This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
All right guys, welcome to the live stream.
We are exactly four minutes early.
I was trying to make that five minutes early, but I was a little bit late on that last minute.
Which makes us exactly, I think, 35 or was it 50 minutes earlier than last stream?
Significant improvement.
Pretty big improvement.
First of all, we're before on time, so we're early in general and then we're earlier than
being like half an hour to 45 minutes late, which is, I don't know, I think that's pretty
good personally.
I don't know.
That's just me.
We have some pretty cool topics.
First two are...
The BBC says that ISPs should assume that any heavy internet, or VPN users, sorry, are
So apparently we both learned today that we're pirates.
We're pirates.
I wish I had my old pirate shirt from PAX five years ago, that would work perfectly.
The NCTA says four megabytes per second should be enough to be considered broadband.
Which is like...
Really terrible.
Just sad.
It's September, so we have mobile announcements out the butt, and we'll talk about that later.
Also we have some pretty serious rumors about 900 series and video graphics cards, which
we all know when it's like this level of rumors, they're probably pretty close to true.
So we'll talk about those later on as well.
I was thinking we should have a new intro for us, where we both actually promptly took
the couch, instead of having to drop it.
That would be pretty fun.
It'd take too long to develop, but it would be pretty fun.
First up we have mod 24.
I think I'm starting this a little better.
There we go.
So we have mod 24.
It's on September 18th, as you can see there, starting at 6pm, and it is a 24 hour competition
where there will be three teams competing to modify things, and like I said, it'll last
24 hours and only one team will win.
Linus and I will be streaming it the entire time, so if we manage to make it through without
dying, it should be a pretty interesting stream, and if we don't manage to make it through
and we end up dying, then it will be an extremely interesting stream.
So be sure to tune in and check that out on the 18th, which is pretty soon, actually.
Next up, our next sponsor is, where you can learn pretty much freaking anything.
I know Taran here at works uses it to learn Premiere, because apparently he didn't know
enough when we first hired him.
And if you, especially if you're a high school student that wants to go to post secondary
education for programming, I would extremely highly suggest
Check out slash wan show to sign up, and I believe, if I can find this, um,
yeah, if you go to slash wan show, you get a seven day free trial and plans are
about 25 bucks a month.
It's a pretty good deal.
It's actually not too bad for what you get.
It's pretty cool.
And like I said, it's good for programmers, but to the news of the show, do you want to
jump into Samsung Gear VR and Samsung Note 4 immediately, or jump into other stuff?
We could jump into that.
I think you, you should probably talk about the VR.
I can talk about the Note 4.
So I tried Gear VR.
A lot of you guys saw my video on that.
I was actually pretty impressed with how well it looked, but I was a little bit worried
with the demos.
So to go into more detail than the video, which you guys should check out, just Samsung
Gear VR, Linus Tech Tips on YouTube, you'll find it.
It's, it's actually fairly nicely built, although the, the built in navigation controls while
they work are very odd because if you want to use it to fire, you're going to be like
tapping the side of your head like this to fire.
And I don't know of any gun personally that you shoot from your face.
So and like, I know you don't shoot a gun like this either, but it feels more natural.
So I would highly suggest using like a Bluetooth controller and Bluetooth headset because the
speaker on the back as well, like it exists.
And I didn't really get to try it while I was there because it was so loud, but that's
inherently a problem, right?
It was fairly loud while I was there, so I didn't really get to try it because I couldn't
hear it.
It made me loud where you're trying to use the device.
Yeah, exactly.
So I don't know.
I was kind of hoping considering they put that whole speaker pack there, they would
have just built in a retractable headphones.
And my, my idea when I first saw it, I just assumed they did this because it would have
been pretty cool.
They would have retractable like earbud style headphones or in-ear style headphones and
then have a plugin that would override.
So if you wanted to have your own headphones or just have Bluetooth override it if you
wanted to have Bluetooth headphones.
But apparently not.
They just went with the speaker.
So this is an industry that's evolving constantly though.
Like the VR industry is changing incredibly fast, incredibly quick.
Considering how long ago DK2 came out and it had a note 3 screen and then now this has
a note 4 screen and it's a massive improvement that basically.
Now to add onto the note 4 screen, the thing that has me worried, battery life in the industry
I work in, which I can work 18 hour days sometimes, battery life is a huge problem.
And obviously this is not something you're working with in industry, but you have to
survive off your note 4's battery.
Do I have that correct?
I find that to be a flaw.
Now there's no wires attached though, so there's a huge benefit on the other side of that.
Yeah, no, it is.
And I did bring this up in the video.
You're attached to the note 4 in more ways than you would necessarily want it to be.
One thing is very cool because no cables, like you're talking about, you can freely
spin around, which is interesting for the demos that they showed at the event, right?
Because like one of the demos that they had was you're, you're underwater and there's
all these crazy fish and sea animals and stuff going around you, but you're fixed in a spot.
So you can sit there and spin and look at all these different things around you and
it's really cool.
And now that's doable with the DK2 from Oculus, but you're going to be constantly like holding
onto the cable and lifting it like above you and like making sure you can spin and like
managing this thing, which completely breaks immersion.
So it's cool that you can just sit there and spin, but then at the same time there is a
limited spinning duration, I guess, because the battery on the phone, right?
If you're playing a game, it's not going to last forever.
Now there's counter arguments to this and saying that you're probably not going to want
to stay in this not super well refined yet VR environment forever because Oculus DK2,
Gear VR, all this kind of stuff is still not there yet.
It's still a little bit jarring.
So while I can stay in VR environments for quite a long time because I've been toying
with them for a very long time, especially if someone's new to it, it's, it's maybe not
something you're going to want to do for a massive amount of time in per session.
So you could charge your phone between that, but it's still a little bit, I don't know.
The other thing is you don't plug it into a computer so you don't have this massive
Powering it all the time.
Really good point.
You have your phone.
Which the Note 4 is beefy.
It is.
But it's not a desktop.
It's not a desktop.
So that's going to limit what you can actually play.
And while you could do some like desktop streaming stuff, it's still not great.
And that's why I said in my video as well, hopefully they partner with like Steam or
Nvidia or someone to get a really, really good version of streaming like they have for
the Shield or the Shield tablet.
Because those are very good, but the current solutions for streaming to a phone, while
they're pretty good, are not really fully there.
And it's going to have to be amazing for it to be VR ready.
Cause you can't manage, like if you turn your head and there's a little bit of lag, it like
makes you feel sick.
I've experienced it before.
It's kind of fun.
I tried doing a remote streamy thing with some weird ghetto cardboard setup thing that
I did.
Didn't end up making a video about it because it totally failed.
It was no good.
So yeah, you're attached to this processor, but there will be some interesting stuff.
Like they're bringing Portal, or I think they already did, bring Portal to Android.
So you'd be able to play Portal.
You can play Half-Life, I believe Half-Life 2 even.
You can play, and it's weird because it's third person, but you can play GTA.
The original GTAs were third person, right?
It's weird because it's third person, but it's still kind of cool because it's like
simulating this massive monitor.
I don't like how they describe it because they're like, oh yeah, it's like you're sitting
right in front of like a 180 inch TV.
And I'm like, it's not really the same thing at all, sorry.
But it is kind of, it is an interesting, different, cool way to play.
But that would be more of a, I'm going to sit here and not turn at all, and just like
stare straight forward and use my controller to manage all the actual camera movement.
And then at that point, like why aren't you just using the DK2 and playing the new GTA
when it comes out?
In a super long time, best segue ever.
I wasn't even preparing for that at all.
Okay, we'll jump back for note four.
That's fine.
The segue was so beautiful, we have to go forward with this.
I had to take advantage of that.
So, they announced GTA 5 release dates for next gen and PC.
And I was like, oh sweet, we're finally going to know when it's coming.
Obviously expecting holiday season, surprised it wasn't announced at PAX, but they're GTA,
so it probably doesn't really matter.
Xbox One and PS4 are getting them on November 18th, pretty much exactly when I expected
it to happen.
But that does not include the PC version, I'm sure Twitch chat is already freaking out
about this because I'm sure everybody knows, oh, I didn't launch the thing because I'm
super dumb.
This needs to be public, there we go.
Okay, that's okay, got that done.
The PC version is not releasing until January 27th of next year.
Yeah, that's when everyone's trying to make their money back from Christmas, that's when
everyone's kind of, you know, railing in the spending.
It's an awkward time.
It is, it is.
Sales drop incredibly in January 27th, there might be a peak because of all the different
PC users.
I know there's a big modding community behind GTA, a lot of the older GTA titles, you know,
they get modded incredibly.
While we're at PAX, the mutual friend showed us a video of where someone basically implemented
Watch Dogs into GTA, it was incredible, incredibly well done.
Finally looked that up, I don't have it in my notes or anything, but GTA 4, I believe
it was.
I think it was, yeah.
GTA 4 Watch Dogs mod, it's done really, really well.
Mind blowing, just incredibly well done.
Like I might actually go mod it to be able to do that because then it would probably
run better than Watch Dogs anyways.
But yeah, he used Ice Enhance and a few other mods and then his own stuff and made the Watch
Dogs mod and it's incredibly well done.
If you weren't paying a ton of attention, you might almost think it's Watch Dogs because
of how many different things you can do.
Like the, what do you even call them, the elevating roadblock things.
Perfect description.
I don't know what they're called.
Yeah, that was one of the first things in the video.
So you know you're watching the right video if this happens, but yeah, and traffic.
He can hack everything, it's really, really cool.
You can even do camera hacking, which I didn't expect to work at all and you can jump from
camera to camera.
You can go prone, which I don't believe is something that exists in GTA 4.
I don't think so.
You can go prone because you can do that in Watch Dogs.
Yeah, and he shows going up on top of a train and going prone under one of the overpass
things, which I don't know, that's pretty interesting.
Now jumping backwards with a much worse segue, Note 4.
So the Note 4, I've been really excited for this phone.
I've been talking to you about this phone.
There's been lots of rumors about this phone.
It's the flagship and the Note series is really, it's a real big hitter these days.
You know, the Note 2 kind of wasn't a huge deal.
There wasn't really anything super special about it.
The Note 3 is really when I feel, and I think you would agree, that the Note really came
into its own and it really separated itself from the pack.
The Note 4 is continuing that.
The S Pen has incredibly upgraded features with how it can detect with the pressure and
you can write with different kind of like pens, it's supposed to feel much more intuitive.
Yeah, I'd have to go to you and comment on that.
I've used it a small amount, they didn't have a lot of text examples there, which was kind
of lame when they're like, oh, super awesome pen, which is great for selecting text, which
we don't have.
But it did seem better.
Another problem was that they didn't have a Note 3 there to directly compare.
So like I was doing it, I was like, this feels good, I don't know.
So yeah, I think it was better.
Well it just showed their dedication to the S Pen, to their stylus built into their phone,
because in the Note 2 it really wasn't anything special.
The Note 3 came with a bunch of cool little features.
I know my mom, our mom actually uses it quite a bit and then they're continuing on with
the Note 4.
Another thing is the big battery, it's got a 3,220 milliamp battery, so again they're
keeping the battery up.
Again, processor as well, quad core Snapdragon, running at 2.7 gigahertz, that's the North
American launch.
I believe the European launch is an octa-core, I'll have to double check it and actually
write that one down.
The main camera is a 16 megapixel with the rear camera, the main camera being a 16 megapixel,
the front facing camera being a 2.7 megapixel, got a Super AMOLED display, Gorilla Glass
3, and it's got a 515 pixel density, that makes it 1440 by 2560.
Now a question I wanted to throw at you was, you and Linus talk a lot about the resolution
of phones, that's something I've noticed on a lot of the WAN shows that I've been watching,
the differences in 720 possibly being a little too low, but some of the ceilings being a
little too high, where do you think the Note 4 falls in that?
Again, problem being, I didn't have a lot of comparison, I didn't have a Note 3 there
that I could compare against.
My phone is a Moto X, not the greatest to compare against in that field.
So I needed to pull it out of that situation, which is why at the end of the review I said
I need more hands on time with it.
But I'm kind of thinking because it is such a massive phone, at that scale, maybe it could
make a difference, so I'm thinking at that screen size, maybe it matters, I'm not sure.
I need to get it back here where I can actually compare it against other phones.
I do know in your video you were saying it was one of the nicest screens you've looked
It looks really good, but then that isn't necessarily tied to resolution, that could
just be tied to it being a really nice looking super AMOLED panel.
That's true.
Because it did look really good, it did look very vibrant, I liked the saturation and all
that kind of stuff.
It was a beautiful screen, I just don't know if all of that is actually tied to resolution.
So I'd love to get it back here.
I know the second you line it up against a G3 you'll be like, yup, Note looks a lot better.
Because G3 sacrificed all the nice color saturation and all that kind of stuff that they could
have had for the resolution, and it seems like the Note 4 did not.
They got that resolution in there, but then they also didn't sacrifice much for it, which
is great.
And one thing that people have brought up is the lower battery life thing.
There's pretty simple tricks you can do by downloading apps that I don't even think you
need to root your phone for, which can change your resolution down.
And you can even have some triggering apps that will trigger based on different events.
Launch the app that reduces the resolution on your phone once you hit a different battery
threshold level.
Yeah, I haven't used any personally, but I've heard of that.
So there are ways around that, of course it's not super elegant, and I think it would be
cool if they built that type of functionality into the phone.
This is really random, but Greenify.
Have you heard of Greenify?
Have you used that at all?
The same guy who showed us the GTA video, showed me Greenify.
Greenify, I'm just going to throw this in here for two seconds, it's a great little
app, it's a free app, but what it does is it controls the apps on your phone.
Now I use this in my tablet in my truck, and it's really helped me with battery life.
I think we might actually do a video about that coming up.
But I'll show you how it works, but it's a great app, if you're having battery life problems,
it controls your other apps, it controls Facebook, Twitter, any of those apps, and it won't allow
them to basically wake up while they're in a sleep mode.
Great little app.
That's interesting.
A little sight way there.
Now, back to the Note 4, the odd thing about the Note 4 compared to the Note 3, and something
that I really liked about the Note 3 was that it had USB 3, right?
It was an attachment that allowed you to have a USB 3 connector or a USB 2.
Yeah, it was either or.
It was, I thought, extremely well done.
Apparently, Samsung didn't think so because the Note 4 does not have that feature.
Yeah, I think a lot of it was public perception.
People found it, one, ugly, they didn't like it because it was just this giant hole on
the bottom.
That's true.
And you had to have the big cable, but then you didn't have to have the big cable.
Yeah, you didn't have to have the big cable.
But I think there was also a lot of misconception on that.
I don't think a lot of people realized that it was backwards compatible and you could
use your old USB 2.0 cables.
That could be true.
Public perception.
I think a large amount of it was public perception.
So they were like, okay, if no one wants it anyways, then we'll just go back to 2.
We'll just go back, despite it being a much faster medium.
And I think another thing is, a lot of people are doing file transfer wirelessly anyways.
That's true.
Updates and everything.
While you're gaining wired speed, a lot of people are just going to transfer files
between their computer and whatnot wirelessly.
Makes sense.
Yeah, I think no one really cared, and the people that did care didn't want it, so they
just ditched it.
Although I would have liked to still see it there, but I don't really care either, because
I'm one of those people that does everything wirelessly.
So until they come up with that, I'm going to segue again right here, are you ready?
I'm ready.
Until they come up with that power, USB power 2.
Oh yeah, they need something with higher power.
Then I would be like, okay, I can see them moving off the USB 2.0 standard.
So if we can find this article in here, whatever it is, I segued without being ready.
Perhaps if they had a USB 3.1 type C. There it is.
There we go.
So real pictures have started surfacing of USB 3.1 type C, which is absolutely fantastic.
Peak throughput goes through 10 gigabits per second from the 5 gigabits per second of 3.0,
which is essentially 1.25 gigabytes per second, which is pretty cool.
And USB power delivery 2.0, which not enough people care about.
I don't know why, like I made a video on 100 watt USB cables at, not PAX, CES 2014, yeah,
this year.
And like, no one cared.
You should care.
And then every time we talk about it, everyone's like, uh, and I'm like, this is such a big
It is really a huge deal.
USB continues to be an amazing thing.
I don't know how else to say that.
Put that in better vocabulary.
If you read the article, the article on Linus tech, the USB 3.1, posted by good bites is
an excellent article.
It's got a ton of really good pictures.
You guys should check it out.
But it's continuing.
USB is a huge deal.
Again, to refer to the tablet in my truck, I have it attached through USB.
It's basically through a modified cigarette lighter.
It just slowly trickles power to my tablet while it's up.
So a big thing for me is making sure it doesn't lose any power, um, while my truck's off.
And that's a big thing I have to focus on.
With this kind of connector, I could lose so much more power and make all of that back.
It's it's really.
Wouldn't even be that big of a deal.
Reversible too, which is super cool.
We're just going to stare at the guy's like details of his skin on this photo because
I think they focused on the wrong thing.
It's cool.
No, no worries.
Pretty cool.
I'm excited for that.
Especially the power thing.
I don't even as long as stuff works, because that's one of the reasons why people get a
little bit confused when I talk about I'm going to scroll down to a better picture of
the connector there.
Um, people get confused when I talk about why I like USB 2.0 points ports on motherboards.
And then I was trying to defend myself and people were like, oh, no, it always works.
And I went to go work on a motherboard and none of the USB 3.0 ports worked.
And then I had to reformat this laptop because I put Windows 7 on it.
And they're all USB 3.0 ports.
And the only way I could get data onto it when I reformat it to Windows 7 was through
the disk tray because it didn't have an ethernet driver and none of the USB ports worked.
And I was like, this is why.
Did it feel ancient?
Did it feel like you're going back in time?
It was so weird.
I had to find disks because usually back in the day, it was like, oh, whatever got spindles
all over the place.
Spindles for days.
Now it's like, I don't, I haven't even tried to use one of these in a long time.
My desktop didn't even have a drive, so I had to go find an external optical drive thing
so I could actually...
I haven't had a drive in my desktop, I want to say for six years.
I, you know, maybe not quite six, maybe five, but you know, I remember one time I had to,
I had to drive all the way here to borrow your, uh, CD-ROM, USB.
I think you might even still have that.
I probably do.
But I just, I had to, I had to go to the office and get that one because I was like, I can't
find my old, I think it was LG, I haven't seen it in years.
It's definitely LG and it's definitely in my pile of computer stuff.
Um, you can see it in the old mineral computer video that I have.
Not that I used it there, but I had it plugged in cause I was like, oh, it looks cool.
Cause when you, you built that, was that the Vista age or was that, yeah, no, that was
Cause you still, you know, you still kind of needed it, right?
So yeah, it was still helpful exactly through day to day.
So the next topic, which we're going to have a Twitter poll for, and I'm going to get this
one properly on my screen at the start of the topic.
While you're doing that, I just want to give a shout out cause we're going to be mentioning
everyone who posted the Linus tech tips forum.
I obviously have seen the forum since the beginning and amazing posts on this forum.
Like you guys should really pat yourselves on the back.
I'm kind of a weird Linus tech edition kind of free contractor for graphics card.
But um, so from a view from the outside, like you guys do an amazing job and I mean you
guys as the guys posting on there, I lurk, I take a bunch of information and uh, sorry,
I digress, but really good posts.
It's really good.
And we have a post, this is from Jericho and this is a very good post, but we have a post
coming up, which I'm going to have to specifically call out for, I think our iPhone segment.
The iPhone one is written crazy well by Victoria's secret, but we'll get there in a second.
This post was by Jericho.
So AT&T and Verizon, which are a part of, let me get the name here, the national cable
and telecommunication telecommunications association or NCTA, which is yeah, AT&T and Verizon
have filed documents to the FCC trying to say that broadband is already fast enough
and claiming that four megabits per second or 0.5 megabytes a second should remain, uh,
should remain the standard for broadband.
The FCC has been considering raising the definition of broadband to 10 megabits per second, which
they should, um, from, and its original definition was 200 kilobits per second, which was up
to four megabits per second in 2010.
That was a lot of megabits per second that I just said, um, streaming HD content isn't
even really possible at four megabits per second.
And I am, I'm not surprised that they're doing this, but my heart is sad.
It's it makes me think, I can't even do the quote cause I'm going to get it wrong, but
the Bill Gates quote about, you know, 256 bits or he's, he claims that that never actually
even happened.
I think it was like, what was it?
56 kilobytes of Ram will be all you ever need.
It's some, I can't remember the quote he claims that never actually happened or it was taken
out of context or something.
I don't remember what, but I feel like this is going to be the new one.
Do you know what I mean?
Like this is going to be the extreme underestimate, the under exaggeration of what we currently
need and what we're going to need as everything is going online.
And just to segue a little bit, I use Hangouts on my phone for my text messaging app, trying
to explain to my mother and grandfather about how you can have an SMS message and a Hangouts
And they're in the same thing.
And one uses data and one like that was very difficult.
Everything but my, my emphasis with that is everything is going online.
You know what I mean?
Like when we try to jump a border, we use the internet, right?
Everything is going to the internet.
You know, you can, if you're a Seahawks fan, you can download, if you're a Canucks fan,
any of these fans, you can download packages to watch their games online through your computer.
You can stream them.
You pay them a specific fee instead of the cable company.
It's starting, right?
Everything is going Netflix.
Everything is going to broadband.
And this is that even more later on, but this is just ridiculous.
This is painful.
It's stupid.
I guess I'm streaming the stream, which is fantastic.
I need to go back to here.
I'm not surprised they're doing it because I think what they're trying to do is keep
the definition low so they can still charge people a lot for a service that sounds by
its naming better than it is.
And part of the problem is with a broad name, like broadband, let me see here once again.
With a broad name like broadband, I had to say that, sorry.
It needs to have its definition changed from time to time because the standard of what
you're going to do on the internet is going to change.
I no longer look up, well, we still do sometimes, but like the Space Jam website is an example
that I use all the time.
Let's look up Space Jam here.
Is this it?
This is the old school Space Jam website, which still runs.
This is not the kind of internet that we're using now.
These are still clickable images with like random, like this little spinny thing right
That was super cool.
That was like the height of difficult internet data, but we don't do that anymore.
It's a lot harder.
People are trying to stream Netflix all the time.
People are trying to stream high quality YouTube videos.
YouTube is streaming into, trying to get up to 4K and stuff now.
We have 3200 people streaming this show.
Streaming is very difficult to do on your internet connection.
If you have broadband at 0.5 megabytes per second, it's not going to be that great.
And especially when stuff like YouTube and Twitch are trying to get into 60 FPS streams,
60 FPS is going to be a lot more data than, like we have a video on this, the 792 PWTF
video, where I talk about how the GTX 480, a super old, I think it's like 5 year old
graphics card.
It is a top tier graphics card, but still a 5 year old graphics card is beating out
modern consoles.
I talk about in that video, the next gen consoles, I talk about in that video how it's much harder
to ramp up the FPS and the resolution.
So when they're running at 30 FPS, 792p, that's really depressing that they couldn't just
up to 1080p because it's really not that hard.
What would have been hard for them to do is stay at 792p and jump to 60 FPS.
So that's a lot more data that you're, that you're pushing through.
So you can't, you can't just keep this definition static.
I don't know how much we actually need to talk about this because I'm sure I'm just
preaching to the choir.
I like what you said though, just to add one last thing on.
I never thought of it as a money grab, right?
We can set the standard to be this low.
If you want something acceptable, what we would consider, what most people, what everyone
watching would be considered to be acceptable, you're going to have to pay here.
Never really thought of that before.
I think that's the biggest point.
Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if that's it because you see, it's much easier for a company
that has to do deployments to increase their infrastructure to try to stay stagnant, right?
Because then if they can just keep pushing out the same service all the time, then they
can just take subscription fees and then they're fine.
You're just stacking money.
You're just stacking money.
So if they have to go around and upgrade all this stuff, that's just money out, right?
It's just directly money out.
I don't know.
I hear ya.
I mean, this could be an education thing too.
If we can just teach people to start interpreting raw speeds instead of terms, that can help.
But then like mom is never going to want to figure out how fast in relation to what she's
doing these different speeds are.
She's always going to want to know, oh, broadband connection.
I'm good.
That would be way more helpful for her.
If it's not your hobby, you're not going to be as informed.
You know what I mean?
For us, for a lot of people watching, this is your hobby.
You're very well informed.
For those that, you know, your hobbies lies elsewhere.
You know, you're, you're going to be getting screwed by these companies.
Um, yeah, I don't know.
It's it's a sad topic.
That's all I really have to say.
It is depressing.
And moving on to more depressing topics, but kind of awesome at the same time, top websites
have joined the internet slow down day in symbolic protest of fast lanes.
So if we can jump here to the forum yet again, clicking on the scene that says Linus's screen
is confusing when Linus is not here.
Um, so a topic posted by Dietrich W I hope I'm saying your name correctly is showing
how top websites join the internet slow day.
We did not.
I'm sorry.
I wanted to, I was very busy with my trip down in Vegas.
I was kind of hoping that Mr. Wizard was going to jump on that, but I also didn't tell him
It was, it was a mess.
But I think enough of our members go to enough websites that did it, that it was probably
I know that's not a very good excuse.
Netflix did it.
I think Reddit did it, which is huge.
Uh, I wish I had a list here.
Do I have a list here of everyone that did, uh, yeah.
Reddit, Vimeo, Foursquare, WordPress, Boing Boing were among the major ones.
And you said Netflix did as well, which is pretty cool.
I don't actually know for a fact, I didn't try it, but, uh, there was an announcement
that I read that Netflix said they were joining.
So right.
Uh, where is it here?
I wish I had metrics on how many people emailed out due to that, but they, the FCC website
got a ton of comments and emails and calls to different senators and stuff from not exactly
sure how American politics work, but many things happened, which should hopefully help
American politics.
I don't know.
Basically that's about it.
Join the fast is a very, I was just showing the doc again, join the
This is, this is a parody website, which I don't know if you saw this, which is talking
about, um, it's essentially pretending we're in the future where there is a fast lane and
there's all this bull crap.
I didn't actually, I wish I clicked this link.
I'm, I'm very interested.
It's pretty funny.
So they spoofed some companies.
So there's video tube, there's movie flicks and there's soundify obviously instead of
YouTube, Netflix and Spotify.
So as you guys can see out here, soundify fast lane exclusive only available for fast
lane subscribers, uh, movie flicks available 20, uh, summer of 2018, uh, which like you,
you get fast, uh, essentially Netflix, that's what they're trying to pretend they are, uh,
titles, but then not everything is even available, uh, video tube, you buy 500 megabytes of priority
Uh, this is all super depressing stuff and obviously it might be a little bit exaggerated,
especially once you get down to the prices.
I was just waiting for you to scroll.
This is my favorite part.
Uh, best deal, extreme $200 a month for 12 months.
It's unlimited emails, unlimited emails, free download of the fast lane client probably
actually means 2000 because every single time I see unlimited on anything, there's fine
It's like actually 2000 so not unlimited at all.
Not even close.
There's definitely a cap, which is very reachable.
It happens literally every month, like a lot of our subscribers.
Uh, yeah, so it's exaggerated, but it's a really good point and I think, I think it's,
it's helpful to show off to people you'd frag like a pro 15 bucks a month to get faster
network speeds when you're playing games like, Oh, gross.
This is why we need net neutrality to like take care of things and make sure we don't
all get completely screwed.
So again, I don't have a ton to add because American politics, I don't really know.
It is very important though, and I have sent emails to FCC people and stuff.
This was a while back.
I don't know if you can do it more than once.
I should probably just do it again as maybe a different person or something.
I didn't say that.
You didn't hear that here.
Um, yeah, I don't know.
Bad things.
We're going to move on to good things cause things are getting depressing.
What do you want to jump to?
I don't know.
We have 900 series rumors.
You know what a bad idea, that's kind of fun.
All right, so Zotac GTX 970 and 980 prices were leaked.
Of course this is still kind of rumor mill level stuff.
Um, but previous rumors had them at 399 for the 970 and 499 for the 980 and now it's looking
a little bit more extreme.
Like the 980 being at around $700 to $770 and the 970 being a $430 to $500.
But again, these are rumors and one really big thing that I'm thinking about, which I've
seen other people post, so this isn't necessarily an original idea and I should bring this up.
I'm not usually the one that controls the screen, so it's very foreign for me to do
There's a tech fanatic on the forum, um, our resident AMD awesome man.
And I think a lot of it has to do with being, being the first and leaking it.
And I've heard somewhere that you can do preorders, so it's definitely going to be more expensive
if you're going to be able to preorder.
We see that a lot of times with especially computer hardware where in some industries
they're like $5 off if you preorder or one really crappy low grade skin that you're gonna
buy the other ones for anyways in a video game.
Um, but in this one it's like, no, you pay more money.
So kind of unfortunate.
I'm hoping that the price drops.
I know Nvidia was talking about how it's supposed to be cheaper.
I'm hoping they weren't just saying how it would be cheaper for them to manufacture.
And honestly, I really expect that there's going to be pretty much no difference.
I expect it to cost pretty much the exact same amount as this year's did.
I wouldn't be surprised if the, the tier grades cost the same amount as the previous tier
So a 980 will probably cost just as much as a 780 did.
Why they skipped 800 and 300.
I was confused enough when they skipped 300.
I'm like, just why?
Just why?
It's a name.
My buddy has a 460.
I have a 260.
Is that massively better or is that just like a normal amount better?
Really kind of annoying.
I'm wondering, you and I were actually speculating what Nvidia is going to do.
Yeah, what is it?
Are they going to screw it up too?
Because AMD, not so great on the naming scheme, not a fan.
It should not go 280, 285, 280X.
That should never have been possible.
It should not be a thing.
And I really hope Nvidia doesn't, doesn't throw it under the bus.
We forgot to do a Twitter blitz.
Twitter blitz.
Twitter blitz.
We're going to do a Twitter blitz about, um, we're not going to do it here actually.
We're going to do it on the desktop where it looks better.
Twitter, here we go.
So what we're talking about right now is the net neutrality thing and, um, the four megabits
per section, uh, shouldn't be opt for broadband.
So this guy says numbers on net neutrality thing.
I'm not going to be clicking on very many links, but this is fairly interesting.
You guys can't see this very well.
Here we go.
You can see it a little bit.
So 2,039,500 people took action, 303,099 calls were made, let me try and scroll down very
small amounts.
Uh, there we go, 2,167,092 emails sent to Congress.
That's pretty intense, 722,364 comments filed to the FCC and 4.7 million comments filed
since March 1st.
That's awesome.
Good work everyone.
But now we can't click on any more links because now the troll links are just going to start
Yeah, exactly.
Links are done.
I'm over, no Rick Astley, uh, at control alt delete, you know, he got his link in and it's
over now.
Good work at control.
Good timing.
Ashley says four megabits per second is way too slow.
I think that's a very accurate kind of general consensus.
Someone else tweeted, uh, I want to get his name here.
I can't see it.
Someone else tweeted that his phone gets, gets better speeds.
It probably does.
It probably does.
Corey Barnwell.
There we go.
Tommy boy 5025 says there should not be a set standard for broadband as bandwidth is
always increasing and broadband standards should move with the trend.
I completely agree.
That's aces in my book.
Tommy boy 5025.
I think you already called them out.
Fluid terms should not be fixed.
They're fluid terms.
It's literally in the name.
I don't know if that's actually the official name for what they are, but like it's, it's
not a static definition, so it shouldn't be a static definition.
That's what I'm trying to say.
Another guy confirming that 2 million people sent emails to Congress because of the internet
slow day.
How did they not get this by now?
It's money.
It's gotta be.
Go back to being land of the people.
Claim what is rightfully yours.
Uh, now if you buy out a Samsung phone, it's obviously more expensive.
No one should pay for a Samsung phone to get this phone.
But when you get a plan, like I do all the time, because I don't buy out my phones because
I'm not that balling.
We've talked about it on this show before.
It really depends what's happening because if you're, if you're jumping on a contract
that completely breaks the game, if you're buying out, of course I don't see anyone buying
I don't see anyone buying anything outside of like Nexus, OnePlus and maybe a motor maker
It's like a Moto X.
That's, that's pretty much, maybe I'm wrong.
Maybe there's something else in there.
I might be missing something.
I don't know anyone who buys out a Samsung device.
It's the way I have mine, the way my mom and dad have theirs, the way my buddies had theirs
when they were grabbing S3s, people are kind of splitting off now.
We had a big S3 in our group of friends when it came out, but, uh, yeah, everyone seemed
to grab one up, but they're all through contract and the contracts don't really change.
Maybe maybe $50 or nothing.
And that's on your startup for your three years.
So it kind of, it's all different, but yeah.
And I don't think I can knock them out anyways.
So moving on, uh, you know what, just slow down the entire internet.
Actually let's just kill it.
It's the best option for them all.
I would prefer not.
I like my job.
I like the internets.
Here's the, uh, comment from Corey Barnwell that I believe you read earlier.
My phone gets better speed than broadband.
That's just like, come on guys.
For most people, four megabits per second is fine.
Average Joe doesn't care about HD, but improvements is always better, especially for the future.
I don't actually necessarily agree with you.
By the way, you're awesome.
I met you at PAX and that was actually really cool, but average Joe is now watching Netflix
and average Joe watching Netflix is going to tell when his screen goes and looks more
pixely because Netflix jumps down a section because his internet takes a tiny dip and
he has crappy four megabit per second and probably isn't on high def anyways.
And I know a lot of average Joe that are going to be watching Netflix on their TV are really
into the fact that they have a nice 1080p TV.
And they're going to notice when their Netflix content looks way crappier than their other
content and they're going to want something more.
So I don't actually agree with you in this stance because, because of average Joe watching
so much Netflix now, if you go back a couple of years, I can see where he's going.
I can see the idea behind.
But especially now with phones, like, you know, you see all these average Joe guys that
I know when I work with a lot of truckers who are just totally not in tech at all, their
phones are getting bigger and crazier and they like them.
You know what I mean?
Like when my dad just picked up a, an S4, got a real cheap, what he did not care about
his phone.
He was telling me he wasn't going to go through with the deal if it wasn't, you know, if it
was too expensive, he won't put it down.
He will not get off the phone.
That's not the only game, but he's playing a bunch of different games and he's always
like, he's talking to it, you know, using Google now he's, I just bought him a Chrome
cast yesterday.
You know what I mean?
He's using the Chrome.
I'm sure I love that.
Like he's all over it.
And, uh, I think more and more people with the technology sitting in their hand, you
know, like mom got a background that when you swipe it changes blew her mind.
Which is cool.
Like she's happy.
I'm happy.
Everybody's happy.
But I think the average Joe because of phones, especially, and because of Netflix, like two
things, basically television and the phone in their hands is becoming a bigger, stronger
devices which consume more inherently.
I think the average Joe starting to talk about it.
We turn this blitz into a, into a long discussion, but we drove down and camped out for the long
Um, but yeah, no, it's the, the average Joe was starting to consume more.
And I think that ties back into a comment that was said by someone else and by me earlier,
which is where it's a fluid definition that's changing because what the average Joe is doing
is fluid and changing, uh, I'm going to go, uh, I don't know how to pronounce this name.
That's why I was kind of hovering above it.
It's super cool, but I don't know how to say that.
Oh, I'm going to say Surin Surin, Surin, it's Fook, Fook, yeah, too bad we can't get a sound
clip of him saying it.
Yeah, I have no, sorry if I just butchered the crap out of your name.
He says, and that's why we don't like AT&T as a sponsor for the show.
Please jump on the forum.
I think you'll be able to find the post specifically through Linus's Twitter.
And he has a post talking about the sponsorship thing way in there, um, because Linus will
be reading everything in that topic and we'll see where to go from there.
Other than that, that's about all I have to say.
Going up very slowly in the comments, uh, way more notification, no, I shifted to the
Here, I'll move my laptop, there you go, I got a hundred megabit down and five megabit
I think ISPs should really only stop, should really stop, only make a Synchron internet
connection available.
I get way faster on my 4G than pile of crap, four megabit per second.
That's actually pretty beast.
Now, I've got a question for you and something that I hope some of our viewers are wondering
about because I've always wondered this because I've never done it.
Have you ever uploaded from your LTE phone?
We did.
I don't remember what the results were.
Because the stats it gives you are insane and I just want to see if the stats actually
measure up to real, real life experience.
But I guess that's one for another time.
But it's, it's, I hear you again, those are the, that'll be megabit.
And a lot of times when you're doing file transfers, the file transfer is read in megabyte.
So it doesn't feel like you're getting the same and you feel like you're getting chipped
But that's because there's that like eight X ratio between them because of like a bit
being a single.
I still pronounce it wrong and mess them up.
I really got to tighten that down.
I noticed it in the, it's a pet peeve for me just because I've taken so many networking
But I noticed it in the intro.
I think.
Oh, did I do the right thing?
I probably did the wrong one.
I did.
Not a big deal.
says, I don't know what you get there in Vancouver, but here in Edmonton, four megabit per section
is considered value.
And I hear you, the internet connections aren't out here, aren't fantastic either.
We have to pay a pretty hefty amount to get above that, but that doesn't mean that the
definition should necessarily change just because the internet in Canada and places
like Australia, I always have to call you guys out whenever we talk about internet because
it's horrible over there.
The next comment is actually perfectly about Australia.
Is it?
I'm going to move down.
Not to leave you, but keep talking about the previous one.
Just because we are lagging behind doesn't mean that the definition shouldn't change.
What people are trying to do in our areas is still increasing at the same rate.
We're getting these options that are available around the world.
That's not necessarily true.
I was just going to say Netflix, Netflix isn't actually available everywhere.
That is available around the world with certain things like VPNs, which apparently makes you
a pirate despite paying for the service, but whatever.
The definition shouldn't be held back by us just because our ISPs are jerks and push people
like Verizon out of the country.
While I might not necessarily be a huge fan of Verizon, competition would have helped.
I was stoked for them coming in.
Not because I would have switched to their service, but because hopefully our services
would have either improved in their deployment, so I would have been able to get a faster
internet connection, or would have gone down in price.
I was hoping for, honestly, either one of those.
This is Gary.
America is making Australian internet look good.
I don't know if it's at that point yet.
I don't know.
Because their internet connections are still much faster in most places, they're just not
changing the definition.
Australian internet's pretty bad, man.
I know you're probably trying to give yourself a plus one, but it's pretty bad.
A lot of people are just talking about using a VPN as the relaxation of bad ISP problems.
It may avoid ISP filtering, but it doesn't solve the underlying problem.
I completely agree with you.
That's not what I was trying to say.
I was just trying to say VPN-ing so you could get Netflix, which is getting out of filtering,
or allowing yourself to actually buy the service, or allowing yourself to get the American one,
which usually has way more stuff on it.
I wasn't trying to say that you, like, yeah, that's not what I was trying to say.
I think we're done with Twitter blitz for now.
That was, like you said, we carved some trenches.
We did.
We dug deep.
We built fortresses.
We didn't really blitz.
We built a defensive line.
One or two we blitzed.
One we specifically blitzed.
But anyways, moving on.
I had forgotten that we had said we were going to do that Twitter blitz.
I'm going to jump down and do sponsor spots now because our sponsors are awesome this
So if you go to slash wan show, you get a free seven-day trial.
I believe it was $25 a month if you want to jump on it.
I know one of our editors, Taron, who's unfortunately out right now because couldn't teach
him how to not have tendonitis because they don't even try.
That makes no sense at all.
But it could teach him how to be a better editor.
So he's been learning premiere tricks on there for a long time.
And you can actually see that in a lot of our fastest possible episodes because he's
done a lot of the editing for that.
And they're really cool.
Can I just jump in again?
I was complimenting you guys on the forum.
I like it when you jump in because you just make us look cool.
Fast as possible is fantastic.
I know.
I love that stuff.
It's great.
This is not, IT isn't unfortunately my full-time job.
I don't get to delve into it constantly.
It's an excellent channel.
Part-time job.
I've learned a bunch.
Yeah, part-time job.
I've learned a bunch from that channel.
If you're unfamiliar with that channel, check it out.
It's exactly as they say it is.
It's very quick.
It's very efficient.
They get to the topic.
Sometimes it's a little funny.
Like you get a little laugh in there, you get a bunch of information and you're done.
It's beautiful.
We're constantly hunting for more definitions.
The way I like describing it, we're off the thing, but the way I like describing
it is if, this is how I describe it to non-techies because I'm trying to like make them understand
what the point of the channel is because there's stuff on there for techies too because there's
some pretty high-end terms, but there's also like very simple things as well.
So how I try to describe it is if you walk into a store and you're reading a label and
you don't understand one of the terms on the label, you should be able to go to tech wiki,
type in that term, and there should be a fast possible episode on it.
It's a great way to describe it.
And if there isn't yet, suggest it to us and we'll try to get one done.
Anyways, can teach you a whole whack ton of stuff.
I think they have over like thousands of courses and they add new ones all the time.
So it's great.
And I especially suggested, I do this every single time we're talking about,
but I especially suggest it for people that are say in high school and want to, even if
you're not, but say this is my use case specifically, if you're in high school and you're into programming
and you want to go to post-secondary for programming, you can get a huge, massive, very noticeable
leg up on people by jumping on and learning things like Java and Python and your
more introductory languages, because you'll probably be learning that for, if not your
first term, your first two terms, because a lot of different places, they start you
off with Java and stuff.
So if you can learn the fundamentals before you go to school to learn the fundamentals,
you'll get really good grades in those classes and be rolling more easily.
And then when they, when they hit you with new stuff, it'll be easier for you to transition
because you'll hopefully be still carrying along with
It'll be just less stressful.
That's exactly my point, and you can manage, uh, you can, you can deal with other stuff,
which could be stressful, like living in a new area and have it, not having your friends
there and having to figure out how to buy food and dealing with having no money and
other stuff.
You can have a lot of stuff to deal with.
I think we both went through it.
Kind of different experiences, but kind of the same.
And again, he wasn't joking.
They're going to hit you with Java.
If you are going down this path, they're going to hit you with Java.
Not every school hits you with Java immediately, but I can pretty much guarantee you that you'll
be learning Java at some point.
Try and escape it.
There's, there's your challenge.
Just play what I may think of Java.
Not a huge fan personally.
Um, you'll, you'll learn it at some point.
The next sponsor is kind of a show actually.
It's mod 24.
It's happening on September 18th at 6 p.m.
Linus and I have to somehow figure out how to survive for 20 hours on stream.
I was going to add that Nick was going over the schedule and I was kind of listening while
I was, I was prepping for the, for the show we're doing here.
I know you're pretty tough.
I know you're pretty tough, you know, and someone was asking, I am the older brother.
I brought you up a little tough.
I think.
Good luck.
It's going to be rough.
You are in for it.
Oh yeah.
My intro thing was if we don't die, it'll be an interesting stream.
And if we wasn't exaggerating, that's, I thought that, you know, they're assuming there's much
more exaggeration than what is actually going on.
Your guys' schedules nuts.
We're going to be working a full day the day before, and then we're going to have to plan
and pack and everything that night and then take off at a pretty early flight, land, have
two or three hours before we have to be at meetings for the pre-show, then stream for
24 hours and then do the WAN show right afterwards.
So we're going to get like six, seven hours of sleep and then be awake for like 40 hours.
And be on camera for like almost the whole duration.
No, it'll be probably 25 and a half hours on camera.
Uh, don't know how we're going to survive that.
I know we have a few plans kind of that we're bouncing back and forth, like kind of shift
work kind of thing.
One thing I really want to do, which I don't know if we're going to be able to get working
is if you've watched the, the old iron chef, not the American iron chef, I don't remember
where it was actually technically from, but the old iron chef, uh, when, when the guy
goes out amongst the cooks, it's like squeeze on, this is happening, he's super cool.
I want to be that guy.
I want to be out amongst the builders, uh, squeeze on or sorry, Linus, this, this cool
guy is cooking up an amazing computer.
Uh, I don't know.
I think that could be awesome.
So tune in 6 PM, September 18th, watch Linus and I die while a whole bunch of modders try
to actually make really cool systems.
There's three teams.
There will be one champion.
Come watch to figure out who it will be.
Come check it out.
I'll be watching it on my, my second monitor there.
I'll be in chat.
So I'm going to try and pay attention to the chat as much as I possibly can and see if
someone can make it through the entire time.
Oh wow.
See you.
Yeah, that's the one name.
And like I'm going to track you too.
I want you to show up to wan show as well.
Oh, so 25 and a half hours.
I want to see if anyone can make it cause I don't know, it's been pretty intense.
We will see.
And that's it for sponsor segment D stuff and types and things.
Uh, types and things, types and things.
Destiny makes two, uh, almost just said $250 million.
All the money.
Real number sounded too ridiculous.
Destiny makes $500 million in the first 24 hours of sales, which is insane is the biggest
new IP launch in gaming history.
The previous record was held by watchdogs, although the totals are not readily available.
Especially because after their immediate launch, the sales went like that because it was not
what it was said to be.
And I know the PC guys at least were totally not stoked.
And I know the console guys were like, eh, it's not really as cool as you thought it
was going to be.
The Ted?
That works.
Pretty interesting word.
Everyone got it.
Said it was going to be, um, it is the highest selling one day, uh, digital console release
in history, which that's not nearly as surprising because as time goes on, we're doing a lot
more digital stuff.
Now with all that said, are you excited for the PC version?
If I said that wrong, if there is a PC version, yeah.
If that world exists, as far as I know, it's kind of a no at this point, but at the same
time, as far as I know, they haven't actually said no, which as far as we've seen, haven't
said no is actually pretty indicative that it will happen just months later.
Probably after the holiday season.
Yeah, exactly.
When no one has any money left in January, I think 27th GTA five, uh, it'll come out
at the worst possible time as I'm pretty stoked.
It looks cool to be honest.
I just, it doesn't look by a console.
No, I haven't seen anything that don't know if that's possible.
I don't know if it's going to buy a next gen console.
I know many things that are by a console.
Because they're on Wii U.
I was just going to say Wii U.
Wii U is pretty awesome.
And I still think it has more high def games than next gen.
I wonder how long that'll last.
That's pretty great.
Hopefully forever.
Um, yeah.
With the new like smash bros coming out and stuff and those new DLC from Mario Kart, I'm
pretty stoked on Wii U lately.
I don't know.
It's interesting that they made a whole butt ton of money, but I don't really care that
much because it's not on PC at least yet.
Are you, are you interested for it coming to PC?
Is that a game?
I am.
And I think it's completely because of all the history with Halo.
Like I fell off kind of at three, but one and two were huge.
Like two, that was when I was going, um, very small school in the States and the school
was very tech focused.
And so we all had LAN connections in our room, which was kind of a bigger deal because it
was 2006.
And we all plugged in our, a lot of guys had Xboxes and we would play Halo against each
other and it land incredibly well.
It worked incredibly well.
And we had games are legit.
Halo lands are Halo two was huge.
You know, when we'd be in our dorm rooms and you know, you'd kill somebody and then you'd
hear them running down the hall and they'd hit you with something like nothing ever like,
you know, a pillow or something, you know what I mean?
Like, or they'd yell at you and then they run back to their room and maybe you can kill
them before they got there, you know?
But there was just, it was a lot of good, warm, fuzzy feelings, you know, that came
from playing that game.
Um, so yeah, it kind of has me a little bit excited.
I'm also kind of excitable, but, uh, hopefully, you know, if it comes out, it could be pretty
cool because the other thing is just to keep rambling on about it.
There's not a lot of PC shooters that have me really excited right now.
You know, there's go, um, but counter-strike will always be a thing, hopefully.
And it's continuing to grow and counter-strike goes great.
Check that out.
But there's not a lot of, like lately the games I've been playing, there's really no
shooters that I can really, maybe I'm missing something.
You guys let me know in the Twitch chat or maybe you can let me know, but I'm not aware
of any big shooters that I'm really interested in right now because Cod just like drained
the whole industry.
Killed the industry.
I'm wondering if someone's going to pipe up in Twitch chat and bring up a name of a shooter
that I haven't really been thinking of.
Tribes Ascend.
Also, no.
Try it.
That's something I could look into.
See, TF2, I did play TF2 when it originally came out, but it's not, I think you're talking
more about new games.
A lot of people are saying toxic.
That's a good point.
I don't think it's out yet though.
I knew somebody would let us know.
Why is it not doing the scrolling thing?
But toxic is supposed to be a PC only thing, right?
I can't even select the chat to Google search it right now.
It's uh, it's not spelled right though.
I talked about it on a previous stream.
I know I have.
It's yeah, it's, it's spelled weird.
It's someone will say it, right?
Warframe not into Warframe.
Played that.
Wasn't super stoked.
I haven't heard of toxic.
That's definitely something I have to look at.
It's so hard to read.
It's going so quickly and it's not doing the scroll log thing for some reason.
T O X I K K.
I think I saw that.
T O X I K K.
You got that.
You got that backwards a little bit.
T O X I K K.
There we go.
Now I think this is like a PC only, I'm actually pretty stoked for this.
I can't believe I didn't think about this.
I talked about it on a, on a stream earlier.
It's my favorite thing about their trailer is they talk about all the things.
It's not, there's no like leveling system.
There's no, none of that.
And then they're like free to play and I'm like, Oh God, and then not, it was so good.
I remember that stream now because I was watching the trailer.
Uh, yeah, you'll, you'll be able to, you don't even really need the music to be completely
honest, so you can check that out and maybe I'll move on.
But this is actually a super cool trailer.
By reactor.
They like spelling things all craziness back to its roots.
It's actually pretty cool.
So it's, it looks kind of unreal-y no, yeah, no classes, no leveling system, like all this
kind of stuff.
And it's nice because it's a trailer for a game where they're like, we don't have all
this junk instead of, look, we have all this junk.
It's like, it kind of looks like Halo one and two, the feel like you were saying unreal.
It's kind of.
It's kind of like Halo two stuff.
Not exactly, obviously, but yeah.
No reload.
I actually think that's super cool.
No reload?
I know we're not showing this on stream.
I'm sorry guys.
It's on the wrong.
Thank you to those who threw that in the chat because again, this is something I just wasn't
aware of.
I totally forgot.
Frag legs is 1999.
I thought that was cool.
Double jumps.
Dodge and double jumps.
Super cool.
Yet again.
I'm okay with the vehicle stuff.
I'm sure they'll have levels without vehicle stuff.
Like this one probably.
Which again, you guys can't see.
I'm sorry.
Apparently the toxic site went down.
Good work everyone.
Well done.
You got to go back to everyone and see the free to play not thing.
Oh, okay.
It's at the very end, but either way, I was pretty stoked for that actually.
Luke, are you going to Iraq?
I don't think I'm going to have any tech conventions there for a while.
I saw that in the Twitch chat as I was clicking back to the doc and I was just like, I feel
like I need to address this one.
I don't know if there's maybe a rumor going around or something, but no.
Windows nine screenshots have leaked and they look pretty much exactly like we kind of thought
they looked.
Are you excited for windows nine?
I am because it's not windows eight.
Which I know that's super, but it's also the second like, that's my point.
Should we even the video run after that was not Linus likes it because he's crazy balls
Linus liked it because he had like 24 gigs of Ram and the fact that it was super inefficient
didn't matter because he was like, I have a lot of Ram, so it should be okay for everyone.
I'm like, that's not how that works.
If he went down to four, could he notice the difference?
Um, he might, uh, uh, seven.
I liked seven.
Seven was great.
And then I'm not a huge fan of eight at all.
Not a huge fan of eight either.
I think there's definitely some improvements.
There's stuff like every once in a while, I'm like, Oh man, that file transfer is so
It is.
It's like task managers.
Task managers.
If you could take windows seven, give me that transfer and give me the task manager performance.
Windows 8.1 actually performs better in games than windows seven does true.
Take those three, attach those to windows seven.
He's super stoked.
I'm happy for a decade.
Like I, and then the next thing is I just don't like how it looks, which brings us to
windows nine.
I don't really like the blocky style squares, rectangles.
I don't windows seven looks really good.
Look at this start button down in the corner.
Yeah, it's nice.
It's a circle.
It's like they made a square image and put a circle in the middle and then had a transparent
Instead of putting a big color on the screen and then putting a white block for whatever
your icon is for everything.
Why are you doing that?
It doesn't, no, go away.
I don't know.
This might not be shared for everyone.
It's an aesthetic thing, so there's definitely people out there that are going to like it.
And that's just me, but there's some cool stuff.
I don't actually mind the new start menu.
I'm hoping that it has a few different things.
I'm hoping one, that there is an option to get rid of the Metro style stuff on the right,
even though I will leave it on if you're able to custom configure everything that's there,
which I'm sure you're able to because it would be cool to be able to put different games
and stuff, especially if games, mainly, mainly games, um, and not like their games app, but
individual games would have these different size block icons that you could utilize.
Because that could be pretty cool, especially if like the main game that you play, if you
wanted the wide landscape mode button for it and it had like a really cool looking Metro
Or if you could pick what is the image for that button, right?
If you can load your own or screenshot your own and crop it and then put it on, which
that might even be a thing because I think that could be pretty cool.
It could be pretty cool.
I don't necessarily mind that.
Something I stole from you, which I'm not even sure if you do still, but is no icons
on your desktop.
Yeah, I do that.
I still do that.
It's sweet.
It looks so cool.
I can't even, it was so long ago that I was like, your icons are gone and I was a little
confused, but it was beautiful at the same time.
And then I completely adopted that and I still do that today.
So like you were saying, if you could have that, as you can see on, well, you can't see
my hand here, but if you could change those icons out, you could have your beautiful desktop
background with your beautiful monitor that you paid a bunch of money for and everything
just looks great.
And then when you open your start menu, you can have all the icons you want with the pictures
you want.
It still looks really cool because if you, if you do all the pictures you want for the,
for the, again, I'm going to say games, but I just, the reason why I'm saying games isn't
necessarily just because we're gamers, but it's because I feel like you get a lot of
really cool artwork.
So I think it makes sense.
I'm excited.
I think it'll do pretty well.
I'm just looking at the chat.
There seems to be a lot of people who do like Windows 8 and I don't hate Windows 8, but
there's some things I don't really appreciate.
For me, it's like the deeply rooted permission stuff.
And I know you can get around a lot of the start menu-y problems, which is why I haven't
brought that up by installing it on start menus and stuff, which you should not have
to do for one.
But I find whenever I use Windows 8 for an extended period of time, no matter what I
do, something always creeps through.
Something will always creep through and mess with me.
I know, I know Taran's system has serious issues because he's running dual monitors,
which should not be a thing.
I don't like this.
The high lady pop-up stuff, which you can make go away, but then sometimes it's frustrating
The search is just craptastic.
I don't know.
I felt like the Windows 7 search was completely superior.
For at least how I use it, the Windows 7 search I felt was a lot better.
Native Aero is good.
That's happy to see.
I mean, I'm happy to see that.
I don't know.
Not a ton of information, just some random screenshot leaks.
I know Microsoft has not commented yet.
Let me see here.
I am pretty excited for it, though.
Yeah, they're still not finalized.
The Verge says that the screenshots are genuine, so honestly, they probably are.
That new search button thing, just to the right of start, there's a magnifying glass
search button thing, despite there being a search thing on the start.
So I'm not sure what that's there for.
I guess we'll see later.
And Microsoft has not commented.
Sorry, what were you saying?
I was just saying, I'm pretty excited for Windows 9.
I think a lot of things have come together to make a really great operating system again.
Again, just like we did with Windows 8, probably not immediately at launch, but a little bit
afterwards, we'll do performance benchmarks, because that's one really big thing with Windows
8, is you get better system performance, especially when playing games, it's like a huge awesome
Yeah, definitely.
Here's an interesting article that I'm not really sure what I feel about, including with
the guy who posted its name, because this was posted by Anal Powder.
I was just going to call him Butt Powder.
Butt Powder?
When I was casting some StarCraft, there was an individual named Poo, P-O-O.
Great StarCraft player.
I remember that.
Intelligent person.
Why would he name himself that?
I don't know.
But we would refuse, the guy I was casting with and myself, we would absolutely refuse
to call him that, so we'd come up with an absolute abundance of ways to refer to him.
But yeah, we just refused.
You can do that with four members too, you could change it up as much as you want.
I'm going to call him...
Baby Powder?
Access Point.
Access Point?
Because AP...
I like it.
I like it.
You are now named Access Point.
So Access Point in the form.
Anyways, the GTX 980 will not beat GeForce GTX 780 Ti, this was on KitGuru, and that's
actually all I'm really going to show of that screen because it's not helpful to you guys
to see that because it's all text.
And apparently what's going on here is the GM 204 chip is not supposed to replace or
outperform GK 110 necessarily, so cards like 780 Ti and Titan Black should apparently not
outperform a 980 because it's not supposed to replace those ones.
It's more there to replace GK 104, which is...
I guess maybe.
But all this really means is that when they launch with their flagship of 980 and then
tear down a little bit, we're just going to have to wait even longer for them to release
like 980 Ti, and then that one will be faster than the 780 Ti, I guess.
It's a little bit weird.
Again, we're getting swamped in not very good graphics card naming schemes.
Why is that a thing?
Could that just not be a thing?
Can we just like write a letter with a pen and like paper and an envelope?
You know those letter things that we used to have?
Should we write a letter and be like, please stop?
I wonder if that would work for net neutrality if we wrote physical letters.
We're like, hey, can you read this?
Maybe you can't read emails because your internet's so bad because you think broadband at point
four point five megabits per second or megabytes per second is a thing.
I don't know.
Of course, reading emails on that is fine.
I just feel like naming shouldn't be hard.
Like, I just, I don't know.
Also, the cards are said to have four gigabytes of GDR five, which is not necessarily higher
than certain other cards.
But other later versions like custom cooler featured cards should have eight gigabytes.
Maybe we're expecting that would be an option.
So it's not super surprising rumors, just kind of disappointing because we're all hoping
for that flagship card to just crush everything in its path and move on.
So it's possible that it will not.
Even though nothing's released and we have no official benchmarking numbers.
So let's all just kind of hold tight and wait because that makes the most sense in my opinion.
And then we will see what happens.
Next up.
I keep on going to reach to change what screen I'm on before I've opened the correct screen.
Next up is a cursed entity talking about how the GTX 770 will be have a reduced price.
Lots of Nvidia news this week, but this is actually kind of AMD news at the same time
because they're reducing this price for it to compete with the two eighty five because
the 760 kind of lost and that was its direct competition.
So I think they're dropping the 770 to try and make it look more attractive for people
looking at that price point.
I believe it is still like twenty five dollars more roughly the same price as factory overclock
to eighty five.
So not reference ones.
It's about twenty five dollars American more expensive than the cheapest to eighty five.
I don't know.
I'm not surprised at all.
Nvidia seems to be doing this.
And this actually ties into the talk earlier where we were saying even if we didn't want
to switch to Verizon, it still would have been better that they came into Canada because
Nvidia would not have dropped this price if it wasn't for the two eighty five coming in
and actually doing quite well.
Two eighty five didn't come in and look very attractive for people wanting to buy graphics
Nvidia wouldn't have dropped the price of the 770 because all they're trying to do is
they saw the possibility of a surge of people no longer buying their graphics cards.
And they were like, hey, you should probably buy our graphics cards because look, oh my
God, they're cheaper now.
And they wouldn't have done that if it wasn't for two eighty five coming in and stopping
No, of course not.
That's again, that's about it.
There's not a ton of in-depth stuff for the graphics card news this week, but I don't
Still still interesting.
Another as if we needed more of them reference as to why competition is good.
The next article that we have, we're looking at the doc again, which is fantastic.
The next article that we have is by Victoria's Secret.
And this is the article that we're talking about.
This is an amazing forum post.
What kind of started me on that launch of you guys are doing a fantastic job.
This one started.
So if you scroll with me.
Yeah, we're going to look at the sizes here.
This is a 5S sporting a four inch screen.
I know my grandfather was visiting for a little bit.
He's got a 5S.
It really felt tiny.
It felt small.
Minuscule, maybe I guess you could say Apple realized this and kind of I'm kind of a hater.
The iPhone six will now have a four point seven inch screen and the plus will come out
with a five point five inch screen.
So they're going big.
I found it quite interesting that they didn't even have an option at all for a four inch
screen, which would have parred their previous phone, especially with how Jobs always used
to talk about offering the like the I don't remember what he called that size, but like
what he kind of thought was the best.
They're going completely away from what he said they were going to do.
They would never release a budget iPhone.
iPhone 5C came out very quickly.
They would never release a tablet.
I believe he stated what size the iPad mini is smaller than that.
So they're actually going away from a lot of things that he said they would do.
Well, we'll see how it plays out for them in the long run because you look at the history
of Apple, basically, I'm going to guess not well.
It could it could get worse for them.
Like there's silly things like I think you can see it on screen right now.
We're seeing that the iPhone is getting thinner.
Oh, God.
Which I don't believe even I'll find the camera at my at my fire hall.
There's a guy who has every Mac device on the planet, his whole ecosystem is is Mac.
He had the three GS, the four, the four S, the five, the five S will now have the six
He's confirmed with me.
No one cares about the thinness of this phone.
No one does.
What they do care about is the battery, which they instead of, you know, keeping the phone
at a seven point six millimeter, which I can't tell you what half a millimeter is like, I
can't do that.
Canadian school.
I can't do that with my fingers.
It's too small.
Where's the battery should have been improved is what is what I'm trying to say.
Yeah, there's what there.
This is the picture that I like.
No, it wasn't.
He has one.
And here's a better one.
This post is so good that there's too much information.
It's not in the watch stuff.
So jump back up to here.
You can see a big bump on the camera.
I'm going to circle with my mouse right now.
Big old bump.
And what a ton of people have been saying this is we're not the first people say this
at all is they should have just left the phone a little bit thicker and not had a freaking
bump on the camera and had a bigger battery.
How did you not think of these things?
I know why.
Because you don't have jobs anymore.
What are you doing?
My this is going to be a little odd comment, but if it's laying down flat, how is that
bump going to awkwardly affect how it sits?
Also if it moves across like a table, if there's something to catch where it'd be sliding,
you know, flat, will it catch?
Will that become a problem?
Will that possibly be good for it?
A fragile point?
I'm assuming, now I don't know, I probably should have looked into this, that they're
going to have like bumper style cases which will line up with the camera.
I'm sure the cases will have to coordinate for it, but a big thing is I know you've said
that you don't like cases on your phone.
Like one of your big problems with, and we forgot to actually talk about how the Note
4 is constructed, you're a really big fan of how it's made.
Very solid.
I really hated the backs on the old Samsung phones.
Personally, I don't really care that much, because if I grab my phone, I'm pretty much
always going to have one of these guys on it.
I don't have my phone on me, but I pretty much never have a case on it.
But it's just, it's an excellent, and we don't actually differ on that much, but that's just
one of the random things that we differ on, but it makes a difference.
How your phone is going to fit, especially with a premium device, it matters how your
phone is going to fit without a case, without that extra, you know, protection.
It needs to function on its own, so people like Luke and people like yourself can have
that experience.
How's that going to work?
I know because, and I was really excited when I saw this video, because I was like, yay,
he agrees with me.
But Marcus Brownlee released a video on why he doesn't use a case on his phone.
So if he's releasing that video, that automatically means that a whole bunch of people aren't
going to be doing it, because a lot of people follow him, which is fantastic, because he's
really good at what he does.
But you can't just, I don't know.
It seems like such a crap compromise, and not something that would have been done if
Steve Jobs was still there to lead the ship.
I just make it that, what was it, 0.5?
I could be wrong, I've got to scroll back up here, I believe it's 0.5 millimeters.
Like, you know, take it up to that slightly, slightly larger thickness that no one cares
about, and insert a better battery.
You know, just grab some more milliamps, improve your battery.
First conversation that goes around right now with smartphones and even smartwatches
is battery.
Batteries and smartwatches is huge.
We're going to talk about the 360 in a minute or two here.
First we'll talk about the Apple Watch, I almost said iWatch.
Batteries are a huge deal.
Batteries are what's holding back the entire industry.
You could put an i7 in your phone, you can't power it.
You know, batteries, I'll stop my rant right there, but batteries are the issue.
One of my favorite things, I'm trying to find it right now.
Sure it is, yeah.
I like his commentary, Victoria's Secret's commentary through this.
Amazing post.
Aw shit, it's about to go down, surface worry.
I think.
And then it's like, one more thing.
Which you're at an Apple conference so, just so you know, we're not done yet.
Because they say one more thing every single time.
And he's like, watch!
I mean, con!
No, I mean watch.
I love his commentary through this, it's fantastic.
I really like what Brown Ninja and Victoria's Secret have been doing, making their posts
very much their own.
Their watch looks super boring, except for the band, which is awesome.
But then again, the actual watch is like, not interesting at all.
I've heard tell that the 18 karat gold version is going to be like $1600 or $1700 or something.
If you're buying an 18 karat gold version Apple watch, you're probably not watching
this, let's just be serious.
Yeah, and you probably don't care that it's that expensive, but still.
They do, other than the ridiculous things that are potentially on your screen with the
icons, they do look pretty cool because of the band, again, and all the different customizable
options you can have with the band.
They're nailing the band, which I believe other smartwatches aren't necessarily, but
they're nailing the band.
Especially the Qualcomm Talk, they didn't nail the band on that one.
But the...
Not necessarily the actual watch.
This like weird astral storm of icon bubbles that you have to like zoom in on with your
side dial.
What the heck?
Excuse me.
What the heck is that?
It moved him to hiccups.
It did.
That's how amazing that was.
What the heck is that?
What is going on?
So instead of...
They're saying that it's not big enough of a screen to probably do like pinch and whatever
unpinch is.
What is this?
Moving apart your fingers.
We're naming it.
The finger spread.
They say it's not big enough to do that properly.
Then don't.
Don't the other iWatches actually get... or iWatches, don't the other smartwatches get
around that?
Isn't it mostly...
You sound like those...
I'm going to segue a little bit.
You sound like those...
The NFL guys that called...
They're calling all the Surface.
They put...
What is it?
Like $440 million?
NFL got a $400 million contract to show off the Microsoft Surface.
And then the announcers called them iPads.
Then they keep calling them iPads.
Imagine you were the Microsoft rep.
I would be so cheesed.
How can you not be cheesed?
They're literally advertising for their opponents after they put in a ton of money.
And if you look...
I actually saw a picture on that same article.
When they go see the replay, like the side of it says Microsoft Surface HD and all this
kind of stuff.
They have the naming in the appropriate spots, but...
And they even have these coaches where if you don't follow football you won't know any
of the names.
But that's totally fine.
They have these older school coaches using them and actually using them on the side.
Not just product, like they're actually using them.
It's kind of a big deal and it's especially bringing advertisement to a market that might
not be extremely educated on things like the Surface.
And yeah.
Screwed by the announcers.
It's just ridiculous.
Not even in the dock.
I just...
I thought about it.
No, it's not in the dock.
Your dock is up again.
There we go.
I'm in the right one.
I'm never the one that controls the screen.
Again, the bands look really cool, but I'm just super not stoked.
And speaking of super not stoked, let's move on to the Moto 360 because I was like, I am
going to buy this.
And then now that people have actually been talking about it...
You guys were talking about it on your last stream, I believe.
You were saying you might be interested.
Because I was pretty sold on a Moto 360 and a Moto X.
And now I'm not entirely sure if I'm still on either.
It's been one week.
That's tech.
That's why we need fluid definitions.
Oh, yes.
Things change in a week.
In a week.
Speaking of you, broadband.
Jumping down here a little bit.
This is Geekbench.
This is not what we're looking for.
Battery Life.
Android Wear Notification Test.
What's up, Moto 360?
Nothing's up.
They're dead.
They're recharging right now.
I am interested and I'm hoping we get one for review, not even necessarily to keep it,
because I want to actually wear it and see how long it actually lasts, because...
And how useful you find it.
That's the thing I'm really...
Because a watch is a fashion statement.
Now can you combine that fashion statement with some interesting notifications and interacting
with your phone well and staying alive?
That's a big thing.
It's just dead on your wrist.
What's the point?
Sorry, I'm going to interject you for a sec.
When you said staying alive, the first thing that clicked in my head was survivability.
It maybe has a detachable knife or something.
I don't know.
Keep going.
I don't know.
I'm just...
I know you guys were talking about it last week, and this is completely your guys' industry
and it makes sense.
I know Linus is all about it, and that's awesome.
We need people like that.
I'm not sold on smart watches yet.
They have not sold me, and the 360 sold me on the look, and I believe we have a comment
I'm not even going to try a shot at that.
It calls the 360, beautiful outside, ugly inside.
It is beautiful on the outside.
It's the first one that I've even thought that.
The Apple Watch, usually...
The band is nice.
They're well known.
The band is nice.
They're well known for making visually appealing, to most people, products.
I'm not sold.
I'm just really not sold on the whole market.
There's my...
Linus uses it, and honestly, if I didn't know Linus so well or if I didn't work with him,
I probably wouldn't be sold on them either.
But seeing him use it through his day-to-day and seeing his use case for it makes way more
sense and has me interested in it, because he's not trying to do anything on it.
See, that's awesome behavior.
He just reads it.
So if he receives a text, he can go like this, go, okay, not necessarily important, don't
have to deal with it right now, and goes back to what he's doing.
Another thing I read online that was interesting was it's...
Because we have the whole kind of push.
I forget what it's called, but you remember when you'd put your phones in the middle of
the table when you're out to eat, and you can't pick up your phone.
Phone stack, yeah, things like that.
It kind of helps enable things like that, because you're looking at your wrist, and
you're reading something, and you're putting it away without the whole, I'm bringing my
phone out, paying full attention.
Because the problem with phone stack is emergency calls.
So if you get a call from your mom, maybe you can break the phone stack game.
If you get a call from your buddy, then you can be like, I can't pick it up, because it's
just my buddy.
And that makes more sense.
But just the idea of keeping your phone in your pocket a little bit more, and trying
to get away from us.
So I feel like I get a lot of messages, like emails and whatnot, all the time.
And I'm constantly checking my phone, but a lot of time it's like, oh, I went to another
convention and I had to sign up for my badge, and you have to put your email in, and it's
another tech convention.
So they give it to every single vendor and host there.
So I'm just getting spammed like crap.
And it's another email that I don't need to check, but it has me constantly doing this.
And it would be nice if I could just look at my watch and go, oh, it's spam.
And then just be like, whatever, I'll deal with it later.
And then once I get down to a desktop, just select a whole bunch of things and report
spam and move on.
Well, another thing that just kind of popped into my mind, because I'm always worried about
battery life, is would that not inherently assist the battery life on your phone, using
your watch?
But you are constantly pushing to it with Bluetooth.
That's true.
Good point.
I wonder how much Bluetooth pushes compared to turning your screen on every 10 minutes.
It's actually, right when you said that, I know it drains because of the Bluetooth, but
I'm really interested now in a benchmark comparing that.
Because screen kills, especially like we're looking at this iPhone with a 5.5, 5.5 I think
it is.
I think 5.7 is the Note 4 and Note 3.
I don't have it up anymore.
But that screen, that's what kills your battery, is having that screen on.
People complain, like I use mine a ton at work for GPS, it's not the GPS that's killing
the battery, it's the fact that your screen is constantly on, constantly being lit.
That's what kills your battery.
So yeah, that would be an interesting little test.
I would like to try that, because especially with my Moto X and stuff, I can pull it out
without fully turning the screen on, because it just has the quick notification thing.
So it would be interesting to compare that versus a phone where you have to unlock it
to look at everything, versus using a watch and all that kind of stuff.
Because it is Bluetooth low power or whatever.
Anyways, a lot of this is due to it using a 1 gigahertz single core Texas Instruments
So that's straight out of the old calculators from grade 8?
That's pretty ghetto.
That's a 2010 era processor, when you're like oh 2010 wasn't that long ago.
When you're talking about mobile games, 2010 is ancient.
Mom has a tablet that I looked it up, it's from 2011.
It feels like a dinosaur.
In this technology, that's a dinosaur.
It's in the same league as the iPhone 4, not even 4s, or the Nexus 1.
I don't even know what they were thinking.
It's what is it?
48 nanometer process?
I don't see it in the notes.
45 nanometer process.
Which like dudes, how did you think that was possibly gonna be super great on battery life?
It's slow, it's battery is not up to par, scrolling performance is not great, and like
I know people talk about how performance benchmarks on watches are kind of dumb, and honestly
I kind of think they are too, but if it lags when you're trying to scroll through.
That's a problem.
It's gonna look bad, it's gonna feel uncomfortable.
That's not gonna be good at all.
I just totally lost internet, which is not good.
I lost it earlier actually, but it came back.
I think you were saying you don't really like benchmarks on watches, on wearable things
like that, but I think the most notable one to pay attention to is the battery life.
Battery life on a benchmark is huge, because they're not gonna last for multiple days.
I think it was the pebble that has the ink push, I'm saying that wrong, and I'm sure
I'll be corrected about a hundred times in Twitch chat, but with how it uses the ink,
the battery life is obviously incredible, but with using full screens, battery life
is a big deal.
Another device to charge every single night on your bed stand, right?
Otherwise it's not useful.
Wait, someone just said the stream's down, I don't think it is though, I think they're
So I think we're fine.
Anyways, don't worry about that.
I got it.
Yeah, he's the only one that said it, so I think we're totally fine.
Should be good.
Someone said next topic time though, they are right about that.
Yeah, okay, so let's move on to- We've been jumping around so much.
I know, that's actually kind of a problem.
We could talk about Nvidia starts a legal battle with Samsung and Qualcomm over patent
See, I really think we talked about this last week.
It says last week never covered, but I'm like pretty freaking sure we did.
You know, I might have missed it because- Because I remember Linus and I were talking
about how Nvidia seems really big in our industry, but compared to Samsung and Qualcomm, they
are a very small man.
They are definitely, and reading through the posts on the- We won't beat this one up just
in case you did do it last week, and I always watch the timestamps because I'm usually working
at this time, so I always go back, watch the YouTube timestamps.
But someone was saying, you know, Nvidia's going to crush, but really Samsung is the
giant in that arena.
Samsung's kind of a big deal, and I got to say it again, Brown Ninja, good work.
That screenshot is beautiful, I'll show everyone.
Absolutely fantastic.
And I like this drop the mic thing too, it's just pretty funny.
Yeah, I don't know, that's going to be an interesting battle for them because it is
not going to be an easy battle for them at all.
Those are two really big players, but they do seem to be in the right.
But from what I read, it's a kind of messed up system, so sometimes it doesn't matter
if you're in the right, it matters that you have a super awesome lawyer.
So I don't know, we'll see.
Money and your lawyers matter more than anything, although again, to refer to the amazing posts
on your forum for way too many times, which will win, the Titan or the Dragon?
Just things like that.
It's just really funny, it makes it personal, makes it cool to watch, so thanks a lot.
I believe we had something interesting, I can't find it in rapid fire.
I feel like we're missing something.
Right, the Samsung Gear Blink, which is, it's supposed to be a rival for Google Glass, because
we totally need those right now.
Is Google Glass dead or what, as far as I know?
Did I tell you I tried it?
I just was not impressed.
I remember you saying that.
Linus grabbed it and was like, oh yeah, I'm going to do one of our iSwitched episode things
and try it out for like a month and see how well it goes, and then I think he lasted two
days and just ditched it entirely, because it's just not good.
I saw one guy at PAX with one, Seven Forcer just kind of standing.
I remember, because I saw him as well, him, that one person.
The individual, out of what, 75,000 or?
Yeah, and you know he's wearing it just because people are like, oh cool.
Again, I didn't click on it, and then I went to go switch screens, now I've got to go back,
click on this.
So yeah, if they're filing for patents with these, good luck bro, it looks just like Google
They look like safety glasses.
Yeah, yeah.
And I like the interest, this is the weirdest thing to pull out of this, but did you prepare
what I said last time?
It's just, it's so like, I don't know, I never read that.
It just seems so direct and forceful.
I guess they didn't, like, did you prepare the chicken salad sandwich?
They could have gone with something else.
Maybe that's what he means by what I said last time, maybe they were trying to make
sure that they didn't offend anyone ever, but it's just weird, and like the typing with
a hand thing is cool.
I'm not sure.
I have to see how it's implemented, obviously that's something you're going to have to use
before you can really, you know.
It's one of our rapid fire topics, we don't have a ton of research on this one.
What I'm super stoked for though is the, what is it, the Microsoft headset, or was it the
Intel headset?
I think it was the Intel headset, let me look it up real quick, I'm going to turn my screen
on to not looking at what's on my screen, because that's cool and stuff, and then go
to Intel Jarvis headset, yeah, the Intel Jarvis headset looks so cool, but then there hasn't
been kind of anything about it at all.
This one is not, there we go, you can see in that picture, so I'll share my screen again,
thanks for the pivot.
You can see in this picture it's not really, it's not like a heads up display on his glasses,
it just kind of wraps around his ear, and it's much more focused around being Jarvis
instead of, which is amazing, how freaking cool could that be, yeah, and it's, part of
the idea is local, local recording and local analytics of what you said, instead of like
the horrible, like it's cool, but still horrible, okay Google now, blink, blah blah blah, yeah
that's, it sits, waiting, waiting, waiting, because it's sent out to a server, then it
has to figure out what you said, then it has to send commands back, that being said it's
incredible that the whole process happens, yes, but we need to step forward, it needs
to be local on the phone, it needs, therefore being way quicker, way more efficient, not
using your data plan, you know we're talking about cell phones and our plans and how we
pay for them and all that kind of stuff, it's still using your data, it might be a micro
amount of data, but there's those guys out there with a 250 megabyte monthly plan, I
have 500 megabytes, you have 500 megabytes, it's horrible, so if I forget to turn on wifi
and I go home one night and I accidentally watch like a YouTube video, I'm screwed, you're
in a lot of trouble, yeah, so those little micro, we could call them transactions, micro
transactions of data matter, right, it matters, so it's a big deal, if you could have that
local on your phone, it would be so much quicker, so much more efficient, and also if you're
not in, you know, if you're out in a forest, like we were shooting, you know, way out in
the middle of a forest shooting this new movie, and the data, your data didn't work, you can't
do any of that stuff without data period, right, so it's just over, and if you've got
Jarvis in your ear, it's not over, it could still work, unless he has to Google things
and then it won't work, which would be unfortunate, either way guys, I believe that is it for
the show this week, I'm gonna play our intro, which is exactly the same as our outro, and
it's gonna be awkward, because I forgot to take the one overlay off, and there's actually
two overlays on there, so it's gonna start playing and then we like drag these things
off, but we'll be okay, everyone will survive. Awkward! There we go. Nope, I'm dead. We should
just, no, what it should be is Linus drops the couch, and then you just run in and pick
it up. I forgot her name, that was awkward. Mod 24. Mod 24 is going to be fantastic if
we don't die, and if we do die, it'll be fantastic for you, but severely not fantastic for us.
There will be three teams competing to build a super awesome mod, they will have 24 hours,
and there will only be one champion, whose cuisine will reign supreme. Squeeze on! We
have a really interesting mod going on on the floor right now. I really want to do that.
Anyways, hopefully you guys will tune in, it's on September 18th at 6pm. I'll be tuning
in. Come watch, it should be really cool, I hope it's really cool, and I really want
to see people in the chat, I want to see if someone lasts through the whole 24 hours of
Mod 24, and then watches the full duration of the WAN Show right afterwards, because
we're apparently doing the WAN Show right afterwards because we will not miss a WAN
Show. And then, moving on, we have the wonderful, the beautiful, with her very good
educational tools, which is not necessarily what you expect after that intro. If you go
to slash WAN Show, you can get a 7-day free trial, and if you think that 7-day
free trial is super duper awesome, you can subscribe for, I believe, $25 a month, yep,
and you get to learn a whole bunch of stuff. I know Taren here at work learns video editing
that way, none of our other editors do because they're slacking off, and if you are in high
school and you want to learn programming because you're going to take it in post-secondary,
I would highly suggest taking Java little courses things on because that would
be very, very helpful. Thank you guys for watching, and we will see you next time. Are
we going to do a short after-party thing? Are you going to hang out?
I'm down.
We're going to do a short after-party thing, so keep watching if you want to keep watching.