
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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Test your bleep button.
And we're live!
Welcome to the show everyone!
We have fantastic topics this week, including Linus hopefully staying alive throughout the
entire show, Linus potentially apologizing, or at least clarifying some comments.
Was I wrong about Elon Musk?
Let's talk about that.
More at 11.
We're definitely going to be talking about the big update on the wire fraud that Yvonne
and I were victims of.
Maybe as part of that I can give you guys some updates on the house and the pool and
all of that good stuff, because it was the pool contractor that was ultimately the problem.
What else we got today?
Tim Cook hates sideloading, which is basically a continuation of a topic that we've talked
about a few times.
It's not exactly news, but it's definitely something that's in the news right now.
And also, hey Honda, screw you man.
I'm actually so annoyed about this.
What is my stream deck doing?
How do I show the intro?
What happened?
There we go.
I think you can press it now.
Can I press it?
Yeah, you can press it already.
The show is brought to you by OVH Cloud, Squarespace, and Vulture.
Let's jump right into our first topic.
It's story time, ladies and gentlemen.
I am ready now that it is resolved to give you guys the full update on what happened
with the wire fraud.
For those of you who haven't caught either the clip or the original WAN show, basically
Yvonne and I got tricked.
I mean, there's really no other way to put it, because if we had proper procedures in
place, we could have avoided accidentally sending, I don't believe I have talked to
you guys yet about the amount, but it was 90,000 Canadian dollars.
Had I told you that before?
Okay, I did tell you that before the show.
So 90 grand they got us for.
And you might be thinking, Linus, how could you guys be that stupid to wire $90,000 to
someone without verifying who they were?
And the answer is we did not consider that you're only as secure as the security of your
business associates.
The weakest link.
And so this particular contractor company, I'm not going to name and shame.
It's not what I'm about as a general rule when it comes to my personal dealings.
And this was personal money, which if you're familiar with how taxes work, is actually
a lot more painful than losing business money.
If I lose $90,000 through the business, that's $90,000.
If I lose $90,000 personally, that's the $90,000 that remains after I earned about $160,000
and paid a whole bunch of it in taxes to the provincial and federal Canadian governments.
So losing $90,000 personally is a lot worse.
For our American friends watching, that's somewhere in the neighborhood around $65,000
to $70,000 US dollars.
So what happened was their email was compromised to the point where we were exchanging emails
back and forth over a span of multiple days.
Those were coming back to us in the style documents on the letterhead, because they
had been in this company's email system for probably quite some time collecting information
about their clients, looking at the communication styles of their different employees, and they
offered us a deal where if we paid for all the remaining landscaping and pool work upfront,
they would offer us, it was either a 10 or a 15% discount.
I can't remember exactly.
And Yvonne and I were in such a position in the project where we were like, okay, our
personal cashflow is actually okay right now.
This is all money that we've set aside to pay for in the next three to six months anyway.
We've got it.
Yeah, I mean, if there's a discount, let's do a discount.
So we figured out the terms of how it was going to work and they had us wire it to them.
And they had a convincing story for why the wire was going to a bank in Toronto, which
is in Canada.
It's not like they had to send it to a bank in, you know, I don't know, Syria or Nigeria
or something, right?
Like it was going to a Canadian bank, France.
So we sent the money and a little while later we got contacted by the contractor who in
my opinion did not do a good enough job of letting us know right away.
They should have told us immediately because you can typically recall a wire within the
first 24 to 36 hours.
After that, whoa, does it ever get tougher?
Because if they withdraw that money, if their account has, it's basically like handing people
It's wire transfers, cash money.
So once it's moved out of the bank that it was sent to, it's gone.
I'm talking about a scam.
I was defrauded for 90,000 Canadian dollars.
So I am ready to provide an update on what happened.
So the first thing that we did obviously was we got in touch with our bank and our bank
basically said like, it's, it's been like over two days.
What, what do you want us to do?
We sent the money and we're like, what we want you to do is tell us what to do.
Are you sure this isn't the first time it's come up?
And they said, contact law enforcement.
Now I am generally pretty supportive of law enforcement.
I think that there are a lot of bad eggs.
I think there are a lot of bad eggs in any profession.
You could go to lawyers, teachers, law enforcement, sports coaches, and you could find pedophiles,
murderers, monsters.
I do think that in positions of power, people have tendencies that might bring out worse
aspects of their personality.
So I'm not going to say that there is no correlation between people who abuse authority and authoritative
So I will say that much, but by and large, I am, I understand that it is a job that actually
does need to be done and our key is not better.
But the Royal Canadian mounted police were utterly fucking useless.
That's pretty normal.
In this situation.
And I get it when you call the cops to your house because your $200 stereo was stolen.
There is a, there's a certain degree of what do you, what do you want me to do about this?
It's, it's literally less than your insurance deductible and the cost of me doing paperwork
to report this.
Like, I'm sorry, this, this bad thing happened and that sucks.
You know, I'd love to, I can help you commiserate, but realistically putting actual law enforcement
resources into dealing with this petty crime is probably a bigger waste of taxpayer dollars
than even me standing here and explaining it to you.
Like I understand that perspective even if I am very frustrated by it and that is a situation
that I have in fact been in and yes, Maria Z, $200 is a lot of money for most people.
You're right.
And it was for me when my car window got smashed and my stereo got taken.
But ultimately I also understand the cost of investigating this crime is much greater
than $200.
So in the big picture I like kind of get it, but we are talking about $90,000 and you are
telling me that it is not even worth, I don't know, picking up a phone and calling a Canadian
bank who presumably would actually cooperate with you if you did the paperwork, like you
are supposed to not, it is not, it's, Oh yeah.
You know what?
Yeah, that's rough.
Too busy doing speeding tickets.
That's rough.
Frayed we can't do anything about that.
Are you kidding me?
I mean, maybe I've watched too many movies, right?
Read too many thrillers, but it seems to me that if the money went to a Canadian bank,
a Canadian person somewhere is going to have to retrieve it at some point and it would
probably be a pretty good idea to find them and put them in jail.
No, no.
Someone probably registered that bank account.
They might've also like identity theft, you know, jacked a bank account.
Well then that person should probably know their identity was stolen instead of us just
ignoring it and allowing it to continue.
Is like by investigating smaller crimes, you might unveil someone that's doing an extremely
large amount of smaller crimes, but that's a, it's not always going to work, but yeah,
so nothing.
So Nicola runs says, no, no, no.
And no, every crime has to be investigated.
I mean, so like, what are you doing?
I mean, I think that's a pretty good example.
Fund philosophically, I guess, you know, we could debate this, but I live
in the real world where if Luke steals that pen, realistically, the only consequence is
going to be me calling him out when we finally do an Intel extreme tech upgrade.
The point is that there actually are different tiers of criminal liability depending on the
I prefer that more, more time went into investigating like murders and, and other things I don't
necessarily want to bring up.
Then investigated like the game boy that was stolen from me when I was like 12.
I was really sad that heavily impacted me at that age, but it's, it's genuinely just
not as important as certain other things.
So you know, man, man, I see, I'm trying, I don't want to have, I don't want any hot
takes today, but yeah, I know, I guess, I guess we're already there.
It's like, it's like, you know, for, for me, how's that classes for me?
That life is, your life is, is essentially all of the time that you have combined, right?
And the way that I see it, the severity of a crime is directly, uh, is directly correlated.
Not, not, not necessarily one for one, but is correlated with the amount of that time
that it steals or that it, that it, that it robs someone else of.
So obviously from, from that, from that perspective, the murder of an infant child could be considered
to be the worst crime because you have robbed that entire undefined potential life and accomplishment.
What could have been contributed, contributed to the world.
Not only have you done that, but you have also probably damaged or completely destroyed
the lives of the parents and the other family members who brought that child into the world.
And the greater the magnitude of this destruction of life, the worse it is.
That's sort of my general philosophy and from, from, and you can, you can kind of take pretty
much anything, whether it's, whether it's rape or whether it's theft and you can bring
it to time.
If you steal a hundred dollars from someone who works minimum wage, you have stolen a
You stole a day of their life is the way that I see it or more, I think it depends where
you are.
I think it's 14 something way too low, basically everywhere PC minimum wage, 15, 15, 65.
So yeah, my math is about right.
So you have, you have essentially stolen a day of that person's life from my point of
And so it's really, it's really frustrating to me, particularly financial crimes are a
big one.
When someone steals like a billion dollars, to me, that is an enormous deal.
Like you have actually, you have actually stolen the waking hours of hundreds or thousands
upon thousands of people that they will never have back.
They chose to spend that time earning money.
You took it, therefore they spent that time earning nothing.
And that has, that has a psychological toll as well as well as just that time that's lost.
So that's, that's the way that I see it.
And when someone is conducting this kind of scam, not only have they taken an extremely
large amount of labor created wealth, but they're probably doing it to others.
In fact, we know for a fact they tried to do it to others because they accessed the
systems of this contractor and we were not the only ones they hit.
And so to me, it was outrageous that they kind of looked at it and went, eh, we're,
we're not going to do anything about this.
So that makes it more interesting to me because like I mentioned with the, the stereo example,
like by investigating that one, you might find that that is a, a, not a single occurrence,
And if they stole stereos from like hundreds of people, then, okay, this is a really big
And that, but they do actually do that.
Oh yeah.
So obviously, you know, obviously I'm in like my neighborhood watch Facebook, try to notice
stuff like that.
So, so obviously I'm not saying you shouldn't continue to report crimes, even if you know,
they're not going to investigate.
We go out of our way, even if we know they're not going to do anything to make sure that
we report everything, whether it's through the business or whether it's personally, because
like you said, once they start to notice these patterns, actually they do apprehend like
petty criminals quite often.
So I was very frustrated by the response from both our bank, who I didn't expect to be able
to do anything, but I hoped would be able to, I, yeah, I hoped it didn't go to nowhere.
It went to a Canadian bank account, therefore somebody has to get it at some point, right?
So let's figure out who that is, find out if they've been defrauded or had their identity
Find out who they're cooperating with.
There's gotta be some way to track this money as it moves, whether it's within the country
or around the world.
I thought that's the whole point of a centralized banking system.
Isn't it?
Yeah, sorry.
Aren't there like actual anti-money laundering and anti-fraud laws and policies and procedures
in place?
Aren't there mechanisms for finding out where money came from and where it went?
Isn't it all electronic?
How is it even possible that we can't figure out who it went to?
Yeah, kind of nuts.
It is kind of nuts.
I was stun locked there for a second because someone told me to look up the minimum wage
in Georgia and Wyoming and I was like, okay.
And they're apparently $5 and 15 cents, but there's a federal fair labor standards act,
which means that they have to pay the federal minimum wage, which is $7 and 25 cents, $58
for an eight-hour workday.
If we want to start talking about raising the American minimum wage, we are going to
end up in hot take territory extremely quickly.
All I'm saying is it's far from a hundred bucks, but yeah.
And when you only make-
It's a lot closer to a hundred Canadian dollars, you're saying.
That's true.
That's true.
When you only make 58 bucks, the distance to a hundred bucks is going to feel extremely
So it didn't work.
You didn't get it back.
So what happened was I am lucky enough in my life and the personal contacts that I have
and I was able to reach someone who knows someone who has some kind of connection at
the financial institution that received the money.
They were not supposed to find out if it was still there.
And tell me.
Oh my, okay.
Got it.
I think I understand.
Are we stopping there?
What happened?
It was somehow, and I have no idea how this occurred, the money was frozen in the recipient's
account while an investigation was conducted.
We got it back two days ago.
Not by the RCMP.
So there was no police involvement?
Not as far as I'm aware.
It's just the banks.
I don't know the exact mechanism, so it could be that the police did end up being involved.
I imagine they might've been involved at some point.
What I suspect is that our own provincial RCMP or municipal detachment or whatever didn't
feel like dealing with something over provincial lines.
So once it was flagged by an organization in the same province that the crime appeared
to have been committed, it may have actually received some proper attention.
But the bigger problem here, the bigger problem is that that's what it took.
That's what it took.
We've talked about this before.
Whether they were defrauded of a hundred dollars, $50, $100,000 should be able to figure out
where that fraudulent transaction went.
And this should not be complicated in the digital age.
How is that even possible?
Anytime that it takes the public influence that one of us has in order to fix a problem-
Then the system's broken.
A hundred percent.
It's not good.
I'm happy for you that it was solved, but also that's still big bad.
At least you got that...
Should I transition here?
Go for it.
You got that money back because now you can afford to buy an NFT that was originally $2.9
But now, as far as my understanding goes, is only 6,800 bucks.
That's amazing.
You got your 90 grand back, you've got way more than enough money to buy this NFT that
is definitely worth almost $3 million.
Can I just say that I was delighted to read this headline?
This is great.
This is so funny, okay?
This original article is from The Guardian here, massive props, The Guardian, love you
I need to donate.
I haven't yet.
I really should.
This is the Mona Lisa of the digital world, says crypto entrepreneur Sina Estavi, who
bought the NFT in March of 2021.
$2.9 million for an NFT of Jack Dorsey's first tweet, which to be clear, guys, it is non-fungible.
This cannot simply be replicated by right-clicking and save as.
It's non-fungible.
Oh man.
Inspect element, type it in yourself, beautiful.
The last thing you would want is to spend $2.9 million on a fungible token if you could
have a non-fungible one.
So he bought it in March 2021 because this is definitely a very valuable, sensible asset.
One of my favorite quotes in here is when he's putting it up for sale, he says, it's
Have you read this?
It's sorry, this is actually just amazing and it's, it's almost difficult to get through.
It's important for me who wants to buy it.
I will not sell this NFT to anyone because I do not think everyone deserves this NFT.
It's a picture of a tweet.
And this is great.
Come on.
So he bought it in March, 2021 for $2.9 million, but apparently his efforts to resell it regardless
of who's actually allowed to bid have apparently been pretty unsuccessful so far with a top
bid of just $6,800.
Nice, which is a lot of money, but compared to 2.9 million, like literally doesn't change
the number.
Oh man, yeah, Conrad's like, give you three 50 for it.
Best I can do.
I just, okay.
With cryptocurrency, we are actually in the process of trying to figure out a way to accept
cryptocurrency for some of our products and services.
I think that cryptocurrency does have the potential to have a value.
I think that with refinement, it can be an amazing technology, a force for change, maybe
a force for good in the world.
That much I can say.
Yeah, I don't know.
There's such a blatantly obvious grift.
I think there's also probably utility there as well.
I think it just essentially has like, maybe if there's, I don't even know if there has
been because I haven't looked into it enough, but maybe there's some amount of utility that's
already being used for it that's actually legit and then like 90% of the scams.
Let's talk about the dumb stuff the games industry is doing with NFTs, right?
So NFTs, one of the big pitches that I've heard for NFTs in gaming is that you can have
an NFT of say some digital artwork that could even be transported across games.
Between games, yeah.
So what's the problem with that?
What's the difference between having it centralized and stored on Valve servers or EA servers
or Ubisoft servers or Nintendo servers or whatever the case may be, what's the value
of having it stored somewhere else or having this token if ultimately the exact same actions
that could cause it to stop working, like if that particular game shuts down or whatever,
So they delete your digital item, would also cause it to stop working because now you just
own a digital item for a game they shut down.
Like what's the difference?
Also real chads just don't buy any skins, whether you can transfer them to game to game
or not.
It's true.
So you don't need it anyways, no utility, just don't buy it.
It's true.
The day, I'm making a promise, I'm making a commitment right now.
The day that one of my kids spends money on a digital thing to look at, they're off the
computer for a quarter.
For a quarter?
For a quarter.
For a kid, that's a long time.
That's a long time.
They will learn.
That's a long time.
And they will learn a valuable lesson.
I remember if I got grounded for like a month, it felt like an eternity.
That's a minute.
One more thing before we get off this topic, he said, okay, it's not a he said, while announcing
the NFT sale in a tweet on the 6th of April, Estavi pledged to give 50% of the proceeds,
which he expected to be at least $25 million to charity.
Oh, hey, thanks.
Thanks for the hypothetical money for your hypothetical asset.
So good.
Oh man, I mean, if you're going to spend money, you should at least actually get something
in return.
Why don't we head over to lttstore.com?
We have actually got some very good stuff this week.
First of all, guys, if you want a merch message to show up, so those are those little messages
that show up at the bottom of the stream.
As long as I'm not in a window like this.
Have we thought of that, Luke?
Do merch messages do anything when we're like this?
No, they do not.
Well, hopefully you didn't send them.
Just need the banners to be added to these.
Yeah, I guess we'll need to do that.
Okay, cool.
We'll get that out later.
Anyway, if you pick something up on the store while we're streaming, you will get a chance
to fill in a merch message and it'll either pop up or our producer will reply to you or
we might address it on the show.
And we've got a couple of cool things for you guys to check out.
Sarah could not resist the urge to create a fucking eggshell t-shirt.
What is this?
Oh, from the paint rant.
This is going to be really cool.
We're actually doing something special with this shirt.
This is a pre-sale.
So we are going to print only the exact number of shirts that we order.
So this is a digital reference mock-up that Sarah did.
Are you going to damage the piece?
Six of the shirts, they will be randomly selected.
One of each size will not be a fucking eggshell.
They will be satin and they will be covered in little masking tape pieces, just like the
walls of my house.
There you go.
They will also come with a note that I'm actually, I'm going to write it.
I'm going to write it live on the show.
I'll create a note.
We're going to do six copies.
Then we're going to like label them one of six, two of six, all the way to six of six.
And you will, you will get an ugly, an ugly, stupid satin shirt.
And you will also get a little, a little note that I will write you here on the, here on
the show today.
That's amazing.
That, that, that, that's it.
That's the big, that's the big, uh, that's the big pitch.
So you might get, you might get an eggshell shirt or I might decide to screw you over
with satin.
Now, actually, uh, I'm glad we're talking about this because some folks pointed out
that, um, satin, they said that it actually has more resin than eggshell.
Maybe that's a regional thing because not only is every satin paint that I've ever seen
here in Canada, uh, more matte than eggshell, but I actually checked the exact product they
were using on the like master painter, whatever organization thing that like rates paints.
And it's, it's, it's resin content.
It's hardness was lower than an eggshell product from that same brand.
There's also some confusion in Sherwin Williams.
So that's the brand of paint that we're using.
I wish we'd just use Cloverdale.
I'm much more comfortable with their products anyway.
There's some confusion in the way that Sherwin Williams labels their paint and they apparently
do have some products where satin and eggshell are used interchangeably, at least by them.
But as for whether they are actually the same, uh, that I don't know.
So there you go.
There you go.
By satin.
No, by satin I mean the paint finish.
This was a rant that I did during a live stream and then we also uploaded as a clip to LMG
So if you guys, uh, if you guys want a, an eggshell shirt, then hey, cool, go for it.
The real product, the not limited time one that we are actually launching is a really
good one, man.
We have been working on this one for far too long considering how of a sweater simple it
looks on the surface.
It's a waffle, like a waffle pattern fabric, long sleeve shirt.
It's made of a hundred percent organic cotton, super minimal LTT branding.
There's just a little tiny tag on the bottom.
You can barely even see it down here.
It's available in charcoal as well as ultra Marine.
And man is this thing ever comfortable and breathable.
And it just, I think Matt, the fashion team just nailed this one.
I like it a lot.
I'm also seeing some people in chat say weird timing.
Um, I sort of thought the same thing and remembered it comes out and then remembered that I was
out for a run yesterday and it was negative one degrees Celsius outside.
So like maybe it's not, I don't know really as a thing.
Like, uh, you know, just saying, and it'll still be available.
And it's slightly less weird timing.
So who cares?
It's, it's, it's great.
They, they just, they absolutely nailed it.
Like it, it manages to be like nice and fitted in the chest.
It hangs nicely.
Uh, but it's still, it's like super stretchable.
Oh yeah.
So like if you're, if you're a little wider in the, you know, girthy parts, then it can
accommodate that as well.
So yeah, we're really excited about this one.
Real excited.
So you guys, yeah, you're going to want to go check that out.
I don't know how many we have in stock, but, um, wow.
Apparently it works pretty well for, for the ladies too.
That's Sarah.
She manages to make anything look good.
Look at that.
That's awesome.
Oh yeah.
And of course you can mouse over and you can see who the, who the model is and what size
they're wearing.
So if you see a body type that you're like, oh yeah, that's, um, you know, I'm kinda like
It matches me a little bit better than the person I'm shopping for.
You can scroll through all our pictures and get a good, pretty good idea of how that's
going to fit on you.
All right, let's move on, shall we?
Our next topic is called Linus apologized to data Elon.
I had some takes last week that were sort of half based on articles that I half read
over the last five years, some of which were a long time ago.
And the bottom line for me was that I don't think that Elon Musk is a particularly considerate
and kind, thoughtful, uh, person is, is my take based on his public actions and talking
about him purchasing Twitter.
So that doesn't and his willingness to, uh, his willingness to put his own desires above
those of others unilaterally is sort of, I guess how I could summarize it.
Um, basically being a douchebag, right?
Just kind of going, yeah, that's, that's the way that I wanted.
And that last time everyone else can just, I don't know, suck a popsicle.
So basically we're going to go through everything I talked about last week.
I had the, I had the writing team go through and clarify some of the things I got wrong,
expand upon some of the things I got not so wrong.
And I'm just going to kind of go through it here.
So I'm misleading statements and or posturing around charity, um, and or, you know, Hey,
look at that good thing I'm doing.
Look at me.
I would like attention sort of actions.
So we've got the trapped tie kid situation.
Uh, this was the source of the whole pedo guy lawsuit.
Um, Musk helps by sending a submarine.
So I don't think this is entirely fair.
So the, okay, the pedo guy thing is its own thing.
I don't want to address really stupid.
That was really stupid.
A hundred percent.
I'm on board.
He was asked for help and he was asked to design a backup solution and he brought the
thing there and then he left it with them.
And when the rescue was successful, he said, great job to the rescuers, all that kind of
And then there was this fight that happened afterwards and he called the dude pedo guy
or whatever.
But it was above board until that.
And the guy did lose the defamation suit, but that's probably because mean big, big
bank take little bank more than anything else.
I don't know.
But yeah, I know that guy was like attacking him first.
That doesn't make it okay.
Um, et cetera, et cetera.
But like, but saying, but putting it in like helps is, that's not fair.
He was asked to help and he helped donating ventilators.
This one was pretty funny early in the COVID pandemic.
Starlink committed to donating ventilators to hospitals.
They turned out to be CPAP machines, which is not the same thing.
Don't forget.
He was a COVID denialist and in my opinion, his behavior towards his workers during the
pandemic was extremely anti labor.
And when you are anti labor, you are anti basically 99% of people.
It's that simple.
Um, yeah, not, not cool at all.
Starlink in Ukraine.
So Starlink worked with USAID to send 5,000 star link terminals after Ukrainian prime
minister, uh, Michaela Yo Fedorov asked Elon on Twitter to activate satellites for use
in Ukraine, to which Elon replied Starlink services now active in Ukraine.
Yes, they are satellites upon receiving the satellites Fedorov thanked Elon again on Twitter,
probably the most effective charity to date there.
We've got hold on.
This is another, uh, this is another one I, okay.
So if you look into this, it was, if I remember correctly, the majority of the direct expenditure
was from USAID.
There is some stuff that was thrown in from Starlink though.
And if I remember correctly, Starlink is planning to support them for longer than USAID paid
for, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
All right.
A lawsuit against the founder.
Uh, the lawsuit was reversed.
Martin Eberhard sued Elon for libel, slander and breach of contract.
It alleged that Elon pushed Eberhard out of the company.
The case was probably settled.
Everything was publicly disclosed.
Um, okay.
There's a bit of editorializing here, but it's not mine.
So I'm going to go with it.
A horse guess is that probably Elon fired Eberhard because he was mad about not being
in the limelight as much as the co-founder.
Uh, there's a quote here from Elon.
I'm not merely unmentioned in the New York times coverage, but whereas Martin is actually
referred to as the chairman.
And we've got Elon's treatment of his family.
So I don't have a ton of respect for people who don't treat their family well.
We don't have a ton of information about the kids other than that they have weird names
that seem to be designed solely to get headlines.
Um, the kind of attention seeking behavior honestly strikes me as extremely childish,
but that sort of is what it is.
As for the whole treatment of SOs vanity fair interview from March Grimes complained about
her poor living conditions.
Um, like bro wouldn't even get a new mattress.
There was a hole in her side of the bed.
Uh, he suggested they replace it with her mattress.
Bro does not live like a billionaire.
Uh, why do we live in this insecure $40,000 house where the neighbors like film us and
there's no security and I'm eating peanut butter for eight days in a row.
She does frequently speak positively of Elon, um, her admiration for his accomplishments
plans for Mars, electric cars, future of humanity, et cetera.
Still seems to be content having him in her life as for his first wife seems to be much
less fond to describe herself as a starter wife, um, filed for divorce.
Then six weeks later got engaged to a second wife.
That usually doesn't happen unless there was some kind of lead up to it.
Um, Elon took very little time before trying to ensure she would not be able to have any
impact on his wealth in the form of postnuptial agreements.
That's cool.
That's like, that's partnership.
Um, I guess as someone who feels that a marriage is a partnership, I have zero respect for
that kind of behavior.
Um, he would apparently continuously criticize her saying things like, if you were my employee,
I would fire you, um, referred to her grief after losing their child to SIDS as emotionally
manipulated, pressured her to dye her hair more blonde.
Um, ooh, this, the SIDS one is really brutal.
There's just, I mean, again, this is all alleged.
Um, but you know, we've got, anyway, back to the Twitter thing.
So yeah, I'm, I'm not a fan and you know what?
You can be, but I don't have to be, and I'm not my whole point on the clarifications.
And honestly, just to be like completely real, this doesn't fully satisfy my, my desire for
Like a lot of these are, are still editorialized as I would say, like the trap kids thing.
That's fair.
That wasn't properly covered.
The satellite thing was not properly covered, et cetera.
Uh, well, thankfully we have you here.
Thank you, Luke.
Um, if you're going to attack people, you should just do it properly that I'm not, I'm
not a fan.
That's fine.
I'm not a fan of Elon.
I had the same feedback for people back when Trump was president of the United States and
people used to just say like, Oh, orange man bad.
It's like, you're not, you're not accomplishing anything.
If anything, you're attacking that weekly is just like offering up you to be like parried
more aggressively.
Like just if you're gonna, if you're gonna go at them, just go for the throat.
So it's better like that.
It's better to, yeah.
Better to clarify and be able to back up your statements.
What so what do you think about the, the attempt to purchase all of Twitter for 43 true?
It's not trillion.
Is it pretty sure that's a typo billion 43 billion?
Um, I find it, I find it deeply ironic that there is a certain private subset.
Of, um, of people that are looking for saviors from the elite and turn to figures like Donald
Trump and or Elon Musk.
The likes like, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure.
These people's lives and experiences are nothing like yours.
They are actually the elite and if you are expecting someone who has so such disdain
for the questions and commentary of others that they actually dissolved their press relations
department for Tesla so that they wouldn't have to answer uncomfortable questions.
If you imagine that kind of thin skinned individual is going to be some kind of champion for free
speech or for the rights of the people.
I don't follow you.
I am sorry.
I can't go where you're going.
I expected this type of stuff to, to get in the dock as well, but there's, there's examples
of him trying to like squash or, or, or, or at least heavily negatively reacting to free
speech as well.
Like there was some, and this is fair.
I talk about the private jet tracker or something else.
The private jet tracker is interesting, but that isn't what I was going to talk about.
The private jet tracker guy, by the way, has, has tweeted out talking about how like if
Elon buys Twitter, he feels like he's going to get banned.
But there's, there's other stuff like I should have prepared this for the show to make claims
on it, but there's like, I believe there was someone who wrote an article about Tesla that
he didn't like, but they had like pre-purchased a model X or something, so he canceled their
And it's just like, like, come on, man.
Like there's, there's a lot of, there's a lot of examples of like, oh yeah.
And like, man, guys, I, you know, I see comments like, well, who's going to take on the elite
other than the elite us, everyone, everyone, not the elite, the elite are not going to
save you replacing your, your, your, your, your all powerful God King with another all
powerful God King never worked for anyone.
No literally never worked.
It's bad news, dude.
So you know, it's honestly, it's, it's hard for me.
It's hard for me to fathom because sometimes I think he's playing 4d chess and other other
times I think he's just behaving like an actual child and trolling people on the internet.
So is he, is this some kind of scheme to, uh, grossly increase the value of the nine
point whatever percent stake that he already bought to make a quick buck?
Is it, he does gamer moves like that all the time.
I wouldn't be surprised.
It could be that.
Is it just to, is it just to be in the headlines?
Because as far as I can tell, he can't go 48 hours without just doing something.
So everybody's looking at him.
There's I've seen some claims that there's other stuff going on with him.
I don't know.
Like things that he's doing at his different companies that are bad.
I don't know.
I'm not informed on this and that he's trying to make splashes with this Twitter thing to
distract from it.
I don't know.
Um, dude, uh, dude uses social media stuff for, for super gamer moves.
So I would be very sus of like, I mean, you should just be really suspicious of anything
that anyone with that amount of power does ever.
People like boosting stocks is illegal.
So was not disclosing in the correct amount of time that he had acquired the stake that
he had acquired before.
But this is like, this is what I'm talking about where for some reason that kind of white
collar criminality doesn't get prosecuted.
You know, you have someone literally take $300 out of the, out of the cash register
of a convenience store and they are going to the slammer and, and, and so they should,
it's traumatic for the staff and, and, and like it's a, it's a crime that it's a crime.
But then, you know, you, you manipulate the value of a stock, you don't disclose that
you're buying large amounts of it.
So this is what happened.
He didn't disclose correctly that he was acquiring quietly behind the scenes of vast amount of
Twitter stock and then disclosed it after he was supposed to and was like, boom, I have
it all now.
And what typically happens if you're not stealthy about it, which you're not allowed to be,
is as a high profile figure, acquiring a bunch of stock that gets in the headlines and it
drives the price up.
So what he did is he saved himself a bunch of money at the expense of all the people
that he bought from.
And then he announces it was the price spikes.
One of my favorite ones is just like, and this is speaking as a Canadian before the
Americans get all spicy.
As far as I can tell, just Western countries in general, politicians being able to track
their stock portfolios.
I've heard, I haven't looked into this directly, but I've heard that wall street bets has started
tracking like politicians investments and finding that it's like, Hey, if we just follow
them, you get really rich because you'll see, they'll make like weird moves, right?
And then some information will be publicized and then it's like, Oh, I guess they knew
ahead of everyone else.
So they made like investment stuff based on it.
It's so brutal.
The fact that that's just like, Oh, that's fine.
Ever short of infinity, careful.
This comment says saying you should go to jail for stealing a candy bar is the hottest
take Linus has ever had.
I didn't say that.
I said you would.
I also said it was $300 from the cash register, which implies that someone was coerced into
giving it to you.
It's not a candy, which is a really big deal.
So it's not a candy bar.
I didn't say you should.
I said you would.
So real, real careful.
I've had a lot of words put into my mouth over the last little bit here.
Oh man.
Anyway yeah, so I think that, um, the whole thing is a stupid publicity stunt personally.
Um, I, I, I don't, uh, I don't, yeah, I I'm, I'm very, I'm much more interested in this
than any other story that I've heard that's highly related to this lately because I feel
like I almost have personal investment in just watching Twitter burn because I hate
the platform.
That's fair.
And it's like, there's a bunch of people posting like, if he buys it, we should all leave.
I'm like, please buy it then because if everyone just leaves, I would be stoked.
Can we, can, can I, can I, can I have a hot take though here?
That's sort of, it's related to what you were talking about before.
Politicians and investments.
How is that a thing?
How's it?
Oh yeah.
I don't know.
Left centrist.
I don't care.
It's all the sites.
We should all agree that that should not be, how is that, how is it open for debate that
if you are able to affect the policies that affect the valuation of these companies, that
that is a clear conflict of interest genuinely inside information on how things are going
to be affected.
Even like I'm, I'm just a lowly media tech media peon and, and I'm sitting here going,
you know, yes, I, I own zero stake.
I made an exception for framework, whether they succeed in their mission.
I don't know.
I explained my whole reasoning for it, but that was an utterly exceptional circumstance.
That should not be the norm.
Like I shouldn't be just running around buying AMD shares, even if I know that it's going
to crush it.
Like, man, do you know how often I look at what happened to AMD shares after I made that
video being like, you should buy AMD stock.
I am not a financial advisor, but you should probably buy AMD stock right now.
Like, or I think I said, I wish I could buy it or something like that.
Like I knew where they were heading because just as someone who follows the industry closely,
I knew that nobody else had anything for at least two years.
And I know that a lot of the time stock number go up because of just good news.
And so I knew it was going to be up an endless parade of good news for AMD.
And I knew there was going to be at least a solid six to 18 months of bad news for Intel
that was going to just make them go like this and they let, they, I think they tripled or
something like that.
And at the same time, I'm sitting here going, have some fricking restraint, you people.
Like whether we're talking Nancy Pelosi or, oh man, who was that?
It's both sides of the aisle.
Particularly egregious one on the right.
I can't remember.
Well, it doesn't matter.
This is like brutal trading on inside political government information in order to make tons
of money is a, they bipartisanly seem to agree that they want to do that.
Like when you look at like the people that have been successful at trading, it's both,
it's both colors.
It's absolutely red and blue all over the place.
It's a, it's interesting anyways, yeah.
I'm just mad.
Yeah, me too.
Let's talk about something else.
Let's, let's do some merch messages.
Let's let's talk about how I made some money.
Look actually, you know, producing something that's a value, not just manipulating people's
fears and sentiment about, you know, they're gambling stocks.
Doge to the moon!
I own no dogecoin.
Me neither.
Hit me, Dan.
Oh, we have a, we have a stand in producer today.
Well, first one's about paint.
Are you ready to talk about paint?
I'm ready to talk about paint some more.
Are there really 22 incoming ones?
I can't keep up.
You can't keep up?
What are people, what's going on today?
It's holy crap.
What the heck?
It's my first time doing my merch messages.
There were two messages in between when I said, holy crap.
There's another one now.
I can't read them fast enough.
There's another one.
Please help.
There are new order.
There's another one.
There are new orders coming in every two days.
There's another one.
This has been the whole time.
I thought this was what bell dealt with.
What the hell is happening?
You know what?
No, you stay on.
You stay on the incoming one.
I've got a pitch for you.
I've got a pitch for you before we do this.
What about flamethrowers?
Got him.
So good.
All right.
That sounds boring to me.
All right.
What am I looking at here?
This is from anonymous.
Hey, love the work you guys are doing against Russia.
Not that enough.
Hey Linus, the SO and I recently bought a new house and we're looking to repaint.
Neither of us love eggshell.
I was wondering if there are any other colors slash brands that you would recommend.
Common misconception.
Eggshell is not a color because eggs actually come in many different colors depending on
the kind of chicken that they get pooped out of.
Not actually poo, but poo can get on them.
Eggshell is a sheen.
It's a surface finish and the reason it's called eggshell is because it has a little
bit of texture, kind of like an egg and it catches the light.
It has a little bit of shine like an egg.
And the reason that eggshell is good for walls is that it is a good balance between scattering
the light that hits it, which reduces like hotspots, shiny spots like you would see on
a semi-gloss or a high gloss.
And because of the bumpiness, it hides surface imperfections and because of the slight gloss
to it, it has more resin that sits on the surface so it's more likely that you are going
to be able to scrub it without doing damage to either the finish because it's inherently
kind of bumpy and uneven or to the wall or like the paint adhesion in total.
So that's why eggshell is good for walls.
Your eggshell paint can be in any tint or color that you like.
So don't worry about, don't sweat the color.
Go pick a color, put eggshell on your walls.
That's what you want to do.
New idea.
New pitch.
Hear me out.
You call it a flamethrower, but it's mini and you just use it to work with heat shrink
And it's, it's just a lighter.
I kind of need one of those.
I kind of like it.
You know, it's actually not that far off a product that I wanted to develop for LTT store.
I wanted to make a, and it's, it's, it's on the, it's on the list, but I want to make
a like a handheld torch for lighting candles, but that also has like a secondary trigger
that just like is like a blower.
You can put it out.
So it's like a lighter and blower.
And cause I just want it next to my bath.
So when I light my scented candles for my bath, because I'm a chick like that, he makes
the candles himself.
They're actually pretty nice.
Like I'm not even like, I'm not throwing shade.
He does a pretty good job.
Kind of get, I'm kind of an, I'm learning to be an enthusiast.
And by the way, guys, can I just please make it very clear for the people to whom it was
not already that when I'm like, Oh, I'm a chick like that.
I am parodying.
It's satire.
I'm making fun of toxic masculinity.
Thank you.
Carry on.
Oh, that was the pitch.
I think I was.
I like it.
No, that's it.
Like I like it just in the shape of a flame thrower.
Yeah, for sure.
I'm into it.
So are there additional barriers to cashflow or are there additional barriers we as viewers
don't see?
Seems like an alternative to pre-ordering since funds can be used towards any product.
Max, did you just spend a thousand dollars to buy one eggshell t-shirt and four $250
gift cards.
So I actually don't know how it works.
One moment, please.
I need to call Nick light.
For a second.
I was like, Oh no.
Merch messages glitched out.
Uh, Nick, you're on speaker on the WAN show.
So I know that, uh, gift cards do not show up on my sale report in the Shopify dashboard.
Does that mean Shopify holds the gift card money or do they send it to us?
Uh, I believe that they hold it until it's used.
So then if people just like buy a bunch of gift cards, that does not help our cashflow.
Um, use a bunch of gift cards to help our cashflow.
I see.
Uh, well I'm a let Max S here know that it was a really good effort.
Good thought.
Um, should tell him how much.
But yeah, so, uh, poor max bought a thousand dollars in gift cards to try and help us out
with screwdriver and backpack cashflow.
Um, okay.
Thanks Nick.
All right.
See you later.
Oh, okay.
Um, Hmm.
Uh, right.
So max, if you, if you want to send a ticket to support, we'd be happy to refund that for
Um, to, Hmm.
Uh, that's pretty beneficial for Shopify to hold onto the gift card.
That's actually kind of BS.
Like what happens if people never spent in the gift card?
They just keep and keep it.
I don't know.
I kind of want to figure that out now.
Why don't we do a couple more before we, uh, before we do a sponsor spots, Zachary asks,
what's the hardest choice you made when building LME, LM, the LMG slash low plane that you
can tell us about hardest choice.
Geez, I can think of like a lot of very big.
Hardest choice.
I mean, I think probably one of the hardest choices that I ever made was buying this building.
That's what I, that's what I expected it was going to be, was the first building.
That was such a leap.
I was, I, as far as I could tell, I was going into debt for 10 years.
Um, I literally remember that conversation spoiler alert.
We crushed it in like one and a half, but yeah, I, I remember sitting
down and having a conversation where you were like, Oh, like, Oh, I know we need this to
grow, but like, Oh, I don't know about being under debt for, for a decade over a building.
It worked out.
What about you?
Oh wow.
Um, I'm going with taking a job at a company that probably has no future whatsoever, but
you feel free and let me know if it's a different one.
Yeah, I know.
That's, I mean, that's, that was it.
I like, uh, I was doing really well in school.
I had, I had recruiters on me already.
Taking this job was undercutting the amount that the recruiters wanted to pay me by land.
It was like way less stable and by a lot as well, but it just, it seemed so much more
interesting and it was, and I'm very happy that I did it, but like, and honestly, I don't
know if I can say it was that hard.
I think like telling my parents was harder than actually making the choice.
Oh, I remember your parents' level of impress being extremely low.
Now it's very high.
They're both super stoned.
Luke's parents and we're good.
But like, I still, I can't even say it on the show, but I still remember what my dad
You probably remember what my dad said.
Why don't you just say it on the show?
I'd have to bleep it.
Uh, okay, I'll try and time it.
I'm just, I'm still going to say it short.
I'm just going to say the letter just in case.
After like a little bit of silence being like, okay, just don't mess it up.
It's like, all right.
Your dad's so supportive.
He's great.
I mean, for both of them, like at that point in time, they were helping me quite a bit
And like I was, I was close to finishing school, but I was leaving and they had helped me financially
for like a while at this point.
So I was effectively throwing away a pretty significant amount of their investment and
calling him on the phone to be like, yeah, I'm going to Yolo this YouTube thing, dude.
So the fact that they weren't like more negative about it was really cool.
And then very quickly, like once they, I guess understood more about it because for a long
time it was just like this thing I did to help fund my schooling.
And now they're like, Oh, wait, what?
Once it started becoming more of a thing, they were very quickly on board.
Um, like my mom was full on board when we were still in the, in the house.
So like, like they were, yeah, they were, I mean, by then, by then we like, we're hiring
more people and we like actually had recurring revenue and stuff.
So no, that's not fair.
They were both on board before then as well.
I don't know if you remember, but my brother and my mom helped us move.
That's true.
Your garage to the, yeah, I remember that.
It didn't take them that long.
Luke's parents are super cool.
His whole family is super cool.
Um, I was once threatened by one of his relatives with a knife.
Have we told, we probably told that story.
We have told the story, but even then super cool.
There's a significant amount of land between those two.
I still, I still, I don't remember the words you said, cause it's just kinda not the way
my memory works, but I still remember the tone of your voice when you, it felt like
you just, you really needed reassurance.
When you told me that you had told your parents that we were doing this, it was like you really
needed to hear me say this is going to be okay.
And at that time I didn't really know the answer because we had locked down the ownership
of the LTT channel from NCIX yet.
I remember having already committed and knowing you were down the hall cause I like lived
with you at this point, updating your LinkedIn cause you weren't sure if we were going to
get the channel.
I'm like, this is bad.
I don't know if I've ever talked about, Hey, I did tell you though that wherever I went,
I would try to take you with me.
I'm just like, yeah, I made it clear that like Luke was part of the package.
You had my back.
You had my back.
I'm not saying you didn't have my back.
I'm just saying in that situation, that was a very, I'm sure you remember that was a very
doom and gloom because I mean, I don't think either of us were that convinced we were going
to get the channel.
Well, we certainly weren't sure there was some, there was some drama around me trying
to poach another NCIX employee that almost submarines the whole deal.
Submarine torpedoed.
It's not of a submariner.
Some of you will get it.
So, so I was actually creating this LinkedIn profile.
Look at this picture.
It was the only somewhat professional looking picture of me that existed.
And the only reason it looked professional is because the cheesy slogan t-shirt that
I'm wearing was cropped out.
I mean, I literally put my high school on here because what am I going to say that I
flunked out of UBC?
You know, what's great.
You know, there's that whole stereotype or that whole, um, that whole, um, I don't know
trope, right, where, uh, startup founders, uh, like, like startup people quit school,
but I flunked out, Luke quit like what a year from completion, something like that.
Ed was the worst because as far as I remember, is he still here?
I wish he was still here in the office to tell the story.
It's terrible.
Ed was like one half of a semester from completion.
He actually started working for us on like a, uh, like a school, uh, a school endorsed
like a work study, like program, like for credits.
And then he literally, as far as I can tell, just never went back and stopped replying
to emails.
Why did you people have so much faith in me?
I don't know.
Did I look like I knew what I was doing?
A lot of the stories from that time, like trying to, trying to recall them, like this
was the same with the mountain story.
Like when I was talking about the lightning, it doesn't feel real.
And then I, I like pick up some evidence, like after watching, after I told that story
about the lightning, I said it was really close in my head.
I was like 30 feet ish.
But then I'm like, that doesn't sound real.
I can't say that.
And then I went back and I watched some of those old videos and there's Austin who was
with me at the time talking about how close it was at that time.
Cause it's on film.
And I'm like, Oh my goodness.
My memory was actually correct.
That's insane.
Another thing I want to bring this up now before I forget it, if you, you mentioned
the old shirt that you had on for the LinkedIn profile, if you Google LTT store on the sidebar,
it comes up with a line of Sebastian Canadian YouTube or like your, your like Wikipedia
And then it's just this picture of this really old picture of you wearing your old badminton
Like everyday badminton.
And then if you, if you click images, I don't know why I did this.
If you click images, it's like almost all just like you wearing very little clothes.
Like so many of the results are just partially partially nude lines.
By the way, this is amazing.
Oh man, what is that?
Oh, that's funny.
That's actually really funny.
Oh no.
All right.
What are we supposed to be talking about right now?
I don't remember.
Oh, I'm really enjoying the show today.
I'm having a great time.
The store.
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Just go to get vulture.com slash LTT, that's get vulture.com slash LTT.
Just double check the spelling right there for Vulture.
There's your spelling.
All right.
What do you want to talk about next?
I found that very interesting because we use literally every single one of those.
I know, right?
That was one heck of a sponsor rack.
It's like, why do we even bother exchanging money?
Yeah, just like, yeah, let's just simplify this process.
Kind of tax inefficient.
Let's talk about Honda.
I'm annoyed.
You guys can yourself.
I mean, you know, I talk a lot about anti-consumer behavior from Tesla because Tesla kind of
is their own worst enemy when it comes to making headlines for being complete jackasses
to their customers.
But that doesn't mean that I am any more tolerant of it when anybody else does it.
And this is not cool.
This was posted on the drive.
Honda orders, big take down of Honda related 3d printing models from maker communities.
We're not just talking things that for which there exists a Honda exact part or things
with Honda logos on them or things with even Honda, the word Honda as part of, you know,
where you could make an argument that it's against their trademark, you know, in their
font or whatever they took down everything from stuff.
Anything that was compatible with a Honda and Honda can quite frankly eat a gigantic
fucking Dick.
Like that is not cool.
I really hope that like throughout all of these communities, people are able to compile
together all of these different files and just like throw them up somewhere and let
people download them.
Because like that's, this drives me nuts.
A lot of the parts were even just compatible.
There was no first party other solution.
So you're just taking all this work that people have done to make your product better.
And you're like, why to what end?
So rough.
Annoying too, because that's the parent company of my car and I've been holding off getting
a different car.
I shouldn't say new car cause I have no real interest in buying a new car, but I've been
holding off updating my car because I really liked my car.
So I would want just like a newer, more electrified version.
But now I don't really want to support this.
So now no, this is extremely, extremely anti-consumer behavior.
There is no excuse, no excuse.
I don't even care.
Someone in full plate chat mentioned Streisand effect.
What I'm kind of saying is like, I hope people bring together all these files and keep pushing
them in other ways that Honda is not as easily able to take down.
And I hope more people use them and more people either repair their cars or add features that
do whatever.
Oh man.
I'm going to stay angry.
Why next topic?
What is it?
Insteon is gone.
So this is a huge problem in IOT.
Now Insteon was not one of the biggest brands in the space by any stretch of the imagination,
but they were a home automation brand that made hubs, switches, lights, basically they
are gone.
The system status still says online, which I guess is hilarious, but they have essentially
shut off their servers.
Those hubs are offline and yes, right here from Similane on Reddit, this is the problem
with having a single provider for the entire technology stack.
And this is why I was so angry about having any kind of cloud integration for anything
in my home, because you cannot guarantee to me that you will still be around in a year,
10 years, a hundred years.
Those do not just, you don't replace them.
You upgrade them, you repair them, certainly, but you don't just replace them.
It's a very different mentality when you are buying something to integrate into your home
versus when you are, you know, buying essentially more of a consumable, like a consumer electronic
device or a couch, things that actually do tend to be replaced every so often.
Like I don't mind if a piece of cutting edge technology, like a television, you know, has
some kind of a change in its search.
Actually no, that makes me pretty angry too, because we had that whole situation around
Nintendo closing the Wii U shop as well as, which was the other one they closed at the
same time.
Like TVs inserting ads and stuff like that.
Opening ads, changing the experience, yeah, that sucks, but killing the functionality
after the fact.
This is why an entire generation of gaming experiences is not going to exist for the
people that come after.
And it's just, it's extremely frustrating.
Yeah, yeah, the Ziffy over on Twitch says, I got an error code on one of the controllers
for my heated floors, got an error that says, replace the unit, past serviceable age.
Even real.
So no, everything needs to be locally controlled so that the worst case scenario is that you
can keep running whatever software you had, bugs and all.
That has to be the worst case scenario.
So rip Insteon, I'm really frustrated that this is happening, but you know, every, I'm
not the only one who called it this.
This is what happens when every company creates proprietary crap that only works with their
own proprietary crap.
Speaking of which, do you know how many times Brandon's Model X has been back to Tesla?
Like three, and they wanted like $900 for some stupid thing.
He wants to do like a whole video about it, just like the joys of electric ownership.
Like three years later, how glad am I that I spent this much money on this car?
Because most service centers won't touch them.
In other anti-consumer news, Tim Cook hates sideloading.
Tim Cook delivered the keynote speech at the Global Privacy Summit in Washington, D.C.,
and he mostly highlighted Apple's privacy features and their ongoing fight to protect
This is a quote, as a company, we're profoundly inspired by what technology can make possible,
but we know too that technology is neither inherently good nor inherently bad.
It is what we make of it.
It is a mirror that reflects the ambitions of the people who use it, the people who build
it, and the people who regulate it.
That's good script writers, or speech writer.
I guess technically it's a speech, not a script, it's a script of a speech.
He also highlighted Apple's features that give users control over their data, like the
app tracking transparency.
He is against proposed regulations that would diminish these features and expose users to
privacy and security risks.
Here in Washington and elsewhere, said Cook, policymakers are taking steps in the name
of competition that would force Apple to let apps onto iPhone that circumvent the app store
through a process called sideloading, said Cook.
This means data hungry companies would be able to avoid our privacy rules and once again
track our users against their will.
It would also potentially give bad actors a way around the comprehensive security protections
we have put in place, putting them in direct contact with our users.
If we are forced to let unvetted apps onto iPhone, the unintended consequences will be
profound, warned Cook.
And when we see that, we feel an obligation to speak up and ask policymakers to work with
us to advance goals that I truly believe we share without undermining privacy in the process.
Boy, it definitely has nothing to do with how much money they make having a monopoly
on software sold on their mobile platform.
Yeah, because there's other solutions here, right?
Oh, absolutely.
Treating it like this is the only possible solution to completely have no barriers whatsoever
to malware on the iPhone.
Do you imagine for a second that Apple is going to just be like, okay, yeah, well, you
know what?
Let's go.
We're going much further.
We're going full root access to everything.
Here we go, boys.
Like considering, okay, two things.
Not only does the app store take a cut, which is the main thing that people only ever talk
about because honestly the other one is not that big of a deal, but they also take a fee
to be on the platform at all.
I would be much more okay with it if we had to handle the uploading of the files to the
users, all this other type of stuff, and they just ensured that it was all privacy okay.
And then maybe we have to list it on the app store or whatever, but we pay this fee, it
gets a privacy check mark from them, and then we have to handle everything else.
Yeah, certification process or something.
I'd be fine with that.
That's an easy work around.
You don't want to do that though because your whole actual point is just to make sure you
keep getting your cut.
And that it doesn't get eroded.
It's extremely transparent, dude.
Stop trying.
Isn't that the whole thing where Apple claims they don't know how much they make on the
app store?
Oh yeah.
And Jayden just brought this up too.
You have to use a Mac to develop for them.
Like dude, this is brutal.
Oh, there's a thing I'm supposed to show.
Where is it?
There's another LTT store thing I forgot about.
I need your guys' opinion.
Ask the audience about the duvets, Linus, the duvets.
We are working on the bed ripper.
So it's actually inspired by, um, like green PCB, green and CPU pin gold.
So if you look really closely, we can't get in close enough.
It's shaped like the pads on the bottom of an LGA CPU.
Do you want to just look at mine?
There you go.
And we've got a couple of different colorways.
This one is actually, uh, more like it's the same, uh, pin, it's the same pin shape for
this design.
It increases in size or decreases in size and density in order to, uh, get this kind
of this pixel-y, uh, gradient-y kind of thing.
So we want to hear from you guys, uh, which ones do you like?
Do you like the, the more CPU colored one, or would you prefer something that's a little
more monochromatic and more likely to match, um, yes, Jayden, other, this is how you get
your other decor.
Um, yeah, I don't know.
I would say straw poll it, but that didn't exactly work out that great for us.
Is there a better, I, I, why is straw poll crappy now?
I don't know.
I think Twitch implemented their own polling thing.
And I think Twitch was the main reason why people use straw polls.
So maybe there's like something else now.
Oh, okay.
I don't know.
I'm going to give them one more try.
I'm going to give them one more chance.
And then if this sucks and doesn't work, then we will, we will just have to move on.
People are telling me to make my own straw poll.
We've been thinking about making a polling thing.
Um, but there's honestly just so much else to do right now.
There we go.
Sorry about that guys.
So I'm dumping that into the chat.
YouTube chat is moving pretty fast, but guys go ahead and take a crack at trying to click
on one of these.
In the meantime, why don't we jump into our, Oh, Oh, in the meantime, we should definitely
do some more merch messages.
There are not too many curated ones, which is good.
And it looks like Dan, are you in, are you in slightly better under control shape over
I think it calmed down, which is always nice.
Do you want to, want to read us a few?
Yeah, sure.
Had a conversation with a bud a few times.
How do you feel about using Chinese smartphones from brands that send user data to China or
have in the past, uh, blues, the only, uh, one plus way, uh, that's what Huawei Huawei
do you care at all?
Is it better than Google?
Um, okay.
So I, as a non Chinese citizen and as someone who doesn't really have to go to China, um,
to me, sending my information to the Chinese government is frankly, not really that different
than sending my information to the American government.
I think the Chinese government has made it very clear that they can and will use citizens
data against them.
Uh, there's some very alarming footage coming out of China right now.
Um, they're there.
If their authoritarianism was not apparent before, for some reason, I think it's pretty
clear now, uh, how they intend to use the information that they harvest from their citizens.
Um, but as a noncitizen, I don't really see what difference it makes if they know what
apps I'm using on my phone or whatever the case may be.
So for me personally, no, I don't care.
I don't especially want to benefit the CCC, uh, the CCP in any way, but almost said CCCP,
you know, the codec pack.
Uh, I don't want to benefit them in any way, but I have other reasons for not using those
brands of Chinese phones.
Just generally speaking, I find that their Android skins like kind of suck and they tend
to be a China first experience preloaded with apps that I don't care about.
Some of which aren't necessarily removable.
So that's where I'm at on that.
We have another update from Max here who spent more money, uh, to tell you that there's no
ticket needed because it's no difference buying now or later.
Uh, the first order was to funnel money to you.
Thank you for answering his question.
Thanks Max.
Okay, hit me again.
This one's from Andrew.
Any plans for more streams with other LMG team members?
Sarah's was pretty entertaining.
As for my friend Mythos, turkey bacon is better than regular bacon.
Turkey bacon is amazing.
Have you tried turkey bacon?
It's great.
Plans for more streams.
Sarah's was great.
It's, it's something that I think we absolutely should and could do more of, but it's not
something that's on our radar right now just because man, are there ever a lot of balls
in the air at the moment with the labs coming, by the way, uh, we're pushing that another
I'm so sorry.
Next week, I promise for real.
So also we've been working with this, uh, startup company to do the call for this, uh,
and they, they like walked me through how it should work and everything.
It's a very, it's an extremely streaming friendly calling service, uh, and it, I think it's
going to be great.
We'll have to try it first to see, uh, but every single week they're like, Hey, are we
doing it this week?
We're all ready.
We're all ready to go.
We're excited to like, to see it go live.
And then I'm just like, uh, no.
Sorry guys.
Next week.
We're working on it.
Oh man, it'll happen.
It'll happen.
Uh, do you want more?
Keep, keep hitting me.
Uh, this one's from Nick.
I live out in the woods in the Southern U S and my internet is less than three megabits
per second on a good day.
There's no major ISPs in the area.
Any way possibly to get decent internet speeds.
Uh, no hotspots either.
Probably not.
No, no.
I mean, star link like that's a good, yeah, that's that's about as good as it's going
to get.
Also, you mentioned woods and you mentioned bacon.
Uh, if you go camping in BC and you go past a indigenous ran gas station, it's pretty
common that they'll have bacon there.
It's like incredible every single time.
Oh, I'm going to have to try that.
It's actually amazingly good.
Just a, just a recommendation.
If you come by BC and you're going camping, it's like you get a bag on the way there and
you get a bag on the way back and it's great.
It's worth it.
Both of the ways.
Oh, this one's a, this one's kind of exciting as format.
Hey Linus, Luke and bell.
I'll have to let him know.
I work for ASML.
Uh, we supply, sorry, I keep getting messages here.
I know who ASML is.
You have my attention.
We supply lithography machines.
Uh, have you heard of Samsung or Intel?
I've been chatting with bell about this already, but I was curious to be interested in touring
our factories.
I mean, does a bear shit in the woods?
Well, there's bacon there apparently, so, um, yeah, I meant jerky.
I don't know why I said yes.
I and my audience would be quite interested in fact, in seeing ASMLs facilities, drag
them there personally.
Uh, there, there's absolutely no way that I would, that I would give up the opportunity
to go check that out.
Um, all right.
Oh shoot.
I accidentally, I accidentally moved a merch message that was thanking me for guiding them
on their Phenom 1055 T overclock.
Hey, no problem.
Apparently that machine serves them for 10 years.
Yeah, absolutely.
Love it.
All right.
They're coming in pretty, uh, pretty heavy now.
So Dan, I'm going to let you deal with the incoming and I'll switch to going through
the curated ones.
Andrew asked, are you still happy with your security camera set up?
Will you be having a similar setup in the new home?
Yes, I will have a similar setup.
It will all be not on the cloud.
Thank you Ubiquiti for not having subscription fees or a cloud access unless I authorize
Um, for any of my security stuff, uh, by the way, we are, we were hoping to have Ubiquiti
come on and talk about that lawsuit against the blogger.
Um, it looks like for legal reasons, that might be a bit of a challenge that makes sense.
So all we're going to have to do is, like I said, I love the products.
I love the mission.
Uh, I am hoping for the best when that is all resolved.
I'm, I'm hoping they come away clean.
I just don't like the optics right now.
Uh, by the way, before you do more of these, there's a couple more topics that I feel like
we should probably touch on.
Are you getting through these?
Cause you have to go.
I do have to go.
Got it.
Ian says, I found out you ride as well.
How's the new backpack fit on the motorcycle?
Good for, for my body type and for my bike, I have a street bike.
Graham says, Hey Linus with three kids and running LMG float plane, creator warehouse.
How do you keep yourself mentally sane with the life you're living and giving it everything
you have?
Do you think your lifestyle is sustainable?
Thanks for all the videos.
And there might've been more to this, but it got cut off.
Um, I have a lot of help guys.
Like that's the thing.
It's like Luke runs float plane.
I don't know.
I don't run float plane.
Nick runs creator warehouse.
I don't run creator warehouse.
Like what about LMG?
Like we've got, we've got Yvonne and Colton.
We've got James.
We've got, uh, just, we've got Ed, we've got all of these people who are running these
Um, if anything, I actually think the team has really stepped up in a big way in the
last six months to make my life way more manageable.
I mean, there's always going to be crazy days.
We did a collab with call me Chris yesterday where I was, there's 400 minutes of footage
and I was in front of the camera for probably 11 hours, challenging day for sure.
Like it's not like I'm, you know, not still, not still going for it, but guys, I have a
ton of support and you know, I have to give myself, um, and Yvonne credit for building
a team to support us for having the foresight to do that.
But that doesn't take anything away from the actual efforts of the people actually doing
Uh, this is not, it's not just me and yeah, I, I think, I think that what I'm doing is
sustainable for some time.
I'm excited.
I'm actually really pumped right now.
Uh, screwdriver, backpack, some of the other products that we have coming labs.
Um, we, you know, I think I read a comment on float plane that really, it hit me so hard
that I, I blasted it out to the entire company, uh, calling what we've been doing lately.
The golden age of LTT and considering how many times I've seen our community claim that
we are in the golden age, honestly, I'm energized.
I'm starting to feel like the golden age never ends golden decade.
Like why, why stop here?
Why don't we just make it more golden?
Bring on the X-Box controllers.
Maybe no more of those.
I'm ready boys.
Anonymous says what part of the tech space really needs more competition to create better
products and more innovation, man, CPU, GPU looking pretty good right now.
What else we got?
I feel like I've had this thought.
I like it.
Yeah, sure.
I feel like I've had this thought recently, but I can't remember what, man, there's so
much competition even like streaming gear now.
Like I mean, I'd say that, I'd say that the Linux community is underserved still in a,
in a big way.
So I'm expecting that to change with steam deck taking off the way that it is.
Man, where do we, what really needs to improve?
I swear.
I had the thought of like, so-and-so is using this thing because it is the only option.
I feel like I had that thought in the last like week, but I can't remember what it was.
VR headsets is one for your headsets.
To be completely honest.
The ink display stuff says Laddie.
I think that's the headsets thing though.
I think we're still not completely not crap tablets.
It's hard for there to be any more competition.
Amazon is so dominant in the cheap tablet space.
There's a lot of great monitors out there, you know, I feel like monitors are doing pretty
It's a lot of innovation monitors right now.
Cutie Ola.
Uh, Zachary.
Hey Linus, any update on the emulator video?
I'm wondering if you'd got into soft mods, like playing PS2 games over ethernet.
So we're doing our like part one legal emulation video.
We actually, Anthony and I shot the first half of it right before I came over here for
WAN show.
We're going to finish that up on a probably Tuesday and then Anthony is going to be working
on the followup where we are going to, we're going to pirate switch games, but not pirate.
It's going to be great.
I'm really looking forward to it.
We're absolutely still doing it.
Donald says that we were get to inform you.
We never received payment for our services.
Please send $69,420 to the address attached to this order.
I will not fall for your wire fraud again.
All right.
Um, let's go ahead and click show there.
I think that's it for the merch messages today.
Thank you guys very much for tuning into the WAN show.
Thank you very much for your support.
I'm actually really curious to know what did better today.
What do you think did better egg?
Oh, hold on one Nick light.
Oh, we didn't.
We never checked back on the poll.
That's probably what he's calling about.
Thank you Nick.
What about the photocopy?
The poll.
Hey, we are, we are still live.
But just barely what's up.
Oh, um, somebody tweeted at me, so I thought we should correct the record.
Apparently we do get the payout for the gift card at the time that it's sold.
It's just not listed in literally anything except the actual payoff report, which you
or I never really look at, so we do get that money.
So yeah.
Rock on.
That seems a lot more correct.
Hey, thanks.
Way more sense.
So correcting the record.
Thanks Nick.
All right.
Bye bye.
Let's go ahead and have a look at what the audience thinks.
Black and white winning by a solid 18% according to this deeply flawed system.
So we'll see.
Uh, we'll see.
So let's see.
Let's see.
What one?
Can I get a bet?
What one?
The eggs or the waffles?
I don't, I, I think I'll go with egg.
The, uh, the bleeping eggshell.
I would wear this one.
It's doing solid, but for the means you got to bet on the mean for the mean always bet
on me.
Doge to the moon.
I don't own any doge.
No intention to take a position in doge.
Thank you very much.
I will take a position in thanking you for tuning into the show and telling you I'll
see you again next week.
Same bad time.
Same bad channel.
You know, we haven't missed a wan show together in like a long time.
Almost three years.
I think.
I didn't realize it was that long.
You know, what's low key, like a top selling item on the store now.
Cable ties.
You told me that last week.
We, we, we sold over 5,000 cable ties today, individual ties, individual ties, individual
All right.
Show show's over.
Ladies and gentlemen.
What do you, what do you still, what are you still doing here?
I told you the show.
Get out.