
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

What is up everyone and welcome to the WAN show. We've got a great show lined up for you guys today.
I hope Apple launched their M4 processor bringing ray tracing to the iPad and Microsoft has caught
heat from sudden game studio closures including the maker of surprise hit Hi-Fi Rush.
At risk of spoiling a little bit of this topic, the worst part of it is, was it just after the
studio closure or just before the studio closure that Microsoft basically came out and said
we need more games like those games they just made? I don't remember which one it was but it
was very closely tied. We'll get into it. What else we got today? Yeah uh you know Sony I'm gonna pull
this one out. Sony just keeps digging. We thought we thought they were out of it you know they added
PSN to Helldivers and then they're like okay we'll take it away and it's not back but the reason why
everyone was actually mad is back. Dude Sony is the classicist example of a company that
never learns. Yeah. They never ever learn. Yeah and we'll talk about that. Also uh there's there's
new handheld news. ROG Ally X, Nintendo Switch 2, stuff's coming. You picked that? What else is there?
The show is brought to you today by AG1 Ridge and Backblaze. Why don't we jump right into our
headline topic which is of course the ad that Apple released for the new iPad. Let's let's get
through what the new iPad is. Apple officially launched their new M4 chip. Surprising I mean
anyone who doesn't pay attention to leaks. There was some speculation earlier this week that
Twitter's AI news summary feature may have access to scheduled tweets because of how accurate
its summary of the upcoming Apple event was. I don't think that that's been confirmed. I don't
think that that's necessarily gone anywhere. I haven't followed it up so maybe it did but
I saw that I thought it was pretty funny. Anyway the new M4 chip is broadly similar to the M3
but has an additional two efficiency cores and a 20% increase in memory bandwidth. Apple is also
claiming more powerful neural engine and that's where some of the speculation about why we're getting
an M4 chip before they've even seemingly finished rolling out the M3 family. I mean anyone else notice
that the Mac studio still has an M2 series chip in it. I mean are Mac users and and by Mac users I don't mean Apple users I mean specifically Mac not MacBook are Mac users feeling like just Apple just straight up doesn't care about you at all. Every single time every single time they come back and they're like no no we hear you. You matter to us. Here's a
new Mac Pro with upgradable memory and upgradable GPU. By the way we're never gonna rev this again and bye bye. Oh wait no we haven't forgot about you. Here's a Mac Pro that uses Apple silicon by the way none of the upgrades and stuff are there and it's like way more expensive for reasons we can't fully explain. Also we're just not gonna we're just not gonna revise it. You're gonna be on M2 silicon forever and then our other products.
Literally the iPad is gonna get M4 before you guys get M3. It's it's it's kind of it's kind of mind-blowing at this point. Anyway the more powerful neural engine is fueling speculation that Apple has accelerated their plans for M4 with all this AI in the news and to make sure that their stock price doesn't go down because they don't have enough AI. Honestly I kind of doubt it.
They don't invest in Apple for Apple for AI. People invest in Apple because they have a very very beautiful wonderful balance sheet on a quarterly basis.
Anywho benchmarks from Geekbench show the M4 easily beating Intel's Core i9-14900KS in terms of single core performance. Of course we've talked about this a fair bit in the past. Geekbench is not the be-all and end-all of performance. It's just convenient to run because it happens to be cross-platform.
And the chip is launching in the first iPad to feature ray tracing and hardware accelerated mesh shading. Man if only they would let you run macOS on it. It would be like kind of the best macOS machine with a little folio.
Apple also announced the new M2 powered iPad Air which is actually slightly thicker than the iPad Pro. The iPad Pro is crazy thin and that's where some of the marketing hubbub has come from. It is.
If you're going to call it Air and have it be the thicker version that is weird.
I mean look.
It's cool that the Pro is so thin. I'm just saying.
Look Luke. This is the company what brung you Mac Pro. Mac Pro. Mac Pro. All of which are completely different products with completely different characteristics. They don't. The trash can one doesn't even look the same as the other ones. This is also the company what brung you. Oh I'm trying to think. Oh shoot no I was going somewhere with this.
But oh yeah yeah. Ultra Max. Pro Ultra. I don't even I don't even remember. Literally their most important product line has gotten bloated to the point where it's kind of a mess. The iPhone used to be simple. It used to be here's the new iPhone. Oh by the way you can still buy the old iPhone and it's cheaper.
Yeah. Then we got I'm trying to think of the exact order that things happen. Then we got the SE. Oh no yeah. And the SE kind of made sense. It was clearly separated from the rest of the product line. It didn't have the same premium feel. You know unapologetically plastic. But but kind of made sense. And then things just got completely off the rails because now we've got we've got Pros. We've got Pro Maxes. We've got.
The X is where it really went off the off the rails for me. Sorry X. iPhone X. iPhone X. iPhone X. Oh the iPhone X. Right.
It's just like that was where they they really lost me. Yeah. So I'm excited. While we're talking about naming stuff I'm going to allude to something I want to talk about later. I don't want to talk about it now though. But yeah like what the heck are they going to call the the new Switch. Oh well. Because a lot of news articles are saying Switch 2. But all they said is the successor to the Switch.
There's no way Nintendo calls it Switch 2. Well we'll get we'll get into that later. All right. Fine. Fine. Make a note in the Luke section. Okay. Okay. They also launched the Pencil Pro which is only compatible with the 2024 iPad Pro and iPad Air.
And another notable detail is that upgrading the M4 iPad Pro to the 1TB model will also get you a more powerful 10 core processor versus the 9 core standard one which is very MacBook like.
I thought it was I thought it was the 512 as well. So don't don't quote me on that but definitely you can get a more powerful processor by upgrading the storage.
I guess is this Apple sort of tacitly acknowledging that people that maybe they shouldn't be charging so much for just storage upgrades so they're going to nerf the processor in their lower tier model so that you feel like you're getting more value.
I'm actually not sure. Anyway there was an ad for the new iPad Pro and I have what I suspect is going to be a pretty unpopular take on it.
I wonder if it'll be unpopular with people here. Here is the commercial. We're going to watch it.
Which is still up by the way in spite of the fact actually no let's not watch the whole thing because I don't feel like getting you know DMCA'd by Apple but the point is basically there's a whole bunch of stuff.
You know you got a piano you got a metronome you got a whole bunch of what looks like DJ equipment a filming slate whole bunch of stuff.
There's some lenses and you know some art supplies. They crush it under a gigantic what appears to be a hydraulic press but I don't know might be a prop who knows.
And then they lift it back up to reveal the new iPad Pro. Look at it go. Oh my goodness look okay legitimately looks incredible.
That is very very cool. Which is pretty darn cool. So this has caused a pretty big stir. I'm going to read the notes and then I'm going to kind of give you my take.
The commercial features of blah blah blah blah blah blah. Okay.
Apple. Oh no we'll get to that. The ad was particularly unpopular in Japan with some people calling it disgusting and evil.
A few Japanese commentators connected this revulsion to the traditional Shinto belief that tools and household belongings can come to possess their own kind of soul with the passing of time and therefore deserve to be treated with a level of dignity and respect.
Hugh Grant came out saying hold on let me see if I can find quote Apple iPad Pro. Hold on let me see if I can find it.
Um he called it the destruction of the human experience courtesy of Silicon Valley.
Um so let's wait till he finds out about AI.
Apple seems okay this is from my notes to have intended this as a metaphor for how all of the functions of these items are included with the iPad.
However others particularly artists saw it as a dystopian visual metaphor of an impersonal industrial machine destroying symbols of human creativity.
All right so here comes the hot take.
I'm with Apple on this one.
Also I think Apple is still with Apple on this one.
They apologized for it.
And left the ad up.
And left the ad up.
Because I think the cold hard truth is that Apple recognizes that this is a storm in a teacup.
And that people generally speaking understood what they were saying.
And here's the thing.
I get that art is in the eye of the beholder.
And the meaning of art can be in the eye of of the interpreter.
Right and in many cases there there there are many examples of of art where the the writer be it of a song or the or the or the painter be it of of a painting goes out of their way to never completely explain what it meant.
And and that's that's part of the fun of it.
Right where they're basically like no I want I want you to form your own opinion.
I want you to find your own meaning in this.
Obviously it had some kind of meaning to me or maybe it didn't who knows.
Obviously it had some kind of meaning to me but I want to know I want to know what it means to you.
So people if you guys can I'm examples are escaping me so float plane chat if you want to hit me with with a couple of famous examples of that that would be great just so that everyone can kind of enjoy that.
Um but that's not what this is.
Apple has come out and said what they meant by it.
So for us to go well it meant this other thing I think is what did they say specifically.
This is something you already said did I miss it actually you know what no I don't think that I don't think they did say it I think probably they thought they thought it was obvious sorry I was going based on our notes.
They seem to have intended this as a metaphor for how all the functions of these items are included within the iPad and to me that is that is pretty obvious.
Um Tarantino in that stupid briefcase says lucid Lucy.
Okay yes okay so there that's that's a good example.
Um but yeah I would I would have thought that would be pretty obvious.
And to me to to take what you were watching and say oh well we don't care about the the the human artistry of anything anymore is sort of silly because Apple's not saying they didn't put humans in a hydraulic press.
They put tools in a hydraulic press.
And all they were saying was here's another tool here's a tool that does so many of the things this this thing does and I think that I think it's manufactured outrage.
There's a there's a take from someone at full plane chat from a lot earlier in the show.
Um Gurren MKD that says Linus I heard your point on the iPad ad.
I think you missed the point of why people are upset it's tone deaf because the iPad doesn't replace needing a piano or and hold on let me get to the end.
Um it's tone deaf because uh the iPad doesn't replace needing a piano or paint or tv or the other things.
The iPad isn't able to do the tactile feel and artistic expression from having objects.
The iPad is a tool that can support those tasks.
Your take that people are upset because the iPad doesn't replace the artist is not the reason why people are upset.
Red Bull doesn't give you wings I don't know it does it's one thing that's interesting to me is do we know because I've seen some people say so but I haven't seen any official statements for it.
Do we know if it was CGI or real?
Um I'm not sure because it doesn't look real to me at least some parts of it like the uh when it squishes the face of the thing the little toy thing.
There were things that looked wrong to me um but I don't know.
Yeah I'm not sure.
So I don't wanna uh apparently it's CGI with a lot of video posts.
But how do we know that?
Because I've seen people say that but I've only seen random people on like in in threads say that.
I haven't seen any official thing saying that.
So okay avulsion says Linus I see your point however there's a strong argument that even works with an established intended meaning uh where it can have meaning beyond that which is up to the interpretation of the viewer.
And that's fair enough but getting angry about it isn't really helpful.
If someone's intent was not the thing that you see in something then we have to be sort of we have to acknowledge that.
We have to kind of go oh okay well that that that immediate emotional reaction that I had um was not your intention.
I think in general and we've we've said this when people really like ads and stuff too is like just have your general like balance and happiness and whatnot a lot less connected to brands.
Like when when Wendy's and other various brands were running wild on Twitter there for a while and people were like emotionally invested in like these brands dunking on people it was like just as cringe.
Cause it's like dude it's like dude it's just marketing it's just brands just ignore it this isn't like good for you you're losing the game.
So in general I uh I think this is much ado about nothing I think their intended uh I think their intended purpose was very clear um I I I I think that we have far more pressing concerns especially because the the iPad has been
such an artist's in such an artist's tool and yeah you're right it doesn't replace a piano in the same way that a synth doesn't replace a piano right but it absolutely is an instrument of artistic expression and to deny that would be
I I I I I I I I I think if I use words so is your phone so is so is anything a rock so is a garbage can lid yeah anything can be a tool for artistic expression and all Apple was trying to say was that this tool for artistic expression can combine metaphorically the functions of everything you see here
they obviously recognize that a Swiss army knife okay is not the world's best knife it is not the world's best pair of tweezers and it is not the world's best toothpick
in fact it is not a toothpick at all because I don't know about you guys but for me the toothpick gets lost immediately okay immediately it's just garbage
but that doesn't mean if if if Swiss Victorinox or whatever the the company that makes Swiss army knives if they made a commercial like that where they took you know a shovel and and a whatever and they and they compressed it all they compressed it all into this Swiss army knife
I'd love to see someone dig with this dude dude we wouldn't be having the same conversation no probably not I mean there's there's a million other people are linking all these in um in in flow plane chat right now
there's a ton of other ads that are like effectively the same thing um like people posted this one from LG where's my thing here it is
someone's like uh by your logic a firearm could be used as artistic expression have you ever seen a firearm with a skin on it
no seriously there's there's I guarantee you someone has tried to draw a picture with a firearm at some point
yeah and people used to do uh not used to they still do it like stipple art on on plastic and leathery ones and they used to do wood engraving
and look you might not like metal engraving that form of art you might not like what they're expressing
what if what they're expressing is their is their second amendment right to bear arms and shoot guns at things
that's human expression you don't get to just say
oh that's all where's your violin like no literally anything can be a form of human expression
yes even a gun trig said painting firearms is huge in the industry now painting firearms has been huge
in the industry for well yeah long time do you guys remember the video of the guy playing a christmas song
no i haven't actually i haven't actually seen that it isn't it isn't my point though it isn't my point
we're not saying it's good or bad artistic expression we're we're saying it just it just is and you don't
get to you don't get to gatekeep it um so yeah sorry guys i don't i don't care um i actually fully
defend apple in this case okay so in so do you they should leave the ad up do you so you defend them
leaving the ad up 100 and not apologizing for it they did apologize do you but they left it up
i'm with them on it do you think it's a good ad if if there was no controversy yeah nobody talked
about it yeah because nobody talked about the the bunch of other ads that are exactly the same thing
yeah yeah i i no i think i think it's a good ad i think their previous ad was better which one um
someone linked this as well but i remember this and i think we even talked about it on wanshow
but this one you remember this ad what is this what's a computer yeah this is not a better ad
no i don't even i don't even know what the i'm looking at right now
what do you mean like okay what i can i can draw on it yeah i think the whole point of this ad was
that she can do a lot of the things you can do on a computer but she can do it on an ipad that's all
i guess it just it it takes a really long time to get to the point that's fair that is a that is a
that is a 68 second ad yeah so i guess okay hold on i should clarify then i don't think that i don't
think it's bad i think that it is you think the compression one is better it's struggling to hold
my attention and so the percentage of that that i would be likely to watch before clicking skip ad
is much lower whereas i think that the hydraulic press ad is very much designed for now interesting
i don't know what the music playing was i watched it but like basically i'm sure there's some dramatic
music but like something exciting is going to happen right and they do a great job of kind of
cutting in for for dynamic interesting looking colorful close-ups you you kind of can't look
away from it and that that grippingness while without being so explicit that's the other thing
like that ipad ad that's something i could have storyboarded well yeah i don't know let's just have
a little girl like do a bunch of stuff with it that it does like that's not i it's it it says it
explicitly whereas the hydraulic press ad says it implicitly which maybe was their mistake because it
allows people to kind of insert their own narrative here about you're destroying ai yeah ai destroying art
and not having respect for for you know classical instruments of of creation right but
no i i wanted to compare the views on them because i know this ipad ad actually got
you know 2.3 million views yeah um but i can't find what's a computer actually posted by apple
that's because apple pulls down their old marketing collateral instead of just leaving it up
uh in fact they they sent if i they sent some kind of legal notice to someone who uh archived all of
their old advertising collateral and were basically like you need to take this down you need to delete it
all and it's like sorry what like that's lame because they've got some cool advertising you guys
you should you literally pay money to have people watch this and then you're like no no no don't keep
don't keep watching it that's oh that's the old one so to be clear there's still plenty of things that
i think apple is so far up their own asses about that they will never see the light of day ever again
oh yeah this commercial just isn't one of them why don't we jump into our next topic here
you want to pick it people are also pointing out this is an interesting one trig in uh in
flow plane chat is pointing out that the like original iphone one commercials do try to make
effectively the same point that they're like we're playing not really because not musical instruments
but they're trying to show that like the iphone is replacing lots of different objects and if you
remember a lot of the marketing around smartphones and they originally came out was like you don't have
to have all these things anymore you just have a phone this is like none of these are new marketing
points yeah i think this is one of those things where it just happened to land at a moment of high
sensitivity around this subject um and i think because the ai i think that's actually part of why people
were so upset about the recent um gamer food video as well so it was right on the heels of one or two
high profile channels basically leaving youtube or paywalling most of their content on their own
sites our gamer food video okay yeah so so we were trying we've been trying to figure out like what
happened there and there were definitely some issues in the way that it was messaged yeah in the way that
it was cut i did end up watching it and i do agree yeah there were issues but how mad people were
like how incredibly angry they were um didn't seem to really match um the the the sin that we had
committed and we were kind of trying to figure out why it was and it does seem like that was a
significant contribution to how upset people were because the wounds were a little raw and i think
that's probably what we're seeing right here we're seeing open wounds in the artistic community
around computers replacing human art but that isn't what apple was trying to say at all
obviously yeah the ipad has never even a little bit has never been and it could be with you know
third-party software you could do generative ai art stuff on it but that's never been apple's
message apple has always positioned their professional tools as for creators of art and
the fact that they had it taking the place of tools for creators of art means that that was the
message these tools now this tool and it's so thin those other things couldn't possibly hope to fit
in this hydraulic press yeah and like this sure does people in chat like monty hawk is saying and
copyright is going to be continued to be bypassed by ai with vague and hidden bs with more scraping of
data and theft totally the ad had literally zero percent to do with that that's that's the this is
the thing that we're kind of talking about is like we think and i agree with linus it makes sense
we think there's a lot of rage coming from that area attacking this thing but this thing was saying
nothing about ai it isn't what apple is trying to say obviously but it is not tone deaf to say when
that open wound of ai replacing artists is ongoing but that's the thing right like if we know what
they're trying to say and we know that what they're trying to say is not the thing that we're upset
about then what's tone deaf about it like is our response to them tone deaf is is intentionally
if i know what you're trying to say and i know that it's not the thing that's upsetting to me
i'm the one being irrational yeah if i go well i'm gonna be mad anyway yeah not them that's not on
them intentionally misunderstanding someone that's fucked up don't do that yeah why would you do that
even for no other reason than it's just a waste of time and energy for yourself yeah just chill why
be mad it's just a it's just some freaking ad there's grass man go touch it go touch it it's okay
maybe go touch it with a paintbrush you know there's water there's water restrictions in
place if you can't water it if you live around here you get some green paint these days go paint
outside get some green paint get it on there paint your lawn you took him a while to figure out what
i was talking about oh yeah i thought you were just like fancily telling people to go touch grass i
didn't realize you were like there's a draw there's a try go paint your grass green oh sick like wow
condescending much okay twitch chat you lost your chat privileges sorry go paint your employee's car
oh man all right i think it's one of those things where it's getting worse because the global stress
levels are so high and small perceived slight yeah it's just that's that's what we're kind of
saying it's like you get that but just relax oh man there's so many not worth it there's so many
like legitimately scary things to be mad about oh yeah we should legitimately be upset about the whole
like ai generative like they took our jobs there's lots of situation there's tons of problems that
apple ad just isn't it yeah so why why invest the energy in it save it it's like hugh grant look
save your strength no offense but when's the last time you made a movie that i wouldn't just watch
on my ipad boom roasted hugh grant what does he make he was actually in that dungeons and dragons
movie that was very good oh yeah i i i legitimately actually i i i do enjoy hugh grant's so very recently
films oh yeah oh no no i i know i know i know i know i was just
no i was just i was i was i was just courting controversy yeah he's cool
yeah you don't know actors i don't know anybody i know it's sad anyway why don't we move on
microsoft has been catchy okay okay back to things that you should be mad about
here here is a legitimate here's a legitimate channel for that energy this could take some
action microsoft has suddenly closed it's not an ad three studios that it acquired alongside
bethesda including tango gameworks the developer of the award-winning and widely praised hi-fi rush
arcane oh sorry uh hi-fi rush uh
oh arc how do i pronounce austin
uh i think that's supposed to be austin oh that makes way more sense arcane austin developer of
prey and red fall was another loss meaning that development of red
arcane studios in austin texas is effectively over and it's promised dlc has been cancelled
uh purchasers of the hero pass that promised access to this future dlc will instead receive
a credit of unknown value neat and the studio head at arcane austin's sister studio arcane leon
called the closure a gut stab fans meanwhile have been reverse review bombing hi-fi rush with
positive reviews in a show of support according to reporting from bloomberg even more microsoft
studios are likely to close in the near future due to a widespread cost-cutting initiative there's
other reasons as well maybe we'll get into them here i'm not sure during a bloomberg event xbox
president sarah bond gave a non-answer to the question of whether launching a surprise hit game
should protect a developer from being shut down as the camera cut to a wide shot showing a very
interesting graph of xbox's year over year growth here comes our very interesting graph
yeah all right cool are you allowed to call it growth i guess growth could be a negative number
that makes sense xbox game studios head matt booty also inflamed the controversy when it was reported
that he told employees during an internal meeting a day after the closures that xbox needed smaller games
that give us prestige and awards which is the the defense that i've heard around that yes um
is that hi-fi rush was actually a surprisingly large game in the sense of the like cost of development
studio size and stuff like that but i i would still argue that it i hope preceded expectation
i mean when we talk about big games these days we're talking about you know quadruple a games
in my mind honestly though like i when you when you tell me a big game these days you try to compare
budgets of it so yeah i'm sitting here going okay well is it cyberpunk you know is it gta 6 like
what what's what's a big game so when you say smaller games he didn't even say small
smaller games that give us prestige and awards yeah i don't know enough about the size of like
um what was it was it arcane no tango gameworks i don't know i don't i don't know anything about
the size of of that so i can't really compare it and the whole triple a nomenclature is weird
these days anyways because like what does it even mean anymore i i heard i don't remember where i
heard this but i heard that the original naming for that came from like the finance industry
and it was supposed to essentially define games that were like a safe investment because they
were like leaning on ips that people knew would sell and stuff like that and that's just not what
the triple a industry is anymore here's my question if they're so strapped for cash could they have
just not bought a bunch of studios yeah i wonder how a bunch of studios could they have just
not bought bethesda specifically i wonder how much of this is specifically the the failure of
starfield that's an interesting question because like i i talked about this on the wan show i don't
know how long ago but i i had a discussion topic i don't know how we got onto this but i talked about
how um i think there were some quotes from the director of publishing from larian or something in
there as well but uh i talked about how one of the big problems these subscription services
is that the companies running the subscription services are just going to want games that sell
the subscription service yep and they're going to have their own internal metrics which probably have
deeply flawed aspects of them like they're not going to be perfect yep so they'll do it data based on
whatever not data based as in a database yeah but based on data data driven decision making there we
go yeah they'll do that but then what if the data is junk and i suspect a lot of that data is going
to lead them to massive titles that bring in all of the people instead of these small games that like
you know someone might subscribe to the service because they're like i want to i want to play the
new halo or whatever uh but what they actually spend all their time playing because halo sucks now
is stuff like um hi-fi rush or whatever else but if they on their exiting survey and they're they're
the first game they play when they sign up if those aren't these smaller titles it might not bring light
to them and if and if that makes them think playtime though yeah but if you have a bunch of playtime
yeah i don't know it's it it totally depends on how they're measuring that data it also it also is
i'm i i guarantee you look i don't i don't work at microsoft i don't work within the xbox team but
i guarantee you that there's an element of this that's political as well because any time you just
have a bucket of money someone is going to decide what to do with that money if all of these games
were selling on their own individual merit generating their own revenue then it would be directly
attributable right back to the team that worked on it whereas if all of these games
are minor contributors to a gigantic bucket of money called game pass revenue that someone
or someone's is in charge of divvying up kind of going okay so reinvestment wise uh this is going to
go into what we think is a good bet over here and this is going to go into what we think is a good bet
over here just because you made something great last time that contributed uh a whole bunch of
subscribers a whole bunch of playtime doesn't necessarily mean that you will be divvied
anything yeah so it's actually the complete and what's funny is because what what if they don't
believe in your vision for your next proposed project then instead of you just automatically
having the money for it anyway because your last project did really well you could just be rug pulled
and everything's gone and what's funny about this is i remember us having conversations about how
subscription services could be uh a savior for smaller game developers they and and and they could
have sort of was for a little bit and they could have been because this this idea that instead of
feast and famine where you launch your game you get a whole bunch of revenue you squirrel it away
like like like a like a squirrel saving nuts okay you squirrel it away and then you kind of
ration it out until you can get your next game launched um that wasn't sustainable right and so
the idea that you could just have a little bit of consistent revenue trickling in on a more regular
basis by contributing to this pool of games that people can play you know games netflix style it all it all
seemed like a a pretty happy idea here's here's another part of the problem so i don't think this
was in the notes but and if i click on the fortune.com article to try to actually get the whole thing
uh there's a giant ad that i can't get past to pay money to fortune so i'm just going to read off of the
google search result for it but it says uh speaking about the closures more broadly booty said that the
company's studios had been spread too thin like peanut butter on bread which i thought was a really
weird analogy for spread too thin but sure um and that leaders across the division had felt understaffed
and they decided to close these studios to free up resources elsewhere so they bought all these things
right didn't have the the like plan high level leadership to to manage all these sub studios now
and then we're just like oh and closed it
what a waste like there's there's like embracer group just like bought a bunch of stuff and then
closed them and microsoft just bought a bunch of stuff and closed them like this isn't going to
make people get interested in your other garbage games that you're releasing it's just going to
create more people buying other stuff unrelated to you like if we if we look at a lot of the
really big successes as to late they have not been big microsoft titles what about halo infinite
it's just not working like the the the buy them and close the model is not going to be effective
i pretty much guarantee and i just i gotta i gotta kind of wonder right like bean counters you know
if you if you're being counting calculation goes okay this bean costs one billion dollars
okay um so you buy it for a billion dollars nice and then you basically go okay it's a solid bean
right there okay let's throw away this bean i could fit so much fiber in that bean yeah um what's your
plan like how did that how did that make it past how did that make it past the you know that you
know that old meme format where the guy gets like hucked out of the window of the boardroom like how
how did it make it past that guy yeah yeah i i i actually don't get it and to and to be clear
um you know it's not like as a company we've never over extended ourselves and and been in a position
where you know having twice as many people is is you know actually less efficient right like
it's it's not like we aren't at a size where i get that growth has pains but you don't
have to buy things and they did they closed it so fast i didn't buy bethesda that long ago
no like it's very quickly no my goodness oh man but throwing away the bean is a tax write-off
drop table employees and floatplane chat you're banned i'm kidding i'm kidding i do wonder like how
much like how much of this is just like stock minor like minor stock manipulation or or like
trying to appease stockholders at all like well because if they if they if they have all these
studios like is it is it better from a stockholders perspective or someone potentially purchasing a
stock this is stuff i am not good at don't know a lot about so just big warning before people get
pissed off um from from that perspective is it better for them to just focus on future revenue
than care about what's in the bank right now and i think yes right so they can spend fairly recklessly
to like buy studios as long as they're sharpening the sword for the future is that is that how the like
capitalist stark mark stock market perspective goes so what you want if you are an acquisition company
which at a certain point they are every company is you're essentially just what when's the last time
microsoft invented anything and you can basically say that about any gigantic multi hundreds of
billions of dollars company some of them do it is by small companies they do very real research and
development but a lot of the time they're just they're out there acquiring they buy open ai
they're acquiring they're acquiring they're acquiring so at a certain level pretty much every
company is an acquisition company so they take capital from shareholders from investors and they
use that capital to buy something that has recurring revenue then they basically just need to maintain
whatever their target balance of revenue to operational expenses is and if they don't then their share
price crashes their credit worthiness tanks and they are in enormous trouble because they have a bunch
of debt right because they needed that investment in order to make those acquisitions yeah so it
becomes this it becomes this wheel that they have to keep running on to constantly show a really high
high operating income which is that which is that uh operating revenue minus operational expenses
uh calculation and so what they might do is buy something and then if it doesn't immediately spin the
money machine fast enough by shedding it well a penny saved is a penny earned yeah and from an investor
standpoint the the minor details like like the amount of money that they had to spend to to reach that
number on a quarter by quarter by quarter by quarter basis uh doesn't really matter as long as they find
some other thing to acquire that like does more better or some other thing that you know does whatever
it's it's just effectively cost of doing business there is no human element to any of this
and that's why you see decisions like this being made that's why you see this level of recklessness
um or callousness i guess is probably the better word um the example of tesla just laying off their
supercharging change though because they they bought bethesda for like around 10 of just the cash on hand
that they had so i don't know i mean it was probably still done as some debt purchase because whatever but
um i guess what i'm trying to say is that immediate loss on bethesda doesn't really matter
as long as they maintain that ratio this is what i was trying this was also the point that i was
effectively trying oh i see like does spending the money effectively not matter and then they try to
sharpen the sword afterwards so like the purchase of studios from these large companies means honestly
next to nothing yeah like it's um and and and they can play an extremely long game as long as
they don't run out of capital like i i think i've talked about this before but one of my friends um
has uh has an independently owned veterinary practice and um she was talking to me about the nightmare
that it was to be bidding on the veterinary practice that she worked at so she worked there she
started as an employee and is now the owner but her journey there was arduous um and as she was
reaching the final stages of her negotiation to purchase the veterinary practice um the the problem
was that she was bidding against a large you could call them a veterinary company but remember what i just
said any company once it's large enough is just an acquisition company so what they really are
are an acquisition and holding company that happens to focus on investments into veterinary practices
because it's a space that they are deeply invested in which can come with strategic advantages which
i'll get to in a second and so the problem that she had was typically you would value a business on
some multiple of their earnings before something something i forget whatever it's called ebita so
you know let's say three to to five x for a business that's not expected to experience any kind of
explosive growth and what that essentially means is let's say that number was 10 million dollars
um i would expect to buy uh your your your veterinary practice that makes um two million dollars a year
i would expect to buy it for somewhere between six and ten million dollars and the idea is that if i
continue to run it well i will make back my six to ten million dollars in three to five years and if
it's a business that's expected to grow then you would expect a higher multiplier because if i run
it competently well it should grow and i should i should make my money back in an even shorter period
of time and you can see much much higher ebitas in fields like tech where they're expecting this
company to explosively grow in the next two years to the point where they might get that return in
you know 18 months right well a veterinary practice isn't like that you know they're they're
probably gonna be pretty consistent you you might see you might see steady unless everyone buys pets
because of covid or something like that that there's there's no way you can see it coming but there's
only so many there's only so many operating rooms you know there's only so many dogs you can cut open
at a time and um and and so so there's there's kind of limits but true yes there's kind of limits
to to how much it can grow yeah and so you know somewhere somewhere in the three to four to five x
um ranges is probably reasonable for something like that but what she was up against was a company
that was bidding about double that and she's looking at it going this makes no real sense
like the the the cost um like i i i have to have debt in order to i don't have that kind of money
sitting in the bank it's it's millions of dollars what even a vet right like they don't have millions
of dollars of cash in the bank it doesn't work like that like you have to you have to take on debt
in order to make an acquisition like that and um so how does this make any sense the amount of
interest i'm going to be paying right so but she's up against a group that is playing such a long
long game they just don't even care that they don't care they want effectively monopolistic
ownership of all the veterinary practices in the general areas that's right they're operating
they're playing such a long game and their shareholders don't care about that big hit to the balance
sheet this quarter what they care about is is the money machine what's the path churning out
consistent income and then once there's no nothing else to acquire well they still have to have that
go up so what they do is well now that they control all the veterinary practices in the vancouver area
they jack up the prices um and that's the end game it destroys everything and the reality of it is
that regulators are not going to get involved in community veterinary practices because it's not
a monopoly in the in the you know strictest sense of the word it's anti-competitive sure but i mean
realistically when there are so much bigger battles to fight like you know the 400 band-aid that might
end up on your invoice at a at a hospital for example what so like your your dog's broken leg
cost you more because some company owns all the vet legs i'm sorry i don't have time for this it's
something that would be nice if they pursued and i'm happy that these days they do seem to be doing
roughly anything um but yeah there might be bigger fish so i um so so basically yeah that's the that's the
long and short of it they don't care because they don't care because it just doesn't matter to
them um which really sucks uh oh so the the good news it for my friend who who owns the practice is
that dr smith is a good guy one of those people who actually puts people above money and uh and took
took the took the human offer that's cool yeah that's actually really good to know yeah so uh if you
guys are ever ever need need help with uh and don't don't assume most people are going to do
that either no most people would take the big offer and and you can tell yourself all day you can tell
yourself all day and night i would take it i would take the human offer i would the offers on the table
and then and then there's literally millions millions of dollars at stake it's in front of you
the document is there all you have to do is sign it pretty much no one's going to know that you did
this most people will sign it yep um but it was uh it was pretty cool so dr smith super cool and um
yeah yeah shout out shout out my friend cindy from phaser heights animal hospital um really really good
good person um yeah she's she's super cool so if you guys i don't think they they don't do birds
unfortunately for no yeah um they specialize in dogs and cats but our vet is actually they're very nice
people they're just really far away that's the main annoying part um we're supposed to explain and
do two merch messages shall we yeah you want me to do it yeah why don't you do it you always do it
i know merch messages are the premier way of sending messages into show into the show there are others
and they are inferior this is the way to do it you get stuff could you buy a gift card yes if you
really just wanted nothing but you should probably you know get something for your your your message
that you choose to send into the store yeah if you choose to do so you can go onto the store
pick an item add it to your cart view your cart and there you go on the cart page you can see the
merch message you can check the little box i would like my purchase to appear as a merch message on the
ltt stream and then leave whatever message you want to leave you can pick your little color
you can do all that type of stuff you can make it anonymous if you want etc and then either uh you'll
say bad things that we don't want to show up on the show and we'll hide it and it will never be shown to
anyone uh or dan will read it and go like i can respond to that he'll respond to it through text and
then it will show up on the bottom of the screen where this banner currently is it'll show your message
and then it will show dan's response or one of the uh or linus or myself will do a text response or
it will be selected as a discussion question for linus and i and dan potentially to discuss live on
the show dark 24 on float plane says i hate stuff i just want to buy words hey good news you're
subscribed to float plane yeah you did it good job you succeeded you found you found the place where
we will take your money to have to have colorful colorful your name in colorful words yeah oh and
also you know behind the scenes and all that kind of cool stuff uh we do have some updates on the
store so we finally finally brought back some of our classic t-shirts ram hard drive processor and
gpu are all back that's right my friends processor shirt is so sick we even retook photos and this is
really funny uh maria sent me this uh earlier today she was like dude i don't know how you did this
is it exactly the same but your picture looks exactly the same oh okay this goes to the same one every
time okay hold on i'll get this this this man has practice yeah your your hands are in slightly
different positions but they're very similar she was like dude wow what the the the head is like
identical this is this is not like photoshop these are not two set these are these are two completely
different pictures taken like a couple minutes apart where i walked off i walked off the the photo
set changed my shirt walked back stood there and absolutely nailed it that's awesome
so yeah oh get over elijah there's a breaking news linus looks like linus that's not the point
elijah xavier says same pose xavier says the wrinkles are different my goodness in the shirt
these are the people that didn't like the apple ad the shirt wrinkles are different i know what they
meant it wasn't the shirt wrinkles it was the real ones don't make me go get more procedures
oh my goodness no i'm done um all right actual merch message time dan hit us yeah sure hey wait
hold on there's a few notes there's a few notes uh these are printed on our old american apparel blanks
apparently oh what uh and the hard drive and ram shirts are still being printed so shipping for those
will be a little bit delayed limited quantities available oh i see so we're just blowing away
some leftover american apparel shirt stock okay cool i mean the american apparel shirts they were good
enough for us to sell for many years good shirts i do like our new ones better but yeah but hey
but they're good shirts classic designs let's go hey sorry go ahead hey lentil lungs and door i've
noticed the last few these are getting really weird i've noticed that the last few handheld pc videos
haven't mentioned the steam deck much is that because it's not a good comparison because of price or
performance what it isn't is an apples to apples comparison the steam deck is an incredible console
but for the same reason that i wouldn't necessarily talk about the
nintendo switch in the same breath as every new handheld pc i also am beginning to view the steam deck
in a bit of a different light it excuse me is priced very aggressively which is amazing it offers a very
console like experience where instant wake instant sleep um are are integral to the experience uh it's a
it's a fantastic console um but much like a console its library is a little bit more limited and a lot of
that's it's not valve's fault it's due to um you know whether it's the developer of the game or the
developer of the anti-cheat it's it's down to developers uh either refusal or or unwillingness to
build linux support into their games um i mean yeah i guess it's i guess it's mostly that uh but it's
it's just a different product it's an amazing product the oled perversion oh man the screen on it is
just incredible but i also have a tendency to lean more toward lean on my own experiences when i'm
evaluating products and the reality of it is that rog ally one i i don't daily drive a steam deck
because for me the trade-offs the the things that i give up for being on windows are not worth what i
gain by being on a steam deck of course you know these are devices that you know one of each is
sitting in the warehouse so i don't have to necessarily consider the price i was just going
to say if if yeah you're covering it now but the steam deck is significantly cheap yeah the steam deck
is an amazing piece of hardware it's also not as performant as the latest handheld pcs and that's
that's again that's part of the trade-off when did it launch it's been a minute dude yeah
like it's been a few years at this point i think because it was what 2020 2020 i know it when when
it was announced we were doing wanshow remotely um it it did not launch in 2022 did it oh my goodness
it's 2024 okay yeah oh wow okay so my problem there wasn't that i didn't realize how long ago the steam
deck launched i didn't realize what year it was what is time it's current year oh anyway wow that's scary
so um nokia asks do you feel proton os has mature matured enough to be competitive as an os i don't
know maybe if steam ever actually released the bloody thing we'd be able to have a conversation
about that sorry sorry you've just you've touched a bit of a nerve because i've been putting off
the linux challenge v2 for the release of steam os oh yeah and every time i ask those guys hey
how's it going they're like we're on it and i'm like right but that's not what i asked i asked is
it can it be on my computer not are you on it um and and it just keeps not appearing and i get it
valves a well i was gonna say busy company but they've got some stuff going on no they got stuff
making lots of money yeah and you know what i'm willing to bet that they have some wild skunk work
stuff probably that they'll ever release it well not yeah i i suspect they're just too busy making
tons of money i don't know anything and evaluating the absurd amount more money than they make than
all the other companies i don't know anything about the internal workings of valve okay that they
make disgusting amounts i've never worked there but what i suspect based on everything i've seen
out of these guys is that they probably build more products than they actually release i'm sure
they'd be bored they're making all this money they might as well do something by a significant margin
i mean did you see the rig that they built for that steam deck oled commercial where they built that
sphere out of steam deck oled screens i don't think so yeah it's it's wild it's it is peak because we can
oh yeah like 100 they might as well spend all that money on something there was absolutely there was
absolutely no reason no reason whatsoever for them to do that practically like that they could
have come up with any other concept for a commercial but they did that because somebody was like
that'd be cool that'd be neat can we afford it easily just send it man i really wish those guys
would hurry up and get a flipping get a flipping index to go in here because there have been some
advancements in lens technology and in screen technology that i'm sure valve has been doing
stuff with they just won't they just won't give me my new they won't give me my new headset really want
more please um so yeah yeah steam deck super cool it'll definitely be back in the conversation
around steam deck too um we definitely will you know bring it up i mean the oh the rog ally x uh people
are talking about that apparently there's a leak or something yeah i think i think that's that's a topic
in here actually the rog ally x um i don't think it's like a huge jump though
a little bit more battery life i i think it's like a i mean to be fair they're naming it fairly
properly for this but i think it's like kind of like a pro model not a generational leap if that
makes sense yeah should we should we jump into that and then we'll do the other merch message we can
do that sure rog ally x asus has teased the rog ally x which they claimed is somewhere between
a sequel to the original ally and a revision of it featuring a new black color the x will sport
larger battery life allegedly way more than way more more than 30 to 40 percent more capacity i doubt
it it's probably something more like that it's probably like 30 to 40 percent capacity i think this
is written as allegedly way more like 30 to 40 percent more capacity that's what i'm assuming
anyways svp what does that mean senior vice president cool sean yen hinted at the verge that
the new handheld would give at least three hours of battery life playing intensive games however the
device will be slightly heavier because of said larger battery asus says the ally x should have more
than the 16 gigs of ram uh the ally non-x currently has and it will apparently be repairable
with redesigned joystick modules that are more interchangeable so just the joysticks were
that sounds pretty cool i mean that's something that's a good thing yeah yeah uh it will feature
an m.2 2280 slot rather than the 2230 so if you want to throw like an eight terabyte ssd because you
enjoy having a an ssd that costs games three times as much as your computer
asus still won't admit that the allies sd card reader had any fault but the ally x will have a
rearranged motherboard layout that will just happen to move the sd card slot away from the vents
interesting however the screen will be exactly the same and so will the amd z1 or z1 extreme
um apu the steam deck oled this is not um so yeah that makes sense more battery life which is
fair i understand it a steam deck oled this is not is that what i said yeah uh sure yeah anyway but
yes so it will it will apparently not be getting an oled screen okay coming on june 2nd yeah um our
discussion question here is what other upgrades would you have liked to see uh i i can't comment
on anything soon other than what's in here i mean i wouldn't have minded seeing more performance but i
guess more battery life is also pretty good i would have liked to see another usbc port um there
oh i'm honestly surprised they have a revision already on my trip to japan i had this brilliant
idea that on the plane uh my kids could play like multiplayer games with uh with this portable um i grabbed
one of the one of the screens it happens to be in asus like rog portable monitor uh so i grabbed uh
one of the ones out of my car and i brought it with me so that they could put it in the middle seat
and sit three abreast and then play games together and i could run them off the ally and i was like man
that would be sick and so i brought a usbc cable and i plugged it between the ally and the monitor and
went oh hold on a second it's not like this monitor supports power delivery how on earth am i gonna
charge this did i bring a micro hdmi to usbc adapt no then i still couldn't charge oh
so now you need like a dock yeah so yeah exactly exactly and i didn't i didn't think to bring a dock
it's completely on me but the difference maker the difference maker would have been if it just had
two usbc ports like so many other handhelds do um so i would i would love to see that that's something
that has affected me personally but other than that i i don't know i mean i'd love to see hall
effect joysticks um i guess the repairability might help a little bit no no i'm just no i'm just okay
i'm that i was asked what i would like to see yeah i can only comment on what's written here because
who knows what i might or might not know faster better stronger is cool it's a portable device you
could you could hope basically everything would be better i'm just i'm surprised there's a revision
already that's all because how long is the ally is quite a bit newer than the steam deck um
no the steam deck's huge no no no more recently released oh oh oh oh oh oh um so yeah it was
released june 13th 2023 so it's been less than a year and they're revising it already that's pretty
fast on in the device realm well i mean that's the that's the it industry cycle though and that's
again something that makes the steam deck feel a lot more console like to me is it's very clearly
on a more console like refresh cycle i mean it's still that steam deck is still rdna 2 isn't it
i think rdna 2 excuse me zen 2 i think so yeah yeah yeah even though zen 3 was coming and we're already
on zen 4 now like they could if they were just you know using a random apu uh off of amd's out of amd's
product catalog then they could easily be revising it but it's clear that valve is serious about treating
it like a console where they lock in the spec and they can't they they build performance targets for
various games they build profiles and it's not just a pc where you're expected to just kind of tinker
around with your graphic sliders you can because man valve is pretty chill about that kind of stuff
like here yeah why don't you play around with your power profile and why don't you why don't you play
around with all these settings but but they're they're obviously trying to yeah they're trying
to create a console-like experience okay second we're technically jumping to a second we're still
on time uh let's see hey dll i was recently thrust into a manager position after the sudden
ousting of my boss we have a team of 50 people any tips for dealing with employees who make the same
mistakes over and over fire them i'm i'm actually i'm actually kidding because it's not that simple
i mean people make mistakes i make mistakes i like here what what are the what are here what are the
marriage uh like divorce statistics divorce rates close to 50 percent um here divorce rates usa um
afternoon a lot of that is repeat offenders as far as i know though the overall trend in the okay yeah
no we're not the point is that people make mistakes they make them over and over and over again
it is a serious strain on the relationship um so apparently first marriages is around 40 to 50
percent and second marriages around 60 to 67 percent yeah there you go so if your hope is to build a team
of people that are not going to make mistakes over and over and over again and the reason that i'm
bringing up marriages is that's probably the relationship in our lives that is most committed
um and i'm not talking like like a parent child relationship i'm talking voluntary relationships
this is probably the relationship in our lives that is most committed at least on paper and it is
one that we clearly um allow the day-to-day issues that we deal with trying to work as a team sorry i
keep gesturing at luke but maybe yvonne is somewhere over there um it's one where where we we clearly
allow the day-to-day issues that we encounter when we're trying to work together as a team to
destroy and that rate of destruction is something like well apparently you know 30 to 65 percent
or something like that so with that in mind if you build a team that is three people
odds are you're going to want to divorce one of them in some period of time
yeah so you just have to find ways polyamorous people are just in shambles right now
i don't know how you guys do it i mean look i i'm not i'm not i'm i'm i'm not judging uh you know
like the the the the the relationship style that you know works for me might not work for you and
what works for you today might not work for you tomorrow what works for me now might not work for
me later you know this stuff you know this stuff is it's all it's it's fluid and it you know it's
all cool i have no judgment here there's a zero judgment zone but sounds like i have no idea how
you do it i i just i man maintaining one relationship it's like and and and to be clear that yvonne's great
like dude like i'm extremely lucky but man relationships take work like if i had two yvonne's
in my life be like things would be so incredibly well planned and organized though that's true but
what if one of them planned it one way oh no and the other organized it another way and there was a
conflict he's gotta step back he's gonna step back you gotta retreat no there's no way no there's no way
i i mean i don't want them both dead
i mean yeah one of them might win but the other would be definitely you know in pieces
too yeah like not they wouldn't be alive for long yeah you know what i mean it's
yeah you don't thunder don't unstoppable force and immovable object
um what were we talking what were we talking about right how to how to manage a team oh yeah
the same mistakes yeah evaluate the mistake see how bad it is coach this is yeah if this is a super
bad thing work on coaching it if you can't coach it and it doesn't stop at a certain point he was
not serious when he mentioned it but at a certain point you do have to let people go but there's a
lot of steps that you can take on the way i mean uh you can you can you know put together a
performance improvement plan lay out very clear guidelines communicate that's that's a big thing
it has they have to know way ahead of time yeah that this if not fixed could result in a firing or
whatever else and and give them updates on how well they're doing check in with them on stuff
see how if they're implementing things to fix it try to help them implement things try to come up with
ideas for them to implement solutions to try to help them progress on this problem if they never do
maybe this just isn't the right job yeah and you good thing you didn't marry them yeah
and you know what they might be awesome and they might be super successful in another role somewhere
else totally but sometimes sometimes the healthier thing for both people in a relationship and you know
what working together is uh a relationship it's not a relationship in the same sense that you know
a marriage is a relationship but it's anything a friendship is a relationship being colleagues is
a relationship they're at different levels obviously but sometimes a relationship is just
not working yeah for both parties yeah and the better thing is to have it not be a real to not be in
that relationship anymore yeah i don't know but just don't read some books try to try to avoid it
that's also very helpful yeah for real stuff from reading books read and but yeah just just make sure
it's not a surprise that's my big thing um work with them try to really heavily communicate uh don't
don't just blindside them um give them the chance to receive that feedback and improve and like any
relationship don't let things build up and then explode at them because that's not helpful for
anybody yeah on either side timely feedback is really really important and it can be hard because
i'm sorry did you say you have 50 reports that's too that's way too many that is like three to four
times i'm hoping that they are one of the managers of 50 it's four to five times too many actually it's
doing the math here like that is way too many people um so if that's the idea then good luck
sharaf 2k says the idea of any company ever starting a pip in earnest is laughable as a company
that has definitely used pips with success to rehabilitate uh relationships um you're wrong
i think they are often misused oh 100 so so i'm sure maybe sharf has had one of the misused against
them before or know someone where that's happened or whatever a pip is a performance improvement plan
uh which is essentially a extremely direct form of communication of hey this thing is not being
done up to standard this is exactly what the standard should look like this is exactly where
the shortfalls are and this is the timeline during which there needs to be an improvement yeah
so it's just a super super documented and very direct form of that communication which theoretically
in my opinion you should have softer forms of communication before getting there um but it is
absolutely a step along the chain and there's people that can get there and then come all the way back
and do well and just move on from it and there's people that will fail the pip and then it is what it
is but there are companies that use pips to just fire people with documentation which is not how they
should be used they should be used to try to solve a problem um so i think they're often misused which is
why they have the bad rap that they have yeah no 100 100 they deserve the bad rap but that doesn't
mean that every company is monstrous and just uses them as a paper trail to fire people yeah yeah
elijah's had 12 pips already that's what he says in chat at least he was at least he was on the ball
enough to put a slash s on it this time we've had to have a lot of conversations recently about just
like jokes that we kind of can't make anymore because people don't seem to understand that
their jokes or at least a percentage of the viewer base doesn't seem to understand when things are a
joke i actually forget what one from writers meeting was today but i had to have just kind of a downer
conversation with everyone where it was like look that's a title that some time ago um i would have said
yeah that's hilarious um now people are going to take it seriously and and yeah i get talked to
the most about jokes no actually you don't um yeah it was and it was like uh like it was one of those
jokes that was like i've made a huge mistake or yeah i never posted i know yeah yeah the title was we
made a big mistake and unfortunately we're in an environment now where a significant number of
people enough people that it that it seems to affect sentiment towards our company yeah we'll
read that headline and go oh those guys made a mistake again yeah yeah when it's just it's just
a title calm the fuck down it's just a title of a video you think that by the time we title the video
like we didn't we didn't problem solve the steps like we didn't we didn't you know figure figure some
stuff out like we're it's it's it's a mechanism to to draw people into the video right and like
um oh man ploof ploof committed a sin today he didn't do anything wrong and uh you know it's it's
the same thing where some period of time ago i'd have been like that's hilarious um let's uh let's do
that as our intro but a significant number of people just whether it's sort of a lack of social
awareness or whether it's um whether it's just a current environment problem where what's real
and what's a joke is just so blurry not really clear anymore truth anymore um the intro that he
had written was for we did um we did another aliexpress shopping spree video where five people
were basically told okay it's a competition to buy the weirdest computer component on aliexpress that's
fun and yeah yeah it's totally fun and so he had this intro written for it that was um like something
something something and their job is basically to waste my money wait what how much of my money did
you waste you know and ploof loves that like he thinks that stuff's hilarious because i mean as the
primary shareholder of linus media group that effectively when he when he blows money on like
a paint job for his car he's like yeah let's go like got him like that's his that's his sense of
humor right and and jake tends to be one of the ones that leans pretty hard into that as well because he
he genuinely just thinks it's funny and then you get these people that are that are like yeah you can
tell the way linus's staff talks about money that he's like such a miser and like that there's a ton
of pressure on them and they're like they're trying to read these like psychological cues on people's
faces and you're just sitting here going like yeah because if that was the case we'd let that go through
editing like yeah like if we if we were that if there was that much corruption it just wouldn't show up
on the camera and i would and i would and i would sign the i would sign the the the purchase approval
yeah like you think have some game sense but but but there's a significant there's a significant
enough portion of the audience that we just like we can't uh like the the l is for narcissist thing
yeah hilarious i don't think i don't think it would make it into the edit today but the the problem is
that it like it did and then people took it super super super seriously
like what do you think happen like once it once it once it gets ingested into the camera it just
like must show up on youtube and then what's what's really funny what's really funny to me about it
is that a joke like that is allowed in the video and then people still are under the impression
that i'm some kind of thin skin draconian and i'm kind of sitting here going like
when did he thought it was funny because it was funny it was it was a good it was a good joke good
good joke yeah when what when did humor become such a serious thing i i i had never even seen it
and then it like came up some i was talking to dan or something and it came up when i went back and
watched it and just it immediately got me hard i burst out laughing it was hilarious the delivery on
it was great it was hilarious very funny and then it just yeah people just take it like a billion
miles and like the very best sort of um i'd say i appreciate a dry cutting joke and like the very
best cutting jokes yeah there's a little bit of truth in it sure i think to be a youtuber i think to
be a social media personality you don't necessarily have to be to a disordered level but like anything
you know self-absorption is going to be on a spectrum and you have to obviously reach a point
where you make a binary decision some degree of it's all about me to put your face on camera exactly
you reach this decision point where you go i should talk about myself on the internet and other people
should find it interesting i i can make a career out of this exactly people should people should
be supportive of my efforts to talk about my damn self on the internet right like there has to be a
little bit of that there's also the self-awareness of that too but like it's like i don't know i but i
don't i don't i don't think people it's funny i don't think people necessarily necessarily see that
i think i've talked about this i think i've talked about this on the wan show before where i will often
joke about saying do you even know who i am because what's funny to me is that no they don't the vast
majority of people do not i am not you're not specifically into computers it's i am not mr beast
yeah like i could walk into the average high school and if i happen to be walking past the
computer lab when the bell rings i'm gonna get a couple of those but that is that is not the level
of fame that i have and if i get a speeding ticket for example no i am not going to be getting out of
my speeding ticket because people like my f***ing tech tips that is actually not how this works
that's the joke do you even know who i am no and we're both in on it
but but that seems to have become a narrative about me in certain circles and i'm just like
all right sure wait what you can't get out of speeding tickets no believe it or not i have
never successfully gotten out of a speeding ticket by being me and before you ask no i've never brought
up that i am me it'd be really funny because it would not matter if i was in the passenger seat
it would be hilarious like i'm just i'm imagining this right now uh hi yeah hi officer uh i mean
surely we can come to an understanding here like what if i what if i put you in the credits for the
next video yeah do you do you do you know do you know this face do you do you know who i am
no no okay okay you got a text you got a tech savvy nephew you got a tech savvy nephew call him really
quick call him up tell him who you got in the car right here and then tell me you're still getting
me come on then again then again back to the whole what's real and what's not it's not like we don't
see tiktoks and youtube videos day in day out of people actually f***ing behaving like that stuff
yeah but that's so so i don't blame people no no really though it's not unbelievable they don't know
me personally they don't observe me in my daily life this is fair i'm still allowed to be annoyed
that we can't make jokes oh yeah me too both sides are fair i think i think we can be annoyed that we
can't make jokes and we can understand why dude it's sad i like i like i like playing the role
yeah of the of the kind of incompetent ignoramus who is discovering something because at some point i
didn't know and at some point it was really exciting to learn it and channeling that is one of the
easiest ways for me to get amped up about something and and i've always loved and it's not
so much of an act because at one point in time you were exactly and i've always loved putting myself in
a position to have something explained to me by my on-camera uh you know co-host or or by another
member of the tech subject matter expert of the tech youtube space or or or a subject matter expert i i
have intentionally put myself in these positions time and time and time again even though a lot of
the time i wrote the damn script or at least part of it yeah but people don't seem to understand that
the actor is not necessarily exactly who they play on tv and you know what i do make mistakes sometimes
and sometimes i make them by accident a lot of the time when i goof is something on camera yeah it's on
purpose i knew it was going to happen or i knew there was a very solid chance that it was going
to happen and i thought it was funny or interesting but i do make mistakes and i think that this is one
of those things where i have a family member that often says stuff that is just astronomically stupid
and one of the things that he does is he'll do it on purpose just often enough that when he says
something really stupid he can say right but i was doing that thing i do where i say something really
stupid and so knowing someone like that i can see how people would would think it's that but no i'm
just i'm just a little bit stupid the old troll argument yeah where people are like just uh where
even is it uh where people are just actually and they're oh i was just i was just trolling yeah and
then they'll like actually troll in like fun ways sometimes yeah then every once in a while they'll
go like way too far but then just try to fall back on the excuse and it's like no you're actually
just a loser yeah yeah you're just actually mean and people don't like you no one wants you to be
around got him what are we even supposed to be talking about right i was just gonna ask that nice
okay let's do a topic switch to what you guys want to hear about yeah let's i mean is announcing
that you're gonna have an announcement but you're not gonna announce what you're announcing is that
even newsworthy there is fine fine supplier leaks so okay nintendo announced that it will be announcing
the successor to the switch so we need to discuss what we think it might be called uh within this
fiscal year which means by the end of march 2025 oh fiscal year yeah okay nintendo has also said that
their june nintendo direct will focus on titles for the current console set oh set to come out on the
second half of the year paper launch question mark the company president recently told investors that
it's not including switch to sales and it's forecast for the same period implying the console will launch
sometime after the end of march a recent massive spec leak based on shipping manifests which is usually a
pretty solid solid one indicator of what it will actually be uh indicated that the console features
12 gigs of lp ddr5x memory it's pretty aggressive on the memory side yeah 256 gigs of ufs 3.1 storage
and an 8 inch display the switch oled for example is 7 inches and an nvidia tegra 23 9
same one spotted in many past switch 2 leaks which is the slightly sad part for me because some of
these leaks for this processor are old yeah it's ampere based is uh is my understanding of it but
ampere's okay ampere and and my understanding again is that it's not pure ampere so i think some of the
stuff is newer like it might have newer newer ai stuff so so the upscaling on this thing might be
awesome pretty good and when you consider in nintendo's typical uh visual style upscaling
should work really well i like skipped 3000 series did they have dlss specifically yeah
yeah 2000 series because that's that's like the future of all the things 2000 series was when they
introduced all the ai stuff and ray tracing stuff got more refined with 3000 and then 3000 series was
when it got usable yeah um so you wanted to talk about naming for this yeah why because nintendo's
pulled some weird stuff out in the past oh i see so is it going to be like we do you or or there's
been some like nest to super nest yes stuff which was they had like they literally called one of them
new yeah that was that was weird dude so like they've really pulled some stuff out so like is this
the new switch yeah that's funny we make fun of microsoft a lot for their console names way worse
and well i don't know about worse but they're definitely equally bad can we agree they're
equally bad yes okay yeah we agree they're equally bad i just the reason why i said way worse is i had
flashbacks to nom of the wii u launch like some of it's kind of made sense like the game boy advance
is definitely better than a game boy and it's like kind of game boy like game boy sp was weird yeah ds
light made sense sort of yeah wasn't it actually like a performance jump as well um i don't remember
but it was lighter but it was l-i-t-e yeah yeah you know light um like i wasn't a huge fan of that
one because i thought it was actually a 3ds made sense 3ds was pretty good yes but 3d 3ds was pretty
good um two switch two furious says nil pointer we could yeah we could just let chat help us out
here uh switch pro would be interesting switch advance i'd be down for switch advance i'd be i
would also be down with switch advance it's a switch but it's with more switch than ever before i'd be i'd
be into that switch up i mean you know with the whole like yeah yeah i think switch i'm pretty sure
i've seen people say switch up switch to electric boogaloo i mean these are a really good switch i
okay i think float plane chat is gonna lose their chatting privileges pretty quickly who do you
think you are twitch chat so people have been saying super switch uber switch switch hitter
switch hd i mean no no oh well yeah no nobody would use hd branding today not anymore yeah hd branding
is like i don't know 15 years ago yeah yeah and people are saying switch 4k there's i don't i don't think
this is gonna be it could be a 4k console if i doubt it well hold on if nintendo as rumored
has backwards compatibility with switch games i see no reason why an ampere based gpu with
upscaling couldn't run something like tears of the kingdom at 4k but with the added expense of a
4k screen no it won't have a 4k screen oh but it'll be able to do 4k to an yeah 4k to an external
dock it and go to it and there is absolutely no reason it shouldn't support hdmi that'd be fair
enough yeah exactly so i i thought you meant on device 4k no i don't think that makes any
absolutely no way they would do that i think it's going to be 1080p on device yeah even that maybe
not switch on oh i hope not that'd be awful switch up i'm okay with what was the other one that we
both liked switch advance switch advance there's no way they'll do that nintendo almost to a fault
doesn't look back yeah like they rarely uh like there's there like there is no way they'd be like
super switch one thing that's interesting to me is it's almost certainly gonna look almost exactly
the same as the switch it'll be slightly bigger but it's probably gonna be more or less the same
man if it's more or less the same size but it has an eight inch screen in it that thing's gonna be
sick i've heard i've heard rumor that the the controller's gonna be magnetic that'd be kind of
cool it's interesting um but this is interesting to me because the jump from the gamecube to the
wii u was like or sorry the wii was super interesting and then the wii to the wii u was more of an
interesting jump than people really realized with the like whole fifth controller and controller with
the screen all that kind of stuff and then the wii u to the switch was like crazy yeah and then if
this is just like that thing again but with a bigger screen that's like the first time they've
will people be really disappointed really done that remember too though hold on because the switch
took a unique approach to motion controls that maybe the kinds of games that you play
don't take advantage of but there's no way that you could have done what were those cardboard things
called where you'd like put the motion controllers on and stuff like there's no way that they would
have been able to build a gaming experience like that other than me did anyone care about that
i mean i think they sold some okay um goldball says they should just get rid of the switch name
altogether it is awful to search anything about the switch on the internet and that is a really
good point the searchability of names is a big problem in insert current year i need to run i'll be right
back okay i just looked up the video i did on the nintendo labo um and this was a lot more recent than
i thought it just says five years ago but youtube's weird with dates sometimes yeah this was 2018
look i just got a message in um hey dll why does nintendo consistently keep bringing consoles out that
are almost outdated or many gens behind the current gen they haven't been hardware pushers in a really
long time when is the last console they released that was actually like hardware competitive it's
never really been about hardware for them has it no i think it was a very long time ago oh 64 yeah
game was gamecube hardware competitive i don't think so i think that was pretty underpowered honestly
i thought it was i don't really remember but i thought it was
yeah he was pretty strong what directly competed against gamecube
wasn't it xbox original it was xbox and and ps2 if i remember correctly
gamecube release ps1 yeah it was ps2 and xbox 2001 xbox original release date
2001 so they're both the same time
box versus
do you think it'll do the same doc thing maybe they'll go to like uh people are saying the gamecube
was impressive because of how small it was like that's not is that cool it's not the point i'm
trying to make um but it's at the very least from the wii forward it's not it has not been about
performance and i know that's only a few console generations but uh it's been a long time the wii
release date was 2006 seriously there might be people watching this right now that weren't alive
that's depressing
risk of tmi i got my diagnosis back it's just a uti but i definitely have to go pee very suddenly
sometimes that's okay on my antibiotics and i'm feeling a fair bit better at least you're good to go
yeah there was there was blood involved so uh never a good sign yeah this was like last week
right before wan show started so i was a little stressed during the show this is like kind of the
best sign of all the bad signs oh yeah no i mean the second you start searching for stuff like that
it's like yeah you're gonna die you're done yeah it's like oh jeez yeah so that's cool uh but yeah i
don't think they care about performance i think for them it's all it's been all about experience ever
since especially the wii um and even before then and 64 they cared about performance yeah that's
what what we were trying to debate on was did they what what was the argument on gamecube
how was the gamecube performance wise versus ps2 and original xbox um i thought it was pretty solid
i the the looking up that i did was that it was fairly well competing yeah and gained credit because
of how small it was yeah which is cool too bad the discs were too small to put big games on it
yeah so maybe they should have made it bigger and put a proper size disc reader in it and then after
the gamecube they just like actually stopped caring at all about performance and it was much more about
experience and just the games that were on the system and and margins walled gardening and margins
on the hardware yeah well while a lot of other consoles were losing money per i wonder if what they
realized was that they were selling so many copies of games that looked like for their for their mobile
consoles so like realistically is anyone is anyone caring about this i think also a lot of a lot of
like especially first party nintendo games the art style doesn't demand crazy performance um and a lot
of times the ones that struggle in performance it's like you know they probably could have done better
um so i don't know does your pc have a handle dude my brother had this if you don't know what case this
is let me see if i can find it uh you're not you look for that while i do our sponsor spots oh i already
found it all righty then oh you have a video on it nice let's go i think my favorite thing about my
laptop as it has the one your brother has is probably this one it might actually be i'm not
sure i don't remember how he got this is old enough for look this is old enough that i probably just
wanted to get this thing out of our way and what like i'm gonna flip it on craigslist
like this uh this case would have taken up so much space it would have been more work to sell on
craigslist then it's probably worth um because like the price is so high but people don't cases
are one of the fastest depreciating computer components you can buy like a used case is
basically worth half of what it was worth new it was either this one or he like won it i don't think
he bought one of these but at the top there this case was enormous and it weighed a ton especially once
you filled it with stuff especially once you filled it with water cooling absolute clown case and the top
here has these metal bars they're actually metal so he had this case and he got a welder friend
to weld the crossbar onto those metal bars so that he could just pick it up with one hand because he's
just this unit that could do that and he'd bring it to lands this is just enormous computer that would
just dwarf everything so good i don't know how we got onto the topic of uh cases but we did
so basically it's a giant game cube is that the point you were trying to make oh right because
people said you don't have handles on your computers and i was like well sometimes we weld them on but
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down below man i got crept up on it a little by it a little bit this you're crept up on by it a
little bit this year yeah yeah i was i was freaking out a little bit earlier this week but i actually
came up with a really good thing for um for my wife um it's it's solid like actually very oh you
know what she's not gonna watch this um so uh people could like tweet her and stuff careful and they
will i don't think she checks her twitter very often anymore yeah she's like pretty over twitter i think
at this point nice based uh okay hold on i'll finish this and then i'll and then i'll talk about
what it is because dan's apparently just not gonna cut back to us he's just gonna like leave it on this
forever the show is also brought to you by ridge you might still be single but your phone may have
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god that's really strong okay it comes with a little adhesive piece so you can just add it to your
non-magnetic phone still chugging note 9 for example okay i'm just gonna put it right on the
iphone though and then it's a i mean it's a ridge wallet right so what do you want it's got a band that
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like eh pop them out a little something like that and now it can just stick to the back of your wallet
just like that oh okay and they've got thoughtful little slippy pads in here so nothing's gonna get
damaged by it and i mean yep they better hope nothing goes wrong with this
i mean that's not gonna get edited at all
well what i'm supposed to stop now i gotta finish
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so no i'm done i'm done hey wait a second are you i what what about what about the savage jerky dan
i want to eat the savage jerky yeah then do that oh oh is it just like a product placement
yeah and then if you eat it i do this oh okay oh sick okay well i was waiting man he
but what did you get how dare you how dare you take my bacon jerky this one yeah i'm not the whole
thing no no no no go for it um i'm trying out the smokehouse bacon jerky well what you don't want
to you only want bacon no i just i just want i just want one you just want what you're just gonna
have one piece i don't want to open the whole pack oh that's right luke's watching his uh watching
his intake thanks man that's fine i'll eat enough jerky for both of us don't worry i got you
nice all right anyway let's get on to our next topic here shall we you want to pick
oh merch message sorry dan sorry dan we're we're doing it there's a sign
there there is a sign you guys can't see it but there there is actually if you want to do more
topics no no no no we'll do merch everywhere there's signs
uh okay it is uh dead pixel shirt is hilarious luke what was your biggest hurdle into getting
into fitness mine was being an overweight smoker have since quit all stimulants hashtag represent
hartford whalers nice oh hey there we go um hartford whalers there's a we have a special thing
here because sean from the it team that's where he got his old screen name from whalers because of
hartford whalers because of whatever whatever anyways i thought it was because he murdered whales
nope i'm kidding fortunately no i'm kidding there's an old problem is old canadian hockey
team called the hartford whalers yeah that's the context for you not all of them are necessarily
gonna get the joke which is why i clarified um uh what sorry what was it what was the hardest
part yeah what was your biggest hurdle getting into fitness my biggest hurdle uh by fitness i'm
going to take that as like the more recent going to the gym stuff because i wouldn't call the more
recent stuff me getting into fitness because when i was younger i was significantly more fit because i
played like a billion different sports all at the same time and i was extremely fit uh but these days
my biggest hurdle was that i was broken in a lot of ways largely from all the sports that i used to
play when i was younger so i had rotator cuff problems you shouldn't have done that he's just a boy
problems i was i was on a cane for a few weeks years back because i screwed my knee up so bad
so that's a recurring still existent problem that i have and i have lower back issues and all this
other type of stuff so i had to and i had gained a ton of weight over covid so those issues were worse
because of the weight gain so i had to drop weight and figure out how to deal with those issues
which wasn't the most motivating thing in the world at first but once you start seeing progress in
the weight loss and you start seeing progress in the end the biggest thing for me was progress in
the injuries because i had it for a while like i'm going to do this right now i'm going to reach back
and grab linus's chair and move him around a little bit if i did that a year ago i would have shoulder
pain for three days
because my my rotator cuff uh cuff was so screwed up but as i learned how to do exercises that would
help strengthen the rotator cuff and without hurting it which would then make it less prone to injury
which would then make it so that i could like reach behind myself and do whatever and not hurt
myself like i can do this now at all which is huge um hartford's in connecticut i had no idea
they moved when i was still a kid and i didn't know geography that much i thought the hartford
whalers were a canadian team i have no idea i have no clue at all yeah they uh they moved in 1997
when i was 11 so i uh i did not know geography yet that is hilarious today i learned anyway sorry
no it's fine um but yeah i started i started noticing like hey i'm not in pain as much anymore
that was a huge thing for me by working out more often when i woke up my back wouldn't hurt anymore
because i'd strengthened my back uh now i wouldn't sleep on my shoulder funny and hurt it or reach
behind myself and grab like a piece of paper and then injure myself those i'm more resilient that way
i'm i'm not hurt all the time i'm not as tired anymore i just started feeling better and less pain
all the time and then now it's just i don't want to stop because those things are very good so i
don't know those were the hurdles but those are also the reasons to do it so good luck i believe in
you sorry i was reminded the canucks are playing right now oilers yeah yeah how we doing uh 1-1
end of the first i'm suddenly more invested in this than normal because you just like the comeback kids
no a buddy of mine is like a super fan of the oilers so i just want him to lose
why do you why do you hate your buddies we won the first game and i was like yes
oh yeah in an embarrassing fashion we don't have to we don't have to win the whole thing we don't
have to win the cup we just gotta beat the oilers elijah says i can't wait for the canucks to lose
in the finals and we have riots again three times worried about the vancouver canucks have never won
a championship three times they have made it to the finals not just made it to the finals they
have made it to game seven which is which is the final game of a best of seven series they have made
it to game seven of the finals three times they have managed to choke in game seven of the finals
but never never a championship so i'm uh yeah i'm excited for it too elijah gonna be exciting
it'll be a lot of fun during a panel on ai in the legal field it was stated that using ai may soon
be required for attorneys for competency do you see professions soon requiring ai use rather than
doing things manually well it's not a matter of that i think anyone is going to like i don't think a
client is going to come to your law firm and say i need you to use ai or i am not going to work with
you like i don't think it's going to be like that i think it's going to be more along the lines of if
you want to stay competitive then you are going to have to take advantage of the efficiencies
that machine learning in its various forms to be clear i'm i'm not necessarily saying um
you know ai in the way that i think we're thinking about it right now and that a lot of the stigma
is around right now where you know you basically just punch in a prompt and then it just like shits
out a response there's lots and lots of different ways that you can use machine learning so one way
would be if you're looking for precedent which is incredibly important when it comes to advising
your clients on their their best possible defense if you are not searching using an an ai a machine
learning assisted model the entire just astronomically huge library of of precedent setting like case law
um if you are if you aren't doing that you're not going to be competitive you're not going to win
your cases no human could possibly hope to have read and internalized everything that they would
need for every different situation lawyers lose cases all the time they literally lose as many cases
as they win think about it right for every win somebody has to lose so if you are not using the most
state-of-the-art tools your win rate is going to go down yeah compared to people who are using the most
state-of-the-art tools unless they're poorly slash improperly using it which will happen but which
will happen i suspect more often than not especially in competitive industries it will be used properly
but i think the example that i'm using where you're using it to to look for to look for a legal precedent
i'd say that's a pretty that's a pretty likely use case where it would be very very useful and less
prone to hallucinations and it would be better than just a search like a like a term search if you have
a large language model that has been trained on an enormous data set and you go okay tell me about
any situation where a crime of passion was involved but uh there were these extenuating extenuating
circumstances right like that's not something that a typical search is necessarily going to be able to
handle without spitting you out an enormous number of results that you would have to you have to read
through all of them right yeah um and i mean i would say i'm not going to name any names but with
all the lawyers that we've worked with over the years yeah some of them probably probably should
have just used ai for some of the work i have ran into examples where way after the fact i realized
where they lifted the copy that they sent us from because i noticed certain verbiage and i was like
i actually literally recognize this and then i go to the the wherever that legal copy is and see the
line and i'm like there's no way there's actually no way this has to be lifted from here and then i'll
look at like the formatting of the document and everything and i'm like yeah they just clearly like
make it so it doesn't look like you copied my work and they just copied it it's like what did i pay you
for i could have done this like especially when when you're like oh well at least it's like signed
off by a lawyer so if something goes wrong we can go to them no oh yeah the man it's all garbage it's
funny how you know lawyers you know being lawyers um are pretty they're all pretty knowledgeable
when it comes to covering their own asses um and making sure that i mean
i'm just giving advice i'm just i'm just giving advice i mean you could do whatever you want to
do it i mean if this goes wrong well what is the point of you then what is your point why do you
actually exist like if you're if you're not if there's no if there's nothing bad happens if you
get it wrong what exactly is your incentive to use you yeah i am not a huge fan no i think that
good lawyers absolutely like any good professional um are important deeply but
there seem to be a lot of less there's a lot of junk less good lawyers that are that are more
motivated by just creating litigation so that they can bill hours um but anyhow
i'm trying to get a water block for my 6900 xt and i'm why didn't you just ask yeah i bet we could
have helped you out with that i mean we probably got some ek stuff we can't use don't say their name
i bought one recently and crossed out all the ek stuff i wrote alpha cool
yeah because that's how that works i did it over the plastic you are the alpha now sigma cool
oh my goodness so poor fraser here is trying to find a compatible one
uh is compatibility something that we should be seeing on the lab's website
i mean yeah but only to a degree right because realistically for something like a water block
we're not going to test that we're not going to be able to test there's going to be a lot of things
that we'll actually sort of work on especially with a very minor amount of modification or addition
if you like add little heat sinks to cover the spots that it's not covering and whatnot which is
something that people have been doing in water cooling for ever um like we yeah what are we
supposed to say if you add a few heat sink pads this is fine and back to the question of liability
right like do i want to be in a situation where i say it worked and then the manufacturer of the gpu
does a silent revision that we don't know about and it doesn't work and like well ltt labs told me
it would work and it's kind of sitting here going like why am i even opening opening myself up to
this um i think that's that's something where we're not really going to get into it like we
might have we you know if if we were to ever have like a compatibility checker of some kind i think
we would probably want to find a way to grab data off of the manufacturer website but i don't think
that's the kind of thing that we would go through and want to validate like we're not gonna we're not
going to take a motherboard and put every cpu on the cpu support list in it and then maybe other cpus
just to see if they work like it's not so like literal three people that would care yeah it's not
within the scope of of what labs would be would be able to test i don't think yeah
they could they just shouldn't
it's one of the problems sorry no no go for it it's one of the problems with having a thing like
that is like you could you could do the the lab could test like practically anything it's like do we
do we is that a good use of their time they have so many other really high value things to do and
they are currently doing that like adding certain things like that it's like i don't know sorry keep
going no that's okay we'll get one more in here i think howdy lld i'm back in graduate school after
20 years in a job where priorities were obvious how do you prioritize when the tasks are numerous and
deadlines are nebulous i can't i failed in school
so you're asking didn't you you said you dropped out right well it's a little um you were failing and you just
made the conclusion early yeah i mean it was kind of a you can't fire me i quit okay um i was on academic
probation already ah and if i hadn't fixed up my grades i would have been kicked out the next
semester but i decided that wasn't going to happen why am i paying anymore for this i'll see you later
true i kind of just stopped going to class i never actually formally withdrew
which probably looks bad if i ever want to go back probably yeah but that would be weird
and useless uh so you're talking to him who has that story and then me who dropped out
yeah i don't know task priority is this specifically for school we're talking no he didn't he say he
just got a job yeah no no no wasn't a job for 20 years and now is in school i was in school with no
one to basically go okay here's what you're working on right now do this thing if the way i used to do
it was if it's within a certain class um i mean just study everything hard but then if you're if
you're like if you if you know rationally looking at the work in front of you that you don't have
enough time to study everything there's a test coming up if it's when one within one specific class
i wouldn't pick the thing that you know the least to try to study i would make sure that you can secure
a passing grade so like make sure you're confident in at least a passing grade worth of material
and then work from there so that you know you can pass the class and keep moving forward so make
sure you have a solid base before you go in and then when you get to the actual test find the
questions that you know you can confidently answer and blow through all of those like skipping through
parts of the test make sure that you like secure your solid grade that you know you can get and then
go back through and try to refine from there that's what i did i have no idea i wouldn't necessarily
listen to me that's just what i did tomo como says i was on academic probation at one point this is in
floatplane chat now i am a college professor and a scientist i work on gravitational wave physics sick
and i'm smart enough to subscribe to floatplane i added that last bit but but but they are subscribed
but they are subscribed to floatplane um that's good i don't think my path would go similarly i don't
think i will ever be working on gravitational wave physics i think luke's seen me try to do math
you can do good mental math oh yeah yeah i can do simple math mental math you're good i'm good at
approximate yeah don't ask me to do anything exact that's almost all you need though you know when i
learned that my first year of university summer when i started oh yeah estimating painting jobs yeah
i i just like wasn't good at mental math and it's a good skill to have and my regional manager was like
well get good because it's realistically the only way that you're going to be able to do this
so how do you get good just practice well i had no choice because if i wanted to make money
then i had to get good and i needed to make money because i had a bunch of um i had a bunch of bills
to pay for school so you got good by sheer will i i guess fine enough i mean i think in modern day
it was 10 luck 20 sorry i think in modern day if you have good estimation skills good mental math
skills the rest of it can be 15 concentrated power of will supplemented through like 5 pleasure phone
calculators and if it's complicated percent pain you can use wolfram alpha and 100 reason to remember
the name
that was all accurate wasn't it you remembered every lyric why wouldn't i doesn't everybody know
that amazing no no it's off my head i was able to recognize that it was correct but i wouldn't be
able to like even now i don't think i could say it all purposely oh man is that a song lmao elijah
causes me pain i know often i know he's painful uh weren't we doing merch messages no we're doing
topics oh okay yeah we're doing topics what topic are we doing i don't know who cares uh stack overflow
users rebel against the site's open ai deal this is hilarious this week stack overflow announced
they would be adding an open ai integration feeding past user contributions to chat gpt as well as
using that information to train ai without consulting their user base many users responded by deleting or
adding protest messages to their past posts stack overflow staff have reportedly responded by suspending
those users en masse then reverting those protest posts to their previous state oh dang
wow stack overflow seemed to have a negative attitude toward generative ai previously
banning answers written by chat gpt just last year oh i mean they probably still have that stance because
we know the whole thing where when ai feeds off of its own data it gets worse so they don't they don't
want generative ai answers on their site they just want to sell their site to ai that that makes complete
sense to me you should also just consider stopping using it i'm sure there's alternatives but dang
that sucks what are the alternatives no no no really do you guys know stack overflow has been like the
thing for a super long time but this is how this is how you spark competition you know so i'm sure
somebody will figure it out man uh haroi says nothing um
i'm sure someone will figure it out yeah i read it but that sucks too and they're definitely doing
the same thing the exact same thing brah i wonder what you do because because we know on-site ads are
making effectively nothing these days we're going like money wise yep and this type of crowd is just
gonna be blocking them anyways we've got a really interesting video coming on de-google-ifying your
life uh emily was working on it and it's pretty cool but it's surprising how many of the alternatives
are gonna cost you a monthly subscription yep like it like there's search engines that you can use
that don't track your stuff and they just cost money but are super cool and you can like determine
your own page rank and stuff and like set your own priorities and have no ads in them i've been
thinking about going to a paid uh search engine you should watch the video yeah yeah emily put a
lot of work into researching it we covered actually pretty cool i'm excited we covered browser we
covered search browser too yeah we talked about dns uh we talked about oh man what we're trying to
think of what all of the de-google-ify we talked about email so we you can rage about being the product
all you want but if you're getting the thing for free
there there's going to be some value harvested somewhere yeah you don't have a leg to stand on
and one one problem the trade-off one problem is that you don't completely avoid it by paying for
things that's one of the big steps why i haven't done this yet is like okay sure i'm paying for this
service and you're claiming these things but what happens from you changing that what happens this
company from being sold to somebody else and now they own it like what if google buys this random
browser company and now they have all their data these are hopefully things that i can get some
amount of information from the video so we'll see um but like yeah there's there's it's it's
interesting but it does get kind of expensive to replace all the free things with things that cost
money and these are ongoing services so it's almost certainly going to be monthly subscriptions
yep oh 100 one time 100 so and like in theory you know well you could self-host and we talk a little
bit about a google photos alternative that you can self-host which is super cool even that has cost
though but there's a lot of things that even if they don't have a cost don't make sense to self-host
like uh email is one that we brought up as as something that you yeah look at look at the look
on his face the physical pain as someone who runs services like please the amount of times and i i i've
tweeted about this a bunch of times back when it was actually twitter but the amount of times that i have
developer applications especially when it comes to infrastructure stuff and they apply and they use
a custom email and i go to respond to give people interviews and the custom emails just get tossed
because deliverability issues whatever else it happens way more than you would think and from
people that should know what they're doing yes the amount of times that people will include a
personal site this one sucks because i recommend that people do it seriously though check if it works
before you send in your resume please the amount of people that include a personal site on their resume
that doesn't work like bro or like the domain expired i've ran into that like it it would be better
for you to not include it on your resume if the domain has expired than to include it and have
someone click a dead link on your resume it just looks like you didn't care but the people people have
a non-insignificant amount at least over like we're talking double maybe triple digits of people
have lost interviews here because their custom domain email server thing didn't work or they typed
their email wrong brutal intel crazy rebukes motherboard makers over fixes for intel's unstable
cpus we've also got some arrow lake leaks and amd stealing cpu market share i just didn't say steal
they earned it but anyway that's my headline here after intel didn't publicly take action concerning
recent widespread reports of 14th gen processors causing game crashes and blue screens of death
on around april 20th asus released a bios update with an intel baseline profile which turned down
various performance boosting settings this week intel spoke up to tell users not to use such profiles
from motherboard makers instead intel wants you to use the intel default settings profile instead
as it involves a combination of thermal and power delivery features with a selection of possible power
delivery profiles based on the specific motherboards capabilities broadly the motherboard makers profiles
did seem to help with the stability issues but it came at a performance cost intel's guidance seems to be
geared towards allowing users to regain some of that lost performance intel is now demanding that by may
31st motherboard makers release bios updates with intel's default settings profile as the default i can't
believe this has taken this long to come to a head but aren't they also saying that doesn't fix it because the the performance uh what what is it multi-core enhancement uh default thing
controversy or like conflict between intel and mother word manufacturers has been going back for like the better part of a decade at this point and it was it was bound to happen at some point that some kind of performance boosting profile as the
story of some sort was going to cause instability because it has always been overclocking to run anything but intel's default behavior for the cpu and i just i can't believe that it took this long it took it took it took it took absolutely too much of the cpu and i can't believe that it took this long it took it took anything but
been overclocking to run anything but Intel's default behavior for the CPU and
I just I can't believe that it took this long it took it took Intel ending up with egg on their face over the
Instability of the not Intel default profile for them to finally say
Look you actually can't do this anymore, and I'm willing to bet that this lasts one generation and then
Immediately in order from other word manufacturers to try to differentiate their product from each other
They're gonna go back to putting whatever the most aggressive profile
They can probably get away with on the majority of CPUs is and we're gonna be back to this whole
Song and dance until this happens again. Like there's just absolutely. Oh, yeah, no way that. It's not gonna just keep happening. Oh, yeah
And to be clear, I don't even really I don't even really blame the motherboard manufacturers here
Obviously, they're gonna they're gonna push the limits of whatever Intel will allow them to do and they're gonna try and differentiate their product
I I lean toward blaming Intel's the game they play. Yeah, if they want to be competitive, they have to do that. Yeah, they're not setting the rules
I mean look like it's what it is if if
Man if Intel wanted motherboard manufacturers to differentiate their products
They they didn't have to consolidate every single function onto the
To the CPU and under the chipset they might have they might have not tried to take all the margin for themselves in the motherboard
I mean that was an option to be clear there were performance advantages to some of those moves like moving the integrated memory controller onto the CPU to simplify the motherboard and
make it more performant, but
It's just it's been a it's been a trend from Intel for a very long time to
To squeeze motherboard manufacturers and it's become harder and harder for them to differentiate and so
They got to do what they got to do and if Intel doesn't like it
Well, then they're gonna have to lay down the law and if they haven't laid down the law, then this is gonna happen. This is the
Around and find out it's that simple
One can only hope that Intel's upcoming Arrow Lake desktop CPUs won't suffer the same issues on top of having no hyper threading and allegedly terrible names
This is this is pretty funny. Yeah, here we go
Next-gen desktop CPUs have reportedly leaked Arrow Lake core ultra 200 series
Same core counts as Raptor Lake refresh, but fewer threads. Okay. Hold on. Where's my where's my branding? Here we go
I don't know
Why is it?
But why not just I mean my ultra why not just an can we just have I don't like a nine can we just have some?
Continuity here. Why do we go from nine to eight from zero zero to five?
14 to two I understand because this is this is the the generation. Yeah, sure processor generation. Yeah
But why did we move everything down?
One or maybe two so a 600 class product becomes a
four class product or I
Only I can't even begin to follow along with this
Uh, amd had a new naming scheme allegedly new naming scheme allegedly maybe leak on asus's site
That looked just as bad as Intel's if not worse because they shoehorned AI into all the processor names
So it was like rise in nine AI and then they switched to a
They switched to a three letter or a three digit numbering scheme as well
And it just it was utterly and just under indecipherable
I I couldn't even that has not been confirmed to be real
We should do it. We should do product naming consultation
I'd be happy to they wouldn't want they know they wouldn't want our advice though
Because you just you just call it cpu we'd be no, I wouldn't we'd be be also stupid
Yes, we'd be advising them on how to make it this is cpu one. We also sell cpu two and three
Stumpy cpu
Okay, our naming is bad too for very different reasons
Okay, maybe don't do naming
I think we could do better than them. I think anybody could yeah in fairness to me. I wasn't involved
We're always just way too literal. We are pretty literal backpack
I mean, we're not wrong. It's a backpack
Screwdriver. It is a screwdriver. It doesn't even call itself ratcheting screwdriver. Just screw. It's a screwdriver
It's you know what you're getting you do. Yeah, it's better
Yeah, I just don't know how much it leans on marketing. I mean look we've had some more fun stuff lately
Okay, there's the phase zip up hoodie face. I like face. Okay
Um, okay, that's that's pretty literal
Okay, we've got 100 cotton
The steve turtleneck
Okay, this is actually a pretty solid mover. That's fairly marketing. Yeah, good
Okay, marino t-shirt. Okay, stop stop looking at those names lined
Um fan. Okay wag hoodie is pretty good. I named that one's good. That is good. I named that one
The uncle linus hoodie. Okay, but that was that was from a video. I don't know if that's fair
It was literally actually a joke
This is not going to be better
Lounge pants are all right. I added pro to this. I think no no I added premium to this one
That that was my contribution to the name of that. Okay, these are so are the premium sports joggers better than the track joggers
You know what joggers aren't premium the dropout has a really cool name doesn't sell it all but people love it
I wish people
The dropout sweater is like one of the comfiest sweaters I think i've ever had
And people don't know that yeah, because they can't try it. I know
Retail retail is a is a heck of a thing like buying clothes at retail. I get it. Yeah
It's tough to buy them online because you're I feel the same way you're buying it blindly. I get it
I just I wish people had the opportunity to try it because it's very much like a
Comfy like nice
A little bit more hefty sweater. It's nice. It's good
I enjoy it
And I don't like pullovers
But I like that sweater
amd has hit a record high in x86 desktop and server market share which is good because apparently their gpu
Gaming business and custom on cooking business is not going so good. But this man. This looks incredible in servers
their revenue share is
33% and that's on a unit share of only 23.6. So that means that they are
killing intel at the high end for server like
crushing them
Crazy not even close right yeah I what I where is where is this topic oh i'm sorry i'm just uh
Oh, you're just looking at stuff. Yeah. I'm looking at this right here
Look at it. Go
Number go burr
Yeah, things a little less hot on the desktop side. I love how them just oh, but this is server market share
So it's not just amd and intel. Yeah
No, this is x86. Oh, I see. Okay. So I love how them
Killing it is still being a third of the market. Well, yeah, but I mean you gotta compared to some historical record
That is crazy and you gotta remember to like
Only part of the decision of which cpu to procure is which one is better
A huge part of it is long-term contracts
A huge
Huge part of it is production capacity
Like as an as an end user, okay, you would look at the marketing for someone like a
A mousepad factory in china which they have marketing you'd look at the marketing and go
Well, that's stupid because it'll be full of things like what their production capacity is on a monthly basis
And you're sitting there going
Yeah, but are they good dude, do you make anything good?
Depending on the buyer that may not be their top priority because they just need
And if and and the factory that they're working with may simply
Not have enough capacity of mousepads
And so at a certain point like amd
Can only buy so much of tsmc's finite capacity and at a certain point
Supply and demand
If everyone tries to buy it it will drive up the price to the point where
hey intel's products not looking that bad anymore intel meanwhile has their own production capacity so
They effectively get to sell every chip that amd can't make
And it will be that way for the foreseeable future
That is until amd can
Get more production capacity from intel's foundry business
That'll be an interesting day
We'll see how that goes ever since I talked about how I I like intel's long-term plan their stock has dropped considerably
I still like their long-term plan, but I made it very clear at that time
None of this is investment advice
I made it very clear at that time that it was a long-term play that I liked long-term play
Fox in a box says oh, yeah, so forget contracts and availability. What about just
Comfort people buy based on brands all the time
Yeah, that was an lmg clip that went up actually shortly before the wan show today from last week where I talked about not being fans
But man people
People buy what they're comfortable with and your fans at different levels and fox in a box says at my company
We buy more intel servers because we have intel servers and we don't have issues. So we will buy more of them
which honestly
In a lot of situations is a
Mostly good enough reason when it comes to technology and how fast moving it is
Maybe less so but when you're dealing with like trying to convince people that are doing purchasing decisions for a huge range of things
And that that just happens to be one part of it
Yeah, I don't know
Anyways, should we talk about uh hell divers and sony?
Yeah, sure
This is wild. So this is not a a fleshed out topic that we have
So this is going to be a little bit erratic but uh, because I think it happened like today
This is this is pretty hot news. Yeah, I don't I don't know exactly
It's pretty fresh though, but it's it's quite fresh. I know it was friday somewhere, but it might have been somewhere else in the world
but sony so
Let's rewind to last week sony forced playstation network login on to hell divers 2
Now pc gamers didn't like that pc gamers are pretty kind of used to
Needing other launchers or needing other logins even the beloved balders gate 3 uses its own launcher
They have a really cool reason even cd project red has their own like account. It's optional. You can just continue to play rockstar
Ubisoft yeah, everyone and their dog tons of come their own nonsense beloved developer battle state games has their own launcher
And they're not even on steam. I probably could have gotten them on a spit take if only he was drinking something
Yeah, the the larian one most people embraced it a little bit more heavily because it syncs your saves between platforms
Which is like actually kind of six if you had a save on a console you could sync it to a pc anyways
So some people were somewhat surprised at the degree or the amount of backlash that they received for forcing this login
One major component was because they forced the login after people had already purchased the game
This is also not the first time that has happened. Yeah, but the really big kicker was that by forcing psn
they were
Suddenly not allowing people in certain regions of the world to pay this to play this game that they had bought and been playing for a significant period
And that's because the playstation network was simply not available in that region
So they were allowed to buy the game, but they weren't allowed to create an account
That is a prerequisite to play the game and what's worse
fraudulently declaring that you live in a different country other than where you live by use of a vpn or something can get your psn network
banned and
Then we're back to square one and you can't play the game. Yeah, so
Gamers raised hell. It was great. This doesn't happen that often
Um in it. Well, okay. It happens literally all the time
Yeah, but it's not often that they actually get something done. Yeah, I think part of it
And i've been meaning to talk to you about this, but this is my theory
I think the biggest part of it was that the boycott
was forced
Yeah, by the controversy itself
Yeah, and I think and i've talked about this a fair bit with the recent battle state games controversy smart
We've talked about this a fair bit recently where gamers are spineless
And they will raise hell about something and then immediately cave and start playing the game hours and buying microtransactions again
Oh, I have news about and these companies never learn anything, but in this case
the source of the controversy
Angry gamers to stop playing the game
It affected player numbers in a way that is very large and very measurable because this is like the hottest game in the world right now
To the point where they went. Oh, no, we can't do this
People are not playing the game
And what we learned is probably nothing
But what we should have learned is that that's how effective a boycott can be an actual one
An actual one where gamers actually stop playing the game and and rage hard
So there's more to it some regions also require you to have a ps4 or ps5 to even have a playstation network account
So some regions couldn't do it. Some regions had to have specific hardware, etc. It was a nightmare
There was a huge rage the the arrowhead the actual developer behind the game
Like more or less agreed with the community and was like this is dumb
Um, and was was kind of fighting against it as well. So it was it was a very unified force
Massive massive uh review. What do you call it? Review bombing on on steam tanking the rating of the game very significantly
This was a beloved game
A month ago and is now being heavily hated on so this was done like on last friday. I think
Right before the weekend. I think it's monday or tuesday comes around and sony pulls it
Okay, you don't need a psn account anymore
Come today and I got confirmation by people in chat that this was today
Uh, you still don't need a playstation network account because I guess they learned that much
But I think they didn't really get the point the real point the point that people were really mad about because
All those zones where you can't get psn
Now can't buy the game a lot of people thought those zones couldn't play
That's not true. If you already own it you can play as far as my understanding goes
Please feel free to correct me, but i'm pretty sure you can play in those zones, but now I think it's a hundred and eighty
Uh, how is it defined let me find it here really quick
Three more countries banned it's like a hundred and eighty
Areas you can't play the game in anymore?
Or you can't buy buy the game anymore. They apparently still can't play
So this seems to be very much a developing
Yeah, it happened today things are changing actively
A hundred and eighty regions they're calling it
Uh, so it started at a hundred and seventy seven and then they added estonia lithuania and latvia to that list
Which brought it to a hundred and eighty you can see this changing live
Because the steam db has a history where you can see changes
So people are tracking the changes live which is wild
Yeah, it's a hundred and eighty of the territories that steam recognizes. What is the logic here?
So that was my question. Why would you block people from buying the game in a hundred and eighty regions?
What is the point? What is what is sony's?
You know potential because the only thing I could think of is you there's some
Potential legal liability for operating like you know when you buy a piece of software and the eula is like
Yeah, you have to agree not to use this for acts of terrorism. Yeah
Like like is there some kind of is there some kind of
Weird potential legal liability
From the game being sold in in these regions, but then you know if that's the case
Then why is it a problem to you know to buy dave the diver in congo, you know, like I
What exactly is the logic here and does it have to do with that sony is running their own congo?
That's one of the places where they can't buy it is
Is it something to do with the fact that sony is running?
PSN and and so you know, if they don't have all the legality sorted out for operating in that region then then they can't but then if that's the case
Why not just waive the requirement? I mean don't don't don't you want our money?
You know like from on behalf of gamers everywhere
Do you not want our money?
Yeah, some people are saying in full play chat and this kind of makes sense that they're doing this now hoping that the backlash will be less
And then they want to add PSN requirement in the future
And then when only people that could have PSN on it are really playing the game
They're hoping that the impact will be lower. I don't know if that's the play or not
But they are adding this type of restriction to another game as well. Yeah, so this is not a small play for them
This is something that they clearly intend to do
Those regions have never gotten access to the game back they added three more places today. Yeah, I don't know
I haven't exactly you know tried to play with an account from Yemen for example or zimbabwe
Or any of these other places aruba angola
Uh, there's there's 180 of them. You can easily see it on the steam db website because there's the change of adding 180 countries or 173
177 and then three more
um, but yeah, it's it's
It's weird to me if you were a
game development studio
Sure, and sony not a thing. I know a ton of Sony approached you. I'll allow it
Consider that a lot of game development studios do look for publishers not because in modern day you really need
uh, the publishing side of the publishers, but because you need the funding
So you're a game development studio. You're looking for funding. You need more funding to finish your game off
You think it's going to be a hit, but it's not out yet. Um
And sony approaches you after this happened
Do you take that dealer? Do you keep looking?
Because i'm looking i'm looking at how arrowhead is
Kind of being tossed around in the middle of dude. I take the money
I mean the games
Game development industry is it's brutal. It's brutal
Um, if if that's I mean obviously if I have another offer i'll consider it
Yeah, so if it's if like if sony's the only one on the table. Yeah, it's like who's my better option is microsoft
Yeah, you might just get closed
And to be clear, you know, we're not necessarily talking about an acquisition, but like you know, what are microsoft terms going to be?
Do I have to do I have to allow it to be exclusive on game pass before I can even sell it for myself or like like what?
Right like I don't know. It depends on on
Everyone is going to have strings attached just a part of the very there's no free money
Yeah, so with all of that in mind it might still it might still be the the best option
Which sucks
But like realistically, I don't I don't have a backup plan. I I I I don't have
25 million dollars to to give you to finish your game
I mean if linus if linus publisher
Game funding group existed. I'd yeah, i'd be happy there's a bunch of other youtubers starting up
Publishers, I wish them luck with that. I mean, hey, I heard there's a lot of talent looking for work right now looking to looking to
Build cool gaming experiences, so that's the one
Possible silver lining is I think we're gonna see like a like a boom
Small studios let's embrace this silver lining for a quick second to get off this topic because it kind of sucks anyways
Um, but big mode from uh, oh, is it donkey or what?
Yeah, uh big mode is this is this game out now animal?
Well, is it out it came out today animal?
Well, people seem to love this solo dev did I obviously haven't had time to play it because it came out today
But people are raving about first game. They've published right? Yeah
Overwhelmingly positive steam reviews right now. Good sign
97% of all reviews and there's been 1834 reviews. That's a lot of today
97% are marking as positive was it three percent of people who own a game review it
Yeah, 1800 is huge. So this thing is smashing already good job guys people love it
So billy basso great work big mode good first release. Maybe i'll go home and play it dang
Good job
So speaking of other alternative publishers my my way too short video on
On a float plane was talking about how this type of stuff is is happening more and more lately
And apparently at least big mode is doing it. Well, i'm not going to say all the rest of them are going to do it
Well, i'm not going to say there's you know a ton of billy basso's out there
But i'm really stoked that that this is working out. This is great
Very cool
Obviously, I can't tell everything about the game looks cool
Kind of reminds me of like undertale a little bit maybe a little bit of like hollow night
I don't know it just seems seems like a vibe
Yeah, really interesting art style look at the reflections in the water. Yeah, sick
Very excited. Do you know what it's made with Dan? Uh, he wrote his own engine
All right, billy basso dang dude absolute goat goat solo dev my goodness
Linus, you're still muted by the way. That's not even fair to the other devs. Anyway, sorry what I said before was it feels like somewhere in between like
uh, it reminds me a little bit of like undertale or hollow night
kind of uh
I think it's a puzzle puzzle style platformer rather than like a
Anything else I think hold on how big is the game?
Uh, is this real? Is it actually 40 megs? I'm questioning this
34 megs
34 megabyte game 33 megs. It's getting smaller. They're the mega to 34 mega est more like omega bites under the system requirements
It says that you need 40 megs of available space more like sigma bites
Hold on. Look at this. Look at this. You need a 64-bit processor, one gigahertz of speed, one gig of RAM
And 40 megs of space. Oh my god, I could run it on my watch. Is this roller coaster tycoon? What's happening?
I would love to know what he wrote this in. What the heck? That is incredibly optimized. Hey
That makes me happy. Apparently on on someone's computer right now. It's 33.37 megs. I am so excited to see this pop off
I might get it so happy. Yeah, I mean, yeah, I want to play this. You know what i'm excited for?
What are you excited for? We have some leftovers from the charity stream. Oh that didn't end up clearing payment
So the proceeds from these items will still go to bc children's hospital and the items are live on our whatnot account
They are available for purchase for anyone to grab
And mobile app users will be able to easily find the listing by navigating to our profile linus tech tips
No spaces, no caps for desktop slash web users
The products only appear if you search for the username linus tech tips at the top of the site and view the products that will appear from your search
Uh, we've got an elgato streaming bundle a corsair 6500x
Uh, oh, I guess that's a gaming computer because that price is pretty high that must. Oh, yeah
That must be one of the machines we built. Uh, we have the ltt probably tsa approved regular screwdriver
What is that a knock to a cooling bundle? It's a weird. Um, I think it was a full-sized handle with a stubby
Oh, yeah shaft
Uh, we have a knock to a hoodie and large his and her short circuit hoodie bundle and acer predator helios neo 16
The alienware bundle number three and a couple of ltt water bottles all of these are proceeds for charity
So you can go check them out at what not username linus tech tips. No spaces. No caps
Oh, we have a blank folding competition update
We're currently placed fifth in the blank pentathlon and we need more power for the for the final push
So visit the folding at home page on linus tech tips.com to join the squad
Uh, anything else you want to go through in here luke? Uh, yeah, we don't have to talk about this too much
I don't have a lot of details on it
But ea announced that they might be putting ads in triple-a games. Uh, this isn't entirely new
We've seen ads in games before I don't necessarily know what they mean by this
I don't know if they mean intrusive ads like it's gonna play like a video ad in front of your face
because there's been product placement in
Games forever like billboards and all this other type of stuff people just having items
It's it's been a thing forever. So i'm assuming it's new and worse in some way, but I don't have a ton to say about it
um, also
Upgradable laptops are back
Oh, yeah
Lenovo has released a thinkpad workstation that is the first laptop compatible with lp cam 2
You're muted
Lp cam 2 is here upgradeable laptops are back. Lenovo has released a thinkpad workstation
That is the first laptop that's compatible with lp cam 2 a new d ram standard that was recently published by jdeck
A big selling point for these new modules is that they will be faster more efficient and more compact than so dim
And also easier to upgrade or replace than soldered ram. So they're kind of the best of both worlds
Replacement lp cam 2 modules are available directly from micron
I have had a ton of people like seriously. This is probably out of every
Esoteric tech thing that people have asked me to make a video about this has been the most common
I have someone message me about it probably once a month or so over the last while
I don't get a ton of video requests like
Directly in my dms or my inbox or my mentions, but this is one that has come up enough times that i'm like
Wow, people sure ask me to make a video about this a lot. Well, conveniently for you
We did and here's the ad that plays before it
There we go. Yeah, it's lp cam
We did a whole video
And it was pretty cool
And we covered it in pretty darn good detail. We even had a module back a year ago
Uh, you're welcome more like a year and a half ago
We also hey, you know before you send me a dm asking me to make a video
Drop a quick you know look on one of our variety of channels drop a quick search, you know cam
and just you know see what happens because
You might just find a video about it. We've uh, we've definitely covered a lot of stuff over the years. Anyway, thank you for the suggestion
uh, this is really exciting because it's uh, it's not really mentioned in our notes here, but uh, the ability to run at
The same speeds as having the uh, the packages soldered onto the main board is a huge advantage
Basically with so dim alex explains it in great detail in that video
Uh, we worked together on the script for it and he did an amazing job
But basically the trace length is just too long for so dim to keep up anymore
And uh, cam helps reduce the trace length the the the maximum trace length
significantly allowing us to hit
Not quite the same speeds as soldering
directly on the motherboard or especially now we're seeing
memory soldered like on package or not soldered but we're seeing memory added to the to the package
so not quite at the same level but hey, it's upgradable which is an advantage for users and even an advantage for
system builders who want to be able to offer multiple configurations
Find my device expansion. Oh, yeah, I got an email about this
Google is finally rolling out its promised find my device expansion which will help users locate both online and offline devices and it works
Pretty much the same as apple's find my network
Um, there's a billion plus android devices in the network that'll ping your device over bluetooth if it's nearby
And send the end-to-end encrypted information to find my device
The system also stores recent locations with time stamps so it can be used to find offline devices and as recently as a couple of weeks ago
We managed to get yvonne's parse back
Using an apple air tag. This is very really useful things. I told luke about it already
That person was definitely going to keep it until oh, yeah
I disclosed that there was a tracker on it
And I was going to be able to make new make noise with it
As soon as I got in touch with my son back home to ping it because I didn't bring an iphone with me on the trip
um, anywho
Users that wish to opt out of the feature can do so through settings and users can also manage when they want to participate whether it's only in high traffic areas or all areas
Perhaps controversially users have the option to benefit from the network by using it to find their device without
Participating themselves. I am against that. Yeah, me too. I think that if you agree
If you want to be able to find your device, I think google should just draw the line here and basically say no
What you want it you want to use the network to find your missing device, but you're not going to contribute to it
Why don't you just go?
drink a nice cold glass of off and
Because like it's it's it's not like it's not encrypted not reseating. Yeah
Yeah, not cool
Yeah, you're gonna download a linux iso you should help other people download linux isos
Unfortunately the purse story
We were in a pretty chaotic headspace. I'm not going to remember all the details
But we were at ludwig's for the shoot. Uh, we got an uber back to our hotel realized when we got to the hotel. Holy crap
We don't have it. We assumed that she had accidentally left it in the uber
Uh, remember are not remember but you might not know this
Um, we had pulled an all-nighter right before the trip painting ploops car
She stayed up with me. Um, and we were working on it together
Neither of us was really at our best on that trip
Um, so we assumed it was in the uber
We called the uber driver because that's a feature and he was like I have a fare right now. Um, i'll check
You know, when I pull over
Um, he didn't call back
So yvonne calls him back later. He goes
Yeah, I checked in the back seat. It's not there and she goes well
Okay, what about the trunk and
He's like I have a fare. I'll check later. We're like
Okay, well just in case it's not in the uber
Why don't we?
Head back to ludwig studio. Yeah, um, it was not simple to get in touch with
um, with my son to
Check the air tag location because I had left my iphone back home. So what am I going to need my iphone for?
I'll just bring my regular phone
Um, so we hadn't managed to get in touch with him yet. So we were like, okay
Well, why don't we just head back to the studio? Maybe we accidentally left it in the studio
We got there and it was right around that time that we learned a bunch of things
So the driver got back to us eventually that it wasn't in the car. So we went uh-oh
We searched the studio. It wasn't there. We got the ability to to uh, see where it was, but we couldn't ping it yet long story
Oh, no, we could ping it, but we couldn't find it
In ludwig studio. So now we're really worried now. We've got the like last known location
but it was a long time ago and it was at a park that was like
a little ways away from ludwig studio and we're like, okay, that's a bad sign because unless
We drove past someone with an iphone as we were leaving and that was the last time it got
Pinged and it was in the uber which the guy said it wasn't but like you never know
I had a cabbie lie and say that I didn't leave a jacket in a cab once and they definitely had it
Unless that's what happened
This thing is pretty lost and even if that's what happened this thing is pretty lost
Uh, but then it started to get updates more recently and it was just like at the intersection near this park
And I I had already had the idea that if we left it on the sidewalk
Um, someone might have just grabbed it
Chuck been walking, you know, because you're gonna be moving
Just ditched the tracker like in the park just hucked it in a garbage can or something like that
And and then and then took the purse with them because the tracker is just hanging in plain sight off of the purse
It's not like in a hidden pocket or anything
And uh, so I had already kind of walked past this park a couple times earlier
And I was while we were waiting and stuck and not able to get in touch with my son. Um
I I had suggested to yvonne that we like walk around the park and like look in garbage cans and stuff like that
Um, because it would be it would be great if they just took the cash and then chucked the whole purse tracker included
So I was kind of still holding out for that
So I didn't realize because I was looking at the find my app never actually had to use it to find anything before
So I was looking at the find my app through my son's phone at the other screen
And it's like a huge icon like this and I didn't realize it actually comes to a pinpoint
So at some point I realized no, no, it's exactly at that point in the intersection
where that weird like hoarder looking truck full of garbage and with like
a kid and someone in it and clearly
Like no intention of moving there's a lot of like rvs and stuff parked around like it was clearly a um
A poorer neighborhood where people were living out of their vehicles
Um, so clearly so so that vehicle had caught my eye before and now I realized that the pin was like right on it
um, they didn't speak any english so
we, um
We had interacted with them just sort of
casually already, but finally we were like okay. Well, we need to talk to them
Yeah, we're gonna have to like google translate moment figured this out at some point
So we pull out google translate and yvonne basically goes I lost my purse. Um, have you seen a purse and they go
We kind of go
um, well
I need to wait a little bit longer before I can ping this on my own because by then my son was doing something else
And we couldn't just have like him ping it. Oh, right. Oh, I remember why we couldn't just have him ping it because
It wasn't near anything on the find my network
So we had the locate the last location. We had the ability to ping it with the iphone, but we didn't have an iphone
So we had to go back to see
This is why I told you I was going to get the details wrong
We had to go back to the studio
My phone battery was dead. So I couldn't call yvonne. I was worried the truck would like leave
Uh, because they had seen me kind of walking around a lot
Um, right and we had to go back to the studio
They did they had an iphone, but it belonged to an employee who wasn't there anymore
And they didn't have the pin to to reset it. So we we had to like search for whether a macbook
Participates in the find my network. We finally got that we brought it back
We had to connect it to an internet connection
Which wasn't working on my phone because my phone died. So we had to tether it to yvonne's her phone was almost dying
So we finally got to that point so then we talked to them again
Because we'd already talked to them. We already said we lost the purse, but we hadn't we didn't have any way to ping it
So now we had a way to ping it. I could right
I couldn't sign into my apple id on the macbook because my 2fa was on my phone, which wasn't charged
I had to so I was like I was in the middle of reverse charging while yvonne
Was sitting there because there's an android app that you can use to ping unfamiliar trackers, but it has to be near you for 10 minutes
So we have these multiple timers. I'm trying to reverse wireless charge my phone
I'm trying to figure out how to log into my apple id maybe without it or something
Or like I can team viewer into something and get something and then yvonne is meanwhile waiting for this countdown timer for the 10 minutes
So finally we get there and we're ready to talk to them again
And we're ready to ping it and so I go over to the taco stand that's like on the street next to him like hey
Google translate moment again. Do you mind turning down your music?
I'm trying to hear a tracker and we go back and ask one more time
Hey, um, we've got a tracker on the purse
And so
Have you seen it because it's going to make a noise soon?
And they go. Oh, yeah, yeah, I was gonna give it to you
Um, you know my my kid was sleeping so I couldn't before. Oh, yeah, and we kind of go totally
And she goes yeah, yeah, uh, I was I was gonna give it to you
And and this is oh, right a kid has been brought in a neighborhood kid has been brought in to translate
Yeah, yeah, I was I was gonna give it to you
uh, my my husband found it and um, and and gave it to me
And I was gonna give it to you
And we're like
Any time now
Um, she goes and gets it
And sure enough
It's yvonne's purse
I guess they had no idea what an air tag was because it was still sitting on it
She hands it back to yvonne
uh, who immediately
Opens it up to give her the cash as a reward as she's saying everything's in there
uh, and yvonne goes
Oh, well, I guess you helped yourself to your reward already
Which may not have actually been the lady it might have been the husband who found it or even someone before that or even someone before that
But one way or another the cash wasn't in it
Uh, but you know what honestly we were so happy to have it back
That we had to go bother one of ludwig's poor team members for like
This is probably the fourth or fifth time by this point because we went in to look for it
And then we went into like borrow an iphone and then we went in to go like hey
I'm actually how about a macbook and then we went in for some other reason we're like ringing the door every time, right?
Who the heck are these guys?
No, I knew who we were um, but then the last thing we had to do was because we
No offense to anyone didn't really want to walk around and look for an atm
um, we're like hey, do you have any cash we can like
paypal you
Replacement cash, but we had no cash on us because I don't carry it and yvonne
Had her cash taken, uh, so we still gave her a reward thinking
Maybe someone because why would you sure why would you confidently hand someone their purse going?
Everything's in it when it's not when it wasn't
So at the very least she probably didn't know um, or maybe didn't know who she she very possibly didn't know
And they clearly hadn't time hadn't had time to go through it in detail
So what I suspect was buddy picked it up
Grabbed the cash immediately so that he didn't have to tell his wife that he had cash
Because like some relationships are like that and I can def I definitely got a vibe
um, that you know, there might have been some dishonesty
Right around yeah, um, you know
So probably grab the cash
Dumped it in the in the like hoarder looking truck thing that was just it was like full of garbage like full of garbage
Which is weird because there were garbage cans in the park that were empty
They could have easily put their garbage in there, but no, they chose to keep it in their truck
um, and then
Intended to go and look through it later
Is is the vibe I got because her air pods were still in there
um, and air pods pros like if you have any idea what those are
That's one of the first things. It's pretty quick. Yeah, yeah
Her air pods pros were still in there. Uh, there were no transactions on any of the credit cards. None of them had been removed
Clearly, they thought they had all the time in the world
to come back and and go through it
And figure out you know, what was the value other than the cash?
Um, so so thank you
Thank you
for your air tag system that you
Are now finally have done your part to help google also have their own system
so I don't have to buy your air tags anymore and i'll actually be able to
Ping stuff myself without carrying around my stupid iphone
But but does google have like what tracker can we get on the google side?
Well, they'll they'll be coming. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, very excited
It's gonna be that'll be really nice
Yeah, yeah, i'm um
i'm very
Very happy that we got it back
We ended up giving we offered them a meal
Because there was the food stand right there and they were like no, I don't want that
And so we went and got cash and brought it back like okay
Sure sure sure fine
I decided on sixty dollars for those of you who must know
I felt like that was
There were apparently three of them so they can get some food
And I figure I didn't owe them any more than the bare minimum
Since I mean they weren't they were clearly not intending on giving it back one of them or another already had our cash
Yeah, and the other one clearly didn't intend to give us back the rest of the stuff
Yeah, I was like, what are you talking about?
You were gonna return it if you're gonna return it you could have easily
Found the phone number in it and called it that would have been an option
It was very very stressful. This was like the
First day of our trip
Second this was the second day of our trip and we had two more days to come and it would have just been
Fortunately, her passport was not in there
Yeah, she had her passport separate
Never have you some country some countries force you to walk around with your passport that is
Utterly insane. Yeah, but it is a thing but if if that's not the case
Leave it in your hotel safe
Uh, we should get on to merch messages because I have about six minutes
Uh, oh, i'll do i'll do some more. I can do some more time than that. But um
Yeah, let's let's after dark it
That's the wrong button
I've already done it
I have a remote
Thanks, Andy nice, Dan
Good job
Oh, that wasn't me leaving
I was trying to adjust the lights
I gotcha
Howdy, LLD. I'm back in graduate school after 20 years in a job where priorities were obvious. How do you prioritize when tasks are numerous?
Wait, you already gave us that one. I already gave you that one. It was so long ago
Farmer, Nebraska and solar storms are wreaking havoc today
Interference with our gps systems needs to be precision and has brought planting to a halt across the state needed for precision
Oh precision agriculture. Yeah. Oh, that's interesting
Scary to an industry thoughts. Yeah, that's uh, that is an impact of
Solar storms that I would not personally have thought of me neither
Thoughts it's not going to happen that often. I think
Unless it does. I don't know. Yeah, maybe. Yeah, solar warming
So solar solar
I think it goes the other way. Solar climate change. They usually get colder
Yeah, unless they don't unless they get a lot hotter and bigger
Yikes thoughts, I don't know. All right, what's next one? Well guys, we'll have to embrace tradition. Yeah, Luke's got to go pretty quick
So, uh, oh my goodness
Uh, apparently the largest storm is going to be here
About 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. today if we can get outside
Oh, to see the northern lights and living in canada. I have still never seen them
Well, me neither because most of the times that they announce them it's you're not going to see it here
But theoretically this one you like actually might sick because they're always like, oh, you can see the vancouver and you go outside
And it's like, no, you really can't. Well, it's always overcast here. So that's an issue
Maybe these ones biggest one since 2005 sick
Hi, lld. Do you think linux will ever gain competitive market share in the new consumer space? Yes
Okay, it already is happening
Exhibit a steam deck. Yeah sick
And if valve ever released the steam os man, I would seriously consider running steam os for like a media center pc
Like like a tv man the console like experience of steam os very cool. Yeah, very awesome
Hey, ldl love the when show curious what you guys think about the future where ai plays a role in government in an effort to eliminate the inherited flaws of
Being human greed power bias, etc
Well, those last three things that you just said are all the reasons that they're not going to allow ai to make those decisions
Because then they wouldn't get the benefits of their greed power and bias. I think it'll take a long time for
AI to play a significant
Role there because it's pretty obvious that they have no interest in
Logic and doing whatever is sort of clearly the most correct thing
I also think that there's a huge chance for when we start doing that those systems become compromised and then
Utilized in in like office space, you know scrape the pennies off style ways that are going to be difficult to notice with lacking oversight
And cause extremely major problems after trying windows max and linux. I've
Found that all are missing some great features from one another. What feature do you think should be universally implemented by operating system sleep that works?
Got them windows stop turning yourself on to do updates. Yes crashing
Stop turning yourself on at all if I turn you off stay off
Period wake timers do nothing
Uh, no, there's no super checks tonight guys. Um, what features do you think should be universally? I mean
Operating systems are like
I don't you don't interface with it that much. Yeah, I really don't that much
I use my browser so much more than I use the operating system itself
It makes me sad that more websites aren't services, but I understand
Like I probably interact with steam more than I interact with windows if you think about it. Yeah
Yeah, I think I agree
To be honest because I I launch a computer. I make sure team slack and chrome are open
I'm done
If i'm working snipping tool
Yeah, you know like like what but then they all do they not all
I know linux and windows. Oh, no, no. I'm not saying as a feature
I'm, just trying to think of other things I need to have open. Yeah, like almost nothing your clock for work anyway
Yeah, sure
Man, does it bother you as much as it bothers me that you can't click on the time in the corner and get a second hand anymore on windows 11?
Oh, yeah, it's dumb
What the heck I I use it as just like like a like a timer clock
Why just just give it back and why did you take away the very bottom right show desktop thing?
And you can turn it back on which is nice. Do you use that by the way?
Click all the way down in the bottom right to show the desktop. Yeah, mine is turned back on. Yeah, it's like
Why did you not on this computer mind you but on my computer home? It wasn't in the way of anything. That was the whole point
It's reminding me to take my antibiotics. Ah, yeah
Uh, I'm patiently waiting for the precision screwdrivers are any new news on it. Are you really patiently waiting though?
If you message me about it, are you patient? I paid money to ask you about it
Uh, yeah, that's that seems like the opposite of patience to be clear. I'm not complaining
Um, but it doesn't seem patient is all i'm saying soon soon my pretties. I think we ran into
A weird complication where it turns out that another major precision screwdriver vendor
Um got the tolerances backwards
So instead of having
Uh, the bits be exactly and exactly a size and then accounting for tolerance in the bits
By having the female side and their driver be bigger
They made the female side of the driver be exactly and exactly the size and had their bits
Be smaller to account for tolerance issues
So the standard is basically f***ed because this is a major vendor
And so we did it correctly
Which would have made at the edges of tolerances
Our driver incompatible with third-party bits
Not because we did anything wrong
So these are the kinds of things that um, hey, you know you
That's why you do pre-production runs and that's why you do validation and testing and uh
Everything will be okay. We're gonna why hardware is difficult. We're gonna do it wrong
Basically in order to maintain compatibility as best we can fair enough, but we're unhappy about it and we're gonna gripe
I use my ltt driver to remove a gps tracking device and ignition cutoff for my 2013 ford fiesta
Have you ever found a device or tech installed where it shouldn't have been? I blame the dealership
That sounds wild from like a like a like a lease or like uh, I think you're in a movie now
I think I think you get to be the star of a movie now. That's wild
I wonder if it was a lease that they sold and then it was just still there
Maybe or maybe it was a rental car that the dealership then sold dealerships sell a lot of rental cars and a ford fiesta would have
Been very or maybe it was a finance deal and it's there so that they can repo it
That actually seems like man all of those
All of them are dystopian and all of them seem
Plausibly likely
Yeah, I hate all of it
Third question for luke at a pet store in con cure conure conure
Uh, when he sees my 18 month old son gets as easy. It's not in conure
It's conure is a type of bird. It's a store a conure. Oh, sorry. I'm trying to go quickly. I'm not doing very good right now
It's all good. It's fine. Uh, at a pet store a conure when he
Sees my 18th
18 month old son gets as close as possible to him turns on his side and rolls into the glass of the cage
Is this a good or bad behavior? I don't know conures super well. I would say that's a good behavior. It's a funny one
Uh, conures are very hand friendly and they like to cuddle and stuff like that
So he probably feels safe and wants to cuddle and be friendly and nice
I I would read that as a very positive like very notably positive behavior
But I've never had those birds. I don't 100% know but I would I would say it's good
I'm looking forward to watching the borderlands movie when it comes out even if it's bad
What video game movies are were you excited about also more tall shirts when thanks for all you do
I was excited about the warcraft movie and I hated it
I hated it
Wow, tell me how you really I went to go see with my brother and we were both just like mad the whole time
It was annoying
People saying why it shouldn't have been live action. That was dumb. Blizzard has like historically amazing
Cinematics they they basically always did and always have yeah them and square soft were like
Killed it and then they released a live-action movie, which was just
Weird and then they borked a bunch of the lore, which was like, what are you doing?
You mad, bro?
You have like a bunch of the like weirdest nerdiest lore-heavy fans
And then you're just like, I want to change some stuff
You mad, bro. What?
I was
You have a habit of periodically downloading your account data from the products and services you use
The last time I remember doing so was to see where my brother's friend spent his v bucks
I don't
I mean, yeah, I could see that maybe being useful, you know
In case who knows, you know, amazon decides to stop
Showing you all of your previous purchases or something like that, right?
Like I yeah, I could see it being useful, but no, I really don't make a habit of it
I don't either probably should
Hey, lld, i'm a hiring manager and just got done with an on-site interview where the candidate was technically sound
But not a behavioral fit
How do you screen for both given limited interview time?
Actually, really like that wording
Not a behavioral fit
Yeah, I do I do what I call culture fit interviews and then I do technical interviews afterwards
And to be clear like a culture fit does not mean uh discriminatory
It means oh, yeah
I absolutely need to work with you on a daily basis
And I have to make sure that that's not going to make both of us want to blow our brains out
Yeah, ivan asked me some hilarious questions
And it's very good interview. I mean, yeah, it's a pond. So i'm sure it was
Um, I also have asked some hilarious questions, but I don't think anyone would say they had a good interview
I liked I liked my interview. It was really long
Well, yeah, I mean if you're gonna hire someone then you should take the time, right?
Oh, yeah, but wasn't ours like hours and hours long?
I don't remember
Didn't you have to get dinner in the middle of it? I think you've talked about it before
You drove me home because all the buses shut down
I showed up immediately after school. It was it was like I think
Monster right here. It was like 4 35 p.m. ish
And then by the time we were done the interview the bus system had shut down and it was dark out
This is cool agent j.i. Something uh, I have the interview then I give them a tour
The tour really helps figure out their interests and personality. That's a really good idea. That's cool. I like that a lot
Actually, that's really clever. I've I've thought for a while super cool
I like start like playing tape to tape with people or something. Yeah, it's like doing an activity with someone
I think is extremely informative. Yeah, that's what Yvonne did with me. Oh, what'd she do?
Interview then tour. Oh
Typical so good at it
Um, yeah, I don't know if that's for everybody
Uh, let's see. I'm in the process of building my first house and i'm thinking about doing the painting myself to save money
I'm currently looking for looking at spraying would that be worth it?
And what should I look out for spray? What is your sanity worth to you?
Painting's a lot of work and it's tedious
um, I think what you should do
Man, you're in the process of building your own house, man. You got you got so much to do. Okay
So it depends if this is new construction
Spraying can be very efficient and can be pretty cost effective
If everything else is in place, you probably don't want to spray the amount of work that you save
by spraying
Instead of rolling
It's going to cost you and masking everything off and protecting everything else from overspray
I would say
Painting is the kind of thing that some people even very handy people
Just don't have patience for and it's worth painting one room
Because presumably you can do that painting one room to see if you have the temperament for it
and if you don't
Just have a professional come in and do it. They'll come in they'll rip through the job
Especially if it's new construction. They really know what they're doing there and then it's just done
Hey, dll
I wait, sorry as for what to look out for don't waste money on on just extra
Crap that you don't need you do not need a
Special little bucket for holding your paint when you go up the ladder you just use
A paint bucket you fold over the the handle you hold that in your thumb
You hold the bottom of the paint bucket and you just fill it up about this much. It's called a cut can
Not because you cut the can but it's for cutting in the edges
Um, so you just put like this much paint in the bottom then you dip your brush
Bang it on the sides and just paint a nice steady line. Just use a like a sash
Um, I think it's called a sash brush the kind that's shaped
Like that. Okay, like kind of like a sword
So don't don't waste money on on like, you know, oh, yeah
Buy this little thing that goes on the edge end of a pole and you know
You like run it along the top to do edging don't don't do any of that stuff
The only things you need to paint a room are a brush a roller pull a roller
Uh cut can and a drop cloth never
Ever no job is so small that you don't need a drop cloth
Don't do it. It's not worth it from other people as well specifically about the drop cloth
Hey dll I might try to skunk works a lan at open sauce
What's your most obscure land party favorite that you've had issues running on modern systems liero
Oh, but there is uh, there's a modern like
Redo, but it doesn't include some of my favorite things to do in old liero. It had a map editor. That was a lot of fun
We, uh
We spent a lot of time in mr. McCloskey's portable. What is liero?
Uh, it's a little like it's like worms, but real time
1v1. Oh, yeah, it's like it's ancient. How do you spell it l-i-e-r-o?
Whoa, it is definitely ancient. It's super fun. That's sweet
Dll I have been amazon free for a year after listening to luke recently
I had two tech orders placed at other stores ship from amazon got him
How do you avoid this should companies have to disclose this?
Yeah, I can got him what okay. I've received boxes
That were amazon boxes
from other companies, but I don't think
I don't think they just relabeled it personally
I think they just had that box and reused it
Wow, I don't run into this very often just try to find another store
I don't think there's like you're not going to be able to
go back to them and be like I didn't want this to come from amazon
Um, but yeah, just uh, just go somewhere else
There's only so much you can do. Yeah, best advice get wrecked
Yeah, good one luke
Oh my god, they said the names properly hello, dan luke and linus this feels wrong now
Any update on whale land and what are you looking forward to seeing at computex from m barton the whale?
I'm kind of hoping for nvidia 5000 series at computex. That'd be pretty cool
I don't actually think it's that likely but i'd certainly be into it
Could use a new you know gpu family. Maybe the pricing won't suck
Sorry, it's not funny um
Update on whale land. No, we've got to work things out with the city. That's probably going to take some time. We'll see how it goes
Hopefully they are
Willing to work with us in good faith and if not then I mean they might be dead
So, uh
Yeah, that would sure be lame
Lame land. Yeah, lame land. It's all mine
All right, and on that note, hey, thanks so much for tuning in we will see you again next week same bad time
Are we gonna skim through potentials?
Same bad channel. Oh, I do need to skip through quick, but there is a bunch of potentials. I those were collapsed by default
I didn't even see them. Oh, i'll start top you start bottom. Uh
I mean sure
Minus would you consider daily driving a sony smartphone?
The one thing i'm waiting for is for them to allow
Reversing the back and multitask buttons
Um, I I am right-handed
I use back a lot
And I usually use my phone in my right hand. I cannot be reaching across it like that
So I just I just need them to get that done and then i'm good to go. I'm so ready
I'm trying to curate oh, okay
William asks, uh, we've heard about the charges that app stores charge
But how much did a store like ncix make off of a 60 game?
So ncix had very very poor relationships with
Game publishers and game distributors, uh, so we would
Make as little as
We we could make as much as about three or four dollars off of a 60 game and as little as losing money in order to hit msrp
It was very stupid basically physical media sales was a complete disaster from us from day zero until the very end
It just made absolutely no sense whatsoever. There was also like barely any there
It was a yeah
Well, if we didn't make any money on them. Yeah, why would we stock them?
Occasionally we'd bring in some of like a really hot new title just to kind of bring people in the door and have them be aware
That we existed, but that was the only business reason that we would ever do that
I'm, just gonna take a screenshot here. This isn't
Freezing if you think that's happening. Okay, cool
Uh, do continue if you have any more
Oh, do you want me to just like do stuff? Uh, okay. No, i'm done. I can read now. Sorry. Uh, hey lld
I've been really enjoying david as a host recently. What went into his move from shooting to hosting was it something he initiated?
Or was it suggested by someone else at the company? Oh, I mean, I think that would be a story for david to tell but um
I thought that might be the case. I just yeah
Yeah, I guess I can kind of tell maybe my part of it. I i've always really enjoyed working with david and
I think that from you know, my point of view
Um, it was it was a
It was a a cool potential
Path for him to to progression. I think that he'd been in that role for a really long time and I think that uh
I think it's been really really positive. Uh, we've always I really like his stuff
See I gotta be careful when i'm putting words in other people's mouths, right?
Because I was about to say we've always enjoyed working together, but for all I know he hates my guts, right?
Who knows possible? I mean, I don't know that he'd still be here if that were the case
He's been here a long time now
Is he it is?
I mean, you know, I can't get into people's start dates
You gotta be so careful right about as an employer disclosing people's information
I think i'm pretty sure that everything i'm saying right now is within bounds
But you gotta you just you gotta be so careful anyway
I always really enjoyed working with him and I thought it would be
uh, be pretty cool to work on more of like the planning the video side together as opposed to the execution of the video side together and
We've got some quite senior members of the camera team that are
Really awesome to the point where we didn't need
David to be there all day every day anymore. Um, we've got andy and second andy and
Andrew and we he goes by andrew I was just I was so tickled when he came back from a family function of some sort
And he was like, yeah, I kept people kept uh talking to me and i'd go. Oh, where's andy because he?
He gets called andy and it never even occurred to me because it goes by andrew here and also because we have
Andy and andrew in the camera department
So nobody ever would ever think to call andrew andy but it's like yeah, obviously it's short for um, and then glenn glenn's been doing awesome work
Um, with the camera team lately as well
So we yeah, we've got like three really good dedicated camera camera people and some and some others that can kind of sub in when needed
So yeah, david moved over to writing. I think he's been doing a great job. He's got a very
creative mind
Very very creative mind. He loves he's a he's a doer. He's a
He's a thinker we've got we've got I mean, obviously the only reason i'm talking about david is because you asked
Uh, we've got a really really great team overall world class, but that was specifically
in my
Version of the story not putting any words in his mouth why that particular transition took place
Hey dll loved the lumafield ct scanner video was wondering what you think about heat reactive cups that show the internals of various products when it heats up
That's a super cool idea pretty neat
Uh finding a mug source that doesn't have any lead in there has been very difficult
If you've ever wondered why we're the only merch store on earth what that doesn't have mugs
That's a thing. It's not for lack of effort
But it's in a lot of the it's in a lot of the um, the like ceramic colorant like the treatment. Yeah
I was it's probably fine current current amount of years old when I figured out that crystal
Is lead crystal. Yeah, like old crystal cook where whatever was all it's all lead
I have no idea. I don't think a lot of it actually leeches into whatever's in it, but like sure, you know
Yeah, yeah, so um at some point we're gonna figure it out
Maybe I also was deeply uncomfortable with um how bone china works
So only a certain percentage of what they fire uh meets the the the quality standard
Which you know is inherent I guess
But the solution to that is that anything that doesn't meet standard they have
specially mapped out landfills
where it just all goes
Okay, any industry that has so much waste
That they have their own special landfill where they can put all of their
I thought it had something to do with how it was mapped out. I was confused for a second. All right. Yeah, no, no
It's just there's a ton of waste
So much for every mug that we sold on the store. They were going to produce like
Three to meet our quality standards. So we were just like
How about no?
Yeah, yeah, how about not that? All right, so that's pretty cool
Hey, wan.dll what are your daily driver battery banks and hold on to be clear to be clear there might be suppliers that
Do a better job or whatever, but we haven't found them. So we're so we're and yeah, there you go
What's your daily driver battery bank? I remember you mentioning one?
It's uh, hold on i'm gonna get the mur
Anchor 733 power bank
So it's a combination wall wart
Slash power bank with pd
Um, it's kind of inconvenient how heavy it is
So especially when i'm traveling on like loose hotel and plane outlets
It has a tendency to fall out. Yeah, I feel how heavy it is
Yeah, I can see that happen. It has a tendency to fall out, but um
The convenience of having a battery bank that is always charged
Because I use it anytime I charge my laptop and it charges this at the same time
That's actually pretty cool kind of outweighs it. Um
Yeah, I mean look i've talked about this before we won't take anchors money because I
I don't think they've ever really made right
um from that whole that whole security camera eufy brand situation thing
But that doesn't mean I won't use the product
Like people seem people seem to be very confused sometimes about the things that I say the difference between company and self
There's also people people find this to be a very difficult concept when it comes to me and amazon because they know that floatplane has some
workings through aws
And they're like you boycott amazon, but you used aws stuff with floatplane. I'm like yeah
You criticize society yet. You participate in society like what like it's it's as an individual won't do it
This is not the gotcha that you think it is. I um, I I just
I am i'm willing to buy a product and use it or in that in that case probably they sent it to us as a sample
I don't know but i'm willing to use a product
I'm not willing to endorse it and i'm not willing to take their money in order to promote it to you
Yeah, that's it. It's that simple
For linus, are you still using your steam deck? No
I did just finally finish dave the diver though. It was awesome. I played it on the ally nice. Yeah, it's good game
Did you did you play it? I?
Started it. I didn't get super gripped and with that type of gameplay time
I should be spending more time in final fantasy 6. So I have not continued. Oh, yeah
Have you played it at all a little bit? Oh, really? Just not a lot. Where yet? I'm still stuck in that town
I don't remember the name of it. Wow, you suck. Yeah, he's still in zozo. Yeah, you might say that his effort has been zozo
You get a bell for that one
LLD have you ever met a person who you thought was a fan, but they were actually some acquaintance you just forgot you met? Oh, yeah
100% 100% like that's especially at trade shows. Oh
Because man, there'll be someone I haven't seen in eight years or whatever and they remember me
Because they watch the videos or something so their
memory of me is constantly being refreshed and mine isn't and no offense
But like I'm really bad with names and faces and I even going back to my days at ncix when I had no youtube channel at all
I would be meeting so many people
Because I was a retailer and generally like, you know, everyone's trying to get their product in your store
So I would I would have so many people wanting to meet me that I there's so many faces and i'm so sleep deprived
Like I just i'm at my worst at trade shows. I try my best, but i'm at my worst and so I just
Often have this issue. I will I will
Sometimes start an encounter with someone and i'll just gamble because I have no idea
I'll be like hey nice to see you again and they're like what or i'll be like hey nice to meet you and they're like
This is this is about the fourth time but sure you got to do the neutrals
No, I I just own it at this point good to see you
First time last time who knows no
I just yeah, no, I just I just own it
I do neutrals for sure even if i'm a hundred percent confident
If I get it wrong, i'm just like yeah, i'm sorry. I'm really bad with names and faces
I think it's a learning disability one of my problems is actually they can't they can't come after me if I say it's a disability
No, seriously, I can't do it to the point where I think there might be something wrong with me isn't that part of adhd stuff
I don't know maybe I thought it was sure. I don't know well to learning disability sure
I don't know
For me. I constantly think I I like might recognize people
So then who knows yeah, i'll be like I might know this person from like hockey when I was also might have been at like a viewer meetup or that
So who knows or whatever else?
It could be any relationship. I have no clue and then they'll say hi and i'm like
Sure, could be generic white dude
Could be met at a meetup could be played sports with I have no clue
All right, next up. Let's keep going. Okay, i'm gonna go with that. I'm just gonna say sorry. I'm neurodivergent
Nice, which is not untrue. That is true. Let's keep it going
Hi, luke other than nasa what government tech infrastructure would you like to tour like a nuclear power plant?
Yeah, if we want to see all their floppy disks, I guess
Anxiety yes
Greetings from wan team dot ltt would like advice from linus
It's been a few months since I bought my manual car and it's the best purchase decision. I've ever made any tips and tricks for me
Have fun enjoy it while it lasts
I mean, it's I don't think they're gonna keep making them at least not at affordable price points for much longer
I mean, you'll be able to get older vehicles obviously but replacement parts are eventually going to become difficult to source and
The whole manual driving lifestyle is going to fall by the wayside
Yeah, they have like simulated manual now, but
Oh, the cvt garbage. I heard it's awesome. Yeah
Every article i've read about it is like this is actually f***ing incredible
And it's funny because I I every time I come across another one
I send it to alex clark with like a
Because I told him that that I thought that would be something that could like get me really into a car
Is like having all the torque of electric with like the fun of just playing with the playing with even if it's a fake
Gearbox like gear by wire or whatever
Um, and he every time he's like he's like oh, man, it's it's hilarious like seethe harder bro
Because he hates it so much. He's a mechanical engineering guy, right? Like he
Anyway, when I get a chance to when we finally get a chance to try one
I think we're almost gonna have to do two completely separate short circuits
He'll have to do one and i'll have to do one if you if you did yeah
or you do one
But you have you guys cover the same thing and you just cover it like back by back or like spliced together be kind of fun
That'd be interesting. Yeah
Hey dale early in my it career as a help desk tech after performing a
Career change, uh, what is a memorable or favorite moment early in your careers?
I mean
My very first day at the computer store being a boxing day, which is the canadian equivalent of black friday. Oh, i'm so sorry
Absolutely wild
That's pretty epic. Uh, there was there was one day where
Uh, my supervisor at the timing geek squad told me that I could take my
Overshirt part of my uniform off so I wouldn't get stopped by employees and could just hide in the back and just work on computers
Because we were backed up and he thought I would be the fastest at fixing everything. That's pretty
And I was so filled with pride that I did as good of a job as I possibly could have because I was like this is sick
That was cool. Very early lmg. I'll never forget packing for that very first ces
Yeah, putting together that that like duffel
That had the editing computer with the extreme edition in it
Like the super super tiny editing computer and then like it had like a like a monitor or two like packed in it
I think one of them ended up getting broken at some point
Maybe that was at a different trade show it eventually got
I think it was eventually but we had these like acer like super slim for the time
IPS monitors that were like honestly pieces of like by modern standards
But they were good enough that we could edit videos
Um, and like this whole clever idea that we were gonna set up an editing booth like an editing suite like in our hotel room and like
Like man, we were up late those nights and we're like filming videos of the prep so that we'd have videos to upload because it was do or die time
If we didn't make videos like that was it luke and ed didn't get paid and I had to go get a job
Like I also didn't get paid. It was that simple. Yeah, we cranked that year was crazy
That year was
Absolutely nuts. We're all probably gonna live a little bit less long because of that one trip
Oh, it's just a tiny amount. Oh, yeah, 100% but yeah, no question
Hello, dan luke and linus luke
I'm on the opposite side of my health journey from you being underweight and apathetic. How would you approach healing in my case?
Well, I have no
Experience with that really at one point in time. I was very very skinny
Um, really? Yeah, I had like fainting problems from it and do you have any memory of this time?
Or it was before I knew you skinny in the room with us right now
Fetal at this point. Oh my goodness. No, no, no. This was like in high school
Um, if I if I sat down and leaned forward my gut didn't even go out. It still came in
I was really skinny. It was largely because I was growing way too fast. Yeah, I knew the humble brag was coming
I was just I was just too tall and chad
I didn't say how tall I was at the time. I just said it was a growth spurt. I was very tall at the time
And my was growing too
It probably was statistically
Um, and it's it comes to you know, you got to consume more calories if you want to gain more weight and then the apathetic part
this isn't going to help with the needing to consume more calories bit, but
I find to be inspired to do things you have to actually do the thing first
You have to be in motion if you want to stay in motion basically
Um be a flywheel. Let's go. Yeah, so do more stuff and
Stuff food in your face. Try not to just
Like feed with garbage either though to be clear. You don't want a dirty bulk
Just eat more food in general
One thing that can help with that is eating more dense calories
Because like if you think about the how the people do it in the in the office actually though, I know
Have have more nuts. You'll be really surprised at how many calories are in nuts
So if you go to like costco and buy those big tubs of just like nuts. Yeah
The amount of calories that are in one of those tubs is insane. Yep
Calories and loose nuts you wouldn't believe it
They're trying to eat meals not snacks
Okay, last one I got here ltt and nvidia. Thank you for the 4080 super winning it prompted an emergency case change
What was the what was one of the most memorable times you acquired something and it led to other purchases?
You know what i'm gonna ignore the second part of your question because the most memorable time
I ever won something
Was when my school did like a fundraiser thing where you like sell
Whatever and like raise money and out of the like 350 students
They drew one of those gigantic five pound hershey chocolate bars as a prize and I fucking won it
My dad didn't let me eat it
He made me like cut it up into pieces and bring it into my class to share with everybody
Which in hindsight was the right definitely the right absolutely like primo parenting moment, but yeah
It's not happy about it
It's kind of funny what a thing to give to a kid yeah five
Pounds there's a picture of me
Like beaming seven or something and like holding this thing that I get like it looks so big because i'm so small
Oh my goodness
All right, let's get out of here. All right. Thanks for tuning in we'll see you again next week same bad time same bad channel. Bye