
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

what is up everyone and welcome to the WAN show we got a great show lined up for you guys today
uh account locking devices sucks not a real topic all i have is a link to something so we're all
going to discover it together and amd users could be banned in counter-strike 2 just for using a
feature of amd's drivers um uh-oh what else we got uh just because he stole my topic i did i'm gonna
do it anyways uh github copilot might be running at a loss i talked about this literally last week
nice and now we have news about it so that's cool we'll see where that goes in a moment and then the
other one if i can find it is uh google defaults to pass keys really you picked that over ps5 slim
over microsoft acquiring activision yeah we all knew that was coming
over intel's new graphics card that everyone is so excited about wait what no they're not excited
oh let's roll the intro
the show is brought to you today by kudos grammarly and maximum settings
not gonna lie no idea what that is i'll be finding out alongside you guys let's go ahead
and jump into our first topic today which is that amd users have the potential to be banned like vac
banned from counter-strike 2 for enabling a feature in amd's newest driver drop amd made their anti-leg
plus feature available for counter-strike 2 which unfortunately is implemented by detouring
engine dll functions so the idea here is that very similar to nvidia's reflex technology
uh amd anti-leg plus is designed to lower the overall system latency for a more responsive gaming
experience but valve actually tweeted and this is from their official counter-strike handle
posted tweeted tweeted if you are an amd customer and play cs2 do this is in all caps do not enable
anti-leg plus any tampering with cs code will result in a vac ban once amd ships an update we can do the
work of identifying affected users and reversing the ban but it sounds like you will not be playing the
game in the meantime i'm glad that they did clarify that you will not necessarily be forever banned
lose your hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of skins or whatever else that people by kids buy
these days or whatever um basically the way that anti-leg works is it periodically checks if the cpu is
ahead of the gpu and if it is it throttles the cpu to send fewer frames to the gpu for processing to
reduce the load on it this reduces the frame buffer thus improving the latency as far as i can tell
maybe the audience can correct us here there is no current response from amd and this was posted by
valve at like 10 a.m this morning it is worth noting that i i mentioned nvidia reflex right those
users are not affected because according to what i've seen which i think came from valve don't quote me
on this part but they implemented it the correct way they've implemented it in the game as opposed to
just as a driver feature that applies to the game i have to say i do wonder if valve could have simply
not vac banned like could they just do you do you think valve's doing the right thing here
do you mean like is there a different way like to like don't allow people to launch if they have
this going on and just tell them that they have to go disable it i didn't even think of that but
that's a great idea too is vac banning really yeah is if they know what amd has changed and they're
aware of it enough to send a tweet is this something that they could handle a different way considering
they tagged amd in their tweet i feel like this caught them off guard actually yeah this is all making
no sense to me whatsoever it's very weird behavior yeah how would valve not have high up contacts at
amd if i'm amd i'm actually probably kind of ticked off right now yeah because this reflects poorly on
our product even if we didn't strictly speaking do anything wrong other than try to improve the
experience for our users but then again maybe valves kind of teed off right now because amd should
tell them before making any changes i think valve is getting a lot of negative press right now for cs2
in general which we can talk as a part of talk about as a uh as a part of this topic um and maybe
they're trying to like shift some of that elsewhere i don't i don't know that's that's that's just a
potential idea but this was yeah this was very weird uh seeing it just blown up in a tweet
them tagging amd directly uh i don't know if it comes across as the most professional ever
yeah i'm not sure i'm actually not really weird i'm not really liking the way that they're handling
this feels weird and making making it the problem of the user yeah they they do say i i think somewhere
yeah once amd ships an update we can work on identifying affected users and reversing their band
um so they it sounds like they're going to try to fix it for people because you know not everyone
has twitter um and i haven't checked but as far as i know it's not telling people in the game
is they just have to know from this tweet basically but then okay let's okay let's let's go let's go
the other way again then i mean from valve's point of view if you're mucking around with dll's then
as a as a graphics card manufacturer and driver writer should you should you know better than that
should amd have known better than to mess around with this for a competitive online game
especially one that just launched i still think as valve i handle this differently i i still think
you can even send that tweet out um but in a way that's a little different in my opinion yeah i i i think
that if they just basically said i'd anytime you're using all caps you probably need to just
do the like really big breathe in pause additional small breathe in breathe out go for a walk he's
going for a walk right now yeah he's literally going outside i think he's attempting to touch grass
i think that's yep he's touching grass right now also witness he's actively touching grass he has
acquired grass oh god he's not gonna make us returning into the building
he touched grass okay ew yeah yeah then we take the caps lock off and retype say whatever it is that
we need to say yeah yeah i would do well said take this advice yeah yeah maybe here and there you know
um but yeah it just it seemed it i wouldn't give it an a plus for as a response um but yeah i would
like to see i and i think you know the like don't allow people to queue thing if they have it if they
don't have that feature already i i think they're hoping that amd would fix this before they would
be able to roll it out yeah so they're just trying to get ahead of it and like if they i don't know i
feel like if they if they if they can detect this change um temporarily you know they could they could
do something as simple like you said as not not allowing people to queue and popping up an error message
i don't know can can i can i change gears a little bit here though and say something positive
about counter-strike 2 have you played it i played it okay sort of okay i i did some like practice
stuff with it because i was working on a video and we needed some games for benchmarking and everyone
knows counter-strike is the best game benchmark
i am so excited to play counter-strike 2
do you know why no do you remember that like thing that like tirade i launched into about how
ridiculous i think uh non-random spray patterns are and how how it was clear to me that the intent
of of of pseudo-random the attempt of the attempt to create randomness and recoil by just having sort
of like a fixed thing was clearly a limitation of like early game design and and not the designer's
intent and this whole thing where we just like memorize it and draw patterns with our mouse
to me is like it's it's a it's it's vestigial in in in my opinion and a lot of people disagree with
me and that's super cool but it looks like valve is on my side there's a new crosshair in counter-strike
2 that just shows you where the bullet will actually go and moves around according to the recoil pattern
it's built right into the game it's like an adaptive crosshair and i was only practicing
on bots but my time to kill was ridiculously low compared to what i've ever been able to achieve in
that game i am so excited to play it now really yeah you don't have to just guess where the
bullet is gonna go it actually just shows you like a functioning crosshair even an iron sight
would move so if you can track it then you can stay on it it's amazing this is allowed i love it
what the hell i love it it's called follow recoil yeah
so cool i don't know how i feel about that i feel great i actually get to play this game now
what is the what is the point like okay look if you want to talk you want to talk like realism or
whatever because because one of the most compelling arguments that was made to me that's so weird was
that learning the recoil patterns could be equated to you know learning the you know how to handle a
real weapon or whatever else you could become more skilled at using the weapon and that that's fair enough
that's fair enough but even on a real weapon you would actually be able to at least see where the
where the projectiles are are landing with near instantaneous visual feedback yeah so
this is basically that because a lot of the time whether we're talking cs2 or we're talking some
other game you you can't actually see a bullet hole where it go you have you have no flipping idea
so in a way this is more true to the actual original intent while still keeping things you know how they
always were for the purists my brain's exploding i'm so happy and there will still be a slight advantage to
having it memorized because while i'm sitting there kind of like keeping my crosshair on someone
yeah you'll be having your muscle memory which is great which you know which is fine but what
it means is that players who don't have it memorized are not just basically turning every gun into a
shotgun which is how it works now as far as i can tell you know what's interesting too is that with cs2
there's been a ton of i love what a salty like
gamer he's being right now this is so much no you know why i am sure yeah i did because you're a gamer
i've been playing a bunch of wingman had no idea this was a thing oh that's why you're mad yeah
what the heck okay like there was one thing we ran into which was i think it was called perspective
audio or something yeah i was trying to forget like why i can't hear anyone half the time like
there's this balcony thing and i'm playing under the balcony and some guy just lands behind me i'm
like i didn't hear him jump over the balcony how did he land behind me sure um and i ended up figuring
out that this perspective audio thing made it so that i like hear sounds that are in front of me
oh interesting more differently than i hear other sounds or something and i i don't think it works
very well because i turn it off and and it's like oh careful you might not hear things as as like
positionally as you did before and suddenly now i can hear things that i know where people are by
turning it off right so i don't know maybe that's a me thing maybe i'm just used to the old form of audio
more i don't know but i swear i couldn't hear stuff then i turn it off and i could hear stuff
i didn't realize there was you know a setting that just tells you where the bullets are gonna go
square pusher goes how's he being salty he's just debating whether it's a good or bad thing
no no i can just i've just known him a long time i can tell from his body language and his facial
expression he's like he was a super salty boy while i was talking i'm just salty because i didn't know
it existed i've been trying to play without it um and you know what it's okay look for the people who
are upset about it i will offer i'll offer one more kind of parallel that i think might make it make
more sense valve already has had going as far back to at least 1.6 which is the first i played
counter-strike really um so even going back there are you sure you didn't play an earlier one yeah i'm
very sure okay yeah i i wasn't a i wasn't a gamer okay like i i didn't or i was but i had a pentium 166
until like 2003 like i i couldn't i couldn't play 3d games yeah okay um anyway so even going back to
1.6 it's not like the crosshair hasn't always been somewhat adaptive depending on what you're doing
if you start strafing it'll get a little bit bigger in order to signify that there will be
a reduced level of accuracy you crouch at it again and it gets smaller so this paradigm has existed in
the game for 20 years i think the thing that makes it kind of chill to me is if you're at
an extremely high level it's not really going to make a difference anyways yeah exactly
because now the difference between being an elite level player who has it memorized and being uh
someone who's good at fps but doesn't have it memorized doesn't necessarily play counter-strike
all the time it doesn't have to be this it can be this so you can at least whatever or this the
point is it can narrow the gap a little bit so the game can actually be fun at all for people who
play fps but don't play counter-strike there's a portion of the gap that i would argue is mostly
frustration yes it's very frustrated it's very frustrating if you mostly play games where the
crosshair is where the bullet goes and you drop into counter-strike and you go well between the net
code and the hit boxes and the utterly useless crosshair i have no idea where my bullets are going
so you've heard what is even the point and now i get to sit here for five minutes and wait for the
next round like it can be it can be a very punishing gaming experience for new users and if they want to
sell more skins they've got to make it more accessible which is great for me and i'll just not buy the skins
i'm stoked yeah i haven't been this excited for counter-strike ever but i'm i'm super down
are we gonna play at the land then oh i'm i'm 100 down because i might actually be somewhat useful
for a change because i'm pretty okay i mean you know this i'm pretty okay when it comes to like
tactics yeah strategy covering corners covering flanks like i i'm i'm pretty okay at that stuff my
issue in counter-strike is i can't hit the broad side of a barn with any of the guns other than the very
first bullet because i had oh okay because the meta changed from burst fire to just holding it
down and memorizing things at some point and so i'm just like all right yeah way back when we first
started it was all burst fire um and then people learned the patterns and then it was no do the
full mag but know the pattern yeah yeah yeah and and and so you know it's just gotten to the point
where the time to kill for anyone who would do that was so low that you know i i i could be i could
be sitting there with 100 health and they have 20 and i'd managed to put one bullet into their ankle
and they'd managed to put six through my skull and i'm just kind of sitting here going well this is
ridiculous um and it's not because i have terrible aim i'm actually a
somewhat okay fps player i'm okay you're better than you often put on i'm okay well
the problem for me is i'm all over the place though like we've we've logged into halo infinite
and i'm like carrying and then we've logged into halo infinite and i'm getting absolutely nothing done
and i don't think it's because the opponents changed a ton like this is against similar ranked
opponents i'm just i'm one of those people who i i i don't know what it is but my day-to-day skill
variance is the highest out of anyone i know and that's not that's not just gaming like that's
something i i observe in badminton as well i play against the same people every week super checks every
tuesday that's a terrible example linus
okay so i'm gonna die tonight we've gone from handshaking to like
luke uh let's fight you're gonna be hard to replace man i've known i've known since last week that this
week was gonna go very poorly for me and i've just been embracing it i've just been poking the bear being
like i know i'm gonna get wrecked just might as well have it be epic so um for those of you who
don't have the context for this i treated myself to a bubble hockey game a little while ago it looks
a little something like this one um and luke had beat me once before uh we play most nights after when
since since we got it and he beat me once he's had some close ones like it's not like i just dunk on
him every once outside of last week had you was it two i think three well it definitely wasn't three
i'd remember that it was at least two okay two then um so he beat me a couple times but like
they were they were one-offs and i had won like two or three other games that same night both times
last friday he beat me three in a row i was pretty gapped too not happy like most games they weren't
one by one point yeah it was i was not happy yeah we had that first absolutely wild game that was a
nuts game he beat me seven six in overtime which
oh i was not happy about very high scoring very back and forth game the shots to score ratio was
insane absolutely insane neither of us could stop a puck to save our lives um it was crazy and then
and then the next two were not even not even close um yeah this week i'm not around so let's
let's go boys like i knew he was going to take that approach since last week i was full effort last
week though like i'm not going to make any excuses i was trying yeah i was trying hard but you do this
thing i yeah so like i just this week will not be one of these down here that's what so i like i poked
him the other day in the office i i poked him some other time i don't remember i poked him right here
just because it's like whatever i might as well make it fun yeah all right all right yeah all right
anyway um so counter-strike 2 i'm stoked let's play at the land sweet yeah yeah all right um but yeah
there's the just in case you haven't been watching it uh the launch of counter-strike 2 has been
up and down like my skill level at things yeah a little weird to to to say the best to be honest
completely removing um that's not necessarily true because i think people can still play through the
game versions thing that you've talked about in the past yep they can still do cs go but who knows how
long that's gonna last that'll be that'll become just completely ignored uh it's like uh it's it's a
very strategic they know what's gonna happen kind of thing it's kind of like when you um you know when
you release a community poll because you know what the answer will be um and and then it doesn't
backfire and you end up daily driving the lg wing it's like that i don't have one yet it's it's we
we've bought one on ebay because obviously you can't buy them new so i'm still on the note 9 oh hey
sorry were you gonna finish the thought or can i i have i have a little bit more to go over
go ahead um so yeah there's there's the like removal of cs go which some people are unhappy
about there's the um there's the really weird hit reg issues which people have been debating about
quite significantly about like what's actually happening and what's not happening but uh there's
a ton of videos you can find online of of people clearly shooting people in the head and they're not
getting hit in the head and there's also uh videos where they show the hitbox but people have been
arguing that the the hitbox is that's shown when they're doing that is incorrect or something and i
don't know something's weird whatever there's stuff going on with that um there's there's issues where
like people just ranking up is just like not functioning in certain game modes there's like
all this stuff going on that's been honestly really rough um and it's been it's been a weird launch
it's been a weird launch feels like it was too early in my opinion to be completely honest how
can you be so early and yet so late yeah yeah it's it's kind of true though like i yeah um there was
people wanting access for a super super long time but then we got it and it was it was bad
my fold yeah dan and i yellow stickers don't worry about the yellow stickers okay rude dan and i
especially dan made a rescue attempt today yeah and i am not going to say anything further on the
subject they're going to have to watch the video but it's going to be it's going to be a really fun
video it's i think dan when's the last time you like co-hosted an ltt mainline video i don't think
i ever have um because i was sort of like an add-on person for david and you your game gear video so
this will be my like first co-host oh because i'm not i'm not like a writer right so cool yeah yeah
so uh guys if you if you if you if you love dan and you want to see more of dan there you go that's
all you get ha got him no sorry uh so there's an ltt video coming soon where uh dan and i attempt
to recover some very important data that it turns out was on my foldable before it was killed by the
pool did i did i tell you what's on it yeah the intro to some video or something yeah well that
yeah the intro to a video the intro to the video where my computer died which is not something that
is which time is the first time okay not something that is easily reproduced okay so here's the thing
that happened a while back since then so when you guys watch the video where i repair the computer you
will be seeing an iteration of the computer that no longer exists because it actually died like
less than a week later again uh that time it was uh okay so the well i'm not going to spoil the first
one pretty interesting it just died okay we fix it and then the second time this didn't end up
being a video because i was like look i can't i can't make back-to-back videos one week to the next
about like my computer died and i fixed it there's not a lot of content in here uh but it was
interesting i i had a leak in the hardline tubing that i was using i was using petg tubing which i just
grabbed from the warehouse not knowing that petg tubing is out of fashion now in favor of acrylic tubing
for hardline because uh it's much more heat sensitive so what happened was i used petg hardline tubing
and during the sonos um like audio box wall video that i did with alex we unplugged an extension cord
over there not realizing that it was connected to the pump that was running to the pool now normally
thermal throttling would prevent that from causing any kind of an issue the water would just get really
hot in the loop and your cpu would throttle to save itself but what happened was it's a perfect storm
right so we had no pump uh the cpu got really hot oh sorry we had no pump it was an all metal block
highly heat conductive metal top solid piece of metal uh from ek and then number three is i was using petg
tubing so that heat with that heat conduction with that heat sensitive tubing caused it to contract
and bend and open up a little bit and the o-ring failed so it killed not only my gaming system
but also the motherboard of the storinator like server that was this is weird
three systems lower but neither of the systems in between don't ask me i still couldn't explain to you
how the water killed this one and this one but not these two were those two wet at all
and then i was like a bit of water like on you know like the housing casing like but there were
mo this is a video that's coming where i will show the super micro motherboard and all the points of
corrosion on it and stuff like it it got wasted
surface tension yeah yeah i don't know i mean it must have climbed yeah it must have like it must
have like clung yeah under you know to something i don't know wormed its way down water man yeah
you can never you can never make something waterproof because water will water will find it and it will
it up pretty much that's water
it's got all the time in the world oh no yeah chaos the bomb uh they had a corsair commander
pro fail on them causing their pump to fail their petg loop got hot enough for the fittings to be
able to compress the tubes came back the next day to a puddle under my machine oh thankfully it was
off oh no damage but lesson learned oh yeah very very lucky
yeah years ago my work workstation got killed when the ladies restroom flooded overnight hundreds of
feet away yeah see that's what i'm talking about water it's like life it just it uh finds a way it
finds it finds a way man it finds a way it you know dams and condoms that's what they have in common
what do i have in common with condoms they they fail find a way through them
oh my goodness
we can move on now yeah all right um what i don't know playstation slim why do you why are
why do you care about this i think it's really cool but they release a slim every time i know but
now there's one coming but now it's a faster better one okay okay no the reason i wanted to talk about
this is because i looked at this and i went oh man i can imagine the conversations at sony
that would have prompted this product okay so you remember the original playstation 5 was available in
two variants right or not was is it's still available so the original playstation 5 two
variants you've got the disc version for 4.99 and then you've got the discless all digital version
for 3.99 if i recall correctly that in american yankee doubloons or whatever they call them um
and you know the as far as i'm aware the majority of the sales have been of the disc version because it
makes a lot of sense that as a console gamer you might want to collect physical copies of your
games so that you you know have them in the event of you know i don't know you have bad internet or
whatever else and also so that you can resell them which is a huge value and something that i think
one of the big console makers is going to figure out and force the other's hands i hope and cause the
industry to change but for now is just not something that can happen with digital games it's just does
someone allow it just oh i thought you meant the other way around no digital games what are you saying
yeah yeah with digital games you can't resell them so i i so so right now there is easily a 100 benefit
to buying a disc version of a console and buying all disc games so that you can especially if you're
a prolific game player so you can buy games play them resell them and get get that and effectively
subsidize uh your own future gaming experiences right um and i just i can imagine the conversation
around a sony boardroom table when they released these two separate skews of the product and then
saw some user feedback that went how's the optical drive not just an add-on module
why did you produce two separate skews of this thing instead of just i don't know a usb drive
this is technology that's existed for 30 years or however long we've also literally had consoles
that like you can click in an optical drive since like mega genesis or something yeah like it's been
a long time it's been i don't remember which one but it's been a very long it's been a long time i mean
wasn't the original playstation the result of the failed collaboration between sony and nintendo
to add a disc based to add on to a nintendo console and so i just find it so funny that
the new ones are coming out or the new one is coming out and that's exactly how they're doing it
they're like oh so you can get the new ps5 slim and um it does not have oh wow the famicom computer
disc system uh availability started in 1986 okay but that's not a cd but yes it's a you know what i'm
saying basically the concept's been around as long as i've been alive yeah um so sony okay here let's
go through the thing sony announced a new slim model of ps5 reduced in volume by over 30 that's
good because it was big i mean honestly it still looks kind of big but uh anywho uh and weight by 18
comes with a terabyte of storage will be the new default model that's my leg not the desk oh i'm
sorry well you know what let's put see between friends um it features a removable disk drive a
digital edition can be bought without the drive for a 30 discount if gamers then change their minds
the separate drive can be bought for 80 dollars while the console is portrayed standing upright in
most of sony's marketing material this actually requires a separate vertical stand that costs
another 30 dollars so sony has done some pretty clever stuff here yeah effectively raising the
price by the expensive one or you might regret it they've done exactly what we were talking about
in the pre-show today presenting two options an unappealing one and an expensive one an expense a more
expensive one so here what is what is this uh what does this work out to where's the actual
where's the actual pricing blah blah blah new look playstation 5 uh yeah okay here we go so if you
want to upgrade later uh ps5 okay here we go okay so it's still 500 for the new slim ps5 with the ultra hd
blu-ray disc drive so that is unchanged but it's clear that they are no longer interested in selling
digital editions for 400 because that is now 449 for the new slim one then if you want to add the
drive after the fact that's 80 bucks bringing you to 530 dollars you want to put it standing upright
that's going to be another 30 dollars for a total of 560 dollars so they have effectively changed the
price from 499 to 429 for the one that's fully equipped and from 400 to 449 plus 30 dollars for a
stand so 489 479 i hate the nine for 480 dollars uh or then if you want to add the drive later on after
the fact it's like 500 and 560 or something like that um honestly as far as ways of raising the price
go um this is relatively inoffensive to me i think that if they had just raised the price outright
that would be worse but as someone who would have strongly advocated for buying the disc version of it
both in terms of the practicality of being able to resell your games and in terms of resale value
of the console itself what i suspect is that all digital ones are going to be perceived as
less valued to people who are getting these things down the road i also might suspect i i know one of
the big draws of playstation is a lot of their single-player games actually um and i suspect if
you know you wanted to play on the road or something i don't know if you're in a situation
where you didn't have internet uh maybe it's down who knows um i i think you'd still be able to play
with the discs pretty cool yeah so i i would strongly i'd strongly advocate for that anyway so i don't
mind this and i don't mind it costing a little bit more if you go whoopsie doodle i changed my mind
uh because it's not that much more it's 30 bucks more yeah yeah both about 30 more
if you change your mind after the fact uh here you can have a look at what the modular interface
looks like i'm sure dbrand is uh currently beavering away trying to trying to figure out how to make
dark plates in these shapes and sizes and all that um unhelpful for dbrand it's slightly less ugly now
it is i i actually i like the look of it a lot better although you know i do think it would look
cooler in different colors and stuff like that and i'm sure that that's something that they can
capitalize on yeah i'm not i'm not the biggest fan of the like monochrome future i was thinking
about this the other day your car is growing on me no way yeah the stupid uh damascus uh war zone
stupid rap you know what it did the same thing with me really yeah i i
it's gonna hurt him to say it kind of like it now yeah yeah like my kids liked it immediately but
maybe that's not their childish tastes maybe that's just their more malleable minds maybe they're just
more open to new ideas and experiences for so long all design all like interior design a lot of clothing
cars everything is just my house white and black everything in my house is white and black don't
forget about gray yeah white black and the shades between it's inoffensive yeah but it's
not particularly interesting yep yep that's fair that's fair i get it uh yvonne and i are you know
what's really funny is uh i i was i was grappling with this on wednesday i was uh i was ordering a cage
topper do you know the cage topper is it's pretty self-explanatory it's a i think i can guess top
piece for a cage well it's actually for an aquarium it's for the the mice that we have as cat tv and i
had a top for it but it was uh it was a top i made myself and it was made of just like some kind of
particle board of some sort and the mice are chewing through it and i'd be in a house with cats the last
thing you want is your mice getting out because it's you know out of the frying pan into the fire a
little bit right um so this cage topper is from a company called quality cage or something like that
um sure and basically it sits on top of your aquarium goes about like three inches down so
that it can't be easily tipped over by um curious cats feline uh companion um and then it has a couple
little ramps as a ramp that goes down into the aquarium and then it has a layer and then it has
another ramp that goes up to another layer so it turns it from just an aquarium into more of like a
habitat that they can run around in and um i saw some feedback from other customers that
talks about how they see way more of them just like running around in it instead of them just
like hiding in their little burrows and it seemed to be really engaging for them so i was like okay
it's uh really expensive because it's you know made in america and import taxes and stuff like that
no no it's made in america yeah i mean it's really expensive before i pay shipping in taxes because
it's made in america right um but as far as i can tell they're like a small company and kind of do
their own thing and everything is sort of custom support yeah custom built and um and i reached out
to them they were super responsive and i so i got confirmation of what was the right product and then
i'm sitting there on the order page i'll show you the options okay this is interesting i'll show you the
options so while you look for that someone at floatplane chat mentioned millennial gray and
that's like actually a thing um you can look it up the like color spectrum of things in our world
is narrowing uh because back in the day things were much more colorful you think like different grains
of wood um you think all the different colors and patterns that used to be in homes back in the day
and then millennials are just like nope whoa okay so they've got purple and pink whoa and teal
all these fun colors oh look at stardust okay that's really hard to see on the screen but what
about quality blue quality blue and i ended up with silver vein oh actually i might have gone with
galvanized because it's a little bit cheaper and i was just like yep oh wow i see that is quite
expensive cages are oddly expensive like the bird cage that we have is like really expensive i believe you
i don't really know why um yeah so i i tried i tried so hard to order the purple one but you
still or even stardust so just got gray i i still bought gray i i can't i can't bring myself to do
it my it's funny yeah like yeah you know what no i mean i i i i do splash of color here and there
do but i not in my house yeah everything in my house is black white or gray because as soon as i
choose anything other than black white or gray i have to think about what goes with it and i i do not i
do not have brain space for that i can't that's impossible uh yvonne can do it a little bit every once in a
while we'll add some navy blue like that cat cushion that she made for the uh little reading nook
thing that will probably turn into a makeout nook at some point um not there yet not there yet but i mean
not that far away i've been thinking about that what making out in my nook weird
with me or the lamp party's coming up
um no i just i don't know every once in a while i'd i'd think about like what what grades are his
kids in yeah oh yeah then you have that like oh crap moment of like what were the kids getting up to
in that grade when i was in that grade or the stories that i would hear from my brother when he was in that
grade or whatever right like just it's like oh wow and like when you're that age you're like
darn parents yeah whatever no big deal this is normal yeah they'd get off my back yeah and then
now i'm this age and i'm like wow they seem very young i don't know
oh man my brother is my brother's a firefighter these days and he was mentioning the other day
about how uh he went to a a call that wasn't a fire but firefighters will often respond to like
medical calls and stuff as well out of their bed or whatever and it was a bunch of like uh
there's a group of chicks that were out clubbing and he was like i don't think i just can't like
he's like they look like they should be in school yeah he's like this is really weird they look like
children like i don't he's like i wanted to send them home it's like man yeah i think we're that old
i think we're that old now well yeah they'll be fine yeah yeah yeah yeah or they won't a lot of people
are not fine you know that expression the kids will be fine or whatever yeah like yeah i mean maybe
not anymore yeah if that were if that were true then all the adults today would be fine they aren't
okay on that note speaking of things that are not okay i'm trying to find a topic that makes sense for
that transition something does sure yeah do it why not do it do it you coward the merch messages
are okay though uh right we should explain merch messages merch messages are the best way to
interact with the show we don't do super chats we don't do twitch bits we do merch messages all you
get to do is go on lttstore.com get into the cart with something that catches your eye like
oh i don't know this bread plushie or oh it's finally here
the luxe edition of the ltt
oh the cap's open it's okay i'd already had i had already consumed most of that beverage uh the luxe
edition of the ltt backpack in a stunning apple leather yes my friends just in time for apple to stop using
leather we are using apple leather uh it's kind of amazing how good it is
this is my absolutely brutalized here check out how much stuff i load into this thing
yes that's very heavy yeah this is my like i go hard on this thing bag that is also like
way over stuffed that i've been using for pinching here just because he has too much stuff in it about
six months um and it breaks in six months that's it it breaks in just like a leather bag yeah it's
kind of it's actually kind of amazing so it's it actually fits better than it ever did and looks
other than obviously kind of changing shape according to what you store in it which i've
gone out of my way to put i've been just carrying i have four screwdrivers in here
just you know just to i have two laptops one of them the metal one um no no unfortunately uh so i've
got like my uh got my oh that's a mouse pad got my framework got my okay this is going to be a funny
one this like uh it's all all touchscreen one oh yeah yeah so it has like a keyboard like folio thing but
it's it's like two it's two folding sides of a screen um yeah it oh has held up incredibly well
i'm super happy with this thing i kept i kept waiting for it to have a problem for it to you know
not wear nicely or um you know scuff in a way that was really undesirable and just we're really happy
with the materials it's everything you know and love about the existing bag but more luxurious anyway
the point is in the cart you leave a message you'll see a little pop-up for it and it'll either show up
under the show just like ah just like uh there that one for francis p who just picked up a gift card
or our producer dan will respond to your message redirect it to someone who can better address it or
even send it over to us for talking about during when show after dark or maybe even right now dan do you
have a couple merch messages for us i do i do oh wait sorry there's one more thing just want to
mention this i don't know if this will be a long-term thing right now the lux backpack is not going to be
a regularly stocked item we are taking orders and we will do a production run based on how many orders
we get it's everything you know and love about the existing bag but in a more luxurious material so
it's kind of a known quantity at this point um that does mean that there will be a lead time on
delivery uh but to kind of make this up to you we are offering free shipping for your entire order
with the purchase of the lux bag there's a code that shows up on the product page along with a whole
bunch of pictures just kind of giving you guys a closer better look at it you can see that at lttstore.com
people are asking about the uh the zipper pulls those are the new zipper pull oh yes and he was saying the
the replacement ones are still currently being manufactured that's right yeah
oh uh dan uh you know what no we've shown we've shown the the like prototype versions of them yeah
uh yeah they're coming just to replace all the ones on the backpacks so these are a polished version
of the same uh new style of zipper pull so a smaller run that makes sense yeah
yeah i don't know yeah you're not gonna really be able to see that on your phone or whatever
all good i don't go easy on these things all right dan want to hit me absolutely let's see what we got
here um replacing my backpack because it got stolen what was the most valuable tech item you've had
stolen or lost man i had a i had a pda that was lost then stolen i left it behind in the seats at
an ice rink and when i went back for it it was gone uh oh actually that's not the most expensive though
did i have i ever told you about the time i lost my university laptop i don't think so oh
i don't think so well this is a classic linus moment um it was early and i was getting ready to
commute into school so it was quite quite a drive it was even once i was living with the the
girlfriend's parents uh now wife um not the same person not separate people um once i was living
with the girlfriend's parents it's still quite a drive so it's really early in the morning and i had
to like scrape ice or something off of the windshield and or just like a condensation frost and so i
hadn't gotten into the car yet i just kind of put my laptop on top of the roof did my thing
and drove away oh see you later laptop no idea where it fell off yep yep that was my asus m5ne
laptop that i actually diy built up myself it was a bare bones so i bought the cpu which was actually
socketed back in those days uh picked up some ram hard drive and i got like a an extended extended
battery that was like a big booty hump on it that made it sit up on the table at an
angle but lasted flipping forever actually loved that machine mine was an lgg2 yeah oh yeah i know
about this one i left on a plane you knew it too right and they wouldn't let you back on i'm trying
to remember the whole story i don't fully remember everything it's been a long time i remember one key
part of the story what the fact that the phone belonged to linus media group
yeah that's very true um i don't think i've lost anything of my own why would i do that um
exactly yeah yeah uh yeah i i think i got back on the plane and then it wasn't in the seat pocket or
they said to me it wasn't in the seat pocket one of those two things happened i don't remember which
they either let me on i got to see myself or they got someone to go look for me but they wouldn't let me
on i don't remember which one happened though but then i had some form of tracking on it i don't
remember what it was at the time uh and it was like definitely at the airport and then left the airport
and then disappeared um so someone definitely grabbed it um
bummer i don't know it was like definitely stolen
for the number of times though that i have lost things i um i've had
far more times that i've gotten really lucky with things to the point where i'm i can't i still feel
pretty good about my ratio me too like do you remember the time that one of our camera operators
left an entire duffel bag loaded with camera equipment just sitting in front of the hotel in vegas oh yeah
and we just all got into the car and left for the airport and they just left it there and fortunately
someone saw it and turned it back into the hotel but it was full of like thousands of dollars of camera
gear and then when that same camera op did the same thing at an airport in germany
just left it in the like when you disembark and haven't gone through customs and everything and
security yet they left it there and we had crossed through just like and we're not allowed to go
back to get back to yeah it was just sitting in an airport which is a really good place for an
unlabeled bag full of electronics when you have a shoot to do and you need the camera for it that was
um but we got that one back too fortunately someone who worked at the airport knew who we were and was
like all right i'll go look for it that's always lucky that's very lucky yeah we got very lucky
i i always tend to find that my hip to knee angle is very unfortunate and i end up i'm sitting like
this these are my hips these are my knees so things will fall out of my pockets and eventually i just got
so fed up with it that i like wear these shorts almost exclusively and they have zipper pockets
um or like the the ltt sweatpants those have zipper pockets so i'll wear those because i can at least zip
up the pocket um but i i there's two times where my wallet has fallen out of my pocket in a taxi
um and one of them was on a trip so i lost all of the receipts that i had for the trip got them that
sucked and i lost everything in my wallet but i didn't i wasn't carrying cash so honestly the
the biggest value that was lost was the receipts um if i remember correctly
you you got me for it but it was like
you gave me like a thing instead of money if i remember correctly yeah like you don't have the
receipts i can't reimburse the cash like legally no i know i know i'm not complaining yeah well no
i'm explaining it to them because sometimes sometimes i'll talk about this this was cool i actually
appreciated this a lot and people will will not really understand how our accounting laws work
and how our labor laws work because it's like 100 neither it works some other way over there or
something and it's like no if i reimburse this i and without a receipt i have paid him and he owes
income tax on it period like that's so if i remember correctly the deal was so we circumvented it a
different way yeah the deal was he was happy and i was happy and it was a business expense so it's
not like we did anything morally wrong
if i remember correctly it was like okay do a video reviewing this thing and then you can just have it
i think it was the sounds about right warthog hotas oh yeah okay i think that was it i don't really
remember um but either way yeah so that that was the first one and then the next one uh i called the
it was an uber so i actually had the contact because the first one was pre-uber so i called
the taxi agency and they were just like you're not getting it back i was like okay uh but this one
was an uber so i actually contacted the uber guy called him he was like not doing rides anymore yeah
but drove all the way back and then tried to just like leave after handing it to me and i was like hold
on i gave him a bunch of cash it's like a thank you um so i made it very worth his while to drive
back but he was he was about to just like drop off the wallet and take off i think i was like
hold on you should be paid for this i think i left a backpack on the sky train once or my wallet um
and it made it all the way to the terminus station and i contacted translink and i did get it back
i think it was my wallet wow yeah there's i i've been i've been pretty lucky um yeah but ever since
then that second time i left my wallet in the taxi i was just like no i like don't travel without
zipper pockets anymore cardinal says that's not true you can use other methods of substantiation
than receipts cool but he didn't have them yeah because it was paid that was that was like yeah
in in that era this was this was quite a while ago in that era i i would pay for everything in cash on
trips because you didn't want to use credit cards yeah because then the um the exchange sucked yeah yeah
so the whole move was before you went on the trip you would get cash out from the bank
yeah you'd go with cash on your trip you'd pay with cash and then your evidence would be receipts
so i had no form of evidence man whatsoever can i just say shout out roam like home cell phone plans
and like reasonable like credit cards and debit cards with reasonable currency exchange rates yeah
it's getting so much easier these days but back then it was a huge pain you'd have to land you sorry
before the trip you'd have to exchange some money and then just hope that you had enough you'd have to
land immediately upon landing you'd have to find a place that you can buy a sim you'd have to
distribute your new sim phone number to everyone that needs it like just all these like really just
annoying steps that shouldn't honestly have to happen but yeah okay second one i got for you here
oh right i didn't even realize we were doing a merch message anymore i had no idea what started
45 tangents um hi dll photographer here i want to get away from dropbox and set up a nas but need
backup thought about replicating my zfs encrypted with a friend any tips for properly baking a nas
without monthly fees backing backing oh backing so this is something that does exist you can
do it with synology um the problem with synology is you're stuck buying their stupid proprietary
expensive nas's so you're effectively just paying up front instead of paying for a monthly subscription
for a cloud service um and you get to buy your own drives uh it would be way better if you could just
build a nas using commodity hardware and then set up features like that easily because it has never
made sense to me that in present year it's not the simplest thing ever to just keep the encryption
key for yourself send an encrypted something over the internet tubes and then have someone else be like
hey i got you bro can you back up some stuff for me and then it's just encrypted and they have their
own key um i think we've talked about this in the past how there could be potential liability around
what the data is so this is not legal advice yeah i'd probably only want to do something like this with
someone that i trust you know like a lot of things um but i would like something like this to exist
which is one of the reasons that i invested in a startup nas software company it's some former
unraid folks and i actually got an update from them recently they're still busy beavering away um
and i they seemed very apologetic when we chatted last weekend that like they hadn't really said anything
to us in a long time and i was like nope i'm just about the pacifist um investor you could possibly
imagine i uh i took very much the same philosophy with the investment that i did with framework where
i pretty much uh wrote a check which is to say that i asked very nicely for yvonne to write me a check
and then i kissed the money goodbye and um if something comes of it then great and if nothing comes
of it then hey at least uh hey at least i did whatever i possibly could have done to make this
thing that i think should exist exist so if these guys pull this off um their software will be based
on an existing excellent nas software that is just very obtuse and difficult for moderate to low skill level
uh people to use um and should include an easy version of of of shared um co co backup like that even with
synology i found setting up setting up so i found the process of setting it up kind of difficult but we
did do a video about it at some point i have no idea what that video is called so that's your that's
your best option for now in terms of something that is user friendly enough that anyone who's asking
me for advice about it could possibly hope to follow along oh right more topics um um account locking
devices sucks oh yeah this is amazing though hello did you leave a printer here this morning monday july 3rd
i got it working and printed this but i can't use some of the features until you remove it from your
hp account can you please take a moment to log in and remove the printer from your account hpsmart.com
thank you and have a wonderful day done three days later enjoy this is great and heartwarming this is
from the ltt subreddit yeah but it should never necessary be necessary very happy that that person
actually did follow through and remove it from their account that's great very cool but so but so
many devices a won't work at all with an account lock so you won't even be able to get into it and
figure out what the problem is necessarily and or if they work and b just even if they do work a little
bit no one will bother to to to unlock them and they will just end up being either complete e-waste
or partial e-waste and i just i guess what i'm trying to say is i don't understand why
it added cost to this printer for hp to implement
the the smart hardware to make this possible does it do i mean that's a good question you know what maybe
that's part of it is i i don't i don't learn about printers you want or buy printers anytime other
than when i absolutely am forced to yeah so sure what what does it do help you know the disaster
recovery guide uh which is like over 200 pages oh our internal disaster recovery yeah like documentation
for if bad stuff happens yeah yes we're probably gonna print it like probably around four times
why uh if the internet is out we should probably be able to access it
you mean the whole internet like mobile data too sure i mean it's disasters man
there's contingencies in there for like if this area is gone okay yeah that's fair
yeah you're not wrong we're currently effectively trying to figure out like how many copies do we need
one of the theories is one for each server room and then one at each one of our houses
but that might be a lot i think one's probably okay it's probably all right it's you said 200 pages
it's big yeah a lot of it will be blank
not a whole blank page but there's like a lot of unused space on some of the pages yeah i i think if we
i think if we went with one copy that's probably okay yeah chat's all mad not one more than one
i okay how about this one and we laminate it hey take that environment
who needs microplastics when we can have macro plastics who wrote it uh uh sean uh also known
as whaler on the forum new it guy sick all right it's good two and laminate both i'm not negotiating
with you guys this is this is not like genuinely not at all it's actually up to him i'm just giving
my opinion which is pretty solid um microsoft finally does it feel better having one at your house
uh no are you sure yeah what if something super bad happened and you had no way to access i'll walk
to work let's go
couldn't take that long i mean realistically what else am i gonna do my family's all dead
all right i mean there's also like what if what if you know like google drive is down or something
like there's other ways that you could lose access to it without every form of internet being down
three two one back up i know it's fine it's up to you it's up to you okay
all right i made a video on that like actually almost a decade ago at this point yeah so that's why
he's forgotten oh my god there are things that i made videos on that long ago that i've definitely
forgotten but that's not one of them yeah like he's not very good at hiding his porn anymore
that video is so bad no it's great it's actually so good we we have made some very questionable
content choices over the years oh it's very questionable but it's actually a pretty good
video yeah i mean it's it's it's not inaccurate no i'll give you that yeah um and it's very funny
sounds good to me c colon slash temp yeah yeah yeah we've got a man of culture here um all right
microsoft has finally done it they have closed their 69 billion dollar purchase of activision
blizzard king nearly two years is that how long this has been dragging out for
makes sense why it feels like it's been absolutely forever then uh the uk's competition and markets
authority approved an altered deal where gamers within the european economic area so that's the
eu plus three other countries who purchase current and future activision games will have the right
to stream them on whatever service they want while ubisoft will hold the cloud gaming rights to
current activision games and those made over the next 15 years everywhere else what
what this means that while microsoft will own the games they will have to get permission and pay a
license fee to ubisoft in order to add them to xbox game pass or any other streaming service
business why ubisoft i am sure that somebody knows that but it isn't us and it isn't anyone in our chat
what can i just put on my tinfoil hat for a second here is it is it that is it that maybe
ubisoft um okay hold on now i'm trying really hard i don't get it because someone's like uh
ubisoft is french and this is a european thing so maybe they found a french gaming company
but isn't like a massive percentage of ubisoft owned by tencent
i mean i don't know i i this makes absolutely no sense to me whatsoever i mean everything about it
the fact that this is a 15 year thing i mean microsoft is a company that thinks in 10 plus year
terms um this this makes effectively no difference as far as i can tell like yeah it's a it's a short
term inconvenience but in the long term microsoft will just own all of those ips and all of the
streaming rights because there's no way they're going to renew this deal here's a spicy question
would you prefer microsoft or would you prefer tencent because they're both trying to accomplish
the same thing and no one really seems to talk about the tencent side of this but everyone's super
pissed about the microsoft side of this and in my opinion if we're going to be super pissed about
it we should be super pissed at the whole thing well yeah i mean we talk about consolidation in
general terms and i don't think anyone's happy about tencent having their fingers in just about
everything it's like way worse in my opinion the logitech gcloud was something i was really
surprised to find a tencent end user license agreement in and i talked about that in my review
of it i'm sitting here going sorry what i have to agree to a tencent license agreement in order
to turn on this device i don't know if that's the case anymore but it's definitely definitely was when
i did my review yeah i don't know ubisoft has the increase in came yeah um a number of companies
wanted the cloud gaming rights for actors and blizzard games and had to essentially pitch
the competition markets authority in the uk the interview-like process meant the cma picked
out the companies that would work best with its concerns over cloud gaming
and then it was up to microsoft to ultimately decide on which company to restructure its deal with
okay so there was there was a process here
but it doesn't make it feel any less kind of still seems weird as heck roundabout and whack yeah
do we do we use the word whack still i don't know i think it's whack yeah this whole thing yeah there
yeah it's whack yeah you can you can quote me on that yeah um
the microsoft activision ubisoft three-way thing here it's whack um
so in summary microsoft will own the games but they will have to oh no i already i already said
this uh presumably europeans will be limited by what service has made available but then logistics okay
the ftc however says it is still planning on challenging the acquisition and will be submitting
an argument to an appeals court in december according to the terms of the now finalized
but i don't know the ftc might challenge it deal activision ceo bobby kotick will remain at the
company until the end of this year to facilitate a smooth transition after which he's set to leave so
at least luke gets one of his big asks which is to get bobby kotick out of activision blizzard king
that's great in other news sony has announced that they are launching a ps5 cloud streaming
service later this month though at launch um they're launching ps5 cloud streaming later this
month though at launch these titles will only be available to stream on a ps5 console which
titles okay i don't know my notes are a little weird here uh microsoft meanwhile currently controls
an estimated 60 to 70 percent of cloud gaming um our discussion question is in an industry where
console gaming is becoming less and less important is microsoft's expansion into cloud gaming a genuine
threat so first of all i think console gaming is actually still very important and so does microsoft
but it is also very clear that microsoft sees cloud and console gaming as things that go hand in hand
because a console is one of the best understood by the general consumer ways of getting a cloud
streaming device into someone's house and hooked up to their tv yeah
yes microsoft's expansion into cloud gaming is a genuine threat they're the only credible player that is that
has a significant foothold in the space i mean stadia disappeared uh luna when's the last time
amazon luna crossed your mind i barely even remember that that existed well it's not in canada
so that might be one reason like i wanted to do a video i've heard of this but yeah here
luke laptop screen yeah yeah amazon luna cloud gaming service sonic and whatever that is oh that's
probably now i figured it out i figured it out you got there uh yeah so ubisoft makes another
appearance in this topic yeah that's something jackbox games are fun yeah but really that's
one of their four highlight things that i'm sure if they had six highlight things they would have
populated those other two spots there's definitely some aspirational space here yeah the prime the
prime gaming one not even having eight titles
now i'm looking to see if there's any duplicate ones across here
actually doesn't look like i don't know sorry i need to see what this b game is
it doesn't have jerry seinfeld why does it look like netflix
bee simulator does the does the bee date someone local pvp
meta score 58 oof yeah that's uh did they display that was that interesting so they
hey hey you want our games they're junk wow this is this is a b-tier game from four years ago
and that's on the front page oh my really you're not going to acknowledge that at all
what oh it's pretty good that took me a second no it was good it was good are you still poking
around in there i was but i don't think it's really worth it to be completely honest
b-tier hey you want to play every single ubisoft game that are all the same but with different skins
on them oh okay are you still poking around at it no i'm just salty about ubisoft no ubisoft has
other games oh wow which which tower simulator game do you want to play okay oh this is just an
alphabetical order this makes sense uh that is wow that seems like a bad way to do that
it really really truly does doesn't it
wow i mean far cry you know i haven't played one since the second one
one but sure like exactly the same just with skins that's that's the comment i was making
but monopoly is different monopoly is different monopoly is just too close to real life now though
i don't think people like playing that game anymore yeah it's a little depressing
oh wow ubisoft doesn't have that many games they have watchdogs and they have
far cry and they have assassin's creed which are all the same thing is ghost recon still relevant at all
it's the last time i played it
i angrily refunded within the two-hour window really the last ghost recon i played yeah
hmm okay i disliked it quite heavily all right i don't remember why
i think was it this one is it because you're a salty gamer was it wildlands no because i i thought
i was for a long time and then a few recent games came out and i was like maybe i'm not
maybe i'm not the one who's wrong there's a lot of ubisoft published titles that are definitely not
in that list which is interesting like i know people are people are actually pointing out in chat games
that are not there um but hey you can play uno you can you can definitely play uno and oh there's track
mania and i've actually heard a lot of very positive things about track mania i've never
played it myself yeah but the thing is if there's only that many games aren't you better off just
buying those games instead of signing up for a subscription service i've kind of he's baiting
me right now i think that's true anyways for like a multitude of reasons it's also better for the
developers in a big way um then you have to buy a computer instead of amazon luna which is very
popular i heard actually i mean you know what no i would love to know are any of you using luna do
you like luna like are these servers just empty and therefore the quality of service is super high
it's possible oh they can feed everybody like 200 megabit a second because nobody's using it
yeah exactly right servers being empty can i make an appeal really quick to the developers of battle bit
oh please you gotta change the map selection thing it's so bad it's so bad i am determined this is why
players are leaving this one feature the map ends you vote for a mode and then you vote for a map
but for some reason it just doesn't care what anyone votes for anymore and you can't necessarily pick for
the game mode that you want so certain people only want to play a particular type of game mode i
personally like conquest because it's more of the old school battlefield style we have all the different
vehicles all the different things are in the game it's more fun in my opinion for me but i can't vote
on it twice in a row because they hide it for some reason if you just played it and then even if you
even if the the whole lobby is like you know what we want to play this specific map or this specific
game mode it'll just be like whoa i don't care and just randomly select something else and they've
had a huge player drop and they release like a new map and some other stuff to try to offset it i don't
think that's going to change anything because people can't play what they want to play this is exactly
the same problem that i had with halo infinite yeah like you there wasn't even in halo infinite they
didn't even pretend that there was a way for you to say what modes or what maps you wanted to play
yeah you just now you can pick modes more easily i don't know i think it's you're still just stuck in
a map rotation but it was incredibly frustrating it just feels like gaming has taken some significant
steps back you youngins out there did you know that you used to be able to just go into the server browser
sort by 24 7 dust find a server that was not empty but not full and double click it and then you would just
be playing play d dust as much as you as long as you want and then i used to play bad water in tf2 i
would just search 247 24 7 space bad water gold rush for me but sure whatever works like the but the so
you know what i suspect is that the play time is longer if you force people to play maps and modes that
they don't really care about and grind them in order to get a bigger dopamine hit when they actually
get the one they want if i had to guess i would say that's what's happening in my opinion to follow
that up i think it might be short-term game long-term loss i think so too i think you're right i think
that's dreadful to dive into that so maybe yeah you play for a long time because you're like i really
want to do this one thing and then you can't do it and you're like i really want to do that so you
stick around until you can do it but then you look at the and when the new shiny comes along i think
you're easier to pull away yeah because you can't just play the game the way you want to play it
yeah it's so frustrating and like it it kills me man because there's only i i don't care
there's a particular way that i want to play battle bit and it's it's gotten to the point where
we spend a very significant amount of time hunting for the ability to play the game that we
want to play it and it's just a massive percentage of the time it's just ripped away because even if
the whole lobby you can watch it happen it'll you'll you'll play a conquest map yeah and then
this will be a whole group of people that is like yep we want to play conquest so the vote thing comes
up and if conquest is available it wins by votes or you'll watch it happen it won't even be
available for whatever stupid reason so everyone clicks random hoping to get it and then it just
picks something different and then everyone leaves you'll see the the load into the next map you'll
see it'll be full and then just everybody's because now everyone's trying to hunt for the server that
they actually wanted to play on again yeah it's like man come on i think it's killing the game and
that sucks because battle bit is really fun and i think i feel like it's gonna die because of this so i just
please save your game and i think that's the reason why it's dying i could be wrong
i don't know what i'm talking about ultimately yeah i mean look at him i mean if he could build
a successful online business then he'd have more to show for it than this shirt
yeah what color is it luke tell us luke non non official blue um non non recognized convoy 83 put this
pretty well luna is of so little importance work can't be bothered to block it at the firewall
and that seems to be the prevailing sentiment oh my goodness um yeah apparently from the people who've used
it it's deece and most people have just never heard of it and it seems to be kind of a redheaded
stepchild at this point and that no one no one at amazon seems to care about it i mean that kind of
checks out given that one of the highlighted games they have on the home page is a like rando game from
four years ago
do you want to talk about google defaulting to pass keys oh we should probably do sponsors
uh yeah sure i mean all right we got 12 we have 12 sponsors
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also just stream on your home computer if you do have a sick computer but uh yeah maximum settings um
good luck guys hopefully you've got some stock here comes the love hug
uh all right dan uh hit us sure how about a how about a softball oh i like softballs well this one's
about badminton though who would win in a badminton match luke or dan oh dan what luke's body's broken
like i don't know i don't even know if he can move his arm back right now i'm not 100 sure let's see
i don't think i can either this is about oh this would be very interesting to watch i'll tell you
that honestly i love how we're all getting older it's warning me of danger right there my shoulders
don't work yeah i can't really i went to the gym his shoulders are also messed up yeah we went to the
gym the other day and i gotta like pull it back i couldn't i couldn't feel the left side of my face
after we were done it was like concerning yeah are you good yeah i'm good that was good it was very
actually it was good to do that couldn't feel the left side of your foot what do you mean it was good
to do that what sorry what did i miss something here yes anyway moving on oh okay no no uh just
old nerve damage injury oh got it got it got it my shoulder aggravates it which is kind of fun
really so your shoulder like it's still it's a braxial plexus injury the shoulder bones connected to the
face no it's a collarbone sort of thing so the nerves come down the side of the neck they go
underneath the collarbone and then they go out through the arm so my collarbone hurts which means
that my hand tingles and some of my face wow it's very strange that's wild yeah so when we're doing
stuff we're dealing with my weird shoulder issues and his weird shoulder issues and very shoulder
issue prone environment i used to have a personal changer trainer to uh recover from this injury and we
focus a lot on the back stuff and so every time i do something with a back exercise it's like 300
pounds and then i go to lift my arm above my head and i think i can do like five pounds uh properly
it's very interesting wow vng supernova says uh i can't feel my face when i'm with you it's me and luke
except we're old and not doing drugs yeah yeah cool okay next up um so i think that would be
uh anyway who dies first in terms of yeah in terms of who i think would win um
man luke would try really hard i don't know you know what i think it might be dan
i think it might be dan i feel like we gotta do it i mean yeah i got a whole badminton center you
guys can use i'm we're working on it down for whatever no like there's actually like
one now isn't there oh yeah yeah yeah there's so there's a little gym there's a little gym that
you guys could use right now if you wanted yeah oh i forgot i made that one too when show after dark
badminton ages ago after party all right dan hit me again hey wan team what do you think about
hardware keys for security is it worth using oh it kind of depends oh i did for a while and i just
find like google authenticators so much demystified about them more convenient yeah there's a lot of
people that disenchanted i think maybe that's what you're going for what did i say um i don't remember
but it seemed a little off that's probably wrong that's what i meant um what what did i say i don't
remember whatever yeah um because there's an issue of like if you secure things with it a lot of people
attach them to their keys and then if someone gets your keys they have your stuff yeah but then i mean
there's also cases where that could make a lot of sense like a physical also factor totally like like
people are saying like hardware keys are much more secure it's like yeah in a lot of cases they
they are they can be but i think their flaws are often overlooked and one of the problems for me
is that if you don't have your hardware key on you there is no way to get into that account
so what users will tend to do is set up alternate authentication for when they don't have their
hardware key on them there's also having multiple factors that are or factors rather than
and factors you might as well not even have it means you might as well not have it and there's
also a ton of services that do not work unless it's set up that way when it comes to hardware keys
they're like oh you can add a hardware key you just also have to have an or and then it's like
okay why did i even bother doing this yeah so i don't know there's a lot of caveats i think they're
super cool i think if you're in a very high security environment where everything can work with
uh no oars it's just ands yeah you just have an outboard motor
if it's just ands then it can be really fantastic but a lot of services in your day-to-day life are not
going to work that way i would even say most and i would also argue that um a huge amount of the most
important ones to you are probably not going to work that way so it's like i don't know um
yeah they're neat but often not able to be used to the degree that you would actually want them to
be able to be used to like man i'd be super i'd be super down in theory for a hardware key that's like
nuclear launch you know like like this hardware key and this hardware key like if it was configurable to
that degree and like luke and i could each wear necklaces with like a hardware yubi key on them
like okay we need to we need to hack the float plane mainframe to update the server cloud uh again we
you know both plug them into like both sides of a laptop and we're like yeah yeah yeah you know
whatever right like that we got into the gibson
uh yeah like that would be sick but a lot of that stuff never really a lot of the early promises
of hardware keys never really caught on in my opinion um
yeah all right okay last one i got for you today really the last one today for this segment
you mentioned the need for android or ios having done the linux challenge what changes on linux phone
operating systems would you need to see before trying something like graphene os or proton phone
os i have no idea a lot of people have been telling me to try graphene os when i get my new pixel
there's a couple yeah comments about that yeah wait is gra because i thought android is linux to a
degree yeah at least it used to be i don't know if it's so what do they mean by linux operating
systems like graphene os because graphene os is just like a fork of android if i understand that
correctly right yeah which is also linux and open source so they just mean a different android sort of
but also android is linux so a different linux or something like it's i don't know it's a it seems
like sort of a weird distinction to draw um i'm interested in graphene os but if it doesn't have
a call screening option i will not use it i will not use any phone os that does not have call
screening options um for like the rest of my life as long as we still call each other using phone
numbers and there is at least one option that has call screening if android got rid of call screening
and ios had call screening which i believe it does currently have i would immediately switch to ios
that's how important that is to me got it
maybe there's like a third party thing you could add or something like that uh gm shippo says it does
nice then i might try it so that's something yeah i don't see they don't have compatibility listed for
8th generation pixels yet but that doesn't necessarily mean that it won't support it
soon it seems like it's got a pretty active community around it a lot of passionate people
and i don't think pixel 8 and pixel 8 pros are in people's hands yet i'm actually i'm honestly not
sure i know that the embargo is up for reviews but i don't know when they start shipping to individual
users when did you order yours uh last week oh okay i'll be getting it this thursday oh wow okay
so you're like right in the in the launch window here yeah did you get the pro or the non you got
the pro right i did that came with the watch i knew you were going to get the pro i actually wasn't going
to get the pro nah you were going to get the pro i wasn't i knew it i literally had a saved cart
that was not the pro and i knew that that cart would never get checked out
why it's just not the right one for you okay you just need a bigger screen you want to know that
you want to know the real answer which i don't know if it's going to make them like me more or less
but you probably know what it is uh because it comes with the watch so you can sell it no oh okay
hold on hold on i'm pretty sure the cheaper one came with the watch too let me think let me think
let me think what's the real okay the real reason it's kind of lame it's like actually kind of lame
does it come in a slightly different color no uh i'm racking my brain here too yeah i'm having a
i mean it's not something it's not something stupid like the stupid wider refresher no no no no no it's
not gonna yeah that's dumb i even read that on the spec sheet and was like what well no it's a power
saving thing oh sure yeah no wider refresh rate i mean sure um hey it's a lot of work to refresh a
screen at one hertz for real though like no because because like decaying and whatnot yeah it's a whole
it's a whole thing uh you know what i don't know actually i i just thought it would be down to bigger
screen it has more ram i know you're going to use it like for flipping ever um until it dies so by the
way the call screening thing i don't know if that's right uh by call screening what i specifically mean is
not its ability to say like this is a suspicious caller it's when someone calls me i want to be
able to press a button and have my phone talk to them and tell the person that i'm screening the call
and then when they respond i want what they say to turn into text on my screen and then i can decide
to answer the phone or not that is specifically the feature so that's why you never pick up
what i don't screen your calls i know i'm just kidding okay i screened riley once did i tell you what that
no i it was from a phone number i didn't recognize oh okay so i screened it and then he was like um
and i and i answered it because he said it was riley i was like okay cool but i get i get spam calls
like once a day yeah he doesn't screen my calls he doesn't have to because i'm in his phone book so
he can just ignore my calls yeah yeah he used to be no it's not like that anymore but he used to be
really bad about picking up my calls i don't know what it was maybe living in a basement and also just
not picking up my calls reception issues was actually a problem for a while um it's funny
how there's always something that's a problem phone and have the stuff on that i don't know
if that's a hundred percent true i don't know if that's a hundred percent true because that
call screening is not available on all android phones it's only available on pixels
i do not know i could be wrong i'll look more into it later but i just it's not it's not just the
warning it's specifically the screen this call button that i want anyways uh yeah i was a hundred
percent gonna buy the cheaper one yep and then i knew it
all right hit me i did it because you convinced me on wancho nice yes
which is why i knew it if i didn't ask on wancho
i would have just bought the cheaper one and honestly probably been fine with it
yeah no yeah yeah you'll you'll like it better but i think the because i i didn't have much trust
in the longevity of the device that's fair i mean and i think honestly kind of a pixel guy
yeah i i think buying the pro is honestly a bit of a gamble gambling that it will last longer than
i honestly expect it might yeah because it has the same soc but it's driving a higher resolution
display so will you feel the leg more as it ages maybe maybe not but maybe uh but i but the counter
argument there yes which i don't know if you're even saying but i was kind of interpreting is like
what do i do on my phone nothing i i used messaging apps email uh phone call i play chess or or avoid phone
call both of those yeah yeah avoid phone calls apparently like my most important feature on
the entire phone i believe you um and like very very rarely the only higher level gaming i'll do
other than chess is i might play slay the spire like once a month on my phone right yeah i used to be a
big like can gamer yeah i'm not even well i i am still now i guess but it's chess which is like
not a problem i just i just anything i'm all about the google news feed for for my can needs now like
i just but like you don't need a fast phone for that is it that the games just got too involved
maybe that's part of it like i can't just jump into again like i i okay at risk of you know tmi here i
don't take 20 minutes to you know drop off the kids at the pool right so it's relatively efficient
yeah so i uh i don't i don't have time to like click through 18 different you know boxes that i
opened today and then queue for a match and like sit and you know so it's
maybe there are still really casual mobile games that that could be good for can time but i'm all about
the news now maybe i just got old there's a couple like there's a final fantasy game that i was all
excited about that i got and played like twice and then i was just like oh because i never have
yeah the the play sessions are too short kotor exactly the same play sessions are way too
which final fantasy game i don't know is it like a pixel remake or something or like you mentioned
it so i picked it up really the um i don't remember what it was oh man i could find it but yeah no
no yeah what's it called let me see
uh man there's a lot of final fantasy games for mobile i installed warcraft rumble
played it once was like wow this is a cash grab and i immediately uninstalled it
it was free though so i don't feel that bad um
final fantasy dimensions yeah i've i've been meaning to play that i i haven't even played it yet
so it seems cool it's just yeah you know not toilet compatible yeah
yeah like maybe if you're on a trip or something but then i feel like you're gonna bust out the
you're gonna bring your switch yeah yeah it's like well my intention is to play it on an android tv
device that's what i was planning to do i i was gonna play it on the shield that'd be cool yeah
there's no way i would play it on my phone because it's just the the touch interface is just so clunky
why are we doing this by choice yeah i'm i'm not worried about the purchase i actually do think i'll
get my my time out of it but i think it'll be those like i am unexpectedly stuck here for like an
hour yeah i have nothing to do and i'll be like oh yeah i have that final fantasy game on my phone
sweet yeah so like i i think i'll get play out of it um you do need to play six at some point
it is actually my favorite game i'll tell you what i'll make you a deal i know what the deal's
gonna be if you play final fantasy hold on okay can you just at least hear out the deal first
if you play final fantasy 6 i will watch pirates of silicon valley okay hackers okay and i'll play
the titanfall 2 campaign i'll do all three of those things he's been he's been writing me about all
three of these things for actual literal years to the point now where there's no way any of them can
live up to any height no no it's impossible he's gonna be disappointed with every one of these
things before you die or your life is not complete
okay i mean i'm down sure all right okay
okay so what i'm part of this now i can't stop what happens too friendly yeah what happens if i play it
and then you don't no no no there'll be milestones i'll tell you milestones after which i have to do
a thing okay deal right deal okay all right is there is there some what's the best way to play it
you just asked a question it's about to start a war in the comments section
what i mean as someone as someone who you know grew up on it um hold on
let me just see if i can make sure i get this right yeah as as someone who grew up with it i would say
the ted bullsey translation of the original english version of final fantasy 6 which was called
final fantasy 3 at the time oh my has so much character that it outweighs the inaccuracies and the
quirks however there are much more accurate translations um okay and even and even versions
of the game with extra content such as final fantasy 6 for the game boy advance um because you got to
remember this game has been released like a billion 10 flipping times like the skyrim of final fantasy
it was released for super nintendo and somehow has never gotten i don't know i guess the pixel the
latest pixel remaster is maybe the closest to like really you know getting a a real you know layer of
polish on it um but okay so there's the original for the snes it was released for the playstation as part
of an anthology it was released on game boy advance it was released for pc in like kind of a
kludgy crappy one it was released for android the pixel remaster came out for pc that's six off the top
of my head and there's probably more um wow sea linus skate on this thin ice no but that look look
i think lines iconic lines like son of a submariner
have charm okay i enjoy that line even if they were not true to the original intent of
the writers for the game it doesn't matter it means whatever you want it to mean
um conrad thinks i should play the pixel remaster that's probably the one to play it's got a lot of
modern quality of life features like um i i played final i played through final fantasy 9 on pc i bought
it again on steam and played through it and it has this feature where you can just turn off battle
difficulty you can just be like no i just want to do 9999 damage with every hit because i'm finding this
dungeon really boring and so it has modern quality of life features however i would
you know what no i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i'm not gonna advise you how to play it you play it
however you like to play it it sounds like the worst form of subs versus dubs i've ever seen yeah
what is subs versus dubs no i don't care what this is this is fine you're gonna play the three
what way do you think i should play it i'll play it whatever no no no no i i because i want you to
enjoy it so if you get bored in a frustrating dungeon like the magitek facility or something
like that and you're just like oh i got on the wrong conveyor and it's dragging me okay whatever
i'm just gonna blitz through a couple battles i'm not gonna tell you no that's not the correct way to
enjoy the game oh yeah honestly i wasn't even really paying attention to that feature portion
i just meant version of the game so do you still think pixel remaster well i haven't played
the pixel remaster okay i mean i i i would happily just you know drop into it for a little bit and
say okay yeah do you want to verify for me or or should i just try to go i i would say that
everything that i've seen about the pixel remaster has been very very positive it looks like they have
done a good job of updating the artwork while remaining true to the original style lots of
modern creature comforts um and without unnecessary stupid ugly changes uh i i i would say that's
probably the best way to go but
i don't know if i will ever be able to i don't know if i'll ever be able to immerse myself in any
of the remakes for little reasons like they rename items they rename spells and for me i don't like
that i don't i i i i find they did that i find the old limitations um you know i find them charming
i find the misspellings of you know some of the espers names because it was an eight character limit
quaint it it's sort of it it is a relic of its time it's it's it and so if you think it's more
legit to play the well i don't i will do that i don't because i haven't played the pixel remaster
right so i don't why do why am i calling it a remaster remaster so why are you not why are you
not calling me on this i honestly didn't notice what you said uh remaster uh some of the charm
of some of these old games is struggling and fighting through stuff though no that's true and
there's there's ways that you can kind of overcome it with emulation to a degree uh like one of the
things that um i would do when i played through later not on my super nintendo like on an emulator
is just set the emulation speed to like 20x and then one of the cool things about final fantasy
6 that's a feature that i haven't i have seen repeated but often see missed is that if you just
hold the confirm button as you are going into a battle it will just auto fight every character
will just fight and just you know kill stuff so if you're over leveled and you're just trying to like
make your way through your dungeon you can just rent man like turn emulation speed up to 20x and it'll
just be like and they'll and so as long as you don't hmm overestimate your leveledness and get
annihilated while you're before you pull your finger off the button then you know there's little things
that you could do like that if you wanted to actually play like an snes rom or i mean i have a
cartridge if you wanted to pull out the super nintendo that you brought to your first job interview
i would be happy to loan you my cartridge um but i it's an older game and being able to save anytime
you want as an adult with a life that would be helpful kind of a big deal it's very likely i would
end up playing it in like small chunks yeah it's it's it's pretty it's pretty nice it's pretty nice
oh man if pixel remaster is is totally chill i will probably go that route yeah the warden the
warden meteo greater than meteor 100 it's just a character yeah i don't even think that was a
character limit thing because i think there were spells that were longer than that and like medio
just sounds like the spell version of media yeah it's so cool i have no issue with that at all and
okay there's things that were janky like it's fire fire two fire three because there weren't
enough characters for fire uh fireaga right which is what all those are called now and you know
lightning was just bolt bolt two bolt three that doesn't bother me at all ice two ice three um
holy is called pearl for some reason so that's interesting there's definitely
some confusing things about the wolsey translation and so you'll have uh you'll have opponents that
are weak against holy and as a kid as far as i could tell there was absolutely no way to hit them
for their weakness so there were problems there were problems um let's see i've got something for you
here mark has sent me a message he's just got an email from 23andme it's because they took out any
religious stuff
but then they didn't take out the weaknesses against holy it just couldn't be a spell name
apparently so it must have just been one of those incomplete like sony america sanitization so
i know that there's some things in final fantasy 6 that were changed for the north american release
like the dancers were less provocative in their you know pixel art way yeah for example and i think
there's an incident of like pixels less round like like drinking that is turned into like soda or
something when it was actually alcohol or something like that anyway sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry go
ahead dan oh yeah sorry i didn't mean to interrupt marcus just sent me a message saying he got an email
from 23andme about his data should i send that over to you guys to have a look at sure okay i'll let you know
you know which address to send it to right i'll make sure he knows oh oh oh oh all right sure yep thank you
cool uh are we supposed to do topics now what on earth are we talking about you're talking uh about
topics for another 45 minutes oh cool uh do you want to talk about intel's new graphics card that
everyone is talking about and really excited about yeah well that's too bad because there isn't one oh
i mean there's a graphics card uh but nobody's talking about it nobody's excited so this is is this yeah
what is this is this arc 3 or no this is arc alchemist this is still first generation arc
but this new card the a580 ah sits in between the a750 and the a380 okay it has 24 xe cores 24 ray tracing
units and um matches the a750 with 512 gigabytes per second of memory bandwidth and 8 gigs of ram
uh the release was made with very little fanfare and its pricing at 180 puts it only 20 bucks
below some models of the a750 it is not very exciting why not why is it not exciting
just why i don't know i i would i would i would hazard a guess that this has something to do with
uh i mean it was okay all of this is speculation this is all speculation because remember how it was
rumored that intel was basically sitting on like warehouses of gpus that they couldn't sell yet
because the drivers weren't done and like there's been a lot of bumps in the road this was announced
a year ago this gpu alongside arc 3 and arc 7 and it just hasn't materialized all this time so if i had
to guess why they're launching this thing i would say it's because they just had them already and they
have to do something with them at some point and so i think this is just their way of putting them out
there recouping some of their losses i mean we already knew looking at the size of the a770s die
and the the price of that card compared to other similar die sized similar vram configured gpus from
amd and nvidia that intel is not making money on these things and this is about getting a generation
out there getting their driver development going putting some silicon in gamers hands incentivizing
developers to optimize for arc which clearly worked really well with bethesda and just
understanding that this ain't going to be perfect and we're very grateful to our first generation
customers hey don't worry battle needs will be better we hope and um okay i mean maybe this is about
maybe this is about telling shareholders we've launched the whole lineup now like i i can't
you know get rid of dead stock um hit a milestone you know whatever whatever the reason is um it can't be
we think this is a really competitive product at a great price and we think it's going to sell like
hotcakes that that much is very clear it's not like intel doesn't know how to benchmark a gpu
sure they can figure that out yeah i mean at least it won't get you banned from counter-strike 2
hey and it can play starfield now in other news oh yeah yeah there's there's the note starfield
running 117 faster or something yeah intel updated the drivers for all their arc cards adding support
for the a580 but also claiming significant performance gains while many of the games listed
were older titles intel did claim up to 149 improvement at 1440p high settings and up to
117 faster performance at 1080p with ultra settings for starfield which is pretty exciting i
i am really glad that the rumors ended up being false about intel dropping out and giving up on
discrete gpus uh it seems like they have i mean okay if they've stayed the course for this long
there's no way we're not going to see battle mage and i would be very surprised if battle mage doesn't
end up being
somewhat competitive decently solid is all i'm really hoping yeah and and realistically you know
i've talked about this before amd has a money furnace and they have lots of money fuel to throw in their
money furnace even if battle mage isn't amazing even if it's not an industry leader as long as it's a
little bit better than alchemist then at least they can continue to go to the investors and go hey
but yeah the other guy is still ahead but we're making up ground here stick with us till celestial
we got this um and maybe we have a legitimate third player in discrete gpu which would be good not
just for gamers but also for the other industries that are using gpus like how how freaking tired are
we of nvidia not caring at all about gamers because they're so busy shipping every wafer that they can
possibly book with tsmc to the ai machine learning industry for crazy higher profits we need more
competition in that space yeah yeah 100 because all of those high priced gpus i mean that cost
will get passed along to you at some point once the vcs are tired of just throwing money into their
money-burning furnaces yeah all right time to uh time to have a look at the 23andme um breach email so
this went to one of our staffers let's uh fire up my laptop here we are following up on an email that we
sent earlier this week regarding our ongoing security investigation we learned certain profile
information which customer creates and chooses to share with their genetic relatives and the dna
relatives feature was accessed from individual accounts without the account user's authorization
so you decided who you wanted to share it with and it was accessed by someone else while the
investigation is ongoing we believe the threat actor was able to access certain accounts and
instances where the usernames and passwords that were used were the same as those used on other websites
that had been previously compromised so um uh on so if you go on a site like haveibeenpwned.com you can
find out if a username password combo has been already breached and make sure that you change that and
don't use it anywhere else and also don't do that use unique passwords on every site and use a password
manager please this doesn't line up for me but we can talk more about that later how does this impact
you we have identified your dna relatives profile as one that was impacted in this incident uh
specifically there was unauthorized access to one or more accounts that were connected to you through
dna relatives as a result uh in this feature was exposed to the threat actor great so your profile
information was exposed you can see a full list of the types of information that may have been included
in your profile here what are you doing about this we're working with third-party forensic experts
where's the part where there's any kind of actual legal liability for any of this that's what
i don't understand like luke i remember sorry i'm not twitch died oh okay not us that's unfortunate
that's fine yeah we're still fine um so where is i going with this
no legal ramifications yeah right i remember talking about this when we started the forum
and i basically any time we were collecting any kind of personal information like remember when we
set up the ability for people to support the forum through memberships yeah and i was like yo do we have
any payment information let's make sure we're not storing credit cards and you were like no man don't
worry i got this and i'm like okay because i don't want anything name email that's already
like the maximum amount of information that i need to store about someone if they voluntarily
fill out like their birthday or whatever like that's that's on that's on them but i i i don't
want to be in a position where we're holding on to anything like payment information or any
anything that could turn into a real world security threat um and
part of that came from a place of being concerned about legal liability but part of it just came from
understanding what the personal liability breaches happen well not just not liability because
liability is like that's a legal legal term yeah i didn't mean it that way but but just personal
responsibility there we go yeah i don't want to hold on to stuff that when inevitably it gets
accessed it's going to be a big problem for you never wanted to like care that much and so what
i am trying to understand is why something that was intuitive and common sense not just to me i'm not
some unique big brain genius to come up with this luke felt exactly the same way about it and and
full transparency a bunch of years back the forum did have a breach yeah we talked about it on when
show we were super public about it this was a long time ago and it was like luckily we don't hold
anything yeah and and so why is it that something that's common sense to us is not common sense both
to the companies that are collecting and storing this information and to the lawmakers that keep seeing
this in their headlines presumably and don't take any kind of action because at a certain point you
can't just go uh-oh spaghettios
there needs to be actual consequences yeah the the other part that's weird to me is the claim of um
while our investigation is ongoing we believe the threat actor was able to access accounts in
instances where the usernames and passwords that were used on 23andme.com were the same as
those used in other websites i mean that would be true at any time that's not a breach do they mean
an admin account or how does this person have millions of accounts i'm not sure it just and like
why is it being reported the way that it's being reported and like all this other stuff doesn't
really work for me personally i feel like there's more to this than they're admitting probably because
they're trying to completely dodge any form of liability like we're kind of talking about um
i don't know it just i don't know it doesn't seem to work for me i'm very frustrated
uh oh man matt stl says shadow had a data breach i'm not a customer anymore and haven't been for some
time but they left my account live and stored financial data as well stored financial data like
we like there needs to be like look i'm not it's not that i want an honest mistake to result in
determination of every company that makes an honest mistake you can't swing the pendulum too far the
other way but on the other hand there have to be real consequences that make companies treat this
stuff seriously because it's clear that they're not going to do it on their own
people are saying it was credential stuffing um
but did they get the credentials of a higher level user
or was there really just millions of accounts that had the same login and password
nad.eg says not sure if it helps but i got an initial email from 23andme and i don't have an update
like this you might not have one yet but also yeah maybe not every individual account was accessed then
maybe my understanding is just wrong i thought it was like millions of accounts maybe it's
not anywhere near that many
apparently shadow got social engineered through discord
one account can have the info for many people shared to it oh
that makes a lot more sense why would you be doing that
i thought it was millions of accounts of a specific background i heard a lot about a specific
background as well which is why i thought this but now that we know it could be sharing it could be
one individual person that encouraged a very large community of people to do this
for whatever reason and share the information with that central person
or that group of central people and be a multitude of them got broken into this is brutal
okay well at any rate yeah that's rough that makes a lot more sense i understand now um but yeah yikes
google returns features following a sonos fumble
recap google and sonos have been locked in a patent war uh for the last few years which in
early 2022 resulted in google losing a case regarding controlling multiple speakers together in a group
rather than pay sonos a licensing fee google pushed software turning off that relevant feature on
devices that users had already bought uh i spoke out about this at the time and my take on this was
google you actually may not just remove features from devices that you sold advertising those
features um i am personally very frustrated by this google sonos tiff because it affects me personally
i invested in sonos hardware knowingly because it had excellent integration with google play music
and i described this on a recent when show or other recent video i can't remember when
and some people seemed to kind of misunderstand what i meant i know that you can still use youtube
music with sonos the problem is you have to use sonos's clunky crappy app and honestly even the
speaker grouping is clunkier in sonos's app compared to the extremely elegant integration that was in google
play music so i never touched the sonos app i just would come home and i would be listening to
whatever i'm listening to in my headphones and i would go into google play music and then i would
just use the cast button the normal cast button and i would just click it and then i could click
a speaker or i could click a few speakers and confirm and i don't know if it supported like static
groupings i actually can't remember because i haven't seen the interface in years but it was amazing
because it was just continuous and then when i was on my way out i would actually be able to
walk out the door and just flip it back to my headphones and be good to go it was just continuous
music and it was so seamless and it was awesome and then google deprecated play music and then because
of their patent tip with sonos have never integrated that same functionality into youtube music and it
sucks i know that spotify has integration with sonos it is not as good it is really clunky and
inelegant by comparison um gremlin injector asks but why did you trust sonos don't you know better
after their bricking debacle i think sonos learned an important lesson after the bricking debacle which
if you paid close attention to it you'll know never happened nothing is bricked everything still works which
is great um so yeah yeah i'm i mean anything smart can just disappear which really sucks and is bad
but it seems like they actually learned something handyman says lmao what nothing compares to spotify
connect do you know that did you use it okay then i also have a counter yeah spotify connect does not
come with youtube premium yeah but also i i i considered just switching over to spotify just
if it had really good integration and it just didn't i'm sorry it didn't uh it was not as good
it was not as clean it was not as seamless um google play music was really really awesome
with the with the uh with the integration with sonos come on what do you mean come on
i i'm going to subscribe my thing on spotify is if you watch a lot of youtube i don't think it's
worth it because if you watch a lot of youtube youtube premium is actually fantastic and it comes
with uh youtube music which is a not amazing app but it still gets you basically all of your music
you can listen to without ads it gets you the 80 of spotify maybe it doesn't get you 100 but it gets
you the 80 of spotify and it's not another subscription service you have to get it i don't
know anyway as someone who had serious frustration with this situation um i basically went look google
this is your product you sold and the feature no longer works and that that really sucks um i i wish
you guys would just pay the licensing fee however it seems like according to the facts of the case google
may have been right here so last friday a judge decided that some of the patents in the case were
invalid and threw out the decision on the grounds that two of the five patents were actually filed
in 2019 and sonos inappropriately tied them to its 20 2006 applications so that it would appear as though
they predated google's devices google's immediate response to this overruling was to push an update
restoring some of the old features that update was released on tuesday two business days after the
decision google likewise released a blog post calling for patent reform this is not the only
recent setback for sonos who apparently have been trying and failing to address an infamous problem with
their 900 sonos arc sound bars that causes the device to occasionally emit a loud bang described by many
users as similar to a gunshot oh i've never heard this i have an arc um maybe it's maybe it's only
certain revisions of the hardware i don't know that's not great sonos attributes the problem to
an interoperability issue with dolby atmos and has advised users to turn it off and switch to dolby 5.1
complaints about the issue go back at least two years okay in that case i don't know i have never
experienced this with mine but uh who knows maybe that time i thought that someone was firing a gun
in my living room it was actually my arc no i'm no i'm kidding i'm kidding i've never heard you never
know i mean our discussion question here is a good one when companies remove a substantial
feature from a device or a service should they be obligated to offer a refund i mean
i i think that's the least that they can do i i feel like they should have to do something or like
you know what i or okay speaking of patent reform okay you know what about this what if
what if um you know pending the results of the of the litigation uh google pays the licensing fees
into an escrow account that is returned to google with you know interest or something like that from
sonos if they win or goes to sonos if ultimately they lose but at the end of the day this shouldn't
be impacting the customer that is definitely not the right way i agree i just want google play music
back so that i can cast to my speakers properly sorry it's okay i i i tried i wanted to like oh what is it
called uh dts connect or something like that is that is that what it's called uh i i can't i can't
remember what what's what's that what's that other one called uh svs has a box uh streaming svs prime yeah
yeah here it is the svs prime i really wanted to like this thing on paper it's awesome it seems like
stop it seems like a high quality amp and you know the hardware seems great um it's you know airplay
2 compatible i don't have an iphone uh but the the way that it worked for me was through i want to say
oh dts play fi yeah this is this is their this is their audio over wi-fi solution and it's
behind last time i used it uh i really i i okay full full disclosure svs would have given me a
sick deal to outfit my house with those such that it would have been i i don't i don't i don't know
what exactly they were offering i don't remember but it definitely what i know is from talking to
uh jake about it it would have been cheaper than the used last gen sonos boxes i bought oh wow and
i would have had brand new uh prime prime wireless pros um and i just said forget it and i just i just
bought them um if i if i had fewer zones i i think from my experience with it it was like fine but i don't
remember the exact details i basically have a lot of zones yeah i ran into some kind of an issue and i
basically went okay forget it i can't really do this anymore by the way sop cannon in flip plane
chat says that they're having that pop issue that you were describing oh really yeah well so apparently
that is a thing well sop cannon maybe you should stop stop firing the cannon pop cannon yeah
horrible yeah i know actually terrible um next topic yeah best buy nix's physical media
meanwhile this is hilarious netflix is planning to open physical locations wait what i didn't see
that part the best buy nixing physical media is interesting when i used to work at the best of
buys back in the day it was like probably a close to a quarter of the store it was huge got them cds it was
massive pick up that sarah mclaughlin yeah and you could tell over time alanis morissette that section of the
store was shrinking and i guess now it's just shrinked to zero they will no longer sell dvds or blu-ray
discs starting in 2024 this is only five years after they dropped selling music cds according to john
fairhurst ceo of limited run games walmart may also be dropping sales of physical games in the near future
and limited run is awesome just a weird little shout out i i've gotten a few things from them
everything i've gotten from them has been very good quality um very cool group of people doing
very cool things we've talked about this a fair bit um i think more more recently when australia
was not going to get physical media or something like that oh yeah yeah some of the movie studios
weren't going to do physical blu-ray releases in australia um high quality the highest quality
version of a movie may simply no longer be available to consumers very soon like almost now
starting in 2024 like you'll still probably be able to buy them online for quite some time but this is
kind of wild um i i don't really have a ton to add here other than that there are still advantages to
physical media and there are still problems with abandoning physical media um but that doesn't
change the fact that this this tide cannot be stopped now it's very clear um meanwhile netflix has
announced that they will be opening two netflix houses and this please tell me that this is a play on
columbia house that they're gonna call it netflix house please please tell me that um these netflix
houses will have merch food and fan experiences experience location is what they're calling it based on
whatever happens to be the hotness on netflix at the time they have previously dabbled in pop-up retail
stores and experimented with immersive experience based on the hit show squid game
can i just say this actually makes a ton of sense to me i i see there's a bit more skepticism in our
discussion prompting here but i thought it was like go rent a physical cop i was like what are you
doing netflix land yeah i mean would would you go to a stranger things themed you know land inside a
netflix theme park
i think some people would i mean netflix has a serious collection of first-party ip now i feel like
i would go to what what's that what's that the the game show one that everyone is freaking out about
that mr beast remade you just said it i think yeah squid game yeah i feel like i'd go to one of those
that'd be yeah like you could totally have squid game experiences so here here we go so squid game
stranger things wednesday i don't know that they would necessarily own enough of adam's family's ip
rights to do anything with that but who knows bridgerton though bridgerton is huge um stranger
things which i already oh wait no sorry i just i already mentioned that lucifer um yvonne really liked
that one yeah the witcher that's not their ip but if they put some effort into it
it i definitely see the opportunity in the long term for them to build out a theme park experience
here and i mean disney has certainly shown the way in terms of integrating theme parks into a
successful media business oh boy yeah people are uh people are talking about the the bridgerton
people have some ideas for what the bridgerton zone might be like okay okay okay okay this is not
an adults-only park get your mind out of it i've never watched bridgerton but i've seen some ideas
in chat and okay then yeah bridgerton's pretty uh pretty sweaty got it yeah yeah yeah in a different
form yep uh not like tries really hard at video games no kind of the opposite yeah no it's busy trying
hard at other things um this is interesting a california court has ruled that facebook's
ad targeting system is discriminatory both because it requires advertisers to choose their ad audience
by demographic characteristics like age and gender and because facebook's look-alike audience tool then
matches those businesses with potential customers that have traits similar to their existing audience
this follows a court case where an older woman complained that she was being excluded from ads
that offered favorable deals on life insurance because the ads were typically targeted at younger
people and men isn't this interesting why men this could change the landscape of targeted advertising
the case did find that her claim was accurate but it's unclear why life insurance policies would
specifically want to appeal to men over women this is a note in our in our yeah yeah yeah now younger
people people obviously they're less likely to die in the near future but men are actually more likely
to die yeah younger than women of the same age um yeah so maybe more dudes are like i'm pretty risky
i should get this yeah yeah i have absolutely no idea men are apparently more likely to buy them um 58 of
american men own life insurance policies versus 47 of american women but there could be any number
of reasons for that that kind of makes sense to me like if it's only marketed to men then maybe only
they buy it i don't know um meta is likely to appeal this decision but if it's upheld
the decision might require every ad-based platform on the internet at least the ones that operate
in america to restructure their ad targeting systems i mean right is is ad targeting just going away this
will really affect flow plane very heavily we'll have to re-engineer yeah the zero zero dollars of
advertising that we do every year
the free advertising that the parent company gives it yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly um
um do you want to talk about the 23 year old coder who fixed a 22 year old firefox bug
um that's awesome sure a 22 year old bug in firefox has finally been fixed by a 23 year old
engineering student who had never contributed to an open source project before the bug causes tooltips
to remain in the foreground if a user command tabs away command tabs uh command tabs away from the browser
before moving their mouse away from the toolbar the tooltip would persist until the user put fire
fox in the foreground again and move the mouse off the toolbar wow that sounds like a pretty minor bug
but i am 100 certain that would really really annoy people with specific ocd uh the issue was first
reported in june 20 uh sorry 2002 and in fact the bug uh predates firefox itself and was inherited from
the project it was branched off of the issue was reported repeatedly over the course of two decades but
it was never resolved likely because it was a minor cosmetic issue not causing crashes thus low
priority um after being repeatedly annoyed by the bug 23 year old yifan zoo which i hope i pronounced
correctly but probably didn't you did a great job horrified to realize how long it had been how long
it had gone unaddressed and decided to fix it despite the uh lack of familiarity with the firefox code
base but otherwise no one else was going to and then they did and it was successful as far as i can
tell that's so cool they did end up needing a little bit of help from a more uh a more experienced
developer but hey that's one of the benefits taking initiative let's go right yeah that's great i think
it's super cool yeah what's not cool is the fact that i'm spoiling my children and turning them into
little monsters what the there there was uh there was a post uh earlier this week that was flagged by our
our community uh coordinator uh that reads like this i'm astonished at how much gaming linus gives
to his kids nowadays i know i am nobody to control him but still from their personal setups to the caravan
gaming to server rack mounted gaming and much more from the other video projects isn't linus giving too
much luxury to his children i mean even with me all the dedication that i have converted from the sadness
and anger of not having tech luxury at the most i would only give my children a small game console
in nursery an xbox or ps in first year a light laptop in fourth a mobile in sixth or earlier and a gaming
pc around some time not 10 of the top of the line rtx 4090 gaming pcs at age five um discuss okay so hold on a
second yes it is very clear that my kids enjoy access to technology that is very different from what
normal kids would have they have pretty cool gaming pcs at the ages that they are um but they're pretty
time limited and you you make them do things they have like goals that they have to accomplish before
they can unlock certain amounts of gaming time but don't overestimate how much they are actually
allowed to use them yeah as a tech savvy parent i may have the capability and the means to fill
my house with technology i was i was counting them and i think in my house there's no fewer than
somewhere between 15 and 20 computers i wonder how many screens um fewer than you might think a lot of
them are surprisingly single monitor setups but still tvs okay there's a fair number of screens
yeah there's a fair number of screens because there's some there's a bunch of laptops but those
are redundant right now because the laptops that used to run the land center are just kind of in a
pile right um because we still need to do a video like cleaning it up and so i haven't cleaned it up on
my own time because i want to make a video about it anyway yeah the point is um see people ask like
what's your power bill i mean they're not on all the time right like so yes i have the means and
and the capability to fill my place with computers but that doesn't mean that i but that also means i
have the capability to restrict yeah they don't just have free range to access to the computers um
i i make extensive use of parental controls like google's family link um and microsoft's whatever
family safety i forget what it's called they're not allowed to install apps without permission they're
not allowed to use the computers without permission um they have to trade at a ratio of i think one to
1.5 uh piano practice or um dance or other like uh activity practice or chores in order to get gaming
time um there are exceptions when we do like family gaming time they don't have to do anything for that
but you know that's not that's not something that happens every night that's that's a rule that a lot
of people have like there's i know one of them too is like if there's a type of game like uh an example
we had when we were growing up very often was like shooter games a lot of people didn't want their kids
playing shooter games below a certain age but it was fairly common i would find with like my friends
where they would be like yeah i can't play shooter games by myself but i can play like co-op halo with my
dad because like as long as they're playing together they're like okay this is fine um so yeah i don't
know family time's always been different with that said it's a valid concern and it's one we think about
a lot um thank you for raising it and it's it's definitely something that we're we're we're cognizant of
and um you know it's tough right because on the one hand yeah we don't we don't want them to be
spoiled little brats right like that side i don't think that's anything i don't think that's
something anyone wants from their kids i think it's something that happens by accident i'm sure
there's someone at least yeah i was going to say 90 of the time i would say that spoiled awful kids
probably happen by accident but that doesn't mean that you can be complacent about it that means that
if anything you need to be more vigilant about it so don't worry we are we are on it we are doing our
best um and no don't assume that just because they have a lot of options for devices that they can use
that that necessarily means that they can just go on them whenever they want uh there are some
exceptions i actually created a document a couple of weeks ago i'm pretty proud of this little bit of
parenting uh the document is called i'm bored and the reason it exists is because i wanted to have
something to point my kids to every single time they walk up to me and say that's smart i'm bored
and so this is this is the i'm bored document do you want me to read yeah sure you can you can read it
okay so he's got locations so i am asked i'm bored and i am at location x these are the things that i
can say so everywhere includes hide and seek tag listen to music or dance educational activities on
phone or computer uh camera play take pictures to record videos of each other do whatever film little
videos do whatever forts building tents out of tubes or crazy forts other things i used to build them out
of uh the dining room chairs when i was a kid um reading comic book corner swing outside on the porch
bedroom cats just play with the cats in general okay we're upstairs here's this insanely long list of
toys all right we're on the main floor arts and crafts hang out with different people play piano yoga
and exercise okay we're in the basement all these other things oh my god this is really long there is so
much to do in our house this is very long it takes multiple scrolling swipes to get through it and for
that reason i don't want them playing video games all the time because they could play dress up or they
could have a tea party or they could practice magic tricks um there are some video games that don't need
permission if they play beat saber uh or makes sense dance dash or box vr all of those makes or anything that
is like a high exertion video game that's allowed they're allowed to play ring fit adventure without
permission that also makes sense as long as they have it set to a reasonable difficulty so they're not
just breezing through it um yeah other than that they're allowed to play games that we consider
educational so i would say for my youngest for example something like wordscapes is considered
educational i would say that gets a little less educational later on um but you know if they
up to a certain age yeah if they're using duolingo or something like that level i would i would consider
that to be educational so uh using family link you can apply different limits to apps um on a per day
basis or you can okay you can apply limits system-wide or to specific apps so you could have 45 minutes of
total screen time in a day but an unlimited amount of this during that time and only five minutes of
this during that time and a completely unlimited amount of a kindle for example is an app that is
completely unlocked on the kids that have phones as phones and other devices we also have a kindle
that they can just use um because i i'm i'm of the mind that i don't care what they read as long as they read
um you know make of that what you will it means that every time i go on my kindle unlimited account
i can't find anything in the sea of stupid minecraft books or whatever but that's a small price to pay
oh my goodness um are we doing yeah topic still okay i'll just blow through this one i genuinely think
this will be short but it was in the call out topic so it is what it is github copilot might
be running at a loss according to a report from the wall street journal github copilot which cost
users ten dollars a month was losing microsoft over twenty dollars per month per user in the first few
months of this year with some heavy users costing microsoft up to eighty dollars a month microsoft has
not responded to the claim that github was running at a loss but nat friedman who was ceo of github when
uh copilot was launched in october of 2021 claimed that uh called the claim false however friedman left
the company in november of 2021 and has not provided any additional details with the wall street journal
standing behind their original reporting at the beginning of this year chat gpt was estimated to
cost open ai seven hundred thousand dollars a day to run at 36 cents a query now here can i just jump in
for a second how does that account for the hardware because open ai would probably roll their own
hardware so is that just in power i'm honestly not sure or is that with amortized hardware cost across
it too i'm assuming that but i'm not sure anyway uh yeah it's well known that most llms are resource
hogs analysts have projected projected that unless these ai systems become much cheaper and more efficient
we might see a significant dampening in investor euphoria over ai due to the heavy costs associated
with deployment and uncertainty around profit models yeah yeah so this is what we talked about
yesterday um and whether or not the github copilot thing is necessarily true something that i still stand
behind is the access to bing chat and now windows copilot being completely free is wild that's mind-blowing to
me oh by the way apparently um open ai is using azure that makes sense right because of the microsoft microsoft investment
yeah okay yeah so the chat's going on ai crashing yeah not yet it takes a bit more
time for the silicon valley investor bros to uh chill out this is part of the reason though um
why innovation has been what i would personally call stifled to a certain degree is because access
to this type of hardware has become so financially competitive that a lot of uh not vc backed interested
parties are having extremely hard times breaking into the space they can't get the hardware power uh to
be able to back it up there's even like ovh emailed me this week and was like by the way we got gpu
servers now heard you do video you want some gpu servers and i was like no because i know what
the pricing is going to be on them yeah um if this was a few years ago i might have been like maybe we'll
take one to experiment with but now it's like no these are effectively ai servers or ai research
servers whatever you want to call it um so yeah not interested um
um twitch chat asked what the heck are you eating doritos gamer fuel yeah
speaking of which we still owe you guys a gpu server don't we yeah okay
i'll i'll personally build it not that worried about it okay but you could do something with it
uh we could play around with it would it be cool it could be i don't know if we would actually hit
production though would it transcode the wan show vod faster i don't want to have to spend saturday's
dealing with this anymore but like well there was two unique issues in a row i don't think you'll be
spending this saturday dealing with it um bet did you just say bet
no i think it'll be fine yeah it seemed it seemed to be quite you know did you just unironically say
bet no i i said it ironically okay like definitely all right cool definitely i was like who are you
if you thought that i had said that unironically we would have a problem and we would actually have
to have a serious conversation this is great i just get to sit on the sidelines while things get
spicy here sorry is that like a rude thing to say or something or like that yeah no it's just not
he would just never say it oh i see yeah yeah i love doing that i love doing that
oh i'm sorry if like your dad unironically said yeet
like it would just be like what you know what i mean like it's i don't know
uh um anyways you just attacked my gen z self no i the problem is that he's not gen z that's that's
why i was so confused yeah but i'm i mean i'm terminally online but i i use it all like absolutely
ironically yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah but that's how it starts i know it's actually become a problem
it's a real problem i start saying things and then it just i can't stop yeah and i try i've
noticed that and if i find a new thing that i'm like haha this is funny to say yeah i will avoid it
otherwise it'll become part of my lexicon vernacular lexicon no i think you're right which is it
are they both right probably
told you he's got me into it now it's kind of great it's kind of great yeah it's wholesome i like uh
what is it what is it called meta modern where we've moved past like the everything is cringe and
being sincere is gross and now everything is just like yeah i like this thing and everybody's like yeah
awesome yeah it's so rare to find positivity in the world that it's like wait a second that's the
new era it's like post cringe you know it's just you know what i'm so down with that because yeah
we talked about this earlier in the show everything being black white and gray right
yeah it's the same kind of thing it's like no you can't you can't stand out and be interesting it's
like oh come on speaking of black white and gray um travero we should probably switch to float
plane after dark i wan show after dark sorry twitch i gotta cut you off no yeah
bye youtube i think float plane after dark would be significantly different content yeah
i mean we can upload anything there uh travero in float plane chat asks what did you think of the
bill watterson book i have only cracked open the first couple of pages what bill watterson bill
watterson he released a book i pre-ordered it the mysteries immediately yeah um so it was uh done
in collaboration with john cashed i i don't know how to pronounce his last name i don't know who he
is but he's a characterist apparently um that's that's what i i was listening to an interview about
it before the show started that's what you're listening to yeah that's what i got sort of
sidetracked by um mine arrived horror was it last week or early this week or something like that i i've
briefly looked at the first two pages but i've i've i'm i'm i'm not going to do this in multiple
sittings i'm gonna i'm gonna read it through because it's it's not doesn't appear to be a lot
of text it's up like a modern fable or something like i can't remember exactly what it is it is
definitely it's it's on amazon it's under horror manga from what i've seen it is nothing like anything
he has done before no it's not very highly rated either um and i am having a hard time
i'm so far from the handful of pages that i have glanced through understanding um it
what it is and why and um you know what realistically i don't care um i broke the no pre-ordering rule
because uh bill watterson through calvin and hobbs has given me so much joy in my life that i could
probably never repay him for it um so as far as i was concerned it was just here take my money
yeah here take my money because i just i actually don't give a how good or bad this is um but it
does seem to be just kind of random um i haven't actually looked at ratings because i wanted to just
keep my impressions of it completely pure so i'm not going to be looking at you know chat about it
but yeah it's a it's a new bill watterson book the mysteries and it has this kind of unique art style
and i guess i'm really not much of an artist i i um i was more expecting you know the writing to
say something to me and less sort of concerned about the pictures um yeah that can i show uh individual
frames of it i am including some writing if it's on the amazon page if it's on the amazon page i'm
pretty sure it's fair okay if you're if you're freaked out about anything whatever there you go
so there's like tiny little bit of text long ago the forest was dark and deep paired with picture
and then tiny little bit of text so the knights set off into the misty forest
year after year they searched and then picture
that match your experience yep
so i'm looking forward to it um it doesn't matter if it's good i mean it might be good it might be
like good art or something and then maybe i don't get it but just not your kind of thing yeah it
doesn't matter if it's good or bad or whatever um it's it's again it's filed under horror manga
if i if i was walking through a bookstore and i saw that as a category section i would not be pausing
i'm just not interested in the slightest yeah me neither i i i see also under frequently bought
together on amazon there's this book and then the calvin hobbs portable compendium set
and those are very different things and i think i think yeah i think a lot of people that are coming
to this for bill watterson and bill watterson's calvin hobbs contributions might be a little
reacting the way you are yeah like what even is this yeah but then maybe people that are into horror
manga whatever that is are super into it maybe i don't know this has low ratings but when i look
through the ratings uh
i i think it's i think it's people that were like i liked calvin and hobbs what is this i think you only
get one of these as an author or as an artist i i think you i think you do get a mulligan or like uh
you know something that doesn't appeal to your fan base once maybe twice but i think if he if he wants
to like make a return to you know being one of the most beloved artists of this generation you know the
next one should without being fan service probably appeal to the fan base a little bit um i'm not
going to tell him how to do this thing because obviously man doesn't give a like and you got to
respect that so again like it's back to it's back to sort of like i don't actually care because
i respect the attitude and i respect the previous work to the point where
what 25 or whatever okay just take it uh fine yeah it doesn't matter to me because he would
never merchandise the ip so i can't buy my kids a hob stuffy which i would happily do um so all right
if this is the only way i can give you money then i guess fine
okay tell me this would it be wrong for me to leverage my supplier relationships
with stuffy manufacturers to make a one-off hob stuffy i think as long as you make something for
yourself and not for commercial use it's covered by fair use
is that wrong knowing what i know about him not wanting why does he not want that because he thinks
it cheapens the art also i think there's a whole philosophical thing about you know if he ever did
a stuffed hobbs then it would answer the question once and for all whether hobbs is real or whether
he's imagined but it's pretty obvious he's imagined yeah but but that's something he has never actually
canonically addressed well it wouldn't be made by him so i don't think you'd be ruining that question
mm-hmm and i wouldn't be selling it i wouldn't be commercializing it but if i if i had a one-off
manufactured hobbs for my kid or something like that is that wrong tell me guys oh man people are
all over this yes i feel like if you made it yourself i feel like the vast majority of people
would be cool with it i feel like getting it manufactured by someone else is going to result
in a significant amount of people saying no
mm-hmm i think that's the line person saying i bet they exist on etsy i'd actually be surprised
um let's see oh yep definitely a thing
excel stuffed tiger
ugh yeah what is this
oh man these are terrible no wonder he didn't want anybody making them um all right well i guess
we won't bother with that i don't know i'm just i was just curious people are saying i think if you
made it yourself it'd be much safer i mean i'm not actually worried about getting in any sort of legal
trouble the the the damages that could be claimed from me making one unit and keeping it for myself
are literally zero um i'm i'm just i i just i wanted to just have a conversation here like where where's
the line you know obviously you couldn't just commercially produce calvin and hobbs plushies without
his express permission which is why his publishers probably like
this sucks oh could have made so much money at calvin hobbs's peak man
every kid would have wanted a tickle me hobbs or whatever for christmas or whatever it is
yeah but then you know maybe that's part of why it's had this kind of lasting appeal is
it is it does only exist in the comics and it it's it wasn't cheapened in that way it wasn't star
wars commercialized yeah man i'm so tired of star wars but me too if if if there was any other calvin
and hobbs i'd be all over it right like i always leave them wanting more right first rule of show
business and we went to the new star wars ones at the beginning did we see all three of them i don't
remember i don't remember i don't know we definitely saw the last one of the new of the
like uh sequel trilogy together yeah i don't think we saw the first one together oh yeah i went with my
family yeah but i'm pretty sure yeah like what uh what i never even thought about this before what a
sign of failure the first new star wars coming out for me my entire family who were all cheap like i am
my entire family went out to the like deluxe theater that has the like really comfy chairs
everyone even just like you could tell everyone even dressed up relatively nicely yeah like we were
ready to experience star wars again and we never did that for any of the following releases
yikes and i don't think anyone even talked about it like i i've never even really thought about that
since then but like i don't think it was ever brought up again as like even an idea um so
so there was that garon ninja in floatplane chat says i have refused to watch episode nine
i value the price of a ticket more oof oof you don't even have to buy the popcorn
and you still valued the ticket price more yikes yeah all right anyways after dark yeah dan you
want to hit me with some merch messages yeah sure we got quite a few today um also a bunch of
potentials if you guys want to go through those while i read these out to you we'll start one with
luke i guess i was once in my life tight on money and now i often feel guilty for buying expensive
components despite being able to afford them what's a tech product you bought that made you feel guilty
not very many because i feel like i think it out pretty thoroughly before i buy stuff
even stuff like the nia i didn't feel guilty because i i found it fascinating and i actually had
got a lot of use out of it just like trying to figure out how exactly it worked and trying to
figure out all its quirks and stuff like that um i find a lot of value in
yeah that one i find a lot of value in did wait did you know i was going to say that you already
looked it up no okay okay this is me this is me playing pong with my brain using the nia the thing
that luke just referred to the neural impulse actuator yeah yeah you got pretty good that was
that was like it actually took a lot of concentration to do that um it was funny too because i just have
a powerful brain what can i say i i used to try to play cod with it um call of duty modern warfare
the first one where i had released around the same time and i bound a few different inputs to the nia
and i i i got okay i could have a positive kd but i was like quite good at that game at the time so
that was not a lot um but i but i was not losing to other players while controlling firing and aim down
sight with the nia all right so i moved with the keyboard with my hand and i looked with the mouse
and i would fire an ads with my brain um but it was hilarious because like someone would come up to my
desk to talk to me and i would like look at them and start talking and my character is just like
aim aim aim aim aim shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot shoot it's like oh my god
um but yeah i don't know i can't really think of any major i'm sure some exist
i can't really think of it though um
okay yeah most tech products that i've bought have not broken i've had very good success with that
um i've used them pretty thoroughly and even when they weren't necessarily that great i usually
predicted that that might be a possible outcome and was more interested in playing with it in its
not necessarily perfect state uh because i thought that would be interesting hence early versions of
oculus rift headsets stuff like that but yeah sorry i got a one here that might be interesting to
both of you hi lld i am doing some necessary work from home hourly employee and track my own hours and
i'm a college student i'm incredibly efficient do i track my actual time or roughly how long it would
take others to do
hmm um your actual time
because like you're not if you're paid piecework then you would track it by the project but if you're
paid hourly then you're paid hourly right i mean it all kind of depends on what your employment contract
is right um i mean if you're incredibly efficient then i would suggest that a cool way to parlay
that into more money would be to get a lot done and then ask for a promotion and then if they don't
give you a promotion then i would take that incredible efficiency and take that to a competitor
and interview there and talk about how incredibly efficient you are and how you probably deserve
more compensation or a higher position than what you have now with that said if you're a student and
you know something like and you're not ready to kind of start climbing the corporate ladder that may
not be feasible for you but it would all just kind of depend on um what your employment agreement
looks like idea and what your liability could look like if you're found to be fraudulently reporting
your hours or whatever the case may be um i don't know is there anything else to kind of add to that
seem pretty good what other types of leather were you looking at why did you go with apple
leather specifically also excellent choice on interior color orange is great but i love this
blue teal color more please um what made us decide on apple leather was just how good it was we tried
pineapple leather mushroom leather a couple different types of apple leather and we just felt
that this was the closest to the real leather experience without actually making it out of real
leather which has uh which is much higher in terms of cost and also um much more difficult to work with
which affects cost so we just love the material that's what it comes down to and yeah i really like the teal too
question mostly for luke what happened to the ia race went from new things every week to mostly
implementations of ai i i guess so ai race went from new things every week to mostly implementations of
what is already there uh we were vaguely talking about this earlier in the show but costs are astronomically
high uh and also i think we just ran into the realities okay there's two things i guess one of them
is just the realities of actually shipping an actual real product being really hard um and then also
the hallucination problem is a big issue for shipping a product to a wider percentage of users i don't
know if you remember but early on in the whole ai thing the amount of debates we'd have to get into
with our own audience talking about how um early versions of chat gpt couldn't access the internet
because it would just convince them it was accessing the internet and they were so sure that it was
actually happening um you'd see people on reddit with massively uprooted threads being like i tricked
it to uh get it to allow me to act uh to do searches with it through the internet no it tricked you into
thinking that it did that successfully um so those hallucinations are an issue for wide market adoption um
um and we've been not we as if i'm involved but the industry has been stuck on those things for
this whole time shipping products is hard solving hallucinations is hard costs are very high that's it
hi alinus and company i have just one question have you had any problems growing pains with the thousand
dollar jbod cabinet no i mean we're also not using it if um if you're referring to the thing that i think
you're referring to which is that uh that netapp appliance that we picked up at the at like during
the liquidation of that company that was switching to work from home um like we we fired it up just to
kind of show you guys what that kind of equipment looks like and you know how it how it works and
talk about why some people use it but it's worth far more like the the value of it was in the drive
sleds for those for those jbod boxes rather than and in like replacement power supplies and stuff
rather than as an actual functioning unit because the power costs of running it were so high compared
to the actual storage capacity and performance i mean you could have like a handful of ssds these
days running in uh you know an intel atom box and it would probably perform better um while consuming
a tiny fraction of the amount of power like it made no sense to actually run the thing uh but i know that
at least one employee bought one of the uh one of the drive shelves and took it home without me really
knowing that we had made those kinds of deals and that we were getting rid of them you can have
a pack if you want no no no no no it's fine the the density is pretty low for for our deployments
these days i just i just didn't know and the only reason that i found out was because another employee
was sniffing around in the warehouse trying to steal one and was like hey where'd one of those go
so we can share yeah yeah exactly uh and and hey and maybe if that naz software investment that i
made ever pans out we can we can back up we can have backup targets to each other so we have geo
replication it'll be great that'll be fun i know right i just wanted something to play with and it
was the right price but i mean if you want to do stuff with it no for for real i don't care okay yeah um
um i just i love that logistics apparently just makes decisions about what stuff we're selling to
staff now i better uh like ask people next time i want something because i assume that that's all
kosher i've poked them about it but uh i'm hoping to be able to snipe at some point in time
some of those uh wood accented parts
you're probably not the only one i know you gotta be nice to them or or be an ex-manager
you gotta know how to talk to him luke okay that's not um how that's supposed to work but
okay um anywho what what were we talking about again oh yeah so i haven't for the record that is
a joke yeah we have we have parts um that we will probably use for stoofs or or staff will play
with them i'm not sure stoofs stuff okay up next would linus consider oil to be sufficiently waterproof
i mean no actually because a small amount of even a non-water soluble material or or non whatever
yeah or you can use an emulsifying agent um no nothing is waterproof eventually water conquers all
hi dll recently nasa's osiris rex mission came back from an asteroid with samples a lot of these
asteroids have have a ton of precious minerals used in computers yeah what are your thoughts on space
mining oh it's totally gonna be a thing i think we're far from it being like an actual thing that
is actually happening but it will totally be a thing eventually um we need things to be like
significantly more reusable significantly more efficient but those things are trending upwards
at a surprising rate um it's happening and it's going to be a thing because yeah some of those
asteroids are very rich in minerals um
i don't even know if it'll happen that's like made of gold or something platinum um there's like
yeah there's a there's a lot of money flying around in space um i don't know if it's going to be like
a common or reasonable thing even in my lifespan but it will definitely be a thing at some point i am 100% certain
luke uh how do you feel about the upcoming extraction shooter vanguard from eve online
developer ccp games interested in merch for a trip to norway as well interested in merch for a trip to
norway what i think that's uh just he's excited for oh he's buying merch probably warm stuff because
he's going to norway okay sorry cool yes i'm assuming i don't know um yeah i don't know i'm pretty excited
um but to be completely honest a lot of what i like about tarkov is not the fact that it's an extraction
shooter um it's a lot of the intricacies of how the game works um that being said i really like the eve
universe uh my biggest problem with eve is just how dated the game is um i was really excited for
the last fps that the uh eve developers worked on um but it ended up being like a playstation exclusive
which was the weirdest and also worst move i think i've seen a company make regarding exclusives like
potentially ever because their entire fan base of customers were pc gamers specifically and then
they released a playstation only fps game which is just like what are you doing um so if they can
avoid that really really really weird uh decision this time uh maybe it'll be good i hope i really
hope i don't know i have done no research on this i hope it's like legitimately grounded in the eve
universe just like the way the previous one was so it interacts with the eve online universe i think
that would be super sick but honestly if it's not uh it's fine yeah yeah okay no it does oh see that's
so cool to me members of the vanguard will fuel the war machine of new eden new eden is the the that's
where eve is um in new ways adding corruption to the front lines delivering vital resources to the eve
economy and completing contracts that turn the tide of battle serve the vanguard or serve those who seek
an advantage in the raging wars of eve online that's really cool i really like the idea that they've
clearly had for a very long time of tying a on the ground fps game and the strategy coordination of
eve online together that concept has been fascinating and awesome to me since the original time that they
announced it they fubbed the first one if this one hits that would be great and i will absolutely give
it a shot in hopefully december 2023 yeah hey lld was wondering if there's any mac address game linked
and even floatplane merch in the works specifically some color block hoodies thanks we're probably not
going to do more color block hoodies but we do have a really interesting mac address piece of
merch that we've been working on you know that iconic steve jobs black not really a turtleneck sort of
thing i would uh i would wear that that's pretty sick we've had a lot of trouble with the collar
so it may be that um it takes a long time or it never sees the light of day or whatever else
but it like has a seam down the middle and it's got like this kind of cool neck and it's long black
sleeves um that's something that we thought would be kind of cool for mac address for the others i
don't think we have anything planned at the moment though hey dll my dad mocked me for buying an ltt
screwdriver but after assembling furniture with him he asked me to get him too what's your favorite
purchase that someone told you was dumb
i've probably got a lot of those i had a lot of i've had a ton sorry that probably sounded weird
my phone fell i tried to catch it but then i saw he was going for it too and i didn't want to cause a
collision so i paused oh i don't believe it i just got a message from nick light i know i'll believe it
when i see it okay you heard that nick uh man we're even getting in trouble dan oh yeah there
was a ton of people in my life that told me the mineral oil computer was stupid it was a lot of
reasons and you could argue that it was but not only did it 100 pay for itself many times over through
uh scholarships and grants and stuff like that but also it's how i made like all of my friends in
university it's how i got this job it's like the reason for a ton of things it helps me learn way
more about computers um it helps me learn tons of different things so i i i strongly disagree
i mean it's still stupid i mean technically on paper it literally wasn't yeah but like
you can say whatever you want what's my favorite purchase someone told me was dumb
i mean people tell me i'm dumb all the time i wouldn't even say it's my favorite purchase though
like i it's fun but it's out of the category of things that people said were dumb i think is how
the question yeah but like i have all my life is full of things that people told me were dumb i mean
that's super checks i bought us i bought a table probably the building i'm sure somebody said it
i bought a tabletop game for four thousand dollars it plays only one game i use it once a week i could
i could literally spend like half my life in an arcade for like a year and not probably manage to
spend that kind of money i could just play that game all day if i really wanted to um but i really
wanted a super checks and i put it in the employee it was a company purchase wasn't it yeah no that's
why it lives here instead of at my house for the lounge yeah uh man i a favorite see man it's so easy
to think of things people told me were stupid having a pool stupid everyone told me it was stupid
um the gold xbox controller is stupid yeah the chat's getting into it now um first lab building yeah lots
of people told me that was stupid it's definitely not my favorite thing i i don't know what's my
what's my favorite thing i don't really i don't really i don't really it would be your favorite
out of the ones that were said to be stupid yeah but i'm just trying to think of like a favorite
thing right now to be honest with you i i don't really know that my whole point is it literally does
not have to be your favorite thing it's your favorite out of those i know which could mean it's
something that you don't even like very much oh i mean i guess so uh okay yeah i'm gonna go with
natiprian lucky the dragon that was really that was stupid and i love it a lot that was really i
actually love lucky yeah that was so stupid i i straight up thought it was a joke when you first
did it and then it never left and i was like what yeah you know he's just like at the lab no i know
yeah he just lives there yeah that's really weird yeah i'm not even like an msi fan i know but look
at him he's number one yeah yeah lucky the dragon all right sounds good i work as an internet technician
in michigan and we do cable and fiber and max out at gig how does the internet work up in canada
fiber dsl cable it seems like you guys have a lot faster maximum speed
than where sorry michigan oh yeah well okay if you want to look up how the isps in your country
scammed your entire country and i don't understand why people aren't more angry about it all the time
um have a fun fun time going down that rabbit hole um tell us billions of dollars put into fiber
networks that were never built because i just didn't feel like it yeah tell us has put a ton
of investment into faster fiber to the home here over the last 10 years or so oh yeah up until then it
was trash it was really bad it was really bad here um and it's honestly still pretty bad
it's getting a lot better man my last experience with this is from years ago so saying it's still bad is
not fair but the last time i looked into it it was still very bad with shaw they'll tell you you're
getting fiber but it's fiber to the node yeah and then copper to the house which is not fiber yeah
i mean everything's fiber if you really want to be like that about it yeah yeah it's fiber somewhere
yeah at some point i don't know so like yeah no tell us does fiber to the home in our in our area
in western canada and it's ripping fast it's reasonably attainable in terms of price very reliable um
very reliable like kind of astonishingly reliable yeah to the point where like if my internet ever
goes out i assume it's my problem yeah whereas that was the opposite absolutely years ago yeah yeah
internet goes out you just instantly call them because you're like well they screwed something up
and now it's yeah not that way at all yeah idll vampire here wanted your thoughts on ar in enterprise
i mainly push it for virtualization and rapid prototyping by placing 3d models but the main cell
is hands-free screen a la google glass man i i don't know i think we're a ways away from that
but then i haven't seen the apple vision pro yet it's possible that vision pro is going to totally
change my perspective on this and i'm going to go oh wow yeah no virtual displays is totally a thing and
let's go immediately i'm looking forward to trying it i guess is all i can really say about that yeah
how's the wear and tear using the vegan leather on the luxe backpack is linus willing to show us the
bottom of his prototype bag looks pretty good to me i mean here yeah i i don't see any imperfections
i'm not a leather person um very few people are leather people yeah here we go ah get you guys the
best possible look at it um i have been floored by the resiliency of this material now full disclosure
i hang my backpack at home so i don't leave it on the floor at home but i do chuck it in my trunk
every day and i do uh chuck it on the floor at work every day yeah every day and this is the hanger
that i hang this weight by every day and it's like perfect check out the hanger
oh yeah yeah there's no like crease though yeah well i was i was doing this because i was like i'm
expecting i'm gonna feel something but there's there's nothing and it also yeah there's no noticeable
interesting i'm so happy with this material
hey lld love the content linus how do you feel about samsung selling the folds phone with known
factory defaults defects then refusing to repair them without people sending their phone in with
no timeline well that's if that's happening that sucks uh this is the first time hearing of it though
hi lld i work at a small prototype machine shop that currently tracks everything on paper
because we haven't found a software that allows different processes for each item any suggestions or
leads uh honestly you're you're treading into the territory of needing to make your own
yeah that sucks um i mean yeah we're using um you track it on paper
is this something you could just use like google sheets for i don't know i mean google sheets is
pretty powerful and if it's able to be done on paper oh yeah anything you can do on paper you
can do in excel to do in sheets yeah exactly sheets yeah i yeah i knew you meant yeah um i feel like i
feel like i would try sheets i think outside of that you're going to get into the realm of needing to
make it yourself but you can do quite a bit with sheets and and like dan just said if you're able to
do it on paper it should translate pretty well yeah paper paper's limitation works perfectly for
for anything like that yeah um hey lld heard you talk about uh youtube mobile ad space changes
i noticed today that my mobile ads were plainly labeled uh sponsored as a creator what are your
thoughts on youtube changing the phrasing i mean yeah obvious labeling of sponsored content is good
i i mean sure as a creator maybe i could make more if it was not clearly labeled but we have we have
always striven strived um to to clearly disclose sponsored content and i am fully supportive of that
um i find it hard holding the 40 ounce bottle in the car not wide enough cup holders i was wondering
if you had any suggestions to perch or latch the bottle inside of holding it up in my lap instead
of instead of holding it in my lap like a noob uh this is for luke i don't use the 40 ounce day today
40 ounce bottle what to do with it in the car no cup holders isn't this that's no that's our weight
i think that's the 20. wait oh no oh sorry the 60 oh oh the 40 ounce the 40 ounce is the
middle one i think uh no i have no oh shoot i curated this because i thought we were talking about the 64
i totally spaced on it and we have a new like sleeve coming that has a thing that maybe you could hang
off of something for the 40 no i have nothing um i had that's that's one of the reasons that i daily
the 21 ounce or 22 or whatever this is um because it fits in my cup holders there are some 3d printable
cup holder adapters i've seen online uh because i daily the 40 and it fits in nothing that's cool but
i i most of the time if i'm driving i'm driving to work so i'll have my lunch bag and my 64
ounce water bottle and i just put my lunch bag on the right side of my passenger seat and i put the
64 ounce water bottle on the left side of my passenger seat and it never moves it just sits
right there because the lunch bag is there to keep it in spot so it's never been a problem for me i have
no illusions of a 64 ounce fitting in a cup holder that would actually be hilarious but i'm pretty sure
there's a 3d printer adapter for that someone will find a way the nice thing about our bottles being
popular is that you can search ltt water bottle on like thingiverse or whatever the new ones are
and uh they'll pop up with lots of interesting stuff i'm at a curated uh you got some potentials
and some incoming yeah i wanted to mention from one of the potentials um for for benjamin's can you
just forward this to the creator warehouse team uh benjamin asks is there a reason why the internal
magnet polarity for the stubby is different compared to the full-size driver the magnetic
bit sticks to the full-size driver's internal magnet and is repelled by the stubbies which doesn't prevent
you from installing it i like the ones that came with them or whatever i believe but it can can you
just find out if that was intentional or if it's just random or what the dealio is with that
place hey guys supposed to be running a concert right now but instead i'm shopping for some quality
cable ties just picked up an old steam link from a pawn shop today what do you guys think of them
ah steam link was so cool what a neat concept that i i just i was not sad enough when valve discontinued
it for those of you who don't remember the steam link is a little thin client that's intended to be
a streaming box that connects to your steam gaming pc and allows you to play games from your pc
anywhere else on the same local network so you would hook it up to your tv and then either via wi-fi or
ideally over ethernet you would stream games that your gpu encodes and you would play them on your tv
with a controller that is um connected through the steam link um so cool such a an inexpensive elegant
solution um and honestly something that just hasn't really been replaced commodity android boxes are full of
like malware and and danger and building a full pc for that is power inefficient and costly um i just
they were ah man they were they were super cool and i kind of wish i still had mine
sorry i was typing a message we got any more curated yeah we do luke if floatplanes sank initially do you
think you would still work at lmg i don't know if he would have let me um how do i say this nicely i
love luke um i will say a lot of the things that we fought about back then ended up being right about
so get rekt a lot of things i was also right about yeah very good very good very good very good uh i think
that would have been like the goal both of us were fighting for that yeah in our own ways that
somehow we were lucky and hard-working enough to both succeed at is that yeah an okay way of putting
it yeah it was a rocky time so it kind of would have depended on when it failed and i think in a lot
of ways how um and i don't know if my role would have been the same or any of that kind of stuff but
i think we would have liked to try to find a way to make it work i just don't know 100 if it would
have been guaranteed i got a response from sebastian about the uh magnet polarity it's uh
it's random it's not controlled for got it okay well that's why thank you sebastian
um yeah anything else here that you guys want to talk about i'm trying to plow through
incomings really quick yeah how are there so how are there so many merch messages today this
is a 600 backpack you guys uh i think it's the bread plushy oh yeah well there okay there's your
problem what the heck you know we we make real serious products here have you have you seen the
description of the bread yes i've seen the description when you have the site set to french no have you seen
it oh yeah think about the translation of you know how it just says bread a million times
think about the translation it's so good that's the linus version of the site it just for people
that don't understand it just says pain over and over okay yeah yeah yeah if you read it with an english
accent it's pain it's just what linus feels it's just a whole a whole thing of just pain pain pain pain pain pain
oh man it's so funny all right we got one last one from anna m i provided mostly positive feedback
about this bra with only one downside and your customer service gave me a ten dollar in-store credit
i just want to say how comfortable this bra is for men shopping for so's um so uh anna picked up
the women's scoop bralette um and then the women's boy short and uh a sticker pack all right heck yeah
love to love to see people back um after a positive experience that's great uh okay hey good luck steven
having a new kid it's always stressful yeah and awesome and we'll see you again next week same bad
time same bad channel bye
time same time same bad car
kind same bad
and there's time same bad
a lot
it's was a good idea
it's been a bit more difícil
an easy to find and there's chances of the hopes to achieve some pain
it's ever too easy to know
and have to prepare for!!
for sure
it's afraid
it's not bad