
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Emma's ride, one second.
It is WAN Show time again.
Sorry, I had actually already clicked it before.
All good, that name is public.
Everything is cool.
Before I asked if you were ready and.
It's Trump's America, do whatever you want.
It is Trump's America.
It's okay.
It is Trump's America as of January 20th.
And this is gonna be the Trump themed WAN Show.
We have a lot of great topics for you guys today.
First up, our audio finally works.
We got an old gray cable.
Which isn't nearly as long as the new nicely braided cable
that we had.
So we got the beat up a little bit grungy with some stains
on it.
Yep, but thicker is always better.
When it comes to cables, I mean if we could get USB cables
that were like four inches in diameter, that would be great.
I've seen those like subterranean intercontinental.
USB cables.
Pretty big.
They're like this big.
I mean running over like a, you know, KVM over IP or whatever.
That's stupid.
You should just run really big USB cables.
Server interconnects where it's like a quarter the size
of the server and just plugs into the bottom.
Never have doubt it.
Yeah, we've got a lot of great topics for you guys today.
One of them is that I am waiting to be able to log into
Twitch TV so that I can post a thing in the Twitch chat.
Which would be great.
And another one is that wrong wrong.
Yes, Donald Trump.
I was going to say Hillary Trump, which I don't know.
I don't know.
Why wouldn't that be an interesting outcome?
All of the worst things about both of them.
It's like a Donald Trump that was corrupt and untrustworthy.
And what?
You know, what's really funny is this is the third time
we've had to do the intro to the show and every one of
them has been unique and every one of them has been unique.
Trump is an end.
He's a bottomless pit of me wrong bottomless pit of wrong.
He's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's he's
he's the best pit of memes.
So let's go ahead and let's just roll the intro.
We've got nothing this week.
We don't even have a working show wrong.
Squarespace Mac weldon and Savage jerky PS the sriracha bacon
is amazing Colton.
Thank you Colton, but actually Colton.
Nobody cares about your endorsement.
That is that is why people pay us for mine and Luke's endorsement
and not yours.
So yeah, the the Smackdown just got laid.
Um, no one cares what you think Colton.
Thank you.
All right.
All right.
So let's go ahead and jump right into our topics.
Our first topic is pretty straightforward.
Those of you who are watching live will have seen this already
and the joke will be somewhat ruined here, but for the rest
of you there you have it us election.
Yes, that did happen.
Oh Canada.
Yes, Trump won and I have never felt better about being Canadian
than I do today.
There were no giant insane protests after our last election.
That's true.
Honestly, it was pretty civil.
Yep with that said if we were to lose a hockey game, for example
that don't even go there.
That is a whole other that is a whole other ball of wax.
I mean win leader of our country.
Yeah, that's right.
Maybe worse to be clear just because I'm having a proud Canadian
moment right now doesn't mean I don't occasionally have embarrassed
Canadian moments.
How are them Canucks doing an apologetic Canadian moments
and in that game that we like a lot?
How are they?
How are they doing right now?
I have many apologetic Canadian moments, but that's part
of that's part of the whole shtick.
I all Matthew TG in the twitch chat says if Hillary had won
there would be no protest.
Are you kidding?
That's no matter which way this went.
There were going to be protests my friend.
There were absolutely going to be protests.
That was a thing and and that people talking about field hockey
is field hockey even a sport?
No ice Hawk.
I know field hockey is a sport.
It's just a one that nobody anywhere cares about.
It's not even it's not even one of those sports like cricket
where it's like a huge deal in India and like Britain and
nowhere else field hockey is just irrelevant.
Yeah, sorry.
Sorry to the one person.
I wish lacrosse matters more after we did our neuroscience
thing across is cool.
I legitimately really tried to find a leak but it's like
nothing at my age.
The only option I had was joining the professional team
which I'm clearly not good enough to join.
Yeah, I think that's speaking of nerd sports.
We actually do have some news items for those of you who
have been paying attention to vessel.com and what's been
going on with that you may have noticed that vessel.com
doesn't exist anymore.
I mean they still apparently have the page up kind of it's
a parts page on like the goodbye letter that says goodbye
forever yesterday.
We signed the doc.
See they didn't even yesterday yesterday.
I mean, I guess they yesterday October 26.
Yeah yesterday.
Well, it's gonna be my yesterday forever wrong.
Crooked Richard and I can't tell you the document lion Richard
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
What was what was the thing that we added to that script
that you were horrible?
Yeah nasty and deplorable people deplorable nasties.
That's the kind of world we live in.
Oh, man, I love I love them all so good as a Canadian.
I love them all infinite memes.
So the point is you know, what's really funny about this
is I wanted to load up an episode of nerd sports.
Oh, but you can't so that I could so that I could show it
on screen.
Oh, but you can is that the news?
Well, hold on a second.
I don't know where to find it because normally I would just
go on this security is good.
So, you know what?
Oh, you just got to keep telling yourself that every time
you have to go through all the steps to log into anything.
No, it is so frustrating when you have like three-factor,
you know, what's this?
You know, what's the stew the stupidest part of all of these
conversations is like ultimately the last time we got broken
into had nothing to do with like bad security practices number
could they have been better?
Are they better now?
Are they incredibly inconvenient?
Yes, I think we might have actually one of the least convenient
security setups that you could have it is pretty darn difficult
to break down which is not a challenge.
I'm sure it could be done in good for you.
But yeah, yeah, don't worry about that one.
Yeah, but it's cool.
He's saying it's a challenge for us.
Oh, it's definitely a challenge for us.
Oh, this is great.
That have to stay.
You know what?
We should leave it.
We should leave the vessel graphic.
You haven't just like glitch out as it starts the beginning
of it only on vessel except not so this is the curling episode
where we played against a junior team, which is fantastic.
By the way, they're fantastic.
We're not but no spoilers.
I talked to my dad who knows the team that he's actually
played against the team that you guys played against like
a more real match.
Yeah, and he said that the captain of their team said that
the worst thing about you guys because this was the only
one that I missed the worst thing about you guys was that
you just refused to properly communicate and I watched the
episode and it's actually like it's it's entertaining enough
that you have to watch the whole thing.
But then it's actually difficult to watch just because
it's like wow.
How is this possibly happening?
We wouldn't have had to communicate so much if my teammates
hadn't been so incompetent, you know, that's not too far
off the base after watching it.
Yeah, we okay, you know, okay, you know what just okay watch
it for terror. We're going to say to watch it but we're going
to say that with the accompanying news that we have purchased
back. Oh from the bloated corpse that was once vessel.com
the rights to rebroadcast nerd sports wherever we see fit
in whatever way we see fit and you can expect that to be
coming soon to a YouTube near you complete with the only
on vessel title screen. Oh God.
Should we put this on LTT?
No, I think I think we'll probably throw it on super fun.
I think it'll probably go in the float plane Club first
though. Nice.
Just so that if there's a way to do that there is is there
we just shouldn't talk about that.
Right, but okay the secret float plane Club don't look for
what that is.
Yeah, don't bother.
Right, so anyway nerd sports and you know, what's really
like kind of funny is I remember I remember joking because
we talked a lot internally about the perception of us doing
a vessel exclusive and how a lot of people probably wouldn't
like it and then we talked a lot after the fact about how
a lot of people didn't like it and something I said kind
of flippantly kind of half joking was maybe vessel.
Well, well, we're 12 months into this vessel experiment.
We kind of we have some access to the behind-the-scene
numbers. It's a I think it was a two-year exclusivity deal
on nerd sports and I was like it probably won't take two
years. So it took about seven months.
So there's that was it even seven months?
I don't know.
When did we finish nerd sports? When did I go to Switzerland?
I don't know cuz I still have the scars from that.
I've told you that right my ankles both my ankles are permanently
scarred from the ice hockey one.
Yeah, look at this.
I can't really show the camera very well.
They're matching on the other side.
They look like bruises.
They do but they're permanent scars.
Remember how I said my ankles hurt?
The laces.
They actually dug chunks out of the sides of my ankles.
Remember when I was like you guys were like you need to
rescape down the ice and do the slide again.
I was like, I really don't want to I really want to take
my boots off and they were like we need this shot and I
was like, okay, there was chunks missing from the sides
of my ankles by the end.
That's gross.
Yeah, so that night I came back here at like one in the
Yeah, Brandon and I shot the end of the networking wall
video with my like ankles bleeding and then I we packed
up and Brandon and I both left still that night to Switzerland.
So I was trying to nurse them on the plane and you have
to fly to freaking Switzerland.
So I wasn't able to get like proper medical attention for
a really long time.
And then once I finally got there I couldn't explain what
my problem was and I couldn't get to a natural doctor because
language barriers.
So I ended up trying to ask for polysporin.
Polysporin isn't really a thing.
Don't sell it there.
So we had to like figure out what the problem was and then
I end up like just showing this guy my like really gross
at this point like infected looking ankle thing and he figured
it out and gave me some random stuff and then I talked to
Yvonne later.
Apparently I applied it wrong.
Supposed to let it breathe put it under a band-aid.
So I applied it wrong for about a week and now I permanent
scars from nerd sports.
So I will never forget about nerd sports.
Well, that's good.
I guess yeah, I'm just trying to think if nerd sports left
any permanent emotional ones.
I like how they're matching still symmetrical, you know,
Yeah, I mean it's on the ankles.
I guess it could be worse.
Yeah, it could be on the cankles.
Oh like yeah, at least your ankles look good.
Yeah, aside from that that's where you thought I was going
with that.
Yeah, not in Trump's America.
Okay, so I guess actually we do have a somewhat Donald I
should probably load the thing.
Why why thank you.
Let's bring up this page.
See any reports the Canadian immigration website crashes
on election night, but just for fun and I haven't I haven't
pre-tested this I was up right now just for fun.
I don't know.
I'm going to search for Canadian immigration crashed 2012.
No, everything is from the last two days.
That's a lot of results.
Okay, let's try it.
Let's try this again 2008.
Okay, because I seem to remember this has happened before
as far as I know this happens literally every time.
Yeah, apparently maybe it's bigger this time.
Anyway, the point is okay.
So there's a couple of points to make here.
Number one is get real you're not actually going to run
off to Canada because you have a job and a house and a family
and friends and relocating them a spine.
Did John not have any of those things?
All rude, he brought stuff.
That's true.
He did bring family and he did bring his stuff rude and his
car and he found a place to live here.
So he has his he has a new home after he stayed in my living
room for like a week.
Did you tell about that?
No, what?
Yeah, John stayed in my living room.
Oh, yeah.
Anyway, so like that's not a thing unless you are actually
I've told John this but I admire what he did for a lot of
the reasons that I just named because you've got your job
and your family and your friends and like your life you're
settled you've put down roots once you've reached kind of
adulthood and to pick all that up and kind of boldly go where
no man has gone before except the 33 million or so Canadians
that live here, but but very few Americans.
So really cool was the highest surge ever.
Okay higher than this one higher than this one.
Yeah, there you go.
Um, so anyway, the point is like that kind of used to be a
thing like, you know, the new world when all the Europeans
who like hated their life over in Europe and we're like,
maybe the new world will be better and they got here and
it was like the wilderness and you know, the frontier and
all that and they had their own completely different set
of challenges, but ultimately I think it worked out pretty
well for them all that.
It's not as much of a thing anymore.
So no you aren't actually going to pick up and go to Canada
and if you are I will tell you this as not someone who has
immigrated to Canada.
I was born here but as someone who has facilitated the moving
to Canada process now twice once with John which was much
simpler because he's a highly educated American which thanks
to NAFTA which by the way might not be a thing anymore for
much longer. Thanks to NAFTA his process for getting in here
is easier but like also ridiculous.
So he had to do a bunch of stuff and then he literally had
to drive to the border at which time a snap decision would
be made and he would either be led into the country with
a work permit or he would be sent packing back home.
That's legitimately that is what happened which is like
again, I admire John's bravery because it's not like it's
not like he got on a plane with like nothing with him.
He drove from North Carolina to the Peace Arch border crossing
in Vancouver, which for you Americans who aren't real good
at Canadian geography is Northern Washington State pretty
much. Okay.
Yeah, Washington State not Washington the city they're
different. So insane and then okay.
So if you don't qualify for immigration in the way that
highly educated professionals like people who have a law
degree do then the process is takes months can cost so
getting Dennis here involved a ton of paperwork.
We had to prove that hiring Dennis wouldn't have any kind
of impact on the Canadian labor market which is a month's
long process.
We had to pay thousands and thousands of dollars in legal
fees which is not like the same as us sponsoring him here.
Like it's not it's not that but it was it was he had to
have a job offer had to have a solid concrete job offer
that had to be at a wage that above the median wage for
the position that he's going into so we had to find some
way to make YouTube sensation into a job code whole thing
took like six months cost thousands of dollars and that
was assuming that you have an employer who's willing to
go through all of that for you just picking up your bags
and walking to Canada is not a thing anymore than picking
up your bags and walking into America from Mexico except
that it's probably actually much more difficult than that
Yes, we have a jobs crisis.
We have a financial crisis our economy is kind of in the
We lost like a huge amount of jobs and money from the oil
market being totally screwed over and housing is ridiculously
So that's less of an issue elsewhere not in Vancouver.
Yes, we're like in Toronto as well.
Well, yeah, but like that's the two Canadian but where do
you go cuz a lot of places where housing is cheap jobs are
a huge issue.
Okay fair enough.
Yeah, we just no one can find a job in Ottawa unless they're
We all know this.
All right, so basically I guess that's that's what okay
the farmer's daughter country market in Nova Scotia is offering
what this notes this is offer a business in Canada is offering
a job in two free acres of land if you relocate because
they need workers and there aren't any available in the village
of Waikokamak located on Cape Breton in a Facebook post.
They stated we can't give you big money, but we can give
you an awesome life.
The Facebook post in the middle of freaking we can offer
you a great incentive to come and try us out.
One thing our business does have is lots of land.
If you want lots of land go to northern parts of Canada.
Yeah, and depending on how deregulated the fossil fuel
industry gets Northern Canada might not be that cold for
much longer.
Think of it as an investment for your children.
All right, net neutrality is evidently suddenly on the
chopping block.
The original article here is from The Verge.
Colin lecture.
Sounds like a dishonest member of the left-wing media to
me against almost all expectations Donald Trump.
Well, his name is lecture.
So it sounds kind of lecherous, you know, funny.
I'm sure he's gone through the guy listening to made the
claim about how MacBook Pros couldn't use more RAM because
it would take too much power.
You know that guy knows last name but Schiller.
Oh, yeah, Phil Schiller.
Yeah, I know right.
I always every time I watch him walk onto stage at an apple
I'm like
your name and what you do you just go together so well, it's
It's like it's it's like when you were born like a star came
down like you are destined to be and do one thing.
So good, so so good.
Meanwhile, twitch chat is full of who just like you Linus.
Is Sebastian no just being a shell.
Oh, yeah, but your last name isn't no that doesn't work
But wrong.
Why are you so nasty?
Just horrible nasty.
I never said that I'm going to start calling you crooked
We change our Twitter.
I'm Luke.
I want to be lion Linus.
That's fine.
Yes, lion Linus over here.
Just bailed out on another topic before fully explaining
the whole thing.
It was lion Ted and what was what was the other what was
the other guy that ended up endorsing him the other bitter
bitter primary rival Marco Rubio Rubio.
What did he call him?
I don't remember like little boy Rubio or Marco like little
Marco or something.
Yeah, Marco so what was there are Trump and Rubio's most
schoolyard insults.
Oh, don't make oh, I don't want a video.
Come on little Marco little Marco.
There we go.
Little Luke is like kind of it's more like little John though.
It's more like endearing whereas like lion Luke I could
be crooked Linus.
I don't mind that lion look Luke and crooked Linus.
Yeah, all right.
Sorry back to the net neutrality thing.
So the release of the FCC's net neutrality rules in 2015
was one of the most progressive changes to the internet
in recent memory the rules barred data throttling and paid
fast lanes a Trump administration may mean that the Obama
backed net neutrality rules get challenged or weakened
going forward Trump's fellow Republicans have criticized
the rules and remember this is not just a Trump president.
This is a Republican Senate and house.
So it is going to be a very interesting four years.
And there's a few ways to look at that.
Well, there's two ways.
No, there's lots of ways.
Well, one of the ways wait is lion Linus lots of things
will get done.
No, I want to be crooked Linus crooked Linus you can be
lion Luke.
Okay, lots of things will get done because there will be
relatively speaking I expect little resistance to sort of
the Republican Party agenda that is to say unless they create
their own resistance which does seem fairly plausible.
That's possible.
The other way of looking at it is oh, no, the Republicans
are going to do a bunch of stuff that will be very very
difficult to undo.
So there's that so in 2014 Ted Cruz called net neutrality
Obamacare for the internet doesn't even make any sense
claiming it would slow down private sector innovation,
which is not what it is and not what it does.
All right.
All right.
All right.
The only reason why you say that is because you're crooked
I know.
Well that I obviously am getting paid by the Clinton campaign.
Yeah, which definitely still exists and is not drowning
in a pool of its own tears right now.
Speaking of drowning in a pool of your own tears GoPro
has recalled its karma drone.
Oh might be part of the reason why we never got one.
Yeah, I thought they were gonna send us one.
The $799 drone can randomly lose power during operation.
Meanwhile DJI completely upstaged the karma one week after
it launched anyway, meaning it is just are we getting that
one yet another I have no idea because holy hell that drone
is awesome drone content does not do well.
No one cares.
We just need to make a title that has nothing to do with
the video at all and then it'll work out.
Neither you know my God.
I love it all capitals exclamation mark at the end and
then you just going like It'll work.
I believe you in you.
I believe in you.
Let's get through this topic real quick here.
And then I actually have an idea to pitch you a new channel
idea channel idea.
You'll like it.
Oh, okay.
All right, so GoPro recalling the karma drone it loses power
approximately 2500 karma units sold since October 23rd are
affected GoPro says blah blah no reports of property damage.
They can be returned to GoPro directly or wherever purchase
for a full refund working with the Federal Aviation Authority
and US Consumer Product Safety Commission on the recall wrong
suggest that if the current shipments will resume as soon
as the issue is solved wrong wrong.
It will take some time after that.
Yes, it will take takes and they have been endorsed by PETA.
Yeah, that has endorsed.
Karma terrible karma for everyone terrible.
Yep, and Border Patrol is going to keep animals out of Mexico.
This is your channel idea.
So hold on a minute.
Hold on a minute.
Okay, so I love it.
I'm a hundred percent sold.
I don't even I literally don't need I know where you're going
to go with this and I'm okay on board.
So oh, I'm excited.
We're thinking new Channel in response to what viewers seem
to want.
We're going to call it the honest unboxing Channel.
Yeah, we're like honest Impressions Channel.
Yeah, okay.
Because quite honestly there's that word again, okay, we get
requests every day every day from companies who want to send
us something with a page of talking points to do a sponsored
review or unboxing video.
The honest unboxing Channel is where we will honestly tell
you exactly what is on that page.
It will be a pure cash grab.
It will not shy away.
Okay, this isn't what I thought it was from its honesty about
being absolutely nothing but a way to cash in on that money
without putting it on the Linus Tech Tips Channel.
So honest unboxing is your crooked Linus.
This is because I am crooked Linus.
See what I thought you were going to say is right now.
The the environment seems to just be like people going.
Whoa, it's a pixel.
There's look at this.
There's a fingerprint reader on the glass on the back.
What why did they put glass?
I have no idea.
I'm not going to do any minutes of research to figure out
that has to do with intended transmission.
Is this a two-tone flash?
That's insane.
Two-tone flash.
I mean that that's nuts.
Wow brain explosion.
Glass on the front type C USB that's nuts.
I mean, why are the speakers down here?
This might even this might even adhere to the USB type C
standard maybe I don't know and I'm not going to figure it
out before this videos.
Why would you do that?
So that would take effort and research right?
Okay, twitch chat loves it twitch chat loves it chill
unboxing Channel.
So anyways, what else are people suggesting here?
Hold on.
No, no, no, hold on.
There's some great there's some great suggestions for Channel.
It's moving too fast.
I can't even control it.
I can't control the excitement.
You're not crooked enough.
So anyways, wow knowing that and reading the honest unboxing
channel what I thought you're going to do is like, okay,
so there's a fingerprint reader on the back.
That's not technically innovative or new but yeah, it's
good that it's on there because they'll do did it.
Yeah, and the 6p at a fingerprint reader on the back
didn't it?
Yeah, which is literally like the one before this.
Yeah, everyone's talking.
It's not the one before because Nexus is totally different
from pixel, right?
But like not really totally different.
No, but remember this is the actually right but the Nexus
was made by Huawei, but this is the actual except the ones
that were made by HTC before that.
This is the actually honest one.
Oh, wait, hold on.
Are we honest?
Are we dishonest?
This one is honest.
It's honest.
So are we honest because we read off of a spec sheet or
are we honest because we give our honest opinion honest opinion,
but we already do that but it's an unboxing.
Oh, so it's an honest unboxing as opposed to an honest whatever
it is that we do online as tech tips.
No one is you know what is quite sure you explanation kick
farted kick farted thing.
Um, I don't know lead holy.
Yeah, we bleep it because we're sorry if that hurt the
We bleep it because we're kid-friendly.
And then and then we and then we swear in the video and we
put like things that are like bleep this but don't let this
in and then it goes through two stages of uploads and still
makes it through.
Oh, man, man, I chill quickie chill quickie.
That's a good name.
That's a good name.
Oh, man.
What do you think every single video on there has to be
sponsored? Yes, we will not make a video unless we get paid
yeah on that channel for that from the people with that product.
Yes, not not from other unrelated companies has to be that
company some kind of conflict of interest.
Yeah must exist, you know, it's a valuable resource because
you can see exactly what the marketing points are for that
Yeah, and what's in the box?
Yep, and what it might look like before you charged it and
turned it on.
Yes, unless it comes with some charge.
Yes, in which case we could turn it on.
We could see the boot screen.
Yeah, but probably not more than that.
Probably not much more than that too long.
It would take too long.
So the idea is we would do this as quickly and low effortly
as possible.
10 VP cameras.
Yeah, if that we'd upscale it let's webcam it.
Oh nice.
We still upscale that will go full Jenna Marbles.
So get like shoot it on a potato.
Okay, and then upscale that.
Yes, so that the file reads 4k and so that YouTube will say
that it's 4k and if you thought our audio quality was bad
before we can do better.
We're just like use a phone.
We just like tape it to our chest now tape it to your back.
Oh, no, your mouth is on the face.
Yeah, right.
So the microphone should be on the back.
Yeah, just like the iMac.
Just like the iMac.
No, the iMac's microphone is on the back of the device on
the back of a glass metal and PCB device moose.
Coop just said review my game.
All right, you press one every time if you ever press to
you lose their game over.
It's a choose your own adventure game always press one.
He had me play his game.
I love you moose coop.
He had me play his game and I accidentally I accidentally
spammed one because I was trying to get the intro text to
go by and it was like you win and I was like what how did
I just do that?
So I reloaded the game.
I did it again.
I was like what so I reloaded again and I was like, what
if I press 2 and I was like you lose I tried every single
stage you have to stop which which chat is spamming one.
They're all getting banned.
Yeah, if you guys want to know how to not get banned from
the LTT bot in twitch chat don't talk ever.
Yeah, that's that's definitely best don't talk about Han
Solo or the 3d robotic solo drone.
Yeah, or like, you know anything that says soloing it because
your girlfriend's out of town or whatever just no solo.
Okay, we're never going to update the rules.
So anytime a new big movie that we care a lot about comes
out. We're gonna put key points in it.
There are spoilers.
Yeah, and then those will always stay in we could end up
with we could end up with words like the in there.
So yeah best to just say nothing to just not talk.
Um, yeah, no, no, it's just it's just best to not amount
of people getting permanently timed out right now is solid
freaking fantastic.
Speaking of getting a permanent timeout not related to that
at all.
But wait, hold on.
There's one I'm supposed to do first.
It's not a permanent timeout.
It's just it's just a temporary timeout for sponsors.
Yes Squarespace Squarespace visit at Squarespace.com
slash when and use offer code when to save 10% I was paid
to tell you this so good.
Yes, my friends.
I was paid to tell you that Squarespace offers 24-7 support
via live chat and email in brackets.
We don't offer telephone support.
I was paid to tell you that only $12 a month.
That's where they start at.
Yes, my friends don't believe what lion luke would tell you
about how expensive Squarespace is Squarespace starts at
$12 a month and you get a free domain if you buy Squarespace
for a year.
That's right.
My friends.
We need I need I need a new Twitter handle.
I got to be crooked Linus from now on.
Okay, you can change it without losing your followers.
That's true.
Every Squarespace site features responsive design so that
if you believe this anyway, so that your website will look
great on a phone or on a screen which you can't see because
it's out of camera, but you'll have to know.
No, you know what?
I'm not going to show it to you.
You're just going to have to believe that it's there.
Okay, cover pages are a feature that allow you to set up a
beautiful one page online presence your favorite one and
everyone everyone even Donald Trump could do this everyone
can now publish content in Apple News format directly from
their Squarespace blog module so good.
He could do it so good.
He could do it the best Squarespace makes your Apple News
format publishing directly.
I was reading another talking point in it.
I didn't realize it was related to the one above it.
I just kind of went I went off.
I went off prompter.
Okay, I went off prompter.
You can't do that and you can you can know I can go off
prompter possible.
I will be president of the United States of America.
Oh dang.
This is not the first prediction that I've made now there
may be laws about having to be a citizen or whatever, but
I believe in anything.
I believe anything is possible and I believe that you can
make any website possible on Squarespace Squarespace.com
slash when offer code when to save 10% Squarespace the best
the best what is that because it's the best we have the
best websites.
We are so not getting any of these sponsors again ever.
We have beautiful shirts.
We have beautiful shirts the best the best shirts the best
Yeah, we are shirts.
My friend called me up.
He's like, you know what Luke?
You have the best shirt the best shirts our shirts.
Let me tell you our shirts can't be beat never Mack Weldon's
underwear socks shirts undershirts hoodies and sweatpants
are the best.
They're the best.
They come with silver sometimes Mack Weldon's shirts and
underwear make me great again.
Yeah, they make you smell great again.
They make me make you look great.
They actually can make you smell a lot better because you
can smell pretty bad when you wear the same underwear for
a long time.
But these ones silver not that I speak from experience.
Oh, anyway Mack Weldon does have some really cool stuff.
So it's comfortable clothes and they have a line of silver
underwear and shirts that are naturally antimicrobial, which
is a thing and to be clear what antimicrobial means is not
that your skin dies because that's not the point.
The point is that bacteria are microbes and fun fact you
probably know this but maybe some of our viewers don't know
this that's what makes sweat smell.
It's actually bacterial growth.
So antimicrobial is good.
If you don't want to smell they won't make you not sweat.
You're still going to sweat but they can help eliminate odor
by being naturally antimicrobial and we know you don't want
to think about Christmas yet because quite frankly I do who
can think about anything positive in the world right now,
but Mack Weldon stuff makes a great gift.
So head over to Mack Weldon calm and use offer code tech
tips to save 20%.
Yes, and honestly, it's a good idea to buy Christmas stuff
early. I'm already done shopping for my mom.
I'm already done shopping for my dad.
I have part of my brother's gift.
I have part of my girlfriend's gift.
You are on the mall already done shopping for my brother's
I mean, this is the same guy who has literally come to me
at work and said it is birthday for a person x what can I
steal from the office and give to them more than one.
What do we still have packaging for that?
I can repurpose to give to someone I know.
Oh, that's happened a few times.
All right, and you know what though every single time it's
come through and it's worked like it's been great.
I would never let you down.
Yeah leading us to our third sponsor.
Okay, this message brought to you by the crooked Linus Foundation
Wow Savage jerky now, I actually picked some of the knots
I went straight for the maple because Canada but Savage
jerky gave me okay.
He gave you maple Buffalo bacon.
He gave me Carolina Reaper mojo habanero habanero Buffalo
sauce ghost pepper Buffalo sauce and then okay, I guess
he gave me sweet sriracha barbecue, but that seems like
a cop-out.
So let's do this up Reaper.
Well, he really actually offered me all of them.
You put all those on my side.
I wanted all the really spicy stuff for you crooked Linus
That's right crooked Linus.
So I'm gonna start crying and run off the show.
This one's actually really 15 seconds.
I mean anything with bacon is good and anything with maple
is good and it has a bit of a kick to it.
That's really funny about us getting all like Trumpy on
our show and even Trumpy during our sponsor spots.
Is it like there is no reason for us to get political all
we stand to do is alienate literally half of America.
That's all we stand to gain.
Oh, but I think they probably just don't care what we think
because we're just Canadians.
Anyway, I mean they call it Savage turkey for a reason.
Oh my God, we don't have any milk.
Here are some talking points.
Their turkey is made with the best ingredients the best ingredients
is right in the notes.
We're best ingredients.
My friend called me up from Savage jerky.com and told me
that their turkey is made with the best ingredients without
nitrates or preservatives. The goal was to create a snack
that was full of flavor.
Was it full of flavor?
Full of flavor and spice.
Was it also full of spice for you?
The inspiration came from the flavor of garlic lime and
cilantro as it brings out the natural flavor and premium
beef. Could you taste the lime?
They also make barbecue sauce, hot sauce and a spice rub.
Okay, that's it.
I'm done.
Use offer code LTT to save 10% on all their products.
Go check it out.
All right, and Luke will be joining us again in a while.
Oh, sometimes I enjoy the shows where there's legitimately
no news where we're like we have to turn sponsor spots into
a way to kill like 20 minutes because there's really just
nothing to talk about this week.
No, I do have something good though.
So one good thing did come out of Trump winning the presidency.
So I made a bet crap.
I was actually really hoping Luke would be here for this
so that I could remember Luke when did said come up here?
When did we go to bubble world?
And when did I make my bet with him?
It was a few months ago at this point.
Oh, it was like it was like early in the primaries.
Yeah, like six months ago at least must have been anyway.
I made a bet with seven is Matt Zagurski from nerd Fusion
that Trump would win.
He was being completely dismissive of the Donald.
He was like, it's a joke.
There's no way this will not happen.
And I was like, no, there's all these things that people
are going to like about him and I was like look if Trump
doesn't win I will wear my entire team will wear nerd Fusion
shirts for a month.
But if Trump wins you and your whole streaming team have
to wear Linus Tech Tip shirts for an entire month.
Yeah, so we are getting a lot of free publicity on the
nerd Fusion Twitch channels because some of those guys
are like really big.
Yep, like the amount and this is like this is the kind
of a funny thing is like the bet we were making was not
a cash bet, but we are actually both fairly significant
sized publications and agreeing to a month of like in your
face advertising across all of our content is like pretty
It's like I'm pretty heavy-duty bat and you agreed for
like, okay Luke.
That's not how you drink water says shuriken.
You know, it's a bad idea.
Yeah, that's about it.
No, no, okay in my defense.
Okay, usually when there's like a super hot and it's like
a beef jerky thing.
It's a joke.
It's they don't really go that hard.
Oh my God.
No, it's like hiccups.
You have to drink it upside down.
Oh nice.
As far as I can tell every hiccups cure was created solely
for the purpose of entertaining everyone who doesn't have
hiccups in the room.
Wow, you are like, are you okay?
There was like full seeds in there too.
Wow, really?
Yeah, so they're for real men.
I'm actually pretty good with spice too.
This is not great.
Oh desert bus has a charity fundraising Marathon for whatever
it see this is the kind of stuff I have to deal with like
there's nothing wrong with my computer right now, but look
I click like an inch and a half to the right and that's
the cursor.
Look at this.
Look at this.
See this is the kind of haunted nonsense.
That is my life.
I just have to kind of aim like see but this one's fine.
See this is my life.
This is what I go through.
Okay desert bus for hope.
There you go guys.
It's desert bus org.
They're doing a thing that's in the dock supports Child's
Play charity November 12th 10 a.m.
Pacific Standard Time.
That's cool.
All right.
YouTube has added support for HDR video.
The original article here is from the Verge.
Hmm, so I guess that's cool.
I got it.
Okay for the four people who have HDR displays.
You got a more accurate and realistic range of whites and
blacks as well as a wider range of colors.
So now they have 4k and HDR just like the newest TVs that
most people don't own but that's okay.
I mean YouTube's never been afraid to support standards
that no one owns.
I mean, they support 8k.
So like that's the thing.
There are 8k videos on YouTube with that said, I think we
are losing track somewhat of what's actually important when
it comes to online video streaming.
So this is top secret and you didn't hear it here first,
but we are definitely looking into online streaming technologies.
That's all I'm saying.
That's maybe scarier than the Reaper.
Oh, we're looking into it and the reality of it is call
out to cat boiler and Eric.
Yeah, you guys are awesome by the way.
Yeah, the reality of it is that here.
Let me see if I can find it 4k worth our findings like a
year ago still hold true where the streaming bitrate is far
more important than stuff like resolution and while HDR might
provide more benefit than simply amping up the amping up
the resolution. I don't think I buy that it is enough more
that I would go HDR with like the low bit rate anomalies
like blocking and banding versus just having a higher streaming
bit rate and a lower resolution.
Yeah, here it is.
So if you haven't watched it already, I'm going to drop
this video in the twitch chat.
Sorry for everyone watching on YouTube.
You can go find it.
It's called 4k video.
Is it worth it?
The answer is no the only difference that's why we edit all
of our videos at 1080p and upscale to 4k before we upload
when we bother because the only difference when you watch
a 4k video on YouTube is that if you select 4k, it's streaming
at a higher bit rate.
That's what makes the difference.
It doesn't matter if the original source video was 1080p
or 4k because YouTube's 4k is still not even close to what
good 1080p would have been anyway.
So we'll see we were uploading.
I mean we were working with high bit rate 720 that looks
better than the low bit rate 4k that YouTube serves.
I wasn't even going to give them that much detail.
Okay, we are definitely looking into video streaming platforms.
So that's the thing.
What else we got in the docket for today?
Soil it works pretty well when you don't have milk.
All right, Tesla original article here is from wired.com.
Tesla has given up on free charging.
What the crap is this?
Go go. Oh, I clicked.
Oh, it's a Mitsubishi ad.
The Lancer at 0% financing.
I don't even know.
No, it is Mitsubishi.ca.
Okay, cool.
They've given up on free charging that was bound to happen.
Eventually electricity is not free, especially in California.
So Tesla had been inviting its customers to plug into chargers
that added 200 to 300 miles of range per hour.
Sorry, not a thing anymore.
Now new Tesla buyers will have to pay as of January 1st 2017.
Anyone who orders a Tesla will get just 400 kilowatt hours
of free supercharging credits per year.
Haven't revealed how much it will cost after that limit
but said that the small fee will be cheaper than buying gas.
Better be.
People who ordered their car before the state still get to charge
for free for life, which is pretty cool.
Other than model 3.
Yeah, that doesn't count the 373,000 people that put down
a thousand dollar deposit to reserve a model 3.
That is so many people, unbelievable.
Tesla has found that more people are charging at these stations
than at home, which like, wow, who didn't see that one coming?
If I could charge for free out of my home or I could pay
for it at home, which would I do?
I just spent all of my money on a Tesla.
All right, so that's fine.
If you just get his solar roof stuff, I didn't want to talk.
It looks amazing.
I didn't want to talk about anything else for the rest
of the show.
So, it's an ad.
It's another ad again.
Okay, not that.
Yes this ha ha ha ha ha ha.
I don't even care that my face is burning.
This is fantastic.
Oh man.
So leading up to BlizzCon.
Dang Blizzard.
You messed up.
Leading up to BlizzCon.
Nastalrius was like, oh, yeah, you better explain what
the crap Nastalrius for the is for the people who don't care
at all.
So Nostalrius begins was a private server for classic Wow. I don't generally support private servers
I don't generally think they're a good idea. But in this case the classic content in World of Warcraft is essentially gone
Cataclysm broke the world and changed the whole map
Yeah, I'm just saying go ahead though Wow
Wow, crooked Linus being a jerk
All the different expansion stuff screwed everything up whatever if people like that new content, that's great
But there are some people that want to play the older stuff as well. Maybe classic maybe burning crusade
Maybe rats the Lich King, but the older stuff
So Nostalrius who are 26 might know
Nostalrius wants to bring in I'm not 26 yet. Nostalrius wanted to
Bring in classic Wow in a good solid form with no pay-to-win. No donations even
And just let people play the game the way it was
Supposed to be played back then the way it was meant to be played in video for life. Yes
Which is great and then Blizzard was like cease and desist order boom
Get rekt. Yeah, we have to go soon. We know
Dinner is tonight, but he could talk about mr. I could literally like clean up everything and leave
Yeah, and he could still be talking about Nostalrius. Okay, I'll talk about it
Season just disordered cut them down
They wouldn't had meetings with blizzard about blizzard opening official servers and all this kind of stuff
It all looked like it was gonna be great and then out of nowhere
Blizzard completely stops answering any form of email or any form of communication at all
Blizzcon comes up and the salaries is only communication is like we're trying here. We're gonna launch a shirt campaign t-shirt campaign
We're not gonna keep any of the proceeds
People can just buy some cool t-shirts the same as salaries on it and then with the last announcement on the t-shirt campaign
They're like if you don't hear anything at Blizzcon from Blizzard
You will hear something around Blizzcon from us and then little like winky face and that was it
And they just left it at that and then in response to that because that blew up
Posted an official post on their own forums saying that there will be no communication about classic Wow at Blizzcon
Fast forward to Blizzcon after that massively long post and the giant fights that were back and forth on that thread
People are in the crowd yelling for news about classic Wow trying to get stuff going and they don't talk about it
And they ignore it. I think there was maybe one official statement of them being like no guys. Come on. We're not doing this
Where's the official post because I don't want to get anything wrong
The salaries came out and said that the source code of the salaries will be given to an existing legacy project
Which we believe to be the most in line with our core values named Elysium. There's no donations. It's all run for free
But this server shares the volunteer spirit and passion for the game that we had
Furthermore and an important part of Nostalrius volunteers are already working there some under different names
We wish them the best and hope that they will become a new home for the returned vanilla community
Nostalrius admin Viper wrote on a forum post essentially
They're giving
Everything to Elysium Wow
And if you had an old account your old account will be able to come back
You'll be able to log into it. All your stuff will be there guilds are still gonna be there. Everything's gonna work
It's gonna take about a month and what people are kind of assuming
Is that considering these guys went and met with Blizzard in person? They don't want to be like hey so bored
We're putting this back up. We're hosting it ourselves. So they're giving it to someone else
Going publicly at least hands off so that they
Don't have to be too close to it. And I am extremely excited. The only thing that is very frustrating. I can't stream it. Oh
Yeah, I really want Blizzard to officially host their own damn thing, I don't want there to be a private server
I want to play on a real Blizzard
classic server and I will stream it and I will suggest people come and play it and I'll host my own freaking guild and
People can come play with me and I'll promote the awesome thing that Blizzard just did
Blizzard doesn't give you a lot of opportunities to promote the awesome thing. They just know not lately
All right, speaking of awesome things we've got one more topic for you today, this is really cool the chronos
1.4 could be I think is is a little bit
Optimistic could be a twenty five hundred dollar camera that can shoot at twenty one thousand six hundred and fifty frames per second
So all of a sudden like slow-mo guys style footage could be attainable
to regular Joe's like us
That's pretty insane and even just like regular or Joe or hers
So it's the brainchild of engineer David
Kronstein who demonstrated the cameras hardware and recording capabilities under his YouTube handle Tesla 500
He lists the pre-production camera features to be the following 1.4 gigapixel per second throughput throughput. Excuse me
1280 by 1024 at
1050 FPS so you could shoot like
HD at over a thousand frames per second lower resolutions obviously at higher speeds
816 or possibly 32 gigs of RAM
He doesn't know apparently because this is a list of the pre-production camera features
So there's that storage on SD card USB Drive SATA hard drive raw video saving
No PC needed for operation and an AC adapter or battery
Planning to launch the camera on gofundme rather than Kickstarter in the next month or so. Is it real?
I don't know would I give money to it? No, not until it's done. Go farted me when it's done. Yeah, go fart me
And on that note, thank you very much for tuning in to the WAN Show
We will see you again next week. Same bad time same bad channel if we're to be believed
Wait, no not same bad time same bad channel. Nope. See you caught me. Crooked Linus. WRONG! WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!