
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

Am I supposed to be that low? Oh, we're framed kind of wide. Oh balls. I don't think it's too late for us to fix it.
Welcome to the WAN Show ladies and gentlemen! Hey, we got a great show for you all today. Lots of good topics. Man,
there's a lot of hazardous tech going around. Yeah. Alexa apparently tried to electrocute a child by
advising them to do something
spectacularly dangerous. Also, Asus has apparently recalled the
Z690 Hero motherboard due to it being a fire hazard. What else we got? Is there any good news this week, Luke?
Please! TikTok passes Google as the most visited website.
I said good news! Is that good news? Could you please give me some good news? Is that fantastic?
Also, there's an incredibly fast SSD from Intel.
PCIe Gen 5 ladies and gentlemen. And Ryan Schraut is stoked.
Yeah, good old Ryan Schraut from PC perspective and Intel from Intel. All right, let's roll that intro.
I'm good, thank you.
Milk chocolate with caramel and sea salt.
That yeah. Hey, welcome back Anthony. I'm glad you were able to get back. Anthony was like stuck.
Oh, I don't know if you guys saw that like flights were cancelled because like airlines don't have enough staff and stuff.
Apparently my head's been under a rock. Yeah, I know the whole the whole travel industry has been completely screwed.
Apparently Hong Kong's like crazy draconian
Quarantine rules make it so that any pilot that like lands there like has to quarantine immediately.
So like some pilots for I think it's Cathay Pacific are just spending basically their whole life in quarantine.
They're like bleeding pilots like crazy. Is it Cathay? I can't remember.
It's it's one of the it's one of the like trans-pacific like Asian Airlines, right?
Anyway, let's jump right into the big topic today. Hey, thanks, Alexa.
Amazon's voice assistant was asked for a challenge to do by a ten-year-old girl.
Alexa responded with plug in a phone charger about halfway into a wall outlet.
Then, okay,
Touch a penny to the exposed prongs. Smart. Now, I want to make it really clear that Linus Media Group,
The WAN Show, Luke Lefreniere Incorporated, whatever.
Every possible every possible personal and legal entity involved in this show does absolutely not recommend doing that.
That is a very very bad idea. Yeah. At worst,
you could well, no at best. Let's start with at best. At best, you could create an extremely loud noise
and an arc. Well, it's not even an arc. That's just conduction.
So at best, you could create an extremely loud noise and blow your circuit breaker. At worst,
you could start a house fire and you know,
everyone could die in the building. I think it does say, I think it does say, no it says then touch.
So you're still holding it too. I guess so. So you could burn your your fingers. That would be pretty bad too.
That would be pretty rough. So this is currently known as the Penny Challenge. It started on TikTok and other social media, roughly.
The most viewed website. The most viewed website. Thank you, Luke. That's very helpful. No problem.
Roughly a year ago, Inside Edition did a report on it in January. And crazily enough, it's not even the
stupidest thing that's ever been a social media trend. I mean, have you seen... Tide Pods? Yeah, Tide Pods
was pretty good. Did you see the one where people were like building human pyramids and like getting
seriously injured, falling off of them because they have no training whatsoever and stuff like that?
I don't know. Anyway, Amazon quickly responded after being made aware of the issue.
Customer trust is at the center of everything we do. Is it? Is it though? Is it really? And Alexa is
designed to provide accurate, relevant and helpful information to customers, said Amazon in a
statement. It must not be designed very well. As soon as we became aware of this error, we took
swift action to fix it. So, I mean, here's the question, though. Realistically, how do you thread
that needle between providing up-to-date, trendy information to your users and making sure that you
don't advise them to do something that hasn't been vetted by some kind of like safety panel?
Well, yeah, you could hire people to make sure that what it says isn't super stupid.
Sorry, you mean hire people to develop an AI to make sure that it's not stupid?
No, no, no, no, no. I genuinely think, especially in regards to any form of advice
or like suggestion that isn't a product, I think that should really be filtered through people.
Like reading this was I was stunned that this actually made it through. And this almost made
me think like I know there's a lot of people that are that are against the idea of automated cars
driving on roadways right now, especially extremely like still in testing versions,
which there's quite a bit of. Yeah, there's a lot of that going around.
Do we have that same type of issue with suggestions that could go to your kids
to plug things into walls and electrocute themselves?
Yeah, I mean, I guess if you're going to beta test an autonomous vehicle with your children in it,
you might as well you might as well like put pennies in wall sockets. Not advice. This is not
advice. Yeah, I just this is nuts. I don't know. I really think like AI is not there yet to be
able to automatically detect if a suggestion that it could make for a challenge or something like
that could be extremely dangerous to you. Yeah. And it's I don't even think we're necessarily
close. There's a lot of like understanding that it would have to have about the world.
Now, here's something I want to know. What are the odds that, you know, left to her own devices,
this kid wouldn't have come up with something worse on her own? I mean, I did some stupid
stuff like playing with fire when I was a kid. But that's that's external, though. This is a
suggestion coming from a from a company's product. Yeah, that's that's fair. That's not just dumb kid
doing dumb thing. Yeah, okay. That's fair. I'm lucky to be alive. I grew up in the boonies.
All right, you do some stuff. We weren't allowed to watch TV until after everyone had finished
their dinner. And I had I had a sibling who was one of those. A slow eater. Ah, yeah, kindred
spirit. I had I had a slow eater sibling and we had a rule not only could you not watch TV until
everyone was done their dinner, you actually could not leave the dinner table until everyone was done
their dinner. So you know how I think the only person in this building who eats faster than me
has got to be David Gautier. Have you seen that man consume food? I don't think so. It's well,
you've probably you blink and you miss it. Maybe that's why he inhales food. Anyway,
the point is like, I'm a I'm an efficient eater. For me, eating is not about like,
I love that that audio is coming through right to my ear. Yeah, it's not about this is not about
an experience. This is about how many calories and of the correct vitamin nutrient mix I am
ingesting and depositing into my stomach move on to other tasks so I can go do something else,
please. I vaguely remember us having somewhat similar rules, and then my family just getting
really frustrated with how slow I ate. And then we just abandoned all of them. I'm pretty sure
that happened. I'm not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure that happened. I wish that had happened for
me for years. For years, I had to wait for my sister to finish her food. And I was just like,
this is ridiculous. I should be able to leave. Like, I know the idea is that as a family,
you sit down and enjoy a meal together. I'm not enjoying this. I'm not talking to any of you,
because I'm sitting here doing I'm festering. I'm furious. I want to leave now. Anyway,
you're stupid things you did when you're a kid. I was in. I was in this camp thing. I don't
remember exactly what it was. But we were we were out camping for a weekend. My parents weren't
there. It was just like the troop or whatever. Yeah. And I caught some kids that were that were
trying to, this is going to sound ridiculous. Okay, it's creatures and hammers, right? No.
Okay. They were finding really, really, really small like twigs and sticks,
and then wrapping duct tape around it, lighting it on fire and trying to smoke it.
And I caught them doing that. It was like, what the heck are you doing?
And I like, I told them, I guess, because like, that isn't, I wouldn't even normally tell them
people that were screwing around. But this was just so absurd that I was like, someone else has
to know about this. So I told them and like, if I remember correctly, both I and all of them got
like yeeted out of the camp. I think you did. I think I got yeeted out because my mom heard
about it was just like, no, if that kind of stuff is going on, I'm taking them out now.
I don't think I was like kicked out by the camp. I think my mom was just like, this is done.
This is over. I could see your mom doing that. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But yeah, that's,
that's probably the most ridiculous individual thing that I remember any kids doing when we were
growing up. Okay. Okay. For shrug IDK, that's not tattletaling. Okay. So, so we actually have,
there's like, there's a scale. No, no, there's a, there's a line. Okay. So tattling is telling
on someone just to be mean. If something is legitimately dangerous, then it's not tattling.
It's alerting the appropriate authorities, which is not the same thing. And if someone is actually
inhaling like burnt duct tape fumes, like I was thinking like permanent damage, like, you know,
like you're going to screw your brain up or something. And I was a kid. And even then I was
like, this is, you don't grow up properly from this. Something bad is happening. The stories
are, the stories are coming in. We got handsome Harold over in float plane chat goes one kid in
a high school in my town tried smoking weed in a bounce dryer sheet. So they wouldn't smell like
weed ended up in the hospital. Oh my goodness. Oh man. Oh man. Oh no. Jaden kids in my grade eight
class crushed up rocket candies and snorted them. Okay. So for the Americans out there,
those are what you know as smarties. Yeah. So there are those little like powdery,
circular candies that come in the little wrapper like this. They're called rockets here.
It's not rockets apparently from at Jaden school. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's really awful. Okay.
So yeah, I don't know. I took part in, in many a mischief and witnessed many a mischief and did not
did not tell, but most of them were just like kids screwing around. Yeah. Yeah. Not like potentially
permanent brain damage from inhaling. Yeah. Yeah. I, um, so it's Twitch chats like, yeah,
who didn't snort smarties? Typical Twitch chat, typical Twitch chat, you know, YouTube chat,
float plane chat. They're like, Oh wow. That's like super weird. That thing that happened one
time. This is totally normal. This is a trend on the platform right now. Who isn't starting smarties
and rockets. It's the best. Oh man. Once again, I would like to just point out that we do not in
fact endorse any of this behavior. None of this, none at all. The only things you should be snorting
are our good old fashioned oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide mixtures. All right. Nice.
Very good. Love it. All right. Let's jump into our next topic here. More dangerous technology.
Asus has apparently recalled their ROG Z690 hero motherboard. We actually bad timing uploaded a
video featuring this motherboard right around the time the recall was sort of happening.
Obviously we recorded the video way before, but there are at least six reports of these
motherboards allegedly. I mean, it's not really allegedly at this point, Asus has actually like
initiated a recall. Catching on fire. Six reports now. Like how are you supposed to,
how are you supposed to get the error code? Okay. What's the, I was on fire error code Luke.
Let me just Google Asus error code fire. Yeah. 666. That's the one, right?
I'm sorry. We're in a hellish inferno here boys. Just adds a number. Oh man. I heard the best joke
the other day, but I'm going to tell it to you later. Oh, so just remind me to tell you a joke.
Okay. Okay. On show or on show on show. So Reddit user, the max X HD posted 13 days ago about how
they had a board fail. They bought a new one, rebuilt the system with a new power supply as
well. Only for that board to fail too. So users either get code 53 indicating a memory issue
or the unlucky ones, the board melts or catches on fire. Buildzoid from Actually Hardware
Overclocking thinks it's a capacitor being installed backwards. And pictures of the boards.
He points out that in some cases, the polarity stripe on a capacitor near the memory and error
led is on the other side. Apparently Jay's two cents also agrees that that is probably
what's going on. That's a little awkward. So this could be due to bad quality control at the factory
or using multiple sources for capacitors. So they look slightly different, but if you bought an RG
Maximus Z690 here, you can check the serial number at ASUS's support page. Our discussion question
for this one from Nicholas Bluff is how many motherboards have Linus and Luke seen fail over
the years and what is up with this past year or two being so bad? I actually don't even know if
this past year or two was even so bad. I'd say we've seen like a ton of motherboard failures
over the years. The problem for us though is that we never have a significant enough sample size to
say, okay, actually I shouldn't say that. There have been some dud motherboards over the years.
And actually the worst one that I'm aware of that ever existed was another one from ASUS.
Well, if you, if you did IT work back, back when you and I were growing up. Yeah. In the N-Force
days. Well, uh, liquid caps, right? Yeah, that too. Okay. So that goes back a little bit further.
Yeah. But like I, I worked with those a lot back when I used to work in computer repair,
like a huge percentage of the time. One of the standard things I would do is if someone was like,
yeah, my computer's not turning on. I take the side panel off and look for like leaking caps.
Yeah. Cause that was just so common back in the day. So yeah, lots of motherboards. I've seen lots
and lots of motherboards fail. It's, it's been kind of a thing for a long time where you just,
you know, there's a chance your motherboards going to fail, but your CPU probably won't.
Yeah. Well that's, uh, we've got a video coming about that quite soon actually, where we,
we try to figure out what is the best used CPU to buy. And, you know, I think a big, yeah,
I'm assuming you guys go over this in the video, but a big factor of that is going to be how much
of the motherboard exactly because that's, that's enormous, right? Because you, you might be tempted
to go buy the $20 overclockable Xeon on eBay, but you might not realize, Oh shoot, I'm going to need
$60 Ram to get this going and an $80 motherboard. And meanwhile, I could have just spent $60 or $70
on, you know, a first gen Ryzen. And then I could buy a brand new board that doesn't have, you know,
a ton of years on it already. I could buy DDR4 memory instead of like old DDR3 memory that for
whatever reason is as expensive, if not more so, and I'm getting way better performance.
And so it ends up having a ton of really cool lessons in it. So one is how to bargain shop,
right? So not just looking at components in isolation. And then the other cool lesson that
we accidentally drove home was that Alex overclocked all the platforms because by his
logic, if you're trying to squeeze the absolute most out of an aging platform, you should
absolutely be overclocking it. So he ended up with, I think it was either three or four different CPUs
that all happened to cap out around four gigahertz. And we did a video recently talking about how
gigahertz doesn't matter. And in the video, this is so odd. So it's so hard to have these
conversations in the video. At one point I say, so gigahertz does matter. And I go on to explain
how assuming identical architectures, that is still a useful way that you can differentiate
between one chip and another one. And the comment section is full of people being like, yeah,
she even admits it. Gigahertz does matter. I'm going to continue to shop with gigahertz.
And anyway, as part of working on this video, we ended up sort of accidentally proving once again
that gigahertz is not a particularly meaningful measure of a CPU's performance. It is only
an indicator that we can look at alongside many other indicators. That is, that is the only,
that is the only way that it is, it is useful. That's cool. That sounds like a good video.
Mike says LTT profit hat. Like the new era sports ones. I want also for cybersecurity show idea from
last week, Linus sec tips, sec tips. Okay. Yeah. We're just getting some, getting some
merch messages incoming. I unfortunately do not have a, I do not have any products to launch this
week. We have actually, I'm going to let you guess. I'm going to let you guess how many
containers of products do you think we have sitting in the port waiting to be unloaded?
Three higher whole containers, whole containers, boys, five, five, five, five containers.
That's so much. Oh, I am so frustrated. There are many products that we are supposed to be launching
or restocking that we are not launching and not restocking. I'm going to check my email from Nick
that has my weekly sadness report because the stuff never comes. So here's everything that is
just sitting in a container, when pants, blank pants. So we're going to start doing some like
printed design pants, um, blank t-shirts, extreme edition pillows, AMD edition pillows, including
thread, ripper pillows, our swacket restock, our when hoodie restock and our cable ties.
All of that is supposed to be coming like, like imminently. So, you know, January is going to be
a busy month. It's going to be a busy month. It's going to be good stuff. I look guys. I know. Oh,
oh shoot. I was supposed to talk to Kyle about the screwdriver. Okay. Luke can handle this next
topic on his own. I was reminded by true Sarang. Uh, I'm, I'm supposed to look at the ratchet.
Maybe I'll bring it down. I'll bring it down. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. All right. If Kyle's still
here, I'll bring it down. We'll talk about it. Uh, can I talk about the Tik TOK thing?
Tik TOK on top surpasses Google as most visited website cloud flare has declared them the new
winter. Uh, in February, February 17th, 2021, they held the top spot, but for only a day,
they continued to gain more days on top of that in March and may as well by August 10th of 2021,
it was leading on most days. Uh, part of the rising success of this could be attributed to
Biden lifting the ban on Tik TOK that Trump previously had in place. Uh, the ban was lifted
in June, more than 1 billion users sign into Tik TOK monthly, primarily teens and children.
The top 10 visited websites in 2021, according to cloud flare are Tik TOK, Google, Facebook,
Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, YouTube, Twitter, and WhatsApp.
There's genuinely some surprising ones to me on there. I'm kind of surprised how low YouTube is.
Microsoft being so high is very weird to me. Top 10 visited website Microsoft.
Odd. I know like amazon.com, uh, would be the default for edge browser, but like genuinely not
that many people run that anymore. It's very interesting. A discussion question is will the
older generation eventually take over Tik TOK like it did with Facebook or will it simply die like
vine? I don't think it's going to die like vine. Um, it might, it might. I, I know a number of
people, including myself, I avoided installing Tik TOK up until this news came out and I was like,
man, if it's more popular than, than Google, uh, I don't want to be too much of a boomer.
So I should probably just install it. Uh, so I installed it and then I opened it once and I
closed it and I haven't opened it again. Tik TOK. Yeah. It's not that bad. I'm just, I just don't
really care. I saw this Tik TOK. It was like how, how girls pick up clothes. And she was all like,
and she was all like, okay, here's how, here's how sexy girls do it. And she's like,
and then she's like, here's how I do it. And she picks it up with her foot and goes like this.
It was like, it entertained me for about nine seconds. That was good. Yeah. I have to admit,
I haven't really looked at it since then though. I was just saying, I know both myself and a few
other people have installed it since this news came out, just deciding like, you know what,
if it's passing Google, I don't want to be that much of a boomer. I do really question
how this data is tracked and stuff. I haven't, I haven't read into it super deeply. I mean,
it's cloud flare. So you'd think they've done like a fair, probably a pretty good job,
but like, are they really capturing all the times? Like, are they counting? If I search on my phone
by not open, opening a website, but just typing in the search and search that way or search with
voice or something like that, is that counting? I don't know. Probably not. You know, who's great
though on Tik TOK. So I had no idea that she was a Tik TOK at all, because I don't know Tik TOK,
but she's local. Her name is Call Me Chris. Well, her name's Chris, but her handle is Call Me Chris.
And so as part of like, I think I should vet people that we collab with from now on.
So I was like, Hey, what's she like? She's hilarious. She's like local. We're going to
do a video with her probably sometime January, February. She's had a lot of the same problems
as me. That's what's delayed the collab because just construction and permit nightmare. She's like
moving into a new place or something. So yeah, where we want to set up her new place with like
this ultimate gamer space. So as you can get more into streaming and stuff like that. And so we've
announced it two or three months ago and people are like, Hey, are you guys ever going to do that
collab with Call Me Chris? Yes. Yes. So we've, we've yeah, we've only like had one call talking
about it. And then some of the guys on my team have kind of worked on sort of laying out the
space and, and you know what it's going to look like, but because it's not finished, we can't,
we can't do it. So we're definitely still working with her. She's amazing. Yeah. So, so there you
go. That's one worthwhile thing to watch on Tik TOK, or you can do what I did and just go on her
YouTube channel and just watch the compilations. Yeah. I don't get to talk. Are you surprised?
Okay. Are you surprised by this list? Cause I kind of was ticked off number one. Yeah.
Google number two, Facebook number three, Microsoft. Sorry, wait, what does that include
like Microsoft live services? Like like X-Box like Microsoft. I mean, it's hotmail is still a thing.
Yes. I mean, I know. Yeah. Apple is next then Amazon, then Netflix, then YouTube.
Why do people, okay. So here's something that confuses me a little bit. Why do people need
to go to Apple's website? Yeah. I don't know. I don't know. This is what, like, I don't,
I don't know what all this is. Like does this include like Siri queries? You know what I mean?
Like I haven't done this. I cloud uploads. I feel like I'm seriously missing some intense
information. Cause like Apple existing there at all is weird. Is the app store. Does that,
does that count Lego pando for Twitch telemetry? That's half the Microsoft and Apple.
Yeah. Amazon, then Netflix. I'm genuinely surprised that Netflix gets more visits than
YouTube. It seems kind of weird to me. Is this in gigabytes or is this in query count? Cause
yeah. App store Jaden says, yeah. App store could be huge. But like, is that, is that a visit
or is that like, like to me visiting Facebook, like the kind of interaction you're going to do
on Facebook should not count the same as visiting the app store and like downloading an app.
That's not in my mind anyway, that's not the same kind of interaction with a service or with
a website. So I just brought up cloud flares page on this in 2021, the internet went for
Tik TOK space and beyond. I scrolled down, kept going, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Top 10 most
popular domains, which is a little bit more specific. Okay. Microsoft.com specifically.
Uh, Mills, Jonah on float plane says it's DNS queries. Yeah. Cause it's, it's the second they
said domains. I was like, Oh, so basically it's really not that meaningful then. No.
All right. It's not. Well, why don't we move on and do a couple of the curated
merge messages here? John asks, when will the next scrapyard Wars happen? Honestly,
I think scrapyard Wars is retired. I think it's old yellowed. I think it's, I think, I think it
is not only, uh, stayed its full welcome. I think it overstayed its welcome. I think the last
series by one season, maybe even two, I think the last couple were honestly not up to the standard.
And there's a, there's so many problems with continuing to do it. I mean, problem number one
is that we're, we're kind of scraping the bottom of the barrel for ideas to continue to put a new
spin on it. Problem number two is that the used market is just ruined. It's destroyed. When we
started scrapyard Wars, the used market was vibrant. You could get such amazing deals, man,
such amazing. Someone literally pointed out that the, the, the graphics card that I bought in the
first scrapyard Wars, it was something like eight years later was the same price. Wow. Like just
what? Yeah. That actually makes sense. What card was that? It was a two 90. Yeah. How much is a two
Holy crap. I'm doing it. How much is an R nine two 90 on eBay? I'm afraid. Holy crap. Hold on,
hold on, hold on. We've got to check what they've actually sold. We got to check if they actually
sold Luke because the first, the first scrapyard Wars, we had a $300 Canadian Canadian budget,
a legit gaming computer. We built an entire gaming machine, each of us for $300. And you had a better
GPU, right? You had the R nine two 90 and I had something lesser, but I had like a better CP.
We ended up figuring out was if we mashed our two computers together and actually spent,
I think it was like $330 or something. It was like a really legit computer, but,
but your GPU was a little pinner system overall was better. Yeah. And my GPU was Jack,
but my platform was terrible. Yeah. Right. Right. I remember you saying like mine was like,
you wouldn't even consider daily driving yours. Whereas mine was like probably actually reliable,
but yours just like absolutely creamed mine in terms of performance. Holy crap. This is a parts
card for $93 for parts. Luke that's horrible parts only 90 bucks, 90 bucks as is $80.
And the first episode of scrapyard Wars has over 6 million views. That's pretty solid. That's insane.
That is fricking insane. The first episode of scrapyard Wars was in 20. What, what,
what year was it? 2015? No. What year was it? Yes, it was 2015. Yeah. We did it from the house.
Yeah. We're in the house in 2015. You know, it's almost 2022, right?
Just saying, I thought we were out of the house before 2015. So that's problem number two with
scrapyard Wars. That we basically can't get a better deal today than we could get seven years
ago. And then like back then when we could say like $300 budget and it was actually interesting.
That was cool. But now the market's so messed up that like, what would you even say? What would
you give? I don't even know because everyone, everyone is so like attuned to the value of
used hardware now that there's no such thing as getting a deal. No. Right? Yeah. That's the other
thing. It's not cool. You're not going to find a cool deal. Like it's, it's just, you're just
going to pay some, like some scalper. That's, that's almost certainly what's going to happen.
And then problem number three is that both Luke and I are so recognizable anywhere where computer
hardware is involved, that going incognito is basically impossible. I remember during the one
with, uh, with Jay and, uh, Oh, who else participated in that one? And Dimitri. That's
right. The one with Jay and Dimitri. Um, I was just, I was walking down the street in like a hat
and sunglasses and wearing uncharacteristic clothing. I was wearing shorts. Like I was
trying to kind of go incognito and someone just barely even looking just out of the corner of the
ride, like, Hey, sup Linus. And I'm sitting here going, why do I even bother? What is even the
point of anything? Cause I, I can't, I can't maintain a low profile anymore. And this isn't
just like, Oh, humble brag Linus. Oh, too famous. Cause it's not even like that. If I go to a home
Depot, the odds of anyone knowing who I am is pretty low. Whereas if I show up at, you know,
a best buy the odds of someone knowing who I am is pretty high. It's just a matter of like
being well known within, within this like hyper focused vertical and then literally no one else
on the face of the earth giving any hoots whatsoever. But it does mean that while I
could probably do storage wars or, you know, makeup, makeup hall competition without it being
a problem because one of the rules of scrapyard wars, and I think it's a fundamental rule. I
think it's an important role. One of the rules of scrapyard wars is you can't use your influence to
get a deal. Um, it's become basically impossible for me to not do it because even if I don't ask
people, even people who know scrapyard wars, they'll be like, Oh no, you're not allowed to do
this, but I could totally cut you an awesome deal. I totally want you to win. I'm like, no,
stop now. I can't take it. Yeah. You know? And I know they, I know they mean well and I appreciate
you fam, but Oh man, I'm dying. I'm dying here. I'm really trying to find the price that I got
that two 94, but I can't find it. Uh, it's probably, it's gotta be in there somewhere.
Someone in the comments said, uh, this show is amazing. I can't believe this is from six years
ago. I can't believe Luke got an R9 290 for under $78 USD, but that doesn't sound right.
That's gotta be right. $300 budget. Luke. We only had to do the tower that, that time we didn't have
to do peripherals, but like case power supply, CPU, memory, mother like, yeah, I don't know.
They were crazy though. It was crazy. Those cards were dirt cheap. Nobody wanted them.
Yeah. Nowadays people are desperate for anything they can game on.
Intel has to be the savior. I don't see any other way out. I was literally having this conversation
with someone, I think it was my brother a couple of days ago where I went like, hopefully Intel
comes in and then they just, you know, they get more GPU's per wafer and yeah, everything's okay.
That's what we need because we need volume. We don't need more like RTX 30 90s. No,
what we need is a whole bunch of like 30, 50 class cards. We need an absolute flood of them.
So people have something, something to game on. And I was talking to you about this. I,
I think it gotta be two, two, three days ago or something. We were playing Halo and I was talking
about how I'm like, I'm like happy and also really frustrated that Halo is, is it, it looks really
good, but it's really hard to run on your system. And like, I w I feel like I was asking for that
for years and we weren't getting it. And now there's this insane hardware shortage and no
one can build computers and we get Halo and it's really hard to run. And I'm like, ah,
Came up because my son joined us for a Halo gaming session and it was running kind of crap on my
wife's machine. I was sitting there going, this thing has like an RTX 2080 in it. Unfortunately,
it's also running an ultra wide that's 3840 by 1600. Yeah. I figured out that problem after,
cause I was, I mean, we'd, we'd already been waiting around for game patches and everyone
getting into discord, blah, blah. So I just wanted to get, get going. So I just kind of cranked down
the details. I was like, I'll look at this later, but I didn't realize her panel was so high
resolution. She's only running an RTX 2080. And I know, I know, I know. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Okay.
Hold on everyone. I know only RTX 2080 in a pretty privileged position here, but that game is flipping
demanding. Yeah. And when you try to run it on, on, on that resolution, it's, it's going to be
real tough. Yeah. I know. I know people with like 30 nineties that struggle because they have like
ultra rides or whatever. And, and Halo just like, I don't know. I'm running 4k everything. I'm
running 4k on my 30 90 and it's like fine. I mean, it depends on what kind of FPS you're going for.
Like if you're, if you're trying to hit, I know I'm trying to think like if you, yeah, no, mine's
120 Hertz, 120 Hertz, 4k. That's about as bad as it gets. What frames are you getting though?
I actually don't know. It's smooth though. It's really, it's really smooth. I don't have frame
view up. We've got a couple, a couple other merch messages here. Oh, where'd the curated ones go?
Whoopsie daisies. Matt M, longtime listener, first time caller, finishing up his and hers gaming
setups. And you plan on doing a reviewing your setups video soon. I like your funny words,
magic man. You know, what's really funny is I've been extremely resistant to doing those videos.
Jake has basically grabbed my arm, wrenched it behind my back both times to convince me to do
that. I just, it feels like cheap, unnecessary filler content, but people love it. People love
it. Yeah. I know. You gotta get over that a little bit. I know. I know. I just, I always,
I respect that. I was, I deeply respect the dedication to like trying to keep high brow stuff
every time, but it doesn't have to be high brow. I like to do something new. Sure. I don't like to
retread old territory, but it gets hard when you've done like 4,000 videos or more. I think
it's more than that. Yeah. I really think you guys should do that. And I know it's not different
and your argument is very sound and I just don't care. You guys should do a snow cooled computer.
You guys should go out to the giant mountain of snow. You should sit someone on top of it
for the intro. Be like, it's we're breaking records in Canada. We're gonna shove some
radiators in the snow. You should just do it. It'd be sweet. You know, I've already done it, right?
On a video? On NCIX Tech Tips. I mean, I'm basically a walking, breathing, Simpsons did it.
You name it. Do it again. You name it. I've pretty much done it. I mean, even when we try to like
do it better. Okay. So here's, here's a classic example of do the same thing, but do it better.
Okay. Check this out. Triple projector, triple projector, Linus something. Okay. So 10 years ago,
I did this on Linus Tech Tips. We had, we had GTX 590. Oh, this was actually sick. Triple 3D vision
projectors. We actually did a whole event. People could come in and they could try the setup. And
what was crazy about it was it was only about two megapixels because they were 720P,
but because you would sit so far back from it, it was actually, and because it was more about the,
the 3D depth, it didn't look that bad. It was, it was pretty cool. So it was like a super ultra
surround wide vision, you know, 3D vision stereoscopic gaming setup. So I go and I try
to kind of recreate that magic 12K. We do, we do it bigger and better than ever. This is, this is
like many times the resolution. We put it on the side of a building. Okay. We're gaming on the side
of a building, Luke. No one cared about that. It was like, is it a title problem? It could be.
It's also a format problem. We ended up, so we talk about the original one here a little bit.
We also kind of, we dork around for too much talking about quadros and stitching
together the image. This is something that we, this is a mistake we wouldn't make today.
We would jump right into the juice at the beginning. Yeah. It's got to go right there.
But I always had this kind of, I've always had this kind of storytelling snobbery about me where
I like to, I like to assume I have a captive audience. I like to assume that the viewer that
starts the video is going to finish the video and that I can kind of tease them along the way and
be like, and we're going to get to that later, blah, blah, blah. I'm going to save the best parts
for last kind of thing. And what I, what I've realized, you know, talking to super smart people
like Jimmy, Mr. Beast, some of the other folks in this discord that I'm in is you just got to,
you just got to leave that at, check that attitude at the door. You can't do it. That's just not the
way that modern content works. You've got to get right into it. So our current video Bible
stipulates that unless you are addressing the title and thumbnail within the first 10 to 20
seconds of the video, you do not have a video and you need to go back and you need to retool your
intro so that you are addressing the title and thumbnail within 10 seconds. It's so interesting
to me because I, I feel like I must watch YouTube so differently to such a monstrous part of the
audience because I almost never watch YouTube as my main activity. Yeah. I'm almost all,
if I'm watching YouTube, I'm probably doing something else and it's probably half background
noise, half video that I'm actually watching. Right. So the amount of times I would click off
in 10 seconds into a video because I'm not interested is not common because I'm probably
doing something else. But I don't know. Got it. I got a couple more merge messages here.
Mason asks, what is LTT have in store for 2022? I'm a long time viewer excited to see what you
guys have in store. LTX 2022. We want to do LTX 2022. Honestly, Omicron is making it look less
likely than we thought it was even a month ago. We were basically gearing up. I mean,
I've seen Chase working on floor plans. Like we've got, we have a title sponsor,
like we want to do it, but if we can't do it safely, I mean, look at what happened to CES
literally days, days from CES, you've got Intel pulling out, you've got major car brands pulling
out. Everyone's pulling out. How do you plan anything in with the world in the state that
it's in? And it's not even just like, I mean, maybe you, maybe you subscribe to the theory
that it's basically a cold and you're not worried about catching it. Sure. Fine. But then you've
got all those regular, all the regulations to deal with. Like you can't, you can't go attend
a show or an event and then have to quarantine for, for two weeks. And there's places that are
down to just five days now if you're fully vaxxed, but there's also parts of the world
where you're still having to quarantine for multiple weeks and sometimes at your cost,
actually, I think it's often at your cost. So it's, I don't know what to tell you guys
as for what we have in store. I think the biggest change that you're going to see in 2022
is that man, do we ever have some primo applications for the lab? Like when I came out,
threw down the gauntlet and was like, think I can't afford you, try me. We got some people trying me.
Some people tried. We got some literal fricking like chip scientists and fricking like,
like rocket scientists and stuff applying. And to be clear, I'm super into it. We've got some
like old school traditional written tech media guys that made their way over to the manufacturing
side and want out because I know they do. I bet most of them do, but it's just, there was,
there was no money in written. And if you didn't figure out how to transition to video,
it was really challenging. I think probably one of the smartest guys in the industry is
Steve from Gamers Nexus, because there is almost, there is no one else. There is nobody else who
manages to do both written and video content the way that he does. No one. We have not managed to
make any inroads into written though. That is something that we will be targeting and no one
from the written side managed to really hit it big in video. No one. So yeah, Matt, just like massive,
massive, massive respect for what he's done. So the lab is really going to drive a ton of the
content in 2022. If all goes according to plan, it's going to take a long time to set up, but
we are definitely making progress on that already. Zachary in a merch message asks,
have you considered doing a video where you guys see what happens when you order PCs
and other tech as LMG versus as a random person? You talked in the past about what you guys think
companies would do if they got an order from Linus. That's actually not a terrible idea.
Yeah. You know what? I'm kind of afraid to tip my hand here, but I'm going to say it.
I think I get it. Don't say it. That's cool. Oh, I think it's not what you're thinking.
Okay. Because I haven't really, I haven't really hinted at it yet.
Okay. But I'm planning a video. You can expect this in 2022 as well. I'm planning a video where
we are going to secret shop our sponsors and if they fail this like rubric that we're going to
create, we are going to eat them in public. So some of them, some of the metrics are going to
be things that we've dropped sponsors for in the past. Things like it being difficult to cancel the
service or like whatever else, like we're basically going to create this sponsor standard sheet.
And if they don't manage to, if they don't manage to meet it, then we're just going to be like,
okay. And so this might be a multi, a multi video series because we can't, we have so many sponsors
now, again, with the humble breaks, but we have so many sponsors. We couldn't like feasibly test
all of them in a single video. So I think we're going to do, we're going to do probably like
three to five per video. We're going to secret shop them. We're going to use the services,
but maybe get a, get a review of manscapes products, you know, included in it. But it's
basically going to be like, okay, look, this is it. This is trial by fire. You either
hold up to our standards for what the customer experience should be or you're gone.
If they end the, like the kind of cool part. I, I, what was that series we had back in the day?
Cake farted. No, no, no. It was the manufacturer based one where we would like challenge their
claim. Oh shit. Manufacturers say, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that was a cool series
because if, if it turned out that we were wrong, that's a huge advertisement for them. Yeah,
for sure. And like in this situation, if they do a good job, that's, that's really good for them.
You're basically making a video advertising for them without them paying you, which is huge for
them. But then if they screw up, they're on blast. It's horrible. Yeah. That's great. I love that
kind of stuff. A hundred percent. So that's something I'm, I'm really excited. I'm really
excited for especially because we've had some sponsors that we've worked with that we've seen
some, some bad reports, but then we've also seen a lot of good reports. So it's just good. It's
just going to come down to what our experience is. And I think that it could be one of those
things where we don't have to drop them forever, but we could drop them for some period of time,
as long as they commit to cleaning up their act. And then as long as they pass a second test,
then, then we're good. And we've, we've gotten reasonably good at managing to hide our true
identity when engaging with sponsors as part of secret shopper, nobody knew that they were
dealing with us for secret shopper, nobody. So I think that, I think that we could pull it off.
We should probably do our speaking of sponsors. We should probably talk about our sponsors for
the show. Show is brought to you by Squarespace, man. They are, I think they're our longest running
active sponsor. No, no, probably Intel. Squarespace. If you need a website and you
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help guides, or you can contact their 24-7 customer support via live chat and email. So
get started and head to squarespace.com forward slash LTT to get 10% off your first purchase.
The show is also brought to you by Build Redux. Build Redux creates PCs for gamers.
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So start your build today at buildredux.com slash Linus, or at the link down below. It's also
brought to you by Ridge Wallet. Thank you Ridge Wallet for sponsoring today's WAN Show. You can
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offer code WAN to save 10% on everything at Ridge.com slash WAN. All right. Do we have
any other topics that we wanted to hit today? Someone reminded me. What's the joke?
Ah, the joke. Yes. Okay. How do you get holy water?
And I read this. I can't take credit for it. Okay. I don't know. Beat the hell out of it.
What? Why? What? Because there's no hell in it anymore.
This disappoint is palpable. That one's rough.
It's pretty rough. Oh, geez. Okay. All right. You want to save some money on DDR5? Well, just
just get the DDR4. Beat the hell out of it.
Rip cooler memory slot clearance here. Just get what even, what is this video? Wait, what? Okay.
Sorry. Enough of this. Hold on. Let's find a page. Look at this thing. Look at this thing. Oh my.
It's the DDR5 to DDR4 memory converter. You got your, your power delivery here.
Okay. Cause it's supposed to be built into module. What?
That's amazing. Oh, I love it. How much does that cost? I don't know. I'm not even sure.
Save money. You gotta build these custom modules for each one of these things. I'm not sure if
this is going to be a real product. This is one of those things that makes no sense because it
costs more. The solution costs more than the problem. Like if you just flipped your DDR4
memory on well, okay. DDR5 is sort of being scalped right now, but under normal circumstances,
if you just flipped your DDR4 on eBay and turned around and bought some DDR5, you're probably going
to be out less than what you would spend on this over-engineered monstrosity, which just looks like
it's going to break. But I, I think it's, I think it's, you gotta admire Asus's ingenuity. Oh yeah.
The fact that they got it to work is super cool. Yeah. Why worry about whether you,
whether you should, when you can just focus on whether you can. If you guys could get four of
them for a video, like seeing, seeing if there's any performance impacts and stuff could be like
interesting. Oh, it's a very interesting video that no one will actually find. We're not gonna,
let me put it this way. We're not going to do a lot of affiliate revenue based on the links
under that video. Unless we just link not the product, we just link something sensible you
should actually buy. We've done that before. Yeah. Yeah. I would love to test it, but I just...
How many of these even exist? That's, that's one of my questions. Probably one.
I would say one engineering board. There is only one in the video, eh? Yeah, it's interesting.
I noticed like when you see it in the board, there is only one. There's just one.
It's cool though. Yeah, whatever. Just don't go that path. They had to create a special bios
that allows the ROG Apex to run in DDR4 mode. Then the carrier card addresses the differences
in architecture. Oh my gosh. Yeah. This is really, really brutal. Okay. What else we got here?
Uh, Ooh, this is fun. We got the one, the only Mr. Shrout over on Twitter. Perks of the job
was going to save this demo for CES. Whoa, see you later CES. Why not share it with everyone
right now? 12th Gen Core i9-12900K with a Samsung PM1743 PCIe Gen 5 SSD over 13 gigabytes a second,
ladies and gentlemen. What? Like what? Hold on. That's seven gigabytes a second. That can't be
right. Where's the, where's the, Oh, shoot. Boom. That's crazy. I mean, not that for consumer
workloads, this matters at all, but check the second tweet. It's pretty cool though.
Hey, hey, Shrout. Hey, Shrout, you want to lend us one by any chance? Yeah. Yeah. Oh,
hold on a second. Why don't we show both of the Gen 5 drives running at the same time?
That's why I said or two, man. What? Wow. That's scaling though. Yeah. What the heck?
That's crazy. Yup. This is on a consumer CPU. This shouldn't be possible. This is like a third.
That's a third of what we were able to do on the stupid Badger Den. That's insane. I love,
I love how the bench has a 3080 in it as well. Definitely required. Well, yeah. I mean,
if you're Ryan Shrout, you would just have good stuff in your bench. Wouldn't you? That's probably
true. I mean, guy's an actual gamer. So like, he's a pretty cool dude. Holy schnikes. All right.
All right. Well, cool. Yeah. I definitely want one. Wait, what is this? Okay. This has got to be
a meme format that I'm not familiar with. One of our new writers. It is. I don't remember what it
is. It's like, I'm at the Taco Bell. I'm at the pizza hut. I'm at the combination Taco Bell and
pizza hut or something. Well, this is I'm at the gaming mouse. I'm at the SSD. I'm at the
combination gaming mouse and SSD. Yeah. It's a gaming mouse with a one terabyte SSD inside of it,
which, you know, runs over USB-C because that's cool. I actually, this is actually the smartest
thing ever. Yeah. I think this is cool. That's the direction I was going in was I think it's cool.
Wow. Yeah. It's actually genius because if you're on your gaming library in the palm of your hand.
Yeah. It's sweet. If you don't mind running a wired mouse,
then basically your laptop. So I ran into this recently. So my, my daily driver is my framework,
but what I used for travel more recently, I mean, I guess I'm not traveling anymore anywhere,
but what I like to use for travel is the Asus ROG Flow X 13, because it's way more gaming capable.
It's got like a 1650, whatever it is integrated. How much do you game on the road?
And I, Oh man, I, I probably put like 30 hours into Anno on the trip to Tel Aviv.
Oh, right. That makes sense. Yeah. I played a fricking ton of Anno. Yeah. So anyway,
I switched over to the ROG Flow X 13 because it's gaming capable without even the external GPU. And
I have the external GPU. So I got like fricking RTX 3080 on my external dock. I got my Ryzen 5900
8 checks or whatever it is, my eight core and the thing like, I've got desktop grade gaming
performance on the go. It's awesome. That's cool. It's awesome. But what sucks is the Flow X 13
only accepts a 40 millimeter or 30 millimeter, whatever the shortest one is SSD. So while I
would love to put a decent sized game library in the thing on like, you know, one of those eight
terabyte Sabrent drives or something like that, I actually can't install it. And I, I tried,
I tried to get like a ribbon and like kind of jam it somewhere else or something. I mean,
they pack that thing so tight. So this would completely solve my problem. I just put like
a big fat game library in it. You plug in your mouse and you're ready to go. This is the actually
not stupidest thing ever. Yeah. I think it's sweet. Good job. A data. Yeah. Awesome. Very cool.
Especially like if you, if you like, yeah, I don't know. I just like it. If you go to, to,
to like a buddy's house or a land or, or if you game at school. A hundred percent. Why not?
Yeah. If someone, and if someone needs a file off your thing, like sure, whatever. You just
plug in your mouse and then you like got your mouse and you're like, Hey, okay. Copy. Okay.
Yeah. See you later. It's a mouse USB drive. I think it's sweet. I love it. That's a combination
that I can get behind. Yeah. Dog. All right. In other news, goodbye note. Hello. Galaxy S
22 ultra. Looks like there's been some pretty big leaks and it's got a pen. So we won't need
notes anymore. Nice. Got some big camera bumpage. All right. Cool. I have a question for you.
And this is actually the discussion question as well, but I had the same thoughts. So we
never wrote the discussion question. We are of one mind. But in today's day and age,
would you just rather a fold? Okay. Is the price gap the thing here? The price gap's a big thing.
I'm assuming it's significant. The fold has problems that this won't. So I have a 4,000
million power battery in here. The S 22 ultra is supposed to have a 5,000 million power battery
that is powering a smaller screen. It is going to have notably better battery life. Also,
in terms of performance, I would expect to get better out of the S 22 ultra. That upcoming
Exynos with RDNA 2 graphics. Say there's a new fold though, because it's been out for a bit.
Yeah. It's not full of the Z fold for whatever. Sure. I do miss my pen. I miss my pen sometimes.
I was trying to... What was I trying to do recently? I was taking pictures. I took pictures
of a room at the new place. And what I used to do on my note is I would take a picture of the room
and then I would grab the pen and I would draw the dimensions on it. And it's one of those
little things that once a freaking year, I might do something like that. It doesn't come up that
often. But boy, when I want to do that, is it ever nice to have the pen? And so, yeah, I miss
the notes sometimes. And I talked about this in my video on the Oppo Find N. Probably 80 plus percent
of my time, I'm using the front display on this thing. So I was using my old Note 9, which I still
have kicking around to put on some music for the girls to listen to while they were trying to fall
asleep. They have their little Bluetooth speakers they put in their bed and they'll listen to music
or whatever. And I was holding it and I was like, oh, it feels like having an old familiar friend
in your hand. It's like, hi friend, how you doing? Just chilling in my hand. Just chilling in my
hand like this. Yeah, it's good to see you. It's good to feel you. So I don't know. I might go back
to a candy bar, but for now, for now, I'm folding. I'm a folding boy. Would you get a giant phone?
How big is this thing? 6.8 inches!
I don't know. Because honestly, even this thing, I miss like the... Remember when Sony would do
those pretty small phones? The Xperia Compact? Yeah. Yeah. They still have some really nice
stuff that's actually quite handleable. But it's a Sony phone. I know. I know. The camera's pretty
decent. Okay. They still don't let you switch your multitasking and back button though. Honestly,
that's one of the biggest deal breakers for me. It's so arbitrary. Just allow me to do it. It's
like Apple level arbitrary. It's like, oh, you want to rearrange your icons where you want to?
Well, no. Well, then no. And I just won't buy it. That was easy. I hate that I can't individually
control notification volumes. And this has bugged me for a long time. In terms of sound and
vibration, I have media volume, call volume, ring and notification volume, wire those together,
stop and then alarm volume. Yeah. I'm the same as you. For me, a notification is not urgent
and a phone call is urgent because everyone who has my phone number knows that if it's urgent,
you call. And if it's not urgent, you do not call. Yeah. Because I'm probably on set. Yeah.
Like people don't... Exactly. Except my uncle. He can't wrap his head around that. He just calls me
whenever. I think a lot of people operate that way too. Yeah. So I don't really get that many
phone calls, but I don't want to miss a phone call. Yes. But then there's so many situations
where like... You miss phone calls. I don't want notifications to be just constantly going off.
So I'm going to turn it down and then I'll turn it down for a WAN show and then forget for a couple
days that I muted it. And then I'll miss a call that was actually pretty important. A call,
you say. I'll miss a few calls. A lot of calls. And then it's just like... You need a landline.
Yeah, I do. That's actually the answer. I've been thinking... Either that or I need the
GF's number so that I can reach you. You don't have it? I'm actually surprised. Yeah, I don't.
I've been meaning to ask you for it forever. Every time I can't reach you, I'm like, bloody hell,
I need to get a plenty times number. Yeah, that would probably be... And then I get in touch with
you. And usually I'm trying to get in touch with you because it's either something fun or something
urgent. So I get distracted by the fun or urgent thing. And then I completely forget to get her
number. I'm like, ah, stop. Until the next time, I have absolutely no way to reach this man.
No way to reach this man. Oh my God. LTT store product. A smart, just like, light that just
flashes. I would be so into that. Yeah. Oh my goodness. And so you just... If you could customize
it so that there was different... It would have to be hierarchical, right? Yeah. So if you get
a notification for something that you're not very worried about, but you have no other
notifications, okay, it shows a certain light. Yeah. But then if you get a medium one, then it
would show that light. It doesn't worry about the low importance one anymore. Yeah, I'd be super
into that. Yeah, because nobody has landlines anymore. So just something that flashes when
your phone is ringing or something like that would be amazing. People are like, it's basically
a pager. Yeah, pretty much. Yeah. But an internet connected pager. Because I wouldn't want to
actually have a separate SIM for it. I wouldn't want it to have a phone service. I would just
want there to be a companion app that basically just monitors for incoming notifications and then
pushes to this thing so that I can... And if you just throw Bluetooth on it so that it also acts
as a Bluetooth speaker, that was a thing for a bit where people would get Bluetooth, like the
old cordless phone handset so that their cell phone would just sit somewhere. And then when
they get a call at home, they would just kind of have a normal phone. That would be awesome.
Because I don't like using my phone usually, to be completely honest. I don't like doing a lot
of stuff on my phone. So I would rather do it on my desktop. But with my phone... Notifications
in modern day, and we've talked about this on Wenshow a lot, notifications just suck. They
all just suck kind of across the board. And even if I'm not using my phone, I'm pretty convinced
a lot of the times the reason why I don't get certain notifications is because they're being
picked up by my phone. So my desktop isn't necessarily flashing or vice versa. And just
having one universal thing that just goes no matter what would be great. I've got a lot of
people saying like, hey, it's a smartwatch or it's an Echo or it's this or it's that. It's like,
no, no, no, no. It's simple. It doesn't do all that other stuff. That's like kind of the point
of it. Yeah. Oh man, I kind of like it. I'm like, I'm just going to plug it into a wall.
Like I don't want to worry about batteries. I don't want to worry about charging it. I just
want it to work. Yep. And it just tells me when I'm being summoned. Yeah. We should do a few more
merch messages here. Yes. We've talked about this before too. The like woof from the office. Like I really want
there to be a nuclear option for contacting me. That would be awesome. And if I could hand it to
like my parents and you and my girlfriend or whatever, and like, it's like, it's like 10 or
less people that have it, but like my whole, every single device I have is going to freak out and like,
like almost overpoweringly not allow me to do anything until I answer this thing.
That would be a really cool option. Yeah. I'd want one. Yeah. I would totally want one of those.
That'd be sweet. Anyways. All right. Joshua says, happy new year's. How's Lucky doing?
Lucky's do good. Lucky's in the warehouse. Are we going to talk about color E ink or is that too
niche? Honestly, it's niche until a mainstream device gets it. Like that's what I'm really
waiting for. Like when Amazon finally does a color or Kindle or something like that, and you can like
really enjoy manga or full color comic strips and stuff like that. That's when I think it's
going to really take off. But right now the quality is not great. The last time I looked
into it and the cost is still high and there's nothing really mainstream. So Christian says,
when is Anthony getting his Linux channel? I don't know. I don't know if a Linux channel is
a priority for 2022. It's a matter of time before we do something more Linux or FOSS focused,
but I don't think 2022 is the year. Thomas B says, there should be a way to pay for a merch
message without buying something. I don't need more LTT gear. Maybe a way to donate to charity
and get the message so we get something. Well, okay. The point is that you just shouldn't send
one if you don't need anything. Thomas picked up a banana for scale. Thanks. Anyways, Thomas.
Okay. Paras says, is this how you do merch messages? Yes. Paras also said other stuff.
If so, are you hiring engineers? I'd love to be part of making Epic products, made like the old
school good quality kind. I had a really great conversation with one of our guys just about
just about like how cool it is to be given the time to research like magnets, like how much time
he's had to spend on researching magnets. He's like, yeah, we're going to have for this upcoming
product that I'm really excited about. We are going to have a pretty good price advantage
because instead of just brute forcing the neodymium content, instead of just like adding more in order
to get the attraction force we want, we've spent like weeks simulating and then doing real world
measurements to validate our simulations and like finding the exact optimal like ratio of neodymium
mass to pull strength at the exact pull distance we want. Like there's all these, there's all this
complexity to it. He's like, yeah, it's really cool to just like have time to do things properly.
That's cool. It's good. There's also like the amount of planned obsolescence that's built
into a lot of companies. I hate that. It's stupid. Paras, we always have our job listings
up on linusmediagroup.com. A Squarespace site, by the way. Hey, thanks again Squarespace for sponsoring
the show. Matthew S says, any thoughts on web 3.0? I'm going to confess I have no idea what web 3.0 is
and frankly, I don't care. Web 2.0 was a complete nothing burger and web 3.0 will probably be a
nothing burger. It's just, it's branding, it's marketing. It's not, there is no clear transition
between web 1.0 and 2.0 and 3.0. It's all, it's all evolving over time. No, I disagree. I disagree.
I will not refer to it as web 3.0. Also needs to shed its reliance on non-web 3.0 things. That's
like a huge problem. Yep. Yeah. Wayne M, been buying from you since the NCIX days. Glad I can
empty my piggy bank of cannabucks and help support one of our own. I do wish you had a Canadian site.
Um, yeah, that's fair, but we will do it at some point, but it's like, it adds a lot of complexity
in terms of accounting and stuff because all of our costs are in US dollars. So yeah. Yeah.
Just doing everything in USD has been helpful. Do you know what NCIX's solution was to that?
Because the exchange rate fluctuates by so much sometimes is we would just adjust our pricing
like daily. Like we'd come in in the morning and adjust all the pricing on the site. That's why the
pricing was always odd ball. That's why a motherboard would be like $97 and 23 cents
because it was just converted from USD. Oh my. So if we're just going to convert from USD anyway,
we might as well just show a consistent price on the site was my philosophy. Yeah. William,
I am 36 years old. Am I too old to go to LTT? LTX is I think what he means. LTX. Never been
to a con before. Absolutely not. You're my age, man. Come on William G. I'll see you there.
And yeah, my dad, not for the last few because you know, but my dad has been bringing myself and
my brother and a bunch of my friends to PAX for many years now. And he's been having a lot of fun
the whole time. So yeah, I don't think so. Not at all. Joshua says video idea, editing an Alder Lake
build guide on an Alder Lake PC on an Alderwood boat in Alder Lake. Good thought. Good thought.
That's a, Hey, you know, that's why, that's why we have these conversations. Yep. Also I ruined
my PCIE cable. So could I use an EPS eight pin connector for my 3070? Would it work?
You could jam it in there, but I wouldn't recommend it. The pin out is actually different.
So EPS eight pin is four 12 volts and then four grounds and a PCIE eight pin is actually three
12 volts and five grounds. So no, you cannot do that. Please do not do that. You will probably
brick your graphics card. And we all know those are pretty precious these days. Adam says happy
new year to all of you and your loved ones. Also Linus fellow motorcyclist here. Do you have plans
for LTT riding gear seeing your quality standards? I would probably love it. Technical garments like
that are so difficult undertaking. Yeah. Like honestly, I'd say a riding jacket would be a
bigger project than the backpack and the backpack's going to take like a year and it's so niche.
I don't think so. Cause you can get like stuff certified and stuff, but that's a whole process.
Like if we wanted to certify like your, our back armor and stuff like that, I think there's a whole
thing, but then there's going to be different certification bodies in different regions. I
mean, there's a reason that stuff costs so much because it's really niche, it's super low volume
and it's a ton of work. Yeah. So I would honestly prefer to just leave that to the specialists.
Cameron in the middle of a house remodel, would you recommend standard surrounds or in-ceiling
speakers for the rear speakers? Well, if they're your rears, then I would not recommend putting
them into the ceiling. I would recommend putting your overheads in the ceiling. How I, so I was
actually interested in this too, not for myself, but for my dad, actually. How difficult do you,
and he would probably know, I haven't asked him, I'm hoping he's not watching right now.
But how difficult would it be to add in-ceiling speakers to like, you know,
a house that isn't currently having exposed ceiling? It depends. So like in my living room,
for example, you know how there's that peak at the front of the house where part of it is like
the server room? Which house? The current one that I actually live at. Yeah. Okay. So my living room,
the entire front two thirds of it or so, and the entire thing along the right is actually,
has an attic crawl space above it. So when I put in my VR, my VR based stations and I did,
I had Brian the electrician put an outlet in the crawl space and then I just wired them all up to
that outlet. When I did that, it was relatively little work. The only one that was a bit of a
hassle is when you're facing the front bay window, the one at the back left. And that's because that
one, I had to, I had to get into the wall space by going through one of the, I forget what it's
called, but it's basically like the, oh man, whatever. It's like above a wall. Please help me,
please help me. So it's the piece of wood that's above at the top of a wall when you frame it.
So I had to go down into that to get into the wall space. And then I had to like kind of fish
it over or something like it was a, that one was a bit tricky, but if it's something that
everything is completely closed up, it can be anywhere from really easy. Like say it was an
interior wall and they cheaped out on the house and there's no insulation in there.
You might be able to fish something up the wall, poke a small hole, fish it over, patch a little
hole and, and you know, get it. Or if it's full of insulation and the ceiling joists are running
this way, you might just, it might be completely impossible. The good news is those like Legrand
things with the adhesive strip and the little thing, they, they look not that bad. But
I mean, since in the new place we had all the walls open anyway,
we obviously went that route. But if I was retrofitting a house, honestly, I would just
run those. I would just run those things along the baseboard and then just cable tie cable,
manage them really nicely up. And I call it a day. Yeah. Okay.
Um, nice Yogi Bhavaks. Don't worry. It's coming. Don't worry. It's coming. Ah,
Fred W says, bring back 12 AM green in the new bottle design. We do want to do more colors.
We've got lots of new colors coming. Stay tuned. Burn to Otis new year, new gear. You guys going
to do a fractal torrent water cooling build cases. Sick AF like the newly and Lee Evo.
I hadn't planned to, but, uh, it sounds, sounds kind of good actually. Uh, Matthew,
I'm a big boy that wears a four XL. Normally I have 10 plus LTT shirts and it all hugs me tight.
I badly want to swag it. That fits. Is there any way you guys could store shirts for us? Big boys.
It's coming. Okay. So we've got our custom blank shirts sitting in the dock when we get them,
when we deploy them, confirm that they're not going to fall apart in the field.
We're pretty confident. Don't worry. Uh, but once we confirm for realsies,
we are going to start working on our lanky boy fits. We're going to start working on our chunky
boy fits. Uh, we're going to start working on, uh, like fitted tees for women and all that kind
of stuff. Give us a little bit more time. I asked for your, I'm once again asking for your patients
here. Um, Ralph Z, would it be possible to add a belt slash waist strap to the backpack at this
point? It would be possible, but we're not going to do it because it's not a hiking bag. It's an
everyday carry bag. I personally wouldn't want them on that backpack, but I love them on my
hiking bag. Ryan P hi Linus and Luke. I sold my pixel six pro cause it charged so slow,
but I loved the software. Should I get a five eight or wait for the Samsung S 22?
I mean, it's hard for me to recommend a pixel these days. There's people that have them and
absolutely love them, but we have a handful of people at the office that just have nothing but
problems with them. I have an insane amount of problems with my phone. Yeah. So it's just tough.
I don't know what to tell you. The problem with my phone, uh, is the phone that is by far the
biggest problem. Okay. And like, I know that might be the problem with my computer is my computer.
It's just, it's a bad computer. So it's like the, the, the actual, like someone will call me
and my phone, I love my car. It's just that the problem with it is the car. Yeah. Uh,
someone will call me and, and my phone will just like lock up. Like I, I have a very hard time
actually getting to the call itself if I have to like input numbers because I'm going through a
system or whatever it, I have tons of issues with that. I I've like, I don't know. It's just,
it's rough. Speaking of phone issues, you know who sucks now? One Plus, man, both my wife and son
are on one plus devices. They absolutely hate them. Uh, my sons has been plagued by this
well-documented issue where, um, data just doesn't work on Telus. You cannot override the, uh, what's
it called again? Uh, APN. You can't override the APN information. Trust me, guys. Trust me. I know
how easy it is supposed to be. Just trust me. The particular device he's on though, you cannot
manually enter the APN information unless you get this other app. That's like shortcut creator pro.
And then you use that to force it to allow you into the editing screen because otherwise the UI
will not let you access it. And then you have to enter it in like a weird way. That's not normal.
And tell us is aware of it. One plus has been aware of it for months, for months,
and they haven't fixed it. And so there's just people whose data is completely bricked.
That's, that's one of the frustrating things about my phone too. It's been validating,
but frustrating. It's a huge one of the problems that I look up that I have with it.
I have lots of problems with it. I find massive threads of other people having the same problem.
I'm just like, well, okay. And it's not, it's not, it doesn't seem to be everyone,
but it's a lot of people. And then Yvonne just has the stupidest issues with her phone. Like it
takes like a solid three or four seconds for her caller ID to work. So she'll just like,
who's calling? I don't know. And it's like you look at it and you go, okay,
how, how large is the database for this? How long does this lookup take?
Are you, are you on it? Are you on a mechanical hard drive in there? I just don't get it.
Anyway. So yeah, I don't, I don't know. I don't know what to recommend to you.
Yeah. I've been overall mostly happy with Samsung devices.
I don't know. I'll just get an iPhone. Meher says, I remember a video of yours from years
ago where you said you could see AMD's future being bright enough that you'd buy the stock
if you weren't an influencer. I did say that. And I think that worked out pretty well for
anyone who bought AMD at that time. Yeah. Similarly, how do you see Intel's medium
to long-term future? You're a good creator, much love. So in this case, I, my crystal ball advice.
Yeah. I'm, I'm not a professional. I do not hold positions in either AMD or Intel because
I apparently break my rules for framework. Okay. With framework, I really just believe in the
mission. That's for real. But I don't own any Intel. I don't own a name. Do you know Microsoft,
no Google, nothing, nothing like that. So with AMD, the vision was extremely clear.
Intel had nothing, nothing on their roadmap for years. And I knew it and everyone knew it. Like
it wasn't like insider information, just Intel had nothing. Their roadmaps were out there and AMD
had everything on their roadmap and no one cares about consumer, but AMD had Hill or stuff on their
roadmap that was going to absolutely just annihilate what Intel had coming, which was
nothing in the enterprise space. And so it was, it was just, it was so utterly crystal clear to me
that anyone who wasn't a big nerd keeping track of what Dr. Sue was doing over there
was probably not onto this yet. So it probably wasn't priced into the stock and normies. We're
going to see win after win after win after win. They were going to build this company's on fire,
not realizing that they were basically competing in a one horse race because Intel was just
sitting on their butts. And so it was just, it was so clear to me. I was like, this is going to
double triple quadruple. If I, if I, if it wasn't an enormous conflict of interest for me, I would
just, I would just go for it because sometimes stocks go up based on the company's actual
performance, but that's where we run into trouble because sometimes stocks go up and down based on
things that have absolutely nothing to do with the company's performance. Or you can have a,
you can have a factory flood, you know, how harming production and all of a sudden the stock
goes way up because your business gets way more profitable. Like what happened to the hard drive
guys back in the, in the early 2010s, I guess it would have been back when the Thailand floods
happened. So it's, it's complicated, right? I think Intel has an outstanding future. I see the
kind of investment, I see the leadership they have now, Pat Gelsinger, it's just total game changer
for them. I see the kind of openness that they have around communication now. Like they, they
talk, they've got some swagger. It's, it's great. I love the new Intel attitude. I love the
investments that I'm seeing. We've got a, we've got a Silicon shortage, right? There's money to
be made. And Intel is spending hand over fist on new fab capacity. That is, I mean, it's going to
drive the world, right? You can't go wrong. You can't, you cannot make enough wafers. So then the
solution is more fabs, more fabs, more fabs, because you're basically just a money printing
machine at that point. And they know how to build a fab. They've got plenty of experience.
I really like the concept where Intel is going to be manufacturing for third parties. I think
they have an opportunity to be everything that Intel is plus everything that TSMC is rolled into
one. I see just an incredible future for Intel, but unlike AMD, I do not see that Intel has
no competition, right? So if you think about it like a, like a sprint, right? Like Intel's going,
they're going, but they've got, you know, guys like shoulder to shoulder with them also going.
Yeah. Cause the, yeah. Cause the previous AMD race, like Linus was saying there,
there was effectively no Intel there. So now they're, now there's running partners.
And that's the thing is like, because stocks don't necessarily have to do with profitability,
like regardless of whatever else happens, Intel is going to be making like shed loads of money,
but that doesn't always drive a stock up. Right. So, so it's, it's more like not like the stock.
Yeah. People just want to see those, those big, just like a different stuff. They want to see
those big W's right. And they, they want the, you want the news cycle in order to drive the
stock price up to get normies interested in it. So I, you know what, I, I'm not a professional.
This is not advice. I would probably be buying Intel today if I, if I,
you know, was going to invest in Intel, but I would not be doing it with the same kind
of confidence that I would have done for AMD at Computex 2018 or 2019 or whatever it was when I
made that video. Right. Because when I made that video, I was like, very sure I would have,
I would have comfortably put my entire net worth in AMD at that point,
if I had thought that that was an ethical thing to do. And I would have made a lot of money.
Tons. Yeah. I don't want to talk about that. It's one of those things. It's just like,
one of those things. It's just like, you know, I knew like,
There's so many of those though, but then there's also the wins, right? There's things that you,
that you do invest in that, that work out. So you just got to kind of move on.
Oh yeah, no, for sure. And it's not that I, it's not that I didn't do it. And like, I,
I like regret it because I didn't have the balls. It's like, I didn't do it because it was
not the right thing to do. Yeah. Jeffrey J, where's the $80,000 10 K Lumensoni projector? Yeah. I
wanted to. Yeah. I, yeah. We wanted to do a video about that. Oh wait. Well my new theater room. Oh,
well no, I don't need that for my theater room. I, we did want to do a video about that though.
Apparently according to Rob H from AV rant, JVC has really good HDR tone mapping. So I'm looking
into their products as opposed to Sony's products. Where are the separate amps? I'm disappointed.
Love the channel. Been watching for 10 years. Okay. My theater room is supposed to be high-end
reasonable. That's what I'm, that's what I'm going for. Jonathan G when are the stealth
desk pads dropping? No time soon, but they will come. They will come.
Dominic, thanks for the great customer service. Hey, no, no freaking problem. Jonathan G see
you later. Alexander looking to buy some hardware to run a local server at my house.
Probably just storage and Plex. Any recommendations or should I just get something
off Craigslist? We did a video recently where Anthony showed you how you can turn your old
computer into a server. It's not particularly energy efficient. So that's a concern,
but given how difficult it is to get your hands on brand new hardware, that's affordable.
Yeah. Might be, might be not a bad way to go. Yeah. Quality. Like I would take a quality older
power supply over a new crappy one for sure. So I I'm always, I'm always all about that second
hand market. Taylor case asks, what's the difference between the LTT chiller and the
new chiller from this month? Oh, I'm glad you asked. Okay. So the original LTT chiller was
chilling liquid. So you were chilling a reservoir of water cooling fluid,
which was car antifreeze because, uh, or so I shouldn't say antifreeze a windshield wiper
fluid. So it's windshield wiper fluid because antifreeze gets kind of jelly and, um, what's
the opposite of viscous. So low viscosity, it gets, it gets low viscosity. Uh, and it's really
difficult to pump. Uh, cause I think it's the glycol that causes problems. So you use windshield
wiper fluid. It's good down to about minus 20 degrees Celsius or something like that. And then
you use a normal pump as long as it's, uh, can handle the, the alcohol content and the
windshield wiper fluid. So we've got like these little giant pumps that are like aquarium pumps
and that would go around to just like a water block. And then you'd have to insulate the lines
because they're chilled liquid. So it basically, it's a water cooling loop,
but instead of the radiator, you've got the evaporator side of an air conditioner
submersed in the reservoir. The new one is a phase change, like direct to CPU cooler.
So instead of the evap being submerged in liquid that gets pumped around to the CPU,
the evap is directly bolted onto the CPU. So that's the, that's the difference
more efficient heat transfer. Peter H, could you do a video on the state of current home lab,
home server, self-hosting software example, Plex own cloud home assistant. Yeah.
De-Google your life has been a video in our doc for like ever. We just haven't gotten around to
it. So yes, we do need to do that. It's just a lot of work. Alex C in a recent video, you mentioned
that 3,200 mega transfer per second CL 16 Ram was budget at best or bargain bargain bin at worst.
Do you recommend a higher tier of 3,200? Ah, 3,200 CL 16. Did I say that was budget at best
bargain bin at worst? It's it's pretty solid. So yeah, no, just, just go with that. That's fine.
That's fine. Save a buck. I mean, obviously like 3,200 CL 14 would be better. Yeah. I think
actually 3,200 CL 16 has gotten pretty cheap. Hasn't it? It's still good. It's still good.
It's fine. You'll be fine. Dominic says, can we get an Anthony video around rancher Docker and
other fun? Didn't know that was possible videos. There has to be a point. There has to be a reason
to talk about Docker. You're not just going to do a video like about Docker. I think we did a
tech Wiki about Docker actually. It has to be, there has to be a project that makes it make
sense to talk about Docker. And we have talked about Docker happy new year, Luke and the guy
who told me to put pennies in wall sockets. That's like half the reason. All right. Thank
you for that. Link eight says I found my underwear receipt. Don't really feel it was $50 worth,
but COVID shirt is great. Who was the probationary writer on the weird keyboard touchpad with
swappable mats? That writer's name was Jesse. I found my underwear receipt. What are you talking
about? I don't know. Okay. There's some weird curated merch messages in here. I wanted the,
he had a, I try to keep the questions in, but he had a, the second part of that was essentially
why I was including that in there. Got it. Okay. Yeah. And finally, Andrew B,
Hey Linus and Luke, loving everything I've gotten so far from LTT store. Got a mystery shirt,
display t-shirt, case t-shirt. I'm thinking about ordering a WAN hoodie and was wondering if you
could show what the inside of the sleeves look like. Oh yeah, sure. We do need more pictures. I
know we need some like closeups. We had some people complain about the French Terry. They're
like, this is so rough. I can't stand it on my skin, but some people have like kind of a sensory
sensitivity to this. See for me, those people might be expecting like a fleecy interior.
I have a super like hypersensitivity to fleece that makes me feel really uncomfortable.
So that's why we use this. And I understand that you don't like it, but it is not actually a rough
material for most people. And most people wouldn't notice it, but you might have a sensitivity to it.
So we need to make sure that we have better like macro photography of the, of the inside.
Interesting. So here's what the inside of the left sleeve looks like. You've got your,
your thumb hole thing. The sleeve construction is kind of bulky. It takes a little while of
breaking it in to be able to like roll it up. And even then it doesn't come up all the way.
It's just part of having that that's sort of thumb hole thing on it. What else is on here?
So you've got your interior pocket. It's like a super complex garment to make actually. So there's
all the seams on the inside. I'm not sure how well you can see that, but good old WAN hoodie.
I'm one of the group that is very on board with the kind of like terry cloth and style interior
and anything that's almost like too soft. I find kind of almost irritating. Yeah. I don't like it.
Yeah. I also find it not as breathable. Whereas these, I managed to wear them even when it's not
super cold. Yeah. All right. I think that's pretty much it. Thank you so much guys for tuning into
the WAN show. Really appreciate you all. Happy new year. It might even be the new year already
where you're watching from. So, you know, ringing it in. You're going to stay up till midnight.
Do you want to game? I don't know if I can game tonight, but maybe. I mean,
that probably makes sense. Yeah. Maybe we'll see. I just stopped caring about new years,
like a long time ago. Yeah, that's fair. Yeah. It's kind of just another day. Yeah.
Bye oh crap.
Okay. We're back. So this is from the new ratchet manufacturer. So this is a bad one.
You can see it has a lot of play here. You can feel it actually. You can feel the horizontal
play. Yeah. A little bit of vertical play is normal. So like if you pop it out, like that's
just super normal. So this is from the ratchet manufacturer that we want to use. We think.
Oh yeah. It's pretty solid. You can kind of, you can ratchet it too. Very like reasonable,
understandable amount of movement. Yeah. This one. Yeah. No, that was not a good,
doesn't seem as good. It's got a good sound. So yes. Screwdriver. Screwdriver is progress.
It's going to take time, but this is, this is pretty close to what should be final.
I really like, I don't know if I've talked to you about this, but how, how it's not screwed on.
It's just like very nicely, I guess, friction held. I'm not magnetic, magnetic. Oh yeah. That's
why it feels so good. Yeah. It feels great. I hate anytime I need a bit. Okay. I got to unscrew this
thing and then I'm going to lose the cap somewhere. Then I got to try to get that back on. It's just,
yeah. Mega pro has a great mechanism that, uh, that we, we love. We just didn't like
their handle design. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Bye guys. Bye.