
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Luke is very fond of talking about how whenever I'm not here the show starts on time
So I would like for you guys to know that he's not here and the show
Almost started on time. So clearly it's actually
Amplifying my lateness and that's why whenever we're both here the show is late
Yes, that is the that is the obvious conclusion that we can draw here
so as you guys probably noticed already and if you didn't then
Hopefully the part where I pointed out that Luke's not here would have drawn you to this conclusion
Luke is not here. He is over in Computex
And so the first topic of the day is actually something that I should probably do after the intro, right?
So we've got a great show for you guys today. We have all of our Computex coverage some of the highlights from that
We've got AMD unveiling many many more details about their upcoming
Fiji although it looks like we're gonna have to wait a little bit for the rest of it Nvidia launches mobile
G-sync, which by the way, I have in-house
already and
Tons and tons of monitors. Oh, yeah, right the huge news this week valve pulled a 180 on their customer service
And they're offering. Well, okay, whatever. I'll tell you guys about it later
For now, let's roll the intro. Oh
Come on
One of these days that's gonna work and then I will be happy
So right now you guys are you know what forget it then?
sponsors today lynda.com fresh books and
Dollar Shave Club. There you go. We are just I don't care. We're just not gonna have an intro I give up
You know what I've got some people saying they thought that Luke would call in he said that last week
but quite frankly, um, it's 7 a.m. Over there right now or 730 and
if you guys noticed some skepticism on my part when he was saying that he was gonna call in is because I
can do time zones and I knew that he was like straight-up a gonna be
Probably not awake at that time and B
I knew he was gonna be busting his but over the course of the week getting a bunch of great coverage of
Computex for you guys and
Therefore probably not in any condition where he would want to or I would even want him to be doing an hour and a half
Live stream because they have absolutely kicked ass over at Computex
In fact, we can go and I don't think yeah, I don't think there's anything here
That's like super super top secret
But I'm gonna post some of the links and you guys should definitely check this out later
If you're watching the archive, I will link these below the video, but the Corsair Bulldog
huge deal over at Computex Corsair not necessarily because of the Corsair Bulldog
But because it's going mainstream
Guys, like Silverstone have been trying to do the whole
We've got like a full-size graphics card in a really small form factor or small internal volume enclosure for some time
N-case released the m1 which was this super small full-size graphics card thing. Well now a
mainstream case manufacturer and it's kind of funny for me to say that because I still remember when they launched the
800 D and the store that I worked for was like nervous about bringing in too many because a Corsair case
Gee, I don't know. Will it work? Will it not work?
Yeah, it turns out they're a mainstream case maker now and they are acknowledging the small form-factor
Console size case very cool stuff
Next up. We've got
The other one. Oh, yeah
MSI desktop GPUs for their AIO and laptop now MSI
hasn't completely
Redone the whole GS 30 shadow concept. In fact, what they were showing off was
Same laptop, but now they have a sexier enclosure for it
So instead of being stuck with that ginormous external box that just had a standard ATX power supply in it
They have something that is a little bit sexier. So that's pretty cool too. Ah, yes GTX 780 TI variants, so
Always a big hit. It's it's funny because it blows me away every single time how much you guys love
the latest high-end graphics cards our GTX 780 TI review has
400,000 views and that went up what a week ago. That's like
Scrapyard Wars levels of viewership in the first week. That's absolutely crazy
So Luke actually highlighted a couple of aftermarket designed 780 TI's one from Asus
One from gigabyte and did I say 780? I keep doing this, you know, what's really funny 980 TI
I know I get out of here 980 TI. I know
Um, I actually started hearing rumors about the GTX 980 TI
Probably around the same time you guys started hearing rumors about it and a lot of the time
There's a lot of truth to the rumors. And so I reached out to my Nvidia contact
I was like yo dog. Can I get a sample of the?
780 TI and I did it not once but twice
Twice in the first email my subject line was blah blah blah blah something 780 TI. Hey, blah blah blah something 780 TI and
He replied to me he's like, uh, yeah sure I can send you a sample but it's like kind of old and I'm just like
You troll you knew what I meant. You knew what I meant you troll and then when I sent a follow-up email
I don't even think I got an answer because
Nvidia are like the kings of
If it ain't out it ain't being talked about they are they are pretty good at keeping secrets
So yes 980 TI
Non-reference 980 TI's and then one of the other big ones you guys should save these URLs for later
If you haven't already checked out the videos, this is another really big one in when
Launched like the most bazankars or announced. I don't think it's actually available yet announced like the most bazankars case
Check this out. Oh, yeah, I do want to do a huge. Thanks to our sponsors over at come up you text
That's Linda calm and MSI. Look at this thing
this is the kind of stuff that
Concept cars are made of like typically you expect a case like this to just be like a one-off that some modern aid
Not the case at all. This will be an actual case that you can actually buy
Uh, here's some footage from Brandon of the thing transforming. Look at that. I mean is that is that is that not ridiculous?
Electrician training really? I guess I could be an electrician sure
Why not that lighting holy crap in win is one of those companies where like five years ago as far as I could tell
they only made cheapo commodity cases and like bad power supplies and then all of a sudden they decided to like
We're gonna do like tempered glass side panels on this one
We're gonna do like this crazy transforming thing and they decided to totally shake up the case industry
I don't know if they're shaking it up necessarily in terms of sales volumes because some of those products have been pretty darn expensive
But they are definitely shaking it up in terms of design, which is very cool stuff
So let's get into the news for this week our first and I'm gonna have to be the one so this was posted by
Zmule and I'll have to be the one who posts these links in the forum for you guys
unfortunately, because I don't have my lovely assistant this week, but
Anantak reports that the GTX 980 TI shows a significant
difference in pixel fill rates compared to the GTX Titan X and what's interesting about this is the fact that their
real-world performance is
so similar
Depending on who you ask so I was so hold on first we'll go through
So this and so in synthetic performance tests, you'll see a similar performance between the two cards in general
But the 980 TI loses two polymorph engines and test mark due to losing two SMMs though
That doesn't really hinder the 980 TI in gaming or in that test overall
The 980 TI loses some rasterization throughput from the SMM lost
But the 15% drop is larger than can be accounted for by the two SMs which account for approximately 10%
Right now there's 5% that cannot be accounted for at this point in testing
So the 980 TI is actually a little bit of a mystery right now
So there's some weird differences in pixel fill rate
There's some weird differences in test mark and there's some weird
There's some weird
Stuff that I can't really account for in the real-world performance as well because I was talking to the NCIX guys and they had 980
TI as a clear loser to Titan X
Whereas actually in the Anantec review and in my review
I had it pretty damn close and I was pretty sure at the time of releasing mine
That the difference could be accounted for by my 980 TI
Boosting up higher than my GTX Titan X but based on some of these synthetic tests over at Anantec
we could be looking at something a little bit deeper than that and
Nvidia has been doing this lately where they really don't want to talk about the architecture of the chip a lot
they tried to pull that off with GTX 980 and 970 and
Whether unintentionally or intentionally and I'll leave it to whoever wears
Whichever color of tinfoil hat they wear to determine, you know, what they thought. I personally don't think Nvidia
Screwed up the specs of the 970 TI
What happened was because they didn't give the press a lot of information about the architecture that wasn't discovered for months and it turned
into VRAM gate with people trading in their GTX 970s and demanding full refunds because it didn't have the
maximum memory bandwidth for the last 500 megs of that 4 gig frame buffer, so
Hopefully we're not looking at anything like that
The reality of it is it doesn't seem to be affecting 4k gaming performance in any meaningful way. That's
validated by all of my 4k testing on the cards, so
It looks like a kick-ass card, hopefully this doesn't this is this is this is not going to be any kind of an issue
Asus is showing off a new professional grade 4k monitor. This was posted by the gauge on the forum
I'm gonna go ahead and I'm pretty much gonna treat the whole show today, by the way guys like rapid-fire
because I
Straight up am not gonna have I'm not gonna be able to hit all these topics if I if I don't do that
So the source here is PCDIY dot Asus dot-com and this thing looks absolutely
Sick Asus has really stepped up their game in terms of monitors going from just being kind of cheapo
Commodity stuff all the way up to some pretty
Fantastic displays. I mean the ROG Swift PG 278 Q was
Undeniably in my mind the best gaming monitor on the market when it launched it has since
It's got it's got some tough competition right now for me from Acer's 4k g-sync IPS as
Well as from BenQ's XL 2730z not because I think the 2730z is necessarily a better monitor
But because it comes in at a significantly lower price it has free sync but not g-sync
so AMD gamers are gonna have to choose that anyway if they want variable refresh rate and
On top of all that stuff the BenQ monitor supports additional inputs
Which right now any g-sync monitor is not going to be able to do so this one looks pretty fantastic
it's 4k of
Course it's geared toward professionals. It features a hundred percent Adobe RGB color gamut
It's got 138 pixels per inch which is gonna make sense since it's a 32 inch monitor and supports a 10-pit
Supports it has a 10-bit display with a 16-bit lookup table, which is important because the way that a monitor
Approximates a color behind the scenes. So with the more granularity it can do that
Actually the better it can represent it on the panel itself
Even if the panel can't actually display as many colors as the lookup table can understand
Nvidia launches mobile g-sync the original poster here is good bites and we've got a number of different sources here
I guess I'll go ahead and fire up the Anand tech one since I love those guys. They're good guys over there
Good old Ryan Smith and dr. Cutress and I'm sure I'm forgetting someone else. Who's really nice
Those are the guys that I sort of have actually chatted with anyway
What do they what do we have to say about it? Always synchronized variable overdrive actually variable overdrive is kind of important
I can talk a little bit about that, but not not too too much
SLI support
Windowed mode support so g-sync is actually getting a fair bit of cool stuff windowed mode supports a big one
a lot of people prefer gaming in
Full screen windowed mode and that was not supported in G's with g-sync up until now
So they went ahead they launched that along with the 980 TI
Variable overdrive is something I didn't talk about at all in my 980 TI video
even though it's news that came out around the same time and
What it means is okay
So pixel response times when you talk about gray to gray or black to white or you know, whatever however
However LCD manufacturers want to talk about pixel response times is basically the amount of time in
Milliseconds that it takes for an individual pixel on average to go from one color to another color
Whatever spec whatever color shift we're looking at so gray to gray would be gray and then back to gray
So pixel response times are a factor for color reproduction
Because if you have a moving object across the screen and the pixels can't respond fast enough
You're gonna have weird like a weird color ghost behind moving objects where there is a high contrast
Line, so something like a freelancer was a great example of this a bit of an older game now
But so are most of the games that I've logged serious hours in and on my old Dell 24 inch monitor
I really noticed that whenever the the wingtips of my spacecraft moved around there was a
We used to call it we called it ghosting and then we decided that wasn't right and then we called it motion blur
I think we're back to calling it ghosting. I don't know whatever. There's a trailing
discoloration behind behind wingtips whenever there's a high contrast line now
Variable refresh rate throws a real monkey wrench into this because what you can do through a feature called
Overdrive is you can actually push the pixels harder to change
Faster and that's how you're able
That's one of the ways that you can reduce pixel response time and reduce this motion blur, but variable refresh rate
so when the when the pixels are actually being told to refresh at
Uneven intervals can cause not necessarily a blurry artifact behind a moving object
But what it can cause is differences in the stage that the pixels are at in terms of switching colors
Depending on how quickly the whole panel is refreshing. Uh
So Nvidia's basically come out with a way to have overdrive applied on the fly
According to how quickly the monitor is refreshing and that's that's a new g-sync feature
But the big one the one I'm supposed to be talking about is mobile g-sync and this was causing waves right around the same time
as vram gate
Because it was kind of revealed through a site that was using a driver that a Seuss had
Accidentally leaked to them revealed that there was a particular Seuss laptop and believe it was the g751
That could be tricked into running g-sync
But it wasn't quite working PC perspective did a great follow-up on it where they really investigated it found out
It wasn't quite working, right?
but what this revealed was that g-sync could run without a dedicated g-sync scalar chip and in fact in
Notebooks, it was speculated at the time. That was how it would be run because of power constraints and space constraints on
notebooks, so
So that looks like what has finally happened
So there you go. The one that we actually have here in-house is not from not from a Seuss
In fact, we didn't get it. We didn't get a sample by Nvidia either. It's um, it's a company called Sager Sager
I'm gonna I'll find out before I do my review what the correct pronunciation is for it, but
They they make laptops and they've got they've sent us a one of their one of their models that actually has a 47 90 K
Desktop CPU in it. It's got a GTX 980 M and it's got a 75 Hertz
Variable refresh rate 1080p IPS display in it that I have played around with a little bit now
And I got to tell you guys g-sync on mobile makes a lot of sense
Just like it makes sense on a desktop to me. I love variable refresh rate and
Yeah, it's a great gaming experience. So it uses embedded DisplayPort. Remember guys that and that
Laptops have already had
Some manner certain ones some manner of variable refresh rate for some time
It was used as a power saving feature
So now it's so now it's using embedded DisplayPort in order to enable this particular feature
There's no power consuming chip required and it's actually very similar to how AMD freesync functions on the desktop side
So those two technologies should
Perform quite similarly on mobile now something that is not clear as of yet is whether Nvidia is going to enable
g-sync module less g-sync on the desktop and adopt an open standard or do whatever else it is down the road, but
The sort of the word on the street and what Nvidia has said publicly is that there's more that they can do
With the g-sync module than what they can do without the g-sync module
So mobile g-sync is gonna be better than no g-sync or no free sync
But mobile g-sync might not necessarily ever be able to be as good as desktop g-sync
So stay tuned for that
Let me just see if I'm missing anything else
apparently optimus is not available with mobile g-sync yet since there's no support from Intel as of yet and
I guess that's pretty much it
Yeah, other than that. It's pretty much the way g-sync works
So AMD Fiji was somewhat unveiled at Computex. So this was posted by Dr.
Deconstruct on the forum. Let's go ahead and post this link in here
Hey, look at that. I can get four thousand of you to watch even if I don't have Luke
Maybe I should just get rid of him entirely because what do we what do we get about six thousand when we do have Luke?
Yeah, okay. I guess he's still pulling his weight around here. I'm just kidding. I
I feel weird. I feel weird hosting the show without
Having Luke here accompanying me, but I totally understand. He needs to sleep. They've done a great job at the show
Let's go ahead and pull this up. So this is video cards
.com but quite frankly there have been so
Many leaks and so many there's so much speculation that all kind of points in the same direction that I think anyone's
Pretty much as credible as anyone else when it comes to Radeon R9
Fury as it is rumored to be going to be called so
The current sort of general consensus among rumors is that Radeon R9
390x and down are going to be rebrands
Maybe not straight rebrands because it was also revealed that AMD's oh
And I'm gonna screw it up because there's so many code names. I
Believe it was Tonga
Tonga 384 bit
Let's just have a quick look
Yes, so AMD actually this is from WCCF tech AMD's Tonga GPU which
Again, this is off memory
But I believe our buddy Scott Lawson over at tech report was pretty damn sure was a three hundred and eighty
four bit memory controller capable chip
Even though the only card it's appeared in is a 256 bit memory controller card like memory interface card
It looks like if that's who said it and I'm pretty darn sure it was it looks like he was right
So even though the current rumor is that anything 390x and down is basically gonna be
rebadges of current GPUs
We might get some curveballs thrown in there, especially if AMD decides to do a fully enabled
Tonga, so the rumor then is that the
Fiji GPU is going to appear in a halo type card much like Nvidia's Titan series
And it's gonna be called the fury which if you've been following
Uh, formerly ATI but now AMD graphics cards for a really long time
Might be a bit of a familiar name
Rage fury anybody remember those so it looks like this might be a bit of a throwback
Kind of name to the old ATI days, but there you go. It's pictured here Fiji makes a public appearance
There's four stacks of high bandwidth memory
Remember guys, that's one of the things that makes it super high bandwidth the fact that they are able to put it
right next to the GPU instead of having it take up a bunch of space on a board and
There you go. That's it being shown off by AMD. So this is on video cards dot-com
Very cool
current current rumors also suggest that Fiji is going to be quite a small graphics card and given that you don't need a bunch of
Room on the PCB. It kind of makes sense. But you know, I kind of want to do a straw poll about this
straw poll
Do you guys feel like a smaller graphics card?
Does it feel like you're getting less for your money does a
small graphics card make your e-peen
feel inadequate
Because it's not like Nvidia has never done this before
I mean the GTX 670 was a second from the top tier card effectively and it had that tiny short
PCB and then it had like that that penis extension as I called it at the time
plastic shroud extension that made the card actually bigger that reduced compatibility with
Uh, you know, it's um, okay, so let's go with come up with a nonsense option
So so Nvidia has actually done that before but if you water-cooled so right so they hurt
compatibility with cases in order to make it like seem bigger and also to have room for the blower fan
But that's neither here nor there and guys who water-cooled those things
Ended up with like this like badass looking motherboard and like huge RAM was rights all over it
And it's like any baby graphics card and it kind of like I almost felt like it was
Like a way to get you to buy a GTX 680 just to get a decent sized card
So it would look cool in your system. So I want to hear from you guys
Does a small graphics card make your e-peen feel inadequate?
So if you bought a Fiji for you know, let's say similar price. Let's say somewhere between
GTX 980 TI pricing so, you know 650 bucks and like Titan X pricing so a thousand dollars
Would you feel like you got ripped off if it was small?
We've got 47% of you saying no, it's no big deal doesn't matter. We've got
35% of you though saying that yes a small graphics card makes me feel inadequate
Which is which is pretty darn interesting with 18% of you voting for eyeliner
Which is great. I mean if you guys can wear it nearly as well as Johnny Depp, then I feel pretty good for you
Microsoft explains what you'll lose by upgrading to Windows 10. This is posted by fuzzy krumpkin
Let's go ahead and copy the link. I
Can't believe we're like almost half an hour into the show because I have so many topics today
The original article here is from the verge. So let's go ahead and pull that bad boy up
Go internet
Microsoft explains what you'll lose because they're offering it and you guys have probably seen notifications
In fact, I'm screen sharing right now. There you go. So the process goes a little something like this
Get Windows 10
Reserve, okay install and joy
Now the blah blah blah blah so here they tell us a bunch of good stuff about it and then you go ahead and you
I think something here whatever. I don't know. I did it on another computer
I don't understand how to do it anymore. Apparently learn more on windows.com whatever
So the point is they're not really talking about some of the things that you are going to lose
So Windows Media Center is going away
So if you're one of the seven people on earth who uses Windows Media Center
Then you might be a little bit disappointed and there is no downgrade that I'm aware of Microsoft seems to be
Confident enough. This is not that this is not a Vista and people are not going to be clamoring to downgrade and then upgrade later
if at all
I did to do new drivers will be required for floppy disks
So if you were still using a floppy disk, you might want to stick with Windows 7 or Windows 8
Cortana will only be available in the US UK China France Italy Germany and Spain at launch
So Canada is getting no love
Although that's not necessarily something that upgrade or lose since it's not like they had Cortana anyway
Watching DVDs will require separate playback software. So that's something that they've been including for quite some time
And looks like will no longer be included with that said I don't watch a ton of DVDs on my computer. In fact
Most of the computers that I mostly care about these days are portable ones and I don't even have DVD drives in them
In fact, a lot of people are building desktops without DVD drives in them
Mine actually has a DVD drive that plays CDs DVDs HD DVDs and blu-rays
So I'm equipped for any optical media, but the last time I used it was when I convinced myself I was gonna play
Alice madness returns and then I never got around to it and then I eventually pulled it out of the drive because I was sick
Of it spinning up every time I turned on my computer and got annoyed. So there you go. Maybe you use a DVD drive
I personally don't oh
What else we got here now Windows. Hello biometric passwords
we'll need an infrared camera for facial recognition or a supported fingerprint reader and
Xbox music and Xbox video streaming apps will be constrained by region-based licenses
Pro. Oh, this is something very interesting pro and enterprise editions will be able to defer update
So that is to say they'll be able to say yeah. No, I'm not ready yet. I'll take an update later
Windows 10 the normal one for like normal people home people will not have that option
updates will be downloaded and installed automatically once they're available now a
big part of me
Is upset about that because from a productivity standpoint that can be super duper annoying and a big part of me is
Upset about that because I don't like someone telling me how to use my computer
But a big part of me kind of goes, you know what they're right
How often is it if you guys are you know what?
Let's draw pull the crap out of this too because this is kind of a big deal
How often is it and I want to hear from the guys who do like on the side or?
professional tech work for like family or friends or in a store
So Windows updates
Mandatory yay or nay
Yay nay
How many of you guys have a machine brought into your shop or given to you that's like oh it's really slow
and it's got lots of viruses and
You kind of sit there and go well gee
Maybe if you'd allowed your computer to install an update once in the last
I don't know four years. You wouldn't be having this problem because it's not
necessarily about you
It's about most of the users out there and if Windows updates being rolled out
More quickly means that it's less easy for
malware to propagate and for what
For computers to be compromised. Is that not good for us all as a whole?
I understand that bandwidth constraints are a big problem for some people and I get that but
Yeah, geez, I don't know. It looks like you guys are pretty divided on this as well with 47% of you 48%
Figuring yay, you know, let's make the mandatory 39% of you saying nay and
13% of you all agreeing with each other that surfing is cool
so I wish that I could kind of go on a tirade now and say
This is the right thing. This is the answer and they've got it wrong or they've got it, right?
but I don't I don't have a clear answer one thing that I do know is that
You know as a professional organization like here at at work, you know as a pro user I
Might pay a little extra for a pro license to not have to you know, just have our computers randomly
install updates and shut down or whatever the case may be so
Gee, man, I don't know
SSDs continue to get cheaper. This was posted right on the forum by each on doh. Let me go ahead and post the link here
has a two
terabyte SSD
For a thousand dollars now two terabyte SSDs are not necessarily the newest thing in the world
In fact, we were talking on WAN show about a six terabyte SSD not that long ago
two terabytes for a thousand dollars means 50 cents per gig and I remember
Everyone wanted that one dollar per gig mark
That was what everyone wanted and then it happened and then SSDs exploded and went mainstream
The fact that we're seeing this now if I'm a hard drive maker
Boy, am I afraid because Moore's law dictates that this is going to be half the price in
I believe it's I believe it's a year. So every what is it every year?
We double the transistor density or whatever. Yeah, so this should be half the price in a year
maybe even cheaper once SanDisk has a little bit of competition here that is
Incredible because it's not that everyone needs a two terabyte boot drive
In fact, I don't think everyone needs a two terabyte boot drive and I think that the amount of storage that people need as a boot
Drive is going to it's going to intersect with the speed at which SSDs are increasing in capacity
So it's gonna happen even sooner
SSDs aren't gonna have to catch up to hard drives. So people are gonna need their bulk storage
They're gonna have a NAS or they're gonna have a Dropbox account that they pay way too much for whatever else the case may be
They're gonna have their bulk magnetic storage and then they're only gonna need I think
512 gigs is lots and one terabyte is as much as we'll ever need and don't quote me on that
I know
But one terabyte was kind of a magic point for hard drives
When people that was like the time when people stopped caring about new hard drives one terabyte was a super magic time for hard drives
I think affordable one terabyte drives is gonna be a super magic time for SSDs as well because that's enough
To have a handful of games installed even if you're a gamer and if you're gonna start streaming games over the internet
Especially for the ones where twitch responsiveness is not that important that storage space locally could become even less relevant
It's enough to have a lot of games installed. It's enough to have a fair chunk of movies
You can always have an external drive for some additional movies or other media
Super scary. So it's the extreme 900 portable SSD. It has a 1.92 terabyte formatted size
there will also be 480 and 960 gig versions and has a maximum performance rating of
850 megabytes per second doesn't specify reads or writes
It's equipped with a USB 3.1 interface and they'll have a three-year warranty on these new drives
So stay tuned guys because anything that shows up in an external drive is going to be in an internal drive and as performance
Continues to scale SSDs are gonna just keep make more and more and more sense all the time. And you know, what's funny is because
Back when SSDs were still gaining traction
there would be every SSD video I did was just
full of comments about how nobody needs an SSD and it doesn't matter and don't you have two seconds to wait and
Now people are finally mostly clued in to the fact that it's way more than two seconds
And yes, it's worth it. The trade-off is worth it. It's huge
it could be 30 seconds when you're launching an application depending on what else you've got going on in your computer at a time and
That could be 30 seconds now and then 30 seconds a minute from now. It's a big deal
Yeah, I'm a huge SSD advocate as you guys probably know at this point. Um
There's a USB drive with USB type-a and type-c
Although, uh-huh the I actually hadn't looked at the article for this one yet because I assumed that I knew what we were
talking about
Here we go. I
Assumed I knew what we were talking about. I thought it was something from another company
But apparently this is SanDisk showing off one at Computex
This is the way that USB type-c is going to go mainstream having it
also on drives that feature USB type-a so you have that compatibility with something like a MacBook as
well as with the whatever other computer you own that
Obviously doesn't have a type-c connector since you probably don't own both a Chromebook pixel latest gen and a MacBook
So a way to actually get data onto it in order to put onto your MacBook
This is gonna be really common
I think until USB type-c just gets goes completely ubiquitous and all the other connectors pretty much go away
But one of the things that I'm happy to see is not everyone is diving headfirst into just USB type-c devices
No, that seems to be
Mostly Apple that wants to do that because as much as type-c has been vetted in you know a laboratory somewhere
It has not been field tested yet
And before I have a bunch of motherboards and laptops that only have type-c connectors on them
I would love to have a little bit of experience actually using the thing
All right
So Intel has been showing off Broadwell. This was posted by Zmule
Let's go ahead and copy the link here
So Broadwell for desktops, we've already seen Broadwell in the Core M
So we've got Broadwell for mobile devices already
But of course Broadwell for desktops is kind of a big deal, or is it?
so Tom's Hardware has got their review up of the 5775 C and the
5675 C and basically what it comes down to is dang it Tom's
Can you not please
Basically what it comes down to is yep
performance has not really changed a lot in terms of
You know gaming with a discrete GPU. I sure wish this would work a little better for me here, but
the onboard graphics
Looks like it has pretty much killed any possibility of oh for crying out loud any possibility of
discrete grade
low-end graphics cards existing
Pretty well ever again, so I'm gonna make sure I'm on the right dang page here there we go
So let's have a look at these performance numbers from Tom's good guys over there as well actually same ownership as as an on tech these
Days look at that so that's Bioshock Infinite at 1080p
Low settings mind you know anti aliasing running at 86 frames per second
on the Core i5
That's incredible
I mean AMD was king of the integrated graphics ever since they launched the APU concept
But Intel quietly slowly
But surely has been improving the integrated graphics on their mainstream chips as well to the point where now
Holy cow if I'm AMD
I am a little bit scared because people have only people ask me what CPU to buy all the time
and if they're using integrated graphics for some light gaming or it's like a computer at grandma's house and
The grandkids come over once in a while
Maybe they you know bring a game and they're staying over for the weekend
And they don't want it to just completely not run at all. I'd say get an APU
Wow if they don't have that going for them anymore
That is that is deeply worrying if you are if you're into AMD continuing to make sense on
The low-end on board graphics scene now
I can't find it in the Tom's article right now
But there's actually some pretty good die shots out there of Broadwell and how like literally half
Half of the die is not CPU which should make sense given that we know that Intel can
Cram you know eight cores in an enthusiast grade CPU these days so the fact that they're only putting four on the mainstream ones
Means they probably had a lot of room left over
Here's a scary thought too
Oh wow imagine this for a moment if Intel actually did like a dedicated chip for gamers
Where they it had no on-board graphics, but it actually slugged his AMD's done this before on the FM 2 platform
I believe or FM 2 plus they did non APUs. They did just CPUs
imagine if Intel did that where they took something like a Broadwell or the upcoming Skylake and
They just chopped off the GPU and did a pure gaming skew
It would cost them half as I look like obviously plus R&D, but the actual material cost would be half
What the one with the GPU built into it would be how scary is that if Intel could deliver?
4790k performance to anyone who's planning to put a graphics card in for half the price for $149.99 I
Don't even know what AMD would sell at that point, but I don't think Intel's really that
Into putting AMD out of business anyway, so I guess
Yeah, doesn't it's really a non-issue. Um speaking of non-issues
Hopefully you guys don't have an issue with us doing our sponsors for the week
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So let's move on to our next topic
Which I straight-up don't know what it is because I actually forgot to look at what our next topic is. Oh
This is a really crappy one
But is actually related to something that we've been talking about a fair bit on the show lately
I was posted by Exia on the forum. I'm gonna go ahead and post this in Twitch
But the headline here is actually kind of heartbreaking. It's it's an article from Amazon calm
Disney terminated your job, by the way, can you please?
train your replacement, so
Last take after layoff at Disney train foreign replacements. So yeah, pretty much employees some of which have worked at Disney for ten years
And there's there's a really heartbreaking story about one guy that actually had a performance review from his direct supervisor
After he'd been told by that person's boss that he was being terminated and had to train his cheaper import
replacement that said that he was being recommended for a raise and that he had
Saved the company a ton of money and it was like a really positive
performance review
Anyway, data systems employees they monitored the computers in industrial buildings nearby making sure millions of ticket sales store purchases and hotel
Reservations went through without a hitch
Some of them thought the meetings with their manager had been called since they were receiving a bonus for their stellar work in
250 employees were called in and told they would be laid off the jobs were transferred to
people on temporary visas for highly skilled technical work brought in by an outsourcing firm the jobs were
Also over the next three months some employees were required to train their replacements to do the job that they lost
So for the first month their replacement shadows them for the second month, they do it side by side and for the third month
They basically don't do anything and just kind of watch their job being done by their new person
So if they remained for the 90 days to train their replacement
They were offered a stay bonus of 10% of the severance pay on top of their severance pay
Yeah, so this is this is this there's there's like this so there's a couple things happening
number one is outsourcing is still very much real and number two is
The crazy thing about this is it's nothing compared to when Disney automates that job
Who knows how long from now? I mean we talked about the McDonald's restaurant that is opening with no employees
Whatsoever on when show a while ago lost and say whatsoever
They have a skeleton crew to oversee the machines
but everything from taking orders to making burgers to delivering the burger to the customer is going to be handled by robots and
what that is going to mean because you know, I got a look at something like that as
You know like his McDonald's just shooting themselves in the foot
I mean who eats at McDonald's if not like I and no no offense if you eat at McDonald's I eat at McDonald's from time
To time to like it's not like but I mean who relies on McDonald's if not your lower-income people
so and like I I
Actually, my badminton doubles partner. I was a longtime McDonald's employee
He ate like almost every meal at McDonald's
So you're gonna go you're so you're McDonald's and you're gonna basically not just take away jobs and income from but you're gonna piss off
All these lower-income people who presumably have families and friends who you know
Maybe there's a couple lower-income people there as well
You're gonna go and piss off all these people for the sake of saving a couple bucks who's gonna eat at your restaurant anymore?
And maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm completely wrong and maybe
McDonald's business is gonna completely take off because the robots are faster more sanitary. They make fewer errors. I
Don't know. I don't know. It's just I
Don't see myself ever doing this
I also am not in a position where I'm running, you know, a huge multi-billion dollar multinational corporation
Where every penny I save literally results in you know, tens or hundreds of millions of dollars, but I I like
Having a team of people that's you know
paid a living wage and is and is happy with the work that they're doing and I just
I don't know. It just it grosses me out to see to see stuff like this
Speaking of oh man, so fully
automated this was posted by boozoo on the forum and
Asus has rolled out the first fully automated graphics card production line and
this fascinates me from a technological standpoint, but ties very well into this last topic and
We've got the original article here one of them from Tom's Hardware
I've actually asked Asus to give me a lot more details on this and I would I would actually
Love to get my hands on one of the graphics cards made with it because I don't know if you guys know this
But graphics cards up till now still had some hand soldering and I believe some of the QA
Was actually done by hand so their new production method is an industry first and should deliver more reliable
higher quality graphics cards than before by
Completely taking out the human element. So I hopefully this is gonna go ahead and load a larger image at some point here
Doopity-doop. There you go. Look how beautiful that PCB is
the the like
The geeky tech in me goes holy cow
That is sex horrific. I mean it is so
Everything is perfect, but a soos isn't gonna give you a discount on it. I'm sure and
I mean as much as you know, some people might go
Well, you know soldering components on graphics cards at the last stage of production is a crappy job. It was a job for someone
And they do not have it anymore. So what I mean and but this is like so again, we're
My my inner geek kind of goes holy crap. That's awesome. Because one of the things that you can achieve here is less
Oxidation on the graphics card because you can actually produce them in an environment without oxygen
So what so my graphics card could last for 20 years that seems like a pretty good thing, I don't know man
Um, so there's some speculation that this could lead to longer warranties
Better reliability like all this cool stuff. So the first card produced
Using auto extreme was the 20th anniversary edition card
So I've actually asked a soos for a sample so we can check this out in person
Doo doo doo doo doo
So there's a really good thread on the forum. This was posted by mec 77. I'm gonna go ahead and post this here
Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Hmm. All right
Sorry, I saw I'm a little slower pace than usual
I'm trying to keep up here without my without my lovely co-host, but basically there's a YouTube video to watch
About DirectX 12's multi GPU rendering. So there's a demo here from Oxide games
And you guys should definitely check that out
I'll post that link in the in the thread that goes up after WAN show but so currently the way that multi GPUs are combined
Is that each GPU and in a dual card config?
Takes turn rendering takes turns rendering each frame and back in the early days of multi GPU crossfire and SLI
I was actually done a little bit differently so you could have alternate frame rendering and that was usually what would work best
But sometimes you could do tiled stuff and there were actually other modes
but the way that that works is both GPUs have to be nearly identical and run at the same clock speed and have the same
data in their video memory in
Resulting in redundancies and limitations in terms of which cards can be used and how the resources can be used
so something that's a huge confusion point and that Nvidia and AMD frankly don't help people with is that if you buy a
Card like a GTX 690. Okay, which is pretty much to
670 680 sort of cards
It'll it'll call itself. What's up? Crap 690. What was that a six good card?
Or was it a four gig whatever I don't care
Um, I think it was a four gig card
So it'll call itself a four gig card because there's technically four gigabytes of GPU memory on board
But actually useably there's only two gigs because it has to have two copies
It has to have two copies of the data in memory. And so yes, that was a four gig card
now each GPU can render only a specific part of the frame and
Video memory can be stacked as each card is actually working on a separate aspect of the frame
So it's up to the developer to implement this which means
Pretty much and the video actually shows an integrated GPU being used in conjunction with a dedicated GPU
So here we go. So which means that in my mind, we're pretty much not gonna see this implemented very well if at all
It's a very cool piece of technology for the future. I'm just trying to find
Well, whatever
You can check out this video and I'll definitely link it if you want to get a little bit more detail in terms of
How it works
Very cool tech not sure if it'll have any practical use just because if you guys already look at how broken
Established stuff like SLI that's been around for years that Nvidia is actively working on you
Look at how well that's working in some modern games and you kind of go. Oh crap
Because quite frankly is Nvidia gonna have any incentive to help a game developer implement this? No is AMD gonna want to do it?
but hard to say
This I actually talked about a little bit here we go
This I actually talked about a little bit in my 980 TI video but
This could be a big problem this is this is definitely this is from tech power up here and was originally posted
Let me just grab that Opie here. I was originally posted on the forum by big streams
This could be a big problem for AMD over the next little bit here
I don't know if you guys are gonna remember this but um
I'm not even sure if I remember this correctly. I'm trying to remember who had the DirectX 11 advantage
I want to say AMD
first DirectX
11 card I want to say it was 6000 series. I really don't remember I
Suck well, whatever the point is
Having an advantage in terms of what level of DirectX is supported by your cards
Maybe AMD was doing 11.1 first or something like that. Someone's gonna correct me. Thank you in advance
Having an advantage in terms of your DirectX support level can be a huge
Selling point for gamers and whether it actually translates into something meaningful
For the person who owns that card that's like the first one to support DirectX 9
Is highly debatable. I mean, I know AMD had an advantage back in the DirectX 9 days
When it was the 9000 series versus the FX series
but that was a whole other issue because
Not only were the FX 5800 series like not even properly DirectX. They were just kind of sucked in general
So ATI was selling a lot more cards at the time just on the sheer merit of their performance in DirectX 8 games at the
Time and that's that's a that's a big issue
it's like whether there's a real advantage to owning that first DirectX 12.1 card is
yet to be seen because DirectX 12.1 capable games might show up and
The GTX 980 could look like a joke even running it with those features on and actually we need you know
10,000 80s in order to really get the most out of it. Anyway, but that will sell
Gamers on games and DirectX 12 is looking like yes, we'll have support on pretty much any DirectX 10 card or newer
But that doesn't mean we have all the support. So you're gonna have the low level
Access for game developers to get more out of the hardware. That's great
You're gonna have that low CPU overhead on pretty much the entire backlog there
But what you won't have is some pretty cool new rendering features. So one of them is volume tiled resources
So this is an evolution of tiled resources. So that is basically
Reusing resources rather than restoring them or re rendering them all the time. So this is volume tiled resources
Are you jumping in because you want to talk DirectX 12.1 or just in general?
Are you guys doing something to me? Yeah. Oh
Okay, oh that was it he said hi, thanks Ed
um, so volume tiled resources and
This loads the entire texture to memory not only just along X and Y axes, but also a third dimension
So this is like a performance improvement
So while it's a rendering technique, it could be something that just straight-up improves performance
conservative rasterization
So that isn't a means of drawing polygons with additional pixels that makes it easier for two polygons to interact with each other
Like, you know how like the characters, you know shoulder armor will just like dip into their shoulder from time to time
This could help with stuff like that and raster ordered views
Which is a means to optimize raster loads in the order in which they appear in an object
So practical applications include improved shadows
So these are only gonna be supported. Are you joining me or yeah, sure. Come on in. We've got Nick joining us
So these are only features that are going to work
on cards that support DirectX 12 underscore like feature level 1 so that is
Maxwell not 780 not 750 TI is my understanding
so second gen Maxwell on 969 7980 and Titan X and 980 TI and then AMD's Tonga and then
Presumably Fiji which is a card that's going to be inaccessible to most people. Thanks to its price
Anyway, because what we don't know is how much it cost but what we do know is that it's not cheap
What do you got do you want to talk do you want to talk 65 core smartphone? Yeah
Yeah, let's talk about the 65 for a smartphone. I thought this was pretty funny
Intel created a mock 65 core smartphone where one of their
Principal engineers Francois Pied-Noel. You're actually it's a little bit off frame. Okay, I'll move over. There we go
That's friends Francois Pied-Noel
He made remarks during an Intel benchmarking session at Computex on Thursday that this is the world's first 65 core smartphone
He said more than a server
But what it really was was the what was it for core?
Zen phone is it? Yeah, and then a 61 core Z on that. He essentially just taped to the back of it
Kind of taking potshots at the competition a little bit after the whole deca core thing from MediaTek
And you know what I agree with Intel 100% that the core race on
particularly mobile is really silly right now, and I think there's one other major smartphone maker
I'm trying to remember what they're called
What are they it starts with an a?
Starts with an a they only have dual core smartphones even though everyone else is going quad not to write Apple
I think Apple also agrees that we don't need a core count race and smartphones right now on
PC's where we're finally getting multi-threaded workloads whether it's 3d rendering or video outputting or you know
DirectX 12 coming and giving us finally some some multi-threading awareness for games on desktops
Yes, multi core makes sense and has made sense for quite some time in mobile. We need
Strong single cores for a long time still and so a 65 core
Smartphone would be a little silly a 10 core smartphone is probably a little silly unless the strategy would be a super strong dual core
And like eight super low power auxiliary cores or whatever the case may be that's kind of Intel's point
Right is that you're not going to be able to push 10 cores in a form factor for a smartphone
Like it's going to be one to two cores that are doing all the work
And then the other eight are just there for marketing purposes essentially just like look at how many cores we have yeah
Cuz there are implementations that make sense like like a big small implementation where I mean we've even seen this octa core
Processors that have so there's four big ones and four small ones
So the phone can literally turn off the big ones when you're not doing anything intensive
And Intel has has quad core smartphone processors, so so there's that
But yeah
We don't need ten and it'll be a long time if ever that we need more than four and I should I with ever
Asterisk at some point. I'm sure we will
I don't think that'll be during the Silicon Age though
Yeah, yeah, it might take something completely different to come along in the future
So what do we got next?
Official valve steam machine pre-orders to reach some customers October 16th. This is posted by good bites
Oh, and that last one was posted by oh shoot. I had I actually had to open the article here to see who posted it
Yeah, I'm not sure. Oh, yeah. I want to give you credit fuzzy yellow
so let's go ahead and pull this one up this one the original article here is from polygon and
It looks like official steam machines are actually a thing
but this is not the kind of steam machine that tickles my
enthusiast funny bone this looks like pretty much a
Collaboration with Alienware to just have Alienware steam machine be the official steam machine
And so it's gonna be pretty low power. It's not going to be particularly upgradeable
So I don't I don't I don't know what to say. I'm controllers coming out. Yeah steam controller
It'll have a custom graphics core that will perform it above the level of an 860 M
So if you want to play anything sort of more complicated than super meat boy at 1080p
Then you're not gonna be that thrilled with the with the experience. There's a great video of
For this for the steam controller teaser showing it being used in games
that looks
really really compelling so everything from top-down RTS to shooters and
And whoever's been using it probably has like a thousand hours logged on it. So
Yeah, I'm looking pretty pro with the haptic feedback on that
They're looking pretty pro
But if you guys haven't seen the finished steam controller yet
Then there's a picture of what it's gonna look like right there. So we end up with something
Sword that at least bears a resemblance to a normal game controller
Like you kind of got a d-pad haptic touch d-pad sort of they they went and they put that that texture on there
For the detail lovers. So just like the full circle is
Is touch sensitive? Yeah
It's all trackable. You've got an analog stick
You've got your a B XY and then you've got your your other touchpad and then what's really cool and they show how this is
Being used is the reverse button. So you've got a squeeze in here. You've got the ones up here and
They show that being used in some really cool ways
like we've seen aftermarket stuff like this like we actually got some controllers in for review that had
Buttons remapped to the bottom so that you didn't have to so that you so that you could aim and zoom and fire at the same
Time like scuff and stuff like that stuff like that. We thought the implementation was very poor. We didn't end up reviewing it, but
Valves looks like it might be okay. So I'm gonna be like the Luke on this one
And just say I could see this being a lot of fun for games like sieve
Just kind of sitting on the couch and playing sieve and laying back and kind of zoning out
I don't see a whole lot of use for it in like you said FPS games sure
It's better than a normal controller maybe
But you're still just gonna get beat by everyone with the mouse and keyboard as far as I can tell I haven't played with the thing
so maybe I'm totally wrong, but
Yeah, I like the even valve even says it's not meant to replace a mouse and keyboard
It's meant to bring a better couch experience to PC gaming. So I think that they're doing a good job
Meanwhile, you've got Corsair
Yeah, lap dog lap dog, thank you there it is
Meanwhile, you've got guys like nerdy tech and even Corsair jumping in trying to bring the mouse and keyboard experience to the couch
Yeah, rather than trying to get you to compromise with the controller and I I admire their efforts here, but I for me I
Would probably I'm gonna at least give valves controller a shot here
Yeah, so this was posted by bleed men zero X X on the forum here
I'm gonna go ahead and copy it and
Finally valve is allowing refunds on Steam in a way. That is actually
meaningful and not just like oh, you know
once and you know a blue moon if ever and
So you can now request a refund for nearly any purchase on Steam for any reason?
Wow, that's actually kind of insane which which shouldn't be insane
Finally digital distribution. Okay. Okay. Okay. So okay back in the old days a physical media
You could return a game. This was pre CD keys. This was back when the physical media
Represented the game you didn't own the game anymore
If you didn't have that disk now
CD keys came along and all of a sudden that disk meant nothing once you'd registered an account with blizzard or whatever the case
May be and I mean you could be returning them nothing
Yeah, and you might as well be returned like they weren't gonna get a credit. So then digital came along and
Adopted that policy for some reason even though
Platforms like Steam are their own DRM. They know if you've played the game
I mean that was something that I could see a physical store being upset about well, you were just using us as a free rental
Yeah, you finished the game and brought it back screw you
They'll knows they even know where you die on their maps in Counter-Strike
Like they know how much you played the game
So now you will be issued a full refund of your purchase within a week of approval
If you have played the game for I believe it's less than two hours
So 14 days as long as you've played it for less than two hours for pre-purchased titles
We're funds on in-game purchases
I think that's a really big one, especially with the prevalence of stuff like Counter-Strike items
Like did you know there's some knives in Counter-Strike now that are like 1500 US dollars
for a knife skin
So within 48 hours of purchase so long it has as it has not been consumed modified or transferred
refunds on DLC
And it blah blah blah refundable within 14 days of purchase and if the underlying
Title has not been played for less than two hours since the DLC was purchased blah blah blah blah
Steam wallet refunds within 14 days of purchase if they were purchased on Steam
You don't have to use any of those funds and refunds on bundles
You can now receive a full refund for any bundle purchased on the Steam store
So long as none of the items in the bundle have been transferred and if the combined usage of time is less than two hours
So two hours is the magic time, which honestly is pretty generous. No refunds on movies because
As long as you've used this movie for less than two hours
It's like yeah, I miss the end credits. Thanks
So refunds are designed to remove the risk from purchasing titles on Steam
Not as a way to get free access to games if it appears to us that you are abusing refunds
We may stop offering them to you. We do not consider it abuse to request a refund on a title
That was purchased just before a sale and then immediately rebuying that title for the sale price
So this is effectively valve offering price protection even if you've played a game for less than two hours. That's cool. Hey
Way to go. I think it's pretty sweet way to go valve
Some people in chat are calling me out about saying there was a fifteen hundred dollar knife
there was one that was rumored to go for twenty thousand dollars like no one has any real proof of that and
Even if it was that's like a one-off that's not a market price
That's someone paying way too much for stupid like fifteen hundred dollars is way too much. Anyway, I'm on a tangent
Let's have a first Nick's Rants segment. Yeah. Yeah. No, nobody wants to hear that
People in chat. This isn't we talked about this earlier in the week
This isn't in the dog, but people in chat all stream have been asking about the the thermal take thing. Oh
Opinion on that. What's my opinion? I don't give a rat sass
That wasn't in the dog. Yeah, it's straight-up wasn't in our document for topics to cover this week
if anyone okay, yeah, you know what here I'm gonna
I'm gonna put my come out for the official Linus Rams. I'm gonna put my computer down. I'm I'm gonna give you guys a little
I'm gonna give you no no, it's fine. It's fine. I'm gonna give you guys a little a little a little chat. Okay
The PC industry is the most inbred
Copying everyone people stealing trade secrets from each other
Industry that could possibly exist
Remember, these are technology enthusiasts. These are the guys who are inventing 3d printers
Okay, and 3d scanners and like better means of ripping each other off all day
Okay, and so I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna go and I'm gonna drag someone else into this whole thing
I'm I'm not even gonna talk about thermal take or case labs. I know where you're going. Yeah, I'm going there
Don't go there. I'm going there. So let's look at a company like fractal design
I love fractal design. I love Josh. I love Jens. I love Hana's
I'll even tolerate Johan and I'm naming all the people at fractal design who I know and and like and respect
fractal design
Built their company their their first product to define are
they built their company off of taking the antac p180 and doing it better and cheaper than antac an
An antac to this day in my mind
although I haven't seen their new signature case to this day has not found their groove again and
That's the brakes because the thing about a case the thing about a physical
Object is that if you can't find a way to patent it and Josh from fractal design has actually been on the record saying
There's only so many ways to manufacture a rectangular box
He actually brought that up last week
On what what's Paul and Kyle's shows awesome hardware, right?
Awesomesauce news and Paul's heart. I think they're live shows called awesome hardware. Sorry guys, if that's not correct
but Kyle had
Josh on as a guest because Paul's in Taipei for copy text
So Josh actually said in that stream he went to the old there's only so many ways that you can make a metal box
Argument when when it was brought up with him
So it's not like these guys aren't aware that that's what's happening and the innovation in a case the innovation in a case in my mind
Is not in the finished product because if I could make a case out of you know
Spider webs and pixie dust then I could make the best case ever. Of course
I could the innovation in a case is in
so if you patent a process for bending aluminum in a way that
Literally, no one else can even make your case. Yeah, then you innovate it
Yeah, if you innovate the idea of having like okay
NZXT's innovation of removing the five and a quarter inch base from the h440
Innovative idea but you can't patent that and you can't prevent your competitors from making a case with no five and a quarter inch bays
And NZXT is not a bunch of idiots and they know that someone is gonna as soon as that case is successful
Everyone else in their dog. Yeah, it's gonna be doing it because that's not that's that's just that's just
It's a it's an idea. You can't patent and I like well you can patent an idea, but you can't patent
Removing a spec I guess is what I'm trying to say you can't patent a spec difference
So like you can't patent the idea of executing a case that doesn't have a certain aspect
Yeah, like it's not that you can't patent an idea
It's that you can't you can't patent an aspect of something that's so ubiquitous five and a quarter inch bays exist
And you'll have cases on the with a spec sheet on the side that says one times five and a quarter or five times five
And a quarter the fact that you just made a case that says zero times five and a quarter is not is not
It's not patent. Yeah, that's not that's not patentable
Yeah, um, whereas the idea of you know, okay looking at in wins transforming case where they literally made something
That no one else can make
That is innovation. So to me someone like case labs came along and they did something really important
They made easy spacious water cooling friendly cases
accessible and affordable and high quality in a way that
Hey, if we're gonna start talking about copying people in a way that I who I would consider to be their spiritual predecessor mountain mods
Didn't manage to do that's what case labs did and they did a great job
But if they're gonna kind of run and cry foul because someone
You know copied that idea of making an affordable roomy. Well-thought-out case. I mean, I
I don't know to me. It's about actually making it
and it's not necessarily about the idea of having a lot of places for a radiator if you don't actually
Executed or someone else executes it better and that is another thing to consider here cases
how there's more to a case than the spec and the look and if case labs believes that their quality is
great and
From my experience with them it is then they shouldn't be worried about competition from thermal take
So there that's my take on it. I have talked about it
Yeah, and you know what? Oh, I've got people saying I think the issue is that the people they're buying their cases from is the same
Manufacturer. Well, yeah, that's the PC industry man
You think that you think that every power so when course?
Yeah, when Corsair releases their 80 plus platinum power supply and you know
Everyone else has an 80 plus platinum power supply the next week. You think that's not the same thing. Come on
Come on
Come on
you think that when NZXT releases the Kraken x40 and
Corsair has a
Single 140 millimeter all-in-one liquid cooler. That's also an ace attack design, you know a little while later
you think someone didn't make a deal a volume agreement or or a payout for a
Limited time exclusive and then all of a sudden the designs open to everyone. That's how the PC industry works
rebadges rebrands, there's only a few companies actually building things and
They're gonna be the ones that are gonna hold all the they're gonna hold all the cards
Yeah, and they're gonna have the power in the long term. There you go. So apparently Josh wasn't on awesome hardware
I don't know where I saw it then I've seen him talk about it. Yeah, he was talking to somebody on one of the shows
I can't remember
I watched a lot of videos every week
I've got people saying they don't think I get it like I've looked at pictures of the cases
I I see the similarity sure I do and like that's dumb
But like it's not like it's not like Apple doesn't get all upset when someone makes a phone that's similar to the iPhone and even
They've given up at this point. It looks like so
Somebody was saying Apple could probably patent the zero five and a half or five and a quarter inch pay idea that you had
Yeah, possibly probably you're probably right. They could patent it. I'm not sure if it would be upheld though
No, but they would they would probably patent it
Probably anyway, apparently it was in Jay's two cents tech talk. Oh, sorry Jay's two cents. No, I'm bad
okay, so
Google advertises a Nexus 6 running Windows Phone
Microsoft advertises a lumi a 535 running Android so the original poster here was rude
Copy link URL. I actually you know, what's funny is I I
had some notes in my in my email because I've always I always forget to open up the doc and like post the things and
I just assumed valve steam refunds would be at the dock and I kind of went
Oh, yeah, all the Computech stuff. There's like straight up no room
I had like 35 topics in the dock and I was like, well, I have to cut like half of these not actually but like a
Significant amount of these and that was like with me not even just like putting stuff in periodically and that was without the three-minute conversation
We just had about the thing. So this is cool
Hey, I would love to see a future where you get to choose your phone hardware and your OS intimately
Um, yeah apparently some marketing agencies thought that the future was now, yeah
So, you know, is this real it doesn't necessarily look like anything like this is coming anytime soon
But it's also very Illuminati confirmed that both of these mistakes showed up at around the same time. So
You know, I I think it'd be super cool
I think it also opens up a can of worms in terms of you know compatibility and drivers and blah blah blah
That we've been free from from on phones up until now
But still still very cool stuff
Well, I don't think I've only really got one more that I really want to hit the original poster here was Joss
and I think we're gonna need a straw poll for you guys here because I
Literally found this like five minutes before the show started and I was laughing my head off and I was like
What are you laughing at? I just pointed at my screen. He's like, okay. I think we have to talk about that. Yeah, so, um, I
I know I'm leaving you guys in suspense here. But this is this is worth it Illuminati the chats all Illuminati
Okay, so no it needs to be turned up I just I just do whatever I only did that twice in a row like by accident
Yeah, but okay. Oh, I think I know what you're talking about. Okay. Well at any rate, here we go guys
The original poster here, I'm gonna post the straw poll now
The original the original poster here is Joss and the original article here is from phone arena
Here it is. It is a smart wearable called the sex machine
that keeps track of sex performance metrics and
You wouldn't believe where it's worn unless you saw this gif then you'll probably figure out
Exactly where it's going to be worn now. I can see a lot of you know
Potential, you know good that could come of this, you know
Yeah, you know any what's what's good for him is good for her and so on and so forth and and you know
I've said there's tons of statistical evidence out there that a you know
a healthy sex life and maybe one that we can you know,
We can make it healthier is good for a relationship and all that kind of stuff
But I've also got a lot of people suggesting ways
This could be used for evil like Terrence using a great biking app that actually measures like it shows
You know how you performed on a particular like a split?
Yeah, yeah, like split times as you as you bike around compared to other people that have been through that particular know
You know
Ways you could integrate this into a social through that particular route
Social network features here, you know, you could see if you're the best performing guy and you're on your street, you know stuff like that
So I'm gonna fire up the straw pool results here do you want your sex performance?
We've got no
Minority here saying yes
24% of them are okay with having their sex performance
monitored and I don't even know if this is all going into the cloud or whatever I have an actually we found this right away the
Sounds probably probably is going in. Oh, man. I doubt it's stored locally. I highly doubt it sir
Can you imagine that okay loading up an Android app this app request permission to access your camera your contacts your sex performer?
Can you even imagine oh
Yeah, we've got more nose coming in now that we're sort of talking about cloud storage. It would be interesting to see how
Say say
Someone's wife has access to this app and she's unhappy in the relationship and she wants to file for divorce
Could she use that as evidence?
I don't know or like can you imagine like, you know, all the wives and girlfriends getting together and oh, no
Comparing no, no, they would I know totally what I know
Oh, man, that is like some not cool stuff right there. Well, I guess it depends. Oh, yeah, it depends
Well for me, that would be some not cool stuff right there
straight up
I've actually got one more one more topic. That's sort of just a line. It's like it's a Linus Media Group topic
It's not actual news, but we're working on something that I think is pretty cool. I've
Finally, I I get to talk to YouTube which is kind of neat. Yeah for four years
I didn't actually have much interaction with my Google overlords
But we've been we've been in touch all of a sudden and they've been like super cool with us
and we are working on something like it's no secret that these caught this cards feature is
Coming along with some very similar
Functionality to annotations which don't work on mobile and now cards are gonna work on mobile as well
So we've been working on a couple of things
So number one is a way for us to do things like our subscribe call out and like our hey
We've got cool Linus tech tips t-shirts, which by the way, we should buy the way we have cool Linus tech tips t-shirts
Yeah, I'll post a link if you guys want one of the ones that says first on I can't read my back hurts
If you want one that says first on the back
There we go, we've got these shirts available right now
So we're working on a way to since
cards are not clickable directly and instead you have to go to
Like this little eye in the corner in order to find them
we're trying to work on some ways to make that friendly to both mobile and
Desktop users and so there's a video here that I'll link
But I'll link in the twitch chat
But this is the video where we're kind of showing some of the ideas we have
For ways that we can get people to know that that's where to go
Look like subscribe is handled through that little watermark in the bottom now, and then we're trying to like
This is a rough draft right now, but we're trying to come up with a way that's not totally obnoxious looking
but that will get people to
Be able to find the things that we're talking about
So, I don't know. I don't know that's that's sort of some of our ideas right now
But we'd love to hear your guys's thoughts. I think it's pretty cool stuff like that. I I like it. I think that
It hopefully it's a good balance. But yeah
So I guess that's pretty much it
Some people in chat were asking about LTT fans, what are they any update? Um, I
There is no update, but there will be one
So that's the update stay tuned. Stay tuned for the rest of the computex coverage. Stay subscribed
That's a good teaser. Watch the rest of the computer. Stay subscribed. Don't miss any of the computex and like our videos
No after-party today because it's hot and I'm tired and I'm sweating if you couldn't tell
Yeah, it's discussed and I'm more dressed than you. You're wearing a sleeveless shirt. I'm also like
Far more overweight than you are
I so there's that I didn't say it. I did I can neither confirm nor deny. There you go
Oh, we should probably do we should probably do a quick update on wait. Do they know about the stakes?
No, okay, so
Nick is losing the bet. Yeah right now
It looks like it looks like it's not going that well there. We had a bet over guys. You guys let me down
Yeah, we had a bet over really. No, I'm just kidding. How many awesome how many of those shirts we were gonna sell
To be fair. We still have sold like a ridiculous amount. I'm just a really confident person in our brand
So I am amazed at how many because I told him I didn't even want to do just a straight Linus tech tips shirt
Yeah, because I I didn't think that people would be into it
anyway, so here's the link if you guys don't have one yet, but
Straight up depending who wins or loses there will be a crazy channel super fun
So that's all I'm gonna say if you guys aren't subscribed to channel super fun already get over there
Channel super fun has actually been ramping up lately. I think in terms of how awesome the content is
We're still doing a video a week over there. So it's not a huge commit get over on channel super fun. So you don't miss
The finale of the Linus tech tips shirt. So thank you guys for watching
We'll see you again next week. Same bat time same bat channel. I give up on rolling the outro
I thank you Nick for helping me co co-hosts. You looked pretty lonely in here. So I was lonely
Oh, thank you to Dollar Shave Club
Fresh books and Linda for being our sponsors today and thank you to all 6,300 of you for watching live. You guys are awesome