
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Time again, welcome to the show where we talk tech and usually there are two of us
But today as you can see I am on my own
Luke's not even here to enjoy the brand new now not only
including his Twitter handle lower third but also
Alignment on the logo fix lower third. I'll just have to appreciate that all by myself
so it's been quite the eventful week both here at Linus media group and
You know outside of Linus media group. We were making some pretty significant progress on our upcoming
Headquarters we had a lot of people tell us that hey, yeah the sound on that
chair racing channel super fun video was not
Super fantastic and oh shoot. I just realized my title is wrong. This should be the wen show
Weekly tech and gaming talk
Fridays at 1630 boom that is updated
So a lot of people said that the sound was not not very exceptional
but we have actually made significant progress on that since then and
it's been
Expensive but
Yeah, it's been it's been expensive but we're still you know, we're trucking on and we're really really excited about
About what there is to a bunch of people are apparently complaining about the lower third too bad
We are sticking with the lower third exactly the way it is
You want to know why because I like it and it's Linus media group where if I want it changed
I have to pay someone to do it and that's expensive. So that is exactly why we are leaving that
I've got a great got our topics for the day. So
Tons of stuff it was hard to pick out what is coolest this week, but I think valve steam machines
finally coming also what appears to be the
Mostly we hope final version of the steam controller
Details being out there is pretty darn exciting. Oh, actually I didn't talk about this when I did my show
announcement a minute ago to upload to YouTube but
Valve also has that VR headset that they've collaborated with HTC on that looks really exciting
They've got a new technology called lighthouse that we'll talk a little bit more about later
Also this week at GDC and video launched the shield again this time
It's a completely different device and that old one has been renamed and you think they could just come up with another word
Anyway, we'll talk about the shield TV console thing the Titan X and videos new flagship graphics card
Details are kind of all over the place now and oh apparently Luke is ready to call in
So maybe what I'll do is I'll tease one more topic
That's AMD's free sync is being officially launched very exciting to people like me who super duper believe in this whole variable refresh rate thing
And then I'll go ahead. I'll roll the intro and I'll get Luke kind of coming on the show here. Welcome to the web show
Okay, I think I have my I think I have my call-in settings, right but I'm gonna
Hopefully no. No, I'm he's not muted. Hey, are you there?
Hello, I don't have a video feed for you
All right, well, let me do the hold on let me do the sponsors from it I see you now
I see now. Hold on. Let me do the sponsors. Okay, so our sponsors today are lynda.com
Let's try to be completely appropriate about lynda.com this week
Okay for the first time ever also Luke great save 10% with offer code Linus and finally
Pax East powered by HyperX wouldn't have happened without HyperX wouldn't have happened without
This freaking guy that I'm gonna go ahead and find a way to no, they can't see you yet. That's a great
Oh, I'm appreciating it. Hold on. I got it. I got to turn you down as well
You're probably blowing everyone's ears out because of for whatever reason it's by default very big
all right ad screen region and
This is so weird because you are like you are not you are not a show guest
You are you actually you live on this show? And so having you call in as a guest is actually like
Tripping me out
hardcore right now
Alright, let me just like I should introduce myself. I know it's bizarre. So today we've got Luke Laffraniere
He's from a publication called lines tech tips. You may remain
Don't know why he hangs out with those guys. He should really find some like cooler kids to hang around with
Oh, I'm trying to get you all like aligned nicely with the bottom thing here
So you get you're usually actually you got a little more than half the screen
But I think it kind of works cuz I'm smaller than you. Alright, so you missed the you missed the the intro Malaysian part
But that's okay. We have a new lower third. I don't know if you noticed that I
I'm still like I told you I'm ready, but I'm super not so like I'm still opening everything
I haven't even seen the actual twitch stream yet
But I heard that we had a new lower third. I just haven't seen it. Apparently you're still too loud
I'm gonna turn you down some more. Is that is that better guys?
Try again
Hello, testing one, two, three, four. Oh for crying out loud. Okay, how's that? Try again?
I'm talking about things that happened at PAX. Although I'm not sure if that's what I'm talking about
Tons of other things happened. Yep should be good. All right, so
I've got someone complaining about the one pixel line
I have you misaligned by one pixel at the top and I'm gonna leave it cuz that's awesome
Okay, so why don't we do you want to just give me sort of a rough? What's the vibe? What's the vibe at PAX?
How's it going? A lot of the vibe is that everyone actually kind of wanted to be at GDC. Oh
Yeah, so
Back when I was like, hey, we should maybe check this out and then decided that it wasn't that important
That was apparently the wrong the wrong idea because like everything happened at GDC. GDC was bananas this year
Yes, and usually it's not really usually it's super developer heavy and all that kind of stuff
But like tons of hardware stuff went down. Go figure like that. Yeah, that's crazy to me. I mean what?
When has a graphics card ever launched at GDC? Yeah, never. Yeah, okay
Good. I had no idea because I was traveling that day
So today I'm walking around the floor and like I've heard rumors about it, but I have it
I didn't know it actually launched so
Multiple people are coming up to me like oh like what do you think about it?
Like are you have you secretly tested it yet? And I'm sitting there being like I have no idea what's happening
I had no idea it was announced or launched. I'm thinking that people are just going off of rumors
So I'm telling everyone no and everyone thinks I'm lying
That's like oh no, you're under NDA or whatever. You've been testing this forever. And I'm like, no, I actually have no idea
I literally know less about this than you do
So I will tell you that I know I know why everyone thinks we're lying TechGauge
Has like pictures of their card up already. Oh my goodness here
I'll screen all screen share TechGauge up close look at GeForce GTX Titan X
Hold on. Let me just make sure. Yeah, my screen share is working
I uninstalled that creative control panel and it seems to be fine now. Oh nice. So there it is
Comes in a box
Looks like a graphics card. Um, looks like it's using the same cool
They're just gonna keep making more and more of the card black
Until until it's completely like that next comes the IO shield, I guess that'll be the Titan X black edition
Yeah, it'll be completely black and then they're going to release the white edition or something. Yeah. Yeah or
Something and they'll just keep they'll keep adding more black and like more green LEDs until we're suitably impressed
Um, so yeah, the card has posed on camera. Um, I got it. I got a message
I got an email right before the show where I asked is ours in the mail and I got a I got a confirmation
So cool. No briefing. No driver
Cards in the mail just just know nothing. Yeah. Oh wow. I see the lower third now
Don't ask us if we've got time, you know, not none of that. Just put it in the mail. We'll deal with it
Yeah, we don't have time like legitimately not at all. I know that's the best part of all of this. I think
There's a holiday while you're gone as if that's gonna be actually a holiday for me
You know what though? I I filmed four videos yesterday
Wow four and I plan to do something similar on Monday. I'm gonna be prepping a lot of stuff on on the weekend
so I'm still gonna I'm still gonna do my best to
To get you guys actually maybe we should take this opportunity to to tell the audience
Kind of what's what's going on with why you need to be filming four videos a day and stuff like that right now
So if you guys have heard of a video platform called vessel, the first thing I need to say is don't sign up for it
Because we don't have a referral link yet. So wait for that. Yeah, so wait for that
But basically the way vessel works is it's gonna have
The same well in theory and this is what they're trying to do
It's gonna have the same creators as other online platforms like YouTube and even some you know more traditional celebrities
Except it'll offer early access and it's a subscription based service
And then the idea is that for the create what's in it for the creators?
Is that people watching on vessel come in at looks kind of like I think the best analogy is the one that they gave us
And it's like well think about this when you go watch a movie at the theater to go watch with two people
It's like, you know 30 bucks plus popcorn plus whatever
So that's that's if you want to see it like at the earliest possible opportunity with the best possible experience
Then it's a lot more expensive and if you're willing to wait a lot longer eventually, you can see it on TV subsidized by ads and
That's that experience. So vessel will be it'll have things a little bit earlier
But basically it's the same content and everything that we release is still gonna go to YouTube as well
so and there there will still be
If you just ignore a vessel there will actually be no noticeable change because we're always gonna be uploading one video a day to YouTube
There will never be a gap. There will never be a difference there
So if you're just like nope gonna ignore it, there will be no change
So everything will be totally fine. All the burden is on us to get a full week ahead on content
Yeah before we go ahead and launch with with this platform. So we're still in talks with them. Nothing is signed
Nothing is confirmed, but it looks like we are it looks like we are probably you're probably we are probably interested
We're saying no don't do it. There's literally no change on the YouTube side
Yeah, there will be no difference at all. You will get all good. You will get every video in your inbox
Every day. Yeah, and there will never be a gap. You will always be getting a video a day
when show will always be archived on YouTube the
Like day out right after it's live essentially. Yeah, all show coverage will be uploaded right when it's supposed to
Yeah, there will be no noticeable difference. That's fine. People are acting like they have to subscribe to vessel
You do not have to don't know at all
If you choose to then great if you don't then then don't that's fine, too
So got people asking will the videos be the same? Yes, they will be the they will have the same content
It'll be about the same stuff. It will literally be
Uploaded to YouTube after so I guess that is that's pretty much it for that
Let's go ahead and move into our first topic. Shall we do you have the doc open and everything?
I do but I have had zero minutes to look at this at all. Awesome. Okay
Well, there's uh, there's a quick one that I can that I can cover for you
While you while you go ahead and get caught up a little bit here. Sure. Let's go ahead and post this in the twitch chat
Okay, oh, oh it always signs me out
I just want to post a message in the twitch chat. I should be able to do that
I can still do that from here. Can you are you trying to do the politicians one? Yeah
All right. I got it. You got it. You posted already. All right, so in like a second basically
now to be clear the
Oh camera is not available. You have you have got to be kidding me
This is this is driving me crazy
I thought I had this screen capture thing worked out now
Where it was just it was just gonna work every time from now on from now until the end of time
Never and it looks like I do not get to have that particular experience. We are back at least very much
Hope so. I'm really sorry about that guys when I refresh a video input device
If I do it with a black magic device, I usually the computer blue screens. So the fact that it only froze
The application that time is actually in progress. Yes
So what I was actually trying to refresh was my screen so I could bring up this ours
Technica article here we go. Boom
Okay. Now I think that I
Think that sort of it's a little bit sensationalist
does Republicans
Internet Freedom Act would wipe out net neutrality. This is not something that the entire Republican Party is behind at all
I believe it's about
36 30 30 not even a majority. So 30 30 to 32 Republicans behind this it's
It's not percent or amount of people people
Okay, yeah, I have no idea
So basically Marsha Blackburn is filing the internet freedom legislation
She calls the Internet Freedom Act to be clear. That does not mean this is being signed into law
But it's basically throwing out pretty much everything the FCC is trying to do
ours goes ahead and brings up that in the latest election cycle Blackburn received
$25,000 from an AT&T political action committee
$20,000 from a compact Comcast political action committee
$20,000 from a cable industry Association
political action committee and
15,000 from a Verizon political action committee. So that comes to a total of off the top of my head 80
$80,000 so I don't know what I should be more upset about at this point. Well, I guess I'm not that upset
I'm Canadian. So this doesn't directly affect me a little at some point. He's he's Canadian. So he's sorry that he's upset, right?
Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm upset. I don't know. What's upsetting the fact that
That that someone is just so obviously bought I mean fighting against net neutrality
So as aggressively as this legislation would it's basically like yeah
You know, how however, will the internet survive if we don't let the internet service providers be in charge of it dear. Oh
My goodness, what's going to happen?
Like it's it's it's pretty bad
And so I again so I don't know if I'm more upset that that she's bought or if I'm more upset that it only costs
$80,000 every yeah four years or every election cycle to
To pee that completely in someone's pocket. I
Mean it's kind of gross that is sad
Yeah, I see like seeing stuff like this
I before house of cards this is gonna sound kind of weird before house of cards
I was always like wow
Like that's so crazy that this stuff could happen and like I know it's just a show
But now that I watch hosts of cards, I'm like, hmm
Every single one of them is bought by someone
There we go, alright, hopefully everything is totally awesome this time and I'm not gonna accidentally refresh the intensity Pro again
So we have more news on AMD FreeSync
Do you want to go ahead and throw the the official AMD page? I guess
Oh sure, okay. Well, this was posted by spartaman64 and the last one is from Victoria's Secret, but
Basically in summary there's not actually a whole lot of new news here FreeSync works exactly the way we thought it did
So variable refresh rate gaming
That's a good thing. By the way, it works anywhere from
30 to 144 FPS
YMD uses cookies. That's nice. Don't care
This page is letting me scroll for some reason I am NOT having a good day today
No at all
Actually, the rest of the day has gone pretty well so far. There we go. There's you
Where'd that scroll bar go?
Page up, page down is my only choice. It's my only choice
You can do it. I believe in you, Linus.
Anywhere from 30 to 144 Hertz
It can refresh that and you
Linus growing tips
You gotta have a AMD GPU that supports it and it support a driver and uh
And a display port at 1.2 a display that supports the optional
Adaptive sync spec. So in a nutshell, it's exactly what we thought
It's officially launching
So there you go. That's pretty much all I really have to say about that
This one's cool though. Valve has given us a date
This was posted by Victoria's Secret for the official Steam Machines launch
also source 2
With Vulkan support is being announced. So Steam Machines
will include sort of the
The remember guys valve originally did like that Steam Machine concept thing where they shipped out Steam Machines to a bunch of lucky people
They're not doing their own Steam Machine. Steam Machine is just a computer from someone like iBuyPower or
Alienware that comes with Steam OS
Installed on it. Stay tuned for a video on Zotax
Yeah. Oh, did you film that today? I did. Awesome. That is that is filmed and will be uploaded probably in the first wave
And yeah, it's launching in November. It actually looks super good. I'm not gonna get too into it so that people actually watch the video
Awesome, it aesthetically looks really good and they're bundling a lot of the Steam Machines that come out around that time with the Steam Controller
Which was also announced in its final form at GDC as well
Yeah, so let me see if I can actually I'm gonna see if I can find some pics of the the final Steam Controller
2015 I'll just try and find someone's article. So they've made a lot of changes since the original Steam Controller actually here
I'll finish up talking about Steam Machines first. So to be clear. They're just PCs. They're just computers
They plug into your your TV or realistically you could plug one into your monitor if you felt like it
They range in price from around console price points to you know
4,000 $5,000 depending on how balls to the wall you want to go with they're just a computer because they're just a computer
It'll launch alongside both the Steam Controller that Luke just mentioned and Steam Link
Which is actually kind of the the the like the the actual piece the biggest piece of news in my mind
To be perfectly honest Steam Link. See you have been disconnected Steam Link. Yeah is really cool
It's gonna be 50 bucks apparently or I think I don't know if they actually said 50 bucks
I think they said price the same as the controller which is 50 bucks. So, okay
So me I don't know maybe it ends up being 60 or who knows but it's yeah
It's gonna be around that $50 price point. It supports 1080p
60 Hertz
Streaming and then basically it's just a dedicated box for Steam in-home streaming
So you can play games 80p 60. Yes, so better than the doko. I was just gonna say oh
Doko dope dope cheaper. Yeah cheaper than the doku doko thing and it's better
Yeah, so doko 2 or doko plus or whatever it is that they've got planned is now officially dead
And it will I won't just support game streaming
It'll also support streaming your your desktop from from another location
So if you have so I mean we're all the parts of the ecosystem are coming together
The thing that was missing was a super cheap Oh Chromecast level
Steam in-home streaming thing people have I think people have played around with it on the Raspberry Pi
I don't think the experience was that great. I haven't seen anything about Pi 2
But this at 50 bucks with an Ethernet port in a couple USB ports for controllers or mouse and keyboard
or whatever else and then HDMI looks like
Pretty much the bees knees awesome. Yeah at 50 bucks. That's awesome. Yeah, that is exactly. Yeah
so like to me that kills all but the highest end TV attached
Devices that are designed to stream from computers and I'll talk
I'll talk more about Nvidia shield soon because that still kind of has a place and there's a discussion to be had there
But would you buy a steam machine at this point?
No, I probably wasn't gonna buy a steam machine. Anyways, I want to make a
But now I don't know how applicable that is because this steam link thing actually sounds awesome and like one really cool thing
I've been doing some amount of research on receivers lately. Not a huge amount but a little bit and
The second that you get to
Anything that's gonna be better than something that I could just buy from like a thrift store or a second-hand store because receivers haven't really
Gotten that much crazy better
As far as I can tell is stuff like networking. Mm-hmm
So if I could just have one of these hooked up to my receiver and just Bluetooth to that
Through my phone then I can just control the songs and stuff through there
And it's these power amp on my phone pull it off my NAS because I now have a connected thing
Like I don't know. That's awesome
Yeah, I like I am still one of those people who has a media center PC
But even I am looking at some of these solutions and kind of going well shoot
Am I ever actually sitting in front of my computer upstairs while I sit on my couch?
There's still a place like people who want to run games at 4k on their 4k TV
Are not gonna be served by a device like this, but I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna I'm gonna like I'm gonna say it
High contrast is way more important than 4k a quality display from the distance that I sit from my TV
a quality display is
Way more important than 4k 4k has not tempted me to upgrade to it personally
It's the kind of thing. I love to drool over and like walking around at CES with like 4k curved this and 4k
Oh led that and like 4k up your butt
Whatever all the 4k is like exciting and sweet and like I geek out over that stuff, but I'm not gonna pay for it yet
Yeah, one thing I have to worry about with this is any input latency
so I
Forget what they were I forget what it is
Exactly, but if it's anything like steam in-home streaming, okay, if you're like competitive CS
Go dude, like you or add or whatever else. Nah, man
but I'm just saying I'm just saying like
Yeah, like you're right like obviously like playing save or whatever would be great on this server X come anything
That's like turn based or whatever will be fine. But how many games will be initially?
I want to get my hands on it essentially and try like it's it sounds really compelling
But I'm not sure if it's going to replace home theater PCs for everyone
This is actually what I'm trying to say
Yeah, you do it for a lot of people like my dad would now be able to ditch the home theater PC that he has
Because it's giant
And then use this instead because that would be great because if my dad's gonna play any games, it'll be like
What is that game called Rocksmith? I think it's Rocksmith
That game that you can play with an actual guitar. Okay, it's kind of like rock band
Yeah, so he'll play like that or like a racing game. So he'll probably be fine with either one
So you could just get the steam link, but it might not work for everybody
Yeah, so I'm I'm excited to see where it goes. I mean, it's
It like you said it's not for everyone you want 4k you want like the absolute best input latency you want this you want that?
Okay, fine. Well, then you got to pay but for 50 bucks for 1080p 60 with you know
It's sort of sub, you know, 60 milliseconds of extra latency
It's looking pretty compelling and let's let's talk a little bit about the steam controller. So this article is from IGN
I'm just gonna pull up this this this still of what we're looking at here
So now the original the original steam controller just had the two haptic feedback pads and valves
concept was that they wanted you to
Use that as your button inputs and as your d-pad slash
Joysticks analog stick whatever you want to call it. They wanted all the control to be through the haptic pads
Now it's still got that and they are that sort of we've seen a lot of different iterations with things like yeah
The positions swapped around for a joystick versus a haptic pad or buttons here buttons there
So now this is it
It has the two haptic pads on the outside in what look like the more
Ergonomic positions and then it has a single joystick on the left and an a B X Y
Layout of buttons that looks like it's ripped straight off an Xbox controller with this with a steam button in the middle
Select and start or back and forward or whatever you want to call those and then four trigger buttons on the shoulders
And then I believe there's two squeeze buttons on the bottom as well Luke. What's your take on this?
You've seen it, right?
I've seen it
I have it up on the stream right now actually because I'm trying to follow along on the stream because I don't really know what
You're looking at
Awesome. I don't know. I I am probably still gonna stick with my like 360 controller thing
And I'll maintain what I said actually when they first started showing off steam controller things
Which is it might make sense for games that I normally wouldn't want to play with a controller
Yeah, so so most games that I want to play like an action game if I want to play Assassin's Creed a lot of times
I'll play with a controller. I didn't play Shadow of Mordor with controller, but I heard it was a pretty good experience
Stuff like racing games. I would always play with the controller
Person's always pretty good with a controller. Yeah, I did third-person action fighting
I find usually does well with a controller like 2013. I hardly touched it
Yeah, every time I try to benchmark that damn game and I have to play it with a keyboard and mouse
I'm like, oh crap. I don't know how to do anything
And I beat the game
Yeah, yeah, the only thing I don't like in that game is that there's there's free aiming with like guns and bows
Which I always have an issue with oh with the controller. You know what by the end of that game
I was getting not bad actually I believe you I just suck
So I want to use a keyboard and mouse because I could be I just the truth the ugly the ugly
truth that no PC gamer wants to tell you I
guess I just have to use a keyboard and mouse because I
Suck with the controller. You heard it here. So you heard it here first folks. So fast. You heard it here first
Gamers are just losers those video clips that I was doing today. Actually, I did quite a few of those
I don't know if we're no we are not teasing that that is gonna be frickin awesome
Is it gonna be as awesome as I think um
the first couple I think I was too tame and I've been I've been I've had to apologize to a few people now nice
I'm excited. Those are gonna be awesome videos
freaking part of part of my problem right now is that
I'm trying not to leak this too much. No one is lashing back at all. Really? So it's just really awkward
Yeah, no hammering to someone and they'll just be like, oh, okay
I don't know if that's better or worse. Okay. Okay, you guys these videos are on the schedule for I think the first one comes out
Monday midnight and then I think the second one comes out Tuesday midnight
So stay tuned because these are gonna be awesome videos of basically Luke going
Supreme troll on people it's gonna be it's gonna be amazing
Alright, let's let's go ahead and move on I guess Oh source 2 will be free to all content developers kind of a big deal
Probably shouldn't miss that
So I guess I would like to to draw a bit of a conclusion about steam machine here before we move on though
I'm gonna go ahead. I'm gonna say dead in the water
About steam OS. Yeah valve announced a lot of upcoming games that are gonna be getting Linux support
Which is super cool
Don't understand the relevance as a standalone product that exists in a vacuum
Steam OS and a steam machine that runs steam OS makes sense
Because it's like okay. I don't have to pay for an OS. I just saved some money on my computer
yeah, but
with the with the
The steam link at 50 bucks delivering in my mind
90% of the experience of what a dedicated steam box can do because remember you're not buying a TV with
144 Hertz refresh rate there is no compelling reason to have higher than 60 FPS on your TV
Anyway, we're talking about a little bit of extra latency most couch optimized games
We're not playing csgo on the couch. Most couch optimized games are gonna be a more casual experience
Anyway, so success is Creed or or driving game or whatever. That's right, exactly
So why do I need to have this?
utmost absolute best performance when I can just for 50 bucks link up to a PC somewhere else and
Then as if as like kind of the final nail in the coffin as if game
compatibility for the ones that are you can actually run locally isn't bad enough and yes, it's getting better, but
Let's face it. It's not that great
Nvidia's news this week with the shield console is the answer to
Who needs like is the answer for people who want to stream 4k?
Well, not okay, not not the old console. I didn't hear anything. You haven't heard about the shield console
No, okay. It doesn't okay to be clear to be clear. It doesn't do it yet, but steam machines aren't coming until oh
I think November remember, right? Yeah, steaming things aren't coming till November now Nvidia
Look how quickly they've been iterating so shield console is 200 bucks and it doesn't stream games in 4k
But it'll do 1080p 60 games if I if I recall correctly, hold on I might be wrong. I I might I might be wrong
Capable of decoding 4k 60fps
so I can actually I can't think of a of a clear reason why it couldn't actually
Support 4k game stream at some point because it can decode
4k 60fps so this will handle all your 4k Netflix. It'll handle any other cup 4k YouTube
It'll handle any other kind of 4k streaming service and then again for games. I
Don't think that 4k gaming is there yet
Personally right gaming at 4k, especially the latest triple-a titles is not a tremendous experience
So the additional network load the additional processing load the additional hardware that you have to buy for your computer
4k 4k streamed gaming is is not happening yet 4k gaming in general is not happening yet even with Titan X
You know, it's happening just not to the degree that it should be it's it's not good enough that I'm ready to go for it
Personally, I would just run 1080p and make sure I never dip below 60
So I don't see those so I don't see those dips and stutters because it's not like that's
Yeah, it's not like you're getting free sync or g-sync on your TV. So you're gonna see that stutter
It's gonna happen and I would rather have the lower resolution than the hiccups and stutters
Um, yeah, so so I think that because this can handle the the 4k
Media media experience and can also do 1080p 60fps streaming. I think that there are
more compelling
Options than a steam machine all over the place and even from valve themselves
So, I mean I might try out the controller just to give it a shot
I we've yet to see in my mind. We've yet to see a controller better than the Xbox 360. The Xbox one one is
Okay, I don't like the DualShock shape. I get cramps in my hands eventually. Yeah and videos controller is okay
It's not better than an Xbox 360 controller by any means. I like the integrated touchscreen. That's cool
So I really want to see if valve managed to figure out the tactile feedback of the buttons
But there's a thing I already really don't like about the valve controller or the steam controller
And that is the positioning of the buttons and the the joystick and also the fact that it outright doesn't have a d-pad
You know if you want to if you want to play any emulated older console games or anything like that. Well
Go die in a fire because you're not doing it on that controller. It's not happening
And that's something that I actually do, you know, I probably do more
Retro gaming on my TV than I do
Current gaming on my TV. So that's a big deal for me. I do most of my current gaming on my portable
Someone says face it Linus. You don't like any controllers. Absolutely. Not true. The Super Nintendo controller is exceptional
I have like a 15 year old Super Nintendo control. Well, no, how old would they be older than that 20?
I have 20 year old Super Nintendo controllers that still have great tactile response on the buttons and d-pad
Show me another controller that has held up that well to the test of time
I also really like the Xbox 360 controller. Although the d-pad is garbage as the twitch chat is
Exploding with so I have an SNES controller next to my that's actually plugged directly into my media PC
And then I have an Xbox 360 wireless controller that is wirelessly connected to it and that takes care of all of my controller needs
So we'll get into the Nvidia thing a little bit more lately all right late lately later later, yeah later
Ah mantle SDK will be available to everyone this month. So
That's cool. If you're into that that was posted by the Nadia the gaming
Personally, even though game developer support has actually been way better than I ever expected for mantle
Yeah, I still don't see this going anywhere
DirectX 12 half has to beat and and and I mean it's the Kronos group has most of mantle anyway
Microsoft has included aspects of mantle in the upcoming direct 3d 12
or in in the DirectX 12 like
mantle is gonna have to differentiate itself in a pretty spectacular way and AMD seems determined for it to not be very different from
DirectX and OpenGL as we move forward so like mantle is cool
And I think it was it lit a fire under the industry and created hype amongst users
it created user demand for these low-level API is that most users would never even have an inkling of an
Understanding as to why they were important and AMD did a great thing for the industry there
But DirectX 12 is gonna have to completely fall on its face for mantle to be relevant at all. Yeah forward
And they had DirectX 12 demos at GDC as well
It's looking at like side by side between 11 and 12 and that were actually pretty impressive
I did I didn't know about that. It's looking pretty good
Though wait that one was posted by
Shoot I hate scrolling in in Google Sheets. Oh, I already said that all right. I've got another one for oh wait
Are you posting these in the chat?
Yep, okay awesome next one. This is a rumor Google is
Reportedly preparing Android wear for iPhone and iPad
this is
Big so I'm gonna go ahead. I'll bring this up, so this is on Mac rumors
This is not confirmed. This is a rumor, but there's a developer. That's managed to sync notifications between iPhone and Android wear
Involves using a protocol used by pebble watch blippity bloopity etc etc etc
This would be huge because with some of the rumors circulating about the Apple watch and its battery life although
There's a new rumor that says five hours of screen on time, which is actually
Significantly better than the three to four that we were hearing before
That suggests that the Apple watch might not be as much of a turd as I was sort of predicting that it would yeah if
Android wear devices can be used cross-platform
Apple is gonna have a real hard time selling me an Apple watch that is for sure because especially at the prices
We're looking at there's rumored pricing for the Apple watch sports is rumored to be
349 with the metal versions coming in and I think it was six hundred or seven hundred dollars and the all-gold version over
$15,000 if Apple is gonna expect me to spend seven hundred dollars on a watch
Then I'm gonna I'm gonna use whatever damn phone I want and I'm gonna have my notification synced damn it
That is how it is going to work
Otherwise that is a that is a lot to ask me to commit to and in one ecosystem
Right. Yeah, so
I mean what else is there to to really say about that?
The developer claims that no jailbreaking was required in order to make that work
Yeah, I guess surprised no jailbreaking was required
That's cool. I'm just surprised. Yeah, super cool. Well, it works apparently similarly to pebble, which I guess is a good time for us to get into
pebble is like
You can you can just tell what a what a bigger and more organized company
They have become since they first launched the pebble
So like this kit this Kickstarter campaign is so beautifully orchestrated and planned
So originally it's like here's the pebble time
It's awesome because color display up to I think it's I don't know if it's only the time steal that gets up to 10 hours
10 days of battery I forget I think pebble time is also has a longer battery life
But forgive me if I'm wrong if this new, you know notification management system blah blah blah. It's amazing. You should get one
They've raised I think is it 16 or 18 million on Kickstarter making it by far
By far the most funded Kickstarter campaign ever and now they're coming right back at us the next week
pebble time steal which looks
That's what I called out during the show when we were talking about that I was like, it doesn't look like they have a metal band
Kickstarter and I was like that's weird. And then yeah, I know they do and this was posted by the strict 9 on the forum
I'm just gonna go ahead and pull this baby up. It looks bananas. Actually. It looks very Apple watch esque
which is either a
Huge blow to the Apple watch or a huge kudos to pebble for coming up with such a beautiful design
That's gonna come in and I think it's a $2.99 is gonna be the street price. Oh, yeah, it gets better than that
So, you know that whole project are a thing from from Google where it's like yeah modular phones
Well, BAM modular watch this looks amazing pebble time is gonna support what they're calling smart straps
so your smart strap could contain extra sensors for
Jogging or a bigger bigger battery. Oh, they're saying you can swap them in five to ten seconds
So you could actually have multiple smart straps depending on what?
Yeah, that is like if you could have like a heart rate sensor one or an extended battery one
I think that's all I'd even really want
Yeah, like oh I'm working out and then oh all the other time because I don't like charging things
That is some goosebumps stuff right there like
Imagining what because you look at what developers managed to do with the pebble and no disrespect to pebble
They were a young company
It was it was it was successful because the smartwatch market was in completely in its infancy
The pebble was not amazing. I
Was not the only one to have an issue with a pebble eventually
Mine started like bugging out on the display in their defense and the reason that I haven't really brought it up
Their customer support was outstanding. They didn't even make no send my old one back
They just were like, can you send us a picture of the display garbled?
I sent it there was a new pebble at my door within a week like awesome
They did a great job as far as that was concerned
But the pebble was not as complete or polished a product as this and you look at what developers were able to do with that
Thing. Yeah, there was not a lot of hardware there
Well now now we're talking now we're talking it's got a microphone. It's got smart straps
I mean, are we gonna see smart straps with speakers cameras? I don't know. Oh, who knows?
Speakers that could be a thing. I have no idea. Are we gonna see smart straps with touch interfaces? So you could like
Do something they're suggesting things like GPS and NFC
Could be built into this like instead of this is so smart instead of putting all the doodads in the watch
Like I think this is Apple's mistake. They're trying to put so much in that watch
We want it to have Wi-Fi Bluetooth and NFC and a display and a friggin dial on the side and a new interface
And we're gonna do all this stuff and it's like well on a second, you know
What if we don't what if we don't need all that just don't yeah
Yeah, so this is this is really cool really exciting
I am apparently on the list to review at least the pebble time no idea about the pebble time steal
But I certainly hope they send one of each because I want to make sure that I'm covering these as well as possible
I I'm kind of a pebble fanboy, although a
Lot of you have noticed I'm using a g watch are now
It has taken me away from the pebble the pebble
Platform has aged and the pebble steel wasn't enough of a step forward to to hold on to me
But pebble time looks it might be pebble time for me again. Oh
Oh dang that is what that is
What makes you like the world's best sidekick is no matter how awful I am you you treat it you treat it
Like I said something cool. I
Love you, man
What else we got here we should have some we should have some more good stuff
So Nvidia Titan X this is posted by job. Oh three. Are you posting this in twitch? Yep. Yep
Are you just are you in the habit now? Like do I just not have to remind you anymore?
Nope, I've got every single link so far. I even went and found the one for the pebble watch because that wasn't in order
Alright, well twitch chat is freaking out with hearts. Oh
Well, we love you guys, too
That's cute. Alright, so this is the Titan X
Basically, it's more black. It's got apparently green LEDs in the fan now
So Nvidia is like Nvidia is shaking things up. It does look beautiful
Let's go ahead. I'm just gonna pull up a non tech has an article with is that a white LED Titan logo?
But green LED fan it does look that way doesn't it and I'm a little disappointed in them there. It's a little weird
Yeah, I'm kind of hoping it's RGB
Right, but that even then that might not make sense because the fan is not so
Yeah, at least I thought a non tech had something
Titan X specs
Speculate speculation. Oh
Snap thank you. I
I like how I'm just reading the notes online detectives forum right now actually and
It says also it looks like it will have a 12 gigabyte frame buffer and without even thinking about it
My brain was like 11.5
No, I had
Like immediately, you know what I can't I can't find I could have sworn
There was I could have sworn there
I thought I saw it on a non tech that there was an article where they took what we knew
And kind of filled in some of the we're guessing at blanks. Okay, and
I'm not seeing that. I wonder I wonder if I'm it could be that I'm wrong and it could be that
Yeah, it could be I'm wrong it could be that it was taken down I'm not sure but but basically
There's a article by Ryan Smith on a non tech in video announces GeForce GTX Titan X and it has a spec big breakdown
That is the one I'm looking for. Why can I not find that? There we go. Alright, so let's pull this up
So the speculation is that it is going to know we know it has a 12 gig frame buffer
Okay, so here you can see what we know and what's a question mark Ryan Smith's a good guy
He doesn't mind me using his chart
So he's guessing at 384 bit memory interface and this is this is a very good bet
based on that medium size Maxwell that we already have in the GTX 980 and 970
Uses a 256 bit interface and then some tomfoolery with the with the 970 to partially disabled, but whatever
Anyway, it's a 256 bit interface for most of the memory on the 970 and all of the 980
So in order to get more memory bandwidth on Titan X
Either they're gonna clock it higher which to my knowledge
There's nothing available with higher than 7 gigahertz GDDR5. That's basically the ceiling for that technology
We know that Nvidia doesn't have any kind of stacked memory technology coming out on Titan X
That would have been rumored at some point hasn't been so we're guessing
384 bit we know it has 12 gigs of VRAM
We know the transistor count is 8 billion making this big Maxwell, you know, the supercomputer Tesla
No, but for gamers
It's getting 96 ROPS. That's a guest from Ryan Smith
should be on the same manufacturing process as
GTX 980 because we haven't heard anything about Nvidia launching anything higher than that and
launch price, but I like Ryan's estimate here a
Large large number. Yeah, because I have heard everything from a thousand dollars to
$1,400 in the rumor mill and I have no knowledge whatsoever. I mean
when Titan launched a thousand dollars for a gaming card was insane and
Sort of the answer from Nvidia was well, this isn't a gaming card
This is a CUDA development and yes dual precision
You know compute card and rendering workstation II the Titan X is not positioned to that way though
Look at the photo. Well, where's the photo the photo shows on the box? It says like
Designed for gamers or something. Let me find this photo. Yeah, I'll try and find one. It's on tech gauge. I think right
Inspired by gamers built by Nvidia like that's that's gamer marketing
Well can't even remember it was a little kind of back and forth this time. That's gamer marketing
No Nvidia screwed this up on Titan Z to quite frankly because they couldn't decide
Yeah, there it is inspired by gamers built by Nvidia
They couldn't decide on Titan Z because the the whole announcement was like the world's most powerful gaming card
And then when pressed they're like, oh well, it's you know for CUDA
Yeah, because it was like $3,000 at launch and made absolutely no sense
like I do wonder if Titan Z was just Nvidia kind of testing the waters like
What are people gonna tolerate?
How much will people spend I wouldn't be surprised to see Titan X more than $1,000
But I would be I would be happy to see able to see happy is such a funny word for this
I would be I would be
Some of my faith would be restored if it launched at a thousand instead of more
because looking at what we know about Titan X specs and what we can estimate based on Titan versus
versus a GK 104 so GK GK 100 versus GK 104
Very was it?
I can't remember whatever 100 versus 104 of the last gen I would expect it to be about, you know
40% faster than a GTX 980 which is now we're talking GM 204 versus geo at GM 200
So if it cost 40% more then that would be like, okay
We're not gonna pay a huge premium for this, but if you're getting double precision Nvidia could go
Well, hey, that's worth a couple hundred bucks and you know, hey, it's black or
That's worth a bit anyway
So we'll see what they do
Like I said earlier on the stream for those of you who missed it apparently our card is inbound
So Luke has his work cut out for him when he gets back and I'm gonna have to completely
Rearrange our video schedule that I spent like two hours on this week because we're trying to make room for buffering some content
Yeah, we just released like 16 videos about Titan X
But it Titan X shroud Titan X heat pipes top 5
top 5 screws that hold together Titan X
Not all of the screws just the top 5 top 5 games that push the Titan X's frame buffer more than other ones
Oh my goodness. You know what you are starting to sound like a youtuber
It only took a few years, but you're starting to sound like a youtuber damn it
I'm kind of sad though
I'm still gonna do it because it's a really cool looking card, but I went by EVGA and they have their 980 kingpin
And I was like, oh cool because I haven't actually seen that one yet
And I was gonna do like a little mini video on it tomorrow and I'm still gonna do it
But that video is so hampered by the Titan X news
Yeah, man
But the suggestion I'll call it the Titan X prequel because I can assure you that
EVGA at some level is privy to what Nvidia's got going on
So if they thought it was worth it to release a 980 kingpin
Then this is the first hint that Titan X is gonna be a heck of a lot more expensive than 980
Yeah, cuz it yeah, I might have said classified. I meant kingpin. We have a 980 classified
Are you done? I meant kingpin. Oh, you made kingpin. No, you said kingpin. Yeah. Okay good. Yeah
No, you got it, right hundred everything was a hundred percent. Okay until just now, okay
Because a kingpin typically carries what a fifty hundred dollar premium over a classified
It's a lot the the 980 kingpin is $800
Yeah, so if this is only 200 more I'm willing to bet this isn't only 200 more
So we'll see
We shall see
Let's get into a little bit more Nvidia news
So just because you've been like on flights and packing and all that stuff you you missed you missed out big so Nvidia
Yeah, Nvidia announced the Nvidia shield again
Remember guys for those of you who don't remember this the original shield handheld was called the shield and then they renamed it shield
Portable when they launched the shield tablet and now we're getting the Nvidia shield
Which is a console it does not have a display. I believe it comes
yeah, so it's priced at $1.99 with a game controller and
50 games including crisis 3 and Borderlands the pre-sequel
I'm assuming that's the grid subscription that you get with it
And I'm not sure how long you get a grid subscription with it because I know that they were talking about at some point
She'll portable and shield tablet getting six months or something like that
Three months, maybe something whatever they were getting like a window this one
I don't know. Maybe it just comes with a grid subscription. Anyway, so this was posted by giving TNT on the forum
Ah, thank you. So so shield is going to have a Tegra X
Tegra x1 processor. So Nvidia is claiming
Twice the power of an Xbox 360 at 1 5th of the power consumption
It is gonna be capable of decoding 4k at 60 FPS
It is gonna be the first 4k Android TV and it's it's really funny. Someone put together a
hilarious cut-up of
Jensen saying TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV like
It seemed like when you watch it like that
It seems like every word out of his freaking mouth during this thing must have been TV TV TV television TV television
Android TV TV like so they they're really pitching it as like an Android TV device
That's capable of 4k, but it's also
It's also very much a console so
Razer was showing off in their suite and I really do think razors console is
Completely dead in the water at this point if it's an extra if it's an extra hundred bucks
for this thing, which is not running a Snapdragon 8a, whatever the heck and
And is going to be able to legitimately run some serious games at 1080p and some not serious games that who knows maybe you can
Run games at 4k as well because it does have HDMI 2.0 out so you can legit hook this up to your 4k TV
And have that 4k experience
And so anyway, so it's got the GPU horsepower and it started right back to the Razer booth
So they showed off a really cool arena fighter based game. That was for concurrent players
This is what Android consoles have been building to
Android consoles if they get game support for actual legitimate multiplayer games up till now
There hasn't been a whole lot of like sit around with your bros and play games on controllers
Android games if Nvidia is pushing this and boy have they ever
Demonstrated that they're pushing this ever since they announced console mode for the original shield and and then it was like this
Stupid kind of experience where you have to get like an on-the-go
Adapter and like a USB Ethernet thing and then you could run 1080p
60 instead of 720p and like you had to you know charge it up before you did it and then okay
Well, hold on maybe if you use a splitter
So I use a splitter in a powered hub in order to charge the shield and run it at the same time
But and then and then it's like, okay
so yeah
that's like pretty doofus II then we got shield tablet where they were really pitching using it as a console and
Hey now we've got support for multiple wireless controllers. We've got our own controller
There's all this awesome stuff and did he didn't have their own controller before they are pushing hard
So now there's a dedicated console. It's 40 plus hours of battery life on the controller
It comes with a remote that includes voice activation so you can use all your Google now nonsense with it
Grid grids a big deal and videos claiming 150 milliseconds of latency playing games remotely, which again
No, csgo forget it not gonna happen
But for racing games for a third-person, you know adventure games
That's gonna be very playable and I know this because I've been in the grid beta for over a year now
It is surprisingly not bad
Very surprisingly not bad and I'm not as close to an Nvidia data center as some people would be
Well, what once they start putting grid centers around the planet?
We are gonna be talking about especially in in places like in small dense places. Like I don't know the UK or Japan
You could be within a distance that would give you, you know fiber latencies in the you know
five millisecond or lower range of a grid center if it comes to that and
It may actually for many gamers especially casual ones who might not play a particular game
Like that's something to consider for the gamers that are saying, you know online streaming gaming is never gonna happen
Not everyone buys a game for 60 bucks and then puts 150 hours into it
Yeah, some people are more like a casual browser and they don't want to buy every game
But if they have you know 50 games or 100 or 150 or 500 games at their fingertips
They might play this one for an hour or they might play that one for a couple hours
And this is going to really appeal to those people. Yep
They should just start installing them on all the Tesla charging stations
Ha that actually be kind of awesome. So like everywhere. Yeah
Okay, great
Apparently the grid service is gonna come with unreleased games that will be on shield at launch
Remember Nvidia's got those deep developer relationships. Yeah, they do imagine that and what's also really cool about
Grid and again why I want home grid. This is still not the grid
I'm looking for I want home grid where you just like pile in a pile of GPUs
And then you have basically unlimited horsepower that you can divvy up however you want
I mean you we could potentially be looking at you know
Every game on max no matter what because they can throw as much GPU horsepower at it as they want and yeah
It'll be it'll be 1080p
1080p 60 I believe is the premium service with the normal service being 720p 30
So for small people with smaller TVs effectively
Max details though, it's gonna be nice. That's awesome. You know, maybe we should do like maybe we should probably do a straw poll on this
straw poll and
And I want your guys honest answer
I know a lot of the time we do like just troll straw polls or we'll have like like a troll answer. Yeah
Dang it. I typed in the wrong thing. No. Yes. I want to leave this page
Okay, will you subscribe? Okay, what price?
to subscribe to
Premium that's what I want to know. So just for context guys Netflix is gonna be what eight bucks a month. Um
Amazon do they still include their their prime video service with a prime membership? I
Can't remember. I think so. I don't know because that's not available in Canada. Yeah
But I think I think they do. Okay, so Netflix is gonna be eight eight bucks a month or whatever
Let's see. What what else is like what else could we really compare it to Hulu is in that same kind of price rate or Hulu?
Plus rather isn't that same pressure a crunchy roll is in the neighborhood of about eight bucks a month or ten bucks a month or?
Something like that
Vessel will be much cheaper than that vessels three
But vessel doesn't have any exclusive content. It's just early access. So like whatever
Um, I'm talking about like exclusive content where you're actually like buying content for your subscription. Oh
Yeah, okay Netflix Hulu mainly HBO go oh, yeah, that's that's uh, what's the new what's the new thing?
HBO now which is gonna be different from HBO go is apparently I'd be launching in April for
$15 a month. That's not that cheap. That's yeah, it's so
Not clear what content will be included. Sorry. We're switching news topics. Okay, whatever
Let's do the HBO thing because it kind of ties into this
It's not clear what content will be included. But in my mind, I really do wonder if it's gonna be everything
At $15 a month. We're talking like you're paying a dollar per thing
you're gonna watch if you're watching just new stuff and you don't follow every HBO show like
Yeah, that is some pretty premium pricing. They got going on there and
but it's it's it's uh
Blah blah blah. Yeah, so the article from Engadget this was posted by Rohit Kumar SP
so the article from Engadget speculates that
might only have older content because
HBO probably doesn't want their entire viewer base to cut the cable because I suspect HBO subscriptions are the only thing
Keeping a lot of people from cord cutting. Yeah, so 15 bucks a month for that. So let's go ahead
Let's let's let's do like a few different price points here. Let's go less than five bucks
Okay, let's go. I'm both grid right now. Yeah. Yeah five to five to ten
Let's go ten to
Let's go. Let's let's see would people pay like fifteen to twenty five dollars for to all-you-can-eat game service
At the cost of needing to deal with 150 milliseconds of latency because remember you can go buy
csgo and install that on your computer and then you could play everything else on grid if you don't care and then let's go
I'm not even gonna have an option over 50 because I don't think they're gonna charge anywhere near that much
And I'm just gonna have an option that says no way
People are calling me out for being tired. I
I have to be the only like desk chair thing in here is being currently taken up by Brandon because he needs to edit
So I'm like laying in bed. I had two hours of sleep last night and I was walking around the conference all day today
So yes, I'm extremely tired
Cuz I was I was talking to you at like
Whatever time that was that was like midnight after midnight my time. Yeah
Yeah, it was like my time was like fuck. I think I finally went to bed at like 5 a.m. Local time
And then I had to wake up at like 7
Either either either your boss is like a terrible person or you're extremely dedicated
All right now I I
Can you can you see the can you see the stream right now?
I'm I want to talk about I want to talk about this grid premium thing as the results roll in so it looks like
They're gonna have a lot of customers. This is something I wasn't expecting our audience. I was expecting to go hardcore. No way
Or like less than five bucks
But you guys are giving us some real interesting feedback. It looks like a clear
Over 50% of you are willing to pay between five and fifteen dollars for an on-demand gaming service
This could be no way is only 25% Wow. That's right. This could be a
So so hold on let's look at this a different way. Hold on
So 31 plus 25 plus 8 plus 2 so plus 10 is 35 is 60
Thirds of you are willing to pay more than five dollars for grid premium a month
That is only way easier to do if you just did the negative
If you just added no way and below five dollars together and then took that away from 100
Either way though that blows me away
Nvidia in if Nvidia's long-term plan and we've been talking about this for a long time, right Luke if
Oh, yeah long-term like the start of when the show is to not make graphics cards anymore as their business
Yeah, this is it. This is the time it just happened
Cuz like a
subscription service like this is the difference between being a company that makes widgets and being a company with like big
Massive revenue to continue developing the service and to like I mean you look at what happened with Netflix all of a sudden
They go from were a streaming service to we
Develop original programming. Yeah, like Nvidia could even get into games at that point considering how much they're already
Have their fingers pretty deep into development of games and the development of game technologies and stuff like that
But then again think about this imagine a world where Nvidia gets to make their own games and how poorly those will run on competing hardware
Yeah, yeah, or there would probably only release through the grid service
I was gonna say imagine a world where the only way to get access to a particular game
This is the Nvidia console grid is the console that Android console is almost like hedging their bets
So you can like play stupid Android games or maybe great Android games or whatever and video seems to not care about that anymore
So you can play Android games on it or whatever
But you're gonna need this to get grid and people are going to buy it. Yeah
Very interesting to me
Especially if you look at how competitive their products are already with other devices like shield tablet is a good tablet
Shield tablet with a $5 a month grid service is an unbelievable value
Scary it's kind of scary. Like I I like Nvidia as much as the next guy, but they also they also kind of scare me sometimes
Yeah, I don't know. I was talking to someone the other day about how like I
I maybe this was even on wan show. Wow, it might be that's awkward about how like
I'm getting a little frustrated with Google because they're getting that they kind of dropped that do no evil
Thing and they're kind of doing a lot of evil lately and like I'd way rather Microsoft be the big mega corporation
Because well, I might not be a huge fan all the time
They don't seem to do like massively horrible things
Well, they've they've gotten past it
Yeah, they've gotten over the hump
It's like it's almost like you have to get you have to become accustomed
You have to grow into your britches. You have to become accustomed to being a mega power and then it's like
Okay, you know, maybe we maybe we just don't need to crush everything
Maybe we're okay and like they can also make a product and we can make a product. Yeah. Yeah, and that's cool
I don't know if Google will ever be okay with that though. I think Google's new motto needs to be
world domination or nothing
Domination or nothing. They seem to be they seem to be headed that way don't they? I mean, they should just change it. I
Swear to the chat developers developers developers
That should be like pebbles motto
I don't want to talk about pebble anymore on the stream
But they really do seem to be focused on here's a platform like make it make it awesome
We'll make it as awesome as we can but like you guys make it more awesome, and that's great
Okay, we should probably do our sponsors
Speaking of making things awesome. Actually, you're gonna be kind of I didn't add you to the sponsor scenes
So you're just not here, but cool. Feel free to feel free to be a disembodied voice
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Next up we've got
HyperX PAX East
Check out our PAX East coverage powered by HyperX also check out the HyperX YouTube channel
We've got a lot of great gaming content over there. We even do content for them from time to time
I think they have a video that we did for them. That's coming out soon on PCI Express vs. SATA
I hope I didn't spoil anything or maybe it's already up and I didn't notice. I don't know. Don't worry too much about that
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Finally Luke you are hardcore missing out and I'm really sorry that you have to miss out on this the loot crate
Yeah, yeah, sure. Nick's gonna come in and hand cam it up for me, but I am unboxing this month's loot crate
I feel abandoned. I went to loot crate today and tried to like talk to them, but they were being swarmed
Yeah, that was super full. There was no there was no talking to them. Oh
I can't use that camera because it's being used by another application
You know, it's awkward. We should talk to our cameraman because
I'm pretty sure that that like whatever camera Nick is holding right now has better color than
The black magic. Oh, it's it's because I it's because I did it. Yeah, they can fix it. Okay
Well, I'm gonna have to do Skype is grabbing those. So yeah, you can't you can't have that. All right
Well, I'm gonna open up the loot crate and I'm
Not put the camera where you just did
Wait, what? Oh, you can see it. Oh
Ha right Luke's watching me on this camera and Nick just like puts it down on the table
It's like a freakin troll. Look at that guy. What a guy
What a guy that Nick guy
I love that guy. I love everyone today. I'm just having like I'm having a love day
We we filmed channel super fun today. It was bananas. We did the soccer boppers
Oh, I missed that
No, no, sorry we had to get we had to get her done it fun we we went like tournament style again
You know those?
You know those old pies that were in the fridge from like that expired in like December
All I'm gonna say is the video involves those pies
There's no way that's good
The upcoming channel super fun is gonna be bananas. But let's uh, let's open up this loot crate first
So I I usually Nick sends me notes on these things and I'm sure that I'm supposed way more fun
Just enough go through it. That's like the whole thing with loot crate. But no, it would be nice if I knew at least the theme
Right. Okay. Yeah, usually
Usually I don't so this is February's play crate. All right, so let me go. Oh, these are awesome
It has a hex bug. Oh
That's cool. These things are freaking bananas. We actually did I'll be speaking of channel super fun. Yeah
It's not the same kind of hex bug. So it's this is the hex bug and
so we did we did hex bug racing the ones that just kind of vibrate on the table and then they
They they kind of like move around
And they kind of move around on the table
So we did hex bugs about racing before but this is a new kind of hex bug and it's packaged
Extremely well, I claim to be a professional unboxer and I can't get this out of the box
Well, well, right. I like that. It's great packing simulator. And I think the box is actually a
Like a board game. How is that? No
Yeah, I have not not not for the bug for the whole loot. Yeah, I see that
Yeah, I have not noticed anything that isn't this and oh my goodness. Look at this. It has little rolly wheels
That this thing is adorable
Whoa, it's fast. Whoa. Yeah, that's sick. Okay. Hold on
Let me I'm just gonna put it on the back of my laptop so you guys can see how fast it is
No, oh
I love I love hex bugs. Okay, that's clearly not gonna work what I'm trying to do right now
But it's got a little it's got a little wire in the front. So it doesn't get stuck on anything
So it bounces off. All right, what else we got in here?
That a book
How do they include a book in
This like a full. Wow, that's a full book. No like an actual book. It's a ready player one
New York bestseller by Ernest Cline. That's a really good book
Look like legitimately that is incredible. They must have had this done as a completely custom print for them because
The grown-ups Harry Potter apparently because there is no price on it
This seems to like there's there's usually a price like an ISBN blabbity blabbity, whatever. Well, let me look it up on Amazon
I know that book like hundred percent
That's awesome. All right
Thank you for getting it now. We've got create your own vinyl art toy money world. That's pretty cute
So this is a mini manner that it can money Martin mini money
It comes with three markers black red and blue and you go ahead and like draw on it
That's pretty adorable. And then what else we got this looks like a little poster
I'm gonna go ahead try and open this baby. I like these loot crate sponsor spots
We always go way over time on them, but we do they're just kind of fun. So ready player one is
Seventeen dollars
Wow, I don't I think loot crate increased their pricing though, right? I don't think it's one three three seven anymore
Yeah, but it's I think that's only in Canada and I think that's because of the dollar issues, right?
I'm not sure though. This is cute. So it's like I
Don't know. I console or something
Back like you. Yeah
What else we go? Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm not holding it up to you. I'm holding it up to that. Yeah
All right, so crate packing simulator 2015 game instructions. Welcome to loot crates first original board games
You can see there's like game board in there
The goal is simple be the first player to have all five items in your crate
Use the rock-paper-scissors dice to determine who will make the first move
Once the first player is chosen continue to use rock-paper-scissors dice with these numerical values to move your game token
So depending on who plays what you move one two or three land on a star pick up one item land on a circle
Dice battle blah blah blah etcetera, etcetera. No meet
So it seems to include items from previous loot crates like the 8-bit glasses
So I guess this is like if you are already subscribed or something then that's yeah
Yeah, all right. It comes with super fight the loot crate deck
This is a 100 card version of the viral card game super fight designed exclusively for loot crate by sky bound
These cards are only available in this exclusive deck
Jeez, this one's got a lot. There's a button. Yeah
There's the rock-paper-scissors dice, so it's got rocks papers and scissors on it. Well, maybe everything is included with this one
I don't see 8-bit glasses though
What else we got? There's a Firefly online Buddhist temple concept art thing
Firefly line, is that an upcoming game or something? Yeah, man. I haven't even heard of that. Yeah, dude
I hope it's not as bad as the movie. I never finished the movie. I don't know if I told you that
Yeah, that did not happen. And then their their loot crate magazine has a history of game controllers
It might be as bad as the movie. I
Since and game pieces for the board game. I sincerely hope it's not as bad as the movie because oh man, like I
Really enjoyed the show
Anyway, right use offer code Linus to save 10% on loot crate
I really enjoyed the show but that movie was bad
It did not know what it was. It had no identity. It had no charm
It just it was just like trying too hard to be mission impossible kind of thing, right?
I still liked it. But like yeah, I liked it because I'm a fanboy of Firefly not because it's yeah
Yeah, I just looked it up and apparently it's a thing already
I didn't know it was released, but it looks super not good
Well, at any rate everything else in that loot crate was pretty fun
It might be good
I don't know
This is kind of odd
So we'll get into rapid-fire topics because we're actually coming pretty close to the end of the show here
What's app now permanently bans users using third-party apps?
Facebook has been cracking down on the developers of third-party apps and now they are
Just outright banning people who insist on using them by blacklisting their phone numbers
So while you could get a new phone number
It is gonna be a real pain in the butt to try to use third-party apps on whatsapp
You must use the official app from now on this is posted by Victoria's Secret on the forum
Did you post this one in chat? I did already. Oh, I don't even see you moving. You're like a freaking ninja over there
I'm a ghost. Hey, are we both wearing the same shirt today? We are actually nice
Yes, nice. I made sure that I had proper show shirts and then when I got here
I realized that my keep on digging shirt is a medium
Nice, that is gonna be hot
That is like gonna be some sexy stuff going on over there. I am liking it already. I haven't even seen these goods. Oh geez
Well you have yeah, okay, not not just not today, yeah
Who says I didn't video it?
They make real small cameras these days
Huawei is the next Nexus maker confirms Kevin Yang from I supply
This is posted by Victoria's Secret Google partnering up with a Chinese OEM for the new Nexus
so Huawei is the biggest competitor to zow me and
They're also apparently partnering with LG on another Nexus device later in 2015
The speculation they see our original article here is from gives mokina
I'm gonna go ahead and throw that up on the screen here
But the speculation is that maybe we will see a return to affordable Nexus devices
Yeah, here we go could Huawei be the next Nexus maker
I would really like to see that in my mind the Nexus 6 was a disaster between lollipop
Me seeing people refer to it as Android Vista
And and just the fact that that hardware was so expensive for something that didn't offer a tangibly
better experience than
You know other similarly priced pieces of hardware, I just couldn't get into the Nexus 6
very much prefer the Droid turbo although I've been using the Moto E and
So far I can tell you guys
It's a hundred and fifty dollar phone
and whatever my expectations were going in they were too high
Yeah, I'm not not too impressed with it so far, but I got in the video
I'm gonna try to do a better job of understanding in my brain space that it's a hundred and fifty dollar phone
In my brain space. I honestly like between you and me Luke
I have been seriously putting off doing phone reviews
It's not like there haven't been phones that I could look at I could have done a later review of the 6 plus
I could have done the z3 compact something people have been asking me to review forever
You know I could have done the note for something we definitely had access to and I was just like oh
Yeah, I did the Nexus 6 big phones are still too big so
There's that so my note for review would just be that in a nutshell, but with like touchways over top of it. Yeah
Whoa no
So I've been putting it off because I love the Droid turbo, and I just hate switching my phone
Especially because I like using that phone so much so the Moto E has been a rude awakening
There was a Kaylee cosplayer, so I took a picture with her
And I had Brandon take the picture on my phone and Brandon was like wow yeah, you're right the camera's really bad
I think I think the Moto II second-gen actually I like the camera better than your old Moto X
Probably it's not that bad, but it has no flash
Yeah, no flash
How am I gonna? How am I gonna have a flashlight when I'm crawling around in my attic?
How much does an LED cost
Not much you tell you that much
Anyway Gabe Newell, this is posted by Ah Ming on the forum says and I quote
0% of people get motion sick using the new Vive
VR headset that was a collaborative effort between valve and
Holy balls, so they are using a completely new system for motion tracking that they're calling
Lighthouse and the way that this works is it actually has I forget if they are sensors or emitters
But either the headset has emitters and their sensors or the other way around
But it has these devices in the corners of the room that are constantly
Monitoring where you are in relation to them, and they can even track not just the headset itself
But also peripheral devices or even multiple people with headsets and peripherals
this looks
Oculus had a window where there was going to be no competition and the rift was gonna win that window is closing
Extremely quickly that windows gone. Did you I don't I don't know if you've heard this but the rift like in
What seems deaf what in what definitely seems like a response to the vibe the rift?
They've kind of stepped back and been like whoa
We might have said a release date that might be a little earlier than we expected
So we might be releasing later and all this kind of stuff and they're kind of pushing the hairs back now
Which means that the vibe might actually have a consumer release before?
Oculus might have just got super wrecked
It's it's a lot of it's still kind of rumor mill stuff. But yeah, it was late 2015. That was the plan
Yeah, and then there there's been rumor mill going around that they're going like we might have kind of estimated that wrong
We might have to do it a little bit later, which could be really bad because five is apparently ready to go
Wow, I you know what for me it's gonna come down to this like I'll probably get them all anyway because to review them
But the one that I buy with my personal credit card
Not the company card to sit and collect dust at the office because it's not mine
the one that I buy and take home the one that I like order two of one on each card where I'm gonna need one and
We're gonna need one for you know testing
You know graphics card performance with VR headsets like like we're gonna need all of them at the office
The one that I buy is gonna be the one that is released and supports Eve Valkyrie
Elite Dangerous and
At a later date star citizen because we are nowhere near the amount of graphics horsepower to run that game and nowhere near release
Elite Dangerous and Eve Valkyrie whatever supports those if it's two hundred dollars
I'll buy it if it's three hundred dollars. I'll buy it and if it's five hundred dollars. I am going to buy it
one thing that's gonna be interesting is
Valve obviously really good relationship with a lot of different publishers
but relationship
Oculus is becoming a publisher and I believe is oculus not publishing Valkyrie. I
Don't remember. I think oculus might be publishing Valkyrie meaning that it might not go to vive
I I know I think it was going to Morpheus or something else
But yeah, I think they might be able to lock that down which is gonna make this really unfortunate
but really interesting at the same time and could kind of start a war between vive and rift which would be
pretty interesting to see I'm very very happy that this happened because
I'm going to places like CES and seeing the sheer amount of VR stuff that was there. That was just all garbage
Was super disappointing because I like I went to CES and was like, okay
This is gonna be sick because I'm gonna see the new revision of the oculus
Which is gonna be great the oculus rift, which is gonna be great
And then I'm gonna see all this other stuff and I'm excited to see the competition and I got to CES and I was like
There is no competition
there I am NOT seeing the competition because it is not here because it doesn't exist and then now finally there's one that can push
them and
Apparently really freaking hard
Which is great. I'm so happy. I'm liking this. I'm I'm stoked which I'm you're right
It's a co-publishing deal. And so I I may not get okay. I'll settle for elite dangerous then
Are you gonna buy it by the way? Have you tried it?
Elite dangerous. Yeah, I've tried it a little bit. It seems actually pretty sick. I'll very likely buy it. Okay, cool
Yeah, we should we should start playing like seriously playing around the same time so we can like bro it up
You know, it's funny
So many people so many people were like really confused by that that spat that we had at the end of that tech wiki video
The what? Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay, so I want to I want to go on the record and clarify that
The Luke was going to host that video. That was the plan. Yeah, but Luke was really sick and lost his voice
So I had to come host it and then fractal Josh from fractal put Luke up to
quitting like on camera in the middle of me filming and then
The plan from Josh's side was for me to not know what was happening
But yeah, that's dumb. So yeah, Nick told me so the whole thing was completely staged
so so I think we I think some people were like some people were like
Um, that was really like awkward and hard to watch
I think we might have overdone a little bit and we probably should we probably should have clarified at the end that like that didn't happen
Yeah, because I thought you did I didn't even know because I I walked out of the door and then as some people noticed
I wasn't wearing shoes
So I walked out of the door and I just kind of like stood on the on the mat outside of the door and with
My ear to the door waiting for you to be done
But I couldn't really hear what you're saying and I could just tell that you were talking
So I had no idea that there wasn't a clarification until it went live which was kind of hilarious
Because the sheer amount of like forum PMs
Tweets, uh, just everything that I got was just insane and I loved it where people would be like well
He walked out not wearing shoes and with a mic pack on his hip. So it's probably fine
That's awesome
Oh Nick wanted me to let you guys know that the merch.linustechtips.com the store has been restocked
I've had a lot of people messaging me being like yo you're at the end of your videos
You're always like hey, you could buy a t-shirt like this one. I went in your store. There's like no t-shirts, dude
I was like
We have a new rep at um at district lines. Um, apparently lanyards are going to be coming soon
I had sort of forgotten about that. So that's that's pretty cool
I was hoping I was going to be able to give some away at PAX East but they didn't come quite fast enough
Yeah, that's a bummer. Um, we have a new shirt design coming
Um, like one of the one of the ongoing jokes here for um, let me see if I can find it
One of the ongoing jokes here at Linus Media Group is we don't sleep and sleep is for uh, sleep is for wusses
What do you think Luke? Should I tease the artwork? Because I think it's amazing
Sure. Yeah. No, that's cool. Okay. I'm gonna see if I can I think I think Nick messaged it to me
Um, but I'm really frustrated. I can't find it. No, the problem is I talked to Nick way too much
He would have used push right
Probably, but it might not have been sent to him. It might have been sent to him through some form of hosting
Um, oh balls
Let me see I'll see if I can find it anyway in the meantime
I'll do another rapid-fire thing if you if you want to look for it, then I'll yeah, I'm looking for it right now
Okay, Google is apparently uh headlines a little bit misleading here. This is posted by Victoria's Secret
I'll go ahead and I'll do the post if you're looking for this then. Yep. Okay, sounds good
Okay, so Google is apparently working on a technology or at least has published a paper about a technology that would allow it to tell
whether facts on the internet are actually true and this is
And this is a hundred percent theoretical now
But could be both amazing and absolutely
Terrifying in the future. So I'll go ahead and pull up the article on new scientist calm
But and again all these all these are so sensationalist
Google wants to rank websites based on facts not links or traffic or popularity. Well, hold on. Hold on a second
They haven't they haven't said that but what they're trying to figure out is how to make how to check a websites
General accuracy by taking facts that they know like Linus Sebastian's birthday is August 20th
If that was posted on that website
Then that would be like like a like a veracity score like that would be a truth score and then the higher a websites or web
Pages truth score the higher it would be ranked because the better the likelihood that the other information on it is true
And that seems to be how they are planning to have this work and this is incredibly cool
I mean, there's a couple so, you know sites like the onion are probably gonna have a much harder time getting good search rankings
Because you know a lot of that a lot of that traffic still comes from people who don't know that the onion is nonsense
Yeah, and so when something goes hyper viral and it's a fake news story
It's gonna it's gonna hurt sort of that business I guess but oh, well, I suppose
But the bigger thing to me is this could hurt
I don't want to I don't want this to turn into a religious debate. Okay, that's not the objective here
Yeah, I'm going there with this
so if a site
Had information on it that was clearly factually inaccurate like dinosaurs never existed for example
Oh, geez, it would allow
Google to bury other information on the site and present it as
Not fact and it would take information from sites that contain
facts like that dinosaurs existed and
It would take those articles and call them fact and I'm not gonna I'm not weighing in on this debate
I'm not getting involved in this but just kind of no no, I'm not gonna say where I stand on it
But what I'm going to say is that it could create a situation where the beliefs of people
Whether you know where something is hotly debated
Okay, where the beliefs of people could be undermined by Google sorting based on
The fact sorting might ignore those things though might manually ignore those things. Do you think it will?
Because there's interesting stuff. I I don't know if it will or not. I doubt it. Come on, man
Well, I don't know filtering for religious stuff might be a really good PR move for Google to do and is actually fairly
But another thing that could be kind of an issue is rumors
Yeah rumor mill websites. There's a lot of really big rumor mill websites WCCF tech is largely rumor mill stuff for graphics cards. Yep
What happens with rumors are those facts?
No, but are they lies?
Fake necessarily so
This raises up this this is like we're gonna have kettles of fish to boil for for weeks on weeks on yes
Yeah, when we when it when and if they decide to start implementing something like this
So I'll be very interested to like oh man, like there's so many good things that can come of it, you know
like our carrots bad for you if Google could just if Google could just
destroy the search rankings of anyone that says carrots are bad for you or is
oxygenated water gonna help you perform better at sports could help for
Yeah, like basically what you're saying, but more specifically just medical things in general because there's so much medical hoo-bah
But all over the internet. Yes, it's it's it's crazy
So if they could help people and apparently they've looked into working with the Mayo Clinic already
Okay, so like health stuff rule is a big deal like they I know I think they've actually worked with the Mayo Clinic on certain things
so like like health information is gonna be like a really really
Huge part of this like if because you know, you know those businesses that are structured
like create a complete BS product and then create an entire network of websites about
Reviewing that product and giving it positive reviews and fake testimonials so that it clutters up the search results
That is what this needs to destroy. Well, like yeah
It would be nice if Google could start hunting out. No, Google probably won't do this
But it would be nice if I guess Amazon could do it
But I actually don't even think Amazon will do it but hunting out fake reviews because that's going to be a really big issue
Yeah, big problem huge percentages of reviews are fake. Oh, yeah, which is not not cool at all
Well, I think that's pretty much it. We're we're an hour and a half in here and
It's been it's been a great show and we've enjoyed it very very muchly and I think we will we will see you guys
We'll see you guys next week. Same bad time. Same bad channel. Did you have anything to add? I mean
Are you looking forward to the rest of the show?
Yeah, I said this a little bit earlier, which was kind of we we missed the boat a little bit
We went to the wrong parade
GDC was where all the the fun ended up being apparently a lot of computer hardware vendors actually bailed out last minute
So like Nvidia was supposed to be here, right? Yeah, they're always and then
Yeah, and then not that long ago. They bailed out because they did their launch at GDC, right?
They did their launch at GDC and they have their own event coming in like two weeks
Yeah, so like a lot of different hardware vendors actually didn't end up showing up
So I was pretty worried like at one point in time today
I was legitimately going through and being like we are screwed. We're not gonna get half of the videos that we need
And then someone pointed me out into this like what is that noise? Sorry, I'm playing with the thing. Oh, geez
one of the that sounded horrible, uh
one of the
people that I met up with pointed me out to this like corner that was hidden behind the twitch booth and
Like Spotswood techbenches is there. I
Know I know
He's in partnership with EK water blocks. They like have one booth together nice
EVGA is there Enermax is there they don't have anything new but they're there
Pny is there like like that's it's it's we're all like the old like the little tech companies kind of huddled together
Yeah, so
Yeah, put a 290x in the middle
It was and is close
I think there's like exactly enough stuff for us to make exactly the amount of videos that we need to make nice
But like there should have been an abundance, but then GDC was crazy. One of the reasons why is
Pax East was only 11 months ago
It should have been 12 months ago. Oh interesting. It wasn't a year ago
They they moved it because it was on spring break or something before
Or what? Maybe it wasn't exactly a month difference or something like that
So it brought it much closer to GDC and it brought it closer to CES
So it's harder for hardware companies which are gonna have bigger development times to be able to actually have something
and a lot of the gaming guys are
pulling their hair out because they
Flew directly from GDC to Pax East that are hosting again, which is crazy
Yeah, like there's a lot of those booth guys that haven't had a break
They they host a GDC. They flew they set up they hosted Pax East
Like absolutely nuts. So it's a pretty crazy timing. Yeah
But yeah, there's some cool stuff. There's a hardware company that I didn't even know existed. They're very very new
I think they were founded in 2014
they're a Korean company that makes RAM and it's easily some of the best RAM that I've ever seen and like every single one of
Their different kits are some of the best RAM I've ever seen in terms of like aesthetics, right?
So yeah, we're gonna be we'll have a video from them, which will be cool. All right
Well, we will see you guys next week
And thank you very much for tuning in and for those of you who missed it the archive will be going up sometime tonight
I've got badminton tonight though, so it'll be probably a little bit on the later side
especially because I have to stitch together two chunks of you know, because
Magic. All right. Peace out
You gotta do the outro thing. I'm doing it. I got this. All right. Yeah
Well, actually, uh, we did not bad this week considering that we only had one and a half posts
The stream died at the beginning. All right sponsors linda.com
Loot crate linda.com slash packs
What what is that? That's the linda.com URL for the pack sponsorship. Oh, oh, that's right
They sponsored packs like at the last second in day. Yep. That's I didn't even have a URL all of today
So I was guessing it and I was wrong. I did linda.com slash Linus and then they were like, nope linda.com slash packs
Oh, so we're gonna fix that and post luckily
I was like there might be a corrected one down here every single time that I did it
So we're just gonna put the corrected one there Wow
All right. All right. Later. Oh
Bye. Oh guys. Sorry. No after-party today. I gotta go to badminton