
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

to talk to. Alright guys welcome to the WAN Show. Thank you for tuning in on your
Friday afternoon. We were actually just noticing that viewership has been a
little bit lower than usual over the last little bit and we were trying to
figure it out and we went exams! So there's no excuse this week you guys
should all be tuning in and hearing about the latest technologies and
shaving technologies from Dollar Shave Club and notebook technologies from our
sponsor Asus. Jay-Z. Jay-Z is I'll tell you what if Jay-Z is ever a sponsor of the
show then I will I will I will I will cut I will shave my head okay with my
Dollar Shave Club razor and I will eat my hair. I will eat every. With like all the shaving cream and stuff? Yes every last bit of it. Is that toxic? I hope not.
I think if I actually died from consuming a product of a sponsor they
would probably stop sponsoring the show. Mainly because you're dead. There would be
multiple reasons we've got a great show for you today guys. Towns is abandoned
after selling two hundred thousand copies and if you don't know what Towns
is, it is a game. We can't give them everything right now. I know. So that's it. We gotta hold out on them. Apple is
rumored to be buying Beats Electronics for 3.2 billion which would make it
their biggest acquisition to date. A marriage made in heaven perhaps? Match
made in heaven? A marriage of devils? Well I don't personally really have
anything against Apple products. Whoa whoa whoa. Let's wait. Alright alright alright. We're giving too much information man. There's oculus
ref bird simulator. See that's it. I'll show you too much information. That bowel
movement that I had before we started the show. Wow. I might have heard that. Anyways Amazon
Patents taking photos against a white background and then intro time. No you
forgot about the oculus thing. I just said that. How could you forget oculus? I just said that. I
didn't hear it. What? I said that. What? I said oculus ref bird simulator. If I didn't hear it it didn't happen. That's all the information I'm giving. It's not like you have a dashpad. And then you were like I'm gonna give too much
information. That was what led into that whole thing. Oh that makes sense.
Okay you never set up the intro did you? Yeah I did.
Thank you for tuning into the WAN Show guys. Our sponsors today are Asus with the G750JZ
Gaming Notebook and Dollar Shave Club. The fast, easy, inexpensive and expedient
way to save time and money. Don't worry too much about the redundancy guys.
Dollar Shave Club gives you only the features that you need on your Razer as
opposed to vibrating dill handles. Alright I lost track of what we were talking about. Okay so let's move into our first topic which is just unbelievable. So this was
originally posted on the forum by Pitt5000 and Amazon has allegedly made it
so that Linus didn't plug in his notebook before they started the stream.
So he's gonna have to go ahead and just pray to the technology gods that this is
gonna be oh yeah. That's really terrible. Not sure what happened there. Why why the why the
sound? Let's try that one more time. I apologize sincerely to our lovely
viewers who did not want to hear that HDMI. Oh the title of the show is wrong.
Thank you for that Nick. We actually have a new guy Nick who is responsible for
reminding me of things that are that should have been done. Yes I'm really
sorry about about that noise. I apologize. Did it update? Are we good? There we go.
It was like error. I was like okay. Do it again. Thank you Twitch. You are so awesome. I love you. Okay well that's better.
Alright so Pitt5000 posts, this is great, an article that originally appeared on
gizmodo.com about Amazon's revolutionary new patent taking photos on a white
background. Now to be clear this isn't pure patent troll ass hattery. Yeah. It's
just mostly patent troll ass hattery and to be clear patent troll mostly refers
to when the company uses their patents to be aggressive about things and attack
people. To attack others and really the thing that the funniest thing about this
patent to me is not that Amazon filed for it or that it was granted but that
no I don't know. I'm least surprised that they filed for it because big companies
just file for everything. Yeah. To see if they can make something stick. I'm
extremely surprised it was ever granted and I'm sure they are too but there's
some specific interesting things. They go down into specifics on the level of how
much wattage the lights use, what ISO your camera has to be at, what f-stop
your camera has to be at. Here's a diagram. Exact positioning of all the
lights and all the cameras like it's insanely specific. If you go yeah you can
see some of it here and if you go to the the second source in the dock you can
actually scroll down and then see all the crazy specifics that are on there. So
the second source right there. Yeah so here's the actual patent office. Here I'm just
gonna switch over there. So I mean okay I guess the thing that surprises me. Here
these are all the craziest. Yeah so we're in the second rear light sources
further positioned at a distance above the floor that is about 1.5 to 2.5 times
the first distance and oriented at a downward 45 degree angle relative to the
floor and it's like this entire thing. So you know what no the thing that
surprises me is that Amazon filed for this. Yeah. As opposed to that it was
granted because it's specific enough. Basically the idea is that Amazon
doesn't want to waste resources and really no one does. They don't want to
waste resources touching things up in post-processing. We waste a fair bit of
time around here using a green screen because when you have a green screen if
the lights aren't exactly the same that time or the actor stands a little bit
further back or further forward or whatever the case may be you can end up
with a situation where you have to touch it up and you have to tweak it in
order to get it to look right. That's right.
Amazon's technique requires no touch-ups and that's what they're patenting. They're
patenting a perfect technique for taking photos on a white background so that no
touch-ups are required. So I can kind of see why it would be granted. The thing I
don't understand is why Amazon bothered to file it because of two things. Number
one is that by filing this extremely detailed patent all they've effectively
done is given anyone and their dog the ability to replicate their supposed
perfect technique that has never been done before for taking perfect product
photos. The other thing is that they could never prove that anyone reading
this patent and replicating their exact technique used it. Someone could just say
oh well no I had the pedestal slightly lower. It was at 39.5 degrees. So there's
so many very specific things that you could change by a very small amount and
then dodge the patent. So I don't understand the point of it. Maybe you
guys can enlighten me. You know what? Twitter blitz. Obviously I know yeah I
don't need to see the usual rant about how the patent system is flawed. We know.
Everyone knows. It's terrible. And this honestly this is gonna help that case a
lot. Yeah. Because like this is ridiculous. I mean it is ridiculous but with some of
the stuff that we've seen get through it doesn't surprise me that it got approved.
But I would like to hear you guys say you know does this seem like the kind of
thing that Amazon should have even bothered with or does it seem like the
kind of thing that they... well yeah. There's only really one answer here isn't there?
You know what? Random Twitter blitz. Hit us up on at Linus Tech and let us know
something. Anything. We love you guys. We just want to hear from you. You never call.
Oh how funny that it's Mother's Day coming up and that's the first thing in your mind.
I was... Guilty conscience much? I was like just there. Guilty conscience. I've been to my
parents' house twice this week. Guilty conscience. And the week's not even over. I tried to go visit my mom
but she was too busy with her grandson at the pond to take her phone with her
so I sat in the parking lot at their apartment building for an hour. I was
able to make good use of the time. I switched over from the 1M8 to the 5S.
So BAM! When's your review coming? Thanks to my mom. I'm an Apple user again. It's
gonna be coming probably not this weekend but next weekend is the plan. So
I'll be doing like a retrospective what it was like being an iOS user and then
an Android user now an iOS user again but I'll spoil the ending for you guys I
am switching back to the 1M8. Oh. So that that's gonna happen. What I'd really like
to do is give the Moto X a longer try because I only really used it for my
review and I didn't use it for as long as I would have liked so he's borrowing
the Moto X because he can't keep his phones in one place or not broken but
I'd like to give the Moto X another shot and then I'll probably end up on the 1M8
again. One thing I like about the Moto X is that you know I don't know if the
1M8 can do this but I found a lot of Android phones the okay Google thing
doesn't really work. Siri is amazing. With Moto X you can just say okay
Google and it'll start working. Oh yeah yeah yeah that's unique. Yeah yeah but
like why isn't that on everything? Siri is amazing. I've never used it. So get this I didn't
even know if it could do this the thing about Google Google Now is that you have
to kind of like Google what it can do and then you have to like remember what
it can do it's not intuitive last night I set an alarm for 830 and I was like my
wife was like you're not gonna get up at 830 I was like no no I'm gonna get up at
830 she's like you're not gonna get up at 830 I'm gonna wake up I'm not gonna
be able to go back to sleep and you're not gonna get up till 9 so set your
alarm till 9 and I was like motivate me and so I set my alarm to 9 and so all I
had to do is be like tomorrow's alarm for 830 change it to 9 o'clock or
something along those lines like in my own vernacular I just told it what to do
and it's like okay I changed that for you and like I didn't even believe it I
just like I had to double check. I don't think you could do that with Google Now.
And I was just like holy crap Google has. I think you could do it in two steps I think you could
remove the alarm then you could create a new one. But it's not as elegant.
Google's voice calling is ridiculous it's stupid. If you're like call whoever
mobile it's like would you like to call this yes I just said that would you like
to call home yes I just said that Apple would you call my wife mobile calling
mobile ringing the only people are really cool are in my favorite favorites
anyways so it's almost faster for me to just be like click on phone click on
person like driving and stuff yeah yeah like I have reasons that I because
normally yeah I'll down and there are things that I miss about Android like
Apple doesn't have t9 dialing which is awesome yeah like head explode awesome
the first time I saw it and that's how I dial most of the time but Siri is so
much easier to use than Google Now that I just absolutely love it I'm not super
great with Google Now so someone might yeah someone's probably tearing me apart
because there's some exact way that you can word it yeah well now we'll
understand you but I don't care that's not a great user experience that's one
thing even without using Siri that I've been kind of able to pick up spark Fox
is like don't even start on s-voice well that's right go ahead no one cares then
they do a thing recently but like how much people actually use the s apps
it was like not at all I can't remember who did that I have no source I just I
think that happened no I missed that that sounds fantastic though but I
already love it if you've ever seen her Siri seems more like the AI operating
systems in her Google Now seems more like the thing he's using before that
but like a really early version of it right because you can kind of talk to
Siri yeah you can't really talk to Google Now if you try to talk to it'll
just Google what you said I hate it makes me so mad like no I'm so mad I
want you to Google something I would have said like Google search and then
what I wanted you know what well you know what pisses me off most about
Google Now is I live in Surrey I live in a city I live in a city called Surrey
okay and so half the time I try to navigate anywhere it's like something
something serious whereas Siri knows what I'm talking about
it can tell the difference between Surrey and Siri and that is impressive
to me all right so that actually led in really well to a couple of topics here
so number one was Oh balls where is it what yes Stephen Hawking says AI could
be our worst nightmare you were that is a very bad quote or worst mistake in
history or something yeah because they're grabbing like the second half of
it it's it could be like there it could be the best thing or it could be the
worst mistake yeah so so fortunately minimalist the gent who posted this or
lady who posted this on the forum has the actual quote which is sort of blah
blah blah blah blah it's good saying it could be the most significant thing to
ever happen in human history as it's oh no wait no no you didn't know all right
so we'll have to go here could be our worst mistake in history but that is a
very sensationalist headline ah okay forget it Luke already covered it pretty
well so the idea is that what he actually said is that it could be the
greatest thing ever or it could also be our worst mistake because we can't
predict what it is although we are facing potentially the best or worst
thing to happen in human in to happen to humanity in history so they grabbed
like the second half of a sentence then we're like oh my god but what he
actually said was best or worst and I'm gonna post this I'm gonna post this link
in the twitch chat cuz that's something that we should always do in general yeah
and you know what I was really I was proud of the internet today because I
was reading this article and I was like oh great article but you know I wonder
what people think about it's got like a bajillion comments under it George
Dvorsky here actually posted like a cogent and well-structured and
respectful sort of disagreement with what everyone else is saying that I
really quite enjoyed reading or maybe that's not the right one oh crap hold on
which one was it those look like a lot of very well thought out replies which
is not very common this is the one this one's right George Dvorsky's thing is
absolutely awesome and he kind of talks about that's I think that's PV talking
to George oh okay PV PV you are the man or woman because that is that is that is
a great response and it just kind of talks about how a lot of the fear that
people have of AI is is based on the assumption that AI would behave the way
that humans do and that it would perceive a lesser a lesser being as
something it has to crush or has to destroy and gives he kind of outlines
three likely scenarios so scenario a which is that the AI attempts to destroy
humanity scenario B that the AI attempts to help humanity and scenario C that it
just does nothing at all and the argument that AI would probably choose
option C or option B without us noticing so a combination of the two
seems most likely if a computer were to operate from a purely logical
perspective what does it stand to gain destroying us really well probably a
better environment a better environment for what it's metal it's not like it's
gonna take up space but it needs to be able to gain electricity if it has solar
electricity we could possibly pollute the sky or ruin things right if it's
only goal is gaining electricity we are organisms that are using electricity as
well so if it got rid of us then it could use all the electricity which
assumes that it needs more electricity which assumes that it needs more there's
a yeah I don't know I haven't even read this I'm just throwing in devil's
advocacy so yeah I mean so so anyway this writer makes a very very strong
argument for it probably doing nothing that's it and honestly that's kind of my
side of it as well is because we we would pretty much have to program in the
like hate for us for that to even happen or not I mean because I made the whole
the whole thing the whole AI thing is that I can learn is that it can learn
and it can come up with its own ideas and if that idea happens to be a way to
improve itself or to manipulate people to you know improve it or whatever else
the case may be I suspect a very smart being would want to do all that without
being noticed that's all yeah all right so and that actually led really well
into one of our oh you know what let's do our Twitter blitz and then we'll move
into one of the other things that led pretty well into one of our topics here
which was Samsung's head of mobile design resigns after the galaxy s5's
poor reception so I actually I I definitely I you know Samsung's one of
those companies that just I don't know what it is but they're pretty fun to
beat up you know like I love a lot of things about them but other times they
just make me make me want to shake my head and cry all right so mark says
Linus why do you use IE because this is a fresh OS and IE is what I'm logged
into everything with I know but I'm not logged into everything lazy don't forget
the outro this time thank you Joey oh here's Linus in his Lambo where is that
picture whenever anyone photoshops anything that's always the picture of
this picture yeah um it is from a thumbnail on an ancient NCIX tech tips
outside of the old NCIX like for you I used to have it on my first Google Plus
profile I just I see it so often this is see you can tell the quality of this one
is quite poor yeah so this could have been pulled from someone else putting it
somewhere okay so I think that's how things spread on that makes sense yeah
as the patent is so specific it's fairly worthless not like the covers everything
related Apple ones exactly and that is exactly my point why it's even bother
how is it even worth the thousands of dollars that it costs to file a patent
yeah all they're doing is revealing how I could go and build that studio
tomorrow thank you Amazon yeah we're not that I'm gonna do that of course not
because we use maybe something similar but yeah we could do with green instead
of white yeah when is the NCX ultimate NAS setup video coming at some point I'm
not sure it's up to wheels over there and why no guests and when quite frankly
because I'm lazy Intel z97 is out with haswell refresh coming on Sunday I've
never understood why Intel does this or AMD for that matter where they launch a
chipset without a CPU or vice versa so I mean we have like a literal stack of z97
boards that I haven't even looked at because why would I even bother
benchmarking them with non haswell refresh chips I don't understand so
we'll wait until some haswell refresh stuff lands and then we'll we'll get on
that for you guys okay did you know about boink yes we have a boink team on
the forums that is like huge you know if you're interested in joining check it
out we're top in Canada for like a few different things and we're world
recognized so yeah we also have a giant folding team if you want to join that
too the folding team is actually bigger in relation than the boink team is David
Cooper says if you make a great AI someone will eventually tell it to do
something evil but that assumes the AI can't think for itself which it can
because awesome Jake plush thank you Rob says I just ordered some ie 80s thanks
to the recommendation and yes I use the sponsor link Rob you're awesome yeah
thank you for being awesome also the ie 80s are awesome yeah I still use them
every day I love them they're fantastic I used iPhone for my experience it's
very disappointing I was since I switched then I bet I may test the
iPhone 6 I'm really interested to see what Apple does with iPhone 6 if you
don't think five days oh oh this is a tweet in response to something that I
was talking about on Twitter last night where one plus offered me a five-day
loaner unit of the one plus one and I basically told them forget it because
what I can do is not like I'll play around with it for five days and then I
can talk about it on one show but I'm not gonna do a review because quite
frankly the our review of the one m8 which I think represents the very best
that I can do at least right now in terms of a phone review our review of
the one m8 took me well over a week just to use the phone and make notes on and
prepare and then like obviously it wasn't a week dedicated to just that I
was making other videos throughout that week but everything's kind of like that
where I'll spend a week with it part-time and I'll be making notes as I
go then it took me hours to compile into a full script hours to shoot and then it
took a full day for one of my editors to edit so I'm sitting there going okay so
you're gonna give me five days with this what I'm gonna rush my review all in the
name of I can play with a phone for five days well I'm sorry what's in this for
me what's in this for my viewers why am I doing this even like our phone reviews
actually started off with month-long trials that was the whole thing with us
starting phone reviews and then even with the Tegra note which I didn't even
do a ton on I had it for slightly over a week and on the Saturday during that
week I spent literally the entire day doing nothing else except for playing
with the tablet so yeah so that's kind of the idea we don't necessarily do the
spec heavy reviews that other guys do or the benchmarks that they do we focus
on what it's like to actually use the bloody thing I noticed I never got the
Tegra note back it's ah that's right oh we have a really cool video coming soon
there's a product that claims to use UV light to clean your phone at night so we
actually we got like real petri dishes and stuff and like did swabs and stuff
so we're gonna let you guys know if that works that's coming really soon that was
like immediately after my guy I remember that now I thought you were
stealing company property again why wherever would I get that I hear
wherever would I get that I'd like you all right so let's uh move on to our
next topic here Samsung's head of mobile design resigns after galaxy s5 poo
reception it's funny where that got cut off on the page there we go I mean in
terms of parties what would a poo reception be hopefully not fondue
hopefully not fun to think of some way to spin it well then I was like well it
could be like a fondue thing I was like that's actually really disgusting that's
actually a lot worse hmm so anyway so so follow posted originally on the forum
by ETR J so he has resigned following criticism about the galaxy s5 lack of
thank you for using a word that I actually don't know how to pronounce
appreciate that ETR J so though the galaxy s5 design did not actually deviate
too far from earlier models it's looks done textured plastic back we're round
we're roundly I'm not even reading this anymore you're from like the UK and
you're writing it wrong so basically reviewers didn't like the build quality
they didn't like the backing material I don't know what people didn't like about
the backing material I liked it it's different it's easier to grip I'm not
against it yeah like I actually quite like the backing of the galaxy s5 it's
one of the things I did like about it cuz I don't like touch whiz that's for
sure I mean honestly I think the criticism of the s5 is less about the s5
not being a solid incremental improvement honestly the build quality
feels a lot better than the s4 to me it has less flex in it by far it's
waterproof and or water-resistant rather and all that stuff but I think it's more
to do with the phone community getting bored and not actually recognizing their
own boredom for what it is there there it's harder for them to find things to
get excited about compared to in the past when there were so many amazing new
innovations coming with every new smartphone and we've talked about this a
fair bit on the show but it's kind of like PC enthusiasts saying you know MSI
or Asus is or whoever's new motherboard isn't exciting therefore it sucks well
really it's just mature now and it's not changing much anymore and you're
just not into it that much anymore and I think people are not recognizing that
they're losing the interest maybe not in the software side I think there's still
a lot of innovation to happen on the software side of things but in terms of
the hardware we've all basically consolidated down to you know an iPhone
one of various sizes or shapes yeah that's very very similar so one thing
that I like like every single time we bring this up I bring up LG because they
did move the buttons to the back like there is things you can do with layout
and stuff that still has been untried yet and there's gonna be things like
virtual keyboards and stuff that people are gonna be working on but it's not
gonna be like major drastic game-changing things on every single
phone release so that's um so that's that's what I think this is I mean you
know despite the perceived lack of beauty Samsung managed to sell 86
million smartphones in q4 last year widening its lead over Apple but Samsung
is apparently struggling to make a profit on its phone thanks in part to
I hate this way this is written anyway they spend a lot on marketing so that's
that's costing them a lot I guess that's all there is to really say about that is
I think it's just people not being excited about the phones in general and
not that Samsung is particularly doing anything wrong I mean I mean they are
doing things wrong but they're not doing anything really new wrong like they're
still they're still making touch whiz for old people which like I don't know
how to fix something like that because when you've when you've cornered the
market on old people who can't see their screens very well it's not like you want
to go ahead and change all your UI elements and make them small but you
could you could have like a scaling option or something yeah you got scaling
that works better I guess yeah that's an option all right so I was looking for a
segue here and I've got nothing but no it is absolutely brutal I mean when I
first heard about this I I was kind of sitting there going well geez I hope
this doesn't go anywhere because we review things and sometimes we say
negative things about them so you were actually looking into this a fair bit I
thought do you want to cover this one I I've done a lot of talking was but I
don't know where it's really gonna go Amazon axed them really hardcore really
quickly you're skipping to the ending you haven't told them what happened yet
I don't like okay so someone someone posted a review and then media bridge
feet freaked out people are saying that media bridge has had falsified or fake
reviews in the past and then this one crazy flammatory review was really bad
media bridge came back saying that oh you cost all these people jobs and all
this kind of stuff by posting this review and it's flammatory so we're
gonna go after you I'm not exactly what sure happened between them at that
point but then Amazon axed them completely they cannot sell through
Amazon anymore I believe that still does mean that other sellers through Amazon
could sell their products right but they can't sell as an Amazon product which
will probably hurt them a lot because I know at least me I know there's people
that don't care but personally if I'm buying something off Amazon it has to
come from Amazon or else really why am I buying it off Amazon oh I just buy stuff
off Amazon marketplace all the time the reason is that Amazon marketplace means
you have Amazon's customer service as a protective I've tried that before didn't
really work really oh they were like yeah we can't really do much it's not us
I was like okay oh wow yeah that's why I personally only do it through Amazon I
have done it it's example I have done it before right and it totally didn't work
out at all I bought an old-school game and it came in the box and stuff and it's
a really good price and I ordered it online and I've never really liked
ordering old-school games online because it's very possible like the the game
store that I buy from locally they have like a nine-day return thing so you can
go home make sure the game actually works cuz I probably ancient and if it
doesn't work and get your money back online that can be part of a kind of an
issue right sometimes it's not even worth the cost of shipping it back yeah
it depends this time it didn't work and I was like hey well I want my money back
because it was a nice in box game and it did cost a little bit of money and they
weren't responding so I went to Amazon customer service and they were like
welp huh I don't know well there you go okay well every day so basically so the
what it looked like was gonna happen here at first was that just you know a
guy posted a negative review where I okay the negative review did contain
some pretty specific criticisms of of media bridge slash media link and that
was that it was just a rebadged router which honestly a lot of consumers think
that that's a really big deal it's not most things that you're gonna be buying
are actually rebadged have you ever bought you know like and it depends on
how you even wanted to find like rebadged have you ever bought a d-link
wireless adapter because it's just gonna have an Athros or Marvell chipset
on a PCB that's just gonna be basically a reference design with some plastic
thing around the plastic thing is that a rebadge I don't know is that an
integrated a product from a supplier and that they sell to the consumer it would
probably I don't know so I mean maybe it was a rebadge maybe it wasn't what the
reviewer also said was that okay so said it was blah blah blah said that they had
falsified other reviews on Amazon in order to make their product seem better
than they are which is a pretty serious accusation and so if they were gonna go
after him for libel then that would be potentially there would potentially be a
case there and then the problem though is that what media bridge did is they
came back saying you have harmed media bridge we intend to hold you liable for
all damages sustained they said he must delete his negative product review on
Amazon within three days of receiving the letter stop all defamatory and
injurious conduct toward the company and agree never to purchase or comment on a
media bridge product again so the rear has actually since changed the review to
remove the statements but you know I think that that's not yeah this quote to
damage is just kind of done at this point the quote about the remove the
reviewer moving the statement is kind of interesting because it goes exactly like
this the reviewer has since changed his review completely to remove the libelous
statements but unfortunately not before having an army attack us on the internet
this is from media bridge so they they're they're basically accusing the
reviewer of you know colluding with other internet denizens to go in like
thumbs up the review because it was a big part of the problem for media link I
guess huh is that it was the most helpful negative review and honestly
those are the ones that people see the most helpful positive one the most
helpful negative one and it had a bunch of people thumbsing it up saying it was
helpful so and like sometimes I see reddit as just a pack of dogs that needs
something to go after all the time it could be positive it could be negative
it could be whatever and like maybe it would just happen that there is no other
really super important super positive or super negative news at that point in
time and it hit reddit the right point in time they're just like rah cuz that
happens yeah I mean definitely a thing it's funny they use the word army because
you could probably describe the reddit community as an army sometimes you know
who that army works for exactly we're not sure but for the people in theory I
guess but sometimes you know an army of the people without you know clear
leadership and a clear sort of direction can just kind of do things and whether
they were wrong here or not actually hard to say I mean it's possible that
media bridge was totally off base it's possible that the reviewer was totally
off base and saying things that just blatantly weren't true but then it's
always better to communicate with that person rather than having a lawyer do
the communication or just prove them wrong yeah I mean that's the issue to me
is when you when the opening salvo is do this or else cease and desist or else
the opening salvo should be hey yo do you mind yeah yeah and then if that's a
problem well then you get the lawyers involved or like talk to Amazon about
their review service and try to bring up the whole like oh well he posted like
surprisingly positive reviews on other people's things just to make ours look
really bad and there's like good and all that kind of stuff talk to Amazon about
that talk to him try and prove that you're not rebadging even though that
probably doesn't matter try and prove all these other different things then
you get posed as the good person and then the reddit army gets behind you
instead of in front of you good old reddit army all right so we've got our
next topic here and that is that the developers this is just oh this is
interesting oh this is terrible so the I think the official post saying that he
was actually taking it down wasn't even done by the original developer let's see
here yeah yeah yeah it wasn't even done by the original developer was done by a
guy that joined on and his agreement that was that he would make 15% of the
sales of towns so it became not worth it for him personally because town sales
were going down this isn't the game even isn't even released yet but town sales
were going down so he wasn't making enough money the original creator also
felt like he wasn't making enough money although the game is worth how much and
then it's selling 200,000 times so that dude probably did actually make quite a
bit of money and in this post they talk about how they're interested in making a
sequel did you know that part okay we haven't really given the audience any
context did you sleep much last night are you tired no but it's pretty
straightforward okay but we haven't told an early access game that hasn't been
released yeah oh did you yeah it's like the second thing that you just straight
up didn't hear anyways it's at first launch on steam at the end of 2012 it's
an in-development game it's I think it's through the greenlight system that it
was yeah it was one of the greenlit games it's it's it's not out yet so
200,000 copies has been abandoned and they're planning on yeah I mean the
original dev abandoned it in February saying you know burned out handed it
over to Florian Frankenberger and then within a couple of months now it's not
going well and development has been completely abandoned I mean um how do
you fix this I don't know people have been talking about contractual
obligation to complete a game if it gets greenlit so if you mean yeah I mean ask
EA yeah that's a good point it's it's it's hard this is a problem with early
access and then we got that guy posting on our forums where taking this away is
gonna hurt a massive amount of developers yeah but then leaving this
here is gonna hurt a massive amount of people well because there are the
success stories with early access like minecraft minecraft what an enormous
success story and there's a lot of games that honestly people are enjoying playing
right now because they're honestly not that broken and probably shouldn't be in
beta or early access that are currently in early access like I know rust a lot
of people are playing rust and having no real problems with it now I know there's
a ton of bugs but don't worry about it for a long time and I don't know if it's
released now or not but like a lot of people are playing it very actively
there's a huge community behind it and it was fine it's it's going okay and
there's a lot of games that are like that the guy that posted in our forum I
believe was for like robot dodgeball or something did robot disco dodgeball I
saw them at PAX East actually so yeah I don't I don't know how you exactly fix
this a big problem is what you just brought up whereas if you put like a
contractual obligation where you have to release the game or have to complete
the game if you decide to abandon it you can just be like not early access
anymore now it's done yeah maybe they can have something where there's like a
minimum goal like you have to have these amount of things in the game yeah
but like how do you define that I mean the cut okay the the lawyers involved in
writing the contract that I mean I think about the development process of
anything like what if what if Linus media agree order something change a
year and four and a half months ago had been told to contractually commit to
what kind of videos we were gonna do two years from now I mean the amount
that what we do has changed in that time and I mean any creative processes like
that you know like a game you might go okay we're gonna have three campaigns
and three races and you might kind of go oh this is stupid Starcraft's been made
already we're gonna have six races or we're gonna have two races or you know
whatever else that happens to be as long as you don't just have one race Donald
then you know you're being very 21st century about it that's all I'm trying
to say yeah and the point is that that it can change so the kind of contract
that you have to write to like spell it out in detail enough that they would
actually have to deliver I don't know how to fix it it's impossible I mean the
lawyers the lawyers would be happy with that arrangement I'm sure yeah yeah one
thing is like this is this comes back to the Kickstarter talk we're talking about
a long time ago and something that you guys should probably take a look at if
you're really interested in this is total biscuits video on early access but
it's it's where like do your research make sure the guy that you're supporting
has like made a bunch of stuff Chris Roberts hopefully it's a game studio
there are entire game studios putting stuff up on green light and on
Kickstarter make sure that there's some sort of a background it's I haven't read
enough into it but I've heard some people saying that the guy that made
towns has a few failed projects in the past I don't know if that's true I've
just seen that in a few different places it's like that's the kind of stuff you
want to look into it's an early access game you are gambling to a certain point
you're not you're not buying the game as is right now or if you are then you're
happy with it already and it doesn't matter but that's the that's the problem
is that people feel like when they pay for something they should get some like
here and it's the whole they should they should that's the whole Kickstarter
problem is people perceive Kickstarter as like buying something but the problem
is that Kickstarter is more like a donation yeah because you're not buying
something because oftentimes they don't actually have to deliver it or it
doesn't have to be very functional and then the other times wait so all right
right right so and the other problem is that if it is really successful you
don't actually get a cut of it so it's not an investment and it's not a
purchase it's a donation to support someone who you think should make the
thing that you like like honestly guys I've got what I think is a fantastic
idea for a movie trailer that I want to make I think that Linus media group has
gotten to the point where we are capable of creating an awesome movie trailer we
are nowhere near capable of creating an awesome movie they're really different
very different things completely different skill sets in a lot of ways
but what we could easily do is we could kickstart and that's the thing is a well
merchandised Kickstarter so we could kickstart support us to make this movie
give us you know a hundred thousand dollars or whatever the case may be we
could make a fantastic trailer spend fifteen twenty thousand dollars on that
and then just you know buy ice cream with the other eighty thousand dollars
release a movie that's like starring me and Luke and shot with like a phone
camera and we haven't actually done anything illegal and like this ties in I
think I've told this story on the show before where I've backed a lot of
Kickstarter projects most of them have been successful some of them have been
glowingly successful to the point where the the guy that's made it yeah pebble
real companies are formed but like some of the smaller ones that I've done where
it is a company but now it's like two or three people and it's been a year and a
half since I got my product in my hands for them like it's been a long time
they're still in contact with all of us all the Kickstarter backers are getting
huge discounts all the time just because they're like thank you you allowed us to
become a thing that's awesome and that's what you kind of hope happens from
Kickstarter and they still allow us to put input in towards projects that
they're doing in the future and stuff like that which is really cool but that
doesn't happen all the time I have been completely screwed over I bought into a
Kickstarter the guy didn't post updates forever and then was randomly like yeah
nope I didn't do anything and I'm not going to do anything so nope like 100%
and then he's like oh apparently I have to give refunds so give me your
information and then no update and then months later he's like well I'm doing
the refunds today no one got them and then radio silence since then I don't
ever expect to get that money back and you know what's really stupid is some of
the kickstarters I've seen fail are even things as stupid as like playing
cards yeah they just flat-out didn't make it's like really what did you spend
the money on and you know a lot of the time I think it's on like a posh office
and like a nice new computer to put on their fancy desk when really and it
frustrates me the way a lot of startups behave like they already are making the
money as opposed to figuring out how to deliver the product the best that they
possibly can to their customers the best way they possibly can without spending
that money so that they can keep that money to reinvest in themselves for the
future I mean that's how I think businesses should be run but a lot of
the time that's not really how it goes there was recently a Kickstarter I don't
remember what this was for I wish I had research on this but they were
complaining that they had ran out of money because one of the employees in
the company when they're running their Kickstarter was in like serious money
troubles so when the Kickstarter ended and they got all the money he took like
a third of it and they were just like yeah it's a cash advance for like six
months salary and then they're like oh wait we don't have any money left
because we gave it all to him and it's like what are you kidding me was that
somewhere on the Kickstarter page we were funding this guy's like probably
I'm gonna assume gambling troubles like could be drugs could be drugs could be
anything like no that wasn't a part of the Kickstarter but could be just
anything I used to work with I used to have a co-worker who we were in sort of
a similar without giving too much detail I have some idea of what kind of
money she made and like the amount of money that I saw getting like I knew I
knew the pay grade I knew approximately the expenses I knew her pretty well and
the amount of money that I saw her blowing on hobby stuff I was sitting
there going okay so you're constantly like asking for more money but I know
that you waste it all on stupid crap so maybe if you stopped wasting it on
stupid crap we wouldn't have this problem because you make a very fair
living wage yeah speaking of a fair living wage 3.2 billion apples reportedly
considering buying beats for 3.2 billion oh this has been updated since the last
time I looked at it by Alex goes high is apparently kinda confirmed so I right
yes I did hear about this so dr. Dre was caught up celebrating the deal in his
studio because he posted a video about said celebration on Facebook that has
been deleted the verge evidently saved it to their servers prior to the
takedown so basically in the video dr. Dre describes himself as the first
billionaire in hip-hop and doesn't explicitly confirm the Apple
acquisition but the the implication there is that the deal is basically
already done so Apple would be acquiring not just like headphones which to me is
less I mean yeah it's a huge business and all that but that's less of a big
deal and probably if Apple decided to release their own Apple branded
headphones they could crush Beats headphones if they really felt like it I
mean the kinds of people who buy Beats headphones are probably gonna also be
interested in Apple headphones and quite frankly I have a lot more faith in Apple
than I do in Beats when it comes to making a decent pair of headphones I'd
assume it had really good build quality which I don't assume I don't even know
but I just I don't assume they're they're nothing I've never bought a pair
of beats so I forget where I was going with that what is your thing you said
you have a very unpopular opinion I'll get to that so Apple will also be buying
beats is streaming service so that is is a music streaming service that's
actually similar to something that Apple's been rumored to be developing so
it would potentially work on Android devices so this could be a great way for
Apple to get into the music streaming service I mean music is something that
Apple's been very heavily into since the jobs days and it could allow them to get
a chunk of that pie on the Android side without like creating branding weirdness
around you know iTunes for Android you know whatever they want to call it or
or whatever that ends up turning into so I think that's actually more interesting
it's funny to me that this is actually by far Apple's biggest acquisition so
it's the second biggest was actually next back in 1997 when they brought
Steve Jobs's next computer company that are computing next I forget what it's
called anyway when they brought next back into the fold and reacquired Steve
Jobs so this is far bigger than that Apple's more about the little strategic
micro acquisitions where they see like a really smart technology and and and buy
them up before they get big yeah so this is very uncharacteristic for them making
like a power move like this it's interesting I see it kind of makes sense
though because of how much they're already entwined yeah sort of I mean
they sell beats in the Apple store but I mean they also sell Cooler Master like
aluminum phone stands in the store I don't know about you in terms of revenue
beats brings in a lot more than the Cooler Master aluminum stand you know
what's baffling to me is how I managed to live in the kind of bubble that I
live in like when we were trying to do the hackintosh build I had the the the
guy we were working with rampage dev who's a hackintosh developer really nice
super nice guy we really like him cool guy um he was like oh yeah to create the
the bootable USB Drive just plug it into a Mac and do this I'm like I don't have
a Mac he's like then borrow one I'm like I don't know a single person who owns a
Mac he's like what like look don't worry man I'll figure it out but I don't know
a single person who owns a Mac I don't know a single person who owns beat
headphones that's a beat beats Beats headphones who works here a while ago
who I don't think he still has them do I have to hit him I don't think he's I
know he has monster turbines is it Brandon no it's not Ed is it no no he
had them oh he had them a while ago I don't know if he still has them no we
were making fun of people who own beats headphones yeah and I was saying that
you have monster earbuds but those are actually fairly well well reputed so
you're okay you're off the hook Brandon yeah he had the like small ones that go
on your ear oh really yeah oh headache so it was a while ago though and he got
like an employee discount on it's our new guy we are all ashamed of him I
wouldn't have hired him if I'd known that is a very sad very sad state of
affairs so here here's what I will say about an Apple beats acquisition I would
actually be pretty excited to see a product that came out of this union
that's what I'll say that's all I have to say about it guys I'm gonna create a
straw poll because Apple owns that would you be as I was gonna say if it was the
other way around and I was like no there's no way I could have made that
so you could have kept talking oh I don't really have anything else to say
okay are we done with this topic yeah I'm just going to like basically I okay
I guess I do have more to say so the reason that I would be excited about
that is because beats I appreciate their style and I appreciate their marketing
but what has always been lacking for me is the actual build quality and the
actual exceptional ness of the product so anything good yeah um where and but
what they're what they've been good at what they have been good at is
increasing the demand for quality audio solutions even people are like wow this
is bad I want to buy something better no no no no no no like like commercials
like the HP Envy commercial where they have dr. Dre with his stupid headphones
on on an HP notebook and like talking about how better audio enriches the
experience because it does the problem is that beats never actually delivered
enriched audio experience but the good thing they did was they made people
aware of crappy audio and how much it sucks so what I would like to see Apple
do so here's my straw poll you guys what I would like to see Apple do is
actually build something with beats branding that is good because hate on
Apple all you want the iPhone 5s is an exceptional piece of hardware and even
all even the Android fanboys have to agree that what's great about the HTC
one series the one m7 and the one m8 is that someone on the Android side finally
rivaled Apple for build quality which would imply that we never had anything
equivalent before they are quality built products they're fast Apple actually
engineers solutions that are good their processors that they actually build
themselves unlike pretty much everyone else with the exception of Samsung where
they're just using an off-the-shelf processor Apple actually engineers the
crap out of things so if they engineered the crap out of a $300 pair of headphones
I would expect to actually get $300 level build quality and $300 level sound
quality out of it that's what I would like to see there's you you can't
possibly say that they don't make things well you can but it's just stupid that's
all I have to say about that okay yeah you could technically say yeah you could
say it but you're just completely wrong yeah so there you go um do you want to
do a topic sure there's a few left actually there's a lot left here I'm
gonna throw those straw poll results up there boom okay so one that I find
really interesting because we've been talking about VR a lot lately and yep
I'm gonna talk about another Oculus Rift thing is that the biggest thing that
we've both said is that it's not necessarily immersive enough yeah
because not all your senses are engaged and that's what's really interesting
about this I could engage your senses that wouldn't have to be VR oh is this
the thing that you're gonna do on the show no okay you're talking about all
right so a company called something birdly I think I'm a little bit
distracted right now has created this giant machine thing that they're
quoting saying you do not control the machine you embody a bird the red kite
which is a bird by the way but honestly you're controlling machine but what's
really interesting about it is that it engages your physical sense so you're
literally you're laying flat up on this machine and then you have to flap as if
you're a bird like he's doing right there and then it is putting smell into
the environment so what you see on the oculus rift is pushed through towards
you so if you're flying over a forest you'll smell a forest if you're flying
over mud flats you'll smell mud whatever and you can see that giant fan right in
front of them that fan will change how fast it's spinning depending on how fast
he's going in the game so if he starts going really quickly the fan will start
spinning really quickly so you're getting not necessarily accurate but
you're getting representative wind speed towards your head and you're getting
smell and you're getting vision from the oculus rift this is kind of the stuff
that I'm talking about it's still not gonna feel like you're actually a bird
because you're laying on something kind of flapping around but it should be
really interesting to be able to try they're saying that it has olfactoric
what is it called sorry what now olfactoric smell no I know but is that
how you pronounce it I'm actually not sure olfactoric olfactoric olfaction
either way factory perceptions yeah so olfactory perception is how you smell
things they have feedback on that they also have feedback based on which it
which is based on the location of the bird while you're flying I said if you
fly over for I still like kind of stuff and then it has wind speed and actually
physically flapping oh you can have that banana on your shirt I don't want that
in my hand cool though it cuz this is just the tip of the iceberg when it
comes to exciting things that we're gonna be able to do with VR yeah I'm
like this maybe isn't the most realistic thing for something that everyone's
gonna have in their house yeah it's like it's like if if we had conversations
before about how I was like yeah Omni is cool but like I wouldn't find room for
it in my house like yeah I'm gonna have like a dedicated like you know quarter
of a room for like my bird simulator machine and my goat simulator machine
and my farmer simulator machines like it's gonna turn you know what gaming is
going back to arcade size machines they're gonna they should get it to the
point where there's one and it's like a transformer so what game you want to
play in it just like changes itself that would be amazing somebody kickstart that
I'm not gonna give you my money because I know you can't build I was gonna say
don't kickstart it because you will never be successful it won't work but I
like how you think yeah exactly all right but yeah I hope they have this
kind of stuff like science world yeah that would be cool or different things
like that so you can actually tell us world of science can you believe that
like it's like telcos you know can you is is there another way that you could
demonstrate that you have too much money tell us world of science Rogers arena
yeah like no oh no no no no science world goes beyond that so sponsoring
arenas that's one thing that's that's like yeah we don't know what to do all
the money to name your arena whatever it is tell us world of science they bought
it they own it what yeah so science world is is a dome in Vancouver that's
really cool it's actually fantastic world after dark is like one of the
coolest great place to take the kids great place to even go on a date like
they just have cool exhibits that are sciency and like puzzles you can do and
before you do um so science worlds fantastic so tell us actually they were
running out of money because it was publicly funded and you know it's like
anything cool not enough people go because everyone's too busy playing
video games um so I've been like five six times so tell us one of our local
telcos just bought the thing just like whatever okay speaking of just buying
the thing I guess it's time for our sponsor segment so we're gonna start
with Dollar Shave Club I finally got why the banana exists I was like this is
weird and I knew it was here like it was prepped to be here and like if you
wanted to eat the freaking banana so Dollar Shave Club sent us a second
package because you can see that between me wasting all of our shave butter I
actually really wish I hadn't wasted it it smells really nice and it's like kind
of nice to use so between me wasting all of our shave butter Taren stealing one
of the razor handles and someone else taking off with a pack of blades I'm not
even sure they're not they're not in the box anymore yeah maybe asked you did he
well I wasn't paying attention so Dollar Shave Club sent us a new pack of it so
we can show you I guess what the smaller follow-up packages look like once you
sign up for the club but basically the way Dollar Shave Club works if you
haven't heard of it before I'm just gonna switch to our ah yes join the club
visit dollarshaveclub.com slash Linus is what I really wanted to do was go to
this one is you go ahead and you sign up and the first time you get a handle you
get some blades and you get a pretty pretty spectacular shave they have
multiple products so they've got everything from like for okay so here to
put this in perspective for six dollars and fifty cents you get a four blade
razor the last razor you'll ever need gentle shave single stroke they're
commercials fantastic and even their most expensive offering is under ten
dollars you're looking at the Canadian site right now because I'm Canadian and
it automatically redirects me but in the u.s. the prices are actually slightly
cheaper all they have to really say about themselves is look the blades are
great there are a fraction of the cost of what you'll pay at the store and you
don't have to deal with the hassle of driving over to the store and dealing
with you know fighting someone to open up the stupid compartment that contains
the razor and going and getting the key I mean I don't know when the last time
you tried to get service at a grocery store was but there's no there sorry I
don't think I've ever actually tried to get service at a grocery store in theory
they have people like in the cosmetics department where normally you would find
cosmetics department I've seen people yeah so you can usually go get one of
them to come and help you with the shaving supplies but like see this is
the fact that I can tell this story and at all addresses why the need for
something like Dollar Shave Club exists where they deal with it for you every
month you're gonna get a new pack of blades so you can shave with a fresh
razor every week you can also order their shave butter whenever you run out
and you can get their one wipe Charlies which are peppermint scented butt wipes
for men and there I mean I'm not gonna I'm not gonna sugarcoat this because
trust me if you were to sugarcoat something that you wipe your butt with
that granulation is not gonna be cool
anyway sorry I'm not gonna sugarcoat this basically they're pre moistened
towelettes that smell nice and just to help in terms of effectiveness when
you're trying to you know gather up the troops so to speak and have them not
smell sitting next to people you know what my job isn't as easy as you might
think it is I do it sometimes I know it's not that easy all I'm trying to say
guys is head over to dollarshaveclub.com slash line to sign up for the club get a
great shave every day and don't worry about the hassle of buying razors any
more and I think that's all we have to say about that and are you really gonna
do this to me Wow all right so thank you a sues for sponsoring the wan show we
are proudly using the Asus g750 JZ gaming notebook for all of our wan show
needs and actually needs that go beyond the wan show since you messed up my last
integration why don't you go ahead and talk about why you took the g750 JZ
which happens to belong to the company on a personal trip with you what was
exactly the point of that well the point was that I had to test out a Tegra note
so I had a phone I had a Tegra note and I had a laptop and part of my idea was
if I needed to do something what did I go to grab so I needed a laptop that
being said I might own one so basically you decided like oh well this one's
pretty badass so even though I have my own laptop that I just I haven't even
seen that in a while have you just junked it oh no I was using it for
network diagnosis okay so you haven't just completely claimed this at this
point although you basically tried you know what's funny is when we first found
out we were getting these he didn't even know what the specs of the ones we were
getting her like no idea I'm just like yeah we're getting new Asus gaming
notebooks and he's like oh we're getting them for wan show I'm like yeah it's
like oh well when we're done with wan show I can replace my desktop with it
right I'm like I knew it was gonna be faster than the desktop that I have
which like I'm happy it's not even that bad it's got a quad core okay so the
crashes the point of the g750 JZ it's not the lightest thing ever okay it's a
little bit on the thicker side it's a little bit on the heavier side it's not
an ultra book but the point of it is that it delivers pretty near a desktop
grade experience out of a notebook something that is actually portable and
you know what I've actually observed like I've been running on battery for
the entire show here and compared to my Dell my XPS which ran out of battery in
two hours and 55 minutes or something today I'm sitting with like three hours
left of battery even though we've been streaming for over an hour now and I've
been using it without with battery before the show so I mean I like that
the thing I like about a large notebook is that they can go ahead and put a big
old battery in it and the fact that the GPU is not even on when you're just
doing basic things with it means that you don't actually deal with that power
loss you know that right yeah I know but there's still technically it's a
little bit it's not much yeah it's not much yeah I forget what the features go
optimus right I was like oh yeah I don't remember what that's called anymore but
the point is that it comes with a GTX 880 M which is about equivalent to a
GTX 770 desktop GPU and it comes with a core i7 4700 HQ which is actually not
really equivalent to anything Intel's desktop CPUs are faster but still in our
testing we found that it kept up you know running Bioshock infinite on ultra
battlefield for all that stuff with a pretty reasonable gaming desktop so
yeah that's all we have to say about that thank you dollar shave club thank
you for thank you a sues for sponsoring the show remember guys if you want to
join the club and get a great shave not like you you've just stopped shaving
entirely haven't you well my dollar shave club razor had to be like borrowed
for an integration and stuff and then oh that's why cuz I was saying because I
knew at least two of them were missing and I was like oh one of the handles is
back you it has like stuff on it is that you and then I probably don't really
want it back okay well I'll give you one back again because because I
specifically asked them for a new one birthday party on Saturday night so I'm
gonna have to grind my face with my no take the take the razor cheese killing
me anyway guys you can sign up at dollarshaveclub.com slash lioness and for
the g750 JZ I think you guys know where to buy notebooks there are lots of
places to buy notebooks like the notebook.com is that no that's probably
not a thing I actually don't know that's probably for the movie yeah I would
think so let's see all right so we're gonna go ahead and have a look at
whether people would be excited to see an Apple slash beats co-developed
product the overwhelming majority of you say no or maybe and the underwhelming
it's a pretty flat vote the underwhelming minority of you say yes
but then yeah so for most of you zero cares were given okay I get it but I
will objectively evaluate anything that comes out of that partnership before
before the show was on he asked me about it and I said I just can't really bring
myself to care very much and he's like well you should probably I was like yeah
but it's from two companies that I'm not ever gonna buy anything from you will
never buy anything from Apple probably not what if the iWatch is fantastic but
then I'd have to get that whole ecosystem that's how Apple works really
yeah really legendary what if the iPhone 6 is fantastic could be but if you look
at the trending every single time that Jobs goes away every single he went away
once twice well he died yeah really that's twice you're gonna bring up
Jobs's death I tried to do it lightly I tried to do it really lately actually
didn't work at all all right so semantics VP says antivirus is dead this
was posted on the forum by nice hat and along with some very amusing pictures
this one's fantastic you guys can't read it it's an anonymous you know a Facebook
post my computer's being really slow I forgot it had a virus I'm just gonna
shut it down and stop using it until it goes away text me and then it's just the
most appropriate use of this guy yeah then I think I have ever seen yeah
probably me too that's a really good picture that's fantastic and you know
that it would it would be funnier if if we didn't know people like that oh yeah
yeah but I think we all do so what's your take on this is antiviral okay
first of all we should probably so basically what Brian Dye says so this is
senior vice senior VP of information securities we don't think of antivirus
as a moneymaker anymore and that he points out that hackers are increasingly
increasingly using novel bugs as ways to gain control of a system or gain
information or whatever else it is that they're trying to do as opposed to
straight-up computer viruses and mr. Dye estimates that antivirus now catches
just 45% of cyber attacks I mean we've known for quite some time that spyware
or adware were actually larger issues than traditional viruses but I I guess
I've just never heard it from someone at a company like Symantec there's another
thing though like one I think one of the big problems here is where he actually
says it's we don't see it as a moneymaker in any way and I think that
stands out more than anything because almost everyone I know in the tech
industry not everyone but almost everyone I know in the tech industry is
running a combination of antivirus software the same one almost everybody
they run the Windows stock I don't even remember Windows whatever windows
defender security essentials but yeah we know Microsoft security essentials MSC
there we go Microsoft security essentials for passive scanning of
viruses because there's a big difference between when it's just running constantly
looking for things and when you manually run it huge difference so I see most
people that I know are running that for kind of passive scanning and then once
every one or once in a while it's a really good idea for a straw poll once
every once in a while they will download and run MBAM or malware bytes and then
run it for its active scan at the manual one remove everything that it catches
and then just uninstall it none of that costs any money and the majority of
people that I know that even run antiviruses are doing that combo or just
MSC Microsoft security essentials not even the MBAM once in a while so I can
totally see where they're talking about it not being a moneymaker I'm surprised
they're taking the stance they are we're going like with the fake data and all
that kind of stuff considering that already exists with honeypots like the
I don't see them proposing anything that's really new these are all things
that already exist so I find that a little bit interesting and I don't think
antivirus is unimportant I think it might be unimportant to certain people
yeah for the random average Joe it's probably fine if you just pay attention
to what you're searching you don't click on anything super stupid maybe you've
been around on the internet for a really long time and you're really good at
identifying download now buttons at this point and you can read the URL at the
bottom of your browser when you're highlighting buttons to make sure you're
not going to some ad and you're actually downloading what you want and stuff like
that maybe you're good with that and you kind of either run MSC or nothing and
that's fine you're probably okay but at the corporate level I think it still
really matters when if someone gets into your network and deletes everything
on your server it's catastrophic I've done IT work for some law firms way
back in the day I don't do it anymore but it was you still did I do but I'm
kind of just like outside support right okay and like if they have a question
they'll email me but everything's automated now that I used to go in there
all the time because it was more like I was taking over for someone else so I
had to do a lot of stuff right and now it's more just like if they have a
problem they'll call me in it every once in a while like every few months I'll go
in for a while and like make sure everything's good like I'll go in for a
whole Saturday right but it's not super common anymore so sorry you were talking
about how you were doing yeah so that them huge really big deal they do a
thing where I have it where one of their employees that somewhat tech savvy walks
in and plugs in a cable once every week and it does a big backup to a computer
plugs in one cable unplugs another cable so it does a big backup to an
offline server that's almost always offline so it's it could still get
infected because you are plugging into a computer that is normally online right
but it's probably not gonna happen to the point where everything's gonna be
deleted right or if it is they have two servers and like they're both running
different operating systems like there's there's a bunch of layers of security
that's a really big deal if they lose everything they're screwed right they
also have off-site backups they have like multiple layers of security so that
to be able to take them down you'd have to take down an off-site backup that's
in the States two things on-site like Dropbox style not actually Dropbox but
drop stop drop box style backups like all this kind of stuff it's not gonna
happen that's important and then they run antivirus all over the place
because it's important because their data is super important right is someone
being able to see that I have 800 hours on Morrowind super important probably
not right so I think it depends who you are well it looks like actually our our
users are pretty pretty pretty safe they practice safe safe internet browsing so
30% of you are using real-time scanning and doing periodic cleanups with three
are about 12% of you doing periodic cleanups only about the same number
doing real-time scanning only and about 11% of you using no antivirus with the
majority of the respondents are at least more than any of the other replies are
asking me to eat more bananas it was hot unfortunately since a banana isn't a
real thing I really can't do that so I well I appreciate the I appreciate the
thought though that was great you guys are great okay so Intel's Skylake there
have been some leaked document of relations this was posted on the forum
by QWERTY warrior the original article is from tech powerup and basically it's
100 series it's gonna be coming with DDR4 support it's gonna be 14 nanometer
processors and it's going to feature Alpine Ridge Thunderbolt running at 40
gigabit per second man that's fast I'm surprised they're jumping into 100
series I see a lot of companies with them when they get to the top they just
reset yeah I don't really mind it's just I'm saying I'm just gonna surprise I
mean AMD switched over to an X but then Intel already has X whatever so yeah
what you gonna do painted yourselves into that corner didn't you so basically
compared to compared to Haswell Haswell refresh and Broadwell let's be clear
guys Haswell refresh is not a significant change over Haswell it's
just like slightly faster SATA Express has been added if you if you take the
the the heatsink off of a z97 board it says z87 rev2 on it like it's not a big
deal but Broadwell is gonna be a small generational change or rather rather
that'll be a significant generational change in terms of the manufacturing
process and then beyond that that's when we're getting a new architecture so
that'll be Skylake and that's coming in 2015 I'm actually curious to see when
Broadwell is gonna arrive I guess that could be coming very soon then huh I
don't know Intel doesn't really tell me anything they just sort of like stuff
arrives and I'm like yay cool let's let's like let's like check it out so
it's gonna have a whole bunch of really cool stuff so they're gonna have much
improved wireless they're gonna have much improved Thunderbolt and they are
also going to have hopefully much improved CPUs so this whole roadmap has
been leaked I guess that's really all I have to say about that isn't it yeah
there's a there's honestly there isn't a ton of information right now yeah so
yeah take that and do whatever you want 2015 is exciting you know yeah even if
it's late 2015 I guess if we got like a very late 2014 Broadwell then a late
2015 Skylake could make sense yeah and that's that's actually pretty in line
with some of the estimates we saw on that Thunderbolt 40 gigabit per second
article that came out a little while ago how that makes sense yeah so the timing
is probably about right now I think we should straw poll this because something
that you talked about before the show that had to do with Kotaku the next
article you're doing I want to see why people care or maybe Twitter blitz
Twitter blitz yeah okay so um there there was a so this was posted on the
form by top war gamer thank you very much for that CEO Bobby Kotick has
revealed that Activision is spending five hundred million to try and make
destiny a hit that's half a billion dollars which is a little less than
double the unprecedented over quarter billion dollars that rockstar paid to
get GTA 5 made there I saw quite a few people attacking the article saying that
because it's on Kotaku it's therefore completely not credible and completely
stupid but I would like to hear from I would like to hear from our users maybe
I'll create a straw poll here pretty quick here guys and then is Kotaku
because honestly a lot of the stuff I've read on there like no one's right a
hundred percent of the time but a lot of the stuff I've read on there has turned
out to be perfectly fine I have no idea it's possible that we missed something
yeah like that's totally possible like was there a huge controversy like that
whole I don't know what was it LA Times Tesla review thing I think was the LA
Times Tesla review Washington Post talking about oculus Washington Post
Tesla review well I'm not sure there was someone I think it might have been more
than one group actually for Tesla New York Times sorry it was New York Times
they eventually apologized for that and all that noise so mad so maybe they
maybe Kotaku has done some stuff that neither of us is aware of yeah for sure
yes no what's okay so I'm gonna go ahead and allow multiple choices if you're
gonna have that on the pole no people have to pick one it's just gonna be
skewed now can you imagine if like political elections had multiple choices
I would actually be more incentivized to vote me too because if I could just say I
don't care you should have multiple choices they should have multiple
choices you could be like I don't care but these ones like any one of these
ones is okay because then you wouldn't have to worry about the vote getting
split between and then that would probably help the whole two-party system
thing anyways we probably shouldn't talk about politics yeah we probably shouldn't
talk about politics I'm sure there's a good reason that we don't allow multiple
choice yeah I actually can't think of one maybe it's because like the the real
flaw in a multiple choice test for example is that someone can just guess
and still get a passing grade whereas on a political on an election ballot
there's no right answer so it's inherently flawed multiple choice
doesn't address that by giving us a possibility to get it right maybe that's
the issue it's called when show not not when's show weekly analysis news and
sense I think with analysis people kind of assume some amount of sense they
could but they'd be I mean look at that they're voting for bananas that's
because you didn't put multiple choice on this poll I don't have you put a
question I don't have to put anything on my pole put a question I don't have to
put anything on my pole that I don't want to wow let me make the polls are
you making a poll right now maybe no no they can't see my screen or what's
behind my screen this show is the best this show speaking of things that are
the best this is fantastic fantastic posted on the forum originally by of l3
mo back black Moses that makes more sense post originally on the forum by
black Moses the smartest protest ever what we got the smartest protest ever
yeah am I in the wrong section right now no no I thought we were in a different
thing we're talking about net neutrality yeah but there's a total okay anyways
there's two topics about net neutrality I thought you entered that one I thought
you're going with this one yeah that is the one I was talking about where did
that go oh that looked at the wrong article that's why I was like what okay
this makes more sense okay so back to this okay go okay so what they're doing
is well this web host and I think I think there's now a github that has the
code for it so other people can implement it all this kind of stuff but
what they're doing is they're making it so that different IPS that access their
website that are from the FCC are getting incredibly slow traffic so like
like 28.8 dial-up not even the fastest dial-up that we had no crappy dial-up
yeah so like if you try and if the FCC tries to access their website it'll go
that slow I think it's kind of cool and it's clever but I don't think it's gonna
matter unless like Google does it it's well it's not gonna matter unless Google
does it but it's not really the point the point is I get it and it's cool and
it does drive a point and it's very interesting so it's it's that we've got
the forensic plan of Frankie I can never remember I'm not a Star Trek guy the
friend you plan is a special FCC only internet plan that costs $1,000 per year
and removes the 28.8 kilobit per second modem throttle to the FCC we will
happily take credit cards Bitcoin Dogecoin and those going from crooked
FCC executives that probably have plenty of money from bribes on our donations
page sorry we don't accept ladding them yet so though they obviously the whole
thing is just purely a joke but the point is that net neutrality is
important because it will prevent situations where an ISP can hold your
internet connection or your the speed with which you can connect to certain
services ransom unless you're willing to pay them more money for it and the
problem with with them holding let's say let's say I'm I'm Luke's internet
service provider and I go you know what Luke I probably don't like you you
Canada you all suck well whatever man you're stuck here what are you gonna do
leave leave Canada Canada is great for all kinds of other reasons you can deal
with crappy internet okay so look dude you play a lot of games you watch a lot
of twitch streams twitch streams man they use a lot of bandwidth that means
we got to go buy like switches and crap and like you know those switches are
really expensive look don't worry about that those switches are really expensive
so we need you to give us some money to you know justify another because you're
because you're a heavy user okay you're putting more of a low you're fat you're
putting more of a load on our system that's a fat joke then the other users
okay so the problem is that then mr. ISP gets to extract a bunch of money from
him because you go okay look if you want to access twitch fast we can give
you like a fast lane for that because otherwise in the background I could be
slowing down his twitch stream and we see this all the time you can go do a
speed test tomorrow and it'll have like a great speed and then you go and try to
load a YouTube video or watch a movie on Netflix and you've got this degraded
internet experience so I'm telling mr. user I'm like look okay yeah you want
fast twitch yeah sure no problem man just give us a couple more bucks and
then I'm gonna turn around and I'm gonna tell twitch hey you guys are
putting a bunch of load on our network with all of our users downloading your
streams you've got to give us money too and so all of a sudden we create the
situation where the ISPs can double dip and just take additional money to build
infrastructure that they should have built in the first place they got paid
to build in the first place if you're in the States and to which they don't need
they're so baller when it when it's at the point where like the only people
that are buying these stupid investments which is putting your name
in front of a sports stadium they're all ISPs or like cell providers are you
kidding me it's because they're just rolling in money it's super dumb they
don't need any more money anyways I do like the protest though I think it's
pretty cool I think it's fantastic I think it really makes a point to people
who maybe just don't care enough maybe they just don't care enough to look into
it like I mean you know what let's all be honest with ourselves do you do a
hundred percent the best job you possibly can at work every day do you do
100% of the due diligence maybe a few of you do some of you probably don't I'm
not asking the point I'm not even creating a poll for this I'm just I'm
just asking you guys to ask yourselves you know do you do whether your job is
to dig ditches or to cook food or to serve food or to make internet videos or
to drive a truck or whatever your job is there's thousands and thousands of jobs
do you do it the best every day maybe not so maybe maybe what we're what we
just need to do is we need to wake up someone who's been asleep at the wheel a
little bit and go hey can you create some havoc internally over there and
like get some attention around this and this is the kind of protest that does
more than just create noise because emails are easy to ignore Facebook polls
or protests or whatever because it's just stupid it's not relevant whereas
when someone goes to access the internet and it's slow and they go oh why is it
slow you're starting the the the inquisitive process I was gonna say
Inquisition that's not right you're starting the inquisitive process you're
getting them wondering what's going on and once they understand what's going on
hey well someone's slowing down my internet why are they doing that my
internet should be fast right and then we can hope that the light bulb turns on
so I really I thought this was a really effective way to get that point across
and I hope it works you know it is really cool actually um I wasn't even
aware of this this is interesting there's apparently some new graphics
card coming power color oh yeah has a new devil 13 this one has now it's post
by brown ninja so I'm sure it'll be in the post somewhere but it has like the
Nemo fin thing where the fan has the little two fins in there is this that
one it also has four eight pin power connections for a you'll see if you keep
on going down there's the yeah I knew it'd be in here somewhere there boom
look at that it's just a monstrous card so they ditched the whole a IO idea hair
coolers yeah air cooled rather Wow for a triple slot for a pin what the heck the
thing is ridiculous only three of those four are required so if you want a
little bit of extra overclocking headroom you can plug in the fourth and
Wow look at the back plate I like it it's actually pretty cool yeah looks
badass yeah double 13 huh someone in the comments somewhere on here I don't
remember where it was was like so one eight pin for the GPU and then one for
each fan exactly how he said it but it was awesome then Nemo fans when you got
little fins like that you get it like takes a full eight pin for each one of
those fans guys yeah get it right geez yeah that's kind of awesome should we
get jump into bill logs um yeah sure I think that's pretty much it I think I'm
I'm pretty much done for the week so here we go
there's something really special after bill logs guys so do we yeah we do do I
know about it I told you before the show that doesn't mean I know so the
first one is though do I have office on here I hope so I hope so to you it's
fine well I have some kind of office oh I want to try it for a limited time oh
not good it looks fine though I think Wow all the tabs no one can see what's
going on hey everyone hey guys sorry where did it go it's here I'm tired
there we go well it looks okay view either way every single time we do the
build logs every single build log I talked about I'm like you should
probably just go check it out the forum so you can see everything so do that
again check out these guys full build logs where they have tons of pictures
you can see everything about it you can go to the voting thread and see everyone
who submitted there's some guys that submitted that had really nice builds
the thing with having build logs per the week is there isn't enough and the thing
with having build logs per the month is there's a lot of really awesome ones
they don't all get through so be sure to check out the voting thread because wow
you can see everything this build is super clean the hard tubing really
really popular thing lately and I'm okay with that that looks fantastic
yeah very cool absolutely beautiful but I well well this one is really nice and
very clean I personally appreciate the next one a little bit more you know I
haven't seen many great builds in the 900 D now that I think about it it's
like yeah it's big and it's like liquid cooling optimized but it almost seems
like Corsair took the challenge out of it a little bit for people by making it
too easy to do a great build in so I think a lot of people were turned off by
that that's just my perception it's also extremely big and really heavy yeah
but this one this one's oh sorry sorry sorry so this one is Portal Cube by Joe
yeah look at that that's fantastic it looks better if you see it not on the
stream and not like converted no I'm like 16 color mode yeah so there's
there's a power supply on the bottom there's ITX there and then you can go
ahead and check out all of the different photos of it so we should
probably post a link to the build blog section I'm just gonna track that down
if you want I can go grab that if you jump on the next one on your screen I'll
post the thing in the chat sure we got an honorable mention here guys project
affinity do you remember now nope this is the computer that people I believe
built and distributed to Illinois oh cool yeah so a bunch of people on the
forum I think it's a mainly people from the unofficial teamspeak yeah all got
together built this computer got him a whole bunch of games this is a list of
games that he got Wow that's more games than I own no well it's more games than
I play yes that is true and like nice ones do
battlefield 4 star citizen star citizen like big not just like oh we bought a
hill humble indie bundle like this oh my god they got him secret of the magic
crystals that's a game about ponies well yeah it is Illinois so over 10
community members contributed and this is just a really cool a really cool
example of the community coming together and supporting each other I mean if you
guys aren't already members of the Linus tech tips calm forum you probably should
be I mean this is just a small subset of like the super cool guys and gals that
make up the community here so you know we we appreciate everyone just being
part of it and we think it's really really awesome so I think that's
probably all I have to say about that yeah what's up with this stuff I'm not
gonna do these today oh I this is a company Cogito that they they asked if I
wanted to review the Cogito pop and or the Cogito classic these are some smart
watches that I think actually are pretty unique in that particularly the pop
tries to make the smart watchness lately by design it's not that smart so instead
of having a screen it's it's just an analog watch instead of having a screen
that's like blah blah blah read your text messages reply to your text
messages talking to your wrist it just flashes hey that notification you got
was text or it was an email or it was an instant messaging thing and it just
tells you sort of what kind of notification it was and then the classic
has an analog face and then it actually does go into a little bit more detail in
terms of what types of messages you got so it gives you a battery indication and
then you can read your messages on it as well and it actually looks quite nice so
I was like okay well I can't promise a review because I've never heard of you
before and I don't know if it's any good but you know if it's fantastic I'll do a
review and what I'll definitely do is try out the products and talk about them
on the WAN show so that's gonna be coming sometime in the next week or two
all right I think that's about it so okay thank you again to our sponsors
Dollar Shave Club join the club visit dollarshaveclub.com slash Linus it's
under 10 bucks even for their best options it's available in the US Canada
and in Australia so go ahead and do check that out and Asus for wow really
one of these days you know what when the sponsorship is over and I don't need
that notebook for you to use it anymore maybe I'll just break it I think of jay-z
actually I don't think anything negative about jay-z I'm sure he's a perfectly
nice gentleman I mean this picture is he seems very friendly in that yeah he
looks really friendly in that picture I don't know why anyone would be scared I
wouldn't be nope not threatening at all I think we're done here