
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Couldn't possibly go wrong. I'm starting the stream. Sounds good, dude. Oh, hey
Oh, I thought you're going with like meatloaf there
So not me though not me alone, okay, that's what's-her-face and some other guy I
Don't know
Linda Ronstadt, but it's like a cover
She's like actually kind of like pretty famous yeah cover artist yeah
All right, sorry, I'm still loading up the doc. I have no idea what the top my dogs up
I'm just gonna read the first four in the doc because we don't really know what they are
Anyways, Twitter says that they will ban Trump if he breaks hate speech rules. Can they do that retroactively?
Like how does he still have an account?
Casey Neistat sold his beam app and himself to CNN
And Netflix 4k streaming requires Kaby Lake Windows 10 and edge browser. You know what the problem is and
Canada wants software backdoors mandatory decryption capability and record storage
That's why I look so small. It's the table that was moved. Yeah, cuz you're
Also, your chair is higher. I
Bet it's on the other side cuz I bet your chair was assembled backwards. Oh, no. No it is on that side
You got this you got this bro. I'm cheering for him. You can't do it. You can't do it. Oh
Does that as low as yours goes try lifting it? Oh
So yours just doesn't go as low
Cuz it's like a bigger Pearson chair. Yeah. Okay. Well fine. I was just I'll just lift my chair up a bit
All right, we got this oh no, no, no, no, my chair isn't higher I just lifted mine though. Oh, yeah
Now we look like the same species at least even if he's a large
What else we got the reddit CEO actively altered and censored
user comments and Canada wants software backdoors mandatory decryption capability and record storage for I believe at least a year of
Everything you do on any service
Cool Oh, Canada
So don't say anything bad about anything and everything you do is the
I'm sure twitch chat is like spazzing out about it by now if it is it was like lol
WTF five FPS you suck wall freaking noobs. You'd think they'd figure it out by now. Lol
Are you even reading this or are you just guessing? I've read like a couple
No problem no problem
That's fine. The sponsor spots work. That's all that matters. Anyway, hell yeah, we're gonna rename the land show
It's just gonna be in a sponsor show. I mean based on that the sponsor segment was like the most popular part of last week's
When show anyway, we might as well just do an entire show only a sponsor
we should probably do that as like this show sponsored by Canada not giving a
Bleep word about your privacy or rights at all as a person
No, I don't want them as a sponsor
No, no, I mean real sponsors, okay, okay think about it cuz you know how there's like an awareness to everything
There's like breast cancer awareness month and there's like Movember. Is there like a is there like a blatant shameless
Like is there like sellout month? Could we create this?
So to kick off sellout month, we do an entire wind show of an hour
See if Nick could sell it
You probably could I
Think Nick can sell anything
the live demonstration show
We show a live demonstration of every single sponsors product. Mm-hmm
How we feel like we get a 15-minute segment and we use your product for 15 minutes on stream
We could spend 15 minutes creating a Squarespace site. Yeah, that could be done. Yeah, we could spend 15 minutes
We could partially disassemble a device with an iFixit can't be able to finish anything
But we could do that. We could like expense some stuff with fresh books. Yeah, we could shave
I need to dollar shave. I think it could be done. Yeah, I think it could be done
Yeah, what else we got we could make a call if we hosted it in the States and use Ting
Yep, and then we could make another call and use discord. Yes. Yes
While you're calling people I can cook stuff
With a chef steps jewel. Yeah
No, that could be like the one that runs in the background of the entire show and then we eat it at the end
So it's like ten minutes of preparation and then five minutes of eating it. Yep, so we could we could host
The show on an Intel NUC
Hi mom, you're on the WAN show I
I feel like it's been a while since we've uh, oh boy. Here we go. You're on speaker mom. Oh boy
Hey, how's it going? I
Know I love it when you call into the show live like this without announcing it first
What's up mom to what do I owe the pleasure
I would need to know the shoe size Luke's shoe size
Okay. Now I fully understand that he wouldn't know this
But you were you really expecting me to know I
Know his sweater size so I can meet you halfway here It's generally a
Generally a 12 mom it can range from 11 to 13, but it's usually a 12 you set this up
You had your mom call into WAN show and ask about your shoe size just so you could talk about it
Just so you could talk about how big your shoes are. I know I know why you want to talk about that
I think that's semi-average for like a tall dude
All right, thanks for calling in
Mom I love you. Oh, wow. All right, so
My god, that was good. All right, let's move into our first topic here Twitter says it will ban Trump
If he breaks hate speech rules
so this was originally posted on quartz dot-com and
the article is
Just I mean the way it begins is great Twitter's been fighting hate speech for years some would argue not very successfully
Now it faces what may be the world's most powerful troll the president of the United States
Is the best memes?
So the greatest means
The Facebook has already indicated to slate
so there's another article here from Facebook got from facebook.com from
Please load from slate comm here
We go with Facebook or Twitter ever been President Trump one says it wouldn't one says it would so Facebook has already said they are
Willing to bend the rules for president-elect Trump Twitter told slate
No one is exempt from their rules
Not even the president and you know what I have to say to that is good for you Twitter
So Twitter has recently suspended the accounts of several leading pundits and activists from the alt-right
Which has been linked with notions of white supremacy white nationalism and
anti-semitism so asked whether Twitter would consider banning government officials the Twitter
Spokesperson said the Twitter rules prohibit violent threats
hateful contact conduct and multiple account abuse
Wow honestly like being a person who admins a forum you own your platform
If you want to do that you want to do that like I'm not going to tell Twitter or Facebook how to run their stuff
Because I wouldn't want them to tell me how to run my stuff and like we we ban people for various reasons
But hold on a second you wouldn't tell them how to run their stuff
But could you not make the argument that?
Due to their ubiquity their size and their size their scale there
I don't think they should though. There's been a lot of debate and
I think Facebook has come out and said they don't feel like they influenced to the election one way or the other
Or they didn't think that there was proof that they had I think that's
stupid for them to say something like that that they didn't influence it one way or the other and
Given their size given their scale do you feel like while we are not legally?
Entitled to tell them how to operate their platform
Do you feel like they have a social responsibility to do it social responsibility to ban him though?
To enforce the rules equally to all people regardless of whether it's just it creates like a PR
Poop storm for them. I think I think it depends personally cuz like one way that you could look at it is like yeah
This is bannable stuff, but then he's a leader of a country where probably the majority of your users are from
so like
There there's being informed and knowledgeable about extremely important things that are happening in your country
And then there's like jobo Joe blow down the block being a dick
right and I think they're
So if whether the the the comments might be the same okay, so if you're saying you're saying if someone important is a dick
They should get special treatment, but how are you draining the swamp?
No, that's just to spread knowledge about it's different when it's a president. It's not just someone important
It's the president of the United States it like it's like it's a like whatever yes
It's it's a tier above you know what I mean, and you need to know what's going on with your president
Or prime minister or whoever is the leader of your country you need to know what's going on
I think that's an important thing. I like to be informed about what Trudeau is doing
I like to be informed about you like it. Do you enjoy it?
I don't necessarily enjoy it, but I think it's an important knowledge last week hasn't been a high point for no
It hasn't it really hasn't but knowing that he has said those things is important, and I would like to see that
Feed okay, so I think knowledge goes above
Not necessarily feeling comfortable all the time, so I would I would want to know what is being said whether or not
I agree with it. It doesn't matter. I would want to be able to see that okay, so so okay
Honestly, so here. I got a straw poll this because we got to hear from you guys
Presidents, I think it would be hilarious if he was banned
Have let's call it like a so-called
Diplomatic immunity yeah
to social
Media bans should presidents PMs heads of state we're gonna go
Yes, no
Create poll let's go ahead and drop this in the twitch chat, so you guys can start hitting us with these
But someone in chats like so basically Luke is saying make sure all politicians have a platform to say stupid bleep word on
The thing is if they're saying all this stupid bleep word stuff
elect someone else
Or use those things to campaign against them so that your country elects someone else. I I don't personally enjoy
Living in ignorance and hiding everything away so that I don't know what's going on so that I don't feel bad about things that other
People are saying I would rather know what other people are saying feel bad about it, but know what's going on more
That's me personally like I said earlier. I don't want to tell these platforms what they need to do
But like we have a rule on the forum where you can attack us
we don't like you attacking other users and
Personally I would enforce that whether it's President Trump or not
President Trump came on the forum and attacked our users. I would ban him right
That's the way I'm gonna do it. I don't feel like but you're also saying
That Facebook isn't no right wrong. I don't want them to if I was damn. It might be different
I don't want them to because I want to be able to see what he's doing as a user interesting
As a user I don't care if he's making fun of me I
Want to be able to see what he's doing?
Because I care about knowledge as an admin of the line of sectors forum
I don't want anyone making fun of my users or attacking different people on my platform
If they attack us if they're like wow they made this video. There's such
Nvidia shills is common blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. I hate these guys
like someone created a thread in the general section of the forum not that long ago in a response to
My name John's video on
MacBook RAM mm-hmm yep saying that we were horribly ill-informed and we he was looking for other
YouTube channels to go watch yeah, I didn't pull that down. I didn't ban that guy
I didn't give him warning points or anything. It made me sad
He was left completely alone
Because that's how I think we should be running the forum
So you think okay so on our forum President Trump would be allowed to run the forum
Would be allowed to attack us
But he would not be allowed to attack other users
Yeah, so but but then that's how I that's how I but on someone else's platform
You would prefer that that platform not equally defend its users so that you can observe
President elect Trump's behavior
As a third again, yes, but I would not necessarily feel the same way if I was the person running the platform
And would you feel the same way because I don't want my platform to become toxic and would you feel the same way?
Because it's mine
I don't care if some other platform becomes toxic because bearing in mind that these are much more powerful platforms
Than Linus Tech chips forum. Yeah
Would you feel the same way if you or or?
It's great that your mom called in if it was your mom being attacked on Twitter or on Facebook
How would you feel about Facebook not banning a bully?
No matter who they are
Who they are if they were campaigning against your mother for being a cast member of let's say a show
for example
For I think that happened right with uh, I don't remember the name of it, but there was a show
Yeah, so some show in my opinion. My mom is an extremely wonderful lady
and I truly believe that people would
Back up my mom because she's a wonderful person and i'd love to believe that I would
To have the knowledge out there that this theoretical person is attacking my lovely mom
and if someone would do that, they would be a
Deplorable person but if someone came on the linus tech tips forum
Personally attacking your mother they would be banned within seconds. Oh, yeah nanoseconds
Yeah, but on another platform is a user on the forum, but but on another platform
okay, I mean i'm I so
So twitter is a platform that people very specifically use
For like political things and has been set up to be very good for that
Linus tech tips is not a platform at all that has been set up for political things in the slightest, right?
It is a technology discussion community. It is not the same place
And it will be admined and moderated
As such okay. Well 75 of you or so
Say that presidents and pms should not
Have diplomatic immunity to social media bans with 25 of you approximately about a quarter of you saying that they
Should to be clear have immunity. I respect and totally understand the people voting against my thing
And again, I would probably run the platform differently. Yeah, just as a user. I appreciate the knowledge
Interesting. Okay. I want to be able to know what's going on
Maybe it's not on facebook and twitter and he has some other place. That's fine
Just as far as I know he doesn't really he just tweets things
He just tweets things. I don't know
Um, that's the only place i'm on here. I don't follow him so that he doesn't get more followers even though he has so many
but like
I don't know
Oh, man
Uh, I don't actually know if it made it into the uh, the doc this week 140 characters for politic talks luke dumb
That's literally what it's for
What some guy was like calling me dumb because it's only 140 character for like politicians because twit longer doesn't exist
Because putting one out of four two out of four three out of four four out of four at the end of tweets doesn't exist
Because taking pictures of something and then posting it doesn't exist and linking off to another site
And because pm's don't exist or dms as they call them on that platform. Yes. Yes. So, um, yeah, there's that
Uh on the subject of president trump and his twitter followers, you know that as the president
He can sms the entire country, right?
Oh my god, I don't think any president has ever actually used it
But if there was anyone who was gonna who was gonna sms
Because it's it's mostly like the network exists this person made fun of me
Go look at her porno sms entire country emergency like information and stuff like that makes sense
Yeah, there's like three different like oh my god
Like like things that would be extremely get to the chopper that kind of thing. Um,
But uh, but yeah, yeah president-elect trump will have the keys to
Texting everybody's cell phones. Oh man at three in the morning
Well, no, no, no, no you've shown no see comments like that you show a clear misunderstanding of
Time zones because it cannot be three in the morning across the entire country
Right the the us of a is a very big place
Is a very big place. Okay?
We're talking three different time zones
More if you count hawaii. I was just gonna say yep. There's more they're important too. Yep to someone
Hawaiians they have a really cool observatory. So
I mean to be clear. I I love hawaii. I actually have been there. Have you not been there?
I went for amd's, uh, hawaii gp. Oh, yeah. Yeah, it's beautiful. Yeah, it's awesome
Um, it makes sense
yeah, but um
But they just they kind of get forgotten in the whole how many time zones
Does why do you ever waste space uploading this to youtube? Why do you ever waste time watching it?
Ask yourself. Maybe they're not watching it. Maybe that's like maybe like trump
They are specifically not following us so we don't get any more followers
They are sitting at their computer kind of looking at the screen like this, right?
So all they can see is the chat window and they're not watching it and they have they pop out the chat
And then they close the stream the finger in the ear the shoulder against the other ear
and they're going
I am warrioring my keyboard
That's what they probably look like right now so good. Oh my god
So good. All right speaking of speaking of canada things and being informed and caring about knowledge
Original article here is from tom's hardware. Yeah
this is why I like to know what's going on because
I mean between this and the fidel castro thing. It has not been a proud week for canada. No, it hasn't
It's funny because i've been really enjoying all my smug canadian-ness over the last little bit since the americans elected trump
Yeah, but i'm i'm not i'm not having a good time. Where's the happy in between man? I know right?
Geez the beginning of this bill was not proposed by his party
Um, but this one should have been axed by his party and it has not been so
Literally, not better is how i'm gonna apply that anyways canada wants software backdoors mandatory decryption capability
And record storage extensive record storage for everything
So, you know, what's really funny is did you also read because I I was reading some article somewhere saying he was going to kill
C-51 no, no, no, no, no, no, nothing. He said that yeah, um, he's expanding it. No, no, no, um
Dick hole, um, it's weird. Yeah, I think I think
I think dick is considered a swear in the same way that pussy is
Like I think it's one of those like it's not an f-bomb but it's also not hell like I think it sits in this awkward in between
but if
President trump can say pussy
Then you should probably be able to say dick
You should probably be able to say dick i'm down i'm down it's 2016 say what you want
Uh, just don't expect the government to not be able to
Decrypt it and look at it. Um, yeah and store it so, uh, man, I forget what I said, right, right, right, right, right
so I I I had read some article about
Someone wanting to move like a backup of the internet onto storage servers in canada or something because they were worried about
Like president trump something like yeah, I don't understand the uk is a mess right now. Oh, yeah
Canada looks like it's going to be a mess. The us is who knows
google canadian spy palace
It sounds just as amazing as it is
Just check it out canada like
Canada like canada's not doing as great as a lot of people think yeah, let's move up there. Oh, they're screwed. Whoops. Um,
Um, anyways, yeah, so last year canada passed an anti-terrorism law called bill c51
Which just like screwed over everyone who wasn't a terrorist and was extremely easy to bypass by anyone who like actually really wanted to do
Anything bad exactly like this one will be because you can still use vpns and stuff
It will just cost more money to get a good one
You idiots
God, damn it, and it's not like vpns are hard to like google
It's like how do I get away from the people tracking that? Oh, wow
Every single website has made a thing about using vpn tunnel bear sponsor today. No, they're not unfortunately
Yeah, what country is going to be safe to tunnel through at a certain point?
Uh, well, there's like there's there's uh, what are they called bunker?
Bunker isp bunker servers something like that. They like literally host their stuff in a bunker in I believe sweden
It's where the pi it's where the pirate bay was hosted and stuff. How'd that work out for them?
Uh, pretty good. They never got the servers. I don't think I don't think they ever got into the bunker
There's like there's places you can vpn through
Of course you don't see um
The government has complained ah about not being able to intercept communications
Communications. Oh, that's so unfortunate and that it should be allowed to intercept allowed to use intercept capability against some service providers
I feel so bad for you. You could use a warrant. I don't know if you've ever heard of that
But it's a thing
That you can use to do this kind of stuff if you need to instead of just doing it to everyone all the time
So they're allowing backdoors that or they're asking for backdoors that will allow this interception and warrantless access to basic subscriber information
Yeah, the canadian service intelligence service, which is c s is intelligence service instead of uh is is
Surprisingly close. Oh, this may be a bad. This is not comparable to a terrorist organization
That was a little rough
Jeez in other things about privacy and things changing and whatnot reddit ceo
Actively altered and censored user comments. I believe this was in the donald or whatever that crazy. So yeah, it was in the donald
subreddit, um
So there was a thing that was like fu
Uh, u slash spes which is supposed to tag him, but it doesn't work. He turned that off a long time ago. Um
Because people were mad about him studying setting down a subreddit called pizza gate, which was about people
theory crafting the idea that there was potentially
A pedophilia ring involving people at the highest levels of the democratic party operating out of a washington pizza restaurant
That they got this information out of emails that were leaked through wikileaks. I read some of them. They're actually pretty weird
Um, anyways, they're they're weird like regardless of what's going on. They're weird. I know that's all I have to say
Okay, I don't know what's going on, but them are some weird emails. Um, so he changed
The comments from being against him to being against
moderators of the donald
If I remember correctly, yeah, I was reading this article and like the way the guy
The way he handled it was very childish. Yes. Yeah, so spes screwed up real bad
I don't know
I mean this is shortly following. Um, like when people are attacking you
A really good way to deal with it is just like being mature
Usually I don't know
Not that we're the kings of no we're not but like when that dude attacked us and was like, what are some?
People I can go watch that aren't you can just ignore it. Yeah
Just let it blow over or if you need to address something just address it and then let it fly over
Yeah, address it properly and fully and then move on. Yeah, and sometimes addressing it just means sorry my bad
Which is yeah, which he did after should have done it before
I should have done it in the first place, but maybe he learned
Um, I mean this this comes I mean ellen powell. When did she resign?
Was that even a year ago a year and a bit?
Yeah, it feels like it wasn't that long ago. I don't know but did she do stupid stuff? I don't remember what it was
Or so, oh no, no, she closed down the fat-shaming reddit, I think something like that
I don't remember what I don't remember what it was
But basically, I mean one of the comments in the article here was even she didn't change
User comments because and this is that's that's brutal. That's a pretty sensitive topic
Especially on a platform that is supposed to be front page of the internet, you know, like a like a kind of a free speech
Yeah, um what has happened on linus tech tips is we've edited user comments before but I say I edit it but what happens is
There's a flag that goes on the bottom that says who it was edited by
and a reason and we usually post in the thread saying that it happened and the edits are like
usually hilarious like we'll take someone like
Insulting another user with crazy slurs and swear words and stuff and make it like rainbows and bunnies and happiness and stuff
Yep, and then say that it was edited by us
Like we've done stuff like that before but we're very clear. I've done stuff like if someone posts. Um
Like uh, like a guide to something and refers to my video
That I did on it or something and they weren't sure where it was
Like i'll go in and i'll put it in i'll be like i'll put it like a thing at the bottom edit
Edited by linus admin added youtube link. Yeah
Yeah, yeah, I mean we tell them that it was edited there are transparent and harmless ways to edit user comments on a site
This especially and non-destructive because we can just go into the history and see what it was. Did he expect people not to notice?
Yeah, that part's pretty weird. Eh, like that's the thing is if it had been a subtle edit
like changing it to a misspelling
Or something or like even I I don't know like especially like an angry personal attack
Changing the subject of it. Yeah. Yeah, because those people are gonna get tagged. Yeah
They're gonna notice and they were moderators of the donald like you don't think they're gonna jump on that
The whole thing was just odd
Just poorly planned. So his statement is funny. That was brandon by the way. Hey everyone. Yep. I messed
I messed I messed with the f you spaz comments replacing spaz with
Are the donald admins for our mods for about an hour?
It's been a long week here trying to unwind the r pizza gate stuff
As much as we try to maintain a good relationship with you all it does get old getting called a pedophile constantly
As the ceo I shouldn't play such games and it's all fixed now our community team is pretty pissed at me
So I most assuredly won't do this again, and there was some leaked screenshots of the community team's slack
which one of you guys needs to not leak that because that's lame but
the slack was like
very unhappy
Because it's like the the reddit admins that need to go like clean all this. Yeah now it's their problem
Yeah, and they're like, oh god
It would have been super cool if my day hadn't been completely ruined by you. Yeah
Thanks for that pretty much
Speaking of days being completely ruined. This is such a great show
This is the best show the best show
It's the greatest show. No one else could make a show like our show. Yeah, what the flicks original article here from tom
No, I got it do not want
Notifications. Sorry. What are you asking notifications?
Hold on. Hold on. But you know what? I realized I am doing this wrong
I need to view this page in the best browser. Oh god, the greatest browser. Come on now microsoft edge
I mean look at this. Look at how these ads are chopped off halfway on the page. Nice. You know what?
It's like halfway ad block. It's oh, why is it zoomed 250?
50 I don't know edge. And wait, what is a hundred percent? Why is a hundred percent look like this?
Edge, why are you terrible? Like that's tom's tom isn't formatted poorly. Why are you so terrible?
Well, no, look at chrome did it just fine. Look here's chrome
Yep. Oh
Oh shoot that's not edge's fault. Yeah. No, that's not edge's fault. Hold on. I got this
Well, like, uh, anyways, okay, okay, so tell them what's going on
Netflix 4k streaming is going to require a kb lake processor
Windows 10 and edge browser so considering i've had so
Endless problems with windows 10 and streaming at home and i'm planning on going back to windows 7 the obvious solution
Is to go to an immature browser on a brand new platform from intel
All at the same time for the best user experience. Yes
Wow, yep. Wow
The best part is that it's completely unnecessary
Although it's probably because it's using something crazy. Yeah, it's probably hardware decoding support for 10-bit hevc
Hevc which I guess the question from my side would be why can't we use software decoding?
Just like we can
Now this very moment exactly right now now
I do actually understand why play ready 3.0 hardware based drm
it it has to do okay, so yes, so play ready 3.0 is a hardware based drm system that requires dedicated and
supported decoding hardware
Which prevents the video stream from being captured in software or via an external capture device? Don't you just love?
Drm, I actually had a great week with drm this week. Nice
Yeah, and so did john everyone had a great week with drm awesome. John wanted to capture some ps4 pro gameplay
yeah, and uh and
Discovered that due to the hdmi 2.0 implementation of the ps4 pro our capture card just straight up couldn't do it
That was great. Yeah, and I was trying to do my evaluation of 4k blu-ray
With legitimate discs on an xbox one s a legitimate player with a high-end receiver from onkyo
with hdcp 2.2 and
Arguably the best hdr tv on the market lg signature oled and thanks to hdcp
Half the time my stuff wouldn't handshake nice
Wasn't it wonderful? That's awesome. Yeah, I thought it was wonderful drm and hardware is great
Um, yeah, I mean especially when firmware updates
Upgrade the drm and downgrade the functionality. Oh nice
Do you know how long it's been since i've been able to have my gtx 980?
Go directly into the hdcp 2.2 ports on my tv
No since halfway through my review nice
Isn't that great god
So my understanding is it may actually be nvidia's fault on that one and it's the kind of thing that doesn't come up a lot
So I didn't mention it in my review or it wasn't even really a review anyway, but the point is I am
Not a fan
at all
Um, and i'm even more not a fan now that I pay for media. So like the last stream
Was like the we don't have anything to talk about
So we're just going to like talk about random stuff and laugh about things stream and this stream is the like everything sucks
Everything is terrible. There's lots of news. It's just all terrible
Yeah, like oh you just all had a good black friday cyber monday little like spend all your money deal. Well get screwed
Speaking of getting screwed and spending all your money. Oh, wow, let's
Stuff some sponsor messages down your throats first up is vertigear
Yeah, they have gaming chairs and you can check them out over at vertigear.com
Line is uh great for overall comfort. It just takes one person to assemble the chair and I know this for a fact because I
Was personally reassembling it before the stream
It was not vertigears fault. There's a very clear thing. No, i'm gonna lift it up. No, no, but we're not gonna have to
Let's just let's just do this do this the right way. Okay, you see down there you see that sticker
Right there. Yeah
So that sticker says
Front it's a white sticker with big capitalized bold red font. It says front with an arrow
So I had to reassemble this chair myself before the show because someone
Put it on backwards and i'm sitting in the chair. I was like
This is really uncomfortable. Like I don't know if I want to do a sponsor spot for these guys because this thing's awful
And it was assembled backwards put it the right way. It's fine. It's it's pretty good
All right. So anyway glides very smoothly on any surface has a tall backrest meant for the neck shoulder
And it has lumbar support built in instead of just adding a cushion to it like some
Uh, you can adjust the seat to fit your height
It has adjustable armrests the knob under the seat can be set in order to match your weight so you can rock
Yeah, you can rock with these
And the backrest can be altered from 80 degrees to 150 degrees
luke's chair
Oh, it's the plus line. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep
So, you know, it's great too. My shoulders don't actually
You know, what's really funny even on the plus is you are you are
Effectively a plus size model right now, but like I still don't fit so i'm like a plus plus size model
You kind of are. Yep, because my my arm is like over top of this you are such an enormous hunk of man
Um, so plus size
Uh extra large construction on the padding and headset headset headrest to provide more support
and uh
Also glide smoothly on any surface all mechanical parts are covered by leather and the material is easy to clean. That'll be good for you
Because you can be very messy sometimes
I remember that one time I came into your office and on your chair. There was like a cereal bowl with milk all over it
That was you
Don't pin that on me. I knew you were going there too. Don't pin that on me
so you can check out vertigear at vertigear.com
and uh
We will have a link and something etc that's below. All right
moving on to Squarespace
Squarespace is a space that's square or rectangular
Not but not a circle no unless you were to browse a Squarespace website
In on your watch. Oh and not this watch because this is not a circular watch, but normally the watch I wear is a circle
Does android wear have a browser?
Well, whatever Squarespace allows you to make your website the way you want to make it as long as you do it on a browser
in vr
You could yes, but that would still wouldn't be a circle. Not really a circle
No, you can move it around you can spin in a circle while you yeah, so I guess we've achieved what you'd still be viewing it in
If you spin it around in a circle and you are within the circle, would you be viewing it within a circle?
viewing it in a circle
Because like if you if you spin it around
As you're as you're as you're rotating where is he going with this?
Would you be within the circle that you're viewing it in so you could say that you're viewing it in a circle?
What if some of the people out there are legitimately wondering what Squarespace is? Squarespace is a easy to use website where?
You can make a website
That's kind of is it in a nutshell, isn't it? Yeah, they have 24-7 tech support
It's not a year you get a domain for free. It starts at 12 bucks a month
Yeah, they all include a store so you could sell your craft
Whatever else the kids tons of different themes so you can make it look nice
Even if you're not good at making things look nice like Squarespace
You can make the page any way you want as long as it's one of their templates
Which actually is which is a solid way to go? Yeah, not as restrictive as it might sound
uh, they've got their cover pages feature which lets you set up a one-page online presence in minutes and
You can start a trial with no credit card required and start building your website today
We want you to build a Squarespace website and you can get 10% off your first purchase by using offer code
That's how i'm gonna say when from now on
You got a whammy bar the one show
So it's annoying, isn't it man a little bit a little bit. Are you getting that from your kids? No, man
Man, it sounds like you like it. Yeah, but they're higher pitch than me actually even higher pitch
Uh speaking of my kids, I feel like your voice has gotten considerably deeper since we started working together. I'm ivacold
So that might have something to do with maybe the last couple days. Yeah
I've just really noticed linus. You really went through puberty lately
Good on you for that
it's like
The chill the aforementioned children are sort of evidence that the puberty did happen at least four and a half
Five years ago or whatever the math works out too
Because that's the whole puberty thing is the pubic, you know, right area and the hair happen. Yeah, and the
You know
What a little bit
a little bit
I don't know what that gesture means. Don't worry about it. There's also fresh books fresh books who i'm sure appreciates
Very much that all the pubic discussion the whoop sound in there
So fresh books just in case your accounting solution is kind of
Fresh books it's going to take care of that for you
It's the easy to use invoicing software that helps small businesses look professional and get paid faster
You can try fresh books completely for free for 30 days at freshbooks.com slash when
Type when in the how do you hear about us section?
But what does it do it lets you keep track of your time in their time sheet function lets you keep track of your receipts
It has a feature which tells you when your clients look at your invoice for the first time
So there's no more like hey, did you get that invoice and they're like no
And if you have any questions you can reach out to their support staff where you'll speak to a real human
To a real human no phone tree. No escalations. No return calls. No
I knew it was coming, too
Yeah, it's always coming, uh, so visit
Freshbooks.com slash when and enter when in the how did you hear about that section?
Also, they just got a mobile card reader true story. Yes on my stream thing last night people brought up fresh books
And we're all talking about not all of them the ones that had used it. We're talking about how they liked it
And that's kind of cool. We just had a cool story bro moment. And then I talked I loved it. No exactly
Yeah, and then we talked about how like we will drop a sponsor if we genuinely think that we don't like them
And then someone guessed which ones they were and I was like, oh really heck. Do you know that?
Yeah, we generally don't uh, kiss and tell they guessed like
Right away absolutely immediately. It was weird. I don't know. Maybe it was like nick's alt account or something. Oh, yeah
I don't know. Yeah nick would know all the sponsors we've dropped. Yeah
Um, all right, let's move on to some more topics. I guess we do have more topics, right? Yeah
There was netflix offline downloads offline so
they're they're like
putting drm up our butts
But they're also giving us a delicious, uh offline offline viewing, you know
So chocolate sunday, so yeah, I guess um, as long as they don't get the chocolate and the butt mixed up
Then we should be pretty good
Netflix finally lets you download shows and movies to watch
offline this has been
one of the biggest reasons asterisk small amount of
That I have bought certain media because I intended to watch it on a plane
So i'll buy it rip it throw it on plex and then transcode it onto my devices
which is an awful lot of work and if I could just since I have a netflix account anyway if I could just
Download it and watch offline later
It's it's been confusing to me for some time
That their licensing deal
Doesn't account for them to just be able to track through the app the next time you log in what you've watched
And make sure that the payments are all processed correctly
So with that said it's not like available for everything
But they announced that members can download in addition to stream series and films at no additional cost
you just click the download button on the details page and
Currently orange is the new black narcos and the crown are available for download as of november 30th, 2016
Your netflix app needs to be up to date to enable the feature and it looks a little something like this
Yep, looks like a download button to me. Yep. They did a good job of that download button. Look at how downloady that looks.
The line at the bottom. Well, i'm using the wrong mouse showing. Yeah, look at that showing where down is
Yeah, this is well. No, this is the line at the bottom doesn't show where down is
Well, it does but it shows where the down that the arrow was pointing at would be which is what you said but in a different way
Fitbit is reporting on the download button
fitbit is reportedly close to buying pebble
I really enjoyed the moment of silence for my uh, my coherency there
And it was lost. It was good
Fitbit is reportedly buying pebble apparently for a small amount
Um pebble's ceo saying that money is pretty tight these days openly
What just happened to my link? There were offers to pebble in the past
Um that were much higher than what this
Offer and deal is apparently going to be apparently the pebble brand will be phased out
Fitbit will be taking pebble's intellectual property such as its os
and etc
Maybe this is a ah, maybe the smart watches seem to be not doing well at all
At all
Well, you don't use one right nope
I used to and then I was like wow
It super drains the battery on my phone for like not a ton of benefit and then I stopped
I would be fine if it didn't affect if it didn't uh
Aversely affect my phone
But it does so I don't know see I said and then there's the neptune pine. We all know about that
I started using a smartwatch right around the time. I switched to the droid turbo
And since then I have leaned very heavily towards phones with just outrageous battery life
Like I might be able to do it now that I have my pixel, right?
But like it was not a thing with the z5 i'm kind of disappointed nothing i've seen from fitbit has particularly impressed me
Their software is just trash whereas pebble
because pebble
Even though I was not a fan of the pebble time the pebble time felt like a cheap crappy device
It felt like they were they were cheaping out
Trying to eke out more margin which makes sense
And they ultimately compromised what could have been a very good user experience because I actually didn't mind the software
Like for third-party software
It did a better job on
Ios and android then I think apple could do on an android phone with the apple watch or that
Google has done with android wear paired to an iphone like they actually managed to bridge that gap where I think they
Achieved really 90 percent of what I would care about and they managed to do it on both platforms
I thought that was really cool about it
Someone in the chat said it was just kind of a crappy device with a really bad screen
Really bad screen
someone in the chat said that uh
Real smart watches like the apple watch and the gear are doing well
uh, I think you should
Re-conjigger how you view. Well, apple has like pretty much straight up said that the apple watch isn't doing well, haven't they?
Um, I I don't know
But I what I will say is that they now have a second generation apple watch
And they have slashed the price of the first generation apple watch which when you look at the apple watch
And the price delta that they're trying to go at between the two generations of it basically means to me
They have a lot of inventory. They're sitting on like I don't think
I don't think apple watch is a big success. How many of them do you see?
My vet has one that's the only person I know with an apple watch and it was a gift
From someone who thought she would like an apple watch
That's what they've largely became
Yeah, it kind of sucks right now because like two of the most
Highest anticipated within the last little while sections of technology, I guess is how i'll phrase that like vr and smart watches
And wearables in general both just like
And then are stuck down here right? Well, I think vr stands a stands a chance of coming back
Well, I think wearables definitely do too. Maybe they'll come back on similar. No, I was gonna say I thought vr might come back sooner
Because at least the vr like the good vr that's out today is really good and very compelling
Whereas even the best wearables right now
I think are trying to be all the wrong things like i've been wearing the apple watch as a daily driver for
At least two weeks
I don't I don't actually remember how long it's been but i've been using it for a bit because I switched to the macbook pro
And I switched to the iphone 7 and i've been like
in the apple ecosystem
I haven't been tempted to press the crown and open up any of the other apps on the stupid thing
How could I possibly care the time that it takes to press the crown?
Navigate these tiny little icons to the weather by then. I could have pulled out my phone
Like there's just so few things that really make sense. It's mostly a notification device
Okay, can it come back
That was scary. Um
I guess they're just they're trying to instead of just trying to be really elegant and beautiful one thing
And that is like tell time for one thing. Yes. Um
They're either trying to be too much or they're
Their business is too dependent on just selling wearables. They need too much margin. They can't build a good enough product
Just no one's really no one's really gotten it quite right
Yeah, so anyway this this news comes after pebble laid off 25 of its staff earlier in the year
and um
This is all despite funding rounds in 2015 and 2016 that raised 26 million. So
There you go
So much for that
In continued bad news, uh ukasa concludes that no man's sky ads were not misleading
Which actually sounds like impossible original article here was from the bbc
No, man's skies ads were not misleading says the uk's advertising watchdog
What kind of watchdog is that bad dog doesn't watch very well bad dog no supper
so the asa
Has rejected these complaints with their statement reading that we understood that the screenshots and videos in the ad had been created using game footage
And acknowledged that uh in doing this the advertisers would aim to show the product in the best light
We considered that the overall impression of the ad was consistent with the gameplay and the footage provided both in terms of
That captured by hello games and by third parties and that it did not exaggerate the expected player experience of the game
Is the is the one keyword reaction i'm going to give to that and moving on I guess because oh no
I've got a good one. Okay. I have some good news. I have cool news. Oh, yeah, so we're moving on though. Um,
So the original article here. This was posted by spider on the forum
And it's aws.amazon.com amazon
Snowmobile, they have cool names for things. I know they're cool names. I know they're cool names
Snowmobile, they have cool names for things. I know right
Last year, they announced the aws snowball which allows you to transfer one petabyte per week
Using amazon owned storage appliances into the cloud. So this is for like large-scale data migrations
So with 80 terabytes of storage these appliances
Would address the needs of many of their customers and are in widespread use blah blah blah blah blah, however
customers with exabyte scale on-premises storage
Look at the 80 terabytes and realize that an all-out data migration would require lots of devices and some headache-inducing logistics
Where is it where is it physically snowmobile is a ruggedized tamper resistant shipping container
45 feet long
6 feet high and 8 feet wide it is waterproof
Climate controlled and can be parked in a covered or uncovered area adjacent to your existing data center
Each snowmobile consumes about 350 kilowatts of ac power. You don't have sufficient capacity on site
We can arrange for a generator
So each truck is equipped with uh
How what was it a hundred gigabit per second or four hundred gigabit per second or some some?
Ridiculous kind of networking capacity and these trucks can store up to 100 petabytes of data
Allowing you to move exabytes to AWS in a matter of weeks one terabit per second of data. There we go
multiple 40 gigabit per second connections one terabit
Assuming that your existing network can transfer data at that rate. You can fill a snowmobile in about 10 days
And then they show snowmobile in action and they did it with Lego characters
So I have more good news about this one as soon as I heard about this I
Fired off as many emails as I could to anyone I could think of and I okay
It's nothing concrete, but I did get a reply that someone at an agency who knows someone at Amazon AWS
Is looking into whether it'd be feasible for me to go down and take a look at a snowmobile
We even do with it, I don't know
This would have been sweet
Transfer everything we have there in like not long at all. Just for funsies just for funsies like deleted afterwards, I guess
I don't know
Yeah, I have a feeling they're not gonna invest that kind of time and effort do it worth it where you should you should
What else we got should ah, yes it will soon be
Illegal for businesses to punish customers for leaving negative reviews. That's good
Just needs President Obama's signature to be official and that assumes that the Republicans and Professor Trump
Repeal it because it's a bad idea because Obama was involved in his signature was on it
But in a nutshell what this means is that Congress just passed a bill protecting consumers rights to post negative reviews online
Passed by unanimous consent by the Senate passed the blah blah blah the Consumer Review Fairness Act will make it illegal for businesses
to include a non-dispargement or gag clause
which limits a customer's right to share bad reviews by ending gag clauses this legislation supports consumer rights and the integrity of critical feedback about
the products and services sold online
So that's cool, I guess
More bad news uber now tracks passengers locations even after they're dropped off
Dun-dun-dun-dah, yay! In its latest update uber gathers user location information even when the app is not open during a ride
So let's go ahead and make our way through this so in the latest update
After the update is completed uber prompts users to accept the new policy by enabling their phones to make the change
Previously uber only collected data from the user if the rider had the app open
Now if a rider calls for an uber and closes the app uber says it will continue to collect location data up until five minutes after the ride ends
Uber says on their website they do this to improve pickups, drop-offs, consumer service and to enhance safety
Wouldn't it improve literally nothing?
No because what it will tell them is where people are going and what it will tell them is more accurately
But you just verbally tell your driver where the drop-off point is
Yes I know
So it would only need to track where the car is
No but it will tell them what specific place you are specifically going so you could get dropped off at an intersection
And now uber will know that you were going to get your hair cut at Joe's barber
Why do they need to, how would that help them with drop-off?
I'm just saying, you asked like what it would tell them and I said it
No I meant what it would help them, I don't see how it would help them with these things
I don't see how that would help you with drop-offs because you probably got dropped off at the intersection because you just wanted to get out of the car
Because it would be easier for you to get there
It could improve the next pickup
I mean you already have GPS
So there's that
And if they tracked you before you got in the car that actually makes sense
But then they're going to get a bunch of positive PR from this the first time someone like gets kidnapped or some crap
Like within five minutes after they got dropped off from an uber and uber is able to be like yeah they went this way
Except that that seems like it would be a breach of every privacy policy ever
But then in the event of safety being involved but then now they have that information so they could use it any way they want
Basically it's a brave new world folks
I like gave up my privacy a long time ago once I started being on camera so much
But like if I hadn't I feel like I would just be constantly pissed off
From like Nvidia drivers taking telemetry data like what you don't need to know all this junk
To like this stuff like leave me alone all I want to do is get a car ride that wasn't terrible like a taxi
You don't need to do this
Leave me alone
Canada installing backdoors?
All I know is my backdoor is basically open at this point
Pretty much
So thanks for watching the WAN Show guys
I hope you enjoyed it as much as we enjoyed it
I enjoyed it
Actually this is kind of a depressing WAN Show
It was a really depressing show
This is not like not my favorite WAN Show
Let's see if the outro works
It's gonna lag
One thing I know for sure is that my twitch chat on my laptop is super not working
You can see it here
I mean you're ending the show so fixing it now is
Well whatever
Oh beautiful
Oh it's broken
Yeah it's broken
Oh okay
Oh oh crap no no right we didn't talk about the Casey Neistat thing
We didn't talk about Beam
Okay so uh
So Casey Neistat sold his name to CNN
No no he sold Beam he sold the Beam app
Casey Neistat sold
Which they're shutting down
Okay Casey Neistat and his Beam app
Just got acquired by CNN for 25 million
His Beam app was a terrible idea
He's building a company with CNN
But he's building a company with CNN
That is going to be some type of news thing
Yup and here's some sponsored links
There's been people speculating that it's going to be very much like
Extremely topical things like this is happening now and you can tune into like live feeds
Kind of deal
It sort of makes sense
Apparently Beam has an 11 person team?
Hell yeah
So the global head of CNN Digital told the New York Times
Casey has tapped into nearly 6 million really powerful viewers
Most of which do not tune into CNN
Oh my god the whole chat is like what what is this what is Beam?
WTF is Beam like seriously that's like what the whole chat is
Apparently it's worth 25 million dollars actually it's not
What's worth 25 million dollars is Casey Neistat
So good for him he sold Casey Neistat for 25 million dollars
CNN also said to build this audience authentically we need to build something new
Speaking to The Verge Casey Neistat hit on the main challenge that he'll have to overcome
Is that there is a tremendous distrust between those 6 million viewers and traditional media
The project whatever it ends up being is scheduled to launch in the summer of 2017
Which for sure is I'm going to set my watch and I'm going to wait with bated breath
For what?
For them like
The man of the year
6 months of development
For the 6 months of development
Woo good luck coding house
That's a lot of eyes on you for 6 months of development time
Eat well try to sleep at some point
I mean the guy just got 25 million dollars to sit and work on this thing
For presumably like I would say they've at least locked him up for 2 years
I think
Yeah I don't know
To work on this like I don't know much about the details of the agreement
There's an article here but
I feel bad for any programmer on that project
6 months like just man
I feel bad for everything about this project because you know what
Maybe I don't
Maybe this will be the one
The one mainstream traditional media acquisition
Of a new age media property that works out
Maybe this will be the one time
Except that they bought one that wasn't working
Except for that
Thank you for watching the WAN Show, we will see you again next week
Same bat time, same bat channel
People are like PewDiePie is quitting
No he's not
He uploaded a video that says he'll delete his channel at 50 million subscribers
Watch him just do it in control
It's like LTT will be acquired by something
You know what time outro
Yes bullet time that's what it is it's on purpose
If he did that he would get so much press from doing that
That he could rebuild knowing that subscribers don't actually matter that much
And get his views back insanely fast
He made
Not fast enough
He made Jacksepticeye 2
Which was like a troll fake side channel
He had like 2.8 million subscribers as a joke
With one video that I think he recorded on his cell phone
Being like yeah I want another play button
So they shipped him another gold play button for it
He mentioned it one time in one video and he got like almost 3 million subscribers
We even talked about doing that except we were gonna try and get silver play buttons
We wanted 100,000 subscribers
Yeah we figured it would take us a lot longer
He went like way higher than his goal
I guarantee you he could delete his channel
Get in like every news everywhere
Recreate and be completely fine
He probably wouldn't even have to recreate it because YouTube has tools to restore them
It just like it restores it kind of jankily
From at least it did 4 years ago 5 years ago whenever I had to do it
I'm not gonna do it I'm calling his bluff right now