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Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo
Welcome to the land show guys we are finally live
Apparently I needed to set up a stream key because I hadn't configured one before and for some reason my twitch credentials were not
A thing so we have a fantastic show for you guys
And I know I always say that but in reality the goal over here is that we never bring you a terrible show
We have pizza and graphics cards in this show. Yeah, we have pizza graphics cards special guest Steve got Steve Gotto
I don't even know what I'm going for
Special guest Steve Dotto will be joining us in about 20 minutes
He's an industry veteran when it comes to tech broadcasting, so it'll be kind of interesting to get a bit of a different perspective
We brought on a lot of youtuber guests, but Steve actually had his own TV show back in the day
So yeah, it does radio broadcast now, so that'll be that'll be pretty cool
of course the big topics this week the r9 290 launched and
The GeForce GTX 780 TI launched those were both
Huge graphics card launches equally relevant not like some of the ones we've had over the last little while where it's like yay
The same thing with actually the same sticker. We didn't even change the sticker
There's a lot of that that went on yeah. We've also got Call of Duty ghosts is apparently terrible I
Can't necessarily vouch for that one way or the other near of us have played it, but like wow
The reviews the reviews are terrible
I mean that the thing is that I think a lot of the time gamers can can be harsh
About things that displease them blow things out of proportion and blow things out of proportion
I mean there was the whole thing where where Oh president Obama's Facebook was getting spammed with people being upset about valve not running a
Holiday Halloween thing and I'm kind of looking at this going Obama and like Volvo and yeah
It's like I understand your your your butthurt about valve not doing a thing
but the cold hard truth is they they don't they don't have to and
President Obama doesn't care about that. I hope he doesn't I hope he doesn't know more important
Yeah, I hope Obama is focused on more important stuff
Let's he plays dota fixing all this NSA nonsense Google actually has a couple employees that have been speaking out about the NSA more on
That in a moment, and I'll let you actually introduce a couple topics to at some point here
Or I could just keep talking and you would never have an opportunity to say anything go
Well, that's usually how the streams run. Well, not usually just most of the time which could be seen as usually
You're so fired
So our first topic if you can bring it up on your laptop, oh no, there were other topics to introduce Nvidia Tegra
Oh you talked for so long. I thought you got through them. Well, no, I actually just got completely sidetracked
Okay, so Nvidia Tegra note 7 is a thing and it's an awesome thing and I think only 200 bucks you get a really nice
IPS screen and
Like Nvidia shield capabilities to certain degrees, which is like all I really need to care about. Well that device would to be awesome
All right, I think I said that it's already 200 bucks and Microsoft promises to better the future of PC gaming
The key word by getting rid of Windows
Windows Windows Live Windows Live. Yeah, which is already a huge step in the right direction. So without further ado intro time
So guys our sponsor for the show today is Squarespace
You can visit slash Linus and if you use offer code Linus 11, you will get a 10%
Discount after your free trial
So Squarespace is the easy way to create a custom professional looking website for your blog business
Store or whatever else you happen to need and guys stay tuned for the rest of the show
Because we are going to have a special giveaway to do with Squarespace later on and we'll give you the full details
Those who were watching the pre-show will probably already know about it and are probably already flooding the twitch chat with it
But not too much so far, but it might be the lace. Oh, yeah, trust me. It'll be cool. It's gonna be awesome
Alright, so let's move into our first topic here
Pizza pizza pizza pizza dot be slash en
This is the most amazing website that I think anyone has ever seen ever
Don't barely have to reselect your language, but that's okay
So apparently manually navigating to slash en doesn't actually make it English
But I'll let you explain what this is because if you guys recall last week on the stream
We had a pizza delivered in the middle of the stream, which was amazing and it was from some of the guys on the forum
Thank you so much for that. But this this takes it to a whole new level
So these guys have a few websites around like Europe and Scandinavia and a few other places
The pizza dot whatever and if you go to their website if you live there
You can put in your address and it'll show all the different options for pizza
Like all of them that will deliver to your address. So say you live there
You can just be like well, I want to try a new pizza place my address. Oh, I have all of these options
So you're a tourist you can go to the website select English type in the address
Which is possibly the only thing you know how to say in that country because it was written down for you
And you can have pizza delivered which is sweet
I know multiple times that would have been helpful when I was visiting somewhere
Could not speak the language and wanted to eat something because that can actually be surprisingly difficult. I just bought it a pizza
There's a lot of pizza. So like it should be this is this is the one for Belgium
And it should be this easy everywhere, but this is the only one I really know of
I think they have like a UK one and a Belgium one and a Netherlands one
I like think that's it and I just thought this was fantastic. So I wanted to share the awesomeness with everybody
Alright, so we have an article up next on euro gamer dotnet. So let's go ahead and fire this baby up
Xbox one launch title devs on the Xbox one power debate because if you guys have been paying any attention to PlayStation 4 versus Xbox
The general consensus seems to be that ps4 has something like 50% more raw horsepower in terms of producing
graphical stuff and that could amount to as much as I think the example I saw was Tomb Raider where they were saying around a
25% better frame rate like 25% better performance. Yeah, there's extra headroom because the Xbox is doing all this other stuff all the same time
Right because guys the hardware inside them is actually very similar
It's just the way that it's being implemented and remember to know that Xbox one has all of that cloud
Processing that can throw at game developers in order to potentially
But then there's certain issues with people having fast enough internet connections and also the course of course
So I mean the experience might be better or worse for certain people. We don't actually know that's all gonna come out
Yeah, but anyway
The article has them quoted saying it's less to do with the specs and more to do with what you do with those specs
So let's go ahead and have a look at sort of some of the examples of what they're doing with said specs
So dead rising 3 720p 30fps
Forza motorsport 5 1080p 60fps. Okay, that's good
that is how every if you're gonna call something next generation that is how every single next generation thing should be running because
1080p 60fps ain't next generation or the PC gamers out there. No, that's like acceptable. That's like, okay
Yeah, that that looks alright
But I mean the thing about something like Forza is
Racing games have already looked about as good as they're gonna look for like five years
I mean have you seen dramatically improved visuals in a racing game in the last few years?
Just because everyone's making them for consoles. Well, I mean it could look better if it's on a PC, okay
Okay, it could look better if it's done but there's not that much you can do you can make the car shinier
I mean look at what they do a need for speed. It's like oh add all the reflections
But you could add detail to the road
You could add detail to anyone that's watching on the side of the road like the cars are highly but in theory you're moving so
Fast that the detail of the dude standing there like as you slow down at the finish line
You'll notice like they can make changes everyone works pretty hard on like the chick that walks between the cars and is like
Waves around the thing and then you know work on jiggle physics or whatever else they're gonna do because that's what
Apparently gamers want according to game devs
No idea where they got that idea. So they work on certain things, but yes, they could improve the visual fidelity
But in terms of the actual racing experience the trees already look great
You know the really good landscapes already look pretty good landscapes
Haven't been that demanding for a while, especially when you're going along at 250
But you add more grass and stuff. They could add more grass
Asking for they could add more grass they have to find places to improve
We've had this thing forever when you when you double polygon account, it becomes less noticeable over time
Yeah, finishing returns of noticeable improvements
So they have to find places to improve that is somewhere that they can improve
Basically a racing game is pretty easy to optimize for is what we're trying to say because short of adding more grass
There's not much that remains to be done in terms of improving the visual fidelity. So that one runs at 1080p 60fps
Next up we've got rise son of Rome running at 900p 30fps
So I couldn't wait couldn't quite make it at 1080p
It needed 900p which 900p upscale to 1080p is actually not gonna look that bad
And then connect sports rivals really a Kinect game that runs at 1080p 30fps
Kinect sports game 1080p 30fps. So to me I'm looking at this kind of going
Okay, you can talk about how it's less to do a spec some more to do with what you do with them
But your specs are horrible
Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 launched with compelling truly next-generation specs or at least
processor was like
interesting hard to hard to harness but interesting but very interesting and very powerful whereas
Xbox one and ps4 are coming in pretty far behind the 8-ball from the very start and I think looking at the settings that these
games that
Really from from again, so even looking at last generation console games and the way that they ran on PC
We're not looking at any kind of improvement in fidelity
compared to that and that there's a lot of talk about how
Consoles will get much better over time in terms of what what the developers can squeeze out of them
It's true a great example of that is Grand Theft Auto 5. It looks absolutely fantastic
compared to almost anything else that you can even play on an Xbox 360 and
There's the thing is they're starting so far behind
Right now like before they they tried really hard
So they tried they got kind of close to be completely honest to what a lot of people were getting on a PC experience
Now they're starting so far behind at the start that by the time they catch up will all be so ridiculously
Far ahead that it will again not matter with that said the pace of development of PC hardware has slowed down a lot
We've noticed that I mean there hasn't been a reason to upgrade your CPU in almost four years
I'm not going to talk too much about it
But the fact that I got under 30 FPS average running with the like baller sauce card from Nvidia at 25 60 by 1600
While it ran it very well in comparison to other cards. I was still like I'm really not that impressed. I
Want one that's like twice as good literally. Yeah, and we're not seeing that same pace of development anymore
But there's technical difficulties. We did talk about that a little bit on last week's show
Yeah, all right, so we got a couple of our quick topics here before we jump into our guest segment
Which will be in about 10 minutes another quick thing
I actually want to add about that previous topic was there's a quote saying the load screens
Isn't a bullet point that any gamers are going to be like sweet about sweet. No load screens about why what?
Speaking of no load screens though hold on yeah, and yeah gamers care about no load screens like that
Was a huge thing in GTA 5 everyone was like yeah big initial load screen, but then no none after that which is awesome
I'm so speaking of load screens the PlayStation 4 has been confirmed
With a teardown I will hear you think he's like their head of technical something or other. I can't remember
I don't think it's actually in here as a story, but it's
Maybe it is maybe doesn't anyway
So you know what control FPS for because I thought maybe it was in here. I'm not sure what you're talking about
PlayStation yeah, no it's not in here anyway
So they did an official teardown and what they revealed is that the two and a half inch drive inside can be replaced with any
Two and a half inch drive. That's only
That's old news even an SSD though
That's interesting. So that's cool. Bye load screens. Goodbye
See ya, that's actually really interesting. Yeah, wait modding consoles. Yes one terabyte SSD in ps4
I mean you'd be spending twice as much on that SSD as you spent on the console in the first place, but
You'd be having again. So anything that makes a console more like a PC is makes it better
So I was really excited to hear about that's really interesting. I had actually yeah
That is such an uncharacteristically Sony
Modder friendly thing to do that. I thought was that I thought was incredibly cool probably wasn't intentional well
Can we give them the benefit of the doubt here sure maybe you know, I still don't really think it was intentional
But but sure I'll give them benefit of the doubt. All right, we'll give them benefit of the data rapid-fire topic
All right, rapid-fire topic number one here. Are we gonna do a Twitter blitz before the
Guests, ah, yeah guys hit us with a few Twitter questions
We'll do a Twitter blitz in the last five minutes before the guest but we have one of our rapid-fire topics here
Did you know that the iPhone 2g is a collector's item?
so the article here is from no idea how to pronounce this but to all dot-com and it was posted on the forum by
Carl Iskra and
someone is trying to sell an iPhone 2g for an asking price of
that the debt that the
$2,000 and there are folks asking as much as $5,000 for unopened units
Sealed new inbox. Yeah, so this one sealed new inbox for two grand now
Let's talk about the collector mentality a little bit for a second here because I think you and I both looked at this and went
What are they high? Yeah, but I sat down and thought about it for a little bit later
And while I wouldn't spend $2,000 on any of these things I still go out and buy
Very old-school cartridge. Yeah, like he bought a power glove not that long ago. Yeah, how much did you pay for that?
20 bucks. Okay, that's a really good deal. Yeah. Okay. Well, I I'm not gonna spend $2,000 on anything
No, no, not 2,000, but would you pay? Okay for 30 bucks. It was not it was under 50 classic SNES game
Let's talk like Donkey Kong Country new inbox
What's that worth to you personally to me?
I'd spend a bit on it not to freaking thousand but more than it was worth when it was new
Probably right because I would say okay new inbox Donkey Kong Country got to be worth at least a few hundred bucks
Probably more. I don't know if I'd spend because it's a classic on it, but it's probably worth
I probably pay a hundred for it. Like I'd pay more than retail
If you look at something like the iPhone and kind of go, okay. Well it revolutionized things
I mean you look at how much original Apple Apple twos will go for if you get if you can find an Apple two
That's you know mint condition
their box like
So much money money, so it's kind of game-changing
The only thing that bothers me about this is it really wasn't that long ago. Yeah
and like
That's the that's the problem. I got no problem with collecting and I got no problem with paying more than sticker price
Like I can very clearly remember when that came out, but this was like this was like five years ago
I mean like I have I have clothing that's older than the
Yeah, that's that's what kind of blew my mind about it and yeah, I don't know I understand the collector mentality
But geez, okay. So this was posted by top wargamer on the forum
Bill Gates says internet connectivity
Doesn't mean much if you're dying of starvation and while I agree to a great extent because I I know
This this came up a little while ago when Google was planning their whole
Internet connected blimps floating over developing countries things so everyone could add connectivity
It came up a little while ago him saying something similar, but
Is it really fair to take shots at guys who are trying to improve the information infrastructure in these regions?
yes, food and yes disease control is important, but
We have to move forward in all these ways and I'll be a big part of the problem in many developing countries is lack
of knowledge fear of things like
vaccines for example is a very
Huge obstacle to the people who are trying to give vaccines and clean water and give aid to these people
So, I mean while I don't necessarily think that every starving African child needs a laptop and an internet connection
I think having community internet connection is critical
But I also agree with them a hundred percent that it is not a replacement
No or food clean water disease control and all these kinds of things
But a but of multi like I said in the notes but a multi-pronged approach is probably the best thing you can't just improve one
Thing at a time or else it'll take infinite amount of time
I mean a great way of looking at that is if you gave everyone all the food and then no water then it's not like
You've actually helped them in any way. They need food water
shelter and and keeping oh
This is gonna maybe sound brutal
But like if you if you cure them all of malaria
They still need to be able to develop their country and one of the fastest ways are gonna be able to do that is being
Able to have access to the internet so they can learn things very quickly and work on developing the area around them
I mean education is is something that we can all agree is important, you know
You look at building schools in Africa or in other developing nations or continents. I'm sorry Africa's not a nation
I know that trust me. So you look at building schools and you kind of go
Yeah, that's really important and that's expensive
So then yes internet access in my mind is important because we're not talking about
You know playing Angry Birds or flash games on new grams calm
We're talking about having access to to knowledge like research websites Wikipedia all this kind of stuff so you can learn
All right
Let's go ahead and have a look at what we've got for our Twitter blitz
We've got a few minutes here before we pull in Steve Dotto. Did you want to bet it's all like two are nine two
Ninety and seven eight. Yeah. Yeah, don't worry guys. We will talk about it
Yeah, first one first
Second one. Sorry second one. All right
It's dude
It's doing that thing where I can't scroll down because it's Twitter and Chrome for some reason just hates its life
So I just gotta I just gotta wait. I just gotta wait and be a patient guy. We can do it verbally. So
The second comment here, which isn't quite on stream yet page unresponsiveness
Genius now, I can't read it. There we go. All right. Oh, wow. Did it go past?
Okay. Here we go. Christopher go worth the wait for the 800 series in your personal opinion or splurge for the 780 Ti
Which may lose its value soon
That really depends on how you want to see things
I'm probably gonna be waiting for the 800 series just because I'm interested in the new architecture
But the 780 Ti is a beast machine. So I
Don't know this kind of stuff like it's always impossible because if you just wait for everything you could just be waiting for everything forever
These things are released so quickly
Wow Twitter is being worse than usual. It's it's it's like actually a pro. Oh, here we go
Okay, age 220 still the best a I owe cooler or is there something else? I believe there's a triple model
But other than that, yeah, it's still about as good as it gets for a dual model
I like the old unboxing intro cool. Do you think it's gonna be long until AMD comes out with a solution like g-sync?
They haven't talked about it at all. So
No idea, but I really hope that they either license g-sync or come up with their own competing solution
Preferably, I would like to see everyone using the same thing and there'll be a little bit more about this later
When we talk about mantle versus g-sync versus physics and how I really feel it's unfair to the gamer
But when they buy a game, they actually can't have the complete experience no matter what hardware they have
Yeah without having like two PCs and then sitting and playing the game side by side at each of them
Well here I can see the physics take one step and then like slide over and take another step here
I get true audio for better immersion like
Like we're right, you know what?
You could have if you played the whoa. Yeah. Yeah. I'm gonna say me that takes two inputs
So you could actually overlay
And wouldn't work trust me like keyboard mapping so you can play on two different machines at the same time and then the true audio
So you have your headphones plugged into the one? Yeah
Best photo editing monitor for two hundred to three hundred dollars. I check out these who's pro art series
Although frankly for actual real color work, especially if you're doing any printing. Sorry, man
10-bit which case in the one two hundred and forty dollar range should I get I'm using an h100 and planning to get a custom
Loop in the future. You got you can get an r4 for in there
Yeah, or ooh
Arc MIDI r2 would be a good choice
If you're going custom water cooling the ps3 since day one had a replaceable hard drive that could be easily swapped
Well, there you go. Great. So the ps4 continues that proud tradition and apparently the ps3 one could be an SSD as well
So there you go didn't know that wasn't super into consoles. Yeah, it is. It is what it is. Ah
Three must have free games and three must have paid games
Okay. Oh, I think that was a question. What are three of each? Okay
What do you think about the new YouTube comments? Oh, trust me
We'll be talking about that actually with our guest here in a moment
First time watching from the UK just got a case of me with Browns after watching your unboxing
Good job, probably like the majority of our views on that if you watch it 35,000 times
How's an a 10 6800 K with radion doesn't matter for crossfire. No, no crossfire. Um, do not run an APU with a graphics card
Yeah, let that sink in for a minute
Buy an APU that doesn't have as good of an onboard graphics card and buy a better graphics card
Pick up a 7770. There's no excuse for not just saving 30 bucks on the APU
So the 6790 K I think is coming in a couple weeks grab one of those grab a 7770 boom
Same price much better performance. I really never recommend
APU crossfire yet
Who are you guys rooting for in WCS finals?
I'll let you feel that I don't even know who's playing. I don't follow for gaming at all. I'm with benching lately
I haven't been oh, yeah, he's hardly slept this week. Yeah from the UK
I want to get an r9 290 but Nvidia GTX 780 is tempting because of shadowplay what to get is it worth the money?
Well, if you were planning to have a dedicated like capture PC or you were planning to buy an additional capture card like device
Then the 780 starts to really show its value with that in mind shadowplay doesn't work with everything no OpenGL support
There was something else that was like critical minecraft
Doesn't support actually live streaming to twitch yet yet like it's not quite there yet
So, you know if you can wait a little bit longer then great
We had some audio issues with it, but I don't know if that's gonna be a thing
I have no idea it's in beta right now and we were using beta
Drivers we're using beta drivers really strivers for the graphics card beta shadow beta shadow
We don't know. All right. Yeah, so let's call that it for that particular Twitter blitz and let's bring on our guest Steve
We are bringing you in now. Welcome to the show. How are you Steve?
I'm doing great. How are you guys we are
Fantastic, so we've got a few great topics to discuss
but I'd like to start with having you just introduce yourself to the audience if they haven't already heard of you and
Tell us about where where they can find you and what you're all about
Well for 15 years, I hosted and produced dotto tech which was a nationally syndicated TV show here in Canada
So all of your international viewers are probably going who the heck is that?
That's fair enough. But most of the Canadian viewer should or listener should know who I am
So it was a it was a how-to computer show back in the day
Like when we we showed people how to upgrade their modems from 14 4 to 28 8 was awesome stuff and we did that for
a good long time and then stopped doing it a few years back and I've kind of
Shifted my emphasis now to online. I've got a small by your standard YouTube channel
I still do my how-to stuff and radio show that we produce each week and I do a lot of public speaking talk about the
social impact of technology and that kind of stuff so they can find me at or at youtube slash dottotech
All right
Now, uh, I've got a dottotech season 5 episode here that I'm gonna go ahead and and and pull
Up, hold on a second. I mean, let me just let me just oh, yeah. I'm punked. Oh, this this is great
Hold on. Hold on you guys you guys are gonna love this. Okay. Here we go. Oh
My look at that computer awesome
Right, all right Steve I'm not gonna I'm not gonna make you suffer too much
I hate watching old stuff of myself as much as I as much as anyone does we lost sound when you do that
Unfortunately, oh, unfortunately, it was fresh. They lost sound. Okay. Well guys, it's it's it's it's epic. It's epic, but
Let's start with talking about some of the ways that new media has changed the way that you've seen
Interaction with audiences and the change the way that you used to do things
I mean for one thing the equipment required and the expense has decreased significantly since you first started up. I
Don't hear Steve right now
We just charged we just what
Disconnected and reconnected. Oh, sorry guys. We just disconnected and reconnected what wireless network are you on?
I can't change the other one. Oh, you can't change to the other one, right? That's fantastic
Okay, so we'll have Steve back in just a moment here. So this is uh
The most sort of brilliant thing ever that I'm super thrilled about right now. Okay, so I've got a hotspot up
Go ahead and connect it to me if you can
Here. Yeah, I got it. Yeah, okay
Yeah, I'll enter the password
I think you missed there miss click
I knew that one. Oh, you have that memorized. Yeah. Wow. Okay. I'm surprised
All right, so once we get connected here we should be good to go I think the
Stream actually went down for a little bit to you. No, we haven't dropped any frames. Okay, so in theory we are still completely
Streaming 100% everything is streaming. We just need to get Steve back on here
We need to actually be on the internet on the laptop, which would be super helpful
Wait what
portable hotspot
Blah blah blah discoverable power safe Linus portable hotspot tips
No internet access on the portable hotspot. You have to be kidding me
Linus mobile configuration tips
Okay, that could actually be a small problem
So I'm gonna get you to do a couple rapid-fire topics while we get Steve back
I'm just going to pop my sim into another phone because I just discovered something about the Xperia z1 that I'm incredibly not impressed about
So it looks like it has a little bit of trouble sharing that 3g data
in its default configuration, so
Back yep. Oh, we're back. We're back. Okay. Whoo. Oh, so just took a minute there. All right experience
I'm sure glad it's you guys doing that
Good just it's good to see it from the other side that used to be me doing that. Yeah
All right, so Steve welcome back to the show sit back and relax
So speaking of inexpensive equipment guys
Speaking of inexpensive equipment and the way that it has made this kind of broadcast more accessible
How do you how do you think that's really changed the dynamic even though it doesn't always work 100% of the time?
You know and it doesn't matter that it doesn't work 100% of the time it's so
Universal now, you know a half-hour TV show that we used to produce that you would have seen there
There was about a total of about 35 people who touched that show from start to finish
Be it cameraman floor directors audio guys
You know the whole team and it would cost us anywhere from the neighborhood of and we were really cost efficient
We've cost us 35 or 40 thousand dollars an episode to produce a half hour of content
Which there was what 22 minutes of real content and so five six product demos 20 40 thousand bucks
How does that sound as far as value compared to what you can produce now?
Right or what we can produce this with a simple screencast or where you guys do with your with your weekly with your daily
Unboxing videos. It's it's amazing when you talk about a budget like 30 40 thousand dollars
I look at that and I go yeah that that will run
Linus tech tips for weeks like weeks upon weeks and hours upon hours of content
And and we used to have the sponsors to support it because there was no there was no channel to do anything else
So although the you know, the quality and the technical issues, you know
They aren't it what we produce today is not what we call broadcast quality for network television
It's still the content and the message is just as valuable and it's just it's just far more democratic as far as getting it out
But the audience has changed so much
I mean, you know
We talked about all the changes in the in the economic model of sponsorship and streaming and you know
How we how we fund these different products
The bottom line is our audience has changed from viewers who were passive and would sit down there and turn us on and watch us
On TV to now there now we have a relationship with them
I mean you guys have this fantastic
Comments stream going live while you're broadcasting your show, which means everybody's completely engaged
You can have a conversation with them that to me is the most exciting part of the whole thing
It's just it's there
There's just extra layers of dynamics that really go far beyond whatever we lose as far as the odd
technical glitch or the you know
The fact that the audio isn't quite as good as it used to be so did you guys record an entire?
Season of Dotto tech at a time and then just have to kind of sit there and wait to figure out if anyone even liked
It and then back to the drawing board for the next season
What why we care if people liked it or not, it's if the sponsors liked it
Little bit crass there, but you know the bottom line was that was my customer was you know
It was Microsoft and it was semantic and it was Adobe. That was my customer now
I did a good job of paying attention to what the viewers liked, but that was a luxury
That wasn't the essential part of the business. We produced the show we would start in
We would start production in August for a delivery in September and it took us
and so we would produce about two shows a week for until until just around Christmas time to get our 13 shows in and
between one and two shows per week and in it in a in a in a the way that I worked the shifts
In the later days when we were at City TV in Vancouver is we worked in a four-hour shift
So in a four-hour shift
I would always try and get about 25 minutes of content done which would give us a
Single show and we tried to work it out like that and then we had a couple of extra shifts overall
So we would do it in about 13 13 days in studio to do 13 episodes
Wow, it's it's so different a lot more a lot more prep. I mean for us. Oh it is and we had teleprompters
Yeah, oh
It's you know
In a lot some of the skills are the same but the production that this the production techniques are so different
I mean things that we take absolutely for granted today
I mean felt like we were breaking new ground back in the day when we first started doing our show in 1995
We were we were showing products like Windows 95 in the Mac OS early days, you know, we would we actually had three
Broadcast cameras focused on a single LCD monitor that we'd figured out how to mirror the display
And I mean we think nothing of mirroring a display today, but in that in those days
It's really cool
The fact that we could take a video card and we could make the same image appear on two different devices at the same time
And our first LCD display that we bought was around
$6,000 for a seven and a half inch display that we would get but we only dealing with 640 by 480 resolution
And then we had two cameras
one locked off in a long shot in a full screen shot and another one that went in tight on the menus and followed the
Puck as I was doing my demos and I actually
Choreographed it with the camera guy on this huge camera
It was a studio cameras one of the ones that you see and you know in the old TV shows the camera weighed like
700 pounds on a pedestal right and he would actually move in and
Dolly around on the screen you just use moving that huge camera just a microscopic
Amount to follow me in a close-up on the screen as I was showing a drop-down menu to show how to
Save a file or change a font
But but that was that was what that was what?
Differentiated our show from the others is that you could see the screens and remember then we were in standard definition television
This was all going out into standard definition with you know, really low resolution out to screens
I mean, I was probably people watching on black and white TVs. I'm not sure but it could have been
And and at any rate, you know, so it for us the that attention to detail and explanation
That was what one of the things that set our show apart and gave us the legs to last for 15 years, right?
So now it's completely different because if we don't we one every single day
we have to pump content and
The other thing is we all can't really give much thought at all to what our sponsors think about things
I mean some of our sponsors are guys like air
AMD is actually we're gonna start rolling ads for them starting in probably about a week or two and
That doesn't mean that our show can't contain
Criticisms of these guys because they it absolutely has to the audience has gotten so savvy and they've got the ability
To interact with you so quickly and interact with each other so well that if you were to say something
That you know for whatever reason isn't true or somehow misleads them or you know
blows sunshine up a sponsors, but
You will get destroyed immediately
It's oh, it's like game over for you the content creators have a completely different approach to how they interact with their audiences
And in when you go back 20 years the world was not we didn't have that dialogue
That's where that audience dialogue, you know, it creates much more accountability
But but in those days, you know, we were we weren't quite the men world, but I would go to my sponsors
You know three four five months before we take the show and we'll be discussing what stories they wanted
What stories they wanted to have promoted so I would know their product map, you know a year in advance
I'd be under NDA for them as far as what products were coming down the pipe and I had to deal with them
I mean the thing is that we we established
One thing I'm proud of is we establish a lot of credibility in the space which I still maintain today
Right, but a part of that credibility came from there was times when I had honest conversations with sponsors and saying I don't like
This product. I can't tell a good story about it
I don't feel right about it and they always they always said yeah
We get it and they didn't want to they didn't want to undermine the credibility of our product
So we even though we were definitely bought and paid for the you know, I made sure that I didn't do reviews
But instead I showed how the technology fit in our lives so I could always add value to the technology that way
Well, that's how we kind of skirted around that issue
To I mean I in some ways that was you know
It was not it was nice to have just that one customer that I had to keep happy
Back in the day and so but in a lot of ways
I think what you guys are doing is just as challenging now because you can make an honest mistake
You can think something's cool
or you can you can you know not fact-check as well as you probably should but how can you when you're producing
Five or six shows a week and then make a little mistake and all of a sudden, you know between the Twitter sphere and in
Everything else it gets completely blown out of proportion and you're all of a sudden playing defense
In a in an area where you've got some people that like you some people that don't like you a lot of people that are
Jealous of you and they're just looking for weakness to come after you. So you've got you've got some really incredible challenges as well
It's a lot of fun though
One thing actually that I noticed he said city coordinates with sponsors like four or five months beforehand
Like Linus coordinates with sponsors sometimes like four or five hours before
We'll receive a new product we'll receive our briefing if we're lucky a week before it launches
That's one and then we'll have the product in hand with software that makes it work maybe three or four days beforehand
Sometimes we'll get a driver a day before releases
This was the world we live in today, I mean I can't imagine
I mean, you know you and I live in a YouTube world where we do an awful lot with Google and
And I can't imagine a world like 15 years ago us talking about a product that was put out and never became
Anything but beta with zero technical support and zero documentation
Yet given out and been embraced by the whole world with with almost no support or no thought of support
Behind it and and I mean that's that's that's one of the most profound changes that we see is you know
the the web delivery of tools like
Gmail or or like YouTube
I mean trying to figure out things on YouTube to how to do anything. That's of a technical nature
It's just a voyage of discovery for each of us by the way guys things right you do some things wrong and
Viewers by the way, don't worry. We are talking with Steve about the integration of Google Plus and YouTube that's coming next
Anyway, sorry, go ahead Steve
But but well in what you guys just went through with the technical glitch here, you know
I guarantee you that this software that you're using I've never used it before but I bet you there's almost no
documentation on it and there you know and there's in there's probably you know
You're probably this kind of you you say well what happens if I click on this and you've gone through that whole process
Very often with it. Oops. I shouldn't have clicked on that because bad things happen then
Well that never used to happen for us
so it's it is a it's it's a much faster moving in a world where you really have to be much lighter on your feet and
And I also have a really thick skin because it's really easy to take a misstep
All right
Let's talk about Google Plus and the way that YouTube and Google have crammed the integration of Google Plus down our throats on
YouTube the world's either number two or number one can never remember which one it is search engine
So basically for those of you who haven't been in the loop over the last couple days. I'll sync you up. So
Google has been prompting us when we log into YouTube periodically to change our names
Use our real names
it's linked to a Google Plus account and do all of these things for actually quite some time now and
Up until now up until I believe it was yesterday for most people you could just click ignore for some reason Steve's
Continuous transmission is picking up something in the background. Oh Steve. You got something in the background there. I don't know what it is
But hopefully hopefully it's my dog just ran through was that it. Okay, it's better now
Okay. Anyway, so now as we're getting as of about note, we're good as of about yesterday
Google Plus is required in order to leave a comment on a YouTube video
So this is YouTube Google's sneaky underhanded way to go
Okay, you want to join a giveaway on YouTube you want to talk to your favorite content creator?
You want to do anything you want to interact you want to find someone who's wrong on the internet and correct them
You will need a Google Plus account. So Steve, let's hear your thoughts on this. What's the impact here? No
I don't you don't sound at all biased on it
I ain't happy and I happy I
I'm not I'm not unhappy
I think you know in it shows that I'm 30 years older than you or 25 years older than you
It's the old guy syndrome. Some accountability has to be made on this damned internet
It can't be this wild and open thing that it is, but no really for me
When I looked at when when I first saw community in my channel
Oh, it was about a month ago that I first started getting a hint that this was coming myself
Yeah, and they and they released community
Do you remember the day that you saw that little community badge in your in your in your in your YouTube feed?
Yeah, I kind of went. Oh, really? It's coming a I
went oh really I didn't go really because it gave me an
Opportunity to be happy to begin to have a dialogue with my viewer base because to me YouTube subscriptions
Had always been nothing more than Facebook likes as far as the as far as long-term value
Because I couldn't really talk to the people who were subscribing to my youtube channel
I could deliver video to them, but really the relationship was no different than what I had with viewers on TV
I didn't have a real good, you know, they could post occasionally online
But I didn't really know them and there wasn't an act of conversation in my channel now mine might be a little bit my experience
Might be a little different than yours
So I would always try and drive people off of YouTube wherever I could on to my on to my own blog
site so that I could capture their information into an email list so that I could have a
Conversation with them and at some point so that I could perhaps maybe sell them something down line downstream
Because that's how I choose to make a living
So this
opportunity all of a sudden to see their real Google Plus profile to have a name attached be able to include them in a circle and
Now to be able to start to have a conversation with them in this channel
That to me was really exciting and it more than anything else
I I didn't think this was an insult to the people to the people's privacy who were you know
Subscribing to our channel or chatting. I thought this was the biggest in your face Facebook move that Google has done in a long time
Yeah, one thing that I worry about he said they're like
The older mentality like you shouldn't be able to hide behind things. It also worries me though, because if you say something that's an opinion
Even if it's a widely accepted opinion if someone disagrees with it
They can find your Google Plus page and using certain things that they find a new Google Plus page and find more information about you
It's surprisingly easy to find someone address to find someone's phone number to do all that kind of stuff nowadays
With how connected everything is so that that little bit of anonymity while it carries in
Really annoying things like massive amounts of trolling and people fighting constantly, I think
Also protects us from some possible issues
Like I don't want someone knocking on my door with a baseball bat because they're pissed off because it's something I said on the internet
Yeah, I mean and the other thing too for me is it's not necessarily about people who disagree with
unreasonable stuff like if you were to come out and say
You know all sheep need to die and we should kill all the sheep or something along those lines
And someone in your country, you know or someone in another country
Disagree or agrees with you, but in their country, that's not a widely held opinion
And even though maybe or even if you had a perfectly reasonable opinion like you know t-shirts that are made out of cotton are great
But if in some country a t-shirt made out of cotton is illegal and someone there agrees with you
And then all of a sudden they're being persecuted
I'm sorry
If he says something it's only pick something up in the right ground
Oh, he says something it autocorrects that where his voice is and then he doesn't think oh, yeah
I think your mics automatically adjusting gain
So when you don't say anything for a while, it just tries to find you. Yeah, so it raises the levels. So, okay
So what about the privacy that does need to be protected hum in the background lately?
That sounds wonderful
there's you know, that's
That's that's you know, I hadn't thought about it from that perspective to be honest you guys you guys have I you know
brought a different a different aspect into focus and to be
If from Google's perspective if I was to speak for them, I don't think that they care know frankly
I was very effective
I think what they care about is the fact that they want people to sign up for a Google Plus account
They want that they want to be able to give the content providers a sense of access to their community
And it's all going to be about downstream monetization
I mean the one thing we haven't seen in Google Plus is a monetization model for content publishers not within Google Plus
We've seen it within YouTube. We've seen it within Facebook
We haven't seen it within Google Plus and I still don't necessarily see how it's exactly going to resolve through this move
but it's another step down that road and
so I
imagine that the community is it's I imagine that the reason that they've done it now is
YouTube is so powerful and so strong. I can't imagine a startup network
Competing with it very easily right now
And that's probably a part of the part of their game plan is they they wanted to and you know
Push this out at a time when it was going to be difficult for somebody to have an option because really at the end of
the day
What are our?
Options what is the consumers option and what is our as a content providers option?
Are you gonna start pushing through Vimeo and say, you know, I can turn Vimeo and you know
Are you gonna reach your half a million subscribers through Vimeo?
No, we're you know, where are we are tied at the hip to these guys now?
and that's and that's one of the reasons that I object so much to the Google Plus integration because up until now I
Have had a choice how I want to engage with my viewers
I have been able to say I want to engage with you on Twitter or I've been able to say I want to engage with you
By email Steve quick say something
Just yes, I'm gonna talk right now good. Okay. Um, I've I've been able to engage with them
I'm gonna adjust the settings here on this at all. Ah
Let's just let's not worry about it for now. Let's just let's sort of get through here
Yeah, um, but okay
So I've been able to choose how I want to engage with them because on my own website on Twitter
Whatever else and my viewers have been able to choose how they want to engage with me and what YouTube and Google are doing is
They're taking the choice away from us. I
Think can you hear me still? Yeah. Oh, yeah, cuz I just adjusted one thing. Does that still working? Yeah. Yeah, you're good good
I set up push to talk I think
okay, um
the I
It'll be interesting to see if based on backlash if there is an opt-out provision
for any sort of individual any of their channel partners because the where that's going to come from and what Google will eventually listen to is
Not to the great unwashed Google Plus users. They're gonna listen to the content providers that they're making money from
So the people like yourself who have a channel who are who are you know?
Providing the content and providing the eyeballs into Google into into YouTube that Google so desires
So the pushback from you guys and from us and whether or not we
ask for an opt-out option for our channels or if they're gonna come up with a different a
Privacy channel, you know, they've incorporated privacy into Chrome. You can browse the web in private
Yeah, that's you know, they understand they understand, you know, they they've got the ability to create
Privacy layers and they obviously understand those issues
So it's gonna you know as is always the case with Google
I mean the way that they do things is they put it out there float it
Listen to what's happening and then and then and then and then react to to what the reaction of the of the marketplace is
You know
They're very different from the old-school companies the apples and the Microsoft that tell you the way that you should be doing things
They're very you know, they're very they're very reactive
They'll put it out float it for a little while see what happens because they you know, they can pull it
They could pull it it wouldn't shock me if in three months from now
It was pulled back and we didn't see it again for another three months after that and it came back in another form. I
Would be very surprised if they do that because particularly on YouTube they have taken quite a we're gonna put it out there
And you're gonna like it approach and they listen to even content creators my size
So I think in terms of sheer subscriber base, I'm around number
1300 on the youtubes which is pretty darn respectable and yet I have absolutely no voice
I have no contact with anyone at Google or YouTube and I am basically completely ignored
I will either like it or I will leave and I will suffer because of the way again. I am tied to the hip
To Google so we see this happening even more now though with with the closed garden that they have on the mobile side and with
Basically closed garden that they have on YouTube now
Like they're beginning to just ignore all and tread forward and it's not their previous mentality
And I don't know how it's gonna turn out for them. So I'll see how that goes
But in the meantime, I'd like to shift gears over to one of my favorite topics
Which is Microsoft and chat clients and how they are absolutely destroying Skype. What are they doing? Oh
They scared the heck out of me this last couple of weeks with this with this ill-conceived concept that we're going to
Eliminate the ability to be able to record from within Skype. I don't know you know
I don't know how often you use that feature, but I
Record many of my radio interviews most of my radio interviews
I record from my home studio where I am right now using Skype and call recorder
So all of a sudden having to look at some other option was just ridiculous
You know what? It seems it seems they are bound and determined to make Google talk and to make Facebook chat the preferred
avenues of talk of chat it they seem to like those that they seem to like those platforms a lot
But this is this is when you get a cross of cultures when you get a
an ingrained culture as
Deeply and as as insular as Microsoft
I mean you have to figure Microsoft is an incredibly dysfunctional company from day one
from the from the in the last ten years because they've had to go through a
Corporate catharsis which goes from it's which basically says we've got to kill off our cash cow
We've got to take and we've got to move away from monolithic operating systems and apps
an online world which means we have to kill the thing that made us great and
That is a really difficult thing to kind of get around
You know and so within and they didn't do it
they did it by siloing by setting one division against another and
that you know
I'm sure there's gonna be some fascinating business books written about the battles that went on and the
Resignations and the bloodbath that happened as a result of that
But you know you still had managers who were bonused on Windows performance and in office performance
Who are going into meetings with people from the live division who were a bound and determined to kill them?
I mean could you imagine the dynamics of those sorts of you know and they work for the same company?
So in that company that when you when you set that against that company acquiring a loosey-goosey
Group like Skype who just kind of you know you know it's like they it's almost like the product was built while they were stoned
Right I mean oh
We're not gonna make it easy for anybody to find anything
But it's gonna do this and all of us and everybody's talking and we all love each other. Let's hug. Let's hug and
So you got this you got this integration of Skype now coming into this into this
Into this entity that is Microsoft, and it's no surprise that it's a you know
I can't say the word, but it's no surprise that it's clustered
Yeah, and and and I think we're seeing the result. We're seeing you know straight-laced managers being inserted start starting Institute command and control and
And the result is we we just see a company we we see of what was a not necessarily a great product
but a great a
great integration
Starting to starting to circle the drain a little bit
I mean thank God for the baby boomers coming on online and the old people because they love Skype
And they haven't quite figured out the Google thing yet, so that's what's keeping them going right now
I mean the thing about Skype for us is you you asked how often we use the recording feature not at all
We can't use Skype in fact
I think you did want to call in today with Skype, and I'll explain why we can't use it
It's because there's an exploit in Skype that allows anyone who knows your Skype ID or the Skype ID of someone you're talking to
And then can therefore find out your Skype ID can actually
Perform a DDoS attack on your IP address
I think it's so that we were losing our streams in the middle of our streams
We were getting DDoSed because of a Skype exploit when we were using Skype
So we have a zero Skype policy as a company now. There is no Skype
No Skype is to be used anywhere in this building
And since your your your issues with our of a pure technical nature the fact that you haven't they haven't they haven't got their act
together as a
Trusted provider. I mean MSN was a better framework than Skype for our purposes
And we're talking technology. That's you know what I was in high school, so we're talking technology. That's over 10 years old at this point
Wow, that's that's interesting
I have to say you know just you know just on it as a complete aside
I was watching the live stream before we came on and I was blown away by the quality of the live stream
You know for all of the little issues we have in the back end of making this thing work my gosh
That's a that's a nice clean feed that's coming through on your guys on your guys stuff. That's pretty cool. Thank you. Thank you
We've we've spent a lot of time improving it over the last
Quite quite a while all right now
We have one more topic for Steve before he goes and guys stay tuned because you are about to Steve keep an eye on the
On the chat on the chat thing there because this is gonna be kind of areas Steve has the least
the least popular opinion on the entire internet about the Xbox one and
Microsoft's move back back pedaling from making it an entertainment system and going okay, no no no no no
We're focused on gaming. We're focused on gaming so Steve
Ridiculous you wish they had gone forward with this give me the baby boomers
Perspective compared to the younger gaming audience, which is what we typically cater to let's hear it and guys
Just just hear him out hear him out. Okay here. We go
it's I
Think the new Xbox is a phenomenal piece of technology, and it's not a gaming box
It does gaming, but it's a it's it's the hub of a home entertainment system if Microsoft wants to own
The living room and own the core of the entertainment hub in in the households
they've got they've got a they had to take this product and they had to position it first and foremost as
Your as your entertainment center
They had to talk about the fact you can be you know all of the all this stuff that might seem to be
Completely low-hanging fruit as far as a lot of your audience goes
But everything from Netflix integration to streaming my music through it to the fact that I can do
Skype integration and talk to my family at Christmas time the wide a you know the the
Connect the camera the that the fact that you could create presence on it
Those are stories that baby boomers don't understand they can do off of their
High-def TV and off of their living room and yeah, can you play phenomenal games, too?
Yes, you can but most people over 50 aren't that concerned about playing those games. We're concerned about the community the programming the
conversational aspects
Xbox is gonna sell to gamers. It's a great box. That's gonna sell the gamers
You guys are gonna gobble it up and you're gonna dissect it and you're gonna talk about the nuances of that
It's you know, I got eight more, you know
It's 18% faster playing Call of Duty 74
Space Blaster Edition
You've got all of those, you know, you guys are gonna discuss those things and you're going to it's gonna sell to that market
That's not the market
They have to worry about if they want to grow if they want to really become the dominant player in marketplace
They had to reach out to me
They had to reach out to my marketplace and tell me because I think I should have it in my living room
Whether or not I want ever want to play a game on it
And if I do decide to play a game on it great
But it does so many other things the living room is a quagmire of pieces of crap all
That talk to each other or don't talk to each other, you know streaming, you know, Netflix streaming through I
Laughed now because when I was a kid my dad would holler
Who flushed the toilet every time he was in the shower because the cold water would you know
the hot water would scald him all of a sudden and now it's
Who's street who's uploading a file because the Netflix stops at the living room?
We just don't get it
We need we need one system that we can have in place that feeds the that feeds our
Entertainment complex our personal entertainment complex and Xbox should have been that that's what they should have led with
So here's another hammer me
Let we'll let the hate flow because and I think the hate might keep flowing because there are a couple things you said that I actually
Do agree with
Xbox one was going to be a gaming console regardless
It was gonna run games all of those things
But I think they had to be a little bit more careful about and while they had to be a little bit more careful about the
And they shouldn't have necessarily made their their live internet stream that all the gamers were going to be watching and not
Not their parents. Well, they shouldn't have made that all about the home entertainment system
They should have done some of their other marketing about the home entertainment aspect
So for example if they were to do a print ad that should be about the home entertainment system
They should have marketed because we read magazine because the older people are gonna actually read print
whereas the younger people won't and
Looking at it from my mom's perspective if she were to buy one entertainment device for the family
She would buy the one that seems to do things that she wants
But why not release like Xbox like Xbox GT like Xbox one GT and Xbox one
HT because that complicates things you want the idea is you want to build a platform
But if you're building a platform that works for everything, it's not going to be as good at doing all of those things
But that's like which is already know you have a cell phone much slower. It is you have a cell phone
Does it have a camera on it? Yeah. Well, there you go
I mean, that's the play your argument is completely invalid because it sucks at gaming
We figured that out every they've been using footage from a ps4 shop. Yes define one
Okay, and that's that's true. But that is because it's only had the insignificant Sony's implementation of the same hardware is better
Yeah, that's all that happens
They're diverting so much of the Xbox one to be able to do other things
So while Microsoft may have jumped the gun on this and while it might not work
I do agree the thing I agree with that Steve said is that they had to try
Because the thing that we've talked about before is I can you actually mute Steve because I'm going to talk for a bit here
and the the hisses the hisses coming the thing that I agree with is that
Microsoft had to try this and the reason for that is because what you and I already agree about is this is probably the last
generation of dedicated console hardware
So what the game is now is who can build the platform that other devices will run on in the future
Well, no, no
But you have to you have to build like the platform has to be a software ecosystem that people buy into it has to be
Xbox marketplace it has to be Skype it has to be this it has to be that you have to get that box in there
Under the guise of being a gaming machine
You have to get people used to using it and then you have to integrate it with something else and all that could have been
Fine, but they could have released two versions. They could have released two modes
You could go into like home theater mode and then enables all those things or if you go into game mode
It disables all those things have a constant connectivity for everything
But but here's the problem is that that won't appeal to my mom
She can't figure out how to change the mode on anything and have it in home theater mode stock
Or have a giant button
Along and they'll play a game and they'll forget you are not understanding older people. I understand my mom
I know your mom is your mom is an exception. If it comes with a TV clicker
Which it doesn't if it did and there was a giant green Xbox button in the middle. Yes that said like mode
Okay, my aunt and my mom neither of them can figure that out trust me well then they shouldn't buy an Xbox
But that's that's not the point Microsoft wants them to buy an Xbox
It's too complicated to be able to use it already if that's the case and that may be true
But what I'm all I'm saying that I agree with is that they had to try
They had to try because Sony has every opportunity their implementation of it then failed
Didn't fail I'm saying they had to try because Sony has an opportunity because they own actual TV manufacturing
To integrate into a TV later. So they tried and they reverted so is that bad?
They tried and they reverted they tried and failed and reverted that didn't try and succeed that isn't a failure
So we can agree it's a failure, but I think they had to try that's all I'm trying to say
I'm okay with them trying they just really sucked at trying. Okay, unmute. So here. Yeah, bring bring back Steve and
I'm still I'm bleeding here. I'm bleeding here
Old fat is wrong
The one guy I want I'm hoping he friends me on Facebook and comes over the guy that keeps saying fart
Because I want to be his friend
I I think that they I think that you muting me basically undermined any any
Credibility that I had they seem to think that that was a big thing and oh don't swear. Please. Don't swear boys
So here's the thing
Here's so here's where you guys are making a big mistake though as well since I've already got the hate on from your from your
Or sorry your peeps there. I talked
Sorry, the only reason I needed you was because the the hiss kept getting louder and louder and louder
Yeah, I didn't I didn't mean to turn you off at all. Okay, it doesn't bother me at all. Good the fart guys back
The thing that you guys are missing here, which is crucial in everybody that's saying that you know
I'm this this dinosaur that doesn't get it. I'm not talking about mom who can't control the PV
It doesn't know how to turn on her PVR and turn off her PVR or the person who's technically
Intimidated by the technology that's not who Xbox should have been marketed to it should have been marketed to the moderately competent
Technical baby boomers like myself who want to integrate the full the full system
I'm happy to have a system at the heart
I do have to do some configuration on that ties into the internet that ties into the online
Services that ties in to the to video ties into gaming ties into ties into social networking
I'm looking for that box and that box happens to be a kick-ass gaming system, too
Which is fantastic, but Microsoft if they'd given me that message if they deliver that message to that group
They could have grown their market faster
I'm not saying that it's not gonna be a great gaming system and all that sort of thing
I'm talking about their strategy of
Launching it as a gaming system first and that being the first thing out of their mouth because the gamers knew it was gonna be
Great, they were waiting for it. They were gonna buy it regardless
they had an opportunity to generate a whole new market out of me out of my people and
Growing and becoming the de facto standard in the kit in the living room to my community. That was my argument
All right. Well guys, I think we're gonna we're gonna probably we're gonna probably sort of move on to our next topic
I just realized it's 545 already Steve. We've kept you for a full extra 15 minutes
But thank you again for joining us on the shade of those I was on mute though, let's face it
Sorry, man. Sorry, man
So it was a pleasure want to just do sort of I let them know where they can find you in the meantime
And more importantly maybe mirror where their parents can find you and get some tips on technology sure
We should I'm not sure we should be giving out any of my information anymore now looking at the feed here
But yeah, the island is drop by and I'm at dottotech on Twitter
So, I'm sure that my I'm sure my close score is gonna go up with all of the mentions
They don't look for whether they're positive comments or not
It's been a pleasure guys. I in it and I'm really you know, one one last kind of personal thing. Sure is
When I met your first line, you know, I kind of looked at you and I said that was me 20 years ago
What you're doing now?
I I think I kind of broke ground in network television and getting technology on network television 20 years ago
And I was very proud of the fact that I had a team that I relied on and we and we just basically read what?
Was happening in the marketplace we work within it and move the ball for downfield
Well, you've picked up that ball and you've carried it way downfield and I and I congratulate you
I think it's I think it's I think you're doing a great job in that and thanks for having me on it
It's been an honor. Thank you very much. All right. Thanks Steve. All right now I'm gonna address one thing
Sort of here here now that now that our guest segment is over and that is how Microsoft could have pulled this off
Because there was no need for them to backpedal on the entertainment system
Messaging if they had delivered a couple of things number one is if they hadn't pissed off the gamers if they hadn't said look
Yeah, you're gonna need online account this you're gonna need this you're gonna need that cuz I don't even disagree that online
Downloading of games and online registration of games is a bad thing
But you should have been able to sell them to other people and regift them
Through the online system rather than necessarily relying on a disk to gift things and and all of that noise, so
they could have succeeded if they didn't piss off the gamers and
They still could have delivered all of this messaging about TV and PVR and Skype and all that stuff
Number two is the Xbox one had to be slightly better hardware wise than the ps4
It is not like the technology from AMD didn't exist
Okay throughout the entire development lifecycle of the Xbox one Microsoft could have gone Oh AMD, okay
That's what you're showing us now. We want double that they could have delivered a
Better piece of hardware if they'd been willing to do what the console guys have always done in the past
Just take a little bit and take a bit of a hit upfront because both Sony and Microsoft have said look we're profitable from day
One on ps4 and Xbox one if they've been willing to take a hit again in order to push their agenda of owning the living
They could have delivered all the messaging though because the Xbox one pre-orders are getting cancelled because the performance isn't as good if
Microsoft's messaging was all about how a great it is as an entertainment system and your mom's gonna love it, too
And they were also delivering kick-ass gaming performance
Just as fast or faster
Just as fast or faster and the exclusive title and all the things that gamers
Don't need Microsoft to tell them because they aren't like Steve said they already know about it
Anyway, they're already on the internet finding out everything there is to know about Xbox one
If that stuff had been good
This would have been a huge success if there's if additional features are not bad if they don't conflict with other features
So if they brought in all this home theater stuff and experience stuff and it didn't affect the gaming side at all
It would have been fine. I would have no problems with there is still a huge unknown here
And that is how Microsoft's cloud compute is going to help the gaming
But it's gonna have latency in this and that I know but but the debate we're about to have is about an unknown
Yeah, all I said is it's an unknown. Yep. Yeah, that's it. You're not wrong at all
There's already been developers saying that they don't necessarily want to touch it because they're scared of a massive amount of their audience not being able
To utilize and there's that and then there's also that whole conversation about how it took eight years to figure out how to leverage cell
Maybe it takes eight years before the infrastructure blah blah blah blah leveraging this and maybe four years in Xbox one
Absolutely smokes ps4, you know because of that infrastructure
We don't know it's an unknown
But Microsoft had an opportunity to just put a better piece of hardware in your living room
And I think things could have gone very differently
Yep, definitely if yeah, if they put enough beef behind it to actually support the system that they wanted to release
It would have been fine. No one could really complain when saying. Oh, well, the Xbox one is considerably faster
So it can support all these different systems and it's still better at gaming
Then then they can also justify their higher price tag. All right, let's talk about things that are legitimately better at gaming
Moving on to actually note first. Let's talk about our sponsor Squarespace
So guys you can visit slash line for almost forgot to I try to do the sponsor after the guest segment
You can visit and use offer code Linus 11
So that is Linus 11 for November and you can get your free trial of Squarespace, which is the easy way
They have tons of templates
I think they're up to over two dozen templates now for different websites that you can create
Whether it's a store or a blog or just any kind of information about you
You just want to create a site dedicated to being a brony go for it
You can do that on Squarespace. It is very straightforward. They take care of all the hosting for you. It's completely dynamic
So if I were to head over to or if you were to go to Linus media group calm
That is a Squarespace driven site. We've tried hammering it during the stream
It doesn't go down because like I said, it's dynamic if you buy an entire year subscription
They actually throw in a domain for you and that 10% off is for a subscription, but you also get a free trial
So speaking of free trial Squarespace reached out to me and they said hey Linus
Hey, we wanted to correct you from last week because you didn't know how much Squarespace cost per month
It's $8 and I was like, oh, thank you for that. Sorry
I wish I think I said like $10 or something like that. So it's only $8 anyway
and they said they wanted to give away a free year of Squarespace by
Asking listeners to tweet in their trial sites
So head over to Squarespace pick up a trial create a website and then tweet your trial site to hashtag
Linus Squarespace hashtag Linus Squarespace, we should have created a little text thing for this, but don't worry
I'll link it in the video description
hashtag Linus Squarespace and
you will be entered into a random draw to win your site for a year and you can do whatever you want with it at
That point and then you can talk about how great it is or whatever else but there you go guys
There's an incentive to go for a trial Squarespace calm slash Linus
Actually, they prefer if I don't say slash Linus, I think but whatever Squarespace calm offer code Linus 11
We use it we like it
Yeah, I think it works, but I don't know 100% I think they prefer if you don't use it or something
I can't remember anyway, see they're gonna watch this now. They can be like, what are you doing?
Why is he even talking about this?
Why do you keep saying all the wrong things Linus?
You're less professional than everyone else we deal with so we should get the Twitter moving on these next two topics. Yeah immediately. All right
How about this for our question?
Yeah, because they're okay they're both in my opinion the most important food
Yeah, because they're both a big deal
But we want to hear on Twitter guys at Linus tech on Twitter
Which was more important as a graphics card launch Radeon r9 290 or GTX 780 TI
So for those of you who aren't super familiar r9 290 is a 399 card. So it's kind of
Enthusiast grade. Okay that performs almost as well as anything else out there with the exception of the after 290 launched
Retort with the GTX 780 TI which outperforms everything else particularly after overclocking
But is a $700 card ish, so it's very very expensive
But it's now the king it's the reigning champion for a single GPU card. So we want to hear what is more important
Well, we take a little bit of time to discuss them. So really on r9 290
It blew me away
I'm I'm probably more excited for the future of this card than
Many cards that I've ever seen before because it gets crazy hot and it could use more power
So once we get aftermarket designs that cool it the heck down because as with this card, literally you get one degree cooler
It will go faster. Yeah, like every degree is actually worth
FPS because you'll probably get a better cooler that brings it colder
but then you'll be able to clock it higher to max it out again, and it'll just go even faster because this card is just
Endlessly, you know what we should do
We're I mean we're waiting for a water block for the r9 290 series from coolants as soon as they have something available
That's going to be in the mail. We're ready to rock with that. But you know what we should do. It's getting cold here
We should take this outside. I thought you were gonna say revitalize the chiller. We should find
Oh, we could we could oh no because we don't have a block yet
But if we were to take this baby outside and find out what she can do
I should go try and like overclock outside at like 3 a.m. Or something. Yeah, that could be fascinating
So anyway, that's where we're at on 290 is it's interesting
But the power consumption is very high. The stock cooler is inadequate if you guys want to hear a recommendation from me
I don't usually come out and say buy this card or don't buy this card. Here's my recommendation
Don't buy this card now not now not yet soon soon, perhaps because power consumption is high
But the cooler can't handle all this power and all this excess that's being generated as heat
Whereas if we get better coolers even like an Asus direct cu2 triple-slot cooler or something like that. That's what I'm excited
It's what can this card really do with better power delivery because AMD unlike Nvidia with project greenlight where they say, okay
You can have this much power limit in this much voltage and anything else is you deal with the warranty and the returns yourself?
AMD has according to what they told me given the partners the greenlight
If you want to build a card that can provide 600 watts of power to the GPU go for it
That's what they told me at the GPU 14 conference
So if someone builds a 290 or 290 X that actually is balls to the walls in terms of the PCB design
We could be looking at a whole new class of card right there
Wow, so there you go guys that is my take on our 9290 project mantle. I'm kind of tired of discussing it
That's we don't know. It's a big talking point. However, we do know a couple more things. We know thief is gonna support it
Yeah, we know star citizen is gonna support it. We know that the upcoming game engine bloody hell. What's it called?
You just put in game engine. Yeah, I can't even remember what I said about it. Anyway, there's an upcoming game engine
Someone's working on that's gonna support it and that's all a big deal. Maybe who knows maybe no idea much like Microsoft's cloud Xbox one
Augmentation maybe whatever who knows crystal ball
So one is gonna
Meme gift that now for sure and I'm probably gonna put a little crystal ball in thank you
I would appreciate that very much actually thread if you can mask out when I'm behind the crystal ball or distort it somehow
I'll be very impressed
Okay, so moving on to 780 TI from my perspective is it is it is it revolutionary no, it's GK 110
It should have been GTX 680 TI
Boost or something like that?
That's what this card should have been if
Everything went according to if the universe was entirely perfect and it should have been seven hundred dollars a year ago or whenever that card
launched 680
But I'm still stoked for it. It's awesome. It's super powerful super powerful
Like you were talking minimum frames per second that were competitive with the maximums you were getting on like the numbers
I wish I could have shown were when it wasn't crashing on only Tomb Raider. Yeah. Yeah, we have locked at
1275 and like I wasn't locked in I might have been able to squeeze a little table and everything but Tomb Raider
I was crushing some games. I had certain games where
Minimum frame rates on the TI were higher than maximum frame rates for other cards like 770s and stuff like that
Like we're talking just like nice car
Destroying games. I was so unfortunate that I had to clock it down just because it was crashing a Tomb Raider
But that's a thing. So that's fine. Um
Yeah, we have to we okay something about our overclocked settings is we make sure they're stable
They have to be stable in our entire test suite. This is actually part of the problem in a recent video
We brought up that we're gonna be starting to use hardware bot, but there's problems with this which might not make it possible
but we're gonna try anyways is
One they're only validating with like 3d mark and stuff. Yeah, which isn't that demanding?
so and then it's everyone's as fast as they can possibly get it clock and
The only people that are using it are gonna be people that are really insane
So we might get some random binned card that might be a little bit lower and might be able to pull that in 3d mark
But can't pull that in other applications
So so we're still not sure how we're gonna do what overclocked settings we run out
But if nothing else we run at what our cards are stable at in our entire test suite. So moving on this
Okay. Yeah 780 TI. I mean it's so expensive at least it's cheaper than Titan. I'll give it that it's cheap in the chain
It's it's how much a 780 used to be. Yeah, and a lot of people bought 780s
So I think it's at the bracket where it's not too much like a Titan was too much like it was it was too much
Came along and made way more sense and now 780 TI
Moves Titan to what it was really supposed to be tight. It was never a gaming card and video launched it
Kind of like a gaming card like you look at the at the press that was seated a Titan
Compared to the press that was even seated something like 780 TI a $700 card
It's not about the extra $300 in the MSRP. It's about the fact that Titan was not a gaming card
It was a programming card. It was a CUDA card
It was a compute card and then it happened to be fantastic
For gaming because it got geforce grade drivers as opposed to quadro or Tesla drivers. That's all that happened there
So Titan from a gaming perspective put it out of your mind unless
one scenario
4k gaming in future titles, I believe Titan may pull ahead of 780 TI
But we might also see higher RAM specs and that's only right now
well Titan has six gigs of RAM and 780 TI only comes with three and then the other scenario was also related to memory and
That was if you're going to run
4k surround or something like that and you're gonna run multiple cards
You need all the GPU horsepower and you need all the memory and Titan will be the only way to achieve that
That is the only scenario where Titan makes any sense for a gamer
But again, we don't know there might be different models that have higher RAM for 780 TI
And then that would remove both those situations, but we had no word of it so far. So if it doesn't happen then again
All all the fingers crossed. Yeah, like toes crossed. I actually didn't have all my fingers crossed. I lied. I lied
Difficult I can put it there, but I can't like just do that. Yeah, can we cross all of our fingers?
This is what we take up our audience time with
Shadow figures
Let's go to the Twitter boards, let's go to the board. Let's hear what you guys have to say
All right. All right, so we're gonna go through these pretty quick here guys Ludwig says right now for me
The r9 and the r9 290 X are more important because planning to run three monitors
fantastic point Ludwig because
AMD's triple monitor support is still more seamless than Nvidia's support
R9 290 X is the card not everyone has the budget to run a 7 no r9 290 X is not the card to me
For longevity even I think you're wrong because r9
290 has most of the GPU oomph that 290 X does and has all the RAM and
All the memory bandwidth. So I'm more interested in 290 than 290 given the price difference between them 290 is it's killer
So someone says r9 290 because price to performance ratio someone says yes
I think you should redo the benchmarks outside at night. That would be very interesting and I hate to do this to you
It may be just r9 290 versus I think it would be 780 would be the important thing
We could do like head-to-head we could do you want to do four cards three or four cards?
Yes, GK 110 and then Hawaii should we should we try to think like a cold night?
Or should I go up to like a mountain and make it epic?
We'll talk about it off offline. Okay. Yeah. Okay. So Ashley says r9 290 is more important
It's $250 cheaper than the 780 was two weeks ago
Ashley has a good point because if you want to talk about importance you can talk about it in in the perspective of well
What changed the market what made Nvidia release 780 TI what made Nvidia dropped the price of their flagship card?
Which they were perfectly content to sit back and charge $700 to a thousand for GK 110
They were gonna do that all day. Yep, and great point Ashley if we want to talk importance and you know
I'm probably agreeing because
Importance to I'm looking at the price points. There's a bigger market for an r9 290 than there is for 70 TI
Yeah, so how much it will affect things if you're looking at it that way probably a tonight
Okay, HTT tech says 290 X
I think some people are a little bit confused because the naming is so similar between these cards
We're talking about r9 290 not r9 290 X just to be clear. I hate AMD's new naming scheme
I think it's rubbish if anyone from AMD is watching
Even though you're a sponsor now, I think a lot of the things you do are great
I don't think this naming scheme is great
They tried to make it more simple, but then you're flippy flopping with X's and that's just even and are not
I mean, there's only like two are seven cards
And does r5 even exist like what was even the point of having the initial thing if you're just gonna not even segment
You remember the first graph I made?
Yeah, you accidentally I think called 260 X and r7 or something or 270 X and r7
I think I called 280 X and r8 which isn't even a thing
Like this makes sense. I'm typing it
788 I will be more important because it can put one of their cards on top similar to how
ISPs advertise up to that is a very good point. The halo effect is a thing
Yeah, and I'm not talking about Microsoft releasing one halo game. That was great
Another one that was really good and then the rest that really weren't that exceptional until the most recent that that's not the halo effect
I'm talking about I'm talking about when you have a flagship product
That's better than your competitors your direct competitors flagship product
You might have two products way down in the stack. I mean there was a period of time when radion
7770 was like
Deep into double digits better than GTX 650 TI before they released the boost and for some reason people were still buying 650
TI's I couldn't quite figure it out because it was not a
Competitive card at all and that price point it puts that green bar at the top of the chart
It puts that green bar at the top of the chart
There's the halo effect people buying things because of how the top tier products perform even though they can't afford them is
Definitely a thing great point. Yeah from CP Metis. I
Am more excited about r9 290 better performance than my 7950
That is a great point too because it comes in at a price point that
7950 up graders who bought back when that card was released and delivers a performance upgrade that is significant
So it's not
7850. Oh, okay. I have no idea you're talking about that either. Well, okay a lot of things perform better than your 70
Yeah, I say 290. It's more budget-friendly. They're quite last-gen tech
290 impressed me more with the potential of raw performance of overclocked GCN. Yeah. Okay fair enough
Many grocery stores have freezers that get to enter around minus 29. Yeah
We'd have a hard time convincing a grocery store to let us put a heat source in the freezer that keeps their food fresh
just saying
Other cooling solutions have shown the card is actually coolable. The 290 is more important since as renewable price
Okay, so I think we've seen pretty much
We saw a couple really interesting points about 780 TI
but it's pretty much unanimous that 290 is incredibly important in terms of what it did to the market and what it did for price to
performance for this generation at least
until Nvidia brings us Maxwell sometime next year and like I love both cards and honestly
You heard my random comments while I was overclocking. So yeah every single time I try a new game
So that was amazing, but it's it's just it's so expensive
I don't know. Now. This is a very very brief very brief discussion. We talked about this a little bit earlier
So AMD mantle API so adopted by various developers. We already said who they were Eidos Montreal cloud Imperium games
So that's thief and star citizen which makes a lot of sense since those guys were there and GPU 14
It was like who could have predicted this is this posted by Tom pix on the forum who could have predicted they would have supported mental
the thing that I don't like about mantle and
PhysX and g-sync is that we seem to be heading in a direction and
Nvidia can criticize AMD all they want about the way that adding another API
Fragments the market and they're right it does
DirectX and OpenGL and mobile and console that was enough already
We actually don't need more unless like please Andy if you don't deliver compelling performance improvements with mantle
Oh boy, you guys have hyped this up an awful lot for that to not happen. So I am rooting for you here
It better be awesome. However, you'll get slaughtered. You guys are gonna get torn apart
But the thing I don't like about it is that I don't see Nvidia's approach with some things that differently the way that I see
PhysX is it's is it's it's it's just a custom change to an API that already exists that enhances the gameplay experience
For some customers who all paid $60 for that game and not others. That's the thing. I don't like here is
star citizen is a game that I want to experience in the best way possible if I can't have g-sync and
PhysX we already know the game's gonna support PhysX and mantle and
iFinity and all these technologies
I'm gonna be disappointed. I paid
$250 to play that game your true audio is another example
I want to experience it the way the game
Developer can deliver it to me if they have all the technology available at least give me the option to run two cards and if
I have to just run true audio on my AMD card then fine
But I want to have an option as a consumer
That is the thing that I feel like is happening here, and I don't really like it
So that was all I wanted to say about it's first thing we even had a conversation earlier
Which is this is bounding off something that you just said I even putting two cards in yeah, like it's impossible
You can't we even
Like blocks at every turn every hack they've seen for running a secondary dedicated Nvidia card for PhysX
Yeah, like like we couldn't do that set up. You couldn't have like mirrored input
So you're actually playing two computers at the same time even like that doesn't even bring it close enough, which is
All right so moving on to things that we're unhappy with or it seems that the entire internet is unhappy with
Metacritic the scores for Call of Duty ghosts so get this from official reviewers
We have a score of
74 all right, so that's out of a hundred the user score, and this is on the which one
This is the Xbox 360 version. Yeah is
2.1 based generally unfavorable ratings based on
Ratings so going back to our doc here. We actually we looked them all up so
Xbox 360 has a user score of 2.1. PC has a user score of 1.7 PC gamers expect better apparently well
there's also some specific bugs on PC PS 3 has a score of 1.8 and
PS4 actually has a significant number of negative user reviews, but based on the fact that that's not out yet
I'm gonna go ahead and call BS on those ones now this might be a case of gamers blowing things out of proportion
We know that they do that gamers out of 10. It's not a 1.3
I seriously doubt it's a way. It's still a triple-a title like
1.3. We're talking like farm simulator that doesn't have any tractors in it like like like let's talk about what if you ever got a
score on a test that was
13% or 20%
How how little did you know about the subject matter that's taking a multiple choice test?
But just not actually filling in all the answers because multiple choice test filling in all the answers would be better
You could still yield 20 to 25. Yeah, okay, so so so there's that thing all right
At the same time like it's from what I've heard I haven't played it. It's basically the exact same damn game
I watched total biscuits review. Yeah, it was just like yeah
It's and everything that he brought up was very true, and it should have gotten slaughtered
He'd be a little bit too much, but like maybe it did deserve it to a certain degree
And you know what this is how the gaming community talks to people yeah, so they're talking so they're talking
And they've obviously haven't completely abandoned call of duty if they're willing to talk this much
They they're probably saying hey guys fix your crap, and then we'll maybe buy your game later, so yeah, there's that
Think we should still benchmark it because oh yeah, and okay the hate train doesn't stop doesn't stop there the hate train
Only just left the station. Oh, okay. Hold on apparently we had this in there twice we had oh yeah
We had the metacritic thing and then we had game blah blah blah blah blah
Oh hold the whole thing about 1 billion sales like right at the very beginning
That was sales to retailers not to actual end users, so that was that was kind of awesome
So we actually don't know quite know how many copies and cod ghosts are actually out there
The next the next thing that there's a whole lot of hate for is the 6 gig
requirement on the PC version so QWERTY warrior posted this on the forum and
I thought this was pretty interesting so hackers have bypassed it
But basically what the developer did was they put a hard limit an artificial hard limit into the game
That doesn't let you even launch it if you do not have 6 gigs around in your system
And this is a problem for a number of reasons number one is many gaming machines have 4 gigs of RAM
Number two is that the game only uses between 1.2 to 2 gigs of memory when it's in use
And I'm pretty sure most people don't use more than 2 gigs of RAM at the desktop if they have 4 gigs and number
3 is the fact that even people who have
6 gigs of memory in their system might have some of it taken up by an onboard graphics card
That's running in something like Nvidia Optimus mode
So some of it is dedicated to the frame buffer of their onboard graphics and the game won't run even though they have
6 gigs of memory a hard limit is a stupid thing to have as a minimum requirement
Let me install the game and let me find out if it's okay
And I'll upgrade my graphics if it's not working well enough for me. Thank you very much
So one of the things I'm gonna do when we benchmark it is I'm gonna benchmark it with their thing enabled
Whatever the crap and then I'm gonna install the hackers tool to remove it and we're gonna test it with 4 gigs
Compared to 6 gigs in those configurations so we can laugh at them because there's no difference
So the cracked version already runs and installs just fine with 4 gigs of RAM and the real version
The article is on next powerup by the way, and the real version does not so once again
Breaking games and pirating them which is something that I don't support and something that we'd all love to find a way to get away
from and the industry needs to figure out a way to stop they need to deliver games that work and
Then I mean stuff like this. We actually have people who legit can't play a legit copy of the game
You got to stop doing that because that's not helping and that's just making piracy that much
Better I hate saying that but it's true
like this is why it's
Existing this strongly is because when people have to run away from legitimately buying it and legitimately playing it because that solution is crap
And they have to run to these pirates that are actually saving them. That's a problem. Yes
You are you're making those guys good guys and you're making yourselves bad guys. That is terrible
Absolutely good guys at this point like
it's not their fault I
Don't know
All right, so we have hold on
I just got I want to pull up the document here
Just so that I can bring up this video because this has already made the rounds and I know we're not the first people to
Talk about it, but I thought it was pretty hilarious and that was the copy pasted cutscene
Hi in the new Call of Duty game, so let's just go ahead and fire this baby up the YouTube
Get up
Okay, well whatever I was trying to move the ad there at the end
but like seriously guys
My my my I don't like it either
But my devil's advocate claim to it is one of their
Things for a long seriously guys. I don't know if I'm trying
What one of their things for a really long time was war never changes
So, I don't know
Maybe they're trying to pull on that but they could have done it a lot better and like if they did if that was their
Whole point they could have done like a fade to black and then had the text war never changes on it
And then everyone would have understand it and it would have been okay. Did you just say understand it?
Yes, because that dirt moment wasn't as bad as the one that we just showed. I
Was I've been like trying to pull myself through that because I don't actually agree with it all
So I screwed up one of the words speaking of things we rarely agree with
All right know where you're going so EA never content to let someone else have all the bad
Press this was posted. This was posted on the forum by only smoking
Battlefield 4 is facing a number of issues on all platforms at the moment, etc, etc, etc
There's some there's some some some emails and some messages and stuff going on here with some names blacked out
but the pretty much the gist of it is
Hmm dice was still trying to develop the game. They're still trying to add things to the game
They're still trying to actually do QA on some things and yeah, it was like no we're releasing before cod
So, you know, we've had some positive things to say about EA
We've had some weeks where we've said nothing about EA, but this is a problem EA
I mean if the game's not done the game's not done
Okay, if someone uses a silenced weapon, it shouldn't mute the entire server
And if you had let if you'd let ghosts release with a dog ahead of your game
You wouldn't have even had to worry about it anymore
Because everyone would have had battlefield 4 on their Christmas list so fast
I mean, I guess you have no way of predicting that cod ghost was gonna be terrible, but yeah, come on guys
And I mean, there's some other things that are kind of bothering me here to the battlefield 4 DLC is coming hard and heavy
So they've already they're already talking about two
DLCs so China rising and then what was the bloody other one called back to
This baby is basically the second one is just like a bunch of battlefield 3 maps that people like
Yeah, so battlefield 3 maps that people liked
Come on guys. You didn't even redesign the maps. You're skinning them
That should have been in the game if you already knew people like them
I mean the based on the fact that they're already done so quickly means they were pretty much already done
Basically to me what they're doing and I talked to I talked to Edsel actually because he bought the premium membership
Okay, and he basically went well
I with all of the expansion packs and the way that people move on to the new version when an expansion pack rolls out
I just got premium because that's the only way to really keep up. It's a simpler solution
Okay, and and you get pre-release but I have a problem with this
I have a problem with the deceptive way that it's being marketed. Sorry second assault. That's what second assault. Thank you
So I have a problem with the deceptive way. It's being marketed battlefield 4 is being marketed as a
$59.99 title. Okay, you can pay $69.99 and you can get what is it some some random launch day DLC?
But you don't actually get I think you get China rising as well with digital deluxe
So you can pay a little bit more and you can get the first expansion pack and then a little bit of other DLC
Or you can get the premium one
Which will actually ensure that your copy of battlefield 4 is the copy of battlefield 4 throughout the game's release cycle
What they have effectively done is they have figured out a way to market you that their game is $60, but actually have you
Willingly give them a hundred and ten dollars now
I've seen a lot of comments on this where people were saying
Oh, why do we all hate DLC now when we in like the the community gaming community as a whole loves expansions
Or loved the expansions. It's not the same thing
When Warcraft 3 got an expansion to to this was my I'm the one who wrote this. Oh, wait. Are you talking about Warcraft 3?
Yeah, oh cuz my notes are on Warcraft 2 actually. Oh, that's funny. We both have the same thought
All right, I'll let you go first
Warcraft Warcraft 2 Warcraft 3
I have the numbers. I don't have a number. All right, I got I got numbers man
All right, but like when a game like this gets an expansion
It's it's it's happy everyone enjoys it because it's a while down the line
It adds a ton to the game and it's just adding life to the game
So tides of darkness got an expansion four months after release tides of darkness wasn't a predominantly multiplayer game
So they weren't fundamentally breaking the experience that was tides of darkness
you were getting a new single-player campaign and
You were getting like a couple heroes and like maybe more custom map options like like that's all you were really getting when you bought
Beyond the dark portal. Okay. You also got a fantastic disco song that I liked earlier this week on YouTube
You guys should go check it out. It was on the CD. All right when
Starcraft which was a predominantly multiplayer game got an expansion it took eight months
so there was actually some time to enjoy the vanilla experience and
Have an experience before blizzard the evilest of all companies
Actually asked you to fork over more money along with all of your bros
So you can all play the game and have the new updated balance system and all of those updated things
My issue with battlefield 4 is we're talking like a month and change out of the gate out of the gate
so many planned already so they have made their $60 game a
$70 game if you want to be playing for more than like a couple months with all of the content and then they've turned it
Into a hundred and ten dollar game if you want to own what would typically be, you know
a one expansion pack or two expansion pack release cycle in the past if you want to own the five
Expansion packs that they already have listed. I mean to me
That's a problem the fact that all the expansion packs are here
like now
Yeah, it's like here's all the plan for all the stuff that we want you to all buy
Maybe this is all just uneducated hate from me and battlefield 4 fans are ripping me apart
So someone brought up battlefield 3 release premium a while. Okay, someone brought up that second assault is getting redesigned maps
Okay, so fine. I still maintain that they were probably done if they're being released now the same for really
I read four maps over in battlefield 3, but either way
I haven't looked too far into it because I just was like, oh I hate DLC moving on
That's probably part of it and like one of my favorite companies has been actually kind of known to be one of the worst for
This although they've kind of fixed it was Bethesda when they release horse armor
That was hilarious and stupid and that should know but at least it didn't alter the gameplay in any way and it wasn't going to
Make it in any way at all
Like the game worked if you bought the game you had the whole game and all of the mods and all of the blood
All of that stuff forever where and you didn't pay a hundred and ten dollars for it
So I'm gonna give Bethesda a pass because I have no problem with horse armor
That doesn't do anything as long as people understand it doesn't do anything forum badges on Linus tech tips forum
Don't don't do anything, but we were upfront about that. We said look this is the way you can support us
I'm okay with that. I mean I hope
Was like
That's probably good
Let's hope I'm okay with that speaking of which we are gonna have another fundraiser campaign first blood was amazingly successful
And we are so thankful to everyone who contributed to it. We have a plan
We are looking at a pretty significant website upgrade for Linus tech tips calm and a pretty significant equipment upgrade
First oh, yeah diesel sent it out
We just have to make sure it's as good or better now. No pressure. All right, it's possible. So anyway
Um, so we're planning an upgraded website. Don't worry
It's still gonna be a forum first and foremost and a lot of the front page content will be tied into the forum
That will be his job and he will do a great job of it and it will be timely
Anyway, moving moving on we are also planning an equipment upgrade that is going to allow us to bring you guys a daily show
The issue is that with all the technical difficulties that we only own one proper camera right now
So we need and one microphone and one and one stand one mic stand and like a couple lights
like we actually have one set of everything and in order to have a daily show and have no technical
Difficulties so that we can basically prep it and sit down and shoot it and bring it to you guys on the tech quickie channel
We are going to need another set of gear that basically lives on the new set
So we are going to be doing a campaign to help us fund those upgrades
so that's going to be coming soon and speaking of campaigns and
Stop stop. Oh, yeah. Okay. Hold on. No. No, I don't want to play it on there
Anyway, actually, I want to play it here speaking of campaigns back to battlefield 4. It has a campaign
I heard it ain't that great, but this is nothing to do with the campaign
I was just looking for a segue and it did not happen
So, where'd it go? Where's my segue? Where's my segue? Here we go. This in my mind is
the worst thing that
That dice EA and whoever was involved in this terrible decision could have possibly possibly done
Really you had an opportunity and I'm not I'm not the biggest
Feminism activist in the world by any stretch of the imagination
I don't think I talked about this a whole lot on the show
But you guys had an opportunity to be progressive here. The game had a had a female character in it. That was really good
This was an innovation
it was a way to set yourselves apart from the depiction of females and the way that other companies are doing it the
Depiction of females in the military you had an opportunity to be above this
She was like one of the better characters and you partnered with axe to create an ad that's like if you wear axe
Chicks will get out of tanks
They will meet you in the middle of a bridge with destructible buildings falling down behind you and they will be into you
Are you kidding me?
And I'm wondering who spent the time to painstakingly script in Hannah the girl that's in the single-player campaign and
Like make all of her writing good and make it so that all the the guy gamers would accept her and she could still be
A good female proponent with their being without being a sex symbol and all this kind of stuff
I wonder how upset they were when they were not consoled at all
And they just probably randomly saw this ad through a news site and had no idea it happened like
Unbelievable, they must have known it was coming
I'm sure they I'm sure they were upset about it
But like all the brownie points that you scored by being progressive the gone done done done done
Done done done done done. You're so done
All right, speaking of things that are done. Google speaks out are a couple of Google employees to be clear
So blah blah blah the opinions represented blah blah blah blah blah or not a blah blah blah. Okay, also all those disclaimers
So there's a couple of Google employees who are speaking up
This is an article on the verge by the way against the NSA. So Brandon Downey and Mike Hearn have posted
the old F you
to Google because of
Something that Google's been to Google pardon me to the NSA because of something the NSA has been doing which is on
Google's private
Fiberlinks, okay the NSA so where they actually transmit data between their data centers mostly for backup
Okay in an unencrypted form the NSA has been pulling data
Really NSA
Google has between these two guys
They've been talking about some of the things that they've been how outraged they are that the NSA is
Just taking data from Google that they have not asked for
So for one thing and they've talked about how they're putting solutions in place as a big F you to
Encrypt that data even when it's moving in between Google's own servers on their own secure networks
Because just the outrage and I think there's not really much more for us to say beyond that
We'll know that this NSA thing is getting a little bit out of hand here
It's getting a little bit nuts and one of the things that I brought up is like when we when we all sign our souls
Away signing up for a gmail account or whatever. Yeah, because Google sells all your personal information to don't yet
Like be real clear about that, but they usually sell it like anonymously
Let's all your data, but without a name or something like that and when the NSA takes it. It's not anonymous
It's very attached and very utilized and it's yeah, so this was information that all came out it was
The scandal comes from a little internal NSA diagram of like here's how the sneaky way
We're gonna steal the data that was part of them a little smiley face a little smiley face. Yeah
Oh, man, so not only are they stealing the data? They're being you know, snarky and like
Yeah, yeah, you know sneaky about it internally. No one's happy with you then to say
All right on to more good news. This looks amazing freaking awesome. So this was posted by orifice on the forum
It's a article and they're claiming that the Negra the Negra the Nvidia Tegra
Note7 is coming out November 12th. So that would be in four days, which I will have one
Heck of a conversation to have with Nvidia if we're not seated one of these
Just like we weren't with shield on time. Yes, because they said they were gonna deal with that
We're not gonna get one on time. I it's kind of a holiday
if that date mind you they might announce it that day and
Then because shield was announced and stuff before review samples were shipped out and before it was released and all that but anyway anyway anyway
So spec wise we're looking at a seven seven inch 1280 by 800 IPS screen, which I'm okay with it's like
Yes, I like that. Yeah for IPS. IPS is good particularly from a gaming perspective at that size. I don't notice it that much
It's only really text where 1080p would make a difference to me at that size
1.8 gigahertz Tegra for processor
Only one gig of RAM so they aren't the best specs ever
It has 2.4 gigahertz 802.11 and 16 gigs of storage microSD slot 4100 milliamp hour battery and based on
What great battery life shield gets with the Tegra 4 and similar specs. It's gonna have a pretty beastly battery life
micro HDMI out 5 megapixel rear camera and
supports game stream
Which makes that micro HDMI out super important
Not a big not a small deal so supports game stream according to the rumors
Which we haven't heard anything about it supports game stream and is
$199.99 so guys game stream. I've been talking
I mean it's happened sooner than I thought but to me consoles are already a thing of the past because if for $199
I can have something that's a tablet and
It's my console and I can use my already beefer beefy beefer beefer
buff for beefy
I don't know what I was trying to say there and I can use my powerful PC to drive games at 720p or
1080p with a wired internet connection or Ethernet connection
So if I can drive 1080p games on my TV
That'll actually be a better experience than what ps4 or Xbox one can deliver out of the gate
Assuming you already also own a PC and many gamers are gamers
They're not PC gamers or Xbox gamers or PlayStation 4. They're gamers. They own consoles. They own gaming PCs
They want to appreciate everything that's available on all of the platforms and obviously this won't give you access to the exclusive content
That's available for consoles
but it's a way to at least have the couch gaming experience with things like racing games and
Use the power of your PC to do it and one of the things with shields
Is if I wanted to play an Android game the tablet style surface is probably fine because they're all designed for it
And if I wanted to play a PC game
If I was gonna play with the controller the mobile thing isn't super attractive to me like it's pretty cool, but
You probably just want to play on the couch anyways and with this it supports attaching
Wireless controllers to it or wired if you wanted to so I just hook it up to the TV
So I find this to be a much more attractive device than shield and Nvidia is even doing
Certifications of controllers. They're calling them sufficiently low latency and they're certifying them and they're putting them on Nvidia comm awesome
So you will even be able to pick up a controller that you know will deliver a great gaming experience sweet with your
With your tablet or your or your shield, I don't know
So this is an article on PC per so the verge is the original source
But valve steam machine and steam controller the reference designs are shown off
And I thought this was fake because I was like it looks like it was
Made by like a portal fan or something, which it might have been what it might have been
Valve apparently is not actually going to sell this the reference steam machine. Yeah, I had no idea
I thought they were so they're gonna seed them out, but that's it
They're not actually gonna sell them. However
They're releasing the CAD files. So anyone could make one and I have
I'd love to see someone like EVGA release a reference because they're so good at just taking a great reference design and
Gussying it up and marketing it well and making it competitive and having it available everywhere
I'd love to see EVGA do it there if anyone from EVGA is watching. I want to see a reference steam machine powered by your graphics
Cards, that's awesome
I also want to see people just make their own if the CAD files are freely available. Yeah 3d printing
I'm done. That's what I was actually most excited for. Of course a
Board partner making it would be heard about that first metal 3d printed gun, right?
Well, it's you have to have a $500,000 plus machine to be able to make it
Okay, I have to have all this stuff behind it too. Sure, but it's the beginning of oh, of course and there will be
In terms of price and it would the the the process for it will get better
$500,000 to a criminal organization is not necessarily too much money. Not necessarily for unmarked guns. Yeah
Yeah. Yeah, there's a thing to think about. Yeah. No, I know
It's just it's not that a lot of people were jumping on it going like oh my god
Anyone can make a gun. Well, not really that's not that's not quite a thing gonna have to like sell your house
All right, so maybe we'll do some rapid-fire stories
I know we missed a couple things but we've run significantly over time here
So I knew this week was gonna be nuts the when show doc this week was insane so many great topics
I mean November is here everyone. All right. So here's some positive PR for AMD
I think this has been a very AMD positive stream overall 99 VW posted on the forum
This is a reddit reddit is the original source
So some guy's neighbor was cleaning his gun and accidentally discharged it. It ruined the guy's PC. He posted on reddit
He was contacted so you can actually see what?
AMD's PR department said here if you can read this on the stream, blah blah blah, okay
It'll be in the dock which we link on the form. Yeah, maybe you can read it like this. Anyway, this is ridiculous AMD
Contacts the guy gives him a new PC essentially like four components. Yeah revitalized it like fixes his PC
They didn't fix the case, but I'm cool. I like that. Yeah, there's a bullet hole in your case
Like how sweet is that? It's not like that sticker bullet holes and act it got shot like that's pretty cool
I think that's pretty that's pretty that's pretty beast mode right there. All right. So next up we've got oh it saved my zoom setting
LG's g flex which sounds a lot more gangster than it is. G flex. G flex
It's like the phone for like drug dealers
I'm sure LG won't put that in there like eight different numbers on one SIM card
Speaking of which guys if you have a moment maybe tweet at
LG's USA Twitter handle because that ad that we showed you like a month ago or whatever
Where the deal was we wanted a review unit of the g2 and we were going to show you that ad
Their PR firm so it's not actually necessarily LG's fault to be clear
They may not even know this happened
But their PR firm contacted me again and said we need you to show two more of them and I kind of said well no
Because the deal was we showed one and then we got a review unit
So maybe just kind of let them know we could probably use a review unit into the g2 at some point here
All right. So the upcoming G flex has a curved screen and a very noticeable arc
So let's go ahead to engage its video here. Shall I go grab my phone?
Yeah, actually no, it doesn't matter. Okay, so they showed how you can take this curved phone and you can actually
Flex it out to the point where it is. Oh, I should probably mute that shoot
Sorry guys
So you can flex it to the point where it's pretty much straight so as you can see they take it here and bend
It over bend it over the table like that
You know I had to do that
You know, I think this was not news so as much as we talked about it
Maybe it was just an excuse to get you guys to tell LG we need to g2
We could use a G flex to while we're at it
I wouldn't mind seeing what the curve screen experience is like, but I've seen galaxy s3s and s4s flex that much
I think how to turn your s4 into a curved screen smartphone. I
I torqued my name with how much pressure he was putting on that
I think it's like easier but my phone while it probably wasn't good for it can flex quite a bit
All right. Next up is AMD will be selling Intel based servers. I don't think this is that big of a deal nice hat
I think it's just ironic. Yeah, nice hat posted this on the forum
So AMD recently won a contract to supply Verizon with servers
So Verizon is wants to get into the whole cloud thing and it was through an acquisition
That AMD made last year of C micro the only issue so C micro is a server maker and they have these extremely
Compact high-density servers that they are selling to companies like Verizon. They look really cool
I mean here look at this thing guys
It has an LG a 2011 socket to soda memory slots a chipset. What looks like some other
Communication bridges here and then it has a proprietary interface that actually looks like two PCI Express 16x interfaces
Really really cool looking board and look how big it is. I mean, yeah, that's a CPU
It's small very very small. So very cool technology
Unfortunately three-quarters of the servers that Verizon's ordering are Intel based
So AMD will still be making money on the transactions as a middleman so to speak, but they have to sell Intel based servers
Over time they'll be able to phase out those models and implement AMD models and it's not really that big of a deal
It's just kind of funny
Steve Jobs's childhood is now a landmark
Childhood dicey childhood. I said his childhood's a landmark. That's not what I meant to say childhood home is now landmark
And I also think that that I clicked on the wrong link. I am not not having a good day
His childhood is a landmark. Okay. It is now a historic historic resource
So this was posted by Snickers II and this was a post on techno Buffalo guys
If you haven't seen the land show from last week go watch it John for Lakers was one of the best guests
We've ever had even just go back and watch the archive of the segment with him. We had some great conversation
Anyway, techno Buffalo is John's site
So the house where Steve Jobs grew up is now an historic resource blah blah blah the one style ranch, etc, etc, etc
All right, my comment was I wonder if there's any acid tabs left
Patricia okay get this Patricia Jobs
still lives in the house and
Then the historic designation will make it more complicated if she wants to renovate the house in the future
Basically mean she can't the Commission was not required to get her approval
Before moving forward with the vote and it not only was it not required. It didn't it didn't bother
Just yep doesn't matter. I
Mean, I'm sure she's honored and all that but seriously
Like seriously
It's kind of brutal
People oh, yeah people suck at passwords. This was a post on xkcd, which is an amazing webcomic
Wait, the post was on our forum post was on our forum posted by cuddles worth 94 19. Okay
Saying that way when I million people that you credit it. Oh, no xk xkcd did the math, right? Sorry
Thank you, no, what did they do I read it wrong
okay, so there was a post on a
Technics about how 1.9 million people used 1 2 3 4 5 6 as their password for Adobe
Because Adobe recently got hacked and they yeah, so I had to change my password and all that for creative cloud
Yeah, so 1.9 million people suck at passwords and then if you and then unrelated if you go to xkcd's post
Sorry, I read this
This was my addition to it is
Like if for for you and your friends and your parents and anyone else who ever has to set a password
So everyone they should probably read this post by xkcd which covers how people should be making passwords
They don't end up being 1 2 3 4 5 6 because that's ridiculous
People will make those kind of passwords because passwords are hard to come up with and they're hard to remember
But if you come up with four random things that are the first things that come to your head
It's probably a really strong password and probably really easy
The only issue I have with this is the number of sites that have requirements
Yeah that are like well you must have this and you must have that but this is guys if you aren't familiar if you haven't
Been on the internet ever before in your life and you're not familiar with xkcd. It's amazing. Awesome
It's they claims to be about math and romance
but it's actually just hilarious for anyone even if you don't have a girlfriend and
You don't know any math and not that I'm saying anyone who's watching our show on Friday night doesn't have a girlfriend I mean
You probably do
Quick Twitter blitz who here has a girlfriend
Actually, it's probably best if we don't talk about this alright moving right along now, yeah, he offended his entire viewer base
This is exactly what Steve Dotto was talking about
No, I think I think I'm pretty much done let's just do this last thing
So we're planning to head over to Best Buy or future shop at some point this weekend because this will only be applicable for Canadians
But this is like the stupidest promo that I've ever seen
The new Call of Duty the new Assassin's Creed and the new battlefield titles are all available for a straight
Trade-in of any last gen console game. It's only in Canada and it's only in certain locations. Yes
Okay, but that is any Xbox 360 PS 3 or Wii U game because they classify Wii U as a last-gen
Wii U games count. Yeah, so you can only do one at a time
okay, so but you can go in each day to a different store and you can exchange three games for all three of the new
Games and it can be like, you know
Battle mash cupcake
2000 or whatever it doesn't matter you can bring in any game you want and you will get one of those games and they're trying
to drive
Awareness of their games trade-in program because not everyone thinks of Best Buy future shop when they think of trading in game
No, everyone thinks of Best Buy future shop
That isn't a very nice thing to say about someone who's gonna give you a free game tomorrow. I
Will take it it doesn't mean I have to like them you'll take it but you won't have to like it
I walked into that one. That was bad. You walked in backwards. Oh
Sure, I know that was just crude. All right, we're just clearly getting close to the end of the show
How about build logs of the week or something here to go top? I shouldn't I shouldn't be operating any equipment
This is obviously the case. Why is your home go drunk? I know right just I'm just gonna sit here and be sad for the
Rest of the stream. Oh, wait, you can't even do it on there because of PowerPoint
Yes, I do I do have it now, okay
Well define months
Two months. Oh, no, it doesn't work though because it came with a trial version and I installed an older version over top of it
So it like it takes forever to launch. Okay. No, no. No, I'll pull up with the laws of the week
Okay, I'll operate all the machinery. Don't worry. Everything will be okay. This is why I love this show anything can happen
First one has a very inch actually they both have yeah, never mind. They both have completely ridiculous really interesting cases
I think I set this up last week just as like a oh
Okay, all the problem. No, no, it's set up. No not set up. Okay, so we're gonna add a screen region here
I'm just gonna do it this way. This might be a little bit
Don't worry I'll fix that
Yeah, all the brokenness. Yep. There we go bill Boggs
Why am I still there go? No, no, don't worry. It's okay. Okay, so
Next or wait. Yeah. No, you're what the hell am I still there? Oh
That okay. Well, whatever you're the only one talking anyway scooch over there
It's the slick show, okay Wow jump into the thing so we go to the next slide. Oh you want me to go to the next
Hey, it's mclavin
Case fan text and through series primo. That's like the first thing
I really want to point out because when you see that picture that thing looks amazing
We have an unboxing coming when I get around to doing it
I saw that in person today at the NCIX studio. It's kind of nice fan text been doing some really cool stuff
Anyways, you can see all the specs there and we're gonna move on to just some of the absolutely beautiful pictures that are that
Cable and tubing management. Holy cow. Yeah, these these velcros are built in. Yeah, that's awesome
So cool, and I love how they're actually everywhere like Corsair did that where they're up the one side for the 24 pin
Yes, but they're all over the place, which is sweet
That's really cool and the amount of cable management space back here
You don't even need a modular power supply and this thing's gonna look amazing because you could put like another power supply in there
Yeah, it's just sick. Here's some close-up shots
The guys oh man
Just it's just beautiful the way he did all the colors how it all goes in together and a lot of times we get build
Logs on here where people use perfectly straight tubing everywhere that is a style
But I don't think it's required and I think this guy did curved tubing in a really good way
Yep, and you know what? I like seeing builds where you know, what look there's a wire here
Yeah deal with it because I actually hooked up the rig
Yeah, that's one of the things that people will often criticize about my machine is like well
There's still a lot of wires visible and I kind of go well
I have like a raid card with eight
SSDs and I have the fact that you see as few wires as you do is nothing short of a miracle because I actually have
My front panel connectors hooked up and all this stuff
So I'm hoping when mine's done, I'll have a capture card a sound card a raid card to grab his cards
You may not need a capture card if I'm not a lot of shadow play works out
Yeah, I see but like that's gonna be all the cables everywhere. Yeah
All right, that's one of them another crazy weird case. So vector custom have been making
PC table things I thought about buying this but it's like thirty five hundred dollars or something like forty five hundred dollars
This is the commercially available one. All right, I think they only produced like thirty of them or something so very many I was like
Cuz it's real night
They're pretty freaking sweet and it saves you like making these desk computers
The build logs are really long cuz they're really hard. Yeah, really hard to make so it's interesting how you can just buy one
But they're still like yeah, like I just said you can just buy one
But like you still have to do all that to it. Like it's it's not exactly ready to go
Not so much
So absolutely beautiful computer. I love what the guy did with it. It looks great
So clean so again curved tubing you're going on a bit of a curved tubing thing
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, Dave saved my butt with this build log. But yes, I
Don't know. I like both of them. It doesn't have to be straight tubes if it's done properly curved tubes can still look really good
Do you like my rig? Yes. Have you seen the finished one? Yeah. Okay. Yeah
I'm not super stoked with mine, which is why no one gets to see it
Yeah, a lot of people have been asking to see slicks rigged for a long time
I should totally sneak into his room and like vlog it for you guys. Let me know. Let me know on the twitch chat
I'm working my computer if you do happen to do want me to do that if you I don't want you to do that
So should I just take the laptop back? Well, I think I already know the answer that they're gonna give me
Anyway, they're gonna be like do it do it. I'm gonna lay it well metal panel
Weld metal panels
That'll just be cool. I'm gonna show them the wet metal pan
Okay, yeah, you're gonna have to weld your door shut is what you're gonna have to do that's what I mean
Oh that door. Oh, yeah. So yeah, forget it
You're done
The back isn't cable managed and the cables go like this far out of the back
Everything's just hanging and the cable management on his case is not that easy. It's not good and there's there's no
So guys before we end the stream here
I know I always thank you guys for watching, but I am particularly thankful to you guys for watching today
Normally at the end of the show we have around 4,000 to 5,000 viewers. So we're on the low side today
We're sitting at around 4,000 viewers, but the thing that floors me and you just took away the punchline
Well, you're gonna ruin my rig. That's true. I'm not gonna ruin it
I'm just gonna show people the ruin state that it's already which ruins it
When people ask me what the specs are, I'm like 2600k, 660G
So guys, thank you so much for tuning into the show in spite of the fact that there are
Lots of important things to watch on Twitch right now. We appreciate your support so much
It means a lot to us and I think that was that was it
That was all I wanted to say cuz a lot of the time I know there isn't necessarily anything else to watch
But today there is and you guys watched us. Anyway, we really appreciate it. It's very cool
Archives going up like normal and there will be an after-party with giveaways. It's coming. Sorry about my tweet earlier didn't change the title