
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

things actually working I know Linus is not here he's off doing something if you
saw my tweet he actually did show up in the room sat down we filmed the intro
for YouTube and then he left again so like I tried I almost had him here
anyways we just decided to just go he's gonna be back so he's coming at some
point anyways we've got cool topics for you obviously the windows 10 conference
happened so we'll be talking about that a ton it probably won't be as ridiculous
as the Facebook bot oculus thing but we'll be talking about it quite a bit
the GTX 960 has officially launched as anyone who has a YouTube account is sure
to have noticed that every single person ever released a GTX 960 video also
Nintendo has announced the end of Club Nintendo but it's all not bad news so
we'll talk about that later as well get the good news out there and the GTX 970
may not be able to utilize its 4 gigabytes of VRAM entirely hmm talk
about that later on as well roll the intro
who are the sponsors again today oh yay Linda calm our favorite monster truck
simulation online it's not what they do no for learning online learning hence
the book videos and stuff yeah well that the book makes less sense in that
context but yes well Linda read the book and then she told you through the videos
I actually think a lot of the things that you learn on lynda.com have no
application where you would really want to learn them for like would you learn
Photoshop look you could well what you wouldn't learn from a book is how to
save money on your razors and other bathroom supplies you could you you you
could but no there could be like a saving money on razors and bathroom
surprise supplies for dummy no one wants to read the book on saving money on
bathroom surprise sorry I just had to review something whenever I do a
particularly negative video about a product I tend to want to cross all my
teas and dot all my eyes because the last thing I need is a lawsuit for
defamation or like anything like that yeah yeah that's right it's different
from a reformation which is taking people who aren't famous and making them
famous again like Carrie Fisher anyway let's go ahead and maybe start and start
this show so we're gonna kick off with the one thing in the show that I
actually didn't look into at all so you're on your own for this one backed
by Nvidia catopsis brings Microsoft's Illumi room vision to life so you knew
about aluminum a luma room wow I can totally talk when I'm sick you know the
Illumi room concept right where there's the TV screen and then the Illumi room
projector which would be behind you essentially extends the TV screen to try
and make it more immersive well they actually kind of did it and it's called
whatever it's called how is the name of it not in here
immersive there we go the name of it's not in the title nice trying to post
anyway it happens to be an expected price of $2,500 $2,500 and they would
need developers to step behind it actually make stuff for this to work so
that's a really ugly combination with people like I can't really name it right
now but steel series thing the eye track Toby Toby well no it's different when
it's sold by still sir yeah whatever but it's the Toby eye tracker yeah but yeah
anyways whatever that thing has some amounts of trouble with adoption I think
the main game that's they're really standing behind it is an indie game that
they're probably paying to stand behind it maybe not or or maybe not but like
there's there's one of the problems with all these different things coming out
oculus gear VR every other VR solution ever this thing eye tracking hand
tracking stuff is even something we're going to talk about later later hololens
is you need developers to develop things for these things and when it's $2,500
and you need a PC to be set up in your living room not just a console and you
need a living room where you can have a projector behind the couch like there's
a lot of variables here and I don't see the install base being huge and I think
that being it's probably gonna be a problem for developers you are like
Nostradamus like this thing's expensive for a functionality that no one
really asked for like it's probably adoption won't be great I don't know
it's a cool idea it's there's really no more it's a luma room like it's you can
watch the video so you can see that it can fold and go into a box and you can
carry it around hooray but it's it's a luma room which is which is cool but
yeah I'm right speaking of things that are cool with no application as far as I
can tell artificial intelligence helps Mario play his own game I'm gonna go
ahead and post this in the twitch chat here so has learned certain things like
jumping on a goomba will definitely kill it and stuff like that he's made
decisions based on his learning he's decided how to get through different
levels and stuff yeah he's able to figure out very efficient ways to do
things yeah he can calculate you know how many moves something will require
yeah he apparently has moods which from looking from reading a little bit
further into the article seems to be mostly just pre-programmed logic trees
as opposed to a true a true AI like everything hooray it's cool but like
that yeah I don't know it's also it's been done before it's pre-programmed
logic arrays would it is able to kind of add to a little bit but like it it knows
the past that it should go down and then it's just filling a database of
information of results of actions essentially which yes of course that's
how things learn but it's just it's it's not crazy advanced we not only have more
advanced AI projects out there but this has also been done before I think it's
just the most advanced AI Mario because why so I don't know it's kind of cool
it's a fun project speaking of speaking of Mario we're gonna we're gonna try and
move pretty quick here guys because we do want to spend a fair bit of time on
the windows oh yeah no not as much time as they spent mind you but not not two
hours and 20 minutes yeah it was so let's go ahead so um Nintendo Club
Nintendo to be discontinued world why Wow them ads what is going on here look
at this the ad is it's like half of its here half of its oh it's it's on each
side oh oh oh it's just bad doesn't reach all right Nintendo insider calm if
your site admin is watching we have a sponsor a Squarespace they have like
they have like stuff that will make it so this won't happen so anyway okay
fine whatever frameworks and whatnot anyways Nintendo is shutting down they
will be discontinuing the service on the 30th of September or end of June in
North America and 30 September in the EU they've been running it for about six
years it is going to be replaced by a new program a new loyalty program yes
the current one honestly is super badass Club Nintendo is great like you get
coins from buying games which like okay whatever but then those coins kind of
last for a really long time then you can spend them on real-world physical items
or digital games and if you buy a real-world physical item the shipping is
totally free it's actually pretty cool maybe it's too expensive it might be too
expensive it might be just like some of the problems that they've been having is
the merchandise for it coming up with new things right a lot of times there
isn't really a new thing in the previous thing sold out so it's just like what do
I use these coins for I kind of want to say for a physical item that is exclusive
instead of just buying this thing that I could get off the we use store for not
much money anyways right so a lot of people just sit there hoarding their
coins forever waiting for something new to come out then it sells out too
quickly anyways so they don't get it so it can be frustrating it's a cool
program but it can be a frustrating program so I think they're gonna try
hopefully replace it with something a little bit more elegant and I guess this
gives them an opportunity to eliminate the coin hoarding by getting people
reset unless they offer people like I think they've done resets in the past
but then that's always ugly as well yeah I mean the optics of that are just kind
of terrible yes like so you're resetting because you planned it poorly yeah yeah
yeah yeah yeah so I don't know not the end of the world there if you are a
club Nintendo guy and you have a bunch of coins read up more on it they have
tons of information on like when the last date to get coins from games is
when the last date to redeem things are when the last date to buy things is if
they're not they're gonna be adding more things to it because I think I think
they're adding more physical items like rapid-fire just before the end so you
can dump all your coins so but I'm not entirely sure about that go read up on
it if you care essentially dang it you went for so long that my segue is not
gonna necessarily work that well but you said it wasn't the end of the world and
I was gonna say speaking of things that could be the end of the world this
service this is this is absolutely fantastic and oh whoever did our notes
on this one didn't actually manage to put the name of the service in the notes
and I've forgotten what it is invisible girlfriend create your own girlfriend or
boyfriend there's also invisible boyfriend equal opportunity sort of
service here so so alright so this isn't the first app that promises to be your
virtual partner yeah but these apps take a bit of a unique approach to it in that
they actually pair you with someone with with a with a paid virtual girlfriend or
boyfriend that will send you messages and selfies and voicemails and even
handwritten notes yeah so apparently the selfies are gonna be stock photos but
that yeah doesn't actually sound right from what I was reading them you know
what the best thing is though have you read the text message conversation yeah
here let me just so good oh man it was lovely it's the text message covers oh
you're looking for something else I'm looking for the text message
conversation in the line of sectives oh it's in the thread yeah okay awesome
this is post oh crap we haven't said who's posted things okay so good bites
for the Illumi room thing so Disney for Mario AI ah Ming for this thing tanks
layer it's for Nintendo virtual whatever club thing no virtual whatever club
sorry I was thinking of oh things that are gone yes yes yes all right so here
we go here we go so the the thread online is tech tips actually has a
little bit more information so the app is only available in private beta and US
in Canada but the creators are hoping to raise funds so they expand can expand to
other parts of the world like countries where it is a crime to be gay and people
might have a need for a fake heterosexual relationship that is
actually a very compelling use for an application like this so this guy's
apparently messages were better maybe Clark Kent so here's an example of some
text some text messages hey Carissa this is Clark how are you OMG why didn't you
text me last night where were you sorry I left my phone at work let me make it
up to you I don't believe you I was in such a rush when I left yesterday I was
charging it and forgot all about it I'm sorry really the the stupidest thing
about this is as like not sort of great as those messages are they're kind of
convincing yes I could imagine having that conversation what I kind of love
about it too though is that in their example he goes I miss you I've been
working so much lately I need a vacation want to come with me so in that use case
where like you need to try to have a heterosexual relationship because of
laws and blah blah blah it should be like yeah definitely let's go instead
it's like what have you been working on this is your example give a better
example than that haha Wow so like yes it's very bad at responding so anyway
the personalized text maybe they're gonna work on making them better but
basically they they they have paid people who are sending texts and
voicemails and handwritten notes and it's $25 a month and I think that
includes what was it two handwritten notes 25 texts or something along those
lines I can't remember what exactly the model is I I I I I don't know what to
say like I feel like for someone somewhere this is something that they
would really like to have but I've got a wonder like would they not be better off
just kind of making a friend online that shares a common interest on like steam
versus trying to use a service like this to have them be a girlfriend or a
boyfriend I have to imagine that considering how fake it feels that you'd
have to kind of know so it I feel like it would be more of an external thing
like I don't know how many of course there's going to be some of course
there's probably gonna be a lot but I don't know how many use cases that I
understand I guess as much where someone would do it as like a partnership thing
but I know a lot of use cases that I understand a lot more or someone might
want to do it as an external thing look this is my person like okay I'm gonna
try and explain what you're saying in a way that might actually be clear um so
what he means is like a lot of sense if you're showing off versus external
relationship yeah like like if the if the idea is not that you're doing it for
your own satisfaction but you're doing it to like prove to grandma that you
yeah are not if if you're a girl and your family's like oh my goodness why
haven't you started a relationship we want babies yeah and be like well I did
here I'm you know there's this working on Luke left Renier guy that I'm texting
a lot and he sends me selfies of himself in the shower wait so I'm going in my
phone whoa yeah we weren't supposed to talk about that
that's a hell of a thing anyway if things we shouldn't talk about or should
talk about you're right prweb.com has an article posted by clock look 0 3 whatever
I tried do you want to post this one in the chat yes got it but these are the
most used passwords of 2014 if your password is on this list change it now
and actually the password that you thought was my password is not my
password no I didn't do that oh okay I know I saw that written there somewhere
but that wasn't for me all right so there's a couple other tips don't use
your favorite sport don't use your favorite team don't use your birthday or
especially just your birth year information that is really not that hard
to find these days in fact you know I I really feel like all this digital
security stuff gets a lot of attention whereas it's really the more traditional
security systems that that are bothering me lately like I had I had my bank call
about something and yes they called my phone number which is a form of
authentic athen authentic athen authentication but the only security
question they asked me was my birth date that's not even close to her now which
is not good enough and you know what the funny thing about it too though is this
is one that really makes me mad is when the security questions on a website okay
I'm digital now yeah but when they're fixed yeah yeah it's like I don't know
any of these things I think and like I've gotten riled for a few things on
like the Linus tech tips forum but I'm not super worried about like a forum
like a bank is more if I'm ever talking about like login forum security and all
this kind of stuff I'm talking more about like a bank or your email not your
forum login but yeah if you guys are storing like sensitive personal
information in your Linus text form please don't like it's not like it's not
like it's not encrypted it's not like we don't have security but like and we do
that's just idiotic anyways um we're not talking like having your birthday in
your profile we're talking like if you have like images in your image upload
account or something like that that are like of your passport like just be smart
online that's all I'm asking oh but yeah when like a bank has fixed security
questions yeah or wait like I've seen banks start implementing a like a
three-stage thing mm-hmm you put in your login name it loads another page you
identify an image it loads another page you put in a password it loads you into
the bank which is interesting except that the amount of times that they
challenge you with the image is near zero like why did you even implement
that security step it does nothing right I think oh I think it's more likely to
challenge you if you're on an IP that's not your usual IP it is so but it's
still extremely low right like my bank does it and I checked while I was in
Vegas which is scary but I did it in a fairly safe way and it didn't challenge
me with a picture change well people people are the biggest obstacle because
mine used to do it every time I was on an unfamiliar connection it's and then
probably people complained because it doesn't do it anymore so okay anyway
let's get let's get back to let's get back to this topic so here we go
one two three four five six unchanged from 2013 rock on one two three four
five six you glorious bastard number two password same position as last year one
two three four five has really climbed the ranks 17 positions one two three
four five six seven eight has fallen from third to fourth so if you thought
you were being more secure by going from five digits to eight digits you were but
not by much because when we're talking brute force attacks and the millions of
attempts they can do per second the difference between two and three when it
goes through this list not gonna be a whole lot yeah I was gonna say cuz most
brute forces will start with a pre dictionary first anyways yeah so QWERTY
one two three four five six seven eight nine zero does provide an almost
immaterial security one two three four is apparently more secure than one two
three four five six seven eight nine zero if it's using a dictionary-based
attack as opposed to just a sequential attack so there's that usually it's it's
stacked though it'll do a series of common passwords and then we'll do a
dictionary dragon dragon is number nine why was it because how to treat me
sighs like super popular right now let mine is up one I actually don't even
know what that means that mine looks not English monkey is up five to number 12
good job Mike master is 19 this beta on here Batman is master Batman I love I
love new six nine six nine six nine how is that new I would have expected that
trust no one it's 25th that is one that I would not have imagined would be
nearly as popular as Batman oh it's let me in oh let me in the twitch chat is
like wow dude you guys are dumb you know what got it maybe if whoever came up
with that capitalized the first letter of every word or something which would
actually have made it more secure as well let's not blame me for the
stupidity of this list any of it but one of my favorite things is bringing up the
social engineering aspect of hacking to people talking about how like leaving
flash drives around and having people plug them into their computers and
compromising their security that way or just talking to people right being like
what was your mom's maiden name and be like oh well funny story it's blah blah
blah it's like okay well now I can get into like every account ever and mines a
trick good yeah no that's actually not a bad idea at all actually sorry can I can
I can I sorry I'll let you know I can get back to this okay you'll remember
yeah okay cuz cuz this is this is kind of a funny story there is my my mother's
maiden name question is a trick but there's one account that I have to use I
think once every six years you know what I'll just I'll just say what account it
is cuz it's not gonna matter I'm not gonna say what the trick is so it's my
ICBC account my my like my insurance account I used a different trick answer
than on any of the other ones so every six years when I have to renew my
lightens license they'll ask me I'll be like this and they'll be like no I'll be
like right that one right so yeah there I think it was Jimmy Fallon or some some
nighttime TV guy thing did like a checking people's passwords in I think
New York or wherever he's from so they'd go in the street and be like oh what's
your password and people would be like oh I don't want to tell you and they're
like they'd be like oh okay well like what's it made up of and be like okay
well it's like my mother's maiden name and then my birthday they'd go like oh
that's cool you close to your mom then okay what's your mother's maiden name
then they'll tell them then oh yeah and when were you born and then they'll tell
them it's like oh it was fantastic I don't remember who it was but just like
these are the problems with those types of securities it's so easy to just talk
to people okay this information smegs are here brings up a really good point
schmeg zone why the hell are you wearing a hat I semi forgot about it it's
because I'm sick and I had a shower but really needed to work on things so came
out and didn't fully towel off and put on this so it's a towel hat it's a towel
hat hey my hair actually kind of like worked out under that sort of except
this bit back here we'll fix it I'll just we have the oh geez
you have the technology all right let's move on to our next topic this is one
that I have to talk about for a little bit real um oh yeah because uh okay I
can't really say anything no go for it keep going no no I can't I can't say
certain things about this but this was posted by cast death 97 on the forum
original article article here is from 9 to 5 Mac you on it I thought we were
doing this one oh no one up okay whoa that that that one okay all right here
we go much less confused no this is this is something that I'm that I'm sort of
sort of stoked to talk about so I'm gonna go ahead and screech here okay so
the rumor is Apple to Apple targets for the Apple watch battery life have been
revealed there is apparently an a5 caliber CPU inside something that is
both impressive and completely unnecessary depending on what kind of
experience Apple expects you to have with the watch which of course does seem
to be pretty different from what everyone else is targeting with their
smartwatches so unlike other smartwatch makers Apple is including I believe it
includes Wi-Fi although I feel like I'm I feel like I'm saying something stupid
here I'm pretty so aside from Bluetooth my understanding is the Apple watch will
also include Wi-Fi connectivity so that is already very different because it's
no longer reliant on being tethered to another device in order for it to tell
you anything useful and then the other the other big difference is that based
on that it's gonna be running kind of a stripped down iOS and gonna have the
super powerful processor I'm guessing you'll be able to run some seriously
much more powerful apps on the Apple watch compared to what we can currently
do on Android wear devices which are basically I mean yeah you can think
around with some apps I found a spin the bottle app no when I was doing my moto
360 review it's like let's play spin the bottle just like my arm really in the
middle of the group it's like this this result is not looking favorable hold on
I'm just gonna turn my room so okay so so this this this the the the
specifications themselves tell us that Apple is expecting it to be used a
little bit differently but these battery targets look bad like super super bad
yeah so they're expecting you to get one day but we're not talking always on one
day like the G watch are where I actually forgot to charge it last night
and I'm sitting at 17% I get almost two days out of this thing I even got a full
two days once so we're talking screen off one day of battery life so they're
figuring two and a half hours under heavy use things like games if you're
playing games on your watch you are doing it wrong especially because the
assumption which is a safe one in this case is that you already have an iPhone
which is a much better gaming plan anyway okay so four and a half hours
sorry two and a half hours in games where did that go okay four hours of
exercise tracking are you for real so if I go up and I go skiing I'm done yeah
and like the big problem with this too is I didn't even think about the skiing
thing honestly I was just thinking about a normal workout session so a lot of
people will do half an hour to an hour but that means that you just took out a
quarter of your entire phone's battery life I watch but oh yeah watch three
hours of continuously looking at the watch face three hours that is brutal
that's super not good and so they figure 19 hours of combined active and passive
usage with about two to three days in standby now the scariest thing about all
of this is that the the rumor mill is swirling with they may not even hit
these targets so I think it is fairly safe to say no here's a here's a cool
image of the the mag lock wireless charging connector so that's that's kind
of cool so the whatever okay the point is do not buy the Apple watch we got
there yeah I've actually the reason I wanted to talk about this was not just
to highlight how abysmal those results are for the Apple watch and I see what
Apple is trying to do here they're trying to deliver a very different
experience one that's more like a phone on your wrist that's extremely small and
less like a wearable accessory that is tethered to a computer in your pocket I
get it but the technology is just straight-up not there yet the battery I
mean Apple has been an innovator when it comes to battery life and when it comes
to processor efficiency but that doesn't change that it simply doesn't exist yet
yeah to do that and like I complained about what people are doing with phone
batteries but I just don't think they can with watch batteries right now and
the thing about the thing about the thing about that makes me say that don't
buy it is that I I have experience with the difference between those two use
case scenarios so the moto 360 I ended up giving a pretty negative review of
that device and some of the problems were just the general glitchiness of
Android wear which has been addressed somewhat with the lollipop update so
I'm running that on the gwatch are the review of which will be coming fairly
soon but a lot of it was just I just didn't like it and I couldn't put my
hand on quite why I just didn't like it and it turns out the answer now that I'm
running the gwatch are is that always off bothers me in a way that are not
always on because it's not always off yeah but off unless you gesture or touch
it bothers me in a way that I even I didn't quite understand and I've talked
about it on the show before I hate that I think it's stupid but it just made
using the device not pleasant and not natural and not enjoyable and so the
Apple watch I'm gonna say it right now it's gonna be unnatural and unenjoyable
and you're gonna be spending way too much for that experience because Apple's
trying to put too much hardware into something that just isn't ready for it
yet speaking of battery life though actually I want to jump to to a topic so
do you want to do one do one in the meantime maybe do the the next one here
okay I'll screen share that while I go fetch something because I for sure so
this is posted by Rohit Kumar underscore just just reminding I think a lot of
people want to hear about the windows 10 thing yeah oh yeah that's coming in and
get to that so the next thing we're doing is that moot is quitting 4chan
I'm but yeah I put up yeah yeah yeah so he's quitting the controversial website
after 12 years so yeah well 11.5 I guess I should clarify he said that the
websites gone through a number of challenges throughout the years and kind
of made it through a lot of them but the biggest point of failure that they have
right now is that there's one large uncomfortable point of field one
uncomfortably large point of failure which is him moot so he's kind of
stepping down or quitting however much that is true so that a few senior
volunteers can kind of take the place leading the website he says that they
will be financially secure for the foreseeable future and there will be no
problems I seriously doubt this is a full quit but not like anything really
changes over there anyways so no one will probably notice anyways so yeah so
there's that he quit and I don't think it matters all right so I just wanted to
I wanted on this on the subject of devices with better battery and just
kind of deprioritizing you know power where it's not really necessary these
guys reached out about oh sorry these guys reached out asking us to do a
review they're an incredibly small company their website is spectrum HQ dot
net I guess I should just screen share that instead of just getting rid of my
screen share and what I thought was interesting about this phone was not
necessarily that it has the most groundbreaking specs in the world it
actually uses like it's a 1.3 gigahertz quad-core media tech chipset it's got
1 gig of the base model has 1 gig of RAM 8 gigs of storage 720p display but what
I thought was interesting about it is that it's $150 and I know that
inexpensive media tech based phones are not necessarily revolutionary but what I
thought was interesting about it is that it has a 4000 milliamp hour battery in a
reasonable form factor and with an IPS display so I just thought I mean
basically I think it's still pre-order but I have I have a working one here
unfortunately it has pretty narrow pretty narrow band support so you're
gonna have to make sure that your carrier will actually work with it but
with the power sipping components in here and a 4000 milliamp hour battery
for 150 bucks it's got dual SIM it's also got micro SD expansion I think up
to 32 gig support I just I thought it looked interesting I told them look I
can't review a phone that doesn't work on my carrier because that's just my
policy now because I just I want to use inherently use it enough that way yes
but what I told them is just because I thought what they were doing was
interesting and I agree with things like not necessarily going you know 2560 by
1440 on the display settling for 720p but making sure it's an IPS panel
instead of a TN panel like you might find on a lot of inexpensive phones and
so I just wanted to mention it just because actually here I think this this
cap from your site 4,000 milliamp hour glory something that may actually get
you through a couple of days because while I kind of railed on on Motorola
about the Droid turbo having claiming to offer a two-day battery life and
actually it has a similar capacity battery in it the issue is that it runs
extremely powerful hardware and so that's where you're going to to lose a
lot of the battery life that you might get from a device like this so there you
go it's uh oh yeah oh yeah the 4,000 milliamp hour battery is actually user
removable as well so you can you can swap them too which is pretty pretty
unusual so yeah 13 megapixel camera not not earth-shattering image quality or
anything like that but I wanted to highlight these guys because I think
what they're doing is is interesting especially compared to other low-cost
phones where they're just low cost it across the board seeing an IPS panel and
seeing a nice high capacity battery is refreshing yeah I feel like if they had
a good camera in there as well that's all I'd really want all right you should
see oh man I don't have my phone on me right now but I took a picture today
with my Moto X and I was like all right I should probably get a new phone if for
no other reason just the camera so garbage um okay should we do a couple
rapid-fire topics before we get into Windows 10 there's some interesting
stuff in here GTA 5 inside GTA 4 inside a taco inside a Taco Bell inside a
Burger King inside a mall it's actually praying this one has done very well but
it's already been done and it's not like it's not coming out until like pretty
soon opie is Tara oops no wrong one Oh Shujin and this is from PC PC gamer
calm obviously it's not for crying out loud you know I don't care about Guild
Wars mmm all right so obviously it's not the entire game but it's just one of
those things that grabs headlines and is therefore interesting to people to post
on their new sites AMD's CEO Lisa Sue has confirmed supposed to buy teraflop
that their new graphics cards will launch in the second quarter of 2015
very good products coming in q2 2015 rumors include Fiji XT with 4096 GCN
cores and you gotta kind of feel like Nvidia is just sitting on their butts
waiting for AMD to make a move you know I I love the guys at Nvidia they're my
bros they're good people but this is posted by opcode on the forum and the
original source here is from GeForce calm the really what are these sources
why are there sources for like VX GI in here all right let's go ahead so the
GTX 960 officially launched and feels like a holding pattern boy does it ever
feel like a holding pattern I mean we were getting used to for a while new
graphics cards launching and basically if the only piece of information that we
gave Luke was the price he would pretty much be able to create a performance
graph of how it stacks up against all of its competitors because that was
apparently what AMD and Nvidia were doing they were just figuring out how it
performed and going okay let's price it yeah whereas the way that it used to
work was that when there was a cost advantage for a new GPU or just a new
design in general we would get better performance for the price or we would
get better performance with a greater price or or like much better performance
for the same price or something anyway the point is that it would try to push
things the envelope forward yeah whereas the GTX 960 pushes nothing forward and
you can make the our consumption okay yes yeah yes and that is important for
certain things this will make the mobile gaming experience better really it
should be it should be less expensive though and we've seen Nvidia do this
whole GPU creep thing over the last couple of generations where it's like
that used to be that this class of of chip went in these classes of products
and now all of a sudden this class of chip well hold on there's like a Titan
something put that one there and then actually this one which used to be like
a x60 class product is now a 70 80 class product this one that used to be like x
50 class product is now this so so this the GTX 960 launch was a little bit
disappointing to me yes it compares well against its competition but the problem
is that AMD's competitors for it are these much much larger and older GPUs
that are based on in some cases significantly older architectures like
the the r9 280 X which is like how old is that card now because it's three
years not yeah because it's not really a 280 X yeah the 79 70 yeah um 70 like
here I'll search for like the launch 79 70 yeah December 22nd 2011 so yeah it's
three years old so AMD is sort of not really on a level playing field because
they can't lower prices enough to compete with this card and if they did
if AMD made a move in terms of pricing went yeah we're just gonna charge a
hundred and fifty dollars for you know r9 285 Nvidia can match that like that
so what's my point here the 960 came out it's frustrating to me that yawned really
lovely yeah it's also kind of annoying that it came up right after Christmas
because this is a much better Christmas priced card than basically anything else
they had that's a good point I didn't even pay a little bit more for our cards
Oh Christmas is over okay here we go yeah if they released it at Christmas
time I think they probably would have sold a lot more of these instead of 9 7
cuz 960 was rumored to be coming a lot sooner than it ended up coming oh well
the one that I'll be interested in is if we get a 960 TI at 249 if it's actually
based on gm2 o4 as opposed to gm2 o6 so so right now we've actually it's funny
we've only got four Maxwell desktop products and they're running three
different versions of the chip because 750 TI is GM GM 207 so it's GM 207 GM 206
and GM 204 and then we haven't seen you know a Titan class product which would
be running a gm2 there's rumors going on yeah there's lots of rumors about that I
guess I guess that's all there is to really say about that I mean we're kind
of curious what you guys thought of our coverage of the of the 960 where we kind
of did a single card and then we did SLI coverage as a second you know what you
guys thought of that feel free to sort of post in the twitch chat but I'll be
completely upfront with you guys the only reason we did that is because we
ended up with too many 960s by accident so nine nine seventy nine eighty launch
we had we had nine eighties no problem Nvidia provided those but nine seventies
were actually provided by the add-on board partners and Nvidia apparently
somehow or another we we got allocated lots of nine eighties because of people
like prioritizing us and wanting us to send us their best product we didn't get
a single GTX 970 on launch because everyone kind of assumed well someone
else will send them a 970 we're gonna go ahead and send them 980 and I didn't I
didn't ask about it because I just kind of assumed that I was gonna be getting
seated one and I didn't really think of it 960 I went I was like okay let's we're
not gonna let that happen again so I proactively was arranging samples and
then it turned out that they were gonna be seated automatically and they were in
the mail before I even found out you know when the launch was so we ended up
with three 960s instead of one which is what I wanted yeah so so so we were like
okay well I don't just want to do three of the same review because that's super
boring so let's do SLI as a separate one so we'd love to know what you guys what
you guys think of the head yeah do we want to move into Windows 10 or should
we do sponsors first to get it out of the way about 970 what's about 970 oh
everyone wants to talk we should talk about 970 so people can stop screaming
then do sponsors and then just Windows tenant for basically the rest of the
show sure well no not the rest of the show we do have said basically it is a
well I don't want people to tune out because they don't care about Windows
10 I do it'll basically be the rest of the show but I was trying to lie waited
can ruin it someone screwed up the there is other stuff writer dimmer how all the
power profiles are it's brightening right now it was it stopped okay um all
right where is this nine 970 apparently the GTX 970 cannot utilize all four gigs
of its memory and I think that headline is a little bit misleading although I
don't necessarily disagree with the overall sentiment this headline is
better Nvidia's GTX 970 has a rather appears to have a rather serious memory
allocation bug because it's not that you can't access all four gigs it's that
once you start filling it up these performance is not the vram 1 25th of
the speed or something like that tanks significantly so it seems like when the
last 500 to 700 megabytes of vram gets accessed memory performance drops
significantly so this is something that is currently and a developing story on
reddit overclock net and guru 3d some users have even found their card and
his videos on websites so just all over the place it goes belly-up when hitting
three gigs so it looks like it varies from card to card the GTX 980 is
fortunately not affected okay so it's not a Maxwell issue but seems to be one
specific to the 970 going beyond so so basically the problem will manifest as
stuttering or dramatically increased frame times so basically just a degraded
gaming experience even though FPS reporting might still seem like it's
okay so here were the here were the results the blippity bloopity bloopity
bloop yeah so a fraction of the performance once it reaches the once it
reaches the end here so we're seeing 150 gigabytes per second from this
benchmark here fall to 22 or even as low as 6 gigabytes per second once the card
is full so this writer says you know well the card still performs like a champ
which is good this makes it extremely hard to recommend this card right now
especially in light of the fact that one of the big arguments for the GTX 970 is
how it not only has the the horsepower to game at 4k it has the v-run that
you're gonna need to run high resolution textures at high resolutions which which
I mean and oh man this is just us fail written all over it doesn't it we don't
yeah we're still waiting to hear back from a video though yeah everyone's
waiting to hear back from Nvidia yeah video is investigating they're
investigating they have officially responded and they are investigating so
I think we need to kind of hold tight and wait till we hear back from them
there's some people are speculating recall already and we don't know that
that will be the case although the thing is is that I this looks pretty low level
this isn't something that's showing up just in games this is something where
people can okay so if they can fix it in drivers great yeah if it requires a
firmware fix they might recall yeah yeah because you can't expect well okay it's
easier than it used to be like we had to update the firmware on our on our 970
went for still can't really expect people to do that on their own because
there's possibilities of bricking and whatnot but the problem is like and then
whose problem is it is it the board partners it is is it the retailers I
remember the last time we had we had a recall it was the the rev one of the p67
chipset back at NCIX I remember yeah it was a dis that took me a second to kind
of all that was cool and so the way that that one worked that one even more
unfortunately was was a hardware respin as opposed to just a firmware update so
so I'm I don't even know I mean Nvidia might not be able to fix this with a
firmware update or they might but that one was just a disaster there's some
pretty there's some people getting pretty low level in terms of like what
could be causing the issue and there's there's some speculation on each side
where yeah well if these things are what's actually happening then it could
maybe be firmware fixed or if these things are what's actually happening it
might have to be a hardware replacement of some sort etc etc it's pretty
interesting so basically in development we don't know no one knows right now
yeah Nvidia is investigating I can't believe they didn't notice this yes and
like even if you did I can't believe you would possibly think that no one would
notice it so I'm pretty sure they didn't notice it Nvidia they they tend to they
tend to take the approach where they they want to make sure their technology
is legitimately better so they can maintain their kind of smarmy attitude
about how great their tech is they don't seem to be in the business of trying to
say that it has something that it doesn't yes so I don't think they knew
yeah like the last thing take the good and the bad from that the last thing
Nvidia wants is to have the smug smile wiped off their face by something
embarrassing like this so I cannot imagine for a second that anyone at
Nvidia knew about this I'm surprised the whole issue wasn't at least a little bit
more than one extremely short forum post as I understand that though like I get
it yeah the response almost has to be that because you you can't say more
until you know more I mean you but you can make a more official statement
saying you're looking into it do you though I mean okay let's let's let's be
realistic well wait was okay was that their forums I don't remember which
forum it was that was their own forums and that's probably fine can't can't
remember I can't remember anyway the point the point is like the only people
who know about this right now are gonna be hardcore enthusiasts who are on sites
like OCN okay is Nvidia gonna go and send an e blast to everyone in their
g-force comm mailing list about something like this when for most my
problem was more the fact that it's extremely short I think it's like one
line responding to one person's quote and they're like by the way looking into
it yeah but you can't say more because as soon as you say more than you're
you're like bound to that and when you don't know what's going on you have to
investigate first like I I don't I don't disagree with you I'm playing a little
bit of devil's advocate here yeah because yeah wait for the consumer who
spent their money and bought that graphics card they they deserve more so
it's actually a better line than I thought it was we are still looking into
this and we'll have an update as soon as possible I thought it was shorter
than that to be completely honest so but from a corporate standpoint from a legal
because if you yeah if you admit blame on a legal standpoint then even if you
rectify yourself later you're still in the wrong so there's there's a ton of
reasons why they just shouldn't say more and they should say nothing until they
know what their action plan is because legal standpoint and that kind of stuff
is is really weird because apologizing is always a negative thing no matter
what in a legal standpoint and aside from from all of that like they're
remembering video is not just dealing with the end-user customers they're
dealing with like their ad and board partner customers on this yeah who are
going yo dog what's going on who's footing the bill if these cards are
coming back like I can assure you those questions are already happening yeah
right now yeah you know what that actually leads really well into Puget's
thing we have like 35 minutes right now that's it to do windows okay well I
still want to do the Puget thing so this is oh and I guess we should talk about
the back blaze thing while we're at it so Puget so these are more like two can
you put these in the chat these are more like if you feel like checking them out
go ahead and check them out they're not as scientific as as you know I think
the grass would indicate that they appear to be for example Puget Puget's thing
here is strictly based on I think it's Asus graphics cards so on both the
Nvidia and the AMD side but they show desktop GPU failure rate by DOA or
failure during their testing and then failure out in the field so they show
that Nvidia has actually improved quite a bit since the GTX 200 series with the
700 series being the best so far and no data for 900 series and then AMD being
kind of a little bit all over the map here and then their hypothesis was or
their theory or whatever was that it seems to be something about AMD because
all the cards are from Asus but that may not necessarily be the case because
there's a lot of different reasons a card might fail earlier for example if
AMD's pricing was lower it's a lot harder for someone like an add-in board
partner to bake in the margin that they need and the build quality that they
want to put into it so they might cut corners on something even if it's the
exact same manufacturer that's why you don't see a $200 graphics card built on
exactly the same car like PCB design and power delivery design as a $500
graphics card so if the ASP is just lower on one side you might get a little
bit more cheaping out on things and then back play is published another one I
don't even want to I don't even want to make this I did already did you told me
to link them back blaze releases hard drive failure rates for 2014 with a
series of the worst source links on the planet we gotta get that out of control
where's the graph like for back blaze links in a low in a row that is say
backblaze.com like what freaking ones are these where they go completely
different websites even one of them is a blog go hide more than one of them is
the blog anyways anyway there's a graph it says Seagate drives are terrible and
Hitachi ones are good and oh here we go yeah so there's the annual failure rate
take this with an enormous grain of salt because something that we pointed out
last time they published one of these lists every time they published on it
like three or four is that their methodology is terrible it's ridiculous
sometimes their sample sizes are just outright way too small other times their
sample sizes are just too small and other times they are bit like there is
no controlled environment for the drives they're running at different
temperatures with different amounts of drives in the thing around operation less
vibration different parts of the rack different only so please ignore back
blazes hard drive reliability never look at their blog ever not because we're
like super close friends with Seagate and trying to cover their butts in fact
I'd say we have pretty much equal relationships with Seagate same thing if
it was switched and we would say exact same thing it's just wrong and it's bad
and please ignore it speaking of things that are wrong and bad and please ignore
them no everyone but Dollar Shave Club see how that makes razors that makes
razors yeah I mean you can pay attention to things other than Dollar Shave Club
in life you know I'm not the boss of you do whatever you want but the point is if
you guys are interested in getting shaving supplies for less and more
conveniently than visit Dollar Shave Club comm slash Linus they have great
quality razors and for just a few bucks a month in tip it's funny I it's fun
it's funny because Dollar Shave Club is one of the ones that just wants me to
kind of say for a few bucks a month because their pricing varies from
region to region but compared to even some of our other sponsors their pricing
varies less from region to region than almost anyone else that I've encountered
because they just seem to kind of go okay well exchange rate is here the
dollar amount is here our cost structure is this we need to make X margin okay
this is what it needs to be they actually do do a really good job of
making sure that they're pricing the product fairly so they send you
high-quality razors they also have other bathroom supplies available like their
Dr. Carver shave butter and their one wipe Charlie's butt wipes for men they
actually have an aftershave product now as well and they have portable one wipe
Charlie's so you can get the big pack big pack of one white Charlie's why
would you need a big pack of one wipe Charlie's because you poo a lot yeah for
your bathroom you pour a very poo a very normal amount more than once ever little
trap problem so I think you once a month I think you'd like like a little one of
the little ones like you'll be okay hold your poo for two weeks in between okay
so the point is dollar shave club calm slash line is we love those guys they're
just they they're they're nice guys they've been supporting us a long time
and if you're looking for a way to save yourself some hassle on your shaving
supply shopping then that is pretty much the way to do it we've had a lot of
people give us tons of positive feedback we've been working with Dollar Shave
Club for Wow Wow is this been a year it must be it's been a long time every time
we talk about years I know my head just starts to really hurt but we get a lot
of positive feedback about Dollar Shave Club even though it's their marketing is
all for men we get people saying hey I got a Dollar Shave Club subscription for
my girlfriend and it's awesome because she always has fresh razors which is
good for everyone involved um so let's go ahead and move on to our next our
next sponsor here Linda calm do you think do you think she shaved her legs
she doesn't look like the leg shaving sort but you never know sometimes the
nerds are freaky sometimes the nerds are freaky I guess that that could be true
when you study things intently you tend to know a lot about certain right but
I could be a large benefit does Linda calm have like no probably not any but
she might still have that knowledge right it's not necessarily she seems
like she knows a lot of things anyway the point is Linda calm is our second
sponsor for today you can go to Linda calm slash wan show for a free 10-day
trial and why would you want to do that well because you might want to expand
your mind Linda calm is another one of the services that we actually get a
metric but ton of really positive feedback about like hey I started using
it it's absolutely great you can learn you can bed I'm sorry nothing that's not
what happened I'm trying to maintain transparency and honesty with our
audience about our sponsors and you're like yeah I learned how to have sex on
Linda that was where you went with this that is not what you learn on Linda calm
they have internet sites for that Linda calm is not one of them Linda calm is
all about learning skills that you can apply in your real life whether it's as
your hobby or a profession no this isn't making it any better so things like
things like photography things like video editing things like like business
these are things that you can learn on Linda calm and whether you're you want
to start your own business whether you want to get a job using these new skills
you've developed Linda calm is the place to go visit Linda calm slash wan show
for a free 10-day trial you know the thing about the thing about Linda calm
is they the the sponsor read guidelines they give me are generally like pretty
corporate and pretty bad look and then for some reason they keep sponsoring
even though I completely break the sponsor read like every time that one
was going fine too I just had you completely derailed it I came in like a
wrecking ball I take no response responsibility so let's get into the
Microsoft Windows 10 keynote Windows 10 is a paradigm shifting all new it's
Windows as a service although it's not quite Windows as a service the way that
I was looking yes for it to be but it still kind of is the idea is having the
same experience whether you're on this kind of a device or this kind of a
device or a much larger pretend this is a monitor this kind of a device this box
under here okay that's not gonna work oh I caught it by looking in the camera
that was awesome so so their concept here is called continuum which is very
different from continuity it actually is pretty different because continuum is
supposed to be about having the same look and feel across the devices whereas
continuity is about having access to the same information across devices and and
being able to use the features of one device on another device okay it's a
very blurry line the point is then there were a few cool things that stood out
it's about almost a two and a half hour keynote that honestly it's pretty good
oh I was gonna say it was terrible really yeah I thought a lot of their
presenters I think probably practiced it too many times so that they were like
stuttering on things that should have just been fluid speech but I didn't mean
good okay I didn't mean good as in the presenters were like very engaging
people I think the content was pretty good I mean you watch Apple's keynote
addresses right no there was there was like there
was some there was some also ran sort of presentation skills going on with it
okay that should have been the presentation skills were not great it
should have content I think was good content was okay but it should have been
an hour and a half keynote there were ways to condense that there there was
some really great when the CEO came up at the end and sort of talked about how
it all tied together that was great but it was a lot of filler that throughout I
do also appreciate that they bring people on stage that are very in touch
with what's going on yeah they could have just put hosts up there that's true
and been like yeah and like I would rather it be the guy that may not be
super amazing at presenting but did a lot of this stuff or led the teams that
did a lot of this stuff and had was deeply integrated with it the entire
time like the guy that did the holo glass which we'll get to that at some
point he's been working on that project for like seven years like maybe not the
best presentation skills but you can tell the whole time that he's on stage
that he cares to a crazy degree yeah and I liked that very passion so maybe not
the presentation skill was super high but I knew that he cared and that
actually made me care more about it and I focused more on the device instead of
just the presentation anyway alright so let's um let's go through and let's do
let's do the the highlight reel this was posted by says ray on the forum by the
way so for me huge highlight was that it looks like Windows 10 is going to do a
much better job with convertible devices I go sorry we don't call them
convertibles anymore two-in-one devices so things that are notebooks and also
tablets like this one allowing it the the switch between a tablet mode that by
default has your applications whether they're win 32 or modern UI
applications by default be full screen with multitasking being swiping in from
the left to boom your keyboards connected now you have a more traditional
window management desktop laptop type experience yeah looked really good huge
improvement another so one of the big things aside from window sizes is start
menu so instead of being stuck with that full screen thing there's a new micro
modern start menu within a more traditional start menu that can have
text in it as well looks absolutely fantastic that you can maximize it yeah
there's a max there's like a window maximize button where you can make it
bigger if you want which I kind of doubt anyone will really use but it's there if
you want it another one I'm really excited about is it looks like Microsoft
is stepping up to Apple's level here with respect to in OS integration of
things like calendars things like notifications something I really have
felt like is is missing it's like look I don't want to use Bing and I don't want
to use your calendar because they suck I use a Google Calendar on on OS 10 I can
just sync my Google Calendar boom OS tens calendar application which is great
by the way automatically has all my crap in it I don't have to think about it so
it looks like we're gonna get support for stuff like that on the subject of
Bing I guess we'll talk a little bit more about that but a lot of the stuff
they were showing off is very Bing and OneDrive reliant which is extremely
frustrating to me yeah I don't know anyone who uses OneDrive and you know
what here let's let's go ahead before we go into that if we're gonna finish this
content yeah yeah yeah go ahead go ahead sure okay so Windows 10 will be free for
people that have Windows 7 Plus so when a 7 or Windows 8 and it's it's free for
a year but by that they mean you have to activate within a year and then it's
free forever once you've moved to it so it's not that you you your license runs
out in a year it's that you need to move up within a year essentially which is I
think understandable personally so upgrade all your stuff then you'll be
fine also if you are on there I don't remember exactly what it's called but
their early adopter program where you're testing out Windows 10 right now a lot
of the stuff that we're gonna be talking about today will be in updates very soon
apparently the Cortana update is gonna be fairly quick here which is actually
very interesting and has me kind of looking for a device to install it on
because I want to try that out we'll talk about that more later and they're
gonna have the install versions for phone Windows 10 for your phone fairly
soon for those early adopter guys as well which again I don't remember the
name of and Windows 10 for phone so just I don't think this is in our notes but
one thing that I really liked there was they are there they're making the like
they're making everything look more similar but one of the big ones that
they fixed this has been a big right for me is the settings menu so they are
making it look similar on phone and on and on desktop and tablet and then
they're consolidating everything like it was really broken yeah with some things
in modern some things in the classic UI and just extremely frustrating so here
we go I just posted a straw poll I mean I want to know what cloud services you
guys are using because a lot of the stuff they demoed was like super cool if
you happen to have a surface 3 yeah and a Windows Phone and you use OneDrive and
like OneDrive so basically if you're a Microsoft yeah yeah and I I hope to see
better integration with some third-party services even though I'm not sure I'm
not sure if that's gonna happen one thing too is Microsoft has never really
been that hardcore about needing to use their stuff so I wouldn't be surprised
if maybe it launches with these things but yeah but they're trying to create
that more integrated experience and and quite frankly they probably have to to
do it hopefully they're trying to make the availability of more integrators one
thing you can tell definitely is that it isn't this or at least it doesn't seem
to be I guess you can tell definitely that it doesn't seem to be the like
split team idea that Microsoft used to be yeah everyone seems to kind of be
coming together working together now which is good God that should have
happened a long time ago maybe more people would be voting for OneDrive
right now if that had actually happened what else we got here um the new office
for mobile which is free on devices under whatever inches I think seven or
eight something like that looks fabulous so aside from aside from being able to
have like a full-fledged Microsoft Word like they've modified the ribbon
interface to sit at the bottom of the screen which looks fantastic it actually
works kind of across the device so if you're writing an email in Outlook you
can have a fully fledged Microsoft Word engine word processor on your phone in
order to compose emails which is fantastic to me the new photo
aggregation and organization application that's included looks really great I
always liked Windows Photo Gallery but it lacked the automation that I thought
it needed so this one does little things like it'll it'll retouch your photos
automatically which I'm personally not a huge fan of but it'll get rid of
duplicates and it'll sort bursts on its own and automatically turn off all those
things and you can tell what retouching I'm pretty sure can turn yes so you can
do all that stuff too and then one last thing that was just kind of this stood
out to me about the whole presentation and seems to be like a gem that I don't
see too many other people talking about is OneDrive music collection and
playlist syncing yeah you can drag and drop your entire music library into
OneDrive and boom it's everywhere with all your playlists accessible and
automatically updated that is freaking cool personal cloud music service is
awesome for folks who have large collections of CDs and or digital files
that they've purchased over the years we're just like yeah owning your own
stuff it's cool just just owning your own data is a really cool I mean it's
still on someone else's cloud server and so there's that but you you own the
songs instead of a service like the Google Music thing they're all gone yeah
yeah like if I kind of went okay there's probably only 3,000 songs that I'll ever
care about in my life and if I subscribe to this for $8 a month for 30 years
what's actually a better value for me like there's some math to do for which
one works best for you but either way I think that's that's a really cool
feature so I'll let you do Spartan browser cuz Spartan browser looks it
looks like Microsoft kinda hedging their bets a little bit but also moving in the
right direction I think they're moving in the right direction anyways there's a
new rendering edge an engine that they say is more for today's web wall I just
your last one apparently was one drive is doing better than I thought 16% it's
doing better than I thought too but it's still not 44% yeah with Google Drive I
actually thought Dropbox would have more yeah I thought Google Drive would be
right about there Dropbox would have more and wonder I would have less I hate
Google Drive's interface okay go ahead I still use it more just because it
happens to be there and it's free but yeah anyways the one of the coolest
things is that you can mark up the web quite easily now I know some people are
gonna be like well you could kind of like snipping tool and then write on it
and it's fine and there's other kind of stuff for this already but it's very
well integrated so if you have a pen or a touchscreen device in general so you
just want to use your finger you can draw over websites and do whatever if
you have a keyboard you can add in a commenting system which looks really
nice it looks very similar to words commenting system which is actually
really good we use it a lot in in in office here I guess in house actually
very specifically works but but like you can highlight things and comment them
like very very good and it's collaborative to a certain degree so by
snapshotting it you essentially take the website offline in the aspect that if
there's an update to that website your snapshot will not update but all the
links and everything that are on there will continue to work and all that kind
of stuff will still be fine and I believe you'd be able to right-click on
an image and view its source and information all that kind of stuff like
it's just a snapshot of a web page and then you can share that to people and
mark it up collaboratively which is actually really cool it's really cool I
can see it getting behind something like that yeah and all this support hopefully
someone doesn't just mark the whole page but I'm sure yeah and all this
collaborative ability is built into the browser so all the buttons for it and
stuff are built into the browser so it's very quick and easy to view which is
pretty cool that's the main thing in terms of markup and that's the main
thing in terms of the rendering engine which they didn't really talk about but
it also has Cortana built into it Cortana Cortana Cortana I have the markup
clip here yeah so you can see later on he draws a smiley face which I guess
he'll do in a second I didn't realize this was actually playing but like he
circled it through this does a smiley face and in a little bit here you'll see
him actually share it with other people well I think he I don't know if he
actually does but he goes to do it anyways Cortana here can we talk about
how Internet Explorer and codename Spartan will both be included with
Windows 10 yeah and Spartan will be available pretty much across the board
so we're gonna have Spartan on Windows 10 is all about unifying all this stuff
so it'll be on your phone it'll be on the desktop it'll be it'll be everywhere
it looks looks really interesting is there anything else that we can talk
about about Spartan yet I mean they've redone the UI to make it that more
because it's not Windows or it's not Internet Explorer 10 so let's move on to
our should we talk about Cortana on the desktop before Cortana in Spartan
I don't actually think so because Cortana and Spartan is very specific
okay sure talk about what Cortana will do in Spartan yes exactly so she's not
as yeah it does not function the same way as Cortana on the desktop so we'll
talk about that in a second she's more of like a pre-done web crawler which
will try to assume the information that you want from a web page for you so say
you go to the restaurant one is a very good application for this it's a good
example but it's also not a particularly compelling example because I can I can
Google Maps search a restaurant and most of that information comes up in the
drop-down that's not all she does I know all right so she can get you address and
directions like you just said phone number and all that kind of stuff which
is usually quite easy to find on a restaurant website but there are
definitely some restaurants where they might not even have the menu on the
website or they have it somewhere else and she can try to figure out this
information for you and if the menu isn't super detailed or say you're like
what the heck is that she'll have already figured out all this information
so if you click on a word that's like I don't know artichoke which you should
probably know but anyways she can tell you about it she can give you dietary
information all that kind of stuff it's kind of like that's really cool yeah
it's kind of an assistant in terms of that yes of course things like the
address is probably pretty easy and most websites often their menu is often there
and often detailed enough but it'll also have like you can click on a menu item
and it'll give you Yelp reviews yeah like these kind of things are actually
pretty cool and helpful not groundbreaking and not things that you
wouldn't have been able to do on your own but helpful yeah and but stuff like
when you start typing in an address having your Tana kind of jump in and be
like oh hey is this actually what you wanted to know so it's all gonna come
down to how well it works and Microsoft sales pitch for Cortana involves a whole
lot of it's powered by Bing just like very very scary has Bing improved that
that assumption thing that he was bringing up is basically if it knows
you're waiting for a flight from somewhere if you're waiting for someone
to come in and you start typing in that Airlines website it'll just be like oh
well that flights coming in at this time is that what you're actually looking for
and then you don't really have to actually go to the website which is nice
which is very cool we're also getting Cortana on the desktop and quite frankly
I I don't understand why this didn't happen before I have no idea why Siri
isn't on OS 10 yep I cannot think of a reason why Google now isn't a desktop
app I mean every MacBook and every iMac has a microphone like for sure it's on
there and has speakers like they're built in so why was Apple not the first
one to do this yeah I mean they sat on ass since they released Siri and did
nothing on the desktop anyway sorry go ahead so Cortana is coming to the
desktop Microsoft sorry go ahead it's like your typical kind of assumption for
voice control there's also kind of interesting things like that Cortana is
a trusted assistant so you can tell it what you want it to know and what you
don't want it to know yeah so in the notebook you can be like yeah I'd really
prefer for you to not know my gender or not know the year that I was born but
the more information you give Cortana the more relevant stuff will just kind
of pop up like hey the game that you want to see yo dog there might be some
information about it or if you happen to be a big sports fan actually I thought
one of the best examples of it being smart was one that they didn't even give
in the presentation because the presenter for this part was talking
about how he was a big sports fan and the like front and center on on on like
whenever we were kind of looking over his shoulder at his devices it was all
about inflate gate yeah which is the big sports news right now yeah and so I
thought I thought that was really cool if there's more that we need to stop
putting gate on the ends of things if there's more that Cortana can do to keep
relevant information at your fingertips then I think that's great so you just
click on the search bar near the start button you get like a google now style
information feed I can be used through type or voice so you don't have to
yammer at your computer like a person who talks to their computer yeah if you
don't want people to think you're crazy and yeah I mean it's it's probably worth
tuning in to just the Cortana on desktop my keynote if you watch nothing else
well that and the other the hologram thing I actually see myself using
Cortana on desktop more than I see myself using Google now I can imagine
that yeah yeah yeah definitely like I'm just walking around my house especially
because I have a snowball yeah and like people that have mics that are not
necessarily just headset mics yeah because especially ones that are like
adaptive like a snowball is so if it doesn't hear anything for a little while
it'll try to reach out more right so if I'm in my kitchen it might actually be
able to pick me up right and if I'm like hey Cortana play music it'll hear me
from fairly far away because it's a snowball and then actually be able to
start playing music and stuff that's really cool you might like Google now
more if it was it was on the desktop if it was on your wrist oh yeah but
although I still find myself using Google now very little because Google
now on my wrist can't control my speakers on my desktop that's correct so
the integration of some other it's it's the ecosystem fragmentation so what I
could do is if I had Sonos support which will likely come eventually I could play
music yeah so be like Sonos play my Google play whatever now whatever so
it's kind of going from Google to through the Sonos app so yeah so it's so
through Sonos open service which plays through the Sonos it's so it's so it's
very fragmented but if Microsoft can maintain control of of all those
different steps in the chain then yes it could provide a very seamless experience
yeah one thing I do want to comment on so it's sort of accord they also showed
off some Cortana stuff on mobile so they they sent actually no I think this
particular demo was on the email was on the desk yeah the email was on the
desktop at about 35 minutes into the keynote where he uses Cortana to type an
email and the email is a one-liner with the subject line and takes a minute to
send and I kind of went all this talk about natural interaction with our
electronics and how touch and voice are the direction that we're heading I agree
with touch touch touch always kind of made sense to me voice continues to make
absolutely no sense to me and I'm gonna I'm gonna pull up my crystal ball and
I'm gonna say voice will never be a mainstream interaction with a device
well I shouldn't say mainstream it'll never be it'll never be it'll never be a
great experience and it'll always be a little bit weird talking to yourself
totally wrong okay okay fine so let's let's let's get to that keep doing your
thing so the reason that I have for this is that whenever you use voice control
you are going to disrupt everyone around you which means in the workplace it will
never make any sense because and I've been using it I've been actually I've
been having a little bit of fun with it because it's not like I don't have a
voice control thing on my wrist at all times I'll get a message while we're
filming and I'll I'll be like okay Google bobbity blobbity bloopity blop
what did it come up with that body body something lick anyway um so and I'll and
I'll talk at it and immediately anyone else in the room kind of goes huh what
because I'm not talking loud enough for them to hear me properly but I have to
talk loud enough for the microphone to hear me so in an environment where you
have to be around other people it's never gonna make an ounce of sense and I
even think the same thing will be true for the home to some degree yes there
are fewer people and they're not necessarily trying to do anything but if
I'm reading on the chair and my son is on the couch trying to control some
crap on the screen and is talking at it I'm gonna be like shut up pick up a
controller because that's annoying because we're hardwired in much the same
way that our eyes are hardwired to notice movement even in our peripheral
vision we are hardwired to notice especially the sound of another human
being communicating and it is extremely distracting to us if it's happening all
the time and it has nothing to do with what we're supposed to be paying
attention to so I don't see why any of those reasons mean that it'll never be a
mainstream interactive mainstream was the wrong word so I said that
immediately mainstream is the wrong word it'll be mainstream and I was searching
for another word and I got lost because anyone can use it I mean what does
mainstream mean it means it's on every device and like anyone I think it will
be very widely but it will be extremely edge case scenarios where it makes any
sense to use versus anything else I think an office setup like we have is a
fairly edge case scenario to be completely honest a lot of people have
cubicles and a lot of people are expected to be on the phone while
they're in their cubicle a lot yeah I think voice control while you're in an
area where you're expected to be talking to no one else is totally fine okay but
also voice control apps are trying to learn their users voice that's a
constant thing that they're not very good at yet I'm not saying oh that was
my concern I'm not yeah yeah I know I'm going somewhere give me a moment we're
far from it being super great we all definitely know that but it's trying to
learn your voice so if you were in even a very crowded very loud area if you
talked at a fairly normal tone it should be able to figure out that that was you
talking and what you said and whether or not that comes from microphones on your
head better noise cancellation noise cancellation or somehow so you should be
able to use it while walking around about wherever I'm very easily and it
should be able to talk to you you should be able to use it in cubicle style
environments you should be able to use it in tons of different environments
maybe it's not that thing where your dad's sitting in the same room as you
and you're trying to talk to the TV you should probably use a remote because
definitely in that situation your dad's gonna be like what the hell are you
trying to talk to me about I'm trying to read this thing right I don't expect it
to be used there but just like almost every single other input medium it
hasn't replaced the other input mediums you're still expected like the fact that
we can already talk to our TVs has not removed right a clicker the fact that
you can do motion control with a lot of TVs has not removed the clicker
especially the fact that that laptop has yeah really bad really bad I hate those
things the fact that this laptop has a touchscreen on it as it removed the
keyboard because the keyboard is still extremely good this is a different way
so okay I agree that it's a different way what I the problem is I I don't even
know if there is a word to describe my okay I guess what I'm looking for is the
the stigma the the weirdness of interacting with something by voice in
front of other people I don't think that's going to go away and it might
work better better noise cancellation voice recognition and we'll make it
function and I think the the things that are hearing you whatever you want to
call them at this point in time yeah I need to become more personable as well
yes they do for that to be a thing and I think this might sound a little bit
morbid but the people that came before voice control was a big thing kind of
need to die off and go away no I know it sounds okay so to be more socially
acceptable yes you think either society needs to shift its its reception which
the only way it really happens is by and this is a known thing certain things
don't get adopted until the people that were alive before it aren't alive
anymore like that's I know that's a terrible thing to really say right but
it's so maybe I'm one of the people who has to die one scenario that even mean
that one scenario I can see where it will make more sense than it does today
is if it's combined with something that where you have a visual heads-up display
that allows you to read okay my issue with voice control right now is whenever
it doesn't quite go right and and the safeguards that have to be in place in
case it doesn't go right because his a one-liner email took a minute to send
that is devastating mmm maybe other people have lots of time on their hands
but I don't have a minute to send a one-liner and if I was gonna send
something much more complicated than a one-liner then I'm gonna spend either I
or you know an assistant that I guess I have to hire is gonna have to spend a
bunch of time going through and editing something and they did show off okay you
can put in a hashtag and it automatically punctuates and all that
stuff that doesn't mean I don't have to go back through and edit it if I'm doing
anything longer and more complicated so again too I think this is where much
further down the line and I've honestly I've always found the messaging
especially when it's not just a recording of your voice yeah to be a
very odd use case right for voice control because of these issues it takes
way longer in the end and like maybe okay if both of your hands are currently
preoccupied if you're trying to cook something yep say or if you're trying to
do something else maybe sure and I use this for that periodic yeah yeah I'm
sure but then like when he's his his thing was not you the guy in the
presentation yeah was that he was like working on Excel on his monitor and he
had too many Excel things open so he couldn't send an email it's gonna be so
much easier people okay that's my point then I guess yeah the people inventing
it don't seem to know what it's for yeah for that no not really I don't I don't
think that use case was very good I think voice honestly I think voice is a
crazy important medium I think it's gonna be one of the most important ways
that we interact with devices not now I think it will be at some point in time
and there's a few things that could really fix this for me like if I didn't
have to hold it to my hand yes no that's an important change that needs to make
the recognition good if if I could if I could like okay walking down the street
would be a great example where I I wouldn't want to kind of if I'm gonna
pull out a device and kind of yak at it I might as well do it with my phone
whereas if I do have a head-mounted display or an augmented reality display
of some sort where I can read the message and then I just kind of say okay
yes okay that's less weird to me than just kind of walking down the street
going like this like I mean we saw that that version of the future if you watch
the movie yeah we're near the end of the movie just everyone is walking around
talking to their AI people that they're in people digital people that they're in
relationships with their their artificial intelligence is that they're
in these relationships with I I don't see that happening and maybe it's
old-fashioned but we are going to crave the actual attention of other people and
other people are always going well in her relationships with your AI we're not
we're not that was still not very widespread closer to the end where even
they were there were friends but the like really depends how you define
relationship relationship doesn't necessarily mean girlfriend yeah okay
just means relationship yeah so I don't remember where we're going with this I
don't think you and I actually disagree that much I think it was the way that I
phrased it was a terminology thing like I think it's always and when I say edge
case I mean I don't mean edge case where only certain people will ever use it I
mean edge case within your daily life where it will make sense to use it like
we've got people bringing up that driving is a great use case for voice
control and I would mostly agree it still needs to be better oh yeah a lot
of the time I will go to use voice control I actually have a dock that sits
kind of about this far from my face so I can all like my phone is never more than
two feet from me in the car and even with it there if I try to use voice
control to reply to a text message it'll make a mistake unless I'm just saying
something very simple you know a good double-digit percentage of the time and
when that happens and I've got two seconds to cancel the note if you all of
a sudden I'm scrambling for my phone and I'm driving until it's really basically
perfect yeah it doesn't make a ton of sense I think right now it's definitely
an edge case I think at some point in time I don't I don't think it'll be
nearly as much of an edge case and I think we'll almost be designing offices
based around to it once we get to a certain degree all right so let's go
ahead and and move on to the Xbox gaming app yeah so my games everything you play
on any Windows 10 device although I don't know how much clarification we
have with respect to shoot what was I thinking when I was watching this crap I
forget now anyway okay so everything you plan window right right right right so
there's lots of integration with things like friends lists messages activity
feeds a lot of there's a lot of talk with respect to sharing with people and
communicating about Skype and it's like that's great fix the IP resolver bug and
I'll talk to you about Skype Skype right now nobody should use it if they don't
want people to know their IP address and therefore their location yeah all you
need is someone's Skype ID and you can know pretty much within a block where
they are or where they were where they've been you can see a history it's
terrible yeah it's devastating you should not be
using Skype if you care at all so anyway all this integration with Skype totally
irrelevant to me so they're talking about friends list messages all this
stuff and I kind of wonder okay well so are we tied to their social network they
mentioned steam very briefly yeah presenter said hey I'm a game he used it
to launch a game but I don't know if we're gonna see any kind of cooperation
between another thing that actually bugged me is that he didn't launch the
steam game through the Xbox gaming app watch it through steam should have been
able to click launch and it should have maybe even just popped up steam and then
loaded the game or something but he left the Xbox gaming app and launched it
through steam so it looks like it might be a replacement for that my games
with with more social integration there's activity an activity feed so you
can see like achievements that other people got and stuff I personally I
don't creep my know steam buddies achievements that often so I don't
really feel a need to see that but what's cool is you can capture the last
30 seconds of gameplay and edit it up and share it which is which is pretty
cool something that we kind of already have with service with things like
Nvidia shadowplay but yeah more refinement and more ubiquity is great
yes people people jumped all over that oh we already have this well shadowplay
is not on everyone's things not even it all Nvidia GPUs support shadow plays yeah
and I know a lot of people that have it and don't have it on and I know a lot of
people that have trouble with it and all this kind of stuff this is built in
everyone will have it it's cool I like the fact that it's there I really like
the fact that it's there so easy to use too this one remains to be seen if it's
gonna be this closed garden sort of everyone it has to use the Xbox gaming
app and you have to you know interact with Xbox gamers then I I don't know how
much I'd like to take off I like that I'll be able to have some form of
communication with buddies that I have might be playing Xbox stuff honestly I
think that's pretty cool I like cross platforms and the fable legends demo was
pretty cool so they had they had Xbox and Windows play the game at the same
time the thing about that demo though is a lot of fuss got made about how it's
running on Windows 10 this isn't new functionality and this isn't something
that game developers haven't been able to do for a long time it's just they had
a game that they could show where it was actually done that wasn't a shooter
that's all that really happened I was hoping I found out he was wearing a
grunt shirt I think I don't know enough about halo because I haven't played in
the last while but I think that was the grunt logo as in like the little dudes
you're asking me anyways and the twitch channel let me know but he was wearing a
grunt thing so the whole time I'm like Oh Master Chief collections coming to
PC and it didn't I was like what come on but DirectX 12 is basically here at this
point they're saying this is this is really funny I like that I like the
spin on its CPU bound game performance CPU bound games can see performance
increases of up to 50% which is basically like saying not a whole lot
is gonna happen I mean AMD made the same kinds of claims about mantle it is good
that the PC is finally getting API's that'll support much greater numbers of
draw calls for better better complexity much lower level API's for interacting
with the hardware more directly allowing game developers to squeeze more
performance out of the hardware in general but much like we've seen on
every game console so far it's gonna take time for dads to even get any extra
performance out of the hardware learning these new techniques so we're not gonna
see I don't think anything that significant with the first generation of
DirectX 12 games other than much like AMD is touting with mantle easy reporting
from console versions look at Assassin's Creed unity for a great example of a
game that is severely just hampered on the PC because it will end on the
console but compared to even to the console by the number of draw calls that
they just didn't reconfigure the game to not require on the PC version so it'll
enable that and then other than that yeah more efficient uses CPU so you
won't need as powerful a CPU and then given the way that the resolution race
has been heating up lately with us seeing basically 4k go from totally way
out there to basically affordable in like a year and a half and with 5k
displays on the horizon our Dell 5k is in the mail by the way 8k displays like
slightly beyond the horizon slightly beyond the horizon we're not gonna be
CPU bound in pretty much anything for quite some time I mean there are
situations where it'll be great I can see something like you know a physics
combat based game like a space sim where all the weapons are physics based yeah
we can see the viability of these games actually being a thing more yes which is
exciting but I think people who are expecting there it's an expectation
management thing I think people expecting games that have a DirectX 12
and DirectX 11 version to just perform 50% better in DirectX 12 I think they
have another thing coming what's cool about DirectX 12 those there basically
won't be many reasons to run a game in DirectX 11 mode because DirectX 11
hardware for the most part supports DirectX 12 across the board which is
pretty cool um you can stream from your Xbox to your PC should you so desire
okay I thought this was cooler than pretty much anyone gave it credit for oh
yeah I didn't think was that cool so but people hammered on it like crazy I think
it's cool for the people now okay basically no one watching this but and
now I agree with everyone saying that you should be able to use your Xbox as a
streaming device from your PC so you should be able to stream from your PC
down to your Xbox yeah that should be both should go any more sense it should
go both ways I completely agree but what Microsoft seems to be doing right now is
this slow unity of everything yeah and one thing that I really like about the
Xbox gaming app and one thing I really like about being able to Xbox stream in
one direction is that we may be able to pile on top of that more and he made it
very very clear that the game developers conference will have more information
additional information about stuff that they're doing and more news for gamers
so there might be more stuff so maybe streaming in both directions maybe more
games they're gonna be in both platforms maybe additional stuff like that so I
think it's cool that you can go in one way the guys that might want to be
playing Xbox exclusives and that might be the only reason why they have an
Xbox if mom and dad are on the TV will now be able to play it on their gaming
PC anyways and there are exclusives that are worth playing look interesting yeah
that's a very frustrating but true fact so so we still have to buy an Xbox we
just don't have to look at it anymore which is still frustrating and there and
there would be better ways to do this but they're there I'm talking steps here
they're making things better progressively which is good all right so
I'm gonna go ahead and and pull this up but well do you want to go over these
bold things oh yeah okay well there's there's a lot more that Microsoft can
still do to make gaming on PC better I mean one thing that yeah actually here
you know I'm just gonna kind of rant about a couple things here so one is I
mean where's our Xbox one wireless controller dongles like come on if you
guys are gonna act like you're taking PC gaming seriously like at least let us
use your own freaking controller on your own freaking OS I have to hope that that
kind of thing is coming soon and there's another thing that that I find really
frustrating about presentations like this you know they're fixing a lot of
problems that I didn't really have which is good because that's what an innovative
company does it takes what consumers want and kind of goes okay that's
interesting but here's what we think you actually need and that's fine but I
don't see any talk about making making the PC experience more seamless in the
ways that we've been complaining at them about for years like are we going to
finally for the first time ever install Windows and not have any exclamation
marks in device manager is there any reason on earth why something like an
Intel storage driver shouldn't automatically work and automatically be
perfect or an Intel mic driver or what whatever else you know Windows Update is
such a powerful tool and so awesome and just so under utilized at this time and
I would have I don't know maybe I'm asking for too much maybe that's just a
mundane little detail and they're gonna fix it by the time Windows 10 launches
and I'm gonna be like holy crap the first windows that's actually easy to
get started on but I just it's like that I can install Linux on one computer and
have everything work right out of the gate and install Windows on that same
computer and have a lot of it broken right out of the gate is really weird
like yeah adoption for Linux should not be as easy I mean it should not be
easier than it is for Windows that's just weird I love Linux but like
inherently you shouldn't be easier to use the windows it's just odd that's not
that okay to be clear it's not that Linux shouldn't be easier it's that
Windows should be easier yes because they have so so many resources to throw
at it they're designed to be that easier install base Linux is designed to be the
more like badass we do it ourselves install base and I'm not harking on
Linux at all I'm just saying Windows should be easier to install it's just
weird okay well I wanted to pull up this section of the live stream but my
internet connection is being poopy so I do want to just go ahead and start
talking about the headset okay are we skipping the surface hub thing I don't
know if it matters yeah sure so there's a thing for like meetings and you can
draw on it and it's like super cool it's cool and you can if you care you can
share meeting notes like super easily because it's all basically a one-note
presentation so it's just like whoopity-bloop send to the people who are in
this meeting which is super awesome if you happen to buy a gigantic surface
thing for your meeting room and everyone uses one note and all those things yeah
they're like yeah so Windows holographic the thing that basically everyone entire
internet about yeah speaking of exploding did you notice that at the
moments when at an Apple keynote everyone would like burst into yeah what
was with the people at this one they need to bring us to the next one because
when they unveiled like Windows holographic or brought out that 3d
printed drone I've been like yeah the audience and like watching them to like
something really cool would happen and you'd see everyone go oh it was like
going to a Canucks game yeah yeah it was very it was very odd there was no one
was excited and you'd have like the guy go up there and be like do you guys want
to see it and like that's the cheesiest thing everyone ever and everyone knows
it but but you should you gotta have a couple people you know you're not a
single person stepped up you know how stressful it is to be up there
presenting this stuff like like I'm not gonna say life's work but buddy here has
been working on this for seven years I mean that's a significant chunk of his
life and he's gonna show you this thing and you're not even gonna give him a
what what you know come on anyway that was very frustrating watching this and
again that's the thing we're talking about earlier the presentation thing
like not the most amazing presentation but I appreciate it because of who he is
and you can tell how interested in it he is give the guy some freaking claps so
he doesn't think he's doing a terrible job not the clap lots of claps it's yes
okay go ahead anyways that was a little annoying anyway okay so the they're
saying it's the most advanced holographic computer the world has ever
seen which is probably true probably right the dark visor up in front you'll
notice there's kind of like lenses inside that look kind of like glasses
might actually be glasses and then there's the kind of dark somewhat
see-through display on the front that dark visor is a see-through display
that's where the actual images are showing up it's called the hololens and
it's still in development but will be released in the windows 10 time frame so
based on how quickly we saw windows 8.1 you could be soon maybe pretty quick not
really sure that being said it will be in the hands of developers by spring so
no idea when you're gonna be able to buy it sometime in the windows 10 time frame
but it'll be a hands of developers like super soon spring is not that far away
so that's actually pretty cool there's no external markers there's no external
cameras there's no external wires plugging into anything and there's no
connection to anything needed at all it's all inside the hololens you don't
have to be connected to a computer none of that kind of stuff super cool the
sensors are flooding the quote-unquote flooding the device with terabytes of
data every second which is kind of insanity it has a quote-unquote high-end
CPU and GPU and has its own unique HPU or hologram processing unit inside now
this is seen through the the camera rig that you saw on the lady's shoulder
yeah which is wearing the camera rig is kind of wearing a hololens so it's
looking through the camera rig right now how you interact with the device as
you're gonna be able to see here the the lit up part you point with your face and
then you click with your finger I don't think you actually point with your
finger you just click and then there's I think there's one other right voice so
it's voice controlled look controlled and finger click controlled obviously
I'm sure they can add there'll be lots more options in the future yeah one
thing that bugs me about that control level right now is especially in the
demo which is of course a like in the future demo not this one which actually
looks really cool but anyways it shows them you you pick things up and you
manipulate it and you touch things and you do stuff like that none of that
works and you like wave at the wall and like a boom your Netflix shows up on the
wall and you just sit down on the couch and there's like a virtual TV that
actually doesn't exist and is strapped to your head yeah wow holy crap so that
kind of stuff doesn't really work yet because the only controls are look
click and voice but they might be a thing this does exist already so this is
the hollow maker I believe it's called or whatever it's called that part of my
notes got moved or something hollow studio there it is this is called hollow
studio so you have that kind of like toolkit on the right hand side she's
obviously created this thing way more than just this one time yeah fast oh
yeah she was really fast but it's pretty cool and not even just the idea of being
able to make something a hollow maker like she just made this quadcopter
quadcopter but you'd be able to view things so you'd be able to view a 3d
model so you wanted to buy something off of Squarespace not Squarespace some
place the 3d model printing place that prints shape ways shape ways started
with an S whatever if you wanted to buy something off of shape ways you'd be
able to download the model and actually view it in this type of a form which I'm
like really cool look around it like this look around it and like see kind of
how it works instead of just looking at a 2d screen which is really cool cuz
you're buying a 3d object and then you'd be able to get it printed and sent to
you that's it's very very cool way to view things and you know virtual reality
will actually do some of these things really well maybe even better yeah but
augmented reality I 100% agree is with sort of the sentiment from the
presentation is that it's it's separate and in some ways better yeah in some
ways worse with that said this thing is I will say it will never be mainstream
something this big and yeah will never be mainstream well I don't think the
HoloLens in this form will ever necessarily be this very early adopter
thing and I think I think some people are gonna get like super stoked on it
this is kind of like Google Google Glass CES 2014 everyone and their freaking dog
was running around on the show floor wearing Google Glass do you remember how
many we saw yeah and then I don't see one no no and it's not because they all
broke it's because the novelty wore off and Google Glass is done yeah like sorry
and and there will be forms of a Google Glass type device that will not be dumb
but Google Glass is like super dumb and they know that though if you looked
through the demo all the cool cinematic demos they weren't wearing anything yeah
so how they're planning to do that we don't know yet no but maybe it's
contacts let's give them some time hey but yeah it'll be quite a while but this
is a very cool start and I think could be very cool for certain applications
like that thing I was talking about viewing 3d things in real space and because VR
would be nice for viewing 3d models but sometimes you want to see it on
something yeah furniture shopping furniture man holy crap furniture
shopping is like impossible whereas if you could just plunk models of stuff
down and like redecorate that way freaking awesome or better yet if you
could you know use a technology like this to have a Skype call with someone
who's also looking at it with you and advising you this was one of the coolest
things sorry I got a jump on that actually one of the coolest ways that
this can be applied in the in the video they show putting a fixing some plumbing
yeah I don't remember the name of it right now but and and the person on the
other end of the Skype call is seeing a flat 2d image of what you're able to see
and can draw on that image it's like put it here and here yeah yeah and in this
video it's very interesting oh maybe not this video not sure in one of the videos
the guy that was in this video for a moment talks a lot longer about his
experience oh no not this guy which is a guy that looks very similar anyways and
he actually got to do some of these demos which is one of the coolest things
about HoloLens and something that I didn't know until I watched this whole
thing is that like this demo they're doing it right now sorry this this Mars
demo is working right now obviously this is a render and it doesn't look that
great but you're able to walk around the Mars environment and one thing that's
pretty cool that they show here very small but they do show it here is that
he's able to take his mouse and take it off screen and onto the HoloLens right
and he can click and manipulate things that are in your HoloLens screen using
his mouse and Windows 10 together and then can walk into the HoloLens area and
look at Mars one thing that and they were able to do that demo in real time
now with reporters and like the Verge went and did it and then another demo
that was working right now that's just really cool is the plumbing one yeah so
he's he swapped out a light switch the guy told them where to put the wires and
where to secure them and all that kind of stuff and he was able to swap out the
light switch without ever doing it before with the help of someone who is
in Spain that's super cool like if you're not sure how to fix something my
dad crazy handy person if I was able to be like hey how do I do this and he just
be like pop your HoloLens on and let's he doesn't have to he just has to have
Skype I think that's super cool it definitely has uses again exactly what
you said it's not gonna be glass or it's not gonna be what glass was trying to do
it's it's not gonna like you're not gonna see 20 people walking down the
street wearing these unless you happen to be at CES 2015 or at CES 2016 I guess
I think that's pretty much it I think we're gonna have we're gonna have to
wrap up the show we ran for almost almost two hours here a Comcast
congratulations you're the worst company of 2014 Ubisoft was not in the running
yeah well they I think they wanted it to seem like a contest so so admire
starships has been announced it looks like FTL according to a study that CNN
calm posted this smarter people use iPhones which is ridiculous it has
nothing this is tiny sample size making ridiculous jumps like that iPhones are
more popular with rich people and rich people tend to be more highly educated
and there are for our smarter although it's somehow an indication of
intelligence so come on they claim their sample size is millions but it's
actually just one thing that pulled more than once on the same person the actual
install base I was reading in the comments across both types of devices
was only like 1200 users or something so Google Play now apparently has more apps
than the App Store which is not to say anything necessarily about the quality
of the aforementioned apps and Acer has a predator 34 inch 3440 by 1440 g-sync
curved monitor coming Acer Acer has is like turning into like the monitor
company an exciting company to follow about with monitors yeah I mean they've
dabbled in the past they had their their their their gaming branded like orange
and black 3d vision display they had their Ferrari branded ones like way way
back like every once in a while they're like maybe we'll make a high-end monitor
and then it's like a bunch of commodity stuff and then it's like hey now they
care all of a sudden very cool anyway thank you guys very much for tuning into
the land show today hold up hold up some guy just messaged me flaky banana says
guys the Skype issues fixed awareness is the issue sent me an image of allowed
direct contacts connections to your contacts only that totally doesn't work
talking about awareness to the issue that is not safe that does not save you
in any situation and you're still totally so the resolver got patched
within days if I recall correctly yes because we heard about that and thought
it was fixed and a long DDoSed land show yes it is totally not fixed the
problem is still totally there and you're right awareness is a big issue
and that's what we're doing yes yeah I just want it like I'm not even trying to
hammer on you specifically I'm just I want you to be aware before that becomes
a problem for you oh this is interesting yeah I know the glass explorer program
is over that's not really what I was talking about I was talking about how
the people who own them aren't wearing them anymore because they're over it
okay so I think that's it see you guys we had like 500 people to note during
the windows talk