
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

and I think we're live so maybe possibly hopefully yeah maybe possibly hopefully
we certainly we certainly think so I will jump into the twitch chat so I will
let us know alright so welcome to the land show guys the weekly stream that
happens every week come hell or high water no matter what even if we have
already been streaming for almost a continuous 24 hours prior to the show
which is what's been going on so I think we'd best open with a brief introduction
or a brief explanation of what the heck is going on and where we actually are
for those of you who don't know we have been live streaming and videos mod 24
which was a 24-hour celebration of PC modding and PC gaming I know for a fact
Nvidia invested a lot of money into oh oh you've got to be kidding me the
dashboard should not have ads all right maybe Amazon will get that fixed all
right so we've been down here for Nvidia's mod 24 a 24-hour celebration of
PC gaming and PC modding they invested a lot of money into the event and they
asked us to to come down and host the PC case modding competition there were a
lot of really famous PC case modders including Darth Beavis is someone that
I've known for like eight years talking to him on forums I think this is the
first time we've ever actually met in person which was really cool
funnily enough his rig isn't behind us but we do have the winning rig behind us
which was I think the story that went along with it was really cool was really
really special had to do with their their favorite land one of their
favorite Nvidia employees who used to come down to that land and people are
saying I look exhausted guys I wonder what I wonder why I have hardly slept in
the last few days here but don't don't worry we are gonna make it through this
show in spite of the fact that neither Luke nor I has actually really looked at
the the stream document so we're gonna pick some highlighted topics for this
week first up is of course the launch of the GTX 980 and GTX 970 that is one of
the reasons that we are down here in California right now and we have a video
up for the 980 and I think we're gonna be getting a video up hopefully next
week yeah next week we're gonna hit the 970 and I don't know if this is
official or not but I kind of leaked it a little bit 24 stream that we might be
doing some SLI testing oh we will definitely be doing some SLI testing so
next big thing that happened this week Microsoft officially acquires Mojang so
for those of you who don't know Mojang is the maker of the infamous Minecraft
so what Microsoft plans to do with Minecraft I think people either don't
know or don't want to know yeah we're somewhere in between yep and then there
is let's see there was something really interesting somewhere oh no all right
Apple has updated their security on the iPhone on iOS too so such that if your
phone is locked even they cannot access your data which I guess is their way of
absolving themselves of any responsibility to report any of their
users data to the government in such a situation as that would be requested of
them so I gotta give them massive massive kudos for that with that said
the release of iOS 8 doesn't seem to have created a whole ton of fanfare
amidst the community so it seems to be a lot of under-the-hood improvements
without a ton of you know huge graphical changes like we saw in iOS 7 so why
don't we call that our main topics roll the intro and I finally found it that's
cool we'll talk about and get this show on the road yeah
and you can sign up at squarespace.com slash Linus and use offer code Linus to
save 10% on your own beautiful customizable website so we have only got
let's see 75 minutes of batteries so we're gonna have to kind of fly through
our topics today and and do our best to to cover them as well as we can
especially given we have no idea what we're talking about so for GTX 980 which
is actually our first topic you can check out our YouTube video so we can
fly past this one pretty quick and also the GTX 970 launch will be having a
video coming next week so I don't think we need to talk a ton about these
individually well they are kind of important they are kind of important
that is true should we talk about them yeah I think I think it might not be it
might not be a terrible idea so in our performance testing in the YouTube
video we found that 980 and 780 TI go pretty toe-to-toe in a lot of different
situations but then 980 crushes 780 TI in power efficiency yeah so the to be
clear guys when you look at any other review on the web you're gonna find
you're gonna find 980 pretty much dominating everything else but the key
difference is that we overclock all of our cards as far as we possibly can
before running all of our benchmarks so what we found is that well 980 is a
beast overclocker I think there was only one game that wasn't running over 1500
megahertz on the core just like really you serious bro our 780 TI is also a bit
of a beast and runs well over 1200 megahertz too so given the number of
CUDA cores given the 384 bit memory bus that 780 TI has a lot of raw horsepower
to throw at any kind of any kind of a rendering problem so we ended up with
them kind of trading blows the one that I'm actually really interested in and
it's a kind of a funny story why we didn't end up with a GTX 970 in time
for us to do a review for launch I was sitting in the briefing down in in
California which is where I am now so I was sitting I was sitting in the
briefing very close to where I am right now and I got an email from gigabyte yo
dog here's a graphics card codename something and I wasn't looking that
closely at it because I was in the middle of a presentation I do you want
us to send you a sample for a review and I kind of went yeah sure and I figured
because in video was only seating GTX 980s I figured that gigabyte was
sending us a 970 turns out that the one that arrived from gigabyte is a 980 so
we actually ended up with too many 980s and no 970s at all so I asked gigabyte
about it I said hey do you guys have a 970 that we can get our hands on we
haven't we haven't been able to do a review yet and they said oh well we
actually prioritized you to get a 980 because you're a key partner for us and
I kind of went oh thank you that didn't work out very well for anyone but
appreciate it yeah I appreciate the thought you guys you guys are awesome we
love working with you and all that stuff I just really wish we had a 970 so we
could do a review of it so that's why that's not out this week but that'll be
out next week yeah we'll get that up but I'm really interested in that one
because the pricing is so aggressive as low as 330 bucks in the US for our car
that is effectively around 20% slower than the GTX 980 because they cut down
some of the functional units and I don't actually know you're at the event but
I'm assuming it also has auto balancing power rails no no no sorry that is still
a top tier I know that's still a top tier only feature so 780 TI GTX 980 are
the only ones that have that auto balancing power feature that makes
overclocking on these cards pretty flexible yeah and pretty beastly yeah
yeah all right see that'll be interesting because it'll be completely
different overclocking experience of the new platform so the OP here is good
bites what I'm gonna do this week is I'm just gonna kind of spam twitch chat
because I didn't think to bring oh you have got to be kidding me I didn't think
to bring two oh what oh here we go here we go I got this I got this I didn't
think to bring two capture devices here so we've just got the one for our camera
so I can't actually screen share with you guys but what I'm gonna do is I'm
gonna spam chat with the links to the articles that we're talking about so the
original poster just let me manage the shirt the original poster was good bites
and basically Microsoft has revealed a fair number of details about DirectX
11.3 and DirectX 12 now we've got a lot of information in the doc that
hopefully Luke is reading right now so he can talk about this a little bit but
in a nutshell we actually had the DirectX project lead presenting at the
Nvidia press event last week and in a nutshell he basically said okay well
we'll look here here's what it is DirectX 11.3 is the features so it's got
the new rendering features that are really exciting and are going to
potentially free up overhead from the GPUs make it so that they can more
efficiently render things like multiple transparent objects so they showed off
rasterizer ordered views yeah rasterized ordered views thank you so you showed
off a few different things that DirectX 11.3 can do and then explain that
DirectX 12 is basically going to have those features except with all that CPU
performance optimization that we've been hearing about ever since AMD first
started talking about mantle and how it was going to allow your CPU to your
multi-core CPU to spread out workloads much more effectively now the funny
thing about DirectX 12 is that not only have they made it so that they're going
to be able to split the workload across CPUs but in the slides that he showed us
something really interesting that we noticed is CPU usage overall also
plummets so while the theory that like the the theory that I've had up until up
until he gave us that presentation was that all of a sudden we're gonna have
this yeah we're gonna have a justification for for you know gtx 59
60x just for straight gaming and games are gonna be able to leverage that I
kind of went well hold on a second gtx 59 60x did I say that core i7 59 60x thank
you so I it's just running one game I was like okay yeah maybe we'll be able
to use all eight of these cores and all 16 of these threads but then I kind of
realized well hold on a second if CPU utilization is going down this much we
might just not need the cores or the clock speed it'll be really interesting
to see what happens to what we need in terms of CPU power for gaming I mean
what I'd really like to see happen is I'd like to see game developers use the
CPU horsepower that we have anyway AI destructible environments I don't know
how CPU intensive it is but Nvidia's new global illumination feature yeah I would
love to see some of that offloaded to the CPU so that we can get truly much
more dynamic visually games in the next couple of years here it might take us a
little bit to see some of these implementations because there's a few
warnings it says it's very powerful but it's difficult to master and quote-unquote
dangerous and inexperienced in the hands of inexperienced programmers
they're saying that the development model is that if you code gurus will
make stuff like engines and platforms that other people can build on top of
and outside of that they don't really expect too many people to touch it
because it will be a very very complicated thing to work with all right
so our next our next topic is engineers made a radio the size of an ant that
doesn't require a battery this was originally posted by ETR J on the Linus
tech tips forum and the original article is from the verge comm so engineering
professors from Stanford and the University of California Berkeley I
don't know I don't know how that sentence was supposed to be structured
so anyway created the radio the size of a net no battery it's actually powered
by harvesting radio signals and doesn't require any external power so the goal
is to use these chips to facilitate the Internet of Things so for those of you
who aren't familiar with the term Internet of Things it it refers to the
concept that everything will be connected so not just your smart watch
not just your smartphone but even something as simple as your headphones
and and high quality headphones not headphones where having connectivity in
them is just this janky kludgy gimmicky type of feature just everything will
have connectivity because it will be so cheap to implement and so easy to
implement that even good products will will just will just have it so something
as simple as you know your power adapter for your notebook could be connected
there's no reason why it couldn't be and that could feed into your house and tell
your house how much power it's consuming and the house could you know
automatically balance power who knows like the idea is just that once
everything's connected we're gonna unlock a lot of possibilities that we
didn't have before things like door knobs things like your your car door so
just being able to carry your smartphone in your pocket and have everything in
your life be connected so obviously we're not there yet no I mean you look
you just you can look at something like the moto 360 as a great example of how
yeah this type of technology is not cheap or power efficient enough yet for
ubiquity mind you I promise because they used like I think it was a processor
from 2010 you have to assume that they did that for cost reasons there's there's
a lot of there's actually a lot of different reviews out there talking
about how there doesn't really seem to be much of a sensible reason because
there's actually cheaper chips that would have been better yeah I don't
maybe they got like a massive bulk order it for of it for some like
ridiculously cheap price or something I don't know even that doesn't really make
any sense because I mean the the release cadence for mobile products tends to be
about a year and so I wouldn't expect Motorola to be refreshing the moto 360
for probably about a year so it's not like you order a year's worth of CPUs
ever that doesn't make any sense it's just it seems so silly like I just I
don't understand why they did that and I was so excited to get it most 360 and
I'm so happy that I've taken to never pre-ordering things yeah yeah because
holy crap don't want one anymore so anyway these these new chips that are
powered by by harvesting radio signals are only supposed to cost a few cents to
produce so that could make it possible to integrate them in these types of
commodity items things like things like light bulbs things that are just all
over your house and and then the kind of information they could provide could be
pretty cool I mean not just being able to tell you okay how much power the
light bulb is consuming but you allow you to turn it on and turn it off yeah
they can send and receive information yeah so you could be like kitchen
light bulb on yeah I mean that kind of stuff exists right now but the problem
is that it's really expensive the app ecosystems are not that consistent yeah
and it's just not quite it's not quite there yet moving on we have Microsoft
acquiring Mojang so the guys that make Minecraft for 2.5 billion dollars it was
actually announced on September 15th I'm gonna spam this in switch chat oh my
goodness that is a lot of money so I mean and sorry this is again posted on
the forum by the same guy that posted the last rate if I could jump over there
ETRJ there we go so a lot of the community is is pretty is pretty upset
about you know feeling like they they got abandoned by notch at the same time
like but I get it yeah he has his reasons he said that he
decided he doesn't want the responsibility of owning a company of
such global significance and you know what he's kind of got a point because
yeah I think and it's not it's not a matter of selling out when you've
already made the money notch doesn't have to work another day in his life but
he will yeah because he's passionate he wants to do something else but when
you're when you're when you're running something of such significance that's of
importance to so many people you end up trapped he became minecraft instead of
being himself he was minecraft at this point in time and so you know yes he
sold the money for what he could get I mean I don't think that that's an
unfair thing to do and I don't I think it's unreasonable to expect someone to I
don't know what give the company away like like how do you how do you get rid
of the company without selling out it's not even you're gonna run into a ton of
legal difficulty trying to give away an asset that's worth billions of dollars
like that that is not okay you legitimately can't do that so if he
wants out if he doesn't want to do minecraft for the rest of his life then
you know what I guess it's it might be better to do it now than to wait even
longer and longer and longer and I think I think that it's I don't know I'm
excited to see what he's gonna do next yeah yeah me too because and other
things that I heard like this isn't necessarily in the doc and I haven't
done enough research on this at all but I've just kind of heard through the
rumor mill that a lot of it was being frustrated too because he wants to work
on all these other different things but the second he does everyone's like why
aren't you working on my crafts yeah look how much money is making you why
are you working on my craft yeah he's like I don't care I want to work on
these things that are more entertaining when you when you have that many
millions of dollars like I think some people feel like they need more millions
of dollars but when you have that much money a lot of people are just gonna
kind of go yeah you know what I'm set for life this is fine and and you know
that's the funny thing the funny thing about it is even guys like I saw I saw
an interesting I saw an interesting quote from Donald Trump not that long
ago where he was talking about why why he wheels and deals why he tries to make
more money he's like yeah I don't need money basically I'm driven and I and I
I I you know I I love to deal you know I love to I love to buy I love to sell I
this is this is what I do this is what gets me up in the morning and I kind of
went yeah you know I I kind of I guess I kind of get that yeah and you know if
notches passion is making great games and ultimately it's not about the money
then that doesn't mean he can't make a ton of money doing it it just means that
he's gonna be driven to do that thing and if we put him in this box where it's
like you have to work on minecraft because money that's not gonna make any
sense in his head no interesting situation I mean but I also I like I
also get it because minecraft was is so community driven it's all about
community and yeah I mean you've had this you've had this advocate you've had
this face to put on minecraft where unfortunately you know one of his face on
minecraft anymore the graphics ain't that good maybe he wants a better face
it's so boxy I'm just kidding all right we've got some pretty good news here so
op is QWERTY warrior VESA released the DisplayPort 1.3 standard so the maximum
link bandwidth has been increased to 32.4 gigabit per second so the reason we
need higher link bandwidth you guys is not only higher resolution displays but
higher refresh rate displays currently with DisplayPort 1.2 4k is limited to 60
Hertz but there's no real reason why particularly a TN panel couldn't run
higher than 60 Hertz why not why not why put why put everyone in a box no no no
we want faster display links so that we can start getting faster and faster
refresh rates on these higher resolution displays so extremely excited to see
that it's about a 50% increase in maximum refresh rate or an in maximum
bandwidth versus DisplayPort 1.2 a it should be noted though that that's not
going to translate directly into 50% higher resolution or 50% higher for
frame rate because you're gonna have more overhead built into that so there
we go actually that's the next point in the doc here so the combined link rate
delivers 25.92 gigabit per second of uncompressed video data so that allows
higher resolutions like the recently announced 5k 5120 by 2880 and that's
through one cable without compression extremely exciting I mean you know what
as as much as it's great that we're getting interfaces that are gonna be
able to handle these resolutions without compression it is a matter how windows
can't and guys compressions not necessarily the scariest thing in the
world a little bit of compression isn't gonna kill us and we are reaching the
limits of what copper based interfaces are going to be able to do I mean that's
that's one of the reasons why HDMI and DisplayPort have been so slow to
continue increasing the bandwidth because we're getting pretty close to
what we're gonna be able to do without much more expensive without much more
expensive transmitters and receivers on either end and or more expensive link
materials so we're either gonna get to the point where we're legitimately going
to need fancy cables again remake that video yeah I know or we're just going to
accept so the processor is gonna get more complex and less expensive and
we're just gonna accept that we're gonna have to do some on-fly compression on
the fly compression and decompression and hope that that doesn't add to the
latency so this is cool you can drive to 4k Ultra HD monitors when using VESA
coordinated video timing continues to support VGA DVI and HDMI via cheapo
cheapo adapters that's one of the things that I really like about DisplayPort is
that compared to HDMI even HDMI 2.0 which the new GTX 980 supports and can
handle 4k at 60 Hertz DisplayPort adapts to other standards much more easily
which is huge huge thumbs up although I was pretty pleased to find out that
HDMI 2.0 didn't end up requiring a connector change yeah yeah that was
rumored for a long time and it ended up not becoming a thing extreme I think we
had a rant about that on the way and show I think wait a while back but yeah
I think we did I mean on the one hand okay but the flip side of that is I sure
wish HDMI had a locking connector yes so I'm glad that we're retaining forwards
and backwards compatibility for so long I mean that really is admirable but it
could have even done like a side mounted screw mount thing though there is the
same there is a company that does kind of this ghetto locking HDMI connector I
think they patented it though okay and what it does is it is it clips into just
part of the housing that's not meant to be a lot yeah but it kind of cheats and
clips in there yeah so so there you go a VESA releases DisplayPort 1.3
awesome moving down we have Comcast telling customers hold on hold on
DisplayPort 1.3 enables support for future 8k displays so that's something
that we should probably mention and that's oh oh this is cool also supports
a single 4k monitor 60 Hertz 24-bit color over two lanes while offering
another two lanes for alternative data types like super speed USB data oh so so
that's pretty cool no DisplayPort is really coming into its own and is going
to I I think it's just gonna be the dominant display really interesting I
mean look look at again back to GTX 980 how hard is Nvidia banking on
DisplayPort three DisplayPort connectors on the back of the card pretty heavy
duty it's pretty heavy duty I mean g-sync only works over DisplayPort this
is an Nvidia technology that they kind of went okay where's the industry
heading we're gonna bet on DisplayPort and you know what for that matter AMD
has done the same thing yeah yeah but earlier AMD was shipping cards with two
DisplayPort connectors much earlier on Nvidia was so I mean when those two
agree on something probably a good thing just putting that out there yeah so
Comcast is sort of telling customers to stop using Tor and they denied this
they've denied this I did you post the link in the chat I have not yet but I
have it copy pasted so I got it all right so this was posted in the forum by and
then there was one and there are a couple of articles that were used as
references for this though so inquisitor.com and deep.web.com but there
is there is a lot of information here and I'll let you run through it an
agent named Jeremy I almost said Jenny because I'm pretty tired but an agent
named Jeremy has allegedly called Tor an illegal service and said that Tor is
against their usage policies and apparently they've repeatedly asked
customers to tell the agent what sites the users were accessing through the
Tor browser one customer spoke to Jeremy then called back the next day and spoke
with an agent named Kelly she reiterated that Comcast does not want its customers
using Tor and she allegedly said that users who try to use anonymity to cover
themselves on the internet are usually doing things they aren't so to speak
that that aren't so to speak legal we have the right to terminate fine and or
suspend your account at any time due to violating the rules you know to me a
fine should have to come from some kind of legal entity I mean if you what what
what's next the grocery store is gonna find me like are you kidding like if they
if if I actually I guess a grocery store is a bad example because if I was
walking around the grocery store putting things into my coat so that people
wouldn't know what I was buying I probably would get I probably wouldn't
find you wouldn't get fined but you could get prosecuted I think they'd have
to wait for you to leave the store with it but they yeah they could have a plain
clothes following you around totally different that's legitimately still one
no because what if I intended to pay for it I just didn't want people knowing
what I was buying but you left the store with it no no let's say I didn't leave
the store okay okay so let's say I okay so hold on a second okay so okay maybe I
wouldn't okay so I wouldn't get fined but let's let's ask you about it they
could request you to leave the store premises but they can't arrest you you
haven't left the store yet what can they do they can follow you around but then
that's their private property so that's allowed yeah I don't think there's an
equivalent to this no I love to hear from the twitch chat guys let us know
especially there's like a loss prevention agent Dion seven dusk lol
grocery police lol if there's a loss prevention agent out there that actually
knows the look like shoving stuff yeah okay we'd love to hear about that
because I don't what's up like okay so what's the equivalent like my mom does
this I know a lot of people that do this kind of stuff where they're like go grab
a drink from the fridge in a store and just drink the whole thing before
they're done leaving the store and then just buy it yeah I you know the funny
thing about that is it's always made me really uncomfortable even when I was a
kid I hate it I might know my aunt my aunt would often say you know hey are
you thirsty you know here here get this and start drinking it and I'd be like no
I don't want to drink it till we leave and she'd be like well we're sorry like
what if my car doesn't work we're shopping we're not leaving so awkward
I'm not even worried about that although I did have a really awkward situation at
Tim Hortons where I I forgot my wallet and my wife forgot her wallet and we
were in Vancouver and I had already placed my order and I was like oh crap I
forgot my wallet can I run out to the car and grab my wife's so when I come
back she's got my order ready for me and I'm like yo dog I'm sorry my wife
doesn't have her wallet either I have to go I think I made it up to them I went
and I borrowed some money from a relative who lives in Vancouver and then
I went all the way back to that Tim Hortons even though it was out of my way
I was like I have cash now you know but I still they probably had to throw at
least some of it away like I feel terrible anyway sorry what were we
talking about stealing stuff from stores drinking things really right I just feel
weird I just yeah I don't do it I know my I think my mom does a little bit I
know other people that I go shopping with have done it and even with that
when I'm with someone who's doing it I feel super uncomfortable I don't know
why I'm not really into that at all they have to have you on video someone has to
watch you put it in your pocket they can follow you and watch you but you have
not broken the law until you attempt to leave the store without paying okay so
there you go perfectly reasonable because you should be able to go around
a shopping center without a basket or shopping cart right I mean they can ask
you to leave your bag at the front yeah so I usually and they can ask you to
leave the store yeah yeah it is there it is their right to do that yeah we have
5,000 live viewers right now who are tuned into our stream which is like
super late like two hours late like janky janky quality don't know anything
about the topics in the middle we have no we have no lighting other than like
the terrible fluorescent lighting oh yeah boardroom yeah and and you know
what guys thanks for showing up we love your support really cool we appreciate
you guys you guys are cool speaking of things that aren't cool is Comcast has
has a past of being against Tor and is listed on Tor's bad ISP project list
thing all right so well as if as if Comcast was not listed on a good one
so come on anyways I still have to point that out but all right so this next
topic is from and then there was one as well original article is from venture
beat so the NSA is mapping the internet I'm not sure if this is news but NSA
stuff just like assume anything you could ever dream of that's like bad and
on the internet so the program is trying to create an interactive map of the
global internet in close to real time that would try to identify the devices
through which data flows such as routers the program is supposed to help in
computer attack and exploit planning offering a battlefield map for cyber
warfare targeted yeah yeah yeah so targeted companies include a Deutsch
telecom the owner of t-mobile and the German ISP net cologne so pretty cool
NSA you guys are just staying cool this is interesting because Germany was
already pissed off yeah all right about tapping into what's-her-name's phone so
it'd be pretty interesting this next one literally know nothing about it are we
gonna do this one are we gonna jump over it yeah no yeah let's let's let's go
ahead so Apple's warrant canary disappears suggesting new Patriot Act
demand so this was originally posted by lols on the forum you don't have an
actual link though yeah it's okay okay the original article is from gig ohm so
if you want to just maybe post that link in the chat so Apple's first
transparency report on government activity in late 2013 included a
footnote that stated Apple has never received an order under section 215 of
the USA Patriot Act we would expect to challenge such an order if served on us
so writer and cyber activist Cory doctor Oh recognized that language as a warrant
canary or a way of thwarting the secrecy imposed by the Patriot Act companies and
publishers have included these canaries to signal to their users that so far
they have not been subjected to a given type of secret subpoena by law
enforcement when this language is removed it is likely that the situation
has changed and the company has been subject to such a request but of course
is being told that they can't say anything about it so having that canary
in place protects them and their users as long as people are paying attention
so section 215 of the Patriot Act permits the NSA to demand companies to
hand over their business records in secret it is believed that it is the
legal foundation of the prism program so yeah not good not good mind you this
this comes this comes out around the same time as Apple's recent change to
the way they handle user data which is awesome which is pretty awesome that
basically in a nutshell means that if your phone is locked even Apple cannot
get to it so that is is pretty much their way of throwing up their hands and
going well okay you served us a warrant for something we legitimately can't
access so peace bro I really like that that's really cool and I actually know a
lot of people that are pretty heavy Android users that might legitimately
switch just because of that reason it's it's a reason to kind of a big deal I'd
like to see how Google responds to this yeah because I you know the way that the
way that Google is about data farming they want all your data they want all
your data I want it all the time and they want it all the time I got to feel
like if Google were to decide that they were gonna leave your data alone when
your phone is locked would be that would be very out of character for them so I
don't know they might put them in a bit of an awkward position mm-hmm all right
so this was originally posted on the forum by ion bassa the world's first
fully functional 3d printed car this was bound to happen you gotta bet that there
were any number of people working on making this happen oh my god you can
download a car so it was designed printed and driven by Arizona based
local motors printing and assembly took just 44 hours local motors these are the
guys that make that trike thing that I'm hoping to get all right for the for
review don't worry about it probably won't even happen after 44 hours hours
the car was drivable it's named the Stratai so Italian for layers electric
powered it's a two-seat compact roadster it has a battery a motor wiring and
suspension these all came from a variety of sources including Reynolds tweezy
city car Twizy I don't know yeah I'm clearly tired and I apologize for any
words that I'm slurring or or pronouncing incorrectly cuz I'm just
not processors yeah GTX processors chassis and body are printed from a
carbon fiber reinforced plastic compound it has only 40 parts to it in comparison
to a normal car with 20,000 or more parts this is actually this ties into a
conversation we had earlier today where we were talking about how electric cars
right now are very expensive but once they become more of a commodity item and
and less of a less of a curiosity less high-tech I expect them to actually be
much cheaper not even necessarily that but once battery production goes up
because that Gigafactory that tell us tell us oh no right you have sullied the
good name of Tesla by calling them tell us I feel like a horrible person you are
a horrible factory that Tesla is intending to build in Nevada will
actually produce more of that type of battery than all of the other factories
in the entire world combined right now yeah yeah it's like ridiculous so with
battery production going up to that extent I am expecting and based just
based on how simple yeah an electric car is compared to an internal combustion
car I mean I I think I think gas-powered vehicles are gonna look stupid to my
kids by the time they're old enough to be adults buying a car it's it's gonna
be this it's gonna be this weird you know eccentric thing to do to own a
fossil fuel powered vehicle I really do think so I think that we're still gonna
continue to see fossil fuels augment battery power so having a small you know
lawnmower like Ryder mower class internal combustion engine in there to
charge the battery in an emergency or whatever else I think we're gonna
continue to see that but expecting cars to just run on gas I don't know
industrial vehicles potentially especially being down here actually is
pretty amazing while we were coming to Nvidia headquarters I saw on the road at
least 10 different electric cars and like not just Tesla's because this area
is known for Tesla's a whole wide range of them so that was actually really
interesting to see the 3d printed car will cost anywhere between 18 and
$30,000 though so right now the materials alone are probably what's
driving up the cost I mean just plain plastic filament nothing special about
it incredibly expensive you buy enough of that stuff to build a car you're
gonna be spending a lot of money now you talk about carbon fiber reinforced
filament yeah and also it's it's gonna be such low volume at the beginning that
you're not gonna be able to take advantage of kind of a specialty kind of
shop so it's not surprising if they were producing a thousand times as many of
them I think we would see prices drop pretty consider and I'm sure if you work
with them it's gonna be a very personalized experience as well this is
kind of cool too the cost might seem high at first but many of the parts can
be reused when you decide to trade change cars or upgrade so yeah I'm
guessing things like the motor could potentially be reused if you decide to
you know okay I want a single seater type vehicle I don't see any reason why
you could or put it inside a different 3d printed vehicle yeah or a very
different angle where it's like if your battery is running kind of crap you can
swap the battery out keep using the chassis and the motor and all that
stuff or if the motor dies for some reason you can keep using the battery
in the chassis mm-hmm and that's another thing too that's that's really cool
about the simplicity of an electric vehicle is I think the scariness of car
mechanic work is gonna go away to a great extent I mean Tesla showed off
what they swap a battery in 90 seconds 90 seconds and that's not like huge
better in the bottom yeah so if they can do it in 90 seconds I'm sure I can do it
in an hour yeah you know yeah I think I can probably handle this I think you'd
have to I think you do it if you had a torque driver that's it I think that's
the only thing you really need Wow is you have to be able to torque in the
screws to a very specific right and then I think yeah but you can you can you can
buy one of those for what like 40 bucks at Canadian Tire maybe 50 bucks I think
that's all you actually need you need me a jack up the car okay and then a torque
driver I think that's all you need Wow that's outstanding obviously not entirely
sure but as I don't think anyone has tried doing it themselves anyways as far
as I know that's all you'll need all right so this was originally posted by
tech fanatic on the forum and this this is this is actually pretty funny I
haven't found out if this ever happened yeah because we worked out a public
event yeah we weren't at the public event down in down in LA but there was
an email sent out by AMD to their team red members ready to infiltrate game 24
mentions the warm reception from enthusiasts about their recent AMD 30
live webcast mentioned that we're intrigued that another graphics products
company jumped on the bandwagon by announcing a similar event they warmly
encourage their fans to attend the event proudly wearing their favorite red
t-shirt and encourage their viewers to tweet pictures of themselves wearing
their colors at the events and I promise to send some love the way of their users
I haven't I haven't actually been tuned into the Internet enough to know if
anything happened so honestly anytime I was I was dual streaming our own stream
to talk to the chat so I haven't really seen the actual game 24 stream in its
entirety I know I haven't even seen the intro videos for the modders whose
builds we were covering the creation of for the last 24 hours so you know what
we've got to do before we end the show here guys we're gonna do our sponsors
next I think then we've got a few more topics but before we end the show we're
gonna we're gonna pick up the camera off the tripod because I think we have the
flexibility to do that here there should be no reason to move it and we're gonna
we're gonna come and we're gonna take a close look at these rings because they
are absolutely beautiful you guys are gonna you guys are gonna love them I am
amazed at what these teams did in 24 hours how much battery life we're
running out right now we are sitting at around 45 minutes okay yeah we're cool
we're running we're running good make sure yeah I don't have I don't have
another I don't have an AC adapter for the camera so we can very limited by
battery life right now yeah yeah so sponsor spots you said yeah yeah let's
go ahead and do you want to do you want to change over to our sponsor spots
actually I've got a I've got a site for you to head to I want to do Squarespace
first so guys Squarespace
hope we're back yeah all right whoo we are back thankfully are we still
streaming we're still streaming okay Oh Squarespace the fast easy way to create
your own beautiful website that works where we go yeah yeah no no I've got I've
got a URL for you you're freaking stressing me out here man it's
forever fresh.com f-r-a-i-c-h-e that spelling of fresh so Squarespace guys do
we do I have the lower third up you do so squarespace.com slash Linus is where
to go if you want to give us credit for you know referring you to Squarespace
basically if you've ever wanted to make your own website Squarespace is a
fantastic way to do it they've got great tools including their logo creator their
website creator they make it easy to use they also give you the ability to dig a
little bit deeper if you are more experienced or if you want to get
something off the ground now and then learn as you go and continue to develop
your mobile site whether it's a blog or a store or just a portfolio or really
anything just an informational website that you want to run and what's really
cool about Squarespace is what are we are we still are we still working that
looks frozen yes it's frozen because I'm in screen region oh you're screen
reaching oh cool okay that's good so one of the really cool thing about what
Squarespace does for the Linus tech tips saw when show podcast is every single
month they sponsor us without fail they sponsor two episodes a month they give
us a lot of support so guys if you're if you know anyone who's looking for a
website they want to make their own website refer them to Squarespace you
won't regret it they won't regret it so there's all that good stuff and what's
even cooler than that is if you decide to give Squarespace a try they have a
two-week trial no commitment required two-week trial you create your own
website if you decide to do that create your own website and tweet it to me with
hashtag line of Squarespace we give away an entire year of Squarespace hosted
website for once every single month so forever fresh fresh is our winner for
this month so let's go ahead and get that up on the screen if Luke could go
ahead and I think we're having some trouble because the resolution of the
desktop was so crazy high oh that makes sense
freaked out we are streaming on a 3k notebook right now it's an aorist x3 so
yeah we're not really sure how to handle the screen region capturing right now at
this moment so can you just make the browser small and make a smaller screen
I tried that region this is what happens when we change all the streaming years
so the point is guys go Squarespace thank you forever fresh for for tweeting
that to me with hashtag line of Squarespace you are the big winner for
this month cool thing another cool thing about Squarespace is they have highly
dynamic hosting plans they take care of all the hosting for you and as your
business or your blog continues to grow it can scale with you and grow with you
you never have to worry about things not working and people having a bad
experience when they come to your website so sure are you just doing a
snipping tool of it all right well I'm gonna move on to our next sponsor spot
in the meantime unless you're unless you're ready to just kind of kind of go
for gold here there we go fandom glass is another sponsor that we actually we
love these guys oh yeah these guys are one of those companies where most of the
time when someone reaches out to me out of the blue and they go hey we had this
like mobile accessory it's like a screen protector and we want you to review it
did the lights just turn off oh it's motion sent awesome so we had this screen
protector that we want you guys to review I kind of look at it I go are you
guys kidding we don't we're not gonna we're not gonna do an entire review
video of a screen protector because one it's a screen protector and two they're
mostly garbage but these guys reached out and I kind of went okay you're
Canadian so I'll give my Canadian bros a chance here I'm gonna I'm gonna at least
read the email and then I kind of made my way through the email I went that's
actually smart because the whole idea behind phantom glass is that you're
using the same gorilla glass 3 glass that's already on your phone as a
protective layer over top of your phone and so I kind of went okay send it to me
and I may or may not review it it's gonna depend on how much I like it so
they sent it to me and their claim was that their nano coding whatever nonsense
that they call it would allow the screen to be applied bubble free every time and
allow it to be taken off and reapplied should the need arise and I kind of went
BS okay okay sure and so the first time I was applying it when I was doing my
review video I just like super careful and like you know making my way down the
screen pressing across it and I was like okay I got this on I got this on perfect
cool and then for the second one they actually sent me two of them I just put
it on all the bubbles made their way out it actually made for a pretty compelling
video and phantom glass reached out to us because of our review and you know
how how well we were able to we were able to capture on video how well the
product worked and they were like hey we want to sponsor you guys we want to work
with you guys so sometimes these these random things start up like that anyway
the point is phantom glass is a great product and all of a sudden we've went
from we've gone from they sent us a random email and I kind of turned my
nose up at them to now we consider them a partner we think it's a great product
absolutely great product and highly recommend it so visit store phantom
glass to learn more we gotta jump back to the Squarespace one
alright yeah we want to give this website some props I mean the thing
about Squarespace is that it's pretty easy to make your site look great but it
still is a matter of you know picking a good template and picking photos that
look really nice you know I wish we could navigate on it because some of the
people who submit these these these trial sites to us they don't really put
much work into it and this one actually you can navigate a fair bit sorry man so
guys on the stream you know please do please do check out the site and if you
like it then maybe give Squarespace a try all I can really do is get that yeah
I know man there we go okay all right SanDisk this is crazy
SanDisk announced the world's biggest SD card at 512 gigabytes literally half the
size of the largest consumer grade full-size SSDs and we're talking an SD
card it can had right at speeds of up to 90 megabytes per second and should be
able to hold about four hours of 4k footage or 24 hours of 1080p footage
depending on settings this is according to geek.com has an MSRP of $800 actually
not that unreasonable I know but it's for an SD card I know how many we have
that die okay okay you know what though funny that you should mention that we've
never had a SanDisk die it's true we've never had a SanDisk die we've never had
an ADATA die so you know if I was and it's it's it's so funny because SD cards
are one of those very simple devices where brand loyalty much like hard
drives gets built just based on someone's personal experience and based
on that experience we do have a fair bit of experience obviously the overall pool
is still very very small and not statistically significant no but that
doesn't change the fact that when you when you go through enough ADATA or
SanDisk SD cards and none of them die you kind of go okay well maybe we'll use
some more of that it's working out yeah ah the Logitech g910 I keep on getting
messages about this so this is posted by x-tank Slayer and basically Logitech is
working on our well it has announced an RGP mechanical gaming keyboard based on
Romer G mechanical switches so it is it is funny to see the way the industry
went from consolidated to everyone just shipping clones of cherries MX switch
keyboards to everyone trying to differentiate again all of a sudden so
razors going to their their razor branded switches that are being
manufactured in China Corsair is still is still playing the the cherry MX
trumpet pretty hardcore in fact they've started putting cherry branding right on
their packaging that partnership is alive and well Logitech who to my
knowledge has only done one mechanical gaming keyboard g710 plus g710 plus has
gone and released what looks to be positioned as a higher-end product with
Romer G switches now so you know where those are coming from no yeah nothing I
know absolutely nothing about Romer G switches obviously I haven't been able
to really spend a lot of time trying to figure it out yeah because the most
amount of information I've seen about this is in this dock right now yeah so
I've I've been a little busy with my k70 RGB which has a 130 plus page user
manual by the way this this is like the not for noobs keyboard as far as I can
tell so far although I made my way through about the first 40 pages on the
flight here and most of it is pretty self-explanatory well there's that once
once you get to it there's that like full light control panel thing that's
gonna be complicated yeah so Logitech is gonna have their arcs control SDK that's
gonna allow you to control your peripherals from your phone screen DPI
etc okay and show system information gonna have media controls for tablets
or smartphones a Logitech is sending us a g910 okay so I've already been in
touch and we are we are gonna definitely try it out and really interested to
learn more about the switches see I mean they're rating them for more clicks
which for me you know going okay well ours is 70 million keystrokes versus
your 50 million keystrokes it's all kind of especially with academic especially
mechanical switches it's like yeah these don't really break yeah I mean I think
cherries rating of 50 million is probably pretty pretty conservative yeah
yeah this sounds all right cool I think you just skipped over it with your
cursor but bleep I'm on that originally posted by Ray fee on the forum original
articles from the verge calm and bit torrent is determined to get rid of the
stigma and that's good because they don't deserve it no so so tell us about
tell us about bleep I honestly know nothing about it this is the first time
I've seen anything about it but the second I read any information about it
so it's it's it's it's basically a chat client where it's practically impossible
quote-unquote to gather metadata on who's talking and it will be available
for Windows 7 8 Mac Android iOS clients basically everything the second I read
that which is basically all I really needed to know it's also in public alpha
by the way I I'm pretty stoked and I might move a lot of things to this
platform if it actually works really well because not a fan of Skype yeah
hate it but it's the only thing that I could seem to be able to get everyone on
at the same time and everyone has the same complaints about it which this
might be able to solve right which would be great so I hope they have stuff like
group chats which would be very important for stuff that I do and I
don't know it'd be really easy really interesting to see maybe if they have
voice chat as well I know pretty much an eye on it I mean we've seen how quickly
bit torrent sync is moving oh my goodness yeah holy cow bit torrent sync
is changing really fast so that's their that's their kind of I don't want to
call it a Dropbox competitor because it's not but it has some similar
functionality to cloud-based storage solutions like Dropbox except you
control your own cloud and that's what that's what bit torrent is all about
maintaining your anonymity and your privacy and controlling your own data
and you got to respect that as a company mission statement apparently from
Comcast you are illegal and should get off their service but speaking of
illegal Pirate Bay founder told he can expect to carry his father's coffin while
wearing handcuffs this is this is pretty gross there's only 50 days left on his
sentence and his brother Matt's has spoken out for for apparently the first
time the original articles from torrentfreak.com has spoken out for the
first time in his brother's favor saying you know I've deliberately said very
little partly because he can speak for himself but I feel like the the justice
system has forgotten about its job to support prisoners to ensure that they
don't return to prison and even though their father has been seriously ill for
some time and was admitted to the hospital in the summer Peter has only
been able to visit his father once and has been told he's allowed to attend his
father's funeral but two guards will accompany him and he will have to wear
handcuffs and his his brother basically is speaking out against this guy sorry
give us one moment is speaking out against us saying well the problem with
this is that it punishes not only him but also me and my mother and my dead
father and everyone that's gonna be the funeral and everyone who's gonna be at
the funeral doesn't feel fair the optics on that are gonna be horrible
yep Google sees his Nexus 5 production this was posted by top wargamer on the
forum original article is from slash gear this came from Canadian wireless
carrier wind mobiles customer support via Twitter a customer asked why they
don't list the Nexus 5 on their device page and when said well because it's no
longer being made and we don't have any stock Samsung to build its own mobile
GPU this is posted on fudzilla.com what if that'll be more more suing from
nvidia hmm interesting Samsung has managed to hire X nvidia AMD and Intel
employees nothing has been announced yet the development has apparently been
going on for at least two years all right I think we're pretty much gonna
have to call that one quick thing before we go actually because I know quite a
few of my friends are really excited about this is that twitch announces its
Google Chromecast yes posted by Rafi on the forum the original sources blog
twitch.tv this is exciting yeah so there's there's honestly not a ton
else to say but it's sweet yeah so now you can you can you can watch the wan
show on your TV with your Chromecast yeah next week because this one's
basically over yeah um so I do want to I do want to pick up the camera there I
think I think we're being kicked out because it's time for everyone to go to
dinner and I'm sure everyone's just kind of tired in general yeah sure so um you
know what oh I don't have I don't have my lav mic unfortunately so you know
what here's what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna oh I don't know if I can pop it
you know what I'm just gonna carry this
this is the ghettoest ghettoest setup ever but I'm gonna I'm gonna hold this
like this and we want to show you guys we want to show you guys these modded
out rigs I think the most be careful not to press that middle button yeah all
right I got no idea man oh the XLR cable well you don't need to get that far
right if you hear if you put the laptop on the table I think you should be you
should be long enough to to reach the rigs here so