
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

It's when show time all right, and we're not even that late today
We are nine minutes late. Well sort of yeah eight minutes eight minutes
We actually had a pretty fun day today. We did
We spent the last hour and a half
in the multiplayer
On the Nintendo virtual boy, yeah
So that's gonna be a video. We're gonna talk about it a little bit later because um I
Don't know about you, but my headache is actually getting worse
Oh, I don't think what's getting worse, but I'm still extremely aware of it
Yeah, it it is not a great experience and no except for the parts of it that are absolutely outstanding yes
Yeah, it's I don't know what to say about it other than
If you're here for the news about Apple's event this week
Then we'll get right into that haven't you had enough, and you should you should yeah
So we'll talk about some of the iPhone stuff, and also there's a new iPad and blah blah blah
But really I want to talk about the Apple arcade service a little bit more and what this means for
Gaming in general mobile gaming in particular what else we got today?
There's the the new switch fit game, which is important for reasons, so we'll get more into later
Yeah, and SpaceX is deploying satellite broadband across the u.s.. Next year, which might mean in the next five years
Or never yeah, or that also. I ditched my OLED TV at home. Oh, what could have inspired me to do such a thing
You'll find out oh my after you sit through this ancient intro
Haha, it's broken. It's good. Yeah
I still own that sweater technically I still own that shirt nice
We're extremely fashionable people yeah
Which is why you should buy merch at lttstore.com. Yes that stuff is actually everything that I own that's fashionable
That stuff is actually everything that I own that's fashionable. Just gonna say I don't think fashionable is a strong word
This looks fashionable mean yeah
That's better than most
No, I met literally clean. Oh, this is also. Yeah. Yeah, you just put on what's clean though. That's my that's kind of
Yes, I mean yeah
That is how my fashion works aren't you basically down to stuff that fits at all at this point because of the water dries
Yeah, yeah, why don't you?
You know what we can do one off-topic thing then we'll talk about the Apple thing
I promise my dad is a plumbing instructor
And he doesn't understand so just I want to put that out there first because it's really weird your dad
Also is responsible for a whole room water cooling the plumbing
That was my spec though. Yeah. He did tell me it was stupid. Oh did he oh yeah, okay?
It's your dad. Do you think he didn't tell me?
That's very was very clear that's a badass basically yeah, yeah
But I brought him over to try to figure this out because like my sink in my bathroom at home if I turn on
One tap one day it might be cold the next day
It might be warm if I turn on the other one
It's the opposite of what but like they rotate randomly and that happens to every tap in the house
So Luke lives in a condo just yeah, yeah, not a house. Yeah, if I have a shower if it's at
Like three to seven in the morning it is always
Maximum heat no matter what I do
But I have found out that I can trick it a little bit by turning on random taps in the house
And then sometimes it will flip to maximum cold only there's no other options later parts a day
It's okay, but yeah, you can put it on maximum cold, and it's like nope I'm fully hot anyways
This becomes a problem when you know all the water sources are affected
And you get to the washer dryer because you put it on the tires fine
Yeah, the dryer is no problem, but you put the washing machine on cold and your clothes come out steaming
It's like well that wasn't intended
So you wash some stuff that's the right size, and it's no longer the right size, or you wash some stuff
That's red and and now other things are also kind of red
Which I've never had to deal with are you sure you're not just an idiot
Yeah, okay, the only reason why I'm gonna defend this
Look, it does raise some questions, you don't know which tap is, are you forgetting from day to day?
I my roommate and my girlfriend have experienced the same thing most of my friends that I brought over being like look have experienced the
Same thing are you sure your roommate and your girlfriend?
And all your friends are not idiots? My girlfriend's not an idiot. Because I haven't been there. Myself and my roommate are maybe maybe sometimes
But also my dad has seen it and it's blown his brain. I'm just teasing
He had a theory that the pipes are too close to each other so the hot pipe might heat transfer
But that doesn't make sense because you shouldn't end up you shouldn't be able to be hot. It should be swappable, yeah
You should be able to have two warm taps. That was his initial theory and by the time he left the house. He was like I
Don't know
Something weird's going on
Yeah, that was that was very odd so a significant amount of my clothes don't don't fit anymore
But so let's talk about the Apple event. Did you watch the keynote? I watched some of it. I was busy
That's more than I watched. It was during a work shift. I have legitimately gotten to the point where my ce onus is
so inescapable that I actually
assigned underlings
More than one underling to watch the Apple event for me and then provide me with a note. That's awesome
That is super legit
I don't have an hour and a half cuz the thing too is
If you're going to watch it
You can't really just have it half on or you're gonna miss the demos and stuff
like if I'm watching an Apple event and I do sometimes you can do it half on I
Find it tough because okay. Well, hold on a second because I'm not talking about efficiency from like a personal standpoint
I'm talking about efficiency from a company-wide
Stand if I'm watching it, then I'm gonna watch it everyone else be doing your friggin work because I'm watching the Apple event
I'll let you know if anything interesting happens if I'm not watching it
Then someone else needs to be watching it and making notes and filling me in if I am half watching it
Then I'm gonna miss stuff
And so I can't fill in anyone and they can't fill in me because I'm clearly not like making detailed notes as I go
so I might as well be filming a completely different video, which is exactly what I was doing and
Someone else can just tell me about it. I had a call like midway through it
So I couldn't really watch it properly at all. And then when it wasn't the call
I had it on like a side monitor, but I was super focused on other things. So like I got some vague stuff
I was roughly trying to pay attention to the iPad things because my mom needs an iPad for work
So I was like, is there an iPad coming? Yes, is it reasonably is it sort of? Okay, actually, yes seems great
Yeah, new iPad actually looks great. Well, it's even more great because she was gonna buy one and I was like wait
Don't because they're probably gonna release one and they're probably gonna price replace it
Yeah, I was like, okay waited like three days and then the announcement came
Awesome. So yeah, there's new entry-level iPad. It has thinner vessels
It's 330 bucks. The iPhone 11 is basically a 10 are but like more more better
So they changed the naming scheme, which is annoying but they probably improved the naming scheme
I think they really did there's a lot of people making fun of them for a pro max even we did it sounds like it
Sounds like a protein supplement or something. Yes, like it sounds like something you can buy in like a bottle
That's like this big like I might have a handle that has like six servings in it because like so much of it
David was showing me this like gigantic bottle of like protein cheesy poofs that he has
And I'm like, so I ate one. I'm like, yeah, I got some protein or something
He's like, yeah, it's probably not that much and I'm it was literally hey David
How much was in each cheesy poof like one gram or something?
less than a gram
So you'd have to eat like handfuls of this stuff in order to actually take in a like an appreciable amount of protein
Like it sounds like something like that. But yeah, honestly
11 as the basic now, which I guess I don't know if they did that on purpose or by accident
I'm not sure but I like it to be honest because the iPhone 8 was like the basic
Yes, when the iPhone 10 launched it was like, okay. Well just
Buy the last gen one then. Yeah, the max branding has existed for a long time. So, okay
And then I brought pro pro made sense like a thousand years ago
They probably just should have called the iPhone
10 the iPhone 8 Pro. Yeah, like then we could have just skipped all this crap
Actually, that would have worked perfectly
We could have had an iPhone 10 Pro and iPhone 9 Pro and an iPhone now 11 Pro
I completely agree, but I'm gonna jump slightly on the other slightly on the other side. It's not actually the other side
I'm gonna adjust my position on this side. I don't know how to call it. Whoa, okay
Is the frame we always hammer on people for terrible naming schemes we do and I feel extremely justified every time
Yeah, cuz they are terrible. They're terrible. They should feel bad Intel. Are you watching? Yes, you should feel bad
Yes in video. Are you watching? Yeah, you should feel super
Oh Super bad. Yeah. Yeah this time I
Agree, they could have done it better all this other kind of stuff, but they did it and I prefer it this way
Yes, so I want to make sure the band-aid off. Yeah do it right. Yeah, and to Apple's credit
I think the iPhone is one of the few things in their lineup that has a naming scheme that I can get behind
Because the problem that I have with their other stuff where on the surface it makes sense
You've got the MacBook. You've got the MacBook Pro. This one is for
People who want to browse Facebook and this one is for people who want to browse Facebook, but look like a baller while they do it
So you've got you've got this clear segmentation
But the issue is that with the MacBook they refuse to differentiate the models year by year
So with the iPhone they have finally got it down
Profixes make sense. The generation of the product is clear. Yeah, and I
Applaud that's not even a slow clap. Sorry. Sorry. Yeah, that's probably horrible. I'm sorry. I applaud I applaud
There you go. Very nice. Yeah, I look like
So yeah, good job the notch is still here that I applaud less
Yes, yeah, yeah
Finally thicker phones with bigger batteries that I have again. Yeah weird applause, but I know right Apple's like doing things right no
USB C that gets less applause
The watch series 5 has an always-on display. I feel like I covered that in my like coverage of this
I want to talk about the Apple arcade subscription
There is no shortage of companies that are trying to get into gaming as a service. You've got
Microsoft you've got Ubisoft you've got EA you've got every sort of free-to-play
battle royale developer
You've got you've got epic
everyone wants you to subscribe to a season of a game or to subscribe to a
package of games that you have access to you've got Nvidia with their
What do they call it?
I don't remember game stream. Is it gay? I know I thought game stream was just like
Game now g-force now g-force now. I do still call it that though. Yeah g-force now
I think whatever doesn't matter who cares so you've got a video thing
Where they're where there's where so we're all the games and there's all these different ways to tackle it, right?
so you've got individual games where they want you to buy like a season's worth of
Cosmetics or or upgrades or DLC or whatever the case may be. Yeah, like Borderlands after they said they wouldn't
Yeah, you've got game publishers
Like your Ubisoft's and your EA's of the world that wants you to just buy a subscription to their game launcher
That gives you all the the hottest titles or some of the hottest titles or some pretty hot titles and then you could buy that
Other stuff too so that you feel like you've got a compelling package of games to play and it's constantly being refreshed
This way you are paying for access to the software
But you don't necessarily own the software game developers want to get away from that paradigm a dedicated servers
Patches that you can just like download and install on your own
Haha discs that have like the software loaded on it so that maybe you could still play it in 10 or 20 years
Ha what an idiot you're an idiot
Then you've got Microsoft where they've got sort of a combination of both
They want you to pay for like online access in general
so you can like multiplayer game and then you've got also you want they want you to pay for like more much more premium version so
That you can have all of these games that you can access
then you've got the the services like GeForce now where you're paying for just access to games and
Also access to not have to pay for your own hardware. So that's something that Google is also targeting with stadia
So you're so it's like a subscription to hardware that lives in a data center and it streams to you
Apple's approach is completely different. So
What they're doing is they're taking some of what's good about other approaches like
This this Netflix model where you've got a constant stream of revenue that supports further gaming development. So it could be
Refreshed titles or added content to the games that are already in the library
So you've got this this revenue model that quite frankly makes way more sense for game developers
But unlike services like stadia or GeForce now where it's streaming from a server it runs on your local device
but unlike services like
Those you'd find from EA or Ubisoft it is
Not like triple-a titles that are being sort of bundled into this service. It's mobile games
What's your gut reaction to this? There's gonna have a hundred plus games right out of the bat
They've worked with third-party developers. It's five dollars a month after the first month. It's
Dare, I say
Kind of reasonably priced. Yeah
Where's the Apple the Apple tax here? I was gonna say honestly if
Usually if I want a game on my phone, it's cuz I'm stuck somewhere. I don't have access to my switch
I don't have access to my laptop. I don't have access to my desktop
So I'm caught waiting for something probably for like a couple hours and there's nothing to do
I'm just on my phone and I'm tired of Twitter now and
I've done all the work I can do on my phone and whatever else and
I look through my phone and I go I don't really want to play anything
I check the free-to-play section of the store. This all looks like cancer and free to the
Transactions and all this kind of stuff. So being able to just pay five bucks and have a bunch of games and there's no more
Microtransactions that sounds like a very reasonable solution. That's the beauty of it to me. Is that Apple is taking a
sub-genre of gaming that I think a lot of more traditional gamers like you and me are quite dismissive of because I
Find the experience really frustrating like what did what sorry what I can't I can't I don't know
I can't I can't play the next level until I wait eight hours or buy some like I
Don't know, you know stupid silver. I like games where
Uranium tokens or what? I'm like, I like games where progression is either skill or effort
Sure, I'm down with either of those if it's like oh I just wait or oh I just pay money
It's like okay. Neither of those things are interesting both of those things really pull me out of the experience
They're they're they're they're non immersive. They make me acutely aware that what I'm doing right now is quite literally
Wasting time. Yes, I am. I am actually actively
Waiting. Yes. I am. I'm watching paint dry
It's it's not a great experience and Apple has clearly identified this problem with the gaming platform that they have
Identified as their future in gaming Apple has made no move to make Mac OS
more of a gaming centric platform, so
iOS is the way forward for them and to their credit
iOS gets a ton of attention from gaming developers. It is generating a ton of revenue for
Game well game developers and Apple themselves like it is by any measure a successful
But what it is is a pretty crappy gaming experience
so they've identified this problem and
Created a solution that now even if game developers aren't leveraging
Individually, they now have to compete with yeah
They have to compete with the idea that for five dollars a month with no microtransactions
You can just have a library of mobile games to play on your iPad or your iOS and sure your iOS on your iPad
Or your iPhone and shared with five family members
Yeah, so it's basically if you can find five family members or five friends even and get one subscription
It's a dollar a month. Yeah, that is like
Not a lot. No
If you have a modern iPhone, yeah, you can probably afford that
I had people saying in the chat here that they're like if it's not free. I'm not interested a
Dollar, that's the whole that's the whole problem. That's the whole reason why mobile games are terrible. Yes
I hate that mentality
I actually really hate that mentality every like for a while there when a whole bunch of MMOs were coming out
Yeah, like Elder Scrolls online and all that kind of stuff every single time when they hadn't announced if it was free to play
Or not, I was like, please be subscription based because it's free to play
It will be trash and it happens every time I absolutely hate that
There is room for some free games
League of Legends works. Yep. There are other games that work as well. Yeah, but like on a whole
Especially with mobile games they're built to manipulate you they're built to be a waiting game where they hit you with dopamine
So you just keep waiting but you're not like accomplishing anything. There's no skill. There's no effort all this kind of stuff
It's just oh I I set an alarm so that I could wake up exactly when this thing finished building or whatever and then I could
Press the button twice and then I went back to sleep
Well, I was really enjoying this tiny tower game until I reached that point in the game where it was
Yeah, they expect me to what what is this like?
90s TV like I like I have to schedule my life around content. Yeah, excuse me. Yeah
You know like friggin year is it little mobile game?
I like there's there's room for that kind of stuff, but I hate the mentality of if it isn't free
I'm not interested. So if you don't have the money, I totally get that but there's great games out there like TF 2
Like League of Legends that you can go play that are still that other style
But that's not the most popular version of free games. I just need to you know, especially on a phone. So I mean
Obviously the title of this video I'm making fun of Apple a little bit for one of their exclusive titles
So the games in in this Apple arcade will be Apple exclusive
One of their exclusive titles being Frogger
Looks like a pretty cool Frogger. Okay. Okay. It's a Konami developed it like it's yeah, it's Frogger like more better
But in all seriousness, I am actually really happy about this
because every once in a while, you know, whether it's pushing the industry towards caring more about color accuracy and displays or
pixel density and displays
I believe or or whatever else Apple will make a move
that forces the entire rest of the industry to react and this is the kind of thing that
The developer of a game that runs on an Android device might look at this and not care
But Google has to pay attention to this and if Google reacts in some way that puts pressure on Android developers
That will be a net positive for gamers
So I'm a fan. Yeah, it's because I got positive they copied link. Oh
Yeah, I saw that
Shoot, I don't think our screen share to you is is
Working right now. So I'm just gonna bring up the thing. Yeah
Yeah, basically one of the games has link as a character and it's they should be embarrassed
There's also like Lego brawls looks like it could be really cool. Actually. It's a multiplayer like fighting game. Yeah, that looks pretty sweet
Yeah, here we go. This is the site that I was like I saw link for a second that you scroll down you can find
Yeah, if I hold on we'll find the dedicated big picture of link
Games that redefine games. Okay. There's a few different Lego games. Apparently Lego art house is another one. I do wonder if Tim Cook
Has ever played a game?
Sonic racing
Okay, so maybe some of it's gonna be cringe but
There's a good chance that at least some of it will be good. Yeah, I'm gonna try it out. Yeah for sure
Yeah, all right next topic
Actually, this is really interesting because we just mentioned that one of the ways that you could get your Apple arcade subscription for cheaper
Is by sharing it with friends. I mean that's a paradigm that I'm sure you're well familiar with
He piggybacks on my Google Play Music
I was actually looking at this and going damn. It's only for five. I
Might not be able to be included
Maybe they're too young. Maybe I'll get some more years
So Luke is technically in my family, yeah according to Google
Cuz he's in my family plan and I may have to I'm at my max now, I've got my aunt my sister
My sister my wife my son and you in there. I think we're getting dangerously close to the limit
Oh, man, you're the first one on the chopping block
I understand I fully get so like when if my daughter gets a phone or something and they haven't like increased the limit or something
Then you might get you might actually have to pay your $8 a month or whatever. It's horrible. I probably won't do it
I'll probably just manually put music on my phone again
Anyway, apparently this same problem with people sharing subscriptions is a problem for Spotify that they have decided to
Stop ignoring. I mean, I'm sure they've been aware of it for a long time. But basically here's the summary
this was posted by someone on the forum and
They're saying as part of an effort to detect fraud and abuse of their premium family program
Spotify wants to know where you live or to obtain your location data
so the premium family program is a
$15 a month plan for up to six people with the condition being and this is in the T's and C's even if it's something they
Haven't enforced the condition being that they all live at the same address
In August the company updated its terms and conditions from premium family subscribers requiring that they provide location data
From time to time to ensure that they are actually all in the same family. That's not necessarily how family works
Yeah, like my aunt
Doesn't live at my house, but she is certainly my family. So is my sister
None of my family live in my house. Yeah
So now with that said the definition of family as someone who actually like has their own family
I run into this a fair bit. Well the definite. Well, no, no, I mean
About that no
so the definition of family if you actually start digging into the T's and C's varies a
significant amount like the way that Google defines family versus the way Spotify defines family versus the way that
Science world defines family. Yeah, everyone has different a different threshold for how immediate
Family needs to be and what the maximum number of family members you're allowed to have is my my family my like my
The where with my parents that family not with my kids that family, okay
So my parents had five kids so we were seven
we were a fully loaded minivan when we went places and there were a lot of places where
My mom bless her heart would
Get pushy about how many people should be allowed in when you are a family
Because most places cap it at either four or five. It's the world is designed for four two parents two kids
As soon as you have five you don't fit at the table at the food court
Right. Yeah, right. Yeah, and two tables. Yeah everything or you need two passes or whatever else, you know cars
You don't actually fit comfortably anymore. No
So it doesn't surprise me that they would have this kind of
you know
Stipulation family with an asterisk now you looked at the family. Yes. This is actually very interesting
There are two noun definitions for family really and they contradict each other really heavily
It's specifically in this scenario. The first one is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household
Number two is all the descendants of a common ancestor
They are actual opposites and they completely counter
So like Spotify is going with definition one. Yes, and I went with definition two, right?
They are both definitions of the word family
Okay, then so I wanted to like call them out and be like it does not the definition of family and then so there was
You're thinking more like family tree. Yes
Alright, so when you sign up for the family plan Spotify will ask those on the plan to provide the company a home address using
Google Maps
Every person added to the plan will have to do the same or enable location services for Spotify on their devices to come
Spotify said it doesn't use that home location for advertising and that it doesn't store the data for internal use
So wait, you could just say I live here and then you're done because it says or
Once verification of a family members home address is completed
We do not store their location data or track their location at any time
But it also said that they want to require people to provide location data from time to time
The policy overlooks families that aren't living together. It's like we discussed this so like I mean
Adult children and their adult parents I could see companies being like, you know what you're all account
You're all working ass, but what did you go? What if your boarding school kid?
Yeah, exactly
But if you're someone who's away at college who legitimately is still a dependent even if you don't live at the same address
That's that's pretty lame. But not even not even college. So what if you're like boarding middle school? Here we go
So they could ask for location data to check for fraud from time to time
But didn't specify when or how frequently those checks would happen
This also poses the problem of Spotify inadvertently tracking children and minors who aren't legally able to consent or object
You have to be 13 to use or sign up for a Spotify
Well, that's interesting. So my kids are allowed to use Google Play Music
I guess it doesn't matter because they don't need to collect location data. Yeah fascinating
Speaking of fascinating our sponsor Ridge wallet. Yeah with Ridge wallet
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slash LTT also sponsoring the show today private internet access PIA is the
You should just use kind of awesome. Yeah, I
Don't know if I've ever confessed this I was a paying PIA customer
While we were still partnered with tunnel bear
Okay, so was I I don't know if you knew that or not. I didn't because we used it for flip lane
Yeah, I just it personally I was still okay with yeah
I don't know tunnel bear was fine. What the tunnel bear was was different. It was simple. Yes
It was so simple that and that was honestly it was like brain dead. So like I could give it to my mom to use
Yes, whereas PIA I?
Mean it's slightly more advanced. It's easy enough to use but it's also a more advanced product
There's a lot of customizability that you can do if you want if you took like two minutes of your own time you could set
It up for them. Yes, but it's also kind of pretty easy. Yes
Yeah, so private internet access supports a variety of VPN protocols and types of encryption
It's available for Windows Mac OS Android iOS Linux and Google Chrome
you can connect up to five devices at the same time not that we're endorsing the
um sharing accounts paradigm. My in-laws are on my PIA account. Oh. Well they were traveling.
Their apps include DNS leak protection and IPv6 leak protection and they've got an internet kill switch that will block all
Traffic if the VPN becomes disconnected unexpectedly. Check it out today at lmg.gg slash PIA when yeah
Torrenters are definitely into that kill switch because which is very important just in general the kill switch is important
But I could see torrenters being pretty into that feature. Sure. Um, it's important for everybody. The show is also brought to you by
Savage Jerky. Savage.
Oh, you want the mojo? Oh yeah.
Mojo is my was my first love. Oh, that's my actual favorite. Have you not tried that? I have tried it
I'm gonna do the mojo jalapeno today. It's very good. People have been getting mad at me about eating on the show
So if I open up this pack of maple buffalo bacon, I will end up eating for the rest of the show. So I am
I'm trying to be nice. There was comments on the last WAN show
About how you started off with people being like oh people don't like when I eat on the show and you end the show with
Shoving an entire fistful of bacon into your face. Mm-hmm
You know, it felt like a waste
Because I really like the maple buffalo bacon
but like
Just cramming it in your food hole
You're not appreciating it properly
Yeah, I like to I actually like to go slow with it, which is why I end up eating it for the entire rest of the show
It's not actually a ton of bacon like Savage Jerky is not cheap, but it is delicious
My talking points are gone whatever it doesn't matter
They've got a bunch of different flavors of jerky
all different levels of heat from
Very tolerant tolerable all the way to like wow, you're punishing yourself
Um, go for it you go ham you do your thing. It's basically your range like
Moho is really mild. I like spice but moho is really good
Because I like the garlic lime cilantro all that kind of stuff. It just tastes great
They're made with high quality ingredients without nitrates and they also have other products like their spice rub and their hot sauces
Their hot sauces aren't freaking delicious
You can use offer code LTT to save 10% on all their products at LMG GG slash savage jerky
That yellow one it's pineapple something the sauce things barbecue sauce
Carolina habanero pineapple. Yeah barbecue sauce brought that camping was very good. It was absolutely fantastic
Well, oh shoot, sorry
You might have to you be key that as well, yeah, it's pretty annoying do you want to do the next topic?
Yeah, I'm trying to pick one real quick
I want to talk about the virtual way. Sure or your OLED. Oh
Okay, I don't have enough concentration while I'm logging it, okay, so virtual boy
We've been we've been waiting to film this video for I think at least two years
At least two years. No over a year for sure over a year at least over a year. Yeah, this is not mine
Actually, this is the one that Linus media group acquired from
Someone who's quite amazing and did a bunch of modifications to it that are like really clean
That's one thing I want to point out too is it was done very well. That is a heavily modded virtual
we actually borrowed it from I
Think they have a YouTube channel
I just I'm just gonna double check I can basically guarantee you though
If you handed this to someone who didn't know it was modded they wouldn't think it was modded. Yeah retro RGB. Yeah
Freaking awesome. Actually, I wonder if he did a video about it retro RGB
Yep streamed hyper fighting live
so here
So Luke actually already owned a virtual boy and he kind of brought it to work and was like hey
Do we want to do a video about this thing? It's like kind of a
It's kind of a curiosity at this point because they didn't sell a ton of them
it was sort of
Unanimously agreed on that it was bad. Yeah, but it was also like so many of the things Nintendo does
so different and
So far ahead of its time that it's sort of it's sort of worth
Looking back at just to see
Here we are now. Where did we come from and like under getting a better understanding of that?
Like it's it's it's almost successful in a way that it is now 2019 and you and I are looking at this thing
Fascinated and we had a solid amount of fun and I still have a headache
but like
But it's just it's a very very interesting device so what's really cool about the video we just did is off
Sorry, I'm eating again. This one is really good. Yeah. Yep. Okay
Alright, I'm done
So what's really cool about this thing is that oh, sorry, I bit into a seed that's really hot
I'm not sure what direction he's going in so I can't step in. Yeah, it's fine. There's a bunch of really interesting
There's a bunch of really cool stuff. So what was really cool about our video is that the Virtual Boy was launched and then discontinued
I think just over a year later. So a bunch of the stuff that they promised including apparently a strap
That would like keep it against your face. So you didn't have to rest it on a table and like lean into it like this
And that also included multiplayer support
Just never materialized
But thanks to homebrew retro
You guys are amazing
The game that actually shipped with the console Mario's tennis not to be confused with Mario tennis
Which yeah was an n64 game if I recall correctly. Yeah, that was the first one, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well, yeah
Mario's tennis. I
Forget how I started the sentence whatever Mario's tennis was actually modded by the community
Actually a particular member I think did the vast majority of the work on it
and what they did was they actually took latent code that existed on the cartridge and
activated it then
Flashed that too. You can get these what's the Virtual Boy like flash cartridge called flash boy?
Okay, so there's this flash boy to thing that you can use to program homebrew games. That's why poor flash boy plus or modified games
put it in and
Boom multiplayer works. So in the video Luke and I get to have what is not just like a decades-old gaming experience
But a decades-old gaming experience that actually didn't exist at the time we get to be a multiplayer
Mario's tennis and it's pretty freakin awesome. Yeah, I had a lot of fun. I did too
I was legitimately very fun had a lot of fun. Yes
But like I have a headache I also have a headache I think we did play it a little bit too long
Because we turned the game off and back on so we didn't get the like warning that you should stop playing
15 minutes should not be too long for a game
Experience has some issues
I also think if we turn to the game on and like looked away for a while and
Then went into it might have been better because when it's like first or I'm not gonna get necessarily into why because you should watch
The video but when it's first starting it's a little bit more jarring. I
Think we can tell them why it's cuz there's these mirrors vibrating back and forth
you can hear them and it takes a little while for the image to kind of like
Get right, so it's kind of jarring. It's like
It's kind of like when you're when your VR headset loses tracking for a little bit
Yeah, and you're like looking over here and it's like up there. I was like
Like, oh, okay. I was fine. Now. I'm sick. Thank you for that and it's all black and red images
Which is just kind of intense. It's pretty bad like
With that said I was impressed by the stereo 3d effect. I
Mean I was eventually too honestly, I prefer I
Prefer it to 3ds
Yeah, I think it works better 3ds gave me nausea like I never enjoyed the almost immediately
What could they possibly have been thinking like I never I never had a 3ds
So I had it
I had a DS
played a ton of Mario Kart on that thing until I broke my trigger fingers because that's what happens when you play a ton of
Mario Kart on a DS
And then I just like never
Like fixed it or any I never got a new one
Anyway, so I had a DS and then I didn't do the 3ds thing cuz I just like I had a kid or something
I forget what the exact timing is, but it just I was busy
and then the first time I actually
Aside from I think I walked past like a display unit and like future shop or something and I was like, oh, okay
That's kind of weird. I'm like I looked at it, but that was it
The first time I really like tried to play a game with it was a couple weeks ago
Oh, Brandon lent me his his 3ds to play Fire Emblem awakening because there's a new one out
That's apparently really good and I was like, oh believe it or not. I like, you know
Casually talking. I've never played a Fire Emblem game. He's like what?
It's like his super into fire. Yeah. Anyway, I think I
more and like
You you moved
How could you possibly think that a stereo effect that relies on the eyes being in a fixed position is a good idea on a handheld
I mean it kind of helps that you have to like shove your face into the virtual boy
Yeah, because it positions you correctly
It's awkward when you have to like play a game like this, but it does position you correctly
But yeah, it was it was really fun actually
It's I think I genuinely think a big part of the fun is playing some weird derpy game on a weird derpy device
multiplayer derpy controllers with weird derpy controllers
Multiplayer. Yeah, they have d-pads on each side. Yes a d-pad here and here
I realize you can't see that that well
But there's d-pads on both sides, which is odd and then the start and select are the exact same
Format as the A&B. Yeah, and you can't see the controller
Thing and then there's triggers on the back, but they're not labeled
Oh, they are just left and right and they didn't do anything in any of the games. We played did they they did in
Hyperfighter hyperfighter. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So are you actually going to fix your virtual boy? Yeah
Are you yeah, probably is it gonna be like the shelves? Is it gonna take 18 months?
They might I've got other I've been doing one major project for my house thing apartment whatever every weekend
Well now you're doing a koi pond. Is that right? Yeah, why koi pond?
My girlfriend went a little
Plant crazy out of nowhere and we now own
40 plants
What most of them are really small? I have a hard time imagining you owning a single plant. I
Don't right there like hers and I have technically owned
exactly one singular plant
since around
2013 and is still alive. I
Thought I'd lost it when I moved but it's in my parents garage and I haven't bothered to pick it up yet
But I guarantee you it is still alive because I have all the light. I have parents girl. I have forgotten that thing
behind stuff
Nick knows I've forgotten that thing behind stuff for like a year at a time and it's still alive
It's just like agrees with me. It's an the aloe vera plant. Oh, it's an aloe vera plant that bird
It is still a play that barely it still counts. Anyways, I'm not in charge of these literally a cactus
It's a plant it's a plant it's green yeah, it's in it's kingdom whatever
Kingdom plant our whatever the yeah
Yeah, oh
Yeah, that was yeah, that was a terrible time but
yeah, so we have a bajillion plants now and then
She wanted to do something with the deck and you can get fake ones right that you don't have to water apparently
She's like against that now and she's like on some I
Don't know. She's she's super into it. Whatever
Whatever she doesn't watch when show you can speak freely here. No, I am I
Okay for her she's into something and I think that's cool. Okay, and it makes the house look better and
Plants and water and stuff smells good. So like the house the house looks and smells good. Okay, so sweet
Well, she's sending you a message. I don't I genuinely don't think so
But maybe know what that beeping is
Sounds like a UPS
It's probably annoying to the wind show peeps that's that's Nick by the way
Which means he's probably here so that I will tell you guys what merch about LTT store calm. Yeah. Yeah
Basically, it's good stuff
LTT stealth hoodie is back in stock. We have all sizes in stock
I have personally confirmed that the phone pocket fits the galaxy note 10 plus. Oh, it's a little tight
It fits but that's not bad because it's that phone pokes designed to like hold your phone in place
It's a little tight, but dang it it fits
We've also got the very popular RAM t-shirt. This one has been a smash hit
Thanks to David's excellent modeling. Of course
This is my favorite. Yeah, I saw that
Okay hard drive shirt is now one of our one of our top sellers
Remember if your friends aren't nerdy, they'll think you have a cool record player shirt
Or DJ shirt if you're not 80 years old. Yeah, DJ shirt
Processor also a good one. I love the processor one. Sorry for this. Sorry. Sorry. Also, here's Dennis naked
Oh, sorry. Sorry, they're amazing. Sorry, you should check out our Twitter right now. They're super comfortable. No, I'm not that sorry
I saw that there's a really disturbing picture on our Twitter right now
The water bottle is awesome a new picture. I saw that one too. Okay, the Dennis one. Yeah
What there's another picture of you and your underwear D
Okay, I'm not gonna subject you guys to this if it's really awful
But I do have to go on our Twitter right now and find out what my team is tweeting down
I know the best thing to do is plug it into the wall
Okay, you just press the button on the Casa module
Okay, so you guys I don't want you to take this out of context, okay
Is that even a real like are you actually even holding that laptop? Oh, yeah, okay. It's not like photoshopped in
Yeah, so I photoshopped it
I told Alex we need to do we need to do a picture like one of the things we're trying to do is we're trying
To have a little a few more like we're trying to have more fun moments in the video
So that's sorry. I'll make you I won't make you keep looking at that
Okay, which I have more fun moments in the videos like things that are kind of jiffable, you know
And so there's a line in the video about the the new Alienware m15
Where we talk about how it's sexy and I was like, you know, it's like a jiffable moment
we should just do like a sexy dance with the m15 and
I had intended I had intended to wear the underwear. That was my intent
The tie and the hat is his doing okay
So if you guys don't want to experience that I can't say that I recommend our Alienware m15 video
Hey, you can never say that. I wasn't honest with you
Yeah, yeah, so I ditched my OLED. Yeah, why okay
I'll explain why cuz I don't yeah, one of the main reasons that I have been
such an advocate of OLED is
That I can't stand
the the black glow
The glow the gray glow when it when the screen is supposed to be black. Yeah, it drives me
Nuts, I find it very immersion breaking. Okay now obviously I can live with it
I haven't I haven't gone so so
2019 soft that I am simply too triggered by a black screen on an LCD
That I must leave that I have to leave the like it's not like that
But if I don't have to have that I will certainly choose something that doesn't have it. Okay, perfect blacks
amazing, yeah
So one of the things that bugs means you're not like ditching your current OLED for a new OLED
No, okay. I have ditched OLED in my living room for the first time in years now. Okay. Okay, so
one of the things that drives me most crazy is
the black bars
in letterboxed content
When they're gray, yeah, so that instead of just seeing the content and nothing else
you've got the content with a gray buffer with a black wall behind it because
Presumably you are not a monster and you have turned out the lights in your living room in order to properly enjoy a film
So it drives me absolutely crazy
so I
Took home a sues PG 65 you BFG D big format gaming display
Which is like a year and a half late now
I I don't know. I've been like waiting for this thing. It feels like
Forever they seem to be pretty late with displays a lot
Yeah, just putting that out there. It seems to be the ones they're partnered with Nvidia on
Cuz other than that, that's accurate they kind of launch things when they say they're going to that's accurate
Anyway, so I took it home and I have to say they have done a great job
Of the full array local dimming. I can find scenarios where it is noticeable
Okay, I can create snare I like that
I can create a scenario where it's noticeable move a mouse cursor around on anything dark and you can see
the halo floating around the cursor
But I have to give them credit one of the things that I didn't do properly when we evaluated the HP
Omen next Imperium or whatever it was called
Was view it from a more realistic angle. I was always looking at it flat like a monitor or even like standing above it
Cuz it was just like sitting on a desk in the office
Okay, and they actually tuned it to be viewed from slightly below because that's where most people position their TVs
Whether they're someone who puts it on their console and then sits on a couch or open or whether they put it up on
A wall. Yeah, or if they're one of those
Complete monsters who puts it like above their fireplace. It's wrong
It's wrong and you're wrong. I might be mounting mine to my standing desk above my monitors
So I can lower it lower my standing desk way much as possible
So you sit on the couch you can watch it more better because I don't have space
You know
You might be a legitimate use case for an 8k TV
could just create virtual monitors on your 8k TV and then when you want to watch TV you just
watch TV
Yeah, so Microsoft actually, okay, I'm completely changing topics here
Power toys Microsoft just brought back power toys, which I am personally very excited about
and two of the ones that they have just
Announced are dang it. Where can I where is this?
Here, whatever. Here's an article from the verge
So one of them actually, they're they're both really cool fancy zones. This is sick
So you it's like it's like arrow snapping on like steroids
There's a whole bunch of different options for dividing up your desktop
And then if you go further in you can actually customize it. No. No, where's the custom one? No
I mean, this is already very cool
But there's a customization option later that they show where you can yeah
There you go where you can create like whatever the heck zones you want
Pretty freaking sick if you ask me, that's all I think they're showing it right there. I think he was just setting up the zone
Oh, no. No, they never actually do a very good demo of it. Okay, it's more of an instructional video
Okay, and then what was the other really cool one? They're both cool. Um, blah blah blah
Oh, yeah, you can hold down the windows key and discover keyboard shortcuts
So it'll just like show keyboard shortcuts on the screen and tell you what you can do with them. That is freaking awesome
That's really cool. Yeah power toys. Yeah
anyway, so
It's like make my own mom because I have found an 8k TV like a 65 inch 8k TV
the pixel density is high enough that I can I can sit right in front of it and
Like as long as you're not expecting a retina experience
As long as you're expecting something similar to like a 1440p 27 inch or something like actually all I want at that distance
Anyway, like reasonable. Yeah
You could create so you could just
Man, if you got an OLED then you could just black out the parts you don't use so you could be like, okay
I want to be in triple monitor mode
That's okay, you know what I want another monitor up here
that seems like the kind of thing that someone out there is probably working on like a weird like like
friggin tiny program that like does this it's like I designed this for all the people who
Use 8k TVs as their monitors. I figure there's at least dozens of us
You know be super cool is if you opened a specific application
if it knew the zone that it wanted it in and it like enabled that and
Put it there right away
So that like okay if I open
like this one
Desktop link that I have for like the status page for full plane
It's gonna open it but it's gonna put it up there in the corner because I don't need to stare at this thing
Well, who's an OLED you wouldn't even need virtual desktops because anything that doesn't have content on it would just be black
Yeah, but I'm saying like it would it would know to put it up there away from everything else
You know, I mean Windows does a reasonably good job of that doesn't it?
Just putting stuff back where you left it. It's okay
This this would be because it would be like another Chrome window or whatever
Well fancy zones take care of that. That's what I'm saying. Mm-hmm. Yeah, it'd be very nice if I could do that properly
That would be sick. Okay on the subject of OLED though
Yeah, so the advantage of the BF GD is obviously the high refresh rate
You can do HDR content up to 1080p and I don't think you can do HDR at 144 cuz you're oh
yeah, I don't know you might be able to but you're dealing with chroma sub whatever chroma sub sampling sucks because
The argument that gets made by Nvidia and their their display partners. Is that like well
It's only really a factor when you're on the desktop because it like makes text look bad
I'm like lots of games have text guys
so 144 doesn't make a ton of sense to me on it, but you can do 98 Hertz with 10-bit color or
you can do 8-bit color at
a hundred and twenty Hertz and get the full HDR experience on both of those I
Don't know it
It's it's got high refresh rate
It uses
Display port it's got super low input lag
It's like it's basically having a gaming monitor in my living room. So I was playing some super meat boy and I was like, oh, yeah
Like it just feels great. And when I was watching HDR content because it's bright enough
It hits a thousand hits peak brightness
even in the dark I
Could definitely find halos
But not with normal content on the screen
Like I wouldn't like I probably wouldn't I probably want to turn it off
I probably want to turn off the full array local dimming if I was playing something like Anno like a mouse based game
But while watching movies in Anno, basically the whole stream is gonna be lit the whole time
Yeah, kind of the oceans pretty dark. Is it I found it kind of distracting
I was gonna say like if you played like a horror game or like say you were playing like Halo and you're going through one
Of the the the flood missions when it gets really dark
Sometimes you're like aimer and stuff is probably gonna be pretty annoying. Mm-hmm because it's gonna glow
Just around it's gonna almost feel like you have a flashlight on
So it basically it finally got to the point where I'm willing to make that trade-off right in exchange for higher refresh rate now
With that said
OLED could be back in my living room sooner rather than later
Wait, I don't know if I can say this
For now, I'll be running the BFD
Oh, here's the thing I can say so Adele actually showed off an Alienware
55-inch gaming OLED back at CES. So if that or something like that were to come along soon
That could be a compelling option as well, especially now that FreeSync displays can run G sync
Yeah, so you're not if you're if you want to actually, you know drive a 4k display
you're not stuck with
You know screen tearing or ponying up for a G sync display. I will be very curious to see what their pricing looks like on that
Yeah, super chats. Yeah, why don't we do some super chats?
Let's have a look here ladies and gentlemen ISAC said mouse pad news the one in the video looked cool
No news yet. We're doing a mouse pad. Oh cool. It's gonna be awesome. Is it a desk pad? Oh, yeah nice
Is there something else that exists? I'm just making sure cuz if there is that's stupid
Hey power play is
Awesome power play power play. Oh, yeah, that's pretty awesome. Yeah
Joshua says can you create a way that full plane subscribers can watch the other Plex server?
I don't think there's official integration, but I think didn't someone in the community like set something. There's unofficial integration
Yeah, we might do something official at some point
We just have so many like hyper high priority tasks right now and we have for a while
But yeah, we might do it eventually
I do want to give them an update like you guys have got kind of a crunch coming up for the 30th
I recall correctly do I wasn't gonna announce it publicly, but we do
Yeah, we're trying to
Get 4k support
Although that has to be enabled by the creators and plans have to be set up for that and like there's once it's done on
Our side it's not it's gonna probably be a while before creators actually start using it
But 4k support yearly subscriptions. I know you guys have been asking for them for freaking ever. They are finally coming
Some back-end improvements that we need
Just for our own reasons and some other fun stuff as well the the app
Continually gets better
If you've had frustrations with the app in the past, I recommend you use it again
The chromecast support has gotten way better. You can now pull videos down and keep navigating the rest of the app
There's like a bunch of other cool features the biggest update that the app has ever gotten launched this week
so go check that out and there was slicker there was a
Quick little problem with it. I don't remember what it was
With the auto rotation and that's already been patched. So
Yeah, are we ever gonna have an iOS app? We will eventually have an iOS app
I'm still actively developing it in parallel. Yes. Okay. Yeah, so when it comes out, it should be basically pretty close to feature parity
So the issues that Apple had one of them was that if you went to go register for an account
If you couldn't register register for the account in the app and they were like, no, no, no, we don't like that
And the other one was they were running it is not trivial to fix
It's not as hard as you think. Okay, so that's coming but we didn't think it was important to be in this update
Okay, whatever
and then the other one was
That it wasn't like working properly for them, but it's because they ran it in dev mode
We like didn't expect them to do that. Oh
So or debug mode
So, I don't know it's by the time we fix that stuff on our end
It's gonna be as far as I can tell even though they say on an average maximum of one day every single time
We've done anything with them. It's taken at least two weeks. So it will probably be quite a while
Thanks to everyone who last week
Gave me leads on how to get in touch with Apple's PR. None of them panned out
To be clear don't send me anymore. I have definitely
Reached the right people they know they know
Yeah, they have just decided that it is not worthwhile to engage in this they knew last week and they knew before last
Yes, it's just it's such a bizarre thing to me because their whole shtick is controlling the narrative
You can't control a narrative that you don't ever even deliver. Yeah
I don't know. It's just it's bizarre. They're taking away their opportunity to get their voice in there
Yeah, boy, thanks, thanks home automation X
Unusual user says index set active
Thanks, doggo. Can I can I eat now?
Maybe that can be the new rule
Rob says watching from the Netherlands at 2 in the morning. What happened with not showing the kids on the channel anymore. Um
It's not that I'm formally not showing the kids on the channel
I'm just not going out of my way to show them much or I'm I'm going out of my way to not show them much
I mean my son in particular
Really really wants to make videos with dad
I still have misgivings about it. I may come around on that. I'm really not sure where I stand at this point
Thanks avian. Thanks unusual user free desktop. Okay. I don't even know what you're talking about
Vlad any tips on a mobo for a 1066 gig in an 8700 K. I
Don't know what everyone has like the features you need they don't affect performance much anymore just you know, the Suess gigabyte MSI
Does it look cool?
I don't know how to pronounce that. So I finally subscribe to LTT on floatplane. I have much feedback on UX
Is it better to subscribe or ignore LTT videos on YouTube? What is better for the YouTube algorithm and LTT prosperity?
Wow, I don't really think I
Don't really think any
Individuals behavior is going to have a large enough impact to affect us algorithmically
The best thing is obviously to just watch them watch the videos twice
Yeah, I it's impossible for me to say whether it's better to unsubscribe and then ignore it or stay subscribed and then ignore it
I think it treats you exactly the same way regardless so should be fine
When will you do another house inspection?
Maybe you mean tour you tease or you to see or whatever that is
We are gonna do some more stuff at my house. So I'm gonna do a video on the BFTD upgrade
I have to upgrade my
HTPC now that I have a 4k
120 Hertz gaming display in there. I'm just gonna need a little bit more horsepower. I was running a 980 TI. So
Yeah, that'll that'll happen soon. We'll do a video about that
Not sure what that is, I don't know what usual user is talking about
They keep sending super chats
Hey D says do you think geforce now will ever get out of beta? Yeah, probably they seem committed enough to it at this point
Sam says can LMG sponsor my high school robotics team
Probably not it never hurts to send an email though minus tech tips at gmail.com actually does get monitored
Please don't waste their time guys
Corey just want to spend more money to support LTT. Also the merch store is the best LTT store calm. Thanks to Corey. Heck. Yeah
Uh Ilya says previously cheap iPhones always had something in their name showing that status
Now the hobo iPhone is just iPhone 11, which is kind of weird. Yes, but it also makes sense
It's iPhone vanilla. It's the normal one the hobo one. It's a good name cuz like SE could be special edition
Mm-hmm, you know are like GT versus a GTR
Are sounds cooler type are there you go. So no the iPhone should just be like
Le iPhone. Yep. Excuse me. Should just be iPhone Apple never says that have you noticed that it's not the iPhone
It's not the Facebook. Yeah, everybody got rid of the while ago
Lord who hi sage. I'm on TV. All right
Morgan says I swear I saw Linus holding his info in six. Is there a view coming?
No, I ended up not doing a review of it because my first unit
Had some issues with the camera mechanism
So as you sent me another one and then by that time it was kind of old news
And so I didn't end up reviewing it. Honestly. I wasn't a huge fan. The camera's not great. I
Think there are the cameras not great. Yeah, the camera's not great. I think they're there flip-around mechanism is not amazing
Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan
It's it's a good value if you're just looking for a high-performance phone at like a reasonable price, but there's a lot of options for that
Samuel says Jono is awesome. One of the unsung heroes of LMG give this to him
That's not really how super chats work, but I'll tell him he's awesome
Right now send that message now
Tech X are either of you two interested in visiting the Star Wars land that opened at Disney or has Disney killed Star Wars for you
Wow go
I've wanted to go really badly
but I think I kind of want to go with someone and
And coordinating schedules with adults to fly somewhere is like nearly impossible. So, I don't know if I'll end up ever actually going
Disney has not ruined Star Wars for me. You just have to adopt a new mentality called headcanon
We just kind of decide what's real and if you headcanon out all of the recent movies
Everything's just better
I'm also legitimately pretty excited about The Mandalorian and I'm legitimately pretty excited about the
New Obi-Wan Kenobi show
Because it has you McGregor and that's cheating. What do you mean?
You can't just ignore the content. All right, I think I can I've been doing it quite actively and it's been pretty good
Okay, are you watching?
The third from the latest trilogy. Are you gonna go see it? Probably and then you're gonna ignore it. Yep. So
I need to know why I don't care
Something I cared enough about it if that makes sense
No, it doesn't or I'll wait to watch it on like a plane or something. I won't necessarily go see it in theater
I'm going to watch it at some point
But it doesn't matter to you that it just has no soul
What do you mean? It does matter to me that has no soul. That's why I don't like it
But it's not dead to you because
You choose to ignore the soul
No, but people want to talk to me about it all the time because I talk about Star Wars stuff way too much
So I need to understand the context of why I don't like it. I can explain all the other recent movies
So I might as well be able to explain that one as well. I
do I
Have a lot of hope for the Mandalorian and the new obi-wan Kenobi show
Yeah, but isn't that exactly the definition?
Will be okay of like a blind fanboy
Based on all evidence that points to the contrary you keep having hope and you keep being let down
I'm not I have no hope for the movie. I
Only have hope for the shows
really and the
Star Wars animated series is
Probably my favorite digital production Star Wars ever made. Okay?
Mostly the later episodes and the episodes focused on the clones
Regardless. All right, it's dead to me. That's totally fine
I was always I don't blame you at all
by the way more of like the main movies and
Expanded universe guy and then I like started a business and had kids and didn't really keep up for a long time
So I was really hoping that the new movies were gonna be like really imaginative and suck me right back in
Yeah, and it's so much opportunity there. They sucked. Yeah, but not me right back in they just sucked. Yeah
Yeah, so I was never really into expanding universe. I tried to like them by the way
So you'll be able to find when show clips of me talking about the merits of them
But the cold hard truth is I have not been I have not experienced any
Any temptation whatsoever to go back and rewatch them
It doesn't feel and this is kind of funny because it's true
But it doesn't feel like it was made by someone who likes Star Wars
it feels like it was made by someone who has a really popular series that they know people are gonna watch and
They're trying to do something with it instead of just liking Star Wars
You know, I mean, yeah, and it like that vibe comes across really heavily
I was never really that into expanded universe not because I didn't like it because I had no exposure to it
I didn't have any of the books, right? I didn't have
Kotor I didn't even know Kotor Kotor was a thing. I never played Kotor. I have played it a little bit on stream
I tried to get into it, but it was like a
Very last gen gaming experience. Yeah, like I tried to play Kotor after I had already played Dragon Age origins
I tried to start playing Kotor like a year and a half ago, which was a little painful
But yeah, I had never got into EU and then I watched the first of the new movies and I was like
There's only a few parts that I viciously hated but some of it was okay
But they just like recreated an old movie and then everything else since then was just way worse
so I was I started getting more like I like
The idea I want to be more into Star Wars
I started diving into EU and I'm like super aggressively into Star Wars, but just the stuff that I want to be into
and I think you have to take that approach with EU because there's some
There's some not great stuff in EU, but there's also some pure gold
Brandon says friends can be family. Ah
Gordon if Spotify requires location. I'm canceling pick up title everyone. Wow, that's strong
Yeah, Dustin scrapyard wars idea budget used unrated server computer
That's tough because most of what makes up the cost of a storage server is hard drives which are commodity which are hard to find
Deal on and if you're buying them use the kind of sketch
Tommy gun says was just watching a whole room water cooling again. You need more of those crazy projects
You guys do a lot of crazy projects these days matter of time
you'll see crazy projects Alex is actively working on the red camera water cooling right now and I
Have a concept for whole home water cooling. Oh god, that would be different from the other one and probably not corrode this time
Oh, there you go. Yeah, so I'm excited about that
Clay toyo says here's 50 bucks
Just got a computer technician job straight out of high school using my knowledge, which I can almost credit everything to LTT and tech wiki
Wow, that's how did you guys deserve some of my first paycheck? Well, thank you very much. Glad to help
Andrew says I got screen burn-in from tiny tower left it on overnight for days to get more coins
Yeah, I hear that Sebastian says omg first time live. Hello from Romania
Hey milk or fish
New 3ds has eye tracking that moves the 3d sweet spot interesting
Um, nope says was on pornhub the other day there's LTT videos there good to know
Robert says the mic really does pick up everything beep-beep goes the alarm system kraken skull says love your content
But let's see a home lab type video where you buy old enterprise gear on eBay
Oh, I might have a sponsor for the krakenator. Oh really? Yeah, we might be able to actually do that project
That's kind of fun. I haven't I don't think I've told anyone at full point about it, but that's fun
Blake says with channel super fun. You should definitely play Quidditch with one of the local teams. I
Think I think if we bring it back it should be more about toys again. Yeah, that's my personal
I think with that suggestion we're done here. I
Don't know we might who knows we might so thanks for watching guys. See you again next week. Same bad time channel Quidditch. Oh
Boy, have you like watched the YouTube videos of people playing Quidditch?
Or amazing still do it. That's some dedication. Yeah
It's yeah, cuz like Harry Potter hasn't been cool for quite a while. Wait, that's right. Oh, okay