
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

You know there's nothing quite like a good sneeze, you know, and then when you don't
you just have kind of like that kind of itchy runny nose feeling, not very pleasant.
Not a fan, but you know what I am a fan of?
The WAN Show, and that my friends is what you're watching right now, welcome to the
WAN Show.
I have no idea where we're live.
It's Friday.
Are we live for the whole nose thing?
That's okay.
Don't worry.
Don't worry.
The nose is live.
I almost sang the It's Friday song and then I started to hate myself so much that I stopped.
That literally just happened.
It all happened in your head.
I was like gonna sing it and then I just had like a crushing personal defeat and I stopped.
Probably a good thing.
Yeah, that's fair.
We have news today.
One of them is that in the Philippines there was a massive leak of data, and if you're
from there you should probably care.
Yeah, pretty much.
Also a thing that hosted Azeroth was shut down, and if you're from there you care.
If you're from Azeroth you care?
Actually you could be from Earth and you might care too.
That's true.
You have to spend a lot of time in your basement on Earth, that's all.
That's also true.
That's a stereotype.
Literally accurate for me.
It's not true.
Stereotypes hurt us all.
That's right though.
Microsoft is suing the US government over their gag orders and their requests to effectively
invade Microsoft users' privacy, and the Volocopter is the first certified manned multicopter.
More on this at 11.
Now my understanding is the intro doesn't have music right now for some reason.
I'm not sure why.
Every once in a while it just does that, but it's okay.
I don't feel like it today.
You don't even know what the song sounds like, do you?
Don't sing that.
We could get a copyright strike.
Changing the song.
Way to go.
I don't want to get a copyright strike from where the heck?
Mass drop.
Okay, mass drop.
Draw it up.
Draw it up slash.
You should.
There you go.
I heard they might be changing it again.
What really?
It wasn't me a screenshot.
Is it because of us?
I don't know.
I saw an ad today that was you should.
I saw a banner ad today that was you should.
Speaking of you should, you should be a jacktastic mofo.
That is to say if you were the one who posted this original article from Tom's Hardware
on the forum.
What a segue.
Microsoft says secret data requests are now the norm, sues everyone in the country named
A very unusual and unexpected response to such a thing.
No, actually they sue the US government and if you can read, you already knew that because
it says it right on my screen over there.
Basically in a nutshell, Microsoft, oh no, I was pointing to it.
No, I went the wrong way.
I pointed this way and then it was like, oh wait.
So I pointed at the screen.
The screen's there.
No, no, no, no.
All right.
So yeah.
So what do we got?
What do we got for our notes here?
Let me bring them up.
So Microsoft filed a lawsuit in federal court against the US government over its expanding
use of gag orders for data requests, which effectively means that Microsoft sends a data
request, but then also often with no expiry date tells Microsoft that they are not allowed
to inform the person whose personal information they are disclosing to the government that
any request was made, which is, which is ridiculous because I mean, if the, if the police want
to enter your home, unless they have a search warrant, they have to knock on the door and
be like, yo, are you in there?
You can be like, yo, I'm not.
And then they leave in theory unless they do it illegally.
But for some reason, this has been going on for years now.
So basically Microsoft believes that these orders violate the first amendment.
So the freedom of speech and of the press by disallowing the company to talk to its
And they have requested that the department of justice immediately issue a new policy
restricting the out of control gag orders from law enforcement.
That doesn't happen.
They request Congress to amend the electronic communications protection act to require government
notice for warrants.
So I think that should be a thing.
I mean, they're like basic rights.
This isn't the first time that Microsoft has filed a lawsuit against the United States
government to protect their customer privacy.
But they have only done so when they considered the government's requests to be out of bounds.
And I think the out of bounds here is just the sheer fact that it's probably, it's normal
And that being normal is kind of insane.
Because it's one thing for the government to be like, yo, there's like a, you know,
person who killed a lot of people and they can't unlock his phone, say for example.
Just an example.
That's one thing.
But what Microsoft is objecting to here is that they're basically just a data collection
service for the government when dammit, that's their data to exploit.
They need to sell ads.
The FBI can't be selling ads.
How are they going to target us with the services and products that we so desperately need?
Imagine the FBI decided to start funding themselves by starting an ad agency.
Sometimes I just come up with the worst ideas and if people did them, everything would just
be really bad.
Oh my, it's like, can, can you be slightly less terrible?
It's like, why do we give people these ideas?
It's not the first time it's happened on this show.
No, the Sony and Microsoft drive bay things.
What was it?
I don't actually remember that one.
You get a module for Xbox one or PlayStation four that looks like an optical drive you
install it in your computer.
It's an encrypted locked down system and it makes it so you can play those games but powered
by your computer's hardware on your computer.
That's actually a really good idea though.
I do want that.
And the bay should just cost as much as a console.
So there's literally no drawback for them and you should like have to water cool it
or something.
That'd be cool.
The reason to water cool again.
On the subject of Microsoft, this was posted by Trickstari on the forum.
Original article here is from CNN money.
Probably Microsoft builds new AI bot designed specifically to ignore Hitler because we all
know what a disaster it was.
Last time they released an AI bot on Twitter who became a sex fiend Hitler lover within
a matter of mere hours.
I actually thought that was a very interesting social experiment.
I thought it was very interesting.
I think it, I think it super hardcore backed up Musk and everyone else in that realm that
is like, we should probably be a little bit careful about AI stuff.
So this one is pretty different.
It's actually called, dammit, I forget what it's called.
Caption bot.
That's right.
So caption bot, which sounds way more boring, lets you upload an image.
Doesn't know what this is though.
You know, it should just say cover of time magazine.
You know, there's a workaround.
So caption bot allows you to upload an image and their examples work pretty well.
Okay, well there you go.
So we'll analyze the image and say what it is.
Ooh, I think it's a young man jumping in the air on a skateboard.
Let me see if I can get this so you guys can actually see the whole dang caption here.
So that's pretty good.
Let's try another, not, not a canned one.
I created some examples.
Oh, so we'll start with a wan show thumbnail analyzing image.
Have you done this yet?
I'm not really confident, but I think it's a stuffed animal.
And he seems, he seems, oh, that's not too bad.
I actually, last time it said it was a man and a stuffed animal.
Oh, I wasn't sure which of us was the man and which was the bear.
Let's try another.
Shall we?
A mouse.
I think it's a cell phone.
Actually a fairly fair guess that would be okay based on that.
It does have a number pad on the side for some fricking reason.
That's all right.
You're dialed a 12.
Try another upload.
No, I don't want to use your photos.
Shut up.
Obviously your photos are going to work.
Why would you want to use them?
All right.
What else we got here?
So I picked up some, picked out some thumbnails.
I'm trying to figure out how good our thumbnails are.
I think it's a picture of a car.
All right.
Good job.
Good job.
Caption bot.
Let's try another.
It needs to be more confident.
I think it's a picture of a car.
I mean, okay.
This really feels like you should get this right because it does literally say Apple
watch literally not a cell phone.
Apple watch.
I see why it's grabbing cell phone.
I don't think it should also look at like dimensions like it's grabbing cell phone because
the screen and stuff.
But relative dimensions of the items on the screen and cause there's not that many aspect
ratio phones.
It could just be like Samsung and easy mode like grandpa mode.
You know they have that, right?
So I got one more for you guys.
I think this is my favorite one.
Apparently Twitch plays Pokemon is in the stream.
Oh, it gave me a different answer last time, but this is good too.
A clock that's on a surfboard.
Caption bot.
Last time it told me it was a sign attached to a lamppost.
Try it again.
It's what it does like in rapid succession.
So is it learning that?
Is it trying to get better?
Basically the answer is that work is terrible.
Can you tell it what it actually is?
Can you, can you do this?
It's just like, no, what are you doing?
Caption bot.
What are you doing?
Caption bot.
What are you doing?
Upload photo.
This one open.
Oh, I broke it.
I officially broke caption bot.
It's done.
No, Linus couldn't.
It's over.
And it didn't even take the Hitler pictures this time.
It was, it was a picture, an animated you and me.
That's kind of depressing.
That's unfortunate.
We both, we broke caption bot.
It was like, no, these people are far too evil.
HTC announces the HTC.
One billion.
Because numbers have no meaning anymore.
First we had the one, then we had the one, followed by the one, and now we've got the
Okay though, but seriously, the one M7, M8, and M9 were the predecessors.
So now we've done away with the M. We've done away with the one and we're just the 10.
So this was originally posted by Doc Swag on the forum.
The original article here is from Anand Tech, posted by Monsieur Joshua Ho, who has a hands-on
with the HTC 10, calling it a fresh start.
Look at these pictures taken outside.
So pretty.
Good job, Joshua.
Joshua's like a photo dork.
So I suspect anything he did with respect to the exposure was done on purpose for art
I believe personally that nothing is good until Brandon says that it is.
That is the kind of sheeple thinking that gets us all in trouble.
If Batman versus Superman is said to be bad by everyone, if Brandon says it is good-
Did Brandon say it was good?
I don't know.
But if Brandon says it is good, therefore it is good.
It was Batman versus Superman good?
He says, eh.
Therefore it is eh.
But it can't be bad.
It's just eh.
It's eh.
That is how motion picture instill photo works.
No, because Brandon's personal biases are very real and very existent.
I mean, he would go into the revenant and say it's the most amazing thing ever because
he loves the director, even if the entire movie was basically unwatchable for me, for
the same reason that the Thomas Covenant series of books just gets to the point where it's
like, what?
Because when the writer can't do anything other than he was closer to the brink of death
than he had been before- Wasn't it like a true story though?
But then he pulled through it.
Didn't it like happen though?
And then he became even closer to the brink of death.
But like I think it like happened though.
Yeah, but happened is relative.
I was watching a great documentary on CuriosityStream where the guy who finds the Holy Lance, okay,
when they're like trapped in some city or some nonsense and inspires the Christian Crusader
army to fight back against the hordes of enemies outside the wall, who they did defeat.
That definitely did happen from accounts on both sides of the conflict.
Because he's going to prove that the lance is real with a trial by ordeal, okay?
He says he's going to walk through a bonfire and if he survives, then God says the lance
is real.
No, trial by ordeal was a thing, just like trial by combat.
Like if you won, you were right.
I wouldn't want to trial by combat against this guy, it wouldn't matter if I was right.
Anyway- I think that's kind of how that stuff worked
back then.
Yeah, pretty much.
Although he volunteers to do a trial by ordeal where he walks through a bonfire, there are
eyewitness accounts that he walked through completely unscathed, untouched by the flame
and lived.
There are other eyewitness accounts that he was covered in burns and all the accounts
agree he died shortly afterwards.
You can't have it both ways.
He died from something completely unrelated.
Is that how it happened?
So basically anything that's word of mouth, I'm kind of looking at going, you know what,
screw off, because that didn't happen.
You weren't being carried on a board and like unable to move to save your son who is being-
I don't know if that- is that a spoiler?
That happens within like the first 10 minutes.
So basically we made you the bad guy.
So you don't go from not able to move at all and like full of infection-
You also said those things.
No, but that also happens like very early on to the things that happen later in that
period of time.
That is not a thing.
So especially wasn't a thing with medicine being what it was there.
So my suspension of disbelief only goes so far.
You have to, you have to exist within whatever world it is.
I'm going to derail this a little bit for a second.
Because one thing we have to move on.
There are no trains in the movie.
We have a billion topics.
You can't derail it.
Someone in the chat was like trial by Twitch.
That would actually be amazing.
So you have to-
You know how roasts were like a thing for a little while?
They should just scratch that whole concept and then just start having celebrity roasts
where someone just sits in front of a camera and just gets wrecked by Twitch chat.
No one would survive it.
That's not even a roast.
That's just evil.
That's just mean.
Well, that's kind of like trial by ordeal.
All right.
So let's get back, back on topic here.
Back to the HTC 10.
They wanted to-
Oh, you know what?
I'm not going to talk about the name because there is no logic.
I don't care what their reasoning was.
It's got a Snapdragon 820, four gigs of LPDDR4 memory, 32 or 64 gigs of NAND plus micro SD
Oh, nice.
It is not an SSD or like NVMe SSD based storage solution.
It is still using whatever it's called.
It's not in my notes.
I was reading an article about it.
EMMC, but it's like gen whatever.
It's better.
It's faster.
Up to 150 megabyte per second sequential rights, which sequentials doesn't necessarily tell
us everything we need to know, but that is significantly faster than EMMC solutions from
the past.
So HTC claims that the storage is not going to significantly harm the 10's performance.
It's got a 5.2 inch 1440p super LCD five display, no AMOLED, which should allow them to skirt
the issues of burn-in, but have to face head on the issues of increased power consumption,
though they claim it is more power efficient than the Galaxy S7 with the same 3000 milliamp
hour non-replaceable battery.
It has a 12 megapixel rear facing camera, which optical image stabilization, good job
Also, have you noticed, just to rag on Colton for a second, the last two weeks is just like
the very beginning of both docs.
It's like Microsoft.
And then we go into other things.
It's almost like he's trying to create a crappy one and shut it off because honestly, I felt
like he's letting the quality slip consistently over the last little while.
This is the worst one we've seen in at least a month.
So basically horrible.
He did manage though, I'll give him this, to include that the five megapixel front facing
camera has optical image stabilization as well.
He bought you lunch and he's still ragged on him.
You're a bad person.
It's got a capacitive fingerprint sensor that they claim responds in as little as 200 milliseconds.
Features Qualcomm, quick charge 3.0, USB 3.1 over USB type C, which is pretty freaking
cool because if you pull pictures off of your phone manually, like I still do, just because
I don't know, it helps me keep organized, then that's a really nice thing to have.
And they're claiming 92% NTSC color reproduction for the display, which is about 96% of Adobe
They have abandoned, however, the front facing dual speaker setup.
Yes they have.
So it does still have two speakers.
One is a sort of highs and mids tuned front facing speaker that also acts as your handset
speaker when you have the phone against your head.
Hello, you know, talking to people like this.
And the other one is a more bass tuned rear facing one.
This reduces the bezel size, but they claim that they have been able to retain the front
facing audio quality that HTC users have come to expect.
So I guess we'll find out.
Yes, in response to all of the bazillion of you asking in my Galaxy S7 review, which finally
went live last night, I will be doing a review of the HTC 10.
However, you will have to wait because I just wrapped up my iPhone SE video, which I'm going
to film probably Monday morning.
So I'm switching to the LG G5.
I'll have to use that for a couple of weeks and then I will do the HTC 10.
I know it makes my phone videos much later than everyone else who is already posting
their like hands on, first impression, unboxing.
And then probably a couple days from now we'll have their reviews up.
But I like to think that the difference between my phone reviews and everyone else's is that
while I do not pretty much touch on like performance numbers at all, there's a lot of things that
I really don't do as well as anyone else, I like to think that I try to capture the
experience of using it for an extended period of time, which requires me to actually use
So there you have it.
I will be switching to it as my daily driver once I'm done with the G5.
So we don't have an original poster from the forum on this one, but the Philippines data
breach election hack thing, this was posted by James Temperton over at wire.co.uk, is
that I quote, freaking huge, it's from the UK, I would have thought it would be like
bloody massive.
Yeah, that's more something I would say.
Freaking huge is like literally something.
That's about as American as it gets.
I basically wrote this title.
Come on James, maybe he is American.
Look at this guy.
Look at this guy.
I do appreciate his beard though.
The beard is pretty majestic.
It's pretty fantastic.
And like the, I like the hair too.
He's got good hair.
He's styling.
He's got good hair overall.
I mean, his shirt's on, so I can't tell if it's like overall good hair, but you know,
maybe in another picture.
Why is Dennis like moaning?
I don't know.
What are you doing here?
Maybe it hurts.
Oh yeah.
Berkel, these girth parks right there.
Can you not?
In front of the children.
The brand is not a children.
That's true.
Um, all right, so multiple small people.
This is kind of a big deal.
Um, if you participated in the election in the Philippines, then, um, yeah, your fingerprint
records are basically leaked.
Things are bad.
So 228,605 email addresses, 1.3 million passport numbers, and 15.8 million records.
I'm just going to read off yours.
Maybe I am.
Maybe that's where I got all the information from.
He's got a tattoo of all of that information.
Uh, if you lose a passport, you can change it.
Like things can be solved.
But one of the problems is that the passport numbers and expiry dates for overseas Filipino
workers have leaked as well, which is like not great.
So it's probably not going to be 1.3 million passport numbers for overseas Filipino workers,
which like to get this fixed, I wouldn't be super surprised if you had to physically go
Uh, 15.8 million fingerprint records.
Um, which is like, this is, this is, this is great.
Security expert Troy Hunt told Wired, um, short of using a belt sander, you can't change
a fingerprint.
And even that doesn't work by the way.
Uh, so losing a password, big deal.
Losing fingerprint data, huge deal.
Uh, apparently Chris Johnson said that it's the data, not the image itself.
So it's more like a, it's more like a mathematical representation of the fingerprint, not the
actual image of the fingerprint, which helps a little bit.
You should be able to rebuild it.
In theory, in theory, someone could potentially rebuild it, but it would be more difficult
to use that information for identity fraud or anything else like that.
Although here comes an open source tool that maps a fingerprint to your mathematical data
of a fingerprint.
The leaked database was a mess, apparently file names suggesting hasty copy pasting of
old versions and the attack took place on March 27th.
The group describing itself as anonymous, which basically doesn't mean anything.
I know a surprising number of people that think anonymous is a group, which it kind
of sorta has done sorta maybe for some things sometimes, right?
Except that also not really.
Also not really.
Cause it's usually like small groups that all band together and then say that they are
or don't or don't.
So like, but no, like, like, like I've talked to people who are, who think that anonymous
like has like a, you know, a leader and like, and like everyone like knows each other and
But who is this 4chan?
Yeah, exactly.
That's what I want to know.
Back at 11.
So the data has been since mirrored and widely shared.
Um, yeah.
So there you go.
On a more amusing note, this was originally posted by Duck Dodgers.
The UK government has set up an international Olympics of e-sport, the first two day e-games
competition set for Rio alongside the actual Olympics.
Now I think instead of like, instead of like carrying a torch through your country, you
carry like a Minecraft torch.
You go like a really big Minecraft map run for like a week.
We had one that used to be, I don't know where it is.
Did you find it?
No, it used to be right here like a week ago.
Someone moved our Minecraft torch.
I totally want it now.
That's, that's a shame.
Um, so we do have some more information about that.
Not much mind you.
Um, it's a metal only competition.
Any nation is welcome to field an e-team in the e-games, four countries are confirmed
so far as of last week or the week before, whenever this was actually in the docs is
not a new article, Britain, Canada, Brazil, and the USA, and it is unknown exactly which
games, um, will be featured.
So there you go.
The thing that offends me though about this headline offends me.
Excuse me.
Why is the physical Olympics, the actual Olympics, is this not an equally valid Olympics?
I'm just kidding.
Um, yeah, no, that's cool.
I mean, I don't necessarily think that with all the issues there are around the structure
of the Olympics that we actually, that e-sports needs an equivalent to the Olympics, um, especially
at the pace that e-sports moves.
I mean, can you imagine only having, having like a grand competition every four years?
It would be completely different games being played, completely different sets of athletes,
probably e-athletes, excuse me, sorry.
Um, completely different sets.
Like it wouldn't even like you'd go from one where like everything is played on like controllers
to one where everyone has clued in and uses a keyboard and mouse to one where everyone
is using motion controllers and VR headsets and that could realistically happen in eight
Oh my goodness.
One thing.
Just to talk about Olympics for a very short period of time.
One thing I don't understand, there's massive like financial problems with the Olympics.
Why don't they hold it in the same place twice in a row and then move on?
Because that would be smart.
I've never understood that.
Or just like, you don't have to rebuild or revisit like past locations.
But very recently past locations.
Well China's hosting it again, but not in Beijing.
So yeah.
Why do we have to spend money on these buildings all the time?
China's crazy.
I've been watching a lot of documentaries lately.
I was watching one about China's economy and how it is basically made out of matchsticks
and Tinder and flamethrowers.
But it works.
Not for long.
Like the way they're building right now is completely unprecedented in history.
Like there's one city that I think is spending something like 60 billion pounds over a span
of eight years or something like that.
Pretty much completely rebuilding.
Like the number of new bridges and skyscrapers and roadways going up is completely unfathomable.
And meanwhile all the state-run suppliers of raw materials like steel are kind of just
operating at a loss or just barely staying afloat.
It's basically very precarious over there.
Like I'm talking about it really casually, but it's actually sort of a disaster waiting
to happen.
To be fair, a lot of places are currently sort of a disaster waiting to happen if you
look at them at a documentary level.
Like a lot of countries are just like, wow, what are we going to do?
About what?
How are we going to make money?
We just lost oil.
Like that was actually like a massive percentage of our income.
Like shit, man.
Like we're actually in a lot of trouble.
Those are kind of based on wood and oil.
We have wood issues selling them to the states.
There's like sanctions there.
So we like can't really do it very well.
So the American like forestry economy can stay strong.
That's a thing.
And oil, not really a thing anymore.
We have water, which like actually the economy of water is an extremely interesting topic.
The problem with Canada is Canada's exportable resources is that they're the kind of thing
that someone's more likely to conquer you for because it's not that practical to like
ship water, which isn't to say it isn't done.
Like you said, the economics of water are very, very interesting.
They actually really super are if you're, if you're interested in a topic that sounds
boring but is actually quite, quite interesting.
Bottled water.
Economy of water.
Speaking of things that sound boring and are interesting to him, Polly, oh, you know what?
We'll use the, the BBC article here.
I will try to restrict my amount of time talking about this.
So a server that I'm going to pronounce wrong because my last name is French, but I'm not
actually French, called Nostrallius, which just means nostalgia in French.
Apparently someone told me that I could be wrong.
Was shut.
I don't know, man.
Was shut down.
I will let you continue.
But captions whenever, you know, you're on a mainstream site.
When you read a caption like this, gamers can play as mythical characters in World of
Thank you, BBC.
Thank you.
Carry on.
So they've been doing this for about a year.
It got kind of insane.
You haven't said what they were doing.
Anyways, I'm trying to condense it and I'm skipping over massive important things.
Anyways, this group called Nostrallius was running a private World of Warcraft server.
So basically they took like cached versions of code and reprogrammed things on their own,
like rescripting boss events and doing all this crazy stuff, even working on code in
order to attempt to cluster servers together and like, it was pretty nuts.
To be clear, yes, it's game software piracy.
Oh yeah.
It infringes Blizzard's copyright.
Carry on.
Blizzard definitely 100% has the right to completely crap all over them.
They definitely have the right to do that.
Let's pick up on they've been doing this for about a year.
They've been doing this for about a year.
About 150,000 registered accounts and about 150,000 active players, which is a huge amount
of people.
And there's been tons of private WoW servers over the years.
This one stood out.
The reason why this one stood out is for a few different reasons.
One of the main ones is that they are non-profit essentially.
They don't take any form of donations and there was no way to give them any money.
They were just doing it because they wanted the server to be up.
All of their game masters, all of their admins, all of their everything for everyone that
worked on the server at all or helped anyone were not allowed to have normal characters
in the game.
Like a game master was not allowed to have a character that was a raider because that
could be seen as unfair because they could help themselves.
So it was very balanced in that way.
They were very aggressive at going after people that were hacking.
They were very aggressive at going against people that were botting or selling gold or
selling accounts or everything.
They band waved people all the time.
It was this kind of sanction and to be completely honest, I played on it, my brother played
on it, my dad played on it.
It was super cool because the current version of World of Warcraft sucks in terms of social
Everyone just sits in something called a garrison which is their own little private area.
Does everything from there, teleports everywhere that they need to go, doesn't talk to anyone,
never needs to talk to anyone.
It's terrible.
That's why their subscriber numbers are tanking and they decided to stop reporting subscriber
You probably wouldn't.
I soloed everything when I played WoW.
I didn't want to talk to anyone.
I was one of those jackass mage solo everything people.
Did you get to max level?
No, I didn't because I had to go outside.
Did you enjoy the amount of difficulty in the game?
It's excessively easy now.
Oh, okay.
Like ridiculously.
Yeah, you basically couldn't skip an area if you wanted to solo.
Yeah, and you have to grind through things and things are actually relatively hard.
Actually for a mage they're usually a little bit easier but for other stuff it's kind of
difficult and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
There's no natural difficulty to the game though.
That's why mages have high intelligence ratings because they're smart enough to be a mage.
There was- Area of effect!
Area of effect!
Yeah, that's what it's all about.
Someone made a video about how stupid the current version of WoW is by picking a healer,
going into an instance and refusing to ever heal and they made it through the entire thing
without stopping.
It was a relatively low level instance but still you should have to actively play your
class and you just don't- Anyways, it started to actually become a threat because that server
was getting bigger than actual- Hold on, you didn't clarify that Nestralius was running
vanilla WoW, not the current WoW that he doesn't like.
Yeah, from like 2004, 2006-ish, the very oldest form of World of Warcraft and they were going
along a patch schedule that was very similar to Blizzard's patch schedule.
So if you played from the start, it was like the beginning of World of Warcraft with like
no raids and all this kind of stuff and then like MC gets added and ZG gets added and like
Encrage was just about to come out and it was super cool and people were doing VWL and
Anyways, it was great.
Blizzard's like, no!
Loses everything down.
Cease and desist.
OVH were the people that were hosting them.
Sent the cease and desist to OVH.
So OVH was like, okay, well, we have to shut your server off.
Gave them a little bit of time.
I didn't even know that they didn't just send it to the guys that were running it directly.
It's not like they're hard to get in touch with.
I think they did both.
I'm not really sure.
I know they also sent it to OVH.
So they gave them a little bit of time.
They had from like, I think it was Thursday to Sunday or something.
So they had a few more days with the server up.
I was there for the last like half an hour.
I recorded.
I can't give it anywhere because if it goes anywhere, they're just going to take it down.
But I recorded like the last few minutes just outside of Orgrimmar where there's like thousands
and thousands of people.
My computer usually gets over 200 FPS in that game.
It was getting two hours.
There was like actually thousands of people all standing in one pile and people were just
spamming spells and stuff.
It was kind of nuts.
It was kind of cool, but nuts.
There was like the GMs were teleporting into cities and people were forming like giant
circles around them and everyone was like thanking them and stuff.
It was super weird.
It was super weird.
It sounds like the nerdiest yet like kind of coolest thing.
Server shutdowns are usually kind of like that.
Anyways, there's a change.org petition, which I don't think I have the link for right now
I'll go find it.
Go and get it in the doc.
It has almost 100,000 signatures.
I think last time I looked it was above 90,000.
It might have been above 80,000.
I don't remember which one it was.
But the petition isn't even necessarily like let us have our server back because honestly
that's probably not what should happen because especially a server of this magnitude with
this many people trying to play a single game.
It probably shouldn't be a private server run by people for no profit.
It should probably go to website.
It should be relatively easy to find there.
I don't know where it's going to be.
Anyways, it should be ran by Blizzard.
That's what should happen.
Whether they hire all the guys that ran Astralis and get them to run an official version or
That's probably what should happen.
And the petition was largely just about like hey guys, do something.
There's a massive community of people that want to play this game.
Your current game is shit.
Keep the current game going.
No one cares.
Also Opel.
I'm sure some people care.
I don't care.
Also opened vanilla or progressive servers or whatever.
One of the team leads, I don't remember his name right now, of the original World of Warcraft.
One of the most infamous versions of the game has signed this petition and has sent a letter
to Mike Morhaime, Blizzard's CEO, being like dude, you guys are doing it wrong.
One of the biggest things that people are frustrated about right now is this petition
has 104,000 freaking signatures, 105 almost more accurately.
And Blizzard has said nothing publicly about it at all.
What are you doing?
What have you done, Al?
I don't want to play.
Basically everyone that I talk to in that game, my entire guild, my dad, my brother,
everyone I talk to about it, doesn't really want to play on a private server.
It's sketchy.
You don't know if it's going to continue to exist.
You kind of want your character to continue to be a thing.
I would love to pay for the freaking game.
Let all of us give you money.
Be greedy.
The CEO of Activision is like one of the most notoriously greedy dudes ever.
Be greedy.
Open vanilla or progressive servers.
Take our money.
You'll make tons.
Just do it.
Just do it.
Just do it.
One of their excuses is that they lost the source code for vanilla, which is obscene
for one.
And for two, these guys are literally building it from the ground up and it 100% felt perfect.
There was glitches and stuff, but are you kidding me?
Classic WoWhead glitches out the butt.
Don't try to rose tinted glasses that.
That game was broken.
It's okay.
I almost think their version was better.
Get these guys to script it.
They'll do it right.
There are people out there that have tons of videos on all of the fights.
There's exact data from databases that were ran back in the day, like WoWhead and a few
other ones that I don't remember that have exact drop percentages for different items
like it can very easily be rebuilt and the source code is gone is a bullshit excuse.
All right, fine.
I will acknowledge it.
People are telling us the stream is breaking periodically.
We know.
I already replied in the chat.
We know we got to continue the show.
We are not dropping frames.
We can't make a show about how Twitch's server is glitching out because I'm pretty sure it's
on their side.
They're asking me to fix it.
There is nothing I can do because we are encoding frames.
We are transmitting frames.
There you go.
Um, all right, so let's, uh, actually we should probably do our sponsors.
First up is master over to draw it up slash when dash K seven X, X dash Y and the reason
you might want to do that aforementioned thing is actually because they've got a drop running
on a pretty good product right now.
The what now?
Yeah, it's the red edition of this, this product right here that I actually reviewed.
Very similar to the Sennheiser HD six hundreds in terms of the sound signature.
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Um, very open, very open design, really nice headphones and they've got them over on mass
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We really got to clean up those vanity URLs and you can check that out.
Mass drop has all kinds of cool deals, whether it's on knives, I tell you, I lost my, uh,
Oh crap.
The black one.
The, um, uh, yeah, it was a Kershaw knife.
Anyway, that was one that they had a while back.
They have like keyboards, key caps, like I accidentally tried to take it through airport
So they did not want me to do that.
Um, one of the airport security guys probably has a cool knife now.
No, he throws it in the garbage.
They have to.
Until the end of the day.
That's okay.
I had, I had flipped it like so many times, but it kind of stuck a lot so you can, okay.
So if it's too loose, you can tighten them up.
Even oiling it did not help.
Like the spring were out and stays a spring assisted one.
Um, all right.
We've also got school where space.
So if you're not familiar with our talking points for Squarespace, you should, you should
watch the land show more often.
Yeah, that's right.
Squarespace allows you to build the website you want to build.
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Squarespace you should build it beautiful.
These are getting more and more awkward.
Speaking of awkward, you know, what's awkward doing work and not getting paid for it because
people weren't willing to pay you, but because you forgot to send the bill.
Were you that kid in high school who got a zero on your assignments because you completed
it and never handed it in?
I did that sometimes.
Not that often, but sometimes.
Have you done it more than five times?
So you got to put your hand up.
That's good.
You get that hand up there.
Get it right up in there.
I'm sorry.
What are we talking about?
Fresh things.
Fresh books is all about tracking the time spent, the materials required, the expenses
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So whether you run a dance studio, a plumbing operation, a, you know, small office, it maintenance
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So if fresh books sounds good to you, visit freshbooks.com slash when and enter when in
the how did you hear about us section.
The link will be in the video description, assuming of course that you're watching this
on YouTube and not on Twitch TV.
So way back, you used to pay the fire department and then the fire department would give you
like a sign or a sticker or something that you put on your house.
And you did not get your fire put out if you didn't have one?
If you didn't have it, you're screwed.
This is like way back and only in certain areas or whatever.
Like that was actually like a thing.
That's pretty cool.
Speaking of things that were a thing in the past, texting while walking could be banned
in New Jersey under new rules being proposed by US officials.
The number of people dying while walking according to this independent.co.uk article is swiftly
increasing and thousands of people are being injured while walking with their phone.
That is hilarious.
I mean, it's not funny when people get hurt, but it's hilarious that it is a problem for
people to walk while operating a cell phone.
But some of this data is like a little weird.
Like okay, 11% of all fatalities in 2005 involved pedestrians, 15% of all fatalities in 2014
involved pedestrians.
Could that not be because of other things?
Is that only tied to this?
You know, it'd be really interesting to see if you could find articles from the 80s proposing
like banning newspapers while walking.
No, I was thinking more along the lines of Walkman's like earphones since that was sort
of a thing that happened in the 80s.
Yeah, that's probably a thing.
But newspapers is good too because you know what, if you can think of something, someone
somewhere has probably tried to propose a law to ban it.
So anyway, that law already existed and makes perfect sense.
It does actually.
They definitely have 100% of a right to do that.
So there's a bill pending in Hawaii that will fine someone $250 if he or she crosses the
street with an electronic device.
No states have enacted a law specifically targeting distracted cyclists or pedestrians,
but violators in New Jersey would apparently face fines of up to 50 US dollars, 15 days
of imprisonment, which is ridiculous, or both, which is the same penalty as jaywalking.
I did those guys that like ride the bikes and have the things behind it that like can
tell you they'll get way more business now.
rickshaws sure.
Oh, no, they run like a rickshaw bike.
Have you not seen this?
Like just cyclists with like carriages behind it?
Yeah, yeah.
It would be like having a horse except a bike, right?
I get it.
I feel like they get way more work because there's actually points in time where like
I have to walk for a little while and like I really need to do something on my phone
and I don't have time to not do one of them.
Like anytime at CES, oh my God, this thing's kind of cool.
This is the Volocopter, or as I'm going to call it from now on, the Yolocopter because
it has, I don't know, 13 rotors, I don't know how many it has.
It's not a hell-
18 propeller spinning rotors.
18 propeller spinning rotors.
It holds a person and a joystick and not a whole, oh yeah, and a massive battery and
not a whole lot else and it is the world's first certified multi-copter that lifts off
in, I'm not even going to try, Germany, marking a new era for aerial transportation.
It is electrically powered, which is pretty cool.
It's apparently super easy to fly with three redundant autopilots that will basically hover
as soon as the pilot lets go of the joystick and can reach a speed, this is the V200 we're
looking at by the way, can reach a speed of 15 miles per hour with the team determined
to increase the speed to 60 miles per hour on follow-up flights.
Much like your DJI Phantom copter computer on a stick that you fly with a little, you
know, a couple of sticks in your chest mounted neck hangy strappy thing, multi-rotor or drone.
Much like that, the volocopter, sorry, excuse me, the yolo-copter is directed by increasing
or decreasing the speed of its propellers rather than by altering the pitch.
So I actually don't know if pitch is technically the correct term, so the aircraft, this is
pitch, this is yaw strafe, so basically, yeah, so unlike a helicopter, you don't actually
move the spinning rotors, the speed at which they're spinning changes.
The propeller system is designed to fold up and fit on a towable trailer for easy transport
and they're working on certification to produce the yolo-copter in large quantities.
And 60 miles an hour, like, with a bird's path?
As the crow flies.
Is really fast.
That would be pretty darn freaking cool.
Pitch yaw rotation?
No, this is yaw.
Yaw is the same as rotation.
Or is this pitch and this is yaw?
Roll is a different thing, because remember, pitch, yaw, and roll.
Isn't this yaw?
No, I don't think so.
This is pitch and this is rotation?
I could be wrong, that's possible.
Pitch yaw and raffle, love it, that's the kind of copter I want to ride in.
Oh my god.
All right.
Canadian police.
Pitch wall and raffle.
According to this, according to this article posted by S. Gurley on the forum, original
article here is from The Verge, have apparently had a master key to Blackberry's encryption
since 2010, and it was used to intercept and read messages.
Well, okay then.
Canada has something called a spy palace.
We can pretty much just like stop this whole topic there.
Spying in Canada is brutal.
So a high level surveillance probe shows that Canada's federal policing agency has had a
global encryption key for Blackberry since 2010.
According to documents by the RCMP filed in court, law enforcement decrypted roughly one
million pin-to-pin Blackberry messages in connection with the probe from 2010 to 2012.
It doesn't show where this key came from, and government lawyers spent two years fighting
in a Montreal courtroom to keep the information out of the public record.
Neither the RCMP nor Blackberry confirmed if this is true, but Crown prosecutors confirmed
the federal police had access to the key.
Just in case people were wondering about the Canadian spy palace, I posted it in the Twitch
There's new rumors about the Nintendo NX.
This was posted by MasterDisaster on the forum, the original article here is from ScreenRant.
And to be clear, a lot of the rumors lately about the NX have been seeming to be coming
from some subreddit where people have been posting complete nonsense, but this round
of rumors is, according to John Castile, more believable than some.
So take it for what it is, rumors that John Castile says are more believable than some.
This is a more believable torch than some of them.
Than the actual digital representations.
So the NX will apparently feature an x86 architecture, it will apparently back up data to Nintendo
Which is huge, because the current ones don't, and if your Wii U dies you lose all of your
digital purchases, which is bullshit.
Isn't that terrible?
That's so bad, oh my god.
It's like, actually worse than the Super Nintendo.
Which at least stored your data on the game.
That should even be a feature, like, will feature, it's like, will have fixed.
You know what surprises me?
That no one ever created, you know it probably existed at some point, but that no one ever
mainstreamized semi-rewritable discs.
So if you could have a game that had a mostly read-only media layer on the outside, but
had just a very very small rewritable layer on the inside.
Discs don't do super great with mass rewrites though.
There are discs that could handle a lot, and it wouldn't be the kind of thing that you
would save every time you hit a save point.
It would be the kind of thing that you save every time you eject.
That could actually make a ton of sense, don't you think?
I think so.
I think that would be a really cool way to handle it.
I mean, obviously that's like a PS2 era technology proposal, but yeah, I just think that would
have been kind of a neat way to do it.
I'm sure Twitch Chat is full of people telling me all the reasons it couldn't happen.
This won't work because XYZ.
Or someone tried it, and you know what?
My show.
So it'll apparently have support for an additional screen, which is going to lead to companies
like, say for example, Rocketfish producing the most fabulous TV wall mounts the world
has ever seen, I'm sure, if the configuration is expected to be anything like the DS's dual
I mean, can you imagine?
Two TVs on your wall.
It's like, why do you have two TVs on your wall?
Oh yeah, I gotta play games on my NX.
I got my mini mat.
The bottom one's touchscreen.
Everyone's like, you have to get up and run over to it and be like, ugh.
I got my 52 inch touchscreen stereoscopic mini mat, no big deal, whatever.
Can handle ports of current gen games.
I should certainly hope so.
Well, it's x86.
They are being such jerks about retro games.
Everyone is blizzard.
That's a completely different issue.
I don't care.
I'm talking about how the latest 3DS is getting, I can't remember, it's either Game Boy Advance
or Super Nintendo games, when you could literally, with an emulator on the vanilla DS, emulate
SNES games.
And they're claiming the previous generation 3DS wasn't powerful enough.
It's like, you know what, lose the attitude Nintendo.
It almost makes me feel not bad about emulating their games, which I've never done, of course.
Of course you did.
Of course I haven't.
Whatever happens.
Speaking of which, I am kind of torn right now.
I am not sure if I'm going to buy a CRT anymore.
Because I was playing games on the 65 inch OLED TV, and it was, like, Super Mario World
is unplayable.
Just completely unplayable, like the delay was ridiculous.
I posted a video that I recorded at 240 FPS, of pressing a button, and then it's like...
Mario Jones.
Like, come on!
Like the pixel response time is good, but the processing delay on that TV is horrendous.
But I was using a computer monitor, like a gaming grade computer monitor, a predator
monitor, and it was fine.
Like, LCD is good enough, as long as you've got one with low input lag.
So as much as, like...
And I had actually, I was diehard ZSNES for a long time, just because I knew how to use
It's like, yeah, ZSNES works.
Not that he was emulating games.
Not that I've ever emulated games.
He just wanted to emulate the console.
To be clear, I do own a copy of Super Mario World.
Does that make it okay?
Technically no, but I don't care.
It's one of those things where, like, technically I cannot copy my self-part DVDs to my server
and stream them to my phone.
But I don't care.
I'm gonna do that anyway.
And you can put me in jail if you really think that that makes a ton of sense, but that looks
bad on you.
To be fair, it's Nintendo, and they probably don't care.
Yeah, they probably don't.
It's like, the letter is literally in the mail right now.
So yeah, I'm kinda torn right now.
I might just...
I might just...
The other thing too is, like, I had kinda forgotten how small CRTs were.
And if they're big, how ridiculous they are.
Yeah, like, there's actually a 40-incher for free on Craigslist, a 40-inch 4x3, apparently
one of the best ones out there, even though the larger ones tended to have geometry issues
around the corners.
And actually, even if, whether I buy one or not, with all the research I've done over
the last little bit, I may do a video, like, so you wanna buy, or you wanna pick up a used
CRT for retro video on Craigslist.
If that one's that bad, badass, we should get it and replace mine.
It's like 300 pounds.
My brother.
He could probably lift it on his own.
And he has a truck that can move it.
I can link you the post.
That would actually be sick.
We will go get it.
My brother and I can get it.
So the ones that I was looking at were closer to the, like, 32-inch to 34-inch range, but
the thing to remember about that is that a 32-inch CRT is basically equivalent to, like,
a 30-inch, or, excuse me, yeah, a 30-inch or a 29-inch LCD, because of the way they
were measured.
They were actually measured differently.
You could factor out about two inches of size on a CRT.
At least for computer monitors.
How are they done differently?
Wow, I wanna see this video.
Nope, don't tell me.
Make the video.
So that's, that was the general rule for PC monitors.
It may not be true for TVs, so, you know, please avoid correcting me, because I will
do the research before I make the video.
So anyway, yeah, I'm kinda torn, because, like, I wanna make, like, a little gaming
room in the one side.
Oh, oh, this is a great upcoming video.
Some people had asked me, when I went and put all my computers in the closet next to
my, next to the room in my house, like, what I was gonna do for ventilation, oh yeah, that
room got upgraded this week.
So there's a video coming.
But there's one on the other side, so I had kinda wanted to drywall that in and, like,
put, like, a beanbag chair, like, wire up some electrical outlets, because it sits right
above the breaker box down in my garage, and, like, make, like, a cool little gaming nook.
You can use a gaming monitor.
Maybe I'll just use an LCD.
Maybe I'll just throw a gaming monitor in there, because, right, SNEX9X, coming back
to, you know, being as SNES diehard, but having issues with Windows 10, SNEX9X is, like, really
And there's a lot of really cool filters that you can put on that make it look pretty good.
You can, yeah, you can kinda do a lot.
Yeah, it's actually pretty good.
Like, sampling on old-school games is a thing.
Like, certain, like, PlayStation 1 games, have you seen that stuff?
I have not.
I actually haven't played around with PlayStation 1 emulation since EPSX-E and, like, BLEAM
were cool.
Like, does BLEAM even exist?
I don't, I don't do this stuff, I have no idea what the words are that you're saying.
Do you know what BLEAM is, though?
For serious?
Okay, BLEAM, exclamation mark, uh, commercial.
Was a commercial PlayStation emulator?
There's probably no laws out on it.
For IBM-compatible PCs and Dreamcast in 1999.
And Dreamcast?
Um, yeah, it apparently ran on Dreamcast?
What the shit?
It was released in three other versions called BLEAMcast to play popular PlayStation games
Gran Turismo 2, Metal Gear Solid, and Tekken 3 on the Dreamcast.
Wait, legacy.
Although Sony's litigation against BLEAM led the company to bankruptcy, Sony did not manage
to win a decisive victory against BLEAM and to have the product removed from shelves after
their demise, which is a legal precedent for the commercial viability of emulators.
What the hell?
Very interesting.
As of 2005, two members of the team were working for Sony.
Okay, well, anyway, so 1999 to, like, 2001, like-
Yeah, I was never in the emulator game, I always had real copies, like even fairly recently
I bought Fable 1, because a bunch of people said it was great, I bought Fable 1 for Xbox-
Have you played Fable 1?
No, I haven't.
We were- I think it was you and me talking about it, wasn't it?
Maybe, because Fable 1's awesome!
I think we were talking about it on the show, so I went and picked it up.
Okay, good.
I got Fable 1 for Xbox Original, or whatever we want to call it.
Oh, okay.
I don't know.
Um, yeah.
Xbox Black Edition.
I got GTA 3.
I got it for Black 360s.
And Black Xbox Ones.
I failed.
I got GTA 3 for, like, three bucks.
I was like, screw it, whatever.
And then I got Need for Speed Most Wanted Black Edition, speaking of Black Edition.
Like the old, like, super sick Most Wanted with that blue and silver BMW at the start.
It's a great game.
And it was- the whole thing was like, nine dollars.
It's like, haha, okay.
Yeah, Fable's really good.
You'll enjoy it.
I probably will.
Okay, next rumors, which we will make our way through eventually.
In fact, we're almost at the end of the show here.
It's already after six.
Um, according to Nintendo Life, a number of Wii U ports are in development.
I mean, can Nintendo at least remake properties that are actually old?
No, ports, ports, ports, ports.
Not re- I see what you're saying.
Yeah, they're Wii U remasters.
Remasters, actually?
Wii U remasters, wow.
So the new console will apparently be allegedly more powerful than the current PS4, which
I guess is good, because you'll be able to play in full HD Wii U games, or something.
No, because they already run at 1080p, so I don't actually know.
It's good.
Yeah, it's not a bad thing, so cool.
Moving on, the OP here was Convicted Pillowcase, and the original article is from The Verge.
Logitech buys audio device maker Jaybird for $50 million in cash, continuing their trend
of buying up companies like, oh, I don't know, this is a good example, Ultimate Ears, to
own more audio brands.
Very interesting.
Apparently, if they hit some growth projections and targets over the next couple of years,
they can earn an additional $45 million.
Logitech does not expect the acquisition to impact its fiscal year 2017 guidance.
Good job, I guess, Logitech.
Yeah, good for you.
You made a cool mouse.
Although, I realize that the market probably doesn't want this, and you probably shouldn't
do it, but if you guys made a G900 that instead of having a plug-in cable in the front, and
instead of having a properly placed really good battery in the back, had replaceable
batteries like the G7.
That was a pretty cool hotspot system there.
That was so good.
Yeah, it was pretty cool.
I saw it again in my mineral oil video when I was doing research for the other video that
I just shot, and I saw the battery sitting there, and I was like, oh, that was sick.
They also need to bring back the G9, V9X shell, like seriously.
Because they sell for like a lot.
Go on Amazon, look up G9.
Sometimes those are just broken listings, but he brought up that there was also a G9
on eBay for like $150 or something.
Yeah, and there's like multiple ones on Amazon for like huge amounts of money.
Developers are adapting Oculus Rift exclusives to work on the HTC Vive, which is great news
for people like me who plan to buy a Vive and do not plan to buy a Rift.
To be clear, I have bought a Vive, but that belongs to Linus Media Group.
It's complicated.
Right, you have bought a Rift.
A Vive.
And a Vive.
And a Rift.
Yeah, but Linus Media Group bought those.
They actually don't belong to me.
People who don't run their own businesses might not know this, but like Linus Media
Group is its own legal entity and I am my own legal entity and we are not the same thing
and this is important for tax purposes.
So yeah, in the past month, the consumer versions have been released.
I think released is a strong word for what the Rift has done.
Hold up, 219gaming.com said in the Twitch chat, well, I want to support you guys, but
I can't seem to get an answer, so thanks anyways.
Twitch chat is not the right place to try to contact us.
Just for your information and for the information of anyone else watching, don't go to Twitch
Yeah, and a lot of people try to tweet me during WAN Show.
Don't do that.
Bad idea.
Because I'm here.
You can actually see that I'm not looking at my phone.
Just, yeah.
So there's that.
I didn't see any of the other stuff you said, but I saw that.
I always see the useless ones.
I know.
You know, it's like the worst thing ever when I'm like, when I have some time, like I'm
sitting on the can, right, and I'm scrolling through like Twitter mentions and someone's
like, hey, can I ask you a question?
Yeah, it's like, I'm like, if you had asked the question, you would have been able to
ask me a question.
Now the odds of me seeing your, because the odds of me seeing the follow up, very slim,
because when your feed gets like so far, and the problem is that the Twitter app, it doesn't
allow you to filter.
Mine's just full of whoever liked this video retweeted did whatever.
No, not that liked videos.
Even if I filter down to just mentions, it's just full of people liking the videos, which
is not bad.
Thank you for liking the videos.
I appreciate that.
I get it, but it makes it really, really difficult to use anyway.
So there's a program called Libre VR slash review that allows rift exclusive like Lucky's
tail and Oculus dream deck to play on the vibe.
The code was posted to Reddit by user cross VR, and it could be used to port other titles.
That's huge because honestly, right now the main thing rift kind of had going for it was
its games library because the experience on vibe currently is just better.
The touch controllers are extremely interesting and currently non-existent at least for consumers.
Rumors leaked of Nvidia's Pascal based GP 104 and 106 GPUs.
This was originally posted on the forum by Mr underscore troll and basically, yeah, so
it looks like Nvidia has hardware.
If this rumor is to be believed for their next generation, probably gaming GPUs because
while big Pascal, so GP 100 has only surfaced as the Tesla P 100, smaller Pascal is likely
to emerge as according to the rumor, a GTX 1080 and 1070 using the GP 104 GPU with something
like a 10 60 likely to use the 106 if they stick with the naming conventions that they
have been using for the last couple of generations.
And this is something that kind of drives me crazy.
Nvidia what's with all the cloak and dagger nonsense.
If you're going to be cloak and dagger, why don't you use code names that like anyone
who's been following you for more than 18 months won't understand.
Like if you're actually going to keep, like they won't tell me anything because obviously
they have Pascal hardware if they have the Tesla.
So yo, Hey, what's going on?
They won't tell me anything, but they use code names that I understand as soon as a
rumor leaks somewhere, which it always does.
I don't know.
It's just like, make up your mind.
That's all.
I actually don't understand how like I will be in team speak with someone who's a viewer,
like a friend on the forum or something like that.
And they will tell me things about hardware tech because of rumors that end up being completely
accurate that I haven't heard of yet, even though I'm in communication with those companies
and they're actively telling me that there's nothing going on.
And I'm like, what, how do you guys suck this much?
Apple doesn't really leak things.
I know they just leaked their renaming of Mac and Mac OS, and that's probably because
no one cared like other important things.
They just don't knowing Apple.
They probably treated it like it was important to be fair, but someone probably couldn't
fathom how we could care and accidentally, yeah.
So we've got some rumored specs.
The GTX 1080 is rumored to have 8 billion transistors, so about equivalent to the 980
2560 CUDA cores, 8 gigs of GDDR5 memory on a probably 256 bit bus, that's a question
mark, but that's been a pattern for the last little while.
Question mark, single eight pin power connector, question mark, two display port.
That would be a shame.
With a question mark, no, they're apparently pretty confident about the June 2016 release
time frame.
That would make sense.
Right near Computex.
Yeah, so much like last time around where we got a 980 that was pretty similar to the
780 TI, which was based on big, crap, I'm losing track of my code names, Big Kepler,
so about equivalent in terms of performance.
So it looks like we're gonna see a mid tier chip that's probably about similar to performance
to the last gen big chip.
And then we will actually have to wait another product refresh to get big Pascal on the consumer
side in the form of probably a Titan Booyah edition, or whatever the case may be.
So I guess that's pretty much it for important things.
Purple Dio posted on the forum that the first 10 core smartphone has arrived from Mizzou.
And thank you for watching the WAN Show.
Have you ever had a performance problem with your phone in terms of compute in the last
two years?
Um, that's a good question and not one that more cores would solve.
Roll the outro.
See you again next week.
Same bat time, same bat channel.
No one's like Titan triple X, no they will not do that.
Although knowing Nvidia, they did introduce MF anti-aliasing, so, I mean, they apparently
just don't give any cares.
So there's that.
That's to be fair.
Mass drop, K7XX drop, go check it out, Squarespace, you should, FreshBooks.
We should do an entire WAN Show.
Books that are fresh.
Through like a text to speech thing.
No we shouldn't.
That's a terrible idea.
I feel like April Fools.
That was like literally two weeks ago.
In the future.
I said we should view, like not now.
It's like a Twitch thing.
It's a bad idea.
Donators, donators, like on some Twitch channels, donators that donate enough money, get their
message sent text to speech to everyone watching the stream.
Because apparently those massive disruptions are just totally okay if enough people watch
It reminds me of like Billy Billy, that Chinese site that we upload our videos to.
Have you ever watched our videos on there?
I did when we were deciding if it was a good idea or not.
Comments stream across the video.
And I think it's at the point in the video that the person was watching when they made
that comment.
And it's like all over the video.
It's like how do you watch this?
It's like...
Cultural differences I guess.
Alright bye guys.
Thank you.