
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

welcome to the when show we've got a great show for you guys today and look luke i know we have
this thing where i pick two topics for the show and then you pick two topics for the show and
you're always all like man those two topics were the ones that i wanted to do so i think i have
the solution okay i'll just do all the topics we're gonna be talking about the framework 16
apple complying with the eu but like only sort of not really the hp ceo saying the quiet part out
loud we're gonna be talking about uh now you're the one searching crap this is hard yeah there's
like two good ones okay pick one more uh i was gonna do teenager criminally charged for snapchat joke
yeah really wow well wasn't a good joke though that's true okay
the show today is brought to you by ag1 squarespace and avessi
why don't we jump right into our headline topic which is of course
apple's compliance with the eu's regulations that are forcing them to behave less like a walled garden
and more like a falled garden with barbed wire around it dummy um yeah so okay apple is being
accused of malicious compliance with the european union's digital markets act or dma after detailing
its plans to add support for third-party app stores third-party payment systems and browser engines
other than safari to ios in the european union in a news release apple repeatedly emphasized that the dma
opens new avenues for malware fraud and scams and illicit and harmful content and other privacy and
security threats now here's what here's what i'd like to know yeah apple's a very privacy and security
first company aren't they yes so then with all the resources that they have with the are they at
hundreds of billions of dollars of cash reserves right now probably yeah and with all the with all
the people in the tech industry that are in need of work right now i would like to know apple what
investments you're making to ensure that as an iphone user in the european union i'm not going to be
affected by this stuff no seriously though apple's one of those companies that this is very unlike them
to acknowledge any potential flaw in their product even if it is caused by compliance with a third-party
regulation they don't like to talk about that yeah they like to talk about safety and security and
privacy and the apple experience it you can tell they're at they're at the desperation stage to try
to do something about this um however apple
has a solution apple has instituted multiple safeguards
including requiring apple authorization of all developers on alternative of alternative app
marketplaces a letter of credit of a million euros in order to launch an alternative app store
disclosure of alternative payments data notarization of all apps that is app review by bots and humans
so basically apple is saying okay you can have your own store but the only way that we could possibly
ensure the security of the iphone is if um we're basically like in charge of it and also you pay us a bunch
of money oh what um apple will be reducing their current fees a 10 fee for subscriptions a 17 fee for digital
goods and services and an additional 3 for using apple's payment system however apple will also be
adding a new core technology fee so once an app hits 1 million installs its devs will have to pay
50 euro cents is that what they're actually called euro cents yeah i don't know 50 half of a euro
for every new user who installs it on ios annually that is wild okay anyway the app can be reinstalled
by the same user for no charge for 12 months though wow it's actually euro cents this applies to paid
apps and free apps apple says they will have an install verification mechanism to avoid install spam
because i'm sure it'll be like totally in their interest to ensure that you know the experience
on third-party app stores is really good that they've really they've really telegraphed that
um apple has provided a fee calculator and some devs have found that under some circumstances apple could
take as much as 60 percent of their yearly revenue nice developers of alternative app stores need to pay
the ctf for every first annual installation including the first million
oh man but don't worry don't worry there's an alternative if developers don't like this deal
right good well they can stay under apple's current business terms and remain exclusively on the app store
where no third-party marketplaces or payment systems will be allowed so it's the only way to get an
alternative store onto the platform by distributing the alternative store through the
app store i actually do not know that is a really good question that's what it sounds like through
their terms because how could they charge you if you didn't get it through the app store
luke how does that make any sense luke i'm not sure i'm i'm sure that uh when it when it comes to
when it comes to collecting your money um i think apple will find a way it's unclear how apple will
authorize and distribute the alternative marketplaces yeah maybe their hope is that
this deal will be technically compliant with the eu's guidelines not guidelines laws uh but be so bad
that nobody will actually do it tim tim sweeney's been going off has he oh yeah yeah he oh man he's been
he's been going off and to be clear i do not agree with tim sweeney about everything in fact we've like
had personal beef at one point as well ago but yeah but what he is right about just just because
just because i don't agree with someone once doesn't mean i can't agree with them when they
say something correct like i'm not saying hitler was right no i was gonna say something specific i
don't know maybe he said something about how trains should be on time or something i don't know
i don't actually i don't actually i haven't memorized any any quotes okay uh my point is just that just
because i disagree with someone about something doesn't mean i can't acknowledge when they're
right about something maybe the chair was comfy and mr sweeney the chair some people will get that
it's fine oh okay mr sweeney is definitely luke please control this man
yeah luke some people got it good look what you've done
how so so mr sweeney is a hundred percent correct here when he says that apple is is absolutely
behaving in an anti-competitive way the eu has called them out on it in a very in a very clear
way and apple has gone out of their way to ensure that the manner in which they've complied with the
eu's new regulations is as awful as humanly possible also we had talked before about okay
if apple is forced to allow additional marketplaces and all of that well how is it going to affect
people outside the eu it looks like the answer is not one bit it won't apple will be maintaining
its monopolistic behavior anywhere that it is allowed to so if you want anything to change and
change it can and should i mean apple has demonstrated that they can have lower subscription fees
as long as they can charge you uh uh what what is it a um core technology fee man this is this is
bizarre like why why do why do people defend this kind of double dipping behavior i don't know you see
a lot of it though it's like it's triple dipping actually first they charge the user
for the device then they charge the developer just to have a developer account oh no we're up to
quadruple dipping now for then they charge the developer to have a developer account then they charge
you a core technology fee if you actually have a very successful app then they charge you a 10
fee on subscriptions 17 for digital goods and services at what point does it end well you also
have to use their payment system like we mock this kind of thing when it's the cable when it's the
cable company but realistically most people have as many options for cable companies as they do for
major cell phone platforms and so the people who say well apple's not a monopoly because android exists
it's like okay okay okay okay right but that doesn't you can have a duopoly then it doesn't change
that you can have people monopolistic behavior people compare it to steam and i'm not here to
defend steam's 30 take either no not even a little but on a computer you could use things that aren't
steam well yeah that in steam actually has as far as i can tell steam doesn't charge epic games money
to sell games on their platform no and as far as i can tell steam doesn't charge game devs any ongoing
fees for the original purchase of the game so you could have a game that's 160 gigabytes you could
download that game now and forever not to mention all the cloud synchronization of your save files
remember nintendo is going to charge you like what eight bucks a month per user to sync your cloud say
to sync your saves to the cloud like steam is actually operating a platform that actually
delivers value to the user i want to buy games on steam whereas what is apple actually doing i mean
yeah they handle downloading sure but the infrastructure by comparison when we're talking downloads that are
160 gigabytes in many cases and we're talking megs downloads that are 160 megabytes and that's a
pretty decent sized app i mean you'll get multi gigabit gigabit you'll get multi gigabyte mobile
apps uh especially for games but there'll be three or four typically not not hundreds and to be clear
i just want to make this clear apple's operating at an enormous scale on the app store but don't kid
yourself so is valve yeah gaming it's kind of a thing yeah um yeah and like uh people are bringing up
like oh you can buy an android and it's like okay so there's the whole duopoly thing also we're talking
about platforms in general we don't think android is necessarily better off here the the play store is
also terrible um just you can technically it's not a very clean process but you can sideload on on
android um and the the steam example this would be like if the only way that you could get any apps
on windows was the microsoft store i know i just gave everyone nightmares i apologize for that
um but it would be as if that was the only way and for steam or something else to exist microsoft
is going to take a cut of it yeah just for valve having the privilege to be allowed to have steam
yeah that's pretty crap is that a thing that you would like is that a thing that you would defend
do you think that would have made would that have made the pc what it is today someone said you mean
like on windows rt i know practically nothing about windows rt but if that's how it would work that's not
something i would defend uh does windows rt even exist anymore i don't know windows rt is a mobile
operating system designed by first unveiled january 2011 oh final release january 10th 2023 12 months ago
so is it is it still a thing is it not a thing i suspect it's supported extended support was ended
january 10th 2023 never mind so yeah that's how good it is sick cool nice
yeah windows for arm would be the replacement for windows rt uh and my understanding is nothing on
windows for arm would prevent you from just downloading an application and installing it
in fact i was uh man what was i was installing something the other day i was saying fs mode but
you can turn s mode off can you not yeah yeah so like what are you talking about yeah if i can if i
voluntarily make my phone only allow apps to be installed from the app store that's fine like
this is i don't know man this is like the the i don't understand these arguments this is well okay
a lot of the a lot of the apple argument boils down to well you you do have a choice i i like the
lockdown experience sure and it's like right so then sit down and shut the up yeah i don't yeah
and i should be allowed to install whatever software i feel like on this thing that i mean it's not it's
not like apple gives away the iphone if apple gave away the iphone this would be a completely different
conversation like okay for example remember that tv luke that tv that uh watches you and plays ads or
whatever if that's the deal okay the hardware is free you watch as much tv as you want and they're like
yeah we're gonna we're gonna bombard you with ads it's gonna be pay to play for anyone who wants to
be part of this ecosystem and have their ads displayed or whatever it's like yeah sure fine
but my understanding when i pay full pop and don't kid yourself apple's not discounting the iphone
they're not subsidizing the cost of the iphone with the app store they are just they are they are
charging as much if not more they're taking more margin than pretty much any i think any other handset
maker as far as i can tell um so when i pay full price for something my understanding and your
understanding should be that it belongs to you and so the fact that anyone is not offended by this
that anyone sees this behavior and goes yeah this is good it's just baffling to me and if you make
the choice to only use the app store by all means but when i say i shouldn't have to again sit down
and shut the f**k up it's that simple yeah nice
oh dan's not here to move the the the cards how will we know what to do he's supposed to tell us
through our well we don't need 10 more minutes because we both agreed that apple is being
butt heads yeah i'm really looking forward to trying the vision pro though yeah yeah real heavy
yeah we're getting our hands on uh we're getting our hands on one february 4th i think ours arrives
you gotta do neck workouts um okay i i am not how exaggerated i am not doing any neck workouts i am
going to i'm going to go in cold and see if it's overblown as someone who regularly wears headphones
and who regularly vrs i suspect that it's not going to bother me as much as people who do not
regularly vr does it weigh versus like an index but i have heard it is quite heavy yes
please show dan cam okay a wild dan appears there's dan oh sorry i mean a wild um
nad appears a non-non-infringing um all resemblance is uh coincidental
does anyone see where i'm going with this uh i don't really get the point yeah we copied
it it's a very similar character model but it's not the same thing oh so like pal world i'm
don't worry about it nad stands for not a dan
i'm made of ai now yeah i i apologize in advance for the fact that nad is probably
going to stick as a nickname for you
i could be worse dan yeah wait what
uh it looks like the index weighs more than the vision pro so it's gonna be fine then yeah so it's
probably gonna be fine what's everyone freaking out about i think it's apple right so on the one
hand you have the things that apple does that are actually really scummy yeah and then you've got
people that are just like no man this seems fine and then on the other hand you've got what appears
to be a very compelling product that could change computing we'll see and people are like oh my god it
needs to be cooled they need cooling in it and there's like there's glass lenses and glass is heavy
people are saying because uh it's not as well balanced and because the strap apparently isn't
as good the index ain't that well balanced i i would have hoped that apple would get the strap right
though i mean then again that's like i don't know kind of their thing is they have okay accessories
and then other people fill in the gaps so maybe it's maybe it's fine um one thing i'm really excited
for though is that apparently it comes with apple's cleaning cloth now we missed the initial outrage
train on the 40 cleaning cloth oh it's included though yeah yeah yeah so we so we we were like
well realistically there's no point making a video about this because people have kind of got it out of
their system laid on it but it's not like it ever went away so i'm gonna get an opportunity
to check out apple's cleaning cloth nice yeah yeah i can't believe it's free i'm pretty stoked on that
um i i i doubt it's gonna get much airtime in the video i've kind of said my piece about apple's
pricing we did a video a number of years ago when they announced the 700 wheels for the old intel mac pro
what was that the 2019 mac pro or whatever i have to memorize years instead of just generations
because i don't know apple things um where i basically talked about how it's it's it has yeah
it has i i actually forget my point but it was a good point and it pretty much explained why apple
prices things the way they do it's because they want to be a luxury brand they're a consumer electronics
brand but they really really really really really want to be a luxury brand and that's an image that
they project um and it's an image that some people buy like it's the whole blue bubble green bubble
thing has always been baffling to me you can get an iphone for like a hundred dollars on ebay that'll
like get your bubble color or whatever who cares um i i don't should change the shade i don't really
see how based on the generation of phone can you not give them ideas or no no you know the newest
the newest one should be the deepest blue and as your phone ages it should fade
you that way that way they don't have to like update they're never gonna like run out of blues
you know because it'll just get worse uv reactive paint kind of thing uh luke you do know that people
from apple watch this show right they don't acknowledge us but i have heard from people at apple
chat's so mad
you gotta have dude the new generation of phone comes out your bubbles are gonna be less blue
so you guys can see why it's a good thing that luke is not evil
because if he was he'd be an evil genius
i could
work at the genius
please mute luke
if he can do it to you you need to do it to him
yeah dan
i think we've established now that i should have a luke mute button
i don't know about that
i think dan's with me on this dan
i'm setting it up right now thank you
he would good guy dan
uh all right what's our next topic here
okay okay this one's gonna be kind of open-ended
okay our topic is the framework 16
yeah so what
i have only spent about two minutes with it
i actually haven't watched our review yet
i didn't read it
so i would like you
i haven't even read our topic notes
i would like you to tell me if it's any good
okay do you want me to silently read the topic notes
okay because there's positive and negative points
all right
so yeah the framework 16 is finally out
we released a full review this week
which was written and hosted without
pretty well received by the community by the way
linus's involvement and yes i do i do believe it was
other outlets have reviewed the 16 quite positively
alex warrow from tom's guide called it
the laptop i'd buy for myself
some of the positive points are extreme modularity and repairability
framework says that the graphics card can be swapped in just a few minutes
which both we and the verge were able to replicate
that i've tried remember i have played around with the like
prototype or something
yeah like a mechanical sample right quite a while back
so even early yeah
but i haven't touched
uh i haven't touched
i have spent about two minutes
with the final one that we that we have here
great future proofing potential and customizability compared to other laptops
of note the fully customizable keyboard deck and six expansion card slots
to the framework 13's four
good screen quality
easily outperformed similar laptops running the same graphics card in terms of cooling
and then we come to the negative points
okay now hold on a second there's a couple of things here that
from just chatting with people internally
i i know that we didn't necessarily agree with in our video
so one of them is that jake had some concerns about
backlight bleed or not bleed but like a um
uneven backlighting at the edges of the screen
did anybody else have any kind of feedback on that like i'm
this is a highly interactive section guys i want to hear from you in the chat
do other people have this laptop or are you asking about other people's reviews
i'm asking about other people's reviews
yeah because the verge according to nokia
uh the one and only timestamp guy
people are suggesting that we react to the video live
we would be able to do that because it's our own video
the verge rated it
five out of ten
the screen
no the whole thing
so not everybody gave it a good review
although the verge did complain about crashing issues
so i would say that would probably significantly impact the score
and i didn't i didn't
from the conversations i've had with ploof and jake
they didn't say anything about crashing on our unit
and john uh john from the lab didn't bring it up with me either
i fix it according to focus forte and dna gecko
i fix it
i gave it a 10 out of 10
for repairability i guess
okay people want a live reaction
dan is that something you can do from there
because dan is not in the studio
oh the verge has some interesting points here
i'm gonna i'm gonna jump to my screen real fast
yeah yeah for sure
i want to know what's going on man
this is my investment yo
that doesn't look good
what is that
he's trying to lift the screen with one finger
which i could do with like this one
and it's not going to do that
uh i mean this one does
that much
yeah look
that doesn't look like as much as
in that photo
is it
because the angle is taken at
no it's less than that
it's less than that
that is a lot of screen bend
you're gonna have a little bit
you know if you try to lift a screen by the corner
you're gonna have a little bit
but that in the photo is quite a lot
i don't see where they did the natural rating
i think it's at the very top
i like your sound effects
thank you
uh that's not the very top luke
i actually don't see it
control f
oh there it is
in green
big green box
got it
he's got this
what's it out of
yeah not five
they said the good is fully user repairable
unprecedented customization
competent mid-range gaming performance
and excellent 16 by 10 screen
they said the bad
was regularly froze during testing
additional strange glitches
often runs hot and loud
and some of the panels feel flimsy
i think we need to live react to this
okay dan
is that something we can do
live react to what
you really gotta do
our own video
is pull up the video on your laptop
and then
i guess it announces a reaction channel
well it's it's our own video
yeah yeah
it's fine to react to your own video
i don't know
i have i have pulled it up
i have pulled it up
what am i uh
what am i supposed to do
now i just play it
will luke be able to hear it
i think i'll just
yeah i'll send it through your headphones
okay we're gonna
we're gonna try it
we're gonna try it
i don't have audio from your laptop yet
you don't
are you sure
well i'm not playing it yet
it's 18 and a half minutes
are we gonna react to the whole thing
we could watch it 1.75
that'll only take like 13-14 minutes then
i'm not gonna have
oh yeah
i guess i can watch it there
okay sure
okay we good
i've got audio from you elsewhere
you have audio from me elsewhere
what does that even mean
i didn't even fart
that's good
oh apparently the verge didn't have a full production unit
did we have a full production unit
the verge posted an update that they are getting a full production unit to redo the review
where is that
oh man
and i could have told framework not to send a pre-prod unit for a review
yeah they probably shouldn't have done that
that was an uh completely unforced error
where is this post
where did they say this
i don't know
noted that we're certainly committed to making us from the total list of issues
i don't want to just like believe chat right away
oh yeah okay
post from sean hollister
framework will send us another lap
another framework 16
and here's
what it will fix
we told framework we had several different stability issues
so i was a little frustrated to see the company's ceo suggests i only encountered one
but i'm happy to say framework will send the verge a final production unit with
quite a list of hardware and software fixes
i don't know if they said that they're
oh apparently the review
the review units were pre-production units with known issues
okay well guys look i'm uh
okay let's watch it then shall we
dan we good to go
i think so
okay good luck everybody
hold on one sec
i just want to i just want to fix the the quote from earlier
people said like oh they're going to redo their review and stuff
i don't think i don't see them actually saying that
um and this looks like it's
luke laptop
um so this is a post from sean hollister
saying these things
um but then it says
it's linking a reddit thread
i don't see anywhere that says like we're going to redo our review
it did say in the review
that um
they would be open to re-evaluating
if the issues are fixed i think
but that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to do it
i mean as someone
i just want to make sure i didn't quote them incorrectly
i would take the quote that you just saw on screen as an actual quote
not what i said
as someone who does this work
um i would say that my annoyance level
would be extremely high
if i found a bunch of issues
and then someone was like
well it was pre-prod
all those are like fixed
and i'm just like okay
but that's not
for sure
that's not what i experienced
i can only review what is actually in front of me
we ready
that is a
great first frame
the all new framework 16 is here and i'm super excited about it
not only because i invested my own money in this company
and i want me to see
you full screen that
it has several tricks up its sleeve that are genuinely nutty
that's right for years companies have struggled to make an upgradable laptop at all
let alone one meant for gaming
but it's finally here
and did i mention that every single part of this machine can be purchased
individually on their store and replaced by the end user
what world is this
unfortunately a world where trying to be objective
doesn't change the fact that i have a vested interest in framework success
which makes reviewing their products a bit tricky
so i don't want you to take my word for it
the rest of the script
i haven't even read it
to recuse myself from our review
alex our resident laptop connoisseur
framework 16 pre-order
and john from the lab
are going to be telling you guys all about it
both the good and the bad
this is john's first on-camera appearance in a mainline video i think
oh cool
so i'll be uh i'll be seeing it for the first time
fingers crossed
they didn't bite off more than they can chew with this thing
unlike this easily digestible segue
to our sponsor
see sonic
more than my own son
already smooth
unlike every other laptop i've used
everything on the surface is modular
save the power button up here that has a fingerprint sensor
you can adjust the keyboard and trackpad positioning
you can add a numpad
that's so cool
that's pretty sick actually
or if that macro pad is
even have these led matrix displays
do these do anything besides reducing battery life
do i really like them
however the other new party trick
the bespoke
upgradable removable discrete amd graphics card
is so sick
many companies have attempted to put upgradable graphics
in a laptop in the past
but the upgrade operation has never been something
that i'd recommend the average tech enthusiast undertake
okay we should talk a little bit about why that is
um i saw a lot of feedback
um either on just like social media
on reddit
um i read through the comments on this video
because that's what i do
rather than watching videos
you know this
and i saw quite a few people bring up xm
it's like oh yeah
framework invented mxm
good job
it's like it's like
misunderstand the whole situation speed run any percent
the reason
you should do that
you should have a leaderboard
based on like how fast they commented
sorry keep going
the problem with mxm
which for those of you who aren't familiar with it
and i don't blame you
because it's been kind of
dead for a long time
yeah uh the mxm is a is a just a smaller version of the pci express interface
where just the full connector has been shrunk a little bit
and it's a pcie by 16 interface and then board spec
um the problem with mxm is that
nvidia in particular but to my knowledge
amd as well has never been able to standardize
exactly what the layout of the board will be
so in theory it's a good idea
because you could just have a card
that has a gpu and the memory and the vrms on it
and you just
slide it into a slot on the motherboard
it's a sideways slot
kind of like an m.2 slot
and you just
put it in
screw it in
and boom
upgraded gpu
the problem with that
is that because nvidia and
to my knowledge amd
it's just nvidia i know in particular
has been adamant that
they just give up and don't want to do it
and and they've been
they've been
when it comes to
any attempts by
laptop manufacturers or others
to to make mxm a thing
nvidia and amd
have not been able to standardize
those components are on the board
not only that
but they haven't been able to standardize
what kind of
form they might take
do they have an ihs
are they a bear die
how many chips are there
what layout will they be in
how much power will they draw
and therefore how much heat will they dissipate
so what's happened
is that while mxm is
you know a standard
it's only a standard
insofar as it's
a slot
everything else about it
pretty much had to be redesigned
from generation to generation
to accommodate the new layout
of every component on the board
and the new power requirements
so what mxm turned into
essentially a way of making sure
that your laptop
was going to be thicker
to accommodate this board
that sat on top of another board
in this interface
and that's about it
there were still some benefits
like you could have
the ability to configure your laptop
at the time of ordering
and they could put a different gpu in
as long as it had been designed
with that particular generation in mind
but overall
this sort of
you know
upgradable gpu laptop nirvana
that we all thought mxm
could help us achieve
has not been possible
and as for the laptop manufacturers
i don't think you're going to see
any appetite for it
i mean
dell got burned on it
when they promised
that they had this alienware
that was going to be
from one generation
to the next
and then
my understanding
nvidia basically was like
sorry about that
the power envelope
is much higher
so it's not going to happen
it could have been
dell alienware
that screwed that up
i suspect as well
that that's what happened
with msi
who also said
we've got this
titan i think
it was something
something 80
something titan
they had this like
big fat laptop
that was
they were like
you're going to be able
to upgrade the gpu
with the mechanical keyboard
that one
they ended up getting
class action sued
for that one
because they didn't
offer an upgrade
because it wasn't possible
it turned out
my understanding
is that would have
i can't think of anyone
whose fault that would have been
other than nvidia
i can't think of any reason
msi would have promised that
other than that they thought
that they had a roadmap
from their partner
that would allow them to
provide an upgradable laptop
so the point i'm getting at
with all of this
is that
this was
an innovation
and it is one that matters
because the way that
framework has done it
a lot of the problems
of mxm
it doesn't solve
all of them
i told framework
when they initially
told me
and this is
this is quite a while back
when they initially
told me
we're doing a gaming laptop
i was like
you realize
that um
everyone has tried this
and every time
it has not worked
and here are the problems
and they were like
nah dog
we think we've got this
and i was like
okay uh
you're gonna
you're gonna have a lot
of problems to solve
and one of them
they obviously still
haven't solved
i i asked them
i told them
i was like
what board partner
is gonna deliver
nvidia gpus
iron-fisted control
over their partners
do you think
for a second
that like uh
you know
let's let's pick up
you know what
i probably know too much
so luke
why don't you pick
a board manufacturer
or just brand
so let's say pegatron
like like a board
there is no doubt
in my mind
you know
some time
and given that
the resources
and the timelines
is still called pegatron
it's complicated
but pegatron
100% exists
and and is a
i thought that was
contract manufacturer
because it was
so now it's
and assist
the point is
given probably
not even months
probably given
pegatron could
design and
a framework
for the
framework 16
with an
something or
they won't
nvidia needs
to sign off
on absolutely
their gpus
go into
whether you
bought them
and they're
like yours
or not
so that's
like how
much ram
you can put
on the board
what kind
of uh
what kind
of boost
clock speeds
how much
power you're
allowed to
deliver to
even things
as stupid
we want
to do
one with
a blower
instead of
you know
an exhaust all
the air
inside your
case cooler
because it's
better for
small form factor
my understanding
allegedly blah blah
blah all of
that stuff
is that
nvidia will
clamp down
on that
because they're
worried about
it cannibalizing
their workstation
which do have
that style of
cooler because
it's more ideal
for stacking
so this
that's what
prevents you
from stacking
up 4080s
is nvidia
won't let
board partners
build cards
that have
that better
facilitate it
it's like
you know
f*** off
as far
as I
can tell
still hasn't
solved that
if you're
someone at
who is
you know
not a
then by
all means
if you're
listening to
advocate for
why the f***
you can't
just put a
gpu on a
module and
plug it into
a laptop
because f***
it doesn't
just chill
I know
I probably
haven't made
the most
little spicy
argument for
it but
it's just
this isn't the
first time I've
been frustrated
about this
okay yeah
yeah yeah
invested in
how can you
go after
your employer
like that
invested in
framework or
not this isn't
the first time
that I've talked
about this and
this isn't the
first time that
I've been really
frustrated by it
yeah I was at
Computex one year
I think yeah it
must have been
Computex because I
don't think
Silverstone oh no
yeah they used to
do CES but not
on the show floor
I was on the
show floor for
sure so it must
have been Computex
yeah and I had a
really frustrating
conversation with
Silverstone because
they had this really
cool little eGPU
back when Thunderbolt
external GPUs were
really starting to
take off so this
would have been like
I don't know four
or five years ago or
something like that
and instead of being
designed for desktop
graphics cards so like
being huge it was
designed for little
MXM cards MXM they
had gotten their hands
on it must have been
it was either a 1080
TI or like a 2080 or
something this was a
long time ago so I
don't remember which one
it was must have been
a 1080 TI probably
not because it was
around the same time
that Zotac was doing
those super cute little
gaming like little
tiny gaming things that
had MXM in them as
well and they were
like yeah so we made
this thing and I was
like that is a super
cool thing how on
earth are you gonna get
any boards for it and
they're like well we're
advocating for we're
going to board
manufacturers we're
gonna try and get
someone to to build
these things for us
dead so why can't we
have cute little tiny
external GPUs because
fuck you we don't
want people putting
our GPUs in anything
that we don't deign
them to be the thing
that it goes in just
fuck off you know
yeah basically yeah
like I love the good
things NVIDIA does in
fact we're gonna talk
about one of them a
little bit later there
they've got this cool
new AI SDR to HDR
thing I have no problem
with the good things
NVIDIA does but part of
acknowledging things as
they are is that you
call it when something's
good and you call it
when something is
bullshit and them
refusing to allow
anyone to manufacture
their GPUs into a form
factor that they just
don't like is bullshit
anyway some people are
asking that we do 1.5
instead of 1.75 your
call okay sure I'm on it
I'm on it like a bonnet
he's trying to soften
it up after being so
spicy no no I'm good I
don't even care I'll get
spicy you want more
spice I got more spice I'm
sure I'm sure we'll get
there I got more spice
people are commenting
look at Alex's hat is
that an LTT toque oh
that's also not an LTT
sweater yeah what's
happening it's not to
allow it okay fair enough
they're there are pros but
come on Alex okay ready
yeah oh I don't have any
audio Dan damn save us oh
oh it's my fault well what
did I do it looks like it's
up I mean I there you good
you see it I mean I'm I
yeah I I'm definitely I'm
definitely clicking the same
thing I haven't changed
why is nothing ever easy
you know
okay it's definitely working
through connect sent HD
audio how about BMD HDMI
you see it Dan here do you
see mine
yep I see yours okay okay
maybe we just play mine
hold on let me just give it
let me give it the old
unplug and replug and we'll
see if mine lights back up
and otherwise then we'll go
to Luke
my back
no okay I guess it's gonna
be Luke then all right how
far are you in I can't read
it I am 25 to 25 yeah I
could read it look at me go
what a guy look at his eyes
my eyes functioned I'm so
stoked that was bound to
happen at some point okay
full screen switch to my
screen slightly ahead of where
you were okay cool ready yeah
let's get it a little quiet
first power down the system
then unlock the tabs and
take off the touchpad and
the keyboard open the little
plastic flap here cover this
is a fair amount of
disassembly to swap a
component five screws and
remove it from the system
framework includes a
screwdriver with this laptop
but the not to a
screwdriver from LTT store
calm is a little bit nicer
so that's it that whole
thing back there is the GPU
and that's how they solved
it every other GPU swap on
a laptop I've done that's
but all of this
modularity comes at a
steep price possibly for my
boss because the keyboard on
the framework 16 is frankly
unacceptable for a laptop of
this price the closest
comparison I have is the
Acer Nitro 5 which starts at
$750 and it is just okay
here one second okay hold on
hold on hold on
Dan's getting me to do all
the things
okay it is now maximum
let me go back slightly
what did you react to
if you don't want GPU you
can just save over half a
pound of weight and an inch
of length by just not having
a GPU anymore but all of
this modularity comes at a
steep price possibly for my
boss because the keyboard on
the framework is frankly
unacceptable for a laptop of
this price the closest
comparison I have is the
Acer Nitro 5 which starts at
$750 and it is just okay at
$750 while testing the
framework 16 I wasn't able
to get up to my full
typing speed in particular
while doing really quick
double presses due to the
chassis flex a huge
disappointment compared to
the excellent keyboard on
the framework 13 but yeah
see that's really
frustrating I'm glad you
brought that up because
in this area it has been
better in the past yeah
because the framework 13
actually has a really
solid keyboard and that
was one of the things that
I highlighted as being
particularly impressive
about it was that in spite
of its modularity and
repairability it still had
a good keyboard when that
was one of the
justifications that I could
see for not having a
repairable design yeah was
that you wanted to
maintain chassis stiffness
so that you could have a
good keyboard and with the
keyboard off you can
really just see how not
supportive this super
thin piece of metal is
fortunately this thing
framework disassembling only
takes about a minute we
were able to chuck some
thermal pads in the areas
where it was squishiest and
holy crap that is so much
better okay that's
actually maybe more
frustrating yeah it seems
like the fix was easy um
yeah I'm really not okay
I'm not sure if that's my
favorite thing ever um
it's cool that you can fix
it it's cool that Alex
found that yeah that's
that's super cool yeah
well good job good job
Alex yeah but I um
a little questionable on
framework this isn't their
first laptop yeah so you'd
think they'd notice
something like oh the
chassis flexes a lot uh oh
and the tech redneck uh
says framework sent an email
to all pre-orders talking
about this and what they're
working on to fix it okay
cool uh okay hopefully
hopefully they do fix it okay
all right yeah keep going
just stuff some thermal pads
under there we'll see
the flex influences the feel
of your keyboard is huge and
the difference that this mod has
made is just night and day with
the thermal pads in there this
keyboard isn't quite on the
level of asus or alienware but
it comfortably beats msi and
razor and brings it much more in
line with the price while you're
modifying things you might use a
couple pieces of electrical tape
to remedy some of the small but
visible gaps between the
modules but at least the trackpad
what did he just say it's
glass no do not put electrical
tape on your laptop that would
look way worse that and it would
leave horrible horrible horrible
residue on it yeah yeah i would
prefer the gap i love alex but
he um he's a tape enthusiast yeah
yes okay yeah there's certain uh
man i forget what all of his
favorite tapes are wait could you
could you put the tape under no
there's gaps even then i wouldn't
put it there because it'll get warm
and it'll leave goo uh use you
use any other tape there's uh
there's like there's black paper
tapes that would if that's what
you want to do that would work way
better for that okay off with
accurate and responsive tracking i
just wish it was a little bit
bigger another sacrifice for the
modularity one decision i really
don't understand though are the
speakers which fire out from the
sides instead of like up at you
or bouncing off of the table like
now everything else to be clear that
can work really well i've seen some
really impressive side firing
speakers that use just algorithmic
nonsense to sound great but so has
alex and i'm sure he wouldn't bring
this up if it wasn't actually a
problem yeah fair enough that sounds
good for comparison here's a similarly
priced lenovo legion slim 7i
okay lenovo lenovo is not too bad a little
bit quiet but i would say perfectly
acceptable and the framework is uh
it's not the worst i've ever heard but
it lacks um treble and bass and staging
get yourself a bluetooth speaker what is
really good though is the dedicated gpu
output on the back this is wired
directly to the gpu now jake wrote here
that he wants me to complain about this
not being a full-size displayport but
personally i think this type c is fine
so uh one second stupid bmw i think type
c makes sense for a laptop personally we
asked and they said that they tried it
just wouldn't fit with the giant heat
pipes they're using to cool it but for
sakes guys you founded your company on a
laptop with modular io meant to solve the
dongle crisis and you're telling me i
need to carry one again wait a second
modular io
no way i don't know i didn't think
about that
we gotta see if this works no way look at
that john didn't believe 4k 120 baby
which is how i describe the ios situation
in general two more ios lots that's
actually pretty funny
so you could just have your hdmi module
that you just have in the side of the
laptop that's connected through the
onboard gpu so that there can be a bit
of a performance penalty there if you
connect that to an external display
it's you know not huge but it's there
and then you can just like have that
and then you've always got your
dongle with you it's like it's like
having this the stylus that stocks
inside your pen or your phone or
whatever okay all right i'm happy jake
tested that's pretty funny modules for
usbc capable of 240 watt charging usb a
display port hdmi 2.0 micro sd 2.5
gig ethernet audio and expanded storage
but they also released the design so
literally anyone with the right skills
can design and sell their own modules
including for the gpu slot now even
when there isn't a gpu installed some
of that space is occupied by the cpu's
cooling fans but they've already
released a reference dual ssd design as
an example i'm just excited to have a
place to put my mountain dew without
sacrificing io coming from an intel-based
macbook pro with a grand total of four
usb type-c ports this was the biggest
breath of fresh air across my entire
experience sure apple just including
decent io would fix most of that but if
your needs change or you want to do
something silly like running four
displays off your laptop you don't need a
dongle at least not an external one
now speaking of external the power
brick is this cute little 180 watt
gallium nitride unit and it's the
highest wattage type-c charger i've ever
heard of and a far cry at least in
terms of size for most gaming laptop
power bricks good job their framework
also from their first laptop now in
fairness to other laptop manufacturers
the framework is big but it's not
super powerful like that gpu is not a
mobile 4090 or mobile 4080 or
whatever else so just you know something
to consider screws are accessible from
the top of the laptop so replacing any
part of this laptop is an absolute joy
now if you're not an experienced
tinkerer framework has guides for
replacing literally every part of the
laptop that's because if you're a nerd
you can buy this laptop ikea style and
put it together yourself and i take
assembling a framework laptop over doing
ikea furniture any day of the week if you
miss our framework factory tour a little
tidbit is that they actually pre-assemble
the diy edition laptops for qc and
stress testing and then they get taken
apart before shipping you can build it
yourself don't believe it's that easy
well it took about this long to get the
entire laptop to pieces we've got the 85
watt hour battery five six e module seven
minutes that's really fast that's really
impressive it's like wicked fast
oh hey speaking of uh framework laptops
being wicked fast uh someone i saw someone
in chat earlier asking about the electro
boom collab when's it coming yeah because
that includes a framework build challenge
oh where every additional minute i take to
assemble it he turns up the value on the
dog collar the dog shock collar that's
attached to my neck and then once i'm done he
gets to press it oh wow so i i had to try
to speed build one anyway how fast did you
do it well i'm not going to spoil the
video the point is that video is coming
out uh hopefully monday
exciting stay tuned very cool 7700s inside
the gpu module a ryzen 78 or 79 40 hs
powered mainboard two ddr5 sodium slots
two gen 4 m.2 slots and if you're not
happy with the configurations you can see
on screen here the diy edition can be
ordered in pretty much any config you want
or bare bones and you can apply your own
storage which made picking laptops to
benchmark against a little tricky to see
what you can get any similarly priced and
classed big-name laptop we opted for an
intel nvidia spec lenovo legion slim 7i
wow that is a better spec that was a
much faster gpu i am not excited to see
how much faster that is going to be
laptops to benchmark again it's like a
little tricky to see what you can get
any similarly priced and classed big-name
laptop we opted for an intel that's a lot
of ram yeah that's a big battery yeah
that's a really fast cpu although i think
the framework will probably hold its own
when it comes to cpu but that is that is
a big gpu okay nvidia spec lenovo
legion slim 7i and to make sure our
framework is performing as it should an asus
tough a16 it's cheaper and it was
supposed to be the same specs as the
framework 16 that was until they shipped
the lower end model for the press unit
the differences between the cpus are
minor so it should still tell us if the
framework is performing up to snuff
despite those differences every game is
actually a pretty tight race cyberpunk
nearly maxed out at 1080p
yeah i want to see thank you okay uh
that is not nearly as far off lenovo
legion yeah as i thought it might be
like if you're talking a difference in
one fps on one percent lows
all right no one's going to notice that
yeah that's pretty good
the intel based lenovo is slightly ahead
in average fps with both itself and the
amd-based asus model beating the
framework by one frame in one percent
lows and f123 intel's oh okay this is
less good
yeah um so now we're at closer to a ten
percent uplift on the lenovo
that widens a bit oh wait wait wait
i thought the framework was still at the
bottom no no no middle oh tremendous
okay carry on
same modest showing in second place
surprisingly beating out the on paper
faster canada wet no one's surprise in
total war warhammer 3 the 4070 wins
again but our yeah this is this is a
decent jump this is way closer than i
thought this whole thing was going to
okay framework squeaks past the asus again
too it's hard to say what exactly is
giving it the advantage in these games
but the faster memory and better
cooling on the framework likely has
something to do with it as for
productivity the framework 16 loses
handily in cinebench both single and
multi-core but no surprises there as
the asus has a lot more thermal headroom
when it doesn't have the gpu at the
same time in blender our asus laptop
crushes the framework across the board
despite the only real difference being
a slightly higher base and
and the same can be said for video
i mean compared to the lenovo
yeah the asus gap is large but
compared to the lenovo it's very close
loading with handbrake and in media
editing with premiere and photoshop
overall not a lot of surprises here the
faster cpu and the asus shines in
productivity but we expect the higher
end framework would yield the same
result as for gaming yeah it's not a
great price of performance option but
it's not terrible either it's just that
if you want the most frames for your
money this isn't the laptop to buy
also you should probably just buy a
desktop but if you do buy a lot of
it's not an ad
but dbrand sure is and they're going to
be ready for launch day
i mean sure it's an ad but yeah yeah
it'd be easier for case to fight or rip
oh they're both the same my notes say look
how accurate these internals are no
wonder they got so pissed they got
ripped off but i actually haven't had
this thing open yet so maybe probably
while i completely ignore dbrand's
explicit instructions for how to do this
and make up my own method always check
their site and make sure that you do it
the right way what am i supposed to be
saying though i know they're paying me to
put a skin on a laptop right now but
this is my favorite kind of integration
we're all working together to promote
something we believe in yeah yeah that's
both an investor and hobbyist hey thanks
dbrand shout out so i think i've got it
pretty decently lined up right now
there's no way this battery is made in
canada that's gonna be any strike
framework's canadian they're canadian
bros that's a framework dbrand
framework's not canadian oh it's not
quite straight wow oh i i bunged it dude
i bunged it oh no just don't look right
there just don't look right where don't
worry about it don't right where it's not
bad pretty flat yeah yeah oh hey it
five foot one line oh i know when i'm
insulted check out dbrand appoint over
to you john great in our battery
influence test both with and without the
gpu hey it's john from the lab yeah
okay oh whoa whoa that's really good
yeah whoa how to do so how to do so
well here wow well that's good
that's crazy actually okay meeting asus
and lenovo by a few hours
stress test
hey okay we're doing good yeah i mean to
be clear like those bars look a lot higher
you know but like that's another uh 15
minutes on battery if you're running an
intense game yeah so don't you know
don't don't don't read too much into it
and if you rip out the gpu you'll get
even more battery life however none of
these laptops are industry leading for
battery life but if the battery in the
framework starts to struggle after a few
years at least you can easily replace it
was this a cold day no i don't think
two to three hosts are wearing toques
well okay uh there was some internal
drama uh about a week and a half ago two
weeks about about two weeks ago somebody
adjusted the thermostat and tech dad was
not impressed that's me our thermostat in
the warehouse over here it's great in the
winter because it uses um air conditioning
okay in the summer because we have an air
conditioner and not a heat pump here uh we
use a radiant tube uh so gas radiant heating
but because of the build out that we did
in the building the original radiant tubes
of which there were a total of four in
these four units yeah well three of them
are gone now oh because they don't fit
anymore because they were longer than we
have left in the building after we built
mezzanine over that part and like i don't
know even if you could leave it there above
the mezzanine you wouldn't because it'd be a
fire hazard because you have something right
next to a radiant heating tube yeah so we
only have one we only have one radiant
heating tube in this warehouse and it's at the
very end now we have a fan there's a fan
that we spent like it's from it's from big
ass fans so it costs like a thousand
dollars to buy this fan and install it
but the shooters never turn it on because
it's kind of loud and it's inconvenient to
turn it on and off which i get i hear you
but someone not knowing all of this so what
you're supposed to do is turn on the radiant
tube and put on the fan so that it's not
just boiling on one side and then cold on the
other yeah so what you're supposed to do is
you're supposed to turn on the fan and not
adjust the thermostat so someone was like i'm
cold over here and adjusted the thermostat so
the warehouse was freaking like a freaking
sauna while while we were going through that
cold snap it's like it was also cooking on the
weekends guys did you figure that one out
uh i don't know we'll figure that out okay but
the point was like guys don't please don't
don't touch the thermostat look i know it's not a perfect
system darn it but just turn on the fan just put on the
the circulation fan um i think when you hit like
late 20s early 30s you just start caring about
thermostats a lot yeah so just a thing so logistics
um locked they put a lock on the thermostat
they took the key and they took it over to the other building
because nobody's ever supposed to adjust it
and it's possible that maybe they over corrected and
things were cold for a bit but i think they've got it dialed in now
got it okay all right so now now you all know the saga of the uh
the thermostat adjustment was it chilly that day it's like working behind the
scenes maybe yeah as for cooling the partner with
cooler master design is gigantic heat pipe array
which paired with the liquid metal resulted in combustor temps that
absolutely crushed the oh whoa okay so whatever complaints
other media were seeing with the thermal solution maybe that was an issue with
their unit then if you're having a hard time reading this
the red line is framework blue line is asus yellow line is lenovo
so they yeah i crushed i think is a pretty good word for that that's
awesome that's very good that's a great result i will yet again you already said
it i will yet again say it sounds like most if not all of the review units
were pre-production maybe not wise yeah continuing on a16 from asus which is
running the exact same rx 7700s the framework did peak higher than
the lenovo's rtx 4070 but once the fans ramped up it held its own
it's important to mention that the lenovo unit was replaced with noctua nth1 in a
previous project so it could be possible that the framework would look even better here to a
factory lenovo remember the f1 stress test that framework performed exceptionally well staying
under 65 degrees while the aces and the lenovo are both hitting over 70 or even 80 degrees
and that's while maintaining a very solid lenovo i think he's talking peaks there yeah but what
happened here these both spike right here this one spikes down the f123 benchmark is not uh
canned fully canned it it runs um it's it's it's dynamic i okay sorry what's the best way for me
to describe it's not exactly the same every time yeah like all the ai is running all the physics is
running yeah so sometimes you can just have something slightly different is going to happen
something happens slightly different you should just be kind of looking at overall how it yeah yeah
are both hitting over 70 or even 80 degrees and that's while maintaining a very solid 4.1 gigahertz
on the average clock speed well average closer to 2.7 yikes to be fair we ran all these laptops in
their default power configurations but the tough a16's radeon 7700s is reporting 80 degrees average
on the core and 93 on the hot spot the framework kept to a much more reasonable 68 and 80 degrees
respectively the webcam and microphone which use the same module as the framework 13 very cool look and
sound like this okay i was gonna say that was a big audio quality change yeah i know we got this
we got this bro big studio light in front of me and if you shut it off like this and a pretty
damn crappy environment not great not terrible and i did anecdotally here that the microphone
sounded better than my airpods pro too so cool and they do at least have physical shutoff switches
which is a nice touch and we haven't even talked about the display the framework 16 holds its own
when it comes to color accuracy reaching an average sdr delta e of 1.5 and a max of 2.8 that's
pretty good thanks to windows auto color management system which only seems to support a few selected
displays it shifts with it turned off making the numbers much worse so we recommend using it
the display is bright enough for outdoors over 500 nits motion clarity is decent enough at 165 hertz which is
great for gaming but there are a couple of issues that are a bit hard to ignore like the honestly
kind of mid uniformity that results in visible vignette on web pages and solid backgrounds and somehow
our unit's panel was peaked under the removable plastic bezel for some reason it kind of looks like
you could i've seen that happen a decent amount this leads me to the price as configured ignoring
extra accessories like the expansion shell which isn't included if you spec a gpu and cost a hundred
dollars on its own this is a 2200 laptop they're not gouging remember it's a small company building an
entirely bespoke laptop that genuinely could and seems to already be changing an entire industry
yeah and they have to pay their graphic designers to draw those little portraits of everybody
yeah that's not free yeah yeah the keyboard stability and display uniformity are things
that would normally be a deal breaker for me especially at this price point and i wouldn't
blame you for feeling they should have an on-site dog sitter okay that's an inside joke people are not
gonna get but here's the thing fixing the keyboard is probably something you can diy as alex showed
earlier and assuming framework either fixes the issues or comes up with a panel upgrade down the
road i can probably live with that display for a while for the utter flexibility repairability and
the simple fact that this could be theoretically the last gaming laptop i ever need to buy that's
pretty freaking cool so as long as framework stays in business and follows through with their promises
i mean they already have a history of doing so when the cpu is too outdated or the yeah that's
actually a really good point if these guys came out of nowhere and went straight at we're doing a
gaming laptop that would have been the wrong move i wouldn't be i wouldn't believe them there's
absolutely no way the only thing that gives this any credibility is the fact that they've already
oh i was about to okay sorry
hold on is the fact that they've already delivered multiple generations of upgrades on the framework 13.
so as far as i'm concerned i believe them until they screw it up now as opposed to
my default state would have been yourself not believing them until they actually do something
before yeah precedent is good right now board gets gunked up and the battery dies it's an easy spot
instead of chucking away an entire machine you can have your very own laptop of theseus and i can't
wait to see what the future holds all that's left is to decide if i want to keep my pre-order
but think of a module jade right and maybe they can make a module that would help me segue to our
sponsor jawa we've all been there trying to sell stuff the usual way that was pretty good i've taught
i've taught them well yeah that's pretty good that was a good video that was really good it's almost
like we have a style and we have a really good team and stuff um yeah that was that was that was an
awesome video i really liked switching between the different hosts kind of getting the different
perspectives great job everyone like great job yeah it was really good really enjoyed that
yeah first camera appearance as well super good oh yeah john did great that was great yep
i think it's i think it was a the right call to just keep it for a short period because i think that
while he did a great job it can be hard to do like i wasn't there when they were shooting it but it can
be hard to do like long takes which can make it a lot more work for the editor and stuff yeah um and it's
it's nice to ease people into it you know get people kind of used to them as well i also really
personally you did a good job as a personal opinion flavor thing i like expert in a thing
presenting their section of a thing i've always really liked that whether they're the best presenter
or not yeah you can get away with almost any level of host yeah as long as they're not on camera for too
long yeah so that's something that we've used a lot when we've done factory tours for example
yep like when i did the intel tours i recognized pretty quickly that these were not folks that i
could give like a 200 word spiel to um but i can do a little thing but if i gave them exactly the
intonation i wanted gave them the eye line and gave them like like 10 words or something like that
then i could get them in the video they could do a great job they could put their best foot forward
and then people could hear it right from the experts and we get that that balance where i do my
thing which is to be a host and they get to do their thing which is to be an expert and it enhances
the video by by putting those elements together right and i think that the team did a great job
of doing that um really really good video there's an official post from framework on framework's community
page oh can i give you a laptop sure it's really long oh wow um but they address a bunch of stuff
high frequency noise from the main board uh buzzing noise from graphics module cpu thermal module
performance uh liquid metal barrier adjustments cold gpu performance uh dpc watchdog violation blue screen
speech or attenuated on the left or right channel touchpad module sliding friction display alignment
display color gamut minor fix and finish input modules keyboard detection secondary SSD may disappear
display frozen after uh smart mux switching and they're yeah so maybe if you're interested go read that
so what you're trying to say is they're on it like a bonnet
like very very good circle yeah thank you fantastic thank you there's a channel super
fun how to draw a circle i watched it now i know very popular was it that's a short yeah it has like
a hundred million views or something wow most our most successful video ever and it's just like
can anyone at the company do a backflip yes we should do how to do a backflip no we shouldn't
why because you know who it is who elijah
what we should definitely do it now we really shouldn't elijah there you go there you go
revive channel super fun by yourself one short video how to do a backflip no no other content
no mainline videos not even once none of that kind of stuff yeah how to draw a perfect circle 107
million views wow that's ridiculous
if he screws up doing a backflip on work on work property and hits his head again
what happens we're liable that's why he will never do a backflip on work property elijah if you're
watching no what if you go to a trampoline place like a a gymnastics place with a foam
pit and he backflips into a foam pit is he working yeah no okay forbidden
can anyone else do a backflip it doesn't matter can you do a backflip on a trampoline yeah okay
in fact i think there's a uh i think uh yvonne uploaded a video of me attempting one at some
point on twitter oh and i uh it seemed like something you might be able to do i i like you
you know how our trampoline has the the net around it i like hit the net because i like i almost
backflipped right like right out of the trampoline because it's it had been a long time and i jumped
back instead of jumping up um anyway oh boy um no okay what else are we talking about oh uh merch
messages yeah guys the way to interact with the show good gravy we are an hour and a half in we
haven't even done merch messages yet luke how could you allow this to happen uh it was my plan all
along actually i my i came in today and i was like you know what we need to get 90 minutes into the
show before we do merch i wanted to get home at a reasonable time today way to go no not gonna
happen the way to interact with the show is merch messages don't send a super chat don't send twitch
bits send a merch message all you got to do is go on lttstore.com find some awesome stuff to check out
um first warning there will be at least several more but screwdriver bit prices are going to be
going up taryn came in and he knows how to do proper math for your operational expenses and we
are losing money on screwdriver bits oh basically that's not good once you account for all the
handling and everything and overhead um they are they are not profitable at 6.99 for the the big packs of
them so i've i heard in school that that's bad yeah no you didn't you never took that class
the point is pricing will be going up so if you see bits that you like and they're in stock uh pick
them up uh we are going to make sure everyone gets ample warning i told the guys i was like look
we don't want these you don't want to drop it on people no we don't want to drop it on people and
we don't want to go any higher than we have to to make sure that we're above water on this thing
uh they're really high quality bits but guys we don't want people to feel like uh you know
we're trying to adopt the printer model anything yeah you know um that that's not the intent here
but um so so there's gonna be a newsletter we're gonna we're gonna talk about it i think it's
probably not gonna happen for a couple of months uh but yeah pick up some pick up some bits if you
want as a as a merch message oh what now what wait for what now wait for it what is it oh this okay
yes oh that was pretty close
we're happy that nets there so i didn't tuck we're also happy you didn't go higher yeah
yeah your feet are like right at the rim of that net oh i know yep i caught that on the security
camera people saying scroll down but i'm not signed in on twitter so there's nothing there
nice there's nothing to scroll down to um
yeah so what was i talking about oh i see right bits are going up so all you got to do is add something
to your cart and you'll see a little box for a merch message it'll go to our producer dan hey there
he is
dan really you're gonna be in your underwear for the wan show
i'm at home that's fair uh so it'll go to producer dan he'll forward it to someone who can
answer your question he'll answer it himself or he will send it to me and luke to reply to uh the
main highlight items for the store this week are the steve turtleneck which we launched last week
oh there's some interesting stuff okay we'll talk about that later what was that don't don't worry
about it don't worry about it don't don't don't don't look at that don't look at that don't look
at that uh so the steve turtleneck this just launched last week this has been extremely popular
it's got the seam up the middle just like the classic one that some guy who's known in the tech
space used to wear it's a mock neck so it's not a super high turtleneck it's very wearable
it's somewhere in between you know business and just you can wear it anytime you want
oh wait uh anyway we just launched that and then we also have a brand newly launched item
the women's pj set which our delightful staff helped us model thank you so much everyone
for helping out one of those um they have they have too much fun in these shoots to be clear it's
it's a good thing it's a good thing um wow look at that we even went and used the sets this time okay
that doesn't always happen cool good job everyone um and then of course there is something uh
the word wrapping on that spin into precision
ceramic bearing internal bit storage super high quality construction
that's right the ltt precision screwdriver is coming all you got to do is put your email here
and you will get a notification when it arrives all right merch messages dan hit me sure let's see
hello wan.dll i started my it career in the mid 90s with mainly pc building i really enjoy build streams
with linus in the janky cooling adventures with alex and linus something coming up
ooh janky cooling adventures um
oh we saw that post on reddit where someone's trying to passively cool a high-end gpu
we definitely think we have some ideas to contribute to that concept so we're keeping an eye on it and we
are uh potentially going to make our own run at it uh that's that's one idea that we had we
let me try to think if there's anything else i mean we just got the thread ripper pro one up
okay we're probably gonna do whole editing den water cooling at some point
but i can't promise that's gonna happen to any time immediately this one are you dan how mad how mad tell
him go in am i gonna get to help go in oh well i don't see why not that i'm not mad oh i see all
right then we're good all right okay okay but i have something mad about that you were giving me a
talking to the other day about how we shouldn't water cool the the editing machines with whole room
water cooling or wait were you on my side and we were talking to sean and sean didn't want to do it
i think so someone didn't want to do it i don't want to have water blocks on the gpus anymore
yeah are we just doing cpu no like how do we just do cpus okay but we can quick disconnect all the gpus
i think we could yeah yeah yeah how about that disconnects then it makes it super easy and
especially if the quick disconnects just go to the back of the case like it's not a problem at all
with it hey jason chat just dot dot dot dot yeah it's gonna be awesome it just feels ridiculous to
have the air conditioning running in the winter for the editing den yeah no i i i'm i was trying
to defend it i don't remember who was against someone was against it in that room i don't
remember who was apparently dan you're quiet so he said quick disconnects on gpus right
how the hell am i quiet well i don't know you're the producer
what are you asking me for i'm just the talent i'm just the face i do seem i do seem quiet
hey why didn't you just take a nice mic home that sounds no offense um not great well he didn't
he wasn't in he would have had to come in oh to get the mic to bring it home oh okay all right i
remember that i'm also on a call oh yeah i'm not you're not hearing my actual mic yeah i don't know
it's right because why would you use your actual mic for a call it's just a call it's not like it's
a podcast that you know thousands of people are watching it's not like important or anything aj's
commenting on the maintenance i'm triggered right now look at him go i'm not triggered
oh man this isn't a condenser pencil nope it's okay we can fix it with some goxls okay um aj's
commenting on the maintenance nightmare but aj just think about it this way it's just it's just rampant
ongoing job security yeah how would we ever how would we ever get rid of the infra team as long as
we keep implementing these like awful infra ideas i think it's there's gotta there's gotta be some
amount of rule of cool and it's pretty cool and it's a bunch of content yeah and ultimately we make
content yeah if you guys don't like them then you can just rip them out after the video's over
yeah i don't think we should but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah what we're talking about i don't know
work merch messages the store something aj sold let's go oh yeah merch messages
um was there another one i thought we did uh oh hold on hold on the geek of all things asks will
the precision driver storage need proprietary length bits that's honestly the biggest reason i didn't buy
your other screwdrivers all i will say right now is people are gonna like our bits you're gonna love
our bits you're gonna love our bits watch this you're gonna love my bits
are are the are our standard are those proprietary length or are they just short you know you can get
them other places yeah you can hack off you can hack off a standard length one and it's exactly the same
shank yeah uh or you can put a longer bit in the screwdriver no you just can't store it in the
handle you can no you can store it in the handle but you have to align the thing you can only fit
six instead of twelve yeah yeah so it's not proprietary it's not proprietary but it is less common
um the engineering team pointed out that you can actually get those bits more easily if you know what
you're looking for um there's little like ratcheting um like non-screwdrivers like like like
ratcheting i don't know what are they like a socket socket wrench right okay yeah yeah but not for but
not a wrench ones that have a little um socket for a screwdriver bit oh so ratcheting screwdrivers but
like right angle okay ratcheting screwdrivers and they often use low profile bits so if you get bits for
those they will fit in our screwdriver as well they are not proprietary they are just
optimized for our screwdriver and they are unusual okay okay now i want to i want to play a little
game tainan's saying i think we were saying i think we were more saying uh the short bits make bit
wrenches super nice oh okay well i know for a fact i found them for sale elsewhere as well yeah like i don't
i'm pretty sure they're not proprietary basically our short bits are cool yeah okay so this what's that
is a prototype of the precision what's that oh this is a prototype of our bit holder because
obviously we're not just going to have a screwdriver don't worry about it uh although although although
okay that's pretty nice nice nice nice oh casual casual magnetic is it is it mechanism is that parts
tray is there magnets in the parts tray uh not now but yes nice yeah yeah nice anywho anywho anywho um
short bits are not moronic people who think they're a moronic just don't understand it improves the
magnetism and it's not just a phase dad and uh makes it fit more things and it's really useful for
those other things got them anyway um while we're doing the next one i'm gonna play a little game where
i'm gonna spin this see if it stops before we're done and we're gonna see if it stops before we're
done because that ceramic bearing in the top is freaking awesome okay barely touched it and it's
still going i was gonna offer as well whoa one here too okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on i'm
gonna give it a really good spin you got oh sorry this is a hybrid bearing hybrid hybrid ceramic bearing
thanks tynan uh tynan's got my back okay i mean there's ceramic in it so i wasn't wrong about that
the ceramic one was too loud i remember now okay okay okay ready dan uh go hi dll other than it has
to get done do you have advice on how to keep your workflow or focus on tasks that you don't find as
much passion in also luke change your mind uh change my mind tarkov is a roguelike
well for me the big one is that i oh man i'm very distractible
a lot of the time i really do just end up doing it in little chunks
um yeah i think i think one way to do it is to reward yourself for the completion or i do it really
late at night yes when i can be super i can focus way better late at night i i like turn on at probably
around 9 p.m yeah and and it doesn't really like turn off until like 3 a.m 4 a.m and i can be laser
focused and get stuff done gamer timing also yeah it's close to it uh except that you can re-extract
which i think is maybe the issue where it fails but there you go
it's still going it's still going it's still going and it's wow yeah wow she's a goer
that's wild anyway um we we we know we know who our audience is we see you
how do you have one at home dan
uh prototype because i was using them for a while no no we we've issued them 3d printed one
oh okay yeah we've issued them to people to get feedback though this is very close to done do you
have one of the hybrid ceramic bearing ones yes yeah um and i've expressed my complaints about
that yeah oh new ones are even better i had one i had one of the first bearing prototypes with the
ceramics oh they're still amazing still amazing they're too loud though you mean the the ceramic
i was just trying to make sure you didn't steal it yeah i'll go get it no we we've issued you're good
don't trust me at all do you i feel like remote dan is like like dark side dan or something i'm like
i'm scared of remote dan's power he's got a lot of power i don't even have to be near you to ruin
don't ruin the wancho um anywho so sebastian has built quite a lot of these in various configurations
to get feedback from people and make sure that everything's good one of the really cool things
that the team did is rather than using um a retaining pin like the uh the mechanism for the
bit storage does in the full-size driver it's magnetic in this one so in theory it should have
even better longevity cool and it's it also just is
so satisfying again again we see you
yeah this is uh and a lot of people have been like it oh a relationship with i fix it ended best
friend now you know whoever what but not at all we are not going head to head with i fix it our driver
is going to be at a very different price point for one thing this is not free uh the development
wasn't free we think it's a really great driver i think people are really going to love it but i fix
it is probably going to be more affordable for the foreseeable future and i fix it has a wide range of
products that we couldn't even if we wanted to couldn't replicate like we are not going to get into
adhesive strips for putting the screen back onto your iMac that's not happening we're not going to
create guides we're not going to have this comprehensive we're not going to partner with valve
for steam deck replacement parts so the way that we see it and the way we've as we've discussed with
i fix it is this relationship continues we both have very similar values we both have a very similar
mission we want things to be more repairable we want things to be more upgradable we don't want
things in landfills and so what we have a screwdriver so what we're not going to like partner anymore
that would feel kind of ridiculous did we want to develop a screwdriver i mean yeah we did but
no we're not going to we're not going to terminate our relationship if i fix it over that that would be
silly yeah what wouldn't be silly is picking the next topic oh yeah sure i think is that right are we
doing that dan i think so it just says when after dark on the screen so i don't know what to do
okay luke do you want to pick a topic i will try to do so uh teenager criminally charged for snapchat
joke british citizen uh aditya verma i hope i'm saying that right sure probably didn't uh is currently
being tried in spain for causing public disorder over a 2022 airport security incident he was boarding
a plane to the spanish island of menorca uh 18 year old verma jokingly messaged the friends he was
traveling with over snapchat quote uh quote on my way to blow up the plane
and then in brackets i'm a member of the taliban which i have now said uh into a microphone on the
internet uh look i'm not saying hitler was right oh my god man i don't even have to be in the same
room and you guys just ruined the way and show yourself oh no i think yours is worse probably
oh geez according according to court testimony it's it's assumed that the message was picked up via
gatwick's wi-fi network oh no verma says that he was oh interesting verma says that he was not
using gatwick's wi-fi but it's unclear whether or not the messages recipients were uk security
services then alerted spanish authorities who scrambled two fighter jets no way to ask what is
a fighter jet gonna do if someone is on board a plane threatening to blow it up that plane i'll
shoot it with a missile we'll blow it up before you can blow it up you can't quit you're fired
pun intended that is an interesting one that was there's like let me get that for you oh thank you
oh thank you there's more on the keyboard yeah nice perfect um uh wow okay um yeah the two fighter jets were
were scrambled to escort the plane until it landed verma was arrested in spain and later questioned
by british intelligence wow note there are frequent claims on the internet that snapchat encrypts pictures
and videos but not plain text messages however snapchat's own website makes no such claim and only
says that the messages sent via its service are private well i mean there's plenty of messages sent on
snapchat that are of privates yeah come on i get nothing for that yeah nothing what i spit on your
computer one time i was too busy i spit on your computer one time i get nothing it's pretty good
i'm gonna do it myself
he's gonna ding he's gonna ding he's gonna ding there it is
very nice without dan's mic are they able to hear that very well i don't know doesn't matter it's
the principle of the thing yeah yeah fair enough um anyways it came through fine nice perfect jessica
said it seems likely that if it were end-to-end encrypted uh that they would say so which i
completely agree with um if found guilty verma could be fined around 24 000 us dollars and made to pay
over a hundred grand for the spanish military's extremely useful in this case two fighter jets uh yeah
wow very interesting discussion question is scanning messages sent over on public wi-fi
a reasonable security precaution is the average person using public wi-fi or snapchat aware that
this is even a possibility is this a proportionate response on the part of spanish authorities so here's
the thing no buddy's 18 i probably would have made an edgy joke as i'm driving to the border
about you know smuggling something when i was 18 i know better now i've heard i don't know if this is
actually true but i've heard there are microphones i've heard this too so they can listen to you in your
car while you wait to cross the border i don't know if it's true me neither but i always say nice
things but i just i just don't say anything i just keep my damn mouth shut yeah anytime i'm anywhere
near an airport anywhere near a border yeah anywhere near a customs officer it's just
not worth it yeah but at 18 like
i don't know man like do we really want to crush his life for a joke but then like an 18 year old can
definitely you know commit a crime yep so dude i don't know i um what the age distribution for crimes
are i have no financial ones way over here other more different ones probably less there
that's interesting too type of crime yeah age distribution yeah like like what's the average
murderer age yeah you know what's the average uh you know be any age i suspect it's actually probably
younger fairly specific probably skew younger for like breaking enter breaking yeah physical crimes
probably skew younger financial crimes you don't want to be like older senior citizen like trying to
you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah old fisticuffs yeah um difference between smuggling and terrorist
threats yeah sure but it like they're gonna flag it one way or the other the response will just be
different and the question our discussion question was should they be monitoring that i mean
what i would want to say is they should have had a proportional response based on that he clearly
wasn't organized enough to be you know not using public wi-fi or not using freaking snapchat for the
communication but the flip side of that is like have you ever looked up dumb criminal montages like
that's how they catch criminals is that criminals are dumb as so
yeah uh it's pretty obviously a joke to me but it's not going to be obviously a joke to everyone
um but i mean fining him 124 000 when he's 18 um like he's gonna have to declare bankruptcy that's
that's life-changing stuff right there can you declare bankruptcy on a government
fine like that i don't know i don't know how bankruptcy works i've never been bankrupt yeah me too
i know you can't for student loans because you hear that on the internet oh yeah yeah yeah no
that's that's like a thing that's a thing at least in the states can you can't can you for like in the
states but can you do that for defamation settlements i have no idea yeah i don't know i don't know uh
sponsors sure yeah
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i still wouldn't do that because yeah you see how his foot splashed there that can definitely hit the
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with that no problem oh it's time for merch messages dan why don't you go ahead and hit me
am i supposed to be doing this as well i don't know if i have this in me we'll try yeah yeah
hey dll my mother received a usb to usbc cable in the mall in the mail uh that she didn't order cut
it up and threw it away but i'm wondering how a scam like this would be cost effective
was it a bad one did you did you run it through a tester there are testers to find out if they're
malicious cables um but i would not imagine a scam like that that to be particularly cost effective
depending on it depends if they're targeted like if it's targeted yeah person's mom works in um
like a medical field or something like that and they they were trying to target them for for patient
data or something then absolutely it would be cost effective but yeah i know if they were just like
certain uh medical procedures she performs wow no i'm just i'm just teasing wow wow
uh yeah i i can't imagine just randomly shipping out a thousand usb cables like it depends though
be valuable if they're the ones that are uh that you can that you know have wi-fi and stuff built into
them like if it's an omg cable or something like that it is definitely not cost effective those are quite
expensive but if all it has in it is a tiny amount of storage and it just
farts a little payload onto your computer yeah i still think it would probably need to be targeted
though because like you're still paying shipping all this other kind of stuff and what do you what
do you shipping's cheap in the uk though and like there's a lot of places actually that shipping
is super cheap to canada canadian shipping canadian shipping is sent a cable to someone it's like
15 yeah be down the road yeah uh yeah oh uh cohen lemon says uh you would target a neighborhood
where it's just generally wealthier people so you just send them to like a wealthy zip code totally do
that with with shipping too so yeah i mean it could it could be like i would call that i'm just making
this up on the spot but i would call that like soft targeting wan database arthur you don't know the half
of it royal mail is super cheap compared to what we have to pay i mean it makes sense you guys are
like you know that you don't own the whole world how's it feel pretty small got him
yeah their their ruler is still on our money so yeah why do we have to have stupid charles on the money
so i didn't even mind it when it was elizabeth she seemed generally not the stupidest and at least
it didn't like her her whole thing with the the car was very funny i'm gonna screw up that story if
i try to sell it so i'm just not um but yeah and at least it didn't like change like we had to incur
i'm assuming a relatively significant expense to like reprint a bunch of money well no they don't
reprint it they just print what they like okay print so just change design and continue forward yeah
yeah yeah that's not too bad but like eventually they do recall old series and and issue new series
yeah yeah but that's generally for security yeah more than it is for just like yeah yeah it's a
different old person on that thing i thought they issued a redesign i didn't really follow it though
yeah i mean there was still design time there's still it's still a pain but uh yeah anyway yeah
yeah why not put more loons or geese on the money yeah i mean i'd be i'd be i'd be down why don't we
put freaking terry fox on the money yeah like well he was well for what limited series or something
no just put him on there i didn't think it was oh is he i don't know i i never carry cash anymore
money i thought he was on five dollar bill like we have canadian heroes in 2020 a short list of eight
bank notable canadians uh were to be portrayed on the five dollar vertical polymer bills in place of
laurier uh selected five six hundred nominees terry fox so yeah i guess it was limited i didn't realize
it was limited well that's stupid it should just be it should just be terry fox forever yeah like for
for real for real guys uh if you don't know who terry fox is he's an absolute unit you should go read
about him it's one of the most inspiring stories that you will ever hear he's incredible what a
chad yeah absolute what a terry unit all right apparently for a limited time he was also on our
loony well it should just be all the time yeah yeah yeah yeah okay you heard it here first yeah
we're advocating for terry fox on all the money instead of king charles yeah like how many how many
greater than would we need and the government of terry fox versus king charles uh tim morton's
those two things should happen okay i don't know that i would want the canadian government running it
but how about some canadians yeah how about that fair enough okay we can agree on that yeah very good
very good very good very good how many marathons has charles run fewer than terry probably
and terry didn't finish one what was at the end of the marathon what was the goal for for charles
well i'm not okay okay he finished to be clear he finished a lot of marathon distances but i mean the
one the marathon and you guys will have to read about him if you want to learn about terry okay
yeah okay yeah remember having terry fox day and sports events at school yeah it was great i love
that they did that they still do great yeah terry fox day is totally still thing that's very good
we should have terry fox day forever yeah until we get a better canadian than terry fox we should
have terry fox day yeah good luck so we'll have terry fox day forever yeah
i feel like that's a thing that would actually get canadians like really riled up
if people tried to like go in on terry fox oh i think that would be guns out time yeah unacceptable
i'm talking these but you know yeah no unacceptable yeah yeah man don't go after terry fox yeah man i'd be
really angry me too i would actually yeah i could see his face you went there for a second no man oh
boy oh you don't oh man yeah you know you don't leave terry alone yeah oh man all right all right next
one sure hey lld i've just finished my first week at my first job at 19 and i love it though i struggle
to keep my personal life from affecting my work and do not want it to affect this one any advice
that's tough man like um
i don't think it's possible like i think i speak for both of us when i say there have been times when
in our personal lives have affected work oh yeah and affected like our work with each other yeah
in a negative way to be clear like and probably vice versa but yes in a negative way for sure yeah yeah
well okay okay here's an example i've had a pretty tough five months or so i think it's probably
affected how short i've been how short i've been sometimes i'm not proud of it oh off
you can't see my face either
oh man oh man okay sorry don't make me spit on your laptop
all right sorry that was a serious moment anyway the point is do your best right um other people
don't deserve to deal with your baggage and if you have the right mindset about it
the relationships you build at work and the things you do at work can be an oasis um there are times
yeah there have been times in my life when i'd rather be working there have been times where i
i didn't want to go home because by working i was very focused yep so uh i'm not saying that that's
healthy i'm just saying that you should you should try try to make the most of of it uh
wow i don't know how to say your name but someone someone in full plane chat said 19 is too young
to be mature enough to keep mentally separate he will get there that's another thing that honestly
i would back up a little bit it i find it gets a little easier to to kind of split things when you
need to and to emotionally moderate as you get older i have found that personally i don't know how
i mean hormonally it makes sense because you just kind of get a little they start decreasing yeah
you get you get just a little more um a little less juiced yeah pretty literally yeah um
yeah i don't know it's tough though there's going to be times where you're not going to be able to
completely do it step one is recognizing that it's a potential problem though yes that can help a lot
being cognizant of it is you can self-analyze in a in a situation and and try to figure out like okay
i'm not going to be able to handle this properly do i need to remove myself from this scenario and it
helps not take things personally yeah like if someone's like you know yo you know the this work
isn't up to your usual standard uh we need an improvement you know like let's let's say you're
you end up in a coaching session or something because it's been going it was ongoing for a
while and it's like really affecting the quality of the work hypothetically right so if you can
basically go hey hey i am not being attacked this is i am capable of more and i need to and i need
to refocus if i if i want to perform at the way that you know i want to perform which will be good
for my career um being compensated all of this right you know assumes that everyone's acting in
good faith right like you might just have like a boss or something like that and they're just beating
you up or whatever right like i yeah i'm assuming a best case scenario where where you're you're in a
job that you know has it in it you're in a healthy workplace environment at a at a healthy company
where where feedback is given in a respectful professional manner but um there's definitely
ways that you can utilize being aware of it to to help to modulate yourself moderate yourself both i
guess yeah it worked but yeah i mean you're gonna go through some stuff um i think as people start
getting into their 20s and 30s like grandparents start to kind of pass away at a fairly high rate dan
vale's giving me a posture check on float plane sorry
thank you dan vale everybody take the posture check um but yeah you start kind of going through
some stuff um relatives passing away um yeah relationship is a big one it's like relationship
maybe maybe you'll break up with your significant other yep or maybe your significant other is going
through something and that'll be worse yes to be completely honest yep seen that before and and
what if your significant other is going through something really really hard and the support of
that person is very draining and you're just gassed out emotionally when you get to work
um like there's there's there's just so many different things that can come up
yeah that can make emotional regulation difficult and that will affect your work so just try your best
next one no we don't need a shock collar for poster checks cory g i've spent enough of my life with a
shock collar on man the one elijah got for that video is flipping crazy like i think meddy actually
felt bad about shocking me with it and normally he just shocks me because he thinks it's hilarious and
he has no remorse whatsoever
it's very painful that's rough all right hit me dan
hi lld scrapyard wars is what brought me to your channel love to hear it's returning can you share
any details about it i love to see the content about older and budget good enough hardware uh right now
the only thing that i can share is that we are shopping it to sponsors as soon as we have one we're
going to lock in some production dates the concept is really good but i don't want to say what it is
yet because i would love for it to just be a surprise i don't even think i know what it is no you don't oh
i think that gives you an unfair advantage sir uh no it doesn't oh okay yeah it'll be fine sounds
good yeah i'm excited if anything this will be the most fair one in a very long time
oh wait i think i do know what it is oh okay well then yeah yeah okay
oh more topics okay let's do topics luke what do you want to do for a topic uh
we've got whoa something's happening to the doc what's going on is it we're just like drawing
smiley faces was that you what the uh in the doc the teenager can really charge for snapchat jokes
it's just like random oh no i mashed your keyboard it made a bunch of smiley faces that's amazing
um okay oh here hold on hold on really quick here guys so here's what he's talking about um
i had planned to do this this week someone posted on oh yeah i even brought my apple tv uh but someone
posted on reddit after i had complained last week about how it was impossible for me to cancel my apple
arcade subscription from my apple tv uh someone posted saying they didn't appreciate um the the
negligence and the way that i ranted about it without actually checking if it was true um i responded on
reddit saying hey um i see your screenshot that shows you are able to cancel it i don't know if this
is a regional difference i don't know if it's a change it's definitely something i experienced here's
a link to someone else who experienced the same thing that also links to apple's own support
documentation that verifies that there is no way to cancel it on apple arcade or without installing
itunes so i don't know what to tell you they deleted the post we had a good chat about it in the pre-show
they're actually a float plane subscriber so we're all cool everything's cool but i had intended to do a
segment where i try it live i'm going to subscribe to apple arcade again and then i'm going to try to
unsubscribe uh but dan isn't in this week so i guess we're going to do it next week i'm just
letting you guys know i haven't forgotten about it and i do want to get to the bottom of that i suspect
it's a regional requirement could be some some country requires you to be able to cancel it through
whatever something well now that we know that apple plans to allow third-party marketplaces allow um in
the eu only it's very clear that apple has regional different flows depending on the region and that
they can do that yeah or at least they will at that time yeah uh gaming is still bleeding jobs so
far in 2024 the gaming industry has lost a total of around 56 170 jobs um i know this isn't just
gaming industry but if you go to layoffs.fyi which is a pretty cool website um it shows that in 2024 so
far 91 tech companies with layoffs have uh accumulated 24 564 employees laid off um that
isn't just gaming though that's that's like tech industry in general so those those are definitely
different things uh more than half of the job loss is seen in the gaming industry at least over the cat uh
told around 5670 jobs more than half the job loss is seen over the course of last year yeah so we've
already lost over half as many jobs in 2024 as we did in all of 2023 yeah maybe in this page gaming
specifically in gaming yeah yes not not in tech because tech was over 250 000 was brutal last year
yeah um so i i just keep inserting tech even though that's not what the topic is talking about at all
which is which is very cool of me um however uh made about confusion and a lack of communication
meaning they didn't know whether or not they still have a job riot games has announced they're
laying off around 11 of their global staff 530 employees while ceo dylan uh jadea they put in
the pronunciation that's sick wow shout out jessica and riley yeah jadea claimed uh quote as ceo i'm
accountable for the changes we're making and where we're headed heading in the future he likewise
described these layoffs as the result of several risky management decisions including the company
doubling its headcount over the course of only a few years and taking big bets in 2019 that didn't
pay off it is unclear from the memo whether riot leadership will be undergoing any changes or
sustaining any pay cut notably jadea was present uh president of the company for six years before
becoming ceo in 2023 riot says they will be offering uh departing staff at least six months of severance
pay uh with a top-up to cover their health benefits six months of access to job placement services and a
laptop for job search purposes if they don't have one holy crap that's really generous that's insanely
generous uh laid off staff holding work visas will be given additional support to aid them with their
immigration status that's wow that's pretty good i mean our discussion question is is there a right
way to handle layoffs i'd say even half of that would have been pretty darn right way very like
yeah yeah that's a lot half a year of salary is wild that's really outstanding i mean that would
that would give me a lot of confidence
to apply to a company like riot knowing that okay i'm either if it doesn't work out
if it doesn't work out these are people who when they make a mistake they make a good
faith effort to deal with it yeah like yeah sometimes you hire someone and you know what
this project it doesn't make sense anymore but at least they're they're taking it on the chin they're
eating the cost dude 530 employees six months salaries yeah that's millions and millions of dollars
like they are they are putting their money where their mouth is and taking care of
taking care of the errors that management made that led to these redundancies i think that's really
that's huge wow yep that's that's a big move yeah love to see it you know what i'd love to see a lot
less than that this is great i hope you haven't read this yet during a recent cnbc interview hewlett
packard ceo enrique lores made a series of what are uh described in our in our notes as inflammatory
statements um in other words he was a raging head he said that customers who buy printers are and this is
a quote an investment and that if that customer doesn't buy enough ink and supplies they are
a bad investment i would hazard to believe they're selling their printers at a loss
if they were i would maybe understand this statement i'm not sure i'm convinced of that anymore
i seriously doubt they do lores further stated that in the long term hp wants to make printing
a subscription that is a direct quote which will reduce the barriers to printing are you listening
to yourself sir could you be more out of touch commercial okay fine let's talk about that for my inkjet
printer that i use like once every six months no if i want to buy a little syringe needle nonsense
thing and inject some stupid crappy third-party ink into my thing because it clogged and i don't feel like
getting a brand new one i'm gonna i'm gonna do that they put they put chips in their ink cartridges now
do you know that yeah and and let's talk about that for a second because the next point which i
i have also heard great this is great enraged me i want i wanted to do it but you you do it you do it
i i took all your topics today you do it lores likewise alleged that viruses can be embedded in
third-party cartridges and used uh to infect a user's network through their printer research firm
actionable intelligence proved that this kind of attack was theoretically possible in 2022
in response to an hp bug bounty but hp has acknowledged that there are no known cases
uh such as a such as a hack that have occurred um what would be crazy if you stopped making them
that way so that this wasn't possible why does the cartridge have a it's your fault
discussion question when will the eu come for hp hopefully quickly now yeah do are there any eu
regulators like can we can we get can can i get in touch because i have ideas like i'm i'm down if
anyone if anyone actually like has the ear of anyone who works at any like eu regulatory bodies that
deal with this kind of stuff man i'd be happy to chat i want to chat consulting look i'm not saying
that government regulation is the answer to everything i'll meet you on your hours it's not
but when this is what's happening if this is what the free market says is okay then we can't
the free market because the the terrible things that we're currently doing might be dangerous for you
if you try to circumvent them what we opened up this attack vector we opened pandora's box so now um
you know that's not on us that's on you no off oh man
yeah q capal capla 42 says hashtag framework printer don't imagine for a second i haven't
brought it up the issue is that there's a small handful of companies that own basically every
printer related intellectual property thing good friggin luck yeah that makes sense darn it
that was that was like i was laughing during the i i did i did read this ahead of time i was
laughing during the first paragraph and i was enraged during the second one just what a joke
what a joke
gross we need to sell you armor because our car randomly tries to stab you in the chest yeah it's
like make it stop doing that yeah like yeah how about just don't do that
anyways what else we got today oh my god we have uh we had so many product announcements that i just
like didn't even talk about um okay did we even talk about this i'm so sorry i know i don't think
so i've been wearing it for the show how did we have so many product things today that is this is a
lot of stuff we have a short circuit t-shirt it's like the short circuit long sleeve but it's a t-shirt
look how cool it is
yeah damn that's a cool shirt it's pretty cool yeah and there's but wait there's more
we have a white shirt now it's 100 cotton for people who like oh it's just a plain white shirt 100
cotton sweet and it's it's got a really great hand feel still even though it's not the same material as
our typical shirt uh it's a bit heavier uh oh yeah look at that okay heavier uh whatever this
grams per square me i forget what this is i made that up that maybe is what it is but it's a little
bit on the heavier side to um
to hide those to be a little less see-through pure white shirts as cool as they are can have some see-through
issues so but really similar fit to our 60 40 cotton poly tees and uh looks great all the way
from extra small to triple xl i think that's what hp does when they sell you printers yeah yeah yeah
yeah we've all seen the bit yeah yeah yeah um was there anything else i think you did everything
else okay did i did i hit everything else i think so yeah okay all right um yeah i don't know maybe
we'll just talk about them again next week or something like that man we try and try and double
dip yeah we'll be like apple we'll just double dip and then you gotta do it a lot and you gotta pay
a subscription once we send it to you you gotta send us our like protection money for your shirt
yeah um yeah uh next topic uh yeah why no super review oh nvidia launched the rtx 4070 super last
week on the 17th and we'll be launching the 4080 super next week on january 31st there was also a 4070
ti super i think i can't remember which other super there was it doesn't matter the point is
we haven't done an ltt review of either of them um because we didn't feel like dealing with nvidia's
six embargoes six for this launch for all those for each of the three cards and remember guys these
are not new gpus these are a thing that we already had but like slightly re-comajiggered
and they had six embargoes is that three per card that is two per card there were three cards oh yeah
so there's an unboxing embargo for each card review and then a review embargo oh wait did i say six i
meant nine embargoes so all right maybe it's not nine because at least one of them has a separate review
embargo for the founders edition and for the aib cards i can't i can't remember but basically i saw
the schedule and i said okay number one off nvidia just launch them just launch them we'll be happy to
review them we'll put them all together number two i just i'm sorry but i just i just think it's
ridiculous for our viewers to have to dig through all these different videos you don't want you on
nine videos yeah no no but because every one of the like following videos is just going to be all
the graphs you just looked at with one more data point on it so we made the decision when we saw this
to do one review video what a terry move of the new super lineup thank you um it wasn't just my decision
we talked about it as a team we just looked at it we went this is absurd maybe you know if we have
time we'll do a couple of them on short circuit but no we're gonna do our review of super you guys
can just watch one video you'll know everything you need to know about super the super 4000 yeah
exactly sounds cooler yeah no just just ridiculous so instead you guys got the you know how we're
parallelizing our gpu benchmarking video which is going to be super cool super cool get it uh because
and you won't necessarily see it on the super review here but in future we are going to be able to
hopefully massively increase the number of fresh results that we can have on our benchmark charts
um because as you guys know we retest as long as there isn't a new driver what was that did you hear
that yeah uh i opened a video on youtube and i guess it was still piped through cool okay the
point is um okay okay we're muted no the the video it's fine uh the point is that we are so we're able
to provide fresh testing data and we'll be able to provide so much more so as long as there um unless
as long as there unless there hasn't been a driver update at all no os updates no driver updates we
retest and we'll be able to do that with a much much wider pipe with the three cpus that we have
found are within i think it ended up being like 0.25 percent of each other um in productivity it doesn't
matter it's in the video speaking of which i don't even memorize you should watch that video too because
you're talking about gpu testing but the cpu testing video was sick no no no that's for gpu
testing oh it's the same thing yeah no no no no no no it's not the same thing no i meant you're
we're talking about the same video we're talking about the same video and a lot of people misunderstood
that um we are validating cpus that are the intro explains it pretty well it's just a long video
nearly identical to each other so that when we are doing gpu testing we can test three gpus
at a time yeah instead of one gpu at a time standardization bench has a delta of what was
eight percent or something i don't remember what the it was as much as eight percent and i think that
was in factorio or something yeah if it has that much of a delta then all your results are screwed
yes so you you need similar platforms yes and um so so a lot of people seemed really confused
by that video like i remember seeing one bit of feedback on it that we should um if we oh man
i forget what it was but it was basically like no you should just rerun the benchmark more times and i'm
like no no no we already we already do that this is that that's not what that is not what we're
talking about at all we already do multiple runs and then uh the outliers go away and then the median
or mean or whatever we have smart people who do that stuff um yeah really cool video that kind of
thing doesn't get a lot of views but what it is it's foundational so when the labs website is fully
launched when we start to populate it with articles this is what we're going to be able to kind
of point people to and go okay yeah this is the rigor that is going on behind the scenes so that
when you guys just see a graph on the labs website you'll know it's good to go and in a way i'm
actually i'm really looking forward to the labs website because there's going to be so much less
possibility for human error like even in that video after all the after all the qc there were like there
were i think two bars that were oh because you can update it mislabeled one of them was one percent
and one of them uh said one it said one percent when it was supposed to be average and it's
average it's supposed to be one percent but when everything's coming straight out of the results
database and the graphs are just automatically generated we don't have to worry about human
input creating graphical assets that'll be nice it's gonna be so good there could still be issues
with anyways whatever nothing is infallible yeah but it'll be nice but it'll there will be less
human intervention which is and with the site at least even if there are still issues uh we can update
it um a lot of people asked and this is a question that's coming up here why not just force the clock
speed do you do that do you run your computer like that
no oh it's actually a surprisingly unrealistic thing in current year yep 100 so uh no we we think it's worth
the work of making sure that we are running the system the way that you would run the system so
that's why we that's why when it was time to get over 10 cpus we went for a modern top tier chip because
we want to see what the maximum difference that we can see in these gpus is assuming that we can reduce
the other system bottlenecks as much as we can and we spent the time testing it to make sure that we have
consistency we're gonna have to continue to revalidate and with every new platform we're
gonna have to do this process again but you guys are worth it you guys are worth it these things take
time man like i think i think a lot of people are are looking at the slow progress in the lab going
like oh yeah you know like why is it so slow you know why why were there science and engineering takes
time and it's just like guys because there's always going to be a little bit of learning as we go
yeah and these things take time yeah it's gonna keep getting better though that i can promise you
it's gonna keep getting better oh yeah it was a great video it was fun doesn't get a lot of views
that kind of thing but yeah that's what it is unfortunately that's okay we're just gonna do
it because we care and at the end of the day if those kinds of videos just don't get views then
that's fine we'll have the website but we still want everything we do to have this
foundation that's what we are building towards that's the that's the vision from our chief optometrist
i still like chief eyeball officer but anyways uh disney's holodeck disney has unveiled a working
model of what they're calling the world's first multi-person omni-directional modular expandable
treadmill floor okay i intentionally have not watched this video yet because it sounds
too good to be true and if i was going to be disappointed i wanted it to happen in front of
y'all so this is this is not actually a this week thing i've already seen this this is from last week
but it's sick uh okay that looked amazing uh yeah
are you kidding me no how does it know they also are they just all on bearings like what
am i looking well it's it's always pulling you kind of to the middle-ish how do you stand still
multiple people shut up multiple people one platform
and you can tell even just by how he stands and in an earlier portion of the video you see
him walk into the room and some of uh his natural gait actually makes it look i think like it's not
working as well as it is just because he's a bit of a shuffler a little bit of a shuffler yeah
which makes you think that it's maybe not doing as well but you see him walking on normal floor
beforehand and you can kind of see that happening um i think it's incredibly impressive uh people say can
you run i don't think there's uh visual evidence of that but i think they say that you can they have
a really really cool dance moves yeah they have a really cool demo somewhere in the video yeah that's
okay you guys should go watch it are you talking about him sitting on the chair and them rolling
him around on it yes what that's at like four minutes and 30 yeah go check out the video they
also show not even a person which i think is incredibly interesting i think it's like a a teaser
at the end or something i don't remember what it is but they show and you should watch it uh when
he's sitting on the chair they're like whipping it around he's moving very fast which is also
interesting um at one point in time they just put an apple box with no one on it and it just cruises
around and they make it move this is wild which is incredibly interesting for a huge amount of
applications because it's omnidirectional conveyor belt at that point i just hope disney doesn't
patent it and then oh they're like definitely only use it in their parks oh they're like definitely
gonna do that and then they did say it just never exists anywhere it has applications in other things so
i suspect they might try to patent it but i also suspect they might try to like license it out to
other people okay um because they talked about how it has applications in a wide variety of things
not just their parks yeah so i hope it just doesn't end up so there's like one ride yeah you know some
star wars experience and that's the only place that ever exists you get like force pulled or something
yeah yeah does that too oh my god i wasn't done the sentence guys i know they're gonna patent it
um i just don't want it to only exist in one theme park experience and then nowhere else okay our last big
topic for the week twitter pumps mr beast video this is kind of hilarious who didn't see this coming
mr beast recently uploaded a video to twitter in order to test how many views and how much revenue
it could get on the platform it seems that twitter being the you know totally um fair platform that it is
you know town square etc decided to put a thumb on the scale mr beast's video was heavily promoted
by official twitter accounts by elon musk himself and by twitter's advertising platform as an unlabeled ad
very cool many twitter users complained that the video was absolutely everywhere and that they would
sometimes see it again and again while they were scrolling uh it was only obvious that the post was
classified as an ad if the user clicked on a drop down menu and you can actually see this down below
report ad why this ad uh mr beast made around a quarter million dollars from this video which he has
already allocated to prizes in a giveaway i believe he actually announced the winners of the of the giveaway
today he gave 10 random followers on twitter 25 000 each um so our discussion question is what is the
point of this they gave mr beast a big hunk of cash that they know is not representative of typical
revenue for a video on the site i think they were hoping to get away with it if jimmy's future content
doesn't perform the same way that this one did he's not going to keep uploading if other creators see
you singling out jimmy and then don't achieve similar results they're not going to keep uploading
yeah yeah my assumption is they uh we're hoping they wouldn't notice look with all of that said
if twitter can figure this out if they can be a viable video platform with actual you know evergreen
content discoverability because that's what youtube does yeah that's what youtube does well that twitter
sucks at pretty much everyone sucks at hey uh i'm i'm kind of a video creator like are we sorry i'm
sorry we're talking incremental views like like bigger audience okay sign me up there is no competing
vod platform but so if there was a competing vod platform that would be good for everyone i am
i i am on extensively on record very much disliking twitter oh yeah and it has nothing to do with the
chief twit right now it doesn't actually you've hated it just always hated twitter but if there was a
competing vod platform that was viable yes that would be good for everyone but it would have to
actually be competing which has been the problem every time yep so like yeah good luck all right
good luck everybody netflix that's not it's yeah that's a very different thing yeah uh we're talking
user-generated content i am gonna go switch us to one show after dark so our little sign on the monitor
is finally right oh oh oh oh oh rtx video hdr ai upscaling oh yeah right yeah yeah i um
uh i don't know if we're gonna make a video about it i i want to but we have so many projects right
now it's that post ces boom yeah um it looks super cool but i haven't gotten a chance to try it yet
basically what nvidia is doing is kind of like what they announced a fairly recent i guess i don't know
it was months ago was it a year ago i don't know whatever a while ago um kind of like what nvidia
announced a while ago where they are able to upscale in real time video that you are watching on your
system if you have an nvidia gpu it was pretty power hungry when i first tried it but it was also
really impressive like 1080p video looked way better like they could de-block and de-noise um it it
it seemed to be the solution or a solution to low qual low bitrate streaming artifacts
and so this is not the solution but a solution to the enormous catalog of standard dynamic range content
that exists out there and getting some kind of investment or getting some kind of return out of
your investment into an hdr monitor and an hdr capable system with that content it looks amazing
luke you've got it up there uh no i was trying to test something all right you're doing something else
entirely totally off topic not even focused on it wasn't off topic not even focused on hosting a show
with me it was not off topic there are comments there are comments about how the hdr video from nvidia
is not in hdr i'm gonna have to beat you especially badly at super checks tonight you said you want to
get home early no i'm still playing super checks you just want to play super checks earlier i mean
but i was trying to figure out if your if your device doesn't have hdr can you not select hdr
um i don't think you'd be able to if you don't have an hdr display how is it going to hdr anything
yeah that's just not how that works so so when this person said that they uploaded it without hdr
i was like are they actually right i don't know i can't tell though but it is what it is
okay so you're looking at it now okay let's look yeah okay uh well that's a terrible example yeah that
original video looks like crap that could look way better in sdr
oh okay i mean yeah okay it's boosting the highlights a bit dark scenes in sdr can be difficult
dark scenes in hdr can be difficult to watch yeah so let's see let's see let's see let's see let's see
see this is a game too interesting interesting i oh could it just transform absolutely everything
on your screen into hdr wow would that have to be banned in certain competitive games
i don't know that's pretty cool though how does this only have 100 000 views this is sick
i don't know okay i don't know maybe we should do a video about it i don't know the best video you've
ever seen it's pretty cool though sdr if you turn this feature on
nvidia won't let you enable the hdr setting unless you enable hdr in windows yeah that makes sense
because your monitor would have to be receiving metadata from your operating system like all nvidia is
doing is taking that sdr content you're playing back and interpreting it into hdr metadata that your
monitor can understand yeah so i think the comments are probably right i i don't think they uploaded
this video in hdr which is hilarious there's a lot of comments about it um kingfish watch on youtube
said showcasing an ai hdr tone mapping by converting both sdr and hdr samples to sdr is a truly big brain
move you know what would have worked better actually is if they filmed the screen believe
it or not that i i forget why it works but you would be able to see the difference more even if
they uploaded it in sdr that makes sense it like does sort of i guess but yeah it's it's still weird
it's mind-breaking math but no an sdr video of the same camera filming an sdr screen and an hdr screen
does not look the same yeah you can see that the hdr one is better don't ask me why
i'm gonna go switch this over to wench after dark day sounds good danny you ready to go
okay cool i was like we don't technically know if he's still here
to bed i don't know yeah he could be pulling one of those things where he like works his other job
during land show oh yeah you know the whole the whole thing where you're remote and you just like
have two jobs or whatever yeah it's like and then we like we switch over to producer cam i get to
switch the window oh sorry yeah yeah i'm awake i'm here i'm here all right what are we up to dan
uh geez i guess we're doing merch messages oh geez oh geez i guess it's merch message time
jeez linus oh geez you know i haven't watched the new season without justin roiland is it any good
anyone know no idea oh okay cool well it just signed me out of the merch message dashboard so that's
awesome cool do you want me to wait nope
okay hey dll are you worried about labs pulling an icarus anything you're doing to ensure it doesn't
how has it not already pulled an icarus at this point we're just rebuilding it better than before
i mean so it's it's also
and to be clear that that that's we put reinforcements in the wax that's not that's
not on that's not on labs you got icarus yeah all the us's yeah that's that that's not all that's
not on labs there's there's a lot of factors that played into everything uh but the reality of it is
we're just gonna we're just gonna keep doing our thing guys we're gonna keep improving and you guys are
gonna see it and you're either gonna accept it or you're gonna put your fingers in your ears
i can't see this i can't see this i did yeah the choice is yours
do you think that the intel plants in ohio will eventually make their prices more user-friendly
also how crazy is it that them and google have decided to start focusing on expansion in ohio um i mean
it's probably cheap i i mean micron has demonstrated that you can build a tech hub
anywhere we did that uh facility tour in idaho of all places so what's idaho known for chips and chips
and it's not like they don't have super smart people there and it's not like the people there
aren't pragmatic intelligent people who are like hmm well i could work in silicon valley
where i spend you know however many tens of thousands of dollars a year on housing or i could
live in but idaho and spend basically nothing on housing but still have my big penis tech salary
do you let me think and so i think it was also like beautiful isn't it if you if you have the kind
of pull that an intel and a google might then you can basically make a tech hub you kind of decide where
it is so yeah it makes it makes a ton of sense to me linus in riley's tech upgrade you started talking
about a closet pc you once had but got sidetracked by rocket league hype can you finish that anecdote
uh that really was the whole thing i i had it so that when i tucked in my chair my whole closet it
was a like a two-door like accordion style door closet and it would close so that if i optimistically
ever brought a girl into my room never happened um there would be no gaming pc
i mean i'd still have a cringe futon oh man yeah my high school bedroom was not a cool kid bedroom
yeah hey dll linus with the recent quick bits slip up have you ever considered that not embracing the
phrase could be detrimental to the tech linked and game link brands also thanks for the quality tools
i don't even remember how the whole thing started maybe i thought it was just like arbitrary having
some of the titles called something and some of them not called something or maybe they used to
always call them something different back in the day before they standard i don't even know but i i
if anything i think it's better for the tech link game link brand that i continue to refuse to say it
because they have a lot of fun trying to get me to say it and i have a lot of fun not saying it so uh
no i think we'll keep it up and no problem enjoy your quality tools i recently went shopping for a
mouse and hated the experience because i want the best one how would the experience be for comparing
peripherals on the lab's website um we're gonna have to figure that out yeah we're gonna have a lot
of work to do on that some of it's going to be charts and graphs if we can do things more visually
i mean that's what we are we're a media company we're going to do our best with it but i think what
you're going to see at the beginning is minimum viable product which is going to be charts and
graphs and text and then over time we're going to try to expand on that slash utilize the labs data
to put together more compelling video content that we think you guys will really enjoy we shot a video
today that i'm really excited about um okay if you're not canadian you won't have heard of these
guys but princess auto is basically the harbor freight of canada it's like where you go to get
a three dollar socket set you know um might be a little more than that but and so we were there
we were there picking up something because we needed some cheap something and something caught our eye
i thought it'd be a little bit more and it is a little bit more but it's not as much more as i
expected it's ten bucks yeah there you go for for deep ones too yeah exactly that's what i'm talking
about princess auto baby and that's ten canadian dollars yeah so that's about seven us dollars
so i'm really not that far no not really okay it's more than double but we're talking four bucks yeah so
anyway uh princess auto we were there picking up something and uh someone snapped a picture of what
looks like a razor display whole bunch of peripherals upon closer inspection the brand is in fact not snake
themed but rather dart frog so we bought them all obviously um and
i think this video is really cool because it's a perfect example of what we want this kind of
content to be hey here's something you might want to know about whether it's uh you know a diamond in
the rough power supply or a a motherboard that actually impacts performance you know finding
interesting stories and not just doing your basic youtuber reaction but also backing it up with hard data
so it has a combination of what would be like a classic ltt unboxing slash experiential video with
labs data that helps to quantify what it is that we're seeing and what we're feeling really cool
video it'll be coming in a while just shot today so probably be a couple weeks dart frog is that the
name of the company here hold on i'll be right back uh you want to do a merch message while i uh sure
you got one for me dan uh for you specifically let's see we're just a general one i know hello i met
you at ltx and asked how your fitness journey was going how's it been since then and where are your
fitness goals for 2024 still recomping uh yeah to be honest uh not not as good as they were as as dan
knows because i've been complaining to dan about it um i got sick for like a really long time a very long
time i was very very sick for like two weeks um and i was already upset about the impact from just that
and then i had this weird you might have even noticed it on wancho where sometimes
something in my throat would just get caught and i couldn't breathe anymore and i'd have to clear it
um there was literally i think like a month or two of that uh just on wancho because i would start
talking emphatically and then and then i'd have to clear it uh and that was scary because a lot of
things that i liked doing while i was working out might be a bit of a problem if you very suddenly
unexpectedly couldn't breathe um so i decided to take time off from that um i started going again
i think it was two or three weeks ago and then had to take a break for a curling tournament some
other things and now i'll be i'll be going again on tuesday so i lost some progress but um it's been
going pretty well my my goals for the end of the year are not really fixed though to be honest i i do
usually like monthly or quarterly style style stuff okay we're gonna play a game okay
do i need to close my eyes um no okay okay the game is called dart frog or razor okay okay
okay okay maybe you do need to close your eyes yeah i thought so okay okay so all you're allowed
to do you only get a flash so like a blink an opposite blink that's all you get an opposite
blink oh okay yeah yeah got it okay okay so you'll do we'll do a and b okay okay go that was a really
long flash i i didn't like see i thought it was gonna be here i really didn't see it okay hold
on hold on hold on okay here's b that was too long i looked for too long i thought the first
one was razor until you showed me the second box and then i looked for too long at the second box okay
anyway the point is it's gonna be a good video wow don't miss it even even from here yeah i know wow
yeah i know wow they even i didn't actually bring this up in the video that's crazy but do you notice
how prominently they put the word laser everywhere on it oh wow wow that's a little that's a little
scummy everything about it is scummy laser is very close to razor the dart frog is very similar to the
snake combination sure is um yeah it's it's it'll be a good video honestly if i hadn't seen them yet
looking at this angle like here i wouldn't be able to tell yeah i know it's like i can't make
out the logo and being able to make out the logo is honestly the only way you can tell yeah that's
why it's gonna be a really good video don't miss it guys wow uh all right dan yep yeah linus what do
you think of the rumor intel is going to kill off hyper threading i mean sure i'm not a cpu architect
if they think that's a good idea then it's probably not a terrible idea if there's other ways that they
can deliver the performance their customers expect um this is another thing we've got a video
coming on recently so we finally covered meteor lake we look at integrated gpu performance we talk about
the new core ultra branding and one of the things i say this is not investment advice i am not a
financial advisor is long term intel just took a beating okay so i'm gonna say it again this is not
financial advice i'm not a financial advisor um come angrily screaming back yeah intel just took a
beating but i love where they're looking long term um i don't because the igpu stuff or just in general
in general i don't know if they're gonna be a you know five beggar or if they're gonna lose all your
money i don't know i'm not a financial advisor uh but i talk about this in the video i i love
their tiled their first shot at a tiled uh cpu they glue stuff together now they're gluing it real
good really like it um oh boy j529 says i'm buying boeing what do you think linus
i think i'm not a financial advisor that's what i think
yeah cool anyway yeah if they if they say look we're not going to do hyper threading we're going
to do efficient cores or we're going to have these okay so they have new efficient course low power
efficient course that are on um like the soc tile rather than the compute tile and what's really cool
about these is they can light these ones up to like handle a windows update in the background or
whatever and they don't even have to have the main course turn on at all like okay not at all is a
bit of an overstatement but it's cool though yeah it's pretty good for power savings to be clear
amd is still very competitive right now and we're going to see new stuff from them hopefully in the
near-ish future i mean 780m their their mobile gpu has been around for a while um rdna4 though like
where you at dog um so we'll see we'll see but i i am sure they're not down and out i am liking where
intel is heading i really like their move into um contract manufacturing for third parties
hi guys will the stubby with black shaft get back into stock or is the notification option
more like a poll thanks for an update we've never said never um i think we've always said
not if we can't figure out the quality issues
we'll see if we can do that with our black finishes
okay to be clear this is actually a different thing i'm just teasing uh this is anodized aluminum
and we would not make a screwdriver shaft on something that you can really torque
um out of aluminum um we are still exploring black finish options we have not settled on anything that
we would consider to be acceptable to bring back black shafts yet
hey wan.dll pronounced deal deal i can't see that uh could you explain how youtube premium works with
monetization on youtube i'm gonna make that really big basically deal just like youtube shares ad revenue
with the creators that you watch youtube shares premium revenue with the creators that you watch
and it's divvied up according to watch time so if you were to watch say for example a hundred
cyanide and happiness one minute videos or if you were to sit through a third of a wan show
we would get half of it and cyanide and happiness would get half of it half of
the allocation that youtube gives to creators which is i believe it's either 60 or 70 i can't remember
are you still using theo joe's comment moderation tool if so is it working no um honestly right now
most of our comment moderation is me and chewy our community coordinator um it seems to have helped a
fair bit that every time i see a porn bot or a spam bot or a spectacularly stupid person i'm just
shadow banning them and i think it's made at least the main channel less of a target i definitely see
some more dumb on the sub channels um but we just didn't we didn't end up building a process that
allowed us to run it forever and got distracted and hopefully youtube just fixes their stuff at some
point uh it's possible that the overall spam is just down on the platform and it has nothing to
do with any of our moderation but um we're we definitely do see it and we're definitely
stamping it down whenever we do i don't think they'll ever fix it yeah that's fair i think it's
gonna get worse sooner than it gets better i i was uh a friend of mine linked me a twitter thread
recently which was a very long twitter thread that it took me a while of reading into because i was like
he wouldn't have sent this to me with no reason but he didn't explain why he was like just read this
continue reading through these tweets and then eventually i realized it was a back and forth
conversation between a very large amount of fake ai accounts but they were not promoting anything
they were just it was building up account cred a conversation while they so so they were incubating
and i was like what the heck because it seems you know you know how a lot of ai output text is like
too clean it's too like kind of generic yeah it was all like that and the conversation started kind
of looping a little bit and i was like what's going on because they're just riffing off of the
previous tweets and there's realistically only so long that you could really do that and be original
so they stopped being able to be original right and it was just like whoa it was it was very
kind of eerie to read but yeah
anyways moving on good evening duke lan and dinas from texas can we get an update on backpack returns i've
been waiting to return mine for over a month now also how is shipping being handled uh that's a great
question and i do not know exactly um the last thing i want to do is give you any false information
but what i can do is get dan to send a follow-up and um hopefully have an answer for you guys next
week dan can we do that yep i'll send a message to nick or better if we don't talk about it next week
then hopefully you'll have already heard from our customer care team so i won't need to talk about it on
land show that would be the ideal uh yeah one moment okay there we go i'll just leave that one
there for the second um hi lld how do you feel about cloudflare i don't like that they control so
much of the internet but i still use them because their products and prices are good almost free for
what i need actually yeah honestly for
for like non-large infrastructure company users their pricing is insane um to the point where like
not using them for a lot of things is is just kind of like weird and ill-advised um we use them fairly
heavily for vod delivery on floatplane um i could complain about that a lot um considering they're kind
of like inaction on fixing vod delivery to uh most notably australia and germany but other places as
well um we need to do more to fix that on our end but what we need to do to fix that on our end is to
use more places than just cloudflare more actively um which is unfortunate because you would hope that
they would just do better at that um their core product is insanely good um and and it's it's
yeah i don't even really know what else to say their core product is just insanely good it works
um the fact that they don't have more outages is like wild um what a crazy company sometimes they can
be frustrating to deal with um i'm not a fan as i've talked on on one show before of calls where
you just rotate your person that is the representative of that company every once in a
while they always want to have onboarding calls and it's really not productive for your company
that they just keep cycling people constantly constantly constantly constantly and i wish that
wouldn't happen so much um and i wish they would care more about their side products but their core
product is just wildly good um and their side products are are for the most part pretty solid as
well um but yeah i don't know it's never really great when one company has so much market share in an
area but um i will say while that goes poorly in a lot of realms cloudflare has seemingly kept the
quality of their core product up uh quite well so i'll give them that
hmm let's see what we got here hey ll-d picking up another wan hoodie my eight-year-old son loves the
way my wan hoodie looks and wants to match when have you found your kids wanting something just because
you had one first every time seriously every single time i pick up my ally my kids are like can i play
and i'm like i use this like maybe a couple times a week it sits idle the entire rest of the time just
use it just when you when you have your screen time just let me know and use it they only want
it when i'm holding it food too like my kids are never like oh can i have a salad but if i'm eating
greek salad they come along they pick all the tomatoes and all the feta cheese out it's like
it's the best part
okay let's see what else we got um hey linus great job promoting screwdriver bits and i'm not
gonna be like i'm not gonna be like no don't eat vegetables yes tomato is technically a fruit
calm down reddit but like a banana is a berry man sorry sorry sorry dan sorry i thought bananas were
actually herbs that doesn't check out yeah whatever uh great job on from great job on promoting
screwdriver bits i just bought all six sets before the price goes up not that this is you but what's the
worst company to threaten price increases as promotions okay i curated this but i couldn't
think of one but i'm sure there's got to be examples of companies being like here's our big sale
you can have the old price before we raise it yeah i guarantee that's gotta be a thing like
especially like software as a service companies and stuff like that hey lock in now or we're gonna
raise the prices ha ha ha got them so i was hoping chat could maybe pitch us a few autodesk all early
oh early access games the entire kickstarter platform okay didn't think of that one pretty
good that's pretty good i came up with that one yay that's literally kickstarter's whole thing yeah
well not really but that's how most kickstarters work you you get it for however much off now but our
our actual real price is coming later apparently disney plus did it in october
chess.com did it a while ago apparently um tesla has tesla done that
did they do that that one year when they were trying to hit a target before end of year i have no idea
that does sound kind of familiar metaquest 2 okay there's lots of examples of this yeah this is
totally yeah super interesting a lot of isps apparently do it okay internet access should
only go down in price that's that's stupid uh hulu apparently oh wow wow you guys are okay you guys
are coming up with lots of examples okay cool so this is a thing all right dan hey luke and linus
will you do another month challenge if or when battle mage comes out cheers do you want to redo the arc
challenge given that you are currently experiencing gp related crashes and it is making your oh i'm
experiencing all related crashes that's fair um nice nice computer linus
you know what else is crashing the ncix sign bc it blue screens like once a day need to solve it
i have mem test right okay i already turned off expo i've already turned off like s3 like i
decided to run mem test overnight because at least some of the errors i've been getting are
reporting something that sounds like probably memory yeah um and it defaults to my far left
monitor i have three monitors yeah it defaults to my far left monitor whatever run the test go
to bed wake up in the morning all my monitors are black like oh okay shake mouse keyboard stuff see
like did it boot into windows somehow and go to sleep or does mem test like screen off at a certain
point nothing's responding i'm like so it crashed okay power off computer power computer back on
uh okay crap it booted into mem test again whatever uh or no it nothing happens right no yeah no it
booted into mem test again okay turn it off unplug the usb whatever get back into windows oh my left
screen didn't turn on what's happening oh emma tried to very nicely save my screen from burning
and turned the monitor off oh nice so i just turned it off so i have no idea what happened to the test cool
so i ran it before i left so hopefully when i get home i'll know if there's memory problems or not
so um uh i hope this isn't too much of a spoiler but uh probably shouldn't tell them i shouldn't tell
them okay make sure you watch the video on his new build because um i think the title is going to be
something like i have to get out of this contract or something like that it doesn't get you out of the
contract anyway the point is that um let's just say his troubles may be related to the 10 cpu test
video we just did yeah i've been wondering that actually hmm hopefully that's not it hey dan
uh yeah sure um this is weird uh years ago you talked about becoming a real company
that would survive without you and yvonne inheritance tax was it the problem you hope
to have a good plan someday do you now appreciate you guys um i've talked about this a number of
times pretty much every time i do it gets misunderstood or misconstrued in some way
remember backpack warranty gate when i went on that very very long thing where i was like well anything
that we set up should be something that is resilient enough that it is not just based on
the goodwill of you know trust me bro um you know so that in the event that i died or whatever it would
still be in place and we're still trying to figure out exactly what that would look like
at the end of the day people said they don't want anything that actually has any kind of teeth
they just want us to give them a piece of paper that says okay yeah here's what it is
um it's been really interesting watching the discourse shift on what i said um now it seems
like most people get it all i was saying was that the warranty you have from whoever it is you have it
from is only as good as their willingness to fulfill it because they can drag ass they can just disappear
um there's plenty of companies that change warranty or uh claim warranty violations for
whatever bs reason any any warranty policy really difficult to prove any warranty policy that would
make it past any lawyer worth their salt is going to have a clause in there that basically says yeah
the whole thing's at our discretion anyway um and so the point i had been trying to make way back then
was that we wanted to do it right as long as i am here you know whatever there's no way that i could
screw you over because it would cause outrage proved my point thank you guys um
and so i don't know uh coming coming back to your actual question i i don't know how to answer this
without you know without it being misunderstood um inheritance tax is a problem um but i don't
think that it will impact our ability to be a real company that will survive without us i think there are
solutions um and it doesn't have to be that you know our kids inherit it or whatever else in fact
i i i haven't seen any indication that it would even be remotely appropriate for our kids to
inherit the company uh the last thing i would want to see is for it to just be sold and just some
random you know media company acquisition holding co you know take it and and and and you know screw it
up right um but we do have some ideas i i don't think i'm at a point now where i'm ready to
say exactly how it would work yes we we do have trusts in canada that is a thing that exists that is
an option for um tax-free inheritance but there are a ton of limitations around them yvonne understands it
better than i do it's it's not really viable if we plan to run the company for our lives and then
um have some kind of succession plan that involved our kids but i i don't know that it would
um urban fervor says i like how matpat is doing it i actually haven't seen his approach
how many youtubers are just like retiring um i uh i called it on tom scott though i was like dude's my
age but what's he talking about retiring and he's already revised the title of his video and been like
yo people for people who didn't make it to the second sentence of my video it's i didn't mean like
forever i mean he even he even said in um he's just he's he had he had a commitment to a certain
amount of videos he's not doing weekly videos yeah yeah okay i mean he didn't click bait it a little
bit which is funny because i he and i have had some conversations about you know clickability and
and whatever and it's like okay dude because that was pretty clickbait right there but sure um
okay apparently matt pat sold the channel a year or two ago he's fulfilled his contract and
stepping away so that's basically what we would have done if we had taken our offer
yeah i just i wasn't ready yet um it's possible that we could do something like that but i don't
looking back at it now the money would have been very good especially considering the challenges that
we've faced this year right i would have been almost ready to walk away now like okay yeah whatever
this is your mess to clean up now apparently um so the money would have worked out really well
but what i don't think would have worked out really well is the company i don't see why
they wouldn't have just gone okay well this didn't work out and moved on to their next
acquisition right and i think that it would have really impacted the people who work here and the
people who really do care about what it's that we're trying to do yeah so i'm i'm really happy we
didn't do it we're we've still we've got a lot of unfinished business
hi dll is there a product that still exists today named after an outdated or expected but once
innovative feature take windows for example symbolizing simultaneous open software windows
i wasn't sure on this one i think windows is a pretty good example i'm sure there's got to be other
examples i don't know like rca cable no not really sort of um a product that still exists today oh hold
on a second um um um um um movies oh we were just talking about this we were talking about this
in the writing that's real that's a really good example you know like the talkies the movies you
know back when the moving pictures you know the movies we don't even think about that anymore
would this be the streamies or films even i mean anything to do with production pretty much yeah
yeah yeah yeah yeah fujifilm someone said as a as a company name the movie that's a company that's
not a product the movies though yeah i didn't realize this product specific but yeah okay that's
not really a product either but get over it yeah
what do you think about cooler master killing the original spec nr 200 and completely killing the nr
nr 200 air cooler compatibility i did not understand this question i mean nr 200 is presumably a case
yeah um i i small form factor case i had not been following any of this drama
eventually you're going to stop making a product right so like why is this um
completely killing the nr 200 air cooler compatibility that i don't what are they talking
about i don't know not sure i mean yeah you got to have kind of a you got to have kind of a
target with your product right so if you're if you're basically targeting water coolers and you've
got kind of an idea for how the system should be built there's so many options for aios i don't
really think you can look at that and go like rude um it's a bummer if you wanted to do an air cooled
nr 200 build but these things kind of happen and if there's enough demand i'm sure they'll bring it back
and if there isn't enough demand i guess they knew something you didn't yeah
a.dll any updated thoughts regarding the process of the ex escapist team over its second wind and
their transparency publishing detailed monthly revenue reports that is a super super cool
transparency commitment um i don't think i've ever seen anything like that from a from a from a private
group like a private company um viewership looks consistent pretty in the range for what they were
doing before the subscriber count um it also looks very similar to what they're doing before like
fully ramblematic which is um full punctuation yeah man there's so many things we made videos about
this week we have a reference to this that i think you guys will find quite funny in one of our videos
oh um yeah i'm not gonna i'm not gonna spoil it watch every video hahaha got them got them um
okay where where are they publishing this i assume they have uh okay here a patreon it's not like they
could have been on float plane or whatever no problem don't don't bother reaching out to us doesn't
matter uh the point is i guess they probably have some articles or something i guess you would have
to be a patron to see them i don't i don't know where they publish these things look at that support
14 185 paid members yeah that's awesome 80 660 a month good on you guys it's a million bucks a year
that's fantastic that's fantastic good job very cool really rooting for these guys uh the income
report is in the youtube post section apparently so like community posts i guess oh yeah okay we're two
weeks out from when we started taking salaries hey good for you guys freaking a that's wicked love to see it
premium discord all right whatever i'm just rooting for them
so good job you guys cool that's all i have to say about that yeah
uh hey dll linus how's the relationship of long-term money per view compared to uh compared
between an ldt video one that could be relevant at any time and a tech or game linked video where
it really matters to watch right now uh viewership falls off a cliff for anything news related i don't
even know how google quite tells what's news related and what's not but they do uh they can tell and
uh there are some ltt videos i mean we made a we made a video reacting to our most profitable videos
uh way back when and almost all of them were ltt videos with a ton of views or ltt live stream
archives that had monstrous watch time so they made a ton of money from youtube premium uh for something
like tech linked or game linked basically we're just relying on whatever it gets within the first couple
of weeks and there's almost no long-term tail on any of it if i were to take our our entire content
library and sort by i can't sort by most revenue so whatever i guess um i won't be able to give you
any additional information but it will be way less way less
and i guess if you want to read this one you can i don't know uh no i don't think we're supposed to
i think um can you just flag that for someone to get in touch with uh sergio sergio i've i've sent
it to steven okay sergio we are acknowledging your message hey thanks for the merch message and i'm
going to archive it so it doesn't show anywhere cool um i think adam asks a couple of names coming
yeah adam asks if i have any issues with games crashing on the rg ally i really haven't but i
haven't played a huge variety of games on mine so my my experience may not mirror your own and james
asks if we have any insider news on steam deck b button sticking issues no i do not i've still been on my
ally it's uh the the the better performance has kept me but there are definitely games i'd rather
play on the better screen um i'm just not playing any of them right now um hey thanks christopher
appreciate you showing that don't agree but hey your message is going to come up in the scrolly thing
and that's it we will see you again next week same bad time same bad channel how did this last for
three and a half hours we had like four topics
this just is what it is we reacted to our own video which i would be really interested to see
the metrics on maybe we should do that more content ception bye there it is
come on man say the line world's slowest bye got him oh wait we're not gonna really hear dan yeah
we both took our headphones off we're like uh wait we can't talk to dan because he's like
you know there oh wow vessi