended up with something that's pretty samey and
We're not getting into this because we just wanted to be a like
Controller manufacturer. Yeah valve doesn't do stuff like that
They're not getting into steam OS because they want to make steam machines
They want to build an ecosystem valve is so much smarter than wanting to make gaming peripherals
So I think what's happened is they just don't know what it is anymore
And if into I think they're just saying 2015, but it's like valve time
So I think I think they're basically going okay if we can when they're done
Rejuvenate this project and make it truly different then we'll then, you know, let's do that
And if we can't I think we might see steam controller just quietly go away
Which I'll be a hundred percent
Okay with because up till now I I don't think there's a lot of room to really improve on the controller
You see third party. I mean
Everyone and their dog has had the opportunity to improve the Xbox 360 controller and we see like
Exoskeletons that go on it. We've seen like, you know
Rockers so that you just shift your hand to press certain buttons. We've seen all kinds of stuff
We've seen modded ones that have the the switches replaced and and the the analog sticks replaced or joysticks
I think they call them now, whatever. I don't care if they're not if they're not analog anymore
And no one's really been able to do it and
And now 360 controllers freakin awesome and now we're down to the point where 3d printers are becoming more affordable
so even some individual could create a better controller if they wanted to I
Just don't think there's any room left to innovate and maybe I'm totally wrong
But I think we're gonna see completely different ways of interacting with our games like augmented reality and VR
Before we see a better controller. I think the controller is kind of an amusing
Amusing ancient way of controlling games by the time my son is my age like like the old joystick two-button
Style that's just gone
Well, it makes it makes an interesting
Point because Nintendo and we all saw that patent for like what was it?
Modular DS did you see that patent? No, I didn't it was a DS
But you could slide out all of the parts that interact with the DS and replace them
Hmm, so people would essentially be able to like make their own d-pad. Oh
No, I did see that the Nintendo patent
So that's it's interesting because controllers are getting like there's there's so many gamers now, I
Think that's part of the thing is there's so many gamers that across such a huge age gap
From everywhere around the world that it's hard to make something for every single person in existence, right?
So, I think it's getting to the point where it's just like yeah make your own or buy these modular things and swap them out
All right. So, um, I
Barnacles was defending his use of Bing on Twitter this week
No, I I actually I'm using Internet Explorer right now because I haven't bothered to sign into all my crap in a real browser
so, um
Bing is the default. So I searched for leap motion v2. All right, so I get like a bunch of
That has almost the whole page worth nothing to do with anything and arguably my font size is a little bit large
Like that's probably more like a normal font size
But that is for sponsored results that aren't even related to the leap motion
And then the first legitimate hit is from the developer blog
but isn't
the leap motion v2 blog post and
And finally it comes up with this
top one
exactly what I'm looking for and I just this just felt related to
So this is really cool this just felt kind of related to the new ways that we're gonna interact with our
Devices and what's amazing about this is this is using the original leap motion hardware. They actually haven't changed the hardware
This is just a new much lower latency much more accurate software
Isn't that cool? It's so fast. Look at that responsiveness. It's crazy fast
Love it. So, you know, what's funny is they offered to send us a review sample like months ago
No, no, I contacted them a year ago and then like months and months ago
They were like, yeah, we'll send you a review sample and I was like, well, you know, a lot of the hype has died down
Do you have anything new coming that maybe we'll wait for instead they're like, yeah, we have a software update coming
I'm assuming this is it. And so I saw this I reached out to them. They're like, yeah, we're out of review samples again
I'm just like guys
Like seriously, we can help you. We just need you to help yourself
Like I just don't even know what to say at that point
They're like, yeah, we can offer you a small discount
I'm just like
So you have a review sample for me when you don't have anything interesting and then you I'm like, yeah
I want to do you a favor. I want to time this to like talk about something new and exciting and it's like oh, yep
Sorry next time that they offer you one just take it and then just wait until the next interesting thing comes out
Yeah, just be like you probably would have just waited if we did something for you anyways, so don't worry about it
We'll get this video to you in about a couple months when you would have contacted us
Alright, so this is two things number one is dog fighting is delayed
Yeah star citizen
You're disappointing us, but there's still time for you to knock our socks off. It's disappointing, but I'm happy they didn't release it completely broken
Yeah, I get that. I totally get it. I would rather have delays basically Chris Roberts wrote like this huge long thing
It was like yeah, look we want this out there as much as you do and I believe him. Mm-hmm
But there's two of what we would classify as I think they call them blocker bugs
Like just utterly game breaking bugs that we need to resolve
There's some other critical stuff that we really really want to fix and then there's some other stuff that we want to fix
But until we can get those really high priority fixes in there. It's not coming. Sorry. We missed the date
It's coming really soon
the fact that they waited until the last possible minute to tell us that it wasn't gonna hit the date to me is
You can interpret this one of two ways and I lean towards the second one so you can kind of go dick move guys
You're telling us at the last minute
We were all excited or number two could be probably because they might have thought they could still make it
Yeah, so maybe it's that close. So I really hope it comes soon really excited guys
Don't forget to join the Linus tech tips conglomerate star citizen organization
We're falling behind because asked us what the heck happened
Yeah, some random organization imperium doesn't last time you talked to them
That was like a two days ago, but no one knew who these guys were
They are they won the they won like a contest a while back and all this kind of stuff
Yeah, really small and then out of nowhere. They got like five thousand something members in no time at all. Yeah explore now
So no you guys need to rally with
5726 yeah, let's see. They have time stamps for stuff, which is really interesting. So
Yeah, they're still updating. We doubled in size again
300 new members that's on April 16th on May 2nd. They got 732 members in total on May
25th they got
1049 members in total
May 25th to May 28th. They got 4,000 plus members in total
What even happened where did all these people come from so good for them good for them, but
Linus tech tips conglomerate still gonna be I mean really all of this is just jockeying for position
That is ultimately gonna be meaningless once the race actually starts. Yeah, it's kind of like yeah, you look at any
I just wanna know what happened NASCAR race formula race does being in front at the beginning of the race mean that you win no
There's a whole lot more yeah and having a huge amount of members isn't necessarily gonna make you win either that's true
Remember, I'm not worried about that. The main thing is I'm just confused
I don't know what the heck happened read it getting really big in passing us. That's kind of that's not surprising test squadron getting really big
That's fine
Maybe they'll do just as well in in star season as they didn't Eve and just disappear. So that's also possible
Alright so Nvidia shifts away from smartphones is posted by QWERTY warrior. Basically Jensen came out and said, okay
Well, we're shifting away from smartphones to other more profitable markets
Nvidia chipsets save for tiger 3 have had limited success in the world of smartphones
Tiger for barely made it into a few devices and tiger 4i hasn't had much luck as far as design wins go either
But Nvidia is definitely interested in other markets such as gaming devices like shield for example, which is fantastic
And doesn't get enough credit
Cars, for example, I'd love to see tiger hardware and something like a TV a couple of generations from now
When that is gonna be what a console looks like a grid streaming device that just runs in your TV
And you don't need to worry about an extra box
Bring it on. Yeah. Yeah excited for that kind of stuff. I mean as internet connections get better
I mean the connection we have here and the connection you have at home
I think is like you get what like five millisecond pings
In games and people are like, yeah, he's like playing at valve. Yeah or whatever like how do you have?
How do you have like land level ping? Oh my god. I'm just chillin about HQ guys. It is coming
Low enough latency is coming. So I'm really really excited about where we're heading there and I I really don't see
This as something that'll have a major impact on Nvidia's Tegra development cycle
It's just I think it's just them kind of basically going. Yeah, that whole thing is stupid
So we give up and with the way margins are being squeezed on phones
the only way to make a profit on a phone is to be
very vertically integrated like someone like Apple where you're designing your own processor and
Your own phone and your own software you're profiting on people buying apps
Samsung tried to do it and I think ultimately we're seeing the beginning at the end of the Samsung Android
Empire because they weren't able to turn their their own app store into anything functional or useful and
Beyond that what's their value? I mean, it's like they're they're already having a really hard time convincing people that a galaxy s
Whatever is significantly different from a Nexus 5 which is much cheaper and it's really just not yeah
What else we got for today we're pretty much done we're gonna finish the show early
I guess what happens when we start on time huge amount of topics though. I think it's just a lot of them went fast
Yeah, there's stuff still in the unformatted which is really let's just do some straight-up Q&A guys hit us
At Linus tech on Twitter hit us with some Q&A and well while they're hitting us up
Have you looked at the open open source laptop modular laptop? Yeah, it looks like the stupidest thing ever right now. Oh, yeah. Oh
Yeah, Apple devices locked and held as ransom. This is kind of brutal
So there was a thing going around a while ago where your files were getting encrypted and then you had to send a ransom and
They would unencrypted. Well, this one this one's
So hack into the device lock it and then so they actually are using the find my iPhone feature to remotely lock your device
And then they are telling you that you can't have it back
So just we'll have a message on the screen like that locked message that says if you want it back
You have to pay a hundred bucks or euros or whatever else to some hotmail address
absolutely brutal guys, I
Guess that's all I really have to say about that sucks. I think it's gonna be way too trackable though
Yeah, I don't see this being a problem for much longer. Humans are flowing like they're gonna find this guy. Yeah
Oh also, this is really cool. If you guys haven't seen it already the solar roadways. Oh, yeah, that's going on is pretty amazing
You should check out the IndieGoGo projects solar roadways. They got super duper funded. Yeah, they got super funded
So they should 21 tastes left. I love it. This video is actually oh
I don't know if this is even the one that I used the tractor one that I think the tractor ones a different video
Yeah, where's the like fan made one fan solar freakin roadways there it is. Yeah, I ignore the actual one. This one's amazing
Let me just put on some volume for you. They're solar freakin roadways. What do they want from me? Well, they're solar freakin
Roadways, okay. So actually this time what is it? Okay, so it's like seven minutes long
But it's actually a pretty good watch you guys should definitely check it out
But the main benefits are that you can rear they have LEDs built into them so you can rearrange the markings on them
However, you want really cool
They're heated which means that clearing snow is no longer an issue as well as the flooding that sometimes occurs when snow melts
They're solar. So you're utilizing all that area to collect solar energy
Which is of course the cleanest energy that we can have you don't have to you don't have to disrupt, you know
Tidal pools, you don't have to disrupt rivers and waterfalls. Nope. Nope. Just Sun hits the earth where we'll basically become plants
Leverage the Sun it's all very good stuff
There's a bunch of other really great stuff about it
But it's one of my favorite things is you said you can change the LEDs on it
so say if two people park in handicap parking stalls and then they're full they can just
Create another one
Right, it can detect that there's actually a video of this
It can detect that they're full and it can just grab a near parking spot and just be like loop
Now this one is handicapped because it can just show on the ground. It can warn people about obstructions on the road
So they've got sent pressure sensors in them
So if something falls and like demolishes a road
It'll be like whoa dogs slow down and like text on the road or if there's a deer like it'll know it'll feel the four
Hoof prints and they'll be like yo dog. There's a deer up ahead slow down slow down yourself
So it's incredibly exciting probably have these communicating with those Google cars at some point in time
So we can automatically figure all this stuff out and go around things would love for this to be the future really really super easy
Really really low cost power charging stations for electric cars. Love it. There's a bunch of stuff you had
Yeah, but there's one more thing I wanted to hit before the Twitter blitz so
Tech report
Seagate by Sanforce from LSI for 450 million. So this has been complicated
So LSI bought Sanforce and then like what was it Avago or whatever bought LSI and then now
Avago is
Well by proxy, I guess selling Sanforce from LSI to Seagate. This is an interesting move to me
Where it feels like
Cassandra it's it's kind of like in the links. Okay
SSD controller makers come and go yeah and popularity
rises and falls in the links went from being a hot item with the barefoot controller to being
Acquired by OCZ to releasing barefoot to which I think OCZ was hoping well not I think
OCZ was hoping to leverage by selling the controllers in the technology to other SSD makers
But then their new controller wasn't good enough and they just completely fell off the face of the earth
And I shouldn't say not good enough the latest in the link stuff and not necessarily the controller hardware
But the software the technology is not actually terrible
It just isn't groundbreaking enough in a market that is full of a bunch of stuff that performs pretty much the same
So I'm looking at this going just because Sanforce is a big deal yesterday and a big deal today doesn't mean that it matters
at all tomorrow and
SF3700 series has been delayed multiple times now. I mean we were first shown it like what?
Computex last year. I think so. Yeah, and it doesn't exist yet
Just wonder if Ella if Sanforce is being shuffled around because they just got nothing
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. I'm kind of surprised Seagate bought them
Yeah, well see it's kind of weird well Seagate's gotten into SSDs, I mean they've got their own branded SSDs now
Yeah, but are they really pushing them? Maybe this is their whole goal
Now they'll maybe push them really hard
The thing about an SSD is the controller actually isn't a huge part of the the bomb cost or really a huge
Selling point to me at this point. I mean, I don't understand why they bought it
Samsung went hero mode when they went okay like cuz flash isn't a big differentiating factor
Because there's only a few makers of flash and no one else is gonna get into that business
Massive investment that makes no sense. So flash doesn't differentiate controllers don't make much of a difference these days
It's coming down to features like hardware encryption and all that stuff
That's on Evo data loss protection and it's coming down to software stuff
Like what Samsung did with Evo where they basically went. Yeah, we know our SSD is a commodity
So we're gonna build this cool software that lets you use your RAM to cache it
And we're gonna have this like great cloning software that allows you to clone onto a smaller drive because that's what a lot of people
Will be doing and then have it overflow elsewhere
So I don't really see the point of spending
450 million when they could have spent
450 million trying to come up with some ideas for how to deliver value ads on the SSD that they already have
unless they and I like I just and
Yeah, whatever. I mean, I didn't understand something and it turns out to be a great idea
Yeah, I don't really get this one unless there's something new in the pipeline or unless they're planning something weird
I'm not really sure. So there you go. All right Twitter blitz time
If it decides to allow us yeah if it ever actually loads, there we go
All right
Having a garage sale today
I'm hungry. I have food. Okay?
Yeah, sure, why not I think I have a 780 so stay tuned for that what what what what why are you selling 780 what one
Okay, that's fine
Why what 780 are you upset about?
I just want to make sure you're not taking like one of my benching ones or just one of the reference ones in general
Okay, why are you all green?
Like you you oh, I don't know the window windows open and the sunlight is bright and there's grass outside
Yeah, that's the best guess I have. Yeah, four point one gigahertz new has well, okay
Is we actually made it all the way through the show without talking about Titan Z being available now
But like and without talking about any of the new has well stuff
Which is kind of funny Titan Z is in my mind the least relevant thing to the viewers of our show ever
Unless you're a kuda developer, it's totally irrelevant. We don't recommend it unless you're a kuda developer
Titan Z just straight-up makes no sense for gamers. Why so the doc? Yeah
Do you have a tutorial on how to build a PC for first-timers? Uh, yes many in fact
We have the hands-down
Best tutorials on YouTube for how to build a PC and more than one, too
So if you're like, oh this part maybe wasn't super clear
You can just watch another one and we have nice little time stamps for each individual part and you can jump
Around in the video and find exactly what you're having trouble installing. I've actually heard I have a buddy that it's oh, I clicked new ATV gross
Like the computer guy even okay, I don't even know what you're doing. Okay, if you search for
seriously there
This one's really good the
1500 gaming what is really
PC build guide why don't we go with that?
Yeah, it's one how you optimize your keywords cuz now it's like all us. So this one's really good the one with a million views
One's pretty good
This one's really good. If you're doing like a basic machine the kaveri build guide
We have a water-cooled one. Here's if you're building a small form factor, so we cover a lot of tricks there
We've also got another AMD value one. That's mostly if you're building something a little bit lower-end and then
Overkill if you're doing liquid cooling you're gonna want this one
So I hope addresses that
And I guess we're gonna be having a mineral one coming. Maybe if depends if we yeah depends
Are you excited for this year's e3?
I'm excited that I don't have to go
I'm hoping I get to check out Ubisoft
I'm because I want to look into like Assassin's Creed and Far Cry 4 and whatever else they might be working on like
What's it called? Not driver the crew?
I'm excited for 2k because I want to see that new civilization game, which looks amazing. I think it's called beyond earth
I'm excited to show you a Nintendo because they're doing that crazy like
What is that new the new Zelda franchise game? Oh, I can't remember what it's called
It's like Hyrule
Hyrule basketball, are they gonna are they gonna whore out link the same way they have Mario? No, no
No, it's it's like it's called Hyrule warriors or something. It looks really cool
But no not basketball or golf or anything like that. Yeah, I got I got the eBay email as well
Idea for t-shirt with the word wanger. No, I don't think we need to t-shirt with the word wanker
What are your opinions on GameCube that's actually really cool
Yeah, you can play the new the upcoming Super Smash Brothers with your GameCube controller
Using an adapter for the Wii U that is like really cool actually. Yeah, and like
Everyone is in love with that
Have you played watchdogs? I have not played it. I do have a copy
I don't know if I would classify what I did as playing it you benchmarked it
Yeah, but I didn't really get to experience the game. Hello. What is the highest end GPU I can run with a bit of before
But okay, go watch my fastest possible on bottlenecking because it doesn't really work that way
Sup watching the stream from a MacBook, bro, bro, bro. Do you see game consoles ever equaling pcs for price to performance?
Yeah, they're pretty much there right now
Ps4 is very competitive price to performance wise with a low-end PC Xbox one. Maybe not so much
Computex Maxwell releases. I don't know. I have to leave but I'm waiting for one question that I have to answer
What would you recommend SLI? Nope single 780. Are you getting the razor blade 14 soon? Yes
They finally confirmed we are getting one soon
What drink do you get at Tim Hortons chocolate milk?
Really you go to every time you go to Tim Hortons to get chocolate milk. I don't drink coffee, right? But
No, it's like
Everyone's going to Tim Hortons. Oh, and then I'm like, I want to get like a meal or whatever
Okay, talking milk with it because there's like nothing else there. I don't wanna get pop. I like the lemon iced tea. I
Didn't even know they had that. But yeah, I know I probably still get chocolate milk
Talking milk is pretty much the best thing that ever happened to humanity
Let's not
Being confirmed I think that it's not very unexpected
Yeah, it's gonna be like the other one except slightly more different you probably could have confirmed
Any idea how valve will address the issue of Windows games not working on Linux
Well, there's not a whole lot they can do
It's up to the individual developers whether or not they make the game work on Linux
Is home streaming the only option home streaming is a fantastic option if that's the only option who cares that's a great option
You have to go get out of here
All right, what do you think about the Titans II I think I already answered that one since we can join multiple
Groups now people are just joining whatever and getting email invites for explore. That's interesting. I guess that's what's going on over there
I got 99 problems, but a g750 jay-z ain't one
Dimitri asks why no 1080p for the Wancho archive great question
We switched from streaming at 1080 to 720 back when we were having bandwidth cap issues with our ISP
There is actually technically no reason why we couldn't stream at 1080 now and then the archive would be at 1080
All right, so I think let's call that pretty much it for the Wancho today
Thank you guys very much for tuning in. I thought this was a pretty good show. I hope you guys agreed
Thanks again to our sponsors Asus powered by the g750 jay-z all two of them. Whoa. There it is
There's the other one that matte black
Net shiny logo and all that good stuff and I'm gonna tease it again
We do have another really exciting project planned with Asus in the next little while
It's funny because we didn't do anything with Asus for the first entire year that Linus media group existed
And now we're like we've got like
Sponsoring the Wancho and we got this really cool upcoming project. You guys are gonna be pretty stoked on it. Trust me and
Big thanks to modus for also sponsoring the land show today
Don't miss geek steaks facebook.com slash modus for Canadian and US residents. Go head over there. Make sure you're in the draws
They do a new draw for a new sweet geek prize every day to celebrate geek pride day
Peace out guys. I'll be back in a moment
Seriously, okay. Well, whatever
Know not you why are you there? I don't even know what these things are