
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

that when you get your dog fixed you actually limit his functionality but you
are fixing the problem of the dog having that functionality but you don't say get
your dog's problem fixed you say get your dog fixed what wow that is some
pretty spectacular that is some pretty spectacular kudos sponsorship of the
show I didn't I was on their network before I didn't like it so so I guess
there's not enough to actually do anything about it it's not until I
started paying your phone bill that you're like moving up to a real carrier
oh no you were on that tell us at that point yeah which is just kudos their
service was fine because kudos service was fine and at least tell us doesn't
steal your information and sell it that we know of yet so they probably do
welcome to the land show the land show where I realized I was wearing my
Squarespace shirt and today wasn't you know every time up until now happened to
be wearing my Squarespace shirt they've been a sponsor and so today it felt a
little weird to be wearing my Squarespace shirt and and and not
actually have them be a sponsor so I actually threw on a shirt from one of
our other sponsors today but first we have some topic call-outs so windows 10
versions have been revealed that was versions not virgins of the oculus rift
CV one has been revealed oh I should have left that one for you no it's okay
there's actually not a ton of information in that that we didn't
already know there's some things there's some stuff cool that we'll talk about in
depth anyways FTC rules in favor of direct-to-consumer car sales it's not
the end of the whole equation Elon Musk it's your birthday
Elon Musk it's not yeah it's not today anyways self-driving cars don't crash
unless apparently other people crash into them yeah because that's which is a
crash yes technically so that actually do crash I just don't cause the crash
Brandon Lee can you close the door and all of you viewers can you hang on for a
minute while we roll the intro do I need to ask their permission to roll our
intro yes no
we have sponsors today Linda we really need to get that fixed Linda take Linda
calm course to show you how to fix our intro because our sucks and you can do
it for us yeah they have Photoshop tutorials they do fresh books wait a
minute is that right yeah that's right that's not right it's not right
yeah it is yeah and Luke Ray 10% with offer code letter yes you know what I
should do I'm gonna put this back at the top so you could learn skill actively
this time Wow see that every time we switch to that scene problem is though
that it's just not gonna work it might hold on but we have to wait for the end
of the show yeah it's true we'll wait till the end so you could you could
learn skills with Linda calm and your business the fresh people and spend your
money on buying Luke Ray stuff because it's cool people are refusing to help us
with it and they're saying buckets by the way so it was true yes it happened
it happened the buckets are real alright so let's go ahead and let's move in
right into our first topic okay we need to cover these books oh are there build
blocks there have been build logs for like three weeks Wow just keep on going
right over top of them straight your level of incompetence is inspiring but
it's been right there I did not always pick the first topic and you always go
right over I did not see them for three weeks that is most excellent amazing
all right so the first one we've got is Laura mentum the Laura Laura mentum the
Laura me this is this is the vote yes all right this is the voters pick the
voters picked it kind of like their noses it's okay to pick your nose
sometimes you get like paint in there and crayons all right so let's go ahead
lots of water cooling at 4770 K is 87 I Pro 16 gigs of dominated platinum memory
an r9 290 graphics card and whoo that is looking good already nice small ITX
board you got the graphics card presumably laid out somewhere where
we're gonna get a PCI Express extension going on is there years or a triple
radiator totally flat build I'm liking it I'm kind of into that you can ask my
wife um so we've got a nice big reservoir Samsung SSD I am loving big
color this is a land rig so you can take it to a land and have it look super cool
that is really cool doesn't take up a lot of space you can kind of pick the
whole thing up like that like like a picture frame almost and especially out
of land if you could just put this like behind your monitor or even beside your
money you're gonna save a lot of space compared to a giant look at that cable
management on the back is almost as good as the front that is outstanding really
cool all right so let's do our second and this was the staff pick if I recall
correctly oh yeah this is the NVM k2 which borrowed inspiration from Charles
at least as far as the name was concerned but not the loading of the
website yeah still going yeah this website doesn't load very quickly
although it works unlike the old system so the the mods picked this one it's by
Pokemon kid here's some progress shots I love this this is like the technique for
leak testing your loop get that paper towel in there and make sure that she
ain't she ain't leaking all right case labs mercury s8 to at gtx 770 is 1200
i-power supply 4770 K processor and a water cooling water cooling water
cooling some more in progress shots like that reservoir placement look at that
it's like all water cooling there's actually more water cooling than case
yeah you know a build is gonna be good when it starts I had already seen these
I snuck ahead that is absolutely disgusting I love it in a good way yeah
that is that is a really tight looks like extremely attacked attractive vile
virus yeah I am I am really liking that one of the challenges when you place
your reservoir horizontally like this is keeping the air from getting sucked back
in the one side so I'm guessing he's probably or she has probably had to do
something about flow rates to keep them from actually being too high to keep
that from being an issue mind you it looks like the system is actually powered
off right now because there's no way that would be just kind of sitting there
like that the system was actually on so very very nice little rig all right so
why don't we move into our first topic of the day AMD does not want to be known
as the cheaper solution anymore and the original poster here is Zappian and the
original article here is from arse technica this was supposed to be covered
last week yeah those of you that may be confused actually we missed a couple AMD
things last week so they launched a new APU it's totally unexceptional it's
actually really funny I was saying on Twitter that that I didn't have what was
it I tweeted about why someone accused us of only covering Intel and I kind of
went well we cover AMD graphics cards in fact we went as far as to borrow an r9
295 x2 back when you borrow a fair number of them no I think that's the
only one we had to follow we had to borrow a low-end card once I think but
we borrowed two and the the one that came in the case but not the most recent
one yeah that was that was the one we brought we only had it I think we
brought it from NCX it's oh the 69 90 so there's a few all right so there's a few
that we've had to borrow and I was like okay so like that's pretty much it I
mean are we supposed to do reviews of r92 80 X's all day there's there's 79 70s
there's there's nothing different about them the same review for years exactly
so what's the point and as far as the CPU side goes I I said something along
the lines of they haven't released a new performance CPU in like three years and
I was estimating I think it's been longer than that so I had a couple
people kind of give me crap including ah my buddy over at a non techie and
Cutress who was like well actually I'm finishing up on an AMD APU review right
now along with some new testing methodology it's actually it's actually
a really interesting article because he tries to take a bit of a different
approach to the way that he's to the way that he's benchmarking the chip and get
a more complete picture so you guys can check that out there the a8 7650 K APU
review but I would point out to dr. Ian Cutress that that's an APU review and I
specifically said Andy hasn't released a new interesting CPU in quite some time
so I also got a I also got an email actually from one of AMD's marketing
folks kind of asking if I needed the hookup to get this thing and I kind of
went actually it's okay I'm gonna read dr. Cutress's review and then I'm gonna
find out if we should be making a bunch of videos about this and it turns out
that it is once again not exceptional great performance with onboard graphics
APUs from AMD are great for entry-level gaming also they're a good value at the
low end because they're cheaper and they perform okay so let's go back to that
Ars Technica article here AMD doesn't want to be known as the cheaper solution
will refocus on performance which really raises the question did they ever
de-emphasize performance it never felt like it the community kind of did in
their direction they did stop developing CPUs they did shift their strategy
towards APUs which we knew we're gonna be on a lower end socket they were gonna
have fewer cores but did they do that because they wanted to or did they do
that because they couldn't build a competitive CPU for years to the point
where they weren't making enough margin on them and they needed to find a
different way to compete and implementing the graphics IP that they
acquired and have continued to develop since the ATI acquisition was the way
that they were able to make something that fits in a socket that's competitive
in some meaningful way I mean I I'm glad to hear them say this but the thing that
frustrates me and this is the story that I've never told publicly is it goes all
the way back to the launch of the FENOM whatever it was 920 and 940 so this is
this is how far this goes back was that the it was at the FENOM one or was that
FENOM to FENOM 920 I think that was the original nope that's a FENOM FENOM 2 is
a 920 what were the original FENOM ones just FENOM AMD FENOM okay well the
920 and 940 were one of them um 8,000 series hold on hold on I'm going
somewhere important with this FENOM x4 I'm just fascinated how long you can
delay a sentence essentially oh thank you it's great list of AMD FENOM
microprocessors here we go you're getting there I'm on I'm on the
Wikipedia right now you guys I am like learning some stuff like research we
should have a camera over your shoulder mid mid-flight here okay so yes that was
the one that I was that I was super that I was super butthurt about was the 920
in the 940 because and it was probably the fault of like our AMD sales guy I
was working at NCIX at the time so I didn't have like a PR contact I just had
like a sales guy who was like yeah we're gonna reinvigorate the sales it's gonna
be awesome so in those days I don't even think no I wasn't making videos yet but
I would still because I was in charge of system building stuff at NCIX I would
still get my hands on all the cool stuff and I would like validate it right like
I would tinker with it and I'd be like oh yeah it's just like really good is
this really fast how high can we overclock it whatever else and I would
sometimes post articles on hardware connects for example just as a guest
writer and so I took home the 920 in the 940 and I ended up pulling an all-nighter
because I ran them through the paces and at that time it would have been up
against what the e6600 or q6600 or whatever whatever was the relevant Intel
stuff in those days and it it was like terrible and and I and I couldn't
overclock it worth a damn and I was like oh no I must be doing something wrong
it's already one in the morning I can't even call anyone and ask for help and
the embargoes in the morning and I want to you know submit this for a hardware
connects because I've got access to this hardware and the embargoes coming up and
it's like I tested and tested and tested and in the morning I got up and everyone
else's review went up and the thing didn't perform very well and I was like
I said you're trying to figure out what I was doing wrong I tried every memory
setting I tried every CPU setting I try and it turned out that it just wasn't
very good and so I want someone to log how many times he's told that story on
stream I don't think I have told that story before well whatever I don't care
your third I don't care you're turning into like the old man every time you see
him he tells the same story Wow hey Linus do you remember that story
about that old phenom that that sales guy told you some stuff about well back
in the day he told me it was gonna be one heck of a ripper and I took it home
and I tried and I tried and I tried and I just couldn't get it to go so finally
I went to bed woke up in the morning and then everybody else couldn't get it to
go and I was upset it was disappointing so anyway the point of the story is AMD
has told me whether it was an individual's fault or company messaging
or whatever else that they're gonna build a high-performance CPU for a long
time and they haven't done it so I'm just a little jaded and and I want Zen
to be awesome yeah I do if Zen is awesome I win because I get to make
videos about some is awesome everyone wins you guys win because maybe Intel
will get the kick in the pants that they need to because I'm sure that Intel can
make a higher performance CPU like tomorrow I'm sure they can make a higher
performance consumer CPU but they don't have to instead they're taking that sort
of one-size-fits-all approach where they're going okay so let's build like
really small CPU cores with lower complexity and let's put like 18 of them
under a single chip for servers mm-hmm and then let's put like a couple of them
and like a really great graphics core for like notebooks and then well I don't
know maybe the desktop guys they can like have this one and so having like
ah you know a 69 70 K or a 79 70 K that just rips would be amazing and Lisa 69
69 K do you think the internet would just explode yes I do there is no way a
conservative company like Intel would ever do that I'll be amazing though
anyways yeah they I really hope that's good so at their analysts day the
company said they're no longer competing in a race to the bottom which is a whoops
which makes sense because their process is more expensive to manufacture anyways
so they're trying to be the cheaper solution while it costs them more money
to make it yeah that's gonna be a problem CEO dr. Lisa Sue says it's
extremely important to ensure that we have competitive high-performance cores
we have reduced our low-end PC exposure goes on to state they are an x86 company
through and through and will be focusing on their opportunity to lead in that
area and I think it is quite the opportunity I mean Intel for all the
innovation that they do and there's a lot I mean stuff like you know um rapid
start technology you know the fact that the computer turns on really fast that
doesn't show up on a benchmark score but it makes the experience of using it
better and and that kind of stuff is great but in terms of raw performance
like single-threaded performance it's been like that incremental six to eight
percent for like four freaking years now giving AMD once again an opportunity to
step in and maybe kick some butt so Zen will be launching first as a new series
of FX chips they're promising a 40% increase in instructions per clock
particularly from switching to a new process nodal they haven't said what it
is yet it's gonna have a new socket am for about bloody time which will
introduce DDR4 as well as I mean hopefully PCI Express they don't even
support PCI Express 3 on their current motherboards like AMD knows that their
CPU enthusiast platform makes no sense they know this they're not even they're
not even giving us a new chipset to put high-performance graphics cards in it
because apparently they don't think it's worth the effort um I mean it's sad but
that's what it is they even like they they even make high performance PCI
Express 3.0 graphics cards and internally I'm sure someone at some
point has put up their handing on guys shouldn't you be able to do like the
whole solution thing and like they try but it hasn't been a compelling story
for a long time so I'm excited as excited as I can let myself be but I
just you know other than saying I really want it I really want it to happen it's
not gonna be till 2016 either way I don't like rumors anyways yeah let alone
when there's nothing really behind them it's just someone saying I want to do
this so good for you buddy yeah that's basically what I'm getting out of this
I'm just gonna wait if it's awesome then that's super good and I think it will
help all the consumers and the industry as a whole and if it's not awesome I
won't be that surprised and that will super suck because that would just hurt
things yeah so much more speaking of things that hurt this was posted by 907
rider and the original source is Lily dot camera something you would normally
think would hurt a camera just taking it and throwing it doesn't hurt this bad
boy now seen this in certain drones just not like consumer drones this is a
pre-order and we are not suggesting that you pre-order it because oops there is a
lot of room for this thing to totally suck donkey balls yeah but these demos
that they show are pretty freaking impressive so basically you can set it
to track so you throw and it just takes off and then you can set it to follow or
lead a particular subject so here it is following this guy yeah man that's
incredible control it with like a thing that you wear yeah tell it there's
buttons for like okay I want to follow or do whatever there's another really
cool one where they here is it yeah here we go so this guy just like hardcore isn't
sitting in his canoe and you kind of go well hey how can you oh no just what's
what Chuck's in the all takes off from the water did you just say amphibious
takeoff are you freaking for real that's pretty freaking cool I'm assuming it's
gonna have to be fairly calm it was pretty calm there and whatnot but
that's still really cool that's incredible I don't know if I'd bother
I'd probably just throw it up in the air instead of throwing it in the water but
it's cool that it can do that so it does 1080p 60fps or 720p 120fps slow-mo 12
megapixel stills has a 20 minute flight time and they're pitching it as compact
enough that you can throw in your backpack and wear the controller on your
wrist which is waterproof as well and it's pretty much off to the races it's
not cheap I think they want a thousand dollars for it once it's out and the
pre-order is like 550 but holy smack that looks awesome
I'm excited for that that's that's one that I legitimately think is cool
because the lack of setup time you don't need your phone I think that it's
something on your wrist so the GoPro errs like some guy on his mountain bike
could just all of a sudden like if you strapped it to his back instead of a bag
just grab it whip it out forward and then go and it's not gonna be a big deal
it's it's it's the like GoPro catch it as you're going mentality yeah of this
like okay you probably need a dedicated dude controlling the it's kind of crap
exactly like follow me go and then do whatever you and like Burkle's been
showing me some of that because he's into mountain biking in particular and
he's been showing me some of the techniques involved in getting some of
the footage that as not a filming guy I just kind of take for granted like oh
yeah you know the camera followed along the bike well hold on a second that's
actually moving really fast how are they doing this exactly and they will what
they'll do is they'll like they'll map out a path for the bike and a path for a
guy with a freaking gimbal rig to like book it down like like people could die
running alongside these bikes filming them going down the sides of mountains
like this is probably a better solution yeah no you're not gonna get that same
level of cinematic footage but for what 99.9 percent of people are gonna be
interested in and this means that it'll get better this looks very cool yeah
you'll have better battery life eventually get things that will be
faster so they can follow or lead better or like I'm absolutely so yeah next up
from boo zoo the original article here is from a non tech and Intel has a new
lineup of SSDs aimed at data centers coming these are the s35 10 and this is
kind of a funny one to me because you look at Intel's push even on the
consumer side towards NVMe and abandoning the SATA standard and you
kind of go what's the agenda here and I'm not that surprised because okay to
move to NVMe that's a huge platform change for your entire data center
people are still gonna be interested in upgrading their drives without upgrading
every single one of their server platforms that was what I was gonna say
but you did it better oh yeah I thought you were attacking the idea that it was
coming out and I was like what no so this is not a particularly high
performance drive which is a really interesting thing and it also features
16 nanometer flash so this is the first time that Intel has used that in actually
I think that's the first time Intel's use 16 nanometer flash that's very
interesting so not particularly amazing performance look at those sequential
write speeds particularly at the low end capacities 260 megabytes per second
they're not even saturating SATA 3 but what these drives are about is the
endurance and the cost so Intel's trying to deliver something that is validated
and reliable and is gonna last for a long time but is gonna be cheap for
those data centers that are not looking to roll out a whack ton of PCI Express
based SSDs and completely rebuild everything so these are just yeah they
are what they are cool they support 256-bit encryption and they include full
power loss protection that protects all data including in-flight user rights in
the event of a sudden power loss which is actually funny like it's funny to me
enterprise SSDs seem to feature this technology more so than consumer grade
SSDs but consider for a moment that in an enter in an enterprise environment
you're going to have battery backups on your controller cards in the event of
like a raid or something like that you're usually gonna have I mean any
decent data center is gonna have a battery backup see your generator
whatever yeah like so so not maybe not necessarily per rack but yeah there'll
be there'll be something for each kind of you know set of systems every big
data center I've been to which isn't a ton but every big data center I've been
to has that like giant generator block just outside the building and on top of
that they're gonna have backup power for the entire building yeah what are the
odds of an unexpected power loss but then again I mean I guess layers of
protection compared to an end user who's usually not using a UPS usually like
super screwed yeah situation oh well that's crap I feel like a complete
idiot I I completely lost the word for the thing the racks go into well I was
trying to do that thing the thing the racks do when we have downstairs it's
just a rack is it not no server rack no no no a rack is a rack and then the
thing it goes into dang it what why can't I remember this now I'm going
crazy I hate I hate cabinet please I couldn't find the word for cabinet while
I was doing that I know what a cabinet is they all technically cabinets not
necessarily but racks go in cabinets yeah but you can have a rack that isn't
a cabinet yes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz I don't know like I like yes you
could just have right you could just you could just have a rack don't have to
have and you could just have a rack mount thing and there could be nothing
around it yeah but no I was thinking of what they go inside cuz on a per
cabinet basis you might have a large GPS unit yeah yeah in like the bottom of
each one or something along those lines that's what I was going for I can't
believe it just I hate it when I can't find the word and I'm live drives me
crazy yeah it's cuz it's not universal cuz you can have just a rack I don't
know anyways yeah yeah sorry I just I have an edge there um the long life of
AOL is over you will never receive another AOL CD in the mail original
article here is from the Wall Street Wall Street Journal Verizon agrees to
buy AOL for no I'm not subscribing now go there is no exit does this come up
every time you mouse over it no it doesn't okay it goes away um
Verizon agrees to buy AOL for four point four billion dollars they are
predominantly interested in the technology that AOL has been building
for online video ad distribution it's not like they don't have yeah I know
it's not like they don't have other things going on so subscription business
there's a content business subscriptions if you google this what does AOL even do
I haven't actually known for four years why and how does AOL still exist the
first the first thing that comes up this is great so let's find out because I'm
genuinely curious I didn't I should have done this before the show but I'm just
gonna do it now I saw the financial results for AOL in the business section
today and the friend this is from 2012 and the first thing that came to mind
was AOL who the heck is using AOL posted five hundred and seventy seven million
in revenue for the fourth quarter of 2011 and a bit of that old people and
two answers here reminded me of two reasons why AOL is still alive old
people and yellow pages piled up in condo basements and has Google ads on it
what I thought they're an ad serving platform there's a Google ad on the
freaking AOL website so this is still people talking about them as an ISP this
is anyone still on AOL let's drop all this yeah let's drop all this so are you
or do you know dialogue one someone in the chat just said two million dial-up
customers okay okay okay hold on hold on no I want I want a percentage are you or
do you know anyone still using AOL yes no and I guess yogurt would be a an
excellent what type of yogurt third choice Oh yogurt I'm gonna go with
pomegranate cool actually I might have made that too appealing banana banana
yogurt is I've never had that it sounds very bland it has the it has that sort
of fuzzy taste of banana yogurt okay except it's kind of a slime that you put
in your mouth I would just eat a banana I guess I can't say that for all like I
wouldn't just eat a pomegranate if I wanted pomegranate yogurt but I would
just eat a banana if I wanted banana right makes perfect sense to me cuz like
it's already a mush I know you chew it one time yeah and it's pretty much
yogurt so a tiny 15% of you are saying you or someone you know is still using
AOL so I think that's mostly gonna be dial-up stuff a bunch of people in the
chat said dial-up and that actually does kind of make yes that makes that makes
the time who else are you gonna get dial-up from it I honestly have no idea
I don't even know of any dial-up providers in BC I'm sure there is
obviously maybe tell us would tell us do it it's not on their website at least
not prominently then you have to think of like farm farm name oh yeah no like I
oh I get it people have it I just don't know who they're getting it from yeah
AOL apparently AOL owns Engadget what well there you go so that's that would
be the media that would be the content business yeah um so so there you there
you go um their current CEO will still be leading
AOL's operations but the acquisition is a done deal and Verizon said it has
plans to launch a video service focused on mobile devices featuring shorter
snippets rather than 30 or 60 minute shows in the summer I think it's called
YouTube Verizon I think it exists but hey shorter snippets so like everything
YouTube there's a smaller even shorter snippet one vine yeah Instagram has
video but hey I think hi yeah there's a lot of content developer content
developer like I don't know there's a lot of stuff on snapchat now you can
watch like sports events and things and whatever one that you guys build I'm
glad that the ads will be integrated well and right from the beginning good
job Verizon I love you guys um so let's go ahead and move on to Google's self
driving cars oh dang it so this is posted by Suica and the previous one was
from Alex goes hi and the original article here is from the verge calm so
Google is expanding their testing because their self-driving cars have
been in 11 accidents but none according to Google were the fault of the
self-driving car yeah very interesting Google claims that thanks to all of the
sensors and the frequency of data collection their self-driving cars are
much more attentive than a human driver is capable much more I think you win no
matter what yes because if you just look at polling rate it's like okay you win
apparently there's been sold on a second no no no I want a polling rate humans
don't have a polling rate this is kind of like the how many FPS can the I see
argument hold on a second so so human driver pulling rate even an infinite
polling rate would not technically well okay an infinite pulling rate would be
equivalent yeah so anything but an infinite polling rate would not
technically be higher than the polling rate of your eye or ear okay because
it's a continuous stream okay so my point was that you have a huge amount of
sensors constantly pulling in data whereas a human like you sorry I'll be
are we talking or doing whatever else are we talking are we talking pulling in
data or pulling in data so an O or a U either polling rate I don't think he
knows what he's talking about why I'm just having fun okay sorry you can talk
about the sensors now anyways so there's tons of different sensors all pulling in
data all the time a big problem with car accidents is it usually happens in a
momentary lapse like if so they're checking or a shoulder check yeah if you
shoulder check you might not see that guy merging into your late if you show
the check on the left you might not see the guy merging into your lane that was
not paying attention on your right it might not be because you screwed up you
just couldn't currently see in that direction so basically Google is solving
entirely the wrong problem and they're going about this the wrong way because
what they should really be doing is figuring out how to give us cybernetic
eyes in the sides of our heads imagine the first time you had it turned on okay
and you could just see you like no no this is this is a thing so have you
heard of cochlear implants yeah okay so one of the big problems with cochlear
implants is particularly for people who were born deaf a lot of the time they're
like scared or what they still know it's not even scared or not scared like they
can know what's coming but but they a lot of people especially older people
they tend to want to do and there's like there's a huge sort of debate about the
about the the ethics of all of this stuff because they tend to have to do it
with people young in order for them to learn how to hear and how to discern
speech and all of these things because the older someone's being especially if
they were born deaf the more difficult it is for their brain to adapt to this
completely new sense I mean it's a very disinterprets data that's right and
people who people who are deaf I mean they live perfectly normal functional
lives in many can you I'm not saying every deaf person is like a you know the
best citizen ever or anything but I'm saying I know plenty of people who are
just totally normal people they just can't hear and for all we know like
think about it this way what if you were a perfectly normal person except you had
like another you had another sense you had you had an incorrect terminology
whatever the point is let's say that you will know what I'm saying normal because
I know of the point I'm trying to make what if you thought you were like a
normal person except there was another sense in like your butt or something
like if you had another organ there that was an entirely new sense that you'd
never experienced before that would like explode your brain because what would
that sense even be you'd have no concept of it yeah people could describe like a
proximity sense to you and you'd be like okay but the first time you walk down
the street you got close to something you'd be like who what's going on our I
don't know if I'm saying it wrong or cochlear implants permanent like if you
get one um you know so here's what happens with cochlear implants and my
my knowledge might be a little outdated but the way that my understanding is
that it works is they actually remove what was in there well some people can
hear a little like enough if you know a gunshot went off they could duck like
like even though they might have a lot of difficulty with speech so without
your cochlear implant if they put it in and take it out there's nothing left
okay so that's one of the challenges as well okay well that's an interesting
conversation but if it was completely non-functioning I don't really think
somebody would do well I mean there's there's there's a lot of fun at the thing
about the deaf community is there you have their own they have their own
culture and they have a cultural pride and forcing particularly young children
to have a cochlear implant for the sake of being more normal is something that
and it's that no it's the n-word like well hold on a second what's wrong with
the way that you were made and that's an argument that a lot of people make and
you can and you can look and pretty sure I'd want to hear you can be pretty sure
but there's a lot of people who don't feel that way and if they're having that
decision made for them is that really fair and if you don't make the decision
for them well maybe you can't make it to later on in your life and then maybe it
doesn't work as well so it's actually it's a pretty sensitive topic one that
we're not gonna I was just gonna say we should probably just move on one that
we're not gonna get any deeper into it's just it's just interesting so anyway
there have been 11 accidents in total all of which were minor which Google
asserts were never the fault of their car seven involved another vehicle
rear-ending the Google car so that's pretty much not open for a debate yeah
two of them were sideswipes and one involved another car traveling through a
red light interesting thing here though is that I have personally and I'm sure
you have as well and I know a few other people have in the office because of
stories that have been told but avoided sideswipes mm-hmm you'll see someone
merging into your lane even if you're doing shoulder check and you look back
and you see them with like a tire over the line like oh my goodness and you can
move over yep why were there two sideswipes if you've got all these
sensors and stuff why were you not able to move or like honk your horn or do
something to try to avoid it like I want more data on the sideswipes also with
the one with another car traveling through a red light yeah but one thing
that they teach you in driver training school and like I'm not discrediting
people that get sideswiped I'm not discrediting people to get sometimes
it's unavoidable yeah and like if you get t-boned in red light like that's
horrible I'm not saying it's your fault at all I'm just saying I want more
information about those crashes because if it was right obviously someone coming
yeah and a person would have scanned the intersection and been able to stop or
turn off or avoid or something then maybe that's a problem bearing in mind
though that a big part of Google's argument is that this is going to be a
numbers game and the more of them that there are it'll help because another
Google car wouldn't ram through red light onto and their sensors and
algorithms are more attentive and less error-prone they're not actually saying
that they're perfect there will be situations where a great driver paying a
lot of attention would have happened to be looking the other way and would have
been able to do like a freaking wicked like ebrake stop and that car going
through the red light would have would have blown blown by them instead of
hitting them but what they're saying and I'm a huge advocate for the this is a
lower percentage I just want more data on those crashes so it's one of those
things where and this is going to be such a big debate over the next 10 to 20
years self-driving cars will be at fault and they will kill people at some point
it will happen it is quote me on this it's gonna happen and everyone's gonna
spaz but the argument is gonna be and this is gonna be no consolation to the
family and friends of whoever dies in this horrible situation that is going to
happen the argument is gonna be well I'm sorry it worked out this way for you
with this but for the for the good of the collective everyone in general we
still need to do this and wow that's gonna be really tough it's easy it's
really easy for me to say now from my safe you know room in our office where
I'm not getting mowed down by a self-driving car or like you know my
three-year-old son isn't getting you know killed on his way home from school
in our family self-driving car or something like that it's easy for me to
say yeah that's the right move but once that I think one really interesting
thing that we're gonna have to deal with at some point which I wouldn't be too
surprised if it happened is a self-driving car getting hacked in some
sort of way or a self-driving car going haywire because of some other reason
whether it's like a failure somewhere or whatnot but if it just goes like oh the
sidewalk is a street time to GTA it and just like oh dear it's gonna depend on
the degree to which the self-driving car screws up yes but I mean I even see
things like where a person could have avoided it being a big one that people
bring up like if I'd been driving my son that's what I mean though if you have
gone would we have gotten hit would he have died and how do I live with that
for example yeah so yeah and I mean oh this is a great point from is that
ghost putting that in there yeah good good good work ghost what if the
self-driving car has to make a decision between the life of its passenger and
the life of someone else what if swerving away from that person is gonna
cause it to strike a pull oh yeah there's a lot of really nasty stuff that
we're gonna run into like for sure I just don't know what ones we're gonna
win run into when all that kind of stuff and if it all happens kind of right at
the beginning when they start selling them to consumers they'll set us back 50
years yeah exactly yeah I think it'll happen regardless it's just yeah yeah I
didn't even think about the decision between two lives thing that's brutal
that's incredible yeah so Mozilla launches a new Firefox version without
DRM support so this was posted by X Island X and there's a number of
articles on it a tech crunch has one so let's go ahead and pop that up so you
guys can see what tech crunches website looks like okay so you've never been
there before they have a Mozilla logo that was awesome okay so pretty much
what's going on here is in order to do away with sort of aging the aging
plug-in system for online video content things like Silverlight Adobe Flash to a
much lesser extent and make way for HTML 5 as the savior of the modern
multimedia covered internet DRM is gonna be a thing whether you guys like it or
not unless you use Firefox apparently so what will happen here is that services
like Netflix which are gonna rely on DRM in order to be allowed through the
agreements they have with content providers to stream video to you
services like that are gonna require that you have a DRM enabled browser and
Mozilla actually released one that supports HTML 5 DRM specs so now they
have one that doesn't have it so you can get a DRM free version because the
closed source DRM solution didn't really jive that well with the free and open
Firefox ness sort of principles of the Mozilla Foundation so now you can
download a DRM free version so presumably you just won't be able to
like watch Netflix on it yeah so it's more of a rapid more things in the
future though Netflix other things as well expect more DRM yeah I mean I
wouldn't be that surprised to see something like music videos on YouTube
implement something like this you know yeah yeah anywhere where there's big
money involved in the production of the content you can bet that they're
spending big money to protect it from being taken by people and stuff yes okay
Microsoft oh what time is it oh if only I knew how to read a clock I bet you
could learn that on live you could learn how to make your own clock by
programming the clock you actually could yes Linda calm is the place to learn
online aside from our show of course yeah but I mean we're pretty great too
but Linda calm has experts actual experts less dick jokes yeah far fewer
dick jokes we have some people complain about the dick jokes on our show so to
them I would say visit Linda calm slash when show for a 10-day free trial you
learn what you want at your own pace whether it's photography video editing
whether it's office applications business all kinds of cool stuff and I
plan start it whatever it is $25 a month yeah and you basically just try it out
for 10 days and if it's great then you keep on you keep on joining and if you
want to get better at your hobby you want to kick start a new career boom
Linda calm they're awesome we love those guys um also and once you learn all your
skills and how to run a business you can jump on FreshBooks you're determined to
do this you know what I like linking them all together actually works really
well in this case so FreshBooks is a is like it's a cloud-based online tool for
pretty much managing yourself so if you run a business let's say you're a
plumber for example I always use that example okay I'll come up with a
different example let's say you're a vigilante for example and you want to go
ahead and you want to log your hours let's say you're a vigilante who has
like a dirty cop you know paying him on the side but you want to make sure that
you know you're getting your invoices sent out accurately and on time you know
you want to make sure that that cop is paying by by credit card online so that
okay that's a terrible example okay what it what is FreshBooks okay FreshBooks
is the way if you're self-employed to spend more time running your business
unless I'm your proper legal business yes your actual legal business and
actual business not fighting people like Batman and less time dealing with
accounting nonsense so for example you can log your hours in it you can enter
information like your rates you can submit invoices to your customers via
email you can see that they got them which is critical and then you can make
it so they can pay by credit card because making it easy for people to pay
you is a huge part of removing the barrier to getting paid which puts the
money back into your pockets to keep reinvesting in your business and help
you grow so check it out at FreshBooks.com slash WAN and in enter WAN show
in the how did you hear about us section and you also get a free trial actually
don't know how long their free trial is I think it's two weeks I want to say
but yeah try it out if you're running your own business also finally and this
one's gonna be fun I always have fun with these okay so I think there are
notes on loot crate but just to just to like just to make Nick come in here all
upset and butthurt there's one that I think you'll be super excited about
actually okay I'll let you run into it so this my friends is the April loot
crate although we should say that the may crate theme will be unite apparently
with a bunch of exclusive stuff but this is the fantasy crate I don't know if
loot crates and I don't know if loot crates interpretation of my fantasies
would actually be appropriate and you said the fantasy cradle is like oh dear
well this is about eight inches long and black oh also square which is odd and
like cardboard paper cuts are kind of a bitch oh my god and like there too they
probably get infected okay so what does this say document share enjoy there's
like a map with a sword on it so I already know that this is gonna go well
you know what I'm actually wearing a shirt from a previous loot crate right
now so I'm gonna make it part of the process I'm gonna change into my new
loot crate shirt ah wait a second I'm not allowed to show my nipples on
twitch so I think it's against the rules yes thank you thank you for being my
change room you can watch if you want the hero always looks look that's true
oops okay all right so I got my new I got my new loot crate shirt you know
what it is I'm kind of an idiot no yes it is way yep that's that's what I knew
you're gonna be so this is yeah no this I'm not that excited about princess
bride playing cards I knew you'd be stoked for that yeah oh as you freakin
wish man I love that movie I wonder if they have like a bunch of seriously man
Andrea the giant taken from us too young yeah oh that oh these are actually
pretty nice too they're not like like crap there's there's noticeably
differences between crappy and good cards oh my goodness that joker card
man oh it's the duck it's a dungeon keeper and we've got the ro us joker
card as well oh I'm loving this okay what else we got in here I knew you'd be
searched for that I love how it like completely black tie bow tie just in
case you need one of those oh this is okay I'll work on this okay you work on
that what else we got a Game of Thrones Stark sigil USB flash drive how'd they
pull that off that's awesome it's probably not very high capacity like
I'll be surprised you know what I have a computer here let's find out so that's
what it'll look like plugged into your computer and I'll let you guys know how
big it is four games so big enough for a Windows OS there you go can I help you
no way that's a crown okay so we've got a Harry Potter station or a platform 9
and 3 quarters sign I'm liking that wow I'm actually getting most of the
references these days now the thing is is that I'm not that into Game of
Thrones I have read the first book but I refuse to read the rest of the books
until George RR Martin gets off of his butt and writes the last couple and then
I refuse to watch the show until I've read all the books because that's how I
roll so we've got so it'll be a long time before before yeah a lot of things
but I mean I know what winter is coming is all about so these are Game of
Thrones magnets the house sigils did you take this up yes we've got a pin so
fantasy loot crate pin and finally their usual like magazine thing oh yeah right
there opens with as you wish loving that oh that's great no offense and as much
as I haven't seen Game of Thrones yeah it'll never hold a candle to Princess
Bride sorry this is right it's fantastic I can't believe they went the Princess
Bride route you know like every dad that bought their kid loot crate got this one
and was like yep I'll take that you can have the rest of it cool yeah dog so
apparently this is a D&D t-shirt so that's why I that's why I didn't catch
I think I told not much of a D&D guy I might have brushed over oh man princess
bride playing cards I'm loving that all right so loot crate comms code Linus to
save 10% which given how inexpensive these loot crates are is actually not
that meaningful unless you sign up for like a year or something so definitely
to get the most out of your 10% off sign up for a year don't just do one crate
because they're like they're not like 15 bucks or something like that I don't
remember they're not that expensive relatively cheap like how much you get
it's like the cost of just the shirt so basically you're saving like a buck 50
if you use our code and you only buy one so sign up for the subscription and this
is like a nice it's actually kind of nice yeah it's not bad it's bulky which
it is both my favorite thing but it looks cool and if you're sure you read
something through the teeth and then keep it on your keychain that'd be cool
that'd be pretty sweet all right so let's move on to our next topic then
shall we all right it's funny he's always the one that remember 1337 is now
yeah all right Microsoft reveals Windows 10
edition they're plated in gold no only the windows 10 edition edition is
plated edition edition okay do you want to handle this and I'll inflate my crown
because you're wearing one I want to wear one so dear it doesn't take that
long which is nice compared to all the other inflatable stuff we've been doing
lately but okay so the main Wow you shouldn't tell them about that okay so
go ahead so okay there's Windows 10 home Windows 10 mobile Windows 10 Pro
Windows 10 enterprise Windows 10 education Windows 10 mobile enterprise
and I thought there might have been one more but we'll just go with that and I'm
gonna jump to the actual Windows website because our notes here are kind of balls
so moving forward I hope I posted this in the chat I'm gonna post it again so
if that's a troll I'm sorry so Windows 10 home is pretty much exactly what you'd
expect what they're listing here is stuff like Cortana Windows Hello face
recognition fingerprint login the Microsoft Edge web browser mail calendar
maps photos all the things that kind of just come with Windows yeah not a ton of
extra stuff but you do get stuff like the Xbox live gaming community if you
care about that at all it's there for you so it has that I guess and yeah
that's about it when I jump in and ask why code names are always so much cooler
than the actual product name why did they rename it edge they should have
just called it Spartan yeah that would have been so bad actually is that
Spartan it's called edge now I think so that's really disappointing yeah all
right anyways so what's douche here sunglasses or an inflatable crown on and
then wear the sunglasses oh that could work
oh my gosh the world's coolest King ever one of my crown things is older sorry
Chrome crashed or I'd be showing you guys the windows blog page right now
it's making me anyways Windows 10 Pro is for PCs and tablets and two-in-ones as
I'm sure Windows 10 normal is as well anyways so it builds on top of that it
also includes Windows Update for Business which allows you to kind of
peer-to-peer share Windows updates decide when they go out oh that's cool
yeah you could decide when the updates go out so if you're like oh well we're
kind of mission critical at like 4 p.m. so no you can do it to your entire
network at a specified time later on which like that's not super new but it's
probably easier to set up now I'm assuming so that's cool because it's
more centralized I guess that's nice I like the peer-to-peer sharing one
there's some other stuff for Windows Update business but that those are the
main parts yeah then there isn't a huge difference between those two then there's
Windows 10 mobile which is essentially for phones and it's just more it's it's
better for touch there's a touch version of office which is nice and if you plug
it into a large format monitor it will what is it called continuum for phone
which makes it turn into basically just a PC experience so that you could have a
large format monitor and everything would be fine moving on to Windows 10
enterprise there's some other stuff like long-term servicing branch support yeah
volume licensing other things that are probably not super most of the stuff
people won't really care too much about yeah show it's not super interesting so
you're probably fine with home which has been the story since forever unless you
want remote desktop connection in which case you can get pro yeah or if you want
to like peer-to-peer share Windows updates with your roommate yeah which
makes absolutely no sense at all I can't I can't get Chrome back open so you're
you're on point for the next one too cool all right so moving on doo doo doo
doo doo doo oh also I wanted to add that apparently there's there's like certain
specific games being included with it like Candy Crush Saga oh yeah that's
been so that's been making the rounds lately so okay there's two ways to look
at this number one is does Microsoft really need whatever payout King games
is giving them to include this stupid game with the operating system and
perspective number two is doesn't really matter because it's gonna take up like
no space at all and you can uninstall it is it any different from including mine
sweeper really yeah I mean I would argue that since it actually has a
microtransaction doesn't mine sweeper now shut up or you have to like know
what's up with mine sweeper on Windows 8 I don't want it it's not there right and
then you have to get it from the store mine sweeper results for mine sweeper
really does it not include it yeah and then I think you you have to like buy it
or you can only play it a certain amount of times and you have to refill your
credits or something I don't remember how it works but mine sweeper on above
Windows 7 is super weird and then even like I don't think Windows 7 has mine
sweeper interesting okay I didn't know that oh no you have to turn it on or
something like it's not a default feature so the point is is this really
any different and should we really be concerned about it so I'm Chad's gonna
cry I personally think it's a crappy direction for them to be going I think
that including their own first-party games that don't have microtransactions
is probably fine but this is exactly the same kind of crap that I thought
Microsoft was trying to fight against by encouraging their PC makers to ship
clean windows and what and that they were setting a good example for with the
surface pro line not including any bloatware this just seems to fly in the
face of the direction that pretty much everything else is going I mean Apple
doesn't ship a bunch of bloat even Android is moving away from shipping a
bunch of load even even like some of the worst Android offenders like Samsung are
moving away from shipping bloat with their operating systems so I yeah I
think that's pretty much all I have to say about that I sure wish that this
would do things that would be great thanks I don't remember what it is with
minesweeper on Windows 8 but it has like a 4.7 out of 10 rating so something's
going on that I don't think the chat is entirely aware of and I remember trying
to play it and there was really weird crap going on in Windows 8 but anyways
in Windows 7 you're right Chad it is enabled but exactly how I said you have
to go and turn it off so yeah anyways okay let's move on to our next topic
shall we FTC rules in favor of Tesla direct to consumer sales they're saying
it's legal but it's not entirely through yet the FTC will have a lot of sway yeah
but the conversation is not over I was under the impression that the
conversation was over and it was fine and then there was an update to the
article which I don't know if it was actually this one but there was an
update being like whoa actually it's not the FTC is just kind of approving it and
then other things have to happen but it's it's moving along which is good um
so good bites posted the windows 10 editions edition stuff
silver dratchy posted the Tesla bit so here's here's a quote from the FTC a
fundamental principle of competition is that consumers not regulation should
determine what they buy and how they buy it the FTC said consumers may benefit
from the ability to buy cars directly from manufacturers whether they are
shopping for luxury cars or economy vehicles the same competition
principles should apply in either case this is a great show of common sense the
original article here is from tech drive co and it's it's refreshing to see
sensible quotes coming from stuff that's all has emblems that are blue and white
and have America written all over them look so no that is a tremendous
tremendously good point but it's it's refreshing to see our neighbors to the
self figuring it out because usually we just follow it just takes us a while so
yeah there's not really a ton to say here it's moving along which is super
good but it's not finalized so we can't really start the party yet I guess all
right scientists have invented a quadrillion quabillion FPS camera also
known as a 1 trillion FPS camera yeah that first number was nothing it was
awesome it was absolutely nothing this was posted by Prashant Nani X and the
original article here is from science alert Japanese scientist a new trillion
frame per second camera so it can capture events occurring at 45,000
kilometers per second Wow there's some limitations like last August it could
only capture six frames per shot so it was basically done immediately and
they're hoping to reach a hundred so it will still be done immediately but it'll
allow them to observe events like biological processes in far more detail
than before very very cool so this is more than a thousand times faster than a
conventional high-speed camera so let's have a look at what else they think is
very interesting about this that is really cool so apparently each color
okay this is separate color flash can be analyzed by string them together a
moving picture blah blah blah so they split each thing how does it go here the
technology works by splitting a single light pulse into a fast barrage of
rainbow colored smaller pulses and they analyze those individual pulses and see
so there's another imaging technique apparently known as the pump probe
method I'm not an expert on high-speed imaging so there you go so this can
capture frames faster than stamp but it can only capture one frame at a time so
yeah yeah so they're working towards 25 frames per shot right now last August
they were at six they hope to reach a hundred so just to put that in
perspective a hundred frames would be what one ten billionth of a second of
actual time that they're capturing hold on I'm probably doing that wrong no I
think that's right yeah one ten billionth of a second is all they can
capture at a time so they better get the timing of this thing frickin frickin
right it better not be like our camera people just you know holding pushing the
shutter button like whatever like yeah whatever bro they press it oh what we
missed it oh I guess that's too bad I guess we'll you know figure out getting
this whole apparatus set up again thanks for that jackass no they're gonna need
to be pretty precise about this I have a feeling you're tying this into something
oh no nothing I just troll these guys yeah um so the new konami CEO this was
posted by boozoo and maybe there was some booze involved probably not probably
got a point but original article here is from polygon so new konami CEO says
mobile gaming is the future and triple-a will not be as much of an emphasis done
done done not surprising I don't know yeah lots of people are spending money
on microtransactions on phone games I will never get it I will never like it I
will never understand and I will never do it this is why I play retro games
still I'm but I think part of the problem with like oh all the monies in
mobile games is that people are making junk and just terrible releases for full
featured games yeah that's the last team you were really excited for a game
release um well it's hard to get me excited these days like I never got into
GTA or I would have been probably really excited for GTA 5 um realistically that
came out like a year and a half ago though okay I guess that's true well
it's not on a platform that mattered though yes not on a platform that I
actually I'm gonna play games on so wow gee I don't know the last I guess the
last triple-a game I really really enjoyed was probably Tomb Raider 2013
okay that's not too bad yeah I thought that was I thought it was a great game
it was like it lacked certain things that older games had there wasn't really
a lot of exploration to it there's like three tombs yeah aside from just like
story mission gems and like I think there was like some kind of game mode
that by the time I played it had been shut down or something like that like
there's some there's some pretty stupid stuff but I don't know I thought it was
really good I definitely enjoyed it I'm just trying to think like I see a lot of
people in chat saying which are three but like a little scared for that game
have you seen all the crap going around yeah it's kind of shaping up to be like
like watchdogs jr. in some ways like not to nearly the same extent as watchdogs
but we're already discovering they dumbed it down so it's not oh yeah we'll
see how console party it is you think okay we'll end up benching it is CD
project red smart enough and troll enough to just release it as the full
featured one that they announced a long time ago to pretend that they're pulling
a Ubisoft and dumbing it down and just not and then not do that are they troll
enough we should ask Pasha Pasha biceps are they troll enough I don't know I
don't know that'd be really cool I'm I'm just largely ignoring it until it comes
out yeah I just wanted to actually come out so anyway a little bit more from the
from the intro I know is that I used to pre-order games quite a bit and I was
never dissatisfied and for the last in the last long time I basic I've stopped
pre-ordering names to be honest yeah and it ended up being everything that I
pre-ordered was a disappointment not like a few things you pre-ordered
Assassin's Creed that one that you hated right yes yeah that was the beginning of
the end yeah okay um so so some more some more quotes um yeah there were a
couple you hated actually just just to clarify this one that I hated so we will
pursue mobile games aggressively our main platform will be mobiles following
the pay-as-you-play model of existing games our games must move from selling
things like items to selling things like features we saw with those games that
even people who buy physical games are motivated to buy extra content the
success of our current mobile game power Pro especially has motivated us to
actively push more of our popular series onto mobile than ever before we hope
that our overseas games such as Metal Gear Solid 5 and winning 11 continue to
do well but we are always thinking about how to push our franchises into mobile
there too wow that is like the single most depressing interview ever yeah
there's been other full-featured game companies that have failed out to mobile
though like I don't I don't know I don't think they're speaking entirely on
behalf of the whole gaming industry they're just speaking on behalf of
themselves and probably a lot of other companies I don't know I will never be
into phone games I've tried a bunch of them and they're just all garbage I I
used to actually play a lot more mobile games than I do now like that the
jetpack joy red thing used to be able to play no not not just that like army of
darkness I played through the whole thing till the end just trying to think
of some other ones that I got reasonably into I haven't enjoyed pretty much any
I've had some people suggest some I will probably try it again in the future I
finished Reaper Reaper is a lot of fun to play with a controller totally
horrible on touchscreen controls but on the shield it was actually really fun
just as stupid brainless hack and slash I'm gonna play on a shield though I'd
probably just play a full-featured game on my PC it Reapers a good toilet game
because you can just like play one level and then peace out so so that was that
was a big part of the reason I played it yeah okay oculus releases recommended
system specs for the upcoming CV or consumer version one rift and they have
confirmed the resolution so this is posted by we maniac on the forum and
here is the post on the oculus.com blog so what else what else so you want to
run through the recommended specs there yes I'm just trying to work on getting
the GTX 970 for one thing GTX 970 and an r9 290 this has been something that
I've been kind of preaching about for a long time is that you need a hardcore
system this is a rich boys toy my friends yes exactly and that's it
doesn't end there I 545 90 equivalent or greater like you need good stuff and the
thing is this is recommended specs yeah like not super high-end specs like
this I can guarantee you right now there's gonna be games that are gonna
need a lot more than that yep because you need have they talked about Hertz
yet so you see you need 90 FPS at 2160 by 1200 consistently so you need above
90 FPS at 2160 by 1200 good luck on a lot of different high graphics games
like oh my god it's not easy okay we've got people in the chat upset about it
and upset at oculus about it no nothing to do with oculus no this has to do with
oculus being realistic about the way that they're presenting the
requirements for gaming on this platform to their customers the oculus doesn't
want people buying this thing with their you know I'll pick on something 57 70
you know and expecting to have a good good gaming experience stutters when I
get sick oculus sucks exactly it's the it's how demanding the game is and the
frame rate that you need to run at to have a good VR experience that is
prompting them to release these out of this world recommended system specs so
they want a high-end quad-core 8 gigs plus of RAM HDMI 1.3 and a 970 or AMD
290 equivalent or greater in order to and I would guess that this is sort of
along the lines of what would give you a good experience playing something like
Eve Valkyrie yeah based on that a lot of its black space yeah if you're gonna
want to be playing you know something like Grand Theft Auto 5 or Skyrim with a
whack ton of mods on or something like that good luck yeah it's gonna be really
really really hard it's basically all we have to say about that yep and like the
thing is for people that are gonna get mad they need to get these specs up there
so that they can push high-resolution panels and whatnot so it actually looks
good doesn't make you feel sick and is worthwhile even doing at all it's an
important thing to think about on the subject of richer three Carol Kareem
posted three did I say Richard three I don't know I heard that oh sorry
which are three I Kale Kareem posted on our forum this is from reddit.com slash which are
our slash which are I guess it's the way that people would normally say that I've
left out the arms sorry our slash which are reviews have apparently gone up a
week before release and there's nothing lower than eight out of ten with Kotaku
rating it yes that's cool with that said that doesn't well look at this games
radar four to five I dearly hope that the day zero patch eliminates the
technical issues it's literally the first line also known as there's nothing
else interesting right now please read our article we rated it really high you
know that's another really interesting perspective because a lot of people will
a lot of people will talk about how the game companies must be paying the you
know the press to give a good game review and you know what I'm sure there
are cases of that but the way that it actually works it's gonna be a lot more
complicated than that it's gonna be hey we're running a giant campaign with you
to advertise for Witcher 3 and in most cases you know an editor is not going to
be blatant enough to tell a reviewer give it a good review it's gonna be more
of like an unspoken thing but aside from the whole paid for reviews thing
remember these guys don't get paid anything if people aren't reading the
reviews so there's a lot of different ways that you can get people to read
your reviews you could be like Yahtzee over at The Escapist you can make them
entertaining if not informative you can be controversial like that ridiculous
thing I can't remember what site it was on about the the Shadow of Mordor scene
where you learn your sneak attack by kissing the white well exactly I thought
you're talking about stirring up stirring up controversy our wars battle
something the one that's coming here battlefront yeah I always want to say
battlefield they're so similar anyways Star Wars battlefront coming out with
IGN being like there's no need to worry actually we're really worried in two
different videos like yeah so you can be controversial or you can you can have an
article that says the game is really great so when someone's going and
looking for an excuse to buy it cuz let's face it that's how we buy things
we look for someone to tell us we're making a good decision that's what we
want to hear so you think something's bad you'll Google blah blah blah blah
issues and you think something's good you'll be like top five features yeah
it's a thing is the Witcher 3 worth buying and you know the top one of
course is gonna be yes yeah so so that's actually a really good really good
point is you know what's in it for these reviewers giving it a good score should
we pre-order it based on that the reviews I don't like the doors ever at
all at least they gave out review copies yeah that's better than some other folks
are doing these days at least our viewers even got a crack at it before
it's really rare that people allow reviews to go out before release at all
anyways so that's kind of cool yeah that's usually would go out on day of
release so that all the pre-order guys already spent their money yeah so that's
been the trend lately so this is this is definitely better but I would still wait
for user reviews do you really need to play Witcher 3 one week early you've
waited this long I mean I guess if you're into having the experience at the
same time as your buddies yep yeah I understand wanting it right away I'm
gonna wait I get it I have enough backlog that it doesn't matter I guess I
won't wait good bites posted in the forum that Microsoft has released
remember that super cool video stabilization thing they were doing they
have released hyper laps this is freaking awesome you can I think you
have to apply for the beta yeah we really need to you have to apply for the
beta on Android I believe as well as Windows Phone camera member with all the
rules are some of them you have to apply some of them you can just download it
but pretty much you can take crappy camera footage and turn it into like
this super smooth this page isn't loading very well but I hope you get the
point I want to do it with a GoPro I want to go with a GoPro and then hyper
laps the whole thing man that looks cool so it uses really advanced processing to
turn the scene into like a 3d model and then it uses that to stabilize it
instead of the sort of the the more reactive correction that more
traditional shaky cam reduction techniques have used very very cool
stuff apparently works with phone footage GoPro footage I really want to
try it out now that it's out that just dropped today if I recall correctly
that's cool I'm gonna sign up for that beta um Corsair has 128 gig DDR for
memory kits how much are they gonna cost you if you have to ask you can't afford
it yep over a thousand dollars RAM for the rich and nerdy says the PC world
calm article so they have them up to 2666 megahertz I want to say Kingston is
saying they're upcoming big-ass set will hit speeds of 3,000 megahertz so what
could you want to do with something like this oh I don't know you could create a
100 gigabyte RAM Drive with 28 gigs left for system memory I guess if you're into
that sort of thing here we go here we go here we go the cheaper of the two is
just shy of $2,000 with the more expensive 2666 kit running you $2120 I
believe G skill is working on something as well but with them I think it was 64
gig for stick kits whereas these are 128 gig 8 stick kits from Corsair and
Kingston so I've already reached out to Corsair for a sample I really doubt
we'll get to keep that sounds gonna say they're either probably gonna say no or
you can have it for like four days yeah and then send it to someone else to to
talk because there's nothing to really cover about it you're gonna put it in a
system you're gonna be like yep the number of recognized RAM is very high
yep moving on and it's we won't even be the first time we've put 128 gigs of RAM
in a system we have one downstairs right now with 128 gigs around in it what's
interesting about this is the fact that it's unbuffered memory and it works on a
consumer platform with a consumer grade CPU rather than being like an ECC
registered server Jim yeah I had one other topic that I posted somewhere down
below this is hot this is a rumor and this is in the rejected pile but I just
thought it was funny Sam Fisher posted on the forum Netflix reportedly planning
Top Gear revival called house of cars there is no confirmation that if they
went after Clarkson and his crew which right now it's up in the air they could
be negotiating with anyone it is rumored that Netflix is negotiating with them I
really doubt they would call it house of cars that would be really freaking hope
they pretty much the stupidest thing ever I would still watch it but I really
hope and this just dropped today as well you can tour razors
flagship store the first of many according to min 10 CEO so it has a very
Apple store Microsoft store kind of vibe and much like those other stores it's
pretty much a one-stop shop for everything razor you can get hands-on
with pretty much any of their products very cool concept two years ago you
would have told me razor has a retail store and I would have said what would
they need a retail store for they could like you could put it in a closet here
is the wall of mice here's the wall of keyboards and here's the trash bin out
back with the headsets that you probably shouldn't buy whereas now they're
getting to the point where they have enough really cool technology and enough
accessories to go with it that you can kind of go oh yeah crap I guess I kind
of get it like yeah the headsets I'm still not a huge fan of and min knows
that but you know whatever there's there's because there's a lot of stuff
that you could show off in a store like this that might not even necessarily run
on razors own hardware but is there technology razor comms for example yeah
they could have you know like a little like you know land set out this is gonna
say like a four before but a four against four which even looks like they
could be doing just constantly set up with the headsets that they have right
there now you could have a little mini land um so they could be showing off
their software technology they could be showing off their streaming technology
before you could like book time for like little gaming tournaments and stuff in
there so they're apparently allowing fans to vote although that realistically
I mean they're smart people they probably already have a road map for
where they want to launch doors but they're apparently letting fans vote on
where they want to see stores next and these guys really do look like they're
on the fast track to kicking a whole ton of ass I don't like everything they do
but as you guys know I'm a huge fan of the blade 14 notebook in particular
really love a lot of the other stuff that they've done not a big fan of some
of the other stuff that they've done but you can't deny that they are a marketing
juggernaut and the brand recognition that they have for what would have been
a completely niche business gaming peripherals you know five or ten years
ago is absolutely incredible so good on them good on them for figuring out a way
to to take their brand to the next level and these boutique stores seem to be
starting with Apple the way that the way that brands are doing this these days so
here's there's actually a video where Minh shows you around the store so I
haven't actually watched it yet I was just checking out some pictures of it
they actually apparently had to shut down the mall because there were so many
people that it was a safety concern lined up to go to the razor store in
Taiwan these guys are so good at presentation yeah like this stuff does
not look like this when it's on my desk it's like I do know what you're shopping
it's low light in that specific area yeah like it's like jewelry shopping you
know the the color temperature of the light they use to illuminate the
diamonds is specifically chosen to make them sparkle better like it's it's down
to a freakin science and razor is really really good at that stuff yeah so there
you go that's what the store looks like give or take two or two and a half
minutes a video or so um so I guess do you have any did you have anything else
and no much done so I want to talk about today thank you guys very much for
tuning in we love the land show especially when you guys watch I guess
finals must be over cuz there are 6,500 of you watching live thank you you're
all awesome it's so hot it is really hot in here even though the windows open we
need that cross breeze yes I can't wait to move into the new office we're like
six to eight weeks away though guys it's like not happening soon and we have no
space here we might have to do another u-haul just to clear up enough space we
might have to do like more than one yeah there's like a lot of oh just to clear
up enough space yeah like survive here yeah no I think we'll have to do
multiple u-hauls to the other place I thought you meant like to move us I was
like dude that wasn't even that much stuff at all no that barely made a dent
and like a big problem is we're not gonna be able to make very efficient use
of the u-haul because so much of what we have has no packaging or protection
so like unless someone's literally riding in the back like holding things
in place that's not that's not happening no channel super fun not fun that's
dangerous illegal we've never done anything illegal on time stuff that's
dangerous what did you all right thanks for tuning into the winch oh I knew it
you win nothing some of us are actually working right now