
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

what is up guys welcome to the wan show we've got a great show lined up for you guys today
with the big headline topic obviously being that jensen's kitchen jensen's kitchen was a lie
and video reveals that the gtc 2021 keynote was fake sort of it was a rendering it was a
simulation so we're gonna i actually haven't seen the footage uh luke has looked through it and he
is gonna play a little game with me where i'm gonna try and find the fake jensen i'm actually
really excited about this in other news yeah it'll be interesting new egg has allegedly been
bundling bad power supplies like not faulty but just terrible bad power supplies with graphics
cards in an effort to dump them this was unearthed by steve from gamers nexus and so you know that
it's going to be good let me just say the sparks the sparks have flown there are flown sparks
i believe quite literally right yes absolutely yeah yeah yeah we got sus might be teaming up
with noctua to create a rtx 3070 and there's lots of samsung stuff we're going to talk about it oh
there's tons of samsung stuff and some of it yeah some of it's pretty awesome all right let's roll
this intro
and the show is brought to you today by ridge wallet honey and build redux why don't we jump
right into the headline topic nvidia revealed uh wait where is the uh where where's the actual
original article from this thing hold on i got it i got radar here we go so tech radar posted this
article i actually read it earlier this week jensen's kitchen was a lie nvidia reveals that
their gtc 2021 keynote was nearly 100 fake and okay luke is it is it worth us taking a second
and having a look at nvidia's video here showing the behind the scenes um i i think i this whole
thing is extremely confusing because the wording used by all parties involved is either extremely
vague incorrect or just like not how you should word that because it's it seemed borderline
intentionally confusing let me let me show them let me can i just can i just show them the teaser
then just show them the okay yes okay i'm gonna show them the teaser all right here we go gtc
first okay i'm just gonna mute this so check this out check this out they had this goal they had
this goal where they wanted to create jensen's kitchen and jensen himself okay hold on blah blah
blah here we go here we go here we go so we are gonna make virtual jensen kitchen real-time
materials real-time textures okay digital twin of the thing wait this this is the wrong one
where's the bloody this one here we go there there we go okay so they show us how they how
they constructed jensen's kitchen using this omniverse thing okay bionic vision lab blah blah
etc hold on where's the where's the bloody footage well i i time stamped it all keynote no it's all
in the doc the the like the the three later time stamped youtube links are all sections of that
video that talk about this okay i just want to find oh here it is here it is so here's where
they're creating the fake jensen this is super cool so here we got the yeah there we go so they
put them in this like huge camera rig this is amazing they take all these pictures of them and
then boom we get fake jensen leather jacket and everything they worked on like how the materials
stretch okay so we got don't look too much further into it okay we got look at look at this look at
this they're removing they're removing like the hair and everything crazy town don't look don't
look too much further okay all right all right i won't look any further into it anyway so so the
point okay fine article title original article title jensen's kitchen was a lie nvidia reveals
gtc 2021 keynote nearly 100 fake right okay remember that original title you saw what they
were doing they got them in this in this truck it's a truck that pulls up to jensen's house
they take pictures of them all this kind of stuff they got really professional people modeling them
etc etc um now we have there's an update to this article that nvidia responded to the article
remember the title is saying nearly 100 fake all that kind of stuff yeah nvidia reaches out
and says in quotes through all but 14 seconds of the hour and 48 minute presentation from
timestamp to timestamp yeah long himself spoke in the keynote the company's blog post now reads
oh okay spoke spoke i don't know if it's just voice or not because they have technology that
can simulate voice so i i don't know and i'll go into why it's a little confusing because
the first time i read that i was like oh it's super obvious right but then you see and i'll
show you timestamps for this later you see different model versions of him that look
incredibly realistic but then there's other ones that don't so i'm going to give you three
timestamps okay and you're going to have to guess the 14 seconds that they are claiming okay so your
first timestamp starts at 37 22 okay okay so let me bring let me bring it up here 37 22 okay and
i have to i guess i have to do it without listening to it okay so here we go uh 37 22 and you can you
can listen to it you can listen to it it won't make a difference okay so he's just in a little
tiny corner though yes i tried to yes okay am i allowed to watch it more than once yeah sure
okay and i'm not looking at chat right now guys because i don't want i don't want it to tip me
off i don't want you guys to tell me which ones are the the simulated jensen and which ones aren't
as we're going through this i want people to remember the original title gtc 2021 keynote
nearly 100 fake yeah you ought to remember the original title okay okay let me know as you're
jumping through these timestamps okay all right hit me with the next one 54 15 okay 54 15 okay
four more seconds here um okay so you're still not sure right uh i mean honestly they both looked
kind of fake i don't think he was breathing in the first one and in the second one i'm just
going to watch the second one one more time here it looks like the way his hair is moving around
his neck is a little kind of unnatural but he also might just have a lot of hairspray in it
okay okay interesting i've got some people in uh in floatplane chat trying to call which one
they think is fake there's a fair amount of people that think it's 54 15 um now i want you to jump to
102 41 102 41 all right i'm doing it yeah here i go boys oh that looks very fake are you sure
his legs look like
yeah okay
okay well i said that one looked very fake before he disappeared
but then that also could have just been a vfx thing it could have
um yeah body movements when you're on camera are tough right so maybe maybe try to like blow up
the video and and focus in a little bit more on his on his face specifically
um okay but i'm at a different timestamp now earlier so
okay hold on a second i'm i'm blowing it up i'm blowing it up i'm looking at stuff here
i i gotta confess it's very challenging because apparently part of the process i do know this
already apparently part of the process was they actually recorded his mannerisms as well so like
if he has a particular way of fidgeting um it's supposed to fidget in the same way that he does
okay audio it's really cool um okay so do i have so i have to pick one and this is not one of those
misleading challenges where i by picking one i i screw myself up and i have to pick one and
picking one i i screw myself over like it's one of them one of these is well we'll talk about that
but one of these is definitely it okay
okay uh can i have the timestamps one more time i'm sorry you guys can play along you
guys can play along here i'll we should drop hole it i'll link the video uh all right here
we go i'm gonna link the video in the chat without reading the chat i'm defocusing my eyes so that i
will not read the chat it is now linked wow fortunately youtube is moving so fast i don't
even have to worry about it do you want me to straw pull it uh yeah sure sure hit it with the
straw pull and we'll see if if you guys get it right but hit me with those timestamps one more
time 37 22 37 22 all right i know what i'm gonna look for this time i'm going for it i'm going for
gold okay 37 22 that's kind of cheating because he doesn't say anything oh i wonder if that's my
hint maybe that's my hint your float plane i'm firing it to you guys 37 22 all right that would
certainly be the easiest one to do it with okay what's the next one again 54 15 54 switch i'm
going to be dropping into the chat momentarily here it goes okay i'm looking at 54 15 now
i'm gonna youtube now okay
all right okay i'm ready for the next one 102 41 102 41 and this is the one that's kind of
trippy because he like disappears in the middle of it but that could just be a visual effect
that they're doing some interesting visual effects here yeah okay i'm gonna say that because that
last one looks so much like a green screen i'm calling first one i think it's the first one
where he's in the corner and doesn't say anything because i'm pretty sure i saw him reading the
prompter in the second one so i know i know it's not that one and then the third one i feel like
you put in just to throw me for a loop so i i'm not doing it i'm taking the first one okay okay
are we gonna show the straw poll results first let them vote uh we can yeah all right let's do it
i fired the straw poll over to you okay wow it's really even really okay let's show these results
ladies and gentlemen let's see what you guys thought oh wow i'm actually stunned i mean
this gives us some idea if the goal for nvidia was to be validated that it's very hard to tell
the difference i mean i think that pretty much says it all and i mean i'm looking for things
that i wouldn't even expect an average person to look for like the fact that i'm watching for if
the host is reading a teleprompter because that's something that i would recognize very easily um
not everyone would think about that unless they i mean the machine learning would would go off
of mannerisms right so if he practiced in front of a teleprompter they i okay i guess that's true
but i i doubt they would be able to get that exactly right unless they basically recorded
his rehearsal and played it back which is kind of that's kind of a hack i consider that kind
of a cheat that's not a simulated person that's a recording of a person that's mocap that's we
have that already that's not new so that's that's my that's my defense of of of that if they did
that i think it's i think it's which uh which which one did you go for again i said the first
one was fake the first one so that was 37 22 um what i'll tell you is the one that won the poll
so the most votes came in for 54 15 yep that one is not it that one is not it so it was the last
one then i will also say that the one that you chose was not it really so was the last one it
was the last one oh interesting i mean i did say the first time around i jumped out and i was like
that looks really unnatural but i it's mostly i will give them this it's mostly the body movement
that looks unnatural um yeah i think and i think they they i don't know if i want to say cheat
um but i think they give themselves they put themselves in a beneficial position i'll say
that much by having him so far away way out yeah um so his face is not as easy to see
um now again they they only say speak and if you go to give me one second
okay go to uh 102 28 sure yep done here you can see reading the teleprompter
and play from there yeah yeah okay so you see how it like grabs him he looks like he's changed
and slightly displaced and then the kitchen has a big difference as well like look at the side
of the frame replay that shift and like pay attention to the edge oh yeah yeah yeah yeah
you can see it so everything changes right yeah so i had to i had to timestamp and i think they
did this properly actually but i made sure that the timestamp right there show that change
show that change so you see a noticeable change which makes me think that the rest of the
presentation is not simulated and the fact that this is confusing at all is a huge credit to the
people that worked on this to be real yeah um watching the the kitchen deconstruction is like
really cool they pointed out that a bunch of the things in the kitchen yeah are like there's a a
can of like cooking oil or something i don't know exactly what it was and it was rebranded
um to like an nvidia product and like there's a there's a little lego figure um of jenzen and
there's like a few other things in there that are kind of cool but yeah once you see that part of
the transition where it noticeably shifts yeah it makes it so that this next part being the the fake
part is a little bit more obvious um that makes sense it stood out to me mostly because of the
body movement but there is some confusing parts so the continued timestamps that i have further
on in the doc oh interesting yeah so this is where it's like okay they said it was just 14 seconds
and maybe it was if you read if you look at this first one um if you watch it till 2708 which is
a little bit of time they show like okay this is the first version of the face that we got they
have the 3d model obviously rendered and and sitting there rotating and trying to talk and
it's like yeah that's obviously fake yeah um but the guy in the video is saying like yeah it's
pretty good but it's not photo realistic and then they go forward uh sorry which one am i at
uh you're at the first one you got to just tell me the time i'm just clicking on it
uh give me one sec i will get it oh no live show 26 30 26 30 okay all right so here let's have a
look at this guys um nvidia omniverse 26 30 i don't see a head talking um just click the link
in the doc it's time stamped maybe everything i just said is wrong what is real question mark
the link right below that okay right here oh this is a completely different video all right then
oh wow yeah that does not look uh doesn't look real at all right so that's the first version
that they had right and he says like okay it's not that great or whatever um yeah but once
blue jacket guy goes away yeah and you get to this they they show like example driving and results
the results is insane oh wow the result is like bonkers
okay and this goes on for a little bit and they show a different a few different versions of this
and the like the tuned in versions of what they have is amazing so basically instead of uh using
an actor for a deep fake they're using kind of a decent 3d animation as the source for their what
is essentially then a deep fig and then they used a mocap actor got it for the motions um but then
like and this is using ai yeah right so machine learning and then you see like how good that is
because it looks rather incredible right yeah it looks great now if you uh you don't want to click
on the second link give me a sec i'll get you a time snip oh no i'll click the second link now
that i now that i know it's just 28 minutes the problem is just that i have uh i'm having a really
hard time uh seeing the top of my display because of my lights i actually can't like see the tabs
up there it's blinding uh anyway the point is yeah here we go i'm at it so they show that
incredible example yeah and then they show this and now i'm like well that example was so good
i don't know if this person here is actually him or if it's digitally rendered because the previous
example is so fantastic but what he's saying is that they they had him like sit there and do
these motions so it's like okay this is probably actually him um and they said that they got these
motions and stuff three or four days before the keynote which is like wow that's really that's
not a lot of time yeah and then it shows him constructing at 28 like 14 15 it shows him
specifically constructing that 14 second scene right okay so then i i think it is the 14 seconds
okay yeah there it is man pretty cool um it's it's it's cool that it's kind of i wish they
were more clear yes but it's cool that it's so confusing because that means they clearly did
a really good job yeah yeah yeah they did they did they did a really darn good job of it that
headline uh from tech radar is extremely um misleading i tried to i tried to lean into it
as much as i could because when you're when you're looking at this connecting to the metaverse
video like i said there's versions there's results they have that are like holy cow
and this is this is the video that tech radar was watching to write this article okay um and the
video is a little confusing um jared's tech just blew my mind you finished your thought and then
i'ma blow your mind in turn it's gonna be great uh yeah so i i can just i can understand why it
was confusing to tech radar i think they should change their title um but after watching this
video i like part of me kind of believed you know yeah um so okay jared's tech says they need to
remake shrek with this so you basically use the original shrek as your source right for your deep
fake and then you create like new higher resolution like photorealistic shrek and donkey
and fiona and far quad man that'd be sick i feel like wait so you're deep faking an animation or
are you trying to put that onto something that looks more real is that what you're saying so you
you're you're you're you're you're basically like doing a remaster of shrek but with like
machine learning like deep fake technology gotcha oh yeah or you could just like
remaster it just remaster shrek yeah but the point the problem with remastering shrek is
that it's already a masterpiece so it's um hey it's just not possible it's just not possible
but yeah i don't know after watching the connecting in the multiverse video it was it
was a little confusing and i i was on the the believe train where i was like maybe they did
do the whole thing um but but no apparently it was just the 14 seconds which is which is like
kind of confusing because to me that 14 seconds is like almost glaring and like it it definitely
stands out and not just because he's in a clearly digital space but because his body movements are
kind of obvious and his face doesn't look as perfect as the example data in the connecting
in the multiverse video i mean so that i'm like wait i told you i told you that i didn't uh i
told you i didn't take that one because i thought you were trying to throw me for a loop by giving
me something so obvious but um you know that doesn't change that doesn't change the result
i still picked the wrong thing and i'm not going to make any excuses for which is really cool
actually that's like the coolest part of this whole thing i thought this article was going to
be a throwaway because i thought you're just going to pick it immediately xpyr says linus all pixar
renders in animation are extremely high resolution you don't need to deep pick it okay two things
number one shrek is dreamworks animation not pixar um and number two is that it's i'm not talking
about resolution i would be talking about like photorealism like the the actual the textures of
it just because it's high resolution doesn't mean that it is photorealistic that just means it has
a lot of pixels um a black wallpaper like just zero zero zero rgb values wallpaper can be 8k
resolution but there's no it's not photorealistic it's just it just has a lot of pixels um yeah so
no i don't think this tech would be used for that no it wouldn't absolutely not absolutely not but
it's the kind of thing that might not be impossible like looking at what they did with
what they did with right where they they had kind of like a cheapo most of the way their model that
does the you know the acting or whatever that is animated and then being able to take a photorealistic
capture of him and skin it on top of it conceivably that could be done now you would never
actually do it for an animated film because the hard part of the animation is making the things
move naturally right like that's that's the hard part so you would never take real people doing
a thing turn it into animation and then use that animation as a source for a higher resolution
better version of them doing the thing you would just you would just do it properly in the first
place you wouldn't do it twice but what i was talking about was if you were to like try to
remaster it like just a like a cheap and dirty way to replace wreck with something else or whatever i
could conceivably be done once machine learning gets advanced enough that's all i'm trying to say
it seems like the wrong tech but if they want to do it as like an interesting tech demo i'm sure
they could um steve uh jumped into youtube chat said i love you linus and did a super chat for 50
bucks just to say lttstore.com oh hey uh thanks steve um and thanks for reminding me to click the
viewer activity tab where your super chat is not there even though it's clearly here at the top of
the chat here um super awesome feature youtube thank you for it's been many weeks and this is
still broken oh that's hilarious the other super chat i have ya cheap skate ian is from tech tech
potato dr cutress so we know we know who's generous in the tech community okay generous
is steve and one tenth of generous is dr cutress we also know you know um uh i'm just gonna say i
think that anand lived in a pretty nice house and uh when he sold the company i think that
he probably got like a super awesome another nice house as opposed to uh giving any of it to anyone
else not that i know anything about that that's just my guess that's my guess just that's what
i'm guessing based on that dr cutress sent five dollars and steve from gamers nexus sent 50.
uh gamers nexus linus we have an idea and need to 3d scan you while you t pose it's completely safe
don't worry it reassembles your atoms on the other side hey thanks steve you know what i'd be happy
to send you a t pose 3d scan i just gotta get me i gotta get me a 3d scanner all right let's go
ahead and jump into our next topic for the day yeah new egg you know oh it's great timing because
we were about to talk about yeah something that uh this is uh a news item that broke when steve
from gamers nexus published this video showing gigabyte power supplies quite literally catching
on fire not one not two but three i love that i love the security camera footage mixed in there
that's absolutely beautiful so what's happening here and now the problem for me is that as
someone who doesn't know exactly how the new egg shuffle works i was not able to independently
validate this but so i'm going to say allegedly allegedly new egg has been bundling these power
supplies the p750 gm and p850 gm with in-demand graphics cards as a way to dump them onto
unsuspecting consumers um based on steve's analysis of these power supplies they are
extremely dangerous and unsuitable for uh consumer consumption but they are allegedly selling them
anyway and trying to kind of you know shift them out to people who might not be savvy and or might
be desperate to get their hands on a graphics card now that stuff that you saw in the video let's
just go back and let's watch that again this is not supposed to happen on a correctly functioning
power supply this should be impossible power supplies are supposed to have a ton of safety
measures built into them everything from over current protection to over voltage protection to
under voltage protection short circuit protection it is not supposed to be possible for a power
supply to literally spew out sparks and light on fire in that manner and it's dangerous for
obvious reasons it's supposed to be inside an enclosed metal case but the reality of it is
this there are plenty of people who put non-metallic things inside their computers little stuffies
things like that and there are also other parts of the inside of your computer that could potentially
be flammable things like plastics um so whenever one of those things doesn't trip that's what
happens you end up with power supply go kablooie and it's not just dangerous to your house and your
body it's dangerous to the rest of your components as well when a power supply dies it can very
easily cause a surge or a spike in voltage that will damage connected components so you could lose
your motherboard you could lose your cpu these are i mean the power supply is directly connected to
every component of your computer and in a in an ironic twist uh you could lose the graphics card
that you were trying to buy when you got this bundled power supply um steve and his team were
lucky enough the sparks didn't go anywhere and they were not just lucky but they were
uh they were wise to be attentive when they were running a power supply test so that last one that's
on their security footage you can actually see they have the unit hooked up to a load tester
um so they were very wise to be sitting there monitoring it while it was running
but you might not be so lucky now here's the thing it is unlikely that in the course of regular use
most gaming machines would trip any one of those protections i mean most gaming rigs pull only
a couple hundred or a few hundred watts under full load except for one small problem those
power supplies are being actively bundled with some of the only gpu's on the planet
that could potentially trip those kinds of protection circuits which is epic that's the
problem i mean aside from you know trying to move out uh a bad moving product now to be clear this
type of strategy is not a new thing i remember having a really irate conversation with um with
an nvidia rep a long time ago where i basically went like uh you know i was talking about i was
like yeah we had a great quarter we moved x number of these and they're like i don't want to hear
about how many and i forget exactly what graphics card it was at the time but it was it was when
nvidia was really struggling i think it was man was it uh fermi i mean it must have been nvidia was
really struggling during the fermi generation or was it uh man was it 280 was it was it pre-fermi
i can't remember the point was uh we were talking about like ncix one of the anomalies one of the
weird things about it is they moved pound for pound a ridiculously disproportionate number
of high-end graphics cards you know 600 700 graphics cards remember when that qualified as
top of the line uh they moved a ridiculously disproportionate number of them in the country
for how many people live here for one thing and for the size of the business that they did
overall like they were kind of like a boutique pc integrator in that way and i remember getting this
like irate answer back that's like well how many whatever the equivalent back then of like a gt
gt a gt 10 30 was well how many of those have you moved unless you guys can get your numbers up for
those i'm not going to be able to get you any allocation of the good stuff um so what the point
i'm trying to make is that it is extremely common for brands and retailers to bundle together hot
moving items and other items whether it's something that is uh overpriced and so you're trying to mask
the overpricedness on one thing with a discount on another thing yeah uh whether it is undesirable um
hopefully not whether it's dangerous um so yeah usually overpriced or otherwise undesirable oh
yeah and the last reason that you might try to bundle things is because you're trying to hit
some kind of quota so the way the mdf programs work for companies like uh invidious if i recall
correctly didn't work this way at least for us but i know for a fact that intel's did uh the
way it worked was you had certain quotas that you were supposed to hit for certain either skews or
um or product segments so k for example um at ncix if we sold a you know a 2600 we were like
yay we made six dollars but if we sold a 2600k all of a sudden yay we made six dollars but also
it contributed towards our quota that we had to hit to get our mdf for our marketing funding that
we could spend on activities like ncix tech tips and by spend what i mean is it's money that you
get allocated on the back end from intel and you put it towards approved marketing exercises that
you then pay yourself for out of that pool it's very common and before before the chat blows up
no it's not exclusive to intel amd has basically the exact same program don't kid yourself
uh microsoft's program was excellent as well um so that was that's how you actually make money
i mean if you're ever wondering why you go into the mom and pop computer store and it's
a computer store on you know main street or whatever and their prices suck and they have
no stock and no selection well that's why because if you don't hit a certain type of volume you're
just you're not a player and you're not going to make any money because all you get is the
upfront profit you don't get the back end that actually drives profitability in this business
um so this practice is not uncommon but to do it with an item that is unsafe would demonstrate
either um abominable ignorance on the part of new egg and gigabyte or at worst malice because
selling a product bundled with a product that is the most likely thing i can think of to make
it fail in the way that would be very bad is terrible um with that said there are certain
manners in which a power supply can be loaded that are extremely unlikely to occur in the real world
so the odds are if you have one of these power supplies it's not going to blow up immediately but
the question becomes do you really want to roll that die and for me the answer is no and the pun
was definitely intended get it roll that die because it could light a fire and you could die
luke's not listening but it was a very funny joke and he would have laughed if he'd been
paying attention sorry i'm i'm looking into something ridiculous uh apparently at at 6 29
in the video and i i had to reaffirm this a bunch of times and the reason why i wasn't listening to
you right there was because i was listening to it um but these extremely unstable power supplies
that it's bundled with if one of them pops and you want to rma it you have to send in your
graphics card as well really they're sending you something they pretty much know is going
to become garbage because like over 50 of the feedback for the graphics card on an on newegg's
website is people having failures it's 54 of newegg reviews is people talking about failures
apparently it pops like 60 load they're just ridiculous they know it's going to die and when
it dies you just have to keep your garbage or you have to send your graphics card back oh wow so
this is a scene like holy crap what the heck that would indicate that um that's that sounds like
fraud that they're very well aware of what was going on which is i believe this is like a
previously standing thing like all bundled things have to be returned yeah together no matter what
so that if it's an rma of one of them was a policy at ncix but only if you were returning the item
not if the item was actually faulty and you were rmaing it for a replacement that was never the
policy that you had to return both items so that's what i was kind of asking the chat is like if
you're if you're returning it for a replacement is this still the case but can i just can i can
i hit you with a hot take can i hit you with a hot take luke yeah okay here's my hot take
okay why is the penalty for attempted murder any less than the penalty for murder
um okay that's my hot take you penalize people who suck less well that that's exactly it just
because you suck at murdering someone doesn't mean that you're not a complete yeah like this
this seems just super illegal for like a bunch of reasons but here's the problem
here's the problem something here because of the way and this is you feel free to correct me if
i'm wrong as far as i know because of the way the law works until someone's house actually
blows down blows down until someone's house actually burns down and they suffer any kind of
actual material harm there's no real practical way to go after them for it that is my understanding
like if you were to try to class action the out of new egg and gigabyte over this
basically you would have to demonstrate some kind of of material harm and so the most you could
possibly hope to get is some kind of compensation for your dead motherboard or cpu or graphics card
or whatever else which new egg and gigabyte conveniently make sure won't be an issue because
they take your graphics card back when you report that there's an issue with the power supply so
you've you've been refunded for it you've been you've been compensated but to me i look at it
and i go well well hold on a second what about the what about the risk what about the risk that
i never would have signed up for if i had known about this in the first place what about that
nothing nothing about that it's attempted murder therefore it's no big deal why is that help me
understand this i don't know this this is crazy apparently gigabyte has responded and basically
been like uh yeah um not a problem um apparently they've adjusted the opp trigger points
opp trigger point from 120 to 150 percent from from roughly around 120 to 150 percent
to roughly around 110 to 120 percent um okay so over opp with the overpower protection
yeah and that's on both models as far as i can tell the same thing 120 roughly 250 roughly
changed to 110 roughly 220 roughly they are saying the testing is the issue now i did say
that there are ways that you can test a power supply so for example uh one of the one of the
ways that we used to be able to separate the the men from the boys back in the in the early days
of high-powered graphics cards was a purely 12 volt test so you would you would run the power supply
up to its basically entire rated um uh current delivery or it's up to its entire uh rated power
delivery uh wattage you would run the entire thing over the 12 volt rail and lots of power
supplies struggled with it because they were designed and validated by the manufacturers
with some kind of load on five volt and 3.3 volt because there was other equipment in your power
supply that would draw from these rails and so a mark of a well-designed power supply was that
it could deliver basically all of its power on 12 volt without actually drawing from those other
rails so you would hook it up in this in this artificial sort of way to power supply testing
equipment instead of using a computer to test it and yeah reviewers at the time would kind of
disclaim these results they'd say okay look a good result here is the mark of a well-designed power
supply but it's not representative of the real world and if a power supply fails this test
that's fine because your computer will use 5 volt and 3.3 volt power anyway um but the reason that
they tested in that way is that they were trying to look forward to a time when the 12 volt rail
was going to become more and more and more and more important so just because the methodology
might be what's causing the power supply to blow up also there's a lot of anecdotal evidence of
these things just blowing up in regular use but just because the methodology might be what causes
it to blow up doesn't mean that there isn't a good reason for that methodology and that it
wouldn't point to a deficiency in the design or build quality of the power supply so gigabyte is
also offering exchanges for these units so that is good but you're getting a tweaked one with
an overpower protection trigger point that is uh lower uh which basically just means that it's not
gonna deliver as much peak power i guess which to me doesn't really address the problem which
is that these power supplies are failing i'm not sure if this is steve or not necessarily but um
gamers nexus in youtube chat uh says lol gigabytes response show they didn't actually understand our
testing we'll look closer at it and comment on monday or tuesday which is great but also
i would bring us back to the gamers nexus slide at four minutes and 30 seconds four minutes and
35 seconds into the video um i haven't i wish i watched this before the show this is super
interesting i'm gonna have to watch the whole thing in detail after the show but um just make
sure you set it to 2x speed it's half half an hour it's 30 minutes long yeah but steve's testing
testing shows 50 failure okay so there could be something wrong with the testing methodology
whatever kind of doubt it um new egg reviews show 54 yes people are going to respond negatively
more often than positively yeah because if you buy a power supply it shows up and it works
you're decently unlikely to go back and be like yup it functions yeah um but you're really likely
to say something if your power supply freaking explodes blows up and takes out your motherboard
yes uh that being said that practically never happened so the fact that it is happening the
fact that 54 of new egg reviews are this negative is astonishing fairly down yeah i'm not 100
certain what the survey data column is again i haven't watched the full video but like this is
rough uh we also have a super chat from steve he says regarding the testing gigabyte misrepresented
us and is twisting it they claimed we ran it for extended periods but the failures were actually
within two minutes almost every single time they either didn't understand or pretended they didn't
we're going to be replying on monday also like go ahead that's very good please reply on monday i
went to newegg.com specifically not.ca because i believe that's where they got these numbers from
yeah i typed in power supply and the first two things that came up were evga 600 bq 110
and then csonic focus gx 850 i'm checking their responses uh and everything's basically fine
well yeah yep there's some issues with like doa on the on the evga one but most people are happy
with it um and the csonic one is rated super highly not surprised the sonic power supplies
are fantastic uh and that does not line up with the gigabyte responses so there's something
non-standard right the gigabyte ones are blowing the heck up and the other ones aren't um yeah
these evgas kind of seem to have some um some issues i don't think they're exploding though
uh a few of them have apparently popped just like right out of the box that's in that's in like the
last 10 reviews there's like three that uh saying they popped they went they popped off they popped
off dude they're popping off power supply it's still not anywhere near not even remotely close
to the same percentages as the gigabyte power spots just to be very clear um if if even if we
total together the they're done in eggs on new eggs yeah on new egg not stars so if we total
together the one two and three stars so i'm assuming you're not going to give a power supply
a four or five star if it explodes on you if we total all of that together that equals a percentage
of 18 yeah the gigabyte ones are at 54 and i also know that there are some other like some of these
one egg ones are like oh it showed up doa which is bad but it's not exploding these are very
different things yeah these are angry customers this is not a good look you know the funny thing
about it is we preach don't cheap out on your power supply right like don't we preach that
you know what i've noticed in the intel extreme tech upgrades is almost i wouldn't say almost
everyone but a disproportionate number of the people who have gotten intel extreme tech upgrades
where they're operating within a fixed budget trying to get as much tech as they can for the
money have skimped on the power supply chase skimped on the power supply and is now he actually
had just a system power down event because he has a 3080 on like a 750 watt power supply and so he's
like yeah i'm gonna have to buy a new power supply james skimped on the power supply uh he tried to
get away with i forget exactly what card it was but it was with like a little sfx power supply
and those tend to be more sensitive than a full-size power supply um to momentary spikes in
uh in power draw uh and i'm trying to remember who else but oh colton uh colton i think cheaped
out on the power supply like almost everyone in spite of the fact that we preach this
when push came to shove they chose fps instead of smooth reliable unsexy power delivery
i've got i've got two theories here um let me pick up one of them really quick in the meantime
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dot com slash linus all right what uh what are we coming back to here luke hit me okay so i know
anthony had an extreme tech upgrade but it's been a long time since i watched it has has like alex
had an extreme tech upgrade alex has i believe he reused his no no alex went for a good quality
power supply in fact probably so did anthony right he used the csonic uh xconnect whatever
that that case that has the the breakout like 12 volt only power thing it's pretty sick
cool okay okay cool neat and anthony probably got a good one as well i'm assuming um trying to
remember anthony blew a lot of his budget on like a vr headset and a tv so i'm just i'm trying to
remember what his parts list was he must have had a yeah it must have had a computer though
i'll check i'll check is it in here oh even i'm processor
processor rmx 650 watt so he went pretty that's a decent power supply but no even anthony even
anthony wanted to squeeze as much like he didn't go over that is adequate that was a that was a
calculated savings so but it was a savings a really fantastic solution and a very adequate
solution from the little bit more techier people out of the people that you listed so far yeah and
i am not surprised um and then what was my other one oh no oh i was gonna say the other thing is
maybe it was tactical because maybe they cranked out the parts that are difficult to get expensive
to get etc knowing that potentially the power supply is going to die but that's not really a
big deal because you can get power supply yeah they can go buy a solid power supply on their own
so maybe it was a tactical decision but the big problem though the big problem is that your power
supply can take out other components and when that happens i mean you will get the run around there
i'll say it you are going to get the run around because the power supply manufacturer is not going
to want to buy you a new graphics card and the graphics card manufacturer that is not their
fault that you bought a crappy power supply yeah that so nobody is going to want to replace that
collateral damage i have heard of power supply manufacturers that have claimed that they will
that they will warranty connected components that are killed by the power supply failure
but one of the issues is that it's really hard to prove it probably not gigabyte
well that's a whole that's a whole other thing if they didn't hate me enough already hey all right
let's go ahead and move into our next topic here if you remember the back plate gigabyte i remember
the back plate gigabyte anthony says i stand by my choice uh the 2080 super is not a big power
sucker and that's fair i did say you did i did say it was an adequate choice i just said that
you clearly didn't you didn't buffer you know you didn't just go go ham on the power supply
which is fine calculated he's on the line like i was saying he's not he's not before the line
he had an i-5 as well he's highlighted i-5 in the doc for me here highlighted i-5 thank you anthony
all right let's move into our next topic have you been injured by a faulty product amazon says
don't call a lawyer amazon has been taking some flack for safety concerns from third-party sellers
following last month's consumer product safety commission complaint the cpsc wants amazon to
take responsibility for dangerous products offered by third parties under the fulfilled by amazon
program since amazon is the one who is actually shipping out that product that's what fulfilled
by amazon means it's in amazon's warehouse comes with an amazon sticker on it so from a consumer
standpoint they're buying something from amazon yeah dangerous products that have been shipped
in this program include 400 000 hair dryers without the required immersion protection devices
that could be an enormous electrocution risk 24 000 carbon monoxide detectors that don't work
yeah a bit of a fail-to-alarm bit of an issue on an alarm numerous children's sleepwear products
that are in violation of flammable fabric safety standards equals potentially kids on fire probably
not um in case you guys were wondering this is actually why we have never done children's clothes
on ltt store because i'm sure there are plenty of you that would have loved to get a kid-sized like
wan hoodie or something i want one for not one i want three i want them for my kids and for the
upcoming uh wan v2 hoodie i have actually custom ordered we measured my kids and we are custom
ordering one-offs for each of them but that's the reason that we've never sold them because
kids clothing standards are a whole ball of wax so the cpsc seeks to force amazon as the distributor
to stop selling those products work with the cpsc on recalls and direct notice for affected customers
amazon's initial response was to independently do what the cpsc asked them to but without
collaborating with the cpsc they just wanted to kind of do it quietly they're now going a step
farther though any product that is purchased on amazon is covered by a change to the a to z
guarantee as of september 1st the changes offer a thousand dollars in starting compensation for
injuries caused by faulty third-party items with a theoretical cap of a million limited to the
purchase price of the product plus medical expenses lost wages and property damage caused
by the defective product wait a second this isn't good this is this is just these payments will come
at no cost to sellers and will usually be resolved within 90 days this sounds closer to hush money so
they're trying to just settle with everyone before it totally is yeah they're asking you to not go to
a lawyer and they're trying to pay you off but it it is it is hush money yeah yep which like for
some people that's maybe what they want to do right and this doesn't make a difference you can
still go to a lawyer it's not like you can't go to a lawyer they're asking you not to but who cares
about that that doesn't matter huh okay uh interesting so prior to this amazon was the only
party customers could sue with any expectation of success because many of these sellers are from
foreign countries often china and simply do not respond to lawsuits with no recourse available to
the plaintiffs this is an important detail because the cpsc's case against amazon uses lawsuits like
these as evidence so if there are fewer lawsuits because amazon is able to quiet them down there
will be less evidence and therefore less likelihood that they will be chased in the event of a
catastrophic product failure and someone wanting to sue them over it um yeah basically amazon's
money is buying them kind of like a liability waiver here fascinating um maybe after a little
while it'll be time for us to talk about your your project idea uh maybe once you've made a little
bit more progress on it luke it's tough um yeah but yeah yeah all right yeah it's kind of getting
to be time more work has been done but it's it's tough oh speaking of work has been done the ltt
store team has been hard at work getting you guys of what you demand we now have spout lids for the
ltt water bottle check it out look it's a spout lid it goes on the ltt water bottle also luke is
working his way through this but there is going to be a lower price for the spout lid that should
show up if you have previously purchased an ltt store water bottle and if you add the water bottle
and and the spout lid to the cart now there is a lower price for it you just have to buy the water
ball at the same time if you have previously purchased a water bottle like minus said
uh should be before the end of tonight um but also three sevenths of all customers have been
registered so far but it's going pretty slowly but uh it is their customers are being imported
and updated that have previously bought the water bottle and if you're in that lot of people it will
automatically discount the sip lid uh when you go to do it please give us until at least tomorrow
so that i can finish this import yeah but if you have previously purchased the bottle you should
get the discount tomorrow or later yeah if you don't get the discode automatically customer
support can help you yep so it should be five bucks if you've previously purchased a water bottle
yay go team thanks ltt store team all right uh what else we got for topics today there's some
pretty good stuff uh oh man i don't know this is more of a quick one facebook is shutting down
researchers that are looking into uh political ads running on facebook and how facebook is targeting
them so facebook does have tools where they have approved researchers that are allowed to look into
these things in approved ways so they can see what campaign ads are running on the platform
are running on the platform but what they can't see without looking at it from the viewer's side
the user's side is how they're being served so uh this was from uh i think it was some researchers
at new york university yeah new york university uh basically they created a browser extension
um that around 16 000 people voluntarily installed that was looking at how facebook was serving them
these ads facebook shut down the extension shut down their api access and even terminated their
personal accounts um because they really do not want third-party independent researchers looking
at this stuff because they might not like what they find allegedly probably um we don't have
confirmation of that because facebook doesn't allow third parties to uh audit how they're
serving political ads so that's pretty cool thanks facebook you're awesome
uh this i mentioned briefly earlier there's a house bill that takes aim at ios and android
app store competition the open app markets app basically validates what epic's been saying what
i've been saying what apple fanboys uh seem to be pushing back against because they have some kind
of weird stockholm syndrome that i really don't understand um the app store is a a monopoly
a monopoly basically um it's it's like a it's not quite a monopoly yes because the google play store
also exists but thank you thank you luke that's just called a duopoly and there are certain things
that you know are fair points you know apple and google these are their stores and they're allowed
to run them the way that they want the problem is that when they run afoul of antitrust law that
there are consequences for running them the way that they want and so it looks like those
consequences might finally be coming so what this ultimately ends up looking like for consumers
outside of america probably nothing for the time being because there's no way apple and google are
going to voluntarily roll out changes to uh things like uh the cut that they take from developers or
forcing developers to use their payment processor which conveniently includes their 30 cut there's
nobody going to roll these out in other territories voluntarily so it'll be america only at least for
the time being and it'll probably take quite a while i don't think they're going to expect
them to flip a switch automatically but in time in america the hope is that this would lead to
third-party app stores which would lead to competition for your for your app buying and
vbuck buying dollars or whatever it is that you buy which would in turn lead to apple and google
slashing their rates and or being more competitive with respect to allowing multiple payment
processors and all those kinds of things now if you want to look into why things like duopolies
can be really bad and if you've only heard of a monopoly and how that can be bad you're like
duopoly well that's two companies of course there's competition there there's competition
in much more than just two companies as well whenever the space gets small enough and that
isn't necessarily one or two things can get really bad there's a very very good video that
i've referenced on this show before but i didn't know the name of it and i do now it's called this
is why we can't have nice things by veritasium louis rossman is the highest comment uh under
the videos basically saying thank you you planted a seed today about right to repair all this kind
of stuff it's a really good video and it talks about why light bulbs suck um it's really
interesting yeah it's actually a great video basically planned obsolescence is a thing and
it's something that's taught in schools which was something that was revealed to me after the last
time we talked about this they have planned obsolescence courses in different schools
it's interesting it's kind of yeah it's kind of sickening especially when you consider how much
waste light bulbs have created over the decades yep oh man in more cool exciting news um the ecc
listing of a graphics processors of the asus trademark has an interesting model name the rtx
3070-8g noctua noctua that's going to be pretty sweet we don't know what it'll look like probably
nothing like this but here's a render of what an asus x noctua graphics card might look like
and it actually looks pretty cool i seriously doubt it will look anything like that 10 of 10
i suspect it's just going to be usage of fans i don't think it's going to have like a big noctua
badge on it and stuff would invite to the backseat of my car after prom yeah i think it looks great
it's a cool render yeah um looks fantastic whoever made that should be should be proud i just i don't
think that's what it's going to look like but i'd be happy to eat my words i expect it to perform
awesome i mean noctua is still king when it comes to when it comes to fan performance uh they were
recently dethroned by who was it uh noctua fan oh who is it uh was it um not deep cool be quiet maybe
really hopefully it's not as horrible to install as there here it is but oh fan text fan text here
we go oh this fan but but but but they kind of hacked because it's five millimeters thicker
which when you consider how much of a fan is the like structural frame at the back and how much of
it is the actual blade being five millimeters thicker on a 25 millimeter fan is actually more
than just being 20 percent thicker in terms of the actual spinning part it's like probably closer to
like 25 percent thicker so it does beat um the nf uh the nf a12 x24 but if i'm if i'm noctua i'm
probably going to be pretty pissy about this and i'm going to do a 30 millimeter fan of my own
and then all of a sudden 25 millimeter fans as the standard are going to be dead and all your cases
are going to be obsolete because they won't fit modern fans and the case is going to get bigger
and whatever yeah i mean these things happen these things happen um interesting that they're
basically like making a new market segment though you know what i changed my mind i don't feel like
talking about samsung unpacked i already said everything i have to say about the z fold 3 which
is super exciting absolutely love it uh i just need the youtube app to work properly and then i
will happily daily drive it it's it's amazing um the z flip 3 is still what i think it is it's
it's a phone that i don't understand why it exists it's a novelty item um if you want a screen that
shape then you should just use a candy bar phone i'm sorry i don't get it maybe i'm wrong feel free
i'm sure austin evans is probably like on line two trying to argue with me about this um if i
recall correctly he's one of the people who thinks that the z flip series is really cool i i don't
get it but it's also water resistant like the fold is now that's a big improvement over the last
generation the new galaxy watch 4 and galaxy watch 4 classic are here i'm kind of tempted to give
them another try i mean i've been wearing this apple watch for so long that the meme is kind of
dead uh it's not it's not connected to anything guys it's just a watch and also i broke the screen
on it with my badminton racket i followed through on a swing and whacked it and it cracked all the
way across so it's it's seen better days maybe it's time to send it to send it into the shop for
repairs and then put it in the lmg store um which is not to be confused with the ltt store not ltt
store.com i mean when we have like uh dead or repaired items or like half working items that
people at work will often buy them for a steep discount and there's galaxy buds 2 for 149
uh available august 27th side that i wouldn't mind uh taking a crack at as well these are
an upgraded galaxy buds live with better active noise cancellation apparently um so that's pretty
much it for the big topics for the wan show today was there anything else that you wanted to hit luke
no i think that's i think that's pretty much it okay we're good all right let's do some
super chats then shall we i only have the ones after i clicked that tab because youtube is
broken thanks youtube uh geo bear says really enjoying your home automation videos you mentioned
that even for you as a techie person it can be overwhelming will ltt cover communication
protocols and recommended devices and why you chose z-wave for your house i chose z-wave um
partly because it's got better range without requiring hops so 900 megahertz does have better
punch through ability when you've got lots of walls or lots of floors in your house
um and mostly i chose it because the light switch that i like happened to be z-wave and everything
else i've been looking at has a good option available that's z-wave and also i don't care
about z-wave versus zigbee because i'm using home assistant and with home assistant you can actually
have two separate sticks and you can use them both and you can integrate them and have them
trigger each other in various ways so there you go all right cheesy pie says z flip is going to
be a godsend for my tiny pockets as a woman the exterior display was the biggest thing holding
me back i pre-ordered you know what there it is that is me that is me getting told yeah absolutely
absolutely destroyed by words so because it might bulge out a little bit more yep but there is a lot
of like women's pockets issues where they're just really really shallow yeah and you could you could
say okay women just get pants with a bigger pocket but they can't they can't yeah i've looked at
women's pants i was like well why don't they just have bigger pockets and they just don't
so all right i have heard that it's because they i don't know but i've heard that the manufacturers
don't do it because i think they'll sell less because it makes unflattering curves
but like given how excited most of the ladies that i know get about dresses with pockets or
like pants with properly functioning pockets or whatever else i feel like you'd sell more if you
just made proper freaking pockets but do you remember what do i know do you remember that
horrible trend in like 2001 2002 those awful pants that had no back pockets
women's pants they were like the ugliest thing ever they looked so stupid my favorite pants and
my favorite shorts have no back pockets but they have many and large pockets elsewhere so it
doesn't really matter man how am i gonna man how do i find this okay that's a lot of pictures of
butts on my screen you know what i really i don't need this very much um all right one walking in
yeah exactly i don't need that either okay what else we got here uh zach says love the water
bottle but the gold print on the top so faded after two-ish years about to get another okay
it has been a couple of years um and what we have found is that some users have that issue
others do not um and it seems like it might have to do with um the ph of your like finger oils
so just something to consider uh we don't have the same print fading issues with any of the other
ones and the print fading issue is not that widespread just reach out the ph of your fingers
what no i didn't say that i i know i'm just memeing i said buy a different color and if you
have issues with it you can contact customer support and they'll help you out the customers
there ltd store are pretty awesome so vastria says can confirm back in november 2020 i snagged
a 3090 bundle with a p850 gm luckily i sold the power supply to someone else not luckily for them
nick also says we updated to a new gold ink about 18 months ago that is less prone to fading so
there you go nice um okay but dennis says keep in mind that the power supply fan is often facing
down and sparks could literally fly out of the computer onto your carpet if you have your
computer down on the floor that is an excellent excellent point uh nardstorm nardstorm says first
time catching the show live just started my career as a network engineer and i'm taking inspiration
from you for my personal setup i want to add a nas to my server rack any recommendations for
nas servers build your own get a rack mount case and just build a computer servers are just
computers yeah um gamers easy price here to outbid gamers nexus with a super chat of 69.69
have you guys tried flight sim on the series x yet i have not um as for why because i have a pc
so i just wasn't there wasn't any reason for me to do it at this time apparently gamers nexus lost
the gpu in their video that is very unfortunate that's a massive yikes um jason schreiner says
attempted is less than the actual crime crime in government the two places that routinely reward
failure all right all right that's that's pretty funny uh gamer easy price says just got to even
out the good old bank account don't mind me sends thirty dollars and thirty one cents for an even
hundred dollars of super chats all right thanks gamer easy price very nice josh says i got of
course their hx 1000i even though i maxed at 500 because i don't want to bomb in my expensive
system fair enough um sam layered says what is your opinion on microsoft and intel dropping
support for s3 sleep all 11th gen intel mobile cpus now only support modern standby this heavily
hurts sleep battery life and linux into lesser degree windows i actually had not looked into
this issue at all thank you for putting it on my radar though joshua says this is stupid but i
have recommended at least a few times to change out the cable to a few power supplies because the
cable provided heated up this should not happen yeah it's an excellent point um that was another
really funny thing back in the days of uh when 80 plus was first kind of um hitting the market so
80 plus certified power supplies there were some assumptions that just because something was 80
plus certified it meant it was quality you can build a high efficiency power supply that is not
actually very good quality in other ways it could have very high ripple um it could have you know
you know like we like we say um uh it could right it could be lacking or have incorrectly configured
over power protection there's lots of other things that could be wrong with it and one of the big
scams back in the early days of 80 plus was manufacturers certifying their power supplies
with cables that were different than what the consumer would actually receive so like higher
gauge cables um so that was uh that was that was a pretty funny one back in the day gotta keep a
gotta keep an eye on those manufacturers hey dr cutress sent another uh sent another five
pound super chat anon took his money and i only got a full-time job after he left okay i was kind
of dancing around um the situation when anon sold anon tech because i wasn't sure if i was
what if anything i was supposed to know about it um so there you go you've got it direct from
ian himself anon took the money i got a job uh i'm not cheap i'm just only on 50 000 subs
as a proportion my super chats are awesome plus plus yeah you know what ian thank you very much
thank you for the super chat next time you're live and i catch it i'm gonna be sure to send you super
chat back also i miss you yeah i know right we gotta get together dude what am i looking at here
oh my gosh why do we have so many super chats today it's because we acknowledged them early
in the show crap this is too many okay guys i'm only going to do a handful more we don't do super
chats on this show uh kinesthetic says video idea the most dangerous pc in the world a combination
of physically dangerous hardware it is thankfully thankfully difficult to find legitimately dangerous
hardware you should do like the the bs machine and just find like build a computer out of like
either things that are dangerous or things that had like false claims or misleading false advertising
or yeah just things well we have that stupid uh motherboard recently that um claimed to have usb
ports that like pulled faster or something nice toxic bullet xnl says hey lioness or luke i was
looking at floatplane supporters and what's the difference between ltt supporter or supporter plus
if i recall correctly it is 4k resolution okay also there's going to be a change for floatplane
supporters we are formally going to be doing away with early access we're going to focus instead
on behind the scenes and um yeah mostly on behind the scenes and exclusive content because the
reality of it is we haven't been able to keep up with it for the better part of six months now
and we feel like it's hurting our competitiveness to be so far behind certain hot news topics i do
think you can expect to see posts to posts early on floatplane still very often but we're not going
to have a commitment to have it be early anymore i also think my understanding here is that you
guys are going to be pushing a little bit more in those departments yes so that's going to be a key
part of madison's role is making sure that we're keeping up on things like behind the scenes and
exclusive content which in my opinion might be a little bias here genuinely this time but in my
opinion that's actually even cooler um because now you're getting like more and and specifically
interesting content um that like might not do super well on the main channel so i don't want
to release it there but you can get it on floatplane um and the early access thing is like
pretty neat but like whatever you know okay gondomar says finally lol you haven't done early
access for years that's actually not true it's been less than a year and we were very consistently
early for the entire rest of floatplane yeah gondomar come on i'm pretty sure i know who they
are but it has been very very difficult lately um asasoft says has luke ever talked about the
tech stack behind floatplane i would absolutely love to hear about it yes but not for a long time
i mean it hasn't really changed um we do a lot of things at floatplane so it's not as simple as like
yeah these are the like three or four languages that we use because we use a ton um because we
do a lot of things because we don't just like we're not just a payments platform but we do payments
we're not just a video platform but we do video we're not just a streaming platform but we do
streaming we do tons and tons of different things but it's mostly like javascript and they also do
other things like working on lttstore.com they're working on internal uh like they're working on
customizing an open source inventory management tool for us right now so they're kind of uh
they're this thing but then they're also the only people we know that know how to program anything
so we do a lot of stuff and wear a lot of hats it's mostly like mean stack related i would say
um but yeah there's lots of other things we have infrastructure people that barely have anything
to do with that kind of stuff we have it's yeah we do lots of stuff it's mostly mostly
mean stack related mostly javascript related j keys design says i was repairing an hpg7 250
and i was surprised by the repairability of the laptop there was a video made by hp outlining the
process of replacing nearly all the parts including the screen and battery i was interested that hp
had this much support that's really cool thank you for thank you for drawing our attention to that
um here's the specifications thing i don't actually see any of these resources here but
uh presumably it's not that difficult to find so yeah that's super cool
uh what else we got we got a couple more is the beard permanent uh it's
yeah it's here until it's not here i think at this point thanks luca
uh prince albert's asked why not ltt women's pants with pockets okay
we would love to do at the very least you know unisex pants but pants are really difficult
because you know you can kind of get away with not having tall sizes for shirts like just wear
a size up and it like kind of hangs a little bag here you cannot get away with that for pants
andrew wada says should i get an s21 ultra or a z fold 3 the master screen on the fold would be nice
with my bad eyes but the lack of dust resistance worries me i wouldn't have the lack of dust
resistance be what um be what holds me back from a fold 3 i mean the price could hold you back
but i wouldn't i wouldn't say dust i mean it should be in your pocket most of the time you
shouldn't have a whole lot of dust settle on your on your phone uh sj hockey asks i noticed your
videos mentioned unrated and proxmox a lot which do you recommend horses for courses um i run some
nas vms on hp dl 380p server for a small business and was wondering if unread offers anything over
proxmox feature set wise for nas well what they offer is unraid um so you should do a little bit
more digging if you're experienced enough to do what it looks like you're doing um you should be
able to understand it pretty easily but what you want to look into is what differentiates unraid
from the normal type of raid that most nas is offered that's really their special sauce
along with um really painless uh device pass through for and just in case you didn't uh
grow up in rural countryside horses for courses is like right tool for the right job using the
right thing to do the right thing use the right your race course for the right type of race
yeah they're they're both great is what i'm trying to say it just depends on the situation
yeah all right i think that pretty much wraps it up for the wan show nick did message me to
say we are apparently working on some women's sweats um so there you go that's that's something
that is in the works thank you guys very much for tuning in we will see you again next week same bad
time same bad channel bye oh that's a really good idea linus use an iphone 12 pro lidar scanner we
need the t pose says not interested in youtube chat that's a really good idea i should totally
send that over i've got one right here send that over to steve can we talk about the kafka stuff
i don't have a specific way for them to reach out let's do it next week okay yeah because this is
like the very end of the show let's do it also like other things we need to figure out yeah
but yeah yeah at the beginning of the show all right okay bye bye
so many comments omg thank you for explaining that saying luke the only reason why i did it was
because i thought they might not have properly caught it so they wouldn't be able to google
what it was got it all right okay we're done now you