
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

technical difficulties over the last few weeks.
As you guys have probably noticed from week to week
over the last, well, probably six to eight weeks,
we've been very-
Two years.
Yeah, we've been very much,
closer to three actually, but you know,
we've been very much under construction
for the last little while.
The WAN show has actually been physically moving around
from week to week quite frequently.
This is incredible.
Twitch has now implemented a feature
where the ad that plays before the stream
cannot be paused.
Or muted.
That is fantastic.
Thank you Twitch for that.
Thanks for like basically making everyone install Adblock.
Anyway, moving on.
So we've been very much under construction
and you'll probably notice a huge difference
between the way we have it set up this week
and the way we had it set up last week.
Hopefully you guys like it.
And if you don't,
the people in the pre-show know what I think of that
because I personally think it looks great.
There's still a few things that we're gonna tweak,
like the positions of things on the shelves
and like I wanna get an actual shock mount
for this microphone instead of just having it sitting
on a folded up shirt.
Can it just be like a little coil that shocks people
whenever they try to move it?
No, no.
Because if we're gonna take it really literally,
shock mount could have some pretty scary sorts
of meanings there.
Anyway, we've got a great show for you guys today.
Pebble and Tr-
Yeah, oh, there's two different definitions of shock
that are both, that both work well.
That was a multi-level dirty sort of toilet humor joke.
I think I actually thought of the second one.
I mean, are sex jokes really toilet humor?
Unless you have sex on a toilet, then they're not.
Which is not recommended, but possible.
But possible.
It's like, no, really, I got pregnant from the toilet seat.
Also, there was like another person there.
What is this show about?
Pebble has introduced their first round smartwatch.
What an innovation.
We should just actually host a WAN show
only about toilet seats.
No, we shouldn't.
Oh, speaking of things that are in the toilet,
Volkswagen stock.
They've been ordered to recall 500,000 cars.
That's the initial news that broke,
but it's going deeper than that.
So we're going to be discussing that on the show today.
Apple to release the D-Jack.
I think I have that patented.
Is almost as, almost as,
almost as dirty as it sounds.
And North America is straight up out of IPv4 addresses.
For real this time.
So stay tuned, guys.
It's going to be a great show.
I'll see you guys in the next one.
You guys see how smooth that was?
It worked.
That's what happens when I actually set aside
like an hour before the show to set up.
And then we start, we start like 40 minutes late.
We still haven't formatted the system.
No, we still need to format the system,
but everything else about it is set up.
This system is so freaking bored.
Oh, here, you know what?
No, no, no, no.
Show them the thing.
Yeah, yeah, no, no.
It's so good.
Okay, okay.
So guys, this is going to be good.
Hold on, let me just make sure there's no like,
you know, nothing that I can be sued for on screen here.
You guys are going to love this though.
Okay, so add a screen capture.
Nice for you.
Let's do the whole screen here.
All right, here we go.
Here we go, buddies.
This is some good stuff right here.
So, so check, check this out.
Just awesome.
What is, what is that?
What even is that?
And where'd they go?
Where are they?
And then they're going to come back at some point.
And there's like this one missing.
Yeah, and like, what is this?
This is nothing.
It's nothing.
It's just, it's just nothing.
And that's just, that's just one
of the many completely broke dick things
about this Windows install.
And that's just like weird.
There's ones that are really bad.
Well, the thing is, is I think when you get enough
blue screens on a system.
Something just starts to have, bit rot, whatever.
Yeah, things, things, things, things just decay.
And this is one decayed, it's not bit rot.
Well, decay.
Okay, well, okay, whatever.
This is a broken Windows install.
It takes forever to boot up on an SSD.
And it actually has like nothing installed on it.
Like webcam drivers, video chat.
When you blue screen like two times
every single time you run the computer.
Yeah, then you're basically asking, asking for trouble.
But, but no, no, the stream's not going to blue screen
because we are running off the blue screen.
I know.
Because it's so scary.
I wasn't sure if I should say it or not.
Do we have wood?
Is this even real wood?
I don't know.
It's MDF.
It's worth it.
Knock on MDF.
So because the black magic cards
that caused the stream to blue screen are both working now.
I did, Luke's bringing his wood over.
His massive wood.
Knock, knock.
All right, so we're good.
We're good.
People are like, bet the RAM is bad.
No, it has nothing to do with bad RAM.
It has to do with the drivers
for our black magic capture cards, not liking anything.
Well, no, more specifically not liking themselves
and their life.
So should we, should we like do a show?
I guess.
I guess, I guess we should do a show.
All right, so our first topic is, oh, this is interesting.
Hold on, wait, yes.
I need the other mouse though.
I got this.
Linus screen.
Yay, things are working today.
It's not going to be that day.
So a new face for Pebble.
It started with a text seven years ago,
something, something, et cetera, et cetera.
All right, let's just, let's just pop this baby up.
Okay, whatever.
Show us the watch, man.
Okay, so we had square watches before.
Look at that.
It's amazing.
It's actually kind of rounded.
So I don't know how,
I don't know if it's really strictly speaking square,
but this is it.
The Pebble time round.
Oh, it keeps going back to.
He looks like me, but with fuzzy hair.
You know, you actually have like, okay.
I don't want you to take this the wrong way.
You're going to say a really generic face.
Cause everyone sends me Twitter things.
You look like this dude.
And I'm like.
A lot of the time I can, I can kind of see it.
I know.
You have like kind of that.
I never thought that until I got this job.
And then everyone just tells me that I look like everyone.
Yeah. Yeah.
Like I can kind of see it.
You're like, well, you're kind of the blue eyed blonde haired
like guy with kind of the rugged sort of face.
I don't want to say, okay, well,
no, I'll say ruggedly handsome face.
Okay. Okay.
With the rugged face.
Looks like someone just drove a truck over your face.
Yeah. It's like, you know, man, it's rugged.
Your face looks like it could go through a war.
Yeah. Your face looks like it could be a tire.
Yeah. Like IP 67.
So there we go.
This is the pebble time round.
Basically it's got the same processing
on board as the steel.
It is hyper, hyper thin.
It is round and they have an SDK out for app developers
to allow them to convert their applications
to the round face, which is,
which is the only real difference.
Cause they haven't changed a bunch of the other hardware.
What they did do is they nerfed the battery life
pretty hardcore.
What's up?
What do you mean why?
I didn't know that.
That sucks.
Because it's thin now.
I don't care.
I was talking to someone the other day.
This is probably a bad idea because I'm talking to people.
Well, yes,
but I'm going to say an idea that I want to have for a video.
Oh, okay.
But I don't know if you'd let me do it anyways,
but I want to do a review of modern phones.
And during the review,
I want the phone that's in my hand to constantly change.
The whole time.
And I want it to be like,
it has a great screen.
It'll run all the apps you want just fine.
The generic phone review.
It'll run all your games just fine.
It's nice and thin.
The buttons are really good.
The headphone jack works really well.
The speakers are kind of meh
and it's going to be way too easy to block them.
And they're not in the right spot.
Transfer speeds at USB two over a wire.
Like all this kind of stuff.
And then, but the batteries, shit.
Thanks for watching.
Have a good time.
I want to do that video so bad
because honestly it's pretty accurate for like everything.
I think we could do that.
But you know what?
The thing about the round is that
you can get another day of battery life.
Oh yeah, oh yeah.
It's so thin that I don't care anymore.
And that happened a long time ago and it could be thicker.
But it kind of did.
It kind of did.
There's some good news though.
You can get a day's worth of battery in 15 minutes.
However, my issue with Pebble continues to be
that they use a proprietary charger.
So the problem is not how long it takes to charge.
The problem is that I have to actually be
where my charging cable is,
which for me is on my nightstand.
So if I'm traveling or whatever,
the fact that I can charge it up
for a day worth of battery in 15 minutes,
except that I don't have my cable,
is actually not that helpful.
And the fact that they keep changing the cable all the time,
like every generation, they just change the cable.
You need to learn from, who is it?
Who does it really, what, PlayStation?
I think it's PlayStation's cable has like never changed.
Yeah, but the compatibility is broken.
Yeah, that's worse.
I actually didn't know that.
So when it comes to like seven deadly sins, okay,
when we talk about cables,
because this is something people talked about a lot
with Intel, LGA 775.
So this was a time when AMD was changing their CPU socket,
it seemed like every year, okay?
So we had socket A, okay, 462.
Then we got socket 940 on the enthusiast platform for FX,
which was essentially the server socket.
But like there was like two CPUs
and someone's gonna correct me, I don't care.
The point, I think we got the FX 51 and 53
and maybe 55 for that socket, but it's not the point.
So then we got socket 754 at the same time.
That was like single channel memory
and the consumer version.
And then both of those went away on the consumer,
except 940 was still there on the server.
And then we got 939 on the desktop.
And then we went from 939 to, I wanna say AM2.
And then we got AM2 plus and AM3.
So AMD has done this weird like,
anyway, this was back in the 939 to AM2 days.
And everyone was criticizing AMD going,
they keep changing their CPU socket.
I have no upgrade path.
Intel's had LGA 775 for like five years
or however long they had it.
The problem is that the inter-compatibility
from one 775 board to another 775 chip
across generations was terrible.
Like it was awful.
It changed as often or more as AMD socket did.
At least with AMD, it was clear.
You buy a 939 chip, you put in a 939 socket, it works.
With Intel, you buy a 775 chip, you plug it in
and you cross your fingers and your toes
and you pray to whatever day it is you believe in
and maybe it'll turn on.
And a lot of the time,
the compatibility is more complicated than that
because maybe even if it doesn't turn on,
you can like, I don't know,
find a buddy who has a last gen chip
and put that in and flash the BIOS
and then maybe the new chip will work,
but maybe like not quite as optimally.
Come on!
That was my favorite part was hunting for someone
who had the right chip.
So you could do a BIOS update.
Just horrible.
So anyway, that's still a complaint.
However, one thing I will say about this super slim design
that I do think has a value is my wife looked at it,
immediately said, oh, that's way better.
So I have been critical.
But how long does it,
they hit a very good thinness with that, I will agree,
but how long does it last?
I think it's like two to three days or something like that.
Okay, so that's not too bad.
Yeah, so it's still not a one day battery.
That's good.
It's really just like, I am forgetting how long it's,
yeah, there you go, two day battery life.
So it's still better than what you're gonna get
out of an Apple Watch.
And I've been really critical of other smartwatch makers,
pretty much everyone but Apple,
for not making like a properly functional smartwatch.
Cause there have been devices.
Did you say everyone but Apple?
I think the Apple Watch looks great on a lady's wrist.
Oh, I heard something else, now you're good.
Where was I going with this?
Right, so I've been really critical of everyone but Apple
for not making a properly functional smartwatch
that's actually not gonna look weird on my wife.
So now that Pebble's doing it,
I can't rip into them for reducing the battery capacity
because you have to make trade-offs.
And I know there have existed smartwatches
and wearable devices that are like fashion accessories,
but the functionality on them is so bad.
It's like, it's like, you know, there's, it all comes down
to what sort of margin a company is used to making, okay?
So when, you know, when a computer company comes out
with a new, like a new, you know, smart accessory
and it's priced at X, you're gonna have like, you know,
let's say Y amount of functionality built into it
because they're reserving this much
for them to just make money.
Yeah, and you need to pay other people like distributors
and the guy that actually sells it to you.
When a shoe company comes in and makes a smart accessory,
their expectation for how much is left over at the end
is much higher.
So you get like this crummy functionality
with a rubbish screen.
Oh, where'd the overlay go?
That's weird.
The watermark.png has disappeared.
That's fine.
I can, I can live, I can, I can work with that.
So they're gonna have a certain expectation
for how much margin that they're making.
And that is exactly the problem,
is that these companies are gonna think
that they should be making, you know, 200% on a watch.
Yeah, clothing, clothing, jewelry, fashion brands
are pretty much up their own butts
in terms of what they think that their vision is worth.
And they tend to kind of ignore the practical stuff.
Like perfume and cologne and all that kind of,
like a lot of things in those categories are like that.
I think you just said clothing, fashion and jewelry
because those are the companies
that are kind of getting into smartwatches now.
Yes, exactly.
So I don't know where our normal lower third is.
We haven't changed it in forever.
I cannot find it.
Why is my life sad?
I really need to reformat this computer.
Don't let me run the show next week
until this computer is formatted.
Because... We're never gonna run the show then.
That's not a nice thing to say.
All right. Show face fade away.
There we go.
And then I think there's like,
I don't even know where the upper right corner thing is.
Like what, where is that?
Does anyone, does anyone know?
I don't think anyone knows.
Maybe it's called watermark?
Why don't you just use the search?
Was it in watermark?
I don't know.
Is there one called watermark?
Search, search.
General assets.
WAN watermark top left dot PNG.
Hey, look at that.
That's not a technical difficulty, is it?
Is that a strike?
I think so.
Do we have a three strikes rule?
Can we have a six strikes rule?
15 strikes.
We need a lot of strikes here.
Yeah. All right.
Three's not going to cut it.
Six may be okay.
Six sounds about good.
All right.
So anyway, that watch is aiming to ship
somewhere in the timeframe of November 10th.
And honestly, I'm considering buying one.
I'll pick one up for the wifey
because she works in a pharmacy
and in the pharmacy, they have like a no phones rule,
but it would certainly be nice to, to be.
You're just circumventing outdated policies.
So it would be nice to,
and like it's funny because like around here,
we're a very tech savvy employer at Linus Media Group.
Like if people are on their phones at work,
I'm not giving them a hard time about it
because I understand that your phone is like
pretty much your life,
unless their job function really has nothing to do
with their phone and they're on it a lot
because I consider things like tweeting
while you're at the office
about the things that we're doing.
I consider that sort of work.
So, but in a pharmacy, I also understand this.
You can't really call it an outdated policy.
I can't think of any reason why a technician
who's counting pills.
I was saying outdated
because it didn't include smartwatches.
Oh, I see what you mean.
Other form of outdated.
So anyway, the point is,
if there's an emergency with the kids or whatever,
it's nice to be able to get through to her,
even if she can't message me back.
I don't expect her to use things like,
you know, voice response functionality
because she's also the manager.
So the harder she tries to circumvent the rules,
the more terrible that looks.
But it's nice to be able to, you know,
just be like, hey, this, or whatever.
Hey, can you pick up something?
She works at Costco.
So like, there's usually something I want her to buy.
I just ate two bags of those awesome dried mangoes.
Please get me two more bags.
Actually make it three, it's a Friday.
It's this Friday, make it five.
Yeah, yeah, oh, it's been a rough day.
Do you want to just do that?
Apparently not.
You're putting it off?
Apparently for now, because something's not working.
Great, so yeah.
It's like the most minor of all the things
and it's the one that's not working,
but it kind of needs to be set up
for everything to go smoothly.
All right.
Everything will go without it, but not smoothly.
So this has been huge news over the last week.
VW was basically found to be cheating
on their US emission standards tests.
The cars were detecting if they were being tested
and they were reducing their output by as much as 40 times
or they were outputting 1 40th during testing.
And then they were ramping it up 40 times on the road.
This is on their diesel cars and not all of them,
but it was ones with their four cylinder diesel engine.
And so basically what this means is the car performed better
for owners, which I-
It depends how you define performed better.
It felt peppier when you press the gas pedal.
Yes, yeah.
But they were turning off their emissions control systems
in order to achieve this.
So their shares have dropped.
Oh, this is like being updated in like real time.
Their shares have dropped approximately 35%.
So if you believe that Volkswagen
is going to pull out of this, okay,
with all the usual disclaimers,
I don't know anyone who works at Volkswagen.
Linus Media Group has never collaborated with Volkswagen.
I do not own any shares in Volkswagen.
I don't own any shares in anything.
So take this as the com-
In what?
Oh, well, in this company.
No, no, like publicly traded, publicly traded shares,
like on a stock market.
I don't own any shares of any publicly traded companies.
So take this for the ignorance that it is.
If you believe that Volkswagen will recover,
now might be a nice time to buy,
because that strategy has worked
for many people in the past.
However, the difference between bad news about a product
and bad news about the potential $18 billion fine
that Volkswagen could be paying in the US alone.
So we're talking $37,500 per affected vehicle
of which there are 500,000.
Which is higher than the value
than a whole bunch of those that were recalled.
So factor that in.
Now, the bad news gets worse.
Volkswagen is being investigated
in other territories as well.
Canada being Canada will probably just do
the exact same thing that the States did.
And it's not just Volkswagen either.
So this is great.
The BMW X3 XDrive 20D exceeds European standards
by a shocking 11 times.
The only reason that 11 times doesn't sound that bad
in this context is that Volkswagen
was exceeding the US standards by 40 times.
So yeah.
BMW has issued a denial of any manipulation
saying there's no difference in the treatment
of exhaust emissions, whether they are on test rollers
or on the road.
Although VW has admitted it, their CEO has stepped down
and they are in for some serious hot water.
Apparently there's two watermarks now.
Oh, oh, oh, that's kind of interesting.
I don't know which is which.
Oh, wow, there's two lower thirds.
What is happening?
I don't know.
I hate this.
Pick the prettier one.
Okay, this is not a second strike.
This is the same issue.
They just like disappeared for a little while.
I don't know what's happening, but it's fine now.
Shut up all of you, especially you.
Anyway, BMW's X5 was looked at
by the West Virginia University and EPA
as part of investigations into the issue.
It passed.
It's important to note that almost every car
has higher real world emissions
than their laboratory results.
I mean, there are so many things that are like that.
Let's talk about, you know, wifi speeds, hey.
Real world, nothing to do with lab results.
Do they advertise the, you know, perfect world,
no overhead test results?
Yes, should they be allowed to?
Probably not, but is that the world we live in?
That happens for tons of stuff.
So the UK government has stated that today
they will be launching their own vehicle emissions testing
following the US's findings.
Oh, so this is very much an emerging story.
We might even be talking about this again next week,
but I think what's safe to say at this point in time
is that there is one vehicle maker
who has nothing to worry about.
The safest way to not exceed your rated emissions
is to have no emissions whatsoever.
Didn't they release an ad like trolling them or something?
Oh, probably.
I think that it,
I don't know if this is actually about that,
but yeah, there's a Tesla no emissions ad
that it's like the best way to pass an emissions test
is to, or this whole car
is an emissions test destroying machine or something.
I don't remember exactly what it is.
Yeah, I don't know if this is actually from Tesla
or anything.
This just looks like a-
Oh, that's, yeah, no, that's-
Yeah, so there you go.
So zero emissions means they could not possibly
get into any kind of hot water here.
So there you go, guys.
If you have an affected car,
there's a forced recall in the US,
but stay tuned because things are gonna get
really interesting worldwide over the next,
I mean, this could take months.
This could take easily months,
potentially years to finally be resolved.
If we're gonna weigh in on stock things,
my opinion might be to not necessarily do it now,
wait till they get hit by a few more countries.
I don't know though.
But then people might go like,
oh, I should buy now because it's really low
and then it's gonna go up
and then it might not fall as far as it went up.
Yeah, people might be trying to hold for the long-term.
Yeah, we don't know, we don't play stocks, so.
Literally not at all.
And I will say that I straight up don't do it
because I don't know what I'm doing.
Yep, me too.
All right, Apple to release the D.
The original article here is from Apple Insider.
It's salty and creamy at the same time.
What the hell?
That leaves nothing to the imagination.
Yeah, it does.
Marmite was salty and creamy.
That's true.
That was awful.
That was really bad.
Marmite is terrible.
It's really gross.
To all of our Australian viewers.
What you're supposed to do is spread it
very thinly over toast.
What is the point?
And we like lathered it.
Well, it's kind of like if you took massive-
By the way, people have been complaining about this.
You sit back like this when you're gonna talk for a while.
And then I can't hear it?
Okay, I bet.
When if you took like a massive amount of,
wow, yeah, nothing's really that bad.
If you took so much butter that it was that thick
and put it on top of a pizza, that would be disgusting.
It's like, well, yeah,
but no one would ever put butter on pizza.
But no one would ever put Marmite on pizza.
But some people claim that they would.
Dennis was saying he thinks it would be good with-
But Dennis is so weird.
I know.
I don't think Dennis is fair in this conversation.
This is the guy that literally spits out a banana
when he tries to take a bite of a chocolate-covered insect
that really-
Is not that bad.
It wasn't that bad.
Did you eat one?
No, I have way in the past.
Oh, okay, yeah.
Like it wasn't-
I had some little kid party when I was a little kid.
Like it grossed me out because I kind of have a bug phobia.
So when I crunched into it,
it was like, it made my whole body go, ah!
Like, no, I can't do this.
It's just crunchy and chocolate.
Yeah, but like the taste wasn't that bad.
And then Marmite, I'm sitting here,
like I folded up my pizza
because I was trying to get it over as fast as possible.
And then when I bit into it,
it all squished out onto my tongue at the same time.
So that was the wrong idea I screwed up.
And I'm like basically hurling in the corner.
Meanwhile, Dennis is like, this is great.
I even had to ask him.
I was like, would you put Marmite on it just normally
and just eat it?
And he's like, no, maybe less.
Yeah, less, yeah.
He was like, oh, well, not this much.
You're killing me here, man.
Ah, Marmite, yay or nay.
Where were we going with this?
I don't know.
We were talking, oh,
we were talking about creamy, salty things.
Creamy, salty things.
Right, okay.
So I wanna, no, I wanna throw this to you guys first.
So we got a straw poll.
We got a straw poll going here.
Marmite, yay or nay.
And we should give some context for that.
We had to have pizza with Marmite
for an upcoming channel super fun.
And Dragon's Fury hot sauce.
Yeah, that was interesting too.
What I'll say about this upcoming channel super fun
is that I literally had to lie down for 10 minutes
about an hour after we filmed it
to just let my stomach get its crap together, so to speak.
I felt really gross.
I, oh wow.
Oh no, I felt really gross.
And honestly, I think it was more because of the Marmite.
Yeah, it was a terrible experience.
So let's talk about Apple's new connector.
Now this is funny because I am pretty sure
that we have straight up talked about this
on the show before.
How like there's gonna be a limit
to how thin Apple can go
because you still need a headphone jack.
No, no, this is their new patented plug design
that has a D-like profile.
So basically you're gonna take your D-jack,
you're gonna plug it into your phone receptacle.
And in theory, there should be no issues
with adapting the D-shaped cavity jack
to a regular round pair of headphones
or adapting your round pair of headphones
to a D-shaped jack.
But I really have to kind of,
like remember that rumor
that Apple was gonna convert their phones
to use the lightning connector for audio.
That hasn't happened.
But this almost feels even stupider
because you're basically just forcing people to throw,
for the sake of elegance,
you're forcing a lot of people to use adapters.
And I know there's gonna be
the millions of people out there buying Beats
and plugging their Beats into this
with their stupid proprietary closed ecosystem,
ridiculous thing.
At the same time-
It really is pretty annoying to me.
Would you prefer have the lightning connector
be taken over anytime you want to use headphones?
Or would you prefer being able to plug two things in
and have one of them be a weird proprietary-
You know what?
Use a three and a half millimeter jack.
And don't make your phone thinner?
Your phone is thin enough. Make your phone thicker.
Put more battery, please.
I mean, it's one of those things.
This is what drives me crazy.
The camera bumps just can be bigger.
Yeah, the thinner you go, the bigger your camera bump.
So this is what drives me crazy.
This is what it takes, okay?
For an Android phone to deliver the experience that I want,
which is me using it pretty much as much as I want
for an entire day.
And the problem with Android
is that its idle power management is so poor.
You take an Android phone with an app loadout, okay?
It doesn't count to just take it out of the box
and put it down and go, ha ha, see?
It only lost 7% battery today.
Not good enough.
Take an Android phone that actually has apps on it.
One that you actually use.
Yeah, put it aside for like a day.
And it'll have lost 20 to 30% battery, which is terrible.
My iPad or my iPhone loses like 2% per day.
My iPad can sit for two weeks without me touching it
and still have like 40% on the batteries.
It's actually usable by the time I get back to it.
So I want Apple's battery life management,
but I also want a legitimately high capacity battery
because that's the problem with the iPhone.
If heaven forbid you dare to use it to navigate somewhere,
it's just instantly dead.
Like I can drain an iPhone in like five hours, six hours
if I'm using it really heavily.
Like if I'm navigating somewhere
and I'm talking to somebody on speaker
and like you can hit it pretty hard,
you can drain it pretty fast.
Whereas the Droid Turbo,
because it actually has a massive battery,
it's not just power saving tricks
and little like voodoo magic that's going on,
it actually can be used
for a significant portion of the day.
So I would love for Apple to do like an iPhone 6 endurance
or 7 endurance or whatever it takes.
And I know you could say that the 6 Plus or the 6S Plus
is kind of the endurance model, but I don't want a phablet.
And I especially don't want a phablet
that's extremely difficult to hold on to
the way that the iPhone 6 Plus is.
So anyway, it's not out yet.
This is just a patent that they're applying for
for a headphone jack called the D Jack.
It's like what, is Elon Musk running Apple now?
Like really?
I'd prefer it that way.
It looks like the D Jack might fit in other phones.
So it could be.
Yeah, like when you look at the shape,
it looks like it could work.
Oh, interesting.
So maybe it's okay, but I don't know.
But you're basically gonna be buying new headphones.
And the thing about headphones is I really believe
in investing in a great pair of headphones
and then using them for a long time
because frankly, audio technology, it's improving.
I usually swap them out when they like break.
Yeah, and that's fine
because the HD 600s are still great.
And you could buy 650s or 700s,
but the 600s are still great.
And with IEMs, I would say this is maybe less true.
Like over the last five years,
I don't think there's been a ton of innovation,
but in the last 20, there's been a lot.
And a lot of innovation there is like,
not even necessarily innovation,
but things we're seeing available.
Inline controls, ribbon cables,
nicer fitting things to grow on your ears.
Wireless, for example.
Oh, speaking of wireless, I've actually got,
I might ask, oh, I never really told Jaybird
that I was thinking of this because I wasn't at the time,
but this could work.
They offered to send me the X2s
because I don't know if you remember this,
but I reviewed the Blue Buds X, loved them.
I know someone who bought them
and then they broke like right out of their warranty period.
Mine are still going strong.
That's a bummer.
Anyway, okay, well, at any rate-
I got slammed for that.
I was like, I don't even know what these are.
Cause I never, yeah.
So they reached out about sending over the X2s for review.
And I was like, we don't do that much audio stuff these days
like Linus Tech Tips is transitioning into more like,
like a show and there are reviews,
but we're kind of saving it for marquee products.
Oh, okay.
Well, I mean, you guys have probably noticed things
like Moving Vlog.
No, we're the most hardcore tech review site on the planet.
We only do motherboard BIOS.
We don't review anything else.
Motherboard BIOS?
Yeah. Yeah.
Okay, I haven't fired you in a long time.
That's true.
But I think that kind of merits it.
You can't when we're the most hardcore tech review channel
on the internet.
You can't fire me.
So anyway, I wasn't sure if I was going to do a review.
So I basically said, well, you can send them if you want.
No guarantees.
And they're like, yeah, we'll take that.
We'll roll that die.
And then I also,
this was a product that I backed a billion years ago
when I was kind of getting into doing IEM videos
and it's the Dash.
Do you remember the Dash?
Okay, so this is a battery powered in-ear.
Right, yeah.
And it's supposed to have like,
not necessarily great battery life,
but it's supposed to be like super small.
So I backed that on like Kickstarter or Indiegogo
or whatever, eight years ago.
So I could do a head to head.
So maybe I'll do that.
That should be pretty cool.
So I can take the original Bluebuds X,
I can take the X2s and I can take the Dash
and I can play some badminton
and it'll be an excuse to bring a camera crew out
and get like some wicked cool,
like slow-mo footage of me playing badminton.
So I like go for that shot
and like the sweat drips off my forehead.
Can we get like the stupid glamor shots?
Oh, I think we should.
Hey Brandon, would that be fun?
Do you wanna come and like hang with me
and get some like action footage,
like slow-mo action footage,
me playing badminton, like testing wireless earbuds?
Well, I don't know, whenever.
Okay, Brandon's down.
Brandon's down, so we're totally doing it.
What are we talking about?
Are you ready to do your thing?
Are you ever gonna be ready to do your thing?
Not on the show today though?
I just gave you like every possible conditional answer,
but they were actually accurate.
I'm not ready right now.
I will be ready at some point, probably on this show.
So our relationship is complicated.
As your friend, I could slap you.
As your employer, I can't slap you.
So wait.
As your lover, I shouldn't slap you.
But maybe.
But could, if you were into it.
So I'm just, so I'm slapping myself.
Oh, wow.
I was gonna say, if you wait four minutes,
we won't technically be on work time.
But we're still on work premises.
So, and I mean, we could do stuff anywhere.
That's true.
So, I gotta, speaking of which,
I gotta get lines from my office.
Does it make lunchtime that much better?
I am finally moving into my office.
I have set up the mineral oil computer,
much to Luke's sadness.
That was the saddest acknowledgement of anything ever.
Cause he straight up asked, he was like,
can I have the oil PC for my workstation?
Like right when we built it.
And then also when we moved in here,
and probably a few times in between there.
And so my initial response was,
maybe we'll use it as like a set piece or something.
Cause it's super cool looking.
And then it just sat on the oven in the kitchen.
Gathering dust and dust sits in the oil
and then it can cycle into the system.
For literally months, for literally months.
And then finally he moved in and he asked me again
and I was like, no, I'm using it.
And his world was crushed and I could tell.
And it was good.
No, it wasn't.
It wasn't good.
Cause there were other, I don't know.
It's one of those things where it's like,
the CEO's office, I think should have like,
the show piece in it.
Technically, if we wanna go with like new age companies,
the CEO should probably be on the floor
with the other employees because it creates a better
or healthy work environment.
See what you're doing, hiding yourself in the top corner,
giving yourself a private office,
is more archaic, old forms of running companies.
What is this voice?
And not really efficient
for today's management structures.
Which are actually more flat than your vertical structure
about putting yourself on the top
and maybe naming the company after yourself.
It's more of an antiquated system.
It's not really recommended for starting new companies,
but I guess, you know, you could do that.
So this is the same guy that needs me to build him
like a fortress of solitude upstairs
because he finds having one person.
Or because even though we've been here for months,
the library isn't ready.
One person. Or that.
One person in the room with him is too much.
I can't focus.
I need my own room
and I need active noise canceling headphones.
Didn't require my own room.
Wanted to do it in the public library.
Needed noise canceling headphones.
Public library's not ready.
The library actually is pretty much ready to go.
It needs to be cleaned.
Yeah, I've been told to not work in there.
Yeah, it needs to be tidied up.
We're almost ready to go.
We're almost ready to go in there.
So why don't we move on to an actual news topic here?
North America is out of IPv4 addresses.
And I know that you've been tied up on something else
and you haven't had a ton of time to dock it up here.
So why don't I do the quick summary
and then you can talk a little bit
about the implications of this.
So there it is for really real this time.
There's been an awful lot of crying wolf on this subject
over the years.
You know, oh, well, we're out of the ones
that can be assigned to the assignment authority.
Or we're out of the ones that can be pre-allocated
except in circumstances where we could allocate some more.
And no, no, it is happening.
And it is time for everyone to start switching to IPv6.
Now, we've actually talked about this on Tech Quickie before
and the complicated thing here is that IPv4 and IPv6.
So IPv4 is that up to 12 digit number, okay,
with periods every, usually three digits, okay.
And IPv6 is like alphanumeric and longer.
And while IPv4 can have something along the lines
of I believe it's 4 billion addresses,
IPv6 can literally have enough addresses for like-
340 undecillion.
So it's something along the lines of-
That's one followed by 36 zeros.
So I think that's something along the lines
of two IPv6 addresses for every square inch
of earth or something like that.
Like it's ludicrous.
Okay, someone's telling me it's more than that.
So the point is that we need to switch.
But the problem is that if your website, for example,
linusmediagroup.com is not IPv6,
then IPv6 clients can have trouble.
And if your website is not backwards compatible with IPv4,
then IPv4 clients can have trouble accessing
your IPv6 website.
They're not, they don't talk to each other very well.
And there are like interposer methods, but they suck.
There's not honestly a ton
that you're gonna have to worry about.
If you're watching this show,
I can basically guarantee you
your router is able to handle IPv6.
Just gonna kind of leave it at that.
And there's not really a ton else you need to do.
Again, if you're watching this show,
it's basically a guarantee
that your computer is ready for this.
And that your network is ready for this.
Most smartphones are ready for this.
The issue is really on the website server side
and on the internet service provider side.
Again, most of those are gonna be fine.
And there are a few things
that you're gonna have to learn.
Like, if you're working on your LAN,
you're probably using IPv4 addresses.
192.168 or 10.20 dot whatever.
So you're probably gonna want to switch to IPv6 addresses,
which means there's gonna be a bit of a learning curve there.
I haven't actually-
They're a lot more annoying to remember.
Which sucks.
Way more annoying to remember.
The good news is that if they have a lot of zeros in them,
you can actually shorten them
and you don't have to remember the zeros.
So that will help a little bit, I guess.
And you don't have to deal with subnetting anymore.
So, okay.
It's pretty not hard.
Which usually auto-populates like every time.
Not that big of a deal.
Like every time.
And unless you're doing more,
unless you're kind of like a networking guy or gal,
you're really not working with anything
more complicated than that anyway.
But it's coming.
For networking people, this might change things up.
Tell me this.
Are we ready for IPv6?
We might need to change a few things,
but it won't be a problem at all.
Well, there you go.
Our websites and stuff are fine.
Like internally,
if you want to start managing things as IPv6,
you'll maybe need to change things.
But everything else is fine.
This is cool.
I just got confirmation.
I am getting a review sample of the new Moto 360.
It looks nice.
It does look really nice.
I saw it at Austin's.
It's a 60 day unit.
So I'll have to send it back if I,
even if I really like it,
I'll just have to buy one.
But you know,
it looks nice.
I think Austin gets to keep his.
I'm sure he does.
It looks nice.
I know.
It looks nice,
but it might be too nice for me.
I actually like the kind of sports watch look
of the G Watch R.
So I may not want to switch anyway.
And I'm really going to have to,
I'm really going to have to look closely
at what significant difference there really is
from this Android Wear device to another one.
Because as far as I can tell,
no one has really done with Android Wear
what they've done with Android,
where they try to enhance the experience
for better or for worse.
So to me,
it really seems like up till now,
up until now,
one Android Wear watch is kind of an Android Wear watch.
And you know what?
I probably won't be doing it
until after I do the Apple Watch again anyway,
because WatchOS 2 just dropped,
and I will be doing an iPhone 6S review.
So I'll be using those two devices together
in the meantime.
Nick is giving me updates,
which is totally the most professional thing
for the onscreen talent to be doing
in the middle of a video podcast.
I'm getting close to my thing.
Doesn't the show look great?
I think it looks great.
I think you look great.
I think you look great.
I think we both look great.
And check this out.
I had so many people whining about the Plosives
that I have installed a pop filter.
So the audio should actually be better this week too.
Now, I did run around before the show
and try to find my arm mount
so that we could have a suspension mount for the microphone.
For now, we're settling with a folded up T-shirt under it,
but that'll come.
That'll come eventually.
We are finally in what I believe
will be the WAN Show's forever home.
This computer needs to be reformatted,
but this equipment, actually, see,
we even put a sticker on it.
We should maybe get a desk that's not as gross.
I kind of like it,
because the background's kind of gross too.
Well, we can change it.
I kind of want like a wood top desk.
I think the screen has far too much real estate as well.
Yeah, okay.
Yeah, we can tweak things.
We can tweak things.
Because my head gets chopped off by the logo.
That was always me.
You just-
Your head got chopped off by the logo?
My head always had the logo on it.
Yeah, on the couch.
Yeah, it totally did.
That seems silly.
Yeah, I don't know.
Well, either way,
we shouldn't probably have the screen
taking up that much space.
Oh, why were these rejected?
But it's all right.
Reason two, boring.
Who determines whether news is boring or not?
That's pretty boring.
I'm doing-
You know what?
You're boring.
You're boring.
Okay, sponsors.
A huge shout out to lynda.com
for sponsoring the WAN show.
And you know what?
This actually is only semi-related to lynda.com.
But my wife was talking to me,
because I actually brought this up on the WAN show.
It's something I talked to my wife about a fair bit.
And that is limiting screen time for my kids.
And she kind of goes,
well, hold on a second.
Like, my son, actually,
he's three,
and he is almost reading.
Like, he can actually read fairly simple words-
Is that good?
That he's never seen before.
So at his pre-preschool orientation,
the teacher said that she had a student once
that knew the entire alphabet.
So my son has known the entire alphabet
and all of the phonetic letters of the,
and all the phonetic sounds of the letters since he was two.
And that is in huge part thanks to YouTube.
YouTube is a great teaching tool.
And I like to sleep in-
I was gonna say like mind games on the DS,
or there's tons of teaching-
Math Blaster, going back to my childhood.
So yeah, so that's how this ties into Linda anyway.
So I'm getting there.
So she basically goes,
well, hold on a second.
So like, you talk a lot about the importance of programming
and 3D modeling skills in the new world.
And I go, yes.
And she goes, well, so what?
Are you just gonna stunt his growth?
And I kind of go, no.
One, he's three.
And I really think three-year-olds
don't necessarily need to be working on those skills yet.
He could start when he's four or five or six.
I think at the age he's at right now,
he needs to learn other things.
Like my son doesn't have trouble sitting still.
I don't need him to learn how to sit still.
It's actually like, he's like military trained.
He's- It's really impressive.
If you're like, you know, little man,
sit there, do this for a bit.
He goes, he sits, he does it.
He has to then unlock him.
So I want him working on, you know,
going to stay and play, which is a local program
where you just go and like run around
and throw balls with other kids and stuff like that.
Those are the skills that he needs to work on right now.
And it's one of those things
where there is no hard and fast rule.
You have to tailor the approach depending on the kid.
And I don't think he needs a ton of screen time right now.
But that doesn't mean that I don't want him,
because he's gonna hit kindergarten already knowing
probably up to multiplication and division.
Like he's a smart kid.
And so kindergarten is gonna be
a super duper waste of his time.
So when he comes home, I don't expect him to do his,
you know, yellow plus blue equals green homework.
That's stupid.
He knows that stuff already.
I expect him to be working on computer skills.
And honestly, I have fallen behind.
I have spent the last 10 years of my life
working on product management and business
and online content creation.
And it's not like I don't have technology skills,
but Luke can attest to this.
I am embarrassing when it comes to any kind of programming.
Like I can barely bold and unbold something
in a text editor, okay?
I can, but barely.
Like I'm, can't claim much either.
But yeah.
But you went to school for it at least.
Like, you know something.
Yeah, but like the games changed a bit.
And like a lot of what I went to school for
where I like wasn't working full-time with you
and not really going to school
as much as I should have maybe been
was a little bit more antiquated stuff
that no one's really using anymore.
So I do want him working on that stuff.
And it's a great opportunity.
This is one of the things that a lot of parents do
is it's like, this is my second crack
at learning this stuff with my kids.
Cause it'll keep us talking the same language.
And it'll be an opportunity for me to bond with my kid
which I have to do anyway
and pick up some new skills while I'm at it.
So this finally ties in to lynda.com.
A great resource for learning things online
whether it's programming or video editing skills or.
What's cool about this is say you were deciding
to give your kid X amount of time to learn whatever he wants
but he has to learn something on the computer.
He could go on Lynda and look up so much stuff
and go on his own pace and do whatever.
He could download them onto his phone or whatever he wants.
Or he could even do the like kitty boo version.
You know, kids first 3D modeling program.
And if I'm trying to follow along with him
I'll have a deep enough understanding
that I can help him with these things as well.
Like that's what I really want
because I look at the curriculum
at least here in Canada anyway.
And it seems like we're really falling behind.
You know, there's nothing in the news
about Canadian schools looking at introducing programming
to young kids and it feels like this is the kind of thing
that they did a good job with our generation.
I learned how to use a spreadsheet
and how to use, you know, office applications
and how to use a printer.
Like skills that we take for granted now
not because they happen by magic
but because they freaking covered it.
We had access to the equipment.
Like my wife was like, oh, this school
is getting a 3D printer, it seems expensive.
I'm like, well, yeah, how much do you think
the computer lab cost at your elementary school?
So much.
Because they were investing in it.
To be fair, Apple was sponsoring entire schools
at that point.
I know, and that is a thing
but that doesn't mean they didn't spend anything on it.
It doesn't mean they didn't spend the resources
on hiring or training the teachers
to be covering this stuff.
And did they do a perfect job?
No, but it's better than nothing.
And at least you like inspire the kids
and then they can go home or go somewhere else
and learn from there.
Cause like I know a lot of people
that as long as they're introduced to a topic
if they're truly that interested
they can go the rest of the way.
And they kind of have to.
And that's how you're gonna get really good at anything.
So anyway, lynda.com is gonna be my tool
to keep in touch, I guess, with what my kids are up to.
It starts at only $25 a month
and you can get a 10 day free trial at lynda.com slash when
so you can learn all kinds of great stuff.
And I guess that's pretty much all I have to say about that.
That was the longest sponsor spot we've ever done.
What are you doing?
The watermark is gone.
Oh, oh yes.
The watermark is gone during the sponsor spots.
That's so weird.
Cause I didn't put it in.
So learn to deal.
Our second sponsor today is one that I sincerely hope
I get to experience with my kids someday.
Well, not, not both of them.
Well, I guess there are things that girls can shave, but.
Like their legs.
Like their legs.
But in the context of my children
I really don't like, I'm not going to be.
It's a father-son thing.
Shaving the face.
I got it.
It's nothing to do with daughters.
If they're going to shave their legs, they, I,
don't they learn that on their own?
Oh no, they learn that kind of crap
with their girlfriends, right?
I don't, why, why are you asking me?
I don't know.
Like I would ask the ladies in the audience to tell me like.
You know who?
Or their mom.
I don't know.
Do mom and daughter get together and like shave their legs?
You should show her how to shave like her shin.
Wear shorts.
Yeah, I don't know, man.
Anyway, without getting into too much detail.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's like, hey mom,
my dress is catching on my shin hair.
I don't know.
My dress?
Do you even know any females?
My dress is catching on my shin hair.
Not really, no, I don't.
Let's move on.
Can we update Harry Potter's speech bubble?
We need like a Ron Weasley.
It's not a dress, it's a robe or like a Hermione.
We should get the whole team and just speech bubble all of them
and they can just mock me all the time.
They're expensive.
That was like 60 bucks.
Yeah, it was completely unreasonable.
It's just cardboard.
I know.
It's probably a licensing thing though.
Like probably $30 if it goes to Joan Rowling.
Yeah, yeah.
That's definitely the movie asset thing.
Like that's on a poster somewhere.
So anyway, these are the worst sponsor spots
we've ever done, but whatever.
The point is Dollar Shave Club.
I wanna use Dollar Shave Club razors to shave with my son
because they're high quality, they're affordable
and they ship them directly to your door once a month.
You know what Dollar Shave Club needs?
Okay, okay, okay.
This is a suggestion.
I hope Dollar Shave Club is watching this
because they've got a lot of great products.
They've got the razors, they've got the aftershave,
they've got the shave butter
and they've got the one wipe Charlies.
So you can clean up the look of your face.
You can clean up the smell of your face.
You can clean up both the look and smell of your butthole.
But what you can't maintain with Dollar Shave Club
and what I would argue is just as important,
if not more so to have delivered monthly, your armpits.
Dollar Shave Club needs to add deodorant to their arsenal
because there should be no excuse for smelling bad.
And that's what Dollar Shave Club is all about.
You don't have to leave the house to look like
you're presentable enough to leave the house.
You know one wipe Charlies?
They need to make like one armpit de-smeller Charlies.
That could even work.
Because you keep it in the car or something
and then you're like, crap, I forgot.
You'd be like, all right, well this date
isn't gonna fail, I got this.
Like a sponge bath Charlie or something like that.
Anyway, the point is,
dollarshaveclub.com slash Linus.
Join the club if you always wanna look presentable
and always shave with a fresh razor
so you can do a good job and all that kind of stuff.
And it's affordable and they deliver it
to your house and stuff.
All right, so we've got probably a fair bit more
to talk about on the show here today
even though technically like it's quarter after six
but we didn't start pretty late.
Not like I have anything to do.
This is a pretty big deal.
It's okay, keep going.
That's not really funny.
Just keep going.
So I've had a lot of comments
and I've seen a lot of comments
about people calling Asetek.
Remember, they were the original LCLC,
the low cost liquid cooler.
Just the best name.
Before, yeah, I know.
Before they partnered with everyone under the sun,
you know, Corsair and ZXT
and like all these guys to co-brand their LCLC product.
And I've had a lot of people running around
calling Asetek a patent troll
for protecting their intellectual property in the US,
their idea, their patent of putting a pump on a CPU block.
This is not trolling.
So it has now been upheld-
They got pretty roughly ripped off.
They did. Like a lot.
They did.
And it didn't happen right away.
But now that it's happening,
they are pretty aggressively going after,
first it was Coolit and now it is Cooler Master
and they are seeking,
actually as first it was Coolit,
then it was Swift Tech and now it's Cooler Master
or whatever the order it happened in, I don't care.
So they are seeking damages
for people ripping off their idea and their design.
And now it has been confirmed.
So not just once, but twice Asetek has won
their patent infringement case against CMI,
a subsidiary of Cooler Master.
So the first time around,
they were awarded a 14 and a half percent royalty rate
on every infringing Cooler Master product being sold.
CMI demanded a judgment as a matter of law and a new trial.
And they have now been awarded enhanced damages
of 25.375% per unit.
So for all revenues on infringing products
starting January 1st, 2015.
It is still appealable by CMI,
but I really got to wonder
if they're gonna go back for more at this point.
Do I like that this patent
doesn't allow anyone to put a pump on a block?
And this is in the US to be clear,
like in Canada, these products are still for sale.
Do I like that?
Not really.
It does stifle innovation.
Do I believe that there was a ton of innovation to be done
in the all-in-one liquid cooler?
Not really.
The performance hasn't really changed dramatically
in the last five years.
How big is your radiator?
If we had a product that worked fine
and was a reasonable price and Asetek was selling it
and they were making their margin
and Courser was rebranding it
and they were making their margin
and we had an ecosystem that kind of worked
and it was, the consumers were happy to pay that price.
Does anyone benefit from someone coming in
and doing something very similar and infringing someone else's patent?
I don't know.
That is getting into some pretty, I was getting,
and like to be clear, like there is sort of,
there is similar and then there is very similar
and I can't find the link now unfortunately,
but I saw an internal shot of one of Cooler Master's
CPU block slash pump combo units and Asetek's
and wow is the construction really close
because the reality of it is in software
you can go closed source, okay?
In chip design you can not really show people
how it's all working.
You can hide a lot of special sauce.
But physical products, patents are the only thing
that protects it.
It's the only thing that prevents someone from saying,
oh, hey, that's pretty cool.
I'll just make that exact thing.
Yay, now I have it and also it's cheaper
because I didn't have to do any R&D work.
I didn't have to lay the groundwork
for the acceptance of this product
because that was a real thing.
I was around when the LCLC first launched.
I was one of the first people to order them
and not order one personally, but to order them for stock.
I sat in the NCIX warehouse for days
and took bulk orders of LCLCs
and repackaged them into boxes.
I had to like cut the packing material to size.
I had to baggy all the mounting screws
because it was designed for OEMs and system integrators.
And I turned the LCLC into a retail product
before anyone else.
I was there.
And I know that the beginning wasn't smooth.
It wasn't always as simple as,
hey, we'll bring this product to market
and a bajillion people will buy it.
Asetek invested in making this a viable product category
and Cooler Master didn't.
At least not then and certainly not to the same extent.
So I get it.
But I mean, it does suck that, you know,
it's like competition is good.
And I'm not saying competition is ever bad.
I'm just saying there's another side to the coin
and it does look like the court was right in this case.
I do not consider Asetek to be a patent troll,
especially because the technology that they're patenting
is something that they're actively selling
and have as far as I've been able to tell
been somewhat reasonable about.
So it's not like you can't buy it.
They're not just, it's not like that bullshit
that happened to Puget Systems
where some guy patented something to do
with mineral oil submersion computers
and then basically prevented Puget Systems
from being able to sell their kit
right around the time that we did our mineral oil bill blog.
That was bullshit because that company is not selling it.
It was not a viable business idea
that they had in the first place.
They went under and now they're just sitting around
being a patent troll.
Asetek's not being a troll.
I think it's literally one person.
No one else was doing this
and it was a very small passion project thing.
They weren't really making money.
They weren't making money.
Man, the call that I had with Puget was so depressing.
He was just like, yeah, so bad news.
Your last video's going up, that's cool, that's great.
We actually cannot sell these anymore, so yeah.
This is something we've been working on
for like eight years or whatever
just because we think it's cool.
And they've done a really good job on it.
They're the reason why I got into it.
I saw one of their really early systems,
possibly their first one at PAX way back in the day
and was like, what the hell is that?
I even remember very specifically
grabbing the display cable and tracing it with my hand
to make sure that it was actually doing
what I thought it was because I didn't believe it at all
and then talked to the dude for a while
and then was totally super interested
and then went and did my own thing.
Yeah, so I'm pretty buddies with them.
A million views on YouTube of your rig
that you built based on that encounter.
Yeah, 1.1 million, there it is.
So this is, for those of you who haven't seen it,
oh no, sorry, no, 1.1 million is our project.
Yeah, yeah.
The poor, yeah, of course, that's gonna be the one.
So no, but still, that's almost a million views.
And that's back in the day too.
So this is Luke's rig that he built
based on that cool encounter with Puget Systems.
I ended up buying like the same fish tank that they did.
I found it at freaking PetSmart near my parents' house.
Like this was super cool and like hella inspired by them.
I just couldn't pay the import duties over the border.
Yeah, it is expensive.
Yeah, so like it's a lot of exactly what they did,
to be completely honest.
So yeah, it's lame for anyone
whose name is Cooler Master, you know, but let's see.
This is kind of scary.
It could impact the Fury X.
Because those are using an infringing design
with the pump and block integrated.
So it's gonna be an interesting little bit.
It doesn't look like EK's new design infringes on it
because it integrates the pump into the radiator,
which hurts case compatibility.
So I can understand why not everyone does it,
but there you go.
All right, next up, this is gonna be cool
for the film equipment buffs.
Red's new Raven camera will start at $6,000
and shoot 4K up to 120 frames per second.
Now, I'm gonna run through a few things here
that are pretty cool.
So it uses the Dragon sensor.
So this is by far the lowest cost
you've been able to get at a Dragon sensor.
It's available with an EF mount
so you can use your Canon lenses.
It takes mini mags, which are their proprietary media.
Very expensive, which I guess is leading
into how things are starting to happen.
I love their naming for things.
It has a nice lightweight construction.
It's relatively small.
It's got the same body as the weapon.
All the weapon modules work.
It has built-in Wi-Fi.
It has a built-in microphone,
which is useful for audio syncing if nothing else,
even if it's not gonna be like a good quality one.
But this, this No Film School sub-headline here
is the gotcha here.
While the body is $6,000,
the way that Red sells their bodies,
and I'm gonna see if I can find a picture of the body here.
Yeah, there it is.
The way that Red sells their bodies is with nothing on it.
This has no display.
It has no actual on-camera buttons to control it.
It has no XLR audio input.
I kind of love it.
It has-
It's just so absurd.
It has nothing.
It is the brain.
And for someone like Brandon,
who really loves doing these really intricate configurations
of things, I'm sure he would love that.
Yes, but there are certain things
that should really be on the camera.
No, I'm not trying to get into his head buying a Red.
Don't worry about that.
Well, I don't think Brandon even wants one.
Hey, Brandon, do you even want a Raven?
Um, not for our stuff.
He says not for our stuff.
Cause there's a lot, there's a lot of,
there's a lot of issues.
Like it's cool that it can record ProRes,
which is awesome.
But there's the fact that you're locked
into this proprietary media.
The fact that once you've bought into the Red ecosystem,
you've got all these accessories and like batteries
and all this stuff that's just straight up not useful
for other things necessarily.
And it looks like it's gonna cost you at least 10 grand
to get started as opposed to six grand.
And realistically, if you wanna add some of the modules
that you're probably gonna need,
you're looking at closer to $15,000.
So it's not actually that competitive
with some of the newer cameras out from the likes of Sony,
for example, but it's red, but it's red.
And it's the cheapest we've seen from them yet
for a flagship sensor.
Like that is an impressive sensor.
I think it's something like 15 and a half stops
of dynamic range, I wanna say.
I'm like, sorry, 16, thank you, Brandon.
When your storage device gets full,
you can ask if anyone has any spare mags.
Okay, I know you don't know about camera stuff
and that's fine, but zip it.
No, they're called mini mags.
I know, I know.
I literally said an accurate statement.
I know, but you're just trolling me.
I didn't say anything wrong, you're a dick.
So this is cool.
It does 1080p at up to 240 frames per second.
So what I like about this camera is that at least
this starts to put some heat on the other guys
to come up with a competitor for the FS700.
We've had an FS700 for almost three years now.
And there is still literally nothing else
that is an obvious direct successor to that camera.
Because there are other ones like the A7R series
that do really great low light.
There's other, oh man, there's cameras
with better on camera storage now.
That's a big thing.
CFast is the new industry standard
and is gonna be way better than,
the FS700 only has SD cards.
You have to have an external recorder to use SSDs.
There's stuff like way more stops of dynamic range.
And this is happening from Blackmagic, from Sony,
from a lot of different guys.
But the FS700 has been almost unique
in its ability to record 240 FPS slow-mo
now continuously with the third party external recorder.
And just for a lot of the,
just the balance of features that it has,
has been difficult to touch for a long time.
And it's finally happening.
And I hope this continues to light fires
under the butts of the other camera makers out there.
Speaking of other camera makers,
Blackmagic is sending us an Ursa Mini.
And Brandon will be doing, for the first time,
a camera review.
So stay tuned for that.
Cause I know he is pretty stoked on it
and I believe he's gonna do a great job.
I believe in you, Brandon.
Man, there's a lot of stuff that I would really like to do-
What time did we start?
Pretty quickly here.
I don't know.
Did you send out a tweet?
I think around five.
I wanna say around five.
Why don't we just do everything left
as like rapid fire topics?
So here, do you wanna do the first one here?
I've read nothing.
AMD preparing dual GPU Radeon R9 Fury X2,
world's fastest graphics card.
So original article there.
Sorry, I have two mice in front of me.
So it's hard to remember which is which.
You know how I'm always kind of salty about SLI
or crossfire on the show?
You know how I recently started SLI-ing 980s?
Yeah, yes.
Did you know the day that I hooked that up,
I had a huge drawn out problem
that was unfixable for 24 hours?
Was it related to SLI?
I hooked my 980s together just before a stream.
Started playing games and stuff,
and was like, okay, cool.
This was my 24 hour charity stream.
Started playing games, everything worked fine.
I was performing really well.
I was like, great, this is awesome.
Everything's working, maybe I'm too salty about this stuff.
I remember specifically thinking
that maybe I'm too hard on SLI.
And it is better now.
And crossfire.
Not while you're streaming.
Not really a thing, has a huge problem with it.
So tons of games I couldn't properly play.
And the thing was, I was doing a 24 hour charity stream.
I know Total Biscuit runs SLI.
Does he live stream while he's running SLI?
I don't know that one.
There's a lot of the guys,
maybe I was doing something wrong.
I know a lot of the guys that stream.
Did you check with Sevedis?
I don't know if he SLIs.
Okay, interesting.
I was, apparently people were talking,
apparently, I don't know.
There might be ways around it.
There might be, I don't know.
All I know was it was a problem for me,
and I couldn't change or fix those things,
because I couldn't stop or restart the stream.
It was a 24 hour charity stream.
So there might have been some fix that I could have ran.
Something, I don't know.
And we've run into some other dual GP related issues too.
Without giving away anything, I will say,
no, I can't give away.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't say anything.
Don't say anything about it.
A lot of these guys are using capture boxes
that are then streaming.
Right, right.
So it wouldn't matter.
Which is an option.
Yeah, and it wouldn't matter.
Okay, well actually, one thing I can say about it though,
is an issue that I have particularly
with AMD's implementation of Crossfire,
is that you actually can't turn it off on a dual GPU card.
You can't just turn it off.
There is a tool, I forget what it's called,
Catalyst Pro or Radeon Pro or something like that,
where I think you can force it off,
but even that is not necessarily a perfect solution.
Seagate has come out and said,
this actually happened a couple of weeks ago,
but I just liked it so much that I wanted to do it.
SSDs will never match the per gigabyte costs of hard drives.
Okay, well, we'll see.
So he's saying something, something,
dollar per gigabyte in the upper to 20 to one and something.
Will hard drives match the performance of SSDs?
No, they won't, but that's not the point necessarily.
Wow, so interesting.
Yeah, so I guess there's not really much else
to say about that.
I just wanted to document that that was said
as thoroughly as possible because, yeah, much confident.
Oculus VR is getting Twitch streaming soon, Netflix today.
And I believe this article is from yesterday, so yesterday.
So yeah, they're gonna set up like, check this out.
You're gonna have like a cool, this is actually Hulu,
but you're gonna have like a cool little theater
you can sit in.
It'll be like a virtual theater experience.
That is some BA stuff right there.
So Oculus owners have a lot to look forward to
when they become Oculus owners.
4chan was sold to the creator of 2channel.
So in a series of events that was completely unsurprising
to everyone, 4chan got attacked through like
an Imgur exploit and like, because the 4chan community, like
that thing happened, DDoS all the things.
So there you go.
4chan was apparently struggling to be profitable,
even though they tried a subscription offering
and minor advertising and all that kind of stuff.
So I get it.
Nintendo joins the Kronos group.
I think an ad's running.
Right now?
Is it on Steam?
Oh, it's probably on one of the sites that we're loading.
So let me kill them all.
It better not be Twitch.
It is not Twitch.
I'm killing all the ads.
There we go.
All right, Nintendo has joined Kronos group
as a contributor member.
So these are the guys-
It's like a pretty lewd ad actually.
Oh really?
Oh, sorry.
Some Team America.
Okay, well, let's move on.
So these are the guys that are maintaining OpenGL
and Vulkan, which Valve has gone all fighting words about
and said DirectX 12 doesn't matter.
Unless you're like deeply into your DirectX 12
game development now,
you should just probably never touch it.
And you should just go Vulkan
because DirectX 12 doesn't matter.
And they have some very good points
about DirectX 12 being Windows 10 exclusive,
which was such a mistake.
I understand that they would have had to do a bunch of work,
but like, oh.
And I understand that Windows 10 is a free upgrade
for seven and eight owners,
but like Vulkan is gonna work
across a lot of different platforms, not even just Windows.
Would you roll back?
Would I roll back to-
Windows 7.
From 10?
I need to not lean backwards.
Yeah, would you roll back to Windows 7 and use Vulkan?
No, because you can use Vulkan on 10.
I know, I know.
But would you rather use 7?
No, I actually liked 10.
I liked the New Start menu.
Yeah, New Start menu is actually great.
I actually really liked the New Start menu.
So anyway, Nintendo joined, which is cool, I guess.
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
This is from WFLX.
An Oregon couple trying to resolve
a $2 million Verizon cell phone bill.
I'm all-
What else we got?
This is really funny.
The iPhone 6S put through its paces in Geekbench.
The dual core 6S obliterates the Galaxy S6 Note 5
and other top Android phones
in performance testing, apparently.
And we've even got some folks running around saying
how it's amazing how comparable it is to the 2015 MacBook.
Actually, what's amazing is how the 2015 MacBook
manages to run at literally half the performance
that it could if it wasn't thermal throttling
all over the place.
I mean, it is still amazing.
But the fact that the MacBook is essentially a tablet
in terms of the form factor,
in terms of where they actually stuff to the computer,
so think about that for a second.
The fact that Apple has been releasing tablets
that perform somewhat better than their phones
for years now that are also tablets
and also in that form factor.
And the fact that the MacBook is performing
literally half as well as that Intel chip is capable of
because it's not adequately cooled.
So, no.
Yes, the iPhone 6S does look like a whiz banger
of a performer and a wicked phone upgrade.
A whiz banger of a performer.
But the fact that it's on par with the MacBook
is not the fact that the Mac,
it has nothing to do with the iPhone 6S being amazing.
It has to do with the MacBook kind of being a dog.
So I'm just throwing that out there, you guys.
I have doom gloom news.
We're ready.
Is it, oh.
Kind of ready.
All right, so should we do this on WAN Show
or should we do this as kind of a somber after party
and tell people from the WAN Show to stick around?
It's up to you.
Okay, let's end the WAN Show
and we'll be back very shortly.
Stick around, especially if you're a member
of the Linus Tech Tips Forum.
Aw, we were doing so well.
Dollar Shave Club.
Is it even there?