
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

To the WAN Show, everyone! We've got a fantastic show lined up for you today.
Amazon has allegedly retaliated against critical news coverage.
Also, Dell Australia was found guilty of deceptive pricing. You know,
the company that we covered in Secret Shopper that kept trying to push
extended warranties down our throats and on-site service?
Would they do that?
We should hire people from there.
I mean, if I was trying to sell extended warranties and financing, yeah,
that sounds like a pretty good idea. What else we got this week?
PC Building Simulator features Linus Tech Tips in an update.
Oh, yeah, that's right! I saw that! I don't- nobody tells me anything these days.
You know how I found out about that?
In a tweet from the Linus Tech account, which I follow.
It actually looks awesome.
It looks amazing!
It looks very cool.
It looks so good!
I honestly never did it because I was like, I've built enough computers,
I don't need to simulate building computers, but I might just, like, check this out.
It's kind of a fun game.
Like, we played it for our sponsored stream for Epic Games Store way back
when PC Building Simulator 2 came out.
We should- we should- hold on, sorry, we got to finish the intro.
We should 1v1.
What? That's like a thing you can do?
I mean-
Or just like-
Yeah, you could both start at the exact same time and see who can make more money.
I'll make more money?
Yeah, I lost to Jake, though, and I'm real salty about it.
Oh, so you just want to beat me up just for ego reasons?
Oh, yeah.
All right, good enough.
Um, also, what else should we talk about?
I don't know.
Elon Musk and Zuckerberg might actually fight each other in a cage match?
That is not happening.
Yeah, I said the same thing.
But either way, intro time!
The show is brought to you by JumpCloud, Kudos, and Zoho One.
Jumping right into our headline topic.
LTT is in PC Building Simulator 2!
Yeah, and it's so cool!
This looks so cool!
All right, we did a video about PC Building Simulator a while back.
Jake and I 1v1 to see who could make the most money,
and I think we gave ourselves an hour or something like that.
Basically just playing through the tutorial.
It's really cool because the amount of depth that they've built into this game is incredible.
Like, it really matters that you pick exactly the right compatible components,
and a lot of it is not just building a computer.
Like, have you ever played it at all, Luke?
No, never.
Oh, yeah.
So you don't just build a computer for lulz.
You run a PC shop where you repair computers and troubleshoot them and also build computers,
and then you build up an inventory of computer parts from your repairs.
Like, oh, this still had a good GPU and the customer said they didn't want it.
And then you can start to use them and other repairs and try to
optimize, min-max your revenue and all that kind of stuff.
Toward the end of the tutorial, you get to the point where you can actually run-
Wait, what?
Was that in the game?
Yes, you can run 3DMark in-game and it will give you pretty realistic scores.
Configure fan control curves.
It's incredibly deep.
And then toward the end, this is our final builds that we did.
You can renovate-
That's a Leo Lee case.
Yeah, you can renovate your- no, I think this is from height.
Oh, okay.
You can renovate your storefront and, like, start to rebuild it.
And, like, I didn't get any further than that because I rarely find time to play video games.
But the point is, pretty cool game and-
If you wanted to live Linus's alternative reality life where he didn't start a YouTube channel,
you could play PC building simulator.
We are freaking in it.
So here is their teaser trailer showing the LTT logo.
There's the pink server rack there.
Okay, man.
We gotta freaking slow down.
Yeah, there's too many references already.
Just a second here, okay?
We're going 0.25 speed here.
We're gonna- ooh, 0.25 is not great.
Okay, there's the pink server rack.
This is the same flooring that we have in the PC build corner.
Yeah, obviously.
There's one of our, um, ah, I forget what we call this design,
but this is one of our desk pad designs in orange.
What else we got here?
I think that's also it in black.
It's hard to see, but I think the pattern is there.
I'm not sure.
I'm not sure.
You might be right.
Love that server rack.
Freaking awesome.
Oh, I love that there's, like, studio lights and stuff.
Okay, bunch of- yeah, the studio lights are one thing.
There's a bunch of set walls here.
TechLinked set, um, this is the one- man, what is this one from?
Obviously, I've seen it a thousand times.
Why can't I remember where this is from?
Audience, help me.
Is that somewhere in the-
Help me.
Living room kitchen set?
Yes, yes, yes it is.
And we've got the records on the walls, just like in the living room set.
That's the door.
This is the door from the living room set.
This is so cool.
Oh man, look at this, the little details.
We totally used these little, uh, um, extension cord spools.
AKA Arlo's cat PC building cafe.
I love it.
Oh man, oh man, oh, they got the white, uh, got the white brick wall thing.
We had something like that at some point, actually.
Even the fake plants look familiar.
Oh my goodness, well, yeah.
Hey, these things from the back of the PC build corner.
They got the lighting in there and everything.
Is that an LTT backpack?
I think so.
Is that an LTT backpack?
No, they have the cable spool, the extension cable spool.
We have those for sure.
That is definitely an LTT backpack.
That is an LTT backpack, sir.
That is incredible.
Okay, now hold on a second.
Please tell me they have the screwdriver.
All I've seen is the tweet so far.
Wait, that's our desk.
That's the desk.
Oh, that totally is.
This is the desk.
That's hilarious.
It's the, like, the cleanest setup desk.
And they have those light thingies.
Whatever those are called.
I don't remember, leafs, nano-leafs or something.
The right of the desk.
That's not ours, obviously.
Oh, the kid blocks.
And they've got...
There's a water bottle!
They got the water bottle!
Nice, there's three of them.
They've got our LTT set deck.
We also have this shelf somewhere.
I forget where it is, but we have it somewhere.
More water bottles.
Oh, this is so cool.
The number of...
Oh, look, there's a Linus face.
Hold on.
Wait, where?
Right next to your mouse.
Oh my god.
Okay, well that probably wasn't necessary.
I don't know what that is.
But it's in there.
It's in there.
Water bottles, screwdrivers!
Oh, that's awesome!
Man, they even modeled the cap correct.
Okay, we must have done a lot of work on this, too.
Because this is exactly right.
That is high fidelity, exactly the graphics that we are using on our water bottles.
The damaged blue back wall with the red there reminds me of the garage.
Northern Lights mouse pad.
This is so cool.
I'm freaking out a little bit here.
Apparently donuts in Forza, too?
Yeah, donuts in Forza.
YouTubers are just in video games now?
It was actually very cool.
Oh, that's super cool.
Yeah, it was awesome.
The kitchen!
They've got the kitchen!
Oh, this is so ridiculous!
Speaking of accurate renders.
That is...
Oh, they have the new poles.
They have the new poles?
No, they do.
They have the fixed titanium carabiner poles.
Okay, we're still working on getting those through mass production and getting them shipped
out to people.
I am loving this so much.
This is wild.
I don't feel like they would stand out.
Okay, it's a gold monitor.
Got em.
Oh, I love this.
So it's a whole theme for the back of your shop, I guess, then.
Oh, I love it.
Oh my god, they even put a segway in the video description.
I love it.
Okay, hold on a second.
What am I looking at here?
This isn't the trailer performing poorly.
We just still have it on 0.25.
That is so cool.
I, um...
That is wicked.
I am super into it.
That's awesome.
The update went live earlier this week.
The update is free, and you can try out the game's demo for free at LMG.GG slash PC build
sim 2.
We're going to have that linked down below, and if we don't have it linked down below,
Dan is going to make sure we have it linked down below.
Thanks, Dan.
Thanks, Dan.
That's so cool.
Oh man, there are some things I missed too.
Build corner, set inspired walls and logo, Lambo desk library.
I didn't see that, but apparently you can get like a picture of the Lambo.
Yeah, there it is.
Oh, are these just like stickers and stuff?
These are just decals that you can apply.
So those are based on our sticker packs.
Hey, they had a Wancho one.
Let's go.
Oh my God.
Okay, well, that's enough of that.
In other big news this week, Amazon...
Oh, you know what?
Do we go straight for the Bezos Musk cage fight?
It's not Bezos and Musk though.
Oh, sorry.
Not Bezos and Musk, Zuckerberg and Musk.
So can I be the first to say that if this actually goes forward,
Musk is going to get his absolutely handed to him.
Oh my goodness.
Zuckerberg seems to actually take personal fitness and like fighting training kind of serious.
And the thing about, you know, a billionaire is he might've had kind of a potato figure
at some point, but I guess he can afford the best consultants and trainers.
Cause he's like kind of looking pretty good lately.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Apparently he recently did the Murph challenge.
I had heard about a lot of his like jujitsu stuff and stuff like that.
I had not heard about this.
Apparently he completed the Murph challenge, which is running a mile,
followed up by 100 pull-ups.
It says 200 press-ups.
Are they just saying push-up?
I don't know.
One sec.
I don't know what a press-up is.
People are saying Bezos kind of jacked too.
I've noticed that.
This looks like a push-up.
It might be like a specific hand position or something, but yeah, 200 press-ups, 300
squats, and then running another mile all while wearing a 20 pound weighted backpack.
That's stupid.
That's really hard.
I'm certain these things aren't like, I'm certain he didn't do 100 pull-ups without
having a break.
But like, this is amazing.
They've actually got a fighter stats thing in the doc for us today, and this is kind
of incredible.
So Elon's definitely got the height and weight advantage.
He's 5'11", 180 plus pounds.
The Zuck, meanwhile, it's like my height.
I did not know that.
I thought he was a normal height person.
No, I had heard he was pretty short.
Only 150 pounds.
Like, I have 20 pounds on him.
And like, I'm not, I'm not huge or anything.
He's a skinny little chicken.
Small dude.
Musk definitely has an age disadvantage at 51 years old instead of 39 for the Zuck.
I love the training regime here though.
Lifts weights sometimes.
And then we've got the Murph challenge here.
And then this is the best diet quote.
I'd rather eat tasty food and live a shorter life.
This year I've basically become a vegetarian since the only meat I'm eating is from animals
I've killed myself.
Which is like the chattest statement you could ever say.
Apparently he did that Murph challenge in 40 minutes.
That's stupid.
That's crazy.
That's actually stupid.
Elon might get actually killed in a cage with him.
No, I'm not even, I'm not even though.
I mean, if there was no end to it, like, yeah, yeah.
Well, no, I mean, yeah, I just, I just mean like, I, I just, you're a potato, right?
And then you're up against Murph challenge guy.
Like it doesn't matter.
It honestly, yes, there are absolutely big advantages to being a lot heavier and a lot
But like, these are not similar people physically.
Like it doesn't matter.
Mark will destroy him.
And to be clear, I am no Mark Zuckerberg fan.
Neither of us are.
Like nevermind him personally, Facebook has contributed basically negligibly to our success
as an online media business.
Like I don't even have, I don't even have any kind of professional indebtedness to the
Facebook platform.
Like actually if Facebook had never existed, that would be totally fine for me and meta
Yeah, because we'd still have like Oculus.
It might even be better.
A meta spokesperson confirmed that Zuckerberg was entirely serious when he replied via his
Instagram story.
He's gone to like jujitsu tournaments and stuff.
Zuckerberg would have no issue doing this.
Musk replied Vegas octagon.
I have this great move.
I call the walrus where I just lie on top of my opponent and do nothing.
He will not get an opportunity to do that.
I can't, I don't think he realizes like, I can't tell with him.
A lot of people that have never been in an, I don't know, maybe he has, someone's going
to bring up some weird thing from his past.
Oh yeah.
Let's see.
He's claimed like he, you know, South Africa, you know, fought and stuff and stuff.
This is going to be a different reality.
As far as my understanding goes, Zuckerberg is actually very good and very serious when
it comes to jujitsu and he will choke the absolute out of Musk.
Dana white.
Meanwhile, has expressed interest in hosting the match.
So, um, of course he did.
I mean, of course he does a bunch of free money.
Oh my floatplane chat is so funny.
Musk is friends with Joe Rogan though.
They're kidding.
They're kidding.
They're kidding.
It's amazing.
Uh, Andrew Tate said something about training Musk.
From a Romanian prison, like via zoom.
That is a thing some people do.
It's not as good, but, um, I think, yeah, I don't know.
I don't know.
So a bunch of people are bringing up the send me location meme.
That's pretty great.
Send me location.
I will say though.
We're about to get really personal here.
You're six, one, six, two.
If you round up, I'm six, three.
I'm like six, two.
And like, you're over six feet.
You don't get to round up.
So you're six, two, I'm past point.
So you're six, two, six, two.
So I'm six, three.
So you're six, two.
If you're about six, you round down past a half.
No, you round down when you're over six feet past a half.
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't make any sense.
You round up when you're under six feet.
The Canadian government says I'm six, three.
The Canadian government doesn't even use feet and inches.
Yeah, they use centimetres.
So get f***ed.
But very quickly, it's like 192 or something.
I don't know.
The point is, um, I'm just like, I'm trying to, I'm trying to kind of,
I'm kind of trying to think about, you know, for me.
So I'm five, seven, five, six and a half.
You have quite a few more inches on me than, than musk has.
In height.
Well, probably, but I didn't, I didn't go to the, uh, to the nude bath in Japan.
So we'll never know for sure.
The point is that you've got at least like, oh man, so what's musk five 11.
So you've got like another three inches on me over what musk has on Zuckerberg.
And I'm trying to think when you were full potato, what did you weigh at that point?
I don't even want to say it was a lot though.
Like over 200.
I haven't been under 200 since I was like 17.
Well, okay.
Over 250.
Oh, okay.
All right.
So I'm just trying to think how fast, how much do you think I weigh right now?
I look, I have no context for this.
Always been under six feet.
But just like how much bone weighs, but just like fire out a number.
Uh, right now.
I don't know.
Two 30.
No, I thought, well, you're like not that close.
It's definitely more than that.
I weigh pretty much 250 right now.
Right now.
Oh yeah.
Oh yeah.
Now one thing to consider is I've put on a lot of muscle since then.
And that weighs a lot more, but I was more for sure.
Got it.
So I'm one 70.
So their weight difference is actually a bunch of people are like, what?
And there's no like, this is flat.
Like I'm doing okay.
Their weight difference is actually way smaller because I was thinking about it going like,
even when you were out of shape, like I wouldn't go out of my way to go into an octagon with
Like if I got lucky, I could maybe try to like break something.
Before you kill me.
Rather certain.
I still would have won.
But that, but that is, that is the drasticness of that situation is significantly higher.
Because you, you had what?
Like a hundred pounds on me.
We're talking 30 pounds difference.
Which is a lot when it comes to these types of things.
But the gap in training between these people.
Well, the other thing too is Zuckerberg.
Zuckerberg would know that Musk is going to gas that too.
He's got to carry an extra 30 pounds around with him and he's not trained.
Here's a hot take.
I don't think it would matter.
I think Mark could just take them.
Just go straight in.
I don't think it would matter at all.
Like Nunez style.
Just like.
The training gap here is insane.
The like physical capability gap here is insane.
Like it's not even, it's not even sort of close.
I don't know.
No, we are not speaking in kilos.
We are Canadians.
So we have absolutely no rhyme or reason to the units we use.
There's a flow chart.
There's like every, all the Canadians talk about things in this with the same metrics.
But I don't know.
Here it is.
How to measure things like a Canadian.
What are you measuring?
Speed metric distance.
Is it your height?
Is it your height?
Is it a long distance?
Is it related to work?
Hold on.
This is actually true.
I am actually not kidding.
So far it's temperature.
Is it for cooking?
Is it the pool's temperature?
That's true.
Is it your weight?
Is it very heavy?
Is it for cooking?
Cups and spoons.
That is so amazing.
We are actually **** right up.
We have no idea what's going on.
That's amazing.
It comes from being neighbors.
And one thing that's not included here.
What are you measuring?
Is it like an object?
Because we always use imperial for construction.
Because we both use and export a lot of lumber to America.
So all of our lumber.
Like I was blown away when I heard that you could buy lumber that was a three centimeter
by six centimeter or whatever the hell a two by four is in metric.
And that's what they build with in Europe.
And I got screwed over because whatever they use for drywall in Europe is like a slightly
different thickness than here.
So the cool acoustically isolating screws that I tried to use in my theater room that
were from a European supplier were ever so slightly, I think not long enough or something
and couldn't go through the imperial drywall.
Anyway, the point is our construction is also in imperial.
So I would never use centimeters to describe anything in terms of sawing or cutting or
screwing or hammering anything.
All inches and feet.
All inches and feet.
But then you asked me to think about anything farther than about, oh no, because lots of
other trades use feet too.
So I would never be able to estimate like painting a house.
I did all of that in imperial.
I'm pretty sure even when we ran the cable, it was feet, wasn't it?
Yeah, I think so.
I know cables in both though.
I'll use them interchangeably.
Yeah, me too.
So this is why a lot of the time in our videos, we will give a measurement in metric or we'll
give one in imperial and we will completely forget and it'll be inconsistent.
Well, yeah, there'll be, it'll seem like there's no rhyme or reason to it whatsoever.
And all the way from the writer to the editor, to the person who's like QC-ing the video
all the way to publication, nobody will even think to include a conversion because for
all of us, how many feet in a meter?
I don't know.
I know like mentally about how much it is.
I don't know off the top of my head because everything I do that actually matters for
it, I do it in feet.
Is it exactly?
See, he doesn't know either.
Come off it.
I knew it was three something, but I don't know the exact answer.
So six feet is a little under two meters.
Yeah, but you can't like, eh.
How many cups in a liter?
I don't know because it's the same reason.
What the hell's wrong with you?
Well, I know these things.
Four cups to a liter, four liters to a gallon.
Is it exactly though?
No, it's not exactly though.
It doesn't matter.
It might matter.
It doesn't matter.
It could.
How many pounds to a kilo?
I don't know.
What the hell?
It's 2.2.
But not exactly because it goes beyond the 2.2.
How many kilometers in a mile?
I don't know.
But it's not exactly because it goes beyond the 0.6.
It doesn't matter.
It does if you're giving it to them.
The fans that are going to like things about the lab are going to want exact conversions.
That have to do with anything.
What do you mean?
No, I don't mean for the videos.
I just mean you should know like to function.
I know the rough stuff.
Well, then why don't you?
If you ask my dad, he'll give you the actual exact thing.
Oh my God.
That doesn't matter.
But that's why I just say like, I don't know because if I say it wrong, he'll be like,
no, give me the actual one.
I'm like, oh, I don't care.
I don't know.
You just got to know this stuff.
Like five mils in a teaspoon, 15 mils in a tablespoon.
When you grow up with it, I mean, think about it.
What's the difference between memorizing one asinine method of measuring things and
another smarter, but also, you know, pretty complicated when you're nine and you're
learning it or whatever method of measuring.
Just memorize both of them then.
Who cares?
Fahrenheit though.
Blue furrow said 3.2 feet in a meter, but it's actually 3.28.
So it's more accurately 3.3.
Like you're off.
It's a food three dairy.
What if it does Fahrenheit?
I cannot do though.
And it's funny because for the pool and like for the hot tub, I know it right.
Like over a hundred in the hot tub was hot enough that my aunt wouldn't let me get in.
You know, the points that like mean something.
But if you, and, and I know that, I know that like a hundred degrees of a hundred
Fahrenheit is like fricking hot weather.
Like, like unbearably hot weather.
And so I can kind of go, okay, it's probably like 42 or something, but then because the
units don't like, they get really similarly.
If I remember correctly, Google, the Google weather app could not display 69 degrees
And people thought they were like trying to avoid the funny number, but it actually
turned out that when you convert from Celsius due to like how things round and whatnot,
it never came out to 69 degrees Fahrenheit.
That's funny.
So they had to like change how they, I think it would, they were cutting off too many
decimal points.
So they had to stop cutting off so many decimal points so that they could actually get,
that was Apple.
I don't know.
I just read some article on it.
I thought it was pretty funny.
People are quizzing me now.
How many pounds to a stone?
I don't know stone.
We don't deal with stone at all.
We never do stone.
Is it about 14 pounds to a stone?
Is that right?
Four stone and seven years ago.
What were we talking about?
I think it was the Zuckerberg.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah.
Weight difference.
Cause they're, they're 30 pounds, roughly 30 pounds.
So that's about 12 kilos.
See, I don't need to know exactly.
They're about 12, 13, somewhere in there.
30 pounds, 12 seems accurate enough.
Why don't we talk about Amazon?
20 kilograms is about 45 pounds.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
44 point something.
Amazon allegedly retaliates against critical news coverage.
This was covered on Dexerto.
Oh great.
Hey, there you go.
Amazon shuts down smart home after delivery driver mishears racism from a doorbell.
Wait, what is this?
So Lewis Rossman talked about this a while ago.
I don't think we have a lot of notes about the actual thing that happened, but basically
a doorbell, the person wasn't even home.
The doorbell has a standard greeting and it is not racist.
Are you sure?
The deliver, well, no, actually.
The delivery driver had headphones in or on or whatever and they thought it was racist.
So they reported it and Amazon just like shut down their home devices.
I mean, I'm not saying that you should program your smart home to be racist.
That would be stupid.
To be clear, I don't think they did.
No, I know.
I know.
Like I'm not saying that that would be okay, but yeah.
But for a company to have the ability to shut down your product that you bought because
And it has things to do with like home security and stuff?
Used it in such a way.
That is mind blowing.
According to the customer, he was locked out of all of his smart devices without notice
for a week pending investigation.
And this is after they misheard a generic greeting from his Eufy doorbell.
Oh, good.
Eufy is back.
No one was home at the time of the incident, which Rossman confirmed after being provided
the customer's security footage.
Amazon later acknowledged this incident and said it was looking at ways to prevent a similar
situation from happening again.
So this wasn't even something that took place over an Amazon owned like a ring doorbell.
This is something that just an Amazon driver complained about.
And they basically went, okay, your customer history, all your stuff, I guess by serial
number is shut down.
It's down, it's out, it's gone.
Oh no, I guess it would just be by account.
Yeah, it'd be by account login.
The week after his reporting, Rossman received an email from Amazon saying that his application
to the Amazon associates program did not qualify and that his temporarily approved account
has been rejected.
Which he's had for eight years.
The Amazon email further accused Louis, and I can tell you guys, look, I, I
have not followed Mr. Rossman around day and night for the last eight years, looking over
his shoulder, monitoring his behavior.
But as someone who knows him, I think well enough to say what I'm about to say, I'm going
to say what I'm about to say.
Amazon accused Rossman of using friends, family, and employees to fraudulently purchase products
for the sake of affiliate kickbacks.
That is a f***ing lie.
That is categorically false.
I have never seen anything about Louis and his conduct that would lead me to believe
that that is even remotely a possibility.
And I'll also say, having had our own Amazon affiliate program scare in the past, that
the way that Amazon chooses to enforce the rules and regulations of that program are
scattershot at best.
And I wouldn't put it past them to target a particular creator with some kind of nonsense
made up reason for ejecting them from the program.
I don't know if you guys remember the drama that we went through.
We only narrowly got our account reinstated.
And the reason that we were kicked out allegedly was because we said that using our affiliate
code helped support us.
That apparently violated their policy because it provided something in kind for using our
affiliate program.
What, gratitude?
And they're like, yeah.
And I'm sitting here going, basically every Twitch streamer has a banner under their channel
that's like support me by buying s*** on Amazon using my account.
Oh yeah.
So what's with that?
And it was only after we showed them our substantial daily subscriber growth that they
reconsidered our case.
And honestly, it was hard even getting to that point where we could talk to a real human
being about the appeal.
So yeah, based on my experience, I could see them having a very uneven approach to applying
their seemingly completely opaque set of rules.
How was I supposed to know that?
Based on how everyone else was using it.
And I mean, I wasn't trying to get snitch, right?
But I did have to provide evidence that other creators were doing the same thing.
None of them got their affiliate programs pulled.
Which is good.
Which is good.
But also I should never have gotten mine pulled then.
To be clear, we've had a pretty smooth relationship with Amazon over, I don't know, the last while.
I just see the business team say that they're doing good or something.
That's all I actually know about it these days.
And it's all affiliate based, I think.
Or have they sponsored some stuff?
They might have sponsored a video or two, actually, now that I think about it.
So things have been pretty smooth for us, but it wasn't always like that.
And with the way that they just treat the affiliate program, not as a discount, but
as a marketing exercise, I could absolutely see them being like, this isn't worth it.
Forget it.
Just cut it off.
Provide some BS reason.
It doesn't matter.
Yeah, that's not cool.
Our discussion question.
What's more plausible, that Lewis Rossman has been getting his employees to buy soldering
tools en masse for hundreds of dollars in kickbacks, or that a petty middle manager
at Amazon revoked the affiliate count of an outspoken critic with 1.8 million subscribers?
Yeah, it's kind of rough.
Maybe we can get Bezos into the cage match.
That'd be Rossman.
That'd be pretty good.
No, I don't think Rossman needs to fight Bezos.
He's pretty short.
Oh, wait, no.
I meant the previous one.
Just make it like, you know, they'd fair a lot better if it was like an Elon and Bezos
tag team versus Mark.
You think so?
I don't think so.
Oh, well, yeah.
I don't know if Bezos has actual like fight training though.
Oh, yeah.
Just because you're in shape doesn't mean you can fight.
No, I completely agree.
But I'm saying at least there's two of them.
It increases chances a little bit.
You missed the arcade day.
He was sick.
But they had like one of those punching bags that like measures how hard it hits the thing.
And I was like very close to people who weigh like 20, 30% more than me because it's so
much of it is technique.
So just because you're strong or heavy doesn't actually mean you can hit hard.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I think I'd still take Zuckerberg.
You think you would take Zuckerberg?
Oh, heavens no.
I don't want to fight Mark Zuckerberg.
I was like, whoa.
I mean, give me like, give me a year of like training.
Like I'd have to actually train.
Like I have to dial down work.
I have some martial arts background already.
I wouldn't be coming from ground zero.
I would really want to improve my flexibility and I'd really want to improve my stamina.
And I really need to work on like ground.
I was going to say, as far as my understanding goes, what you might want to work on is just
intensely avoiding going to the ground because it takes a very long time to learn jiu jitsu.
And I think he's been doing it for quite a while.
So basically I just want to get focused on.
And you have no, like, sorry, what is it?
What is the thing that you do again?
I don't say what it is.
That's fine.
Cause it's like kind of random.
It's a combination of like you do some kind of kickboxing stuff, some Taekwondo.
I'd say probably it's most based on Taekwondo, which is one of the most useless.
You know, we do some grappling, some not much.
Very little.
At least you have some though.
Cause a lot of people will come with like no wrestling, no jiu jitsu, and think they're
just going to like bear hug people and win and just get wrecked.
Oh yeah.
That's not how that works.
It's been a long time though.
It's been a very long time since I've done like any kind of grappling stuff.
No, I'm not going to, I'm not going to fight Mark Zuckerberg.
That's just, that's just not worth it.
That's probably good.
Moving on though.
We've got to explain merge messages.
You guys are probably seeing these down here.
The way to interact with the show is not super chats.
It's not Twitch bits.
It's a merge messages.
Oh, and we have some exciting new stuff for you guys to check out.
So in the cart, when you're alive, I never get that right.
I never get that right.
When you're live, you will see a box for merge messages.
So all you got to do is check out with anything.
One of the new items, one of the old items, a gift card.
It doesn't matter.
And you can leave a message for the show.
It will go to producer Dan.
There he is.
And he's gone.
Oh, no, there he is.
And he's gone, gone.
Go on, wave Dan.
Oh, damn it.
Anyway, the point is it'll go to producer Dan and it'll either end up down here.
Hey, look, howdy Dan.
Hi, meet me.
Yeah, indeed.
It'll go down here or it might get curated for us to respond to later.
And the best thing about merge messages is that if we don't get to your message,
hey, at least you get your order in the mail with potentially our new waffle hoodie.
It's just like the waffle long sleeve, but now it's a comfortable hoodie with a kangaroo
pouch and a phone pocket and it's comfy and it's warm and it's nice.
And it looks fantastic actually.
I'm going to have to get one of those.
This one's really nice.
We also have, why is this here?
I saw Tim in the chat.
Are you going to get a bunny hug, Tim?
Are you going to do it?
There's a JerryRigEverything knife.
Am I just supposed to talk about the restock?
I don't know.
There was a restock.
Also, oh, this is fun.
If you don't care what color water bottle you get, you can now get a mystery water bottle
in 21 or 40 ounces.
Let's go.
They're $10 cheaper, I think.
Yeah, they're $10 cheaper.
That's a really good deal.
So help us get rid of our colors that don't sell very well.
And help yourself save $10 on a super high quality insulated water bottle, available
in 21 or 40 ounces.
Other recent product launches.
We've got our stick locks, joystick covers.
We've got our capacitor style insulated water bottles.
Oh, okay.
If you want to get your hands on one of the upcoming Noctua edition.
Hello, Luke bug.
Oh, it's here.
If you want to get your hands on one of the Noctua edition LTT screwdrivers at launch,
and you don't want to wait a long time, you are going to want to sign up.
Sign up for a notification.
So you'll get an email right when it's available.
And hopefully you won't have to wait around through the waves of delivery and whatever
So get on that.
So someone in full plane chat, I do enjoy benefiting financially.
Sorry, it was zero point in full plane chat.
I do enjoy benefiting financially by not caring about stuff.
I just really like that.
Absolutely love it.
Oh, also we have a hiring announcement.
We are still in need of an engineering focused writer.
If you've got a solid grasp on both engineering and English, please apply.
That's at Linus media group.com slash jobs.
I think it is also sometime next week, there will be a posting for a front end developer
going up.
All right.
Two positions.
Since we're doing all the internal news, Dan's going to collect a couple of merge messages
for us to do real quick here.
But first we have an LTX 2023 layout and info dump.
Super exciting.
LTX 2023 brought to you by ASUS ROG and Whaleland powered by Ubiquiti.
The layout is here.
Graphic designers will make it easier to read, but here's what we've got.
Ash Keebs, ASUS, ASUS PC building workshop, HDR versus SDR booths.
You can actually experience it.
Blackpoint cyber, a cybersecurity workshop and sim racers.
Cable mod is doing blindfolded cable management.
That's going to be fun.
Canada learns to code is doing a coding workshop.
Canadian red cross is doing Mario Kart tournaments.
Coursera is doing their an IQ demo gaming setups and giveaways.
There'll be a CPU deleting and GPU repasting booth.
EK water blocks is doing, they're showing off the EK sim racer.
So it's a super cool racing sim thing along with some fluid gaming setups.
Epic games is going to have a water cooling workshop featuring EK water blocks.
Oh, okay.
So they're collaborating and they're going to have PC building simulator two stations.
Oh my goodness.
We are only a quarter of the way through.
I'm not going to be able to read all of these.
Inwin is doing Jubilee case building height is doing a space cadet pinball
tournament of some sort or some kind of space cadet tournament thing.
London drugs will be there.
LTD store is doing, um, screwdriver building.
So you can build your own screwdriver.
Mec dot land is doing typing competitions.
Uh, what else we got, man?
There's so much stuff here.
NZXT is sponsoring the triple lane case toss.
We're going to have three lanes of case tossage this year.
It's going to be freaking awesome.
Seasonic is going to have every version of windows.
So you can just like trial the different windows is in there.
But that's a lot actually.
The idea is that I think one out of every five people in the entire building can be
engaged in an activity at any moment at any time.
That's the goal.
We want to, we want to minimize lines.
We want to maximize engagement.
So everyone who wants to have a booth here has to have an activation.
That's fun.
That's awesome.
Star forge will be there, including a very special PC for Linus to react to.
The hammer has gotta be huge.
Um, VR RC cars, V2 is coming for cars.
First person view racing.
Let's go.
Um, yeah, there's, there's a freaking lot.
And they said there's a layout, but I don't see it.
Maybe it's on the site.
Don't see it.
Okay, cool.
Good chat, everyone.
Dan, you want to hit us with a couple of merge messages?
Sure thing.
I got a couple here for you.
Linus, you mentioned a couple of weeks back, regretting naming the company after yourself.
I had the same regret and wondered what other names you've pondered since.
Cause we still might need some of those.
Yeah, that's a problem with that.
We do have a couple of good ones.
Oh, this could be a way for me to win the debate.
I just leak all the ones that I don't like.
Oh, that is so lame.
That's how we end up with Linus Media Group.
That's not fair.
That is fair because we wanted to change it and you said no.
So that actually is fair.
Well, this isn't exactly how we ended up with Linus Media Group.
Pretty close.
It's pretty close.
I'm sorry, Luke.
I didn't know.
I actually can't remember any of them off the top of my head right now and a quick search of
my inbox did not bring up the one that I want, which I thought might be also in an email chain
with the ones that I don't want.
Unfortunately, I'm not going to be able to do that.
Honestly, I think Austin's company name is really good.
It's Overclock Media.
I'm like, yeah, okay.
It's sort of meaningless to anyone who doesn't know what it is, but it's super geeky and
fun for people who do know what it is.
I think something like that would be way better.
Underclock Media.
I mean, if I was to do it again today, it would be Yvonne Umbrella Corporation.
And Yvonne would hate it.
Oh, yeah.
She hates that I talk about it even.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
She doesn't think it's funny.
Yeah, I do.
I continue to think it's funny.
Dan, hit me with one more.
Thanks for all your work.
Feelings about parasocial perception.
To me, Wan is spicy take dragon firebrand, gentle giant bird boy, and adult in the room.
But I'm sure you're all much more complex.
Well, who's the adult in the room?
I really hope they were not referring to me.
I really hope not either because...
Are you a bird boy?
I thought I was bird boy.
I think I'm the lightest of the three of us.
Screams are the loudest.
We were talking about that.
I'd take care of you.
But I do like sea shanties.
I'd bring you to the vet.
His birds like sea shanties.
They do.
That's a good reference.
Okay, hit me with one more.
Hey Linus and Luke, are there any specific tech innovations or developments on the horizon
that you believe will significantly impact the average consumer in the near future?
Man, it's not so much the things that are on the horizon right now
as the things that we've allowed to creep up on us.
I think that that previous topic we just talked about where we don't own our devices
and the companies that sold them to us can just turn them off at a whim.
Whether it's a hardware product or whether it's a software product like a game.
Oh, I'm sorry, you bought this for the multiplayer experience?
Well, we turned off the servers and I guess you just don't get to play that multiplayer
experience anymore.
Oh, you thought maybe you would share it with your kids?
Nope, they don't get to play it either.
Nobody gets to play it.
Haha, see you later.
By the way, we've got a remastered one that is bundled with the sequel that you can buy
for full price.
Or worse yet, we don't have anything and there's absolutely no way to relive that joy.
You know, that sucks.
We don't want you playing that type of game right now because we need our new type of
monetization to be the only thing that you can access.
Yeah, there's stuff like there's a cyber attacks going on from China right now on US
infrastructure and it's like not actual shutting things down.
It's just getting themselves in the system and then sitting there.
What is this?
Sorry, I'm not familiar with this.
Can you explain it a little better than that?
Reading some articles recently on how there's constantly cyber warfare from all of the
countries to all of the other countries.
This is not like weird and I'm sure America is doing very similar things back.
I'm not trying to be like, oh, China bad.
But what I have heard recently is that there was recently a fairly significant amount of
Chinese cyber attacks towards American infrastructure.
Think like power stations, stuff like that.
Um, and they weren't trying to actively take anything down.
They were just trying to get in the systems so that maybe they could if they wanted to.
And I think there was bad.
And China needs to not do that.
I think that China in very Stuxnet type of ways, if there was a large future, uh, world
scale war that was to happen that involved these big countries very directly, those types
of things would start happening in ways that I don't think anyone's ready for literally
at all.
Like all of the power and all of the internet just being incredibly unstable in all of the
places is something that we're not ready for.
We're very used to stability, all these other types of things.
Um, yeah.
I mean, even a residential internet connection, I think about how often my internet goes down
at home compared to when I was a teenager.
Oh yeah.
It was constantly down.
It was a, it was a, it was a die roll, whether it would connect or not.
The telephone line was the only thing back then that was like reliable.
Um, so things being super stable is something that I think we take for granted.
And what, what could throw that stability off?
I think it's very wide ranging.
Um, so it might not, it might not have to be some form of conflict or something like
that, but all of these different infrastructure things that we have being network connected
for simplicity sake, for ease of use, for, for all of these other variety of reasons.
So if you're, you're saying that if I don't want the land show to get shut down right
now, I shouldn't say Taiwan's a country.
Dude, if the power went out right then, that would make it so sick.
Give them time.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
There's only type so fast.
Yeah, yeah.
Um, yeah, I don't know.
I think that is an interesting thing though, is that so many things are network connected
at this point, right?
People have network connected locks, right?
Like, and, and one of the things is when you have, when you have something like a network
connected door lock to your house, if all you use for a very, very long time is like
your phone or something to get into your house, you might start becoming less concerned about
making sure that you have your backup key on you or whatever else.
So like there's, there's things that just get a little weird when those systems stop
working in the way that they have forever.
I stopped carrying the like baller fancy key for the office for a long time.
Cause I was just like, I will always get in with my, Oh, the power's out.
And then I just like, I didn't have it.
And I had to drive all the way back home, dig it out of whatever stupid.
That's why my key chain weighs like four pounds.
Um, cause I just, I've gone through it.
I'm like, no, no, I actually do need physical keys for physical locks.
But no, I get it.
But it's like, it's that type of stuff.
Yeah, a hundred percent.
Yeah, yeah.
Not to doom and gloom it, but there we go.
I just bought a mystery water bottle, wondering if you would discuss Taiwan.
I mean, we're not exactly discussing it, but really that's on your Wancho bingo?
Not Luke's mom calls?
It's been a while for that one.
I like throw my phone away these days.
So that might be a little bit more difficult.
Luke's phone causes so much interference.
Like actually can't hold it near the mic.
You'll you won't hear anything.
All right.
Why don't we jump into Dell Australia being found guilty of deceptive pricing, not Dell.
How could they do this to us on Australian court has found Dell's Australian subsidiary
guilty of falsely marking computer prices as on sale.
According to documents published by the court, customers buying a pre-built computer online
were given the option of an add-on monitor listed as 60% off.
However, the discounted price was simply the full price of the product.
The monitor had never been listed for the striked out price.
Some customers were even misled into purchasing the monitors at a higher rate
than they would have paid had they purchased the monitor by itself.
The court claims that more than 5,300 add-on monitors were sold with overstated discounts.
Dell has admitted to misleading customers and has been ordered to hire an independent compliance
professional and compensate any customers who bought the falsely labeled products.
The court is currently taking a commentary on what further penalties to levy against the company.
Here's the thing.
First of all, I want to say shout out Australia for actually enforcing this stuff.
Yeah, that's awesome.
Because Canada, for example, has laws that prevent you from just perpetually having something on sale.
And fun story, do you know why NCIX had a weekly sale?
So you could effectively do that?
So the sale would end Tuesday night.
Rotate some of the items, but not all of them.
The sale would end Tuesday night.
Then Wednesday day, we'd sell basically nothing because everything was at rando stupid prices
because they were just set by the system at some safe, we definitely won't lose money level.
And then Wednesday night at 6 p.m., ideally, sometimes it was late,
we would launch the sale, send out the email newsletter.
I remember these.
And then rinse and repeat and rinse and repeat.
And you basically only buy the bundles and stuff.
And you only buy the things that are in the weekly sale
because everything else is not priced properly.
Oh, by the way, because people only buy what's in the sale,
you just put everything that people want in the sale.
Man, it got to the point where there were 800 items in the weekly sale, something stupid like that.
You couldn't actually scroll through it.
You'd have everything.
You'd have packs of 25 blank CDs in the sale because we needed to move them
and having them at regular price wasn't effective because the site was unnavigable.
So yeah, that was why.
It was in case anyone ever got mad at us.
But as far as I can tell, nobody ever gets mad at anybody for it.
Man, the number of furniture stores in Surrey
that literally have faded going out of business banners hanging on them.
From like six years ago sometimes.
Yeah, from just sitting in the sun for literally the better part of a decade.
I don't know, man.
Anyway, that's cool.
Shout out Australia for actually doing anything about this because it's stupid.
Everything must go car dealerships.
Everything must go eventually and then we'll get...
We'll restock it.
We'll take your trade in.
Take your trade in and then that must go.
I like it.
None of this surprises me from Dell and I'm happy to see someone actually paying the price.
I love that they have to compensate the customers directly.
They don't say how much and they are seeking further information though.
So how do you think they should do it?
Do you have any opinions on that?
I've been trying to figure that out.
Because they say compensate them but they don't say compensate them by how much.
Well, I would assume that they just need to...
I would assume they just need to pay back the extra.
But then again...
So the difference...
No, because they bought it at normal price.
They just thought they were getting...
Okay, I have no idea how they would handle that.
This would wreck them looking at the prices that I see on the screen,
but it would be really great if they had to pay them the difference.
Yeah, that'd be a lot of money.
That'd be like $5 million.
Because it's $1,000 Delta Luke and there's 5,000 add-on monitors
that were sold with overstated discounts.
Get owned.
Don't do it again.
I mean, I think that probably doesn't make a ton of sense,
given that it's not like these people bought it at the inflated price.
They bought it at regular price.
Yeah, how do you build the compensation package?
I have no idea.
I don't know the answer, but I know that I'm happy they're doing something
and that Dell's getting...
And I'm happy that the compensation is going to the individuals personally
rather than just being a fine that goes to the government, the lawyers,
like, yeah.
Oh, you get $2.
Yeah, but I'm the one who got screwed.
Where's my check?
Oh, $3 for my class act.
Oh, thank you.
Thank you.
How much did the lawyers get?
Oh, millions.
Oh, cool.
This is perfect.
The system works.
Yeah, I don't know.
I just hope it's not nothing because like...
I want Dell to feel it.
Feel it, yeah.
Whatever amount that is sounds good.
I hope they figure it out.
All right.
What do you want to talk about next, Luke?
People were saying that the Intel Arc A770 was discontinued.
That is not true.
Intel has officially discontinued their Arc A770 limited edition graphics cards,
meaning like the ones that they're making and stuff,
but board partner cards are still available.
This is super normal.
And people should stop freaking out.
Basically, I just don't think Intel is interested in the low margin business
of being an AIB in the longer term.
It was pretty obvious from the name limited edition
that they intended to eventually EOL this particular 16 gig version of the A770.
People are just so obsessed with trying to call the skies falling on Intel Arc,
but it's not, so...
Honestly, I'm surprised it lasted this long.
That's either an indication that it took a little bit longer for them to build up AIB,
like add in board partner relationships, or that they...
Had a lot.
Or that they were selling really slow compared to how many of them they had.
I'm not sure which way this went, but it probably wasn't.
Intel was selling too many A770LEs and just...
It's too profitable.
We can't shut it down.
Probably not the problem.
Probably not so much.
What are we supposed to do?
Oh, we should do sponsors.
Oh man.
Oh man.
Oh, whoa, whoa.
There's so many topics.
Let's get through them quick.
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No, I didn't.
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I did not.
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All right.
Wait, we have to do merge messages now, but there's so many topics, Dan.
There is.
When we didn't respond to the doc, they just prepped all of the topics.
I see.
That's kind of on us.
Yes, that's on you.
I replied once.
I had the day off yesterday.
Get owned.
Well, I did my best.
That's all we can ask for.
All right, hit me with a merge message.
Sure thing.
Linus, when you got the pie in the face during your last live stream,
did you feel like Mrs. Doubtfire for a moment?
Yes, Mrs. Doubtfire, but with more crust and not just the cream.
There was a lot of chunkies.
I smelled a lot like pie.
My whole face smelled like pie, all the beard and everything.
When was this?
We did a guess the price wrong and get punished stream.
Oh, right.
A lot of you probably haven't seen it.
It seems like there's been some differences in the rate at which YouTube serves out live
stream VODs.
So they used to get a bit of a harder push right out of the gate and then the slow burn.
And now it seems like they don't really get much of a push out of the gate and they're
just a slow burn.
So over the next six months, you'll probably see it recommended to you and YouTube.
And then I guess click it then or whatever.
But yeah, it doesn't have a lot of views yet, but it's been, it was quite well received.
And a lot of people have said it's like one of our best streams ever.
Basically I had to build a computer, but the catch is that I have to guess the price of
every component.
And if I'm off by more than 10%, I get a, I spin a punishment wheel.
And if I'm off by more than 20%, I spin a worse punishment wheel.
And if I'm off by more than 30%, I spin a really bad punishment wheel.
Let's just put it this way.
I spun the 30% a lot of times.
I was actually going to say, I'm assuming you did pretty good.
Well, they went out of their way to pick stuff that was really hard to guess.
There's one that I flubbed.
I just, I moved price tiers on myself.
I went, okay, Core i7 is like 400 and change Core i5 is like 260 to 280.
But that was back when Core i7 was the top of the range.
So it was a, I forget what, it was a Core i7.
And I went step down Core i5.
Or wait, was it a Core i5?
I can't remember.
It was something.
The point was, it wasn't what I thought it was.
And I forgot that we have a Core i9 tier.
I just completely spaced because I was hosting a stream and trying to guess a thing.
And it had been a long day, week, month, 10 years.
And I just completely spaced on it.
And that was supposed to be the easy one.
So I was off by more than 30% right out of the gate.
I got a dollop of hot sauce to bomb.
So I was feeling that yesterday.
I heard it was hot sauce.
I didn't realize it was like hot, hot sauce.
I always assumed it was going to be something.
The lower tiers.
I could chart Tabasco.
Anyway, so yeah.
A dollop of, most people do like one drop.
Oh, it was a lot more than a drop.
Yeah, it was, it was, it was something.
Um, so then right out of the gate, I did terrible.
And then most of the items they picked were designed to be difficult to guess.
So for the motherboard, for example, it was like a Sonic the Hedgehog themed board from
How much would that cost?
I have no idea.
No idea.
That's about what I said.
It was 250.
That's a lot cheaper than I expected.
Well, the thing is it could go any direction.
Of course.
It could be a ton because it's super limited edition.
And it like lights up with a crazy.
Produced only a few of them and they're super in demand.
It makes a coin.
Or it could be basically nothing because they produced a few of them and nobody bought them
and they just are trying to get rid of it.
Like, I don't know.
I don't know how much demand there is for a Sonic the Hedgehog motherboard.
Yeah, that's ridiculous.
So there was a lot of stuff like that.
Baby troll in you.
Linus didn't chew the hot sauce.
You need to, or it burns your stomach.
What on earth are you talking about?
Also, the number of people that were like Linus, don't drink water.
It makes it worse.
I don't know.
Maybe for you, water definitely helps for me.
It's just like.
Oh, uh, we had an acoustic panel just fall off the ceiling.
Just about hit Dan.
So that's funny.
I mean, it's not as funny as if it did hit him.
I wish I had, that would have been great.
Oh my goodness.
They're not heavy.
Don't worry.
What was I saying?
Hot sauce, water.
You find it helps.
I find it helps.
Even if even just like the cooling, like the soothing people are like, but it spreads
the capsaicin like that.
That doesn't bother me.
Spreading it out is more better.
And like, yes, yes.
Milk works better.
Where the **** am I going to get milk?
I'm at work.
I'm not at home.
Just like the number of people like Linus doesn't even know.
Yes, I know.
I'm at work.
Ah, yes.
My mouth is burning.
Let me drive to the grocery store.
Just the kind of like pompous, like, yeah.
Go back to Reddit.
Oh, wait.
Got them.
They're spilling out.
No milk at the office.
Why would there be milk at the office?
Like creamers maybe, but milk?
That'd be a little weird.
Get milk for work.
Like, what are you guys even talking about?
Milk is good.
So what?
So buy it at home and drink it there.
No, we're not providing milk.
What do I look like to you?
A cow?
That was so much worse.
Oh, man, you guys are killing me.
What are we supposed to be doing right now?
I have to read you another merch message.
I will try to reach you.
Linus milks himself on my bingo card.
I just...
Why do I want a cup of coffee now?
Okay, let's uh...
Oh my god.
All right.
I listened to the...
I really didn't see that coming.
Who got a bingo?
Post in chat.
I listen to the Wham Show every week despite not being subbed to any LMG channels.
Have you noticed any similar trends of people regularly consuming LMG content
without being in the larger ecosystem?
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, the proportion of subscribed versus not subscribed viewers has gone down over the years,
and like for...
Okay, here's another sort of supporting piece of evidence.
Over probably about the last six months?
I don't know.
I'd have to double check to be sure, but over an extended period of time,
we've seen an uptick in channel views without the traditional corresponding uptick in subscribers.
I think a lot of people just don't care anymore.
They know it like barely does anything and they just don't even bother to interact with it.
Yeah, the numbers just don't really seem to have much to do with the kinds of ratios
that they used to have like that.
I don't know.
I can't really find a pattern to it.
We don't actively call out subscriptions as much anymore,
but then when we stopped doing that, it made effectively zero difference whatsoever.
Because the noise there is pretty intense too.
You get call-outs for subscriptions in every single video.
So you just start ignoring it.
It reminds you of the like, oh yeah, I should click on something else now.
Some channels see a big uptick in subscribers from shorts.
We've had some shorts go pretty successful-ish.
Absolutely nothing.
Like no impact.
I don't know.
I just don't know what to tell you guys other than that clearly you don't care about subscribers
or like being subscribed to channels and you're depending more and more on YouTube recommendations,
YouTube for you and all that kind of stuff.
And that's a double-edged sword, right?
Like on the one hand, it's allowed us to reach a much larger audience
than we otherwise would have been able to.
I mean, even when subscriptions were more important, they still weren't that effective.
People just get fatigued, right?
They don't want that many notifications.
If you're subscribed to more than like half a dozen, maybe a dozen YouTube channels,
you're gonna be like, screw this, like forget it.
It's too much, right?
So you can't get a notification anytime a channel that you follow does anything.
And so it allows you to reach these people who are either not subscribed or are subscription
fatigued, right?
But then the flip side of it is that if you are not performing in a way that is favored
by the way that YouTube serves content to the audience, that's my way of saying the
algorithm because YouTube will say it's the audience and I will say, right.
But can you explain to me why a live stream VOD follows a very different curve from a
regular video upload?
Surely that could not purely be audience preference, right?
So there's definitely an algorithmic component to it.
But what I'm trying to say is if you no longer appeal to the way that YouTube recommends
content to the audience, then you're not gonna perform.
We are on our way into a very deep trough.
And honestly, a big part of it feels like kind of a hangover.
I've started to notice this.
For many years, our growth was slow and steady.
We just built the back catalog, built evergreen content that would, I don't know, maybe it's
only 200 views a day.
Maybe it's only 100 views a day, but more than zero views a day just built up and built
up and built up.
So our daily viewership went grow, grow, grow, grow, grow.
And then it's gotten more turbulent.
It's down, it's up, it's down, it's up, it's down, it's up, it's down, it's up.
And I think part of that is just being kind of saturated.
Like I can't talk to a tech savvy person who has never heard of any of our channels.
They exist, but it's pretty unusual these days.
So I think part of it is like a saturation and part of it is just like a natural interest
We'll go through a period where the channel is everywhere, and it's probably all over
your recommended, and you're probably watching a ton of the videos.
And then, I don't know, it's like I love zero punctuation.
When's the last time I watched one?
I leave it alone for a bit, and then I'll go back and binge it.
Or I'm that way with TV shows and stuff as well.
I just kind of fall off, and then I'll go back to it, or sometimes I won't.
That's just sort of like the natural cyclone.
So right now, we dipped today to a level that I don't think we've seen in like a couple
of years, but then we're coming off of some highs that we hadn't seen in a couple of
And I think it's just, yeah, it's a natural thing.
I think part of it is that yesterday's video sucked.
Just that did, wow, did that ever not perform?
But part of it is also just that interest waxing and waning, because we've uploaded
some really good content in the last little bit that hasn't performed well either, and
I think is just going to be a slower burn as it gets served to people.
The only You Can Fix GPU Pricing Here's How video is really good.
The feedback on this is amazing.
People love it.
They're like, this is like mini Scrapyard Wars.
This is awesome.
98.5% dislike ratio.
People clipped you yelling at yourself.
That happens pretty early on.
I had at least like, I don't know, eight plus people send that to me.
Yeah, like that was extremely, like that was one of the worst performing videos out of
the last couple of weeks, which is, yeah, like remarkable to me.
The Framework Factory Tour is awesome.
That'll do well in the long term, but it was a below average performer.
So there's just no, yeah, yeah, it's tough.
Then we had the Apple event, which was, honestly speaking, a video we threw together.
I wasn't even in office that day.
I had to review the script in like 20 minutes, and it's got like 3 million views.
It's a top performer.
So I do have to wonder if there's a little bit of like, that video was everywhere.
And then people are just like, ah, you know, oh, we are that guy again.
Okay, I'll catch up later.
I don't know.
It's always like that, right?
So we'll see.
See how it goes.
Got some pretty good ideas for some stuff coming up and we'll, we'll, we'll get back
to it, but it's a, it's a wild, it's a wild ocean that we are, that we're swimming in.
I forget what the point of all of this was.
Where did we start?
Genuinely don't know.
A merch message?
Oh yeah.
Do people watch channels they don't subscribe to?
Right, right, right, right, right.
That's a funny thing too.
I see that often is there'll be like a wave of comments.
People will be tweeting at me or commenting or whatever.
Like, man, I didn't get this video in my subscription feed.
I, I feel like I haven't been getting your videos lately and then they'll come seeking
us out again.
And then the channel momentum will swing up and I'm like, okay, well I didn't do anything
Yeah, I'll find that sometimes.
Like, I feel like I click on a creator every time I ever see one of their videos or really
enjoy their stuff.
And then I'll, I'll go like, wait, I haven't seen a video from this group in a while or
Let me go look what they're doing.
It's like, oh, they've been doing twice a week uploads for the last six months and I
just haven't noticed.
So you go and you binge a few and then it's nothing but that in your recommending.
And it's like, well, okay, hold on.
This is a bit much.
And then it keeps going.
Hit me with one more, Dan, and then we'll get onto some more topics.
That sounds great.
Let's see.
Hey, LLD.
Thanks for another awesome show.
After seeing the Wehead video, I'm curious, where do you see communications technology
in 10 to 20 years?
What do you think will be the next big leap?
I mean, I think that this 10 to 20 years is a lot, but in the next five years we are almost
certainly headed to some form of metaverse style communication.
I mean, you look at the way that Apple's moving FaceTime onto the TV.
You look at the way that a meta and Apple are trying to get us interacting with a, with
a headset, something that sits right in front of our eyes.
If it's not augmented reality, which is a funny thing, you know, as Apple refuses to
use the term AR grow up, it is going to be their own thing.
Spatial computing stop enough.
Any who, what I can't, I can't tell you what it'll be for sure.
But what I can tell you is it won't be the Wehead.
Have you seen this thing, Luke?
I have not watched this video, but I've had a bunch of people message me about it.
I saw someone, uh, they sent me a photo of me on this thing in this seat.
They like photo edited it and they're like, this is how you have to like telecommute
into one show moving forward.
And I was like, what the heck are you talking about?
What the heck?
It looks so weird.
It's like someone like wanted to go into the uncanny valley and just make something
that's uncomfortable to look at like intentionally.
Hold on.
We've got me on it later.
Um, where is it?
Oh my goodness.
No, we've got Jake Belavance.
Yeah, this is amazing.
Like it just, it looks so bad.
He can nod.
Like what the heck?
Oh my goodness.
I feel like it wants to eat me.
Like I empowered by human meat.
Um, any who.
Yeah, it's not the Wehead.
I think it's going to, it's, it's gotta be displays bolted to your face and whether
that gets broadly accepted or not that I don't know, but it's the direction everyone's
kind of trying to go right now.
I want to go in the direction of another topic.
What do you want to talk about?
I'm responding to a merge message, but I will pause that and jump over.
Um, we kind of talked about DPR review living on last week.
Did we?
Uh, you mentioned it.
I don't think we really talked about it, but you mentioned it.
No, I don't think I did.
Did you just mention it to me off the way?
No, I said, I know.
I said it was like gone.
I didn't know this.
Oh, what?
How did I know this then?
I don't know, but this is amazing.
DP review.
The digital photography review website was supposed to cease publishing in April as part
of mass layoffs at Amazon.
However, the site continued publishing over the intervening months, and apparently it's
been a bought by gear patrol and independent tech review site.
They officially acquired them as of this week.
DP reviews editor in chief released a statement saying that the site will continue to operate
as it did before with all editorial coverage and site features remaining the same and all
historical content accessible.
This is amazing for photography nerds and gearheads and well, those are synonyms, whatever.
The point is DP reviews current staff will keep working, though it does not appear that
employees that left due to the announced closure have been invited to resume their positions.
Former site editor Gannon Burgett responded to the news by saying he was happy for his
former colleagues and for the preservation of the site, me too, but was also critical
of Amazon's handling of the situation.
You should figure this sort of stuff out before shutting down an entire division of the company,
not in hindsight after weeks of backlash and leaving freelancers to scramble for new gigs.
Agree 100%.
This was just meant to be a small update, but I'm super happy to see this.
People are saying, I thought you were going to buy them.
No, I have to confess, I just saw the way that Amazon unceremoniously announced that
it would be shut down and I assumed they weren't interested in an acquisition and I didn't
even reach out.
It's something I could have potentially been interested in, but the opportunity never
presented itself because I didn't think to pursue it.
I just was like, no, well, it's dead.
That sucks.
Meanwhile, the FTC sues Amazon for tricking customers into prime subscriptions.
Can you get tricked into a prime subscription?
Um, sort of actually.
I will defend that a little bit.
We're going to talk about dark patterns, are we?
All right.
Luke's going to talk about dark patterns.
So dark patterns.
I'm going to get a snack.
He wants to get it himself, Dan.
Oh, okay.
So a dark pattern is a confusing or misleading user experience that leads you to do a thing
that the company wants you to do and not a thing that you want to do.
Prime subscriptions are, oh wow, we're doing this.
Hey, how's it going?
This feels a lot more intimate for some reason.
Prime subscriptions are known for this because of how persistent they are in trying to get
you to sign up for it and by offering free sign up at the beginning.
But the worst part in my opinion is that it is ridiculously hard to cancel.
Um, and that I don't know why this is a thing, but I know a surprising amount of
old people, uh, who end up with multiple of them, right?
Like a lot of people.
I don't know why, but it's been a thing.
I have, I genuinely no idea why that one.
I genuinely don't understand.
I will say this.
I know a surprising number of, they call it dark patterns.
Yeah, that's what Linus said.
Older relatives that, um, have more than one email address because they use their ISP
provided one, which I would say is a dark pattern in and of itself, sort of, um, in
that it's a way to lock you into using this particular ISP forever.
And it has no benefit whatsoever as far as I can tell.
Um, anyway, so they will often have an ISP email address because I don't know, they
think they're supposed to use it or something.
And then they will also have a not stupid one.
Um, whether it's like an outlook or Gmail or like pro proton mail, I don't know.
It doesn't matter the point.
I don't know any older people with a proton mail account, but the point is, um,
they'll often have more than one.
So maybe that's part of how they end up with multiple prime accounts is they just
like have these random email accounts, emails.
I know some of them too.
Um, and this is more of a thing for Canadians cause like 80% of us live within,
what is it?
50 kilometers of the border or something like that.
Um, but a fair amount of it is the confusing way that Amazon deals with different
countries cause you can like have the same login, but also not creating multiple
accounts and you can have a prime for both countries, but it's not necessary.
And like other, I don't think it is.
I don't know.
I don't actually use Amazon.
Well, you're prime for, it's definitely not necessary if you are an American
because everything that's on the Canadian one is going to be on the American one.
So you should just use the American one.
I just don't think there's a benefit to prime if you are Canadian anyway,
because they're not going to ship for free to Canada.
So from the American one.
I don't know.
But like I, I, I don't know.
I don't get it.
I don't use Amazon, but I do know a lot of people that end up getting really screwed
over and have a bunch of prime accounts and can't forget how to cancel them.
People in chatter pitching in.
I live in the EU and I have an EU account, but I accidentally have a US account for
audible and prime.
I had a hard time remembering which email I had signed up for Kindle unlimited,
which good service.
I like it, but I, it took me like four times logging in to figure out which one.
And if I, if I didn't remember that, I definitely freaking had one that I could
have, I could have accidentally signed up for another one.
I could see that.
I mean, that's how we're going to achieve limitless growth with capitalism.
Instead of, instead of having every customer once, we'll have every customer twice.
This is the way.
That's amazing.
Um, anyway, did we actually talk about the, the FTC thing yet?
Okay, cool.
Wait, what FTC thing?
They sued Amazon on Wednesday for making it easy to accidentally subscribe to their
prime service with a labyrinthian process to cancel the lawsuit.
Actually what?
The lawsuit alleges that Amazon knowingly tricked millions of Americans into
signing up for their prime subscription using manipulative, coercive, or
deceptive user interface designs.
So these are dark patterns.
Did you not know this was in the doc?
I left you here to do this topic and then there were no snacks.
So now I'm doubly angry.
Wait, there are snacks there in the kitchen.
There are snacks in the kitchen.
Oh, all right.
The FTC said Amazon prompted customers to subscribe to prime repeatedly and
made it harder to find the button to proceed without subscription during
That's how people could end up with a bunch of these.
Cause if they just happened to be browsing the site and they just happened
to enter a different email this time.
Oh, I don't have it.
Oh, likewise.
Amazon purposefully made Prime's cancellation page difficult to find.
The cancellation process would then bombard customers with offers that are
intended to change their mind over the course of several unnecessary
cancellation steps.
According to the lawsuit, this lengthy cancellation process was known
internally as the Iliad after the 15 hour epic poem that recounts the events
of the Trojan war.
According to the commission, the primary purpose of the prime cancellation
process was not to enable subscribers to cancel, but rather to thwart them.
Amazon has said these claims are false on the facts and the law and that by
design, we make it clear and simple for customers to both sign up for and
cancel the primary.
It is better now.
It was really bad for a bit.
I remember this.
I remember when I had to cancel my, my grandfather's after he passed away.
I remember being legitimately like needing to actually focus.
Cause I was like, it's really, really trying to get me to press the wrong
button here.
And I had to press the right button many times and they would switch what
side it was on and they would change which one was highlighted and they
would do all these little things.
So you have to like really make sure and they would change.
It would be like, no.
I do want to cancel.
Or it would be like, or they would, they would switch which one said no and
And like, it was very, very confusing.
Okay, well maybe I remember wrong.
This was a while ago.
This was a while ago.
Well, it wasn't that long ago.
I was thinking a while ago.
So I haven't tried that recently now that I think about it.
I just, I thought I had to cancel one a little while ago and it wasn't that
I don't know guys.
It's like if you're, if you're someone who's expecting these things, it's
You can get through it.
But the main thing that was standing out to me was like, no wonder my grandpa
couldn't cancel this.
There's like, there's no way.
It would have been such a mess.
Yeah, I don't know.
If you have to call someone about tech support problems, they're like not
going to be able to cancel.
This might be a hard conversation, but your grandpa was pretty with it.
He was.
Like when I met him, which wasn't that long ago.
Like why is it-
And he was actually decently like technical and stuff.
But it was a crazy loop of long forms.
Is this like a cultural thing almost?
Like when he was young, was it just simple to cancel a service?
And so he's just like, not used to this gauntlet, you know?
You would have had to like call the, the, the listicle company.
The listicle company?
They didn't have computers.
Did you just say listicle?
You mean the switchboard?
No, because they made like, uh, listicle newsletters and also
zines and also magazines.
You mean zines, magazines, zines?
What the hell is a zine?
Zines are a thing.
What is a zine?
A zine.
Do you guys know what he's talking about?
Is he intentionally using Gen Z slang?
No, I'm not.
I'm intentionally using really old school stuff.
A zine is a, uh, most commonly...
This is a weird way of saying this.
A zine is a most commonly...
I'm adding the word a because I'm really dyslexic.
A zine is most commonly a small circulation publication of original or appropriated text
and images.
More broadly, the term encompasses any self-published unique work of minority interest usually reproduced
via photocopier.
I'm pretty sure it's zine.
I think it's zine.
Like short for magazine, like a short, small magazine.
You are correct.
I don't...
Good to know.
I have 100% heard it called zine.
Maybe they were also wrong.
Maybe they couldn't figure out how to cancel an Amazon subscription.
Oh no, Luke.
Anywho, here's what I want to know.
Where does the line fall?
And I'm not saying what Amazon's doing is okay.
It's like definitely not okay.
If I want to unsubscribe from a mailing list, if I want to cancel a subscription, it should
be one button at most two.
And are you sure is fine?
Anything more than that.
But where is the line?
Like, should a cable company be allowed to even have a retention department?
You know, like, is it okay to give me an offer?
Is the offer okay?
Hey, uh, keep it and we'll give you the next two months for free.
Like, is that okay?
And like how far...
What is okay?
Because like open negotiation is no longer allowed.
How many times should I be allowed to say...
How many times should I have to say, no, I'm not interested.
I want to cancel?
Is, is, is once enough and they shouldn't be allowed to say or do anything twice?
I mean, twice is probably fine.
You know, uh, are you sure?
What if I offer you this?
Well, now it's three times.
Is that too many?
What's the line, you guys?
Cause I think this is almost a uniquely like internet problem.
Because if you called in...
I mean, try to, try to get out of a car salesman's office once they've like pulled you into the
I think this is absolutely...
Oh, I've just literally just got up and left.
Yeah, but you're rude.
But what I'm saying is like, if you don't want to buy that car, you can actually just
physically remove yourself.
You can, but they're trying to keep you from doing it.
For sure.
If you call into something and you say, I want to cancel, this is my details.
I want to cancel.
And they're like, oh, I'm going to counter offer you.
You should be able to say, no, I don't care.
I want to cancel.
And it should be done.
But I mean, it likely won't be, I guess.
And I guess the difference is that in the car scenario, you're the one, they need something
from you, not the other way around.
With the cancellation, I need something from them.
So I can't simply disengage from this interaction.
I have to see it through.
So what would be a more fair...
I like the idea of having a third button.
I don't know if this is enforceable or not, but having a third button, that's just like,
I genuinely do not care.
You could offer me the moon, cancel it.
Moon cancel.
No, I'm pretty sure I'm still not interested or like, definitely no.
Moon cancel.
Cancel to the moon.
Oh man.
Just don't get as canceled as under the sea might get you.
Moon's okay.
Dan's trying to move us on.
That's probably for the best.
AMD appears to restrict DLSS support in sponsored AAA titles.
This is a weird one.
I don't think it's confirmed right now.
It's more just scuttlebutt.
But since the release of both Nvidia's DLSS and AMD's FSR, a pattern seems to have emerged.
First, that DLSS has been adopted at a far faster pace in part due to the friendlier
tools and ease of use.
And second, that AAA titles sponsored by AMD are far less likely to get DLSS support than
the other way around.
AMD gave a broad statement pointing out that there are some games with DLSS support, but
no FSR support and saying that they are committed to doing what is best for game developers
and gamers, and that they give developers the flexibility to implement FSR into whatever
games they choose.
But Nvidia was quite a bit more specific saying Nvidia does not and will not block, restrict,
discourage, or hinder developers from implementing competitor technologies in any way.
We provide support and tools for all game developers to easily integrate DLSS if they
choose and even created Nvidia Streamline to make it easier for game developers to add
competitive technologies to their games.
And that's all a lot of corporate bull speak, but the games list kind of speaks for itself.
It really does, actually.
So we've got bundle partner Nvidia.
We've got almost across the board.
There are some that are AMD that has both.
Yeah, and there's one from Nvidia that does not support FSR.
But the vast majority of the AMD bundle partner games do not support DLSS in spite of some
of them being like Unreal Engine games that probably could support it pretty easily.
How does World of Warcraft not support either of these things?
Why is it even on here if it doesn't support?
Oh, because it's AMD build partnered.
Um, I don't know what to say about this.
Other than, hmm, I don't like it.
We should have, we should have the option to choose what upscaling technology we want
to use.
Um, is there some pattern in like...
The Reddit thing is continuing in other news.
A bunch of subreddits set themselves to Not Safe for Work friendly and loosened their
Not Safe for Work guidelines around sexual content.
This was to supposedly like reduce Reddit's ability to target ads at the users in these
subreddits and monetize those users.
And an apparent crackdown, a number of monitors from subreddits that recently set to Not Safe
for Work were removed and locked out of their accounts.
Several forums with over a million members are now completely unmoderated.
Reddit has refused to comment beyond saying that it is not acceptable for moderators to
falsely label content as NSFW or encourage NSFW content in previously safe for work spaces.
This next point is my favorite one.
Meanwhile, other subreddits such as r slash political humor have voted to make all members
moderators in response to Reddit CEO Steve Huffman calling moderators landed gentry that
ignore the desires of rank and file users.
Oh, that's amazing.
And when everyone's a monitor, uh, monitor.
And when everyone's a moderator, no one will be.
No, it's pronounced zine Linus.
Um, yeah, I don't know.
The last topic we absolutely must do before we get into WAN Show After Dark.
Eve Online.
Uh, yes.
Now has native support for Microsoft Excel.
Tell me about how, tell me how this makes you feel.
It's actually awesome.
You don't even have to pay for it.
It's a free plugin for the game.
So sweet.
Even like, yeah, it's just great.
I don't know if you don't know anything about Eve, it might not make a lot of sense.
You can absolutely play Eve without ever touching a spreadsheet.
Uh, but many people that do play Eve do a lot of things in the game,
especially if you're an economy player, which is a lot of the people that play Eve,
that are, I mean, you're going to do better if you use your spreadsheets.
So, so players will be able to create custom reports, graphs, and charts to organize and
derive insights from their in-game data.
Eve Online players were reportedly thrilled when the partnership was announced as many
of them were already using Excel to manage in-game information.
Discussion question is an Eve Online subscription now a valid work expense?
Hey, why not?
No, Jessica.
It's not.
Eve has often been called a spreadsheet simulator.
So now do we just call it a spreadsheet?
And now do we call this WAN Show After Dark?
I think so.
I think we do.
I think we have to because we're running out of time.
Best-selling item today.
Mystery 40 ounce water bottle.
I'm into it.
Oh, Dan's on it.
I'm going top to bottom.
Oh, wow.
There's still a lot of merch messages, Dan.
Why are your fingers not on Firemore from Typing Faster?
Let's see.
Where are we?
Hi, DLL.
It's is it more beneficial to be a Jack of all trades in the world of tech or a master
of one?
Thanks, guys.
I love everything you do.
Man, both of them.
Both are good.
I mean, why not both?
Well, no, no, seriously though, like being a special.
We talked about this a while back.
Man, it was like super, super old.
Someone asked, they were only familiar with like this, like really old programming language
or something.
Something like that.
And they were like, Hey, what can I do to modernize my credentials?
And I think Luke gave really good advice there because being a specialist in a niche is absolutely
In fact, it's going to be like a bathtub shaped curve here, right?
So the more generalized you are, the more valuable you become because all of a sudden
you have insight and you have context.
Some new technology comes out and you can automatically be on it.
To pull together.
Well, I'm thinking from like a management standpoint, even though like to pull together
disparate teams and turn all the things that they're working on into a single cohesive
product, like that is super valuable.
That's how you succeed in business.
But then over on the, and then you've got people that are like pretty good at a few
things and it's like, okay, right.
But your experience is too narrow and you're not really a subject matter expert.
And then you've got people who are like super uber specialists at like animal recognition,
machine vision stuff or something.
I don't know.
I'm picking something completely out of thin air here because my point is just that to
the right customer, if you are the freaking best at that, basically you write your own
check, right?
Like you just, you just tell them how much it costs and if they want the best implementation,
well then they have to hire you.
And that, that's all, that's kind of all there is to it.
I would say, I would say both are good.
But pick one, don't land in the middle if you can avoid it.
Like I specifically mentioned COBOL.
I don't know if this is the one that the person was skilled in.
But I just Googled it because I was wondering.
And there's a statement here that it's difficult to make it through a day without using a system
that depends on COBOL.
And you're like, what?
Most people have never even heard of this.
It's like, yeah, a lot of banks run on systems developed using COBOL.
Rainmaker in Twitch chat says, if you're a COBOL master, apply at places like Micron.
They still use it and you make silly money.
You make ridiculous money because no one coming out of school is like, oh, I'm going to go
learn COBOL.
So the amount of people that are still in the workforce that know it is only going down.
So like, yeah, whatever.
And there's always going to be legacy stuff.
Like until I don't even know if they've updated it.
Isn't the nuclear football like using technology from like 1960 or something?
I remember hearing something about that.
Maybe it's been updated now, but you'd be amazed at what kind of tech they're running
in like a nuclear silo.
For example, I was talking to the floppy disks and stuff.
The folks at a data recovery company that we worked with a while back were saying like,
you would be surprised the kinds of hard drives that we're expected to not just recover data
from sometimes, but also maintain a working stock of replacements for because of the kind
of organizations and the kind of money they have to keep this ancient machinery running.
You'd be amazed.
I don't know how old this article is.
Oh, 2019.
It was revealed in the event that if the US president ordered the launch of a nuclear
warhead, the command would rely on an eight inch floppy disk or a series of them at least.
Good gravy.
Those are the old school ones and we're talking floppy disks.
I told my wife this is eight inches, but it's actually more like this.
That's a lot.
So like, yeah, I don't know.
Not saying that modernizing is a bad thing either.
I'm just saying you don't have to.
You can try to find a niche where you're at.
And no, I am not necessarily recommending that you person in university right now learning
programming languages should just drop everything and learn COBOL.
That is not the point.
It's not the point.
Another one?
What are some more obscure innovations that might have succeeded if they had been open
or standardized or regulated instead of proprietary daisy chainable RGB fans, RGB and backside
mobile connections come to mind?
Obscure innovations that might've succeeded if they'd been more open and less proprietary.
I don't know.
I mean, okay.
Memory stick kind of comes to mind.
If Sony hadn't built such a closed ecosystem around their flash memory standard, maybe
it could have been more broadly successful.
But I feel like the spirit of your question was almost like a product category.
Like portable flash memory absolutely did succeed because the open standard ultimately
won, right?
So we ended up with, you know, SD.
So if what you're asking is, man, I think we could have seen a lot more innovation in,
and this is just speaking from my personal experience, I think we could have seen a lot
more innovation in production equipment a lot faster if the standards were more open
and intercompatible.
Everything from red proprietary media to the proprietary controller boxes for studio lighting
There are more standardized ones, but what's funny is a lot of the time they're even more
expensive or not open source and free like DMX comes to mind for controlling lighting.
That's like more baller to have that kind of interoperability as opposed to more affordable
using commodity hardware.
Kind of like what we would imagine the more, you know, the more affordable it would be.
The more open standard to be right.
Can you think of anything?
I've been responding.
It was locked in proprietary Ville and would have been more successful if it had been more
There's a lot of things that are vampirically successful due to not being open, which is
What things would be more successful due to being open?
I don't know.
Would we have seen, would we have seen, no.
There's a lot of games that I feel like you could talk about this.
By being more modding friendly.
Man, the fact that a game developer would look at the industry and the history of gaming
and go, you know what fucking sucks?
Mods are terrible.
When gamers mod the fucking game, fucking hate that.
That's a recipe for failure.
Can you imagine being that stupid?
Yeah, that's pretty brutal.
What are you talking about?
Players enhancing the experience is what has kept games alive and relevant for years past
their best before date.
Think about it like I, I would argue, I don't know if I would be right.
I'm not that in tune with things, but I would argue that we're not exactly in a, ah, Valorant's
doing pretty well actually.
Just before Valorant, I would say.
I would argue that we were, we're not exactly in a golden age of shooters.
Valorant's kind of popping off though, but Valorant's really just like modern Counter-Strike.
Like I still don't really think we are.
And one of my arguments I think would be the departure of dedicated servers.
Because if you think back when like Counter-Strike was really popping, you could play like Warcraft
versions of Counter-Strike where you would like level up and all this weird, like it was so weird.
And a lot of the, a lot of the innovative game modes that you play in modern shooters,
like Gun Game.
Gun Game was just a CS mod.
Like, yeah.
So like, ah, yeah, I feel like that's a big part of the reason why is a lot of the modding
right now is in like the RPG space or the single player space.
But dedicated servers used to have very, very interesting versions of first person shooter
games and first person shooter games don't have dedicated servers anymore.
So we lost this modding support in an indirect way, but it still happened.
That's a really good point.
I didn't really think about that before.
I feel like that's it.
Cataz is saying I miss Starcraft one and two custom games 100%.
Original CS was a Half-Life mod.
That's a good point.
Well, don't forget, original Dota 2 was a Warcraft 3 mod.
Like a lot of the gaming experiences that we have today are because of modded custom games.
Ani, Hi Kid, Jover, and Floatplane says, you don't understand, Linus.
If you're still enjoying the old game, you're not going to buy the new one with all the horse armor.
I added the last part.
I don't know.
All right.
Hit me, Dan.
Hi, DLLSloth here.
I used to moderate a lot of subreddits,
but recently Reddit has started threatening to remove us over the protest.
What would you do as Reddit CEO?
So I curated this one because I think it's interesting
because there's kind of two ways to read it.
It's like, what would you do if you were a Reddit CEO?
Or what would you do better if you were actually him?
It's tough.
See, I don't have access to Reddit's books.
I have no idea how deep in the red they are.
We talked last week kind of about this, right?
It's very likely that they had to do something like this,
but I think they didn't know their audience very well.
You should have used their audience a little bit.
I mean, what they should have done was appealed to their audience and said, look,
here's the situation.
If we want Reddit to survive in the form that it is now,
which you allegedly like, then here's what we have to do.
And while we understand that the particular API call load of these custom apps
is not actually costing this amount exactly,
there's a huge opportunity cost to them that we have to make up in order for us to go IPO.
So that's where it kind of falls apart because the problem is that the whole motivation for
it is to go IPO.
And the whole reason that you go IPO is to cash out.
So they were never going to really be able to appeal to the users,
which I guess is why they decided to just take a more adversarial approach.
I'm not really sure.
The confusing thing to me is the Reddit CEO has done an extremely bad job of being an adversary.
Why is he losing so hard?
This is what I don't get.
He has the biggest megaphone and on the tallest podium doesn't do it.
Like all these subreddits going not safe for work and stuff.
Why are you even letting them do that?
If you're trying to be big adversary guy, you're just like,
it feels like he's motivated to look the worst he could possibly look and just sit in that
space for as long as possible.
It's kind of a funny thing, right?
Because it's not like, okay, I could see the Reddit community behaving kind of like a,
like a Hydra, you know, you, you chop off one head and it just like,
they're shockingly coordinated, but a big part of how they coordinate is through Reddit.
So I could see the evolution just kind of, of their, of their rebellion happening so
fast that Reddit would have no way to respond, but it's not.
No, it's pretty slow.
It's happening so slowly because his reactions are so slow and slow.
It's, it's so, it's just weird.
I don't know.
Like, I don't want people to think I'm on Spez's side because I'm absolutely not, but
it's been just hilarious to watch because I'm like, oh, so the Reddit moderators or
people or whatever are doing this now.
I wonder what Spez is going to do about it.
And then just crickets for so long.
It's like, ah, man.
If he wants to be like, no, this is our platform.
We run it our way.
And then he's going to go around and remove certain moderators from certain subreddits
and reopen certain subreddits and force not safe for work certain subreddits, but doesn't
do it with all of them.
And there's no real like logical pattern to how he's approaching any of this.
It's like, what, what are you doing?
I, oh man.
I don't know.
The whole thing is just so weird.
It's so, so weird.
Hot take.
The fact that you have a lot of money does not necessarily mean you were very smart.
I think this is probably, I don't know.
I got to stay away from like defamation, but things that could get me there.
Think that moving on.
Howdy LDL.
The escalating panic in Dan's voice during the Taiwan shows stream crash was hysterical
Has there ever been an effort we'll do it live moment at LTT that turned out great.
Uh, has there ever been, has there ever not been a live moment here?
I mean, that's a better way.
My, my, my personal mantra is the show must go on.
The show must go on.
The show must go on.
So the number of, oh my God, like here, tell you what.
That's probably what we're actually best at out of like everything.
Um, yeah.
If I had a superpower, it would be to take absolute garbage and turn it into something
that people might consider watching.
I don't always succeed.
This tech toys one did not end up performing well.
This, this video I completely pulled out of my butt because we had no video for that week
and I was like, I'm going to go on Facebook marketplace.
Oh, 30 eighties are cheap.
Okay, sure.
Um, man, this, I pulled out of my butt and massive props to Nara for also pulling it
out of his butt.
It came out of both of our butts.
Uh, that is sort of an unflattering description of the factory tour.
The point is we were supposed to go do something else and it bailed and we just did this instead.
Um, I literally didn't even know what this was when I opened it.
So yeah, I think that's basically it.
We'll do it live when I'm shooting this intro.
All I know is it's something.
Oh yeah.
This Facebook marketplace adventure is also, we'll do it live.
Oh man, this is great.
Uh, I'm trying to think.
Let me see if I can find something that, Oh man, this was a hundred percent.
Just forget it.
We'll do it.
Well, I had no idea what I was walking into on this one.
I'm making it sound like we don't plan at all.
We do.
We actually plan a lot.
This took a lot of planning.
Hey, wait, where's the part two of this video?
How the hell have we not released that yet?
There's one where we actually like build the thing.
I thought you were talking about the AMD challenge.
Is this the building?
The one?
No, there's no, there's a, there's a second part of this.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Oh man, this was one a hundred percent.
We'll just do it live.
The water cooled my bed video.
That was awesome.
Oh yeah.
It did quite well.
It was really good.
That was, that was a fun one.
I actually really enjoyed that.
Greetings from Belgium.
When I started college, I chose biotech over IT and I questioned that decision ever since.
What's the biggest life choice you had to make without knowing what you were doing?
Oh, dropping out of school.
Me too, but for different reasons.
Yeah, that was pretty stupid.
Mine on paper was too.
I mean like, no, yeah, no, obviously mine on paper.
It ended up working out, but like I could have easily never been promoted at NCIX,
been working as like a sales guy and lost my job when they went under.
And then I'm in my, what, so I'm in my mid thirties and my entire work experience is
working as a computer salesman.
So basically what I apply at Canada computers and I hope that they pay okay.
Yup, that's unfortunate.
That could have easily been the plan.
And like, no disrespect to people who work as a computer salesperson, but it's, um, I
think my career trajectory has been more favorable than that since then.
So, um, like I am glad that I didn't go down with that ship.
I did have better backup plans, but mine was still pretty yellow.
Is there any chance that we will get a wan show or introduction video with Taron once
he's had more time to acclimate to his new role within LMG?
How many new channels do you have in the works now?
I know you've got game linked and the react channel.
Any others I missed?
I'd love to see a spinoff of short circuit for maker stuff like 3d printers.
You're going to see an expansion of sort of individual vertical focused channels, like
focused on power supplies or headphones as the lab spins up their testing.
I think at some point in the future, you will see like a more, a hyper deep dive labs,
video channel.
I had completely forgotten about the react channel, so there you go.
I guess that's where that's at.
Game linked is coming soon.
That'll be the one that is soonest.
And Oh man, there was something else that I was going to talk about.
Yeah, that's everything that comes to mind right now.
I think we're going to be quite focused on more like vertical specific channels so that
we can really focus on products that don't necessarily need to get 2 million views.
I think that sometime in the next six months to 18 months, you're going to see the LTT
upload cadence change.
And that'll be for the first time in almost 15 years.
That's really funny to me.
Every time I see people talk about how we're emphasizing quantity over quality these days
and uploading too many videos, the fuck are you talking about?
The upload cadence actually hasn't changed in a decade.
You guys spend more time on individual videos than like ever.
Yeah, yeah.
So yeah, I think that LTT may end up collapsing under its own weight and our future may be
many smaller channels that only need to get a hundred thousand or 150,000 views average
instead of needing to get a million and a half, 3 million views on every video.
What made you change your mind on the Taycan from when you shot the original video featuring
Android auto.
That was a big one for me.
I liked the car.
I can afford the car.
It felt a little bit excessive at the time in particular.
I don't want a new car, but I don't think I would buy one without an Android auto at
this point.
No, yeah.
It's utterly unacceptable.
Also, I was extremely disappointed, not just with Porsche's refusal to add Android auto
to their fricking cars, but with the fact that they were not adding those features to
previous models.
It made me feel like this vehicle was not going to be well supported and I wasn't interested
in owning one that wasn't going to get proper software support going forward.
So once they both brought Android auto to the Taycan and backported that compatibility
all the way to 2020, when they originally released the car, I went, okay, well, that's
my favorite electric car.
It looks cool.
It's fast and stuff.
I haven't seen too many complaints about it.
I like it.
I test drove a lot.
I was like, okay, sure.
And then how I ended up with the turbo S was basically just down to, um, like, uh, like
a favorable deal on a second hand, one that was barely driven.
That's the way to go.
If you can pull it off.
Like I saved so much that even though it has a bunch of equipment that I wouldn't have
otherwise shelled out for, I effectively didn't pay for it.
So now that some time has passed since YouTube removed dislikes, have you noticed any long-term
effects other than it just being annoying, not being able to see the sentiment on a
video that I'm looking at?
I mean, I didn't expect that it would affect the Joe average viewer.
It's just annoying for me, the user, or rather I didn't expect that it would affect
me as a creator, uh, in terms of interacting with my viewers.
But yeah, it does.
It does affect me as a user.
Question for Luke.
What is your favorite programming language and why?
Uh, I actually always really like to see.
Oh, that makes me happy.
That's my favorite too.
That's the one I know.
Um, are you guys having a moment?
The fact that I now manage web developers is so, uh...
Do you guys need to hug right now?
No, no, we program in C Linus.
Yeah, that means we never hug anyone.
He knows.
He knows.
Favorite, favorite things an ex-employee here said to me is, uh, uh, you know, I'm an
extroverted, uh, you know, programmer or whatever.
Um, I look at the other person's shoes.
That took me a second, but that's great.
Um, I, I, uh, yeah, I find the fact that I manage a bunch of web developers to be very
like funny because I hated web development when I was at school.
It was my least favorite form.
And then now it's like, oh, okay, that's fine.
Next been watching for a decade now and figured it's time.
I show a little love.
Do you feel like people have gotten more or less tech savvy over time as tech has gotten
more advanced, but simpler to use?
Honestly, this isn't the kind of thing that I get to personally experience that much.
But what I have seen is a lot of articles talking about how baby boomers tend to be less tech
savvy than Gen X millennial who tend to be more tech savvy than Gen Z Zoomer.
So baby boomers didn't really have technology as they were growing up.
Zoomers have really good technology that works really well.
And Gen X and millennials had crappy technology that they really needed to work.
So they learned a lot of troubleshooting skills.
If there's a, if there's a generalization that you can make, I'd say that's pretty fair.
Um, I mean, my, my kids are finally getting to the age where they should start to, you
know, learn some basic troubleshooting and yeah, no, they don't, they don't really have
to, or I I'm saying like they should in that I would have had to be learning it.
Like I had to know how to use the computer better than my parents by the time I was my
son's age, but he doesn't need to.
And I guess part of it too is just having more tech savvy parents.
I was just going to say that might not be true for everyone because he's pretty, he's
pretty good.
Well, he's good at certain things that I don't know actually, which is a really good point.
Like he can, he can fricking command blah, blah, his Minecraft way around things.
And I don't know how the crap Minecraft works.
But you know, if I needed, if I needed, you know, to block a domain, for example, because
I don't want my kids on TikTok, then obviously he's not going to have a way around that.
Hi DLL, Luke with the difficulties getting good internet in places like Australia for
floatplane servers, is that, is that something that Starlink can help with or does that only
help people watching?
Uh, it's, it's the, the problem is routing.
So there, there is an ISP.
I don't remember which one, I don't know.
There is an ISP in Australia that we have no problems with like at all.
There are other ISPs in Australia that we have tons of problems with tons of problems
We do delivery for Australia through Cloudflare.
So we are working with Cloudflare right now.
We have an open ticket with them where there's been some back and forth.
We're working with Cloudflare right now to figure that out.
Because we're not doing delivery to Australian viewers of floatplane through floatplane
servers in Australia.
We are doing delivery to Australians through Cloudflare.
So it is pretty wild to me because delivery everywhere else in the world is pretty good.
That there are Australian ISPs that can have bad routing to a company that like runs half
the world's internet, if you know what I mean by that, because that's not, that's
obviously not true, but like, I think you get it.
So yeah, I don't know.
We're working on it.
If what we end up having to do is have more than one delivery partner that is like, if
we, if we find a way to serve better to the other range of Australian ISPs and whatnot,
we will do it.
We're not going to just leave you stuck in this bad situation forever, but right now
we're trying to just work with Cloudflare to figure it out because yeah, it's annoying.
And I apologize.
I'm going to give Luke another one while Linus finishes off those potentials and we'll try
and rapid fire a few more of these.
Hi, I'm a developer.
I'm curious what kind of stack is being used for labs like the database front end and stuff.
Database, the main one we're using, we use more than one, but the main one we're using
is Postgres.
The front end is React through Next and the back end is TypeScript.
Hopefully that answers all the things you're looking for.
Hey DLL, Linus previously said he would not mind to be in South Park.
What would the episode be about and would he care if they portrayed other employees of LMG?
I suspect some other employees of LMG might not want to be involved.
I would obviously love to be included.
They can make fun of me however they want.
That'd be hilarious.
What episode would it be?
I have no idea.
Not a clue.
I mean, you know what?
Literally just an episode about some crazy Canadian YouTuber opening a badminton center
would probably be...
Yeah, but that wouldn't be a South Park episode.
That has no deeper sort of point.
I'd say if there was an existing episode,
I'd love it to be the one where they travel all the way to San Francisco
to unplug and replug the giant Linksys router.
I'd love to be involved in that plotline somehow.
That'd be pretty good.
Hi LTT, question for Linus.
I got tailgated on my way home today.
What is the worst driving you've seen from someone else on the road?
Oh my god.
I think I've told this story on WAN Show before.
Stop me if you've heard it.
But I was at Aberdeen Centre Mall.
Luke knows where this is going.
And the car in front of me was turning out of the parking lot.
Oh, I do know this story, but keep going.
Okay, so there's a pillar here.
They take the corner too tight and about, I don't know, man,
maybe like halfway up the car, maybe not even halfway.
They like hit, they scrape the pillar.
Now you would think they're in like, I don't want to generalize,
but they're in a BMW SUV.
Okay, so you would think that they would back up,
maybe get out of the car, assess the damage,
find the best way to get out of the situation.
Yeah, no man.
Power through, brother.
They hit the gas.
They scrape, they take what would have been one panel
that needed to be restored, repainted,
and they run that pole down the entire f***ing side
of what is probably like an $85,000 SUV.
They go out to the light, they turn away.
I never see them again.
I watch, I'm sitting, I'm behind them watching
this whole thing play out.
My jaw is in my lap.
Unfathomable, unfathomable behavior.
Oh yeah.
And it's not like they hit and run someone else's something
or anything.
There was no victim, utterly victimless crime.
Just that pole, that structural support.
Just they're that, I don't know.
I don't know.
Do they not care about the money or the extra time?
Even the time, the car is going to be in the shop.
You want your car?
It's going to be annoying.
Mine, this isn't my most ridiculous story,
but it's my most recent one.
Literally last night, I almost got ran over.
I was driving, I'll actually be pretty specific.
I was driving up the hill on 200th by like the Best Buy
and there was this big truck in the lane beside me
and just decided to all of a sudden over into my lane
and I had to crank the wheel to dodge over to the side
and then just, you see him like realize that I'm there
and that I just dodged him and go back into his own lane.
I actually have no idea if it was a he or she or whatever.
I don't know, I'm just generalizing.
Go back into their own lane and then kind of like
pause for a second and then just foot on the floor.
And you know how it's like a lot of lanes there?
Foot on the floor, whips past me, goes all the way,
way wide right to get around.
Everybody blows past people, goes, the light is green,
gets way up in the front, goes all the way over to the left.
No, it's a, no, just a big like lifted truck.
Got it.
Oh, I was like a professional driver.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Got it.
Flies all over the place, all this kind of stuff.
We get to the next light past that one and I mean,
as per usual, they're just right there because they didn't get away.
So I like laid into the horn a little bit when it first happened
because I wasn't even sure if they saw me at all.
And then when we got up there, I gave them a little like, I still see you.
I like that passive aggressive move.
Yeah, I approve.
Yeah, but that was, that was fun.
Yeah, like would have completely totaled my car
because their front tire would have gone over my front left fender
and just like dropped right into my engine bay.
So that would have sucked.
But yeah, made it, dodged them, almost had a reason to get a new car,
but now I still don't have a reason to get a new car.
So I'm okay with that.
Are your fixed screwdrivers going to be through tang
so they are durable and can be hammered?
Um, no, the reason for that is that if we were,
our main goal is to make them available in a wide variety
of different handle configurations and shaft thicknesses and shaft lengths.
And so we are going to have them be sort of semi-modular
so we can stock components of screwdrivers
and then build them to order essentially, not quite to order,
but we can build from our stock of shafts and handles
so you can kind of mix and match them when you, when you order,
you can get exactly the screwdriver you want.
And for us to do that, for us to do like a through tang,
we wouldn't be able to customize them to that degree, unfortunately.
Love using the screwdriver every day in my wind tunnel at NASA.
Given your recent interest in lab-grade equipment,
what is a lab you would love to visit?
Wherever you are, you should reach out and invite us
to check out your wind tunnel at NASA.
That'd be awesome.
You're shameless.
I'm just going to collect all the NASA people.
Yeah, I see.
That's so cool.
I'm serious, by the way.
Man, something I haven't gone to yet.
Honestly, I would kind of rather my engineers go look,
if that kind of makes sense,
because I'm not the one who's involved in developing
these test procedures these days anymore, right?
Like I, it's, it's above my pay grade.
So yeah, I, I, I, I would rather ask the engineers what,
what they want to see.
I think that it would be really cool.
You know what?
We actually had, um,
I'll go too.
Oh my God.
We had DxOMark reach out to us and want to collaborate
on like a tour of their place and like collaborate on,
on sharing methodologies with each other and stuff like that.
I thought that was super cool.
That's awesome.
And we'd totally be open to reciprocating as well.
If anyone wanted to check out what we're doing,
maybe it was for a little bit better setup.
We're still, we still have a lot of equipment to get in place.
we started off with a really wide scope of the amount of things we wanted to do.
We really did.
And the reality of it is I don't think there was an alternative to that because
it would have taken forever just based even just based on nevermind hiring,
hiring takes forever, but like lead time of freaking equipment takes forever.
We would, we would have, we would have never gotten to video cards if we had
waited to start video cards until after we had mastered power supplies and CPUs
and headphones and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Like it just, it just would have never happened.
So no, we're just going to go parallel, go wide.
Then some stuff will eventually get over the line and the other stuff will take a
little longer and then at least we'll have that some stuff done.
Is it worth getting an eight gig card nowadays if you plan on sticking with
10 ADP for the next few years?
Also update on the wooden handle screwdriver.
The lower the detail level you play at,
the less likely you are to run into a VRAM limitation and the lower end,
the GPU you have, the less likely you are to be running on ultra ultra settings.
With that said, there are some ports recently that are well capable of
utilizing more than eight gigs of VRAM with playable settings.
So it all depends on, you know, how much you expect to run games at the maximum
I mean, there are cases where an eight gig GPU is substantially cheaper than one
with more VRAM sort of,
except that there are also cases where you can get a GPU with more VRAM for the
same price or in some cases even less.
So if you must buy something brand new current generation, yeah,
you kind of have no choice.
I guess get an eight gig card or something and don't expect to run at maximum
texture quality.
But if you're willing to explore other options,
there's last gen cards from AMD that are particularly good value right now.
And we did that video recently where I found that a 10 gig RTX 3080s are just
killer value right now.
Like I paid about the same as you'd pay for a 4060 TI for a card that is way
faster, has 20% more VRAM and still had like 10 months of warranty on it.
No brainer.
We go to, uh, there isn't that many left,
but we do have to crank it out cause you got, you got 12 minutes.
Oh yeah.
Let's try and finish in five and we'll play one game of hockey before I go.
Hi, Mr. Tech Tips.
You read my tech hot take about EVs and walkable cities and I really enjoyed
reading discussions about it in the comments.
What is your favorite discourse started by you?
Warranty discussion.
So let's talk about how meaningful a written warranty is.
Yeah, let's do it.
I do think you opened a bunch.
There's also a lot of people that are like, no, no, no, no.
So I don't know.
I don't care.
We can talk about it.
No, we're not talking about it.
Always like to hear L and L work relationship stories.
Uh, what are some Luke tips for advocating for his team when bringing issues to Linus?
I, I mean, it's not,
there's a lot of ways I could say this that would like misrepresent how it actually goes.
I don't think it's actually difficult.
Like you, you see, you watch, if you watch a movie and there's like some boss who's like a
jerk and refuses to listen to the like engineer people, like that's not what's going on.
I have to bring up good enough argument why we can't or won't or shouldn't do something.
But if I do, so Linus will listen to it.
So like, I don't know, bring a good enough argument or find a better boss
or I'll say, no, we can't right now.
And I'll provide a reason, but you have to, you have to reach, like you have to reach consensus.
So be open yourself to changing your stance on things based on, on whatever you, this,
this is a two way street.
And then also make sure that you're working with someone who will do that or
try to find gainful employment elsewhere.
Did you hear that gamer's nexus and level one techs want to try to make a standard for RGB and
fan control stuff where thoughts, good luck.
I hope it doesn't go the XKCD.
Is that it?
XKCD way.
I've referenced that so many times today, actually.
Hey, let's make a new state or there's too many standards.
Let's make a standard that unifies them all.
There are now one more standards.
927 I think.
I mean, the problem, the problem from my point of view is that they need buy-in from the PC
hardware industry.
That's tough.
And, um, you know, uh, we don't even have standard connectors for like power buttons
and power LEDs.
Like we don't even have a standard header for that.
RGB is a lot more complex than like putting those pins in the same spot.
Can we all just put those pins in the same spot?
Well, okay then.
It'd be pretty sweet if we could.
Good luck.
Super excited for game linked.
Any plans for retro content in addition to the newest releases?
Game linked is mostly news.
Um, let's see.
Hey, LMG crew.
I went to a new doctor recently and that day and thereafter I had received constant spam
How do you guys feel about doctors or other companies selling your information?
Does LTT?
Of course not.
No, we don't.
And that is super BS that any doctor, anyone else should be able to, and hopefully they
get crushed legally.
And you want the last potential?
Uh, yeah, send it.
I have a physical disability that makes my dexterity not the best, but the LTT screwdriver
made my building my PC so accessible for me.
Thank you.
Any other merch you think makes life accessible?
I mean, I wouldn't have thought the screwdriver made life particularly accessible because
it's the lack of the back force.
That's right.
Oh, I can almost guarantee that.
Oh, that makes sense.
I just like it.
So we made it good.
I don't know what else to tell you.
Oh, wait.
No, no, this is, I'm so sorry.
This is totally unrelated to your question.
I actually cannot think of anything, but someone else asked about updates on the wooden
screwdriver and I didn't respond to that part.
Oh, it looks like it might be possible.
It's not going to be cheap.
We have to, we have to do like a metal collar for the selector ring and then like machine
out a wooden like cover for it because it has to be metal on the inside.
It can't be made of wood.
This part, I think we can machine, uh, yeah, I think we can do it, but it's going to be
really expensive.
Like this is going to be a premium tool and, um, you'll feel dumb for buying it.
I'll say that.
I witnessed a certain version of a screwdriver that Nick showed me today.
I'm not promising.
I don't even want to know how much.
That's going to be like three or $400 if it ever makes it.
I'm surprised it's that little.
Yeah, I don't know.
I expected honestly like way higher.
I don't think that'll ever make it.
I don't think so either.
It's amazing.
The engineering team.
You know, I might as well tell you guys, you know, the stupid 3d printed version of the
Well they did a machined version slightly less heavy, stupid metal and they managed
to assemble a fully working all metal screwdriver made it.
I think it's aluminum and brass.
It's kind of amazing.
That's probably not going to happen.
The amount of machine time for that thing is ridiculous and the difficulty compared
to doing something in wood I think is going to be very, very high.
And it makes no sense.
It's going to be so flippin heavy.
It was really heavy.
It's really heavy.
And that's the aluminum one.
The steel one Tynan has at his desk.
The 3d printed one is just like, it's like a weight.
He just curls it.
That's why he's so huge.
And this is the huge end of the show.
Thank you guys so much for tuning in.
We will see you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel.