
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

yeah and welcome to the WAN show we have a great great topic for you guys today
yes and a bunch of crap oh we have one great time do we have a lot of great
topics I haven't looked at the doc so I have no idea topics are today it's gonna
be a wonderful show it will be a wonderful show I'm looking we have AMD
news yes leaked specs for an upcoming AMD graphics card is it Vega no we have
Intel news yeah we have more AMD news more rise in news but I mean would it be
the WAN show without weekly rise in news I made that joke in the fake pre-roll
thing that I filmed yeah like it's 2017 and it's the WAN show therefore AMD news
and also RGB news yes my friends behind me on my other side we've got RGB
workstations all of our editors are going they're upgrading for 2017 and you
know what having more colors in the computer helps with color correction 10
core processors double the memory better graphics cards ddr4 RGB and tempered
glass tempered glass my friends what else we got here Oh Intel rumors too we
haven't we have rumors from everybody but we'll tell you more about that later
first the pre-recorded intro
but Wow Colton is even have a job here anymore no well not now yeah actually
you know what do you want to fire him or should I Colton you're fired wow that's
I mean you were you were so quick on the trigger there you couldn't even you
couldn't even like respond to me that you wanted to be the one to fire you
were just going straight for the fire but I still need you to do stuff so if
you could like show up on Monday yeah thanks that'd be swell so yeah we
actually actually you know what there is legitimately a lot of interesting news
this week so I guess speaking of people who don't have to be fired James as well
yeah big big big big big leeks big leeks oh big leek leeks big leek leeks big
leek leek leek leek the most annoying name for a start I'm gonna like start
gleeking I say say that remember gleeking I remember the kids in my high
school that would like they'd run around be like and they'd like weird and I'm
just like wow yeah I have spit on me but you're the one you're the one who should
feel gross yeah AMD Radeon rx500 series official presentation allegedly leaked
gaming benchmarks and specs allegedly confirmed and the source here is well
the article we have is WCCF tech but I we should just start calling them tech
don't you get a kick out of like websites that exist based on leaking
confidential information from other websites that are like we better
watermark these images yeah so that other websites don't don't steal this
content illegitimately like and my favorite part to I me a river is when
someone will steal like content like like say this was an accidental launch
like what happened I'm not gonna call it the website name but what like what
happened around the 1080 TI sure like where they screw up the time zones and
they're like oh no and then they pull their own article down yet someone else
is cached it so they take the images steal those images and then watermark
them themselves that's how you get yeah that is how you get yeah all right
speaking of jacked according to the rumors Polaris is it's gonna be called
okay I have to make sure that I am only saying things that are in the leak so
they're calling it Polaris refresh and suggesting that it's gonna be kind of
Polaris but jacked so they're showcasing specifications gaming performance and it
looks like the series will be utilizing a refreshed sort of cooling system our
configuration all cards except the Radeon rx-550 will use dual fan cooling
solutions as standard MD the the alleged leak of the alleged slides alleges that
AMD also will be offering higher stable operation under load higher frequency
stable operation under load with better overclocking and that they will
allegedly be available on April 18th so there you have it now you know what
allegedly may or may not be true so here are some alleged slides so this if true
for the rx-580 so this would be AMD's flagship until Vega because as much as I
would love to be talking about Vega right now I'm not you know eight gigs of
RAM I guess it looks like you're five looks like maybe that would be standard
I'm actually not sure oh no allegedly rx-580 will have both eight and four gig
variants okay so that's that same as before then so yeah okay and it will
outperform the r9 380 X which is good I guess where's the zero don't like when
they don't label graphs cuz like you see you see that like yeah I think we're
good we're good yeah that's 50 versus 69 yeah yeah that's fair 69 always wins
yep ah so here's an rx whatever that's supposed to be Wow
yeah great slide good job you know if you're gonna leak and steal slides you
might as well take a better photo yeah get on it okay and the responsibility
for your photo quality man here's the thing how are you expecting not to get
caught like aren't they gonna just like look back and be like who was sitting
there yeah at this time yeah I was even thinking cuz like you don't want to do
phone confiscation at these events cuz that's sketchy you never want to give
your phone away yeah so maybe they should give like people little boxes and
they like have to put the phone in the box and it's on like a timed release and
it could be like a cool souvenir box yeah like it could it could like make oh
it could be a music box so no one could open it cuz it'd be like decorative
commemorative music for their events okay that idea is is when show when show
like like copyright okay yeah which means you can use it yeah we just want
how much do we ask we usually say 10% we say 10% so we want 10% of the money
you'll make on giving away boxes to journalists at events yeah which isn't
to say that we're gonna pay you yeah 10% of the cost we don't we don't do that
part that's what that sounds like but that's not what's going on yes um so
there's a so alright so the 570 is apparently much faster than a 370 which
is also fortunate because it's sort of been a while yes five say 560 is
apparently much faster than a 360 and a 750 TI like I we both why are we
comparing to the 750 TI I think the reason why they do this where they jump
back a couple generations is because that's the upgrade cycle I get it but
like that's just step into a Radeon RX 550 is this gonna cost doesn't say 4k
home theater PC ready you know that it is not a gaming card when they start
talking about the home theater and Photoshop oh boy and Photoshop and
Adobe Premiere with that said like from my testing having just like a graphics
card is legitimately way better and then stepping up to higher-end graphics
cards legitimately doesn't make much of a my like housemate cell person yeah
those photo editing stuff and like has to have a GPU yeah not even super
important which one it is just has to have a GPU gotta have a GPU yeah so here
they're comparing to Intel HD 530 graphics and the Radeon r7 250 and I
mean that it's not much of a competition so there's that you know I'd be
wondering if this card so I don't know pricing there's no leaked pricing here
but I would be wondering if this card could merit a revisiting of low-end
graphics cards do they suck oh my god that would actually be kind of cool
because we've made okay we've made two of these Linus hosted one of them I
hosted another one we both agree by the way yes very much so and the pointless I
was just addressing comments on his video to be completely honest and doing
it with an a newer card that's probably the closest thing to a mean comments
video that we've ever done yeah yeah like addressing mean comments except
instead of most people just like reading it and then looking sad at the camera we
were like get racks here's why you're wrong and then here are four more
reasons why you're wrong yeah also here's me putting them like this so yeah
so maybe we do mean comments videos a little bit differently all right
speaking of mean comments yeah that's actually a pretty good idea yeah it's
probably it's probably worth revisiting if it's any good yeah yeah see a holic
has risen 5 the 1600 X breaking lay records at 5.9 gigahertz on the
crosshair six hero motherboard this is the same motherboard like people are
upset at me for using in our video because whatever people oh people can
get upset about anything so there's a CPU at the bottom of a frozen doodad and
you know it's extreme overclocking I know it's called a pot it's extreme
overclocking so there's like six people watching who are interested and for
everyone else we'll move on pretty quickly here don't worry but German
overclocker Roman Hartung I mean I'm sure it's pronounced differently than
that in German but pushed it to 5.9 using some g-skill ddr4 memory set to
work at ddr4 3000 cost 12 bus beat of a 230 megahertz liquid nitrogen all cores
and threads were enabled and he ran cinebench GPU pie GPU pie and geekbench
in these four benchmarks he achieved global firsts overtaking all Intel hex
core processors none of which matters because you know it's funny I think
everyone has gone through this maybe I mean you might be about to make me feel
stupid which I wouldn't like but I'm gonna put myself out there anyway
I'm all about putting out okay didn't we did we all go through a time when we
first heard of liquid nitrogen overclocking where we went I'm gonna
have a liquid nitrogen cooled computer one day and we start researching it no I
literally looked at it was like that's really stupid because that's gonna be a
consumable how old were you not that old maybe grade 7 at the max so I thought
that there might be some way to like use it it like phase change it and like I
don't know maybe you would pressurize it back down into a liquid and then you
would okay something something okay so maybe but then at that point my brain
would have gone way too expensive and I would never do that yeah so anyway I'm
like super volatile and anyway liquid nitrogen is irrelevant the most you can
do for actual 24-7 operation and even this is not practical is phase change so
we're talking like minus 40 or so and it's like really loud and then it's
obnoxious bulky and it's basically like this guy this guy into your computer
room maybe maybe they would how's it going I'd like to check out your
computer room may I enter straw poll 99% yes one troll that sounds very much like
the old what else do we have today I mean do we do we even have topics oh
yeah actually this is pretty cool so the rumors that were circulating that Intel
was slashing prices on their CPUs in advance of AMD's Ryzen 7 launch those
turned out to be more to do with Micro Center being Micro Center and selling
Intel processors at a loss for no apparent reason I nor anyone outside of
Micro Center seems to have able been able to crack the the mystery as to how
they're able to sell CPUs at like 50 plus dollars below cost and still be in
business all these years later but if you thought for a second that Intel
wasn't going to respond in any way then you were definitely wrong or at least
rumored ly wrong we actually don't have confirmation on this one way or the
other so I can kind of say whatever I want right now Intel's Skylake X so this
is from techspot.com and KB Lake X processors rumored to arrive earlier
than initially anticipated so this is a clear direct response to Ryzen 7
because both Skylake X and KB Lake X are the lagging behind sort of enterprise
Xeon version that then gets adapted into this this middle ground so at the entry
level you've got eleven five X eleven fifty six one fifty five eleven fifty
eleven fifty one is that all of them can they just change the socket counts at
the pin count to something other than eleven five something yes it's rather
annoying at this point I feel like they're just toying with me they're just
trying to make it hard to remember so that's at the low end and then and the
mid range and so zero five one five five five six I think you got it okay yeah
awesome so there's that then at the very high end there's your LGA 2011 3 or 2011
and that previously 1366 I think there was there was actually 25 something
can't remember there's there's a different one there's like a then
there's like Knights landing and stuff I forget how many pins that bloody thing
has a huge anyway so so that's your server right there then they take those
same server architecture chips those same those same designs and they kind of
trickle them down into the the prosumer workstation like professional ish and
also very very high-end enthusiasts and that's going to be your 2011 3 based on
your x99 chipset or did like your your X something 99 chipset so what's happened
is that for the last I don't know how long has it been five years ever since I
think Linfield so Linfield launched after Bloomfield if I recall correctly
so the enthusiast platform got the high end back in the 1366 days so this was
yeah got the high end first I believe and then Linfield 1156 came later you
thought it's five years since Linfield yeah when was Linfield 8 why am I so old
okay but Linfield came after Bloomfield right mmm that's awesome anyway so I'm
gonna tell the story my way regardless so then what happened after that was we
went from the enthusiast platform getting the new architecture first
because Linfield was basically Bloomfield but like crappier because it
was like dual cores and stuff and then we went from okay they did have a quad
okay look the point is don't stress about it we went from the enthusiasts
getting the update first and then the mainstream getting it to the mainstream
getting the new architecture first and then enthusiasts getting it later
because we were waiting for the enterprise to adopt it and then we were
waiting for that to trickle down to the the high end and like the workstation
and the enthusiast market so was it right did I have it yeah okay so there
was 5,000 people sitting on the switch so sorry to all of those people who are
there and we are recording this actually the next day so anyway so what so what
happened then was you would get mainstream processors that benefited
from the even if it's just five or ten percent improvement in IPC you'd get
mainstream processors that seriously outperformed much more expensive ones
that were supposedly workstation or that were enthusiast class and that has
remained true basically since that time so what this article means finally full
circle back to this article where the rumor is that both Skylake X so that's
the bigger Skylake with more course and Kaby Lake X the fact that both of these
are apparently on an accelerated timetable means that it looks like Intel
is trying to kind of get caught up so they're not fighting rise in seven with
not even current generation chips because the normal cadence would have
Intel launching a a follow-up to Kaby Lake in June at Computex and then
launching what would finally then be a Skylake II months later at around the
PAX timeframe no no just super weird so now Skylake X is moving up from
sometime in q3 to June so that's around Computex timeframe and will apparently
include six and ten core CPUs support for quad channel DDR for 2667 memory and
44 PCI Elaine's I am a little confused about the what this particular hold on a
second so we're going to get an X 299 chipset to accompany that apparently and
I don't understand report what what these Kaby Lake X notes mean so a Kaby
Lake X apparently is also going to be on the 2066 socket but with just
four cores dual channel memory and far fewer PCI Elaine's well then why would
you put it on that socket instead of just putting it on an 11 if you want a
box with huge amounts of RAM and don't actually care about compute speed yeah
but if you only have two channels you wouldn't be able to do that oh is it
actually so what is this even what does this even mean two channels yeah huh
this is like the only benefit of the higher-end platform is more course more
PCI Elaine's and more memory channels so if you took all that stuff off then
you'd be dumb well don't know it's a rumor so the fact that it makes no sense
whatsoever might be fine might be fine and apparently they'll lack an
integrated GPU so that's one difference but stay tuned so there's that okay so
here's another rumor yeah this one I hadn't even heard of new Intel Kaby Lake
G Kaby Lake G G Edition the original article here is from tech power up what
G you know later cuz that's what it's not what rappers do they like hug
themselves yeah just like you know yo um so rumored Intel Kaby Lake G series
modular multi die HBM 2 and this is a big question mark here and you can't see
it because it's cut off AMD graphics intellectual property whoa can you
imagine that can you imagine an Intel CPU with AMD graphics on board okay if
this happens we have to make a system with this processor and an Nvidia
graphics card just for pure laws yeah so we could have all three married for the
first time ever since I did my Intel CPU SLI and crossfire system nothing was
epic that thing was stupid epic so stupid hey you should go back to that
and use unraid to have an SLI and crossfire system properly running both
on the same box no SLI or crossfire and virtualization yet but if they get it
working that would be I guarantee you it will happen because then you could be
like optimal situation for whichever game you want to run I actually have a
new unraid plan one that I don't think you've heard about yet we'll get back to
Kaby Lake G and talking about it on it's all good yeah actually you know I'll
tell you about it after after Kaby Lake G it I think you're gonna like it I
think you're gonna be like yeah that's pretty cool so Kaby Lake G the company
has already played with such a design before with its Clark Dale family of
processors so this would be like a heterogeneous modular approach to the
CPU that allows them to integrate external graphics solutions like a lot
that could be produced in other factories then they could just like fit
them on the package so instead of having it on die so back to back to a Clark
Dale if I recall correctly had the CPU cores and then like the I GPU and they
were both on the same package but they didn't share a die so they didn't have
to be actually manufacturer at the same time so this would allow them to put
them together on the package and potentially like mix and match them so
they could save die space on their 10 nanometer dies for actual course
increase yields and potentially you know work with a potential partner like AMD
on putting very different graphics technology on the package with the CPU
now one of the things that's been speculated and I'm not the only one who
is who has brought this up is that this is part of the reason that AMD split in
two AMD and Radeon technology group okay because if Intel had to put AMD Radeon
graphics on their box that would be a big no-no but if they do radio and
technology but if it was Radeon technologies group it's probably fine
graphics I think that might be quite a bit more palatable yeah and then radon
technology group graphics which is also work with AMD that's right which is fine
which is fine yeah and it could be owned by AMD but like there's there's so much
of that we're like the the distinction between you know Lexus and Toyota is is
purely in name but that doesn't change that there's a consumer perception and
that other brands have to be aware of a different consumer perception that's
towards radion technologies group and AMD yeah interesting yeah so anyway back
to that unread project I'm planning to do the like the best streaming PC and
you know how every streamer that's worth their salt is running two boxes right
rude yes it's it goes back and forth a little bit but a lot of the like bigger
time wants to yep because it's just it's more flexible in a lot of ways yes it
increases cost but by the time you've got you know a box and you upgrade your
machine you kind of go oh well that now that's my streaming box I can see how
it's a natural upgrade path that many streamers would go through as they grow
they're following and are starting to invest more into what they're doing so I
think with virtualization I could run my two boxes in one box okay with enough
processing course that I could do x264 CPU software encoding on one of them
with a separate monitor keyboard mouse like battle station command station
style yeah and without giving up gaming performance on the main gaming box
that'd be pretty cool so that's the goal have you thought about a Hackintosh and
Windows PC in one PC build um yes but it's it's a sensitive topic you know
working with unraid around Hackintosh where they're like oh we don't want to
touch that with a 10-foot pole so they're not gonna support me on it and
yeah it's such a gray area I mean it's not even gray it's illegal is it yeah
because you have not paid for the software because the software is
provided with the purchase of a Macintosh but you used to be able to buy
the software you I don't believe you can anymore okay but you used to be able to
then I think it was more gray okay yeah um actually speaking of Apple news we've
got something that we missed last week and we will get to that as soon as we
are done with our sponsor spots I fix it I fix it you fix it I'm making a new
jingle for I fix it no one knows what's going on we're going to do a shanty song
and maybe we'll go a little faster now talking about I fix them I'm sorry for
subjecting everyone to that thank you that was fun so I fix it it's your
one-stop shop for DIY electronics repair they've got over 19,000 free
step-by-step repair guides and a huge inventory of replacement parts and tools
with lifetime warranty and they've got many many different products this one is
our personal favorite this is the pro tech toolkit it's got 64 different bits
it's got an electrostatic electrostatic it's got an ESD strap it's got you know
spudgers and pokers and prying tools and guitar picks and ESD safe tweezers and
the butter knife and it's got all this great stuff and I'm not I'm not gonna
say that that you can do this I'm not gonna say that it's approved to do this
or any of that kind of stuff but now twice this exact kit roll okay this
exact type of kit one with Pella's name on it one with my name on it don't do it
I know no no we can't advertise that as a feature it's pretty cool because all
the tools are under the restricted length which is the thing took this
through the airport yep I mean here give me this I didn't even get through the
airport with my screwdriver once yeah was it too long look at this thing yeah
I mean they really didn't like this one even though it's not sharp even though
it's not sharp you guys can see that because it looks like a little teeny
knife so what I did was I was like what could I see it for a second asteroid
politely like a stuff the guy handed it to me and I was like it's fine and like
started stabbing myself with it and I was like it's not a knife it's for
getting between components and then started like just talking way too much
about like computer repair and like what all the different things do and stuff and
then there's like shut up go away a little bit and like they didn't like
these either because they're basically little spears those that that's dangerous
yeah so they took them away and they brought them to like a measuring device
and stuff and they were under a certain length and if they're under a certain
length it then becomes instead of it being a hard and fast rule it becomes
discretion of the agents and they were like okay I think you're good just like
don't do anything with it and don't like pull it out on the plane and I was like
hundred percent yeah unless United's trying to drag you off the plane then
maybe you could defend yourself a little bit with it get away from me so meanwhile
they've they've confiscated like what was your of my Spyderco ladybugs which
are like this yeah yeah yeah of course brilliant frickin brilliant anyway that
that was very loud an official thing but it's at all not even a thing no but
basically um yeah you can go buy an iFixit kit today and not travel on the
plane with it put it in your checked and if you use offer code wancho at iFixit.com
slash Linus then you can save five bucks on a purchase of ten dollars or
more terrible speaking of things that are not terrible fresh books fresh books
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neck about where the bill is but you don't have to spend time breathing down
their necks because they have a system built in where you can check and see if
they've opened it or not yeah you can send your invoice in like 30 seconds and
then you actually can know if they looked at it yeah and they'll be like oh
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didn't see it can you send me another copy no I will not send you another
copy you got it you saw it pay up and that's the fresh books yeah Sally's mom
so visit freshbooks.com slash when I get a free trial today for super you can
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section they also have a mobile card reader so you can even take payment
directly through fresh books nice um what else do we got here oh this is like
I read the future read the future read the past I participated in the past and
influenced the future um apparently Microsoft seems to think that variable
refresh rate is coming to a TV near you
so this would be technology like g-sync and free sync so the idea being that
well okay you guys probably know what variable refresh rate is but basically
project Scorpio apparently supports free sync with Microsoft working with TV
manufacturers to try and push them to support it as well the latest HDMI 2.1
specification also supports variable refresh rate so there you have it Apple
announces a completely rethought Mac Pro there are some great quotes in here I
don't actually have that in in my notes here but man there's like some great
quotes it so it didn't work out the the expansion didn't work out as well as we
thought it would didn't they never expand well no you could expand using
thunderbolt oh I thought you meant like expansion of the yeah I was just like
really you thought it would work out like immediately like nobody had Apple
clued into this but like immediately remember that picture that someone
posted of 36 Thunderbolt devices plugged into a Mac Pro it's like really you
thought this was a good idea why how and they're like yeah it was hard to upgrade
it was hard to keep it honestly I don't think it was that hard to keep it
current I think what was hard was justifying the expense of re-engineering
the motherboard for newer standards re-engineering the GPUs for newer
products and justifying that cost based on how few of the things you were
selling that's what happened especially when you could just make a tower which
is what everyone wants anyway Apple's complaining about thermal constraints
no they mean refreshing that product no I know but like like if you someone
posted a picture comparing the old tower systems to the trash can systems and
there's the like objectively better trash can systems selling for the same
amount as the old power systems oh like on eBay and stuff yeah these people just
want the old power systems anyway but Apple's complaining they couldn't
refresh it because of thermal constraints and I'm looking at that
going GPUs have gotten way more efficient so there's that so see and
CPUs well at that class Xeon class okay they're the same yeah cuz you could go
up to whatever was the highest end like I think it was eight core back then that
was a big deal yeah no no no this had everything to do with not wanting to
reinvest back into it but either way basically Phil Schiller said Apple wants
to architect it so we can keep it fresh with regular improvements creating a Mac
Pro modular system they're also apparently making a high-end just I
think it's called PCI Express they're also making a high-end display to go
with it I will be happy to see a return to Apple displays because they've done a
great job of that yeah although there's way more competition now that's true
like way more and honestly this is like Apple pulling down their pants and
making a big dump on partners like LG who have worked on exclusive like Mac
only products like the 5k ultra fine which by the way is fixed now I don't
know if you were on the WAN show where we heard about putting a router too
close to it glitching it out yeah yeah they're fixed I don't know if I was on
that win show but I heard yeah our unit is fixed that's that's good oh yeah
video to come very soon you won't see anything this year but in the meantime
they're actually releasing a slightly upgraded Mac Pro so the $3,000 quad core
with dual fire pro d300 has morphed into a 6 core with dual d500 still $3,000
both models have 16 gigs of RAM neither has USB type-c or Thunderbolt 3 16 so
this was basically a price drop on like some pre-existing some existing tech
well plane right do you want to cover a topic while I get well I get it fired up
so we can show you guys some of the crazy stuff on flow play right now it's
crazy wow should I should I cover the video that's coming out tomorrow
we're just wait for that video let's wait for that video to happen okay
there's gonna be a big float plane related video tomorrow or not or not
we're getting a look from Ed it's filmed yeah yeah I don't know it doesn't happen
it's cool do you want to do something else then yeah so scrapyard wars prison
edition not really an actual thing don't worry about that you talking inmates in
Ohio were in this system where they were disassembling it was like a work system
within the prison I don't know what they're properly called but the the idea
was that they would disassemble pcs as like a job and inmates in the Ohio
prison built computers from the pcs that they were supposed to be dismantling for
recycling the unsupervised inmates later hid these pcs in the ceiling of a
training room and it's I don't think it's actually in here but they networked
to them together investigators found software pornography and articles about
making drugs and explosives on the machines they were caught when IT staff
flagged unusual levels of internet activity on a contractor's account which
like that's sort of epic they built computers into the ceiling a rogue PC on
the network was connected to port 16 Wow
Wow okay so they don't they don't do white listing they don't do any that
kind of stuff he just he just plugged it in one of the inmates who set it up
described how he had used components from other pcs he plugged the machine
into an internet connection device in the prison and BAM I'm on the network he
told investigators then indeed that that is just like BAM where was that's one
thing I'm interested in where was this which I don't know that he just plugged
into I don't know man here here's all the components for some computers and
apparently like cables and stuff we're gonna not supervise you and leave
exposed switches brilliant freaking brilliant yeah so I'm ready to talk
about what's on float plane this week channel super fun go karting burkel with
drunk goggles oh geez versus Dennis with not drunk goggles wow I sort of still
think Burkle might win Burkle's ridiculously good at go-karts and like
specifically that track he's done a lot so like the fact that he has drunk
goggles still but did you win they're gonna have to yeah yeah no spoilers so
he almost threw up and he was dry he think that's worth watching it right
there but it's but it's all in the name of your craft right we've got a tech
quickie on laser projectors oh that's pretty how the math those work we've got
my much anticipated Oh red weapon unboxing that has already generated 167
replies Wow which on float plane is like actually a lot check out that speed you
see how fast that started playing I did okay good oh god I get so much anxiety
every single time you do anything with flow plane on the street it looks good
and it's working though yeah looks looks crisp af man see see these buffer chunks
coming in yeah that is how it works I do you have the load balancing stuff going
on right now or no I don't think so okay cool well anyway look at that look at
that look at that scrubbing where he's a saw isn't that beautiful
is that a saw well that's awesome I don't know man I'm just I'm just I got
what I gotta be me man do for the memes yeah it's all for the means so opened up
a red weapon with a weapon oh my god that's right I get it so red weapon the
rise in five review was simultaneous release because of the embargo MSI GT
83 VR Titan laptop we've got warranty sticker removal guide just went up oh
oh yeah oh oh this honest answer is what's up with the thumbnails that is a
really how many replies are on that one one hundred and fifty one yeah this one
actually I think is getting pushed another week due to the rise in five
embargo so that's gonna be on flow plane for that'll be on that's a really good
for you and then the last one that I'm super stoked on our smallest most
compact desk PC yet so that's actually really really small we need like a
popcan for scale or something banana banana for scale absolutely um so yeah
float plane float plane club is going great in case you guys were wondering
and there's gonna be a huge update on the LTT channel and I guess we'll also
upload it to float plane soon soon TM yeah all right hoping tomorrow but it
might not happen I don't know the original article here is from n gadget
this is terrible uber uber's hell program tracked and targeted
lyft drivers apparently it ran for two years two years they called it hell so
they placed fake lyft rider accounts around cities in order to map the
distribution of lyft drivers as each rider can see up to eight nearby drivers
monitoring the lyft drivers habits uber noticed that some drivers were double
apping driving for lyft and uber so I actually got picked up by an uber
driver that had a lift sticker on the back of his car uber then sent more
rides and offered incentives to those drivers to keep them too busy to drive
for lyft Wow the program was discontinued after uber paid tens of
millions per week in bonuses oh my goodness so basically the idea was if
you signed up for a lyft account you just made more money from uber that's
ridiculous unbelievable and they're kind of assholes
Nintendo this is original article is from Ars Technica and I love their
headline Nintendo hates money discontinues the nest classic did we ever
get one no so that's it like ridiculously difficult to buy it's
officially limited edition now yeah ignoring continued demand Nintendo will
stop producing the system this month this is probably more to do with
Nintendo making far more manufacturing switches like they might actually maybe
they're off the same line like maybe they're converting the line to produce
more switches maybe there is a reason but that is kind of a bummer they sold
1.5 million units from its November 11th launch until New Year's so to put that
in perspective we you sold 14 million in its lifetime our representative said
that the nest classic wasn't intended to be an ongoing long-term product however
due to high demand we did add extra shipments to our original plans the nest
classic controller will also be discontinued I feel like it's the wrong
move I feel like Nintendo's like if they can sell like I feel like it doesn't
matter because it's Nintendo but I feel like if they can sell another 1.5
million units maybe it's worth like extending that building a little bit
adding another line it's just getting it to classic you know it's not like
Nintendo has a lot of products yeah exactly I mean unless you count like
amiibos and like trash like that I mean like actual entertainment systems yeah
and the accessories for the entertainment systems are often built by
third parties officially licensed by Nintendo exactly so like um it's
Nintendo and they will always succeed it's just it just seems like a very
silly thing to do all right what else we got here American colleges to offer
scholarships to play video games so the original article here is from Bloomberg
Ray and it's making its way onto my screen slowly but surely at least it was
trying to it's not trying anymore the growth of eSports has colleges and
universities developing teams to compete as prizes are growing and sponsors are
taking notice and I you know it's far be it from universities and colleges to to
not notice money to be made off of students that they don't have to pay
yeah coaches say that eSports requires the same discipline and decision-making
as other activities and all those same life skills go into gaming this is a
developmental tool some of the teams practice 20 hours a week on top of
studying game film and team building projects and about 20 to 30 matches or
tournaments are played annually University of Utah is the first school
in the power five the five richest athletic conferences and college sports
to offer scholarships for video gaming the team will start off playing League
of Legends University of California Irving Irvine Irving Irvine recently
built an eSports specific arena on its campus and the Big Ten conferences
television network earlier this year began broadcasting competitions between
club teams and its member schools Wow it's really happening it is really
happening phone accelerometers this was originally posted by TechCrunch how bad
researchers demonstrate how pins and other info can be gathered through phone
movement so researchers were able to successfully guess your parents based on
movement of the phone you know what that's really impressive that's crazy
even just the thought that like hey you notice how people's hands move in
similar ways when you go to type but like that's so they analyze the data
from rotation sensors gyroscopes and accelerometers and they were able to
crack four-digit pins with 70% accuracy on the first try and 100% accuracy by
the fifth try I wonder I would love to like make a video about this meet these
guys and then find how they're doing it because like if you try to do it
one-handed like yeah that's actually probably pretty easy if you lay it down
and then use one of those like pens with the tips on it yeah and lightly press
the buttons is that enough of an impact they are sensitive yeah they are like if
you ever just like fired it up so you can see the raw data from the sensors
and like moved like they're really sensitive it'd be that would I would
find that very interesting unlike your camera and GPS mobile apps and websites
don't need to ask permission to access information from these sensors so a site
accessed with malicious code via your mobile browser could activate sensor
based monitoring in the background when browser tabs are left open
crazy hey and if you're like me with 50 browser tabs open at any given moment
then on your mobile device this is a yeah seriously oh I just don't close
them the unfortunate thing about that is that means that will be me eventually
because I held hooked I heard you remember desktop browser tabs we first
started working together I couldn't even handle it I maxed out at like five now
whoa I think I've like before I just reformatted but like before that I think
I'd like eight or nine windows of Chrome open all with lots of taps the only way
to be man it's the only way to be yeah and you know what the other only way to
be is done the land show yeah so I think that's pretty much it you guys we'll see
you again next week same bats time same bat channel
that was clear