
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

All right, welcome to the WAN Show, ladies and gentlemen, having one heck of a time getting
the new live dashboard set up.
It was amazing.
It works so well that I can't even believe it.
We have a great show for you guys today.
We're going to be talking about the rumor that the 2021 iPhone will be completely portless.
We will be running-
Sorry, did you say completely pointless?
Oh, okay.
My voice is dead.
I have been-
It can be both things at the same time.
Yeah, it could be both.
We're going to be talking through the later case scandal, what exactly happened.
What else we got?
Oh, there's a new chipset VR platform for VR brought to us by Qualcomm, the XR2.
So we're going to talk about that.
That's a main topic?
Well, I thought you liked VR.
It can not be.
We can talk about Intel resuscitating Haswell for some reason.
Wait, what?
Chips from 2013, baby.
You don't like manufacturing these again?
It's back.
All right, let's roll the intro.
You'll have to give me a couple more minutes.
How long is this clip going to be?
What's our conclusion?
Is it a decent value?
All right, so why don't we jump into our headline topic right away?
According to securities analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, who is well known for his Apple product predictions,
Apple is planning to release its first iPhone without the lightning charging port in 2021.
Now, a lot of people would have maybe assumed, seeing news like that, the way that I just
presented it, that Apple was finally, at long last, going to adopt USB Type-C, which they
already have adopted on their laptops and their iPads on the iPhone.
But no.
The shift is part of an effort by Apple to further distinguish its most expensive iPhone
from other new smartphones, according to Kuo and Kuo, however, I'm sorry, my voice is
I can't even try.
And so that suggests that the phone will not have any port, no charging port at all, and
would require that owners charge it wirelessly.
Not only that, not only charge it wirelessly, but also use any wireless peripherals, like
only wireless headphones, forget a dongle, forget having like a floor camera dongle or
any other like pro level dongle.
What if you need to give a presentation in a boardroom or something, I've seen people
use their iPhones for that just with a lightning to HDMI connector.
It really doesn't make any sense, especially considering that the way that this is framed,
and again, this is just a rumor, this is just someone's speculation, the way it's framed
it's like they want their top, top, top iPhone to have this?
This is a removal of features.
And the last keynote we saw from them was like, you know, we take the word pro seriously
and the iPhone 11 Pro, it's a really a pro tool with these three cameras.
You tell me pros are just going to use like wireless microphones or just like nothing
that you don't want it to be like a hub where you can put in all these extra extensions
I don't know.
It's very baffling to me because, you know, Apple's vision of pro even a few short years
ago was dongles everywhere.
Whereas now it's wireless everywhere.
The problem with that is that unless wireless technology leaps forward very significantly
in the next, well, um, year wireless isn't pro, uh, well they've got two years because
a 2021 iPhone wouldn't be until September, 2021.
Um, I mean here, one thing though is that from what I've heard, 60 gigahertz wifi should
see a significant bump in bandwidth.
Um, I was actually researching this because I wanted to know if and when there's a wireless
option coming for the valve index, right?
So that VR headset that I like so much cause one 20 to one 44 Hertz fricking awesome.
Um, and apparently there's a new revision coming.
I think it was either next year, which would be 2020 or 2021 that would increase the bandwidth
substantially and make it so that the existing 60 Hertz or excuse me, um, 60 gigahertz wireless
technology, um, that's already used on things like the HTC Vive, um, would be better enough
to handle the additional bandwidth of an index.
Um, so if that's the case and this thing could do, you know, four K 60 wirelessly, um, you
know, Apple has never shied away from saying, well, the way that you used to do it, that
was affordable and accessible and easy.
Um, now we're going to do it a new way that's, um, less affordable, less accessible and maybe
even easier, but definitely more magical.
Um, it's definitely magical, but I don't think that it's always easier to use a wireless
charging pad.
If they're finicky, you have to line up in the right spot and Apple themselves haven't
even released their power matter, whatever it's called.
Yeah, I think they killed that thing.
I forget what they called it, but I mean there's third party alternatives, but that doesn't
change the fact that Apple themselves has acknowledged that the vision of the future
where you just like Chuck your stuff onto a wireless charging mat and everything just
charges magically, um, is not there yet.
With that said, they're giving themselves another two years and aren't they trying to
be environmentalist?
Didn't they say with the last iPhone that it's like it's all recycled aluminum or something
like that?
Wireless charging is less efficient.
If you're going to have millions of these users charging the phones less efficiently,
you're just leaking out energy into just everywhere.
I think that's a tough one to, to argue.
I mean, yeah, it's less efficient, but we're not talking people charging their, their cars
Not yet, but why not?
They're trend centers.
Industries follow them.
Well, I mean people have already talked about wireless charging pads where you just like
drive into your garage.
I would, we have to redesign the grid if we're going to do that.
I would buy it.
Everyone will.
I would love that so much.
What about that Tesla arm thing that were, it just went like snaked over autonomously
and prehensile Lee and just plugged itself in.
Did you see that?
Yeah, I did.
But that side, that's less that, that, that's more science fiction.
Whereas like pulling into the wireless charger, Elon has made rockets that land themselves.
Yeah, that's true.
You tell me you can't make an arm that finds the hole.
I'm saying I wouldn't like it like too creepy.
Just put like a, like a doll's baby hand on the end and just get it to scratch your back.
I don't get it.
Are you trying to help her make it worse?
It's great.
It scratches your back.
Um, all right.
So the thing with this though, it's like you're paying more for less or fewer features.
You're getting less.
What if they could make it even more waterproof?
What if they gave us something in return?
What if this, the 60 gigahertz and I'm speculating, what if the 60 gigahertz wireless connectivity
really is the most amazing thing since sliced bread?
Like you have a dongle that just has like a battery in it and you just bring it anywhere
near your iPhone and it's like, wow, connected bad.
It's amazing.
If that connectivity option would be available on phones that have ports still.
And does anyone really want an iPhone that's that much more waterproof?
Um, okay.
All right.
All right.
So I have no defense for the dongle argument.
The one thing that I will say is I think there is plenty, wait, is it down?
That chat is moving fast.
Uh, is the YouTube stream actually down?
What about float plane?
You have got to be kidding me.
Um, no, we're still up on float plane.
Of course we are.
And we're still up on Twitch.
So um, yeah, there's nothing I can do.
I am.
We are completely, we're completely helpless.
Sorry guys.
Nothing I can do, uh, Twitch and float plane working fine.
This is hilarious.
Why is there nothing we can do?
I don't really get it.
What is, how do you know that?
What is set reminder?
There's just nothing here.
Excellent connection condition or excellent connection.
It's set to public.
There's nothing, wait, why is it set to 5.20 PM?
What is this?
What the hell is this?
How about set it to nothing?
It's a live stream.
How about go live?
What even?
Oh my God.
So wait, is it going to come back?
This is so stupid.
And why, why is it still set to 5.20?
I just, I just changed it.
Waiting for Linus tech tips, December 6th, 5.20 PM.
You cannot go back in time.
You cannot set it to go to the past.
You cannot set it to just go live.
What about this?
Go live button.
This is the worst, this is the worst interface I have ever seen.
Oh boy.
Oh wow.
So one of YouTube's engineers who works on this was actually supposed to come onto the
stream today and, or like walk us through it ahead of time.
And today, yeah, but he was like, Oh, I have to go do something after four.
And I was like, okay, well we don't start our stream until four 30 or five.
And he was like, okay, well how about we do it next week?
I was like, okay, this is like, this has been a clinic on why your interface is abominable.
So if I click edit, what's going to happen?
Where's the schedule?
There's no schedule anymore.
Where's the scheduling stuff.
How did that come up?
Where did the scheduling thing come up?
This is so amazing.
So when we clicked edit a second ago, there was a schedule.
You can't set it to the past.
You click live now.
I don't even know what happened.
Well, no, probably cause the schedule is only exposed when you end the stream.
Yeah, I guess so.
But I didn't end the stream.
I didn't touch it.
This is so amazing.
But anyway, back to the phone, back to the iPhone.
I love your sick yelling voice.
Oh, I'm so mad.
You sound like a 14 year old girl going through puberty.
I've had such a frustrating week.
Every project I've worked on has just had so many unnecessary problems.
You know, when you go into a project and it's like, okay, I know that like the virtualization
on this motherboard is a potential sticking point or like, you know, I know that getting
this much RAM to be detected is a potential problem.
And then you spend most of your time finding a USB that works, you know, like where it's
just these problems that shouldn't be problems causing problems.
I upgraded my TV and so obviously it was a very first world problem, but it's an HDMI
2.1 TV.
So I guess there's some new HDCP handshaking issues.
I plugged it in through my receiver and it worked for a matter of, uh, I don't know,
two minutes.
And then I got this colored snow and once you get the colored snow, the only way to
fix it is to go get another ducking display and plug it in directly so that you can change
the like deep color profile of your stupid windows color settings back and then plug
it into your receiver.
Cause it's like all this crawling around behind the TV just for something that, holy crap,
HDCP doesn't work.
Piracy is still a thing.
Just piss off.
Not to mention the fact that it's like three years ago you hear about this spec being ratified
and we've been waiting for this to roll out like since I've worked here.
And then it's, it makes me all, it makes me all upset.
And then I have the computer screen thing up instead of us being sitting here talking.
I have just had so much of this week.
I am so done.
I can't wait for the weekend and of course I'm sick and I'm coming into it not getting
better right now.
So I'm going to spend the weekend just sick.
Well you actually got sick because of these projects though.
I was up till three work.
It's a cool project.
You guys are going to love the video.
Basically I wired up fiber optics in my walls at home.
I got some help from Colin who's one of our newer writers here and I made it so that my
server room with one PC even, although that's not the most practical way to do it, but my
server room has fiber optic display port and USB running all over the house.
So every computer in the house can be hidden away in one corner.
It's sick.
It's awesome.
But I was up till three in the morning finding USB keys that worked just very frustrating.
Anyway, back to the iPhone.
The only defense I have is the wireless charging because I can see wireless charging over the
next couple of years getting better enough that there's just no real need to plug in.
And it's just, I mean from an Apple perspective, it's a point of failure.
It's an ingress point for dust.
It's something for people to snap off cables in and break or short out in the event that,
you know, let's, okay, here's a great point against having a lightning port.
You can seal up the chassis as best you can and you can use like membranes and stuff like
that to make a port, you know, reasonably waterproof, but only fresh water.
If you could seal up the entire chassis, maybe you could make it impervious to saltwater.
That would be sick.
An iPhone that you could take out on the boat.
What about, that is awesome, but what about security?
Like a lot of security has to do with plugging in and you know those like I have your phone
and I plug it in?
If there's no point, does that make it harder?
This UB key is like three or four years old though and already has NFC.
So like, I don't see why we can't just expect the world to move on from plugging a dongle
into your phone to authenticate something.
What about carplay?
Well, yeah, that would, that would suck.
I don't have a response to that.
They're going to have to change some things.
Although even like Android auto, what I have in my car, I have to plug my phone in, but
I believe there are more expensive stereos or whatever that have wireless Android auto.
I actually did not know that to be honest with you.
I think they're like a grand though, but I don't know about the carplay world.
They might be wireless sooner or more cheaply.
Apparently there's a casting version of it.
That's cool.
For carplay?
Cause carplay is Android auto.
I don't know about carplay.
Well, carplay is available in more automobiles and cheaper than Android auto is.
Wireless carplay adapter from carplay to air.
No need to.
So yeah.
You know what?
You'd need a wireless dongle.
Exactly what I said.
A wireless dongle.
So you would plug this dongle into the lightning or the USB port of your car and then you'd
have wireless USB effectively.
Cause it's only USB two even like the data rates aren't even that high.
Someone was watching the show and they're just like, okay, I'm going to go make a wireless
cup holder size dongle that has a little wire that goes into your USB port.
It just sits at the bottom of your cup holder and you chuck your phone in there.
Well that's what this is.
Is it the shape of a cup holder?
No, no.
Ah, you done goofed.
But yeah, there you go.
So you want to, you want to use your old wired, you know, caveman carplay?
No problem.
And I'm sure Apple would be happy to sell it for, I think 149 is probably what I would
expect for something like that.
Oh yeah.
Oh, that's a lot.
That is a lot for that.
But you're a pro.
So like you have money, right?
You're using your iPhone.
You're using your iPhone pro to shoot short films and showing them at a film festivals
where surely you get paid for that and wait, what are we talking about?
Pros, pros.
What's up, bros?
What's up, bros?
My laptop is dying and I'm going to see if I can pull a fast one and have someone bring
me home.
Here you go.
That's not going to work for me.
Oh wait.
Uh, you're on your gram.
All right then.
Wait, doesn't that gram have type C?
I thought it charges over type C as well.
I'm pretty sure.
This will be pretty cool.
If it breaks, it'll be my laptop anyway.
So I guess you have nothing to lose.
Your battery is running low thing went away.
All right.
We got this.
Hell yeah.
Of course.
I can't bring up the document to talk about one of our other topics cause it's just not
working right now.
Oh, you know what?
We should announce these charities.
Our friends, Paul from Paul's Hardware and Kyle from Bitwit are hosting a 12 hour charity
stream tomorrow that you should all go check out.
They're raising money for Extra Life.
So it's Saturday, December 7th from 9 AM to 9 PM Pacific, twitch.tv slash awesome hardware,
youtube.com slash Bitwit, youtube.com slash Paul's Hardware.
So go check that out guys.
And if you want something a little more immediate, Luke is actually working on something with
Microsoft, mixer.com slash Extra Life.
You guys can check that out.
And actually that is today.
Hey, Luke.
All right.
You know what?
I'm going to let you do this Qualcomm next gen VR thing while I go finish up shooting
with Andy and Alex.
No, you're the one who loves VR.
This is for, I put this in for you.
Yeah, but I don't care about like mobile VR.
Some okay.
What do you do?
Quest is pretty cool.
All right, fine.
You can find something else you want to do.
You want to talk through the hassle?
Oh, check talk.
Oh wow.
That's terrible.
All right.
Go ahead.
Are you ready for us to discuss?
Tick tock guys.
Are you younger than me?
Then you may use tick tock.
Tick tock used to be called musically and my little sister used it and I thought it
was a disgusting waste of an app that was obviously a rip off of Instagram, but just
made more kidlike turns out I'm wrong and it gets bought by Tencent and turned into
tick tock and it's now a phenomenon, but it's not without its controversy.
So what happened was social video network tick tock apparently limited the reach of
users with disabilities, including facial disfigurement and down syndrome.
Well, it's actually a little more broad than that.
I guess what happened was I feel for them.
They had good intentions.
They wanted all their users to have a good experience on their platform.
So what they did was they had their moderators go through and look at users profile pages
and kind of evaluate whether or not a user might be the type of person who would attract
negative like cyber bullying and they wanted to protect those users from being bullied
and having a bad experience on the platform.
So what they did was they in a sense punished those would be victims by just limiting the
reach of their content.
So if I posted something, it just wouldn't get shared as far.
They just like kind of nerfed them algorithmically.
So the people who got flagged by this and this again, this is just subjective from the
moderators of tick tock, but it was people who maybe looked a certain way or were members
of the LGBT community or were part of like a fat acceptance movement.
Like there's a kind of like curves positive creator on there who was affected by this.
So people with special needs or differently abled people were affected by this.
And so once they're put on like this list, their videos would only appear in the country
where they were uploaded.
So they're geographically restricted then it's not getting sent as far or they're just
emitted from the for you feed after they hit a certain view count.
So kind of brutal if you're, I don't know, it's really interesting because on the one
hand I can see why they want everyone to have a good experience because they want everyone
to be happy on there.
But maybe the experience you're looking for is having a megaphone and telling your story
to as many people as you can.
And some of the people that they flagged have like hundreds of thousands of followers.
So it's a bad experience if you're not getting bigger and getting the engagement that you
And sometimes you're after.
So if they crippled that experience, then they're failing.
A spokesperson from TikTok said the rules were never intended to be a long-term solution.
I think it's something they kind of hacked together instead of having proper policies
that they would normally have, like something like Twitter or Instagram might have.
But the moderators were instructed to follow these instructions as recently as September.
TikTok itself has previously faced charges of political censorship, including limiting
videos that would offend the Chinese government because of course they are owned by Tencent.
And most very large companies in China are pretty tightly knit with the Communist Party.
So that makes sense.
TikTok recently suspended a user who criticized China's mass imprisonment of the Uyghur Muslims,
although a spokesperson said that the suspension was actually related to a different video
and the ban was later reversed.
And I don't know much about that story.
Just putting that in there.
The question though of user experience versus user freedom.
That's a really big one.
And I wonder if there's a cultural difference here where this never happened exactly like
this on an American platform like Facebook or Facebook property like Instagram and never
happened on Twitter, maybe because our culture just prioritizes freedom, whereas this is
happening on a Chinese platform because they just have different values.
I don't know.
I wish Linus was here to talk to me about it, but he's not.
Guys, Craigslist finally has an app.
I don't know about you guys, but I have recently stopped using Craigslist altogether because
Facebook Marketplace is way better.
And if Linus were here, he would tell you that he likes to use the app Letgo, which
personally I think is just like Facebook Marketplace, but probably has fewer people on it.
But now guess what, Craigslist is coming back.
They're catching up.
They made an app.
It's available on iOS and there's a beta on Android, which I downloaded on my new Pixel
4 phone that arrived today.
It's hilarious.
You log into this thing and it's just has the exact same feel as the website you're
used to.
Look at this.
You probably can't see this.
There's like three words on the top.
They're in the default text.
You don't even need CSS to make sheets like this.
It says Craigslist is local classifieds.
Sharing your location is recommended.
This is just the onboarding flow.
I'm going to share it.
I'm going to share it.
I want to see this Craigslist app in action because I heard that it looks as plain as
it always has, which is actually probably what you want if you're a Craigslist aficionado.
One thing they did do, which was better on the web at least, was they did switch to embedding
the pictures right onto the, I guess, feed or the listings page, search results page
because that was one of the biggest things that Facebook Marketplace is way, way, way
better at.
The listings aren't headlines that you have to read.
The listings are just photos.
It's such a much more media rich page and you can just take in so much more information
faster when it's images rather than text that you can just scroll through all the stuff
that you don't need to buy so much more efficiently.
I think Craigslist has been doing that for a while now too, but it still doesn't have
things like instant messaging, which is wicked on Facebook Marketplace because who wants
to email somebody and then wait like five hours for them to check their email and reply?
On Facebook Marketplace, I can just message the person, which makes it way more like intimate
and casual.
I can just be like, hey, I want your thing.
Is it still here?
And you can click through to their Facebook profile to see how old their profile is.
They're like a real person and everything.
Way more safe feeling.
Thank God.
Linus is back.
Ninja roll.
Oh, why are you doing this?
That's not right in the chair.
That's the most success you've had all week.
Yeah, pretty much.
I was just talking about, I was talking about the new Craigslist app.
There's an app now.
No way.
Craigslist made an app, dude.
Check it out.
That seems like, why don't they make their website better first?
That's the whole thing is it looks like crap and you love it.
And look, the website, the app looks just as crappy.
Doesn't Craigslist actually have like a significant number of people working there?
I don't know how many people they work there, but this is what it looks like.
I guess they don't want to be completely irrelevant.
It's like, they're like, they're just laggards.
Like your grandpa, they're like, until they really have to.
I was reading an interview with like the founder of Craigslist.
Is his name Craig?
I believe so.
Thank God.
And he was basically, as far as I could tell, he hasn't pushed Craigslist forward because
he just actually doesn't care at all.
He seems to be one of those people, cause Craigslist had an opportunity to be, you know,
Like go, go secure multiple rounds of gigantic amounts of funding and like try to be like,
you know, Craig's social network or whatever.
Like enough, they have enough traffic to the site that they could kind of pivot or branch
There's, there was definitely potential there.
But the vibe that I got from this interview was that just like, he was at the point where
he'd like had it made and like, you know, that seems good enough.
Like remember they didn't even get like a, like a decent image uploader and I mean calling
it decent is generous until like, everything just works.
Just barely.
So yeah, that's the vibe I get and I'm honestly surprised that they even did a nap.
It's probably like his son works there and it's like, dad, come on, I need a job for
life too.
They like, they didn't even have, they don't even have the market share that you might
Like you go as little distance as the next province over here to Alberta and no one uses
They all use Kijiji.
If you go to Australia, they all use Gumtree.
They were like the first with just, well you can tell when they made this in like 99 or
something and it worked and then they just left it.
Whereas they could have advertised and just like swallowed the world.
And there's like, there's so many features that have even existed since way back then.
I mean, do you remember Heatware?
So Heatware was a third party service that was like a, um, like a credibility measure.
Oh, okay.
So, uh, you would always link your, uh, so I used to use sites.
It's like Craigslist a lot, um, but also red flag deals was super active for Canadian computer
parts reselling and buying used and all that kind of stuff.
Um, and so you would always link your Heatware in your profile, like in your signature on
That way you could have a consistent online identity across multiple platforms because
at the time eBay already existed, but there was no way to verify for a third party to
verify that this username that you had on extreme systems.org and this username on eBay
were actually the same person.
Cause otherwise you'd be like, that guy on eBay has a great rating.
I'm just going to use his username on this thing.
So, so Heatware, you could go to someone's Heatware profile and they would have verified
links to their accounts on all these sites all over, all over the place.
I mean that concept existed when I was in high school, Craigslist could have integrated
It would have been almost anything and it would have been more than nothing.
Oh my God.
Well, Craigslist are still alive and the whole misconnection.
Have you ever used the misconnections?
Um, my friend actually, you know what that is?
I know what it is cause I thought it was a Reddit thing.
My friend locked eyes with some girl in a coffee shop.
He went home, he was talking to his other friend about it and buddy was like, you should
check out misconnections.
You should make a misconnections on Craigslist.
Go on there and you say, I saw you at the coffee shop and you were wearing a red sweater
and we had a little moment and he goes on there and she had already made one and then
they dated for like a month and then it didn't work out.
And now the story is being told to thousands of people.
Megan, if you're out there, just joking.
Oh, that's crazy.
No, but they had to get rid of a lot of their classifieds when SESTA got ratified in the
law, right?
You don't have like the M for W section anymore, which used to be the most fun when you're
an immature man.
Oh really?
You never went on there with your friends and post a picture of your butthole or something?
Why would I do that?
Yeah, that's stupid.
You want to talk about something more tech-related?
No, not yet.
What I'd actually like to do is get through our sponsor spots so that I don't have them
hanging over me for the rest of this stream.
And then as soon as I am too tired and too sick to keep going, I can just leave.
Ridge Wallet.
I'm sick and tired of this.
Too much honesty.
Too much honesty today.
A Ridge Wallet helps you stop carrying around pointless things in your pocket like receipts,
old hotel room keys, and spent gift cards.
Ridge Wallet helps you carry less while also reducing your wallet bulge, because some types
of bulge are not good.
They use two metal plates that are bound by a strong elastic to hold your cards, keeping
them tightly together but still accessible.
They're RFID blocking, they have a lifetime guarantee, and they're available in aluminum,
carbon fiber, and titanium.
They even have printed patterns like tropical and tiki, and they don't just sell wallets.
Use offer code Linus to save 10% on everything at ridgewall, excuse me, ridge.com slash linus.
They've got wireless power banks, phone cases, bags, and more.
Pretty sweet.
Seasonic also sponsored the show today.
You know what?
Happy holidays from Seasonic.
They love you.
Seasonic legitimately paid for a sponsor spot in one of our videos that's just like, sup,
happy holidays from Seasonic.
That's the only talking point?
No product information.
That's the only talking point.
That was it.
Yeah, it was pretty funny.
Happy holidays from Seasonic.
I think there are actual talking points for this one though.
So Seasonic makes great power supplies with efficiency levels up to 80 plus titanium with
fluid dynamic fan bearings, so what's this one?
Oh yeah, I think this is their Prime Ultra Titanium series.
These things have a 12 year warranty.
Yes, continue, I don't care about cookies.
Wow, that has been such a bane.
That's not going anywhere.
I know.
Really modular, super quiet, looks great.
The kind of power supply that's gonna, you know, last longer than your passion for computers
I thought that was like a steampunk light bulb thing on there.
No, no, it's just a zoom view of the capacitors they're using because if you're like a great
big nerd, you're like, yeah, what kind of capacitors are in there?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It's good stuff.
So check them out at seasonic.com.
Good stuff.
All right, finally, Displate.
Which plate?
Thanks for that.
Displate is a magnet mounted metal print.
They're durable and you don't need any power tools to hang them.
They've got over a quarter million different arts spanning a bunch of different styles
and influences.
Including influencers, they've got arts with us.
Oh, I thought we killed that project.
No, it's back, baby.
No, I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure.
I know that some people wanted them.
Like some people.
So, okay.
I'm going to explain what happened.
So we were going to do Displates with, well, we were going to do some LTT Displates and
then some people internally were like, yo, what the heck is this?
Because there was like images of them for sale on a site and they were like, okay, I
mean like it's, I guess it's like maybe technically in my employment contract, but also like it
would be nice if someone talked to me about this.
I didn't know it had happened.
So I was like, yeah, we should probably deal with that anyway.
Some people were like, yeah, I'm not that into it.
And then it got killed for months.
And then Anthony of all people brought it up to me and was like, hey, what happened
to the like cool picture of me that was going to be on Displate?
I was like going to buy one and I was like, we killed it dude.
And he's like, well, I really wanted one and I'm like, all right, we're resurrecting it.
So now there's a bunch of Displates.
So here's me with the Lambo.
That's really good.
Can we get, can we actually get our parking lot paved like that?
Uh, no.
Do you have any idea how much pavement costs?
Pfft, pavement?
I'm talking solar panels.
We've got solar roadways.
Oh, there's my dog.
You've got games.
Yours is awesome.
It looks like, uh, it looks like, uh, like, uh, like it reminds me of like something in
between like Dr. Who and Dr. Strange, like the sophisticated, like the gentleman's superior.
Yeah, I could get an evil vibe too.
We've got some of Brandon's great photography from our trip to Banff.
No, wait, what is this?
That's Mount Fuji.
Oh no, that's Brandon's great photography from somewhere else.
I know this one's Mount Fuji.
He's in the back.
Oh, Japan.
Brandon just like travels the world and takes cool pictures.
Hey, there's a Dennis one.
Wait, Anthony's isn't even in here.
Get him up.
That's hilarious.
Oh man.
There's Dennis.
And is that, is that Dennis' terrible car?
What is this camera?
It's just floating.
I woke up like this.
I believe you, Dennis.
We all believe you, Dennis.
Uh, so guys, head over to, uh, display.com slash something, uh, head to, oh yeah, this,
this thing.
Well, no, wrong one.
Lmg.gg slash display plan.
Please work with us.
Um, they plant 10 free treats for every display purchase and you can save 15% of that link.
All right.
I'm having too much fun on the WAN show today.
I feel like I'm not in a great state of mind to tackle a sensitive topic like this, but
what the, Hey, we're going into it.
So this was originally posted by Roheath Kumar SP on the forum.
Um, the original article here is, oh yeah, I guess it's like kind of that, but also it's
from a front page tech, uh, the YouTube channel.
And there was another YouTuber that he collaborated with to kind of release concurrent videos
about this.
Uh, basically Lou from Unbox Therapy, who I've known for a long time, uh, we haven't
actually talked recently, probably not in the last six months to a year or so, but he's
making phone cases now and he made, well, a case called the later case.
So Lou kind of changed his, um, his handle a little while back when he launched his podcast.
So instead of, well, actually I guess he introduced the handle back when he launched his rap channel.
So yeah, it was around for a while, but now he's brought it into his main tech persona.
So Lou later was like his, uh, his rapper name, rapper persona.
And then, um, after some period of time, the Lou later, uh, music disappeared from the
channel and he's kind of rebranded himself to Lou later.
And now he has the Lou later podcast channel that used to be the music channel, but now
it's podcasts and like clips and stuff.
Um, well Lou clips is, or later clips is a different thing.
So anyway, so he's Lou later now, so that's fine.
Um, so the later case was one word according to his video, uh, made because he didn't like
other cases that were on the market.
And um, so he was like, well, you know, screw it, I'll make my own.
So I'm just going to go through my talking points here before I offer any color commentary
or opinion.
So Lou released a case called the later case.
It's very thin with a Kevlar style weaved finish.
Case maker Pataka claims that Lou ripped off their design.
Um, Oh wow.
This isn't really like an order of things that happened kind of is okay, fine.
Uh, social blade.
And this was, this was found by front page tech and um, the other YouTuber that worked
on it as well.
I'm so sorry.
I forget his name.
Um, so social blade shows that the day before Lou released the launch promo video for the
later case, you wrote Lou case in here.
I kept saying Lou case in my head, I couldn't stop.
So the day before his channel dropped four and a half million views, suggesting that
a video with a lot of views had been set to private or deleted, um, cause that's what
happens when you remove a video from the platform.
You don't get to like keep those views.
Um, also incidentally, previous videos where he covered the Pataka case and in fact praised
it saying that it was really good and amazingly thin.
Um, those appear to be no longer available, which seems like sort of, um, uh, an un, um,
an unlikely coincidence that some videos disappeared the day before he launched his case.
And um, there are no longer any Pataka case videos on his channel, even though there are
clips including on Pataka's website, or at least there used to be, he issued a copyright
takedown for that clip.
Um, even though there are clips of him reviewing Pataka case and talking about how much he
likes it.
Well, that's his, uh, defense for this apparent coincidence is that the reason that these
Pataka videos are not long, no longer there, it's cause Pataka was using clips from his
videos as like free advertising, which happens all the time.
I can talk about that later.
Um, so it is speculated, we have no way of confirming this, that Lou set his Pataka videos
to private just before the later case launch.
Um, front page tech alleged that Lou simply ordered cases from Alibaba.
Uh, Lou made a followup video saying that he did not order them from AliExpress, which
is not the same as Alibaba.
They're actually completely different and it is very likely that Lou sourced a factory
to work with through Alibaba.
We've done it.
Lots of people do it.
Well, in his video, he shows Alibaba, like, I don't know if you're saying that he said
verbally AliExpress, but he shows Ali, Ali Bob on.
Yeah, but just because you've done a bunch of revisions, like that's how Alibaba works.
There's products for sale on there, but then you just, you find something that's kind of
similar to what you're trying to make.
You reach out, you go, okay, here are the things that I want to change.
Do you have the capabilities to do this and say yes or no?
They give you a quote, you get a sample, the sample sucks, the sample sucks.
Usually on the first try you tell them, okay, we need to change this and this and this.
Or you send them, you know, an example of something that you think is, is better.
Like I want it reinforced.
I want the bottom part reinforced, uh, kind of like, like this, like I've got this really
cool material that we found on this, like, you know, hat, we'd like something similar
to that.
But over here, like you, you kind of say, okay, here's what we need to change.
You go back and forth a bunch of times.
I mean, something as simple as the stealth hoodie, you might think, okay, yeah, what?
It's a hoodie.
What could you possibly get wrong?
I mean, we would do four or five, six sample rounds or something like that because if you're
going to order thousands of units, which is exactly what you have to do if you're ordering
off, like directly from a Chinese factory, you need to make sure that they're right.
And those Chinese factories are not giving you a refund.
Like there's no net terms you pay upfront a lot of the time you give a lot of the time
as much as 25, 50% in advance of them even manufacturing it.
And then you give the rest before they even ship it to you.
So that's like how it works.
They all, all you can really hope for is that the vast majority of the products look exactly
like the sample that you agreed on.
But so he did all that.
He has all these samples there.
He show, he goes through meticulous detail, all the things that he thought were important
to a case that he changed and all of that's just to show or respond to the criticism that
man, you just bought 500 of this case that is the first result when you type in carbon
fiber looking case on Alibaba and you just bought them and now you're flipping them for
$45 a case.
He did some work.
He did.
He went through all that and that's what he's showing in that response video.
Um, so apparently Lou did reach out to Pataka about a possible partnership appears.
This was after the later case video launch though.
That's what we don't know for sure.
I, I don't think that was what he was saying.
Who was saying Lou that it was after or before?
Yeah, I thought he was saying it was before, but it just like didn't work out or something.
Well, that's unclear.
I think he's, it's kind of ambiguous.
I think he's trying to make it seem at the very least, he's trying to make it seem that
like it was before, but the people at Pataka don't say that it was before.
There's like this clip where I'm one of the YouTubers was speaking like on the phone or
voiceover IP with James Zang of Pataka who's who says that Lou reached out to him after
or that's the way it seems from a, what he said.
So that's kind of unclear.
Zang also said in a tweet, when did you contact any of us?
Um, so, all right, so now we can move into, um, Lou issuing a copyright claim against
Pataka for the video that featured him that they were using in a video called what they
say about Pataka phone case, which they had uploaded.
Um, so we've done the same thing.
We've issued copyright claims, um, where our video, I mean, okay, so it's a fine line.
We could issue a copyright claim at pretty much any time over something like that.
Any use of our likeness of my likeness or James's likeness or a quote from us that,
um, we're not comfortable with in any way.
We could issue a takedown for and we do on a very regular basis and usually when that
happens, it's because someone has taken something that we said out of context.
Um, so an example of that would be if I were to say something like, if it weren't for a
problem, a problem B and problem C, I would say this is the best phone on the market.
And if they go and they put a quote on their site that says dot, dot, dot, this is the
best phone on the market line of Sebastian, I'm like, yo, you need to take that down immediately
because that isn't what I said.
That wasn't the spirit of what I was saying.
Um, so that's an example.
Well, the other thing is sometimes they'll go to a website and they'll just have your
footage and you know, they didn't pay to use your footage that way.
Um, so another example is when they're using, um, our video or our branding or our image
in a way that makes it appear as though the relationship is something other than we as
an independent third party reviewed a product that they made.
So I've seen my face.
I actually ran into this with a company that makes really compact, um, laptops, like super
small laptops and on one of their pages they had like, like me, like pictures of me that
like stills that they had just pulled, like embedded all over and I was like, and quotes
and stuff.
And I was like, you guys are really making this look like an endorsement or something.
I just reviewed the product.
It's this, this looks like too close of a relationship and that's not what's happening
Plus I'm making derivative marketing materials with your original work and I didn't pay for
I was like, look, I like the product and they fixed it and we've worked with them again
since then and it's all good.
But I think that was a case where they just didn't really understand that when you embed
a lot of imagery of someone else all over your product page, it makes it seem like some
kind of sponsorship or paid endorsement and it wasn't.
So that's another case where we would ask them to pull down, um, you know, any images
or quotes from us.
And then the third one was the one you mentioned where they are using it as, as marketing collateral,
um, where there would be an opportunity for us to charge a licensing fee for it and they
Now we don't actually do that very often.
Um, the only time that really comes up for us is when they want to re upload the content
and or embedded on their website.
And in this case that appears to be exactly what Pitaka has done.
So I'm not going to say that I would have necessarily behaved any differently than Lou.
The only thing that's weird about it is the timing where the copyright notice was issued
right before the launch of the later case.
It's especially weird because, and yes, I'm sick guys.
That's why my voice sounds like this.
It's weird because on the one hand you're like, look,
he made a case that looks a lot like this other case and that case he's saying the praises
So if, if this really was like, let's say he worked with Pitaka and his case was really
just a rebranded Pitaka case.
He probably would keep that video up because it's like, look, I got this case back then.
I loved it and I loved it so much.
I made another one and we, and we made a couple of tweaks that make it like, you know, later
edition or whatever.
But on the other hand, it's like, um, Pitaka says themselves that they're like a leader
in this space or they're a very well known company in this case.
Never heard of them.
They claim at least that they have a lot of market share in this space.
If that's true, it stands to reason that a lot of like the Alibaba type companies would
be like, let's just make a carbon copy of that.
Literally a carbon copy.
Get it?
Well, they're not literally carbon fiber, but so it's, there's a ton of copycat things
on Alibaba.
So if you're popular, there will be a copycat version.
So did he copy them or not?
Did everybody copy them?
Did he just grab like, is it so copied that is generic?
Is it a commodity now?
And there's just a million cases that look like that and just kind of, of course it looks
like somebody's and that's somebody in this case happens to be Pitaka.
People seem to be like watching a different stream than this one.
Tookster says, no man, you guys are so wrong on this issue.
He didn't make it.
What are you even talking about?
Nobody know.
What's your definition of make?
Nobody makes anything unless they actually are the worker on the assembly line in the
factory in China, literally making it like we're talking about sourcing from overseas.
So in that sense, we don't make our LTT water bottle.
No, we don't.
We found something that was pretty close and then we customized it to reach the point where
we were happy with it.
Well, I guess we made the design on it.
So in that case, yeah, like a lot of apparel, like a shirt, you're not really buying a water
You're buying the design that you like and it happens to be on a water bottle.
So in that sense, if Lou changed anything about the case, my understanding is there
are actually a couple of differences.
If you changed anything about the case, then you are paying for the work and the time that
Lou put into working with the manufacturer because no, no YouTuber makes anything.
Who was it who just did that big makeup launch?
Shane Dawson?
I don't know.
Shane Dawson, Shane Dawson and James Charles.
I'm not really good at the like famous YouTubers anyway.
They didn't make that makeup.
They didn't like go and do laboratory testing to ensure it's safe to put on your skin.
They left that to the professionals.
Thank goodness they didn't make makeup.
I didn't make a water bottle and Lou didn't make a case because we would have no idea
what we're doing and it would probably suck.
So you're paying for them to order the volume that's needed in order to make the costs reasonable.
You're paying for them to promote it.
You're paying for them to consult on the design or any changes that they're making to it.
And you're paying for their time coordinating the whole damn thing.
Well, people take issue with the cost because it's a $45 case.
And Jeffrey Star, sorry.
If you look at the, if you were to just buy the MOQ, like the unit price is I think at
most $14 or something like that.
But in his video, Lou explains that, you know, he's warehousing all of these units in, I
believe, Ontario in Canada, so that real estate has a cost.
He has to warehouse all of them and he does, it's not just one case.
That cost is very low.
He's trying to support, but the thing is that cost of the iPhone one is subsidizing the
cost of the other devices that he plans to support.
So there's not that many people with the OnePlus 7 and he wants to support that one.
It's a loss leader.
In a way.
So that's fair.
Shane Dawson and Jeffrey Star.
Got it guys.
Got it.
I'm really bad at famous YouTubers.
So all right.
There was something that I said I would come back to.
Oh, you said you're going to come back to the copyright.
So that's basically, basically here's what happened.
Apparently he deleted the videos, which actually makes sense because I don't think setting
them private actually deletes the views from your channel.
Oh, I thought I read, I thought the, I mean, we could test it.
I thought the front page video was talking about him having it private at them.
I'm not mistaken because my understanding is the views only go away if you actually
delete it.
All right.
So anyway, in a nutshell, Lou launched a case.
He launched it later and then before later happened allegedly deleted videos where, and
there seems to be pretty significant, pretty Bulletproof circumstantial evidence that he
used to have videos on the Pitaka case on his channel saying that he liked it and doesn't
So it looks like that's pretty much what happened.
He got called out for this admittedly in a way that would have put me on the defensive
Like a front page text video was very, you know, ha ha, we uncovered your, you know your
sleazy crap ha ha.
You thought we wouldn't notice you had twit.
Like he had a kind of an attitude about it.
I can see why that would have made Lou quite defensive about it.
Until then front page tech makes this video and says, look, you, you claim that you never
found a case you liked.
So you made this one except here's the video from you from like years ago saying how much
you liked this one that, and then yours is just like almost identical to, you know, what
are you doing?
He responded saying, I'm doing, I actually did a lot of work and also your video was
very rude.
And then front page tech, I don't know if you watched their followup video.
I didn't.
Basically it was like, well, you didn't address anything we said.
So that's pretty stupid.
And my take on all of this is Lou could have prevented this and could still prevent any
fallout from this by just being upfront about it.
Like yeah, I deleted the videos because like, well, okay, a just shouldn't have deleted
the videos.
Should have just said, I don't know.
You know what?
I don't know how I would have fixed this.
I mean, maybe, maybe at the launch video shouldn't have treated it like it was something new.
Then it shouldn't have deleted the videos should have said, cause my understanding again
is that there are a couple of subtle differences between the later case and the Pataka case.
The Pataka case actually has other features, magnetic things.
All right.
Well, he should have just focused on his differentiating features, been upfront about it.
I mean, now that this is all out there, honestly, I probably wouldn't have created like a podcast
episode addressing it, you know, if I was trying to make it go away as quickly as possible.
I don't know.
This just seems like such a self-own.
I don't know.
He, at least in his response video, he's showing you that he did put work into it, which is
an attempt to dispel all the criticism that he just ordered.
The front page tech video never said he didn't put work into it.
Well, a lot of people attack his claim when he says, so I made a phone.
So I made one.
So I made one and everyone's like, no, you didn't.
So like he's, he's responding to that.
I guess so.
But to me, that's not really the issue here.
The issue here is the removal of the Pataka case videos and like trying to sweep something
under the rug.
All you had to do was just leave it up.
And then when people are like, Hey, this is really similar to the Pataka case.
You say, yeah, I liked the Pataka case a lot, but here's the things that I wanted to change
to make later case different from that and better in my mind.
That was all, that was all it had to be.
The reality of this though, is that this issue is going to go away.
I mean, just like the truck full of iPhones that never got given away, this, I mean the
news cycle is what, two days now, maybe, I mean, in a world where you've got, you know,
the drama of, you know, modern day American politics, ultimately how big of a deal is
a YouTuber deleting a video and then releasing a phone case that's very similar to the case
that they praised in this video.
I mean, yeah, I think it was a really stupid, you know, shoot self input moment and it was
completely unnecessary, but in the grand scheme of things, I don't think it's going to affect
his channel or his business.
So Pataka, congratulations on all the sales you got this week from this huge, huge publicity
Yeah, I guess, I guess, I mean, it could be, I wouldn't have been talking about them.
It could be deleterious in some way over the longterm maybe, but I think that would be
small compared to this exposure that they just got.
I wonder if they've ever emailed me.
I'm just curious now.
It's not the kind of thing I would cover because we don't really cover phone cases.
Like how do you make a video about a phone case?
I don't really get it.
What do you say?
Just watch an Unbox Therapy video.
Yeah, I guess so.
Oh my God.
Oh no.
You've got a lot.
Look at all these emails from them.
Oh wow.
I wonder if they've ever emailed me, 80, 110, I don't know, a million emails from them.
I'm still scrolling.
There's more than one contact here.
This is like people's careers like churning out.
So I have heard from the following Pitaka employees over the last three years, Ivy,
Ashley, Joanna, Exu66, Vangie, Crystal, Fiona, Ashley, Abby, Rebecca, Kitty, Kiki, Olivia,
Are these made up?
I think so.
There's no way.
They're all James Zeng.
We're going to be getting one from him soon anyway.
Because these are totally all like approachable female names.
You notice that?
There's no way those aren't aliases.
That's hilarious.
I can't not reply to Kitty or Kiki.
She sounds adorable.
So that's pretty funny.
So I guess that's pretty much all I have to say about that.
The whole situation is just totally unnecessary by denying it, by fighting back against it.
It does nothing but make it worse.
And even as bad as it is, it just ultimately doesn't really matter.
You know, it's not the way I would have done it for sure, because I don't really…
I mean, I guess I've self-owned enough times that I would have seen this one coming.
Nah, you're great.
Speaking of cell phone, one last topic for you guys today.
No, I've got to go.
Okay, that's fine.
You can go.
I'll cover it.
Get out of here.
See you later.
Intel resuscitates Haswell once again.
The original article here is from tomshardware.com.
Let's go ahead and pull that up.
Thanks for that, James.
That was very charming.
So guys, these are 22 nanometer processors that Intel discontinued three years ago.
So back in 2015, excuse me, 2015 was four years ago now, boy, time flies.
Three years ago in 2015, these are now back up for order.
According to the product change notification document, Intel is canceling this product
discontinuance completely per new roadmap decision and enabling the product long-term
once again.
This may have something to do with Intel's ongoing struggles to produce 14 nanometer
It's a dual core G3420 without hyper-threading and it's built on the 22 nanometer process
It's 53 watts, 3.2 gigahertz base clock.
So basically it's fine for like an office machine.
And this change is likely to benefit OEMs only producing like low cost machines on mass.
With the new update, Intel's customers have until May 26, 2020 to put in their last orders
for the G3420 with the last shipments going out December 3rd of next year.
So this appears to be a way that Intel can harvest more of their 14 nanometer manufacturing
capacity for higher performance, higher margin chips.
And then maybe they just had some extra fab capacity at 22 nanometer where they can meet
some of that very low end demand.
Freaking hilarious.
Well, I am so sorry guys that today's episode was such a complete cluster.
I apologize for the YouTube stream cutting out midstream.
That means that I probably don't really have any way of going back and getting all the
super chats, but hey, you never know.
Why don't we, why don't we go through some of them together here to close out the show?
Dominic says, stop spamming F. Thank you for that Dominic.
Alex, send your super chats now.
We'll make them feel bad for being late.
I don't even feel bad.
I tried my super absolute best today.
There was nothing I could do about it.
Dominic is now a member for the channel.
Uh, Chelsea says rip filthy Frank, uh, what are we talking about?
Why is everyone saying rip filthy Frank?
Did he die or something?
Something something no more comedy videos.
What do you even, what are you even talking about?
That is so off topic.
Um, all right, Dominic spent another, another $2.
Dominic, I'm not reading all your freaking chats here, dude.
Uh, Landon, Linus, what do you use for two FA?
Um, I use, Oh man, I just hate talking about this stuff cause like honestly it was on a
wen show a long time ago.
I talked a little bit about our security practices and um, the next day I had a big problem and
I'm tired of having big problems, so I'm just going to not talk about it.
Sorry guys.
I, the information's out there.
Um, you see, I'm rich says James rules already missed it.
He missed it because he bailed out.
Oh, you see, I'm rich says James rules, uh, Spencer says you're not live on YouTube.
Well I am now.
Maybe I wasn't.
Ronnie says, drop something.
I'm a, I'm a drop this stream just like I did before.
Uh, Frank says, will you be contributing to Kyle and Paul's charity stream?
Yeah, I guess we could.
I honestly, to be perfectly honest with you, I've been so sick and so miserable this week.
I had not given it a moment's thought and I only found out about the stream like two
hours ago when Paul sent me a text message and was like, Hey, we got a stream coming
Uh, do you want to like promote it on your stream?
And I was like, hell yeah man, no problem.
That's how that went down.
Uh, if I remember, I will, I will go in and I will, I will drop something on it.
Um, Marco says Apple is overpriced.
You spent $5 to send that message.
You want to talk overpriced super chats.
Vlad is slap says a little wild stream begins.
Please know, please.
I need sleep.
Here we go again.
Sean says you're live now.
It worked.
Thanks Sean.
Um, pro Go-Gurt to bring something up from a month ago or so the sweatshirts tip is on
the wrong side.
Um, just because you brought it up, we are not going to change it.
That's right.
Ilya says eighth, uh, scrap yard wars was the worst and that's not just my opinion.
Can you address why it turned out like that?
Um, honestly, no, I mean, I don't really know what to tell you guys.
We're always trying to change it up.
Um, sometimes we change it up and we try something new and it's great.
Sometimes we change it up and try something new and you guys don't like it.
Uh, we did our best with a concept that ultimately, you know, the community didn't like as much
as we had hoped.
And if we were to ever do scrap yard wars again, um, we would definitely change the
concept again and maybe you guys would love it and maybe you guys wouldn't love it.
That's just the way it is with content like that.
We can't just keep making a $300 computer like we did in the first one.
Um, Trenton says, will there be float plane equivalents to YouTube chat?
Uh, probably at some point.
I mean, the idea behind the float plane chat is that it's kind of like all super.
Um, yeah, a lot of people in float plane chat are saying they liked it actually.
So there's that.
All right.
Um, I will say that editing it was extraordinary challenging compared to extraordinarily challenging
compared to usual because there were so many cameras, so many characters.
I don't think we would ever try to do that again.
Um, Apple equals pop tech garbage.
Alex Shannon.
Gordon child since a weird emoji, I don't even know what I'm looking at.
Um, the hunt UW, you Linus, I'm going to have to look that up on urban dictionary later.
First time overclocking Ram and timings.
Any tips?
Use rise in memory calculator, save yourself some hassle.
Lego lad, play well.
Here's an idea.
Build a PC with compressed air that would not be water cooling.
That would be air cooling, but that's cool.
Uh, hope you get well soon says UCM rich.
Thank you.
A nerd dad.
After overcoming an opioid addiction, your channel helped me rediscover my passion for
Sick dude.
Love it.
Uh, Michael Parker.
Thank you.
Um, MKBHD thumbnails aren't stupid and ugly and he does just fine with your volume senior
explanation but still hate them sleeveless t-shirts by the way.
Aren't those called wife beaters?
Um, I don't know if we're planning any sleeveless t-shirts anytime soon.
No wait, no, the beaters just the tank top.
I don't know.
Uh, it's not on the roadmap as for Marquez's thumbnails.
You're right.
He has a very different style from us.
Um, we've tried that in some cases it works really well.
The phone water cooling one was an example of sort of a more clean style thumbnail.
Um, the reality of it though is that it's a much longer discussion than what I can have
with you guys right now, but there are significant differences in the way that Marquez structures
his channel and the way that we structure ours.
He's more focused on mobile tech, mobile tech and Apple, and we are more focused on anything
with a printed circuit board in it.
And for that reason, we are always going to suffer algorithmically in ways that he doesn't.
So his video will get promoted very differently to a very different sort of audience than
ours does.
And what works for one audience doesn't necessarily work for another.
With that said, our click through rates are low compared to a cohort of similar channels.
We know this, but it's really hard for us to diagnose whether it has purely to do with
thumbnail and title or whether it has to do with our channel being such a variety show.
The reality of it is that, um, someone who's interested in a graphics card review is not
necessarily also interested in a tour of a quantum computer chip manufacturer.
Um, so there you go, that's my current response.
Thanks Alex and Simba.
Thanks Chandler.
Um, wait, can we stop streaming Beat Saber on Twitch?
Oh, I don't plan to stop doing that.
Uh, Don Bullock, can we get an X-Gamers 13970X?
Um, sorry, which one's 3970X?
Oh, that's the 24 core I think.
We're going to have something coming with Epic soon.
So yeah, stay tuned.
Um, Executive says, please accept this coupon.
Thank you for spelling it right.
Towards more collabs with Madison.
And no promises, no promises guys.
Michael says, there are multiple aftermarket radios with Carpla.
Yes, we did find one.
Uh, Alex and Simba with VR gaining a little popularity and much more competition in the
Any chance you can do an updated wearable haptic feedback base vest video?
I don't know.
Maybe we'll see.
Uh, Sebastian says, show me your tech tip.
No wait, I can't do that.
Can't do that on Twitch.
Um, Ilia is critiquing James's choice of watch.
Doesn't like Daniel Wellington.
I guess.
Uh, Yafa says, Hey James, just wanted to say, love you.
Oh, and he's actually gone this time.
Mr. Someone love your content.
What's the best surround sound gaming headset?
Um, a head phone, pair of good headphones.
Don't buy the ones with like multiple drivers in them.
Um, we did a video a little while ago, our surround headphones BS, Anthony worked on
Um, that kind of goes through all the different options.
Curzon says, have you considered doing a video on the absolute most powerful PC ever that's
stable and is workable for gaming and editing?
Um, actually we have compensator three coming soon.
Uh, Jake is working on it.
Quintuple says, you should have used white hydro dip on the graphics card, uh, on the
latest clean build.
I know you totally should have done that.
That would have been awesome.
And uh, thanks for the kudos on the new office.
I'll let Yvonne know.
Hal says, take some sick time.
Well you're, you're working against me Hal.
You're making me read your super chat.
I'm trying to read all the super chats.
I'm trying to be nice.
Nubster asked for my opinion on YouTube rewind 2019.
I think it was the safest possible approach they could have taken.
Um, I got bored like, I don't know, a minute and a half, two minutes in and I tuned out.
I don't know what else they would have done though after the cluster that was last year.
Um, I know there's people internally there that just want to kill it.
I think they should just kill it.
Just let YouTubers make their own rewinds.
Marquez made a rewind.
There's other tech guys that made rewinds.
We actually wrote down, we should do a rewind in 2019 after last year and then we just like
didn't do it.
Um, but that's fine.
I contributed to Marquez's so at least there's that.
Um, Tommy Gun says, thanks to your speed build vid, I knew that the MSI Ventus 2080 Ti has
a founder's edition PCB.
I was able to get a sick deal on a used one for my water cooled rig.
Sebastian says, when will you release the jacket from the trees video?
Um, there is no plans to release that jacket.
We had that done as a custom jacket that is LMG staff only.
So if you look closely, whenever you see an LMG or wearing it on the sleeve is a number.
Um, that's not a prison, prison number.
Um, it's actually their subscriber number.
So everyone, uh, last at last year's Christmas party, um, who got one of those jackets has
the number of subscribers that the LTT channel had on their hire date, uh, embroidered on
their jacket.
So it was just kind of like, um, like a fun, cool, um, commemorative item for us to celebrate
the milestones that we've hit since we've been working together.
Uh, what else we got here?
Aidan says, a friend of mine turned me onto your channel.
Love it.
Building his own PC now.
Uh, David says, any thoughts on ACB Cuckoos changing the channel name to tech tangents?
Totally good move.
Love it.
Totally the right move.
It was overdue.
Um, Mr. Someone, when do you think the RGB trend will die?
Uh, Glenn, Linus, why does your voice sound off?
I'm sick.
Thanks Joseph.
Thanks salty nuts.
Two more.
One more.
Jason Meredith says, just want to hear how you pronounce my name.
It's easy.
Jason Meredith.
Your name is Jason.
It's not even spelled weird.
What are you talking about?
Robert Mail says, join the LTT Minecraft server.
Jake has been sidelined for like a month working on this project, but I'm really excited about
It's going to be sick.
Um, there will be like donations and transactions, but we're going to try and make it not lame.
Um, because obviously our primary revenue stream is still YouTube videos, but with how
much time Jake has been and will be spending on it and like how much server infrastructure
we're buying and leasing and stuff, it's, it's not going to be free.
I will say that.
Well, it'll be free, but like there will be ways to help support the servers.
Any updates on the float plane iOS app?
I'd love to have one too, but Luke's not in today.
Any updates on PA sponsorship?
I believe they are planning to join us on the WAN show sometime in the next couple of
Stay tuned for that.
Um, all right.
Thanks for tuning in guys.
See you again next week.
Same bad time, same bad channel, and my voice is dead.