This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.
Show covering everything that's hot and new and interesting whether it's on the gaming side technology side or just introducing the show
Which I realize we never do
Which we did last week. Did you oh, okay introducing the choice and like this is the wen show
Yeah, like like what exactly are you watching right now?
And like why would you possibly care about it is sort of a sort of an important thing?
But yeah, there you go. So guys we have a ton of like just
Completely ridiculously crazy topics this week
Extremely excited about them. We have our special guest Austin Evans
Aka Duncan three three three zero three on YouTube if you've never heard of him before then go go check him out
Because he's a sexy beast and he's gonna be joining us in about 25 minutes on the show to talk we hope
Okay, he just fried the outlet that powers his computer
So I guess he's probably looking for an extension cord right now
but and I'll be quoted on this no self-respecting geek should ever be without a
Reasonably nearby extension cord so Austin you better have one
So we're gonna have him on as a guest. He was with me in Hawaii
So yeah, he says all should be good now had to switch to extension cables. Yeah. Yeah. There you go, man
So he was with me in Hawaii and saw all of the demonstrations and presentations the live one
Which everyone saw and the NDA one which we cannot talk about AMD won't even tell us what the NDA date is
For the NDA. It's like just to be determined. So we're gonna talk about that
We're also gonna talk about the steam triple threat announcements go boom
So the first one was steam OS which was in my opinion the biggest one because the next one people kind of already knew
But steam OS is a Linux platform that steam is kind of editing to themselves
We'll go into that in more depth later and then steam machines, which are the the steam box that people were talking about forever
There's more information about that and then a steam controller that doesn't have thumb sticks. It has touchpad
Small small head explosion
I mean my head's exploding but not necessarily for the reasons that the other two made my head
Yeah, other things that did make my head explode though Nvidia has come out and said look
We're gonna give better to sport to Linux and that is obviously a huge deal and who knows maybe slightly related to that more on
That I mean we're teasing the topics, you know
We can't tell you everything right now and the chaos computer club has broken the fingerprint scanner on the iPhone 5s
Already, but I'm gonna play devil's advocate a little bit when we're discussing this because I don't necessarily think that's that big of a deal
So without further ado, here's the intro and short word from our sponsors
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And without further ado, let's just jump right into our first topic which isn't one that we teased surface pro 2
It's a thing
It's a thing and it's and it's more of an interesting thing than I think the original one was
Because they fixed a lot of those kind of glaring problems. The battery life is way better
Color accuracy is better on the screen, which is interesting, but already had a pretty good screen
Yeah, it was okay
I mean the thing to me that's that's actually more interesting here is not only
Surface 2 is coming and has a more color accurate screen
But or rather surface pro 2 surface 2 which I guess they would call surface RT
2 if surface RT didn't have such a terrible
Terrible reputation is also coming and is also getting a 1080p screen upgrade
So now both a surface pro 2 and surface 2 the RT version which makes
Makes the naming very confusing are going to have 1080p screens. There's a variety of other improvements
So guys the original article here is from Engadget, but I think the biggest ones are going to be well as well
Huge for surface pro 2 I mean we're looking at I think they're quoting so double digits better performance
so 20 to 30 percent better performance something along those lines and a
75 percent better battery even when surface pro first launched we both talked about we're interested in this one because it's an interesting product
But we're interested in when it comes out with Haswell. Yes. We said that like way back
So now that's here and that's actually really cool. And I mean, this is part of the well
What this does is I guess it validates
It validates Intel's approach with Haswell where they came out and they said look it's that well
They didn't come out and say it but it was pretty obvious. This is not an enthusiast desktop gaming CPU
That's not what this is for what this is for is it's for energy efficiency
Particularly making it more scalable down to much smaller form factors. So
Microsoft has made some other improvements to the device as well
So for example, there's a new power cover that actually improves battery life by two and a half times
So if we do some quick math here original surface was good for sort of three and a half to four and a half hours
Of battery which is not enough for a tablet
So 75% better puts us around six and a half hours battery and then the two half times would put us around
15 to 18 hours of battery like 15 16 hours of battery now we're talking. Yeah, like it's a lot better now
We're talking this is a productivity device because to me that was the appeal of
surface RT for that matter and surface was that now all of a sudden it's a mobile device that is
Genuinely genuinely portable and tablet II but also genuinely productive
and and I mean here's the thing though is
Actually, this isn't on our this isn't really on our topics, but I want to I want to discuss this. So, okay
Surface to Surface Pro 2
Okay, it's got better battery life. Yeah, it's got an okay screen the new touch are the new type cover
Which is the cover that sits on it that actually has a tactile keyboard
So not the touch cover which was just touch sensitive hat is backlit now and it's slightly thinner and it's slightly thinner
So so there's all these things but realistically if you wanted something that was in between a tablet and a laptop
Nowadays, do you just pick up a convertible?
So something like this where you flip the screen around boom if you really wanted a Windows 8 tablet
Now you have one and like there is situations where a tablet would be better if you want to be able to walk around
I've used this like four times now since the last time I talked about this when I created a video before I left
I think I said three times and I used it like this once on my trip
I was like watching Netflix videos and I put it up like this because that was slightly more convenient
Personally I don't really care but I have seen like I used to work in a like a warehouse II type of thing and
One of the guys bought a one of those old HP spin around they can't see your hands when you put them down there
There we go old HP laptops where you could take the screen and spin it around like this
You'd have one of those that he could walk down and write notes down
Okay, because that was better for him. So so maybe it's not the best use case for you or me
I wouldn't care but right it might be a better use case for some people and the pro 2 still has the stylus
Whereas the surface 2 does not come with a stylus. I mean the pricing is okay. Hold on
Let's let's finish talking about it a little bit more. So
They've improved the kickstand
So the kickstand I actually liked the kickstand because their whole thing with kickstand was that they wanted it to feel like like a car
Door was what they compared it to you know
Now it has two settings. So instead of being stuck at but like the one angle wound only one angle
Now you can actually adjust it to a couple different angles
I mean, this is a problem that is that not only plague surface Pro but also other convertibles
Like I've actually grown to really like Dells implementation of their convertible tablet notebook thing convertible ultrabook
I guess that's what it's called. Sorry. Sorry for anyone who didn't tell who's watching. It's not a tablet. It's not a notebook
It's an ultrabook so convertible ultrabook. I mean, but we have a Sony via duo 13. Did you check that thing out?
No, it's it's only one angle the
Electronics are actually exposed when the hinge is open
It doesn't close so that the glass of the screen can go down on top of the keyboard and it can be protected on both
Sides the screen stays up even when you close it
And so it's just a tablet or just a tablet that's propped up like to me. That's not really
Convertible, I like that style more
I think this feels better to me or something like the Lenovo yoga where it has the
360 hinge
So so I mean that's that's sort of my take is
Do you want to go surface to where you get the thinner form factor because it really is?
Yeah, you're getting great battery life out of it if you go with something like a battery cover
Or do you want the slightly bulkier but potentially more versatile?
I mean, this is gonna have a better keyboard than even the type cover
It comes down to what you want to choose and I mean I think if you put surface pro in the context of
Pricing it compared to a convertible
Ultrabook it starts to get more appealing. Yeah, if you if you compare it to other tablets not so much. So at $899
For a 64 gig 4 gig RAM version and it scales up to I think
512 and 8 gig if I recall correctly, don't quote me on that though. So that starts at $900
That is an extremely expensive 64 gig tablet
But it comes with a 1.6 gigahertz core i5 haswell processor in it, which makes it dramatically more powerful than your other tablet
But but then I mean you look at something like this or something like an Aspire s7 or a super still notebook
You're paying over a thousand dollars for sure, but then it probably doesn't come in such a low spec config
So it it comes down to your needs
But surface pro 2 is to me a really important step because surface pro made no sense due to its low battery life
Surface pro 2 now we could actually go. Okay. Yeah, there's a scenario for this. Yeah, there's a person that this product
fits with
So that that makes me feel a lot better about the direction Microsoft's heading in terms of product. I mean
The funny thing is is Apple's the only one that ever really does it where they launch a product?
MacBook Air iPad iPhone they launch a product that's actually ready for primetime
Everyone else seems to be content to kind of go. Let's create like like like a v
0.5, you know Samsung Galaxy s yeah, the first one sucked
Yeah, you know like this when it came out we knew that the good one was gonna be has well
We knew has all this coming in like eight months or nine months or however many like it was months not years
So we knew has what was gonna be more power-efficient
We knew that this product was a stopgap like let's get something out there
Even though Microsoft must have known that it that it didn't make the most sense in the world
So so it's like we but we let everyone else get away with this whether it's I mean the original Asus Zen book was
Terrible the touchpad was broken on it. Yeah, and and we but we let them get away with it
So let's give Microsoft sort of the benefit of the doubt here. Let's let them get away with this one
Surface 2 is interesting as well. So it gets the 1080p screen upgrade. It's only 450 bucks, which is really tablet priced
And it comes with a Tegra 4 processor. So based on my experience with Tegra 4 so far
Beast yeah loving it. Oh, I forgot to mention Surface Pro 2 supports 4k output. Yeah 4k, but at 30 Hertz or
So so surface 2 is interesting if you're willing to deal with the whole
You know surface RT or Windows RT thing
To me the most offensive thing about about
About like Metro apps or modern modern UI apps is that it just feels like
Not a lot of thought was put into some of them like for example the the default photo viewer on Windows 8
No is is is just one of the worst
Experiences you could possibly have so here. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna open something sort of open with and
I could share my screen with you
But but I'm not going to so I'm opening with the photos app
And I just want to show you guys like I still can't figure out
Like how to get to all the other all the other pictures that are in this folder like they're just they're just not here
And like how do I control it like I can okay?
So I can rotate delete crop and set as and like do a slideshow well
Can you know like it's just not like how do I control with the mouse can I?
You know there's like little tiny buttons over here that like it just feels like okay
This was meant to be used one way, and that is as like a picture frame
Yeah, as like a photo frame and like okay. Oh, yeah, and when you get here. It's like okay well like now
Now what now can I so I have to swipe it over here
I have to use their like their multitasking UI here using this screen with a mouse and keyboard is is like is
redonkulous it just is it's not I
Mean it comes down to my complaints about Windows 8 in general
And I really don't feel like 8.1 has really addressed any of them it fixed a few things, but like yeah
I'm still not that happy so it's point one
All right, so speaking of things that didn't go that far
Apple's efforts to make their new phone have you know the most advanced?
touch identification
Technology ever ever ever so this is from the chaos computer club ccc dot de
the biometrics hacking team has broken their
Has broken their security in two days
And and like a large part of that from from what I could
Glean from the article a large part of that was like they probably didn't get it on the exact first day
And like they probably didn't work that hard like it yeah, it was not hard for them to do so
You know what I just realized that I never changed the twitch thing when show now
Tech and news I should just like update that on the on the whole twitch thing
So I want to play for you guys, just a little bit
We're not gonna watch the whole thing again, but we watched this video back when I oh
No, this is no this is them breaking. Okay. This is their video, so I'm just gonna turn the sound off
It's only about a minute long, but but basically it's similar to the myth busters
Well, he doesn't show like the creation everything
But what he shows here is he's putting in his fingerprint with his
Pointer finger, and then what he does is he puts the printed fingerprint onto his middle finger
And then logs in with his middle finger that should not work you have unique fingerprints on each one of your fingers, right?
So basically what?
So so what they did in the myth busters episode was they just created
Like fake fake finger skins that yeah
That's what they did here
And then and then they even went as far as to just use like a piece of plastic
And then just lick it and put that on there
And I think they just printed one out and then cut the piece of paper and yeah the piece of paper
They did that one so so basically what what we what we've determined here
And what what the chaos computer club is saying is like have they done anything here in terms of you know?
Subdermal scanning and all the stuff that they're talking about it looks like it's just a higher resolution fingerprint scanner
Yeah, which isn't a bad thing
No, but it's not as cool as they tried to make you sound. I mean it's one of those okay here
I'm gonna play devil's advocate, and I'm gonna say it doesn't matter what because it's totally irrelevant
Unless you are okay. It's irrelevant to you, and it's irrelevant to me
It might not be irrelevant to the President of the United States of America. Yeah, for example. Yeah someone where yes
That's why I've actually put in here
Are we getting one it would be cool to see because I would like to actually have a video
Okay, yeah, I'm gonna buy one
I want to try and have it where I have to try and steal your fingerprint somehow and then create one and log into your
Sure, because I would like to see how easy it is our new cameras here
So diesel is gonna drop it off on with me on Saturday, so I can play around with a little bit
So what I'm thinking is maybe I just either with your phone or with your or with that camera their way
Yeah, you should try to blog the process and now that I'm aware of it
Just like on the Mythbusters thing I will I'll try not to leave sure clean fingerprints all over the place because if you're someone
That's that worried you should be actively trying out to leave clean fingerprints exactly
So let's find out if he can if he can actually legit break it and that'll be a really fun experiment
but I mean I I
Definitely hear where you're coming from the Kaos Computer Club is basically saying that
fingerprint biometrics and a few other different types of biometrics are just not as secure as
They are put out to be so yes people are assuming
No one's gonna be able to get this and this they have my finger and that's not true
That's what they're trying to say and there and that is a really good message because while I still don't think it matters
Because if you're worried about your little brother breaking into your phone and texting your friends
You know the pictures of you that you hide somewhere else
But he figured out where they are because he's the creepiest little brother ever that's disgusting
So if you're worried about something like that, I think it's enough
Yeah, whereas if you're worried about you know a critical company data you work for a multi bajillion dollar company a pass
Phrase is still the way to go
Yeah, so that is a like a nice long string of it doesn't have to be random characters
It can be you know, I really love my son and wife, you know heart
That is a very strong password it is. So there you go guys
Our guest is gonna be joining us in about five minutes. Why don't we do a quick Twitter blitz guys?
I hit us up with any questions whether it's about my trip to Hawaii whether it's about
You know, I know there were a lot of questions about slicks
Co-host last week. So if you have any clarifying questions, yes, he is the firefighter from the iosafe video
So I will say that much and no that was not a costume. He is a legit firefighter you saw in the video
He was like in the fire. Yeah, they don't let just anyone do that. We were being very closely supervised
He was grabbing pallets that were on fire and putting them on top of the NAS for us
Yeah, so let's just tell let's go ahead and
Hit that Wow 52 interactions. All right
Sup NFF 12 or NFP, you know what? I'm behind the mic today. So I'm gonna get you to answer these so I
Would go and if wait what would one for them to be better for a cooler rig?
Yeah, one form 140 millimeter would be better, but then you're dealing with 120 millimeter fans in the question
But I would say NFF 12. Yeah, NFF 12 are just kind of the boss. Yeah, and if 12 12 are pretty sweet
We ordered an XA 20 from Canon something that I can use but that is not the one we're currently on
We just aren't very good at setting it up. That's why it looks. Yeah, we're on the FS 700 right now news on the cat
Unfortunately, no, I set up some food and water
And a little bed for him in my garage when I went away and I left the door open
but like with tires
Barricading it because we were leaving our back door open and a coyote came into our house and like ate all the cat's food and
all our cereal and stuff so
Anyway, so I so I left that for him and then I left my my iPhone set up with a time-lapse
like taking a picture every minute of the food and
Rocket didn't come back for it. No one came back for it. So I think he's I think he's gone. Although at the same time
Like while it totally sucks for the people that are freaking out
Rockets kind of the biggest badass of the cat I've ever met in my life. So he's probably doing okay for himself
He might be out there. He might be okay. He's super careful. He's super cautious and
Okay. Yeah, I really hope he's okay. I hope someone's stolen. That's what I hoped for
You know, I hope someone has him and he's safe. That's that's all I really want now
What do you think of GTA 5 having microtransactions? I think it's necessary
I mean you look at how much was spent on the development and you can kind of go
Oh, well, they spent 250 million and they made back and they made it back in hours or whatever
You might want to say about it
but they have to be profitable enough for when they're
not making GTA 5 and when they're developing GTA 6 and all the laps time in between when they're not actually developing anything and they
still have to pay employees and research or when they're working on bug fixes or improving the content
That's within GTA 5 or whatever else they want to work on. Maybe who knows maybe they want to try something
That's not GTA they do
Yeah, but what if they want to try something that's not GTA that they that they don't have any previous revenue to draw upon
Companies have to make money. Yeah, they have to make money. You don't have to buy in-game items
I didn't know that GTA was gonna have microtransactions
Personally to be completely I wouldn't be surprised if they do. I don't know what they would
I don't know what they would have that would be microtransactions. I'm not surprised
Okay, something something something yeah, okay, well
Oh GTA online does a GTA online has microtransactions that makes a lot more that makes so much more sense
That makes so much more sense GTA online again. Well everything I said before GTA online
the same thing and even more so because when you actually have
Servers that you're running and maintaining and you're continuing to develop new content, which was a promise that they have for GTA online
Then you but what else are you gonna do? I prefer microtransactions to monthly subscriptions
I'll say that. Do you prefer the like free-to-play microtransaction style?
Not necessarily. So you prefer a single upfront cost with microtransactions after that?
I think that's my that's my preferred choice. Yeah, I just yeah. Yeah
Your guess on the price of r9 290x. You know what?
That's that's a very fair question because I don't know so I can talk about it
My guess would be pretty much what you're saying I would be surprised if they come in under 599 though
Because based on the rumored performance
Which you can go out and find because I'm not gonna talk about that because I've seen performance
Based on the rumored performance and how it'll line up. I think that
They could price it kind of at whatever they wanted to based on the current landscape and I suspect
someone like Nvidia is probably kind of sitting there waiting for them to show their hand and we're gonna see we're gonna see some aggressive
Price movements over the next little bit and then things are gonna settle in until Maxwell launches in q1. Yeah
How do I install a program when I do a clean install of Windows 8? I don't care what I have to do
I just want it done. Huh? I'm not sure. Sorry. Sorry. Nine-eight. Not sure what the question is, but nine-eight.
Is it worth the money if I can get a 690 for the same money? I don't know man
Let's wait until yeah, why don't we wait and see what the benchmarks look like?
Got a sound problem volume decreases randomly, even if I disable the windows communication thing
I think there's a global setting for that. That's not just Windows communication. You might want to go go check into that
Apparently I look like Michael Bolton
Sorry to hear that
Do you want to fire up our call with Austin because he's gonna be joining us hopefully in about one minute here
So we're really excited about that. All right. Nice seeing you guys live great job on the show
Thank you was watching tech syndicate Logan's a good guy
I have no problem telling people watch tech syndicate because yeah, he's a good guy. I was sorry
He wasn't able to be at the GPU 14 event from AMD
I'm not sure if he got an invite or maybe they they missed him, but I mentioned him while I was there
So hopefully it was just an oversight and it doesn't happen again, or he was busy or something
Any details on the mysterious?
290 I
Can say that
It's mysterious
I can say that it's if there was an r9 290 non X that it would probably be closely related to a 290 X
What do you think about the new steam controller more on this later, yeah
We're ready to go whenever ready to go. All right. Why don't we do like a couple more Twitter blitz questions here?
Gta4 what game are you waiting for star citizen if you guys check out my vlogs from the AMD event I?
met okay
I got I got to talk about this for like a minute or so and you know what we'll probably bring Austin on in the
Middle of it because he was he was filming my fangirl moment. Yeah, I know so okay guys. I met Chris Roberts
who is the
The the guy behind star citizen so formerly of wing commander and freelancer
Which is one of my favorite games ever, but unfortunately didn't get any kind of
Sequel or anything, but I have it from him
him from Chris I get to call him Chris now I
Have it from Chris, and he's like yeah, I mean you could see this as a spiritual successor to freelancer
I'm like that's all I need to hear man, and that 250 bucks. I dropped on my constellation is totally worth it
He pulled out like the biggest the biggest surprise up for me of the conference okay
No mantle was probably the biggest thing okay the second biggest thing of the entire AMD event
Which was the hanger module was updated so you could walk up into the turret
So I got to hear him on stage talking about the turret
And you know what the craziest thing about it and let's go ahead and let's bring Austin in now was
The craziest thing about it is he live can I listen to him Austin are you there?
Hey, how you doing?
Pretty good is my audio. Okay a few technical issues when I was getting set up earlier
We turned you up a bit just now, so it should be good, but
Okay, so where was I going with this the turret was amazing and oh yeah, so after after the show
I walked up to him, and if you haven't watched the vlog already, then you don't know this already and
I was like about to introduce myself, and he's just like oh, yeah, I've watched your videos. I'm like
That was that made my
Month at least so that was that was super exciting so Austin welcome to the show
Can you take maybe a couple minutes here and introduce yourself for those members of our audience who don't already know who you are?
Yeah, definitely
So my name is Austin. I do tech videos kind of like mr.
Linus here although probably more of the boring kind of stuff like phones and tablets and that kind of stuff
but I also do PC gaming and obviously we were both at the
AMD event actually just yesterday
So yeah
All right, so guys you can find him at
Austin Evans or slash Duncan three three three oh three the old link does still work
You know what I think I don't know if this is in our list of topics that I wanted to discuss with you
But I want to kick this off because you and I spent quite a bit of time talking about this on the trip
speaking of being able to find you at Duncan three three three or three or Austin Evans the amount of
integration that Google is
moving forward with between YouTube and Google Plus
Go oh
Yeah, cuz you had you had some really interesting thoughts on this so let's hear it
Yeah, so it's kind of interesting because we were yeah, we were obviously out in Hawaii
We actually on a hike so I was trying to like find data cuz I just like check my tweets and like by the way
YouTube comments are gone. It's all Google Plus now. We were both like what what what huh?
So basically the idea here if you guys haven't seen is that
Google Plus has always kind of been at least for the last couple years has always been kind of on a collision course with YouTube
So Google is always trying to you know integrate them more
I mean it started with little things and now it's kind of getting on to bigger things like for example
How I was able to change my name is I was able to link it with my Google Plus
Which now instead of seeing Duncan three three three or three on my channel?
It's Austin Evans and now they're just kind of taking that a next step further with the Google Plus comments
So I don't think it's a too controversial thing to say that the comments on YouTube have never really been all that great
Yep, I mean I think one of the problems I brought up with you particularly
Was that I really hated the way that I would reply to a comment someone says something like oh Linus
You got the spec wrong, and I'd say you know well
No, actually depending on whatever this is this is how it is and it would get like you know 150 thumbs up
So it would this should in theory sit at the top
But because of their decay algorithm and because of just YouTube being YouTube it would often get lost
And it would just fall away
And so we'd end up with a ton of the same comment about something that the uploader is already addressed
So maybe maybe walk through some of the changes that they're making to make the comments not only friendlier
But also better for the uploaders themselves
Well, I would but the thing is I actually haven't been able to test them yet
I've just pretty much all I know so far is just what they've kind of announced yet
It's not even coming out for another couple months right yeah, not an end of year. I think end of year
Yeah, so I mean the big thing is that they're trying to increase now actually I'm gonna send down here
Do you actually have to use your real name because I don't actually know that one
No, don't have to you can still use an alias which is great
Okay, so if you can still use the alias that's great
But I think the big thing that they're kind of focusing on here is trying to get the organization a little bit better like you
Said like I had the same problem
I did a iPhone versus galaxy speed test which by the way was a terrible idea
But a bunch of people were you know kind of like calling me out saying hey
There's different screen resolutions, and I had to continuously like reply every like hour, so like no
They're not it was run off-screen. It doesn't matter
So that's probably one of the biggest things
But what do you think about the Google Plus integration because I know you've been having a lot of issues with Google Plus trying to
You know get it all worked out and connected and all that kind of stuff
I find Google Plus extremely difficult to use and part of the reason is that I have
multiple YouTube channels
Which is something that you don't really deal with and I have of course not only all the Gmail accounts that go with all those
YouTube accounts because of that horrible one-to-one relationship that they forced us to maintain for all that time
But also just because I have you know personal Gmail this and legacy and work gmail that and just random
Legacy Gmail accounts so for me what I the difficulty I had with this I found it kind of confusing
I find the functionality just isn't as simple as things. I'm used to I mean. I'm a little bit old-school like what's your ICQ number?
ASL you know
That back that kind of old-school junk right so to me when I was searching for Austin Evans
Trying to add you to Google Plus to a circle and every Austin Evans under the Sun except you comes up
And then I have to like go and like go into Gmail and then like add you by email there and invite you
I'm just kind of sitting here going you got it. I mean you got to be kidding me
It's not that elegant yet, and that's frustrating and I haven't really invested the time into figuring it out
because I was just kind of playing that waiting game where it's like maybe I can just put this off and I won't have to
do it and
Maybe maybe Google will just fix YouTube at some point
But you can see that this has been in the works for a long time
Based on things like the fact that they're giving us that they've never fixed the inbox which is a terrible piece of garbage
They've taken away functionality like being able to see our full list of subscribers. I mean that was years ago
But now we have that that new tab within YouTube which is the actually I'm just gonna load this up on my screen and do
A quick screen share here, so uh so people who haven't seen it can see it, but there we go
We've got it. We've got a couple of new windows here, so there's community where you can see top fans
There's a bunch of videos that aren't uploaded yet, which doesn't really matter don't worry. There's a creation tools
So they're really finally starting to upgrade it as part of this whole
Integration thing so I guess I better just suck it up or what some interesting stuff that I noticed too is
You were talking about how you didn't like that the uploaders comments weren't featured
They're gonna be putting prioritization on uploader comments and uploaders friends comments
So I believe you can make a circle of people so if you made a circle for like Linus media group right comments your comments
Edzels comments Brandon's comments would all be prioritized, and then you also have additional moderator tools
So you can filter out certain keywords, and they're all also nice which will be which will be fantastic
Automated moderation will be great and then the the other the other thing is the ability to oh crap
I was going somewhere with this, but yeah
Oh, yeah, right and finally the ability to use a single Google Plus account to manage multiple YouTube channels
That's great for me because I do manage multiple
channels, but I think like the the funny thing for me is I can't figure out whether to use Google Plus as myself personally or
To have Linus tech tips be kind of the overarching one or have Linus media group be there like I still got to figure
Out and play around with it how I want to do it, and it doesn't help that I have like a few Google Plus
Accounts that I sort of half-heartedly created, and I don't know what any of them are linked to so
Yeah, I know I can tell you I've gotten myself set up as a page
I feel like pages on Google Plus makes sense for us
Because you do have those extra features like you're saying you can actually create additional YouTube accounts
And then they can all be managed by a page
I don't don't quote me on this, but I don't believe you can actually do that with a normal profile
It has to be run through a page
So there are advantages to having a page as opposed to a profile and unlike on Facebook
They're as far as I know aren't really any disadvantages like your content still surfaces the same way, right?
It's not like the algorithm is kind of like going against you or anything so as far as I know
The page definitely does make sense on Google Plus
But they could change that algorithm at any time which they've done a billion times in the past and so yeah
So let's move into our next big topic which is the AMD mantle API
Which they showed off a new graphics card or seven or however many graphics cards they showed off while we were there
They talked about you know game developer relationships and and that kind of stuff
But let's talk mantle API
Yes, this is a huge deal
yeah, it was kind of a big surprise for me because
Obviously we have heard a little bit about it, but when they actually started talking about it
I was like it kind of really took me aback
I think it's a good step forward because as you can talk to pretty much any game developer
You know using DirectX 11 is not I mean DirectX is just it's just so
It's bloated
Okay, that's the perfect word. Yes, so yeah
It's just it's just not the greatest way to get the maximum amount of hardware sure I mean if you want
Compatibility with you know a million graphics cards and everything yeah, yeah, it's gonna be great
But do you want to get the maximum performance out of all those graphics cards well?
It's just not really going to be the correct choice, so mantle is definitely a step in the right direction
I think so here's the I mean here's the challenge so I had this this is directly from Chris Roberts
I was I wanted to discuss mantle with him because
even though most of the mantle
presentation was focused on battlefield 4
You know there's gonna be other games that are gonna support it
So I want I just basically wanted him up. I was like dude
Why why is it that that?
Games run so crap on a PC even if it's if it's a PC optimized game
And it was developed for PC first compared to what they can do on
The on the on the consoles themselves, and he was saying well it has to do with the number of calls
Because when you have you know a 500
Was it
Are you talking about the API calls no no no okay, you know what I'll be I'll be back in a moment
So you know what?
Okay, I can talk about yeah
So one thing that I noticed right away was when they're talking about this it reminded me of 3dfx is glide
If that's kind of a throwback
Which which was interesting and people were actually happy to see it go away
So I found it kind of surprised that something like this was coming back
But I expect that AMD is gonna push this really heavily with with games that they're helping sponsor
So obviously they're behind star citizen quite a bit so star citizen is probably gonna be developing for mantle
And I think it's also gonna be interesting when they pull things from console
So if someone's developing for console, and they want to use these really low-level api's with mantle. You'll be able to port over
Still using that low-level API which is really interesting because then if you're able to utilize it
That's that's awesome, but then again
There's there's there's the great part and there's there's a surprising part part of this is surprising part
Is it's gonna be hard to get a lot of developers?
mainly on the PC side to utilize this without some type of sponsorship or backing because
When you're developing for this you're gonna also have to develop for those high-level API's because not every card is gonna be able to use
Yeah, specifically not in video cards are deaf and non GCN cards for that matter
On the other side it does work with all GCN cards, so it's not just the new r7 and r9 series
So that includes like you know seven thousand series so a good chunk of graphics cards will be able to just you know
They'll flip a switch and mantle will be able to work so that that is good. I'd say
It's just an interesting position that they've taken okay, so here there we go
So I remember I remember what I was talking about with Chris, so he was saying that
depending on the complexity of an object a
Computers GPU is so powerful that it's not necessarily more difficult to render something
That's relatively simple or to render something. That's ten times as complicated that is not actually what's important
What's important is how many how many draw calls you can actually?
That you can actually send to the GPU
So there's a CPU bottleneck that exists because of OpenGL or DirectX or any of those higher level API's
That doesn't exist on the consoles so even though the consoles don't have the PC's capability of
drawing of
Of rendering these more complex objects so quickly because we can we can hit them so many times more frequently
Well we can we can still draw more and we can actually make better use of that hardware
And that's aside from being able to make better use of the memory itself and better
And being able to better optimize for the architecture of the GPU itself
So this is this is this is the big problem
And that was what Chris talked about a lot was
How many individual calls you can send to the GPU to get an object rendered because we're wasting that horsepower on the GPU
By just rendering these these smaller objects or bigger objects doesn't matter
But being limited to how many you can do how many requests you can hit it with at a time
So that was that was to him the huge thing
And I haven't heard any quotes in terms of performance improvements that we're capable of seeing but with optimization
I mean we could be looking at
Well you look at how well something runs on a console versus how well something runs on a PC and imagine that guys imagine
If we could actually leverage that additional power and at the last the last thing I want to touch on is I think the timing
It's really good for this so AMD came out and said during the conference that
This is by request this isn't something that they're pushing on the game devs like
PhysX for example
This is something that the game devs have been coming to them and saying we want this we want to get closer to the metal
When we're programming our games
Especially with the position that they're in making the hardware for both consoles
That's why game devs are asking for this so they can port out from both consoles in the same way
Which is just and that's why the timing is excellent
Because now you've got two new consoles coming so the game the game devs are gonna have to be figuring out how to optimize for
this GCN architecture
Anyway, so we've got that happening and because GCN spin out on PC for almost two years now
there's a fairly large install base there as well, which helps to justify the additional expense of
Well adding an additional API as an option not only that but now okay
Maybe now we can move over to other platforms like Linux
So yeah
So there are a couple things that kind of jumped out at me about mantle one of them is is like you were saying earlier
One of the bigger advantages is that allows you know?
Games to take better advantage of the hardware and more specifically
It's going to make it easier for games to take advantage of more CPU cores, which amazingly enough AMD
They kind of been shipping a lot of CPU cores lately
Yeah, that's actually I kind of could be a little interesting Canada come back because obviously the consoles are eight core
The higher-end FX stuff is eight core. I'm sure we'll probably be seeing a core AP use within you know
Eventually, so that's definitely one thing
For mantle for me. I think a big thing is it really is going to kind of try to bridge that gap between consoles and PCs
Obviously, we'll have to see like you said performance and all that kind of stuff
But it wouldn't surprise me if mantle really isn't actually that difficult to kind of develop for because if you're already doing it for
Perhaps if mantle is similar to the way consoles work
And that kind of seems to be the way things are it might not actually be that difficult for a developer to say hey
Yeah, we're gonna go ahead and support mantle
And you know just magically make everything better and awesome and all that kind of stuff
I mean the big concern I have is we're splitting developer resources
so I think glide is a great example of why we moved away from that in the past and
Are we moving towards even more fragmentation? I mean you know a couple years from now do we see in video introduce?
their own thing now all of a sudden do game developers have to support OpenGL direct 3d mantle and
Some kind of theoretical in video one and do we see?
And that's where it gets messy, but then they have the the nice
Very so solid advantage of having those consoles is the solution to just abandon direct 3d at that point
That's like the nuclear option, I don't know
That's the scary one
I mean you know from from an end-users perspective if it's well implemented
Mantles gonna be as simple as it like in valve games where you can just drop down direct 3d OpenGL and choose your renderer
Mantles mantles gonna be that that simple
But from a developer perspective, I'll be I'll be really interested to see how this works out, and if we see weird
compatibility glitches and all of a sudden it becomes yet another bloody thing for end users to diagnose
So I'm using the wrong renderer for this game as long as they don't make it the default
It shouldn't be that big of a deal. Well. I think they probably will as far as because
It'll be coming out on some games. I would imagine that
Say oh by the way, there's this magical thing that makes your game run a million times faster
But we're not actually gonna activate it, so yeah, we'll have to see I mean
You know what's funny is we're gonna have an EA moment on the show if if battlefield 4 doesn't automatically run on mantle once
It's once it's available
So I would imagine it would be so they should that's kind of a big deal for them
So they showed off a slide that that actually did say specifically that mantle will allow battlefield 4 to utilize eight threads
Which is extremely exciting and also that it's only the beginning I mean
FPS is the tip of the iceberg when it comes to games that EA intends for
develop other developers to to run using frostbite
So I mean by the time it's not even a matter of AMD winning in terms of getting it implemented game by game
But if they can win a couple big engines, yeah, then this will be a thing and it's extremely exciting
Definitely yeah, because not only does that have implications for making performance better on AMD based
Pcs, but also hey, you know what you're gonna be building for you know frostbite or whatever particular engine, okay?
So I'm like check a box. That's gonna work on consoles. It's gonna run PC obviously
It's not quite that simple, but it all kind of it snowballs
It kind of helps one thing helps the other thing helps the other thing just kind of improves performance and improves
Compatibility across the board so this was mine and your first time at an AMD event
What was what were your thoughts? What was your takeaway?
Well first of all they had in Hawaii, which I think was a pretty awesome place
I actually had never been before so it was a is a really really nice place that they had it
As far as the the information. I thought it was really interesting. They were very you know
Technical and detailed and kind of explained a lot
I think we both had a chance to actually go one-on-one with some
People from AMD and kind of answer some of our deep questions about you know the particulars
And all that kind of stuff once they actually the cards come out, but I was really impressed
I thought that they had they first of all it was a well-organized event
There's plenty for us to see and do and kind of learn about all the new stuff. I like that demo room
I think they may have seen it in the vlog
Show that off all like the 4k monitors and 4k i-finity which was just like
That like 12,000 does like 12k pixels that would yeah that that would be effectively 12 times HD
Mind blown running off of two 290 X's and they were I mean that was it was three
But you know the funny thing was looking at it. You could they're playing dirt on it
You can yeah be like the textures were like dirt was clearly nowhere near made for 4k
But because the screens and because of the resolution
So like astronomically high like but you can look at the text compared to like the actual textures
And there was a huge difference which obviously I don't think a lot of developers are really you know designing for 12k
It was it was a really cool thing to see just that many pixels. What is actually that's what like
24 25 megapixels being rendered on the fly. Yeah, just ridonkulous
Just just ridonkulous. I mean when we talk about you know a camera being able to process an image like that
You know we're talking like you know it processes the image, and then you know give it a sec
So they had a few other demos
Let's talk about real sound a little bit because I know okay guys for all of you tuned in don't touch that dial
We're not gonna talk about it for half an hour
Okay, so real sound just as a quick briefer is basically a programmable
It's it's the equivalent to what a programmable shader was on the visual side
So it's programmable sound built into the GPU so that game devs
Can look at the resources that they have available to them and know that they're gonna be able to
Program in more advanced audio effects now
They had a demo that they were running in that demo room
Which is what reminded me of real sound because otherwise it really wasn't on the top of my mind
Because it's only gonna be supported on a couple of the upcoming GPUs even
so real sound is basically a way of instant turning sound into more of a physics thing as opposed to
Running around you know the office. You know banging on things to create sound effects
And then just having a library of sounds that it that it draws upon in it in a given sort of scenario
So like in games where the swords clash for example
It's gonna sound like clash one two or three or heavy clash one or two kind of thing so Austin you heard the thief demo
Tell me what you think of this new way of implementing particularly reverberations in the sound yeah, see that's exactly a true audio is yeah
Typically in the game. It just plays like a you know like a quick like mp3 or whatever
It's very simple and there are ways of making the sound kind of seem more realistic like with like
Reverberations and whatnot when you're in you know maybe like a church or whatever or EAX used to EAX used to be the the thing
That was pushing that forward, but that just died in a fire when Vista got launched
So but one of the main drawbacks is that that kind of takes more of CPU
More of a hit on the CPU and then a lot of times like ah we want to hurt performance of the game
Just so it sounds a little bit better
But this seems a little be a little bit more of a smarter implementation so with the thief demo that we both listen to
I could tell a big difference
It was it was much more like when it was off
It sounded like like you said it like everyone just like talking to the microphone
Yeah, very flat, but when they turned it on you could kind of hear like the audio kind of like echoing a little bit around
The room here the footsteps. I mean I don't think it was this massive quantum leap and just like blew my mind
But compared with it on and off I could tell a major difference and especially with a game like thief
Which is kind of like you know sneaking around and very sound oriented
Absolutely very sound oriented. You know I think another good game
or a lot of games that could really
You know benefit from this would be like first-person shooters because you know obviously
You're trying to listen for footsteps and whatnot and if you could kind of hear them a little bit more detail
Maybe figure out where they are in 3d space just a little bit better
I mean obviously you're when you're dealing with headphones
You're not you know you don't have a 20 speaker set up to you know precisely pinpoint everything
I think it's a step in the right direction. I don't know if it was worth
You know the 45 minutes they spent doing demos on it. I mean it's cool, but uh
Okay, I mean I agree with you a hundred percent better immersiveness and anything that takes load off the CPU and enhances your gameplay
especially with mantle which is going to allow the game to take better advantage of the power of your GPU and
Take better advantage of your CPU by utilizing more cores well
Why don't we just not waste any of that processing power on sound anymore then?
Why don't we just have it dealt with by the graphics card so the last advantage of real sound in addition to allowing?
Reverberations, which is a lot of calculations like more like physics sound the other advantage is that in terms of directionality?
It should be able to be much more accurate than something that's relying on
Something other than the game engine itself to give it directional cues
So the fact that the processing is going on at a much earlier stage in the pipeline is gonna mean that
cheesy things that I've never liked I mean you guys must know this like USB surround sound dongles and
Surround headphones guys if you're longtime viewers. I'm not real
Enthusiastic about them. I mean Austin. Do you feel the same way or oh yeah?
So this sounds like a much better way to do that so we have a little thing that we do called Twitter blitz
And I'd love for you to participate so I'm gonna read out Twitter questions that are actually intended for you, and I'd love you to
To hit the audience with the answers as fast as you possibly can that's the whole objective all right
Let's do it will blackberry be just a company that we used to know or will they make a comeback
They will probably fade out
I don't think they'll totally go out of business because they still do have a pretty strong hold on the enterprise
And it sounds like they're going to be bought, but as far as you know people like us being able to buy them
Yeah, I think that's about done. What do you think of the note 3 I?
Haven't been able to really try it yet. Well you were hands-on you were hands-on
I was there hands on I saw you touch it somewhat although that did actually didn't happen so
I think the note 3 is it was hilariously big compared to the iPhone because I've been using the 5s the last couple days
Yeah, I mean, I'm excited. I missed the giant battery in the giant screen of the note 2 so all right
Looking forward to getting myself a note 3. I'd someone's building a system. What CPU and graphics card for gaming
That's like what what kind of money are they spending I don't know exactly that's the correct answer
Here we go
Someone's asking about unreleased stuff. What do you think of flexible displays for phones and tablets I?
Think it'll be cool, but not in the way a lot of people think you're not gonna
Have a phone you just bend it what it's going to be more like is that instead of having the display being square
Imagine that the side of the phone it kind of like tapers down and the screen follows the taper so
There's actually a shot
I think of a CES a couple years ago where Samsung showed this off where it's a normal screen from the front
But when you look at it from the side the screen just keeps on going all the way and wraps over the edge
I think that's where the flexible display is gonna kind of come more in handy
We're not just gonna you know your screen your phone
It's just not gonna be like a like a piece of plastic or something unless you have a galaxy s4
YouTube have also discontinued video responses, how do you feel about that? I'm gonna jump in I'm gonna say I don't care go ahead
I'm right there with you
I mean didn't they say something about like how the video responses were like clicked on like one and every two million videos
Yeah, just don't like stupid numbers. Yeah, okay thoughts on YouTube adding a music library for their content creators
It's good because I'm tired of hearing the same iMovie music in every single video on YouTube
But I'm sure I'll get tired of this music
Does your camera still work this is from the vlog when your camera got soaked
Oh, yeah, it's weather sealed. It was all good. We were just running out through the ranks of Hawaii
And it rains like every 10 minutes. Yeah, it's all good. Here's a great question Scott Horton asks
Do you think mantle will help with emulating the next-gen consoles because that's been a thing where you had to have a PC
That was 10 times more powerful than a PlayStation 1 in order to emulate ps1 hardware
Do you think mantle will make a big difference to that?
Whoo that's tough I mean
That's a good question theoretically
Okay, so theoretically you can kind of take a look back at like the original Xbox
Which was similarly based to normal PC hardware?
Just because it's based on the same hardware doesn't necessarily mean that it would be able to be emulated as far as I know
I mean, I don't think it would be a bad thing, but if it's based on the same hardware and
the same API and
Potentially runs on the same graphics architecture
It's not it's not really emulation. Yeah, they're both x86. Yeah, so yeah
Yeah, I doubt that you'll be able to just like load a game up the software is still gonna
I strongly believe is gonna be very much locked down the operating system as far as like how you'd be able to
You know you get the Xbox one operating system ps4
I don't think it's a bad thing
But I don't think it's just gonna be open season to just throw
Ps4 and Xbox one games on your system main tension valid respond sir favorite retro and non retro game go oh
Okay retro um
Can I say Gran Turismo is that does that count as oh come on? You're so young dude. How old are you?
That's like retro for me, I play that I was like four or five
Non retro game actually I'd like to say Metro last light as far as like games. I played recently
I really really enjoyed that all right last one, and this is from some jackass that I
Hate that guy
He says you're not gonna tell anyone what happened in Hawaii right we made a pact
And this is from Paul Hardware on Twitter
Yeah, no no comment on that
NDA sign that evening that I'm not supposed to talk about this. I know it didn't happen Paul. I'm sorry, but
Talk about this anymore. It was yeah, just now yeah, it was it was super homo, so
Basically yeah, like full homo, okay, so
You signed the pact or did you just like go spin? I signed the pact man
We all signed the pact and the fact that Paul's even talking about it like he's opening himself up to like some serious legal ramifications
Okay, because part of the pact was to not talk you don't talk about fight rules first two rules
Inherently teach you to break rules. I don't care
Let me put it this way it's almost as homo is when we spend time together Wow
Yeah, it's intense homo
So so anyway enough talking about homo Austin if you want to please please plug your stuff because if a few people don't
okay that
that was
Did I violate the pact?
I think it did
Dude, talk up your YouTube talk up your Twitter
I want our live viewers to know how awesome you are go subscribe to you and get that the greatest segue ever
Thank you
So if you want stuff that has videos that have absolutely nothing to do with what we just talked about
and the tech stuff
You guys can check me out on YouTube slash Austin Evans
I swear this
Just forget about this last bit
Nothing to do. There are no videos of that anywhere here on YouTube
So don't don't don't think the look but if you want to check my channel out for maybe other stuff
That doesn't include Paul and Linus you can do that. So slash awesome. All right, cool
I guys just another reminder is Austin and I are doing a collaborative iPhone 5c giveaway
So make sure that you're subscribed to both of us. So you'll have a chance to win one of two
iPhone 5c phones we are giving away two phones. All right. Thank you Austin. You've been a fantastic guest
There's still a week left on that too. So yes, you tend to get an eye lots of times
So thank you very much, and we'd love to have you on the show again
And it was it was a real pleasure meeting you in person for the first time then
Right, man. Hey, thanks for having me and I will get you later. All right. Take care. Yeah
All right, so let's switch back to our to our no guests and actually, you know what?
I'd love to make this a moment to thank our sponsors
So guys, this is actually the last show in our current deal with our razor comm sponsorship
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Next up for guys who haven't been on in a long time
There's a really big patch recently which fixed a bunch of stuff and a bunch of UI changes
No, like just as just to be real clear about it guys
We we were paid to have the show sponsored and to do our live callers with comms
But the big part of the reason for that was we were gonna use it anyway because slick legit uses it
Yeah with his gaming group. I do and so it we didn't just
Randomly choose something and just take money from someone to do this. So that that's a big part of why that happened
All right. So let's move on to our next sponsor which is
Squarespace so Squarespace is the easy way to create a beautiful website for yourself
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Slick's just gonna get frustrated and throw his keyboard and mouse at the screen and walk away from so maybe just mouse maybe just
My keyboard so that squarespace and next up we got hotspot shield and this is gonna be slick's first attempt at doing a sponsor read
So you got 30 seconds, which is our commitment
I think you've been a lot longer than three seconds
But anyways hotspot shield is really easy to set up VPN and you might be wondering what the heck of VPN and is and why?
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It's not a clear like we're not just trying to like sell your hotspot shield and it fixes everything
No, but it's better than nothing. It's not perfect and you can you can see through it, but it's really difficult
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So say Linus is like, oh, I'm gonna block Google at work because I'm a big jerk and don't understand how media companies work
He wouldn't do that
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Yeah, so it's it's it's good for security. It's good for getting around certain bits of security and regional locks as well
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It will slow down your connection speed to be clear because remember this that the the traffic is actually being completely rerouted
That's how it works
Yeah, because it's a VPN all your all your network traffic is going through a different computer before it goes and does what it's actually
Supposed to be doing. Yeah, so so hotspot shield is actually offering 20% off elite prices using the code Linus
So you can check out the bitly down there slash
HS share and you guys can check that out and again so huge thanks to razor comms
Squarespace and hotspot shield for making the wen show possible for you guys. We ran it for a long time just with like
just with us basically not not getting paid at all just because we wanted to do this content and
Having sponsors helps us to continue to make it better invest in more equipment and just keep making the show better for you guys
In fact, I mean our audio mixers like yeah, it's big now
We're still learning how to use it, which is why you hear that hiss right now
But having sponsors is really gonna help us continue to develop not only this show but more shows
I haven't really talked about this much yet, but we are going to
The masses have spoken you guys want the wen show you want a long format show
We're gonna keep doing that, but we're also going to be adding some more targeted focused shorter shows throughout the week
And I haven't talked to you about this yet, but I think they're gonna end up on tech quickie
Okay, I think that'll make sense
So tech quickie will be mostly fast as possible and then either daily or three times a week or whatever we decide on updates
For certain little news items that we so very short so for instance we could have covered all the individual steam updates
Which would have actually been really nice and much more timely and given you guys like
You know a reason to get your news from us as opposed to a reason to just hear us sort of wax
Philosophical about what it all means yeah speaking of waxing philosophical, but what it all means
Let's get into the steam announcement so number one that segue right now
You've got got some pretty epic segue, thank you steam OS
Boom big head explosion, so go this one was kind of insane like I actually was not expecting this one at all
The other two I guessed both of them, but this one was kind of out of left field okay
We kind of saw steam OS coming because we were expecting steam box. Yeah, that's some kind of steamy customized OS
I just expected it to be a like custom version of Ubuntu not its own thing and I expected it to be somewhat closed
Yeah, I expected the steam box to be a steam box, and you didn't build your own steam box
Maybe they partnered with others to build steam boxes
But like I thought it was gonna be pretty pretty hardcore locked down, but that got completely obliterated
Oh, no
You can download the raw source code for this if you want and change it in any way you want they do not care
Which is amazing?
They even said that there's
Actually, I'm not gonna jump to that quite yet, but like there's a ton of cool stuff
So it's on Linux, and I know a ton of you in the audience that haven't read up on this right now are going
Oh, so I can't play like any of my games because that's totally wrong because if you have your desktop PC
Which I'm assuming most of you already have you can stream shield style your Windows games over to your steam box
That is running on the TV. Which is like
Amazing so we could I mean okay? Why do people like me say look? I'm not interested in Linux
Because it's too complicated, and it can't play the games. It's not that complicated
I have this to bump it over some people okay, but the fact that it doesn't you can't game on it
Yeah, it's just the stupidest thing ever from from my perspective is like look
I want the machine that is the all-rounder yeah, that does everything reasonably well, and that's Windows right now
The fact that you can stream games
I mean look at look at it this way Nvidia has invested heavily in this game streaming technology
Which is interesting from a cloud gaming perspective, but we're years and years away from that being feasible
But from a local streaming perspective is actually much more relevant to me and Nvidia has shown already
That they can do this over wireless
There is no reason I would want to run my steam box wirelessly if I wire up my house with like 10 gigabit
Which is gonna come eventually
To consumer grade prices yeah all of a sudden
Holy crap my windows box lives in a closet my windows home server is now my windows
Home server and every other machine in the house could be running Linux, and I could game to my heart's content
I was even gonna say this would be really interesting because if you had say you're a dad
And you still want to have your your beast computer because you're gonna do other stuff like video editing or whatever
Then you've got your kids
They're just gonna game you could have like a central beast computer instead of building these computers for each one of your kids
Yeah, and then just give them steam boxes, which is just amazing
I mean this is remember when Nvidia first announced grid. This is exactly what I was talking about
personal cloud
Compute and that's off as opposed to personal cloud storage
Which is fascinating and all that and WD has a new product coming that we're gonna check out that apparently makes it much simpler
But personal cloud compute is
So excited about this and I mean you know what kudos to valve for taking us in this direction
This is such a big deal because when they talked about supporting Linux in the longer term. I went yeah, that's fascinating we can run
Portal on Linux or whatever in this big performance hit, but now all of a sudden whoa boom mantle hits us this week
Porting to different OS's we're not gonna rely on necessarily on direct 3d or OpenGL anymore boom
And then the fact that now we're gonna be able to run our games using streaming from a separate computer on Linux so beast
There's a couple other announcements even aside all of that insane awesomeness that you grab right away stuff like
My little local co-op back door thing. Yeah, it's not gonna work. Okay great right with the game sharing
Yeah, but you could so even though you couldn't you couldn't like play against each other
What you could do is you could have a steam box in the living room
And you could share your library with a separate account because steam still won't support multiple logins of the same person different locations
And that's what a great solution that is right. Yeah, so so I will have two accounts now
I will have my account that I don't really buy anything on which is my steam box account
And I'll have my main desktop account, and I'll just share everything with that account, and that's totally fine
I just can't play games concurrently so you I can take turns
So if I had a buddy over and he wanted to play on my steam box computer
We couldn't play the same game, but as long as we take turns playing different games. It's totally fine at the same time
Oh, man, that's great
I wouldn't I'd be interested to see if they had the capability to add multiple licenses of a game to a single steam account
That would be really interesting actually not a bad idea from valve is watching
I'd actually like to see that that ties in really well with their family options
Yes, so they have a family options thing where you can hide certain games from other people based on the SRB ratings
Preference so hotline Miami which is a crazy good game
But I would never let anyone under the recommended age play
Because it's nuts like this is this is like GTA style where you don't want little kids playing this game
Awesome game dad might own it doesn't want to share it with his kid. He can now hide it
That's brilliant, but yeah that could tie in with the multiple licenses thing. Yeah, that would be really cool
Yeah, okay, so steam announcement number two. I guess we kind of talked about it a fair bit
so steam machines
It's not kind of tied into the first one in a big way to be kind of blunt
It's not super interesting because we all knew this was coming. Yeah, we all knew this was gonna be one of these
OMG valves gonna have a console. Okay. Yes. Got it. Yeah, I'm gonna have a console
Okay, fine for interesting things to bring up. They're gonna be shipping 300 prototypes of it this year. So sometimes within
2020 maybe
But they'll be shipping 300 prototypes to people that have completed the quest
The quest is basically stuff that you've probably already done plus play a big-picture game with a controller
There's gonna be 30 of these prototypes that are given to people that are big contributors to the community
probably people that have made things that go up on the market, but then
270 of them will be completely randomly selected out of people that have completed that quest. So if you check out
Store dot steam slash living room slash steam machines
You can see everything you have to complete for that quest which is interesting
And the non prototype versions are supposed to be available sometime in 2014. So I'm expecting somewhere around 2030
That's I'm wondering how valve time is gonna play into all this actually because they're they're putting out
Fairly solid release date. I mean to me steam machines basically sounds like
Windows machines like it's basically just another way of saying it's a computer that will have hardware in it
That's gonna run the steam OS and and I think that particularly when you look like a can you look at a community like steam?
We're gonna see a lot of DIY
Oh a lot of DIY steam machines as opposed to like it's gonna I think it's gonna be a lot like the hackintosh community
Where you know people don't buy a hackintosh what they do is they they head over to Tony Mac x86 or whatever that site is
That's awesome. By the way, if you ever want to build a hackintosh just go there
It's like done for you
Buy the hardware build it themselves and it's a very rewarding experience and you're gonna get better performance for your dollar and all those great
Things that go along with that that is where things are gonna get really said
So there's gonna be a valve version and the valve version is gonna be
Highly customizable and you can build your own and that will obviously be highly customizable
But then the ones built by other people will be focused around different metrics. So size price
A thermal output
Sound stuff like that with the free OS we're gonna have a lot of flexibility and for particularly for DIY guys
We're gonna see a bigger price disparity between DIY and off the shelf because with windows the big
Manufacturers like Acer or Lenovo are getting massive discounts on the software. Whereas when you build one yourself, you're paying full retail
So even though you're able to build your PC for slightly cheaper you paid that inflated margin to Microsoft for a standalone OS
Whereas now when both OSes are free
Now that decreases our price even more by a much larger margin. So I'm really excited about DIY. It's a really good point
Yeah, steam machines or whatever they want to call them
I'm so excited because I've wanted to build a small form factor computer for a while, but never had that big of a reason
announcement 3
The steam controller, so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm gonna fire this up for you guys
Because you're gonna need to see it to believe it for this one
Yeah a new way to play your entire steam library from the sofa. So there's a dog and a cat their cardboard cutouts. Boom
There it is. I
Legitimately thought this was the back
Especially actually because of how where your hand goes kind of works and how it looks but
Yeah, I'm gonna keep letting that sink in
My first conclusion and I find it funny because if you scroll up to where it shows the home theater. Oh, okay here
Sorry, I'm not on my screen anymore. Yeah, go ahead. They have a sieve 5 on screen
Which I thought was hilarious because before I noticed that I was like the only game I really think
You can use this controller place of five
Then they had to five on the screen. I was like, oh
Someone thought of that
Okay, so let me let's why don't we start with some of the specs because that's really important
It's got 16 total buttons. So the track pads themselves are buttons the touchscreen in the middle has four buttons at the corners
There's a few look more like navigational buttons under the screen itself. Actually here
I'm gonna I'm gonna fire that up again for you guys so you can see what I'm talking about and
The the real the real killer app here is these touch pads
So there's the touchscreen here and then the touch pads here and here that have what valve is calling the most
The most advanced haptic feedback that we've yet seen in a consumer device
So to be clear haptic feedback if you ever used like a Samsung Galaxy tab
10.1 the original one where it just kind of like felt like a big piece of poo every time you touched it and it kind
of went
Like when you touched it and it felt like it was falling apart
valves going for
Not that
They're going for something that actually will give you
Tactile feedback about not just where your fingers are on the pad and you know, the curvature will help with that as well
but also things like
Boundaries threshold speed textures action confirmations or any other events
They're saying these are so advanced that they're basically speakers and as a little trick
You could actually have them play music or make sound effects if you really wanted to
Now what I noticed immediately because this was the one that actually out of all the steam announcement
This was the one where I not only read the valve page
And another article but I went and found like a dozen articles because I was like, what are people saying about this?
I read hundreds of user comments
I actually spent a lot of time this morning looking at this and here's what I found user comments
People are either saying it's bullshit. It's the stupidest thing I've ever seen or they're saying hold on give this a chance
It's valve. They haven't done wrong by us too many times in the past
And then there's like the one guy in a hundred who's stoked on it and then professional writers
Basically all opted to say nothing
Yeah, I couldn't find anyone who gave an opinion on it and I didn't read every article
but they were all just like here's valves press release and
They just said nothing which to me is is a big indicator that they're real skeptical about this
But they don't want to be the guy that said it was balls and then it turns out to be amazing
I'm gonna actually bounce back
I made the comment about Civ 5 earlier
But after typing that in and I have I have it here being like you're only really gonna be able to play Civ 5
But after typing that in depending on how good the touch pads are
actually was playing GTA 5 last night and
I noticed the only way I can aim at people is by pulling the left trigger repeatedly
Which will make him automatically point at people. Yes without that. I'm like
I'm wondering can I actually be more accurate with a touch pad?
That's super super good versus I mean for me a big problem with joysticks
Is that every every game under the Sun seems to have the calibration a little bit differently and yet and and and the response of?
Compared to something like force feedback actually isn't that great?
so if
This between the curvature and the haptic feedback like if it gets more intense towards the outer edges for a racing game if we're talking
Almost like fake force feedback and looking at the style of these touch pads
Actually, one thing I was thinking about is if one of them was a wheel in a racing game
You could spin it as if it was a wheel. So there's there's actually I don't see that being practical
But you probably could and like it's it's just and how moddable they are they're incredibly model
Yeah, they're coming out and saying they want it to be hackable. Oh, yeah right up front
Yeah, so so with it being valve with it being this moddable
Yeah, because the mod community is gonna go crazy and make this thing nuts it
Maybe they can pull it off. Does it replace a keyboard and mouse?
Oh, of course not but they don't say it but you can plug that into your steam box and use a couch master
Anyway, does it replace a keyboard? No, of course not but you could still have something like a little wireless keyboard
Where is ours? I think it's like lost you could have a little wireless keyboard with a little trackball on it
Anyway to me I see this not even necessarily as a replacement for something like an Xbox 360 controller
Which is like the finest controller ever made other than the d-pad is kind of a pile of poo
It's not a replacement. It's more like here's another way and and it will open the doors one thing that ability tool
I don't think they wanted to make another like dual
Dual thumb stick with the deep pad and four buttons and two thingies like they didn't want to recreate
Something that everyone has made under the Sun
But with that said before I'd seen any pictures and before I'd read any articles
The first word out of my mouth was retarded when I heard about it and I kind of went well
Are they being different for the sake of being different and then I kind of let myself sort of calm down and honestly
I haven't even read any of the extra articles on it. This is all just stuff. I noticed while looking through theirs
Okay, um, but it's it's it's gonna enable like I would never play Civ 5 with the default
Yeah controller, but I would play Civ 5 with this. I wouldn't want to play a lot of simulation
It's kind of like when Warcraft 2 came out on PlayStation. It's like ridiculous. Whereas this might bridge the gap
Yeah, and then a lot of simulation games like especially freakin surgeon simulator like that makes so much more sense
Right then with like it's it's it's interesting
So I think it's gonna open a lot of doors to other things and then stuff like shooters
With the right modding community behind it
Maybe you can be way more accurate because I have a serious problem with computers right now
Yeah, so maybe it will help and maybe it'll help bridge the gap between
PC gamers into the living room a little bit more because the second I touch a controller like what is this?
I don't know what I'm doing. All right, someone someone someone's hitting me pretty hard in the twitch chat there Linus
What is what does he say something like stop avoiding the question? Do you think it will be good and I'm gonna say
Based on the one
Person I found on Twitter who has tried an early version of it. So Lord Chris Remo on Twitter
Who says I tried it the button configuration was different at the time, but the cursor pads worked amazingly
Well, I don't know who this guy is never talked to him
No idea why he has you know, 13,000 followers on Twitter or whatever else
But he says yes, the haptic feedback makes it feel like you're actually operating a real
Physically mechanical device not just a touchscreen Wow
If I found someone who tried an early sample and is saying that about it if I inherently trust valve which I kind of do
Yeah, I
You know what here I'll go ahead and say I'll say there's gonna be a learning curve because I think we can all agree on
That but it's going to be usable
It's it's better it's all like I don't even think you can debate if it'll be usable or not
No, I would have questioned it at the beginning for Civ 5 and other simulation games. It'll obviously be better than in my opinion than a
controller with thumbsticks
But I think it'll be depending on how good those touch pads are and if you take his word for all the merit
It could be taken for
It could be great, but I just the touchpad touchpad scare me
I'm a big advocate of overuse of touchpads are ridiculous because when you go to the store and you have to use the debit machine
And you only have to select what account you want to use with the freaking touchpad
It's like why do I have to why do I have to do this? It's like unnecessary touch sucks
But if they've done it well then great
So I want to move on to this is actually one of our what I had we're running out of time here
But I feel like this is probably gonna be our last big topic this week bit torrent
Has a
Legit reason for existing that goes beyond like Linux distros
Which is obviously the joke that pirates make is why do you have you torn on your computer her because I download Linux distros
The art is the cash so this is this is an article on venture beat the art is the cash register bit torrent releases
Bundles in alpha so you guys should definitely check out the full article, but I'm just gonna go back to my notes here really quick
So what bundles will do is they will bundle content and a payment system now
We're not talking payment system like
Cash money necessarily we're talking about some kind of content
It could be we're talking some kind of content whether it's music or movies or like I mean honestly
I saw this and I've been thinking about doing like a vlog series or like
Behind-the-scenes series hiring like a dedicated guy to just do that around here for a while
But I don't necessarily want that everywhere
And I don't want and I've promised my viewers that we are not going to move to a pay model
So I've done those things make it like a like so oh okay hold on so bundles could contain some kind of
Content that you pay for but not necessarily with cash, so here are some suggestions
Maybe you pay for it with a like a tweet an email address or newsletter sign up
Holy crap, that's amazing
Maybe you pay for it by seeding although
I don't know how I don't know how that could be enforced, but but all of a sudden
There's a flexibility to the payment that comes along with content
It's been being said for years that the problem is not
Yes, okay
Steam has said this a lot
because people have been seeing
Piracy rates go down as their games go on Steam instead of being their own
Launcher like if you have to download the executable install itself your piracy rates are gonna be higher than if it's on Steam
Because people see it on Steam, and they're like oh, that's easy. It's gonna work all the time
I don't have to deal with all these problems
But then it's also not DRM down my throat and absolutely ridiculous the whole time
So I'll just buy it on there's still DRM on Steam, but it's a much easier to deal with
So I'll just get it on Steam
So Gabe Newell has been saying distribution is a problem forever
Everyone knows that the main reason things are pirated is because they're so freakin hard to get
so like
It's it's well a large part of a reason that things are a large part of the reason a reason
Let's say a reason. I'm still saying we can okay
Well, I will say a reason because I don't necessarily agree well as music has become easier to get piracy rates have massively gone down
That's true, so it's a large, but piracy still exists. Yeah, so let's say a reason
I'm still saying learn until until piracy is gone. We can't empirically determine
I'm not saying the reason I'm saying a large part of how do we know?
We can't we can't it's a percentage. It's gone down by so much
Okay, until we know how much piracy there actually is exactly we won't know you can pretty you can guess
But you won't know for sure you can get pretty freaking close. We disagree
Yeah, it'll help yes, okay
Artists are gonna love this because instead of their music bit like if they kind of go okay people are gonna download things off
Off of torrents anyway, and if they happen to take that philosophy and go okay
Well, then well, I'll do is I'll include in order to I'll just I'll just seat it out there myself
And as long as you follow me on Twitter, then I'm down then I'm down go ahead have to have to have the song
Then especially musicians lately are releasing their albums for free anyways because they find no point because not enough people are buying them
Especially when they're smaller musicians
so if you if you released a new version of it every once in a while that requires people to tweet about your upcoming concert or
to link on your Facebook to their merchandise store
Holy crap that helps. That's the future
Yeah, I mean that's amazing so Madonna Linkin Park grateful dead drummer Mickey Hart already using it
Tim Ferriss says it drove an additional
880,000 Amazon impressions for his book in his experience
There is no faster method for getting multimedia content to the fans
This is is just totally game-changing, and I think goes a long way towards legitimizing bit torrent
Yeah, that's because for the longest time bit torrents been like we're not actually bad really
We're not just for pirating, but we can't tell you what else we're for
We're a tool just there's like four dudes that release their albums on it
Like you could probably also find them on like the YouTube
billion other places
So this is this is amazing
It's really good for them
I think this week rather than trying to go really in-depth into some of the other content that we have
I think we call that it for our major topics. I want to I want to blitz through a couple here
I mean blackberry has a potential suitor. I think it what was it nine billion or something like that so nine dollars per share
I think it's 47 billion sorry nine dollars per share and
So I was talking to Sam Reynolds from VR zone while I was at the AMD event and he was saying
One of the reasons he thinks it could
Potentially happen in time is that it is a Canadian
interest that's looking at them and that actually could save months of
investigation and analysis and all that like if they want the if they want foreign investors to come in and own the company which is
Traditionally a Canadian company, I mean that and that I think would make a lot of people feel a lot better about it as well
so that was
That was one of the big things this week obviously
This is pretty funny the fake Apple ad says iOS 7 will make your iPhone waterproof and people fell for it
So the update claimed that iOS 7
Will in an emergency shut off your phone's power supply and corresponding components to prevent any damage to your iPhone's delicate circuitry
So people express their outrage on Twitter one angry tweeter said okay, whoever said iOS 7 is waterproof go after yourself
So that's that's pretty hilarious, and I quite frankly. I hope no one watching did that because dude
Do that or whoever you are yeah, yeah at it coming for you
Next up is a sues ROG bench. I mean honestly we don't have enough benchmarking tools
We really don't particularly for certain aspects of the system like storage
There's a few but they're highly synthetic and or they're expensive speaking of which do we get that figured out with future mark
Did you hear back from them? Yeah? Yeah, are we are we doing it? Yeah? We're good
Okay, we are we are gonna be testing using the upcoming the upcoming future mark
What is it called future mark 8 so we're gonna be using that for our storage testing?
I'm extremely excited about their new suite. It looks much more comprehensive than their previous ones, but right now
It wasn't available unless you get the uber license, so we've worked out a deal with them to get the uber license
So we're gonna be bringing you some of that over the next little bit here, but anyway
This is unrelated to future mark. This is the ROG real bench and a sues has an FAQ
That's on ROG a sues comm if you just search for ROG real bench free app download
You'll be able to bring that up or you can check out the the stream doc which I'll post in the Linus rambling section of
Linus tech tips forum
But they've got an FAQ here that I think really covered all my questions the first or the second question is it's ROG real bench
So there must be a sues favoritism right and they're like no open source apps. No a sues bios or bias at all
I like that. It's open source. Love it. Love it
I mean this this is one of the things that that is that I really feel like
Companies can do to differentiate their products that has nothing to do with the product things like even AI charge
Have you ever used AI charge from a sues? Yes works on any computer and allows any USB port to charge a tablet
It's like oh wow. Thank you a sues now
I now I think of you and I install your app on my computer regardless of what kind of computer it is
That is that is marketing that is like awesome market
Then the first name that will come to mind when you go to buy something is gonna be that so if every if every
Overclocker starts using ROG real bench like that gets that branding out there
Another example our sponsor razor razor comms make it for everyone don't require people to buy a bright green headset
You know, not everyone wants a bright green headset. We get that we saw you we saw your comments on Twitter
We saw your comments in the twitch chat. Does razor have a not bright green headset
Yeah, they do. But you know, this one happens to be bright green
But but getting getting that branding out there is huge to me and there's only a few benchmarks right now
But they are committed to continuing and and they're taking users of submissions for benchmark
So I know I'm gonna submit a few that I already think are good ideas that they get out
And if you guys have some open source benchmarks that you guys would think would be a good idea submit it
And they'll and they're keeping it real and up-to-date. It's x64 only
Yes, they're like, yeah
Well, we just think that you need to get with the times if you're running x86 and I'm more than okay with love it
I mean that's like AMD's 290 X and no analog output
VGA is gone and I'm not talking the connector is gone. The pins are gone. It's gone
I'm like good because that needs to that needs to go away. It's done. It's done by VGA. So I'm really excited about that
We'll definitely bring you guys a video in the next little bit once we've had a chance to try it out twitch TV
No longer automatically archives broadcasts. That's a bad way. I actually yeah. Yeah that happened last week to us
I actually spent some time talking to their COO at PAX and I have a little bit of insight as to why they're doing that
so YouTube
Has you know X number of hours of video uploaded every minute or whatever it works out to but they transcode it
Which even though it's processing intensive dramatically reduces the storage requirements on their side twitch
Just goes here we go full balls to the walls 1080p game stream that ran for 14 hours or how right?
Their storage needs were just becoming ridiculous. That's we go in for 12 hours their storage needs. We're getting
Ridiculous as they've continued to explode and you I mean they got to invest in network infrastructure
They got to invest in processing. They got to invest in security and blah blah. It's like look
We bought enough hard drives already. Everyone just calm down
So I totally understand why they're doing that and he didn't tell me at the time that they were planning to implement this
But what he what he did say is our storage needs are getting ridiculous. We have to do something
Yeah, and you can still enable them they're just not enabled by default which I think is a really good compromise, yeah
Nvidia has come out and said
You know, we're we're we really want to support Linux. They've sent out some tweets. We're all about gaming
We feel gaming is so important and Linus Torvalds has actually responded
So Nvidia kind of said look a thousand watt PC will not lose to a 200 watt Xbox
Even though most pcs aren't running at a thousand watts and they they say they want to support Linux in the wake of steam and
Hopefully they'll be able to leverage mantle or some kind of mantle like technology
It's been it's it's apparently been confirmed that mantle is open
I wasn't so that's my comments are in the document earlier and when I was talking
I got kind of corrected by YouTube, but I had no idea it was open. I thought it was just AMD
I thought it was Andy didn't say it was open during the presentation. Yeah, that's I've watched
That's like
Apparently been confirmed now. So I I really that's really cool. I doubt Nvidia
Would be willing to do let's see. Let's see if Nvidia they can't a lot of AMD stuffs open open
I know but it's not like Nvidia really focuses on OpenCL
I know I'm just saying like I'm not surprised that it is that way
I just I was watching the presentation I didn't say it. So Linus Torvalds has responded to this commitment saying
You know
famously Linus Torvalds gave the bird to Nvidia and
Said Nvidia then I don't have live like bleeping out of stuff
But you know F you F you Nvidia blah blah blah
You don't support us properly and videos come out and said look we're gonna do an open driver
Well, they've been it's been publicly known that Nvidia has been the hardest hardware manufacturer for Linux to work with at all
So he's basically said look I'm not willing to issue an apology for that yet, but let's wait and see
Let's give him a chance and my battery just died. So
Builds of the week, I guess let's let's move on. Do we have any other topics that are I feel like that's not that important
That's more of late. I just thought it would be funny. Yeah, it's fine. Okay. I should have put it in after.
There's an upcoming movie you want to cover that while I load up the builds of the week. It's not really big deal
It's gonna bring up an after party. I just put it in the wrong section
But there's an upcoming Hollywood film that is based on the great Quebec maple syrup heist
So it's starring Jason Seagal or Seagal. I'm not actually Seagal. Yeah, Jason Seagal
Yeah, and it's based on the 18 million dollar syrup heist, which is pretty beast
I just wish there was 14 members of the team. Apparently there was
24 so if there's 14 it would it would it would be like Ocean's 14 maple syrup edition
But oh, well, that's unfortunate. I was I was really hoping when I was reading through I
Remembered this because it's based on a real event. Where are the bugs of the week? It's in the WAN folder. WAN folder. Okay
Yeah, I'll find it
Um, oh that was I was really hoping because I like reread the old news article when they were talking about this massive heist of
Maple syrup and I was really hoping it was a team of 14 people, but it was 24. So it's close enough
So I'm calling this movie
unofficially Ocean's 24
Because I love the Ocean's movies and I love heist movies because I just think they're so cool. Me too. They're just yeah
They're awesome. So we're gonna hopefully get to the slide soon here. Yeah. No, I'm I'm ready to rock
I think scene six is not the one. Okay, so let's go ahead and remove that
Let's add a screen region. Boom add the whole screen and boom build logs of the weekend. Well, okay, let's make it big
All right. Here we go from the beginning liquid cooled fractal by DG. So this is just yeah fairly
Self-explanatory, it's just freaking beautiful. I love that
It looks so sharp so clean
I've maintained the d5 is the only pump that matters and it's ugly as all sin when you don't
Custom mod it but this looks great. Yeah
I've actually seen that quite a bit lately. Yeah. Yeah, it's become very popular when bit Phoenix are bits
Power did the first d5 mod kit
I refused to stock it when I was when I was carrying them at NCIX cuz I was like this is stupid
No one's gonna pay that much to mod their pumps. But what I didn't think about at the time was
Well, hold on a second. People are gonna have owned d5 pumps for two years. They're gonna have no reason to upgrade it
they're gonna be redoing their loop and
They're spending less than the amount of buying a new pump on just making their old pump look great and d5s are so reliable
I've been running mine for years and with with form factors of computers going down people want smaller cases to go along with it
And you can't really hide them that easily. Yeah, so you might as well make it look awesome
Yeah, exactly speaking of looking awesome damn angled fittings dat white tubing very very gorgeous
So that's the define r4 for those of you who don't already know it's just a great looking setup
He's got right there. All right ultimate cooling machine from deaf boy
Hey, this is the first tj07 build we've featured on the land show I think so we had the yellow one
Was that tj07? I think it was I might be wrong. Maybe those tj11. I think it was tj10 or tj11
Okay, maybe so I do you mind if I take point on this one go for it. Are those hard pipes?
Oh my goodness, that's amazing
Beautiful. Oh, wait. Sorry. I'm just gonna interject one
Yeah thing, but just like always be sure to check this out on the forum
But this guy especially because he'd like stripped the whole case himself
So he has progress shots of like going down to the metal and it just it looks awesome
He's got really nice camera. So all the shots look great. This is amazing. So there's there's a couple things here
So first of all that front panel that stealth front panel looks fantastic
I personally would have left this so that I can have front USB or or a front card reader or something
I personally did opt to have that still accessible on mine. I think that's important
This is something I've seen done before and I actually wanted to do on mine. So this dramatically improves the the the
Restrictiveness of the stock grills down here, which they're very very restrictive
And if you do it, right
You can get it curved just right and it actually looks very very very very good
The fact that the case is painted means that he was able to paint the grill so that it matches the case
Which is a problem. I've seen with some people who have done this mod where it doesn't match the case anymore
These hard pipes are outstanding. So that's a liquid-cooled rampage for
With what what are these these look like they must be oh crap. Oh
They're GTX 680s. You can tell from the stack PCI the stream so long that by the time we get to this part
I forget the component. Yeah. Yeah, it's fine
Man dem hard pipes XS PC is sort of a funny choice because it's more value-oriented
But I'm guessing they were a sponsor for the build or something like that
It looks really sure and it looks it goes along with he has a very silver like I don't have a shot of his monitors
That's that night shot. Yeah, I had to include that but he has a very silver based thing
So it actually kind of works. I mean this ties into the the discussion you and I were having. Oh, wow
There's another there's another discussion you and I were having about how do you shop for RAM these days and like by looks?
Yeah, they're incredibly good
but the next one once you jump along this was CD this was added because of like
Like it's a nice build. Okay, what's with that fan? Yeah, awesome
You're gonna be wondering what a few things the main thing that you should be wondering about is actually that which you got
that that
Are you confused yet this this box that goes up here? Oh, well, hold on a second
This box goes all the way up here. Oh
Is that all the kit? Wait, what?
Okay. Now now that you've seen it and you see where it's shooting out and do you see like there's a cut there and
A cut there. Oh cool. Is that just cardboard now? Well, just click forward fine. There is his design
So he has built a vent for the basement that can shoot up and then directly flow air over his cards. I
Had to include this build, but I also had to include the other bills. Oh cool
So this is actually it's funny because this is like this is like a ghetto a ghetto rig in some ways
Because this is a very archaic way of doing GPU water cooling
You can see he's got individual RAM sinks on there for the RAM components
He's got like air cooling sitting over it back in the day. We used to use like an tech spot cools for this
Yeah, and then he's got individual GPU blocks
I still have two MCW 60s that you can easily make custom mounting hardware for anything you want to over there. Yeah
They're in the pile there and at some point I kind of want to do like a dual MCW 60 and my original apogee
Just for laws, I'd want to redo the mounting hardware and then get it like coated
I get it powder coated by mountain mods or something. I'll be cool. Although I'm kind of mad at them about my case, but
Yeah, that's it. But I just I had to include that guy's build because that event is just that's so what a cool
What a cool build what a cool idea. I like that
I mean, it's one thing when we let the manufacturers choose for us how to direct airflow or whatever else
But it's a whole other one when we when we just kind of take matters into our own hands and and customize things like that
Nope, this is how it's gonna work one quick more thing
I don't I think he might be looking at for something but before we end here
I also want to do another shout out for the boink and folding teams. We're doing amazingly. Well, I don't have the exact numbers
On me right now, which way they're might try and kill me over because he's probably sent them for to me
But anyways, they're doing incredibly well. So be sure to sign up on those teams because it's for a good cause
All right
Now I have one last thing for you guys and I'm gonna go ahead and just say this outright
What my motivation is for this this is LG's g2 product information video
For all intents and purposes the WAN show is kind of over now
But I would appreciate very much if you guys would stay tuned for the next three or four minutes
You'll learn a little bit about the LG g2, which is their flagship Android smartphone and could very well
I mean Marcus Brownlee covered this pretty well in his video on the phone
But this could very well be very close to what we're gonna see as the next Nexus device
So guys watch the video because I told them look, okay
I will I will I'll put that video out there for my viewers to see if you can get us a phone so we can
Make our own video about it because otherwise we don't really have access to phones very easily in particular
LG we've never worked with them in the past
So I figured maybe this is a good way to kick things off and so guys if you really don't want to watch it then
Tune out. Otherwise, please do please do check it out here
All right, so if you Wow 4,000 of you are still here, thank you
That's actually fantastic because hopefully we can try out some of those features
I actually hadn't watched the video yet to be perfectly. Yeah to be perfectly honest
But we were we were looking at some of those kind of wondering. Okay. Well, what are they? I mean the
The voice mate thing sounded to me kind of like sexting but like voice like voice mating
We were like we were like whispering whispering to each other during the video, you know, we were like, hey, did you see that?
That's cool things like the audio zoom
I think that would be cool stuff to just kind of try out and find out if it works
So we'd love to get our hands on the phone without further ado guys
Thank you so much for tuning in to the WAN show this week
I hope you found it to be a fun and enjoyable
Episode if you're just tuning in now or if you tuned in sort of later on in the stream
We always upload the VOD on to YouTube and we are automatically archiving to twitch still
We have that set now so you can also check it out there if you don't want to wait for the YouTube upload
But whenever the show doesn't get interrupted we can get it up on YouTube really really fast as long as they don't
You know put any of those 18 plus restrictions on the videos of us doing so
I'll see you guys in the next video
Everyone stop asking me
We should just leave this here at the end of every show
So people who miss it can just see this. Yeah, and we should just leave it streaming. Okay guys, that's it shows over
We're just gonna leave that there so y'all can stop asking us on Twitter. We love your Twitter messages
We just want you to tweet us about something else
We could actually do that because technically what we could do is end the stream now
So we have the video file finished then start streaming again take off the camera stream
So it's not pulling from the mic and just leave the computer do this. Yeah, okay, maybe like temporary temporarily take off switch out