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Welcome to the WAN show we got a great show lined up for you guys today. I forget what oh yeah, right
The Great American Firewall is coming for you the motion picture
Association wants to block all pirates and they have a plan and it's really gonna work this time. Yeah, yeah
Sorry, it's like the second one. There was a real cough. Yeah, no, I had it. No, I'm just convincing like that. I am an actor
So I could act angry and you can act sick watch I'm gonna seem not enthused about this next topic
Apple is setting its users free and freedom is scary for them see here that part that blade
Guys all I said was that I was an actor. I didn't say it was a good one
What else we got? Texas schools embrace AI graders. Oh, no, this is actually bad. No, this is really really this great
Everything about it is bad. Don't you want this your future?
Evaluated by AI. That's good, right? Oh, that's awesome. And what the heck is going on on YouTube?
What are these these playables? What do they mean? Yeah, why are they here?
Wait, are you asking because you actually don't know or are you just reading the headline a little bit about our doc? Nice
I've seen it and I was like, huh, and then I just ignored it nice
And I'm gonna learn what it is and you know what I know it's really early in the show and normally we run the intro here
But I just want to do wait. Where's the where's the oh, by the way if you're on flow plane check out beta dot flow plane calm
there's a react only version of the site and there won't be a significant amount change for you
But we need some feedback on it because it's it's likely some things are not perfect
All right, we need to fix them before they go live
But this is really important before we run the intro
This is worth breaking the format for pre-sales for this year's limited edition terry fox run shirt
They're now live. You can get them at all proceeds support cancer research that is
Research for how to get rid of cancer not not for not for like upgrading it
Registration for the 2024 terry fox run will open on april 12th and it will take place across canada on september 15th
This is a super cool cause terry fox is a national hero
If you're aware of him and you're not canadian then he's your hero too because he's actually that amazing
Yeah, so guys check it out. No matter what you don't want the shirt for whatever reason they they can take direct donations as well
Yeah, so check that out. Let's roll that intro
The show is brought to you today by ag1 ridge and vessi
Should we jump right into our headline topic here?
Good. What is it? Oh, yes
The ceo of the motion picture association told a convention
Of theater owners that the organization is planning to work with the united states congress on legislation to require american isps to block
Piracy related websites
With all the other stuff that they have to work on like the cost of insulin
I'm sure this is a top priority and oh wait
Uh, okay. Hmm. This might have a chance the proposed legislation would allow copyright holders to petition a judge to block a given site
CEO charles rivkin claimed claimed that piracy steals hundreds of thousands of jobs from workers and tens of billions of dollars from their economy
Including more than 1 billion in theatrical ticket sales in the united states
Both tech companies and internet advocacy groups have warned
That this proposed framework is likely to lead to overblocking of lawful content. Yeah
Which is what wound up undermining the stop online piracy act sopa over a decade ago
So our discussion question here is is this going to work?
I I honestly don't necessarily feel like it would work even if it does go through they have to petition individual sites
They'll just spin up another look. I mean here's here's the domain is unimportant. Here's the question though
What is this going to do?
That couldn't already be blocked with a vpn?
Couldn't already be worked around yeah, exactly. Yeah, like what is this going because okay
Already already if you download a copyrighted work. Okay, look, i'm just gonna i'm gonna come out and say it
We were doing some video on emulating
Something and it was more convenient for me to just download a final fantasy tactics iso than to rip it
So I did and I didn't have my vpn on actually did this at work
Um, and we got a notice we got it
We got a notice from our internet service provider
Where they the rights holder. I don't actually was it final fantasy tactics. I don't remember it was it was something that was
Why does he do this from my point of view not morally an issue does he do these things?
I just because they're I will never know
It's not a moral issue to me to download. Why do you do it on the work network? Oh, I was lazy
I didn't have my vpn installed, but don't do that. Well, yeah, but I know what look luke
This was like years ago. Okay, you you weren't even working all right now. I don't care
Yeah, it wasn't easy. Anyway, the point is like weeks ago. I was like, what are you talking about?
The point is I don't personally considered a problem to download a copy of a game that I own that I don't care
Yeah, I don't care and from my point of view
You can tell me all day that I only own a license to use the game and its exact form and on the exact device that I don't
I actually don't care about any of that
Um, so anyway, I own the game from my point of view and I will download it if I feel like it, but I got a notice
From my isp that the dmca rights holders blah blah blah had notified them that they forwarded it
There's no actual punishment here. Uh, they can't actually do anything
They can't turn off your internet or anything like that, but they already know
What is this exactly going to do? How are how are you going to enforce this unless?
You basically do you know back to our sort of our our title for this unless you actually do create
an authoritarian
Censorship system. Yeah. Yeah, like just blocking a website tools for it, you know, yeah
Just well, here's a question for you
I mean, what are the odds that the american government basically already has it and is kind of ready to actually?
I don't know if they're that organized
Never mind
I take it back
I mean they can see sites and they they could sure this type of stuff happen
But like but it's slow. Yes, and it's not really it's not really very effective and that's why especially on a larger scale
That's why instead of going after them one by one and trying to get the trying to go after the
Trying to go after the companies that are providing them hosting or trying to go after their domain registrar or trying to go
That's why instead of trying to go after them in in all these ways to get the site actually taken down
They're trying to simply block users access to it
But my point with my story was that if you pirate content you probably are already using a vpn anyway
What difference will this make unless they fundamentally change the way that internet access works in north america?
I mean, there's also stuff like uh, I don't know if you've gotten to this line yet
Maybe you have uh ceo charles rivkin claimed that piracy steals
100,000 jobs including 1 billion theatrical ticket sales like no
And there's there's there's all these arguments like I find it pretty interesting of
Companies on steam steam has a very good and robust regional pricing tool
Uh and and companies are finding like they'll they'll see a lot of
Piracy in a single
Maybe wondering how they do that you look at like language in the discussion of the thing
Um, and then they'll adjust the pricing that area to be more reasonable
Like maybe your take home is significantly lower your cost of living significantly higher
You don't have the spending money to buy something in the equivalency of american dollars of whatever it's supposed to be
They make it cheaper piracy drops off like a rock people are saying luke brazil luke brazil
Yeah, there's a lot of examples pirate software has a video on on him reducing the cost of his game in brazil
Specifically piracy shot down and his sales in that country went way up
Way up because it's it's not that necessarily people want to
Pirate in order to effectively steal something from a company
It's often that that thing is not super attainable either. You can't get it very easily
Yeah, or it costs too much and it's like well right now with 10 billion different streaming services
Acquiring video content can be really annoying and to be clear. I also don't buy the argument that there is zero impact
I'm, sorry, but there are people for whom
They just aren't paying because they just if they don't have to they'd rather not but they could afford to
um, so
as usual with any argument the truth is
Somewhere in the middle is this stealing hundreds of thousands of jobs? Well, you know what? I don't know
Gee man, that's a lot like how many how many bloody how many yeah, how do you even quantify that? Also also?
Where is your where is your hand wringing?
you know, you've got a I encroaching on the industry
From every side. Oh, yes, let's please use that as much as possible
And like one of the issues that I have with this is I'm assuming that there's some equivalency of amount of times
That something was pirated to the amount of money that you lost, but it just doesn't work that way like when I was a kid pirating games
I was not going to buy it if you made piracy and piracy impossible there just would have been no sale
I just would not have played that game. There was no not give take everyone is like that though either
I know but I do I pirated games. I could have afforded to buy when I was young
Would you have bought them if you couldn't have pirated it?
Um, I think in a lot of cases probably no
I'm trying to think it's been a very long time and I don't really remember
Here's something that I always found kind of interesting about my own habits was that if I pirated a game
I tended not to really play it very much
And I don't know what it is like we've talked about this on the show before how like when I when when we were kids
Pretty much everyone that I knew had no had somewhere between two and
oh, man, i'm trying to think like
Five or six games for their console. Yeah, like we did not have
If someone if I went to someone's house and they had like 10 or 20 nintendo games. Oh, you're rich. I was like, whoa
like damn there's some money here. Yeah, um
and we played those games
Over and over and over and over and over again and for me
piracy was like this it it became like
Like it was almost like my first exposure to kind of one of the problems with gaming now is that there's too many options
So many options and such a finite amount of time that you can't possibly hope to enjoy them all
I don't I don't think I can think of a game that I actually played for a substantial amount of time
That I pirated and then never ultimately bought bought. Yeah
So those aren't lost sales either
Like I obviously there are going to be lost sales from piracy
But saying that you can try to quantify it. It's like what I don't know
I I where are you getting this one billion dollars in theatrical ticket sales because I have a major doubt on that one
I mean, it's not that much in the grand scheme of things
I mean when a single movie will do a billion dollars in ticket sales from time to time
I mean, it's not like they're saying oh, yeah, we're we're selling half as many tickets as we would have if
uh, um, if piracy wasn't a thing or whatever else I think they're I I that actually if they were saying a billion more tickets
Obviously, we'd have to say strong. They're saying tens of billions of dollars from our economy including more than 1 billion in ticket sales
The only reason why they said ticket sales is because it's the theater owners organization
But they're saying tens of billions of dollars from the economy. I just don't believe that
Have a really hard time without any sources cited
Believing tens of billions of dollars would show up in the american economy if they somehow deleted piracy
I don't see it happening. I think the bigger issue for me is that we haven't really
Oh, man, yeah, it's a tough one because you know
At other points on this show we've talked about how
The media production industry is obviously in trouble right now. Oh, it's in huge trouble
But when you when you kind of dig down and try and figure out okay, like, you know, what is the trouble? Where is it coming from?
Um, it seems to be from a lack of of of truly creative innovative
Content right like when marvelization of everything when you look at what happened
I mean and it's funny because i'm the examples i'm about to use of of something that
That broke out of the the doldrums that the movie industry is in are both huge ips, right?
Like the super mario movie and barbie, right?
Um, but I think that showed that there's absolutely an appetite the problem with this is that the problem with this whole argument and
Man, i'm gonna be in trouble for a hot take here
Um, the problem with this argument that you've stolen hundreds of thousands of jobs from workers
Is that I don't think that right now there is a um, there is a a content
Volume problem when it comes to low quality garbage that people don't want to watch anyway
I think the content problem that we have is innovative
Content yeah, and no offense
But you are not hiring those hundreds of thousands of people yeah in your hypothetical
Scenario where there is no piracy and you have way more tickets fighting really hard to not hire them how many actual
directors have
Financially successful, you know, let's say more than three financially successful movies under their belt
And it's going to be this is a number that's going to be in the dozens or hundreds not the
Thousands tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands and obviously there's more than a director that just works on a movie
But my point is just how small that tip of the iceberg of what we see at hollywood is the the the ones that break out
the ones that are super successful versus the ones that um
Are just working on yet another reality tv show like are you telling me that if you had
More movie ticket sales you would stop making
You know, just stupid random reality tv series and you would you would you just be incentivized
You take a home run swing at a movie. I don't know man. I don't know if I buy it
Yeah, I just the the argument stinks in my opinion
I'm not i'm not saying like rah rah piracy or anything. I just think a lot of the arguments around it are
Very sensationalized
I think i'm sure there's a financial impact to the industry
I think in in my opinion the
Movie industry in general has always had a like acquisition issue
Movies and tv shows like how do I get this thing?
What temporary service do I have to subscribe to to be able to watch it?
I can't get a permanent copy at all anymore. That's the biggest problem for me right now
Yeah, like there's so many issues with that. I
I could not really understand
What the point of piracy was during the golden days of netflix. Yeah, totally agreed
I'm pretty sure we talked on wancho, but like, you know putting the hat in the closet because like there's no reason right now
Now it's strongly coming back out. Obviously. They don't have hard numbers on this
But I was reading a different article
um, not the one that was about this recently that
Figured based on some number that someone pulled out of their butt somewhere that piracy was up about 12 year over year
Um, and this is this is in america. Not surprised at all
It doesn't surprise me one bit. I am simply not going to subscribe to disney plus and amazon prime
And netflix and hulu and paramount plus and
Whatever the hbo one is called now. I was sitting here trying to think of what its name was
I don't care. I don't know. I don't care. Oh, yeah, it's ridiculous. I haven't seen game of thrones
Because you don't have the thing well
That's also because I don't want to until he's done writing the books, but I just mean I I don't think i've seen it
I don't think i've seen an hbo show since
Oh, we're saying crave max is oh hbo max. Yeah, max. That's right craving one with letter kenny crave crave
licenses hbo shows in canada. Yeah crave crave has letter kenny, which is great, but then
I don't want anything else on crave so it's just like I guess i'll subscribe and then try to binge watch it
Really hard and then leave like I want to just buy it
Syphilis says lol poor linus. He's gonna die before that book is done
Are you is that a threat?
Are you threatening me? I'm kidding. I know he means george rr mark
I just
What am I not allowed to pretend to misunderstand things? No
Okay, oh, I can buy the deep they're just dvds. What's a dvd?
letter kenny
Oh, okay, cool, but I want blu-rays
I don't ever just use ai upscaling
Got that good i haven't done it. It's getting pretty good. Um, no, I wouldn't say that you can go to 480p and or from 480p and it'll be
a great experience, um, if you've got at least a 720p source
It's looking pretty good on a 1080p source 4k is
Like why bother yeah, um one thing that's not there yet is the sdr to hdr up conversion
But I like seeing where nvidia's at with that today
Right seeing where they started with upscaling in games and where they are now
Oh, yeah, yeah, I think we're headed in in if give them a few more years
If they ever finally release a new shield pro
So some more hardware give them a few more years and some more hardware and I am I am pretty stoked on where I think we're gonna be with
Just being able to enjoy whatever copy of a piece of media you happen to own at whatever resolution and color space you want
Obviously, it would be better to have a human do it properly and the definitive
Piece, uh, or like the definitive version of that content is probably going to be that
But I think that ai upscaling and ai sdr to hdr conversion is going to be good enough for most people
With that said a lot of the time the newer grade is not necessarily better if people are apparently like super po'd about
Uh aliens is blu-ray 4k blu-ray release. Oh, yeah
Something something it's it's more of it's more of like the film buff type stuff
Than what I think the average person would care about but it's pretty common
Not just to get like, you know, the the star wars or or et effect where they you know digitally remove
Guns or you know who shot first or whatever else, right? It's it's it's not all that kind of thing
um, sometimes it's just like, oh, yeah, they they didn't go back to the original
Film like they they didn't restore it. They just took
uh, some some other
Master and just kind of
You know, I don't know applied an upscaling filter and then sharpened it and then re softened it to make it kind of look like it
It was higher res. Um, so I don't know exactly what happened with
uh aliens
Let's see if anyone is yeah, it looks like
This is something that hasn't really made its way outside of you know r slash blu-ray or whatever the the blu-ray enthusiast subreddit is
I don't even remember anymore, but
Uh, some some people are definitely mad about it
Oh, yeah, okay
Someone said the matrix had some mastering issues where they got rid of the green and blue tints and that that's the kind of thing that can happen
Accidentally if someone's working on and I don't know if that's what happened in that case
But that's something that can happen accidentally if the people working on the the remaster
Understand or remember the original intent for why it was graded in that particular way and
I was spending some googling trying to figure out how to get
Shorzy and letter kenny, which is the two shows from the same group that are highly related same universe
And and a lot of the responses are like yeah, it's super annoying
You just have to like actively be subscribed to crave by the junkie dvds or
Insert what you can assume right and it's like yeah, yeah, why?
Why can't I just get a high quality version that I can watch whenever I want?
I don't want to binge they have like eight seasons of letter kenny and like multiple seasons of shorts
No, I don't want to have a financial incentive to subscribe for one month
And then just degen super hard and watch all of this in one month and then shut it off
Just let me own the copies in
decent quality
I've been pretty firm that i'm not gonna buy
Any copy of a movie or tv show that is reliant upon a service staying up
Totally and we are already seeing
That prediction of mine that anything that you buy from a web shop
That is reliant upon accessing it through that web or off authorizing or anything like that you do not own
Yeah, they'll take it down. They'll edit it. They'll change they'll get acquired. It doesn't matter
So this is one of those things where guys to be clear. I mean, I think that you've heard my stance on piracy enough times
Um, does it have does it have harms? Um, yeah, I mean, I don't think there's any question of that
is it as easy to quantify as uh
executives will make it sound when they're doing a little presentation to their little industry buddies
No, are we telling you never do it or you're a bad person for doing it? No, we're not doing that either
We're just telling you, you know, consider consider the impact
Yeah, that's all I say
Um, and also good luck mpa you are going to have to fundamentally shift
The north american the western philosophy of the internet in order to make this work
And I really just don't think it's going to happen. Yeah
Might be time to dust the hats off if you don't have one you can get it into the store. Yeah, it's funny joke
I'm trying to have plausible deniability that i'm not telling people to become pirates
Really? Yeah, and your way of doing that was telling them that they could do
Oh way to go way to go
Where did you even go? What did you where where I just closed it? Oh, you closed it. Yeah, so you're sorry
Your way was to tell them to buy a hat. Yeah, because it was my plausible deniability that I wasn't saying pirate hat. I see
Prove that's not a pirate hat
Modern pirates wear any hat they want also I couldn't help noticing that it is water resistant
Which is perfect when you are on the high seas on the high seas
Oh boy should we rename it to pirate hat
Kind of tempted just include like a trial for a vpn
Change nothing change nothing just
Hear me out
Do we take a vpn sponsorship again if we're just like
Here's the talking points it's for piracy
That's the world's most honest vpn pitch. I feel like the biggest issue with them
Is the talking points so like
I mean our talking points were always fine clean
Yeah, like it's one of those things where I feel like a lot of the negativity around vpn sponsorships
from creators who and to be clear, I don't actually blame them you cannot expect every random
Makeup or gaming or
Nature or history creator to completely understand the ins and outs of a technology product like a vpn
You know should creators have a responsibility for the products that they promote? Yeah, yes
But I also think that the issues around vpns are a little bit more complicated and nuanced
Then um, you could reasonably expect
You know
Your aunt who makes youtube videos to fully grasp
And so you know, we pushed back on the vpn providers that we worked with especially as as my knowledge grew about them
And we ensured that our talking points were aligned with what we believed was the usefulness of vpns
But I think a lot of negativity around vpn sponsorship came from these people who were promoting them in ways that just were not
Now one of the challenges with that is that obviously they got those talking points from somewhere
So we would be working with a company almost and all of almost all of them do this
We would be working with a company that did actively promote their products in uh in a deceptive way
On the other hand
it's clearly an important part
of your online privacy toolkit which is the way that which is the way that we
had been positioning it most recently when we were working um
when we were working with pia
In my opinion as long as your talking points are fine and clear, I think it's okay
A lot of people when they talk about this including some of the people in the chat right now have been spamming links to a
Whatever i'll just name it. It's a video from tom scott called this video is sponsored by blank vpn
Tom scott's more recent videos are sponsored by a vpn company
And what he was saying in this video is that the the marketing and the talking points are misleading and bad and he was totally right
But he eventually takes the sponsorship from a vpn company and just doesn't have misleading and bad talking points
So it's fine. Um, and it's funny because there was a lot of brigading against us after he launched that video
And I was kind of sitting here going
What we agree?
What do you want? That was a very frustrating time
Super frustrating time
Uh because his video was great. Um
Yeah, it's a it's a good it's a good point. Um
Cool story, bro. Yeah, we got you. Yeah, yeah, and to be clear like this is this is this is mostly in the response to the to people
Trying to use it to say that
There should never be any vpn sponsorships and no one should ever use vpn. It's like well, hold on
You're swinging too far. The tom scott video didn't swing that far
You're you're swinging beyond where it was going. Yeah, I don't know. I um
I don't know. I think I might just be I think I might just be open to
Uh, to working with them again like I gotta I look full transparency with you guys
Which always gets me in trouble, which is great, but for better or for worse
Those of you who are the real ones who understand that
We're being transparent with you and when we are transparent it doesn't mean that
You know, we have that much more to hide because that's the stuff he tells us
We're actually just telling you like real talk how we do things here
vpn sponsorships are if not the
Most financially impactful they are among the most financially impactful
out of everyone that we have ever worked with
There's a lot of money in vpns to the point where
We not only considered but even went as far as prototyping our own vpn. It worked. It was great. Yeah
Yeah, it was up multiple people were using it like it. It's actually
Incredibly easy to do. It's not still up. Is it no
Are you sure?
I had to think for a second, but yeah, I remember it being shut down. I'm just making sure but I mean
You could literally turn it back on in like 10 minutes. Oh my god
Not to the degree that we had it because we actually had like distributed. So it was it was it was really cool
Jonathan and aj were like
Really motivated because it seemed like a fun thing to do and they just smashed it
Yeah, it was actually like great. It makes me sad because it was
Very well like thought out implemented done
Future planned all that type of stuff. It was really really well scoped in those those guys did a great job with it
And it just we didn't want to go anywhere because we started talking to
Lawyers and they posed some questions to us about like
You know
If you want your stance to be
No disclosure, whatever. Are you okay with these things happening on a service that you run and we were like
Uh, no
Basically, the question was are you okay enabling pedos? Yeah
And we were like nah
I guess we won't make all of the money in the world
It would have been all of the money in the world though. We ran the math
It would have been the world would have run out of money before we would have yeah
Especially with our audience and with the numbers that we know from working with vpn providers in the past it was that
We know we could push it was
Huge even if we retain if I remember correctly if we were able to capture I think it was like 25
Percent of what we had literally already captured
We would have just been making monster money. Yep
And it's like yeah, so then
The question becomes what's the difference?
What is the difference between
Making a vpn and making money and us taking the money from companies that are profiting off of sheltering
It is a it is an interesting one
But I think that's a question that you could pose to like almost anything. Yeah, but don't what about isn't it?
You just did
That's what this is. No, this question is no
No, no, that's not what about ism. I i'm saying here's something really bad. Yeah, and you're saying well, what about other things that are bad?
And i'm saying no answer the question. Okay, I think it's I think it's still okay personally
Because you're not you're not telling people hey, are you this thing? That's really bad use this one. It's good
You're talking about actually in this situation specifically promoting it for piracy, which is
Which is questionable in its own right
And something we would not be able to do if it was our own service just to be super clear
But what we could do is say vpns are for piracy now
And then make our own vpn later, but never mention it again
Yeah, I um
Yeah, it's what is the difference between profiting from it directly and to be clear I actually like have an answer in mind
I'm, not just trying to give you a hard time
I think it's doing the action of of knowing that you're covering the trace for a certain type of people
So I thought that's kind of what I was expecting him to say and I guess I guess the difference is
As the owner right because there's no such thing as a completely untraceable connection
It is traced to somewhere
And then it is encrypted
So so when you're using a vpn it's it's a relay right so if there's some server hosting
Awful unspeakable
It's not liability
Content no, it's this is not a this is not a question of liability
There's there's vpns that operate out of canada clearly it can be managed yeah
So so if if there's a server that has some unspeakable image or or
Video or whatever it is on it right and there's a user who's accessing it what the vpn does
Is it encrypts this leg?
Right, so any traffic monitoring that is happening still shows that unspeakable content
Arriving at your node
So they will come and they will ask you
Where did it go?
And luke lafreniere cto or whatever c-suite like would have to dive in front of title we give him would have to say
I will not answer that question
I know who they are
Well, no or no logs
Okay, but I could find out
I could do it and I will choose not to I could do something about it dive in front of this person
I will decide
I will decide to not do this to do nothing about it yeah to stand idly by yeah
And i'm just like literally not willing to do that yeah
So if i'm not willing to do that and we advertise this service that people do use for that
Saying hey, there's no logs
Then we'd have to go against what we were saying
Because i'm not gonna say no to that so we're gonna have logs and then it's like wait we said we weren't gonna have logs
So we can't really run this thing yeah
But if someone else runs it we're okay with it
People are gonna use it no matter what
If they want to use it and support us neat
And the vast majority of our audience is going to use it for fine probably downloading movies we could promote kitchen knives
People could use them for making food people could also use them for bad things
In the kitchen knife scenario, there's no logging to figure out who used your thing for bad stuff
It's not a perfect analogy. No, it's really not
Like I don't know you can promote that people use something for good stuff
um is piracy that
Maybe some forms this is gonna be the spiciest wanshow ever
Yeah, I don't know why we're doing this necessarily, but
It's a good conversation. This is a good conversation. It's okay. I think so i'm i'm interested
Let us know is this a good conversation are you guys interested no one's like move on
Like they tell us when they hate what we're talking about there's people talking about drastically unrelated things
Yeah, it's always like that. Yeah, people are like this is great
This is how we do here
This is how we make decisions the conversations we have on wanshow are really not that different from the conversations that we have off of wanshow
They're quite related. Yeah, except that y'all are watching it. Yeah. Yeah voyeuristic weirdos
Especially the ones that are here live. Do we uh, you can do that to the vpn as well
How do I do that? How do I how do I show them win cam? Look at that? We got some winners in the house
Look at the prime seat up front. Wow
That's a glorious position. Uh a while back. We ran a contest draw sweepstakes. I don't know what to call it
But basically it's very comfy people who bought the 3d down jacket one in however many people who purchased it
Were eligible for and all
Actually, I don't know if all expenses were paid, but definitely the travel definitely the plane and hotel were paid
Uh to come to the headquarters get a tour and uh hang out
They're actually like I could almost spit on them
But I wouldn't because they're above me and it would actually come back because gravity and hit me
Um myself so I would I could spit on myself and almost reach them. Uh, they're like right above us right now
Um, nice hope you guys are enjoying the wan show
Dan, are we doing live q a with these guys live merch messages is that a thing?
Yeah, I believe they're gonna come down here and we can hang out
Why don't we do another topic real quick and then we'll we'll bring on one of them for our merch message break after topic two
I think part of it too is
For the service to exist like at all
It basically has to harbor bad stuff
There isn't really getting any any getting around how it has to work and i'm just not willing to run it
But i've used them relatively extensively. I suggest that other people use them relatively extensively
So if i'm going to do so can I not also recommend one to use?
I think that's fine, but i'm not willing to run it myself
So there you go. You know what colton if you're watching this
Get pia on the phone doors open. Yeah
Let's uh
It's fine to me like even when we stopped the sponsorship. I was kind of like I kept using it. Okay. Yeah, exactly
Like I haven't canceled like 80 percent of other creators that have like nord sponsorships or whatever they are
People aren't just gonna find it there. And you know, what's funny is that what's the difference as far as I can tell
And you know, this is this is the more just like cynical business side of me as far as I can tell
Stopping our vpn sponsorships has earned us exactly this much goodwill anyway. Yeah
I I didn't see during any controversy during any kind of kerfuffle
I haven't seen a single
single person
That's gone man. Remember when vpn sponsorships were not cool and
Linus media group didn't take them for literally years
And there's lots of other sponsors you've done the same thing for it. So i'm kind of sitting here going like, you know, whatever
I still i'm not saying that to be very clear just because someone's gonna quote that and then yeah, try to throw me under 18 different buses
I'm, not saying that we shouldn't keep doing that
But especially if like we genuinely don't like it's yeah, we use vpns. It's fine. This one seems fine cool
And then we control the talking points
At this point?
I think we're only doing it because people like asked us not to which is like whatever man
If if we're gonna stop a sponsorship with someone because their customer support is super bad and we've had a lot of
uh, you know our own user base
Report that as an issue and we try to follow up on it and we haven't seen any good improvements
Obviously every company is going to have some customer support issues here or there
But like it's it's at unreasonable levels or we find that their product is not
Satisfactory enough for whatever reason whatever else like there's there's reasons why we cancel sponsorships
There's reasons why we don't do certain things that's cool
We should keep doing that but like if this was a goodwill move
Yeah, I don't think it mattered anyways. No, I don't think it made any difference whatsoever
Don't think we're going back to tunnel bear though
Yes, but there was a reason suggesting yeah, yeah, yeah, like so like
But pi is still around they seem fine. I haven't heard anything bad. I don't know they were they were acquired by cape
um, okay, and cape has has a cape has had a
Complicated history, okay, I think is probably the most generous possible stuff in years. I don't know me neither. Yeah, I have we should dip our toes back in
I have no idea what cape is up to these days. I have no idea what nord's been up to lately
A lot of people in chat are saying I'm I'm I use pia. I use pia lots blah blah blah
It's like yeah, but we promoted pia for years as well
So probably a lot of them that might be why they just still have the subscription. Yep, so
Man now I wish we had the uh
Yeah, top gear 1224 is like cancelling asus was wild after they paid for ltx so that's a perfect example
Of how a I haven't seen anyone credit a a
We don't earn goodwill when we do things the community calls for we just
Get people mad at us when we don't do whatever they demand and be how the community does not
Understand how things work behind the scenes here and whenever they
Make whenever they draw conclusions based on their understanding almost invariably
Variably the conclusion is wrong because their understanding is wrong asus didn't pay for ltx
The attendees paid for ltx
Like the the amount of speculation
That asus had us under their thumb because of the sponsor. Okay, like they are they're a major sponsor
I might be able to add some context there. Yeah, sure
Uh, the amount
You guys charged
Is not in line with other conventions that i've seen for booths for
Sponsors, uh, like title sponsors for anything like that the amount of income coming from those things was like
Orders of magnitude lower than the numbers that I know from certain people that run other certain conventions like way way way way way lower
even even considering
Uh, like differences in attendance rates and stuff like that sure like it's and there's reasons
For that because linus was super and i'm not against this i'm pointing at you because it was your idea
But I actually I liked it but linus was super militant about like if you have a booth
There has to be something cool there that people can do and all this kind of stuff
So the convention was really fun because you wrote you walk into all these conventions that are just like, uh
It's basically just a bunch of stores or a bunch of like info booths that aren't very interesting
So we wanted to be more interactive and cool
But doing that meant that a lot of these big players that go and spend big money at these shows
We're not really interested because they have a booth that they bring to shows all year
It does one thing and they don't want to make it do a special thing just for this one show
Yeah, so we didn't capture a lot of that but
I think that's probably where some assumption comes from is often those title sponsors are like
big money
Really big money. Well, that's fair enough
Um top gear says whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I didn't say that. I was just saying counseling a headline sponsor type profile
No, no, I'm not I don't I'm not meaning to call you out or anything. I'm just saying that people generally do not
Do not understand?
The dynamics at play here and it wasn't you but it was a lot of people
When when asus was under fire
For their handling of particularly some some warranty issues
There were a lot of people saying well ltt is not going to say anything because
There there is no tech brand that we're not willing to
Speak out against
Um, and there's a reason that major tech brands either
Don't work with us for years at a time
We didn't work with nvidia for over two years on a sponsored basis
They begrudgingly especially at first later on things were a lot smoother
But at first they begrudgingly seated us cards for reviews just so that we could do our basic coverage of them
That was it there are major tech brands that simply do not talk to us at all
We're not in this industry to make friends
Apple has my digits
I know they do because i've exchanged emails with a rep one time when they needed something from me
every other time that i've reached out to them they have
explicitly ignored it
Consider who you're going after
If it's if it's you know the corruption you're trying to root out if it's the people who play the game
We've shown time and time and time again
We're willing to stand behind what we say we're willing to stand behind what we believe
Where was the thing two two quick things on the convention topic if you want to look into booth prices
something that's very interesting is battle state games the people that run tarkov are
incorporated in the uk or something instead of russia and
That means all of their corporate documents and finances and stuff are public
You can look up how much they spend on booths it will blow your freaking mind really
I'm talking like half a million dollars a show sometimes wow like okay, yeah, we were not getting that kind of no
They're also going on stuff like gamescom sure but like
Yeah, huge huge money in booths
Um, also, uh, i'm going to open sauce come say hi. It's gonna be really fun
I'm doing a panel and i'll be hanging out during the show
I realize I haven't told anyone all right
One more about to get us canceled topic nice. Let's go
You organize your welches. Is that the topic? No, um, that's not going to get me canceled. They all have ocd anyway
I i've made a grid out of my gummy candies here. You can't really see it because it's behind my perfectly
They're all in the same direction. Linus has adhd by color
This is a this is a good thing all right
A small distraction over on floatplane asks is there ever an ethical gambling sponsorship adults can choose their vices
Like basically
The question is if it's legal
Why are we taking some kind of moral high ground here? It's something people enjoy it's something that has made its way into
mainstream acceptance especially over the last five to ten years
What's our problem? Why don't we just get the bag is i'm and i'm i'm expanding on the question a little bit obviously here, but
Thinking of my my immediate jump to would go extreme levels of mental manipulation in order to ruin your life
Um, and I think that's like genuinely the main goal of the entire thing
I don't think there's a positive to it literally at all ever
The only person I have ever seen
That has had a healthy relationship with it
Was uh, john martin actually
Um, and hit the way that he would do it was writer. Yeah, he would leave anything was john martin john martin still exists
It still works here. Yeah. Yeah, um, he uh
Still cool. I meant because this is the story of christmas. He looks great. Yeah, he actually does. Yeah, he's doing good
um, but anyway, he would leave any way of
Increasing the amount of funds on hand at home
Go with a fixed amount of money and he enjoyed the process so to him he was like i'll bring as much as I would take to go see a movie
I'll get free food because they give you free food when you're there
I'll play some games until i'm out of money
Or when I get a reasonable amount and feel like i'm happy and then i'll go home and then that is like
I am accepting an entertainment expense for the night and there is no way for me to extend it. I respected that that seemed fine
The positives the winnings you know you don't get it man. No, that's not you don't win
The house always wins. Yeah, everybody knows that. Yeah, sorry, dude
and like I I appreciate your flow plane subscriber all that kind of stuff, but like
You're that's not
You you lose
That's how that works. And you is not necessarily you personally. Yeah, you you is the personally
Might have that one time and be up unprecedented streak of luck
but you collectively
Definitely mathematically
And like man the problem of the problem with saying the upsides is the winnings yeah
is you just wholeheartedly accepting
The upside is the mental manipulation that is going to eventually rip all my money away
And like that one i've talked about you're taking the dopamine loop that they want you to take which is bad
I've talked about this on the wan show before but like a big moment for me was just walking around in las vegas for the first time
Like man those the bathrooms are so clean
Like you could eat off them. They're huge. The ceilings are
30 feet high and and painted like the sky like it's like every every every inch of it
Every brick that was laid was laid with money
Taken from people who travel there everything they possibly can to communicate to you that you will lose and horrific
And this is how much you're gonna give us
Not you personally necessarily
But you're walking into the mouth of a demon like you collectively
Are here to enrich us this
And even if you win guess what
We're gonna fill this place with fine food and
products that are also going to give you a dopamine hit and
Activities which to be clear. I have no problem with activities the point is we're gonna fill this place with all this stuff so that even when you win
You're gonna spend it easy come easy go you're gonna spend it
Oh, guess what on establishments within our buildings that we own that funnel that money back to us in the form of rent
The whole thing is designed where even if you walk out of las vegas up
$200 after you spent
You know a hundred of it on let's say a a necklace or something they are still
They are still gonna keep some of your money there
So why don't we take gambling sponsorships because
Neither luke nor I believe it has
Used to I used to work at any reason to promote it. Yeah, we don't I used to work at the bread factory and
there was
I'm not saying dudes there because there was only men there i'm saying dudes there because I actually don't think any of the women had negative
gambling problems only the guys did so
l men but
There was many times and many different people that people would come into work and you'd hear them like begging for extra
Hours and you try to figure out what's going on and it turns out that they yet again
Gambled their rent away
And are worried about becoming homeless
They could have easily afforded their rent
They were doing fine. We made pretty good money at that point in time. I knew these people. I knew they were doing okay
They were living within means everything was okay, but they gambled it away
They lost it and then they'll oh
Almost, you know lost everything one more double or nothing. That was rough and then a few months later the same thing happens
Because you're you're being mentally manipulated. You're being controlled like just don't
Allow this to happen and don't feed into it. And yeah, I don't know. I probably it's so bad
I probably promote alcohol and cigarettes before I promote gambling speaking of vices, right?
Like you were saying let people pick their vices they're adults and that's fair enough
And you know what like to Luke's point some people can have a healthy relationship. I actually fully respect John's approach
I had not met someone with a healthy relationship
And you're gonna your brains just about gonna fall out of your head. I had not met someone with a healthy relationship with smoking
Until I met one of my badminton friends
She will light up one cigarette
Once a quarter just be like I like this
I like to enjoy it once in a while and then we'll just
not smoke for
a month two months three months. I mean, I still think it's bad, but it's not good for you
But it's not gonna kill them
Four cigarettes a year is not going to kill someone luke inhaling smoke is just bad sure
But you'd probably be worse off sitting around the campfire all summer. That's very true
That's why I hesitated a little bit. I was like there's a lot worse things. Let's be real here. Yeah, I mean
That's I
mean, it's not as bad as like chain smoking
I don't know it's one of those things where it's like yeah, you can have a
Just but there's there's really weird arguments you can make about the upsides of nicotine and things get really odd when you
Start going down that path, but then there's there's much healthier ways to ingest nicotine if you're going for the the
Positive effects that it does have even though it does have really addictive properties all this other kind of like it gets really messy, but
So it's one of those things to be clear man. Some people seem confused. We are not going to be promoting smoking or alcohol
No, no, no, no, that's not the point
The point is just that it kind of doesn't matter because these are things that in general are designed to
Entrap to be addictive. They're designed to
Not necessarily they're designed to but they hurt you
Yeah, and you know what? I think we make a bit of an exception for like mobile games for example
Our line is that it has to be fun without paying
That's a pretty good line in my opinion
Because there there are mobile games that are fun. There are mobile games mobile games that are free that are fun
Um, I like pokemon go I don't engage with it in a way that I feel like it is being predatory to me
I think it's fine. I saw oh, I saw I saw one comment a little while back and unfortunately I
I uh
I lost it, but it was it was it was a good one someone was basically like yeah
Gambling is fine if it's you and your buds playing poker and you know that if you lost your buddy won 100
That's a totally different thing. I've got no problem with that
If there was if there was gamble with your and their model was that they took like
Let's say
One percent off the top or something like that because realistically a lot of the odds are are kind of like that anyway
the house was never just like
Like like blackjack, right like the house was never just like taking all of someone's money
I honestly think I could I could maybe accept that what would it even would it what would it it would just support
Poker is that correct sure or just any anything where you are betting with
Well, no, we can't enforce that. It's with people's friends. We can't enforce that relationship. Yeah
Yeah, and then it just becomes a poker website. Yeah, okay, well
Right in in a perfect, you know
Utopia if there was gamble with your and it was the online equivalent of just you're all busy and don't have time to gather around that
Stereotypical round table just off to the side in the kitchen
Right, I know that I know that some people don't like playing things like poker when there is no
Stakes in this case the easiest one is probably financial, but some people will do other things and that's fine
But they don't play like playing it when there is none because people just like go all in every hand and like not really take it
Very seriously. So you kind of want something on the lines people play more seriously. That's all fine
You do that with your buddies in the comfort of your own home, whatever
Personally, I don't care at all go have fun. Um, it's it's the
Yeah, it's the it's the more corporatized gambling. That's a problem
I'm even like I I generally don't take bets of like almost any kind
Lunch I'll do lunch. Yeah, but then that's like
The result of this bet is we go hang out. Yes, which is like yeah, everybody wins. Yeah, exactly
I'm totally cool with those but like hey, I'll bet you I'll bet you 50 bucks that
This team is going to beat this other team and insert sports game like I have no interest in that at all
I don't know
20 dollar buy-in no rebuy. Yeah, see like that seems decently healthy to me as long as everyone can afford it
You might not have a friend that can so that gets a little weird uncle charlie mt volunteer fire department
People hung around and played poker if you lost 20 bucks. You went home. Nobody wanted mad wives
Nice see that seems pretty good. That's probably okay
Yeah, but there's no way to enforce that with an online service totally
Yeah, so I just don't see I don't see how we could get involved in that. Yeah, it's incredible how much money there isn't it though?
Like absolutely
Wild ah hey speaking of things that are incredible how much money is in them?
Thank you so much for supporting us
We are going to do some merch messages ladies and gentle folk
The way merch messages work is all you got to do is instead of just throwing money at your screen randomly
like you normally would on youtube or twitch or whatever else you can throw money at all you got to do is add one of our fabulous
Products to your cart and a little here. Let's go. We'll we'll check out our zip up mock neck
Look how stylish tiny looks okay available in up to triple excel
We're gonna add that to the cart and any time we the dark colored undershirt that actually works really well
Anytime we are live there will be a merch message banner here
So you can decide whether to make an anonymous or show your first and last name you can leave us a little message
You can even pick your color
How cute is that and it will go to producer dan there?
Who will curate your message for me and luke or respond to it himself or forward it to the appropriate person or just
Blast it up on the bottom of the screen for everyone to admire and the best thing about merch messages is you can throw your money
at the screen in order to interact with the show and
Even if we don't get to it or you know your answer is something that we can't answer or whatever else
It is you will still get your fantastic merchandise in the mail
We've got a couple of new things that we are promoting on the store of this week
We are launching two new apparel items. We've got the pocket t-shirt and zip up mock neck
So I showed you guys the zip up mock neck already. It looks great
Zipper pocket got the little subtle LTT branding
How sharp does everybody look?
YKK zipper of course because we are all about that quality
You know the only thing that I don't like about our stealth branding in general
I love it and I want it for myself
The only thing I don't like is sometimes when I'm like driving to work and stuff
I'll notice someone walking down the street wearing like a sweater or with the backpack or something. I'm like hey cool
And now I can't tell yeah
Well, okay, that's fair. We're good quality stuff. Luke. We're gonna have something coming for you. Nice. It's gonna be very recognizable
Very out there. I hope it's just your face
No, it will not be that. Do you remember the- what was the dentist shirt?
The dentist shirt
Oh, it was so good. We've also got our new pocket t-shirt. It's a t-shirt now
With featuring pocket infinity percent more pocket. Whoa. Yeah, that's right. Look at that pocket boom right there
Boom right there in the back kidding kidding boom pocket available in black and
Blue, I mean i'm sure we've got slate. Yeah, we've probably got some fancy name for it. Yeah slate
That's a cool name for it slate. I like that
It's really comfortable same fit as our blank tees. So if you love our tees and you love pockets
We got you
We got you pocket gang
All right want to hit us with some merch messages dan do you want to do the in-person one first from the uh
I was gonna ask you if you want let's do it. Let's do it. All right. All right on the winner
We'll bring on the winner cam while we do that
Sure, come over here. I think they're yeah. Oh wait, it's like very in person. Oh, wow
We can put we can put both so many cameras. Oh my goodness cam reception cameras for it's everywhere
So yeah, okay. I think uh, this is connor, right? Yes, and we've got some questions. Perfect. Thanks guys
Uh, what I wanted to ask was whatever happened to ice giant cooling
Uh, any updates on the next version of the pro siphon elite now that traditional air coolers and on
On ones are so effective and cheap. Uh, did they miss the market opportunity?
Good question in terms of what happened to them. I don't think that anything in particular has happened to them other than that they
made a really cool
really innovative product and
Unfortunately, oh am I muted? I gotcha. Oh
I I don't think anything in particular has happened to them
In so far as I don't think they've gone out of business or anything the last time they showed up on my radar
Someone on the forum messaged uh or messaged me or posted publicly. I can't remember
But I was paying attention to this this discussion that was taking place
And they had an issue where they had lost their mounting hardware
And they weren't able to mount it to their new upgraded computer, right?
Because they were using one set and then they needed a new set
I think the resolution to that was that ice giant did
Get them a replacement mounting kit. So
Evidently they still exist. Uh, luke is on their site right now
Yeah, and they have a
Add to cart product page. They have listings on their product page for three different things
Two of them are in stock ones out of stock. It looks like a real site. It's running through shopify. So
They're they're active there, but
The challenge for their product is that the problem that it solves is not necessarily one that most
People have so they came along at what seemed like a really good time when thread ripper 5000 and
Subsequent generations of thread ripper were looking like we were going to have this need
For coolers that were not just able to
Get the heat away from the cpu
But we're able to dissipate that heat to the air around them because that's the advantage of the thermo siphon, right?
Is that it does an incredible job of drawing a colossal amount of heat
And distributing it to the fins so that it can dissipate it to the air
And it doesn't it doesn't suffer from the same bottlenecks that heat pipes do
But the problem with that
Is that it's only really effective when you have a heat source that is outputting a ton of heat
And the thing about a lot of modern cpus now that amd pays absolutely no attention to consumer thread ripper
What so ever like we got what we got these like super high priced thread ripper and thread ripper pro 7000 chips
A year a year and a half
Into the zen for life cycle like are you are you kidding me right now?
Um, if i'm an enthusiast what did I did I wait that long to be on the latest architecture like come on
Are you kidding me? Right? So realistically, this is something professional users are using the thermal challenges have been solved
The people who are actually running these things overclocked to the point where they really need to avoid
overwhelming their heat pipes in order to get the heat away from the chips like who are these people and then on the intel side
They're still using monolithic dies, right?
They're still using and when I say monolithic, I mean single
I don't mean that they're actually big, right? They're still using these single dies where the bottleneck is not
How much heat can we dissipate to the air like an nhd 15 is more than adequate to dissipate the 350
watts that you'll get out of a 14 900k
The problem is that that heat is coming from such a concentrated tiny area that you can't get it away from there fast enough
I mean, that's why you see intel actually we didn't talk about this on wancho
Intel is allowing system integrators to ship their cpus delidded now
Select system integrators are shipping delidded
Top-tier intel cpus. That's actually insane. Yeah, that blows my freaking mind with warranty
Yeah, that's wild. I know right. That's not something I would have seen that we're going back to the bear die
Yeah, like what year is it?
2003 that's not and the intel had IHS is even then so
My my point is that I don't think ice giant has gone anywhere
So much as ice giants necessity of their product
Has gone somewhere if we were getting regular updates for threadripper at a reasonable price and we had these large
Chips where the challenge is how do we get all the heat?
Dissipated to the air then I think there'd be a huge market for it
But as it is on the intel side you got this tiny die and the thermosyphon does nothing to help with that and on the amd side
There's no point overclocking their ryzen non threadripper chips. Anyway, what what are you gonna do?
Like get another
50 megahertz out of it
You can't even you can't even really push them beyond their power limit not really. I mean you
Obviously if you're an extreme overclocker, you're modifying the board. Yeah, exactly. I brought it to
Not interested
Where where's my where luke muted got him
Wait, no, you didn't even do it. Yeah, I did.
Did you give me a fake button Dan? No, I just am bad at my job
Oh, there it goes. Oh, I see. It's I accidentally picked the same one that chooses the wide cam. How dare you?
That makes sense. How dare you give me a fake luke? No, you just push it until it turns red. You're fine. I'm sorry, Dan
What is happening? No, no, I'm just actually incompetent. It's just push it until it turns red
I appreciate you diving under that bus Dan. I got you. All right. Good question. Thank you
Yeah, no, I know they were talking about a copper version forever
And I was just curious you just you never heard anything about it
And it just makes me wonder what kind of they're gonna be doing in the future
I mean, look, it's uh, even when you have a really successful product
It's really tough to to maintain the kind of revenues that you need to support r&d to build another product
Screwdriver if you're supporting any other people
Screwdriver has been colossally successful for us. We've sold over 130 000 screwdrivers now
Uh, you know, that's pretty easy math to do you guys you can you can do it at home on your calculatrice
Um, but these days, I mean, we are down to moving compared to what we did at launch, right?
We are now moving in a month what we might have done in an hour on launch day, right?
Like it's not it's not on the same scale and you have to continue to evolve the product and innovate
You have to continue to support all the people who are out there
Owning the product already and who are you know contacting you a year later?
Hey, i'm having this issue or whatever the case may be
There's a lot of overhead involved in running a business and so, you know, that's why you see the really successful companies
Like the corsairs of the world go out and they're looking for a new vertical to attack
pretty much
Every year whether it's cases or power supplies or peripherals or streaming or whatever those guys are doing freaking
Everything now and there's a reason for it because if you're not growing your product portfolio
It's actually really really hard to sustain your business
There's only so much innovation that you can do on a cooler. You could make a copper one
Sure, but I mean I can tell you right now based on what I know about the differences in the thermal characteristics of aluminum and copper
That copper cooler was going to be a degree or or three better and it was going to cost so much more
That very expensive realistically very few people were going to spring for the copper one looked sick
I know right would have looked really good. I know
All right, dan do you want to hit us with a digital merch message? Oh, okay. Thank you so much
Let's have a look
Hey a little
Got a new job as a usb test engineer and i've almost convinced my supervisor to buy the fifteen thousand dollar cable tester you guys reviewed
What are the coolest tests lab has coming up in your opinion? I kind of wish we could ask some questions back
I know right we know who they are good email. We're actually upgrading our cable tester. So, uh
That's going to be something buy our used one because you know that we're we're well
I think we're still going to be using the one we have but we're going to need an upgraded one when we work on our cables because
we want to validate them for
Data rates that our current cable tester is not capable of handling makes sense
that's going to be a
Somewhat recurring expense, I guess I think probably the coolest thing
I don't know everything's cool. Those guys are working on so much cool stuff. A really cool one that I saw is this
Thermal test platform that has I think it's like it's either six or nine
Sensor locations and they created a custom pcb
for the uh for the monitoring piece that outputs the logs of
The temperature in the case and all these different spots because we don't want to just
Review a gpu and show the gpu temps
We want to review a gpu and show the gpu temps
And the temps near your vrms and the temps on your like all over your case, right?
So then we can so we can try to quantify okay this cooler design
Does it assist with exhausting the hot air out of the back of the case?
Does it uh, does it blow all the hot air up toward your cpu area?
Have you had any companies reach out and be like this is scary?
Why are you guys looking so closely?
Well, yeah, but that's our job. That's pretty funny
Um, I haven't heard of that personally. That was a genuine question. I just yeah
I mean, yeah, there's obviously going to be people that don't like it
Most of them are smart enough to not express any trepidation
Because then we're going to know to dig then you look further. Yeah, exactly
Um, all right. Do you want to give me one more dan?
Yep, absolutely
Hi, linus luke and dan. Well, this is weird. They they're doing it normally
Yeah, who does that what's wrong with that? How is daily driving high rr oled is it more efficient than ips lcd?
Also ever tried tiny os 11. It's a stripped down windows 11 os. I use it and love it because there's no useless crap
We've had looking at alternative stripped down os's again on our list of things to do for a little while
I think that we are we're going to get to it. It's it's a matter of time
um, there can be some
There's some issues. Yeah, there's some issues with these
Um, some of them have kind of worked around the licensing issues with microsoft others
It seems like have not quite so much
Um, there's also issues around trust, you know, what is this script doing exactly?
I haven't personally gone in and vetted every line of code
So if I haven't, um, you know, what's my confidence level recommending it and there are some that are
And then what if they update it after you do widely enough known that there's a level of trust there
But hey, uh, it's trust and verify, right?
So if i'm just trusting then i'm not really verifying
We've ran into this issue before where we'll release a video about something
And then that thing will change but it's significantly harder to change the video
Yep, and we've also run into um, we've also run into issues where even seemingly well-intentioned, you know
community efforts have evolved over time like it used to be
That we would call out community like funny community, uh, domains
um, like people would make people would make like funny websites and stuff based on jokes
We'd make about domain name ideas and we'd we'd go to them and we'd laugh at the things that they've done
And then we would find out that later
Um, they had altered it for like self-promotion or or some other kind of thing
Like they hadn't in good faith continued the joke
There was one in particular that went like really far to the point where it it
Was super not okay. Um
Impersonation trying to get money out of people tracking information all this type of stuff like it was really bad. So
We try not to do that. Yeah, so we basically like it's this is why we can't have nice things, right? Yeah
As for daily driving high refresh rate oled
Um, I wouldn't say it's more efficient than ips. I mean oled has its own
power draw issues
Um, in fact, i'm you know what I don't know
I'm gonna go ahead and say I don't know I actually don't think power consumption is part of our test suite for most monitors these days
Although we did check out a monitor recently that draws six watts
31 and a half inches
Does up to 2200 nits peak brightness what and draws
six watts
See if you can figure it out
I'll let him think for a second and then i'll finish talking about high refresh rate oled
It's super cool. It's amazing. I don't know for sure
If it will be you know if there will be zero burn in forever
It looks the the indications are that qd oled is pretty good these days, but
I did think of this before chat said it. Okay. What is it? It's not e-ink is it? No. Yeah, okay
Then I have no idea. It's lcd
I have no clue
It makes no sense to me at all. You heard it here first. Luke has no clue. Luke has no Yeah. Oh
Why would you do this? We just talked because it's really funny, but it's gonna be a domain in like minutes. I know
I don't know
Don't go to it there. Oh, yeah. Oh, but how else will they know that Luke has no clue?
What do you figure out Dan? I know what monitor is. No, that's cheating. That video is going to be incredible
That's cheating Dan. No, I'm not. I'm not saying nothing. I'm not even giving hints. You might say the video will be brilliant
I like knowing things. You might say that the video was a bright idea. He's taunting me. Or the monitor. I want you to all understand this
He's not saying things that will actually make me figure it out. The video is uh
But he's just saying things to to bother me. The things I'm saying right now are a reflection of how I feel about the video
That's cool. I have no idea
Um, we covered the full spectrum of things you might want to know about the product in our video
I'm not gonna get it
All right
I'll give you a better hint. Okay, I'm probably not gonna get it. So
Gameboy advance
Is it like magnifying the screen somehow? Nope. I have no idea. It has no backlight. Oh
How does it get to 2200 nits peak brightness you ask?
I don't know
Do you have to light it yourself?
I will say
That the power fits in the palm of my hand
Oh my god
I hate this whole conversation
This whole thing just sucks
You know
You know, you don't have to do and show you could end the streak and then I would win
If I ended the stream now, it wouldn't end the streak
None of the streak
Oh, oh, you mean you would just quit halfway through? No, no, no
Quitters never prosper
Okay, how would that apply to this conversation then?
Look, okay, this is a really good hint
The power
fits in the palm of my hand
It's a pop culture reference. Good lord
I don't
I don't
How did you
How did you possibly think a pop culture reference was gonna help me?
That's fair
The power of the
In the palm of my hand
I have no idea
No, it's not Batman
Nice to meet you
Everyone in chat is spamming sun. Am I was I supposed to guess sun?
So you put it in front of a window?
That's kind of cool
And also really weird
So basically
So instead of a backlight
It has a mirror like
Surface behind the LCD panel
Is that cool or what?
That's pretty neat
What is it for?
It's f***ing terrible
But it's in like the coolest way
But it's interesting
Oh, it's super interesting
If I had to watch the video about it
I don't think I'd want one
I'm sure there's some application where it would be cool
Because you're like
In an environment where power is like very difficult to come by
I'm sure there's gotta be like
Somebody out there who's like
Oh my goodness I need this
You gotta see it in person
We'll grab it out for you
It's something to behold
I'll put it that way
And we cover
We cover super cool applications of the technology
Oh man
The Muddy Reptar got me
He's like he can't quit while wearing a Terry Fox t-shirt
Now you're stuck with us forever
Yeah, pretty much
Oh, I love that
That's a deep cut for Canadians, man
That's true
You would be letting down Terry
Yeah, that's impossible
That's probably a good time for us to reiterate
That the reason we're wearing these shirts
Are to support the Terry Fox run
You can get your shirt at
All proceeds support cancer research
Registration for the 2024 Terry Fox run
Will open on April 12th
And the 44th annual Terry Fox run
Will take place across Canada on September 15th
Terry Fox is a national treasure
We are extremely proud to partner with the Terry Fox Foundation
Super cool
When I say partner
I realize that's a sponsorship
Disclosure word
That's not what's taking place here
Obviously we're not making money
We were just thrilled to hear from them
And absolutely honored to support the Terry Fox Foundation
They've been doing absolutely incredible work
If you don't know who Terry Fox is
Then now's the time to Google him
Learn about his life
He was so young
He was taken from us far too early
Yeah, absolutely incredible
Diagnosed with cancer at a very young age
Lost his leg
Decided to
Run across the country
To raise awareness
Raise cancer awareness
And raise money to fight cancer
You can break Linus up man
Damn it
You're trying
It's a big deal
I'm done
It's a big deal
And I said the obviously thing
I know there's some creators that have taken money for
Charity work stuff
Where I would like to think that it's obvious we're not doing that
But yeah, just so you know
Speaking of charitable sponsorships
We actually are doing one
We are
Well, no, it's a little complicated
So we are doing a charity auction stream for BC Children's Hospital on April 17th
This will be at around 1pm Pacific on Whatnot
So Whatnot is working with us
They are an auction platform and they have kindly waived
Oh, that's a little different
All fees
So that the proceeds will go directly to BC Children's Hospital
We're really excited about this
Our auction items include five incredibly powerful PCs that will be hand-built by Linus Sebastian
I'm just reading the talking points
They put my name in there for some reason
They will be built by me
It's fun having you say your own last name
The slowest one out of all the PCs
This is great
Has a 14900K and an RTX 4080
So these are going to be beast machines
We're trying to raise some real money
Which means huge shout out to all the companies that have donated to this cause
In particular, Asus and Corsair
Who have donated the majority of the components for our PC builds
But also, HP, Acer, Elgato, which is also Corsair
Dell, Intel, Google, Noctua, Sabrent, Logitech, Nothing
The phone company, not, like, thanks for nothing
And many more
Wait, wait, wait
Oh, just donated to the cause
Okay, I get it
I was like, what computer parts are we getting from nothing in Google?
Yeah, don't worry about it
Alright, understood
And we're going to be auctioning a bunch of stuff
So not, I'm going to be building computers
Oh, but there's other things
Okay, dude, I have wanted to do this video for like three years
Because it has the best title
I will build you a PC right now
That's going to be the title of the video
That's pretty good
Right now
That's pretty good
So you will be able to bid
On a computer
While I am alive
It'll all be for charity
And I will build it for you
Right in front of you
That's pretty cool
It's going to be flipping awesome
We've got a pre-built PC from MainGear
We've got an Acer Nitro 16 gaming laptop
Peripheral bundles, phones
All kinds of stuff that we're going to be auctioning for charity
Streaming bundles include custom merch from LTT Store
Many other little bits of LTT history
So if you're considering buying a computer
Or a gaming headset or a mouse
Or something like that
Consider doing it at our auction
And having those dollars go to a good cause
I doubt that the price is going to be the best price
Because people tend to go kind of wild
Oh yeah
When it comes to charity auctions
But it's cool
That's a feature
Not a bug
Quite literally
And as I already said
The proceeds are going to go to BC Children's Hospital
Which is one of our favorite causes to donate to
I think
The last little update thing
For those of you who sat through this
This is kind of a big deal
It's funny
I came across a post
And I'm not going to name any names
But it was basically like
Comparing sort of
Our quality of our guests
To another content creator
And I was like
I mean we don't really like do guests
When was the last time we even had one?
And the issue for us is that
We are chronically not on schedule
And the thing about having important guests
Is that if you are late for them
That's pretty f***ed up
It's bad enough that we're late for the show in general
And we are sincerely sorry
It is all in the pursuit of building you guys
The best float plane
And the best content that we possibly can
He's saying you're not important guests
I am not saying that
They're not guests
They're homies
It's different
The point is that
It's funny timing
Because only a couple weeks after I came across that
I had possibly the biggest guest
This is crazy
Fall into my lap
This is actually crazy
And it was just
It was serendipitous
But next week
We will be having the one
The only
Mr. Jim Keller
joining us for a call in
For those of you who do not know who this is
Same thing as with Terry Fox
Totally different fields
But Google him right now
He is the CEO of Tense Torrent
He was the lead architect of AMD's K8 microarchitecture
He co-designed the x86-64 instruction set
He was later the lead designer on the Zen architecture
He also had a big role in designing the Apple A4 and A5
The company's first in-house SOCs
And he worked at Tesla during the development of their autopilot technology
Anyone asking who Jim Keller is?
So we are going to have him on the show
He is going to be talking about what he is doing at Tense Torrent
Guys an absolute legend in the computing world
I am just dropping links in the chat
You guys are not going to want to miss this
These links are to where you guys can suggest some topics of conversation
Obviously I am going to be asking him about his new gig right now
But if you guys have any kind of questions that are not going to get him in
You know, non-disclosure agreement trouble or anything like that
Like don't ask him to like, you know, talk smack about previous companies
That's not the kind of thing we are doing here
But if you have anything that you want to kind of hear us discuss with Mr. Jim Keller
We are getting an opportunity to talk to him
We are really excited about it
It's funny because the topic came up in a conversation with Tense Torrent
About like, hey, how do we work together?
What you guys are doing looks really cool
And we saw you guys have this dev kit
And, you know, is that our opportunity to cover it and talk about it?
Or do you have something coming down the pipe?
Basically, it was an exploratory call I jumped on with them
And they were like, oh, yeah, you know, it'd be really cool is if we like had Jim on
And I was like, uh, they're like, yeah, we don't really know if you guys like do guests or anything
I'm like, well, here's the thing, we don't
But when is Jim going to be able to join us?
It's one of those things where, this is funny, so I assign someone to go through the
To go through, oh, the form? The form doesn't work?
I will, I'll reach out to the guy who made it
Okay, Dan will get it fixed
The point is, I asked a couple of people on the team to create the form
And go through the responses to the form
To kind of see what are the biggest things, the most common things people want to see us talk about
And I was like, okay, and can you also kind of put together, you know, some stuff to help guide the conversation
Because as much as I can talk fairly intelligently about
Most areas of technology, I know just enough to be dangerous
And I do not want to look like any more of an idiot by comparison than I already will
With him on the show
Yeah, it's gonna be bad
Most people are pretty dumb dumb
He's gotta be in my like, I don't know exactly where
But I was trying to think of like, of individuals, exact names that I've like Googled in my lifespan
He's gotta be up there
I'm just gonna bloom in
I'm just like, what is he up to?
I'm making products with sick names
Have you seen their product names?
Tense Torrent?
So sick
Everything's so boring these days
But the Grayskull E75
Yeah, this is the dev kit one, right?
Yeah, this is the dev card
This is already, from chatting with them
Kinda old news
But this is all about
So he probably will talk about this
And this is something that they are promoting right now
Because they do want to get these in people's hands
So that they can interact with the hardware
So that when the time comes
Things are gonna work
And they're...
Well, I'm gonna let him talk about how excited they are about what they're working on
I'm so stoked
Yeah, it's gonna be great
I'm pretty excited for this
It's just a permissions issue
Hold on a second
Coolio Ash says
I'm gonna be honest
I have no idea what the products he's made or used for
But it's obvious he's done some big things
Okay, so let's go through it
That was before Zen
Okay, so before Ryzen
That was the last time that AMD stole the performance crown from Intel
They stole it hard
They came out of absolutely nowhere
Having been kind of languishing for a fairly extended period of time
Crushed it
Not only did they come take the single core performance crown
They beat Intel to 64-bit
They beat Intel to multi-core computing
And just
Slayed it
Mr. Keller moved on
I believe his next port of call was
Don't quote me on that
I forget the exact order of operations here
I think he's done some shorter stints and gone back and stuff
Yeah, don't worry about it
That is
The A4
The A4 was when the iPhone stopped using commodity chips
Stopped using commodity chipsets
That was when
Apple Silicon
I mean Apple brands their computer products
Apple Silicon
But that
Was where Apple Silicon was born
When Apple started designing processors
That outperformed anything else
That was on the market from companies that had been doing it forever
None of these things happen from just one person
There's a bit of a pattern
Just look up
Look up his Wikipedia page and look at his known for
Athlon K7
Lead architect
Apple A4
Apple A5
A co-author of
X86 64
Tesla Hardware 3.0
And a co-author of Hyper Transport
It's like
Done some things
So then anyway
What I was getting to was
When AMD finally came back
What was the common thread?
Jim came back to AMD
He's not there now though
He's doing Tense Torrent
So he's been working on some AI stuff
Which is definitely in his wheelhouse from that time spent on
Yeah, it was hardware 3.0 at Tesla I think
The autopilot hardware
So yeah, excited
It's gonna be awesome
Dan, what are we supposed to be doing right now?
Uh, let's go into
Oh, sponsors
Let us indeed do that
The form is fixed by the way
The show is
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Is there going to be a visual for the Leather Wallet?
He's working on it, he's working on it
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Yeah, that's a leather, leather, leather
Oh, that's the High Dive Blue
Ooh, that's leather
That's a leather sea glass
Leather center, leather Linus Tech Tips, leather flower
We're going to get to the leather one
We got this
Is there a leather one?
Let's watch him do it, he's going to get there
I don't think there is a leather one
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There's a leather one, don't worry about it, it's in there somewhere
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I might have to report you to your boss
Why? What did I do?
Because when one of my employees was trying to work on something
You put him on camera in order to shame his lack of performance
Which seems unfair
That wasn't the lack of performance
What was it?
It was the...
Funniness of it
I'm only trying to fix a form while doing sponsor reads
It's fine
It's fine
I messed up
Here's what I want to know
My bandwidth is unacceptable
Why doesn't Luke think that you can handle this?
Because Luke does not trust me at all
He's a terrible manager and person
I'm trying to lose this game
All I'm trying to demonstrate is that even with the spotlight on him
Dan never crumbles
He'll get my name one day
Dane, I was going to say Dane
Get out of here
I like working here, it's fun
I gotta talk to my therapist about this
But hey, but hey, it'll be partially covered
That's right
You pay for it so that I can deal with you day in and day out
Is it partially covered?
It's a perfect system
I didn't think it was partial covering
Well, it depends
I thought it was up to a certain amount
Yeah, I mean
With the amount of therapy Dan needs
So not covered at all
I'm the reason why the amount is lower for everybody else at the company
Oh boy
Where are we?
Are we doing merch messages?
Let's less cancel ourselves
No, it's just me
Should be good
Merch messages?
It gets users free
And freedom is scary
Kind of funny
Apple has
Further loosened some restrictions on iOS
It's actually been really interesting
Ever since the EU crackdown
And now the US antitrust
How quickly
Apple is running around
Trying to be like
Uh, uh, uh, um
Well, no, no
Like we're
We're not a
Apple has further loosened some restrictions on iOS
Including now allowing retro game emulators
On the iOS app store
Reforming its pairs
It's pairs pairing system
It's pairing system
To allow more devices to be salvaged for parts
This is pretty cool news
Remember we talked recently about how we
You know
You never report on the good stuff, right?
This is good
Apple never had a formal rule against emulators
But it barred apps that ran external code
Which included emulators
Apple is now explicitly allowing emulators
Though they will need to be age rated
In accordance with the most explicit content
Available for them
And they must comply with all relevant laws
Regarding emulation
What was that old game?
Leisure Suit Larry
That's going to screw up all the emulators
The change is primarily due to recent regulatory changes in Europe
I said that Apple was changing things
But realistically what's happening is Apple is finally being forced to play nice
Apple has also announced that it will be working on a new framework to allow customers and independent repair shops to use more existing parts from used devices rather than blocking their use with software locks under the assumption that the salvaged device has been stolen
Apple says this new system will still protect users privacy
This will also include calibration for used parts after they are installed
So basically they are finally walking back some of the pairing that they've been requiring
So there was this whole thing with batteries and with screens
Where you could take two perfectly working iPhones
Take them apart
Switch their screens
Boot them back up
And you'd get like
Depending on the part
You'd get an error message
Or you would get hindered functionality
It's almost like it was never about privacy at all, isn't it?
Cause now
Now that it's allowed
They're like
We can do it without compromising privacy
It almost never is
It's almost like that was the point the whole time
Or that was what they could have done the whole time
It's almost like this whole thing was just made up
Wow, really?
You don't say
With that said, this is really funny
Some Apple fans don't seem to appreciate some of their new freedoms
This is great
Thanks to the EU
We have one more screen during the iPhone onboarding
Oh no
Not everyone knows what a
One more
Browser is
Far from it
Not ask for a default music player
Default mail app
Default camera app
While we're at it
That's a really good idea
Is it?
I don't know
I don't know if I care about that personally
I think for music player
I don't know if I care about camera app
Like this
As far as I can tell
This is them effectively exposing like the app store as part of the opening your phone
I don't care about that
No, this is part of the you can't have Safari just be the only thing on iOS
I think it's the onboarding
Personally, I don't necessarily think that this needs to be a part of the onboarding
It just needs to be something that you can do
Oh, sure
Sure, that's fair enough
I mean, honestly, I don't mind it at onboarding
I don't know if I want every single thing that my phone can do
I don't necessarily want to make a choice where it now downloads that app or whatever instantly
When I'm trying to set up a new device
That's not
Kind of annoying
One screen
Where it has all the default apps
You can click into them and change them
And skip
Or you can go all the way down and go continue
I'm onboard
Give me that skip button
Alright, let's go
And then I don't care
Yeah, because like
What if I am an Apple user that's just like
Yeah, I just want all the Apple stuff
Which there's gonna be tons of them
And that's the whole thing
That a lot of the people who argue for Apple's walled garden
And Apple's anti-competitive and anti-consumer practices
Will say
They'll say
Well, I just want
I don't want to pick
I just want them to tell me what's good
They still can
And you can still just use whatever Apple tells you to use
It's okay
It's fine
I find it interesting that Chrome is at like the bottom of the list
I mean
No one said Apple
Couldn't maliciously comply
I will say
I've been using
I don't know if I've talked about this on the show ever
I've been using the Firefox mobile browser
For like
A decade
Never had a single problem
It's fantastic
I have my
Like URL bar search bar stuff
Is at the bottom
I prefer that a ton
It's a user setting
It's stuck for like years
It's great
I love Firefox mobile
That's all I have to say
That's it
Someone was surprised
They're like wait what is that?
They saw my phone and they're like what is that?
I was like it's
My browser
Like what do you mean?
It doesn't look like Chrome
I was like
It's not Chrome
It's Firefox
And they're like you use Firefox mobile?
Yeah, it's great
I don't know
You're a liar
No I'm not
Everyone who uses Firefox lies
You told me that
All the people
Not all the people
The context for that was
We did a poll on Floatplane during the WAN show
Asking what percentage of people use Firefox
And I just knew it was
And then Luke
Not right
Went into our logs for the actual access
Well not me, AJ did
Sorry, AJ
Went into our logs for the percentage of Floatplane users that use Firefox
And those numbers were not similar
Not even sort of close
And like some people are like
Oh yeah, you can spoof what browser it is
And some people do this for compatibility
Because a site will say that it doesn't work with Firefox
But if you just tell it that you're actually using Chrome instead
It will actually work just fine
There's pretty much no way the amount of people that do that make up the gap
I can't say for sure but pretty much no way
This is totally off topic
Do you make that poll dad?
Is Luke a liar?
Luke a liar
The options are yes and yes but I use Firefox
They like their polls
This is amazing
I get weird with them when we do the Super Checks after party
The Floatplane exclusive stream
Oh really?
Every single time you
Well like who's gonna win the round?
And they just get strange
I should look into that
We have a
We have a
We can see every poll ever made and who made it
Oh really?
I didn't know that
Oh it's fun
This is just totally off topic
I was looking at the chats
And I'm obviously mostly looking at Floatplane chat
But Twitch chat is upset because there's another ad break
This is really weird
This is really weird
Here turned on ads on Twitch
And like really intrusively
And I turned them off
And then someone here
I think Colton
I know
Yes Colton
Colton turned them back on and said
Don't touch that setting anymore
We're having ads on on Twitch
And I think they run every 20 minutes
For some reason
For some reason
Even though the WAN show gets interrupted
Every 20 minutes
On Twitch
For an ad break
And there are no ad breaks
On any other platform where it broadcasts
Obviously I'm not gonna expect everyone to move over to Floatplane
Where there's a monthly subscription
Does YouTube not ad break during live streams?
There are
We do not have them enabled on YouTube
Ah they're not enabled
And they're not on Facebook for sure
We also stream on Facebook
What is it about
The experience of watching on Twitch
That makes it so that
No no hold on hold on
Nobody has abandoned it
In spite of the ad breaks
That are not on other platforms
Like our viewership
Is basically the same as it always is
I have a theory
As much as I hate it
Despise it even
The people want
A smaller internet
They wanna just stay on the sites that they use
And if they're Twitch frogs instead of YouTube users
They're just gonna stay there
They will not have alternatives
It sucks
We had this really cool internet
Where there was all these unique cool websites
Where people would do neat things
And now there's like
People use like five websites
And yeah
Oh there's more than five websites that are possible
I mean individuals
Like there's
It's very common that individual people
Will not navigate to more than a very, very small handful of websites
They'll be like
Yeah, I'm a
Reddit and Facebook and Twitter user
And I Google things sometimes
And that's it
Yeah, I can see that
Wanna do a merch message?
I need to run to the washroom
I drink this whole thing
Let's see if I have any for Luke
By the way
The results of the poll are
Is Luke a liar?
Yes, but I use Firefox
Which is
I think I actually enjoy that
Good job
Yeah, I mean they're fun
They're fun
I like that, yeah
I think I had one in here for you Luke
Let me see if I can find it
Is this the secret part of the show
Where I get to talk about Slay the Spire 2?
Oh, did they?
Well, there was actually one in here about
Kind of Godot and stuff like that
Did they pivot?
Oh yeah
Yeah, it's in Godot
Hell yeah
Slay the Spire 2 is in Godot
So they did Dancing whatever
I always forgot
I already forgot the name of it
Here I got one
Oh yeah, we talked about that last week
Dancing Duelists
So they did Dancing Duelists in Godot
And then they followed through with what they were talking about
By the way, Dancing Duelists is free
You can just go get it
It's great
But yeah, they followed through with it
Slay the Spire 2 is coming in Godot
I looked at some of the screenshots
That makes me so happy
For Slay the Spire 2
And it like looks very similar
And yeah, sounds good
I'm probably going to spend my whole rest of my life playing that game
So that's cool
I picked up one a while ago called Core Keeper
Which was also done in Godot
Excellent engine
I found
I'm going to give
Shameless promotion to someone else
If you
11 hours
It's probably going to work
I bet you it works
There's a video from ClearCode
The channel is named ClearCode
It has 1.1 million views right now
It was uploaded 9 months ago
Just so you can make sure you're finding the right one
It's a 11 and a half hour long tutorial
That is called The Ultimate Introduction to Godot 4
And if you look into the description
There's a part 2
I think I think I've been into this
There's an 11 and a half hour video
And there's a part 2 for it
And this tutorial is amazing
I was like having a really hard time trying to decide between GameMaker and Godot
Because I wanted to do a 2
I wanted to do 2D game development
And this tutorial
Being as amazing as it is
Is what convinced me to work in Godot
Because I actually think right now that I like the tutorial more than I like the engine
Which I don't dislike the engine at all to be very clear
But the tutorial is just fantastic
The person, whoever does ClearCode
Very, very, very good explanations
Really, really interesting order of how they do everything
And then they do a very good job of explaining concepts at a relatively base level
And then setting you up for like
Okay, now here's your challenge
These are the 3 things that I want you to do
And those things are slightly more advanced than what they taught you
But you know enough to figure it out yourself
So you have to work through the engine
And see how it works
And kind of navigate things
And do it on your own
And then you continue the video
And he teaches you more things
And then you keep going
It's very, very well done
And it doesn't start losing quality
I'm like 4 hours in or something
And it's still amazing
So if you're interested in game development
Or Godot
I would highly recommend checking out ClearCode
And especially this
The ultimate introduction to ClearCode video
Because it's
Our ultimate introduction to Godot 4 video
Godot 4 video
Because it's fantastic
It is super long
But like
I was trying to look at some of the like
The shorter, more digestible ones
And I'm like
Yeah, this isn't enough of an introduction
I haven't touched game engine seriously
In a super long time
I really need a deep dive
And this thing was
Has been amazing so far
So yeah, check it out
Love it
I'm curious on your opinions
If any
On Megacrit
Switching from Unity to Godot
Do you think more game companies
Should switch to open source engines?
Also any updates on LTT Socks?
Still working at it
Open source engines are cool
Open source is not like
It's not in my
This is
I'm going to piss some people off
It doesn't automatically become the best thing
Because it is open source
I really like Godot
It seems great so far
Do not believe that
Everyone making a 3D game in Unreal
Should switch to Godot
I don't think everyone making a 2D game in GameMakers
Should switch to Godot
There might be some decent arguments
For people making anything in Unity
Switching to anything else
Those are
Those are based on like business practices
Stuff like that
There are really good things
About open source
One of the things that can be scary
About open source
Is the
Abandonment of projects
And things like that
Something that can
Increase confidence
Is when you start seeing
Bigger companies
Bigger groups
Getting behind
And using
Different open source projects
Moving to Godot
Eventually in 2025
Slay of the Spire 2
In Godot
Could be very
For Godot adoption
And be very important
I don't know enough
I'm not here to recommend
Anything in that realm
I am a novice
I'm just having fun
Going through that tutorial
I don't know
Alexander asks
Will you be going onto the yard
At the end of this month?
Ludwig said you'll be coming on
I'm going to be on the yard
It's going to be awesome
Going down there for our collab
We're going to do the
Bro vs Bro
I'm probably going to lose
That's cool
I suspect you might get more cancelled
From being on there
Than being on here
I'm just hearing this now
So I'm assuming I won't be there
Those guys are going to have a very fun time
Seeing how far you'll go on things
I'm sure
You've never heard the podcast have you?
It's going to be sick
I mean
I went on
KB Mud
It's great
Back in the day
I didn't get any trouble for that
Don't know if you should have brought that up or not
Fair enough
I'm sure it'll be great
I am mildly concerned
That's all I'll say
Oh wait
KB Mud
That's the one
Painkiller already
Yeah yeah yeah
I thought that was
Wait hold on
What was
I thought KB Mud and PKA had something to do with each other
Hold on
Hold on
No maybe they have nothing to do with each other
No I completely forgot
Apparently I don't even know what podcast I've been on
So this is good
We're off to a really good start here
Very commonly does podcast appearances
No I don't even though
This is my
That was the whole point
He does one every Friday
What is wrong with you?
Oh my goodness
Wait I did do KB Mud
I'm pretty sure that's me
I don't know
Hey look it's sad Linus
Oh boy
Hold on
I did both
So yeah
That's good
Sponsored by Squarespace
I mean if Squarespace sponsors it can't be that bad
What do you mean memory of a goldfish?
It was nine years ago
I don't remember almost anything from back then
I'm supposed to remember every
I kind of remembered every podcast I was on nine years ago
You technically remembered both of them
KB Mod was ten years ago
You just thought it might have been one or the other
I don't even remember
Who was on it
That's wild
Does this still exist?
Is this still a thing?
Oh yeah
No the last thing they did was five years ago
Uh okay
Wait who? KB Mod?
KB Mod yeah
Yeah I don't think that's been a thing for a bit
PKA seems to still exist though
Oh yeah 100%
They're talking about OJ Simpson
Alright well
Uh yeah he like died
Karma's a bitch
Probably took a little long
Let's do the next merch message
Let's do that
No I just
I wanna lose my job
The last of multiple minutes of this
Uh let's see
Let's see
Maybe they won't be the problem
Linus is gonna get them cancelled
Yeah my whole thought process here
Is like
The yard boys are gonna get Linus to go too far on something
And now it's like
You know
Luke can handle it
Maybe it'll be
Linus getting the yard guys to go too far
You and slime is gonna be a genuinely intriguing combination
I'm excited
I'm excited
I'll definitely listen to that episode
Next one
Alright let's see
Uh how about a quick one
Hi Luke, Linus, and Dan
Tall sizes soon
I beg you
To give
I want to give you my money
Hi Linus and Luke
I work with a
I work with a non-profit
And I'm looking to start a camp for kids on building computers
How would you go about sourcing hardware without the option of electronics recycler?
You don't
You don't
There's just
There's uh
It's not gonna happen basically
There's no one who's going to pony up that hardware
Like why?
And if you're like
Oh well I could just take older stuff
They're gonna say
Well where would I get that?
At the kind of volumes that you would need
Because the answer is going to be
A hardware recycler
Either you go to a hardware recycler
Or they go to a hardware recycler
It's just
It's just not gonna
It's not gonna work
The cost of this stuff
Like I think that
A lot of people have this perception that
If something costs a hundred dollars
Like if the price
The retail price is a hundred dollars
Well probably the manufacturing cost is what?
Like twenty bucks
Like I see that
I see that a lot
Whether it's our screwdriver
Or whether it's
You know our own merch
Where I really do know the cost
I know what they are
Or whether it's computer hardware product
Where I understand enough
To understand the cost
I see people have this perception
That like
I'm going
I'm spending five hundred dollars
On a TV at Best Buy
I'm getting ripped
I'm getting ripped man
Five hundred dollars
For a TV
People who made it
Need to be paid
And so
That's how that works
Like the Best Buy
Does not have a ton of margin
On a five hundred dollar TV
I can tell you that with one hundred percent confidence
And so
Even at the manufacturing level
The IT industry
Is notoriously cutthroat
For margins
So they might have
Twenty points
On a motherboard
So that hundred dollar motherboard
Is eighty bucks
How many kids are you planning to have at this camp?
I mean it's not much of a camp
Unless it's like
Fifty or something
Like what's what's a camp exactly to use?
So they're gonna give you
Motherboards times fifty?
Even if it's twenty?
Like this is actually
A ton of money you're asking for
If you want computers for them to build
So this is the kind of thing that over time
You're going to have to acquire
Non-working hardware
Because if the goal is just for them to build it
It's kinda more fun anyways
It doesn't have to function
Well not even that
So my
I've told this story before
But in high school
My computers teacher
Found a way to acquire
I'll speed through it partially
Found a way to acquire
A whole bunch of
Non-working PCs
And then we
We built a computer lab for the school
Out of these non-working PCs
By sifting through them
And finding what parts worked
Figured out what
Motherboards were working
CPUs were working
RAM was working etc
And building custom computers
For this whole computer lab
And it was great
It was a really fun experience
You might be able to do that as well
If there's like a recycler in the area
That will allow you to
Take some stuff for this experience
Which might be a thing
I don't know
And guys like
There's no award
For being wrong on the internet
I think Twitch chat
Has lost their
Chat privileges for today
It's a terrible take
Line is saying this
While these companies
Are making record profits
Guys Best Buy
Is not making record profits
It's not pandemic
It's not the pandemic anymore
People aren't buying computers
Yeah your grocery store
Probably is
But that doesn't mean
That that's true
Of every single company
It's not
It's not how these things work
And they boom
Like there
There isn't a ton of money
In being an electronics retailer
If there was
Everyone would do it
It wouldn't be consolidated
Down to just a handful
Of remaining options
Little twitch
Uh sure
Yeah let's do one more
Definitely not late dot DLO
I heard a long time ago
That having a hard drive
At close to
Or at capacity
Negatively affects performance
Of the drive
Is that still a thing
With newer drives
Like M.2
Although for different reasons
Different reasons
On hard drives
The issue was
The fragmentation of the files
That would occur
As they filled up over time
As you installed a game
And then
Put some media files
And then installed another game
And then
Put some dependencies
That are needed for a game
And essentially filled up
The concentric circles
That make up the platter
You would end up with
In many cases
Or even individual files
That had pieces of them
Kind of spread out
All over the platter
And when you have a
Efficiently organized
When you have a physical
That is moving back and forth
Seeking to access that data
There's a delay
As it goes around
Searching all over the disk
For the pieces that it needs
So what you would do
Is you would kind of
Reorganize it
To put all the data
That goes together
So that you're doing less seeking
With SSDs
Everything is just handled
On an address basis
There is no physical seeking time
It does still
Take time
But it's not from
Moving a physical object
Where you run into trouble
With SSDs
In the same
In a similar way
You can have
You can have
Junk on the disk
That isn't
What you need
I shouldn't say disk
Because it's not a disk
You can have junk on the drive
That isn't what you need
In a space that
Okay I shouldn't say similar
It's not that similar
So you can have junk on the drive
That you don't need
But hasn't been fully removed
Because that's not as efficient
It's not as
Good for the drive's longevity
Because NAND flash
Has a finite number of write cycles
That it can survive
Before it just
Gives up the ghost
So what happens is
When you fill a drive
And then
And then delete a file
It's just sort of shadow deleted
It's not really deleted
Until such time
As you actually need to
Overwrite it
Until you actually need to fill up that space
So what happens then
Is instead of just a write operation
It needs to do
A full program array cycle
It needs to actually wipe it
Then write it
And in some cases
Having a really full drive
Can mean that there are
Bits of data in some places
And bits of data in other places
That aren't consolidated
Which is kind of similar-ish
To what we would see with hard drives
And when the drive's very full
The odds that you're going to hit a block
That needs to
Be erased
And then
Rewritten somewhere else
And then written to
In order for it to stay organized
Is much much higher
This is like a super super
Crappy explanation of it
This is off the top of my head
And I haven't looked at
Garbage collection
Data organization in a while
I feel like this is a situation
Where you should point to like a tech wiki
Or something
I'm fairly certain we have tech wikis
On these topics
More full means there's less room for this data organization to take place
And it can be more delayed
You can also have just annoyances with like temp file overflows and stuff like that
And it's bad for the longevity of the drive as well
Because the more shuffling it has to do for every write operation
The more unnecessary writing that you're doing
You're doing
Are we doing topics now
Let's do it
LTT Labs
Nicholas if that is your
If you're who
I think you are
You should get a
Message me next week
Guest labs will just have to test drives at various levels of fill and wear
I mean
Kind of
That's great
Internalized screaming
Texas schools
Embrace AI grading
The Texas Education Agency
Will be replacing human graders
Not fully replacing
But certainly
I shouldn't say augmenting
Well they're replacing some
The human graders are
Yeah some of them are gone
So we'll be replacing some of their human graders with an auto scoring engine
And this is not for multiple choice
This is for written questions on standardized tests with the only exception being tests written in Spanish
If the AI indicates it has low confidence in its score the test will be referred to a human grader for review with the human grader score overruling the AI's if there's a disagreement between the two scores
Texas estimates
That 75% of tests will be graded without being sent for further review
They estimate this will save 15 to 20 million dollars a year annually by hiring only a third as many temporary graders every year
The state has insisted that while the auto scoring engine is based on similar technology to GPT-4
It will have systematic oversight from humans
It won't learn from one response to the next but always defer to its original programming set up by the state
It was apparently trained on 3,000 past tests that went through two rounds of review by human graders and is intended to give the same grade as a human grader would have
The decision follows a 2023 redesign of the star standardized assignment assessment to include fewer multiple choice questions and six times more open-ended questions
Which actually seems like a good idea having you know students answer with open-ended questions
I guess they're just like well
This is a lot of work to grade so I guess we'll just have a machine do it which
Yeah, critics have raised concerns that a machine may not be able to recognize and reward creativity or originality
3,000 seems like not a lot of prior tests, huh?
Honestly, no
Also a person one two three in full plane chat said this is even worse than it seems because those temporary graders
I didn't put this together those temporary graders who were losing their jobs were generally Texas teachers trying to augment their crappy salaries
Didn't think about that. That makes sense. That's rough
Controversial take
When did tax priorities shift from roads, schools, libraries first and then other stuff?
Realistically, it doesn't have to be like all of it, but there should be some when did it shift from that first then everything else?
To like
Rando programs and vanity projects and then I guess if we have anything left over I guess we'll pay teachers something
We can we can call some teachers when did when when when exactly did that happen?
I'm just wondering just curious because like I pay a lot of taxes. I wouldn't mind if they went to
Schools seem cool. Trudeau's investing some billions of dollars in AI
Yeah, but our government is also investing in subsidies for homeowners instead of just allowing the market to fall so that people can actually afford the houses
They're just giving rent subsidies
That is actually not the solution
It's totally to let the property values go up
So the property taxes go up so you can give a pittance of that money to the people who now have unaffordable rent
So they can give more money to land landowners
Who can then pay more property taxes
It's great
It's a perpetual motion machine. Good job
Flawless victory
F***ing stupid
I wouldn't necessarily have a huge problem with this if I think we were like way down the line from where we are now
This is way massively too early. You can't put this stuff in a position where it could have any amount of impact on someone's future
Because it's like oh, yeah, humans will grade it if if you know it has a low confidence
But what if it is highly confidently incorrect which we have seen many times?
And then if you can dispute it and it will be graded by a real person then everyone's gonna just dispute it and you didn't gain anything anyways
I don't know
Next topic
What's happening with YouTube playables?
At some point last year YouTube added playables games that you can play directly on the platform via desktop or mobile devices as an experimental feature
According to YouTube's experiments page playables were supposed to be available until the 28th of March of this year
However, there's still a support page for playables and they are still accessible on both desktop and Android devices at the time of writing this
Based on reporting and this post which I'm assuming he's loading up
No, he's not
From the LTT subreddit
Not many people seem to know YouTube playables even exist
Possibly because they seem to be only accessible through the explore section of YouTube site and mobile app
Which I don't think I've ever clicked on in my life
Discussion question
Why do these exist?
Why didn't YouTube kill them when they said they would?
What does this seeming ignorance surrounding the existence of playables say about YouTube's UI UX?
I don't know but I'm enraptured
This game does not look fun
What is that?
You draw new legs?
You draw the legs?
Okay, that actually sounds a little bit more fun than I thought
It's playable
I claimed 10 coin units
What does that mean?
What do you use those for?
I don't know
How do you buy more of them?
Speed level 15
Searching for an opponent?
No way!
It's multiplayer?
That guy's got like spring legs
Do your legs suck?
Okay, let's go
Let's go
Come on
Let's go
Let's go
I want a piece
Wait, did your leg break?
What happened to my leg?
Did my leg break?
Can you draw new legs at any time?
I need longer legs is what I need
Ba ba ba ba ba ba
Oh I'm getting tuned here
So you can draw new ones at any time
Oh, I'm going fast
So there's probably some theory to changing your legs depending on the terrain
You got schooled
I think you want shorter legs for going uphill
I'm suddenly interested in this game
Wait, you can level up your speed though?
seems stupid oh so other people just have like better speed maybe wait am i just playing the
same guy that's stupid or maybe it's just an ai like a bot what's happening oh no it has to be an
ai because it slows down while i'm drawing well well no not necessarily because they could record
the inputs from the other players so they don't have to match like yeah oh i see what you mean
yeah so wait it's just gonna stay slow while i decide when i want to put my small legs on
infinite slow-mo because i but yeah this this seems like a hack like an early 2000s game that
you're doing built-in pre-made cheats on yeah exactly also why do i not fall does gravity no
longer apply to us do you just win the game because you went slow-mo i think so i think if i just keep
this held that's i will not i will not fall that's so cool dude am i falling you love that i don't
think so apparently i'm falling slowly says the chat are you but i'm not sure if i i'm not sure
if i believe it it really doesn't seem like it i think i fell a lot faster before yeah exactly i
don't think you were this high up before so there's there's at least some amount of effect
whether or not it's like you know super noticeable or not i don't know urban fervor says i have a
career in play testing yeah this man i broke this game faster than i break linux are you sure
yeah i think so it did it took me a little while to break linux the last couple of times i broke it
yeah fair enough like i am not falling guys i'm gonna win is your leg gonna collide with this portion
no i don't think so i'm pretty sure i'm still above it at your high enough danny's got nothing on me
yeah i'm so engaged right now see oh it gets pretty close i think i think hold on wait for it
i think it might no no are they both the same oh yeah oh it did oh speed boost let's go huge
hold on is it gonna catch it is it gonna catch it i no longer think so
right by it you're going fast now though
so danny seems to have his own glitch problem this is my favorite part of the show so far i think
this is awesome i love that we have so many people watching you just like float
very slowly through the air you might say they're in a plane oh so good i'm invested at this point
though i want to see what on earth is going on so this is a youtube playable uh something that i mean
i didn't know they existed at all and apparently a lot of other people didn't know they existed
either because they were tucked away under the explore button on youtube which i suspect most
people didn't click on there was a discussion question which is what does this seemingly
seeming ignorant surrounding the existence of playables say about youtube's ui ux and in my
opinion they just have so much stuff going on that adding things like this it's very hard to get
visibility on why can't i be watching a short at the same time this is a missed opportunity honestly
if they had short auto scrolling where after it finished playing one video it would just scroll to
the next and you could play these playables on the side move over subway surfers i bet you it would
kill i don't think i would sleep
yeah i um honestly i'm sort of at the point now where i just kind of wish that youtube would
do what it does holy crap it glitched in a new way i'm not moving anymore
uh-oh i am static are we both static you can see the bar at the top oh no he's moving he's moving i'm not
moving okay oh no do do do do look it has line of size legs oh it's gonna be you whoa he's flying
no no no no i got this i got this are you kidding me
okay that wasn't cool all my hopes and dreams are gone well all right oh i think that was my last
attempt at that yep so these are these are there no way is this it there's no microtransactions or
anything even i don't know oh for now like who's who's making these i don't understand boy drag to
aim release to shoot i mean uh but sure wait so they have youtube officially has a game with
explosions and you kill people there's a lot of blood as well yeah but like it's angry birds luke
yeah but there's blood he's spurting blood he's dismembered and you shot someone with an rpg
youtube is full of all kinds of things yeah but they like don't want to be full of this stuff
they don't but then they have video games of it i don't know i think that youtube mostly oh yeah
lob it it has on it whatever it needs to have on it this guy played flash games in the 2000s
yeah boys this man worms oh well you are failed okay hold on a second where are these games even
coming from game over yeah
you are failed oh no want to crush me at chess no i'm terrible i don't i haven't played in a long
time i'd be really bad i'm you there's no way you're worse than me i fall off so fast it's weird
no man there's no way you're worse than me weird running pet decorate what is this who made these
games like 1100 or 1200 or something and then stopped playing and just sort of fell off i think
i got to 11 or 12 no years old oh yeah like honestly there's no way tap to play roll whoa oh laggy
whoa is it lying on your screen oh yeah oh buddy oh well what what is happening jump can you jump
or crouch sorry can i down arrow no yes oh oh okay w or up arrow yeah okay so yeah the arrows work
on the ramp wait i can't coins you're sonic the cat wait i can't wait what the oh dang
hold on hold on i'm so confused sometimes the arrow keys work sometimes they don't
tap here to build a room the arrow keys are not working right now build a room
what i don't want to build a room get a room oh i don't care oh i have to buy a sofa oh i think this
one has premium currency oh my god check that out at the top the diamonds wait don't you might have
things connected to this laptop because you refuse to follow rules okay selected roll like do they
mean like avatar how do i play just okay tap to play okay here we go here we go okay oh okay the
controls are working now so that's a big improvement oh whoops whoops whoops whoops whoops okay so can
i okay but why would i do that instead of just going for the coins like that seems stupid sometimes it
might make sense can i jump over okay yeah can i jump over this car yeah i can yeah dog let's go
jump from thing to thing oh yeah you better press it twice though ah interesting you can't hold it oh
i press both this keyboard is really not in the ideal configuration for yeah it has one of those
yeah combined up and downs so anyway back to back to playables um yeah so that's something they have
i feel like youtube is just kind of losing its identity a little bit and i've felt this way
about yeah everything from stories to shorts to uh being a place to rent movies like i just i kind of
don't i kind of don't understand what youtube wants to be why not just be youtube if it's all video
i sort of get it i blame capitalism because the only way to have infinite growth is to have infinite
number of products at a certain point you're going to be saturated in terms of what you can serve for
for for long format video but that's not what investors demand investors demand growth and when
you already i mean youtube at some point i forget this is like four or five years ago stopped
regularly talking about their growth in daily active users because it was like over a billion it's
like well or not daily monthly or whatever it was they stopped talking about it regularly and it's
just like like if we if we want more people on the platform we need the world to birth more people
yeah the only way for us to grow is to extract more value out of the people that exist rather
than hoping that there will be more at some point it's just i don't know it's kind of sucks
apparently the currency there's no microtransactions apparently
yet yeah i'm sure the whole thing is positioned for that hurts just these test games don't have any
i'm hurt in better news roku has filed a patent for a technology that would allow its tvs to detect
when you've paused a device that's connected via hdmi such as a game console so the tv can show you ads
can you can we've already talked about this can you um can you file a patent we've totally talked
about this can you file a patent um and then can you like file a patent so that no one can do a thing
i mean i guess like could you file this patent and then be like yeah we filed this patent because
we thought someone might do this we were like no it's really i shouldn't say really expensive but it
does cost money and time to file patents and filing defensive patents on behalf of consumers
consumers would probably be a fruitless endeavor yeah given the ease with which large companies can
sort of look if they can get around each other's patents they can get around yours is all i have to
say about that and they have a lot more resources to do it i wasn't suggesting this is a thing that we
do to be very clear cool yeah yeah no i do not have unlimited money to do that it was not the goal at
all goldball says i donate to that cause i was trying to make a joke about like maybe they're doing this
knowing that they weren't so like a crowdsourced a crowdsourced or like crowdfunded organization
like a not-for-profit that basically preemptively files patents for terrible ideas that are anti-consumer
i still don't think it would work it'd be funny um yeah was that a topic in the top because we
absolutely talked about that last week or a previous week did we oh i didn't think we did
well whatever in case anyone missed it like i did in addition to detecting when you've paused the
patent also suggests methods to identify what was displayed in the frame before you paused and use
that information to show you more relevant ads i don't think we have that information i think we
knew that they were doing something with ads and consoles and stuff like that so so you guys know
if this is implemented you could be using your roku brand tv as just a display okay you could be
completely ignoring roku's streaming services software and their smartness and all that stuff
but another device that is plugged into one of the tv's hdmi ports could be read essentially like what
was on it you could be watching something intimate for example and that could be used to serve you a
targeted ad what would the targeted ad be for if you were watching something intimate on your tv
like a dating service there's kids watching okay stop
it'd be something it'd be fun to think about it'd be something and it would be somewhere in between
you know a hard solid and a liquid
nice thanks it's pretty good thanks moving on hot singles in your area man so many of the ads i get
served for that like the second i hit my mid-30s was like do you want to have an affair it's like
how many times i have to tell you no i'm good thank you but you might today yeah but but look how hot
the women in your area are like those aren't real i've seen i've seen the women in my area no no i'm
that's that's just a joke when i travel the pictures of the women in my area are the same
yes what does this mean i've seen the women in my area and they're not this person
that's not to say they don't seem great good personalities you know healthy hair i get
nice what what minus one's in a woman it's very hair healthy it's extremely important to me
it's a it's sorry it's a it's a bob's burgers reference sorry we get along really well but
you just have too many split ends yeah um look okay i need to explain this it's a bob's burgers
reference okay louise is trying to get um pockets are no regular size rudy to not have a crush on her
and she's like do you like eating boogers i eat my boogers all the time and he basically goes oh well
the whites of your eyes are bright and your hair is healthy and your fingernails of or whatever uh i
can't say that i'm into it but you keep doing you sister like it doesn't matter very accepting
um the return of dumb phones uh yeah sure what is this article did you pick this one yeah interest
in dumb phones has increased in recent years with many people being concerned about the addictive
nature of social media and constant online connectivity dumb wireless great name an e-commerce
site specializing in dumb phones and smartphone restriction launched in 2022 in march of 2023 the
site sold about seven thousand dollars worth of products last month it sold okay all right didn't
see that twist coming so march 2023 they sold seven grand worth of products last month it sold over
seventy thousand dollars worth of products uh startup light released the light phone 2 in 2019 a smartish
phone with a monochrome touchscreen and a limited library of custom apps light's revenue doubled from 2022 to
2023 and is on track to double again this year according to the new yorker the startup's founders say
some of the most willing light phone converts are gen zers there are several dumb solutions in addition
to fully dumb phones there are also phones like the light phone 2 which has apps for directions as well
as music and podcast libraries some people only use dumb phones when they go out switching to a
smartphone when they get home interesting uh there are also companies like brick and unplug they restrict
the ui and apps on your phone only allowing you to access blocked apps when you tap an nfc key that you
can take with you leave at home or with a trusted person or ditch completely interesting i uh i just don't
think i could handle it i i kind of want to try it i kind of want to do like a one month thing but
every time i bring it up people internally are like no we actually need to be able to reach you
and i'm like okay honestly though like if it wasn't for work i could probably be a dumb phone user
yeah like i never go anywhere anyway i just sit at my desktop i wonder if one of these like
i wonder if one of these i'm gonna do go see my friends maybe
sorry i wonder if one of these light phones would be able to support uh work communications like slack
and teams and whatnot i could see that but i mean it's funny
how aware i am of how many people use teams for their social life
it's definitely a thing
yeah so yeah i don't know i don't know if it would help that fair enough
yeah you shouldn't do that by the way yeah it's like actually a bad idea like you really shouldn't
for real um when you depart said company yeah that company can retain all of the messages yes
and you you can't retain all the messages unless i guess you like copy paste them maybe there's a
data dump feature for users i don't know no idea but like you won't have that user account anymore
so you should use other ones and even if you could dump that data you should be extremely careful with
it because it might be covered by your organization's nda for example and it might not even be things
you said it might be something that someone said to you but by the time you extract that data from
their service that they pay for and it leaks uh well the responsibility wasn't your friend because they
sent an internal communication to an internal person that wasn't them that's on you so someone
in chat saying there's teams for personal use he's talking about using work accounts yes that's
yeah he's specifically talking about using work accounts don't use work stuff for personal stuff
just don't do it um full plane chat is talking about killed by yeah we are only a quarter
of the way into 2024 and boy do they ever have some doozies uh google domains was oh actually technically
that was the end of last year i don't know what the keen is i don't care but google podcast was killed
11 days ago is done uh drop cam do you remember drop cam yeah that became nest cam boom done dead killed
five days ago uh jam board we already knew about google jam board is just other more different jam board
because google is vpn by google one is dying vpn by google one kicking the bucket in nine months
it will be about four years old dang apparently pixel vpn remains what's the difference i don't know
i mean i'm often confused by differences in back end for services that appear to be exactly the same thing
like i i i there was something with the mobile app uh for youtube studio and i was like well like you have
the the data it's in the desktop app and they're like yeah but it has a different back end and i'm like
i don't know but actually why i don't always know i am uninformed need view count database lookup
location x y returns definitely reasons for apps if if they're even pretty similar like i kind of
understand why the teams work and teams personal accounts are different i wish they weren't both
called teams because it's really annoying when i'm trying to launch one of them just call the personal
one msn messenger let's go yes please like come on uh or something else whatever it is just don't
have multiple names for effectively the same thing anyways um i i get that but in some of these cases yeah
i have no idea no idea anyways moving on should we do the udo thing yeah let's do it sora for music
former google deep mind engineers david ding and andrew sanchez have launched udo a platform for
creating ai generated music it already features tremendous tracks like wow i didn't know that
is that the name of it that's the name of the track apparently i thought it would be in quotes
maybe but do you want to do you want to listen to it together should we finish the stuff um no let's
listen to it together first got it okay are we we're not playing it over stream we're just yeah yeah we
can play it over stream that is apparently the name of the track it's wow i didn't know that oh yeah it
has 70 000 playbacks apparently hold on this wasn't the one that i wanted to um
hold on let me see let me open up my teams for work uh this this wasn't the this wasn't the song
that i had wanted to listen to uh okay yeah this is great how do i get this link to myself hold on
what's the name of it when you just search it that's a twitter link okay so i need to send it
to ltt win uh dan are we able to listen to this together with the stream yep so that shouldn't be
a problem okay maybe not on your phone but no no no no i'm sending it to myself okay so first let's
listen to wow i didn't know that together is this is this gonna work oh well it helps to not have my
audio muted here we go oh also it helps to be connected to the right thing okay dan you got
sound from me yeah i saw a dingle bing bing bing okay here we go let's see
oh boy you fellas i've been caught out doing something i really shouldn't gonna plead ignorance
gonna tell them about how if i'd have known better i just wouldn't oh we're in so much trouble
when they say drinking turpentine ain't where it's at it sure it's fraud is a federal crime
need that bad at twitter
scroll down a bit i want to see the lyrics it's on my screen oh you got it
oh my gosh
so um that's a thing that exists yeah we're totally screwed uh hold on that was not actually the one
that i wanted you to hear that blew my mind uh this was tweeted by abc dent minded um
they said i found an account on udio that is mostly generating songs about how his friend
seth his pants don't work oh my gosh okay you guys ready for this one yeah i got it muted for now
oh all right i got you here we go i got me a man but but there's just one problem
well he works nine to five and he's a hell of a guy but he's shitting his pants at work
i got me a man so yeah oh wow get wrecked seth not gonna lie hadn't heard that country song one
uh i would unironically listen to that
so about some dude talking about how uh insurance fraud is a federal crime
it kind of reminds me of the song online by brad paisley which is like
one of my favorite like parody songs yeah like i mentioned like we're in trouble and someone in
the chat was like yeah i don't think yet people would listen to this stuff that that country song
about well i didn't know that people will absolutely listen was well produced as well
yeah that messed me up actually ninja man asked that just now and you were way ahead of him what
does dan think about these since he has experience in production sometimes you can hear vocal issues
but is there things that the layman might not notice here like it's pretty obvious to me that
they're hiding behind like with these genres and with the styles of both of these they're hiding behind kind of a
kind of a a more analog sound a little bit like i think they might be masking some lack of clarity that way
um i've heard better voices on the country one but the uh the like the 50s swing bop
seth pooping one uh her voice was very clean um i've also heard a lot of people that take normal
talking and will turn them into singing voices or make singing voices out of characters and those are
kind of similar to the the timbre of the like the country guy but this the backing music was far too
good and that was very concerning mind-blowing absolutely incredible i wish i could see the
prompt like how did how did you get it how did you get it to write this oh maybe you feed it the lyrics
i don't know maybe i mean obviously the seth one probably
well because you could just tell it like the person's name is seth like it might do the writing so
anyway udio will generate two 32 second songs from a written prompt giving users a choice over
which they would like to use the song can then be extended by adding sections before or after the
original clip with up to 10 sections total the extensions can be made with the same prompt or a
completely different one the platform plans to up plans updates with more musician focused tools like
being able to add reference vocals easy import of external tracks and more granular creation options
this comes just a couple of weeks after 200 plus music artists signed an open letter in an attempt
in an attempt to prevent the creation of exactly the type of tool that udio is having said that
udio's founders claim they have strong copyright protection measures in place so you can't reference
any specific artist and any track that sounds like an artist will be blocked ltt community members
made an ai song about pilk aka pepsi milk shall we listen dan are you ready i am ready here's a ready
well maybe not my soul where gadgets reign supreme there's a curious mix some it's too good oh no it's not
about processors or graphics cards in play it's about a strange concoction we'll sit today mixing pepsi and
milk a cure of mistilite live as tech tips taking a sip out of sight in the world of tech where it's
modulate back to the one oh it's got the formula down like perfect no oh man
this one has some some hints of ai-ness oh yeah yeah yeah if there's there's groups that actually
do that that's true that's they have the formula down they have the the like structure down they
have the strange modulation down it might actually be more modulation it might be more interesting to
listen to than modern pop music because it will do weird things that you're not expecting
using the pop formula so these might actually be more dopamine inducing cheesecake brain than actual
pop music ah well that's depressing thanks dan cheesecake i use oh oh yeah that might be my term
uh okay never mind uh pop music triggers with like the cheesecake reflex i call it uh your brain loves
sugar and salt by the way i thought you might like this we linus and i've been playing this game
uh called tape to tape which is very fun but uh the developer behind it is called excellent
rectangle nice hell yeah i like their uh logo yeah video game studio that's that's all you need to know
that's great what oh never mind okay what's that i saw people also see for a search for and i saw
slap shot rebound and i thought it was like they also made and i was like no way slap shot rebound sick too
yeah but tape tape tape we've been having a lot of fun with it's a roguelite you go through a campaign
you play against teams that have various types of completely unfair buffs there's basically no rules
whatsoever um oh sick pass
it's fun yeah it's it's it's dumb fun um supports multiplayer support is a little complicated because
it only supports local couch multiplayer so you can use steam remote play but if you want to play with
five people on a team steam remote play only supports four controllers so we had to have one
person or we had to have two people side by side in the same place so that was me and yvonne last night
and then she was on the keyboard and i was on the controller and then we were able to have three more
controllers remote in that was the only way we could get five players working so if anyone from valve is
watching who works on uh remote play or anything like that um hey could we have a couple more
controllers supported in remote play that would be sick i'd be great obviously this is a niche use
case but it's the kind of thing that every once in a while a valve person will just be like that's a
good idea maybe i'll just make that because i don't know if i even have a real boss anyway uh so if if
that situation is going on right now um we'd be super into that i've got i've got one final thought on
this if i can interject um uh when is it going to be able to make like death grips songs you know
uh that's that's the thing is is a lot of these are trained on massive amounts of the most generic
thing so like pop music is dead like this just kills pop music just like uh you know the ar art
generators are killing uh single person pin-up art um but if you're gonna get weird right or like or like
environment like backgrounds do you know what i mean they can do hold on hold on what did you just
describe like thirsty commissions as single person pin-up art yeah because that is the most apt
description i have ever heard for anything ever carry on yeah you know okay we got a beautiful
painted background right nobody's gonna do those anymore but like death grips or any of the other
really strange kind of out there uh types of so what you're saying is humans have a niche it's just
very weird yeah yeah humans are gonna make the weird stuff and then the the boring stuff the band where
everyone gets pissed off if people don't record their concerts because they often have songs that they
only play at like i i have no idea i used to i used to despise them because they were kind of outside of
that uh understanding i don't find artists that i like i don't get this very often and then adam
made me listen to them a lot and and he said that they were good and so i had to revisit it now i get
it i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure that's death grips probably
yeah i don't know uh i ended up on the subreddit because we were looking at that uh generated song and
apparently mods at r slash the crew are shutting down any discussion of ubisoft revoking players
license keys so that's bad do they have a pin post about it by any chance um over on r slash the crew
yeah not sure that's a good question i want to go check because sometimes mods will do that because
is it actually just r slash the crew because there's nine members
what is the what is the actual subreddit r slash the crew i don't know maybe it's not
hold on this has like one and a half thousand up votes though i don't think they made it up
no i don't think so either i'm just wondering what the actual subreddit is
i don't know i don't see a link to it they've also locked the thread explaining why they removed
the first thread because no one was buying it oh it's it's written incorrectly it's the underscore
crew oh yeah there you go there's your problem come on op
in other news um our short circuit for these wireless routers is finally live
yeah we we do uh we do a little bit of real world testing with them
could a minion router be any good no luke why are you such a downer seriously like
does that make you happy to be unhappy yes except i'm not unhappy but it makes me happy to
be a downer about that so you want everyone else to be unhappy because you should just buy
a normal one and then if you really want to be a minion you should make it look like a minion
you don't need to buy like products that are just super weirdly branded and probably up
price like a huge amount for no reason it's very unnecessary just modify it make it your own
there are yeah i don't know i don't think this happened i do know sometimes that like
users won't really understand the pressure that moderators come under when things are going just
absolutely wild yep um and what can sometimes happen which doesn't really look like this happened so
i don't know but what i was kind of talking about there what was what can sometimes happen is to let
one post through and like pin it and then just delete everything else because they're like we don't want to
sift through all this and try to figure this out um but yeah i don't know i could write better lyrics
than that ai song sorry i was just looking at the lyrics i'm sure you were saying something interesting
very good which one the pilk one turpentine oh yeah yeah was that on the same yudio was that on yudio
was that on suno people are talking about suno um suno suno suno whatever yeah wild uh also i was
listening to you you were saying people on reddit single pinned post i think this is going to become
i don't know why why is there so many more suno posts in i can i can a hundred percent see people
just putting on play me some here's here's some songs i like play me some random that is stuff i
might like and then you just thumbs up and thumbs down it and then it just algorithmically feeds you
literally an unlimited fire hose of new music you've never heard of and i use the term music
uh with finger quotes uh for the rest of your life like this is this is life changing you know how
sometimes there'll be like an alternative youtube platform that'll go up yeah and they'll get
promoted like crazy and then you go on there and all the videos have like 10 views that's not the case
i'm on suno suno shows off things more than yudio as far as i can tell i only ate three cheeseburgers
has a quarter million plays uh scroll down a little bit uh cat has almost half a million
capybara has over a quarter million of course we're taking their word for this
yes that's a pretty big deal deep knight has a quarter million
it's very easy and quite common uh to i'll just say um that view counts are not always super accurate
it's very easy for them to not be super accurate and i think it's i have personally deemed that a
decent amount of it is intentional so maybe but i have no idea i've never heard of the site but a lot
of people in chat had known about it the second we started talking about yudio people were posting a
bunch of links from suno wild instagram is going to be adding a new filtering feature which detects
and blurs images that are likely to contain nudity this filtering will reportedly use on device analysis
so that's good meaning that it also works with end-to-end encryption the feature will also prompt
users who appear to be attempting to send a nude photo to think twice before sending nude images
nudity filtering will be turned on by default for all users under 18 meaning instagram is dead
no they'll just lie about what age they are i don't know i don't know if they if they're doing
this presumably they have some kind of intent to enforce this i don't think it's going to be that
hard for them to figure out if users under the legal age are sending nudity of themselves like oh i see
um and uh yeah i i thought of this as uh wait hold on yeah i think the filter is for
receivers of the images yes yeah it's not senders i think the warning is just for yeah the warning is
for senders yeah so it just seems like they're headed in a direction now that they've acknowledged
the problem yeah they kind of have to do something yeah and if they do something they're done i wonder
how much of like if i wonder how hard it would be to deal with the processing of this for twitter
oh man i don't read through public threads anymore you can't yeah if it's a thread of like someone i
know i might click on it if it's not i just don't if it's if it's very trending i just don't click
on it it's just full of bums yeah click on my whatever yeah top whatever percent yep yep and
the text will have absolutely nothing to do with the imagery nope according to meta this is not only
to protect people from seeing unwanted nudity but also to protect them from scammers who use
nude images to catch fish user catfish users into sending them extortion material yes uh that is
very important and honestly i agree i'm gonna do that this seems the intent seems great how's
it gonna do that both warnings so it warns the sender yeah it warns the sender and it blurs the
blurs the imagery um basically they're putting barriers in place for sexting i don't think it's
gonna do the the also protect them from scammers who use nude images to catfish users it's not gonna
do that at all if people wanted to see that image they're just gonna turn the filter off sure that's
fair enough but i'm not i'm not saying the goal is like bad or anything i just that's that's not
gonna happen i'm just saying look i'm just a twitter roulette look at the comment section of any
trending tweet in public
there's a bullet in every chamber i have specifically opened and then immediately
reflexively been like oh geez and closed twitter before because i was like i'm in public and i can't
really guarantee that what comes up is going to be okay oh yeah 100 nope
anyway my point was just this direction that they're in heading in this goal seems admirable
seems good um the fact that they didn't weren't working on this already is the opposite of all of
that and now that they're doing this i just don't think people are going to use it i mean it's no it's
no secret that people use the least nannied platform because that's what they want to do
yeah uh avery studios and flow plane says they already warn about violent content etc if you said
it so this looks like an expansion of something that they kind of already do yeah content warnings
uh discord topic sure discord torches switch emulators serve services servicers okay ubisoft blocks
gamers from ever reinstalling the crew again discord has shut down the servers for suyu suyu and sudachi
both of which were forks of switch emulator yuzu as well as disabling the accounts of their lead
developers so that second part is particularly troubling
yeah because their ability for the friends connections that they've made so their ability
to effectively respawn or even continue communication at all because verifying you were
probably anonymous so verifying that you were that person if your account is fully disabled if you
don't have any secondary forms of communication could be just genuinely impossible yep unless you have
some way to prove like look i have this information that no one else would have had or whatever that's
don't like that discord has not commented on why it went this far only that it's following its
typical procedure for dmca takedown request yeah that what is to ben whoever okay hold on carry
on however dmc takedowns usually involve a notice being forwarded to the group or individuals suspected
of posting violating content who have the option to take the infringing content down voluntarily or risk
being sued according to the developers communication with discord has been vague and they received no prior
warnings or a copy of any takedown request elsewhere in gaming ubisoft is now
revoking digital licenses from owners of the crew preventing them from ever reinstalling it the game
was delisted in december with the announcement that the servers would shut down in april despite
having a lot of single single player content the game is server dependent and players were hoping to
create and run fan servers following the shutdown similar to how wii u and 3ds fans have created a open
source uh pretendo network to maintain online features following the shutdown of servers earlier this week
so there's quite a lot to unpack here um pretendo network super cool there's no guarantee that nintendo
won't patch it out yeah it was based on an exploit that they were kind of holding on to until nintendo
shut everything down and maybe is you know final patched out of these systems and they were like
haha okay we hey we were kind of sitting on this ready to go pretendo network let's go um yeah given how just
sort of generally vengeful nintendo is i could see them investing dev time into completely dead
platforms in order to just make darn good and sure you can't use anything without their blessing but
i guess we'll see what scares me is the pretendo name because it's close to nintendo because i i read
something about like how one of the reasons why um so the the game boy the original game boy i might get
some of this wrong i apologize if i do the original game boy would only launch games if the nintendo
logo was displayed at the beginning they had some way of like pixel matching the nintendo logo if i
remember correctly the logo was stored locally on the actual game boy itself and it would compare
against what was on the cartridge because if you made like a uh non-official game or whatever yeah the
only way to get it to launch was to have the nintendo logo on and if you put the nintendo logo on
there they could go after you if if you didn't have an agreement in place brilliant so like they
they put you in a spot where they could legally attack you if you made a game that did work on
game boy wow so and that so that they've been doing this for a while is my point they're
experienced yeah oh our thing says when show after dark uh just in case any of our live viewers need to
like go or something should we uh hey there they are nice should we take their should we take their
questions now and then get to a couple more topics after even though that's a little uncustomary
they got it from sega oh i don't know i don't yeah hilarious dude
we still oh oh jerky we're just supposed to do it throughout the show
oh sick savage jerky's back folks nice
perky jerky wait what is perky jerky yeah apparently it's not called savage jerky anymore
wait it's still yeah it is jerky okay i'm so confused do they have a line of perpy perky
turkey okay this says perky jerky savage oh were they acquired by perky jerky or something okay i
actually don't know two bold brands stronger together oh okay so they like cool so some kind of m and a
took place and now uh savage jerky and perky jerky are are two strong brands stronger together or
something nice as long as they still have the the bacon bacon jerky then sizzling bacon or sizzling
maple uncured bacon jerky is that the one you used to go for it i don't know but i i i definitely
need to get my hands on some bacon jerky here and then uh okay dan are you uh are you bringing someone
down how many how many live questions are we taking let's see i think we have uh one two three
or five oh lordy okay why don't we do those okay that would be good curtis curtis their new branding
is actually really sharp could you please bring them down it's a random comment but yeah the bags look
good that makes you guys are okay they're on their way down
i'm so happy it's been a while aj not not floatplane aj but aj and floatplane chat said uh
you do is going to be amazing for my bard short prompts and i can just create amazing songs for
my dnd character it's kind of a neat use for it yeah hello i like that one okay what's up guys over
here let's do that i think you're both sent down right uh that's okay written down all right welcome
i'm sorry the show is so long but realistically you knew what you were getting yourself into it's always
this long let's go ahead all right yeah go for it uh okay um so first off i just wanted to say uh
thank you uh my uh excuse me my son and i are having a great time oh good i'm glad to hear that thanks
um okay so i know that uh luke and linus are going to have very different answers for this oh but
uh that's a challenge actually uh okay so uh what is uh one bit of technology that you would like to
see added into or removed from cars
ooh removed i think is pretty easy especially in light of the recent news that car manufacturers have
been monitoring our driving habits and selling them to insurance or selling them to data brokers who have
been selling them to insurance agencies i think that the correct time to remove that was yesterday
and the next best time is right now um added into though as for added into honestly i can't think of
too many more things that i would want i mean okay how fantastical am i allowed to get because
i mean if i could have a flying car obviously that would be ideal let's go vtol um i would like to
have it be flying cars are a terrible idea i would have to have it be small enough that i i don't have
to like register my flight path in order to just cruise no man collision avoidance we can get advanced
enough collision avoidance that it shouldn't be a problem we got this if that's if that's the case
i'm super on board it's incredibly inefficient a terrible idea but yeah let's go oh yeah super
inefficient but i mean we could have invented some new engine and it doesn't matter anymore because
you have some battery thing yeah it's charged once for free you never have to charge it again who
knows i mean yeah i mean while we're making things up sure yeah and it smells like oranges and i'd like
that i'd be down okay hold on but let's let's maybe have a let's maybe have a real feature i mean it's one
of those things where the automotive industry is so mature at this point that um i kind of feel like
no matter how stupid the idea is either a car manufacturer has done it or the simpsons has
done it uh what did what did they call um dan you would probably know this what did they call homer's
car the homer oh
yeah well um that's great i don't know where i pulled that from yeah anyway it had like that it had
like that space spaceship bubble cockpit and stuff like that if i could how okay fine you know what
i'm gonna pick something somewhat reasonable how about windshield wipers that don't wear out in like
three months in the pacific northwest how about that there that's what i was like sonic ones work
are they any good sonic windshield wipers well it must be really fast
and he's dead brutal killed from the soul out i thought it was a thing i swear it was a thing
maybe i'm using the wrong term they did something or it wasn't actually like a blade
oh they had some type of emitter wow i don't remember what it was that sounds like the kind of
thing that tesla would promise to develop and then never do it might have been like a concept
thing or something i don't remember it's been a long time um i don't know
i have this like i've hoped for a long time um
that we could get to the point where you don't have to drive the car because like
yeah driving cars can be cool and fun and stuff but the vast majority of the time it's just
incredibly boring and a waste of time um so that would be nice but if i do anything in a car
while someone else is driving it i just get car sick anyways so i don't know if there's any point
i don't know if i actually really care so then what else could there be
i don't know i feel like there's not a ton left to be super desired okay is part of the problem for
you that people are bad drivers though because i am not a super motion sickness prone person
i can go out on a boat no problem little dingy in the ocean no problem um i can i literally will sit
in the back of a car and use my laptop for an hour two hours at a time no problem but i swear to you
every single uber driver in the entire greater vancouver area is determined to prevent me from
doing that so by riding the accelerator almost as hard as they ride the brakes yes so over and over
and over and over and over and over and over again how hard is it to press the accelerator a little bit
and press the brake a little bit or better yet press the accelerator even less and then just hold it
there yeah so it it absolutely has to do with the drivers and it is absolutely pedal control specifically
which i find interesting because you actually drive sometimes like a bit of a madman but i don't get sick
when you're driving because i think it's not the overall speed and it's not like turning it's just the
yeah so like well i'm married to my wife so um i need to be pretty on top of it
yeah all my kids get car sick too there's there's one person on staff actually um jake that i've driven
in there i've i've i've been in their car while they were driving um and i had to get out
and i wasn't even on my father-in-law no um so it ranges not actually on staff usually we're not
the blue company most people as long as i just don't read anything i'm fine i'll just be like
mildly uncomfortable but yeah so if it was like really good at pedal control maybe it's fine but
i don't know bart the tech says is it that he dry it's that he drives in a way that your body expects
the movement so it's not jarring yeah and i don't expect people to just do this like oh i need to slow
down i guess i need to slow down with the whole brake pedal oh i need to speed up i guess i need to speed
up with the whole gas pedal like it's just oh my goodness and it's so inefficient yes you should
not be pressing the gas pedal any farther down than you absolutely have to it like obviously it does
not work like this the mixing is non-linear but think about this for a second if you press down the
pedal three quarters of the way to get up to speed what how much faster how much faster is that happening
versus if you press down a quarter as much i promise you the amount of gas like if you could
if you had a little live view okay if you had a camera at the at the site where the fuel was being
injected into the cylinder and you could watch how much of your liquid money that you just poured into
your gas tank or two yeah that you were dumping into it you'd go easy you know that's an interesting
idea i wonder if you and i have similar driving styles because of frugality maybe i try to hyper
mile pretty often and now that i drive an electric car i'm way more easy about it but i was like
hardcore on i do not want to be in a gear that is any higher than i absolutely have to be i i will be
really annoying about like if the light's red i'm not advancing towards it i will generally slow down
and if i cannot stop oh yeah so i can just get really slow 100 and then keep going drivers behind
you hate it here though i don't know why i'm helping all of us right now yeah i know i don't get it
yeah uh whatever i don't remember what the question was but maybe that adequately addressed it oh i think
i think i might have a feature actually based on something that you just said that i kind of like
sure you know a efficient car driving promoter things in cars will usually be when you're doing well
it'll like grow a tree or whatever right i think i want the negativity version you want a negativity
version yeah so every time you like stomp on your accelerator they murder a squirrel like what are
you asking for it'll it'll be like oh hey looks like you like really pushed it there that cost you
this many extra dollars and it's like when you get to the end of the drive instead of being like great
job you saved the planet every single time it'll be like hmm that was actually kind of rough
you could have saved six extra bucks this drive if you didn't drive like that that was nine percent
worse than your best yeah interesting so gamify yeah gamify your driving efficiency okay that's
pretty cool but like kind of like that yeah with i think a focus on kind of uh oh man the drawbacks
of it being bad oh man that'd be so cool so you rode your brakes really hard this drive so you could
compete as long as they anonymize the data and didn't sell it to anyone which we know won't
happen so yeah i see i know dan i know just laughing dan let me live in my fantasy utopia no it's fun
here no yes um how cool would it be if it compared you to everyone else who drove the same drive at the
same time of day including yourself and you could like go for the high score yeah that'd be kind of
neat that'd be i i i i like the idea that instead of yeah i think that just grow a tree thing like i
never really care that much um i i love trees you heard here first yeah luke hates trees plant more etc etc but it's just like i i want it i kind of want it to i want to feel the
repercussions you know and maybe it's like yeah that was worth it i had to get someone to the hospital or
something i don't know but a lot of the time it's like really i was just totally on time driving
somewhere and just driving like a butt maybe it should tell me that me driving like a butt cost me
x percent more on my brakes that i didn't need to cost me this much more on my gas um yeah i don't
know i think that'd be interesting not everyone is quite as financially motivated as you though
like if you told the average person that they just wasted six cents of fuel they'd be like
like you'd be like shock and awe i could have done better i could have had one five cent candy
plus tax for that six cents yeah i don't know i would like it though personally
does luke get underpaid no i just uh i don't enjoy spending money i don't like the act of spending
money i'll do it but that's not the cool part i do yeah will he does he though really does my birds
have been at the vet for a week oh i'm spending some money yeah he's spending money yeah how's
well he doing actually i do have good news oh good yeah so they did they did a blood draw doing a blood
draw on budgies is like super sketch um how much blood do they have exactly that's that's no but seriously
like how many milliliters of blood do they have i don't know exactly but it's very small there's
there's the i like this quote uh humans you know were mostly made of water birds mostly made of air
or at least budgies so like there isn't a lot there so it's really dangerous but the vet was like yeah we
we're not 100 certain what's going on we need more information um so they did it survived that that's
good they detected that it was probably something to do with liver problems so they started giving uh
antibiotics specifically targeting the liver to both birds both birds saw an improvement
um and it's at the point that wally which was one that was struggling is no longer in an incubator
as of today and they're in the same cage again as of today which is good because they're extremely
social animals they're still monitoring them i'm really hoping i'm going to get a call tomorrow
that i can pick them up one because i want my birds back but then also because it's really expensive
fair enough yeah birds are mostly
everyone that you said so far has been turned into something and i'm like trying to dissuade
people not to do it because they keep posting in a floating chat like we're not going to click on it
it's like we're we're not going to do it not click yeah we're not going to acknowledge it you
could be harvesting our ips or doing whatever else exactly someone might have already oh my goodness
too late oh that's too fast my goodness okay all right i think we're ready for our next merch
messenger live thank you very much thank you so much one of the people that grabbed the last domain
they're like name had devops in the name they're just like this is what they do nice oh my goodness
welcome thank you and uh you're not going to click on it but i already clicked on luke has no clue and it
redirects to oh no so you don't have to do it i got it at least it did two hours ago
i don't know what it does for now it does don't click on it don't click on it okay but thanks also
for having me it's been a great day our pleasure uh my question is how do you handle the pressure of
being a public figure in the tech industry while still prioritizing your own well-being and personal
time that's a stupid question i obviously don't no no you're good
i don't at all well why not honestly it's not the tech industry that's the problem i don't work in
the tech industry that's a common misconception i work in the media industry and i cover tech
and uh being in the media industry used to be in the tech industry by the way you're actually wrong
okay fine thank you luke yes i also work in the clothing industry but let's be real here let me let me
modify the tech and clothing industry and media thank you for that so ah man the see but my problem
is not any part of the working in the tech industry or the clothing industry for that matter i actually
really enjoy those parts the parts that i find that the most pressure comes from are is the media industry
and that's that's one where i mean you know we've
it used to be a lot easier it used to be that our biggest controversy was hey we need to eat
um so we have baked in sponsor spots in our videos now um whereas now it feels like that was a big
deal it's also yeah that was people hated that for like years i think yeah we were on the leading
edge of that we weren't the first to do it but we were pretty early in terms of monetizing the content
outside of just adsense who's first in tech right is that right i as far as i know we were the first
in tech although ironically no one cared when the entire channel was funded by a computer retailer
i never actually really thought about that before but that's pretty funny well no it's one of those
things where people people are so selectively outraged right how dare you promote into compromise
your integrity by promoting intel's win a snowboard competition for core i7 when you used to be
used to be what a salesman at a computer store this is a step forward um and and we've worked hard to
maintain our independent voice over the years but but that was something that you know i guess was just
it was jarring for people and and sometimes it's not about you know big picture how big of a deal
this is or how how much this is actually compromising the integrity of the people or the content and
it's more just what do you what are you used to um what is the what is the flavor of the week right and
um i do find i do find the the speed of the news cycle and the speed of the outrage engine to be the most
exhausting part of this job um and i mean i said it in the i'm thinking of retiring stream um which
maybe you've watched or maybe you haven't there's enough views on it that it's sort of fair for me
to assume that a lot of people who watch the channel have seen it at this point um but i said it then i
said it now i'm tired um the thing that keeps me going now is the team uh we've got a hundred people
here who depend on me getting up and getting out of bed in the morning and uh you know being part of
this thing and helping drive it and and being that sort of creative voice um it's also the community
i think that what we're doing is incredibly important and some of these things are i think
probably not properly appreciated yet but i understand why because we're not done yet they
don't see what i see yet for something like the lab um they don't see necessarily why we make the
decisions that we do and so you know for us another thing that drives me is doing it anyway um whether
people uh see it and appreciate it or not um by the way a new article on the lab sorry new article in
the lab oh oh really i haven't seen this yet yeah sorry i have now officially become with with some
pretty significant design changes based on user feedback well let's check it out together shall
we yeah okay comparison bin welcome to the beta blah blah blah blah we'd love to hear your feedback
so make sure you do check that out at the top okay latest here we go okay oh look at that whoa
whoa we got new imagery we got a watermark now that's pretty cool nice that actually looks sharp
oh hold on is this what makes it expand or not expand you know what i'm not going to worry too
much about that right now but uh this is uh i think i believe this has been revised revised you were
the summer you were scrolling with your fingers i think you're actually clicking on the bars because
you don't have to click on the actual symbol you can click anywhere oh okay well very interesting
uh so this is something we talked about in our meeting this week is like how are we going to handle
what's good and what's bad over time and we'd love to we'd love to develop a system where it's kind
of tag based and then we can decay the goodness of tags as the technology changes for now i think
these are going to be manual and you know these are going to be a product of their time rather than
being um something that can naturally or not naturally but can decay in a controlled manner as our
as our standards you know for what constitutes good 1440p performance evolve but this is this is
this looks great i think it looks really good i think the feedback that we got from the community
was genuinely very helpful so thank you for that i genuinely strongly appreciate it okay this is just
a link to luma field so it's not the thing we talked about that thing is not i don't think it's here
yet okay i'm not going to worry about that thing yet so that's cool we're not going to talk about the
thing it's back sport design because we weren't sure about the whatever whatever thing yep yep yep
yep yep yep yep don't even don't even worry don't even trip um is there any other particular new thing
that i should be showing people oh wow this is a ton of comparative data yeah so that's pretty cool oh
this is this highlight new no oh okay never mind it's been there uh in regards to things that are
different i mean there is some stuff that are different like if before if you uh loaded if you if you
selected drop downs for something that didn't exist it just wouldn't like load anything now it
communicates that we didn't test that oh man this is so cool this like interactive chart thing i really
like just like awesome playing with it matt matt did a fantastic job um it feels very nicely responsive
yeah it's great it's great it's great looks great i notice you're in light mode
i can't address that yeah boom oh well i don't know oh interesting well that could maybe be fixed
what oh it said i was in dark mode already and then i clicked it and click dark mode and then it yeah
that's fine nice yeah dark mode's pretty looks really good anyway i always prefer dark mode but
i like dark mode on the lab site so i guess what i'm trying to say is that i find coping mechanisms
find reasons to do it um the people are great i i legitimately like my colleagues which helps a lot
um i think if that wasn't true anymore i would probably just quit yeah because that was a huge
motivating factor for me to start the company was that i was tired of working with
people that i didn't respect or didn't like um and for me those are those are honestly they're pretty
hand in hand um i also didn't like explaining things that should be common sense to people who were
in charge of what i was doing um especially when in many cases and this is not true of every i don't
think i'm the smartest person in the world but i think that we had some people in positions of
authority who were especially um not the best when it came to making decisions and some of these
differences in opinion um don't just boil down to like oh yeah like i'm really smart and they're
not smart it's not that it's not that simple but i just i i was tired of i was tired of being the
common sense police sure um i hope that answers your question that does thank you for your time
and good luck finding time for yourselves all right now thank thank you for your time you came
all the way out here and you're thanking me for my time appreciate you all right
yeah do it come on in let's do it hey yo how you doing good you excellent never better thank you for
having me i have a simple question at least i think do you have any plans on expanding on the
hat line to include bucket hats bucket hats wow uh no we have no plans for bucket hats i think
you're you're you're saying this like it's very out of the blue but i think bucket hats are trendy
right now i know yeah i mean i dude look at me you would never know do i look yeah what would i
was like what would i know about that's why i was letting you know what would you know about trendy
not much more if any you could fit everything you know about trendy in a bucket hat probably you
know you might actually know more than me because you talk to the people at creative warehouse more
often and they would know they don't really try to pitch me things based on trendy though that's
probably wise they probably learned that over time they did yeah yeah they try to pitch me stuff
based on like what they think our audience will like regardless of trend and we do we do hop on
trends a little bit like one of the trends that we've hopped on is that people need functional work
wear that is comfortable yeah and we have like a lineup that essentially that we're building around
that something that i appreciate a lot about the creator warehouse products in general is that
it's not really it's just good stuff that you'd like to have we really need to stop using the word
merch yeah one of the one of the tour attendees um actually brought that up during the tour today
and obviously they bought the 3d down jacket that's why they're here they they won the contest but they
were like yeah no i don't buy the stuff because like i like care especially about necessarily the
channel or you know whatever like the design's cool i guess or whatever but i buy it because it's really
good i'm like yeah that's exactly why you should buy something i don't think the actual goal have
i ever asked someone to buy something from us because it's from us maybe but not in a lot of
years and not many times like i like this actually sorry conrad is proposing instead of merch messages
because we're trying to get away from merch uh that we call them good stuff messages good stuff
messages i mean the branding probably needs a little bit of work what do you call the bonus bin
uh bonus bin that's what it's called isn't it what does luke call oh luke's name for the bonus bin
is terrible it's not my name it's conrad's name well it's terrible i like that name what is it come
on tell me the fuss or the free upsell shelf it's not an upsell it's free you can't have a free upsell
that's not what an upsell is hey man i don't make the rules it's great
anywho um thank you for your message our thing you said sorry i just love a good bucket hat yes
that's fair that's fair yeah it's a good one if we made a bucket hat it would be great but we don't
have any plans for a bucket hat right now thank you thank you all right dan all right oh we got
another one come on come on down all right maybe merch messages maybe they're uh quality
quality product questions instead of merch messages i like that maybe quality uh this one's
probably pretty quick for you i love my multi-nip shirt nice can i get one in pink oh i think we
actually did a i think we actually did a prototype of that uh when we did the oh what did we ultimately
release hold on a second like the gray one sometimes i can't remember the products that
we that we work on versus the ones that actually make their way oh man dude i should have shown you
guys the uh the microfiber t-shirt when we were over there we have a we have a t-shirt in like it's
it's the yellow like a microfiber cloth on the body and then the sleeves are accented in that like soft
like baby blue blue and um and it's like made of microfiber cloth like you would have the cleanest
phone you and all your friends you'd have friends coming up behind you they'd be rubbing their phone
on you for good luck or good screen visibility um it's not very comfortable but i think we're gonna
make it anyway as someone with glasses that's not a bad idea exactly that's what i'm talking about anyway
the point is i think we actually did prototype that at some point promotions with glasses stores
and i think we were worried that it would lack mainstream appeal i was into it we definitely
did a blue one i just can't remember if we ever did a um if we ever got past mock-up for a multi-nip
shirt in pink we released blue multi-nip i don't think we released it okay uh there was like a
manufacturing issue so they were sold for like 20 bucks or something or maybe even 10. oh there
you go i love that you know that i have one and i bought my mom one for her birthday so they're nice
shirts right i wish they i wish it was more apparent what it looked like in a photograph there you go they
just it's like it doesn't it doesn't look like that yeah i mean it looks kind of like that part now
that we're zoomed in it looks a bit better yeah it's it's basically it's more visible it's cool and
people love it and we only have it in white and gray yeah um and this is that this is such a good
shirt um i just need enough to be a cartoon character and wear a different color of the
exact same outfit every day of the week um i forget what the question was oh yes the pink multi-nip
yeah sorry i don't think there's any plans to expand the the rgb shirt which is what uh we call it now
i think originally we just called it multi-nip which didn't mean a lot to a lot of people um
there i don't think there's any plans to expand the rgb shirt lineup right now i could be mistaken
though like maybe did we ever re did we ever rerun those blue ones like i can't even remember
anymore we have so many products now like i can hardly keep track of everything on our store
all right okay dan you want to hit us with another yes come on are we almost at the end i think we've got
two more fantastic what can i do for you okay so the game industry triple a gaming has recently
produced a ton of flops what do you think professional game studios are going to do to
like combat this or are they just going to stay on the same path they're going to wait for someone
younger and hungrier and more innovative to make a cool game on their own and then they're going to buy
them and then they're going to screw it up and then they're going to rinse and repeat nice so they're
kind of going to stay on the same track with just a slightly different room yeah i think we might be
witnessing somewhat of a turnover in companies so like uh certain large companies that are starting
to flounder i think we're going to see offshoot companies which we there are a lot of examples of
starting to spawn up and certain indie companies that are hitting very major success potentially turning
into the the futures triple a companies certain offshoot companies forming out of these larger companies
potentially turning into the futures triple a companies i think some companies are going to
figure it out i've noticed this is largely a north american game developer problem um some examples
from like japan for example are not having the same type of hit i do wish that i i do wish that i
could agree that we're going to see these offshoots become the large companies but i don't think
they'll get a chance to get that big they get gobbled again yeah that could because the challenge
is unless your name is larian studios or arrowhead from rockstar i can't think of many game companies
that can swing for the fences because remember the question specifically was triple a gaming i can't
think of many companies that have managed this like mark rober mr beast approach to developing video games
where they swing for the fences nail it on every release and then can put their head down for three
to six years and make the next absolute grand slam home run game that keeps the engine turning
so at some point when you grow big enough and you try to create triple a quality games you collapse under
your own weight and companies like microsoft and to a lesser extent you know the eas and ubis of the world
are going to have this unlimited bucket of money that they can use to mna you and bring your talented
developers ironically some of which probably came from you in the first place um on board so that you
can continue to do what you're doing except probably with less passion and ultimately burn out like it's
it it feels like it's in a really destructive cycle right now and and this ability of large organizations to
just buy anything they want is not helping i i do agree but i don't think everything is is for sale
now yes this is because they're making those big hits um but i i think we're seeing like there's there's
quotes from uh the ceos and other various people at at companies like like larian and like arrowhead um
um that are very resistant to current triple a norms if that makes sense uh like on arrowhead's website um
this is this is so great fast philly says oh i love it i can't tell if this is self-aware or not
i think gta 6 will be a technological marvel of gaming but that at this point there's no way it can live up to
the hype that's pretty good uh i love it the quote i was looking i hope it's self-aware this is
a quote on arrowhead's website i i do not think most current triple a studios follow this type of
mentality um but a game made for everyone is a game made for no one that's helldivers um
arrowhead except as far as i can tell everybody loves helldivers smashed it with helldivers and a
lot of people really really like that game but they didn't design it with the design it for everyone
in mind right uh and that's not really a mentality that you see a lot of these giant studios um
baldur's gate was made for people you know that would really enjoy this type of thing
and it was just made so well that it hit a much more mass market i think that's the same with helldivers
i think that's the same with something like elden ring like really looking at elden ring success would
anyone have guessed that a game that hard would resonate so well with so many people no but it
was a masterpiece of a game so it did anyways um i don't that's one message on helldivers now uh
that's great yeah i don't know i i was a little depresso about it because i was like games are dead
the whole industry is just dying and then over the last few the last couple maybe years it's been
looking a lot brighter so i'm not as worried about it anymore yeah
i think another big thing is that the community as much as i dog on the gaming community for like
buying too many microtransactions and stuff um but they seem to be much more willing to
jump on and embrace games from non-triple-a studios yeah fall guys among us among us uh what is that
game that looks like oh pal world yeah sure looks like pokemon um helldivers baldur's gate three
there's there's so many games that are smashed gate three is triple a i don't think technically
is it maybe it is i don't know how many years did they work on it is that how you define triple a
um i think i don't think you can call them a triple a you know what it depends i guess how you define
triple a i'm defining triple a in terms of scope it's ambitious whether because one person could
conceivably build a triple a quality game if they had 25 to 30 lifetimes to work on it or whatever like
i like to me triple a is is quality but i i could definitely understand if other people viewed it as
more of like um the dollars that were spent on it but i mean even in either case baldur's gate three
there's no way that that wasn't extremely expensive to create yeah for sure i just how do you actually
define triple a well how do you find define quadruple a okay baldur's gate three had a budget of 100
million us dollars heck yeah is that accurate where'd you get that from uh oh that doesn't sound
accurate nope that's just a tweet yeah i don't think that means anything hold on uh hold on this is from
oh no this is just the forum on larian studios look the point is i believe that number because
like it's an enormous game i i don't uh really and in in talking to people that work there uh a lot
of people overestimate how much how many resources they had going into it a lot of people assumed that
they received like a ton of money from hasbro to make it when that was just not the case um
um it's yeah i don't know uh it doesn't look like they've disclosed publicly no i don't think so
because they are independent i don't know if you want to call them an indie but they are independent
yeah this medium article just says no one called them a triple a studio
before reviews came in for bg3
no one was calling them a triple a studio when that bg3 uh beta was public no one was calling
them a triple a studio at all these other times um but suddenly bg3 just smashes it out of the park
and now they're called to play studio which if that's how you become a triple a studio then yeah
we saw it we saw a developer go on the path that i'm talking about was that ever a long path yeah
so i don't know because they they had been making a lot of games before bg3 a lot of people heard
about them with bg3 but they've been making games forever you want to know a fun one do you remember
magica the weird game you could do like uh you played a little spellcaster but a lot of inputs
would do different things and like one of them was blue screen was the was the input that your
character could do anyways i used to play it back in the day i'm sure you've we've talked about it and
i'm sure you've played it at one point um but arrowhead made magica the guys that made uh
helldivers made magica which i thought was really cool i'm pretty sure that's true let me verify
this real quick yeah magica it's kind of neat i swear i've never heard of this luke i'm sure you have
i swear to you i have never heard of this your memory is questionable that's true it's apparently
from 13 years ago yeah or at least this video about it is from 13 years ago wow four player adventure
mode that's cool yeah and it's what like an rpg or like uh would that be the right way to call
it maybe adventure and crawler adventure game sure yeah something like that recent reviews mixed yeah i
was no wonder what that's about i'm not sure crashes all the time when played online is the first
negative review i found prone to crashing crashing yeah it's a 13 year old game yeah maybe it's not
running well on modern systems anymore well that's a bummer because all reviews is very positive
yeah yeah that's a bummer this was a this was an extremely positively looked at game at the time
cool all right i think we're ready for our next one dan thank you thank you so much thank you thank
you i think your last one comes in last one all right here we go uh so vote for magica it's like a
great like single player together game to play uh so not a real question here necessarily dan might
like it um udo ltt christmas album no no no no and no all of you know especially you know you know why
it's a no because we've got dan and he could just make one in-house exactly no wait no no you've got
enough audio from linus you can just mix it you only need like a minute or two anyway that is not
the point it's not about how much you need it's about how much you should have and the answer is
none i've got like 300 hours of like uncompressed exactly like channel linus it's awful you can have
the whole album and just review it to him yeah exactly uh other just play it constantly throughout
his house and it would always be different oh that'd be a fun channel super fun hijacking the
audio in linus's house
speaking of float plane exclusives if you guys haven't checked them out we've got a ton of
really great ones our north korean gaming console video is up in early access we don't we don't
typically do early access necessarily on float plane anymore but hey every once in a while these videos
do show up and this one is a doozy uh we've also had a ton of great exclusive extended cut from the
ludwig collab uh we've got the uh warning adult themes extras from the uh roasting craigslist and facebook
marketplace computer listings uh this one was a little bit popular with the float plane audience
got got that got that nice like dislike ratio and then from last week uh the car break-in prank
reveals what happened at the end of the airport fools video man we've had a ton of really good
stuff lately so make sure that you check it out over at slash float plane all right i think that
pretty much wraps up our in-person merch messages so dan oh oh yeah okay never mind uh so dan how do you
want to handle this because we still have a couple topics how much after dark online merch message is
there what are we doing here what what's going on i ask myself that a lot i think maybe go do some
topics and then if you want you guys can move into after dark yourself you know what the the light
setting is you know we have the oh you're leaving us well we can either do some more topics oh no no
okay or i can go like have more time to get set up if you're going to do some topics and then go
directly into when after right so we're doing super checks uh exclusively streaming on float plane
linus v luke we're going to have a live audience assuming they don't all go home because it's late
and i'm doing four cameras i might need help from them this time four cameras four cameras if i can
get them working one of them is freaking out but four cameras oh do you maybe want to recruit your
helpers to um get apple boxes to prop up the thing meant to ask how many do you want and what are the
sizes etc um usually we use two full apples on the game and then i need two half apples to stand on
because the game is too tall for me if it's luke sized most things are it's funny because even if
the score is in favor of me he always wins because i end up emasculated it is true
we both win it's good unless i lose the game as well oh all right i'm gone that doesn't happen see you
later dan bad xbox creates game preservation score yeah let's do it we gotta do this what the hell
xbox has created are you okay the camera's following me i forgot that it was magic oh is that one of
those uh yeah it's got the facial ones or whatever the facial track who makes that one i don't know
isn't it on it it's very not oh i just want to look at you you can't look at it closely without it
like yeah uh insta link uh sorry insta 360. oh okay okay okay yeah these things are cool wow
that's working great okay well what was i doing okay goodbye anyways xbox has created a new team
dedicated to game preservations according to leaked emails from president sarah bond unlike many video
game preservation efforts which focus on old games from previous generations this team is apparently
focused on proactively preserving current games and ensuring backwards compatibility in future hardware
actually super cool that's super cool it's unclear how broad the team's scope will be
including whether it will cover online only games that are dependent on servers sarah bond likewise
claimed in emails that microsoft is moving full speed ahead on the next console generation
discussion question is thinking ahead and demanding backwards compatibility the only way to ensure the
survival of our favorite game what an absolute chad i don't know sarah bond but i like her already
super super cool this is very very important no it's not the only way to ensure the survival of
games um but it's better than nothing which is what we have right now and i think taking a
you know forward thinking approach to it is just very wise um because trying to do it after the fact
can be really messy it can be impossible in some cases the source codes just lost and stuff assets
are just lost they're scattered yeah it can be really wacky so doing it up up front is is really good
what is this topic are we covering this topic i mean i thought it was pretty interesting i don't
know anything about it ai doesn't understand interracial love is okay but this is this is meta specific is
that multiple oh ai image generators seem to struggle to understand prompts asking for mixed
race couples especially asian men with white women according to a report by the verge this was first
discovered with instagram's image generator which would almost always create two people of the same
race when asked for an interracial couple after this was widely reported meta appears to have blocked
prompts with keywords like asian men though this was quietly reversed after the verge asked them about it
the verge then replicated these results with dolly three and mid journey for all three generators it
was possible to create an image of a white man with an asian woman or a black man with a white woman
though this was inconsistent and seemed to depend on the phrasing black man and white girlfriend
wouldn't work but white woman and black boyfriend would when asked for an asian man with a white wife
dolly three and mid journey repeatedly created an asian man next to an asian featured woman with blonde
hair and at least once a black man with a white woman in asian looking clothing verge's team was
only able to get a straightforward image of an asian man and white woman couple by using the prompt
asian man and white woman standing in a yard academic setting while the verge attempted to test
gemini's image generator google still hasn't reinstated its ability to create images with human subjects
which was removed back in february following the racially diverse 1940s german soldiers episode which we
talked about on a previous when show yeah the feature was supposed to return in march but it's still
not available at this time so we've got some images for this this is absolutely mind bending uh so this is
asian man and caucasian woman couple oh yeah asian man with caucasian wife huh okay
sure uh what else we got here i think these asian woman with white husband uh-huh uh-huh it seems to depend
on phrasing and specific keywords because these were you know interesting uh here's dolly and mid journey
fusing asian slash white features can you make me a photo of an asian man and a white woman um
maybe kind of yeah sort of uh what are the prompts for this one because these look like it might have
worked for some reason platonic seems to work fine check this out and the keyword academic
weird isn't that weird i wonder why well i mean it's it's how these things are trained i mean
statistically speaking it has no trouble generating the most common mixed race couples but seems to just
completely completely fall on its face when trying to generate something that it hasn't seen so how
would that explain the uh whatever it was uh black man with white girlfriend or and white girlfriend
with black boyfriend or whatever it was so because that was just a wording reverse it seems to me that
instead of and and look i don't i don't work in ai development i don't know how the black box works all i
can do is look at the output and take a guess as to what's inside it it seems to me that they are
somewhat at least to a degree dependent on the entire image of their sources
if that makes sense as opposed to being able to use the entire image of a whole bunch of
white women so you think that's why there would be feature blending as well i think that's why there
would be feature blending i think that's why it would struggle to create an image that it doesn't have
a full frame reference for yeah that seems like that's something that's very solvable to be honest
if that's the case well i mean it's honestly only been like a little while i know it's just they're
definitely going fast enough i think that you would think is uh we could leave we could leave them
alone uh ai is progressing quite quickly already um but yeah i don't know that's it's an interesting
problem but i think it's definitely a solvable problem which is good yeah definitely it doesn't
see it's not like hallucinating fingers or doing anything like that it's just well i mean i'm sure
it also is actually strategically check this out this is great all the hands i didn't think about
that that's funny hold on do any of these photos have hands yes the uh the meta ai ones yeah that's not
too bad uh yeah anyway yep i don't know i don't know i just thought it was pretty funny because ai is
funny yeah uh android air tags are finally on their way google is rolling out a major update and
expansion to the find my device network which includes bluetooth proximity tracking and compatibility with
third-party bluetooth trackers so this is android's answer to apple's air tags it also has an unknown
tracker alert feature which tells user when it tells users when a suspicious tracker appears to be
following them uh this update was supposed to come out last year but was delayed by the effort
to make the unknown tracker alert feature cross compatible with apple air tags google apparently
completed the work on their end in around a month but apple delayed at first waiting on
a production implementation of the specification for unwanted tracking alerts which became available
in december of 2023 um and then i guess they just took a while to get to it uh the fcc is also
rolling out broadband nutrition labels this week the broadband consumer labels rule came into effect
which require isps to prominently display standardized information labels designed to look like nutrition
labels on food whenever a customer is signing up for a plan i actually think the design is phenomenally
stupid but the idea behind it that you can see what the name of the plan is the length of the contract
the typical download and upload speeds latency and link to potential bundle and discount options
is a really good thing they must list the online month they must list the monthly price whether that
is an introductory rate how long it will last and any additional fees whether one time or monthly
and they must include data caps and charges for exceeding them as well as links to their network
management and privacy policies this is pretty cool this is an example of good um regulation in my
opinion they're not actually making anybody do anything this is very much open market all they're
requiring is that they communicate in a straightforward manner to potential customers
so they can make an informed choice which is how an open market needs to work very cool
and you know what else is cool it's after dark time nice so am i reading you things then i don't
know you can read yourself things nope i refuse actually
me second would you would you just read out loud to yourself you'd read out read out loud to someone
else i don't know where i'm going with this uh anyways why can't i there we go mr lafreniere i read
out loud to myself all the time oh oh we didn't do the hp sued for alleged printer ink monopoly again well i just
broadcasted a merch message so all right well then let's do this one and then go back to it i'll mark
this as something we'll we'll touch on next week all right sounds good uh hello lld how can i uh
get access to my family the importance of how can i get across who my brain is fun sometimes how can
i get across my family the importance of cyber security and protecting their data on the internet
um who did the i don't think you can
can i say that word i don't know the what the some uh late night show uh comedian host guy john
oliver yeah maybe i don't know john oliver is abrasive it might not have been him i think he's
funny but he's he's he's a loud assertive personality um is he the one that got the the
9-11 veterans their their lung cancer or whatever it was money because if so he's it sounds like the
kind of chatted out thing that john oliver would do but i'm not i'm not sure if that was him because
that's pretty sick one one of those guys did a did a thing where to to convince people apparently that
was john stewart okay cool yeah he only recently uh returned to tv actually he or to to his to his
show um sorry i'm listening you've been fun to talk to tonight uh i've been all over the place
i'm tired it's friday it's okay we played tape to tape pretty late um what was i gonna say yeah one
of them did a thing where they were like would you actually want uh man what was it it was something
about like data privacy and companies being able to see your files and stuff like that and it was
like do you want all your pictures of your thing being shared with companies and it's the same kind
of situation like maybe maybe come up with something that would be horrible for them to lose or something
that would be horrible for someone else to be able to have access to um and be like is it worth risking
this thing because this happens and then give some examples of of uh data loss that have happened
because it's totally a thing you can also put together practical demos like generate a little
you know generate a little clip of a um of a political figure they admire doing something
abhorrent and be like hey this is how easy it is to to to be fooled you should really pay attention
to the question but that is a very good idea i was going somewhere with this okay you need to pay
careful attention to you know what the actual from field says in an email because there's a lot of
really important there's a lot of misinformation out there and if you are not constantly vigilant
and the reason i brought this up is because my aunt actually showed me some of the emails that i sent
her that she's she's smart enough to not click anything in because they're suspicious but she didn't
understand how an email could say from line of sebastian and not be from me and really good honor
to not click that what's interesting is this is a huge problem that i see in apple's default mail client
it doesn't show the email address by default and it's not even obvious where to click there's no
hyperlink you just have to touch the name and it expands and it shows it's from like xjfmb at some
some gibberish um and so just even the fact that it knows that sending her an email from
linus sebastian makes her more likely to click on it is information that has been gathered about her so
the more you can do to put together practical demonstrations of how a lapse in cyber security
a lapse in vigilance can result in devastating consequences i would say the better yeah yeah good
cool um chat says it was the john oliver data broker story and it was incredible says maddie l
yeah it's been a while so i didn't remember but yeah anyways um next up what did you guys look for
oh sorry what did you guys look at when picking your shirt printer for the quality you were looking for
want to get some images printed on the blank tees but want to know what to look for
um so you're looking at the elasticity of the ink when it's dried you want it to be thick enough that
you don't really see the texture of the shirt too clearly but you don't want it to be so thick that
it'll be prone to cracking uh using high quality inks but that's something you're only gonna know if
you're talking to someone with experience um how yeah how can you tell like if you were picking a
shirt printer would they give you like sample shirts from from like because this person it
sounds like they're doing very low run maybe one or two then that's tough you just have to just
have any on hand yeah previous work yeah okay but that won't tell you how it's going to look after
10 or 20 washes so your mileage may vary that's fair all right yeah okay
hey lld curious to know what you think about the fresh water situation in bc i want to relocate
there in the near future but i'm worried about the potential col crisis from drinking water to
electricity yeah um the lack of like glaciers anymore thing is going to be a big problem
for canada cost of living crisis like we can have we can have all the water in the world
um but if we only have it for nine months out of the year we're still all going to die in that
three months that we don't have any water yeah kind of neat and we don't have a lot of like bc
lacks a lot of infrastructure to um i don't know what term you would use this artificially manually
something to to manage our water yeah because we're like oh i just have so much it's just always
there yeah we don't need to do anything and then suddenly it's not really there anymore so we need
to kind of retrofit our province to be able to retain water better which is a little wacky um but
luckily there is a lot of tech already out there in regards to cost of living crisis um maybe don't move
to bc got him i don't know what to tell you but it's just i think you do know what to tell him
it's rough here i think you just told him that's fair i did um i mean i'm not gonna leave but
yeah it can be challenging if you if there's some like great opportunity or something like obviously
yeah come here it's it's it's a great place to live in regards to like the nature that you're in
and and all that type of stuff but it can get viciously expensive this is great pitboy says doesn't
have anything to do with glaciers drinking water is snow on mountains this year there wasn't much
where do you think glaciers come from from mommy and daddy glaciers
sorry i'm not meaning i'm not meaning to tease but uh snowpack becomes glaciers glaciers are started as
snow um so yes they are the things that you said are are one in the same broadcasting again what's up
boys will there ever come a day when wan show doesn't make sense to make weekly or say the ceo
says no more wan from a business uh standpoint
no when forever
got him
next one hey dll what do you think about achievement hunting in games is it ridiculous to go back and do
all the little things just to achieve 100 completion are you just trying to get different
answers from the two of us because i think we feel very differently about this
i uh i don't get i i just don't get the dopamine hit from an achievement anymore
i just don't care um for me i uh i i think it's it's just that i i no longer have the
energy and attention to to to grind at something if i'm not having fun i will only yeah yeah i think
for me it's it's like i actually i think i only have two games on steam ever that i have 100 completed
which i don't know if that'll surprise you or not uh assassin's creed hold on hold on hold on
hold on black flag no wait that's not on steam yeah no okay ftl yeah is that one yeah yeah okay
hold on you should know the other one i am thinking you'll get it i believe i'm thinking slay the spire
yeah yes man um and is it is it like is our relationship no fun anymore is there any mystery left
now that we can just i think it's still fun um i think i think we do sometimes need like outside
things though we need like some new thing to talk about because it's like oh my goodness
there's there's too much i i don't remember what it was the um what video was that the guessing
computer prices video yeah there's a bunch of comments where it's like linus just they just like
know what the other one's doing all the time like yeah you get used to it um funny
thing is we don't actually we will sometimes go six months in a row without really interacting
outside of wanshow for real though yeah very rarely that long but regularly we will go a month without
interacting outside of wanshow and there have been periods where it was that long yeah 100 yeah
i don't know it's just a thing but um yeah i don't for me it's like if i really like a game
but i'm starting to lose interest but i like want to be interested in it still it gives me another
it's like an alternative gameplay mechanical but i almost feel like they've gotten too hard to account
for the no-lifes that are going to do it anyway like what i'm going to go find every stupid korok
in breath of the wild like i hate that type of stuff though like i just i i know like the slave
aspire ones i liked a lot and the ftl ones i liked a lot because it made you play in like a weird way
okay like are they kind of figure out because it's just a tedious walk the entire map pixel by pixel
grind i just don't really i don't really think that i can do that uh assassin's creed i actually
hate the achievements for assassin's creed for the most part you want you want 100 one of them
uh i 100 percented the the synchronization which was like basically perfect execution of every
mission which was not a hundred percent of the achievements oh okay because assassin's creed like
assassin's creed one had horrible achievements that were based around like there's i don't know
these like glowing feathers there's like a thousand of them go find them all it's like
dude i don't care yeah at all this doesn't this doesn't introduce a new way of playing the game
this doesn't change anything it's just wander a lot uh yeah i don't know like there's other games to
play i think that's a big part of it is now that there's other games to play and so so so so so many
um wandering around just for the sake of getting a little you know thing that pops up in the bottom
of the screen i'm sorry i just can't be motivated for it i did get a little bit more into achievements
in general during a kind of lull there near the kind of beginning of covid mid-covid area where
games were just trash because i was like well i'm gonna do something on my computer so i guess this
thing i don't know i'll go get that but in general i don't like playing that way um okay moving on
what was the worst slash most chaos inducing deal linus ever made during a wan show oh the one where i
bought a bunch of gamestop yeah okay good call all right next hold on and are there things he has
been banned from offering such as the time he gave in international free shipping um
hmm banned from offering i mean i've been i've been told not to leak products on wan show anymore
i think that's fairly banned any any linus ban is um temptation a guideline more than anything
anyway yeah it's just like it's it's it's daring me to do it again yeah kind of i don't know man i
look if i can't do this for fun why would i even do this like i've talked about this before like i don't
have to so like let's have some fun tech is supposed this this is supposed to be fun if it's
not fun then let's stop you know like no man just you know we gotta we gotta do our thing we gotta do
things yeah you play some super checks after this yeah yeah let's do it dude i'm gonna have a hard
time i'm so sore and i'm i'm i don't know what's going on let's go something i like thought this bottle
was falling for a second so i went to go catch it and it wasn't falling and i'm having a really hard
time with the dyslexia with reading stuff i think i might be tired yeah how's how's i think i'm
buffering because i'm gonna lose so bad so i'm trying to be like ah there's a lot of things going
on yeah how's being old and not being able to stay up late anymore yeah it kind of sucks a lot yeah
i know right uh hi lld my recent project has me uh upgrade my has had me upgrade my home server
there it goes i was wondering why are the usb 3.2 gen 2 adapters for 10 gig ethernet not ubiquitous
my motherboard has puny one gig card which is my bottleneck now because uh did you say 10 gig
10 gig chipsets are still expensive yeah and it's cost yeah because either you're going to have to
have so okay so you either have to have wider uh you have to have more lanes on the highway right so
then you would need more conductors or you have to have faster signaling and since we haven't changed
the rj45 connector in
30 years i was gonna say i don't think i like have known something like that yeah yeah i don't i don't
i don't know how many years it's been uh then the signaling has to be faster for the signaling
to be faster you're going to have to have more advanced um transmission techniques you're going to
have to have faster decoding and encoding on both ends it's just more complicated and going from 10
megabit to 100 megabit to gigabit was pretty doable going from gigabit to 10 gigabit turns out
it was really hard um they're getting a lot cheaper they're getting way cheaper than they
used to be but it's not the kind of thing that most consumers are going to be expecting to pay extra
for in a stupid little dongle and it's not the kind of thing that most consumers need if you're the
kind of person who needs it then you know you need it and realistically you need it for some
kind of professional purpose probably because there's to my knowledge no reasonable average
consumer application for 10 gig networking um you can make your nas faster that's about the only thing
that really springs to mind and then most things you're going to do on that and the only reason
you would need it to be that fast like need it to be that fast is if you have astronomical amounts
of data or if you're like video editing off of the nas or something like that and then we're kind of
reaching the kind of prosumer professional level again here
hey i love your old t-shirts but the new ones have really large neck openings is it just me or are they
designed that way uh i didn't know they had large neck openings i didn't know that either they seem
like good sized neck openings the same to me uh these aren't them i checked my own real quick
it was like oh yeah i looked at myself in the picture uh yeah i'm not sure
well xoc is mostly about the high score have you seen it impact the development of new products is amd
slash intel slash nvidia paying attention to the wild xoc achievements or is it too left field to matter
not gonna lie xoc means a what so far we've got precision xoc that evga overclocking software
xoc tequila grill xoc uh lady xoc a maya queen consort um
um xoc pharmaceuticals i'm sorry but i just actually have no idea what you're talking about
right now i'm terribly sorry and i will try better next time uh if that's true they probably don't
care um if it's just a benchmark thing it's probably not that big of a deal unless it's reported on really
heavily that's one way i would look at it um all right or if it's reported on in very important arenas
like if it's an enterprise thing if some enterprise blog reports on it or something
it might be important um howdy lld i'm an attorney and i've had experiences where opposing counsel can't
even edit a pdf i know your field is much more tech oriented but what are some stories with some tef
deck people extreme overclocking i guess that's it what i've never seen extreme overclocking
maybe i just ignored the acronym oh yeah i've i've never seen it i yeah i okay i don't think they
care what was the question does this does this dictate design decisions oh no yeah not at all heavens
no there's there's people at these companies that are super into it and love it and think it's super
cool and um i think they live in the basement and they do their science fair good stuff their science
fair experiments there and that's cool and um other than a like you know if one of the big wigs happens
to be in the building and walks by and is like that's probably about the most acknowledgement that
they're gonna get um is is the perception that i have and i'm i could be mistaken but i know i really
don't think they care yeah um some tef tech deaf people i don't know in my life it's usually fine
i mean but i am i am surrounded by tech people in general yeah i'm generally surrounded by by tech
people too um and maybe that's made me more patient in the workplace like there's no way that
someone's going to be more of a challenge than you know the first time i tried to buy a computer for
my grandpa and took it and like he couldn't wrap his head around horizontal movement translating to
vertical movement on the screen i was just like oh so we're not going to exchange emails all right
yeah there's a certain level um i don't know i honestly don't have a very good example i think
most people have been very understanding and if they are lacking some form of understanding you can
usually teach them fairly quickly and it's fine wow buddy michael r bought two swipe plus bidets
thousand dollar invoice getting his house out heck yeah uh luke mentioned some time ago that you use
a knowledge base for float plane what do you use as your knowledge base stack overflow team or confluence
or just raw documents none of the above we use book stack um slash there's some stuff you said float
plane specifically so i'm going to stick with book stack but um we use peter hi peter
um i was peter i was wondering why there wasn't a wanvod that's kind of funny um this doesn't matter
really to other people but i don't know if you know this we rolled out a new transcoding system
i did not know this yeah uh it's probably good that you don't because that means it's not going
as bad as it could have which is great it's going pretty good there's been some problems but anytime you
swap out a part of a system that's that big there's going to be some problems i think it's going
great so far hi peter how's it going um anyways yeah we use book stack uh a lot of the people use
google docs it's cool that's about it thank you
oh one of them just moved i don't know what happened uh i don't know what one is displaying
because it jumped right before i clicked the button but hi dll i've been watching since seventh grade
2012 as you've grown and hired a diverse team what has the been the biggest culture shock
zoomers oh actually i actually don't really think so i don't think there's been like other than like
at all other than slang right like uh i you know you know what's funny is age is actually one of the ways
that our company is the least diverse because if you if you look at all your sort of traditional
ways that people are different or whatever um the kind of the kind of arbitrary lines that we draw
our age spread is we're becoming the old people of the company right and even we are in our
mid 30s still yeah i still get to say mid at 37 i think borderline
i think i think that's allowable but yeah it's border 38 no 38 is late 30s almost 38 is almost
for you know what i'm probably late 30s let's go with late 30s 37 i think you could argue either way
yeah but my birthday is coming up so i'm definitely late i changed my mind um
um yeah so like i'm old at this company and
everyone at this company either grew up connected right because that's one of the big
generational gaps right either grew up connected or worked in it or has worked in it extensively to
the point where like so i'm like i'm thinking of someone like a gary or someone like a terran
these guys are lifelong gamers right like they they are they have been immersed in the culture
for enough of their adult lives that functionally i don't really see them as as far as i can tell
there's like basically no one on the planet that spends as much as their time doing like it stuff as
sean does yeah like all these guys are just like they're they're like you know they age is just a
number um and and it is so like given that we tend to attract people who have this commonality of
being into tech and into gaming um the whole like spending time doing it thing i think is a big deal
because i i find when you get older you tend to do fewer different things so like what your week might
look like might be very similar to the previous week and the next week and you just do the same
thing all the time and that kind of results in it feel like time time is going very quickly and if you
don't touch tech for i don't know like like pushing bleeding edge tech for like six seven years
and then you're like oh i'm gonna hoppy get back into this yeah it's probably gonna be really
weird things will have changed a lot people are wearing goggles now what the heck is going on it's
weird um but if you are in it every day then whatever it doesn't really matter
anyways archive that broadcast wan.dll great show curious about your thoughts on the youtube ui change
that shoves the description and comments into a tiny column and spams the rest of the page with
endless video recommendations uh yeah i've seen quite a few complaints about it i haven't uh had it
served to me yet uh it doesn't surprise me that they're doing this it's all about retention
retention retention and for some reason retention doesn't mean uh you know making the comment section
better and engaging that way it means watch more video watch more video watch more video um
i i think that you know my opinion doesn't matter if you don't like it then you don't like it uh
i haven't tried to use it yet uh as someone who tends to kind of ignore anything on a page that
isn't the thing that i'm looking for i probably won't notice it that much but i i don't necessarily
agree with a lot of the things that youtube is doing as a platform i wish they'd kind of keep
being youtube but maybe that's just me being a you know late 30 something fuddy-duddy at this point
i can't tell i've been feeling actually very similar ways when looking at it about the like
am i am i the one who is wrong kind of situation because i look at them like this looks messy and really
chaotic but then some people like watching a short that's split in half and there's content on one
bit and a gameplay on the other bit it's like so maybe maybe this is what the kids want maybe i'm
the one who's wrong i don't know never mind nope they're the one that's wrong screw off anyways um
greetings dll from the uk just catching up i wait till he starts reading and then i curate another one
so cool uh just catching up here i just tried pia vpn it cut my connection speed from 250 megabits
per second to less than 70 megabits per second why does this happen and vary between vpn providers
visiting calgary soon um what you're doing is no longer going directly to the thing that you're
doing it with you're jumping through you're hopping through a a network of other servers
so depending on where you're hopping it's going to affect it you could try selecting different
servers on there see what happens but using a vpn is generally not something that you do for speed
yeah it's not for performance and don't forget that there's the encryption element as well so
you have to encrypt and decrypt yeah um figures you'd be out of the bottle caps when mine breaks
uh oh oh that makes sense like these yeah we do have a new one coming but it's going to be a little
bit are we restocking these at all uh it's that but better oh that's the new one that's coming but
you said it's going to be a bit so like how long do you think we'll be out of stock of these
i don't know okay got it that's more of a net question he's indisposed oh yeah yeah that makes
sense i'll settle for a gift for my wife and a question uh what's your top three co-op games from
childhood are they the same as today much love man co-op was far less of a thing back then i mean a
super cool one that existed during my childhood but that i didn't play as a child child was uh secret of
mana um are you are you not including like teenager as childhood where does childhood end i i would say
childhood ends at 11 or 12 11 or 12 yeah um yeah co-op lost vikings for me okay yeah that's pretty cool
yeah lost vikings and like it's it was kind of a weird form of co-op but uh was it super mario bros
you just kind of like took turns yeah sure no yeah that's cool technically co-op um probably
i really enjoyed the first trine i was in my late teens like i was probably 19 when that came out
oh maybe 20 i don't know but trying super cool yeah uh what else we got
man there's a surprising number of merch messages today what the heck happened it was a pretty light
merch message night and then now it's like wild that's when we start doing them uh what games do
you wish would be either completely reimagined or remastered i'd love to see the prince of persia
trilogy remade i love warrior within thanks for the great merch
i want
freelancer there
freelancer super cool ooh oh man
that tie fighter like community rebuild thing was super cool i didn't end up playing it though it was
kind of there were some things that were not working for me about it oh that'd be that'd be
super cool i'd be super into that uh bull reimagined or remastered i think back to anything like the the
wells kind of been sucked dry for a lot of ips like if it had any merit whatsoever it's it's been it's been
addressed yeah yeah chrono trigger is a good one from kakaroto 5045 speaking of snes rpgs have you even
touched final fantasy 6 yes but all the gaming i've been doing lately is either with you or it's
been making games not playing them but i've touched it a little bit it works my computer
isn't crashed i haven't gotten much further though because i'm trying to like remember where
i was so i loaded up and then just started like googling things for where the heck i am
gosh darn it um but i'll play it this weekend for sure um for me there's an obvious answer that
you could guess there's a less obvious answer because i was like i gotta find something that
isn't morwen um i don't want morwen reimagined at all um if they remastered it i would hope that
they just make it look better like the super mario rpg one where it's basically just yeah we like
remade it but modern yeah because i don't want them to have like a modern quest log i want the journal to
stay right the journal that would not um no i know so it's not gonna not gonna be a thing um
another thing that won't be a thing but a different answer that you might not expect
is skull and bumlins really it just released i don't want to remaster i want to reimagined
you did the whole thing wrong it's just start over yeah trash the whole thing that you have
and make the thing that the entire community asked you for the entire time you pivoted like
six times along the way you never needed to it was extremely well communicated what everyone
wanted and then you didn't make that um you failed try again please i don't think they will i don't
think they're making any more quadruple a games anytime soon but uh yeah there's potentials are we
looking through these um aiden asked are there some upcoming features or tools for your dev team that
excite you does the trans does the new transcoding system count um that's very exciting to me it's
really cool it's kubernetes based so it's like in our whole thing uh and it's it's nice and fast
cool it did the they're just movies podcast which was really long and it did it in like i think it's
like half an hour or something it's pretty good and it's that's every version so every resolution
that's the the thumbnail thing so you can scrub the video all that type of stuff okay it's cool uh
torrent a nvidia's new sdr to hdr conversion thing is pretty cool but it only runs on pc
so i'd like to see oh man they want community made up mastering for sdr to hdr on a per movie basis i
mean that sounds super cool i don't know if it's entirely realistic but i could see something like
that coming out in the future it would be a colossal effort though i mean but then there are things that
have happened that i never thought were possible like the way that you can just download subtitles for
things and they're just like they're like community open source subtitles that's that's
another sort of incredible community effort that has taken place over the years that uh
it's it's shocking to me sometimes how obscure a title can be and just how perfectly and flawlessly
it works so shout out you know people for just being motivated motherfuckers
um anonymous is participating in a skills canada provincial robotics competition at
the tradex and abbotsford next wednesday and says if anyone wants to come check it out that'd be
super cool that would be super cool so there you go that's the thing that's happening next wednesday
nice um anonymous says hello l2d2 uh what processes and tools do you use internally for product
development safes jira i'm a qa lead and we often have to balance getting things done and having a robust
company-wide process
maybe a short answer for this one because we got to get upstairs yeah i'm trying to think of a shorter
answer uh a lot of different teams around the company use their own things i'll say that largely
it's it's not like super scrum like individual small units of people use their own things but it's
usually like uh what i would define as a developmental unit within the company so like labs uses their own
thing floatplane uses their own thing creator warehouse uses their own thing and it's it's good
it works okay there's that one i work for an lms for online classes and we're looking for a video
streaming platform for our video content preferably self-hosted free open source but what happened to
floatplane as a service on the business side we just haven't been motivated to develop and promote
it and build a business case for it i think this is this is a case of marketing and sales dropping the
ball and vision dropping the ball and not the product not being good the product is great we just uh
floatplane as a service partially the like part of the code exists we didn't like delete it we were
working on it for a while um we just started prioritizing other things yeah just like we're
prioritizing getting to the after party you're gonna play some super checks we'll see you float
plane peeps over there and uh oh how do we end the show i don't know how to end the show
oh here comes dan i can hear him running that was really funny actually that's hilarious i don't know
how to end the show all right well we'll see you again next week same bad time same bad channel
so when a floatplane chat said i can tell it's late because luke is speaking fast is that a thing
well you gotta say the thing bye
you did it
that's what you get for trying to improve here