
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Welcome to the...
SH use-
Alright, so if we rip the headphone users right at the beginning of the show, then, uh,
it won't be a surprise when we do it again later.
That's right kids adjust your volume now cuz this show is gonna be loud and proud and
Yeah, and sound plowed move
No, that's the after-party. Oh, all right guys, so we've got a bunch of great topics for you today
But we're not gonna call out any of those because Luke picks the topic call-outs today
Most of them are crap
Crap no dick ah dick is gray
Unless you're still alive, then it's more of a peach depending on your skin tone. It could be darker
alright, so
Steam back remover is a fraud
Obviously Geo hot built a self-driving car in his garage
The Pentagon is interested in weaponized AI Wow really great idea
Haven't talked to you on
drone owners must register with the FAA the worst part is they probably have talked to mr. Musk and
Yet with all of his
He was probably all like this is a terrible idea because look at all the raining destruction it can bring and they're like
Okay, we want that all right, so let's roll the intro
Oh and get on with that show No music
I mean are it's a miracle we have these assets at all right now to be perfectly honest
Some of you probably saw my post on Instagram slash Twitter slash Facebook. I guess it goes everywhere
Okay, my post on social media where I had talked about that. We had a bit of a a bit of a data loss
Situation this week, but we're gonna have a vlog coming up
About the journey that that has been so I suspect that's not like the right file like I
I suspect that's like yeah, there was one. They didn't have music. Yeah, so so anyway. Well. We'll get we'll get more into that
Oh hold on hold on hold on. I'm gonna fix it now though. Oh
You don't have the right file though. Well. I wasn't gonna totally fix it. I was gonna fix it like a little
Also, I don't see I don't see I don't see I don't see a thing right now
Oh, are we still moving what yeah, we're still moving. Okay. That's good. Oh there. It goes. Okay, okay
We had a bit of a little bit of a hiccup there and in X split there we go
I was trying to move this and then what this and then there we go so that it would work when we do the outro
Yeah, we still don't have audio. No I I what do you think I'm some kind of magician
Okay, and I can fix the audio tips. I could just conjure up audio song
It is BAM pants dance
Or if you know what song it is you could just like find it and then oh
I don't even know I think it's adhesive wombat
So it should be possible to find on the internet all right, so let's get into let's get into our first topic of the day
I said r.i.p. Wannock server, and I really thought they said wank server
And I was like we actually don't have one of those and if we did you could bet that one would be backed up in many
Many places that server would come into the room. I'd be like
back that junk up oh
I'm terrible okay, so our drone owners must register get off twitch chat. What what get off twitch chat? Oh?
Sorry, okay. No. We're not doing a topic
We have very a very important announcement to make
It's just taking a little while to change scenes
I don't know what windows updated and apparently the as far as I can tell the only thing they updated was the safely removed hardware
Icon, so I wish it just I wish it just wouldn't I wish that this machine would just not change from week to week
That'd be super super amazing
So I apologize to twitch chat and Twitter, but I am actually I'm actually on social media
Blackout right now no because I am seeing Star Wars the force whatever it's called in about 18 hours in the morning and
I am determined to not know anything about it
My after-party stream thing tonight, so I'm gonna end up looking at twitch chat, and I have my
Theory as to Star Wars spoilers, so I think I'm just gonna. I'll monitor twitch chat, and it'll be fine
Okay, I'm gonna talk about the theories for Star Wars spoilers. Yeah. Yeah, so here. Why don't we why don't we do that?
As our as our first topic so so Luke was asking me right before the show started like hey
You know are you gonna look at twitch chat today Star Wars spoilers, and I was like no no no and actually
I don't want to talk about this because I did get one spoiler, but like I kind of like
Immediately put on a show really loud
Like 80 people so oh yeah guys do not post them anyway
I think ghost might have gotten his hands on oh
No, I talked to him. Okay. Oh, yeah, that's that's a thing do not post Star Wars spoilers
And there's probably over a hundred people banned good in the last like two minutes do not post Star Wars
Spoilers not even spoil don't post anything
Yeah, don't post anything related to Star Wars not even not even Greedo shot last
Shot first I don't care like don't want my post a mobile band for like spam because the amount of people it's banning
I'm not even kidding. This is insane
Okay, okay, so what you heard anyway about the spoilers that are going around
Yeah, what I heard and what I kind of theorized was that
There's gonna be a lot of people who are going to be spreading
Spoilers which aren't actually spoilers because they don't know if it happened or not
So these are people that haven't gone to go see the movie yet and are spamming online
About things that they're saying happened to ruin it for you so that you get all pissy because they're trolls
Even though they don't actually know it because that's the thing about trolls is
Is is trolls trolls like they troll each other?
so what would be the first thing that I would do when I got out of a theater as a
Consider myself a fairly grade-a troll is I would go and tell any trolls that I know some misinformation
so that they go and spread that and then I'll be like ha ha and
That's a really old reference. Yes
so so yeah, so so my my so a I actually
to to a much greater degree than probably most people I I
Isolate myself from information about movies that I'm really excited about seeing so I let myself see the first
Star Wars trailer, but there was another trailer. There was the Japanese trailer that had like more footage and
There's all the interviews with the cast all that stuff. I have not touched any of it
I watched the first trailer once that's it
I'm gonna go in completely blind like a new baby sliding out of the womb and or being pushed out rather
And I don't know
Sliding across the floor
and so that's the way it's gonna be so I I really I really work hard to keep myself away from that stuff so I
Did hear one thing but I've already
Forgotten the name of one of the characters involved because like I haven't been paying attention to all the names of the characters
I don't know who all the new characters are. I don't know who any of the actors and actresses are
All I know is Carrie Fisher is gonna be there Mark Hamill is gonna be there and you were there and you
And you were there and you were there and that's another really old reference um and that that's all I care about
although if if if my man Harrison Ford
Shows up the same way that he showed up for Kingdom of a Crystal Skull
I really don't know and it's been like another four or five years since then too. He was really looking old
So hopefully he's like hopefully he's like an advisor on the council
All he has to do is sit in a chair
Like or like although sit in a bar and fire a blaster from under a table first
Oh, I was going to say some theories, but I'm not going to because I think that okay. Don't go ahead. I
Don't think he's just advising because the millennium
You know what oh really yeah
You didn't have any other theories. I do but okay well
You know what I think we're gonna have Luke Star Wars theory minute. No. No, no, it's fine
I'm good because that's not fair. No no really no no no it's fine. It's fine. It's fine. It's fine. Just hold on
Just hold on. I'm just as long as I have some music playing
I don't want to do it because then people are gonna grab audio bites and start spreading them around as spoilers, right?
But I mean because none of this is true anyway all you'd be doing is actually helping okay
So I should make up a whole bunch of figs so by trolling you actually help the people who don't want the movie spoiled
The more we troll the trolls the better off
The good people will be okay, so hold on
But I still I still want no part of any of it, so I'm making these
I'm trying. I'm cranking this cranking this okay, so bb-8 has a very weird movement pattern
You know how the head kind of like floats on top probably magnetically and then there's the ball that's rolling around all that kind of
Stuff that weird movement pattern is actually
Referential back to Jar Jar Binks the weird movement pattern that Jar Jar Binks had that it's gonna destroy
It's not just coming through your phone
It's just playing through your phone
Okay, whatever
Anyways, so I think that they
There's AI now, and they figured out how to download Jar Jar Binks's personality and movement procedures
But then put it into something that moves on a ball, and that's actually what bb-8 is also Millennium Falcon
It's probably now flown by a wiki not Han Solo
Wookie sorry not Han Solo because Han Solo again is probably too old so he might have flown it like once or twice near the
Beginning of the movie, but by the end. It'll be flown by a wookie
Now I just want to finish that song I love that song you know what's really funny is I had never actually listened to Supernova
Until like months after we'd been using it as our intro song for months
How did you have it playing through the phone and your it was playing through my phone
That's what I was trying to tell you. Oh, I couldn't hear you. I was like. What are you doing?
It's obviously not working, but then you were like what?
That's never happened before
Okay, so why don't we move on to our our next like sort of real topic here ghost when the show's done
Please tell me you've got some statistic for how many people you're banning
There's like three or four bands viewable in chat like all the time
Oh, no all right so drone owners must register with the FAA
What is it federal aviation administration something along those lines basically they take care of the air?
Except the breathability of it
We take care of the air
But you gotta you gotta say it a little bit differently we take care of
Your air yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah your air. It's good. It's gonna be more personal
Yeah, so starting December 21st, and when this first came out when we first heard that they were gonna try and implement drone registration
Before the end of this year. I think both you and I called BS on it and said there's no way
They'll get something turn around that quickly yeah
So I was wrong
You know wait wasn't it drone like?
Anyways mandatory drone registration. I said there was no way they would get it pushed through by the end of the year
I said something along the lines of wow that's optimistic. Yeah
It's done December 21st. They beat the end of the year by over a week, so basically in a nutshell
You'll find nuts
Sorry, I'm just waiting for the
Windows is kind of it's kind of in its own little world right now. It'll happen
If you register on the December 21st so soon up until January 20th
It's free registration if you register after that it's only five bucks
So it's like actually really not that big of a deal it only applies to like I'm gonna say larger drones
But it's anything that isn't over half a pound yeah
Yeah, over half a pound which is fairly reasonable actually because it leaves a lot of those like foam
You know toy ones like the indoor flyers like the little tiny ones and stuff
But you don't have to go through and five buck register all of those leaves that out
But if you buy like a DJI for a bunch of money the $5 registration probably isn't that huge on top of it
But this is something that I see as as a big problem like and I said that they wouldn't be able to roll this out
In time or I didn't think they'd be able to roll this out in time, and I'm actually only sort of wrong because
For professional use the drone registry is actually for for business purposes
Um until the FAA unless the FAA has granted a special exemption
They're not set up for it yet, so they're expecting to release rules
Legalizing business use of drones by mid 2016 and so I'm kind of sitting here going are you kidding me?
What for six months unless you go and get us a special?
Exemption you can't use a drone for professional purposes
That you basically haven't done it on time. That's all you're really saying is like yep
We weren't done in time, but we're just gonna push this through and we're gonna understand. I guess that people are
Just gonna do it anyway like yeah, dude perfect
They're not gonna. They're not gonna have aerial footage in their videos because you banned drones for commercial use right
What do you get? What are you gonna do?
I don't know. I think I think I believe I personally believe drones do need to be regulated in some way I
Don't necessarily think a national drone registry is the answer I mean
Yeah, this was you can have a lot of wow you can come at this a lot of different ways
You can kind of go okay. Well. You know drones are dangerous
They have the potential to disrupt you know
Public services you can make a lot of the same arguments about guns in Canada
We have a gun registry look at how well that worked out for us
Yeah, made literally no difference at all so do I think a drone registry is the answer no not necessarily
But I do think something had to be done, so I guess they're doing I'm sure I'm just ignorant or not informed in some way
But why does this cost 56 million dollars to operate for five years four years?
150 that's more than 10 million dollars to take registration forms for 40 like per year
What I?
Don't know why I
Was hoping you were gonna be like oh of course it's because of but no I mean if if any of that money goes towards
Then I can see that being very expensive
Maybe but you'd think the enforcement would just be like a look-up
Like if someone brings in a call like there's this broken freaking drone in my backyard and police show up and take it okay
they go like oh serial number look it up in the form done, so here's the problem you're coming at this from like a
database programmer
Perspective yes where this should be very easy because it should just be a database yeah
and basically it should need no one to run it because
Officers should just go to an online portal
Yep, and enter a serial number, and then they should have the name of whoever owns it yeah, but what you are forgetting
Okay, is that and so I will I will I will play devil's advocate
I completely agree with you 56 million dollars is absolutely ridiculous
I was hoping the American taxpayer should be outraged that it's costing this much
And and when you also consider that people have to pay to register the drone. They're actually paying a registration fee
Yeah, that's like yeah, so so anyway um the whole world doesn't necessarily work like that
Okay, like you know Joanna middle of Hicksville
You know wherever that has a drone fall in her backyard is gonna want to call someone and say you know hey this drone
Fell in my backyard. It's like a flying saucer
I don't know what this is and she's gonna want to talk to someone and
They're gonna need to talk to someone and someone's gonna like have to go out and retrieve it
I don't know if that falls on the police
I don't know if the FAA gets involved in that so administration of any kind of public service
Involves dealing with the public which is extremely time-consuming and extremely costly to be fair so in the notes
It says drone registration will cost
56 million to operate
Yes, but that could be a wording thing yes
Yeah, so so there you go, that's my devil's advocate
I I still think it's outrageous, but that's all I really have to say about that um
This is interesting so oh the original poster for that last one was
Aries Krieger on the forum and the original poster for this one is Sims
$38,350 a day yeah
Wow I wonder what kind of videos we could make that kind of a holy and all the confiscated drones that we have
Why why does it cost that much no servers servers come main mainframes
A DDoS identity protection
Well no we're not gonna talk about that there just be an internal website
Like local network. I'm sure all the police stations are network together like on their own thing
Probably not really like internal police remember to but America is basically like like
56 countries or whatever however many states there I can ever remember
Actually you know what that probably could be part of it. That's probably it. It's probably all up there, okay
We figured it out probably all the bureaucratic nonsense and basically setting it all up like 50 times. Yeah
So actually I kind of get it now that that that makes it a lot more clear
So this is interesting EU countries will be able to stop kids under 16 from using social media without
He figured it out shell out
What were people all upset that I hadn't figured it out yet. No that no the states. I'm out of states
Oh, I don't did I I don't care you said 50 did I is it 50?
Yeah, I mean we should consolidate a few yeah, we keep it simple there, British Columbia, Alberta
I had Edmonton is a city in Alberta. I
Did it out of order Ontario Quebec, New Brunswick, New Zealand
Halifax which is in New Brunswick lots of little I know it's a Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island
US territories we don't know if that's one or two the Yukon which has a vine it for some reason
Yeah, we keep it really simple oh
Man it'd be great someone needs to capture that and just like Canadian geography
Canadian geography in 10 seconds or less
Your guys's is too big and too cut up and ours is too big and just not enough people are there
Yeah, don't worry about it. It's like what is you forgot about?
Newfoundland like yeah, but there's like six people who?
Four of which are probably watching the show and gonna complain that I said that
All right, so what are we talking about right?
So this is really interesting because the enforcement of it is where like it hits the fan on this one
So each country in the EO in the EU in the EO
in the EU gets to decide for itself in the European operation on a limit between 13 and
16 years old for how old children have to be before they can sign up for social media without
Parental permission and they are pushing this on the social media networks to figure out how to enforce with stiff
Penalties like we're talking fines of up to 4% of global sales if they fail to comply
It just got real. I mean do I disagree?
actually because there's all these rules that everyone seems to agree on and that's that
kids should be
It should have their parents permission to participate in some of this stuff because there's a lot of stuff out there
That they probably shouldn't have access to at 13 years of old age and you could argue
that something like
Social media could actually be more detrimental to a kid than like a porn website. I could easily make that argument
So and I'm not gonna bother because I'm sure I always I always bring those things like you could argue because I don't have a kid
So I haven't like actually deeply thought through these things, but I would be more scared of social media than other stuff
Yeah, I mean, I mean, okay, there is there is probably some fairly damaging pornographic material as well
Yeah, but if we're just talking like, you know
Two people doing a thing which is the easiest stuff to find which is the easiest stuff to find
I really don't think that's as big of a deal as some of the some of the
Really horrible and I like I hate to use the bullying word because it almost is it
It sounds less severe than some of the some of the stuff people can go through on
there's even the small bits where you're like trying to give them a positive outlook on life and all this kind of stuff and like
Social media is largely just a tank of hatred
Yeah, I mean it really depends on who you surround yourself with on it
But that's that's like trending stuff to that
I don't think every 13 year old is savvy enough to have that figured out yet
I think that's why they put these age restrictions in place
And you can say well I was ready when I was 13 and that's great
And so was I actually and my parents recognized that and let me have a computer so
It would have been fine everything would have been fine
My parents were like you can have a computer, but we're gonna put it in the middle of like everything
Yeah, and that's that's the way I'm gonna do it. It's like yeah, you can use the tablet use it on the couch over there
So the social media services dislike this for obvious reasons
It adds a barrier to entry for their platforms, and it means that they they can't really just kind of go. Oh well
We didn't see we uh you know she she said she was legal
You know so I showed her all those ads even though. That's you know
There's legislation that says I can't do that and I did all these things her current like enrollment
Is that it's an elementary school, but she had a really good fake. I couldn't tell
It's like yeah that actually has never held up
So I don't really understand why it's held up thus far in this case, so yep
Yeah, let's let's see how that let's see how that goes
The companies will not be allowed to divulge information that they have received for a particular purpose without the permission of the person concerned
so they're basically just
Tightening down the laws and I honestly though as much as I'm kind of going yeah, well this seems like a good idea
I do also understand. It's really not that simple and sometimes she has a really good fake ID
And it's really really hard to tell so
One one potentially very negative thing that I see coming out of this is that in order for these sites to validate
That these people are indeed
Overage or that they do indeed have parental permission is that they could become even more strict about you providing proof of who you are
something that you know many internet privacy advocates are
Seriously against I heard this I just assumed that
Wow, that's really shitty
I just assumed that you would need like a parent's Twitter account to be like like
Send an email to this person and invite them to the program. That's the only way that they can join
I'm like ice well. I assumed that a parent could define email addresses
So you're like don't let this person register. They're not old enough or whatever right
But I don't know how you can verify that you own it
Maybe you have to like click confirm on the other end of the email or something to
Agree that you're not allowed to have an account
But yeah, if it has to be some sort of ID registration. That's actually kind of sketchy. Yep, so there's there's
The answer is never that simple
and speaking of answer never being that simple if
only getting rid of Isis was as simple as
weaponized AI
so this was posted by Novus ball in the forum original article here is from
My eyes are so tired
The Pentagon wants 15 billion dollars
for weaponized AI in
15 billion mind you if all the government can do with what was it 56?
Million is managed to create a drone registry. I'm actually not worried about them making much progress
Also to be fair a lot of what it lists in here who knows what they're actually gonna do
But a lot of what it lists in here is making the human more effective in combat
And they're talking about things like exoskeletons wearable devices cooperative systems
Smart missiles and stuff. What makes me assume that it's not necessarily only that is they're totally doing
Literally all of those things already. Yeah, so I think it's actually very safe to say that that has nothing to do with what they're
doing because
They're definitely doing wearable devices already. They already have exoskeletons
I'm sure they already have cooperative systems for drones and planes to fly together and they
Definitely have smart missiles already. So so get this we'll work closely with Congress to make weaponized AI program
Cost-effective and the work will be classified. Of course, it will be so but so whatever they're telling us
They're also telling us
And we don't know what it is
We don't know what it is. Well, it's it's possible. We'll never know what it is
You know, it is
amazing the kind of stuff that gets kept on that gets like kind of swept under the rug by the US government cuz what is
It well, there's that law or something like 50 years after something or 75 years or however long it is
Records records can be opened and like I was listening to sports talk radio. No secret
It's the only thing I listen to in the car and I forget who it is. He's some like baseball
like all-time
He was betting on
No, no betting on games something something. What's his name? Pete Rose. There we go. So
Pete Rose after years of public denial admitted to betting on baseball when he wasn't playing
There's evidence to support that he was betting while he was still playing but some of the records
For this are sealed
By the US government and I'm kind of sitting here going like they were talking about this and they're like, yeah
But we won't know until you know, the records get unsealed. I was like
Why why is the baseball players right? Like you've got to be kidding me. Like is this a matter of national security?
Did he hit a ball too hard and hit a frickin UFO out of this guy? Like you gotta be kidding me here
Um, so I actually forget why I got on the subject of that it was just it reminded it's funny
Some war stuff it's really weird like some of the things are researching which gets opened up. It's like
All right, Germany attempting to end hate speech on the internet
this was posted by Aries Krieger on the forum and
Guess I I wish them a lot more luck and success than I wish the Pentagon on weaponizing AI
But I don't think that's gonna do much for either of their efforts
My favorite two notes on here is unclear how these things will work and also unclear what the appeal process will look like
So basically the whole thing is unclear
No one understands how it's supposed to happen. But yeah complaints will be examined by special teams inside the companies
That will decide whether the content violates German laws and this is social media companies
Okay, so they've got special teams to examine the content a Twitter spokesperson declined to comment representatives from Facebook
Google and the German government did not immediately respond to requests for comment from and like
Would this mean that like Linus tech tips would have to have a special team for the forum?
Wow, I hope not cuz like a lot of those kind of sites aren't really gonna be able to survive if they need like
Actually dedicated members cuz like here's the thing to consider is like while we do moderate the public forum
There's might not necessarily be able to hit it within that timeframe
And there's nothing that we can really do about private messages because we don't monitor them for privacy reasons
So you can report them if you're a forum user you can report the private message
And if you report it, it invites us into the conversation. We can see it. Yes, but outside of that no
So, yeah. Well if the German government calls, I'll just be like
I don't think I is Misa in German
No, I don't think I is Misa in German
I was trying to figure out what you mixed them. Oh and I was like wait
Like what language
All right, so this is posted by Nova sorry, I'm so tired this week
George hots has built a self-driving car in his garage raising the obvious question
Why was this so complicated because there's really nothing to crash into in a garage. Oh
And how will he keep from dying?
Must be very low emissions. Oh, well, it could be a vented garage. I guess it could be a vented garage
Do they have that like is that like is that like an anti suicide like feature of houses?
That would be kind of cool, right?
Like if they just made it like Canadian law closed and that like the vents closed and then if it detects CO2
Yeah, it could just open. Yeah, and like fans could turn on or something
Like it seems like that like in our in our rubber room, but nope, oh
Right, cuz you sit in the car. So I will excuse me for not knowing like the most about trying not to write
Oh, yeah, good call. Okay
So moving forward he yeah. Anyways, this dude is like really smart but has an interesting personality
He was the first person as far as that. This might I'm going totally off script here
But I think he was the first person to hack the iPhone in order to get it on to carriers that weren't AT&T
This is geo hot very well known on the internet for the hackings of the things
That's what his car looks like right now pretty badass
He's worked for a lot of like really crazy companies but not for very long
He's 26. He likes to quit
And then move on because he likes to
Say that he knows everything and is much further than that company and then be like, well, this isn't challenging enough and then move on
Which is why he lives in his garage, but also why he does super badass stuff like this
He had meetings with Elon Musk Elon Musk offered him millions and millions and millions of dollars if his thing was able to beat the one that
They're already planning on replacing that's in the Tesla's and this guy eventually was like you changed the terms too much. So nope
You changed the terms too much. So nope Elon's email back was literally just okay
So they were done talking now
His self-driving car is largely built built around learning
So the prototype will learn from other drivers and right now has been learning from that, dude
So if you're gonna drive this car, hopefully you think that that dude drives really really really good
But theoretically over time it will learn from a large amount of drivers and should be okay
My only problem with that is that it totally leaves room for error
Yeah, all we need to set back self-driving car legislation by a decade or more bad
Competition is is a crappy product that isn't ready for primetime. I don't think this dude's gonna release a crappy product
He's actually like really really really really really good, but but it's still scary. Yeah
Yeah, it grabs data from other drivers and learns from their choices
Right now it's learning off of him. It's a really interesting setup and he plans on selling it for like surprisingly really cheap
Yeah, apparently the cameras that it's using it's like a kit of about six cameras
That would be similar to the kind that you would find in a smartphone
So the plan is to sell camera and software for a thousand dollars each to automakers or to consumers
Yeah, so you could buy this kit and implement it in your own car, which is pretty cool
Yeah, if you also happen to have the you know
Electronics know-how. Yeah to make that happen
So this next oh man this next topic I actually oh, you know what? No before we get into this next topic
So our first sponsor today is fresh books the books that keep you fresh, you know
It's really good when you go to a bookstore you pick up a new book and it smells really good because it smells fresh
I'm into that i'm into that but that's actually nothing to do with fresh books
So fresh books is a cloud-based accounting software for small businesses that lets them get organized
Get paid faster track hours and expenses and all of that without necessarily being a a numbers
A numbers person so if you're running a small dance studio or you're doing massage on the side or you're doing massage on the back
Or massage on the front
Or sorry, I got sidetracked there. Yeah abdominal abdominal massage roll massage, you know, yeah, it's like rolling the dough
Massage, um, sorry, what are we talking about? Right? So you could rolling the dough you could be a small time baker
Um, I thought you'd say roll in the dough by using fresh books the invoice. Oh, that's good, too
Oh, yeah. I like that one better than mine. Um, so
So basically you can keep track of your hours you can
Send bills to your clients. You can accept a deposit you can get paid by your clients
You can see when they've seen the invoice so you can be like, okay, I'm gonna do this
I'm gonna get paid by your clients. You can see when they've seen the invoice so you can be like, yo
Sup, you should probably pay me right about now, although I wouldn't recommend, you know, going on drug dealer collections on it
Yeah, maybe maybe you you still have to actually run your business
which is exactly the point of this is you can spend your time running your business doing your work instead of
Dinking around with complicated accounting software all the time
So if you want to try it out for free visit freshbooks.com
Slash when and claim your free trial and enter when in the how did you hear about us?
and they'll be like
No, we said how you'll be like when and they'll be like how?
They'll be like who and you'll be like when what?
Um speaking of what speaking of what hell sorry, I did that thing. I did a thing that was wrong. Okay
Hey tunnel bear
If you want to do the thing that is wrong you go ahead you do tunnel there
I clearly can't handle this today if you want to do the thing that is wrong in your country
But might be right in someone else's country
You could use tunnel bear or if you just want to cover up your tracks or do whatever I don't know
It's a vpn. It's free if you use 500 megabytes of data in one month
Are you advising people on how to do I've just I don't know i'm leaving it up to them people can do whatever they want
That's what tunnel bears about you can hide yourself behind a bear
It's pretty cool. I actually love the tunnel bear like naming scheme and pictures and I actually use it all the time now
I'm, not even just saying that because it's a sponsor spot. It's running on my work computer
Literally this second and it's a nice little wooden dashboard. I like the clicky sound that the button makes whatever none of that's important
They have apps for ios android pc and mac and also a chrome extension. I just use the windows app
Not the chrome extension, but whatever
Um, it lets you tunnel to up to 16 different countries
And one thing that I like is they also have just what is the closest tunnel as an option which is actually pretty cool
If you're not currently worried about getting outside of your own country in order to access a service
But still want to cover up your tracks whether it's for advertisement targeting reasons or other reasons
Um, you can just go what's the closest tunnel and then it's probably nice and fast. I noticed
No, perceivable speed difference and just browsing and doing other various basic things on the computer when doing that. So that was cool
Um, they fixed the annoying parts of vpn usage for personal use
there's no need to mess around with port configurations dns or other router settings or whatever you just
Download the thing install the thing log into the thing. Press the knobby button on to on and then it works. So
Yeah, okay. If you want to get unlimited data
You have to pay for it, but you can save 10 by going to tunnelbear.com slash ltt
And finally good old square space, you know the funny thing about
Dang it. That is exactly where I was going with that
The funny thing about squarespace is that their sites look great regardless of the aspect ratio of your screen
That is exactly where I was going with it. Oh, none of this is scripted you ruin everything
Build it beautiful. Thank you. That was scripted. So they've got 24-7 support via live chat and email
it's only eight bucks a month for the management tools to manage your website as well as your web hosting service and
Oh, that's to start with obviously
They do have more expensive plans commerce is included with every website and the templates look great on any size screen
regardless of whether you want to build a blog or uh, or uh, like, you know informational site about
Barrels or crates or five-gallon buckets or whatever the case may be
And you can start a trial on squarespace with no credit card required and start building your website today
Visit squarespace.com and use offer code linus to save 10% and remember
Squarespace is not just for you
Squarespace is for anyone who wants to build a website and wants it to actually be easy and still look not like crap
And when I say not like crap, I mean they actually look really good as long as you don't
Intentionally find photos of crap and upload them to squarespace probably still make it look good
You could probably still make it look good with squarespace. So, uh, there you go guys
Squarespace.com offer code linus save 10% squarespace build it beautiful
Squarespace build it beautiful
Someone tweeted them the other day
And included me in it and was like you guys should really get
A commercial of just luke running around yelling squarespace build it beautiful at random people. No, they should not
They are so much the problem is people would just be like scared and like what just happened and they wouldn't get the point at all
Just running up to people squarespace build it beautiful then running like no one would get it. It wouldn't work
Well as a marketing campaign, okay. Well, hold on a second
Let's think let's talk about what's effective as a marketing campaign if you were to if you were to do this to adults
I don't think it would be effective. But if you were to scream it at children
You could actually scar them for life
So hold on hold on so you so you like paint your teeth red, right?
Oh, and you put in like yellow contacts or whatever. So you like walk up to people
So you walk so you walk up to people with your eyes closed and your mouth closed or like these kids, right?
You scream in their face, right?
Sorry, I spit on you. It's got all like the laptop my bad. Um
I I think that they would not only remember that forever, but they would tell their friends
Probably it would be a very well known campaign. Yeah, it would be pretty viral
I think I don't know who'd be viral in like an it's a virus
Right way. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah
Um, wow, some of my best slash worst ideas really come when i'm super sleep deprived like this
So I told you my writing thing, right?
If I write a script at like four or five in the morning, it's considerably better like the length it's it's like it's it's
It's like it's it's it's tight. It's packed with really good information
It's funny all that kind of stuff and it's I do it really quickly next
You're gonna be on the whole thing and next you're gonna tell me that you could do that in the afternoon
If I let you bring some reefer into the office
Apparently this office runs on that stuff that i'm not gonna name the drink not alcohol the uh
Uh, uh, what is that I don't even know what that is really
Yeah, it's that like insanity energy drink that john's been totally hyped up on over the last like week and a half
Oh he has and every once in a while
He's like he'll be like, I don't feel very good. I was like, how much did you have?
He's like two i'm like don't do that
Oh, is there a reason we're not saying the name of it like are we in negotiations with them to be a sponsor?
I don't know. I just I just I don't know why we have it. I don't know
Oh, okay. We have like a lot of it for some reason. Oh, okay. Is this a colton initiative? Yeah
Okay, sure. Well, whatever. Um, okay, right
So the reason that this next topic reminded me of our sponsor spot for the day is that it actually involves
one of our sponsors
Um, not on the show today, but uh dollar shave club is actually one of our oldest sponsors
Going back they were actually them and squarespace were were I think the first couple who were not tech companies
Yeah, we're just like yeah, we think what you guys do is cool
We're not a tech company, but we figure like we figure
You're everyone needs a website though, you don't have to like it's not intel they don't make hardware
By tech I meant hardware to be clear. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Yes software is technology and quite frankly innovative new business models are also
Razors kind of are too. Yeah a lot of things are okay
Arguably this piece of foam is technology if you really want to start getting into fire fire is technology. Thank you
All right, so basically, um
Gillette is suing dollar shade club for patent infringement
And um, you could say that Gillette has razor burn
Uh, I was trying to think of a funny hook for a topic call it I couldn't think of one
But I just yeah, that is a real slap in the face
To uh dollar shave club there nice job
Good one. Okay, so a suit was filed in
In a delaware court
Saying that dollar shave club razors infringe on a Gillette patent for the way that the razors are designed as well as the materials
Used on the blades Gillette says that dollar shave club has damaged its business and threatened its intellectual property
I'm sure they've damaged. I'm sure they've damaged their business quite heavily actually in the best possible way
Calling for an injunction for a dollar shave club to stop selling razors that violate the patent as well as compensation for damages
A dollar shave club representative said they're looking into the situation
Yep, so basically, um proctor and gamble is going to try to
Um sue away the only competition that they really have and go back to being uh, basically a monopoly
I don't think shit is actually
Gillette tried their own club thing
Yep, and it probably just burned and failed super hard if I recall correctly their pricing wasn't very good
Um, I don't know if it was available in canada. I remember seeing an ad for it at some point
But yeah, they just called it like Gillette shave club or something like that like they didn't even try
Yeah, they didn't even they didn't even try
Like to like like dollar beard club or whatever. It's called. Yeah, that thing that's ridiculous, but I get it
At least it's a different product. I guess
That one actually weirded me out a lot too. I was just like
They shouldn't have done it. They should have just called it something else and then they even if they just called it beard club
Yeah, and they're like their promotional video is a straight rip off of the dollar shave club promotional video
The dollar shave club promotional video. Um, I wonder how they're doing. Like do they still exist dollar build beard club?
I don't know. I'm sure they probably exist. Um, yeah monthly subscription things
If I recall correctly even their site was like really really similarly laid out
Yeah to the point where I contacted dollar shave club when I heard about it. I was like, is this you guys?
And they're just like no
That would have been smart though
Find the dudes that want to shave with a razor and find the dudes that don't want to save with a razor
wow, their site is really slow or it's
Oh how it works
Yeah, so it's like this exact accelerators
Same site. Can you make your beard grow faster?
Use these amazing products sounds like a thicker that sounds like beard snake oil. It's probably oils
Probably oils
It might be a real thing. I just i've just never heard of that. Yeah
Um, so anyway, yeah, I guess from uh, this is really interesting. Um, oh it is
This is really interesting apparently dollar shave club has more than two million subscribers
Wow, which I actually had like I had no idea how many subscribers they have. I just
You know, we work with them
They sponsor us we talk about dollar shave club. I mean, I never actually it was like hey
Could I just get a copy of your financials so that I can for my own curiosity just kind of know so
They they have products ranging from what is it about a dollar to nine dollars is the top end one
Per month. So what that means if they have two million subscribers is let's average it
But let's lean towards sort of the lower end. Let's say they get four dollars and fifty cents per subscriber or something like that
Isn't that exactly an average not tuned towards?
With no because the uh, the next one up is higher than the middle
Oh, I okay. Yeah. Yeah
So four and a half times two million for some reason that just bing searched for me
You have got to be kidding me. This has to be a new behavior
I don't think i've seen it do this before so that would be nine million dollars a month
Wow, um, yeah plus but butter one wipe charlie's
Not bad, yeah, but you have to factor in material cost. Oh, I know it's not it's not pure profit
Yeah, I do understand that they actually have a warehouse that they're actually giving you razors
They actually ship a physical product to you. So so get this get this you guys
4.5 times
Million. Okay, if I press enter
Instead of just opening it in calculator, which would be the obvious sensible thing to do
I know I know it did just give me the answer here
It bings it please never bing anything windows 10 never ever bing anything not even once
hate bing
And I don't hate it like out of spite or anything. It just doesn't work
So instead I can't believe he used the calculator. He actually does do a lot of mental math just when you have
7 000 people watching you live right now and 180 200 and something thousand people watching you later
You might as well check your math and you're also producing the show that you are
You know one of only two talents on and hosting and all that kind of stuff and like if you've been in high level education
You probably check like I found that even dudes that could do basically any mental math would just check their stuff on a calculator
Anyways, and then if what they thought was going to happen didn't happen on the calculator
Then they wouldn't make sure their calculator wasn't broken
They would make sure that they input it and last but not least we had a data loss thing this week
And I haven't slept much and my daughter's sick. So I was up at
5 45 this morning and I didn't sleep until two last night
So i'm super duper tired having a second input for your math is not bad. So exclusive on tech spot
Overclocking locked intel skylake cpus is now possible
Uh, so as rock has apparently implemented this already on some of their motherboards with a bios update
that enables overclocking for non
skews which
Pretty much the benefit of a case. Q is that you can overclock it
Because I mean, yes, they are clocked higher out of the box
But if you can overclock a lot of the time the binning differences from one chip to another one unless you're talking like oh
I really need that extra, you know point six seven of a watt of idle power consumption or whatever
Is it doesn't affect the final overclocking clock speed that much there's a lot of other things that they've been for operating voltage temperatures
Power consumption all that other kind of stuff. So being able to overclock
Overclocked locked skylake processors kind of a big deal the update will be rolled out soon
And the speculation is that although asrock is the first other motherboard makers will follow
So, uh the vendors do need to implement a specific workaround for this and you can bet that intel is not going to be thrilled
About it. I was just going to say intel's not going to be stoked on that. Nope. They're not but quite frankly
I mean
Intel has already started to relax the death grip
Uh when they released the pentium anniversary edition, they gave us a non-k unlocked skew
I hope that this is a move towards
you know
maybe we just won't lock this stuff down anymore because
Yeah, maybe we could differentiate with different features like giving them more cores or like, you know
Higher end virtualization technology capabilities more PCI express lanes. I am all over that virtualization stuff right now
I I I'm loving it. Well, the difference is that i've always loved the idea
But i've never had the time to sit down and go. Okay. I am going to learn vmware today
It's just never really happened for me and unraid has a made it really simple and b given me a reason to deploy it on systems
other than just
to have virtualization
The fact that so many of our systems are also are are nas are overpowered nas's
It's like we are like a prime candidate for unraid because we've got all these nas machines that are chock-full of xeons
and a bunch of ram and it's like
Yeah, if I could if I could have like overpowered nas's that go down all the time
Well, that's a whole other conversation
But if I could use some of that cpu power on my overpowered nas's to maybe that's why they're going down all the time
render watch folders or whatever else then then great. That's good news. Love it
This is hilarious, it's already patched by the way, the last one was from oming
already patched but um
And the
The headline here is is very uh sensationalist because it's already patched. What what how do I make this ad go away?
What the crap lifehacker? Oh my god, it covers the headline
Stop. Okay. If I click expand does it go away?
No expand does nothing
Correct. Uh, you can read the headline in the url
What the crap
Okay. Yeah, thank you. You can break into a linux system by pressing backspace
And then the headline it's 28 times. I don't know why it's yeah. Yeah. Um, so yeah, do you want to run through this?
uh, basically as far as I
Knew you literally just press in the bootloader press backspace 28 times and then it asks you for your username to access the grub
Rescue shell and then you can access all the things
Yep, so that was patched really fast and that's about it. I mean, it's one of those things where it's like
Who would even do that? So the so the fact that it sat there for what was it like eight years or something like that?
Was uncovered by a couple of security researchers in spain and you need like direct physical access. Yep and like
Yeah, like it's not the end of the world either it's pretty fun, but it's pretty careless
And pretty funny and uh, yeah, hopefully hopefully no one was actually compromised by it
They they patched it really really quickly really fast
Uh seagate's cfo this was originally posted by z mule on the forum figures hard drives are going to stay really fast
Originally posted by z mule on the forum figures hard drives are going to stay relevant for the next
20 years the original article here is from anon tech
so I I don't see it's really funny because like a lot of the a lot of the the blurb here I I really
You know don't really understand the relevance the very first hard disk drives were demonstrated by ibm back in 1956
1956 the hard drive has held up for all these, you know, 60 years and so it's probably got another
15 to 20 years left. You know what the past is actually zero indication of the future
Especially when it comes to high technology, you know what else you know, what else held up had had lasted a really long time
phones without touchscreens
Where are they? Where are they now?
Oh, yeah, remember remember how quickly that transition happened between the phone that's attached to the wall and the phone that you can carry around
The house with you
That was like overnight like over a span of like a couple years
everyone and their dog went from like
Twirling it's really funny because you watch old movies like the girls on the bed with the feet behind her twirling the phone cord
It's just like
There's something off about this
We had like a lot of people that that I knew did this too is you'd have one corded phone and it was the old
One that just somehow kept working and you'd keep it in the house just in case all the cordless phones died
Yeah, it was like oh whatever you can use that one, I guess while the other one charges then just switch
So, uh, basically if people even have house phones anymore, that was a huge switch. Yeah
Yeah, I don't have one. We don't have a line at the office
It's finally starting to get to the point where they're starting to remove home phone from forms
Sign-up forms. Have you noticed that? No, not a ton of them, but i've noticed a few sign-up forms
They don't bother with the home phone line anymore
It's funny or or the mandatory flag is not on home phone. It's on mobile phone. I've seen that too
Wow, I haven't seen that before that one. I think i've only seen that once
All right, so, uh hard drives to stay relevant for the next 15 to 20 years
To stay this this is great
One of the keys is that to stay relevant hdds need to keep increasing capacity
According to the tech road map hard drives will rise to 100 terabytes by 2025
And in the coming years, they will adopt new writing techniques to be sure that when terabyte drives came out
I was like wow, I can just get one of those and put everything on it. Yeah, it'll keep everything forever
Now am I like four terabyte hard drive? I'm like, uh, I kind of need like twice that amount of space
I do still have some major concerns about 100 terabyte drives. There's some good. There's actually some good graphs in the uh,
In the article here. So here we have perpendicular magnetic recording
So that's that's now then we have perpendicular magnetic recording but like more better. So plus
Then there's heat assisted magnetic recording that is apparently going to get us
Somewhere in the neighborhood of so here's where we're at now 2015 is is our baseline
So that's apparently going to get us up to
Wait, is this uh, is this a logarithmic scale
Uh, yeah, I think this is a hundred yeah, oh for crying out loud
Okay. Well that does not make my life easier right now. So that gets us to
Um percentages what are what are what are we at? So we're at about 10 terabytes right now
So halfway to a hundred would be what?
Math was never a strong point for me like like this kind of math
Anyway, so 100 terabytes by 2025
And in the year 2019 sort of somewhere in the neighborhood of it looks like see this is but this is a measure of aerial density
In terabytes per inch squared. So I have to also convert that to the capacities of the drives that we have today
The graph there's other there's there's uh, yeah screw the graph
There's other factors like how many platters they're going to put in a drive
So things like helium filled drives will allow for more platters within a drive
So they figure with air inside you can get around five discs with helium you can get around seven
Um with also power consumption decrease as well as a temperature decrease
So there's a bunch of stuff that's coming to increase the aerial density
And increase the number of platters and and make them higher capacity
But here is my concern
While over the last five to eight years we have seen a huge improvement in capacity of drives
Like I still remember building my first computer in high school when I was like, so it's been about 10 11 12 years ago
I don't know how old I am, uh about 12 years ago and like
You know 120 gigs was pretty good and now I can have an eight terabyte drive
The problem is that they've only about two and a half x'd in speed in that time and we're running into that problem
That USB 2 drives ran into where the flash capacity got so high
That you could literally have a thumb drive that would take you several days to fill up
And it's like what is the actual point of this anymore?
It's gotten to the point where this is just kind of stupid now
So a drive that takes so long to fill and so long to read all the data off of
Becomes very difficult to back up
Kind of impractical in some ways. So I I don't know. I don't know. I guess um, you know, hey
Maybe I'm totally wrong about this and we'll uh, and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it and they'll find ways to also
dramatically increase the reliability
Because if you know you're gonna write a hundred terabytes of data to a drive at a time
I sure as heck hope that that's not gonna you know, make one mistake in a thousand
You know billion or whatever hundred billion. There we go. Hundred billion
Yeah, it can't make one mistake in a hundred billion or you've got a problem
Yeah, that's a little scary to be fair
That's not even bits times eight
If you're gonna be doing backups a lot of people do incremental backups
Instead of like waiting till they have a giant thing and then backing it up. That's true. But um
That's true, but um
I mean if you if you're doing a seed copy if you buy a new drive
You will have to put stuff on it if the objective is to buy that new drive or even
Even doing something like if you're using a product like unraid
Doing a parity sync that will take a long time. Oh, yeah reading 100 terabytes of
Data off of all of your drives while you build a parity disk. It's gonna take a really long time. It's gonna suck
I don't know one thing that i'm really interested in is
The fact that we still have data caps and data caps are even like the amount of data caps is increasing not necessarily
You mean like mobile data?
Uh, nope. Oh internet data. Yeah. Oh, yeah
Yeah, um and like the amount of places that have data caps seem to be increasing the data caps themselves are not increasing
That would be nice if they would increase to the point where they don't matter. They're not
um, but the amount of places that have them is increasing yet game sizes and
Netflix and all this kind of stuff is massively increasing the amount that we need to download
Um youtube in higher definition netflix
At all, um game sizes being like all 50 gigs or above these days. Um
Like i'm luckily my isp seems to mostly ignore it
I'm over my data cap every month and I have the most expensive one I can get. Yep, like
Okay, it's getting kind of it's getting kind of like I don't even feel like I do anything crazy
Yeah, like I actually don't feel like I did there's lots of things that I would love to do that
I can't because i'm like well I would be way over my data cap and they definitely did send me that shaw
Shaw recently dialed back like all their services. Um, and the problem is that I don't have good teleservice in my area
Like you've got there you've got their fiber service, which is like good for you, buddy
That's awesome. And like that's nothing for me. I spent way too much. It's my highest monthly bill outside of rent and
Seriously, and I still hit their data cap all the time
Um, whereas like in my area there there's still a dsl and it's 25 down one up or something stupid like that
I was like you take a hike. I think I can get unlimited data, but I have to spend like 40 more bucks a month or something
Ouch, which is just like
Holy crap. I basically have to get an entirely new
internet plan, right? Well, I actually have a plan for for my house if I can find a way to put like a tower
On top of the linus media group building then just beam beam. You're not not limited internet from here over
So we actually got a really cool piece of equipment from ubiquity networks. It's here
Yeah, it's here. Um, so we've got a dish based, uh, five gigahertz long distance
like one of the ones we have can do 500 megabit over around 200 kilometers
Wow, that's really far. Yeah, it's like actually like it like you it would take you two hours to drive. Yeah
Wow, that's really cool. Um, but you have to have a direct line of sight
So if when we're like really old and retired we should get like cabins, but then have like land networking. Yeah
When linus media group, you know takes off and we can all just retire
Yeah, and like live in the woods because whatever. Yeah. No, I didn't mean like a vacation cabin. I meant like a
We just don't want to be near society for whatever reason. Yeah, so so basically, you know, we just kind of go
Okay, we tell our isp like okay, how far how close can you get fiber?
Okay, get it to one of us
and then we just build like
We build our own tower
People were telling me someone was telling me that apparently there's a community that that did this really like a remote community
That was just like we are tired of this bull crap and they used this kind of gear
To to bring in one really great connection. They like they built their own isp network thing. I was like that is so cool
That's pretty sick. That is so cool. Like did they won?
Did they run one line and then like flush it out or did they beam it all the way over?
They they I know they ran a line I think and then they're beaming it to all the remote like houses and stuff
And people are just building towers to receive it
So cool. That's a really cool way to get away from dialogue
I mean I actually just for giggles I I got the isp that so we had to build out fiber to this location
I wasn't here already. In fact, no one was here already shaw was like, um, yeah, I don't know
I guess if you want service you can like
Check with other people in the building and see if they want it to and if you can get enough people
Then we'll bring it out. Like are you freaking kidding me?
Your entire job as the monopoly holder is to build the stupid infrastructure. I'm sorry. We're in a new neighborhood
I'm, sorry, it's not convenient for you
Anyway anyway anyway
For fiber you kind of do have to deal with that
So so we had to build out fiber to the building here in addition to our monthly bill
So for giggles, I got I got a quote on what it would cost to build out fiber to my house
Uh, I think it was going to cost something to the tune of ten to fifteen thousand dollars
But think about this for a second
You were in a place that's like in in an area like mine where there's a bunch of bylaws
And this and that you wouldn't be able to get away with this
But if you were in a more remote community where you know people actually get together at the town hall
You know once a quarter and talk about community issues and you kind of went okay look guys
It's gonna cost us ten or fifteen thousand dollars to get fiber built out to like this spot
But if we put up if we put up a little tower and if we pay just one monthly bill
We can all have low latency high speed
High speed internet that we otherwise wouldn't be able to have if we all just kind of pull together and if you're looking behind that
I could see I could like my my
Grand papier
has farm net
Like dial up farm. You can't watch my videos. Yeah
Straight up doesn't work. Yep
My dad has downloaded them
And like sent them to him where he could download them over long periods of time
to watch before like
Yeah, there's not many times where I dropped the like because it's 2015 but like how are people still on dial-up?
Yeah, it's like actually it's 2015. How are people still on dial-up?
And here's the crazy thing about it to me too is like why aren't
ISPs just offering this service then because the dishes are not that expensive like yes, they're expensive
But if i'm charging a customer, you know, that's that's one monthly bill
Yeah, if i'm charging a customer eighty dollars a month or whatever
I can eat a few hundred dollars in equipment cost. I mean they already do it on the on well, okay
They don't actually some isps do charge you a rental fee for your modem. So okay, never mind
But then then finally make it a rental fee then make it an additional 10 15 bucks a month over the course of even three
year deal or whatever that works out to
You know, if you've got a 200 kilometer range on something like this, I don't see it being impossible. I think they just don't feel like it
Yeah, it's not even about that. There's no profit to be made in it
It's just about that. It's not enough. It sounds work. It sounds like hard work
Yeah, it sounds like actual work to actually. Oh, I don't know. I guess we'd have to
I guess we'd have to like put a dish on a tower and like
Oh, we have to send someone out there. We're probably gonna have to pay them extra. Yeah
Hotel that sounds like too much. Yeah, i'm like, oh, it's just one internet connection or yeah
Buttheads anyway speaking of buttheads
We're closing down the show today. Thank you guys for tuning in. We'll see you again next week
We'll see you again next week. Same bat time same bat channel
Oh the intro's not loading wrecked
We're gonna have to make music for it anyways, aren't we?
You know how the song goes. Can you play the song on your phone?
No, not in time. I'm just waiting for the scene to switch. We have seven thousand viewers today seven thousand viewers
Wow, you guys rock all seven thousand of you rock people are asking about the cease of bill
Apparently they're trying to hide a cease of bill in a nasa bill. We don't really know that much about american politics
Please look it up
It's important and cisa is like internet stuff and
Trying to hide it under a nasa budget really pisses me off because I don't want to say no to the nasa budget
But then we also don't want the cisa bill. So like what you should probably look it up on your own time
Because we don't know enough about it. Okay. Thanks. Bye