
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

okay so we're live maybe and we super duper hope that that we're back and I'm
seeing load video so we're definitely getting an ad on twitch they've got
they've got that aspect of the whole experience working which is great this
last time you had Pringles you know I do I do eat like a Pringle or two every
once in a while oh really I particularly love pizza Pringles Oh pizza Pringles
are the best I know well they didn't have them at least not in Canada for a really
long time so they brought them back and I binged a bit and then I it was it was
a terrible terrible thing for everyone involved and yeah so I guess since we
apparently didn't actually have a working stream for quite some time last
time around we're gonna go ahead and we'll intro our topics and we'll just
kind of yeah it's definitely working out there you go I don't know what it was we
tried turning it off and turning it back on again networks we were uploading fine
and encoding fine yeah so I've got some great topics for you guys today CD
project red is well basically they've tackled the whole downgrade issue head
on tackling well we haven't actually seen that happen yet we haven't seen the
time like they they like dove and they're right here I wouldn't even say
they've gotten that far because like you've got X's and O's drawn on the
whiteboard there is a plan to tackle well they've been developing yeah maybe
they're in the huddle at this point okay or like they're lined up on maybe
they're lined up on the line of scrimmage all right maybe they've gotten
that far okay AMD is a super super mad about nvidia game works again what else
there's a new nvidia games works game yeah sense also there's a apparently a
four gigabyte limit for the first HBM graphics card from AMD they're talking a
lot about and LG is unveiling a wallpaper OLED display don't tell them
anything else about it because there's really not much more which is something
they do to find out oh wait what God where is it oh sorry everyone sorry
everyone I'm working on it there we go sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry we
love you guys sorry to your ears maybe at some point what we should do is I hope
whoops I forgot to put on Squarespace fresh books I fix it I fix it you're not
gonna sing it wow that's awful okay basically you did it's probably just as
well it's probably just as well you we were just playing horse playing horse
we're wearing almost the same shirt yes we are we were also wearing almost the
same shirt earlier that's true we were wearing inverted shirts earlier he had
the the gray the gray twitch shirt with the purple logo and I was rocking the
purple twitch shirt with the used to be white but I own it so now it's gray
logo on it alright so CD Projekt Red is taking the Witcher 3 downgrade issues
head-on this was posted by that guy who twirls his pen on the forum that is a
fantastic username and the original article here is from euro gamer dotnet
so let's go ahead and pull that bad boy up and pretty much the quote here this
is this is great the sub headline is we don't feel good about it they they that
one thing they've done well throughout all of this is they've actually
maintained a lot more openness and a lot more honest dialogue with the community
instead of just saying no that never happened they've come out and they've
said well look yeah we could have made the Witcher 3 a PC exclusive title yes
it would have had better graphics would we have had the financial ability were
that the case to make it such a large and immersive game no we would not have
so we developed it on multiple platforms from the sound of what people think
about the game so far that was probably worth it yeah so the thing is is that
the game is getting rave reviews everywhere people are sinking hours and
hours upon hours of time into it already so it's just unfortunate that the launch
had to be sullied by this graphical downgrade issue the good news is CD
Projekt Red has an action plan they've drawn it out on the strategy whiteboard
in a boardroom somewhere presumably at their headquarters maybe or maybe it's a
boardroom somewhere else technically everything that he said is possible yes
so pretty much there's a patch with updates coming and these are looking
pretty impressive not only will they give us more options to tweak in the
graphical options menu they will also be allowing users to push graphical
settings and tweak them even further by modifying ini files which shouldn't be
a feature you know less jenkins like quake 3 supports widescreen because you
just change your FOV and your resolution and I and I found pretty old game now it
should not be a feature but the good news is that at least we're getting it
yeah so what's the timeline on that I think it's next week okay sometime 27
yeah something around next week I think yeah so it's oh yeah it's waiting in
certification so it should actually be dropping on Tuesday of next week now
this is kind of nice although so quoted quote from CD Projekt Red for those who
are still not a hundred percent decided I definitely encourage them to wait and
see what we will be releasing in patches updates and whatnot so it's very high
road of CD Projekt Red to say hey you know if you're not sure about it we
really want you guys to be sure about the game before you purchase I mean did
you guys accept pre-orders did you show off in-game footage that didn't actually
end up being in the shipping product and did you take pre-orders on that like did
you do that if we hadn't caught you on this would you have did you really think
no one was gonna catch it that's the big question if it's only taking them a
couple weeks to fix this stuff why wasn't it fixed already yeah because
surely they knew after the watchdogs debacle that someone was gonna look at
gameplay footage from a gaming event from before and compare and see that
they're not the same surely they figured that would happen you know what is
pretty funny though is the amount of like PCM our threads on reddit and stuff
of people I think I only saw two maybe maybe there was some more but people
looking at the IGN footage where they actually did a comparison and being like
oh I think they might have screwed up and like they labeled it improperly and
they totally didn't and the PC one looks way better and you just don't know what
good graphics look like it's kind of funny because it doesn't seem that
complicated does it anyway so speaking of good graphics some of the things we
actually never mentioned this some of the things that you'll be able to tweak
with the upcoming patch are things like grass and vegetation density so if you
just have more GPU horsepower to throw at it then go hard that looks really
good looking at a lot of the Skyrim mods that doesn't add grass and that's all
they do it makes it look really good grass makes every experience better and
you can add post-processing effects like sharpening and you can increase draw
distances for me draw distances are a huge one draw distances are the
difference between you know 2000 circa 2008 World of Warcraft and a game that
looks modern being able to amp that up you can have the cartooniest stupidest
graphics in the world and great draw distances make the world feel bigger and
I'm not talking draw distance like there's kind of this triangle in the
distance and there's like kind of like a jagged line on the top of it that's a
white that's not a mountain I'm talking draw distances that that scale in a way
that feels natural so things like trees not just as you come over a hill and
like the entire forest pops in as you take three steps forward that's that's
really ugly that takes me right out of the game whereas being able to increase
that if you have the horses for it means more to me than some tessellation here
or a more detailed shadow there I wouldn't be an option in a game for all
the things that are like pretty far away and draw distance to just be drawn like
a little kid did it it's like the trees are like yeah like some random triangles
coming off the side and a mountain is just literally a triangle with a
squiggly you know what if someone could find a way to do that artfully that
could actually be really cool yeah like as the object gets closer it looks as if
an older and older kid drew it yeah yeah yeah so like you can even go from yeah
it's kind of interesting just upgrade based on tiers of quality like you said
older and older kid did it so like from really far away it's super derpy but you
can barely see it and as you get closer and closer and closer and closer it
keeps on getting better well what the dev would have to do is quantitatively
figure out like the the because not every tree could be the same tree you
can just have some two-year-old come in and draw a tree and then that's like
your tree from accidents because then you're gonna have that it's there's not
gonna be anything smooth about it as you move towards it it'll just be pop pop
pop different objects that will look horrible whereas if they could like the
drawing accuracy and and seamlessly meld from one level to another as you get
closer you probably have to go backwards you'd probably have to draw the really
nice one first it would probably make your eyes bleed regardless but it seems
like a cool I'd like to see it and I don't know why yeah I'd like to see it
and then go that's cool that was cool thanks for all that work good for you
let's not use it yeah oh man all right so more Witcher discussion this time
posted by Cara met camera camera and sorry about that Cara man AMD says and
this is gonna be a whole lot of AMD says Nvidia says because we haven't signed an
NDA to see the source code for Nvidia game works features so we don't know
what's on the NDA to see the source code for Nvidia game works now the good news
is that the source code is available to game developers who are implementing
features such as hair works which makes hair more realistic with tessellated
strands but the bad news is that and this is what AMD saying they cannot get
access to the source code and are saying therefore they cannot optimize their
driver for these particular features something that particularly makes them
upset because AMD developed features like Tress FX featured in games such as
Tomb Raider 2013 were possible to optimize quite easily on Nvidia's
hardware thanks to thanks Norton oh thanks oh my god this is why people
need Norton removal tool yeah I know right um so pretty much AMD's come out and said that
when Nvidia dropped the hair works code on the game two months before launch it
completely sabotaged Witcher 3 performance now with that said you can
turn hair works off yeah you do not have to use it so that's an option and when
we do comparative testing in which are three we are probably gonna have to turn
hair works off just because it does completely widen the gap between an
Nvidia card and AMD card to the point where it seems like oh yeah that's tough
we're to the point where you can't quantitatively talk about the difference
in performance between the cards because it becomes very subjective when you go
well this one's at 62 FPS and this one's 67 but in this one you know Geralt's
chest hair you know curls very convincingly a lot more manly yeah so it
becomes a very difficult discussion whereas we like to talk pure numbers
whenever possible I don't know what else there is to say I mean something to a
lot of the same story yeah something to understand about this you guys is that
AMD's cards whether we're talking Witcher 3 or whatever else straight up
do not perform as well with heavy tessellation as Nvidia cards so until
AMD releases the let's say a rumored upcoming 390x for example with you know
amped up you know you know injections of steroids directly into the muscle tissue
not that that would necessarily help until it's got tessellation you know out
the wazoo it just may not even be possible for AMD to optimize and one of
the things that Nvidia pointed out is that a lot of the time the driver
optimizations done by AMD or Nvidia on a game by game basis are based on binary
builds not on source code anyway so Nvidia is basically going the AMD
shouldn't even need a source need the source code in order to optimize anyhow
so this is one of those things where unfortunately and Nvidia says there's
nothing in their agreement with a game developer that prevents AMD from working
with the game developer to optimize unless we actually had those contracts
and could read them we actually can't say for sure so that's pretty much all
there is to it the game performs better with hairworks on an Nvidia feature on
Nvidia cards is in video right to develop their features and not really
lift a finger to help people who are not their customers enjoy the features
better you could probably say yes they are but should they be specifically
sabotaging the performance on a competitors cards then definitely not
unfortunately we just have no way of knowing unless we actually sat in the
meeting room we have no way of knowing if Nvidia really has that tightest
triangle hold on these game developers that they can convince them to sabotage
their games performance on 25 to 30 percent of the discrete graphics cards
out there which when I put it like that sounds pretty far-fetched doesn't it can
you imagine a game developer that's so concerned about selling enough units
that they develop for multiple platforms just saying goodbye to performance and
annoying the customers on for a third of the PC gamers I don't know it's possible
but anything's possible speaking of anything so we are going to do a Witcher
3 performance thing yeah like he slightly mentioned but I think at this
point it'll probably be after computer oh okay yeah I have reasons for that
fair enough yeah all right so this one was posted by notional and this is
looking pretty freaking cool the original article is from English dot
Yonhapnews.co.kr LG display unveils wallpaper OLED panel look at that the
thing on the right geez so this OLED display you can see is being is being
lifted up so you can see the thickness you can see it's not just embedded in
the wall like a total cheat this OLED display is less than one millimeter
thick weighs less than five pounds for a 1.9 kilograms yeah 1.9 thank you that's
an exact weight and what was that for a 55 inch 55 inch OLED panel less than
five pounds oh wait what yes and they're saying that their sales targets for OLED
panels is 600,000 2015 and almost triple that of 1.5 million for 2016 and that
apparently LCDs took 10 years to reach these kinds of manufacturing yields so
LG given that they're one of the few that is investing heavily in OLED versus
just kind of continuing to push the bar on LCD and try and sell more LCD this
could put LG in a fantastic position when it comes to anything with a display
on it because OLED has some compelling advantages whether we're talking about
mobile devices where they save power and where or rather we're talking about
really anything else with the display where they save thickness and they
increase contrast ratio and apparently they're also planning what was it a 99
inch yes 99 inches as big as I'm not here for this year 99 inch OLED panel
and given how much room you're saving in terms of deploying thing what I want to
know is how you're gonna plug anything into it I mean I guess you'll just have
to have you'll just have to have like a like a yeah like a ribbon cable that
goes to like a control break they're gonna have to have something more
consumer-friendly obviously show any cables in the thing which means it's
probably plugged into the back yeah it's probably behind yeah I mean remember
guys that's the panel so it's still gonna need some electronics in there
it's not like we're gonna get away from PCBs anytime soon but very very
impressive the fact that you'll be able to basically well I mean okay okay we
have a lot of thin TVs already but they'll be even thinner one of the
challenges apparently I was talking to Corning about this at CES this last year
one of the challenges now that displays are getting so thin is not just making
them thinner apparently they can just do that now it's not making them thinner
it's actually making them strong enough to work at all so according was saying
that one of the materials that they developed I think this was for I want to
say for LCDs yeah it must have been for LCDs you wouldn't need this for all that
is a glass that is able to disperse light evenly in the same way that the
plastic layer in your existing LCD TV would because apparently this gives it a
lot more strength and you can save an entire reinforcing layer that you would
have otherwise needed not that for me it really makes any particular difference I
think my TV is about this thick and I've never thought to myself you know if only
my TV was an inch thinner yeah then that show would be so it's still cool that
that's an option because if you went to the store and it was the same price and
that much thinner than mine as well yeah like that's it's but you're right and if
you wouldn't rush out of the store replace your TV your TV is fine if your
TV is like a piece of furniture if it's like a you know a show if your house is
all like modern and amazing like mine will never ever be because there's no
way I could spend that kind of money to replace things I already own but if
you're into that sort of thing then I'm sure you'll be into this sort of thing
yeah and we can all be into things and that's cool that's fine
um Toyota Prius batteries apparently being targeted by car thieves this is
posted by Werto 165 I guess it was a matter of time because if thieves are
going to steal the copper out of power lines and risk getting killed that
happened not way too long ago like relatively close to here did it really
yeah I think they were stealing it out of like an abandoned theater or
something there you go the power hadn't been turned off to the theater well
there you go ripping copper wire out and just yeah there you go bad news bears
that's how it happens my friends so 2003 to 2009 Priuses are just kind of
starting to come up on battery replacement timings that costs around
$2,500 Oh US so it's not cheap but you can buy them on Craigslist for 900 to a
thousand dollars now they don't put a serial number or a VIN number on the
batteries so they're pretty much untraceable that and it's being said
that you can walk out with a Prius battery in about 20 minutes if you got a
couple people now to be clear this is not as much of an issue for a pure
electric vehicle like something like a Tesla Model S because for one it's much
harder to get at the battery and it's it's in a more secure location it's not
just under the trunk and for number two it's extremely heavy what is it a
thousand pounds or something no that's really not like Tesla Model S batteries
weigh about a thousand pounds about a thousand pounds compared to a hundred and fifty pounds for
something like a hybrid vehicle so like having you and your buddy all that it's
possible if you're both really a thousand pounds dudes depending on like
if you had to like bend over to lift it out or something like come on yeah so
yeah that seems like a pretty easy way for a thousand bucks pretty quick on a
Tesla you'd have to raise the whole car yeah and then like somehow get it out of
the bottom if it was worth enough I wonder if they'd find a way to do it
very it's probably gonna happen at some point yeah it'll probably happen at some
point but it's someone's gonna go get their car repaired not in a Tesla
facility and they'll drop the relatively new battery out and put in some crappy
one or something it's really funny the Yahoo Auto reports that the theft seemed
to be localized to San Francisco at the moment that's not surprised they said as
if that was somehow going to be a fact that we all didn't completely assume
because I don't remember the last time I saw a Prius hybrid no no no I've only
ever seen I think one or two Tesla's in Vancouver at all and in the time we were
in San Fran I think we saw one or two like at all points in time so yeah I
don't know lots of places aren't super on the electric car thing yet other
places totally are San Fran's huge I know Norway they were everywhere nuts
anyways that's it's a surprisingly large amount of money that you can get from
stealing something in the car because one thing was stealing cars is they're
really difficult to sell a lot of times you have to get rid of them for like
scrap or what yeah and they're not gonna have too many pieces that are worth a
thousand bucks yeah with a ready buyer yeah either rock now one thing that
people are being advised to do is replace the bolt holding in your battery
with security bolts of some sort and that will help our security nuts excuse
me um but you can also just buy those you you can also just buy the drivers
for those yeah you can buy the drivers for those but if everyone and their dog
is using a different kind of a kind of you know not I mean it's gonna take sure
it's always an arms race yeah and thieves aren't gonna be able to carry
around you know 30 are they probably can but the likelihood anyway the point for
me it's not necessarily just okay maybe they didn't steal your battery it's that
they already smashed your window and they already roughed up your car only to
find out that you've got your battery in with security nuts in which case I don't
know do they vandalize it like more right you know do they slash your seats
while they're at it that'll teach you for securing your back I don't know it
doesn't seem to help because once someone's broken into your car they've
basically done the damage like I had my car back when I used to lock my doors I
had my car broken into twice to steal my deck that was worth less than $100
costing me multiple hundreds of dollars in window replacements so I just stopped
locking my car fine if you want my deck just take it and the funny thing is no
one's taken my deck since then because I think they were they saw the deck or not
they broke in seeing if maybe there's anything else that's actually worth
something and then because I don't I don't know if the deck is worth breaking
in for I don't know the funny thing is I wonder if I'm walking leaving your doors
and watch will even help or if people are just gonna walk up to it assume that
it's locked and break the window anyways I haven't had my window broken since
then that's true so there you go it happened twice in like three months back
where I used to live so yeah that was pretty not cool all right so this is
very interesting we've got an update to the Pentium D lineup and we're getting
the Xeon D's and I'm all about the D this was posted by Ah Ming oh I am and
the original article here is from CPU dash world.com so we're getting a quad
core Pentium D that's a 25 water yeah however I don't think we should be
expecting any kinds of impressive clock speeds for that and there doesn't seem
to be any kind of information about whether they'll be unlocked like the
previous Pentium anniversary edition so just because Pentium D's which were what
did that stand for I think that was Pentium dual core that back when it was
actually a high-end product so just because the Pentium D name is coming
back doesn't mean we're necessarily getting anything that spectacular
although seeing a 25 watt quad core with 6 megs of cache is looking pretty cool
and Xeon D's hyper low power Xeons probably very low clock speed again with
9 or 12 megs of cache at 35 35 and 45 watt TDPs so this is gonna be great mate
8 out of 8 for folks who want to build like you know a cheapo free NAS server
for example where you need ECC memory support but you don't want to be
spending multiple hundreds of dollars on a CPU necessarily unless you're building
like some redonkulous you know massive high-performance array and putting you
know 10 gig ethernet into it there's no point you might as well save the power
and save the cost and get something that's pretty low-end there's not really
a ton else to say about it I don't think there's a yeah it's still preliminary
specs it doesn't really tell us anything yeah mostly boring stuff yeah I guess
we'll hear more in the relatively near future so up next we've gotten this was
posted by obscure Mamadex maybe we know nothing about it so yeah I doubt it
probably not rumors for Intel stuff are usually really early and really accurate
that's a good point so maybe like q1 next year I don't know yes this was
posted by obscure mammal on the forum and the original article here is from
ours technica and I'll let you just let me post it first I'll be sure back in a
moment so it has infected a fair number of web servers largely largely websites
and mail servers specifically it's about eight point four percent of the top 1
million websites so it's not an insane amount but it's pretty definitely
noteworthy don't worry ours are fine anyways basically what happens is you're
able to weaken the HTTPS encryption bit key so basically I think you can down it
to 512 bits instead of 1024 above so yeah that's kind of bad because then
people can crack it much easier researchers are already working on
developing patches for major browsers like Chrome Firefox and Safari which
where they will reject encryption connections that are below 1024 bits so
yeah I don't know it's really not that big of a deal yeah apparently this has
been around for a long time most of these are around so this was
established so it's basically it's just a way of snooping on your data again
yeah and this was established by the Clinton administration so the FBI and
other agencies could break the encryption used by foreign entities
yeah so so honestly you probably don't have the much to worry about it's eight
point four percent of websites you that sounds pretty worrisome that the so the
attack has been dubbed log jam yeah and it's can only be exploited against a
subset of servers that support the Diffie Hellman key exchange so that
allows the two parties to exchange a secret key over an unsecured public
channel so it basically takes that and it downgrades the encryption so that it
can be easily cracked it's it's still encrypted yes to be clear it's like it's
it's honestly not that bad it sounds a little bit worse than it is it's not a
good thing by any means but the browser guys are already releasing patches for
it it's still technically encrypted they're still gonna have to fight
through your stuff and it's still gonna have to be kind of a man-in-the-middle
attack so using your already existing knowledge as tech folks maybe don't log
into your bank on a public Wi-Fi network yeah and like have different passwords
for things it's it's not great it's a bad thing but there's been much worse in
recent history in terms of like online virus stuff isn't that a sad state of
that is kind of a sense it affairs but like that has to be your spin on this
article say it is that's what you have to say it is like stuff like Heartbleed
was way worse right and whatever the other recent ones were I just remember
Heartbleed because the name is really cool um but yeah logjam not a good thing
not as bad as it maybe sounds immediately I'm trying to remember what
some of the like some of the there was like really cool names were like
blaster virus and s blaster cool named viruses is someone really gonna have you
know it's the internet of course the viruses list of oh oh no no the top 10
most destructive computer viruses there you go here we go fourth hit of course
everyone's gonna have like someone on the internet is gonna have a list like
that I'm excited right now so do you got sucks net that's not that cool not that
cool sounding conficker no that's not cool sounding no my do my doom yep my
doom is cool my doom might win okay so let's go ahead and slam her code red
okay okay Microsoft reveals upgrade paths to Windows 10 this is posted by
good bites and the original article here is win beta dot org so nothing too
surprising here if you have Windows 7 or 8 or 8.1 within the first 12 months you
get a free upgrade to Windows 10 this we already knew so the main difference here
is that they're explaining well which version you have which corresponds to
which version of Windows 10 one thing I was wondering about here though is
wasn't there a Windows 10 ultimate I don't think so where's that Windows 10
versions list that we had that's from last week because there's like 100
bazillion versions of it yeah in terms of what they're selling in a box to
customers it's gonna pretty much be Windows 10 home Windows 10 Pro okay so
if you have Windows 8 or 8.1 you get Windows 10 home if you have Windows 7
home basic which is cool or home premium you get Windows 10 home what an upgrade
that's pretty cool yeah so if you if you cheaped out on Windows 7 home basic
which had like I forget what the limitations are like when was it 4 gigs
I think so and it like I know there's a RAM limitation of some sort yeah I was
it even 2 gigs it might have been 2 I don't remember what it was I just
remember it was really it was brutal it was available in emerging markets some
windows arrow options were excluded activation restrictions blah blah blah
anyway yeah it was it was lame and yeah of course they are so you are actually
going to get an upgrade to Windows 10 is it home basic okay so 4 gigs 4 gigs
people are saying both yeah okay 4 gigs yeah maximum starter was 2 gigs starter
was 2 gigs that's yeah okay that's the brutal one so um 32-bit is for 64 bit
you could have 8 gigs of RAM you there was a 64-bit version available but not
in retail SKUs so that's another cool thing is you're gonna be able to upgrade
to a 64-bit OS if you only had a 32-bit one that's cool partial support for
Windows Aero no built-in DVD decoder no multi touch support no Windows Media
Center no premium games included cares about that no encrypting file system no
group policies no Windows XP mode so no backwards compatibility ease of ease of
use thing I've used that before it's very useful like lots of things
basically it's like a ginormous total column of red total yeah so this is it
here so super cool and then if you have Windows 7 or Windows 8 ultimate or
professional then you're gonna get a copy of Windows 10 Pro yeah so those I
don't make sense those ultimate folks they just never really got anything for
their money did they no no they did not remember remember when Vista launched
and Microsoft had all those promises about ultimate and like the additional
like cool stuff it was gonna get I guess they got an update to Windows 10 no they
don't because that was this they get nothing that would be cool if Microsoft
was like okay if you actually spent two hundred and fifty dollars or whatever it
was on Windows Vista ultimate we're gonna give you Windows 10 they should
have just randomly like four years down the line been like y'all get free office
365 for four years or something like that it should just done something we
like you guys cuz like I remember there was like ultimate extras I'm like the
install disk and they were stupid what is this rubbish so like anyone
installing a legitimate OS you could tell who was pirating because they'd
have Windows Vista ultimate well yeah no one really installed it I'm like on it I
worked in tech shops at that point in time so you'd go and you'd be updating
the machine you go to Windows Update and there's all the language packs and it's
just like just in case you wanted Croatian yeah well I'm just like okay
well there's no way this dude has a legit version of Windows at all looking
at looking at how his setup is running and yeah just like Windows ultimate
makes zero sense in almost any build let alone this one all right so let's move
on to our next one another article from Ars Technica and the original poster
here is Sam Fisher celebrity AMD confirms four gigabyte limit for first
HBM graphics card now to be clear that headline is a little bit misleading
because it says four gigabyte limit I mean the amount of memory on a graphics
card could be defined as the limit to the memory on it but that doesn't
necessarily mean that the rumored r9 390 X will never get an 8 gig version all
that means is that it's going to be a 4 gig card so calling it a limit is true
but just that is super sketchy though it's really wonky wording that's all
yeah so basically the way that HBM works and the problems with gddr5 are that it
takes up a lot of space which requires a lot of traces on the PCB it uses a lot
of power so gddr5 has increased in the last three years by what like one giga
transfer per second in terms of like the stock clock speeds on cards like it's at
the limit to the point where AMD is saying if we push gddr5 any further
we're gonna use up so much of that power budget that they have to build a
graphics card because if they want it to be PCI Express compliant it has to fit
within a certain power envelope they're gonna use up so much of that addressing
RAM that they're not gonna have enough left to build a GPU that's powerful
enough to drive performance forward with that said and video hasn't had any I was
just gonna say I don't know maybe just make your GPU more efficient that could
be a thing well remember a big part of the problem right now is that smaller
manufacturing processes are not readily available to the GPU guys these are
large complicated chips and we're only just now finally seeing Intel rolling
out 14 nanometer CPUs beyond those core M like you know for like ultra books and
tablets and stuff processors we're only just now seeing rumors that Samsung's
gonna be manufacturing the upcoming a9 chip for Apple at 14 nanometer so GPU
guys I mean how far down are they on the pecking order compared to Apple and like
Intel making its own stuff in its own fabs that it doesn't lease to others no
so can you imagine an AMD graphics chip being manufactured by you know you know
in a world I literally wish I can't even join your story you're just not even
gonna you're not gonna walk down this rap go down this rabbit hole with me hey
just imagine how scary that would be I mean would Intel be able to talk them
into having like you know like a little I even you know and like a year number
like dates damn tough like I I don't know if I would even want to see that
just do like double-digit things so I 13 I 15 I 17 um okay what else can we say
about it so this is cool so AMD says 1 gigabyte of gddr5 takes up 672
millimeters squared of space versus a 1 gigabyte stack so they have like these
through fares through the stacked memory of HBM that takes up just 35 millimeters
squared so this is something that's kind of funny because one of the renders
floating around of the 390 X had it as like a stubby card with the amount of
space that AMD is saving on the PCB what are they gonna put on it yeah power
delivery and a GPU and like like for for memory chips because like remember like
one of the marks of a high-end card was like the big PCB with like you know 12
memory chips on each side of it because it had so much RAM well we're not
necessarily even gonna need that anymore I mean one approach could be that we
could start putting 16 to 24 I was just gonna say yeah 64 gigs of rare but I
don't think we're at a point yet where the game into VRAM yeah like the data
integrity is not even gonna be high enough to put that much memory on a GPU
at this stage you'll have to put ECC memory on it that would be pretty cool
though if you could load the whole game into all the games texture files into
VRAM you know what this actually ties in pretty well to a tweet a tweet oh my
good buddy Johan Anderson okay I met him once but he's really nice super nice
super nice he is like the guy for frostbite so there you go this actually
looks a lot like it's really nice the render okay so hold on does it look like
a stubby card yeah is that the end of the card maybe you can also just be a
shiny part yeah into the black oh oh I'm not screen sharing I'm sorry very good
there we go so we're just wondering if this is I don't know because yeah I see
the pixels you could definitely be right it could also just be a shiny reflection
thing enhance don't know I think so yeah I know you could now that we've enhanced
it now that yes it was only because the enhancement I didn't wave my hand enough
enhance it's zoom in there you mean you press the hotkey while I leave my hand
enhance enhance why why I want to see that emoji closer emoji it's happy so
that should I keep calling should I keep calling them emotion emoticons because
like I'm the older generation that's what that's what we used without an
emoticon wait they're different isn't an emoji the icon well we used to call the
I we used to call you mean like the image of our based ones right yeah we
used to call those emoticons too oh yeah yeah yeah sorry would you like a
specific thing this could be a great discussion topic emoji versus emoticon
the guardian.com has an article from February 6 as possible on this Alex
Hearn sets the record straight once and for all okay I have to know I'll read
with you they are not the same thing okay and this is bold the continued
confusion of the two will not stand well it's not bold actually um but I wish it
was at issue was a piece of information that the Silk Road founders lawyer
suggested was critically important it was emitted by federal prosecutors an
emoji simple sometimes calls a version of a smiley face an emoticon is a
typographic display of a facial representation like this and there you
go it looks like you're right an emoji is apparently an actual picture yeah
okay so like your your little Skype or Google Hangouts little emoji things are
emojis and actually typing like colon bracket is emoticon so emoji are treated
by the computer this is an important distinction so the reason we care is not
because the meaning is different but because emoji are treated by the
computer as letters from a non-western language in much the same way that a
Japanese or Chinese character would which also means that the software has
to explicitly support them so all this makes perfect sense to me now I think
this distinction must have come later because to my knowledge MSN messenger
which is where I cut my teeth on online chat sort of I guess I was also on what
was that other one ICQ right oh I was messenger forever you're too young for
ICQ pretty much like it was already dying yeah it was dying it was falling
off pretty quick I knew people that had it I knew people that wanted me to get
it was like kind of falling out of grace so MSN messenger called called them
emotion cons or emoticons even once even once that once they had like real images
in it so yeah all right well oh oh right we should probably do our our sponsor
call-outs are we gonna do like manly sponsor call-outs we could should I
sabotage Nick all right so our first sponsor is a fresh book books fresh
books.com slash when so what is fresh the new book that's not it but it smells
there is no book involved no but it is a fresh way of doing your bookkeeping see
how I brought that train right back on the rails so fresh books is an online
tool if you run your own business and you're self-employed or they're both
very similar I guess the point is if you're your own boss fresh books allows
you to keep track of little things like how many hours you worked on a
particular job on any invoices that you have to expense for a particular job
creating the invoice for your clients sending it off to them seeing that
they've read it that is a huge thing like as someone who like it's it's stuff
like that that gets my attention it's like you so they can't claim that they
didn't get my invoice not to mention that with fresh books you don't have to
muck around in your existing accounting software you'll have it with you on the
go and your customers can even pay you by credit card making it easy for you to
know they got the bill and easier for them to pay it if you want to feel like
a boss then go ahead and use products that make you feel like a boss visit
freshbooks.com slash when and in the how did you hear about us enter when just
when when show they're not gonna know what they mean just well they'll
probably know all right next up oh where's your kit I fix it calm why do we
like these guys because they save our butts on a daily basis what I have this
thing you have what thing this thing oh right well is there audio no I don't
think so but well that's the thing I'm holding and that's there looks better
though that's their pro tech tool kit that we absolutely love Brandon did it
so there's like some tri-wing screwdriver security torques is there's
your anti-static wrist strap which we used to make you make you but you should
always wear there's some little prying tools and pokers you know it's funny the
blue ones are the ones that I thought were important but it turns out I was
using the blue ones in a lot of situations where I was actually supposed
to use this one yeah so this one is well no it's not about the ESD it's about the
fact that it doesn't get damaged as easily when you're poking it stuck it's
made out of a bit of a harder plastic so this one is a harder plastic for kind of
working on metal whereas that the blue ones are so are soft enough that you can
work on plastic without accidentally damaging it so they've got lots of
different stuff in there a variety of different tweezers want to know
something I discovered recently what in the screwdriver kit one of these ones at
the top is not a socket it's actually a magnet oh no way yeah it's a socket with
a magnet in it okay so it's yeah it's a little grabby tool and you know what's
funny is I I realized that and immediately oh then I found it okay so
anyway the pro tech toolkit is just one of the products on iFixit's website
that allows you to easily well fix oh or just tear apart and not fix you know
whatever cowboy to fix your electronics so a cool thing here is offer code Oh
ignore that offer it is Wansho zero six Wansho Wow we're that far behind save $10
off any purchase of $50 or more and the pro tech toolkit is $64.95 so basically
it's $54.95 go hard yeah all right finally we've got Squarespace
Squarespace is one of the longest standing sponsors of the Wansho and what
can we say we love those guys it's pretty much the way to build your
website easily quickly and affordably I use them personally and not as a
sponsorship sponsorship thing I specifically didn't go through our
contacts really yeah I actually didn't know that part of it yeah no I think you
told me that before I remember saying I didn't know that probably so at one
point I didn't know that which was now and then I didn't know it again yeah so
the point is if you want your site to look beautiful and operate smoothly
whether it's on a phone or whether it's on a tablet whatever the case may be no
coding is required however if you do know some coding then you can actually
play around with it a little bit and get into the nuts and bolts as well they're
their templates are beautiful they're great if you want to make a blog if you
want to make a portfolio if you want to run a store the commerce stuff is great
the commerce stuff is a big one that they've added in the time that we've
actually been talking about Wansho door software is like way better than ours
I've kind of been thinking about just redirecting like the button that you
click we should probably actually do that yeah straight up I was thinking
about that too and then I forgot to tell you it's probably just a way better idea
yes our store front is terrible anyway start your free trial site today the
free trial lasts for two weeks at Squarespace calm and if you decide to
sign up for Squarespace you can get 10% off the first time around by using offer
code Linus it's in the notes I know it's in the no I'm just following the no
alright so this is the part where I don't screw over Nick because I wasn't
talking about getting all the sponsor reads wrong not that that hasn't
happened before Nick and I have a bet this is a pretty serious business it's
that it's a lot more serious than I think he's really gonna put on yeah I'm
not gonna tell you guys what it is but if you're subscribed to channel super
fun you are gonna see the result one way or another and it's gonna either be
amazing or really unpleasant so pretty much we have much you're screwed finally
I have refused for so long he's pushed for it yeah Nick's pushed for it my
wife's pushed for it everyone has wanted this for quite some time can you post
that just a plain Linus tech tips shirt I always kind of went so like if you
feel like why would I want a Linus tech tips logo on my chest I've always been
with you it never made any sense to me Linus tech tips to me was like not the
kind of thing I just it's not that I didn't want one like I'm proud to wear
it but I just I wasn't I didn't know that our viewers were gonna be like
would be amped up about like just a plain clean Linus tech tips shirt so I
refused to make one I was like no let's have like bro fist on the front or like
you know a picture of a cat which are like a naughty word on it and all of
those are great things but we are finally doing it a Linus tech tips shirt
now this one will be available in the long term on some store actually it
might be not on district lines calm but somewhere else well details it'll be in
the link of the description of the video that we tell you it's on yeah it'll be
somewhere but for now it's on teespring as a limited edition campaign and the
only difference between this one and the ones that will be available later are
that these ones as a nod to the people who love to be first say first on the
back we love you guys please don't comment on our videos but we're still
gonna pander to you by releasing a shirt that says first on the back although if
you comment on the video and say first and then link an image to you wearing
the shirt with first on the back then we'll still hate you but it'll be less
much yeah it's never really bothered me that much like I've actually done it on
my own videos like if I said it live I've seen almost first I like that it's
just cuz I'm just cuz I'm kind of a troll by nature um but the internet at
large will definitely hate you yes for for posting first with your first shirt
so there you go apparently 14 of them are gone already how quickly did that
happen everyone in uh everyone in chat is already saying first all over the
place excellent alright so there you go guys we finally have a Linus tech tip
shirt they're on teespring so they'll be available sometime in the summer you
will actually receive it they've actually gotten faster in the time we've
been using them so that's cool let's move on to more topics shall we what do
we got oh here we go ah yes more AMD news word on the street is that AMD's
Fiji so the rumored 390x what Nick will retail at why are you here what I thought
you guys were still talking about shirts I just wanted to say we have lots of
different variations available including ladies shirts you should get them yeah
we have ladies we do have ladies my wife freaking a lot of just like men's or
whatever oh that's cool when she doesn't wear it I'm gonna be like super sad when
my wife doesn't wear it I'm just we should all get women's shirts for the
respective ladies in our lives yeah and then just like like I'll go in for my
mom so my mom will wear it yeah but like no one all right so this is from
fudzilla.com is it the single most reputable site on the internet no but
Fudo also gets it right a fair amount of a fair amount of the time Fudo food
added Fudo's is anything okay yeah okay yeah I didn't know his nickname was
Fudo he is also jumping on my bandwagon about that other headline about the four
gig limit four gig first eight gig to follow okay I do know that eight gigs is
more complicated and I do I have heard rumors that the HBM chips yields are not
fantastic so a high-capacity card might be prohibitively expensive not that
Nvidia mines releasing a graphics card for $1,000 anyway but um AMD is good
being the value solution again and aiming apparently for around 850 bucks
I'll use solution 850 bucks somewhere between the Titan X and the geforce gtx
980 I don't know if we can call it the value solution I don't know if I'm okay
with that with that said that's really expensive for a value solution there are
rumors a saving a hundred and fifty dollars is saving a hundred and fifty
dollars yeah but if you're a my card for like over eight hundred dollars and it
does only have four gigs of memory yeah compared to Titan X is 12 okay we also
really need to see what the counter is gonna be from the green camp because
there's a lot of rumors floating around about a GTX 980 TI a lot of rumors
floating around I've seen some rumors about that particular thing but what we
don't know anything about is is pricing so if Nvidia released a 980 TI would
they price it more similarly to the GTX 980 now and drop the price of the 980
really putting in the thumb screws on AMD potentially unless the 390 X crushes
the Titan X edge we don't know yeah that's true I think honestly they'll
play very reactionary if they need to they'll drop it they've done that before
if they don't need to they won't drop it they've done that before here's the
funny thing though the funny thing is this I guarantee you AMD knows everything
there is to know about the 980 TI right now and Nvidia knows everything there is
to know about the 390 X right now they probably even have cards like straight
up so whatever happens is just gonna be like it's like it's like a game of like
cards where they just can both see each other's cards so just because you know
how we've seen it just time and time again in the last couple of years where
every card that launches slots in perfectly with the rest of the landscape
both of these cards are just gonna make perfect sense depending on whether you
have $850 to spend or however much a 980 TI costs I can't wait that would be
awesome you should just try to find the cheapest possible way to build all the
rest of the computer and then keep it under a grand no dog the the intro the
lately for that yard Wars eBay all the parts except for the graphics card the
intro for that video writes itself because remember there was that whole
headline with Lisa Sue AMD CEO saying they don't want to be known as the value
solution an $850 graphics card you guys keep releasing those you're gonna be the
value solution forever oh my god we control the crap out of them that would
be hilarious super awesome I'll be kind of a fun idea for a build though put in
like the cheapest stuff that will be able to actually run that graphics card
but with modern things all right so this is actually this is actually going to be
this actually ties in pretty well so we've got we're gonna do a Twitter
blitz here all right and this is always my favorite kind of question because
it's the question where there is no answer there's just speculation so many
people ask me this all the time like what is going to be the graphics card to
buy of the next generation because it looks like it's gonna be 980 TI versus
390 X and this is actually about um or wait that doesn't really tie in that
well you know what let's do it anyway so we're gonna do it as a straw poll
instead since it's fair a fairly easy question to answer so GTX 780 TI versus
r9 390 X and I'm just even speculating yes no and yes and no to this question
oh right those aren't really very okay I'm sorry is that 780 TI yeah oh crap
so is the title oh what am I doing why is the 780 TI the only card that exists
in my mind because they're nerfing it are they what news they know what what
there's people talking about new Nvidia driver revisions I don't know how this
didn't end up in the dock but apparently new Nvidia driver revisions are making
the 780 TI a little bit worse 780 TI yeah really cuz I heard about them I
haven't looked into it enough to talk about it in depth but I heard about them
I haven't been able to possibly nerfing the overclocking on the 970 M and 980
M's again interesting no this is desktop card stuff though I haven't had time to
try it I do kind of want to check it out how fascinating it could also just be
fixed in the very next driver right it's also possible I am trying to post the
straw poll I do not straight-up remember my twitch password so that is very
challenging for me at this time I'm a challenged sort of person and it doesn't
really help when the chat loads phenomenally slowly here we go
boo-boo there's our straw poll bump oh wait where'd my link to it go there it
is this is what happens when you have oh that's not it when you have like 300
bazillion tabs so let's see the results as they roll in let's move on into our
next topic what do we got apparently 22% of you are gonna put a turnip in your
next computer huh I didn't know we had that many Xbox gamers watching the
stream YouTube launches 60 FPS live streaming in quest to take on a twitch
done it was posted on the forum by Tanga there you know what the funny thing
about these straw polls is is it just straight up doesn't matter how long we
look at the results after the first like 10 seconds the proportion never changes
yeah it's like it's like how big of a sample size is enough apparently the
first 10 seconds because it's like done and let's see everyone okay okay let's
see if we can even change it if we want to guys if you haven't voted get in
there turnip power come on vote for turnip vote for turnip hashtag vote for
turnip yes we got to bring the turnip in line with the 980 TI or beat it okay
come on turnip and I've enabled actually this is news we didn't even okay so I'm
gonna put away the straw poll so you guys can't see if it's working how
could you not vote for that there's a new feature on twitch so before we get
into YouTube 60 FPS streaming twitch has a new feature that has shortened the
delay remember back when they changed their server configuration so that there
was that massive up to over a minute delay between stream and chat now there
is a beta feature that you can go ahead and enable within your dashboard in
order to sorry I can't turn it power man yes come on so is this how politicians
win elections it's just if we tell them hard enough to vote yes this is what
campaigning is all about that's right that's why going door-to-door works kids
return that we should just go door-to-door leave turnips on the doorsteps look
like a little teeth picking it a little sign vote for turnip next time there's a
local election vermin supreme just goes around and leaves boots with little
turnips in the top so twitch has a new feature that allows us to interact with
you guys more closely does it bring it back to the way it was before no but I
think it's able to shorten it up to like 15 to 20 seconds or something like that
like definitely a lot better difference yeah yeah it's a lot better so very very
good news it's better to the point where you're not waiting like two minutes for
a response because you type it in that it takes so long for him to see it and
then he says it it takes so long for you to see it and it's just ridiculous all
right so the original article here is from the verge let's go ahead and fire
that up boo-boo ba-dum-bum ba-dum-bum so what is there really no I disclosed the
dog way to go I'll be there no there's a ton to specifically say other than the
title but it is interesting that YouTube is trying this hard there's been a huge
we've talked about this a little bit in previous shows but there's been a huge
push for online video in general streaming especially I'd actually say
with Azubu getting tons of funding lately yeah which continuing to
completely explode which just being absolutely insane acquired by Amazon and
not exactly a small deal Google trying to kind of start a fight which looks a
lot more interesting than Azubu's so far not super successful push but well
anyway the thing about YouTube is that and there's there's something that they
have to overcome here is that Google finally woke up to the fact that gaming
content is popular on YouTube and has decided to actually give two craps about
it at all so it took them so long there was never any reason for twitch to be
allowed to exist YouTube could have easily supported these features before
and maybe twitch would have never been able to spring up out of completely the
woodwork and just completely dominate online game streaming but the good news
is for YouTube is that twitch is not interested right now in being a video
repository so gamers have had to kind of support both platforms because if you
want to archive anything and have it be actually discoverable on you know the
what is it the second largest search engine or whatever that thing everyone
likes to say is second largest search engine in the world they want to be
discoverable they have to support YouTube even if their followings aren't
as big over there and if they want a live stream which has been the only way
to do it because that's where you get the actual support for things like
third-party streaming software like X split which we love or if you want to
say for example stream at 60 FPS which people love or stream at resolutions
other than 1080p which people love so you have to support these two platforms
so guys like us who are heavily invested in YouTube yeah actually have a pretty
decent presence on twitch if the push ever came to shove and we wanted to
start investing in twitch more heavily and many twitch streamers maybe they
don't have you know 1.3 million subscribers on YouTube or whatever the
number is maybe they've got 800 or 80,000 or 150,000 or something like that
compared to a massive following on twitch well hey that's not insignificant
either a huge part of building a channel is that first 20 or 30 or 50 thousand
you work so much harder for the first hundred thousand subscribers than you do
for a subsequent two hundred and fifty thousand that's the way it works once
you gain critical mass I mean if you were never gonna hit a hundred thousand
subscribers then like none of this is applicable but if you were gonna get big
you work so much harder for it at the beginning so you know very interesting I
don't necessarily see it changing immediately yeah I really wonder how
this is gonna go because twitch has such a good relationship with all the game
streamers they bring them out to shows like the twitch booth that shows are
insane yeah they directly support them in so many different ways and they're
just so like the connections and networking that twitch has is so
incredibly strong and at least in our experience the whole networking
connections and support side from Google is really not great Google's an
engineering company yeah and twitch seems to be they seem to have a much
better feel for what it means to be a relationship company and there's really
interesting things on twitch which is gonna keep streamers there like openly
being able to do donate stuff with no problems you're able to do contests not
really able to do but happens all the time everywhere and everyone ignores it
there's subscribe buttons which helps people a ton that you can get icons if
you subscribe which helps people a ton with that said some of these features
exist or will exist on YouTube as well and YouTube's like like kind of pay pass
you know some kind of premium paid option feature rumored for that one I
don't I don't know like yeah like a like more like what vessels doing I thought
you're talking about the tip jar I got no not that one yeah more like what
vessel is doing where there's a paid YouTube and you just don't see any ads
that's been rumored for a long time and that could come along and put a lot of
money in streamers pockets if you know they're rolling ads at will and people
who are paying a monthly subscription and like only watching that stream are
effectively giving them a few bucks and the volume could be potentially much
higher I mean YouTube is a huge huge audience as PewDiePie can certainly
attest to I wonder if I wonder if there's some form of exclusivity
agreement in the twitch contract because it would be interesting if you just
dreamed to both which is possible yeah it's not impossible that's for sure
you need more upload not super easy but it would definitely be possible you could
yeah I mean you'll always have to have a primary and that's something that we've
discovered is that when we say don't forget to subscribe only YouTube has
subscribed I'm a follower yeah I've started saying follow too but there's a
lot of other things to like click the annotation other video platforms don't
support annotations so if we started uploading on Billy Billy if it's a
stream you can address that much more easily sort of unless you can mix your
chats and stuff okay something a lot of streamers do is subscriber only chat so
are they just gonna ignore the YouTube chat and just talk to their Twitter I
don't know because there'll be a lot of spam in that YouTube chat unless there's
a subscriber only vote and then what are you gonna ask for subscribers on both
are you gonna monitor to chat windows come on that's tough there's there will
definitely be there are you guys who do it browser hook which mixes those chats
and then that's a total mess because then they can't see each other not that
anyone can really talk to each other and a half no I mean for the streamer oh for
the streamer can wander everything yeah but I don't know it's just it will
fragment it for sure the degree to which it does it I don't know but it will
fragment it for sure um okay so let me have you know what this is this is our
next Twitter blitz and this is actually from Lenovo has their upcoming tech world
event and there's a couple of hashtags that we want you guys to use in it so we
haven't done a Twitter blitz in a while and this one is pretty much open-ended
so it's we're supposed to talk about what we think is next and it's for the
upcoming tech world event so I'm assuming if I were to talk about house
plants that have genes injected into them that make them glow well I guess
that's kind of tech isn't it yeah okay but let's talk let's talk computer tech
so I want you guys to post about what you think is next at Linus tech on
Twitter use these two hashtags boop at Linus tech on Twitter and we're gonna go
ahead we're gonna blitz through you guys in the next little while here and and it
can be vague so you want me to go first sure okay so for me what's next whether
I like it or not is wires are going away that is something that is like I've been
I've been kind of inching towards this for a while you look at you look at
Intel's what is it 50 50 gigahertz or whatever that stupid what's the 58
gigahertz I don't remember exactly what it is the the should the very yeah the
very short range Wi-Fi or the very short range wireless someone's gonna correct
me short range wireless high speed I think it was like gigabit speeds or
something something ridiculous like that high the Y game 60 gigahertz there we go
so you know seeing technology like that demoed and actually working seeing
companies like Apple so the MacBook 2015 was the thing that kind of feels like
wow someone's already doing this so when you go on apple.com they've got the
iPhone the iPad they've got the MacBook and they've got the I aren't the I watch
they've got the Apple watch and they've got them all arranged in like I can't
find the page right now but they've got them all arranged and it just says
better together and what struck me about those products is that none of them
encourage external connectivity they all encourage cloud-based storage they all
encourage or and cloud-based backup for things like photos they all encourage
sync between the devices without thinking about it without plugging
anything in and you know whether you're one of those people who believes Apple
when they say DSLR like photo quality or whether you're one of those people who's
like no I'm still gonna need a USB cable and a card reader to transfer photos off
my real freaking camera whoever you are Apple is trying to push that future
forward today and if they're trying to do it then someone's gonna come along
and take that concept and clone it and do it better once the technology catches
up a little bit and that future I think is coming wireless charging wireless
data and the the camera that I'm borrowing right now can transfer
pictures to my phone over NFC that's cool yeah so there you go still so there
you go that's what that's what I think is what's next is wires are just gonna
be gone completely gone I think personally solar power is gonna be a
much bigger thing the efficiency of the panels themselves and the efficiency of
storage mechanisms have massively massively increased over the last little
while yeah yeah there's a study that just came out of MIT talking about how
we need to focus on it much more because there's just so much available power
it's not even like oh well it's better for the planet derp derp it's just like
no there's a lot of it and it's super available and it's sitting right there
and it's really not hard to take advantage of and it's literally there
whether we like it or not yeah like it's super unless mr. Burns builds a sun
blocker we're kind of stuck with the Sun yeah yeah all right so let's have a
look at what you guys think we never do toilet blitzes anymore which I wanted to
one of the I should talk to you about prospective projects oh okay
Amy says the success gotcha um no idea but it better be shiny GPUs coming from
the manufacturer with water cooling being more common than ones with air
cooling that is an out there prediction that is a very out there prediction I
think that will probably never happen I think water cooled out of the box is
gonna be not a thing for a while Kevin Hall says virtual reality contact lenses
dear Lord would I ever love for that to be next I don't think that's next that's
and it's hopefully augmented reality because VR contact lenses I might take
them out when I want to see well it's like I want to eat my food yeah you're
gonna have to have a camera somewhere for augmented reality no because if you
can augmented reality so if you can see through them then augmented reality is
fine and if they were VR you couldn't see through them yeah so you'd have to
like wear a head-mounted camera then and I'd have to like connect to them mind you
if there are no wires and if I'm right and no wires is next then this will be
later and there won't be any way but then that doesn't mean it's next that
doesn't mean it's next um although did you hear about the bionic bionic lenses
yeah yeah so that's some pretty freaking cool stuff I don't have an article to
show you guys or anything but my wife and I were talking about apparently in
the next two to three years bionic lenses are coming with all the
advantages and none of the drawbacks of surgeries like LASIK so wow yeah like
they don't degrade over time you're not gonna need glasses later I should just
still not buy glasses no you should still get glasses he wants me he wants
me to buy him a bigger teleprompter so that he doesn't have to fight we should
have a bigger so that he doesn't have to buy glasses crap even today filming it's
like that text on the screen is jumping that's the best app you should see the
other one that isn't based on an app you should see the other ones I believe it
but give something that's not based on now all right next is another
interesting VR presentation yeah okay most likely VR movies that is not next
but I do hope I mean I think they're kind of called video games because to
shoot a movie in VR and like have it be like how would you even get a camera rig
that records in all directions yeah like they have 360 yeah they have that but
how could you shoot it in a way that it like I think it would actually detract
from the movie watching experience in certain ways like there's probably been
it will be a totally different style like a super different style that's one
part of the part of the movie experience is the filmmaker on the filmmakers
control over your emotions and your experience you're having the experience
that they give you otherwise you might as well play a game yeah so yeah so yeah
here we go so this is an article from the verge from like January this year so
you hide from a cyborg or something like that I don't see movies moving there I
see movies and games moving closer together as opposed to VR movie so yes
do agree Alan I don't think it's next and I don't know what it'll be called
but it'll be some kind of movie game movie gay we gave me gave me move aim
something some combination of the two um what's coming wireless power for PCs I
think we're a ways away from that too mind you as PC power goes down I think
I can't think of any reason why an next or two gems from now like MacBook for
example yeah could be wirelessly powered from a range that would make sense yeah
because technically you could do that now it's just gonna be super not David
Rice cheaper higher resolution OLED that is a super safe prediction there USB
3.1 type-c that's already here sort of yes we do have one device that supports
it uh-huh cheaper high-capacity SSDs that's all definitely happening yeah
networked graphics would love that I don't know if it's next but well okay
strictly speaking network graphics is already a thing Nvidia grid is on a
network even if it's the internet but I think you mean local network graphics
better battery tech for laptops and phones that's always coming next yeah
it's I don't know I don't know 36 core core i7 processor that won't be for a
while I don't think it's coming next I don't really think the battery thing is
gonna change a whole lot until we change technologies seven-day phone batteries
did you see the light phone the light yeah this thing's bananas it's like the
stupidest thing ever but like people will like it it's on Kickstarter right
now we don't generally cover Kickstarter stuff just because a lot of it and
there's never existing um so the light phone by light it met its goal and
pretty much what it is is a credit card sized phone and you got to take it with
a big grain of salt whenever any manufacturer says credit card sized
because it could be as thick as you know yeah that's not good that's not credit
card size but the battery apparently lasts for 20 days and straight up all it
does is make and receive phone calls that's it it is not smart and it's a
hundred bucks okay okay I guess I get it so we're bringing back the brick do you
need a sim but it's like a sexy brick yeah you need to sim that sucks
speaker phone from your dead smartphone yeah the light phone is a prepaid GSM
cell phone independent of your carrier comes pre-loaded with minutes a SIM card
and an app to use with your existing okay that's cool so there you go so
they're a carrier now the light phone by light I love companies that don't have a
crazy amount of forethought in their product news it's great I think it's
awesome all right so what else from people oh yeah yeah sure okay so we'll
do ten more ten more Twitter blitzes less local storage and more theft of
data yeah that's unfortunate mabe says lower latency wireless to make things
like wireless gaming peripherals a real viable option yeah right now the only
wireless gaming peripherals we have are extraordinarily expensive and part of the
problem with that is that you know when you add three dollars to the farm cost
of a peripheral product the margin structure of that particular industry
you're adding anywhere from I don't know five to fifteen dollars to the actual
retail price because retailers are expecting deep double-digit margins the
manufacturers making deep double-digit margins and people have different
expectations for these products if there's something wrong with it they
expect you to pop a new one in the mail for them and you expect to get it and
not bother sending the old one back and that's not the kind of thing that you
know a motherboard manufacturer is ever gonna support because the margins on
that product don't support it so in order to not fall behind in customer
service and perceived value you can't actually just make your product cheaper
and then expect people to just accept that they're gonna expect all the other
stuff and a better product and cheaper so yeah good point lower cost and lower
latency wireless yeah it's always batteries it's always batteries when we
discuss what do people want well I and I completely agree I just don't think
it's coming helix slash I hope you're wrong
VR system yes curved screen laptop wow I hope you're wrong if you had one that
was flexible maybe but I've used a 24 inch curve to display and it doesn't
make sense so like the curve from that at that size doesn't make sense so for a
laptop unless you're like you've got like right to your face I don't think it
makes a ton of sense that's quite the prediction Apple will have nothing to do
with unprecedented technologies at all I don't well actually that's not really
fair I mean Thunderbolt was unprecedented they certainly had a lot
to do with that just saying I don't have much to say but hi alright another
episode of junkyard Wars Wow so we're never filming yeah now we're okay that's
enough no more Twitter blitz you just ruined it for everyone Kevin Hall Wow
Kevin Hall Wow Kevin Hall geez Kevin Hall it's called scrapyard wars I'm
gonna tweet when we do it junkyard Wars is some other show in a junkyard it
probably smells I just typed in tweet calm that's how distraught I am that's
pretty distraught right there that's quite destroyed Spotify is apparently
gonna have a New York press event so this is oh no not apparently this is
apparently a thing um so Spotify moves into video and podcasts with major media
partnerships so Spotify is not ready to lie down and have Apple completely eat
their lunch on music streaming nor are they wanting to limit themselves to
music streaming forever so short form videos and podcasts sourced from BBC
ESPN and Comedy Central ESPN is such a huge one sports is something that I mean
where did we go for sports Justin TV that's gone twitch no longer cares about
that where so what you have to just go to the individual sports networks
website every time there was a lot of people watching the Mayweather fight on
twitch it just wasn't a legal thing Wow anyway um that's something YouTube
doesn't do particularly well it's something that some of the leagues
particularly the NHL doesn't do particularly well is things like
highlights and analysis on YouTube having having someone like ESPN come
online with someone like Spotify having other sports networks potentially sign
up that could be freaking awesome that's the kind of thing where if they start to
get some really great content maybe I get off Google Play Music maybe I start
paying for Spotify instead get my music and that and Comedy Central is another
big one too although regional licensing is gonna be a huge one because Comedy
Central I doubt very much yeah so service will be launched in US UK Germany
and Sweden so Comedy Central is probably not coming to Canada anytime soon
because I think there's some complicated stuff between Comedy Central and Comedy
Network regional man sucks it's annoying um it's super hyper duper annoying
apparently this is cool though Spotify's new version will have tempo detection
which will keep pace with your feet when you are working out like that like
something a little bit like like when you're walking you listen to a different
no no no then the song doesn't speed up or slow down I was like what the crap
okay that makes sense so for some selection yeah so if you're doing like a
super hard workout then like cool and if you're not then like that's cool too
tempo as in I'd like to see it tight so I wish heart heart rate I was just gonna
say I'd like to see it tied to heart rate instead but this is a step in the
right direction that's one annoying thing that watch that I'm not gonna talk
a ton about right now I'll go bust out like a pretty intense workout and then
come home and be like you were active for one minute today I'm like screw you
that's not true is it because of the phone not a ton of movement right
because you're like if I'm moving from like a squat rack to a bench or whatever
like right really not that so what you're saying is that fitness trackers
still have a ways to go for all the different types of fitness that happens
to be so me for example I got one I engage in mind fitness it's where I sit
and think so hard about fitness that I get ripped no no what about that belt
that you can wear that vibrates it is so funny like the celebrities that have
sold out so hard well that's exactly it it's the celebrity endorsements I saw a
commercial for one of those things that had like Denise Richards and someone
else in it and I was like are you really worth that little if it worked everyone
would have one everybody you know they they reached out about doing advertising
the first ones one of them I can't remember which one review I know it was
it was they weren't gonna send a review unit that was not I'll wear it for like
a month okay so um so so basically I had never looked into them like I knew they
were on late night TV not everything on late night TV is bad the bad mix for
example is a great handheld mixer and it's one of those as seen on TV like
stupid commercial with and you get the the nut scrambler with it and well
George Foreman girls are actually George Foreman girls also awesome probably
anything that Billy Mays ever advertised because it's Billy okay anyway so I'd
never looked into them because I just assumed they were stupid but now we were
having a real conversation with money involved so I was like okay I should
probably find out if they're dumb and every site I found was so positive and
I was like no nothing can be that amazing and it was at that time that I
realized that basically they just spam websites I was not aware of this
particular strategy I've never really looked into the ways people get scammed
online because it was never really a concern I navigate directly to a website
that I want to go to I'm not much of a surfer so I so I was like oh so they
just create endless websites with slightly different SEO strategies so
that something will surface and they create them over and over and over again
all the time so that something positive will surface before all the reviews
about how it's completely stupid and pointless are able to be found and I was
like okay no and go away but but yeah I don't remember I was going with this
anymore OCZ has a new NVMe SSD so NVMe SSDs are coming this is posted by
numlock21 on the forum. What available formats are there for this? The show's kind of over by the way but we can do this. Is it? What time is it? 6.10. How did that happen? 6.10. 6.10. I was gonna say 9 but I assumed the minute was gonna flip over and then there
we go now it's 6.10. While you were speaking you thought the minute would
actually flip over. I did. Mid word. I did. You were gonna time it that precisely. That was the plan. You're a hero. I was off by like five
seconds. So capacity is anywhere from I think it was 800 gigs to 6.4 terabytes um
they're compliant with NVMe 1.1 they support two hosts accessing them
simultaneously or apparently that update is coming in q3 or something which is
completely bananas like what the heck like so you could have a virtual
machine natively accessing like two virtual machines accessing it natively
or something is what that sounds like to me I'm sure someone's gonna correct me
but that sounds completely off the hook and performances in the neighborhood of
like three gigabytes per second not not quite so it's sequential read speeds at
2.9 gigabytes per second and write speeds at 1.9 megabytes per second sustained using
19 nanometer NAND and there's both a 6000 series using MLC flash and a 6300
series using enterprise grand eMLC flash very cool do we know what form factors
comes in PCI Express I would assume no really doubt it yeah but it'll support
self encryption in Q in the q3 update in 10 data protection so this is all
important enterprise stuff but yeah okay so here's the dual port functionality
it's gonna launch with single port functionality with an upgrade in q3 it
does this using a newer generation of the 16 channel PMC Sierra Princeton
controller then what is found on competing models and the advantage of
having dual port functionalities allows two hosts to access the drive both
concurrently that's ridiculous okay then I guess we'll see what that sort of
means yeah later on down the road should we do a couple of our of our quick our
rapid fires we can we're 12 minutes over time a damie killer posted on the forum
that ducky is teasing their first mouse we don't have a whole ton of detail
about this you never there was just like random photo on Facebook that's their
whole thing it's always ridiculous ducky see oh dude this will probably be in
Taiwan continual improvement oh yeah they're definitely showing it at
Computex that's a thing so yep super interesting could a mouse look that
interesting no quality and precision is what matters Luke hey we put one of the
like very few good sensors in it and some plastic around it that isn't bad
and Omron switches EA is apparently teasing need for speed underground 3
mice so they're gonna have to prove that that's a good game yeah someone told me
I think Nick told me about this and I was like yep don't care was a huge fan
of the previous ones and I have no confidence that this will be good but I
will pay attention I'm not gonna get hyped up because there's so many ways
that they could screwed up the logitech g29 is apparently in the final stages of
validation that is allegedly what it looks like so it's got a whack ton of
buttons and seems to be targeted more at the PlayStation crowd if we're to go by
that apparently PlayStation logo that looks like a PlayStation logo to me and
the circle square X triangle I could be could be absolutely could be so and you
would only need two models and they've done PlayStation exclusive wheels in the
past and then you could have like an Xbox slash PC one yeah razor launched
the Firefly chroma mouse pad so this is posted by oh and the last one was from
X tanks layer X we're just tanks layer I guess and this one's from Ah Ming
original article here's from Tom's Hardware so if the question you were
asking yourself was what can we put RGB LEDs in next the answer is a mouse pad
you know I was really amped about the RGB keyboards and I super don't care
anymore do you care anymore I still have one on my desk and I have it I don't do
I have it set to kind of a purple color that's very similar to the UV lights in
my case okay and since then I have not touched any kinds of effects or anything
because it's kind of distracting it is I don't care and you know what I'd like my
PVT key cap so much that I just want that and no glow because I never look at
my keyboard anyway I do still like the backlight I like the back sure that's
fine but I don't know I was super hyped for it too I was like yay innovation and
keyboards then I was like I actually don't care I just like my nice key caps
so there you go now you can plug your mouse pad in via USB as well I'm really
glad they didn't put LEDs on the actual surface of the mouse pad yeah probably
would have wrecked tracking on every mouse ever but I'm sure razor smart
enough to not do something that phenomenally stupid so there you go you
can have the next product comes out the woven fibers of the mouse pad have LED
elements at either end and you can like make a rainbow you can like make me and
cat they're in the shape on your snakes yes they're across the mouse pad in a
destructive manner um this is just funny because of his name two original
articles from polygon this is posted by good bites Nintendo's new VP of sales
his name is actually Doug Bowser yeah in his like photo that they took of him in
his new office or whatever saying like thank you for the warm welcome there's a
Mario and Luigi tied up by a GameCube controller in the background on the
shelf I was like a joke yeah so that's uh that's that's pretty funny um and I
guess that's pretty much all there is to say about that thank you guys very much
for tuning in to the land show um that's kind of cool wounded turtle can return
to the ocean thanks to a 3d printed titanium beak it's like a future turtle
look at that man well it's badass yeah it actually looks like like a Teenage
Mutant Ninja Turtles like character or something that's cool someone is going
to make a video game bad guy or like movie character based on this picture
mark my words but that's the coolest looking thing ever people already have
like metal placement stuff it'll be like really based on this like it'll be very
close it'll be close okay it's a prediction that I can't lose on unlike
the one about these t-shirts which I can lose on did I tell them what exactly the
way it was okay I'll do that on after party
rekt alright so thanks for watching guys bye long show see you next week no I
don't think the show was actually long as we started with it wasn't crazy long
we'll find out it's like five minutes long or something sometimes sometimes
it's not about the length you know what the girth of the show if the girth your
bandwidth I don't know because what would like no because ping is iteration