
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Is the camera supposed to be that zoomed out?
So stay here and wait, and yeah, is the camera supposed to be that zoomed out?
We seem super far away, welcome to the bro show.
The bro show.
Yeah, so hopefully the audio's not terrible, I'm gonna wait, hopefully someone will tell
me if it's horrible.
One of the cool things that you might have seen or might not have seen is that I'm mobile.
I can just like go around, we have chairs that have rolly things, which basically makes
this work.
It's perfect!
I love you guys.
Welcome to the intro.
It's not working.
Alright, intro, intro, intro, intro, YES!
Audio is out of sync.
That's good.
Linda.com, Linda, learn all the things about all the stuff and Squarespace.com make all
the things about the websites and stuff.
Actually Linda.com is great, you can learn a whole bunch of different stuff and Squarespace.com
is great, you can make a whole bunch of different websites using their templated things.
Coming back here now.
I can even tell the audio is out of sync here.
Just say what you were gonna say and then mouth it afterwards.
This is a good show!
So the video is out of sync still?
Turn up the volume, I can do that.
The video is delayed here.
So I think it's the capture card or something.
Super out of sync.
I'm just hanging out while everyone freaks out.
I wanna run away.
Okay, so I don't know why is there, there's no delay set up on anything, so that's not
Doo doo doo doo doo.
That's probably a good idea.
Did all the camera people just leave?
They did.
When we're having camera problems?
That's what camera people do.
They just leave you when you need them.
You just can't trust them.
Okay well, I don't know.
Turn vsync on?
I wish.
I wish.
Wouldn't that be great?
Doo doo doo doo doo.
Delay the audio track.
That's not a bad idea, but I don't know how delayed the video track is.
Wanna make a guess?
Three milliseconds.
That's really fast.
Maybe more milliseconds.
Thirty milliseconds?
Seems like a lot.
Okay, let's try twenty.
That's the wrong keyboard.
Let's try twenty.
Wasn't the audio already delayed though, so delaying it, wouldn't that increase the issue?
No I think the video's delayed.
I think the audio's on time.
I think the video's delayed.
So if we delay the audio, then they should mesh up.
How's it working guys?
Did that not work at all?
Three hundred.
Audio, delay, three hundred.
That seems huge, but we're now trying three hundred.
Where's Justin?
Isn't Justin our official stream watcher?
Talk to me about the things.
I just tried three hundred.
I don't really work in milliseconds.
Some people are saying a little bit more, so maybe I'll try four hundred.
Four hundred, yeah.
Four hundred, okay.
That's one hundred.
Thanks for working with me on this Twitch chat.
We're basically diagnosing everything together, so instead of watching Tech Tips, what you
guys can actually do is just tune into the WAN show, and then you can learn your own
Tech Tips from helping us fix things.
We're crowdsourcing the fixes.
This is Kickstarter, but live, and you don't have to donate.
It's just your time.
It's crowdsourced Tech Tips.
So we just went to four hundred, so let me know what you guys think of that.
Justin, I'd like some input from you as well.
We need help from internal sources and external sources to optimize the throughput of our
audio and video.
Five hundred.
Five hundred?
Five hundred.
Five hundred.
We've got five hundred here.
We're going to try five hundred.
People are saying four twenty by Linus.
Four twenty YOLO, three sixty.
I was going to say, if Linus was here, he'd put it at four twenty.
That's something he would do.
I'd put it at five hundred.
But we're not Linus.
So if a guy said nine thousand, that would probably work.
Over nine thousand would probably work.
Nine thousand is kind of, eh.
You're trying, but you're not fully there.
If I had, like, I was going to say a super nice car, I would price it at nine thousand
one dollars, and I was like, that's not a super nice car.
That's dumb.
Your car's, like, double that.
Five hundred to six hundred.
Oh lord.
Just awesome.
We're going to change it to six hundred.
We're just going to keep jumping to hundreds, and then we can dial it back a little bit.
We're getting there, boys.
We're now at six hundred.
Thank you guys for sticking with us.
This has been fun.
This has been good.
It's been an experience.
The cool part was that when I had to do the sponsor spots, the image was up.
So it doesn't even matter if the audio was delayed.
As I was saying, we could just do the whole thing like this, and then we're flawless.
Except if I, like, laugh and do that.
That's true.
Then you'd know.
It's fun watching a delay.
It is fun watching the delay.
I did that while we were spinning in our chairs.
You guys can't see that.
I'm sorry.
It's pretty fun.
It's too much?
Pull it back?
Is that right, Justin?
Too much?
We're going to wait for some input from Justin, but I'm thinking five eighty might be where
we need to go.
Way too much.
Less than five hundred.
Five fifty?
Five fifty?
Five fifty?
Five fifty.
We're going to narrow it in.
We will get there.
By six.
By six o'clock.
We're only half an hour late because of misplaced equipment, and then we're going to be an hour
late after that because of equipment not working well.
So there we go.
I want to run away.
So topics that we have.
Netflix is going to be dropping thousands of titles.
Unified Weapons Master, they're going to have a high-tech gladiatorial combat.
You can't really see what I'm saying right now.
I feel like that dude from Tool Time.
The dude who's standing behind the fence.
He's over the fence.
I think you actually have to go higher.
I screwed up when I was listening to it.
It was when you were guys.
So over?
Try six fifty, seven ninety.
That's a lot of delay.
That's a lot of those milliseconds.
Go check it again.
We also have the introduction of GDDR5X.
Apparently GDDR5X WAN, although I'm pretty sure that was just me typing that in properly.
Then after that, we have new federal requirements on cell phone surveillance.
So that should be pretty cool.
I have to be very animated with my eyes,
because you can't see my mouth.
Moving forward, I need to move down to one of my topics,
so give me a second here.
I just need to keep talking like this,
because then you can't really feel the delay.
Actually, I should show Justin the delay.
That would probably help him try to figure that out.
So, I'm actually gonna go through my first topic,
and we're just gonna try to live troubleshoot this
with Justin in the other room while we go.
So yes, Netflix is dropping thousands of titles.
Apparently, they're not renewing their deal
with distributor Epyx.
So basically, how Netflix gets all their titles
is they have to have a deal with the distributor
of these videos, who would also distribute them
to different cable companies and whatnot,
so that you could do video on demand.
Netflix's deal with Epyx was reportedly worth
about a billion dollars.
That's a pretty good scene.
Was reportedly worth about a billion dollars.
It will run until the end of September 2015, so yeah.
You don't have much time at all
if you wanna watch some of these movies and stuff.
Chief Content Officer Ted Sarandos,
hopefully I'm saying that correctly,
said, while many of these movies are popular,
they're also widely available on cable
and other subscription platforms.
At the same time, they are as Netflix
and subject to the same drawn-out licensing periods.
Ad 300?
It's like a 50% increase.
So as we're talking about Netflix,
they're trying to move to more
of their own original content,
which is kinda super hard to blame
because the original content is doing extremely well.
Really, really well.
I loved House of Cards.
House of Cards was awesome.
Daredevil was really cool.
Have you watched Daredevil?
I haven't watched the entirety.
I think I've watched about three quarters.
Yeah, yeah.
There's a few, like I felt there's a couple actors
in Daredevil which weren't like super amazing,
but the show overall was actually really good.
But yeah, they're gonna be moving towards
a more their-content-focused platform,
which isn't the reason why I got Netflix,
but might make me keep Netflix.
So I don't know.
I know very little about Hulu,
but Hulu is picking up the deal
that Netflix is gonna be leaving behind.
So they're trying to kinda push their way
into that void of you're saying
the reason why you got Netflix.
Maybe that'll pull more people towards Hulu.
I know Hulu's not quite as successful as Netflix.
But yeah, they're gonna be picking up all those shows
that you're gonna be losing from Netflix.
So if you really want those shows,
if that's a problem for you, Hulu could be an answer.
Haven't heard too many great things about Hulu,
to be completely honest,
but Netflix is definitely the cat of kingpins.
But again, they have so many of their own original shows,
and they're gonna keep it rolling.
Orange is the New Black wasn't a good show for me,
but it was extremely highly rated.
People really liked that show.
I liked season one.
I wasn't super into the season two or three.
Season two, I was like, all right,
they're bridging into season two.
I was like, all right, they're bridging into something.
All right, cool.
And then season three, I was like, meh.
Yeah, kind of followed.
House of Cards did a similar thing.
Yeah, that's true.
Season one and two were just gangbusters,
and three kind of fell off a little, but...
Anyways, that's Netflix for you.
I kind of expect if they keep doing this,
there's gonna be more rampant piracy again.
Because for a long time there, it was like,
how is everyone watching whatever show?
Download it on Pirate Bay.
And now it's kind of the same deal, obviously,
but also with a huge amount of it gone to Netflix.
And I think, yeah, I think that might stop.
Because yes, Netflix is doing a huge amount
of original series,
but the people that just kind of watch Netflix all the time
are gonna run out of original series stuff really fast.
And they're probably hanging around
for that mass experience of other stuff.
Apparently it says 1200, it's not that the chat's right.
But it's 1200.
It could be like time to...
It has like two to three hundred on it, so...
Also, did you hear anything about that app
from the simulator?
I'm gonna add that.
It's a game, right?
Okay, yeah.
Hacks was awesome.
So chat, chat, if it's wrong, it's at 1200 now.
So you guys might suck.
It is at 1200 now.
So we'll see how that works.
Sorry, guys.
The cancer was spreading through chat, 1200, 1200.
Well, we'll see if they're right.
Someone might have been trying to time it or something.
I can clap for everybody.
There's your clap.
I tried to line it up so you could see my hands well
and stuff.
Anyways, we will keep moving on.
We'll try to do all the main topics.
So Unified Weapons Masters High-Tech Gladiatorial Combat.
So this is pretty much probably as sick as it sounds,
if I can find the topic.
Control F, Glaad.
Third page, top of the third.
Found it.
Control F is my hero.
Looks really cool.
The suits are designed really well,
I guess you could say from the video I watched.
They look great fighting.
And basically what the idea is,
you can do melee combat with different types of weapons.
The suits will protect you.
And the biggest part of the suits is actually
they give you a reading of what the blow would be
and basically gives you health points
and you would lose health points
by taking strikes in different areas.
But there is such things as a one-hit kill,
like something to the throat or something like that.
But maybe if you just kick the guy in the side,
he'll take X amount of damage.
It looks really interesting,
kind of combining the oldest form of fighting
with the newest technology.
A really interesting blend they've got going.
It's actually pretty freaking cool.
What I liked at the beginning of this video
was just them showing, what's up?
I thought I was at 2K.
We did 1200, I thought.
That's a lot of milliseconds.
Anyways, you guys just saw that again,
probably, hopefully.
So what's really cool is they're fighting.
Those are probably foam, because that makes sense.
But they're fighting and you can just record
the data afterwards.
If you have someone sitting on the sidelines,
I'm sure they could tell you when things happen.
So if you get a throat shot like you were talking about,
he could end the match, he could do whatever you want.
Really cool.
Apparently, when are they starting
their first actual matches?
I think they were trying for the end,
try to find the doc here.
I think they were trying for the end of this year,
probably beginning of next year,
I think is what they're saying.
First live combat event in 2016.
Okay, there you go, yeah.
So that's pretty cool.
That'll be exciting to watch.
I kinda hope, I don't know,
they're probably foam weapons,
but I kinda hope that they don't.
They said that they're gonna be real weapons.
Like the suits are made to protect you.
And you can see at one point,
if you watch the whole video,
the guy is completely losing.
Like he's losing, his health point's going down,
I think he's got 30%, the other guy's at 100.
30% guy wins, he gets a strike through to the throat,
and they pause it and you can see the sword hit
and bend and flex with the pressure.
So it might not be foam, it might not be steel,
but it could be something.
Well, it could be that fencing.
Yeah, it could just be really thin kinda.
But I think their goal is to really,
really get physical with it.
You see guys hitting pretty hard
and the armor is supposed to protect you kinda deal.
So really interesting stuff.
I know they've been trying to work on this for a while
and it could be a lot of fun.
I think the big thing right out the gate
would be the price.
I think it'd be extremely limited
just due to the insane cost.
Well, if they're doing a live combat event,
it sounds kinda like they're probably gonna plan it
more around UFC style stuff.
Oh yeah, yeah.
So not like laser tag at your local thing,
but more like no named fighters
going into gladiatorial style combat.
So yeah, it'll probably be expensive,
but I'm sure they'll probably be the only ones
actually using the full body suits.
Apparently they use a combination of,
I'm gonna say this wrong,
but a combination of piezoelectric shock
and vibration sensors and accelerometers to measure
not only where the hit lands, but the severity as well.
So if I strike and I just kinda nick his arm, barely,
that's probably not gonna take off that many hit points.
But if I strike and I hit the same part,
but then kinda dig in when I do so,
it might do a lot more in terms of damage.
I'm not entirely sure,
but that's actually pretty cool.
And these guys throw everything.
They're throwing elbows and kicks
and they're tripping each other.
That's super cool.
Apparently the data collected by the suit
will be beamed wirelessly
to a special ringside computer system
like I was mentioning earlier, which will keep the score.
So that's essentially probably gonna be health points.
Oh yeah, they show the little bars.
It's very video game-esque in that video.
Check that out, jump back.
So I linked in the chat the video
just so that you can watch.
But I'm gonna jump back here right now
so you can actually see the health on the bottom.
So that guy just hit 0% and lost.
I'll jump back a little bit more so you can see that again.
At a different point,
they also say what these guys are trained in these guys.
Some of them are ninjutsu, some guys are doing karate,
but all sorts of different martial art backgrounds
for these guys.
But yeah, it looks pretty cool.
They have some really great engagements.
Yeah, it's got the ninja brailey.
See, nice kick there right to the midsection.
That's interesting, so you can see their BPM.
You can see what KGF, I'm not entirely sure what that is,
but probably armor or health or something, I'm not sure.
But it's cool how much data they have on these guys.
Pretty sick, pretty sick.
What's up, Justin?
Hi, it's still up, are you hitting apply?
I am, yes.
He's definitely hitting apply, I can vouch for it.
Yeah, I was worried about that, actually,
I am hitting apply.
It's on 1700, definitely applied.
Try, try 2000.
It's still off, but at this point,
I'm not even, I think I'm going crazy,
because I'm not even sure if what we're doing
is actually making a difference.
Yeah, okay, it's now on 2K, 2K.
Like 2K games, did anyone get that reference?
Can we sell it for another $50 now?
Maybe, probably, maybe.
I think they came out, I could be wrong with this,
but they came out with an NBA game,
it was like $70 on Steam.
2K NBA, it was a 70.
I'm excited to play Mad Max.
Speaking of excited to play video games,
and possibly Mad Max, I'm gonna do a shameless plug here,
because I think it's okay, because it's for charity.
Tomorrow, Saturday, not entirely sure
when I'm gonna start, maybe before noon,
is the time I'm giving right now.
I'm gonna be starting a 24-hour charity stream
for Extra Life, I've been tweeting that out
a little bit over the last bit.
So yeah, come by, hang out, maybe donate, maybe don't,
just tell your friends, do something.
I'm gonna be playing games for a super long time,
and hopefully we'll make money for Extra Life.
I did a charity stream a bit over a year ago, I think,
and my memory's failing me,
and my Twitter didn't go back far enough,
but I think we made about 3,200,
so the goal this year is 5K, which is insane.
We might not get it, but I think it would be pretty cool.
It was extremely successful last time.
It was, yeah.
3? 3K.
Like, yeah.
Okay, general settings, audio.
She just set to like 10,000
and see if it's actually making a difference.
Like, why?
That's a bad idea.
Okay, there we go.
It's okay, we'll see what happens.
I guess, yeah, I guess we will see.
Okay, moving on, that was actually pretty freaking cool.
Moving on.
New federal requirements on cell phone surveillance.
So, federal law enforcement have routinely
been required to obtain a search warrant
before using secretive and intrusive
cell phone tracking technologies.
But, and something like the Stingray,
which is a suitcase-sized device,
sweeps up basic cell phone data from a neighborhood,
which can trick phones to connecting to it.
So basically, even if you're not making calls
or texting people or whatever,
your phone is always connecting to things.
So if the Stingray can make your phone connect to it,
they can find your phone,
which is probably in your pocket, so they can find you.
Now, I didn't have a ton of time to actually read this,
because I was busy with all the things
like finding capture cards.
I have read stuff about the Stingray previously to today.
They've been using a lot in the States
with the whole different Ferguson issues,
and there's a lot of things going on in the States
with kind of police versus citizens,
and there's a lot of tension there.
And apparently, the Stingray's been used quite a bit
in all sorts of places.
They can rip your calls, they can take your texts,
all these kind of things I've been reading
from different news outlets.
There definitely needs to be something to manage this,
and I think this is at least a great first step,
because it does appear,
especially on kind of some of the alternative news outlets
that talk about these different protests,
that they're using these things extremely widespread.
There's no control over it.
They're just popping them up whenever
and however they wish to.
So any control would be fantastic,
as privacy is a bigger and bigger issue
with our wireless tech these days.
And basically, what's happening is
the new policy requires a warrant in most cases,
except for immediate security,
so immediate threats, sorry,
so basically immediate emergencies.
There we go, I can talk.
Like national security threats,
although I don't think that's properly defined.
Authorities will need to delete data that's been collected
once they have the info that they need.
And the American Civil Liberties Union has said
that the policy is a good first step.
Called on the Justice Department
to close remaining loopholes,
such as one allowing for warrant-less surveillance
under undefined exceptional circumstances.
So it's kind of what I was mentioning earlier.
This terminology.
Yeah, yeah.
Exceptional circumstances, what does that mean?
To me, nothing.
Not having jam to go on my peanut butter and jam sandwich
can sometimes be an exceptional circumstance.
I can be pretty distraught about that,
because just having the peanut butter
makes it so that your mouth just gets all nya nya.
Yep, you need the jam to smooth things out.
Exactly, so that's not a good thing.
And it might be helpful if I could use a surveillance device
to find a store where I could buy the jam.
Yeah, exactly.
I think that would be okay.
Anyways, that was weird.
Or Amazon's one hour delivery.
Oh my God.
You could just one hour deliver jam to yourself.
I'm gonna check how the audio delay is doing right now.
100,000 from BR Gamer.
He might be onto something.
Yeah, so apparently not good.
Someone just yelled audio.
Do another one of those.
See if it helps anything.
Audio's still ahead.
Audio's ahead?
It's not.
Was there any words on that?
It feels like it's not even doing anything.
One second.
One of the guys brought up something that you hear at pickup
once you change to remote.
Mm, it's not happening.
I am clicking apply.
Like it's saying that it's doing it.
Maybe if you restart the screen,
that would actually make it.
I don't know.
I have that on my phone.
Just have to say it.
Oh God.
I see nothing.
Oh God.
I never see things I'm not supposed to see.
Oh God.
Do you wanna go try it again?
Go check it now, Justin.
Go try that, uh, uh.
Just go, uh, uh.
Anyways, moving on to more topics.
I can feel my face getting redder.
Mine is, I'm pretty sure you can see mine is redder.
Oh my goodness, that was bad.
So to explain what just happened,
I was trying to be quick
and try to keep talking to you guys.
And what I did was I was adding audio delay
to my system speakers.
It's perfect.
Instead of adding audio delay to the microphone.
So what I was hearing was being audio delayed
by 3,000 milliseconds.
And what I was saying was being audio delayed by nothing.
So now what I'm saying is being audio delayed
by 550 milliseconds and is apparently perfect.
So my face is definitely full of blood right now.
And I feel very embarrassed and I kinda wanna run away.
But I'm gonna keep doing the wang show
because I love you guys.
And I want it to go well.
Oh man.
I quit?
My bad, yeah.
Let's just change it by 3,000.
Let's just, you know, that's like three seconds, I think.
Why isn't it doing anything?
Okay, wow.
Yeah, my like cheeks hurt.
Anyways, moving on.
Introducing GDDR5X.
Higher density and faster data rates.
So basically, up until now, four gigabyte modules
were the highest density available for GDDR5.
Now they can make eight gigabyte dense modules,
which is actually pretty badass
because that's doubling the capacity,
which is actually fairly intense.
Micron hinted that eight gigabit per second
GDDR5 modules are in production.
So that's one gigabit per second faster
than the previous highest, which was seven.
That being said, people were overclocking and stuff.
But this means you could overclock even more.
Yeah, exactly.
That's good.
They see eight gigabit per second the absolute peak
for the GDDR5 kind of platform in its current form.
But that's not super surprising
because I think a lot of people
are expecting the future to be AMD's angle,
which is the stacking of stuff.
So this is probably good if, say,
Nvidia isn't gonna move to HBM, hybrid,
hybrid module, some, I don't know, whatever.
The stacking memory from AMD,
if they're not gonna go that route
because usually the companies
don't really like copying each other,
this will give them some more time to figure something out.
But I do expect everything is gonna be stacking like crazy.
Stacks on stacks on stacks on your graphics cards
soon enough.
So this is cool, this is good.
Personally, I think stacking is still gonna kinda be
high performance memory.
What else?
High bandwidth, there we go.
They also mentioned that the actual board
could be smaller while still maintaining this power,
which is a big deal because in a lot of the smaller builds
we're seeing these days,
the graphics card is the huge piece
that's somewhat of a problem, right?
Yeah, and people have been addressing that lately
and that's been pretty cool because back in,
what was it, 600 series?
Or 700 series?
I don't remember what card it was,
but Linus and I made so many jokes
because of the penis extension.
Of the card, which was basically the PCB ended
and then they just put on an extra plastic shroud
to make it longer because they were like,
well, short cards look stupid and dumb.
Not true anymore, a lot of people are going for short cards
because they're going for little ITX systems.
You only sometimes need two sticks of RAM
because the high capacity RAM can get you a ton of memory.
You get huge capacity RAM sticks,
you can get a bad ass graphics card which is nice and short
and you can make this little tiny awesome system of RAM
and this little tiny awesome system of epicness.
You're not taking any big losses
going with the tiny little builds
as you would have in the past.
You're getting a lot of the same things, if not better,
in a smaller, and especially for guys like us,
a more landable case.
Yeah, no, that's a huge thing.
I saw a bunch of, we were just, this is my brother
for the people that didn't get that earlier in the stream.
We were just at the, yes, bro show, welcome to the bro show.
We were just at the BYOC, bring your own computer land
at PAX Prime 2015 and there was, yeah,
there was a bunch of little tiny systems.
One of my favorite things about LANs
is you get the combination of the person
who made a computer into a Team Fortress 2 turret
which was moving.
Yes, that was awesome.
You get the guy who made a computer into a suitcase
that had a monitor in it and then you have the computer
that probably got its case from 1998
and has had random hand-me-down part upgrades
ever since then and he's just still LANing.
Still gaming hard.
And he's fine and he's trudging along.
Slugging it out.
You've got all the different variances
and I think that's pretty cool.
But this will allow people to do cool little tiny builds
and that's awesome.
Well, this will help allow people to do that.
Yes, absolutely.
Definitely not the only component
and AMD's doing their own stuff as well
so I can't take them down a notch.
This is just a good thing.
It also helps with SLI or crossfire
because your RAM is definitely limited in that situation.
Yeah, because it's not additive, which is cool.
So you can get a bunch more memory
and then two cars that are the same
and then you have a bunch more memory.
And everyone wants more screens these days
to help you, those guys who want triple screens.
I'm not there yet.
Still rocking two.
I'm trying to get more.
Trying to get more.
I have two at home and I have three at work
and I want like five at work
and I want like maybe more than five at home.
Who's got the overhead display?
Barnacles, yes, Barnacles has got that.
I want one of those two, not nearly as big as his.
That's all TVs and they're giant.
I don't necessarily want that.
I want to monitor on a tilt down though
and I want like small auxiliary monitors
for server monitoring and stuff.
That's awesome.
I want to be able to play Eve and mine up here
and like Hearthstone here and World of Tanks here
and monitor the forum here and monitor a server up there
and just all the things.
I want to feel like I'm in,
people say like oh, Reddit battle stations or whatever.
I want to legitimately be able to have a battle station.
I want to have like my racing wheel set up
and my joystick and throttle set up
and like a bajillion and a half monitors
and keyboard and mouse and a controller
and just be like, I can do everything.
That's what I want.
You got to be able to be racing at voice controls
for Hearthstone and voice controls for Eve.
Yeah, just keeping it going.
Card three.
Stream at the same time.
Use your battle cry on enemy card four.
Thank you.
Also, mine that rock and I need to drive a tank.
Although, I probably can't do that by voice.
Let me find another topic.
Wikipedia editors turn to blackmail.
This is kind of horrible because you know what?
I actually really like Wikipedia.
Wikipedia is super bad ass and has.
If you've gone to school in the last decade,
you like Wikipedia.
Wikipedia has gotten so many people through their degrees.
So, a lot of people owe like their entire degree
to Wikipedia, which is pretty cool.
But, editors of Wikipedia have allegedly started
contacting small businesses and lesser known celebrities,
telling them that they need to pay up
or have their entries edited to oblivion.
Oblivion, yeah.
That's just, that's petty and that's garbage.
Very evil.
As for hundreds of pounds, so this was posted
probably not on a North American website.
It's Fudzilla.com, so I don't know.
But hundreds of pounds, as in monies.
I'm going to post this in the Twitch chat
so you guys can see what we're talking about.
Bup bup bup bup bup bup bup bup bup bup bup bup bup bup.
And then I'm going to switch to my screen.
There we go.
I make the computer noises so that you don't have
to assume that they're there.
The stream PC is not doing things.
There we go.
Yeah, so apparently this guy got edited to God,
which is not a thing.
Anyways, long article, I need to get back to my sheet
so we're not actually going to look at that.
Aha, tricked.
They offered their powers as editors to keep the page up
if the fee is met.
So basically, if you want your Wikipedia page up,
sometimes if what you're trying to talk about
isn't worth talking about, if you're like,
my name is Fred and I'm in grade four
and I really like apples.
I don't think you really get a Wikipedia page.
So I think-
A healthy choice, Fred.
Yes, actually, apples, good move.
Apple a day keeps something away.
I don't remember dentist, doctor, I don't know.
Either way.
So basically, I think they're claiming
that they can help you keep it up.
Alleged offenders will contact the person or business
on behalf of Wikipedia soon after their page is created.
Wikipedia has stated that this is a coordinated group,
which is not better.
Also, they have since purged 381 sock puppet accounts
and 210 articles created by them.
I'm not entirely sure what sock puppet means, but-
Judging by sock puppets.
Like a robo account?
I'm assuming it's an account that those guys will use
to screw around with things that don't look like them.
Throwaway account.
Wikipedia Foundation blog post stated,
neutrality is key to ensuring Wikipedia's quality,
although it does not happen often.
Undisclosed paid advocacy editing may represent
a serious conflict of interest, it would,
and could compromise the quality of content on Wikipedia.
It would.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it probably has at this point.
So hopefully they deal with that,
because Wikipedia's awesome,
and I wouldn't want that to become
an actual problem in the future.
EVJ will soon be entering
the enthusiast gaming notebook market.
This is not that surprising.
No, not at all.
Every kind of, once every few years,
EVJ will be like, and here's another product line.
And they seem to do pretty well in all of them,
so that's pretty cool.
Notebook will be capable of heavy overclocking,
so that's interesting, we'll see.
Notebooks traditionally not usually that great.
Some of them have been pretty good, actually.
I know a few guys that have gotten
some pretty impressive overclocks on notebooks,
and had them not throttle, so that's interesting.
But we'll see if they're capable of heavy overclocking.
We will see.
Featuring the new Skylake mobile,
mobile, mobile, mobile CPU.
17-inch thin gaming notebook
with very high-end hardware.
They said Skylake, so probably
really high-end mobile cards as well, I would assume.
Plan to launch late 2015 or early 2016.
100% EVJ design from the ground up,
which is also not surprising.
Speculated that the K-series mobile SKU will be included,
so K-series processors.
But that has not yet been confirmed,
although if they're saying like...
It's gonna be overclockable.
Heavy overclocking, very high-end hardware,
it's probably gonna be a thing.
Kinda needs to have that K.
If it does use a K-series chip,
it will feature four cores, eight total threads,
stock clock of 3.2 gigahertz
with a 3.6 gigahertz turbo and 45-watt TDP.
Those numbers are just insane
if you got into computers when I did or earlier.
Like, that's just absurd, all of those things.
The amount of threads, the amount of cores,
the speed, the TDP, everything is just nuts.
The thickness of the notebook
is not expected to be an issue,
as Skylake has a very good power performance envelope
and has increased power from overclocking
is minimal compared to previous generation GPUs, CPUs, sorry.
That's true, but if you're going with the
heavy overclocking and very high-end hardware thing,
yes, so far we're just talking about the CPU.
I'm interested in the GPU.
And heavy amounts of overclocking,
I'm gonna want, if that's what I'm buying this laptop for,
I'm probably gonna want a fairly excessive
amount of cooling, so if they're like,
they seem like very conflicting.
Absolutely, thin form factor.
It's gonna have the most badass hardware,
it's gonna be super fast,
you're gonna be able to overclock the crap out of it,
and it's gonna be thin.
Like, that's awesome if you can get
all those things to be true, but.
Yeah, yeah, seems like they're claiming quite a bit.
They don't have a long time to actually come out with it,
because if they're saying end of 2015,
you know, September's gonna fly by,
those people, you know, summer's over, school's starting,
September always disappears, at least for me it does.
And then, you know, we're into October already,
the end of the year's gonna be here,
so this is around the corner as far as I'm concerned.
So they're gonna have to have this stuff figured out.
Personally, I'm kind of hedging on the fact
that they might be claiming too much.
But hopefully not, hopefully not.
This was the first year I actually took a laptop to BYOC.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I had my own monitor, but being able to have,
if you're able to have a gaming laptop
that you can bring around for LANs and things like that,
it's really nice.
It's pretty nice.
Slides into your backpack.
Man, I had an easy time this year.
One of the cool things about that too
is you don't have to worry about people stealing your stuff,
because you can just drop it into your laptop
and take off at the end.
Which is nice.
They did kind of save their butts a little bit,
and say, or early 2016.
Yeah, yeah.
So if they don't make it by that late 2015 line,
they can still kind of pour over, which is nice.
You would assume they would try to hit it for Christmas,
but I'm wondering if they're just going,
you know, we might not make it kind of deal.
Yeah, yeah.
I think that's the goal, though.
You're probably right.
More laptop talk.
Asus refreshes ROG laptops with G752.
I use the G751 at that LAN, so here's the two.
And liquid-cooled GX700 series.
Yeah, this is interesting.
Yes, so I'm going to try to get the topic up on here.
The GX700 being teased as well.
That's the liquid-cooled one.
Let me see if I can get the topic up here.
Sorry, one second.
So this is from Anand Tech.
I'm going to post this in the chat.
My laptop is not super happy about things right now.
Very interesting attachment that they're going to have for this.
I don't fully understand how it works yet.
I'm not sure if they've released enough information
to fully understand how it works.
But it does look like, I could be wrong on this,
but it appears like there's a closed-loop water-cooling
system built in, but then you can
attach this huge unit that just kind of chunks
into the back of it, which would essentially
extend that water-cooling.
Because if there's a water-cooling attachment
without that, how does it cool unless there is already
an established closed-loop?
It could be like, OK, full disclosure,
I was busy filming a super-funny stuff before the show.
But what this could be is very similar to the like,
what was that card?
Asus, I don't remember the name of Poseidon.
I'm having trouble with the name right now.
Twitch chat will correct me.
But the Asus Poseidon, where it's
an air-cooled graphics card.
That looks like it.
Yeah, it's an air-cooled graphics card,
but it has fittings.
And this could be just basically quick disconnect fittings
on this guy.
So it's air-cooled, and then you can click in and turn it
into a water-cool system.
That could be what it is.
Again, full disclosure, I haven't read it.
That could be, yeah.
It's basically got to be either or, because it's good.
Now, I don't know a lot about this Poseidon card.
How well does it work?
I'm always scared when a tool says, I can do two things.
These are the two things that I do.
Because generally, a tool that will do one of those things
is better than the tool that can do two things.
So I'm not 100% sure, but it's a really interesting idea.
And we're talking about overclocking lands and all
that kind of stuff.
Usually what I find with the Poseidon,
I actually not that long ago did a review of a Zotac 2-in-1
cooling-style card.
I think that might actually be in the background here.
One of them.
Yeah, the Arctic something.
You can see it.
I'll show it with my mouse.
This one.
Wait, no, that's not what you're seeing.
This one right there.
That has two little water cooling fittings right there.
Usually what I find is that the air cooling is OK.
Even if it has pretty, that one had pretty beast air
cooling built into it.
But because of the water block and stuff
and needing to transfer through it,
it usually ends up being OK instead of great,
as it's actually made to be.
But then you have water cooling options,
and then that water cooling option is usually sick.
So with this laptop, you could go to your work,
do whatever you need to do, and it'll probably be fine,
because you won't maybe push it as hard.
And then you could dock it at home
into water cooling in the game.
And that's actually a pretty cool use case.
I think that makes sense.
And just the fact that it's quick connects
can be really good for people who don't want to spend.
If you've ever completely water cooled your computer,
it takes time and effort and a bit of maintenance.
That could be a really simple idea for somebody
who wants to just get in, get out, and not
spend a whole lot of time with it.
So again, just more options.
I think the laptop, the notebook market
is just getting bigger and bigger
just with how much more powerful they're able to build them.
It's really cool.
I was kind of anti-laptop for a while there,
to be completely honest, just desktops all the way.
And I still kind of am, but they're really
shortening that gap.
I'm still, to be fair, I'm talking
about cool gaming laptops.
Gaming laptops are interesting.
I still like the idea of a beast desktop at home,
and then a more business-y styled laptop,
just because I like my laptops running at cool temperatures.
And I usually actually like them without a GPU,
because I find GPU switching can be very kind of weird
Got it.
My bad.
It makes sense.
Sorry for banging on the desk, everyone.
So yeah, it's interesting.
But gaming laptops seem to be getting better lately,
so my opinion might change eventually.
We'll see.
I'm not rigid on that.
Next up, Moto 360, 2015 edition.
There was a hands-on from, I believe, Gizmodo.
So let me see if I can open this up.
So I'm going to post that in the Twitch chat as well.
Give me one quick second.
I closed it.
It's personally my, and I'm not a big smartwatch guy,
it's personally my favorite looking smartwatch.
I love the fact that it's round.
That's not a new, that was on their last watch.
But the fact that it's round, it looks like a watch.
Because to me, a watch is still a style point.
I understand they're building in all this technology.
You can look at your text message.
You can OK Google.
There's different things that you can do with the Apple watch
as well.
But to me, it's still a style piece.
And it has to contribute to your outfit, to your look.
It's got to look right in the mirror,
or it's not going to work.
That's just my personal opinion.
I think the 360 does the best job of it currently.
Yeah, so the basic model starts at $300 US,
so like $8,000 Canadian dollars.
Eight and a half.
Yeah, yeah.
And the more expensive version, which
I don't know a ton about at this moment, is $450 US,
so about $16,000 Canadian dollars.
I'm kidding, by the way.
The Canadian dollar just sucks right now.
So bad.
It's pretty rough.
It comes in two sizes, 46 millimeter and 42 millimeter.
The idea is that Motorola can market the two different sizes
to men or women.
Women, not woman.
They can market it to woman.
Well, I think they actually have two sizes for males,
like the small and the large, and then
they have a female version, which
is the small with a different band.
Ah, cool.
So that's kind of it.
Although the bands, I believe, are interchangeable.
Yeah, interchangeable.
Yeah, right there you can see the interchangeable band.
Oh, yes.
Just right there, that's the little mechanism
that no one can see me pointing at.
But here, I'll use the mouse.
Wait, wrong mouse.
Right here.
Yeah, it's right there.
There you go.
The display.
So it has a, like it said earlier,
the display comes in two different sizes, 1.37 inch
and 1.56 inch.
They're both LCDs.
They have resolutions of 360 by 325 and 360 by 330.
So not a huge difference in the resolution, actually.
They move the hardware button from the 3 o'clock position
to the 2 o'clock.
I like that.
Oh, it's way better.
It's also, I was reading that there was issues
with people bending their wrist and getting poked into there.
That's a big problem.
Most people wear their watches on their left hand.
They're going to have that button on the right hand side.
It's going to be an issue.
So it's smart that they move that.
Yes, I do want to go to dinner tonight.
Alice Yang, I'm hungry.
That would work for me.
I'm a little hungry as well.
Let me know which restaurant.
I'll third wheel like crazy.
That works, because it's not a date.
Let's see here.
In terms of actual tech specs, it
has the Snapdragon 400 processor running
a frequency of 1.2 gigahertz, 4 gigabytes of internal storage,
and 512 megabytes of RAM, which is something
I haven't said for a while, because that's
in a very low amount of RAM.
We even stopped iterating in that amount.
Now it's like per gig instead of per half gig.
Good old days.
The 400 milliamp battery, obviously, that's
a small amount, but you've got to look at the draw,
not necessarily the capacity.
But again, that's the scary thing
with smartwatches is the fact that they
don't last a long time.
I think I would want to jump to the 46 millimeter, even just
for the battery, because the 42 millimeter watch has
a 300 milliamp power battery, and then the 46 millimeter
watch has a 400 milliamp power battery.
Large increase.
Absolutely worth it alone.
Then the slightly higher PPI, which
is actually lower PPI, but slightly higher resolution.
So the PPI of the smaller one, the 42 millimeter, is 354,
and that's at a resolution of 360 by 325.
And the PPI of the slightly larger one, the 46 millimeter
one, is 313, so it's lower, but has a slightly higher
resolution of 360 by 330.
It's just a bigger screen.
Android Wear, as you all probably
figured out automatically, it has
four cores running at that 1.2 gigahertz, and Bluetooth 4.0.
So I'm sure Linus is going to end up reviewing this
at some point.
Yeah, that'd be awesome.
Probably stay tuned.
They get their hands on one of those?
Let me see here.
We could jump into the Samsung launches.
Oh, you got some on mine, don't you?
I do.
It's going to take me a second.
We have sponsor spots.
Sponsor spots.
So we're going to jump into lynda.com.
lynda.com is awesome.
You can get a 10-day free trial at lynda.com slash wanshow.
Millions of people around the world use it.
They have more than 3,000 courses available.
It's actually kind of insane.
If you go on their website, there's like all the things.
They have topics like web development, photography,
visual design, business.
I know a few people that have actually used
multiple ones that I just said.
I know someone who's looked up their business stuff.
I know someone who's looked up their photography
and visual design stuff.
And I know someone who started to learn photo editing
through there.
Ah, exactly.
They also have software like Excel, WordPress,
and Photoshop.
Yes, they do.
Like I just mentioned.
Whether you want to set new financial goals,
become a better person in your respective field,
learn a new skill, try something new, any of that kind of stuff,
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So head over to lynda.com slash wanshow,
claim your 10-day free trial, and start learning today.
I actually got a buddy onto lynda.com.
He just took a different job, government jobs.
So he started doing recycling.
We'll keep this trial to be somewhat non-specific.
But he's got a few hours at the end of the day,
which he wasn't sure how to fill.
And he was saying, how could I make money?
He's trying to think of ideas.
And I was saying, maybe instead of directly looking
to make a financial gain in those few hours at the end
of the day, check out lynda.com.
Maybe do a course or something like that.
He's actually signed up and doing it.
That's awesome.
It's pretty cool.
You can fit it in there on your own time.
Well, if what he learns needs a website, squarespace.com.
Go to squarespace.com.
Use our offer code, Linus, to save 10%.
And you can make a beautiful website
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It requires basically no skill level.
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But you don't really need to.
They have a whole bunch of different templates.
You just kind of drop in text and images.
And then it just looks very nice and professional.
And can take a wave of WAN Show people,
which is actually pretty intense.
It can.
We've used that multiple times.
Let me see here one quick second.
There was a provider.
Wasn't able to.
I clicked the wrong.
What is happening?
Do you see that?
The Minimize and New Tab button are covering each other.
So if I just do Control-T, it'll work anyways.
Keyboard shortcuts.
Been working since 3.1.
Actually, maybe not that shortcut specifically, but.
Give me a second.
Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo, doo.
So if you guys go to calibagsonline.com,
K-A-L-I bagsonline.com, you can see my mom's
She made that.
It's on Squarespace.
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And she made the whole thing.
I helped her with one random, very small thing.
She made all the rest.
And she doesn't exactly have education in creating websites.
So there you go.
Trusted by millions of people who, sorry, one second.
Trusted by millions of people and some of the most respected
brands around the world.
Starts at just $8 a month.
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I know.
It's a solid deal.
A certain employee at Linus Media Group
had his fiance start a website based
on their wedding on Squarespace.
And I believe they got the domain for free through that.
I'm not entirely sure.
But that's all I'm going to say.
That's it for now.
Private matters.
Anyways, Squarespace, build it beautiful.
Again, go to that link, squarespace.com,
and use offer code Linus to save 10%.
Back to topics.
Let's do some rapid fire for a sec.
Unless there was something you wanted to do.
There is, but we can do it after rapid fire.
All right, mini news, Google new logo.
How much has this tripped you out?
I was wondering what you're going to say about it
because I don't really like it.
It doesn't really matter.
No, well, like I don't really like it,
but I also say that with not really caring because why?
I don't, you know what I mean?
I'm not a huge fan, but again.
I don't care about any of it, especially the large logo.
What I do care about is the, why can't I
think of the name of it right now,
but the small little icon that goes on your tabs.
Oh, yeah.
Because it's just tripping me out because I'm not used to it.
So I'm like, where's that tab?
And I can't find it because the little icon is different.
Favicon, I might be pronouncing that incorrectly,
but the favicon image is just driving me nuts.
Other than that, I don't care at all.
I use Google Maps constantly on my phone at work
and they changed a bunch of the icons,
so I get the same feeling.
Right, yeah.
You don't look right.
What is that?
I'm looking for the thing that I know.
So what you're seeing here is, I believe, a GIF.
Yeah, that little thing right there
is what usually gets placed as the favicon.
And then they just kind of show the other things
that the logo could be used as because it's morphing
into their other logos.
It's a cute little animation.
I like it.
Yeah, it works.
It works.
So yeah, they changed the logo.
They were recently acquired by themselves
under a company called Alphabet.
Things are changing.
None of it, in my opinion, is really all that important.
They also mentioned that it might look better
on smaller screens since everything's
trying to go multi-platform and because smaller screens are
becoming absolutely the norm.
So there's a hint that that might be kind of the reason.
Interesting, yeah.
Some of it was also because it more closely resembles
the logo of Alphabet, which is that parent company I just
It's supposed to look more modern and playful.
I don't know anyone who does kind of the playful look
as well as Google does.
I thought they were very modern and playful before.
Already, yeah.
But what else can you say about a small font change?
Not much.
We'll get through this if you don't like it.
It'll be OK.
Yeah, I don't know.
It's just it's really not that big of a deal.
I saw a few people, very small amount of people freaking out.
But I think most people kind of generally agree with us.
Let's see what the Twitch chat says.
Let's do a straw poll, actually.
So give me a second to make this straw poll.
Oh, man.
Turn up.
You missed my screen again.
I'm borrowing John, our resident American's laptop, for this.
So you can see, I'm going to move us out of that corner.
You can see just how awesome this desktop is.
I don't know if he made this or if he found this,
but either way, it's just great.
So I'm going to start a straw poll while you guys hopefully
talk about that amazing background.
It's pretty epic.
The double down.
The double down is awesome.
I think John's laughing back there now.
Give me one second.
Sorry, guys.
So type your question here.
What was it again?
What do you think of the new?
I'll just show you guys what I'm doing.
Google logo.
Oh, my god.
I hate it so much.
I spelt much incorrectly.
But it kind of goes with how it works.
A wild Nick has appeared.
Hi, Nick.
What's wrong, Nick?
I saw your giant full caps note on that.
We're good.
Thanks, bro.
Oh, OK.
I don't even know.
We'll see.
I'm not going to learn what it's about right now.
Yeah, do that while I do this.
Oh, my god.
I hate it so much.
I don't care.
I don't really care much, but it's confusing sometimes.
Do you have an I like it option?
There we go.
OK, cool.
There's no positive answer.
We will do permissive, and then that's it.
So create poll.
Give me a quick second.
My prediction is turnip.
Yeah, you think turnip's going to straight up win?
Well, that's pretty awesome when turnip straight up wins,
I have to say.
I have occasionally voted for turnip every time.
I've occasionally done this literally all the time forever.
I like it.
Wow, there's a lot of I like.
Oh, turnip.
Oh, geez.
Turnip's kind of running away with it all of a sudden.
I'm hoping I like it wins.
Actually, I kind of want turnip to win,
because it makes Linus a little mad.
Yeah, so I kind of vote for turnip.
That's always entertaining.
I'm actually part of team number three, I guess,
at this point, which is I don't really care,
but it's confusing sometimes.
Yes, my honest answer would be three.
I don't dislike it.
So I would be down with saying that I like it.
It looks nice.
I don't really care.
I just, yeah, I'm a part of number three.
I don't fully understand the oh my god, I hate it so much crowd.
But if someone's resistant to change and they use Google a lot,
I guess I get it.
It is the smallest.
It is heavily losing at this point.
It is.
Turnip is just wrecking, just destroying.
16% above the closest other vote.
So that's pretty cool.
So our first real answer is I like it.
So that's kind of cool that I like it's winning.
Do you want to keep reading that thing?
So I'm going to actually jump down and do a rapid fire
topic by myself.
And then hopefully you can help fill us
in on whatever that is that you're actually reading.
So the ASUS Matrix GTX 980 Ti Platinum is being showed off.
I'll try to get to the actual thread.
But the actual thread wasn't really linked.
So it's going to take me a quick second.
It looks freaking sick.
I can tell you that much.
But you might have a little bit of trouble
having it match your motherboard unless you
have the exact motherboard that goes with it, which
if you're spending that much money on it,
it's probably not that unlikely.
So it's probably OK.
Hopefully this press release actually has pictures.
This press release does not have pictures, I don't think.
So we're actually just going to show off the Linus Tech Tips
topic, which I will link you guys in a moment here.
I say this every time I'm on the show.
But your forum is awesome.
When I was looking through the documentation, or the doc,
I should say, before the show, there's
a link to a Linus Tech Tips forum post
for every single topic we're talking about.
You guys are awesome.
You contribute very well.
The tech news and reviews is like one
of the most insane forum sections
I've seen on any forum ever.
They're so on top of things, because people
are so aggressive about wanting to be the first one.
And people are so good at formatting.
It's a beautiful look.
It's like you make your forum on Squarespace.
Wow, we don't.
But yeah.
We're working on that, actually, for the next version
of the forum, which is in development right now.
Envision Powerboard, or Envision Power whatever,
is the software that we use.
And they released their new version.
But we're going to be heavily modifying it,
adding in a really cool new text editor thing
that we're doing tons of work on,
and a whole bunch of other stuff.
So it should be actually a really big upgrade.
We're going to be ramping up Classified.
So Classified should be a lot cooler.
There's going to be way more functionality.
We're going to be implementing a lot of that stuff that's
been in the thread forever, that people are like,
can we do this?
And we're like, maybe in the next version.
So we've been working on a lot of that stuff.
Hopefully, you guys like it.
But that's months out.
I probably shouldn't have even teased it.
So I'm just excited, whatever.
Well, I know you put an absolute ton of work
into the first version of the forum.
I remember going over to your place,
and you looked like an absolute zombie.
And there was a ton of work.
And I think that's when Mr. Wizard was helping out as well.
This time, we've got a pretty big crew.
We've got Kat on the forum is helping.
Colonel Mortis is helping a lot.
Mr. Wizard is helping again.
I'm doing some stuff, but probably not as much
as I should be.
But yeah, there's a big crew helping.
And then once we start testing it,
I'm going to be using all the mods and probably
a bunch of Linus Media Group employees
to test out the website, find all the bugs that we can,
try to fix what we can, and then we'll go from there.
But anyways, jumping back to it, the 980 Ti platinum card.
You can see why I might have said
it might be a little bit rough to match with certain systems.
But then again, if I scroll down,
you can see the motherboard that goes with it.
And that thing matches it very well.
It looks sick.
So if you want to get both, that'll look super badass.
And if you don't, it might be a little bit
rough matching things.
But you'll be OK.
Could do a Linus Media Group build with those parts.
Oh my god.
The orange is slightly wrong, I think.
But a lot of that's glowing area.
Maybe they'll talk to them.
It looks pretty cool.
It looks pretty cool.
I like it.
We'll figure it out.
Doing a Linus Media Group builds black and orange in general.
I don't even think we've done that.
And that's a pretty good idea.
I don't think there's a whole lot of options
unless you were customizing.
No, we'd probably have to.
But that's fine.
Once this workshop is set, which is right here,
and you guys can't see it, is done,
we might be able to do that.
You mean that beautifully organized area of perfection?
He lies.
Deceit and lies.
Anyways, jumping to the topic that I don't even
know what it is.
We're going to have to work through this together,
because I've been reading it.
And it is a whole lot of information.
But it does look pretty interesting.
Ashes of Singularity demo was showing better performance
in DX12 on AMD cards than in video cards.
Yes, OK.
I haven't read about this enough.
But I've read about it a little bit.
So this is a massive topic.
Nick has been working on the notes for it
up there during the show.
I read something about it right before the show started.
I wish I knew more about it.
There's actually a really good thread about it on
Technically, they're a competitor to our forum.
But I really like those guys.
And I've got buddies that have been in the computer thing
for a long time.
They're like, man, I really want to join last tech news.
But I have friends on overclock.net
that I talk to all the time for years and stuff.
And I'm like, you know what, that's cool.
Just chill out there.
It's cool.
So we're not enemies.
We're cool.
Overclock.net's cool.
So yes, Ashes of Singularity, the Oxide developer Colac
had a very lengthy response on the overclock.net forum.
So that's what I linked, I believe.
Yes, that should bring you right to the right post.
So that's actually from the developer.
He only has four posts.
But after seeing this post, it looks like he made them count.
I'll show you.
Yeah, definitely.
So yeah, he went ham.
Not technically wall of text, because he
pressed Enter sometimes.
But it's a lot of text.
So basically, I think what happened
was that AMD cards did perform better on DX12.
Yeah, Ashes of Singularity demo was showing better performance
in DX12 on AMD cards and Nvidia cards.
If Ashes is biased, then any Unreal 4 game
must be Nvidia biased as well.
Yeah, using the Nitrous engine.
Nvidia DX11 performance has increased
over the past few months.
DX12 overhead is still better for Nvidia than it was on DX11
and has not been fully tweaked yet.
This is actually pretty nuts.
People are up in arms about this.
I got a few messages right before the show,
but wasn't entirely sure what it was about.
Sorry that we're not fully updated on this topic.
This is like live news.
It literally came in as the show was going.
It literally is.
Nick ran down here and was like, I'm done.
It's ready.
And it is about a full page on here.
So good job, Nick.
Right now, this is a quote.
Let me see if I can even see who it's from.
Nope, but probably the dude that made that post.
So we're going to go with that.
Right now, I estimate about 20% of our graphics pipeline
occurs in compute shaders.
And we are projecting this to be more than 50%
on the next iteration of our engine.
In fact, it is even conceivable to build a rendering pipeline
entirely in compute shaders.
For example, there are alternative rendering
primitives to triangles, which are actually
quite feasible in compute.
If someone gave us a card with only compute pipeline,
I bet we could build an engine around it,
and it would be plenty fast.
I'm not saying that the graphics pipeline will disappear anytime
soon or ever, but it's by no means
certain that it is necessary.
It's quite possible that in five years' time,
Nitrous' rendering pipeline is 100%
implemented via compute shaders.
Interesting stuff for the graphics world.
Colac said, as far as I know, Maxwell
doesn't support async compute, at least not natively.
We disabled it at the request of NVIDIA,
as it was much slower to try and use it than to not.
Whether or not async compute is better or is not is subjective,
but it definitely does buy some performance on AMD's hardware,
whether it is the right architectural decision
for Maxwell or not is relevant to its scheduler.
Hard to say.
Because the last little quote here from Rob Halleck from AMD
chimed in on the matter.
Oxide effectively summarized my thoughts on the matter.
NVIDIA claims full support for DX12,
but conveniently ignores that Maxwell is utterly
incapable of performing asynchronous compute
with heavy reliance on slow context switching.
Without heavy reliance on slow context switching.
Yes, without, sorry.
Very important, he's not saying that is fully capable of it,
but that it will need outside assistance.
So definitely a little bit of drama going on.
So this is going to be basically an absolute shitstorm.
I'm sure there's stuff blowing up around this.
Rip that up a little bit.
Yeah, I think our audio is OK at this point.
Maybe refresh the stream if you're having problems.
Although you wouldn't be able to hear that, wrecked.
I'll type that in chat.
Yeah, but I don't know.
I hope they figure their stuff out.
I like it when these companies have to kind of scrap
for things, it's good.
But a quote that I've been saying a lot lately
is competition is good if the competition is good.
Yeah, because I was talking to someone about VR,
and they were bringing up a whole bunch of kind
of auxiliary VR companies.
Because right now, if you're looking
at VR in terms of hardware, if you're not
looking at Oculus or Valve, they're
more auxiliary companies outside of that.
And some of them are very interesting
and might kind of plant their feet
and be able to hold there.
Some of them, I think, are just going to fall away.
And one of my points was that I hope
the ones that are going to fall away because they suck
fall away very quickly because competition is good,
like I just said, if the competition is good.
If your competition is terrible and there's a whole bunch of it,
it's just going to muddy the space.
And someone's going to try out one of those things
and go like, oh, this is terrible.
Therefore, this whole space is terrible.
Just brand, yeah.
Yeah, so you kind of want things to work.
And if this is all true, everything
we just talked about, and they're claiming full support
and it doesn't have full support, you need to fix that.
Yep, absolutely.
Because I want it to come down to this card has these features
and is this fast.
And therefore, I want it over this one and vice versa
instead of this card says that it can do this thing and can't.
And therefore, I don't know what I want,
but I guess that one because it can do all the things.
You have a somewhat related video,
which I watched today, about graphics cards
saying what they're hitting, what they're actually hitting.
Oh, the GPU Boost investigation.
Yeah, that's interesting.
That's not as bad, I don't think,
because it ends up actually running faster.
It's just weird and confusing.
It reminded me of that video when you were mentioning that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So check that video out if you want.
Basically, when you buy a current NVIDIA graphics card,
they'll have an advertised boost clock speed, which is not
what it will boost to at all.
I've never seen it actually boost
to that number on any graphics card
that I've tested in the current gen.
And the cards that we were testing
were hitting thermal limits and stuff automatically.
So if I had ones that weren't doing that automatically,
we'd probably even see more variants.
But anyways, very interesting.
I'm excited to see how this develops.
I'm sure this is not the last we've heard about this.
Someone is going to want to step up and probably angrily,
and we'll learn more things.
Yeah, that's pretty much all I have to say about that is stay
tuned, and we'll find out.
If that's true, that sucks.
Hopefully they fix it.
If it's not true, well, then what the hell is going on?
I don't know.
We will see.
Scrolling down a bunch.
Give me a second.
There's the, I'm trying to find it right now,
the new Google Car app.
Oh, what?
Samsung launches Car Mode for Galaxy app?
I know nothing about this.
Go for gold.
I'll get this posted in the Twitch chat.
There we go.
OK, so Samsung has offered a Car Mode on its phones,
but it's being refined.
Leading the way with Car Mode is that it offers
a standalone mode for those situations
where cars aren't compatible, which in most case,
since only newer cars offer it, it's
able to be compatible for older cars.
Now, as you're looking that up, I
want to segue a little bit.
I think we're in a really interesting place in the car
I'm a car enthusiast myself.
A lot of people at LNG are.
Not including Tesla, because they're doing things right.
I think basically everyone else, and a lot of the,
and you could say American car manufacturers,
but it's not true.
Even the imports as well.
Imports, you know, the Toyotas, Volkswagens of the world.
Everyone's somewhat at a starting line, I feel like.
They've all been making cars for a very long time.
They've all done a decent job at their own kind of niche
markets, whatever they're trying to hit
with their different cars or trucks or whatever it may be.
But now vehicles are becoming a tech item.
And I feel like a lot of the manufacturers
have been around forever.
They're all at the same starting line.
And this is something that's going to slightly differentiate
each other.
Because I know it's Honda, Toyota, and Volkswagen.
I'm not surprised at all that it's
those three brands that are moving forward with this.
There is no car.
I think yours does a decent job.
But I don't think there's any car besides the Tesla right now
that has a great screen, touchscreen
experience for the user.
I think they're all kind of OK.
And we're spending so much money on them.
We're spending so much money on them.
And they're just lackluster.
They're just not what they need to be.
Hopefully, this is a step in the right direction.
Because I feel like any car company that's really
going to hit it out of the gate is going to do extremely well.
Because everyone else does a terrible job.
I'm a Ford fan.
They're my touch.
Hate it.
Got nothing good to say about it.
Do you know what I mean?
Yours is pretty good, but I feel like there's.
And yours is a 2009.
Let's add that in there as well.
You know what I mean?
The thing that bothers me about mine being a 2009
is I'll sit in newer cars.
Like, I was in a very new truck yesterday,
driving a very new truck that another dude owns that I know.
Because I had to move a chair.
Long story.
And it's a very nice truck.
And the dash, the screen on the dash,
excessively similar to mine in terms of resolution,
how it works, all that kind of stuff is like a Dodge.
A Dodge?
See, I even like the Dodge ones.
I even think the Dodge ones do a pretty good job,
but they could be so much better.
That's the thing.
You look at tablets, you look at computers, you look at laptops,
you look at phones, you look at all these different markets,
and they're moving so fast.
And then vehicles, it's just like, well, turn the dial,
do the thing.
I don't know.
I did the Nexus 7 install in my dash, which was kind of a pain.
But it looks fantastic.
It's a two-year-old tablet.
And the PPI is incomparable to anything else
that's out there right now as far as buying your vehicle.
But what I'm trying to say by this
is it's a really interesting article.
Check it out.
I think Luke linked it.
No, someone misunderstood what I was saying.
I'm not complaining about driving the Acura.
I'm saying it's weird that my cars from 2009
were now going into fairly soon 2016,
and I'm not seeing huge differences.
It's awesome that my car has that.
That's great.
I love that.
I'm not complaining about that at all.
What's crazy is that if you go look at a phone from 2009,
and compared to a phone that's going to be coming out now,
and no, not at all.
Completely different.
What's up, Dennis?
Come say hi to the stream.
Come on.
No, get in front of the camera.
Dennis is ready to go home, I think.
You're leaving?
Oh, yeah.
It's after work now.
Say hi.
No, not quite.
This is the actual show.
I just wanted Dennis to say hi.
Good afternoon, everybody.
You reading the chat, Dennis?
Dennis Hype.
Dennis Hype, yeah.
Dennis Hype, Dennis Hype.
I'm happy to see you.
OK, bye, Dennis.
So one of the big things with this
is that you can plug in your phone,
or it can connect wirelessly, and then
your apps and your phone will basically appear on the screen.
So that is a step forward.
They're kind of skirting around, having to do anything
themselves, I feel like.
They're kind of like, oh, we'll just kind of port your phone
to this screen now, because that's nice.
But I really feel, you know, I think Tesla's
done an extremely good job.
They're going to be coming out with more models of cars,
and they'll probably be.
Model 3.
Model 3, and they're going to be upgrading their screen,
I assume.
All of you domestic car manufacturers,
and I say domestic, because the Toyota's you buy here
are made here.
So are they imported, or are they not
debate for a different time?
Somebody, please hit it.
Somebody do it well, you know what I mean?
Because no one's doing it well right now.
I agree.
This is a decent step, but.
I honestly, like, a big thing that I really
wanted to do when we started Linus Media Group
was car tech reviews.
I don't know if I've talked to you about this before.
For a moment, you talked about, I
guess I shouldn't say, maybe it's more of a business.
A certain manufacturer approached you.
You looked into it and kind of said, no thanks,
because there's nothing here.
And that's essentially the story, is what I wanted to do
was go driving around in a car for a while.
And I don't know enough to talk to you guys about the engine,
and how it works, and if it's more efficient than whatever.
And I don't know enough about that.
I know a little bit about cars.
Not enough to make videos on that kind of stuff.
Not the technical aspects of the moving components
like the engine.
But I might be able to do a proper review of the tech
that's inside the car.
But I'd make a video every year.
And it would be like, yup, not much has changed.
You can have a Wi-Fi hotspot, but you could also
just do that on your phone.
Yeah, which I do.
So why would you buy another sim for your car?
I don't know.
There's some actually really cool,
someone just said mighty car mods.
I believe that's a YouTube channel that I've seen
and is awesome.
Car mods are fantastic.
I modded the Nexus 7 into my dash.
It took me quite a while to get all the bugs out.
It runs great.
There's some super cool stuff on YouTube in terms of cars,
but that's exactly why I didn't want to do the same thing.
I wanted to do something slightly different
because these guys are already awesome.
You're not looking to mods.
You're looking at what's coming out, what's the stock.
Because I can't do that.
And there's certain guys, I don't
remember what channel it was.
Maybe it was Mighty Car Mods.
They're from, I think, Australia.
And they buy a couple of the similar car.
And they'll just zombie them together
like I did with computers back in the day
and make a couple throwaway cars basically
and make one good drivable car out of it for way cheaper
than buying a new one.
And I watched one episode, and it was actually super cool.
So I was saying, Chopped?
Maybe that's it.
I don't know, but honestly, it was awesome.
I like watching car videos.
Anyways, we'll move on to more stuff.
But I don't know, guys, pick it up.
Move forward.
The tech in the Tesla is sick.
You guys can do that.
Like, I love Tesla, but it's not that hard.
No, it's not that hard.
It's really, you could copy that or do even better, honestly,
without a ton of effort.
That's what's so frustrating about it.
And especially, I'll go after it again,
because I've got an older F-150.
The brand new F-150 came out, the 2015 model.
They advertised all these different things.
I got caught up a little bit in the hype,
not like I was going to buy one.
I was like, oh, man, this is going to be so cool.
And I was really excited because they weren't saying anything
about that center console.
Nobody's doing it right.
Nobody's doing it right except for the Tesla.
Get on the level.
They are now tech pieces.
You know, your big advertising feature
that your truck can be a hotspot is not,
or your car can be a hotspot, is not interesting.
That's not engaging to me.
You can go to any phone retailer up here.
You can go to Rogers, Telus, Wind, any of them,
buy a little tiny capsule.
I saw one that looked like a cute egg.
Once you give it power, it gives you a 3G network.
This is old.
This is not new.
This is not interesting.
And especially when you're trying
to market to a younger generation that's
into tech, into their phones.
You know, you've got the Note 5 came out.
You get something that is somewhat
comparable to that level, or the new LG phones,
anything like that.
Honestly, and someone in the chat,
Drosophilis, Drosophilis, Drosophilis, I don't know.
He said, you can't compare a 2009, but 2009 Acura
with a modern pickup truck.
Compare it to a modern Acura, and you'll see differences.
Valid point, except that I have, and there isn't major ones.
Yeah, I actually.
There's two screens, I think.
But I just don't care about the second one,
because it's honestly just easier
to do with physical buttons.
So like, I don't know, man.
I did, and there wasn't significant change
that I would expect from that many years of time gone by.
Yeah, it's not even similar at all to the change
that there has been in the phone market.
All right, I think I beat this one up.
Yeah, a little bit.
Let's move on.
Microsoft quietly rewrites its activation rules for Windows 10.
This is from ZDNet, so I'm going to try to get you guys a link.
And I'll try to get it up on the screen,
and they'll do all the fun things.
Apparently, the net result is that clean installs
will be much easier.
That totally caters to me.
I'm a clean install guy.
I always have been.
I'm still on 8.1, but I'm just kind
of waiting for a little bit.
Then I will be going to the 10, of course.
And it'll be a clean install.
That's what I want to do.
I've never been a big fan of the upgrade experience.
It also kind of forces me to clean my computer up.
Yeah, that's one of the reasons why I kind of like it.
Because honestly, the upgrade experience thing,
I kind of agree.
I didn't like it before.
Windows 10's upgrade experience is actually really good,
And I tried to test out the beta.
And my whole idea was like, you know what?
I'll try it, and if it doesn't work,
I'll just reformat it, and it'll be fine.
And then I was like, oh, roll back?
I can just roll back to my Windows 7 install?
This will break everything, but let's try it.
So I rolled it back, and it was perfect, which was crazy.
I never had a single problem.
And then I have upgraded again once Windows 10 came out
off that same install back up to Windows 10,
and it was fine again, which was actually pretty impressive.
So yeah, I don't know, kind of cool.
The biggest change of all is that Windows 10's activation
status is now stored online, which
might be terrible for you or good for you,
depending on who you are.
After you successfully activate Windows 10 for the first time,
the device will activate automatically in the future.
No product key is required.
Yeah, I don't know.
Unwelcome change for those trying
to do a clean install of Windows 10
without understanding the new activation landscape
is a good point.
But I don't know.
I think people are going to be on the fence with this.
Maybe let Straw Pull it again, and then move on.
So I'm going to start a new one.
Straw Pulls are fantastic.
I really like Straw Pulls.
We could make our own, but considering they made this,
like I've had someone make a Linus Media Group pull thing.
And I was like, you know what, that's really cool.
But we've been using these guys since forever.
We're probably like the main people that use Straw Pull.
I don't know.
Maybe Straw Pull is way bigger than I realize.
But I don't know.
I just kind of want to see it.
I'm sure you give them a lot of traffic.
Why can't I type?
I think I need to make a new one.
There we go.
While we're doing that, we've got one topic here
that I don't think we'll talk about too much.
But cable box rentals, a needless $19 billion industry.
An average American household pays $231 per year
on average for their cable box rental.
Estimated 99% of cable consumers in the US
rented their equipment.
Senators who commissioned a study on this market,
Ed Markley of Massachusetts and Richard
Blue Menthol, I'm sure that's wrong, Blue Menthol.
Apparently Straw Pull is huge.
So I'm dumb, and they're massive.
Well, you guys are huge, so maybe, you know.
Basically, just talking about cable boxes.
I've never seen anyone else use Straw Pull.
But apparently, like a bunch of people in the chat
are like, it's absolutely huge.
So that's cool.
I still want to use them, because they're still awesome.
I'm going to use them.
I still want to use them, because they're still awesome.
Build it beautiful.
Beautiful build.
Anyways, let's see how the Straw Pull is going.
Let's see the results here.
Turn up is destroyed.
Turn up.
But generally, people are saying that it's good.
What's up, Justin?
Not anymore.
Yeah, you're delayed.
Thanks, though.
I appreciate it.
It's good.
It's good.
Yeah, so 26% of people are saying that it's good.
17% of people are saying that it's bad.
With 57, my favorite number, no longer 57.
That makes me sad.
56% of people saying that it is turnip.
So that's interesting.
I do like seeing the good votes, though,
because I haven't actually done it myself.
So seeing the good votes is, especially
when they're warning people about doing fresh installs.
So I like seeing the good vote.
That's great.
Thanks, guys.
Yeah, so I think that might conclude the show.
Let's see if there's anything new here.
Dun, dun, dun, dun.
Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?
What just happened?
Just about the cable box.
The camera was blinking red.
And so I'm wondering if it is out of battery.
If the camera died, that's super the end of the show.
Could be a radio show now.
Yeah, the camera's dead.
It looks like they didn't plug it into the wall.
They had extra batteries.
I saw them playing and talking about extra batteries.
I guess that's the end of the WAN show.
For anyone wondering, yes, I will be doing a 24-hour stream
It will be for charity.
It will be for the Extra Life charity.
So you can check out links to the Extra Life charity
that I'll be running on my Twitter.
I just tweeted out a few times.
I'll tweet it out again after the show.
Check it out tomorrow.
Before noon, it will start.
And then again, it will go for 24 hours.
I guess that's it.
I'll roll this, because you guys can hopefully see it.
I'm going to have to do it a few times
so that it'll start, because our stuff kind of sucks.
There we go.
WAN show, weekly failure in WAN.
WAN show, weekly failure in WAN.
WAN show, weekly failure in WAN.
WAN show, weekly failure in WAN.
WAN show, weekly failure in WAN.
It was nice talking to you.
I hope you enjoyed the show, and I'll see you in the next one.