
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

okay welcome to the land show ladies and gentlemen where we have one hour and 20
minutes late I believe this may be maybe the latest that we have ever been we are
the whole duration of the show late yes that is a thing that happened today and
yep to be perfectly honest with you guys the stream is still not perfect I cannot
I cannot run the intro video clip for some inexplicable reason we should just
carry one of the chairs and then you can like drop it partway through right when
you get in frame and then like sit there like yeah we could do it yeah we could
we could do that it's okay I'm just I'm not gonna yeah I'm not gonna worry about
it let's just let's go ahead and get this show on the freaking road here
let's get it let's get it on the road cuz apparently there's a oh yeah I know
I know why there's an echo I know why there's an echo don't worry don't worry
you guys we got more about it don't worry about it ice I still have the ice
had the speakers on on my laptop because I didn't have my my headphones plugged
in for a second here if we should be all good now let's go ahead and talk about
what topics we're gonna be hitting today topic number one is the Nvidia geforce
GTX Titan X Titan X again Titan X 2 if you know we were to take the Final
Fantasy approach to this the the way they're going with it is they're calling
it Titan X Pascal well we'll get into that a little bit more later what we
both think of that also Facebook wants to use frickin lasers to deliver high
speed internet to remote areas I approve of this simply because it involves
frickin lasers but we'll talk more about the rest of it later of course Nvidia
also dropped a 1060 this week because apparently releasing gratuitous amounts
of graphics cards all at once is a good idea also owner of kick-ass torrents was
arrested and is about to be absolutely screwed yes yes he is all right let's
roll the intro dude doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
it doesn't work no it's so far you start kind of going Mario and then you
switch it I fix it so I'm having them have I'm running into a weird issue I
think it's a video codec related thing where every time I try to play a video
file our streaming software crashes I fix it could release a I fix it guide on
how we can fix the stream I would love it if I fix it had like a teardown guide
of exploit yeah like a teardown guide of just streaming in general because we
need all the other things figured out too at this point I don't guide of audio
solutions streaming software streaming software utilities yeah audio monitoring
all that kind of stuff all the things the lower third works pictures work
videos don't work so so there you go that's where that's where we're at with
that I feel like I was in the middle of an explanation of why we were so late
last time and I know that we're an hour and 20 minutes late but I'm going to
explain it anyway because there is a valid reason it was all because I was
trying to fix it so first I took the stream computer and upgraded it from X
79 with a two-generational top-of-the-line CPU yeah to X 99 I used
the X 99 deluxe board which like our experience with rock-solid freaking
awesome board it's probably how many people get that I hate how many people
get back I mean straw pull I hate you can we you go ahead and straw pull I'm
gonna struggle in fact hold on a second I believe there actually is a Luke
screen HDMI now what I was making upgrades my main man that sort of makes
sense I was I was making upgrades I was doing things I was trying to make the
stream where is this set up am I gonna ruin things we're poking the same I
don't know let's find out so anyway X 99 deluxe motherboard the most basic like
low speed DDR for that I could possibly find yeah that's good that's a good
thing what just happened there screen turned off it's like X 99 deluxe what
what else did I do right right changed out the CPU RAM motherboard of new SSD
because get this as soon as I change the hardware I have actually seen this once
before but when I changed out the hardware every time I booted I have
every time I booted to the existing Windows install no USB device could be
detected unplugging replugging going into the BIOS changing HCI X HCI hand
off all that stuff nothing did anything I even pulled it out of this machine put
it in a different machine no USB devices and because nothing has ps2 anymore
there's no way to even try to fix it so I may just keep that drive forever as
like as like a trophy of the kind of bullshit that I have to go through
sometimes so I had to reinstall the OS I mean meanwhile it's like it's like 315
at this point like I got lots of time I'm feeling pretty good so I reinstall
the OS I get my new capture cards going and I'm still my capture my my
streaming software is still crashing it's still crashing so I'm changing out
my XLR input to a different one and it's it's still crashing I'm like what is
going on turns out turns out video file which is why I was late in the first
place and then we had issues with the audio quality on the stream which is why
we were yet another 20 minutes late so I'm very sorry about all that let's find
out if it was all worthwhile by switching over to the luke screen scene
try and plugging and plugging it back in okay let's see let's see and also make
sure your sound is off because otherwise they're gonna get all your sound things
have you tried turning it off and back on again well you can very clearly see
that the yes votes are at 13% the no votes are at 52% and the turnip votes are
at 35% oh hold on there's a loose connection it's a loose connection hold
on hold on I just got to tighten this up hold on seem to seem to get better there
oh oh hold on I took it out I took it out okay doo doo doo doo doo doo doo oh
no doo doo doo doo doo all right so well you guys get the point and we're never
sharing Luke screen again no no we will share Luke screen again someday I just I
hadn't actually not this day but it was not this day one does not simply what are
we gonna do my precious we're gonna talk about GTX 1060 is it nothing happened
yeah let's do that my my my screen where our original article is ours
technica and not our own review what the heck come on bro I made a video about
this everyone's a critic yeah Oh Colton was just I think he was taking out some
angst cuz I was good I was giving him crap about something like last Friday
and you know I apologized for it after because my management technique was less
than stellar on that occasion okay but I think he's I think he's gonna be trying
to get back at you know you can't really get back at me because I'm his boss so
he might just be taking it out on you for the next little bit I'm technically
also his boss okay actually you know you couldn't fire him directly but if you
were like yo Linus let's have a heart-to-heart I think we really need to
fire Colton he's been stealing things I brought him into this world I can make
him leave this yeah maybe indirectly but yeah I think I think I would have to
take your word over his like if you said Colton stole a bunch of stuff and
Colton's like yo go to Luke's house it's all there like set up around his
computer I'd be like you know what Colton it's probably you who put it now
Colton knows that there's just this thing and now Luke knows that if he ever
wants to steal stuff and blame that's exactly how it's gonna go down and all I
have to do is leave it very specifically around my computer and then I'll be like
look this is exactly what we talked about what it's exactly what you said
what happened and and you can turn they're just so smart exactly you knew
it would happen this way and how can I not believe you when you're so astute as
to observe my intelligence being what it is let's talk about GTX 1060 so in a
nutshell the Ars Technica headline kind of covers it or the byline I guess it's
called GTX 1060 is faster than 980 for just a little bit more cash than the RX
480 what's missing from that summary is how it compares in terms of speed to the
RX 480 which is so you can't have a performance comparison to some thing
that's not available anymore and then a price comparison to some other
completely unrelated thing from a completely different company that we
don't we don't know like okay give me a second really quick because something
that's been kind of weird in a lot of reviews including my own I'm gonna
admit this right now because it's hard to quantify okay I want to see if you
can even buy any of them GTX 1060s yes so there is one GTX 1060 currently
available on Amazon and I think it's a mislabeled product nope nope that's a
1060 there is one of them available from EVGA so we'll see how long that lasts
and everything else that you look for when they up 1060 is mostly 1070s and
looking at the amazon.com prices for these things in my video I said that I
didn't think they were gonna be near the 249 USD price point because of what I
saw with the 1070 and the 1080 right and I was slammed by certain people because
there was an official price list release that had them closer to the 249 price
point but what I said in the video was that I didn't think that the 1060 and
the 480 should even necessarily be compared that closely right the 480 is
200 bucks and the 1060 is probably around 300 so looking at amazon.com not
.ca there is the EVGA GeForce 1060 currently sitting at three hundred and
thirty nine dollars and there's only one of them and this posting is from EVGA
there is a gigabyte GeForce 1060 g1 gaming edition for 346 dollars okay there
is are you looking at.ca or.com okay so US pricing Zotac amp edition
sure wish we could share your 345 you could do this no no it's okay basically
my point is the prices for all these things are just like whimsical
imaginations of possibility like the what is it my brother was trying to look
at the 1080 Strix and right now in Canada it's like $1,300 or something
really it's just like holy crap what the hell like these cards are in such low
stock that I think what's happening is retailers are just like well we're sold
out for forever so we might as well just crank the price up you know it's
interesting because that kind of thing didn't used to really happen I mean I
worked at a retailer for a lot of Wow six years or something like that and so
I saw the behind the scenes of what actually goes on with a product launch
like this and you know the consumer you know loves to hate and say you guys are
gouging you're doing this and you know the reality of it would be that the
Canadian dollar had dropped 5% in the last yeah four days or something like
that and you know ultimately we were just losing money on everything that we
had sold before we adjusted pricing because we would get paid in our sorry
we would have to pay in US dollars but we would get paid by the customer in CAD
so you had to kind of guess because you're on net through anywhere from net
30 to net 60 terms so in actual fact normally NCIX was pretty darn close to
whatever the normal markup was supposed to be once converted from US to Canadian
and then with you know a few percentage points on top so that you're actually
making a little bit of money and what I'll say about the board partners is
that when it comes to the vanilla cards they might opt not to make as many basic
cards as they potentially could right EVGA could take every single GTX 1080
that comes into the door every single GPU and they could put it on their
lowest cost card and they could sell them all at the lower price or they
could you know at least supply some of those so that the people who want to
deal on something that's not a super clock or a KO edition or an AACSX plus
or kingpin or whatever else so those guys can get a card if they're willing
to wait a little bit and then I would put as much of my stock as I can based
on what'll hit those clock speeds into the ones that I can sell for a higher
price and that is the way that video card makers generally mark something up
by having a different skew not by just hiking up the price of a card there have
been exceptions to be very clear 8800 GT went up from from the top like from the
from the very beginning of the supply chain to my knowledge and I don't have
any confirmation of this so you guys don't quote me on it but to my knowledge
Nvidia jacked the price and the board partners jacked the price Colton can I
borrow you for a minute and retailers were somewhat opportunistic on that
particular card as well and the same thing may be happening do you mind
grabbing my power adapter my laptop is going to die very very soon it's just in
the main pocket there thank you also I'd like to I'd like to give you an
opportunity to I feel like it's only fair to give you an opportunity to
defend yourself because we talk a lot of smack we talk a lot a lot of smack in
the event that that it was your word against Luke's you know and he was
saying you stole a bunch of stuff from the office and and you and you pointed
out to me that actually all that stuff was on Luke's desk at home do you think
I should believe you who I've only known for a little over a year definitely
definitely believe me but I know you wouldn't do that and we'll be good okay
thank you that actually settled it so it turns out Luke is in fact Colton's boss
because we all acknowledge that Colton has to suck up to him in order to save
himself okay thank you Colton nice you're wonderful we appreciate you very
much just yeah closes the door okay so I did some more investigating okay I went
on new egg calm not only if you look for GTX 1060 is literally everything on the
first page and I think there's yep there's only one page every single item
is listed as out of stock but a lot of the prices are actually pretty normal
but they're all out of stock right can't buy any of them so if you go to rx 480
the same thing or they're like computers and stuff or completely unrelated
products which is weird maybe you should work on your algorithm new egg when I
literally type in rx 480 I'm not talking about a Mazda rx-8 air conditioning AC
cooling parallel flow condenser assembly that's not what I'm looking for anyways
one of them has stock of two items and it's let me find it again give me one
second where to go there it's 409 dollars for a $200 graphics card what I
am so like how I am trying to get us I'm trying to get us an input so you can
screen share because I'm personally really appreciating this like real-time
shopping shopping study but I'm even like mostly done but my problem is how
am I even really supposed to compare these cards because at this point one of
the manufacturers could be like it's 50 bucks there do your price comparisons we
win then you go to the store and it's like nope it's $400 I hope they can hear
us what okay okay hold on hold on I got an idea no that's not the right idea can
they hear us I don't know I don't know I don't know video I don't know everything
is scary right now we can hear we can they can hear I don't know what I'm
looking at scream along with Linus why are you being mean to me no it's Colton
Oh Colton I wasn't being mean oh you're right I don't know why I didn't realize
it so you're just so smart that's why you ended up figuring it out though not
everything has to come to you immediately because you're you're just
dealing with so many things at once so I'm on a completely different level yeah
oh can you plug that in that might have something to do with it what the HDMI
cable that for your laptop yeah I'm trying to adapt that might be that might
be part of the reason why Luke screen capture is not it didn't even know we
were trying to do yeah yeah I'm trying to I'm trying to get I'm trying to get
you I'm trying to get you back up and running here so my computer is done the
freakout thing so we're ready to go yeah yeah okay yeah everyone's on duplicate
yeah okay yeah no okay yeah no okay yeah no okay yeah no okay this sounds like a
phone conversation with like that guy that just really doesn't care about
what's going on on the other end yeah I think like like I'm done I think I said
everything okay yeah okay well why don't you talk 1060 now I was I'll give a
brief overview what I said okay it's very difficult did you talk like specs
at all or do we care I was going to finish that part of the conversation
before okay can I jump in with something that I had wanted to add so it with
respect to the pricing conversation so sapphire actually sent me and oh oh yeah
okay the NDA lifted like six hours ago perfect sweet so they have a nitro plus
rx 480 because we wanted to talk about like how the pricing of these cards
might kind of creep together depending on if you compare a low-end or creep
apart or creep apart whatever based on like crazy pricing in different areas
but yeah my point was that usually in the US you have the most stable pricing
structure yeah because that's where they're making their initial pricing
but it's just complete lunacy in the US meaning it's even more crazy so tell me
this the 4 gig rx 480 you know whatever nitro X is 220 US dollars okay MSRP yeah
the 8 gig is 270 what would you buy do you find the cheapest 1060 you can find
or do you buy a high-end rx 480 from my experience so far it depends can you
actually get them at that price because that was what I was just talking about
right not only is everything sold out in general so you can't even buy it if you
wanted to but the prices of them is crazy as well right so like the pricing
that they're sending in the email is that actually real because right now on
Newegg the only available 480 is over $400 right so it's it's for where is it
maybe one second I keep on losing it out of stock out of stock out of stock out
of stock out of stock $409 is the only one that's currently not out of stock
it's a vision tech card okay there are additional pages I haven't looked into
the additional pages but I did one entire page of products decided that
was probably enough all right so I guess so so basically our our usual guidance
remains true then we generally recommend sticking with the the higher-end card
versus buying a high-end of a lower-end GPU yeah okay fine but like if you can
even get it let's talk high-end cards Nvidia announces the new GTX Titan X
which they're calling Nvidia Titan X now I could probably go off I was gonna have
you leave that plugged in so that I can still try things I could probably go off
on a rant for a good solid 10 minutes about naming things the same thing that
they were already named when they are a completely different product or saying
new yes or whatever like the new you know it's it's like it's like everyone
took everything that was wrong with shampoo marketing and you know now with
33% more 33% more than what 33% more of what what am I comparing this to is it a
product from last month is it a product from four years ago what is there three
one understand this one thing that I do understand in terms of that naming the
only time that I think it actually made sense was battlefield one really because
they went back okay so that sort of made sense I'm still not a huge fan of it but
this is different this isn't a reboot this is a sequel no I'm not saying it's
okay here okay okay yeah okay okay no no we're agreeing that it's not okay here
because there's a lot of things that are confusing about this yeah it's confusing
for retailers because SEO is hard enough when you don't have to basically the
only way that I can think of to fix your SEO from old generation Titan X versus
new generation Titan X is manually like you will basically have to go into your
back end and go okay if Titan X created before you know what they do then do not
return result before created after X like that's they should replace their
product pages the problem is that the pricing is different a the other problem
is that you might be looking it up for a warranty return the other no they should
replace their product pages and then remake but with the old cards so you can
still find it but the SEO linking through Google and everything is still
really popular that's actually a smart way to take advantage of this I guarantee
no one will do it but you should still have your product page for the old card
for warranty reasons everything that you said like NCIX for example I know for a
fact there's no mechanism for them to do that like that is not a thing that won't
be a thing that they'll be able to do so okay so it screws over the retailer okay
it screws over the reviewer because it makes it so that instead of me just
saying Titan P or Titan XP or PX or if we had called it something that had made
an ounce of sense I have to say Titan X 2016 edition like I have to come on if
you gave us Titan XP there could have been all the like little smiley face
jokes and stuff and that could have been pretty cool and that would have been way
better yeah anyway okay we should just call it the Titan XP from now on I'm
down I'm down to do it I will literally call it that through the entire review I
will do that too we are calling it the Titan XP from now on you heard it here
first it is the time it is the Titan XP okay the third person that this screws
over and the one that gets screwed over the most is the consumer you are
basically making it impossible for the consumer to understand from reading
reviews googling reviews comparing pricing what exactly it is they're
buying unless they are an extraordinarily savvy consumer who
really keeps up with the industry by watching fantastic programming like the
WAN show on a weekly basis that is the only way that you will know that one
Titan X is different from another more different Titan oh someone in the chat
even just said win XP with the Titan XP right like holy crap those marketing
campaigns right themselves why did you do this you had such an opportunity no
we used all the XP that we had building amazing GPUs and we turned out this
beast Nvidia leveled up it's endless there's some level up your game oh it's
perfect it's amazing they need to rename this card they do they have to rename
this card like right now they need to okay here's what they need to do okay
Nvidia if you guys are watching you take the Titan X 2016 editions that you have
now and you turn them into kind of like like a coin with two tail sides like
anyone who bought one or got a giveaway like right at the beginning okay they
have like this weird it's almost like a misprint okay so they have like this
weird one that like had the wrong name on it you just change all the shrouds to
Titan XP moving forward okay you got a retool it I'm sorry that costs a little
bit of money you're in video you can afford it and the Titan XP is the actual
name of the product and everyone's like talking about it it would be awesome you
should do it but you won't but you should because it would be better for
absolutely everyone because this is really confusing for consumers and it's
totally unfair it's already confusing enough when video card manufacturers
take two of the same product and call it something different rebadging is
terrible and confusing for consumers now you're taking it a step further and now
you might have two different products that are called the same thing you're
basically just saying I don't really want anyone to understand what it is I
want people to just walk into a store and have a salesperson sell them the
most expensive thing that they can that's the message that I'm getting from
this I don't like it and speaking of the most expensive thing that they can the
Titan XP is going to cost 1200 US dollars when it's available August 2nd
directly from Nvidia and my bridging point back from the 1060 stuff is you
okay you're buying Titan X's August 2nd from Nvidia sure down the line when they
stop doing that you mean XP's or yes sorry XP's I screwed up I called the
last generation card my bad I'm still I'm still in last year what happens
later on are they gonna be $1,600 you already price hiked by 200 in the 1060
review at the very beginning I have a chart showing how every one of their new
GPUs has been price hiked by a hundred bucks this is by 200 bucks now this is
something that you may not have been paying attention for long enough to know
but Nvidia actually has not I would say in video an ATI slash AMD because that's
how far back this goes yeah have not actually been that unreasonable about
the way that they have done the pricing of their extreme top-tier hardware and I
will I will explain I will explain why I'm saying like that because uh yeah
that's really old that's back when they were evga.com and it was always
evga.com they actually that was like part of the branding so let me see if I
can find so the the 6800 ultra extreme was basically vaporware and if you're
gonna build a card that you're basically saying let me see if I can find a
reference to pricing here with benchmark if you're building a card that you're
basically saying yeah it's gonna be available from our site only then
something something something yeah you're basically saying like it's it's
pretty much a vaporware card let me find it you can expect to pay upwards of $600
for a card of this caliber and we were unable to locate a retailer that had in
the stock at the moment so 6800 ultra extremes went for kind of getting
somewhat close to the like you know 800 $900 range and the 8800 ultra was
actually a pretty similar story ultra price at launch let me just see if I can
find it okay so the 8800 ultra was priced at eight hundred and thirty
dollars and that was released back in 2007 so let's use an inflation
calculator okay inflation calculator I'm gonna use the Bank of Canada one if
that's okay with everyone how do you here so I'm gonna we'll go ahead we'll
do this live so in 2007 something that cost what was it 839 39 well I can type
a thing tappa tappa 839 would cost calculate okay so they weren't being
unreasonable before back when I did the math based on that Titan X is a
thousand dollars yeah because well I mean I'm not saying that an eight
hundred and thirty nine dollar card in 2007 wasn't unreasonable it was I'm just
saying that okay I don't we're actually tracking okay but they've jumped ahead
by $200 this time so you're right and I was right like two days ago I think the
problem that people have is jumping by $100 on xx 60 and xx 70 and xx 80 and
something by $200 on Titan it doesn't feel like an inflation adjustment if
they adjusted by little bits every time it would feel more like inflation
adjustments now I understand that you don't want really weird pricing numbers
on your products but that's what people are feeling when you do that they're
feeling that one chunk jump and it doesn't feel great feels bad man so you
can actually see here that that probably the last time they did this then was
with the 8800 ultra because here's our six I remember these costing more though
6800 ultra extremes they're stupid you basically couldn't buy them but they did
a fairly significant jump there and it looks like they've taken another leap
forward in terms of the relative value of a GPU like an ultimate gaming
experience relative to eggs and milk once again and I think ultimately the
person that we have to blame for this or not person but the entity that we have
to blame for this is AMD you know I'm not gonna like crap on AMD because
they're having a hard enough time as it is with the things that are difficult
for them which is apparently everything but if AMD was keeping Nvidia in check
then at the high end okay so you know to be clear 480 looks like a very
successful product yeah and AMD did a really I think it was a smart move
coming in and saying okay look we're not gonna go toe-to-toe with Nvidia this
time yep we're gonna hit we're gonna we're gonna come from the bottom while
Nvidia can spend all that money that's associated with building and the biggest
GPU ever which they did yeah and they can trickle that technology down and
we're just gonna build what we think is the right thing at the right price from
the outset fair strategy I have a video coming just so people know I'm not gonna
go like too into it because I want you to watch the video but I have a video
coming on the 480 and VR and like how well positioned that card actually is in
terms of performance even more than price how you can just get this card and
be fine for like what almost anyone is really gonna want yeah and then there
will be percentages of people that want more than that but it's like it is a
problem solver which is exactly what they needed so I just I mean I still I
would have personally preferred to see AMD have a you know fury XP or whatever
would go head-to-head with a Titan XP because that is the kind of thing that
keeps pressure on Nvidia not to do this kind of thing and they just didn't yeah
they just they just didn't they didn't do it yeah I mean there's there's still
time for Polaris to to go head-to-head with with Pascal and so I'm looking
forward to that because that should at least force Nvidia to react and yeah I
guess I'm kind of out of stuff to say about this okay there's a new Titan X 11
teraflops 12 billion transistors 30 35 84 CUDA cores up to 60% faster than
previous Titan X cool people are a little upset that it's GDR 5x instead of
HBM to you yep I'm a little upset but I totally get why they're doing it they're
just kind of going it doesn't matter and they're right it doesn't matter so
screw it we're gonna make a little bit more margin wait for HBM to to mature a
little bit right now it can just be a low volume part and we'll just keep that
in our in our scientific computing cards keep that in the Tesla's fine so I get
it I mean memory overclocking hasn't done anything on a video card in a very
very very long time and I'm sure that Nvidia has done all the research that is
required to decide if it's worth it or not because apparently the GPU itself
does support HBM to so they just decided to pair it with GDR 5x one thing that
I'm frustrated about frustrated with which almost no one is going to be able
to sympathize sympathize with me for is it's being sold on August the second we
heard about it the same day you guys did I don't have one I don't how am I feels
bad man also review this before the release date we should we've been
talking about this so we've actually been talking about doing this before we
should review the card before we have the card yeah because there have been
cards where Luke and I have sat down and gone okay cards coming we haven't been
briefed on it we don't have a deck we don't have any specs we have no driver
we have no card we have nothing and we basically go okay it's gonna be like
this and it's gonna be like that and it's gonna be kind of like this and
here's the conclusion and we should just release our full review of it so we
should not sign an NDA we should not accept a review unit and we should
release a review of the day before oh my god without a card that could be fun it
would be easier with the xx number card yeah Titan yeah yeah like it's easier
when they're taking an existing lineup and they're kind of slotting something
in yeah yeah like okay it would be pretty easy for us to do that with like
a 1080 TI yes Kennedy tie would be pretty easy the 1080 would have been
pretty easy yep the except for in VR yeah the 1070 would have been pretty
easy on the 1060 like I knew it yeah where it even happened AMD cards are
usually particularly easy especially when they're the same card that we
reviewed a year ago boom 480 would have not it would have not been able to do it
for any idea was coming I got to give them props they kept that secret they
did I I did not know what was coming um but yeah like I unless one shows up on
like Monday I got so sorry someone asked question no I did not ditch my
blade I'm working on a review of gigabytes arrow 14 which is kind of like
what I would call okay don't take this the wrong way because it's still a very
expensive computer but I'm gonna call it a poor man's blade so it's that's
considering that the blade is like the dude that owns a yacht so it's not
really the poor man's no it's a relatively speaking poor man's blade
relative to the dude that owns a yacht yes which is like everyone yes okay so
there's a lot of things I like about it there's a lot of things I don't like as
much about it but yeah okay let's move on to actually we should probably do our
sponsor spots I can't believe we just spent like half the show on the first
two topics so first up is I fix it I fix it recently got mad at me and I guess
during their sponsor spot is the best time to bring that up they gave me well
they gave Nick crap and Nick gave me crap because every time every time I
pull out and I fix it kit for a phone repair or for a disassembly vlog or
whatever the case may be every time I pull one out I pull out the old pro
tech tool kit with the 54-bit driver kit and they're just like dude what are you
doing you're sponsored by I fix it and you're using the old kit all the time
and the funny thing is is I take flack from the viewers about obvious product
placement is obvious I fix it doesn't want me to do that they don't want to
pay me to use the old product but you can't even buy anymore but they ain't
interested in that so this is cool I don't know if you know this but I fix it
is actually sending us upgraded pro tech tool kits with embroidered names on them
so you're getting one yeah I'm getting one with my name embroidered on anyway
the reason that I always had the old kit was because I took the 64-bit one home
because here I have a lot more tools at my disposal than I do at home and then
every time we do an I fix this spot I run around trying to find it and then
it's missing yeah no I I'd only told him like weeks and weeks after I had after I
take it home anyway then I'd forget and go around try to find it anyways the
latest pro tech toolkit has their new 64-bit driver kit which means that you
can have over 4 gigs of RAM it's got sorry it has more bits it has more
durable parts it has a better screwdriver that's easier to apply more
torque with it's got their ESD safe tweezers it's got the metal spudger
it's got suction cups to pull apart displays all kinds of great stuff it's
backed by I fix its lifetime warranty and if you use offer code when on I fix
it site you can save $5 on a purchase of $10 or more and we should probably get
that lower third updated because that is not correct that is an old offer code
I'm very sorry to I fix it and Nick I'm not sorry to Nick but I'm sorry to I fix
it hopefully they don't they don't hate us forever actually we may be doing like
like a sponsored video with them Oh sometime soon where we'll be taking
something that'll be cool taking something apart in a really cool way and
putting it back together in a really cool way like for them like they're like
sponsoring us to do something that I've wanted to do for a long time okay but
that I've never been able to do because it's extraordinarily time-consuming and
expensive so they're they're basically footing the bill for it so cool guys we
love those guys that I fix it yeah this is interesting that no one sort of
briefed me on this because I actually have clothing from Ministry of Supply
that I wore last week all the comments on the video were like wow you and Nick
looks so professional this week compared to how you guys usually look on the WAN
show and I think I screwed up the spot for them so I think we're redoing it
again this week but nobody told me so I don't have the clothes but the good news
is I did wear them last week I wore a beautiful button-up shirt and I actually
was wearing pants on the WAN show for a change something that is not usually the
experience that is going on under the table here that would have been pretty
surprising so ministry Ministry of Supply combines performance fabrics
advanced manufacturing techniques and tailored design to make where to work
clothes that are comfortable and capable they're meant to be worn on the body
which is good because they have to look at on the floor too yeah they got wow
they're not gonna like this body the products keep you cool and dry with
sweat-wicking fibers breathable fabrics and NASA developed phase change
materials that help regulate your body temperature and most importantly for our
audience everything is easy to care for throw it in the wash machine throw it in
the dryer that's important for me whoo wrinkle-free even out of the bag so it
was like all folded up like Colton handed me a folded colored shirt and was
like wear this on the show today and I was like you have got to be kidding no
I'm gonna look like the biggest like there was there's a wedding this weekend
and I went and bought a shirt at the mall on Friday idiot with like creases
down my shirt actually it was fine yeah so there's no risk to try there's free
shipping and returns with a 100 day hassle-free return policy and it is the
perfect gift for anyone with a birthday or a thing that you might need to give
them a gift for my notes still say Father's Day but that is obviously
outdated or if someone you know has to go to a wedding on the weekend and it's
coming up soon yes indeed II and you're like they're not gonna figure this out
so I'm gonna do them do this for them because my name is Yvonne and their
name is Linus I'm not going to a wedding I'm actually going to a funeral
this weekend it has to do something with clothing feels bad right man it does
sorry actually I'm going to a funeral this weekend no I'm sorry I will look
presentable at it though I started making the joke and I was like crap this
is way more applicable than I thought oops oh that's okay Facebook wants to
deliver high-speed internet everywhere via frickin laser beams I mean to be
clear the idea of internet with with lasers is actually not that out there in
fact your internet travels over lasers for sure fiber fiber some point at some
point at some point at some point if you connect to a website that is not like
in your house hosting yeah your friend hosting it down the street yeah well
actually I ran a internet cable to like my neighbor's house and then we have a
localized website for checking out what games we both have because team is like
there's too much DRM instead it could happen maybe the worst part is someone
watching our stream has definitely done it like when I was gonna explode with
like I did it when I was in university yeah I put my computer in my neighbor's
dorm room because we'd like to gaming in there because my roommate was a douche
canoe but I had the good internet so we ran the internet from my room out my
window into his window and then would game and when it was really cold outside
I was like next to the window but I liked the cold so we just keep the
window open so we could keep fast internet speeds nice game I like that
you've picked up douche canoe because I picked up broke dick from you all right
so the system uses invisible infrared laser beams that switch on and off
several billion times per second to exchange data while consuming minimal
energy so basically the same as fiber optic except that it goes through the
air so Facebook is working on a means of delivering okay that is basically the
headline thank you the project has taken a step forward after a first test
delivered connection speeds over two gigabit per second so according to an
article penned by four members of Facebook's connectivity lab published in
the scientific journal optica the plan is to deliver these high-speed internet
connections using laser beams to the most remote possible locations however
high levels of precision are required to line up the laser correctly so they have
to aim the beam with precision equivalent to hitting a dime from more
than 10 miles away so that's a cool thought experiment the system also needs
to support diff temperature differences of up to 90 degrees Celsius see the
hitting the dime from 10 miles away thing that thing that worries me with
that is like weather yeah and other things that just happen really anything
that could happen yeah rebel insurrection continental plate movement
yeah like that's actually a factor yeah it's of 10 miles away did you see that
sinkhole on 200 Street yeah like there's just a sinkhole what the hell
okay the middle of a through fair things just happened the moon moves the the
waters rise and lower the continental plates shift there's there's lots of
things that affect the positioning of things on the planet more than you might
realize all right speaking of the position of things on the planet the
Hollywood reporter is apparently our source for us looks to prosecute the
owner of kick-ass torrents after arrest in Poland yeah that's one of the things
that's different I went to zoom in and reposition it I do look forward to
having the blade back but this is a pretty sick notebook I mean my review is
gonna be very positive all right so the u.s. is looking to prosecute Artem
Valin alleged owner of kick-ass torrents after his arrest in Poland they've
announced that they charged him with conspiracy to commit copyright
infringement and money laundering in connection with the operation of
kick-ass torrents in a press release the law enforcement calls kick-ass torrents
the most visited illegal file sharing website with 50 million unique monthly
visitors it is the 69th most visited website on the internet which is so
delicious and allegedly responsible for enabling users to distribute films TV
shows and video games valued at more than 1 billion dollars that's probably
conservative if you value each discrete download as the full cash value of that
was definitely conservative that's how you do it yeah it's very very
conservative Apple and Facebook actually helped the u.s. in the investigation and
this is kind of funny so an Apple email belonging to Valin was found in a who is
look up conducted by Homeland Security July 31st 2015 records provided by Apple
showed that the me.com email account was used to purchase something on iTunes
logs showed that the same IP was then used to access the kick-ass torrents
Facebook page so he got caught because he bought something legitimately I mean
I guess if I was making Wow how many millions of dollars a month was it that
they figured it was bringing in one of the other articles that I that I read
was hi I forget it was like I don't know 12 million dollars a month or something
obscene like the amount of money it was making was just ludicrous the guy can
afford to buy movies music and videos so if he follows the usual the usual pirate
logic of I only pirate because I can't afford it then hey maybe it's a good
thing he was buying things on iTunes um I just think you'd go to your own store
you know yeah shop at your own free store for free wares yeah um so there's
an update there's a clone site of kick-ass torrent that's not somewhere on
the web that doesn't surprise me at all the change.org petition yeah there's
that'll work currently at 14,000 signatures asking for that's worth
taking time on your day to go send to release him that is probably not going
to have an effect it's up to 15,000 supporters now and there's like there's
like a bar it's like 9 4 7 8 more needed to reach 25,000 as if 25,000 will be any
different from 25 in terms of the impact that'll have yeah but um there you go oh
this is good uh recode.net is our original article here Dollar Shave Club
just sold for 1 billion dollars to Unilever 1 billion dollars Wow good old
Mike who I've never actually met but I feel like I know him because I've been
pimping his razors for like three years now good old Mike is a billionaire he is
still going to be running the company they were projecting more than 200
million in revenue for 2016 Dollar Shave Club isn't profitable but he said at a
conference in May that the company could get into the black by year's end and
Unilever has basically gone okay that's good enough for us we're doing it wow so
basically you know he's like okay yeah I'm gonna keep running it we we had you
know good synergy you know talking with each other the economies of scale they
can bring in will change our business a lot and that's true I mean I've had
people point out that Dollar Shave Club's razors can be purchased in bulk
not from Dollar Shave Club if you don't want a weekly delivery and the reality
of it is is people join Dollar Shave Club so set so it's set it and forget it
not so they can save 22 cents per blade or whatever the difference works out to
I can't remember how much it was I did look into it so for Dollar Shave Club to
be able to potentially I mean with the resources that Unilever can throw at it
they could to advertise more to develop products faster develop more unique
products it could end up being a good investment for Unilever even though it's
not even profitable yet yeah and even more lucrative for Mike in the long term
because the company could bring in so much profit so overall hey
congratulations you guys and the next bill we send you is gonna be double now
that you got big boy dollars that'd be nice what I want them to do I would
really appreciate this I don't know how they would make make this work in their
model or something yeah but I want someone to make a good trimmer a good
trip how good they all are terrible good luck I spent a very annoying amount of
money to just get pissed off to the point where I almost threw it like a
week ago because like it just it was it was a hundred dollars I don't like
spending money I know you don't I hate it I know you did I sat there in the
store for literally like half an hour I mean like I don't like this and then
eventually was just like okay because my previous one broke and it worked
somewhat okay so I needed a new one yeah and I was like I want it to be good and
I have all these complaints about my previous one and this one was supposed
to be good and I bought it and it's worse it's so bad you might notice I
have a lot going on right now because I don't I can't return it because it's a
hygiene product right that's how they get you yeah that's absolutely how they
get you it's so bad and I don't want to spend money on another one yeah because
it's also gonna be bad and you can't use a razor for everything no very clear no
you can use a razor when you want down to the skin you need to use a body
trimmer if you want to have some amount yeah and I want razor down here and
razor like in here a little bit yeah which is what I normally do there's no
point when the rest of the beard is this ridiculous but I want to use a beard
trimmer for the rest of it and they all are terrible if Dollar Shave Club came
out with a beard trimmer I would probably be fine and I hope it wouldn't
have a flashlight and whatever other stuff he says that in the thing and
that's fine I don't even want all the crazy different like the one I have has
like millimeter control and stuff that's not why I bought it I don't I just want
it to cut hair yes yeah oh my goodness speaking of just wanting to cut hair
Gorilla Glass 5 is coming and it's more shockproof than ever the original
article here is from the verge calm it is meant to survive epic smartphone
drops and then the oh this is great filing this from a cracked phone good
job Lauren um so yeah in a nutshell it'll survive 80% of the time when
dropped from 1.6 meters that's really that's pretty freaking good
Wow so waist height to shoulder height is kind of what they were targeting here
they figure two-thirds of smartphone drops happen from that height internal
probably accurate research done by Corning showed that 85% of smartphone
owners have dropped their phone at least once in the past year the survival rate
was achieved in tests with pieces of glass that were point six millimeters
thick and they make glasses thin as point four millimeters so smartphone
OEMs that opt for thinner glass may see different results so that's about five
and a quarter feet and to be clear it does not account for corner drops the
testing was done dropping flat on its face so as phones continue to have
smaller and smaller bezels I'm not sure if there's actually much that Corning
will be able to do to address that but hey they got to release a new product at
some point Gorilla Glass 3 sat there as the king of the hill forever and Gorilla
Glass 4 is kind of getting long in the tooth so now five with more drop
resistance in a configuration that only Samsung Galaxy s8 active is likely to
use because everyone else thinks phones have to be like you know core set thin
I like the active line I'd rather things were like that all right on the subject
of kick-ass torrents our original article here is from techno Buffalo
Witcher 3 studio talks piracy says it was an irrelevant factor these guys
really do love to be popular don't they yeah because I guarantee you it was a
relevant factor but they just they just love taking what all the other game
devs are saying and being like you know what but that's a positive smart way to
go about it it is they get much good press I love it too they go with this
the privacy factors are relevant because we can only convince them to do it we
totally believe in carrot not the stick so they're being like we're the nice
guys love us yeah well the thing is this your money they are doing all the nice
guy things yeah they're not saying this stuff and then and then loading up you
know yeah star doc and whatever yeah eight different levels gateway all games
for Windows live terrible yeah so they're they're they're doing it all
right and then saying these things and I guess correctly getting credit for it so
awesome also I think which are three is the highest rated game ever on
Metacritic yeah you sent me a hangouts the other day yeah that's like doing
good hell yeah all right uh Elon Musk reveals part two of the master plan the
funny thing about the original master plan and he says this in the in the part
two master plan is that Tesla's business model for anyone who's ever like doubted
it or told them they were stupid or said that they're bad people for making only
cars that always in the original master it was always on their site and he's
like I wrote this so that people wouldn't criticize what we're doing it
didn't work oh well here I go again revealing the master plan the thing is
that he does say that and he says it was like nearly useless or whatever but he
has had his like cheering squad who did read it yeah and he has been able to use
it as a counter-argument yes so it has served him in a way I think just not
nearly as much as yeah every once in a while you kind of go okay I'm gonna go
out on a limb here and I'm gonna I'm gonna go full transparency mode with my
customers or my viewers or whatever else and you know what sometimes it works I
took a lot of internal flack over honest answers episode two how does LMG make
money where I had people telling me look like why are we talking about this
we're just opening up the doors for people to criticize us for making money
something that people love criticizing us for yeah I'm sorry that we're a
business not twitch stream and I'm sorry that I'm sorry that we make money I'm
not sorry at all and that was the point of honest answers here are the ways we
do it I want you guys to understand how we do it so you understand what
motivates us what drives us and what drives us is content for you guys
because ultimately we will make no money if we don't have you so we actually do
read a lot of the comments on our videos I read probably 95 percent of the
comments that are posted on one of our videos in the first day I claim that I
don't but I do and you know what so does Nick and so does Yvonne and so do the
editors and so does John so does Dennis we all care we really do care and we are
not going to throw away our audience over Nvidia or Intel or Microsoft or any
gigantic corporation that can write us a check because a check is a one-time
thing and audience is something that we can continue to engage with and interact
with and that we can continue to show brands hey we've got all these guys that
we're talking to every day if you want to reach these guys you got to talk to
us and you got to do it regularly so that's that was why I went okay I'm
gonna go like full transparency mode here sometimes it works and honestly
that seemed to work really well yeah people seem to really get what I was
trying to say and they understood the point of what I was doing and it didn't
turn into a negativity poo storm okay so sometimes it doesn't work that was kind
of where I was going but yeah anyway here's the TLDR of part two of the
master plan create stunning solar roofs with seamlessly integrated battery
storage expand the electrical the electric vehicle product line to address
all major segments including semi trucks and other trucks and wish there was a
minivan because I just bought a gas minivan develop a self-driving
capability that is ten times safer than manual via massive fleet learning enable
your car to make money for you when you aren't using it ride-sharing programs
and probably they have other creative ideas so once it's able to automatically
drive not only will you be able to summon it but you'll be able to go like
a little buddy car thing I'm at work go just like drive people around and make
me money yeah go back to my house where I'm not paying for electricity because
my roof is covered in solar powered solar cells and then when you're done
with that go and go and pick up some dudes or recharge at a Tesla station
because that's also free yep yeah well it might not be able to do that all I
guess it probably could do that automatically yeah well oh man pretty
car will probably be able to talk to the Tesla station the car will park exactly
where it needs to and then it was wonderful all right so this is a phone
that I was actually planning to review and then I ended up sending back when I
realized that I that the $99 price point is a little bit deceptive I want to say
one quick thing before we keep going forward yes I'm sure there's people I
haven't looked at all but I'm sure there's people in the twitch hat going
like if it goes and picks up people by itself they're just gonna like trash the
car and that's possible it's probably gonna be a uber style app thing that you
have to use and your credit card will be attached to it and they'll have IDs
attached to it and if you screw up the car they'll just wreck you right so yeah
it's probably fine I mean probably stuff will happen yes definitely stuff will
happen yeah but they will for the most part maybe it'll be okay yeah and I mean
you could I'm sure that they're going to I'm sure they're gonna make it kind of
smarter than we're thinking you know like you could probably have like a
trusted list of people that you're willing to share your car with even oh
if that would be like family and friends yeah right like you could have like
attacked yeah okay yeah yeah yeah yeah like you could you could decide what
level of sharing you want to do and you and you can treat it like a social
network so you could say friends of friends are okay yeah so if you need to
borrow your buddy's truck and he has a Tesla truck and you have a Tesla car you
can like send your car off to him for the day borrow his truck for the day
yep and then switch back later on absolutely cool you don't even have to
worry about your buddy crashing your truck he doesn't know how to drive it
yep because the thing is gonna drive it for it yep so it like there's there's all
kinds of cool stuff and like they have to make Tesla trailers like oh man
that's treating it like a social network I like that that's smart like that would
be cool anyway back to the ZTE Z Max Pro it is a $99 phone which absolutely blew
me away because it has a 1080p IPS display it has a Qualcomm processor so
it's not it's not a Snapdragon 820 let's be realistic but it is Qualcomm it's not
MediaTek it's got 32 gigs of storage 2 gigs of RAM 3400 milliamp hour battery
like it's pretty freaking impressive 6 inch display it is missing a couple
things it does not have dual band Wi-Fi 2.4 gigahertz only it does not have NFC
there was one other thing that really irked me and so I was gonna review the
crap out of this I was like oh my goodness I've got this in my hand I'm
like right and then I realized it's Metro PCS like I couldn't put my sim in
it wasn't unlocked and they wouldn't even be even ZTE wasn't able to unlock
it for me because you have to have it active on a Metro PCS plan for 90 days
in order to get the $100 rebate now I'm so excited for Tesla trucks at the
prepaid okay yeah and it will remain at $99 this is not just an intro promo so
okay very impressive phone if you are looking for like a prepaid phone carrier
and you just need like a cheap device and then you want to like port it over
to a different carrier later have a look at which bands it supports double check
make sure it supports the bands of the carrier of your choice but I would
highly recommend it based on the price at 99 bucks it like felt good I didn't
test out the camera much so I wouldn't expect it to be anything special but it
blew me away in terms of the rest of the functionality at 99 bucks with NFC being
a bit of a bummer and 5 gigahertz Wi-Fi being like a pretty big bummer I had the
phone actually Jake shipped it back to them today because I was like look I'm
not reviewing this I'm sorry I thought it was 99 unlocked that's why I was like
so excited now I'm just like a little bit excited so I'll cover it on WAN show
and I will hold up the phone but I can't because Jake's too efficient way to go
Jake way to go Jake you jerk um I think that's pretty much all that I oh
actually no I really wanted I want to do this arstechnica.co.uk wearable maker
Fitbit must face lawsuit over sleep tracking claims they're just getting
wrecked I mean let's talk about fitness trackers for a minute here I know Luke
has a piece planned where he's gonna be comparing a bunch of I don't think I
want to say anything should I say anything about it yet no because I don't
know anything okay and if you don't weigh in then you don't have to like
hold anything back and I can just say whatever and you can just sit there
poker face and we won't know how true or untrue any of it is but basically my
experience with fitness trackers is that they spit out meaningless numbers and
due to battery life constraints are not able to actually perform the functions
that they claim to perform things like sleep tracking for a device that I have
to take off even once or twice a week to charge at night is just stupid because
it's not actually getting the whole picture and I haven't even looked at any
of my notes on this yet so class-action lawsuit accusing Fitbit of
misrepresenting the ability for it to track sleep and okay and it can move
forward says a federal judge San Francisco sent the San Francisco federal
lawsuit claims Fitbit materially misrepresented their packaging of their
flex product to track users hours slept times woken up and sleep quality the
pseudo ledges false advertising unfair trade practices fraud and other claims
yeah it could still be dismissed but I mean they're at some point you know
fitness tracker wearers are wearable makers who for the most part as far as I
can tell are just kind of not doing enough R&D on all of this stuff we're
going to get taken to task and it looks like it's happening now I'm just gonna
what I'll say for now is that I think you're pretty close end of an era
original article from CDV news Japan to manufacture the last ever VCR this
summer so if you want a VCR brand new now is the time to get it
wonder who's gonna get the last manufacturer VCR ever funai electric
company is the last remaining Japanese manufacturer VCR devices they've sold
under various names like Sanyo in North America and they've been making VHS
recorder since 1983 they reported sales of 750,000 video recorders worldwide in
2015 and this is pretty much it there's actually a pretty good summary of you
know what VHS was for those of you who are fairly young and don't really
remember it but going back going back in time Phillips and Sony presented their
first reel-to-reel videotape recorders in the 1960s and the first home devices
followed in the 1970s and were actually showcased at CES several formats sprung
up over the years to compete in the consumer market Sony's Betamax and the
widely adopted VHS developed by JVC it launched officially in 1976 with the
first compatible recorders released in Japan before rolling out worldwide VHS
cassettes could record between 30 minutes and 5 hours of video footage and
over time VCR recorders were even capable of doubling this capacity
recording up to 10 hours on a single cassette although considered better
quality Betamax never managed to rival the VHS format and actually at the end
of 2015 Sony announced it would stop selling Betamax cassettes commercially
this year as well it's over an end of an era and actually that leads us into yet
another topic that we really have to cover an era that just won't end the WRT
54 GL how many of you owned how many have I owned I have never owned one or
bought for someone else I bought one that's it I bought one for someone else
and that's that's it in terms of recommending at a store that I worked at
my number is I don't even know oh we want to talk about that mine's a lot
higher yeah probably that's true yeah but ludicrous amounts and I've bought
for myself or like friends and family I think for so it was released in 2005
which when we talk about in terms of technology products is ridiculous yes
it's a 54 megabit per second routers wireless gee I mean it's not even dual
band like why do people still want this well the open source firmware the
reliability make it attractive you can buy a new router for less money get the
benefit of modern standards expansion into the 5 gigahertz band and data rates
more than 20 times higher so the 54 GL costs around 43 bucks us on Amazon but
despite this people are buying it in large enough numbers that links this
continues to earn millions of dollars per year okay this is a great quote
links this global product manager Vince loss Vince Leduca excuse me told ours
to be honest it somewhat baffles my mind but we'll keep building it because
people keep buying it wonderful all right so I think that pretty much wraps
it up thank you very much for tuning in to the land show this week I'm sorry it
was late I think based on how smoothly the stream has gone since we started it
and got the audio fixed that I'm basically not going to touch anything
and hopefully we will be good to go next week that strategy has definitely worked
for us in the past and it has also not worked for us at times in the past ever
ever thank you for watching and we will see you again next week same bat time
same bat channel yeah I think it's funny
immediately oh my god we can't make graphics apparently