
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

All right, guys, welcome to the WAN Show.
This is going to be the first show in quite some time with no technical difficulties.
Actually, I already know there's going to be one technical difficulty.
We accidentally deleted the version of the WAN Show intro that has audio, so the guys
are currently working on fixing that baby up, and hopefully it'll be back for next week.
So without much further ado, I guess, oh, so many of you, I know for a fact, due to
the Twitch delay, that you haven't even gotten far enough in the show for me to have admitted
there were going to be difficulties, and you guys are all like, bwahahaha lol, but I know,
you're right.
Anyway, we've got a lot of great topics today, and by we, I guess I mean I. Luke is actually,
I wonder if I'm allowed to say where he is.
He's in LA.
He was invited there by a graphics card maker who isn't AMD, so I guess hopefully I haven't
revealed too much.
The reason for him being there is under NDA, and he's got Brandon with him, so he's definitely
making videos.
So that's all I'll really say, which is kind of a lot, but Luke couldn't be here with us
today, unfortunately, but I'll do my best to run the show by myself for y'all, and we've
got a lot of great topics this week, actually.
The Microsoft Surface Pro 4 and more may be revealed at an October 6th New York City event.
I did know about the event.
I unfortunately couldn't make it, so I won't be there, but I'll definitely be checking
out what else is gonna be shown off.
There's a few things that are rumored.
Sharp is looking to introduce 8K displays as early as October of this year, so that
is some pretty bananas stuff right there.
What else we got?
Oh, this is terrible.
A 14-year-old student was arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school.
And before any of you ask, yes, his last name was Mohammed, which is not an excuse for arresting
him anyway.
Well, yeah, we'll get into that a little bit more later, and this is more big news.
Actually, there really is a lot this week.
Oh, boy, Jim Keller has left the building at AMD.
He had come back after a stint at Apple, working as the lead architect on the A4 and A5, and
had come back to sort of let AMD's CPU division rise from the ashes, et cetera, and he's gone.
And he's gone.
So we'll talk about what this might mean for AMD over the next couple of years, and then
possibly over the longer term.
So without further ado, I'm going to roll the intro.
Do do do, do do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,
do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do.
I've got people saying to move the mic away.
I could just get a pop filter.
I don't know where it is, though.
So yeah, there's that.
The show is no longer powered by Razer comms. That is an extraordinarily old old version of the intro. There you go
I'll see if you guys are I'll see if you guys are I'll see if you guys are happy now
So I'll do my best over here. I'm gonna be all like hi twitch chat
I don't have Luke to talk to this week. So I'll have to settle for twitch chat
No offense you guys but you are a poor substitute for the for the the sexy
Mastodon of a man that normally normally sits next to me
I just realized actually to that I'm kind of on his side
Like I don't know how many of you share a bed with someone, you know a significant other, you know your mom or whatever
I don't judge
It's weird like try try laying down on the wrong side. You're just like
This is weird, I need to roll I need to roll now I need to roll now
It's kind of the same thing actually this I highly recommend if you guys are watching the archive of the show
Then you can pause this pause the show and do this now if you're live
then you might have to wait till after the show, but if you ever drink from like
From the faucet like just kind of you're like, oh, I'm thirsty. I'm in the kitchen
I'll have to dirty a glass if I get a glass
So I'll just put my head under the faucet and drink from there try doing it the other way
It's like the most bizarre thing. I was like, oh my mouth doesn't know how to do this
It's super weird stuff and I will stop actually. I'm not even really stalling for anything
I'm legitimately not having any technical difficulties so far this week. So I'm feeling pretty good
Why don't we jump right into our first topic here?
I'm gonna grab the grab the link for y'all in the chat and I'm not gonna do links the complicated way
so they're gonna be kind of ugly and all that but
That's okay. We can live with that. The original poster for this is dat speed over on the forum
Thank you very much for posting this in the news
Section and the article here is from Windows Central
So it shouldn't be any huge surprise that with both Broadwell and Skylake
Architecture CPUs from Intel having been released since the surface pro 3 which is still running haswell
that there was probably going to be a surface pro 4 and
And no that thing that Apple announced back at their event was not a surface pro 4 you can tell
because there's no kickstand
that's one key difference and
It doesn't run a proper OS it runs a mobile OS
So there you go and by proper OS I don't mean that iOS is a bad operating system or it's not a real operating system
I just mean it's not a full fat operating system
You're not going to be able to load like the full Adobe Creative Suite on there and take advantage of that
Fancy stylus and all of that noise. So there's actually a few other things that are rumored to show up
the invites being sent out to the media for the event are for
Exciting news about Windows 10 devices and I did read this particular invite and I kind of went
Well, I wasn't planning to be in New York on October the 6th and sort of got a lot of crap to do in general
So unfortunately, I can't make it and I don't think they even offered to like pay for my ticket out there
So it really did seem to be kind of an afterthought like hey, what if that Linus guy wants to show up?
Okay. Yeah, let's make sure he doesn't get bounced at the door just in case so so it was one of those kinds of things
And I was just like, yeah, I'm busy. I can't really make it but that doesn't mean that I'm not
Extremely interested to see what they're gonna be up to at the event over there some other there
aren't there haven't been a lot of hints, but some other rumors are that
They will be announcing the Lumia 950 and 950 XL
Yeah, okay and I guess that's that's that's really that's really about it
The code names for a couple of the devices are talk man and city man
which I
Guess tells us that
There's talking we're aiming at like sort of the urban man
and I mean, you know how the rumor mill goes what I've actually learned over the years is that
Once you get pretty close to an event or a device launch
the rumor mill is pretty much 95% accurate with the
Exceptions being cases like like what Nvidia pulled on. I think it was the GTX
580 where
Literally, okay, and I'm not even exaggerating at all the people
Selling the product. Okay, so your EVGA or your your MSI or your Asus
The people selling the product and the people buying the product which was me. I was working at NCIX at the time
Before a few hours before the launch
Did not know the price
So I had to cut a purchase order based on faith my sales rep at
MSI had to process that order not knowing how much revenue he was generating or what his commission was gonna be like all these
Little details right and then Nvidia dropped a bomb and dropped the price like right on the launch
So there are a few exceptions
But in general if you know a couple days or let's say even you know
a few weeks before an iPhone 6s is announced and you know
Our buddy Lou over at Unbox Therapy shows up with iPhone 6 plus cases and starts bending them or doing his thing
It's probably
Real so it's real unless it's a hoax or an intentional deception
Speaking of things that are real this next topic is pretty bananas
So this was posted by hk05 and the original article here is from the BBC
Let's go ahead and pull this baby up the first
8k TV screen to be commercially available now to be clear. I
Had and I do mean clear
Hahaha, I miss Luke. I wish he was here to laugh at my terrible jokes
Maybe twitch chat is is lol-ing right now
You guys come on it's real unless it's a hoax well, yeah
No, is anyone is anyone gonna laugh at my joke?
Hahaha. Yes. Thank you. The the no scope you win. Oh, okay. Oh, I love you guys
Okay, you guys you guys made me feel good about myself
And you made me feel like I can continue to make those jokes with impunity. Haha jokes on you
So sorry, what am I talking about? Right? So to be clear 8k displays have been shown before I've seen them in person
I've I've been like
This close to them and I've kind of examined them and I've gone
Wow, that sure is a lot of pixels that sure is clear that
video file that exists in the entire universe of a of a locomotive at at 8k on the show floor at
CES but this is
different this is a real commercial product and
It's apparently gonna be launching on October 30th
Which is appropriate because that price tag is gonna give you quite a scare. It's rumored to be somewhere in the
Wait, is that even right?
Hold on a second. That must be a typo in my notes for this. That is a typo
So my notes for the show say twelve thousand five hundred to thirteen thousand three hundred dollars
Yeah, I think not. We're missing a zero here. Yeah. Yeah
So the price is gonna be well over a hundred thousand
dollars about a hundred and twenty five to a hundred and thirty thousand dollars, which is
Really not that unusual when it comes to these
Cutting-edge technologies like that image is so sharp. It's cutting edge
Thanks guys
Now I've missed where I'm going with this and you know what it will be incredibly sharp
We're talking four times the number of pixels compared to 4k
Okay, and you know that comparison that you always see a 4k displays with a 1080p
Resolution display kind of in the corner. So 4k is four times the number of pixels of 1080p and
8k is four times the pixels of 4k. So the resolution will be
7680 by
So NASA will be delivering 4k space footage beginning November 1st
Netflix and Amazon not to mention YouTube are offering
4k streaming internet video although with that
Said and we've talked about this a fair bit
In fact for those of you who haven't checked it out before I'm just gonna go ahead and bring up the video
I'll post it in the twitch chat because if you haven't watched this particular video of ours
It is definitely worth worth a look
4k is it a plus C. Is it worth it? Here we go. Oh, that's weird
Oh, that's just a little custom test around
So you guys definitely want to check this out because there's a lot more at play when it comes to a high quality
Picture than the resolution things like you know dynamic range any color grading that's being done on it things like
You know alterations made to sharpness to enhance the or detract from the picture quality
Things like the bitrate that the media you're actually streaming so just because you know, you're
You're gonna you know watch online content in 4k doesn't actually necessarily mean it looks better at all than a 1080p blu-ray
speaking of blu-ray
Doo doo doo doo doo doo something something something can't remember
Yeah, I think 4k blu-rays are finally showing up like sometime soon or something like that
So why am I talking about 4k content in the context of an 8k TV?
Well for one thing upscaling is a thing and can help a little bit and for another thing
It's to make the point that back when a 4k display was costing you six figures
Um, it's not until now that you're finally getting content for it
So I guess what I'm trying to say is as cool a piece of technology as this is
I wouldn't recommend that you run out and buy it now. That's not to say that there will be no content whatsoever
NHK Japan Broadcasting Corporation will start to broadcast in its 8k super high vision format sometime in
So yeah, and I mean, you know what this is something that a lot of people are really confused about right now
And that is well, hold on a second
There's 8k cameras now like I thought I can't I can never keep track of what red calls their stupid cameras
but I think it's weapon is the latest one we went from the
What just happened
I did my feed just cut out. I promise no technical damage. Damn it. Just sec
Ah, okay, don't plug it in when you get a chance
Ah, the camera's on right the camera it is uh-oh
I'm refreshing
It's on right, okay. Oh, there we go
Yeah, I know right, all right, I don't remember what I was talking about anymore so something something 8k 4k
Something whatever. Let's move on to the next topic. So Nvidia's game stream co-op has entered beta
This was posted on the forum by shadow bullet and our source for this is well the nvidia.com
website so this is some pretty cool stuff and actually for us over here was one of the big highlights of the
recent Nvidia graphics card launch the the 950 not because you know
The 950 isn't a cool card and it'd be you know fair price and all that stuff
But because this kind of technology is driving gaming forward in a way that a new
You know bang for the buck mid-range to low-end graphics processor isn't because quite frankly when nvidia launches
GTX, you know 960 or 950 or whatever
They're not they're not
Breaking new ground. This is performance that we already had with the previous generation just at a higher price point
So like that's cool and lower prices and more performance for all is great
But the reason that we don't you know get all that excited about is because it's not bringing us new gaming experiences
This on the other hand is some pretty cool shiz
So basically nvidia graphics card users can now phone a friend to get through a games test spots with the latest beta
So to use game stream co-op the host PC needs a GTX
650 or higher desktop GPU or a 660 M or higher laptop card a core i3
2100 or higher CPU with at least 4 gigs of ram which
Probably you have if you have a current generation graphics card and you need at least 7 megabit per second of upstream bandwidth
along with a decent router
So after receiving an invite the guests can actually launch the stream like that like a live stream of the game
You're playing using a Google Chrome extension. So it's designed for DirectX 9 games or higher
So unfortunately those of you who want to play, you know the matrix or whatever and on game stream co-op
You might be you might be out of luck and streams are capped at 720p 30 FPS with co-op sessions limited to 60 minutes at
a time before the host needs to send another invite but
Yeah, pretty darn cool. There's integrated YouTube upload capabilities and a new in-game
overlay, so
Yeah, I'm I'm liking it. Oh
Remember what I was gonna talk about next on the 8k video thing. So some of you might be thinking okay Linus
Hold on a second. There's 8k cameras out there like, you know reds latest, you know
Awesome named product or whatever the case may be
In fact, I think I think Marcus Brownlee actually has his camera out for the upgrade right now as we speak if he happens
Hasn't got it back already and you're probably thinking so well
Come on, these Hollywood guys out there and these, you know, big shot youtubers with the big, you know studios
Why aren't they just all buying 8k cameras and releasing all their videos at 8k?
Because there are a lot of other problems. So problem number one is
The workflow. Okay working with 8k footage. We're talking file sizes that are massively
bigger than 1080p and even 4k
Is gonna put additional strain on your processor on your storage devices on your network if you work over the network like we do
Problem number two is on camera and generally storage like just
Storing these massive files all over the place is a significant issue. Okay problem number three is
who's watching this and
While we did discover that playing back 4k video on your 1080p monitor on YouTube if you have
The bandwidth if you have the internet connection for it does offer a benefit. Thanks to the higher
the higher bitrate of the content
For 8k, I mean
That may be a benefit but in that case you don't need to shoot on an 8k camera
Anyway, you might as well shoot on a 1080p even a good 1080p camera or a 4k camera and then just export at HK
Which leads us to?
Yet another problem and that is exporting at 8k codec support really isn't there yet
I exported an 8k file on a fairly powerful computer very powerful 36 core machine and it just
Completely crapped the bed and then yet another issue is that display interfaces haven't even caught up yet
So even if people did want to go and buy
$100,000 TVs even if like every millionaire in the world was like we want to push 8k forward
Let's bring us 8k
now we're gonna like we're gonna all buy 8k TVs if you guys will start broadcasting in 8k and
The issue is that I don't think we even have a display interface that is gonna like I don't even know how they're planning to
Drive this thing. Maybe HDMI 2.0 30 Hertz. Maybe that'll work. I don't even know because
because HDMI 2.0
I know can do 40k 60 Hertz
But maybe you guys all maybe you guys will have to let me know and then and then the final the final issue with 8k
That will I think?
Really like I think 8k adoption and you guys can you guys can you guys can quote me on this 8k adoption?
will be as much slower than 4k adoption as
4k was then 1080p
1080p was
relatively was relatively fast
4k is taking forever
Because you're counting on all these infrastructure upgrades in the back end
It's it's almost no content that's being broadcast like via traditional broadcast in 4k
with only like web companies doing what I would call cheapo 4k because there hasn't been an
Infrastructure upgrade to make it possible. Not really
We're still talking bit rates that are quite low compared to you know
Something like a 1080p blue boot blu-ray even though you've upped the resolution. So so all these infrastructure upgrades
I think 8k could be you know, 10 years
20 years before anyone even gives a crap at all
And the reason for that is that it all comes down to Apple's retina marketing and I'm not saying Apple's retina marketing in
The in the sense that like because Apple's full of snake oil and they've convinced someone everyone that you know
Retina is the only thing that's important or whatever
but because of the retina concept
In which there's actually a fair bit of truth to be had, you know with with a good quality display with accurate color management
and with high
Contrast which matters more to image quality than you would think and I don't mean turning up the contrast knob. That's bad
I mean high high a high difference between the brightness level of white versus the brightness level of black
So something something right the
basically the concept that there's a certain number of pixels needed at the
Optimal or usual viewing distance to make it so that the viewer cannot discern any additional
improvement in image quality from adding more pixels and
I would make the argument that
1080 is already there unless you've got like eagle eye vision
4k. Yep, you'll probably see some improvement
Especially once you start seeing content that was shot in 4k
Which isn't going to look quite as clean and quite as crisp on a 1080p display
like it like the content improvement is going to be as much probably of what you see in terms of wow 4k is so much
Better as the resolution improvement and going from 4k to 8k at what would be the typical like we've gotten to the to the limit
Of how big of a TV people want to put in their living rooms
Like I don't know about you guys, but my living room doesn't have room for a hundred inch TV. So
TVs are going to be and and there's there's shipping and logistical like like it's hard to it's hard to ship around
TVs that are bigger than that. They're very easy to damage
They're hard to lift like like we're pretty much at the limit now in terms of what people are going to want
For a typical living room TV screen now the home theater guys
They're a different ball of wax, but they always have been and they're gonna keep wanting
You know projectors or like, you know roll out displays that are you know?
150 inches or whatever the case may be but but for now
8k is not going to offer a tangible benefit for
Normal users putting normal sized TVs in normal homes and sitting a normal distance away from them
You can mark my words on that 8k already doesn't matter
But hey if you want to have dem bragging rights or whatever
Then you can drop a hundred and thirty thousand dollars on a sharp 8k display and you can feel pretty good about yourself
Because that'll be apparently twitch chat wants Dennis. I
Don't know. Hey Dennis. Do you want to come say hi to twitch chat?
Well, no you have to come over here also you have to be Dennis
You are not Dennis and oh my goodness
Well, okay, Dennis is on his way over twitch chat is getting what they wanted apparently Burkle's on his way over to I
Wasn't talking to you. You can know I am talking to you Dennis. No
Houston I was talking to Burkle when I said I wasn't talking to you
The microphones here
Hello what's going on? Okay. Thank you Dennis
No, no, that's that's an image of us the cameras over there
Carry on guys
No, no, no, not at all. Ah
We actually had someone post on the forum that apparently we all hate Dennis or something like that
Do you think I'd hire him if I didn't like him if I didn't think he was a fantastic member of our team and
Dennis doesn't have to be here
He's a highly skilled individual like he he probably doesn't get enough credit for all the stuff that he's been doing around here
Dennis has edited personal rig update part one on the LTT channel. He also edited the the ha, right?
That is a cool video the the desk PC build with like the the components
Clipped into well not okay. I won't spoil the surprise
But however, they're attached to the bottom of the desk he filmed and edited that on a Saturday
No less totally totally good guy. He edits almost all the fastest possible now
So so yeah
He's an extremely valuable member of the team and I'd like to dispel any rumors that we don't we don't love Dennis around here
All right
Let's go ahead and move on to our next topic. This is some cool stuff
The original article here is from BGR calm and I'm sorry. I've been forgetting to post links for you guys. I suck
And the OP on the forum was Joss
cool stuff this
Transparent solar-powered battery looks like a futuristic Tony Stark
Invention is the headline over there and it looks like some pretty cool stuff
so it's a fully transparent solar cell that could in theory turn every window and
Screen into a power source like remember on your game gear, you know
It would come with a warning that says do not leave the screen in direct sunlight
That could be a thing of the past
What if it's a requirement that you run your devices with the screen in direct sunlight?
Yeah, now that's a future that I'm talking about. So this was developed by a team of researchers at the code Koga Quinn
Yeah, okay, whatever
Code I haven't actually have not heard of that University before I'm really sorry to everyone from there who's watching
And it was influenced by ubiquitous energy. So it contains a
Lithium ion battery that is not entirely transparent
It becomes slightly tinted when exposed to sunlight when it's fully discharged the light
rises to approximately
60 percent so the team shrunk down the electrodes all the way down to
Around 80 to 90 nanometers to allow light to pass through so they've been working on this technology for about four years
Since a team of researchers at Stanford came up with the concept
The concept was demoed at innovation Japan earlier this month and it's not clear
How long it will take to be used in commercial products so the prototype
Currently has an efficiency of around 1%
Okay, so, you know nothing
Super, you know
Revolutionary this yet, but they think that 10% should be possible once production commences
So it's scalable and affordable from smartphones all the way up to industrial sized windows and let me tell you if we could convert
The random sunlight coming into our warehouse and our office and heating it up in the summer into energy
We would be totally down for that. I
Had a feeling there were like some straw poll things that I wanted to do today and I've completely I've completely
Forgotten what any of the ideas I wanted to do were but oh I would like to talk about a little project
That I worked on today
Just in the meantime
I'm going to request a glass of water from someone because I have done a lot of talking today
I shot too fast as possible some like random bits that someone needed for another video right before WAN show today and then
earlier today I
Finally did it. I've had a lot of requests for more spots for my son and I
Finally felt like he was ready to carry his dad's torch and take over Linus media group
He is hosting with some help from dad his very first
PC build log
Yes, my friends my three-year-old came into the office today. In fact, it's it's so funny
It's like he comes in he does a PC build log and now he is actually in the library having a nap
So he built his very first PC today
Taran got the whole thing on camera and is recording it as we speak right now and that will be uploaded on vessel
This weekend, which means it should land on YouTube sometime next week. So that is gonna be some good stuff. Look at that
He even put ice in it. You are such a suck-up. Oh, yeah. That is not going to last long
So let's go ahead and jump into our next topic here. This is really sad
this was posted by rune on the forum and
It's just like I
Don't know I don't I don't really know what is there what is there to really say about this other than that
It totally sucks. This has been making this has been making waves this week
The post that I've got on it here is from the verge
So 18 year old Ahmed Mohammed arrested for bringing a homemade clock to school
now to be clear he has been released but
Not until after he'd been okay. Well here why don't we start at the beginning?
So he lives in Irving and has a keen interest in robotics and engineering
Cool. All right
Put the device together on Sunday night
Was pulled out of class the next day interviewed by police officers and taken in handcuffs
To juvenile detention after being told by teachers that his creation looked like a bomb now. I
Mean is this is this what happens we have Looney Tunes to thanks
This is what happens when an entire generation of kids grows up watching, you know, Wiley
Strap himself to you know rockets and build bombs out of like
dynamite sticks with clocks attached to them on
on Saturday mornings and then grows up and becomes the adults because a
Bomb so it should be clear
The simple device was created from a circuit board and a power supply wired to a digital display
All strapped inside a case with a tiger hologram on the front
So because everyone thinks that anything with a display on the front looks like a bomb
This guy gets taken away from school in
Handcuffs. I mean, what is this? What is this doing for and
Like I tend not to get into the whole like, you know, what's the right way to combat racism because quite frankly
It's a little outside my wheelhouse. I'm gonna stick to building PCs, which is what I'm usually good at but
It does this seem like the kind of thing that's gonna break down race barriers
you know hauling away the brown kid in handcuffs because he had the audacity to bring something to school that
someone thought looked like a bomb when
The adult way and you know at 14
You should be able to deal with this the adult way the adult way to deal with this would be to be like hey
What is that and he'd be like a clock and you'd be like, oh cool. Show me how it works
We could just communicate with each other
It seems like kind of an okay idea. I know I'm making statements and then I'm you know
My my intonation at the end of my sentences sounds like a question, but it's because I'm questioning everything right now. So
very frustrating
But I mean basically
The good news is that the PR train is rolling on this whole thing
Barack Obama has invited him to the White House saying that the states needs more kids like him who are
Taking an interest in being makers at a young age. Mark Zuckerberg has reached out and invited him to Facebook HQ
JPL engineer has invited him to come check out a Mars Rover whenever he wants so to be clear happy ending to the story
But this is just insanity and and and at any stage
Someone could and should have stopped it. So if some kid was like
Hey, he's got a bomb
All the teacher had to do was go and look at it and you know
It's one thing if he you know plants it in a kid's locker
He doesn't like and phones in a bomb threat to the school now
We're having a serious conversation about you know young Ahmed needing a stern talking to and you know
Should probably be hauled off in handcuffs, but it's another thing if some kids like oh, yeah
You know that guy has a bomb and the teacher looks at it for freaking you're supposed to have a degree
You're supposed to be an educator for like two seconds talks to the kid for two seconds and avoids the call to the cops
And then the cops have every opportunity to tell everyone to calm the truck down
it's not a bomb which you were clearly told already and
Not haul them off in handcuffs. Just absolutely ridiculous
I'm sorry, you guys have to listen to me sucking back water, but I really really need it
Alright, so this is good stuff. This is posted by Ah Ming on the forum. Thank you very much Ah Ming for posting this
I'm gonna go ahead and copy the link to Android Authority
Here we go, and then let's go ahead and screen share with you guys
Buppety boo, where is it? Yep. There it is. All right Qualcomm introduces quick charge
3.0 powering up devices four times faster. I always love those claims with you know the little
Asterisks next to the number four times if you compare to when it was a caveman
Spinning a stick like this with a wire attached to the bottom of it plugged into the bottom of your phone
So no, it is not four times faster than quick charge 2.0, but it is definitely raising the bar for fast charging and
Not on just Apple devices like Apple has always been pretty good at this stuff now
In the last few generations of quick charge Qualcomm has allowed pretty much any Android device out there
As long as they're willing to invest in the supported products from Qualcomm
Haha to have fast intelligent battery charging so quick charge a 1.0
Was 40% faster than conventional charging with quick charge 2.0 being 75%
Faster than conventional charging and quick charge 3.0 being 38% faster than quick charge
2.0. This is cool. It's USB type-c ready
So I mean it seems to me and I don't have any particular industry insight on this
Maybe someone has already covered this somewhere in which case feel free to tell me I'm an idiot or whatever
But it seems to me like what happened with the OnePlus 2.0 was that during product development
Type-C the connector was ready
But the the the back end quick charge circuitry was not ready for that connector and that standard
Yet, so OnePlus was forced to release the two with the type-c connector, which was a good call
durability, reversibility, A plus for that, but without
Rapid charging which for some people is a serious drawback
Well now it's ready and any phones that we see that are developed now that the technology is finished
Should be able to support both of those things at the same time
So aside from achieving insane charging speeds
This is the first time that Qualcomm is using intelligent negotiation for optimum voltage
Which is a new algorithm to determine how much voltage that they should request
so this will ship in devices with the Snapdragon 826, 20, 618 and
good stuff now
Here is here is a thing though
It is common knowledge. I think amongst the
Technology savvy folks out there that charging your battery
Faster does a couple of things number one is it gets you back up and running sooner and number two
Is it causes your battery to heat up more?
So causes battery to heat up more which can in turn cause your battery to have a lower
Lifespan, so I'm personally what you can call it superstition. You can call it whatever you want. I'm personally in the
charging every time for the batteries that I care about at 1 amp or less camp
I actually don't even use a 2 amp charger on my droid turbo unless I'm desperate because I want this
3900 milliamp hour battery to keep being
Capable of what a 3900 milliamp hour battery can be for a very very long time
time, but you know with that said having the option to throw your device on the charger for 30 minutes and get you know
enough battery to stay out basically all day is
Definitely nice, and I'm not going to say no to future improvements in quick charge technology. Oh
This was actually just added
This was just added after the fact to the WAN show document so for everyone watching right now
We are doing a Samsung Galaxy S6 edge plus giveaway
That that it ah so let's go ahead and paste that link
Into the twitch chat here, so you guys definitely go and check that out
Let me just go actually find out what exactly the sorry what exactly that the terms of this are so we have
Nick is actually oh look at that. There's a special Linus Media Group staff thing for
For Linus Media Group staff. I didn't know that I don't think I have one of those huh, it's pink love it
Alright, so we've partnered with Samsung to give you lucky people the opportunity to be the owner of a new Galaxy S6 edge
Plus as part of their your fest foot forward campaign
Is it really fest foot forward okay?
They brought snapchat or Sean Duras and Viner Ray le gay out to a few outdoor music festivals this summer and let them demonstrate
How you can step your social media game up a few notches with the camera features on their new S6 edge and edge plus
Smartphones, and it really is a great
Great camera if you guys would you guys will know if you watched out my S6 edge review
So how do you enter you watch this video which I'll go ahead and paste in the twitch chat now
I think you have to like it as well not a hundred percent sure how they're tracking that but I think you're supposed to like
Yep, hit the like button
On the videos in the series over on Samsung's channel and comment below letting them know what your favorite feature
Highlighted in the series was so it's one comment per person and it is a world wide
Giveaway good stuff way to go Nick. I guess so the phone will probably be shipped out by us
There you go guys
Definitely go open that in another tab or whatever or go hit go hit like and leave your comment now
It only takes a second and you'll be entered for a chance to win a galaxy s6 edge
Plus which as far as I can tell now that I've had my hands on both of them is
Basically a note 5 with the curve on the glass instead of the curve on the back
So yeah, and so far. Where is my note 5?
What the heck oh?
Well, oh there it is. It's under my butt
So I've been working on my note 5 review for a little while now so far Wow
Really nice phone. This is the first phone
This is the first note series phone that has really gotten my attention there were things I liked about previous ones
Um, I'm sure Ed's gonna correct me here
But I think it was a note 2 was the last note he had and there were some really great things about that phone
I mean the huge screen is obviously nice for content consumption and let me tell you
With the bezels being so small on this puppy. It really is outstanding for content consumption
I'd had really loud speakers
which is something that's easier to do in a larger phone body just because you can fit bigger speakers in it and
Yeah, anyway really like this phone so far stay tuned because my review will be coming at some point in the future
I actually don't have an ETA on that yet
All right
What do we got next? Oh, this is interesting so this was posted by Patrick
3027 on the forum and the original article here is from the BBC
computers do not
pupil results as the organization for economic cooperations and
Development so here's the forum post over there, and let's go ahead and pull this baby up
Hmm, so investing heavily in school computers and classroom technology
Does not improve pupils performance says a global study from the OECD
The think-tank says frequent use of computers in schools is more likely to be associated with lower
That is very interesting
So Tom Bennett
Government expert on people behavior said that teachers have been dazzled by school computers
So the report from the OECD examines the impact of school technology on international test results
Such as the Pisa test taken in more than 70 countries and tests measuring digital skills
So an average daily minutes for countries using the internet at school graph is available right here also on the BBC
That did it today. Let's see if we can find it. Yep. Here we go
So your top five average daily minutes using internet at school
Okay, and then let me see number of students per school computer top five bottom five bunch of really good stuff
You guys should definitely check it out
Here's the link directly to the article, but I guess I would like to bring up a few things that
It feels like we're over
Looked a little bit here. Okay, so Singapore with only moderate use of technology in school is top for digital skills, but
Okay, we're I went to Singapore quite recently and what I'll tell you about Singapore is that is one wealthy-ass
country okay straight up that is that is that is a like a
elite of the elite
Haven and
I mean everything from how totally unaffordable
Cars are to you know, if you don't want to live in the government-funded housing to how totally unaffordable
property is like Singapore
What I'm trying to say is that
They're using their computers at home if they're not using them at school and developing digital skills that way you don't get
computer skills by not investing in computer technology in the education system like
The fact that I know anything about computers. I was introduced to computers at school
Okay, you can't just not have it at all. And I'm not saying that everything should be on an iPad either. I
genuinely don't think that that's the right approach and I think there is a value to working with a pen or a pencil and a
Piece of paper but and I guess this is part of what the report is saying. You have to strike a happy medium
I guess just the part that I feel like was missed here is that it's not necessarily about you know internet use or computer use
It's about smart computer use like you know that
That news that broke a little while ago about China investing heavily in 3d printers in their schools
that makes a ton of sense to me you could tell me that my kid is gonna have and
You know an hour block two times a week every week on you know
Digital 3d modeling and 3d printing and design and I would say is that it like is that enough?
Because that is the future whereas, you know if you're just kind of you know
Giving students access to computers and these kind of like hokey
Software programs that are like here is an on-screen, you know keyboard piano
Oh you learned a thing
Yay, where it's basically just a game and the the skills that are being introduced are very very rudimentary
Or you know like like when when and I don't know how much it's changed and I'm gonna learn all these things now that my
Kids are finally getting to school age
But like when we had computer lab time we were doing crap like playing Oregon Trail and you could make the argument, you know
Oh, well, there's historical value there
Learning about the settlers or some crap or whatever but like
Come on
It's not like we couldn't have covered everything that there is to know
In that game in like a couple of a couple of lessons and then moved on to something else
so I don't know man, there's a
Education is changing because I mean here's another thing that I'll kind of throw at you guys. Like I actually
Fairly strictly my son's access to screens
I don't think that a three-year-old needs to spend a ton of time playing video games watching movies
Or otherwise sitting still I think they need to be running around. I think they need to be building towers out of blocks
I think they need to be doing hands-on things because and you know, you hear the opposite argument a lot, you know
Well, how will they be prepared for the digital age and the devices in the blah blah blah. Come on get real
That stuff is so intuitive and so fun that he's gonna do that crap on his own without any encouragement from me
Whatsoever the world we live in now is so connected digitally that he's not even ever going to think about
You know
Physical media, you know the concept of of a file in a folder on on a drive
Or in the cloud somewhere is going to be completely second nature to him. I don't have to teach him that crap
So anyway with all of that said in the limited amount of time that he has
spent you know on YouTube or
Actually most mostly YouTube now that I think about it the kid is three and
can already read a fair amount and
Will say straight up. I'm gonna I'm gonna give these guys a shout out
I think it's called like kids TV one, two, three or some crap like that
Ah, let me see if I can line it. Yep kids TV one, two, three this YouTube channel man
As far as I can tell they taught my kid basically everything he knows and I can sing their phonics song off by heart
pretty pretty darn good here a is for Apple a
Apple B is for ball
B-b-ball and you know what I mean my my kid is not only it's really funny
We we did an orientation for his pre preschool a couple weeks ago
And the teacher was saying you know oh, I had a really advanced student once that knew the whole alphabet
But this is more of just like a play and get familiar with the concept of a classroom program
It's at the local community center anyway. I was like sorry you had a pupil who knows the alphabet
He's known the full alphabet and all the phonetic sounds of all the letters since he was two
yeah, thank you YouTube, I guess so I
Didn't really lay down a firm opinion on any of that did I I guess what I was trying to say is it's not clear-cut
And the conclusions that especially some readers of the BBC article and other articles about this
Are drawing that like oh you know there's a negative correlation between computer time and results are not
necessarily accurate because it's way more to do with how the computer time is being used and
Yeah, how the computer time is being used like I really don't think that doing addition on an iPad brings anything to the table
versus doing addition on a piece of paper and a pencil
But you know things like like a 3d model in class or whatever else like 3d 3d art
Sign sign me and all my kids up, and I wouldn't mind. You know having him come home and show me his homework that kind of stuff, too
All right oh
Cool oh
Never mind, that's embargoed. I was about to tell you guys a thing and
I will not be doing that ha ha oh fly. Just hit me in the head
I just hit me in the head
Intel launches, and this is this is definitely something that I'm happy to hear about
Let's go ahead and post this in swish that man. I am loving my internet connection right now
We just upgraded to gigabit up and down, and I'm like super stoked on super stoked on my life right now
Automotive security review board to ensure the cybersecurity of cars
This is something we don't appreciate enough about Intel sometimes. It's not all about
How fast can you make the transistors switch and like you know how much cash can you stick on there?
they're involved in a lot of bigger picture stuff that we all benefit from whether we buy Intel CPUs or
Not so the reports of hacked cars in fact we've talked about it on the land show have been pretty regular lately with about
One in five vehicles on the road worldwide
Projected to have some kind of wireless network connection by
2020 meaning more than 250 million connected vehicles could potentially be affected by these issues
That have been showing up in the news like
Really more often than we'd like in the last little bit. This is all according to Gartner
Intel so then announced the formation of the automotive security review board the ASRB which aims to lessen and
address auto cybersecurity risks
So their research arm is tasked with performing continuous security tests and inspections, and we'll pick from top
security industry talent and Intel has also published the first white paper version of the automotive security
Best practices they will provide incentives by awarding a new car to the researcher that makes the most significant
contributions in advancing automobile cybersecurity
Dang man, I wish I had that kind of capability I could use a new car as many of you probably
On the subject of a new car for Linus. Let's talk about the sponsors for today's show ha ha
That's actually pretty funny a Squarespace, so okay. Do you guys know what Squarespace is?
Let's see twitch chat
Okay, whatever. There's a delay, so I'm sure they're all going to tell me they do
Squarespace is the place to go if you want to build yourself a beautiful looking website that is also extremely
Functional and not to mention easy to use they've got state-of-the-art technology
It's all cloud-based so all of your website management is just as simple as signing into a portal with your credentials
And then you can just kind of like add modules or remove them you can edit text to change out pictures
You can add items if you so they've got a lot of different templates
So if it's just a company informational website like ours
You know we can update our address when we move we can add new employees do simple stuff like that or
Depending on what you're trying to build if you have like a portfolio you can add all your latest work really easily keep it organized
if you're building a store you can add new items take away ones that are sold all that kind of cool stuff and
It starts at only eight dollars a month with a free domain thrown in if you sign up for a year
Yeah, I guess what does it really say about it other than that Linus media group calm to my knowledge has never gone down in
The like two years that we've been working with Squarespace and had our site powered by them, so
Highly recommended Squarespace you can and you don't have to commit right away with no credit card required
You can sign up for a free trial and start building your website
They have 24-7 tech support and you can find out if it works for you
So use offer code Linus to save 10% on your first order
Sponsor number two it's tunnel bear the easy-to-use privacy app for mobile and desktop
So it's available on iOS Android Mac PC Chrome you can tunnel
To 14 different countries allowing you to browse the internet as if you were in that country
So a lot of people use this for things like avoiding geo restrictions on certain content
So basically you just pick your country within the app you turn tunnel bear on and your internet connection gets fully
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They've got five million users and you can try it out for free tunnel bear gives you 500 megabytes of data
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So if you need more data prices for unlimited plans start at $6.99 per month download it today. This side
I think there we go
the blah blah blah tunnel bear.com slash
LTT I don't know if some of you have noticed but we've actually started upgrading the set here on
Here on the WAN show which I think is pretty cool
Esther is actually here in the warehouse working on the Linus tech tip set
But we've got a number of other things including like an old sewing machine and all kinds of junk that we're planning to add to
The back to make the land show to make the land show look better
So I had a few people say hey the new set looks great except that like it's really plain-looking. Don't worry
We're working on it and speaking of working on it. Oh
If you find yourself working on things and you don't have the right tool you might just want to get yourself one of these
Puppies. This is the repair business toolkit
It contains pretty much every iFixit thing that we have ever shown off before so the magnetic mat with the
Correctable pen so you can label all the screws and junk that you're using as you put together or take apart a device
They've got the the Protech toolkit, which I use I
Would say at least four days out of seven a week like seriously
I use this thing all the time whether it's just like I need you know some ESD safe tweezers or an unusual screwdriver bit
Or whatever there whatever this one's called something something tech tools toolkit
So this is basically just a screwdriver set with a lot of the stuff that you're likely to find when you're disassembling or assembling
The difference between these ones and the Protech toolkit is this is all the really tiny bits and these ones have nice rubber grips
On them, so you can really crank them. What is this?
Yeah, this is just a box for another Protech toolkit way to go guys
Doesn't come with two Protech toolkits a bunch of other stuff in here. There's like a screen cleaner
There's like a little a little blower
For cleaning dust out of junk they got their suction cups for pulling screens off things and ESD safe work mat
all kinds of great stuff in there and
Basically you can use offer code when show
Oh, that's funny. I put it behind this guy's trying to point at WAN show. I'm like my finger is disappearing
Where's it going? Oh so funny there we go
So use offer code WAN show and you can save ten dollars off a purchase of fifty dollars or more
You can buy it for yourself, or this is actually this is a suggestion for my fix-it
You can go ahead and give it to someone as a gift, and that's actually an extremely good idea
So it's September so I know it's a little early for Christmas
But how thrilled would the geek in your family be that is assuming that you're not the geek in your family
Or you know one of them at least how thrilled would the geek in your family be if they got a toolkit like that?
For its Christmas pretty cool stuff
Everyone's giving me crap about the where's my finger thing come on
I can't be an expert on everything you know and things being in front of other things
That's some complicated stuff right there
What else we got for oh, this is great, so the OP here is prof over on the forum
fan freakin tastic friends
so I
Actually, okay. I haven't looked too much into this one yet, but the original article here is from CBC
Robot ethicist calls for ban on sex robots now
We've talked about this on the show before there are some pretty like I
Don't know what to say I don't want to be offensive, but for me personally so take it as you know my personal
You know ignorant hate speech or whatever some pretty
Sex toys out there like some pretty weird stuff where you know they want to use AI to make the
Interaction seem like the toy is enjoying it and you know super
Realistic heads and super realistic bodies, and I'll tell you when I was over in Japan
Just kind of walking around in stores
I found some stuff that I was just like wow really so maybe I just live under a rock
And this is all like totally totally normal stuff, but
Doctor dr. Richardson dr. Kathleen Richardson is a robot ethicist at De Montfort University in
Leichester and she believes that these
robot sex dolls reinforce traditional stereotypes of women and
View that it is a relationship
That oh, right hmm
And so this this like sort of traditional stereotype of women and and a view that a relationship doesn't need to be anything more
Physical so sex dolls on the market are becoming more sophisticated
Sophisticated so company. There's a company called true companion that boasts that it's developing the world's first sex robot and
Promises to launch its first doll Roxy with three X's of course later this year there are apparently
thousands of pre-orders at a retail price of
$7,000 with the CEO of a true companion commenting we are not
Supp planting the wife or trying to replace a girlfriend. This is a solution for people who are between
Relationships or someone who has lost a spouse and wants the doll to be a self learning engine for the user
Wow, I think we've actually run this straw poll before but I don't remember the results
And I always love to hear from you guys
So sex doll and this is gonna be a bit of a different phrasing of the question. So is it and
I want to be really careful with the use of this word because the word wrong has a
Lot of negative connotation, you know, yeah, let's not go with the word wrong. Let's go with sex dolls
Agree or disagree. Okay, so I'm keeping it very general
Basically do you think and you can interpret this I leave it open for interpretation a little bit
Do you think people should should buy them? Do you think people should make them?
Do you think people should be allowed to buy them should be allowed to make them? Like do you think do you agree or?
Do you not agree they should or they should not at all?
And I and I know that I hope most of you kind of get what I mean. So here we go
Let's have a look at the results for that straw poll in a little bit and I'll go ahead and move on to my next
This is this is so awesome, so the original poster here is
Aljolina I straight-up have no idea how to pronounce that. I'm gonna go ahead and throw that link in there
I'm losing track of my links here. There we go. So the original article here is from phone arena
the Sony
Z 5 premium apparently only renders media in 4k and the rest in
1080p for a two-day battery and I can tell you right now
I'm not getting two days out of that battery and I'm sure a lot of people aren't but
You know, maybe maybe someone does or whatever. So there was a lot of concern about the absolutely
Unbelievable like a lot of people I talked to didn't even believe the rumors that it was gonna have a 4k display
so the astounding
800 plus pixel per inch density. That is a
huge first like way far and away from others the galaxy s6 for example has
577 pixels per inch a lot of people are saying there's no way that's true because a it would be impossible to manufacture in any
reasonable volume with
Reasonable yield so at a reasonable price and B because no one is asking for this. Nobody wants this
There's no benefit to the end user to having a high
resolution display that just sucks more power not only itself but also
From the components that are trying to drive it like if you're gonna try and game on mobile in 4k
Even though the graphics are not that detailed
You're gonna you're just gonna run out of frame buffer. Like you're just gonna run out of memory. It's just not a good idea. So
There you go
They showed 10 so they show 1080p
Resolution for for the for the like the actual so what it'll show to an application is 1080p resolution
So it'll render at 1080p
Rather than the displays actual
2160 by 3840
pixel count
So this does raise some concerns about whether the display will look good running at a non-native
resolution something that is definitely an advantage for any pixel based display whether it's
LCD or
OLED or whatever else the case may be but um, as long as they handle it correctly
I really don't think that's a huge issue. I guess for me. I'm just
Sort of scratching my head. So as someone who already doesn't believe we need 1440p at five and a half inches
I'm I'm really scratching my head as to why we're even bothered with this. So it's got a 34 30 milliamp hour battery
Which I call total BS on the 2a battery life with by the way, and we're throwing a 4k display at it
Which straight up I mean I've talked about retina already on this show sort of the retina display concept
Which already we won't be able to tell especially because where are you guys getting 4k?
Like good quality 4k content on your phones and like I don't know there's a hundred
There's a hundred reasons I can think of why this is why this is totally stupid
But if you wanted to be a baller and have the first 4k phone display
Then I guess you can pick up a z5 premium and I'm I I haven't I haven't really managed to make a point here
But I guess there just isn't really one. Let's go back to the sex dolls
Here we go
Sex dolls agree or disagree
so a
Significant 54% of you figure what the hey bring it on sex dolls
with 20% of you
Maybe having concerns about whether people will bother to maintain
traditional relationships if they have the option of just having a sex doll and
Fulfilling those particular needs. I mean, let's let's let's let's be honest with ourselves
You know a fair amount of the effort that we put into
You know combing our hair in the morning and not smelling bad is about trying to attract a mate
So if we feel like we don't have to bother then, you know, are we well apparently only 20% of you care about that
We have 26% of you figuring turnip is the only response there with any merit
All right, oh
This is just such a bummer for AMD
Here we go, I went ahead and posted that there the original article here is from WCCF tech
Jim Keller has left
AMD can you not please? Thank you. Jim Keller has left AMD
So he was well known for having a heavy hand. Well, no heavy hand has a particular meaning
So having his hands directly on AMD's k7 and k8
Series micro processors. So that was really the heyday of AMD you guys like
AMD rode k8. I mean a lot of what they did with k8
You know after Jim Keller left was just like adding glue to the design
That was already there like, you know, it's like oh, well, we've got like we got like one of these k8 cores
Why don't we like do two now because we have a you know smaller manufacturing process
So he actually left
In 1998 and was involved in Apple's a foreign a5 SOCs after joining Apple in
2008 so yeah, he has worked on some pretty big name stuff
So he came back to AMD in 2012 to work on their to work on basically
Digging them out of the hole that they were in for desktop CPU performance. So
Codename Zen
AMD's upcoming x86 cores are targeting a 40% improvement in
per clock performance over AMD's previous generation processors
Which let's just face it have absolutely
Stunk like AMD managed to take the
What was like the last like sort of compelling one? I guess you could say the 1100t was their last six core
they managed to introduce eight core processors that
Legitimately had lower IPC than their previous six core and like it hasn't really gotten any better from there
I mean we keep getting, you know better on board graphics
Which you know AMD was really banging that drum like yeah, we got APUs we got APUs
We got APUs and by the time anyone cares and by the time any applications leverage this
Intel's gonna have on board graphics that are like as good or better. Oh crap. What are we gonna do now? So, um,
It looks like the plan, you know in 2012 was to bring back the CPU on the AMD side and and and hit it hard
and so he's been there for a few years now working on that and
Now he's gone now
with that said something a lot of people don't really understand is that a
CPU or a graphics processor, you know any of these types of products is
Being worked on literally for years. So if Zen is gonna launch in 2016
I think Q4 is the current rumor if Zen is gonna launch in quarter four of 2016
And he's been working on it since 2012
Probably so much of the groundwork has been laid at this point that him leaving
Could have little to no impact on Zen
So I've seen a lot of people, you know knee-jerk reaction to this going. Oh, no AMD is doomed
They're not gonna have Zen. They're not gonna have a processor
That's that's totally not
Not gonna be the case. I
Hope I mean I can't say Zen's not doomed
But what I'll say is that Jim Keller leaving now is probably not going to be the reason for Zen to be doomed if it
Does end up being doomed?
However, we look at what happened last time
He worked on a project over there and then when he left and then it was like kind of super bad after that
I'm not saying that won't happen again
But I mean, it's not like he also hasn't been there working with his team for a few years, you know
Hopefully training people. I'm not saying obviously that he's the only person who worked on Zen. They've got an
Extraordinarily skilled team of engineers over at AMD. So, you know, it's not it is not a one-man job designing a CPU. So
there you go read into it, however much or however little you want, but he's gone and
That's a bummer speaking of things that are a bummer
This is like do you not
Charge us enough already
You know
Original article here is from Ars Technica. Let's go ahead and pull this up. Are you not already sucking us dry?
Empty Epson ink cartridges have been discovered to be still
20% full
So high end and this is this is not like your cheapo consumer like we need to bilk you for
For a couple more dollars, you know nonsense here. This is like
This is like high-end
printers where they're basically just
Scamming the customer out of one fifth of what they paid an awful lot of money to have
So this printing company cut open some cartridges to see how empty they really were
so this is a high-end printer that retails for about
3,000 pounds or about
$5,000 and
Basically their comments to Epson which they have made multiple times
Asking about this like hey, what's the deal? These are like 15 to 20 percent full still
Have just gone unanswered
so they still have 60 to 80 mils of ink and when you consider that inkjet printer ink is as
Expensive or more than high-end perfume. You better have a freaking good excuse for
Wasting 60 to 80 mils of this stuff and on top of that this is this is hilarious
So this printer has something along the gap. There you go. The stylus pro
9900 has 11
So if you're throwing away
$50 of ink per cartridge changing out your 11 cartridges we're talking
550 dollars that is so rubbish
Like holy crap
So they're hoping that their YouTube video will get them more exposure so that Epson will actually have to answer
For what they're doing and I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna link that here
You guys should definitely check that out
Do share it because the more pressure that we can put not just on Epson
The more pressure that we can put on ink cartridge companies to accurately report the ink in them
The better and it's not just about reporting like it's one thing to have electronic reporting for how much ink is left. That's great
I love that and I even understand if they're gonna buffer the reporting and it's gonna go down to
Zero when there's actually, you know 15 to 20 percent left because you can't account for you know, cleaning cycles or whatever
Okay, so there's there's stuff that you might not be able to account for
You're not gonna get every last drop out of anything. It might cling to the side. So fine fine. I understand that but
What I don't understand is that you don't keep printing until you're done
It's like it's like if your car has a fuel gauge that goes to E
You know when it's you know, pretty empty which a lot of them do
In fact consumers have said that they prefer that that and we watch your car
okay, so it stays on full for a bit and then it kind of
You know blitzes its way for a bit and then it kind of hangs around half and then it goes down
Faster to kind of the bottom and then it like hangs out there for a bit and the needle on some cars will actually go
Past the E like it's hilarious
But that doesn't mean you stop driving when it hits the E if there's still gas in the tank
Come on, man, if I want to like ride my ink cartridges to the end, then I should have the right to do that
All right, what else we got here wow this show has flown by it's after six already
Holy cow
This is cool. So this was posted by Alex goes high on the forum. Let's go ahead and copy that link there boop and
The original article here is from the verge
Here's our best look yet at blackberries upcoming Android slider. This is a phone
That could get my attention
because as much as this marks me as a bit of an old guy I
Am from the physical phone keyboard era
Okay, and I still touch type better on a physical phone than I do on a touchscreen
I've seen people who can touch type on a touchscreen faster than I ever was on a physical phone and kudos to them
I'm not one of them maybe partly
Due to the fact that I'm switching phones all the time
So the spacing is always changing around on me, but I'm not gonna make excuses
I'm better touch typing on a physical keyboard than I am on a not physical keyboard and that
Absolutely fantabulous doesn't it if you're into the blackboard blackberry keyboard see it's not actually
Inordinately thick you might be into this particular device and this hands-on from the verge is looking pretty good if other things about it are good
This could be this could be a winner so other specs it has a 5.4 inch quad HD display a Snapdragon 808 processor
3 gigs of RAM and an 18 megapixel rear camera to be clear the 18 megapixels means nothing so
Let's wait until we see some test images from it
What else we got for rapid-fire topics today?
How Google accidentally launched climate change this was originally posted by Joss on the forum now to be clear
They didn't change the climate
Mm-hmm, which is what the headline there actually kind of sounds like and the original article here is from Android headlines
It's great our internet is so fast now that I always know that it's someone else's site. That's slow
So it's a Google Maps is testing a climate change feature and what it basically did can I help you just want to say hi
Oh, okay. Hi
It's not after party. It's still the show. Okay. Well, it's after 6
So last Friday a worst-case scenario report was released to the news media about the effects of
Sea levels if we burn all of our fossil fuels on the same day
Google turned on a new feature in Google Maps that showed the California coastline
Underwater with just a 2-inch rise in sea levels
So this was their attempt to raise awareness about the effects of fossil fuels
I'll do the Los Angeles area was the only part of the country where this feature was turned on and
Google states that it was a coincidence to time it with the worst-case scenario report and also blames their many map partners for the issue
It's been back to normal since last Friday
I guess that's pretty much it. I
I want to thank all of you guys for tuning in to the WAN show and I will see you again next week
Same bat time same bat channel this time with no technical difficulties
Okay, come on it was pretty minor this week you guys it was just a black screen for like a minute
It's not that bad, right? I mean also I guess the intro which I'm rolling now, which I'm trying to roll now, which
Okay, didn't didn't restart on time. Okay, so
dang it
Don't remember playback position and then when finished do nothing
And I think we're done here
Thanks for watching guys. See you next week
There's the train
Yeah, the one drawback of the new studio compared to the old one the train that goes by
like all the time
You actually it's not that bad. Yeah. Yeah a couple times a day. All right. Hey