
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

And welcome to the WAN Show!
Really Luke like you can't text later?
I was turning the ring volume down so I wouldn't bother anybody during this show. I was trying to be considerate Linus
We have got a great show lined up for you guys today
I mean one of the big topics is what is the deal with brands that we don't work with?
Keeping my picture on their product pages. We're gonna be talking about that because that is
Super not cool. Yeah, it's gonna be talking about the recent controversy with one of our
Testing guys from the lab saying something on camera and then it kind of got you know spicy and you know something something
So basically we're gonna just talk through what happened
You know how what the best way to move forward is what else we're gonna be talking about today twitch expands gambling
restrictions while another platform definitely does not do that and
Another topic really Luke a week
absolutely week
Baldur's Gate 3
For you so you could chew that was very considerate Dan, thanks Dan my mic was muted that was for you
Back blaze blaze fessy
Fantastic alright good job everyone now normally. I would go right into the headline topic
We'd be talking about how anchor is doing a no-no, but instead we're actually gonna jump to the one that Luke ad-libbed at the end there
I don't normally do this because it kind of comes across cheesy to me, but
Really want to thank you guys for tuning in to the show
Because we all know that you would rather be playing Baldur's Gate 3 right now as far as the world can tell and you set aside
Yeah, you set aside your time, and you tuned into the wen show instead of playing Baldur's Gate 3 right now
Or at second monitor what per what percentage of you guys are playing it on a second monitor right now
Can we get it can we get a poll going you can I will do that because I assume that we're the primary monitor
Is that a fair assumption should those be the options for the poll?
Primary not playing yeah, okay? Yeah, yeah, I mean yeah
I mean you could have an option for Baldur's Gate is on their only monitor
But that really raises a lot of questions about how exactly they're responding to the pole through their phone
Oh, oh, I mean that is technically an armory monitor
monitor slash phone
yeah, I
Believe in you you got this
Working on it
The wen show is already a catastrophe this week, and we are like three minutes, and I absolutely love this
We were talking about it on the pre-show, and I was like oh, this is a really good conversation
We should like have this be a topic okay, and then we are and then Luke and Dan
Completely shut down and stop talking about it, and I'm sitting here going okay great. Okay. I got I got some stuff
I got some stuff the third gate of Baldur has at one point in time today
Gotten over five hundred and twenty thousand concurrent players
Which I find interesting that is it was a mid day on a Friday. No kidding
Yeah, what's going on? Where where how is everybody playing this game?
Okay, that's the 11th highest concurrent player count in Steam history, and it was during the like the workday for North America
Okay, but here's the thing Luke
You know how we take we always take Mondays instead of Fridays for stats
Have you ever gone to Costco on one of your on one of your like days off
That is not actually a stat like
Still full and it's full of people. It's very confusing. I don't understand it. I'm going
Don't you people have jobs like it's I mean I do understand
There's like like non-standard shift workers night shift workers or on-call workers stuff like that
But I I would always expect the population to be lower in areas like that
But it never really seems to be true not it's it's it's poppin. It's interesting like you go you go in on like a Wednesday
morning, it's like
Everybody's at Costco
That explains why there's no traffic because everybody's at Costco right now. Yeah filling up their gigantic parking lot
eating all of their delicious samples
Okay back to Baldur's Gate though according to this poll
17% of people watching on float plane right now are playing Baldur's Gate either on their primary monitor or their second
That is wild have you played it yet?
I've had no time my my labs people who some of them are actually watching the show live right now have been here all week
So no I've had no time right, but it came out today midday anyway, so what does that mean?
I thought it came out yesterday. I don't know today is Friday, and you said it came out midday on a Friday
Well, I knew the concurrent play. Maybe it came out at midnight or something. I knew the concurrent players count was today
Yeah, I didn't say it came out today
Have you played the series the series yes for sure, but the last release of Baldur's Gate
Was a very long time ago. Oh, I know
Original or something Baldur's Gate to didn't Baldur's Gate to come out
Before Neverwinter Nights 2 or was Neverwinter Nights 2 first. I'm looking at Baldur's Gate 2 right now
I remember being in high school and buying Neverwinter Nights 2 Baldur's Gate 2
One of the expansions for it came out in 2000 Baldur's Gate 2 enhanced edition came out in 2013
That's not an expansion. That's just the title of it Baldur's Gate 2 shadows of Amun came out in yeah
2000 okay Neverwinter Nights 2 actually came out after I was in high school
So this would have been once I was into PC gaming Baldur's Gate 2 then came out before I was into PC gaming yeah
I'm like I definitely played a bunch of Baldur's Gate stuff, but like this was
You were a child old games, and I was a child yeah for sure okay?
Yeah, I gotta confess um while I did manage to make a little you know Baldur's Gate Neverwinter Nights
Reference during the pre-show I did not make it very far in Neverwinter Nights 2
I managed to get like dude a couple hours, and it's heavy
I was a fan of I played Neverwinter Nights 1 a lot actually
But I mean I didn't really make it that far I had more fun
Just like messing around in the game because they're very just interesting games like I remember figuring out in the original Neverwinter's Night
That you could dupe gear
Okay, sure because you could export and import player characters
So you'd have one game file, and you'd import a character drop all their gear delete them import the character again
Delete them and I'd like had more fun like doing weird garbage like that and like messing around with the engine all I could
Then actually really progressing very far probably because it was hard and I was bad yeah
Yeah, they were they were hard games very unforgiving very true to D&D rules
Which are ones which I have never gotten into and never really understood very well
I had a hard time back
Then they did like I don't remember the exact name of the mechanic
But like spell slots so you could cast a certain spell like a certain amount of times like per day
And stuff like that so I would like
I'd have like a mage character and try to start a new
Playthrough and like immediately run through all my spells and be like well guess I'll die
Very good job of like you know rationing these out through the fights games were pretty unforgiving when we were kids
Like I I didn't really manage to get into that style of RPG until Dragon Age apparently
That's still like that so in Baldur's Gate 3. It works like that really
Yeah, I suspect that's not
Not the easiest game to play if that's how the mechanic works because people are used to like mana
Right and you could regen it and then honestly in a lot of modern games your mana is like practically infinite anyways
So you just freecast all the time, and it's more like you know
cooldowns cooldowns and yeah and using the right thing to counter the other thing that's going on and
Then then trying to like ration things and save stuff right, but I mean there's there's certainly strong
Immersion arguments to be made for like yo no you actually can't
Cast that spell anymore cuz you're tired yeah
So people are saying you have free slot cantrips which can be cast infinitely
So you're like major spells are the ones that are gonna be a certain amount times per day or whatever yeah
It's interesting people are asking if we've ever played D&D have you I?
Have played once oh we did that one shot, and then that was it right okay? Yeah, we did that with with
What did they rebrand to so they used to be a filthy lot they rebranded from them? No?
Yeah, it's it's not anymore. They they're their D&D show changed. I don't know they've
Apparently had some struggles or something their old CEO isn't there anymore
But I don't I don't think it was kind of like how our old CEO isn't here anymore
Like he's not there any quest keep
That doesn't even sound right. I don't even know
This one has uploads from has an upload from eight hours ago, okay?
It's active at the very least oh it used to be called quest line there. Yeah, but yeah, it must be that okay anyway
You know I wish we did the one shot there. Yeah, we did a one shot there
That's the only time that I have ever played D&D. I meant to play the D&D football or no, that's Warhammer
That's not D&D nevermind. Yeah, nope that's the only time I ever played D&D
Yeah, I played a bunch of D&D in like high school and a little dabbling after that
But mostly the most recent one that I've played and enjoyed a lot actually significantly more than I enjoyed D&D
It's called edge of the Empire. It's very cool. It's like a it's Star Wars inspired
You're like
Scoundrels and bandits and whatnot from the outer rim and what I really like about it is when you roll dice
It's not just like a pass or fail system. You know how in D&D
It's like okay roll the hit you go against the other person's armor class
And then if it's higher you get it or you roll one, and then you just suck
Yeah, like something like that or something in the edge of the Empire one
There's like advantage and disadvantage and the idea behind the whole system is like Han Solo
Doesn't miss if
He does miss he's gonna like miss the person
but hit the control panel next to the door and that'll like open or close the door like it if
You do things things will happen you have like narrative dice, which is very cool
No, wait, I've heard of this before but I edge of the Empire edge of the um
It's very likely. I told you about it was it like a book thing or something
What what is this Star Wars edge of the Empire?
Why is this?
Oh, you know what I wonder if they reused certain element. No wait
What is there like an EU book name of the same thing or something I?
Am so confused right now because I'm having a weird deja vu moment or something like that
Maybe I did like a choose your own adventure book like as a as a child like as a kid
And it had like something like that in it or something like you're just yeah, you're ringing a bell that doesn't
People are saying that happens in D&D 2 I understand that but in edge of the Empire
It is a direct mechanic. That is both
GM and player controlled like the player has input on how these advantages and disadvantages
Go which I think is super super cool. It makes it very
Engaging and it makes the combat and and even social engagements really really
Just gripping I find because like if you're if you're having like a social engagement in in edge of the Empire it is combat roles
You're literally rolling like combat dice throughout the conversation
And if you get like a ton of disadvantage like maybe you say something weird the other person doesn't like you
Absolutely crazy right now, and you can do like like and if you try to force influence someone you can like okay
No hold on is edge of the Empire the only thing that does this because I've never heard of edge of the Empire before no
There's are there other Star Wars like games that have dice rolling because I'm pretty sure at the same time as edge of the Empire
I think a few other ones came out
Oh, man
This is like this is ring how long ago many is this thing that you I mean I couldn't have been passed
I don't even know if I was in high school yet
Like and I feel like it might have been book based or something like you like you just play yourself or something
Oh interesting. I actually don't know but this is this is like bothering me a lot right now
Is this a thing edge of the Empire is a lot newer than that?
But it might be based off some mechanics from something that you did a long time ago
Republic I don't think so because I never played code or yeah Star Wars d20 someone said
Because that's that's this star nicely old Republic doesn't use standard dice it uses their own custom dice
And I think it's super cool you have advantage disadvantage
triumph despair
And and like more like number based ice
This is bothering me so much Star Wars d20 saga edition
Star Wars d20 hold on what is Star Wars no it's not d20 anything
I've never seen a d20 in my life before I was like an adult
I didn't I didn't know any D&D kids in high school Star Wars saga edition Star Wars the role-playing game this might be it
Wait no hold on
Stop it no not this
What is starport Star Wars the role of playing game?
It's a role-playing game set in the Star Wars universe written and published between 1987 and 1999. This is definitely the right time
It was slightly modified and re-released as d6 space which used a generic space opera setting
Okay, what do you do? How does it work?
Have I is this look familiar to me? I'm not I'm actually not sure this was so long ago
I know the one that I'm talking about is a fantasy flight games tabletop game. I I know that 100%
It's called edge of the Empire. I'm 100%
Aware of that we're trying to figure out which one
Linus is talking about
five game books oh
Man, I don't even know so many flow playing chat
I don't know how to say your name sorry KW grift, too
So the last time they talked about D&D on one show Luke talked about this
I try to bring up edge of the Empire like every time D&D comes up in conversation because I think it's just such a
Incredibly fantastic system, and I don't think a ton of people have been exposed to it, and it's really
Really good, and I just I don't know I think it's really fantastic
I think it's also very good for getting people that might not be so into
The storytelling of tabletop role-playing games like if you play with someone and all they ever want to do is combat and just roll dice
And have fun playing the RNG game
You're gonna get them more out of their shells including myself. I feel that way fairly often
you're gonna get them more out of their shells by playing this type of game because you're you're like
Forcing creativity because you're going like okay. You have a bunch of advantage on this role
But you missed and if you don't do anything
It's very likely that this guy's gonna kill you next turn so you need to use this advantage that you have to try to like
Create an escape for yourself or defeat this enemy in some indirect way something like that
I just think that's super super cool
It makes it it makes it for very dynamic very interesting very story-driven
But like role heavy and high player engagement gameplay, which I think is just fantastic
Yeah, someone said it's fun the players get to get to contribute a lot to the narrative exactly okay. Here's my problem though I
Don't think I played with anyone
Yeah, I don't that I don't I don't fully understand
But I'm like I'm like sure
That I did something at some point where I would try to force influence someone and I had to roll dice
And if I failed it was bad
To Star Wars saga edition ring any bells I don't know I
Don't know what is this Star Wars missions is a simple solitaire adventure game
Solitaire adventure each mission is a 74 page book start of a story mission briefing and the rest of the story of this let's use character
cards specified number of weapons and ability cards
Will be required to use a weapon a vehicle in our ability to check against the skill of this might be it
What is this called again? Sorry? It's called Star Wars missions Star Wars missions
Does that does those look right I don't know I
Just don't know doesn't seem like people liked it. It's very lowly rated uh
I mean I was a kid right like I mean and it's Star Wars content
Yeah, it was just like interesting and I was I was super into like I was super super into Star Wars on the second last image
The tin doesn't look familiar no, okay
I don't know, but just because it doesn't look familiar does it like my aunt was such a garage sale lady, right?
I could I might have owned it with only like
Hardest off something yeah, oh, you know what no it has
It definitely had multiple d6s. This is never this is not a thing
I had encountered as a small child then again like I said my aunt was a very garage saley lady. She may have just like
Got a D8 well your or d12 or whatever that was you're playing with you're playing with these sixes kid
You're just gonna have a harder campaign. It's advanced difficulty. It's a feature
It's not a bug
It's just what it is
Feel like that was a scholastic book fair pickup. Yeah, that that could be a thing anyway, okay
I don't want to I don't want to talk about this too much more
This is like driving me very crazy now though because like I have like these little snippets of memory from when I was like
eight or nine
Ten maybe it's like like I tried to I definitely tried to like I don't think you play as characters you recognize
I think you're like a nobody and you like level up and stuffs exactly how edge of the Empire works. Yeah, I feel like
The designers must have been at least somewhat inspired by missions. Yeah, it's got to be something like that
Anyways back to bothers gate. Yeah. Hope you all are enjoying it absolutely fantastic launch
Breaking 11th highest concurrent player count on Steam in all of its history for a single player
Co-op game is very cool like a lot of games that are gonna hit that kind of player count is gonna be like big
Matt like not necessarily massively multiplayer in the way that MMOs are
But big like you know competitive things like apex. I heard was was one of the ones that they didn't quite beat out
Other things like that were like tons of people can play. It's not story driven
Yeah, yeah, also there's games like apex that are ahead of it that are free to play. This is a purchase title so
Big news big news. There's been a few games that have been coming out recently that like like Final Fantasy 16
Seeing the reception of that and then now seeing the reception of Baldur's Gate like I
Had been in this state for a long time where I was like wow gaming's like dead, dude
Yeah, and it goes to show you it's like cinema all of a sudden
You know you put some movies people actually want to watch like the Super Mario Brothers movie Barbie Oppenheimer
It's like oh, no the cinemas not dead people want to go to the movie least
600 Marvel movies in a row and people got a little tired of it eventually yeah, yeah did take a long time it did
Honestly, I didn't even get tired of it until they started really sucking like some of those movies
Do not deserve even to have as good scores on you know Rotten Tomatoes or whatever as they do the Eternals is
Garbage it is just four hours of absolutely who cares like I can't I just can't
Yeah, so, but yeah, I'm really happy to hear it because I had been doom and gloom and gaming for a while now
I mean battle bit coming out of like seemingly nowhere for me at least I know they're in apparently in a play test for a
Super long time, but I wasn't aware of that
Baldur's Gate 3 coming out and just killing it
I'm very hopeful for starfield coming up soon. We'll see how that goes
There's just like there's things going on it feels it feels okay actually for the kind of first time in a while
I think but I don't know but yeah
Great launch moving on I guess new topic
Want to talk about your face my face, yeah, we could talk about my face
Yeah, I am I'm pretty frustrated
We've we've tried dealing with this in private, and it hasn't really gotten anywhere, so we're going public a while back we
Broke up with anchor who had been a longtime sponsor over a scandal where they were collecting user
Well, I shouldn't say collecting
User video, but they certainly had user data handling yeah, they were mishandling user data through their Eufy sub-brand of
Devices so particularly security cameras were the ones that were found to be very vulnerable to having data
accessed or stolen and they they explicitly said yeah, we don't
We we don't
None of this is accessible online, and then it definitely was accessible online and instead of just coming out and saying you know
Oh, sorry that was an oversight
You know our we will you know we will stop doing that immediately, and here's how we're fixing it. They were like um
But if we did then it's because we had to and if we had to it's because it's your fault like they just
Is bad it was really bad, so so we cut them off and
What's really frustrating is that?
They don't appear to have
Gotten the memo even though we've contacted them multiple times, so here's an X from June all of it
Sorry, I'm never gonna get used to that an X. Is that actually it says tweet on it. I don't know
I don't know anything works anyway
Here's me
Still on a product page for them in spite of the fact that we have told them multiple times that this needs to not be
here anymore
so that's
Pretty skeezy to me, but Luke brought up a good point in the pre-show
If we endorsed it at some point is that technically incorrect?
Yeah, I don't I mean I don't technically know I think if you're not endorsing it anymore
And you're specifically saying something that is different to what is set there. I think that's extremely misleading and
Not okay, I mean, but I don't know if it's like illegal
Obviously the way that I feel about it is that if there is no ongoing relationship
And we have unceremoniously dumped these guys for being skis balls
That if they keep putting my face on their product pages that is
Misleading about the current state of the relationship regardless of whether I ever said that something was good
Yeah, and there are exceptions to that
If I were to publish an editorial piece of content
And they were pulling a direct quote from that with the proper context
That's one thing, but I believe the quote that they've got in there actually zoomed in on this
Can't have
Technology yeah, no the quote in there is from a sponsored video, so it's a completely different relationship
We never really covered their products editorially because we don't do reviews of wall warts battery banks or cables or battery banks
It's just yeah, they were a sponsor, and we did sponsor reads for them, but that's about it
so I'm
Frustrated I have I have formally withdrawn any consent that I gave them to use my image in this way and
There you have it anchor if you haven't managed to get our emails
Which we know you have because you got our emails and said you'll deal with it
It's time to stop the time to stop is well the time to stop is months ago when we contacted you about this
But the especially time to stop is now you guys actually need to stop doing this
To all the someone in floating chest at anchors a Chinese company don't have to listen to you
This is an American website website. Yeah, so yeah, there are actually our rules and and no you're right
They don't have to listen to me
But if they don't that tells you an awful lot about the way that they conduct their business
And you probably shouldn't shop with them like just because
Legally nobody can actually arrest them if they if they don't comply with this
They aren't
They aren't marketing honestly, and so that should tell you if they're not marketing honestly
especially if they have a track record now of not
Communicating honestly about how their products are handling user data
They're starting this is start. This is going from a thing that happened to a pattern
They're they're not operating their business with integrity so
Yeah guys stop
Yeah, that's all I have to say about that. I think oh, we're supposed to explain merch messages and do two merch messages
Hey, why don't we mix it up Luke? Why don't you explain merch messages?
Well, I figure out what the heck is going on with my youtube dashboard merch message is a cool neat and super
Awesome feature in the LTT store where when we are live if you add products to your cart
As if you're going to buy them and check out when you go to the cart page
You can expand a little window and send a message to the show that message will appear here down below us and we will
Be able to read it in our dashboard and decide if it gets curated and thus
Verbally responded to on the show or a little text response and that will show up just like that one down below
Or if it needs to well actually that's a perfect example that we will follow up with you soon means that it was sent forward to
Create a warehouse support or another inbox internally so we can follow up with it
Later on because it might be a question that the three of us don't necessarily have an answer to but one of those people do
So feel free to use merch messages when you're checking out with cool products from LTT store today like water bottles and screwdrivers
And new shirts that are on the store, but I think we're gonna talk about those later
Let's do a couple of merch messages in a moment
But first I want to get out ahead of one that seems like it's probably gonna end up being a merch message tonight
Hmm. Yes, I have seen
Linus tech tips fly me to the moon AI cover. I've been linked to this like a million times
Yeah, why do people watch to you keep linking this to me? Oh Dan. Is there a way for us to play back audio today?
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah one sec. Sorry
How does this have rhymed how does this have a quarter million fuse you're not sending me audio I don't think no
I'm not yet. Am I notice? Yep. Okay, can they hear they should be able to hear it? Okay, I can't but no
You don't get to hear why so quarter million views on that. Does that mean Christmas album to let me play
No Luke, it doesn't mean Christmas album to
The new shirt, you know Christmas album one sold pretty well and now we have an actual store
World does not need Christmas album two, but they're gonna get it. I
Guess you know, I actually I'm sorry. I wasn't actually supposed to ask you that question
I'll make sure I asked the appropriate person next time. Sorry. What question were you not supposed to ask me Christmas album two?
No, you know there is a business decision, right? So I'll ask Taron I
Won't sing
We don't need you to sing anymore
Frickin got him dude. All right. Okay three merge messages two two two two
I'm so sorry. That's okay. I forget to uh, let's see here
Hey Dan and the talent. I'm hoping to do a study in my master's program on standardization in the tech space
Do you guys have any nuggets of wisdom on why it fails or succeeds when attempted? Thanks
There's that XK CD comic. Yeah, 14 standards something like that and too many standards
I'm gonna make one that unifies them all there are now
Too many standards plus one. Yeah, so that's a big part of it. And another big part of it is how fast technology moves
I mean humanity is
Awful in some ways, but it's also super amazing and inspiring in other ways and readily innovative
Yeah, innovation is one of the big ways that humanity is kind of the bee's knees, right? So
When you when you when you build a standard based on the technology you have today and all the future ideas that you can imagine
in this moment
That you're gonna miss something and there's gonna be something new and cool
That's gonna come down the line or some new use case that you're gonna try to develop for a new innovation will come and then
You're gonna you're just ultimately gonna need new standards
And there's also just the the fact that one size
Generally doesn't fiddle
I mean
I'd say a classic example of this that I've never quite been able to wrap my head around is
Why HDMI and DisplayPort have not merged at this point?
They each do have capabilities that the other does not and I'll also say
That sometimes it does work
It's not just doom and gloom like we've been kind of saying here
Like look at some of the stuff that the EU has done with phones over the last little bit
Things are happening. For example, did you know that while DisplayPort can
Generation for generation generally carry more video bandwidth. It cannot carry Ethernet
whereas HDMI can
But then HDMI is alt mode over USB type-c did exist but was basically abandoned
so it's just
Okay, I guess we need two kinds of cables
You know, right like it'd be nice if there was only one port on the back of the graphics card though
No, because I would want to plug in multiple monitors
Understood you. Yes, it would be convenient. I
Am I'm actually sorry that that USB C output that Nvidia did during the rtx 20 generation didn't take off
Especially now that we finally have a VR headset that exists that could actually use the bloody thing the PS VR 2 by the way
I think that community project to
To make it PC compatible is is making at least some progress
I've seen I've seen rumblings of it, but that would be freaking awesome if you could just plug your VR headset takes power display
It carries audio. That's freaking everything like USB C
USB C is that one standard to do everything
The problem is that even USB C is not
One standard to rule them all because there are so many different subsets of it based on what's necessary for the particular
implementation for example
You can have a USB C port on a phone that only carries USB 2.0 does no
Display port alt mode it can only accept like, you know
Five five actually how many USB C ports can only do five five volt to amp
Maybe I don't know cuz pretty much every aspect of the standard is optional because if on that budget, you know
$120 smartphone they had to implement the entire
USB C technology like like optional technology list
it wouldn't be a hundred and twenty dollar smartphone anymore and
It's not always necessary like on a gaming mouse
Do you need it to run at USB 3.0 speeds?
Obviously not. So why are we adding all of this extra cost for nothing for literally no benefit to the consumer whatsoever?
So it's tough, right? I don't have the answers
but you have a lot of people who think they have the answers which is
How standard proliferate the the classic XKCD comic?
All right, Dan hit me again. Okay last one here
Hey DLL, good afternoon from Australia
How important do you think a university education is getting into the IT industry?
I am studying currently but all my employed friends seem to be so far in life
Yeah, yeah, it's not and I've got two people here one of them just shrugged what does that one think
Well, yeah. Yeah, we got one of these and we got one of these. Yeah, it can kind of
can replace
Potentially having experience but the way that I've described it is if you can get a job without it
Then you're getting paid to gain that experience
If you can't get it if you're very very much struggling to get a job without it
You know, this is the career path you want to go down all that kind of stuff
You can essentially pay to get that leg up a lot of positions will have like a four-year degree or four years of experience
That's something I've posted a bunch of times so you can kind of skip that bit
But I mean if you can get into the industry without it then yeah
There might there might be gaps in your background like for example
It's it's always hilarious to me when I talk business with someone who has formal schooling because they'll use
Acronyms and terminology that I'm like
Yeah, I've no idea what you're talking about right now, but if you could speak in plain words
I probably understand the concepts and then they'll explain what they're talking about. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah that yeah sure
Yeah, exactly like I cuz I it was all school of hard knocks for me
I didn't study any business either in high school or in my couple of years that I lasted in university
yeah, and so you'll you'll definitely run into situations like that and there have been times when the
When the kinds of things that you learn in school
I'm just talking like my life
My family's life when the kinds of things that you learn in school are things that you may not have
Encountered outside of school and that made you a more well-rounded person like my stupid sports psychology
Like 100 level course that I took in university
changed my outlook and my approach to a lot of things in life that I just
Wouldn't have a physics for me. Yeah, if I hadn't done it like it's and I write like why sports psychology
It was like the psychology of competing
Okay, essentially and and so we talked about a lot of basic stuff like just you know
how behavioral conditioning works and it's it's really changed the way that I parent because
Intuitively you would think that if someone does something bad the most effective thing to do is to
You know tell them no or whatever, but that's just completely not how it works
What you need to do is you need to reward them without bribing never promise a reward ahead of time
Only just wait patiently for the right behavior and reward it but not every time the least effective is no rewards
The second least effective is rewards every time and the most effective is a reward
Once in a while, so if my kids do something they're supposed to do once in a while. I'm like great job
Let's all have ice cream and they're like yay
I've seen people comment on our videos that you can tell from you know
the look in Linus's kids eyes that he's like a
really mean dad or something and I'm like
You can tell from the comment you left you're an idiot
Cuz that's really not actually how that works got him. It's like
Man, I don't know. It's just and it's it's a it's it's just a weird thing and likens in in high school
I I took no free blocks. I took just anything I would take anything that was available on that block
Just to just to be more well-rounded, and so there's if I had made it through more school
Would I be more rounded or I think yeah prob probably maybe maybe not
Yeah, maybe not right because part of what school is supposed to do is it's supposed to help you learn to learn and that's something
That I didn't have a passion for at the time and no amount of doing it was gonna make me want to do it
But and then I learned it later in some had to in saying all of this
We are talking about an IT degree to be very clear
Do you want to go into like nuclear medicine like you should probably go to school?
Like there's there's certain things I want my dentist to have formal training yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah exactly like there's certain things
You should probably just go to school for that
But with things like IT especially if you can get your hands on some stuff, and you can do some home lab things
And you can you can do some extra training like if you if you get your foot in the door somewhere
And they they kind of like let you have a job even though you don't have a lot of experience or education
and you're able to
Retain that job while spending time outside of work like grinding on a home lab learning things learning things learning things
And then being able to step up and like treating that period
Where you're really really early on in your experience like you're in school
So like when you were in school you'd be going home and studying. It's a very kind of similar thing
You're just being paid for it this time. I think that can be very effective, so
Yeah, got a comment on float plane dads are meant to be the mean ones no no mom and dad need to be aligned
They need to be a wall that the kids cannot put a wedge between that is the most important thing neither
Needs to be mean neither needs to be the nice one as soon as you've got a good guy and a bad guy you have
Lost the game is over because the thing about kids is they're just little adults, and they are devious little f***ers
They will get you
All right, we're supposed to do some more topics now
I guess someone in full plane chat said as an IT manager one of the biggest things that look for is work ethic
Wanting to learn and being a team player school doesn't necessarily teach that yeah
So like I don't know and it's gonna differ you're gonna run into the one person. That's like no
You must have exactly this precise amount of education. I don't care if it was 20 years ago. You must have it
And other people are gonna be like us. I don't care so yeah
All right
Do we want to talk about wait what were some of our other headline topics
Do you want to talk about the
Sure, yeah, yeah, let's talk about twitch expanding their gambling restrictions today
Twitch announced that it will be expanding its ban on gambling
Livestreams adding two more online casinos to its list of sites that are banned because they feature games of chance like slots or roulette
But aren't licensed as casinos quote in jurisdictions that provide sufficient consumer protection
Twitch claims that gambling viewership has dropped by about by around
75% since it implemented its new restrictions last October which was sports betting fantasy sports
Sorry sports betting fantasy sports and poker are still
Allowed twitch will also prohibit all streamers
From sponsorship and promotions of gambling sites that take deposits in the form of csgo skins
This coincides with the result of a report from youtuber whole
hound gown gania
We did talk about this last week you couldn't figure out the pronunciation then either so yeah, that's the best
I'm gonna do sorry that suggested that over 70% of csgo skin gamblers start before they're 18 and these online casinos are making little
To no attempts to confirm the age of players
Approximately 75% of top csgo streamers on twitch have taken sponsorships from yeah
from csgo gambling sites I
Suspect given the dollar values that we were talking about last WAN show like 120k a month or whatever
It was is basically what's keeping the entire csgo streaming scene and all lives that I suspect these are gonna go undisclosed. Oh, yeah
so like
Just saying keep an eye out for it valve sent a cease-and-desist letter to 23 of these sites back in
2016 and has launched suits against many of them in the past, but skin gambling remains a popular
Remains popular and five of that original lists are still in operation
Gambling is also bannable a bannable offense on steam as of May of this year
Hound gown gania has criticized valve for the mechanical and aesthetic similarity between its loot box system
And online slots yeah, it's the same which is very valid. You got spider-man meme right here like it's
Many players treat this system in a manner reminiscent of a slot machine carrying more about the resale value of their jackpots
Rather than the in-game value of the item or how much they would personally care about it valve does indirectly profit
And you can tell because when people roll a knife, and they freak out before the knife even shows up. It's like
Because they're excited about the value. Oh is that is that true our knives worth a lot. Oh, yeah
Why are knives worth the most I'm sorry just just cuz it's rare
Okay, so knives are rare rare things are worth a lot in this context and knives are rare as far as my understanding goes
I see I don't do any of this so I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that's how it goes
Yeah, valve does indirectly profit from how skin gambling increases the demand for these items one self-admitted skin gambler looked back at his steam
History and found that he had spent over
$21,000 on the platform primarily on csgo he described this realization as frightening I
I don't how did apparently Elijah
Like our Elijah said that some sell for over a hundred K
I think he's talking about knives in csgo what is this in chat? Yeah? What yeah, that's
Wild I'm just gonna Google most expensive csgo knife ah
Can we go to your laptop sure all right cool? Let's go
The ten most expensive knives this is on Red Bull's website. What the heck what happens if I reject them?
Nothing apparently cool
Okay, okay
Features Star Trek technology
The crap is Star Trek
That track it shows on the on the I think for the knives if I remember correctly it like
Etches into the knife how many kills you've gotten with it
This is like nine thousand dollars. I don't think this is I
Don't think this is legit I
Don't know they get really expensive. I'll say that much
My brain hurts oh
I might have actually gotten real answers here. We go one second. Why are we all allowing this to happen?
Wait a million dollars. I think that's kind of a question. Oh, there's no way anyone spent a million dollars on a csgo knife
It says reported price. Yeah, there's no way yeah, oh
Apparently it happened
What reports are that the rare knife's price came from own
Pixel a famous csgo youtuber and trader who apparently served as a middleman for the expensive transaction which makes me think it was a pump
But I don't know right yeah
Look how much value there is in this thing by the way sponsored by site go do it here
Yeah, man. Have you seen the value of Jack Dorsey's first tweet?
Nft was it worth like a dollar hold on hold on let me see if I can find it so Jack Dorsey's first tweet sold
For I think it was like two point four million
Okay, two point nine million. Okay now has a price of less than two thousand dollars
That's a big yikes
Anyways, what do you think about twitch?
Expanding gambling restrictions. It's it's weird to me because like though if this was like ten years ago. I'd be like oh, yeah cool
Okay, but now like 20s trouble sports betting is advertised on the like sports channels
Yep, and like on all the boards around it like it's it's everywhere
It's the right thing to do, but they're doing this at a time when kick is
Embracing gambling and it's clear that there's a demand for this content, and I just I
Don't really know what to say because on the one hand it's like yeah
Yeah, we actually do need to stop. I I personally appreciate it
We need we need to stop grooming young people into becoming like whales for these kinds of micro transactions
Yeah turned into turned into gambling that has become so prevalent in gaming
Apparently own pixel is quite against stuff like this, so maybe that was legit. I don't know it sounds crazy
However, you know it's um. It's clear that they're going to be at a significant
Competitive disadvantage because of this and I don't really know I
And it's not just it's not just up to the platforms to care right like it's up to the creators
And it's up to the audience to care right like everyone involved in this ecosystem has to sort of decide all together
That something is not okay, and it's pretty clear that that's not going to happen. I mean look at look at something even as
Fine we're gonna wait into this look at something even as black-and-white as the controversy right now over
React content that isn't react content that isn't fair use that just
Obviously isn't fair use AFK from your computer while it auto plays kind of stuff
Eating and not even responding and acting in any way a big part of why it's blown up this week is dark viper and xk
xk xk CD
Xqc are at it again. We knew dark viper was gonna be full well
Yeah, we knew he was gonna be involved, but I I'm surprised xqc is getting baited into this because
He's been pretty clear about his la la la la la la la la la la la la la la if I can't see it
Nothing's happening. This isn't wrong kind of position in the past, but he finally said the quiet part out loud
Earlier this week to the point where like I this is in the darker. No, it's not
I read his tweet and my jaw just about hit my keyboard. I went okay if you're gonna if you're gonna
Plausible deniability. I'm just a dumb guy. Uh-huh. This is my persona like if you're even gonna if you're even gonna play that game
you you can't just blatantly say I
Do it because it makes money
Right because
That's no one ever said it didn't that wasn't anyone's point their point was that that's someone else's money
That was the point and that's like broken on my computer
I'm trying to find these tweets, but I can't even use Twitter properly, so I don't know and and and no in fact
It is it is not
Covered by fair use and that is that is pretty plain at some point
somebody is going to figure out that he just signed a hundred million dollar contract and
Come knocking, and I don't believe there's gonna be any statute of limitations for this because it's never been
Dealt with at any point like if you if you robbed someone ten years ago
You're still culpable
Or five years ago, I mean this is like it's happening daily now, so
At some point someone's gonna go hey
You know what this is a pretty big bag that we can get over this
But I'm abide my time
I'm gonna let him keep doing it
Well, let him build wealth
Hope he doesn't you know lose a bunch of it in another failed relationship or gambling or gambling and?
I'm gonna go after it. I'm gonna get mine. Yeah
But then I mean I've been calling I've been I've been making doomsday predictions for you know years that haven't come true
I mean where where is the child youtuber star?
Apocalypse that I've been predicting that I've been you mentioned a long time ago. Yeah, I've been calling this for years
I'm looking at it
Go like all these family vlog channels out there and stuff at what point are these kids gonna go hey
Yo the millions of dollars that you guys made putting a roof over my head is actually the basics. I need to be paid
Where is it? I it still hasn't really happened. I don't know. I don't know man. I don't know
Someone in China is asking how do you guys plan to deal with the react channel you were talking about a while ago?
We just have it on ice
You know obviously our intention was to to do it in a way that was
At best at worst neutral and that ideally
Beneficial to you know whoever or whatever it was that we were reacting to
But it's pretty clear that it's a minefield and it's also pretty clear that we are other than the la la la la la
Crowd we're heading into people having I think a clearer
Understanding or I shouldn't say a clearer understanding. We're headed into people having a more
Negative outlook on react content regardless of whether it actually is fair use or isn't and
That's the thing is where that line is drawn is super complicated because fair use is not a law
Fair use is a set of guidelines. It's it's pillars. It's an argument
It has to actually be litigated every time and it hasn't really been tested that much in the digital streaming age
So we're all kind of waiting for what's going to be the next h3 versus or
Xqc versus and we're kind of waiting for precedence to be set here
And it's happening really really slowly, but looking at how the networks are struggling
If I'm them and I'm sitting here going oh, yeah, you guys are watching
You know Iron Chef or whatever on your stream, or you're watching stuff, or you're watching that
You know I if I'm looking for ways to supplement my income when I'm when I'm struggling
I mean, it's it just seems like such an obvious target
Yeah, I don't know man. Good luck everybody
CR sin
Australia asks so if I did a react video on the wan show and gave my two cents every couple of minutes who owns that
really challenging
until we sue you
Sort of you do unless we file a copyright strike in which case when you file your appeal of that
Copyright strike actually I did not sue you okay?
so it's yours until we decide it isn't we file a copyright strike and
Then you have to defend your use of it in
Court if you want to overrule that copyright strike
And you have to prove that it is in fact fair use now it usually doesn't make it that far
I think YouTube does act as an arbitrator in some of these cases sometimes just kick them out, but in more complicated ones
They will basically say yeah, it's up to you to defend this in court
You actually need to you need to make a fair use defense of your use of the content like this happened with
Goat when he was doing his thing on that guy that's making that game fraudulently or whatever
I don't know all the details, but he got strikes thrown against him and YouTube
Just threw them out because they were clearly garbage yes, so YouTube will do that which is nice
Yeah, but yeah
so it really it just depends on cuz cuz remember remember what the pillars of fair use are which I
Just going to look up so that I don't get any of them wrong
So there's the purpose and character of the use there's the nature of the copyrighted work the amount or
Substantiality of the portion used and the effect of the use on the potential market for or value of the work
It's not just a matter of like well if you get three out of four pillars
Then it's definitely fair use if one of the other pillars is really really really really bad
Then that can submarine your whole argument so even if the purpose of the work is
Educational for example which would be much easier to justify then you know for-profit
Commercial use of the work well hold on a second what if it's educational, but you are profiting from the bit well
Hold on a second now. It's getting somewhere into the grayer zone there
Okay, but what about the nature of the copyrighted work if it was?
You know a
Selfie clip that someone took of them falling off their chair that might be
That they just uploaded freely to some site well the nature of that work means that your your copyright
For it is going to be a little bit harder to defend if somebody is
Reacting to it. You know guy fall down funny. You could argue that this reaction is transformative
Especially if they were to do something like guy fall down, and then they reenact it
Something like that, so that's where we get into
The purpose and character of the use again
Sorry, I meant to get into the amount of substantiality if they were to show only
You know the the very beginning and then show like where you end up flat on your face
Well, then they haven't used the whole thing and then that helps the argument that it was fair use
And then well that gets to number four the effect on the potential market if you're actually
Not showing enough that people can get the whole point and then not have to watch the original video well that
Helps a lot so for example something that we do often in our videos if we're reviewing a TV
Okay, we will often just have a movie like a like a real movie
Just playing on the screen while we review the TV
Probably we will not get sued because the point or and we will not get copyright struck because
Purpose and character of the use is to demonstrate the features of a product on which that content may be enjoyed
The nature of the copyrighted work in this case is super copyrighted super high production value
They've boy if they ever put a lot of resources into making this very unique content
But that doesn't necessarily mean that ours is not fair use because factor three we have used a very small amount of it and
Factor four if anything our effect on the potential market for the work
goes up because of us creating more exposure on it using it as an example of that the kind of great content that you can
Enjoy on this television, so probably no one would be stupid enough to sue us over that kind of thing
And if they did I think we would have a very strong argument that this is fair use of this content because the the nature
Of of our use of it is
Purely like positive towards you now you might let's say we were trying to use a movie as an example of bad
HDR mastering and how that doesn't look good on this particular TV
Well, then they might get salty, but that's in the interest of educating the public about this product
But so our purpose is commercial, but it could be seen as commercial because we are making money on our production
So the whole thing gets very hairy very quickly
What we know for sure however is that sitting and watching someone else's content?
Well you shovel popcorn into your face
Ain't it and it's a matter of time
I'm very surprised it hasn't really happened. Yeah me too
But but they also might just be this might be tactical they might just be like all right well
Because a lot of the times you'll see this kind of lawsuit target every infraction and
they'll go for a much larger some yeah, and
What's really what's really bad for these kinds of serial perpetrators is?
demonstrating any kind of self-awareness whatsoever because as soon as it's clear that this has been brought to their attention and that they
knew I
Mean you're just asking for it. Yeah at that point
It's obvious you knew so since you knew and you did it anyway
It doesn't necessarily change a verdict
It doesn't change whether you're innocent or guilty
But what it does change is potential damages that might be awarded if you were like obviously
knowingly like you're not gonna get leniency if you knew and
With the how viral this is going I think it's gonna be hard for any major streamer to go
Oh, oh, I didn't know I didn't know yeah, you know of course you know
You know that it's easier to make money by just putting someone else's content on the screen that they worked to create of course
That's easier, and if it's easy
It means someone else did the work done it yeah, so it's tough right
Yeah, and I don't know and like with consent is totally different like I've explicitly told shroud go ahead and watch my videos on
Stream he's the only one who's ever asked
No, okay, that's different
I have not told Marquez go ahead and watch my videos on stream Marquez only streams the waveform podcast
And he wouldn't sit and watch our videos on the waveform podcast so it hasn't really come up
But but shroud explicitly is a streamer who I know
Does watch our videos on stream, and I explicitly said yeah, it's chill dude
Go ahead where's Muth Marquez the agreement is more of like a trades
We are welcome to use clips from his videos with proper attribution
And he's welcome to use clips from our videos with proper attribution neither of us worries about emailing the other every time cool
But there's an agreement there. That's yeah across licensing agreement doesn't need a fair use defense
It just is an agreement
Anyway, sorry I talked about that for a lot longer than I expected to sorry
I know it's like boring for a lot of people apparently it's not that boring people are very tuned into this okay
well at any rate good luck everyone with your with your fair use drama and
Meanwhile we're just gonna keep doing our thing which involves actually hiring people and actually like
Paying them to write scripts and shoot videos and make real original content
Yeah, and it's really hard, and it's really hard
Yeah, it's really hard
Choco Kaiser asked how about asthma and gold watching videos on stream. How about it?
I don't think I've never given any of Linus's comments is
about any particular streamer we're talking about
The the nuances and complications of the space in general yep, but but about that I've never given him permission
but with that said as a
Prominent creator it doesn't really affect me that much not in a meaningful way
So if you know asthma and gold or moist critical or whatever were to just and to be clear some are better than others
The more commentary and the less of the original content you use well the more
transformative it is and the less of the original content you used and the the more of a
Positive effect you're having on the market for the original content right so
not all of them are equal in this regard and
Not all of them are consistent in this regard some of them will do a really good job
Sometimes and a really not very good job other times however for my part
We've never gone after anybody for it because of reasons that are actually nothing to do with fair use
One I don't need the money that bad if someone gets a million views watching my video on stream or whatever
It's not like I'm not gonna eat this month. I'm not a small creator anymore, so it's it's it's like
Yeah, obviously I wouldn't mind the couple grand right like I could I could I can pay for stuff around here with that
But I'm also gonna be okay
But there was no major utility and going after like every single person that reacted to like the hard-r thing good gravy
No, no, and it honestly just would have taken a lot of time the other thing too. Is that I have to consider
sort of my own brand image and all of this right like I'm
What do I do do I want to become that guy in the community that like goes after everybody for using his clips a?
lot of people
Legitimately do not understand fair use and think that streamers using these clips is totally legit and above board
And they're just I don't know how to explain it other than well
They've never looked into it or they're dumb or they just have like a super
Close parasocial relationship with their favorite streamers and couldn't imagine them doing anything wrong or like you know
Whatever it is right like it's there. They're wrong, but they're confidently wrong
Which is a which is a scary dangerous kind of wrong right and I don't I don't need to create that kind of drama where?
I'm where I'm like going after people
Legitimately enforcing my own copyright only to have the community turn around and like get mad at me like I'm the bad guy for
Doing what is legally well within my rights for the content?
I've worked hard and spent a lot of money to create and like you said at our scale
It's not making that much of an impact anyways
Yes who are being hurt by this in a big way like I'll just sell more screwdrivers
Let's go come on buy some screwdrivers all I have to do is say that it really does work if I say buy
Screwdrivers especially on when show you guys are like you guys are actually nuts
You guys are just like okay. Let's buy more screwdrivers this week like there really will is an uptick
I'm actually not saying that I'm actually going to say wait until next week and then buy some screwdrivers
Oh, is it next it might be two weeks, but yeah wait until sometime. Yeah, there's don't okay buy a screwdriver
Eventually hold on I gotta roll my dice to see if my force
Chad be like too late too late. There's also and I want to reiterate this point too. There's a huge range to this type of stuff
And it's all that not only are the four pillars like kind of gray the huge
Range of different types of react content out there is also kind of gray some people do it significantly more transformatively
I've seen people who have done react content to like a two-minute video and the videos like 55 minutes long
Because they start going into whatever and it's like okay
That's that's one way to do it another way to do it is to entirely leave the room for the entire
Duration of the video does it just auto plays on your stream or whatever else?
There's there's and there's everything in between so I don't know it's not it's not up to us to really decide
But someone's going to eventually and that'll be of an extremely interesting day
Speaking of interesting day hold on I was gonna say I'd because so many of these people are live like
six eight ten hours a day
I'd have to imagine that when this goes down like when the first one gets for real like a ten million dollar lawsuit or something
Like that there like gets served. I I'd be I'd be very interested to see if everybody's live and like
Figuring this out in real time like oh wow I am actually next and oh wow if they win that suit
There are so many other potential litigators that could be coming right after them like I am done
I have a big feeling a lot of people just don't want to be the first
Like a lot of the litigators don't want to be the first one
But yeah, we'll see I also think if stuff like this does go to court
It's going to be some of the most viewed content like ever yeah, because the streamers are definitely gonna find ways to stream it
Oh, yeah for sure
It's gonna be and very interesting and they're gonna find ways to try and weaponize their audience against whoever whoever goes after them
Whether that's the right thing to do or not and the funny thing is like so many of the big copyright holders are
definitely super evil
Even if oh yeah, yeah suing over very valid infringement of their copyrighted content is not a particularly evil thing to do
Yeah, like it would be pretty easy to you know turn something around on Disney and go you know yeah, well you do
Whatever whatever and whatever how are how do you imagine yourself to be on some kind of moral high ground here or whatever?
Oh, I just I just gonna be a gong show the meta moment
I can't wait people live reacting to people on stream
Reacting to live streamers who reacted to content who are getting sued in court
It's just gonna be the sickest like meta view
Ever I don't know. It's gonna be wild if it happens. I don't know anyways
New time love to see sponsors. I'd love to see twitch plays which plays streamer. Oh, yeah, which plays defense lawyer
So the argument is just this random
The based on the first word of everyone's message in chat the lawyer just starts doing some random tick-tock dance and like them
I'm gonna start doing it stream court our LMAO. That's well well
meta weaponized reaction stop its is cluster speaking meta if oh
They'll meta that time up slur
I'm sure at least one person in the audience is like am I am I losing it what?
Okay, someone's too focused on Baldur's Gate right now, then they just heard
I need some water
You know what's going on right now is telling you about our sponsors of the show
Let's go
By the way apparently speaking of former sponsors
Someone posted this in twitch chat I haven't validated it yet
Try a hard film zit said anchor removed us live LMAO
So can we validate this can someone in float plane chat where people are more reliable have a look at this and see if?
See if maybe that actually happened in which case
Hey, that's that's a good thing to finally do the right thing and listen
Live in in float plane chat says yeah, it's done. That is hilarious
Livin also says um we posted it earlier to
Sorry float plane chat. Sorry float plane chat. That was that just happens to be where I saw it first
I don't see it anymore the whole bar is gone as far as I can tell like they just made me I think it was
Just one image
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All right, it was time to do three merch messages. Oh, whoa, we wait we haven't even talked about the new products
We were like an hour into the show. How did you let this happen? Hold on. I blame Luke. Hold on. Oh, what?
Oh, we're still there. We're on the anchor site the flow plane
Chat was highly investigative and found that anchors just really not that thorough at the end of the day
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nuclear reactors and
You know freakin quantum chip
Companies to you know, the latest smartphones and tablets and whatever else
Okay, there's even more yeah, we need to deal with this
We had a situation with a script earlier this week where oh, hold on someone's calling me now is this is this mr. Nick light
Yeah, it's mr. Nick light. Why does that not surprise me?
No, I'm just correcting chat that yours
It wasn't on Amazon desktop to begin with it was on the mobile app and it's still there so they haven't fixed anything anchor still
Okay, thanks Nick see you later
And they're on there's a ton of different anchor pages that you're on like on it's it's all replaced like look at look at this
one apparently
Apparently they are the official charging partner for Linus tech tips. Yeah, they're not
We don't have one right now. Yeah, cool
All right
Anyway, so we cover a really really wide range of tech and we had a situation this week where I got up
Looking at a script that I hadn't reviewed I can't review every single one, but I got up started reading off the prompter and
Within two paragraphs I had found about it was either three or four not
But things that were left
open to interpretation in a way that could have potentially resulted in someone coming away with the wrong impression and
it made me think like
What is a realistic solution to this because we can't expect our generalist writers to know everything about anything
We can't take up the labs team with all the data that they're busy figuring out how to build workflows for and generate
What is a solution to this
And it made me think
Remember in the early days of vessel where we would launch videos with early access
And so people on vessel would have seven days to watch before
The video would be uploaded to YouTube and they ended up catching a lot of little things that like, okay, you know
Realistically if we were perfect
We would have caught in the first place and we do catch a lot of stuff and we do catch a lot of stuff and we
Mostly get things right but you know, sometimes it's sometimes it's an editor
Guidance from a writer that was written based on a verbal conversation
With me and things can get things can get lost in translation a little bit or we can or we can miss things or even problems
Where like if you put a graphic on screen that was generated in-house
Sometimes if the first and the last letters of a word are correct
Sometimes your brain will just like sort it out
So, what do you think of the idea of recruiting like like a community like bug tracker squad crack team of?
investigators what would a program like that look like to make sense to you I
I there was a there was I kind of pitched earlier
I don't know if you saw that message but a hidden channel on flow plane
That is already functionality that we have like I have a channel on flow plane. That is not public
It's like videos of my bird and random stuff like that that I use for testing uploads. Yeah
So we can have a hidden channel that's invite only that people could check out
I don't know how you recruit for that community necessarily
How do we make this make sense though make it like a worthwhile thing for them to do?
Yeah, like is this the kind of thing where it could be like a bug bounty style system
How do you do that when because realistically our?
Problem is that with the breadth of things that we talk about with the breadth of things that we cover
Like people are like you hire a fact-checker. It's like yeah, I could I could hire a fact-checker, but like
No one is going to know
electrical engineering and mechanical engineering and
Literally every flavor of engineering some weird
motherboard from 15 years ago and all of the history of all electronics ever and and that time that Apple
actually, they did do that thing you said they've never done like it's it's
It's something that can be done, but it's something that is not necessarily
Practically done it would involve probably doubling the size of the writing team, which is not necessarily realistic
So how do we make a program like this make sense?
to everyone and people are saying yeah your fan base is is
Incredible and they would do it for free and it's like yeah
We know that but the point is not to be exploitative the point is to
Do it in a way that does make sense and if we had a bug checking program
It's like what are we supposed to be writing like 50 cent checks to people who found?
One bug like what's up? What's up? What is a payment threshold for that even look like like honestly?
This is the first valid application of something like like a Linus crypto coin that I know
I'm serious though like some kind of some kind of token or something so that it actually you know gets
Gets paid out at some point once you reach something like I actually don't know the way to do this
Yeah, we could we could have like people are talking about okay
You could you could find a bug and you get a get credit towards your floatplane account or something like that
But that's that kind of screws over float planes books
Little bit. I just punched the thing that's on you though
I don't really don't care that depends on what our new CEO sets all your KPIs as so
That's on him then I have nothing to do with that well
Yeah, could I'm just saying it could be on you is all sure I'm just saying it might matter
Yeah, I don't know like I'll have to answer for the previous CEOs business people are talking about like LTT store credits
You know like what I
want to spitball this because I
The first reaction internally was let's hire a fact-checker or a fact-checking team, and I'm like the just the sheer volume
They're going to have to look at because they're not just gonna look at things once
They're gonna have to look at it at the draft stage
They're gonna have to look at it again when I'm done with it because I might make changes that introduce errors for the most part
I reduce errors in our scripts you guys wouldn't believe people can just have a bad day
even really smart people on the team who are really knowledgeable can just
It up like really bad, and I'll come and I'll be like hey
I don't actually know the right answer here necessarily because I don't have a background in this look this ain't it
But this does not look right and we'll have to dig into it together and like that's why script review can sometimes take two
Or three hours right it's not because I just enjoy the sound of my own voice
it's because I'm trying to make sure that the the quality of the content is as good as we can get it and
I'm pretty experienced at it
And it's already not something that I would even have time to
Do to look at every piece of content at remember stage three it needs to be looked at again once
It's been edited because there could be visual errors
Sticker packs
Now someone says the top Bigfoot says the trouble with
Crowdsourcing it is that you'll have to have an internal team to filter out the garbage reports you get yeah, absolutely
But that's at least manageable. That's a manageable number of hires. We could hire two researchers whose job
is to take every report and
Actually find out like like be the gophers internally to okay someone said that display HDR
600 something something okay, I'm gonna go talk to Brandon about this and verify it while also
Calling up Vasa and seeing what they have to say about it
It would take you an astronomical amount of time to fact-check every single statement ever made in every single piece of content that we release
But even if you're not a subject matter expert you could probably fact-check one specific statement that was flagged by three different like red team
And call up the right people like you were saying email up the right people whatever it is and get to the bottom of it
People are suggesting you know it could be like an intern team or something like that and the counter to that is like a we
Don't really believe in
hiring people
Just for being cheap labor it would need to potentially lead to a full-time job
Yeah, like that like we're not we're not about that and be having junior people do this actually would be kind of counterproductive
I have found over the years that new people can be intimidated and can actually really struggle to bring up problems
And it's it's nothing against them
It's just it's kind of part of human nature right when there's a power imbalance in an interaction you tend to shy away from
You know being negative or being critical whereas the audience doesn't
Which is one of the reasons actually that I want to find a way to do this with the audience because you don't hold back
Yeah, it's rough
Because like I think I think it kind of has to be manual recruitment or else
You're just releasing all the videos early to everyone so it has to be manual recruitment
So then are you dealing with like applications or do you have someone internally like headhunting you just grab current like?
Moderators because they'd be down, but then you're putting more work
Yeah, they're already like they're already helping us in a big way, and we appreciate appreciate appreciate our moderators
So and and you know those those guys are usually down for whatever
I know that's the thing putting it on them. I'm just adding work
I hate asking people who are already voluntarily doing stuff because you know it's in their nature to
To want to be helpful, and you're like yo you have to limit your ass
I can't I don't want to put any pressure on you actually yeah
Yeah, like I would never ask time stamp guy to do the time yeah, oh
I would never be like hey. We've got a special stream planned on a Tuesday
Can you make sure you can you make sure you make it yeah, that's we're not sure on time
That's messed up right you can't do that in addition to magically knowing that the land shows can be four hours
Yeah, shout out time stamp guy float plane chat
And that's the kind of community interaction you guys should be the ones who are reinforcing people for
Engaging in the community in a way that is meaningful to them and meaningful to you like that's beautiful
That's what we want to see we want to see you guys being cool to each other
We don't want to like tell you to do stuff that then then you just should work here at that point, right
so I'm I
don't know I'm
I'm not saying
How we're gonna do it
I'm not saying we have to come to like a final conclusion today for how this is gonna work
but it's just something that I want to kind of float by the community and
And see you know what they think of and
Cuz I don't know part of what I know is we can set up that hidden channel we can do direct invites
We can manage all this stuff that way that way because there was there was a suggestion at one point in time to make it
A sub channel for non float plane users. We have like primary channels or creator channels and then sub channels
So like the Linus media group one has all of the different YouTube channels under it plus like the outs the ex exclusives, etc
Didn't like that because it was gonna show up in people's feeds as locked all the time
But there would be no way for people to access it, right?
No with sub channels, oh, oh I see
They wouldn't get notifications. But yeah, right so I like the idea of a hidden channel instead
But then people aren't gonna see it all the time
Yeah, so like what's the mechanism for them to want to like apply to join or whatever making it or however?
We I think calling it out on wan show is simple enough
Like we're gonna form or something like this is what I know. I'm a mechanical engineer. I
Am happy to watch videos that could use that. I wonder if an easier way would be for them to just self
self-select and then
You know it in the videos that we publish because we wouldn't even necessarily leave them up
Like why would we so in the drafts that we publish we would basically just say
You know audio
You know IO technologies display
and if you like know stuff about that then you dive in I
Almost wonder if we're gonna have to switch to like Google Docs, too
So you so because right now we use Microsoft for all of our internal script writing oh and for like
Annotating and and all that kind of stuff is a commerce
I don't know if you were in it there was a conversation today about doing that yeah
So maybe maybe it's finally time to do it and then
part of the process for this is that we're publishing these drafts with people having comment access and
Letting them kind of have conversations and kind of go okay. Yeah, you know when you said
HDMI is ideal for 4k output you really should have specified HDMI 2.0
And then someone goes actually I think they should specify HDMI 2.0 and up
That's the most correct way to say it because that's the kind of little stuff that
Generally is slipping under the radar the only problem that I see happening there, so I like the idea
primarily moving to Google Docs
Moving on from there the comment system thing the only problem
I see is that there's gonna need to be some amount of like moderation in regards to who can do it and
There we run the the the possibility of like her you know hurting some feels
Because it's gonna need to be
Focused we also run the possibility of
Creating some negativity internally. Yeah, I mean one of the things that that I had proposed even though
I had no idea how to administer it was maybe we should take part of the writing team's bonus structure and
Start paying it out to people who catch bugs
Just say yeah, you guys keep all of this
There's like a hundred corrections in our videos this month from the community
And then it actually gets paid out to them instead now obviously punitive measures
All they do is create negativity, so we're not gonna do that
Yeah, right, but it you know from my point of view you know if I pay people to be correct
Well, then I might as well pay the correct people
Do you remember actually correct earlier when you're talking about like how to be a good pair? Oh, I know yeah
I know I you can't do stuff like that
But there are definitely times, I wish I could yeah
So then you know the question is a really bad idea. Oh, I know the question is like well, okay
Where does that bucket come from then right do we have a way of that's where like the line speaking of bad ideas?
That's where the Linus coin thing comes from like do like what is our way of?
What is our way of administering this like I literally cannot have Yvonne writing 50 cent checks. Yeah, that is
Literally I think how most these things would work is you would you would like grow your pool up to a payout minimum sure
But then kind of like the same issue that you see with something like a twitch
The vast majority of people will never reach that minimum
Yeah, and then and then you have the potential to create negativity in the community, and that's even worse
I would actually rather have a tough you know tough dad
Conversation with someone internally where I can make it up to them in some other way
You know down the line
But that's that's that negative negativity in the community thing is the thing that I'm kind of worried about the on the like free comment
thing on the sheet for sure because if if someone's like
If if Emily's working on a dock and sure someone sees that Emily's working on the dock
Like I've always wanted to talk to Emily. I'm gonna make a comment saying hi Emily like that's
Very distracting for people and actually like can't happen it has to stay objective it has to stay on topic
It has to be exactly what you were kind of talking about right you should have specified 2.0
I you should maybe specify 2.0 and above both of those comments are great
but when you get into like kind of off-topic conversational stuff or
Instead of identifying a problem and then research happening to make sure that they find the right answer and then plugging in right answer
It's identify a problem and then discuss it for half an hour because that's kind of more entertaining like those things
That's not gonna be good
You know Jack ws3e says your staff doesn't have to be an expert on everything
But if you're gonna be dropping information you should double-check that information no matter what it's amazing
How many things are common knowledge that are completely false in this modern age?
And it's just a good thing to work towards not letting that standard slip and bypassing it like a modern mainstream media organization
That's exactly what we're trying to do. We're just trying to cast the widest
possible net
Because I think yeah
that's that's been a real struggle is that one person or even a dozen people can't know everything about everything and you're gonna have mistakes and
We don't want them
Yeah, so
Atomic age ace said wouldn't this just create more work people can be confidently incorrect, and you'll have to review every
Yeah, I mean that's almost guaranteed gonna happen there might even be someone who's consistently very correct and then every once in a while just
Tries to correct something and it's wrong about it. That's why you have more than one person looking at it. Yeah, and
We yeah, yeah moderating it does sound like kind of a challenge. I think we'd have to start with a pretty small cohort
and you know
The like community management of this is just gonna be hard, but it's like if someone is really genuinely trying to contribute and
Then we end up like removing them from yeah, or or they contribute in a way that is really positive
They they correct something and then I go through in my script review and I go this is entirely
Tangential to the point of this video this whole section is out. Well, then their work was like wasted. It's like well
No, because you know part of this too is I've always seen it as a two-way street
Right, like people learn from the videos and I also learn from reading the comments. That's why I read them
It's because I will often learn things in the comments, right? It's the classic
What's the best way to learn something on the internet say something wrong and wait for someone to correct you, right?
Like I have I have learned
More from reading comments in all these years then I probably have I shouldn't say that
No, I haven't learned more than I have firsthand
But I've learned a lot from reading comments and then especially doing follow-up reading of my own to kind of
Broaden my understanding of why someone said the thing that they said
Yeah, well let's
Let's let's think someone said why not just make your writer cite their sources and submit the sources for review
It doesn't really work that way. Yeah, it doesn't mean that they quoted the source properly. Also the source like
What sometimes the source is us? Yeah, like what if okay? What if the writer were to say something like?
1.4 can't run at this resolution and refresh rate
But what it turns out is that the particular monitor that they ran it on
borked out before that and
They just had no way of knowing that that was that that was not possible because like it was supposed to or something
Then if someone jumped in and went well, hold on a second. I'm actually running that
That resolution refresh rate on my monitor so it so it can do it
Well, then all of a sudden hey, at least we're investigating that and we're kind of going. Oh
Well instead of us giving up now that we thought okay. Well, it's a limitation with the interface now
We get to explore why this monitor can't do it right like it's it's making sure that we're not wasting our time
Going down the wrong paths as well like it's not that we're not willing to do the work
We just want to make sure we're doing the right work
So a bit of a community management minefield well, I mean lots of options Stevens doing a great job so far
I think he's off his 90-day probation now so I can I can talk about chewy
Yeah, he's he we finally have a dedicated community manager person on the social team
So this is something that I could see him
Really sinking his teeth into is you know trying to get something like this going in
collaboration with James and Jake and the rest of the writing team, but
We'll see you know and and and you know what he's been a really good advocate for the community internally
So if he sees a way like I'm not slagging him at all to be clear
This just sounds like a very difficult task for for him
Yeah, but I think he's got a he's got a lot of experience not in this specifically
But like like twitch moderation and stuff like that so he as an as a community member
For so many years. I think he understands that side's perspective really well a good
I don't I'm not saying he hasn't been already to be clear
But probably a good person to include in the ideation of this yeah
Yeah, oh, oh, there's no way that I would just prescribe how we're doing this. I don't do that anymore
That's actually not my job anymore, but it's just something that as the vision officer. I've kind of
visioned that
Realistically if we want to cast the widest possible net and want to make sure that we are
Investigating the right things well our community has always been our number one source
We are just doing it before publication instead of after publication which seems
Smart yeah seems wise yeah
Okay, oh
All right, well why don't you pipe up then Dan if you know what we're supposed to be doing
You don't even have your mic ready mr.. Three merch messages shake the sign
Don't make me tap the sound I was gonna say it's like he's tapping the glass
You want some rich messages thing no no I don't I want to open this gift that I got at ltx
Let's open the gift just as an F you to Dan
The giver assured me it is not a bomb, but I'm gonna have you open it anyway
I'm going to step out for unrelated reasons
Thanks, Dan. No. He's still there. Why isn't it a gift for you? Why do you want me opening?
I don't know you want me to like present it just to make sure it's not a bomb okay sounds good
Oh, yeah, you'll check though right. Yeah, I mean realistically a bomb that size
It's not like I'm actually saving myself, so yeah, I know I thought you were being like I'd be fine. No
Well if you turn the other way that would help a lot actually just meat shield
Am I going for it sacrificial Luke we need a shirt now. This is fine. I'm surprisingly come
Position crouching over an exploding bomb I got it guys get out of here
Okay, okay, oh
I have no idea. What's in here a creator gave it to me at ltx
It's not a bomb it's a little I was a little surprised it's a fan
It's a heatsink
Maybe it's the box is sealed. Maybe it's in a heatsink box wait, so you haven't even shown the audience yet Luke
Are you a professional video host or what?
Don't worry. He's good. He's good at this. We can't I can't like there's no zoom, but it's a heatsink
It's a heatsink well there is actually
Luke there we go. Don't worry Dan. I got it. There you go ETS f40 FS. Is this like?
So it's a heatsink, but is there something else in it, maybe it's it's seal has it been resealed. I don't think so oh I
Definitely didn't just rip it. Well. Just rip it. It's fine. Yeah, we rip the cardboard is it because they're my biggest fan
No, probably not. I think they're I think
Are you gonna name the creator?
Wow you put me on the spot like that, I don't remember okay
I'm so sorry wow you just it is it is
Okay, it is definitely just a heatsink. It's definitely heatsink not just a heatsink to be clear very nice
Huh, but it's not it's not like it hasn't been replaced
This is clearly an unopened box a prime and float plane chat. Did you just get regifted?
You might want to put the phone back in is this like like was this in an early video
No, this is new he uploaded a video of him giving it to you
Yeah, okay, and was it yeah, did he like say it's me for a particular reason
Is it can I can I can I yeah? Yeah? Is it what what does someone say there's people making let that sink in jokes
Like I don't know maybe I'm not CEO anymore or like
I feel bad
Did I just get trolled? I don't know I was apparently supposed to open it there like on the spot
But I was on my way into the BYOC to do I think the Beat Saber 1v1 challenge or something like that
Did you put the sticker back? Did you reseal it? Yeah, so that you could regift it again. Oh
Yeah, Merry Christmas
Dan yeah
You're gonna count
Do it you coward all right fine, we're going for it
Got four we're good. It actually it shrank that one in front of you. I want to raise it back up there you go
I've also got glass here. It's okay. We'll clean it up
It's his equipment
That's true. That's true. Are you gonna dent me come on who cares yeah?
Get me in trouble tell my mom exactly tell my wife. Oh, that's a lot worse situation wasn't it
The CEO might tell the CFO what the CVO did
Okay chief Dan officer
So yeah anywho he officiates the Dan's cool
The best Dan at this company
What do you mean
Does anyone have the name of the creator that gave it to me? I'm so sorry
I feel absolutely do we know what this is or that no no you can open those now, too
We've got some other stuff for Luke to open
I don't know
I don't know I no one handed me these so I don't have to like feel bad about having no idea
Yeah, there was a fan in a box
Okay, it's a mug. There's a mug okay here. We're going to we're going to Luke cam
There's a mug. There's a graphic on the mug, but I haven't been able to really make it out yet
We love tech tips
And it's I'm assuming them in their cat. Oh, that's cute all right fantastic
It will live there for now. Okay. It doesn't thank you for that Luke. Yeah. Thank you very much, and there's a letter
It looks like a birthday card. I do play sports that involve throwing by the way straff
I played softball on Wednesday night, and I did great
This is actually great, this is fantastic this adds a lot of context to the mug who the hell sends a mug with their photo
on it
I'm Ryu, and I do I also love the wan show only LZT and Paul's Hardware have this mug now
I don't sell these I'm just bored
That honestly I I appreciate it much more now knowing that you were bored
Genuinely genuinely adds a lot to it's like oh, I'm just gonna do a thing. I'm feeling bored today
I'm just gonna do a thing and you did a thing and I appreciate it
Very cool rod you are so welcome to join us for softball night if you email me
We would love to have you there we had a blast we had 17 people turn out this week
We had a ton of fun. We play a bit of a different format, so your team pitches
So the pitcher is actually on your team Oh
Interesting I kind of like they lob it underhand and the idea is if you all suck
It's like actually better that the idea is to have high scoring game. Yeah lots of offense. Yeah, so the pitcher gets only two throws
Period yeah fair enough ball strike tip that doesn't matter cool two throws per batter
And then the inning is over once everyone on the team is batted
I haven't been going so I don't want to blow up my shoulder, so there's no outs
It's just it's more like a pitch limit, so you get however many pitches your team has
Players times two and then the pitcher swaps out at the end and so typically your pitcher is your like your your slugger
Actually because you want them to hit clean up at the end and just kind of try and try and move everybody around the bases
So it's a super fun format to play especially with novice players who are just gonna hit too far absolutely
Tons and tons of offense so the game was like 24 to 23
after four innings because people are just like you know you guys like
man freakin
Elijah from
Logistics, I'm pretty sure hit a pretty good dinger
Man oh man I did Jake Belevance
Threw him for a loop cuz I hit a home run last time and so he was all like I'm gonna move way out
Into right into left field and I'm gonna be ready for this one, and I was like oh
you don't actually know how good I am at batting do you because
Boom! Deep to right field! See you later buddy!
So he had to run
Cuz we don't have enough players to have like all the outfielders playing
Anyways really fun. Maybe I could just go and just play outfield or something, but I can't yeah
I can't I can't bat or pitch cuz my shoulder so yeah
We did have someone who like wasn't able to run later on and they just had someone pinch run for them
So like whatever like come hang out we had pizza. I could run for people. Yeah, yeah, whatever yeah, whatever
So yeah, Rod. You are you are totally welcome
Just email me for those who don't know who Rod is on floatplane
He's Rod like of BS mods like helped us do scrapyard wars shows up for LTX
Literally every single time tirelessly helps us run the show one of our most amazing community
super cool guy
PC modder anyway, we love we love Rod, and he's welcome to join us for softball night
Okay, oh, oh my god. We have to talk about the merch for launching this week Luke
How did you let me forget to talk about it again? I already mentioned it. I blame you already mentioned it
I'm just I'm throwing things
No, I'll throw that at the floatplane guys
And that's labs web so let's talk about behavioral conditioning
The reason that everyone started flinching is because even though I joked about throwing things at people earlier
I actually did it once twice. I am unpredictable
I did I did throw I did throw actually hit me, but I know I threw a dangerous thing once so so now
When I have the mug people are like oh, no he actually might do it I
Still think you might
Yeah, it doesn't help. This is like you and Lee very unpredictable sometimes. Yeah, I do it on purpose
If you're predictable you're boring yeah, and my job is to
Keep people engaged in our content if we made the same video with the same formula every time
We wouldn't have the kind of staying power that we do it matters
It matters yeah, yeah
Already bumped my head real bad and have a bump on it yesterday. You might as well add another one just send it I
Promise I won't sue you
About Dan I'll sue dad you
Well I mean with that throw you actually just threw it at your monitor
I like to think I'm chaotic good, though. Oh, yeah, they're talking about this in the floatplane chat
There's too many staff in the floatplane chat tonight
Really chaotic good. Yeah, but unquestionably chaotic. Yeah, I mean the way the alignment chart works, though
It's not like you're right. Yeah, it doesn't mean more than yeah
Yeah, it's it's kind of like like binary what you are right or can you be slightly good?
Definitely that you play your character yes, okay, but when you pick your spot on the chart
I mean, it's pretty when you when you write down what it is. You're writing down those words. You know so yeah
Chaotic neutral yeah, Dan did say do it coward. Yeah
That's not it's literally my fault
Yeah, I mean he is the victim, but it's pretty clear. We have to blame him. There is also chaotic for sure
Oh, yeah, Oh Dan's a hundred percent chaotic. Yeah, okay? Why don't we keep not talking about the new merch this week?
You're not allowed Luke
Luke yes, I am allowed no you can't
Luke US government wants to
Purchasing large amounts of sensitive data
To acquire information
Don't know who works for any company anymore
I know they've literally never been here before but I expect you to know I tried to meet you the other day. I'm sorry
Anyways, I will continue
topic I guess now there is a bipartisan effort in the US House of Representatives to amend the National Defense
Authorization Act to restrict US military agencies from purchasing data that would otherwise require a warrant court order or subpoena
In a separate effort last week members of the House Judiciary Committee
Unanimously voted to advance legislation that would place similar restrictions for purchasing data on all levels and sectors of government
There I fixed it no we're done here, it's time to talk about the new merch that we have for this week
We're gonna get to a few merch messages very quickly here
We'll go to the Luke cam where he is actually rocking one of the new products. This is oh good lord
I don't even know what we call it, but it's really really comfortable
It looks super cool, and it's ah it's the RGB shirt in gray
He actually has the long sleeve version of it. We have a short sleeve and a long sleeve version of this
It's just as soft and freakin awesome as the as the light version of it. It has the same little
They're called neps there we go it has the same little multicolored flex
Uh your mic is still not plugged in Luke
This is a much better representation of what it looks like at a distance like between me and Luke. Yes, yeah
It seems like you have to be close up to see it, but that's not true not even a little it looks freakin
Awesome, and it's super comfortable. Yeah, and it's what is it? Yeah?
2499 we don't care how long or short you like your sleeves either way
It's the same price cuz that's how we fucking roll
Yeah, let's go and in other news, so this is an entirely new product or at least a new variant of an existing product
an old
Classic has finally made a return the indoor hoodie is back baby in two colors
gray and
less gray
Not inaccurate
It may not be the most accurate way to say that but it isn't technically wrong
Okay, what's happening here? Hey look at that got all these great pictures got all these great sizes this took flippin
Forever because we had to make it to the same
Standard of quality as the old indoor hoodie and keep all the things people loved about the old indoor hoodie
But we had to go to a new supplier because the old ones anyway. We don't use them anymore and
Yeah, it's back. It is
beloved it's
$49.99 and people
We had literally over
3,000 back in stock signups for this one and think about the percentage of people that
Have less of a strong intent to buy and go to a page and just like don't bother getting a back in stock notification
But they're like yeah, I'll just like check back at some point this these yeah these things are yeah a lion. Yeah, yeah
Alright, so since we now know what people are checking out this week. Why don't we do a few merch messages?
No, we'll do the merch message in a sec first
Let's finish the thing because that's actually a really important topic the u.s.. Banning itself from buying sensitive consumer data
Representatives of the NSA have apparently reached out to lawmakers
To express concerns about these changes where they're telling themselves. Hey, we're not allowed to buy
Citizen information that would otherwise require a warrant court order or subpoena
The NSA has admitted to doing this buying this data from brokers in the past and its lawyers have reportedly created
Extensive internal guidelines for the collection of commercially available data however some of those rules are classified
This is great because I was always kind of wondering who is buying all this freakin data that everyone's click Oh
Something that immediately lots of money something that immediately set up alarm bells for me on this one
Yeah, was could they still just work with another company?
Cuz like what if they didn't buy the data, but they
Worked with another company that bought the data. I'd have to hope that they would you know try to
Feel like this is
It's a step in the American tax code, okay?
Can we just say that at least acknowledging that this is a problem is a step in the right direction?
Yeah, I I don't know between the amount of potential loopholes that I'm kind of sniffing out here and also
just like
If this level of if information that would require a warrant is out there being sold
I feel like there's a root issue here that we should solve
I mean, there's a lot of information that requires a warrant that is
stuff that people give away freely on the internet right like it's
But you shouldn't be able to buy it well
I don't know. Maybe the more effective way would be to say you can't sell it, but then businesses would be unhappy
That's not allowed all I'm saying is this is a step in the right direction
At least even saying hey, this is a problem is something which is more than we had before I don't disagree
I just got a sour taste reading this feeling like I don't think this is gonna change anything
No, you're goes through you're probably right
You're probably right, and it feels like one of those things like you know like like the problems of things like security theater
Or like it doesn't really solve the problem, but it makes people think that the problem solved sure which is kind of a problem
It's a problem in and of itself. Yep. Yeah
Using taxpayer dollars to pay for stolen data. Yeah, I love it and that great. Yeah, that's cute very awesome
Moving on moving on
Yeah, that's what we are supposed to be doing for the last like 20 minutes
Hit me Dan oh man Linus you seemed nervous for the first bit last wan show
But quickly seemed to be having a blast okay. I saw some comments about this too
I didn't read that at all. I thought you were fine
I thought I was like I took a few seconds to kind of get into the groove of things see I thought you did great
Oh, and I I definitely felt a little bit off the whole time though
I didn't feel like at the beginning and not at the end a little bit. Yeah, like it's weird doing it live
We the biggest weird thing for me is we didn't have our monitors
Yeah, like we had we had the mics mine didn't fit me at all
So I was trying to force it onto my head the whole time. That's hilarious
But normally we can hear ourselves talking and like I can hear him talking through my thing I can hear Dan talking so I I
Know roughly what the stream hears. Yeah there. I had no idea and it's it's really challenging too because
for the same reason that in person is
Much higher energy and more dynamic than when we host the show remotely live I'd say is
Another equal step down from remote and just the two of us because
we have known each other a long time we
Read each other pretty well, and we will just step on each other when
He's about to ramble. He's gonna talk about AI for another 15 minutes, and they don't care you know or you know
It would be unfair for me to not give an equal and opposite
He's about to get the entire company destroyed. I need to step on this before he continues talking
There's also like you notice someone kind of stumbling so you just catch and keep going exactly and so we we can
Jump on each other like this and it's not
Disruptive to the pacing when we don't have to wait for a stream delay or when we don't have to wait for
You know the audience to have a chance to hear
Or potentially response because we would like ask a question which normally is just you know each other yeah
and then
And then people in the audience would starts yelling out answers, which was like cool
It was just different and delayed and delayed especially when someone will say something and then someone else is like haha
I have something to add to that as well, so it creates this chain reaction like which we're not sure that you can hear yeah
It's tough
It's tough. Yeah
But yeah, I mean it's it's a really good energy though. I definitely enjoy it, but I
Don't know if it makes for a better show
Comments that people very much enjoyed it live
And there was a bunch of comments saying that it was very kind of fun and interesting to watch on the on the VOD
But I wouldn't be surprised if retention was like a little bit lower
I'm gonna check because now I'm curious, but yeah, it could be one of those things that people
Think they prefer, but then when you look at the overall numbers. That's what most people don't yeah
So yeah, I mean we might as well do another merch message while I'm looking this up because I got to get into the
Sure sure this one's for Luke anyway cool. Hey Luke
I've recently found myself falling into a VP of engineering position with my company
I mean lucky congrats just fell into it. Yeah, man. I wouldn't have bothered doing all this
Anyway carry on how have you handled difficult or eccentric personalities in your new role as CTO you tell me Dan no I?
You need some training bud
It's a good thing that that mic is on a stand because otherwise it would be on the ground
Man I don't know I don't think it's really been all that different than
The management that I do in other departments. I feel like our entire company
kind of attracts a relatively like similar
Type of person you're saying we have a type. Yeah, kinda so like yeah, I don't I don't think it's been all that different
I know it's a very boring answer, but
yeah, when you when you have the type of people that we attract at this company in my opinion are
very motivated very curious very driven a
little quirky may be distractible because they're
80ding on to every single possible thing all the time because everything's interesting and wow I'm gonna do all the stuff
So you know it's a lot of trying to make sure that people stay focused on the the meat and potatoes the the things that
We have to get done
But also giving them some time to do the things that are fun so that they stay motivated and driven
It's not unusual in the tech space to find people who prefer computers to people
Yeah, so sometimes you got a we got the devs nodding
Sometimes you got to drag those people out though because it's it's also good
And I don't want to force it all the time
But it is good for like team unity reasons and all these weird boring manager things that I can say sometimes that can make really
Tough conversations even tougher
You know sometimes it can actually this kind of segues us pretty well into a topic that we do have to talk about this week
But we'll do it in a little bit, but sometimes it can lead to
communication challenges because you know we don't we don't really have formal training on
Like you know how to talk to people
How to talk to people internally how to talk to people
How to practice yeah pretty much anything
It's true and and so you know you end up with you end up with a really
I would say our team is the spice of life. You know there's a there's a ton of variety. We don't have any NPCs here no
Very true yeah
We have a lot of people who kind of look like NPCs like the generic bearded white dude is
Very over represented here. Yeah
Dan you had you didn't even point the camera to the guy next to you
Well, but sorry I don't have to oh I get it
But but you should do it anyway, though
What is it this one? Yeah? Yeah look more generic Wow bearded white dudes. There's four of us in a room fantastic
And it's a podcast
The white perspective oh
Okay, what are we talking about? Let's do literally anything else other than this
No, I'm just not gonna say anything
Anyways yeah management stuff really didn't change much
Same type of people in in in you know
Interests and skill sets and stuff like that
Just focused on different things
And it's been good
Next merch message, please yes, sir. Give me something controversial Dan. Oh
Let's make him squirm
Okay was LDX as successful as you had hoped
There you go. I don't know
That is the real honest-to-goodness answer. I have the revenue numbers, but I don't have any of the expenses so
There's more revenue than I expected
But what I do know about the expenses even if I don't have any numbers for them
Is that they were more than we expected?
How much more?
Don't know however. I will say that aside from the business side of things which is very important
Which is it is is critical like that determines whether we can continue to do it
The community side was absolutely
Incredible other than a couple of cranky posts the first day that I'm not saying the crankiness was illegitimate
I'm just saying it was present other than a couple of cranky posts the first day the community reaction from creators and
From viewers and from our vendors like like our commercial partners. There has been
overwhelmingly positive pretty much every major brand that
Participated that has talked to us about it at all has said we want to double down for next year
we are already thinking about budgets for 2024 and how we can come back way bigger because
The vibe is just oh it was immaculate totally different than any other show and that is by design
You remember the original pitch for this. I shouldn't say the original pitch
I should say because
17 was supposed to be just like a meet-up to serve the purpose of meetups
Yeah, so that we just like don't have to do them anymore. Do you remember what I called 18?
I called it a carnival
Yes, yeah
I remember that and that was why we had like bouncy games, and that was why we had 17 had games as well
I think you were calling it carnival back as I okay because it had like the bungee rope running game
17 have that are you sure yep because that was at the Langley event center. Okay photos of it so fine
Originally, then it was a carnival. Yeah, so it's a
convention slash, but there has to be
engaging stuff to do and we
Drilled that into the brand partners because if you leave a brand partner only believe in to design their booth
They will have a little table with the tablecloth
And they will put their product on it
And they will sit there and they will wait for people to ask them about their product or you get the like
Not to I've I have lovingly gone to PAX for many years and not to dog packs
but something that happens there decently often is you'll get this massive booth from this massive game publisher that is
Used entirely as hopefully it's cushy comfy carpet land because there's just like TVs playing YouTube trailers of their games and nothing else
Yeah, it's like man. Why did you even show up? So we we told we told brands look as
Cool and chill as it is that you want to give us money to be here that is actually not your primary main objective
Your primary main objective is to be interesting is to have an activation that people can actively participate
So that we have stuff for people to do
And so we were like look we're flexible about it
it can be as it can be as on topic or as off topic as you want so like VESA was there and
They had can you spot the difference like HDR versus not HDR and we have some we had Brandon from the lab there to talk
People through you know what they were seeing
Ari had a cool setup where you could like operate a freaking you know eighty thousand dollar camera or whatever that
Rig was actually probably that lens was probably worth eighty thousand dollars
And I forget you I forget if you could film something or like she said we we had a thumbnail booth where people could take
Assets and create their own thumbnail so we wanted things that people could sit down and and do and and be
Doing we don't want people walking around we want people doing stuff. We want them doing stuff with other members of the community and
Most of the brands kind of got it
This year
Next year we are going to draw a much firmer line in the sand if you don't have something cool to do in your booth
You are not
In coming that simple if next year happens if next year happens, which is not confirmed because business things yeah
And I'd say I'd say that in terms of getting closer to what?
My vision for the for the event was this year was a big step up
And I got to give major kudos to the team because I actually gave them far less guidance this year
Then I had in previous years
And we ended up with something that was far closer to what I wanted than previous years, so they had just nailed it
there are certain things that I
Probably could have told them should have been done a different. There was a few things that like
Not to dog on them, but there was a few things that like if 2019 was last year
We wouldn't have made that mistake totally yeah, because it's it's some of that like you know top-of-mind type of problem
It's not just us like the line man
Oh, I completely the line management on the first day our spec was way better than what got laid out
Everybody's rusty. Yeah the whole convention industry was like off for three years
There was communication to to at least me that the event staff at the convention had been laid off during kovat
And it is a lot of very you know new hires that are not super experienced with
cons with that
level of
Enthusiastic attendance a lot of conventions that show up
It's like industry events and stuff like that in industry stuff people just kind of cruising around this was like
You know a very hype event yeah, and there's a different type of management. There's like a
Even attendees I feel like kind of bunged it up in a certain way like I went through the line for the build-it-yourself
Screwdriver at the beginning of the first day yeah, and I walked through and went
To to a number of people I was like this is a really long line there are lots
you should go do something else right now and
None of them left they all just stayed in the line and I get it
I actually get it because you you want to get it right away
So like you can get it signed by people or whatever right like I get it
But also you know a lot of the complaints we got were about how long that line was I'm like ah but yeah
but if no matter how many things there are to do in the hall if
Everybody just goes to the same thing first and then immediately goes up and lines up for the next thing second
There were things we could have meant we could have processed the line faster same with like on then pickups we
We didn't even find out that the Convention Center had a special Wi-Fi
Network that's like more stable for POS terminals until late in the first day
Yeah, that would have saved us so much time pretty sick like I told us
I am not blaming the community for anything we play our own part
But also I just think people are just kind of a little rusty about how to min max this stuff
from the Convention Center side from our side from the brand side from the attendee site like everyone's just like
Yeah, we gotta get somewhere to go again
Yeah, my group that goes down to PAX we used to like plan stuff out quite specifically around like line timings and all this
Kind of stuff so it is what it is. Yeah Gats and floatplane chat says yeah, it's been rough
Our community just our our company just did our first convention since pre-covid and I could tell we were all rusty
I mean at least you guys still have the team right like yeah, at least we still have our team
It would be really hard if we just had all new people. Yeah, I would have had to micromanage the bloody thing
Something that I really really didn't like and I know this is like different people have different opinions on this
And I'm not judging anyone else's opinion on this, but for me when there was the meetups
Like the official scheduled meetups. Yeah when the time got down to 15 seconds
Like why are we even here well actually no, I'm gonna counter that argument
I think that for next year with high-volume meet-and-greet people we should actually have multiple lines
So we should have like a literal
Selfie only line where people basically get like they hand someone their phone they go inch
Get the hell out of here
And so on and so forth because oh, sorry, go ahead
No, this is the other kind of problem too is you need the person that's like doing the line management to be
Very like outgoing and on it and everyone was new this year because the 100% and I'm not I'm not dogging anyone
I appreciate the help. There's a lot of volunteers of it would have not worked at all without you
So I'm not digging there
But like there would be time so I have to like shout out to everyone in line like please
It's a 15 second timer have your phone out and ready have the thing you want to sign ready
Let's do this like movement. Yeah, my idea was put the thing you want to sign on the table
Yeah, after you've handed off your phone line up for photo
I immediately go to sign the thing afterwards ask me a question whatever don't or don't and then and then we're we fire off
But then we'd waste the entire more than the entire time window sometimes just having people folder pull their phones out get signed in
Sorry, I'm not on the right. Oh, oh I can take that picture for you. Oh, thank you so much
It and then the timers and then and then oh wait, it's on the wrong. I'm not familiar with your Apple now
I have to change the camera because you were gonna take a selfie. Okay. Okay, click click click horizontal
Click click click vertical. Um, no
There's literally 80 people in line behind you take one picture and I'm not like I get it. I get it
I felt really bad there was but it's all the other people too, right?
Like it's not that I don't want to spend the next nine minutes with you. I would actually I would actually love that
I would love to have a
Fantastic, I'd love to have one longer conversation compared to a hundred
meaningless short ones
but you got to also understand a lot of people are just there to get a selfie or to get something signed to
To you know, collect all the signatures on their GPU or whatever
So what I think I'm gonna propose for next year is we have a meetup line
Where you actually get at least 30 seconds to 45 seconds or a minute or whatever it is
and then you have an express line for just signing a thing you have an express line for just taking a picture because
They my first day they didn't cut off my line
So I got to the end of my time when I actually needed to leave because I was at a prior commitment
And there was a huge line left. And so I basically went okay. I have three minutes left
What can I do and I was like, all right
Everybody get your phones out now. No phone out. You're not in selfie camera mode. I can't stop
I'm gonna walk through the line and
so I basically just
Walked through the line. It's a good idea. Click click click click click click click click click. So I managed to hit like
40 to 60 people in like five minutes and so and for a lot of them
Yeah, they wanted to chitchat and I'm sorry
But if we could separate out the people who want to chitchat from the people who actually did just want to get a picture
Then we could process way more people way more efficiently
So it's little things like that that I'd like to figure out how to do better. Yeah
To win like when you get into the rush it's when you get to the back of the line
So it's a lot of people that have been waiting the longest
Yeah, and then you're like, oh I'm completely out of time and I have to turn through this so you have like five seconds
Sorry, you just waited. Yeah, I waited for half an hour or whatever like I always feel but I hate wasting anybody's time
well one thing that I actually found pretty good success with was when I would just like
Not be scheduled for something and I'll just randomly have a line form
When I would know that I would need to leave soon
I'd tell the person at the front of the line
Just wait a second and I'd walk to the back and I would deputize
Whoever would be willing to not let anyone else in the line and then just get through the queue and then take off
Yeah, I found that did not work for me. Oh it did for me luckily
I only ended up doing it twice because I only thought of it too late
The first person that I deputized was by profession a security guard hilarious
What's perfect like wow, this works really well and then I try to do it again
It didn't work, you know quite as well, but it still sort of worked
Didn't do anything for me and I even had a rod following me around the whole time just like
Shepherding me to where I was supposed to go
But like people will ask anyway, and I always just feel terrible if I don't
Do you do that? Like if you can keep up thing? Yeah, I do. Okay, I do. Yeah
Can you sign something? I don't know. Can you walk fast? Yeah
And what I find is that if I am actively signing something for someone and moving people get the hint
That I am actually busy. I had Dennis I think was telling me
Oh, I do the like on my phone thing and I walk really fast like that does not work for me at all
No, people will people will interrupt me. Anyway, I didn't know there was like a more staff area bathroom
Yeah, so twice I found that really early on it was great meet-and-greet start in the bathroom. Yeah
That was a little weird
Yeah, don't do that. Yeah, I would request him not in the future. Yeah great because you got to understand like
We have a really hard time saying no because it's we know it's why you're there and it's
Kind of why we're there too not why we're in the bathroom, but it's why we're in the building
But yeah overall, there's a lot of stuff that I think that we could do better and I think and it was a great show
Yes, and that combination is actually great. Yes, and the community was a good spot to be amazing
everything that we're saying right now, even if we're like
Today, you know
It's all super positive. We know it comes from a really good place. Oh, yeah, we we get it
Which is why we feel bad for not
You know doing it because we know that you guys are cool and negativity in that action. Yeah, they're just excited
Yeah, which is great. Like I don't know. Yeah, it's just also awkward because it's like standing at a urinal
It's like hey, do you want to sign my right like it's you know, can you hold it? Can you hold that for a second?
Yeah, while we're on the topic, do you guys want some ice cream?
Oh yeah, that was kind of a thing that happened at LTX. Sure. Okay. Yeah, so I don't even remember the context or why
I brought it up at all. Yeah, can you do that too? He's on it
But in the building on some previous WAN show I mentioned that
Fruit roll-ups if you put ice cream in them get there really crunchy
I have no idea why I mentioned this on the show. I don't either
I don't remember. Me neither, but I did and one of the whales that came up
Brought a 72 pack or something. It's right there. Whatever that is. Of fruit roll-ups
So the the WAN show writer Jessica has prepared us
Fruit roll-ups and ice cream, I guess. Is there ice cream or are we just eating fruit roll-ups?
I think it's and ice cream. Okay, cuz I've never tried it. Neither have I.
And this might be the most boring part of the WAN show we've ever had or it might be interesting or it might be interesting
Yeah, you claimed I would be interested by it. Did I? You did you said it's like
Surprisingly crunchy. Oh it is but I don't know if that's like WAN show interesting
I don't know. I don't know you and I know you like ice cream
I don't know what WAN show even is. Do you know how many topics we've done this week? I have no idea. Like three. We started it by talking about
Baldur's Gate with no actual reason for the topic
No, the reason for the topic was you and Dan and chat
We're talking about it in the pre-show and I was like, this is really interesting guys
Just do this during the show and then we I kicked off the conversation in the show and you guys were all just like
Well, my whole thing my whole thing is that on pre-shows that it's talking about video games. Okay, what is this?
We have what appear to be fruit roll-up ice cream pierogies. Wait, that's my old bowl
Yes, it is this is the bowl that you decorated on channel super fun you can tell because it has two L's on it
Yes, that's really random yeah, yeah, I thought that was like gone gone
That's a Tekken character
You're confused. I don't know. I think it's just gone. I don't know if it's supposed to sit in the fridge. Oh
You got a freezer you mean I think but we have a bunch if you guys want some
Wait, should I be waiting? I'll wait. I'll wait for you. Oh, there's a rainbow one. I didn't look that closely
Yeah, no, I'm disappointed. The rainbow one is so little they're like kind of melting. So I guess we should go
Okay, I guess we'll just
That is wildly less interesting than I expected
It is a weird kind of crunchy. Mm-hmm
Like it's not hard hard like ah my teeth like I can I heard in the videos
It sounded like someone bit into like a stack of chips
And it is weird the way that it starts out I wouldn't describe it as crunchy it's more crispy
it starts out crispy and
Then gets really chewy. There's no way that I'm eating the whole thing because I'm pretty sure this is about 4,000 calories, but
Yeah, we like very sweet back I will have one more bite though, yeah, it's I'm saying one more bite is calorie ready
Dan doesn't like it. I think it's a little much for you Dan
That's very strange
Yeah, I
Think that's just how fruit roll-ups work to be honest. Here you go. Thank you
All right. Okay. Well that happened. It was a lot less interesting than it is in the
video that I saw
Is what I see it was like
No, yeah, oh it sounded like that in the mic mine kind of felt like that mine didn't oh
Maybe yours like warmed up or something then I don't know
Like I was keeping my fingers off the like coldest part of it like I was trying to not warm it up
Yeah, I tried to only pinch like a corner. All right. I just I just I don't know
I don't know if mine really work. We did have strawberry ice cream in it night wheel that was strawberry ice cream
Apparently that's like the way to do it. I'm happy that I've tried it. That was cool. Thank you for bringing the fruit roll-ups
My kids will enjoy the rest of those fruit roll-ups because there's no way Luke wants them. Nope
And we're moving on all right
Should we do some topics like Kenya suspends world coin eye scanning should we do this thing? Oh
Right. We should do that. No first. Let's talk about the
controversy that came up this week over a
labs tour video a
Summary for the people who aren't aware
Someone who was here for a tour prior to LTX uploaded a video of their tour
Which included Tim from our labs team?
Who had been asked several times throughout the day about how our testing is different from our peers in the industry like gamers Nexus and hardware
Unboxed he therefore
Proactively in this tour which was later in the day made a direct comparison to them when talking about how we run our tests
Every time we do a new video
And the reason for this is you know, if there's a new software update or a new driver that's in play
We always we always recollect our data for new projects
Unfortunately, the way that he presented it was not particularly tactful
I can see how while he was simply
stating a fact
It could have been interpreted the wrong way
hardware unboxed in particular
Responded to this situation saying that they were they seemed I will say that said they were I read all the tweets
But they said they they seemed they I will say they seemed
pretty upset
However, they also acknowledged that they do not in fact
Run new data for every project. So
strictly speaking what Tim said was not true, but
We don't want to
We don't want to be
Talking about it the way that we did. I don't think we should ever
Make a comparison that is you know a good thing
We do compared to those other guys if anything we should be trying to to build each other up. Yeah, we respect
Gamers Nexus and hardware unboxed a lot which were the two particular outlets that were referenced by Tim
But with that said, you know, obviously it's not like we aren't aware of what they're doing and
Obviously our goal internally is to try to take whatever bars been set by our peers in the industry and try to do as good
or better
As it is it kind of is for everybody. Yeah, so back to Tim's wording
I didn't hire him to be a PR representative
Which is good because clearly that's not where his experience is. I hired him to work on mechanical engineering and
Other actually other engineering tasks as well
Which is good because rightly he's really proud of the work that he and the team have been doing both publicly facing and behind the scenes
He also is right that retesting every time is
Better and it's something that we're putting a lot of effort and a lot of resources into doing but that doesn't mean that
You know other publications don't have things that they're doing that are better than us
So so that just shouldn't be the way that we frame it because obviously
Everyone is out there trying to do their best and trying to differentiate
So, yeah, Tim shouldn't have said what he did and he definitely should have provided the entire context like for example
I know Steve from Gamers Nexus at least used to maybe I think still does I haven't checked out anything recently, but he would label
Data that was using older driver revisions when he was reusing it
And I know that Steve from Hardware Unboxed clarified that they
Okay, I'm trying to remember the exact wording. It was in a tweet. I'm not logged into x.com here right now
So you'll have to forgive me if I don't get this perfectly, right?
I think he said they they mostly do except when they deem it's not necessary by testing it
But then I was a little bit confused by that wording because if they did test it
Why wouldn't they just use the new data? So I'm not I'm not a hundred percent sure what he meant by that
I'm sure he'll probably tweet or something clarifying it at some point so you can just check him out
I think it's just at Hardware Unboxed if I'm not mistaken or you could just google, you know, I'll just google it now
Hardware Unboxed Twitter
Yeah, it's just at Hardware Unboxed. So I'm sure I'll have something to say about this later on
Anyway, the point is that he shouldn't have said what he said and he should have provided the entire perspective
Let me just say blah blah blah
yeah, anyway
and I've spoken with him about it personally and as far as I can tell he was just excited about our work and
proud of the team and
It came out
The bottom line is that our vision from our chief vision officer. That's me is very clear here
we want to meet or raise the bar when it comes to consumer product testing, which I
Would hope we can all agree is a good thing. We've definitely gone through some growing pains
We have not shied away from talking about those. We are we are happy to issue corrections
We will not sweep things under the rug
But it's been a challenge like we're attempting to do this at a scale that as far as I can tell
Has not been done before and the more cooks you have in the kitchen
The more room there is for
Miscommunications and we have we're really in the grand scheme of things
We're a really young company and we have a lot to learn
I mean that both in the sense of that the team here like we don't have a lot of grizzled veterans
From anything and the company itself is has only just passed its 10th
Candle day right like it's we we have a lot to learn and we don't shy away from that
Have a part of it actually is just like the kinds of projects that we have
We haven't shown everything that we're working on like it's super ambitious
and the reason for that is partly because we want to focus on what's in front of us and partly because some of it is
So ambitious that we don't know for sure how long it'll take or if we will get there at all
But again, this is a good thing
We want to be ambitious and you guys want us to be ambitious more sources for information means more perspectives
it also means that more consumers can be reached because not everybody is going to find
LTT appealing and not everybody is gonna find Hardware Unboxed appealing or Gamers Nexus or Jay's two cents or Paul's hardware or any of the
number of other fantastic
Publications that are out there, right? And so the more people are you know doing a great job the better like I'm I
Don't know. I'm I'm getting a little bit confused by some of the sentiment
That seems to be spreading in the community
Especially I don't know over the last six months six to twelve months. It's hard to it's hard to pinpoint it
but it kind of feels like there's like
There's like an us versus them attitude. That's
Brewing right now where it's like content creator versus content creator. Like I'm team LTT like I don't want that
I'm not asking you for that or like I'm team Jay's two cents or I'm team
Gamers Nexus or Hardware Unboxed or whatever like it's
I'm just I'm kind of at a loss for
How to deal with that to be perfectly honest with you because I also don't think it's good
Well, yeah, I mean I've worked for years. I have worked to foster an environment where that is not the attitude like
Let's look no further than last week
Last week not even a full week ago. We spent over a hundred fifty thousand u.s
Dollars to fly tech creators from around the world to network with each other and to engage with the community
like obviously for us they are part of the attraction of the show, but
At that cost that is not even close to a break-even proposition for us. Not even close
We don't even ask them to do anything
Nothing is required meet-and-greets completely voluntary panels completely voluntary
We don't even require them to be at the expo. We fly them in we give them a pass no strings attached
Obviously like if they don't participate at all, we're probably not gonna invite them again, but that's that's it
yeah, and
It's like that's just one of the ways that we do try and we brought out really small creators this time
We tried to just go for total scattershot
variety pack to have there and
We got a lot of really great feedback from them about the networking they were able to do and from the community and that's just
One of the ways that we try to bring others up and build collaboration and community in the tech space
Particularly among our fellow youtubers like I've gone to our communities defense over and over like again
anything it's like whenever it's
Over anything that opposes our common goal
I think is the best way of sort of stating it whether that's
consumer rights like contributing to Lewis Rossman's right to repair campaign or going to bat for
hardware inbox when they were pressured by Nvidia which by the way cost me literal years of
relationship with team green and which by the way, I would do again gladly in the same situation like
the number of people that call us in video shows these days when
For many months after that Nvidia wouldn't so much as exchange a word with me like literally no nobody
I don't know. My battle lines are clearly drawn. We are on the side of the consumer
we are working together to hold manufacturers accountable and
Friendly competition between media outlets that is good
That is what everybody wants
Competition is good. We don't get to say
Competition is good for manufacturers and not us
We have also quite literally always since the dawn of at least us working together
Said that you should seek out multiple sources of information
exactly you you want people doing this type of stuff a multitude of them so that you can see all of it together and kind of
Mix it all up and see what the good conclusion and anyone who thinks competition is good for someone else, but not good for themselves
Doesn't really believe it I
believe it I
Love it. I like probably love competition too much, but it's a lot sometimes
But I mean what how else do we all move forward Luke? Yeah
So yeah, we're not gonna stop pushing hard if if hardware-in-box retests mostly
Why shouldn't we try to do it every time if they run at 22 degrees Celsius?
Why shouldn't we try to do at 22 and at 40?
Both in and outside of a case if they do 20 games at three resolutions
Why shouldn't we try to do 30 games at five resolutions? That's healthy and then when we do that
Why shouldn't they try to do more that's to your benefit?
We're not playing dirty. We've literally never done anything to disadvantage another creator. I
Will not say a bad word. I will not try to prevent anyone from moving up
personally stepped in to ensure that the Fox for example got a steam deck at launch and
He did there were two outlets on the list us and gamers Nexus
It could have been basically a semi-exclusive and I was like yo
if you guys are doing anything else you have got to get this guy in the roster and they did I
Don't talk about this kind of thing because I don't feel like I should talk about it
I should just do it and my peers in the industry know it. They know I do these things
So if they don't they can't see it then that's kind of on them at this point
You know if my team doesn't know that this is our approach they need to get trained that's on me or that's on our new CEO
But at the end of the day like we're just gonna keep doing what we're doing, which is we're gonna go hard
We're gonna make some mistakes. I'll be sorry for them. Just like I'm sorry for what happened here
But at the end of the day
We're all aligned on working hard to create more tools that help people get into this space that we're all so passionate about
help them get the best for their money right like I
All I ask is for everyone to try to remember as we move forward that we are all on the same team
we are all on the side of the consumer, and that's for both the folks outside our organization and
Inside it yeah
There's another thing that's like in in the future of this company. It's very possible that something like this might happen again
An example that someone at flow plane chat brought up that I have brought up many times is the Blizzard devs
Yeah, I trash on Blizzard as a company all the time
But something that I respect that they do at Blizzcon is they put devs up on stage
It's not just PR people and that has
repeatedly over time
been a
Bad thing for Blizzard because the devs will say something that that doesn't jive super well with the community and the community will smash them
For it, and I think it's important to remember that
We want those types of interactions
I want to hear from the devs at Blizzard not just
The PR people and I want people like like Tim and our team to be able to speak directly to the audience
And to be passionate and to be driven and to care a lot about their work
And every once in a while
it's not gonna go perfectly and
That's okay. We'll try to fix it
But yeah, I feel like some of you are not taking quite the right things away from what I said by the way
There's a fair number of people that are talking about the the whole trust me bro situation
where there were
some creators that
It seems like you guys are
It's pretty clear that not everyone in the creator space handled that super
Professionally, I I don't obviously agree with some of the takes that were out there. I don't think that it's particularly
Journalistic for example to ignore facts
to ignore personal relationships that you have every opportunity to
Take advantage of to get more information. I don't actually agree with that. I think that's objectively not correct
Especially where there's a large conflict of interest
The point is not to dwell on that like good lord
That was like how long ago was that feels like it was quite who cares a year. We've made mistakes, too
We've made lots of mistakes
everybody makes mistakes I
Never even I never even drew attention to any of that
Intentionally because it doesn't matter. I don't want to stir up drama. Well. I was I was like surprisingly accurate
It's almost exactly a year. Yeah a year ago
It's fine
It's over let's all just let's all just move forward it doesn't matter
Yeah, all right
Now it's time for us to move forward to the next section yeah, let's talk about Microsoft embracing repairable Xbox controllers
Oh cool. Yeah, they sell replacement parts for Xbox controllers. They have posted step-by-step repair guides and the parts include
PCBAs that must just be PCBs. That's got a bit. What's a PCB a PCB assembly?
Oh that must be it buttons top cases and motor assemblies with attached rumble motors
This is I mean on the surface at least
Microsoft following through with a promise to explore helping customers repair their own hardware from 2021 when they promised to
Explore it I basically went
We're never gonna see anything from this because I mean it's just explore in our defense. We had just come off
Opening up some surface laptop or something or tablet
I forget exactly what it was
But it was like report repairability one out of ten repairability score for my fix that we could barely figure out how to get the
stupid thing open
And here it is okay, they actually did I mean
There's still a lot of things that they could do in their designs to make them more repairable by their nature, but this is
Something oh, that's great our next talking point says many Microsoft products are still compromised by past design decisions
Yeah, exactly two months ago
For example hardware technician the coder criticized Microsoft for the design of the SSDs in their Xbox series consoles
Which are encrypted in a way that makes them impossible to replace independently. It's like we harp on Apple for this stuff
So we're certainly not gonna let it slide when Microsoft does it that sucks
And it doesn't need to be done with the kind of R&D budget, man
the Apple SSD thing was even like actually deeper than I thought I linked a really great forum post under the
Starting at is is the biggest lie in tech
There's a really great post on the forum that goes into how very different Apple's SSD architecture is
Pretty much all of it is completely unnecessary
literally completely unnecessary
but over complicates it and makes it proprietary because
Why use a wheel that exists when you can reinvent the crap out of your own and make it the
Wheelist wheel that is different from the other wheels
This one's got spokes if the amount of resources that companies like Apple and Microsoft
Dedicate to making their devices less repairable
Instead went to making them more repairable how much better of a place would the world be?
Plug-in PlayStation says wasn't this just in a game-linked video. Yes, the wan show is late news from
white guys with beards
It's not even really news I mean it's right in the name new it's not new yeah
The wan show has always been always been like that
Yeah, I mean
They're probably right to trash on them for certain things, but they did a cool thing. Thank you. That's good
This is cool
All right Microsoft also got called out for their negligent cybersecurity practices. I mean is this is this that interesting
This is kind of this is a readdress of a previous topic. Yeah, Oh China proposes extreme limits for children's internet access though
We've talked a fair bit about this recently, but the cyberspace administration of China appropriately named CAC has proposed new regular
New regulations harshly limiting internet use among minors
16 to 18 year olds so barely even children would be allowed two hours of internet access per day
One hour for 8 to 16 year olds and 40 minutes for kids under 8
Access for minors will also be banned between 10 p.m.. And 6 a.m.. Man. I wasn't going to bed at 10 p.m.
When I was 17 are you kidding me in an official statement the CAC?
Said that the regulations are to help minors reduce internet addiction and the influence of bad information oh
So yeah the stocks of several tech firms including Tencent and ByteDance fell sharply following the announcement, and that's pretty uncool oh
This is a really great video
Definitive Mac upgrade guide is the name of this channel, and he posted an absolutely
Amazing review that's not it gosh darn it there. It is
amazing review of the LTT backpack
Doesn't say that everything is positive, which he shouldn't because it's a review
I want nothing more than actual honest impressions of it
But he seems to be really happy with his and Oh Dan, can you nuke us in the corner here for a sec?
Just just very briefly and
What I really love about this is he's actually been using the darn thing for nine months, so he
Includes a lot of really good insights into what it's like to use the bag anyway
That was all I have to say about that. That's all the content that I'll be showing
Was that react content no? I don't think so because I'd be didn't even have the audio playing
Oh shoot Dan was I talking over audio. Oh good the video is thanks Dan good job
and I'm saying I
Think you'll be really interested in what he has to say which I haven't shown you so if anything
I think we are having a positive impact on the market for this content
So we do more oh
Okay, yeah, should we do that? Yeah, we should probably do this
We got we got called out a little bit yeah, it's time for some oh, this is so stupid
Like what a piece of crap site. This is now
I'm not signed in so that's probably why yeah, but like
Is that it like I do is anyone signed into X doc wait what it didn't redirect to x.com
Hmm what the crap what if I just do this will it work?
What X is redirecting to Twitter
They did what is this am I am I did
Am I
Wait did x.com ever I don't know I know the app name changed
Yeah, but wait isn't the app name not really know x.com redirects to Twitter is never the other way around
Oh, okay, did you hear that Apple's apparently not letting them just they don't allow one
one character app names
So they're just it's still called Twitter on OS
Great, that's pretty sick. Oh Apple apparently made an
Okay, all right. I thought they did okay. I wasn't sure if that was Google Play at any rate
Well, I kind of wanted to react to Ludwig's thing. Oh wait. No. This is on YouTube. Okay, Ludwig responds. Let's get some audio
Are we gonna be able to hear it?
See me in counter-strike nice computer set up. I'll see dude. I would I would torch Linus
I think any game. I don't think there is a there is a there's a game Linus gaps, man
Maybe I'm underestimating his boomer energy, and he Giga gaps me and like sieve six or some shit, but oh
He reacted to us reacting to his setup
And you know he made some somewhat fair calm. He made some somewhat fair points
We teased him for his giant key, which he apparently got for doing charity work, which is like awesome
And this is pretty cool, but did he just call did he just describe me as having boomer energy
Yeah, you usually say dragon. How does it feel hearing boomer? Yeah? I'm not sure. I'm not sure how I feel about that
I'm gonna have to have a little nap
Eat some eat some bran flakes and fiber
Have a little think about it while I'm on the can working on things for a while, yeah
Maybe come to conclusions when you wake up in the middle of the night and go to the washroom. Yeah, I
All right Ludwig
Challenge accepted sir I get to name the game
You guys feel free to let him know I accept his challenge in fact in fact
Will I
Would like to make it five games I?
Will only take a small advantage since you said you could beat me at any game, and I will choose only three of them
How about that he gets to pick two of the games? Oh?
I mean I want to make it interesting yeah
But he's just gonna pick things that he has like tons of experience in and just smash so am I oh
Oh, that's an alarm to do something when I definitely will have to be for sure at home
Hahaha, what time is it don't look nice sick, okay, so you know what are you gonna pick the games now oh?
That's risky cuz it gives them time to train up well
I'm risky obviously going to take beat saber because yeah, it'll be funny watching him get absolutely fucking annihilated uh-huh
Don't know if you play I mean, I don't know maybe he plays a bunch am I good at anything else
I mean I could just yeah, I mean I could go full boomer energy. I'm not good at sieve, but you play anno
1800 with me and I will wipe the floor with you. Can you play that competitively yeah?
Yeah, yeah, you can play we can 100% that'll be a long game
He could train for like two months, and I would still destroy that is actually probably true
what about like
Mario what is that Mario Kart?
Balloons oh like Mario Kart 64 battle mode. Yeah, I would I would wreck him
but but
Actually, there's a lot of minor VGA. I would win at that, but that's a stupid game. We're not gonna play that
We've got people supreme commander. Okay, but I'm not gonna pick two RTS's yeah supreme commander
He wouldn't even manage to get any units built like
That's practice. He'd get some units built
You can build units very quick. You know what subcom is a shorter round the nano 1800. I'm taking subcom
Okay, so it has to be
Faf subcom yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah fortune Alliance forever, okay, so so my games beat saber
fortune Alliance forever and
Some people are suggesting left for dead, too
Do we each put together a squad and do we make one a team game cuz I'm super down
I've got I think I could put together a pretty crack left for dead to squad I
Don't know that you'd be on it. I know I'm sitting here thinking like I need to practice
I know at least to one person for sure yeah
Is in I could I could put together a pretty good left for dead to squad
Chase like immediately in chat. I'm in I don't even know he's why I know you're in chase. Don't worry the in
That's that's why I brought out my phone that alarm was fake
I was like texting chase and like yo dog yo, I need a ringer. Let's let's go
Yeah, but you got to be careful here
Cuz if you if I set up him to be able to form a team he might just get like dude
I'm gonna bring in chase. I'm gonna bring in Joe
Okay, like whatever. I don't know I
Think he's pretty good
Okay, whatever. We'll have me and chase. We'll figure out the other two, okay
I also don't think he's even gonna take this seriously at all
He's probably gonna have like his mother on his team, so I don't know man. I don't know
I think you're underestimating the competitive nature of
Successful youtubers ah yeah, that's fair
Hmm okay well
I haven't finalized my doesn't have to be people from your respective teams is that one way to do it
So mogul versus Linus media group yeah, yeah, yeah
That would actually make it more in because then Joe he has an East no he isn't. Oh, it's that Joe
Is that what you think you have I actually didn't know that Joe we game with is that Joe
You didn't know that no. I thought Joe was just a friend of yours
That is hilarious
Yeah all this time
I thought Joe was just like your buddy Joe, and you also had someone who works on your team named Joe
You've met him a bunch of times in real life
Has ever happened to me that's very funny
That's actually like actually very fun
We have games together for like tens of hours like like not an insignificant
amount of years and when you consider
Like multiple not two years like years years
When you consider how much I game overall it's a very he's one of my main gaming buddies at this point
Yeah, and I had no idea he worked for me
CEO everybody oh man
Wow, that's actually very funny
Don't show Joe this okay. He's gonna. See it. Thank you see it, but
Okay, so the mogul team has an easel the one friend. I thought I had is a paid friend again
Mogul eSports, what do they play mogul games group?
All right
Valorant they play value they play a shooter game
He has an eSports team that plays a shooter game
Okay that might be risky what games did I pick already I picked
Supreme Commander forged a lot of comm is a good one, and it beats a very good one, okay, okay?
Moist moguls all right because it's a collaboration thing. Oh, okay? Oh, that's super cool
I don't I don't follow all right. You know what I?
Think we do have to decide on a third. I think that if I just kind of go
Oh, well, I'll decide later. That's gonna be kind of that's gonna be kind of cheesy
Do I have okay, can you think of anything else?
I'm good at I don't want to pick something from the same genre because I'm pretty sure that he doesn't have the attention span to
Play any RTS games so like if I I feel like you could do
Something old Super Mario Bros. OG speedrun
First five levels it's got to be 1v1 it can't be I
Could probably win Super Mario Bros. 3 battle mode though
You know the one with you like pow thing
Like I'm I'm pretty good. I'm overall a pretty good platformer player and
He would he would have to he'd have to play a fair bit against people who are actually good at it to
Like be good at it. There's no AI
And 64 golden I say people yeah sure let's do some pilot wings challenges
Let's play Wii Sports. I will you up at Wii Sports
Like actually good that could be kind of fun actually that could be kind of fun we could play some Wii Sports yeah
Some people said Halo CE, but you'd need like a large team to make that work. Yeah kind of annoying yeah that like
It's an old game, but it's like
It's old in a lot of good ways, but it's also old in some bad ways like the netcode sucks
Yeah, we ran into that at the land even though everyone's thing teleporting flags teleporting people yeah
Yeah, especially teleporting warthogs that are flying through the air which can be very disorienting yeah
Bubble hockey yeah, I fly him out here to play super checks bubble hockey for the last one that would be actually
Pretty great. Yeah, but that's not really a video game. Did he say video game I?
Don't know hmm. Did he say video game because again. I would the text in here says any game
Interesting hold on. I'm gonna listen to it again
Right yeah, I'm trying
Do you want it to go to stream? No let's try that
No you it has to go to stream, okay fine, let's end it a stream
That's fine would I would torch Linus. I think any game. I don't think there is a
Really oh
Well now things are getting a really interesting super checks super checks bubble hockey does he have a chance
If we do like a best of seven series
He would have to beat me four times
So because there's there's certain tactics that Linus employees which I don't feel like I have to mention that are quite strong
Mmm. Any game. Yeah, it could be badminton for all we know
That's a sport. That's not a game. No you know what no not badminton, okay?
I still have to play Marquez like challenged me ages ago
Well not challenged me, but like said yeah, that would be fun like his his community
Yeah, yeah, the the chats like badminton badminton badminton. Yeah, that doesn't that doesn't really make sense
PC building simulator what if he what if he count that's a little on the nose?
I think you think so what if he like you could do it, but I feel like it's a little on the nose
Yeah, maybe as like a bonus round fun thing
What if he counters the terms?
Hmm, I think my terms are fair. He said he could gap me in any game I
Mean the fact that I'm letting him pick anything. I think is fairly magnanimous of me, okay
Yes, I pulled out that word. Just just whipped it out there all right well fair enough
It's crap yard wars a game hmm interesting
It's a game show
Worms Armageddon oh
That'd be kind of fun. I suck at it though
I do kind of want to pick stuff that I'm good at people are saying he's gonna pick chess
Yeah, I'm gonna lose at that. I can barely beat my ten-year-old
like for real we played twice and he won once and I barely like
Snuck a checkmate the other time just because it was a tactic. He hadn't seen before
Like you know when you castle there's that sort of problem with castling where if they can get their queen in there with
With anything backing her you haven't moved upon up. Yeah, it's an escape room. Yeah, it's instant checkmate
He just hadn't seen it before and so I like was way down
He had like three more meaningful pieces than I did, but I was like
See you later. He immediately asked for a rematch and immediately annihilated me, so
Should play him sometime cuz you like kind of know how to play some and he does the same thing as you where he just plays
Challenges he doesn't really play full game, so you guys are both sort of handicapped in the same way
I'd be there was no openings at all
It's like fumble our way into the mid game and then figure out how to do things I'm gonna go with we golf
We golf we sports golf
Okay, you're not doing like a multi-sport challenge. Oh, I'll do a multi-sport challenge
We're already playing five games at this point like we sure we can do I'll beat him at bowling
I'll beat him at golf, and then I'll beat him at tennis. I don't care I
There are few videos that I've wanted to watch as much as what this one is gonna turn into
All right turns into anything. I'm assuming it will all right. That's my that's my gauntlet
I'm actually pretty good at overcooked too, but no no you need a good you for overcooked. That's not like yeah
Okay, so what we're what were the three forged alliance beat saber and we golf there you go Ludwig gap me at any of those
I dare you
Are you gonna practice at all knowing that I bet you he would um I have no idea to be honest
I'm just saying that I think the rule should be that you don't get to practice the games you propose
But I can practice the games he proposes and he can practice my games that seems cool
That I think that's kind of fair because it's it's basically supposed to be like I
Am like so good at this that you don't even possibly hope to beat me
Yeah, and if you are in a position where you could gig a gap someone. Yeah, you shouldn't need to practice
Yeah, I don't need to practice any of those you are going to like not even be close in fact
I would say don't even bother trying to practice forged alliance. I was gonna say for sure
Beat saber, I think there's a lot of learning that could be done
There's a lot there's a lot actually beat saber is a challenging one though. What maps would we play? Yeah?
Yeah, because I did have someone beat me at LTX on a map
I had never seen to say there's a lot of like you need to anticipate things barely beat me. It was like
700,000 to
697,000 or something like that it was very close yeah, and I had never seen the map and it was their choice of map so I
Did a bunch of you are saying crab rave, but I feel like you would just get perfect
Um I don't think I've ever hundred percented crab rave
I don't actually I really enjoyed playing it earlier on when I was not very good yet
And so I have never actually 100% at expert plus
And there's more than just 100 percenting you also have to
Slice in the correct direction, and you have to slice right down the middle of the block so it's by score
I could get a perfect crab rave. That's probably not even double s
Because all that all that block combos do is they increase your score multiplier
You still have to actually score a lot of points when you strike the block yeah
Caramel dancing would be my vote
Some people are saying LTT into intro. Yeah. Yeah, we could do supernova. I'd play supernova. No problem I
Haven't played that in a long time, but I am familiar with it
So if he practiced up, maybe there's a chance that he could not lose completely embarrassingly
All right, I think it's time to switch to wan show after dark so any other topics we need to blast there
Oh, we go. I don't know
Particularly any that we called it at the beginning of the show yeah, I don't know. I don't think so. I think we're good
Dan he's got this don't worry good old Dan
He just called you old
Let me go turn off the the lantern oh
Man people have been
People been messaging me Nick says bring bring in shroud as a ringer
That's what I'm saying like I don't think it should be able to be yeah
That's stupid like gotta be teams if there's any team yeah, just like hey Cory remember that one time
We met when we did that video um
Guess what you're on my overwatch squad now come on. That's just stupid
Okay had Dan we got some we got some stuff to talk about some merch messages
I think I got a couple here for you hit me
Let's get into position here. We are
Assume the position I am assuming the position okay here. We go LMG plus LDT equals nah
LLD equals yay
Luke I hear you talking about all these self-made recipes that sound delicious
Would you ever consider making a cookbook full of them?
Oh also the stick locks are good fidget toys Luke's cookbook would be literally a one-pager
Make chicken get laid I
Mean that is part of the recipe okay, you know
Is not actually how to make food
It's how to like a toxic
sphere influencer
With chicken there's food involved
It's funny because I was trying to think if there's any like you know
Signature recipe things that I have that don't involve chicken, but they literally all do are there any signature recipes you have no
There's one. There's one. There's one. Okay. Yeah
It's a it's a BLT oh my god, I used to make BLT some BLT is not a signature recipe. No it was cool
I put like probably eight times the amount of lettuce people normally do was it inside out
And it was on a blueberry bun
Does that make sense no no that actually sounds horrible. It's what was available. I was in high school. Okay. That's not a recipe
Yeah, and that definitely when you're padding out a recipe
We're at two pages you got a wise
Kinds of cheese I didn't hire a bottle of red-hot
Mac and cheese with cheese and ketchup
Yeah, I really don't have enough to do that I have a short list that I continuously go back to you and that's about it
Boy hello DLL if direct storage takes off do you think this will change GPU architecture and if so how
Man the only thing I can really think of is them trying to get away with putting less vram on their cards I
Don't think you can add less to them now. Yeah, so there's that do you see the rumors and they're very much rumors
But do you see the rumors and video is basically like not bothering to produce 40 series at this point
And they're just trying to shift all of their production all of their fab time to I'm not surprised cards
Yeah, it's one of those rumors where it is not confirmed at all, but it's like yep
Hey that makes sense this thing makes way more money right now
Maybe we should make more and there is there is completely an unhinged level of demand for it
Meanwhile your consumers in this business unit absolutely hate your guts and your products are lame
Yeah, anywho?
Hi DLL I just finished an internship working on detecting and analyzing defects in transistors at NIST
Question any thoughts on Microsoft pushing arm adoption faster to catch up to Apple on battery life
There's only so much Microsoft can do right. It's like developers developers developers
They're so reliant on the ecosystem and the ecosystem has such a long tail like it's such a big ship
And it's hard to move
I don't I don't know how much Microsoft can actually do to incentivize developers beyond what they've already done
which is creating a platform for them to develop for creating tools for them to develop and
Even in some cases incentivizing them through partnership through promotion and through direct cash funding to develop for the platform
it's just going to be a
Slow slow slow move because Microsoft is a system integrator, but they aren't even a main
They're not a main system integrator in the windows ecosystem, so there's there's just only so much they can do
Since Luke is getting invites to go to all of these cool places will we get a new series Luke goes places I?
Mean I'd be down but like yeah
I think it would be kind of sense and come it would be kind of sucky for him to like take vacation time and then
Have to make a video. I'd still be down. Yeah
It's like the volunteers in the community like I don't want to I don't want to ask you to do that although
You will potentially be getting a series called Linus is on vacation and
Is doing stuff at his house that he wants to do instead of going to the office and doing work things
But we're gonna point a camera at it. I
Already have like three projects planned so because it's just stuff
I want to do when I have my two weeks off and
Like you might as well just point a friggin camera at it
I don't care, so we're gonna get like maybe we'll release weekly or something like that
So it's not just a bunch of days in a row
Of like Linus organizing is like tech room in his basement or whatever or like Linus mounting all of his stupid
Sonos things to the wall
But it means that I can get some help from work people to do stuff that I would have to do at my house anyway
By myself and it means that the company gets content so everyone wins
I have not cleared this with our new CEO, but hopefully he's fine with it
Dan you're probably gonna get recruited to help. I have a body bag of stuff for your theater room
Body bag of stuff. I don't even know about this project. Yes, that's for you asked me to do it last September
Oh that explains why wait you have stuff for that
Yeah, we're waiting on more stuff for that. We are there's a lot of stuff that has to stuff for that project
Oh, so are we doing any of it then or some of it or like what?
I think we need to talk about that
I've got another project that I have to finish off for you probably next week that but the rest of it is a bit more
Complicated okay cool
Yeah, I don't know I one thing that I do want to do and did actually do this is when I do these weird adventure things
I'm kind of scouting for video ideas
I am fully planning that the I
Don't know which one I was thinking the Artemis mission where they like actually land
Doing a video on designing the Mission Control Center for that and like why they choose
different like
Versions of these screen crazy screen setups that they have and how they're
Like how data is going back and forth between?
The rocket and how they're dealing with data once they land and all this other kind of stuff could be very interesting
I actually do think there's a video there
I think a lot of the places that I would go to there really wouldn't be a video there though
Because we're like not gonna be allowed to film stuff
So yeah, I don't know
I'm always down for whatever. I just
Don't think it makes a ton of sense all the time
I just replied to a merge message where I addressed only part of it so about my current monitor. Which is the
144 Hertz
42 inch OLED that
Crap now I forget. I think it's 42 inches anyway the the the the ROG one
The OLED the big one
Overall I'm still really happy with it. I wish the refresh rate was a little bit higher 120 is like really really really really really good
144 or whatever it is. I think is it 120. I can't remember
It's either 120 or 144 is super super awesome, but having the the corsair flex one at the LAN
I was like yeah 240 would be a little bit smoother and is pretty nice
Overall really happy with it haven't had any permanent burn in yet, but hey, let's see how it goes
Linus has shared some notoriously bad takes about software especially on
feature development
Complexity Luke how often do you push back on Linus's feature requests because they are unreasonable I?
Don't not to go after someone who sent a merge message. I don't think the initial statement is all that true I
Think it happens sometimes, but you know
I think it happens sometimes, but you know
I push back on feature requests
Pretty often, but it's usually more of a like okay
This will take X amount of time would you rather us do that over these other things and he's like oh?
No, and then that's usually how it goes. I mean like I've had some I've had some not entirely accurate takes on like
Feature development complexity like like I've said I think someone could probably add t9 dialing to iOS in a day and
Okay, yeah, you're right with all the various validation steps
It would probably take more than a day
But I also think that someone could hack it like it like cheaply crappily put it in in a day
Yeah, I do actually I do actually believe that I also think that Google could probably figure out the
You know taking whatever you've said phonetically and creating a phonetic library of all the people in your contacts list to make local
Searching with voice and local calling a lot easier
I think they could do that very easily given the technology they have but that's not just me pulling something out of my butt
that's that they
Obviously like have all this technology
They just choose not to implement it and it's really frustrating because there's no reason that it should be this bad of them
They just don't give a fuck
I don't know
but yeah, I do also understand that the software development pipeline is a lot simpler than a
Developer just being like I'm gonna make this tool a lot more complicated to me
What is it a lot simpler? Oh? Yeah? Yes a lot more complicated. It is very late
This has been a very long week. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah
As an in as an engineering student, I'm always interested in the design process
Can you share some insights into how your team approaches designing and prototyping new products does any step surprise you?
You should check out the newsletter
There's a bunch of cool newsletters from the creator warehouse team where they've detailed like a lot of stuff
I think there's a lot more information. I have never checked out another newsletter, so I don't know
But I'm just gonna go on a whim and assume that there's more information in ours than in a lot of different
Brands newsletters, it's it's good stuff. It's interesting. We haven't done too many of them lately
they should be coming back stronger in the future, but
Another place where you'll find good resources for this is our floatplane exclusives
Hey the extras from building Carl Jacobs hundred thousand dollar desk PC
Hey speaking of Tim there. He is working friggin hard making that thing happen. That was awesome
Yeah, a lot of the tours behind the design LTT stubby screwdriver
Let's see if I can find some more of the more like engineering focused stuff
I know RF chamber tour with Jake Danes from the labs team
Where's another product development one?
Kyle almost certainly I'm not allowed to watch these but Kyle almost
Certainly talked about product development in his working for LMG full uncut interviews video
It's interesting because with with the watch progress feature we can see what things the
LTT crew has watched exclusives of and how much of it they watched unless they finished them in which case do they show up?
So you know it goes away. Yeah, so I don't know pretty sure at least I'm trying to find oh, yeah
This was cool our injection molder test run
So yeah, it's not all the time like that's only four or five pieces of content over five months
Consistently, but it does happen, and if it's something that you're gonna see we saw to monitor in half
Why is that's tying in Oh Kyle talked a lot about screwdriver development in his 30-minute meet the team
So yeah, there is there is stuff in there and honestly
I think float plane has become a better value than bar stays ever before the bar stays people also have personal accounts though
Hmm so like yeah, you can see in the float plane chat that a lot of yeah our team is our accounts yeah
So I don't know
Hey DLL I work at a startup company with a hundred plus employees and no IT department nice
I'm working to build it from scratch. Do you plan to make more content on your internal IT struggles or best practices?
Well you won't find any best practices from us right now. That's something we're working on ha ha ha ha
Is is our plan is our guys still on 90-day?
Yeah, but it's like pretty close, but yes
Yes, the plan is eventually that we want the infrastructure team to feed content to the video creation team
Yeah, instead of the video creation team needing to try to extract content out of the infrastructure that we have
Are we there yet?
Solid lead no, but that is the plan we will get there
Hello, lld
Linus you're only allowed to play one game from SNES for the rest of your life. It can't be Final Fantasy 6
What's your choice? Oh come on? I'm just gonna take the easy cop-out answer Super Mario World like that game is so I
Was gonna say good it. No it's great. It's almost perfect. It's incredible. It's an amazing game
Nintendo for all their flaws
Boy do they ever have a long and
Proud history of just making the crap out of incredible games
They're just so much better than what others are doing at the time
Yeah, I mean I could have gone. I don't know I haven't even played that many SNES games most of them were garbage
Super Mario World yeah
Cuz I feel like it's one of those games where the more time you put into it the more you could get better at it
Whereas like something like okay like pilot wings is when I mentioned earlier in the show you could 100% it
And then there's no much more better to get at it. That's it whereas like Super Mario World
You could always speed run it faster. Yeah. Yeah, let's go with that do different weird challenge runs
Donkey Kong Country greater than Super Mario no
No and Super Mario RPG. Yeah, it's like a good answer for a one playthrough
It's a fantastic game once, but the story is not very deep, and there's not a lot of variation in the gameplay
There's no way I would want to play that game forever
Hello, lld I work in a weird subfield of IT designing access control and VMS solutions for big companies and
Entire cities, what are some weird areas of IT you guys want to learn more about I?
Watched a like I don't know if it was a real doc real doc as in like
How do I say this I don't think it's less real because it's on YouTube
I don't know if it was a doc human documentary that was filmed for like
TV and then brought to YouTube or if it was a YouTube creator that made the doc
But I watched a doc a while ago that was fascinating to me that was on like old school
Like what is it AT&T and Bell Technologies running undersea cables?
for for telephones that was
Wildly wildly interesting to me. I've heard that there's like one incoming cable to Greenland
And that's it and there's one like station that deals with it if that station goes down
There's effectively one person that can fix it so there's a lot of single points of failure there
Yeah, I don't know I think like big big very very very low-level
Internet infrastructure would be something that'd be very interesting to learn more about
From him you rarely hear a lot about it really
Like it's one of those things where like you don't really hear a lot
About some of the that deep infrastructure stuff in a whole bunch of different realms
But if it was like ever a huge problem, it would be incredibly catastrophic, but it just never really is which is like wow
I'm really happy whoever's doing that is doing a good job
From an employer perspective as a female developer, I am feeling discriminated
Tempted to apply with a fake male name would this be a deal-breaker on an interview for you any other thoughts about this?
I read this and I thought this was very interesting yeah
Very interesting I mean I don't do interviews anymore, so I'm waiting for you to answer
Yeah, cuz like my gut reaction was like no like if you feel like you're getting discriminated against
Get that interview you know
Like would you hire someone who started their relationship with you by lying to you? Well you did
Yeah, but I have terrible taste
Yeah, and it's it's I
would be pretty concerned about
Like I'm great taste you thought that I would
Discriminate against you, but they don't know that you necessarily yeah, but they don't know that it's you reviewing every resume
And it's not even it goes through a layer in HR that is true, so who knows
It's like but that you are then you then you think that of this company
Yeah, but that's okay
You know what's really funny about this is we went through this whole thing with the trust me bro ordeal
Where I went we have a long track record of being pretty cool
also, we're pretty not completely fucking stupid, so
We know that if we were to ever mistreat our community there would be a hellstorm
So we are a pretty cool and be not stupid of course. We're gonna take care of it. We don't actually have a choice
Because the crap storm was either gonna be over us
Not agreeing to address it or it was gonna be over us not addressing it
It was gonna happen at some point if we didn't always put the community first and take care of our community, but like it up like
obviously right
And yet look at how that turned out
Yeah, so I'm in full plane chat said my wife has used her initials and got much higher responses in agriculture
I oh I could definitely see agriculture being a boys club. Yeah
Yeah, I don't know. I'm trying to think about what I would think about it. I don't think I would really care
But I might in the interview question the motive and see what the response is
Like hey, why did you do this yeah, and you'd expect a good answer yeah, okay?
But if the answer is good, then I think I wouldn't care
Okay next yeah
Luke have you tried the other two systems that use the same Star Wars mechanics once for playing rebel leaders and ones for
Force users, they're fun. No I haven't I've heard about them
And they sound cool
having played the game I find being like I
think the idea of being a force user in that universe would
Not feel as good
I think I liked being like of the people and trying to scrap it out and make it work
But having not played them. I don't know
Man now this is bringing me back to like okay. What determined like force aptitude there was definitely a character sheet
Okay, and you would you had a certain number of like skill points that you could assign, but not digital it sounds extreme
Well, it wasn't digital in the game that I'm talking about either. It's tabletop RPG. It's all paper
Yeah, but I played it was single-player though. Yeah, I think oh yeah, you weren't sure if you found it. I
Don't know huh anyway
Hey, lld wondering if you know any games or companies who do legacy content right old Microsoft version
Are broken in the stock launcher and we all know how lacking Nintendo's red
retro selection is
whoever the heck was the original owner of
What FAF became oh? Yeah?
Picture perfect version yeah because you you can't expect these
Developers publishers whatever to maintain these games forever you actually just can't it's not fair
But we have always said that at that point if you're not going to maintain it anymore
You should release it to the community, and I don't know what their exact terms are
but it verifies that you own the game and the game is still purchasable and
Then you can install it and use this community ran
Launcher yeah, and it's just awesome
And the game is fun, so I don't I'm not necessarily asking to get it for free
Like it doesn't need to be that I'm totally okay with it verifying that I own the game, and it's great
So that's sweet. Yeah, I think you said gas power games. Yeah, so that was the publisher
I don't actually know what the egg. I don't know who the agreement had to be with yeah sure fair enough
Whatever that was though awesome
Convince the wife that the new office needs matching desk pads
What are some of your favorite small or even Pyrrhic victories?
Oh, no, sorry gas powered games was the developer, so I don't know who published supreme commander
Hold on one sec uh wait what?
Thq actually that does sound right thq
Yeah, yeah thq so I don't know how that whole thing went down exactly I'm sure those folks would know okay, sorry
What was that down?
Convince a wife that the new office needs matching desk pads heck yeah
What are some of your favorite small or maybe even Pyrrhic victories?
small victories or victories that
inflicted damage on the victor
Fantastic word by the way good use
Yeah, I know I knew that one actually um just making sure
I'm sure there's been tons through work. What's a small and meaningless victory that we've ever that we've
Well he said he said or right yeah small or or damage inflicting
victory I
Feel like we kind of embraced the small victories though
And I'm just trying to think like I also feel like both of us like have we ever gone to war with a sponsor
Oh, okay, uh?
No I see that's the thing is like there's so many different ways to define victory like if you're talking about the hardware unboxed thing
like we were victorious in the sense that they
Got back re-engaged with Nvidia and everything was fine and Nvidia apologized and everything was fine
Yeah, so we were not victorious in terms of making money
Yeah, right, so it inflicted damage, but it's not like I wouldn't I wouldn't I wouldn't classify it this way
I want like a a small or damage inflicting victory
What if what things have like damaged us over the years I?
Feel like both of us are fairly
Rapidly willing to
Self-sacrifice if we can win something so we probably have lots of examples
But I'm sure neither of us cared about
some other goal
Victory was worth far more than any damage. We just forgot about the damage, and we're like
Yeah, I got by my team captain on softball night
I got assigned to shortstop because he was just like yeah
I love the way you just throw your body in front of the ball with absolutely no regard for how hard it's gonna hit
The glove is optional yeah, yeah, yeah
And you'll forget about the hand pain
Oh, no, it was like I took one in the shins right before that yeah, cuz I was just like well
That's what they teach you
I mean you don't go down
You don't go down like this because you know even a cup is not perfect you go down like this right and so like I?
So I missed with my glove and it like wailed me right in the shins made the play which is all that matters yeah
Nothing else matters. I feel like we're gonna forget all of those forms of victories
Yeah, I don't know
Give up, I'm sorry. I don't know so hard to answer, but yeah, it shouldn't have been yeah, just is maybe we're just tired
Hi, lld
Linus during the sponsor shopping video you made a point to call out anchor, but in a Yvonne's tech upgrade video
She had new anchor chargers is this a Linus versus LMG thing or an oversight
Just aren't accepting any sponsorships. We're not partnered with them that doesn't mean that they don't make
perfectly competent products that might suit our needs and we might buy them I
I've never that's not inconsistent. That's ever since we announced that we wouldn't be working with them anymore
That's a line that we drew at that time that there. Yeah, we still continue to use it
We're just not gonna give them any free publicity or any paid publicity actually especially the paid publicity
We're not gonna partner with them anymore, so yes, I guess free publicity is still on the table
Hello everyone
Do you know why when two people call each other at the same time the phones mark as?
Unavailable instead of just connecting the calls to each other. I don't know, but I curated this because I want to know
Yeah, why is that what I think I think it's a holdover from when they were physical
Yeah, but if two people are calling each other at the same time wasn't it just connect the bloody call
Why did they why do they both get a busy signal?
Right isn't it all digital these days oh, you mean like why does that still happen yeah?
That's wild right
What the heck?
Yeah, I don't know. I'm sure there's a sure it's very good
About that that infrastructure, but I'm sure it's something like what Dan said. Yeah, I think it's called a PBX
Is that what it's called people are saying like race conditions?
Yeah, there's like I think there's lots of things that could be causing it clearly
We've solved that with digital stuff like two people can attempt to call each other on discord and I'll just connect it
Mean yeah, I think they're talking about like you know I know yeah understand
Yeah, but I mean it's pretty much all VoIP. Oh anyway like it's basically just international discord
But with more money
Yeah, I don't know not sure
Okay, let's push that button. Oh, I thought of a good answer for this one. I'm curating it. Okay good
Is it gonna push? I don't know hi, lld good day from Australia
Due to having better margins on your backpack and screwdriver
Would you be more open to free shipping deals once or twice a year? Thanks again?
We'll have to see it's one of those things where?
You know obviously it all comes down to kind of figuring out how to balance your operational expenses
And your cost of goods sold and your your revenues and your margins and making it all make sense business wise
And I don't want to care anymore. I don't want that to be my problem. I want that to be
our CEOs problem and our CEO of
Creator warehouses problem Nick light, and they'll figure it out, and if they decide to do something like that then they will and
Sometimes I might have a vision
That we should do something crazy
I actually came up with a crazy vision quite recently that I have asked for us to try to find a way to do at
some point
But you know I I don't want to come in and make final decisions
That is just not it's not the role that I have and it's not the role that I want anymore
Hello, lld. What was the coolest thing you got to sign at LTX?
Sorry for helping lose the halo game
Yeah, my team. I love my team, but they were in terrible. They were awful. I love you all you're
Awful, I had a job. I had like the highest kill count on my team like every time the only reason do I couldn't get anything
Done okay, not every time they were actually the only reason why we let one flag through was because you just would not give up
So we were on like game like six or something and my guys were honestly just like kind of
They got tired from beating them to a pulp. Yeah, basically
In fairness to my team they didn't actually score much either
No, it's very very hard to score in that game mode in an 8v8 on blood Gulch with with this
There's no like oh you you need well you want to return your flag you need to stand on it for like a certain period
It goes back so if you're able to kill someone one time you can immediately return the flag it's very hard to cap
It's pretty tough
Of the various challenges and experiments you've done on the channel which one stands out as your personal favorite I?
Don't know if it's it's certainly not the best one we ever did, but if I had to pick a personal favorite just for the sheer
Mirth that I felt and I think everyone involved felt when we were creating it
I would say it would have to be the
Electric shock dog collar challenge
Which wasn't really a challenge?
There was no objective. There was no point
Haven't heard that reference in so long Wow it was just me versus Luke
Who can press a button that inflicts pain on the other
knowing that the other also has the same button and
We just million views shocked each other because I don't know
And also, I guess to because you're gonna do it right back
Those wondering do you have it open on your laptop? Oh, yeah here yeah for those wondering oh, yeah
It's like flagged isn't it was just freaking stupid, but whatever kind of stupid. Oh, oh wow let's watch some ads for 10 minutes
Hey, these guys deleted their
Forums recently yeah, that's pretty stupid
Yeah, that we were supposed to talk about on my own show last week, but we got distracted because it was live and complicated there
We go
Yeah, so oh
Wait I don't remember doing this why is the mineral a computer there because I was wearing because we were gonna film this right after mineral
Oil and I was actually wearing the color in the last sorry like we like teased it
All right kind of
It's just so stupid
So we're both wearing like dog training collars that no one should ever put on a dog because this is not how you train a dog
But putting it on other people with consent. I guess is fine. Yeah
Is this fair use is this channel are we authorized to use content from this channel?
Okay, so wait for it
It actually hurts that much in case you're wondering
But don't worry. I'll get him where we yeah, where am I gonna react. I was pretty sure you got me pretty good
Not realize my night is my not working yet or something or am I just biding my time
Okay, he's it man. We were not very good at making videos back. No. No mine's off now. Oh
But maybe we were troubleshooting okay clearly yours is working. Why am I the sub here?
That's normal
I think we need to end the show probably oh
It looks like you got me right there
Cuz you don't know exactly when it's coming you don't know when they're gonna press it right, so it's just like
Apparently we take it off. That's the end of the video. I don't know it was actually pretty fun
Yeah, it was definitely fun. It was super fun
Okay, where are we hey DLL wild that Baldur's Gate 2 released before I was even born and now it's this popular any
Now it's this popular any games you're fond of that released before you were born or take you back
Thai fighter takes me back, but that came out in like 1994 or something like that released before I was born yikes
Yeah, I thought of one, but it was one year after I was born so it doesn't care chips challenge
I did play chips challenge
I don't know if it really like actually no one came out no desire to play it again though
Oh, no great games before
1989 for chips challenge
Thomas it's a bit of a cop-out yeah duck hunt duck hunt duck hunt came out before I was born our hold on
When did duck hunt?
Come on 84
1984 yeah duck hunt came out before I was born. That's a super cool game from before I was born there you go. No got it
Nailed it nice
Billionaires today buy supercars and yachts will the new billionaires of the next generation have super gaming systems
And what would they look like they already have super gaming systems?
They have giant Samsung the wall things to play games or watch NBA games on or whatever
They probably have like personal. You know VR arcade style set up
VR yeah multi-user
Backpack VR giant halls and stuff and they don't buy supercars and yachts. That's like millionaire
they buy news outlets and
They buy politicians
That's what billionaires are actually buying they buy rocket ships if they buy a yacht they have to deconstruct a historical
Bridge to get it out, or it doesn't really count to be honest
Is it really that cool if you're not destroying history, I don't know
LLD is there an ETA on the precision screwdriver Linus mentioned it a while back no right now
We're still in the can we make one good one phase and then after that it goes into can we make?
10,000 good ones phase and that usually is a much more challenging
That's all I got what isn't challenging is ending the show we will see you again next week same bad time same bad Channel bye
So it's brought to you by Squarespace backblaze and vest