
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

We're live
Wow, did we do a pre-show? Welcome to the WAN show. Ah, someone did a pre-show nice. Yeah, that's right. I
was working I
Was working too. I noticed that
Colton actually officially changed the start time of the WAN show on the channel
Did he change it to five? He changed it to five, but then he told me he changed it to five
So it didn't work
Well, that's a fail. Yeah, I can't tell us that you changed it to five. We would have like probably never noticed
Yep, and we would have like we would have tried really hard to hit four o'clock or four thirty and then
And then probably would have actually hit five, but he told us he changed it to five. So now we're screwed
You can't make us comfortable. I think we should change it back to four thirty. Yeah. Yeah
And then and then change it back to five at some time and don't tell us this week was freaking
Crazy, you want to talk about your thing that you went and did? Yeah, it was it was actually really awesome. So yesterday
This was a totally last-minute thing. Like I didn't find out until
So what was yesterday we've been trying to plan it for a little while. Yeah. No, no, it's been
Possibly happening for like weeks. Yeah, but then
So Thursday, I went down for a tour of monolith productions
So they're best known probably for their work on the matrix online. Okay. Yeah
I'm just kidding. I mean I knew them from that. I actually make that probably like almost no one else does I
Knew they did that I played
Really? Yeah, you played the major online almost no amount of time, you know, there's
You know, there's like a fan server like there's a guy who?
He like packet sniffed
To figure out what the server was doing. Yeah, and like like it's super broken like it's it's like actually
Really really broken and terrible. Wow, like you basically can't do anything and I think you have to enter text commands in order to do things
Oh, yeah, like it's like really broken and it's still up but he's been working on it like since it went down
Back in whatever that would be like
2007 2009. I don't remember when it went down. What a hobby. Yeah, what a hobby indeed
But anyway, sorry probably better known for fear
condemned fear to
And then more fear series definitely. Yeah. Yeah, so
Middle-earth shadow of Mordor and middle-earth shadow of war. Yeah are probably what they are better known for developing
And those last two have been done since the Warner Brothers acquisition. So that's how they managed to get the rights to make
Yeah, middle-earth games. Yeah
So so anyway
I got to go down there and check these guys out and I didn't find out that I was going to be going
until I think Tuesday late Tuesday night and I
left here
Early Friday early Thursday morning. So I actually had to get up at like
615 in the morning and then meet Pella at the office and then we had to leave the office by about
745 that got us down there for a little after 10 and then we shot all day. So we actually shot for
Does they have a lot of stuff at their studio half-hour lunch?
So we shot for like 10 hours or so and then we left late at night
We got some five guys on the way back. So that was pretty sick
Yeah, go down to America without getting some five guys. Five guys in Canada now. What? Yeah
is it cheaper than it is down there because
Two burgers and one medium fries was almost 30 Canadian dollars. So there's a five guys in North van and
and just
It's I'm never going to the city though, but it's there. You know whose house that's near. Oh, wow
That's crazy. Yeah, I
Don't know if they're like anywhere else. Yeah, it doesn't look like it. Oh cool. Okay. Well at any rate
I did specifically say Vancouver
So we were shooting there for like 10 hours and man that place is so cool
Like I don't want to give away everything. It's amazing
It's great there. But like oh dude, there's there's one in Surrey. Oh, wow. Okay
I'm totally gonna go at some point. Yeah
But yeah, I was like super amazing they were really really open which was probably the coolest thing about it
Yeah, like they you you there was one thing they really wouldn't show us. Well, they they showed me actually
They let me into the server room, but they wouldn't let us film it
Yeah, I'm not surprised and they were you know, there was stuff that I wouldn't have even considered
So the server room is technically like Warner Brothers property. Oh and
Yeah, that makes sense. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense
And so they couldn't give me details like how fast their internet connection is
They couldn't tell me what speed their internal networking is running at
I just thought it was cool that they do that on site
But they did tell me that their internal networking is way beyond 10 gig. Oh
Wow, well you think about what they're like
Animators are working on like the size of some of the assets that they must be working with how responsive it needs to be
They've got somewhere between 150 and 200 people according to glass door
Like yeah, it would have to be pretty banging infrastructure, man. That would have been pretty cool
I totally understand why and it was cool by the way. Yeah, but we couldn't film it. Yeah
But they did give us some cool stats. So they told us they have about 800 terabytes of storage on site, which
Um, man, you should have seen you should have seen the guy stiffen when I said, oh, hey, that's almost as much as we have
Cuz you know like how many hard drives you have is like yeah
Yeah, the the I choose guys like dick measuring contest
There's the dick measuring contest forum of like the who has more storage. Basically. There's a thread 100 terabyte Club
I think I think so. Yeah. Yeah, so that is that is that's funny. Absolutely a thing like he I
Was did you get to do any stuff in the mocap room? I didn't get to actually do mocap
Okay, but they were doing a shoot while we were there. Oh cool and their mocap room is
Freaking. Oh, it's awesome. Awesome. It's super and two of the guys that like I don't want to give away everything from the video
Yeah, I will talk a little bit about the mocap room. So it's got 39 cameras and
These are high frame rate cameras
Although they said they usually record at 60 FPS actually this I didn't put in the video because there was there was so much
I did stuff I left so I had eight pages of notes
That to get down to what would typically be a script for us, which is usually about one and three quarter pages
Yeah, I had to I mean obviously I had to cut I had to cut cut cut cut cut. So this is really cool
So those cameras they have are fully capable of 120 FPS capture
Or even higher and what they but what they do is they capture at 60
Because they were saying that actually you end up throwing out a lot of that data anyway
When you're giving the mocap data to the animators because it's for a video games and we're giving it to
Animators, so if you need to create frames in between an action you just do that. Yeah
That makes sense. Like these are just these are just data points that the arm follows along
It's interesting to have a model that's gonna just you know, run it however many frames per second
It runs that I want to talk more about it, but maybe we'll wait till people have seen the video. Sure
Yeah, there's a few more things I want to talk about but I don't know like spoil spoil things that you very likely talked about
I think that video is due out in
About a week and a half. So it shouldn't be that long. Is it a signal?
I think it'll be a simultaneous release on floatplane and YouTube. So
Yeah, so that was that was pretty cool
That was kind of the highlight of my week and you mostly worked on floatplane stuff, I guess this week. Yeah, I
Hired one guy who's working
Mostly weekends, maybe some nights. He's hopefully gonna be working on the payment processing because it's super bad right now
Oh, man, so that's really awesome. And there's another guy who's confirmed to join later next month full-time
I'm not gonna be giving much more information about those guys because you know
Probationary periods and all that kind of stuff. But yeah, that's exciting because we need some we need some help
I have a lot of stuff to do another really cool update for floatplane and I'm not gonna give away who it is
But because I don't know if this person have you talked to him since then?
I wasn't even gonna say this person's gender. I didn't want to give any hints whatsoever
But there is a maybe I assumed maybe you assumed. Yeah
Anyway, I mean, I don't know
What we can assume is that this person is human a human person, you know, and that's all junk matters. Yeah
So we do have someone who will be joining us as the very first third-party creator on
We are gonna be there are so many guests doing some pretty janky stuff to make it happen
It hopefully won't seem janky. Yeah, hopefully seem janky, but like there's some
They're like basically our CMS
So, I don't know if you guys are familiar with the term but it stands for content management system
and it refers to like the uploading tool that where you also create like your thumbnails and titles and
And you do like what where you manage your content?
Yeah, internally we call it marching because it's kind of because I come from retail and so it's not enough to just
Put a product on the shelf. You have to merchandise it
You have to put all the little cool speeds and feeds you have to set a price
You have to arrange them nicely and that's the way that I see like a description and tags and thumbnails
So yeah, so that's where you like merge your video and that or okay
In the last week and a half. Um, well, that's not team. It's not entirely how it's happened because it's been kind of
Bidden tooled on for a long time. Okay, but what stage was it at a week and a half ago?
Not close to ready and then one guy specifically on my team
I'm not gonna call it your name because I don't know a handle for you. That isn't actually your name. So
Huh, and I don't know if you're cool with that anyways, but one guy specifically has been working on it like crazy
What you guys used to know as cat boiler, but is now AJ Jack's net
Because he changed his name. Well, it's good. He changed his name. Cat boiler is a highly inappropriate
I'm shortening AJ Jack's net to just a jacks. I think I'm just gonna catch X
But he's been doing work on some of the infrastructure stuff, too
I know the Australian guys have had a little bit of a server upgrade
so hopefully that goes a little bit better in the future and there's some other stuff going on and he's prepping for
the new
Human entity that will be joining floatplane as well. So yeah, it's been a group effort
TPS 1980 is upset that I speak like a valley girl
What and asks when I'm going to grow out of it
You know, I don't think it's how do you speak like a valley girl? Like, you know, like like, you know, like I
Sincerely doubt that I will ever grow out of it if you want the not like
Like this line, then you're probably gonna want the scripted line
Yes, which is most of the most of the more professional written reviews
But if you just want me talking like I talked then it's gonna be full-on
Valley girl Valley girl Linus from now until the end of time someone said Vancouver is basically like Valley girls
You know, it's just basically like, you know, whatever like
Know it's funny because I only occasionally notice it when other people do it because to me it's such a
natural part of
My manner of speaking that I just don't even notice it. Yeah, I don't notice when someone doesn't do it
I don't notice when someone does do it. I just
Yeah, yeah, that's fair Wow Linus is begging for likes
No, I'll get it. Yeah
I like the joke get it
Actually have nothing to say
Should we get into topics? Yeah, why don't you wait we haven't even rolled the intro
It's what we have to talk about the top. No, no there. I mean, they're right here. They're committed to watch rising mobile
No, it's throwing it. Yeah shit. Oh
No, it's kind of sounded like you said EA shits. I mean, I mean the kind of they do yeah
Everybody poops. I mean they made battlefront 2 so
Hey, we have a new sponsor, yeah
Yeah, 40% off. That's that's fresh box. Yeah and synergy. Yeah
And we're back
Anyways topics we have
Risen mobile announced that like not like mobile phones will get into you are determined to do the the highlight topics thing
I'm not gonna let you finish
shuts down the revive network also gtx 1070 a ti
Oh, wow, so you're gonna go all ASMR to try and get them to pay more attention to you and AMD's
Whatever you're saying I wonder what this
Is there is MR of two people talking at the same time? Is that a thing?
You know what? Yeah, just too much stuff if a thing exists. There's a subreddit somewhere. That's in
I wonder if there's like a
Yeah, let's let's just use the term subreddit for now
I wonder if there's like a subreddit dedicated to just like people talking about news
Probably but like not not like to ASMR one cup. I think that is slash R slash to SMR. Well, no, I'm kidding
It's not I mean someone's gonna make it now, right? Yeah
It would shock me if by the end of when show today that sub editor did not exist
It's a thing when there's sometimes a top comment where it's like they link to a subreddit and people are like
Oh, man
I wish that existed and then people go and actually make it a thing
Because they're like someone someone wishes that it existed I can mod this I can be the mod for this subreddit
Let's go. I can be the mod for like a two-person subreddit. Heck. Yeah, that probably doesn't need moderation so much speaking of websites
That aren't made yet, but should be oh, no. Oh, no
No, you're gonna be kidding me. Oh, wait, hold on. Hold on. I wonder if I just don't know it's fine
I'll do it and looks like it's done. Um, hold on maybe I can go do the thing
Well, it's been has been two weeks since this I don't know
Cuz I was at twitch con. I don't know
So yeah, it's been two weeks since the Luke was wrong meme
And I
Have to say I'm a little disappointed in the Creator. Yeah. Yeah, there's been an instant there
there was a Squarespace page made and
Initially, it was like oh wow. This is actually pretty good, especially considering the short amount of time that was given for it to be created
And then there was a Twitter made the guy the guy or girl or whatever. I don't know has been tweeting
There's been a discord created. There's been an Instagram. Yeah created but nothing has been done with it
Really? It's still the same. There's even though like it's still the same. Hold on. There's yeah on that wrong and then coming coming soon
Nothing's been done with it. Oh
But I do have fairly love this site though, is this you check out mod 24 Linus was wrong
Oh, yes, it was
Check out check out
I am just you know, just give it a shot. Just give it a little give it a little look. Oh, look at that picture
Get notified you can join what does that even mean? I don't know to be completely honest
No, is there anything else going on on this web page?
Pokemon I think there's
Didn't know there was a Linus was wrong calm. Yeah
So I don't know what you're wrong about because it neither of the websites have been like updated at all
So there's no like information or video clips or anything. You know what? I'm probably wrong about
They probably are just like, you know what it is wrong to be so perfect in every way. Wow
Wow, like it's wrong in the sense that it defies
reality, you know you go on like Metacritic and like
Pretend that you're a game and you're doing that on purpose now, aren't you? Yeah
All right, so our first our first topic wow we are
We are 20 minutes into the show haven't even started talking about news. Um, heck. Yeah
Well, if you don't talk about any news, it can't be fake news
Wow, or it's the fakest news of all time one of the two news that isn't even news. There's nothing new about it
Risen mobile has been announced. This was posted by Purina on the forum. Yeah, the original article here is from
My friend, dr. Cutress over at anon's tag. I have to say before we start. I love these stats
I love stats for AMD's new stuff because it's been so long since they've released something else and they compare themselves
I get themselves. Yeah, they're like, it's
200% faster
128 percent GPU performance and the funniest thing about it
Is that like the AMD fanboys who have for all these years been saying that?
AMD had competitive offerings are just like
oblivious to the fact that AMD themselves is acknowledging that they have a product that is now competitive that is anywhere between
40 to
400 percent faster
their previous best
Yeah, hold on a second. You can't have it both ways
And to be clear Intel fanboys and Nvidia fanboys are no less intolerable. Oh, no, it's just it's all the same
It's just poor AMD fanboys have suffered in a way that the other two groups have not
They're in it. They're grizzled though. They've been through some stuff
They have been through a level of denial that I think would kill any other living being
Yeah, so you could think of them kind of like cockroaches. We're like those little I don't remember what they're called
It's like a denial nuclear holocaust. Yeah, you're just like no no, you want me to die? How about
No, no, I refuse. Yeah, why because rising
But they didn't know it was gonna be called rising but they knew they were gonna rise again. I
It's so funny cuz like even right in the name of the product
It's like AMD is painfully aware of what's going on here. Yeah, man. Oh
Okay. Sorry. What was the news again? Oh, right. Okay, so mobile rise in 72700 you with Vega 10 is a
quad-core chip 2.2 base
3.7 gig turbo that is freaking awesome
It would have been more impressive if Intel hadn't also launched their u-series processors quite recently with quad core
with quad core designs
But at 15 watts man
Zen is looking like it scales down really nicely to these lower power envelopes
That's cool man, see what else they've got Zen plus Vega
That's another thing too is Vega might not look particularly power efficient in the RX Vega
56 and RX Vega 64 but
What you know, if you talk to industry people off the record what they'll say is that well, you know
Don't judge Vega based on the products that it's in
Vega is very
Efficient if you actually scale down the voltage and a lot of what's like I know
It's overclocked basically
And pretty much every chip company for a while now has been going really hardcore in the whole bring the temperatures down
Make it more power efficient category
yeah, but where it really matters for me is mobile stuff mobile laptops mobile phones and
If they're gonna be really efficient with those types of things then awesome. Are you actually looking at these are so funny
Okay, hold on. Hold on. Hold on
An on tech has those like ads from around the web ads now
They're terrible and these are some of the worst I have ever seen. Oh check out that
Hold on tractor trick. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Thank you from the web
Canada market failure thousands of iPhone sevens for only five dollars. Okay, so I'm gonna stop you right there
That is a plus and that is not a phone at all. That is AirPods
Okay, and this guy? No, I don't remember him. I don't remember me. I bet I can get I bet I could not gasp
Also, this is one of those ones we're like when it's really small like it could look kind of like looks to people doing stuff
Yeah, it does
When it's up big you're just like there's no way a chiropractor is like yeah
That's like not the simple trick that they want you to do. Look at this granny
Rich dad. Yeah, nothing to ungrateful children
She looks better shopping site where you only pay if you win. I think that's every shopping site ever
Yeah, you win when you buy the thing. Yeah, and that's when you pay
Yeah, you pay when you win you win the prize is the thing you bought. Yeah, I think
Like maybe I'm missing something here anyway
That's really glamorizing shopping, but yeah
You win
You win. You gave me a lot of stuff, but I'm giving you hopefully an equivalence back in terms of a product. Hey
Hey shopping
So anyway, there's some pretty cool designs coming with rise and mobile HP has an NV x360 coming with the 2500 you
It's gonna have up to 512 gig SSD or 1 terabyte hard drive 15.6 inch display up to up to 8 gigs of RAM
What what is this product? Yeah, really? What why does it wait what?
Who delivers a product that only goes up to 8 gigs of RAM?
Today and it's like slim and sexy. It's an envy. It's like HP bought that brand
Like how many of you are even have been around long enough to remember voodoo PC?
I do okay, like we had one they bought that brand and then just had they gave Raul my family a
bunch of money for it and
Then he just completely disappeared off the face of the earth
They made him a VP for a bit and then like and then I think it is got rid of them because I don't but I
Feel like that had something to do with like I'm assuming I have no idea no rumors. Yeah, nothing
This is just pure sound making assumptions. I'm assuming that it was based off of a like a vesting something or other
Oh, right. There was probably like a guaranteed vesting shares to some degree
So he had to they wanted him to come on as like advisory for a little while
Yeah before he took off
They probably part of they just had no idea what to do with that brand and now it's a laptop with 8 gigs of RAM
um the idea pad 720s, actually, this is a weird one to
Up to a rise in 720 700 you run single channel memory, which we already know is it doesn't say how much not that optimal for
Up to a 1 terabyte SSD. So it's a purely solid-state option. Maybe a server is gonna get right 8 gigs 8 gigs
Up to 256 gig SSD. This is a super value product. I mean, maybe I'm missing something here, but why are we
Okay, this Acer one wants to take advantage of larger turbo modes
Memory will be dual channel with even even in although the system will only support a gig. Yeah
What's going on? So it looks on paper
Like rise and mobile should be pretty competitive. I mean at those base and boost clocks
This thing should perform pretty well
But you can usually from how you configured left before benchmarking something, you know
how good something is gonna be because you got to understand like
partners like an HP or Adele or you know, like a game studio when you're talking about something like a
Development kit for a console like they've got access to the hardware or some
Approximate equivalent to see that I've quite some time. Yes it did
So, um, so usually you can tell how good they think something is
By the kinds of designs they're planning to integrate it into so this doesn't give me a lot of confidence for rise and mobile
But hey, I'd love to be wrong
There's some good AMD news. Maybe we'll do that as our as our next topic here before the
Hold on. Where's the other AMD news? Yeah before we do our sponsor spots said it's an ultrabook most won't need 16 gig
Also, it uses more power easy. So what the razor blade stealth has shipped with 16 gigs of RAM for two generations now
Marginally more power and I think a surprising amount of people actually do use that memory
A lot of people are trying to watch I didn't see the resolution of the screens
but a lot of people are trying to watch like
Fairly high res Netflix content which uses good memory. Lots of people chrome you won't be running 4k
So there's that because right now that's limited to Intel processors as far as I know. Yep
So don't get wrecked on that
yeah, I mean, but yeah, lots of YouTube tabs in Chrome and a Netflix tab in Chrome and Facebook and
Reddit is gonna really slam your memory pretty this is while streaming
Like I'm not actually even doing anything right now and I've already got six while streaming off a different PC
Yeah off a different. So this computer actually just has like actually like nothing going on. Well, okay to be fair
It's a you see of quite a few things up here. Like the team viewer thing is not connected. It's not doing anything. Yeah
One of those things is notepad. One of those things is paint. Yeah paint
One of those things is share X which is not doing anything
It's also just telling me there's an update which I don't want because it already does everything the Skype one is not connected
No, it's just kind of sitting there. Yeah, it's not no it's not signed in even it's not even
Yeah, I don't even sign it because I don't have a sign-in one of those is file Zilla
Don't open that one, but like that's not connected anything some 7-zip tabs aren't doing anything. Okay
I do like herb it open. There's a lot open but none of them are doing it
Yeah, and I can so I can easily like make myself suffer with the gram
Oh my I'm so excited about the new gram, but that's the issue is
These designs are competing with the new gram
So my new gram is coming I think sometime in the next couple weeks and it's got a quad core Intel processor 8th gen
And it's got 16 gigs of RAM. That's standard now. Mm-hmm. So
When you were competing with last-gen designs like this one, that was fine
That was very last-gen of you when you have to compete with new ones, then it becomes a bit of a problem
So I'm not really not sure what they're trying to do here
In other news AMD is finally making money
So this was originally way cooler than it seems I know I was like a consumer you might be like hey
I don't really care man. But like no, but it matters that's really important. It matters a lot
This is posted by doc swag on the forum. The original article here is actually from AMD's own site and
Check this biz out
What on?
1.64 billion dollars revenue so you compare this to last quarter
that is a really hefty awful uplift that looks like about 25% uplift over last quarter and
Little less than that over the same quarter of the previous year
Operating income though is a hundred and twenty six million dollars gross profit with a net income
so that's excuse me after expenses of
71 million dollars now to be clear. This is still seven cents per share
so it's not like
You know
All of a sudden AMD is gonna be you know, throwing hookers and blow parties at their headquarters or whatever
This is a really really good thing for the PC industry in
General so the weird way to write that they beat expectations. Oh, what's up? They're just like
Negative is just brackets. They don't want to put the negative symbol. No, that's normal brackets. Yeah. Oh, yeah
That's an it's an accounting thing. I don't I don't know why that's odd, but sure
But yeah, so operating income was 126 million compared to an almost 300 million loss a year ago
And net income was 71 million compared to a net loss of 406 million a year ago
It's amazing. They survived as long as they did and really is they had to sell everything sold their fabs
You know, they sold their HQ, right? Yeah
Yeah, like they don't actually own their headquarter building anymore. Like they had to look like like Monopoly style, man
Yeah, they had to mortgage boardwalk and then somehow climb back
Which is like really hard to do in Monopoly. Yeah, it's like and in real life. Yeah
So average sale prices for GPUs went up significantly
Yeah, I don't know that
Cryptocurrency really would have helped AMD sell the GPUs for much higher
So I'm not really sure where that comes from
but but it Vega has a higher ASP than their previous flagship Polaris and
Well, they're not getting the cut from the average sale price of GPUs going up
But it does mean that stores are like, please give us more. Yeah, which is a good position to be in
So I have more and this quarter was especially strong in enterprise embedded and semi custom
So that would be stuff like oh, I don't know maybe the upcoming Xbox one X. Yeah
Very cool. And this is weird. Like I actually this our last point in the notes here was one that I went and I looked up
for myself
Without actually knowing that it was already in the notes, but AMD's they beat their earnings
Guidance and then their stock dipped
That's different yeah
Why are you mad that earning money? I?
Have no idea. Yeah
Meanwhile, like, you know Bitcoin has gone up by heck. Yeah, whatever. Yeah, you you have some Bitcoin. I have some Bitcoin. Yeah
Yeah, I expect it like I don't know there there's there's the one side of things where it's like Bitcoin is
Like the the internet video to TV and like blah blah blah
Like this is this is gonna like completely rule the world like all this like super hardcore crowd and then there's people that are like
No, yeah, so like until I can buy a grand slam breakfast at Denny's with Bitcoin
Once it gets to that point that will be insane
Yeah, and then it's like because it has staying power in very weird ways right now
But it also has some big issues like that fork is potentially like it's it's intense
It's a scary thing because it's a hobbyist thing right now. Yeah normal people
Can't be running around dealing with oh like, you know, oh, you know my currency my currency is you know
This this is gonna this is gonna like fork and then instead of $50. I'm gonna have
Twenty five dollars and twenty five doll hairs, you know one thing one thing
That's and then and then one of them might go up and one of them might go down
So I have to like make I have to be following the news
I have to make a bet on which one I think is gonna be the one that goes up
but then there's also there's also huge benefits that are happening for it where like
Smartphones now carrying your standard credit card and being able to tap to pay. Yes
Naturally extremely easy and already happening for Bitcoin, right?
So like the the normal financial institutions going like hey, we want to modernize and do this thing already works for Bitcoin
So it's not weird for consumers to switch to that. So like there's I don't know. It's a very weird space
It's really fun to follow. That's why I have some and to be clear
I don't have some Bitcoin as in like a few whole Bitcoin I have like
Not one. Yeah
Well now that they're worth like almost six thousand u.s. Dollars who knows that could be a lot of money
Yeah, I just yeah, like I don't have a huge amount in it. I just have a little bit
I'm basically like playing with I'm doing it for fun. Right? Yeah, I'm mostly doing it for fun
I've made money which is great
But like not but you also have to like you have to think of it right now as gambling pretty much
That's pretty much what it is. I basically see it as spending money on a really expensive hobby
Yeah, yeah, and if you do it from so look I don't personally gamble at all
Yeah, I don't need I have never put a quarter in a slot machine
I have never walked up to a blackjack table two quarters in a slot. Okay, because they were American quarters
I didn't know what to do with them. So I don't gamble. I did it illegally because I was under age
That doesn't mean that you can't gamble
responsibly if you if it's fun for you to get the rush of playing the game and you go look the experience of
Being in the casino and having people around who are also gambling whatever that works here
Yeah, that gambles in a very healthy manner
And is that that has a five hundred dollar value to me and if I lose it all then I got my five hundred dollars worth
And if I win something then I'll celebrate and I'll go buy a nice dinner
You can gamble responsibly and as long as you approach Bitcoin in that manner
I think that you cannot totally screw yourself
But here's my five hundred dollars and I'm gonna make a hobby out of following the news and now I've got some skin in the game
So it's kind of like it's kind of like betting with your friends on a sports game
Yeah, and like one thing that you can do is like oh you see it do something trendy and you're like, okay
I can cash out here for a certain amount of time because I
I believe that it's gonna go up or it's it's gonna maybe go down for a second and I'll buy and then I'll buy a
Little bit more with the money that I cashed out with and then it'll go back up
So now I just like increased my own investment off my own investment so you can do fun things like that
So you're not even putting more money in it just takes a little bit more work and there's like transaction costs
You have to factor that in like it's it's just kind of a fun thing to follow and pay attention to
Jake got really into it. I was hanging out with Jake. I'm like, okay. Well if we're gonna talk about this all time
anyways, I might as well just
And then it's been fun. I actually I've been I've been enjoying it. It's cool
speaking of enjoying things I
Enjoy telling you guys about fresh
So fresh books is the way to
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You can claim your free trial there. Just put Linus tech tips in the how did you hear about us section?
Next up we've got
So do you have the supremely first world problem of having too many computers?
Oh, no, and too many keyboards and mice plugged into them
Oh, I mean, it's legitimately a problem like a lot of people have very good reasons for having multiple computers
Yeah, maybe you prefer to do your development in a Linux environment or an OS 10 environment
But you want a game on your Windows computer. Well synergy lets you use just one keyboard and mouse across all those devices
It is cross-platform. You just whoop drag your mouse onto the other screen. You just set it all up within the software
they've got just like this grid you set up where all your screens are and
You can even do more than just switch which one you're using you can drag and drop files between the computers
You can share the clipboard between the computers
you can set up hotkeys and much more the basic option does not include encryption while the pro one includes encryption for the
Data being passed between the computers so you can use our link in the video description to say 50% on synergy and sorry
Go ahead. So it's a dual boot, bro
Wow, not the point
The point is that you can use both of them at the same time
Yeah, they can be on if you want to check out a retro video
Look up. What would it be called Luke's mineral PC
Yeah, I'm pretty sure does that work oh a slicks oil-cooled PC yeah drop it in the chat if you check that out
I have two keyboards two mice two monitors two PCs
Because everything split up and if I had realized this was a thing back then that would have been really helpful
Yeah, and I mean another perfect example is if you have something like a render box
Yeah, a render box like my main one that I tell people is if you have a laptop that you use for work
Yep, you can take it home dock it when you get home and then go back and forth between so you can drag and draw
Files across them everything. It's wonderful and the docking process is as simple as putting it down next to your computer
Yeah, and maybe plugging in power if you don't want it to yeah, but that has nothing
But that's energy nothing to do with the keyboard and mouse. Yeah, so pretty cool
Bringing us to whoa. We've got a new sponsor. Yeah
Madrina's coffee
Whoa look at all this there's a lot wow these guys must have sent over like so friggin much of this
And there's like more in the fridge well know that and I've seen people drinking it all week
How much did they said nothing quite a bit?
Okay, well at any rate
Wait where is it ah here? We go so these guys are all about natural
Hashtag coffee for fuel and ready to drink like iced coffee
Fair trade and wait what what what are these talking points? This is terrible, so this is ready to drink iced coffee
It's a fair trade organic cold brew and it's roasted to order wait what what does this even mean anyway?
Madrid has his coffees counters
Are from the gaming world we've actually got slo-mo from their team in the twitch chat right now. Oh hi
Okay, so that that first sentence was not a very good sentence, but that's okay
I'm sure you guys are a lot better at coffee than you are at sentences in fact. I know that for a fact
Yeah, they're coffee sourced from high-altitude growing zones in Colombia
They sell iced coffee and cold brews in these
440 mil cans or you can get their micro roast whole bean coffee as well
They're made from a blend of their specialty coffee low-fat hormone free milk and real cane sugar the iced coffee comes in caramel mocha vanilla
2x dark roast in fact I think those are the ones that I have in front of me and the cold brew coffees have no milk
They ship the beans worldwide
But you can only get these cans in the u.s. Through their site or Amazon or in Canada through Amazon's I head over to Madrina's coffee
Calm slash Linus and use offer code Linus to save a massive
40% it's actually pretty much sick discount that is and but wait there's more
They really put but wait there's more in the talking points. You know what slow-mo you guys are all right
They're running a giveaway for their iced coffee cold brews and micro roast coffee
Which you can enter through the link below so that's madrina's dot-com madrina's coffee comm slash Linus
Use offer code Linus for that 40% discount by the way
That's fantastic
Awesome, but wait. There's more not only is it 40% off, but you get this awesome giveaway opportunity
Heck yes speaking of things that are awesome. This is posted by Fushi on the forum
EA has shut down the revive Network
That's actually not awesome at all no no actually this is kind of trash
You know how the gaming community went through this whole thing?
where dedicated servers
Started disappearing you know dedicated server software that came with the game
That you could run and set up your own private server that other people could join those started disappearing in favor of the publisher
actually running their own servers that everybody would connect to and
the argument for this was that oh we are simplifying the process and we are increasing the
General quality of service for gamers, and we are creating a more consistent experience
With consistent rules and map rotations and blah blah blah whatever the matchmaking is a big argument. That's being made for it
yeah, um but the problem that a lot of the advocates for
Private servers brought up was that well hold on a second like realistically
You know EA is not going to want to run
You know okay? What would be an example of?
Okay, so let's say Battlefield 2. EA is not going to want to run Battlefield 2 servers when there's like
You know maybe a few hundred people left playing the game. Yeah
So this is a thing that you're gonna pay for you're gonna buy this game
And then at some point in the future like an MMO
it's just gonna expire because it's not worthwhile for EA to keep running this stuff and keep maintaining it and
You're just not gonna be able to play multiplayer anymore so specifically they're looking at Battlefield 2 Battlefield
21 42 in Battlefield Heroes, I really liked Battlefield 2 so one of the big problems was that
GameSpy used to run some of these multiplayer experiences and when GameSpy
disappeared in 2014
Revive the revive network sort of rose from the ashes as an unlicensed and
unauthorized way of making these games playable online free of charge
So EA had originally planned to make the older games playable at the time
but reversed the decision as a result of significant technical hurdles, which
Basically, I think made the revive guys think that they were pretty much good to go
But they just posted the following statement
We will get right to the point electronic arts is legal team has contacted us and nicely asked us to stop distributing and using
their intellectual property as
Die-hard fans of the franchise we will respect these stipulations
And they've been doing this for three and a half years now
So they've invested not an insignificant amount of their time and effort into making these gaming experiences
still available
You know, I wonder if FA forever is still around
so that's another perfect example of
Of a community driven project to to bring multiplayer back to a game that had been abandoned
It looks like these guys are still up. So this is for Supreme Commander Forge Alliance
This is a little funky because experience of FA forever is actually very good by the way
I had played for a little bit. I've been trying to figure out this pretty much the whole time
It says we must ask that you stop throwing down ammo crates. This is apparently a quote
Seems a little informal but it's apparently a quote
We must ask that you stop throwing down ammo crates in other more legal stylized terms
Please stop distributing copies of our game clients and using our trademarks logos and artwork on your sites
It actually has nothing to do with running the forums and this is pointed out somewhere else in a comment
Which made me realize that I'm not the only person that noticed this
Revive doesn't seem to be reacting that way
So I'm wondering if there was more in the statement from EA because it's a very short statement
Yeah, so maybe we didn't get the whole thing
But basically all they're saying is don't make it so you can download our clients. I'm sure people can find another way around. Yeah
Don't use our artwork and logos but like I'm sure you can find ways around that although it might be a little bit of an issue
Where's the
Trademark that might be a bit of an issue because saying battlefield 2 on the site might be a problem
Yeah. Oh, yeah. It is a bigger statement overall. Yeah, it's not that much bigger though, actually
Yeah, there's not much else more here
Doesn't go this way. Yeah
Yeah, so honestly
This is one of those like crappy legal things where at the end of the day
Totally get why they have to do this
Okay, hold on a second kid ultra 13. I should just ban you from the chat
Let the old online games die and buy new ones. What's wrong with that? I'm now hopefully you're just trolling
I hope you're just trolling
But yeah, I don't know. No, it's probably it's probably fine. No one could be that stupid. So it should be okay
Okay. Yeah, we'll just leave it probably trolling and I can respect trolling more than I can respect thinking that
Yeah, they're our sponsor today
Yeah, why don't you just drink it on camera? How much did they send I've seen everybody drinking this stuff
Drinking what a nice refreshing medrinus
Oh, you're off camera. Yeah, you're too tall
Now you're behind the mic everyone gets it it's okay
That was awesome anyway, so that sucks a lot
yeah, I like I totally get why it's happening and they're like
actually right today
But they're only right today because they were wrong years ago and they wasted a lot of time. Yeah, they didn't provide
Server software for people to set up their own private servers and instead of doing it this way
They could have found some legal way to sanction these kind of things
Yeah, well, well what they would have to do is they would have to release the server software
but yeah, because it contains all this matchmaking crap and all of this other stuff that a traditional
Game server wouldn't have it probably contains a lot of IP that they are actually still using today and the yeah proprietary
That's fair. So they actually like can't do anything now. They have to protect the trademark
otherwise, they risk not being able to defend it in the future and
They can't release the server code
So like there's got to be another way to do again. They don't specify that they can't run the servers
Right. They don't want the trademark being used. They don't want the logos being used
They don't want them to distribute copies of the game. You can stop distributing copies of the game
Distributing okay, no distributing copies of our game clients. Yeah, so they can stop doing that
Okay, well people can find a way to get a copy of the game
So let's let if they're going as far as finding this site
I'm sure they'll find a way to download a like non cracked version of battlefield 2
Let's still have a battlefield 2 key somewhere
Never actually played that I'm sure there are websites on the internet where you can find the like ISO file for an uncracked battlefield
2 in other news
the Nvidia GTX 1070 TI
looks to be taking the fight. Thank you Ars Technica to RX Vega 56 at
450 bucks specs of this thing actually look pretty good
24 32 CUDA cores 8 gigs of GDDR5. So it's the cheaper GDDR5 not GDDR5X
256 gigabytes a second memory bandwidth. Okay, cool, and it is yes
Overclockable so you will see custom designs coming from partners like Asus
Yeah, the the rumor
I'm happy we very clearly pointed out as being a rumor of this being not overclockable was not true
Yeah, that was made very clear in the press release. Yep
There's some funky stuff going on though from source Ryan shout
Ryan Ryan Schrout
Here's our source. He told us that I'm from PC perspective. Sorry, man. Yeah, Ryan Schrout
There there's some funky stuff going on. Apparently partners are not allowed to bin their GPUs
but off the record
Some board partners assure that they will be binning GPUs. So that's gonna be interesting
The other rumor is that partner cards will not be overclocked out of the box
Yeah, so it'll be up to the end user to overclock it. So
What this looks like to me is Nvidia making if all this is true is Nvidia making an effort to?
1080 I guess
Because this this card spends being able to overclock above it look pretty good
Like this thing's got 500 more CUDA cores than the GTX 1070. This is a much much fatter GPU. They're drastically too
It's thick, you know thick that's what the kids say right th ICC. Yeah, do they spell it or is it just implied thick?
No, they say thick but if you're typing it out like through a text message or something is th ICC. Okay. Why I
Don't know too old. Okay
So this was posted by Hawk on the forum
The original article is from tweak town Intel has announced their next-gen Optane SSD the 900p
And I'm gonna pee myself
because this thing is
The biggest deal to happen to SSDs since like the x25 M
Potentially I haven't actually tested it myself. I haven't actually used one, but right now the u.2 form factor
So this guy right here is available at 280 gigs. I like you know, too and the add-in card
Yeah, Intel has not abandoned it. Apparently. No one else is supporting it, but Intel's like yep. Nope. We're doing this
Because I guess it lets them reuse their server designs and the ports aren't going away on high-end boards
They're still there and it it pulls it off the board. Yep m.2 and a PCIe
They're fixed on the board being able to have way more stuff pulling off
The board is also good and this add-in card is available at 280 and 480 gig capacity points
It looks good boy. It looks pretty good. Like it doesn't have the really sick skull
Yeah, I've always been into that the digitized skull was super cool the skull trail skull, but like it looks sharp
I like the I like the black but like hopefully the back of it isn't all like scratched up like that one SSD
Yeah, oh my god
Nothing looks so good
You know how much debate there would be at a company as corporate as Intel about using something like this on their branding?
Because like you got to remember to like North American culture. Yeah skulls and flames
It's cool. Whereas like I'm pretty sure that in at least some parts of Asia
It's this is like putting a big bad omen on your on your product
It's like basically like to say look so cool though
And it's weird because I don't even generally like skulls like remember remember when we were not not I wouldn't say growing up
But like teens there was all the like people had there's a clothing with skulls on it was like totally in fashion
You know what? I think I was a little bit more into the
in fashion, you know what I think I was a little older than you probably yeah, but not by a time
It's like, you know late teens early. We had bum equipment and no fear
Yeah, no, I had that too
But remember no fear that's still around I don't think so I there's a picture of me wearing a no fear like mesh shirt
Yeah, terrible. Um, it's you remember those but like slightly see-through and there's only slightly see-through for like here up
Because like those were awful don't show the nipple but gotta have that see-through. It was awesome, man. Oh
Man no way. No fear still around
Sort of actually, I don't know if that stylized the same. I
Missed my so I used to have a no fear hat. It was black and it had the eyes on the
No, I don't have my no fear hat anymore, I loved my no fear hat
We didn't have the eyes here and then it was no fear on the back. When did you stop having that?
Oh, no, I have my stupid gecko hat. That's probably the one you're thinking. No, no, no, I know that
Hey, when did you stop having that before I met you? Oh, yeah a long time ago. Wow. I've seen a picture or something
Yeah, there's not much no, there's not much no fear was huge
But at one point in time like probably I'm gonna guess I was in like grade 10
Skulls were like totally a thing, right?
Just like black fabric with white skulls on it was totally a thing and I was always like, that's so stupid
It looks you're not edgy. It looks dumb. I don't know what you're doing. You're not edgy. Like it just wasn't ultimate burn
You know what? You're not you're trying which automatically means your base. It doesn't work
but like that looks the skull trail skull though has always looked sick because they found like a
Classy way to put a skull on something which I don't know. I thought it was really cool
All right
Last topic for today
We got to talk about this posted by blue chin chili eating Dorito on the forum original article here is actually from the Vancouver Sun
Amazon wants to let the delivery person unlock your front door and go inside your home to
The service is called. How can you call this a service is called Amazon key and
incorporates a smart lock give Amazon a key to your house because who knows?
What people are gonna do it man people are absolutely gonna do it cuz like honestly this is one of those things where
You're basically just you're trying to get Amazon drivers to get to get ne'er-do-well
Applicants to become Amazon delivery drivers and then like if they were anywhere near I like
I'm afraid to be giving them ideas because by and large as far as I can tell most thieves aren't that brilliant but like
If they have a brain on their shoulders at all
Then what they would do is they would find the squeaky cleanest one
Who is the driver and he just cases?
Yep, I've heard it before too. People are absolutely gonna do this
Someone internally is apparently planning to sign up for this. Yeah, and exactly what you're saying
The driver is gonna case the house. Yeah good if there's anything valuable in there
Yeah, I figure out where the security cameras are what type of alarm system they're using what their camera setup is everything and then leave
And then someone else and then create a list because they're gonna be going around to like many many houses every day
So they would just get back in their car pull up the little Google Sheet on their phone be like a or B or C
the date they were there like the last date anyone from Amazon was there to make it a little bit harder to put two and
two together and then like
six months down the road
You're gonna get hit and they'll know exactly what you have and exactly where it is
So they'll be in out gone and have all your most valuable things
Get freaking out. This is like actually the stupidest thing of all. You know, it's great to
You know, it's gonna happen because hold on hold that thought. Yeah, because there's another big problem, too
They don't even need to see where your stuff is. It doesn't matter. They know what you have
They know what they don't even need to know that they just need to know what kind of stuff you have
because if you're the kind of person who just like
Because they're not gonna be able to just like wander around in your house because I'm sure the smart lock if they have again if they
Have a brain on their shoulders. Well a camera turns on when they enter. Yes, exactly
Okay, cool. So I haven't actually read that far into it, but I would certainly hope that there's a camera
Yeah, they see you on they're not wandering around in your house
But you have recordings of every time they've been it's what if they stand in the front hallway and they see you know
Nothing, but like a you know, dirty old dog bed and like some you know
Soiled newspapers and you literally ordered like a case of Kraft dinner
Then then you're you're a C, you know, or you're a D not worth hitting
But if you're ordering like ball or stuff from Amazon and you got like a nice home
You got to be stupid if you think that you're not getting hit, you know what I'm really excited for
Yeah, Amazon key enabled apartment buildings
Okay, I can kind of say being convenient for apartments when they well when they build the structure
Yeah, they set up key enabled doors and key enabled cameras for every single suite
I would be less concerned in an apartment far less. Yeah, so that I'm actually a lot more
Okay, I would be less concerned to not and not entirely off the hook, but I'll be less concerned
Especially if your apartment has modern features like needing a fob in order to access a given floor as long as you've got a camera
On the person that's there the whole time that they're there
Yeah, it's far less of an issue and I was kind of thinking it would be cool if you had a double door refrigerator
So you come up to like the side of your house and then put groceries in the back of your refrigerator
So I can see there being stuff that it that this kind of thing is
So I can see there being stuff that it that this kind of idea would be cool for I have no interest in
Random's coming into my home though
Someone in chat Amazon shed sure. Yeah. Yeah, I'd be super down
I put one of these smart locks on like, you know a dumpster in my you know driveway. Yeah
Okay, fine. So there are ways that the tech can be used but the idea of just letting someone go into my house
And so there are positive security things about not leaving a package outside
But I don't think that they were overcoming that by having someone go into your house. Yeah, so that's that's where I'm at
So there are brands already signed on to enter dwellings via Amazon key including merry maids and the animal caregiver Rover calm
Man you know, I just
At this, you know, this feels like this feels like to me like I'm getting left behind the same way
I did when online dating became a thing because to me I was like
Oh, apparently Jeff Bezos became the richest man in the world today as their stock price surged
13% to a record high
And he owns 81 million shares. So he's now worth 90 billion dollars. There you go
So I feel like I'm being left behind in kind of the same way that I was when online dating became a thing because to me
Like I haven't dated since online dating didn't have a stigma right around it
Yeah, like back when I was in high school meeting online doesn't anymore. No. Yeah, it's no big no big deal
Which is like weird late show hosts are talking about like, you know swiping left and swiping right like it's
Super cash now and like celebrities are legitimately on it. Yeah
But when I was in high school it was like oh my god a thing that online
To go 100% Valley girl for you guys. Yeah, and it was good. You did good for me
I'm looking at this as kind of the same thing. Like I'm
Instead of but instead of meeting someone random at a at a at a at a
You know away from my home and my stuff and like my privacy location. I am
Like like a restaurant or something. I am bringing randoms into my house now when I
hire a
babysitter, you know
gardening service or whatever I
Or usually Yvonne, yeah, that's fair interviews them
Yeah in the same way that if you think about it, you would traditionally meet a dating partner by
An interview process like an in-person of sorts. Yeah handshake
No, look, but but you get what I mean is though to a certain degree. Yeah, but we're moving away from that to like
sort of
You know finding your finding your maid or your or your dating partner by, you know
Flipping through the available options and kind of going. Oh, yeah, that one's got good reviews on
You know made
Swipe made swipe.com already. I'm sure it's probably a thing. Oh
Interesting what how much it cost
Can't be available
Because you know, that's just gonna turn into a fetish site like immediately it's available
What not even like it's made swipe dot-com. It's only 15 bucks
15 Canadian dollars. No way. Holy maid swipe dot-com whoever buys that
don't just buy it and sit on it buy it and make a killing because that is
Legitimately you get a business like that going you get signed up with Amazon key
There is a model here and you actually just clone the tinder interface
You could make like an uber like service for maids
Yeah using maid swipe and you could swipe through and they could have different rates and different specialties
It could be like nearby or not nearby
They come they clean up different services that they offer like maybe this one will do your laundry that domain will like
Straight up not be there for very long. That's not a bad idea hazy
Hit it up. You need to hire development team to start developing all the ideas that I've told you like pups wipe
It's also maids wipe. I mean some of them might offer that service. I don't know. Yeah
Yeah, anyway
So, thank you for watching the wan show and we will see you guys again next week. Bye ain't bad time saying that channel
Made some white
Linus the valley girl apparently exists. Oh, no. No, never mind. Not no one has actually put a website on it yet
It's available though. Oh
Oh, no, it's not. No, someone has registered it. Perfect. That's what we need. Oh