
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

There we go, that looks good again.
Okay, so welcome to the WAN Show.
We have awesome topics that we can hopefully talk about
on a microphone that is functional this week.
Two companies that start with V have been shut down,
which will be two separate topics.
One of them was Vine, and the other one was Vessel.
So if you're starting a company in 2016,
maybe do not name it with a V at the beginning.
See, Linus Media Group, perfect name
for a company. Brilliant naming scheme.
Doesn't start with a V.
Perfect name for a company.
There's actually no V in the whole name.
Nope, nope.
Which is probably what really shows your craftsmanship.
Of that name.
After that, there was also announcements
from two different companies that sound like
they were announcements for products from the other company.
There was a laptop and an all-in-one PC announced
from Microsoft and Apple.
So, uh...
I don't know, like, which one was from who yet, somehow.
We'll just leave the guessing game to you until later.
Purple Prince"]
Cable mode!!
na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na cable mod
Huh, I'm actually listening to us like yell out the sponsor names behind the music right now
Because I'm actually I'm actually monitoring the stream which with the delay on twitch is actually a nightmare
Incredibly distracting. Oh, I thought you plugged into the computer. I was like, why are we delaying so much?
It makes so much more sense now
No, I'm listening to it here because I really really need to know if this cable was the problem
And if it turns out that this USB cable was the problem, I would personally destroy it. Yeah on stream
Yeah before this show is over
So I had a micro USB die in the car once and Emma's was sitting beside me and I ripped it in half with my hands
Because I was so mad that's pretty good
So pissed off metal and I wrapped one around each hand and then pulled it apart
Can't remember what it did it like failed me in some way. I'm gonna try it's really different. This is like
Hard sleeved and stuff. Yeah, I'm gonna try anyway, I wouldn't mine was like thin and I'm still gonna try. Okay
I don't mind. I don't mind failing on camera. Okay, not a new thing for me. Is it still working?
It's oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, it's still working. It's probably the cable then
Yeah, probably the cable I'd go I'm gonna turn our mic down a little bit here cuz I just grabbed another microphone
without actually like
Checking any of the settings whatsoever. What is this the same mic? We just changed the cable not the mic
This was a sec. No, wait, this was a different mic though. Yeah, and we were testing you put it over there
So that's probably why it's
We'll go ahead we'll do that. Yeah
All right. So why don't we jump right into our first topic here?
Oh, this is am I am I on the wrong am I on the wrong doc? No. No, actually this is terrifying just yeah
Okay, so the original article here is from the verge. Oh speaking of terrifying. I
Have not checked my screen share yet today
Let's see if it works I'm excited. Oh, oh, okay. No, it's fine. I thought I thought it was shutting down
First time's a charm when show
Oh something works always works all the time
It's nice
AT&T to buy HBO
CNN and the rest of Time Warner for more than 80 billion, so I've got a riddle for you. Okay
What's the only thing scarier than a ginormous?
Ginormous corporation that owns all the media that you consume an
Even more ginormous corporation running that owns that owns the delivery
Media through which you receive all the media you consume. Yeah. Yeah
Yeah, this might be one of the only things on planet earth that I
You and Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump all all agree on. Yeah, this is terrible. Yeah
Should not happen
It's the worst. I
I love the I love the sub headline that deal includes Batman. Oh
Okay, thanks deal includes the one that's still somewhat relevant superhero for Warner
Oh for Warner, okay. Yeah, I was like what no no, no, there are many other ones. They're just all Marvel. Yeah
Not a ton of D. We're not gonna go over a ton of details here
but news of the merger first surfaced last Friday and
Actually, there are almost no notes on this whatsoever. Thank you Colton
Everything that I knew off the top of my head was more than what he had actually put into the dock here
Yeah, there's one kind of funny thing where
The US government summoned the wrong Time Warner CEO
To like talk about stuff. They they summoned Robert Marcus the former CEO of Time Warner
Instead of Jeff Bewkes, who is the current CEO of Time Warner. I
Can't imagine that that would be hard to figure out
So I'm kind of surprised that that happened. But either way you would think so this comes on the heels of
other ISPs also looking to expand their their digital media
Footprints and I guess that leads us pretty well into what will be one of our biggest topics for today
even though the list of people on earth who care is
Definitely less than the number of people who will watch this video
This has a significant impact on us and to a core group of our viewers. Yeah that are
Legitimately paying a monthly subscription fee to view our content
which is which is pretty pretty unbelievable to us and there are many many more of them than you guys likely
Realize so Verizon is buying Jason Killar's video start-up vessel and
Promptly shutting it down. So October 26th, which was on
Wednesday October 26th the news broke we found about it at found found about it found out about it
We found it. Thank you. This is why I like having yeah, cuz like sometimes I sense no make so
We found out about it on the 26th of October and
The deal is done. Not just not just done like vessel.com is shutting down on
October 31st
One two three four five days
Three of which are business days. It's got to be one of the fastest shutdowns after announcement
Yeah, and hold on a second. Hold on. No. No, this is posted October 26 at 5 30 p.m. So like
Okay, one wait, no, that's that's still right. I still I still had the numbers, right?
Numbers right still I had makes sense. No. Yes, excellent. Um
So I'll try to do a sponsor spot like that
That would be terrible for everyone yeah, yeah us sponsored viewers
No one would win
Poor Nick, he'd have he'd have like a brain tumor. Um, all right, so vessel launched about 18 months ago
What else we got it's it's it was helpful for us. Yeah. Well here why don't I why don't I kind of talk about
Pre-shutdown and then you can go through what's gonna happen post shutdown. So
So pre-shutdown vessel launched with the promise of giving creators
Kind of like how what what would I compare this to? Okay, so giving creators a way to
Provide some kind of benefit to what they called super fans
So some kind of benefit that would drive super fans to
Pay a monthly subscription for the content and support effectively support the channels that they watch
in a way that is
much more financially beneficial so more money per view than ad-supported platforms like youtube
Remember youtube red was not a thing at the time. So the idea was that with a three a five or a seven-day window
Viewers who's paid three bucks a month for the entire vessel platform would get early access to all the content on the platform
And some things about this seemed like a pretty good idea to me at the time and i'll run you through some of the reasons
So number one is being able to monetize views
More than the fraction of a cent that we get for a youtube ad that was a big one number two
The ability to pull some of the content and some of the uh, some of the audience off youtube
Yeah, so the ability to pull some of the content and some of the uh, some of the audience
Yeah, where we are reliant on the goodwill of google for our continued existence was a huge one for us
Like actually really sketchy massive because it was I had already dismissed joining vessel. I was done
I wasn't gonna look into it and then google pulled a thing where they were like, okay, we're gonna crack down on creators
Having native advertising that they bake into their videos
And like it's gonna get real and if they want to have native advert if they want to show a brand logo in their video
That brand is going to have to go through google to buy out all of the different ad units on that video which logistically
How does that even like for how long like it didn't even make any sense?
And so we were like, holy crap, we need something
So vessel also offered us that
And for the first the other thing they offered was one free year to our viewers, yeah
Uh, which was which I thought was pretty cool because the way that I looked at it
This was a silicon valley startup and i'm not going to say that I I saw the platform failing coming
Uh at the start it actually like I was like on board. I was like ready to ready to do this thing
Um, but it's a silicon valley startup that's signing a one year contract with us
Or sorry, it was uh, it was an 18 month contract
18 month contract I think with the
Potential to renew for another 18 months as long as no parties wanted out
So it was like a three-year contract with an 18 month out the first year of which would be free
Yeah for all of our users. Yeah, so I kind of looked at it like
I mean
And we were allowed doing simultaneous content when it came to like show content
Or timely content like wan show and stuff like that. So we didn't think it would hurt anyone
So we worked out a deal where?
You know and we were at that time also looking at ways to make ourselves
less reliant
On the pace at which new technology was being released
So that was right around the time that we were developing concepts like scrapyard wars
concepts like uh
moving vlog concepts concepts that did not rely on
Razor or apple or microsoft to deliver us some new shiny thing
That would drive people's interest in our videos trying to make it more personality driven more
Uh project driven, you know compensator 2 is right over there. It's going to be a great video and
Did not rely on any single hardware to be released so that we could like
Go viral by dunking it in water for an hour or whatever the case may be
So all of these things kind of aligned for us and we went oh, yeah, not to mention that
Wait, am I allowed to say that? Okay, so
What I don't know can you hint no so, okay
long story short
Through vessel we were able to make a lot more money per video than we were without it and right
This was the other thing I had just signed the deal on the warehouse that we are sitting in today
I had just signed the deal the mortgage deal on it
Came out with their thing that was going to
Significantly affect our ability to monetize our videos a very scary time and vessel offered us the opportunity
To better monetize our videos right at that moment. So
I had
Like a down payment to make on I had a tenant improvement to do I had to build an office inside this building
I don't know how much you guys know about like leasing renting or buying commercial space but like
You're lucky if it's an empty box
Because then you save the money that it would cost to rip out whatever stupid thing the previous person put in
And get it hauled away to the landfill. So
so there you go and
So now in terms of what happens to people who are already subscribers
Uh, you will be provided complementary access through the month of october also known as like a few days three bucks
Yeah, you were given a refund till the beginning of october
Yeah, so if you bought an annual sub so you will have hopefully get like a pro-rated thing
Yeah, if you were subscribed through itunes, which I didn't even know was possible. But sure
But sure, yeah, if you were subscribed through itunes, you need to contact apple customer support for a refund
Well, that's what you get for subscribing through itunes. Yeah
Um, and you will apparently be receiving an email with instructions and yada yada yada
So if you're a vessel subscriber check your email
Yeah, um basically it got people asking what does this mean for nerd sports? Great question
I don't think we know
Yeah, so, um, we have a call with go90
Next week, uh, which is a subsidiary of verizon also an online streaming platform
not an early access platform and my
is that
If verizon owns vessel
But did not keep the content creator contracts like ours
To produce early access content in place
But did keep the employee contracts presumably to move on to another project because vessels.com is going away then
Content creator contracts that are not the standard ones like the exclusive content
Ones seem to be in kind of a gray zone. Yeah
So we will have to find out really sure how that works. What is going on?
With that. Yeah, I I some people are asking what is going to happen in the future for like viewers that weren't on vessel
Uh, probably nothing noticeable. No, so i'll tell you this much
We are not planning to take our seven days of buffered content and dump it onto youtube in one day
This would be an enormous disservice to me
Luke and all the other people who work on those videos because however many of you go
Yeah, that would be great
i'm gonna binge watch the crap out of that the cold hard truth is that due to the way the youtube algorithm works
If we step on our own video releases with rapid fire video releases
it significantly decreases
the propagation of those videos in people's sub boxes suggested videos suggested channels and all that stuff
so we would basically be
Significantly and like i'm talking like we could get half as many a third as many a quarter as many views on those videos
we would be
Significantly damaging the impact of those videos by just dumping them all on youtube at a time and having a buffer is really helpful for us
Anyways, because that could afford us more time to work on really super cool stuff. Like can I reveal the thing behind me?
Yeah, yeah, like this thing which you can't absolutely see that. Well, yeah, that is uh desk pc part two
Well, yeah, that is uh desk pc part two. So that's that's its current state
Yeah, and that kind of stuff can take a little bit and being able to stand it's fine
It's like crawling on the floor and he's not he didn't even go in frame
Yeah, so I don't know that kind of stuff could be awesome
So, um
So, yeah, I guess should we take twitter blitz questions? We've got um, we've got no i'm i'm falling in twitch chat
All right. Yeah, we've got uh, we've got other people in twitch chat asking
Uh, if there's any possibility that we would look into creating our own early access platform
I won't say no
I I think there's I think even with a fairly rudimentary system maybe through our forum or something like that
I think there are tangible benefits that we could offer people
um for like
a month some kind of a monthly fee and we haven't really talked about
How much it would be I was wondering if you're going to give examples of the tangible benefits or not
I'm, not sure if we should I don't I don't I don't know
Okay, so on vessel right now probably or maybe shortly after wan show there's a video where I talk about these things
So I guess I might as well just uh, it's it's just like me sitting at my desk
That's what I was recording when you came upstairs. Oh, yeah. So are you just putting it on vessel? Yeah, it's only going on vessel
That's cool. So basically what we're what we're asking people to do. No, I don't think that's the
No, I don't think patreon is the answer because patreon we've talked to them before about building
Like an api or working with the apis that exist for other platforms to more tightly integrate
So if someone was a patron we could offer them a coupon code on teespring or something
And they have expressed
Zero interest which seems insane developing those kinds of relationships and those kinds of benefits
Which to me is very frustrating because right now
Patreon is basically a money collection platform and not much more. Yeah in my mind. Yeah
Because everything that the creator
Does as a benefit to their patrons has to be
Has to be manually done like yes, you can you can upload a small video or photo or a post other than that
But if you wanted to do like a merch reward or a coupon we're not huge fans of exclusive
Like actually constantly exclusive stuff. We like share if we're going to make something
We generally like sharing it with everybody and generally and and even if you were to do like stuff that you can't do for everyone
Like if you wanted to do at a certain tier like a signed
Patreon doesn't have like a fulfillment center partner
Yeah that we could just fill an entire box full of signed shirts with and send it to them like they don't really facilitate
your ability to
uh to to actually
execute these rewards and it's an inherent problem with the platform because
Most of the creators on it are small time creators for whom the burden of signing 200 hats
And then packing them addressing them remember international shipping is a bitch. Okay
Actually shipping them paying for all that like to get
It's it's overwhelming it hurts their ability to create content
Which is one of the main reasons that Linus tech tips does not have a patreon
It's something that we tried for channel super fun and that in my mind has largely fallen flat
Given that
Like if patreon had the infrastructure so that you could more easily provide meaningful rewards like something like a free vessel membership
at a certain
Patron level that would have been really cool. One thing that I really liked was the teespring discount idea
Yeah, I actually loved that idea it made tons of sense because if if you're going to contribute to a patreon
Yeah, in my opinion one of my favorite things to buy is like a shirt
Yep, or like like one thing that i've been interested in is like the cgp gray sweater
Sure, because cgp gray is great and his sweater looks cool and I was like
Maybe and I might i'm not sure but like that I like that kind of stuff because I like such commitment shows support
I mean all the women in the audience have wet panties over your commitment level right now
Yeah, my bad. I'm i'm thinking about it. I just I own like literally 15 sweaters and i'm really really
15 sweaters and I really really don't need any more. I just love sweaters. Anyways, um, I like the one you're wearing right now
Thank you. Yeah, I actually do like this one. I've been wearing videos more
Uh, because it's becoming winter time slowly anyways, but i'm also wearing shorts. So I don't know what's up with that
Who you are, but yeah being able to give something like that would be cool
And like like we actually genuinely tried really hard to get the whole vessel subscription thing going
Yeah, and like doing doing things and the other thing too is doing things that are part of a workflow
Yeah, um where you could do an out like an exception thing like a signed hat once in a while
But if you have things that are automatic
Like if I just create my videos and I upload them here and then a few days later upload them there and just automatically
My patrons get this stuff early things that happen automatically help small time creators
So they they didn't really get any of that done and I think you know
I think if vessel had managed to figure out partnerships like that
Or if they had managed to figure out how to get their creators really on board with what they were doing
Maybe they would have had success. They had a lot of big creator partners
Yeah, but it didn't seem like they had a lot of big creator follow through and yeah there I think that's perfect
I think a lot of the big creators saw the immediate knee-jerk reaction
Of viewers not liking have the idea of having to pay for something that they used to get for free and went
Whoa, i'm not touching that with a 10-foot pole. Yeah when the reality of it is
Viewers are now paying for something early that everyone can still get for free
And I think most of our audience eventually did understand that like it didn't it didn't change
almost anything
You still got like embargo date reviews
Exactly when they were supposed to go up you still got a video a day like nothing ever actually changed
And like there's stuff that people think is due to the vessel exclusivity period like the fact that we tweet about
Projects that don't get released for a month
But the reality of it was is that you were going to complain
If I tweeted about it and then it didn't come out for three weeks
The same as you were going to complain as if it's four weeks
Like we just we do work a fair bit ahead. We have a one week buffer in addition to the vessel one week buffer
Yeah for where we expect to be at for filming videos
There's projects that I will finish and I don't see go up on vessel
For like a while later because they'll just get pushed back if they're not timely if they're a review of something like the like
I think it was the nintendo controllers. Yep. I did that review. That's not timely those have existed for a while
That doesn't need to come out at any specific point in time. Yep. So I think those kind of sat around
We shuffle the schedule a lot. Yeah, so we'll prioritize new stuff coming in that's more important
Yeah, we do it all the time and
And sometimes things just take a long time. So the water-cooled playstation 4
my first email to uh
To uh dbrand sorry my first email to dbrand
Saying yo, this is like a dope af idea you want to sponsor it was on january 25th
of 2015 or 2016 rather
Months no nine months whatever that works out to many months
Before the release of the video so like i'm sorry for that
but some of the projects we do are larger longer-term projects and it just does take some time and some of them like
Like i'm currently i've had a lot of questions about this lately because and like I looked at my last personal rig update
And looked at the comments and there's a comment on there from like two weeks ago being like so where's part three?
It's been like so many months like over a year
I was like, uh, yeah, it's very close. I have all the computer hardware parts
but in part two
I just did like a theory crafting thing where I like showed people what I was thinking of doing
And everyone hated that for very good reasons because nothing actually like really happened in the video
So this time I want to know many of those theories at this point anyway, they're like gone
Yeah, that test bench is literally in the garbage can right now
I'm, not kidding. It's being taken out like next week. I don't want it anymore. It's gone
It's going to be gone, I guess um, so but I have all the new computer hardware including the case and everything
Everything's ready to go. What i'm waiting on is amethyst points and i'm not gonna explain why
Do you know why?
I don't know why but I know I should
Squarespace is the place to go if you want to build yourself a sick dope af sleek website
That looks great on any device whether it's a laptop a cell phone or a big ginormous
projector screen
I don't know that too many people
I don't know that there are too many people who browse the web on a projector screen
But I feel like I wouldn't be doing my due diligence if I didn't find out just how much of our audience
Browses the web on a projector screen how many of them browse it on a turnip browse web on projector?
Yes, no
And no, no, oh, what do I do?
Uh, you can just do a great poll. It's actually fine. Okay, cool
So you guys you gotta you gotta hit us. You gotta hit us in the twitch chat
Let us know sup so sup sup that should have been the third option
They've got 24 7 support via live chat and email
It's only 12 bucks a month to start and you get a free domain if you buy squarespace for the year
And they've got lots of great features that take
Building a website and make it so that normal people can do it and this is awesome
So my dad has been here helping me with desk pc and they're involved in this like construction company project
They're like shareholders or something. Anyway, so the guy who runs the company
Is taking advice from a bad it guy
okay, so
My dad convinced the guy running it that they should be in charge of like the outward marketing
okay, so the website is kind of under my dad which like
My dad's not not an expert by any stretch of the imagination when it comes to like websites CSS
Yeah, no freaking no. Okay, so
The woodworking looks great. So other than your with that said
My yeah, my dad would have no trouble with it
If it was a squarespace site for sure like you could handle that no problem
My mom made a beautiful website on squarespace the salty it guy
That has the ear of the owner is like real men have scratch coded websites
So basically he's one of those it guys
That creates work to keep himself important. You know what I'm talking about? Like, okay. Okay, I can understand
Squarespace is a wonderful platform, but they don't claim to be a wonderful platform for everything
They're wonderful platform for most things. Why don't I explain what the website needs to do? Okay
It's a simple company website. Who are we? What do we do?
Here are some sample floor plans and some pictures of some homes and here's how you get in touch with us
Okay, so he either should have been done that website in like an hour or two or should probably just see squarespace
Just like so so so so yeah
one of the great things about squarespace is that if you don't have a dedicated it guy to go in and update your
Website for the ever-evolving web standards or new browsers or whatever else the case may be squarespace deals with all that crap
For you our Linus media group comm website has sort of this is sort of embarrassing
Speaking of issues with updating we should be putting some of the new employees on it and stuff
But like basically hasn't been touched since we put it up and it still works exactly the way it did when we first did
So when you decide to sign up for squarespace, which my dad should
Make sure to use offer code when to save 10%
Mine still says aka slick PC. I know anyone mine still says CEO
Wait, no, that's right. Sometimes. I'm not sure. I thought janitor was more accurate. Yeah
Um, we have John we have Dennis. We do not have we do not have the latest
Wait for four
One two, wait is my wife even on there is he falling on there five
That's pretty bad that was pretty bad the other four there is actually four more I'm glad she doesn't watch when show they're there
There and there right? Yeah. Oh
Yeah, fresh book. So fresh books is the easy use invoicing software that helps small businesses
Use the time that they save not dinking around in complicated accounting software
To update their websites and do the actual work that they need to be doing
It also helps you look more professional when you send like sleek professional invoices
in a timely manner and you've got like all your expenses tracked and you've got all your hours together and you've got all your like
Mileage and it's all it all like looks so pro
They've got lots of great functionality including the ability to accept payments and all that stuff
So you can take deposits, you can accept credit card payments through the platform. You can even see
When your customers when your clients receive bills, so when you are whether you're running a small dance studio
Plumbing service a small time it repair. I'm sure i'm talking right to many of you guys in our audience
Fresh books is a way to make your accounting life easier
Even if you're not a number two
Fresh books is a way to make your accounting life easier, even if you're not a numbers person
Especially if you are not a numbers person
Uh, what else is there? Oh, yeah, and if you have any questions, this is fantastic
You can reach out to their support staff where you will speak to a real human like immediately no return calls
no phone tree, no, nothing you talk to someone they help you which like
Honestly for someone who doesn't have a background in accounting trying to run a small business
Is probably worth the cost of admission
Right there. Just having someone to talk to about how to use accounting platforms and software. Yeah
So if all that sounds pretty good
You can try fresh books completely for free over at freshbooks.com
Slash when and make sure you type when in the how did you hear about us section?
For our last featured spot. We've got cable mod
Apparently cable mod wasn't disappointed in our last featured spot on the wan show and they have decided to show off
Some of their dank af cables again. So cable mod, you may know them as the guys that offer custom individually sleeved
Uh, like like cloth style so you can't even see the colors of the wires at all cabling for pcs
But they also have a bunch of other stuff these days
So they are one of the leading guys when it comes to rgb lighting strips. They've got adhesive backed ones
They've got magnetic backed ones, which are superior by the way
Oh, yeah, as long as you have a case with any steel in it
Even if you don't I think you'd probably be better off taking little metal stickers
and like
like permanently gluing those because the problem with the uh
With sticking adhesive to the material that lighting strips are made out of is that it doesn't stick very well. Yes in heat
So if you just like put metal on and stuck them in the magnetic ones, it's awesome. It's nice
They're just I don't know they've got rgb
They've got rgb w so they have actual light leds on the strip. So you don't get that weird rainbow effect
They've got rgb uv so you can have uv as well as rgb lighting
But they've got a new product and that is their sleeved external cables
So now you can get like sick
Like razor edition if only I could plug this into my laptop
Um, like sick power cables ethernet cables go check them out. They do custom length sata cables
They do custom lengths of all their different sleeved cable cables
They've got a configurator that lets you individually choose what color every individual wire is and they're like super nice guys
I've known the guy who runs it for a really long time going back to my days at ncix. So, uh,
He's just like a super super good salt of the earth guy
so if you want to just feel nice about supporting a company that's like cool people then
Go use offer code ltt to get 20 off over at cablemod.com
That's actually a pretty substantial discount on like a hundred dollars. That's a pretty big deal. Yeah. Yeah
All right vine vine is gone. Also shut down also shut down
So twitter has decided
That they now agree with me
Why did we create?
A video sharing platform for six second videos when we already had twitter
They they bought it
Like just before it was launched
More or less. Yes, but I
I've never i've never understood or liked vine
I've always had tons of problems because for some reason the videos just wouldn't play most of the time
I never wanted to have the app because like I don't care
so I try to load the videos in like a browser which was supported and then they'd error out and they just
I just why why does it need to be six seconds? I don't understand and i'm i'm just happy it's gone screw it
I don't care. So you'll still be able to access and download your vines. The website will continue to be online
Creators will be notified before the company makes any additional changes to the website or app
But um, yep, that is that is pretty much it
You know what on the subject of you?
Saying that you didn't want to install the app
Do you think that part of this?
is due to
And okay, I I am going to i'm going to make something up because it's possible
Someone out there has talked about this or even use the same terminology that i'm about to use but I I haven't looked into it
At all, but do you think that it's due to something that i'm gonna call app fatigue?
Like it used to be in the early days of the iphone
You get excited to just like download everything. Yes. Yeah, it was like it was like
Holy crap. There's an accelerometer. I want like a compass app
Or like oh now I can use my phone as like a level
Like like there was there was an app
For for every stupid thing and your phone was just like like I remember my first iphone my iphone 4
My iphone 4 I had like pages and pages of apps. It sounds like a product
What does my first iphone my first iphone? I don't know why it just does whereas now
Every phone
Gets exactly the same load up load out of one home screen worth of stuff so that everything is close together
And organized i've always been very extreme on that. I could only have one page of icons thing
And I usually don't even like it being my home screen because I like my home screen just being clean
I just have it off to the side and it's only one page. So
For me a big part of it comes from especially on android especially on android
Random apps crushing your battery battery life. Yeah, and not even like
Due to the all the amazing cool stuff they're doing in the background just due to shoddy coding practices
And google's complete inability to prevent developers from sucking up all the power of your device
And especially prevent them from reporting that they are or not prevent them but not require them to report that they're sucking the power
Do you know how many times i've like had my an android phone just like
Be hot in my pocket. Yeah hot in my pocket pull it out
I've lost 30 battery in the last few hours. I'm looking at it going I go into batteries and
Go into battery and it's like android system
android os
Having consumed everything and like the screen's like two percent like i've hardly touched my phone that day
Drives me freaking crazy. So do you think that part of the motivation for this?
is twitter's
question of
Do we need what is already a weaker brand?
to distribute social media
Do we need to try to get past the friction?
That users have with installing more app more freaking apps on their phones
Finally, there was another reason
One interesting thing is that almost no one even downloads any apps
if you look at like overall actual statistics in terms of
Smartphone usage. Yeah, the the majority of people don't download any apps
I've got a straw poll for you guys though in the meantime while he keeps talking. Um, it's gonna be are you app fatigued?
And I want to hear from you guys and then getting up to i've been doing i've been doing way too much research
Because i'm currently working on my review for the pixel. I know the back doesn't look normal. It's because I have a skin on it
And yeah, the majority of people that have smartphones don't download any apps
You have to realize that this is the majority of people and now the majority of people have smartphones, right?
So like this is this is everyone. This isn't just you guys. I'm sure the majority of people watching the show download plenty apps
um, but like
We are probably not even necessarily getting fatigued, but we're probably getting to a a point where we don't
Want any more we're down to download apps. We just want to download the ones that we know that's a type of fatigue
Okay, I would argue I would argue that's new experience fatigue. Yeah kind of deal because I don't want any new apps
No, I just want the apps that I have to work the way that I expect them to and i'm down for them to gain functionality
Yep, and every once in a while i'll throw something unusual on like oh, I need to do a screen recording or something
I'll grab a z screen recorder, but i'll i'll like delete it when i'm done. Yeah, i'll clean it up afterwards
Exactly, like like when periscope came out. I loved the idea
So I downloaded the app, but I didn't really want to and I never really used it because I was like
I'd love to see periscope go next. Well, it's integrated now
Yeah, if you periscope stream it like does it through twitter anyways, I know but i'd love to see the periscope app
Just go away. No completely because it's unnecessary. It's extraneous. That's what i'm talking about
I'm down with twitter gaining functionality. I don't want to download a new app for the same freaking thing
So this is something this is another thing that drives me crazy
And this was the other point that I made when I was wondering about the motivation and why dilute a brand
Yeah, you see this over and over and over again
Do I I I I think with cars I kind of get it because an automobile purchase
You're trying to section things out a little bit is is such a large purchase and the the emotion the way you appeal
Emotionally to a car buyer is very different from the way that you appeal to
Oh, I don't know someone who's buying in my mind like a wireless access point
Like a wireless access point, um
That's a very specific reference and the thing about and the thing about car brands is that whether we're talking toyota or alexis
They don't they don't seem to okay
So so for the most part for better or for worse going back to your acura with that horrible airbag recall. Yeah the actual
quality of a honda engine
Is pretty much regarded as equal whether you're buying an acura or a honda
And the same goes for a toyota like they don't differentiate based on the the core functionality
A to B don't break down
They seem to be trying to deliver a pretty consistent experience regardless of whether we're talking about one of the more premium or a sub brand
The one that drives me crazy is the brands that try to differentiate on
Quality by having like a main brand like a known brand and then like a sub brand
So a perfect example of this back to wireless access points is ruckus
If you know enterprise wi-fi, you know ruckus ruckus is like
It's probably what you're using if you have good wi-fi reception in an airport or something
And then they introduced like a lower end brand aimed at small businesses called exclaim
I opened up the access point and it is a ruckus access point with like
One small difference like PCB is the same most of the internal components are the same
It's basically a firmware difference and i'm kind of looking at it going why not just have a lower
Why try to build a brand from scratch from nothing? Why not just have a lower line like a 100 series
And still use the same brand because you're clearly not differentiating on quality
Even if you're trying to have like a perceived difference
Because it's the same product. Why do this?
So I I know you're going to be able to answer this but flute 16 says why dilute brands lol
But you have three youtube channels
Okay, so clearly different that's that is that is more to do with youtube than it is to do with us
Yeah, if I could have one channel called linus media group that people could subscribe to in one click
Or I could have three shows called linus tech tips tech quickie and channel super fun
That people could individually subscribe to that would be perfect. Yeah, but youtube wasn't designed for that. We don't own the distribution
Yes of the videos. Therefore we need to
We got to play the game to control how we can distribute them as much as we possibly can and the best way for us
To do that is to co-integrate as much as we can if we if you go to the linus tech tips channel
Yeah, and you scroll down a little bit tech quickie is right there right there. You can watch the videos right there
Yeah, but the the reality is that the way that youtube distributes video to your subscribers
Is heavily algorithm based
Such that if you know
Half of our viewers weren't interested in channel super fun
Let's say every time this this linus media group channel dumped a channel super fun video out
It would increase viewer fatigue and youtube would stop distributing our videos and recommending them to people across the platform as much
yeah, the more focused your channel is the more likely you are to be picked up by the algorithm and shared and
Skyrocket perfect examples of this that we've seen in the last year. Uh our guys like what's inside
every video
Is the same formula or the pneumatic?
Thing yes, you crushing thing or someone like tech racks. Okay, you watch a tech racks video you watch a what's inside video
You know what you're gonna get a guy destroying an iphone in
Some kind of creative manner and a guy and his kid
Cutting something open and looking at what's inside it and that allows channels like that to experience the kind of explosive growth that we
For better or for worse never will because we try to tackle a broad broad variety
But even then we're limited if we tried to start doing like pet videos
Online as tech tips it would hurt us in a huge way. I mean we experienced recently a
Big drop in per video viewership that turned out to be due to us just having kind of a run of about five days of videos
That were below viewer expectations in terms of the interest level
and all of a sudden our new videos as far as we could tell we're getting delivered to maybe 60 as many people and
So that's why that's why we do what we do because we have to it's the game we're playing
What else?
Okay, lots of lots of people asking about Dennis
So, um, I got you
I I don't know
I don't know how much to say or not. Say I guess now that it's over. Should I just like
Be up front like what happened with Dennis? Yeah. Okay, so Dennis wasn't working here
For a long period of time actually
Um, basically what happened and it comes back to
My first conversation with Dennis where I interviewed him and I asked him if he had a Canadian work permit and he said yes
And didn't clarify exactly how long his Canadian work permit was valid for
Anyway, so he's a Canadian work permit and he's a Canadian work permit
So his Canadian work permit
So he had fortunately he still had visitor visa status
so he didn't actually have to like permanently leave the country and go back to Taiwan, but um,
Dennis has been gone
While we've been going through a very very long
tedious process
Anyone who wants to hire a foreign national who doesn't have a work a work visa
Has to go through and it's called an LMIA. It's a labor market impact assessment
And so what we have to do is we have to demonstrate that the that for the position
That we want to hire in this case. We want to hire Dennis that it will not affect Canadians
Who are equally qualified who are also looking for that job or that those?
Applicants would not be suitable for us
So that whole process took about six months because we actually began it long before
Dennis's work permit expired
as of
I believe it was uh
As of Friday last week, um, I had was it Friday
Last week last week. I had an interview with
With an agent who was reviewing finally like it took months after it was submitted for anyone to even look at it
But I had an interview with the agent and it really did not look very good
But thanks to Yvonne's diligence
Because she documented freaking everything like the agent was like why didn't you hire this guy who applied?
and Yvonne was like
Okay, we emailed him on this date
He emailed back on this date. He got a job somewhere else and the agents like okay moving on to the next one like
They dug deep. Yeah, and
Thanks to Yvonne's diligence
Effective November 1st, I believe yeah. Yeah
I believe yeah, Dennis is back at Linus Media Group
So there you have it. It has been extraordinarily stressful for us because Dennis is as you guys know
And I'm sure can appreciate an extremely valuable member of our team here
Um, we take a very, you know, no man left behind sort of approach to things
I'm not gonna I'm not gonna like I'm not bragging or anything but like
To me this kind of thing is very important. It cost us many thousands of dollars
To go through this process
In order to make sure that Dennis could not only get his work permit to work here
But it's also probably the last one of the last steps
For him to get his permanent residence and officially become a Canadian. So
That's that's been that's been really exciting for for me
And for him, so yeah, there you go. That is what we have been
The journey of Dennis has been very interesting very quiet about and uh, that's actually it feels good to get it out there
Yeah, it's like oh
I've addressed on like my thing, but the only thing I've said the whole time is that he's not working here right now. Yeah
That's all we're allowed to really say. So there you go. It was really close
Oh, man, was it close? Um, what else we got for topics today?
Of course. Oh microsoft. Oh, yeah. We haven't even talked about the microsoft and apple things and it's six. Anyways
Pornhub offers to buy vine six seconds is more than enough and you know what considering vines auto loop
That might be true
Yeah, there could be some pretty creative
Pretty creative x-rated vines. I'm sure yeah, I mean
Many banner ads for pornographic sites are basically vines
Really think about it Pornhub has promised to restore vine to its not-safe-for-work glory
Was there like not-safe-for-work stuff on vine? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, and then they tried to clean it up and make it advertiser friendly
And then now they're closing it. So that's that's the history of vine in 10 seconds or less
Oh, man, that's funny. All right, let's talk about the macbook pro. So the
Original source here is oh, hold on. No, I want to do those straw polls before I totally forget
Yeah, so browse web on projector. You guys are full of crap. Yeah 22% of you 22% projector sales go through the roof
That is everyone starts making them
Gigantic load of garbage everyone watches my dorm room tech video and they're like, wow. Yeah, everything in this video makes sense now
Okay, are you app fatigued?
78% of you saying yes, so I have to take these results with a grain of salt because you guys are a bunch of freaking liars
No, dude, 22% are not app fatigued and are watching this on a projector. Well projectors
You can't install apps on projectors bogus unless you had an LG smart projector. Oh dang
All right, so moving on to the new macbook pro
with uh
And with a touch strip along the top that replaces the function bar. I gotta say good move
I mean, it's not the first time this idea has ever come up the art lebedev
Optimist keyboard was the first one to have this idea
Oled displays behind every key and you could probably I mean to be honest. It's not the first time
It's not the first one to have this idea oled displays behind every key and you could probably I mean did that did anyone ever get one?
I don't think I ever saw it outside of concept art, but uh, that's like what got me interested in keyboards
Yeah, so I think that's what got a lot of people interested in keyboards. So so they they officially give a crap about laptops again, but
They don't seem to know who they're making them for because it says right here
macbook pro
It's not for professionals as far as I can tell but this this raises a lot of questions for me this here
Because the 13 inch model unless you dock it the 13 inch model
I'm docking marks from apple. That's what's getting docked right now, son
dang, uh my
A laptop dock why is my scroll considering the usb c port so this thing has whoa, those are expensive. Oh, man
every 13 inch macbook pro
No dedicated gpu
I'm, sorry. Are you kidding me?
20 25 50 for no deady gpu. No i'm down. I get it. So you got sold. I mean, this is the thing
It's like apple is the company pre-order that whips out the gpu performance slide
pre-order for them every time they release a new ipad or an iphone and talks about the importance of
heterogeneous compute
for for
For the performance of future computing devices. I mean this can produce graphics
And then intel iris graphics 550 and then builds a professional product bring it
That goes all the way up to
2500 us dollars. Hold on. No, we're on ca we're on ca so let's be cognizant of that
Let's try to go to us and see if that works. Okay, so let's bring it up with with the us prices
All the way up to 2 000 us dollars
with eight
gigs of ram
And no graphics card and not a single type a usb port i'm sold
No one will ever need more than eight gigs of ram
Mean to be clear you can configure it with more memory. Oh, but you wouldn't need to
So let's look at the 15 inch which you could make the argument is more of a is more of a professional great
Do they even have quad cores? Holy crap. No, I missed that. They don't even have dual cores
They don't even have quad core processors. No one needs more than two cores
Two cores eight gigs of ram like anything above that is you're just compensating
I don't even understand what this product is compensator call out watch the video is coming out. This is like
This is like macbook pro for students and I understand that it's like lots of students go buy a macbook pro
So so basically apple's given up on because my whole thing with apple is that so much of their marketing in the past
Has been around selling what people want to be
And selling what people want to do versus what they are and what they can do
so like an apple commercial is full of like all the amazing like videos that you create when the reality of it is is
It's a very small subset of the population. Yeah that creates any kind of video that anyone anywhere would want to watch austin evans
I'm, sorry austin evans. Yeah, sure. I'm actually like looking for I guess are you doing a review?
Of yes, I am you are. Okay. Yeah, i'll look forward to your video, too
I'm interested to see what you guys say about it because the usb type c
Stuff it's actually kind of interesting
Losing type a is going to suck
I like seeing how many type c's they had
I'm disappointed with the fact that there's no type a's what i'll tell you right now
Is that I without really realizing what I had done because I didn't watch the event and I didn't look that closely at the specs
Did you order dual core? I ordered a dual core 13 inch macbook pro
So I can tell you right now my review will contain a a concise
a spirited rant
About how apple could possibly believe that dual core is pro for anything
Um, yeah, so there's that I forget where I was going with whatever I was talking about before but four thunderbolt three ports
What could I possibly need four thunderbolt three ports for?
That I can run with a dual you you could charge four pixels at a time
Not an iphone
You can't plug that in
Don't buy one of those
That's my favorite thing
Oh, man, they don't have a first-party cable. I I don't think well, okay
There's probably an adapter or something like that, but you'd have to buy it after the fact
I do not believe the iphone comes with a lightning to usb-c connector. No, it doesn't so you can
so you
You could literally walk out of an apple store
Without being able to plug your iphone into your but remember apple's vision apple has the courage
to do away with wires
But not but not the courage to have wireless charging or the ability to plug their own products into each other
What happened to like the insanely cohesive hard to get out of mac ecosystem? I've heard it's still hard to get out of but like
They don't even work. Well properly. You have to get an adapter to plug your phone into your own mac laptop
It's wireless wireless is the future but but it's not airport
Why do they call it airport? I don't know are there planes do you uh, I don't know I don't know
I was gonna say do you dock then I was like wait. Nope. That's that star citizen or eve. Nope. Nope. Nope
Um, what are we even talking about right now? Okay, so
Mac right right. I wanted to talk I wanted to talk about the specs of the 15 inch
I I'm like, i'm screwed. I can't believe I just ordered a dual core laptop for like three thousand dollars
dbrand ordered it because they're sending it skinned like I
I might have to I might have to get in touch with dbrand be like yo, whoa, hold on. Hold on
Hold on. Um
Hold on. Okay. So dude, you could get 16 gigs of memory. That's two times the amount that you need it gets even worse
Okay, so the 15 inch
Has whopping radion pro 450 graphics. Oh, dang
2400 to 2800 us dollars
Two gigs of vram hell yeah. I mean this is you don't even get any more ports
I thought they'd give you a you know, five at least five thunderbolt three ports. You need that fifth one, dude
You gotta have it. I
Wonder if you could okay
Yeah, i'm not even gonna bring that up. There's you like, okay. No, i'm interested now
Fear it I doubt it because the powers there's no way the power supply would be able to take this but could you like
Plug it in through all of those ports to charge
Uh, this has got to be the stupidest thing i've ever said
But like does it dynamically know if one of them is receiving power and i'll turn receiving power off on all the other ports
I'll be perfectly honest with you. Like I said, I did not watch the keynote. Okay, so it's possible
There's like one there's actually a dedicated charging port. Yeah, i'm not sure. Okay. I'll have to look again
like I don't I was wondering if you if you plug in a bunch of type c devices and put them all to like charge the
Other device is that going to like screw the macbook up or how does that even I I don't think so
I've never tried it should be correctly should be correctly managed
Um, so yeah, I color me not impressed. I do not agree that it's a touch of genius. I love the huge trackpad
I love the idea of the dynamically reconfigurable
function row, I think that is
a step forward and um
Is a great move
I am not a fan of the io
But hey, oh, yeah. No, they do charge via the usb type-c port. So there you go
I knew it charged through that. I was wondering how they deal with the multiple ports. Yep
So it does have a headphone jack at least it has that going for it. Yeah, it looks great
It's really thin but I don't I can't think of a reason why it should be this thin and give up
having a decent gpu and in the case of the 13 inch, uh
A gpu at all and a proper cpu
Can I help you we were talking about dennis and he said that the macbook doesn't have a single type a USB
A type a oh type type a I know. Oh, thanks. That's the joke. Thanks
Thank you
Single type a have you seen his hair?
Whose have you seen his hair his hair his hair? I don't think he even noticed after he told me to cut my
Oh, yeah. No, I don't I don't I don't notice. I don't notice if you get a haircut
I notice if you haven't had one in like four months. Yeah, I get my money's worth when I get haircuts
Yeah, oh is it are you bald? No
Oh, but it's like mostly gone. Yeah, that's good. That's that's good. Thanks
Taiwan number one. Taiwan number one. So, uh, well, by the way, you guys were right
We haven't even made it through the four topics yet
I told you, it would be a four topic wandshow
Four topic wandshow, okay
Let's talk surface studio. All right, so we didn't get to see this
So we wanted to go to the launch for this
But we had what like three days notice. No, no, no, no, no, no, no to be fair to them
They gave us way more notice than that. Oh, okay, but we were just in a situation where you were
Right you were out. I had pneumonia. Yeah, we didn't know what was happening
so we didn't have someone to send and we didn't know what it was going to be and we didn't know that it was going to
Be like a balling like machine super nda i'm sure it was
They were like you should really go it's like right up your alley
But then the only picture that I had about it said like an update for windows or something
Or like the future of windows. I think it was the future of windows
The rumor was that it was going to be about windows and then yeah, and then there was a rumor at the exact same time
That was about another just software update to windows. So I was like
Uh, okay
so evidence that
Microsoft understands what the word professional means
Yeah, even though they didn't even use it, but they they are they they have pro in creative process
So there's that okay. Um
This is a balling machine. This thing is super cool. It's expensive
Yeah to be clear. I wasn't complaining about the price of the macbook pro. Yeah
I wasn't complaining about the price of the macbook pro
What I was complaining about was that it has the word pro in the name if you just called it macbook
And you just made it like a macbook for like people who like macbooks then sure great
Charge as much as you want for it. What I don't like is calling it pro when it
Doesn't even have a discrete gpu in it and it has eight gigs of ram and a dual core that is not pro that is
Consumer that is very consumer grade
So anyway the surface studio
28 inch high resolution display
Quad core core i7 processor comes with a pen so you can draw which is freaking cool
freaking cool
Um, you can have up to a four gig gtx 980 m gpu
Which i'm guessing is only because of the long development cycle for a product like this
I would expect a refresh at some point with some kind of pascal based gpu. They could get a 1060 in there
Tdp wise no problem up to 32 gigs of ram
Um, thank you 980 m. I think they could fit a tdp wise 1070 couldn't they? No, not quite
I'm, i'm pretty sure we'd be looking at 1060
Okay, because that's what we got on uh blade 14 which had a 970 m
but I think 1070 is too much more kind of thing like it's
Okay, because what the understanding I had was that it was one down
You might be right maybe i'm not sure though
But then like you also said the the configurability of the tdps and those things is insane. So like who knows? Yeah, so
Um 4500 by 3000 resolution display, uh, it can handle
Srgb dcip3 and vivid color profiles. It's a 10 point multi-touch. It's a three by two aspect ratio like again
People who understand pro
Know that the square display is actually
Pretty badass. I would like to see them have an accompanying display so that I could have a dual a dual display setup
That you can use in the same way. Yeah. Yeah, so I could have two three by two
That's not that you can't expand the display with something else, but you can't do the same format
You can't get the same there's some special functionality that comes with it
one thing that is missing that I would have liked to see and I know that it's like not the hugest thing on
For pc as I would have liked to see thunderbolt. Um, because it is becoming more of a thing
on especially mobile pcs, um
But I still feel pretty darn good about this and I love that at least if they're gonna help thing
At least if they're gonna charge a bunch of money
For do something really cool
They've got this really cool like fold down
Fantastic, beautiful display powerful thing that uh
Kind of excites me xbox wireless built-in the fact that it doesn't include office
It's kind of frustrating. I think that that's an opportunity that microsoft has to
offer value on their hardware products that um
In my mind shouldn't cannibalize
Um, shouldn't cannibalize standalone office sales really that much they did it with the surface rt for example
Where they were like, this is an awful product. What could we possibly do to move a few units you get office?
The one the one app that was ever made for like arm windows that matters. Yeah. Yay. Yeah
So yeah, i'm really looking forward to checking this out
Have we liked the dial thing here? Are we getting one? We're getting one. We haven't ordered one, but we are getting one. Okay good
Yeah. All right. Just making sure I had a like panic moment there for a minute dial thing
Oh, sorry. Does it show the dial thing anywhere in here? How does it not show the dial thing? Yay
This thing is so cool. Yeah. Have you seen it in the video? So like they put it on the screen straight up on the screen
I don't know how it fixes itself there. I'm assuming there's a type of like rubbery something on the bottom because i'm sure it's not
Magnets through the screen. I don't know how it works. I mean magnets don't affect lcd's the way that they did affect crts
Like it. I don't know. Yeah, but I just I just I doubt it. Yeah, I don't think so
Anyways, and it can be used for different things. So in one situation they turn the dial and it rotates the image another situation
It's a color wheel and you're able to turn and change the color wheel with one hand while you like stroke paint with the other hand
So they had gradient paint going through it. I don't know how it works. I don't know how it works
With the other hand so they had gradient paint going through as the person's changing it. That's really cool. Very cool
I don't do the art stuff, but I like physical control of things
So being able to turn that to select your color would actually be pretty awesome
I don't do the art stuff luke lefreniere 2016. Yeah. Yeah, that's probably pretty accurate
Have you seen me trying to do anything that's artistic? Yes, it's pretty bad. I know I can manage cables pretty well
That's good. Yeah
All right. So speaking of things that we do well
ending the show
by rolling the intro
Okay, we don't do that. Well, but we've had a pretty good track record lately. Yeah, watch it not work this time
Watch it not work this time. Thanks for watching guys. See you again next week. Bye. Hey, we have to destroy the cable
I'm gonna make this cable my b-h is it stuck on something? Hold on. Hold on
No, no, I think I unplugged it
Unless I didn't in which case I would not have uh, oh no, I did not unplug it. Okay, okay
So it appears as though
The cable was indeed the problem
So here we go
Hulk edition linus sebastian
Hold on good luck because it's gonna be pretty intense cable to you think so. Yeah, pretty intense cable to break. Yeah
What are you grabbing?
All right ready hulk edition linus. Oh, yeah, okay
Here we go
I went and got these and everything just I hid these behind my back didn't even need them. See you next week guys