
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

I think we're live.
Yes, I think we're live.
All right, guys, welcome to the WAN Show.
I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna turn my,
what are you doing?
What are you doing?
I am, I have my voice in my ear.
How's your day going?
So I'm being confused.
Yes, and so some of you may have noticed
that last week when I had Harry Potter as my co-host,
the show managed to actually stay on topic
and some of you wish for that trend to continue,
so I'm gonna do my utmost to not let him
completely derail this show.
Yeah, we're just gonna bring Harry Potter back permanently.
So we've got a bunch of great topics for you guys.
HTC's value has plummeted so much in the last four years
that they are now effectively valueless.
More on that at 11.
Alphabet, a company called Alphabet now owns Google.
Not just owns like pwned their base,
but like owns like they belong to them.
Also some poor farmer was quoted,
yes, I see Harry, thank you.
You can touch me with your Harry something else,
but not that one.
Some farmer was quoted hundreds of thousands of dollars
for an internet connection and Spotify,
oh, we've got a lot of great topics today actually.
Spotify rumored to be ending their free music streaming
and do you wanna do the last one?
One of them, certain Swedish high schools
are adding three hours of esports classes a week.
Studio game high school is real.
Is this gonna go?
I think it worked.
Oh crap, sorry, that thing.
Sponsors today, Squarespace, yeah.
Best space.
Did you just say desk space?
Best space.
Best space, yeah, best space.
Also, ooh, that's a new one.
Tunnel Bear, start browsing privately today
at tunnelbear.com slash LTT.
Okay, now I'm gonna do a thing.
I'm gonna put that back before we navigate away from it
and then the intro will start playing instead of having
the ad spot on top of it when I switch the scene.
How much do you wanna bet it's just gonna break?
No, no, it shouldn't break.
I have the intro stored locally on my machine now.
Yeah, see, also this is the latest XSplit.
So we were still running a version of XSplit
that must've been like a year old
on the stream computer in the old office.
Just because like, and it was like kind of like broken.
Like that Windows install itself is just broken.
Oh yeah.
So that machine would just shut off
and like we had our regularly occurring blue screens
thanks to our Blackmagic capture cards
and like all this stuff was broken about it.
So we actually, what we needed to do was uninstall
and reinstall in order to get the upgrade to work
and we just never did it.
So yeah, we're actually running a proper version
of XSplit now.
We knew that for a long time too.
Which was kind of sad.
Which is kind of the world's most pathetic thing.
But isn't that like, okay, everyone has like that computer
that probably only works
cause they know it's like how to make it happy.
If you unplug the mouse
and then replug it into a different port,
then 60% of the time.
Every week you have to go in
and like tell it to re-ignore the CPU fan header
or whatever.
And that's the computer that, you know,
we hosted our live broadcast on
because we're apparently fricking geniuses.
We never actually claimed to be geniuses.
Linus Media Group makes no claims
as to why we are geniuses.
Luke, tell Linus to three asterisks up.
We want to hear you.
He ruined the last WAN show.
Now hold on a second.
This is a discussion topic.
What curse word is that?
Tell Linus to blank up.
I wonder if it just changes all of them to three asterisks.
Cause if not, that's really weird.
Tell Linus to, cause I'm just trying to think.
Okay, F word.
Cause the F word is a pretty versatile word.
Doesn't work there.
You failed.
So we got the SH word.
Cause it's very close to shut up.
So maybe is that a new slang?
Like, is that what we should,
should we start this?
It's like, you know, you know what, son?
It's four letters.
Oh yeah.
It's not even three letters.
Ass up.
Ha ha ha.
So I need to.
Do the rest of the wedge.
There you go.
There you go.
Don't fall.
Well, that's kind of your crotch.
Well, this chair does spin.
We do have these great,
there you go.
I'll move you more.
Thank you.
There you go.
Hold on.
I need to get a bit higher.
Oh, it's falling.
Ha ha ha.
Oh my God.
All right.
So we still don't know what swear word that is.
We are absolutely no closer.
What happens?
If I do this.
What are we supposed to be talking about?
I have let you derail the show already.
That was a pledge.
That was you.
That was you.
That was a pledge.
That was 100% you.
That was an alt account from you.
Bull shut.
Come on.
That was pretty good.
That was not bad.
I liked that one.
Bull shut.
Okay, go ahead.
So the company alphabet now owns Google,
but it's not.
And it's super cereal.
Oh, wow.
That was actually pretty good.
I'm on today.
I am on today my friends.
So it's actually not super serious.
Well, it might be super cereal.
A lot of people freaked out when they read this.
Oh my God.
I can't believe a company like Google could be acquired.
And it's like, oh, they were acquired by themselves.
So this is just a new parent company that they created
to help kind of sub a whole bunch of different companies,
probably for tax reasons, to be completely honest.
Or for the appearances to shareholders reasons.
So what they've effectively done is they've,
Google is the internet stuff brand.
So your YouTube's and your Google Chrome's
and your Google Maps and your Hangouts
is all going to be under that brand.
Whereas Alphabet is also going to run
sort of other bizarro land stuff like X Labs.
And I actually don't even know
what Calico Life Extension Project is.
Do you even know what that is?
I've heard of that.
Okay, Calico Life Extension's mission
is to harness advanced technologies
to increase our understanding of the biology that controls.
So basically, okay.
Oh, okay.
It's Life Extension.
Yeah, Life Extension.
So fairly, fairly straightforward.
You know what's really funny about the advancements
that are being made in that right now?
So both singularity and reversing the aging process
are potentially going to happen
in the next like 100 to 200 years.
We were that close.
We were that freaking close.
You and me, we're just going to grow old and die
and that's it.
That's it.
But like our generation's kids,
I know you're not planning to have kids.
Do you have a problem with that?
Yeah, it feels like it kind of sucks.
Cause you know, like, but on the other hand,
I mean, there's a lot of issues with people living forever
that are not easily resolvable.
And I think like this, this is going-
Like just the amount of them?
Not just the amount of them.
Cause that's actually a pretty big problem.
But okay, amount of them,
I actually think particularly at the beginning,
the amount, excuse me, the amount of people living forever
will almost be a non-issue.
At the beginning, yeah.
Because it's going to be so expensive
that it's going to be a whole other issue
of only the rich and powerful being able to,
so it's one thing if the rich and powerful
can drive like a sweet car.
So like super rich people live forever
and poor people die.
Just exactly.
And if that is not like-
And if it's not a rat race now.
It's like nowadays, like if you're rich,
you're like, yeah, freedom 55 or whatever.
You retire young.
No, that's a whole other thing.
So now it's like climb over the backs
of your fellow human beings.
Are you able to make enough money so that you can not die
instead of are you able to make enough money
so that you can retire?
And then if you're not going to die,
well, do you have to work forever then I guess?
For like, cause you can bet.
And I mean, this is some tinfoil hat stuff.
So if you're not into tinfoil hat, peace.
See you later.
But can you imagine the first life extender solution
being a shot that you take once
and then your life is extended forever?
No, it's going to be a pill that you buy
and you take every day.
And even if they had the other solution,
there's no way that anyone is going to give you
the shot in the arm that reverses
the aging process of yourselves.
And there's going to be a whole bunch of other issues
with living together, or living together,
with living together.
We won't have you, we'll work hard at it.
Stay together for the kids.
With living forever, like your teeth
are not going to reverse their aging process.
So you're going to be like this weird reconstructed creature
in certain ways.
And I'd be floored if they figure out
how to reverse the aging process of everything.
So your eyesight, you're going to have
like this super like old man eyesight.
I mean, with that said,
they've got those new contacts coming up.
You're hearing.
When they're working on stem cells and stuff,
what if they can grow you a new body
and you just brain transplant?
Well, that's a whole, that's been tackled.
Like that's some crazy stuff.
Like I forget what, there's like some book
and I think it's a movie or something.
The dog or something.
No, the parents have like a terminally ill kid,
like a degenerative disease kid,
and then they have another kid
that's basically like spare parts
or something along those lines or whatever.
Like that's some crazy next level stuff.
Yes, but I don't mean like birthing a new child
and using them as spare parts,
which we've seen in I think more than one movie.
Yeah, that's been done.
I'm talking about like no brain,
grow a body in a lab, stem cell style.
Yeah, but see that becomes a very tricky question.
And like religious arguments aside,
the conversation about what makes something a human
is an incredibly complicated one.
I thought someone just called this autism the show.
And I was like, what?
What is it that we're talking about
that made you say something like that?
Anyway, so sorry, sorry, back on topic.
What makes something a human?
Is it a body?
Is it a soul?
Do we have a soul?
These are all questions that we're not gonna be able
to answer because we don't actually have an answer yet.
If you can transfer a consciousness,
if you believe in a soul,
then have you also transferred the soul?
Did the soul die?
Is it now an abomination?
Who knows?
So would you wanna live forever?
I don't know.
I think it depends. I don't know.
I feel like I would
because I'm constantly interested in things.
And I'd be like, ooh, technology moved on and changed.
Now this is another really interesting way of looking at it.
Is it worth it to live forever if everyone around you dies?
And what if you were rich enough to keep yourself alive,
but not, let's say you and your wife had to decide
who can afford the Uber treatment.
I don't know if I could claim that for myself.
So that's exactly okay.
Knowing how I do things, I'd probably pass it.
So then let's talk, well then,
but what if the other,
cause I mean, you see all these-
What if the other person wants to pass it?
Right, so what if old,
you know how old people will often-
The most epic game of rock, paper, scissors.
Rock, paper, scissors, death.
You'd win.
Oh my God.
So like, would you wanna leave behind
all your brothers and sisters?
You know what I mean?
And if you had kids, like get this,
would you prefer to pass it down to your kids?
And then if like, like what if there was like,
your family could only afford like one fortune?
What if you could only keep one person alive?
And remember, no anti-aging treatment-
No, I'm not married, he was saying conceptually.
Yeah, no anti-aging treatment is gonna, you know,
prevent you from smashing your head open on a rock
if you're climbing it.
So there's no guarantee that it's even gonna work anyway.
This isn't, what's that awesome movie, Death Becomes Hurt.
We need like Windows Server automatic nightly backup
for brains.
I suspect it would happen eventually.
And you just download into a new, into a new body.
There's gotta be a way, like even if you can't 100% it,
if it could get extremely close.
Okay, here's a tough one for you.
Are we the same person? No.
If they could, okay, well no, I know.
But tell me this then.
If your hypothetical wife,
if your hypothetical wife was downloaded
to a server somewhere, she dies,
and she gets rebooted, are you married still?
I think you would have to choose that legally before.
So I think you'd have to like sign a thing
being like yes or no.
This is gonna be a whole new level of prenup kids,
because when people, when people are potentially married
till death do us part.
Hold on a second.
So when you get married for like thousands of years.
So it will become cheaper to kill your spouse
and reboot them than to divorce.
And reboot them.
Oh my God.
Oh man, you're right.
It's like, hun, this isn't working.
Let's do it. All right.
Let's suicide pact reformat our lives.
Okay, do you still have your job?
I guess that would have to probably be
in your employment agreement.
If you die, if you died, would I even know?
I'd be like, I'd be like you shaved and you're bald.
Cause like you don't have your hair yet, right?
Cause it has to die.
Oh man.
She's like, why'd you shave your head?
I don't know, Linus.
And you're like what?
Minor changes.
It's like, you come in and you're like,
you're like, you know, like, you know, never, nevermind.
You're like a bottom guy all of a sudden.
Oh, I thought you meant that differently.
I get it.
I didn't get it at first.
Okay, so one tricky thing for you back on topic
about the whole Google breaking itself apart
into sub companies under alphabet is that they will still go
by the stock tickers of G O O G L and G O O G.
So they're still going to trade under their old name.
And yeah, I guess.
There's really not that much to say.
I know I say that a lot,
but like this is really not that interesting news
and the internet exploded about it.
Yeah, they're also their actual landing page,
abc.xyz received over 1.9 million views
after the announcement.
And the funny thing is alphabet.com
which Google actually doesn't own,
but wouldn't be an insignificant thing
for Google to try to acquire since BMW
sort of another global brand owns it.
It's actually their like business oriented like corporate
customer vehicle supply, you know,
fleet management leasing thing.
So BMW owns alphabet.com and they're apparently looking
into trademark implications,
but don't intend to take legal action against Google.
So there you go.
Unless they probably need to in order to keep their stuff.
This was posted by blade of grass on the forum.
Did you ever post the link in the chat?
No, I did not.
So go ahead and drop that in there.
The next article is Tesla is burning cash.
This is not exactly groundbreaking either.
It costs a metric, but ton of money to develop cars.
Just ask anyone who makes cars.
And Tesla is basically doing it without the sales
to support what they're trying to do over here.
I mean, they're losing money per car.
Yes, not only, yeah, not only do they only have like,
so let's see how many model S's,
the one that matters we can sell.
They're actually losing somewhere in the neighborhood
of 4,000 to about $15,000 per car,
depending on how you crunch the numbers.
If you look at Elon Musk's business history,
this is super not surprising.
When PayPal first started,
he was paying people to open accounts.
He would put real money in your account
when you opened one.
There's a lot of sites that'll be like,
you get credit on the site when you open an account.
No, he was putting cash money that you could spend
elsewhere that he would not get credit for
when you open an account.
And it was not small.
I don't remember how much it was,
but it was like, you could go buy something probably
with the amount of money that he would put in your account.
So he's buying market share.
Yep, effectively and yeah, it's still expensive
and that's, but that's kind of life
because they cost a lot of money to make.
So this is great.
So they've actually burned through,
they've $359 million in cash last quarter.
Wow, and this combined with the production target cuts
for 2016 doesn't bode that well
for their 500,000 car production target by 2020.
So they have a mere 1.15 billion on hand.
So enough to run for another three quarters
at the rate they're going.
This is down from 2.67 billion one year ago.
So yeah, the rate at which they're burning through it
is pretty consistent and not gonna last them much longer.
And then the article from Reuters actually estimated
that a new car can cost 1 billion or more
to engineer and bring to market.
So that reduction in cash looks like development on,
well, we know they're working on other cars.
They're working on the model X and the model three,
excuse me, oh, I meant to say E, excuse me, three,
but whatever, the model three.
So Musk says there might be some value in raising capital
as they move into 2016 where they are expected
to increase their spending due to the model three
and the Gigafactory.
So yeah, we'll see how this whole thing plays out.
I mean, realistically-
Honestly, I think they're fine.
Realistically, if Tesla's straight up like,
yep, we're doing another round of funding,
I don't think there will be any shortage of backers
to try and get in on this one.
I think they'll be fine.
And they will be fine, but-
They might have to do another round of funding.
I mean, it's really interesting to see why it is then
that the incumbent automakers
aren't just going head to head with Tesla.
It's like, well, why aren't they just matching
Tesla's investment into electric cars?
Well, because even if your BMW or Audi sold a lot of money,
and unlike a fledgling company,
I mean, Tesla's still a really young company.
Unlike a fledgling company,
an established company with established shareholders
that expect to get their established benefits
from being shareholders,
you're gonna have to sell the idea of just spending money
hand over fist on an unproven,
although I think we're pretty close
to it being a foregone conclusion
that electric cars are gonna be a thing,
but on an unproven market where you don't have,
well, here's the last 50 years of sales and market data.
The auto industry doesn't move that fast.
It really doesn't, it's kind of sad.
This was posted by Snow Comet on the forum.
I'm gonna fire up Lenovo.com
where we are gonna learn about actually a pretty cool,
pretty cool little release.
Do you wanna handle this, Poppy?
I have read zero of these topics.
Oh, oh, that's right.
You were working on the Ultimaker 2 thing today.
And filming two videos.
Well, okay.
And getting new internet.
You know what?
Yeah, super stoked.
Right, you have new internet at your house now, right?
Yes, also have internet at my house.
That's a pretty important part of that.
Haven't had internet for a while.
And then they were supposed to come today
and they came at one of the least opportune times.
Oh, it would've been worse if they came during Wanshow.
That is true.
If you were just like,
peace, I need to go get internet.
I'd be like, yeah, I get it.
Because if I didn't have internet at my house,
I would basically be living at the office same as you.
That was pretty good timing.
Because honestly, even if I had internet,
I wasn't gonna be leaving.
I needed to get that print working.
So I wasn't on the computer using the internet.
I was working on the, like my feet hurt.
Because it's on a standing desk.
And I was working on it for so long.
I'm looking forward to watching that review.
Cause I have spent almost no time with the Ultimaker.
I like legit don't want anyone else printing off of it.
People can make models.
People can find whatever models they want.
And then I'll do the printing.
But there's some trickiness.
There's some.
And like the, I think it was five or six.
I don't remember.
It's five to six and a half hours last night
where I was just troubleshooting.
So I learned a lot about the printer.
I heard from the Twitch chat that they basically
walked you through it.
He helped a lot.
All right.
Well, maybe that's what people were saying.
So Lenovo ushers in a new era of mobile workstation power
and performance with the ThinkPad P50 and P70.
So they're not the first ones to try
and build a mobile workstation at all.
Like at all.
But these ones are definitely the most powerful
and bad-ass looking ones that we've ever seen.
So the P70 is the 17 inch model.
The P50 is the 15 inch model.
And the P70 is loaded up with 64 gigs of ECC DDR4 memory.
Can handle up to a terabyte of SSD storage over PCI express
and up to four storage devices.
It also comes with two Thunderbolt 3 ports.
So Thunderbolt 3 is 40 gigabit per second
if I recall correctly.
Five gigabyte.
Yeah. Thereabouts.
And is USB C is a USB C connector
or something along those lines.
I actually haven't looked into it enough.
Yeah. It's through a USB three type C connectors.
So, well, okay.
That's one thing that doesn't, can you not?
Thank you.
That's one thing that I wish I could adjust
or maybe I can and I haven't yet.
But the snapping aggressiveness
in the latest versions of XSplit.
It's nice to be able to move things around freely
but I wish it would snap a little bit more decisively.
So there you go.
That's what the connector looks like.
This is on thunderbolttechnology.net.
This is great.
More speed, more pixels, more power, more protocols.
DisplayPort, PCIe, Thunderbolt and USB three super speed.
It can also deliver up to a hundred watts of power
and two 4K displays.
So that is some pretty BA technology.
So it'll come with that.
And what else is there to really say about it?
A Xeon CPU, you're gonna need that
for that ECC memory support.
And then they also feature Quadro GPUs
but I don't see exact models.
And these aren't gonna be available until Q4 2015.
Although I have already reached out to Lenovo
and we are already confirmed
to be getting a review sample.
So we can check it out in person
and I'll let you guys know what's up.
Because let's face it,
there's a lot of powerful laptops out there
but there's a difference between a workstation
and just any old laptop or notebook.
This is a great topic of discussion.
Did you know that there is a difference
between a laptop and a notebook?
They are not the same thing.
I didn't know that.
Yeah, the amount of crap that I've gotten about this
from one of our particular partners
every time I say the wrong one is significant.
What's the difference?
So, the irony is that neither of them
is intended to run in your lap.
That was done away with a very long time ago
when heat existed.
A laptop is larger and bulkier.
Okay, I expected that.
But smaller than a desktop replacement.
A notebook is smaller
but not an ultrabook.
And I was like,
That's kind of what I expected.
I was gonna say notebook is gonna have to be a smaller one.
So this is kind of a notebook because of its size
but I think in terms of its power
it would be more of a laptop.
And then this- But this is a notebook.
That's an ultrabook.
Because- Sorry, one second.
The definition of ultrabook is a little flexible
depending on whether it is a two in one
which used to be called a convertible.
So this one has like a tablet mode.
So yeah, there you go.
If you guys didn't know that
then you learned a completely useless fact today.
As Burkle is so fond of doing.
Speaking of Burkle, oh man.
He has outdone himself on the car painting video.
That's over on Vessel right now.
And it's gonna be coming to YouTube sometime next week.
But if you guys have a Vessel membership,
a surprising number of our viewers actually don't know
that Channel Super Fun is also over on Vessel.
It's not just Linus Tech Tips.
Tech Quickie and Channel Super Fun are both there.
But this is something else.
This car painting video.
I think I'm about to show an ad.
So I'll just put that away for now
so you guys don't have to listen to that.
And then I'll go ahead and-
Oh, wow, there was no ad.
Worst intro we have ever done.
Many episodes ago.
Yeah, so this is where the-
Here, basically I'll give you guys a sneak peek
at just exactly what is going down.
That is me.
That is me in my old Student Works painting shirt
from my house painting days.
So yes, you will witness that and many other things
in the Channel Super Fun car painting episode.
So that is some good stuff right there.
Let's move on to Intel.
This was posted by Jesper0101996.
And Intel says the shortages of Broadwell
and Skylake CPUs will be going away.
So if you've been wondering about, you know,
where exactly you can get, you know,
a 5775C, for example, that's the Broadwell chip,
or a 6700K, that's the Skylake Core i7,
then supply is expected to improve soon.
And we should see more of everything as Q3 progresses.
So Q3 is August, September, October.
No, July, August, September.
Yes, that is Q3.
So throughout the rest of whatever's going on right now.
All right, this is a pretty good,
oh, this was originally posted on techreport.com.
I'll go ahead and pull that puppy up there.
And I don't know if I ever actually posted this
in the Twitch chat.
This is why this show is hard to run by myself.
This is why I have trouble with,
what the devil is going on here?
So this is apparently like a happy new office gift.
Five pizzas, they know how many,
they know enough to know where we are,
but they don't know enough to know
how many people work here.
So there's pizzas specifically for specific people.
So this is for Nick and Justin.
Okay, so there you go.
Here, come take this.
We're apparently doing pizza distribution.
Okay, I'll read off what it is.
So this is pizza five for Nick and Justin.
Yeah, you guys are five, get wrecked, bro.
It's from Ixie Hazy Nips and Mape.
It basically has pepperoni, bacon,
jalapenos, and gochujang.
Yes, sweet.
This one is from the same people, not surprising.
This one is for Taron and John.
They got wrecked.
What'd they get?
I knew someone was gonna get pranked,
and it was Taron and John.
Okay, so the cheese is mozzarella,
and the toppings are pineapple anchovies,
oysters, and sour cream.
So that's why they ordered five pizzas,
so that some of them could be horrible.
So this one is ours.
You can read that one off.
Okay, what do we got here?
Pepperoni, green peppers,
jalapenos, bacon, and grilled chicken
with mozzarella and cheddar cheese.
That is a wicked sounding pizza.
The boss is straight up not sharing that one.
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get a pizza, dude.
Oh, no, okay, that sucked.
That's for, that one's pretty rockin'.
Okay, so we got, this is for Dennis and Berkel.
Green peppers, red peppers, jalapenos,
hot banana peppers, spicy pepperoni,
and spicy Italian sausage.
Berkel went home early,
so I guess Dennis is gonna have to eat this one
all by his lonesome.
And the last one.
This is for Brandon and Ed.
And this is pretty plain Jane.
Mozzarella cheese, pepperoni, bacon, and jalapenos.
So guys, get in here and claim your pizzas.
I'll send this.
I'll send this one.
Yeah, poor John and Taren.
Why are you guys so mean?
All right, so here's a pretty great topic.
This was posted by Jesper101996 on the forum.
The original article here is from Ars Technica.
I'm gonna go ahead and pull it up.
Yeah, get out of here!
Go in.
The door closes itself automatically.
You want fiber internet?
That'll be $383,500.
I love how ISPs seem to have this thing where it's like,
oh, you want us, like companies, like McDonald's.
If you want McDonald's in your town,
you can probably email them or something,
and they'll probably come build a store
if you have enough people.
Yeah, they get enough requests,
and they do a business case analysis, and...
Can I say thanks to Nips, Nape, and Ipsy?
No, you can't.
I covered the mic.
That was Ed.
He says thanks.
So yeah, they'll do like a business case and proposal,
and if they can find a franchise owner,
they might have different business models
for all well-being.
Depending what business it is.
To basically getting a co-investor effectively, right?
No, and I love Ars Technica.
These guys do such a great job of ripping ISPs a new one.
So the basic summary is this.
The farmer says, okay,
I would like to get your fiber network extended to my farm
in Cerisco, Nebraska,
which is only four and a half miles away from Windstream,
that's the name of the ISP,
away from their nearest fiber facility.
Actually, in the grand scheme of things, not that bad.
Really not that far.
Really not that far.
I mean, we were looking at, you know,
not a completely trivial distance down the road from us,
and I think our build-out cost was five digits, not six.
Even better, actually, the farmer was able to determine
that there appeared to be a Windstream fiber line
about a quarter mile from his property,
which is confirmed by a map of their fiber network.
A quarter mile from his property is not bad.
But apparently they refused to connect him to that line,
citing some sort of,
stating that it's some sort of reserved,
private Windstream only line,
which if you guys know anything
about the kind of data capacity
of that fiber is capable of-
Very unlikely.
It is basically not a thing.
You don't run fiber anywhere without dark fiber,
like without extra capacity.
And even if you only had one piece of fiber,
even if there was just one, which there isn't,
even if there was just one,
it's not like you can't split multiple signals
across a single piece of fiber.
That is a thing.
It's just fine.
There's no way they need the entire capacity of it
just for themselves.
So after receiving this ridiculous quote,
they contacted another network provider,
Northeast Telephone Company.
And even though they're completely out of their service area,
they quoted the farmer $41,900.
So just over 10% the previous estimate
to extend their fiber line-
They also offered a $6,000 credit
for any other customer that signed up
using the line that the farmer was paying to install.
I mean, you know what the stupid thing is,
is we got a quote from TELUS for this place.
And they came in, even though they're like
the fiber infrastructure in British Columbia,
like it's TELUS or someone leasing from TELUS.
TELUS came in several times more expensive
in every possible way compared to any other quote we got.
Like they were completely out to lunch.
And I was like, so is the service different?
And they're like, well, we can offer services
like a cell phone failover.
And I'm like, right.
But unless I'm buying like a thousands of dollars
a month cell phone plan,
I couldn't I just buy that?
Couldn't I just get like a 4G hotspot stupid thing
and put it in my server room?
Like if that's my plan,
if that's my backup internet plan,
or if I wasn't a complete idiot,
couldn't I just get like a residential line from you
or Shahar or something
and run that into the building as well?
Yeah, even better, a different brand.
It's like 80 bucks a month
for like something that's good enough
to keep the office operational
in the extremely unlikely event
that the fiber connection is unavailable.
Like, come on, you guys are ridiculous.
So it's unclear why Windstream's fee was so much higher,
but they confirmed it when contacted by Ars Technica
stating that the total quote was for 36 months
of dedicated internet service.
And they were impressed for further information
as to how exactly they calculated that,
did not respond about the private line
a quarter pile from the property.
So yeah, okay, you know what, why don't I do that?
And why don't you run off and get some plates?
Cause I'm hungry, are you hungry?
I'm pretty hungry.
Let's eat some food.
So it is sponsor time.
Speaking of the internet,
one of our sponsors today is actually a new one,
And you're gonna wanna go over to tunnelbear.com slash LTT.
If you want to start browsing privately
and to be, I was about to say,
this is gonna tie really well
into one of our topics later on in the show,
the whole Windows 10
and not a whole lot of privacy with Windows 10 thing,
but actually this wouldn't help you
with anything that's directly installed on your computer,
that's sending your information to someone else,
but anyone trying to spy on what you're doing externally,
this does throw another obstacle in the way.
So it's an easy use privacy app for mobile and desktop.
You can tunnel through 14 different countries,
allowing you to browse the internet
as though you're in that country.
This is great for services
that aren't available in your country.
For example, it secures your internet
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great when traveling or at a conference
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And once you turn tunnel bear on,
your internet connection is fully encrypted.
You don't have to be technical
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And they have friendly support bears
that are standing by 24 hours a day.
They have 5 million users and you can try it out for free.
You can get 500 megabytes of data for free every month
and an extra gig if you tweet at them.
If you need more data,
prices for unlimited plans start at 6.99 a month,
very reasonable.
Download it today to browse the internet privately,
tunnelbear.com slash LTT.
And we'd love to hear from you guys
if you have experience with tunnel bear
because they are a new sponsor for us.
So always great to hear from you guys
if you think we've picked a good thing to talk about.
Although our next sponsor is one
that we don't really have any ambiguity about
because we know Squarespace totally kicks butt.
Squarespace, build it beautiful Linus.
Why do you hate me?
Build it beautiful.
So if I have to explain Squarespace,
you could be a new viewer,
but based on that, we are only halfway through the show
and we have 9,900 viewers right now.
It must be the orange background.
Yours does look a lot better.
It looks way more professional.
Even with Harry Potter co-hosting the show with me,
last week, I got over 10,000 viewers.
And I was like, what?
I don't even have a co-host.
I thought that was the whole point of the show.
So Squarespace, you are probably new
if you don't know what they are,
but it's the easy, professional looking
and high performance way
to build your own freaking awesome website.
It'll work on mobile or desktop.
They've got lots of great templates.
No coding skill is required
and they have 24 seven tech support via live chat.
It starts at $8 a month.
And if you get the first 12 months outright,
then you actually get a domain name for free.
Not a premium domain name.
Like you can't just be like,
well, yeah, I want to buy alphabet.com from BMW.
So at Squarespace, if I pay you guys like $100
for your service for a year, can you bid on that?
No, no, no.
It would have to be an available domain name.
And yeah, pretty much trusted by millions of people
and some of the most respected brands in the world,
including Linus Media Group.
And he said, you don't need to know coding,
but if you want to do some HTML injection stuff
into their templates, that is an option.
So you can tweak things, definitely for sure.
So squarespace.com.
Oh, I got an allopino.
Can you do the offer code?
I think it's-
I need water.
Squarespace.com, offer code Linus
to get 10% off your first purchase.
Squarespace, build a beautiful.
So yes, squarespace.com, offer code Linus,
10% off your first purchase.
Done, done, done.
That's it for Squarespace.
Thank you Squarespace for continuing to sponsor
the Wayanshow because that was hilarious.
And I'm happy that that just happened.
Now, if I can actually get my laptop to work
and open up the dock, we'll talk about a new thing.
The only problem with me talking about a new thing
is that I was 3D printing all freaking day
with the Twitch chat over at twitch.tv slash
Luke underscore LFR, which was, I think,
the longest stream we've ever done.
Have you talked about Intel Skylake
Broadwell CPU shortages?
As you skipped, yeah.
Yes, I did do that.
Spotify ending free music.
Done, done, done.
Oh, geez.
Due to pressure from like a bunch of companies,
that doesn't seem like them.
Original article here is from so much hate.com,
but basically they have no choice.
I thought it would shake my head.
Oh, is it that?
I don't know.
I actually don't know.
The Sydney Morning Herald.
I was just kind of having fun with it.
So much hate.
We're both completely wrong.
Oh, also I want to say,
Taren did eat one slice of that pizza.
Did he?
John apparently likes it.
Yeah, the anchovy oyster pizza.
God, that's so weird.
Anyway, sorry.
Shortage is ending soon.
So yeah, basically they're getting pressured by...
Universal, Warner and Sony.
Who are basically yet to renew their licenses to Spotify
to host music for their artists.
So this is like serious business.
Spotify can either go premium only
and compete head to head with all the other services
that are...
I mean, this has got to be a collusion lawsuit
waiting to happen.
Like just stifling competition.
But the problem is that it'll take 10 or 20 years
to actually resolve it.
And by that time, you know,
streaming might even be irrelevant.
Maybe there's a dot that you like stick up your nose
that contains all the music ever made.
And you just run a wire from your nose to your ear.
Is it called a babble fish?
A hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy?
I actually have never seen or read
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
That makes me sad.
Anyways, you put like a little fish in your ear
because Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
and it translates everything that you hear.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Maybe not a fish,
but if science could solve that problem for me,
that would be great.
Yeah, like a magic booger.
So there you go, Sucky.
There is no official statement from Spotify yet,
but yeah, there's really not too much else to say.
This is like the super uninterestingest rumor ever
because I think a lot of people were really confused.
Due to the model name.
Due to the model names about what this meant.
But a lot of the headlines that I looked at
and a lot of forum discussion
was that GTX 990M for notebooks
may be based on the desktop GTX 980,
which to me is the least interesting thing ever.
NVIDIA does this every time.
The confusing thing is that there's sticklers
about model names when it comes to desktop and mobile,
which is why they skipped 300 series,
but then they don't care about the rest of the numbers.
And it's not the first time they've done this.
990M being based on the 980 desktop
is not significant at all.
980M is already based on the 980 desktop.
So we might get a little bit more power or something.
The interesting stuff about this though
is that NVIDIA is not launching
an MXM module card this time.
That's the current word on the street.
And they are apparently going to be letting
the laptop designers really build their cooling solution
and their laptop and power delivery
around how much of the chip they want to unlock.
So the way it's always worked in the past
is that a laptop with a part X performs Y.
990M notebooks could be all over the place.
And I mean, this has already been happening
to a much lesser extent with GPU boost,
with throttling and boosting,
but this could be a completely different level.
Speaking of GPU boosting,
we actually have filmed, right?
The video where we took six Titan Xs
and compared their boost levels
to find out how much performance variance there is.
So stay tuned for that guys.
It's filmed like back in the kitchen.
We kind of forgot about it apparently.
So I don't know, I made it.
And then I was like,
oh, I'm excited to see when that comes on YouTube
so I can see the comments on it.
And then I was like, why is it taking so long?
Because literally no one has looked at it at all
since you filmed it.
So that's great.
This is an original article from Engadget
originally posted by Artie.
By the way, the last one was Ah Ming.
The FBI says retweeting terrorist organizations
could get you investigated and or even arrested.
Basically you could get wrecked.
So you probably shouldn't.
I mean, you shouldn't need the FBI to tell you this.
Honestly, yeah.
That's one thing that I thought about when I read this.
Like I saw some comments.
I don't know what site it was on.
I have people talking about this
and oh, I can't believe that they would think this,
all this kind of stuff.
I was like, why, why, why are you doing that?
What kind of tool shed is retweeting ISIS propaganda?
Like I don't blame them at all.
I don't even know why they're telling us.
They should have just probably been doing it.
This isn't even the FBI being like,
yo, we're gonna monitor your NSA chip inside your brain.
No, you posted it on social media.
That's a public thing.
This is very, very public.
It's like walking.
This is exactly the kind of stuff
that they should be taking advantage of.
It's like parading around in front of the White House
with like an I support ISIS shirt on.
You don't think someone's gonna ask
what the crap you're doing?
So there you go.
I mean, basically what the FBI has said
is that Twitter has proved to be an invaluable source
of evidence against supporters of terrorism.
An account that's constantly retweeting content
could be a sign of criminal activity.
With that said, context still matters.
So if it's like an awareness,
like these are bad accounts
or maybe this is what they're doing,
make sure you know kind of style thing,
I'm sure it's fine.
But if you're like a rah-rah kind of account,
then it's probably, are you okay?
I bit my tongue.
Oh, that sucks.
You know what really sucks?
That's gonna suck later.
Is when you bite your cheek or your tongue
and then you go to like check it
and then bite the other thing.
Yeah, so don't do that.
And when it swells and you start biting it all the time.
And you just get this like flab of cheeks.
Swelling unexpectedly is a big problem for me.
Is it?
Not always swelling up.
I swell very expectedly.
Which is always during the wine show.
An example of a tweet that got someone arrested
was 17-year-old Ali Shukri Amin,
17, okay, that's twice there,
who used Twitter to promote Bitcoin donations to ISIS.
So go to jail.
Again, I don't understand why they even bother to tell us
because they should have just been doing this.
This seems extremely expected.
A lot of the news this week is like, yup,
someone made a parent company for themselves.
Elon Musk's business models make it so
that they bleed money at the beginning.
And you probably shouldn't be friends with terrorists.
All right, so this is just a really quick one.
So the original article here is PCGamer.com.
Microsoft plans to support gaming on Windows
by supporting Steam on Windows 10 or something.
Games for Windows was a prior approach
where it was more at the time like, how do we take things?
We knew we wanted to help make great multiplayer.
We knew we wanted to bring things over,
but it wasn't the right approach.
It was the approach of let's just take things
and transplant them.
You know, something, something.
And is Microsoft planning to use the Windows user base
to challenge Steam?
No, we're not intending to compete with Steam.
If anything, we want them to be more successful.
They've done great things for PC gamers in terms of-
So Microsoft is gonna support Steam by doing nothing.
They're gonna support Steam
by not directly inhibiting Steam's progress.
Yeah, so that's cool, I guess.
DirectX 12, well, apparently not.
Oh, that was posted by Zmule on the forum, by the way,
and the previous one was Artie.
This is by HK05.
And the original article here is pcronline.biz.
And our headline topic of Mantle being dead
is apparently not factual.
So AMD's gaming scientist, Richard Huddy,
what is with, what is with these titles?
Like, Lin Lang Tan, nice guy, gave me this laptop.
Calls himself chief gamer, gaming scientist.
Like, it's like, what?
Did everyone at AMD play Portal?
And so it's like, yes, we need to do more science.
Also, we need to sell things to gamers.
What about gaming and science together?
And then there's the Logitech's whole, like,
standing there going, well, actually, hold on a second.
Our tagline is, like, science wins.
Can you just not, actually?
So Mantle was intended to solve a problem
that game devs cared about.
They can use it for the same task in the future,
although no one is gonna develop for an API that is, anyway.
DirectX 12 means Mantle has achieved its aim,
although, I mean, DirectX 12 was in development
way before AMD, anyone even knew that Mantle was a thing.
Mantle will be used to solve different problems
in the future.
No, Mantle has been absorbed by Chronos,
and any useful tidbits of it have been borrowed
by DirectX 12, and that's it.
I really don't know why.
Like, okay, to be clear, I see what he's saying.
Like, Mantle will live on, like, you know,
in the DNA of other technologies.
The concept of Mantle, the goals of Mantle will live on.
But it's possible that Battlefield 4 is the only game,
or whatever, Thief, I guess.
Battlefield, like, the games that are out now
are possibly the only games that will ever exist
where you change your rendering engine to Mantle.
And then, even then, it didn't really do anything.
Yeah, I think that was my favorite part of the whole thing.
At least it wasn't worse.
They didn't make it worse.
Mantle, at least it wasn't worse.
They didn't hurt people for using it, which is good.
All right, this is cool.
We're lagging like crazy.
We're lagging like crazy.
I know we're not dropping frames,
but everyone's freaking out.
Oh, okay.
Well, nothing we can do about that.
Sky News says,
the UK to test wireless charging for electric cars.
So check that out.
This right here is an electric recharging lane.
So as you drive, your car would recharge.
That is some seriously awesome use of taxpayer dollars.
If Canada decided to do stuff like that,
and you wouldn't have to do it everywhere.
Because the plan in the UK is also to put charging stations,
I think every 20 miles or something stupid like that,
like just awesome.
But the idea is that if you put that on the main throw first,
like imagine if you have that
where people get stuck in traffic.
So if you're gonna be stuck in traffic
and your battery's gonna be draining,
you got your air conditioning on or whatever,
hey, it's all good.
I'm not gonna get stuck here.
Whereas if you're just going on a trip off the main drag
where you've got the charging lanes,
then that's fine.
That's predictable.
I love this.
This is like the coolest thing ever, pretty much.
That's super cool.
What is there to really say about it?
British government has committed 500 million pounds
over the next five years
to keep Britain at the forefront of this technology.
And the trials are expected to last
for approximately 18 months
and subject to the results could be followed by road trials.
This makes a lot more sense than like solar roadways.
Yes, it does.
Yeah, because that was a whole load of crap.
Yeah, it was kind of funny how the internet exploded.
Like I could almost see like some kind of like
heated roadways versus electric, like solar panel roadways.
Like there's a thousand other ways to tackle that
that wouldn't involve completely tearing up
every single road.
Yeah, one tip for the live viewers, by the way,
apparently refreshing the stream helps a lot.
Anyways, keep on moving.
So it doesn't seem to be us.
HTC stock value is tanking.
Apparently it's less than their cash holdings,
which renders them more or less worth nothing,
which is not great.
And the sad thing about that is that.
We really need Vibe to come out.
No, no, no.
Well, that too.
We do.
Yeah, Vibe looks bad-ass.
So get this, HTC trading below their cash value
leaves the brand with no value,
not just the brand with no value, okay?
This leaves their buildings that they own with no value.
So basically the consensus is that their liabilities,
things like that,
I think something like 30% of their assets are inventory.
30%, yeah, 30% of the asset value comes from inventory
and accounts receivable.
So they're saying that their liabilities
more than compensate for buildings that they own
and that the HTC brand itself,
that HTC logo is effectively worth nothing.
So to be clear,
this is not something that happened overnight.
They had 27.9 billion in cash in 2011
and now have just over 1.45 billion.
And you got to look at it and go,
if Tesla can make a car for a billion dollars.
What have you been doing?
What did HTC do with it?
That's only four years.
They have no long-term debt.
I mean, that makes sense
because they had 28 billion in the bank.
Why would they be taking out loans?
But they haven't managed to be profitable.
And basically the word on the general consensus
among industry analysts
is that they won't be able to get profitable.
And yeah, they have little chance to compete
with future iPhone and Samsung devices
due to their limited resources.
Yeah, I seriously doubt that to be completely honest.
I really don't see people diving on HTC phones much lately.
The One M9 is kind of not great.
I mean, I think my review of it,
I did review it,
so I've already said what I have to say about it,
but it's like kind of not very great.
And we're going like even more than before,
we're going down to just a few brands on mobile
that really matter.
And I mean, the fact that Samsung woke up
and stopped completely crapping itself,
the S6 and the S6 Edge are excellent phones.
There seems to be a fair bit of hype about Note 5.
I actually haven't watched the event or anything like that
because I tend to just kind of take a,
when I get a phone, then I'll deal with it
approach to mobile devices.
But it looks like a fair bit of hype right now.
Oh, that was posted on the forum by Mr. Straight Face.
Japan is apparently turning back on their nuclear reactors.
This is, well, they were turned off in response
to a meltdown back in 2011.
So the Fukushima meltdown basically shut down
all the nation's nuclear power plants,
and then they switched the first one back on
as of looks like about three days ago.
So there is a higher tsunami wall
and a lot of new security measures.
The new regulations are incomparably stricter than the past.
And this is likely in response to the energy prices in Japan
skyrocketing by 30% in the last four years.
I mean, the cold hard truth is that nuclear power
for all of its risks, like it's such a catch 22, right?
Because the-
It's like driving though.
Because when people are like,
oh, they shouldn't increase speed limits
because they're more dangerous.
It's like, well, we also shouldn't drive 30 everywhere.
And the issue-
You need to take some risks.
And I mean, that's easy for us to say
like way over here in Canada,
where we're just powered by falling water,
which is about as dangerous to people
who aren't sitting under the dam as like,
I mean, it's less dangerous than solar power
because the sun is like cancer and whatnot.
Well, it's more than water.
No, because a dam burst can be dangerous.
Wait, but we're not under it.
So the dam is hundreds and hundreds of kilometers away.
What do we care?
Yeah, but solar power isn't gonna hurt you.
But the sun has to be-
Yeah, but you can't just get rid of the sun
if you don't want solar power.
It's gonna be there anyways.
The sun isn't there because of solar power.
Okay, my point is that hydropower is-
BC Hydro didn't install the sun.
My point is that hydropower is safe
for the people who aren't near the dam, okay?
But it's like this catch-22
because the denser your population,
the more optimal nuclear power looks
because you don't have to burn all this coal.
You don't have like, you know-
Solar power fields.
Hectors and hectares of windmills
and crap like that, wind power.
But the denser your population,
well, the higher risk nuclear power is,
the more people have to be near a nuclear power plant.
We're working on stuff like-
We are, personally?
That's what this new headquarters building is for.
It's for the-
We're working on developing tidal power
in a building away from the ocean.
With no water facilities.
We could be closer to the ocean than you think.
Two washers.
We're working on technology
that will actually have the ocean here.
Anyways, yeah, tidal power.
Geothermal is being revolutionized constantly.
Solar, getting solar more ubiquitous,
like getting every building with solar on top of it
will make it a lot more effective.
Yeah, big difference.
There's every year solar,
like how well the solar power panels,
the cells actually perform, massively increases.
Storage solutions for them get way better,
like the Tesla wall power thing.
You have 11,000 viewers, that's a new all-time high.
Pizza party!
That gets way better.
Everything gets way better in terms of solar every year.
Geothermal's moving up too.
Tidal power still has a ton of development going on.
It's still a little cray,
but they've got a lot of development going on.
Alternatives are coming, but nuclear is strong in here now.
And you can say whatever you want about it,
they should maybe be using thorium reactors or whatever.
Not only is nuclear here now,
they actually have the plants now today.
Yeah, they just turn them back on.
With more safety measures,
which should definitely be a thing.
All right, the ESL, this is posted by XYRZBest.
The ESL announces details of their anti-doping policy.
So there's actually a bunch of different sources
for this one.
We're going to pull up the polygon one
just for because polygons are cool and they're shapes.
And so I like shapes.
So you want to go ahead and run through
what's going on here?
I also haven't read this one.
Okay, well then fine.
So they adopt the world anti-doping agencies,
prohibited substance.
We're back?
We're back.
Pizza stream.
Yeah, we're...
Taking down the X split.
Okay, so yeah, we had so many viewers
that like...
That the local application crashed.
So the...
Doesn't work that way.
Right, here's where I was leaving off.
So you can make all kinds of arguments for marijuana
not being a performance enhancing substance.
I mean...
So I do know people that play better
when playing video games while they're maybe possibly
under the influence of the marriage.
But that is a different problem
and that's because they play more often
when they're under the influence.
So it's a regularization.
So it's no secret that playing under your ideal conditions
where you've practiced is a good idea.
But like, I mean that whole thing with Ross Rebeghliati,
was that in like 2004?
I think it's...
Wow, I'm old.
So a Canadian snowboarder who...
Did he end up getting given back,
but he had his gold medal stripped because of THC
and we're kind of sitting here going like...
He's a snowboarder.
Snowboarding culture, particularly in the earlier days.
In the earlier days.
You throw a rock in a room of Canadian snowboarders
and you're gonna hit someone who's smoked
a little bit of grass in their day.
And then there was the whole thing with Michael Phelps
where he wasn't even tested positive.
He had a doobie in his hand at a party once
and someone like shared that picture.
So anyway, it's good they're doing something.
This is all in response to, if you didn't catch it,
we talked about this on WAN Show before,
by Corey Semfis-Freezen's admission last month
that the professional Counter Strike Global Offensive player
used Adderall during the ESL One Cataus event in March.
And the quote was, we were all on Adderall.
I don't even give an F, it was pretty obvious
if you listen to the comms, people can hate it or whatever.
So testing positive could result in a range of punishments
from reduced prize money and tournament points
to disqualification and a maximum two-year ban
from ESL events.
That's actually scary.
Reduce prize money like they're gonna wanna win.
And if they take Adderall and do better
and have reduced prize money,
they'll just probably win more money anyway.
But a two-year suspension in pro gaming
is basically a lifelong suspension.
The careers are phenomenally short.
You have a very narrow window
where you have to be really successful
and then maybe you get a coaching job after.
Cause like you're still way better than humans,
but you're not good enough.
So, you know, the funny thing about this to me
is that substance abuse, okay?
And this, something like Adderall might not even be abuse.
This is just testing positive for it, period.
That's a prescription medication potentially.
I mean-
I'm sure if you have a prescription for it.
Not necessarily.
No, there's lots of stuff like that.
Like legitimate prescriptions at NBA or whatever,
like they test positive for it, boom.
No, done, done, done, suspension.
And the thing about this is like,
where do we draw the line?
Is the line where you're competing for money?
Because, okay, should I suspend Luke
if I find out that he's been popping Ritalin
before he comes into work so he can focus better?
This isn't a competition.
But isn't it?
Isn't the workplace competitive?
Are you not competing for promotions?
For recognition from your boss or your peers?
Which I never get anymore.
Oh, shut up and go back in your Harry Potter closet.
But think about that for a second.
Where do we draw the line now?
You can't play video games.
And I realized that I have made
exactly the opposite argument previously on the show.
This is as much a devil's advocate thing as anything else.
That's what this whole show is.
But where do we draw the line?
Are you not allowed to take Adderall?
Like, should we just ban the drug outright?
No, it makes people perform better.
It's not fair.
And honestly, a lot of people that I know
that are really good at video games,
whether or not it's true
because there's some hubbub about that,
but ADD or ADHD,
a lot of people that I know
that are really good at video games.
So you're gonna be excluding a lot of people
that would be prescribed for these drugs.
And looking at the states,
what's prescription rates in the states
for Adderall and Ritalin?
I don't remember, but it's something obscene, yeah.
I mean, the thing about ADHD is that,
and I feel like I can talk about this fairly critically
because I was an ADHD kid.
I was on Ritalin, very legitimately,
by the way, I might add.
But what is a legitimate prescription for Ritalin?
Because you see a lot of kids getting Ritalin subscriptions.
Subscriptions, Ritalin prescriptions, yeah.
It's like-
Sign up for it.
Hold on, Dollar Shave Club isn't a sponsor.
Yeah, Dollar Ritalin Club.
We send you Ritalin once a month for a low monthly fee.
You know what?
If you had a prescription of that stuff
and there was a service like Dollar Ritalin Club,
I'd be down with that.
I would be down to get my-
It's a good business model.
They know what they're doing.
I would be down to get my prescriptions delivered online
if I didn't think that every company
selling prescription medications online
was only interested in selling me fake Viagra.
So no, let's, so hold on.
Wait, so back to that.
So the thing, the symptoms
that get someone a Ritalin prescription,
and I talk about Ritalin
because that was the drug back in my day when I was on it.
I think it's Adderall now, but whatever.
Adderall, conservative.
The thing that gets you a Ritalin prescription
is being hyper.
Which doesn't have to be a bad thing.
So show me a red-blooded eight-year-old
that isn't a little hyper.
And you know what?
The reality of it is is my childhood was pretty complicated.
And if I wasn't acting out,
if I wasn't a little off the wall,
then there was probably something even more wrong with me.
So is a Ritalin prescription the answer,
or should we be finding the underlying issue
a lot of the time?
ADHD gets used as a catch-all diagnosis.
It's kind of like-
And sometimes it will be real, I'm sure.
Yeah, absolutely.
But it does get used as a catch-all a lot.
And the thing that people have to understand too
is that ADHD is a spectrum.
It's like autism.
You're not like 100% autistic or 0% autistic.
Just like you're not 100% ADHD,
like all over the place,
I have to do a thousand things right now.
Or you just sit like a lump like this.
It's a spectrum.
So where is the line drawn?
It's very complicated.
And you look at something like autism,
where I believe Asperger's,
which was kind of like mild autism spectrum,
has actually been removed as an official diagnosis
by at least, I think my mom was telling me
there was some organization that has eliminated
as a diagnosable condition.
Because basically, the symptom was being
kind of like socially awkward and like...
So who isn't?
Like who isn't a little hyper?
Who isn't a little socially awkward?
So it became sort of like, what is,
like where is the line?
If I'm not prepared for someone to recognize me
or notice me, I'm the weirdest person ever.
If I'm like totally not thinking about
that possibility at all, it's when it's like, hi.
And when it's just like, hey.
I've been really rude to people by accident.
Just because I was like completely taken off guard.
They were like, hey Linus.
And I've gotten more used to it now.
I'm just like, hey.
The really awkward one for me though,
sorry I'm totally going off on a tangent,
is I'm pretty bad with names and faces.
So it's when people are like, hey Linus.
And I'm like, hey.
And I just think they're a fan or whatever,
but it's actually someone I know.
That sounds like me.
That's super, super awkward.
Two minutes left on the print.
Oh wow, really?
That's fun.
I wish that power supply was working.
I'm gonna play around with it a little bit after the show
and see if I can figure out what's going on.
This is a pretty exciting topic though.
This is from gosugamers.net.
And this is gonna be a definite opinion piece right here.
Our piece of opinion,
or I don't know what you want to call this,
but we are straw pulling the crap out of this one.
Esports Inkskill.
I think I gotta give more than the usual options.
So yes, gaming.
So hold on, like practical gaming theory,
and you know, like, I don't know.
Okay, okay.
Yes, just theory.
Yes, just practical gaming.
So do you want to talk about this a little bit while I?
Okay, yeah.
I don't think there's a ton to say.
Basically a few schools in Sweden,
not like certain schools, not all of them,
will be putting about three hours of esports class a week.
So remembering how they do high school,
I don't know if they do it this way in Sweden,
you have blocks.
So you might have like an hour long block three times
in one week.
So like Monday, Wednesday, Friday or something.
I'm assuming that's how it's gonna work.
Pupils will be able to practice and learn games
such as Dota 2 and Counter Strike, just to name a few.
None are supporting full blown esports programs yet,
but certain alignments can take classes in Dota,
Counter Strike and esports in general.
It's really funny that they're called alignments.
It's like, if you're a passive alignment,
then you can take esports class,
but no woodworking for you.
That sounds a lot like video game high school
where it was like, are you an RPG player?
And like, that's what class system you were in.
So you could go with like racing
and then you took all the racing classes.
That's what you were.
You were a racing student.
You didn't do the RPG stuff.
You might in your own free time after class,
but in class you're a racing student.
So they're treated as normal athletic subjects,
access to rooms and areas designated for practice.
School teams will be formed with the goal of competing
at events.
They're planning on bringing in players
and personalities for guest lectures,
which probably wouldn't be that hard to find in Sweden.
Completely honest.
Kind of a big deal there.
They're really good at those things.
At one school, students studying events
will also get to host a large tournament
as their third year final project.
That's pretty interesting.
The school system must get better in general
in educating people about the contemporary society.
And this is good evidence of that very fact.
I think it's interesting that it's-
So that was a quote.
That's from Ibrahim Khalifa,
chairman of education and employment
in Sigtuna County, Stockholm.
And that's a good point, isn't it?
We've got nobody voting on the straw poll.
Oh, balls.
I think I posted it in the wrong chat.
I think I've had the wrong chat.
Here's another pretty cool quote.
There have been some frowning noses
and some wondering why they get to play computer games
during school hours,
but we aim to kill the myth
that it has to be a bad thing.
Furthermore, it is about showing respect
to this group of pupils.
Now there's some interesting things.
Kids that aren't going to want to engage
or straight up won't engage at least positively
in gym class.
You can't expect every kid that goes to gym class
to get on an NFL team.
And we've all known that,
but one of the reasons why people do it
is because of team building exercises,
physical fitness, all this other kind of stuff.
Well, esports classes could work very much
in the team building exercises way.
It could help these kids get in different social circles.
If you're someone who's not necessarily
going to do great in gym class,
maybe this could be one of your avenues
to build a team and make friends that way.
Or honestly, a lot of the really good players
that I know are really physically fit,
so maybe it's just another avenue.
It can be very mentally stimulating,
especially some of these hard games.
You're very engaged the whole time.
I don't think it's a terrible thing.
I don't know, about three hours a week?
Yeah, I'm really, I'm really-
In high school, you get to pick your courses, right?
I'm really not sure how I feel about my son
coming home and being like,
I enrolled in gaming level two.
Well, in high school,
you'd probably be a part of that conversation.
Yeah, or like, okay, fine.
Here's my suggested course load that I'm taking.
I'm going to take chemistry, dota, and mathematics.
If he had a spare.
I mean, the thing for me is that, yeah.
Honestly, I had a few spares
because my school just didn't have
anything better to offer me.
So, here's my problem.
If you're going to be, like,
I have no problem with a school dota team.
That, I don't object to.
But you want it to be extracurricular?
I think it should be extracurricular.
I don't think it needs to be during class time.
And the reason that PE-
I think they should encourage school teams.
Yes, no problem with that at all.
I think that's great.
I think being part of a school team
and being part of your school's culture
is really important and cool.
But the reason that PE gets a pass for me,
because PE was something that I stopped taking immediately
when I didn't have to anymore.
Not because I couldn't do it or whatever.
I just thought it was a waste of my time.
I have to be in school during this time.
Like, when I was in high school,
I was one of those kids that didn't take a free block.
I took no free block.
I took no PE.
I took all of my sciences,
even though you only had to take, I think,
one or something to graduate.
One grade 12 level science?
Or did you even need any 12 level?
You didn't need a grade 12 level science.
So I did all my grade 12 level sciences.
I mean, you did 10 or 11 or something.
And stuff like that.
Because I'm in school to learn.
And video games are not learning.
And quite frankly, throwing a basketball in a hoop
is not learning either.
Unless you're serious about it.
In which case, you're on the team
and you're attending practices before or after school.
And it's a serious part of your life.
Like, it's secondary.
School is learning.
And PE, the reason that I give it a pass
for existing at all,
is that the rationale behind it,
whether it works or not,
is very much an open discussion.
And not one that I'm gonna get into now.
But the rationale behind it
is that it's about getting into the habit
of doing some exercise daily.
Which is a good lifelong habit to have.
And getting kids used to that idea.
Especially, I mean,
I don't know what the culture's like.
After going to university, that doesn't work.
So I don't know what the culture's like in Sweden.
But here, even for very little kids,
PE might be the only exercise these kids are getting
on a given day.
And having it exist at all,
if that does anything.
If it does, okay, if it does nothing else,
it reduces the barrier to entry
for learning a sport.
And I'll explain what that means.
Like, badminton, I think,
one of the big things holding it back,
I love badminton, I play badminton all the time.
One of the big things holding badminton back
is it is damn near impossible to pick it up.
Because where do you play?
Well, it's kind of fragmented.
There's badminton centers,
but the only way to play there
is to either go play drop-in
with all these people of varied skill levels,
most of which show up with a click of friends
to play drop-in together.
So there's almost no one to play with.
If you're not very good,
no one's gonna wanna play with you.
People will actively avoid you, okay?
So the alternative is you can go try and find
like the rogue groups, the...
Leave it alone, you crying!
Someone's touching his 3D print apparently.
So there'll be like small private leagues
or like private facilities or whatever.
So you can play at those.
Again, no one's gonna wanna play with you if you suck,
which leaves nothing.
You can like hit to yourself in your backyard,
which is sort of horrible.
So unless you're any good,
it's not like bowling
where you can just go practice by yourself.
It's gonna be hard to become part of that social experience
of playing with people and learning
and all that kind of stuff.
So I think that PE class builds skills
that make it even possible to go and engage.
I mean, can you imagine if you show up
at the local basketball court,
just at the park or whatever, and you totally suck.
No one's gonna want you to play.
You'd be always last to be picked
and in some cases never picked at all.
So you just lean up on the wall
or sit up in the bleachers with the rest of the...
That was awesome.
I'm so happy I came back for that.
So that to me is the justification for PE
because you are legitimately learning
how to engage in these activities
and PE will cover things like how to throw a ball
because it's one thing if you show up
for like a beer league baseball team
and you can throw a ball and like swing a bat,
but you're kind of not very good
versus if you show up and you like throw something like this
people are just gonna be like,
oh, no one's gonna wanna play with you.
So there you go.
And I don't think that esports has that issue.
I think it's easy to practice on your own
at home, outside of school hours.
And it's also, let's be honest with ourselves,
it's very much pure enjoyment
for the vast majority of people who are doing it.
The only people who are really working at it
are the competitive people.
So what's the benefit for the people who aren't competitive?
Is this a system that is gonna be put in place
and simply abused?
I don't know.
I can also see if it was a purely theory-based,
and no one agrees with me, 5% said yes, just theory.
Like if it was a purely theory-based thing,
like you're looking at how leagues work,
you're looking at the history of gaming,
you're looking at,
like if we were gonna tackle esports
more from a purely educational perspective, then great.
But I don't, here's another thing.
Three hours a week is nothing for gaming.
If you're like, yeah, I'm gonna get great at StarCraft II,
I'm gonna practice for three hours.
Like what, you've done your tutorial campaign
in the first week of classes?
Like that's really, that's really silly.
Like gaming is not designed
for learning it in three hours a week.
It's designed to have people sit down
and do it repetitively until they master it,
which is again, one of the criticisms of PE, of gym class,
is that you're never gonna get great at football
by doing your one-week football unit in PE.
When I was playing football, it was three,
four practices a week and a game.
So like, yeah, like we were pretty good,
but four practices a week at like,
I think an hour and a half each, and a game.
That's a lot.
So I personally don't think people
should be playing video games in class.
I don't think it makes a ton of sense objectively.
So there you go.
Okay, what else do we got here?
Oh, this is, original article here is Kotaku,
and this is by Ramametaz, posted on the forum.
Nintendo fired an employee for speaking out on a podcast.
Lot of debate about this, but the reality of it is,
whether it was heartless or not,
it's extraordinarily likely,
especially given the secretive culture at Nintendo,
that this was in his employee agreement,
that he was not to talk publicly about company projects,
and he gave a lot of opinions, not all of them positive,
about policies, and yeah, basically,
last week he went on the podcast,
said some things he shouldn't have.
This week, Nintendo fired him.
I hope that we never get corporate enough around here
to have something like that happen.
I've seen a lot of people saying,
well, he should have been given a warning first,
or whatever else, but you know what?
He was pretty brutal.
This was the warning.
But the warning was for everyone else.
And if you are going, and you see,
the thing to understand too about Nintendo
is that they have a culture that's very secretive.
Nothing leaks from Nintendo.
Because when it happens, they make an example out of them.
And if people get a warning,
if one person gets one warning,
everyone's gonna feel like they have a freebie too.
So I get it.
Super sucky, and his Facebook comment
is absolutely heartbreaking.
You know, like, I look around my house,
I see images of my son,
and I feel intense shame and crippling sadness.
I know that if I can't find a job
at least as good as this one,
I won't be able to provide for my family.
I've lost them their health coverage and their security.
I also know that I've probably lost a good deal
of my friends just because I know how hard
it can be to stay in touch with someone.
When the convenience of proximity is lost,
I'm so sorry to everyone.
I failed you, you believed in me and supported me
and trusted me, and I failed you, I failed me.
And that is some powerful stuff right there.
And super, super sucky.
But the thing that you, so let this be.
Let it not be for nothing.
Let this be a warning to you.
Read your employee agreement carefully.
Don't talk about private stuff
to anyone who is not internal and authorized
because that is some sucky stuff right there.
One more topic?
They're all up to screen with the printer,
so I'm a little pissed off.
But we can do one more topic if you want.
This is so annoying because if they screw anything up,
now I'm just gonna have to spend hours fixing it.
But they think it's funny, so that's okay.
Steam Boy or Smash Zero is a portable,
handheld Steam machine.
So it's gonna be powered by four gigs of RAM,
32 gigs of internal storage, a 720p touchscreen,
and an HDMI output.
It will carry an AMD-embedded G-Series SoC
with a Jaguar-based CPU and GCN-based Radeon graphics.
Basically, I think this thing is probably
a boatload of fail at $300.
But there's naturally going to be tons of games
in your library that won't be compatible
with Smash Zero on Steam, duh.
But it will, according to the promotional video,
play 1,000-plus games.
There's so many of those that's gonna be trash.
So many of those are gonna be trash.
Yeah, it's not about the volume of games at all.
So on that note, thank you guys for watching.
We will see you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
It's funny, they always ask
if we're gonna be on time this week,
but at the end of every show, I say, same bat time.
So no?
Oh, it didn't work.
I told you it wouldn't work.
There, it worked.