
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

And welcome to the WAN Show. We have got a great show lined up for you guys today
We're gonna be talking about the Apple Vision Pro
Luke will be having his first hands-on experience with it. I've got it in my backpack beautiful
So we're gonna see your beautiful eyes. It'll be yours. Yeah, don't worry. They're blue for some reason
We're also going to be talking about the Canadian government who did something spectacularly
Either stupid or awesome depending on your perspective
Sure, I mean someone obviously thinks it's awesome. Otherwise, they wouldn't have done it. What else we got today?
Did I take yours again? Yeah
You stopped for one week
There was one yeah deepfake scam boosts 25
Million dollars for those of you who are new to English, especially young people English boosts means steals steals
Yeah, what else you got that was that was absolutely wild also
I don't know I'll pick this one Funimation libraries to be deleted, which is bad
That's a bummer that means initial D. I'm surprised you didn't take Florida man kicks kids off social media
That just sounds like a good idea
The show is brought to you by Grammarly AG one and you PDF
Why don't we jump right into our headline topic, which is of course nothing?
We named the show after your face my face be actually oh, I guess we should talk about that. Yeah, that is a topic
Oh, yeah, right. How did you not take that one?
I left you the juice
Yeah, fair enough. I was all
I guess and you were like usually usually you always take the headliner
And you skipped as I didn't even like realize that was still available, but yeah, it totally was um
So have I told you why?
No, oh great. Okay. I was if I remember correctly
I was actually legitimately waiting for the show to ask Dan. Do you know why life works now?
I think I had it spoiled for me. Yeah, okay, then don't say anything. Let's let luke guess
We can let chat help you because they don't know so anything they say is just complete profound
Can I give a can I give luke a hit? No, I haven't even got you can maybe eventually but not before I've even started
Well, that's disrespectful
Like does he just does he have a very hintable
Do I look
Do I have a very hintable face?
Just looks like he needs hints
Oh, man, my first initial reaction was got a strong brow furrow
My my first initial reaction was that it might have been something to do with
uh needing to have like a a mask or something no because you can't with beards
Okay, no afraid not anything like that
I want to give my a lot of firefighters have mustaches. I want to give my hint. Oh
Because the the mask can I thought it was just so they could give rides
I mean they probably do that a lot, but no the uh, yeah
The mask can go along the the outside of your face and you can still have a mustache because it doesn't have to stick there
God, it makes sense
It just got tired of it. Yvonne. What does Yvonne think?
I don't think you can ask questions. I think you can just I think you can just ask reasons
Did Yvonne suggest it? No, okay
Uh, were you just tired of it? Nope. Were you curious to see what it looked like? No, because it's been too long
It's been three long. It's been three long three years. Yeah
That was a covet beard. It's a really long time. I know, right? It feels yeah
The the whole covet timeline thing is ruined my brain. Um
No, it's not apple vision pro fitting
No, no, no apple vision pro is totally ski goggles and this is totally yeah neck warmer. Yeah
All right, dan give my uh hintable face some information
Um, you know how we were talking about linus's porsche last week. It's better than hittable face
That is true. Okay, uh, my understanding is it's very similar reasons to why he um modified his windshield wipers
Okay, I could kind of see where you're going with this
But I don't think that's gonna help him very much. I didn't say it was a good hint
But I thought you might find that funny
It was like the the cheaper way of doing something, but how does that make any sense?
Linus gets it linus gets it
I love this. There's thousands of people experiencing this
And only two of them get the joke right now
This is a great show. I feel special. Dan, you're a special
You're a special boy. Can I get a another hint?
I'm trying to think of like do I call him?
I might as well just tell you there's absolutely no way you're ever gonna get it. Okay, so I booked a hydrafacial
I have no idea what that is. It's basically just like a skin treatment for your face water on your face. No, is it waterboarding?
No, it's definitely not waterboarding
Okay, um, so I got a hydrafacial and um, I I contacted them ahead of time. I was like
So like how does it work with the the hair and they were like, uh, well, it obviously doesn't work anywhere where you have facial hair
And I was like, okay, well is the price different and why is that obvious and they're like no
The price is the same and I was like, okay, so the price is the same regardless of how much face you treat
Like I gotta get my value. I respect that. Yeah, I respect that. Are you gonna grow it back?
You know what? I didn't get my value though because what I realized after I shaved it was
Even though I had intended to do it anyway
I could have gotten dbrand to pay like an enormous amount of money to have me shave my beard on Wancho or something
Especially if you left mustache for a certain period of time. So stupid. I can't I can't believe I can't believe it
I am
But yeah, that was kind of that that was slash is kind of surprising to me
And one of the most like based takes i've seen so far was our own mark rathberger
Gaber rath gaber
Okay, I realize i've never said his last name out loud. Yeah, right then he gets that a lot
I know I he's told told me rathberger. He gets that all the times rath gaber
I knew I grew up with someone with them with that last name. So my brain just defaulted to it. Anyways, uh, he said if this is real
Why wasn't it sponsored? Yeah, that's fair. It's a it's a fair take. I'm actually very surprised
It's a very it's fair take that you didn't combine those two things because the the the one if like, you know
What i'm gonna get my full value out of this totally understand. Yep
But i'm surprised that your brain didn't also go not only will I get full value
But I will now make money yeah off of this. Yeah, I mean we could we could have upgraded some workstations or whatever, you know
It was a miss it was a miss
Okay, speaking of misses my wife. No, just kidding. Um, let's talk about the apple vision pro. No, no, no
What does she think? Oh, oh, oh, oh, uh, she's like the beard didn't she she likes the look of the beard
But definitely prefers the snuggle ability of not a beard
So for her, it's kind of I think it's like a 55 percent beard 45 percent not beard got it
But now that the beard has been a thing for a while and she's going back to not the beard
It's kind of fun for a bit. No. Oh
No, no, not even a little it's I think it's when we went from this to that it was like
Oh, yeah, the beard looks a little better
Now that we go from beard to this it's like
So you're growing it back, right?
Sorry, are you going to back then? Uh, yeah, but not yet. Oh
Soon why not yet?
Has the the hydrofacial is just to lead up for like a pokey thing that they're that they're gonna do sure
Yeah, so it's like some pokey thing. It's supposed to facial acupuncture
It's supposed to stimulate like collagen production or something like that
Like basically i'm looking at it going. Okay. I'm almost 40
um, i'm not into i'm not into like oh i'm gonna get a bunch of fillers and a nose job or whatever else but
from a certain point of view, um
I have like never done anything other than just rub soap on my face
and i'm looking at it going okay, so
This is kind of like being 40 and never having gone to the dentist. It's like yeah, I brush my teeth
But like I so i'm like, okay, you know what a little bit of maintenance
I'm going for it
So i've got a couple things and then i'm gonna grow my facial hair back. Okay and cover it all up
That makes a ton of sense. Yeah, sure
You ready?
Uh, yeah, I get yeah, I guess so
You guys are gonna see it here first guys raw raw impressions
I'm like i'm like kinda
Nervous, I don't know why
Well, because if your take on it is wrong
Then you're gonna have people calling you an idiot and if your take on it is right
That isn't why then you're gonna have the other half of people calling you an idiot
Yeah, because this is an extremely divisive product. Yeah, okay. Okay. So first up first up it's an extremely divisive device
Here it is
The apple vision
Professional not to be confused with the regular apple. Are you gonna take it? Oh, yeah, not to be confused with the regular apple vision
Is this just it's one size for everybody?
Um, okay
So you do a facial scan thing, but your nose kind of shape
Coming out of your face is like pretty not that far off mine
I suspect this thing will probably be mostly okay for you. Maybe a little bit on the small side
Um, because i'm like a small medium helmet, and I think you're more like a large. Yeah, but the whatever the um
Uh, I don't remember what the brand of that vr headset was that I tried at your house, but that filled pretty well
Oh, really? So the big screen beyond. Yeah. Oh, yeah, that did fit you. Okay, okay
Then you'll probably I was wondering about the so that has a dial size. Oh, okay. Yep
So you just play around with the dial and
And uh, once you put it on it should basically turn on but before you do before you do else
Let's get your impressions. All right, so it's got the it's got the protective cover on the front
It comes with that you can just pop that off material wise feels premium
I don't know the headband
Really? Okay, there's two options for the headband
There's a headband doesn't feel not premium to be clear. There's one that has a top
There's the like a top strap as well diaper band
Well, yeah, I mean I wouldn't call it a diaper band, but sure sure. Yep. They could have made that
One look a lot better. They clearly want you to use this one
Yeah, I can see that there's like no promo material of that. I don't yeah, this is one in all of it
That's fair. Yeah, they could have done a better job with that one. Okay
I can already tell this is going to feel front heavy. Mm-hmm
What do you think of the the weight of the battery pack?
That's fine. It's gonna be in a pocket or something, right? Like i'm not really worried about that. Yep. What do you think of the fixed cable?
It's not it's only sort of fixed. Yeah. Well, yeah, it's it's one length though
So you can't just you can't just be like oh i'm gonna keep it in my shirt pocket today
Yeah, because it's a it's a it's a different type of lightning, right?
It's like it's at some kind of jumbo lightning, so it's it's fixed. I mean that's not great for all intents and purposes today
Yeah, I would like to be able to have different lengths of cable sure
You got some grease on those lenses mm-hmm
Do I try it on now? Go for it. Do I keep the cover on? I have long eyelashes. I it's actually a problem for me
Is my eyelashes just coat the inside of any vr headset that I use with like grease. Oh, yeah
You're gonna want to loosen that a touch. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, are you gonna take off the front cover?
Sure. Also, I mean any impressions on the uh, yeah, okay. Yeah, he found it
So that's how the pieces come apart, uh, you're gonna show the people you're just gonna hold it under the desk
So I tried to take off the front cover by gripping this portion and pulling both sides and then this came out and I was
Very temporary. Don't forget about the other piece that comes off of that. Oh, so that piece also comes off of the assembly that you just disconnected
All right, I don't need that though, right? Nope. No, that's just this is the not thicker one
This is the thinner version of the face face thing. I'm gonna try again. Okay, there we go. Here we go. Here we go
That right there
Is a man who's going skiing
This is less comfortable than I expected to be honest. Well, remember to the face thing is not
You know your size does it do these parts rest on your face? Um, it depends
So if I use that band it
Pulls in hard on my forehead. Yeah, me too. And if I use the other band
It hangs
Hard on my cheeks. Okay, it's like barely even touching my cheeks. All of it is right on my forehead
Remember to though to take all of this for what it is. Luke didn't do a facial scan. This is not the correct size for him
Yeah, it's not. However, um, I will say that one of my bits of feedback is going to be that I find the comfort of
It extremely difficult to deal with. It's definitely a lot more front heavy
Than other vr devices i've used. Is it on yet?
Uh, no. Okay, hold the button on the left on the top top left. There's it should be a button. Hold it down. That's the right
Good job
Okay, did it fire up? No, uh, I hope I didn't let it die
You found the button though, right? Yeah, this one. Yeah, okay. It's not turning on. No. Okay. One moment, please
You can just plug the battery pack into something, right? I think. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's no problem
That's no problem. We've got a solution. The solution is the cable supposed to go up like this
Uh, yep, that's where the cable goes so it goes like they're trying to get it around your ear
I guess it doesn't actually go around my ear. Yeah, it I don't have that problem, but that's interesting feedback
Yeah, it like touches right at the top
The bigger issue for me and a lot of this is is just going to be stuff that i'm going to talk about in the review
All right, you should be able to turn it on now. It's it's charging now. Okay. Wow
This whole everything on the forehead thing is not great. The bigger issue for me is that
On both straps
The attachment mechanism here. I'm just going to go to linus cam here
The attachment mechanism is an ovular shape you can see that it's an oval
And what that means is that there's absolutely zero play whatsoever
So if you're the kind of person who goes oh, yeah, you know, I really prefer to wear a back ponytail
Instead of a nape ponytail or a high ponytail
I would really like to adjust this to sit you know more this way or more this no
No, you get to not do that
So if you look at the way that luke's wearing it right now, luke, can you turn to the side a little bit?
If he was like, oh, I would really strongly prefer
You know to have this kind of more up here
The answer is no
Apple says no
Speaking of apple saying no, it won't turn on
Still yeah
I mean, it's definitely charging
Uh here can can I borrow it for a sec? Maybe this is just user error
Or instructional error could also be that
Oh man, ah so convenient
All right, you want to stall for me?
Uh, sure
Let's run interference
Uh, yeah, the whole forehead thing I saw him take it off once and I saw a very pronounced red mark along his forehead and then
Slightly along the sides and I was a little bit surprised by that and now I am no longer surprised at all
Uh, for me again, it's not scanned for my face
So it's probably not already read on you
Yeah, I'm not surprised
Um, it's not scanned for my face at all
This is probably not useful information like straight up
But no weight at all was distributed anywhere other than just my forehead
And all the weight for the device is in the front
So the entire weight of the device was just sitting right there
Where the other strap I could I could try that
The bigger issue for me is that
My choices so the reason you probably saw it so red on my forehead was because I had I was wearing it really
I was wearing it really tight and the reason for that is if I wear it at a reasonable tightness
Um, it just mashes the bridge of my nose
So this is actually the point where it's most uncomfortable
So you're cranking it onto your forehead to save your nose. This is not turning on for me either
The light is red. It's usually green. So I guess it um
Needs a minimum charge
Yeah, maybe it needs a minimum charge level, which I find a little bit
Have you spent time with this? Should we swap straps?
I have spent time with that
Um, like I was saying earlier, it basically takes the it takes the load off of here
And puts it here and on my nose
And it also just kind of feels like it's going to come flying forward on me
Because I would wear it farther back
I would wear it more like back here instead of like like here and here instead of
Right here and right here. Yeah, it's like it's not deep enough. Yeah, this band seems
Yeah, I'm not I'm not surprised. That's the one they put in all the promo footage. That seems kind of a little late, maybe
Um, well, this is not working. This is
A little anticlimactic. Yeah, this was supposed to be our first topic of the week
I guess we're gonna have to pivot to another topic. This is yeah, we just come back to it
Sure, we'll come back to it. We'll let it charge for a bit. Yeah. All right. Good luck, buddy
Want to pick one? Try the other button people are saying? No, I tried it. Yeah, okay
Uh, sure. Okay
Apparently there is a google doc of uh people reacting to
You shaving and we're supposed to react to that. Really? Yes. Oh, I didn't know about this. Okay. Shave memes
There's a segment if you scroll down. There's a section called segment. Okay reactions to linus's new face
All right, uh, I guess we'll just uh screen share for this. Okay, uh, i'll go full screen
Sure, uh
View slideshow button. There we go
Okay, I saw this that skipped way in
That's the seventh slide. What? Oh, well, okay
Are you happy? Yes initial reactions
What's up, Addy? No. Um, okay. Yeah, that's foul. That's foul
What? I don't understand the opera one considering he has a beard
Opera gx
Uh, okay
We're covering up the caption. Okay. Oh, damn. Mr. Beth. Mr. Besser's on it. He's on the case
All right, we good? Yeah. Oh wow, dan. So you're just gonna move it around on the fly? Okay. Yep
Glad to see you're back at ncix. Love it. By the way, this pc turned out amazing. Is it still
Having problems? Nope. No, it's running perfect now. Uh, I think it ended up just being a
Motherboard issue or like pci e riser plug-on plug. It's fine now. Yeah, it's 100 rock solid now. That's awesome
Runs cool. Uh, yeah, it's amazing
There's the my favorite one
That's valid that's a good question
But you shaving brought the world together. Okay. I saw this yeah on the community post on youtube
And I thought I just thought I was like, oh
This must be a new meme format that's popping off right now
It's actually an extremely old meme format that is only
Partially related
Interesting. Yeah
Because I was gonna send this to the social team. I was like, okay, yeah
We should probably find something to like piggyback on top of this and then I forgot and that's a good because then I would have
Looked like it. Yeah
Addis as a citizen of
basically anything
We this is amazing want the thing and then pass it on or something. Yeah
Oh, man, okay, very good. That's actually that's actually pretty good
Oh, no
Okay, uh, I really don't think I'm gonna go blonde again. Why I what do it?
What what complete the look? Why are you why are you being so aggressive right now?
You you dyeing your hair blonde and wearing
Oh, yeah, polo shirts come on would be
That'd be amazing. Oh, wild throwback
No, we could get a really old camera and then do an ltt
What is this clip?
We can't hear it
We can't hear it
Is there sound on this?
It looks like there's here you go
They should be able to hear that. Give me one second
Okay, thank you for that
All right, yeah
Alex says my girlfriend says you look like a daddy with that beard
Except I don't have a girlfriend and I said that keep up all that you do
All right, thank you again for
I completely forgot about that, but that's pretty funny
Wow, the future remains unclear I mean unless you have vision
Hey, I doubt I'll be able to take anything. He says seriously get go. Come on. I'm still a serious person
Oh, come on
That's pretty funny
Okay, all right. Thank you for that. This must have been the social team
Okay, that's pretty funny
Let's see if the apple vision pro is working
There's an accelerometer in the battery bank and it's really yeah, it's supposed to light up when you
When you move it, but it's not doing it right now
It seems like a more expensive solution to the just like press the button to check method
Also, I mean did I mention this battery bank is just
useless unless you happen to want to power a vision pro because just apple things
Isn't it also like not that big?
uh, I don't know
vision pro it's uh
31 66 million powers
Yeah, like wait, what?
Uh, it's it's over under provision. It's whatever the provisioning is where there's more capacity in here than what they
Display by about 20. I think it was even and I think the idea there is that they really don't want this thing to just
be used every day be charged multiple times a day
Be kept out of full charge and then have people have it just like dying in a year
No, they would like it to take at least a few years because that's how apple rolls by then they'll have something better to sell you
It's not 5 volt 12 volts
Yeah, it's a super random random voltage
Um, like it's something they absolutely could have done with pd 13 volts
It's one of those things where it's like i'm sure there's some reason that it runs at 13. Yeah
Um, but i'm also sure that they could have found a way to make it not run at 13 volts and run it like a standard usb pd
voltage as well
Sorry, is it working now or I don't know i'm checking. Okay. Um
Keep running interference
Okay, sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah
Yes, it's working. Okay. Okay. Okay. Here we go. All right run. No interference. All right
Luke will be experiencing the apple vision pro for the oh, yeah, sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry
Do you kind of get used to it? I feel like you would
I'm so over this thing. Oh, I can't wait until i'm finished my review and I can just put it back in
the box or like give it to horse to cover on mac address or something
Wow, I i'm i'm over it
Oh, yeah
Uh, there are things that I love about it and I and I mean that with a capital l love
But there are things about it that uh
Just make it the kind of thing that I love the idea of and I don't need to have on my face
Like one thing to explain my problem and again, I want to say it again
This one is not face scanned for me
To make it so that the face shield thing is actually touching my face
I can make that happen by pulling it completely off and
And getting out like I can see linus right now through the device
Like it that's weird. Are you sure that's clicked on properly? It's magnetic. Oh, oh, yeah, there you go
That's what i'm oh, I'm taking it off to make it touch. So so the problem you have is the same one
I have then like okay without the headband on could you make the whole thing go against your face by changing the angle almost certainly
Yeah, absolutely
This right here is a is actually a like a oh wow
Yeah, I need to have the headband on like the upper crown of my head. That's really okay. So are you good now then?
Yeah, that's way better. Oh, okay, cool. It has to be like way up here
I can't move it enough for it to be comfortable because it doesn't
Rotate it's not it's not swivelable. I genuinely this this fixed
Pretty much everything. It's very uncomfortable in the back of my head. I don't like it being up here
It feels like it's gonna slip off. Yep
Um, but it's now resting on my face way better have the exact same problem with this one
It feels like it's gonna come off at any moment. Yeah, I don't but it's more comfortable than that bend for me
Oh, yeah, this like this is immeasurably better. Okay, so, uh, is it prompting you for a pin or anything?
It wants me to press this button to align. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Hold it. Yep. Press and hold
motorized IPD adjustment
Pretty cool
Wow, that's pretty good. Whoa
What the heck is it actually right there?
How's that pass through? Wow, that's weird
Pretty good, huh? That is actually really good
Can you toss me something? Yeah, absolutely here. I'll uh, I'll toss you. Oh, I'll toss you a prototype LTT sock
Yeah, that was like easy. Yeah
Yeah, no problem on the short circuit
um dbrand
Bet me that I couldn't dodge
All the things that bell threw at me
So if I was able to dodge them all they said they'd pay double for the sponsorship
Did you dodge them all?
And if I wasn't able to dodge I got nothing. Oh
So obviously I took that bet because I was extremely confident that I could dodge anything bell could throw. I mean
If you played softball with him. No, he's actually pretty good
But uh, yes, I successfully dodged everything so i'm pretty sure dbrand had to pay double
There's interesting stuff like right here
This visually is way closer to me than it actually is
It's that's that's kind of odd. It's most things once it gets far enough away
It's pretty good. The 3d mapping is I would say an extremely extremely strong point
Yeah, it's it's very good. There's just like normally you're not going to have an object statically that close to your face
Yeah, like it's it's fine. I can't read text on the laptop, but I can very easily read all the keys. Yep
And if you had a macbook on the on the stream deck perfectly fine
I mean, do you want it? Do you want it? Oh shoot? Do I have I have the pin thing up and I uh, yeah
Yeah, you can you can uh enter it up center it over there. So use the crown which is on the right
Yeah, yeah center it looking at the wall so that you're just like mashing off screen and then just obfuscate what you're doing somehow
Is the pin over there now? Yeah. Yeah, it should be okay. So oh, oh are you using just your gaze tracking and and um
Yeah, oh, yeah
So just just go like this in front of it in front of yeah
Just in front of it beneath it just kind of anywhere. Yeah, you're way off your way off screen now
And remember they can't see what you're looking at anyway, so it doesn't matter
So your your fingers can be anywhere. They can be close. It doesn't matter if the people can see your fingers
Is that registering
Wow, that was weird to get used to
Apple vision pro guys all it costs is uh, okay. I'm in he's in he's in the matrix. Uh, okay
Maybe center it's fantastic. Maybe center it over here so we can see you. Wow
Okay, that's cool. And that looks insanely good, right? That's wild
See any screen door effect? No
It's there's some I don't know if it's the the the eyelash grease or because it's not fit my for my face
There's a there's little imperfections here or there
Um, but especially oh i'm like doing things and it's reacting to it. That's pretty funny. Oh, I gotta stop
I want to look at stuff and I gotta just move my eyes. Yeah
It's pretty cool
Come on
There we go. Wow. This is very cool
I understand why people are reacting to this so heavily because this is actually quite novel
This is more novel than I expected. Yep
Having used pass-through before and stuff like this before this is much more novel than I expected
Do you have any of the photos panoramic photos?
Uh, if you just go to photos and videos. Yeah, I'm sure there's some stuff in there
Like there's a there's a 3d video that I recorded just walking around this thing
Where they they put the screen up looks incredibly good
I I don't know if it's just because of the screen door or because of something else that they're doing
But it just looks fantastic. Yeah, the lenses are incredible
They're pancake lenses. So they're they're super low profile
But they have so much less internal reflection compared to the big screen beyond that. I just cannot
How they are this far ahead of what others are doing at this stage?
That's pretty sweet. I can put it behind the wall. Yep
And then if you glance toward the bottom right or bottom left corner
Then you can grab that and you can resize the window once you've positioned it where you like it
Ah, yeah, yeah
He's spatial. He's spatially computing folks. I am spatially computing and like i've seen videos people doing this
But it's actually way different when you're actually just doing yourself interesting
You kind of have to trust it to work
For a while there I was like trying to like scope it out
If you just look at the thing and do it it seems to happen if you try to finesse it
It doesn't happen as well. I don't know. That's not a great way of saying that. No, that's fine. That's fine. I get it
Heck yeah rated out of 10 so far first impressions
Ignore the comfort
Yeah, how what is what is my what is my what i'm what what is the thing that i'm rating display it display is
extremely good interaction
Display is got to be for everything that i've experienced it displays a 10
It's pretty incredible guys interaction is extremely good, especially considering i'm not holding something that's doing that
um, i'm still having some problems with
It like detecting where i'm looking now. I didn't put it in guest mode for you
I'm, sorry. I probably should say that's probably because of it not being scanned for my face. Yes
I didn't really care about setting up the ipd thing properly. Yeah, it's not in guest mode that didn't even know existed etc
It's probably those things more than anything because i've watched people use it and they haven't had these types of problems
So i'm not actually worried about that
And when it does work it feels like insanely good and i don't really see anyone having problems
so I think it's probably just a
Settings thing
So honestly the interactability that i've done so far is probably also like a 10
Do you want to see dinosaurs?
Yeah, okay, so just click the crown and go to the go to the dinosaur experience. Yeah, I think it's on the second home page
Um, so just just pinch in front of you and swipe to the side to get no you got a pinch. So a pinch is like a touch
Okay, there you go. Yeah, and then encounter dinosaurs. Yep. This takes a little while
So, uh, i'm gonna i'm gonna do a topic real quick while luke sits here and um
Experiences dinosaurs, I guess
Right now i'm just experiencing the room so with music good for him. Oh, it's over there. Oh, move it. I don't know
Can you?
No, cool. So i'm just gonna stare at you
Wow, which uh with my own eyes through the vision pro
Definitely a little creepy. Is it weird? Yeah, um
It's not very good. So that's part of it
And then the other part is it's it's like you're kind of half face swapped
Oh, no, this is hilarious because the words in on my side the words encounter dinosaurs is just behind linus's head
Yeah, but because it's behind your head the top of your head is like
Translucent so I can still read the word. Yeah, so I have it set to
Recognize when other people are around and create a little translucent window and whatever it is you're doing kind of like
Rubbing rubbing a french fry on a piece of paper, you know
Like make it makes a little kind of kind of clear window where you can see other people
There's now a butterfly flying around your head. I feel like I'm in like you know that
depiction in old movies of someone who just got like a concussion and you just like start seeing
things like that feels like what's happening right now. All right, cool. Um, oh wow, okay
Okay, are we am I even gonna try and do a topic or are you just gonna you can go for are you just gonna do stuff? Okay?
Okay, okay, we've got a quick jobs announcement
We're looking for a procurement coordinator
Responsibilities include fostering positive relationships streamlining procurement processes
Tracking product releases and collaborating with the content creation team on trending tech
It's linusmediagroup.com slash jobs head over there if that sounds like you or anyone, you know
You can always direct someone else there
You see the little dinosaur now. It's a cute little dinosaur. He's squeaking. All right. You enjoy that little dinosaur luke
Oh, one thing I didn't even think about is yeah audio quality seems
Okay, we're hiring some positions right now. There. They are. See you later
It lacks space
The speakers are
Not amazing. Yeah, but what is amazing is turn your head around
Spatial mapping yeah
Is i'm not i'm noticing that is the dinosaurs sniffing your head
Mind-blowing. Yeah, it's so good
All right, uh, I guess I will also talk about how oh
Oh, we've added some new stuff on ltdstore. Do you want to talk about what you're experiencing at all? Should I just keep going?
No, I think you're good. Keep going. All right, cool
We are launching our black polo shirt. Yep. That's right
It's a black polo shirt. It's part of our nine to five collection smart fabrics easy fits good looks
Uh, it's super soft and breathable with snaps rather than buttons on the collar
So convenient great for work or play 96 percent cotton four percent elastane
And we've got a couple of new graphic tees. That's right. We are finally launching some new graphic tees
uh planetaries in oh, this isn't planetary
Intergalactic was inspired by our digital journeys into other galaxies through ar and vr
Uh starting with the ar video that lloyd did with mac address
And then planetary was inspired by putting tech internals like hard drives and chi chargers out into the galaxy
So you can check these out at ltdstore.com both were inspired by kind of bit slash pixel art styles and uh
Uh, speaking of intergalactic and traveling into other galaxies luke, you're in the same galaxy same planet
Intergalactic planetary very far back in time
You know a black polo is a perfect time for you to
Dot your hair. Thank you for that. That's um, really helpful. Yeah, this is crazy
I can understand why you're probably tired of it
But it's crazy
It's very cool. I don't this is this is like
How long ago was that? I was at oculus
forever ago, I think 2016 2017
around there
And I had a conversation with someone where I I I bet 10 years
Was the time frame it was going to be until we had like actual real mass adoption of vr. Right?
Um, and this is pretty close
This is definitely I think not it
But I think this is a huge amount of the way there. I think we need a better
better weight distribution
Better strap situation maybe
The screen quality is fantastic the audio quality seems good enough
Um, the spatial audio stuff is wild how you control it seems very smart. I don't know it's good
This wouldn't be a normal place. You would want to run your cable
Um, yeah, I don't mind that I just hit it with my hand because I just wouldn't have it ran like this ever
So that's fine. Yeah, it's it's funny that apple was the one to divorce us from headphone cables
And now they've brought back a far thicker. I do far more obnoxious
Far less sort of
Readjustable and manageable cable, but that's what I find interesting the fact that there's no routing along the band or anything
That you could optionally run it through
We're gonna get third-party headbands for this and they're going to be
Infinitely better than the garbage that apple shipped it worth because these are detachable
So someone could actually easily make their own that might solve a lot of my problems with it. Yep. Yep. Almost certainly
I think if it was scanned for my face and thus fit better, I would be much more happy with it
Um, unfortunately, I don't think that I have my macbook
So i've been i've been daily in a macbook
ever since I started my review of the vision pro which
Uh admittedly has contributed to some of my impatience with it. There's definitely still things that I find
Very frustrating about mac os to be clear. There's things I find very frustrating about windows things. I find very frustrating about linux side i
But there's there's things I find very frustrating about mac os
Like unless you go completely full screen on your app how little of your actual screen you get to use between the menu at the top and then the
Dock at the bottom like okay, sure that's good. It's great. Just i'll just use this part of my screen while i'm browsing the internet
Um, i'm not really i'm not really a full screen i'm not really a full screen app guy, but
uh, let me let me go ahead and see if i can get this signed in and then you'll be able to
Use the macbook with the vision pro and we can kind of get your impression of that have you done the imax thing
Sorry, imax. Yeah
Um, there's an imax app with a 46 minute long free
Video of a beautiful planet in collaboration with nasa. I just installed that. Oh, yeah, I installed that last night
I was having trouble getting access to the app store because I am canadian
So even if you get your hands on a vision pro you will need to have a us-registered apple id and then
Especially difficult if you want to actually buy anything or subscribe to anything on the app store
You will need a us-based credit card not a us dollar credit card
That's always so frustrating the billing address must be in the united states
So that was pretty frustrating when I figured that out
This is going to take me a minute because I need to log
Out of the account that I am in now and then I need to log into a different account and that's going to be that's going to be a second
So another addition that I would add to my obviously not enough time spent with it. Oh, i'm in a theater
I didn't even realize that
Oh, you can adjust the immersion
In your environment by turning the crown which is the one on the right
Neat, huh?
It's pretty neat
Uh, so yeah something that I will say is
This is good enough that I would want one
I really get one because it's thirty five hundred dollars. Oh, I see
And I was I was I
Yeah, you you had me for a second there. I
I thought you said want one not we'll get one
Yeah, I thought you were legitimately like considering one all of a sudden there
No, but this is novel enough that like
This is very cool. This feels like a leap
This is pretty sweet. Are you in the imax experience right now? Yes
If you're doing something and it's requesting you to close it, obviously you can close it. Nope. No, I am not doing anything
I'm trying to figure out how to sign out and I finally figured it out
This feels like something that existed and this is an app that you can
uh, you know, you just play like this is an imax whatever video thing and
You happen to be able to play it in this headset
If this video was wow, yeah, I wasn't expecting to see my hands. There they are
Uh, if this video was all around me in a more panoramic scene, I think it would be better. I'm looking at a big box, which is
So that's going to be the case for a lot of things. Uh, I have a couple of makes sense
I have a couple of ipad apps that are compatible like in compatibility mode, but i'm definitely understanding why developers
Don't necessarily want to didn't necessarily want to preemptively make things for a very questionable
Uh user base for a very yeah for a very questionable experience. Yeah
Yeah, totally get that. Um, that's one of the reasons why I think with the it seems like a lot of people are getting it
Reviews seem to be pretty positive. Maybe if a bunch of users actually get this
Um, and a version two comes out eventually and whatnot that might be the time
I don't know unless you're into specifically into early adoption of tech stuff
Uh, I don't know if this is going to be a thing for you
But if you are into early adoption of tech stuff, this is very cool
Sorry, this is this is going to take me a little while still
Uh, my my deepest and most sincere apologies
Dan run interference
Yeah, merch message. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah hit us with a merch message. That's good. It's pretty much the perfect time for that anyway
So excellent. Um, let's see
Hey, dan and the others. What's the story behind linus cat tips? Where did it come from and what happened to it?
Oh, it came from the idea that in the early days of the company
Um, I was thinking hey with how long it takes to shoot ltt
Which is just was on boxings at the time
We could easily shoot the entire week's worth of content in a day
So nothing would prevent us then from having five different channels
each of which we shoot all the content for in a day
One of the things that you know, i'm i'm pretty passionate about is cats
Oh, shoot
While you do whatever you're doing, um
the the whole mixed reality
Portion of this is awesome
It like it knows that
Linus is a thing that I might want to see right now
So like if I look to my left, I don't see this wall at all. I see an IMAX theater
I see all the different levels of it, etc. Even looking over there
There's like the door to the IMAX theater the the front
Whatever the water ball. I can't see that
Um, the like guard rail in the front. I see all that kind of stuff
I look over towards Linus and I see exactly
Linus in the area around him. I look here. There's IMAX theater. This is
You could sit at home and interact with the people around you fully and properly while also engaging in media, which is
pretty fantastic
Oh my god, what is this?
Um, whatever this is there's like
Error messages are tiled over top of my whole screen
Um, so upset right now
Uh sync failed okay, I I can't deal with that right now. I just need you to move. I just need you to move and get out of my way
Okay, let's try uh, let's try the other one
Send a new code
Come on. Come on
It's not working. Maybe it's the other one
Okay, I'm having a great time. Well, that's good. I'm really glad you are. I'm really stressed out
This is really engaging content guys
I'm sure this is fantastic for you guys to watch. It's great for me. This is this is looks at looks watching a different show
I still wouldn't want to spend 3500 bucks on it
And I don't know how much how how required it is. It feels like being in the apple ecosystem. It would be quite required
Um, I don't I genuinely have no knowledge of how required it is to have a macbook
But I don't have one of those either. So this would end up being a very very expensive overall purchase
Which I will not do because I am too cheap, but I
Am definitely starting to understand why people would and some of the people that I know personally that have bought one
I I get it
It's cool. It's very cool. Yeah, but I mean you're you're just kind of like looking at stuff like
I don't know
What's wrong with that? What's wrong with a phone and and like a cardboard box?
You're just gonna watch like a movie. This is cooler than a phone in a cardboard box
Yeah, but it is like
How much money is that worth like how old that's why I wouldn't how how much how much content, uh
Is going to be created like this it's a novel
Early adopter tech experience. Yeah, you're you're paying a massive tax
Is the dollar value matching what you're getting for a lot of people probably not but it is very cool
Um, and the screen is good. I think that's what matters
Fantastic, that is a huge part of it. I keep kind of slipping into like not even really realizing
That this is what i'm doing because the video that i'm watching is
Fantastic, um
Um, and like I look over at linus and he's he's not there at all
Like it completely removes him and then if I look directly at him
He's there and it's very clear good. I'm not it's not fuzzy. I'm not seeing any screen door on it
It's it's very very good. So i'm i'm like
Very very much immersed in this video that's in front of me
But I don't feel like I have like exited the room if that makes sense. My ears are completely uncovered
So while I can hear the the thing, it's also very easy to hear you guys. I'm not wearing my headphones
Yeah, you can still hear me. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Normally these make it easier to hear you especially
Um, but despite there being audio blasted directly at my ears by the headset. I can still hear you. No problem
I can still hear it. It's no problem closed in as like a traditional headset. Yeah, yeah, I I I that's nice
That part is really really cool. Um
And pretty unique i've dealt with pass through before
This is not the same thing not only because it's really fast like when linus threw me that sock. It was
Second nature to catch it. It wasn't difficult. It wasn't it didn't feel more difficult than normal
Um, but also just it's it's very smart
Like linus walking away. It was like yeah, you might want to see this person walking in front of you
So linus was rendered in in front of the imac screen as he walked away
But usually like the the table is usually full deleted this mic right now because i'm in the imac's view is usually being full deleted
If I look right at it, it shows up
um, but generally it's not there
This is just it's
Very cool. Whatever they developed to
Intelligently detect what I would want to see
And decide when to show it and when not to show it is extremely good
That is like very impressively good. All right. I've got a merch message for you to uh stall for time
While dan fixes something sure. Uh, steven asks yo dll
The hardest choice of my childhood was who to sacrifice at the end of fable 2
What was the toughest video game choice that you ever made?
Mine's gonna be stupid so i'm gonna go ahead and uh, let you go first just in case
Not even i'm not even just like losing myself in uh in the imax thing. I'm trying to think. Um
I can do mine first if you need time
For me, it was my first playthrough of final fantasy tactics
Hadn't really
By this stage in the game that like permadeath was a thing. Oh
And I
I was a kid and I I played through a little bit more of the game thinking
There's some
There's got to be a shrine back
Yeah, or something
Yeah, and I like get them back or something
So you know how wait have you played final fantasy tactics?
Uh, no, but I believe it works functionally in in the permadeath sense the same as excom
I believe sure. Yeah, yeah, so um
Really where I was going with that was that each stage each level of the game
extremely time-consuming okay
You you you go and you like do things in between each stage you visit different
You know locations and you
Micromanage your stupid equipment and all of your abilities and then you go and you do a fight and you
Might or might not win and then you do the whole thing again and you try again and like it's very
Boy, is it ever time-consuming so when you've made it a few more stages in
And you realize oh no and it it wasn't like it wasn't an important character because the important characters when they
But it was it was not a random either
And I had gotten kind of attached
And I was like, oh my goodness
They are dead forever
Um, so for me it was less a decision of like who to sacrifice or who not sacrifice and more a decision of do I want to invest all of
This time into restoring a really long time ago like probably
Five plus hours of gameplay time ago save so that I can bring this person back to I did it
I went back and got them. I was like I can't do this
Yeah, there's there's a couple like I can think in I think it's mass effect 2
I think there's a there's a part of the game where you have to decide basically I think one person has to stay back to like
Do something and the rest of the people can escape and you have to pick which person is going to stay back
Uh, and the person who stays back definitely dies and you're you know, that's going to be the result
Decisions like that, uh
I feel like a hello, dan
You just showed up in the middle of the space station. Uh, that's cool. Um
Um, but yeah, the decisions like that I can find difficult, but I think the hardest one is going to be related to yours
I'm pretty sure it was fallout 3
Uh, my my dog died
Oh, no
And fallout 3 was not as
Friendly with autosaves as some newer games are and I had been doing a lot of open world exploration
And I had to lose like basically a day of gameplay
Um, but you did it didn't you and the decision ended up basically being like
I'm just going to quit for now
Because I don't think I can redo all of that this second
But i'm getting my dog back
So i'ma just close the game and not save it so that I can like commit this decision
And then i'm going to go move on and do something else for a while and then eventually I did go back to it
Uh, but yeah, I obviously had to get my dog back. That was required
Obviously, yeah
Okay, are you ready to
Another interesting thing just came up
Oh, all right, fine. So you're just not going to do the thing that i've spent this entire
I'm ready and I will do it, but I want to this is part of it
I got a notification saying that a device was added. Oh, yeah, you better believe it
And it brought me out of the immersive experience and was like, yo, you should probably deal with this really quick
And then the second I dealt with it. It was like, all right, we're back
That's pretty cool. Yeah. All right. Um, so here's a macbook
Okay, it's probably been a while. Uh, yeah
Um, I don't know where okay, so basically what do I close the thing that i'm in?
Uh, oh, you can press the crown
I actually don't like how much I end up interacting with the crown
uh, it's not a ton
The gesture navigation is so fluid and so I feel like there should be like a
Do this and it closes whatever you're in or so much more natural
There is really does feel like and and you know what i i've been experiencing it pretty raw so far
Yeah, so in between me getting all of my own impressions
And writing the review i'm going to go
Google a bunch of things so i'm going to google every complaint that I had and i'm going to yeah
I'm going to learn a bunch more and i'm going to go. Oh, yeah, that's so much better. That would have helped so much
so I haven't done that yet, but
figuring out how to get rid of a full screen experience
is something that um
I need to do or it needs to be better because so far the crown is the quickest easiest way to get out of it that I found
On that mac, you should see a little connect button that just floats above it. Yep. All right
So you just got to look at it and pinch whoa
I did it. You are now screen projecting
You can look down to the bottom edge
And there's a bar
And you can move your screen projection resizing to wherever you want. Oh, no, not the bottom corner bottom edge
Yeah, there you go
There we go. I moved it. I want to move it. It's super cool. And unless it's more than one display
Not good enough. Not good enough. Yep. This is this feels like another one of those like
The v2 of this is going to be insane type of things where like we're like
Yeah, I literally immediately already want another screen
Just like and and and I know some of this will be able to be solved with apps because as far as my understanding goes
You can have this connected laptop screen and also other apps. Yes
so like my
If i'm in this ecosystem, I guess apple music or whatever could be up on the side or you could have the safari browser running on the vision pro
Interesting if you just needed a web browser. That's pretty helpful. Uh, yeah, I don't think that completely solves the multiple monitor thing
But that helps it a lot
But your trackpad can go between those windows
That's pretty the projected mac one and the browser one. Oh, yeah
So that's a whole thing
That's pretty good if if you can have safari running on this not taking up
The screen that honestly that takes care of probably 90 of wanting a second
Monitor for me
Not 100% I still want another screen at least one and there's a lot of little quality of life things that obviously need to improve and are
Going to be improved like if you stop if if you pull it off for one second and put it back on
No, no, don't don't do it. It's a big waste of time time to re-authenticate which it can do with your eyes
You don't actually have to enter a pin once you've done that good though, but sort of like if you're just like scratch scratch and put it
time to re-authenticate and then
Time to reset up all your stupid windows
It can't no authenticate through iris scan
No, no, it can okay. No, that's not the problem. The problem is
Whatever workspace you had set up. That's pretty annoying time to put it all back. Yeah
No, they'll fix that. I'm sure they're gonna fix that. It would be nice if there was like a
A modes or scenarios thing or something. So you could be like
This is my like lounging at home scenario. Yeah, so I want it to put my windows in these different places and stuff
Because needing to individually like boop boop boop boop all the time could be pretty annoying
But this is the the screen on this is like
Yeah, just insane. It's so good. Yeah
Um, so yeah, if you and and
I did not find like if you try to watch video you can really see it struggle a little bit. Yeah, like it's definitely
Wireless and if there was a wired mode that would probably be smoother
In apple's infinite wisdom. They have not implemented that functionality
So you can get a developer strap that I believe
Can use a wire but no I actually know if I recall correctly. No, I don't think it can
I think people are still kind of figuring out exactly what that thing is, but it's usb 2 only
It's like three hundred dollars. It's either 200 to 300 dollars and it's also required to reset your password
Like it's a whole thing. Just like it's just apple things. Very cool. Um
Anyway, this is sweet. Yeah, very cool. It's pretty cool. Yeah, the fact that it has a cable though
And has absolutely no way to just
Plug in to a computer and transfer files off of it is
Fucking deranged though. Yeah, that one blows me away. I was trying because I have more things you want me to do
Um, no, I think I think that's pretty cool
I mean, you've had you I think you've had a lot of the experience at this point. I um
I I have a lot of video. Yeah, you look awful
I have a lot of video and photos
On this that I was that I need to get off in order to do the review
Like i've got a lot of screen recordings and stuff
And I was trying to figure out what's a fast way that I can do that
Because you know, oh, yeah, is there a is there a this to usbc or something or is there like a you know
If I pull this off is there is there usbc ports or no
No, it doesn't
It's a computer with an m2 chip which tells you that it definitely has a usb 3 controller for four
That doesn't have a port because apple people figured well, no, you'll just do everything wirelessly
What if I don't want to what if I don't want to use airdrop
Yeah, well, then I guess you better buy more apple products. It's it's typical
You got to be in the apple apple. I talked about this in the short circuit, but you obviously haven't watched it
Um, because you told me you haven't watched it. That's why it's obvious. Yeah, um
I talked about this in the short circuit, but probably the most
I love a lot of the things that they do
They obviously innovate but they are so
blatantly brazenly
Hostile towards their own users
That I just I don't really understand why they put up with it
And the point that I made was this
Look at what apple includes on the front
Like feel it
It's a nice cover. Yeah, yeah, I mean that's it's a pretty nice cover, isn't it? Yeah, so
So at thirty four ninety nine
Or thirty six ninety nine or thirty eight ninety nine
That's included
That's great because it means that oh god. Yeah, thirty five hundred bucks. That's a usd, isn't it?
This is a five thousand dollar canadian device
Okay, but like that's great right because it means if you you know
This is not this is not something that fits in your pocket
Right, this is something you would have to actively carry around
With with intent
With purpose to use and given that the battery life is in the couple of hours to I think up to up to three or four hours range
I haven't sat in it long enough to run out of battery
So I I was gonna rely on just like doing a benchmark or something to kind of figure that out
um, but it's but it's in that that
Fuse one hand of hours range if you are going anywhere anywhere with it for any meaningful amount of time
You will also be carrying a charger
But it's great that includes this because you would hate for this to get scuffed. Yeah
Guess what's not included some type of protection for the lenses
Apple doesn't do anything by accident
Why Luke why did they include this cover?
But not this cover because if the front of the device got super scratched up and everything that's what other people other potential buyers are going to see
That will bother other people more. Well, what are you going to do? What are you going to do about the inside inside lenses?
The new ones I guess well apple sells a travel case
That one will protect the inside lenses got it that makes sense. So for everyone else
We need to make sure the product looks its best. Yeah, and we will take care of that. We will make sure of that
For you the person who actually bought it
You just scared
I'm not mad at you
For you the person who actually bought it go yourself
buy more
It is
It is something that I don't understand
How anyone cannot see
It's so transparent in their product design in their decisions
in the way that they
And how do you tolerate it?
How do you accept it?
Well, I don't have my air pods on me. That's actually very unusual
I um
Anyway, there's a couple of full-point comments
AirPods though. Yeah, the air pods pros
Think about how they look in your ears
What color are they?
White yeah, how how describe the white
Uh pearly white
It's perfect. Sure. It's pristine. Yeah
What do they look like when you open it up to use them?
I don't have pros. Okay. Well, they have like cheap. They have white silicone
Things that go into your ear canal. So tell me what color you think they are. Yeah, those are going to get discolored real quick
Right. Yeah
So every time you the user go to look at the product that you paid 250 us dollars for
It looks disgusting
Put in the ear looks great again. The only reason as far as I can tell that black
AirPods don't exist is because you the user who paid for them
The white i'm sorry, but I actually in your ear looks very iconic
Like I cannot because apple has absolutely done products in other colors
They have the whole that whole red thing that they've done phones have come in various colors for sure
Of course of course apple has done black max before
Um, they they they absolutely are willing to make things in other colors
I think the white looks good. The white looks great. Yeah
For three days. What if they had uh
Like the like black or any other color of the silicon tip thing. What if they did
They don't would that make you happy though?
Uh, yeah, pretty much. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would settle for that. Yeah, cool
Yeah, but it's one of those things that users have complained about for years and you know like the the charger on the bottom of the mouse and they just
Don't care
Um, or repositioning icons on the home screen the fact that they just so so brazenly
Just so transparently give zero f**ks whatsoever
It's just it's just it's bizarre
And the fact that they they do not immediately get called out on this by absolutely everyone
Is baffling does you guys have a
A protector thing the quest doesn't cost 3500 f**king dollars. That's fair and the quest again luke
Doesn't come
With the cover for the part that apple cares about
It's not about you the person who actually paid for it. It's about apple's priorities
I'm not i've decided at this point i've talked about it on when show i've talked about it in the short circuit
I'm, not gonna really spend a lot of time on that in the review
But it's just one of those things people ask. Why do you hate apple? I don't hate apple
I like lots of their products. What I hate is their attitude. I hate how they just they are so
Hostile towards their users
They are they are the they're
And and the and this is one of those situations though where it's like the
The the open hostility that you don't like because I think there's a lot of stuff that other companies are doing in
Less communicative ways. Well, it's also the it's also the hypocrisy as or more evil. It's also the hypocrisy
Oh, there's no doubt in my mind. There's lots of companies that are far more evil than apple. Let's talk nestling right like
You don't have competing companies like which which one's the one that?
um, that basically was like yeah, we yeah people were murdered
It was basically by us, but it wasn't in the united states. It's outside of the jurisdiction like that was their defense
They never even claimed that I thought they didn't have people killed something. Well, let's not get this one wrong. That's a yeah, that's a good point
I want to say it was some kind of um beverage company. I thought it was a beverage company
It looks like it was uh, it looks like it was
It looks like it was coca-cola uh found an article from the guardian. Yeah, and they they they uh, try to push like
That that isn't an admittance that we actually did this that was just a way to get it thrown out of court
But it's like yeah, yeah, right
But like if you didn't do it, maybe that would have been the better defense, you know
It might have been worth it just from a pr standpoint if you didn't do it to fight that case
That you didn't do it so sure i'm not going to say that apple's the evilest company
But what I will say is that apple is the company that doesn't respect us enough to tell a believable lie
And I just don't understand why we tolerate that
Just tell me that you're not going to ship a charger in the box because you don't fucking want to
Just tell me that you want the box to be smaller because the logistics cost at the volume that you're doing the number of iphones that you're shipping every year
Just tell me that it's a huge savings
Don't tell me you're saving the earth you're not saving the earth
You make decisions actively
On every product cycle to destroy the earth faster you go out of your way
To make it so that your products are less repairable so that they don't last as long as cost-effectively
So then just don't say you do that
That's the other thing that just drives me absolutely up the wall
So how openly hostile they are yeah, how hard their users ride them
In spite of that and how just how how not believable at all the lie that they tell me is
At least have a good story
Give me something we could all kind of get on board with and go. Okay. Yeah, sure
Maybe even if I don't believe it a hundred percent at least there's some grains of truth here
Just say we didn't want to spend, you know, thirteen dollars on a power brick for every iphone
Just say that you can even you can even win that like the I want the box to be smaller thing
You can even win that with the logistics side because you're like we're trying to spend, you know less fuel
I mean, this is a good one. So with the with the charger one
Just just play play along a little bit if they had said okay
We're not including a charger this generation and drop the price by 20 bucks
And then the next generation just like put it back in
You know at least at least give us some time to forget or something, but they didn't they they took out the charger
And they increase the price anyway, like it did there was never a benefit. Yeah
There's two comments in philpin that I want to talk about before I forget them
Um zero transform. This is more something for you. He said make sure to check out the apple tv plus immersive videos
It's mind-blowing how well they did 3d 180. No weird distortions and the scale is flawless
Sure, maybe check that out and then handyman, uh has said about 47 times
Um, you should try quest 3 at 500 it offers much more albeit not that great display
But if I want a dollars, it does a lot more than the vision pro
It does a lot more depending on what you're trying to do if you want to play fitness games. Yeah
You buy one of these what are you an idiot? Yeah, that's not what it's for
Whereas if you buy a quest 3 and what you want is to watch immersive video in extremely high quality and
Be more productive with your mac
Yeah, right like it's it's it's horses
That feels like uh from my experience so far the correct take
Uh, what was that thing that I'm supposed to say nobody's wearing a quest 3 in public. Oh the thing uh
Apple tv plus immersive video or something
I scrolled away from that. I've got that on my list of experiences that I've also got like someone apparently got um
steam link working and
So like there's a handful of things that are still on my list of stuff that I need to try, but i'm
I'm definitely done with it. I'm especially done interacting with other people with this thing on like
Yeah, the pass through is great and you've got the eyes and you know, whatever
But you know apple has stated that their vision for this product was that it wouldn't isolate you
And that's just that's a complete swing and a miss. It is utterly isolating. Um
Conducting an in-person meeting with somebody is just not
Cool with this thing you can you absolutely can but it serves no purpose
For the interaction with other people
For one thing. I feel like that's almost like you're you're taking it too far
Like are they suggesting conducting an in-person meeting?
They can't do anything that i'm doing they can't see anything that i'm seeing
and it has no benefit for
me because
Unless I have some kind of supplemental material that for whatever reason nobody else needs to see
Like I I I might as well just look at what everyone else is looking at
I want to address this really quick. Yeah, uh handyman is I think very upset about someone
Liking the vision pro I might be projecting i'm not sure but he said productivity is not good though
Uh, I don't think you can say that
Um, because if someone's like i'm going to measure my productivity
At my desk using my laptop versus at my desk using my laptop with my vision pro like yeah, no who cares
Uh, the the thing that people are talking about is when you're
If you're out and about if you're on a train if you're on a plane if you're in an automobile
Um, and you're able to you're able to make the screen bigger and then still use your your keyboard and trackpad
I can absolutely see this being a benefit for people in scenarios. There's like no way that it isn't that would actually be
Mind-blowingly ridiculous in my opinion if it wasn't in some scenarios, but is it a productivity boon when you're sitting at your desk?
Yeah, probably not
And it all depends on what your desk setup looks like sure at my desk
I have a gigantic monitor already and you know what
So back to my point where like I I've conducted a couple of script reviews
Using the vision pro which you remember how script review works. We pull up the script
Um, I drive but we have a lot of conversations about you know, how can we tweak this to make this the best script that we possibly can?
Well, did you notice that your macbook goes black?
Yeah, when you this is what I'm saying though where like it feels like an inappropriate scenario like I just wouldn't use it
You can't duplicate it. Yeah, that's ridiculous. You actually can't I we talked about this before you you should
It should absolutely default and I think it should default every time. Yes
Uh to screen completely blanked out. I don't even think there should be a setting to change the default
But you should be able to override it in the moment and be like no, I want to have both of them show
So, you know how we did script review
I had my computer in front of me and I was using my keyboard and trackpad open on another and then I had a teams call
And I was sharing the window
With someone sitting next to me on their laptop. So we were essentially conducting a virtual meeting
in person
Yeah, you can carry a battery bank of some kind or you can just plug it into your laptop
Yeah, I feel like people are are making up
Shortcomings because it's really expensive
But you have to understand that it being really expensive is enough of a shortcoming
And you have to understand that it being really expensive is a feature for certain people also that yeah
Yeah, it is an attention getter
Far more than probably any piece of technology that I have touched in the last 10 years like the folding phone
That was that's a conversation starter
Huge conversation starter the second you walk up and unfold your phone and start doing something people are like well
Less now, but especially in the first couple of years. It was just something that people hadn't seen
Um, and I think it was also aided by the fact that it wasn't apple
So nobody had even seen samsung's marketing for it. They just had no idea. This was a thing that existed
Immediate attention getter you go anywhere you do anything with it people are going to hate it people are going to love it
People are going to have feelings about it a hundred percent
And for a lot of people the fact that it's exclusive the fact that it's expensive
That's a good thing. Yeah, that's a feature people like that that makes them stand out even more look at luxury goods
It's what apple's been trying to be luxury luxury goods this whole time, right?
So like just look at the luxury good space the entire thing about it is exclusivity
Yeah, I have it you don't it's not about I am cool. It's not about how many the company will sell
It's about how few of them people can afford to buy and then like apples, you know
Because they're actually a technology company a consumer electronics company not a luxury goods company
They they always get kind of torn right because they they they create these these things
But then they are subject to the same pressures as the rest of the consumer electronics industry
so the pricing does have to make its way into
You know somewhat affordable consumer land at some point, but this one's not there. This is very much a statement piece
I mean, it's the first new category they've actually introduced
Under tim cook's leadership. I think like has he started in air pods?
I'd say air pods are a tim cook arab smash
Hit um, the watch is doing. Okay
The watch is doing pretty solid feels like it's doing better than the other one
But I don't think either of those are as big no as big of a swing as this. No, this is a big deal
He said what there's 5 000 patents to bring this thing over the line or something like that
And this is this is something i've ended up getting into it with a couple people in the comments already is people saying it's overpriced
It's not overpriced
Do you have any idea how much this thing cost to develop?
What does overpriced mean this is this is the same this is the exact same problem with the whole streaming debate that we've had
Over the last little bit we're training debate. Yeah, because everyone's like uh streaming
Like you should pay creators more and and companies should be super flush with money and it's like no, they're all broke
um, like twitch doesn't make any money
Uh, what was what was what was even the one microsoft had?
I don't even remember anymore a mixer mixer mixer mixer like died hard because they were like
Yeah, we brought in a bunch of big streamers people still didn't care and it just cost us a bunch of money
Let's get rid of it. Um
and meta just like
Has been
Like billions have they not yeah trying to work on vr. They're not making money
They're not making money at all
Uh, yeah, I don't know. It doesn't mean that it has to be like oh that knowing that automatically makes it worth it for you
No, that doesn't mean that at all
But it does mean that like yeah, it might make sense that it's actually pretty expensive. Yeah, I mean it's it's not
Bomb cost is not everything
You have to include r&d r&d costs money. Yeah support costs money. Yeah
Marketing costs money paying developers to adopt their apps to this thing, which might be something that happens
I don't know maybe with some really major developers
And believe it or not you have to pay for the marketing
That makes it yeah
So more other people will buy it so that they can amortize the development costs
Over more units because at the end of the day the cost is
All of the costs it's it's all it's all of them. It can't just you can't just look at bomb cost
It's not that simple. Yeah, and it never will be
Yeah, but guess what there's good news
If you don't like the price you can just
Not buy one. Yes, absolutely
And then this is another thing that I was just going to get into and i've talked about this a lot on wans show and i'm going to bring it up again
Uh, but you should criticize things for the right reasons and not for the wrong reasons
Because when you criticize things for the wrong reasons
It makes that thing look better not worse
It's actually super important people screw this up all the time. It's very easy to
Uh, go after things that don't matter and then when you go after things that don't matter the people that are trying to defend it
Uh, will ham on that and then
You you're not winning the game basically look
So criticize legitimate things about it and don't just try to make stuff up
I know math is hard when you're an idiot, but look if you're a broke boy. Just say so
It's the book. I know I know
Oh, man. Wow. You're not a broke boy if you can't afford a vision pro
Most people shouldn't just be able to like magically afford a vision pro
$3,500 is a lot of money, especially american
Five grand that's roughly five grand, right?
Which is which is nice. I think it probably also helps that this is not my product and i'm not defending it
I'm telling you guys I can't wait to stop using it. Yeah, so this is forty seven hundred and twenty dollars canadian
I know like close to no one that just has that in like
Well, I could just go randomly. What did you enter in the in the calculator?
Thirty five hundred usd to cad. Oh, well, I mean don't you want any storage on it? Oh my goodness. That's the hundred twenty eight gig
It comes with at thirty five hundred us dollars
Yeah, look at this face at thirty five hundred us dollars. It comes with
One hundred and twenty eight gigabytes
Do you know how much storage I bought it?
I bought a one
I bought it
People are saying 256 hold on hold on hold on
I bought a two terabyte m.2 drive
Like on tuesday or monday for a hundred dollars. I think line
256 it's 256 i'm sorry. That's still ridiculous. That's still ridiculous. That's a lot better
I was stunned that one twenty eight could even like exist. Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
256 is still bad. That is two hundred fifty six gigs. Do you want to know how much?
Another two hundred fifty six gigabytes of storage will cost you they bump you to like four grand
No, not quite. Okay, it will cost you two hundred dollars
And another another five twelve will cost you another
Two hundred so that's how you get to your 4k. I was like there's gotta be a four thousand
Dollar device there's a four thousand dollar device
Ah the old apple ladder. Yep, so we have a video coming soon where we built a pc pro
Because the the everyone knows the the current mac pro is a meme
It's a mac studio in a giant chassis for thousands of dollars more like it's absolutely
completely ridiculous
So we did a video building a pc pro to compete with it where we take the same budget and we just absolutely
Wreck it like it's it's not even funny
Last time we did a pc pro it was tough
The mac pro came out ahead in some cases because it was a really powerful machine and like apple has some good software
You know blah blah blah right this time around the thing's a joke
Like you can build such an overpowered monster that it just has absolutely no chance whatsoever
And one of the problems is that the storage costs so much
Elijah and I did the math
Guess what costs more per per unit weight?
Apple storage
Apple nand chips
Or gold
It isn't close
Is gold the cheapest one gold is cheaper
That's fantastic
That's a that's a yikes. Uh, so sorry. So how how much is the lens protector the travel case thing?
So we grab a chunk of the gold controller that I didn't end up using because I needed an opening for wireless communication
And we like weigh it next to an ssd. That's like the same capacity
And it's it's in the video. I think we uh, we played around with it a little bit like we uh
Like the carrot of the gold that we were using what didn't match something
So we like we put a couple of weights under the ssd to make our point
But then we we we adjust we we account for it basically
Uh, but they are they're they're similar or I shouldn't have said it wasn't close. They're similar
Or uh, or the gold is cheaper
What was I? What was I gonna say? There's another thing real quick here?
Uh, and yeah, the gold the gold's a better investment
Shoot I was about to say something
Ah, I missed it. Sorry. No, you were gonna say something
Yeah, i'm trying to total together like if if you wanted to trick yours out because I mean you're you know, you're spending
3500 usd on it. Oh, that's right. It's a couple hundred bucks. So yeah, someone someone I I haven't found this to corroborate, but somebody said
Uh, it so it's it's 38.99
To get the one terabyte version. Yep, 3900 dollars, baby compared to 34.99
Uh, and then you throw on 499 us dollar apple care
Yes, I mean you just spent four grand on a device. You might as well protect it
Oh, there's a deductible by the way for accidental damage on this one apple care is not apple care on this one
And then you want to get your travel case because the best use case scenario as we've been saying isn't just sitting at your desk
It's when you're out and about so
You also need the travel case, which is what 250 bucks usd?
Don't forget that if you have it any any kind of corrective lenses
You'll need to pay extra for the corrective lens insert so you could get to four thousand
Just for the headset itself. Okay, so one terabyte with corrective. Let's say you've got some corrective lenses
And you go for one terabyte and it's four grand
uh, then it's forty seven hundred and fifty dollars
honestly like
properly set up your one terabyte with corrective lenses vision pro because
the travel case
Maybe there's gonna be third-party ones
Almost certainly there's gonna be third-party ones that you can get
Uh, but you like should I don't know. Yeah, maybe if apple care isn't as good as it normally is maybe
Oh, does apple care all have deductibles?
Has that always been the case? I don't think so. I don't think it used to
When did that's hilarious. I've never got apple care because I haven't bought any expensive apple devices
um, but people that
Are into apple stuff all tell me that it's really good
Has that always been a thing oh for accidental damage there's always been a deductible. Okay, all right
That's good to know. Yeah, I've personal damage that makes sense. I've personally never bought apple care before
But it's uh, but it's cheaper
So only for accidental damage or loss. Okay. Yep. That's good to know. Thank you very much guys
I also
want a
A laptop to go with mine
I don't have a macbook. Oh, yeah, okay, but that's a that's a dangerous argument
And that's one that I actually I strongly object to I mean we talked about this
Dan optimistically just trying to move the show along with his little signs
We haven't even done merch messages yet. Dan take that away. Take that. We'll do sponsors later. We did we did
No, no, we didn't we didn't explain them and stuff. Oh, yeah, I was just stalling for time. Yeah, um, so
To bring up a previous controversy when I talked about the ps portal
I had people saying well, the price is so much because to even use it you need a playstation
I don't think sony ever positioned the ps portal as a device for people who don't already own a playstation
and in much the same way, I don't think apple is positioning this device as
something for people who don't already have a mac
I don't think they are explicitly saying
Unless you have a mac you might as well not buy it
But the fact that they have a facial scan that requires you to have a relatively recent iphone in order to even go through the checkout
I think they've made their point clearly enough if you don't have a mac and you want to jump into this ecosystem
You need corrective lenses. You want the one terabyte version. You're gonna get the travel case. You're gonna get apple care
Okay, if you if if all of these things line up
Uh, you're you're a cool seventy two hundred and fifty us dollars in the hole. Yeah
That's one heck of a trip to the apple store and that's gonna happen. Oh, yeah, 100% guarantee you 100%
I mean on a payment plan, but make sure you get your apple credit card. Yeah
I saw the numbers recently the the number of transactions going through on apple's credit card are whoo
We they're
Apparently doing okay. I think whatever bank they collaborated with wanted out of it or something
I've been sort of only barely peripherally following it, but interesting people have apple credit cards apparently
So that's a thing
Oh, did they dissolve the credit card? Okay, there you go. Apparently it's dead. Um, cool
What goldman sachs wants out goldman. Okay, there you go
Okay, so I think they still have apple pay though. No, they definitely still have apple pay
Uh, someone says no, it's not dead. I still know. Yeah, it's not dead there on the vision pro. There's the thing finance apple card monthly payments
Yeah, goldman wants out though. I guess it I guess whatever deal apple
Negotiated with them is not doing it well for them and I think goldman also wants to go back to being more
Uh, like investment bank and less like consumer business or something like that. I don't know. It was a while back
Got it. Um, they're leaving retail banking entirely. They just want to deal with rich people. Yeah, fair enough
All right
I think this is the point in the show where we're supposed to explain merch messages and do a couple the way to interact with the show
Is not to buy a vision pro we actually get none of that that goes all straight to apple
If you get one though, you should watch the show using it. Yeah, yeah
And then apparently you're a baller so you should probably buy some merch
Yeah, so the way to interact with the show is through a merch message all you got to do is go to LTT store.com check out
Our new black nine to five polo or a couple of our new graphic tees a screwdriver a backpack whatever it is you're into hey, did I mention?
The LTT backpack has lots of space in the compartment of holding for your apple vision pro as well as your macbook and your ipad and all that
so it's actually like
Unironically kind of awesome for carrying around the vision pro and all the accessories that you need for it
It's got pockets for everything. We were way ahead of the curve on this one. Oh, this is even better. Check this out, Luke
Um, here we go
So with the with the vision pro
Cargo pants our upcoming cargo pants
Have a perfect pocket for the battery bay
Ah, ah, that's pretty sick. Anyway, um
What was I talking about right merch messages in the cart? You will see a little box
Yes cart, right?
Checkout crap. I don't know somewhere you just go through the checkout in the cart. You'll see a little box when we're live
You can leave a merch message. It'll go to our producer. Dan. There he is
He will either reply to it forward to it forward it to someone who can help you or he will curate it for me
And luke to talk about on the show dan do you want to show them how it works a couple curated ones?
Yeah, I got lots here. Let's do it yo dll the hardest choice of my childhood was who to sacrifice at the end of this one
We did oh, I must have been out of the room. I'm so sorry
You gotta you gotta archive them. What else? Sorry. I forgot. I was really busy trying to troubleshoot something
No, I did. Oh, yep. We're good. All right
This is not how it normally works
Yo dll I work for an msp doing tier one and voice over ip. I love coding and automation as a hobby
But when I try to make some work related the higher ups seem to
Kind of prefer the hard or long way around any suggestions
Oh, I mean, oh man, i'm gonna sound so jaded and cynical right now, but like
dude, yeah
Man, I
One of the conversations that drove me out of ncix
Was when I popped into the president and ceo's office who was not terran. It was a different different person
I had three bosses there and what i've realized over the years is that in the interest of keeping them semi-anonymous
I've always just said my boss at ncix whenever I talk about any of them
So i'll tell a story or someone will encounter an old story that I told about my boss at ncix and like a super stupid thing
They didn't they'll be like, why'd you hire him then?
Multiple different people so this particular boss
Did a lot of things, right? I did a lot of things like i'm about to tell you
I think my way of describing this to people at the time
When I was talking about how frustrated I was was
It felt like arguing with someone who was using moon logic
Because we had an issue some new graphics card had launched
I want to say it was
5770 or something like that. I don't know whatever it doesn't matter some amd graphics card launched and
5570 no, I don't remember it doesn't matter the point is
that part number
Okay, that or that string of digits
Happened to have an issue where it was extremely common in
UPC codes
For pcs and electronics
In particular some graphics cards especially xfx
So when you searched for it you would get
One or two real results that happened to be xfx radeon cards that happened to also that happened to be in the upc code
As well as in the model number and part number and then you'd get
Some other random graphics cards and then a bunch of other random stuff
Because the way that our search engine worked on ncix.com
It would not prioritize
It would not prioritize product description this was so annoying or part number
Over upc this was so for a partial match yeah, because it was only a partial match of the upc
But it was a full match of
The description and also a partial match but a more complete partial match of the part number right?
So I popped my head into the office and I was like hey
We need to seriously I like if you want to return a search result for a upc
Like by all means someone might have a barcode scanner at a full replenishment station or something and they scan a upc
And they might expect a result
No problem, but we need to stop returning results for partial upcs
And he like grab something on his desk and he goes well
What if I would want to buy one of these and I looked at this and I typed part of it and I pressed enter and I'm like
Why the f**k would anyone do that no one on the planet?
I I I bet you that happened less than five times that one person probably just to prove a point
Did it at least once or twice and no one else ever did it again?
And he basically goes and i'm like right, but no one does that and he's like well, how do you know?
And I go
Because that doesn't make any sense
It's me human nobody would ever do that. Yeah, you're
Partial you know product name sure partial
Part number I mean god, maybe maybe you would want to return a result for every evga
GPU that has a lifetime warranty
So you would do a search for asterisk dash a are you know, which what which was the suffix like I could come up with some conceivable reason
Someone might do that with a part number maybe with a up f**king C. Are you kidding me?
Absolutely not. They're unique identifiers for every product. Yeah
And I was basically sent out of the office and told go put together a presentation
Go do research on how everyone else's search engines work and whether they do or do not return results for a f**king course
They don't because it's stupid
And I have to put together like a presentation for this like this is utter waste of my time
Why do I why exactly do I work here?
That was that was one of the the big pivotal moments that and the other story that I tell all the time were like the two
Huge ones that I kind of went
How do I?
How do I do this anymore?
I can't be putting together a common-sense presentation for people who are supposed to be smarter than me
So I guess what i'm trying to say is it never ends
Because when you start your own company and you have a whole bunch of people working for you
If you know anything about leadership and empowerment you are going to
Empower people to do things and they're gonna do it moon way anyway
In spite of the fact that supposedly they work for you or whatever
And you're going to have to explain it and reach a consensus because if you just come in and be a dictator then
Well, you're just a d**k
Um, so it never ends
And you probably don't have any taters either
No, I got lots of taters. Oh nice. Yeah, we've got the potato pc coming. Oh, yeah, it's pretty funny
Okay, so i'm so sorry it never ends
Until you said that I forgot this was even a merch message
Hello l cool l and d as a cyber security professional. I have seen people disregard security too much
What has been the worst you've seen so far also remember to audit sharing links in teams?
Well, I think uh, I think when we
You know had justine and wendell on the the perpetual wancho doc
That's the worst thing ever. That's that's such the worst thing we've seen today
What if you guys missed the pre-show you're you're telling a story that most people don't have content
Text for so we we figured out that I justine and level one text wendell justine from my justine and wendell from level one text
Um are shared on the perpetual wancho doc
Uh, and some people were like, oh my god, you have to fix that
It's a security hole and i'm like
It doesn't matter if they change something and then someone brought up a much more decent point
Which was like what if their account gets compromised and then someone could access this and i'm like
Yeah, it still doesn't matter
It's just it's just a wancho doc. We can restore it to its previous state instantaneously
And they're gonna secretly find some tech news
Yeah, it doesn't matter. It should be fine
Most egregious thing. I don't know people take pictures of their keys and post on social media all the time
Even techie people it's crazy
Okay, devil's advocate
By the time someone's at your front door the key doesn't f***ing matter
Uh, it still totally does why no evidence break and entry stuff like that
Yeah, I mean
I I I I feel like I feel like that's a really like csi is real kind of answer
Because realistically every keyhole on earth is so
Scuffed anyway, you're not going to be able to look at it and be like oh, it looks like somebody mine's a good state
Sure, I don't come home drunk. You live in an apartment building though. I mean come on like
Yeah, I think it I think it depends on the intent of that detect some judginess
So you're saying you don't come home when you get drunk
Oh my goodness, um, no, I I think I think it depends on the intent on the the person who's trying to get into your house sure
Um, if they're attempting something violent like yeah, it doesn't make a difference you're gonna break the door down
Uh, if they're attempting to steal all your stuff. Yeah, it probably doesn't make a difference, but if they're trying, uh, something sneaky deaky like
Then planting a tracker or a microphone or a camera or whatever else. Yeah
Okay, but then you know, let's come let's come back to if somebody wanted to do that badly enough. What is actually probably easier?
Social engineering I would also think like just just casually like reverse pickpocketing whatever that's called where they just like drop something in your purse or in your pocket
Like like or I mean realistically in this day and age
Couldn't they just grab a drone and drop a microphone down your chimney like honestly though
Seriously though, there's people have open chimneys. I mean, it's a thing
Okay, it's a totally a thing. All right, you wouldn't even have to put it down the chimney
I mean, there's listening devices that you can get it freaking the spy store on broadway
That you could just aim at someone's house and basically hear anything anyone's saying in there like it's just it does get pretty brutal
I I think that the picture of the key is an active motivator
So you're saying it's kind of like opening the door. Yes
Um, you're going like oh, here's something you could do you could 3d print this and break it in my house
Ha ha ha and I think people will do it because of that
Yeah, but if they have a malicious intent
I think that will like genuinely give people malicious
I don't know man
It's it's less work to get a gun in many states than it is to go 3d print a key
If you don't know anything about 3d printing people, it's going to be less work to get a gun
And if you do know a lot about 3d printing then you could just 3d print a gun
Like that's my point is I just I don't think that this barrier of this to acquire ammunition of this lock
Is I I don't think it's particularly meaningful. Yeah, especially when you have windows. I I just like yeah
If you if you had a mac on the other hand, you'd be fine
It's covered in cables. You can just cut a key once the other picture. That's my whole point. Yeah, that's what luke is saying
I'm just saying it doesn't really matter because if you wanted to get through someone's door like
Lock picking kits are legal and practically free. Yeah
Yeah, like I kind of want to learn how to do it just for fun
I have all the stuff
Yeah, that doesn't surprise me
I have a range of practice locks. I'm sure you do whatever picks you'd want to use nothing nothing you're saying
Nothing you're saying surprises me at all
So yeah, no problem whenever you want to everyone to figure it out. Yeah, for sure
Dan, do you want to give us one more?
Should come to our team building exercise. Yeah, we did that you guys did lock picking
Yeah, we did so I buried the buy. I mean the hell held the shovel
I buried the shovel
We do we do ours are ours are skills themed
So we hang out in the workshop, okay
And people bring in different projects that they might have or or things that they could teach each other and we just do that
Do those things
So Dan was like painting something
Yeah, I got a high-end airbrush for the first time and sean and I were working on lock picking and next time sean wants to do something with lego
And i'm probably gonna build one of tainan co2 sensors and very cool
Yeah, I'll teach you how to solder proper. That would be sweet. That'd be sick. I've done it before
But i'm gonna i'm almost certainly terrible soldering. Yeah, you're terrible. Yeah, you're worse than me, and i'm terrible
Yeah, I make you good one evening and the good great. Yeah, yeah, that'd be it would be nice to learn
Yes, hello dot dll
It was brought up in a pre-show, but why does lmg utilize microsoft's business ecosystem not google's where's apple in this market?
How would it be different? I think wow
I kind of wanted the end of this like how would apple's I don't think I yeah
I don't think that we could have scripted this any better good good job, dan
That was the perfect merch message to finish up our conversation
About apple so first I guess luke should go on his thing for anyone who wasn't on the pre-show talking about
Why it is why exactly it is that we subscribe to three different business ecosystems and pay for all of that
Yeah, so this was this was a long long rant that I went on in the pre-show so if you're subscribed to flow plane or
There's other roads to get it, but i'll have to tell you um you can just find it on twitch. Wait. No, there's no vaude on twitch, right?
Yeah, get rekt. Um, but essentially the the short form is that
Microsoft covers everything in the workspace
More or less
But it kind of has like b tier versions of all of it for the most part some of the some of them are
The best I will give them that but for a lot of it. It's mostly like b c tier versions of it
I don't think teams is the best team communication app
Um, I think slack leaves a lot to be desired, but I think it's better than teams
Um, I don't think one drive is the best like company drive app. Would you share point?
Just I know I think google drive is easier to use. Um, I also think that the one drive like apps
Like the uh web versions of like word and excel and stuff like that are not as good as like google docs google sheets
Stuff like that collaboration has gotten really good. It's very very yeah
I can't find anything in my drive. No once I find it man. Can I ever collaborate? Oh, yeah
Yeah, so like if you want the best
Collaborative word doc editing you want g suite
Um, and it's probably going to cost you more
In like annoyance dealing with microsoft word online whatever one drive stuff
Then it would be to have g suite. So then you just have g suite
but then
Our whole we have all three of them situations. We don't have slack for the whole company
We just have slack for the developers
uh, and then teams is for the rest of the company because
teams is just
Getting the entire microsoft suite is like cheaper than getting slack basically
So we have we have microsoft for the rest of it because we get teams and we also get you know
Local apps for like word and excel and stuff and there's people on the team that absolutely need the the power
The massive powerhouse that is local excel
And there's some other good things in the microsoft 365 business license
So we have that and then for developers
We also have slack and the whole thing is just ridiculous and it's very annoying
If if google could get
Could figure it out and start making things that they don't abandon
um, and could actually make a business chat app, which I
I have no idea and I've I even know people that work there and I haven't asked any of them
I bet you they have their own internal system for communications
And they just like don't share it with other people. I bet you that's a thing they have so many internal tools
It's insane. I bet you they have a chat one and I wish they would just include it with google workspace because google chat is
Not acceptable. There's a reason why like basically no one uses it
Um, it's because it's not acceptable
Man, it's it's been so annoying the way they've been like kind of shoving it down my throat
Like anytime I want to share something on android
I click on gmails like you would you want to use chat? No, I don't want to use chat
No, you guys told me you kept you told me you were going to deprecate this like eight times
Yeah, and so I switched off of it. Yeah, we used hangouts
Yes, as a company we used hangouts, and it was like kind of weird, but it worked it well
The best thing about it was that when you searched it searched everything yes
It searched your drive your email and your chats and so once we switched off of it
We kind of adapted to the inconvenience of having to search, you know these various places and now there's no way that we'd go back to it because
Apparently they do use google chat says karate swan. Yeah, there's gonna be some people but it's like
They almost like the developers almost certainly would use like slack or something, right?
I haven't used google chat in a long time, but I strongly believe so yeah
Um, I mean I mean who knows google meet, uh is like excellent. Google meet is great just works
I mean, I don't know what version of it i'm using but it seems to be mostly good. We we have switched to using
Teams for all of our meetings because the calendar invites were getting confusing for people and people wanted to use teams because they're saying that the
Transcription is better and stuff. I haven't tested them against each other. I will say
Having switched to using teams for meetings more often
It is definitely clunkier overall than meat. It might still be worth using for a variety of reasons. I'm not sure. I don't know
Yeah, so here's why I wanted to talk about this
One of the realizations that i've had in my admittedly
Just about dropped it
Uh admittedly limited time with the apple vision pro so far
Is that apple needs to figure out what the heck they want to do?
They're a hardware company
They're a services company
But they don't want to build their services to the point where it compromises their ability to be a hardware company
But they're clearly making a transition and
And the thing that made this stand out to me was in the apple marketing for the vision pro
I keep coming back to this. They've got that lady that's packing for a trip, right?
And she gets a call on facetime and the whole thing is so seamless and so cool. And it's like right
But there is one person in my entire life who uses facetime
Every single other person that I interact with is via whatsapp facebook messenger
microsoft teams
discord quite literally
Anything other than facetime
And so what I what I realized as I was sitting in the apple vision pro thinking about
How on earth I interact with anybody outside of this thing
Was apple's gonna have to decide at some point?
Are they actually because this is not a consumer product?
It is
But it also the second go to that price point
It also isn't yeah, this is a this is a professional tier product
I mean, it has pro right in the name, which admittedly is pretty meaningless
Yeah, um at this point, especially for apple
But it really is but it really is
Most useful for me so far as a as a productivity tool or at least I can see
The most clear path to using it every day
at work not
Not in not and not in my my leisure time
And what I realized was the biggest thing holding back apple
Is the apple ecosystem?
Which is
Sort of an ironic thing to say
But imagine for a second true
Imagine for a second
If facetime
Was cross-platform
Would that make a difference to your willingness to use this for work every day if people could just call you
Via like corporate comms, I mean facetime
But it can just call you with teams
Maybe as long as there's a teams app and as long as it's not a
Didn't you say you were using teams?
I was using teams on my laptop
So I was using teams on my laptop and projecting my laptop screen to someone else while also projecting it in front of my macbook
It's super clunky. No, it's awful. It's a terrible experience
But if I could just
With how seamless facetime is just have you know people on my call stack up and the whole thing just worked
Man, that would be amazing all of a sudden. I'd be like, okay, let's all just get macbooks
Not quite you know, we're talking a few generations into this thing
But I think I
And you know what people oh, there's gonna be a lot of people who don't agree
Yeah, I think have you tried to invite someone who doesn't have an apple device to facetime you?
No, you can invite anyone to join you in a facetime call even people who don't have an apple device
Yes, they can join you in a one-on-one
And group facetime calls from their browser sure login is necessary
They need to have the latest version of either chrome or edge
So tell me something would you roll out slack
If that was how it worked
If you could only if you could invite people but they like couldn't call you
Like come on. Oh, I see. So that's how it would have to work. Okay, okay, okay
Yeah, so that's so that's what I'm that's what i'm saying is I think that's lame
I think there's an opportunity there though because nobody hates facetime
Nobody hates iMessage. Yep. This is clearly a piece of hardware
that could be just
Awesome for that kind of use. I think there are I wouldn't work spaces that just only have max though
Sure, there are but what about all of the other ones? Yeah, yeah
I don't know. I would seriously consider I would seriously consider
Paying apple as a services company
Even though I don't necessarily have a ton of interest in deploying their hardware
We already do which is sick
But would you would you would you consider
FaceTime iMessage
If they had a little bit of a genuinely zero experience with iMessage. I have never used it. It's fine
The way that it handles fine for corporate communications, it would be fair channels and stuff
The way it handles group chats is pretty good. There's definitely some things that it would that it would need
Oh, just like even mentioning group chats, you're just like triggering me about how frustrating teams is to use
We we have this infrastructure call that we do every monday and thursday at 11. Whatever. It doesn't matter
Multiple myself and sean we can't join it
It'll show up
Like aj will start the call it'll show up and say the call has ended
And there's no there isn't even an option to join
Like slack sometimes there might be some problem with the notification or whatever
But you can just click the join button anyways the huddle button
And even if there's nothing there it shows that no one's in the call
It'll put you in the call and then it'll detect all the people so you can like force your way in even if it's acting weird
But for teams it just no you just can't join
So you have to completely close teams and load it again for it to work
I I hate how
communicating in
teams within teams
Another very annoying naming thing but in the team's side it's very frustrating
So almost all communication that I end up having ends up happening in group chats anyways
It's like what's the
Point I I don't know teams is very frustrating. I don't know. I don't know
It was just it was kind of a random thought that I had I haven't articulated it particularly well
I think apple standing in their own way by tying their software to their hardware
I also think though that one of the reasons why they have so many diehard users that are going to buy stuff like this is because they have
This walled ecosystem sure, but they could also have the experience be enhanced by their own hardware
They could they could create extra value for their users through their hardware
This is not an acceptable solution for people to keep rather than have a gun to their users head buy our hardware or you get nothing
It's just it's a very very different philosophy. It's a very different approach and I think that it's one that
Requires some serious thought over there. Do we'd want to be a hardware company forever or do we want to be a solutions provider?
Microsoft is growing like crazy right now
Oh, yeah, microsoft is absolutely winning. It's absolutely
Wild and like everything they're doing basically except maybe xbox
Even xbox, I think they're playing a pretty long game here. Yeah, like all the acquisition stuff
Apparently they're in hot water right now over how many activision blizzard people were let go after the acquisition
Obviously they were gonna do that, but I guess they were like said it was already planned
And honestly a lot of those ips have been floundering pretty hard for a long time. So it's not too surprising
Um, I I kind of buy it to a certain degree. Why is discord not acceptable?
Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy
Do you want to be here all night guys just just ignore them ask them that oh
I'm asking you that no
All right, it's just it's just not okay. I I like it
There are things that discord does extremely well and this is one of the reasons why i'm so frustrated about how expensive slack
Is because slack has a lot of the same features, but is really expensive and discord's free
Um, but the the calling on discord is fantastic
Uh, the channel organization is honestly really good. I the how permissions are handled
Awful everything you've said so far is arguments for it. I say we switch
You know what sure
Let's do it
No, it's a terrible idea. Um
How permissions are handled
I understand it's very convoluted, but it's really powerful
Um, and considering in slack something that you would hate about slack so much slack is entirely
Voluntary with how you join channels for the most part
Uh, so you can put people in groups which is
Terribly handled but you can put people in groups to give them default channels, but they can just
Join any open channel that they want and anyone can make a channel
So you can't make it so people can't make channels? Uh, that might be a permission. I don't know. I've okay
Because if you just have like a bazillion
Private random channel, but the the main way that this manifests in in a bad
Way is that organization of those channels is on the user
There you go
The other ones like people are saying you can sure whatever cool, that's fine
That part I don't actually care about the part that I actually care about is that the organization of it is on the user
Users cannot be trusted to do that insane and I pretty much guarantee like no one has really done it
I i've done it to a certain degree, but i'm sure mine could be better
I would care a lot more about doing it really well if I knew it would positively impact other people on the team as well, whatever
Anyways, discord does that extremely well
There's a lot of things that it does really well
It's authentication and sign into the server is like
Not cool on a company level
Uh, it it's like
There's a lot of different things about how you use it and how it flows this all sounds like vague posting nonsense really
designed around
Very social gamery type of communication and not very business communication
Uh, there's too much stuff that is very informal there's
How do we keep people from joining like
Weird servers, uh, how do you audit things you can't audit anything
Like at all the the user control for it is like really not great because it's designed for these open networks of people
Like it's just it's not designed for company stuff. It's really good
It would probably be the best one if it was corporate focused or if they had a corporate focused mode
I honestly believe that discord could be the best
Company communication right because the fundamentals
Are really really strong, but then they just don't have some of the business businessy things like can can we have
Single sign-on with microsoft or google so that everyone can have one unified login. No
That's actually very very important for a lot of businesses
So there are businesses out there that will not use a service unless it has sso
Which is it's just straight up a thing yep, uh, like managing credentials across
Dumb-dumb users is such a nightmare. Yeah, like it it actually totally yeah people in chat are saying like my my company's one of them sso is huge
Yeah, so like not having these
These fairly fundamental extremely corporate businessy things which it doesn't need
At all for what its actual main goal is as a as a piece of software
But not having them makes it not really work for businesses very well
There you go
Good job
What are we supposed to be doing right now, dan?
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Uh, yeah, I before I understood them better. I was like, why do they exist?
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Yes, I don't get it 61% no no not that well the
The kind of uneditability is like oh, there's so many ways around that
Luke sometimes things weren't made for you
Did you ever stop to consider that? No, everything should be made for me. It's like a zip file, but if it was a word document
Yeah, why is that helpful?
Because it has a picture in it and you can look at the picture
Uh, but it's a word document and not a zip file. Yeah, so it's like
I want to I want to share a lossless image. It's like it's like a printer
Yeah, it's a digital printer there
There you go
All right. Yeah, and it's like just like a printer it's
But I just I think I think they're massively overused
I think people using them uh in the name of security are massively overestimating
Uh, the amount of security and I think as humans do they'll be like, ah, yes
I use thing for security. Therefore things secure right and it ends up just being security theater
Elijah's all concerned that you pdf isn't going to sponsor us anymore because luke's ripping into pdfs
No, no, no
His attitude towards pdfs is exactly why they exist because dealing with pdfs sucks. Yeah
No, I i've heard great things about you pdf. I I were the sponsor site segment is done and he does the readings
Anyways, so I don't need to say this. Luke gets paid the same regardless 100%
Uh, but i've heard great things about them. I just they're man. They're such a pain
All right, what do you want to talk about how about canada banning the flipper sure
Canadian minister of innovation science and industry
François philippe champagne
Announced a ban on consumer hacking devices including the flipper zero in response to concerns over car theft
The ban is likely in response to recent online videos purporting to show cars being stolen using flippers and similar devices
However, it's worth noting that these videos are in often
Are often staged to get views
Yeah, according to the maker of the flipper zero the device can't be used to hijack cars produced after the 1990s
Because their security systems have rolling codes that can only be used once a wannabe
Thief would not only need to be close enough to the fob to capture the code
They would also have to block the code from reaching the car because it would immediately expire
The flipper zero lacks the hardware capacity to block such a signal
Notoriously young car thieves known as the kia boys were able to steal cars using information found in viral videos
Because some us manufacturers didn't install standard anti-theft immobilization devices
And thus their cars could be started with a usb cord or a screwdriver, but that is
Nothing to do with the flipper zero. Yeah
Um, canada likes to do this
We just like ban stuff because something happened and it's often the wrong thing
It's like it's like if I pushed linus and linus was like dad dan is banned
Like what finally well, okay, I don't think it's quite like that. When was that gonna get canceled? The point is that our
Our politicians are just like your politicians. Yeah
Unqualified unsupervised
It's it's basically the same everywhere. Yep. Our this is our minister of innovation science and industry and look
It's not like I don't understand
Why we might have um, you know, a discomfort with devices that
Market themselves as hacking devices. Sure. I mean, I think hacking has a pretty negative connotation
And if you know flipper
Wanted to not be banned, you know, they would have
Been wise to stay more underground
Um, and more, you know, only for people in the know, but obviously they sell a lot more flipper zeros this way
So it's a it's a balancing act and clearly they they they've their notoriety has has gotten too great
And someone you know had to do something please think of the children
On the other hand, you've got to understand what you're doing when you're the minister of innovation science and industry
You just banned a computer
Like actually
Especially because doesn't the wording get like super rough too. It's like
Like electronic device with like wireless signals or something like isn't it like
Every every cell phone ever like at that point
Any android phone that you can install side-loaded apps on yeah
Is like is a hacking device
You better not have a laptop with linux installed. How could you ban arch?
So I think it's still legal for me to have mine
But it's not legal to sell buy or use them so I can no longer use my flipper zero
You can you just have the device put on a shelf even though I could a little case even though I could literally
Do anything that I could do with a flipper zero with something else
If someone gets arrested just for having cali linux installed on their laptop like do we do we protest?
What I suspect what I suspect is this is the kind of thing where they've made it illegal so that if the cops
You catch someone other thing on catch someone
Doing something nefarious with it. It's really quick and easy for them to take it
Um, and prosecute it
I think that there's a lot of plausible deniability in the kind of pranks that people are pulling with flipper zeros
You know, you're walking past teslas popping open charging covers. It's like
I don't know that could have been caused by anything and you know
Whereas now they can just take it so I I kind of I do understand
The convenience, but I also
Think that there's a lot of potential for overreach if i'm walking around with a raspberry pi plugged into a battery bank in my pocket
Do they take that?
If I remember correctly under the way that the law is written like they totally could they could also just take your phone and anything else
I I need to look it up like what about pen testing
Do I can I get a license to carry one?
Yeah, it's actually very likely that
Canada in general is just gonna become less secure because of this and in
Informed actors are always gonna have a way to get the thing that they want
So yeah, I mean it's not freaking hard. Yeah, you can man. You can buy like you can buy freaking cell phone jammers on aliexpress. They're they're
Openly available. Yeah, they're very illegal to buy and own and blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
It's not like you can't get them. It's not like I can't get firecrackers in canada. Are you kidding me? Yeah
Okay, oh no, what is jake talking about
Disclaimer very illegal. What is he talking about?
Oh, he's probably just talking about jammers. Yeah, yeah, I think I know i'm gonna tell them it's illegal
I know they're illegal. Yeah, um, but they're very easy to get the point is if I wanted one if I wanted if I wanted
Nighttime at our house to mean cell phones off nighttime. Don't use your cell phone
Then I could do that
I would get a call that's illegal. I mean once I turned it off I would also make one
I think my what are they gonna do like ban soldering irons
My phone's like flipping hot and my battery just died
Oh, yeah, it's doing something. Yeah, it's doing something anyway
Whatever it was, I was probably probably trying to get a signal from the jammer that dan turned on
Or maybe he's somebody maybe he was using a flipper zero to hack my phone
I don't really know what else to say about this other than this is spectacularly stupid
It does absolutely nothing to address the problem
You need to you need to actually find the problem
The problem is that device security is not being taken seriously enough by the companies that make them
That is the problem if you wanted to ban
Any device that doesn't support rolling codes or a certain level of encryption or you know
What whatever feature it is that we all use devices like the flipper zero to I?
You know things that work versus things that are vulnerabilities
Like if you wanted to ban anything that doesn't meet a certain standard for security
Sure, yeah
Yeah, I'd be totally down I get behind that hundred percent, but this is like
Man, I don't even I don't even know what to compare this to this is
It's just dumb
It's also it's just not gonna solve the problem. Yeah, it's like banning hammers because somebody used them to break into a house
Like no hammers have lots of legitimate uses and the fact that someone can use it to break into a house doesn't mean that they couldn't just use a mallet
Next time like there's no point banning the hammer. Yeah, we still need to drive nails
And they could just use a chainsaw. It doesn't matter. They could throw anything through a window
Yeah, ban rocks
No rocks allowed excavate the whole country. Yeah, so anyway, I know that our our poor friends in america, you know
Probably feel like punching bags the the number of times we've talked about american politicians and how
Spectacularly stupid they are on this show. Oh, there's so many dumb. Um, but guys that you know
We, uh, we we patriotically criticize our country too. Don't worry. We are
Just as less interesting most of the time. Yeah, eu though
Chad's doing good. I mean they do bad stuff apparently flipper zeroes banned in
I know they're not part of the eu anymore, but they're in europe. Uh, apparently flipper zeroes banned in the uk
Okay, yeah, but like the uk has made one terrible decision after another for quite quite a period of time
Yeah, I mean when was the last time that the sun didn't set on the british empire? How's that going for you guys?
And that's how wars are started
Oh, man
Yeah, I don't know this is this is just ridiculous anyone that actually wants to use them for nefarious things will
still be able to get or make them
No problem even with them banned that's been proved with
Things forever
Drugs alcohol guns whatever you want to ban whatever you want to modulate however you want to do it people that want it are still going to get it
If you were going to use this to steal a car you were already committing grand theft auto
I don't think you really care about
I happen to have electronic device law
Um, so
Yeah, way to go
You're just hurting people that are curious about technology and not accomplishing anything
Do we have better news?
Is there good news?
I don't know. Maybe
Well, not that
Uh, so any back button?
Oh, yeah, correction from last week. I criticized sony for not having
Uh, the ability to move the back button on their android skin to the right side like samsung
Uh, this doesn't appear to be entirely sony's fault
Although they could definitely fix it if they really wanted to
As pointed out by michelle raman
It appears that sony engineers submitted a change that would add support for swapping the recent and back button positions to the android open source project in january 2023
It just hasn't been done
But sony could also do it themselves. So correction. Um, it's not in the aosp
But not correction
Sony I will not use your phones until you deal with this and I don't care whose fault it is
It's not on your phone another correction
Apparently the person who said it earlier was incorrect. It is not banned in the uk
It was just confiscated at an airport, which is a completely different thing
And there's some debate over whether it might be illegal. Oh, like uh, yeah, I've found a thing
Um, yeah, there's some debate over whether it might be illegal because it might just fall under like things that were already illegal
But it seems to be in a gray area. Got it. Makes sense. Uh, this is great by the way
That's awesome
Anywho, let's go. I don't know how to play guitar at all, but yeah
What else do you want to talk about? Oh my god, everything's wow. Why is it all terrible news this week? Oh, oh the florida senate
Might be booting kids off social media speaking of speaking of american politicians and being stupid. This is like not stupid
Yeah, actually, I actually am completely down with this and I understand there's people that will
Aggressively disagree with me, but i'm down
Yeah, florida senate has taken up a bill for discussion that would ban all children under the age of 16 from social media
On the grounds that it has addictive features similar to gambling absolutely that are damaging to children's mental health extremely
Actually, how is this florida so sick the bill doesn't specify any social media platform?
But any platform that tracks user activity
Allows user-generated content and uses potentially addictive features such as infinite scrolling would be required to enact third-party age verification
I knew they were gonna fuck up. Yep. There it is
Dang it, I didn't read deeply into the thing
All right
So we're gonna miss florida's house has already passed a similar bill with overwhelming support if supported by the senate
It would still require a vote from florida's governor who has expressed some concern that the bill is overly broad
Some critics have suggested that requiring id in order to participate in social media might be a freedom of speech issue
You think?
What a womp womp, dude. I was so excited about this. I was genuinely on board. I wasn't making that up
I just hadn't read that line. Me neither
Oh, man. Yeah, that was really close to being not completely
But then they floored it up
According to a modder by the name of eMoose
NVIDIA has been working on extending its rtx video hdr feature
To also convert sdr games to hdr in real time
eMoose has created and published a mod to enable this in-progress feature though only on windows 11
Even as a still-in-progress feature this gaming hdr converter reportedly creates better visuals in some cases than windows 11's auto
Um, that's about all I have to say about that. I just thought that was really cool
It's on nexus mods and if you want to check it out. I still haven't tried the hdr video audio could auto converter
But I really want to I just haven't gotten around to it. Dude. I've been so busy. We did
We didn't aim the ultimate tech upgrade yesterday that went for
Somewhere between 10 and 11 hours
Guess who it was for
I'll just tell you bell kyle from creator warehouse engineering. Oh, he has been working on the
This video since before it was amd ultimate tech upgrade
It's basically
Three hours i'm sorry three hours. It's basically 10 hours of me elijah and kyle trying not to kill each other
It's gonna be great. I feel like this is gonna be one of those things like man
We have had some absolute
Banger float plane exclusives lately. Uh, if you are not on float plane
I'm, sorry. It's been really good. I'm sorry to hear that. Um, you know, it's not for everyone
You know, it's it's extra money at a time when hey, not everybody has extra money kicking around tight things things are things are tight for a lot of people
But dude
We've got extras from linus's kids build luke a computer
we've got
Extras from the uh medic collab
uh, we've got
Uh, oh, yeah, we've got the um, the ceo interview with taryn. That's an hour and a half long
Dude, we've got we've got some stuff. We've got a lot of really great behind the scenes
It's been it's been a riot lately, and I feel like that video
is gonna have extras like
Probably on the level of the call me chris collab build. Oh, wow. Yeah, it's
It's hilarious
We're gonna have to cut some stuff because there's definitely some stuff that's gonna need to be cut
But kyle's hilarious as you probably know elijah's hilarious as you probably know
um, and
I'm, all right
Pretty funny. I think I can be I think I can be pretty funny. I actually
You're a funny guy. I actually had one of what I think is my best on-camera jokes
I'm not gonna spoil it
But i'll watch for it. I like the tech upgrades. I watched pretty much all of them. I destroyed elijah
Destroyed him. He couldn't even talk you tell him to do a backflip. No, no, no, absolutely not not at work
Man, oh, man. Okay, this one's worth recounting. I actually had one of my best in a meeting jokes this
Week, too. I was on fire earlier this week. I i've slowed down a little bit
I'm really tired from that tech upgrade, but uh, we were having a meeting about um
Visual data visualizations for
uh power supply related content for short circuit and for the labs website because
Power supply testing is one of the ones that we're going to be ready to roll out in volume
Soonest yeah compared to all the other categories and um
And lucas from the lab
Basically had uh, so lucas and sammy put together this visualization that was supposed to
characterize for the for the viewer a brownout
And the drop-in voltages and recovery of their of their um
of their rail voltages of the the 12 volt 5 volt 3.3 volt and
USB something
Uh, some some fourth fourth rail and basically the idea is that within the atx specification
uh, you're supposed to be able to lose power for a very very short period of time like a
A dozen or so milliseconds or a couple dozen milliseconds. I forget exactly what it is
It's a very very short period of time a few tens of thousands of a second
Um, and the system should
Recover without actually losing power as long as those rails bounce back fast enough
Your computer will not actually lose power in the event of a brownout. So
He had the he had the incoming ac
Represented like this and then it goes like this and then it comes back
And then during that brownout phase we had like uh like a highlighted section
And then you see all the other rails go down
And then come back
And it had lines all over it pretty much
We had kind of gone through all the other visualizations in the meeting pretty quickly
And we were stuck on this one for probably somewhere between five and ten minutes
One of the things that we were really stuck on was how to symbolize
Uh, a brownout in a way that might declutter the the graph
and um, taryn and I
Kind of disagreed on what we thought was was a good approach for this
And at the at at the end of it like we were basically getting to the end of our time
And there were a couple more things that we needed to talk about i'm like look
Here's the situation. I know that this is very clear and very easy and to understand for lucas
And honestly for sammy for that matter because even if she doesn't know everything about electrical engineering and electronics engineering
Uh, because that's not her field. She does know a lot about data visualization. So for you the labs folks
This is probably crystal clear
But between me and taryn we have
Over 35 years of experience in this industry. We're pretty technical. We're enthusiasts. We're passionate. We read a lot of articles
We are not able to fully understand it and are not able to agree on what the best way to visualize this is and that's probably a bad sign
Yeah, yeah, I got it. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so I was
I just I think I just about killed gary
He didn't laugh. He just looked like he was going to die
Anyway, I was very proud. I was like so proud of myself. I was too proud of myself. Dan's dead
It's even here. Yeah, he's here. Yeah, he's here. He's just he doesn't want to talk anymore
Anyway, i'm very happy. Oh, that's rough
Yeah, that was uh, that look guys
If you were there, it was very funny
Because it's a bad sign just got to get it off the graph
It's too hard to understand it would be more top of mind when you're in that meeting too. Oh, yeah
Like if it took you a sec to get it it would probably
Yeah, yeah sign wave sign wave. Yeah. Um, anyway death by smugness look
Okay, I have to do so many meetings you guys. It's yeah
Like if I meetings are getting a little much like I
I'm just basically in meeting if I if I can't have fun
Man, I gotta
Man, I got you know, I gotta I gotta make my jokes. I gotta have my fun like managing a business and like yes
Yes, I have a lot of people that to help me manage the business, but it's not like I don't still have to do things
Something I think I gotta have my fun
Okay, a little better as an organization and i'm working on this with the ones that I run as well is having
Laid out objectives before the call and then when you complete them ending the call immediately
Yeah, there's a lot of like yeah, this has been
Good conversation. I is there anything else anyone needs to start having a counter for how many times I hear that asks
Yeah, does anyone else have anything to and then it just doesn't end nobody says anything
But then the meeting just sits there and then you're like, uh, yeah, it's like man
I I I have still I haven't been doing it consistently
But i've done it a couple times in the last couple weeks where i'm just like, okay, well if no one needs me. Bye
And I just leave if it's really important. They'll message you you can join when it's when it's pretty obvious that the messages is
Over or the message that the that the call is over. Yeah, not non-agenda meetings. I think is like
Super not the way okay, here's one ending that i'm not a hundred percent sure how you're going to react to oh boy
Google has blocked side loading in singapore
Of certain apps
So as part of a crackdown on financial scams google will be preventing singaporean users from side loading some apps
Allegedly these apps misuse android permissions in order to intercept one-time passwords that a user receives via notification or text
According to google over 95 of these apps were installed through side loading
Now when a user attempts to install one of these apps, they will instead receive a pop-up that says
This app can request access to sensitive data. This can increase the risk of identity theft or financial fraud
Google has developed this pilot program in collaboration with the singapore government's
Cyber security agency the company announced a similar real-time scanning protection initiative in october which is supposed to roll out first in
The way discussion question
Is it a slippery slope absolutely google deciding which apps you can or cannot
Side load absolutely is that is that is it really being blocked though, or are they just popping up a notification warning you?
Because it sounds like they will be blocked
Are you sure because the the like the the title is that it blocks side
I know, but I i've read other articles other than this summary
Okay, it sounds like it will be blocked
company knows
It will instead
It will instead receive a pop-up that says this app can request I get it
But this summary here is not the only one that I've read it sounds like it will be blocked
Um, this seems bad
We're going to transition to another topic where somebody got scammed over 25 million dollars because the world's crazy right
How'd you know I was going to do that?
Uh, because it just makes way too much sense
All right
Uh, things are nuts and you you cannot expect users to
Understand fully all the different and be constantly aware of all the different currently available attack vectors to the point where like I
I almost feel like there's no point in attempting to educate people on it
Because even educated people are going to screw up because the sophistication level of certain
Uh things currently is just kind of too high people saying yeah users aren't tech experts
Even tech experts are going to get dunked on right now
Um with the ability to like the the the topic we're gonna get into is insane, but like this yeah, this is rough
Um, what I wish it was yeah, was like
Really aggressive
Pop-up things that are like you should not do this so if it is then you're good
I think so. Yeah, but I mean I would even be
Put like five but like microsoft tried this with uac put put it doesn't prevent people from just clicking it
And then they also have to authenticate through an email thing
Or or something like make it like really annoying and put a lot of steps in the way
I'm totally okay with that's a slippery slope too because they could also do that if you try to install a third-party browser now
And I know I'm I I know that I'm making a bit of a disingenuous argument here, but they could hold on
Apparently, it's only internet-based side loading sources
Okay, does that help then I think so because they're still around it. Yeah, okay
Therefore, it's okay to me personally, so as long as there's I should be work around way. Yeah, okay
There should be a way to force a side load
Um, okay, and I I don't even care. It could be like super annoying
You have to plug it into a computer
I mean, I don't know about that. You have to like do something that's very advanced tell me this
Yes, wouldn't the real solution to this though just be
System antivirus that just doesn't let anything intercept a one-time pass
Password should should anything be allowed to read your text messages as they come in
Yeah, why does anything need to read your text messages as they come in?
I feel like there's pretty much always going to be a way though. It could be screen reading sure grab it that way
Sure, but anything that continuously records your screen
Maybe that just like it might be able to detect an event of a text message coming in and start screen recording for certain
That's true. Like there's I I would never trust that thing to actually cover those solutions. Coburn c says
Hey 15 years in i'll take any sort of android protection
Elijah even if you're joking don't post that i am deleting it
I'm trying
I don't know how
Oh, um, it's not working
I thought i'm yeah, why can't I click that? I can't click that it doesn't it's it's text commands
Uh, because you and I both didn't want us to spend time on that
But I can click all the other ones what do you mean click them look
Okay, anyway, um
Do you want us to spend time on that?
Nope. Yep. There we go. Lenovo made a transparent laptop
That's useless. That's cool. We should talk about the topic we were going to talk about. Yeah, let's talk about the 25
That got scammed via deepfake
Luke you want to do this one? I feel like I've done a lot of them. Yeah, someone also said
Lazarus legitimate accessibility features need to read your texts. Yeah, like there's things like that too
Like I don't know. It's just I don't think that's a solution that'll work. Anyways deepfake scam
25 million dollars stolen. This is
Genuinely wild. This makes me think oceans 11 level like crazy. There was probably
Multiple people behind this a lot of planning a lot of prep all that type of stuff
And this is one of the reasons why I think you're honestly not going to be able to fully train people to be prepared for this stuff
You're gonna have to have procedures in place instead
Um that that layer up protections on these types of things like maybe requiring even if you're on a video call with someone
Requiring you to call their cell phone to confirm as a form of two-factor authentication or something. I don't know
This is crazy though. According to hong kong police a finance worker at an unnamed multinational firm was convinced to transfer
25.6 million
Big money to scammers real money a video call where everyone else in attendance including the company's cfo were actually
audio-visual deepfakes
The worker was initially suspicious when he was contacted by the scammers through email, but his concerns were
Assuaged by the fact
Assuaged assuaged by the fact that the video call was attended by several people who looked and sounded like his colleagues
Hong kong police likewise indicated that they have seen a large amount of recent fraud cases using deepfakes alongside stolen ids
Which totally makes sense?
I hate to bring this up
But I contacted a financial institution that I no longer use very recently
Because I no longer use them. I
Don't remember my pin or like
Were you able to like password you get back in?
I was able to
Reactivate my account
With information that I could google about myself. Yeah
The fact that that is possible and
And to be clear, it's not just because i'm like a youtube personality or something
It's the kind of thing that I could easily google about
You if all I knew was your facebook profile like it was
Shockingly easy
What the f**k are we going to do because you and I laughed both both of us
Completely without pre-planning it laughed when we saw that florida's plan
Banning social media use for 16 year olds was a third party
database because
That's just a gold mine that someone's waiting to break into in mine
I don't think I would trust our government or any other government to do it any better than the third party
What the crap are we supposed to do to authenticate it to secure anything?
You like can't really to be completely honest
I don't know with things like social media networks
Like there's examples of this on twitch and and other places as well what?
Just look who it is made a really good point
Things are gonna get really f**ked up
When stuff like the apple vision pro goes mainstream
Oh, yeah, because you become the person
You'll be no no not just that not just that no no no no no no no
You won't be expecting the video feed to even quite look like them
If it was a vision pro avatar or whatever and it was a little off
So what it wouldn't even raise any alarm bells yeah now all you have to do is get the voice mostly right
Oh, no, which people are getting really good at oh, no
Yeah, I heard it um
An ai generated voice machine learning voice. I keep I keep doing it. I keep saying ai. It's not ai. It doesn't okay
Whatever. I heard an ai voice recreation of myself
Hosting power supply a power supply video. I've heard that too
It's it's by far the best one. I've heard it's gotten a lot better the whole like you having a boston accent for no apparent reason thing is
Gone. Yeah, it's not perfect. Yeah, for sure
But it's oh, I wonder if I can I wonder if I can dig that up
Uh for the people to hear so we are
one of the things that we're working on for
For the future of short circuit and to to dramatically widen our production pipe
Is for a basic power supply video
We are going to take all the testing data
Plonk it into a template for the script which was written by humans very smart humans
Lucas has done a lot of work on it
To get it down to the point where it says everything you need to know about a power supply
with you know variables
That are altered depending on the results of the power supply and then is
read and
Edited by automated tools with humans involved for
quality checks and for fact checking
So what you guys are going to see
Or here I guess rather is a very very early version of what that would look like
Um, let me see if I can find it
Oh, I have audio playing I will fix that it is now fixed
Uh, let me see if I can let me see if I can find it
Document shared with you
Um, you know what i'm going to search for lucas because we don't actually talk about that many things
by email oh
Oh shoot, I found a draft email. I never sent to him gosh darn it
Okay, uh, can you run interference for me for a minute here luke?
I uh, someone just linked me that someone apparently made a uh titanic
My heart will go on covered with me singing it so that's horrifying and i'll have to watch that later, but
Okay, I don't know. I could do another topic. Do you need that much time?
Yeah, do do another topic and i'll try and find this okay
What's what's left south korea jails pub g player south korea supreme court has upheld the prison sentence
of a conscientious objector to a year and a half in prison for refusing mandatory military service
in part because he is an avid player of pub g according to korean prosecutors the man's
participate participation in violent video games and his lack of effort to spread his beliefs is
evidence that his morals his moral objection to violence and war is insincere
the man reportedly refused to join the military on the grounds that it disregards human rights and
gives rampant unfair orders to enlisted soldiers discussion question why do we treat playing video games as
indicating a tolerance for real-world violence is it because players participate in the fictional violence in a
way uh that a movie goer doesn't
i have no idea um yeah that's wild hey
yeah this was more one we were just kind of reacting to we're gonna just say it like some
really discuss some real actual person is actually going to jail because the fact that they play pub g
means that they don't object to violence that is up dude i wonder how many video games what's going
on over in south korea right now i play that i would just be super not down to do in real life probably a lot
you ever played doom yeah well you're killing demons though yeah but that may be a little isn't there
like a whole thing where like even uh people who have like strong religious objections to killing are
like no doom's cool or whatever oh yeah yeah doom has some really really interesting religion lore behind
it um it's if i remember correctly it's very catholic um
doom guy is canonically catholic okay yeah sure i mean that makes perfect sense yeah doom was actually
a pretty bad example because it's i guess it's the morality of the actions not the
danger so i don't know gta oh you don't want to be a criminal why would you play criminal game
yeah i don't know oh man kind of rough i'll look for another one if you still need more time i
don't want to i've got one i don't want to bug lucas i'll you know what i'll bug gary i mean google
rebrands barred to gemini launches paid tier and mobile app google rebranded its barred chatbot to
gemini the name of the uh language model the company introduced back in december with a demo that
grossly exaggerated its speed and capabilities uh and will be rebranding
duet ai for workspace to gemini for workspace uh hey gary you are on uh you're on the wan show
oh good
sounds about right um
i'm glad you survived my sine wave joke in our meeting
uh i wanted to show the people the um the early version of the audio of linus reading um
um that uh that power supply overview uh script from lucas uh do you do you know do you know the
one i'm talking about where it's the linus ai voice
yes sir uh do you mind do you mind linking actually do you mind emailing that to me in
some form that i could play it for the people okay all right thank you so much all right welcome
all right chat's uh wishing you a speedy recovery from whatever it is that you're suffering from right
now yeah uh lionitis i was gonna say i think that's you all right okay all right thanks gary
all right take care okay bye oh god
that's funny um okay yeah gonna keep going google's following in the footsteps of microsoft who have
finally made it clear that uh literally every ai product they make is called copilot gemini
advanced is a paid version uh paid version powered by the more powerful gemini ultra 1.0
model accessible through the new google one ai premium plan that's a that's a name uh it's 20
a month the same price as chat gpt plus but it also includes the benefits of google one in general uh
which i think is gonna be listed if i click on this link but it includes like expanded drive storage
yeah you get expanded drive storage if you have the ai premium one you have two terabytes of drive
storage so that's a ton um google store rewards i've never even heard of that before google meet
premium video calling features google calendar enhanced appointment scheduling uh stuff like that
so you get other things instead of just um the gemini ai stuff gemini is available on the web in 150
countries but more interestingly as a standalone android app in the us only also accessible through the
google app on ios android users in the us uh can select gemini as their device assistant instead
of google assistant which is actually probably a massive improvement considering it doesn't feel
like google assistant has gotten better in potentially ever uh has it has an overlay that can be drawn up
over any app to read your screen and do stuff which assistant used to do but doesn't now uh early feedback
has confirmed that google overhyped gemini most impressions uh that riley has seen claim that chat
gpt4 is still better but we don't know right now i guess discussion question i'm i'm saying it i'm
saying it no matter what uh why does canada suck
and then dash sorry this isn't a better question i have to go
oh that's great um uh thanks riley
i don't know we just get stuff after america it's fine it's not a big deal yeah like the vision pro
everywhere sucks yeah especially canada um south park got it right floppy heads blame canada yeah
one road uh did you get the file i'm working on it okay i'm running well gary's working on it
i mean we could just do and show after dark i think we actually got a surprising number of
merch messages given that we launched a t-shirt with a collar um so we might want to get started
on them at some point no there's also the planetary shirt yeah yeah yeah no i i know i just and then
you know and the store is great driver bit sets are just gonna fly off the shelves yeah
realistically they're gonna fly off the shelves regardless um but i wanted to give people a lot
of warning before we make any adjustments yeah um all right is there anything else okay is there
anything else in here that we want to talk about oh we didn't even talk about the funimation libraries
being deleted this is like a huge deal yeah funimation uh or sorry sony which has owned
funimation since 2017 and crunchyroll since 2021 will be merging the two services keeping the name crunchyroll
as well as deleting digital copies of content that users purchased through funimation owning something
digitally doesn't mean crap at all codes for these digital copies were included with physical blu-rays
or dvds of anime dubbed and released by funimation as a way of ensuring that customers would always have
access to the content that they purchased even if they were away from home or they lost their physical
copy crunchyroll will also be increasing in price from eighty dollars to a hundred dollars annually
so basically um sony go yourself for this yeah that sucks um why don't they just offer it through
crunchyroll if i had to guess i would say that this was not actually a super simple decision and it's
possible that whatever funimation's licensing was for these perpetual copies that many rights holders are
pretty cagey about blah blah blah blah blah blah blah non-transferable something something something
there's probably a reason but it sucks and i just don't really care anymore i don't care what the
really good reason was for or what the really good reason was it doesn't matter when someone buys
something i get it they're only buying a license to use it but they bought a license to use it in the
way that in good faith they understood that it was for and i think you understood too and that should
continue like it's the uh yeah gev dev in full plane chat said crunchyroll doesn't have the
infrastructure for it from the sound of it the funimation site is shutting down i don't care
build it if you're gonna just like delete all this stuff that people bought you you need to provide
an alternative solution you know like just
shoot uh gary is um has not sent that um and now i'm sort of wondering if there's anyone else who
might know where it is because maybe he's having a hard time finding it i do you know where it is
yeah well why did why didn't you just tell me oh i found it can you message gary real quick and
tell him i found it why don't you uh because i'm gonna bring it up okay
i have to email it to myself this way we're working in parallel luke it's efficient you wouldn't
understand usually i'm the only one who works while i'll actively live on the show um well yeah
because someone has to talk to the people i think we'll just let dan do it okay uh dan you're on
hey how are you doing jesus dan okay forget it okay is my is my audio working uh no no it's not
you were so you were so lively last show uh i've become all tired at the moment fired up i'm sorry
guys okay uh will luke be able to hear this i'm trying to be suave i've heard it before i know but
like just you know so we can all experience it together luke it's this is your first podcast
come on man yeah together yeah okay dan are we good in a way i'm not hearing anything uh well i'm
not playing okay then then give it we're firing on so many cylinders right now it's insane but
ma is my turn with a brain cell i worked so many hours yesterday okay but kyle's upgrade video is
going to be amazing and the behind the scenes on floatplane are going to be amazing just go
subscribe to floatplane okay let's do this thing this is the thousand watt focus gx1000 manufactured
by csonic with a current msrp of 250 us dollars it is a fully modular atx 3.0 power supply with an
additional hybrid fan mode the power supply comes in sturdy packaging and measures 150 by 86 by 140
millimeters considering cable flexibility it has an effective depth of 190 millimeters the modular cables
are plastic insulated of good quality and are really flexible this should cause no problems while
building and cable managing your computer the providing cable set includes a single 12 vaporware
cable allowing it to power all types of high wattage gpus the focus gx is a all right how do you feel
about it how do you i i don't mean the the quality of or whatever how does hearing that make you feel
my first it's like i feel like i should remember saying it yeah i should remember saying it a really
weird disjointed the way not how i would say it way the way that i describe this to other people that
have heard it is to me it feels like you just had your wisdom teeth taken out you're on a little bit of
meds and you've got cotton in your mouth yeah and it's a bad mic the intonation like the the the timber
of the voice is surprisingly close yeah the timing's way off the cadence is there's certain ways that you
say things that don't line up like i can tell it's not you but if i for example was the one
recording it because this is purely generated i don't think so i do think so i don't think so i
do think so i'm rather certain it's not i know the person who did the project and they told me it
was voiced by someone and then uh edited how sure are you i mean i can show you the message no no i i
ed told me it doesn't sound like someone voiced it okay whoever voiced it clearly wasn't um
isn't that how we did the spanish one of my things that i sent to ed is like yeah it seems like a
linus who has cotton balls in his mouth but isn't very tech savvy and he's like uh
yeah all right well at any rate um okay so then no no i believe you i believe you nope
what okay so it's not luke i believe you this is such a waste of time he just wants to work on his
phone more oh my goodness no it doesn't matter okay i i don't care who it was the point is
that with someone who was a little more tech savvy who had even the tiniest amount of practice
imitating my cadence yeah like this this is this is the same thing that made me think about that you
know that like 25 million dollar heist whatever it was it's like yeah it with with more practice time
yeah because someone just like listens to you talk about a thing enough times figures out how
you're gonna say 250 figures out how uh is more familiar with the subject matter this is very likely
the first time they did a read through um all this other type of stuff um yeah i think you could
basically nail it there are some problems it sounds like it's on a really bad mic the like quality of
the audio is really low um but i mean we're close enough now that it's like you can kind of you can
make it out yes absolutely and it's scary yeah with that said i mean it's going to be really convenient
if we wanted if we wanted the entire you know power supply channel to be hosted by linus i don't know if we
should i don't know i don't know either but maybe we genuinely don't know maybe one out of every four
would be hosted by line i don't know whatever we figure whatever strategy we settle on is though
digital linus we could scale it just like that vtuber vtuber hosted i mean i've i've been talking for
years about how the best way for us to safeguard this company against you know my untimely demise or
eventual you know actual retirement or whatever it is not having hydro facials could be exactly
could be vtubering yeah our most recognizable personalities figuring out you know what that
looks like in terms of compensation and licensing and and technology you do whatever right um
and building a scalable business around that i mean there's companies that only exist as as
virtual influencers already today it's not like this is some kind of weird sci-fi that i'm
imagining this is this is this is a real thing right now and it's winning right now the only
difference is that we would you know yeah when's the philean collab i don't know i think elijah's in
contact oh so so it's it's moving i think i'm just telling those backflips
god damn luke okay you actually need to stop baiting him and doing exactly i don't want him to get hurt
yeah he showed me a video of him doing one and i was like yeah you shouldn't that's fine yeah don't
just stop baiting him yeah um maybe we should do that when you guys are remote somebody just becomes
a vtuber like for wancho yeah because i can i can intersperse that into the actual set no problem
rig and stuff i don't know anything about it we can figure it out yeah it's very doable okay um i i
know like genuinely nothing about it anyway funimation there's so many chance your transfer not cool dude i
run a vtuber studio with triple a motion capture hardware yeah it's it's today it's right now it's
right now yep all right is there anything that is left before we no i don't think so i think it's
time for when show after dark all right let's do this thing did we do the jobs thing we did yeah
we did very early on the show yeah i'll get it i'll get it oh all right maybe hit hit luke first yeah
yeah oh no i just did it mission accomplished what
it's okay you're gonna be all right i don't take my headphones off for one second
oh man actually i need to pee pee i'll be right back okay all right i hope everything comes out
okay hi luke hey
uh you wondered you want me to give luke one right yeah are you good i'm looking for it uh
uh what's up boys luke when and if you have a boys uh boy luke when and if you have a cheat day
or cheat meal during your exercise journey what do you eat and why uh it's it's usually because i'll be
like eating out with people um and i'll usually try to get like you know somewhat of a safer option but
i i let myself go a little bit more than something that i'll like to have is like
indian food uh there's an indian food plate i don't want to name it because i don't want to
just run it over completely but there's an incredibly good indian food place locally that i
really like going to for lunch um and if i'm having a lunch meeting for some reason i will often
suggest going there because it's incredibly good uh there's also a place that i like going for pho
so i'll have indian food or pho um i think i know the place you're talking about that place is
you probably know both of them to be honest and they're extremely good the one good one and it's
so good for for which uh for the indian i'm not sure i know the pho dude we should go sometime
do you like pho yeah we'll go sometime um i think that's also local too i might have gone
there with a couple other people yeah maybe maybe it's it's both of those are very common
hunts for people that work here um yeah so i like i won't i won't but but i'm not also not gonna just
like you know oh i'm getting a cheesecake with whatever and like i i don't i don't really like
go off but uh i'm no longer like my my like a diet right now is if the if the food is planned
it's very structured um but if i'm like out with people or whatever i'll get stuff it doesn't matter
but i try not to go too nuts that's all yeah sorry i didn't really like specify anything but
yeah you're you're not like a person who goes i'm gonna eat an entire cake on my cheat day no
like i don't know i'm not i also i don't even desire that like i don't i don't even think cheat
days are a good idea no no who are you cheating on it's just yourself can you believe we made it
this far into the show and neither of you has made a joke about me getting a facial
that would be crass linus it felt like it was like actually too low bar it was like too easy that's
too low brow yeah no no i'm okay with it being really low brow it was just too easy plus we know
you well enough that you get those all the time anyway got him hello and the beard makes it a lot
harder to clean up oh i know i know hello dll as this is going to be classy
hello dll as a business why wouldn't steam create steam plus gaming service is it just
small potatoes compared to their 30 or too complicated for such a large platform i hope
they never do i think the licensing is extremely complicated if it was only for valve games
yeah it would be no problem for them to just have a valve subscription to their games in fact
i don't know i i i suspect that hardware as a subscription is going to become even more
prevalent i mean there's that tv that's free as long as you look at ads or whatever like i could i
mean in a way you know financing is just hardware as a as a subscription it's not like they can't repo
it if you fail to pay for it it's just it's it's a it's a rent to own whereas at some point i could
totally see a steam deck for steam deck is ten dollars a month it's not four hundred dollars
it's ten dollars a month and they just assume that it'll be more expensive than that you know
or whatever it is but i think i think you kind of get my point right like the the the point is that
as long as it's first party nothing would prevent valve from doing things however it is that they want
to do it um but when it comes to third party games i mean they can't even they can't even manage to get
guys like uh you know ea to not require you to also install origin on your stupid computer let alone
agreeing to um you know participate in this in in this you know games game pass competitor or whatever
it is um i i think it's i would actually be kind of into it to be honest with you yeah i mean what if
i just i i'd like to see valve innovate i'd like to see how is that innovation whoa whoa whoa whoa
well it's not innovation if they just do what everyone else is doing so that's why i was going
to suggest a way that maybe they could innovate all right so here's something that would be kind of
cool like if i could buy a steam pass subscription and it entitles me to you know x amount of dollar
value of games in my library at any given time but i could return games and take them out kind of like
a library system or something like that i don't know that's just that's completely off the top of
my head but i could see something like that being an innovation yes because you could go back and
re-borrow a game at your discretion if it's still there so you're kind of you're kind of creating no
well i would expect valve to innovate that too so i could curate my own library potentially
that'd be kind of neat if i wanted to keep something instead of it just being like netflix where that
show just like disappears and you can't watch it anymore i could decide you know what yeah i want
to i want to just keep i want to keep my old you know steam plus library i don't want any of the new
stuff and i can just like keep it forever keep it in perpetuity or i could be like oh yeah you know
what no i want to try something new and i just like return one of my games like oh yeah okay like
i and my family share group game what if it's been removed off of steam
you wouldn't be able to get it again that's what i was saying maybe there was a miscommunication
that's what i meant oh okay sure i just mean i i could see there being room to innovate in that space
um and if there was anyone who was going to do it in a not anti-consumer way maybe it would be valve
i hope they don't do it because i don't think there is one and maybe that's the not anti-consumer
innovation we need is valve just not doing it but i would be totally like if if if inside of valve
they were like hey let's like try to thought experiment this thing and figure out if there
is a way that's totally cool with that sometimes you gotta you know peer into darkness um i don't
think there is a way if they prove me wrong great but i i don't i don't think there's a way because
because of all the things that i've talked about on my show before of like if you if you end up going
subscription services there's there's literally actors and directors and stuff talking about this
publicly right now but with everything being subscription service uh the only things that
get made are safe uh there's no all that type of stuff all right mr subscription services are evil
what's that i didn't say subscription services were evil oh okay okay nice little hot dog hamburger you
got what if they did this did what what if everything that you got through your subscription
service you had like you can download these videos can you let me finish okay it's a terrible
comparison just clean your beard after dog your comparison is dog i have some paper towels over here
so my point is my point is what if it worked like that what if whenever something is in your library
you could you you you got it permanently and it was more like a uh just just hold on oh my gosh
this is one of those things where it's like all i'm saying is consider a possibility i just i don't
understand like if if it's going that far then you have it you own it so then like what how how is
how is valve going to get any developers all they asked was what about steam plus they didn't say it had
to be exactly the way it is now so i'm saying no no i get that i just don't think what you're
talking about is even possible well hold on can i finish talking about it sure so what if it was like
floatplane where through the subscription you are getting new content so it's kind of it's almost more
like a uh it's almost more like what are they called those uh those mail subscriptions something boxes
yeah uh i know what you're talking about help me help me chat uh
something boxes it's not no not boxes not loot crates no it's a thing it's great was a brand
crack boxes oh my god subscription boxes sure subscription boxes i thought there was mystery
boxes i don't know i thought there was another name the point is but like subscription boxes so so
developers would sign up so you get new things valve curates the new games that you're going to
try with their subscription service you own the games afterward you can go back and you can reopen
that crate anytime you feel like it just like on floatplane you can when you are subscribed you can
download any video we have no cap you can download the entire back catalog of anything you want
exclusives different channels all the infrastructure people listening right now are going like oh
goodness and yeah it it sucks on our end but yeah but you but you can do that and then the only
difference once you cancel your subscription is you just don't get the new ones you don't get the new
content and you can't come download it again i mean that's something that i could see being a not
evil you know innovation that that valve could that's an interesting one and they could even have
they could even have gambling mechanics some of them so maybe you get two games out of out of there there's eight
and you'll get one will be a random one but you can pick one of them or something like that like i'm
just saying let's be open-minded i just think that's a completely different thing now you've gone so far
away that it's just humble bundles subscription version um which is like fine
hold on well hold on what was the question though uh something something steam plus gaming service
i mean yeah i just the original question is open enough that this is legit i'm not saying that
sure yeah sure i just i just mean i think there's ways to do subscription gaming and
have it not be totally toxic i think that is not totally toxic i just also think that that sort of
doesn't matter like i don't think that would actually catch on um there might be ways to do it maybe maybe
i think a lot of them will have the same problems as standard subscription stuff
like i said though like if valve if valve wanted to sit in a room and try to figure this out and
they did find out a way then that's great i just i struggle to see how it can be really possible because
in this version like yeah maybe they do maybe it is very similar to what you're saying maybe it's a monthly
thing that you get just like with those old subscription boxes that were popular for a while
maybe it's a monthly thing you log into steam on the first and you have a new thing that you click
on and it's like hey you have these new games uh maybe they're even partially curated because they
know some of your interests based on games you've played and stuff so maybe they'll go like oh we
noticed last month you played a games that are a bunch of games that are like that are like this
we thought you might want to try these things you played slay the spire maybe you'll enjoy across
the obelisk something like that um we included that in the thing that could be kind of cool
i don't think that would take off as much as an all-access pass yeah apparently psn plus
does something kind of like this as well so anyway but i do think to your question though uh it would
be pretty small potatoes for valve compared to the kind of money that they print on
um an annual basis just taking 30 of every game that sells on steam so and not just game sales
right um so it's a cool idea but i i doubt that it has any kind of serious momentum over there at
least for the time being i think you're also going to run into a problem where it's going to be a lot
of the same games a lot of the same developers and probably older games unless valve starts pumping
tons of money into the creation of them at which point they might want some amount of um
creative controller input and then we start running into the same problem with gaming
subscription services where the uh company that runs the subscription service ends up uh pushing
in for creative control because they want things that are going to guaranteed win
which is like a huge problem
would you like another one yeah no
i just want to go home
hi wancho i recently took a trip to europe and my ldd backpack was stolen with my macbook
dslr lenses and some miscellaneous tech what's the most heartbreaking loss of tech you've experienced
i think uh i've told this story before so i'm not going to go through the whole story but when i
left my my pocket pc at the ice rink like it had my calendars and everything on it and there was no
cloud sync back then so i had to like set everything up manually again yeah that that sucked that really
sucked i haven't lost much i left a phone on a plane
that's probably it oh yeah there was the time i left my laptop on the car and drove
yeah i remember that
i very recently a lot i have this one of the 64 ounce water bottles that i've sticker bombed
um and it's my like i have it in my car i bring it into work and i bring it into the gym
uh but it like stays remote like i don't bring it home and then i have another 64 ounce water bottle
at home and i have my airpods that i work out with and the water bottle and the airpods are missing
can't find them anywhere i checked lost and found here i checked lost and found at the gym
it's not at home it's not in my car the fact that it's both of them i'm pretty sure
they were taken my biggest thing is like why'd you take the water bottle
like it's it's sticker bombed with a bunch of stickers i can't get again
it's a good water bottle it's a sick water bottle and you're at a gym
why'd they take it no i get it's an awesome water no can you stop disrespecting the hard
work of the creator warehouse team i get that and especially at the gym because everyone wants the
really big water bottles when you're at the gym i'll actually go through like half or more of that in
one gym session like it's perfect for at the gym i love that water bottle it's just like
like ah like the the dollar value was in the airpods leave me my water bottle that is custom
sticker bombed like i i literally can't get a lot of these again it's kind of annoying i really liked
how it looked it's like when someone steals your wallet and you're just like could you have just
taken the cash and left it there exactly like this is actually just really really annoying like i'm
gonna cancel every one of those credit cards before you do anything yeah just the credit card
company's gonna go for go after their money like you're not like just any chance it's newer airpods
no um because it's me so i have replacement ones now and they're also the old cheap ones because it's
me um it's just it just sucks it's very annoying but the main thing that i'm annoyed about is not
the tech product so someone took my water bottle because i love that water bottle
i know where i can get a new one i know i can get a new one i just
headed to the end of the earth nuku heva for diving any places on your bucket list animals
you're chasing seems to be a island in the french polynesia wow cool i still wanna i still wanna scuba
dive in australia that'd be sweet yeah that that's on my list i have recently gone on a few dates with
someone and i could use luke show off 100 success chicken recipe in the near future when will we get
that video i've been told i need to film it for a float plane exclusive it's coming yeah so that's gonna
be a thing don't don't don't look at his eyes don't look at his eyes hey dll
no hey dll recently heard about a long range one kilometer wi-fi with enough bandwidth for video
calls have y'all heard about this and is it even real i have heard about it i am so excited to try it
oh i haven't gotten my hands on it yet i want to um i've already flagged it for the writing team i
missed writer's meeting today because i was busy filming our ps5 killer oh 500 pc that's
pretty strong interesting that you're calling it a ps5 killer not a console killer
a ps5 just win that hard what what games would we play on an xbox killer
get owned um oh man anywho uh so hopefully we're getting in touch i totally want to try it it sounds
amazing it's different from what we've shown in the past with ubiquity's uh dish-based long-range wi-fi
solutions and that it seems to be more just uh non-directional you just everything's just
connected so it seems super cool i'm really looking forward to trying it out sweet hi linus fellow tech
dad here any advice on long distance parenting i work overseas away from my child and kids and uh
sorry my wife and kids most of the year is there anything other than video calls to alleviate missing
them that sounds horrible um i don't think i could do it i uh the only advice that i have is uh stay
strong brother i uh aren't there like uh i wonder how older kids are did they say in the thing did it
say nope hmm i think there's these like presents pillow things that like glow the the other one will
glow when there's weight on the one of them okay and i've been told that it helps like if you're
feeling really homesick or whatever it helps to like know i don't know i haven't experienced this
so i have no idea but i've heard that's a thing and like people say it's like actually good so i don't know
hey lld i will be in japan this summer for an internship doing data analysis with field
programmable gate arrays fpgas what do you think the most interesting use case for fpgas are uh also
luke what should i avoid in japan fpgas are one of those things where i wouldn't even begin to tell
you what i think the most interesting thing they're used for is because they are used for everything
everything they're either used in final deployments and that's why a lot of things are really expensive
um so one example is those usb3 extenders that i have if that was an asic it would cost a fraction
of what it does but it's an fpga so it's really really expensive because you're buying fully
programmable processors for both sides yeah these sounds really expensive yeah usb to fiber boxes right
and they're handling high bandwidth low latency so that's what they cost right um and so it's either
in mass production or massish or it's in the prototyping of basically everything so i don't know
everything fpgas are sick there i said it check out analog analog.co yep they make wicked cool stuff
check out check out alibaba.com oh yeah yeah this i saw the subreddit this week dare me to order
i was gonna say are you guys gonna get one unfortunately i would have to order 500 pieces
oh my goodness i love that the number of people that don't understand how our screwdriver works
yeah this isn't the same drives me absolutely crazy this isn't like a third shift situation guys
there is no chinese factory to run a third shift how the fp many times do i have to say this
before people will somehow process that the ltt screwdriver is not some made in china rebadge
it just isn't and no amount of
whatever it is that you're doing over there is going to change the actual reality that it just
isn't we collaborated with mega pro licensed their bit storage licensed their ratchet heavily modified
their ratchet design at this point with the stubby screwdriver we have actually modified their bit
storage enough that we are no longer dependent on the patent for it um
the ratchets are produced in china the shafts are produced in china the plastics are all produced
in pit meadows british columbia the assembly is done here in the greater vancouver area there is no third
shift just sit the fuck down
it's incredible uh anyway uh this was still pretty funny because um
yeah a sample is apparently about the cost of these guys buying one of our screwdrivers
so if you order a sample what's very likely is they will simply buy one of our screwdrivers and send
it to you they've ripped the photos directly off of our site oh nice other than it seems like
attempting maybe or maybe not to like blur it a little bit blur our logo a little bit they've even
included our like crusty rusted bits that we use to demonstrate that you can install standard size bits
in it um i would i would totally order one to see if it's if it's uh even a a somewhat close copy
but the issue is that they want you to order 500 pieces and there's no way i'm going to order a
sample to see what they can make because they're just going to send me one of my screwdrivers if i
wanted one of my screwdrivers i would just walk into the warehouse and grab one yeah um
um is the listing a scam though yeah the listing is in all likelihood a scam so there's a lot of
so there's a lot of different takes on this you know one of the takes is see i told you it's just
it was a matter of time there's a lot of like oh ltd better watch out for this it's the third shift
and then there's a lot of people that actually understand what's going on here and that is that
this manufacturer is fraudulently claiming that they make this screwdriver it is possible that you
will get something in the mail that it resembles our screwdriver but i promise you it will not be
ours um and the attention to detail that it would take to get it to be ours would not be put in by
this manufacturer there is absolutely no way because even though it's a seemingly relatively simple
mechanical device the devil's in the details it's easy for them to make one actually it would be
relatively easy for them to make one screwdriver that pretty much is pretty similar to the ltd
screwdriver to mass produce it with the kind of quality that we do would be really difficult and
that's what took so long um yeah so so that's the thing yeah is that trickle down economics thanks
twitch chat i can always count on you yeah i want to make another facial joke lld how would you suggest
just verifying a user's child's age on social media without age verification
just do it the old mostly ineffective way yeah there's honestly i don't i just don't see how you're
going to do it no database should contain that information about anyone least of all a child's
yeah no uh just yeah i'm sorry i don't have a solution to this uh and and lean on the services a
little bit to ban users um if they're detected to you know not be a kid hey dll how far away do you
think amd is from catching up to nvidia on ray tracing do you think they will sure and then
nvidia will move again uh the only real hope for amd is that nvidia gets distracted kind of like what
happened with uh logitech and gaming mice in like the late late 2000s um and like i guess the early
20 late late 2000s early 2010s logitech owned gaming mice and then they were just like oh a webcam
butterfly holy crap what the heck is razor
that that is a that is an accurate recreation it's actually quite accurate that's exactly what
happened yeah um i'm a little frustrated with logitech right now um my my mouse died again
i've had a lot of this one mouse um let me find logitech g i i have been uh i think it's maybe fair to
say a logitech fanboy for most of my life their their forms for their mice just work for my hands
and their support is or at least has been legendary fantastic and it's pretty easy to win me over with
really really good support and i've really really really liked their mice now they released a thing
called the power play yeah i love my power oh my goodness the power play is amazing okay the fact
that more people don't use it drives me nuts it's really expensive luke it is very you probably
didn't pay for it i did actually oh yeah i'm surprised yeah did you pay for the most that went
on it i paid for the most recent one that's going to go on it i don't know about all the previous ones
i paid for the most recent one and the previous one before i just mean your tech life gets kind of
subsidized so when you splurge on a thing i'm a little impressed totally you bought anything yeah but
then i'm i'm less impressed because the total cost of your entire setup is like maybe a grand or two
and it's worth like you know five grand or whatever you know yeah yeah uh yeah so that that's that's
totally fair it is very expensive i just really really like the me too i really like it too it's
just fantastic product really expensive for what it is like the the thing the problem it solves in
your life is that every couple of weeks you need to go like this
but it's awesome i know it's awesome it doesn't even it doesn't even increase the amount of usbs
because you can connect your mouse through the power play which is like thank you i know but the
flip side of that argument is it doesn't even reduce the number of cables on your desk because you
still have to run a cable to the power play like it's just i'm just i'm just happy they thought of
that it's just it's just actually a waste of money yeah that i love and you love and we can
love it even though it's a waste of money it's like children or my employment oh my goodness um
right now if i go to gaming mouse pads on logitech g the photo is for a power play
where are you going with this i don't see it
oh because it isn't a mouse pad it's probably something else you're also in the canadian store
i don't believe you're allowed to buy it available in canada can't buy it in canada oh yeah so you can
only have it because you are a special snowflake wait is that the reason why i ran into this i hope
not okay i love that you can sort by power play compatibility yeah okay so here's my whole point
pro x super light 2 right right right right yeah power play compatibility no well try power play
instead of power play compatibility go up there's a power play what four down yeah well it's just the
same thing as power play compatibility that's hilarious what but yeah no you can't you can't
buy it in canada i don't think i mean canada doesn't exist anyway it doesn't say it works with power
play you can probably buy it on like amazon.co.uk and like get it imported or whatever but no i don't
think you can buy it in canada i'm so upset yeah i know i bought a to be fair i didn't look into
reviews of super light 2 but i bought a pro x super light because the super light 2 was not listed
under power play compatibility i already opened the box it's on my desk i'm screwed
at least it's not me who's an idiot on the show for a change you know it's refreshing actually that
sucks why doesn't it show up under power play compatibility why is there two power play buttons
i don't know that isn't even the thing i wanted to be upset about i'm actually more happy with them
about this because that's easy to fix i thought they dropped power play compatibility from new devices
and i was like wow that sucks a lot no power play is great and power play is not going anywhere as
far as i can tell that's great i'd love to see it updated with a bigger mat and maybe usbc or you
know something yeah that'd be cool man the last thing i didn't do the research i i went on the official
website and clicked power play compatibility and it disappeared i i thought i did do the research
i really like the mouse i think it's okay to be honest but yeah i had i've had three g903s now
and the left click has broken on every single one of them it's almost like all those switches
just come from a commodity factory and logitechs are not special yeah people game pretty hard these
days too like i don't know man i feel like uh i feel like we go a little harder on our gaming peripherals
that might be true like when i was a kid i played a lot of video games but i think by today's
standards it's like not a lot not very much yeah yeah all right it might it might be reasonable
lifespan i haven't looked into like the expected clicks and stuff like that um but yeah and i'm not
ditching them because it's still my favorite mouse like i'll go i'll go try i did get a different
logitech mouse this time but i like this one too their forms just work so much better for me and i mean
it feels great so like i don't i mean i regret not knowing that the two works with it but i'm happy
with it anyways so that's fine yeah hello wan.dll luke other than the difficulty of building a kickass
streaming platform what is an interesting challenge as cto for lmg that we haven't heard you talk about
it before oh you've heard it all before okay entering entering as that role into the hell nest
that was the setup was a wild experience that i would not want to do again um and is still like a
giant problem um the the the constant battle between trying to decide whether or not to fix the current
fires or build the thing that will help reduce new fires is is difficult to deal with because
there's so many like massive projects that you would have expected to be done a really long time
ago that were never done um that we need to do but there's a lot of current fires so balancing those
two problems can be difficult yada yada yada it's all a thing but it's getting better sean's been doing
fantastic it's been cool seeing him in videos now um working with dan and he's a great team too yeah i think so
yeah um so yeah it's getting better we'll get there it's okay but it's it it's been a ride i'll say that
much the super light 2 appears to be on amazon.ca i bought a mouse it's on my desk i'm not gonna buy
another mouse it was really expensive i'm not i'm not buying another mouse right now straight up uh i'm
responding to a merch message that hasn't been read yet um thomas c says hey ltt i wish that more
people would talk about accessibility with vr i have one eye there are some vr games where i physically
can't get past the tutorial can you try the vision pro with one eye um interesting the scanning didn't
work but i wonder if part of the reason for that is that i trained it with two eyes so i'm gonna see
if i can find the thing to try it again uh i don't know i can never remember is it privacy and
security or is it optic id and passcode i don't know why would security why would your passcode be
under security this is stupid um gaze tracking works which sounds like an entirely different thing um
um while you keep screwing around with that a geek person man in chat said power play compatible
means the mouse requires a power core module to be installed in the mouse and power play means it's
just built in cool all right i'm setting up optic id the gaze tracking is definitely a little bit weaker
it makes sense nope won't do it oh no optic id with just one eye yep can confirm definitely works with
two eyes uh all right so apparently the apple pro has accessibility options maybe there's something you
need to turn on accessibility i input both eyes oh i left i only right i only all right there it is
i still don't know if that works with optic id but it definitely um does at least have an option
for it so that's pretty cool uh good guy apple that's it for that for now i find it makes my eyes
really tired using that yeah i'm back i haven't used it for the because you were using it for like
whole days right i've used it for as much as um like three hours at a time and that was a lot
yeah that makes really a lot like i i didn't have it on for that long realistically um and i didn't run
into those problems but i suspect you're hitting more around the like hour hour and a half mark where
it starts to get pretty old yep yeah even at like half an hour i'm kind of over it i'd rather just
you know what one of the one of the things that really bugs me is it seems like a really stupid
little thing it seems like such an obvious fix but um i actually hate that i can only pin apps
in 3d space i want to pin apps in relative to me space oh you can't do that not as far as i can tell
but this is yet another thing that i i haven't spent a ton of time looking up how to do things
yet i'm thinking on like what i've seen online and videos people say you can you can so then okay
then that's something that will help a lot because sorry uh travel mode apparently is what it's called
so yeah i'm gonna play around with that um it's not gonna fix every issue that i have with it because
realistically most of my problems are just caused by that i just don't really want this thing on my
face right now um it would be nice if you could do both like i would want to have some that were fixed
in 3d space and some that floated with me uh you probably i could i would imagine that you could
probably do that maybe oh wait not yet travel mode is only really made for airplane usage etc speaking of
airplane usage i was sitting sorry don't walk with travel mode though okay well then that's not
really okay then that's not really what i'm talking about okay i'm gonna insert now so oh i've seen a
video of someone walking down the street with google maps pinned okay i'll have to figure it out um
but yeah that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about that i want to move around and i want
it to just stay fixed to me rather than fixed to the environment and it sounds like what you're talking
about is travel mode um figures out where something is based on its proximity to the
headset rather than based on the map the headset builds of the world around you because of low
light so i noticed that i was sitting in um my computer room at home and you know how our lights
are automated and just turn off um so in what would be probably like cabin cabin brightness on an overnight
flight it was not able to handle tracking very well it would it would often lose tracking and
have connection issues and and and hand tracking issues so that makes a ton of sense that travel mode
would be for like that that's what travel mode is is a way to not have it reliant
on that outside map that it's building but that's not what i was asking for so i'm just gonna
i'm just gonna have to do a little bit more figuring out i'm sure i i mean unless that video is just fake
but i i've definitely seen the person was walking down that yeah absolutely i've seen a person walking
down the street and the the i'm assuming apple maps or whatever but some form of map application was
fixed on the left hand side of their view no problem captain cosmo
hit me dan hey dll speaking of ai fakes how do you expect the world to adapt to combat this
we all know laws mean nothing especially when millions are at play should we be going back to
carrier pigeons i think there's a bad suggestion in person yeah someone made a comment earlier about
our handshake deals back i had a conversation about this 25 million dollar thing with my roommate
a day or two ago and we were both talking about how like yeah if you needed to transfer 25 million
dollars should someone just fly there and like do the deal or or even like if you if you need to get
a confirmation like oh this the cfo was on the call or whatever like it's 25 million dollars maybe
you should go to the cfo's office yeah and like see them in person just be like hey just confirming
you know and like you're gonna have to work at a place where that doesn't seem weird so you'll have
to like inform people around that you need this extra layer i mentioned maybe you have to call them
on their cell phone as well as like a form of two factor for communication uh so okay you have you have
like uh someone on teams tells you to transfer 25 million or someone in a uh video call tells you to
transfer 25 million okay well you call them as well and you might see them on the video like answer
their cell phone and be like hey uh but if someone has their team's account and they have their cell
phone like that's that's another fairly significant step um yeah
yeah yeah go for it so apparently uh ryan trahan did it but he had to pinch on the app to hold it
there while he was like walking oh yeah that's not what i'm asking for for sure i'm aware of that i've
done that that probably explains the video i saw those that yep that explains it so the fact that that
workaround is necessary and the fact that this made it to actual release with no one being like oh yeah
that's something we should obviously do is just sort of baffling to me especially if they have this
travel mode where they map relative to the headset rather than relative to the map created of the
environment around you as it's sure fake pinched finger stick oh genius genius
you could like sucker it onto your chest terrible i like it i love it uh linus question why are you
still running the damaged note 9 i honestly was expecting you to have moved to the samsung 24 ultra
by now mostly curious um once again the answer is going to be a lot less cool than what you might
imagine it is a ton of work with all of my like setting up my notification settings in every app so
that the things i need get to me and the things i don't need don't bother me and authenticating all
the bajillion things that i have to sign into uh it's just it's a ton of work for me to switch phones and
i had intended to switch over to the fair phone so i for that review man i put in the work so that i
wouldn't have to carry my note 9 with me at all with the lg wing i carried the note 9 for like 2fa
like i i didn't really use it but i like i knew i wasn't seriously switching to the lg wing i made
myself use it but i didn't i didn't put my whole life on it with the fair phone 5 i did i was like i am
switching to this phone they're going to support this thing for seven years or whatever it is
so this will be like even if i move on to another phone after this this will be the one that'll like
have all my stuff you know like that that social media uh or that um that messaging app that i only
use to communicate with people i play badminton with in taiwan like i'm install that one on there
and migrate all my messages over and all this tedious crap
i don't like going through that so upgrading phones for me is actually a hassle and maybe
part of it is just like like ptsd from doing it so many times back when i would be reviewing a
different phone every month or two like i think a lot of people were like oh line is so lucky he
gets to use new phones all the time i freaking hated it it sucks it's so annoying it's not a good
experience no it actually sucks um so i gave up on it and i switched to the note 9 so it has my whole
life on it and i i did that with the fairphone 5 and it ended up being a complete waste of time
because spoiler alert is this a fairphone 5
yeah i'm done the review yeah so i don't know i'll switch to something else at some point i i i i would
consider an s24 ultra i i just nothing has sung to me i like i liked the folding phones though that was
cool i switched over to the fold three actually dan i still owe you that fold three uh i need to
get my pictures off of it and then as far as i'm concerned you can do whatever you want with it i
told him if he if he fixed it fixed it then he could use it uh i've just been really slow sorry
dan it's sitting on my desk at home i will do you don't you don't have to i mean i hate all phones
now because you ruined the last one that i loved well dan that's no no no no that's not the way
it works once i say something then i have to it's it's not up to you to decide if i have to okay
i have said i'm doing it therefore all right i'll do it that that i just don't want you to feel
forced by social convention no i'm forced by me i'm forced by because i said i was going to do
something okay um very very simple to me a verbal contract is a contract um anywho the point is that
i i just don't like doing it and to me the three extra seconds are actually on this thing in some
cases 30 extra seconds that i might wait for an app to install on the rare occasion that i bother
to install an app on my phone uh is just not worth the trade-off of the three hours that i'm going to
spend migrating everything and then the occasional you know three to thirty minutes that it's going to
cost me down the road when i realized there was something i missed and i need to go back and deal
with it it's just such a pain hello wan wook and whinness does floatplane give you any interesting
cross statistics with youtube for example are there any similarities or differences for video retention
original floatplane invoice 314. yeah luke um tell me what kind of analytics does floatplane provide and
how do they compare to the youtube analytics very fantastic and we have the best my friends tell me
that we have the best analytics yeah so that's how you know it was the biggest lie of the show
we have basically none uh there's certain things that we can ask aj to like manually pull up or ask
jonathan to manually pull up uh but there's yeah there's pretty much nothing um i don't think it's
you know they don't use firefox uh yeah like there's there's stuff we can check um we have
nothing we don't even know how many views we're getting i know aj's here we can guess but like
basically it's it's basically all guessing so it's just like i don't know whatever yeah youtube's guessing
they just have the best guessing they are extremely good at it um but like that's taken a lot of effort
so i don't know we would have to have an entire team that is much larger than the entire floatplane
team that just did that if we wanted to even approach i mean we could get pretty accurate
probably but like ad blockers block a lot of stuff that aren't ads um and a lot of you guys run ad
blockers so it makes certain things unnecessarily hard to be clear when you're on floatplane running
an ad blocker we don't care there's no ads on floatplane it actually has zero impact other
than that we can't build analytics we do care though because there's there's more than there's
more than just like views analytics that we can't capture we also can't it also muddies the waters of
capturing a lot of other things like well what would they care about though i i'd have to go back over
it again oh what would they care about or nothing oh okay yeah it just affects us and our ability to
know how the site's being used uh to to see how well the infrastructure and like
okay i understand like that i it's been a long time since i've had this conversation so i might
be saying things that are slightly off but it's like it's definitely not helpful troubleshooting
info for us yeah exactly like it blocks us being able to figure out troubleshooting stuff
i understand there are sites out there that are pulling information to like sell by doing those
types of things so i get it and i'm not telling anyone to whatever this isn't this isn't that
conversation um but it is annoying when you're like actually just trying to do good things
and it becomes inaccurate or you can't or whatever else because of that stuff um
um okay q us info for isps yeah that makes figuring out routing problems really hard when you can't
figure out routing problems got um like it's yeah it's it's super annoying um but again i get it um
it's just yeah if you're someone like google you can find workarounds you can do various things you can
improve it um at our scale it's like oh man is there an option to not bother yes
yes sick
love it duke linux and don good evening duke uh final fantasy tactics you should play it
linux if you had to choose final fantasy 6 remake or tactics remake or sequel
oh 20 that's a pretty good 26 years later i still play fft
well final fantasy tactics has a sequel so i'm not going to ask for that
um if you're asking if i would want like a worthy sequel like as good or better in every way
you know what i'd pick six remake
i think i'd find it easier to find the time to play that i tactics game would just completely absorb
my life and so that's a very selfish reason for choosing that but you asked me so i guess that's
fair it can be a me reason that's legit if i got like a like a real reimagining of six i think but
then would i like hate it because it's not what i like and remember no i i think i i would love to
i would love to hear tara's story retold yeah i'm gonna go with that yeah odd question about the
business side as you build out your merchandise for sale how do you figure out the wait hold on
on i'm done with that yet though have you played any more six oh sorry uh no but i probably will
be this weekend all right forget it sorry dan go ahead sorry i even said anything odd question about
the business side as you build out your merchandise for sale how do you figure out the design labor
handling costs behind the product itself so to stay profitable uh until taron joined we just didn't
we uh we eyeballed it that's on brand see this is why we have to take away their excel because they're
not even using it yeah um oh they're still you know there are people who use it down uh but like
yeah we we knew approximately what our handling was from our 3pl because we know how much we pay them
every month and we know how many orders they handled but we don't know a lot of the fine details around
um especially like product development costs like i have no idea yvonne might know how much we spend on
samples for clothing for example i doubt it um like she could maybe look it up it would be somewhat
challenging um we uh nick says we didn't eyeball uh we didn't eyeball everything the only thing we didn't
factor was opec on a per unit basis i i am pretty sure that there are other things that we did not
fully um fully map out but i know that we i know that we knew okay so just to be clear we weren't
completely flying blind i have no idea i know what our income we knew what our incoming costs were
approximately for like uh shipping and handling um okay but there's okay here's something that here's
something that we just had no idea about was uh what our returns were costing we were just like
oh uh we we think it's like within this range and it was somewhere pretty close to that range once we
drilled into it a bit more but there were clearly some things that were just like oh yeah we'll we'll
we kind of were kicking the can down the road and like in fairness to the team i'm not throwing them
under the bus they were busy building new products and growing the the growing the revenue and uh you
know figuring out how to how to keep up with shipments and there were some things that fell
through the cracks there's some stuff that we've definitely got to clean up now though um and so
that's that's that's what we're working on
see hi dll if ai becomes proficient at extracting benchmark data's uh benchmark detail from videos
through speech or image recognition would that change your lab's data plan and use it in ltd videos
no at this point we really want people to have the data and so we are we're still full steam ahead with
testing and and publishing data you know whether the full suite will be available to non-paid accounts
and things like that that's tbd um like how we publish it is to be determined but we we want to test it
we want to publish it hey dll cable management when but more importantly what are your thoughts on digital
identity ssi self-sovereign identity to combat ai impersonation i mean
i think luke and i have talked about that a fair bit on the show today i i just don't think that um
the only real solution is a decentralized one um
good luck yeah good luck ai identity on the blockchain is that what i'm hearing yeah
web three's back boys hell yeah cable management though very soon speaking of the team being hard
at work on things uh it's a surprisingly complicated product for us to bring to market it's it's it's
not the kind of thing that i think is obvious to someone who's never tried to launch a product before
but you can't just you can't just sell cable arch at price um because the back to the the question of
handling costs that the handling cost of cable arch would make it completely unsustainable for us to
sell at a price that would make any sense for you so we have to make bundles of cable arch or bundles of
multiple different cable arches in configurations that maybe make sense we have to find a way to
communicate that uh we have to find a way to market it um we have to find a way to present all of that
on the website oh we're running into a problem there oh yeah that doesn't surprise me yeah it's like
it's a lot of options uh and like visually explaining what it is and also having all the
options and making it so that all the option combinations are not confusing and all of that
all at once is is it's a lot right now yeah i don't think we have a fantastic current solution but
we are working on it um had a call with a bunch of people um and there was some good ideas people
were bringing up and we're gonna try to figure it out i won't do much all i've got left is uh
potentials luke there's a lot in here for you sick oh wow it's just luke for days i'm gonna go get
some more snackies okay i uh i should have prompted you to had a read through of these uh do you want
to parse them first yeah yeah
i'll just give you a second here you know very confused
one of them i just really i don't understand how it starts but i'll feel the question anyways um
um oh l ldl is a chemical
i think maybe is it yeah sure uh we'll start with this one whatever uh luke how do you select data
centers for floatplane i just started looking into co-location and there are so many options
at wildly varying price points uh this is a much better question for aj if you're in if you're in
floatplane chat aj's hanging out floatplane chat right now um but uh my my thing that i'll add on
is uh a very frustrating uh task that i've given aj over the years is that you know
we don't we don't have a vc budget so things need to be pretty cheap uh so so generally it's been like
what's the cheapest possible way we can get this thing um and then we use a lot of ovh
uh we're fairly in their kind of like ecosystem at this point and they're they're very
i'm surprised to hear you talking about that you're usually so cagey about uh
ovh what sort of services we use and what specifically we use them for for certain things
yeah but ovh is very easy to figure out that we use it yeah you used to you used to be you used to
not want to acknowledge it so i'm just oh yeah i think i've always been pretty open about ovh
specifically oh oh no i remember specifically you were just like don't give them anything i'm like
okay oh yeah that sounds like me uh but yeah ovh we we use and we use a lot um and it's it's been
pretty good for us uh there's been there's been times where there's been bumps in the road but like
like but ovh if you wanted to sponsor us and the reads were just we talk about our experience
overall really good it'd be pretty chill really good and really cheap like very cost effective for
what we get um and honestly talking to other people that are in other data centers and being
in other data centers sometimes ourselves as well there's bumps in the road everywhere so like
like i don't know we've had some we've had some doozies yeah but like i don't know cloud
flare went down not that long ago google has gone down in some amount of time it was a disaster two
weeks ago this was like right this happens to everybody um so it kind of just is what it is
overall the uptime through ovh has been super good um
i don't know yeah ovh has been good it's been a proven good strategy the entire time we've been there that
was an aj thing from back in the day and a jake thing actually both of them um so yeah we've sort
of stuck there and then we've also worked with other ones as well but yeah hi bad cholesterol
ldl low density lipoprotein question for luke have you heard of or tried the skyrim companion mod where
npcs talk conversationally with you i have heard of it uh they all sound like ai so i am not interested
luke outlook lets you have different email handles for the same account and chooses which ones can be
used for login isn't only using handles that can't be used for login the most secure system i think that
is super cool i didn't actually know that that's neat i feel like you can do the same thing with google
workspace i'm not sure though um i know you can do the plus alias thing which is super cool but i don't
know if you can completely change it i think you can um i know you can to a certain degree
but i i don't i don't know if you can use it in that exact way uh but i i know you can to a certain
degree because uh i have that so if you only emailed out of one that wasn't the core login
i feel like that would work so yeah i think so i think it works on both effectively and i think that
is pretty smart yeah aj saying you can have a primary domain id and then your email is different
yeah so that that seems like a good idea smart idea heyo wan.dll question for linus as a fellow xr
enthusiast bullish on the monitor replacement use case is the immersed visor on your horizon
i think avp but one-third the weight and cost
i uh this is the first i'm hearing of it never heard of this it sounds pretty cool it looks like
what they uh they have apps for this colors theme makes me think i don't know like why
what do you like is this just a link to apple's website yep uh what the interesting uh it's on my
radar now neat last two potentials
well i need to email this to myself so i will not be helping luke got him i'll curate this one go luke
luke you come across as putting a lot of thought and research into purchases what sealed the deal
for you when it came to athletic greens this is a weird one they're sponsored sponsored the show
today so uh do you want me i absolve you of any responsibility for getting the sponsorship canceled
okay cool sounds good um i'm just gonna talk completely candidly but i think it's mostly good
stuff to be honest so it should be okay um i gained a ton of weight over covet i was not eating very good
things and i was extremely inactive when actually before that was kind of over i hit a certain point
where i was like all right i need to figure this out so i started getting a lot more active and i
started eating a lot better but one of the ways that i started eating better was i started eating
very regimented and i started eating a lot of the same things all the time um and by restricting my
diet to a certain degree i wasn't getting as much of a range of different things so i was worried
about um not having good nutrient coverage essentially i looked into a bunch of different solutions
um i tried a few different solutions um i think literal solutions yeah actually uh i think ag1 doesn't
taste too bad um wow what an endorsement i'm not like dennis i don't think it tastes like pineapple and
vanilla or whatever he says i don't get that at all but it tastes all right um where where does
where is it between pineapple and banana and ass pineapple and vanilla i think is what he says
probably somewhere in the middle like i don't i don't think it tastes great but i also have had
a bunch of other ones it's got a half ass taste
uh i've had ones that are a lot worse so like i i wouldn't want to dog on it for its taste and i
denis isn't the only person that i know that has mentioned pineapple specifically and he's not the
only person that i know that think it tastes legitimately good so i like actually don't want
to dog on it for its taste um yeah and anything that is in the supplement realm is just super
it's an interesting area i don't really want to mess with it um
um ag1 is seems to be fairly reputable as far as i can tell um they seem to be pretty legit
and i go with it for that reason mostly i did i did quite a bit of research there's a there's a
bunch of people saying that there's like uh equivalent alternatives that are cheaper but then i when i was
looking into those i would often find not always but i would often find threads of people talking about
how um oh the way that they make something or whatever is not up to whatever whatever i don't
know blah blah blah stuff that i don't understand enough about and it seemed to be more legit more
trustworthy to me i don't know i'm not saying that you should take my research and be like well i'll
just get it then this is not part of the ad at all i have no idea i am not an expert on this i know
nothing um but it seemed legit and i understand it was a bunch more money but it's uh i'm not i'm not
i'm a little sketched out by supplementation in general but it's something that i did want to do
so i went with that one because it seemed the safest i don't know that's it
and last one i've got here got my 13-inch framework in last week and i'm loving it do you have any
updated thoughts on future gpu upgrades for the now 16 for the new 16 coming out uh ps unpopular
opinion no beard is better that is an unpopular opinion um how's wrong with you i don't have any
updated thoughts other than that hopefully framework can find partners who will continue to develop
gpu modules for it and we will get some choice in gpus i mean hopefully we just get some choice in
gpu options that don't suck in general and that would benefit framework and yeah and that's it
for the wan show we'll see you again next week say bad time say bad channel bye