
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

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hilarious it's completely ridiculous obviously the concept was never gonna work it's working
well it's a miracle they beat four gyms they haven't beat any more gyms since then have they
i'm i think they're past four gyms whatever their last time i checked they were uh out of
the safari zone it's ridiculous i mean they're moving on to bling i can't remember the exact
count the fad will end and then that will be that yeah probably but i fully expect them to do at
least one more game like i expect them to try like final fantasy or something good luck they're
gonna fail i mean but i could see them trying it i'd be surprised if a thousand people on twitch
could beat like could finish like the leo kefka like basically cutscene fight never mind beating
any of the actual bosses i mean there's only one corrected this is the thousand monkeys with
typewriters thing all over again right right have you seen the democracy mode though
i have not seen the guy has anarchy and democracy modes so to to get into democracy mode there has
to be more than 80 of people i think it is voting for democracy and then it'll switch into democracy
mode and then when you're in democracy mode i think you need 50 of the votes or more to go
into anarchy mode when you're in democracy mode you have 20 seconds to propose your next set of
steps so if you were like up four left three that would mean he would go up four squares and
left three and you have 20 seconds to vote and then he does whatever the votes okay but with
an actual okay especially with the one minute delay that twitch has now yeah boss fights and
final fantasy good luck that's actually the most hilarious thing about it right now is that there's
a huge delay no i know yeah so that after after they fight someone they just kind of sit there
go like because they're hitting like all the inputs from a minute ago so every time after
they do something major they just kind of like run around and open the start menu for a while
and then after like a minute they actually start going somewhere
like okay good try all right well welcome to the show on twitch that does not involve playing
pokemon although at some point we should probably just do like uh like a pokemon after party because
i love pokemon i have a pokemon stadium for n64 that was that would actually work yeah that would
definitely work yeah i also have the adapter for n64 controllers you can plug uh pokemon like old
school pokemon games into n64 yeah if we wanted to do that style we could do that as well why does
this not surprise me at all like if someone had asked me if someone walked up to me on the street
and said do you think luke has like you know some random freaking adapter that lets you plug some
random freaking cartridge into some other random freaking thing i'd be like yeah he might not know
where it is but he probably has one i also have one for snaz just in case that just in case we
want to switch consoles yeah just in case that that's a thing that's a problem all right guys
we've got a great show for you today is valve watching you browse that was the rumor going
around on the internets and ceo gabe newell has stepped down from on high to deliver his word
onto the masses we'll tell you more about that later facebook has acquired whatsapp for 19
billion that's with a b billions of dollars um which is equivalent to about what was it 43
dollars per user something along those lines 43 48 per user that's ridiculous about 43 per user in
spite of the fact that not a single one of those users has given whatsapp probably more than about
two dollars ever so um next up uh oculus rift you might be able to watch movies on it now which is
kind of insane there's one coming on the way and google project tango which we'll get more into
later all right
our sponsor today is hotspot shield guys we've actually got something really exciting to do with
hotspot shield today and that is give away 10 elite code so we're going to do that later on
during our sponsor segment for those of you who don't know about hotspot shield it is the fast
easy way to set up a vpn which will allow you to do all kinds of exciting things like access
newscasts or video services outside of the region for which they were intended to be broadcast so
a lot of um users outside of north america can use it to access us netflix and a lot of folks
wanting to enjoy content from the soci olympic games have been changing their location to the
uk or the us in order to get better coverage of the events that they want to see so hotspot
shield is an easy way to do that and you can save 20 off an elite membership by using offer code
oh bollocks i believe i seem to have forgotten my offer code using offer code linus very difficult
offer to remember i've forgotten my name not everyone can be perfect like you all right so
we had a couple people yeah let's just pull on the mic there we had a couple people complaining
that the audio levels are too low so we're going to move the microphone just right into the shot
to the point where hopefully you guys can hear it okay all right first topic for today here we go
i'm going to monitor to make sure that people like the volume so just keep going forward all
right are we starting with that segment we are just going to start this is an oh wait oh i got
the no okay we're gonna have to do it we're gonna have to do it a couple minutes later okay yeah
yep all right so let's kick off with omg is valve spying on us all and we would know that for sure
if i had remembered to grab my display port to hdmi adapter i'll be back in a moment in the
meantime do you want to get started on that sure so essentially no um that's yeah i don't a lot of
people freaked out because they're like oh my god valves reading my stuff but not as many people
freaked out as you might expect because it was valve i guarantee you if this was ea there would
have been a nuclear explosion of gamers um but it wasn't quite as bad as i think it could have been
but the man himself levitated from the heavens came down and gave us the answer that we were
looking for which was that it was not actually malicious did look for things locally but then
grabbed only those things hashed them sent them back to valve servers um verified that you were
being a cheater and then banned you because apparently the guys creating the hacks are
getting frustrated that people are using their hacks without purchasing them imagine that imagine
there being some overlap between cheaters and hackers so so cheaters have literally created
their own form of brm that has server callbacks so that they can make sure that you bought it
which is insane um so valve kind of piggybacked on top of that tried to detect that and then ban
users based on that they weren't banning you based on if you went to the website they were
not banning you based on that they were banning you based on if there was callbacks because the
hack was currently running and they were trying to check for drm so basically that usual drm nonsense
that makes people upset that is to say uh constant phoning home from your software is what ultimately
led to valve not doing that but just exploiting that someone else was taking advantage of your
computer to send callbacks to take advantage of the fact that some people weren't paying for their
software so basically um no honor among thieves companies that design cheats and then the people
who use them yeah both they're they're they're they're screwing each other over so it was only
active for about 13 days at which point it was able to be circumvented because this happens
all the time um and they fully expected that so it was pulled um uh gabe is even claiming that
it's possible that the original thread created throwing them under the bus was even just a
social engineering attack from the people that made the hack or at least inspired by those people
in some sort of way which does make a ton of sense um sorry uh he's quoted saying uh do we
send your browser history to valve no do we care what porn sites you visit oh dear god no my brain
just melted those are his exact terms that's pretty good um is valve using its market success
to go evil and then he says i don't think so but you have to make the call if we are trustworthy
we try to earn we try hard we try really hard to earn and keep your trust which i guess that's the
only way you can really say it kind of makes sense it does make sense i mean if it was anyone but
valve yeah everyone would have freaked out do i particularly i mean do do i like them
doing stuff that i don't know about i mean it's one of those things where and he he even addressed
this in his statement which is about this long it's on reddit yeah and he's kind of going like
we don't talk about what we do with valve anti-cheat no one does because we can't because if we do
then they'll be it'll take them less than 13 days to figure out what we're doing
and work around it again and that that's a big problem to me because what about when they decide
to be less valve at some point yeah what about when but everyone does this literally everyone
that has a security implementation has to though they'll probably contribute to some open open
encryption form or whatever but what they're using and how they're using it is not going to be
on the table at all well remember back in the early days of the linus tech tips forum
when i always used to talk about the new security measures that we had implemented super frustrating
and then the site would go down like that it's like come on man so i understand why they're
not doing this it just it does make me a little bit uncomfortable because yeah is it anywhere in
the steam yula that they can or can't do whatever it is they're doing with valve anti-cheat doubt it
or if it is in there is it in such terms that we would never have understood it anyway
yeah probably or sorry i meant doubt it as in like uh like there's probably nothing protecting us
against that in there and there's probably nothing saying that they won't ever do it in there like
it's probably just not in there at all um that being said yeah i don't know again i think a lot
of people would be a lot more harsh on it if it was ea but then again if it was ea it probably
would be harsh so i don't know considering the like system information callbacks that origin
already does and they're completely open about right i don't know so yeah there's that um
i think we covered everything with that no okay so less than one tenth of one percent of the clients
triggered by the second check were actually banned and that was 570 people no sorry less
than one tenth one percent of clients triggered the second check yeah so a lot of them got
triggered by the first one but way less got triggered by the second one and of those that
was that that's 570 people that's a crazy amount of people and i mean it's one of those things where
are we happy that valve is keeping our streets safe so to speak and
but then is it really going to do anything i mean look you know what let's do let's do uh let's do
a little poll here hold on i've never actually used straw poll before but i'm really not that
i'm gonna hope that me sorry straw poll dot me i want to hear from you guys do you cheat in
multiplayer oh it's anonymous i guess games yeah it's completely anonymous um yes
sort of all the time and i'd love for you guys to weigh in on this with more than just the
than just the poll answer if you want to hit us on twitter that's at linus tech
so yes sometimes yes rarely and no all right uh that thing right yes yes yeah that's fine yeah
okay i'm gonna go ahead and create that poll just click on it yeah there we go
all right so we're gonna post that in the twitch chat here for you guys i'll try to grab it and
repost boom all right so in the meantime let's move on to our next topic which is bitcoin atms
potentially coming to the states maybe perhaps not 100 sure there is a bitcoin atm actually in
our hometown here in vancouver and that same company is looking to expand to different
locations however one of the big things that just has to go away with respect to how bitcoin works
is the anonymity in order for anywhere to allow you to put a bitcoin atm so the one in vancouver
has a biometric scanner and i mean we can talk all day about how easy that is to get around
that's gonna be and how like bullcrap that actually is it's better than nothing that's
true i mean sometimes i mean this is i mean this is kind of a whole other discussion topic
but sometimes it's not about making a completely impervious security measure just having something
there sometimes it's about the barrier to entry yeah i mean is a is a passport impossible to forge
no but are you gonna do it no am i gonna do it and that's part of that's actually a part of a
big security discussion that i was in on not that long ago which was the idea of yes okay maybe the
facial recognition stuff is pretty easy to break through and maybe like fingerprint biometrics are
pretty easy to break through and maybe voice scanning is pretty easy to break through but
if i set up a door and have every single one of those good luck yep like it's gonna be real
difficult to get all of that before you actually try to get through the door and it's not the kind
of thing where i think you'll ever be able to replace an armed guard yeah if something's
actually that value and but if it is then pay the guy 20 bucks an hour and give him a gun come on
yeah yeah i don't know so okay i think there was there was kind of more to talk about
sorry i got disconnected so the guys putting the atm in will probably be robocoin which are the
same guys that put the one in vancouver like he was just talking about you would be able to
withdraw money in usd or you'd be able to deposit usd in order to contribute towards your bitcoin
account um they want to put machines in seattle and austin by the end of february although they
have previously said that they want to put machines in new york and los angeles and that
hasn't happened yet due to the problems that lannis was just talking about with the the
requirement of being able to identify the person at the machine it's a sketchy thing for lawmakers
and they're everyone's kind of on the fence about allowing bitcoin into their cities essentially
and i mean it's one of those things where i think the you know we've talked about this offline and
i think it's an interesting topic to me the biggest reason that i can come up with that i
think bitcoin will fail is the negative press you can make the argument all day that no press is bad
press but bad press is bad press when your competitors are getting good press and get lots
of good press and as much as dogecoin started as a total joke and it was ridiculous just for a lark
they get so much good press and good vibe around them whereas with bitcoin every other day it feels
like there's a there's some kind of news story because they're so high profile it's like being
a star athlete in a city that follows you really closely your highs are the expectation and your
lows get blown out of proportion because you're the big kid so with bitcoin every time there's
a wild fluctuation in value it explodes every time mount gox isn't paying people it explodes
every time you know um a drug ring or every time there's a massive child pornography bust
or something like that and it turns out that bitcoins were somehow involved in the transaction
in any way super minor even if because remember it's a lot of the time the folks writing a
newscast they're basically laymen right so even if it was like coins or dogecoins or you know
linus coins or whatever else they're gonna say coins they're gonna say bitcoin bitcoin the same
way they say kleenex or xerox they'll say bitcoin so the name will be somewhere in that negativity
and for that reason i think that bitcoin's a pioneer i think that it sets a new precedent
i think that cryptocurrency has a very bright and very long future i just don't think bitcoin's
gonna win in the longer term and then that whole uh like observation what you feel about the
different coins and the aura around them thing bitcoin has drug sex and weaponry then litecoin
has a whole bunch of people on the internet using amd graphics cards to generate what is
essentially going to turn into bitcoins and then dogecoin is like lol charity because i don't know
what else to do with this so it's like that's how a not small portion of the internet sees the whole
situation so then what do you expect to actually come out of it that's interesting so i mean with
that said if bitcoin is the one that ends up with an infrastructure like atms then great but if
bitcoin again paves the way by having like four atms and then someone better organized comes along
and goes yep we're gonna take that concept and we're gonna go massively all over the country
with something that's not anonymous and doesn't have all these negative connotations around it
then that could be very successful and that makes sense because bitcoin's gonna go in and
get lawmakers to approve these machines and then when another person goes in and tries to put in
a machine it's probably gonna be super easy because they will have done it already it's
tough to be the first one yeah it really is i mean can you imagine if we tried to be the first tech
youtuber where would i have even gotten the idea like no honestly i mean it's it's really tough
to be the first one yeah i'm okay with sloppy seconds all right so our next story is facebook
acquired whatsapp for 19 billion 19 billion so this pretty much precludes any further talks with
snapchat because whatsapp has an enormous what is it 470 million users something like that and
then they're adding 1 million users per day right now so okay there's a few different ways to look
at this number one is from the purely um dollars and cents perspective where you kind of go okay
so whatsapp this is a company that did i think it was 30 some odd million revenue last year
revenue not profit this is a company with like 50 employees you know those shirt cannons that
you see at like events yeah it's like silicon like like apple and facebook and these google
just have shirt cannons of money and there's like boom boom just like see what we can hit
who cares no research just shoot money at everything and see what happens so that is
one way of looking at it is is they they are spending many many dollars on the penny
for what the company is actually worth from a strictly revenue perspective
and there's some validity there but then the other way of looking at it is this 19 billion
dollar acquisition is for a social network and i have a hard time classifying whatsapp as a social
network but more on more on that in a moment for 43 per user and when you consider what other
social networks there are with that many users and what it would cost to buy you know i don't know
facebook is a great example or microsoft what what that would actually cost then it looks
potentially like a value and then some of the other justification is is the growth of whatsapp
right now where it's a million new users per day and you kind of go okay well then in you know two
years they could have two billion users and a third of the entire world i mean in india 400
million users are on whatsapp or something like that maybe i'm maybe i'm getting the overall
numbers wrong right now how many users do they have right now india boasts 400 million active
members yeah 400 million active members so i mean that that's that's absolutely huge it's an
emerging market that you want to be able to reach and you could kind of look at it and go okay well
monetizing such a large user base should be a no-brainer so then that leads to two conversations
before your whole thing about why they why you think they want it so conversation number one
is i don't really see whatsapp as a social network to me whatsapp is a messaging utility
that can come and go as quickly as icq msn or anything else yeah i don't think that the
experience of using whatsapp is nearly as rich as something like um even twitter
because twitter is all about connecting with people that you don't already have a connection to
whatsapp is about yo dog i just switched over to this thing because it's free and like i don't
want to pay for text messages a paradigm that's probably going to go away in the next few years
as telcos have all moved away from i mean when whatsapp gained popularity we were still looking
at cell phone plans that were like here's your 250 text messages a month yeah yeah that's where
whatsapp came from it was a free way to send text messages not you know some kind of amazing
paradigm shifting uh communication platform that connects you with people i mean twitter's amazing
through twitter i i do most of my outreach to people that i don't know whether it's nixie pixel
who we've invited to be a guest on the wan show in a couple of weeks so we've had a lot of requests
for that how would i reach these people if it wasn't for twitter because twitter is a way for
people who normally wouldn't talk to you to ignore you if they want or if they see something really
interesting as they flip through their feet be like oh yeah sure and engage with you whatsapp
isn't that so who cares i'm gonna cut in one quick second um we've got two mixing articles
one says 16 billion one says 19 billion but it's a lot even at 16 billion it's kind of
redonkulous i thought it was 19 i thought it was 19 i read another one after the ones that you
have in the doc that said 19 the verge says 16 the verge says 16 yeah interesting okay so there's
a few but we always run into that yeah so the internet it's a large portion of money no matter
what it comes down to so my thing or do you have more to go over no no i oh wait okay there was is
it a social network and then um i forget what the other thing was that's the biggest question to me
yeah oh no sorry and can they monetize it right uh there's a there's a article that came out not
that long ago saying that they're not going to be monetizing whatsapp but then now that it's owned
by facebook yeah but no even facebook i think has said that there's there's like they're not
changing the structure in fact the one dollar subscription fee may go away yeah yeah so but
that's all fine and good because remember guys it is a strategy to build as many users as you
can at any cost and then exploit them as hardcore as you can until they all migrate to something
else so the the real question here then is can they get their 19 billion back before everyone
migrates to something else and maybe that's it yeah maybe if i look at it and i go you know with
my sustainable business model hat on because everything i do here at linus media group isn't
on the scale of what someone like mark zuckerberg is doing where he's working with billions of
dollars the way that i would work with hundreds of dollars you know when i look at something and
i go okay we're gonna do like a new thing we're gonna do t-shirts or we're gonna start a new show
it's where will that show be in three years when we're still developing it and we want it to be
sustainable to the point where we can attract sponsors we can attract viewers and we can make
both of those groups happy for a very long period of time that's what i'm trying to do whereas if
facebook is just kind of looking at this going okay well we're not worried about turning whatsapp
into a sustainable business that can bring in a billion dollars a year of revenue for 20 years
because 20 years in the internet game is is an incredibly long period i would make a bet whatsapp
won't exist in 20 years so if they're looking at it going okay let's make a quick buck in two years
we could have two billion users and then we could make each of them worth you know 30 40 bucks
easily then we'll make double on our investment or if we could turn each of them into a hundred
dollars by selling out so hardcore when the time comes then we could make you know 5x back on our
investment or whatever that number ends up being so if that's the way of looking at it then hey
there you go maybe it's a great idea so go on your next thing one thing i've been worried about is
because something that we've started doing on the show now because we have to because it makes sense
is inspect how everything that happens on the internet could be terrible so um not that long
ago facebook released an update um and we actually missed this on the wan show but facebook released
an update making it so that facebook could read your text messages and like your your call
information so they could know who you're calling i think that part but i know they can read your
text messages so now if they buy whatsapp they'll be able to read all of your text messages and all
of your kind of text messages through whatsapp so they're just expanding the amount of text
messages they can read so you can have all of your facebook interaction which is a huge amount of
interaction all of your text message interaction and all of your kind of text message interaction
which is whatsapp excluding bbm which is i'm sure microscopic compared to whatsapp and then of
course there's the whole argument that they want to they want to get into the underground of
messaging yeah but then figure out how to monetize it later or something i mean all the people that
are interested in things like snapchat or even i guess whatsapp to a much lesser extent um those
kind of those underground folks are going to have no interest in continuing to use that platform
once facebook owns it i would imagine so we'll see how this shakes down i mean like i said if
the plan is just here's a bunch of users let's milk them for all their worth for a short period
of time after we build it up into the big thing then there you go maybe it works then then there
you go all right let's go to our straw poll so let's go ahead and so 80 percent of you do not
cheat and 20 percent of you cheat rarely sometimes or all the time two percent of you say you cheat
all the time so if valve only even got to stage two with what was it 0.1 percent point uh
well point one of a percent i think it was yeah keep going yeah point one of a percent
then that means that whatever they're doing probably didn't dig that deep because they
didn't catch nineteen point nine percent of the people that right on our stream are saying that
yes they cheat um and yeah i don't so a wasn't that effective and b so they probably weren't
digging that deep and the thing is uh and even said it in the article was it has to be
multi-pronged all the time so this is one of their attacks they don't have a single spear they have
many so this is one of the things they can potentially do they also have the thing where
if someone gets reported if you're playing the game if someone gets reported i don't remember
exactly what it's called but my roommate used to do it all the time it was actually really cool
is you would be able to go in and watch their game along with a whole bunch of other people
um and it wouldn't show their username or anything like that but you could watch their game and then
determine yes they're using aim hack yes they're using wall hack uh plausible deniability like all
these other different options yeah and then if you voted along the same with basically everyone else
that voted if you agreed with the ending verdict yeah then you got to keep going and keep reviewing
footage so it tried to it kept everyone honest because if they wanted to keep doing this right
it had to be accurate all the time um so that's another way that they can ban people and that
apparently actually works really well and has been a huge front for them i know legal
legends does a similar thing um so like they have many options so just because this one didn't get
a huge wide spectrum doesn't mean that vac isn't trying yeah because games like counter strike are
huge so cheat creators for those type of games yeah yeah and considering how long it's been
around too like man it's got to be crazy oh sorry for the off topic but can you tell me why you
didn't like the hobbit 2 i didn't like it either no i'm not gonna rant about hobbit 2 i thought
about doing a movie review of it but it's one of those topics that seems very polarizing um
there's a group of people that think it's the best movie ever and then there's a group of
people that don't think it's the best movie ever and i don't really want to have that debate
because it's like it's almost like a religious debate at that point how do you argue objectively
for the merits of a movie you can't so
i like to use the term exploit in games uh as long as it doesn't affect anyone single player
because if you're if you're exploiting or cheating you're doing something that someone
else can't so it's affecting other people in multiplayer buying whatsapp let's facebook take
out the competition growing bigger google help focus on furthering their yeah probably
okay ahmed says i disagree whatsapp sends audio video group chats etc it's not going anywhere
just not as popular in north america oh it's plenty popular here okay not as popular as in
other places but it is popular i just don't think that that functionality qualifies it as a social
network because i don't think it's any more of a social network than a telephone that's all my
telephone can send audio video group chats etc but that doesn't mean that the phone line is a
social network to me that's what whatsapp is it's a phone line and a text line um i don't think it's
exceptional i think that if you ahmed you decided that you were going to switch to something else
and a couple of your buddies got together and they were going to switch with you and it was free
you could all switch like that if the functionality was somehow in some way minutely better than
whatsapp i think it could be displaced very easily i did use the group chat thing a lot when i used
to go to school because everyone in all of my classes were because in the school i was in you
moved as one unit from class to class and i use it all the time for badminton as well like yeah
you know yeah no it's it's just 10 billion other things that can do that yeah and it's just a
matter of them doing something stupid and upsetting people and then that being that
uh there you go 16 billion cash 3 billion facebook shares um according to wow erson probably
equates to 19 i guess whatsapp's main appeal is to keep in touch with overseas friends absolutely
but then again a hundred and billion things that could msn had so much potential i'm not
going to go on this rant again but msn could msn messenger could have usually been i honestly i
think it would be the coolest thing ever if they just like released a news bulletin and they're
like yep it's coming back yep it's just like yes we're getting rid of skype yeah we're taking on
what's because msn had all this functionality ages ago all they needed was a mobile version yeah
anyway redirects to youtube video which redirects to twitch stream well yeah but if we don't do that
then we can't reach everyone carl says with the exception of known exploits from in-game glitches
i don't cheat why cheat there's no pride in cheating absolutely whatsapp isn't anything
like twitter so can't be compared yeah i know whatsapp made me able to use smiley's
what that doesn't make it that's you can use smiley's i know it's different from twitter
we never said it was the same as twitter what i said is twitter is a social network
and i was saying whatsapp is not so actually that's what i was saying is that they're nothing
alike i think it comes down to how you define social networks too because it technically it's
a social network if you create a group chat this is a network of people socially interacting fine
then it's three-way calling a social network see then i don't know i don't know all right haven't
tried enough of them to say for sure okay lots of people not talking yet don't get satisfaction
from cheating okay what is the point of cheating in games even in single-player games that would
just kill the challenge i find certain cheats in single-player games to be okay yeah i've done it
just because i'm like bored i'm like yeah it's usually when you're messing around and i usually
find those cheats to be like sandbox games like cheats in games like just cause and gta are
hilarious right but like i'm yeah peter figures karma takes a giant turd on you for cheating i
certainly hope so i don't cheat because getting a ban on steam would be a disaster with all the
games that i have yeah that's that's that's something actually as you build up your steam
library larger and larger and larger getting banned will have much more of an impact but if
you're someone who cheats all the time like i think that'll again some deterrence that aren't
permanent now as well deterrence for the casuals are really the big victory because there's always
going to be the hardcore guys that have 100 steam accounts each with one game you can if
for the csgo players out there i'm sure you've experienced this as well if you play csgo a fair
amount uh i do the second there's a steam sale and csgo goes down to like two bucks fifty or
like 375 they're all back it's oh my god it's terrible for like a little while but then you
can tell they just all get crushed and then it's usually somewhat okay again but like the the the
day or like two or three days after a sale starts it's just it's ugly it's just terrible and like
you can if you suspect someone you go and like look at their steam profile and was like created
one day ago owns one game and you're like oh my god hello like that happens so much it's
frustrating all right so let's move on to our next topic this is something that i actually disagree
with the general concern this might turn into a rant uh amazon plans to increase membership fees
this is posted on the forum by
yeah sorry man lacrimo sure um amazon says it may increase its prime membership fee by as much as
forty dollars so it's 80 bucks a year right now which is about what i don't know six dollars a
month or something like that if you extrapolate it out uh or break it down or whatever it is
you're gonna do um
a lot of people super upset about this so for those of you who don't live in a country where
prime is an option like the uk or the us amazon prime entitles you to a few things number one
and this is the big one is free shipping so you get two day shipping on qualifying items
and then slower shipping on other items and it is unlimited you could ship a pen a day
every day for a year to your house and they would have to do it and that would be included with the
fee so for i mean of course with a game with something like this it's a numbers game for every
person who ships something every day you're gonna have hopefully someone who ships something once
every six months and just bought the prime membership on an impulse and you're mostly
just taking money from them to subsidize and because it's easy yeah because it's easy because
you don't have to think about it anymore and then you subsidize with that um but guys shipping is
expensive oh okay sorry i've said i hadn't finished going through the benefits so benefit
number two is you get access to the kindle lending library which allows you to borrow
one qualifying book a month out of the sort of the pool of lending books and basically amounts
to a free book per month there's no time limit on how long you can keep that one but i guess
you probably have to give it back before you can borrow the next one i've never actually used it i
don't have a prime membership and then benefit number three is access to an unlimited amount
of amazon's on-demand video streaming service so for 80 bucks a year if you consider and okay it's
not up to the caliber of netflix but when you consider that you're paying six dollars a month
for netflix and that's just video streaming or if you consider that a subscription to audible.com
one of our sponsors actually is gonna cost actually can't even remember
oh that's embarrassing so what is what about get my free audiobook uh yeah whatever i can't
remember anyway the point is you sign up with our code you get free audiobook yeah so yeah yeah
exactly head over to audible.com anyway so the point is okay so if you're getting a free book
a month and you're getting free shipping on everything even if you shipped yourself so
let's say they increase at forty dollars to 120 bucks even if you shipped one thing a month you're
still paying about what us canadians pay to ship anything for every thing that it is and if you
can't find one thing a month that you could buy on amazon especially with two-day delivery instead
of somewhere else then yeah it doesn't make sense for you but i just find it hard to believe that
this is such an enormous deal breaker for everyone this is something people don't understand shipping
is really expensive someone someone in the chat says there's a uk fashion site that has free
worldwide delivery with no minimum spend and it only costs about ten dollars ten euros a year to
get next day shipping although it's clothing so good for you royal post is cheap and it's clothing
so there's probably massive markup margin anyways so shipping is expensive and if you think that
you're getting shipping for free think again you're probably paying you are paying for it
you are always paying for shipping somewhere so let's take um let's take uh asian countries for
example where worldwide shipping costs like a buck you know you can buy stuff on deal extreme
for like a dollar fifty with free shipping anywhere in the world how does that work subsidies
they are getting subsidized i mean we often joke that it costs less to ship something from britain
to our house than to ship something down the street in spite of the fact that if someone
ships something from great britain to our house it will still have to cross the entirety of canada
never mind just down our own street in order to get to us which means canada post is actually
carrying it across the country but if i were to send something to halifax i would probably
be spending 15 20 bucks minimum so how does it work subsidies in countries where shipping is
cheap you are paying for that subsidy so that someone can pay some other country's shipping
company in order to move it for them once it gets there so you're paying for it somewhere for
companies like amazon where they're shipping within the us where shipping is much cheaper
than canada as low as about 250 to 350 per package this is based on some numbers that i shouldn't have
access to but that's what some a very large company like amazon or newegg is probably paying
with someone like a courier that three letters in their name and sometimes they drop things
okay so it can cost as little as two to three fifty maybe about four bucks all right maybe 450
for something let's say the size of like a mouse like like a basic rate that means that you paid
for it somewhere somewhere whether it's a membership or whether it's in the margin of
the product and anyone who thinks that the margin in electronics is good enough to cover that
i i don't know what to tell you it's not it's not at all so that's pretty much all there is
to it i fully support amazon increasing the rate in order to make the business make sense
they can't just bleed money on the prime program it has to make sense for them and if shipping
costs go up because let's face it gas isn't getting cheaper then that's what's gonna happen
deal with it it's still a fantastic deal and all you people complaining about it can just
because up here in canada sorry yeah or just don't buy it yeah so don't buy it or don't complain
because here in canada do you have any idea what we would give to pay 120 a month for free shipping
from anywhere 120 a year so i was like i wouldn't do that for 120 a year you could have free
shipping from amazon.com boom done well yeah.com definitely yeah yeah i don't know that's not
much sucks i don't buy anything terrible yeah yeah the pricing sucks yeah but.com yeah i'd be
completely down um i i okay from another perspective i would be not stoked that my price was doubling
it's not doubling forty dollars to no no 79 up to 120 or up to one 19.99 no no no i buy up to
forty dollars from 79 sorry it's awkward wording in the dough okay so not quite doubling but by
50 yeah like i still wouldn't be stoked but i'd probably still do it yeah and i think it's one of
those things where there's a whole lot of complaining that goes on yeah but then people
think a lot of people actually yeah and like they haven't changed their price for what nine years
yeah like dude prices for them were not the same nine years ago i don't know what to say that's
what you that's that's what you get with physical stuff like i don't know if netflix is necessarily
going to become more expensive in a short period of time as long as they're still growing as long
as their user base is still increasing dramatically bandwidth costs are going down unless they have to
start paying isps unless they have to start paying isps but they're going to keep fighting
that yeah they're going to keep fighting that and they're they're changing laws already or trying
to so i guess we'll see not a huge deal are you going to do your thing i'm going to do that after
the next topic let's do one more topic um do we want to do the thing yeah the problem is that
i forgot to uh i forgot to grab the the graphic for it so i'm just gonna have to fire up the gmail
here all right and then go ahead and enter the password here and then enter the verification
code here oh fortunately i have my pebble back one eight nine five eight two uh you know i saw
so much potential in the qualcum talk yeah really saw a lot of potential if you guys haven't seen my
review of the talk already even if you're not that interested in smart watches well one deal with it
because they're going to be a huge huge thing in the next five years and number two it's an
interesting video to watch because like not blowing my own horn here or anything but i think it's one
of the better reviews i ever did i spent a lot of time with the product i spent a lot of time
trying to figure out um everything that was good and everything that could be improved about it
to the point where i think it should give you a pretty good idea of where we're at with smart
watches right now so at least it'll give you some context for what's coming in the future all right
so let's go ahead wow that's brilliant download i know isn't it fantastic every once in a while he
just makes gold i know all right so this is a new segment on the show if you like this segment let
us know if you think this segment is stupid then let us know that too so we are going to try to
find one thing per week i know this is a tech show and it's mostly focused on technology but we're
going to find something that is not technology that is more important than whatever is going on
in the life of canadian pop sensation justin bieber so this week is and i have been corrected
it is not the ukraine it is ukraine this week there is a whole lot going down in ukraine right
now and and venezuela and in venezuela um ukraine is the one that's making a lot of a lot more
headlines at the moment uh just because there's i mean there's reactions going on like uh for
example there are ukrainian athletes that are just leaving leaving the games just to go home and show
their solidarity so uh skier and her coach who is also her dad if i recall correctly um are just
kind of heading back to show their support before their event was over yeah before the event was
over they're just like you know what screw this they need us back home we're gonna head back there
the the death toll is being reported by the media i think are in the 35 range but protesters are
saying that they are higher than that uh health ministry has said 77 people were killed and 577
were injured but activists are saying it's much higher you know what's really scary about that
number is that when i looked at it yesterday morning it was 35 if i recall correctly that
was what was being reported so it's and then the day before that i believe it was 13 or 11 or
something like that so it's it's going up very quickly the violence is escalating it's one of
those things where on this show we don't typically take a stance one way or the other but there are
certain things i think we can all agree on one of them is that the value of human life is something
that we should all respect and people shouldn't be dying over a conflict the police shouldn't be
dying the process testers shouldn't be dying and none of those things are right and so it's just
something that is more important than justin bieber in the world right now we're not gonna
sort of cover this in too much depth yeah we're not we're not like in the field reporters we
we're not there we do tech stuff so we just want to bring it up so that you guys can go check it
out probably in your own time and develop your own opinions about it be aware of it is all we're
really saying and don't worry too much about the bead although i heard that the u.s has to take
him back now yeah because we won hockey yes yeah if you guys didn't hear about this there was a
billboard that said um loser keeps bieber or something like that and then it was updated later
it was a video billboard so what did this bad terrible bet or something like that that was
that was a bad bet or something like that and then there was a american eagle with a golden
chain around it saying belieber and i was like oh yikes it was pretty funny it was pretty good
and that was posted somewhere in the states i don't remember where all right so guys i just
wanted to cover this very briefly as part of our sponsor segment so hotspot shield the easy fast
way to get set up with a vpn vpns are great for all kinds of things making it more difficult for
websites to figure out who you are and where you live making it more difficult for um wait i don't
know where i was going with that making it easier for you to enjoy content that is geo restricted
so whether you just want to like i don't know comedycentral.com you want to like watch some
videos and it's us region locked and you happen to live in australia or canada or great bitten
britain or anywhere in the world you want to enjoy that content hotspot shield can fake your
ip so that you appear to be coming from the us and allow you to do that it can also allow you
to circumvent things like firewalls i don't necessarily encourage this use of it and it's
probably terrible i'm talking about it in a sponsor spot but we've had quite a few people post
on the linus tech tips forum that they use it to circumvent uh blocks at their school
yeah and uh sort of get around content blocks so content blocks at schools content blocks within
countries can allow you to access all kinds of stuff that you couldn't before one really good
thing is you can access sochi winter games content whether you're wanting to appear that
you're from i don't know the uk or the us if there isn't a stream of whatever event it is that you
want to see in your country and it's region locked then you can go ahead and just get around that
with hotspot shield so the elite membership is really the one i'd recommend the free one is ad
supported and does have a lot of ads but the elite one really isn't that expensive for a vpn
and you can get 20 off it if you head over to bit.ly slash hs share and then use offer code
linus when you sign up for it and this is pretty cool i'm giving away 10 codes i was going to do
it live on the show but i realize now that that's going to be a little bit challenging and it's
going to be really time consuming so maybe what i'll do is i'll enter everyone's name into a hat
at the end of the show and then uh i'll i'll post the winners on you know what i'll post the winners
in the thread so it's sponsored giveaway from hotspot shield thread on the linus tech tips
forum guys if you aren't entered already all you have to do for a chance to win a six month elite
membership is posting that thread with a screenshot of you with the trial of elite installed and then
you have a chance to win a free six month membership that's pretty legit yeah it's actually
a really good giveaway yeah all right so topic moving on next we have you know it's hard to have
a better than bieber segment when everything in your show is more important than justin bieber
and we should just rename the show the wan show better than okay okay uh actually guys should we
do a t-shirt
the wan show better than really small so when people like because i mean okay the reason we
did a couple t-shirt designs so they're on district lines um and the reason that we ended
up with kind of a wan show logo so this logo right here in the middle of a shirt but without the text
the wan show was because we figured people probably wouldn't want um you could have like
you know the line detectives logo that's on the back you could have like hashtag better than
bieber hashtag better than bieber so we didn't want people asking our t-shirt wearers what the
heck's the wan show because if we put better than bieber on it then people won't have to ask what's
the wan show they'll just be like oh yeah whatever it is that symbol thing yeah yeah whatever that
is probably okay yeah sure gotcha gotcha so there you go guys uh we have our bro fist design which
is that yeah and then there's also uh wan stealth so there we go there you go so wan stealth looks
like that so wan stealth so just picture it with like a little like better than bieber right here
just totally do that all right moving on to our next topic we also have uh i'm super stoked for
the adventure time one where's this thread why does this happen i looked at this like me right
before the uh yes we gotta figure out a way for the threads that we uh i don't know if that's a
google doc thing or what no no the issue is that the threads been moved emerged i run into this
once in a while all right so this was posted by neuro knight on the forum and all that's being
said is that elon musk the founder of tesla among other things has talked to apple but that an
acquisition of tesla is unlikely in fact what's the word on the street is what's much more likely
is a collaboration between the companies which could manifest as a number of different things
and the one that i would like to see and this is something that i called back when the iphone 3g
was a big deal because this was an argument like an ongoing argument between me and cameraman the
old ncix cameraman who did all my editing back then he was like what's apple's next big direction
past smartphones and to me tablets are more of like an evolutionary step from a smart it's a big
smartphone and i said i car and then i home because to me those were two things that could
really truly benefit from the things that apple is so good at and for all the people that want
to hate on apple all they want good for you fine do it but you cannot argue with how good they are
at taking existing concepts and technologies i mean logan's video has apple ever really invented
every anything is actually a pretty good watch you should go check it out but what apple's good at
is taking things that are already invented and making them all work together in a way that is
different and what easier what could use a shake-up more than the car industry
dmw's new connected cars pretty freaking cool yeah that's cool but do you think that apple with
their expertise could probably do it better yeah and then hopefully google will step in as they
are and everybody's gonna step in and blah blah blah i don't think it's gonna look like that
would love to see this i mean maybe not quite like this i think apple design would be a lot
better than that yeah it would this is just like a like a like a silly fan mock-up so don't worry
too much about that but something like a like a car that was just truly intelligent and upgradeable
and app friendly i mean that's the problem with the car guys is they all want the 2013 model
to not be upgradeable because they want to build in that incremental thing they can do with the
2014 model and apple's as guilty of this as anyone but to a much lesser degree than the car guys i
think in terms of being closed off and not allowing additional functionality over time
and not wanting to give people the ability to mod and use the things the way that they want to i
mean that was the whole thing with the iphone was i mean apple talked about this a lot way back in
the day is we didn't even imagine that people were going to create this app for it that's true
again though um not to bring it back to the bmw car but the bmw car doesn't really have
apps really installed on it already you plug your phone in and then it grabs apis from those apps
right so it's not like it's going to go out of date and that was actually one of the big things
is as your phone updates right all you need to update and then you'll still have more functionality
yeah but then a problem with that too is that it's not built into the car and it is just apis
yes so you're not getting that full fluid functionality that you could expect from
an apple car or even say a google car or something like that whereas apple it'll be seamless you'll
go from using siri in your car to using siri on your phone to using siri on your if they
ever get around to making a tv on your tv and then the one that and this was this was the crazy
the crazy prediction i made because he was like i car no but maybe and then when i said i home
he was like no that's the stupidest thing i've ever heard i home to me what it will be is it
will be a single piece it will be an actual unit that just gets dropped onto a piece of property
and is fully integrated with google's new thing that we'll talk about later that could even work
incredibly well and he was like no because people won't give up the personalization and
the customizability of their phone to which i wrote of their home to which i replied they gave
it up with their phones before the iphone it was stuff like the motorola razor in a variety of
different colors paris hilton pink or whatever the stupid the what that doesn't because the
layout of every home on the street would probably be pretty much the same you look at what apple
does no no no one model to market because of well the the layout doesn't oh you mean like the
entire building is yes the entire building i think this is this is this is my crazy future prediction
apple will have the i home which you order through your contractor or whatever it is
and it arrives on a flatbed and they put it down on your property and that's it and it's going to
have all kinds of really crazy cool technology so you know nest eat your heart out because this is
going to have controlled thermostat controlled you know washer dryer and it's going to be crazy
expensive if you ever have to upgrade anything about it you're going to be locked into that
particular model in the apple way but it'll all work together in a way that's very i can see it
more being like i apartment i i don't see them doing entire buildings especially apartment
because like a house that's kind of insane um another thing that you could do though is have
it be a module attachment like like you know how air conditioners sometimes if you have huge ones
yep it'd be like your i-home module and then you could use something like the google thing we're
going to talk about later yeah i don't want to get too into right now to map your home out so
that it can then know what's up in your phone in your home and then have the device that sits
external or even internal of your house um control everything that's inside whether or not it is
technically apple everywhere i could see that happening to you it's interesting people are
hating on my prediction but i stand by it i don't i don't i'm not going to go with your prediction
that's fine i know i know i know and i know that's fine yeah if we if we are if we're still
sitting on this couch in 20 years we'll see i think we'll hopefully be sitting somewhere else
yeah hopefully a different hopefully a much better she's kind of crap my back is like it's so
like oh this couch probably smells really bad in spite of the fact that we haven't owned it that
long okay all right so oh yeah one other possible collaboration would even just be something like
building a a ginormous awesome factory for batteries yeah because that's one thing that
apple has really pushed forward is battery technology and that's something that tesla
desperately needs to be pushed forward so them getting together and working on that together
could be extremely exciting for the future because really cool as you'll know if you watched my
brenton hydrogen reactor video not that long ago fuel cell just ain't quite there yet
not so much uh should we do a bit torrent live sure or do you want to jump and do that google
one real quick just so you know what i'm talking about yeah sure let's do that okay we won't we
won't leave them hanging on this yeah so so this is google project tango um which the idea is
there's there's a video and honestly i i i don't know if we should probably just watch it the whole
it's fairly it's three minutes it's not that bad all right why don't we just watch it guys
we're gonna watch this video together all right my name is johnny lee and i work in the advanced
technology and projects group at google our small sorry i paused it i'm just adjusting the volume
for y'all our team here based in california has been working with universities research labs and
industrial partners to harvest the last 10 years of research in robotics and computer vision
to concentrate that technology into a very unique mobile phone we are physical beings that live in a
3d world yet mobile devices today assume that the physical world ends at the boundaries of the
screen our goal is to give mobile devices a human scale understanding of space and motion this is
going to allow people to interact with their environment in just a fundamentally different
way we can prototype so you can see it's actually mapping that hallway months or even years before
because we didn't have this technology readily available that's what he sees what happens if
you have all these pieces in a phone how does that change what a phone is okay maybe we don't
have to watch we have created a prototype it's probably good yeah so that gives you guys some
idea of what's what's up um and then the rest of the video is talking about the excitement they
have about development for this technology and the prototype or well dev kit devices that they
have built i think there's 2000 correct i think there's 200 200 i think so we need to sign up for
one good luck but sure i will make something in unity okay outside of ours i will make something
up to you i want one of these things i want to mount it to the front of an oculus or do you just
want to mount it yeah okay yeah mainly mounted to the front of an oculus though because you know
people have been mounting webcams okay so let's talk a little bit about what it is okay so uh
they've been working with tons of universities research labs and industrial partners spanning
across nine countries around the world um they've been doing tons of different stuff and the goal of
project tango is to give mobile devices a human scale understanding of space and motion that's a
direct quote okay i didn't know if that was in the video or not um i do not have audio yeah it's
a direct quote from them um it's customized hardware basically you can walk around with
this thing and it can 3d map your environment this is supposed to be good because you can translate
to your position orientation and depth to apps written in java c c++ and unity unity is a very
good engine for doing stuff with oculus rift so they're looking into this as like you can help
people that are blind you can help uh map environment so you could you could look at
a different area in your house and then digitally put in furniture which you can already do but not
very well this way you can do it very effectively um you you could find things in a store with it
more easily you could you could map out an environment you could go into your garage
empty the floor map it out with your phone hook up on an oculus and then have that whole area
generated to be something that it isn't right now which is really cool or you could even do things
like i mean a garage cleaning is something that you know homeowners like myself or hate and wish
that something would just do it for me what if i could just map out my garage and my phone could
tell me the most optimal place to put everything why not why not someone could do that that's
definitely doable there could be an app for that there's also scary implementations um how do you
know this thing is on how do you know it's not porting that information to the nsa it's gonna
help people track you yeah there's all the terrible terrible scary behind something it could
it could show people that you're hiding behind something like there's there's terrible stuff
obviously like with everything we report ever nowadays i know but um oculus yeah i can see
this being super super cool for vr uh because something we talked about multiple times in the
past actually was um oculus rift laser tag essentially oh wouldn't that be amazing yeah
you map the whole house with your phone yeah then you throw on oculus's with like laptop backpacks
and like oh yeah you could even like you could get like armored up and uh get like all kitted out
like jeff here jeff is our co-host by the way yeah jeff is our is our co-host he's been he's
well he's more like a producer he's overseeing the operation here yeah um but like holy crap for
gaming so cool this would be absolutely amazing augmented reality virtual reality all that kind
of stuff that's like the reality that's different from the other more different boring reality
oh i really hope palmer and the guys at oculus are just jumping all over this because holy cow
this integrated with the rift would be fantastic yeah i'd be all over that because that's amazing
i i don't know the only thing i care about in this whole set is the the ability for it to easily
pour it into unity because i'm like yeah although the the helping uh visually impaired is very cool
and like something they're saying is they could walk around with the phone it could be mounted
somewhere or something and then it could translate information about the environment around them to
audio right so you'd be like oh there's a wall hey there's a car coming there's a car coming uh
turn right uh there's a crosswalk whatever like it could it could tell you what's going on around you
which is actually really cool someone's telling me to talk about the new youtube layout i don't
think it's good to get me started on that probably not no we're just not going to do that anyway
extremely exciting yeah totally not here yet but uh much hope for the future so awesome very good
anyway bit torrent to launch a live video streaming app this is a story from the verge
and the app will be it's actually been available for a while but much like anything that bit torrent
does it's really not very exciting until there's a whole bunch of users making it awesome because
it's all based on peer-to-peer sharing so the way it works now is if you wanted to watch uh canada
destroy the us i shouldn't say destroy it was only one nothing but anyways you want to watch
canada beat the us you have to go to cbc.ca or wherever it is that you're watching it
and then they have to stream that to everyone the way that this would work much like everything
that torrent does is it would stream to one user who would stream who would take a downstream and
then maybe two or three up streams and stream to more users and it would spread that way so that
the bandwidth requirements are distributed and so that it's much easier to do things that are
very challenging right now for services like netflix and youtube whether it's agreements with
isps or just plain simple network capacity and that is get the content closer to the person who
wants it and netflix has offered to go as far as installing their own hardware in isp's data
centers so that they can be as close as possible to the people who want the content so you're not
just wasting bandwidth you know having it having the data travel further than it has to well what
this would do is it would not only decrease the bandwidth cost for whoever's hosting the content
so speaking of the new youtube layout if for whatever reason linus media group was just like
you know what screw it we don't want to do this youtube thing anymore we want to stream our videos
ourselves it would dramatically reduce the startup bandwidth cost and our reliance on
sponsors to pay for it but then you guys would share the burden yeah which is really really cool
and it's exciting for smaller people like honestly we could probably handle it we're of a size now
that we could probably do it even if we had to do like like a donation thing we'd be like okay guys
look we gotta pay for our own bandwidth now help us out i think you guys would do that but for
someone really small this this could save their butt and this like something we talked about in
the better than beaver segment people were talking you you did hotspot shield right after that so
people were saying if if you're in one of those countries or something like that hotspot shield
can help you get information out if if you want to like stream video a mixture of this and hotspot
shield could really help you if say all you had was cellular data right because yeah one upstream
i'm just pushing one dude and then maybe you've got one buddy in the states or something that's
got a really nice internet connection or or or europe or whatever that can push out to even
more and then more and more and more and more and more it can spread so it's going to be launched
in an alpha state i think sometime this year was the uh the timeline given yeah will be released
enough and i mean they are doing so much amazing stuff right now speaking of being a pioneer and
trying to shake a negative stigma or trying to shake the stigma of being associated with
piracy and with you know law breaking bittorrent holy crap these guys are on fire yeah between
bittorrent sync this their their chat application yeah yeah speaking of free alternatives that could
give something like whatsapp a run for its money i wonder what i wonder what bittorrent's going to
be valued at in 10 years yeah they're moving they're moving real hard they're moving real
hard and like we talked a while ago when they came out uh this was back when we were in the
garage i think i put an article in the doc saying about how bittorrent was like whoa whoa whoa stop
attributing us with piracy yeah and we were both like we laughed yeah yeah we laughed yeah we
were wrong yep well we're wrong now i deserve that moving on um yeah i think that's pretty much it
the videos would start slowly yep all right so watching movies on the oculus could be a thing
i can think of certain kinds of movies i would want to watch on the oculus one of which is
obviously the um pirates of the caribbean there's a new one coming that's where i was going with
that anyway so this is an article from new film school oh man so so zero point uh is a project by
condition one and it's actually about the oculus rift device and it will be viewable on the oculus
drift device which is fantastic uh they've also made things earlier that meant let ipad users
move through footage with 120 180 degree field of vision sorry about that
oh wow the ad
that's brutal anyway sorry go ahead uh where was i yes so they're there they make this kind of stuff
and they're going to continue making this kind of stuff which is cool i'm pretty excited to see this
um there's an interactive trailer is that where you were yeah so apparently the trailer has a
non-mutable ad so we're not going to watch the trailer um but if you want to find it condition
one dot com slash zero point slash whatever just google it um and it'll be in the doc later once
it's posted on the forum later today hopefully yeah so you can check that out um i think this
is super cool i think it's super cool i mean i don't necessarily see the relevance for something
like um for something like a fiction like i think being able to walk around in the hobbit too would
have actually even further removed any believability from that movie but of course i'm not
gonna rant about it i'm not i promise not to do that but for something like a sporting event oh
yeah super cool okay so picture this instead of cameras just pointing at the ice and you have
those viewpoints they have 3d modeling cameras so you have them all over the place to the point
where you could either attend the game in person or you could buy a virtual ticket because they're
not gonna give you this for free no you could buy a virtual ticket and stand on the ice epic
of a hockey game right you think about that imagine the view modes too you know how when
you're in a game you can like select different view modes like free free view or like player
attached imagine you could just be attached on like the head position of one of the players
so if you could just like go pro on to any player on the ice if you're like what is it like to play
as uh an nfl quarterback for a day yeah it's like you just you buy your ticket which would
probably be cheaper than an in-person ticket and probably a way cooler experience you strap on your
oculus and holy crap we need to get this is something i've been interested in for a really
long time you know uh like sensory deprivation chamber things we need to get those but completely
the opposite it needs to be like sensory overload chamber where you can wear some type of vr
technology and then have this thing inject smells why would we want this and inject like temperatures
so you could like feel like you are somewhere okay if you're running through a meadow it's
going to smell and feel like you're running through a meadow it can simulate wind it can
make i can smell like wind oh god um like like uh i think it was at disneyland they have that
one where you go over an orange field it smells like oranges while you're doing it that'd be very
cool like that would be epic and i don't know maybe sports is going to be smelly but like still
if they can get that experience so you actually feel like you're there oh man that would be so
cool yeah this is going to be amazing i mean one of the uses they're talking about is in
a documentary type films so you could see from different perspectives i mean really to me
this is gonna i mean okay there's gonna be this in between stage where you can do things like pan
from one thing to another so like the scene is going on like kind of over there but you could go
look at the dog if you wanted like stuff no one's really going to want to do yeah and that's going
to be you know you'll need like a fancy camera to capture that but then when what's really coming
is when you can use multiple cameras to capture a much larger scene and then recreate it as a
virtual event i mean imagine this if uh something like what's going on in ukraine right now if
everyone had their cell phones out and was collecting footage which is already going on
anyway if you could just virtually move around in this space if you could recreate something like
a riot or event i mean okay forget forget ukraine for a second okay so when canada loses hockey
games vancouver riots so if the police could take all that cell phone footage stitch it together
and go walk through it and find out who freaking started it they're still persecuting people for
that eh yeah they're prosecuting prosecuting sorry uh they they just pulled in i think three
more people so imagine that imagine law enforcement with this i mean yeah but then
imagine all the negative things yeah it's like with cameras everywhere everything we report on
now this is super cool and horribly terrible i don't know what else to say uh yeah but i'm i'm
stoked because it would also be really cool in movies like uh that were very like vocal heavy
there's a lot of talking yeah like that one good scene in the hobbit stop stop okay should have
seen him the day after he watched the movie stop uh because like if you could feel like you're
partaking in the conversation just as a silent member of the conversation that would be really
cool um anyways moving on to what more oculus you can tell who works on the dock hey so they
are suspending sales of the rift developer kit but will not confirm if there is to be a new developer
kit available soon so not necessary they're not necessarily suspending sales they're just not
distributing anymore yeah they're not making them yeah they're not making them anymore so if they
sell it in a region you won't be able to get them in that region anymore um yay um there's a whole
bunch of information coming out about what could possibly be in dk2 development kit too and a lot
of people are wondering if it's going to be a slightly further version than crystal cove
um because there has been people recently tweeting out saying that they've gone to oculus
headquarters and have seen something that's just absolutely blown them off their feet and they're
they're not talking about it and all this good stuff under nda but that was very recent and now
they're stopping production holy crap i want dk2 now development kit 2 now um i'm i'm super
incredibly stoked there's also another thing um oculus has filed for rift con the trademark for
rift con so there's probably going to be some sort of um conference vr convention or convention or
something like that who knows i'd imagine that um it'd be the least expensive conference ever to
attend i'd hope so i'd hope that they would have some way to be able to attend it in that form
especially with did you see those little like cameras on wheels that were going around ces
yeah yeah like if they had those but 360 degree cameras fantastic yeah that'd be epic um
yeah so they haven't they haven't commented on a kit but i'm it's a pretty pretty sure
kits coming although that could just be hopeful wishing i'm not entirely sure speaking of of
wishful hopeful things what if there was an app to make it so you can see better let's get this
ad okay so this is the claim and this is on popular mechanics.com this is not on like the
onion okay so there's a whole spiel about how baseball players and such and such they have
very little time to something something anyway don't worry too much about that what this app
does is it actually trains the brain not the eyes to interpret what the eyes are seeing better so
we're going to go ahead and this time i'm going to be ready to mute the pc if something disastrous
happens there you go yes good work go away amazing in motion nobody cares okay well whatever
anyway that's the same that's coming in a moment not mutable before so what it does is it it well
you sit in front of it and you you recognize you identify shapes for a period of time that i
actually haven't tried it yet but the whole point of all of this is guys it's i'm going to post the
link in the twitch chat which i always forget to do i know we should do this on every single
article there we go so i'm going to post the link in the twitch chat and the idea is that by
training your brain to recognize there you go so you guys can see kind of what's up now there you
go to recognize these things it will allow you to achieve significantly better vision and the
article claims forget about 2020 i think they were saying that there were people achieving like 27
which means that you can see from 20 feet what most people would see from seven feet
which is bananas absolutely bananas so my suggestion was going to be that we all try
it this week and then we come back next week and we can do a twitter blitz and i'd love to
hear from everyone how effective it was for them so that that's it it was just something
cool that i wanted to talk about which i guess is this entire show speaking of something not
cool that we're going to talk about irrational games uh is closing their doors
sort of as you knew them i think he's keeping about 15 members he's keeping some employees
and they're moving and they're they're they're supporting and helping the employees that they're
not keeping a lot they're even hosting job fairs where people from other companies can come to
their offices and meet the people that they're not keeping and possibly hire them i know bethesda
scooped up a few or is looking into scooping up a few and like who's not going to want people from
irrational games at this point um so i wouldn't be too worried if i was an employee at irrational
games they're not pulling an ea they're actually trying to like help their employees out that
they're not keeping um and they're they're giving the ip of bioshock to 2k which makes sense yep
um and yeah he's moving on he's trying to do a more entrepreneurial kind of endeavor at take two
he was gonna go fully independent but he kind of said uh this oh sorry this is kevin levine
um but he kind of said okay i want to refocus on a smaller group i'm gonna go i'm gonna go indy
i'm gonna go independent and uh you know i want a smaller team i want a flatter reporting structure
i don't want to be such a ginormous you know company working on such a ginormous project
anymore um we did this we started this 17 years ago and it's been a wild ride but i want to do
something smaller and take two basically said look let us support you within our ecosystem so
he's still going to stay there but irrational games as you knew it is pretty much gone yeah
and like they're doing that because take two helped them a lot in the past as well this isn't
really a new thing he's not jumping ship randomly this is this is this made sense already so it's
it's i'm kind of sad but i hope for good things he's quoted saying if we're lucky we'll build
something half as memorable as bioshock and i'm sure considering it's kevin levine that
he will try extremely hard so i i'm excited for what they make um i'm also still excited
for the future of bioshock it's not over i just hope bioshock too sure made it look like it was
over yeah but then it came back but then bioshock infinite was freaking amazing um i don't know why
the whole internet like flipped when it became awards time on bioshock infinite everyone loved
it then it was like awards time then it was like ah no it sucks and then it still won things well
that's the thing is the gaming the gaming community is very fickle yeah the attention
span is very short and you forget how good things were i think i think that's a big problem it's not
a multiplayer game so people aren't playing it every day it even ties in something that reminded
me um of the exact thing that happened with bioshock infinite was um the stars is in the
next great starship thing yeah it became the wild card round so everyone was voting for what one
they thought was the best in the wild card so what didn't make it through the judge voting
um and like a mass percentage of the votes or for something that was from the most recent episode
yeah and that's because when you went to go view it it was just names of teams no pictures of the
gun nothing like that so even when i was looking through it trying to be super objective i was like
i don't remember two-thirds of these because they're in old episodes like what the heck was
that so i don't know that's it the internet forgets everyone forgets it makes sense actually
i was having this conversation with um with ed today uh edzel our editor anyway um we were
marveling at some classic memes that a lot of the kids today aren't aware of like all your base
has disappeared off the face of the earth replaced by such doge so coin whatever like whatever the
the flavor of the day is it is so easy for stuff to completely disappear and um and like people
still remember it but it's not it's not circulated yeah it's not it's not in the flow like everything
else is um speak oh yeah this is a topic that isn't on the doc but i did want to bring up very
briefly square enix has talked about the possibility of more final fantasy development on the pc
cool it's been a long time yeah seriously i mean that was that final fantasy sold a lot of
playstation ones and a fair number of playstation twos um you know i think a lot of pc people would
have loved to have i mean they really expanded the platforms that the games are available on
a lot over the over the last few years i mean the remakes on android are probably the most
notable ones i actually did rebuy one of them now that i think about no maybe it was ds yeah i bought
like a final fantasy 1 or final fantasy 2 remake for the ds um and that's been such a cash cow for
them and such a such a great move for them that i really have to wonder is anyone at square enix
watching why the hell don't you go back to making good games yeah uh tying into that this isn't even
in the doc but apparently the the source and everything for thief was released oh yeah it was
leaked uh there's there's ending of the game videos on youtube already oh wow i think someone
was streaming the game on twitch like it's like leaked like out there not a little bit uh people
have mapped out certain levels and people are pissed really like that that ain't not stoked
at all especially the guys that used to play um thief i haven't touched it yet i don't know i'm
not gonna touch the leaked code i'm gonna wait till it comes out blah blah blah um but people
are complaining because apparently it's just way too easy and apparently someone has already beat
it from beginning to end without cheating i think it was like six hours wow so yeah one thing that
they do have is there's like uh voluntary difficulty scaling yeah so you can put in
like handicaps essentially like one of them is if you're ever detected you just lose
um another one is if you die that should be an achievement not a handicap you you get more
points okay sure so yeah whoever played a game for points i know um like honestly you either beat the
thing or you don't like for most people i know some people are gonna try to get every bandage
in super meat boy and that's cool i respect that but most people don't do that and usually it's a
cool addition that's how i see most achievement kind of things it's like oh i really like this
game here's something that can get me to continue playing some some sort of goal yeah like like
with the idea with thief when i heard about those additional difficulty things was oh cool i really
liked the thief games that's like why i like certain game types now or because it reminds me
of thief right um so when i saw that i was like oh cool once i beat the game once i'm done playing
the game normally i can go back and put on like a combination of modes where if you're ever detected
you die and if you ever die it deletes your game so i could do that and be like super hardcore and
then see if i could beat it like that makes sense i mean it's such a fine balance you know what with
a series like thief what i'll have what i'll say about that is you're damned if you do you're
damned if you don't if you change the gameplay a lot then the hardcores who really loved the
old games are gonna hate you for it and if you don't change it enough then you're not innovating
and it'll be another bioshock 2 what was the complaint about bioshock 2 well it was just that
they copy pasted how much how much do we complain about copy pasting and then how much do we
complain when someone actually innovates and my point about final fantasy i'm going to come back
to that for a minute because this this is very close to my heart as a die-hard final fantasy 6
lover is that it is not the same thing you do not have to make a change to the combat system
at all you could use a combat system from any decent final fantasy game whether it's uh five
six seven nine um i'm just trying to think of other ones that i liked off the top of my head
but anyway you could take any good combat system and you tie it into a halfway decent story with a
decent length and that's the kind of gameplay it is who plays final fantasy for the combat
that's that's one thing with thief though that people have been complaining about is apparently
you can run through the game like a rambo and the whole the whole thing and a lot of like uh
reviewers that have been able to play it early have been saying it's incredibly difficult to do
combat but then apparently the guy that ran through it in like six hours just like killed
everyone and he was like yeah yeah you just shoot everybody right and then pick up all the things
which is like not how thief is supposed to be played you're supposed to not be the greatest
combatant you're supposed to have to beat the game by stealing things that's the whole point
you're a thief so i don't know that doesn't make any sense but
no i don't know i'm still uh i haven't given up hope i am hoping that it's just some like crazy
hype train you haven't given up hope yeah when is the last time a game got leaked and panned
and it turned out to be awesome okay so moving on uh gtx 750 ti nvidia's most efficient gpu yet
the article that i will refer to is our own video because this is something we cover it's
funny on wan show we tend not to cover anything that we covered well because they just go watch
the youtube video well yeah but that's i mean that's assuming a lot that's assuming that
people want to watch our youtube videos they seem to i'm pretty sure oh you know what i'm
i'm gonna create a straw poll for this you know what why don't you just
hate strawpool.me yeah yeah i'm gonna create a new straw pool
do you oh okay here what do you what do you watch sorry you should probably just start using your
own forum yeah we should probably start using our own forum we have a poll on our own forum
okay ltt plus wan plus techquickie okay uh ltt plus wan ltt only and then wan only what are some
of the other options anyone watching this show must watch wan techquickie but well they watch
wan so there are already options in here that don't really make any sense yeah never mind um
well whatever tq only fine so well i'm talking like what do you actually follow what do you
regularly watch so if this is the only time you've ever watched the wan show maybe not
maybe don't include wan but if it's like a part of your thing to watch the wan show all the time
then include it then yeah we're curious we want to know like what you guys are actually watching
here so to be clear ltt is linus tech tips youtube channel tq is the techquickie youtube channel my
secondary channel and then wan is this particular show because there is a large subset of our
viewers and i know this already that do not watch wan show even though they're regular viewers like
i people like six months in to luke being on the wan show but not appearing in other videos we'd
have people being like holy crap it's slick and like i'm not i'm not like i'm not hating on these
people or anything it's just it's like um it's just like okay you you clearly don't watch the
wan show and that's fine i think that's slowed down a lot there's still a little bit where
someone would be like oh my god his name is luke whatever and i'm just like yeah yeah and that's
fine i mean and some people kind of go away and they don't watch it for six months and they come
back and then it's surprising and that's mostly gone but i'm just sort of curious how many of
you don't in the meantime we'll talk about 750 ti um not a whole lot to say very competitively
positioned very power efficient very quiet look at that cooler there's like nothing to it at all
it's kind of ugly it's only about the length of a pci express slot which okay now we made fun of
this both of us you and i are both guilty we trolled the hell out of the 650 ti yeah that
little tiny pcb but then when i needed a card with an h264 decoder on it for my media pc what
did i have to use i had to find that short pcb card to install an alien lee pc q07 funny
it's still funny it still looks ridiculous but there is a market for a card that is very power
efficient doesn't require an external power connector see no power connector and is really
really short so you can fit it in almost anything yeah and like it it it shines as we talked about
earlier it shines greatly if you're looking for very power efficient mining now all the charts
that people are showing is um like very heavily based on power efficiency it's not the craziest
miner out there yeah but for how much power it draws it is extremely strong so it's it's that
how you're rating it kind of deal so if you want to run a ton of these on a low amount of power
and have it output a good amount for how much power you're using that makes sense and then a
lot of people do worry about that because if you're trying to legitimately make money off
of mining your power bill is probably kind of really important to you that's a major factor
yeah so if you can get that down and still be making a fair amount then that's really good
because you have a if you have to get that that raw profit up all right so let's have a look at
the straw poll before or did you have any more topics you wanted to cover uh there's like random
things like uh the power laces possibly coming in 2015 there's nothing really else to say about that
though that's fine um power laces from back to the future might be coming in 2015
although i'll find a picture this is posted on the verge by the verge thank you verge we love you
verge um i think i have a video of how it like was worked and i found out why we haven't got
joshua topolsky as a guest yet why um well he had a baby so he's kind of busy and stuff yeah that
makes sense yeah makes perfect sense cool that's okay he has all the time he wants yep also oh my
goodness i got a message tom merit also agreed to come on the show but he's been like he just
started up his own thing he's been crazy crazy busy but yeah we definitely want him as a guest
so anyway these fictional sneakers will be uh will be coming so power laces yeah power laces
they're not going to be on shoes that look like this well they they should be they totally should
be i would definitely get some of those i mean they did a limited oh my goodness i'm not screen
sharing they did a limited edition run uh back in 2011 or something yeah of 1500 of these shoes
but i would love to see them actually bring this would you wear them yeah
you would wear them yeah just because the back to the future reference
if it wasn't for back to the future i probably wouldn't get those
but like because it's back to the future and because certain nerdy people would be like yeah
then yeah i'd do that so nerd street cred is worth looking like a dumb ass to other people
yeah okay that's fine i'm not saying that's why i wear certain things because it has nerd street
yeah like that video game high school shirt that you apparently never take off
sweater yeah but yeah all right so let's go to our poll what do you guys watch
70 of you apparently will watch any crappy thing that we make sweet so that new channel
yeah we should totally make new channels like linus in stormtrooper armor just doing things
entirely new channel for this just uh line it's a stormtrooper armor takes out the garbage
reality tv has reached a new low
thrilling it was raining this time dun dun dun i don't even know if i'd want to take $1500
stormtrooper out in the rain well it's plastic it's plastic but even so yeah yeah dun dun dun
dun dun dun here maybe i should he takes it out in the rain exciting new episode this week on tlc
all right so uh i can't read the straw poll unless i hold this here uh linus tech tips and tech or and
wan gets it you better do this okay so linus tech tips and wan show gets 22 of the vote wan show
only gets four percent that's actually a lot higher than i expected uh linus tech tips and
tech quickie no wan show is about two percent of the vote that makes sense because that would be
people that are watching the wan show that are but are possibly new to it um linus tech tips
only is only about one percent again that's people that are probably just new to the wan show and
tech quickie is about one percent as well with only about nine votes so not that many people
are coming from only tech quickie and now watching the wan show but there is some of them and the
mass majority of people watch just basically everything cool thank you guys yeah i think
that's actually about it for the show uh we should probably do uh one more plug for our sponsor thank
you very much to hotspot shield for sponsoring this episode of the wan show um how's the audio
from in here um actually you're not as terrible huh i can't hear it for do you don't you have that
yeah yeah i just realized i'm asking a stupid question after i asked it but then it was too
late to back down all right yeah so uh uh yeah so thanks hotspot shield and then the other things
are guys don't forget that you can support us in our endeavors to bring you know justice to
the galaxy or whatever it is that we do around here yeah no literally you can though by joining
the star season organization if you're the pc gaming forum on the website you can find the pin
topic at the top which is the star season thread and you can join the star season group we're like
18 people away or something from becoming second place really want that to happen this weekend so
join up it'll be awesome dog fighting is coming out around april 11th or news about dog fighting
will be coming around april 11th the 13th and it should be releasing soon after that so
enlist now and we can hopefully have some fun together and then the other thing too is we have
t-shirts now so if you click on the support us link that's right on the uh the linus tech tips
forum there and of course my browser is like hardcore zoomed i can't like the lenses on these
are not the greatest lenses i've ever encountered in my life that's why they can't shoot or aim
very well yeah not exactly it is no mystery to me anymore why stormtroopers can't hit anything
because i i got fully armored up today i can barely move i can't see i mean it's like uh i
mean yeah mark hamill said it best i think i can't see anything in this helmet yeah yeah yes
you got it mark i love you um so there you go support the cause lots of different things
including supporting us directly with monthly contribution which is of course very helpful
helps us bring you more content and be less reliant on sponsors which helps us expand our
team we are hiring so there's uh that as well um this ah yes you can click here to get a t-shirt
wancho t-shirt or well they're both kind of wancho t-shirts yeah we should have some other
t-shirts we should probably have some other t-shirts yeah we'll have other t-shirts later
don't worry there's more t-shirts coming we should get the better than bieber thing going soon though
yeah better than bieber t-shirt put almost anything on that yeah but like a dog turd
someone mentioned that actually it should be a pile of dog poo it's better than bieber
better than bieber i don't know if i'd want to wear it but it's accurate
thanks for watching guys i think we're done here nope wrong one
what you gotta do the outro the outro i can't even see yeah yeah click click click left click
nuke i am your father