
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Booba, almost.
There we go.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the WAN Show.
We've got a fantastic show for you guys today.
Of course.
And for once, it's not my fault that we were late.
I was like, hey, we should start the show.
We're both here.
The thumbnail's done, title's done.
And then Luke was like.
Not exactly how it went down.
That's basically how it went down.
He was like, look at all these people
that are signing up for FlowPlane.
I want to tell you all about them.
And I talked to them and they think it's really cool
and they want to join.
And there's actually one that's already done a video
about going live on FlowPlane.
And for privacy reasons,
I can't say how many people subscribed already.
But I can say the word already.
I can say already.
Instead of something like so far.
I am giving no information.
So this is definitely not, you know,
LTT related or anything.
But you know what?
We're just going to promote.
Am I going to get demonetized just for promoting a channel
that gets demonetized all the time?
Okay. I'm going to pause it.
I'm going to pause it.
I'm going to pause it.
Not playing any video.
So Forgotten Weapon's been around for a long time
and has struggled in some of the main ways
that weapons channels do.
Hey guys, look at this.
Look at this video.
How about that?
It's neat.
Actually, he did a great job.
He did.
Like A plus job of explaining
what exactly the heck FlowPlane is.
Clearly gets it.
Clearly understands the platform.
Why anyone should care.
And what's really cool is that his audience
didn't flip out over it.
And in fact, seemed to mostly just think it was awesome
that he was getting involved with us.
So that's, that's pretty encouraging.
Yeah. Absolutely.
Yeah. That's freaking awesome.
So yeah, massive, massive shout out.
And hopefully we'll be able to tell you guys
about some of the other people that are planning to go live
but we can't really say anything
until they've said something.
Yeah. Exactly.
Anyway, we've got a great show for you guys today.
We're going to be talking about Intel's reveal
of their DG1 graphics card.
They actually did show hardware.
So that's positive.
Oops. There we go.
We've also, oh, we're going to discuss
Sony building their own car.
So that's pretty cool.
What else we got on the docket for today?
We should call it the PS car.
Yeah. Well, based on how creative their branding is.
The drive station.
Okay. Okay. Okay.
Can we, can we talk about their creative branding?
Can that be a topic?
Because the internet flamed them over PS5.
Okay. We can talk about it.
And I'm so upset about that.
100%. 100% we can talk about it.
That's ridiculous.
100% we can talk about it.
We've also got Dell showing off
their windows-based switch competitor,
the Alienware Concept UFO.
So that's pretty exciting.
I actually really think it's pretty cool.
And you might like this.
Cherry updates their MX switches
to now be rated for 100 million actuations.
That is cool.
Totally irrelevant.
The amount that most people type,
they would never even get close to 50 million,
let alone a hundred.
Even for like rather extreme typists.
I believe it was rather over-engineered
in the state it was already at.
My keyboard that's having issues.
Hold on.
That is an amazing name for like,
like a nerdy parody band.
Okay. Extreme typists.
I would go see them just based on the name alone.
They're all keyboardists.
Like they play guitar sounds by pressing like keyboard.
I love it.
The extreme typists.
Anyway, sorry.
Carry on.
I got totally distracted because that was awesome.
My keyboard has seen an obscene amount of use
and it didn't,
like none of its switches are the reason
why it's having problems.
Especially if they're Cherry.
It's not the switches.
I mean, okay.
We can talk about it a little bit more later.
First, we've got to roll the intro and I'm gonna do that.
It's working right? Okay.
Carlos says, is there a quiet ITX build?
Well, there is if you make one.
You're welcome Carlos.
World class channel says,
what about the Sony card that will definitely be launched
with no problems?
What about it indeed?
Wonderful question.
Absolutely love it.
You know what?
Let's make this show all Q and A.
Linus, how to build a budget PC that runs 144 frames
on Fortnite.
Did someone ask that in YouTube chat?
That's the easiest thing ever
because as long as you don't have to run 144 frames
per second, any computer will eventually run 144 frames.
What else we got here boys and girls?
He also didn't define a resolution.
So you just down sample that to all heck
and it would be great.
No problem.
Does anybody recommend secret labs chair?
I have no idea what you're talking about
and neither does anybody else because it's a secret.
Oh, what else we got here?
Luke's shirt is not playing well on my TV.
That's going to give me a seizure.
Oh, what?
Yeah, the camera doesn't like the dots
all being close to each other.
Is mine any better?
No, not really.
I guess it's just lower.
I think the white and like being up here.
Um, it looks better in person.
If you want a shirt that looks like this on camera,
you can get one.
USB-C t-shirt, $19.99 on the LTT store.
Do you love USB-C as much as I do?
Then show your love with the type C t-shirt.
That's 2020 romance right there.
I know, right?
Heck yeah.
What else we got?
I love this.
Let's do some more Q&A.
Hi Linus, says Jade.
Can my 60 hertz monitor play games at 120 FPS
or will it just be stuck at 60 FPS?
The only way to find out for sure is to take that monitor,
put it right there in front of your keyboard
and see how well it plays those games.
What else we got here?
Ham, can you overclock?
Hold on.
Oh, this is great.
Franco says, can you overclock a Ryzen 7 2600 with a B450 MOBO?
I can't.
I don't have one.
Viko says, Luke sabotaging the land show.
He might be, but that's not what this show is called.
I don't run the land show, so I don't consider that
to be a significant problem.
Hey, perfect.
Oh, Linus, how do I get XLR power supply cables?
Dear God, you don't.
Please do not plug an XLR cable and the other end of XLR
into a power supply and then anything else.
Yeah, I was going to say if you touch that to the wall,
might be a bit of an issue.
I'm pretty sure the only one PSU was ever made with them
and I can't find any XLR power supply.
OK, now I'm curious.
Now we've gone off the rails.
We both just immediately started googling.
Wow, yeah.
Yeah, OK.
All right.
Oh, yeah.
No, I've actually seen these.
What are we talking about?
I didn't know it was technically still XLR,
but I've seen these.
You've probably seen these too.
They're on a lot more like old retro-y kind of stuff.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Oh, OK.
Oh, OK.
All right, all right.
Hold on a second, everybody.
All right, so these connectors are quite frequently
used for things like scooters, electric skateboards,
that kind of stuff.
What I would probably search for,
OK, you're getting a free tech tip right now.
I'm charging you absolutely nothing for this tech tip.
You're welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
No cost tech tip.
Is I would look for electric skateboard charge cable.
And we've got a bunch of, what, really?
Hmm, OK.
Hold on, let's try something else.
Let's try something else, OK?
Well, OK, the XLR cable itself is not actually
that complicated.
So how much the cable do you need?
Well, part of the issue is that a lot of the time
they're not like male to female or male to male.
They're like hard soldered at one end.
Yeah, but the other end of an XLR cable
is often relatively random.
Like you can see through a lot of these stuff.
The ends are not necessarily the same.
All right, that worked a lot better.
Electric scooter charging cable.
Oh, it slapped off this blue screen.
And that's what happens.
That's what happens with XLR power cables.
There you go, that's why I wasn't recommending them
in the first place.
That's beautiful.
Yeah, OK, so like what I was going to say,
actually amazon.ca has the ends for XLR power cable.
So you could make your own cable if you needed to.
Yeah, that's honestly probably what I would end up doing.
Just like you just strip the existing cable,
and then you put it together.
You make sure that the thing is wired up right.
You check the wiring diagram from the manual of your device.
And then you use a multimeter.
Make sure you actually did it right.
Do a sanity check, and then you wrap the whole thing
in electrician's tape.
Or you do it properly.
Shrink wrap.
That's an option too.
Pause in there for a second.
I feel like the electrician's tape thing
came from some personal experience.
More questions?
Everyone just saying F because of the laptop?
Yeah, basically.
So all right, why don't we jump into our first topic today?
Then you lead the conversation because I don't have my notes.
Yeah, so I guess.
Intel announced it.
No, I'm just messing with you.
People get so mad.
They're like, Linus always interrupts Luke.
So I'm going to shut up.
I'm going to be good today.
I was reading the comments on a recent WAN show,
and they were like, Linus never stops talking.
He never lets Luke talk.
And so I resolved this is my New Year's resolution
to not cut Luke off anymore and not keep talking over you
when you're just trying to get a word in edgewise.
That, I feel, is really important to our audience,
really important for respecting my co-hosts, my colleagues,
my friends, people that I've worked with and had
relationships with for a long time.
And do you feel that that's important?
Because I really feel like.
I think if I can get my opinion in here,
I think what is ultimately king is content.
And if you are going on a good rant,
I think it is my job to try to either keep you
going or understand when it is genuinely too far
and then try to derail you.
I don't think it's necessarily for me to add in
if you're doing well on your own.
I don't have to get my two cents in, especially now
that I don't make videos.
I don't have to worry about my presenter brand.
I have stalled long enough that my system is booted again.
Just back up.
We can keep looking at XLR power cables.
All right, go ahead.
Intel's DG1 GPU shown in the flesh.
In recent weeks, there have been a few different leaks
about Intel's discrete GPU dubbed the DG1.
Most of them not that positive.
OK, I was wondering if you were having the same stance as me.
Running there, is it Z?
I'm calling it XE so far.
But it's a lowercase E, which dissuades me from.
Yeah, is that an element?
Oh, xenon.
Oh, wow.
Now that's going to get confusing.
You're going to have your xeons and your xenons.
The number of times I've heard people call a xenon processor
a xenon already.
I actually didn't even think of that yet.
Wow, so now it's a disaster in one more way.
Please do tell me.
I'm going to bring this back up when
we talk about the Sony naming thing
that everyone's so bummed about.
Anyways, their Z, I'm not going to call it xenon
because that's going to get more confusing.
Discrete graphics architecture.
Rather than being hush-hush about it,
they just announced it, showed it to everybody.
They put it in the laptop.
I believe they showed it in the PCIe configuration.
But in that configuration, it's just kind
of like a dock for the laptop version, which is like.
We've seen that before.
Also at the same time, a hell of disappointing though.
I was planning that like switcheroo computer
where I was going to do AMD CPU Intel graphics card because I
thought it would be going to be fun.
Now I'm like, ugh, maybe not.
They haven't really given us any specs to speak of.
No, but Steve from Gamers Nexus.
It's hilarious, by the way.
So great.
He manually counted the frames in a video
and determined that Destiny 2 was running at roughly 46 FPS
on low 1080p, so performance similar to a GTX 960M
or an RX 560 laptop edition.
Not super exciting.
Yeah, I mean, 960M, like.
It is entirely PCI bus powered.
Yeah, I mean, I guess.
If you care.
Yeah, I mean, so could.
I bet Nvidia could build something 960M tier
that is PCIe bus powered at this point,
without much difficulty whatsoever.
Yeah, this is pretty notably not exciting.
Maybe there's more than one graphics card coming.
Maybe this is the one the leaks were about,
so they were just like, hey.
I've seen.
And the funny thing about it, or not funny thing,
the lame thing about this is like you
don't know what you can and can't believe, right?
Because I've seen posts on like Reddit and Twitter,
of people being like, yeah, I'm like, I'm at Intel.
And I can't wait for when the world's going to see this.
And I'm sitting here going, really?
Yeah, so a very valid comment is that this is super early on.
It has been optimized.
But that's a lot of performance to optimize.
Yeah, you can't optimize a motorcycle into an 18 wheeler.
You know, like it doesn't, when you talk about optimization,
you're talking when you achieve a double digit performance
You did a great job.
In this scenario, it's probably more intense than that.
Because like no game ever has been made for this type of GPU.
Yeah, but Intel knows enough about building a GPU
driver at this point that, OK, here's
my counter argument to that.
We've heard this time and time again.
Three months, six months, nine months before release.
I mean, Tom's hardware has this spectacular running record
of almost every new Intel CPU.
Actually, I don't know if they've done it lately.
But going back a while ago, so you know,
like three, four to 10 years ago,
they had reviews, like nearly full reviews up of Intel CPUs
months prior to launch.
And they would always, it was always early silicon.
And it was always early BIOSes, obviously,
because you probably still remember.
Even when you're a couple days from launch,
you can still be getting BIOSes that
will change the performance by single, sometimes even
double digits in certain edge cases.
And they would always have these.
Just a quick aside, I love how people
pretend like it's been decades since I worked on computers.
You probably still remember.
Well, no, I mean the drama.
The drama, not the like.
As if I forgot.
It's been like the majority of my professional life.
Like Nick, I had to do something.
I had to work on a computer the other day.
And Nick was like, do you still remember how?
And I was like, what the heck?
OK, I would have said that.
I've built so many computers.
I was saying it as much for the benefit of the audience
as for you.
OK, when you, yeah.
I don't actually think you'll notice.
I think Nick was genuinely a little bit concerned, though.
And it's just like, come on.
OK, well, at any rate, at any rate, right.
So they would always have these disclaimers
in these reviews that go, well, remember,
these performance numbers were run on pre-production hardware
with pre-production bios.
So don't take it seriously.
And the comments would be full of,
I don't even know why they bothered to publish this.
It's going to be way better.
It's going to be way better.
It was never once dramatically better.
Not one time was it ever notably way better.
Because it's their first time entering the market
with a discrete GPU, entering the market.
I know they've worked on it before.
But entering the market.
I will give them a little bit.
They launched the i740, it's like 20 years ago.
OK, first time in roughly 20 years.
Remember, too, who this is, though.
This is Intel.
And they've got some big names behind it.
When they say something is not done,
it could be to the standard that someone else would already
be shipping.
It's Intel.
The fact that they have it sitting there running at all
means that it's like.
OK, so given that, when do you think it's going to come out?
Oh, I'd be surprised if we don't see hardware at Computex.
I'd be very surprised if we don't
see hardware at Computex.
And if that's the timeline, I think
this is pretty much it.
I think this is pretty much it.
I think we're going to see.
We're going to see, like, here.
Unless, again, unless there's more GPUs.
Because they just showed this one,
there could be a higher end GPU.
That's possible.
There could be one that is like four of these glued together,
for all we know.
But just for fun, we're going to go.
We're going to find Titan graphics card, all right?
Titan graphics card.
Here's some release highlights.
Oh, wow.
Any additional information?
I want to pick a more mainline.
Yeah, I mean, it's usually the same release notes.
The point that I'm trying to make here, guys,
is how much of a performance improvement
you typically expect to see from one driver release to another.
Oh, OK.
So here, let's have a look at this one.
Control F percent.
And nope.
Well, we got nothing specific there.
Oh, is it really going to redo this search every time?
I hate that.
I hate that so much.
Now I have to right click.
And I hate this, too.
This triggers me so much.
When the right click behavior is altered,
so you can't open it in a new tab easily,
it drives me absolutely bonkers.
Well, whatever.
The point is, occasionally, NVIDIA
will release a driver that's like, yeah,
we've got a 7% improvement here, a 20% improvement there.
I'm expecting that, title by title.
But the other thing you've got to bear in mind
is that if Intel is showing Destiny 2,
if that's what they decided to show,
they didn't pick a worst case scenario.
So those 15% improvement here, 20% improvement
there on 1080 low.
That ain't necessarily coming on Destiny 2.
I'd love to be wrong about this.
I would love to be proven wrong about this.
But I think that Intel's discrete graphics is basically
going to turn out to be their integrated graphics on Royds.
And it's going to be great in 10 years.
That's a long time.
You know, like, I'd say, because, OK, here's the thing.
We're going to get another console refresh.
We'll probably.
OK, yeah.
Every console refresh brings with it a big jump forward
in visual fidelity.
Because all of a sudden, the consoles
are running modern hardware again, woo!
Yeah, I'm really stoked about that.
And game developers can actually design around that.
So Intel is going to be way behind, way behind.
Because the game's coming for that console refresh
in their, whether it's a good.
But you develop now.
Whether it's a good port or a poorly optimized one
are going to be more demanding on Windows and Linux,
for that matter, or Mac, for that matter.
They're going to be more demanding on gaming PCs
than anything that we've seen before.
And Intel is already looking like they're
going to be barely competitive with a last gen mid-tier card.
And we've got another generation of Nvidia cards
that will probably have launched by that time as well.
Something that you just made me think of
is when you listed the Windows and Linux
and Mac is something that's going to be really cool
is once that PC is out, if it's a real thing, whatever,
is that gaming PCs will have the whole family back together.
Gaming PCs will mean all three of them.
That is true.
That's actually pretty cool.
Go proton.
I like that.
OK, so they're already behind the 8-Ball today.
They're going to be even more behind the 8-Ball
once another generation of hardware hits us from Nvidia.
I just don't see it being relevant
until they've had quite a lot of time
to iterate if what they're targeting
is this power efficient mobile gaming type of solution.
Behind the 8-Ball?
I don't think I've ever heard you say it.
How does that make sense?
How does that work?
Behind the 8-Ball?
It means like behind.
Why would that mean behind the, because the 8-Ball's
the last one you're supposed to get in the pocket?
I mean, I don't know the, what is it?
Epi-something, whatever.
Behind the 8-Ball, idiot virgin.
Behind the 8-Ball means placed in a difficult situation
from which one is unlikely to escape.
Oh, because no one wants to hit it,
because you can't hit the 8-Ball.
Look at that.
Well, now I know.
To be in a difficult or awkward position, to be at a disa,
OK, this other definition seems to be more like what I'm saying.
To be out of luck in a losing position,
to be baffled as to what to do or how to proceed.
Yeah, that sounds closer.
I don't play pool, but as far as I know, you can't hit the 8-Ball.
Until you've sunk all your other things.
I believe if you scratch the 8-Ball, you lose.
Like immediately.
I think so.
Yeah, so it's difficult.
OK, sure.
Scratch the 8-Ball.
When show, looking up random sayings,
figure out what they mean.
Look, I don't make the rules here, OK?
Wait, you can have a stalemated pool game?
How does that work?
If after three consecutive turns at the table by each player,
six turns total, the referee judges,
or if there's no referee, both players
agree that attempting to pocket or move an object ball
will result in loss of game, the balls
will be reracked with the original breaker
of the stalemated game breaking again.
So I guess if like all the balls remaining
are so close to going in, wait, what?
That there's no like feasible way for you to.
I don't understand.
I guess if the 8-Ball is positioned in a certain way,
if like one of the balls is way, way, way too close to a pocket,
I'm assuming, and the 8-Ball is like no matter
what in the way of it.
So no matter what hit the 8-Ball.
But they have to take three consecutive turns, which
means presumably that they would play a scratch
and put another ball up on the table.
I don't really, OK, you know what?
It doesn't matter.
Not terribly important.
What is important is the sponsors for today's show.
We don't know anything about pool.
Just go for a swim, you know?
It's my pool.
All right, sponsor number one for today is a new one.
Vessi Footwear.
OK, we need a water bucket for this sponsor, evidently.
Give me, give me, give me.
All right.
So their big thing, OK, huh, is that they offer a 100%
waterproof shoe using a knit material.
Yeah, you were speculating that there was rubber involved,
but there isn't.
So you know how the water resistance meshes on phones,
for example, on speaker grills?
You know how those work?
It actually just has to do with the way the mesh is constructed.
It's not necessarily like a hydrophobic coating,
although hydrophobic coatings are never a bad idea.
But it just, like, the pores are too small,
and water just beads against them.
It's, like, that's why you can, you know,
still use a microphone when you've
got a water-resistant phone.
Anyway, so that you can walk through rain, snow, mud,
and slush without worry, and their material
helps regulate the temperature of your feet.
It actually is breathable.
On hot days, they'll keep you cool.
Cold days, they'll keep them warm.
Well, what?
It's just the top of the shoe.
It's not dirty.
That's a very reasonable test.
No, I just had never thought of that before.
What does breathable mean?
Can you breathe through it and feel it on the other side?
It's flexible.
It stretches.
It's kind of like wearing a second pair of socks.
Actually, really light, 175 grams,
about the weight of an iPhone.
And their herringbone tread pattern
is designed to grip anything you walk on,
making them great for hikes.
The antimicrobial insoles will keep your feet fresh.
Good luck.
I don't know.
Good luck, seriously, with my feet anyway.
And you can get them.
It might help mitigate a little bit.
For 15% off with offer code WANSHOW.
So let's see just how waterproof they are.
And OK.
There's a bit of a lip here.
I'm going to go in like.
It's genuinely not maybe the greatest container to do that.
No, there you go.
It got water inside.
No, I'm kidding.
I'm kidding.
I'll use the other one.
That's not a way to test this.
You're a review channel, Linus.
Get it together.
I should really know better.
OK, so you might have gotten it through the lace area there.
So if I had to assume you might have gotten a little bit
of water inside, just because the thing.
But I don't know how the thing on the laces works.
No, it's actually, it's solid.
Oh, OK, OK.
Yeah, so see, there's no gap there.
Well, put your hand in.
Yeah, put it all the way in there.
Yeah, all the way in.
All the way.
It's dry.
That's pretty sweet.
So you can check them out at vessifootwear.com slash WANSHOW.
Oh, I'll move.
No, no, I'll move these.
You can get 15% off with offer code WANSHOW.
Go check them out.
Oh, that Brita thing cracked.
Oh, really?
Yeah, because I was holding it with one hand by the end.
And where my thumb was holding it, cracked.
I thought I was going to drop it.
Oh, jeez.
OK, new.
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Really, really recommend it.
Great tool.
Speaking of great tools, Luke, can you point at that for me?
No, I meant the pointing part.
I didn't mean you're a tool.
You know what, it doesn't matter.
Lmg.gg slash Displate WAN.
Go get your artwork.
They have over 600,000 designs from 30,000 artists.
They attached your wall with magnets.
Thanks, Vanna.
No mounting tools are required because magnets, duh.
And so far, they have planted 11 million trees
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We even have our own prints.
I think James's is the best, but mine's pretty sweet too.
And you can check them out at lmg.gg slash Displate WAN.
That's right.
I need to get a new one with my new car.
Actually, my new car is like not iconic,
so it would sort of be irrelevant.
All right.
Got a few more great topics for you guys today.
I thought you were going to review that car.
I still am.
Are you just trolling me right now?
Is that what's going on?
Well, no, because we had a follow-up conversation to this
not way too long ago.
And I thought you said you were going to do it
for like 2019 and then get another one.
Yeah, I was.
And I didn't.
I mean, I actually...
I genuinely am not filled in past that point.
I think I got it in like fall of 2018 at this point.
I've had it over a year.
What I had actually intended to do was keep it
for a very short period of time.
And, you know, I like it.
There, there's your review.
So I have not, in fact, ended up changing my car.
It's very practical, very practical.
You know, I'm, I'm a practical kind of guy.
Had a lot of people ask me, why don't you get a Tesla?
And because I, because I didn't,
cause I paid like 20 grand less
than what you would for a Tesla.
And I have no range anxiety and I plugged my phone
in if I need smart car features, not a smart car.
That's a different thing.
Sony, speaking of cars, built their own car.
Before we get into this,
I really want to talk about the naming thing.
PS5, what do you think?
Well, it's obvious it had to be PS5.
What else were they going to call it?
Yeah. No, no.
I mean, I, okay.
I actually, I wrote an episode of Tech Linked
for the first time ever.
In all the years that Tech Link,
Tech Linked has existed as a format.
Not back when it was net linked daily.
So back when I was just winging it,
but ever since it was a scripted news roundup,
I have never actually written it.
Not once.
Yeah. Okay.
I wrote it for the first time on Tuesday
for Wednesday's episodes, episode.
It was fun.
And I actually addressed this exact issue
because Riley had glossed over it,
but I thought it was really funny
that people were giving them such a hard time.
I don't get it.
I agree that they could have done something edgier
and more futuristic looking for the,
Oh, for the design.
For the design.
I a hundred percent agree with that.
I thought the PS2 design was super cool
because I'm old and whatever.
I thought it was cool.
I think that the PS3 one was kind of a little bit try hard.
What does it genuinely look like?
Is it this?
Like the console?
I think they could have done something
That's pretty new and different and edgy.
I think they could have done something
that better matched it.
That's all I'm trying to say.
That better matched it?
Oh, you think the name could be something
that better matched it?
No, no.
Like the logo design.
Like I have no problem with them calling it PlayStation five.
Oh my God.
Why didn't they make it a V?
I see.
I don't know.
They could have done literally anything
and it would have been more than
Cause the console's
What they did.
It has a V symbol on it.
Like that's not even stretching that far.
My one thing, the thing that drives me nuts
is everyone looks at Xbox and goes,
Oh, well you can't count linearly.
And everyone looks at everything else and goes like,
why can't you just make it a simple name?
And then PlayStation's like, we got you.
This is the fifth one that we have made.
And everyone's like,
U.S. gamer.net.
Here we go.
That was an excellent design for the time.
It was.
It made the point that it had 3D graphics.
It was a P and an S.
It looked pretty cool.
I thought PS2 was super cool.
It looked very, this is a new generation of thing.
It's like, it's way better.
It's like performance and shit.
Really design of the times.
Like the slimness, especially when they had the slim out.
The black plastic.
The logo being very edgy.
Lots of edges on the console.
Lots of edges on the logo.
It was a great looking console for the time.
This very Spiderman.
I was not a huge fan.
Basically looks like Spiderman font.
A hundred percent.
Oh, and they also say Spiderman.
Is it literally the same font?
Is it?
They say Spiderman of PlayStation three goes Spiderman.
Oh, there you go.
I mean, everyone thought it looked like Spiderman.
So it's not like I was.
It's not like I was coming up with something new there.
So yeah.
I wasn't a fan of this one either.
It got updated to PS3.
I was okay with this one because I thought it matched
the aesthetic of the rest of the console very well.
I just never liked the PS3 consoles.
So then, wait, what happened to PS4?
Where are the, what the?
Thank you for the excellent two thirds of an article
that you had going on there.
And then you just, you done goofed.
I really liked PS4, but the thing with PS4
is that the PlayStation four and the Xbox
looked so freaking similar.
Like they're both, what's the, is that trapezoid?
Is that the right name for the shape?
I could be getting that wrong,
but they're both kind of like.
Parallelogram McPrism?
I don't, yeah.
It's been a long time.
Not trapezoid though.
Parallelogram I think is right.
Cause both the, yeah, I think you're right.
Anyways, they both had that like same general design.
I was kind of amazed that they were so similar.
Like this is the PlayStation and this is the Xbox.
This is a burger.
This is a Big Mac.
Like, I don't know.
They were so freaking similar, but it looked sharp.
They looked good.
I just think the logo was fine, but then why not change it?
They've changed it at every other stage.
I don't know.
And to be clear.
The thing that I saw was that people were mostly angry,
but the, not angry, disappointed, I don't know,
about the boringness of five in general.
But it may have been mis-aimed aggression.
And it might've been that the logo itself was boring
because they did literally nothing new with it.
Now, a lot of people are pointing out
that this is what the dev kit looks like
for the PlayStation five.
I still think that there is,
at least I would hope that there is a chance
that they would launch something that cool looking.
I think it would be just like such.
I think it would be fun.
Everything's so boring these days.
Like the new Xbox is so boring.
Hey, it's a box.
It's literally a box.
What's in the box?
It's literally a box.
I sincerely hope that Sony allowed these leaks,
cause there's too many leaks
for this to have been an accident.
Like I sincerely hope that Sony allowed these leaks
so that they could test the water on this design.
That is my personal hope.
Cause I would love to have a game console
that looks like a freaking game console.
All right.
Yeah, I agree.
I don't know.
I think it's cool.
I like the black and blue one considerably more
than the silver and black one.
I will say that.
Oh, the dev kits?
Here, here, here.
I'll share your screen.
Let me try.
I think the black and blue one looks awesome.
Here's the dev kitty one,
mostly silver with black accents, blah, blah, blah.
And then here's the one we're talking about now.
It's a tiny picture.
Just zoom.
Good enough.
Yeah, cool.
Yeah, I think that looks way better.
I think it looks great in mostly all black
with the blue lighting.
Now there's a solid chance it'll look nothing like that
and it'll be a boring black box,
but I'm just, I want to have, let the record show.
I want to stay for the record.
The nineties were like, maybe, you know,
maybe a little too far with the like, wow, that's crazy.
But then we toned it all the way back to like zero.
What, you didn't like the clear Nintendo 64?
I actually loved that.
Yeah. Okay.
So what are you talking about?
I mean, in general,
there was some things about the nineties
that were a little nuts.
The console design in the nineties was great.
Look at this stuff.
I have no issue with that at all.
It was amazing.
That, that, oh yeah.
My favorite one was the purple.
This right here.
Super legit.
Orange, eh, that one never really did much for me.
It wasn't that into the red either,
but the, the, the, the, the smoked black one.
Smoked black one was sick.
The blue one, the purple one.
Oh yeah.
I think all the bottom four there are really cool.
I still don't own an Inten,
I have never in my life owned a Nintendo 64.
That was probably,
oh, that was one of our main consoles.
Our main consoles that we had were definitely N64.
No, SNES, N64, Xbox and Xbox 360.
Those were like the base for us.
All right.
What if Sony made a car?
Would you, would you trust your life in the hands of Sony?
You know what?
Having experienced their laptops, I have concerns.
Okay, hold on a second.
When though?
A long time ago.
Cause like, I don't know.
I don't remember.
It was genuinely like 2008.
I don't remember the last time their laptops
were actually designed like,
or how do I put this?
I don't remember the last time Sony actually cared
about their laptops.
Yeah, okay.
But they kept releasing them for a while
after they stopped caring about them.
And this is a car.
So hold on a second.
Something I will, I will give out.
I saw a comment about this and I thought it was great.
And I stand by it a hundred percent.
Sony used to be nuts.
They would just make everything
and they would send things out there
and they'd put tons of marketing and production behind it.
And if it flopped, they were just like,
and they'd just go try something else.
And that's how they got into a whole bunch
of weird markets.
Then they got really sheepish for a very long time.
And then they made a car.
So like maybe Sony's back and that's cool.
Do I want it?
No, not personally, but I hope it does well.
Here, let's pull it up.
Well, so far it's just a concept.
Okay, there's someone in the float plane chat
with the name on float plane.
Like they made an account with this name
and then paid money to Linus Tech Tips with this name.
Like this is their handle for sure.
It is I76969X.
And that is hilarious.
I just, I just love that.
Like that's what you committed to.
So here's what's exciting to me about the Sony concept car.
Not that I think Sony is actually gonna make a car.
In response to your question,
I think I would trust Sony to make a car
more than I would trust a lot of car manufacturers
to make a car.
Now that they're electric?
To be, yes.
Now that the car is basically a rolling computer,
I would give, I would have a lot more faith
in Sony's ability to design and produce and QC it
than I would in a lot of car manufacturers.
I would expect Sony to do things
like provide software updates over time.
And as far as like, if it's a category by category,
I don't have as much trust in Sony.
Like their cameras, I have a lot of trust in Sony.
Yeah, I was gonna say you have more experience
with the cameras which might drive you a little more.
Where it's like some kind of home automation thing.
I mean, LTT lived off a Sony camera for a long time.
Oh yeah, yeah, for a long time.
They're still great.
Like if they did like some weird like skunk works type
like side project, I don't think I would have
as much faith in them.
Would I buy a Sony TV?
I mean, that's a funny one.
LG display, not to be confused with LG electronics,
LG display makes the OLED panels
that pretty much everyone in their dog is using in high-end TV
so he doesn't actually manufacture OLED panels.
So why is it that for quite a while actually
Sony had what was the best regarded OLED TV?
You would think LG electronics and LG display
would be able to work together pretty closely
to make sure that LG electronics
has the best darn LG display based thing
but that's not quite how it works.
Sony managed to squeeze more out of the technology
than the guys who basically work right next to the campus
where they make them, right?
So if it was something like a TV or a display
I would actually have a lot of trust in Sony.
So cameras, I could be 100% sure.
Sony is far and away, sorry,
I don't mean video production cameras now,
I'm talking about like tiny image sensors
like what you would find in a cell phone.
Sony makes the best ones, period.
So I would trust that a Sony car
would be absolutely riddled with them
and that they would all be Sony cameras
and that they would work really well.
So there's certain things that I'd be like,
oh yeah, okay, I could get behind that.
They have a lot of talented engineers,
they care a whole lot.
And a decent amount of the stuff
that I would be worried about like working
are stuff that is for sure gonna be solved
by outside companies like the brakes.
Yeah, exactly, like you can just-
And the wheels.
You can build your own motorcycle from scratch,
you can build your own car from scratch
by going and just buying enough
aftermarket tuned components to just actually make one,
that can be done.
You have to find a frame and stuff,
but you can literally also buy kits.
Exactly, so I don't think that a lot
of the traditional automotive things
are gonna be complicated for Sony.
I mean, the things that took the most R and D
are no longer relevant.
The internal combustion engine and the transmission.
Like that was the hard part.
Now, I think really the point of this Sony concept car
is that anyone can make a car.
Honestly, yeah, that makes sense.
Especially if you're outsourcing the motors at all.
Like the motors and the batteries,
if you're outsourcing the motors and the batteries, like-
Now, with that said, I'm not saying anyone
can run a successful car company
because there's a lot more to running a car company
than building one car,
figuring out your supply chain and logistics issues,
your regulatory issues, all that kind of stuff.
That's way more complicated actually
than building a car at this point, from my understanding.
So anyway, we can talk about it a little bit.
Vision S concept car,
built for the passenger's experience and safety.
The platform was engineered by Magna, a vehicle supplier.
The safety cocoon has 33 sensors in total,
including high resolution CMOS optical,
solid advanced driver assistance system suite,
a solid state LIDAR, radar, time of flight sensors,
all of which are fused together
to create an advanced driver assistance system suite.
Individual speakers per passenger seat
allow users to listen to their own music.
I doubt that that works very well.
The dashboard display spans the entire width of the vehicle.
See, I would trust Sony
to have great displays in their vehicle.
The electronic setup looks really cool.
Internet connected, kept up to date and add new features,
has a valet mode, says this platform will be able
to support other types of vehicles like SUVs.
No indication of it ever making it to a production stage.
You know what, I've talked myself into it.
I would strongly consider a Sony car,
especially if they were-
If they release their car,
you review your car, flip it and get this one.
What do you think?
Fine, I'll do it.
I will buy the Sony car.
I will put in a pre-order the minute it goes up for sale.
You hear that Sony?
Yeah, I will buy the Sony car
because I don't like Tesla's attitude.
I've talked about this on the WAN Show before.
I don't like their attitude.
And if Sony was to come in and be someone with,
because I don't necessarily,
I'm not necessarily after the wheel alignment experience.
I'm after, because the computerized features of a car
are kind of more important to me at this point.
So if someone were to come in and challenge Tesla
in that space where they're providing updates,
adding new features, all those things that Tesla does
without being anti-right to repair,
I'd be very interested in it.
What if they still are?
Well, I kind of already shook on it, didn't I?
That's a relative assumption.
I feel like you could take it back based on that.
I don't want you to,
but that is a very understandable stance.
If they were anti-right to repair,
then what's really the major difference?
Then I might as well just go buy a Tesla
because they've got the track record at this point.
Yeah, so I feel like that's a reasonable out.
All right, fair enough.
Someone says,
when did Sony start releasing software updates?
They do firmware updates for their cameras.
They release software updates for the PlayStation
all the time.
A lot of audiences experience with Sony is the cameras.
That's true.
And a lot of the knowledge about Sony
then goes to the console,
which you might want software updates
for your console faster,
but it doesn't mean they don't release a lot of them.
And they kind of won the whole last console generation.
Yeah, landslide victory.
That was, yeah, they took that one home.
No doubt.
I mean Switch,
we're talking Xbox versus PlayStation.
Yeah, I mean, the Switch was like,
I don't,
It was quite a bit later.
How many people you think own a Switch
as their only last gen console?
Ooh, interesting.
Probably still a decent amount
because families and stuff and me.
You don't have a PlayStation 4?
No, I stole the Works one for like a long time.
Oh, okay.
Well you would have had to get one then.
A PlayStation 4?
Yeah, would you have just not bought one?
I'm that cheap.
So you just,
all those games that you were willing to like-
I made an agreement with AJ.
Steal from me in order to play.
That was fine.
Oh yeah.
But like $400 of which you're only out
like maybe a hundred of it
cause you can flip the stupid thing in six months.
I made an agreement with AJ.
No, hold on.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
Back up a second.
Cause you wanted to play the games.
Oh yeah.
The difference is I don't want to play the games.
I just don't care.
You wouldn't go out, buy a used console,
lose maybe 20 or $30 on the deal
and flip it again after you've played the games.
Bull stuff.
Yeah, probably not.
He would have owned it.
Probably not.
No, I don't buy it.
Talk about your deal with AJ,
but clearly you're a liar at this point.
We shouldn't be listening to you.
I'll get into why not in a moment.
I had a deal with AJ that I would play
Horizon Zero Dawn in 2020.
I stopped playing it when it first came out.
I was really excited for it to come out.
He really liked it a lot.
I was like, no, I'm not going to play it.
And I, as a joke, I was like, yeah, in 2020, I'll play it.
This was like 2017, it's 2020 now.
And I've basically just been like, I can't,
I don't have one.
Hey AJ.
He did say, he did say, he did say,
he can still borrow our PS4 anytime he wants.
I said, once the lounge is back up,
I might play it from the lounge.
Cause I don't want to take it home,
but I might play it from the lounge.
And the lounge is coming.
Well, AJ heard what I said too.
So there you go.
He heard what you said.
He heard what I said.
He said I could play Detroit, become human.
So I might do that instead actually.
But, and that's on PC.
But that's on the Epic store.
Do you own anything from the Epic game store yet?
Me neither.
Actually just cause I'm cheap.
Technically my company does.
Cause we had to like put Fortnite on computers
so that we could do videos about.
Do you own a computer?
It's a free game though.
Well, I have an account.
Like LTT benchmark has an account.
I don't have a personal account.
Yeah, but you haven't like bought anything
from the Epic game store.
Oh yeah, I guess not.
Yeah, you just install the game.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
So if anything, I'm bringing them down
one free download of the game
and no microtransactions at a time.
Dell shows off the Alienware concept UFO.
You know what?
I'm going to use the business insider source
for this story.
Look at this thing.
It's a switch.
But you can do PC games on it.
So I would get straight up.
I haven't looked into this like at all.
Is this a remote play thing
or are these playing natively off the device?
No, these are playing natively off the device.
Does it support remote play?
Well, presumably it would
because anything with a steam account
supports remote play.
So there's that.
Oh wow.
Thank you.
Thank you Google docs.
It always does this.
Halfway through the show
and it just logs me out of my account.
That's great.
Oh, appreciate you so much, fam.
Yeah, so basically it's a little portable console
that looks like a switch.
It looks like it's maybe a little thicker.
Looks like it's maybe a little wider.
The controllers, in my opinion,
ergonomics don't look entirely there
but they might even end up being a little bit better
just because they are a little bit bigger.
And when you're holding a single controller by itself,
it's a little small on the switch.
I was hoping that they would fix, in my opinion,
the one issue that I have with the switch
is the joysticks are so small
that they become annoying to use
if I'm trying to play something very seriously.
And if I'm trying to do a game
where you have to hold the joystick in a direction
for a long time, they become a little frustrating.
I have little caps on mine
and even then it's still not great.
But they look really small on this one too.
It's got an eight-inch screen
compared to the Nintendo Switch's 6.2-inch screen
so it's larger and noticeably heavier.
The side controllers are detachable just like the Switch
with a connector to turn them into a standalone controller
just like the Switch.
It's got a kickstand for seated gaming
and can dock to be used with an external display.
So it is otherwise a fully-fledged Windows PC.
Here, I'm gonna share your screen for a second there.
It looks very large.
It looks really big.
Like if you look at this dude's hands,
or maybe I don't know,
but if you look at this person's hands,
like that controller compared to a Switch controller,
unless this person has tiny hands, is huge.
It's really weird the way the perspective of this image
makes it kind of hard to tell
that this is a straight down line.
It looks like an angle.
Yeah, it looks like the screen is a trapezoid, but it seems,
and this looks straight down instead of angled.
There's more of a gap here, or less of a gap here.
Yeah, exactly.
But just the way that this image is shot,
where it's closer to the top and farther from the bottom
makes it kind of look like this is straight down,
but it's clearly not.
The screen has to be square.
So it looks like they slide on at an angle.
It looks like the screen,
yeah, it looks like the display is square,
but it looks like the framing is genuine.
The frame is like A-frame.
Yeah, and that's a really weird choice.
I don't know why you would do that.
That might be okay,
because your natural hand position isn't right.
Yeah, but you could have just as easily
just made the device thicker and had a bit more room in it
and made the controller a little bit straight.
Like, I don't really get it.
I don't know.
And like, do these controllers clip in?
Looks like it, yeah.
Or do they slide in?
Oh, hard to tell from that picture.
So Dell insists this is a concept,
but those who had hands-on said it appears to be very
polished for a concept device.
This is speculation on our part,
but with Intel's demo of their new Xenon discrete graphics.
Wow, look at my, just jumped because of ad loading.
Thanks, Business Insider.
But look how, oh my God.
Maybe it's possible this device was a demo for that
and they just couldn't talk about it.
Look how huge that is.
Yeah, it's pretty chunky.
It's not small.
And especially in a lady's hands now, it looks...
Like, that looks difficult to use for her.
Really unwieldy.
Um, huh.
All right.
Cherry updated their MX switches for 100 million actuations,
which is really funny because I remember talking to them
when we did our factory tour and they were like,
well, the whole however many millions of actuations
is basically just a dick-waving contest
and we're not gonna participate.
Well, they participated.
Competition's getting a little bit more spicy.
We talked to them while we were there about like,
you guys need to produce more.
Cause there was a huge era there,
which I think a lot of people have forgotten about,
where like certain places couldn't really make
mechanical keyboards and certain companies
that were making mechanical keyboards
were having supply issues
cause they couldn't get enough Cherry switches.
And Cherry essentially was like,
hey, anyone ever interested in making a switch company,
if you wanna just come take a giant amount of business
from us, that would be great
cause we're just not gonna produce anymore.
And then companies did and now they're here to stay for sure
and they're actually doing quite well.
To be clear, they didn't literally say that.
They just sat on ass.
That's the point Luke was trying to make.
And I think now they're hurting.
Yep, that's what happens.
Trying to claw back in and I'm kind of disappointed
cause I was a Cherry fan and I still kind of am,
but like they shouldn't have had to do this.
They should have just had better production.
So we saw their like entire production
and it was like a relatively small room.
Yeah, Cherry increased the gliding surface area
on the key switch stem,
as well as the included eight guide rails
on the inside of the switch housing.
And they're calling this new solution Hyperglide.
They also showed off their new Viola switch design
aimed at more budget oriented keyboards.
And this is the company's first fully mechanical switch
for the value market meant for keyboards
that will cost between $1,500.
So I'd be, I would actually be quite interested
to try that out.
I guess that's pretty much all I have to talk about for now.
Do you really care that much about that pot stash box?
Oh no, I was just confused about the name of the thing.
Okay, well, whatever, there's a pot stash box
and it's got facial recognition, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
There's a built-in scale that works with the mobile app.
Okay, and they won an innovation award
even though you're not allowed to have cannabis
at the exhibition because they didn't mention cannabis.
It really needs this.
It has an LED display, backlit LED display
just in case you didn't think it was backlit
that shows the time and outdoor weather.
So it disguises itself as a clock.
That's pretty funny.
I mean, it's fine.
It's just a box though.
All right.
Like maybe it has like stuff that makes it
so you don't smell it from outside of the box.
It does really look like a clock.
Okay, here, hold on.
Oh my goodness.
All right, hold on.
Oh wow, way to ruin everything, Luke.
Well, I think they have a thing that's like,
are you sure you wanna be here?
Are you 21 years old?
So can I even show this?
Well, it looks like a clock.
It does, yeah.
It looks like a really old desktop clock,
like a really old one.
All right, we're gonna get to our super chats
in one momento, please.
I'm really happy the innovation award
went to a desktop clock that is also a box.
Great, great work.
Are we in the wrong line of business?
Maybe, maybe we should make boxes.
Yeah, should we just make like a cute one?
We always do all the hardest stuff.
Let's start a new company making YouTube videos
and then let's start a new company
hosting videos on the internet.
We're always like, what is the highest
difficulty possible thing? Making merch.
Yeah, yeah.
And we could just, I don't know.
Make boxes.
Yeah, just, what if we just-
That has like probably an under 99 cent
from China electronic little clock in it.
Like what if we made a cookie jar
that like, you know, when the kids walk up to it
is like, you better go ask mom first.
How many millions of those do we sell?
You can make it look like a flower pot.
A little cat, you know?
Yep, sweet.
You know, you could have like-
Has a clock on it?
Yeah, you could have like tokens.
Why not?
Like the kids could go get,
like it could have like a little fob
that goes on your key chain.
So the kids have to go use the fob
in order to open it and give your keys back.
So like, you know, it's like, there, boom.
And it just like-
Million dollar idea.
It complains until it's properly closed.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
It makes noise while it's open.
Like honestly, like do we just go get
a hardware engineer right now?
Just like make this thing?
I don't know who to be more disappointed in.
The like awards company thing
for giving a box with a clock on it,
the innovation award at CES,
or the entire rest of the consumer electronics industry
for not making something better
than a box with a clock on it.
Like, I don't know which one.
I don't know.
Who knows?
But there you go.
All right.
Carpool Critics, guys.
We have a movie podcast.
It's over at carpoolcritics.libsyn.com.
You can find it on Twitter,
at carpoolcritics, James, Riley, and David
are the main talents.
I don't know if they did one this week
because they were down at CES,
but generally speaking,
they'll be hitting a new movie every week.
And LTX, save the date, August 8th and 9th.
These need to be corrected.
You can find the full details at ltxexpo.com.
We highly recommend that you be there.
We already have creators RSVPing.
I forget which ones I'm actually allowed to say
because we have to ask them.
Hey, is it okay if we confirm
that you're coming? Yeah, that makes sense.
But yeah, there's already creators
that are going to be there
and I'm really, really excited.
It's gonna be a lot of fun.
So Super Chats.
I hope the LTT offices are insulated
and your pipes are covered.
Next week, it's going down to minus seven.
Oh my.
Yes, it's insulated.
I can't show it to you.
Wait, you know what?
I'm gonna show it to you now.
Do you wanna read some Super Chats
while I show them the information?
Where were we?
I subbed a float plane,
but I watch on YouTube to improve monetization.
Is that the best way?
I mean, sure, if you're into it.
I would just watch on float plane
because the better quality,
but I mean, you can do whatever you want.
If it's satisfying, do it up.
Insulation on the wall.
Actually, it's for noise dampening,
but whatever, minor details.
Still kind of works, I guess.
Someone deleted their message.
If they were smart, you would be back to edit.
Here's an interesting, spicy question.
PIA rep on Wensho,
when you guys mentioned you're gonna explain
like a month ago,
been a PIA customer for a long time,
acquisition worried me.
So I think we were supposed to have done it already,
but then something, something,
the three different time zones of the parties involved,
we had to push it,
but it is still going to happen at some point.
Itay says, don't forget to hire Madison.
There would have to be a position she was qualified for
that we actually had available.
So we'll see.
She can apply like everyone else.
Aiden says, forgotten weapons is a super cool channel.
Excited to see them on flow plane.
Some guy in Twitch chat asked,
where can I buy Luke's shirt?
Go, go, go.
Ilya says, so women's.
Right here.
I guess he knew that.
That was a joke.
My bad.
So women's LTT underwear is real now.
By the way,
amazed by the form of the mother of three great job, Yvonne.
I will, I will let her know.
I know it's not real.
She just made that out of scrap fabric.
Yvonne made ladies underwear out of, yeah.
I attend the internet.
Ah, fair enough.
Ben says, remember when Luke was wrong?
Legally this has to be brought up every year.
Do you remember when it was over?
Not you.
I don't.
You don't?
I don't anymore.
I do.
I do.
It was a Pokemon.
It was the typing of a Pokemon.
Oh, okay.
I don't remember which one.
Robbie says, are you going to do anything
with Oculus Quest Steam Link VR?
We have a video coming soon using the link cable
and all that kind of cool stuff.
All right.
Sorry guys.
I'm only going to be able to do so many of these.
We're actually way over time on the show today.
I just realized that.
Would a 3900X be a decent upgrade over an i5 3570K?
Do you even have to ask that?
You spent $5 to ask that instead of upgrading your CPU.
Cake your boy 1337.
You got to get yourself together over there.
So, this is a great idea.
Tim Wade says, Scrapyard Wars idea.
Each team gets a GTX 1080
and has to barter their way to the best benchmarks.
I like it.
I think we should start with something better.
Like we should start with an RTX 2080 TI or something.
I don't want us to have too much money though.
Like that was a, yeah.
Right, but you can make when you're talking trading
because you can't sell it.
So when you're talking about trading.
Trading for money is like a thing, but I now understand you.
I like it.
I like it as bartering.
So trading for items.
So like we're old school Fiat doesn't exist.
Yeah, chickens and eggs and milk and cows.
Okay, so this could go two ways.
You could paperclip it
where we start with like an old kind of not great system.
That might be kind of impossible.
Yeah, it would take months.
So we're starting with something crazy.
So we're like trading someone a really nice graphics card
for like their whole computer.
But then-
That's probably how that kind of ended up going.
And then we have that and we can work from there.
Cause otherwise you've got too much value tied up
in one thing.
So you have to get the best like multi-item thing.
Cause you could trade it for anything.
You could trade it for a car for all it, you know?
One of the, a fun rule could be that the first trade
can't be a computer part.
That would take so long.
It'd probably take too long.
It'd take forever.
It'd be entertaining, but it'd probably take,
it'd probably be impossible to like document properly.
Nexanenandcheese says,
how about not an mineral oil PC,
but a deionized water PC?
30 minute computer?
30 minute computer, yeah.
That'd be kind of an interesting video though.
How long will it last?
We've talked about it before.
I put a hard drive in water and it died.
Not quite instantly, but pretty fast.
Is there any way to-
And not one with breathing holes.
That's the old one.
Okay, yeah, you're good.
Is there any way to constantly progressively deionize water?
Like could you counteract the-
I honestly don't know.
It'd be fun.
PastaPoachkin says, first year anniversary
with my girlfriend.
Could you shout out Jaria and Dill?
Yes, I can.
Jaria and Dill.
Jaria and Dill.
Oh, I see what you did.
Now I'm just messing with you.
Daria and Jill, both of you.
Fatal Floss says, oh, I got here late.
Did I miss Intel's funeral?
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Luke, can you do a kickflip?
You didn't ask for this story,
but back when my brother and I were kids
and skateboards became really popular for our generation,
because they phase in and out constantly,
we had this old terrible scooter
and it had like a bolt-on handle thing
and it had a flip up at the back,
but the front was flat and it was just horrible.
I don't even remember where we got it from,
but we decided, hey, it's a skateboard
if you unscrew the handle, right?
So we did that.
Not really.
We tried for so long.
I mean, like genuinely a very long time.
I don't think, and either of us ever
were able to land a kickflip.
What we did do though was some pretty sick,
you know, when you're standing,
you just stomp on the tail and you watch a flip for a while.
That was entertaining,
because that's pretty much as far as we got.
There you go.
Ben Quigley says, got Spectrum here from the forum,
seeing as it's my birthday.
Just a reminder that the LTT folding team exists.
Come fold people, there's no event, just folding.
Sounds good.
Johnny Lombak says, thank you for recommending CrossCode.
I bought it recently and I absolutely love it.
You still haven't played it.
You suck.
I've played CrossCode.
You suck.
I haven't beat it.
I've played it.
How far in are you?
I bet my son's further than you.
He's actually gotten shockingly good at it.
I think the babysitter's been letting him play video games
more than she's supposed to.
Cause he's like actually really good.
Like he's using the tech tree
and like using abilities to beat bosses
that like I know for a fact I didn't show him and stuff.
Like he's getting to the age
where he can actually figure out games on his own.
Okay, actually I need your guys' help.
This reminds me, what is it called?
There's a Final Fantasy VI mod.
World Reborn, is that what it's called?
I think so.
Brave New World.
So I got an email from someone recently saying,
hey, I know Final Fantasy VI
is like your favorite game of all time.
This mod makes it better in every way.
So here are some of the,
and I need your guys' genuine, honest thoughts.
If you haven't played it, shut up.
Are you gonna stream it?
If you've played it, oh, I don't know.
I hadn't really thought about that.
I would watch you play that.
I would watch that stream.
Okay, complete overhaul of Final Fantasy VI featuring
character-based Esper restrictions.
So you can't just put any Esper on anyone you want
with the level-up bonuses that come along with that.
So you could turn Strygo into a tank or whatever else.
So you can only assign, I think,
the maximum for the magic-heavy characters
is they can have up to six Espers, or seven,
seven or something like that.
New stats boosts that promote greater diversity
and allow for customized development.
An Esper leveling system that disassociates
Esper bonuses from traditional levels.
So you don't have to have the Esper actually equipped
at the time that you level up.
You buy the bonuses from the Espers.
I don't mind that, so it's more like a credit
for Esper bonuses instead of having to,
in between every random encounter,
go into the menu and see who's about to level up next
and flip around their Espers.
That was really tedious and stupid.
New and reworked formulas which rescue everything
that isn't magic or magic evasion from the dump stat heap.
So basically, the idea is that it makes physical
and magic both important.
Worth investing into.
Evade was just outright broken in the game.
Like it actually just didn't work.
And apparently it fixes that.
Rebalanced equipment items, spells and skills
that aim to remove dead weight and give players
more and better choices.
Overhaul of enemies from their stats to their behavior
to better challenge veteran players and newcomers alike.
Tons of bugs, bug fixes, a new script.
That's a little scary.
That restores much of what was lost in translation.
Now you can just put like the Game Boy Advance
remake script in there if you feel like it
or the original build.
We'll see script if you really wanna do that too
is my understanding.
So they're not necessarily changing the storyline.
I heard that the script, okay.
So I read some posts on Reddit
that were really focused on 1.9
which came out quite a long time ago.
And they said that the updated script
had like pop culture references and memes and stuff in it.
Now the original script also did.
Oh, so maybe it's.
Like Bigs and Wedge are the names
of the two first characters that you meet.
No, no kidding.
Not by accident.
I hope they don't change that.
That's pretty sweet.
But there's very little of it.
Like very, very little.
So I wanna know, should I go play,
it's not a difficulty mod but it is harder
than vanilla final fantasy six apparently.
Should I play it?
I will take feedback from float plane first.
You guys.
Oh, broken trim chain says they just ignore us here.
That was it.
You wasted your comment that I was gonna read on that.
Way to go.
It's all over now.
It's all over now.
That was the end.
No, there's nothing in there.
Have you played KOTOR?
I didn't get into it.
You didn't like it?
I didn't get into it.
By the time I touched it,
it was already a pretty outdated RPG.
And I, you know what?
No offense to the people who hold it very near and dear.
It did not age well.
It's like tough to play.
Like the targeting is, the combat is really rough.
The conversation stuff is fine
but the combat is very, very rough.
So I didn't even manage to get into Neverwinter Nights 2
and that came out, like I tried to like it
because I paid for it with my money.
And that was three years later
with what I think we can probably agree
is fairly three years worth of progress, better gameplay.
The first one of those sort of D&D inspired games
that I really got into was Dragon Age.
And I know that was pretty normie.
So that should give you guys some idea.
The original Dragon Age was sick though.
The original Dragon Age was a great game.
Really good game.
But I know a lot of D&D hard cores were like,
this is too dumbed down.
This is, they've gone mainstream now.
And sure, they might've done that,
but it worked great for me.
I loved that game.
So KOTOR was really not something I was...
D&D's a little mainstream
if you're in the tabletop space though.
Just saying.
There are other games you could spread out.
You don't just have to play D&D forever.
You play other tabletop RPGs.
We've got someone else after your own heart here.
Asteros says nothing aged as well as World of Warcraft.
It kind of did.
It did age very well.
Drandy says everything you're saying
is going to start a riot, Linus.
I'm like, what do you guys want from me?
So did you know, okay, in a video a while ago,
you look at the camera and you say, BRB tornado.
Did you know that was the guild name?
Yeah, you told me that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I didn't know it because that was immediately
screenshot and just put everywhere.
Because people just loved it.
Yeah, yeah, I was just messing with you.
Okay, okay.
I thought you were.
I just wasn't sure.
The second someone sent it to me,
because I didn't know about it,
I watched it and the way you looked at the camera,
I was like, he's talking to me.
This is pointed.
The Sebi Gamer says only play it
if you've played the vanilla before.
Well, yeah, I've played the vanilla before.
It's like my favorite game of all time.
I would like to watch you play it.
That would be my vote.
I would watch streams of you play it.
So I have to stream it?
I think you should stream it.
I'm getting surprisingly little feedback.
The sink says, I agree.
I don't know who you're agreeing with.
True struggle.
I have multiple friends who liked it
and still speak highly of it.
But when I tried it, no thanks.
It's just not as engaging as they said.
They're biased, simple as that.
Got it.
I did not play Morrowind.
So Morrowind was another perfect example of a too deep RPG
that I just didn't get into.
Morrowind is amazing,
but it's really hard to go back to if you didn't play it.
I can go back to it because I remember all the systems
and it doesn't feel that foreign to me.
I played Oblivion first.
That was my first Elder Scrolls game.
Oblivion is a lot easier to go back to.
And well, it wasn't a matter of go back to,
like it was my first Elder Scrolls game.
And so I was like, that was a great game.
I want to play more Elder Scrolls.
And I went back and tried to play Morrowind.
And I was just like, I walked down some path,
got immediately just dunked,
just like crushed into the gravel.
In my opinion, the best way to go back and play Morrowind,
especially if you haven't played it before,
if you haven't played it before,
you might not have to lean on this,
but if you haven't played it before is to cheat.
There's a few different skills and things
that you can artificially crank up
that make the game just kind of not stupid.
Like an old, and this comes from D&D,
but an old gaming thing is just that you like miss
all the time and it's not fun gameplay.
And Morrowind is extremely in that realm.
So you walk up to like this giant dumb crab
that can't do anything and you have a sword
and you stab it in the face and the game's like miss
and you stab it like a million times
and you have to get your long sword skill up or whatever.
And then there's individual skills
for like every very granular type of weapon, which is cool,
but also makes the gameplay really annoying.
You just can't hit anything.
It's like I'm the world's like most masterful swordsman,
but like I can't even pick up a bow and arrow
without it immediately falling out of my hands.
Like there's really clunky things in the game
to like get past those tedious game mechanics,
cheating and just individually cranking some skills
will probably make your experience better.
Patrick Finney says,
I prefer the original Japanese release of Final Fantasy VI
versus the US Final Fantasy III.
And that is, I guarantee it, exactly what you sound like.
What else we got here?
Okay, I'm pumping a straw poll out here.
Dominic says, remember when everyone was saying
the original Wolfenstein graphics were so realistic
and you go back and look at it
and it looks like a multi-cade game?
Yeah, pretty much.
So nobody seems to like have played this thing
or like know anything about it pretty much.
There's a couple of posts in here,
but I'm reading basically everything that I see,
but someone says they want me to stream it.
So you know what?
Maybe I'll just give it a shot.
I've got a legit cartridge so I won't feel bad
just playing Final Fantasy VI.
Votes are pouring in,
but I think we've already kind of got
our percentage breakdown.
Okay, so apparently I got to play it
and I can tell you my worry,
I feel like I'm gonna hate it
because a lot of why I love Final Fantasy VI so much,
it's grindy, most of these skills don't matter at all.
The puzzles are honestly not really challenging
by modern standards even, maybe part of that
is that I know the game like the back of my hand.
Not like the back of my hand,
I've never min-maxed it or done any challenge
game playthroughs or anything.
I did a min-max of Oblivion and it gets ridiculous,
but you can like jump whole buildings and stuff,
it gets nuts, but that's why I think you should stream it.
Because if you're gonna replay a game,
like I had a lot of fun.
I did this, when I used to do those charity streams
where I'd play one game for an hour.
One second, I need to ban Mike Godovin.
He says, sorry, Final Fantasy VI is trash.
Okay, I am reporting you for hate speech
and actually can I do harassment and hate speech?
No, I have to pick one.
Would you say it's harassment or hate speech?
I'm just kidding, I don't have to do that.
I was gonna say harassment.
Your charity streams.
Yeah, right.
I was listening.
I'd play for one hour each game, whatever,
it doesn't matter.
But I played Morrowind for an hour
and I just tried to pack in all the,
as many, not all, not even close to all,
but as many of the little secrets and tricks
I've learned over the years.
It was really fun and people enjoyed it.
And I think showing people that stuff
and showing people why I liked Morrowind
was one of the big reasons of why I enjoyed that segment.
I don't even know if there's a great reason
to like Final Fantasy VI that I could demonstrate
to people, the music is great.
But I think watching you go through the experience
would be a form of entertainment.
Even if it's not like, eh, exciting.
It would be a form of entertainment to see you relive
a game that I've heard you talk a lot about.
You know what, I actually had a,
I ended up killing like two hours reading this blog
the other night and it was amazing.
So it's a translator who works on Japanese
to English translations.
Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, what was I looking for?
Ah, here it is.
You should read it.
It's absolutely fantastic.
The site is legendsoflocalization.com.
Oh yeah, no, I know of the website.
I haven't seen, I haven't seen this one.
Clyde Mandelin, Mandelin, whatever, it doesn't matter.
Created this system for seeing the dialogue
from five different versions of the game
on the same play through at the same time.
That's really cool.
And he goes through and just,
there's streams to go along with it.
But these are just like the highlights.
I'm a reader, not a stream watcher.
So I ended up just reading it.
But just kind of talks about,
so here's the original Japanese,
which he'll often say like, you know,
how close the various translations got to
because he can read it.
They've got the Game Boy Advance translation.
This fan translation that's famous for being terrible.
And then talking about how great it was
compared to the Bill Woolsey translation,
which is the original North America release.
And then they've also got Google in there for fun.
And some of the stuff that Google spits out
is absolutely amazing.
Some of the stuff-
That's pretty cool.
Yeah, some of the stuff, the fan translation
or the original one that I,
I never realized how confusing some of the dialogue was
because when I'm going through and playing for myself,
I know what's gonna happen.
So I don't need to worry if like foreshadowing
was done wrong, you know?
But there's some stuff where the meaning
of what the characters were saying
was dramatically altered.
I'm like, oh, okay.
And apparently he like famously
had almost no time to work on it.
And there were some censorship issues
with Nintendo of America where like,
there's some pretty explicit language in the Japanese one
that he had to be like,
did you wanna come sit with me, soldier boy?
When like the Japanese is not that.
Like, oh, you know, to let me, to let you through here,
you gotta bring me some liquor.
Whereas the boys like, yep, apple cider.
Anyway, okay, maybe I'll try it.
Maybe I'll try it.
I think it'd be fun to watch.
Okay, there's one more Super Chat
that I really have to read
because it's like $100 Super Chat, you're nuts.
Mr. Ignet Guy 2004.
No idea what-
He has done $100 Super Chats multiple times.
He's done these for, this is like the third,
there's more than one-
There's two on this one.
What are you doing?
I think he's gotta be close to like $1,000
he's donated through this.
What are you trying to achieve?
I'm back.
Yeah, we see that, but like-
There's three?
There's two I'm back?
No, no, just two, just two.
Are you sure?
Just one I'm back.
Yeah, just one I'm back, yeah.
But then, okay, okay.
There's a legit question in this other one here.
Hold on a second.
Linus, how can I get 10 gigabit ethernet to my house?
And remember me, 10 gigabit ethernet.
Well, it doesn't really work that way.
So, okay.
So if you want 10 gig LAN,
you need to get a 10 gig switch,
Cat6a cable and 10 gig network cards for all your devices.
If you want 10 gigabit internet,
it won't come over ethernet.
It'll come over a fiber connection
that you like literally pay contractors
to dig a trench to your house
and tie into your local ISP.
Cause like-
I mean, he might have the money for it.
Yeah, I mean, if you give out $100 super chats
for no apparent reason-
Like they're candy.
Okay, I'll just read the ones that are related
to the Final Fantasy VI mod.
Alabaker says yes.
Yugi Satan says yes.
Daggerfall, whoof.
Glurung says you realize Final Fantasy VI
is older than most of your audience.
And on that note, I think we're done here.
Thank you very much.
And good night.
Good night.