
The WAN Show

Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever. Every Friday, top Tech YouTuber Linus Sebastian and Luke Lafreniere meet to discuss current events in the tech world, a subject from which they do not stray. Hardly ever.

Transcribed podcasts: 410
Time transcribed: 31d 6h 22m 24s

This graph shows how many times the word ______ has been mentioned throughout the history of the program.

My friends and welcome to the land show restaurant
That's not even relevant a joke isn't just supposed to be random this is not family guy
This is the land show. This is a much better show. There was a TGA Fridays in Norway. That was weird
That is kind of trippy. Yeah, why would there be a TGI Fridays? I would think it would be like I
I can't even I don't even know what language they speak in Norway. No region. It's they they have a language
It's like a slightly different version of yeah. Oh
Anyways, we have some pretty interesting call-outs which Linus is gonna start I guess or not. Yeah, right
So a good old get excuse me GOG
They're not good old games anymore because they have like Witcher 3 coming out
For something they have their own launcher. So they're looking to go up against steam as opposed to being a place where you can buy
Like, you know who Hugo's house of horrors
Microsoft is calling Windows 10 the last version of Windows which either means they've kind of decided
Okay, that's it. We've made enough billions of dollars. We're gonna pack it in. We're all gonna retire
I'm gonna take all the cash divvy it up between all the Microsoft employees and okay
I mean, can you imagine if a company the size of Microsoft did that? There's just a yeah dissolved overnight. You know what?
You know, we're done. Let's just let's just you know what, you know Apple for example, let's say Apple decided
You know what? We've got 80 billion dollars in the bank
It's more than enough money for the and make every single one of our employees even like store-level
Janitors just not have to work for the rest of their lives. Yeah
That's enough. I mean we earned this forget it. We don't need a Beats by Dre
Streaming service anymore. I mean forget who cares let them get the music somewhere else, which is actually a topic
We're gonna talk about later, but you go ahead
Anyways, Nintendo is looking into mobile games or potentially looking into mobile games, which is interesting and our last call-out
Isn't even really a call-out. It's a whole topic
Anyways, Tesla is selling used cars and they're selling them by region. So that's pretty cool and the whole thing it you gave
There was one piece of the topic left then and you ruined even that
Well, you could technically buy it from a different region way to go
You know, I haven't fired you in a while
I look for like Vancouver and then you see that there's like a 5% discount now you're even Wow
You're elaborate you're elaborating on the one little piece of information that they were missing from the announcement videos
It's Tesla. I can't like I can talk about this for too long, but this is the WAN show
So we have potentially more interesting topics to talk about
Yeah, I tested I think it's like lagging though, is anyone even watching
Yeah, okay good
I know which at some point they're gonna fix it
Fresh bugs
account for things
Yeah, master. I'll buy things
With the money that you made you learn stuff
Start your own business and run the accounting for it and then buy stuff with the money that you made
This is a highly disturbing trend that I'm seeing from you is trying to tie all of our sponsors together
And then no seriously, if you tie in dollar shape come as well and then look professional roll them off an integration cliff
That's what you're doing. You're drowning them all you're throwing them in the water. I'll turn them all in success
Can you imagine that would be a great channel super fun swim while tied together?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, we'd have to have like like you'd have to have
Kind of I don't know what you'd have to do
You'd have to have like ropes tied to you that people at the side can like literally pull you right out of the pool
It's like something like carabiners on so you could disconnect from people if it really came back. Yeah. Yeah, but like
So you make teams right and each team has to choose the way that so, okay
Okay, okay, like if you're gonna do the butterfly or whatever. Yeah, so you do multiple heats, right?
So each team gets to choose. So let's say we have three teams, right?
We've got seven people who work here. Someone's gonna have to operate the camera
And so you got three teams each team gets to choose a way that everyone has to be tied together
Oh, so you do three heats. Oh
Right, so you can swim however you want to get yes, but if team L for example
Says okay, you have to be tied together at the waist side by side
Then everyone has to do that my god, we could have team L because we have two else team end because of two ends
and then team T
because of a T and an E
You're determined to ruin this show today, aren't you?
Sorry, that actually sounds hilarious. We should probably do that. So why don't we kick off with some community announcements?
We'll have to find a pool that'll let us film at it
I was trying to take a picture of my son at his swimming lesson and they were like, no no
No, and I was like, oh, yeah, I guess I I get that because oh, yeah
It's a camera and stuff. But like I was clearly like part of a pool
Can you do that? Can you rent a pool?
I think so. Yeah, because I think you can book a pool just like you can book like a movie theater
Okay, you know we should look into it. It sounds like an expensive super fun
I think super fun is probably gonna get to the point where we're gonna start to rely on something like patreon for it because
Quite quite frankly, we haven't figured out how to monetize it. We just lose money
We do it cuz it's fun and cuz we like it and cuz I think you guys like it
Yeah, like there's a lot of reasons we do it but money is not is not one of them like Linus tech tips
Straight up is the swimmer with channel super fun tied to it
yeah, and like swimming in the opposite direction because
Even something like buying the life-size soccer ball thing that I was rolling around inside for the upcoming video
It's just gonna be fun. Most people don't know about that. Yeah, that's coming
If you follow on Instagram, you'll have seen a picture of the ball even buying that ball. It's like 60 bucks
That's more than we're gonna make on Google Adsense on that video to be completely frank with you guys
The whole company was out for like two hours, I think
Plus someone's gonna spend four or five hours editing the stupid thing
Like that's that's the amount of money that we just throw in a fire every time we make a child super fun video
But I think that if we did like patreon funding for it where we kind of went
Okay, every time we make a channel super fun you guys pledge, you know, two bucks or five bucks or whatever
I haven't looked that closely into patreon. They've contacted me. They've been like, why don't you use patreon?
I was like well because we run a lot of advertising on our content and I think we do a video every day
So if you're contributing per video, yeah, so unless people are like patreon contributors for like 50 cents
They're gonna feel like we're like giving it to them pretty hard and people already give us monthly contributions
We already have a mechanism for that which keeps our our website afloat and you know pays for the much more
Expensive servers that we have now compared to the one that was running off a test bench in the office at NCIX
But I can throw USB drives at for a little while. Yeah
It was awful
We have like a real server and a real data center now
We have like real monthly software package subscriptions that keep the whole thing running smoothly. It's amazing. It's great. Um
Anyway, I think something like that could make sense
But yeah
We'd probably need need you guys to help with or something because I'm thinking the cost of like booking a pool
For a couple hours. We need to do something like that. It's not gonna be cheap. Yeah
Okay, so why don't we move into our first topic of the day and we can do that
as soon as I plug in my HDMI cable and
Really hope that it works otherwise blue screen. Oh, I am NOT hoping for a blue screen
We're actually we're plugged into the black magic intensity right now. Oh, dear
Yeah, so that blue screen is legitimate straight up could straight up happen
So our first topic is why Microsoft is calling Windows 10 the last version of Windows
The original article here is from the verge. Look at that. Why is the webcam? Well, right this evidence here last week
So why Microsoft is calling Windows 10 the last version of Windows now to be clear the joke we made earlier
About maybe they're just packing it in and they're gonna give all the money to all the employees and tell them to retire
That is not what is happening instead. It's gonna be I mean
There's been rumblings of Windows as a service for a long time now, but that there's no
Confirmation necessarily that that's what we're looking at here
But what Microsoft is saying is that Windows 10 is going to be the end of the of the huge
Monolithic Windows releases every two to three years and the beginning of much more nimble
Rapid updates and not necessarily to the OS as a whole or even as a piece of software
Because an OS is not a whole oh
But even to just individual components of it
So for example, they could they could update something like Xbox or they could update
Mail for example and they could continue to evolve the functionality of the OS with smaller updates over time
now they have
Set a precedent now for Windows eight point one users getting or Windows eight users getting the update to eight point one
Which I still maintain was not a new OS. I don't even understand why they called it anything other than eight service pack one
Anyway, even eight point one just have have the messaging be like service packs are gone. Now. It's a decimal point
That would have been fine. Yeah, I would have understood that like why do we insist on just?
Consisting it's a different operating system, but there's an update to it
So that like no just stop anyway Windows 10 though
They're offering a free update and I guess you can also roll up to Windows 10 from eight point one
And you can even revert it which is not the same as any service back. I thought that was awesome
Anyways, um, so Windows 10 it has is the first time we've seen them roll out a major update for free
So I guess the the question here is are we gonna see ten point one ten point two?
Is that is that just hilariously close to?
Apple's OS 10 with iterations
Is that what they're going that actually just occurred to me that's pretty funny
Every operating system will now be 10 Android 10 point M&M and
Nair I wonder if they'll just get rid of not a deserted public naming like everyone else seems to be doing with everything
Which is like not okay with hardware
But anyways, I wonder if they'll just get rid of public naming because eventually if they keep iterating like they did with eight
So eight point one and then keep going on from there. They'll eventually run out of numbers
like they actually ran into with Windows 9 where their internal software stuff went above the
And there's stuff that they could have done and look like Apple ran into when they ran out of cats
Don't really yeah, that's why it's Yosemite they ran out of interesting cats
I mean, they could have gone with like, you know OS 10 tabby
But I don't think anyone would've been that impressed
When you buy like when you buy the entire ecosystem then you can you get like an a free upgrade to OS 10 cat lady
Because of the cat sweater and and the cat bed which they won't use and it comes with four cardboard boxes
Which they will use that's right
What are we even talking about anymore? I don't know we were talking about Windows 10, right?
Okay, so yes
It's unclear how Windows as a service like if you were to have to buy a subscription for it will play into this
It's unclear if they plan to monetize it through the App Store if they plan to
Finally do a way better job of that which is what would be required for them to
Monetize Windows through the App Store in any meaningful way. Um, I
Personally am kind of looking at it as like, okay. Well, maybe we also thank you to Lord sparkle bottom
Yes for posting that topic
you know, I I can I can see them not necessarily charging for Windows, but kind of
subsidizing Windows development with one drive your one drive subscription and with your office 365
subscription but it seems like you're so far away from that and I would personally
Rather be able to use whatever version of those services I wanted and have it integrated so that I could easily do that
Yeah, and just pay for Windows. I mean the fact that office 365
Insists that I use one drive for cloud save means that I just straight-up
Don't use cloud save because one drive is just not as convenient for me to use as Dropbox
And and so we do use cloud safe
We just use the local file manager to save it into the Dropbox folder exactly the nicely integrated cloud save feature
Which should be open to everything which exactly?
Exactly. I can't I can't like I understand
Yeah, I am paying for office 365
So if I decide I want to use a different cloud storage service, you know what?
I should be allowed to I should be allowed to use Apple's cloud storage if I feel like it
So so yeah
I mean I guess unless they can find a way to make everything so
Neatly and beautifully integrated that I don't even want to use anything else then we're a long way away from that
But it's not there's little stuff that Microsoft just still doesn't get like
Someone thought it was hilarious to sign up my hotmail account for they used one of those
I mean, it's not like this is exactly a new prank
but they used one of those pages where you can sign someone up for like daily inspirational Bible verses and you can
Sign people up for like boatloads of them at once very conveniently with sites like this
So I don't actually monitor the email account
so I didn't realize until I fired up an old smartphone that I haven't used in a long time that happens to be logged into that
Account and I was watching a video on it and I was hearing notifications like every five or ten seconds
What's going on? That's kind of weird
Like what what what where are these even coming from? And so I finally figured it out that hotmail address had
55,000 unread emails in it and
So compared to Gmail where that would be really simple
I would create a search for a domain I'd go at this
Create filter apply filter to all previous conversations
I would press one button and everything would be gone for hotmail. They have a feature called sweep
So you highlight a message you press sweep and then it deletes and you can select block feature messages
But only that exact matching email address and I'm sitting here going
Why these are gonna match? Why? Yeah, a lot of them aren't gonna match because content filters these that's why I don't have
15,000 emails from CES every year. Yeah
Content filters filtering is is not just good. It is absolutely necessary
I mean, it's not like I'm saying that Gmail is perfect. In fact, is this ever gonna load? There we go
Okay, so I think I can screen share with you guys right now should be fine
Yep, all that looks fine. Okay. Yep. I'm gonna screen share with you guys
So, I mean there's stuff like this that drives me crazy about
You know what? I'm gonna know I am gonna make sure of something before I go ahead and start typing. So
No, that's fine. Um
so like
Okay, well
You know what forget it
There's a couple things that Gmail does that drives me crazy
Like if you do a search in the top bar in Gmail for just the sending domain, it doesn't work
and it's just like
Really? I can't just search for keyword
Nvidia and have that bring up anyone who emailed it
No, it has to actually contain Nvidia in the body of the email. Another thing is oh wait. No, I could be wrong
Hold on. No, maybe it's when I start searching for no, no, it's fine. Maybe it's right. Yes
That's what it is. When you when you start typing in the address bar, you can't just type the domain
So if I just type in video
It doesn't bring up a list of all the people that I've corresponded with who have an email at nvidia.com
And I'm kind of sitting here going why?
How is it possible that it doesn't search the entire email address field for something like a keyword like that
So there so there is stuff that drives me absolutely bananas
Another one that drives me crazy is I email myself a lot and if I type in and this this is a funny one if I
type in
Linus at
It still
Doesn't come up with my own email address. It still populates with a bunch of other people that are also on my company domain
Before my own apparently if you go from colon nvidia, it works, but that's just that's stupid. Why should I have to do that?
Yeah, so yes, I'm aware that you know, I can go on Google and I can go
You know site colon blah blah blah and there are ways to yes use search tools much more powerfully
But I really shouldn't have to do something that obvious. So let's go ahead and move on to our next topic here
What is our next topic Apple wants to kill free music streaming apps like Spotify hosted beats?
posted by Tangra
Original article here is also from the verge. I don't know whether or not Tangra is like the the little fast
like monkey enemy
who's like speedy or or like the
Tangra like the big beastly enemy. Oh, I'm gonna go with irritating. Yeah, it's irritating though. Yeah, I'm gonna go with monkey enemy
Okay. Yeah, um
So Apple is apparently pushing music labels to kill free Spotify streaming ahead of the beats
Relaunch so this picture is from the is the famous
picture of some super not hip dudes with at least one dude who is allegedly fairly
Fairly hip and with it so to speak I wouldn't personally know much about the subject
But that's from the acquisition of beats audio by Apple the single largest acquisition
They've ever made and the rumor the word on the street
Streets oh
Oh was that it wasn't about the headphones it was rather
About the beats music streaming service that Apple wanted to you know
Sort of get into that business of and sort of leave behind the more traditional iTunes model
Where users buy individual songs or they buy albums so they wanted a competitive streaming service now
It is now known that Apple does intend to relaunch that streaming service and the sort of the the
Spotify is already speaking out about Apple's business tactics for making sure that it doesn't have any free
competitors so Apple is apparently pushing record labels to
influence them and to influence their artists to
Remove the free options remove their music from free options like Spotify's ad supported streaming service
So it's be one of like the least surprising things
Pretty much ever Taylor Swift has actually come out publicly
I think this was a number of months ago, but I can see if I can find the quote
When she pulled when she didn't put her new album on Spotify, and I think actually pulled her entire back catalog
Yeah, I think her stuff is still on Google Play music
I don't have a Spotify account so I can actually I can check that one, but I can't verify yeah
So here's the here's the article on the breakup with Spotify. Let's go ahead and so this is from CNBC evidently
She's got a good quote in here. We're basically the long and short of it is there. She is she's got lipstick on
She's Taylor Swift. That's very interesting
But the long and short of it is you know music should have a should have a value
We shouldn't be treating it like it's free so people should pay for it
And I want to protect the users that spent you know
twenty two ninety nine or whatever it is they spent on the album from feeling like they got a raw deal because someone else can
Listen to it for free if they're willing to put up with some advertising which sounds all
You know fine and good except that we all know what it's really about. Come on now. Um
And I mean that's fine
It's not like we're not also about making money for making our content
It's just you might as well at least be honest about it should just say I pulled my music off of Spotify because yeah
So shake it off. So her latest album is still not on Google Play Music either
So she's reserving it for the album, but her back catalogue. I believe still is available on a paid service Google Play Music
Um, so yeah, you might as well just be be honest about what it is
But that is a direction that I can definitely see more artists getting on board with is hey, you know what?
Let's get people back in the habit of paying for music. Maybe it's less but maybe it's at least something
The hard thing here is that well
There will pretty much always be a service if someone wants your music for free. There will pretty much always be something
whether it's YouTube or
Something else. Well, apparently Apple's putting Apple's putting pressure on labels to remove free YouTube streaming as well
Which is also at supplemented. So so the the idea is moving away
Yeah from ad support of music and I know that you don't mean YouTube
yeah, I know what you mean and we might as well just speak frankly if it is too difficult for someone to get the music in
A way that they perceive is free or if you remove a convenient option like Spotify cuz let's face it cuz by buying music in
Canada is brutal
Like it actually is it sucks
buying an album is really actually difficult to do because most of the album stores don't really exist anymore or in very crappy quantities and
And getting an actual album is often not available. You can't just buy the mp3s off of Amazon. Remember I wanted the
Arctic monkeys a&m album
Yeah, I do remember that and someone in the States ended up buying the mp3s and being like I won't ever listen to them
So they're kind of yours here. They gave them to me and I was like
We haven't actually we haven't actually done this correctly
But I don't know how to tell you this is wrong because it doesn't feel wrong. Does it know?
So anyway, um, so Spotify currently has 60 million users only 15 million of them
However are paid users and the beat streaming service is expected to be full of exclusive
The new streaming service is expected to debut at WWDC in June. What is WWDC? Um worldwide developer conference
And I guess that's pretty much all there is to say about it
I think we got to do like a Twitter blitz or something for this so
yeah, like I want to like cuz I
Want to hear from you guys will you I?
First don't tweet me yet because I'm I haven't told you what to tweet yet. I want to hear from Spotify users
I want to hear from paid and
Spotify users specifically so I I do subscribe to a streaming service
I don't qualify if you're a paid Spotify user. I want to I want to hear what you think about
artists locking into exclusivity deals with particular streaming services because
For me personally a big part of the argument for me paying a monthly subscription
To you know use my stupid data plan to listen to all of my music
Which I'm also paying for a huge part of the argument is that it's a one-stop shop
I don't want to start subscribing to Google Play Music for my Taylor Swift and
Spotify for my Red Hot Chili Peppers and
Beats music for my whatever cuz all of a sudden now we're adding up to maybe I'm spending twenty five thirty dollars a month
Well, hold on a second
Well, I could just be buying mp3s at a dollar a pop the old way for what I'm now paying for a streaming service and
Arguably streaming services do have a value. I find the discoverability of new music is great through a streaming service
Because I'll hear all kinds of stuff. It never would have even occurred to me to look for before
But if all of a sudden I have to subscribe to a bunch of them
That's just that's just sucky because then then I don't even know you know
What music accessory to buy because maybe my Sonos system or my you know, whatever others, you know
Music streaming device supports this one, but not yet now it turns into a fragmented nightmare
So I want to hear from I want to hear from the paid Spotify views of Spotify users
And I also want to hear from the free Spotify users
Would you guys be willing to pay if the exclusivity thing didn't happen?
Would you be willing to pay for Spotify for the same service you enjoy for free now with ads?
If it meant that artists like Taylor Swift or let's say let's say you don't like Taylor Swift. I don't care
It's not the point artists that you care about whose music you want to hear if they didn't pull their support from the service entirely
Just for having a free option. So go ahead and start hitting us at Linus tech on Twitter
let's let's start getting those replies in and
then let's go ahead and
Move into our next topic and then we'll come back to that. Yes
so this is from Alex goes high and the article is either from straight from the horse's mouth or
Or from the verge the the actual straight from them article is quite good to be completely honest. So maybe we'll go with that
Check it out. Yo, are you all butthurt at steam or valve or valves steam?
Are you letting off steam about how you feel about valve or giant bronze statues that I'm kind of happy
We didn't have really glad we didn't do that. It's like
we wouldn't have managed to for those of you who don't know we had like a like a
reward here for crowdfunding campaign we did a while ago where the plan was that we would
The plan was that we would build a life-size gay Ben statue, which would have been hilarious
But the time we managed to get the thing commissioned get the artist out here get the thing actually built
valve would have gone from like
You know the king of the popular gaming companies to they've been doing a fair bit of digging lately. So
Alright, so you want an alternative gog?
Formerly known as good old games. So galaxy is their new gaming platform. That is and get this
DRM free so you can actually have a completely
DRM free version of any game that you own on good old games and you can download that to your computer play it without DRM and
and fully
optional gaming
Client that you can use for games that you buy on gog dot-com
Super cool. The rebrand is for a reason. So it used to be called good old games because it was all
Old games. I don't know that they were necessarily all good, but they were definitely all old
But that's not necessarily the case anymore. So a big like, you know major launch title coming up is
Actually Witcher 3 which is not old might not be good
You're into the Witcher it's probably good but
Personally, I never really got into the whole the whole Witcher
I never super did but I have a buddy who's like it's probably his favorite franchise. I think he's watched
I think there's a movie or something and he's read books and
Yeah, so he's really excited about it. There's some really cool features
There's obvious kind of things like optional auto updates and one-click installs
Which you'd kind of expect from this
But then there is offline support which is cool because that's not necessarily true for everything and the ability to roll back
Roll back auto updates is very cool leaving that for the last one. Are you cool? Oh, I'm sorry all back updates is
Awesome. So they're their little blurb on this is sometimes game updates break things, which is very true
If I yeah, thanks to the built-in rollback feature you can restore your game to prior states with just a single click
So even if you just didn't like something
If you're like, oh they rebalance this this way. I'm playing a single-player game and it nerfed my character
I'm just gonna keep rolling around with this overpowered character. You think all right rollback. I think that's pretty cool for
Yeah, like I just said a bunch of different reasons. Also you there's a backup copy download, which is cool
They're quote on this is want to back up your purchases. We get it for all games
You can download a DRM free backup installer that you can save to an external disk drive or cloud also super cool. I
Love this thing. I'm excited
Honestly, I've been waiting for this for a really long time. So it's pretty cool that it's here
they don't have their in-game overlay working yet, but
And I have two monitors anyways, I'm not too worried about it and I'll get it not too worried about it. I
Wasn't paying attention to you. Did you know to 22 22 is falling on a Tuesday?
Good for you anyway
Crossplay right. Okay. I want to talk about this crossplay enabled games will offer online play between GOG and steam
So I don't remember the name of the game
But there's a game that I bought on Kickstarter a while ago and I cashed in my key before they had steam keys
So I got a GOG key for it
And then all my friends bought it on Steam and I wasn't able to play with any of them and it's like a co-op
Game, so I haven't even played it at all
And I got it like a really long time ago because I've been waiting for crossplay get ranked
So I'm excited for that. It might actually already be able to be done without the launcher
But either way, I don't know
I'm super stoked for this because I think valves comfy couch has been getting a little bit too comfy
yeah, and they've been kind of they've sold a lot of hats and they've got a lot of money and
The thing about a lot of money is that it seems to it seems to turn into
Well, how do we get like more of it so that we can build an even bigger money for it?
Pretty quickly and it just yeah
I don't know
It just seems like it seems like a lot of what we I wonder if we've been just
misinterpreting valve all along like a lot of what we
Sorry a lot of what we've misinterpreted as valve just generally being good guys is
Simply valve being good business guys
So the decisions that they make that please the community are they doing it because they believe it's the right thing to do or are
They doing it because of you know famous quotes like Gabe Newell's
Don't do anything blah blah. I don't lie to the internet because they'll remember and they'll always catch you etc, etc, etc
Is that advice because that's an ethical good guy thing to do or is that advice because it's a business because it's a
Your business will not make as much money if you don't do that
So I think there's a lot of room for for someone to come in and compete with valve
I don't think Ubisoft or EA are necessarily the answer
We need a truly third-party service and that's what's interesting about GOG is that they don't make games
so they're not you're not supporting a
Competitors platform EA doesn't have to line valves pockets to have their game on valves
platform and vice versa so
Maybe then we might see a little bit less of the sort of you know
The do you play fortress and the origin fortress and the steam fortress? Maybe at some point in the future?
I don't think it's gonna happen anytime soon
We will see a bonafide third-party option that these guys can feel comfortable launching their games through because there was a time
Long long ago when game developers were willing to share their profit margins with a retailer
It was a long time ago it was yeah, um, so I don't I don't think it's that
Oh, no, no, I'm totally wrong. Apparently it's owned by CD Projekt Red. That's why I made the weird face
No, no, I was wrong. I did not know that I did not know that GOG was owned by CD Projekt Red. I
Actually didn't know it was an ownership either, but I knew they were like super major in cahoots
That much is apparent. I did not know they owned it. So there you go. There is no
Well, then it's okay. So CD Projekt owns CD Projekt Red and GOG. So there you go
Let's move on then GG
Linus's hopeful, you know future amazing. So I'll have to wait for something else then
Well CD Projekt seems to kind of want to work with people
Yeah, but it doesn't matter because another game developer isn't gonna want to line their pockets because we all see what happened that last time
that happened
So let's go ahead and go to that Twitter blitz that I had said that we would do before
So something about Arctic monkeys. Yeah
So, you know, no, they should keep the ad supported tier, right, but that wasn't really the question the question was if
They are forced to would you pay basically the problem is that
Even when you watch ads you're not making as much money for that
Person or platform or whatever you want to call it as you would if you contributed directly very little oftentimes
I'd like
fraction of a cent enough that it can keep them afloat and can probably cover your cost of being on the website if their
Name is Taylor Swift and a lot of people listen to it. But oh I meant for just the hosting service. Oh, I see
All right
Eric flood free Spotify user here seems like a complete money grab. Well, yes apples turning into the same institution that they beat
Oh, that is that is actually a pretty spot-on. Ah,
Yeah, I mean a big part of apples pitch was oh
blah blah blah the way we've always done this with the incumbents with buying an entire album or buying a single for a way too much for
One song is stupid. We should do and an apple actually that's actually really interesting
Apple stuck to their guns about things like the you know
the 99 cent song download back in the day because it's not like there couldn't have been premium songs for
$4.99 as a single release for example on iTunes that could have been done
But they were they were they were they held steadfast that a song should cost a dollar on the iTunes store
So so the whole thing that they that that's a really good point the whole
The whole thing where you had to pay way too much to listen to music
Did get torn down by Apple and that was a big step towards online music distribution
So it seems like now that someone else
innovated before Apple
They kind of want to dial things back and go back to go back to the old way
Very very interesting mr. Flood Matthew Harvey says I'm a free user
Spotify for me is too expensive when I can just watch it on YouTube if it becomes exclusive now something to watch out for
Mr. Harvey is that the same pressure on Spotify will also be on YouTube for ad-supported music
Yes with that said I mean it's not like Google has
made any kind of a particularly well-kept secret out of the fact that they intend to move YouTube towards some kind of a
Premium platform they already have what I forget what it's called now
But they're YouTube music pasting that costs about the same as he is a key. Thank you or whatever. I forget what it's called
I think he is right
So yeah
I wouldn't imagine for a second my thing with YouTube though with what he's bringing up is not even necessarily
Vivo or like YouTube music or whatever. It's the like random dude that uploaded the whole album
And no matter how much YouTube wants to like have their algorithms go and take them all out. There always seems to be a few
I'd make it through regardless
Yeah, which is funny because like I uploaded a video actually
It's funny the fractal design define our for April Fool's video that we uploaded got flagged for
Content infringement and the supposedly infringing part of the video was when the rain was falling on the case at the end of the video
And it was like it's this song. It is not there is no song. There isn't even any audio in the video at that point
Um, so anyway, it was a video that got like 300,000 views and the ad sense got ripped off of it
So I was like chicken you're not please
But by now no one's gonna watch that video anymore like it's just stupid so anyway, um, I don't know they're there
It seems to be pretty catch-all II for certain things. Yeah, um when I watch YouTube that matters
I turn off ad block like your case. Okay, that's good. Thank you
Uh, not necessarily the topic of conversation right now, um for a show about technology
Why do you such a low bit rate and only 30 FPS on Twitch? Well, yeah. Thank you
We're Canadian and our internet service provider is being a turd
In fact, we've dropped 413 frames on this show alone, and we're only streaming at some pathetic
I think about half of our official rated upload speed maybe like a third of it
There's not much we can do about that right now. We are moving
Yeah to a new office that will have a 200 megabit uplink and so we better freaking be able to stream properly
We're gonna stream whatever we please once that happens
As a free user, I don't care about the paid service. I just ignore the ads
I think what a lot of you guys are missing is that what's happening is the songs you want to listen to aren't gonna be
there anymore
So there is no ignoring the ads. It's like the songs not there. So
So I really wanted to get a feel for whether whether you guys would be would be willing to pay us for users
But I think maybe I didn't I didn't you know, I didn't
Succinctly enough make the point of what I what I'm going to the next thing. I'll see if I can
Sure. Um, alright, so our next topic for the day
Star Wars Battlefront will not have iron sights according to EA
um, so my initial reaction here and this is this is like
totally a joke and not what I would really expect them to actually do but can you imagine a
Star Wars Battlefront where you had like scenario missions where you've got like a crack team of rebel commandos
Like you've got four or six rebels versus what is it 20 20 player or 24 player?
I can't remember anymore. So you had him so you had the Imperials
But the Imperials can only hit fire because stormtroopers can't anything dirty dirt
So like so like the rebels can look down a site, but the stormtroopers just have to be like
And they have
That could make for a really fun game mode, right
And the stormtroopers have really quick respawns and it's all objective based, right?
so the rebels have to plant a bomb in the thing and the
And stormtroopers like that like their guns jam or whatever like like you make the stroke. They're slow-moving
They can't see they hit their head on doors as they're opening
they can get taken you walks jump on them and beat them with like stones and for some reason the
Spam f to get rid of you walk. Yeah, the armor that they're wearing doesn't do anything for some reason like
That would be a super fun game mode
though just
Eliminate iron sights and the quote is hilarious
It doesn't say we want to be counter-stricken there are no iron sights in Star Wars on the ordinary blasters
Box said you have scopes on some rifles, but there are no iron sights
We're not taking into account what we've done before
I think that would be disrespectful to the fans and to what we're trying to achieve
In response to the fact that their other shooter battlefield does actually in fact contain iron sights
A lot of the things you saw in the game have nothing to do with anything we've done before
Some features of course resemble our other shooters because we want to make the best possible shooter
But in general we've tried to do something completely unique. Okay, what did he even say?
He said a whole bunch of bullshit. You've watched the movies a lot though
Do they aim down the side of the gun of course they do then who not well to be clear well stormtroopers
Can't because the costume
Prevents them from like the chin
Against the gun, but they do hold the gun like this
now I actually have
From Shepperton design studios a stormtrooper blaster
Oh that I'm gonna go retrieve now while you maybe do another topic or something like that. Don't worry. I got this
I got this. I'm gonna go retrieve my stormtrooper blaster
And we're gonna find out if it has anything on it resembling sights
Or if that's even more nonsense than it already appeared to be
I would love to do another topic for you guys, but my laptop is completely lagged out. All right, I can use Linus's laptop. Oh
Fantastic. Oh, there we go. My laptop's working again. Good timing. So we have another topic in here. That isn't actually
Actually, it doesn't have any notes on it at all, but I'm gonna cover it anyways because I just think it's that hilarious
I'm gonna try to post it in chat. Let's see if it'll work
Yes, okay, so
Jewelers are starting to plate Apple watches with gold to undercut Apple's pricey edition models
Hilarious and it looks really good like okay. I don't like gold to be completely honest
I would actually rather the silvery model one if I wanted one of them
But it looks really good for what it is. And I think that's absolutely hilarious. I don't know how much it costs
Dreams is apparently one of them. So it cost about $3,500
Not cool
Fair bit
Yeah, yeah here just oh
That mostly went on your butt to you. Yeah. No, it went like it went like like it hit the shirt and kind of went down
the path
So, okay, that's good to know. So all the water that's on the couch is actually touched your butt. Yes
Yes, it is. But what I wanted to make sure that it was at least butt water. Okay. What are we talking about?
Apple watch the guys that are plating it with gold for $3,500. Ah, yeah for carrot gold
24 karat yellow gold 18 karat rose gold or 18 karat white gold
So there is a less expensive service the one that we've actually talked to is watch play watch play
Which is doing it for 400 bucks
Which I think is actually a lot more reasonable because when you account for that the Apple watch
It has an $85 bomb cost. I
Think 24 karat rose gold or 24 karat yellow coat, which is even better than the spec
I'm not aware of 24 karat rose gold because like the composition of rose gold
I don't know if it actually allows for 24 karat someone tweeted me about this
I didn't look into it any further
But I don't know much about my point is for something like a mobile device that I that I you know
Realistically you're gonna replace at least every couple of generations
I think 700 or 800 dollars total is a lot more reasonable than you know, three or four or five
Thousand dollars total let alone 15 or 17 or however much an addition costs. So I think this is brilliant
I a lot of the comments on the thread on the forum were about
How Apple is probably gonna sue I don't see how Apple could sue them
That's like that's like Ford suing someone for painting their car and they're not selling
Gold plated Apple watch that's right selling the service of gold plating a Apple watch and I actually talked to watch plate
Look at the guy at watch plate calm
I think they're gonna send us an Apple watch for review because we obviously weren't able to get one from Apple because we're us
And it will be so in much the same way that we do dbrand
Skinned phones since dbrand provides our phones
It looks like we're gonna do a gold-plated watch and so we'll work in some messaging about the gold-plated watch and all that
And anyway, so so we're probably gonna work with those guys on it. And I'm really I'm really excited to see it
Anyway, I talked to him and the background of their company is really really interesting. So they actually have other businesses including
Something to do with like motorcycles and stuff, too
So they're actually not just a fly-by-night like dude in his garage with some chemicals. Yeah plating things
So so that's that's pretty cool. That's cool. That's good to know and he's looked very
Deeply into the legality of this already and kind of went I he's got it covered. This is his process you you place your order
You wait for a shipping label which they will send you when it's when it comes to you you package up your watch and ship
It to them they gold-plate it and ship it back within three days and then you're done
So they're not actually selling anything to do with the watch other than plating it and you're allowed to do modifications for things
Yes, so if they were selling gold-plated watches, then there's a big problem
Especially if they were calling it like, you know edition watch for you know
899 or 999 or whatever then then it's like there's a trademark infringement
There's all kinds of stuff that Apple can go after them for
this just looks like Apple's gonna have to shut up and take it on the chin and
There's gonna be no
actual way to differentiate a
Gold-plated cheaper watch from an edition watch on the street and the people who buy addition watches are just gonna have to live with that
Is there like under the bottom of the watch? Did it actually say edition on it? Probably so like I
I still think those guys that were going to go out of their way to buy a $10,000 watch will probably still do it. I
Really wish they'd buy something other than in a day. I'm just
Not saying it's a good idea. Yeah, I just think they'll actually probably still do it. I guess why do I care?
It's not like I think buying a $10,000 watch is a good idea in this place. Yeah
I don't this might even give them more of a reason because then they can look down on the people like if you see so
If you're wearing a gold one, if someone else is wearing a gold one, you'd be like, oh, well, is it actually an addition?
And then if they're like no, I just got a cool bit you go, okay sure, that's fine. I got an actual edition
I'm on their site right now. I'm looking to see if they show the bottom of it at all
I don't know. Has anyone actually reviewed the edition yet? I
Don't know. I I have no idea. I'd love to see a picture of the bottom just so I can find out
or if there's something in the firmware that tells us it's an addition like if you can
You know scroll down to a menu or something. I don't know
I don't see a single picture of the bottom of the watch. It seems like no one's actually that interested in that. That's funny
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to reviewing it. I'm also apparently also courtesy of dbrand
Apparently going to be reviewing the Macbook 2015
You know what here's the way I'm gonna tackle it there's actually a couple different angles that I have in my mind so
I'm gonna try and use it
I'm gonna say the only way I think you can do it is use it and actually see how many times
You are unable to use it
So I'm gonna keep a tally of the number of times that I needed to so I'm gonna have to use it for an extended
I actually have a couple ideas of content and one thing to keep in mind is while I believe that his
massacre of the product will be just he is a
Cable salad power user whenever we're in an airport. There's everything you could possibly connect to everything whenever we're anywhere
There's everything you could possibly connect to everything
So it will be somewhat of an extreme case. I'm that's in saying that like I said, I still think it's just there's a couple ways
It could win me over. There's a couple ways that could convince me. I've heard
Apple's touchpads are outstanding. I've used them briefly. I've never owned a MacBook though. So I've used them. They seem great
Do prefer a mouse in general, but I also have never owned a MacBook
So a mouse is the kind of thing that I very frequently I carry one in my backpack
I carry a mouse pad I very frequently plug a mouse into my laptop
Talk about like a lot of us might carry mice and mouse pads, but there's not that many people to do that. So
I'm gonna give it a chance to win me over
I'll give it a chance to win me over but I'm expecting it to be a
Massacre when I was in school, I carried a mouse and mouse pad to every class. Of course, but like that's us
Yeah, I don't know how many people so let's see. We'll see how it goes
But I'm I'm definitely I'm definitely stoked on that. It's definitely gonna be a lot of fun
I also brought my keyboard got a lot of people telling me to apparently it says 18k gold on the bottom of the edition
Okay. All right. Thank you very much. So if they start engraving them, then it's a problem. I guess maybe I don't know
I know cuz you're not doing
Yeah, and if you actually spray it with 18k gold you wouldn't even be lying. Yeah, you just say it
Well, yeah, but I could I could engrave it with made in space and it's gray and
And that's not that's not an infringement any space gray coated with plastic
Okay, so let's move on to our oh no, no, let's go back a topic
So this is my 18 blaster. This is from Shepperton design studios
they sent this over along with the stormtrooper armor that we featured in a couple of our videos in the past and
And let's have a look here
So now now EA has come out and said that some some rifles will have scopes
So sniping for example will be possibly you're not gonna have to hit fire if you're sniping
But I know for a fact that Han Solo's blaster does have a small scope on it
even if it doesn't have an iron sight and I now know for a fact
that the e11s in the original control in the original Star Wars and New Hope have a scope and
an iron sight
Right there. So EA straight-up lied to us again. There's your iron sight
You can look down it if you were and you can see the way the scope is mounted is on
Is on a gun rail that scope comes off
There's your rear
There's your front of the iron sight BAM
That is not a sniper rifle. That is a standard-issue assault rifle and it has an iron sight EA
Get rekt
And that's as close to screen authentic as you're gonna find it's not like they just tacked on iron sights for no apparent reason
Oh, yeah, right, uh, we have sponsors for this show and
One of them is one of them is Linda calm
Hey, look at that. We got a new mouse. It works this week. Oh, yay. Yay
Linda calm is used but
Excuse me used by thousands of millions of people or thousands of millions
Except not because that's a really big that's Billy could probably learn about that. Yeah
You could probably learn some math on Linda calm. All right. Well, you could learn Excel used by millions of people around the world
They have more than 3,000 courses available, which is what I guess you were thinking of Excel
They have topics like web development photography visual design business WordPress Photoshop
Excel thank you and the courses are taught by industry experts
So the whole idea behind it is that you get your your plan
So they start at $25 a month and then you learn whatever you want at your own pace
Whatever your objective happens to be you want to get better at your hobby. You want to get better at your job
You want to get a promotion opportunity? You want to start a completely new job all together?
You want to become a freelancer working at home Linda calm?
I'm not gonna say is the answer but it is sure as heck a place to start and if you check out our link
Right here linda.com slash one show you can try it for free for two weeks to find out if it's right for you
If the whole learning at your own pace thing is a good to like business weeks ten days ten days. Sorry. Yeah, two two
Thank you business weeks
speaking of business
Freshbooks.com is the online tool for folks who run their own business
Yes, so instead of and I'm by the way, I oh, oh if your parents are watching
I have now paid the invoice for the copper from your dad's plumbing business
Which you have but I'm but I'm saying this so that they know that it I have I have done my I have done my part
Of it. Yes disengaged. So this is the old way
You know a contractor books a job and they kind of have a vague notion
Vague notion of how many hours they spent on the project not that we were being billed hourly
Anyway, because Luke's dad is a freaking saint and really helped us out with that project for the morning
Yep, and so so you kind of track your hours you kind of track your materials
you hopefully have your receipts somewhere and then at the end of it you
Hopefully remember to send an invoice in a timely manner and then the customer hopefully pays you at some point with fresh books
The workflow is simplified you use the online tool to track things like your hours track mileage keep track of all that stuff
It's stored online. So when you're finished the job
It's as simple as boop email something to the client get a notification that they've read it
They can pay it by credit card and instead of you know running around dealing with payments and billing you are running around doing your business
So check out fresh books comm slash when if you or anyone, you know is looking for a way to simplify your
Accounting and if you do so try to remember to enter when and how did you hear about a section when you sign up?
Oh, yeah, right. Thank you for that. Yes. All right. Our last one today is mass drop
So my station least favorite sponsor
Cuz they take my money yes, and if you want to play battlefront you could get the battle station bundle to play with battlefronts
You can shoot with iron sights. All right, so it's DRO dups
Wham show and the battle station bundle is actually looking pretty appealing right about now
now when it first launched it was not at its lowest price because that's the way that mass drop works is they have a
Price range and whatever deal they source based on community feedback from the manufacturer starts at the highest price
Which is usually moderately discounted or even just a little bit discounted and then the more people glom onto it the lower the price drops
And this one is looking like a pretty kick-ass deal because it's already at the lowest price
You guys don't even need to commit to anything. Look at that
They were only projecting 10 10 to reach the lowest price or there's only two days left
they sold a hundred and four of these so it's an ergo tech arm and
324 inch LG monitors and the price is apparently
US so I think I'm on I think I'm seeing Canadian pricing. Oh
Yeah, I'm not signed in so it's not yeah, so it's 539 to Canada and then the u.s. Pricing right now is
Hopefully in the dock somewhere unless
Totally fine Oh 540 us. Oh, wow. Did that see 539 Canadian?
No, it must. Oh, it's just shipping plus Canadian shipping
okay, so yeah, it's 540 us for a triple monitor ergo tech arm and
310 ADP IPS display so pretty sick deal
You guys can check that out at drawed up slash when?
Show set up a mass drop and check our link, which is the one that he just talked about for a variety of drops
Oh, yeah, it's not just they have more than that
I usually have that knife they have like all kinds of cool stuff on there
Actually, I got an audio recorder so that we don't have to use Brandon's anymore. Not that long ago. That's good. That was pretty good
We've got a rapid-fire topic posted by overlord original article here is from tech power up and
six stars unveils the highest capacity two and a half inch SSD yet
6000 gigabytes
That's ridiculous unknown controller right now six million megabytes
Six billion kilobytes
Six trillion bytes
Six quadrillion tenths of a byte which doesn't actually exist because a byte is eight
Eight bits so you would only have like point seven eight of a bit per tenth of a byte, which is stupid
Sorry today it is kind of dumb
It's just really annoying to calculate but not for a computer. Anyways time to keep going
It's an unknown controller. What's up, Nick? Hey, how's it going? I'm gonna make this super awkward. Oh, thank you
Water what a nice guy. Thanks, Nick. Thanks, Nick. We appreciate how he flipped us off
Do you know Brandon appreciation days coming? Do you remember that Brandon appreciation tape almost started?
Almost a year ago. We had Brandon appreciation day or we called Brandon in and then we're just like I appreciate you
And then you told me to make a calendar notification for it for the next year
I completely forgot about it was setting up the garbage calendar schedule and then saw Brandon appreciation day
Really it was like what the hell is that? Should we have Brandon appreciation day again?
When is it August 1st August 1st Saturday, but we can just do it on the day before rock on
We should we should totally do Brandon appreciation day this year. Don't tell him. I
Asked him what the hell it was. Well, you asked Brandon, but it was because I was like, oh, I was like
I don't know what this is, but he doesn't know that we're doing it again. Oh, I see
So he'll probably just forget about it. Okay, excellent
All right. So basically the details of that SSD are pretty straight
15 15
nanometer MLC
MLC flash the underlying controller is unknown
It saturates a SATA 3 6 gigabit per second interface
540 megabytes per second read up to 520 megabytes per second, right? It supports trim. It has a three-year warranty
No, no random IOPS
Specifications are stated. So the idea here is I think that this is not intended to be a high-performance desktop drive
This is a mass storage SSD for some reason I would laugh so hard if it was just like this
Tall no, no, it's not it's not it's not it's I it's it's standard. I think 9.5 millimeters thick standard nine and a half
I was gonna say like, well it is two and a half inch in that dimension
It's just also three feet tall. That would be super
Awesome to put in your notebook and just have like a six terabyte
Laptop notebook SSD. It's not gonna fit a lot of notebooks, but it'll fit like some of the the like big ones
They're really big ones. Yeah, so
Like even those are moving to m.2 like even MSI's GT80
But if you get those like those little boutique laptops that you can configure like crazy a lot of times
They'll still have big drive areas because you can swap out like your optical drive bay
When they're still really big and use that as a drive slot. That's true
All right, Asus
recalls the MG279Q
FreeSync compatible display
This was originally posted by RainsX and the original article is from Sweeclockers
This this display has been
um, oh
This is Swedish that makes sense. Okay. Well at any rate, I guess I won't be telling you anything
While I read it directly off of the not translated for some reason page so pretty much
The only English sources right now are apparently forums. So that was actually right in my notes on the topic
Apparently the display skips every sixth frame
Mostly visible during smooth motion at a constant speed which makes sense
It creates hiccups and they're withdrawing all MG279Qs from the sales channel all dissatisfied customers should contact support early next week
The issue should be both the user and the user
Should contact support early next week. The issue should be possible to correct with a new firmware
But they need to be returned to the factory to update with specialized equipment
This is something that I legitimately don't understand. Why is it that monitor manufacturers
Are afraid to provide firmware update support on them
We're allowed to update the firmware on our motherboards
We can even update firmware on graphics cards if we want that doesn't avoid warranty
Which graphics card firmware updates? I think it does
but on a monitor, I don't really I don't really understand why uh, why they can't just have like a uh,
You know a diagnostics only USB port or better yet the USB port that's already on there
Um have like a diagnostic mode or like a switch or something like that
It doesn't actually connect really to the monitor. Yeah, I guess that's true. It's just powered. Yeah
I mean fine then come up with a different way. I don't care. I mean
I yeah, just some way to do it. That would be cool enough monitors are coming out now like you saw the um,
What was that stupid the first free sync monitor available?
First free sync was it azo iso. I can never remember how you're supposed to pronounce it
Uh the first free sync monitor
For sale, but basically it came without free sync support and relied on a firmware update
I can't I can't I can't remember who it was
Uh, ocuk, it appears. Yeah, so it required a firmware update once it was released something you're going
Well, why don't you just why don't you just actually give us the ability to update the firmware?
Um, yeah, I wasn't saying it's not doable. I just they can't do it through their current USB setup. Yep
Yep, because it's just you're 100% right. Yeah, which is the best kind of right. Yeah
Tesla now selling used electric cars posted by tangra on the forum original article here is from the wall street journal
We kind of already talked about this. Well, yeah, but you only introed it
There's not really much else to say so pretty much these are going to be cars that are coming off of lease
And they are going to sell them
Is there anything else we can say it's cool they're like they're certified pre-owned or whatever, which is cool. Uh, I don't think there's really
A huge discount on a lot of them. I checked out the vancouver one
Not like I was gonna actually buy one just because I was interested
Still way out of my price range by a lot
But anyways, I was just interested because I was like, hey
Because you and me were talking about how the only way we'd probably ever get something like a tesla is if it was used
And way older than it is now. Yeah, um, so I was like, hey, okay, where's the landscape now?
Way too far away for both of us, unfortunately
um, but like the discount was not that high but then part of the problem is the ones being
Uh sold as used on the vancouver market will have like five thousand clicks
Really? That's it. What are people doing with them? That's my point. I don't know
Why is this even here? It's barely left the lot and i'm like, okay
Well, of course, there's no huge discount. This thing has barely been driven like where's the one with like that dude that drives like crazy
Yeah, and racked up like a hundred thousand clicks already
Yeah, that drives like an hour and a half to work and then charges his car and then drives home every day
Yeah, where is that guy? I guess he doesn't have a he hasn't resold it. I guess he's like he's a he's a
He's a working schmo and uh can't afford a tesla, unfortunately
Yeah, so I the vancouver vancouver market is a little bit starving right now. I didn't do a ton of research
apparently, I think nick checked out more like the
The like stanfran one and stuff like that
Apparently there's stuff in the program available for between 60 to 90 thousand dollars, which is definitely less than a new model s
Um, it's still going to be out of a lot of people's price range and they are putting a warranty on it
So the certified pre-owned ones are going to have a four year or fifty thousand mile warranties on them
Four years for your dude over there. Yeah
It's currently only available in 11 us cities apparently and uh, the cars are coming from display models and or oh could be a display model
Oh, so test drives could be test drives
So there you go. That makes a ton of sense
All right. So yeah, I don't really know what else to say about selling used cars
It's cool, but it's not like I don't know. I mean to put this in perspective
More like the kind of car that i've been shopping for lately is like a beater van for linus media group
I was I was I was literally seeing if I could buy a van for like a few thousand dollars
And I found I found a uh, I found a 2002 honda odyssey for 3200
with a hundred and
35 000 clicks on it or something like that are expensive. Is it minivan minivan? No fan fans in general. That's 3200
I thought that was pretty good. That's pretty that's a lot of mileage. It's a lot of mileage
But it's a lot of but considering that it'll basically get driven to and from the office
or not
Yeah, we wouldn't use it much yeah, yeah
So I was thinking because I don't want something expensive
I want something like super craptastic that I don't even have to lock the doors
But you can throw a bunch of junk in it. Actually i'll probably have to lock the doors because with my car
I'm, really not worried about people stealing it. Um, it's a manual for one thing
Which is apparently a huge theft deterrent in north america and for number two, it's like
Not useful for smash and grab it has no cargo capacity
Whereas a lot of people steal minivans so they can smash and grab interesting. I have no idea
Yeah, that's like a big sense
It makes a ton of sense and because there's so many minivans on the road like stuff like a dodge caravan
For example is a prime target because it's like, you know, there's a missing vehicle. It's a you know, red dodge caravan
It's like okay. Well, there's a lot of those crap ton of them
And because there's so many it's probably pretty well documented on how to break into them. Yep
Yep, so all all that kind of stuff
So we might actually have to worry about you know, not having that but we could park it inside
I was just gonna say we could park it in it's not like we're gonna fill the whole thing
Because for those of you who are wanting to see what the new lmg headquarters is looking like if you snagged a vessel membership
Back when we uh announced the free ones during the first few days then it's already up on vessel
We have a tour of the new office and if you haven't then that's going to be coming to youtube very very soon
And it'll give you a really good look at the new linus media group hq which I personally think is awesome
and I think is a good opportunity for us to jump into um
The feedback on the most recent video that we launched on vessel
Have you read the comments? Some guy just posted in the chat linus you can buy our old chrysler for 1500 bucks 89k miles
Miles? Yeah, but miles you're probably in the states. It's going to be a nightmare getting that car here. Oh, yeah. No good
Thank you, though. I really I sincerely appreciate the offer
But I I really importing a vehicle
Sporting a vehicle not a good idea, especially when you're in that low of price. It's not gonna be worth it. Yeah
Thank you, though. I just
Can't say can't say thank you enough. Um, but
No, thanks. It's also 1500 us
Oh, yeah, which would legitimately turn into a lot more once you move it to canadian
All right. So let's go ahead and let's um, let's let's have let's fire up. You know, it's really funny because
We got so many complaints about not doing unboxings anymore back when we killed them
We did an unboxing the other day
And the uh, not the nut. Okay, a that's not very many likes
and b
the amount of hate
on the unprofessionalism of the video
Is uh, so there's like there's some people that like it. But here you go. This feels less professional than usual
Here's someone that likes it
bad sound
Uh, this is very disrespectful rude and unprofessional disrespectful. Wow. Um
um, what what else we got whoa, I think you should remove the video from here and present your excuses to your fans and followers and
Stop rushing
Wow, um
Uh, da da da da da da da da da da da. So like some people like it some people are like
Yeah, he's um
You know who cares
This guy's like, yeah, they're almost always why was this unboxing so ghetto and unprofessional
Was it more ghetto and unprofessional than?
It it normally is like the one guy complained about sound we should still have good sound even if it's a I thought it was
It was fine. I mean there was some wind I was wearing a lav
So like that's kind of life sometimes you guys could put a wind sock on the lab
But I was wearing it in my shirt like it's not that bad. Um, so yeah, I don't know we we thought we were like
I haven't I haven't watched it. I thought we were like doing the right
I thought we were doing the right thing, you know, like hey, let's bring back
Once in a while till it hits youtube and kind of have to feel it out a little bit more and why not but yeah
What's the title of it? But with that said, I mean the vessel audience is in some ways gonna be like sort of the the die hard
Yeah, the guys that don't miss a video even if the video is called. Hey, we're launching on a new platform as opposed to hey
Here's a hot new product. You might actually give two cares about
So yeah, I I don't know. I was just I was quite taken aback
Yeah, I got a lot of people saying like yeah, it was it was bad. It was terrible
In fact, the entire twitch chat has uh has pretty much has pretty much exploded with people saying like it was great
Or it was like super stupid. It was super terrible
And um, so I don't know. I don't know. Maybe we'll bring back unboxings as like, uh, uh,
A regular or even once in a while thing. Um, I don't I don't know. I don't know. I mean the reality of it is
Um unboxings are a good way for us to address a product like the define s
Where I could have done a full review luke could have done a full review
But the cold hard truth is it's the define r5
The full review wouldn't have taken much more time than the unboxing
It's a define r5 with no front door
And no drive cages in the front and more water cooling radiator spots sort of because the define r5 has them
You just have to pull out the cages
That would have been the review. What else am I supposed to say?
The the the thing that the like the fact of the matter here is we've got well to have people complain
About us glossing over this product
But then we're gonna have people complain or worse yet simply not watch the video
When we do like a proper more professional review as opposed to just goofing around and having
Some fun with it on a product that just isn't very interesting
So I don't know and when you get to we've discussed this but not with necessarily this terminology when you get to
masterful levels in product tiers like we kind of have
In certain ways with phones where like you're you're outpacing what people need or want other than freaking batteries
But anyways, he means the product not our reviewing technique. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So when the to clarify
Yeah, we're basically masters of review. No, no, no, so everyone just needs to not what I meant at all calm their boobies down
My bad my bad. Um, so basically when the iterations become much less interesting
It's hard to make an interesting five to seven minute video every time and sometimes it's actually kind of better to just be like look
These two things are different. This is a general idea of the product
Correct. You're welcome. There you go. All right, people have been demanding a straw poll. The straw poll is here
Um got people making good points if it's not that interesting why unbox it well
So we're still gonna want to see it's a fractal product. I still don't mind showing it to you guys
It's not a bad case. In fact, there's some really good things about it
I personally don't think that many people need more than five mounting points for drives
I've actually and I think you have too struggled with certain ideas where we want to show you guys something
But it would only take 30 seconds to show it to you. So how do we do that?
Because if we release a 30-second video
I mean there's a uh, I mean there's the possibility I mean what i've done with stuff like that in the past is the handy
Text series is an interesting, uh way of tackling that. Yes, where we do
We often come up with ways and we make it work
But like that's that is a legitimate problem, but but it's funny because if we pad the content people complain
And if we make a short piece like I did what I called
I think I called it like a micro review for the moto e which was again a product
I didn't think was particularly interesting but was relevant from the perspective of you know
Someone who's doesn't have a lot of money and is shopping for a phone
So I did what I called a micro review and then we get people complaining that the content to uh, sponsor spot
Ratio is not good and i'm kind of sitting here going who cares who actually cares. It's at the end of the video
And like don't have to keep watching we do we do that out of consideration for you guys
It's it's not a better video if we just write it to be longer and put in filler
It's it's not a better video and there's no point to the content that we're staying
It doesn't make it better and like I would make the argument that for something like the define s the point was
The voyage of discovery. I mean, that's what people claim to have always liked about the unboxings that we did was
This is the first time i'm seeing it and here's the here's the process
I mean a lot of the complaints about it are about apparently the way that I handled the case
You know how I handled the case? I lifted it up
To shake it to demonstrate that something had come loose inside and the side panel came off because the screws had come out
Did I handle that case poorly who handled that case poorly?
Not him
That's the answer to that question. So and people are like upset. Oh, he's throwing it around
I never threw it around I dropped the side panel because the side panel screws came out because the captive
Nubbins on it make it so that only a tiny bit of the threading goes into the side panel
Which is something that is actually really really hard to capture. That's actually an interesting point
That's really hard to capture in a professional review because when he takes that side panel off
It's not going to be filmed the first time
And it's not going to end up really making it in the video and then if he claims like oh the side panel came off
Because the screws are short then some people will not necessarily believe them but with that said no one would ever open up a case
By shaking it, you know if they were buying it for themselves and I would make a decision
There's always there's there's always going to be the accidental clumsy or they bump something or trip on something and like later on if they're carrying their computer
Around and their buddy like slaps him on the shoulder and it's like hey man and the side panel falls off like I don't know
Yeah, it seems pretty unlikely. I mean, I think I think far what I would probably do when i'm writing that script is I would go
Okay, am I actually?
Gonna encounter this problem if i'm buying the
Unboxing taking it apart. Yeah. No, I shake it around a fair bit. So if I buy the case I take the side panels off
I put them in the in the box safely while I you know build my computer in it
no, i'm not so i'm not going to mention that but it is something that
Probably should have been addressed. They should have had a longer screw. Anyway, the point is it's just
Stop spoiling the video. What's it? It's just an unboxing. It's the the only entertaining thing about the video is just
Hey, here's a video. I talk about the product. It's kind of entertaining. I hope um, all right, so let's go ahead and
So somewhere around
So the wan show audience wants somewhere between 77 and 94 percent
In favor of unboxings with that said they don't get the kind of viewership that our proper reviews do
Um, so for me I like I see it as a way of as a way of covering products that I think are interesting enough to
Make a video but not interesting enough to spend the hours and hours and hours and hours and hours involved in making one
Of our normal videos which is why we selected the one we did to be completely honest
So, let's see. Maybe we'll we'll try it a couple more times or we'll see how the define s1 goes when we launch it on youtube
And stuff like that. What about
Yep, um, I think we're good
Yep, um, I think we should just try that rather than pulling them about it. Let's see how it goes. Yeah. Um,
There was another topic. I wanted to hit just now nintendo is apparently working on a theme park
Yeah, so they're joining forces with universal parks and resorts. This is the first ever attractions based nintendo
Thing and there's no other info
And that's not the actual logo. Yeah, that's horrible. That's for a game. I own it
It's actually pretty good. Um, okay, so
Yeah, so this is if you have friends the article is pretty much pure speculation
Uh, it was posted on the forum by notional and I would go I would go I would go to this versus disneyland
Oh 100. I think in terms of relevance to my childhood. I would be so scared to go though because the merch
Oh the merch
Oh my financials. Yeah. Well, that's exactly it. I mean nintendo for a while
That's exactly it. I mean nintendo for our generation. I think nintendo's actually has so much bigger more relevance than disney. Yeah
Um, I mean
I'm, just trying to think like disney does a really good job with the princesses
With the with the the young the little girl demographic. What do they have for the guys? They got they got cars
Um, which cars is crap movie no, oh that was like that was like merged like cars everything
No, no, but is cars like a guy specific thing
Um, it's a guy technically. Yeah, I think cars could be a girl and be interested in race cars
Yeah, you could but I think that's not when they when they lesser percentage when they sat down and they had a planning meeting
Yeah for the demographic they're targeting. I don't think little girls. It was was it um, so not frozen
So yeah, so not frozen like what targets what targets little boys aladdin?
Aladdin was never really merged in the way that something like a cars or and it's old any of their new really old
I don't really know back in the day
Aladdin got people saying cars is pixar pixar is owned by disney. Um
They own star wars. Yeah, they own star wars, but that's not i've got someone saying cars is a great movie
I'm, sorry, but cars has owen wilson in it
I still think you should be you're moving nothing with owen wilson. Oh in column does contain
Also falls into column is great movie a movie rating database like just a
Database that automatically rates movies based on like contains and if anyone brings up that marley and me atrocity
I don't even want to talk to that person ever again toy story. Okay. Yeah, but toy story was very poorly merged
Yeah, but toy story was very poorly merged
Did you ever like that's true?
There was there was some would like toy story was and that was pre-disney ownership, by the way
so toy story was a pixar project that seemed like they just
It was pre-commercial. Yeah, like they they used actual toys other than uh, buzz lightyear and woody
So the only merch deal would be things like bedspreads
Stickers did they even really sell woody and books much?
Not much as far as I remember being a kid and being like the first time I ever saw a buzz lightyear toy. I was like
Whoa, you can get those. Yeah, like it wasn't it wasn't like a oh I see these everywhere
It didn't have the disney juggernaut merchandising. Meanwhile, you can buy like bow and arrow sets from
The hunger games or whatever and like but you can buy whatever you want for new ones
Like frozen has everything you could possibly want frozen was such a huge commercial success, you know, they're working on the sequel now, right?
Yeah. Yeah, so they've brought back, uh, some of the some of the same folks. Um, i'm stoked for it
I'm gonna watch it. Um, frozen was good the olaf dude
The dude that runs the shop in the mountains. Oh, that's the snowman
Oh, okay. So you mean the swedish guy right swedish guy? Yes
Yes, so cool. I love that guy. He made the whole movie for me. Anyways, cute guy. Um, what were we?
Yeah, I don't know like I don't get it anyway. So yeah, nintendo theme park
I would go I would take my kids there because it would have a lot more relevance to me
It would be a lot more interesting to me and it wouldn't just be like and they'd still have fun
Yeah, and they would still have fun because there's rides and do they care shiny?
Do they mickey mouse versus mario mickey mouse versus mario? How is that not in a fighting game yet?
Ha ha ha
Apparently ryu might be coming to uh, smash brothers
The whole it's so inbred now, like when are we going to get a stormtrooper in smash brothers awesome matter of time
Absolute matter of time like it just gets to the point where you add so many characters
It's like completely imbalanced and it doesn't no one even cares anymore. It's just like we oh people will care
There's a really hardcore smash community. I know that people will care
Most people won't if it's something as cool as like we put darth vader in smash brothers
One thing that I like like in smash a darth vader angry bird
There's the people that care and there's very specific crossover of crossovers. Sorry. Go ahead angry bird. Oh my god. Um
That'd be so ridiculous
Um, there's enough like fine control and specific things that there's people that can care and there's stuff in the game that caters to them
Which is super cool
But it's also so general and easy to pick up that random people can just play it and still have a good time
Yeah, unless they're playing against those people in which case the hard course. It's ridiculous. Yes
Anyways, we have lost
We have lost so many live viewers since i've like stopped talking about topics. We've lost like 300. Well, we're like done
Are we is there anything else evga is releasing ddr4 memory apparently and ddr3 memory
I see enhancers coming to gta 5 soon. So that's going to be interesting because everyone's going to get banned
unless they pirated I guess so
More game developers giving people more reasons to pirate things
super cool
Has a black pcb
Evidently carefully selected chips
That's good. Sounds delicious
If they didn't carefully select chips, there might be a dorito on your ramp. Yep
Dorito memory they should sell someone should just sell like specifically not carefully selected chips ram
They used to so there's a chance that when you order it in the mail, you just get a bag of doritos
But they're super cheap. So it's like a lottery
I was trying to have a real you know, like how in games you can like buy a key to open the box
You can get something random. So it's like that with real world products
So there's like a 50 chance to get a bag of chips and there's a 50 chance you get ram, but it's 50
Five percent of the cost of the actual item. So this is back when they used to actually do that
This is an article from legit reviews from back in
This was uh, wow
Almost to the day 10 years ago. Um, i'm old. Holy crap. I can't believe I remember this so
Utt memory ic's were actually based on the famous throwaway stuff wind bond bh5
No, no, they were they were not throwaway
Um, they were like they were they were they were like working chips
So so basically some bh5 dyes got like found somewhere. Um
And pretty much what happened was uh ocz bought a whack ton of them and released them as vx modules voltage extreme
Because the chips weren't oh see I can't remember exactly what it means. Okay after they were packaged
They were not speed binned utt stands for untested memory. Ics. They were based off old win-bond die revisions
No one found them someone apparently legitimately obtained them. So ocz released their gold vx
Modules and pretty much because they weren't speed binned in any way and they weren't sorted
You had to pump vx stood for voltage extreme you had to pump like obscene amounts of voltage through them
But because they were based on the famous bh5s, which were some of the best most famous overclocking memory ever
Um, they could still overclock really well if you just fed enough voltage to them. The problem was that they would die
at some point so
There you go. So there's a pretty good article apparently mushkin had some red line memory like sick like
2 2 2 6 timings at 3.3 to three and a half volts and a big sign on it that says
Active cooling required. This is like back in the wild west of like pc hardware. Yeah, it's just like yeah anything goes forget jdex
We're going we're going full-on utt and you know what?
I mean back when the back when the signals were running at much lower frequencies. There was less crosstalk
There was less complexity in the trace designs
Back then this kind of stuff could actually fly these days. I don't even recommend
Um, I don't even I don't even recommend overclocking memory anymore
I recommend putting it in your system at the speed that it's supposed to run at and leaving it because it doesn't make a difference
To performance anymore. Anyway, I mean this was back in the days when you were accessing memory over the front side bus
So you would like overclock the snot out of that and you needed high speed memory in order to stay
In sync like maintaining a one-to-one ratio. So that's a really good example of that
Like maintaining a one-to-one ratio was like a big deal because all of a sudden you were
Wasting fewer of clock cycles and there was less latency like oh, yeah
And uh, that's when that kind of stuff was fun
That was when that kind of stuff actually made an ounce of sense these days overclocking memory just gets you
Random crashes every once in a while and higher temperature memory. Yeah, so
There you go
Um, that was a fun show. Yeah, so I guess that's pretty much it
Thank you guys very much for tuning in apparently people didn't like my ram lottery idea your ram lottery idea
I wasn't even listening to you. I literally have no idea what you're talking about. Okay
All right. Well, thank you guys for tuning in. We'll see you again next week. Same bat
Time same bat channel. Do people not understand it? Yeah, I had someone tweet me
What do you mean same bad time same bad channel? What's wrong with the timing channel?
Oh bats like batman. It's like the old 70s batman. So that made me feel old too
He's just all about the feeling old today. The best part is he's not actually that old
I'm, I feel old you're not technically old enough to have seen that though. That's true
I'm old enough that it was rerun on tv though. I've I watched it on my tv
But obviously my tv do the like super old school rerun things i'm willing to bet they don't still rerun that
Like i'm willing to bet their super old reruns are like bobby's world now
Yeah, you know, yeah. Yeah
Sorry, because i've seen it. Yeah
Okay, oh it broke oh it didn't all right
Okay, people are asking for an after party but my back is for you. Yeah, and I have a question from canada
I don't believe rumors anymore. I'll wait till it's unveiled
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