
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Okay, so I know it's been a while since we've said this, because quite frankly, most of
the time lately, there just really hasn't been any excuse for our lateness.
I think it's these lights, that's why we're pale.
Okay, not what I was talking about at all, but I like your effort, that's why you're
still here.
It drives real hard, folks.
Real hard.
Brandon, get other lights that don't make me look so dead.
A plus for effort.
So I know I haven't said this in a while, but really, today, we were like this close.
Not to being on time, but to being like pretty close to on time.
We were like five minutes off or something.
Yeah, seven.
We were about seven minutes late, and basically I was dropping these sponsor spots into place,
and this is really weird.
This is kind of cool, because I got a first-hand look into the inner workings of the mind of
Windows 10, where XSplit, the program window, was here.
You know what, I'll just... Oh, I don't think I have a scene where I can screen share with
you guys.
I will create one very quickly.
That's gonna get-
Okay, so I could see-
A picture-in-picture that's gonna lag out super hard.
That's a pretty good computer, should be okay.
All right.
Test manage that.
That shiz.
17% CPU, y'all.
Yeah, that's right.
47, wow, we put a 4770K in this?
And that was all on Paul and Kyle's behalf, if I recall correctly, because the stream
was dropping frames because we had two guests or something along those lines, I think.
The thing is, I could see my XSplit window, it was kind of here, I'm reenacting this for
you guys, and I could see us moving around and things moving in the frame, and I could
actually right-click on the desktop, and number lock was working, but it was the most bizarre
thing because I couldn't click anything, the start menu wasn't coming up, and even pressing
the front button was not resetting the computer, but number lock was working.
I was like, this computer's responding.
So I was like, okay, well, hard shutdown, I'm gonna bork my windows again, when just
boot it up, and the motherboard's all like, oh, your CSM boot settings, it's stable.
You need to change these things to whatever if you want to do anything.
Going to the secure boot settings, I'm like, oh, not this again?
So I go and I go, I set it to a bunch of things, and then I set it to full auto, and I reboot
it again, and I kind of go, now just hold on a minute here, my voice isn't quite back
yet, folks, and I go into the actual boot devices and there's nothing in there.
No drive.
No drive?
What do you mean no drive?
Where's my drive?
Why not say there's no boot device found?
That's what my laptop was doing.
I'm using a John's laptop, actually, because the MSM SATA drive in my laptop died, so I've
swapped that anyways, no big deal, but it was just like, oh, no boot device.
That's fine.
Where was that error, Zeus?
No way.
So anyway, it takes me like 12 minutes or whatever to diagnose this, so I go down, I
look at the computer, it's plugged in, so I kind of go, well, that's what happened.
My SSD died while I was operating the computer.
I don't ask for much from this computer.
Two hours a week.
It doesn't even go into sleep.
It shuts down everything but two hours a week.
And honestly, it's only really supposed to be like an hour and a half a week.
And it's on a UPS, so it gets the best power in the building.
I ask for so little, and it's just, no, no, whatever, Linus, big old, big old F you, Linus,
because I hate you, and you know what, I hate you too, computer.
Anyway, new SATA cable, boots up, we're ready to go, but we're late.
And on top of that, I just wasted another five minutes explaining why we're late.
We haven't even introed topics yet.
Making us even later.
Unless you've watched it on YouTube, you don't know what we're going to talk about.
I want a refund.
Can you get that?
For this show.
On time?
Oh wow.
I want a refund.
What does that even mean?
I don't know.
I don't know.
But what I do know is that Pornhub released some stats from their site showing that they
are traffic compared to typical averages lowered immediately after the Fallout 4 launch, telling
us something that I'm pretty sure we all know.
Tim Cook declares the end of the PC ushers in the age of the iPad Pro.
Also Broadwell-E specifications have leaked, and Pokemon Gen 1 is coming to 3DS.
Intro time.
Oh my god, the intro worked.
The intro always works these days, man.
Wasn't it like two weeks ago that it didn't work?
This is so funny.
People are like, 15% of the traffic was Luke.
Hey, I mean, that's fair.
Oh man, I got to do something about that voice.
Okay, see, this is a trick, this is a trick.
If I make it blank now, then it'll work next time.
I just always forget.
We should have a script that just does that.
You know what we should have is we should have like a checklist for the end of the show,
because I swear, it has been a month since I've remembered to pull down the Hey, we're
live tweet and Facebook post, and then inevitably, inevitably, people are like, hey, how come
you took down the archive?
Okay, for one, the video is called We're Live.
It's not called The Wan Show.
Okay, The Wan Show has been running for like two years.
The Wan Show has never been called We're Live.
Not once.
And number two, I understand your confusion, and it's completely my bad.
This is my way of apologizing.
You like to apologize by making you feel like it's your fault, but then also admitting guilt
in some way.
It's that way works best for everyone.
So let's get into it.
You know, I'm at that stage where I'm like, feeling pretty much better.
But there's like a gigantic loogie somewhere between like my nose and my throat, like kind
of in here somewhere.
And like, it's annoying, you can't really do anything about it.
I think I just swallowed it.
Oh, that's better or worse.
And other news about swallowing Pornhub.
Oh, you know, that doesn't happen much.
It could.
It could, but it doesn't.
There's probably like a whole category for that.
Probably, actually, I'm probably just missing the right keyword.
All right, so this was posted originally on the forum by Sam Fisher, and the original
source here is from VentureBeat, let's go ahead and screen share with you guys.
So Pornhub's traffic dipped significantly the day that Fallout 4 came out confirming
once and for all that gamers who are on the internet, sometimes on their computers might
occasionally partake in the in the hub of porn website.
I think that's what it's called.
Right hub of porn.
I wouldn't know much about it myself.
So in the time after the Fallout release, basically, this is a traffic change among
gamers specifically.
So the actual dip is probably less significant because Pornhub has actually used Google data
in order to segment their overall traffic into just the traffic that's also interested
in gaming.
Well, that makes sense then.
That's almost too groomed.
I wish it was overall traffic.
Nothing can be too groomed.
Oh, wow.
I wish it was overall traffic, not just gaming fans.
Me too.
That would be a way more interesting statistic.
It would.
I didn't realize that and that makes this way more boring.
So anyway, so the traffic change after the Fallout 4 release, you can see it was down
as much as 10%.
However, after, looks like, I don't know what, three, four, five, 15 or so hours of continuous
gaming, it was time for Pornhub and then time to go to bed.
Well, that looks like on the first night, they gamed a bit and then had a little...
No, no, that's 4 a.m. then 4 p.m.
So that's a 24-hour period you're looking at.
No, it's a little more.
Little more.
It's a 30-hour or so period.
So the first night it comes out, they play a little bit and then they're like, ah, I
need to go to work in the morning, have some fun time, go to sleep, work, work, work, work,
work, do whatever, do whatever, do whatever, do whatever, play again the next day.
And then now everyone's had a little bit more Fallout time, so they're more inclined to
spend a little bit of time before going to bed doing other things.
And then everyone's like, okay, whoop, and then go back to bed.
So this is probably going to be the worst straw poll we've ever done.
That's saying a lot.
So does a hot new game release.
You should just go full bore and make it fap on night one versus fap on night two.
I'm not going to do that.
That's just, no.
Does a hot new game release affect your schedule?
So we're going to go with yes, no, and really those are the only options because there's
not really a whole lot to it beyond that.
I'm going to go ahead and drop that in the Twitch chat.
Love to hear from you guys about this one.
I'm going to go ahead and vote.
Oh, wow.
The results are pouring in.
They're bouncing back and forth.
They are.
This is, people are, the two, the two, wow, everything, everything is jockeying for position.
This is the tightest poll that we have ever run.
Some might say warmest.
No one would say that.
But possibly not most inviting.
Best groomed perhaps.
So we've got the majority of you, it looks like it's settling in a little bit.
We've got the majority of you saying no.
A hot new game release is not enough to get you off of your schedule with a third of you
saying yes, indeed it would.
And 28% of you voting for Turnip the way you know you should.
All right.
Let's go ahead and move on to our next topic here.
I can't believe anyone even sponsors this show.
It's sort of horrible.
I mean, it's great, but in just sort of a horrible way, or it's horrible in a great
I love this show.
All right.
So posted by Zmule on the forum, the original article here is from the Telegraph.
You're posting links today, right?
We got this.
Tim Click declares the end of the PC and hints at new medical product.
Okay, so I don't know.
That's great.
This article on Telegraph has 1600 comments.
It's amazing how cyclical this whole argument ends up being.
So anyway, I'll give you guys some context for this.
So here's the quote.
If you're looking at a PC, this is Tim Cook, why would you buy a PC anymore?
No, really.
Why would you buy one?
And then he continues, yes, the iPad Pro is a replacement for a notebook or a desktop
for many, many people.
They will start using it and conclude they no longer need to use anything else.
Oh, right.
We make phones other than their phones.
I added that bit about, oh, we make phones.
I guess we need to sell those too.
The really weird thing here is Apple also makes PCs, pretty decent ones last time I
checked and also last time I checked, their PC market share was rising, not lowering.
I can't find the graph, but someone made a info graph based on the people claiming that
the PC was dead over time.
And I forgot, I should have had that in here for this segment, but it's amazing because
it's been going on since like a really long time ago.
In like the crazy, the PC space is exploding era, people have been saying it since then.
So why don't we take turns answering Mr. Cook's question here.
If you're looking at a PC, why would you buy a PC anymore?
No, really.
Why would you buy one?
One answer, one answer at a time.
One answer at a time.
Am I first?
Yeah, you're first.
You know the first one's too easy.
I think there's a lot that are too easy actually, so go ahead.
Okay, gaming.
I want to play games that can't be played on an iPad Pro.
No, it's the job.
Oh, okay.
No, no.
I am going to, we have to take turns.
I want to play games that can't be played on an iPad Pro.
Well then, you should probably lobby that developer to develop for the iPad Pro.
The iPad Pro is extremely powerful.
Yeah, because the game, it's not powerful enough though.
It's not powerful enough.
Okay, alright.
So you want a machine that can game and is powerful.
I got argument number two.
Maybe, just maybe, I want a peripheral that is not Bluetooth.
Well, you should probably- And does not require an external dongle.
You should probably learn to use modern peripherals.
You're just behind the times.
This is going to get confusing for you.
My modern peripherals are just fine, sir.
That is a stupid argument and mine is a good one.
You're next.
I need to have interesting input devices that I can't have on an iPad Pro.
That's basically mine rephrased.
Try again.
No, no, no.
Because of like, capture cards and whatnot.
If I'm rendering video- I said I wanted peripheral devices that are
not Bluetooth.
Were you not talking about keyboard and mouse?
Just peripherals.
I could be a printer.
It could be a printer.
Printer's a peripheral.
I don't know enough about the iPad Pro to be completely fair.
Basically it's a big iPad and it's faster.
What could you need to do with a PC that you can't do with an iPad?
All I really do with it is play games.
Oh, well, okay.
Well, fine.
I'll come up with other things.
How about an external display?
What if I want to- Peripheral.
Actually multitask.
Arguably that is a peripheral.
So I'm repeating my own argument.
You said peripheral, which took way too many turns out of the argument.
Damn it.
Maybe he's right.
Maybe he's right.
What if I want to upgrade it?
What if I want to upgrade it?
But that was part of the not fast enough thing.
Oh crap.
Because we said it's not fast enough and we said we want to be able to plug more things
We will come up with something.
And then games falls in under the same category as Windows on the application.
I need access to my file system.
You can't do that in iPad Pro?
No, it's just iOS.
I don't use them.
I don't know.
It's just a big iPad.
That's pathetic.
They have changed nothing.
It doesn't even have force touch.
I need massively expandable storage.
The cloud.
The cloud is the answer to everything.
I need it to be privately secured.
In fact, the cloud is the answer to your gaming too.
Cloud gaming, cloud storage, done.
I don't accept that.
I need to be able to play my games offline.
I need local security.
I think we've made our point.
If I knew more about what people actually use iPads for, I'd probably be able to have
more arguments.
Honestly, that's a more interesting discussion at this point.
Not what you can't do on an iPad because that's kind of an endless topic, but what can you
do on an iPad?
I don't use them.
I literally don't know what you can do on an iPad.
You can shop on Amazon.
You can check your email.
It's all the usual things.
I mean, the main difference here.
We can use this to springboard into what the iPad Pro is as much as anything else.
My favorite iPad Pro review so far is this one over on Ars Technica where I think the
headline pretty much says it.
Mac-like speed with all the virtues and restrictions of iOS because it does bring some interesting
new peripherals to the table.
There is finally an Apple-sanctioned official keyboard cover and the similarity to something
like a Surface Pro type cover is definitely a thing and they have the pencil, which is
a stylus, but it is a device...
I'm saying apparently you just use an iPad for porn.
You can use a computer for porn.
So it's one of those things where, and we'll talk more about SteamOS later, but it's one
of those things where I don't, especially with the way that it's priced, which is kind
of beating down the door of devices like a Surface Pro 4 and even Apple's own MacBook
At the kind of price that it's at, I just don't really understand why I'm taking a half-assed
keyboard and no trackpad.
It does have the pencil, so it does have a stylus, but it lacks any mouse or trackpad
I don't understand why I'm giving that up for the sake of...
I can attach the keyboard, I guess?
And the screen is bigger?
I'm trying to watch people talking about what they actually use them for.
So far I got, keep all my schoolbooks in one place, which like...
So it's an e-book.
Or a laptop.
One of the two.
Your phone.
Well, the screen's pretty small.
And that's like it.
So I mean, to me, this is not so much a problem with what Tim Cook is, I think, trying to
And that's that the iPad Pro is like everything that like...
Where's that other...
Where's that other...
Where's that other quote?
I think this was in the...
You can technically video edit on an iPad Pro.
So it's a...
It's not like...
It's just kind of wrong.
The iPad Pro is a replacement for a notebook or a desktop for many, many people.
And I...
If you use it within the right narrowed scope.
So I think to say that for many, many people, an Apple is...
Oh, no.
I shouldn't say Apple, because I meant the fruit, not the company.
But in the context of this discussion, that could be very confusing.
To say for many, many people, a trackpad is a replacement for the mouse would be true.
Because functionally, you can kind of use them for the same stuff, but...
And this...
I've said this before.
In my MacBook 2015 retina review, I've got stuff to do.
I need a mouse, because it's faster and actually objectively better if you've got stuff to
If I'm just hanging around watching YouTube videos on my computer, I don't need a mouse,
because I'm not in a hurry.
I've got all the time in the world.
And I think that's kind of what's being said here.
Yes, the iPad Pro is a replacement for a notebook or desktop for many, many people.
If those people don't really have anything to do, or they're like...
They need something to sketch on.
But I don't understand why they're using this instead of a Windows-based Wacom tablet, which
has already existed for a couple of years, for people who legitimately want to use the
fully-featured Adobe Creative Suite on a portable device, with a legitimately excellent pen
and digitizer experience.
With that said, the overall feedback on Apple's Pencil stylus seems to be pretty good so far
from reviews, but they're not out there in the wilderness.
And this is really crazy.
The iPad Pro is out, but the stylus is delayed again.
So you actually would just be buying a big iPad with a keyboard.
And this is another thing, going back to the keyboard, I don't really personally think
that an extra couple inches on the screen dramatically changes the iOS experience enough,
combined with a keyboard, that this is a game-changing device.
I personally...
This is something I went through.
I personally went through the experience of back in the iPad 2 days, Logitech, and they
actually have a new peripheral for the iPad Pro, but Logitech had a Bluetooth keyboard
slash hard aluminum cover, really nice accessory for the iPad 2.
I personally bought hundreds of them.
When I worked at NCIX, I busted my butt.
I was like, this thing is going to be a hot mover.
It takes everything that's great about the iPad and makes it so you can actually pipe
on the damn thing.
Nothing was a disaster.
It was so hard for me to get rid of them.
And so what?
People have changed their minds that much already?
I don't think so.
So lots of people talking about...
Oh, sure?
Oh, there's one extra word.
So okay, go for it.
So lots of people in the chat are bringing up the horrible, horrible, horrible, horrible
things that happened in Paris.
Wait, are we done with the iPad thing?
Are we completely changing?
Okay, sure.
We don't technically have to, but we've been talking about it for quite a while.
Yeah, okay.
So yeah, we're done.
So basically, in short, don't expect an iPad Pro review from me because I don't really
It is not a PC.
It does not replace a PC.
It's a big iPad.
And that'll be good for some things, like in a classroom where a bigger thing to read
a storybook to the kids on the iPad might be nice.
That's what I think it's for.
Okay, go ahead.
Anyways, super important, super terrible things happening in Paris.
Yes, we know we're mainly not addressing it because we're probably not the right people
to be addressing it.
We're still a tech show.
Yes, I would...
It is super important, and if you do wanna be informed, I would very much recommend going
and checking it out.
I know there's at least two of the top things on the front page of Reddit are about Paris
right now.
Those are probably good links to go get yourself informed.
I'm sure people in chat will probably be able to help you if you're looking for information,
and you'll be able to find it all over the internet.
It's a huge thing right now, but yes, we are probably not the right people, and I feel
like if we spoke about it, we wouldn't be adding to the conversation, for one, and might
accidentally spread misinformation, which would be the worst thing to do right now,
so maybe go check it out.
In short, there are attacks, and Paris has closed their borders, and yeah, that's very
much a developing, developing thing right now, so I think it's safe for us to say our
hearts go out to the people of Paris.
I love Paris.
That's actually the city that I chose.
That was my grad present, is I could go anywhere in the world for, I think it was like 10 days
or something like that.
Also, I had to take my mother, and I went to Paris, and it was freaking awesome, and
people should not attack Paris.
I think we can all agree on that.
All right, so moving back to tech news, Intel's Skylake Speed Shift technology has been deployed.
Now, this is stuff that was built into the CPU back when it was released, and this was
posted on the forum by Num Lock 21.
The article here is from Anantech, but basically what this amounts to is a more advanced, kind
of a more granular version of the Speed Step technology that already existed, that allows
the CPU to dynamically adjust its power and speed settings as it's being used.
This is cool.
In the past, the operating system was fully in control of this process, and the CPU itself
was just capable of all these different power states.
Now, with operating system support, and this has been added to Windows 10, the OS can actually
hand control of the frequency and voltage back to the processor.
In short, there's an Intel-provided graph here that shows, with Speed Shift enabled,
how quickly it can cycle up to different power states.
You can see the, I believe this is frequency, yep, so this is frequency versus time in milliseconds.
We are talking getting from a lower power state to the highest one in a matter of, what
is this, like 15 milliseconds or something along those lines versus about 120 milliseconds
without Speed Shift enabled.
This is going to be particularly important for things like mobile processors, where the
difference between your base clock and your very low power steps when you've got Speed
Step at its very, very low states to say battery, so this is going to make a big difference
to the responsiveness of tasks when that mobile processor that has a huge disparity between
its base and its boost clock is able to quickly go, okay, you're doing something, boom, I'm
done, and oh, now I'm way back down.
Say for example when you're navigating to a webpage, that puts a very short, very sudden,
very short-term load on the processor, and now that will be able to take better advantage
of the actual power that you've got under the hood of your device than was possible
in the past, which can give you responsiveness in little tight timings, which can actually
make your computer feel a lot faster than it actually, the change actually is.
Yeah, responsiveness is more important than how quickly can you render out a video that
is going to take either half an hour or 35 minutes or whatever, which is awesome, but
like that five minutes will feel like a much shorter period of time than when, because
you'll probably go do something, compared to if you're sitting there literally staring
at the screen waiting for something to load.
So this is cool, this tells us a little bit about it, so Anantek ran PCMark 8 because
somehow they managed to get that bloody program to run, I swear, and you know what, we must
just be snake bitten, because I love FutureMark, those guys are nice, and I love most of the
software that they make, but PCMark man, every single time, people often ask me, why don't
you run PCMark on like your laptop reviews and stuff, maybe 10 to 20%, maybe 30% of the
time that I've just sat down and gone, okay, I'm going to run PCMark, it has worked.
For a while I was actually using the battery life test in my notebook videos, so I used
it in I think two, and then I went to use it for the Dell Rugged laptop, and three times
it just failed, just like, would stop working, the computer would go to sleep when the device
still had 40% battery, I'm just like, this is not useful!
Every time we get to Scrapyard Wars, we get to deciding on one of those style of tests,
I'm just like, uh, oh dear, and we went through what, three different versions of PCMark,
to find one that would work, to find one that we managed to run, and even then, I think
we, oh, this is spoilers, okay, stay tuned for more Scrapyard Wars, how is it still coming
out? I'm on the fan side on this one, it's way too long!
You know what, it was one of those things where it ended up being a result of us taking
the whole thing and going, okay, what's good here, because a lot of the time, stuff that
was good enough to make it into this version ended up on the cutting room floor because
of just time constraints last time, so I think the haphazard approach almost worked better.
The problem was because it was too light and too heavy. Last time had its own whole set
of problems, I know. But we decided on this before we... So we'll re-evaluate and we'll
take another crack at it, and that's pretty much all there is to it. Alright. So anyway,
there's some more benchmarks for Speed Shift that show that in some cases it does make
a very significant difference, in other cases it's much smaller, but yeah, there you go.
Battery efficiency ever so slightly improved, I love those Anontech guys, they do such a
good job. This is all good stuff. All good stuff. I doubt it's going to be a major game
changing thing, but like, it's cool. What's interesting is that the OS can relinquish
not necessarily all, but just some of the power state, some of the power state, so it
could control it within this range or that range or the whole thing. That's cool. Very
cool stuff, yeah. Do you know if you're going to have to enable this, or is it automatically
running? That I actually don't know. On the OS side, I'm assuming on the CPU side it's
probably enabled by default. I suspect it works on its own, I cannot tell you. The only
thing that made me think of that is because you said it can do this or that. Alright,
so this is interesting, I mean this is something where it doesn't look like anyone can get
any comment from, here we go, from the director of whatever, Carnegie, yeah, I think it's
unlikely that they could have got, did we intro the topic at all? No, no we didn't.
So basically, word on the street is that the FBI paid Carnegie Mellon one million dollars,
at least, this is all very, he said, she said, to break Tor. So the original article that
we have here, this was posted by Datspeed on the forum, the original article, and there's
the full size ad, is from Forbes here, and so the Tor project is the one claiming this.
And the objective, they are saying, was for the FBI to uncloak particular users and find
their true IPs. So this is the team responsible for maintaining the Tor anonymizing network
and they're claiming that they paid one million to disclose techniques that they discovered
that could help uncover the identities of users. Neither the FBI nor Carnegie Mellon
have directly confirmed nor denied anything. There was a talk that was supposed to be at
Black Hat 2014 that was cancelled from two researchers, their names are in here somewhere
that were from Carnegie Mellon, that talk was cancelled and was directly pertaining
to these kind of things, and people are wondering if that talk was kind of bought out by the
FBI so that it wasn't released, and then the things that they were talking about in there
were released, and that talk was about being able to un-anonymize these people and find
the hidden services, which is exactly what was done, so they do actually seem pretty
well related. Yup, so I guess that's pretty much all there is to really say about it.
I don't know how to say your last name, Ed Desautels. Can I help you? Desautels? Yeah,
it looks like a French name. Spokesman for Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute
did not deny the accusations directly, but told Wired, I would like to see the substantiation
for their claim, adding, I am not aware of any payment, which is basically like saying,
I can't say anything. Yeah. The site Motherboard reviewed court filings that proved the FBI
recruited a research institute that was running systems on Tor networks to uncover the identity
of a user of Silk Road 2, so that's the drug marketplace that replaced the first version
of the Silk Road, and yeah, I guess that's pretty much all there is to say about that,
so nowhere is safe. Yay. Yay. That's why you should run a local cloud, unlike that thing
you can do on an iPad, which is using other clouds. Oh wow. Boy. I guess, we actually
had a separate, you know what, it's probably worth going through, we had a separate topic
for the iPad Pro, I did cover a lot of this though when I was kind of ranting about it
before, but there are some good things about it. iPad Pro again, bro? Yeah, so this was
supposed to buy Datspeed, well it's kind of a big deal, because it replaces desktops and
laptops. Shit, that means like our jobs. Yeah, I know right? We'll just have to make videos
about the iPad Pro all day. Dude, I can put the iPad Pro in a bomb. Okay, that will make
more sense if you've watched his Fallout 4 build block. Yeah. Anyway, so there is some
cool stuff, so the A9X processor, the same one that was found in the iPhone 6s, has now
been overclocked, just another way of saying the clock speed has been increased, so it's
now even faster, and actually quite competitive with Intel's real processors, like we're not
talking Core M, it's legitimately looking pretty competitive with low-end Core i3, Core
i5 dual-core. Pretty darn interesting stuff, and this is based on some browser-based benchmarks
as well as Geekbench. It also shows little sign of throttling in the Geekbench thermal
test, pretty darn impressive, and with the larger battery, thanks to the larger housing,
it's able to achieve pretty darn similar battery life to previous iPads. Again, a very good
result. The on-board graphics are looking very, very favourable, beating every previous
iDevice and every Intel GPU up to and including the Iris Pro 5200 and Intel HD 520. It does
not feature 3D touch, something that I'm personally pretty disappointed in. That's brutal, 3D touch
is actually awesome. Yeah, Apple's done a pretty good job in the past of maintaining
their new features across the product line as they refresh them, and I would have really
expected that, and this is especially disappointing given that this is a device that, it's so
funny, because Apple is always running around saying, whoa, no touch screens for our MacBooks
because that's awkward. So this is a device where we're expected to type and touch it,
and they're actually taking away input options from the touch input. Multitasking is still
quite limited because it's running iOS, it takes around four and a half hours to completely
recharge with the included chargeware, if not in use, thanks to its high capacity battery
and it starts at $800 US. The keyboard is $169 for a keyboard accessory, and the stylus
is $100. So you've spent over $1,000 by the time you get even a base 32 gig Wi-Fi model.
Basically, I wouldn't recommend buying it. I've given some pretty positive reviews to
Apple devices in the last little while, including the iPhone 6s, but this one... They're doing
really great on the phone side, especially with Android, part of the reason why they're
doing so great is that Android is just doing terribly in terms of security stuff. Yeah,
security stuff, OS updates, customer support, there's a lot of things wrong with Android
right now. I'm super pleased with my new phone. Those of you who aren't following on Vessel
won't know this yet, but I have officially switched to the Xperia Z5 Compact. I have
done away with the Droid Turbo. It has officially happened after 11 months. Like you're actually
gonna switch? That's done. Wow. I'm done. I'm done with the Droid Turbo. I think Taran
wants to buy it. That would be a good upgrade for Taran. Yeah, he needs a phone with a camera
that works. So the Droid Turbo is definitely that. Alright, let's move on to some Intel
news. The Broadwell-E, upcoming Broadwell-E specifications have been leaked. This was
posted by Mr. Troll on the forum, whose name is appropriate given that it's a news item
on LTT forum linking to WCCF Tech. So there's actually, if this is true, and what I will
give WCCF Tech and many of the other rumor mail sites out there, what I will give them
is that typically, Intel CPU rumors tend to be pretty good. Intel is a very, very structured
company and generally speaking, their roadmaps, like back when I was working at a retailer,
their roadmaps are pretty far out and like, if they are going to be arriving, I think
what was it, Q1 2016? Later in 2016. So the Broadwell EP Xeons are rumored for Q1 2016
with the consumer grade ones coming, I think it was later in 2016. So it would not be unlike
Intel to have a year out roadmap that they're showing potential partners under NDA, but
of course, how long does it take for WCCF Tech to get their hands on that? So in a nutshell,
we are looking at once again, man, it seems like it took forever for them to get past
giving us six cores on that platform, but we are getting another two cores for the top
end extreme edition. Cool freaking stuff. One of the coolest parts though, is that you
can get an eight core non-extreme edition. Yes. So the top end thousand dollar processor
is rumored to be rocking 10 cores and 20 threads at three gigahertz. So we're looking at a
basically equivalent single threaded performance in all likelihood with essentially in heavily
multi-threaded workloads. That's three gigahertz non-turbo. Yeah, non-turbo. And we don't know
the turbo. And we don't know turbo clocks. So effectively whatever, 25% performance improvement
in heavily threaded workloads. Not bad from generation to generation. Heck of a lot better
than the consumer stuff. Yay. We're getting treated like enthusiasts again. And then this
is even more interesting sort of, except that we don't know pricing yet. And that is that
of the 6950X is the extreme edition. The 6900K is apparently going to have eight cores and
16 threads. So you won't have to buy an extreme edition to get the eight core experience.
Which is awesome. But again, yeah, we don't know the price tag, but it's probably pretty
easy to guess. Well, I would have said that except that this time around Intel is going
to have four SKUs in the enthusiast stack. So for the last couple of generations, like
three generations, 3960X, and then it was 3930K, 3820K. Then we had the 4960X, 4930K,
2920K. And in both of those cases, I believe they were all, it was six core, four core,
four core. No, six core, six core, four core. I think something along those lines. Anyway,
so this time we get 10 core. Okay, so right. So 5960X is eight core and then both of the
lower ones are six core, right? There was no cheap quad core previously. That's right.
They were, they were six cores or, or sorry, there's the cheap one is not a quad core this
time. Six core, six core. So this time you get a 10 core or an eight core and then there
is no quad core. Very nice. So you get definitely something for your money investing in an X99
motherboard and quad core memory, quad channel memory. So this time you definitely get at
least two more cores for your money and you could get up to also six or eight or 10. But
we don't know what the pricing is gonna look like and I wouldn't be that surprised to see
Intel pull another Q6600 on us here. So back when they launched their first quad core extreme
edition, the QX6700, what happened was they initially launched the Q6600 which was their
first non-extreme quad core at like $750 or something like that. Like it was quite expensive.
So I wouldn't be surprised to see that and then another lower end six core with kind
of the other six core sitting in between that massive price gap that now exists between
the 5820K and the 5930K. And the other thing we don't know yet here is how PCI express
lanes are gonna be handled. So right now while we do get a six, a six or an eight core regardless
of how much we spend, that bottom tier six core instead of having two fewer cores has
12 fewer PCI lanes for worse expansion if you wanna add a bunch of cards to it. So what
I'm guessing is we're gonna see that low end 6800K be six cores and fewer PCI lanes. I
think we're gonna get a six core with all the PCI lanes in between like that new one
that didn't exist before, that new price point. Then we're gonna have eight cores with all
lanes, then we're gonna have 10 cores with all lanes. So that's kind of what it looks
like to me. I'm really super stoked on Broadwell EP though. As some of you probably know, I
have been getting, I've been getting more and more into Xeon stuff and like enjoying
all the cores and you know whether it's using them for our video editing workflow or whether
it's using them for running virtual machines where we took two, two gamers running on one
motherboard which is pretty freaking cool. So this is looking interesting and this, the
official launch is apparently targeted for Q1 2016 so this is E5 2600v4 up to 22 cores
and 44 threads with up to 55 megabytes of cache per chip. Holy actual freaking balls.
Not to mention that memory speed goes up from 2133 to 2400. So we're talking a dual socket
machine with up to 44 cores. I mean I thought it was bananas when we did our 36 core machine.
I wonder what excuse I could find to tell Intel that I need 222 cores. I'm gonna have
to come up with something. Wait don't you already have this? No I've got 218 cores.
What about that? Oh no those are, okay so I do have, okay so I've been teasing this
for a bit. Okay we're changing topics a little bit here. So without revealing too much I'm
going to be building a very interesting machine. It will contain seven R9 Fury Nanos. It will
contain two 14 core Xeons. It will contain 256 gigabytes of memory and it's all gonna
be on an Asus workstation motherboard. The rest of the specs are sort of TBD right now
because I think if I said anything about the rest of what I'm putting in it might reveal
too much about the project but expect that project to show up probably sometime around
the end of this year because let me tell you it takes a little while to get all of that
hardware coordinated and it's gonna take a fair bit of testing and configuration for
me to get this whole thing working. So my CPUs are here. The RAM arrived today. The
video cards are due next Wednesday and the motherboard is, Asus doesn't communicate.
I just kind of go hey I need this motherboard and then like three weeks later it shows up
in the mail and I'm like okay hey we got it. Awesome we'll do that project now. So stay
tuned for that. Speaking of stay tuned, stay tuned for our sponsors. Lynda.com. Lynda.com
is the place to go to learn online if you want to learn about like business or video
editing or photography or... I might even be using them again soon. Really? I used them
for a bit when they, before they became a sponsor and a bit after they became a sponsor
and now I'm like using them again video editing stuff. Oh that's right you want to get into
like, you got like a camera and stuff. Just mildly for fun stuff. One of the reasons why
I wanted to get into it is just so I understand more about what's actually happening when
we do things. Right. And even just kind of bringing it around with me over the last weekend,
I know so much more. What camera did you get again? 70D. Okay. So yeah Luke's decided to
become a camera dork meaning that I'm going to be the only one here who's like not a camera,
not a camera geek. No. Oh yeah I guess Colton and Nick. The business guys. Yeah. You and
the upstairs people. And John. And John. I wouldn't be surprised if John knows a thing
or two but he kind of knows a thing or two about everything. That's true. Yeah I wouldn't
be that surprised. Yes. Anyway so lynda.com. He's like jack of all trades but better. He's
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amount of reasons. Yep. Like even even as far as like should your parents be using lynda.com.
I don't know. Are they old? Are they at risk of developing dementia? No seriously. No.
That's what I'm saying. Oh I thought you were like giving me a look. Like are you really
going to sell lynda.com to potential like you know as a as a cure for dementia. No seriously.
Not a cure to be clear but as a preventative measure. Yes. Being in good physical shape
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doing? What are you doing? Oh okay. I thought you were gonna like moon the audience or something.
I don't know. I don't know the logo. I don't know man. Yeah. Do I look like I know what
you're gonna do from minute to minute. Sometimes. So when you decide to sign up for Squarespace
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website I'm gonna keep checking. Every time we do a Squarespace sponsor spot I'm gonna
see if they've put our headshots on linusmediagroup.com. They're probably not there. I'm sure they're
not there. How is that still? Nope. Nope. They're not there. This is so funny. This
is so outdated. What we do is massively outdated. I know. I know. It's like. That shoot is so
old. I know. So what else do we do? Wow. Oh dear. An unboxing. We straight up don't even
do them anymore. Actually you know what? Do we do any of these things? So we no longer
do commercial production. I don't remember the last time we did one. Me neither. We don't
do unboxings. We do do reviews. We do do event coverage. Although this overclocking event
was a long time ago. Yeah. We do do sponsored projects. Things like our the fallout 3 build
that you have. Excuse me. Fallout 4 build log you just did. Shots fired. And okay. How
many of these do we still work with? It's been a long time for SteelSeries. We haven't
worked with Samsung in over a year. We haven't worked with Linksys since their very first
sponsorship of our trip to CES three years ago. We definitely don't work with Hotspot
Shield anymore. In fact, that brings us very tightly into our next sponsor. Tunnel Bear.
Yeah. There were a number of reasons. Actually there are a number of reasons. Whenever we
drop a sponsor that we end up doing it. Yes. One of them is related to complaints from
our viewers. When we get complaints we don't work with our sponsor anymore unless they
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privately at tunnelbear.com slash LTT. Tunnel Bear is the easy to use VPN solution that
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Oh yeah there's an offer code. Tunnelbear.com slash LTT. Yeah is that link there? Yeah that
link. Go to that link. Yeah. And try Tunnel Bear today. Yeah. Alright so let's move back
on to the rest of the show here. What else are we supposed to talk about today? I don't
even know. There's Pokemon. Oh yeah Pokemon. There's your tax rebellion thing. No this
is actually okay this is really interesting. Okay he hasn't read this. I believe you. This
was posted by Trickstari on the forum. Of course it was. Our resident of tinfoil hat
wearers. This is such a topic for you man. I know. No it's actually legitimately pretty
interesting. No I'm just saying this just it smells like it. So the Welshtown Crick
Howl which is a great name for a town by the way. It is. Moves offshore to avoid tax on
local business. What? Okay so this is led by some traders including the town's salmon
smokeery, local coffee shop, bookshop, optician and bakery. What? And this tax rebellion could
spread nationwide. Now it's important to be very clear what they are doing. They are not
trying to evade taxes for the sake of evading taxes. They said blah blah blah blah blah
blah up until now blah blah blah blah etc etc etc. Okay I can't find the quote that
I was reading but basically that is not the point. These are people who presumably at
least some of them okay proudly pay their taxes to support their country and the public
services that they use. I pay a lot of taxes personally and through the business. I pay
lots and lots of taxes because I've been working since I was legal age to work with absolutely
zero interruptions having always paid my taxes and I am proud of that. I am proud to support
the social programs that we have here in Canada that take that tax money that I pay and build
a road that not only I can drive on but everyone can drive on. That is the way the system is
supposed to work. Is the system broken? Yes the system is broken. There are many many
significant issues in Canada and in many other countries pretty much everywhere. There are
many significant issues that exist with the way that taxpayer money gets spent. Oh yeah.
But it's a heck of a lot better than anarchy and so I continue to support it happily and
I do not go out of my way to evade any taxes and I'm proud of that. So that's not what
these guys are doing either. Their point and this is this is great. One of the town's traders
discovered that he paid seven times more in corporation tax last year than Facebook which
paid five thousand pounds in corporation tax. That is their point. Their point is if this
loophole is here then fine we're going to use it and you've got two options. Option
number one is okay well we're going to play by those rules and we don't pay taxes anymore.
We pay very very small offshore company taxes. Or option number two is tax those guys. They
should be paying tax too. They super should and it's super annoying. So this loophole
allowed the likes of Amazon to pay eleven point nine million on five point three billion
of UK internet sales. Yeah amazon.co.uk is sort of a big site. I think that's worded
oddly. I think they're paying taxes on eleven point nine million of five point three billion
of sales. What? No. Taxes of eleven point nine million on five point three billion of
sales. Okay. Yeah that's right. Don't worry it's all good. I don't know what Ghost is
doing. Me neither. He's drunk. Okay. That's why I was assuming there was something wrong.
Anyway the point is what Joe Karthu who runs the local smoker he said is that until now
complicated offshore tricks have only been open to big companies who can afford the lawyer's
fees. Now we've worked out a way to mimic them. And they're basically this is going
to be a part of a documentary in twenty sixteen as part of BBC Britain's black economy season
and they're basically going okay here's how to do it. So we're starting tax rebellion.
If you want to collect any taxes from businesses maybe it's time to start collecting taxes
from everyone in a fair and equitable manner. I love it. This article made me so happy because
it makes absolutely no sense that these companies are going to are going to you know threaten
threaten the government and go oh well we'll just we'll just like stop paying our lobbying
dollars and we'll just we'll move our operations out if you make us paid taxes. I realistically
I don't see that happening but it takes it takes multiple governments forming a united
front against this behavior in order to make it work. And so I do sincerely worry that
it might not be possible. I don't know. I don't know because it's I mean yeah if you're
if you're Apple is it cheaper for you to pay tax properly on all your income or is it cheaper
for you to offer the entirety of your Silicon Valley campuses a massive relocation bonus
to move to Canada or move to somewhere else. I don't know like I don't know I don't know
how far this would escalate before it ended and I don't know what the landscape would
look like when it was over. Oh this is this is actually I have to confess I had not heard
of this. So this was posted on the forum by oh no I don't have a forum post this is just
in our technical link. So beware of ads that use inaudible sound to link your phone TV
tablet and PC. So privacy advocates warn the feds about surreptious cross device tracking.
This is some crappy stuff going on right here. Yeah and I hadn't heard of this before. If
you're running software on a smart device so basically as far as I can tell that's anything
that can have an app installed on it that can have silver push software running at the
same time that would be able to listen so a microphone of some sort so probably your
phone or a tablet but probably your phone then that silver push software can be the
audio beacon and different devices in your house so your computer if you have speakers
on it your TV most likely in the middle of a commercial can yes would be playing extremely
high-pitched noises I'd be interested to see if that's a frequency that dogs can hear yeah
I wonder if the dogs freak out your dog would be like you're being spied up like yeah exactly
your dog's like no dog meat will save you anyways follow for reference it's gonna play
this crazy sound that you can't hear but that your smart device that has silver push software
on could kind of pick it up so they can track if people are seeing these things yeah so
this will tell advertisers oh man this will tell data miners so much more about you personally
than was possible before because I mean we talked about this let's talk about the iPad
Pro again there's certain things that make sense to do on a tablet and there's certain
things that don't make sense to do on a tablet so for example if an advertiser let's say
let's say oh I don't know let's say Google okay let's say you don't use Chrome on your
desktop but you use Chrome on your iPad so if all that Google knows about you is that
you read game reviews and you go to Pornhub then they'll go okay gamer porn enthusiast
and they might you know try to figure out based on some you know emails you send here
and there how old you are and what your gender is and all that kind of stuff so they've created
a profile for you but what they might not know about you is that you watch yeah and
win that you love watching Mad Men on TV and that whether or not you mute the ads that's
right whether so there's all these things that they can't know about you unless they
know all about your devices and the example given in the Ars Technica article which was
excellent was maybe you would research STDs on your computer and then search for a you
know a sexual health clinic on your phone and then you would travel there and come back
and then like now all of a sudden it could go okay you had an STD you went and got treated
and now you're back home and maybe you're better now or maybe you're not and it can
continue to track your searches like being able to track you across devices raises some
serious privacy concerns especially because tracking you across devices tells them exactly
who you are there's pretty much no way to anonymously submit data like I went here I
went there I live here it's not it's not anonymous anymore and this is the scariest thing about
it silver pushes software is used by 67 apps and which we don't know what those apps are
but totals 18 million smartphones yeah and they've basically what they basically said
is it is against our policy to disclose what apps are using our technology what so rip
so any app that asks for your microphone and speaker permissions potentially I don't know
any of 67 apps don't don't yeah alright original poster here is Tangra and the original article
is from Ars Technica once again I love Ars Technica so this is so funny this is so funny
I called this on WAN show last week I was like it will take no time flat for the Linux
army to attack my steam machine review and tell me about how I'm missing the point because
you can enable desktop mode and the blah blah blah Linux master race etcetera so it took
like a matter of minutes and I actually tweeted about it when it happened but someone said
something along the lines of oh crap anyway one of their points was that Linux game performance
and steam OS game performance is actually very similar to Windows when I used the word
significant performance tax or significant performance penalty or something along those
lines A that wasn't my point in the video at all because what I was really talking about
was the steam machines how successful the steam machine was at targeting the demographic
that valve seems to be targeting with it so it was completely I didn't even run any performance
numbers and you're wrong about the other thing because whether it's Linux we're talking about
or whether it is driver issues the performance tax so they were saying there was no performance
tax or it wasn't significant the word I used was significant was has a very specific meaning
by the way it is significant middle or shadow of Mordor ouch huge that's so brutal so whether
it's drivers actually I thought there were oh yeah no there are more middle or shadow
of Mordor the medium settings one or actually ultra settings is very interesting but I don't
know how many people are gonna run it on that because it brings it from a very playable
frame rate to a not very playable frame rate but the one that I like looking at the most
is medium because it brings it from a probably above your monitors refresh rate which is
great do not do definitely not yeah and even valve zone games with portal falling behind
by like 30% are not running on par and the blame is probably in some cases probably the
game developer but in many cases probably not and the blame probably falls mostly with
the graphics card makers but the cold hard truth is hold on I'm gonna see if I can find
a source for this one of my favorite things okay this is a little bit unrelated but Metro
last light Redux and then they go to maximum settings and it's like doesn't run great on
anything unfortunately cause it's super hard to run 9.5 to 4 yeah unfortunately I can't
find a source for it but so I'm not gonna give the number but someone was telling me
that they had heard they'd heard AMD say something along the lines of that the the Linux driver
download percentage was very very very like lower than you'd think very very low the people
who actually desire to run discrete graphics cards and Linux is very very low and I was
really excited I was actually like really really excited by steam OS when I first heard
about it two years ago oh yeah okay yeah yeah yeah so I and and valves like valves conviction
in their in their in their movement to to bring gaming to a more open platform and and
I still admire valves commitment to bring their titles and to encourage other developers
to bring their own titles to steam OS to run on Linux natively and and what's what's cool
is for most gamers remember most gamers are still running 1080p or lower okay so most
gamers with decent hardware and remember they could afford a hundred extra dollars on a
graphics card potentially if they don't buy windows so there goes your performance tax
right there you just buy better hardware potentially so most gamers running at 1080p are not going
to are not going to demand the kinds of experiences that for now things like VR or multi monitor
multi monitor iFinity gaming like some of those things that just don't work on Linux
due to driver support right now they're not going to need them and and there and there
is potential for that movement to continue one one thing about the driver download stat
is I'm not super great at Linux I use it fairly often but I'm actually not super great at
it I think it's hard to say that you're super great at Linux to be completely fair non-official
driver packs are very very very common yep and the included drivers are generally better
yeah so like so throwing that out there the AMD driver statistic might not be accurate
because they're very probably using something else some I think Mesa is a popular common
one but I could super be wrong but I don't know but like you use other things to control
your stuff that's one of the reasons why people like Linux but that ties in really well with
the end of my point which is as much as I admire valves effort and I I hope for success
for Linux gaming in general I don't think steam OS is the answer because steam OS is
an arrow with no bullseye to move towards like it doesn't know what it's targeting it
thinks it's targeting mainstream gamers but like then it throws a controller at you that
not only is different from any controller you've ever held but requires you to completely
rebind everything in order to even play games a process that can be done and is no problem
for a power user I was able to figure it out it was no big deal and it's very versatile
but Joe Xbox kamer I mean if it's more complicated than like oh cool a magnetic d-pad alternative
it's not happening it's not happening so and to be completely honest sometimes I feel like
being a power user and sometimes I'd be like yeah I want to configure this to be like exactly
how I want to run for this exact game and sometimes yeah but if I'm gonna play like
Dirt Showdown yeah exactly I do not want I want to plug in my controller and I never
even want to open up the controller submenu I want to click race race race quick race
go yeah that's it yeah because I feel like vegging that's why I'm playing a game yeah
sometimes yeah I'm gonna want to tinker but I don't want to have to tinker and certain
gaming experiences are worth the effort of tinkering quite frankly it's just that for
me like a racing game or like a third a third person exploring game is that's when I'm just
like chilling and it's all my brain can do to solve whatever Lara Croft's breast physics
puzzle of the day is or whatever else.
Some of you have been asking about these shirts we're wearing so it's teespring.com slash
wan Christmas and you can get it in a variety of colors we actually went out of our way
to choose ugly colors so that's kind of the point it's kind of the point they're called
ugly Christmas sweaters yep now to be clear they are not sweaters they're just t-shirts
or they're just excuse me they're just sweatshirts yeah but they're ugly what's the difference
between a sweater and a sweatshirt a sweater is woven oh I had no idea yeah that actually
makes a ton of sense Pokemon generation one coming into the 3DS there's an announcement
video you guys can check that out if you're into that sort of thing and that's literally
all there to say on that topic we don't know there's been speculation as to whether or
not I guess there is more to say on that topic yeah there's speculation as to whether or
not the the old bugs will be in there because there was a lot of them and I don't mean like
bug type Pokemon I mean like the missing no and and all that kind of stuff you like that
yeah I like that I don't know because I as far as my knowledge goes a lot of those have
to do with how things were stored in memory so I don't know if that's gonna translate
properly because these are virtual console titles for the 3DS yeah but if you're emulating
the Gameboy then you could potentially emulate I have never emulated red or blue have you
have you tried any of the bugs I did not own a Gameboy or Gameboy color I have definitely
played through Pokemon blue I own two advances I don't own an advanced every day oh well
I owned an original a color and two advances I don't like I don't maybe the chat will know
if you emulate it or the bug still there okay Brandon knows apparently and when you do emulate
it the bugs are still there so maybe to work good job Brandon thanks Brandon okay missing
no definitely works apparently so hopefully they don't screw with anything but they're
fixing some stuff so you can wirelessly trade Pokemon now is that a fix well it's a new
feature because you have to use the stupid link cable yeah but that's just connecting
that's connectivity of the device that's the feature upgrade in my mind I don't know if
that translates to the game or if that's just the device well either way that is it's an
improved experiment it improves the experience I still have a link cable of course you do
so red blue and yellow are launching and there you go it is yeah February 27th 2016 release
not quite sure why it's taking so long but given that emulated Pokemon red blue and yellow
existed for a long time like going back to my my Napster days yeah yeah I think we talked
about that um you know what I this sort of is unrelated to this but I kind of wanted
to touch on apparently they're doing an HD remake of Twilight Princess yeah are you for
real that game how old is Twilight Princess like six years old I have to look it up Twilight
Princess blah blah blah blah blah blah Wikipedia thank you that's for the original Wii like
it's not 2006 what I played Twilight Princess nine years ago whoa we both just got a really
old moment I think whoa I didn't even consider that like a collector game for me I have it
at home I didn't think huh we should move on so we don't feel so old again I was I was
good oh wow crap on net linked daily on the NCIX channel I was like ripping into them
about doing HD remakes of a game that would have been HD if the freaking console had had
any decent hardware in it which is still true by the way but I really didn't realize it
wasn't that old oh my goodness T-mobile is apparently going to let you stream some video
for free another bold move so they're calling it binge on man does he not look like some
kind of serial rapist in every picture I was maybe not going to go that route but he's
the serial rapist I love that's for sure oh wow okay whatever look at him doing some stuff
look at look at that scary face um other stuff happened in the news uh evga's look at him
970 fold forward which is probably a little late and stuff but the back plate's pretty
cool um we should talk more about the T-mobile thing actually inside so youtube unfortunately
not included neither is twitch they did say they are working with youtube but netflix
hulu showtime vessel hey HBO go and sling tv are supported I went to the vessel offices
last weekend oh yeah how was that there's some freaking cool people and they have a
cool modern office we don't our office is functional we have a cool office it doesn't
feel very modern once you walk into the vessel offices their space is amazing yeah there's
silicon valley though yeah yeah we feel very like where we are and they feel very like
where they are it's like liners media group pragmatism it's like we have cool stuff but
it's cool stuff with a purpose yeah pretty much across the board their stuff has a purpose
I just mean like like they have the flat floor with everybody on it yeah yeah like the only
rooms are meeting rooms and then like the the entrance area is like large and they have
extensive places to put like bikes and stuff and there's a ping pong table and they have
a large probably a couple of electric car charging ports outside yeah they have a large
kitchen which is stocked with like snack food and drinks if you need it there's a we have
a large kitchen stocked with snack food I don't put the snack food in it yeah I don't
know their office was cool they're actually super cool yeah I had a really cool talk with
them it's a cool lot sorry back to the t-mobile thing I wasn't damn it I wasn't done with
that so it is it is it is speculated that the reason that the uncapped video streaming
is only offered on certain services is that it requires some back-end work to compress
the data so that you know t-mobile isn't going to be stuck with the bill for putting a bunch
of 1080p freaking youtube videos all over the place so so the idea is that it will be
optimized for a small screen which makes a whole ton of sense that's really cool that
vessel supported I guess it kind of makes sense because it looks like Hulu is also supported
and vessel is the former founder I believe or CEO at least of Hulu which is kind of cool
because like I just kind of chat with him sometimes and he was in the meeting yeah it's
like he's a super smart dude he's super down to earth guy super smart guy and it's just
like I kind of forget when I'm talking to him that he's probably a multi-bajillionaire
he's also like a big deal at Amazon at some point yeah and stuff one of those like serial
startup people it's really funny a lot of people on our forum underestimate the number
of people watching our videos on vessel and the impact that vessel has had on our business
and underestimate vessels chances that continued survival they are not stupid they are not
new and they are not going away so yeah there's a little tidbit for you um I guess that's
pretty much it you need to do a shout out for desertbus.org yeah okay where's the notes
for that November 14th so tomorrow um desert bus for hope is a charity marathon for some
of you today yeah actually in Europe but this is PST time so no it is pacific daylight time
or wait no it is pacific standard time damn it yes it's standard time right now right
yeah okay I think so I don't yeah yeah minus eight minus eight GMT right yeah okay um loading
ready run is doing their desert bus for hope charity marathon which they've been doing
for a long time where they play desert bus which is the worst most boring game careful
yeah that's why I stopped maybe not the worst bus driving through a desert it's it's pretty
rough there's some pretty bad games up there yes the bus I don't remember if it either
veers left or right but it slowly veers one direction so you have to just keep making
it go straight but I think it auto goes for you and if you screw up you have to restart
the whole thing and it's just it's it's ridiculous they're hilarious it's tons of fun to watch
it it's starting at 10 a.m. PST Saturday November 14th their charity website is just desert
bus.org it's on the screen check it out support cool people doing cool stuff okay on the subject
of cool people doing cool stuff I have done it not me I didn't do anything cool but what
I did do is I put together a list of the cool people and the cool things that they did and
the after party today is going to be all about the honorable mentions and winners of ultra
wide festival so thank you for tuning into the wan show today and that is the outro oh
I didn't get to wave yeah you had enough waving you good I was just gonna go until you cut
the stream damn it oh wait that's an overlay I thought you put it in the corner I was like
I have to keep going man we're discussing how show here