
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

We are going.
OK, nope, not that one, the other one, Chrome.
And then, yeah, Chrome's stupid restore session
that's just absolutely recent.
Yeah, it's ridiculous.
And just doesn't work sometimes.
Derp, derp, derp, derp, derp.
Wow, Chrome, you are so terrible.
I just love you.
I just love you to pieces.
Recent tabs.
It's like, yeah, I know the computer crashed,
but it's just like, really?
Like, really?
Oh, man, them black magic drivers, man.
They were, you know, we were doing real well for a bit.
And the funny thing is that's even on their fancy $1,000
or $2,000, however much it costs, like 4K capture card.
And it just, like, sometimes, oh, no, no, no,
because this was an HDMI one.
No, it is on the Intensity Pro.
Because sometimes it just outwrites, like, yeah, no.
Blue screen, sorry.
We're just getting hot, so see you.
All right, so you know what, guys?
I hate to kind of make you sit through this,
but because it will take me about an extra 6 to 12 hours
to have the WAN Show archive up, if we don't do,
like, if I cut it together afterward,
there are a few reasons for that.
And it's absolutely terrible.
So we're going to kind of just start over,
and then we're going to nuke our first topic.
So we're going to do an extremely, extremely quick
Paid prioritization on the internet.
Watch Dogs is going to run at crappy resolutions,
not on the PC.
Noctua fans, new one's coming, and Adaptive Sync
is also coming.
So our sponsors today are Squarespace.com,
the fast, easy way to create your own beautiful website,
and Asus with the G750JZ.
This laptop is so great that I use it with my mate.
Don't hate.
I can't rhyme it.
Your response is too late.
All right, so let's move on to our,
oh, I guess since it was one of our headline topics,
we better at least sort of talk about it very briefly.
So FCC approves internet fast lane.
Basically, that's just a way of screwing
over people who don't have the money to pay for the fast lane.
You know what's funny?
Actually, I guess we didn't talk about this last time around.
But it really is like that.
Because calling it an internet fast lane
is actually the very best way to explain what it is.
It is a way of making sure that the people who
don't have way too much money so that they just don't even
care anymore just all get stuck in sitting in traffic
and wasting their time.
They're taking a three lane highway
and making it so that one of the lanes is paid for only.
So the other two lanes have way too much traffic all the time.
And then this one's awesome, but only has really rich people.
So have you ever been to Toronto?
For like half an hour.
OK, so Toronto has, basically, they have two kind of,
not quite, but two somewhat equivalent highways.
And one of them is a toll highway.
And the other one is the sit and don't move highway.
And the toll highway is so expensive
because you get told when you get on.
And then it actually keeps track of how far you go
and then tolls you based on how far you went at the exit.
And the way they enforce this is it's all cameras.
But get this, if you try to dodge the toll,
they keep records of all the vehicles matching
a given description.
And when they catch you, they look for patterns.
And when they catch you, they hit you
with the entire bill plus interest.
So it's absolutely brutal.
And basically, I remember, I forget.
I forget how much it costs.
But I was there.
And I worked it out.
And it was something like an hour of your wage per day
if you were making OK money just to get to and from work,
aside from gas, aside from insurance, which, of course,
the local government is also collecting taxes on.
Yeah, it's just absolutely brutal.
That's nasty.
So that is what a fast lane is.
A fast lane is a way of saying, you got lots of money?
All right, man.
You don't got lots of money?
You can go.
Get in that one highway that doesn't move ever.
Yeah, pretty much.
OK, so this is pretty fantastic.
This was posted originally on the forum by Death Jester.
We're going to go ahead and share my screen here.
Watch Dogs, the Watch Dogs experience.
So OK, so here's a quote from the article, which
was on the Ubisoft blog.
Our next gen system, or on next gen systems,
the game will run at 900p on PS4, which
actually is not that bad.
Upscaled 900p is not that bad.
That's what, like 80% of the resolution of 1080p-ish?
It's still not 1080p, and 1080p is kind of meh.
On a TV, though.
Remember, you're playing on a TV.
So 1080p is as good as it gets.
Not everyone plays these on TVs.
That's true, but you're still playing on a 1080p display.
Especially dorm room people.
OK, so you're playing at 1080p.
So 900p, not that bad.
It's going to run at 792p on the Xbox One.
What is 792p?
Like, they're just inventing things.
It's the highest, it's probably the highest they could
get that sits at 30fps.
Yeah, but it's two better than 790p.
Why didn't you go with 790p?
Why not 793p?
The highest they could possibly get,
where it sits stable at 30fps, I bet you that was it.
It runs at 30 frames per second on both consoles.
And basically, what Ubisoft had to say
is, while some new gen games now offer native 1080p,
it was much more important to deliver an amazing next gen
experience than to push a few more pixels onto the screen.
And this is a quote, resolution is a number,
just like frame rate is a number.
Oh, no.
Resolution is not just a number.
Resolution is one part of the overall visual fidelity,
but that assumes that the resolution
is at a reasonable enough level that it's not
detracting from the experience.
Hey, Linus, experience is a word,
just like how gameplay is a word.
How did I ever do this show without you?
Oh, right, less expensively.
You don't pay me for the whole show.
And actually, at the beginning, when I first came on,
you didn't pay me for the show at all for like a year
and a half or something.
I don't think it was a year and a half.
I don't know when it was.
It was a year and two months.
I think that a year is just a period of time.
Oh, no.
Oh, man.
OK, guys, this is the problem with this.
OK, look at it this way.
When you're playing a game like Battlefield 4,
where it's available on the PC, it's
available on the PlayStation 4, it's
available on the Xbox 360, it's available on all
these platforms, that gives you an opportunity
to evaluate the importance of gaming hardware.
And you know what?
I think when you and I were doing
our evaluation with the next gen versus last gen versus entry
level PC, we pretty much agreed.
PlayStation 4, you know what?
Not a bad value.
The difference, this was Assassin's Creed at the time,
and that was running at 900p at the time, wasn't it?
I think so.
It was something like that.
I can look it up.
It was 720p on Xbox One for sure.
And I think we could agree, and just
jump in if I'm saying things that are totally unfair,
I think we could agree that PlayStation 4 looked
a hell of a lot closer to the entry level PC.
Like basically sitting a distance away from it.
But the Xbox One experience, because the resolution
was so low, even though maybe they're
running similar detail levels, and they've
got the same physics simulations,
and all that gameplay stuff that is really important,
the resolution was so low that it
detracted from the experience.
It was very noticeable.
It was obvious, and your eyes kind of went, oh, like crap.
Like this would look good if it wasn't for, ugh.
People are saying 1080p now, but I think there was an update.
It is 1080p now.
I think there was an update, yeah.
No, there was an update.
So the point is that up to a certain point,
resolution's just a number.
And when your TV is going to be 20 feet away from you
or something like that, 1080p versus 4K,
you may not even be able to tell.
Depending on the screen size and stuff, too.
Depending on screen size, depending on distance,
depending on content.
But 1080p versus 360p, you'd be able to tell.
And then 1080p versus whatever the lowest one,
is it like 144 or whatever, the lowest vertical line
resolution, is going to be distracting and terrible.
And in my mind, 792p, for something
that we're going to call a next gen gaming experience,
I understand what they're doing,
but it's a totally unacceptable gaming experience
in my mind, but I don't blame Ubisoft for this at all.
No, not their fault.
In fact, Ubisoft, I'm going to do this.
You know why?
They pushed the experience that they needed to push.
That's right.
And on the platforms that can do it,
they're going to deliver that experience.
They had the balls to say, look,
we're going to make an awesome game that looks fantastic
and has a bunch of really cool features.
And it does.
And you know what?
If people don't buy the right hardware, fine.
Then they're going to get a lesser experience
and we're sorry, but we did our best, man.
We did our best and deal with it.
Honestly, the stuff Ubisoft's been pushing out lately
has been really cool.
Other than you play, you play terrible.
Yeah, you play us terrible.
Really bad.
But the games have been pushing out lately.
This live stream brought to you by Ubisoft,
you play us terrible.
Oh wait, hold on.
Nope, nope, nope, nope.
One actually fairly interesting thing is Mario Kart 8
on Wii U is going to be 1080p 60 FPS.
Hold on, hold on, this is great.
This guy's like, Linus is such a suck up sometimes.
And then he probably hasn't seen the part of the stream yet.
You play us terrible.
Yeah, you play us awful.
Really bad.
Yeah, you play us awful.
Very possibly the worst one.
What I think Ubisoft should do is they should just like
make a deal with Valve where they can have
their own U-Play, but they can just skin Steam.
A section on Steam?
Like there's the U-Play section on Steam?
No, Valve should just sell them a license for Steam.
Ha, ha, ha.
No way.
That would be so good.
That would be awesome.
That would be awesome.
If anyone from Valve is watching, please rescue them.
Let's do it.
You know that they need to have their own thing
so they can feel like big boys.
Like they have their online content distribution thing.
Let them build their own like.
You can still make money off of it.
Yeah, you can still make money off of it this way.
Just let them license it so they can feel
like they're doing their own thing.
Everyone's a winner.
Everyone's a winner because it's so much better
than Origin and U-Play.
And then maybe part of the license contract
can be that browser-based.
What's that?
Battle log, battle log has to go away.
Yes, oh man, I would be so happy.
Valve can rescue us all.
Valve can literally save the whole universe.
Okay, I'm sorry, you were talking about Mario Kart
and how Nintendo is gonna be delivered.
Nintendo, Mario Kart 8 on Wii U, 1080p, 60fps,
including split screen multiplayer.
They're just like, nope, it needs to be in this experience.
And it looks really good and it has new features
and all this kind of stuff and boom, done.
I mean, part of Nintendo's thing,
I think they benefit from resolution more than other guys
because their graphical style, it's kind of like Blizzard
where they're just like, okay, we're gonna make stuff
that's really easy to run
and then we're gonna call that a graphical style.
Yeah, but it looks really good.
But it works.
Yeah, yeah.
That cartoony style works.
I mean, that's not gonna help Nintendo stop losing money.
And it's not gonna help Watch Dogs in any way.
No, because Watch Dogs is not a cartoony style.
That's great, who's this on Twitch?
At Adalvalant, battle log is so much fun.
Yeah, it's basically its own game.
The game is-
Can you make it work?
That's the button.
I don't know if it works.
It's like playing slots.
Every time someone wants to play Battlefield with me,
I'm like, let's see, because I don't know.
And half the time it's like, nope, can't play.
Okay, good luck, have fun.
Fantastic, someone wants to know
what are the aftermarket buds on my IE80s?
Nothing, these are just stock IE80s
and I love them, they're amazing.
They're my favorite earphones ever.
Not because Sennheiser paid me to say that.
In fact, my relationship with Sennheiser
has been very rocky at times,
but I definitely do love their products.
What are those tips that we used to use?
Yeah, those were nice.
Comply actually reached out, they want us to do a review.
And I was just kind of like, how do you do a review
of a piece of phone that goes on the end of a, yeah.
We could do like a 30 second review.
We could do a review of just the tip, I guess.
We don't want the whole thing.
They're good, but they break down
and then you have to buy new ones and it gets expensive.
Yeah, I mean, Edsel buys them,
but my whole thing was I don't wanna get hooked
because I cannot, okay, I can afford to buy foam tips,
but I would feel stupid.
Yeah, it's not like that much money,
but it just seems like an investment where you're like,
wow, do I really need to do this?
I'm locking into this commitment.
But you know what, in the grand scheme of things,
they do sound better and they are way more comfortable.
They're way more comfortable.
If they had like a subscription service,
as stupid as this sounds.
They should have one though.
They should have one.
Soylent has a subscription service.
Yeah, well, I mean, one of our sponsors, Dollar Shave Club.
If Dollar Shave Club came to us and they're like,
yeah, we have this great idea.
You're gonna buy razors online.
I'd be like, wow, you're an idiot.
That's a terrible idea.
That's a terrible idea.
But the whole subscription model
makes it actually work really well
because you're committing a small amount of money
spread out over a long period of time
and then you don't have to think about it.
Because to me, it's really about the hassle.
I'll tell you what, if anyone from Comply is watching,
if you guys figure out a subscription model
where like I just get a new set of tips once a quarter
or something like that and it's inexpensive
and like I get a discount for being like part of the club,
kind of like what, again, one of our other sponsors, Five4,
where they take their store and they basically go,
okay, look, you sign up for the subscription
and you have half price off of MSRP
and we send it to you once a month.
Like if Comply figures out something like that
where they get the commitment from me
so they can rely on the business
and I get a discount and the convenience,
I will commit and I will start using Comply tips.
That's what I do.
Soylent recently came out of their like beta phase.
They're now selling normally.
Beta food.
I know.
With the way beta tests go, like.
Well, they have FCC approved,
even though that's still kind of sketchy,
but they do have a nutritional label now
and all that kind of stuff.
They have a nutritional label.
But nutritional labels are just numbers.
This is not gonna end like ever.
We need a t-shirt.
Resolution is just a number
and then it should be all like pixelated
and shitty looking.
Yeah, that's actually not a bad idea.
Guys, let us know if we need to do that.
You know what?
I'm gonna just jump on this.
We have to make that t-shirt.
Resolution is just a number t-shirt.
Resolution is just a number, just like.
Yeah, and the text should look crappy and low res.
Okay, I'm sending that to Edsel.
I'm trying to think of some way
that you can include just like FPS is just a number.
It'll be too long.
It would be too long for one.
And then for two, the only way that I can think of
that you could style it properly
would be like lagging the letters out.
And that would just look really weird.
Yeah, and like if you want the words to be low res enough
to kind of get the joke.
They'll take up space so you can actually read it and stuff.
So yeah, resolution is just a number t-shirt.
We're gonna get on that, you guys.
I'm sorry our t-shirt supply chain takes so long.
We're looking into some other options.
So stay tuned on that, you guys.
Yeah, but yeah, so they went subscription service recently
and I think that's really smart
because a big problem with that whole thing.
Sorry, we're back to talking about Soylent.
I've lost track.
I had to think about it for a second.
What is he talking about?
Like subscription condoms?
That probably exists.
It probably does.
It would make you feel really insuff,
like wouldn't it make you feel crappy
when you start to get a stockpile
and you'd be like, oh, I'm not doing very well here.
There's, you know how I sometimes try and find
like people that want to do pre-rolls and stuff like that.
I was watching a, yeah, this is gonna go there.
I was watching an old archive
of one of the Young Turks videos on some topic.
I don't even remember why I was watching it,
but their sponsor for the video was some condom website.
I thought about it and I'd written the email
being like maybe we should contact them
and I was like, no.
Because I was like, well, our target audience
would be so big for them.
Wait, because they all have large penises?
I mean, you probably do, but.
Yeah, but I meant more the mail side.
Yeah, we should totally do it, why not?
I wasn't a huge fan of the website.
Oh, okay.
If it was like a better service or a better website,
then I probably would have actually sent the email,
but it was kind of.
Okay, okay.
Yeah, because if we can find, I guess,
well, there's the challenge.
If we can find a not sketch online condom seller.
Well, like Durex wouldn't be sketch,
but then it would have to be like a subscription service
to them or whatever.
Yeah, interesting.
I don't know if that's gonna work,
but anyways, back to Soylent again.
My biggest problem with it is like the second you run out,
you're like, oh, okay, well, I'm gonna have to wait
two weeks or something until I get more.
So the time to not be using this for a while.
Right, because then you can't,
you can never be on cycle properly.
Can you ever actually test it?
Yeah, exactly.
So now they actually have a subscription thing
you can sign up for a month or whatever weeks
or I don't know, I didn't really look that far into it,
but you can get a subscription and they're like, yeah,
it'll show up a little bit before the end
cause it's not that big of a deal
cause this stuff lasts for like years before it expires.
So it'll show up before you're out and you're good.
It's like, okay, cool.
And then if you listen to everything he just said
and you imagine he's talking about condoms,
that works too.
Actually all of that would have been accurate, wouldn't it?
I was paying attention.
I mean, whenever we're talking about condoms,
I'm definitely paying attention.
All right, so this is a topic, S-S-O-E-L-E.
Dude, you know what?
Normally we don't, we don't, no.
Normally we don't change people's names on the forum.
Like it's kind of against forum policy,
but if he or she ever wants to message me
and get a name change, we will take care of that for you
so that I can pronounce your name
when you post things that are helpful like this.
Whatever, anyway, the point is, excuse me.
The point is that Noctua has released,
penis size is just a number,
and the entire Twitch chat exploded.
Oh my God, that's awesome.
Maybe we should have a low res penis on the resolution.
It's just a number shirt.
Well, it's like small enough
that you can't really make out what it is.
Yeah, like a low res cock and balls
like right under the, in the corner or something.
So it just looks like an underline or something?
Yeah, so it's just like four squares, right?
Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, there you go.
Oh, terrible. Oh, that's awesome.
You know, I don't think I've ever used that word
on the stream before.
Nope, probably.
Probably shouldn't.
All right, so Noctua has new fans coming, you guys.
This is pretty freaking exciting.
New fans in new colors,
although the way the internet exploded about this news
kind of made me feel like they didn't really watch
our Computex coverage from last year.
Like one year ago, we broke this news,
showed off all these fans.
And it takes Noctua a year.
This is what I like about Noctua.
They don't seem to care about making money.
They just don't.
They just, like so many fan companies or cooler makers,
you look at them and you just kind of go,
you know, I wish they would just give up
their precious money and spend a bunch of money
making like a really great quality fan.
Which they'd probably make a lot of money off of.
Which, well, no, I don't think so,
because like you look at how much Noctua spends
on the packaging, you know, to make sure that,
and you can't have a premium brand
without having good packaging.
I think this has been proven time and time again.
I'm not criticizing them for spending money on packaging.
You have to.
So they've got their premium packaging.
They've got actually legitimately well-built products.
The amount of R&D, I mean,
it took them a year to get these to market.
I don't think that-
After they were working.
I don't think their margin is any better
than any other fan maker.
And if I had to guess, I would guess it's probably worse.
So like on a bomb cost basis,
like you look at what the other guys
can afford to spend on marketing.
Whereas we go to Noctua and we're like,
hey, you know, we love your products.
You know, we would have no problem
shilling the heck out of them
because we think they're great.
And they just kind of go like,
we don't really have a marketing budget.
So yeah, we thank you for loving our products.
We'll send you as many of our products as you want.
Which is kind of awesome.
Which is great.
Which actually-
Use them all the time.
That was all we really wanted anyway.
But I don't remember where I was going with this.
Right, right, right.
So I love that they just have the balls
to have a product that's pretty much ready to rock
like a year ago.
Take a year to bring it out
because that's how long it takes to get it perfect.
And I'm assuming it's perfect.
They are in the mail but we don't have them yet.
But anyway, the Redux line takes away
some of the little extras like rubber grommets
and brings back some of the older designs
that we haven't seen in a while
like the older S12 non-Redux
and costs them down a little bit
to make Noctua quality a little bit more affordable
which I think is great.
And then nope.
Oh, these are the ones that have my attention.
I mean, we're talking $30 plus a fan
for industrial grade Noctua fans.
And they're black and they just have little brown accents
and they have all the way up to IP67 water
and dust proofness.
They're available at a couple of different RPM levels
and holy balls, these are exciting because,
well, it's the only fan.
They look really sharp.
That really matters if you want the,
and again, I haven't even touched them yet
but because of Noctua's reputation,
I'm comfortable saying they're gonna be the only fan
in terms of the highest possible quality PC fan experience
that you're gonna be wanting to look at, so.
And those rubber accents on the end can one,
probably be changed in color pretty easily.
And two, they're removable,
so that'll be even more easy to change the color.
And they're the dark, dark brown.
Not the light brown that a lot of people
complained about anyways.
Yeah, I'm all right with the color.
Me too.
I don't mind it, it's like a chocolate color
as opposed to like a digestive problem color.
And if ASUS stops making golden motherboards,
maybe it'll be okay.
ASUS's motherboards, I'll have you know,
are the gold standard.
And that is why they're gold.
Speaking of ASUS, is JJ ever gonna join us here?
We haven't had our video chat open,
so I don't even know if he has tried
to send a friend request or anything.
I don't see any requests and I don't see any emails
from the Jmeister, so maybe JJ will join us next week.
I don't know.
Oh, you know, we never showed the results
of that straw poll that we ended up
crashing the stream over wanting to show them.
Are you happy with your ISP?
Wow, a third of the people say yes.
Remember though, our time zone for this show
is very well lined up.
With Australia.
Oh, yeah, that's a good point.
They should definitely be answering no.
All of them should be answering no.
Anyone from Australia, go back and change your answer.
Seriously, if you said yes, that's wrong.
Not good enough.
And a full 24% said cucumber.
I, you know what, I might have said cucumber.
Because you don't put multi options, do you?
You have to choose one option.
You gotta commit.
Yes, no, or cucumber.
Oh, man.
We haven't even covered anything.
We didn't really have much of a show lined up today
because we were expecting JJ to talk to us.
And tell us about Z97.
We talked about stuff, we talked about FCC,
we talked about Watch Dogs, we talked about Noctua fans.
We talked about Noctua fans, okay.
Well, let's talk about how Xbox One
is slightly less unfair now.
So, they did a couple of things here
that I think I would look at and say,
wow, that's really commendable
if they weren't so terrible in the first place.
So, number one is the fact that,
honestly, I've never owned an Xbox,
okay, no, I have owned an Xbox.
I have an Xbox 360 and an Xbox One.
Okay, I do, I own two Xboxes.
But they were both for, not for really personal use much.
I could have used them.
But you didn't.
So, one of the biggest issues that I had from day one,
like when I found out, as a PC gamer traditionally,
anyway, this was posted on the forum by Rafi.
When I found out, as a PC gamer,
that they had an Xbox Live Gold membership
that I had to have to update my profile
or voice chat with people or play multiplayer,
I was just like, what, are you high?
Like, are you stupid?
Like, if we just, and I kinda said at the time,
I remember saying at the time,
look, if we all just boycott this, it'll go away.
Like that.
Instantly, it'll go away.
Because they have to sell consoles
and they have to sell games.
And if we refuse, if we just all stand there
and not pay for it, those subscription fees will go away.
Looks like it's happening.
Microsoft is getting a little desperate.
And then the other thing that's terrible in the first place
is the fact that the Kinect,
which was forced to be bundled with the Xbox One,
you were forced to buy one if you wanted an Xbox One,
is now an option.
And I mean, Kinect is just like,
it's one of those things where, you know what?
$100 delta and I wanted an Xbox One,
I would probably buy the Kinect option.
I have a young family.
For kids, you know what, casual Kinect games,
I would rather, and this is like,
this is like that kinda thing
that the gaming community makes fun of.
And I wholeheartedly agree with you guys.
It's all kinda silly.
And you'd have the control
of being able to stand in your kitchen
and when your kid won't get off the Xbox,
just be like, Xbox off!
Like, it's one of those things
where I would rather my kids play at a game
that at least has them waving their arm around.
If nothing else, I don't want to see,
I don't wanna see my son, like,
slack-jawed life-death for four hours at a time.
It's one of those things.
Like, I don't know, like, I did it as a kid.
I turned out all right.
But at the same time, I just, I don't know,
it just seems like.
I don't think it can happen.
You just probably want a mix of things.
I would.
Like, my parents were cool with it,
but I was extremely active.
I was in tons of sports and all this kinda stuff.
But then I would also lay completely across the couch
and play Morrowind for days on end.
So like, I don't know.
Like, I don't know what the right answer is,
but I will say that if I was gonna buy
the kids an Xbox game, I would rather like,
you know, dance off challenge or whatever
versus like, you know, Bloodsport 16 kind of, you know.
Call of Duty 7.
Yeah, Call of Duty, like, Space Edition or whatever that.
Don't worry, the Amoebas have AI.
We got like a big time actor to put in the trailer
because we don't know what else to do.
Who just plays a character that he has no matter
what definitely very recently played.
Like, no differences.
I know.
It's exactly the same person.
Have you watched that at all?
Yes, I have.
I'm just like, wow.
Why is this even a video game?
Why don't we just make it a movie then at this point?
I legitimately looked up to see if he was actually
playing the same character.
Like, I was wondering if they had made a deal
with Netflix or something to like integrate the show
into the game.
I was like, oh, that's kind of interesting.
That's an interesting idea.
It's like, oh, okay.
Guess not.
So anyway, I don't remember where we were going with this,
but so you'll be able to buy the Kinect separately
later this fall.
You can get the console for $100 cheaper without Kinect.
Someone's calling me and something else.
Right, Xbox Gold is no longer required for popular
entertainment experiences like Netflix and Hulu Plus.
That's baffling to me.
Why did you ever need that in the first place?
Yeah, and I can't imagine that Netflix, Hulu Plus,
and those guys really wanted that to be there at all.
They've probably been pushing against it as well.
But what can they do, right?
You know, I used to play Halo 2 online,
so I had to have a Gold subscription.
And what I would do is I would have my whole friends list
written out, and then every single time that
You know you were a sucker, right?
My one month would end up, every time my one month
would close, you would get a one month free
if you made a new MSN account.
So I had my whole friends list written out.
I'm not going to go into what I did from there.
Your friends must have paid you.
But I had a hard copy of my friends list.
Yeah, they did.
That is so annoying.
Oh, it's the first, okay.
Luke's friggin' late.
Gonna have to re-add him,
because he's a jack-at-bum-poo-head.
I was paying for my games at that point in time,
and there's no way I'm going to pay that much money
for this stupid online subscription
that I don't want to do.
And there's no way your parents
are going to buy that for you.
I've spent enough time with his parents
to be like, yeah, they're pretty supportive,
but you figure it out.
Yeah, I played EverQuest back in the day.
I paid for those.
I paid for those monthlies.
So that's why you got into EVE Online.
Because you could earn your subscription fee.
Wow subscriptions.
I think my parents helped me out a little bit, though.
But then it was my brother, my dad, and I,
and we all played together.
Right, well that's different.
My mom came and played with us sometimes, too, and stuff.
So it was like, we're all, yeah.
That was kind of cool.
And for a lot of times, we even shared an account
for all three of us, so yeah.
So, you know what's funny?
Is there was a post in this thread,
so this was originally posted by Tech Fanatic on the forum,
thank you very much for posting,
that said that like, ha ha ha, Linus was so down
on AMD's FreeSync, lol, goes to show him.
And I was a little bit confused by that.
Was I ever, at any point, down on FreeSync?
A little bit.
What did I say?
You said it wasn't gonna work.
But then I think you, I think you.
I said it wouldn't work with the scalers now.
Yeah, and I'm pretty sure specific words
were current form.
And I said that that was NVIDIA saying that.
And I know that you said it won't work
in its current form.
And when the news first broke on Nantech,
I actually posted that to Facebook,
and I was like, holy crap, does this completely
invalidate G-Sync's existence?
So I don't know where all this came from,
but I am totally 100% on board with AMD's FreeSync,
now called ActiveSync.
There's one thing that I'm a little bit sketched out
about so far, and that was doing some reading.
It's not 100% clear to me what cards it's gonna work on,
because it looks like they're saying R9 290X and 260X,
which would basically be Hawaii version,
whatever it is, the new ones.
So not the rebadges of the Tahiti Core ones.
Which would really suck.
Which would be really sucky.
And then there's no mention of NVIDIA cards.
Now, what I think is, AMD's whole stance lately
has been open standards, this and that.
So I sincerely hope that it's an open standard.
But I would hate to see it happen,
where NVIDIA's pushing a G-Sync standard,
and AMD's pushing an AdaptiveSync standard,
and we end up with monitors that support
one or the other or both.
And this is something I have criticized NVIDIA about,
asking people to lock into something is kind of sucky.
I do understand that if you develop the technology,
like they basically built their own
scaler hardware for monitors.
It's not just a software trick.
I mean, if you're developing the technology,
I understand that you wanna benefit from it,
and the only way you're gonna benefit from it
is a license fee to the monitor guys,
and selling more graphics cards to go with those monitors.
But that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.
I think that it will be definitely the wrong path
if both of them try to do that.
I mean, the good news about AdaptiveSync is unlike G-Sync,
it looks like it's gonna be a very simple implementation.
So anything with DisplayPort 1.2a
will have AdaptiveSync as part of the VESA standard.
Which pretty much, I mean,
don't quote me on this six months down the line.
Really don't quote me on this,
but if that happens,
ActiveSync is gonna just be in any monitor
with a DisplayPort port,
because remember guys,
DisplayPort is free to implement on your monitor
compared to the license fees associated with HDMI.
So it'll just support ActiveSync,
and I really don't know what the future of G-Sync will be.
One thing that NVIDIA did say openly
was that we really want the gaming experience to be better,
and that's why we made this technology.
So I really hope that if they managed
to move the industry forward,
that they still feel good about themselves,
and that we all still remember who did it.
So that's, I guess, all I have to say about that.
And I say the same, and it's not because, you know,
I've got a raging hard-on for NVIDIA.
It's because I do appreciate anyone
who pushes the industry forward.
I don't have a ton of love for Apple,
but I appreciate that they pushed resolution forward,
even though they don't even make displays.
Why did it take Apple to develop the retina concept?
And like, I appreciate other things they do,
like the fact that they focus on accurate color
for their displays, whereas everyone else,
other than Google, seems to be,
and HTC is doing a better job lately.
I mean, well, everyone's doing a better job lately,
but Apple started it.
And so I think we just all need to appreciate
the guys who innovate, even if that innovation
isn't inventing or actually building something,
if it's just awareness and making people understand
that something needs to happen.
So there, that's what I have to say about that.
I guess there's some other stuff in there, isn't there?
Something about, like, potentially DisplayPort 1.3 as well?
Well, DisplayPort 1.3 will be able to support 8K,
although it'll have to change the connector
to be able to support 8K or 4K 3D.
So that's not necessarily tied into
the actual adaptive sync thing.
That's just talking about future DisplayPort connectors.
And if anyone wants an explanation of adaptive sync,
basically what it means is that your monitor
will only refresh when your graphics card outputs a signal.
So it's just like G-Sync, and it will reduce tearing
and lag, and it really does make a very big difference.
It's, like, fantastic.
Low persistence is cool, man.
Yeah, and low persistence on top of that
is gonna turn the LCD gaming experience
into finally, legitimately better
than a CRT gaming experience.
You know how people were talking about
So many years later.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
This is totally off topic completely,
but you know how people were talking about
how our office was dirty in the office tour video?
Have you seen Palmer's office?
Oh my God.
There's just, like, the side of his desk,
there's, like, an angled pile of garbage
that goes all the way up and touches the top of his desk
on both sides, and then on both sides of the door,
there's just, like, stuff.
And none of it's, like, none of it necessarily looks
like you should throw it away.
It's just stuff.
Just all over the place.
The whole top of his desk, there's a laptop sitting,
like, angled on top of a bunch of books
and other crap and, like, just all over his desk.
Is the top of his desk worse than my desk was
back at NCIX?
You remember the piles of paper
that I used to have on my desk, right?
I think they're, like, I don't know,
because I didn't get, like, a top-down view.
I got it from the side.
But that's gotta be one of the closest
to your desk I've ever seen.
Like, it's insanity.
And there's, like, an interview going on in there,
and he's just like, yeah, whatever, I don't even care.
The number of people, 8K is just a number.
The number of people telling us,
or asking why we didn't clean up the office
before we did a tour.
Oh, you guys.
The number of hours that went into cleanup
before that tour happened.
You wouldn't have even believed this place.
There was, like, okay, here,
I'm gonna put this in perspective for a minute.
All that stuff in the garage was in the house, okay?
So that's step one.
Step number two.
All of the shelves, the one in Luke's office,
and the ones downstairs for the Camry equipment,
were in the house, or, sorry, we didn't have.
The table.
So all of that was on the floor.
Yeah, the table that was out in the garage,
that's just, like, a dining room table
that has, like, pedestal-style feet under it,
so there's, like, not really any room under it.
That was what we were using
in place of where Brandon's shelf is.
So, like, all the stuff that's on that shelf
was either on that under it, or on the floor
in the fastest possible green screen area.
Sometimes, when we had to shoot it fast as possible,
we legit had to, like, rearrange the piles of stuff
on the floor so the lights could illuminate
the green screen correctly.
You guys have no idea, like, it's actually,
everyone around here has been marveling lately
at how easy it is to work right now.
It's quite amazing.
You can walk in a straight line for at least two seconds
without running into anything.
And before, like, shuffling your foot forward
would have run into something.
I think Brandon's agility has leveled up
at least six levels since he started working here
because that guy, he almost ended up
He's doing cables.
He almost ended up with the nickname Cables.
If we hadn't started calling him B-roll
before we started calling him Cables,
he would have been Cables for sure,
because that guy, when he first started working here,
you put a cable in a room, he would trip over it.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
Like, the number of times he has almost destroyed
the Sony FS700 camera, the $8,000 camera,
I can probably count on more than one hand
because of, like, tripping on something
or hooking it on something and, like,
and then, oh, man, there's this one time
when he didn't lock the tripod head.
Oh, no.
And it was going down so fast
that I swear the lens mount would have broken or something
and then he was like, ooh, and he caught it.
Yeah, and, like, he's learned the foot flick.
Yeah, the foot flick.
Which most nerds that I know know,
which is when you're, like, walking across
and you trip on, traditionally, an ethernet cable,
but it could be anything.
Could be power.
Your foot goes under it and then you fall forward,
whip your foot back, and then slam it forward
so that you can land and you're okay,
you look kinda weird, but you're okay,
but it doesn't pull on the cable.
He's learned that. We should do a guide.
We should do a guide on the foot flick.
We should do a guide, how to navigate,
like, we noticed a lot of you were upset
about the number of cables in our office.
Let's show you a little trick.
It's called the foot flick.
The foot flick.
That would be awesome.
It should be like a music video.
I've always kinda wanted to do a music video.
Everybody do the foot flick.
Everybody do the foot flick.
That would be fantastic.
All right, well, we should probably do our sponsor spots
or something at some point here, so.
Bought to you by foot flick.
Bought to you by foot flick.
Squarespace, the number one website
for creating a website about foot flicks.
Just go to squarespace.com, sign up,
and you can have your website online
in just a matter of no time.
It'll look great on the desktop, great on the notebook,
which is basically the same thing,
and great on your tablet and smartphone
because the way that their templates work
makes it super easy to get set up,
and something I always forget to mention.
They have 24-7 tech support.
I always forget about this.
That is actually a huge deal.
It is.
It's not phone support, mind you,
but you can email them, and I've actually,
I had my mom try them, and even though, like,
my mom still didn't manage to figure it out,
I read the responses, and they were super helpful,
and really fast, and I was just like,
Ma, you have to read it.
You can't just get an email from an internet company,
assume you're not gonna be able to read it,
and then call me.
You have to try to read it.
Like, they explained.
If you just read the thing, anyway.
My mother aside, Squarespace is super easy to use,
super scalable, and apparently,
based on how much positive feedback I get about Squarespace,
you guys love it, so the number of people
that have just sent me tweets,
thanking me for the 10% off,
so if you head over to squarespace.com slash Linus,
and use offer code Linus, you can save 10%,
so people thanking me for the 10% off,
and people telling me how much they love it,
and how easy it is to use,
compared to WordPress or other services like that.
You can set up a portfolio.
You can set up a blog.
You can set up even a web store,
so they have an e-commerce module,
and it's all compared to actually coding a website
from scratch, it's basically drag and drop,
to the point where our designer did linusmediagroup.com,
as opposed to having him do linusmediagroup.com,
so they've got their logo designer.
They've got their tech support.
They've got the fact that it's easy to use,
and the fact that you can just hit it as hard as you want,
and the plans are very, very scalable,
and they don't go down, so there you go, guys.
We absolutely love it, and the discount, 10%,
yes, it is just a number.
Thanks, Squarespace.
We appreciate you guys.
We love you, and inside joke for whoever
from Squarespace is watching this right now.
I think that's pretty much the end of the joke there,
so let's move on to our next sponsor message.
You weren't there.
I have no idea what just happened.
Total inside joke.
He's gonna freak out.
He's gonna be like, dude, really?
Okay, so the Asus G750JZ.
As far as gaming laptops go,
without getting into the ones that are so thick,
they legitimately don't fit into backpacks,
in fact, I actually have Asus' purpose-built,
what did I just drop?
Hopefully nothing important.
So I have Asus' purpose-made ROG laptop
that actually goes with the G750JZ
or any other similar Asus gaming notebook
that's also, well, this size.
Where was I going with this?
Right, yes.
It's the gaming laptop that without going into
kind of the Ludicrous specs
is pretty much as good as you can get.
It's got.
I'm just lifting off wrappers.
Oh, I didn't even mean to.
I was doing so good.
I will give you 50 cents to go away.
I'm sorry, I had to.
Oh, man.
I was doing so good and then he said Ludicrous
and I was just like boom.
You completely derailed me.
Okay, so I'm trying to talk about this laptop here.
So without getting into the ones that are absolutely crazy,
run crazy hot and get like 30 minutes of battery life,
the G750JZ is about as powerful as you can get.
The onboard graphics, I mean, okay, I shouldn't say onboard,
the built-in graphics are a GTX 880M
which is actually about equivalent
to a GTX 770 desktop card
and then the onboard CPU.
Onboard CPU, I'm even saying these things.
You just, you threw me for a loop here.
I was doing so good.
I lifted up my laptop, I put it back down, I sat here,
I just like looked around in the background
and then Ludicrous.
All right, well, I'm just gonna have to make my way
through this as best I can here.
So the cooling is fantastic.
Good enough that we can actually run these laptops
on our laps and you.
Wow, I just got the 50 cent reference.
I didn't get it till now.
Oh, that was good, okay.
Okay, do we have our composure?
Okay, all right.
This laptop is very powerful.
It's portable, it's fast, it runs really cool,
it's high quality because it's made by Asus,
it's got a great overall fit and finish to it.
We found that it's great for video editing,
it's great for gaming,
it has a surprisingly excellent price to performance ratio
compared to thin and light gaming notebooks
and even compared to a desktop.
It's not as far off as we've traditionally seen in the past.
You should check out the G750JZ
if you need something that is,
while not super thin and light, still portable
and will deliver a truly great gaming experience.
I mean, we were able to run Bioshock Infinite on Ultra,
you were able to run pretty much everything you threw at it.
Yeah, actually.
Desktop grade specs.
I did like normal benchmarking sets for good graphics cards.
So maximum everything essentially.
Yeah, Luke has different presets for the games
depending on what kind of a tier of product we're running
and so we were able to run
all of the enthusiast class tiers
and without the laptop, something to tiers.
I'm missing the word there.
Bursting into tiers.
Although that would be like water-cooled.
Next level laptops, they burst into tiers
when you put them under performance.
We need the snacks on this show.
Do you have any M&M's?
No, actually.
I was like, what, of course not.
Oh my goodness.
Yeah, okay.
I was actually trying.
I didn't prep my Jay-Z joke this week
which needed some prep.
So I was like, I'll just let him go
and this week will be a calm week
and then nope, not at all.
Not at all.
He said ludicrous.
I didn't even mean to on that one.
I know, I know.
I didn't even think of it.
That wasn't even the spelling that was in my head.
All right, so posted on the forum by someone.
Anyway, this is an article from Anantech.
The Shield gets Portal and Half-Life 2
which here, if you wanna run through this with everyone,
I'm gonna go get the epic Nvidia swag
that they sent over here.
Where is it?
If you can find it.
It's a little bit higher up there.
I don't think there's really actually that much to say.
You can talk about how amazing it is.
Yeah, it's kind of awesome.
I really appreciate that they're bringing this back
because honestly, it's been a really long time
since it came out.
So you could probably play it again
and it would be totally fine.
And having it on the Shield is definitely something
where you can just play it while you're going to bed
and it's not actually that big of a deal.
If you get Portal and Half-Life 2 together,
it's about 10 bucks on Android which is actually awesome
because that's about the same price as they are on Steam
which is fantastic.
This is just way too cool.
We have to show this like now.
Yeah, I know, right?
I was so stoked when this came in.
I guess he's gotta get hooked up first.
When it first launched, it ran on an ATI X800 Pro or slash XT
or Nvidia 6800 Ultra or GT.
And that Tegra 4 chip should theoretically be faster.
That's incredible and that's not even Tegra K1 yet.
And Tegra K1 is like right around the corner.
Yeah, they're already leaking stuff for Shield 2
which will be running it.
Which is extremely exciting.
So we're at the point where Nvidia has done a lot
of gum flapping about console grade gaming experience
on mobile but you look at how long they've been at this.
Like ever since the original Tegra and the Tegra 2,
they've been saying,
look, this is where we're trying to get to.
It's actually kinda cool.
It's actually happening.
It's actually happening.
And Half-Life 2 is finally,
like Half-Life 2, Portal 2, this kind of stuff,
they're actually games that I really legitimately
wanna play on the device.
I mean, the funny thing is as soon as I heard
the announcement that Portal 2 was going to be coming,
I think two days prior I had finished playing Portal
using Game Stream.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's like, so yeah, I just played through,
I played through the entire game on my shield
with Game Stream.
And it was awesome.
And it was fine, right?
Yeah, you didn't have any downsides.
Didn't have any issues.
But anyway.
This is so cool.
Okay, so this was sent to us from Nvidia.
They hadn't given us any preparation
for what it was gonna have anything to do with.
So it's basically just a painted crowbar.
It came in this enormous box
with way too much anti-static bubble packaging.
I guess when you're Nvidia,
the only packaging you really have is anti-static.
But there you go.
So it's a What Would Gordon Do crowbar
with a Half-Life 2 Lambda and an Nvidia Shield logo on it.
So this is freaking cool.
This will definitely live on the wall of epic
that we need to recreate back here
because we seriously need to redo the land show set.
Oh, definitely.
It's absolutely horrible.
That's one of the coolest pieces of swag I've ever seen.
Yeah. 100%.
Pretty amazing.
Whoever thought that was a good idea was on the money.
Was not stupid.
Good job.
The Better Than Useless Award.
The not stupid award.
That should be the only award
that we can possibly give out.
We should never have any other awards
other than better than worthless.
Better than worthless
or better than all the terrible words.
Yeah, yeah.
So we can just change whenever
but it's essentially the same idea.
Better than putting nails in my eye.
So this article from Digital Journal,
honestly, it's not the best article I've ever read.
And I don't know, I hate to generalize about people
but this author needs a better portrait.
James, if you're watching,
dude, please.
It's like selfie bad.
And it's like selfie,
it looks like he took it on his webcam
because you can see his screens reflected in his eyeglasses.
It's just like.
Yeah, he must have too.
Yeah, no, see?
You can see, yeah.
And like a really old kind of crappy laptop webcam.
Yeah, so James, please, please fix that.
It's not that bad.
But basically, the point of the article,
which is like it's actually pretty thorough
for all of my criticisms,
is that the NSA and GCHQ are working on Tor, basically.
And it is not as impenetrable
as some people would like to believe.
The main way that they are getting at your data
and tracking you is through browser plugins,
which still work with Tor.
So things like Flash and Java
that are well known to have vulnerabilities
that just are gaping.
That being said, a lot of people that I know
that try and set up secure setups
aren't running Java or Flash,
and they're running a combination of other things.
You have to have a whole suite of things.
Well, yeah.
And the thing is that most of the community
that was using Tor already probably is doing that.
But we're talking about more mainstream people
hearing about Tor and kind of going,
oh, but I still wanna watch my YouTube videos, so.
If you're unsure about all that kind of stuff,
look it up.
There's guides on how to properly set up your browser,
if you wanna be anonymous.
And you're still at a huge amount of risk,
but it's gonna be a lot better than just running Tor.
So the Tor network has not been cracked,
but there are an increasing number of sites
that are being hijacked,.onion sites
that are being hijacked by law enforcement agencies
and recording details of people that are visiting the sites
and sending them to the NSA.
So there you go, guys.
Yeah, so you're not safe anywhere.
I'm beginning to think that my technophobe sister
might have been right about all of this.
She didn't even want a smartphone.
She doesn't want a computer.
She's just like, no, pen and paper.
When I was doing research for that video
that I'm working on right now,
I ran into something and I started asking questions about it
and I was like, I feel like a tin hatter
when I'm asking a few of these questions,
but then that's probably okay.
Because of what's been happening lately.
That's probably entirely fine.
And I might not even be that far off.
So I'm gonna let you handle this.
Are you sure? Yeah.
I kinda want you to read through part of this.
No, I don't really want to.
You don't wanna read through this?
All right, go.
So Oculus Rift is being used to,
or the idea of Oculus Rift is being used
to give chickens a free range style lifestyle.
So they set up an Oculus Rift,
mix it in like a second life kind of idea,
and then they can make the chicken think
that even though it's confined into a coop,
it actually has a free range roaming identity.
Really, VR for chickens?
Like really?
What do you think about this?
I think that as concepts go,
it seems more like a publicity stunt for VR in general,
and less of a practical thing.
I mean, we are so many bajillion years away
from a product like Oculus being able to be miniaturized
and costed down enough to put them on chickens.
I mean, it's stupid.
I want chickens to have good lives,
but I don't think VR is the solution.
Well, there's two things.
One, I don't think it's actually gonna give you
the benefits of free range,
because they're still confined to the thing,
and a lot of free range stuff is the fact
that they can run around all that kind of stuff.
And two, it's not real.
Oh, is this fake?
The whole point of the article
was to see how many people they can convince.
So I thought you had maybe seen that,
but I don't think so anymore.
But everyone watching, I bet a lot of people
actually kind of thought that that was legit.
And you know what?
Maybe could be, but I read quite a few places that it's not.
So like, yeah, but that's bad.
And the fact that that sounds super realistic is really bad.
Because imagine how many people
you could sell free range chickens to.
Next, they're just gonna like strap a TV
to the front of the cage and be like, yeah.
Free range.
Free range.
It has like a field on it.
They can see the field,
which makes them think they're in the field.
All right, so I actually kind of,
well, when we were supposed to have JJ on here,
I kind of realized we have like barely talked
about Intel's new Z97 and H97 chipsets like at all.
So as usual, Z versus H means that Z is overclockable
and H is not so much.
The 9 series chipsets offer increased data transfer speeds
for storage drives now supporting the M.2 specification,
allowing them to drive two PCIe 2.0 lanes
to the M.2 drive, giving it a total
of about one gigabyte per second of bandwidth
compared to about 600 megabytes per second
of bandwidth available over SATA 3.
Okay, the same connectivity options are basically there.
So 14 USB ports, six of which can be USB 3,
up to six SATA 3, six gigabit per second ports,
an integrated gigabit ethernet controller,
eight PCIe 2.0 lanes.
I believe that's all off of the chipset
because you have 16 lanes off of the CPU,
something along those lines.
They have upgraded smart response technology, SRT.
So they're supporting hybrid hard drives
with integrated flash storage.
So previously the feature required separate hard drives
and SSDs on separate connectors.
So I think there's one drive to which that's applicable,
the WD BlackSquared.
Okay, Broadwell.
So new CPUs, like legitimate new CPUs,
are not coming until sometime next year,
probably about a year from now.
And those will bring a 30% increase
in power efficiency in Z97.
At least some of the boards are advertising
that they will have support for Broadwell.
In the meantime, we get Haswell Refresh
as well as Devil's Canyon.
So Intel has improved the thermal interface material
on the CPU so that they're gonna run cooler.
And the word on the street is that Z97 boards,
even before we put overclockable
Haswell Refresh processors on them,
are overclocking a little better
and have the CPUs running cooler.
And I think that is pretty much it,
except we were supposed to have JJ on
to talk about this stuff.
He's an extremely busy man.
I know, no, well, it's true.
He's like super crazy.
Oh, oh, whoa, hey, there we go.
Oh, oh, oh, just got back to the office.
Out of the office due to an emergency.
It took longer at the event location.
Just got back into the office.
Okay, well, maybe we'll have him join us.
I think we've only got about 10, 15 more minutes
left on the show.
So, guys, maybe what we'll do is
we'll have JJ on next week.
I can't say 100% because it'll depend on his scheduling,
but I know you guys will probably wanna hear from him
about what Asus has done.
That's amazing in the last little while.
That is what you will hear.
That is what you will hear.
I mean, he's so knowledgeable,
so I look forward to having him on the show.
I wish he'd been able to make it this week,
but there you go.
While you get that loaded up, I have to call out a tweet.
Some guy tweeted me,
I bet you could get two packs of M&Ms for 50 cents.
Yeah, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That was pretty good.
He didn't fit Jay-Z in, though, so I don't know.
He can have three points.
Three points, not 10 points.
All right, posted on the forum by AlexGoesHigh,
LG G3 press renders leaked.
These look pretty sweet.
And then the completely impartial and unbiased headline
says best looking phone of the year.
So here we go.
Phone Arena was the original poster.
I like the new design of the volume up, down,
and power buttons.
So that's back here.
Yeah, because the one thing I didn't like
about the power button before was it was a strip,
which wasn't, it was fine.
Like, it wasn't a big deal.
I didn't even bother bring it up
because it didn't matter that much,
but this does look nicer.
So we'll go through these renders.
Like, okay, so there's a thing there,
and there's some stuff, uh-huh.
It reminds you a lot of that, doesn't it?
Yeah, and why is everyone doing gold phones?
Please stop.
Like, can everyone please stop following Apple?
Like, what makes Apple a leader?
The fact that everyone follows them.
Like, and it's a stupid idea.
I'm not being an Apple fanboy by calling them a leader.
I think the idea was bad.
I think the idea was bad,
and the people following it should feel bad.
That's all I'm trying to say.
Gold phones, gold motherboards.
Like, just stop it.
Gold is gaudy.
I'm sorry.
People with class wear white gold.
Gold is awesome when it comes in, like, a medal.
I'm sorry?
Gold is awesome when it comes in, like, a medal.
Yeah, like, if I had, like, a gold brick,
or, like, something.
I can't think of too many other things
I would like to actually be yellow gold.
Like, some sort of bullion, or a medal, or a trophy.
All of that's super cool.
Yeah, trophies should be gold.
I'll settle for brass.
I've never won a trophy in my life,
so I'd settle for any trophy, really.
But, you know what?
I don't know that I agree
with the best phone of the year thing,
because, not because this looks better,
but because it looks like the same damn thing.
Like, it actually just doesn't really
look any different to me.
I don't see the difference.
And maybe I'm just not picky enough,
but, like, brushed metal back.
I like how it looks, but you're not wrong.
It looks pretty much the same.
And I would, if everything else is equal,
if they're the same price,
and they basically look the same,
front-facing speakers, man.
It is such a big deal, and it is so disappointing.
That was one of my complaints about the G3,
is if I held it in the right particular way.
G2, sorry, yeah, yeah.
If I held it in the right or wrong way,
it would cover up the speakers,
and essentially manually mute the phone.
Because I would be covering up the speakers,
and I couldn't hear it anymore.
It was kind of annoying.
Yeah, and another ergonomic thing
that people might not necessarily agree with me about,
but it's that I don't like
bottom-mounted headphone jacks anymore.
I complained about this in my One M8 review,
but I actually didn't properly explain
what I don't like about it.
Like, I said, when I-
The car thing, right?
Is it the car thing?
Car thing?
Because you put your phone in-
Oh, that's another reason, but no, that was me.
I don't like it because of cars,
because if you plug your stuff in the bottom,
and then you try and put it in a cup holder.
Oh, that's another good point.
Okay, no, I was talking about what's more natural
for me to put it in my pocket,
so that I'm not putting strain on the connector.
And so, and not just that,
but because that you could train yourself
one way or the other,
but I like to have it right side up in my pocket,
so I can pull it out of my pocket and glance at it.
Okay, yeah.
And then the other thing that I didn't explain very well,
is that if you have something plugged
into the bottom of the phone,
and you're using it right side up,
it's kind of in your way.
And not so much on the One M8, if you're right-handed,
because it could kind of come down here,
but using the iPhone 5S,
something I forgot to include in my review,
where it's on the left,
it sits right under my pinky.
So when I'm typing, it's like right in the way.
Especially if you have a right-angle connector
on your headphones, just like I do.
Yeah, which isn't that uncommon.
Both of these have it, actually.
Sony's CEO and executives are taking a 50% pay cut
with no bonuses.
They've lost money four out of the last five years.
This was posted on the forum by Topwargamer.
The original article is from IGN,
and yeah, you know what, Topwargamer,
I think you nailed it.
I'm surprised it took you this long to do it.
It's almost like a knee-jerk reaction to,
oh, well, Nintendo's doing this,
therefore maybe that's the honorable thing to do.
I mean, I don't understand
why an executive gets a bonus
if the company isn't hugely profitable.
My favorite ones, and read hate massively,
is when the company's failing and going bankrupt,
and they're like, massive exiting bonus.
It's like, uh, no, that shouldn't be legal.
I really wish that.
This mobile site.
Yeah, I wish this wasn't the mobile site,
but aside from that, I mean,
I don't know how you can ever enforce something like that,
because it all just becomes like a buddy club
where it's like, yeah, let's all make lots of money.
That sounds great.
I think that's a great idea, too.
Bonus for you, bonus for you.
Bonuses for everyone.
But I just think it's wrong.
I just think it is so wrong
that when you are not making money,
okay, it's one thing to,
okay, I'll use the business terms,
to streamline your workforce,
and be profitable and make money
because you cut a bunch of jobs.
No one likes that, but I kinda get it.
The company's profitable.
You're maintaining your sales target.
You're doing the company things that you need to do,
which is to make money.
It's another thing when you are cutting jobs
or not cutting jobs, or, okay,
I guess it's better if you're not cutting jobs,
and, okay, no, hold on.
If you are...
We'll get there.
We'll get there.
Yeah, so, right, so if you're making money,
that's one thing.
If you're cutting jobs or even not cutting jobs
and you're not making money,
you shouldn't be getting a bonus
because a bonus should be tied to performance,
and if the company's not making money,
then the leadership is not performing
because leadership is responsible for everyone.
If he does something stupid,
ultimately, who gets a cease and desist
or who gets a complaint?
It will be me because I'm responsible for him,
so if he does something great,
then I should get a bonus,
but if he does something crappy,
then I'm the one who has to deal with it
because ultimately I'm responsible for what he does,
and that's how leadership works.
That's what taking responsibility for things
is supposed to look like,
and so I don't understand why it took so long,
and I'm frustrated that that's a thing,
and I guess I'm not really going anywhere with this now,
but the point is,
thank you guys for tuning into the WAN Show.
I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as we did.
I'm surprised there's so many people watching.
It's the weather's beautiful here.
Maybe the weather sucks there,
in which case I'm sorry to hear that, but...
I think also a bunch of finals ending.
Ah, yes.
I think there's still some more coming.
If you guys have finals later than this,
I'm sorry, holy crap, that sucks,
but yeah, thank you everybody for tuning in.
That was awesome.
All right, peace out, guys.
Someone will get it.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
Thank you.